Look Local Magazine - Bookham

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LookLocal November 2017


Your award-winning local community magazine

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From the E DITO R

Welcome to our 12th Birthday Celebration issue! How did that happen?! It seems like only yesterday I had this hair-brained idea of starting a local magazine! As it’s our birthday, I decided to buy Look Local a present. It comes in the form of another local magazine! We’re delighted to add to our collection the ever-popular Ashtead & Leatherhead Local. It’s a great publication and a lovely area to add to our circulation. If you’d like to advertise your business in that direction, please give us a call, we’ll be happy to help. We have lots of interesting local news and events for you to read about in this month’s issue: under 8 footie news, an update on the Bookham Youth Project from Oli Bell and a little feature by one of my sons who has been working in Australia for the past two years; accompanied by his lovely girlfriend Lucy, he’s now travelling home via many different locations around the globe. A few weeks ago, they were in Borneo and went to visit the Sepilok Orangutan Reserve, which we’ve featured before in Look Local, as Orangutan Appeal UK, which supports Sepilok, is based right here in Bookham. I hope you enjoy Elliot’s account of their visit. I am so jealous, it’s certainly a place I’d love to go! News from the Bookham and Horsley Riding for the Disabled. It’s been too long since we heard about this wonderful local charity, and we’re delighted to include them in this issue. Another year on, and Rotary is hosting another wonderful brunch event in the Barn Hall. See page 53 for details. Of course, it’s the season for Christmas Fairs and shopping evenings, so do take a look at the notices and What’s On pages. Hopefully, there’ll be something there that you’ll fancy attending too. That’s it for now, lots to do here to welcome in our new addition, so I’ll sign off. Until next time, take care,



Ros Rudd - Editor

Next copyDEADLINE 5th November 2017 for the Festive 2017 issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags

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Christmas Shopping Evening

at Roxley Models, Leatherhead Road, Bookham.

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Come and visit Surrey’s friendly Model Shop with easy parking for children’s stocking fillers, including fun wooden and pre-school toys. FREE mince pies, mulled wine, tea & coffee and sweets for children too!

Telephone: 01372 452976 Website: www.roxleymodels.co.uk Email: enquiries@roxleymodels.co.uk Address: 4 Beckley Parade, Leatherhead Road, Great Bookham, Surrey, KT23 4RQ Opening Hours: Mon-Fri (9.30-17.00, Thurs till 20.00), Sat (10.15-17.00), Sun (Closed)



Bookham, Fetcham & Effingham CHRISTMAS BCHARITY ookhPOST

am, Fetc ham and Effing Christma s Charity Post Christmas Charity Post stamps, available from 21st November Stamp Our local Christmas Charity Post will be in operation shortly for its 34th year. From 21st November, Christmas Charity Post stamps, which will still cost only 30p, will be available in twelve local shops in Bookham, Fetcham and Effingham. As usual, authorised doorstep stamp sellers will also be operating in some local roads from mid-November. Full details will be given in December’s Look Local. Proceeds go to humanitarian projects in third world countries to help them move out of poverty and towards self-sufficiency, using sustainable technologies.

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 7

TONY MEADOWS Painting, Decorating, Property Maintenance & much more


Look Local reader, Melissa, is planning to take on a rescue dog as a family pet, and asks where is the best place to start and should she consider a dog from overseas? Giving a rescue dog a second chance is a wonderful gesture and the rewards far outweigh any initial concerns. We have several rescue dogs at day care and they can make super pets. Patience is needed, as they may require extra support, love and time, particularly if they have had a difficult past. Interestingly, overseas rescue dogs are often very well socialised with other dogs because they have been used to being around them on the street or in groups at rescue homes. At Bruce’s Doggy Day Care, we are huge supporters of the Dogs Trust charity. They rescue, rehabilitate and rehome dogs, and have centres all around the UK that you can visit to find your forever friend. The benefit of taking on a dog from them is that they know all the dogs in their care very well and will ensure you get the right match for your lifestyle. For example, if you have young children or other pets, they will pick a dog that will get along with both. I suggest you check out their website and pop along to your nearest centre for a chat. They’ll be delighted to see you, as will their many residents! Bruce Casalis is director & founder of Bruce’s Doggy Day Care, a multi-award winning business in Bookham. Do you have any dog training or canine behavioural questions which you would like to ask Bruce? Send your questions to :-


Then check out this column each month for Bruce’s answers.

8 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Phone Tony on:

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18/01/2017 10:58

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 9



The Bookham Dannos Under Eight Football Team is celebrating its new sponsors. Local builders merchant, Chandlers Building Supplies, is supporting the town’s young players with this season’s football kit. Manager of the Leatherhead Rd store, Chris Vernon, said “We’re delighted to be involved with this fantastic young team. They look great in the new kit and we wish them continued success following a fantastic start to the season.” Alex Walia, manager of the Bookham Dannos U8s, said

10 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017



“We’re all delighted with the sponsorship. Chris and his team at Chandlers Building Supplies are very involved in the local community, so it’s great we can be a part of that. The team loves its new look and can’t wait to win some more matches!” The Bookham Dannos is a team of 8 players and is part of the Bookham Colts that has over 300 players. The team has had a flying start, winning all three games. This sponsorship is part of Chandlers Building Supplies’ on-going commitment to the local community.

Bookham Choral Society Conductor Christopher Hann presents

Faure’s Requiem and Requiem for an Angel by Paul Carr Soprano: Jessica Broad Baritone: Robert Garland with The Burley Ensemble

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including refreshments

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20/09/2017 10:14

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 11

BYP started in the Bookham community in September 2016, with Oli Bell as lead youth worker. The first term was spent meeting community partners, organisations, local businesses, setting up a programme for projects and building a team of volunteers and staff. We started projects in January 2017, with a variety of programmes for young people in the community at the Bookham Youth Centre and in the schools and churches. Over the year, we worked regularly with over 100 young people from Bookham on relational projects, offering a mixture of support, activities and engagement, with young people starting to take more ownership of projects. In order to know how best to support local young people, we went out and talked to some. Your Community Your Voice is the result of that; it is a youth research paper. We gathered data from 450 local young people from Bookham, asking them a series of questions about their community and their needs. This data was analysed and collated and can be found on our website www.leatherheadyouthproject.com or available in print on request. The main findings of the report were really interesting, showing us that young people want to be active and healthy. They want places to spend time in positive activities and be part of their community. They told us that they feel safe generally in Bookham, and 75% of young people have someone to go to when they have problems. However, this still leaves 1 in 4 young people who feel they don’t have someone to talk to when they need support. As Bookham Youth Project, we want to step into that place and offer young people the support, guidance and activities they need and deserve. The results from this have been helping to frame our work with young people. It is a valuable tool for anyone in Bookham looking to support young people, or who wants to hear what they think. For more information about the Bookham Youth Project or its results, please contact Oli Bell at LYP. oli@leatherheadyouthproject.com.

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 13


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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 15

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16 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

yoga classes

Michele Schnaier Yoga

release your inner awesome


Words by David Kid Jensen

Join me! You deserve to move a little easier, feel a little better and become more connected to your self First class FREE when you mention this advert Beginners welcome, Props provided, bring your mat

Leatherhead Institue, 67 High Street, KT22 8AH Monday 9.15-10.30am South Bookham Space, Dorking Road, KT23 4PB Thursday 10.30 -11.45am & 12noon - 1.15pm

Michele Schnaier - 0774 865 2056 micheleschnaieryoga@gmail.com www.micheleschnaieryoga.com

Climate-related Quiz To celebrate our wonderful and unpredictable English weather, how about seeing if you know these climaterelated tunes? I bet you’ll end up humming at least one of these …..

Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service

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1) Which Nina Simone song about wild conditions did David Bowie cover? 2) A gusty performance from Neil Young? 3) Where did the Loving Spoonful find summer? 4) Where did Randy Crawford spend a Rainy Night ? 5) What was the name of the cheery gentleman ELO made famous ? 6) What did Katrina and the Waves take a walk on? Answers on page57

Sepilok Orangutan My middle son Elliot and his girlfriend Lucy have been living and working in Australia for the past two years. They are returning to the UK in December but before they come home, they are enjoying a wonderful travel adventure. As part of this, they spent a few weeks in Borneo and went to visit The Sepilok Orangutan Centre. We have featured the centre in Look Local before because the UK Orangutan Appeal organisation is based locally to us here in Surrey. I asked Elliot to send an account of their visit to share with you. I hope you enjoy hearing all about it. The world renown Sepilok Orangutan Centre in Malaysian Borneo rehabilitat orphaned orangutans which have either lost their homes & families due to agriculture, de-forestation or in some cases because they were previously kept as inappropriate pets, and have now grown too big for their ‘owners’ to keep. During a recent trip to Borneo we were lucky enough to visit the center and see the amazing work they’ve

18 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

been doing. Helen the Liaison Officer for the UK Orangutan appeal introduced us to the staff and the chief veterinarian Dr.Nabila. Their enthusiasm for, and devotion to these wonderful critically endangered animals was very apparent from the off. We were shown a video about a young Orangutan called Alexis and her path to rehabilitation having been kept as a pet by a plantation worker. It is estimated that the Orangutan population will be reduced by 86% between 1973 and 2025. The center has been helping since 1964 and has seen two generations of wild Orangutan born as a result of one rehabilitated female. A wonderful reflection of their tireless work. Helen then walked us through the jungle, along a boardwalk to the outdoor nursery area, which had been built by the UK Orangutan appeal. We were delighted to see a collection of young Orangutans practicing their climbing skills on a playground of suspended ropes, platforms and hammocks all were designed to teach

Rehabilitation Centre them how to survive in the jungle and they looked as if they were having lots of fun as they swung and moved with such ease from rope to rope using their hands and feet and tails too (they don’t have tails). Even at this young age they were very adept and moved with such ease. It was a wonderful sight to see. After another brief walk along the jungle boardwalk we arrived at the feeding platform. Here the older rehabilitated Orangutans can feed twice a day to ease the transition into the wild. After waiting a while we saw a wild macaque monkey but no Orangutans. This is testimony to how well the program works; it means they have learnt to find their own food in the wild and no loner rely on the provisions provided by the center. Fortunately for us, at during the afternoon feeding we did see saw two playful, young (Mimi is a full grown female)Orangutans that Helen informed us were called Mimi and Itiban. They were swinging from the branches and really enjoying their dinner, such an

amazing sight. Lucy & I would like to say a very big thank you to Helen and everyone at the Sepilok Center for showing us around and teaching us all about this totally fantastic rehabilitation program. While the center is doing a great job in helping the Orangutans, they are still critically endangered creatures and greatly at risk. If you would like to find out more, donate or even visit Sepilok (which I would very much recommend) please visit www.orangutan-appeal.org.uk The charity run an Orangutan Adoption Scheme which makes an excellent present for Christmas for young and old alike and it lasts all year! You will receive updates and a photo of your chosen orangutan, and in these materialistic days, what a wonderful gift to give/receive. Contact www.orangutan-appeal.org.uk for more information.

Gardening Matters NOVEMBER TASKS Cecelia John 01372 200 000 or ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

Drizzling here and has been all day. I’m almost looking forward to the crisp, cold days of November. Almost, I said. Here are some November tasks. When cutting down spent border plants, mark the positions of clumps of lilies and other bulbs with a handful of sand/gravel so that you won’t damage them when working on the border next spring. Protect hardy fuchsias from cold damage with a thick mulch around the bases, and on heavy clay soils or where slugs are a problem, mulch tender perennials with a fine grit: it will keep the crowns drier than bark or compost would and can be worked into the surrounding soil next spring. Also, now’s the best time for planting barerooted trees and shrubs, as it gives them maximum time to establish before next spring. And keep an eye on seedlings: foxgloves coming up like mad is fine, weeds and grass isn’t. Move permanently planted containers (box, camellias, bay etc) to a sheltered place for the winter, ideally with some overhead cover against a wall. You may need to water them a little if it’s dry and windy for a long period. Or if you’re worried about good containers standing outdoors all winter, take the plants out of their pots and sink them into the veg patch. They won’t then blow over or need watering, or be frost-damaged as they might against a wall, and you can repot them next spring.

20 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Now, more general tasks. Clean all equipment before storing it over winter. Spare pots, seed trays and precious/frost-susceptible pots should be emptied, scrubbed, dried and stored away in a shed to prevent the spread of disease and destruction. Remove moss from terraces, steps and paths. They can become very slippery in wet weather and you really do not want Grandma in hospital with a broken hip for Christmas. Check suspect fence panels, and if a post is broken at the base, replace it soon: when one post is broken, the fence waggles in the wind and adjacent posts can break too. Petrol mowers can be taken away for servicing... and have the blades sharpened at the same time to save you the aggravation of blunt blades next spring. Lag outdoor taps and pipes, and move hosepipes and the timers of watering systems under cover for the winter. And if you’re bagging leaves to make leaf mould, make sure they’re wet first or they won’t rot: trying to wet them thoroughly in the bag is impossible. If they’re dry, wait for rain (probably won’t take long), or spread them out and put a can of water over them. Finally, amaryllis bulbs can be potted up now and kept in a reasonably warm, well-lit room. And last but not least, feed garden birds on a regular basis and keep bird baths topped up with fresh water. Now go and get cosy. And roll on spring.





WEB: www.dentist-leatherhead.co.uk TEL: 01372 377 678 19, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, KT22 9LG



beinthekitchen.co.uk | be@kassapiam.com | 01372 803 821

Guess what, I’m excited about this recipe!! I’ve been really getting to grips with superfast recipes for #studentcooking: Take Be to Uni! This is a private Facebook group and it is great fun… students can watch all sorts of cooking videos or just ask me to put one up for them. Their wish is my command! Keeping their health at the forefront, this recipe has appeared and the family have loved it. Keep an eye on the website for all our events, they are coming thick and fast! Beinthekitchen.co.uk/be@beinthekitchen.com

Ingredients: 2-3 tbsp coconut oil 1 small cauliflower, green leaves removed, roughly divided into 12 pieces (including stalk) 1 onion, peeled and quartered 3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground turmeric 125g cashews (100g + 25g) To serve: Roughly-chopped fresh coriander or mint leaves (optional) Raita (cucumber, garlic, mint and yoghurt sauce)

22 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Method: 1. Preheat the oven to 180°/Gas 5. 2. Put the coconut oil on a large baking sheet (with a lip) and place in the oven to heat up. 3. Place the cauliflower pieces, onion, garlic, cumin, turmeric and 75g cashews into a food processor. 4. Pulse briefly until chopped to a rough ’couscous’. 5. Remove the hot baking sheet from the oven, tip the cauliflower mixture onto it and toss in the hot oil. Spread evenly over the sheet and sprinkle with the remaining cashews. 6. Place in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes when the cauliflower will be ‘al dente’ and the cashews toasted.

AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr


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24 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

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solutions page 57

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Taste of Christmas AT PA IN SH ILL PA RK

Christmas Wreath

MAKING FRIDAY 01 DEC 10.30AM Join one of our garden team in their greenhouse to make a beautiful Christmas Wreath from the natural foliage around Polesden Lacey & the Ranmore Estate. Each session lasts 2hrs, with a maximum of 12 people and the price includes a glass of mulled wine & a mince pie Polesden Lacey, Bookham, RH5 6BB

01372 452048


Leatherhead Rotary FASHION SHOW

A week of jam-packed festive fun. Enjoy a magical moonlit walk across the landscape and immerse yourself into our winter wonderland.Enjoy the delights of some of the beautiful follies at night, delicious festive treats, mulled wine, Christmas shopping and the joyful sounds of festive music. Please note: Father Christmas is NOT available at Painshill for this event and arrives from 2nd December. Dogs are NOT permitted at this event, with the exception of service dogs. Cost: adults £12, children £8 Painshill members FREE Painshill, Portsmouth Rd KT11 1JE

01932 868113


Travelling Trends Fashion Show in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. High Street brands and designer labels at up to 60% off!! Tuesday 21st November 2017 7.00pm (Tickets: £10 in advance) Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, KT23 3PQ

The Dawnay Christmas Fair FRIDAY 25 NOVEMBER 5-7PM


Manor House School Christmas Fayre


FROM 11AM TO 3PM Manor House Lane, Little Bookham, KT23 4EN 01372 458538 christmasfayre@manorhouseschool.org.

26 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Bonnie Dogs Established in 2003

Professional dog grooming and quality accessories for your canine friend

Dog grooming for all breeds:

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Friendly, personal service, no holding cages or drying cages – you can stay with your dog & have a cuppa! Do-it-yourself dog bath, come and use our professional equipment (bath, dryer etc) – great for dogs that don’t need professional grooming or as a spruce-up between appointments.

We sell a wide range of dog products and accessories, including: • collars • leads • toys • beds • clothing • food & much more. Exclusive to Bonnie Dogs is our ‘Design Your Own’ service, where you can add your own images, text & colours to dog clothing, towels, bowls & more.

19 Dorking Road, Bookham, Surrey, KT23 4PU

01372 459 670 www.bonniedogs.co.uk

ide rov g p o in ter s e al l train ompu w ) . a c c Now ssion yourssing, et e e e f c s o o r pr to u rd p owternet, wo h arn il, in




£30 per hour

Quick & reliable solutions No call out charge

We can help with Virus/Spyware/Pop ups Firewalls Data transfer Software updates Hardware issues Windows problems Installing networks Software/hardware advice Wireless internet and more ...

Mobile: 07834-491106/Eve: 01372-383409 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 27


DOG AND CAT GR OOMING PARLOUR After 8 years in Fetcham, Oscar’s Grooming Parlour has moved to some larger premises in Bookham & we look forward very much to welcoming old & new customers to our new premises. All dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs are welcome. No cages are used. Dogs are free to walk around the parlour, and on a sunny day, they can enjoy the large, secure garden.

WE OFFER bathing, claw cutting, clipping, scissoring, hand stripping Pick-up and drop-off available at additional fee

01372 750566


07596 724667

www.oscarsgroomingparlour.co.uk 6 Beckley Parade


Bookham | KT23 4RQ

Andy’s Gardening Services Ltd

01372 750570 or 07764 196790


LOGS £45.00 for a mixed bag £70.00 for hardwood



TOPSOIL £50.00 for a bulk bag

WOODCHIP £20.00 for a bulk bag

Tree work | Stump grinding | Garden maintenance | Tidy-ups & hedge cutting | Fencing Driveways & patios | Grounds maintenance | Landscaping | Land clearance & demolition Excavators | Access platform hire

28 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Since Shirley Garage has been a family run, trusted part of the community with full MOT facilities, full diagnostic equipment, and competitive rates for all types of servicing and repair work. Onsite MOT facilities while you wait TIMING BELT SPECIALISTS (ALL MAKES) CLUTCH SPECIALISTS (ALL MAKES) Air Conditioning re-gas and repair Warranty servicing for all makes of cars from Latest diagnostic facilities Tyre sales and free fitting Brakes Batteries Exhausts Suspension Steering

months old


You will find us behind the BP petrol station Opening Times Mon - Fri ii::: - :::



Main course only - £14.99

2 courses - £19.99

3 courses - £22.99


Fresh homemade soup of the day served with warm multigrain mini loaf Homemade salmon fishcakes served with chilli jam and rocket salad Chicken liver, clementine and cranberry pâté served with toasted walnut bread, mixed salad leaves and balsamic drizzle

Main Course

RoasttTurkey with roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, stuffing, chestnut sprouts, seasonal vegetables, homemade bread sauce and gravy. Wild seabass fillet, covered in herb butter and baked, served on a pea risotto with cream sauce and seasonal vegetables. Mushroom, cranberry and Brie Wellington, served with a mushroom and white wine sauce and seasonal vegetables (V)


Christmas Pudding with brandy butter, cream or custard Orange & ginger ice cream cake with orange topping and hot chocolate fudge sauce. Spiced Tarte Tatin, served with clotted cream All meals include crackers, coffee & mints to follow. Gluten-free options available.

Please advise us of any special dietary requirements when booking.

BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT Please book your Christmas Lunch in the Coffee Shop, by phone on: 01372 457337 or online at thevineries@hotmail.co.uk £5.00 deposit per person to be paid upon booking and please inform us of your menu choices

CHRISTMAS MENU AVAILABLE FROM WEDNESDAY 30TH NOVEMBER Every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday until Christmas.

Coffee Shop hours: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 4.00pm | Sun 9.30am - 3.30pm | 01372 457337 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk




The home of Christmas trees and all the trimmings

Fresh Christmas trees arriving from

W/C 20TH NOVEMBER 2017 UK grown, premium grade, cut & potted.

Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk

Crossword NOVEMBER PUZZLE Solutions page 57

Clue: 8 Across

Clue: 11 Across

Clue: 5 Down



1. Major prize (7) 5. Sentinel (5) 8. Circus performer (5) 9. Skittish (7) 10. Synthetic fabric (5) 11. Relating to the moon (5) 12. Proficient (5) 14. Mild and pleasant (5) 19. A closed litter for one passenger (5) 21. One more time (5) 23. Copy (7) 24. Rabbit shelter (5) 25. Locations (5) 26. Assimilates (7)

1. Nocturnal canine (6) 2. Enthroned (7) 3. Appointed committee (5) 4. Lessee (6) 5. Large ape (7) 6. Fruit of the oak (5) 7. Wilderness (6) 13. Writing implements (7) 15. Leviathan (7) 16. Takes over without authority (6) 17. Elongated fruit (6) 18. Treasure (6) 20. Terminus (5) 22. Dull pains (5)

32 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Clue: Down




The Grange Christmas Concert Showcasing the talent of people with disabilities

Saturday 2nd December at 7.30pm The Menuhin Hall, Cobham Road, Stoke D’Abernon KT11 3QQ An evening of entertainment, featuring talent from The Grange and local choral societies.

Tickets £15 (Clients of The Grange, students and under 18s: £9)

Telephone bookings on 08700 842020 Monday to Friday 10am – 3pm (closed for lunch 12.30 – 1pm) Tickets sold on behalf of The Grange, Registered charity no. 207740

Book online at www.themenuhinhall.co.uk


Tel: 01372 454355

Excellent quality dentistry in a friendly caring atmosphere

Cosy Flooring The little shop with the big range

- Carpets - Carpet tiles - Bathroom carpets - Vinyls - Safety flooring - Luxury vinyl tiles - Artificial grass - Golf grass - Seagrass - Coir - Sisal - Entrance matting - Flotex

A friendly family-run business with prices to suit every pocket We also offer a shop-at-home service in the comfort of your own home or office for those who are unable to come to us, with no obligation

Small enough to care 41 Bridge St Leatherhead KT22 8BN Tel: 01372 376006 Email: cosyflooring@gmail.com


34 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Ever thought of supporting people with disabilities?

We’re looking for Support Workers (full training given – £16,665-17,675) and Seniors (£18,685-19,695). Rewarding work, full or part time. Friendly team, lovely site in Bookham. Study for NVQs, childcare vouchers. Call Sylwia any time for a chat – 01372 455221, or email info@grangecentre.org.uk

Rectory Lane, Bookham KT23 4DZ. 01372 452608 www.grangecentre.org.uk


This guide about backing up our computers was written by Les Beer from Tecres in Leatherhead, which has been providing computer solutions since 1989. 01372 370300





With Christmas drawing ever closer, you may appreciate some Christmas gift ideas for the techno-buffs in your household.

We have items to suit all budgets. Here is a very brief list of some ideas for you: Veho in-ear noise-isolating headphones


USB multi charger, charge up to 5 USB devices at once


Veho Bluetooth water-resistant rechargeable speaker


Increase your wifi range with a range extender


iStore and Go USB to iPad/ iPhone 32GB memory stick


MadCatz RAT gamers mouse


Samsung 24” high resolution gamers monitor


Play better games with GeForce GTX1050ti graphics card


Other items of interest: During the last few weeks, we have seen an unusually high number of modem routers fail, in some cases the connections have just gone stale. To flush your router if you turn it off, disconnect the mains power lead and the telephone cable, leave it off for 10 minutes or so, re-plug the cables, then turn the router on. This may just cure your problem. If not, we have good stocks of routers for immediate replacement Great time to buy a printer? Epson has just announced some very aggressive offers on its printer/copier/scanner rang. In some cases, this includes 3 year warranty upgrades and up to £150 cash back directly to you. The offers vary from model to model, so please call in for more details Apple is just rolling out its new operating system (iOS 11), updated for phones and tablets. This will not work with older devices, probably older than 4 years old, and some of your favourite apps may also not work with the update, as the new system is a 64bit operating system and the older apps were designed for 32bit only. If you would rather stick with your old apps, you do not have to take the update, so take your time and make your decision carefully Bullguard has just updated its internet security engine to include the next generation anti-malware protection, improved firewall and new vulnerability scanner. If you already have Bullguard installed, the new version will automatically download and install. If you don’t have Bullguard, please ask about the various purchase options we have.

36 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

~Surrey’s favourite computer store~ 14 North Street, Leatherhead tel: 01372 - 370300 Monday - Saturday 9:00 - 5.30pm

NOVEMBER OFFERS High spec gaming PC- Ryzen 7

AMD Ryzen 7-1700 Eight Core CPU, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 240GB SSD, 1TB storage drive, gigabyte gaming motherboard, NVidia GTX1050 TI graphics, 7.1 sound, BeQuiet PSU and case

ONLY £1225.00

Hewlett Packard 280 small footprint case High spec home & business machine

Intel Core i5 6500, 4GB DDR4 RAM, 500GB hard drive, Windows 10 Pro

ONLY £455.00

Acer Travelmate 14” notebook

With Intel Core i5 CPU, 8GB RAM, either 256GB SSD drive or 1TB standard drive, 14” high res touch screen, long battery life, lightweight Windows 10 Pro

ONLY £695.00

Epson Workforce Pro wifi printer/copier/scanner/fax Economical printing with 3 year warranty

30 pages per minute, full duplex. Get a further £125 cashback from Epson

ONLY £250.00

Apple iMac with 21” display

Core i5, 8GB RAM, 500GB Hard drive, internal DVD RW drive, card reader, mid-2012 model

ONLY 599.99

LOADS MORE SALE REDUCTIONS IN STORE Onsite & workshop repairs, upgrades, virus removal, data recovery

01372-370300 | www.tecres.co.uk | sales@tecres.co.uk Retail store open Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm




• All adaptation work undertaken • AMTICO & KARNDEAN flooring • Natural flooring • Vinyls/wood flooring • Border work • Sand seal wood floors

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Alan Greenwood & Sons Funeral Directors and Monumental Masons

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Personal 24 hour service

01372 454777 1 New Parade, Leatherhead Road, Great Bookham, KT23 4RL

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38 To advertise please call email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

F Covey

Plumbing & Heating Locally established over 25 years

From a dripping tap to a complete bathroom, including tiling, decorating & finishing touches, to general plumbing repairs & alterations.

No job too small.

Bookham 01372 453325 Mobile 07812 607 071

To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 39

At Horsley and Bookham RDA, our volunteers and ponies provide therapy, achievement and enjoyment to children as young as 4 through to young adults, with disabilities including autism, Down’s Syndrome, ADHD, cerebral palsy, dyspraxia and more.

on form form


of Pony) (name(name of Pony)


By sponsoring one of our 13 ponies, you can help us keep them happy and healthy and ready to take part in RDA rides. Sponsoring a pony makes a lovely gift for a special occasion or just as a way to show your support to the group. stcode: :


For ÂŁ15 you will receive: A welcome letter and certificate of sponsorship from your chosen pony Our email newsletter ): A Christmas card from your chosen pony stcode: : A meet and greet in the summer

Sponsor aSponsor Pony Sponsor a Pony a Pony

ate please provide this information se provide this information below below ubmission pack delivery) on to packto delivery)


For more info, visit our website: horsley@bookhamRDA.co.uk (registered charity no.1170049)

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payment orof proof of payment to nt or proof payment to ers, 27 Parkside Place, East Horsley, Parkside Place, East Horsley,

via email,confirm please confirm your permission l, please your permission

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e: ben@howellrs.com w: www.howellrs.com 79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL NEED NEW FENCE PANELS THIS WINTER? CALL NEIL...


FENCING CONTRACTOR Telephone 01932 863435

www.neilmacfencing.co.uk info@neilmacfencing.co.uk Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 41

          


CASSELDEN’S SHOES www.casseldens-shoes.co.uk







We provide the best possible care for your feet Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic treat foot conditions that cause discomfort and pain. Our priority is to make your feet more comforable. We carry out all of our treatments with great care and attention. Call us today if your feet need some special care.

Book your appointment now: 01372 454583 Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic Diagnosis, Expert Treatment & Professional Care for Your Feet


42 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

29 High Street Great Bookham Surrey KT23 4AA

B E C KLE Y ’ S AU TO M OT I V E ABOUT US Mechanical, electrical repair & body restoration is routine for all types of vehicles, from commercial vehicles, small family cars, luxury saloons, sports & thoroughbred models.

BECKLEY’S SERVICES Servicing | Accident repair | MOT | Welding Body works | Spraying | Steam cleaning Rust proofing | Free winter check Engine diagnostics | Tyre replacement

Get in touch

Beckley’s Automotive, Leatherhead Road, Gt Bookham, Surrey KT23 4RQ 01372 458207/450033 | info@beckleysautomotive.co.uk | www.beckleysautomotive.co.uk

First Choice Cleaners: Friendly, Local, Reliable

• • • • •

Regular Domestic Cleaning End of Tenancy Cleans Spring / ‘Blitz’ Cleans Carpet Cleaning Deep / Steam Cleaning

First Choice Cleaners Ltd is a family run cleaning business serving the local area since 2005. All work fully insured. We take pride in all work undertaken and believe that our strength lies in offering a friendly, flexible and totally reliable service. www.mycleanhome.co.uk

01372 200492

For all your building needs: Extensions, Conversions, New Builds, Renovations, Kitchens and Bathrooms For free estimate or advice on projects of all sizes please contact: Alistair Wishart T: 01372 459127 M: 07747 481769 E: alistair.wishart@yahoo.co.uk

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 43

The Bookhams Residents’ Association MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY

BRA Secretary, Andrew Freeman | secretary@bookhamresidents.org.uk | 07886459908

The BRA is urgently seeking a membership secretary. This is an important role within the Executive Committee and the ideal person will be organised, methodical, conscientious and up to date with modern technology. The role involves keeping accurate records of all the members of the association, such as their address, phone and e-mail details; at present, these are divided into pre-arranged area categories throughout the village to enable easy distribution of the BRA Newsletters, issued twice annually. The collection of subscriptions is under review at present and the successful applicant would have an important input into any future system. This rôle provides a wonderful opportunity to get to know many more people in the village, while at the same time adding benefits to community life throughout Bookham. If you would like to apply or receive more information, please contact the BRA Secretary, Andrew Freeman, via e-mail: secretary@bookhamresidents.org.uk or telephone 07886 459908.

Come and hear about the latest developments concerning

EPSOM and ST. HELIER HOSPITALS Thursday 2nd November - Bookham Baptist Church (2pm until 4pm) Representatives from the Epsom and St. Helier Hospitals Trust will be present to explain their plans to the local community. They are keen to hear the views of Bookham’s residents concerning how the future of our local hospitals will be shaped. We look forward to seeing you on 2nd November at 2pm.

Your Voice Counts... 44 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017



• • •

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    

Call Robert on BOOKHAM 01372 459615 mobile 07710 172063 42 Dowlans Road, Bookham Surrey KT23 4le







  ď€“ď€ ď€”ď€“ď€‹ď€‰ď€‚ď€ƒď€‘ď€‡ď€Žď€?ď€‰ď€ƒď€‡ ď€‹ď€„ď€‰ď€†ď€“ď€„ď€Žď€“ď€„ď€‰ď€ƒď€‡ď€•ď€†ď€–ď€–ď€‡ď€—ď€‚ď€ƒď€‡

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For all aspects of landscaping and fencing, call;

07747 188963

for free estimate or advice on projects of all sizes. For full portfolio & further info:


Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 45 For all aspects of landscaping and fencing call;

01372 451872 / 07747 188963 for free estimate or advice on projects of all sizes. For full portfolio and further information visit;



needed urgently

Could you make a big difference and support our patients, by driving them from their homes to the Hospice in Esher for appointments, care and support? We are urgently looking for drivers with their own car to help with patients in the Bookham, Banstead, Tadworth, Leatherhead, Dorking and Epsom areas.

Please call Sue or Aisha on 01372 461856 or email volunteering@pah.org.uk for more information. Š 2017 Princess Alice Hospice. Registered charity no. 1010930 and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales no. 1599796

Christmas CRAFT FAIR


Organised by St Nicolas’ Church


Landscape Gardening The event is on Saturday 2nd December 2017 from 10.00 - 3.00pm at the Old Barn Hall, Church Street Great Bookham. Lots of local crafts, jewellery, Christmas items, edible goodies and much more will be on offer, as well as light lunches and refreshments. FREE ENTRY

46 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Block paving | Brick & stone walling Crazy paving | Paths & drives Rockeries | Pools | Turfins etc.

All types of fencing

01372 377192

Langley House | 90 Levett Road | Leatherhead | KT22 7EH

Get Going! Home physio plus

Pam Dennehy MCSP HPC - Sue Maddox MSc MCSP HPC - Lucy Saxton MCSP HPC

Physiotherapy in the comfort of your own home, plus a network of other healthcare professionals to meet your needs. For further details, please contact us on

07503 191870

or email office@getgoingphysio.co.uk

website: www.getgoingphysio.co.uk

P&B Tree Surgeons


Free Initial Check-up Special Offer - Teeth Whitening £95

Hedge trimming, SPECIAL OFFER All Stump grinding. Landscaping, TOOTH £95 Driveways, Patios and Fencing Undertaken.


01372 363060

David Burton

B.D.S. L.D.S.R.C.S. G.D.C. no. 53297

2 The Crescent, Leatherhead, Surrey. KT22 8EE. reception@crescent-dental.co.uk.


24 Woodlands Road, Bookham, Surrey.

01372 456705 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 47


By Ted Macauley

As any Formula One follower will tell you and eagerly supported by struggling double-champion Fernando Alonso, the Honda engine in the once-world-beater McLaren is a hapless and hopeless grand prix nonentity. Week in, week out, a very frustrated Alonso, the Spanish Flyer in slow-mo, has been dumped down among the also-rans because of the pathetic performance and the handiwork, or lack of it, of the Japanese engine makers. Maybe they should have replaced their GP power unit with one nicked from the company’s red hot hatch, the Honda Civic Type R, a real winner, or at least, talked over how to make an engine that hits the high spots of its crucial aims. The updated, uprated new entry onto the hot-hatch scene is unrecognisible from its predecessor which was up for grabs for less than two years and which struggled to make any sort of impression over and above disappointment because of its ride (which was too hard) on tyre noises that raided the eardrums. After a re-think at HQ, the brainbox engineers and designers sent a substitute into the reckoning, the brand new Type R, a real treat, with vastly improved set-ups all round, quieter, more refined but even sharper and neater, without ruining its general handling capability. Okay, the overall styling may be a wee bit bizarre

48 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

compared with its impressive hot-seller rivals such as the Golf GTI, Mini Cooper S and Ford Focus RS, but it holds its own as full value for money and reliability on the move. Inside, the seating is superb and supportive, the cabin design stylish, the slick manual gearbox a treat. Throttle response is idea, the brakes are crisp and positive, the lay-out is practical, with easy-on-the-eye and reachable knobs and dials. Hot hatches exist basically in a very specialised zone and it is vital that their offbeat stance, compared with more sedate modes of transport, reaches into the real dynamics of motoring for fun and not just necessity for commuting or family transport. I must say that the rejigged Civic R covers the needs of practicality, economy and looks, with the added joy of being a genuine pleasure to drive around a town’s tight and busy streets or on the longer drags of motorways. Overall, it is sure to be a roaring and speedy success, unlike its flop of a big brother, blighting McLaren as a grand prix also-ran. Specification: price range £30,995 - £32,995. My choice, the fastest. VTEC Type R. BHP 320. Top speed 169mph. Acceleration 0-62 in 5.7 secs. Warranty: three years or 60,000 miles.


17TH NOV 2017 7 -10pm £5 Entrance on the door includes a glass of Fizz and a Mince Pie U18’s £1

Howard of Effingham


Howard of Effingham School, Lower Road, Effingham, Surrey, KT24 5JR


Manor House Lane, Little Bookham - November 2017

5th November 10.00 am

The Fourth Sunday before Advent Informal Worship & Communion

12th November 8.00am 10.45am

The Third Sunday before Advent Holy Communion Remembrance Service

19th November 10.00am

The Second Sunday before Advent Sunday Worship & Communion

26th November 8.00am

The First Sunday before Advent Holy Communion

2nd and 4th Tuesdays 10.30 - 12.00 Chatterbox - a group for pre-school children and their carers. Further details from website www.all-saints-church-little-bookham.org.uk

Our Sunday Congregations A warm-hearted congregation that enjoys variety in its worship

A gathering of all ages, vibrant and contemporary in its worship

A time and space to connect with God and with each other

A Congregation with a big heart, committed to making a difference in our community. The Methodist Church at 10am

Details about all that the church is doing can be found at: www.bookhambaptistchurch.org.uk or by contacting the Church office: 01372 811313

50 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017


Bookham Library is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm. Saturdays 9.30am - 5pm.

Your loans need never be overdue again! There’s also a handy barcode scanner that allows you to check any ISBN and find out if we have the book in the library catalogue.

Did you know?

As a member of Surrey Libraries, you can take out and return books to any of our 52 libraries! Shopping in Guildford? Have a browse in the library on North Street and return the books you borrow there to Bookham! And don’t forget, if we are closed, you can return your books through the drop box.

We recommend

Calling all Poldark fans, are you missing your Sunday night on the Cornish coast line? Winston Graham wrote 12 books about the Poldark family’s life and times and we think they are a cracking read. As the evenings grow darker, it’s a great time to catch up on some reading and this saga will keep you going till spring. Ask in the library, reserve online or on the app and look forward to a real treat.


Do you have trouble keeping track of your loans? We often hear from parents how hard it is to keep abreast of their children’s books, especially during term time. Why not downloaded the Surrey Library App ‘Solus’? Just log in to each member account on your phone to renew and reserve books and for an instant source of information about opening hours and library services.

Support your local library! 1st

Fourth Sunday before Advent


Remembrance Sunday (Third Sunday before Advent)

8.00am 10.00am 2.30pm 4.00pm 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm


Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion Service Memorial service for all who have been bereaved The 4 o’clock Gathering Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Remembrance Sunday service The 4 o’clock Gathering


Second Sunday before Advent


First Sunday before Advent

8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm 6.30pm 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm

Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion servicee The 4 o’clock Gathering Evensong Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion service The 4 o’clock Gathering

Wednesdays in term time - TotsAlive!

Further details available from St Nicolas Parish Office:

01372 450709 or www.stnicolasbookham.org.uk

A Parent & toddler group for 0-4s. Meets 1:30pm-3:30pm in the Church Room, 2pm in the Church. New parents/carers & children always welcome.

Thursdays in term time - KidsAlive!

After-school club for 4-7yr olds in the Church Room. Drop-off 3pm-3.30pm and finish 4.15pm. Sign-up forms on our website or from the Office.

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 51

Report: Mole Valley WI MEETING 10/10/17

Meriel Sexton, our president, welcomed members, a visitor and our speaker Alan Aylward, a volunteer with the Woodland Trust. The business part of the meeting was brief and included updates on the various groups and a reminder of the Quiz Night on 21st October. Potted bulbs for Christmas were on sale from the gardening group and Marion Kemp was promoting her book of poems. Alan, who kindly stepped in at the last minute, spoke about the Woodland Trust, which was founded in 1972 by Kenneth Watkins. The Trust manages 10,000 woods, covering 50,000 acres; they have planted nearly 40 million trees and now have 500,000 members. Alan told us about Langley Vale Farm near Epsom

which was purchased by the Woodland Trust nearly 3 years ago. This is 640 acres of arable land alongside ancient woodland, dating back to the 1600s or possibly earlier. The Trust hopes to plant 200,000 native trees on the site, including beech, rowan and hawthorn. A Centenary Wood has been created recently to mark the anniversary of the First World War, and coincidentally, hundreds of poppies flourished in the summer months. Members were very interested in this project, as it is very local to us, and were making plans to visit and support the Woodland Trust. Next meeting at Fetcham Village Hall on Tuesday November 14th. Further details are on website. www.molevalleywi

Report from Sue Bass

52 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

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Emergency 24hr service available Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 53




Fairfield Medical Centre, Lower Rd.....01372 455455 Mole Valley District Council..................01306 885001 Eastwick Med’, Eastwick Pk Ave.........01372 452081 Surrey County Council..........................08456 009009 Leatherhead Leisure Centre....................01372 377674 CHEMISTS Bookham Library................................. 0300 200 1001 Grove Pharmacy, Lower Shott................01372 453293 Bookham Residents’ Association .......... 0300 030 9890 Boots the Chemist, 5 High Street..........01372 452067 Police (non-urgent matters)......................................101 Help your Neighbour Scheme...............07986 177234 HALL HIRE Old Barn Hall, Church Road.................01372 456307. Citizens’ Advice Bureau...................0844 4 11 1444 St. Lawrence Church Hall......................01372 452942 HOSPITALS Little Bookham Village Hall...................01372 453802 Epsom Hospital A & E..........................01372 735735 Baptist Church Hall, Lower Road.......01372 811313 St Helier Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for EastwickRoadChurch(URC)....01372453473/453704 Children.................................................0208 296 2000 Youth Centre (opp Anchor) Lower Rd ... 01372 453803 Leatherhead Hospital.............................0208 296 2000 King George V Hall, Browns Lane ... 01372 451925 Ashtead Hospital....................................01372 221647 SPACE,DorkingRoad...info@southbookhamspace.org.uk Non-emergency NHS Help.....................................111 Bookham Scouting Centre.....................01372 454383 The Bowlder Room, Manor House .... 01372 456752 DENTISTS England House Dental, 30 High St .......01372 459393 SCHOOLS Gt B’hm Dental Prac, 1 The Garstons .....01372 454355 Dawnay School.......................................01372 456774 AJ Hedger, 26 Church Road...................01372 457959 Eastwick County Infants School............01372 453672. Astek Dental Care, 19 Cannon Grove ..... 01372 377678 Eastwick Junior School...........................01372 453277 Glenesk School.......................................01483 282329 TRAVEL Howard of Effingham School................01372 453694 Train information..................................0845 748 4950 Manor House School.............................01372 457077 Polesden Lacey Infants School................01372 456533 CHURCHES St Lawrence’s Primary School.................01372 452870 All Saints’ C of E Church.........................01372 458314 St Teresa’s Junior......................................01372 453456 Bookham Baptist Church........................01372 811313 St Teresa’s Senior.....................................01372 452037 EastwickRoadChurch(URC).................01372 453704 Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church ...01372 458263 VETERINARY SURGEONS Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit ... 01372 458263 Brelades...................................................01372 452531 St Nicolas’ Church...................................01372 450709 Pet Doctors, Fetcham.............................01372 379636 Quaker Meeting......................................01372 454363 All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2017. All rights reserved.


Make sure your home looks occupied, even when you are not home.

I am the first to admit that I am not a fan of shorter days, with dark mornings and coming home in the dark after work. Part of me wishes that I could hibernate until next spring but somehow, I don’t think my employers would understand!! In particular, they would expect me to bang the drum about the importance of making sure that your home looks occupied, even when you are not at home. Opportunistic burglars can drive or walk along a street during the early evening, and a house in darkness will be the first thing that attracts them. Surrounded by other properties where the lights are on the house in darkness is very tempting. Also, there is far less risk of being seen as they attempt to gain entry – normally by getting to the rear of a property on the ground floor. Obviously, if the house in darkness has an audible intruder alarm, their attempts to burgle are likely to be halted as soon as the alarm sounds but…. Far better to create an impression that the house is occupied in the first place. Many people use simple timers to bring on lights when they go on holiday but the same deterrent effect can be employed during darker days and nights. Ideally, I would recommend at least three timers, so that lighting can come on and go off in a staggered pattern, with the aim of mirroring (as closely as possible) normal movement throughout the home. Most basic timers are plugged into a power socket and a

lamp is then plugged in to the timer switch. Nowadays, however, there are more sophisticated timers which can be put over the light switches on the wall, where they can bring on the main lights in a room. A little more expensive perhaps but they may well suit some people? Exterior lighting can also provide an additional deterrent, as it removes areas of shadow where a burglar can operate without being seen. Some people opt for motionactivated PIR lights, which come on when anything activates the sensors. Another alternative is to have dusktill-dawn lighting, which comes on when the natural ambient light level drops. The lighting then stays on until sunrise the following morning. Most dusk-till-dawn lights utilise low-wattage bulbs which makes them a relatively inexpensive option. The other simple thing that is so important when leaving your home unoccupied is the check that doors and windows are secured and locked and that the keys are not left in the locks, or where they can easily be seen from outside. I often suggest hanging window keys on a small cup hook, either on the wall behind the curtains or just underneath a nearby window sill. That way, they can still be found easily in the event that you need to get out in an emergency. As always, I am happy to visit any resident in Mole Valley and carry out an objective assessment of their security. This service is free, so if you would like me to visit, either contact me by email – neil.clarke@surrey. pnn.police.uk – or by telephone – 01483 630809.

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 55

S 

TRANSITIONBOOKHAM Working to make our village more planet-friendly If we have an open meeting this month it will be on Wednesday 15th November at 7.30pm at the St Nicolas Pastoral Centre. Check our website, social media or local notice boards nearer the time. Entrance to the Pastoral Centre is off Church Road between Heads Up and Carolinas.

centre set up by Surrey councils. It helps individuals and businesses across the county save money on energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint. Action Surrey can recommend local installers and advise on any grants available. Visit www.actionsurrey.org to find out more.

With autumn well and truly underway it's a good time to think about our energy usage. Action Surrey is an impartial energy advice

1st November is World Vegan Day, and why not make someone happy on 13th November to celebrate World Kindness Day!

www.transitionbookham.org.uk email transitionbookham@gmail.com Are you on social media? Find and Like TransitionBookham on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @ttbookham Other local events November 2017 Fridays 10:15-11:30 Country Market at the Barn Hall www.bookhamcountrymarket.co.uk Sun 5th November 11:00 - Bookhams Residents' Association litter pick, Lower Shott


Crossword page 32

Volvo Competition Winner Mr. Peter Deering

Sudoku page 24

Digi-Search page 24

David Jensen Quiz Answers: 1) Wild is the Wind 2) Like a Hurricane 3)In the city 4) In Georgia 5) Mr Blue Sky 6) Walking on Sunshine

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 57

Advertisers INDEX

Able Roofing...........................................................16

HRS Roofing..........................................................41

Alan Greenwood Funeral Directors.........................38

Julie Watts Family Law............................................47

Andy’s Garden Services............................................28

L Hawkins & Sons..................................................45

Astek Dental ..........................................................21

MacDonald & Sons Fencing...................................41

Beckley’s Automotive...............................................43

MD Edwards.............................................................4

Bonnie Dogs...........................................................27

Michael Reeve Landscaping.....................................45

Bookham Carpets......................................................6

Mobile Curtain Studio............................................15

Bookham Chiropody...............................................42

MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd.........................60

Bookham Choral Society.........................................11

Oscars Dog Grooming............................................28

Bookham Physiotherapy..........................................17

P&B Tree Services...................................................47

Boyalls Ironmongery & Doors................................23

Paul Welby - Handyman.........................................53

Bruce’s Doggy Day Care.........................................8/9 Planning & Design.................................................38 Casseldens Shoes.....................................................42

Princess Alice Hospice ............................................46

CD Sheldon Flooring..............................................38

Pullen Plumbing.....................................................16

Ceramica Tiles Ashtead.............................................9

RJK Decorating.......................................................45

Colin Read Landscaping ........................................46

Roofs of Esher.........................................................25

Computer Fix..........................................................27

Roots & Shoots.........................................................2

Cosy Flooring..........................................................34

Roxley Models ..........................................................7

Crescent Dental Spa................................................47

Shirley Garages........................................................29

Dashe Development ...............................................43

Surrey County Council...........................................11

DB Garden Services................................................60

Surrey Home Vet.....................................................14

Dorking Domestic Appliances.................................14

Surrey Roofing Group.............................................53

DPB Pristine Oven Cleaning...................................45

Tec Res Computer Solutions..............................36/37

Dream Doors..........................................................59

The Grange .......................................................33/35

Elite Tree Services....................................................39

The Vineries.......................................................30/31

Englishman’s Castle.................................................15

Tony Meadows Decorating........................................8

Extra Help.................................................................8

Trestle Decorating ..................................................38

F Covey ..................................................................39

Wellers Solicitors.......................................................5

Fine Fettle...............................................................25


First Choice Cleaning Company.............................43

Zigger Web Design ................................................ 24

Get Going Physio....................................................47 Great Bookham Dental...........................................34


Harvey Fab..............................................................42


58 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017


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