LookLocal February 2019
Cobham & Oxshott
Your award-winning local community magazine
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Welcome to February Welcome to our first issue of 2019!
35 18 20 22 26 28 30 32 35 47 50 50 51 52 53 53 54
Crossword Puzzle What’s Cooking? What’s On In February Gardening Matters Computer Tips Sudoku & Digi-Search Cobham Bookshop Reviews Competition Time Music Matters Elmbridge Volunteers Poem of the Month Church Services Useful Numbers Cobham Library Notice Puzzle Solutions Advertisers’ Index
I hope you enjoyed a great break over the festive period and that your new year has started well. For me, it’s not been so great! I’ve had a nasty spell of flu which knocked me for six and I’m only now, starting to get back on my feet. I hope you have managed to avoid the inevitable New Year germs! On a positive note, isn’t is great to gradually see the lighter evenings returning? Our days will soon feel so much longer with Spring just around the corner. I’ve already seen daffodil bulbs sprouting from the soil; crazy seasons we have these days! Our February magazine brings a selection of interesting information for you, including a little competition to win a great CD! New artist Alice Merton has a great voice, I’m sure you’ll enjoy listening to her debut album! Good Luck! If you are thinking about adding a four legged friend to your family this year, why not take a look at the Cat Protection League’s selection of beauties? So many adorable pussy cats who need good homes! We share one such feline with you this month on page 36. With spring just around the corner, it’s a perfect time to year to plan your garden for 2019! See our great feature from RHS Wisley and get your veg rotating! Wishing you all a great month and maybe even a little romance around the 14th! Until next time…. Adios Amigos!
ROS RUDD - EDITOR Next Copy Deadline 5th Feb for our March Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr
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10 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
Heated cabins
sanctuarydesign.co.uk call 01932 255465 to book an appointment 128 High Street Shepperton TW17 9BG
16th - 24th February 2019
FEBRUARY HALF TERM FUN Early Spring lambing starts Daily birds of prey flying demonstrations (Mon-Fri only)
Plenty of indoor play & activities
Acres of outdoor adventure
Animal handling, goat milking, tractor rides, pig racing & pony rides daily!
February Half Term Fun 16th - 24th February 2019
Enjoy a great day out on the farm this February Half Term with the start of the Spring lambing. There are up to 70 lambs due from Feb 10th - you may even see one being born! Birds of Prey will also be at the farm Monday-Friday where you can meet them up close and watch the flying demonstrations twice daily. What’s more, there is a full programme of fun farm
12 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
activities including pony rides, tractor rides, animal handling and pig racing. Outdoors, enjoy the jumping pillows, treehouse towers, pedal go karts and play trails. Plus the large indoor area with a giant heated playbarn, trampolines, ride-on tractors and a coffee shop means you can have a great day out whatever the weather! Find out more at www.bockettsfarm.co.uk
Barbara Currie School of YOGA Ltd All Levels Welcome
Amazing Energy - Fabulous Shape - Fantastic Flexibility - Deep Relaxation Elmgrove Hall, Hersham Road, Walton
Mon 5.45 - 6.45pm 7.00 - 8.00pm 8.15 - 9.15pm Weds
9.30 - 10.30am 11.00 - 12.00pm
9.30am - 10.30am 11.00 - 12.00pm *
Oxshott Village Centre, Holtwood Road,
9.30 - 10.30am 11.00 - 12.00pm
9.30 - 10.30am 11.00 - 12.00pm
King George’s Hall, High Street, Esher
* Advanced
9.30 - 10.30am * 11.00 - 12.00pm
Barbara Currie is a state registered nurse & a qualified yoga teacher with many years experience. She has sold a million DVDs worldwide & written 4 popular yoga books.
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14 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
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I am a Wedding & Family photographer based in Cobham Surrey, I am now taking bookings for 2019. Take a look at my website, & get in touch if you have any questions or would like to check availability, I look forward to hearing from you.
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e: ben@howellrs.com w: www.howellrs.com 79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 15
Newly Refurbished Grooming Parlour. Est. 2003
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t: 01372 459 670 w: www.bonniedogs.co.uk 19 Dorking Road, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4PU
Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm
16 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
OXSHOTT & COBHAM MUSIC SOCIETY www.ocms.music.org.uk
Saturday 23rd February 2019 Concert at 8pm (doors open 7.30pm) Tickets £20 at the door Students under 25 and children free or reserved in advanced from We Got Tickets: www.ocms-music.org.uk or from Mrs. C. Eddy: email: cherryeddy102@gmail.com tel: 020 8398 4377
Winner of the British Liszt Piano Competition 2016
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Tyler Hay was taught at the Purcell School and won top prize at the Royal Northern College of Music, Royal-Overseas League and the Liszt Society competitions. He is regarded as an outstanding virtuoso performer.
Full details of artists, music and society on:
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 17
Crossword Puzzle Solutions Page 53 Clue: 27 Across
Clue: 16 Down
8. Running battle? (8) 9. Strange noises in Greek union (6) 10. A medical test for Dracula? (5,5) 11. Nothing more than a distress signal, neither good nor bad (2-2) 12. Heads of television & radio in sort of news broadcast (6) 14. Huge depletion in fuel supplies (8) 15. Someone else embraced by Deianeira, not Heracles (7) 17. Date for Roman candles to be ordered (7) 20. Butterfly watcher’s headgear? (5,3) 22. Listen to a tiptop nurse (6) 24. Miss Fitzgerald with one note turned everyone on (4) 25. Mashed potato’s the stuff for dental hygiene (10) 27. Church leader, you found, is a sailor-man (6) 28. Running battle? (4,4)
18 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
1. Role a bad actor is permitted? (6) 2. A little means such a lot as an indication of holiness (4) 3. No chance to dance old dance (8) 4. Have no uncertainty - speak out (7) 5. A little illness preceded by fast pulse (6) 6. Free from self-contradiction - what’s inside is outside and centre of outside is inside (10) 7. Emergency treatment making tree steady? (5,3) 13. Exit. Depart, Ruined. Totally destroyed (10) 16. Emperor turning pale? No, no! (8) 18. Accursed thing in Montana. The Mafia? (8) 19. Turk’s seat (7) 21. Hired guns with explosive in them (3,3) 23. Mark’s warning (6) 26. Expert holding right amount of land (4)
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H2SJP29227 06/18
r oot vegetable casserole with herb dumplings ingredients
1 tbsp olive oil 2 leeks, thickly sliced 2 cloves garlic, chopped 2 essential Waitrose Parsnips, (chunks) 4 essential Waitrose Carrots, cut into chunks 2 sprigs fresh rosemary (or 1 tsp dried) 75g Waitrose Love Life Quick Cook Italian 5 Grains 400g can Waitrose Chopped Tomatoes 400ml vegetable stock, hot 2 tbsp red pesto for the dumplings 100g self-raising flour, plus extra for rolling 50g vegetable suet 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
Prep: 15mins. Cooking: 45mins Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6. Heat the oil in a large flameproof, ovenproof casserole dish. Cook the leeks and garlic for 2 minutes then add the parsnips, carrots and rosemary and cook for a further 3 minutes. 2. Stir in the grains, tomatoes, stock and pesto, then bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, stir together the flour, suet, parsley, a pinch of salt and 4–5 tbsp cold water to form a soft dough. With floured hands, roll into 8 balls and place on top of the casserole. Cover then transfer to the oven and bake for 20–25 minutes until the dumplings are puffed and the vegetables are tender.
cook’s tip Instead of suet, you can use frozen butter, coarsely grated.
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What’s On... in Cobham & Oxshott
Sunday 3rd (Weekly)
Weds 6th (1st Weds monthly)
Jazzy Sundays at The Bear, Oxshott KT22 0JE, 3pm - 6pm. Nothing quite says Sunday like a good old fashioned British roast. The perfect accompaniment to any roast? A good red or Bloody Mary are truly a must. All to the sound of live jazz. Join us every Sunday for ‘Jazzy Sundays’. For more info visit www.thebearoxshott.co.uk Elmbridge U3a, Monthly Meeting at Claygate Village Hall KT10 0JP. 1.30pm. ‘The real Wolf Hall’ - Tracy Borman. Tracy Borman is a historian & author, most widely known for ‘Elizabeth’s Women’ the story of the powerful women who influenced Queen Elizabeth I, &, her subject for today, ‘Thomas Cromwell, the untold story’. Those with an interest in this turbulent period of English history will find this a fascinating session. For more info or to join contact: Membership Secretary members@elmbridgeu3a.org, 0208 97927370.
14th, 16th & 17th FEB
Discover a garden of moods and romantic follies followed by afternoon tea at Painshill Park, Cobham, KT11 1JE, 11am or 2pm. Join loved ones or friends for a visual feast of England’s most romantic 18th century landscape garden followed by a delicious afternoon tea with a glass of Prosecco. Adults £25, Members £14.50. Please book online at www.painshill.co.uk or call 01932 868113.
19th - 21st FEBRAURY
Wild Woodland Camp at Painshill Park, Cobham, KT11 1JE, 9am - 4pm. Have a wild time this half-term with campfire cooking, den building and much more! Our Wild Woodland Camp is the perfect way to have a fun-filled half-term break, with three days of exciting outdoor adventures for children aged 8 to 13 years. £45per day. Advance booking required, at www.painshill.co.uk or 01932 868113.
Saturday 23rd FEBRUARY
Cobham Band presents BEST OF BRASS at Vera Fletcher Hall, Thames Ditton, 7.30pm. Back again at the Vera Fletcher Hall, the Cobham Band, a traditional brass band in the modern style, will present an evening of the best of brass band music. Favourite tunes, solos, duets, marches and arrangements of classical and modern pieces will brighten-up the winter evening. Ticket. £13. Bookings on line www. verafletcherhall.co.uk or postal reservations on 08456 528529.
Save the Date in March Friday 15th MARCH
Make your own Bottle Garden at Squire’s Garden Centre, Stoke Rd, Cobham KT11 3PU from 10am till 2pm. Come along to our planting masterclass & create your own bottle garden with succulents. Ticket Price: £25, includes the bottle garden & contents, voucher for free tea or coffee & a slice of cake + 10% money off on all plant purchases on the day. Book online, as numbers are limited: www.squiresgardencentres.co.uk
If there’s an event in March that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Friday 8th February. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.
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24 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
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Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 25
Gardening Matters Choosing Containers
Everyone should learn how to plant up containers, since it means that you can have beautiful displays of colour and varied plants for seasonal interest even if you don’t have a garden. Plus, plants in containers are much easier to move around and arrange than those in the ground. But there are various types, so which container to choose, now that you have time to think about that a bit? Clay/terracotta - the advantage of these is that they’re very attractive, but they dry out more quickly than plastic and are prone to cracking and damage caused by the frost. Look for frost-proof pots – although even these are not guaranteed to withstand frost damage – or stand the pots on feet over winter to prevent them becoming waterlogged, as it’s the expanding and contracting of the water in the compost that causes them to crack. Plastic - these are lighter than clay/terracotta pots and don’t dry out as much. There’s a wide range of sizes and colours, and they may be cheaper. Some may even look a bit terracotta-ish, but they’re not as authentic. Metal - this is a very popular material for containers and looks very modern. Metal containers are frost-proof and don’t dry out like clay/terracotta. However, they heat up very quickly in the summer, and equally, they become very cold in the winter. Plus, they are liable to corrosion and rusting.
Cecelia John: 01372 200 000
26 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
Wood - wooden barrels are a very popular choice for growing fruit trees or trees such as Salix integra ‘Hakuronishiki’, the flamingo willow, with its beautiful shades of pink, creamy-white and green. And wooden fruit boxes, for example, are a quirky but attractive alternative to plastic troughs. The problem with wood is that it rots and you’re left with a mushy bottom (so many possible responses to that, but this is a family magazine). You can extend the life of a wooden container by lining it with plastic sheeting with holes in the bottom. This is very good use of this type of plastic which would otherwise be clogging up landfill sites. In addition, you can paint the wood with a preserver, but this all makes it a bit on the high maintenance side. Other materials - this is where you imaginative types come into your own. I can think of a few alternatives: for example, empty compost bags are ideal for growing potatoes, and household items, such as jam jars, tins and old baths make interesting containers and provide a talking point. I’ve always yearned for an old chimney pot to plant up with pansies and trailing plants, although you’d probably have to put something in the bottom to make it less deep, otherwise you’ll use all your compost up in one container. Also, I’ve seen some really lovely little herb gardens planted up in old sinks. Over to you, the choice is yours, have fun experimenting. |
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Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 27
Computers and Bathtubs Not the most logical connection, so stick with us…. Frequently we are asked how long does a PC, Mac or tablet last for? Their reliability is very good as you will see…but what affects the devices performance is the complexities of the current software and security systems that are an integral part of the operating system on the device, also the mixture of different applications and programs a machine can accrue during its life. Additionally, a machine that was designed for the market 8 years ago would be a very different technicality and specification to a modern-day machine. Yes, the machine can be upgraded to squeeze some more life from it, but it is often a compromise, and the cost of upgrading the machine can be half the cost of a replacement device, also, you get the prospect of greater reliability, newer technology, and much improved performance with a new machine. Looking at the reliability, there is a graph called a “bathtub” graph (see below), which plots the average reliability of a computer (and most electrical items) against time. This indicates the device may have some reliability issues when it is first supplied- this is typical as the electronics may have a manufacturing issue which wasn’t detected during post manufacture testing, once this has been overcome there is a long period of uninterrupted reliability, then as the device starts to age, typically this is around 7-9 years of age, when it starts to become less reliable, where eventually this becomes a terminal issue
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Considering this, if you want a really cost-effective solution, then buying a refurbished high spec machine could end up being a worthwhile exercise as they still have a lot of reliability ahead of them, and they also will be significantly cheaper. We do have used PC’s, Apple iMac’s, Macbook’s and iPads from stock- they have all been fully refurbished and upgraded where necessary, with prices starting as low as £50.00 it could be worth considering? This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.
28 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
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Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 31
Book Reviews February ‘A Keeper’ by Graham Norton (Hardback, £20.00) ‘A Keeper’ is an instantly absorbing novel, with protagonist Elizabeth Keane trying to make sense of the past as she returns from New York to rural Ireland after her mother’s death. A box of letters contains hints about the father she never knew, and as she follows the trail her investigations are interspersed with the true story of her mother’s past. Norton deftly handles the shifting nature of family stories through the generations. The behind-closed-doors drama of parenthood and relationships is fertile ground for Norton’s narrative and warm, lively style.
‘The Zoo of the New: A Book of Exceptional Poems’ from Sappho to Paul Muldoon, edited by Nick Laird and Don Paterson (Paperback, £12.99) This is a fabulous party of a book; a gathering of old friends and favourites, with dazzling and absorbing strangers waiting to be met. The unifying idea of the poems offering something exceptional means that Laird and Paterson have selected works from across the centuries that feel fresh and exciting. The poems are alphabetically ordered by title, and the way they rub shoulders in this fashion also invites us to read them afresh, in a new context and with new companions.
‘The Italian Teacher’ by Tom Rachman (paperback, £8.99) How do you thrive growing up in the shadow of a world famous genius? This novel goes beyond the familiar trope of the charismatic but domineering genius who puts his art above everyone and everything. For Pinch, the favoured child of celebrity painter, Bear Bavinsky, whose own ambitions are dashed by an off-thecuff criticism, the answer is both sad and triumphant. Shortlisted for the Costa Award. published 7/3/19
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SSRSSURREY ROOFING GROUP ROOFING GROUP RGRSSURREY SURREY ROOFING GROU SURREY ROOFING GROUP GG R G a broken an entire we cover all aspects of roofing FromFrom justjust a broken tile totileantoentire newnew roofroof we cover all aspects of roofing From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing From just a broken title to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing
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Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 33
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34 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
Pop Songstress
Alice Merton Releases Anticipated Debut Album
‘MINT’ Out 18th Jan 2019
The Berlin-based, British singer songwriter Alice Merton gets ready to release her much anticipated debut album MINT, which includes the singles ’Lash Out’, ’Why So Serious’, ’Funny Business’ and the platinum selling ‘No Roots’, on 18th January 2019. After garnering much attention with the explosive self-release of her debut single 'No Roots', Alice Merton has gone on to build a strong international fanbase, reaching 250M streams and 150M YouTube views so far, with ‘No Roots’ certified Platinum in 7 countries, reaching the Top 10 single charts in 10 countries and recently going GOLD in the US. MINT stands as a testament to Alice’s autobiographical and heartfelt writing, with driving rhythms underpinning catchy choruses and themes of female empowerment and unavoidable insecurities of youth, and her sense of independence; illustrated by the fact that, as well writing and recording the album herself, Alice set up her own label with her manager to release the record, and has produced a series selfdirected music videos as part of the campaign. In the US, partnering with label Mom + Pop Records, Alice has continued to build on the success of ‘No Roots’, touring with the likes of Vance Joy and The Killers, featuring in Billboard Magazine and
performing on both Jimmy Fallon's The Tonight’s Show and James Corden's The Late Late Show, as well as receiving a nomination in the 'Best Rock' category at the Teens Choice Awards. Closer to home, Alice has played sold out tours in the UK, featured on Tom Odell's latest single 'Half As Good As You', with radio support from Annie Mac and the Matt & Molly Show on Radio One and Radio 2, as well as coverage from MTV, Nylon, 1883 Mag and others. Tour Dates 17-Mar - Bristol, Thekla 18-Mar - Leeds, The Wardrobe 19-Mar - Manchester, Manchester Academy 2 22-Mar - Glasgow, King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut 24-Mar - London, Scala www.AliceMerton.com Twitter: @AliceMerton Instagram: @AliceMerton www.Youtube.com/AliceMerton
To win a copy of the ‘MINT’ Album CD, just answer the following question: “What is the name of Alice Merton’s debut single?” Email your name and area to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk before 28th February.
Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 35
Peter is a delightful,13 years young male who came into our care as unfortunately his owner was taken into hospital long term. Peter is a very calm, friendly and sociable cat. He thrives on human affection and would need to be in a home where someone was around a reasonable amount of the time. To really enjoy his final years Peter would do best in a home with no small children or other cats. If you feel you can give Peter the loving forever home he so desperately deserves please call Rosemary on 01737 350307 Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk
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As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. www.cats.org.uk Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)
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SALINA Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 37
The Great Brick Safari at rhs garden wisley
Escape the winter blues and come on a journey inside the Glasshouse at RHS Garden Wisley to search for more than 40 LEGO® brick sculptures on The Great Brick Safari, from 26 January to 3 March 2019. The life-size LEGO® brick creations can be found nestled amongst the lush foliage in both the temperate and tropical zones of the cathedral-like Glasshouse. Sculptures include animals such as an elephant, lions, meerkats, turtles and a gorilla. Beautiful LEGO® brick plants created especially for RHS Garden Wisley include a Venus Fly Trap, Golden Barrel Cactus, Bird of Paradise and Water Lilies. As each magnificent sculpture is discovered, visitors can learn all about the animal and plants, such as the
38 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
natural habitats they are found in and conservation efforts taking place around the world. During half term (16 - 24 February 2019), head to the Glasshouse Gallery for a LEGO® brick making workshop, where visitors can purchase their chosen mini animal to take home. As a fun souvenir, visitors can have their photo taken sitting in the LEGO® brick Jeep. The Glasshouse is open from 10am-4:30pm daily during the event. Normal garden entry applies; events and activities are suitable for all the family. For further information, visit www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/wisley. Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB. 01483 224234
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Care Home Fair Profits Boost Hospice
An Esher care home’s residents, their families and friends enjoyed a lively festive fair which raised money for Princess Alice Hospice. The Hospice was chosen by residents to benefit from the event at Arbrook House, a 42-bed home in Copsem Lane, one Saturday before Christmas. A total of £243 was raised by the fair, which featured the traditional cake sale, tombola and raffle along with live entertainment and refreshments. The donation was matched with a further £243 by Bupa, which operates the home. Home manager Jonathan May called in to the Hospice in West End Lane, to hand over a cheque for the proceeds.
40 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
“We work regularly in collaboration with Princess Alice Hospice – the excellent service supports the work we do at Arbrook House and we are pleased to help fund the invaluable work done by the Hospice,” he said. “It was far and away the popular choice to receive this year’s donation from the fair.” Our picture shows Jonathan May handing over the cheque to Hospice senior social worker Sarah Dowd. “I’d like to add how grateful we are to receive this gift; we depend on donations for the majority of our income – so this helps us maintain vital services across our care area,” said Sarah. For more information about Princess Alice Hospice vissit us online at www.pah.org.uk
Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 41
RHS Calls for Wartime Veg Plot Photos The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) is calling on people to submit photos of their wartime vegetable gardens as it gets ready to mark 80 years since the outbreak of World War II and the Dig for Victory campaign. The charity will display advisory material and wartime propaganda that inspired people to grow more food to supplement ration-book diets at its library and gardens in the autumn and will include photos of families’ own gardens and allotments. The RHS began working with the Ministry of Agriculture on the Dig for Victory campaign at the point at which war broke out in 1939, having already begun making detailed plans in preparation for war in
1938. Advice was distributed via pamphlets, leaflets and exhibition packs that toured towns and villages across the country and included guides to cultivating
42 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
vegetables all year round, the storing of produce and making a compost heap. With wartime shortages gardeners had to show a great deal of ingenuity, creating vegetable plots in unlikely places. Employees at the Wolsey Motors in Birmingham made cloches out of scrap car windscreens for their workplace allotment. By 1943 it was estimated that around 55% of households were growing fruit and vegetables and their efforts made an important contribution to the nation’s health. Fiona Davison, Head of Libraries and Collections at the Royal Horticultural Society, said: “RHS information and advice helped get a nation growing at a time when food supplies were at an historic low. Many are likely to recall parents and relatives turning previously unloved plots into efficient and prolific green spaces. We’re asking the public to share those pictures and memories with us so we can celebrate the contribution of gardening to our wartime history.” Photos and additional information for the Dig for Victory exhibit should be sent to libraryenquirieslondon@rhs.org.uk. Dig for Victory will be on display at RHS Garden Wisley in Surrey, RHS Garden Rosemoor in Devon, RHS Garden Hyde Hall in Essex and RHS Garden Harlow Carr in Yorkshire from 14th October – 17th November. For further information, visit www.rhs.org. uk/gardens/wisley. Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB. 01483 224234
Jeep Renegade February Car Review
Jeepers-Creepers! Here we go with a distinct new and updated challenger in the bustling small SUV Crossover segment - the retro-styled eye-catcher, the Jeep Renegade. It has all the makings of a surefire success. After a costly setback in sales a couple of years ago, when numbers collapsed, the Jeep, painstakingly cared for and re-designed behind the scenes has come into full flow with a flair to frighten the rival front runners in an over-crowded market. It’s bid to overtake in the off-and-on-road market of the weenier and firmly established challengers is now solidly underway with a neat and tidy effort produced in Italy as a dramatic change from it’s historic American upbringing and pedigree. Indeed, the first all new Jeep for almost a decade - the first built outside the USA,
a clever and astute collaboration of US and European designers and engineers. Their radical thinking and painstaking concerns as to the public’s interest is superbly reflected in the new Renegade, a masterpiece of economy, good sense, comfort and a worthwhile reward for a buyer with a bargain £18,740 to spare for the starter model. After shifting the Jeep design and manufacture from the USA to Melfi in Italy, to arrest the dramatic decline in sales, the Fiat/Chrysler overlords have hit a new chapter in the success story - and it looks all set to run and run. It will most assuredly put on their guard, the established likes of the hot rivals Mini Countryman Renault Captur. By Ted Macauley
Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 43
“I just can’t help Thomas with his reading! Can you believe he’s only in Year 2 and it’s too difficult for me?!” - If you heard this at the school gate you would probably be quite shocked. However, substitute the word ‘reading’ with ‘maths’ and this statement becomes much more acceptable. “Maths scares me”, “I was never good at maths”, “I’m not surprised she struggles with maths - she takes after me” - all examples of statements I’ve heard at the school gates. And my personal favourite - “Maths is so different now, why did they make it so complicated?” The truth is that maths is exactly the same as it has always been, but the way it is taught in schools today is different; different but not more complicated. Our generation learnt maths by rote. We were shown the method and told to practice it until we got it right. This is probably the reason that maths has got such as bad press with us because there wasn’t a backup plan if you didn’t get it. Today our children explore maths, they are provided with many different ways to solve problems, and the wrong answer isn’t a big red X, it is the basis for a discussion on other possibilities. Some amongst us may think that it is a ‘fluffier’ methodology, but research has shown time and time again that we all learn in different ways and therefore it makes sense that we offer up more than just one way to do something. I liken it to a journey - you start at ‘Q’ facebook twitter instagram: @themathsmum
the question and you get to ‘A’ the answer. We were told that we had to go the quickest route and use a car. Our children get the option of using whatever route they want and on whatever mode of transport takes their fancy. They might choose to go the scenic route on a scooter. It might make the journey slightly longer and seem a more complicated but ultimately, they get to the same destination and will remember the experience. The ‘new’ way maths is taught means that our children aren’t scared of maths. In fact, ask most 5 & 6 year olds and they will tell you that maths is fun. They have a much better understanding of numbers and by Year 4 will be able to do things in their heads that you or I would take to our smartphone to work out. So how do we support our children with their maths homework? Firstly, try not to force your way, on them - they might not be ready to drive yet! We need to open our minds to the alternatives, take time to understand the new methods and terminology, be prepared to take the scenic route… you never know, you might like it and begin to think that maths is fun too. Karen McGuigan, aka The Maths Mum The Maths Mum helps parents to help their children succeed in maths by providing insight and guidance on how maths is taught today to our children. Courses are run locally. Check out the website for more details www. themathsmum.co.uk
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Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 45
For a beautiful new kitchen...
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That’s Amore! Music Matters but so does love!!
Public Liability insurance
See how you and your loved one get on with this loved up quiz! QUESTIONS: 1. Did St Valentine exist? 2. Who sang about little arrows and that if they hit you in the face they would make you fall in love? 3. Who told Cupid he was stupid in 1958? 4. Which British artist with a romantic name recorded teenager in love? 5. In the movie “The Talented Mr Ripley” who sang “My Funny Valentine”? 6. Who recorded the original version of “Cupid” in 1961? 7. In the movie “Shirley Valentine” who sang about “the girl who used to be me”? PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 56
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Fri 1
Fri 1
Fri 1
Fundraiser Sat 2 Sat 2 Comedy
Comedy Sat 2
Comedy Sun 3
Sun 3and Beer Jazz
Jazz and Beer
Fri 1
The Great Barn Gin Festival
TheGin priceFestival includes tasting the finest locally made gins, canapes, a £25 age 18+ The Great Barn
The8pm Greatlook Barn Ginhistory Festival at the of gin, a light-hearted quiz & live entertainment.
The priceThe includes tasting the finestFestival locally made gins, canapes, a age 18+ Great Barn The price includes tastingGin the finest locally made gins, canapes, a age 18+ look at the history of gin, a light-hearted quiz & live entertainment. Ruffell: The price includes tasting the finest made gins, £12 canapes, a at theSuzi history ofNocturnal gin, a light-hearted quiz & locally live entertainment. 8pm look8pm Following last year’s critically acclaimed sell out run, this show is age 14+ look at the history of gin, a light-hearted quiz & live entertainment.
Sat 2 Comedy
8pm Suzi Ruffell: Nocturnal not to be missed.
£12 £12 age 14+
Suzi Ruffell: Nocturnal 8pmFollowing last year’s critically acclaimed sell out run, this show is
Sun 3 Jazz and Beer
Following last year’s critically acclaimed sell out run, this show £8.50 is age 14+ not12.15pm to be missed. Suzi Ruffell: 8pm Formed onlyNocturnal a couple of years ago they have a well-deserved Dave Stradwick’s Sussex Jazz KIngs
not to be reputation missed. in the jazz world.
Following last Jazz year’s critically acclaimed sell out£8.50 run, this show Dave Stradwick’s Sussex KIngs not to be missed. Dave Stradwick’s Sussex Jazz KIngs only a couple of years ago they have a well-deserved 12.15pm Formed £8.50 Story Café: The Giant Jam Sandwich £4 (age 3+) Sun 3 3.30pm reputation theajazz world. Formed in only couple of years ago they and have a well-deserved Enjoy crafty projects, themed activities a tea-time treat. £2 (2 & under) Children’s Events 12.15pm
DaveinStradwick’s Sussex Jazz KIngs reputation the jazz world. Sun 3 12.15pm Rossetti Ensemble 8pm The Giant Jam £4£25 (age 3+) Sun 3and Beer Wed 6 3.30pm Story Café: Formed a Sandwich couple yearsmusicians ago they well-deserved Jazz Four ofonly the country’s leadingof chamber camehave a Treble Classical Music Clef Enjoy crafty projects, themed activities and a tea-time treat. £2 (2 & under) Children’s Events Sun 3
Children’s Events
Wed 6 Fri 8 Classical Sun Wed3 6 Music
Story reputation Café: The Giant Jam Sandwich £4 (age 3+) together inin 2018 to form this ensemble. Programme includes the jazz world. Mozart, Brahmsthemed and Frank activities Bridge Enjoy crafty projects, and a tea-time treat. £2 (2 & under) £25 £14 Clef Treble £25
Rossetti Ensemble House presents Four of8pm the country’s chamber came Story Café:leading The‘Beowulf’ Giant Jammusicians Sandwich 3.30pm Rossetti Ensemble 8pm A new version of a very old story from Seth Kriebel. A pretogetherEnjoy in 2018crafty to formprojects, this ensemble. Programme includes themed activities and theatre menu availablechamber for this show. Four of the country’s isleading musicians came Mozart, Brahms and Frank Bridge
Children’s Events Classical Music
£10 Conc.
Pre-theatre meal £12 a tea-time treat. Treble Clef
together in 2018 to form this ensemble. Programme includes £10 2pm Lyngo Theatre presents ‘Tom Thumb’
Sat 9
Mozart, Brahms and FrankChiarenza Bridge adapted by Patrick Lynch. Tom £14 A show by Marcello Rossetti Ensemble House presents ‘Beowulf’ Family Theatre 4pm £8 Children Wed Fri 8 6 8pm 8pm everybody though he is smallAhe is still mighty. A new version of a very old that storyeven from Seth Kriebel. preTheatre £10came Conc. Fourshows of the country’s leading chamber musicians Classical Music Fri 8 8pm House presents ‘Beowulf’ £14 Pre-theatre meal £12
Sat 9 Family Theatre
Sat Fri 89 Family Theatre Theatre Sun 10
theatre menu is available for Utterly this show. Morgan and West’s Spiffing Spectacular Magic Show for 4pm
Sun 10 Magic
£15 includes together 2018 to story formfrom this Seth ensemble. Programme A new version ofina very old Kriebel. A pre£10 Conc. kids (and Childish Grown-ups)
Wed 13 Classical Music
£ a
£ £
£ T
£13 Conc.
Mozart, Bridge Lyngo Theatre presents Thumb’ Pre-theatre meal £12 theatre menu isBrahms available for Frank this show. Morgan and ‘Tom Westand present magic and mayhem for ages 5 -105 £10 A show by Marcello Chiarenza adapted by Patrick Lynch. Tom £8 Children Lunchtime Concert: Olga Stezhko (piano) 1pm £11 concert Lyngo Theatrepresents presents Thumb’ shows everybody that even‘Tom though he is small he is still mighty. 2pm8pm £10 House ‘Beowulf’
2pm 4pm
£ a
born Olga is a winner of numerous international prizes. The £8.50 lunch lunch A at show 12pm byMinsk Marcelloincludes Chiarenza adapted by Patrick Lynch. Tom Children programme Mozart, Brahms andSeth Ravel. Kriebel. new version aDebussy, very old story from A£8 preTreble Clef Morgan A and West’s Utterly of Spiffing Spectacular Magic Show for £15
£ £
writing of Surrey’s county history 1760 Thumb’ – 1832. Lyngo Theatre presents ‘Tom 2pm kids (and Childish Grown-ups) £13 Conc. 1pm Lunchtime Concert: Olga Stezhko (piano) £11 concert A show by Marcello Chiarenza adapted by Patrick Morgan and present magic and mayhem for ages 5 -105£15 Lynch. Tom Sing West That Swing – Valentine’s Special Family Theatre 4pm Fri 15 8pm Minsk born Olga is a winner of numerous international prizes. The £8.50 Classical Music lunch at 12pm lunch
£ £
Sun 10 Sat 9 Magic Wed 13
shows everybody that even though he is small he is still mighty.
theatre menu is available for this show. kids7.30pm (and Childish £13 RoystonGrown-ups) Pike Lecture £3 Conc. and West present magic andManning, mayhem for ages 5 -105 Julian Pooley presents Owen William Bray and the Morgan and West’s Utterly Spiffing Spectacular Magic Show foron the 4pm Morgan £15 door
Wed 13 Words
Come and celebrate Valentine’s nightthough with Ruby, Kitty shows everybody even he&isJohnny small& programme includes Debussy, that Mozart, Brahms and Ravel.
More Music
he£12ispre-theatre still mighty.
Treble Clefconcert meal £11 Concert: OlgagoStezhko (piano) your evening with a swing! Pre-theatre food available. Wed 13 1pm Lunchtimemake Minsk born Olga is a winner of numerous international prizes. The £8.50 lunch Classical Music Satlunch at 12pm Royston Miles presents ‘Shylock’ 16 8pm £14 Morgan and West’s Utterly Spiffing Spectacular Magic Show for PikeRhodri Lecture £3 Wed10 13 7.30pm 4pm Sun programme includes Debussy, Brahms and Ravel. tragic, funny and oftenMozart, unbelievable life ofand fiction’s Theatre Julian PooleyThe presents Owen Manning, William Bray themost on theTreble door Clef Words
Wed 13
Fri 15 Words Wed More13 Music
Thur 21 Cafe
kidsfamous (andJew. Childish Grown-ups) writing of Surrey’s county history 1760 – 1832. Morgan and West present magic and mayhem for ages Pike Lecture 7.30pm Royston £3 5 -105 Yoga Supper 7pm
Sing That Pooley Swing – presents Valentine’s Special Julian Manning, Bray and the £15 An hour of gentleOwen yoga followed by a William tasty vegetarian supper
£ £
on the door
Lunchtime Concert: Olga Stezhko 1pm £ writing of Surrey’s Valentine’s county history 1760 – 1832. Come and celebrate night with Ruby, Kitty(piano) & Johnny & £12 pre-theatre Mock Tudor Comedy ClubPre-theatre food available. 22 8pm £12.50 prizes. The meal make your evening go with a swing! Minsk born Olga is Friday a winner ofclub numerous international Classical MusicFri lunch at 12pm £ Our very own regular comedy night is back Comedy Swing – Valentine’s Special Fri 15 8pm Sing That £15 programme Debussy, Brahms and Ravel. featuring the includes cream of Britain’s comedy Mozart, circuit. T Miles ‘Shylock’ Sat 16 Music 8pm Rhodri Come andpresents celebrate Valentine’s night with Ruby, Kitty & Johnny£14 & £12 pre-theatre More Theatre
Wed 13 Sat 16 Words Thur 21 Theatre
Fri 2221 Fri 15 Thur Comedy More Cafe Music
Sun 24 Folk
Fri 22 Sun 24
Sun 24
Sun Folk24 Thur 21 Events Children’s
Fri 22 Children’s Events Comedy
Rhodri Miles presents ‘Shylock’
£10.50 Conc. Children £14free
Julian Pooley release of their presents first full studioOwen album. Manning, William Bray Yoga Supper The tragic, funny and often unbelievable life of fiction’s most£25 Surrey’s county history 1760 –supper 1832. An hour writing of gentleof yoga followed by a tasty vegetarian Lucky Dip Disco 3.30pm Jew. famous
Sun 24 Children’s Events
Comedy Folk Sat 16 Theatre
Sun 24
The tragic, funny and unbelievable life of fiction’s Jacob and often Drinkwater: Old Pre-theatre River’ 12.15pm meal make your evening go with a ‘This swing! foodmost available. £12.50
Devon Pike based Lecture duo Tobias Ben Jacob and Lukas Drinkwater famous Jew. Royston 7.30pm embark on their biggest tour to date, which coincides with the
A retro disco party for children under 7 and their grown ups
and the
£7 children £5 adults
Mock Tudor Comedy Club – Valentine’s Special Sing That Swing 8pm £12.50£25 Yoga Supper 7pm8pm Our very own regular Friday comedy club night is back An hour of gentle yoga followed by a tastynight vegetarian supper Come and celebrate Valentine’s with Ruby, Kitty & Johnny & featuring the cream of Britain’s comedy circuit.
make your evening go with a swing! Pre-theatre food available. Mock Tudor Comedy Club 8pm Jacob and Drinkwater: ‘This Old River’ 12.15pm £12.50£12.50 Our very own regular Friday comedy club night is back Devon based duo Tobias Ben Jacob and Lukas Drinkwater Rhodri Miles presents ‘Shylock’ 8pm
featuring the cream of Britain’s comedy circuit. with the embark on their biggest tour to date, which coincides The tragic, funny and often unbelievable life release of their first full studio album.
famous Jew. ‘This Old River’ Jacob and Drinkwater:
£10.50 Conc.
ofChildren fiction’sfree most
release their of firstgentle full studio album. Anofhour yoga followed by a tasty vegetarian supper Lucky Dip Disco
£ m
Lucky Dip based Disco duo Tobias Ben Jacob and Lukas Drinkwater £7 children Devon £10.50 Conc. Yoga Supper A retro disco for children under 7 andwhich their grown ups with the 7pm embark onparty their biggest tour to date, coincides £5 adults Children free
£ o
£7 children £ £5 adults 49
Mock Tudor Comedy Club 8pm A retro disco party for children Looklocal under 7 andMagazine their grown -ups February 2019 Our very own regular Friday comedy club night is back featuring the cream of Britain’s comedy circuit.
Voluntary Ac t i on ELMBRIDGE - FEB/MARCH 2019
Can You Spare a Few Hours on Mondays?
A local Parkinson’s Group is looking for help to support the leaders in running various activities and chair based exercises. This is a role for you if you are mature, calm and caring, enjoy meeting and working with people with disabilities.
Enjoy Knitting.
POEM CORNER Ghouls!!!! If only, somehow, ghouls could be banned From every motorway in the land. Like a chorus, Greek and tragic They suddenly appear, as if by magic To gawp and gape at every disaster, A morbid thrill is what they’re after As they record the scene on a mobile ‘phone Which they can’t wait to share with those at home. “Weren’t we lucky to be passing by At the time of the crash?! P.S. Did any one die?”
A local community centre is looking for a volunteer for their friendly knitting group. You will need a good knowledge of knitting in order to set up and support the group. They also require someone with good organisational skills to source materials and lead on projects for a charity sale.
Get Involved.
An independent charity is looking for volunteers to assist running activities for adults with learning disabilities on Monday and Thursday evenings. These activities can include games, bowling, crafts, music, disco, bingo or karaoke. No experience required.
Community Influencer.
If you want to improve health within the social care services in the area and can use your influencing, ICT and research skills, then this dedicated team urgently need your support.
Town Ambassador.
This important role is designed to harness your unique local knowledge for the specific area of the County. You will be responsible for approaching groups to raise funds, identify annual events, securing raffle prizes and promoting their volunteer programme.
INTERESTED IN ANY OF THOSE ROLES? please call: visit: or email:
MARION KEMP Poem from “In Praise of Hugs and Other Poems” By Marion Kemp. Available from Wishing Well, 7 High Street, Bookham
50 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
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useful numbers St John Ambulance ........................... 07900 910292 POLICE To report local incidents.............................. 1 0 1 SCHOOLS ACS Cobham International School . 01932 867251 DENTISTS ABC Dental Surgery................... 01932 589888 Claremont Fan Court School...01372 473624 Beech House Dental Surgery....... 01932 862290 Danes Hill School....................... 01372 842509 Dental Surgery of Cobham....... 01932 863416 Feltonfleet School........................ 01932 862264 Hollyhedge Dental...................... 01932 865888 Notre Dame School.................... 01932 869991 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd,..... 01372 363670 Parkside School........................... 01932 862749 Reed’s School.............................. 01932 869044 CHURCHES St Andrew’s Primary School........ 01932 863452 Cobham Methodist Church........ 01932 586988 St Matthew’s C of E Infant Sch.01932 863212 Cobham Presbyterian Church..... 01932 429511 St Teresa’s Junior........................ 01372 452037 International Community Church 01932 571820 St Teresa’s Senior........................ 01372 452037 Sacred Heart Catholic Church.... 01932 862518 Yehudi Menuhin School of Music 01932 864739 St Andrew’s Church (C of E) ..... 01932 867883 Cobham Free School ............... 03303 300237 United Reformed Church........... 01932 865900 TRAVEL COUNCILS & SERVICE Surrey Bus Services...................... 01483 506919 Elmbridge Borough Council....... 01372 474474 Train information...................... 0845 748 4950 Surrey County Council............... 08456 009009 National Rail Enquiries.............. 0845 748 4950 Cobham Library....................... 08456 009 009 Local storage............................... 01372 457855 VETERINARY SURGEONS Citizens’ Advice Bureau.............01372 464770 John Ball & Associates................ 01932 868786 Henderson Keywood & Ptners.....01932 864671 CHEMISTS Cobham Veterinary Centre......... 01932 868786 Lloyds Pharmacy......................... 01932 862113 Cobham Park Veterinary Clinic....01932 590022 Rowlands Pharmacy (Med Cent)......01932 862965 Beech House Veterinary Centre.....01932 868688 Sainsbury Pharmacy.................... 01932 866488 VILLAGE HALLS MEDICAL Cobham Village Hall.................. 01932 867870 Cobham Day Surgery ................. 01932 588400 United Reformed ....................... 01932 864769 St Peter’s A&E............................ 01932 872000 Downside Village Hall................ 01932 865414 Royal Surrey Hospital................. 01483 464002 Stoke d’Abernon Guide Hut....... 01372 843046 Non-emergency NHS Help..............................111 Stoke d’Abernon......................... 01932 864166 All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2019. All rights reserved.
Cobham Library, The Cedar Centre, Cedar Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2AE
T: 01483 543599 E: contact.centre@surreycc.gov.uk W: www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries OPENING HOURS Tuesday - Saturday: 9.30am - 5.00pm Sunday & Monday: CLOSED
puzzle solutions crossword pg 18
sudoku pg 30
digi-search pg 30 8 2 2 1 5 4 4 6 3 4 1 5 4 2
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3 3 3 2 9 5 3 7 4 5 2 6 3 3
0 8 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7
4 5 4 3 8 5 2 5 8 2 4 3 4 4
9 7 8 8 4 8 8 6 4 3 8 8 8 0
5 3 5 4 9 8 8 6 4 0 5 4 5 1
8 9 9 8 9 3 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 8
6 2 9 3 5 7 0 4 3 9 3 5 2 2
7 8 2 9 8 2 3 9 3 2 8 8 7 5
3 2 0 9 3 2 8 9 9 1 2 2 3 8
9 0 3 4 7 0 8 2 2 1 0 9 8 5
2 1 9 0 7 1 1 2 6 2 7 2 9 4
music matters pg 47 1. Yes. He was a 3rd century saint. 2. Leapy Lee 3. Connie Frances 4. Dickie Valentine 5. Matt Damon 6. Sam Cooke 7. Patty Austin
Looklocal Magazine - February 2019 53
advertisers’ index 4 Seasons UK............................................................17
Hartfield House Care Home.......................................7
Able Roofing.............................................................10
Hollyhedge Dental ...................................................24
Andy’s Garden Services..............................................34
Horsley Osteopaths & Complementary Therapy.........8
Anne Hellinger Homeopathy....................................27
HRS Roofing............................................................15
Hub Property Care Ltd.............................................16
Bob Mitchell Painting & Decorating.........................47
James & Thomas Funeral directors............................31
Bockett’s Farm...........................................................12
Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors..............................23
Bonnie Dogs.............................................................16
Michelle Davis Footcare............................................45
Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service...............14
MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd...........................55
Bookkeeping Services................................................51
Music Matters...........................................................47
Boyalls Ironmongery & Doors....................................6
Nick Ricks Decorating Services.................................24
Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................10
Orchard Cottage Dental............................................13
Car review.................................................................43
Out on a Limb..........................................................41
Carron Wellings Personal Trainer..............................27
Oxshott Choral & Music Society..............................17
Casseldens Shoes.......................................................33
Pullen Plumbing ......................................................37
CD Sheldon..............................................................51
Roofs of Esher...........................................................30
Charlottes Hellinger Photography.............................15
Roots & Shoots.........................................................56
Claremont Fan Court School......................................3
Sanctuary Kitchen & Bathrooms...............................11
SAS Roofing & Building...........................................27
Clocktower Financial Services.....................................2
Sir William Perkins School..........................................9
Cobham Book Shop Reviews....................................32
Squires Garden Centre..............................................25
CT Cars....................................................................21
Surrey PC Tech.........................................................39
DB Garden Services..................................................55
Surrey Roofing Group...............................................33
Dominic Marcus Financial Consulting Ltd...............19
Sykes & Sykes...........................................................33
DPB Pristine Oven Cleaning.....................................39
Tec Res................................................................ 28/29
Dream Doors............................................................46
The Leatherhead Theatre Art Gallery.........................31
Elite Tree Care...........................................................45
The Maths Mum.......................................................44
Elmbridge Volunteer Centre......................................50
The Potting Shed.......................................................24
Englishman’s Castle...................................................37
The Prestige Flooring Company..................................4
F& S Plumbing and Heating Services.......................41
Willow Landscapes....................................................39
Fairmile Executive Cars.............................................17
Yoga by Barbara Currie..............................................14
Falcon Services..........................................................34 Garolla Garage Doors................................................25
Green Roots..............................................................47
54 Looklocal Magazine - February 2019
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We aim to ensure the conservation of trees through proper pruning practices. By embracing the latest research and modern techniques we provide the very best care for your trees, and with this in mind, we are happy to provide free advice and estimates. QualifiEd and insurEd 24hr EMErgEncy sErvicE frEE QuoTaTions