LookLocal May 2020
Cobham & Oxshott
Your award-winning local community magazine
Cobham’s leading financial planning practice, providing financial advice to Cobham clients for 15 years. Alistair Mann is a Chartered Financial Planner, Fellow of the Personal Finance Society and a pension specialist registered with the Financial Conduct Authority. O ur primary goal is to give our c lients 3 po int s o f f inanc ial se c urit y :
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Claremont Fan Court School An independent co-educational school for pupils aged 2½ to 18 years
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Outdoor Living In Comfort With Cane-Line Furniture
on a 'call, order, pay and non-contact delivery to prearranged location' basis. 'subject to stock availability'.
Welcome to Look Local Online
In these challenging days, rather than simply pause, we wanted to keep in touch with as many of you as possible and this seems like the best way to do so! Please share our website link with your contacts to help us spread our net as wide as possible, until such time, we can return to our normal hard copy distribution system, www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk - thank you. I truly hope that most of you are managing to keep well and that social distancing / self isolation isn’t proving to be too trying for you. I know it certainly takes a bit of adjustment, life has changed beyond recognition in such a short time. But it is so important that we keep our spirits up and remember that by staying at home, we really are helping the amazing key workers & NHS staff, who quite frankly, I think, all deserve medals at the end of this! What dedication and selfless devotion they are all giving. Of course, staying at home should also give us all the best chance of keeping safe and well, so it’s a win, win situation really, however challenging it is at times. Maybe this is a time when new skills can be learnt or a new hobby can be enjoyed? After 16 years in publishing I’ve been hankering after a little sabbatical for a while, but this is not an option when producing monthly magazines! This is not quite what I had in mind for sure, but there is certainly more time to get things done in the house! I’ve even had a go at painting. I’m not very artistic but it is very relaxing and I’m really enjoying it. Our on-line magazines are not quite the same as the normal printed versions; obviously there is no information on local events or notifications regarding local organisations’ meetings for you to attend, but we have added a few items which we hope may help to entertain you and your families. A few quizzes and puzzles and most of our usual contributions to read too. Also included of course, are our loyal advertisers, many of whom cannot provide the services they usually offer, at this precise time. I hope that if you are planning any work which may need their expertise in the coming months, when restrictions are lifted, that you will continue to support them. Bear in mind, that some of them are still available in an emergency and for some services, so do contact them if you think they can help. We are lucky to have such great local businesses, trades and services to help us out when needed. This is a difficult time for all businesses and we certainly want to support our loyal advertisers and hope they will soon be able to get back to work. With very best Regards,
ROS REDFERN - EDITOR phone: 01372 200 000
email: ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk website: www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk Facebook /looklocalmags Twitter @LooklocalMags
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Looklocal Magazine 7
FREE CLEANING WHEN YOU BOOK IN COURT PAINTING tidytennis@gmail.com | tidytennis.co.uk | 07540 007101
If you are missing your visits to Bocketts Farm or need some home-schooling help, then don’t miss the Bocketts Farmyard Classroom videos which are now available to view online! The videos are fun and educational and explore a range of different KS1 topics . A great way to connect with the farm and learn at the same time. To find the series of videos, visit www.facebook.com/bockettsfarm or search for ‘Bocketts Farmyard Classroom’ on Youtube. A set of worksheets to use alongside the videos have also been created and are available to download from the website: www.bockettsfarm.co.uk/login Username: educationatbocketts Password: farming If you specifically missed the baby lambs this year, you can also view the Live Lambing videos on the Bocketts Farm Facebook page. Cute baby lambs and interesting farm facts guaranteed!
Epsom based, friendly, family run business (Holly and her Dad) with over 40 years’ experience. We bring 100’s of carpet samples to your home in a variety of colours all at competitive prices.
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You can still shop with us online even though our shop is temporarily closed…
We may have closed our shop doors, but you can still shop with us online to secure the earliest possible fitting date. Email us with your needs and we will help you with a free FaceTime or WhatsApp consultation and measure. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones and we look forward to welcoming you back into our shop when the time is right. info@ashteadinteriors.com
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Looklocal Magazine 11
How many Beatles songs can you identify within this picture?
12 Looklocal Magazine
Solutions page 55
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Give your dog the day they deserve!
Acres of farmland
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Heated cabins
Normal service will resume as soon as possible, we are still supporting key workers. Please get in touch or see our website for more detail Looklocal Magazine 13
AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr
pppaaaiiinnnttt ooorrr !llleeeaaarrr !oooaaattt fffiiinnniiissshhheeeddd uuusssiiinnnggg ttthhheee lllaaattteeesssttt ppprrrooofffeeessssssiiiooonnnaaalll !oooaaatttiiinnngggsss aaattt ooouuurrr wwwooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp iiinnn LLLeee LLL eeeaaa aaatttttthhh hhheee eeerrrrrrhhh hhheee eeeaaa aaaddd ddd... WWWeee wwwiiillllll aaadddvvviiissseee ooonnn ssseee!uuurrriiitttyyy,,, hhhaaannndddllleeesss hhhiiinnngggeeesss EEEttt! aaannnddd ooouuurrr fffiiitttttteeerrrsss aaarrreee eeexxxpppeeerrrttt iiinnn qqquuuaaallliiitttyyy iiinnnssstttaaallllllaaatttiiiooonnnsss... WWWeee !aaannn aaalllsssooo sssuuupppppplllyyy bbbeeessspppoookkkeee dddoooooorrrsss iiinnnttteeerrrnnnaaalll &&& eeexxxttteeerrrnnnaaalll ,,,iiinnn!llluuudddiiinnnggg ooovvveeerrr-‐-‐-hhheeeiiiggghhhttt aaannnddd fffiiirrreee dddoooooorrrsss...
MMMaaadddeee tttooo mmmeeeaaasssuuurrreee
!888000 kkkiiinnngggssstttooonnn RRRoooaaaddd LLLeeeaaattthhheeerrrhhheeeaaaddd SSSuuurrrrrreeeyyy ... KKKTTT222222 777PPPZZZ
TTTeeelll::: 000!333777222 333666333000888888 SSSaaallleeesss@@@bbboooyyyaaallllllsss...cccooommm
TORNADO TORNADO TORNADO IN IN A A BOTTLE BOTTLE IN A BOTTLE The brief The brief Create a water vortex in a bottle. Create a water vortex in a bottle. The brief The method Create a water vortex in a bottle. The method 1. Fill the plastic bottle with water until 1. itFill the plastic bottle withquarters water until The method reaches around three full. it reaches around three quarters full. 1. Fill the plastic bottle withsoap. water until 2. Add a few drops of dish 2. Add a few around drops ofthree dish quarters soap. full. it reaches 3. Sprinkle in a few pinches of glitter (this 3. Add Sprinkle inyour a few pinches of glitter (this 2. a few drops of disheasier soap. will make tornado to see). will make your tornado easier to see). 3. in aon few pinches of glitter (this 4. Sprinkle Put the cap tightly. 4. will Put the cap on tornado tightly. easier to see). make your 5. Turn the bottle upside down and 5. Put Turnthe bottle upside downspin andthe 4. cap onneck. tightly. hold itthe by the Quickly hold it by the neck. Quickly spin the bottlethe in bottle a circular motion forand a few 5. Turn upside down bottle in a circular motion for a few seconds. and look inside to the see hold it by Stop the neck. Quickly spin seconds. Stop and look inside to see if you can see a mini tornado forming bottle in a see circular motion for aforming few if you can a mini tornado in the water. You might need tototry seconds. Stop and look inside see the water. You might need try itina few times before you get itto if you can see a mini tornado forming it a few times before you get it working properly. in the water. You might need to try working properly. it a few times before you get it working properly.
07 07 07
SCIENCE SCIENCE CHALLENGE CHALLENGE Designed by Adam, SCIENCE Designed by Adam, Design engineer at Dyson CHALLENGE
Design engineer at Dyson Designed by Adam, Design engineer at Dyson
Materials Materials Water Water Materials A clear plastic bottle A clear plastic bottle Water Glitter Glitter A clear plastic bottle Dish soap Dish soap Glitter Dish soap
How does it work? How does it work?
The water is rapidly spinning around the The water is rapidly spinning around the centre of the vortex due to centripetal force. How does it force work? centre of the vortex duedirecting to centripetal force. This is an inward an object or This water is an inward directing an object The is rapidly spinning around the or fluid such as waterforce towards the centre fluid as vortex water the centre force. centre of the due to centripetal of its such circular path. towards of itsiscircular path. This an inward force directing an object or fluid such as water towards the centre Did you know? of its circular path. Did you know? Vortices found in nature include tornadoes, Vortices found in nature include tornadoes, hurricanes waterspouts. Did youand know? hurricanes and waterspouts. Vortices found in nature include tornadoes, hurricanes and waterspouts.
Visit /www.jamesdysonfoundation.com/resources/challenge-cards.html for more activites
Community Coronavirus Care Are you self isolating, worried about going out or need some help generally? Community Coronavirus Care are a group of people from your local community that would like to help. We currently have volunteers in Bookham, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Ashtead, Cobham, Epsom, Ewell, Stoneleigh, Banstead and surrounding areas. We can pick up shopping, collect prescriptions, walk the dog and much much more, wherever we can.
How it works... 1. Call us on our freephone number and tell us how we can help.
0800 3077 111
2. Details of what is needed will be passed on to volunteers and you will be matched with someone in the local area who can help. They will then be given your contact details and you can speak with them to get the help you need. This group is a volunteer lead community initiative carried out by the good will and the want to help the vulnerable people in our local area to ease pressures on other local services. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have a genuine need and we will be happy to help in any way we can.
Find us on Facebook: tinyurl.com/ccc-surrey
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18 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
• Resin Driveways • Landscaping • Shed Foundations & Builds • Driveways & Patios • Decking & Fencing • Turfing • Artificial Grass • Brick Built BBQs • Garden Design & Transformation • Porcelain Patios Known for our incredible garden transformations and very competitive prices. We provide a high quality garden design and landscaping service to residential and commercial properties throughout London and Surrey For a FREE CONSULTATION please call Alex on 07547 671 855 or rosesenquiries@gmail.com Follow Us @roseshq_
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 19
Guidance on how to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus (COVID-19)
How to handwash WITH SOAP AND WATER 1
Do Wash your hands with soap and water often - do this for at least 20 seconds. Always wash your hands when you get home or into work.
Wet hands with water
Apply enough soap cover all hand surfa
Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) if you cough or sneeze.
Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand using rotational movement
Rub tips of fingers i opposite palm in a circular motion
Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards. Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
Don’t Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. For Government advice please visit www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19information-for-the-public For NHS advice please visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19 For FSB advice and resources for small businesses please visit www.fsb.org.uk/coronavirus
How to handrub WITH ALC OHOL IC HANDR 1
Apply a small amount of the product (about 3ml) into a cupped hand
Rub with backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlaced
Apply enough to co all hand surfaces
Rub each thumb cla in opposite hand us rotational movemen
Duration of entire procedure 40-60 seconds
p to aces
Rub hands palm to palm
Rinse hands with water
Rub back of each hand with the palm of the other hand with fingers interlaced
Dry roughly with a single-use towel
Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced
Rub with backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlaced
Use towel to turn off tap
Your hands are now safe
Duration of entire procedure 20-30 seconds
U B (containing at least 60% alcohol)
asped sing nt
Rub hands palm to palm
Rub tips of fingers in opposite palm in a circular motion
Rub back of each hand with the palm of the other hand with fingers interlaced
When dry, your hands are now safe
Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced
T H E F A M I LY Y O U C A N T U R N T O ... Seven generations of our family have been helping and advising local families in their time of need. For over 230 years we have been providing funerals, both modest and traditional, with care and compassion.
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POEM CORNER DEDICATION Stay home, save life, protect the NHS As if we’d consider doing anything less They fight for us through night and day To keep that dreaded virus away Gloves, masks and aprons in short supply But do they ever bat an eye No, on they work through a twelve hour shift To tend their patient with that caring gift. They wash, they turn, the people ill and dying But never once will you hear them sighing Then at the end of their day how can they be That ordinary Mum who goes home to get tea. Exhaustion then takes them to bed to rest And sleep in the knowledge they’ve done their best Then with the dawn arrives the light And steals away that blessed night. Another day, another chance To slow Corona’s deadly advance The patients wait for their nurses smile And know all will be well ... for a little while.
WILD BY DESIGN Crea�ve landscape design and construc�on services. Wildlife gardens Wild flower meadows & roofs Bespoke outdoor living areas Custom built cabins Waterfeatures & ponds
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Local Resident
Looklocal Magazine 23
MUSIC MATTERS We hope you enjoy this month’s music quiz.
QUESTIONS: 1. Which album by The Police features “Don’t Stand So Close To Me”? 2. Which brother and sister duo recorded “There’s A Kind of Hush (All Over The World)” in 1976? 3. Who asked “What’s Going On?” Musically in1970? 4. The Fab 4 told us that “All You Need Is Love”. Which album was it taken from? 5. Who sang that “There Would Be Time For You”? 6. Back in 1966, who sang “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”? 7. Which famous actor who played a TV detective had a spoken hit with “If ”? 8. Another actor played another TV cop and sang “Don’t Give Up On Us Baby”. Who was he? 9. Who sang about a “Ghost Town”? 10. Who was Don McClean’s “Vincent” written about? 11. Michael Jackson sang about “PYT”. What does it mean? 12. Which iconic two bands contains a guitarist named “Skunk”? 13. Who released “The Rise & Fall of Flingel Bunt”? 14. Which band suggested “Let’s Work Together”? 15. Who released “You Can Do Magic”? 16. Was there really a band called “Spanky & Our Gang”? 17. “Stayin’ Alive” was a hit for the Bee Gees which movie was it taken from? 18. Who released the soulful track ”Hang On In There Baby”? 19. Which two recording stars sang “You’ve Got A Friend”? 20. Who wrote the song in Question 19? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 57
24 Looklocal Magazine
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14 day cooling off period applies
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Looklocal Magazine 25
We are a creative landscape design and build company.
G P ard W lan en O ild tin de ut lif g do e de sig or ga sig n Al liv rde n so l a in n s f Pa t pe g s st tio lan ct on , d s ew po sca of G or nd, pin har k p g d Se ard & er . an e W a n de go d N ild son ch ck la et lif a e in , p bi e & l m ck l g a od a u nt iv hab inte ps in er i g, sit tat nan y a c su ss e rv es ey m en ts
MAKE DO AND MEND IN THE GARDEN Taking control of every
aspect of your garden transformation, from During these tough times we are all going to be doingto many more! Simply empty your coffee grounds around initial design your the base of your bush or plant to act as a replacement our bit by staying home and spendingmaintaining more time in dream that outdoor our gardens and hopefully enjoying the wildlife we for ericaceous compost, something that is currently space. hard toDesign get hold of. This will keep your plants flowering share it with.
At Wild by Design we are embracing the ‘make do and mend’ spirit! With Garden Centres and Nurseries closed, many of us are finding our normal garden products difficult to find despite having the time and motivation to get cracking in the garden. Here are some handy tips to keep your garden flourishing and attracting wildlife! Our first tip is to compost your own waste. Find a quiet or corner of your garden to hide your heap from view. We construct our heaps by wiring pallets together. These may be difficult to find in the current climate. All you need is a structure that will allow water to drain through whilst holding together your fruit and vegetable waste as well as any green waste from the garden. Not only will you be producing your own compost for the garden, compost heaps provide a fantastic habitat for insects, small mammals and reptiles. The eggs shown in the picture are that of a Grass snake and they were found on the Wild by Design allotment compost heap in Bookham. Grass snakes are Great Britain’s only egg laying snake. All of our other native reptiles are ovoviviparous. This means that the females incubate fertilized eggs inside their bodies and give birth to live young. Our second tip is to save your coffee grounds. They are fantastic for mulching acid loving plants such as Primrose, Camelia, Rhododendron, Blueberry Bushes, Azalea, Sweetcorn, Hydrangeas and
26 Looklocal Magazine
or producing more whilst also helping with its longterm development. More flowers and fruit are sure to Build bring in the wildlife!
Our third tip is to have a Banana! When you’re done make sure you throw your peel at the base of a Rose. Banana skins are full of potassium an essential ingredient for healthy roses. Whilst your roses won’t survive on banana alone, putting banana skin around the base of your roses will help to fix potassium into the ground. Roses are a fantastic way to attract pollinating insects and they are Great Britain’s favourite flower. Chopped up skins work best as they break down quicker but if you don’t have a knife handy then the whole thing is also good. Throughout the Covid crisis Wild by Design Landscapes are publishing a series of educational, wildlife related work sheets to teach kids about their gardens creatures and to give parents a much-needed break. For this and more tips, information about gardening and our native garden wildlife visit www.wildby.design.
James Dyson Designed byexecutive Robyn, Foundation James Dyson Foundation executive
17 17
The brief
Movebrief pepper away from you without touching it. The
Ground black pepper Materials
Move pepper away from you without touching it. The method
A bowl black pepper Ground
1. Fillmethod the bowl with water. The 2. Fill Addthe some pepper to the top 1. bowl with water. of the water, do not in. 2. Add some pepper tostir theit top
Water A bowland dish soap Water and dish soap
3. Dip your finger of the water, do into not stir it in. the water, note down 3. Dip your finger into what happens. the water, note down 4. what Put a happens. small amount of dish soapamount on your finger. 4. Put a small 5. Dip it back of dish soapinto on the yourwater. finger. 6. Dip What happens 5. it back into to the water. the pepper? 6. What happens to the pepper?
How does it work? Water up a bit. You can see this by Hownormally doesbulges it work?
looking at a raindrop or by filling a glass slightly Water normally bulges bit. spill You out. can see thissoap by over the rim – the waterup willa not When looking raindrop or bytension filling aisglass slightly is addedattoawater, surface lowered. The over rimto–spread the water out. waterthe tries out.will As not the spill top of theWhen watersoap is addedout, to water, surface is lowered. Theto flattens the pepper ontension the surface is carried water triesoftothe spread the edge bowl.out. As the top of the water flattens out, the pepper on the surface is carried to the edge of the bowl.
Did you know?
In the you cosmetics industry the surface friction and Did know? consistency of various liquids are regularly changed In the cosmetics the surface and in order to makeindustry them easier to pourfriction or spray. consistency of various liquids are regularly changed in order to make them easier to pour or spray.
Visit /www.jamesdysonfoundation.com/resources/challenge-cards.html for more activites
Fetcham Tandoori has been my Curry Restaurant of choice for too many years to mention! It is always a treat to visit this family run restaurant, which opened way back in 1983. Following a recent refurbishment and the introduction of some wonderful new dishes, it’s now better than ever. We went along one Sunday evening and Anis Haque the owner, treated us to a selection of the new regional dishes they have on the menu. The restaurant looks really lovely. It is newly decorated and tastefully elegant. No electric water fall pictures here! The service was, as always, friendly and efficient, the staff know their regular customers, but everyone is made to feel very welcome. Anis told us about his decision to introduce some new dishes, which are more authentic and more in tune with the
food he grew up eating. In fact, his own mother’s cooking is the main influence for the new menu selections, and she spent many hours in the kitchen with Anis, putting together this exciting new menu. Ingredients are sourced locally, are organic when possible and are bought daily. Suppliers include highly regarded local butcher, Conisbee and Son’s, as well as Gray’s Gelato Ice Cream from Goldstone Farm. The cooking methods have also changed. Things are done in a far more traditional way; spices are slowly roasted and ground, in-house to create wonderfully fresh flavours and vibrant colours, and the end results are like individual works of art. In the photos included here, you can see for yourself some of the food we enjoyed; the flavours were mouth watering
and it was so good to try something a little different. Dishes are inspired by, and come from, different regions such as Bangladesh and India and these include a great selection of Vegan dishes and even a little bit of street food too! Of course, all the old favourites are still available for the slightly less adventurous, but I do strongly recommend stepping out of your comfort zone. If you are a little unsure about what to order, just ask. Anis or one of his team, will be more than happy to guide you. You won’t regret it. The take away menu is a little different from the a la carte, but has also been carefully put together to still offer a great experience at home too. I take my hat off to you Fetcham Tandoori, this is surely a winning combination. Your restaurant offers
a wonderful place to eat fabulous and authentic curry dishes with friends and family, whilst at the same time experiencing something a little different, which is truly special. THANK YOU FOR A LOVELY EVENING. WE WILL BE BACK VERY SOON. The dishes we enjoyed were:Bombay Bhel Beetroot & Aloo Murug Chicken Chicken Chettinad Murug Makoni Sagolir Manksho Saffron Pilau Peshwari Naan
SAS Roofing & Building offer a full range of professional We in: priced roofing services andspecialise competitively
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SAS Roofing & Building offer a full range of professional
SAS Roofing & Building Ltd New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired and competitively pricedroofing roofing services and competitively priced roofing services and competitively priced roofing services and competitively priced services SAS Roofing & Building offer a full range of professional Re-pointing Chimney Stacks • All Roof New UPVC Fascias & Gutters • Repairs External Painting and competitively priced roofing services SAS Roofing & Building offer a full range of professional Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired
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SAS Roofing Building offer Moss Removal • All Work&Guaranteed
a full range of professional
specialise in: We specialise in: We specialise in: and competitively priced roofing services New UPVC Fascias &We Gutters • External Painting specialise We specialise in: roofing services and in: competitively priced Moss Removal • All Work Guaranteed New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs New Roofs Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs
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Looklocal Magazine 31
At the moment, we’re in coronavirus lockdown: safe at home, as I prefer to think of it, rather than ‘stuck at home’. And yippee, gardening is one of the few things we can actually do during a lockdown, whatever size your plot. At the time of writing, it hasn’t rained for 2 weeks, having rained for about 19 months prior to this, so just in case it continues thus, here are some tips for reducing your water consumption. Water your garden early (with a watering can if there’s a hosepipe ban, obvs, to avoid being arrested by the water police). Early morning or dusk is best, as the sun isn’t as hot then. Aim to soak the roots, where the water is less likely to evaporate. And invest in moisture-conserving gel which absorbs, retains and releases moisture when plants need it, reducing considerably the need to water baskets and containers. Install water butts wherever possible to collect rainwater. Simple to fit if you have plastic pipes, they’ll reduce your water bill significantly if you’re on a water meter, especially in summer. Or, if you can hang on to the will to live - because the installation is a bit of a mission if you do it yourself - automatic drip watering systems are the most economical means of watering your garden and containers. They use about 90% less water than hoses and can be operated with a timer, so you don’t even have to be there. Now, here are a few ways to keep your garden looking good with minimal water usage this summer. Firstly,
Cecelia John: 01372 200 000
32 Looklocal Magazine
feed your plants. They’ll be more tolerant to dry conditions if they’re in optimum condition. Use a good quality granular or liquid fertiliser, or liquid seaweed. Secondly, breezes, hot sun and trees will draw water from the soil at the best of times during dry periods. Mulching will keep moisture in and is widely recommended as good gardening practice because it provides a protective covering for the soil, helping to reduce water loss from evaporation. Any mulch is good, but as I mentioned last month, my mulch of choice is Strulch. It helps retain soil moisture, even in times of drought, and your garden can grow beautifully without the need to water in dry periods. A good lawn needs a minimum of 18” of rain each year, needing a lot of that amount in summer to keep it green. In times of drought, don’t cut the lawn, or alternatively, set the blades higher. This will keep the moisture in. There’s also a fantastic product called Aftercut Lawn Revitaliser which includes drought-tolerant grass seed. Applied after each mowing, it keeps the lawn green and healthy with minimal additional watering. Lastly, you can help prevent evaporation by creating windbreaks with shrub planting. Select your plants carefully: tamarisk and escallonia, for example, are widely used in coastal areas, being extremely windtolerant. Let’s hope the lockdown has achieved its aim – and please stay safe.
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Looklocal Magazine 33
CATERING FOR VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLARS WITH COMMON GARDEN WEEDS Surrey Wildlife Trust tips for helping moths and butterflies Small Tortoiseshell
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is one of the most read and loved children's books in Britain, but what do we know about catering for very hungry caterpillars in our back gardens? While restaurants are shut nationwide, we can still open ‘caterpillar cafes’ in our gardens this spring and help boost the number of butterflies and moths by the summer when they are ready to emerge from their isolated chrysalis phase too. Top tip number one is don’t weed the garden everywhere. Some caterpillars love to binge out on weeds such as nettles, dandelions and brambles. And
34 Looklocal Magazine
when caterpillars need to eat, they really do need to eat and start growing immediately as a result. Caterpillars continue to lengthen at an astonishing speed by continually shedding their skins. Like many insects, caterpillars have a penchant for specific ‘food’ plants. Probably the most persecuted of all plants, the common ‘stinging’ nettle, is in fact one of the favourite foods for the comma, peacock, red admiral and small tortoiseshell caterpillars. But fear not, as gardeners know - not all nettles sting. The red deadnettle and white dead-nettle don’t sting, they are great
early nectar sources for bees, look pretty in flower and are tasty for caterpillars too. Another despised and dug up plant from many a proud lawn owner is the dandelion, which is another great source of early nectar for bumble bees in the garden. Caterpillars of the large white, orange-tip and peacock butterflies like to dine out on dandelions too. Gardeners either love or hate brambles. But butterflies love the sweet nectar from bramble flowers. They are also a top cuisine for many moth and butterfly caterpillars, such as, the comma, gatekeeper and many more. Garlic-mustard, also known as Jack-by-the-hedge, is a top caterpillar foodplant of the green-veined white and the orange-tip. Other weeds we often remove from Small Tortoiseshell Caterpillar - Vaughn Matthews
Peacock Larva
gardens are common sorrel, which is great for small copper caterpillars, thistles for painted lady caterpillars and wild teasel for red admiral and peacock caterpillars. As soon as a caterpillar is done growing and they have reached their full length and weight, they form themselves into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. So like us butterflies and moths will also have their phase of self-isolation and in fact the pupal stage is one of the coolest stages of a butterfly’s life. From outside the chrysalis the caterpillar appears to just be resting, but on the inside it is rapidly changing. This is where the
magical transformation is taking place. Look out for the pupa, which looks like a withered leaf, hanging from the stems of the caterpillar food plant. Come later in the year, during the summer, many butterflies and moths will emerge in their dazzling array of shapes and colours and for the first time are able to spread their wings. Like The Very Hungry Caterpillar story, the butterfly or moth lifecycle brings a message of hope which Surrey Wildlife Trust would like to bring to people at this difficult time. So we encourage children and adults of all ages to leave the weeds and look out for those caterpillars munching and growing in the garden. From the plain lime-green ones, the army-style camouflaged caterpillar, to the stripey or ‘big hairy Comma Caterpillar
Peacock Butterfly credit Les Binns
beast’ of a caterpillar; now is the time to look out for them, and please do share any finds on our Facebook page @surreywt, where we can help identify your finds. But please remember to put them back where you found them so they can continue to eat their favourite foods. There’s plenty of family wildlife activities to keep people busy at home and in their gardens, visit www.surreywildlifetrust.org for family activity and spotter sheets or visit www.wildaboutgardens.org.uk for info on how to create a butterfly and moth garden of your own.
Looklocal Magazine 35
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Allroof roof repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • GRP flat roofs All repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • flat GRP flat roofs All roof repairs ••re-pointed New roofs • •Re-roofing • • •GRP roofs All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / • De-mossing roofs Exterior painting All roof repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • GRP flat roofs All roof repairs New Roofs Re-roofing GRP Flat roofs All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs All roof repairs New Roofs Re-roofing •downpipes GRP roofs Chimneys /fascias, re-pointed •guttering De-mossing roofs • Exterior painting All roof repairs •rebuilt New Roofs • soffits, Re-roofing • & GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt /• re-pointed • • De-mossing roofs • Flat Exterior painting UPVC Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Painting Exterior Painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed De-mossing • Exterior Painting All roof repairs ••soffits, New Roofs • roofs Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs UPVC fascias, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Chimneys rebuilt /guttering re-pointed • available De-mossing roofs • Painting Exterior Pa Chimneys rebuilt / soffits, re-pointed • visit De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, guttering & downpipes fascias, downpipes Emergency services available Emergency 24hr services Chimneys rebuilt /soffits, re-pointed •24hr De-mossing roofs • Exterior Call UPVC us today for a FREE Quotation or & our website for more details: Emergency 24hr services available UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available Emergency 24hr services Emergency 24hr services available Emergency 24hr services available UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering &available downpipes
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New guide encourages us all to take urgent action for insects · The Wildlife Trusts and partners launch new practical initiative to help insects and reverse sharp declines in their populations · A FREE downloadable Guide to Taking Action for Insects is packed with easy to follow practical tips for the garden and the home · With a connection to nature proven to boost wellbeing, it’s hoped the guide will help people and
wildlifetrusts.org/take-action-insects. It’s packed full of tips, useful info, and links to finding out more, all aimed at helping individuals and families make simple yet crucial changes to helping insects through the ways we shop, garden and run our homes. The guide has been authored by The Wildlife Trusts working with partner organisations including Buglife, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) and Garden Organic. It has been launched as part of a wider campaign called Action for Insects, which looks to reverse recent drastic population declines among insects. A recent report published by the campaign, authored by Professor David Goulson, concluded that 41% of insect species now faced extinction around the world, while population declines were widespread across other insect species. The report also highlighted the vital part played by insects in human food production and in their support of countless other birds, mammals and plants.
insects during these challenging times With the human population under threat from the Covid-19 pandemic, it has caused many of us to look more closely at nature. As spring gathers pace, more and more people are finding solace in the fascinating species that inhabit our gardens, parks and open spaces. With this in mind, local conservation charity Surrey Wildlife Trust is launching a new initiative today that urges us all to play a part in reversing the failing fortunes of some of our most easily overlooked wildlife: insects.
Your Guide to Taking Action for Insects recognises that some insects aren’t always popular with the public when it comes to wildlife, and that this is especially true when applied to gardeners. However, it highlights the crucial roles they play in pollinating flowers and crops, controlling pests and natural recycling, plus the beauty and joy that they bring to our lives.
Surrey Wildlife Trust is launching a new practical pack, Your Guide to Taking Action for Insects, which will help everyone do their bit in reversing decades of decline for the UK’s struggling bees, butterflies, moths, bugs and beetles. The colourful 20-page illustrated guide is available as a free download via www.
42 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
space they have into a better place for mini-beasts, be it a window box, a garden or an allotment. Our guide gives them the inspiration and the practical know-how to take a few simple steps to making a big difference to their local wildlife. Insects are one of the key building blocks of life on which we and countless other familiar species from hedgehogs to garden birds rely. If we follow the guide’s advice as gardeners, shoppers and homeowners we can turn the tide on insect declines.” James Campbell, Garden Organic CEO says In a range of top tips for helping insects in people’s gardens, it gives guidance on going chemical- and peat-free, along with advice on which plants are best at combining colour, scent and attraction to bees and butterflies across the seasons. The guide stresses that all outdoor spaces, whatever their size and location, from tower block balconies to cottage gardens, can make a real difference to restoring insect numbers. Sarah Jane Chimbwandira, chief executive of Surrey Wildlife Trust, said: “We’re delighted to be launching Your Guide to taking Action for Insects. The warmer weather of spring combined with the current restrictions placed upon everyone in response to the Covid-19 virus means that people are spending more time in their gardens, yards and on their balconies. This guide provides people with advice on how to make positive changes to help insects, which will not only help the insects but boost morale too! We’re asking people to make whatever outdoor
“Garden Organic is pleased to be supporting the Action for Insects campaign. All gardeners and growers should celebrate insects who are part of the natural chain of life. Organic gardeners also help by creating habitats and shelter, as well as providing plants to feed and support insect life” Josie Cohen, CEO Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK) says “Everyone has a role to play in making the world less toxic so insects can flourish. By stopping using pesticides in your home and garden, and supporting businesses working to reduce chemicals in their supply chains, you can contribute towards building a healthier and more sustainable planet for both us and our sixlegged friends.” Your Guide to Taking Action for Insects is available now as a free download via The Wildlife Trusts website www.wildlifetrusts.org/take-action-insects.
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Book Reviews Until our shop can re-open we are taking telephone and email orders for home delivery. You can call 01932 862 903 (speak to us between 9am and 11am, or leave a message) or email info@cobhambooks.com. We have a fantastic selection of books on our shelves and can give personal recommendations to keep you entertained.
‘The Mirror & the Light’ by Hilary Mantel (Hardback £25.00) This magnificent novel is the perfect antidote and consolation in these grim times we’re currently enduring. I’m only halfway through (it is 900 pages) but I’m eking it out as I don’t want to finish it. You do need to have read ‘Wolf Hall’ and ‘Bring Up the Bodies’ but I’m sure anyone who embarks on this book will have done so. Hilary Mantel is an exceptionally skilled writer of historical fiction, her detailed research and knowledge of the characters and period brings it to life and makes it a joy to read. This is one of the best books I’ve ever read.
‘Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead’ by Olga Tokarczuk, translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones, (Paperback £8.99) This is a murder mystery set in the bleakest Polish midwinter. Janina Duszejlko is a former bridge engineer, school teacher, now reluctantly retired, and an astrology afficionado trying to make sense of the chaos around her. It is left to Mrs Duszejlko to investigate the murders of the men in her village and the disappearance of her beloved dogs. She is “already at an age and additionally in a state where I must always wash my feet thoroughly before bed, in the event of having to be removed by an ambulance at night”, which straight away endeared her to me. She is immediately present on the page, brilliantly funny and deeply melancholic about the world. She has romantic notions about the Czech Republic just across the valley. This was one of the best reads of the year and thoroughly enjoyable. ‘The Holdout’ by Graham Moore (Hardback £12.99) ‘The Holdout’ is a riveting legal thriller featuring a strong female lawyer. Maya Searle engages your support as she battles to save not just herself and her career, but also the lives and reputations of others.
: 01932 862903 : info@cobhambooks.com : www.cobhambooks.com : 12A Anyards Rd, Cobham, KT11 2JZ
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Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm Looklocal Magazine 47
Ford’s longstanding reputation to produce cars of quality and value for money, at all price levels, has taken another upturn for the best, with a surefire winner in the neat and tidy shape of the petite Puma, their latest challenger and already a mega prize winner. I am not the least bit surprised. They have excelled in every aspect over just about every rival and taken top honours in several of the motor industry’s treasured awards. Little wonder. A variety of judges have rightfully hailed it as a truly outstanding motor due to its all-round ability and attraction with its stylish appearance, keen handling, flexible and gutsy engine and host of technical attributes, including tyre pressure monitoring, to ensure the driver enjoys the benefits without undue worries. And that includes automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection and warnings of unseen obstacles behind you and in your blind spot when you are reversing. Another useful trick in store comes when you lift up the rubber-lined boot floor and it reveals a large well that can cope with extra cases of luggage. Just in case you cram it with messier stuff and it gets too wet and mucky you can simply open a plug hole and sluice it all out. Clearly, the clever designers at Ford HQ, have come up with a good looker and helpmate that serves a useful purpose both for families and for the lonesome driver. With only 1.0-litre petrol engines available at
48 Looklocal Magazine
the moment you could be forgiven for believing the five-door Puma is more about being parsimonious and stingy on fuel economy rather than with a punchy and reactive performance. Well, you would be wrong, and in for a pleasant surprise. In absolute reality it is outstanding in both instances. In terms of size and price, its closest rivals will be Nissan’s Juke, the Skoda Kamiq and VW’s T -Roc. But unlike any of them, the Puma - for some odd reason named after the Amerian wild cat, enjoys and reaps the benefit of a type of hybrid technology that you would expect to find in far more pricey models combining nippy acceleration and sharp response to maintain a place in the madcap motorway rushes and with flexibility along the bumpy and dodgy narrow country lanes. The car is packed with smart ass technology - a piece of which is an astute aid when your arms are loaded with shopping or whatever. You can open the rear tailgate with a kicking motion beneath the rear bumper. When you consider all the stylish and outstanding Puma attributes and the clever thinking that has gone into them, you could be forgiven for imagining the price tag will be formidable. Wrong! A mild 125 hp version will set you back around twenty grand. If that is not a deal in comparison to its rivals in the overcrowded SUV market I do not know what is. My advice? Go for it. Performance: 125HP. Speed: 0-62 mph in 9.8 seconds. Top speed 119 mph. Cost £20,845...but haggle!!!!
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Looklocal Magazine 49
POEMCORNER OUUR HEROES I’ll tell you a tale, that’s been recently written. Of a powerful army, so Great it saved Britain. They didn’t have bombs and they didn’t have planes. They fought with their hearts and they fought with their brains. They didn’t have bullets, armed just with a mask. We sent them to war, with one simple task. To show us the way, to lead and inspire us. To protect us from harm and fight off the virus. It couldn’t be stopped by our bullet proof vests. An invisible enemy, invaded our chests. So we called on our weapon, our soldiers in Blue. “All Doctors, All Nurses, Your Country needs you”. We clapped on our streets, hearts bursting with pride. As they went off to war, while we stayed inside. They struggled at first, as they searched for supplies. But they stared down the virus, in the whites of its eyes. They leaped from the trenches and didn’t think twice. Some never came back, the ultimate price. So tired, so weary, yet still they fought on. As the virus was beaten and the battle was won. The many of us, owe so much, to so few. The brave and the bold, our heroes in Blue. So let’s line the streets and remember our debt. We love you, our heroes, Lest we forget.
MATT KELLY 2020 50 Looklocal Magazine
paella-style chicken chipolatas Love paella? Then have a go at this spin on the classic Spanish dish using tasty chicken chipolatas. Save the extra oil from the jar of peppers and use in salad dressings or to fry vegetables. Delicious served with a smooth red wine like rioja.
ingredients method 280g jar Cooks’ Ingredients Chargrilled Red Peppers in Sunflower Oil 12 Waitrose & Partners Chicken Chipolatas 4 garlic cloves, crushed 2 large tomatoes, coarsely grated 1 tsp sweet smoked paprika 250g bomba paella rice 160g pack sliced runner beans 500ml fresh chicken stock 2 rosemary sprigs (Serves 4)
1. Drain the peppers, reserving the oil. Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a large frying pan or shallow casserole dish over a medium-high heat and fry the chicken chipolatas, turning regularly, for 8-10 minutes, until golden all over; lift out of the pan and set aside. 2. Add the garlic, tomatoes and paprika to the pan, season and fry for 2-3 minutes until most of the water from the tomatoes has evaporated. Stir in the rice, drained peppers and the runner beans, then tip in the chicken stock. Bring to a simmer, return the chipolatas to the pan and nestle in the rosemary sprigs. Simmer briskly for 10 minutes, then turn to the lowest heat, cover with a lid (or a sheet of foil) and simmer very gently for 5 minutes until the sausages are cooked through and the rice is tender. 3. Take the pan off the heat and rest for 5 minutes. Serve with lemon wedges and a green salad, if liked.
Prep: 10mins. Cooking: 35mins Recipe & Photo reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
1. What food makes up nearly all (around 99%) of a Giant Panda’s diet? 2. True or false? Mice live for up to 10 years. 3. What is the name of the phobia that involves an abnormal fear of spiders? 4. What is the largest type of ‘big cat’ in the world? 5. True or false? Crocodiles have no sweat glands so they use their mouths to release heat. 6. Are butterflies insects? 7. What are female elephants called? 8. True or false? Bats are mammals. 9. Bees are found on every continent of earth except for one, which is it? 10. True or false? Cats spend an average of 13 to 14 hours a day sleeping. 11. What is the fastest land animal in the world? 12. A ‘doe’ is what kind of animal? 13. True or false? Cougar’s are herbivores. 14. Groups of lions are known as what? 15. Is a dolphin a mammal? 16. What is the largest land animal in the world? 17. True of false? Snakes have slimy skin. 18. What is the only continent on earth where Giraffes live in the wild? 19. How many pairs of wings does a bee have? 20. What type of animal is the largest primate in the world? 21. Is a shark a fish or a mammal? 22. What is the most recognizable feature of a hedgehog’s appearance? 23. True or false? Owls are far-sighted, meaning that anything within a few inches of their eyes can’t be seen properly. 24. What is the name of an adult female horse? 25. What are baby goats called? 26. What is the tallest animal in the world? 27. True or false? Rabbits are born blind. 28. What is the most recognizable physical feature of the male lion? 29. How many legs does a spider have? 30. The crocodile species is believed to have been around for how long? 2 million years or 200 million years?
52 Looklocal Magazine
Puzzle Solutions page 57
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Looklocal Magazine 53
SHUT BUT STILL OPEN! The doors of your local library may have shut at the end of March but we are still open online at surreycc.gov.uk/libraries with even more resources than before. We have a new page, full of ideas and resources for children and young people and another with services, information and resources for adults. And, if you’re not already a member you can join online. It’s free! Are you missing your regular visits to the library? Why not explore our website and Facebook page to see how we can help. + Join our online events including Rhymetime and Storytime on Facebook + Borrow e-books and e-audio books to read at home + Visit Pressreader to read daily local and international newspapers + View e-magazines and e-comics including National Geographic, The Week, New Scientist, Marvel and Disney on Pressreader and RBdigital + Join an online reading group or borrow multiple copies of select e-books for your own reading group + Learn something new on the Great Courses Libraries Collection on RBdigital + Listen to some music from the amazing range of albums on the Naxos Music Library Finally, don’t worry about any library books you already have as you can keep them until at least the beginning of July. Check for your new return date online at https://arena. surreylibraries.org/web/arena/protected/view-or-renew-my-loans. We hope to see you soon but in the meantime check in with us online or on Twitter. We’d love to hear from you!
✓ ✓
01 01
Designed by Charles, Designed by Charles, Design engineer at Dyson Design engineer at Dyson
The brief The brief Make an egg fit into a bottle without breaking it. Make an egg fit into a bottle without breaking it. The method The method 1. Submerge the egg in a glass of vinegar for 1. Submerge the egg in a glass of vinegar for two days: the shell will become rubbery. two days: the shell will become rubbery. 2. Heat the bottle in hot water – remember to 2. Heat the bottle in hot water – remember to use gloves or a tea towel when handling it. use gloves or a tea towel when handling it. 3. Rest the egg on the neck of the bottle. 3. Rest the egg on the neck of the bottle. 4. As the air inside the bottle cools down, 4. As the air inside the bottle cools down, it will contract and suck the egg down. it will contract and suck the egg down.
Materials Materials An uncooked egg An uncooked egg A pot of boiling water A pot of boiling water (with adult supervision) (with adult supervision) A glass of vinegar A glass of vinegar A wide-mouthed A wide-mouthed glass bottle glass bottle
Top tip Top tip Try lubricating the egg with cooking oil Try lubricating the egg with cooking oil or dish soap. or dish soap.
How does it work? How does it work?
Eggs are rich in protein. When heat are rich in protein. When heat isEggs applied, chemical bonds within is applied, chemical bonds within the protein molecules are broken, the protein molecules are broken, and new bonds are formed between and new bonds are formed between adjacent molecules. This creates a adjacentofmolecules. This creates a network inter-connected proteins network of inter-connected proteins which causes the egg to go hard. which causes the egg to go hard. Vinegar contains acetic acid Vinegar contains acetic acid (CH COOH) that dissolves the calcium (CH33COOH) that dissolves calcium carbonate (CaCO ) shell butthe leaves 3 carbonate (CaCO ) shell but leaves 3 behind the egg’s springy membrane. behind the egg’s springy membrane.
After After CO2+H2O CO2+H2O CO2+H2O CO2+H2O
CO2+H2O CO2+H O CO2+H2O CO2+H2 O 2
Visit /www.jamesdysonfoundation.com/resources/challenge-cards.html for more activites
STAY HOME AND STAY SAFE We have put together a collection of links to live web cams from around the world. You can explore different countries around the world, get up close and personal with wildlife, see what’s happening in Zoos while they are closed, “swim” underwater, visit those places you have always wanted to, from the safety of your own home. We hope you enjoy the collection we have put together for you. There are many more to choose from. This is just the start of your journey around the world.
WORLDWIDE WEBCAMS https://www.skylinewebcams.com/ https://www.earthcam.com/network/ https://explore.org/livecams https://www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do/sightseeing/london-attraction/webcams-of-london
UK ZOO WEBCAMS PAIGNTON ZOO - https://www.paigntonzoo.org.uk/explore/webcams DUDLEY ZOO - https://www.dudleyzoo.org.uk/our-animals/webcams/ MARWELL ZOO - https://www.marwell.org.uk/zoo/keep-in-touch/webcams EDINBURGH ZOO - https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams DUBLIN ZOO - https://www.dublinzoo.ie/animals/animal-webcams/
WORLDWIDE ZOO WEBCAMS CINCINNATI ZOO - https://www.youtube.com/user/CincinnatiZooTube/featured SAN DIEGO ZOO - https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams ZOOS VICTORIA - https://www.zoo.org.au/animal-house/
WORLDWIDE AQUARIUM WEBCAMS GEORGIA AQUARIUM - https://www.georgiaaquarium.org/webcam/ocean-voyager/ SHEDD AQUARIUM - https://www.sheddaquarium.org/exhibits/underwater-beauty-exhibit
56 Looklocal Magazine
St Mary’s Church Stoke D’Abernon, Surrey Our lovely Church Hall is available to hire for weddings, parties, conferences & events
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New Roofs - Repairs - Flat Roofs All minor and major repairs undertaken uPVC Fascia, Soffits & Guttering
or find us at TRUST A TRADER
For more information or to view some of our customer recommendations, please visit
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or find us at TRUST A TRADER Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com www.roofcraftofsurrey.co.uk / find us at TRUST A TRADER
Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below. Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service)
MainEmail: office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com
Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) 73
Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com 73
Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.
Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service)
Looklocal Magazine 57
Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com 73
Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.
INVISIBLE INVISIBLE INK INK The brief The Writebrief your own secret message in an invisible solution. Write your ownink secret message in an invisible ink solution. The method TheSqueeze method 1. lemon juice into the bowl and add a juice few drops of 1. Squeeze lemon into the water. Stir with the spoon. bowl and add a few drops of withbrush the spoon. 2. water. Dip theStir paint into the juicethe mixture write 2. Dip paint and brush intoathe message on the juice mixture andpaper. write a the to paper. 3. message Allow the on paper dry completely. Yourto message 3. Allow the paper dry should become completely. Yourinvisible. message become invisible. 4. should Hold the paper very close to thethe light bulb very to heat up 4. Hold paper close thethe message area to light bulb to (adult heat up supervision the messagerequired). area (adult Watch your message supervision required).appear. Watch your message appear.
22 22
Design engineer Designed by Jack,at Dyson Design engineer at Dyson
Materials Materials A lemon A A lemon bowl A bowl Water
Water A spoon A paint spoonbrush A
A A paint lamp,brush or other light bulbor other A lamp, light bulb
How does it work? T he lemon juiceitiswork? an organic substance which reacts How does
with oxygenjuice in the surrounding air, oxidizes andreacts turns T he lemon is an organic substance which
brown. By placing paper right to theand lamp we with oxygen in the the surrounding air,next oxidizes turns speed oxidization process. from thewe brown.up Bythe placing the paper right The nextheat to the lamp lamp chemicalprocess. bonds to break speedcauses up the the oxidization The heatdown. from the lamp causes the chemical bonds to break down.
Did you know? Oxidization affects lots of different surfaces, from metal to living tissue. A freshly-cut apple that Did you know?
turns brown,affects a bicycle becomessurfaces, rusty or a copper penny that tissue. turns green. Not allapple oxidation Oxidization lotsthat of different from metal to living A freshly-cut that is bad – but think about choosing the right materials when designing a product for a particular use. turns brown, a bicycle that becomes rusty or a copper penny that turns green. Not all oxidation is bad – but think about choosing the right materials when designing a product for a particular use.
Visit /www.jamesdysonfoundation.com/resources/challenge-cards.html for more activites
puzzle solutions BEATLES SONG PUZZLE PAGE 12 We were told there were 39 songs in this picture. In the office we managed to find 43! We have decided that the answers are a matter of individual interpretation! You may find more, or you may find different ones. Perhaps there is no absolute. Hope you enjoyed the quiz.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Norwegian Wood 8 days a Week She Came through the Bathroom Window Taxman Yellow Submarine Maxwell’s Silver Hammer I am the Walrus Glass Onion Helter Skelter Octopus’s Garden Strawberry Fields Forever Penny Lane Here, There and Everywhere She’s Leaving Home
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
Ticket to Ride Lovely Rita Doctor Robert Long and Winding Road Hello, Goodbye Fixing a Hole Her Majesty Twist & Shout Birthday Come Together Fool on the Hill While My Guitar Gently Weeps 27. I Want To Hold your Hand 28. And Your Bird Can Sing
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
Blackbird Here Comes The Sun Back in the USSR Help! Piggies Can’t Buy Me Love Drive My Car Baby You’re a Rich Man Dig It I’m So Tired Carry that Weight Let It Be A Day in The Life Baby’s in Black You Won’t See Me
MUSIC MATTERS PAGE 24 1. Zenyatta Mondatta 2. The Carpenters 3. Marvin Gaye 4. Yellow Submarine 5. The Rembrandts 6. The Four Seasons 7. Telly Savalas (played Kojak) 8. David Soul (played Dt Kenneth
Hutchinson in Starsky & Hutch) 9. The Specials 10. Vincent Van Vogh 11. Pretty Young Thing 12. Steely Dan & The Doobie Brothers. (Jeffery Allen “Skunk” Baxter)
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
The Shadows Canned Heat America Yes! Saturday Night Fever Johnny Bristol James Taylor and Carole King Carole King
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
The Gorilla A fish Their spines of spiky hair. True A mare Kids The giraffe - The average height is around 5m (16ft) & the tallest on record stood nearly 6m (20ft) tall. True Its mane 8 200 million years
PADLOCK NUMBER PUZZLE PAGE 31 - 042 ANIMAL QUIZ PAGE 50 1. Bamboo 2. False - Captive mice live for up to 2.5 yrs while wild mice only live for an average of 4 months. 3. Arachnophobia 4. The tiger, weighing up to 300 kilograms (660 pounds). 5. True - They often sleep with their mouth open to keep cool. 6. Yes 7. Cows 8. True 9. Antarctica 10. True
11. The cheetah (it can reach speeds of up to 120kph 75mph). 12. A female deer. 13. False - They are carnivores. 14. Prides 15. Yes 16. The elephant - The largest on record weighed around 12,000 kilograms! (26,000 lb). 17. False - Snakeskin is smooth and dry. 18. Africa 19. 2
27. 28. 29. 30.
Looklocal Magazine 59
useful numbers DENTISTS POLICE ABC Dental Surgery................... 01932 589888 To report local incidents.............................. 1 0 1 Beech House Dental Surgery....... 01932 862290 Cobham Dental......................................01932 866966 SCHOOLS Crome Dental Clinic................... 01932 862600 ACS Cobham International School . 01932 867251 Dental Surgery of Cobham....... 01932 863416 Claremont Fan Court School...01372 473624 Cobham Free School ............... 03303 300237 Hollyhedge Dental...................... 01932 865888 Danes Hill School....................... 01372 842509 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd,..... 01372 363670 Feltonfleet School........................ 01932 862264 Notre Dame School.................... 01932 869991 CHURCHES Parkside School........................... 01932 862749 Cobham Methodist Church........ 01932 586988 Reed’s School.............................. 01932 869044 Cobham Presbyterian Church..... 01932 429511 St Andrew’s Primary School........ 01932 863452 International Community Church 01932 571820 St Matthew’s C of E Infant Sch.01932 863212 Sacred Heart Catholic Church.... 01932 862518 St Teresa’s Junior........................ 01372 452037 St Andrew’s Church (C of E) ..... 01932 867883 St Teresa’s Senior........................ 01372 452037 St Mary’s Stoke d’Abernon ......... 01932 866005 Yehudi Menuhin School of Music 01932 864739 United Reformed Church........... 01932 865900 TRAVEL COUNCILS & SERVICE National Rail Enquiries.............. 0845 748 4950 Citizens’ Advice Bureau.............01372 464770 Surrey Bus Services...................... 01483 506919 Cobham Library....................... 08456 009 009 Train information...................... 0845 748 4950 Elmbridge Borough Council....... 01372 474474 VETERINARY SURGEONS Local storage............................... 01372 457855 Beech House Veterinary Centre.....01932 868688 Surrey County Council............... 08456 009009 Cobham Veterinary Centre......... 01932 868786 Cobham Park Veterinary Clinic....01932 590022 CHEMISTS John Ball & Associates................ 01932 868786 Lloyds Pharmacy......................... 01932 862113 Henderson Keywood & Ptners.....01932 864671 Rowlands Pharmacy (Med Cent)......01932 862965 Sainsbury Pharmacy.................... 01932 866488 VILLAGE HALLS Cobham Village Hall.................. 01932 867870 MEDICAL Downside Village Hall................ 01932 865414 Cobham Day Surgery ................. 01932 588400 St Mary’s Church Hall (Hire)...... 01932 866005 St Peter’s A&E............................ 01932 872000 ................admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk Royal Surrey Hospital................. 01483 464002 Stoke d’Abernon Guide Hut....... 01372 843046 Non-emergency NHS Help..............................111 Stoke d’Abernon......................... 01932 864166 St John Ambulance ........................... 07900 910292 United Reformed ....................... 01932 864769 All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2020. All rights reserved.
Roots & shoots
tree surgery and Landscaping Contractors Tel: 01483 503361 Mobile: 07768 456828 Email: shaun@rootsandshootstreesurgery.co.uk Website: www.rootsandshootstreesurgery.co.uk
Based in Merrow and established in 1992, Roots & Shoots is a family-run tree care company which offers a professional and comprehensive arboricultural and landscaping service. We take great pride in our reputation and we offer all our clients a professional, courteous, and personal service. All our tree work is done to British Standards 3998 and is carried out to the highest standards by qualified staff.
We aim to ensure the conservation of trees through proper pruning practices. By embracing the latest research and modern techniques we provide the very best care for your trees, and with this in mind, we are happy to provide free advice and estimates. QualifiEd and insurEd 24hr EMErgEncy sErvicE frEE QuoTaTions