Ashtead & Leatherhead Local

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Local November 2019

Never underestimate the importance of community

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Welcome to Movember

Next copy deadline 5th November 2019 for the December 2019 issue


01372 200 000 Email:


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I hope this explains our quirky front cover; Movember (Moustache / November) Since 2004, this has become an annual event which involves the growing of moustaches during the month to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and male suicide. The Movember Foundation run various events throughout the month, details of which can be found on their web site The aim of these events is to encourage men (known on the site as Mo Bros!) to get involved and in turn, to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments. Many of us will have family members or friends who will be affected by these issues. One such local man, Mike Exworthy went over and above, to raise funds and awareness after his Dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer last year. I hope you enjoy reading this inspirational story of Mike’s challenge which we are delighted to share with you this month. Congratulations Mike you’re a star! November seems to be a month full of Fireworks and Christmas Fairs (not necessarily together you understand!) There are lots of lovely local events going on and I do hope you find something of interest included this month. I enjoyed a visit to the ‘Mid-Surrey Dementia Care Trust’ this past week; it was so good to hear about this fabulous local organisation who were recently nominated for the ‘Queens Award for Voluntary Services’! They even got short listed but sadly didn’t win this year. BUT this is in itself is a huge achievement which is very much deserved and our Congratulations must go to all involved. We look forward to supporting you over the coming months by including your news in our pages… Armistice Day falls on Monday 11 November this year, but most services will take place on Sunday 10th; let’s all remember to remember. Wishing you all a great month and please do look after your pets in this prolonged season of fireworks! With Best Regards,










CONTENTS 57 10. 12. 14. 26. 28. 34. 40. 42. 46. 46. 47. 54.

Ashtead Residents’ Association Fetcham Residents’ Association Leatherhead Residents’ Association Computer tips from Tec Res Sudoku & Digi-Search Leatherhead Twinning Group All Saints Coffee Shop What’s on in October? Ashtead Players Santa’s Sitting Room Regular Events Music on Thursdays

54. 58. 60. 61. 62. 62. 63. 63. 64. 65. 66. 66.


The Arts Society Crossword puzzle Delicious Dishes - Recipe Norbury Park Volunteers Ashtead W.I.NG Fetcham Village W.I. Ashstead Village W.I. Mole Valley W.I. Lion’s Donkey Derby Transition Ashtead Fetcham U3A The Meeting Room

67. 70. 72. 75. 76. 80. 82. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.

Boardman Gelly Gardening with Selina Poem Corner Music Matters History Society The Memory Book Ashtead Library Leatherhead Library Surrey Police Notice Useful numbers Puzzle solutions Index of Advertisers


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Local Plan Consultation Since the Autumn issue of Ashtead Village News went to print, the public consultation of the Draft Local Plan scheduled for this autumn has once again been postponed. Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) has taken the view that a general election is very likely to take place before the end of this year and, were that to happen, the Council would have to go into purdah, most likely in the middle of the consultation process. MVDC has therefore postponed the consultation and the currentlyscheduled revised dates are 3rd February to 15th March 2020. The delay means that the new Local Plan is unlikely to be in place until late 2021. Until that time, Mole Valley is vulnerable to developers attempting to overturn planning application refusals by claiming that the Council is unable to evidence a sufficiency of land supply to meet its housing target. It is hoped that Inspectors reviewing Planning Appeals will be aware of the circumstances and not overturn refusals carte blanche.

collections to the Council so that matters can be addressed with Amey; to do that, please visit http:// - the “Report a Missed Bin Collection” link is on the homepage) or call them on 01306-885001. As a general point on contacting MVDC, CEO Karen Brimacombe has advised us that MVDC is looking to implement a new website that is scheduled to be in place by January 2020. This will include a Customer Relations Management system (CRM), which should mean that residents will be able to contact the Council much more easily and quickly and hopefully lead to a much improved service. Community Transport You may not be aware that Dial-a-Ride has been re-branded and the service is now called the “Community Bus”. Membership costs £26 per year plus journey costs of £4 for a single journey up to 5 miles, £6 for a journey of up to 10 miles and then £6 plus 80p per mile for journeys up to 20 miles. Also available to residents are: • a private door-to-door transport service in a small wheelchair accessible vehicle. Minimum journey cost is £6. • a Shoppa Service that operates from Ashtead to Tesco’s Leatherhead every Tuesday leaving at 1:30 and returning at 3:30, at a cost of £3 per journey. Please visit for more information. Please don’t forget Ashtead’s very own organisation Ashtead Good Neighbours, whose volunteers offer neighbourly help to Ashtead residents who, for example, need transport to get to medical appointments or help doing the shopping. The registration fee is £5 per year and thereafter clients are asked to cover costs incurred. For more information go to or call 07752-665066.

Weekly Waste Collections by Amey MVDC is fully aware of the problems that have occurred with Amey and have assured us that they are in daily contact with the company to address issues. Early problems arose because of vehicle breakdowns that resulted in failure to complete rounds. Matters were exacerbated by Amey’s decision to remove one crew from a regular round so that it was available to troubleshoot wherever a problem arose. That idea didn’t work and that crew is now back in operation on a regular round. At the height of the problem there were 1,700 missed bins in one month. That number is now down to 500-600 a month (out of collections from approximately 30,000 residential properties) but MVDC knows that this is still not good enough. It’s essential that residents report all missed bin Glynis Peterkin - Chairman 10 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019










MURALS RESTORED - The Heritage open day at Fetcham Park House in September offered residents a first chance to see the restoration of the famous Laguerre murals. The conservation work was carried out by the fine art restorer Paul Tsangari who also happens to be a Fetcham resident. Remarkably, Paul first remembers seeing the murals as a teenager when he was working inside Fetcham Park with his father, who was also an expert art restorer. This time around, Paul says most of the work needed was to counter the effects of years of heat and dirt. Fortunately, the underlying paintwork remains in good condition. Artist Louis Laguerre was employed to paint classical scenes on the walls of many grand houses in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, including Chatsworth and Blenheim Palace. If you wish to see

the murals check the Fetcham Park website www. for the next open event. MOLEBRIDGE SURGERY - We warmly welcomed the news last month that Dr Hilary Floyd was taking over the running of the Molebridge GP practice. Hopefully this development offers a fresh start for the practice, after several months of uncertainty for patients over its future. Dr Floyd was previously senior partner at the Derby Medical Centre in Epsom and will run the Molebridge practice in partnership with the Epsom and St Helier Trust. HELP NEEDED - We’re currently looking for talented Fetcham people to help with the FRA’s administration. We’re in need of some more secretarial help, and someone to step into the shoes of our long-serving treasurer, Alan Pooley, who is standing down. If you would like to know more, please contact our chairman Tim Waller on

The FRA is passionate about local issues, invests in community projects, and stands up for your interests. If you live in Fetcham - JOIN US! Visit OR use the form below. Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (if you wish to receive regular updates. Details will not be shared with any third parties) Subscription: £2 (minimum), £5, £10, £20 (or other amount). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROP this form with cash or cheque payment into the FRA box at Symphony World Travel, Cobham Road, Fetcham; OR POST to Fetcham Residents Association, 3 Churchill Close, Fetcham KT22 9EY


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The Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH

Changes to our HEALTH AND HERITAGE expectations?

required for this would seem to place it beyond all possibility. Mr Elkeles said that the money would come by bidding for funds Start November by forgetting about Brexit andfrom joining the HAPPY HEALTH DAY, thein Governments allocations for NHS th On the 6 2nd October, we in Saturday November in Leatherhead, the Ad Hall, at the Letherhead Institute. Refurbishment funds capital expenditure. with some guests from Ashtead and forHilary Epsom andhas St Helier hospitals, Time 10.30am to 4.00pm. LRA Health Committee Chair Porter organised a wealth on of the Bookham, were treated to a face to face could beUseful realised through information and activities designed to promote betterother healthhand, and happiness. guidance will the be explanation of how our local NHS CEO, Mr. of some land atofSutton. available for both statutory and voluntary sectors, andsale an unusual presence both traditional and Daniel Elkeles, is hoping that our hospitals Many of your those in attendance at be this complementary medical expertise - a holistic approach. Bring children as there will anmeeting art will develop the next to ten competition forover youngsters andfive a raffle withyears. prizes. were very sceptical about the possibility of any improvement at all in the current There are two main deficiencies, provision. maintenance of the current buildings and provision of adequate Acute care. A short People rose in their seats to remind the video revealed the problems currently speaker that such discussions had already experienced at St. Helier and Epsom. Mr. taken place some 20 years ago, and the Elkeles also stated that there is a lack of results had been negligible. However, one real, joined-up provision of AcuteAllcare Unit. valuable change has taken place over the photos: Laura Woodrow Photography He said he would like to see a building of a last couple of years and that is the method September saw wonderful celebrations England’s Open Days in many historic venues in and single, modern Acute Care Unit ofwhere the Heritage by which bed blocking has been almost around Leatherhead. Letherhead were used to display documents and artefacts patients would beAtinthe wards havingInstitute, widelyall rooms eliminated in Epsom. The team running it is ofspaced our history informative and entertaining the lectures - including on and Institute Abraham bedsand to provide prevent cross infection, “Epsom Health Carefounder Partnership.” Dixon as wellimportant as Lord Beaverbrook, a resident oflevel the areaAand owner of Cherkley Court. A little-known and, most of all, consultant local doctor or a social worker now fact 24/7.PA, Vi Hardman, was an influentialaccompanies issupervision that Beaverbrook’s force for good,the founding SWANS, a sports & consultant and the nurse social programme for the disabled, which is still going strong today. However the problem would be about where when assessing future care of a (usually) LRA’s Hilary sharedEpsom display space at the back of the AD Hall for the This Fridayfacilitates lecture. OnaSaturday elderly person. safe return to site it – Porter St. Helier, or Sutton. and Sunday,needing Hilary hosted displays on People of the rooms, the petition home with the with necessary helpdocuments having been Patients this kind of care are Power in one and signatures fromconcerned the local efforts to save our High - even collecting several more User signatures arranged beforehand. usually not too about where they Street toare addtaken to the–1,307 peoplerelatives expressingwho their have view totodate.All There were also historical and currenttomaps it is their attendees were encouraged fill of in the Leatherhead, colourful photos of LRA and River Mole action, as well as the surprisingly wellendure awkward journeys. For litter this picks reason, short questionnaire to guide future decisions by far the most popular site for our preserved articles from the desktop of Abraham Dixon himself. on the Hospitals. residents would be Epsom. Another spectacular event was The Medieval Festival, staged by Leatherhead Parish Church and the Swan Caroline Brown (LRA Chairman) Centre. Re-enactorsofdressed in authentic costume pitched an encampment and live-action performers The possibility a brand new multi-purpose Gill Hanson (SDCCG) locked in fierce In the “pillories” locals were doused with wet sponges, while children decorated hospital was combat. also mentioned, but the sums knights’ helmets and crowns. Great fun was had and the 14th century ambience was strongly felt.

If you would like to join the Leatherhead Residents' Association

Susan Leveritt

If you like your to joinname, the Leatherhead Residents’ Association (LRA), • would Provide address, telephone number, and emailplease: address Post•your name, address, telephone number & email address with a cheque for £2.50 years for 1yr payable or £6.00 for Enclose your cheque for £2.50 for one year or £6 for three to 3yrs, (payable to the LRA) to the LRA at Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead KT22 8AH or the Leatherhead Residents' Association email details to

Please send to: Letherhead Institute, High Leatherhead, 8AH Privacy Notice: TThe LRA LRA, collects, stores and processes member information 67 for the purposesStreet, of meeting its statutory requirements KT22 and its contractual

obligations to its members under its Articles. The information is not shared with third parties. Any concerns regarding the LRA’s use of member information should be directed to the Company’s Data Controller via A notice regarding the LRA’s compliance with the Telephone: 01372 Email: General Data Protection Regulation 2018 373 can be 090 found in the|document archive of the LRA website under “Regulations”.


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The Best Bargains

Technology 39

For the best online prices, it’s a really good idea to sign up to shopping sites’ mailing lists. There are often sales, flash discounts and other offers that non-subscribers don’t hear about, and in some cases the discounts can be very big: for example, New Look has offered £25 off orders and GAP has taken 20% off sale items and 30% off full-price styles. You could also sign up for a deals service such as Groupon, but beware: they send an awful lot of emails, and many of the deals are subject to limits in terms of availability and expiry. Whenever you see a supposed bargain on a product or service you can get elsewhere, it’s always a good idea to see what the going rate usually is. 31



Home Automation & Christmas Gift ideas...

Yes, we appreciate it feels like only yesterday spring was just starting to emerge, and here is some fool talking about Christmas already, but like it or not it will be with us very soon, so to prepare you we thought you might like some ideas… To help you make your home more comfortable for your visitors you may want to improve your wireless connectivity. With the addition of our Tenda Wireless range extender kit you can easily extend your wifi’s range coverage, and it doesn’t cost the earth, with the 3 unit starter kit costing £140.00 and user installation taking just minutes- imagine the problems this will solve! If you want to create the right ambiance, we have a range of Smart light bulbs, which allow you to control the colour, brightness and even turn them on or off remotely. With our Smart plugs you can control your appliances either via a schedule or totally remotely - could be ideal for giving the impression that you are home when you’re not, or controlling the Christmas lights in the garden. If you wanted to keep an eye on someone or something, we have a range of Security cameras which provide complete remote and automated use, even permitting two-way conversations across the internet, which could be useful for comforting a pet you were unable to take with you? For the computer gamers in your life we have a selection of new Gaming keyboards, mice and headsets which will enhance their game playing pleasure without breaking your bank. Other items likely to be high on the Christmas shopping list this year are Tablets from Apple, Samsung, and the Microsoft Surface- again all instock at very favourable prices. PC Upgrades including graphics cards, enhanced cooling systems and Solid State Drive upgrades offer very significant performance enhancements and provide a lasting gift.

Don’t Forget - time is running out Windows 7 updates cease on 14 January 2020 - ACT NOW This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989. 26 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019

~Surrey’s favourite Computer Store~

14 North Street, Leatherhead tel: 01372 - 370300 Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 5.30pm

NOVEMBER OFFERS Apple iMac 27” with Retina 5K display Core i5, 8Gb Ram, 1Tb Fusion drive, New and Boxed £1795.00

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Acer Travelmate Notebook

with SSD Drive & large capacity hard drive combo Available as a 14” machine & a 15.6” machine this model will be very popular for home, business & students alike as it has the super fast 8th Series Intel Quad core i5 CPU, 8Gb Ram, 128Gb SSD Drive & 1TB hard drive, high resolution IPS display , with Bluetooth, 3x USB Ports, 1 x USB C port, VGA & HDMI outputs, & Windows 10 Pro

The 14” Variant is £615 with the 15.6” model is £680

Full home Wifi coverage with our

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ONLY £140.00

Wide range of refurbished PC & Notebooks, All Windows 10, various specs

with prices starting at £249.00

Epsom Ecotank print, copier, scanner

Low cost printing is here… Complete with 4000 pages of ink in black & 6500 pages of colour ink Replacement inks for 4000 pages only £12.

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Lenovo V145 laptop-

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ONLY £350.00

YOUR APPLE AND PC SOLUTION CENTRE Onsite & workshop repairs, upgrades, virus removal, data recovery

01372-370300 | | Retail store open Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm



Digi search

Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 17


Sudoku #7


4 6 5 1 3 7 5

2 6 7 9


6 1 7

© 2013

Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.


8 7 1 2 8 5 9 0 8 1 8 6 2 8

"Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before." -- Mae West



7 1 5 6 3 4 2 7 9 5 7 5 1 2 6 4


5 3

5 6 9 7 7 4 8 6 7 8 7 7 3 6

9 4 9 3 9 6 0 4 5 2 4 5 7 5

4 8 2 6 8 5 7 7 7 7 9 4 8 7

8 5 8 4 7 5 8 7 6 3 3 8 5 4

7 7 3 5 6 4 9 6 4 6 8 3 9 2

3 7 7 8 5 3 5 5 8 4 5 9 4 9

7 6 4 8 6 2 7 5 9 5 6 4 7 3

5 3 6 7 5 4 4 4 9 9 3 0 3 7

0 9 5 4 4 3 0 8 8 8 2 9 8 4

2 2 9 3 5 1 0 7 5 7 8 6 5 6

9 8 8 2 5 2 9 3 3 4 7 5 9 3

3 4 3 3 2 3 7 2 2 0 5 7 4 1

Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 05741, 18273, 29351, 37465, 39284, 44308, 52457, 54449, 57400, 67877, 67548, 75029, 85847, 93856, 98078, 98825



“Our ethos is to help patients feel as comfortable and at home as possible, establishing a relaxed and friendly atmosphere which delivers an outstanding dental experience” Dr Claire Morrice BA(hons) BDS Dr Siobham Berry BDS

• High quality general dentistry - In our brand new state of the art practice • Hygienist treatment - Self referral welcome • Facial wrinkle and line smoothing treatments • Tooth whitening • Monthly maintainence plan • Conveniently located opposite Cobham station • Ample free easy parking

Sparkle this Christmas with 20% OFF tooth whitening treatments * offer valid until 31st December19

52 Station Road, Stoke d’Abernon, Cobham, Surrey KT11 3BN 01932 866966



A 980 mile bike ride for Prostate Cancer UK

At 6.30am on 7th September, Mike Exworthy and 18 colleagues set off from Lands End on a 980 mile journey. Averaging over 100 miles a day, over 12 hours a day, they made their way across England and up into Scotland. Enduring wild wind, pouring rain, broken bikes, exhaustion, and plenty of self doubt along the way, they cycled as high as seven and a half thousand feet at times. On some days Mike found that he was in so much pain that he felt quite ill, but these were hurdles he had to overcome. For nine days they cycled and finally they arrived in John O’Groats. What an achievement. Mike tells us why he embarked on this difficult but epic trip … ‘There are some things that you really don’t want to ever hear, especially from your nearest and dearest. Unfortunately, two years ago, my Dad told me that 30 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019

he had cancer and in that moment my world turned upside down. My mind raced and I could think of only one thing; losing my Dad to this horrible disease. It took me quite a few days to get over the initial shock and then I wanted to find out everything I could about prostate cancer. This was when I had my first encounter with Prostate Cancer UK. I spent hours researching and reading through their website trying to understand everything about this disease; the treatments, expected recovery time, I read it all. Over the next 9 months, Dad’s treatment came thick and fast. First, the operation to remove the growth then the chemotherapy, and finally the radiotherapy. Dad always remained so positive, and as a result, I felt sure that he was going to get through this huge ordeal. His go to phrase, which always brought a smile to my face, was


“it’s only a pain in the arse”! I work for Camelot and one day at work I heard that the company was looking for volunteers to take part in a charity cycle ride. It sounded like fun and I like cycling, so without really knowing any of the details, I signed up. It wasn’t until a few weeks had passed that I realised exactly what I’d signed up for! The Deloitte Ride Across Britain. A 980 mile bike ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats, over 9 days, and climbing the equivalent height of one and a half times Mount Everest in the process. It seemed this would be my very own pain in the arse! But what a fantastic opportunity to raise money for the charity that had helped my Dad. Prostate Cancer UK had been amazing in supporting both Dad and my whole family throughout his treatment; it was my

way to say thank you. This epic journey wasn’t about me though. Prostate Cancer UK are the real heroes in all of this and I cannot thank them enough for the ground breaking work they continue to do. The research and raising awareness, and the support they provide to families like ours. In June, Dad got the news we’d all been waiting for. He got the all clear and I cannot begin to express the relief that we all felt. He had done it. He’d kicked cancer in the backside. Prostate Cancer UK saved my dad’s life and I’m so proud to say that our ride raised over £3,000 for them.’ If you’d like to make a donation to my Just Giving page, it can be found here - https://www.justgiving. com/fundraising/michael-exworthy Mike Exworthy ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019


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Loss of Confidence Relationships All aspects of Infertility

Ashtead Practice Tel: 01372 277802

Termly groups run in Parsons Mead Cricket Pavilion, Ashtead. Monthly evening drop-in sessions for those who have completed a course. Parish Room, St George’s Church, Ashtead. Regular free Introductory Sessions. Retreat days. For full details of all courses and events visit



Feeling Overwhelmed? Maggie Lynch MSc Counselling & Psychotherapy BACP, UKCP, EATA, IARTA Accessible for all

07949 085425 10% discount on 1st consultation

LOCAL BLOOD DONATIONS Friday 10th January - 1.20pm - 7.30pm Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BE

Friday 31st January - 1.45pm - 8.00pm Old Barn Hall, Church Road, Bookham, KT23 3PQ

HEALTH & BEAUTY Health & Beauty





website: telephone: 01372 377 address: 19, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, KT22 9LG




Leatherhead Podiatry Love your feet!

Tuesday 10th - Saturday 14th December 2019

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10% OFF yourfirst firstappointment appointment production 10% off your onon production thisad ad(offer (offer ends ends 30th 30th November ofofthis November 2019) 2017)


01372 374125


63b High Street, Leatherhead 47



G TA M NUTE? Okay, we can’t do much with 60 seconds, but volunteering just a few hours or days a month can help us make a huge difference to people living with terminal illness.

Do you have 1 or 2 hours a month to help your local community raise money for Marie Curie's vital services? We have a volunteering opportunity which will suit the skills you have, will help the local community, suit your schedule, be flexible, meet new people and help to support people with a terminal illness. If you think you could spare some time please do get in touch with me, Emma! Your local community fund raiser. 01883832626

Volunteers are a vital part of Marie Curie. Find out how your time, skills and enthusiasm can help support people living with a terminal illness and their families. Charity reg number: 207994 (England & Wales), SC038731 (Scotland) D836c

We’re passionate about

fulfilling lives residents’

At Milner House we understand that choosing a care home can be stressful for everyone involved.

We offer residential, nursing and dementia care, and all-round support to make things easier. We’ll support you to live each day the way you want: being pampered in the hair salon, growing veg in the gardens or chatting to friends in the café. To find out more about living at Milner House, call us on 01372 885654 or email

Fulfilling lives Milner House care home Milner House, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead, KT22 8TX

Join us for Christmas Concert Saturday 30 November 2019 at 7.30pm

In the The Menuhin Hall, Stoke D’Abernon, KT11 3QQ Musical director:Juliet Hornby

Tickets from Menuhin Hall 08700 842 020

! rts here a t s s a Christm ng carols, lo Sing-achoir, Grange loists, o s , d n a brass b choir signing 01372 452 608


Care to Think Differently Hartfield House Care Home is a place to live well, offering empathetic and professional 24 hour residential, nursing, dementia and respite care in Leatherhead.

BOOK A VISIT AT PORTHAVEN.CO.UK OR CALL 01372 239431 Hartfield House, 4 Hartfield Road, Off Cleeve Rd, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7GQ


Our Secret Ingredient With organic coffee, handmade food and a great space for the community, AllSaints is a coffee shop with a difference. But it’s not just the coffee or the food that makes a difference, it’s our staff. We support local young people aged 16 - 21 by preparing them to make the step into the world of full time work. We do this by providing employment, training, and counsel through which they gain the confidence and ability to make that step themselves. This month we say goodbye to Maisie as she has successfully completed her apprenticeship and is now moving to her new place of work. We are so proud of Maisie and how she has grown in confidence. Her ever cheerful approach to customer service and her coffee expertise are second to none and we will miss her. Maisie is just one of a number of young people

whose lives have been transformed by the work of AllSaints; young people who are part of our community – young people who you know. But in order for AllSaints to be able to continue to invest in these young people and make plans for the future, we need your financial support. We are asking all those who believe in our vision of transformation through employment to think about making a monthly donation to AllSaints. If you’re a local business, organisation or individual who would like to support what we’re doing at AllSaints, then please get in touch through the email below and we can send you some more information. If you fancy an excellent cup of coffee, then please just drop by; it’ll be great to see you! AllSaints is part of The Leatherhead Youth Project. Get in touch at




Saturday 2nd NOVEMBER

Model exhibition in aid of the East Surrey Branch of The Motor Neurone Disease Association, at Eastwick Road Church, Bookham, KT22 4BE from 10am to 5pm. A display of model railway and model engineering items. Admission: Adults £3, u/18 & o/60 £2,u/5 free

Saturday 2nd NOVEMBER

Ashtead Choral Society, at St Martins Church Epsom, will perform baroque music: the majestic Zadok the Priest, written for George II’s Coronation by Handel; Vivaldi’s spectacular Gloria, a mirror of Venice’s eighteenth century zenith; and Hummel’s Mass in B flat, completing a tour through masters of baroque. For more information visit

Saturday 2nd NOVEMBER

Happy Health Day at the Letherhead Institute from 10.30am - 4pm. Professional Services, Voluntary support & Fun & games for all ages, A to L trail, Children’s Art Competition, finishing with Teddy Bears Tea Party. Free Entry. Supported by: Harmonies, L’head Residents Ass’n, The Drapers’ Company, Boom Credit Union, Ashlea PPG and Mole Valley DC. For further info email:

Saturday 2nd NOVEMBER

The Guild of Enamellers will once again visit Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 10.00am - 4.00pm. Entry is free but you are invited to try your hand at enamelling a colourful pendant or key ring for £5. We look forward to welcoming you.

Friday 8th NOVEMBER

Oakfield Junior School presents Fireworks 2019 at Oakfield Junior School, Bell Lane, Fetcham KT22 9ND from 5pm. Fireworks: 7pm. Burgers, drinks & refreshments available to buy on the night. No parking on site. Advance tickets: £4 til 08/11 & £6 on the gate (u3s free). Tickets from The Kit Shop, 232 Cobham Rd, 01372 378303

Saturday 9th NOVEMBER

Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra Concert at Christ Church, Leatherhead from 7.30pm. Conductor Mark Fitz-Gerald, Mendelssohn: Overture The Fair Melusina, Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante for Violin & Viola, Soloists: Margaret Whittall & Janet Davies, Beethoven Symphony No.7. Tickets: £14 (U18/Students £9) 01372 275907

Tuesday 12th NOVEMBER

Leatherhead and District Lions meeting at Police Federation HQ, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead KT22 7UY. Guest speakers, fundraising and donations to the community planned. New Members welcome. Contact Jim Malynn 01372 274618

Weds 13th NOVEMBER

The Wolsztyn Experience, an illustrated talk on this British-led railway preservation centre in Poland by Julian Worth, to the Dorking branch of the Locomotive Club of Great Britain. Non-members: £3.50 including refreshments. 7.30pm at The Friends Meeting House, Butter Hill, South Street, Dorking RH4 2LE.

Friday 22nd NOVEMBER

Christmas Shopping Evening at Ashtead Park Garden Centre, Ashtead, KT21 1HU from 6-9pm. Join us for an evening of merriment, mulled wine, mince pies & of course 20% off your shopping!* Christmas tree, table & room decorations, or buy beautiful gifts ready for the big day! *Exclusions apply, see website.

If there’s an event in December that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.6) before Monday 11th November.


Saturday 23rd NOVEMBER

Bookham Choral Society, conducted by Lewis Gaston & with Orchestral Accompaniment, will be presenting Georges Bizet’s ‘The Pearl Fishers’ in concert in The Chapel, St John’s School, Leatherhead. Tickets at £15 (u18s £8) are available from The Wishing Well, High St Bookham or from the BCS Box Office on 01372375644 or There will be limited availability at the door on the night

Saturday 23rd NOVEMBER

Hardy Plant Society - Southern Counties Group talk at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ (10:00am) on ‘My Thirty Best Plants’ by Bob Brown (followed by a members-only Christmas Party). £4. or info.hps.

27th - 30th NOVEMBER

Leatherhead Operatic Society presents Rodgers & Hammerstein’s beloved musical Oklahoma! at the Epsom Playhouse. With songs including Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’ & The Surrey with the Fringe on Top, it’ll be rip-roarin’, yah-hooin’ & foottappin’! 7.30pm & Sat matinee: 2.30pm. Boxoffice: (01372) 742555 / 742227 or online at

Friday 29th NOVEMBER

Christmas Dance at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, KT21 2BE, from 7.30pm. Ballroom and Latin dancing to Andrew Varley’s Keyboard music. All welcome. Tickets in advance £17, M&S Refreshments, bar, dress formal - Details: Sue & Pat Hunt 01372 277938 or 07400 276615

Saturday 30th NOVEMBER

Soundbytes & Friends 10 Yrs Celebration Concert - Fund Raiser for ALDAG from 7.30pm. A music-filled evening featuring Soundbytes, The Meredith White Trio, 3’s A Chord, Singing It Back choir. Book Tickets direct at LeatherheadTheatre box office. More information at

Saturday 30th NOVEMBER

SJPA Christmas Market at St Johns School, Leatherhead KT22 8SP from 11am 3pm. It promises to be even more festive this year with over 80 wonderful stalls. We are delighted to support local businesses selling a wide variety of high quality and unique gifts Festive games & delicious food served all day. If you are interested in taking a stall, please contact

Save the Date in December 7th - 8th DECEMBER

Festive Family Fun Weekend at Ashtead Park Garden Centre, A lovely, local event. Help raise money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity by visiting Santa in his cosy grotto - £6 per child. More info:

10th - 14th DECEMBER

5 Day Gift Market at Bourne Hall, Ewell from 10am - 5pm (4pm Saturday). Stalls are specially selected for: originality, quality, usability, great value & good service. This is truly Christmas shopping on your doorstep. Easy & Cheap parking. Free.

18th-24th DECEMBER

Santa’s Sitting Room at the Leatherhead Institute, KT22 8AH, from 10am -6pm. Father Christmas engages the children with thoughts of history, the magic of the Santa Claus story and of course listens to all of their dreams and wishes... Tickets £11.50 available at

Saturday 21st DECEMBER

Ashtead Choral Society, will join everyone in Ashtead for “Carols at Christmas” in the Peace Memorial Hall, KT21 2BE. Join us, & sing along with your favourite Carols for a melodious start to the festive season.

All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above events are correct at time of print.


The Leatherhead & District Lions Club


FAT H ER C H RI STMA S 1st Dec: at 5pm - FETCHAM 7th Dec: 5pm - FETCHAM Cannon Grove, Nutcroft Grove, Cannon Side, Raymead Way, Raymead Close, & Cannon Way.

Pound Crescent, Orchard Close, Monks Green, River Lane, Friars Orchard, & Mole Road.

2nd Dec: 6pm - ASHTEAD

8th Dec: 5pm - FETCHAM

Paddocks Way, Paddocks Close, Virginia Close, Skinners Lane, Gladstone Road, & Glebe Road

Lodge Road, Lodge Close, Gatesden Road, & Warrenne Road.

3rd Dec: 6pm- FETCHAM

9th Dec: 6pm - ASHTEAD

Hilley Field Lane, Meadows Lane, Read Rd, Taylor Road, Brookers & Cock Lane from Meadows Close, Green Lane, Richbell Cl, Lane to Hazel Parade. The Chase, Rosedale, Oakhill Close, Caen Wood Road & 5th Dec: 6pm Oakhill Road.

LEATHERHEAD Clare Crescent, Clare Wood, Aperdele Road, Merton Way, The See next month for Santa routes 12th - 23rd Dec Fairway, & Sands Place.






CHRISTMAS MARKET Saturday 30 November 11.00am - 3.00pm

Fantastic range of high quality and unique gifts Festive games Delicious food served all day SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESS AND CHARITIES St John’s School, Epsom Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8SP


Snow is forecast for Ashtead Squash Club’s

Christmas Extravaganza! Saturday 30th November

4pm - 7pm








FREE ENTRY FOR ALL! Includes a visit to see Santa in his spectacular grotto! Just bring a wrapped pressie for Santa to give to your child! 39 Skinners Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2NN


SANTA’S sitting room The Leatherhead Institute: 67 High Street, KT22 8AH Tickets £11.50 available at www.thelittle

18th - 24th December From 10am to 6:30pm Embrace the true & magical atmosphere of Christmas past, & spend quality time with Santa. Father Christmas engages the children with thoughts of history, the magic of the Santa Claus story & of course listens to all of their dreams & wishes... A beautiful antique set, charmingly studded with twinkling fairy lights adorns the parlour decorated in a Victorian style. This is a treasured event from a bygone era with all the goodies of a modern day world. Recommended for children aged 12 months upwards. Every child will receive a boy/girl hand wrappedgift appropriate to their age.


Cosy up with Father Christmas once more at the Leatherhead Institute for December 2019!

REGULAR events Friday 1st

Friday 1st (weekly)

Friday 1st (weekly)

Friday 1st (1st Friday monthly)

Friday 1st

Friday 1st (monthly)


Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, Coffee and Cakes at The Grange Centre, Bookham. 10am - 12noon. Members pay an annual subscription of £5, & £2 per meeting. Open to anyone not just Civil Servants. Contact Anne Thomson on 01372 373258 Morning coffee and scones served in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE. Prepared and served by volunteers to raise money to help run the hall. The Ark is a Christian based toddler group, based at Christ Church, Epsom Road, Leatherhead 9.30am - 11am, aimed at children from 0 to 5yrs old. During the session we have toys, games, a craft, a singing and story time. For more info visit or email Soup Lunch held in St Michael’s Church Hall, the Marld, Ashtead. A selection of Homemade soups, bread and puddings, served with tea/coffee, between 12noon and 1.30pm, all for £5. All money shared between the Princess Alice Hospice, CAFOD ( Catholic Agency For Overseas Development) and BESOM. For more information contact 01372 272267 New ‘Cuppa and Cake’ Morning at the Grange, KT23 4DZ. Friday Mornings will never be the same again! We will be running a ‘Cuppa & Cake’ morning every Friday from 10am - 11.30am. Book your places now 01372 452 608. For more information visit us online at Ashtead Art Lovers, 11am & 7.30pm: There be dragons! A look at how dragons & other mythical beasts have been portrayed in documents & art from 1000AD to the present day. £10 inc refreshments. 01372 272235 or Visit for more info.

Fri 1st, 15th & 29th NOV

Martha’s Market 10.00 - 11.30am Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Lively community market at the heart of Leatherhead welcomes you. Come along to buy home-made cakes, preserves, samosas, petit fours and sweets. Our Christmas crafts range across the spectrum together with a variety of bric-a-brac items. Come & browse, you never know what you might find! Refreshments available. In 2020 we will be open on 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays of the month. Janine on 01372 374914

Fri 1st, 15th & 29th NOV

The Sewing Shop is available from 10am - 11.30am at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Selling everything in the haberdashery range for sewing for both beginners and advanced sewists. Large range of stock or items can be ordered specially and free advice available. To save yourself a trip why not order in advance from Janine on ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019



Sunday 3rd (weekly)

Sunday 3rd (weekly)

Monday - Thurs (weekly)

Monday 4th (weekly, except Bank Holidays)

Monday 4th (weekly- termtime)

Monday 4th (weekly)

Tuesday 5th (weekly - termtime)

Tuesday 5th (1st Tues monthly)

Tuesday 5th (weekly)

Tuesday 5th (1st Tues monthly)

Wednesday 6th (weekly)

Leatherhead Parish Church welcomes you to all its services. For full details of our services and events, check out Leatherhead Methodist Church welcomes you to all their services. For more information visit our website Citizens Advice sessions at The Georgian House, Swan Mews, High Street, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8AE. Drop-in: Mon toThurs 10am - 1pm Appointments: Mon to Thurs 1pm - 4pm. Offer free, confidential, impartial & independent advice on a wide range of subjects. Advice line: 03444 111 444 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm) email: Ashtead Badminton Club at the Leatherhead Leisure Centre, from 7.30 9.30pm. Come along & try our friendly club of mixed ability men & women players. Free first session. Calvin Evans 07774 429225 / 01306 740820 or Jeff Gowlland 01306 259346 for more info & to tell us when to expect you. www. Fetcham Singers, a friendly Ladies Choir, rehearse from 7.45pm in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Show, Folk and Choral songs are practised & there are no auditions. First 2 evenings are FOC. Contact Sandra Brown on 01372 276736. Ashtead Choral Society, meet every Monday evening to rehearsal at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane. Enquiries: 01372 278852, email Toddlers Group for 0-3 year olds with a carer. Ashtead Baptist Church, 192 Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2LW. 10-11.30am. Newcomers welcome. Rosemary Bassett 01372 274666 Leatherhead Probus club has been providing fellowship for retired men in the area who have inquiring & active minds for 50 years. We meet at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for a lunch followed by a talk. In November we have our Annual General Meeting, Followed by Member’s Remember. Call Jon McCarthy: 07947 361 406 or email to come as a guest Knit ‘n Natter at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, Leatherhead from 2.30pm - 4pm, it costs 50p pp to cover the cost of the tea and coffee. This is a craft group where people can come and try a new craft or continue their own project whilst chatting with others. Ashtead Friendship Centre, at Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 2.00pm. This month we have a Quiz afternoon. For more information contact Chairman Don Butt: 01372 274288 or The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, meets every Wednesday (except August), 7.30 pm at the Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead, KT22 8AY. For singing in close harmony - there’s nothing like it! Just turn up, or contact Gary Score on 01372 275177. New singers welcome.



Wednesday 6th (monthly)

Wednesday 6th (monthly)

Wednesday 6th (weekly)

Wednesday 6th (1st weds monthly)

Wednesday 6th (monthly)

Wednesday 6th (weekly)

Wednesday 6th (1st Weds monthly)

Thursday 7th (weekly)

Thursday 7th (weekly)

Thursday 7th (1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 7th (weekly)

Thursday 7th (1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 7th (monthly)

Ashtead WI, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. The craft group will be selling poppies in aid of The Royal British legion. Sandra Brown 01372 276736 Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group, CLUB SHOW. Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 1.15pm - 4.30pm. Visitors welcome. Di Stirling 01372 279501 Baby and Toddler Group in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall from 10am 12noon. Have you just had a baby or moved to the area? If so why not come along to meet some of the other parents/carers and their children. Lots of toys & activities plus a welcome cup of coffee. Just pop in or call Jackie 07764 686914 Fetcham Village W.I, meet on the first Wednesday (except August) in Fetcham Village Hall, The St, KT22 9QS, from 7.30 pm. Maureen Webb: 01372 842498. Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis &/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT23 3PQ at 7.30pm. Contact details online or just come along to a meeting, Rotary Club of Leatherhead, Police Federation Headquarters, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. 7pm-9pm. We have regular visits from speakers and also plan our various events. For more info: Simon Edmands on 07753 821964 The Armada Probus Club. If you are a retired or semi retired gentleman please join us at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for a 2 course lunch followed by AGM. The first lunch is free. Annual membership: £20. Secretary Michael Pearce: 01372 459461 or The Rotary club of Ashtead meets 7.30pm for dinner at The Cock Inn, Church Lane, Headley, KT18 6LE. Visitors welcome. Contact Brian 01372 275860 Ashtead ‘Over 60’s Lunch Club meets every Thurs in the Ralli Room at APMH for a freshly prepared hot lunch & dessert - cost £5. Doors open at 11.00 for a cup of tea or coffee. For more info call Brenda (chairman) on 01372 813276. Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. Two Corners. With members participation, show and tell. Beginners and more experienced quilters welcome. Sandy Clark on 01372 579321 / Ashtead Bowling Club, free coaching sessions for beginners on Thursdays at 2.30 & 6.30 lasting about 90 mins. Just bring a pair of clean flat soled shoes. Bowls of a suitable size, provided. Club pavilion, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BJ. Contact Mike on 01372 273142 to arrange a session with one of our coaches Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. 1st Thursday of the month. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institue, £5. For more information contact: Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844 Ashtead U3A, 2.30pm, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Speaker: Dr Robert Cruthers, “Doctor at Sea” , 01372 273690 or ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019



Friday 8th (2nd Fri monthly)

Friday 8th, (Every 2nd Friday)

Sat 9th & 23rd

Sun 10th & 24th (2nd & 4th Sunday)

Sunday 10th (2nd Sun monthly)

Monday 11th (2nd Mon monthly)

Monday 11th (2nd Mon monthly)

Tuesday 12th (2nd Tues monthly)

Wednesday 13th (2nd Weds monthly)

Ashtead Village Friday Market, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 9.00am - 12.30pm. Free entry. Lots of stalls, gifts, cards, cakes, books, & much more, for the RNLI. OASIS, fortnightly women’s group at St George’s Christian Craft Centre, 9.15am. Each term explores a different topic, this term is life stories, with this month’s inspirational speakers. All ladies in 20s, 30s & 40s welcome, no charge/booking required. Maxine Simpson: 01372 272177 or Family rhymetime at Leatherhead Library, Church Street KT22 8DP. First come first served. No tickets but maximum of 16 per session owing to limited space. Rhymes for babies and toddlers. For more info: Revive Nation is a youth group we run every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead from 12.30pm 2.30pm. We play games, we have a pool table and we serve a light lunch for the young people. For more info Quaker Meeting. An evening meeting is held from 6.30 - 7.30 at Park House, Leatherhead, Randall’s Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship focusing on silence & stillness. For more info: Catherine Carr 01483 283693 or Leatherhead branch, Royal British Legion, Women’s Section, Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Road, 7.00pm, on the 2nd Monday of the month. Interesting speakers & events. For more info or to book contact Jane 01372 811422 Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30 for 8pm. ‘Wines of Hungary’ by Audrey Zarach/Malux. For more info: membership@ or web Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, The Street, KT22 9QS. Annual meeting & talk about Leatherhead Day Centre, 7.45pm. Meriel Sexton on Tylney Lunch Club for ladies, Leatherhead Leisure Centre. Three course lunch followed by a speaker. Membership is £10per annual & £16 for lunch. Contact Pat Date on 01372 454879

Wednesday 13th

The Arts Society Leatherhead at 7.15pm in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, KT22 8BD. ‘Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves’ by Linda Smith. Huw Jenkins on 01372 278728 or

Wednesday 13th

An illustrated talk about the depiction of skilled and unskilled working people - whether in the background or as subjects - will be given to The Arts Society Leatherhead at 7:15 pm in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, KT22 8BD. Guests are welcome, for £5 at the door: please contact info@theartssocietyleatherhead. or Huw Jenkins on 01372 278728.



Sunday 17th (3rd Sunday)

Monday 18th (3rd Monday)

Messy Church at Ashtead Baptist Church 192 Barnett Wood Lane KT21 2LW a meeting for families children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.Craft Celebration Meal 4pm-6pm. Paul & Sue: The Probus Club of Ashtead meets at Tyrrell’s Wood Golf Club at 12.30 for its regular monthly lunch & talk. Speaker: Neil Sadler ‘Gongoozling on English Canals’ New members welcome. For membership & other info: Secretary: Stephen Bridges on 07806 791774 or

Tuesday 19th

The Arts Society Ashtead meets, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall at 10.30am for its regular monthly lecture. ‘Italy & the Grand Tour’ by Professor Jeremy Black BA MA PhD MBE. Contact Pat Anderson, Membership Secretary, 07958 560707 or pat@

Wednesday 20th

Eastwick WI. St Mary’s Annexe, Fetcham KT22 9AZ 7.30pm. Annual Meeting followed by Flower Arranging. Neal Bain. Group displays. Cost £4.50, 2.00pm. Visitors welcome. Mary Morris 01372 289822 /


Thursday 21st (3rd Thurs monthly)

Sunday 24th (4th Sun monthly)

Tuesday 26th (4th Tues monthly)

Tuesday 26th (last Tues monthly)

Weds 27th (monthly)

Thurs 28th

Leatherhead U3A’s meeting at the United Reformed Church Hall, Epsom Road, Leatherhead KT22 8ST from 2pm. Jelena Bekvalac will tell us about London’s History in Skeletal Remains. The U3A welcomes anyone no longer in full time employment or raising a family. For more info come along to this meeting as our guest or contact us at or check out our website www. to find details of the many interests we offer. New Fire contemporary worship (ecumenical) held at All Saints Cafe, Kingston Road. Coffee from 6.00p.m. Worship 6.30pm. For more info email the info@ or call 020 8546 5964. “Significant Sideshows Of World War 1” - Speaker David Williams, Fetcham U3A 2.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall off The Ridgeway. Visitors & new members welcome. Contact 01372 453959 or Kingston & District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance Group meet at Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Ave, KT3 6DJ, 2-4.15pm. In addition to our main function of keeping in touch with local & national issues concerning pensioners, we arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us. This month we have Speaker: Amanda McKerracher,‘Roman London’. Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054/ Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild, Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Ln, Ashtead KT21 2BE, 7.30pm. Contact Di James on 01372 273948 Ashtead Cancer Group, a support group for cancer patients, their families, friends & carers, providing support. Free. 7pm-9pm in The Quiet Room, St George’s Christian Centre, Barnett Wood Lane, KT21 2DA. Workshops & occasional speakers. 07843 620295, or online: ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019



Georgie is a pretty, gentle, grey & white long-haired female aged 10. She needs to be an indoor-only cat, in a quiet home, no other pets and with someone around for a good part of the day; ideally someone who is an experienced cat owner to help her gain in confidence and feel secure. She loves to be stroked and brushed – which is great because she needs to be brushed every day. She also enjoys playing with a fishing-rod type toy, with catnip toys and using a scratch post. She is in care because her owner was no longer able to take care of her. She has been checked by the vet and is now ready for homing If you feel you can give Georgie her well deserved forever home please call 0345 260 1387 Epsom Ewell & District Branch If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)


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MUSIC ON THURSDAYS 12.30pm at the Leatherhead Methodist Church, KT22 8AY


7th November - Juliet Evans, recorders, & Thomas Ang, piano;


14th November - Ibrahim Aziz, viola da gamba, & Yeo YatSoon, harpsichord (he brings his own); and the final concert of this year,


28th November - return of the Tailleferre Ensemble (flute, 2 oboes, bassoon).

at Leatherhead Methodist Church at Christ Church All venues have level access, including toilets. Leatherhead Methodist Church, please park in the Swan Cente multi-storey.

WEDNESDAYS AT CHRIST CHURCH 12.30pm at the Christ Church URC, Epsom Road, KT22 8ST 16th October - with the young recitalist Hannah Parry

As we head towards the end of the year, although we are not quite there yet, the evenings are darkening earlier and the clocks have gone back to their winter passage. So, our thoughts might understandably, turn to Christmas. The Arts Society Ashtead always warmly welcomes new members, and this year we will be offering everyone the chance to purchase a six-month membership of The Arts Society Ashtead for the very special price of £20. Those lucky enough to receive a gift membership will be able to attend any six lectures of their choice during the year. We look forward to amiably greeting the recipients from January onwards.

Vienna trip 2019

To learn more do please visit our website and select the special events tab at

In the meantime, we do hope you will be tempted to come along to our next lecture where you will be warmly welcomed. Our monthly meetings (held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month) take place at the Peace Memorial Hall. Our November lecture is; Italy and The Grand Tour. Doors open at 09.30 for coffee and biscuits and the lecture begins at 10.30. There is a small charge of £5 for non-members, but all first timers are welcome to attend free as a guest. On 1st October we were delighted to welcome James Russell, who gave three wonderfully interesting lectures over the course of the day on the subject of Enigmatic Art: Famous Paintings that keep you guessing.


BIBLE TALKS You are warmly invited to attend our


Marshall Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2BE

THE TITLES FOR THE NEXT 2 MONTHS ARE: NOV 10 The truth about hell 17 The miracle of prophecy 24 Can we communicate with the dead? DEC 8 15 22

Jerusalem – the future capital of the world The truth about the Holy Spirit Why is man mortal?

There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion If you are unable to attend, you can send for a free CD or attachment of the talks and relevant literature to: or Freepost RSEZ-KXRB-EKRX, Biblestudy, Bracknell, RG12 9YZ



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Solutions Page 85

Clue: 3 Across

Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

Clue: 4 Down



1. Affluent (4) 3. Dawn (8) 9. North American falls (7) 10. Saltpetre (5) 11. Destroy (5) 12. Northern Ireland (6) 14. Make possible (6) 16. Stop speaking (4,2) 19. Burning (6) 21. Serving spoon (5) 24. Burst (5) 25. Perfumed (7) 26. Reverie (8) 27. Parched (4)

1. Illustrious (8) 2. Pursuit (5) 4. Counting-frame (6) 5. Proclam intended marriage (5) 6. Beseech (7) 7. Maintain (4) 8. Scavenging beast (6) 13. Magnificent (8) 15. Atrociously (7) 17. Armour to protect head (6) 18. Iran, formerly (6) 20. Modify (5) 22. Dissuade (5) 23. Utilised (4)


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potatoes dauphnioise

ingredients -

• 1 x baking potato per person • 1 x litre of milk • knob of butter • 120g x grated gruyere • nutmeg • sea salt

(cook ahead)

• 250g x double cream • 2 x garlic cloves • black pepper


1. Butter a deep oven tray or dish. Heat oven to 190 degrees or gas mark 5

2. Thinly slice the potatoes. can peel or not. 3. Place them in a saucepan with the milk, nutmeg, crushed garlic, salt & pepper. Cook for 10 mins. 4. Mix the cream and cheese together. Pour into the potatoes. 5. Pour all ingredients into the oven dish and cook for an hour. 6. When it comes out of the oven, ensure potato is cooked through. 7. place foil or parchment over the top and a selection of heavy tins to weight it down. 8. Allow to cool a little then place in fridge. Once cold, tip the whole tray upside down and slice into squares. Place on separate square sheets of greaseproof and onto a baking tray to heat through when needed. Garnish with rosemary.

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Making it happen!

Surrey Wildlife Trust depends on an army of enthusiastic volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. On Norbury Park its valued volunteers help the Trust in almost every line of work from scrub clearance and clearing paths to looking after grazing cattle, coppicing, removing invasive plant species and lots more. We couldn’t manage without them. Set up in 2015, Norbury Park Volunteer Group have been fundamental in helping us care for the reserve. Richard joined the group about 3 years ago and wished he’d heard about it earlier. “Meeting on the 3rd Friday of every month is always a day I look forward to. We’re a mixed bunch, mostly retired, fairly active people. Always a good laugh, very friendly, it’s very satisfying to be out in the fresh air feeling you’re doing something useful with a nice bunch of people. There is no pressure and everyone is encouraged to only do what they can and want to... I love it!” Jane hasn’t looked back since discovering Surrey Wildlife Trust volunteer days: “I had some time on my hands and wanted to do something to care for the county and its wildlife. Little did I know just how much I would enjoy the experience and how much I would learn. Volunteering is now part of my regular routine.” Peter finds it rewarding knowing he is “helping to reverse

the decline in butterfly, insect and bird populations which has been in the news lately. The activities are a suitable mix for all ages and abilities, tools are provided and the day is led by an experienced SWT staff member. Our group meets at an easy-to-find location and you’ll get to hear of other weekly activity days managed by the Trust as well. New volunteers are always welcome to join our friendly team!” Claire Courtier, Community Engagement Manager at Surrey Wildlife Trust, explained: “We are so grateful to our wonderful volunteers. At the end of each volunteer day, there is a real buzz where everyone takes a few moments to look and see just how much they have achieved. Thank you to all our fantastic volunteers!” If you’d like to get stuck into to some outdoor conservation and spend the day in beautiful surroundings, then there has never been a better time to get involved. Whether you can spare a few hours or a full day, the Norbury Park group meets on 3rd Friday of each month. If you would like to become a volunteer and protect Surrey’s wildlife please register a, email or call 01483 795464 Go wild this autumn & join a practical conservation day at Norbury: 15th Nov & 20th Dec, 10am - 3pm. ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019


Ashtead WIng meet on the second Monday of the month from 8pm to 10pm in Ashtead Baptist Church Hall. We have a varied and exciting programme of speakers and events at our meetings. So far this year our speakers have included representatives from the Canine Partner Assistance Dogs and Amnesty International, and we have had talks about the Antarctica, air traffic control choosing the right bra and “Regency Dancing in Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom”. Our special interest groups are very sociable and popular with our members. They include a Craft group, a Foodie group, three Book Clubs, a Walk & Talk group, a Theatre group, a Days Out group, a Gardening group and more! New members and guests are always welcome, and we look forward to seeing you at a future meeting. For more details, please visit our website or contact us via email.

Next meeting 11th November 2019

Email: Website:

FETCHAM VILLAGE W.I. SEPTEMBER REPORT The evening of the 4th saw 31 members and one visitor. A large table full of Anne’s hand made cards, another brimming with raffle prizes, and the third showing a big display of paperbacks. Sheila spoke of the 2nd Christmas knitting project again featuring angels; this theme was enthusiastically received with a mini queue of ladies clutching balls of wool, patterns and instructions. Speaker Victoria made her third visit and enthusiastically talked about India. She wore a salwah kameez with a long jacket and really looked the part. Yoga classes have resumed, and the venue for our successful September pub lunch was The Brewery in Ashtead. An interesting 62 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019

feature in the monthly newsletter was entitled The Splash, Fetcham. This article, found in an elderly Fetcham W.I. scrapbook, was not credited to an author. It told of the joy of walking along this local beauty spot, in the late 1930’s, from the majestic railway arch at Leatherhead and ending at the old Shamrock tea rooms, Fetcham. Many favourable comments have been received and memories revisited. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month (except August) in Fetcham Village Hall. For further information please telephone Maureen 01372 842498 or Rosemary 01372 376906. MAUREEN WEBB

ASHTEAD W.I. OCTOBER MEETING REPORT There was a warm welcome for 3 new members this evening but sad news of the recent death of one of our members, who we will really miss. There was a wonderfully bright display of hand-made poppies from our craft group, ready for everyone to wear during November, and we have had a very successful coffee morning where all can chat and get to know each other more informally. Ian Currie was our speaker tonight, telling us of the history of weather forecasting from (rather unreliable) 2,000 years ago, through to 1643 when the first barometer was invented by a pupil of Galileo. People of the past had many ways of predicting the weather from clouds and other signs familiar to them, indicating when all their outdoor work was best undertaken. Admiral Fitzroy set up the first weather stations in 1859,

and we learned that ‘fronts’ were named from battles taking place ‘at the front’ in WW1. The Jetstream was named after the very fast high winds, and today, of course, we have satelites and computers giving extremely precise forecasting. Unfortunately, Ian couldn’t give a forecast for this winter until November, which is a key time for telling what our winter weather is likely to be! Looking a little nearer ahead, we made notes of our October lunch, our various sub-groups, and we have dates for our Christmas Lunch and Ashtead WI Carol Singing in December. Next month’s meeting on 6th November in Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, will be our AGM, and we look forward to seeing visitors who would like to find out what our W.I. is all about. More information can be found on:


MOLE VALLEY W.I. SEPTEMBER MEETING REPORT Mole Valley WI always commences the evening by welcoming potentially new members, and this month was no exception. This was followed by news and information. Members were invited to subscribe to a Christmas lunch, to start the festive season, in early December and to join this month’s craft meeting when we will be making napkin rings. Also in October, for our social event, we are holding a quiz and supper evening, which is always very popular. Our attention was drawn to information regarding the resolutions adopted at this year’s Annual Meeting, and the launching of new campaigns. Waltzing Matilda was the title of this month’s talk, given by Vic Quale. It was an account of a journey, with his wife, through the Australian Outback in their motorhome called Matilda. With hundreds of miles between petrol, water and settlements it was quite an adventure.

Our trip this month, to the villages of Essex, was hugely enjoyed by everyone. The coach stopped at Great Dunmow, to pick up our guide, then continued on to the picturesque village of Thaxted for coffee at the Swan Hotel and a visit to the beautiful Parish Church. Completed in 1510, it is a grand and airy building full of light, the size of a small cathedral and famous for its spire. At the village of High Easter we stopped at Lodge’s, a coach company one hundred years old next year, for a ploughman’s lunch. After rides in two old coaches, a show of all the films they’ve starred in and a tour of the museum we were treated to tea and cakes before heading home. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Fetcham Village Hall at 7.45pm. Further details are on our website www. From Sandra Finch

To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 63



Leatherhead and District Lions held their 6th successful Donkey Derby on Sunday 1st September at Polesden Lacey NT. Hosted by Lauren Milsom, Visitor Experience Manager. We are very fortunate to have access to such a great venue, right on our door step. There is free entry to the Historic House and Grounds on the day, together with free parking on site. I would encourage any Lions Club where a NT Property is close by, to explore the opportunities to work together for the benefit of the community. An estimated 6000 footfall is average attendance and we time the event to fall on the weekend just before the children go back to school, maximising the potential. Even the weather was kind to us! The event was opened this year by The Chairman, Mole Valley District Council, Councillor Mary Huggins and joined by our guest visitor David Butler OBE, District Governor 105SE. Lion President Geoff Underdown kicked off The Family Fun Day by thanking all our sponsors and supporters and encouraged all to have FUN and be GENEROUS! There was certainly something for everyone – young and old – from Donkey Races allowing a bet on the Tote, Donkey Rides, Steam Train Rides, Dog Show, Craft 64 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019

Stalls, Children’s Fair, Bouncy Castles, Food Court, Bar and of course Ice Creams! We generally raise approx. £12,000.00 on the day (6 months’ work) and although the final accounts have not yet been completed my expectation is that we will do similar again this year.30% of profits is returned to Polesden Lacey, which is of course a charity and last year contributed to the refurbishment fund for the Steinway Piano. Our focus this year is to support Local Youth Projects as well as other needy causes in the community. The final satisfaction comes from the feedback from those attending: “We had a great day at Polesden Lacey. We’d been a few times before but this time we came because there was the bonus of the Leatherhead Lions event; it was the last weekend of our summer holidays and we wanted to see it off with something fun – and we certainly did! There was a great atmosphere with lots to see, and Lions members were very friendly. Highlights were the dog show and the donkey derby – oh, and winning the £100 prize! Thanks to the Leatherhead Lions for a super time – we look forward to returning next year!” Alex and Simon D. West London

Working Towards a Sustainable Ashtead Talking rubbish again… If you see someone dropping litter or driving away from a layby having fly-tipped a load of rubbish, what do you think? How does it make you feel? You may think they are being anti-social, lazy, inconsiderate. You may feel outraged or angry and may even consider confronting them if you’re feeling brave. All very natural reactions. Or maybe you are a litterer or fly-tipper and don’t care what people think, it’s just convenient to dump stuff you don’t want? I was pondering these questions after I’d followed a car the other day and a hand came out of the driver’s window. It tossed a crisp bag or something into the slip-stream. The bag swirled around in front of me until I overtook it. It would probably be blown around by other vehicles and finally come to rest until it’s picked up by a road-sweeper or passing pedestrian. But it made me think – that was rubbish I could see. However, I was driving a car with rubbish coming out of the back of it (ie exhaust fumes) that are invisible. In days gone by, horse-drawn carriages also produced waste from the back end (…use your imagination!) but that was very visible and, I should think, not nice for pedestrians. The problem was ‘solved’ when motor vehicles replaced horse-power but it meant the pollution was no longer under our feet and noses. We were still breathing in a different sort of pollution but weren’t aware of it. The ‘pea-soup-ers’ in London, thick fog mixed with smoke from coal fires, were also visible and finally prevented by laws stipulating only smokeless fuel could be used. Technology moves on, and now our way of life makes us ‘inadvertent polluters’ because we don’t get the obvious reminders that we used to. We know we do it but it seems distant and not inconveniently under our feet or blighting the landscape. But you don’t need me to tell you that climate change is the major issue facing us today, unless you have been watching the news with your fingers in your ears! There have been reports about Extinction Rebellion activities and unusual weather events, probably made more frequent by global warming. The new phrase ‘Climate Emergency’ first coined in Australia in 2017, was adopted by the UK government this year and a Swedish teenager is making waves around the world with her steadfast stance and personal actions. Data from Mike Berners-Lee’s book ‘There is no Planet B’ shows that about 65% of energy in the UK is used for transport and heating, leading to that ‘invisible polluton’. So can you make your personal actions include turning down the thermostat, improving the insulation of your home (and yourself - extra jumper?) and walking or using public transport where ever possible? It’s not rubbish, we can all make a difference… Chris Ellis website: email:

FETCHAM U 3 A Once again a very active time has been had by our members. May 30th once again a very successful group leaders afternoon tea where we were all able to join in with a 10 minute armchair session of Pilates which has now prompted 2 workshops to try to put together a group known as PACET. We have been to the Theatre, visited Melton Mowbray to watch the famous pies being made. We will be visiting BMW Mini factory, Monet’s gardens in Rouen, Ludlow/ Ironbridge, Kew Musical Museum to name just a few of our activities. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 2.30p.m. to 4.30 p.m. at St. Mary’s church hall off the Ridgeway Fetcham Surrey. KT22 9AZ. We have so much to offer, so much to do and have fun whilst doing it. For further information contact Mrs Ann Chance.

There is such a thing as a

FREE CHRISTMAS LUNCH Every week the charity The Meeting Room, runs daytime drop-in centres for homeless, socially isolated and vulnerable people living within our communities. They offer them a warm, safe and friendly environment where they are made to feel welcome and have a chance to eat, relax and socialise. A hot nourishing mid-day meal sustains the body, while talking, playing games and other activities help to break through isolation. By listening to clients and gaining their trust, they try to help them by signposting them to agencies or professional bodies for help. 66 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019

Everyone is welcome and a referral is not required. Each year they organise a traditional Christmas Day at Fetcham Village Hall. If you or someone you know are interested in attending or if you would like to volunteer please contact them on 07413 978422 or or just turn up. Christmas Day 10.30am - 4pm. There will be a full Christmas lunch to enjoy, entertainment, good company and a very warm welcome. For more information visit our website:

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Border Control

No references to the dreaded B-word intended! Autumn is a great time to be outdoors and get to grips with unruly borders. Digging up annuals and cutting back perennials will help restore order - but leave some seed heads behind for insects to enjoy. It’s not just what you take out of the garden, what you add in is equally important. A thick layer of compost, bark chips or leaf mould will enrich the soil, keep weeds at bay and give your borders a boost. Brighten up bare borders with colourful pansies and wallflowers and fill gaps with evergreens. Varieties with glossy foliage and fragrant flowers will keep your borders looking wonderful all Winter.

Thinking of a new garden for next year? Call Boardman Gelly & Co on 01306 611231 or email

Recycle the plants you clear from borders and veg plots to make cracking compost and gather fallen leaves to create your own leaf mould. Choose a secluded spot in the garden, make a leaf bin with wire mesh, fill with leaves and sprinkle with water. Some leaves will take longer to break down and are best shredded first. The process can take 2 - 3 years, but all you have to do is turn the leaves from time to time and leave Mother Nature to do the rest. The results will be worth waiting for. Why not plan larger projects whilst your garden sleeps? Winter is the perfect time to work on patios, paths and ponds to give your garden a fresh new look for the Spring.




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Safety in the Garden By Selina Botham

Award winning local garden designer Selina Botham looks at the issue of safety in the garden. We all want to feel safe in our gardens and it’s sometimes top on my clients mind if they have had a fall or if they have young children. Good garden design helps everyone access and enjoy their gardens more easily and is something I am always considering as I design. The biggest safety issues in gardens tend to be changes of level, water and slippery surfaces. This month I’ll tackle how to deal with changes of level as safely as possible. Levels Some gardens have huge level changes and others only a couple of steps and I’ve seen some very dangerous gardens, whether its just one badly positioned step which everyone trips down or a whole flight with uneven risers and treads which are hazardous. I’m often amazed at what people live with and its always a pleasure to make a garden work practically as well as aesthetically. Things to avoid are:- unexpected steps eg steps which go across the width of the back of the house - steps with risers of different heights, particularly in the same flight. - varying width of step treads - steps at odd angles - drops next to steps or paths or paved areas. - a single step 70 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019

- very steep or very shallow steps. Top designer tips:1. Balustrades or planting to stop accidental falls from heights. (A drop of 300mm or more needs care.) 2. Step sizes - The treads need to be wide enough to safely fit a foot, so I suggest no smaller than 300mm and all need to be the same. Likewise risers should all be the same, especially within one flight of stairs. Ideally 150mm high, but anything between 170mm and 120mm is ok. 3. A visual sign post for steps is helpful and this is why a step tread should overhang the riser so the shadow line creates a visual prompt. Different materials for the tread and the riser is a good idea. Using a different paving material as you approach the steps is helpful and can be visually effective too. A wall either side of the steps is also sometimes used, or specific planting can even be used. Next time I’ll give some tips on how to deal with safety for water features and then some things to look out for when choosing safe outdoor surfaces. Selina Botham is an award winning garden designer based in Claygate. If you would like to improve and make the best of your garden and need some professional help contact Selina for an initial garden consultation on 07894 553 202 or see her web site for further ideas www.designsforallseasons. and her facebook page Selina Botham – Designs for all Seasons.

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POEM CORNER RAIN Young faces gaze upwards, laughing, Eager hands stretch out in glee, Then the rain falls gently down, And the pavements have spots And the puddles patterns, People scurry, raindrops hurry In races down the panes, Umbrellas sprout and snails come out, The grass is green, and for a while, The world is clean again.

House & Garden

Gaunt faces gaze upwards, pleading, Thin arms are raised in hope, General Knowledge Crossword Then down it comes in torrents Coursing down ravaged cheeks Across Like streams of tears 7. European principality (6) death. Quietening fears of immediate 8. Alas, Characteristic a clanof(6) to-day’s joyfulofcoming the rains Is a future furious flood 9. Precious stones (4) Causing havoc and destruction 10. EpicTill poem recitation (8) only adapted the stenchfor remains. 11. Public toilet in a military area (7) Webook see your destructive 13. Holy of Islam (5) beauty, We hear your drumming beat, 15. End oflove a roof (5) sweet smell, And the earthy 17. Scottish Of dampbread leaves(7) beneath our feet. Tour cooling fingers brain, 20. Citrus fruit with asooth looseour and easily God’s creatures become alive again, removed rind (8) We marvel at your power 21. GermanAscomposer (4) in awe we (1685–1750) stand, For the gifts of Life and Death 23. Greek goddess of wisdom (6) Are cradled in your hand. 24. Strand of yarn (6)




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1. Who wanted to “Turn back time” in 1989? 2. Who wished they could put “Time in a bottle” in 1972? 3. Which 1960’s star drummer featured in a futuristic project called “Time” in 1986? 4. In 1973 Pink Floyd released an album featuring a track simply called “Time”. Name the album. 5. In 1983 she released her debut album called “She’s so unusual” which included the track “Time after Time”. Who is she? 6. Who sang about “Clocks” in 2002? 7. Who told us the “The times they are a changin’ “? 8. The track was “Every time you go away” the album was “The Secret of Association”. Who was the artist? 9. It was 1982. The song was “Time (Clock of the Heart)”. Who sang it” 10. Complete the title of the 1964 Simon & Garfunkel album “Wednesday morning_____”? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 61 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019



WHEN REGULAR BATHING RETURNED AFTER A 1400-YEAR GAP The Romans had a sophisticated system for bathing but it disappeared for well over 1000 years after they left Britain, Ian Betts, Museum of London archaeology expert, told an audience at the Letherhead Institute in September. Opening the new season of monthly lectures to the Leatherhead & District Local History Society, he explained that in Roman times, oil was applied to the skin and bathers went into hot and cold plunge pools to make them sweat before they were massaged. However, public baths were abandoned in the 5th century and the Anglo-Saxons who then occupied most of Britain only bathed in rivers, if at all. Queen Elizabeth I famously had a bath once a year, ‘whether she needed it or not’ in the 16th century. But by the Georgian era 150 years later, advances in ceramics and the delivery of cleaner water allowed the better-off classes to be more fastidious in bathing. The first modern baths were found in country houses such as at Carshalton and Claremont. Some had a single pool, others both hot and cold. In London, commercial bagnios, as they were known, were established around Covent Garden. They were aimed at the rich, with fine furnishings, high-quality tableware and steep prices. Many were actually just fronts for 76 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019

brothels but others promoted a more respectable image, with men and women admitted on different days and some catered for a whole family and servants. Spa towns developed separately. These involved drinking health-giving water as well as bathing in it. Bath, with its natural hot springs and rediscovered Roman bath, was an early example, followed by Harrogate, Leamington, Cheltenham and locally Epsom. The spa experience also involved eating, drinking and gambling. Sea bathing later became fashionable with the coming of the railways. The 19th century bought high-pressure steamdriven pumps and iron pipes to stand the resulting loads of water, and local authorities were empowered to supply all homes. Councils built public baths, wash-houses for clothes, and later swimming pools. Urban lower classes could keep themselves clean for the first time. The monthly lectures start at 8pm with drinks and refreshments served from 7.30pm. Entrance is just £2. For more information about the L&DLHS and the Leatherhead Museum in Church Street, go to

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The Time Travelling Wife Copyright Sarah Lott, October 2019 | @thememorybook | facebook/thememorybook When the invitation from Ruth’s cousin came costume designer. On the day of the party, they through the door, Ruth and Sam had different got dressed and met in the hall for a family photo. responses. She immediately started worrying about Sarah made a very cute punk with a spiky blue wig, what to wear and Sam just laughed. fingerless gloves and a necklace made out of safety To Ruth, Sam, Ben, Daniel and Sarah pins. The boys had used a whole tub of ‘extreme “Travel in Time! Help celebrate Helen’s 40th birthday styling wax’ and Ben had added streaks of green. He by dressing up from any decade in history…” was wearing a skull T-shirt and spiked wristbands Shops & Services The first discussion was held over lunch the following while Ben wore a leather jacket and a plastic ‘barbed Sunday and each member of the family had a wire’ dog collar. Both of them had ripped jeans, held different opinion to put forward. together with safety pins and were sporting several Ben immediately said, “You’re not getting me to dress fake tattoos. up. That’s so lame! Do we have to go?” Ruth and Sam didn’t let their sons down. Ruth’s Daniel said, “Can I be Darth Vader?” eye make up was dramatic and she wore a black Sarah said, “That’s stupid Dan. Darth Vader’s not real. and red spiky wig, a short tartan skirt with fishnet You have to be a character from history!” tights and a black leather jacket. She also had a skull Ben replied with, “You’re both stupid! You should go and crossbones choker necklace and black fingerless as Marie Antoinette and Charles 1st with your heads gloves. Sam looked menacing in his electric blue chopped off…” Mohican wig, spiked dog collar, Sex Pistols T-shirt Ruth couldn’t help but be impressed at her eldest and black trousers, with a chain hanging from the son’s historical knowledge. “Perhaps we should all go belt. Their cheek and lip piercings really shocked the as the same decade to keep things simple. How about children, until they proved to be fake and made of something Victorian? I’ve still got the costumes from your plastic... Victorian day at school.” They were just about to leave when the doorbell rang. “Boring!” Sam, fully in character by this point, opened the door “How about Saxons? Or Romans? Or Vikings? Or with a “Yeah? Watcha want then!?!” Egyptians? I could dye some old sheets…” Mrs. Stevens from number 40 was just delivering a “Boring! Boring! Boring! Boring!” Neighbourhood Watch newsletter. Her reaction was Ruth clearly wasn’t having much success. Sam spoke priceless. Shock came first, followed by confusion very quietly but with a knowing smile and a sense of and then horror. She quiet conviction. stammered a polite “I think we should all go as punks. That would be ‘Good Evening to you all. seriously cool…” Sorry to disturb…’ and After a bit of explanation and a search on Google scuttled away. Her role as images, it was decided. They were going to be a Neighbourhood Watch family of punks. coordinator had just got Over the next few weeks, Ruth took the role of chief very interesting… 80 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019



The Friends of Triel have been busy in the last 6 months promoting our twinning with Triel-surSeine. One highpoint was a weekend exhibition in the Letherhead Institute when visitors were welcomed to Café Triel where they could relax with a cup of coffee or enjoy cheese and a glass of wine while learning more about our twin town. Our social life has included lunch and a guided tour around Wisley. Wisley is a great favourite with the Triellois when they visit us and next time we will be introducing them to Wisley’s very own teenage dinosaur! 14th July is the French National Day and we celebrated with our “Quatorze Juillet” Garden Party, enjoying a delicious lunch while listening to the jazz melodies of “Moodswing”, a local band who are keen to support our twinning. Our French twinning has led to friendship with the German town of Seligenstadt, a beautiful old town on the banks of the River Main. A group of

us joined their 4 yearly Geleitsfest which celebrates their history with an extraordinary custom of drinking wine from gigantic spoons! We now have a regular French conversation afternoon, chatting in a relaxed way over tea and cakes. Hopefully our rusty French will improve! We are now taking bookings for our 2020 visit to Triel from 21st to the 24th May. The cost is only £210 to include executive coach travel, full board while staying with French families as well as visits we make to places of interest. We ensure that even if you speak no French you will be welcomed by English speaking hosts. We welcome families and anyone under 18 only pays £160. Please contact us if you are interested either via our website where you will find membership and booking forms, or phone 01372 452845 for more information. David and Elaine Crutchley ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019


ASHTEAD LIBRARY Woodfield Ln, Ashtead, KT21 2BQ T: 0300 200 1001 E: W:

OPENING HOURS Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 10am-1.00pm & 2pm-5.00pm Saturday: 9.30am-5.00pm




REMEMBER, REMEMBER TO READ IN NOVEMBER!! If you haven’t been to Ashtead Library in a while, please come and support us. Ashtead Library is a small but perfectly formed library offering a peaceful place to choose books, read newspapers or use our computers. We are looking forward to welcoming all readers old and new. Are you aware we have a Digital Buddy every Thursday 2-4pm? - A digital buddy is able to help with computer queries, using a library PC, your own laptop or tablet. If you would like any computer related help, then please book a slot at the desk or ring 0300 200 1001 and ask for Ashtead Library

WEEKLY RHYMETIME SESSION - This is a great opportunity to have fun with your baby/toddler through rhythm, actions and singing and introduce children to all the library has to offer. The Rhymetime session is available on Friday 10:15am for 30 minutes. Places are limited so please arrive early. Do you have an hour to spare on Friday morning? We would love to have another Rhyme Time Volunteer. Please look on line or come to see us at Ashtead Library. Keep an eye on our twitter account @AshteadLibrary for upcoming events and activities.

Patchwork Club - Feeling creative? Our new Patchwork Club meets at Leatherhead Library on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 2 - 3.30pm. We are currently working on a charity quilt for Project Linus UK, which deliver quilts to children undergoing long-term treatment in hospital. Our next session will be on 26th Nov. Beginners & experienced patchworkers are all welcome. Surrey Reading Aloud 2019 - Surrey Libraries and Brooklands Radio are celebrating the joy of reading aloud. Help us pick the winner of the 2019 Surrey Reading Aloud competition at libraries or Between 8th November and 8th December, you will be able to listen to our shortlisted nominees reading aloud a short extract and vote for your

favourite. Then tune in to Brooklands Radio on Christmas Eve to hear our 2019 winner reading aloud a magical Christmas story. Rhymetimes - We love a good sing along at Leatherhead Library! Join us for some rhymes and music with Pebble the Penguin every Thursday from 10 - 10.30am and 11 - 11.30am. We also have a Family Rhymetime twice a month on Saturday mornings at 11am - upcoming dates are available in the library and on the Surrey Libraries website. We hope to have some special Rhymetime sessions with students from Woodlands School and residents of Hartfield House Care Home in the future. Follow us on Twitter @LeatherheadLib and Facebook @LeatherheadLibrary to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities.












This is the advice offered by Surrey Trading Standard to anyone who receives unwanted or unsolicited callers at their homes and this is endorsed fully by your local policing team. There are several different types of “cold calling”, ranging from people offering products or services, to people trying to gain access to a person’s home in order to commit a theft. Mole Valley has been designated as “No Cold Calling” zone for several years and this has had some impact, in terms of reducing the number of cold callers, as well as empowering people to exercise their right not to deal with unsolicited doorstep callers. Most households should already have stickers to display, advising people that you do not respond to cold calling. If there is anyone who would like a new sticker, or a replacement for their old one, then these can be obtained by contacting either your local Safer Neighbourhood Team or Trading Standards. In recent months we have also seen a spate of doorto-door selling of various household items by people who are “dropped” in a particular area and then go out trying to sell their products. Often these people state that they are trying to do something to earn a living having just come out of prison. That may well be the case but, in order to sell door-to-door, they must have a current “Peddlers’ Licence” issued by the Local Authority from the area in which they normally reside. No one should feel pressured into buying goods in this way and any concerns should be called through to police on 101. If, of course, the

caller behaves in such a way as to cause you fear or distress, then you can always call us on 999. Similarly, never let anyone into your home without establishing that they are “genuine”. Sometimes people claim to be from the water company, dealing with a leak down the road and asking if they can come in to your home to check your supply. This is a common “distraction burglary” technique, where the home owner is asked to monitor the flow of water in their kitchen whilst the “engineer” checks upstairs, using the opportunity to steal items in the process. Genuine utility companies and their representatives will never mind your keeping them waiting while you check their details. It is also worth mentioning that many utility companies also offer a “password” scheme. This is where you register a preferred password with the company and anyone calling at your door has to give the correct password before the resident will grant them access. Never accept doorstep quotes for work to be done on your home. Ideally, check out and compare companies for yourself. Also, personal recommendation can go a long way towards preventing your becoming a victim of a rogue trader. In the past, people have often believed that using a door chain before opening the door is a good way of dealing with unknown callers. It is true that this offers a barrier but, once the skilled “salesperson” has managed to engage a resident in conversation, it can be very hard to terminate the contact. Far better to follow the advice from Trading Standards – “Not sure – don’t open the door!” ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019


useful numbers Ashtead Art Group 01737 357263 (Jenny Lister) Ashtead Bowling Club 01372 802421 (Pamela Bennett) Ashtead Cancer Group Ashtead Chess Club 01372 813487 (Richard Jones) Ashtead Choral Society 01372 278852 (Anne Bailey) Ashtead Community Vision 07530 373975 (Andy Ellis) Ashtead Cricket Club 01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane) Over 60s Lunch Club 01372 813276 The Arts Society Ashtead 01372 275605 (Pat Anderson) Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group 01372 279501 (Di Stirling) Ashtead Friendship Centre 01372 274288 (Don Butt) Ashtead Good Neighbours 07752 665066 Ashtead Horticultural Society 01372 373348 (Jennie Pilfold) Ashtead Library 0300 200 1001 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall 01372 272921 Ashtead Players/Young Players 01372 279614 Ashtead Residents’ Association 07804 026577 (Glynis Peterkin) Ashtead Squash & Tennis Club 01372 272215 Ashtead Tennis Players Club 01372 721104 Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild 01372 273948 (Di James) Ashtead Women’s Institute

01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Carers’ Support Mole Valley 01306 640212 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens’ Advice Bureau 03 444 111 444 Cruse Bereavement Care 020 8393 7238 Electricity (UK Power Networks) 0800 783 8866 (powercut info line) Epsom General Hospital 01372 735735 Fetcham Residents’ Association 07833 620 744 for all enquiries Fetcham Singers (ladies’ choir) 01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Gas (Transco) 0800 111999 (minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing 0800 371787) Howard Badminton Club 07711 563481 (Mike Guillem) The Arts Society Leatherhead 01372 278738 (Huw Jenkins) Leatherhead Choral Society 01372 376831 (Sue Foulsham) Leatherhead & District Angling Society 01372 377654 Leatherhead Helpshop 01372 363385 Leatherhead Community Association 01372 360508 Leatherhead Horticultural Society 01372 373493 (David Wells) Leatherhead Leisure Centre 01372 377674 Leatherhead Library 0300 200 1001 Leatherhead Lions Club 01372 274618 (Jim Malynn) Leatherhead Museum 01372 386348


Leatherhead Residents’ Association 01372 813013 Leatherhead Theatre 01372 365141 Mid Surrey Community Mediation 07513 524241 Mole Valley District Council 01306 885001 Police - Non-emergency 101 Probus Club of Ashtead 07806 791774 (Steve Bridges) Probus Club of Leatherhead 07947 361406 (Jon McCarthy) Probus Club of Mole Valley 01372 878875 (Michael Brown) Rotary Club of Ashtead 01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce) Rotary Club of Leatherhead 07753 821964 (Simon Edmands) Royal Association for the Deaf 01306 881958 Royal British Legion Leatherhead/ Fetcham Branch 01372 811422 Samaritans - 01372 375555 Shopmobility Leatherhead 01372 362400 Surrey County Council 03456 009 009 (8am-6pm weekdays) Surrey Trading Standards 01372 371717 U3A: Leatherhead & District 01372 375756 Ashtead: 01372 274388 Fetcham 01372 453959 Trumps Bridge Club Leatherhead 01372 377124 Volunteer Centre Mole Valley 01306 640369 Water - Emergencies/general 01737 772000 Wildlife Aid 09061 800132 (24hrs)





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PUZZLE solutions SRLPLUMBING Fetcham based plumber for all your plumbing needs


Free estimates

1. Cher 2. Jim Croce 3. Dave Clark 4.

Happy to do all the small jobs other plumbers don’t want!

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Culture Club (Boy George) 10. 3am

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advertisers’ index A&D Cars............................................................58 Marie Curie..........................................................36 Amanda Fashions....................................................5 MD Edwards & Son.............................................69 Ashtead Cobblers & Locksmiths...........................16 Milner House Care Home....................................37 Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group.....................72 Mole Valley District Council.................................11 Ashtead Interiors..................................................17 MPS Garden & Estate Machinery.........................87 Astead Old Paths - Bible Talks..............................55 Oakfield Junior School.........................................57 Ashtead Players.....................................................46 Orchard Cottage Dental Surgery...........................33 Ashtead Squash Club............................................45 Ovens ‘n’ Stuff......................................................24 Ashtead Trees & Gardens......................................75 Ovens 2 New........................................................21 Aspen Live in Care................................................29 Pullen Plumbing Services......................................72 Astek Dental Centre.............................................35 Ralls IT Hardware & IT Support..........................25 Boardman, Gelly & Co.........................................67 Roofcraft of Surrey...............................................71 Bonnie Dogs Grooming Parlour............................20 Roofs of Esher......................................................79 Bookham Carpet Company..................................18 Roxley Models......................................................21 Bourne Hall Gift Market......................................35 SAS Roofing & Building Ltd................................74 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care.......................................23 SRL Plumbing......................................................85 BWB Builders.......................................................68 St John’s Christmas Fair........................................44 Cairds Estate Agents...............................................3 Style Cruises.........................................................13 Carpets 4U.............................................................9 Suddies Kitchen Appliances..................................22 Cat Protection......................................................52 Surrey Hills Mindfulness.......................................34 Classic Home Care Services..................................32 Surrey PC Tech.....................................................28 Cobham Dental....................................................29 Surrey Roofing Group...........................................73 Contours National Hardscapes..............................77 Tec-Res Computers & Technology...................26-27 Cranleigh Aerials..................................................24 Tekmate Computers & Technology.......................25 CT Cars...............................................................59 Tendacare.............................................................34 D&S Landscaping Ltd..........................................73 Therfield School Winter Market ...........................15 Daisychain Preschool..............................................8 The Black Dog Gallery..........................................53 Davis Property Maintenance.................................23 The Dog Runners.................................................17 DB Garden Services..............................................87 The Grange Centre...............................................38 Dream Doors........................................................78 The Memory Bank - Video to DVD......................25 F Covey................................................................68 The Memory Book Company................................80 Family Wills Surrey...............................................24 The Red House Care Home....................................2 Fire & Iron Gallery...............................................53 The Swan Centre..................................................41 First Choice Cleaners Ltd.....................................23 Tony Meadows Decorating...................................75 Focus Strategy Consultants...................................17 TWM Solicitors......................................................7 Garden Force........................................................79 WA Truelove & Son Ltd.......................................22 Hartfield House....................................................39 Wagging Tails.......................................................21 HRS Roofing........................................................85 Wellite Conservatory Roof Experts........................19 Jackie Quinn Estate Agents...................................88 Wise Roofing........................................................77 JD & Sons Building & Landscaping.....................74 Worcester Park Dramatic Society..........................53 L Hawkins & Sons Ltd.........................................20 Leatherhead Podiatry............................................35 Maggie May Therapy............................................34 © ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD LOCAL 2019 Margaret Spice - Counsellor..................................34 DESIGNED & SET BY KIRSTY O’MEARA 86 ASHTEAD&LEATHERHEADLocal - NOVEMBER 2019

Is your home sparkling too?

It’s the time of year to hunker down and enjoy the comfort of being at home. If you find your house no longer lights your fire, have a look at our selection of beautiful properties that may just provide the spark to get you moving. Selling or letting, Jackie Quinn Estate Agents offer the best professional property advice, not just in Ashtead, but in Leatherhead, Fetcham, Bookham and Dorking too. 01372 271504


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