LookLocal September 2020
Cobham & Oxshott
Your award-winning local community magazine
Cobham’s leading financial planning practice, providing financial advice to Cobham clients for 15 years. Alistair Mann is a Chartered Financial Planner, Fellow of the Personal Finance Society and a pension specialist registered with the Financial Conduct Authority. O ur primary goal is to give our c lients 3 po int s o f f inanc ial se c urit y :
I nc o m e t o m e e t s ho r t t e r m ne e ds
A c c e s s t o s ho r t t e r m c a pi t a l t o de a l w i t h t he une x pe c t e d A ppropriate investments t o e nsure f uture inc o m e and c apit al
We use these key points to build a simple but comprehensive plan.
2015 introduced significant changes to pension legislation; Both pensions and ISAs can now be inherited without tax; Investment markets continue to be volatile;
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Your best asset is a good plan If you think we can help we look forward to hearing from you. We agree transparent fees at the outset; we don’t charge anything until you have agreed how we can help.
2 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020
01932 863400
Join us for an Open Morning or virtual event in October or November 2020 SIR WILLIAM PERKINS’ SCHOOL THE SKY’S THE LIMIT. Guildford Road | Chertsey | Surrey www.swps.org.uk/admissions
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07/08/2020 13:49 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020 3
Carpets : wood flooring & restoration : Amtico & Karndean LVT www.theprestigeflooringco.com
01932 866087
4 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
Welcome to September I hope you are all keeping well and that you have managed to enjoy the abundant sunshine over the past few weeks! It’s certainly been a sizzling summer this year if nothing else ! As restrictions are now lifting in the UK and life is beginning to return to a more recognisable state, maybe some of you have even been lucky enough to get away for a summer break? ‘Staycations’ have been more popular than ever this year for obvious reasons, and I’m sure many have realised, maybe for the first time, that the UK shorelines have so much to offer. Personally, some of my favourite holiday memories have been made on UK beaches; Cornwall / Wales / Norfolk all are stunning and we are very lucky to live on this beautiful island !
the Cobham Community Garden which may be of interest and while you’re here, please do take a moment to read the notice on display below. If you know someone locally who needs help at this difficult time to feed their pet, do contact the number below… What a lovely initiative this is. Helping people to care for their beloved pets in difficult times
We are certainly getting back in the swing of things here at Look Local and we are doing our best to find a few interesting inclusions for you to enjoy. Kicking off this month with a really great book competition for you to have a go at, see page 18 for more information. As well as this you will find details on 'Cobham Classic Car's’ which sounds like a great event, and is especially for the residence of Cobham! We have some news from
Enough from me for this month, stay well and I wish all the school returners/starters the very best in the coming month. Best Regards,
Ros x
Next Copy Deadline 5th Sept for our October Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
Cobham Food-bank For Pets
Struggling with food bills for your beloved pets? Help is on the way! Please do get in touch with Toni on 07462 669964
Text if you wish and I would be happy to drop off some food for your pets, donated by our lovely Cobham residents. All requests will be treated in confidence.
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 5
Tel: 07876 647225 E: sjtrees27@btinternet.com www.johnsontreeservices.co.uk
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6 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020
Fun and Friendship There’s time for both at Hartfield House
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LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020 7
AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr
pppaaaiiinnnttt ooorrr !llleeeaaarrr !oooaaattt fffiiinnniiissshhheeeddd uuusssiiinnnggg ttthhheee lllaaattteeesssttt ppprrrooofffeeessssssiiiooonnnaaalll !oooaaatttiiinnngggsss aaattt ooouuurrr wwwooorrrkkkssshhhoooppp iiinnn LLLeee LLL eeeaaa aaatttttthhh hhheee eeerrrrrrhhh hhheee eeeaaa aaaddd ddd... WWWeee wwwiiillllll aaadddvvviiissseee ooonnn ssseee!uuurrriiitttyyy,,, hhhaaannndddllleeesss hhhiiinnngggeeesss EEEttt! aaannnddd ooouuurrr fffiiitttttteeerrrsss aaarrreee eeexxxpppeeerrrttt iiinnn qqquuuaaallliiitttyyy iiinnnssstttaaallllllaaatttiiiooonnnsss... WWWeee !aaannn aaalllsssooo sssuuupppppplllyyy bbbeeessspppoookkkeee dddoooooorrrsss iiinnnttteeerrrnnnaaalll &&& eeexxxttteeerrrnnnaaalll ,,,iiinnn!llluuudddiiinnnggg ooovvveeerrr-‐-‐-hhheeeiiiggghhhttt aaannnddd fffiiirrreee dddoooooorrrsss...
MMMaaadddeee tttooo mmmeeeaaasssuuurrreee
!888000 kkkiiinnngggssstttooonnn RRRoooaaaddd LLLeeeaaattthhheeerrrhhheeeaaaddd SSSuuurrrrrreeeyyy ... KKKTTT222222 777PPPZZZ
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Now you’ve decorated choose a new carpet from the safety of your own home
Epsom based, friendly, family run business (Holly and her Dad) with over 40 years’ experience. We bring 100’s of carpet samples to your home in a variety of colours all at competitive prices.
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LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020 11
no-bake chocolate wafer cheesecake This no-bake, easy recipe is perfect to whip up anytime for family and friends. The combination of smooth creamy filling on top of a crunchy biscuit and chocolate wafer base is hard to resist!
80g unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing 150g digestive biscuits 5 KitKat Original bars, split into 10 fingers 150ml whipping cream 150g dark chocolate, roughly chopped 180g tub Philadelphia Soft Cheese 50g icing sugar 100g Greek natural strained yogurt ½ tsp vanilla bean paste
1. Grease the base and sides of a 20cm loose-bottomed cake tin and line with baking parchment. Whizz the digestives and 4 KitKat fingers to crumbs in a food processor, then mix with the melted butter. Press evenly into the tin, smoothing with the back of a spoon. Chill while you make the filling. 2. Heat the cream in a pan to just before boiling. Take off the heat, add the chocolate and set aside for 2 minutes, then stir to combine. Meanwhile, with a wooden spoon, beat the soft cheese, icing sugar, yogurt and vanilla together until combined. Mix into the chocolate-cream mixture, a large spoonful at a time, until combined. 3. Tip the chocolate mixture over the base and smooth the top, then chill for at least 6 hours but ideally overnight. To serve, lift the cheesecake from the tin and remove the parchment, then place on a serving plate. Decorate with the remaining 6 KitKat fingers before serving.
(Serves 12)
Dip your cake knife into just-boiled water, dry with a tea towel and you’ll find it cuts through cleanly.
cooking tip
Prep: 35 minutes, plus chilling. Cooking: 0mins 12 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk Recipe & Photo reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
Lucinda’s are excited to let you know we have all the new seasons collections arriving daily. Our shop is fully air conditioned; we have all the requirements in place so our customers can try on. Open Monday – Saturday 9am – 5pm
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SUMMER SSAALLEE ends 30th Sep – Orde FINISH r now for UP TO 30% ES END OFOFF! MARCH
Only 2 customers per household | Only 2 households will be in the shop at any one time | Disposable covers provided for each customer to try the furniture | Masks will be worn by our staff | Regular use of hand sanitiser | Frequent shop cleaning We offer a safe shopping environment for our customers by working by appointment only
and manyTOitems of STOCK CLEARANCE at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. BOOK YOUR ONE-TO-ONE APPOINTMENT CALL US ON 01372 375865 9 - 17 Church Street, Leatherhead (next door to the theatre)
Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am-5pm
01372 375865
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 13
Book Reviews SEPTEMBER 2020
Deep as Death by Katja Ivar (paperback £8.99) This is Helsinki, March 1953, an unusually long and cold winter, frozen seas everywhere. A young woman goes missing and this is a chance for Hella Mauzer, the first ever woman inspector in Helsinki, to prove herself. She is a heartbroken PI demoted from homicide, a department too busy to take on this case so she gets her chance. Then more women go missing and what begins as a taut whodunnit turns into something more tantalising. A good read especially for all Scandi crime fans out there.
The Beauty and the Terror: An Alternative History of the Italian Renaissance by Catherine Fletcher (hardback £25) Even the Introduction to this book, a glimpse into 1492, gave me a sense of immersion. The fascinating relationship between the Popes, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and their Inquisition, the persecution of the Jews throughout Europe, the political impact of Lorenzo de Medici’s death and the voyages of Christopher Columbus, all made me want to read on and discover the less well known stories that Fletcher promises to tell. I’m almost finished and am learning much about this turbulent and creative period and enjoying Fletcher’s gripping narrative voice.
The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo (paperback £8.99) This was the most enjoyable debut I read last year (in hardback). It’s a portrait of Marilyn and David Sorenson and their four daughters who are rocked by the arrival of a teenage boy secretly given up for adoption years earlier. A perfect summer read – I was sorry when I finished it.
: 01932 862903 : info@cobhambooks.com : www.cobhambooks.com : 12A Anyards Rd, Cobham, KT11 2JZ 14 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020
Saturday 3 October 2020 at 10am Academic, Art, Music, Drama and Sport Scholarships available at Year 7 Academic and Performing Arts Scholarships available at Year 3 “Unpressured (for the most part) and friendly, but this is no soft option ... the girls both work hard and play hard, with results to match.” The Good Schools Guide
Celebrating 100 Years in 2020-21 www.manorhouseschool.org | 01372 457077 | admissions@manorhouseschool.org LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020 15
crosswordpuzzle Solutions Page 38
Clue: 9 Across
Copyright Š 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Clue: 21 Across
1 Plot (6) 4 Western US state (6) 8 Raid (5) 9 Pharmacist (7) 10 Comes back (7) 11 Soothsayer (5) 12 Solaced (9) 17 Performed in a play (5) 19 High and dry (7) 21 Small wood (7) 22 Structure supporting power cables (5) 23 Texas city (6) 24 Free of charge (6)
1 Hunting expedition (6) 2 Unorthodox believer (7) 3 Municipal leader (5) 5 Graceful and refined (7) 6 Imitating (5) 7 Dessert (6) 9 Usual (9) 13 Mrs. Guy Ritchie (7) 14 Close-fitting Elizabethan jacket (7) 15 Brought up (6) 16 Handsome youth (6) 18 Spin round (5) 20 More mature (5)
16 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
Clue: 7 Down
Clue: 14 Down
INVISALIGN DIAMOND PROVIDER Our Invisalign prices are heavily discounted
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01932 862 600 | info@cromedentalclinic.com | www.cromedentalclinic.com To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 17 44 Anyards Road, Cobham KT11 2LA
A Surrey resident has revisited the ‘trip of a lifetime’ road trip around America he took 50 years ago – and his adventures are now published in a book published this month.
he book, Two Summers; Nixon and Trump by Greyhound Bus, has been praised by BBC journalist and books editor James Naughtie as ‘a lovely evocation of heady times in America’. Tim Albert took the first trip in 1969 when a student at Surrey University, and kept a detailed diary of his adventures. Last summer, by then a semi-retired journalist living in Leatherhead, he went back on the buses again. ‘The idea crept up on me unexpectedly when I was at the dentist,’ he says. ‘It was such a good idea that I felt I had to do it, even though I was worried that what I did without a second thought at the age of 22 would prove to be too much for my 72-year-old body. But I planned the 60 day route carefully, making sure I slept each night in a bed and not on a bus. Greyhound Bus travel has changed a lot in half a century, he says. The buses are more comfortable and generally on time, but there is one big change. ‘In 1969 I met all kinds of people – students, teachers, farmers, architects, soldiers going to and from the Vietnam war. This time on the buses I spoke to hardly anyone – they are all glued to their mobile phones’. He adds: ‘2019 was a fascinating time to be travelling around America – I realise now that it could have been the last summer of its kind that we shall see for some time. At times it felt like I was travelling through two parallel universes with two widely different populations. Some people told me that the President
was an incompetent liar; others that he was the only politician who told the truth. And a chief of police remarked that we had to be careful we weren’t “living through the last days of the Roman Republic”.’ One major difference from 1969 was the prevalence of guns. ‘I remember being shocked in 1969 by seeing policemen carrying guns everywhere. Now they’re everywhere. I even found myself being offered an AK-47 on my mobile phone. ‘One thing has not changed, however, and that is the kindness of individual Americans. I witnessed some extraordinary acts of kindness, and one morning I asked two ladies where I could find lunch and they started to look into their purses to give me money!’ More information on the author and the book can be found on www.timalbert.co.uk Two Summers; Nixon & Trump by Greyhound Bus is available from: Wishing Well, High Street, Bookham KT23 4BN – 01372 459969 Cobham Bookshop, 12A, Anyards Road, Cobham KT11 2JZ – 01932 862903
For a chance to win a signed copy of Tim Albert’s book, answer the following question: Which US president was in the Whitehouse when Tim Albert first visited America. Please email your answer to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk by 14th September. 18 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020
From re-wires, garden lighting to jobs around the home. All certification issued upon completion. Please contact Toby tfelectricaluk@gmail.com 07823 776957
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Acres of farmland Swimming pools Agility cabins Socialisation Heated armland AcresPuppy of farmland lisation Swimming Agility Heated Swimming pools Socialisation cabins Agility poolsSwimming Heated Agility Socialisation cabins pools Socialisation Agility Heated Socialisation Heated cabins Heated cabins nursery Swimming pools Agility Socialisation Heatedcabins cabins
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Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm 20 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
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Michelle C Davis BSc(Hons), MChS Chiropodist/Podiatrist Appointments available at Cobham Day Centre Oakdene Road, KT11 2LY To arrange an appointment, please call
07957 166173 / 01932 355261 (Home visits can also be arranged)
HPC Registered: CH11842 24 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
ROOFING & building 01483 378334 07470 088047
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For any enquiries please contact William Crittenden:New Marsh Farm, Horsley Road, Cobham KT11 3JX T: 01483 378334 M: 07470 088047 E: info@weathersureroofing.co.uk To view testimonials visit our website: www.weathersureroofing.co.uk To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 25
We offer a full professional garden service Portfolio available - fully insured Design & construction
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26 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020
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LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020 27
OCTAVIA Reviewed by Ted Macauley The four-wheeled Estate car market place is awash with great deals, cars to suit every pocket and taste with economy a crucial priority. And right at the top end of all that is my unfailing choice as a bargain....the mainstay of the Skoda line-up, the fine and dandy Octavia Estate. It is the Mk 4 in the splendidly, generously spaced hatchback and estate forms and shapes, with a newly stretched length between the front and rear axles, bequeathing our deserving custom far more interior space than its predecessors. A wee bit longer too, so that it can accommodate extra safety add-ons and carefully thought out driver aids, to make it even roomier than before. Over the past decades Skoda’s clever backroom bods have carved out a distinctive niche - and the Czech firm has now set itself an enviable reputation for sensible, and the comfiest of cars that are much, much more spacious, with elbow room aplenty, especially for the driver who will genuinely feel the benefit on the longest of treks either on smooth motorways or bumpier by-passes and country lanes. Despite having the same power output as before, as lots of you will realise, the 148 bhp diesel fitted to the Octavia Estate has been throughly and heavily revised with vastly improved CO2 emission and welcome fuel economy. Performance is strong, with acceleration feeling a good deal brisker that its claimed 8.8 sec to 0-62 mph time. The engine is so versatile and responsive that you don’t have to thrash it to stir a reasonable uplift in its pace.
Take my advice: ease off the accelerator pedal now and again and our Octavia, good as gold and only too ready to please, can even “coast” along a gear to save fuel. That can tot up to around 50mpg on a mixture of roads, including plenty of motorway driving, with 60mpg possible at a steady cruise with a dainty and light touch of the right foot. You will gather this is an offering with plenty to offer. As for space? Wow! It is as roomy as can be. A six footer like me will have no trouble sitting behind the leggiest driver with inches and inches of head room to spare. It’s smartened up innards have replaced the rather dowdy interior of the older version with a range of contemporary improvements. The quality is impressive to say the least, with plenty of useful and decorative moulding around the dash and on the armrests and all the doors, with lots of chrome detailing to lend it a welcome and bright glow. The entry-level SE First Edition models come with an 8.25in infotainment touch screen, with all manner of useful driver aids and helpmates. Cleverly and thoughtfully, the screen is positioned higher in the dashboard display than previously, so you don not have to take your eyes quite so far to view it. The screen icons are large, so you can hit them relatively easily while on the move.What else? Ah yes! The boot. That is its ace card. It revels in loads of space, dwarfing its rivals...640 litres...with handy hooks, cubbies and loads of separators to keep your luggage and cargo from rolling about too much. What more can I say?
Happy Motoring!
28 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
We can solve all your plumbing and heating problems from bathroom installations to dripping taps. All work is fully guaranteed, no job is too small. We are fully insured and Gas Safe registered. Call Roger Northage on 01932 576341
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House & Garden New Roofs • Repairs • Flat Roofs • All minor & major repairs undertaken • UPVC Fascia • Soffits • Guttering • Chimney’s Repaired or Renewed • All Lead Work Undertaken New Roofs - Repairs - Flat Roofs All minor and major repairs undertaken • Tiling & Slating Repaired or Renewed etc uPVC Fascia, Soffits & Guttering House & Garden
House & Garden
Free quotes and Free advice, please contact of the below:New Roofs - Repairs - Flat Roofs quotes and advice, please contactone the number below.numbers
For more information or to view some of our New recommendations, Roofs - Repairs - Flat please Roofs customer visit All minor and major repairs undertaken
All minor and major repairs undertaken
www.roofcraftofsurrey.co.uk uPVC Fascia, Soffits & Guttering
uPVC Fascia, Soffits & Guttering Main Office: 01372 Main 889698 M: 0751101372 704889698 252For(24hr emergency service) office: /Leatherhead: more information or to view some of our customer recommendations, please visit Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) www.roofcraftofsurrey.co.uk
New Roofs - Repairs - Flat Roofs All minor and major repairs undertaken uPVC Fascia, Soffits & Guttering
or find us at TRUST A TRADER
For more information or to view some of our customer recommendations, please visit
For more information or to view some of our
customer please visit or find us recommendations, at TRUST A TRADER
www.roofcraftofsurrey.co.uk or find us at TRUST A TRADER
Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.
or find us at TRUST A TRADER Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com www.roofcraftofsurrey.co.uk / find us at TRUST A TRADER
Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below. Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service)
MainEmail: office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com
Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service) 73
Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com 73
Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.
Main office: Leatherhead: 01372 889698 Mobile: 07511 704 252 (24 hr emergency service)
Email: roofcraftofsurrey@gmail.com To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 29 73
Free quotes and advice, please contact the number below.
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30 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020
 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020 31
We re-opened the store in late May and have seen a We re-opened store inwho lateare May and have seen a constant flow ofthe customers, equipping themselves constant flow way of customers, who areschooling equippingremotely, themselves for their new of working and by for their new working and schooling by updating theirway oldofequipment to cope with remotely, the modern updating their old equipment to cope with the modern day security requirements or improving their comfort. day security improving their comfort. This could berequirements by adding aorfull-sized keyboard, mouse This display, could beorby adding amachine full-sized keyboard, mouse and a complete replacement. and display, or a complete machine replacement. All-in-one PC’s (AIO) have proven to be a big hit, as All-in-one PC’smore (AIO) have and proven to bedisplay, a big hit, as you often get power a larger than you would often get power and display, than you see more on a laptop, all ina alarger very neat compact you would onina one” laptop, a very neat compact package. Ansee “All PCallis in a machine where all of package. An “Allofinthe one” PC is aare machine where of the “workings” machine built into theallrear the the “workings” the reduces machinedramatically are built intothethespace rear of display. ofThis of the display. reduces dramatically the space occupied by all This the electronics, often the AIO’s will occupied by all the electronics, often the AIO’s have a large display with the option of plugging inwill an have a largemonitor displaytowith the option of plugging in an additional improve your working conditions additional still further.monitor to improve your working conditions still further.
For many years we have been providing our home and For manysupport years wepackages have been providing homeThese and business (called Totalour Care). business packages (called TotalasCare). These have beensupport extremely popular, especially this enables have extremely as this enables us to been remotely connectpopular, to your especially machine and resolve any us to remotely connect to your machine and resolve any issues you might have. issues you might have. Should you require assistance we usually can connect to Should you require we usually canthe connect to your machine in lessassistance than 5 seconds and fix problem your quickly. machineAs inno lessperson than 5toseconds fix the very personand contact is problem required very quickly.respects As no person to person contact isdemands, required it totally the social distancing it totallywerespects the social distancing demands, ensuring all keep safe. ensuring we all keep safe. Some products like webcam, headsets, laptops, tablets Somehome products like are webcam, laptops, tablets and printers still onheadsets, limited availability and and are still likelyhome to be printers patchy until the on Newlimited Year. availability and likely to be patchy until the New Year. Whatever your requirements, are please call us, as you Whatever your requirements, are do please us, as you may be surprised by what we can and call provide. may be surprised by what we can do and provide. Stay safe and we look forward to being of service to you. Stay safe and we look forward to being of service to you.
This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, This guide was written by Lescomputer Beer, fromsolutions Tecres insince Leatherhead, who have been providing 1989. who have been providing computer solutions since 1989. 32 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
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Please note: Product supplies have been severely disrupted during the CV-19 period, items listed are accurate at the time of publishing Notebooks, PC’s and Tablets are in limited supplies and are likely to be for the foreseeable future
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24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk CLASSICS IN COBHAM 12th September 2020 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk
Cobham Community Garden is Open Volunteers of all ages are welcome to help our small team. In our large outdoor space we can observe social distancing and hand hygiene. The lockdown prevented us sowing our usual range of crops, but sadly no-one told the weeds to stop growing! Why not come and meet us and benefit from green space and fresh air, it’s also a way to learn new skills or practice old ones? We are situated at the far corner of the Leg O’Mutton Fields off Downside Bridge Road, near Holly Hedge car park, and we are open from 10am to 12noon every Saturday. It’s FREE and no experience is necessary. Just wear suitable footwear and bring gloves.
In place of our annual Heritage Day event, Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust is holding their popular annual classic car and bike gathering on Saturday 12th September from 10.30am to 3.30pm on the Leg O’Mutton field, Downside Bridge Road. This will be a community event for the people of Cobham. In line with COVID-19 guidelines, pre-registration of cars will be required. Owners and visitors will be asked to provide contact details to meet track & trace guidelines. No entry fee will be charged to maintain social distancing, but donations towards the work of Cobham Heritage will be welcome.
Visit www.cobhamheritage.org.uk for more info.
www.cobhamcommunitygarden.org.uk for more info Contact us on hello@cobhamcommunitygarden.org.uk LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020 35
useful numbers DENTISTS POLICE ABC Dental Surgery .................. 01932 589888 To report local incidents ............................. 1 0 1 Beech House Dental Surgery ...... 01932 862290 Cobham Dental.....................................01932 866966 SCHOOLS Crome Dental Clinic.................. 01932 862600 ACS Cobham International School . 01932 867251 Dental Surgery of Cobham....... 01932 863416 Claremont Fan Court School...01372 473624 Cobham Free School ............... 03303 300237 Hollyhedge Dental ..................... 01932 865888 Danes Hill School ...................... 01372 842509 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd, .... 01372 363670 Feltonfleet School....................... 01932 862264 Notre Dame School ................... 01932 869991 CHURCHES Parkside School .......................... 01932 862749 Cobham Methodist Church ....... 01932 586988 Reed’s School ............................. 01932 869044 Cobham Presbyterian Church .... 01932 429511 St Andrew’s Primary School ....... 01932 863452 International Community Church 01932 571820 St Matthew’s C of E Infant Sch.01932 863212 Sacred Heart Catholic Church ... 01932 862518 St Teresa’s Junior ....................... 01372 452037 St Andrew’s Church (C of E) .... 01932 867883 St Teresa’s Senior ....................... 01372 452037 St Mary’s Stoke d’Abernon ........ 01932 866005 Yehudi Menuhin School of Music 01932 864739 United Reformed Church .......... 01932 865900 TRAVEL COUNCILS & SERVICE National Rail Enquiries ............. 0845 748 4950 Citizens’ Advice Bureau.............01372 464770 Surrey Bus Services ..................... 01483 506919 Cobham Library ...................... 08456 009 009 Train information ..................... 0845 748 4950 Elmbridge Borough Council ...... 01372 474474 VETERINARY SURGEONS Local storage .............................. 01372 457855 Beech House Veterinary Centre.....01932 868688 Surrey County Council .............. 08456 009009 Cobham Veterinary Centre ........ 01932 868786 Cobham Park Veterinary Clinic....01932 590022 CHEMISTS John Ball & Associates ............... 01932 868786 Lloyds Pharmacy ........................ 01932 862113 Henderson Keywood & Ptners.....01932 864671 Rowlands Pharmacy (Med Cent)......01932 862965 Sainsbury Pharmacy ................... 01932 866488 VILLAGE HALLS Cobham Village Hall ................. 01932 867870 MEDICAL Downside Village Hall ............... 01932 865414 Cobham Day Surgery ................ 01932 588400 St Mary’s Church Hall (Hire) ..... 01932 866005 St Peter’s A&E ........................... 01932 872000 ................admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk Royal Surrey Hospital ................ 01483 464002 Stoke d’Abernon Guide Hut ...... 01372 843046 Non-emergency NHS Help .............................111 Stoke d’Abernon ........................ 01932 864166 St John Ambulance ........................... 07900 910292 United Reformed ...................... 01932 864769 All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2020. All rights reserved.
36 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
SUNDAY 8am Sunday service via YouTube 10am Sunday Service via YouTube 12pm Kids’ Church via Zoom 4:45pm Church open for private prayer 5pm Said HC Service (must pre book as spaces very limited) Proposed September Issue
Proposed Proposed September September Issue Issue Proposed September Issue
StMary’s Mary’s St Mary’s Church Church Proposed September Issue St Church
TUESDAY 6:30pm Discipleship via Zoom orStoke outsided’Abernon, Stoke d’Abernon, Surrey
Stoke d’Abernon,Church Surrey St Mary’s StSunday Mary’s Church A Regular A Regular Sunday Services Services has resumed has resumed after after Stoke d’Abernon, Surrey
A Regular Sunday Services has resumed after Stoke d’Abernon, Surrey Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown A Regular Sunday Services has resumed after
parishoffice@standrewscobham.org.uk www.standrewscobham.org.uk | 01932 867883
10.00––Simple 10.00 Simple –Communion Communion Simple Communion A Regular Sunday Services has resumed after 10.00 Lockdown Seeour ourWebsite See Website our for Website forupuptoto for date up to information date information Lockdown St Church See date information 10.00Mary’s – Simple Communion
Stoke D’Abernon, Surrey 10.00 See our– Simple WebsiteCommunion for up to date information A Regular Services has after See our Sunday Website for up toresumed dateSecure) information Our Church Our Church Hall (Covid19 Hall (Covid19 Secure) hasLockdown also has re-also re
Our Church Hall (Covid19 Secure) has also re10am – Simple Communion See our Website forHall up to(Covid19 date information Our Church Secure) has also reopened opened for Hiring: for Hiring: opened for Hiring:
Our Church Hall (Covid19 Secure) has also reopened for Hiring: Large - airy airy Large Hallairy ideal formeetings, ideal meetings, for has meetings, conferences conferences and a Our Church HallHall (Covid19 Secure) also - - Large Hall ideal for conferences and opened for Hiring: re-opened for Hiring: Large airy Hall ideal for meetings, conferences and events•-events events airy airy Hall ideal meetings, - Large Large Hallforideal for meetings, conferences and events conferences and events Plenty of Plenty free parking of free parking - Plenty of free parking events Plenty of free parking Plenty ofand freegreen parking Outside - •--decking Outside decking decking and space green space peaceful in grounds peaceful groundsgro - - Outside and green space inin peaceful Plenty of free • Outside decking and parking green space in peaceful grounds -
Outside decking and green space in peaceful groun Outside decking and green space in peaceful groun
t: 01932 866005 e: admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk www.stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk
Tel: 01932 866005 Contact: admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk Tel: Contact: admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk Tel:01932 01932866005 Tel: 866005 01932 Contact: 866005 admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk Contact: admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk Tel: 01932 866005 Contact: admin@stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk www.stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 www.stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk www.stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk www.stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk www.stmarysstokedabernon.org.uk
advertisers’ index ordpuzzle
Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1,
Sudokusudoku #1
ons Page 38
3 4 2 7 1 3 5 Patrick Stone Pest Control .............................. 22 8 4........................................... 5 1 Remedial Roofing 309 Roofcraft of Surrey ......................................... 291 7 8 9 Roofs of Esher ................................................ 26 3 Roots & Shoots .............................................. 40 9 5 2 8 Sir William Perkins School ................................ 3 3 9 8 SJ Trees ............................................................. 62 1 Surrey PC Tech ............................................... 9 6 3 315 Surrey Roofing Sudokusudoku #1 2 Group ..................................... 1 Digi search 4 35
All Seasons Garden Maintenance .................... 20 Out on a Limb ............................................... 24 Ashtead Interiors ........................................... Clue: 9 Across 21 Bluegrass Bills ................................................. 30 Boardman Gelly & Co .................................... 21 Bob Mitchell Bathrooms & Kitchens .............. 22 Bonnie Dogs ................................................... 20 Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service ..... 34 Boyalls Ironmongery & Doors .......................... 8 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care ................................. 19
Clue: 21 Across 9 Carpets 4 U ......................................................
Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 19
It's not the size of the ship, it's the size of the waves. -- Little Richard
2 8 7 7 5 2 9 7 5 ©22013 9 KrazyDad.com 3 7 Solutions 38 23 Casseldens ShoesPage ............................................. 34 Sykes & 3 Sykes ................................................. 4 2 9 2 3 7 5 9 2 3 5 8 9 2 5 Each row, column &0 3x3 box must contain the 7 1 3 Fill 5 squares 1 each 2 row, 8 4each 0 1column 8 4 and 0 1each 2 4 in the blank so that Services ..................................... 19 5 8 by Cleanability .................................................... 34 T F Electrical Clue: 9 Across 3-by-3 the2digits 0once. 31 thru 8 59. 0 2 5can 8 0be2 done numbers This 8 4 5 1block contain 91 toall9of just 1 9 4 4 9 1 4 8 0 1 8 5 1 If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. Clocktower Financial Services ........................... 2 Tec Res8 ...................................................... 1 you 5 3 0don’t 1 8 5 0 32/33 2 to 8 3guess! 5 2 9applying 1 7logic
8 shows 5 2 3a logical 5 8 7order 0 5to solve 8 0 the 4 puzzle Need a little help? The hints 2page
3 it to identify the next square pag 3 5you 8 should 6 2 8solve. 5 6 Or2 use 3 the 94 5answers 0 Flooring Company ........................ Crome Dental Clinic ...................................... 17 The PrestigeUse if you really get stuck. 9 5
2 8 5 7 2 3 8 5 0 1 6 5 2 8 5 9 3 2 1 5 9 2 7 5 9 2 7 5 2 1 8 5 9 7 5 3 8 9 5 7 6 0 3 8 5 0 9 2 3 5 7 9 3 5
©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com
Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
0 4 5 9 2 5 8 0 7 3 9 3 ........................................... DB Garden Services ........................................ 39 Trestle 3 Decorating 9 8 2 1 2 3 9 7 5 9 2 3 7 5 34 2 9
9 6 3 5 .......................................................... 23 Elite Tree Care ................................................ 27 Uniqlyu Clue: 21 Across 2
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal25 or vertical Englishman’s Castle ........................................ 13 Weathersure Each row, column & 3x3................................................... box must contain the © 2013 KrazyDad.com
Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.
02920, 18597, 23759, 25550, 25590, 28001, 40124, 43585, 52975, 56239, 58359, 75481, 80739, 82009,
numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess!
Clue: 7 ............ Down 31 Wemms Education ......................................... 85028, 91480 25 F & S Plumbing and Heating Services Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.
puzzles solutions page 61
Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Falcon Services................................................ 29 Willow Landscapes ......................................... 26 GHI Replacement Windows & Doors ............ 11 Clue: 7 Down
Hartfield House Care Home ............................. 7
Holistic Massage Therapist .............................. 11 xpedition (6) ss Down 1 Hunting expedition (6)......................................... 27 Dental ox believerHollyhedge (7) 2 Unorthodox believer (7) 3 Municipal leader (5) leader (5)HRS Roofing .................................................. 23 5 Graceful and refined (7) Clue: 14 Down 6 Imitating (5) nd refinedLodge (7) Brothers 7 Dessert (6) Funeral Directors.................... 10 9 Usual (9) Clue: 14 Down (5) Guy Ritchie (7) ...................................... 13 Lucinda’s13 Mrs. Dress Shop ) 14 Close-fitting Elizabethan jacket (7)
6) rn US state (6) (5) macist (7) mes back (7) hsayer (5) ced (9) ormed in a play (5) h and dry (7) ll wood (7) cture supporting power cables (5) s city (6) of charge (6)
15 Brought up (6) Mailboxes etc… ................................................ 6 16 Handsome youth (6) 18 Spin round (5) 20 More mature (5)
y Ritchie Manor (7) House School ...................................... 15 ting Elizabethan jacket (7) Footcare .................................. 24 Michelle Davis up (6) Mobile Mercedes Mechanic ............................ 22 me youth (6) nd (5) MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd ................. 39 ture (5) NJ Ricks ......................................................... 30
38 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020
Answers SUDOK
Sudoku #1 5 9 3 8 6 7 1 3 8 4 2 7 3 6 8 5 1 2 7 6 9 5 4 2 4 3 6 9 7 1 9 4 2 8 5 1
6 4 1 7 9 2 5 8 5 1 6 9 4 9 2 1 3 8 9 4 1 7 8 3 8 5 7 2 2 6 3 5 7 3 4 6
Sudoku #3 2 8 5 7 7 4 1 5 6 3 9 1 1 7 3 6 8 2 4 9 9 5 6 2 4 1 7 8 5 6 8 3 3 9 2 4
6 3 9 1 4 2 9 6 8 3 4 8 5 2 7 5 4 2 9 8 3 1 7 5 6 8 7 4 3 1 9 5 3 6 2 7 2 1 4 9 1 6 8 7 5
Sudoku #5 4 1 8 9 3
4 3 7
5 6 1
8 9
2 9 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 0 2 9 2 0
Easy Sudoku Puzzles by Krazy DIGI-SEARCH PAGE 50
8 2 0 0 9 5 8 5 8 4 3 3 1 3
7 3 2 3 4 3 5 8 5 5 9 2 8 8
7 7 8 8 4 0 2 6 7 9 7 1 5 5
5 5 4 5 9 1 3 2 2 2 5 5 9 0
Sudoku #2 Sudoku #1 4 5 796 3 8 8 5 3 6 97 2 81 3 73 9 8 34 5 62 7 4 1 9 3 64 8 6 5 2 1 23 97 6 9 Sudoku 5 4#4 2 4 8 3 1 4 93 6 16 9 5 2 7 6 7 1 69 5 4 1 4 7 2 28 5 4 1
2 9 0 0 1 8 5 8 3 5 9 9 7 9
9 2 1 2 4 5 8 5 8 8 2 2 5 2
7 3 8 5 8 0 7 6 5 0 3 7 3 3
5 12 5 8 4 0 8 0 0 1 2 8 0 5 2 43 0 1 7 3 7 25 5 9 8 8 9 5 67
98 9 1 29 8 3 8 91
6 9 27 2 5 9
3 27 2 5 2 44 5 8 5 1 5 2 0 4 5 70 5 2 3 8 9 5 7 5 5 7 6 3 5
9 3
5 8
2 7 4 5 8 6
Sudoku #3 8 5#6 87 2 Sudoku 2 7
, Book 19
Digi search
©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com
It's not the size of the ship, it's the size of the waves. -- Little Richard
2 9 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 0 2 9 2 0
8 2 0 0 9 5 8 5 8 4 3 3 1 3
7 3 2 3 4 3 5 8 5 5 9 2 8 8
7 7 8 8 4 0 2 6 7 9 7 1 5 5
5 5 4 5 9 1 3 2 2 2 5 5 9 0
2 9 0 0 1 8 5 8 3 5 9 9 7 9
9 2 1 2 4 5 8 5 8 8 2 2 5 2
7 3 8 5 8 0 7 6 5 0 3 7 3 3
5 5 4 8 0 2 0 2 0 7 7 5 8 5
2 8 0 0 1 8 5 3 1 3 5 9 9 7
9 9 1 2 8 3 8 9 6 9 2 2 5 9
3 2 2 5 5 5 0 5 5 3 9 7 7 3
7 5 4 8 1 2 4 0 2 8 5 5 6 5
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 02920, 18597, 23759, 25550, 25590, 28001, 40124, 43585, 52975, 56239, 58359, 75481, 80739, 82009, 85028, 91480
e. ge
solutions page 61
solution Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 19 DIGI-SEARCH PAGE 50
KU 5019 yDad, PAGE Volume 1, Book 9 5 7 6 5 3 2 49 2 1 8 4 1 6 4 5
6 1 7 9 2 5 8 6 9 8 5 7 9 11 44 1 938 2 1 4 3 8 9 4 1 7 8 3 7 5 5 7 2 2 8 4 62 3 5 1 2 3 9 7 3 4 6 8 6 6
9 2
9 7 5 8 5 3 9 6 3 1 2 4
6 34 9 1 9
4 3 7
5 6 1
8 9
2 9 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 0 2 9 2 0
8 2 0 0 9 5 8 5 8 4 3 3 1 3
7 3 2 3 4 3 5 8 5 5 9 2 8 8
7 7 8 8 4 0 2 6 7 9 7 1 5 5
5 5 4 5 9 1 3 2 2 2 5 5 9 0
2 9 0 0 1 8 5 8 3 5 9 9 7 9
9 2 1 2 4 5 8 5 8 8 2 2 5 2
7 3 8 5 8 0 7 6 5 0 3 7 3 3
Sudoku #2 98 3 2 7 4 3 9 5 9 2 5 61 2 4 4 1 8 5 3 29 5 38 7 6 2 1 8 5 1 3 5 82 3 7 1 6 2 8 0 4 8 91 5 7 0 5 9 6 6 5 2 5 6 2 4 8 7 9 3 8 3 4 27 9 15 9 5 2 7 5 4 5 6 2 7 9 5 7 6 9 3 95 8 3 1 4 2
5 12 5 8 4 70 8 50 0 1 2 98 0 5 2 43 0 31 7 3 7 25 5 9 8 8 9 5 67
Sudoku #4 4 8 3 9 1 7
7 2
6 9
5 LookLocal - SEPTEMBER 2020 39
4 5 9 1 6 8 1 3
Roots & shoots
tree surgery and Landscaping Contractors Tel: 01483 516988 Mobile: 07768 456828 Email: shaun@rootsandshootstreesurgery.co.uk Website: www.rootsandshootstreesurgery.co.uk
Based in Merrow and established in 1992, Roots & Shoots is a family-run tree care company which offers a professional and comprehensive arboricultural and landscaping service. We take great pride in our reputation and we offer all our clients a professional, courteous, and personal service. All our tree work is done to British Standards 3998 and is carried out to the highest standards by qualified staff.
We aim to ensure the conservation of trees through proper pruning practices. By embracing the latest research and modern techniques we provide the very best care for your trees, and with this in mind, we are happy to provide free advice and estimates. QualifiEd and insurEd 24hr EMErgEncy sErvicE frEE QuoTaTions
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