Summer Issue 2014
Essential Esher
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Weston Green School, an independent co educational school for pupils aged 3 11
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Welcome to our 24 Sizzling Summer issue! Plenty for you to read and I hope enjoy, in this our double month, summer issue! For starters, Esher lady, Tamara Melvin recently won the BBC’s Sewing Bee! Essential Esher sends her our warmest Congratulations! We are delighted to hear from her following her television debut and we welcome her handy tips! On a totally different note, we have an insider’s view of the World Cup, written by Ex Footballer Paul Hall. Paul is currently the under 18 manager for QPR - has over 70 international caps - he has played for Portsmouth, Torquay, West Brom, Coventry, Walsall, and Sheffield United! This man knows his stuff! Ted Macauley drops a few impressive names, as he talks us through the delicious Porsche Cayman! Henry Turner visits the ‘Great Cock Crow Railway’ sounds like he had a great day out and if you like trains, you’ll love this! And finally, there are lots of great events coming up locally and we have information on a fair few within.
Have a totally wonderful summer! We will be back in September after a short summer break.
Warmest regards,
Ros x
Next copy deadline: 5th July 2014 for the September issue
12 Features and Articles BBC Sewing Bee ................................ 10 Uth Skin Care ................................... 12 Gardening with Selina Botham ....... 18 Football Crazy ..................................... 20 Porsche car review ............................. 24 Medical Matters ............................... 34 Great Cockcrow Railway ................... 36 What’s Cooking? ............................... 40 What’s on in Esher? ......................... 46 Music on the Green ........................ 50 Elmbridge Volunteers ...................... 50
Regulars Crossword Puzzle ............................ 32 Sudoku puzzle ...................................44 Word Ladder puzzle ........................ 44 Puzzle solutions ............................... 52 Advertisers’ index ........................... 54
01372 200 000
Published by Essential Esher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior permission from the publisher. The publisher cannot accept any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions or any other cause.
Emberhurst School Educating boys and girls for 2½+ to 7+
We provide a friendly, stimulating atmosphere where learning is fun and a welcome part of everyday life. We believe that education is the process of bringing out and developing the whole person. To appreciate our unique atmosphere for yourself, please contact us to arrange a personal visit. We look forward very much to meeting you and your child.
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The all new Audi RS 6 Avant. Power from a less obvious place. With its 4.0 TFSI V8 engine, the Audi RS 6 Avant is a performance car designed for everyday life. It means that you get RS-specific Adaptive air suspension for real roads, not just the track. And quattroŽ all-wheeldrive for conditions that are less than race-perfect. And, with up to 1,680 litres of boot space, it also means that you’ve got the capacity for plenty of luggage, as well as for 0-62mph in just 3.9 seconds. Visit us to find out more.
Epsom Audi Reigate Road Epsom Surrey KT17 3LA 01737 365365 Images for illustration purposes only. Some images may show items that are over and above standard specification. Official fuel consumption figures for the all new Audi RS 6 Avant in mpg (l/100km): Urban 20.3 (13.9), Extra Urban 37.7 (7.5), Combined 28.8 (9.8). CO2 emissions: 229g/km. Standard EU Test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results.
BBC Sewing Bee
n April, we saw local sewing star Tamara Melvin reach the final of the BBC’s Great British Sewing Bee. The nation watched on as ambitious Tamara took risks and created many gorgeous garments. She stood out from her co-contestants with her eccentric sense of style and love of bright unusual 60s and 70s fabrics - upcycling everything from old duvets to flea market curtains. This all comes from her sewing heritage and she has inherited a vintage pattern collection from her mum and aunty, which she uses as inspiration for her crazy, but fabulous creations. Tamara is now national children’s charity, Dreams Come True’s ambassador, supporting their annual fundraising campaign, the Dream Tea. As part of this, Tamara has created a Tea Cosy design. There’s no excuse for naked mugs! You see how this is made at
Sewing machine
: tamaras-mug-cosy#sthash.NojuGwRi.dpuf
Other equipment
And for all aspiring sewers out there, here’s Tamara’s top tips for getting started:
These days you can buy fairly decent, basic machines from department stores or supermarket’s online. Expect to pay from £80 upto £2000 depending on the type of machine. If you are looking to buy a 2nd hand machine from an auction site, always make sure it is being sold in good working condition and that it has all the attachments and instruction manual. Most “sewing” shops sell or know where you can buy refurbished machines.
A space to work
Find somewhere you can spread out. A kitchen or dining room table are ideal. The height of the table is just right and you have plenty of room to lay out fabric for cutting. You’ll need good light too as much sewing involves close work (especially if you need to un-pick!) A sewing box – to store all your bits and pieces. This can be a tool box; I found mine at a car boot sale for £5!
A pin magnet - is a great tool to use to pick up pins from the floor or work surface quickly if you don’t have the luxury of being able to leave your machine out. Magnifying glasses - for close work Machine needles and sewing needles universal machine needles can sew through most things unless you are using denim (denim), jersey (ball point), leather (leather), silk (fine) Thread – cotton or a cotton and polyester mix are the best options. Scissors- flat ended ones for cutting out your pattern pieces and small ones for snipping loose threads. Seam ripper (un-picker! ) - buy a few as they tend to disappear, a bit like biros! Pins – ones with the bobble heads are the best. They are easier to put in and pull out. Tape measure - to take body measurements, and measure fabric and seams.
Dress pattern
Most dress patterns manufacturers state the difficulty of the pattern on the sleeve. Start with an “easy” one. The last thing you want to do is start with a difficult pattern, get frustrated and then be totally “turned off” by sewing. Sewing is fiddly and you really do need to read the pattern instructions. Patterns are available online. If you find the picture online hard to see, you can always print it out. If you are like me and quite indecisive, it’s sometimes easier to print out front covers of the patterns you like. This way you can compare and hopefully choose one (or maybe 2 or 3!). The pattern books in sewing shops are really heavy and it’s hard to compare patterns in the catalogues.
I love using vintage fabric, which I source from scouring charity shops. Just be careful that there are no nasty stains, holes or fading in the middle of the fabric. Duvet covers, curtains, bed sheets are great items to use. If you are buying fabric from a shop, read the
pattern you are using and make sure you buy the correct amount of fabric. I tend to buy ½ metre more than I need. You’ll notice that I’m not metric! Choose fabric suitable for your garment, the pattern will have suggestions. Remember that the whole point of making clothes for yourself is that they are unique to you. So choose fabric that catches your eye, I’m a lover of “good ugly” fabric!
About the Dream Tea
In the UK there are 50,000 children and young people accessing palliative care services every year. Every child has a dream and Dreams Come True fulfils the dreams of some of these terminally and seriously ill children, bringing joy and creating lasting memories for them and their families. Currently 201 dreams are being worked on, which will cost approximately £502,500 to fund. The Dream Tea’s goal is to raise funds to provide the power of dreams to all these children. The Dream Tea is a fun excuse to gather friends, family, colleagues, classmates, bake or buy some cakes and take time out to enjoy a good cuppa and a chat. It’s an easy way to raise money, which will make a huge difference to the lives of these very special children and their families. The Dream Tea will take place on 20th June, but people are encouraged to host Dream Teas at any time of the year. Dream Tea can be as big or as small as the host desires – from a ten-minute tea break with work colleagues, to an indulgent vintageinspired tea party or a school cake sale. Fundraising packs are available, providing a range of fun ideas on how to raise money, from asking for a small contribution from your guests to guessing the weight of the cupcake competitions.
LAUNCH EVENTS IN EARLY JULY …….. You are invited to attend a very special launch event at selected venues across Surrey, where we will reveal the secrets behind youthful looking skin.
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Mannatech is the provider in the skincare market of plant-sourced glycans. We hold 60 patents worldwide for the technology that sources those glycans naturally. • Plant-sourced glycans are combined with a proprietary blend of plant-based ingredients, including wild pansy which stimulates the capacity for the skin to retain water. • The glycans and plant-based ingredients in are delivered in a different way to other skin Uth creams. This unique composition is then spun into a revolutionary new transdermal delivery system developed in France, called Microspheres. These can penetrate the deepest layers of the skin and ™
ingredients over 48 hours. The impact can be immediate and profound, restoring your skin to its smooth, youthful appearance (results may vary across individuals). •
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GARDEN DESIGN TIPS Award winning local designer Selina Botham gives her top tips for making the most of your garden. 1. Create layers of interest to keep your eye within the garden for longer, this will make it seem larger. 2. Cover the boundaries, so it looks like the garden goes on further. Consider the best views and make the most of them too. 3. Think big and be generous, create comfortably sized areas in scale with the house. 4. Simplify. Have a strong design element that you use to pull the whole garden together, this could be a shape or a particular plant or a colour or the use of similar paving material, which you repeat in different areas of the garden. 5. Designs areas for different seasons, so that you make the most of your garden through all the seasons. Keep winter and
spring areas close to paths so that you can enjoy them without getting muddy. Summer peaks are normally best around the main entertainment areas for colourful summer parties. If you would like to improve and make the best of your garden and need some professional help contact Selina Botham for an initial garden consultation on 07894 553 202 or see her web site for further ideas Selina is an award winning garden designer based in Surrey. She is exhibiting a large show garden for Jordans Cereals at RHS Hampton Court July 7th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 13th 2014. She will be on hand 12 noon each day to meet Essential Esher readers.
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CRAZY ‘Grab every moment as if it were your last!’ ‘The World Cup will come and go in an instant, don’t let it pass you by son!’ These words were spoken to me by someone who knew this as a truth, and as a fact. A successful recipient of a World Cup winner’s medal, ‘You’re a lucky lad you are.’ Alan Ball (R.I.P.). 16 years ago, the great man himself articulated his words of wisdom to me as I left Portsmouth, bound for the World Cup of 1998 in France to face Croatia, Argentina and Japan for the Reggae Boyz. I’ve been managed by Terry Venables, Jim Smith, Brian Little, Gordon Strachan, all who have imparted various nuggets of their great knowledge to me over the years. However the advice offered by the diminutive, red haired Ball, was without doubt the truest and most resonating. If I could offer any advice to any of the players who are off to their first World Cup in Brazil this year, I would simply replicate those words said to me. It came and went in flash. As quick as the first game arrived against Croatia, the second match against Argentina seemed like it was the next day, then came Japan in an instant. Soon the month was all over, and we were on the plane out of France for what seemed like a very quick adventure. It had passed me by. Playing in a World Cup is an unforgettable experience. Brushing shoulders with the
world’s elite, and realising the opportunity to pit your skills and wits against the very cream of what football has to offer, truly is an experience not many professionals will ever be able to boast. I distinctly recall the time when our group was drawn and reacting to the news that we would be facing 2 of the tournaments favourites in our first 2 games. We were presented with an uphill task right from the word go. Croatia and Argentina didn’t disappoint. So who’s looking forward to the World Cup? I know I am! The spiritual home of football as its known is hosting the World’s greatest game. As the wheels of World Cup fever are oiled and are turning, I can’t help but to join in with the excitement. England has a youthful look about the team and will travel to the South American continent with the hopes and wishes of the nation that continue to tot up the amount of years elapsed since the last time the World Cup ‘came home’, 48 at last count. Although the expectation is not as elevated as previous years, I would like to believe that England could be a dark horse this year, and maybe surprise a few! After all, there is no point travelling all that way and not believing that you can do well. There are a whole host of teams who are expecting to be triumphant. Surely any of the teams, who finish in front of hosts Brazil, European and World champions Spain, and neighbours Argentina, would like to consider
themselves, ultimate champions. From my own personal experiences, the psychological pressures will be enormous. The demands will come from all sides; you’re teammates, the manager, the country’s supporters, the media, and you’re family, that’s just to name a few! All of these pressures carry their own super powers that can put you off your game, or give you strength and confidence at any time. If you can get over these psychological hurdles, then you’re ready to play football! The psychological impact of selection/ non selection is probably the most damaging, or uplifting one, depending on which side of the fence you are on. Playing in a World Cup is a dream that 99.9% of players will have as a youngster. How do you notify someone that they haven’t made the squad? How do you inform the player who has played well all season, the unfortunate news that he won’t be selected to play in the most important game of his life? Roy Hodgson and the other 31 managers will have put many players through this heartbreak. This will never stop for a manager, who will be experiencing his own pressures too. So you manage to get through the selection process, your family are all rooting for you, the media are beginning to whip up a frenzy in anticipation of the first game, your manager has shown you the belief you wanted him to. Then you have to line up against players who know you inside out, or who are simply better. These players know your every move. Veron, Batistuta, Prosinecki, Ortega, Simeone to name a few. Pressures again, but of a different kind! You still have to perform. You could say the pressures of our group were stacked in favour of Argentina and Croatia, and that Jamaica and Japan weren’t expected to progress and further and were there simply to make up the numbers. However, we had our own pressures as it was our first World Cup, and we wanted to give a good account of ourselves. I hold great memories of my adventure in the 1998 World Cup and will
be watching this competition in Brazil with great interest. Some of the world’s greatest players will go head to head to prove who will be returning to domestic football with the bragging rights. It will be interesting to see who will grab the chance to shine and not let this amazing opportunity for all to pass them by.
Paul currently is a Professional Development Coach at Queens Park Rangers Football Club. He also performs one to one football coaching lessons to develop players’ skills and game understanding, whatever the age. Would you like to improve your son/ daughters game with one to one coaching? Maybe your team needs a pointer or two to help them improve their overall game or fitness? Interested?
For more information, go to;
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A SUMMER THEY WON’T FORGET! Mon 28th Jul – Fri 1st Aug
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Time: 10am – 3pm Performance at the end of the week for friends and family Fee: £125 for the week £105 sibling discount Do both workshops for £200 Places are limited. Age: 6 – 16 year olds (Working in age specific groups) Our workshops are very popular so early booking is advised.
Venue: The United Reformed Church Hall, Speer Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0PW email: Tel: 07907 477 135
C AY M A N Travelling down Memory Lane, the road to nostalgia,can be a trip to savour especially for shameless name-droppers like me. Here we go. The scene was a ritzy restaurant in Arizona. Paul Newman...yep...THE Hollywood movie heartthrob...was at my table sitting on my left, and beside him was Nigel Mansell...yep... THE Formula One world champion. I was covering for a national newspaper Mansell’s debut in Indycar racing in the USA. Newman had rented a private jet in Miami,where he was filming, to watch our mutual pal warming up for his first race in Phoenix. I had not a clue that when Mansell told me we would be joined for lunch by a fan of his it would be Newman. Imagine my shock when I walked to the table and he was sitting there.We spent the whole week dining together. And the talk was all about cars.Newman’s favourite subject.Porsche in particular.His dream machine. He had raced them spectacularly in the terrifying Le Mans 24 clash and been a winner and a four times US champion. “One day, I would bet any money, Porsche will produce a road car that will be every sports car fan’s desire to own,” he forecast,”The ultimate pleasure.The perfect mix of performance and panache.And affordable.Take my word.” He must be spinning gleefully in his grave right now because two decades or so on Porsche
honoured Newman’s dream on behalf of the German automotive geniuses. The newcomer then, now in a third-generation settled phase, is a triumph of engineering, excitement and economy rolled into one desirably superb package.It is called the Cayman. And for my money, quid for quid, it is the best sportscar of them all.Forget the Ferraris, Maseratis and Aston Martin wallet busters the much,much cheaper Cayman is priceless in its worth as an oject of desire and just as quick and racy as any of them. I hope I’m not sounding over the top - but my view, I know, is shared by fellow motoring journalists worldwide. Why? It rides beautfully and safely at flat-out speed, is quiet,roomy, comfy, smart inside and has a kerbside profile befitting a superstar.Push it. Coast it. It takes all in its faultless stride. I prefer the 2.7 to the more muscular 3.4 S version because I fail to see the point of paying thousands of quid more for an extra spec or two, another split-second off the 0-60mph time or a sports exhaust system. Trophy Wife, a competent and quick driver, is fussy over fashion statements on wheels and an avowed fan of style on the move. She and I enjoyed the car so much on a try-out we bought one.Perhaps, and hopefully, one day she’ll let me drive it.
Specification: Porsche Cayman S. Engine : 3.4. Top speed: 176mph.0-60 mph 5.0secs. Fuel: petrol. Mpg 32.1. Price 3.4S: £48.783. 2.7 : £39.694.
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FOUR Even though they adored city life, this young family knew they couldn’t stay in the city forever and on finding an end-of-terrace house in Teddington chose L&E (Lofts and Extensions) to help them create a spacious four bedroom family home. When the Herbert family moved out of central London they had never owned their own property before, let alone undertaken a building project. The family’s budget didn’t
extend to the three bedrooms they would’ve liked so they decided to purchase a twobedroom house with the potential for a loft conversion to give them the space that they craved. The family decided to start on the work soon after moving in and with a clear vision of what they were hoping to achieve, enlisted the help of an architect to fully develop their plans. “Some building companies we saw were quite inflexible with a one-size-fits-all approach, but L&E took our ideas on board and were able to work with them as well as making their own suggestions,” remembers Ali. Using a company who were able to manage the whole process was also crucial to the family, “We thought about doing it ourselves initially but as it was the first house we’d bought we decided we’d rather get a company who could manage the whole job, as with moving, changing the kids’ schools, starting life in a new area and having left a business behind, life was already pretty hectic” laughs Ali. “L&E talked us through the process and explained how everything would work. We then met the foreman who we got on with absolutely brilliantly and we realised this was someone we could work with.” The conversion started and Ali and Nick couldn’t have been happier with the workmen. As Ali explains, “The team we had were absolutely brilliant. They were really flexible and were able to work around the family. I also work from home and they were really considerate of that.” One of the things that was most impressive
about the team from L&E though was how proactive they were. “They were really proud of their work. They obviously worked with our plans but where possible they improved upon them within the building process, so for example they found extra space in the landing area. Any ideas they had they always checked with us but it was impressive to have a team that were constantly looking for improvements and thinking creatively.” Being new to the area also meant that the effect of the building project on their neighbours was of great concern to the Herberts. The foreman from L&E made sure they had nothing to worry about. Ali remembers, “The foreman actually went and spoke to our neighbours and gave them his phone number so they were reassured as well. That was amazing and made a difference, especially as we’d just moved in.” Life in the Herberts’ new home is now everything they could have hoped for and they have already recommended the L&E team to friends. Gracie and Josiah love having their own rooms and the space works perfectly for the family. “It was as pain free as it could have been. They kept within time and on budget and having the extra rooms has really transformed our home.” Ali and Nick are so confident recommending L&E (Lofts and Extensions) that they are even happy to show you round their new home. Contact them via L&E to arrange a viewing.
L&E (Lofts and Extensions) The Old Office Block 16 Elmtree Road Teddington TW11 8ST T: 0800 326 5589 E: W:
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Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to relax! Try...
Indian Head Massage increases circulation and promotes relaxation in the areas most vulnerable to tension - head, neck and shoulders which may help with headaches, sinus congestion and eye strain.
Reflexology focuses on pressure points in the feet
relieving stress in the whole body and restoring a healthy balance - benefical for all ages and for a relaxed, mother and baby during pregnancy.
For ultimate relaxation try my new treatment,
Hot Stone Reflexology!
A. Sandown sports club, More Lane, Esher, KT10 8AN
Visit our new website for further info
Across 1. Pub (6) 4. Take for granted (6) 9. Weird (7) 10. Take place (5) 11. Expiation (9) 12. Sense organ (3) 13. Stage whisper (5) 15. Paragon (5) 20. Sphere (3)
5. Yelled (7)
22. Vortex (9)
6. Relative (5)
24. Tine (5)
7. Mistakes (6)
25. Ameliorated (7)
8. Varieties (5)
26. Cure (6)
14. Injured (7)
27. Extremely bad (6)
16. Foreshorten (7) 17. Barrel maker (6)
18. Wild and savage (5)
1. Tropical bird (6)
19. Blot (6)
2. Asinine (7)
21. Flower (5)
3. Ambit (5)
23. Part of a play (5)
Solutions page 52 32
‘The Seven Ages of Tax Planning’ SPOUSE OR CIVIL PARTNER
This is part of our series of articles discussing tax planning at certain periods of life.
Spouse or Civil Partner This article looks at some tax planning opportunities which are generally available to all those who are married or in a civil partnership (this article refers to spouses, but the rules are the same for civil partners). Equalising incomes If spouses have different levels of income and, as a result, are paying income tax at different rates then there may be savings to be made by trying to equalise the incomes. For straightforward salaries there is clearly nothing that can be done, but investments or bank accounts could be transferred to the lower-income spouse. If you have your own business, then opportunities exist for employing a lower income spouse or for creating a partnership or transferring company shares. These should only be done with care as there are complex tax and other considerations to take into account. Equalising capital gains Each person has an annual exemption from capital gains tax of £11,000. If assets are split between spouses so each makes a gain on the sale two exemptions can be used. Transfers between spouses are not subject to capital gains tax so a re-arranging of assets can be done, however bear in mind the income tax consequences and consider inheritance tax as well.
Great care is needed if the asset is a property which is or has been a main residence as there are opportunities for increasing the relief as well as the possibility of losing it! This is a surprisingly complex area which will be looked at in a later article. Equalising estates for inheritance tax It is not actually necessary to equalise the assets of spouses, but it is important to ensure that each has sufficient assets to make gifts to use up inheritance tax exemptions (such as the £3,000 a year) and to make life-time gifts which fall out of consideration for inheritance tax once the giver lives for seven years afterwards. Non-dom spouses Gifts between spouses are normally free of inheritance tax, but there is a serious trap for anyone with overseas connections. If someone has come to the UK from abroad but retains any connections with their original country it is likely they are not UK domiciled (they are one of the so-called ‘non-doms’). Such a non-domiciled status can have considerable income tax and inheritance tax advantages (including no inheritance tax on gifts of assets outside the UK), but has one large tax disadvantage: gifts from a UK domiciled spouse to a non-dom spouse are not ignored for inheritance tax but are only exempt up to a total of £325,000 for all gifts to a spouse. After seventeen years resident in the UK a non-dom is deemed to be UK-domiciled so the problem (along, of course, with the benefits) disappears. A non-dom spouse can elect to be treated as UK domiciled for IHT to avoid the problem of amounts over £325,000. But this should be used with care.
For more information contact: Smith Pearman Chartered Accountants, Hurst House, High St., Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AY
01483 225457
As discussed in the previous issue diet is the cornerstone for management of Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) but it is often said that is not rocket science and really should be seen as a balanced healthy diet which we should all be following. It should be as straight forward as that. However there are the potential red herrings or pitfalls along the way. Processed foods can prove a challenge from ready meals to cereals to take aways. Labelling can sometimes be a little misleading or confusing such as ‘low fat’ and ‘no added sugar’. Ready meals and take aways can have a lot of hidden sugar (and salt which is no great for blood pressure) so may be best to avoid or at least minimise the amount of these foods that are consumed. Processed foods which are ‘low sugar’ can be high in fat ( this is what it taste nice!) which is also not helpful for diabetes. If in doubt avoid! Fruit can also prove to be difficult to get right sometimes. Fruit is good for us! However it contains a natural sugar and if eaten in large portions can send blood sugar levels too high. The golden rules with fruit are : *Avoid multiple portions of fruit at one sitting much better to be spread over the day. Avoid very sweet fruits altogether *’The sweeter the fruit the smaller the portion’ so for example grapes or strawberries which are usually quite sweet a small portion that fits in the palm of your hand is about right. For more info:
• • • • • • • • • •
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Steam locomotives and railways may not be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Chertsey, but with the arrival of summer, one of Surreyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more novel family attractions has opened its doors. The Great Cockcrow Railway, a scale-model railway built on land owned by Ian Allan OBE, sits near the village of Lyn and offers rides to visitors. Built to â&#x2026;&#x203A; scale, the site consists of well over two miles of track, two train lines and is operated by a team of volunteers. The locomotives themselves are owned by individual contributors to the railway. Many were and continue to be painstakingly built and maintained, with the oldest dating from 1913. Visiting earlier last month on a rather warm and sunny day, I thought Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d see what the line had to offer. I bought a ticket for the red line from the ticket office and proceeded to wait for a train with various other visitors. Waiting with me were various young families, among whom the young boys seemed
enthralled by the trains as they entered and departed the station, each locomotive running off steam just like their larger counterparts. The station itself, the most active out of the several on the railway, consciously harkens back to the days of steam, prior to the nationalisation of the railways, and sports the livery of Southern Trains. The station consists of two platforms, a signal box for the fully functioning signals system across the railway, a working turntable for reversing the locomotives and a maintenance workshop. When the time eventually came to board, we were shown to one of the small box cars. Sitting upon planks on either end, adults have a tight squeeze to fit both their feet in, which for we tall types led to a rather awkward bowlegged pose. The strength of the locomotive when it finally got under way was quite a surprise, and it gathered a steady pace as it pulled its six laden passenger cars into the light woodland ahead.
as they steam about the site. The drivers must pay attention to their instruments exactly as their counterparts in history would have. Most of the engines themselves were built from kits by members, at a cost of great time and expense, but maintaining them is clearly a community effort. Though those getting their hands dirty were evidently exercising a niche enthusiasm as far as hobbies go, it seemed clear that the magic of railways themselves has a broad appeal. The kids that rode seemed to love the experience, in spite of the long wait, and the excursion constitutes a good excuse to enjoy the sun. Perhaps then, Cockcrow is a great destination for families looking for a good broad base of appeal. And, for the voyeurs among us, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always the opportunity to watch your family have fun whilst nursing a cup of tea on the sidelines.
Great Cockcrow Railway
Hardwick Lane, Lyne, Chertsey KT16 0AD Phone: 01932 565474
Bridges, tunnels and some odd stuffed animals decorate the route, which twists and turns past signal boxes, other stations and even past the M25. After my ride, I was able to speak with Chris Bishop, a senior volunteer at the club, who showed me some of the maintenance work being done on the locomotives. Chris is one of the few volunteers who was present when the railway was moved from a private garden, the owner of which had died, to its present location in 1962. The railway is now run as a commercial operation. Among the old hands, the number of young volunteers who were working on the machines was quite encouraging. It seemed reassuring to see new blood showing an interest in history and technical skills. I was also shown around the storage shed where many of the locomotives are kept under tarpaulins. The engines, it was explained to me, work in exactly the same manner as their full-scale counterparts.They burn coal and require water top-ups from scale water towers
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What’s Cooking? Yakitori Kebabs with Chicken & Vegetables Serves 4. Nut Free. Prepare: 10 mins + 1-2hrs marinating. Cooking: 15 mins
4 tbsp Waitrose Japanese Soya Sauce 2 tbsp Yutaka Japanese Mirin 1 tbsp Waitrose Pure Clear Honey 2.5cm piece root ginger, peeled & finely grated • 1 clove garlic, crushed • 400g pack Waitrose British Chicken Breast Chunks • 4 salad onions, each cut into 3 pieces • 1 Romano pepper, deseeded & cut into 2.5cm pieces • • • •
In a large bowl, mix together the soya sauce, mirin, honey, ginger and garlic. Add the chicken and stir well. Cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for 1-2 hours or overnight.
Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose.
Preheat the grill to high. Thread the chicken, salad onions and pepper pieces alternately, dividing them between 4 metal skewers, reserving the marinade. Place the kebabs on the grill rack and brush liberally with the marinade. Cook for 10-15 minutes, turning occasionally and basting with the marinade. The chicken should be cooked until the juices run clear and there is no pink meat; the vegetables should be lightly charred. Serve immediately, with Waitrose Medium Egg Noodles, garnished with salad onions. Cook’s tips: If you are short of time, marinate the chicken for just 20 minutes - it will still absorb a lot of the flavours. Try using a different selection of vegetables, such as yellow peppers and courgettes.
Over 5,000 recipes can be found at
There has been much publicity concerning a major security issue affecting your computers, data and your online presence. The government has taken the unusual step of a public notice campaign and a dedicated website detailing the online risks. The website is So, what is the need for this new level of awareness? There have been a couple of particularly sophisticated hacking attacks one is called Gameover Zues, the other is Cryptolocker
WHAT ARE GAMEOVER ZEUS AND CRYPTOLOCKER? Gameover Zeus is used by cybercriminals to intercept transactions during online banking sessions. Cryptolocker is a form of ransomware, which works by encrypting files on your hard-drive, then demanding payment for the key to decrypt. To date there are very few reliable methods of decrypting your data once Cryptolocker has attacked, apart from restoring from a previous backup. So bewarned.
HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF By having an operational, updated quality Internet Security product like Bullguard will dramatically reduce the risk of infection as they are already protecting against versions of Gameover Zeus and Cryptolocker. However, here are some tips: • If you receive an e-mail with an attachment – Do not open it unless it’s expected • Do not click on website links to download files unless you have requested them • Make sure your security software is updated to the latest version to protect against Gameover Zeus • Run regular full viral and malware scans of your computers • Ensure you have all data backed up Use strong passwords- to check out the strength of your password go to, some of the results here are quite revealing.
By subscribing our Total Care Support agreement, we will protect your machine and your data. Should you become infected we will resolve the problem free from further costs, further information can be found on the opposite page… This guide was written by Les Beer from TecRes, which has been providing computer solutions since 1989. How can we help you? 42
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Solutions page 52
Word Ladder
Sudoku Puzzle
A word ladder is a sequence of words formed by changing just one letter each time. Can you find the missing words?
Clues: Contempt Result Ambit Gradient Swill Failures Ice masses Runs away
Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic you don’t have to guess!
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What’s on in Esher ... Summer 2014 Brooklands Retro Jumble
The annual Jumble, organised by the Brooklands Trust Members, returms to Brooklands. Sunday 27th July 2014, 1.00pm - 4.00pm Telephone: 01932 857381 Brooklands Rd, Weybridge, KT13 0QN
Bat Walk at Claremont Gardens
Join the Surrey bat group for an evening bat walk. Learn about the species of bats at Claremont gardens. Adults £8.00, Children £4.00 Saturday 30th August 2014, 7.30pm Telephone:0137 246 7806 Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, KT10 9JG
Great Garden Quest at RHS Wisley
Visit us this summer & join the quest. Each week there will be something new to discover on your journey. Design your own explorer costume, make clay pendants & many more activities. Thurs 24th July - Sun 31st August 2014, Telephone: 0845 260 9000 RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, GU23 6QB
Claygate Flower and Village show
New this year are a Spider Mountain, Caribbean Steel Band and a Zumba Challenge! A jam-packed afternoon of entertainment. Saturday 19th July 2014. 1.30pm
Telephone: 01372 466735 The Recreation Ground, Church Road, KT10 OJP
Claygate Country Five Run
5 mile run around the beautiful Claygate countryside. Saturday 19th July 2014. 10.30am The Recreation Ground, Church Road, KT10 OJP
West End Summer Show
West End Esher Summer and Flower Show takes place once a year on West End Common in Esher in Surrey. Marquee Admission 50p, children free. Sunday 24th August 2014 Telephone 01372 463199 or 01372 464389 West End Common, Esher, KT10 8LS
Sam Beare Hospice Charity Day
Fun day at the Old Manor Inn in Walton Activities for the whole family including produce stalls, tug of war, hog roast & much more. Monday 25th August 2014, 12.00pm. Telephone: 01483 881752 Old Manor Inn 113 Manor Road Walton on Thames,
Meet the Artists
The Art Agency are hosting a Meet the Artists evening, featured artists will talk briefly about their work.
Tuesday 1st July, 7.30pm - 9.30pm Telephone: 01372 466 740 93 High Street, Esher, Surrey KT10 9QA
FENCING CONTRACTOR Telephone 01932 863435
Garden leaflet A6Land2.indd 1
07/02/2012 13:00
QUALITY MARBLE POLISHER 2 5 Ye a r s E x p e r i e n c e
I specialise in the restoration and maintenance of Marble and Granite.Including Floors, Work surfaces, Staircases, Marble Table Tops and Vanity Units.
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Wednesday 16 July 2014 th
Appropriately,during the week celebrating Bastille Day, the DeNOTE Winds programme will feature music from Revolutionary France, with works from Francois Devienne and Jean-Xavier Lefevre. DeNOTE Winds repertoire is based on 18th and early 19th century Europe played on classical clarinet and bassoon and will also include Harmoniemusik from Hapsburg Vienna. Good company and a free lunch all add to the occasion â&#x20AC;&#x201C; perfect for a mid-week break with a friend. FREE ENTRY TO INCLUDE LIGHT LUNCH
For further information, Contact the Christ Church Parish Office
01372 462282
Volunteers are always needed in the centres to help to deliver Meals of Wheels, teach new skills, run the coffee shop, help in the kitchen and man the reception desk.
Walk retired greyhounds and give them much needed affection. You need to be physically fit and comfortable taking command of dogs. This role is great for someone who has limited time CSU3253
Domestic Violence Charity is looking for a friendly, calm person with sympathetic telephone manner and good listening skills to become a helpline volunteer. CSU6547
INTERESTED IN ANY OF THOSE ROLES? For more information on these roles and many other volunteering opportunities please contact Voluntary Action Elmbridge,
please call
01372 463587 Visit
or email 50
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To advertise your business in EssentialEsher call Ros on 01372 200 000 51
MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY The Fountain Gallery 5th - 17th August 2014
MOORS,The MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY Fountain Gallery 5th - 17th August 2014
MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY The Fountain Gallery 5th - 17th August 2014 The Fountain Gallery - 17th August 2014 The Fountain Gallery 5th5th - 17th August 2014 The Fountain Gallery 5th - 17th August 2014
MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY ROSALIND MOYSEN, CAROLINE TATE AND JANET STANLEY Sumptuously colourful paintings and enigmatic sculpture Sumptuously colourful paintings and enigmatic sculpture Sumptuously colourful paintings and enigmatic sculpture
ROSALIND MOYSEN, CAROLINE TATE AND STANLEY Sumptuously colourful paintings andJANET enigmatic sculpture
MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY 5th - 17th August 2014 MOORS, MUSIC AND MYTHOLOGY - 17th August 2014 Sumptuously 5th colourful paintings and enigmatic 5th 2014 5th- -17th 17thAugust August 2014sculpture Open Tuesday to Sunday 11.30am - 5.30pm (closed Mondays)
Open Tuesday Sunday - -5.30pm (closed Mondays) Sumptuously colourful and enigmatic sculpture Open Tuesdayto topaintings Sunday11.30am 11.30am 5.30pm (closed Mondays)
Open Tuesday to Sunday 11.30am - 5.30pm (closed Mondays)
The5th Fountain Gallery, 26 Bridge Road - 17th August 2014 The Fountain Gallery, 26 Bridge Road The Fountain Gallery, 26 Bridge Road Hampton Court, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9HA Open Tuesday toFountain Sunday 11.30am - 5.30pm (closed Mondays) 5th 17th August 2014 The Gallery, 26 Bridge Road Hampton Court, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9HA Hampton Court, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9HA 020 8941 5865 Hampton Court, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9HA Open Tuesday to Sunday 11.30am - 5.30pm (closed Mondays) 020 8941 5865 020 8941 5865 The Fountain Gallery, 26 5865 Bridge Road 020 8941 Hampton Court, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9HA The Fountain Gallery, 26 Bridge Road 8941 5865 ROSALIND MOYSEN CAROLINE TATE ROSALIND MOYSEN CAROLINE Hampton Court, East020 Molesey, Surrey KT8TATE 9HA ROSALIND MOYSEN CAROLINE TATE JANET STANLEY FURTHER INFORMATION ROSALIND MOYSEN CAROLINE TATE JANET STANLEY FURTHER INFORMATION 020 8941 5865 JANET STANLEY FURTHER INFORMATION JANET STANLEY FURTHER INFORMATION ROSALIND MOYSEN CAROLINE TATE JANET STANLEY FURTHER INFORMATION
Crossword page 32
Sudoku page 44
Word Ladder page 44
Put your best foot forward for Marie Curie’s
Walk Ten this summer!!
Whether you’re a seasoned walker or fancy an evening stroll with family and friends in beautiful surroundings, Walk Ten at Hampton Court on 30th August is the perfect excuse to put on your walking shoes, pack a picnic & join the experience. After the walk, settle down with your picnic & enjoy the festival-like celebrations with live music, entertainment & spectacular fireworks at 10pm.
Registration is £10 per person (children under-16 go free; on the night adult registration is £20) and everyone is asked to raise as much as possible in support of Marie Curie. All the funds raised will help Marie Curie provide more care, free of charge, to terminally ill people in their own homes. Register now for your Walk Ten at or for more information call 0845 052 4184.
Cleanability Celebrating the legacy for cycling created by the London 2012 Olympic &Paralympic Games, Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 starts in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, then follows a 100-mile route through the capital and into Surrey’s stunning countryside.
For more information visit:
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Index of Advertisers A W Sewell .............................................. 49 Able Roofing............................................ 49 Alexander Roofing................................... 16 Andy’s Garden Services............................ 16 Ashcroft Interiors.....................................35 Aspen Live in Care.................................... 25 Audi - Epsom...............................................9 Bathrooms Eleven.....................................17 Brighter Care..............................................5 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care........................... 27 Catskingdom.............................................26 Cedar Nursary..........................................6/7 Claremont Fan Court School ...................56 Claygate Drama Society...........................38 Cleanability...............................................53 Connect & Support................................... 25 DB Garden Services..................................39 Emberhurst School ....................................4 Englishman’s Castle ................................. 19 Esher Physio.............................................26 Esher Tyres & Exhausts............................55 Estates Direct........................................... 41 JK Marble ................................................ 48 Justine Beauty..........................................34 Lodge Brothers – Funeral Directors........45 Lofts and Extensions ............................28/9 MacDonalds Fencing & Sons...................47 Mailboxes Etc........................................... 51
Michael George & Co Accountants .........30 Molesey Pest Control...............................38 MPS Garden & Estate Machinery ...........39 Oatlands Park Hotel................................ 27 Ovenclean.................................................30 Pamela Diamond Therapies..................... 31 Podiatry & Chiropody Service..................34 Reynolds Cars ..........................................30 Smith Pearman.........................................33 Stage Studio............................................. 23 Super Grass...............................................38 Tec Res Computer Solutions ................42/3 The Greyhound......................................... 14 The Plough..................................................8 The Surrey Gardener............................... 48 Tony Gerussi Carpentry & Joinery........... 22 UK Cookware............................................ 31 Uth Skin Care.......................................12/3/5 W G Harpur Tree Surgery........................ 49 Waste Savvy............................................. 51 Weston Green School................................ 2 Willow Landscapes...................................38 Zigger Web Design...................................44 © Essential Esher 2014 Designed and set by Kirsty Hamilton & Elliot Thomas
All pages within are copyright of Essential Esher or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Essential Esher (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Essential Esher does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Essential Esher specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Essential Esher does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Essential Esher. All rights reserved.
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