Look Local Magazine

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LookLocal Festive Issue 2014


Your award-winning local community magazine

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6 10

Contents 6

BEAUTY SOLAIRE have been awarded Guinot Crown Salon Status 2015

10 NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO Read all about Steven Gluck’s new meditation classes


Ted Macauley tells us all about the new BMW 7 Series


From the Editor

Ho ho ho! Where did that year go? As we head into the festive season once again, Look Local celebrates its ninth year anniversary issue! How can it be nine years? That is just so scary! We’ll have to have a big celebration next year for sure! This month sees the Late Night Shopping Evening in the village on Thursday 11th December. This is always such a great night in Bookham, and if you’ve never been, I highly recommend it. It always signifies the start of Christmas for me. Also in early December, ‘Community Entertains’ will take place on Fri 5th & Sat 6th. This is a variety show full of local talent and in aid of B.C.A. Tickets can be purchased from Wishing Well in the High Street, or from the Manager’s Office at The Old Barn Hall between 10am – 12nonn on Mon, Wed, & Fri, or by calling 456307. This sounds like a fun night indeed! If you’re finding life all rather stressful, you may be interested in trying the ancient art of meditation. I went along to a class recently and enjoyed it so much that I think I’m hooked! Read all about my time with Buddhist monk Tenzin Josh on page 10. I would like to finish by saying a big thank you to Marion Kemp, a Look Local reader, who very kindly sent me a lovely Christmas poem, which I simply had to share with you all. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. We look forward to returning in February to start 2015 with more local news & community activity! Until then, warmest winter wishes,

42 CHRISTMAS POEM Marion Kemp’s personal thoughts on Christmas

45 48 56 66 67 70


Ros Thomas Editor


Next copy deadline: 5th January 2015 for the February issue

SUDOKU & WORD LADDER MEDICAL MATTERS CHURCH SERVICES Christmas services from All Saints & St Nicolas’ Churches


Phone Email Website

01372 200 000 ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk www.surreyhillspublishing.co.uk





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in our coffee shop.

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Fresh flowers are delivered regularly to ensure that there is a great selection of top quality flowers for you to choose from. Club members can use their 10% discount card for flower shop purchases.

When you need to say it with flowers, we'll help you find the right words. We are now taking orders for Christmas. Last order date Wednesday 17th December 2014. Last collection from the Flower Shop in the Garden Centre 1pm Christmas Eve. Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk


Beauty Solaire Awarded Guinot Crown Salon Status 2015

Beauty Solaire in Bookham has been awarded Guinot Crown Salon 2015. This title places it in the top ten percent of Guinot’s highest achieving salons in the UK and Ireland. Attaining Guinot Crown Salon status is the recognition of excellence within the field of professional skincare. This coveted award is in its 15th year and winners are chosen from Guinot’s portfolio of 1,200 salons. By visiting a Guinot Crown Salon, clients can be confident that they are choosing one of the country’s best salons with flawless principles in environment, customer care and treatment expertise. A Crown Salon promotes Guinot in a prime location and offers all Guinot face and manual body treatments, as well as a full

representation of retail products for the face and body. Crown Salon status is awarded exclusively to salons that are able to fulfil these strict criteria. As a Crown Salon, Beauty Solaire receives exclusivity to Guinot treatment and product launches throughout the year. It is proud to be one of the first salons to offer its clients the NEW Guinot Age Summum anti-ageing facial which will be available in-salon in time for Christmas. This premium, anti-ageing treatment uses pure Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and pro-collagen to target the signs of ageing. Beauty Solaire will receive exclusivity to this treatment before its nationwide launch in February 2015. It will be available in the salon on 1st December 2014.

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O M - M A N I


’ve been interested in meditation for quite some time. A few years back, I even attended a short introductory course. More recently, as my life has become busier and I’ve had some challenging personal times to deal with, I’ve found myself trying to master the art once again. There is much talk in the media about being more ‘mindful’ in our lives and this basically stems from meditation and is loosely what Buddhism is all about. So as I’m sure you can imagine, I was delighted when I heard that a Buddhist monk called Tenzin Josh was running some drop-in meditation classes locally. I was looking forward to finding out more about this ancient art from an authentic source. It was at university that Steven Gluck first thought seriously about becoming a monk. When he finished his degree studies, he decided to investigate and started by spending six months studying at a Buddhist Centre in

10 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

Croydon. Following this, still only in his early 20s, he purchased a one-way ticket to India and headed for the Himalayas. For the next 16-17 years, Steven studied, prayed and meditated. For the first three years, he was alone in the mountains; during this time, he hardly saw anyone else, spending his days meditating and praying. He then joined a monastery to formalise his studies and continue his Buddhist journey. He became a novice monk in 1990 and was then fully ordained in 1991. Both ordinations were by the HH Dalai Lama and he feels very fortunate and honoured by this. He then became known as Tenzin Josh. You can see Tenzin Josh in the photograph above with the HH Dalai Lama. It was taken at a place called Bodh Gaya in Northern India where the Buddha became enlightened. Tenzin Josh spent fifteen years in the spiritual epicentre of Tibetan Buddhism, Dharamsala. His days were long, starting at 5 am and not

PADME-HUM ending until midnight. Hours were spent praying, meditating, debating the Buddhist scriptures with the other monks and learning. As his knowledge grew, so did his reputation; in fact, Tenzin Josh was pretty well-known in those parts towards the end of his studies! Nowadays, Tenzin Josh runs an ethical Fair Trade company locally and has exchanged his shaved head and robes for a more conventional look. However, his heart still lies in India and he very much hopes to head back there some time in the future and resume his life as a monk once again. In the meantime, he is content to share some of his knowledge and Buddhist philosophy with anyone who cares to join him. Once a week classes, lasting 6 weeks and including a one day retreat, will commence in the New Year. There will also be on-line support throughout the course for those joining, and regular handouts to take away and read.

The drop-in classes will continue to run during the first two weeks of December, so do call in if you would like to start your own personal journey to enlightenment! Meditation is highly recommended to help us deal with our busy stress-filled lives. Apparently, only ten minutes of quality meditation a day will make a huge difference to concentration levels and well-being. Understanding some of the theory behind mindfulness is not only very helpful but it’s fascinating too. I for one will be returning this week for my second instalment of relaxation and instruction. Drop into Cobham Methodist Church, Cedar Rd, Cobham Thursday evenings, between 8pm - 9pm. £10 Venue for January 2015 tbc. For further details, email tenjosh@gmail.com Or call 07516 428 704 Thank you very much indeed, Tenzin Josh. I very much look forward to learning more. Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014



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12 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

H e re a re s om e e x a m p l e s of th e w a y s w e c a n s u p p ort y ou : • P ra c ti c a l s u p p ort: C le a n in g , a ssistin g w ith w a sh in g , c ook in g , tid yin g th e g a rd e n , b ook in g a n d g e ttin g to a p p oin tm e n ts, c a rin g for you r p e ts a n d m u c h m ore

• Pe rs on a l c a re : He lp in g you to h a ve a sh ow e r or b a th , g e ttin g d re sse d , su p p ort w ith sh a vin g , re m in d e rs to ta k e m e d ic a tion , look in g a fte r you r te e th .

• Soc i a l a c ti vi ti e s : G oin g to sh op s, p la n n in g trip s a n d ou tin g s, g oin g sw im m in g , m e e tin g u p w ith fa m ily a n d frie n d s, p re p a rin g you r h om e for g u e sts.

• C om p a n i on s h i p : A frie n d ly fa c e for a b it of c on ve rsa tion , a stroll in th e p a rk , lu n c h ou t.

“ As I l i ve s om e d i s ta n c e a w a y, I a m a l w a y s on th e p h on e to th e te a m . I n e ve r fe e l I a m a b oth e r a n d th e y a r e a l w a y s h a p p y to ta l k to m e .” C u stom e r re la tive

• Te c h n ol og y s u p p ort: Sh ow in g you h ow to u se you r m ob ile , se n d in g a n e m a il, h e lp in g you to sta y in c on ta c t w ith fa m ily a n d frie n d s.

• De m e n ti a c a re : Su p p ortin g you to re m a in in d e p e n d e n t a t h om e , sh a rin g you r m e m orie s, ta k in g u p old or n e w h ob b ie s a n d in te re sts.

• E q u i p m e n t for p e a c e of m i n d : I t m a y b e you n e e d a n a la rm for sm ok e , w a te r or g a s, a lig h t to re m in d you to ta k e you r ta b le ts, a w a y of c a llin g for h e lp if you n e e d it.

• R e s p i te c a re : W h e n you r re g u la r c a re r, frie n d or fa m ily m e m b e r g oe s on h olid a y or h a s a b re a k , w e c a n ste p in to su p p ort you .

• E m e rg e n c y a s s i s ta n c e : Pra c tic a l h e lp a t sh ort n otic e su p p ortin g you w h e n u n e x p e c te d e ve n ts h a p p e n .

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You c a n a ls o vis it

c s h -h om e c a re .c o.u k Su p p ortin g p e op le in Su rre y to live in d e p e n d e n tly

Bookham Choral Society www.bookhamchoralsociety.co.uk

Conductor Christopher Hann. Accompanist Gina Eason

Christmas Carol Concerts Wednesday 17th December 2014 8.00pm - The Old Barn Hall, Bookham

Saturday 20th December 2014 8.00pm - St Nicolas Church, Bookham

Tickets: ÂŁ10 / Under 18s ÂŁ5 include an interval drink. Available from BCS Box Office bookhamchoralsociety@gmail.com or telephone 01372 375644 or from Cascade, High Street, Bookham Registered charity no. 1058863 Supported by The Humphrey Richardson Taylor Charitable Trust.

14 To advertise please call email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

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late night


Thursday 11th Dec 14

6.00pm - 8.30pm This year, we mark the 10th anniversary of this community event which is organised by Bookham’s Churches Together in partnership with Bookham Traders’ Association. Our theme is Peace & Goodwill, in keeping with the centenary marking the start of WW1. Look out for posters advertising the event, showing the winning poster design by Amelia Litchfield, aged 8. Congratulations to Amelia! As usual, many shops and businesses will be open, from The Grove right down to Church Road, and ready to welcome you in. There will be carol singing & entertainment outside & inside various venues, including storytelling & an unusual re –enactment

16 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

of the football match across the trenches. Visit the craft stalls in Bookham Baptist Church Hall, Christmas trees in St Nicolas Church, Santa in his grotto in the Pastoral Centre (off Church Road) where there will be activities for children to enjoy while they are waiting, & the library, which will host a display about the centenary of WW1. Do look at the traders’ window displays. Which one will win best dressed window this year? More information about what will be happening where & when will be available in shops a week or so before. Put the date in your diary and we look forward to seeing you out & about for this Christmas event.

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18 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014



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FREE RAFFLE TO WIN TREATMENTS Join us on Dec 11th for Bookham Late Night Shopping.

As usual, we will have our Christmas grotto & lucky dip for the children & FREE raffle for the adults to win treatments at Fine Fettle. Plenty of nibbles, mulled cider & lots of Christmas fun!


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20 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

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Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014



Bookham, Fetcham and Effingham

Christmas Charity Post The Christmas Charity Post, manned by over 200 local volunteers, is gearing up for its 31st year. We deliver Christmas cards to all roads and addresses in Bookham, Fetcham and Effingham. Collections start on 9th December and the last collection will be at 4 p.m. on 18th December. Deliveries begin on 12th December. Authorised doorstep stamp sellers will call in some local roads from mid-November. From 25th November, Charity Post stamps and posting boxes will be available in the shops listed below. Proceeds go to Practical Action (www.particalaction.org). At 25p per stamp, you will save more than 50% over 2nd class Royal Mail.

Participating Shops Bookham:



CONTACT, Cobham Road OPEN ALL HOURS, Hazel Parade NIKKI’S NEWS, Sunmead Parade CANNON COURT PHARMACY, Cannon Court




N.B. Since 1984, our Charity Post has delivered over 430,000 cards and raised over £80,000 for charity. It has also saved its users a similar sum in Christmas postage.

22 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014


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ere we can see the formal opening of a Natural Play Area on Bookham Commons. This has been partfunded by the Friends of Bookham Commons working alongside the National Trust. A lovely addition to our local commons area which I am very sure will be enjoyed by many for years to come.

Mole Valley District Council & Surrey CC councillor Clare Curran is thanked by Friends Chairman Robert Hall for her assistance in this project when she formally opened the Natural Play Area.

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24 To advertise please call email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

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By Ted Macauley

BMW 7 SERIES When buying a new car, comparisons are inevitable, unless your loyalty to a specific manufacturer rules out any freshly invasive notions on what brand of motor you fancy. And here, with no favouritism or otherwise to either side and only balanced judgement as my guide, I would edge the Mercedes S-type ahead of the new, fifth generation BMW 7 Series in the luxury car class. But that’s personal preference and the volume of contra-feeling was impressively laid on me at, above all places, Trophy Wife’s boutique in Cobham. She was staging a fashion show and I had parked outside the front door an updated, uprated brand new BMW 7 luxo-limo. A Beamer to notice. I was staggered by the number of hubbies funding their wives’ dress fancies who were impressed by my transport and wanted to know more about it. I had to confess, indeed enthuse, that after a week of varied motoring up and down and all around the alternately dry and wet UK, motorways and country lanes

alike, the flagship newcomer left me with a feeling that here was real value for money. Okay, it does not revel in quite the same style as the more pricey Mercedes, but as a really big, bold and spacious alternative, whether for you or your leggy chauffeur to drive in roomy comfort, it ticks a good few boxes. Its eight-speed automatic transmission smoothly sorts out the best of the V8’s turbo thrust and its considerable muscle in a polished manner without any eyewidening jerkiness. This heavier version, with allwheel drive and long wheel base, weighs in at a whopping 47000lbs and is still, I found, among the best-handling fullest-sized luxury cars, thanks to variable ridesettings. And it has a clever StopGo facility that automatically

brings the car to a halt if your or your chauffeur’s attention has wandered and fails to react to a stopped traffic queue in time. That is only one of the very many sophisicated add-ons to ensure comfort, convenience and safety. Another one I liked, even if it is a little bizarre, was a coffee cup display that popped up on the touch pad if an unsafe level of fatigue was detected in the driver. If you like music on the move there’s a Bang & Olufsen 16-speaker surround sound - and a double display for the passengers in the sprawly back seats, bench or individual, as you prefer. Forget the old misgivings about noisy and reluctant diesels, the gutsy BMW’s offering in the entry level 730d is a polished performer, offering high economy and low emissions. It may not have the kerbside a-h-e-m of the Mercedes S, but overall, this vastly technologically advanced battler on the luxury car front is a winner in its own right. A true Beamer.... Specification: Trim levels : Standard, SE, M Sport. Engines: Petrol 3.0. 4.4. 6.0.Diesel 3.0.Top Speed: 153mph. 0-62 in 6.2 seconds. Consumption 50 mpg. Prices from £58,275 to £104,260.

AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr


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Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014


PROFESSIONAL CLEANING CARPETS UPHOLSTERY CURTAINS HARD FLOORS PATIOS PROTECTIVE TREATMENTS SANITISING DEODORISING ANTI STATIC My name is Nick Lewis. I have been professionally cleaning carpets, upholstery and hard floors for over 25 years. My aim, as a sole trader, is to give you a reliable, personal service using the most advanced soil extraction machinery available. The machinery and chemicals used are industrial enough to leave any commercial or domestic job free of any dirt, stains and harmful grit. This will extend the life of your carpets, upholstery and floors, which will in turn maintain hygiene in your home. Being in the cleaning industry for over 25 years, I have built up an extensive client base of domestic and commercial customers. My commercial clients include various letting agents, local councils and small organisations such as MENCAP. I pride my business on giving prompt appointments and providing enough time to complete a professional job. All my work is fully insured. Full satisfaction is my utmost priority.

Nick Lewis – Proprietor 07973 690317 nicklewis68@btinternet.com ‘Nick Lewis has been successfully cleaning for us now for over 20 years. His expertise and work ethic is second to none. We call on all our contractors to be available at very short notice. Nick has never let us down once in any emergency or regularly booked appointment’ APW Lettings.

To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 33



WITH PINE KERNELS & POMEGRANATE I NG REDIENTS: 2 x 400g tin chickpeas, drained & rinsed with cold water 85g/3oz tahini (sesame seed paste) 150ml/ ¼ pint natural full-fat yoghurt 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 2 large cloves of garlic, crushed (optional) juice of 1 ½ - 2 large lemons plenty of freshly ground black pepper & coarse sea salt

TO SER V E: 70g/5 ½ oz macadamia nuts 1 small bunch fresh coriander 1 clove garlic, crushed 120ml/4 floz extra-virgin olive oil sea salt & freshly ground black pepper

METHO D 1. Put all the ingredients for the hummous into a food processor and whizz until a smooth puree is formed. 2. Taste & adjust the seasoning to suit you. Refrigerate for 30 minutes (or longer) to allow the flavours to develop. Taste again and adjust the seasoning again if necessary before serving. 3. To serve: pile the hummous into a large shallow bowl, sprinkle over the pine kernels, pomegranate seeds and fresh mint, then drizzle with the olive oil. Finish with a twist of freshly ground black pepper and coarse sea salt.

34 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

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Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014


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36 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service

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A huge thank you to everyone who has supported The Grange this year - you made a great difference. Get inspired, get involved Hold an event for The Grange, become a volunteer, make a donation, visit us... Urgent - we need volunteer drivers! Look on our website for details of the opening times of our shops in Bookham and Dorking and our Simply Scones CafĂŠ.

We wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2015.

www.thegrangecentre.org.uk Registered Charity No. 207740 Find us on Facebook: The Grange At Bookham and on Twitter: @TheGrangeCentre

Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014



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Also available: local mistletoe & beautiful holly wreaths Local English mistletoe

Home-grown cyclamen

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Festive wreaths

Check out our new website - www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk Hours of business: Mon|- Effingham Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun5JP 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | KT24 | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk







We will be closing at 3pm on Christmas Eve and will be closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. All other days, normal opening hours apply. HoursLower of business: Mon|- Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun5JP 10.00am - 4.00pm458934 | 01372 458934 Road Effingham | KT24 | 01372 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk



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Personal Thoughts on

CHRISTMAS ... By Marion S Kemp

Christmas comes but once a year & when it comes, it starts in August‌

When back from holiday, barely through the door, You spy the catalogue on the floor. So before the tan’s had time to fade You’re already a target of the Christmas trade. The question now is, when to shop. The last minute dash? Or do you opt For an easy meander, with time to find Exactly the gifts you have in mind. There’s a satisfied feeling of a task well done, You actually enjoyed it, it was almost fun! A word of warning, it could get fraught If nearer the time, you forgot what you bought! Every year, as I unfold the tree, Each decoration stirs a memory Of how small fingers, with serious toil, Made egg-box bells with silver foil, Angels and fairies with wobbly wings, Snowmen and streamers and glittery things, Delicate ornaments all tissue-wrapped, And chipped old baubles, which should be scrapped. Tempers frayed, and oh the fights, Trying to fix those blinking lights! Christmas shopping’s no longer fun, With supermarkets like a rugby scrum With tempers frayed and trolley rages And queuing at tills for simply ages. Thank goodness you remembered the master list Which means, in theory, nothing’s missed But the bulging bags just go to show You’ve over-catered again, you know. Stop for a moment to survey the scene, Do you not think it’s almost obscene? For a happy time, do we need to spend As if the world’s about to end? Christmas Eve should be full of cheer,

But you have had it up to here! It’s not just the physical stress and strain, But dealing with all those relations again – With patience and tact – which is quite an art – To bring them together? Or keep them apart? For emotions, thought buried, surface again, A loved one missing, the tears, the pain. It’s hard to cope when feeling alone At the office party, or sitting at home, For expectations are much too high Thanks to the frenzy of ‘buy, buy, buy’! You wonder if Christmas had ever been As you quietly slip back into the old routine, The walls are bare, decorations packed, And a pile of cards waits, neatly stacked, For you to sit down and read them all, Whether neatly typed or hasty scrawl, From friends who over many years Have shared their news, their hopes, their fears, And, because you do not see them much, Value even more that they keep in touch. And as you reflect on this annual event, Was it time and money really well spent? Will the feelings of goodwill really last? Or, like resolutions, disappear – fast! Whatever your views, it’s not hard to explain Why deep down inside you’re moved again By well-loved music and carols off key, And toddlers taking part in the Nativity, Candles that flicker, faces that glow, Hugs and presents from those you know. And the moments of quiet when a little voice Says ‘Be still and listen, and I say rejoice’ Experience again that feeling of joy As you celebrate the birth of a baby boy.

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44 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014


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Bennett & Cohen

Seniors amongst us will be heartened to know that a pair of octogenarians have released two of the year’s most eagerly awaited albums. At the age of 88, Tony Bennett is still going strong and his latest outing, “Cheek to Cheek” sees him pairing up with the perpetual publicity-seeker, Lady Gaga. With an age difference of 60 years, they truly appear as the odd couple, but rather than a mere novelty act, the two make some wonderful music together. Lady G is actually an impressive jazz singer who once won a New York State jazz competition. The legendary Tony Bennett, a fellow New Yorker, is one of the true greats, having had Frank Sinatra name him as his very favourite singer. Tony once guested on my radio show and he was a real delight, a lovely man. The two obviously got on well together in the studio, with some terrific chemistry permeating the songs which are a collection of incredible tunes by Irving Berlin, George Gershwin and Cole Porter. The other artist worthy of acclaim is the 80 year old Canadian, Leonard Cohen. He often polarises audiences with his sombre and slow delivery, but listen again and there are some beautiful moments of music and lyrics which showcase the reason he is still adored by the fans who grew up with him from the late 60s. His new album, “Popular Problems” is a heartfelt recording, in which he shares concern and comment on life and love in his uniquely intimate, breathy style. Both albums prove that class never dies and that we should treasure both Cohen and Bennett for creating such brilliant soundtracks of our own life and loves too.

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01372 452951 Words by David Kid Jensen







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To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 47


As it’s Christmas, plant names are postponed for a month to tell you about a marvellous garden museum in London. The John Tradescants - father and son - were great 17th century collectors, plant hunters and famous gardeners to King Charles I. They lived in a house in Lambeth known as The Ark, where they displayed a huge collection of curiosities brought back from their travels. For just 6d, anyone could ring the doorbell and view their collection, effectively making it Britain’s first public museum. John Tradescant the Younger and Elias Ashmole, a noted antiquary and alchemist, met around 1650, and Ashmole helped Tradescant to catalogue his collection. In 1659, John Tradescant legally decreed his collection to Ashmole on his death. Ashmole shipped the Tradescants’ collection up the Thames to Oxford, where it became a core founding collection of the Ashmolean Museum. The Garden Museum (formerly the Museum of Garden History) was established in 1977 to rescue the abandoned ancient church of St Mary’s where John Tradescant the Elder, the first great gardener and plant-hunter in British history, is buried. His magnificent tomb is the centrepiece of a knot garden planted with flowers which grew in his garden four centuries ago. In 2008, the interior was made into a centre for exhibitions and events. Three exhibitions each year explore the making of British gardens, and a programme of over 30 talks & interviews celebrates heroes and heroines from the forgotten plant-hunters and gardeners of the past to the

designers and writers of today. There’s also a permanent display of paintings, tools, ephemera and historic artefacts - a glimpse into the British love affair with gardens, and an insight into the social history of gardening, as well as its practical aspects. As a key feature of the Garden Museum’s development project, the Ashmolean has generously agreed to place on long-term loan around 30 objects from the Tradescant collection, enabling it to recreate part of the original Ark. On Saturday 6th September 2014, the Director of the Museum, Christopher Woodward, jumped into the Thames in Oxford, beginning an epic swim from Oxford to London. This journey mirrors the Tradescant Collection’s journey from Lambeth to Oxford over 350 years ago. The Museum’s been pledged £3.4 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund to restore its ancient site beside Lambeth Palace, build new galleries to tell the story of gardens in Britain and create dedicated spaces for education/community activities. By 2016, they must raise a matching £3.4 million for the major re-development of the Museum, which will unlock the HLF’s grant. Hence the sponsored swim! The Museum’s on the south bank of the Thames next to Lambeth Palace. Information about opening hours, prices etc. is on the website www.gardenmuseum.org.uk.

Go & visit, it’s fab.

Cecelia John 01372 200 000 or ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

HJ&F Covey Plumbing & Heating Locally established over 25 years

Complete bathroom installations including tiling, decorating and finishing touches. New radiators, water tanks, mains, free estimates. Friendly and dependable.

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52 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

www.theleatherheadtheatre.org '/ 1 , * 0 +' +,) 0 )'% &''&

&'. !"+ & +! - & . ) * The  loveliest  pantomime  of  all  arrives  at  The  Leatherhead  Theatre  this  Christmas.

Starring  ITV`s  Britain’s  Got  the  hilarious  Muddles,  plus  full  supporting  cast  including  a  Wicked  Queen,  a  handsome  Prince  and  the  beautiful  Snow  White  plus  the  around  not  to  mention  a  very  clever  Magic  Mirror.

) *,) *$ &

"- )'% +! +"'& $ ! +) Thursday  22nd  January  7pm

Performances  begin   & * 0 +! % )  and  run  until +,) 0 ) &, )0 Family  tickets  and  group  rates  available.  Call  the Â

In  association  with:

The  Complete  History  of  Comedy  )"

! , ! # *( ) '%( &0 Wednesday  28th  January  7.30pm

Not  one  of  us  must  breathe  a  word  of  what  we’ve  found... Robert  Louis  Stevenson’s  story  of  murder,  money  and  mutiny  is  brought  to  life  in  a  thrilling  new  stage  adaptation  by  Bryony  Lavery.  cunning  Long  John  Silver  and  rising  star  Patsy  Ferran  as  the  courageous  Jim.  Suitable  for  10  years+

From  the  high-­brow  to  the  low,  this  hilarious  show  covers  comedy  through  the  ages,  from  cavemen  telling  â€œRock  Rockâ€?  jokes  to  Chris  Rock  and  everything  in  between.  The  bad  boys  of  abridgement  leave  no  joke  untold  as  they  deconstruct  the  entire  history  of  comedy  in  90  rollicking  minutes.

Able Roofing ▲ New roofs ▲ Flat roofing ▲ Lead roofs ▲ Slates and tiles ▲ Chimneys repointed

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54 To advertise please call email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

T: 01372 236446 F: 01372 236321 E: Enquiries@ChallengeWindows.co.uk www.ChallengeWindows.co.uk

Challenge Windows Limited are an independent Bookham based installer and supplier of glass, windows, doors, conservatories, and all other glazing related products. Supplying and installing a fantastic range of high quality products in a wide selection of materials such as:


Clue: 1 Down

Clue: 26 Across


1. Danger (5) 4. Percussion instrument (7) 8. Deliberated (7) 9. Molten rock (5) 10. Marine molluscs (7) 12. Similar (5) 13. Martial art (4,2) 15. Rigorous (6) 18. Assumed name (5) 19. Accumulated (7) 21. Similar to a giraffe (5) 22. Dizziness (7) 24. Perpetual (7) 25. Book of maps (5)


1. Security device (7) 2. Bone (3) 3. Supple (5) 4. Plain (6) 5. Fortification (7) 6. Enlarges (9) 7. Astound (5) 11. Consortium (9) 14. Mode (7) 16. Irksome (7) 17. Wonder (6) 18. Repent (5) 20. Artery (5) 23. Unwell (3)

Clue: 10 Across

Solutions page 73 56 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014






Providing an honest and reliable roofing service!

ALL WRITTEN QUOTATIONS BEATEN! Flat Roofs • Tiling • Fascia and soffit guttering • Lead work • Repairs

01372 270733 / 07951 586653 hrservices79@yahoo.co.uk

79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL

P&B Tree Surgeons Hedge trimming, Stump grinding. All Landscaping, Driveways, Patios and Fencing Undertaken. 24 Woodlands Road, Bookham, Surrey.

01372 456705 To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 57


Dancetime For fun, fitness & improvement Freestyle Line Dance Latin American Ballroom


Classes & private lessons for children & adults in Effingham & Ockley.



Choreography for special occasions

OSE is a Bookham-based drama group who have performed a pantomime at The Old Barn Hall for the last thirty something years – we’ve given up counting! We continue to stick with the traditional family pantomime format, suitable for everyone, although the stories we have told over the last few years have been a little different. This year however, we are back to the traditional with ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ by Ben Crocker. It is the day of Princess Aurora’s christening and all her Fairy Godmothers are in attendance to give their gifts. The happy day is interrupted by the arrival of the bad fairy Carabosse and her very disreputable cat Spindleshanks. It is left to Fairy Peaceful to save the day and prevent Carabosse from doing her worst with that wretched spindle! We won’t spoil the story any further - needless to say, there is a happy ending with much laughter and adventure along the way. The Sleeping Beauty is at The Old Barn Hall on Fridays 23rd & 30th January 2015 at 7.45pm and Saturdays 24th & 31st January 2015 at 2.30pm and 6.30pm. Tickets are priced at £8.00 adults, £7.00 seniors and £6.00 children and are available from the Box Office on 01372 454001 or 01372 458254 and at John Wadsworth Estate Agents. Group rates are available for parties of 10+ and party bags can be arranged for birthday groups.

beryl@tecres.net www.dancetime.uk.com


58 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

More information from Beryl

01306 628217 07733 107079

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.& / & !# & / & !# & / & !!#

1 The Laurels, The Street, %, Effingham, Surrey KT24 5LH

Tel: 01372 454033

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$ " "! % ! & ! '!# ( )! !# - ( ) # ! !*+!##!# ( !*" !# OPENING HOURS !$ Monday: Closed Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Wednesday: 9am - 5pm Thursday: 9am - 7pm Friday: 9am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 2pm

.& / & !# & / & !# & / & !!#

â—? Easy parking â—? Wella products are used in this salon â—? Gentlemen & children welcome â—? Senior Citizen rates - Tuesday Members of the Hairdressing Council

Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014


Registered Charity No. 1051105


Do you like meeting people, own a car & have some time to spare? Then you may like to become a volunteer mediator with Mid-Surrey Mediation Service & help people sort out problems with their neighbours. Mediation is a process that uses a unique method of resolving disputes in which both sides can be winners. The mediators help the neighbours to find solutions & channels of communication which are sustainable. Common issues dealt with include noise, inconsiderate parking, children’s behaviour, & overgrown hedges. How does it work? Two mediators visit each household to hear about the problems. They are impartial, independent, preserve confidentiality & offer the service free of

charge. They will suggest a meeting for all parties at a nearby venue where the mediators create a secure atmosphere in which the neighbours can communicate more effectively, each explaining to the other how the problems have affected them & getting a fair hearing. Frankness is encouraged as long as abuse is avoided. Once the issues have been fully aired, the mediators encourage the neighbours to come up with workable suggestions which lead to an agreement. The next volunteer training course is free and will take place in February 2015 at weekends. Interested new volunteers or anyone who would like to talk to a mediator, should call 07513 524241 or email midsurrey.mediation@gmail.com

established for over 10 years A Family Run Building Company Servicing the Surrey Hills Area Call Ross on

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60 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

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Free Loan Car Available while we carry out the repairs on your car. Tel: 01483 285792 18 Email: ctcars@btconnect.com www.ctcars.co.uk

Where to find us: Open View Farm, Epsom Road, West Horsley, Surrey KT24 6AP


Bookham annual

Christmas Opening


n Thursday 11th December between 6.00 and 8.30 pm, Bookham will be holding its annual Christmas Opening,

with the theme this year being “Peace and Goodwill” to recognise the WW1 centenary. This is the tenth year of the event which is supported by


all the local traders in Bookham and arranged by Bookman Churches Together and Bookham Retail and Business Association. With the Christmas lights, there will be lots to see and enjoy, and with

THE LEGAL PRACTICE WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH www.hedleys-solicitors.co.uk enquiries@hedleys-solicitors.co.uk

the High Street closed to traffic, it will be a safe and enjoyable event to start the Christmas season. Mole Valley’s Housing and Traveller Sites Plan (HTSP), which has attracted much interest and concern, is being reviewed following the Council meeting in October. A full decision on what will now happen is not expected until the MVDC Council meeting in December, so it looks likely that this plan will be postponed or shelved. As soon as we have more information, we will publish it on the BRA web site.


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Contact: Les Huett - BRA Publicity

publicity@bookhamresidents.org.uk www.bookhamresidents.org.uk 62 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

Hedleys Solicitors is the trading name of Wellers Law Group LLP

10AM, 2 DECEMBER 2014 WE ARE ...

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To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 63

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Sudoku Puzzle

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Word Ladder A word ladder is a sequence of words formed by changing just one letter each time. Can you find the missing words?


Clues: Develops Radiates Decelerates Gambling machines Splines Roofing material Condition

Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!

Gape Trap SNARL

66 To advertise please call email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

Solutions page 73

MEDICAL MATTERS Proud to offer our domestic regular cleaning service. Our weekly service is the most popular among many residents. We can make our services suit your requirements.

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Kingpin Kingpin Acupuncture

Acupuncture Specialising in Specialising in fertility support fertility support

THE COMMON COLD The common cold is something we all dread most winters. However, despite the increased risk of catching the common cold in the winter, these viruses are actually around all year long. There are about 200 different ‘cold’ viruses and it has been estimated that the average adult suffers between 2 and 5 colds a year, and school children may suffer up to 10 colds a year. It may feel sometimes like we have one cold after another and this is quite possible, as we can readily be infected with different viruses. Surprisingly, as we get older, we generally get fewer colds, as our immune system learns how to deal with these viruses. Best advice for managing cold symptoms: rest (wherever possible!), plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, and take pain relief such as paracetemol or ibuprofen. Hot lemon and honey drinks are very soothing but there is very limited value in taking cough mixtures, so these are best avoided. Antibiotics will not help cold symptoms; however, sometimes colds may lead to bacterial infections such as a chest infection, and antibiotics may then be indicated. Other lesser-known remedies include taking zinc supplements. These are now thought to be more effective in preventing colds than Vitamin C. Echinacea has for sometime been thought to be useful in boosting the immune system, but although studies are relatively inconclusive, it is thought to reduce the number of sick days with a cold virus. Hand washing is now thought to be a good, simple tool for reducing the risk of spreading the virus.

Keep well this winter

E Es sta 03 t a b b l i s h e d2 02 00 3 lished

JanCCKing KingLic.Ac., Lic.Ac., MBAcC Jan MBAcC

Leatherhead Road, Bookham Leatherhead Road, Bookham Tel: 07970 182003 Tel: 07970 182003 Email: jan@kingpinacupuncture.co.uk Email: jan@kingpinacupuncture.co.uk

www.kingpinacupuncture.co.uk www.kingpinacupuncture.co.uk

Jacky Ollington is a practice nurse based in Essex & an independent prescriber. To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 67



his advice comes at the time of year when people have valuable Christmas gifts stored in their homes and temptation increases for burglars. There are lots of things you can do to help reduce the risk of crime and also identify your property should you be unfortunate enough to become a victim. Please take a few minutes to read the following advice: Always secure and lock your doors and windows, even if you are just “popping out” - about one in four burglaries happen simply because the householder has left windows or doors unlocked. Make sure your external security lights are in working order and put internal lamps on timer switches (both downstairs and upstairs) to come on when it gets dark, or if you are going to be away. Always use your burglar alarm – if you don’t have an alarm, consider investing in one. The NCAOSS website is a good place to start for impartial advice on what is currently available. Don’t store keys near the front door, particularly where they can be seen, and never hang a spare key inside the letter box or hidden in a convenient hiding place (such as under the mat or beneath a flowerpot. Keep them in an accessible place away from the door, known only to members of the household. Secure garages and sheds - they are often full of expensive tools that are attractive to a thief and ideal to use for breaking into your home. Also, consider painting your house number and post code onto expensive items of gardening equipment, as this makes it far less attractive to a would-be thief. Don’t leave Christmas presents under the tree in full view of burglars who can see through your windows keep them in a secure place until the “big day”.

Don’t put your empty boxes from Christmas presents (or any new purchases) out until your recycling collection day and make sure you break up the boxes and secure them together. The boxes and wrappings provide burglars with just the information they are looking for to know what new gadgets and items await them inside. The same with gardening equipment: mark your property with a permanent marker pen or ultraviolet marker pen, depending on the type of object being marked. This will make it harder for a thief to sell the items and easier for the police to identify the true owner if they are recovered. Note down the serial numbers of all electrical goods such as TVs, DVD players, computers and camera equipment and keep the list out of sight in a secure place. It is also a good idea to photograph valuable items, such as jewellery and pictures, as this will help with identification if the items are recovered. Consider registering your property on the Immobilise.com database. You can list as many items as you like and can also upload photographs onto this secure database. Shopping for Christmas can be busy and stressful. Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for pickpockets. Keep bags zipped up and ensure wallets and purses are not visible. Never hang handbags on pushchairs or shopping trolleys and don’t leave your shopping unattended. If you would like to discuss your security options with me, please give me a call on 101, extension 30809. Or email me at Neil.Clarke@surrey.pnn.police.uk To contact Surrey Police, call 101. In the event of a crime being in progress or in an emergency - call 999

Don’t let your Christmas and New Year be ruined by burglars

Neil Clarke, 13363 Crime Reduction Advisor - Eastern Division 68 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014

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CASSELDEN’S SHOES Cute & Cosy deli with delicious homemade food available to eat in or take away

Bespoke Hamper Making Service Choose from our fabulous selection of home-made edible gits. Christmas Cakes Savory Biscuits

Christmas Pudding Chocolate Truffles

Christmas Cheese Ordering Service last booking date 19/12/14 All items can be picked up as late Christmas Eve


01372 879741 23 High Street, Bookham






Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014


Christmas Services at St Nicolas 7th

Second Sunday of Advent

8.00am 10.00am 4.30pm

Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Morning Prayer with Baptism St Nicolas4All Holy Communion with Sparklers and Trailblazers

14th 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm

Third Sunday of Advent Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion St Nicolas4All with Sparklers and Trailblazers


Fourth Sunday of Advent

8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm 6.30pm 28th

Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion No St Nicolas4All today Nine Lessons and Carols

24th 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.30pm 6.00pm 11.30pm

Christmas Eve Crib Service* Crib Service* Crib Service** Crib Service** Midnight Communion

* 30 minute service of carols and activities especially suitable for those aged 7 & under. The 3.30pm service will be a repeat of the 2.00pm service. ** One hour service of carols and readings especially suitable for those aged 8 & over. The 6.00pm service will be a repeat of the 4.30pm service.

25th 8.00am 10.00am

Christmas Day Holy Communion (Traditional Language) All-age Holy Communion

First Sunday of Christmas

8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm 6.30pm

Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion No St Nicolas4All today Nine Lessons and Carols

January 2015 4th 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm

Second Sunday of Christmas Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Morning Prayer St Nicolas4All Holy Communion with Sparklers and Trailblazers

11th 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm

The Baptism of Christ (First Sunday of Epiphany) Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion with Remembrance St Nicolas4All with Sparklers and Trailblazers

18th 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm 6.30pm 25th 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm

Second Sunday of Epiphany Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion All-age St Nicolas4All Evensong The Conversion of Paul Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion St Nicolas4All with Sparklers and Trailblazers

Further details available from St Nicolas Parish Office: 01372 450709 or www.stnicolasbookham.org.uk

Sunday Services at All Saints Church, Manor House Lane, Little Bookham

7th Dec

Second Sunday of Advent 10.00 am Communion Service

14th Dec

Third Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion 6.00pm Evensong

21st Dec

Fourth Sunday of Advent 10.00am Communion Service & Sunday Club

24th Dec

Christmas Eve 3.00pm Crib Service

25th Dec

Christmas Day 8.00am Holy Communion 11.00am Family Christmas Celebration

28th Dec

First Sunday of Christmas 8.00am Holy Communion 11.15am Matins

Sunday Services

December 2014

January 2015 4th Jan

Second Sunday of Christmas 10.00am Communion Service

11th Jan

First Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am Holy Communion

18th Jan

Second Sunday of Epiphany 10.00am Communion Service & Sunday Club

25th Jan

The Conversion of Paul 8.00am Holy Communion 11.15am Matins

2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 10.30-12.00 Chatterbox - a group for pre-school children and their carers. Further details from website www.all-saints-church-little-bookham.org.uk



Fairfield Medical Centre, Lower Rd ... 01372 455455 Mole Valley District Council............01306 885001 Eastwick Med’, Eastwick Pk Ave .... 01372 452081 Surrey County Council....................08456 009009 Leatherhead Leisure Centre..........01372 377674 CHEMISTS Bookham Library............................0845 600 9009 Grove Pharmacy, Lower Shott.......01372 453293 Bookham Residents’ Association......01372 452532 Boots the Chemist, 5 High Street .. 01372 452067 Police (non-urgent matters)..............................101 Help your Neighbour Scheme.......07986 177234 HALL HIRE Citizens Advice Bureau ............. 0844 4 11 1444 Old Barn Hall, Church Road...........01372 456307. St. Lawrence Church Hall...............01372 452942 HOSPITALS Little Bookham Village Hall.............01372 454001 Epsom Hospital A & E ...................01372 735735 Baptist Church Hall, Lower Road .. 01372 811313 St Helier Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital Eastwich Road Church (URC) .... 01372 453473/453704 for Children.....................................0208 296 2000 Youth Centre (opp Anchor) Lower Rd ... 01372 453803 Leatherhead Hospital.....................0208 296 2000 King George V Hall, Browns Lane ... 01372 451925 Ashtead Hospital.............................01372 221647 SPACE, Dorking Road ... info@southbookhamspace.org.uk NHS Direct.............................................0845 4647 Bookham Scouting Centre.............01372 454383


McCormick & Associates, 30 High St .........01372 459393 Gt B’hm Dental Prac, 1 The Garstons ... 01372 454355 Dawnay School...............................01372 456774 AJ Hedger, 26 Church Road .......... 01372 457959 Eastwick County Infant School.......01372 453672. Astek Dental Care, 19 Cannon Grove .... 01372 377678 Eastwick Junior School...................01372 453277 Glenesk School...............................01483 282329 TRAVEL Howard of Effingham School.........01372 453694 Train information............................0845 748 4950 Manor House School......................01372 457077 Polesden Lacey Infant School........01372 456533 CHURCHES St Lawrence’s Primary School.......01372 452870 All Saints C of E Church.................01372 458314 St Teresa’s Junior............................01372 453456 Bookham Baptist Church ........... 01372 811313 St Teresa’s Senior...........................01372 452037 Eastwich Road Church(URC) ......01372 453704 Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church ...01372 458263 VETERINARY SURGEONS Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit ... 01372 458263 Brelades...........................................01372 452531 St Nicolas’ Church........................ 01372 450709 Pet Doctors, Fetcham.....................01372 379636 Quaker Meeting ............................01372 454363


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72 Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014


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The Bookham Library team would like to wish you all a very happy Christmas & thank you for your support in 2014. We look forward to seeing you in 2015.

MORE TO EXPLORE IN YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY! Townshott Close (next to the Baptist Church) We’re open: Mon 9.30-5, Tues 9.30-7, Thurs 2-6, Fri 9-5, Sa 9.30-4

Looklocal Magazine - Festive Issue 2014


INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Ability Store............................................... 47 Able Roofing.............................................. 54 Alan Greenwood........................................ 26 Andy’s Garden Services............................... 47 Ashtead Hospital........................................ 21 Aspen Live-in Care..................................... 64 Astek Dental.............................................. 35 Axis Pilates................................................. 14 Beauty Solaire............................................ 6/7 Beckley’s Automotive.................................. 32 Bob Mitchell - Painting and Decorating..... 12 Bocketts Farm............................................ 35 Body Tonic................................................. 17 Bookham Carpets......................................... 9 Bookham Chiropody.................................. 46 Bookham Choral Society............................ 14 Bookham Physiotherapy............................. 36 Boyalls Ironmongery & Doors................... 29 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................. 21 Casselden’s Shoes........................................ 69 CD Sheldon Flooring................................. 45 Challenge Windows................................... 55 Choice at Home......................................... 30 Computer Fix............................................. 54 Cosy Flooring............................................. 36 CSH Homecare.......................................... 13 CT Cars..................................................... 61 Dancetime.................................................. 60 Dashe Developments.................................. 46 DB Garden Services................................... 76 DPB Pristine Oven Cleaning...................... 40 Dream Doors............................................. 41 Effingham Express...................................... 40 Elite Tree Services....................................... 26 Emily’s Beauty............................................ 31 Englishman’s Castle.................................... 15 Everycare.................................................... 24 Extra Clean................................................ 33 Fine Fettle.................................................. 19 First Choice Cleaning Company................ 64 Get Going Physio....................................... 26 Great Bookham Dental.............................. 12 H J & F Covey........................................... 49 Harvey Fab................................................. 64 Headliners.................................................. 59

Hedleys Solicitors....................................... 62 Henshaws Estate Agents............................... 8 Homefix – Property Maintenance.............. 18 HRS Roofing............................................. 57 King Pin Acupuncture................................ 67 L Hawkins & Sons..................................... 36 Leatherhead Motor Company.................... 23 Leatherhead Town Management................. 25 MacDonald & Sons Fencing...................... 27 Michael Reeve Landscaping........................ 46 MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd............ 76 Mr Maintenance........................................ 64 P&B Tree Services...................................... 57 Planning and Design Service...................... 62 Polesden Lacey........................................... 31 Priscilla’s Cleaning ..................................... 67 Pullen Plumbing........................................ 66 R Williams Heating & Plumbing............... 65 Rawlings and Kensett Butchers................... 75 RB Construction........................................ 62 RJK Decorating.......................................... 65 Roofing & Guttering.................................. 40 Roofs of Esher............................................ 59 Roots and Shoots......................................... 2 Roxley Models............................................ 20 RSM Domesitic Appliances........................ 20 Run to Live................................................ 63 Russell & Co - Accountants....................... 65 Scoffers....................................................... 69 Shirley Garage............................................ 52 South View Cleaning Co............................ 24 Tec Res Computer Solutions................... 50/1 The Grange ............................................... 37 The Leatherhead Theatre............................ 53 The Potting Shed........................................ 57 The Vineries...................................4/5 38/39 Tony Meadows Decorating......................... 45 Wagging Tails ............................................ 12 Waste Savvy................................................ 18 Wavelengths............................................... 44 © Look Local Magazine 2014 Designed and set by Kirsty Hamilton

Rawlings and Kensett

Wishing you a Merry


Christmas Opening Hours 11th Dec 22nd-23rd 24th Dec 25th-26th 27th Dec 28th-29th 30th Dec 31st Dec 1st Jan


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