Local June 2018
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As we slide ever closer to the Summer, the exam season is getting underway. As well as this, the homecoming of many students from Universities has already started, resulting I expect, in lots of full and busy households locally. I await the imminent arrival of my own son from Leeds; it’s always nice to have him back to partly fill this empty nest for a few months. I expect he will be looking forward to a few home comforts, as you may have seen on the National News, his accommodation building, a tower block in Leeds city centre, flooded a few weeks back! So it’s been an interesting end of term for him. I think he has discovered the joys of ‘Sofa Surfing’! I wish our local student population all the very best with their summer exams. Do remember, you can only do your best, and at the end of the day, you will be fine! Ashtead Village Day is just around the corner; Saturday 9th June is the big day! It promises to be fabulous, with so many attractions lined up for your entertainment! As well as events in the Main Arena which will include Music, May Pole dancing and Camel Races, there will also be the well loved ‘Cherished Car Run’, Morris Dancers, vintage steam engines, balloon modelling, stilt walkers and a big favourite, the Dog Show! These are just a few of the listed attractions so do see our centre pages for more information. Let’s hope that the weather is kind. I am really looking forward to a fun packed day! Now then, on a slightly different note, how many of you enjoy a bit of a challenge? Do you fancy having a go at abseiling? An adventurous bunch from St Mary & St Nicholas Church in Leatherhead are organising this event to raise funds for their ‘Making History’ building project. If you are braver than me, and fancy joining in, do give them a call to find out more! You will find details within. I look forward to hearing all about it! A new Theatre group are coming to town this summer. We met local actor Graham Pountney who is also the Director of ‘Journey’s End’ and the founder of ‘Theatre Reviva’ who will be performing this touching play about life in the trenches in 1918. This production is to commemorate and mark the centenary of the end of WW1. Details for ticket bookings can be found on page 57. It promises to be a memorable tribute. It’s Competition time again folks. ‘The Dire Straits Experience’ are coming to G-Live in Guildford on the 22nd June. Why not have a go at answering the question? It should be a great night out! As always there is lots more local news for you to discover as you turn our pages this month, I hope you enjoy the read. Until next time do take care,
Ros Rudd - Editor
22 88
CONTENTS 76 8. 10. 12. 16. 22. 30. 34. 38. 40. 44. 48. 50.
Ashtead Residents’ Association Fetcham Residents’ Association Leatherhead Residents’ Association Leatherhead Sponsored Abseil Rotary Big Band Night Computer tips from Tec Res Leatherhead History Society Bookham Open Gardens Be in the Kitchen - Recipe Memory Book Story Ashtead Village Day Regular events
54. 55. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 62. 63. 63. 64. 65.
Head2Head Theatre What’s on in March? Hampton Ct Flower Show Only Half Way There Music on Thursdays Leatherhead Rotary Mole Valley W.I. Ashtead W.I.NG Ashtead W.I. Fetcham Village W.I. Transition Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild
6 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
66. 69. 72. 76. 80. 83. 84. 88. 90. 92. 93. 94.
Crossword puzzle Music Matters Local history article Boardman Gelly & Co June Book Reviews All Saints Cafe/Youth Club Sudoku & Digi-Search Gardening with Selina Mole Valley Police Notice Useful numbers Puzzle solutions Customer index
Tel: 01372 729555
Considering all the angles One of the many strengths we have at TWM is the wide breadth of experience and advice we are able to offer. This month local expert Chloe Smart discusses various circumstances in a property transaction where we can offer the added value of the input from another of our departments. When buying a property in joint names (particularly by unmarried couples or buyers who are not in a relationship) our property teams can advise on and prepare a Declaration of Trust which will specify the owners’ respective interests in the property, and how the net sale proceeds would be divided in the event of a sale. While a Declaration of Trust will cover the property itself, some couples may want to consider further protection of their other assets at this stage of their relationship. This may be by way of a Cohabitation Agreement or Pre-Nuptial Agreement (for unmarried couples), or a Post-Nuptial Agreement for those already married. Consideration of such financial arrangements is important, especially when one party is contributing significantly more than the other. Our Family team is able to advise on the suitability of such agreements and draft them to reflect the individual circumstances of each client. With the forthcoming tax changes in the buy-tolet arena, it may be worth considering purchasing any investment properties in the name of a company, or transferring an existing portfolio to such company. There will be pros and cons and this may not be suitable for all. Our Tax specialists can advise further as to whether this would suit your
circumstances, and if so, our Business Law team can deal with the incorporation of the company. Whenever you buy a property, consideration should be given to Inheritance Tax planning. It may be prudent to structure a purchase in order to mitigate the potential Inheritance Tax implications on death, or to consider purchasing the property for a trust so that it would fall outside your estate on death. Equally, at this stage, it is sensible to review your Will to ensure that it still reflects your circumstances, or put one in place if you do not currently have one. Lasting Powers of Attorney are also important, to ensure that someone you nominate can deal with your assets for you should you be unable to do so, whether through age, injury or illness. These are issues on which our Private Client team can advise. When buying a leasehold property, an important issue is the unexpired term of the lease. In some circumstances, it is necessary for a seller to commence a statutory procedure to extend the term and for the buyer to continue the process after completion. This is a very technical area and our specialist Enfranchisement team will be able to assist. Our property teams will be pleased to discuss such issues with you, and (where applicable) refer you to our relevant colleagues to ensure you have the best all round advice on matters that may flow from your transaction.
TWM Solicitors – Epsom 123 High Street, Epsom, Surrey KT19 8AU
Hedges, gravel and chippings Many residents in Ashtead have lovely well-established hedges that front their property. Now spring is here, these hedges are growing well, look spectacular and give the area our “Village” look. If you sense a “however” coming, though, you are right. Most people trim their hedges on the top and the garden side but many forget the side that grows over the pavement, quite often to such an extent that pedestrians have to take avoiding action to miss the branches sticking out and restricting the pavement width. So, when trimming your hedges, please step out to the front of your property and also trim back the hedge growth on the pavement side. Please spare a thought for the older passer-by who would rather not risk the uneven, wet verge to avoid the hedge, or those riding mobility scooters who risk getting stuck on a wet verge because of a restricted pavement width caused by an overgrown hedge. In a similar vein, the Residents’ Association received a request for assistance from a resident who regularly walks down his road to the shops. Many of his neighbours have attractive gravel or stone chippings in their drives and each time they drive out of their property, they leave some of this surface on the pavement outside. He feared one day he would turn over his ankle on some loose stones and take a heavy fall. At his request, we wrote to those houses, requesting
that they regularly sweep back the stones into their drives to keep the pavements clear. Many happily did so and were unaware of the hazard they were creating. We live in an increasingly litigious world with “ambulance-chasing” lawyers willing to seek compensation on a “no win no fee” basis. I am no lawyer and I don’t know if a householder would be liable in these circumstances, but better safe than sorry for just a few minutes sweeping on a regular basis. And lastly, as the warmer weather arrives, please be considerate to your neighbours, whose windows may be open or whose washing may be on the line, and choose your time sensibly if you plan to light a bonfire. Or better still, take the waste to the recycling centre and avoid the fumes going into the atmosphere. Ashtead’s 13th Annual Spring Clean Our thanks go to all the volunteers who made this year’s Ashtead Spring Clean a resounding success, with 80 bags of litter collected, plus the odd hubcap, fire grate and rusty bicycle wheel. Specific thanks go to the staff at The Brewery Inn for providing refreshments, Sean at the City of London Common Office and to Clive Stirling for their help including rounding up all the rubbish. Special thanks also go to the Scouts, Guides and Brownies who between them cleared litter from the Woodfield, the A24 and underneath the motorway bridge.
Data Protection Privacy Statement (also available to read on our website) By subscribing to membership of Ashtead Residents’ Association, you are agreeing that the Association may hold details of your name and contact details to maintain records of membership levels within roads and across the whole of Ashtead. The information held is not shared with third parties but enables the Association to calculate its level of membership in order to know the weight of voice that it carries when communicating with third parties, including District and County Councils, on behalf of Ashtead residents. Should membership be ended, all personal information held will be deleted from our records.
8 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
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This year’s AGM was again well attended, with a full church hall and nearing 150 residents in attendance. We were joined by a number of guest speakers: Daniel Elkeles, the Chief Executive from Epsom & St Helier Hospital NHS Trust, Councillor Colin Kemp of SCC Highways, Mohamed Rajab of Trading Standards, and Linda Tippelt, the Chairman of the Leatherhead and Fetcham Flood Action Group, all of whom gave brief updates, following which residents were able to engage with them on a one-to-one once the formal proceedings were completed. This new format of keeping the formal proceedings to a minimum and allowing as much time as possible to talk directly to us and our guests has proved very successful over the last few years, so if you missed this year’s AGM, please try and come next year! Full minutes of the meeting are posted on our website ‘Latest News’ page. The main and most recent issues for 2018 continue to be road repair and road parking. We will continue to compile all resident feedback on these subjects, submitting them to both Highways and to the annual MVDC Parking Review for consideration. The old Tudor Motors site appeal is progressing and we hope to hear the outcome in the next few months; however, you can see all Fetcham’s planning applications and their progress
10 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
on our website planning page which is updated weekly. The Fetcham Molebridge Doctors’ Surgery, now taken over by the IMH Group, has caused a lot of concern of late. They are trying to improve their communication to patients and their PPG (Patient Participation Group). So, if you are registered with the Fetcham practice and are not a member of PPG, we suggest you join. Finally, the Post Office. Having secured the village’s ongoing postal service, with its move to Sky Newsagents in The Street, there were a lot of happy residents. But it appears that, although the post office moved, the post box didn’t! So, please join us in our plea to get either the old box moved to the new location or a new box next to the new post office. An online complaint link is again on our latest news page of our website or you can write to Freepost ROYAL MAIL CUSTOMER SERVICES or telephone 03457 740 740. If you would like to receive regular email updates during the year, please JOIN & RENEW for 201819. Details are on the website membership page, with joining forms also at Symphony Travel in Fetcham. 07833620744 Susanne Taylor, Chairman
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Changes to our expectations?
required for this would seem to place it beyond all possibility. Mr Elkeles said that the money would come by bidding for funds from the Governments allocations for NHS capital expenditure. Refurbishment funds for Epsom and St Helier hospitals, on the other hand, could be realised through the sale of some land at Sutton. Many of those in attendance at this meeting werepreserving very sceptical about the playground possibility of thus the large lawn, and any improvement at all insothe current sports areas which provide much enjoyment. provision. Two years ago, the LRA conducted a small survey, regarding redevelopment of Red House Grounds, People rose in their seats to remind the which showed speaker that 91% suchagainst. discussions had already taken place some 20 yearssurvey ago, and thewhole MVDC is awaiting a traffic of the results had been negligible. However, area around the one park. valuable change has taken over theflag Thisplace survey may last couple of years andour that the the method fearisthat already by which bed blocking has been almost heavy congestion in the eliminated in Epsom. The team running it is roads around the park the “Epsom Health and Care Partnership.” would be now exacerbated A local doctor or a social worker to an and untenable degree. accompanies the consultant the nurse But, arriving at a plan when assessing future care of a (usually) with efficient traffic elderly person. This facilitates a safe return flow may prove been far too home with the necessary help having arranged beforehand. costly for Highways to even consider. All attendees were encouraged to fill in the
DANGER? On the 6th October, we in Leatherhead, with some guests from Ashtead and Bookham, were treated to a face to face explanation of how our local NHS CEO, Mr. Daniel Elkeles, is hoping that our hospitals willfront develop over next five to ten The page of the the Advertiser of 10th Mayyears. came
are two asThere no surprise to main many deficiencies, local residents. Transform maintenance of has theconsistently current buildings Leatherhead (TL) displayedand plans provision of adequate Acute care. A short to develop Red House Grounds (the park) which videomean revealed thereduced problems would a greatly opencurrently park space and experienced and Epsom. Mr. would also resultatinSt. theHelier loss of many of our precious Elkeles also stated that there is a lack of trees. The plan has been real, joined-up provision of Acute care Unit. aHe matter in to see a building of a said of he concern would like the background of TL single, modern Acute Care Unit where the for a while would now. be in wards having widely patients From thebeds viewpoint of spaced to prevent cross infection, the building of all, consultant level and,council, most important supervision 24/7.and retail, residences parking on land owned would be about where However the problem by it in this green area Epsom or Sutton. to site it – St. Helier, must seem an attractive Patients needing this kind of care are prospect. usually not too concerned about where they are taken their relatives who have to But local– it ispeople endure awkward journeys. For this reason, short questionnaire to guide future decisions must agree, and that by far the most popular site for our agreement is missing. Our AGM will be held on the Hospitals. residents would be Epsom. In general, Leatherhead on 4th June in the
(LRAofChairman) residents have chosen to live new here multi-purpose because it is a Letherhead InstituteCaroline at 7:30.Brown The CEO MVDC, The possibility of a brand Hanson (SDCCG) hospital was mentioned, thetown sumsby Karen Brimacombe, will give Gill small town. Toalso change the heart but of our a brief address, and adding tall brickwork would completely alter its Tim Jones will update us with the good news about lovely open character. Leach Grove Wood’s Village Green Status. IfHowever, you would likebetothat jointhe theconcern Leatherhead it may expressedResidents' Association in the Advertiser is premature. The 27th April fundraising RACE NIGHT, • Provide headline your name, address,There telephone number, and emailevent address is a public meeting on 24th May, when we may benefitting the Parish Church and the Leatherhead • Enclose your cheque for £2.50 for one year or £6 for three years payable to learn that the new road being considered for that Theatre Stars, was a big success. The LRA would the Leatherhead Residents' Association area will not split the park in two, nor will it run like to thank the businesses who sponsored races parallel send to theto: railway and necessitate the felling 67 or donated prizes, Leatherhead, as well as the 84KT22 lovely 8AH people Please LRA, Letherhead Institute, High Street, of a whole border of trees. Perhaps the attention who bought tickets, made donations and enjoyed Telephone: 01372 373 | Email: the will focus on Fairmont House and090 its car park area, evening. 12 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Shops & Services
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The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 13
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The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 17
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18 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
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20 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 31
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Photos shows the British Philharmonic Big Band, together with Frank Sinatra tribute act, Paul Holgate, at the sell-out charity concert organised by Leatherhead Rotary Club at Leatherhead Theatre on Thursday 12th April. The second photo shows the band’s leader, Andy Crompton (right), together with Leatherhead Rotary President, Gary Zabel
On Thursday 12th April 2018, a sell-out audience of over 500 music lovers of all ages attended a very special Big Band Concert at Leatherhead Theatre in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. Headline act at the event was the amazing BPO Big Band, an offshoot of the British Philharmonic Orchestra, who entertained everyone present with a wide range of swinging numbers from the giants of the big band genre, such as Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Stan Kenton and Buddy Rich. The band features some of the leading players on the UK jazz scene and is led by trombonist Andy Crompton, a huge supporter of Prostate Cancer UK, having been diagnosed with the disease himself in 2014. Supporting the band was Frank Sinatra tribute act Paul Holgate, who thrilled the audience with his fantastic renditions of Sinatra classics such as ‘Come Fly With Me’ and ‘The Lady Is A Tramp’, before having everyone on their feet at the end of the show, with a rousing finale of ‘New York, New York’! Special guests at the event included Councillor Simon Ling, Chairman of Mole Valley District Council, together with his wife, Cynthia, and a bucket collection at the end of the evening helped to raise almost £7,000
22 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
for Prostate Cancer UK, the Rotary Club’s current charity for the year. Rotary President, Gary Zabel, said that he was delighted with how well the event had gone and how much had been raised for his chosen charity, adding ‘We could probably have sold another fifty or more tickets had we had room, and people are already asking us to repeat the event next year!’ On average, one in eight men in the UK will develop prostate cancer at some point during their lifetime, with more than 11,000 dying annually from the disease. Prostate Cancer UK provides vital care and support through a team of specialist nurses and a wide range of services which are funded solely by donations. For further details, visit or call 0800 082 1616. Leatherhead Rotary Club meets at 7pm most Wednesday evenings at the Police Federation Headquarters in Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. For further information about the club and its wide range of social, community and fundraising activities, please visit or contact Simon Edmands on 07753 821964 or leatherheadrotary@
Shops & Services
Thinking hinking of moving f moving house? ouse?
OWNERSHIP We are main agents for ...but also supply a full range of all other makes and specialise in integrated appliances. We install all our appliances and do a free of charge home measure service. TheRotunda, Rotunda, 15-19 South Street, Dorking, 2LE.889978 Tel: 01306 889978 or 01306 742199 The 15-19 South Street, Dorking RH4 Surrey 2LE. Tel:RH4 01306 or Email:
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 23
GENERAL HOSPITAL Bess Harding MBE gives her personal views
On 13th April 2018, Tom Johnson at the Leatherhead Advertiser reported that a fifth of the site (land including buildings) at Epsom Hospital would be demolished and the land sold to generate £20.5m for repairs. If Epsom is to survive as a functional hospital, sufficient space must be retained for its essential function and for car parking. The land is not surplus to requirements and must certainly not be sold for housing. If one thinks of the thousands of dwellings the government wants built in the hospital catchment area, it is obvious that the demands on the hospital, GP surgeries, schools and sewerage, as well as much other infrastructure, will be very great. Bizarrely, we are told that infrastructure is “not a planning matter”. We do not want a down-sized hospital. Use social media to spread the word. Once sold, the land is gone forever and there will be nothing available for future expansion for your children and grandchildren. Our local representatives have failed to attend the routine Hospital Board Meetings; even those on the Health Liaison Committee do not attend to ascertain public opinion. Write to them now and ask why. Write to your MP, the Prime Minister and Surrey County Council. Epsom Hospital is surely worth fighting for. If you don’t act, you may lose it, so write that letter now before it’s too late. WH Smith and Marks & Spencer have moved into Epsom Hospital, replacing ante-natal, paediatric outpatients and the chest clinic. These companies are
24 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
supposed to bring in revenue to the Hospital Trust, but at what cost to space and facilities for patients? The CEO informed us that Ferguson House at St Helier was not fit for purpose; it was to be demolished to make way for a car park. Consequently, all managerial and other staff were moved to rented accommodation in East Street, Epsom. Now this ‘unfit’ building has been refurbished, providing a new out-patients’ department, a second CT scanner, a restaurant, a call centre for appointments and a new lift. How could an unfit building be so transformed? What can we believe? What happened to the government grant of millions? How much has been spent on each of the hospitals? The Chief Executive envisages a new acute facility, possibly located at Sutton, where all consultants will be based. Sutton is not easy to reach, roads are narrow and there are no direct bus routes. Due to its relatively favourable location, any new acute hospital should be at Epsom. There are already 2 other acute hospitals in the north of our area (St George’s and Croydon) in addition to St. Helier, and all are within 5 miles of each other. The Epsom Guardian says that no member of the public has been in contact about this problem, so please write and express your views to Hannah Walker: 0208 722 6395 or Sophie Jones: 0208 722-6431
Shops & Services
A multi award winning business
Give your dog the day they deserve! Acres of farmland
Swimming pools
0333 366 0098
Shops & Services
Heated cabins Barry O’Leary
Carpet & Flooring Specialist With over 38 years in the carpet and flooring trade, I can offer you an affordable, reliable and quality service, of which I am very proud. Carpet Carpet Tiles Karndean Moduleo Vinyl Wood Laminate
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Supply and fit all types of flooring No retail unit, no overheads References available Home visits with a wide range of samples to suit you • On-site visit to assess any sub-floor preparation
Please call or email me: T 01737 813260 M 07956 431 783 E
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 27 25
Shops & Services
Shops & Services
• Family Run Business • Private chapels of rest in Leatherhead • Granite and Marble Memorials
e, whether spouse or partner? At L. Hawkins and Sons Ltd, we understand how me, especially in old age? difficult it can be to cope with the loss of a loved one. on a formal document, or leave it to chance? Having served the local Surrey area from our current below and receive peace mind? premises since 1932,ofour reputation as compassionate
and sympathetic funeral directors in Leatherhead has
comes to you, at a time that suits, been built on experience, understanding and care. nings and weekends.
rvices include:
ting Powers of Attorney Trusts Probate & Estate Administration
ree no obligation consultation:
eczek Tel: 01372 374676
nted representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd., Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE Co. Reg. No. 7891401
Caring, Understanding Funeral Directors in Leatherhead
Make sure it all goes to plan
A funeral plan leaves nothing to chance and provides peace of mind for you and those you care about We recommend Funeral Plans from Golden Charter, with a pre-paid funeral plan you’ll benefit from: • Fixing the cost of our services included in your plan at today’s prices • Reassurance for your family – no uncertainty or difficult decisions • Complete flexibility to choose the funeral you want Call: 01372 372435
Highlands Road Leatherhead KT22 8ND GC-LIFT 19077 - 1117
LO V E R S !
I am looking to add to my existing team of genuine dog lovers who enjoy looking after dogs when their owners go on holiday. This does not have to be a full time commitment. Some of my carers only offer weekends or school holidays.You must be at home during the day with no more than 1 dog of your own, no children u6 yrs & have your own secure garden. Ideal for someone working from home, a school teacher or administrator, house person or retired.
Would you like a little extra income? Roz Bourne phone: 01372 453047 | 07969 196 227
26 31 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Shops & Services
E n g l i s h m a n ’s
C a s t l e
NOW ON DISPLAY 9 - 17 Church Street, Leatherhead (next door to the Theatre)
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday 9am-5pm
01372 375865
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 27
Win tickets to the acclaimed live show from former Dire Straits touring member Chris White at G Live Friday 22nd June.
Win tickets to see The Dire Straits Experience, the acclaimed live show from former Dire Straits touring member Chris White at G Live Friday 22nd June. Bringing back to life the music of one of the most creative and unique bands in rock music… Over 25 years have passed since Dire Straits disbanded, leaving a catalogue of some of the finest compositions and musical performances that the heyday of rock ever produced. If anything, their reputation has only grown with time. It was against the backdrop of a two-decade break and an increasing demand to hear one of the most dramatic songbooks in rock history played live again – that former members of Dire Straits, Alan Clark, Chris White and Phil Palmer formed The Straits for a charity show at The Royal Albert Hall in 2011. With the prolific Knopfler enjoying an incredibly successful solo career, Alan Clark called upon the singer songwriter Terence Reis to front the band in his absence. By the time The Straits ended, three and a half years later, the band had played more than 150 shows in 25 countries around the world. However, an invitation to play a series of shows in New Zealand and Australia saw Chris White and Terence Reis collaborating again for The Dire Straits Experience. Joining them is a stellar band of some of
28 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
the finest professional musicians the UK has to offer. Between them, they have worked with an enviable list of rock royalty that includes, amongst others, Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Sam Brown, Elton John, Joe Cocker, Nik Kershaw, George Michael, Jamiroquai, The Killers, The Waterboys, Mick Jagger, Tina Turner, Midge Ure, Albert Lee and Tom Jones. Chris White said; “In Terence Reis, I think we may have found the only person on the planet that is able to play and sing like Mark, but maintain his own integrity and identity. Because of his respect for Mark, Terence is able to perform these songs in a very honest way that allows his energy and talent to come through.” Friday 22nd June – Guildford G Live
A fabulous chance to win a pair of tickets to see The Dire Straits Experience at G Live in Guildford on Friday 22nd June 2018 for Ashtead and Leatherhead Local readers. Just answer the following question:
Who was the lead guitarist, lead singer and songwriter for the rock band Dire Straits? Email your answers and your magazine area to Closing date 14th June 2018
Shops & Services
First Choice Cleaners: Friendly, Local, Reliable
THIS SUMMER! Giant indoor play barn
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Regular Domestic Cleaning End of Tenancy Cleans Spring / ‘Blitz’ Cleans Carpet Cleaning Deep / Steam Cleaning
First Choice Cleaners Ltd is a family run cleaning business serving the local area since 2005. All work fully insured. We take pride in all work undertaken and believe that our strength lies in offering a friendly, flexible and totally reliable service.
01372 200492
Friendly farm animals
Water Wars splash zone
Panning for gold
Pony rides
PLUS A full programme of fun farm activities including pony rides, goat milking, pig racing and much more!
The Probus Club of Leatherhead very kindly invited us to join them for lunch on Tuesday 1st May in the very pleasant surroundings of Tyrell’s Wood Golf Club, Leatherhead, where they meet on the first Tuesday of each month. It’s a social group for retired men - no politics or religion! Each month, there is a guest speaker, and this month, Jackie Quinn, who has a very successful estate agency based in Ashtead, was speaking. Jackie entertained us with anecdotes about her estate agency business and spoke eloquently about her role as the current president of Leatherhead and District Chamber of Commerce and its role in the Transform Leatherhead project. Other speakers and topics have included ‘Horse Racing’ by an ex jockey, ‘Drones - Uses and Abuses’, and Bob Willis, exEngland fast bowler, gave a very interesting talk on his life in cricket. Last year, they had a sporting lunch with Rob Andrews, ex-England rugby international; also, a celebrity lunch with television star, Chris Tarrant,
which apparently proved to be a very interesting talk. Wives/partners/friends are welcome to come on visits, events and to special lunches. If you would like to enjoy an excellent lunch and join in some enjoyable conversations before listening to the speakers, contact Jon McCarthy on 07947 361 406 or email membership@probusclubleatherhead. for more information. You will receive a warm welcome. Our sources tell us that there is a very special talk coming up in October, so watch this space for more information. CELEBRITY SPEAKERS:
Bob Willis MBE
Chris Tarrant OBE
Rob Andrew MBE
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 29
Technology & I.T.
Brilliant Data Storage Solution
and other updates... 01372 370300
This guide about backing up our computers was written by Les Beer from Tecres in Leatherhead, which has been providing computer solutions since 1989. We love finding a solution that really provides a truly positive benefit whilst solving a multitude of problems, and we have come across a product that does just that. The backing up of our important data is a big issue, regardless of whether it is your business accounts and invoices, or your holiday photos and home documents. There are countless options to solve the problem: local disc, put them on the cloud, copy them on to CD disc when you remember, and so it goes… We have long favoured having a local networkattached storage drive (NAS), and then backing that up to the cloud. This solves two issues: 1. If a machine fails, you can have rapid access to your data. 2. If the unthinkable happens at home - a flood, fire or theft - your important stuff is safe at another location. We have been using the latest Synology NAS drive, which has 4 hard drives installed, configured in a Raid 10 structure, which means your stored data is copied onto all the drives, with the benefit that if one of the drives fails completely, your data is still safe and available for use. The particular model comes with some very effective software which can copy your data from your PC,
30 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
tablet or smartphone, synchronise it with the NAS, then the NAS can publish the pictures on the internet for you to share with your family and friends. By way of example, I have taken some pictures of TecRes and Leatherhead for you to enjoy and made the share on the NAS, currently connected at home in Effingham. If you would like to connect and view the pictures, please go on the internet to sharing/7FVbbAZWK TalkTalk Block We use remote control software extensively to support our customers, and as part of TalkTalk’s Internet Crime prevention, they have placed a block on all remote access software for their broadband customers. We can understand why they are taking the steps they are and feel that it’s a pretty good thing. However, it does cause inconvenience to some customers. You can remove this block by logging in to your TalkTalk account and disabling the “remote access block” (sorry, we don’t yet know the exact term TalkTalk uses, as we are not a TalkTalk customer, but I’m sure it’s quite easy to find). If you need any additional help, please do get in touch.
~Surrey’s favourite computer store~ 14 North Street, Leatherhead tel: 01372 - 370300 Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 5.30pm
JUNE 2018 OFFERS Factory-refurbished Lenovo Thinkpad T440 Ultrabook With high res 14” touch display, Core i7 CPU, 12Gb RAM, 256Gb SSD drive, dual longlife battery, Windows 10 Pro, full 2 year warranty
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ONLY £950.00 Synology network-attached storage drive Various models (without drives)
STARTING FROM £180.00 Lenovo V330 8th Generation Core i7 notebook With Intel Core i7-8550u Quadcore CPU, 8Gb RAM, 15.6” high res display 256Gb SSD drive & Windows 10
STARTING AT £790.00 Epson’s latest high performance home and office printer
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Full colour, up to 34 pages per minute printing, printer/copier/scanner/ fax, huge 5000 page ink system, 3 year warranty
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LOADS MORE SALE REDUCTIONS IN STORE Onsite & workshop repairs, upgrades, virus removal, data recovery
01372-370300 | | Retail store open Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm
14 NORTH STREET | LEATHERHEAD SURREY | KT22 7AW The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 31
Sport & Recreation for Disabled People
The Leatherhead Swans Club was established in 1975 and is now one of the largest multi-activity clubs for the disabled in the South of England. It provides opportunities for people with a range of permanent or temporary disabilities to come along, get together and take part in sport and recreational activities. Friends and families are always welcome. Activities include swimming, exercising in water, gym, indoor bowls, boccia, new age kurling, table tennis, and darts, as well as arts and crafts, bingo, drama and music workshops held in a clubroom environment, or just socializing and having fun. This enables members to make new friends, build confidence and gain independence. The sports, leisure and social activities are supported by an invaluable group of volunteers and instructors. The club also organises outings and many other social events. Leatherhead Swans meets for 40 weeks of the year
on Tuesday evenings, 18.30 - 21.30 at Leatherhead Leisure Centre. The club is closed over Christmas, Easter and during August. The club welcomes new members, volunteers or sponsors. As a registered charity, it depends entirely on charitable donations, fundraising, membership fees and corporate sponsorship to cover running costs and the costs of providing this service. The club has no paid officials. Contact details are shown below. Secretary: Elaine Lush 7 Redlands Cottages • Norfolk Lane Mid-Holmwood • Surrey • RH5 4EX T: 01306 875058 E: Web:
32 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Patron: Nicholas Owen
Registered in accordance with the National Assistance Act 1948 & Charities Act 1960 No. 273363 The Surrey Sports & Recreation Association for Disabled People
the going rate usually is.
Technology & I.T.
The Best Bargains
For the best online prices, it’s a really good idea to sign up to shopping sites’ mailing lists. There are often sales, flash discounts and other offers that non-subscribers don’t hear about, and in some cases the discounts can be very big: for example, New Look has offered £25 off orders and GAP has taken 20% off sale items and 30% off full-price styles. You could also sign up for a deals service such as Groupon, but beware: they send an awful lot of emails, and many of the deals are subject to limits in terms of availability and expiry. Whenever you see a supposed bargain on a product or service you can get elsewhere, it’s always a good idea to see what the going rate usually is.
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 33
Fetcham Scouts and Guides
The initial record of the 1st Fetcham Scouts appeared at their headquarters in 1941 when a small troop met in the Church Rooms. The St. Mary’s Cub Scouts was formed on 21st July 1945 under the Chief Scoutmaster, K.C. Benner, but when the Scout Troop rapidly increased membership, the Cub Scout pack merged with it. The Scout Troop built their headquarters in Cock Lane in 1956, the Group at this time comprising a Scout Troop, a Cub Pack and a few Senior Scouts. The building was opened by S.G. Blaxland-Stubbs OBE, the Scout President, 1954-1962. Since then, the Scout Group has expanded steadily and now has three Beaver Colonies, three Cub Packs, two Scout Troops and an Explorer Unit. Over the years, much equipment has been acquired, including a minibus, canoes, marquees and full camping facilities. The Group is at present intending to build a new headquarters on the site in partnership with Mole Valley District Council (www.1stfetchamscouts. The 1st Fetcham Guide Company was formed in 1938, though there had been a Brownie Pack previously. Wartime and post-war problems meant that it was many years before the Guides had a home of their own. This was finally achieved in 1978 when the Guide Headquarters in Cannon Grove was built, after much fundraising by Guides and parents alike. With the completion of the Guide Headquarters, the numbers in the next few years soared rapidly. Today, they offer places for Rainbows (5-7 years), Brownies (7-10 years), Guides (10-14 years) and Senior Section Guides (14-25 years). Until recently, the Trefoil Guild for ex-Guides used the Headquarters regularly, but now meets in various venues. Several former Guides of the 1st Fetcham Guide Company are among its members. Goff Powell Extracted from History of Fetcham – L&DLS Publication 1998 with updates.
For information regarding membership, lectures and museum opening hours, contact: Leatherhead & District Local History Society, Leatherhead Museum, Hampton Cottage, 64 Church Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8DP Tel: 01372 386348 Email: Website:
34 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Art, Jewellery Gifts Art, Jewellery & &Gifts
Fire and Iron Gallery
is delighted to present the steel and bronze artwork of
∗ Bespoke Framing
Striking floral and abstract interior wall art, bowls and free-standing sculpture
∗ Framed Originals & Limited Edition Prints ∗ Gifts & Jewellery ∗ Cards ∗ Ready Made Frames & Mounts
22 Bridge Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8BZ
Tel: 01372 377363
Fire & Iron is open Tues-Sat 10-5 Oxshott Road . Leatherhead 01372 386453
Launched in 2014, SHCR is a community based radio station run by volunteers with a passion for music and vocally supporting local organisations.
Happy Birthday from all at Look Local. Answers on page 45
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 35
“Hi everyone, my name is Shelby and I came in to care when I was found lost and wandering in a garden. I’m not sure how old I am but I think I’m only about one and a half. I’m a little bit shy of new people but once I get to know and trust you I am super friendly with an extra loud purr! I love to be brushed every day and made a fuss of and I’m getting used to being held. I’m just starting to get on my foster mum’s lap, so I think a lap will eventually become my favourite place to be. I would like to be the only cat please and also no dogs. No really small children if that’s okay. I’m hoping to have a garden to play in and I shall be a very happy kitty. Do you think I could be the one for you?” If you feel you can give Shelby loving forever home she so desperately deserves please call Rosemary on 01737 350307 Epsom Ewell & District Branch If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to
As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)
Health & Beauty
THE BEAUTY & SKIN CLINIC Facials Body treatments Waxing Make Up & Semi permanent make up Tanning Eye Treatments Hands and feet (including gels) Crystal clear non surgical face lifts Skin rejuvenation Body repair treatments (cellulite, stretch mark revoval etc) Monday Skin clinic Aesthetic treatments (Botox & fillers) by our medical practitioners
Opening offer of full set of silk eye lash extensions by the best eye lash technician in Surrey! £60 for June only!!
The Beauty & Skin Clinic on Ripley High Street, Surrey will be opening their doors on 1st June 2018 Ripley High Street, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AZ (FREE PARKING) 01483 222022
10% OFF your first treatment with this advert
‘The most advanced clear aligner system in the world’ “THE DISCREET WAY TO PERFECT TEETH” ‘MORE
01372 377 678
19, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, KT22 9LG FIND US ON FACEBOOK
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 37
Enjoy looking at some lovely gardens and pick up ideas in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere? In this our 13th year, we are featuring at least 12 varied and attractive private gardens, of which only one opened last year. Two of the gardens are opening for the very first time. In addition, Gracewell Care Home will open their gardens for the first time and we welcome back Manor House School, The Grange Centre (with its Victorian walled garden) and Little Bookham Allotments. We are following this year’s Village Day theme – ‘birds, bees, bugs and butterflies’ which is applicable to us too, for all our gardens are a haven for them. Find out more about individual gardens in the programme, which is available at our ticket outlets or can be downloaded from our website at Proceeds go towards the upkeep of our historic Old Barn Hall where delicious home-baked cakes, rolls and drinks will be served throughout the day. In addition, you can visit our plant stall, the Bookham Country Market stall and buy tickets for our raffle, with lots of great prizes kindly donated by local firms, people and organisations. Tickets: £5 in advance from the Old Barn Hall,
38 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Bookham KT23 3PQ (open Mon, Weds, Fri 9.30am-12.00pm); The Vineries Garden Centre, Lower Road (our main sponsors); Wishing Well, 7 High Street; Bungalow Stores, Beckley Parade; Barton’s Bookshop, 2 Bridge St., Leatherhead, or on Village Day, 16th June, behind the Old Barn Hall. Children under 16 free. Wheelchair users £3, carers free. Includes admission to all gardens and a free minibus service along the route. Regret no dogs, other than assistance dogs. On the day, tickets are £6 at the Old Barn Hall or at the first garden you visit. We would like to thank our kind supporters, those who donate raffle prizes (including The Leatherhead Theatre), our ticket sellers (including Peter at Barton’s), and the army of willing volunteers who help us on the day. For more information, visit look for ‘Bookham Open Gardens’ on Facebook, or contact Tina Hutton on 01372 457598 Email: BOOKHAM COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Registered Charity No. 1148881
Children’s services Our team of expert paediatric consultants offer a surgery service for children aged one and over and also provide a consultation only service for children in out-patients from birth. We provide a wide range of treatments in the comfort of a private hospital environment for both privately insured and self-funding patients. A GP referral letter is not always necessary.
Our children’s services include: • Dermatology • ENT • Gastroenterology • General paediatrics
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01372 803 821
BARBECUE LAMB FILLET WITH SUN-DRIED TOMATOES, BASIL & GOAT’S CHEESE Barbecue season is with us and this is just one of the recipes that I teach. Historically, this has been a men only workshop – but it doesn’t have to be! Delicious tender lamb, oozing with flavour, and fantastic served with griddled bread, home-made herby garlic butter and quick-roasted cherry tomatoes. Bring a gang down and learn how to make some wonderful new summer bbq food and check out the new raised beds brimming with organic veg!
Ingredients: Method: 3 lamb neck fillets (approx 1kg), trimmed of sinew 3 cloves garlic, crushed Freshly ground black pepper 125g mild fresh goat’s cheese 12 sun-dried tomatoes in oil, roughly chopped 12 large leaves fresh basil, roughly chopped 1 tbsp olive oil Ground sea salt 6 bamboo skewers soaked in water
1. Take one lamb neck fillet and carefully slit along one side, about ¾ of the way through. Open the fillet out so it is a long rectangle. Repeat for the remaining fillets. Cut each fillet in half so you have 6 ‘logs’. 2. Lay the fillets out on the work top. Smear the crushed garlic over the lamb and season with black pepper. Spread the goat’s cheese on top, followed by the sun-dried tomatoes and basil. 3. Fold over the meat and secure each fillet with a bamboo skewer. 4. Brush the olive oil over the lamb, season all sides with salt and pepper and refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes before cooking. 5. Preheat the barbecue. Clean the griddle with an oiled cloth. 6. Turn the barbecue to a medium setting. Place the lamb on the griddle and sear for about 3 minutes or until they have good markings (barbecue hood down if you can). Turn them over and repeat on the other side. Turn the heat down and continue to cook for a further 5-10 minutes. Test the meat with a thin metal skewer pressed into the centre of the lamb to see if it is cooked. If it is hot, the lamb is ready to be removed from the heat and allowed to rest for 5 minutes in a warm place before eating. 7. Remove the skewer & slice the lamb fillets into 5 pieces on an angle to serve.
40 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Shops & Services
Health & Beauty
• Well-Established Modern Practice • Fully Air Conditioned • Same Day Emergency Service • Cosmetic Dentistry including Tooth • • • •
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Dr Sue Taylor
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Phone Now for an Appointment 01372 363670 135 Cobham Road, Fetcham, KT22 9HX
Painful Painful Knees? Knees?
We offer aa wide wide range We We offer offer a wide range range of procedures to help of of procedures procedures to to help help you live life life to the the full. you you live live life to to the full. full. For more information about all of the above, please For more information about all of the above, please For information about all of the above, please visitmore our website: visit our website: visit our01372 website: or call 400 or call 01372 221 400 or call 01372 221 400 /Ashtead Hospital /Ashtead Hospital /Ashtead Hospital @HospitalAshtead @HospitalAshtead @HospitalAshtead
A FASCINATING WEDDING Copyright Sarah Lott, May 2018 | @thememorybook | facebook/thememorybook Ruth’s niece, Laura, was about to get married and there was no-one more excited than Sarah, Ruth’s young daughter, particularly after the recent national obsession with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding. Sarah had wanted to be a bridesmaid for as long as she could remember, and after an enthusiastic lobbying campaign (which included blatant spaniel-eyed pleading), a phone call took place, which answered all her dreams. The entire house was immediately shaken by glass-shattering squeals of delight, followed by a wild stomping victory dance up and down the stairs. The next few weeks were filled with endless discussions about colour, style and fabric. Would she be swathed in chiffon, satin or silk? Would the dress be a sophisticated shade of midnight blue, cerise pink or emerald green? Sarah even had a ‘Wedding Planner’ computer game and spent hours designing intricate wedding and bridesmaid dresses. There was one potential problem that was still to be addressed: Sarah hated wearing anything on her head. From a young baby, whenever Ruth tried to get any sort of hat on her, she’d immediately yank it off in protest. Ruth was convinced this loathing of millinery was genetic. Ruth loved hats on other people and had very fond memories of her father’s battered holiday panama, with a hole in the brim and an old school tie as a headband. However, her own head was surprisingly small and any hat immediately dropped to a comically low point, just in line with her eyebrows. Laura chose a beautiful shade of duck egg blue for her bridesmaids’ dresses, with a simple style and a cream trim round the waist. They were perfect. The only problem was the coronet of cream roses she
44 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
wanted Sarah to wear. The protests started as soon as they came home from the wedding dress shop. There was no way she was going to wear stupid flowers on her head and that was that. In a reckless moment of desperation, Ruth struck a deal with her wayward daughter. If Sarah agreed to the flower coronet, she’d wear a hat to the wedding and let her choose it. As soon as the words were out of her mouth she regretted them, especially when she saw the mischievous gleam in Sarah’s eye. Ruth was now at the mercy of her daughter’s questionable taste… The following Saturday, they went shopping and Ruth introduced Sarah to the world of millinery. Sarah screeched with glee as she forced her mother to try on pill box hats, wide brimmed hats, hats with flowers and hats with veils. Ruth was drowned by all of them. The sales Shops & Services assistant eventually took pity on her and pointed them in the direction of the fascinators. Sarah was enchanted by the delicate twirls of fabric, ribbon and feathers. She spotted one with diamanté jewels scattered among cream coloured silk flowers and she made her choice. If she had to wear a coronet with cream roses, her mum was going to wear matching flowers and sparkle like a princess. The wedding was a wonderful occasion. The bride looked stunning and Sarah looked completely beautiful as she beamed her way down the aisle. Ruth tried to avoid photographers and Ben smirked at the frothy concoction perched on his wife’s head. Fortunately, Ruth didn’t hear the comments her daughter was making to anyone who was prepared to listen: “My mummy’s fascinating at this wedding. I made her fascinating. Do you think she’s fascinating?” 32
Health & Beauty Health & Beauty Health & Beauty
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The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 45
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Health & Beauty
Free New Patient Check-up SPECIAL OFFER
David Burton. B.D.S. L.D.S.R.C.S. G.D.C. no. 53297 2 The Crescent, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8EE.
46 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Health & Beauty
How would you like to give something back to the community by becoming a school governor for an inspirational local school?
Woodlands School, Leatherhead, is an OFSTED outstanding school for pupils with special needs from 2 to 19. With brilliant staff, pupils achieve amazing things from the education Woodlands provides. Take a look at our website: We have a vacancy for a new governor, ideally with a current or previous background in business, finance, HR, project management or similar. The role of school governors is to set the strategic direction and to make sure money is well spent and resources meet the needs of the school. We provide challenge and support to the head teacher.The full governing body at Woodlands meets once a term.
There are also governor sub-committees. Woodlands also has an exciting building project about to start, which will enhance what we can offer the pupils. Governors receive induction training, so you needn’t worry if you have no experience of governance in education. If you would like to find out more, please contact in the first instance our head: We look forward to meeting you!
John Parker - Vice-Chairman of Governors, Woodlands School, Leatherhead - A Surrey CC maintained school
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 47
What’s on?
Friday 1st (monthly)
Friday 1st (monthly) Friday 1st
(weekly termtime)
Friday 1st (weekly)
Friday 1st (weekly)
Sunday 3rd (weekly)
Sunday 3rd (weekly)
Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, 10am - 12noon. ‘Lady with the Lamp’ - Florence Nightingale. Members pay an annual subscription of £5, & £1 per meeting (extra when a meal is involved) Members do not have to have been civil servants. For more information, contact Anne Thomson 01372 373258.
Soup Lunch held in St Michael’s Church Hall, The Marld, Ashtead. Homemade soup, bread and pudding, served with tea/coffee, between 12noon and 1.30pm, all for £5. In aid of Princess Alice Hospice, CAFOD (Catholic Fund for Overseas Development) and BESOM. Enjoy a great meal and raise funds for three charities. The Ark toddler, babies and their carers are invited for play, craft, songs, story and refreshments. Meeting at Christ Church UR 9.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. For more info, or email Morning coffee and scones served in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE. Prepared and served by volunteers to riase money to help run the hall. Martha’s Market 10.30 -11.30am Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. This lively market has everything on offer, including quality home-baked cakes, preserves, eggs, cards, crafts, sewing supplies, plants & bric-a-brac. We also serve refreshments. June 1st is the week for Fairtrade & Jigsaw Club, June 15th is the week for Hearing Aid checks & June 22nd features cake stands & tea cosies. Janine 01372 374914 Leatherhead Parish Church welcomes you to all its services. For full details of our May services and events, check out Leatherhead Methodist Church welcomes you to all their services. For more information, visit our website
Monday 4th (weekly)
We meet every Monday evening for rehearsal at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, at 8pm for 2hrs & tea. Any enquiries, please call 01372 278852, email Website
Tuesday 5th
U3A Fetcham outing to Mottisfont Abbey, see all the lovely roses. Contact Mary for more information.
Tuesday 5th (weekly - termtime)
Wednesday 6th (weekly - termtime)
Toddlers Group for 0-3 year olds with a carer. Toys, craft, singalongs and refreshments. Ashtead Baptist Church, 192 Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2LW. 10-11.30am. Newcomers welcome. Rosemary Bassett 01372 274666 Baby and Toddler Group in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall from 10 - 12noon. We look forward to welcoming all under 5s with a carer - opportunity to play and make friends. Just turn up, or contact Jackie 07764 686914.
50 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
What’s on?
Wednesday 6th (weekly)
Wednesday 6th (monthly)
Wednesday 6th (monthly)
Thursday 7th (weekly - termtime)
Thursday 7th (1st Thurs monthly)
Thursday 7th (monthly)
Thursday 7th (1st Thurs monthly)
Thursday 7th (weekly)
Thursday 7th (weekly)
Thursday 7th (weekly)
Thursday 7th (weekly)
Friday 8th (2nd Fri monthly)
Rotary Club of Leatherhead, Police Federation Headquarters, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. 7pm-9pm. Further info from Simon Edmands on 07753 821964
Ashtead WI, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. “Unexplained Mysteries & Cover Ups”, by Mrs Andy Thomas. Info: Sandra Brown 01372 276736 Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group, demonstration by Lucy Ellis “Four Weddings and a Competition” Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. 1.45pm - 4.30pm. Visitors welcome. Di Stirling 01372 279501 Ashtead Baptist Church Youth Groups every Thursday 5.15-7.00pm. Dynamite ages 7-11 years (games, craft, singing, tuck shop) £1 per wk. Blast ages 11-14 years (games, computers, snacks, drama) £1.50 per wk. Ashtead Baptist Church, 192 Barnett Wood Lane, KT21 2LW. Children can be brought & collected by a known adult, all staff are DBS checked. For more info, call 01372 202103 Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. Sue Atkinson ‘Made with Love’. Beginners and more experienced quilters welcome. Info from Marie-Louise Oldrey on 01932 865194 or Linda Keets 01372 374160. (Sue Atkinson Workshop to be held on the 8th & 9th June) Ashtead U3A, 2.30pm, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Speaker Squadron Leader Jim Barnes: ‘When I met the Dambusters’. Annual membership £12. For more information, phone 01372 273690 or email Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. 1st Thursday of the month. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institue, £5.00. Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844 The Rotary Club of Ashtead meets 7.30pm for dinner at The Cock Inn, Church Lane, Headley, KT18 6LE. Visitors welcome. Contact Brian 01372 275860 Ashtead Over 60s Lunch Club meets every Thursday in the Ralli Room APMG for a freshly prepared hot lunch and dessert. Doors open at 10.30am for a cup of tea or coffee. More information, call Brenda (chairman) on 01372 813 276 Sequence dancing, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, Church Road, KT22 8BD, 7.45pm-10.15pm. For more information, contact Mrs Gibson on 01372 374160. Ashtead Bowling Club, free coaching sessions for beginners on Thursdays at 2.30 & 6.30 lasting about 90 mins. Just bring a pair of clean flat-soled shoes. Bowls of a suitable size provided. Club pavilion, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BJ. Contact Mike Bradford on 01372 273142 to arrange a session with one of our coaches. Ashtead Friday Market, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 9am-12.30pm, free entry. Lots of stalls, cakes, jewellery, plants, collectables and much more, for the RNLI
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 51
What’s on?
Fri 8th & 22th (every 2nd Friday)
Sunday 10th (2nd Sun monthly)
Monday 11th (2nd Mon monthly)
Monday 11th (2nd Mon monthly)
Monday 11th (2nd Mon monthly)
Tuesday 12th
Wednesday 13th (monthly)
Wednesday 13th (2nd Weds monthly)
Thurs 14th & 28th (2nd & 4th Thurs - termtime)
Monday 18th (3rd Monday)
Fancy some time for you? Treat yourself to a little OASIS. All women aged 20-50 years are welcome to a fortnightly get-together at St George’s Church, Ashtead. Meeting from 9.15am to enjoy coffee, tea & homemade cakes whilst discussing topics of interest to women. This term, they explore lifestyles & society have changed over time.
An evening meeting is held on the second Sunday of each month at Park House, Randalls Road Leatherhead, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship, focusing on silence and stillness. For more info, contact Catherine Carr (01483 283693) or Leatherhead branch, Royal British Legion, Women’s Section, Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Road, 7.00pm on the 2nd Monday of the month. Interesting speakers & events. More info or to book, contact Jane 01372 811422 Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30 for 8pm. ‘Wizard of Oz’ by Eric Martin. For more information, contact membership@ or web Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis and/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT 23 3PQ at 7.30pm. Contact details on website or just come along. Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, The Street, KT22 9QS. Gill Harris ‘40 years of Quilting’. 7.45pm. For more info, email Meriel Sexton on An illustrated talk about Thomas Heatherwick, whose iconic work included the Cauldron at the London Olympics in 2012, will be given to The Arts Society Leatherhead at 7:15 pm in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, KT22 8BD. Guests are welcome, £5 at the door: please contact or John Andrews on 01372 373083. Tylney Lunch Club for ladies, Leatherhead Leisure Centre. Three course lunch followed by a speaker, memberships £10pa & £16 for lunch. For more info, contact Pat Date on 01372 454879 Revive Youth Club (7-11yrs) Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Road. For more info: or The Probus Club of Ashtead is the local club for retired professional & business men looking for a good lunch, interesting talks & congenial company. We also arrange ad hoc pub lunches, visits & informal walks. New members are always welcome. We meet regularly on the 3rd Monday of each month at Tyrells Wood
52 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
What’s on?
Golf Club. Upcoming & recent talks are listed on our website. For more info, visit or contact Peter Waterhouse on 01372 272595
Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th (3rd Weds monthly)
Thursday 21st (3rd Thurs monthly)
Thursday 21st (3rd Thurs monthly)
Sunday 23rd (4th Sun monthly)
Tuesday 26th
(4th Tues monthly)
Weds 27th (monthly)
The Arts Society Ashtead lecture, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Juliet Heslewood BA MA - Angry Young Men: the Pre-Raphaelites. Anyone on the waiting list for membership is welcome to attend, £5 payable on door. Pat Anderson, Membership Secretary, email or 07958 560707 Ashtead Friendship Centre, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 2pm. The Olsanska Tram (which started a novel) by John Chamberlain. Contact Don Butt 01372 274288 Leatherhead U3A AGM and monthly meeting in United Reformed, Church Hall, Epsom Rd. 2.00pm. The speaker is Neil Sadler whose talk is entitled “California Dreaming – San Francisco and Alcatraz to Grand Canyon via Route 66”. The U3A welcomes anyone no longer in full time employment or raising a family. For more info, contact or visit to find out about opportunities to pursue an interest and to make new friends. Messy Church (ecumenical)- after school activities. An after school event for all the family (all children to be accompanied by an adult). 3.30pm until 5.30pm at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Road. For more information: www. or email: New Fire contemporary worship (ecumenical) held at All Saints Cafe, Kingston Road. Coffee from 6.00p.m. Worship 6.30 p.m. “The pun is mightier than the sword” - Ralph Jerram, Fetcham U3A 2.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall off The Ridgeway. Visitors & new members welcome. Contact 01372 453959 or visit Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild, Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Ln, Ashtead KT21 2BE. 7.30pm. Speaker Vic Quale ‘Adventures in Namibia - 1st on the Left Above South Africa’ . For more info, contact Di James on 01372 273948.
Friday 29th
Ashtead Art Lovers, 11am & 7.30pm: The Art of Sicily: from Ancient Greece, Arab settlement to the Normans, Sicily has it all. We will explore who came, for how long and their artistic legacy. £10 inc refreshments. 01372 272235 or email to book. Numbers limited.
Thurs 28th
Open meeting of the Ashtead Cancer Group, a support group for cancer patients, their families, friends & carers, providing support. Free. 7.00pm-9.00pm St George’s Christian Centre, Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead. Workshops and occasional speakers. Call: 07843 620295 email: or visit us online at:
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 53
Head2Head Theatre
Head2Head Theatre, a small local charity serving the special needs’ community with fun family holiday activities, has been seeking volunteers and, like buses, they have all come at once. A large group of volunteers from Fidelity International, based in Kingswood, descended on the charity’s storage unit in Dorking. Armed with feather dusters, mops, buckets, vacuum cleaners and paint brushes, the team tackled the spider-ridden hut and turning it into a gleaming storage unit. It was the hottest day of the year and, with all the windows painted shut, the group sweltered in the heat but stayed until they had finished the task. “It was inspiring to see”, said Anni Rhodes-Steere, a fulltime volunteer for the charity. “They scrubbed and painted and had great fun moving some of our sensory props, their favourites being a mangle and a battering ram. They are a great example of what big corporations in this area can do for small charities such as ours.” The Leathersellers Company Charitable Fund has given the charity a grant to cover the first 6 months’ rent of the unit but the charity is urgently seeking funding to continue its rental. “The storage unit is
54 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
vital”, said Anni. “Previously, our volunteers stored our multi-sensory props, costumes and sets in their attics, garages and garden sheds. Whenever we started a new production, it was a nightmare pulling all the necessary pieces together. Now we have everything under one roof … and there’s even a little space for rehearsals, which is an added bonus.” The charity will be performing ‘Peter Pan in a Pickle’ at Sherwood Park Special School, Wallington, on Thursday 31 May and Friday 1 June - full details are on their website: family-holiday-activities/ The activity is open to families of children with special educational needs and disabilities or lifethreatening or life-limiting conditions. It provides a half-day of family fun with a walkabout, interactive, multi-sensory show plus lunchtime activities (sensory tent, craft & games). Anyone wishing to book should contact Anni on 01372 278 021. The charity is grateful to Kisiel Group for providing some of the funding needed for this event but still needs to raise £850 to cover its costs.
What’s on?
Saturday 2nd
Local musicians from Epsom Symphony Orchestra present Tchaikovsky’s virtuoso 2nd Piano Concerto at their season finale concert at the Epsom Playhouse, 7.30pm. They will be joined by international award-winning pianist Masayuki Tayama. Also featured is Brahms’ beautiful and melodic 2nd Symphony and Weber’s charming and vivacious Oberon Overture. Tickets cost £15 (£13 senior citizens and students, £5 children). Epsom Playhouse Box Office: 01372 742555 OR Charity
Friday 8th
Free summer concert with collection for a local charity, 7.30pm. Come & enjoy songs from pop-gospel-musicals and more! Featuring Soundbytes, The Decibelles & 3’a A chord. Elizabeth Green Hall, Manor House School, Manor House Lane, Little Bookham, KT23 4EN. Contact: 01372 278016 or
Monday 11th
A flower arranging evening with Karen Fox from Bride and Bloom Floristry at the Oddfellows Lounge (Oddfellows Hall) Dorking High St, 7.30pm. Karen Fox will be returning to show more of her work & guide you to make your own small table centre with seasonal flowers & herbs to take home. Refreshments served. Admission £3.00 Oddfellows members free. All materials provided. Please contact Jenny at the office on 01306 877 792 or E. for more details and to book.
Friday 15th
Quiz Night at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.30, with doors opening at 6.45. A chance to pit your wits against Mark, our excellent quiz master. Tickets £10 (to include refreshments) to help raise money for the Hall Roof Fund. There will also be a bar & raffle. Tickets available from the Hall Office – 01372 272921, Graham – 01372 272077 or Di – 01372 279501.
Saturday 16th
Ashtead Choral Society presents “English Music for A Summer Evening” at St George’s Church at 7.30pm.Tickets £14, under 25s £7; box office 07379 427666. For more information, please see
Friends of Ashtead Village Hall, 3 course dinner followed by a talk on the ‘Royal Jubilees’ by Graeme Payne 6.30 for 7pm. Tickets £22.00 available from the Friday coffee mornings, the Hall Office Wed/Thurs/Fri mornings, or from any committee members. Bookham Choral Society is presenting its summer concert, ‘American Songbook’, at
Sunday 8th JULY 2018
Manor House School, Bookham. The gates open at 3.00pm & the concert starts at 5.00 pm. Tickets £12, u18s £6; Box Office 01372 375644, or from Cascade, High Street, Bookham.
Sunday 15th JULY 2018
Fundraising barbeque to purchase equipment for EGH. The Epsom Club, Church Street Epsom, 1pm - 5pm with live music from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s era, and a licenced bar. Tickets: £22. All welcome, but The Epsom Club does not permit children. For tickets, contact: Bess Harding on 020 8337 8181. Tickets in advance only.
If there’s an event in July that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.4) before Monday 11th June 2018. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.
The Grange Summer Fête Come back to the 80’s with us!
It’s 80 years ago that we started supporting people here in Bookham at ‘The School of Stitchery and Lace’. To celebrate, we’re holding a 1980’s themed fête at our site in Rectory Lane on 14 July. With classic cars, entertainment, sideshows and a party it’s a day you won’t want to miss. Admission is free – so mark the date now!
Come and celebrate with us... Dress to impress (80s style if you like)! Date: Saturday 14 July Time: 11am–3pm The Grange, Rectory Lane, Great Bookham KT23 4DZ. The Grange provides high quality housing and training opportunities for adults with disabilities. Registered Charity No 207740.
01372 452608
in association with
by R. C. Sherriff Directed by Graham Pountney
“A sublime play…a corkscrew of tension, emotion and drama.” Matilda Battersby, Independent
A potent and unflinching vision of life in the trenches in 1918 to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War 1.
In support of
The Leatherhead Theatre Saturday August 4th 7:30pm
Supported by
Sunday August 5th 3:00pm & 7:30pm Box Office tel: 01372 365141 This amateur production of “Journey’s End” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH LTD.
The Lifestyle Gardens In this year marking the centenary of votes for women, the RHS is celebrating women in the industry. Four Lifestyle Gardens, each geared towards a different hobby or way of life, have been designed by up and coming female designers who will provide plenty of ideas for visitors to grow a garden they love. ‘The Health and Wellbeing Garden’, designed by Alexandra Noble, encourages visitors to move along a continuous path that loops around with no start or end point to inspire a sense of being in the moment. All plants selected have medicinal, edible or fragrant properties to heighten the senses. Creating a space ideal for socialising, Anca Panait has designed ‘The Entertaining Garden’. Inspired by the popular spirit, gin, the garden will see a range of traditional and more unusual botanicals alongside a bespoke outdoor bar for entertaining on a long summer’s evening. ‘The Style and Design Garden’ by Ula Maria combines style & design, creating a contemporary interpretation of an orchard in an urban setting, inspired by an antiquarian’s eccentric lifestyle, world travels & passion for antiques. Lilly Gomm’s garden will be fun, functional and familyfriendly. ‘The Family Garden’ is a space to live life, for adults to unwind and children to explore. The design will be relaxed & will immerse visitors in nature, with much of the planting chosen to support & attract
58 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
wildlife while providing a space to learn more about the environment. Show Gardens Steve Dimmock and Paula Holland present ‘The RNIB Community Garden’, a sensory experience to celebrate RNIB’s 150 years & inspired by Dimmock’s own temporary sight loss. A safe & accessible space, it creates a sense of unity, rather than the isolation often associated with sight loss. ‘The Children with Cancer UK in collaboration with Mr. Men / Little Miss Ltd’ have joined forces to showcase the charity’s work over the past 30 years. Designer Emma Reed sets the garden within the home of the Mr. Men characters to highlight the resilience and emotional experiences of families living with cancer. Other highlights include ‘The South West Water Green Garden’ by newcomer Tom Simpson which showcases the sustainable management of rainwater, and Rhiannon Williams returns with ‘The Landform Garden Bar’ which embraces a modern alfresco lifestyle. The RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show will run from 2 – 8 July with a Preview Evening held on Monday 2 July. For more info or to buy tickets, visit: We are delighted to announce the winners from last month’s RHS completion, each of whom win a pair of tickets to go to this year’s RHS Hampton Court Flower Show. Sam Wyeth, Julie Welby, Margaret Berner, Natasha Scott, Helen Davy.
One woman’s journey of calligraphy, cancer, colour and caring.
Janice, whom I have known for many years, is a real whirlwind of energy. She lives her life at such a pace that although I thought I knew a lot about her, I realised that I really didn’t. Well, not the details, anyway. She is never one to dwell on things, so you can’t either. Although I knew the headlines, some of the details were lost as she moves onto the next part of her journey and sweeps you along with her. What I have always known is that she is kind, caring, deeply spiritual, interesting and interested, knowledgeable, motivated and motivating, charismatic, energised and energising and only gives 100% to everything she does, be it learning calligraphy or beating cancer or caring for and about people or writing a book! Her book “Only Halfway There” is a brief snapshot of her life, the highs and lows, funny stories and interesting facts, including her decision to go to
university at the age of nearly fifty to study for a degree, teaching adult education, her diagnosis of cancer, her brush with royalty, amazing commissions for her work, learning new skills to help people with cancer and training to be a colour healer and holistic practitioner. In true Janice style, the book of Janice moves quickly and so is only a few pages long. The rest of her book is filled with inspirational prose, poems and examples of her work. Moreover, it leaves you smiling. Enjoy! Only Halfway There is available to purchase from Wishing Well, 7 High Street, Bookham, for only £7 and all the proceeds go to Breast Cancer Now (formerly Breakthrough Breast Cancer). A book launch will also take place on 30th June, 10.30 3.30pm at Barton’s Bookshop in Leatherhead.
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 59
What’s on?
Ashtead Choral Society Saturday 16th June 2018 at 7.30pm
John Rutter SPRIG OF THYME English Part Songs St George’s Church, Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead KT21 2DA Tickets £14 unreserved, 25 years and under £7 Telephone: 07379 427666
Music on Thurs at LMC - Weds at Christ Church - -
Thursday 7th June at 12.30 lunchtime Djumash Poulsen, violin, & Varinia Oyola Rebaza, viola, courtesy of the Royal Academy of Music Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, KT22 8AY
Thursday 14th June 12.30 lunchtime Alice Bishop, soprano & Simon Marlow, piano
Christ Church, Epsom Road, KT22 8ST Thursday 28th June 12.30 lunchtime FRC Abingdon Wind Quintet flute • oboe • clarinet • bassoon • horn courtesy of the Royal Academy of Music Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, KT22 8AY
Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, KT22 8AY
Wednesday 20th June 12.30 lunchtime Guest organist: Timothy Guntrip, organist, Stag Montem Chorem; Director of Music, St Denys, Rotherfield, E Sussex; accompanist Crowborough Choral Society
60 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
All these concerts are free to enter, with a retiring collection to cover costs. Tea & coffee are available after each concert, & both churches have level access throughout (including the toilets) which makes life easier for wheelchair users. For concerts at LMC, it is best to park in the Swan Centre multi-storey, just 5-7 mins walk from the church.
(The photo shows Peter Kleyn (left) with Gary Zabel, President of Leatherhead Rotary Club)
On Wednesday 2nd May 2018, around twenty members of Leatherhead Rotary Club attended the club’s weekly meeting at the Police Federation Headquarters in Highbury Drive, Leatherhead, to hear fellow Rotarian, Peter Kleyn, give an excellent presentation about the Rotary Retro Automobile Fellowship. Mr Kleyn, the current chairman of the Fellowship and also a member of Woking District Rotary Club, explained how the Rotary Retro Automobile Fellowship had been formed in 1995 and now boasts a membership of over 120 classic car owners throughout the UK, all of whom are also a member of their local Rotary Club. As well as supporting and attending a wide range of classic and vintage car shows throughout the UK, the Fellowship also organises at least one Grand Tour
each year, either within the UK or on the continent, and Mr Kleyn himself will shortly be setting off on a very special Purple4Polio Grand Tour around the UK from Monday 21st to Thursday 24th May, to raise awareness of and raise vital funds for ‘End Polio Now’, Rotary International’s global polio eradication campaign. For further information, please visit www. Leatherhead Rotary Club meets at 7pm most Wednesdays at the Police Federation Headquarters in Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. For further information about the club and its wide range of community, fundraising and social activities, please visit follow them on Twitter at @LHRotary or contact Simon Edmands on 07753 821964 or leatherheadrotary@gmail. com
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 61
This evening, our speaker, Tim Mooney, gave a most interesting and entertaining talk on ‘Dr Samuel Johnson and his “slave”’. Tim painted a picture not only of a man whose way with words became legendary but also gave an insight into his life in general. We enjoyed his talk immensely. Mole Valley continues to be a very active WI. At our homecraft meeting, we learnt how to make paper flowers and we went home clutching the fruits of our labours. As usual, a very sociable evening with lots of laughter!! We are looking forward to outings this year, including an evening at RHS Wisley – one of the opportunities to celebrate the Centenary - to Hever and to Portsmouth and Gunwharf Quays.
Our many groups continue to flourish – gardening, Scrabble, rambling and more besides, and as usual, our monthly meetings have some really interesting and entertaining speakers. As you can see, we pack a lot into our WI. We are a very friendly group and would love to see anybody who thinks that they may like to join. If you would like to just come along one evening to see what we get up to, you would be more than welcome. Our next meeting is on 12th June at 7.45pm when we will be hearing about 40 years of quilting at Fetcham Village Hall at 7.30pm (7.45pm start) on the second Tuesday of the month. Perhaps visit us on the website? www.molevalleywi.
Ashtead WIng is a new modern generation of WI. We meet on the second Monday of the month from 8pm to 10pm in Ashtead Baptist Church Hall. We have a varied and exciting programme of speakers and events at our meetings. So far this year our speakers have included representatives from the Woodland Trust and Greenpeace and also a highly informative talk on gut health! Our special interest groups are very sociable and very popular with our members. They include a Craft group, a Foodie group, two Book Clubs, a Walk & Talk group, a Theatre group, a Days Out group and more! New members and guests are always welcome and we look forward to seeing you at a future meeting. For more details, please visit our website or contact us via email.
Email: Website: 62 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Our co-president, Marilyn Belton, welcomed everyone, including 2 new members and 4 visitors to our March meeting. Sadly, Marilyn told us of the death of one of our long-standing members and W.I. enthusiast, Audrey Duck, whose recent funeral was well attended by her W.I. friends. We were pleased to hear that our very good committee has planned some outings for the coming months which we can look forward to in the better weather. Our recent enjoyable coffee morning raised useful funds for our Institute, where we were pleased to able to catch up with other members who we cannot always see at our meetings. This evening’s excellent speaker was Dr. Judy Hill, telling us about the remarkable life of Bess of Hardwick, born about 1527 of gentry stock and living to the age of 80 - quite an achievement in Tudor times. Bess was married 4 times, increasing her status
considerably each time, and had 8 children with her second husband, Sir William Cavendish, who built Chatsworth House for her. This line continues through to the current Duke of Devonshire. Bess was extremely astute in her dealings with her properties and household accounts, as existing records clearly show. She was widowed aged 30, then married Sir William St. Loe, which brought her into the Queen’s circle. Her fourth husband was the Earl of Shrewsbury, the premier English earl and the richest man in England. In 1590 at the great age of 70, Bess started to build the new Hardwick Hall, a building showing her very considerable wealth at the time. After refreshments, our evening finished with details of our sub-groups, our monthly lunch and our popular raffle. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 6th June, the speaker will be Andy Thomas on ‘Unexplained Mysteries and Cover-Ups’.
The April birthday celebrations started by toasting our 63 years and remembering absent members, wishing them well. A display of the newspaper editorial for the inaugural meeting in 1955 was framed for all to read. Main agenda was concise and interesting. The Secretary read out the delegates report of the Surrey Federation Annual Council Meeting; several events were noted and discussed by the Treasurer. Reminders of dates for the popular knit and natter and our yoga class were noted. Also, the Surrey Centenary celebrations and our input were brought up to date. We were entertained by harpist
Margaret Watson, a return visit for this enthusiastic and charismatic lady who stayed on with us to enjoy a tasty committee supper, an Easter-themed trivia quiz, and she won the first prize in our raffle. We welcomed visitor June, and look forward to more new faces on the first Wednesday of each month, 7.30 pm in the Rumble Room at Fetcham Village Hall. Next month’s meeting includes a resolution vote, followed by Mrs. Emma Macfarlane talking about her climb of Mount Kilimanjaro. There will be a bring and buy sale, together with the regular ‘pocket money’ books and hand-crafted card stalls.
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 63
Working towards a sustainable Ashtead WHAT’S IN STORE FOR BATTERIES? In the move to more sustainable energy use, batteries are amongst the technologies that will change rapidly over the next ten years. Lithium-ion batteries have become almost commonplace in consumer products, such as smartphones, wifi speakers and electric cars, as prices have plummeted. And that trend is accelerating as we head towards exponential growth in both electric and hybrid cars (it is projected that over half the cars produced in 2040 will be electrically powered). However, vehicles are not the only potential growth area for batteries. This year, the US Electricity Regulator allowed battery storage facilities to bid (from 2020) to supply electricity into the mains power grid! The companies involved are proposing to build massive battery systems that take surplus electricity from renewable sources and store it until it is needed on the grid in competition with conventional power stations. The US company Tesla has just commissioned such a system in Australia. It provides back-up to the electricity grid when there is a downturn in power from renewable installations that now dominate the supply system there. There are questions about the worldwide availability of lithium to supply the projected demand, and also questions about the safety of lithium batteries when they are required to meet enhanced battery charging rates. Current batteries have a life expectancy of only a few years, as there’s a limit to how many full charges such batteries can take. There are many possibilities for development beyond lithium batteries, including exotic material such as graphene and supercapacitors. Some novel technologies are targeting large-scale energy storage,
64 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
rather than portable devices and cars: for example, in “flow” batteries, the components are liquids, rather than solid as in other batteries. The advantage of this is that the stored energy is directly related to the amount of liquid. That means if more energy is needed, bigger tanks can be fitted to the system. Whatever “whizzo” solutions are developed, we will need to become a lot better at recycling batteries, as a recent UK poll revealed that more than half of respondents threw dead batteries into the bin. This results in millions ending up in landfill, with the potential to leach toxic materials into the groundwater. For sure, rechargeable batteries are classed as hazardous waste and should never be put into domestic waste bins. All batteries eventually die, and when scrapped, should be recycled. Some large stores have recently backed a drive to improve the recycling of dead batteries and aim to provide better visible collection points in store. The UK used to send lithium batteries for recycling to mainland Europe, but recently, two facilities have opened here, both with sufficient capacity to allow the UK to become self-sufficient, but for how much longer? Locally, MVDC takes all small batteries if packaged separately and placed on top of the weekly bin collection, and the Randalls Road waste facility also has good battery collection bins. Let’s use them more and help improve battery recycling rates locally. Barrie Mould For more information about Transition Ashtead, see our website at
(CHAIRMAN OF THE ASHTEAD TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD) At our last meeting, we were welcomed by our new Chairman, Val Crowhurst, who introduced the committee for the coming year. After the routine business of the evening, we were treated to a thoroughly enjoyable talk on The History of Carriage Driving by Antonia Gallop (a very appropriate surname for an enthusiastic horsewoman). Antonia made a dramatic entrance, dressed in her authentic carriage driving outfit, complete with top hat adorned with a colour coordinated scarf and pheasant feathers, and her whip. She described how, when she was very small and desperate to have her own pony, her grandfather, a Kent farmer, promised her one when she had learned to ride – on a sheep! When she had met his challenge, she became the proud owner of a ‘Thelwell’ pony, Shadow, the first of many trusty steeds. Although carriage driving is no longer an everyday form of transport, it is a sport enjoyed by people of all ages. The Duke of Edinburgh, who created The British Driving Society in 1957, still enjoys driving people ‘around the garden’ (Windsor Great Park). He initiated the formulation of rules for competitive carriage driving in 1968. Antonia fortuitously met two horsemen when she was younger, a stuntman and a cavalryman, who taught her many of her carriage driving skills. We were amused to learn that she has appeared in 37 films, though we would be unlikely to recognize her if we saw them. She appeared as a man, usually bearded, in all of them. Antonia explained the origins of each part of her woollen tweed outfit which includes an apron
in the same material to catch any mud splashes. On reaching one’s destination, the apron can be removed, leaving the rest of the outfit immaculate. A cravat or stock is worn round the neck, fastened with a brooch or pin. Traditionally, the elite wore the pin horizontally, whereas ‘staff’ wore it vertically so that, should they get tired and let their head droop, it would prick them and wake them. Authentic driving whips are made from long, straight stems of holly that take 9 years to dry thoroughly before being varnished or lacquered. The leather handle is applied and finished off with a silver (or gold for the very rich!) ferrule. A goose quill gives the perfect curve at the top of the whip. Sadly, whip making is a dying art with only one traditional whip maker left in the UK. Carriage driving competitions still take place at agricultural shows while horses and various types of carriage can be seen at the annual London Harness Horse Parade on Easter Monday. Originally staged in Regents Park, it moved to Battersea Park in 1999 and subsequently to Ardingley in Sussex. At our next meeting, we are having a talk on ‘Growing up in wartime Germany’. Before then, a group of us is hoping for good weather for a visit to the London Wetlands Centre in Barnes. Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild meets at 7.30pm on the 4th Wednesday of the month in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. For further information, call Yvonne Chappell on 01372 273948 or Di James 01372 273948 or 07927 886457.
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 65
PUZZLE CR O S S W O RD Puzzle solutions page 93
1. Gallantry (7) 5. Subsequently (5) 8. Extreme happiness (5) 9. Considered unlikely (7) 10. Pills (7) 11. Paragon (5) 12. Gaped (6) 14. Concurs (6) 17. Proverb (5) 19. Recite (7) 22. Feed (7) 23. Water lily (5) 24. Frock (5) 25. Use again after processing (7)
Across 1. Established custom (5) 2. Arc of refracted light (7) 3. Publish (5) 4. Humble (6) 5. Risible (7) 6. Heading (5) 7. Conundrums (7) 12. Hankered (7)
13. Foes (7) 15. Flexible (7) 16. Fix firmly (6) 18. Angle less than 90 degrees (5) 20. Something that has survived the past (5) 21. Follow (5)
66 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
A & D CARS Airports
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All Makes Welcome Servicing & Repairs ABS brakes We also service and repair Clutches other makes. Tyres What ever your needs you Exhausts can count on us! Diagnostics Air conditioning Driver Assist Calibration ( ADAS ) Component Protection Removal Performance Tuning Increase your engine’s efficiency Free Loan Car Available while we work on your car. Tel: 01483 285792 Email:
Where to find us Openview Farm, Epsom Road, West Horsley, Surrey. KT24 6AP
David Jensen and his support for Parkinson’s UK In January, David Jensen revealed that he had Parkinson’s and he became a VIP Supporter for the charity Parkinson’s UK. Parkinson’s is a degenerative neurological condition, for which there is no cure currently, and symptoms include tremor, slowness of movement and rigidity. At the time of his announcement, David said that he had been living secretly with the condition for five years. He spoke about how he was nervous about being open about his condition previously as he feared that people ‘might think less of him’. But David was encouraged to ‘come out’ by other high-profile celebrities, including Billy Connolly and Sky Sports presenter Dave Clark, who have been open about their own struggles with Parkinson’s. More about Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s UK Parkinson’s affects 145,000 people in the UK, which is around 1 in 350 of the population. People with Parkinson’s don’t have enough of the chemical dopamine because some of the nerve cells that make it have died. It is not yet known exactly why people get Parkinson’s, but researchers think it’s a combination of genetic and environmental factors that cause the dopamine-producing nerve cells to die. Parkinson’s UK estimates that there are more than 40 symptoms of Parkinson’s. These range from physical symptoms, such as tremor and muscle stiffness, to depression, anxiety, hallucinations, memory problems and dementia. But Parkinson’s affects everyone differently. Parkinson’s more often affects people over the age of 65, but can affect anyone at any time. No current medication is able to slow down or stop the spread of the condition, leaving those affected with severely limited treatment options. In 1969, the charity Parkinson’s UK was founded in a one-room office in Putney by a woman called Mali Jenkins. Mali’s sister, Sarah, had been living with Parkinson’s for some time.
68 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Since then, it has created comprehensive information and services for everyone affected by Parkinson’s, including a helpline and local advisors across the UK, plus it has funded and championed the Parkinson’s specialist nurse service, which is now working in the majority of UK regions and providing tailored advice and support. The charity has invested more than £80m in groundbreaking research – it has discovered key genes involved in the condition, opened the largest tissue bank dedicated to Parkinson’s science in Europe and has funded the world’s biggest in-depth study of people with the condition. Get involved Parkinson’s UK is completely dependent on donations, and with summer on the horizon, it is calling on people to get ready to welcome the sun and bring the fun by hosting a Garden Gathering to raise funds so that it can continue its vital work. Garden Gathering is a feel-good fundraiser that encourages people to host events in their gardens or favourite outdoor spaces for family and friends this summer. For more information on hosting your own Garden Gathering for Parkinson’s UK and to download a fundraising pack, please visit uk/gardengathering
Learn with Joe Colfar, professional drummer and tutor with over ten years experience. Graduate of the Academy of Contemporary Music and works with the Rockschool and Drumsense grading programs. - All ages and experiences catered for - Great facilities and competitive rates - CRB and DBS checked. E. T. 07590 109 511
GUESS THE MOVIE Match the following artists and their songs with the movies they featured in. 1) I will always love you - Whitney Houston 2. Raindrops keep falling on your head - BJ JC_Drums_A6 flyer_singlesided.indd 1
26/03/2018 21:52
3. Everybody’s talking at me - Harry Nelson 4. Unchained Melody - Righteous Brothers
CONCERT Saturday 7th July 2018 at 7.30pm Music to mark centenaries and anniversaries Music to include anthems from the Coronation, songs of WW1, Chilcott's "Little Jazz Mass" and
THE LARK ASCENDING by Vaughan Williams Guest soloist: VICTORIA BARNES– violin JOHN CASTLE- ACCOMPANIST JENNY BROCKLESS- CONDUCTOR Christ Church (United Reformed), Epsom Road, Leatherhead KT22 8ST Entry £8 (u16yrs free) includes Interval refreshments and a donation to charity
5. My heart will go on - Celine Dion A) Midnight Cowboy B) Titanic C) The Bodyguard D) Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid E) Unchained PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 93
EARLY STAGES (4 to 6 years)
MAIN SCHOOL (6 to 18 years)
9.30am – 12.30pm Monday to Friday Friday Performance 12.00 midday Cost per student £125
10am – 4pm Monday to Friday Friday Performance 6.00pm Cost per student £175
(£100 sibling)
(£140 sibling)
Discount available for siblings attending the same workshop Book by David Simpatico. Based on a Disney Channel Original Movie Written by Peter Barsocchini. Songs by Matthew Gerrard & Robbie Nevil, Ray Cham, Greg Cham & Andrew Seeley, Randy Petersen & Kevin Quinn, Andy Dodd & Adam Watts, Bryan Louiselle, David N. Lawrence & Faye Greenberg. Music Adapted, Arranged and Produced by Bryan Louiselle.
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Music Theatre International (Europe) All authorised performance materials are also supplied by MTI Europe
Creative Courage For Life ®
NEW FOCUS ON SUFFRAGETTES AND POTTERS The battle for women’s voting rights and the extraordinary story of Ashtead Pottery are the two main exhibitions at Leatherhead Museum, now open once more for the 2018 season. A local family’s equally fascinating album of memorabilia from the First World War is also on show for the season, running until
mid-December. Jim Fuller, a lifelong Ashtead resident, cut the ribbon formally re-opening the Museum at Hampton Cottage in Church Street, Leatherhead, on Saturday 7 April. His great-uncle was one of the 40 disabled ex-servicemen who were given work at the short-lived Ashtead Pottery in the years after World War One. Jim gave a short tribute to him at the re- opening ceremony while standing beside a huge banner celebrating the Suffragettes’ struggle which ended a century ago. The road to suffrage for the women of Leatherhead was often bumpy. When the Women’s Suffrage Caravan rolled into town on Saturday, 16 May 1908, it produced riots among many menfolk. In December, the local Unionist Club passed a motion that it was ‘unpropitious’ for legislation on the question of women’s suffrage. Yet, from her home in Belmont Road, women’s rights campaigner Marie Stopes had begun to pen Married Love, campaigner Dame Millicent Fawcett would fascinate her audience at Victoria Hall in 1910, and Emmeline Pankhurst’s arrest and detention at Leatherhead police station would capture the interest of the nation. Leatherhead secured centre stage in the
72 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
push for women’s rights. Ashtead Pottery had a short life, operating in Ashtead village for just 12 years from 1923 to 1935. It provided jobs for ex-servicemen disabled during the First World War. Its main driving force was Sir Lawrence Weaver (1876-1930), backed by the architect Bertram Clough Williams-Ellis (1883-1978) who built the extraordinary village of Portmeirion in Wales, and Richard Stafford Cripps (1889-1952), the prominent Labour politician and later government minister. The company’s vast array of wares ranged from figurines and commemoratives, designed by leading artists of the day, through to everyday crockery in bold bright designs. The potters showed off their skills and wares at the British Empire Exhibition in 1924-25, an event organised by Weaver and for which he was knighted. Pearl Kew, who died recently, lived her whole life in
Leatherhead where she was one of the first women to own a car. She drove it to work as a teacher in Guildford. When she died, she left to the museum her father’s scrap-book from the First World War. Fascinating entries can now be seen at the museum. In at least one incident, his horse saved his life and he was allowed to bring it back home to England after the war. Staffed entirely by volunteers, Leatherhead Museum is based at Hampton Cottage in Church Street. It is open on Thursdays and Fridays from 1pm-4pm and Saturdays 10am-4pm.
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Our nursery team plants up containers and hanging baskets almost daily to provide our customers with a wide range of “instant gardening” solutions when you need a quick fix. We grow over 200,000 geraniums here at our nursery in Effingham. The large growing area towards the back of the site is approximately 4 acres, comprising glasshouses and tunnels. We are commercial growers of a diverse range of seasonal plants.
Some examples grown on The Vineries Nursery • Hydrangea • Geraniums • Climbers • Bulbs
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Coffee Shop hours: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 4.00pm | Sun 9.30.00am - 3.30pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP |
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Copper and colour. Two current trends making a big Pergolas too, with integrated lighting and heating, impact in garden design. make an attractive focal point and also offer practical Muted tones – relaxing greys, eggshell blue and subtle advantages. Greater comfort means more time spent greens - remain a popular colour palette, but bright our outside enjoying your garden. Your garden… expertise Stunning outdoor vibrant hues are back and they are HOT! The spaces biggest design trend this year, however, is likely to plan, design & construct Furniture and accessories are an easy garden update. We come from bar stunning Copper, for borders and hard landscapes & outdoor areas. Let us create special for you & yourafamily to enjoy. Add a pop of colour via contemporary design and something landscaping, adds wonderful dimension to planting fresh approach & our expertise from creating different textiles to give outdoor entertaining a real Our and a striking contrast to stone, wood or gravel. award-winning gardens gives you access to showdesigns, whatever the scale of your project. WOW factor. Yes, it’s all about al-fresco again this year, stopping Copper-effect stainless steels are also on trend. Their • Water Features with outdoor kitchens, built-in BBQs and fire-pits also •• Planting natural weathered patina adds depth and style as their • Outdoor Play Areas Landscaping • Decking with & Steel Work • Patios & Stone Work changes making a bold statement. appearance the seasons, creating a unique Likewise outdoor structures. We’re not talking sheds... look all year round. Planning a garden makeover or landscape project? Give us a call well, we are, but think “posh” or “multi-use” sheds. No To discuss new ideas for your garden, contact longer just for storing tools, exciting features such as Award Winning Garden Design & Construction exterior shelving and solar hubs give the once-humble by email or call shed a whole new sense of purpose. 01306 611231 or for a free, no obligation quote. Contact us for a free estimate: 01306 611 231 email:
76 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
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Emergency 24hr services available UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available Emergency 24hr services available Call us today for a FREE Quotation or visit our website for more details: Emergency 24hr services available
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Planning a garden makeover or landscape project? Give us a call
Award Winning Garden Design & Construction Contact us for a free estimate: 01306 611 231 email:
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 77
House & Garden
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House & Garden General Knowledge Crossword Across 7.
European principality (6)
Characteristic of a clan (6)
Precious stones (4)
Epic poem adapted for recitation (8)
Public toilet in a military area (7)
Holy book of Islam (5)
End of a roof (5)
17. Scottish bread (7)of Leatherhead “The Rotary Club is very grateful to 20. Citrus fruit with a the looseAshtead and easily&
Leatherhead Local removed rind (8) for its ongoing support and promotion of the 21. German composer (1685–1750) (4) club's community and fundraising LOCAL BLOOD DONATIONS 23. Greek goddess wisdom (6) activities, whichofhas generated a Friday 1st June 1.30-4pm & 5-7.30pm great response from across the 24. Strand of yarn (6) Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Great Bookham KT23 3PQ area." Simon Edmands, Rotary Down Thursday June - 1.30-4pm & 5-7.30pm Club of 7th Leatherhead
78 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
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or find us at TRUST A TRADER Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.
Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.
Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Free quotes and advice, please contact one of the numbers below:office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698
otes and advice, please contact the number below.
e: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency Mobile: 07511service) 704 252 (24 hr emergency service)
Main office: 01372 889698 Main Office: Leatherhead: Leatherhead 01372 889698 Email:
Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.
Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698
Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service)
Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24hr emergency service) Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Email: 73
73 Free quotes and advice, pleaseEmail: contact the number below. 73
Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) Email:
‘The Shepherd’s Hut’ by Tim Winton (hardback £14.99) published 28th June Jaxie Clackton dreads going home. His beloved mother is dead and he wishes his dad was too. Be careful what you wish for..... and so he goes on the run to the only person in the world who understands him, but to reach her, he has to cross the vast salt lands of Western Australia, and on the way he meets all sorts of criminality and humanity. The Shepherd’s Hut is a modern, heartbreaking novel which combines visceral horror with the remarkable clear voice of Tim Winton. Not to be missed. ‘The Evening Road’ by Laird Hunt (paperback £8.99) One day in the summer of 1930, the roads to Marvel are full of travellers with one event in mind: the lynching. Ottie Lee Henshaw is on her way there with her boss Bud and her husband Dale, navigating the tricky path through the secrets that lie between them. Despite many roads leading to Marvel, on this day it is not a place reached with ease. Meetings, discoveries and misadventures make significant destinations of many steps along the road. Not all are going to Marvel to watch. Calla Destry, a young black woman, finds in herself a streak of wildness that calls for action. Elsewhere in the South, another extraordinary gathering is taking place, more shocking to our travellers than the lynching, and with the potential to change the South. Laird Hunt takes us deep into the shifts of thought and emotion that drive his characters and makes us feel every hot, vivid moment of the journey. ‘A Line Made by Walking’ by Sara Baume (paperback £8.99) Frankie, a young artist, leaves Dublin and retreats to the run-down country bungalow where her grandmother died three years ago. Here, she hopes to grow stronger and reassemble her life. She has her camera, the wild landscape and not much else. For a book which, on the surface, appears to be about the experience of sadness, the writing is often sharply funny. Sara Baume’s skilful prose allows Frankie’s idiosyncratic perception of the world to bubble up in punchy moments of humour. I loved the experience of being taken by surprise by Frankie’s mischievous mind and her perceptive thoughts on works of art. These artworks and Frankie’s engagement with them from her isolation give a sense of continuity and hope to her situation. An original and elegantly written novel.
80 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
ASHTEAD ASHTEAD LIBRARY Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT17 1UF Tel: 0300 200 1001 Email: Website: OPENING HOURS Monday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Tuesday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Thursday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Friday: 10am-1pm & 2pm -5pm Saturday: 9.30am-5pm
Are you aware we have a Digital Buddy every Thursday 2-4pm? He is able to help with computer queries, using the branch PC, their own laptop or tablet. If you would like any computer related help, then please book a slot at the desk or ring 0300 200 1001 and ask for Ashtead Library. Weekly Rhymetime Session This is a great opportunity to interact with your baby/toddler through rhythm, actions and singing and introduce children to all the library has to offer. The Rhymetime session is available on Friday 10:15am for 30 minutes. Places are limited so please arrive early. Ashtead Village Day This year is our first stall at Ashtead Village Day. Come and see us there and join in the fun. Storytime and Rhymetime session, lucky dip and much more. Watch this space!!
Plant Sale
Win a Patchworking Quilt
Relax and Chat Crafts
Free Kids Activities
Saturday 30th June. 12 - 4pm. Free Admission
Patchworking Garden Project OPEN DAY Electrical Services
Local electrician in Ashtead, Surrey Consumer unit (fuse board) upgrades Lighting Circuit alterations Extension wiring Installation, testing & certification to BS7671 Qualified and insured Part P registered contractor Call or email us for all your domestic electrical work
T: 0203 2866 077 M: 07516 878 545 The Patchworking Garden, Aviva Sports Ground,
Free Parking at Aviva
Pixham Lane, Dorking, RH4 1QA
site opposite
email: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 81
Carol J C U R TA I N S
PASSING FRIENDS Were you, like me, shocked one day To learn “someone you knew” had passed away? Were you stunned by the news, the dawning thought That life so abruptly could come to a halt. Did the words, “Why her?” go round in your brain, And the reply “Why not?” be the mocking refrain. It wasn’t often that you used to meet, Just accidentally in the street, But though it was only once in a while, You were warmed by her interest, her lovely smile, But also felt a certain unease As she chatted frankly about her disease. We all zoom along at a reckless rate, Breathlessly busy, afraid to be late. So do find time to enjoy your friends For suddenly it’s too late to make amends For contacts lost and calls not made, And the memories you have soon start to fade With time, till it almost seems That what friendship you had was the stuff of dreams.
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Howard Davies on 07967 199343 OR 01293 430187 (evenings)
All Saints Church, Kingston Rd. Leatherhead. KT22 7BT | 01372 889697
Here is a short success story showing the progression of one of our young people through this youth work continuum: Liam attended LYP youth projects from the age of 13, having first got involved with our BFree Youth Café, local detached youth work and our Friday night Total Football project at Therfield School in Leatherhead. He then also came along to numerous Freestyle youth camps, making great friends and enjoying the youth activities along the way. When Liam left school at 16, he was struggling with low confidence and didn’t know his next steps. He decided to join an LYP youth trip to Romania as part of a team of young people, running a summer camp for gypsy teenagers. This opportunity boosted his confidence, helped him gain new skills and helped him think about his future. Around this time, LYP was setting up the AllSaints Coffee
Shop and we identified Liam as an ideal first apprentice. This gave him the opportunity to gain experience of employment and customer service skills in a setting that would support him. Liam said at the time “If I wasn’t working at AllSaints, then I have no idea what I would be doing. It’s given me key experience of work and it’s become a second home.” Liam was one of four staff members present for the launch of AllSaints in October 2014 and made huge progress during his time as an apprentice. As the coffee shop became busier, Liam’s confidence grew and his responsibilities increased, eventually becoming a supervisor. Liam has since moved on from AllSaints and is currently working for Woodlands School as a learning assistant and enjoying his job. We are incredibly proud of Liam and the journey he made through our projects, highlighting how the continuum works for local young people. Liam is now encouraging other local young people to get involved with youth projects and share his experience of AllSaints Coffee Shop. To find out more about AllSaints Coffee Shop and Leatherhead Youth Project, visit: or www.
Leatherhead youth project is a local charity passionate about helping young people. They offer youth work services in Leatherhead and across Mole Valley which aim to respond to local needs and help young people have fun and be healthy. Over the last 16 years, LYP has worked hard to deliver quality support for young people and we have seen young people complete a journey of change throughout their time in our projects. To highlight this change, we have created a youth work continuum showing these different stages of change. This graphic shows the key stages of our youth work, from a friendly hello at our welcome projects, all the way through to becoming a healthy young adult, wellequipped for the next stage of life and able to give back to society.
Home & Garden
House & Garden
• ALL plumbing work carried out • ALL work compliant with water regulations • Certified to install, service & repair boilers & un-vented hot water systems • Five year parts and labour warranty on all gas boilers that we fit • Call us for FREE advice 518486
T: 01372 802803 M: 07976 814032 E:
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Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess! The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 84 81
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Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 03381, 18738, 26057, 26374, 37506, 37928, 47586, 49578, 50949, 54737, 75584, 75682, 75699, 90346, 94332, 98952
& Garden HouseHome & Garden
Tel/fax. 01372 200583 Mobile 0777 444 1991
Tel/fax. 01372 200583 Mobile 0777 444 1991
Bathroom Fitting Kitchen Fitting Painting & Decorating (Interior & Exterior)
Plastering Tiling On the 9th June this year, Kirsty, Look Fencing Local’s graphic designer who makes our Small Extensions magazines look fabulous, & two of her Roofing friends, will be undertaking a 26 mile “The Rotary Club of Leatherhead is very grateful to the Ashtead & Leatherhead Local for its ongoing support and promotion of the club's community and fundraising activities, which has generated a great response from across the area." Simon Edmands, Rotary Club of Leatherhead
sponsored hike on the beautiful Thames
FullyPath insured. Prompt Service. from Windsor to Henley along the Family est.and 20most yrs.iconic river banks business of the greatest
England, inon aid of MacMillian Cancer. HowardinDavies 07967 199343 dad is a cancer survivor & her Wayne Kirsty’s Davies on 07969 981662 gran recently passed away from cancer in OR 01293 430187 (evenings) November, so she knows how important these charities are. If you would like to support Kirsty on her walk, please donate
what you can, visit: fundraising/kirstyhamilton18 EAN: 962265
79The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
makes a second trip to Africa this autumn to work for Cricket Without Boundaries.
Ashtead cricket coach Ali McCreedy is making her second trip to Africa this autumn to work for Cricket Without Boundaries. CWB is a healthcare charity which works predominantly in sub-Saharan Africa, using a basic introduction to cricket to engage with youngsters and deliver vital health and social messages. They work mainly on HIV prevention and raise awareness of the dangers of FGM, using the fun environment of learning a new game to get the messages across. They also donate cricket kit and train local teachers in the delivery of the sessions, so the work can continue after they leave. HIV continues to be a huge issue in the area, with almost 25 million people living in its shadow. CWB works to tackle it by encouraging prevention and regular testing and by challenging the stigma often associated with the infection. Making sure these messages get through to children is crucial
86 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
for long-term success. The children are full of enthusiasm for the game and are so excited to have a chance to learn something new. It is truly humbling to see what value something as simple as a used tennis ball can have. CWB is run almost entirely by volunteers, and everyone who joins a project must pay for their own flight and has to commit to raising funds to cover the rest of the trip. Thanks to the generous support of Sue and her team at Lucey Hair in Ashtead, there will be two coffee mornings at the salon in July (Thursday 26th and Friday 27th). Everyone is welcome to drop in for a cup of coffee and some cake and there will also be a raffle, with every penny raised going to support Ali’s CWB trip to Kenya – you can make a donation at and if you want to find out more about CWB, visit www.
Home & Garden We now accept all major credit & debit cards
Lucy Fenson, a remarkably committed and dedicated lady from England, runs a donkey sanctuary in Israel. As working animals, they are often overworked, abused and endure very poor conditions. With very little care for their welfare, they often suffer ill health, blindness and injuries that are not attended to. Lucy, through her charity work, rescues these animals and brings them to her sanctuary in Israel to treat and care for them and allows them to live out their days in the safety and security of the sanctuary. Lucy is often called out to emergencies, day or night, along with a vet when needed, to treat the donkeys or offer advice. There are currently 37 donkeys and 4 horses at the sanctuary. Lucy’s work is entirely dependent on donations. If you would like to learn more about her work, please go to
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 87
MATERIALS (Part 1 -April issue)
Selina Botham - 07894 553 202 or visit us online at
This month, we look at sustainability and maintenance, as these are as important as looks, and we discuss these aspects of the materials being considered with our clients so we can help them choose the most suitable materials for them. Sustainability is a crucial consideration in the 21st century, and as garden designers, we are really glad to be helping the environment by creating as much new and varied green space as possible. In addition, we will always consider reusing and recycling materials found on site and have enjoyed creating imaginative designs inspired by found objects and materials. Where reuse is not possible, old materials can often be reused elsewhere. One of our recent clients was successful in recycling everything she no longer wanted, including pots, concrete paving slabs, a greenhouse and even her old unwanted plants. We’ve been able to put clients in touch with one another too, so that recycling can take place. Some materials are just not suitable in a garden setting: softwood decking may last just 5 years, and due to the labour costs, that doesn’t seem a good investment. Hardwood lasts much longer and is easier to clean with
88 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
a smooth profile board. In general, wood in the garden (particularly next to soil) is not recommended as a long term solution. Plastic ‘wood effect’ products raise alarm bells for me and I would only reluctantly include them in gardens. I’ll always urge clients to consider how these plastic products will be recycled when they reach the end of their lives. With rattan furniture, that life span can be very short indeed. At least we know wood can be recycled, and oak and other hardwood furniture can last 20+ years in the garden. Suitability for purpose is another key consideration. Some paving materials are too slippery when wet or icy, so this needs to be considered, as does colour. A very light paving slab in a south-facing terrace can create so much glare that you’d always need to wear sunglasses, and as with carpets, the paler the stone, the more it will need cleaning. This is especially true if you have children or dogs, but even if you want to walk from your lawn onto paving. Some cheaper sandstone is very porous and will turn green as water soaks through and algae grow. Beware pale coloured porous ‘brush-in’ pointing compounds
& Garden HouseHome & Garden which also turn green, as algae grow in between the particles in the pointing material on all but the best draining sub-base. Maintenance Y O U R LisOaCkey A Lconsideration F U L L Y Itoo N Sand U RI’m E Dglad toHsay never E AI Thave ING & designed P L U M aBwhite I N Grendered S E R V Iwall C Ein a garden. This is due to the issues I notice as I visit • ALL plumbing work gardens, where often the white render has started to peel offcarried or looksout dirty and worn. Most people wouldn’t • ALL workdown compliant choose to wash garden walls every few weeks and repaint once regulations a year. Having said that, some with water maintenance is inevitable in any garden, so you should • Certified to install, expectservice to clean&your patio once or twice a year - not repair boilers everyone knows that. If it’s very shady and damp, you & un-vented hot water may even find you need to clean it more, though it wouldsystems be rare for me to design a patio in deep shade. • Five partsthat andgives texture and ‘crunch’ Gravel is ayear material warranty and islabour relatively low cost,onbutallagain will need some gas boilers that weorfitraking periodically. It is maintenance - weed-killing best• toCall keepusgravel away advice from the house, and stone for FREE 518486 to steps or a landing can be designed at the entrance theT:house. Resin-bonded gravel is another alternative, 01372 802803 more expensive to lay but needing less maintenance. It M: 07976 814032 will need cleaning like a patio once a year with a stiff E: @PlumbLTD broom and hosepipe or low pressure washing. Again,
the lighter the colour, the more dirt and tyre marks will show. Resin-bonded gravel and its sister, resinbound gravel, are hard to repair invisibly, whereas loose gravel is much more flexible. Tarmac has been much maligned but can look very smart, with good detailing in terms of edging and crossover to the road and the transition to the house. A block-paved driveway may seem like a good choice, as it is relatively cheap; however, maintenance-wise, moss and weeds grow between every block and either have to be scraped or weed-killed every year. The costs and inconvenience of this should be considered when design decisions are made. We like to keep in touch with our clients and see how materials perform and we work hard to ensure that our gardens are practical as well as beautiful. Careful choice of materials can save money long-term and lead to long-lasting successful gardens. If you’d like to see some garden transformations, see our new website or our Facebook page Selina Botham Designs for all Seasons or follow us on Instagram @designsforallseasons. If you would like to redesign your garden and need some professional help, contact Selina on 07894 553 202
81The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
As spring finally approaches, I would like to remind residents, dog walkers and ramblers not to fall prey to opportunist thieves when parking their cars at local beauty spots. The beauty spots in and around Mole Valley are plentiful and attract more and more visitors as the weather (hopefully) improves. Unfortunately, they can also be popular places for thieves to visit. Surrey Police is always trying to tackle vehicle crime, but we need motorists to play their part by not leaving property on display. Ask yourself, do you need the property you’re taking with you? If the answer is no, then leave it at home. Even simple measures such as removing valuable items and taking the boot cover off to show the vehicle is empty really can make a difference. Here are some top tips to avoid becoming a victim of car crime: •Do not leave anything of value in your vehicle. The most commonly stolen items from cars include sat navs, laptops, handbags and mobile phones. They are easy to remove quickly, are easily concealed and do not look out of place if a thief is seen walking away from a car. • Always take handbags and wallets with you.
Even if your bag does not contain anything valuable, a thief will not know that and may still break a window or force a lock to get at it. • Consider leaving the backs seats of your vehicle down, or taking the boot cover off. This way, a potential thief will have a clear view that it is empty and will not need to break in to find out. • Make sure doors of your vehicle are locked and the windows and sunroof are shut, no matter how hot the weather or even if you are only going to be gone for a couple of minutes. • Make sure your car is parked in a location where it is in clear view of other people, not obscured from sight by trees or shrubs, therefore making it vulnerable. • Make sure you do not leave a coat or jacket behind in the car. A thief may think that it is hiding a laptop or handbag and break into your car to find out. • Always remove your in-car radio/CD player if you can and also remove the suction pads which attach a sat nav system. Call 101 for all non-emergency policing matters. Call 999 if you have a genuine emergency requiring the attendance of the police (e.g. a crime is in progress or someone is in immediate danger).
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Ashtead Art Group 01737 357263 (Jenny Lister) Ashtead Bowling Club 01372 802421 (Pamela Bennett) Ashtead Cancer Group Ashtead Chess Club 01372 813487 (Richard Jones) Ashtead Choral Society 01372 278852 (Anne Bailey) Ashtead Community Vision 07530 373975 (Andy Ellis) Ashtead Cricket Club 01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane) Over 60s Lunch Club 01372 813276 or 375640 The Arts Society Ashtead 01372 275605 (Pat Anderson) Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group 01372 279501 (Di Stirling) Ashtead Friendship Centre 01372 274288 (Don Butt) Ashtead Good Neighbours 07752 665066 Ashtead Horticultural Society 01372 373348 (Jennie Pilfold) Ashtead Library 0300 200 1001 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall 01372 272921 Ashtead Players/Young Players 01372 279614 Ashtead Residents’ Association 07804 026577 (Glynis Peterkin) Ashtead Squash & Tennis Club 01372 272215 Ashtead Tennis Players Club 01372 721104 Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild 01372 273948 (Di James) Ashtead Women’s Institute
01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Carers’ Support Mole Valley 01306 640212 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens’ Advice Bureau 08444 111444 Cruse Bereavement Care 020 8393 7238 Electricity (UK Power Networks) 0800 783 8866 (powercut info line) Epsom General Hospital 01372 735735 Fetcham Residents’ Association 01372 375212 (Marion Doherty) Fetcham Singers (ladies’ choir) 01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Gas (Transco) 0800 111999 (minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing 0800 371787) The Arts Society Leatherhead 01372 373083 (John Andrews) Leatherhead Choral Society 01372 376831 (Sue Foulsham, Secretary) Leatherhead & District Angling Society 01372 377654 Leatherhead Helpshop 01372 363385 Leatherhead Community Association 01372 360508 Leatherhead Horticultural Society 01372 373493 (David Wells) Leatherhead Leisure Centre 01372 377674 Leatherhead Library 0300 200 1001 Leatherhead Lions Club 01372 274618 (Jim Malynn) Leatherhead Museum 01372 386348
92 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
Leatherhead Residents’ Association 01372 370091 Leatherhead Theatre 01372 365141 Mid Surrey Community Mediation 07513 524241 Mole Valley District Council 01306 885001 Police - Non-emergency 101 Probus Club of Ashtead 01372 272595 (Peter Waterhouse) Probus Club of Leatherhead 07947 361406 (Jon McCarthy) Probus Club of Mole Valley 01372 878875 (Michael Brown) Rotary Club of Ashtead 01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce) Rotary Club of Leatherhead 07753 821964 (Simon Edmands) Royal Association for the Deaf 01306 881958 Royal British Legion Leatherhead/ Fetcham Branch 01372 811422 Samaritans - 01372 375555 Shopmobility Leatherhead 01372 362400 Surrey County Council 03456 009 009 (8am-6pm weekdays) Surrey Trading Standards 01372 371717 U3A: Leatherhead & District 01372 375756 Ashtead: 01372 274388 Fetcham 01372 453959 Trumps Bridge Club Leatherhead 01372 377124 Volunteer Centre Mole Valley 01306 640369 (10am-1pm, answerphone) Water (Sutton & E Surrey Water) Emergencies/general 01737 772000 Wildlife Aid 09061 800132 (24hrs)
Home & Garden
e: w: 79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL
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MUSIC MATTERS P69 1) C - The Bodguard
2) D - Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid 4) E - Unchained 5) B - Titanic
3) A - Midnight Cowboy
The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018 93
A Warren Furniture...................................................78 A&D Cars.................................................................66 Amanda Fashion..........................................................5 Ashtead Choral Society..............................................60 Ashtead Hospital.......................................................43 Ashtead Trees & Garden............................................84 Ashtead Village Day..............................................48/49 Aspen Live in Care.....................................................46 Astek Dental..............................................................37 Barry O’Leary Carpets...............................................25 Boardman, Gelly & Co.........................................76/77 Bocketts Farm............................................................29 Bonnie Dogs .............................................................21 Bookham Carpets......................................................19 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................25 BWB Building ..........................................................85 Cairds Estate Agents....................................................3 Carol J Curtains........................................................82 Carpets 4U................................................................11 Classic Home Care....................................................41 Cosy Flooring............................................................21 Cranleigh Aerials.......................................................25 Crescent Dental Practice............................................46 CT Cars....................................................................67 Davies Property Maintenance ...................................82 DB Garden Services...................................................95 Diane Thornton-Mindfulness....................................45 Dorking Domestic Appliances...................................23 Dream Doors.............................................................91 Englishman’s Castle ..................................................27 Extra Help.................................................................17 Family Wills Surrey....................................................17 Fetcham Singers.........................................................69 Fire & Iron Gallery....................................................35 First Choice Cleaning................................................29 Garden Force.............................................................78 Harbord Solicitors.....................................................15 Help for you at Home...............................................45 HRS Roofing.............................................................93 i3 International Tiles & Interiors ....................................9 Iplumb & Heat..........................................................84 Jackie Quinn Estate Agents........................................96
94 The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local - June 2018
JC Drums..................................................................69 Julie Watts Law..........................................................17 L Hawkins & Sons....................................................26 Leatherhead Podiatry.................................................45 Margaret Spice - Counsellor ......................................20 Memory Bank............................................................26 Mobile Curtain Studio...............................................18 MPS Garden & Estate Machinery..............................95 Norsat Aerials /Satellite TV/ Security.........................14 Open House Creative................................................33 Orchard Cottage Dental ...........................................42 Ovens ‘n’ Stuff...........................................................20 Pullen Plumbing........................................................78 Ralls IT Hardware & IT Support...............................33 RJ Clinic...................................................................45 Roofcraft of Surrey....................................................79 Roofs of Esher...........................................................87 Rowlandsons.............................................................13 Sheppersons Solicitors................................................23 Spire St Anthony’s Hospital.......................................39 Spring Electrical........................................................73 Stagecoach Leatherhead.............................................71 Suddies Kitchen Appliances ......................................18 Surrey Home Vet.......................................................14 Surrey Roofing Group................................................77 Tec-Res Computers & Technology........................30/31 Tekmate Computers & Technology............................33 Tendacare..................................................................47 The Beauty & Skin Clinic..........................................37 The Black Dog Gallery...............................................35 The Grange Centre....................................................56 The Memory Book Company................................44/70 The Red House Care Home.........................................2 The Vineries Garden Centre..................................74/75 Theatre Reviva...........................................................57 Tracy’s Ironing Service...............................................20 TWM Solicitors...........................................................7 WA Truelove..............................................................27 Wagging Tails ......................................................20/26 Wise Roofing.............................................................89
It’s all about you ..
& the best property advice
Before children, you cannot imagine how your life will change. Pretty soon most of your decisions will revolve around them! A major objective of many of our clients is to secure the best possible education for their children. Fortunately, in our area we have some of the best state and independent schools which can be a strong motivation to move house. At Jackie Quinn Estate Agents, we understand that your property requirements are personal, and we dedicate ourselves every day to helping you sell your home and find another in just the right place.
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