Local April 2020
Never underestimate the importance of community
Deliverred d Frree
2 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Get a move on with Cairds this Easter
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YEARS OF EXCELLENCE Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020 3
Welcome to April
Next copy deadline
5th April 2020 for the May 2020 issue
01372 200 000
Technical & legal stuff Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this magazine is accurate, the publisher cannot accept, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, recording, photocoping, or otherwise - without prior permission of the publisher. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of Surrey Hills Publishing Ltd.
I am writing this introduction, several weeks before it will reach you. As a result, with news and advice changing daily with regard to the Covid-19/Corona Virus, it is very difficult for us to predict the situation by the time our magazine reaches your home. As a community-led publication, our pages are always full of local events and activities for you to read about and more importantly attend. It takes us all month to collect/collate & compile our events listings and as a result, it is impossible for us to change or remove all these entries as our print press awaits our magazines now. Groups and organisations may decide to cancel or postpone their published events, so please check with the organisers before you go along. Do remember that we include a wonderful collection of local businesses and services for you to take advantage of, maybe now is the time to sort out all those little jobs you haven’t had time to organise before. It is important that we continue to support our local businesses. We all need to focus on what really matters during testing times; we have been very touched at the level of concern locally for the elderly members of our community. A group called ‘Corona Community Care’ has been set up with just this in mind, many local people are keen to help elderly neighbours or those who are having to self isolate and need help. Please see page 11 for details. Simple acts of kindness could make a massive difference to someone’s life. As the main recommendation for keeping well, is good hand hygiene, we have enclosed an official hand washing guide. This is so important and seems to be the number one way to cut your risk of being infected by the virus. Soap and water will do the job, follow the recommended methods and keep your hands away from you face as far as possible. Stay safe good people and I wish you all a peaceful Easter. With Best Regards,
Ros x ROS REDFERN - EDITOR 4 To advertise please email
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
22 54
52 51
CONTENTS 23 10. Ashtead Residents’ Association 12. Fetcham Residents’ Association 14. Leatherhead Residents’ Association 22. Delicious Dishes Recipe 23. Bridge Cafe 24. Computer Tips from Tec Res 26. Music Matters 28. Walk and Talk 33. The Brigette Trust 34. Ashlea Medical PPG 35. Friends of Leatherhead Hospital 37. Regular Events
44. What’s on in April 46. Handwashing Guidelines 50. Race for Grace 51. Leatherhead Drama Festival 52. Gardening with Selina 54. History Society 57. Sudoku & Digi-Search 59. Leatherhead Start 60. Crossword Puzzle 62. Ashtead Village WI 62. Ashtead Wing WI 63. Mole Valley WI
6 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
63. Fetcham Village WI 64. The Memory Book 65. The Arts Society Ashtead 66. Cat’s Protection League 67. Transition Ashtead 78. Useful Numbers 79. Ashtead Library 79. Leatherhead Library 80. Surrey Police Notice 81. Puzzle Solutions 82. Index
Tel: 01372 729555
Why are Lasting Powers of Attorney so important? Joanna Soteriou of TWM Solicitors discusses the reasons for administering a Lasting Power of Attorney.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document which enables you to decide who you trust to make decisions about your finances, property or healthcare, in the event you are no longer able to do so, and appoint them as your Attorney. Age-related issues, such as dementia, are often the reason that people are no longer able to make such decisions. However, an event such as an accident or illness could also have this impact. Without an LPA (or a valid Enduring Power of Attorney, which was the precursor to LPAs), those closest to you could be faced with an application to the Court of Protection to give them authority to act on your behalf with regards to finances and, less commonly, in relation to health and welfare, as a court appointed Deputy. The application process for being appointed as Deputy can take a long time and the costs are higher than for the LPA process. Most importantly, however, the choice of who to appoint to act in your best interests rests with the Court based on the evidence provided to it, not with you. A Property and Financial Affairs LPA covers decisions your Attorney may need to make concerning your property and finances. This includes the more mundane matters, such as managing your bank account, but also includes
TWM Solicitors – Epsom 123 High Street, Epsom, Surrey KT19 8AU
significant decisions, for example, selling your home and investing the proceeds to provide an income in the event you need to go into a residential care home. Under a Health and Welfare LPA, unless you add restrictions, your Attorney will have authority to make all personal welfare decisions on your behalf, save for:
• Life-sustaining treatment, unless you have expressly authorised this; and
• Where you subsequently make an Advance Decision (Living Will) to refuse treatment.
These decisions can only be made on your behalf if you lack the capacity to make them yourself. A specialist solicitor will be able to help you with structuring and drafting your LPAs, and will manage the process of registering the LPAs with the Office of the Public Guardian. At TWM, our specialist solicitors regularly assist with the ongoing running of LPAs, so we understand how LPAs should be drafted to ensure the smoothest running of them if they need to be implemented. For example, there are several powers which are very useful for Attorneys to have when operating an LPA, but which are not included by the general law. We can advise on including these in your LPAs. Please contact us for further information. Follow us:
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Ashtead Cobblers and Locksmiths
Locksmiths E
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Family run business with 35 years experience in the trade
• Shoe repairs • Locksmith service - 24hr emergency call out with no call out fee • Key cutting • Trophies & bespoke engraving • Watch batteries & repairs • Bag & leather repairs
t: 01372 276474 \ 07887 878 059 w: email 8 To advertise a:please Ashtead cobblers, 19 The street, Ashtead KT21 1AA
Spring is in the air, time for something soft and fluffy
Epsom based, friendly, Father & Daughter family run business with over 40 years’ experience. We bring 100’s of carpet samples to your home in a variety of colours all at competitive prices.
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Over 1,000 Customer Reviews
FREE FITTING & FURNITURE MOVING - ESTIMATES AND ADVICE To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
Ashtead Level Crossing
Any resident following the recent flurry of postings to the web site, and to the two main Ashtead Facebook pages, will have become thoroughly confused and somewhat frustrated by the “Is it going to be fully closed or part open?” and “Is it going ahead as there are no signs out?” etc. As the main conduit for communication from Network Rail it has been confusing and frustrating for me too, especially as I have two sources of information, Network Rail and Centurion Traffic Management, and their information sometimes disagrees! I pass on information in good faith and residents grumble but change their holiday or work plans accordingly. Then 24 hours later I am told the work schedule has been changed and full closures will no longer be necessary and the route will be controlled by three-way traffic lights. In fact, on the last occasion, this information came from a sharp-eyed resident who phoned the Network Rail Chat Line. It was then up to me to get confirmation from the Network Rail people actually organising the work and change everything again. As I write this, the scheduled works have again changed and the work due for the remainder of this week and later in March has been cancelled. Here we go again, changing all the above sites. This chapter of changes and misinformation, has though, resulted in Network Rail suggesting a meeting of all parties to iron out set procedures for the future, including we hope, accurate and timely communication. David Baker Committee Member for Highways and Rail 10 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
And for something a little lighter
The topics for these articles are generally used as a way to highlight, or in many cases, bring issues that will affect our Members, to their attention. However, I thought it would be a good idea to use that space to remind us all of some of the many ways in which we are fortunate to live in Ashtead. It is only human nature to gradually take for granted things that are around us all of the time. In recent weeks I have spent more time than usual walking around the Village. It has reminded me how very few roads are the same, which makes simply walking along the Streets and Lanes so interesting and a pleasure. In many towns of the size of Ashtead, there can be row upon row of almost identical dwellings. The vast majority of the houses look cared for with colourful, well maintained gardens. At present, despite the horrendous weather, there are thousands of clumps of daffodils all over the village. I am not a great one for taking photographs, but I now have a few of Ashtead daffodils, on my mobile. How often do we stop to simply look? We all know Ashtead, with its population of c14,000+, is a small town and not a village. So why is it we all think of it as a Village? When I was involved in the drawing up of the Neighbourhood Development Plan residents were asked what they liked most about Ashtead. It was no surprise that many said how friendly people are and that, in part, is what made it feel like a village. As I have been doing my walking, I found that this remains the case. I could go on but really all I want to say is Ashtead, whilst not perfect, is a rather special place to live. Just take a positive look around. Jean Bradley Committee Member for Events
Community Coronavirus Care Are you self isolating, worried about going out or need some help generally? Community Coronavirus Care are a group of people from your local community that would like to help. We currently have volunteers in Bookham, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Ashtead, Cobham, Epsom, Ewell, Stoneleigh, Banstead and surrounding areas. We can pick up shopping, collect prescriptions, walk the dog and much much more, wherever we can.
How it works... 1. Call us on our freephone number and tell us how we can help.
0800 3077 111
2. Details of what is needed will be passed on to volunteers and you will be matched with someone in the local area who can help. They will then be given your contact details and you can speak with them to get the help you need. This group is a volunteer lead community initiative carried out by the good will and the want to help the vulnerable people in our local area to ease pressures on other local services. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have a genuine need and we will be happy to help in any way we can.
Find us on Facebook: Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020 11
FETCHAM SPRINGS As you read this at the start of April, Mole Valley District Council will have begun looking through the public responses to its Draft Local Plan. As expected, the plans to build more than 2,000 houses on Green Belt land across the district generated a great deal of opposition. Here in Fetcham, public attention focused most immediately on the proposed re-designation of the natural drainage land at Fetcham Springs to formal playing pitches.
AGM – APRIL 15 We are also looking forward once again, to welcoming our members to our AGM in the Village Hall. Many of you will know that the Molebridge GP practice is now in partnership with the Epsom and St Helier Hospital Trust.
At a public meeting organised by the FRA on March 1st, council leaders were left in no doubt about residents’ feelings. The land is considered vital for holding water and for wildlife. Many residents in the area are already very concerned at how often this winter, excess water in the River Mole has threatened their homes.
The Trust’s backing for the practice has allowed much-needed refurbishment work to go ahead. It’s fitting therefore, that one of our guest speakers this year is the Trust’s Chief Executive Daniel Elkeles. He will be able to answer your questions about health services in the area, and the proposal to build a new acute hospital at either Epsom, St Helier, or at a new site in Sutton. You can read much more about this at:
We were very pleased to receive an assurance after the meeting, from the land owner, SES Water, that it had no plans to change the use of the land. We look forward to the playing fields proposal being taken out of the Plan altogether when a revised version is released later this year.
We will also be hearing from Hannah Potter, of Surrey County Council’s Archaeology Unit, about some exciting plans to excavate a site near the Fetcham Mill Pond. In 2009, a nearby dig uncovered sections of Roman wall, and flint artefacts from much earlier times.
The FRA is passionate about local issues, invests in community projects, and stands up for your interests. If you live in Fetcham - JOIN US! Visit OR use the form below. Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (if you wish to receive regular updates. Details will not be shared with any third parties) Subscription: £2 (minimum), £5, £10, £20 (or other amount). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROP this form with cash or cheque payment into the FRA box at Symphony World Travel, Cobham Road, Fetcham; OR POST to Fetcham Residents Association, 3 Churchill Close, Fetcham KT22 9EY 12 To advertise please email
n ha ! r t ht pe ig ea etr Ch arp c Top quality Wool Twist RRP: £37.50m2 Bargain £20.99m2 100% Wool Loop Pile, natural colours only £19.99m2 Quality Vinyls for Kitchens, Bathrooms WC’s & Utility Rooms only £19.99m2 New Karndean range on show in the shop Family Company * 30 years experience * Unrivalled customer service * In house fitters Free estimates * Unbeatable prices T: 01372 459582 E: W: 25 High Street, Bookham, KT23 4AA. To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
The Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH
HEALTH NOTES – Spring 2020 THE DRAFT LOCAL PLAN In spite of the accepted need for fresh air and open spaces for the health of the community, we are threatened with the potential loss of two significant areas of green open space. Both the Red House Grounds in the centre of Leatherhead and the Poors Allotments near the M25 are threatened with development, in an era when new homes are being built with little or no garden. Our communities need more open space, not less. THE CONSULTATION ON HOSPITAL PROVISION in our area will have concluded by the time this article appears. Whatever the decision as to where the new acute facility is located, let us hope that the allied budget for the improvement of the existing facilities brings benefits to us all. TECHNOLOGY is being much touted as the solution to our day-to-day healthcare needs. For instance, it will apparently give us access to a GP via the internet. Quite whether that proves to be an acceptable substitute for a face-to-face meeting with a doctor remains to be seen. But what is for sure, is that there are some who do not have either the equipment or the skills to make use of this technology and we should ensure that their needs are still accommodated. THE NHS AND RELATED ORGANISATIONS are currently mapping all those statutory and voluntary organisations that help to look after those that fall through the modern health/social care net. But it is beholden to all of us, at a personal level, to look out for neighbours whom the system may have overlooked. HEALTH REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE LRA meet regularly with Tim Hall, our SCC Councillor, to obtain and pass on updates on developments in health services. Please tell us of your ideas, concerns or offers of help by contacting me: Hilary Porter: or post to: The LRA c/o The Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street Leatherhead KT22 8AH
To become a member family of the LRA:
• Provide your names, address, phone & email – include all family members • Enclose cheque for £2.50 (1 year) or £6 (3 years), payable to the LRA • Send to LRA, Letherhead Institute, 67 High St, Leatherhead KT22 8AH • or pay online to sort code 40-27-07, account 2150 0651, to LRA, with your name as ref Privacy Notice The LRA collects, stores and processes member information for the purposes of meeting its statutory requirements and its contractual obligations to its members under its Articles. The information is not shared with third parties. Any concerns regarding the LRA’s use of member information should be directed to the Company’s Data Controller via A notice regarding the LRA’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 can be found in the Document Archive of the LRA website under “Regulations”.
14 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Suddies Domestic Appliance centre repair all major brands of appliances. 29 Waterloo Road Epsom KT19 8EX 01372 748275
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Caring, Understanding Funeral Directors in Leatherhead
• Family Run Business • Private chapels of rest in Leatherhead • Granite and Marble Memorials
Make sure it all goes to plan
A funeral plan leaves nothing to chance and provides peace of mind for you and those you care about We recommend Funeral Plans from Golden Charter, with a pre-paid funeral plan you’ll benefit from: • Fixing the cost of our services included in your plan at today’s prices • Reassurance for your family – no uncertainty or difficult decisions • Complete flexibility to choose the funeral you want
At L. Hawkins and Sons Ltd, we understand how difficult it can be to cope with the loss of a loved one. Having served the local Surrey area from our current premises since 1932, our reputation as compassionate and sympathetic funeral directors in Leatherhead has been built on experience, understanding and care. Call: 01372 372435
Highlands Road Leatherhead KT22 8ND GC-LIFT 199077 - 1117
Bathroom fitting Kitchen fitting Painting & decorating (interior & exterior)
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For a competitive quote please call the office or ask one or our operatives.
Domestic and commercial ovens ... Agas ....Ranges .... BBQs
We will deep clean your oven, hob, extractor and microwave, removing all traces of grease and burnt-on carbon using non-caustic, environmentally friendly products. You won't find be�er standards of aftercare and customer service. We take pride in making sure every customer is satisfied.
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Home dog boarding company looking for dog lovers to join our team of carers and welcome dogs like Roo. Must be at home during the day with not more than 1 dog of your own. Ideal for someone working from home, house person or retired. Would you like a little extra income?
Roz Bourne Phone: 01372 453 047 / 07736 466 086 Email: A franchise owned and operated under llcence by RosaHnd Bourne
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Newly Refurbished Grooming Parlour. Est. 2003
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t: 01372 459 670 w: 19 Dorking Road, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4PU
Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm 18 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
First rate veterinary care for your pets in the comfort of their own home
Mobile vet clinic run by local vet Claire Neuhoff, providing a friendly service that puts your pet first. Claire is backed by a fully equipped surgery and round-the-clock care at Medivet 24 Hour Sutton.
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Why makea a will? Why make will? you want protect your children? 1. 1. DoDo you want to to protect your children? you want protect your loved one, whether spouse partner? 2. 2. DoDo you want to to protect your loved one, whether spouse or or partner? you want protect your family home, especially age? 3. 3. DoDo you want to to protect your family home, especially in in oldold age? you want express your wishes a formal document, leave it to chance? 4. 4. DoDo you want to to express your wishes onon a formal document, or or leave it to chance? 5. 5. DoDo you want to to telephone thethe number below and receive peace of of mind? you want telephone number below and receive peace mind?
Family WillsWills Surrey comes to you, a time including Family Surrey comes to at you, at a that time suits, that suits, including evenings and weekends. evenings and weekends
Our servicesinclude: include: Our services LastingPowers PowersofofAttorney Attorney t Trusts Trusts Draftingof of Wills Wills t Lasting Drafting Probate & & Estate Estate Adminstration Administration Estate Planning Planning t Probate Estate Contact us now for a free no obligation consultation: Contact us now for a free no obligation consultation:
Contact: Ben Kopieczek
Tel: 01372 374676
Contact: Ben Kopieczek Tel: 01372 374676 Email: Email: Family Wills Surrey is an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd.,
Family Wills Surrey is a member of the Master Guild of Will Writers. Head Office: Princess Caroline House, 1 High Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE Co. Reg. No. 7891401
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
First Choice Cleaners: Friendly, Local, Reliable
• Regular Domestic Cleaning • End of Tenancy Cleans • Spring / ‘Blitz’ Cleans • Carpet Cleaning
• Deep / Steam Cleaning First Choice Cleaners Ltd is a family run cleaning business serving the local area since 2005. All work fully insured. We take pride in all work undertaken and believe that our strength lies in offering a friendly, flexible and totally reliable service.
We are a voluntary organisation helping Ashtead adults who need a little “neighbourly” assistance, mainly providing transport to and from medical appointments, for example a GP, dentist, chiropodist, physiotherapist, and to local hospitals.
01372 200492 20 To advertise please email
If you are able to spare as little as an hour or so a month, please get in touch. Phone: 07752 66 50 66 Email: Like to know more? Have a look at our updated website:
% off
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*cannot be used in conjuction with any other offer.
ceramica tiles ashtead - 61 The Street, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1AA - 01372 277 727 - Opening Times: Monday - Friday 8am until 5pm Saturday 9am until 2pm
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Give your dog the day they deserve! Acres of farmland
Swimming pools
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Heated cabins To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
c h i c ken t i k k a st i c k s
• breast of chicken (half per stick) • fresh ginger • 1/2 half a red chilli (optional - no seeds) • ground turmeric • fresh coriander
• natural yogurt • crushed garlic • ground cumin • salt and pepper • sticks!!
• juice of one lime • small red onion • ground coriander • knob of butter, melted
1. Soak the sticks in water whilst preparing the chicken 2. Mix the vegetables, yogurt and lime juice in a mixer or finely dice to a paste. 3. Cut the chicken lengthways into fat strips and marinade in the yogurt in the fridge for an hour 4. Wiggle each piece of chicken onto the end of a stick & line up on a baking tray lined with foil or parchment. 5. Brush with melted butter and griddle or pan fry briefly to get a ‘charred’ appearance 6. Finish cooking in a med oven until just cooked. Serve hot or cold sprinkled with fresh coriander
Delicious Dishes Event Catering Specialists
22 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
01372 372845
Café Bridge comes to Leatherhead
brridge club
In the last few years a new event has become very popular. Many towns now enjoy a day of Café Bridge and this year on 29th April it arrives in Leatherhead. At 10.30 in the morning some 200 bridge players of all different standards will meet in the Theatre to register and to be given their instructions for the day. Then in groups of 20 they will set off to start play in 10 different pubs and restaurants in the town centre. In each they will play five hands before moving on to the next on their list. In one they will be served a two course lunch before completing their five stops. At the end of the afternoon everyone returns to the Theatre for results and presentation of prizes. The day, organized by Leatherhead Bridge Club, is designed to raise funds for the Princess Alice Hospice in Esher. “We are looking forward to a fun day,” said organizer, Peter Exworthy. “We have had wonderful support from the Theatre & all the venues. Places for players are filling rapidly.”
For more information or to book a place for the day either contact Leatherhead Bridge Club or go to
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
PERSONALISED EMAIL and economical upgrades….
Recently a number of large volume email providers have closed their services; usually due to the cost of providing the service being too great for any rewards which may be returned. These companies include O2, Tesco and Which.
For less than the cost of filling your car up with fuel you have an email address and email service for life. Additionally, you can add further email accounts for mum, dad, the kids and so on.
In an article on the BBC’s website ( news/business-51571275), they were referring too the cost and inconvenience of maintaining an existing email e address when moving from one broadband providder to another, in this case they were specifically referring tto BT and Talktalk, but this is not unique to these providers. You may be asking what benefit could the eemail providers be gaining? The general answer is a simplee two fold answer - you give them permission to “read” your emails to provide contextual advertising and they can mail you frequently trying to up-sell you their otheer products - both of these are agreed to in their termss and conditions when you sign up to their service. This is the reason why the likes of Outlook, Hotmail and Yahoo are keen for your email traffic. For example: if you are in correspondence with someone about a holiday you may start to see banner adverts, usually in your web browser, from holiday firms. The holiday firm would have paid for this advert or “impression”. This is evidence of contextual advertising. Changing your email address and notifying your contacts can be time consuming and a bit of a headache. To mitigate a recurrence of this, a perfect solution is to purchase your own email address, also know as domain name. Once bought, this address is yours forever (assuming subscriptions are maintained). By way of an example, let’s say your name is John Walter, you could purchase (subject to availability) the domain name “”, and your email address could be The beauty of this arrangement is that this is yours forever and should the supplying firm decide that email isn’t their “thing”, you can move it to another provider. You may be thinking this arrangement is expensive and exclusive to companies, but you would be wrong. To purchase the domain name and have it registered to you for 2 years is only £35.00 (+vat), then it is necessary to have the email service added, and this can be as little as £25 per year.
ice wee provide pro ide and wee would ould be happy happ to This is a ser service take you through the options and set things up so you. You would have all your emails, diaries, contacts, to do lists, all hosted on the internet so that all of your devices would be reading from the same source and having your emails automatically updated. Low cost computer upgrades The thought of moving all your programs and data onto a new machine can cause palpitations to many! A way to avoid this, is to upgrade your existing machine. Windows 10 and Mojave are reasonably accepting when it comes to running on old hardware. To remove the frustration of a slow running machine, a great option is to replace your current hard drive with a Solid State Drive (SSDs); the performance boost is impressive and is said to be up to 20 times quicker, which is pretty astonishing! SSD’s have fallen greatly in price, so the cost of the upgrade and for us to copy all your data to the SSD, could be way less than buying a new machine. Please call us for more information. Epson Ink price update In December 2019, Epson announced they were going to increase their ink prices by between 5% and 10%. At that time we purchased large quantities of ink to mitigate the price change for you. We still have stocks of the lower cost inks, but they are starting to dwindle. Get them while you can!
This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989. 24 To advertise please email
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YOUR APPLE & PC SOLUTION CENTRE Onsite & workshop repairs, upgrades, virus removal, data recovery
01372-370300 | | Retail store open Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm
14 NORTH STREET | LEATHERHEAD SURREY | KT22 7AW To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 25
Music Matters
With easter in mind, By arrangement with Nick Hern Books
Nell Gwynn
Q2 Players Kew’s only amateur theatre club
By Jessica Swale Directed by Polly Beauwin
Thurs 30th April & Fri 1st May 7.45pm Sat 2nd May 2.30pm & 7.45pm
we hope you enjoy this month’s music quiz.
QUESTIONS: 1. Who wrote the “Rites of Spring”? 2. Which band, soon to reunite and tour again, release an album called “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway”? 3. Who asked musically, “How Do You Like Your Eggs In The Morning”? 4. On what album, did Simon & Garfunkel sing “April Come, She Will” 5. Who sang about ”The Soft Rain of April”? 6. Who sang about “Wooly Bully”?
Box office from 1st March: 07957 587230 (6.30-8.30pm) Email: or visit: Tickets: £10 (concessions £9) Not suitable for under 14s
The National Archives, Kew Q2 Players are affiliated to Arts Richmond. The production of this play is entered for the Swan Awards for Drama and Musicals
26 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Communityy Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE PAGE 49 81 PUZZLE SOLUTIONS
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Walk & Talk
Meet others who are bereaved and share e experiences Bereeavement
St. Giles & St. George’s Church Barnett Wood Lane Ashtead Surrey KT21 2DA
First Friday of eac each month, register at 10.15am and walk starts at 10.30am For more information please contact 01372-813332 and speak with Sarah Come and join our monthly ‘Walk & Talk’ for those who have been bereaved. Take a gentle stroll for about an hour with understanding volunteers and other bereaved people, before returning to St. George’s café for refreshments. In partnership with 01372 461996
28 To advertise please email
and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales no. 1599796
Our next event at Milner House
Scam and fraud awareness Thursday 9th April 2020 2.30pm - 4.30pm
Do you want to learn more about keeping your loved ones safe from scams and fraud? Roy Booth from Care UK will give expert guidance on a wide range of different scams, including how to spot and report a scam. To find out more or to book your free place, please call us on 01372 885654 or email
Fulfilling lives Milner House care home Milner House, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead KT22 8TX To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 29
Skills For Life Where else can you learn IT Skills or Grow Your Own Veg in the morning and perhaps Cooking Skills in the afternoon, all whilst making new friends?
The Grange in Bookham is a friendly,forward thinking charity providing life enriching skills every day for people18+ with learning disabilities
For a full list of our skills visit:
Call for a chat: 01372 455 229 or email: 30 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Feeling Overwhelmed? Maggie Lynch MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy BAC CP, UKCP, EATA, IARTA Accessible for all
07 7949 085425 10% discount on 1st consultation QUALIFIED COUNSELLOR
Margaret Spice
MA, BA (Hons.), MBACP, BICA • • • •
Abuse Anxiety Depression Bereavement
• • •
Loss of Confidence Relationships All aspects of Infertility
Leatherhead Practice Tel: 07876 592019
ST’ ‘BYEFA R B 01372 377 678
19, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, KT22 9LG
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
32 To advertise please email
VOLUNTEER ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD Supporting local people facing life-limiting illness Brigitte Trust volunteers offer a free service of emotional support and practical help to people diagnosed with cancer, MND and other life-limiting illness when it’s increasingly hard to cope at home. Weekly visits build a relationship with client and carer, with time to share the feelings and concerns serious illness brings. Volunteers with current driving licences are invited to join our friendly, supportive team. Sign up for our next taster session and June & September training courses Ring Ingrid today on 01306 881816 and visit
SURREY CHARITY BRIGITTE TRUST “BAGS” £25,000 TESCO CENTENARY GRANT Tesco shoppers throughout Surrey have been voting with their blue tokens during the latest Tesco Bags of Help promotion which saw grants of £25,000, £15,000 & £10,000 awarded to community projects. The Brigitte Trust has been awarded first prize. Thank you to all who voted for us! The Trust covers the whole of Surrey with a free service of home visits from trained volunteers offering emotional and practical support when a life-limiting illness is diagnosed. “We are overwhelmed to have received such a financial boost through Tesco’s Centenary Celebration” said Lucy Beach, Charity Manager at the Trust. “Volunteers are the true heroes of our charity, building relationships, sharing special time together and helping people and their carers live the best life possible through their illness. “This funding means we can recruit and train more volunteers to support people and their families facing the effects of cancer and other serious illness across Surrey.” The presentation took place at Denbies Wine Estate. Pictured L to R: Vanessa Smith, Charity Promotions Manager, Jan Way, Trustee, Peter Crossley Chair of Trustees and Lucy Beach Charity Manager with Clover, the charity’s PAT dog …and a small helper. To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP Two years ago, we were delighted to report that our PPG won the prestigious award of PPG of the Year in the National Association of PPG’s annual scheme. Since then, we have continued our work on behalf of all patients of the Practice. What have we achieved? We are holding our AGM on Wednesday, 6th May so we invite you to join us to find out how we work with the Practice and our achievements over the past year, and for us to hear your points of view too. Date:
Wednesday, 6th May at 7.30 pm
Venue: Ralli Room at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane
34 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
We are delighted to say, following the short formal part of the meeting, we will welcome Dr Lynne Davies, Senior Partner of AshLea Medical Practice, Dr Mark Jones and Tristan Pearce, the new Paramedic Practitioner at Linden House to talk about the changes taking place within the Practice during the rest of the year and looking at the way forward which will be to the benefit all patients in both surgeries. Please put the date, place and time in your diary we really look forward to seeing as many patients as possible - the Patient Participation Group work for you.
Orchard Cottage DENTAL SURGERY
• Well- Established Modern Practice • Fully Air Conditioned • Same Day Emergency Service • Cosmetic Dentistry inlcuding Tooth Whitening & Advanced Facial Aesthetics • Full Disabled Access • Hygenist Service • NHS For Children • Easy Parking Dr Sue Taylor Dr R Woodriffe Dr M Talbot Dr T Than
Phone Now for an Appointment
01372 363670
135 Cobham Road, Fetcham, KT22 9HX
Level 4 Advanced Personal Trainer & Plant Based Nutritionist Professional Personal Training Provided Wherever You Require Weight Loss & Lean Muscle Toning
Call Barrie 07739 530124
Fully Qualified, Certified and Insured
The League of Friends of The Leatherhead Hospital Founded in 1960
The League of Friends at Leatherhead Community Hospital are in need of additional volunteers to help in the hospital shop within the hospital which is situated in Poplar Road, KT22 8SD. If you feel that you can spare 2 - 3 hours a week to serve in the shop, we would love to hear from you. If you are unable to commit to helping once a week, yet feel that you can be of help, you can go on to the reserve list to cover for illness and holidays.
If you are interested, and require further information, kindly contact the shop manager Linda Baker on 07876 176 314 or email We look forward to hearing from you. Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
AGE Concern
Will Writing Service
Leatherhead Podiatry Love your feet! Lesley Pennington S.R.Ch., D.Pod.M., B.Sc.Hons., HPC reg
25 years experience
• Corns • Calluses • Orthotics • Ingrowing Toe Nails • Verrucae
• Problematic Nails • Athlete’s Foot • Bunions • Sports Injuries • Heel Pain
10% OFF your first appointment on production of this ad (offer ends 30th April 2020)
01372 374125
63b High Street, Leatherhead If you are over 50 and live in the Mole Valley area, you can use Age Concern Mole Valley’s Will Writing Service. Once a month local solicitors, Meaby & Co (formerly Hart Scales & Hodges) are taking appointments for Will Writing at the Age Concern Mole Valley offices in Dorking. A donation of £100 can be given to Age Concern Mole Valley for the service. A solicitor would normally charge over £250 plus VAT per Will). To book an appointment for the Will Writing Clinic, please call
01306 899104 / 07442 017169 or by email: Registered Charity No 1111678
LOCAL BLOOD DONATIONS Friday 3rd April - 1.00pm - 8.00pm Bournehall, Spring Street, Epsom, KT17 1UF
Tuesday 7th April - 1.45pm - 8.00pm Dorking Halls, Reigate Road, Dorking, RH4 1SG
Friday 1st May - 1.20pm - 7.30pm Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane KT21 2BE
36 To advertise please email
regular events... Details are correct at time of print, however it is advisable to check event dates and times with the venue/organisers in case of changes.
Wednesday 1st (weekly)
Wednesday 1st (monthly)
Wednesday 1st (monthly)
Wednesday 1st (1st weds monthly)
Wednesday 1st (monthly)
Wednesday 1st (weekly)
Weds 1st, 22nd & 29th (term time)
Thursday 2nd (weekly)
Thursday 2nd (monthly)
Thursday 2nd (weekly)
Thursday 2nd (1st Thurs monthly)
The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, meets every Weds (except August), 7.30pm at the Methodist Church, Church Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 8AY. For a cappella singing in close harmony - there’s nothing like it! Just turn up or contact Gary Score on 01372 275177. New singers welcome! Contact Gary on the above number or Ashtead WI, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. “Lillibet” - A Fond Look at The Queen by Speaker Lizzie Gilks.Sandra Brown 01372 276736 Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group, Demonstration by Lucy Richardson “Dales Life”. Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Ashtead KT21 2BE from 1.45pm - 4.30pm. For more information contact Di Stirling 01372 279501 Fetcham Village W.I, meet on the first Wednesday (except August) in Fetcham Village Hall, The street, KT22 9QS, from 7.30pm. Maureen Webb: 01372 842498. Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis &/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT23 3PQ at 7.30pm. Contact details online or just come along to a meeting, Rotary Club of Leatherhead, Police Federation Headquarters, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. 7pm-9pm. We have regular visits from speakers and also plan our various events. For more info: Simon Edmands on 07753 821964 The Leatherhead Baby & Toddler Group meets in the Parish Church Hall from 10am - 12noon. Lots of freeplay activities for all u5s & chance for adults to meet one another over a welcome cup of coffee. Just turn up or call Jackie: 07764 686914 The Rotary club of Ashtead meets 7.30pm for dinner at The Cock Inn, Church Lane, Headley, KT18 6LE. Visitors welcome. Contact Brian 01372 275860 The Armada Probus Club. Retired/ semi retired gentleman please join us at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for lunch followed by this months speaker: Paul Beresford MP First lunch free. Annual membership - £20. For more information contact Secretary Michael Pearce: 01372 459461 or Ashtead Bowling Club, free coaching sessions for beginners on Thursdays at 2.30 & 6.30 lasting about 90mins. Just bring a pair of clean flat soled shoes. Bowls of a suitable size, provided. Club pavilion, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BJ. For more info or to arrange a session with one of our coaches, contact Mike: 01372 273142 Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. AGM, show and tell. Beginners & more experienced quilters welcome. Sandy Clark on 01372 579321 / To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
Thursday 2nd (weekly)
Thursday 2nd (1st Thurs monthly)
Thursday 2nd (monthly)
Friday 3rd (weekly)
Friday 3rd (1st Friday monthly)
Friday 3rd (weekly)
Friday 3rd
Friday 3rd (1st Friday monthly)
Ashtead ‘Over 60’s Lunch Club meets every Thurs in the Ralli Room at APMH for a freshly prepared hot lunch & dessert - cost £5. Doors open at 11.00 for a cup of tea or coffee. For more info call Brenda (chairman) on 01372 813276. Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institute, £5. For more info contact: Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844 Ashtead U3A meetings at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 2pm, (3pm on 7th May due to local elections). This months speaker: Paul Whittle Subject ‘Burmese Days -Travel and History’. New members welcome to our popular meetings & events. If you are interested in joining, contact: Morning coffee and scones served in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE. Prepared and served by volunteers to raise money to help run the hall. Soup Lunch held in St Michael’s Church Hall, the Marld, Ashtead. A selection of Homemade soups, bread & puddings, served with tea/coffee, 12noon - 1.30pm, £5. All money shared between the Princess Alice Hospice, Catholic Agency For Overseas Development and BESOM. For more info contact 01372 272267 New ‘Cuppa and Cake’ Morning at the Grange, KT23 4DZ. Friday Mornings will never be the same again! We will be running a ‘Cuppa & Cake’ morning every Friday from 10am - 11.30am. Book your places now 01372 452 608. For more information visit us online at Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, AGM followed by Bring & Buy. 10am - 12noon. Annual subscription of £5, & £2 pw. Contact Anne Thomson on 01372 373258 Walk & Talk at St George’s Café, Barnett Wood Lane, KT21 2DA from 10.15am. In partnership with Princess Alice Hospice, take a gentle stroll on Ashtead Common for about an hour with understanding volunteers and other bereaved people. For more information, contact Sarah on 01372 813332
Fri 3rd, 17th
The Sewing Shop, from 10am - 11.30am at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Selling everything in the haberdashery line for sewing for both beginners & advanced sewists. Large range of stock or items can be ordered specially & free advice available. Order in advance, Janine:, your items will be ready for collection
Fri 3rd, 17th
Martha’s Market 10.00 - 11.30am Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Lively community market at the heart of Leatherhead welcomes you. Come along to buy a range of home-crafted items. Featuring Jill Goodchild’s art stall on 3rd April raising funds for the May Flower Festival. Refreshments available. Janine on 01372 374914
Friday 3rd (weekly)
Sunday 5th (weekly)
The Ark - Christian based toddler group, at Christ Church, Epsom Rd, Leatherhead 9.30am - 11am, for children 0 - 5yrs old. We have toys, games, singing & story time. or Leatherhead Parish Church welcomes you to all its services. For full details of our services and events, check out
38 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Sunday 5th (weekly)
Sunday 5th (weekly)
Monday - Thurs (weekly)
Monday 6th (weekly, except Bank Holidays)
Monday 6th (weekly)
Monday 6th (weekly- termtime)
Tuesday 7th (weekly)
Tuesday 7th (1st Tues monthly)
Tuesday 7th (weekly - termtime)
Tuesday 7th (1st Tues monthly)
Wednesday 8th (monthly)
Leatherhead Horticultural Society’s Store, situated in Leatherhead on By-Pass Road between the M25 Junction & Copthorne Rd, re-opens to members for the season on Sundays 09.30am - 12.30pm. Annual membership is £3. You can join in Store, or contact the Treasurer on 07966 522 534. The Store stocks seed potatoes, onion & shallot sets & veg seeds, plants & a range of garden products at competitive prices. Leatherhead Methodist Church welcomes you to all their services. For more information visit our website Citizens Advice sessions at The Georgian House, Swan Mews, High Street, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8AE. Drop-in: Mon toThurs 10am - 1pm Appointments: Mon to Thurs 1pm - 4pm. Offer free, confidential, impartial & independent advice on a wide range of subjects. Advice line: 03444 111 444 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm) email: Ashtead Badminton Club at the Leatherhead Leisure Centre, from 7.30 - 9.30pm. Come along & try our friendly club of mixed ability men & women players. Free first session. Calvin Evans 07774 429225 / 01306 740820 or Jeff Gowlland 01306 259346 for more information. Ashtead Choral Society, meet every Monday evening to rehearsae at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane. Enquiries: 01372 278852, email Fetcham Ladies Singers are preparing to perform a variety of choral works & songs from the shows for their Summer Concert & now would be a good time to try us out at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall on Monday eves during term time at 7.45pm. First two evenings are FOC. Enquiries to Sandra Brown on 01372 276736. Knit ‘n Natter at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, Leatherhead from 2.30pm - 4pm, it costs 50p pp to cover the cost of the tea and coffee. This is a craft group where people can come and try a new craft or continue their own project whilst chatting with others. Ashtead Friendship Centre, at Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 2pm. This months speaker will be John Sutherland “Who’d be a Postman?”. For more info contact Chairman Don Butt: 01372 274288 or Toddlers Group for 0-3 year olds with a carer. Ashtead Baptist Church, 192 Barnett Wood Lane, KT21 2LW. 10-11.30am. Rosemary Bassett 01372 274666 Leatherhead Probus club has been providing fellowship for retired men in the area who have inquiring & active minds for 50yrs. We meet at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for a lunch followed by a talk. In April we have speaker Chris Cowdrey: ‘Cricket. For more info: 07947 361 406 or membership The Arts Society Leatherhead at 7.15pm in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, KT22 8BD. ‘An illustrated talk on the goldsmiths in Peru and Colombia – the fabled El Dorado’, Guests are welcome, for £5 at the door. Huw Jenkins on 01372 278728 or Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Friday 10th, (Every 2nd Friday)
Friday 10th (2nd Fri monthly)
Sat 11th & 18th
Sunday 12th (2nd Sun monthly)
Sun 12th & 26th (2nd & 4th Sunday)
Monday 13th (2nd Mon monthly)
Tuesday 14th (2nd Tues monthly)
Tuesday 14th (2nd Tues monthly)
Wednesday 15th (2nd Weds monthly)
Wednesday 15th (monthly)
Sunday 19th (3rd Sunday)
Monday 20th (3rd Monday)
OASIS, fortnightly women’s group at St George’s Christian Craft Centre, 9.15am. Each term explores a different topic, this term is life stories, with this month’s inspirational speakers. All ladies in 20s, 30s & 40s welcome, no charge/booking required. Maxine Simpson: 01372 272177 or Ashtead Village Friday Market, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 9.00am - 12.30pm. Free entry. Lots of stalls, gifts, cards, cakes, books, & much more, for the RNLI. Family rhymetime at Leatherhead Library, Church Street KT22 8DP. First come first served. No tickets but maximum of 16 per session owing to limited space. Rhymes for babies and toddlers. For more info: Quaker Meeting. An evening meeting is held from 6.30 - 7.30 at Park House, Leatherhead, Randall’s Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship focusing on silence & stillness. For more info: Catherine Carr 01483 283693 or Revive Nation is a youth group we run every 2nd & 4th Sunday at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, from 12.30pm - 2.30pm. Games, Pool table & a light lunch for the young people. For more info Leatherhead branch, Royal British Legion, Women’s Section, Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Road, 7.00pm, on the 2nd Monday of the month. Interesting speakers & events. For more info or to book contact Jane 01372 811422 Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, The St, KT22 9QS. Speaker: Bill Raven-Hill ‘How I became the Wartime Housewife’, 7.45pm. For more information contact Ann on Leatherhead and District Lions meet 7.30pm Police Federation HQ, 22 Highbury Drive, Leatherhead, KT22 7UY. Come and help us organise our next fund raising event or suggest a charity needing our support. New members welcome. www. or email Tylney Lunch Club for ladies, Leatherhead Leisure Centre. 3 course lunch followed by a speaker. Membership is £10 annual & £16 for lunch. For more information contact: 01372 454879 Eastwick WI. St Mary’s Annexe, Fetcham KT22 9AZ from 7.30pm. “London’s oldest street markets”. Talk by Lesley Broster, Jigsaw sale. Cost £4.50. Visitors welcome. Mary Morris 01372 289822 / Messy Church at Ashtead Baptist Church 192 Barnett Wood Lane KT21 2LW a meeting for families children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.Craft Celebration Meal 4pm-6pm. Paul & Sue: The Probus Club of Ashtead meets at Tyrrell’s Wood Golf Club at 12.30pm for its monthly lunch & talk. The speaker will be Graeme Roy and his subject ‘Historic Croydon Airport’. New members welcome. Contact our Secretary, Stephen Bridges on 07806 791774 or
40 To advertise please email
Monday 20th (Monthly)
Tuesday 21st
Thursday 16th (3rd Thurs monthly)
Thursday 16th (3rd Thurs monthly)
Sunday 26th (4th Sun monthly)
Friday 24th (monthly)
Tuesday 28th (Tues monthly)
Tuesday 28th (monthly)
Weds 29th (monthly)
Thurs 30th
Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30pm for 8pm. ‘Exploring Climate’ with Angela Bawtree. For more information: membership@ or web The Arts Society Ashtead meets, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall at 10.30am for its regular monthly lecture. ‘Undressing Antiques’ with Mark Hill. Pat Anderson, Membership Secretary, 07958 560707 / Leatherhead U3A’s in the United Reformed Church Hall, Epsom Road, Leatherhead KT22 8ST at 2pm. Peter Faulding, CEO of Specialist Group International, will be telling us about his company in Dorking. Welcomes anyone no longer in full time employment or raising a family. For more info come along to this meeting as our guest or contact us at or check out our website to find details of the many interests we offer and how easy it is to meet new friends. Mole Valley Probus, Tyrrells Wood Golf Club, KT22 8QP from 12noon, lunch at 12.45pm followed by this months speaker Andrew Baker: “Churchill - Man, Politician, Leader”. For more information: New Fire contemporary worship (ecumenical) held at All Saints Cafe, Kingston Road. Coffee from 6.00p.m. Worship 6.30pm. For more info email the info@ or call 020 8546 5964. Ashtead Art Lovers, 11am & 7.30pm. Artemisia: Great Mistress of the Baroque. Contemporary of Caravaggio, Artemesia Gentelischi is one of the great mistresses finally being acknowledged as brilliant by the patriarchal art world. This talk will explore her life and training under her father, Orazio & the influences she absorbed from those artists working in Rome during the first 1/4 of the 17th century. The National’s first solo exhibition of her work opens on 4th April in the Sainsbury Wing. £10 inc refreshments. 01372 272235. Kingston & District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance Group meet at Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Ave, KT3 6DJ, 2-4.15pm. Our main function is to keep in touch with local & national issues concerning pensioners. This month speaker: Pete Allen ‘Watching the Detectives’ Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054/ Fetcham U3A 2.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall off The Ridgeway. Speaker Alan Aylward “The Woodland Trust and Langley Vale Wood” Visitors & new members welcome. 01372 453959 or Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild, Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Ln, Ashtead KT21 2BE, 7.30pm. For more information contact Di James on 01372 273948 Open meeting of the Ashtead Cancer Group in The Quiet Room, St George’s Christian Centre, Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead KT21 2DA form 7pm. Support group for cancer patients, their families, friends & carers - Workshops & occasional speakers. For more information visit 07843 620295, or www. To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
Fetcham Tandoori has been my Curry Restaurant of choice for too many years to mention! It is always a treat to visit this family run restaurant, which opened way back in 1983. Following a recent refurbishment and the introduction of some wonderful new dishes, it’s now better than ever. We went along one Sunday evening and Anis Haque the owner, treated us to a selection of the new regional dishes they have on the menu. The restaurant looks really lovely. It is newly decorated and tastefully elegant. No electric water fall pictures here! The service was, as always, friendly and efficient, the staff know their regular customers, but everyone is made to feel very welcome. Anis told us about his decision to introduce some new dishes, which are more authentic and more in tune with the 42 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
food he grew up eating. In fact, his own mother’s cooking is the main influence for the new menu selections, and she spent many hours in the kitchen with Anis, putting together this exciting new menu. Ingredients are sourced locally, are organic when possible and are bought daily. Suppliers include highly regarded local butcher, Conisbee and Son’s, as well as Gray’s Gelato Ice Cream from Goldstone Farm. The cooking methods have also changed. Things are done in a far more traditional way; spices are slowly roasted and ground, in-house to create wonderfully fresh flavours and vibrant colours, and the end results are like individual works of art. In the photos included here, you can see for yourself some of the food we enjoyed; the flavours were mouth watering
and it was so good to try something a little different. Dishes are inspired by, and come from, different regions such as Bangladesh and India and these include a great selection of Vegan dishes and even a little bit of street food too! Of course, all the old favourites are still available for the slightly less adventurous, but I do strongly recommend stepping out of your comfort zone. If you are a little unsure about what to order, just ask. Anis or one of his team, will be more than happy to guide you. You won’t regret it. The take away menu is a little different from the a la carte, but has also been carefully put together to still offer a great experience at home too. I take my hat off to you Fetcham Tandoori, this is surely a winning combination. Your restaurant offers
a wonderful place to eat fabulous and authentic curry dishes with friends and family, whilst at the same time experiencing something a little different, which is truly special. THANK YOU FOR A LOVELY EVENING. WE WILL BE BACK VERY SOON. The dishes we enjoyedd were:Bombay Bhel Beetroot & Aloo Murug Chicken Chicken Chettinad Murug Makoni Sagolir Manksho Saffron Pilau Peshwari Naan Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
what’s on...
Friday 3rd
Friday 3rd (weekly during term time)
Saturday 4th (weekly)
‘An Evening with John Griffin’ at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 7.45pm. John will be performing an introduction to his epic poem, A Tale of Gaia followed by A Delicate Balance by Kenneth Clelland, which is the Easter Story according to Pontius Pilate. Book now by emailing John: Zumba Gold with Jo at 10.30am (term time only) followed by a chance for tea & a chat. Oddfellows Hall, 270 High St, Dorking, RH4 1QT. £6 (Special Price for members: £3). All welcome just pop along & try this low impact, low intensity, go at your own pace exercise for older adults. 01306 877792, Short Mat Bowling at Leatherhead Bowling Club, Fortyfoot Road Recreation ground from 10am to 1pm. Short Mat bowls is a fascinating alternative to traditional indoor bowling. It is great fun & provides a good way to meet other people. FREE open mornings every Saturday with qualified coaches until the Spring. Newcomers & existing bowlers are all very welcome. For more info visit www.leatherheadbowling. or email or call David on 01372 375756
Mon 6th
Chocolate Talk & Tasting with Cocoa Island at 7.30pm. Oddfellows Lounge, 270 High St, RH4 1QT. £3 (Members: free) A master chocolatier from Cocoa Island will talk through the sustainability & creation of Coco Island chocolate-finishing with a tasting! Please book ahead 01306 877792,
Sat 11th
Easter Egg Hunt at Church Street, High Street & Swan Centre, Leatherhead from 10.30am - 3.30pm. Free face paiting, Magic shows and lots more. Free Chocolate egg to first 500 children to complete the Egg Hunt. £1.
Weds 15th
Ashtead Movie Night at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 7.30pm (doors open at 6.45pm) Downton Abbey - running time 2hrs. £8.50, Refreshments available. Tickets from 01372 272 921 / Graham: 01372 272077 / Jean: 01372 274539
Sat 18th
Barn Dance at Ewell Castle School in aid of Epsom Medical Equipment Fund from 7pm. Dancing to The Hogsmill Group with Caller Veronica. Tickets: £20 to include fish & chips supper, bring own drinks, glasses and nibbles. Bess Harding: 0208 337 8181 or email
If there’s an event in May that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros by Friday 10th April. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis.
44 To advertise please email
Sat 18th
Ashtead Bowls Club opens its green at 2.30 for the 2020 season. The club is on Woodfield Lane, behind the Cricket Club. Visitors are very welcome to come along & meet us, watch the bowling, & enjoy a drink. Club is open for new members. For more info Contact Ian Guthrie on 01372 273 999
Sat 18th
Hardy Plant Society - Southern Counties Group talk at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ (10:00 for 10:45 am) on ‘From Cinderella to Princess - Three Gardens makeover on Spaces, Plant Combinations & Surprises’ by Laura de Beden. £4. Sale of plants, garden sundries & books. More details on or contact us at
Sat 25th
Come and Celebrate St George’s Day at the Swan Centre, Leatherhead from 11am - 3pm. Join the Hunt for Treasure, take part in our story and craft time, Dress up area, Face painting and lots more fun.
Sun 26th
Singer & song writer, Dave Bilbrough is in Leatherhead for a worship concert - Hidden Kingdom at Church Halls in Church Road, Leatherhead, from 4 - 5.15pm. Free event followed by refreshments. All ages. Free car park at the rear of the building, KT22 8BD.
28th - 2nd MAY 2020
Epsom Light Opera Company, Epsom Playhouse present Crazy About You. Tickets available from Epsom Playhouse. A collection will be made in the interval & after the show in aid of Epsom Medical Equipment Fund. Book early for this popular show.
Weds 29th
Ashtead Residents’ Association AGM & Spring Meeting at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 7pm. The Speaker for the AGM is Peter Wakeham, a Botanist and Secretary of Surrey Botanical Society. He is also the Chairman of the Downlands Trust & it is this role & the work of the Downlands Trust that will be the subject of his Talk.
save the date in may 2020 Sunday 3rd MAY 2020
Leatherhead Rotary 12th Bluebell 10k Run at Headley Heath from 10am, in aid of Action for Carers Surrey & Surrey Young Carers, or raise funds for your chosen charity. For more info: or 01483 203748
Sunday 10th MAY 2020
Ashtead Bowls Club Open Day, 2.30pm. Enjoy a free introductory session with tuition provided by our qualified coaches. All you need are flat soled soft shoes. and/or contact Ian Guthrie on 01372 273 999
Tuesday 12th MAY 2020
Ashtead Bowls Club Open Day at 5.30pm. Come & enjoy a free introductory session with tuition provided by our qualified coaches. For more info www. and/or contact Ian Guthrie on 01372 273 999
Friday 15th MAY 2020
Horsley & Bookham RDA Annual Quiz at Horsley Village Hall, KT24 6QT from 7.15pm. Teams of 8, £20 pp incl. dinner. Charity bar, raffle & heads ‘n’ tails while results are being checked! More info:
Weds 20th MAY 2020
Leatherhead Rotary Presents British Philharmonic Big Band in Concert at the Leatherhead Theatre at 7.30pm. Featuring the sensational sounds of the swing music era. £20 from Box Office 01372 365141 or
Weds 27th MAY 2020
Woman Like Me: The Little Mix Show at Dorking Halls, RH4 1SG from 7pm. Adult: £17 | Child: £15 | Family: £60. Tickets: 01306 881717,
Details are correct at time of print, however it is advisable to check event dates and times with the venue/organisers in case of changes.
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
Guidance on how to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus (COVID-19)
How to handwash WI T H S OA P A ND WAT E R 1
Do Wash your hands with soap and water often - do this for at least 20 seconds. Always wash your hands when you get home or into work.
Wet hands with water
Apply enough soap cover all hand surfa
Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) if you cough or sneeze.
Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand using rotational movement
Rub tips of fingers i opposite palm in a circular motion
Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards. Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
Don’t Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. For Government advice please visit For NHS advice please visit For FSB advice and resources for small businesses please visit 46 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
How to handrub WI T H A LCO HOL I C H AN D R 1
Apply a small amount of the product (about 3ml) into a cupped hand
Rub with backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlaced
Apply enough to co all hand surfaces
Rub each thumb cla in opposite hand us rotational movemen
Duration of entire procedure 40-60 seconds
p to aces
Rub hands palm to palm
Rinse hands with water
Rub back of each hand with the palm of the other hand with fingers interlaced
Dry roughly with a single-use towel
Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced
Rub with backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlaced
Use towel to turn off tap
Your hands are now safe
Duration of entire procedure 20-30 seconds
U B (containing at least 60% alcohol)
asped sing nt
Rub hands palm to palm
Rub tips of fingers in opposite palm in a circular motion
Rub back of each hand with the palm of the other hand with fingers interlaced
Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced
When dry, your hands are now safe
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
at Bocketts Farm Park
4th - 19th April Over 500 baby lambs due Meet the Shepherd Live shows in the Easter Garden Easter trail with chocolate treats Meet baby chicks & ducklings Fun farm activities!
Easter Ea aster Eggstravaganza Eggs ggstra g avaganza ga a 4TH - 19TH APRIL 2020
Enjoy a great family day out this Spring, as the lambing season gets into full swing! With over 500 gorgeous new born lambs due and ‘Meet the Shepherd’ sessions daily, there will be plenty of opportunity to learn about the lambs and even watch one being born! Children will also love to get up close to the baby chicks, ducklings and bunnies in the Small Animal Village, in addition to
goat milking, tractor rides, pony rides and pig racing. Plus, complete the Easter stamp trail to take home a chocolate treat, and enjoy fun live shows in the Easter garden. With plenty of play indoors and out, you can be sure of a great day out whatever the weather! Visit for more information.
48 To advertise please email
BIBLE TALKS You are warmly invited to attend our
Marshall Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2BE
THIS MONTH’S TITLES ARE: April 19th – Salvation is of the Jews April 26th – The truth about Satan and the devil
There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion If you are unable to attend, you can send for a free CD or attachment of the talks and relevant literature to: or Freepost RSEZ-KXRB-EKRX, Biblestudy, Bracknell, RG12 9YZ To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
One Little Girl, 50 Runners Race for Grace is a dedication to a little girl called Grace. Grace was no ordinary child. Grace had the extraordinary courage to live her life with Neuroblastoma. Grace’s family wish to reciprocate the support received from Christopher’s, a Shooting Star Children’s Hospice (Guildford) and also wish to support Neuroblastoma UK, a charity that seeks to relieve children suffering from neuroblastoma. To achieve this, it requires funds for medical research into improving both diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Hence, Race For Grace was created. The race is the Beachy Head Marathon. It is one of the biggest off-road marathons in the UK with it’s challenging route, and is not for the faint hearted! Fifty family and friends, including teachers and Grace’s Head Teacher from St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Leatherhead, all with strong wills and big hearts, who all love and support the family and with whom Grace remains a much loved little girl, will be running this marathon for GRACE, on 24 October 2020, in her memory. 80% of the runners have never run anything quite like a marathon before, but they are doing this for Grace. Training is well underway and each participant is seeing improvements to their fitness and making great accomplishments. We are currently training for the Midsommer Munro half marathon on 21st June, which is midway into our schedule.
50 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
fbb Search Race for Grace on Facebook
Leatherhead Drama Festival
One Act Play Festival at The Leatherhead Theatre, Church Street, KT22 8DN
4th - 15th May & Awards Night 16th May Tickets - £11 Adults, £5 Under 16's - Awards Night £15 Box Office: 01372 365141 - For more information on the plays and who you can see performing, please visit:
Photos by Mark Turner / @MarkMakesPhotos
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
The 5 Natural Elements
AIR / WIND By Selina Botham
Award winning local garden designer Selina Botham thinks about the 5 Natural elements water, earth fire and wind and how they relate to gardens. This month taking a look at the air/wind and its importance in garden design. Wind is a fundamental element and of course has great impact in the landscape. You only need to look at the effect it has in those windy hillsides where you see plants bent over as they bravely attempt to grow away from the wind. Severe wind can cause real devastation and we have sen the impact of wind during the recent storms. In our gardens on a domestic scale wind in the form of leaf blowers can remove valuable topsoil and in the wider landscape extreme wind will blow and deposit sand into landforms. Wind can be important to cool us and plants and also plays an essential role in gas exchange. Plants create the oxygen we need and also conveniently use up the carbon dioxide that we create through breathing. We actually need plants to live and they need us - what an amazing partnership! When we plant a tree or grow some seeds or even plant a new garden we can be happy that we have done something to help our environment. It’s worth planting a large tree (one which will eventually grow to 20m high +) as such a tree will have so much more capacity for carbon reduction and oxygen creation. The wind direction can be a key factor in your garden design. Increasingly with climate change raising temperatures, we may want to encourage a through
breeze. Rather like opening a window both sides of your house to create a welcome through-draft on a hot day we may want to leave gaps to encourage wind in and then out of our gardens as well as our homes. Prevailing winds in this country are south-westerly or north-easterly (generally in winter) and so take care of you have a large garden and are considering removing large trees from it, since they may be helping shelter you from prevailing winds. In purely aesthetic terms I love the visual effect wind has on plant, especially blowing through grasses and meadow type plantings or gently caressing the leaves of trees. Lime trees are beautiful with silver undersides to their leaves and Salix Exigua is another plant to look out for with its delicate silver dancing leaves. A hedge will help filter wind much better than a fence or wall which deflects wind and re focuses it elsewhere. Poplar trees in a ‘shelter belt’ have been used all over Europe for centuries and we can adapt this principle using trees or hedges to create shelter from the wind and also the sun. SSelina Botham is an award winning garden designer based in Claygate. If you would like to improve and make the best of your garden and need some professional help contact Selina for an initial garden consultation on 07894 553 202 or see her web site for further ideas and her facebook page Selina Botham - Designs for all Seasons.
52 To advertise please email
Cannon Grove, Fetcham KT22 9LS
Come and play!
Saturday May 9th: juniors 11.00 - 13.00 adults 14.00 - 16.00
Full programme for ages 5-17. Come to our open day, visit our website or call Andy on 07971 151411.
Coaching for individuals and rusty players; turn up and play sessions; teams; social events. Come to our open day, visit our website or call Judi on 07789 819647
BOOK NOW WPDS.CO.UK | 01737 760163 To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
Spies and Assassins in our Midst! Surrey folk are no more suspicious of espionage than anyone else, but Lorraine Spindler’s February lecture on spies and assassins in our midst, drew the biggest audience for a year to the Leatherhead Institute. As actor Michael Caine is one of the town’s best known current residents, it made sense to begin with a picture of him, as fictional spy Harry Palmer in his film, The Ipcress File. But as former Leatherhead Museum Curator Lorraine said, truth is stranger than fiction. She started with the case of Russian migrant Alexander Perepilichnyy, who died suddenly in 2012, near his £3 million Weybridge home. He had been on a Kremlin hit list and had been helping uncover a £150 million money-laundering operation. He had also had a runin with former KGB agent Dmitry Kovtun who met ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko just hours before he was poisoned in London. No friend of Vladimir Putin, was Mr Perepilichnyy working for British intelligence? We don’t know.
and Jan Kubis, came to Headley in November 1941 wanting to work for the Allies. The Czech language was heard in the village, but few people knew there was a Special Lorraine Spindlar and Operations Executive Derek Summerfield training centre there, as well as a prisoner of war camp for German officers. Villa Bellasis at Headley trained Czech paratroopers. Josef and Jan learned skills in motorised vehicles, Morse Code, orientation, shooting and throwing hand grenades before the RAF dropped them back into their occupied country, to fight with the local resistance. Lorraine told of an interviewee who remembered walking in the countryside nearby and meeting two mysterious strangers who asked curious questions. German radio equipment was afterwards found dumped in a water storage system in Leatherhead. Canadian forces were based in Surrey for much of the war, a natural source of interest to the Germans. In 1940 a new 7th Corps came into existence, headquartered at Headley Court. Heated flight suits used by airmen on D-Day were secretly produced in Banstead.
Alexander Perepilichnyy
Josef Gabcik
In the 1930s Nazi Germany threatened. Members of the Hitler Youth cycled around England, including Surrey, spying on the terrain. In 1938 the Czech governmentin-exile settled in Putney and after war broke out organised the Czechoslovak National Liberation Committee. Two young Czech soldiers, Josef Gabcik 54 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
During the Cold War too there were secret activities in Surrey. In the 1960s, M15 watchers appeared at Guildford Police Station and remained for many days, waiting. One day a mysterious caller arrived and told local personnel that something was about to happen. Eventually the phone rang, the office emptied and the watchers never returned. It turned out that an RAF warrant officer was spying for the Russians and made a dead letter drop in Guildford. For more information from the L&DLHS go to
‘Some of our 160 members at our Finals Weekend last September’.
Our new outdoor season starts on Saturday 18th April 2020
and we welcome you to come along and meet us.
The clubhouse and bowling green are on Woodfield Lane, behind the Cricket Club’s ground. There will be introductory sessions in the clubhouse on a Thursday afternoon so please contact us and book a place. There are several club events every week and a full range of internal competitions. The club will also have ladies, men’s and mixed teams competing in Surrey leagues, so there are plenty of opportunities for new members.
Our Open Days are on Sunday 10th May at 2.30pm and Tuesday 12th May at 5.30pm Please put these in your diary - you just need to bring flat soled soft shoes
Visit our website: &/or contact Ian Guthrie on 01372 273 999
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Daisychain Preschool has places available for September 2020 Get in touch today to book a visit to our inclusive and friendly setting in Fetcham for children aged 2 to 5 years “Staff support the children’s well-being extremely well. Children make outstanding progress in Personal Social and Emotional development. Their behaviour is exemplary” Ofsted 2019
Open from 9.30 to 3.30 term time with morning, afternoon and all days sessions available We accept FEET, 15 & 30 hours funding with no extra charges
Contact Alison and Jackie at Guide Headquarters, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, KT22 9LH 07925 518286 /
56 To advertise please email
sudoku 1
6 7
5 4 6
6 2 8 7 3 2 4 2 1 7 2 5 6 3 7 5 2 1 4 2 5 1 8 4 7
Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!
Digi search 2 7 8 7 9 9 0 8 2 4 8 5 7 9
3 5 5 3 8 8 4 5 0 7 7 4 8 8
7 8 7 2 4 6 9 9 9 5 3 6 4 3
4 6 5 2 7 7 5 4 2 7 6 3 7 6
8 0 8 3 5 3 8 8 8 5 4 5 2 9
5 9 8 4 0 6 6 2 4 6 6 4 5 2
9 3 4 5 3 1 7 3 6 4 5 8 4 7
3 8 9 7 8 9 2 6 6 6 5 2 0 3
8 4 5 8 3 3 9 3 2 4 3 2 1 7
4 4 0 4 5 7 4 3 9 7 5 0 6 6
7 5 2 3 0 5 7 9 7 2 5 2 3 5
5 6 7 2 3 1 4 4 2 9 3 4 7 1
6 3 2 1 5 1 9 7 2 8 1 5 5 2
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 32234, 33947, 36927, 38445, 55388, 56723, 59840, 74859, 76376, 78926, 81522, 84583, 84725, 84756, 98673, 99082
solutions page 81
enjoyable effective stress-free learning • learn in your own home • one-to-one or small group • begin speaking your new language straight away • daytime, after school, and evening sessions available No. of Students
Cost per hour
£6 per student
Pricing for larger groups available on request
Contact: 01372 45 78 41 To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
fire and iron gallery
Quality Picture Framing in Ashtead A local business offering professional and experienced bespoke framing from our purpose-built workshop.
Beautiful artworks, all made from metal. Discover the colours and textures of this extraordinary medium.
• Friendly expert advice and free quotes • Huge selection of mouldings, mountboards and specialist glass • Flexible appointments with free parking
01372 810477
59 Links Road, Ashtead KT21 2HL
SHOP LOCAL! Ethical, authentic …and gift-wrapped! Oxshott Road . Leatherhead KT22 0EN
Telephone 01372 386453 Open Tues – Sat 10-5
Find us on facebook 58 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
REFRAMING HOMELESSNESS Local picture framer supports homeless charity
Cassons Framing, a new local picture framer in Ashtead, has made a significant donation to Leatherhead Start, a local charity helping to get homeless people off the street and back to independent living. Dean Casson, Owner of Cassons Framing explained; “as a new local business I wanted to encourage new customers and decided on a 10% discount introductory offer as one way. During a trip to London with my daughter, on a miserable wet and cold October day, we found the homelessness problem particularly upsetting. On the train home we came up with the idea of donating the 10% to a homeless charity to make it something more positive. As a local business we want to support and be part of the local community, so we searched for a local homeless charity and found Leatherhead Start.” Leatherhead Start work to help people get off the streets, initially into supported accommodation, and help to give them new life skills and confidence to find employment and live independently.
The offer finished at the end of January, but Cassons Framing has plans to support the Surrey Art Community and other local causes in the future. “I’m currently working with The Grange in Bookham and with local artists and art groups on ways to help them frame their work cost effectively for exhibitions and shows.”
“I’m so pleased to be able to help Leatherhead Start with their work....all my new customers were glad to get their discount but even happier to know that it was then going straight to such a good cause.”
Cassons Framing can be found in Links Road, Ashtead | | 01372 810477 Find out more about Leatherhead Start and the work they do at Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
crosswordpuzzle Solutions Page 81
Clue: 27 Across
Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Clue: 2 Down
1. Objectives (4) 3. Eccentric (8) 9. Traveller to a shrine (7) 10. Brink (5) 11. Possessed (5) 12. Stockings (6) 14. Chirping insect (6) 16. Seller of cloth (6) 19. Specimen (6) 21. Back-hander (5) 24. Behave badly (3,2) 25. Openly disobedient (7) 26. Former sweetheart (3,5) 27. Meat from a calf (4)
1. Draw near (8) 2. Large fruit (5) 4. Gypsy (6) 5. Polite (5) 6. Root vegetable (7) 7. Arduous journey (4) 8. Worn away (6) 13. Eastern (8) 15. Intoned (7) 17. Snub (6) 18. Infrequently (6) 20. Part of the eye (5) 22. Likeness (5) 23. Luminous ring (4)
60 To advertise please email
A & D CARS Airports
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Where to find us Open View Farm, Epsom Road, West Horsley, KT24 To advertise please call usSurrey. at 01372 2006AP 000 61
ASHTEAD W.I. MARCH MEETING REPORT As always, there was a warm welcome for us all, including a visitor & new member, on this cold wet evening. Our recent coffee morning helped with fund-raising, and news was given about visits planned for later this year. We were asked whether we would prefer to read our W.I. Surrey Magazines on paper or on-line. It was felt that we would prefer to have our paper copies to read and refer back to but that we should try to limit the number of copies needed if possible. WIs have been approached by organisations for the blind to support continued use of the TV Red Button service, which might be phased out. Our knitters have been busy, providing many beautiful little hats to the Tadworth Children’s Trust, for premature babies. This evening Michelle Ernoult told us about the amazing lives of honey bees – how these insects keep themselves warm or cool as necessary, how they look after their Queens, produce larvae, and generally know
exactly what they have to do and when, as they have been in existence over millennia and are extremely well organised. There can be 30-40 thousand bees to a hive, and except for the Queens, bees only live for about 6 weeks, in that time each produces only a small portion of a teaspoonful of honey. There are diseases to be dealt with, supplying food (sugar) in lean times, and the probable arrival in the UK of the Asian Hornet, so a lot to be prepared for by their keepers. It was good to hear about many London buildings having bee-hives on their flat roofs, with obviously enough forage around for them to thrive. Our raffle was extra special this evening, with members able to win some beautiful daffodils, potted up by one of our green-fingered members. The next meeting will be on ‘Lillibet’ a Fond Look at the Queen, by Lizzie Gilks, at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.30, on Wednesday 1st April. More info can be found on:
Ashtead WIng meet on the second Monday of the month from 8pm to 10pm in Ashtead Baptist Church Hall. At our February meeting we had a skincare and make-up demonstration by a local celebrity make up artist.
CHANGE OF DATE Due to the timing of Easter, our next meeting is on Monday 20th April New members and guests always welcome - why not pop by and meet us! Or send an email to arrange your visit.
Daffodils planted by Ashtead Wing in the heart of Ashtead Village
62 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Email: Website:
MOLE VALLEY W.I. FEBRUARY MEETING REPORT It is our birthday, 55 years old, & there are banners around the hall with the words “Happy Birthday” on them. We were greeted with a glass of Bucks Fizz or juice which started off the evening very well. Ann Layman, our President, opened our meeting by welcoming everyone to the meeting as well as 1 visitor from Emlyn Downs Group. Our WI was wished happy birthday as well as the members whose birthdays are in February & we sang happy birthday to us/them all. The results of our Resolutions were read out & the top two were “A call to increase potential stem cell donor registration” (23 votes) & “End modern slavery” (13 votes). Our annual jumble sale takes place on Saturday 21 March at the village hall from 2pm. Any jumble can be taken to the hall from 9am (no large items). Our WI will be going to Croydon on 28 April to see the Strictly Come Dancing costumes & where they are made.
As it was our birthday, during our tea/coffee break we had a piece of a beautiful homemade sponge birthday cake. We were then entertained by a group called The Courgettes & Zucchini Sisters who played & sang songs mainly from the 60’s & 70’s eras including “I am a believer”, “California Dreaming”, “Breaking up is hard to do” & many more which took us all back & we were invited to sing along with them. Some people even got up & had a little dance. A very enjoyable evening. Our meeting in March is entitled “Surrey Search and Rescue.” Throughout the year we have various activities available for members - gardening, badminton, bridge, homecraft, bookclub, rambling, knit & natter, mahjong & more. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Fetcham Village Hall at 7.45pm. Further details are on our website
From Carol Murray
Relentless coughs and colds kept a few of our ladies warm at home, so it was with some surprise that we welcomed many members to our February meeting. The main agenda was informative and Treasurer Pat read out Talking Points which feature events and activities from the Surrey W.I. magazine. Three birthdays were celebrated including Betty’s 90th, and each received a card and sparkly pen. Our speaker, Monica Weller, kept us enthralled with her account of ghostwriting on behalf of the sister of Ruth Ellis, and in the time allowed completely held our interest.
Knit and natter was back from a break and we discussed Sylvia’s new project, knitted a little and chatted a lot. The stars of the month were Pat and Janice and their team of very willing helpers who provided three choices of soup, bread, then pancakes – all home made and prepared in the Rumble Room kitchen. A tricky quiz and generous raffle followed, and the lucky ticket was won by Marjorie – the prize being refund of her entrance fee. We meet on the first Wednesday in the month (except August) at 7.30pm. Fetcham Village Hall. Newcomers will be most welcome. MAUREEN WEBB
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
AS THE DOORS CLOSE… A beetroot faced and panting Ruth leapt into the train carriage just as the familiar ‘beep-beep-beep’ proclaimed its imminent departure. Her dramatic entrance was barely acknowledged by the other passengers who were already plugged into their devices or rustling behind the crumpled newspapers left on the seats. It was six o’clock and the commuting crowd was on its way home.
longer in a railway carriage, sitting next to a bedraggled, newly deafened mother of three. She was in the ‘phone zone’ – the place where phone users go when they are in a train – totally oblivious to the world around them and completely unaware they are broadcasting to a carriage full of people.
Ruth had been to London for a meeting and had completely misjudged both the season and her footwear. In typical April fashion, the weather had been unpredictable. There was torrential rain as Ruth walked ‘umbrella-less’ over Waterloo Bridge and there was blazing sunshine as Ruth raced back to catch her return train. Her smart grey winter coat hadn’t yet recovered from the earlier soaking and Ruth was convinced she was leaving a trail of rising steam as she ran. She should never have worn high heels. The leather had expanded, contracted and pinched, leaving blisters that longed for the comfort that only her slippers could bring.
Ruth’s interest was piqued… How did what go? Did what work and what on earth did she do…?
Ruth manoeuvred her way towards the final vacant seat, giving a fleeting scan of her surroundings for any pregnant or elderly people with a slightly more urgent need. Reassured, she sat down with relief, strategically placed her bag in front of her feet and slipped her shoes off with a soundless but blissful sigh. She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds and tried to relax. “Uptown Funk don’t give it to ya! Uptown Funk don’t give it to ya!!!” The music was so loud that Ruth involuntarily levitated about three inches off the seat. Her neighbour casually answered the phone. “Hi, yeah it works. Bit loud though. woman… Yeah, I know… Cool…”
Scared some
Ruth quickly recognised that her companion was no
“How was it last night? Did it work? Did she do it?”
“That’s really sic. What about Jam? Is she tight?” Who was Jam? Who or what was ‘sic’? Did some jam make someone sick? “That’s so unfair, what a creeper. He’s hench. Why is she giving him agro?” What does hench mean? Ruth caught the eye of another passenger and they shared a bemused smile. “You’re jarring me… Wanna chill later? Yeah? Sure it’s cool… Laters” Before this girl had the chance to put the phone in her pocket, the dulcet tones of ‘Uptown Funk’ filled the carriage once more. “Yeah? You’re jokin… Yeah? You’re jokin… Yeah? You’re jokin… That’s legend! That’s so sic. You’re jokin me… You’re jokin me… Does Jam know? She’ll crack up… She’s lairy man… Are you goin’ to tell her?” The ‘beep-beep-beep’s at Leatherhead station jolted Ruth from her seat. She shoved her feet into her pinching court shoes and grabbed her things. As the doors closed, Ruth hadn’t discovered if Jam did it, whether she knew, what was so ‘sic’ or why she was so ‘lairy’… Perhaps one of the other passengers would find out before they reached Dorking.
Does anyone in your family have as story to tell? Are you writing your own life story? Why don’t you get in touch as I’m sure I can help.
Copyright Sarah Lott, February 2020 | @thememorybook | facebook/thememorybook 01372 373844 | 07957 598348 64 To advertise please email
The Arts Society Ashtead
Visit our website for details of our lectures, visits, and tours.
In March The Arts Society Ashtead enjoyed a fascinating lecture on The Arts and Crafts of Kashmir, which introduced the astonishing diversity of arts and crafts produced over 2000 years in this tiny area, influenced by Buddhist, Hindu and Islamic cultures. In April we will be kicking off our packed Spring and Summer programme, with a lecture entitled “Undressing Antiques”, by Mark Hill from the Antiques Roadshow. Our first visit of the year, on 22nd April, will be to our local stately home, West Horsley Place, with its intriguing history, both medieval and recent. Later in the month a full coach load of members will be venturing to the Malvern area for our Springtime cultural tour. In 2020 we have continued to support our young generation by engaging local children in exciting arts projects, namely the creation of themed ceramic objects (e.g. bees, fishes). We have worked with a 5th primary school, as well as local Beavers and Brownies groups. We will also be conducting “Trails of Discovery” for local school children, based on St Giles’s Church. We hope you will be tempted to come along to one of our forthcoming lectures at the Peace Memorial Hall, 3rd Tuesday of the month (9.30 for 10.30 lecture), where you will be warmly welcomed. There is a visitor’s fee of £5, but first-timers are welcome as free guests.
Clubbing together for charity and social events. Our recent charity donation was to Dyscover, the Leatherhead based charity for people with speech difficulties, often resulting from a Stroke. Club members, retired professional and business men and women, had a busy social 2019, with coach outings, monthly lunch meetings with a speaker, monthly country walks ending with a pub lunch, and London visits for concerts and exploring. 2020 is shaping up to be just as busy! With plans to attend a major London concert, a canal side walk, a coach trip to the Amazon warehouse in Dunstable followed by a tour of St Alban’s Cathedral. plus of course, our usual monthly lunches with speakers. Our next donation will be to Fetcham based charity, Sight for Surrey, who support people with sight and/or hearing impairment.
For photos, reports and movies visit: To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000
Socksy is 15 years young and sadly came into care when his owner went into a nursing home. He's friendly, affectionate (loves humans), cuddly, playful (he loves his catnip and fishing rod toys) and talkative He likes to sleep with several of his toys as pillows and has quite the collection of hand knitted mice his first owner made for him. He also likes to sleep next to people, and will head-bump your arm and cuddle up against you He will wake you by meowing for breakfast, and he likes having your company with him while he eats. He often has a burst of playfulness after meals.. Socksy is used to having access to a garden, but will also be happy as an indoor cat If you feel you can give Socksy his ideal, well deserved forever home please call SUE on 020 8390 3165 or email Epsom Ewell & District Branch If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to
As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)
66 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Working Towards a Sustainable Ashtead Eco-parenting babies - reusable nappies, wet wipes and equipment As a new mother, of Daisy, who was born in November 2019, I thought I would share a couple of things you can do to reduce the environmental impact of having a baby. I can’t say I am an expert or perfect, this is just what I have learnt so far. Let’s start with nappies, which are a notorious baby-waste problem. Disposable nappies are so easy. But did you know, they contribute a massive 400,000 tonnes to landfill every year and make up approximately 2-3% of British household rubbish? However, it is not just the physical problem, disposables are bad for the pocket too. Before potty-training, it’s estimated a baby wears 2500 in year one and then between 1500-1800 in year 2 and 3, a total of over 4000 nappies, costing £1000 or more! On the other hand, a reusable set can cost you as little as £80 or up to £350, depending what brands you buy and how often you wash them. And if you plan to have more than one baby, reusables can save you thousands. I started with a trial kit from TotsBots and then purchased a range of nappies that worked for our family based on the trial. I usually wash them every 2-3 days. We do use disposables here and there, but I really am finding the reusables much easier than I thought. If you are not sure where to start, try borrowing a trial kit from Surrey Environmental Partnership to see what works for you but book early, I waited 6 months for the samples to arrive! Similarly, wet wipes are terrible for the environment and countless are used with babies. Using one pack of 64 a week at £2.49 adds up to £388.44 over three years. Why not try reusable ones? 40 terry towels would be only £40 plus laundry costs. A note, if you are using disposable wet wipes - whatever the brand - they are not flushable, even if they say they are. They block up sewers and cause overflows into our beautiful rivers. So please dispose of your wet wipes responsibly! Then we come to all the equipment babies use. There is a massive second hand market for baby goods, so why not see what you can reuse? We got our changing table, nappy bin, a baby bouncing chair, a playmat and lots more from Ashtead Freebay - a great Facebook group to share things for free. Check it out if you not on there already, people are so generous. Check out Facebook market place too, which sells second hand goods for great prices. We are really lucky locally with the B@titude charity on Kingston Road in Leatherhead, a shop selling good quality second hand baby’s and children’s clothes, toys, games and equipment. Also look out for Mum2Mum markets where you can pick up some great things. I hope this gives you some ideas, happy eco-parenting!!
Claire Dickenson For information about Transition Ashtead go to @TransitionAsh1 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
M D Edwards & Son
Kitchen, Bathroom, Wardrobe & Study supply & installation specialists
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SAS Roofing & Building Ltd SAS Roofing & Building offer a full range of professional and competitively priced roofing services We Specialise in: New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs Re-pointing Chimney Stacks • All Roof Repairs Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired New UPVC Fascias & Gutters • External Painting Moss Removal • All Work Guaranteed GRP fibreglass roof systems 20 Years Guarantee Durable & Waterproof Fire Retardant No Joints, Seams or Welds Maintenance Free UV Resistant
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We will create the garden of your dreams We plan, design and build stunning garden landscapes and outdoor areas. Let us create a special space for you and your family to enjoy. Our fresh approach and our expertise from creating award-winning gardens gives you access to showstopping designs, whatever the scale of your project. • Planting • Landscaping • Patios & Stone Work
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Friendly, reliable & professional garden maintenance. Grass Cutting
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useful numbers Ashtead Art Group 01737 357263 (Jenny Lister) Ashtead Bowling Club 01372 802421 (Pamela Bennett) Ashtead Cancer Group Ashtead Chess Club 01372 813487 (Richard Jones) Ashtead Choral Society 01372 278852 (Anne Bailey) Ashtead Community Vision 07530 373975 (Andy Ellis) Ashtead Cricket Club 01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane) Over 60s Lunch Club 01372 813276 The Arts Society Ashtead 01372 275605 (Pat Anderson) Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group 01372 279501 (Di Stirling) Ashtead Friendship Centre 01372 274288 (Don Butt) Ashtead Good Neighbours 07752 665066 Ashtead Horticultural Society 01372 373348 (Jennie Pilfold) Ashtead Library 0300 200 1001 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall 01372 272921 Ashtead Players/Young Players 01372 279614 Ashtead Residents’ Association 07804 026577 (Glynis Peterkin) Ashtead Squash & Tennis Club 01372 272215 Ashtead Tennis Players Club 01372 721104 Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild 01372 273948 (Di James) Ashtead Women’s Institute
01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Carers’ Support Mole Valley 01306 640212 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens’ Advice Bureau 03 444 111 444 Cruse Bereavement Care 020 8393 7238 Electricity (UK Power Networks) 0800 783 8866 (powercut info line) Epsom General Hospital 01372 735735 Fetcham Residents’ Association 07833 620 744 for all enquiries Fetcham Singers (ladies’ choir) 01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Gas (Transco) 0800 111999 (minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing 0800 371787) Howard Badminton Club 07711 563481 (Mike Guillem) The Arts Society Leatherhead 01372 278738 (Huw Jenkins) Leatherhead Choral Society 01372 376831 (Sue Foulsham) Leatherhead & District Angling Society 01372 377654 Leatherhead Helpshop 01372 363385 Leatherhead Community Association 01372 360508 Leatherhead Horticultural Society 01372 373493 (David Wells) Leatherhead Leisure Centre 01372 377674 Leatherhead Library 0300 200 1001 Leatherhead Lions Club 01372 274618 (Jim Malynn) Leatherhead Museum 01372 386348
78 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Leatherhead Residents’ Association 01372 813013 Leatherhead Theatre 01372 365141 Mid Surrey Community Mediation 07513 524241 Mole Valley District Council 01306 885001 NHS Helpline - 111 or Police - Non-emergency 101 Probus Club of Ashtead 07806 791774 (Steve Bridges) Probus Club of Leatherhead 07947 361406 (Jon McCarthy) Probus Club of Mole Valley 01372 878875 (Michael Brown) Rotary Club of Ashtead 01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce) Rotary Club of Leatherhead 07753 821964 (Simon Edmands) Royal Association for the Deaf 01306 881958 Royal British Legion Leatherhead/ Fetcham Branch 01372 811422 Samaritans - 01372 375555 Shopmobility Leatherhead 01372 362400 Surrey County Council 03456 009 009 (8am-6pm weekdays) Surrey Trading Standards 01372 371717 U3A: Leatherhead & District 01372 375756 Ashtead: 01372 274388 Fetcham 01372 453959 Trumps Bridge Club Leatherhead 01372 377124 Volunteer Centre Mole Valley 01306 640369 Water - Emergencies/general 01737 772000 Wildlife Aid 09061 800132 (24hrs)
We have two popular sessions of Rhyme Time every Thursday. 10am - 10.30am & 11am - 11.30am. Bring along your babies and youn ng children (0-5 years) for jolly singing and action rhymes. Free.
He is available every Wednesday between 10am and midday to help witth your computer queries. You can use a library PC or your own laptop orr tablet. Book a 30 minute slot with him at the library helpdesk, or ring 03456 009 009 opt 6 and ask for Leatherhead Library.
On our website page and/or twitter @LeatherheadLib for the latest library events. Or even better come in and see us whilst choosing your next books!!
Leatherhead Library is open 9.30am-5pm each day except Sunday and Monday. SHARE
ASHTEAD LIBRARY Woodfield Ln, Ashtead KT21 2BQ T: 0300 200 1001 E: W:
OPENING HOURS Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm Saturday: 9.30am - 5pm
Happy Easter to all our Customers. Are you aware we have a Digital Buddy every Thursday 2-4pm? A digital buddy is able to help with computer queries, using a library PC, your own laptop or tablet. If you would like any computer related help, then please book a slot at the desk or ring 0300 200 1001 and ask for Ashtead Library.
Weekly Rhymetime Session
This is a great opportunity to have fun with your baby/toddler through rhythm, actions and singing and introduce children to all the library has to offer. The Rhymetime session is available on Friday 10:15am for 30 minutes. Places are limited so please arrive eaarly.
Search for ‘Ashtead Library’ on Facebook and like our page to see what we are upp to and follow our Twitter account @AshteadLibrary for upcoming events and activities..
I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card - Laura Bush
Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
Let’s hope that when you read this we are starting to enjoy some warmer and drier weather. During warmer spells it’s tempting to leave your doors and windows ajar to let some air in, but a refreshing breeze may not be the only thing you invite into your house. Unwelcome guests such as opportunists and sneakin burglars could enter your property through these insecurities. Due to the seasonal increase in burglaries it’s so important to be extra careful during the spring and summer months. In three out of ten burglaries the thief doesn’t even have to break in, they gain entry through an open door or window. Burglaries have been known to take place when the home owners are in, or out in the garden. Surrey is one of the safest places in the country, but Surrey Police is continuing to crack down on burglary across the county. To ensure we keep burglary to a minimum, it is important that you take these simple steps to make it harder for opportunist thieves to get away with their crimes. Please ensure that when you go out, even for just a few minutes to see a neighbour or pick up the children from school, lock all doors and close ground floor and easy accessible first floor windows.
If you have an intruder alarm set it. When you lock up at night check that all ground floor windows are closed and preferably locked. If you have a bedroom on the ground floor and like to leave a window open for air, fit a security stay which allows ventilation with security. Also, it is traditionally a time when people go away for short breaks and holidays around Easter time. If you’re leaving your property empty, try to reduce any giveaway signs. Cancel deliveries, cut your lawn and ask a friend or a neighbour to pick up your post and generally keep an eye on your property. It’s always wise to be alert, but during the spring and summer months we all need to pay a bit more attention and check that windows and doors are secure when your home is unattended. It is possible to let the air in and still keep the burglar out!! Finally, if you’re planning to do any gardening, I would suggest that you mark any garden tools, mowers etc with some brightly coloured gloss paint, perhaps with your house name or post code. This can make items much less attractive to a would-be thief as the tools etc are much easier to identify as belonging to someone.
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Happy to do all the small jobs other plumbers don’t want!
M: 07889 219453 T: 01372 374326 E:
8 1 3 5 6 2 4 9 7 6 2 9 8 7 4 3 5 1 5 4 7 3 1 9 6 2 8 9 6 5 7 3 8 1 4 2 3 8 4 2 9 1 7 6 5 2 7 1 4 5 6 8 3 9 7 5 2 6 8 3 9 1 4 4 9 6 1 2 7 5 8 3 1 3 8 9 4 5 2 7 6 CROSSWORD PAGE 60
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5 6 7 2 3 1 4 4 2 9 3 4 7 1
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advertisers’ index A&D Cars ...........................................................60 Leatherhead Drama Festival .................................51 All Seasons Garden Maintenance .........................73 Leatherhead Podiatry ...........................................36 Amanda Fashions...................................................5 Leatherhead Tennis Club .....................................53 Ashtead Antiques .................................................23 Maggie May Therapy ...........................................31 Ashtead Bowls Club.............................................55 Maple Garden Maintenance.................................75 Ashtead Cobblers & Locksmiths ............................8 Margaret Spice - Counsellor.................................31 Ashtead Interiors .................................................17 MD Edwards & Son ............................................68 Ashtead Old Paths ...............................................49 Milner House Care Home....................................29 Ashtead Players....................................................51 MPS Garden & Estate Machinery..........................2 Ashtead Trees & Gardens .....................................72 New Glass ...........................................................71 Aspen Live in Care...............................................34 Orchard Cottage Dental Surgery..........................35 Astek Dental Centre ............................................31 Ovens 2 New.......................................................16 Bio-gym ..............................................................35 Pullen Plumbing Services .....................................72 Boardman, Gelly & Co........................................73 Ralls IT Hardware & IT Support .........................26 Bockett’s Farm .....................................................48 Roofcraft of Surrey ..............................................69 Bonnie Dogs Grooming Parlour...........................18 Roofs of Esher .....................................................71 Bookham Carpet Company .................................13 Roxley Models ....................................................15 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care ......................................21 SAS Roofing & Building Ltd ...............................72 BWB Builders......................................................77 Sexten Education .................................................57 Cairds Estate Agents ..............................................3 Suddies Kitchen Appliances ................................15 Carpets 4U ............................................................9 Surrey Home Vet .................................................19 Casson’s Framing .................................................58 Surrey PC Tech....................................................27 Ceramica Tiles .....................................................21 Surrey Police Commisioner Election ....................11 Classic Home Care Services .................................32 Surrey Roofing Group..........................................75 Contours National Hardscapes.............................70 Tec-Res Computers & Technology ................. 24/25 Cranleigh Aerials .................................................20 Tekmate Computers & Technology......................27 CT Cars ..............................................................61 Tendacare ............................................................31 Daisychain Preschool ...........................................56 The Brigette Trust ................................................33 Davis Property Maintenance ...............................16 The Grange Centre ..............................................30 DB Garden Services...............................................2 Tony Meadows Decorating ..................................77 Dream Doors.......................................................83 Tracy’s Ironing Services ........................................17 F Covey ...............................................................76 Tudor Property Maintenance ...............................81 Family Wills of Surrey..........................................19 TWM Solicitors.....................................................7 Fetcham Tandoori.......................................... 42/43 WA Truelove & Son Ltd .....................................18 Fire & Iron Gallery..............................................58 Wagging Tails ......................................................17 First Choice Cleaners Ltd ....................................20 Wild by Design ...................................................77 Garden Force.......................................................70 Wise Roofing.......................................................74 HRS Roofing ......................................................76 WP Dramatic Society ..........................................53 Jackie Quinn Estate Agents ..................................84 JD & Sons Building & Landscaping ....................74 Julie Watts Family Law ........................................20 © ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD LOCAL 2020 L Hawkins & Sons Ltd ........................................16 DESIGNED & SET BY WARWICK PRINTING 82 Ashtead&LeatherheadLocal - APRIL 2020
For a beautiful new kitchen...
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Moving couldn’t be Egg-cellent Easter House Hunt eastier ... Explore our collection of homes lovelyEgg-spert homes
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all lined up Easter is the perfect time to browse through a selection of lovely homes for sale and to let. Our friendly and experienced team at Jackie Quinn Estate Agents will give you the best professional property advice throughout the moving process. So if you’re thinking of moving this spring, we are here to help. Why not give us a call? 01372 271504
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