LookLocal December 2019
Your award-winning local community magazine
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Based in Merrow and established in 1992, Roots & Shoots is a family-run tree care company which offers a professional and comprehensive arboricultural and landscaping service. We take great pride in our reputation and we offer all our clients a professional, courteous, and personal service. All our tree work is done to British Standards 3998 and is carried out to the highest standards by qualified staff.
3 We aim to ensure the conservation of trees through proper pruning practices. By embracing the latest research and modern techniques we provide the very best care for your trees, and with this in mind, we are happy to provide free advice and estimates. QualifiEd and insurEd 24hr EMErgEncy sErvicE frEE QuoTaTions Magazine - December 2019 2 Looklocal
to December
s are just for the elderly...”
’tis the season to be jolly!!
Howonly can that be?additional I feel like thistax year relief has simply flown by, faster give if property passes than ever. In my mind it’s about March! to specific people on your death: it is crucial that y have a property so I don’t need I decided last year, that I would get all my all Christmas yourdone Willbyprovides forthis this. Care fees arethat also a shopping 1st December year, needless to say, ill...” didn’t happen! And for thus many far, I haven’t Busy great worry andactually Wills started! may be able to husband will receive everything month ahead it seems! be drafted to ring-fence your property. So, plenty to look forward to in Bookham this month, late omatically...” night shopping will take place on Thursday 5th December. This “ My husband will receive everything e are some of the things people say to me is always such a lovely evening, and to assist you MVDC have kindlyautomatically...” issued a notice advising of Free Parking in the village on I ask them why they don’t have a Will. that evening. Details can be found within. tunately, they are not always right and intestacy rules (the rules would TheThe Bookham Christmas Charity post team which will be back in apply againdon’t this year, you can find details where purchasethat assumptions can result in the wrong family action if you have a valid Will)ofdo nottomean stamps on page 15. bers inheriting, additional tax and difficulties youreverything automatically passes to a spouse on We also include details of a number of local concerts and are fees. Putting a Will in place should be Christmas death,events as some passes children. This which I money hope will be enjoyed to by many. Local resident George Kirby turned 104 in November! What an dered by everyone at every stage of life. can also have the unforeseen effect of additional amazing age, and what a lovely man. His family celebrated with inheritance tax to pay. For some families, their him locally and a great time was enjoyed by all. s are just for the elderly...” passing to ina this spouse We entire enclose aestate little tribute to George issue. may not be a regular reader Look Local,there you may remember a appropriate, forofexample may be children are very useful for younger people too as If you’re couple of features we have included over the years about the from a previous marriage, children whose an appoint guardians and trustees for your wonderful work local lady Sue Sheward MBE, is involved with at are Rehabilitation not working out inorBorneo. children who en. We do not have a crystal ball and do the marriages Sepilok Orangutan Centre We are delighted to report that Sue has been bestowed with a prestigious now when we are going to die. Making sure are vulnerable. It is only through a Will that the title by the Head of State of Sabah! Truly deserved. Look Local necessary mechanisms can be put in place to ave a Will in place now, means you will havewould like to send our Congratulations to Sue and her team. It is Bookham Late Night Shopping 6 protect everyone’s interests. cted your family should the worst happen. so good that your hard work over the past two decades has been Christmas Charity Post 15 recognised. To find out more please see page 22. can set up the right structure for your
36 20
Delicious Dishes Recipe
, safeguard your children’s Puzzle inheritance, 28 Crossword Musicdo Matters e your31children not pay more tax than Bookham Residents with Assoc.special hould38 and that any children Sudoku & Digi-Search 40 s are appropriately protected.
What’s On in December 41 Computerso TipsI don’t need 46 y have a property Bookham Wine Club 55 ill...” 56 Church Services Surrey Police a Notice cially in58Surrey, owning property means Useful Numbers 60 ave a large financial asset you need to Bookham Library Notice 61 e passes to the right people. New tax laws Puzzle Solutions 61 62 Advertisers’ Index
Having a Will in place means you have certainty
Wishing you all a wonderfully festive month, thatbeyou we will back are in theprotecting new year as weyour enter family so it is always our worth sixteenthhaving year in print! an initial chat with a solicitor.
This article has been prepared by Cara Hughes who is a COMMUNITY MAGAZINE solicitor at Wellers Hedleys OF THE YEAR 2019 ROS REDFERN - EDITOR Solicitors, specialising Next Copy Deadline 5th December for our January Issuein Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney and phone us 01372 200 000 estate administration, please email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk call 01372 750100.
like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
SOLICITORS - PRIVATE CLIENT SERVICES • Is your Will fit for purpose, up to date and was it prepared by a qualified solicitor? • Is it time to consider setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney? • Do you need assistance in obtaining a Grant of Probate or administering an estate? If you are concerned about any of these issues please talk to Cara Hughes, a leading private client solicitor at Wellers Hedleys Solicitors who looks after clients across our offices in Bookham, Effingham and the Horsleys. Cara is a full member of STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) and currently sits on the Board of Surrey Solicitors for the Elderly. Cara will be able to help you with any issues concerning Wills, trusts, Powers of Attorney, Court of Protection, probate and estate administration.
www.wellerslawgroup.com/hedleys Wellers Hedleys is a trading name of Wellers Law Group LLP which is registered in England and Wales, registered number OC350170 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No 525515.
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Call Cara on: 01372 750100 to book an initial consultation or email: enquiries.surrey@wellerslawgroup.com
“I don’t need a Will...”
“ Wills are just for the elderly...” “ I only have a property so I don’t need a Will...” “ My husband will receive everything automatically...” These are some of the things people say to me when I ask them why they don’t have a Will. Unfortunately, they are not always right and such assumptions can result in the wrong family members inheriting, additional tax and difficulties with care fees. Putting a Will in place should be considered by everyone at every stage of life.
“ Wills are just for the elderly...” Wills are very useful for younger people too as you can appoint guardians and trustees for your children. We do not have a crystal ball and do not know when we are going to die. Making sure you have a Will in place now, means you will have protected your family should the worst happen. A Will can set up the right structure for your family, safeguard your children’s inheritance, ensure your children do not pay more tax than they should and that any children with special needs are appropriately protected.
“ I only have a property so I don’t need a Will...” Especially in Surrey, owning a property means you have a large financial asset you need to ensure passes to the right people. New tax laws
only give additional tax relief if property passes to specific people on your death: it is crucial that your Will provides for this. Care fees are also a great worry for many and Wills may be able to be drafted to ring-fence your property.
“ My husband will receive everything automatically...” The intestacy rules (the rules which would apply if you don’t have a valid Will) do not mean that everything automatically passes to a spouse on death, as some money passes to children. This can also have the unforeseen effect of additional inheritance tax to pay. For some families, their entire estate passing to a spouse may not be appropriate, for example there may be children from a previous marriage, children whose marriages are not working out or children who are vulnerable. It is only through a Will that the necessary mechanisms can be put in place to protect everyone’s interests. Having a Will in place means you have certainty that you are protecting your family so it is always worth having an initial chat with a solicitor. This article has been prepared by Cara Hughes who is a solicitor at Wellers Hedleys Solicitors, specialising in Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney and estate administration, please call 01372 750100.
P MOLE VALLEY FREE CHRISTMAS PARKING DATES SATURDAY 7TH, 14TH, & 21ST DECEMBER 2019 & FROM 3.00PM ONWARDS ON 5TH DECEMBER FOR BOOKHAM’S LATE NIGHT SHOPPING Mole Valley District Council car parks will be free of charge on the three Saturdays before Christmas. No tickets will be required for these days. Parking machines will be clearly marked with posters showing the free parking days on these dates. If any money is inserted on the free days, those funds will be divided between the Chairman’s charities, which this year are Leatherhead Youth Project, PSDS and Belong.
6 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
MERRY S w: www.astekdental.com t: 01372 377 678 CHRISTMA a: 19, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, KT22 9LG
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL OFFERS Bargain Bargain Bargain 80/20 Bargain 80/20 Bargain 80/20 Bargain Wool Bargain 80/20 Wool 80/20 Wool Twist 80/20 Wool Twist 80/20 Wool Twist Wool Twist Wool Twist Twist Twist UNTIL DECEMBER 31ST - was - was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was was --£37.50m² now -£37.50m² now -£37.50m² £19.99m² now -£19.99m² now -£19.99m² now - £19.99m² now - £19.99m² now £19.99m² £19.99m² n ha ! r t ht pe ig ea etr Ch arp c
100% 100% 100% Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool Loop, 100% Wool Loop, 100% Wool Loop, Natural Wool Loop, Natural Wool Loop, Natural Shades Loop, Natural Loop, Shades Natural Shades Natural Shades Natural Shades Shades Shades - an- an - an - an - an - an - an absolute absolute absolute absolute bargain absolute bargain absolute bargain absolute at bargain £15.99m² at bargain £15.99m² at bargain £15.99m² bargain at £15.99m² at £15.99m² at at £15.99m² £15.99m²
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AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr
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14 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
BOOKHAM FETCHAM AND EFFINGHAM CHRISTMAS CHARITY POST Our local Christmas Charity Post is once again up and running for its 36th year. Christmas Charity Post stamps, still costing only 30p, are available at fourteen locations around Bookham, Fetcham and Effingham, as listed below. As usual, authorised doorstep stamp sellers are operating in some local roads. Deliveries will be made to any road in Bookham, Fetcham and Effingham but not to Leatherhead, Ashtead or Horsley. The final collections will be on Wednesday 18th December, with final deliveries by Saturday 21st December. Proceeds go to humanitarian projects in third world countries, to help them move out of poverty and towards self-sufficiency using sustainable technologies.
The Leatherhead & District Lions Club
FATH E R C H RI STMA S Friday 6th Dec: 6pm - BOOKHAM Durleston Park Drive, Amey Drive, Greville Court, Priors Mead, Carmilla Close, Chilmans Drive, & Pine Dean.
Tuesday 10th Dec: 6pm - BOOKHAM Eastwick Park Avenue, Greenacres, Park Green, Murrells Walk, Parkland, Park Way, & Fernlea.
Sunday 15th Dec starting: 5pm - FETCHAM Revell Close, Humphrey Close, Copperfields, Bickney Way, Sherwood Close, Oswald Close, & Oswald Road.
SAS Roofing & Building Ltd
SAS Roofing & Building offer a full range of professional Tuesday 17th Dec: 6pm - BOOKHAM competitively Barrett Road, Browning Road,and Milton Way, & Burneypriced Close.
roofingLtd services SAS Roofing & Building
SAS Roofing & Building offer a full range of professional Sunday 22nd Dec:We 5pm - FETCHAM in: priced roofing services andspecialise competitively
SAS Roofing &Building BuildingLtd Ltd SAS Roofing Building Ltd SASRoofing Roofing && & Building
Spring Grove, Vincent Close, Lang Close, Richmond Way, Roofs •Close, Flat Roofs • Spinney. Tile & Slate Roofs Harecroft,New Richmond & The We Chimney specialiseStacks in: Re-pointing •Building All Roof Repairs SASRoofing Roofing&&Building offeraafull fullrange rangeofofprofessional professional SAS offer
SAS Roofing&&Building Buildingoffer offeraafull fullrange range of of professional professional SAS Roofing
SAS Roofing & Building Ltd New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired and competitively priced roofing services and competitively priced roofing services and competitively priced roofing services and competitively priced services SAS Roofing &roofing Building offer a full range of professional Re-pointing Chimney Stacks • All Roof New UPVC Fascias & Gutters • Repairs External Painting and competitively priced roofing services SAS Roofing & Building offer a full range of professional Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired SAS Roofing Building offer a full range of professional Moss Removal • All Work&Guaranteed specialise in:Painting We specialise in: We specialise in: and competitively priced roofing services New UPVC Fascias &We Gutters • External specialise We specialise in: roofing services and in: competitively priced Moss Removal •Flat AllRoofs Work New Roofs •Flat Roofs •Tile Tile &Slate SlateRoofs Roofs New Roofs Roofs Tile Slate Roofs New Roofs ••Flat Roofs ••Tile Slate Roofs New Roofs •Guaranteed &&&
SAS SAS Roofing Roofing && Building Building Ltd Ltd New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs
Re-pointing Chimney Stacks •All All Roof Repairs Chimney Stacks • All Roof Repairs We in: WeSpecialise specialise in: Re-pointing Chimney Stacks •All All Roof Repairs Re-pointing Stacks ••Re-pointing Roof Repairs Re-pointing Chimney Stacks Roof Repairs We specialise in: 20 YearsLeadwork Guarantee Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired New Roofs Flat Roofs Tile & Slate Roofs Valleys Renewed & Repaired Leadwork && Leadwork Valleys Renewed &Repaired Repaired Leadwork Valleys Renewed Durable & Waterproof New Roofs • Flat Renewed Roofs •New Tile &Repaired Slate Roofs UPVC Fascias & Gutters • External Painting Re-pointing Chimney Stacks All Roof Repairs New Roofs • Flat Roofs • Tile & Slate Roofs 20 Years Guarantee Fire Retardant New UPVC Fascias & Gutters • External Painting Moss Removal • All Work Guaranteed New UPVC &&Gutters •••External Painting New UPVC Fascias Gutters Painting Durable Waterproof Stacks •External AllRepaired Roof Repairs New UPVC Fascias Gutters External Painting No&Re-pointing Joints, Seams or Chimney Welds Leadwork Valleys Re-pointing Chimney •&All Roof Repairs Fire Retardant Moss • Renewed AllStacks Work Guaranteed Maintenance FreeRemoval Moss • All Work Guaranteed No Joints, Seams or Welds Moss Removal • All Work Guaranteed Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired Moss Removal All Work Guaranteed New UPVC Fascias & Gutters External Painting UV Resistant Maintenance Free Leadwork Valleys Renewed & Repaired Work Guaranteed UV Resistant New Moss UPVCRemoval Fascias &All Gutters • External Painting 20 Years Guarantee New UPVC Fascias & Gutters • External Painting Durable & Waterproof Mossroof Removal Guaranteed GRP fibreglass systems • All Work Fire Retardant Moss Removal • All No Work Guaranteed Joints, Seams or Welds 20 Years Guarantee
• • •
Maintenance Free
20 Years Guarantee Durable & Waterproof 20Years Years Guarantee UV Resistant 20 Guarantee Durable Waterproof Fire Retardant Durable Waterproof Durable &&&Waterproof No Joints, Seams or Welds Fire Retardant Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. Fire Retardant roof replacement, re-pointing Fire Retardant Complete of chimneys + lead work. Average Maintenance Free No Joints, Seams or Welds Average NoJoints, Joints, Seams Welds No Seams oror Welds 20 Guarantee score Workman worked very hard and did anjob. excellent job. UVYears Resistant score Workman worked very hard and did an excellent Maintenance Free Maintenance Free 20 Years Guarantee Maintenance Durable &Free Waterproof UV Resistant 9.89/10 UVResistant Resistant Durable &Recommended, Waterproof UV Fire Retardant & monitored local traders service providers. Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. Recommended, vetted &vetted monitored local traders and service and providers. Average Fire Retardant No Joints, Seams orby Welds Recommended by previous customers, vetted by “ Checkatrade, monitored viamonitored customer Recommended previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, via customer score Workman worked very hard and did an excellent job. No Joints, Seams or up-to-date Welds Maintenance FreeObtain feedback. Obtain an report of SAS Roofing onRoofing www.checkatrade.com feedback. an up-to-date report of SAS on www.checkatrade.com 9.89/10 Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. Maintenance UV Resistant Free Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer UV Resistant Call us today for a FREE quotation on:
feedback. Obtain an up-to-date reportquotation of SAS Roofing onon: www.checkatrade.com Call us today for a FREE
Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) Average 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 01730 290727 (Winchester) (Alton) Call us| today for a| FREE quotation on: (Petersfield) 01962 462727 | hard 01420 579727 01730 290727 01372 642727 (Bookham/Leatherhead) | lead 07564 525400 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + work. score (Petersfield) “ Workman worked very and did an excellent job. info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Alton) | 01730Average 01962 462727 (Winchester) | 01420++ 579727 290727 Complete roofreplacement, replacement, re-pointing ofwww.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk chimneys leadwork. work. Complete roof re-pointing of chimneys lead info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | Average Average score ““Recommended, Workman worked very hard and did anand excellent job. 9.89/10 info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Live feed video roof inspections vetted & monitored local traders service providers. score Workmanworked workedvery veryLive hard andvideo didan an excellent job. score “ Workman hard and did excellent job. feed roof inspections
“ “
“ “
9.89/10 9.89/10 9.89/10
Live feed video roof inspections Recommended by previous customers,re-pointing vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Complete roof replacement, chimneys + lead work. Recommended, vetted & monitored local tradersofand service providers. Average feedback. Obtain up-to-date report oflocal SAStraders Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted monitored local traders and serviceproviders. providers. Complete roofan replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys +job. lead work. Recommended, vetted &&monitored service Recommended by previous customers, vetted byand Checkatrade, monitored via customer score Workman worked very hard did an excellent Average Recommended byprevious previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitoredvia viacustomer customer Recommended by customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report ofhard SAS Roofing onan www.checkatrade.com score Workman worked very and did excellent job. Call us today forRoofing a FREE quotation on: feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 | 01730 290727 Call us today for a FREE quotation on: Recommended, vetted & monitored traders and service providers. Recommended by previous customers, vettedlocal by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: Recommended by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date report of for SAS on www.checkatrade.com info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk |aCheckatrade, www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Winchester) (Alton)
9.89/10 9.89/10
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SANTA’S sitting room The Leatherhead Institute: 67 High Street, KT22 8AH Tickets £11.50 available at www.thelittle boxoffice.com/santasittingroom
18th - 24th December Embrace the true & magical atmosphere of Christmas past, & spend quality time with Santa. Father Christmas engages the children with thoughts of history, the magic of the Santa Claus story & of course listens to all of their dreams & wishes... A beautiful antique set, charmingly studded with twinkling fairy lights adorns the parlour decorated in a Victorian style. This is a treasured event from a bygone era with all the goodies of a modern day world.
From 10am to 6:30pm
Cosy up with Father Christmas once more at the Leatherhead Institute for December 2019!
Recommended for children aged 12 months upwards. Every child will receive a boy/girl hand wrappedgift appropriate to their age.
For all aspects of landscaping and fencing, call;
07747 188963
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18 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 For all aspects of landscaping and fencing call;
01372 451872 / 07747 188963 for free estimate or advice on projects of all sizes. For full portfolio and further information visit;
Bookham Choral Society Music Director: Lewis Gaston Accompanist: Anthony Merryweather
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Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 19
chicory, blue cheese, pear and walnuts
A perfect cold starter for a winter dinner party, or festive lunch. ingredients • Chicory, washed and sliced horizontally • Crumbled blue cheese - stilton if you like strong, or cambazola if you prefer mild, or we used gorgonzola. walnuts - crushed slightly with a pestle and mortar • Pears - peeled, cored and sliced • Oil - either a really nice olive oil or a basil oil, for drizzling • Leaves for garnish - pea shoots, cress or micro leaves
method Assemble with the chicory on the base, then cheese crumbled, then walnuts, then leaves and finish with oil. Pear slices on the side. Serve with a nice rustic bread and butter or bruschetta
Delicious Dishes Event Catering Specialists
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01372 452951 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 21
Effingham resident and local Rotarian Susan Sheward MBE receives title from Sabah Head of State, Malaysia, in recognition for her work to protect endangered wildlife
Orangutan Appeal UK, a registered charity dedicated to the rehabilitation and preservation of orangutans, recently announced that it’s chairperson and founder, Susan Sheward MBE, has been awarded the ‘Title of Datuk’ by the Head of State of Sabah - the equivalent to being knighted or being made a dame in the UK.
22 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
The title was bestowed at the Sabah State Palace, hosted by the Malaysian State of Sabah, Borneo. Susan received the ‘Title of Datuk’ in recognition for her work to conserve critically endangered orangutans, Bornean Pygmy Elephants and the wildlife of Sabah. She was the only non-Malaysian to receive the title at the event, which is only rarely bestowed on non-Malay nationals. Susan became involved with the plight of the orangutans whilst visiting Borneo and has been working closely with Sabah Wildlife Department and raising worldwide awareness of the critically endangered orangutan. Her charity has invested over £2 million in Sabah, which has included refurbishment of the renowned Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, sponsorship of eight local staff to work at the centre and the funding of numerous orangutan rescues, releases and translocations. It recently completed a pledge to provide Sabah Wildlife Department’s Wildlife Rescue Unit (WRU) with three fully modified rescue vehicles. Susan said: “I am honoured to be bestowed with a Datukship in recognition for the work that both myself and my colleagues at the Orangutan Appeal UK have been involved in over the last two decades. At the same time, we couldn’t have done this without the support of those who donate to the OAUK and those who are part of our adoption programme. This has been essential in continuing to protect Sabah’s critically endangered wildlife, including the iconic orangutan and Bornean pygmy elephant.”
OPEN MORNINGS 6 December 2019, 17 January 2020 from 9.30am - 11am A safe, happy, stimulating environment for your child to learn, develop, explore and create Lower Road, Effingham, KT24 5JR Tel: 01372 453832 Email: info@thehowardnursery.thpt.org.uk www.thehowardnursery.org
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Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 23
A Magical
Christmas at Bocketts Farm Park
Father Christmas
Book tickets online now!
valid Mon - Fri, 11th Nov - 6th Dec 2019 & 6th Jan - 7th Feb 2020
A Magical Christmas at Bocketts farm 22nd November - 24th December 2019
Experience a Magical Christmas at Bocketts Farm, as Father Christmas returns from 22nd November to 24th December. This year, even more magic has been added to the experience. You’ll start the journey with one of the very important head elves as children hop aboard the Santa express and travel in style to the magical workshop. Here you’ll gather as a group for some fun with the elves before meeting Father Christmas himself and receiving a
24 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
golden coin to spend in his very own toy shop! There’s more festive fun on the farm too with a fun Christmas trail to complete, reindeer food to make, baby lambs to meet, a giant snow globe to explore, heated soft play barn and a full programme of activities. Tickets to see Father Christmas must be purchased in advance. Visit www.bockettsfarm.co.uk for times and availability. Prices from £17.50 - £24.95 per child.
LANDSCAPING Drives & Patios Block Paving Crazy Paving Resin Driveways LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPINGConcrete & BUILDING Bases LTD Drives & Patios Slabbing •Block • Wood Chippings Drives & Patios Paving • Gravelling Turfing Fencing CrazyBlock PavingPaving Driveways •Resin • Landscaping Crazy Paving Wood ChippingsOver Concrete Bases • Resin Driveways Gravelling grown Garden Slabbing • Concrete Bases • Tree Care Walls Turfing Fencing • Decking Slabbing Wood Chippings Landscaping Design & Planning RANGE OF FREE ARTIFICIAL LAWNS NOW AVAILABLE • • Artificial Grass Fencing Gravelling Overgrown Garden FREE Site Survery Turfing Tree Care Landscaping FREE Estimates & Advice RANGE OF ARTIFICIAL LAWNS NOW AVAILABLE Overgrown Garden Walls TreeFREEPHONE Care 0800 747 1121 | 01372 887 927 | 07786 541 194 Decking Walls davidstre123@gmail.com Artificial Grass www.dands-landscaping.co.uk Decking BEFORE AFTER
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Tel: 01372 454355
Excellent quality dentistry in a friendly caring atmosphere Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 25
Mia was found living as a stray. She is all black, half Siamese and has a stumpy little tail. She is chipped but not registered to anyone. She has been vaccinated, de-flead and wormed. Her teeth have been done, as they were in quite a bad state. We don’t think she can have been straying for long as she is very friendly, trusting, loves a cuddle and her coat is in very good condition, sleek and shiny. She loves her food and has been getting extra to try to fatten her up a bit. She loves playing with her fishing rod, and laser pen toys. She seems tolerant of other cats. If you feel you can give Mia her well deserved forever home please call 0345 260 1387 Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to https://www.justgiving.com/Epsom-CatsProtection
As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. www.cats.org.uk Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)
Solutions Page 61
Clue: 14 Across
Copyright Š 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Clue: 25 Across
1. Retained (4) 3. Drive to succeed (8) 9. Remedy for all ills (7) 10. Confronted (5) 11. Accumulate (5) 12. Most uncommon (6) 14. Large seas (6) 16. Little angel (6) 19. Castor and Pollux (6) 21. Idiot (5) 24. Go away (5) 25. Dried seedless grape (7) 26. Former sweetheart (3,5) 27. Leave out (4)
1. Australian marsupial (8) 2. Penne, rigatoni, etc. (5) 4. Remembrance (6) 5. Deduce (5) 6. Narrow-edged tooth (7) 7. Naked (4) 8. Jail (6) 13. Plentiful (8) 15. Green gem (7) 17. Lowly (6) 18. Chinese dumplings (3,3) 20. Perfectly suited (5) 22. Domain (5) 23. In addition (4)
28 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
Clue: 1 Down
Clue: 15 Down
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Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 29
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30 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
Music MAT T E RS
For all your building needs: Extensions, Conversions, New Builds, Renovations, Kitchen and Bathrooms For free estimate or advice on projects of any size please contact: Alistair Wishart T: 01372 459127 M: 07747 481769 E: alistair.wishart@yahoo.co.uk Web: DasheDevelopments.co.uk
FESTIVE FUN QUESTIONS: 1. A hit for Mike Oldfield is “In Dulci Jubilo”. What does this translate to in English? 2. Who wrote Slade’s perennial hit “Merry Christmas Everybody”? 3. Who wrote “For unto us a child is born”? 4.Who goes “Rockin’ around the Christmas tree” every year?
5. In the “Twelve days of Christmas” how many Lords a Leaping are there?
Landscape Gardening Block paving | Brick & stone walling Crazy paving | Paths & drives Rockeries | Pools | Turfing etc.
All types of fencing
01372 377192
Langley House | 90 Levett Road | Leatherhead | KT22 7EH
6. Which Micahel Jackson song was a Christmas No 1 in 1995? 7. Who gets the song writing credits for Band Aid’s “Do they know it’s Christmas”? 8. Who’s Christmas hit is “Gaudete”? 9. In the Christmas song “It’s beginning to look like Christmas” who hopes to get a pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots”? 10. Who sung about a “Funky New Year”? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 61
Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 31
CHRISTMAS TREES NOW IN STOCK Potted Norway Spruce Trees from Cut Nordman non-drop from a fantastic
£29.99 £24.99
All premium grade, all grown in the UK. Fresh Deliveries into the Garden Centre daily Also available: Local mistletoe & beautiful holly wreaths...
Local English Mistletoe
Home Grown Cyclamen
Home Grown Poinsettias
Festive Wreaths
Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk
50p will be donated to the local school fund of your choice
CHRISTMAS TREE* Lower Road, Effingham, Surrey KT24 5JP
01372 458934
Christmas Cards, Wrapping Paper, Lights & Decorations also available...
VINES COFFEE SHOP Our Coffee Shop will be serving Christmas menu items from
Wednesday 27th November 2019. You can also pre-book a full Christmas lunch, available from 27th November Book now to avoid disappointment
01372 457337
Contact Vines for full Christmas Menu details
We will be closing at 3pm on Christmas Eve & will be closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year’s Day. All other days normal opening hours apply.
Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk
e: ben@howellrs.com w: www.howellrs.com 79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL
34 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
Newly Refurbished Grooming Parlour. Est. 2003
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t: 01372 459 670 w: www.bonniedogs.co.uk 19 Dorking Road, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4PU
Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm
Alan Greenwood & Sons Funeral Directors and Monumental Masons
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Circuit Exercise Classes ADULTS
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01372 450028 07747 886961 wow.elainemaddison@gmail.com
www.fitnessbookham.com Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 35
Dorking Camera Club’s annual photography exhibition returns to Denbies MONDAY 2ND - SUNDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2019
The Dorking Camera Club exhibition returns to Denbies Wine Estate from Monday 2nd to Sunday 8th December 2019. The free exhibition brings together over 70 stunning photographs from Dorking Camera Club members, showcasing some of the most beautiful scenery from the local area as well as photography from locations further afield, captured by club members. In its 64th year, the Dorking Camera Club displays beautiful and memorable imagery from amateur photographers who live in the Dorking area. Visitors have the opportunity to buy exhibits and are also encouraged to vote for their favourite image in the exhibition. The photographer with the winning exhibit will be awarded the Walker Cup.
36 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
The subjects on display are varied, highlights in this year’s show include: Town on fire by Mike Nott, She’s got a fish by John Bartlett, Poppies in the barley by Edward Bennett and Walking into Autumn by David Balaam. Bob Ede, Dorking Camera Club’s Chairman said: “The show promises something that’ll appeal to everyone. For those who see something that catches the eye, there’s the opportunity to buy a print. It’s the perfect opportunity to do some Christmas shopping and buy a memorable keepsake for someone special.” Dorking Camera Club is sponsored by chartered financial planners HJP.
Thank you for all your support in 2019 We look forward to welcoming you in the New Year Join us for delicious home-made scones in our beautiful conservatory at The Grange, every Tuesday, or come for freshly brewed coffee and cakes on Fridays – all prepared and served by people we support at The Grange.
The Grange, Rectory Lane, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4DZ 01372 452 608 www.thegrangecentre.org.uk Registered charity no 207740
Simply Scones Tuesday 2-3.30pm Cuppa & Cake Friday 10.00-11.30am In the Grange Conservatory Booking essential Call 01372 452 608
On 6th November the BRA held its annual “Bookham Question Time” event which gives all residents the opportunity to ask their elected Councillors questions on local issues. There was a full house at the Old Barn Hall with nearly a 100 residents attending. Managing the questions was Rev Alan Jenkins. Questions ranged from traffic management in the High Street and village centre, the impact of the MVDC Local Plan on Bookham, economic development and coast to coast funding, MVDC service delivery, recycling and waste disposal, fire and rescue services, environmental health and the new youth centre development to replace the Lower Road centre which has recently closed. In addition to our Councillors, Daniel Elkeles the
38 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
Chief Executive of the Epsom & St Helier University Hospital gave an update on the recently announced new Acute Services hospital. Public consolation will be commencing in 2020 to determine the location of the new facility. Daniel also reported that if the location of the new acute facility made travel difficult for residents then they could be referred the Royal Surrey in Guildford. The next public meeting to be hosted by the BRA will be to discuss the MVDC Local Plan consolation which is to be issued by MVDC in February 2020. Les Huett BRA Publicity
Could you do with a helping hand? Talk to Extra Help for the complete solution We can help with: • • • • • • • • • • •
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P&B Tree Surgeons Hedge trimming, Stump grinding. All Landscaping, Driveways, Patios and Fencing Undertaken. 24 Woodlands Road, Bookham, Surrey.
01372 456705 STEPHEN HERMAN 25 Years’ Experience
Hard Landscaping Paving Stone Walling Telephone
01483 282705 Mobile
07710 325983 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 39
Bookham resident, Mr George Kirby celebrated his
104TH BIRTHDAY on 6th November with a family lunch party. 4 generations of his family attended.. George was born in 1915 in Edmonton, London, obviously these were rather austere times. He was one of 11 children. Sadly George lost many of his friends and family members in the Second World War, and more again to the horrendous TB epidemic which was rife at that time. George met his future wife Eileen at a pre-war tea-dance. They married and had two daughters Gillan and Pauline. Conscription to the RAF followed, as a physical training instructor initially, then he went on to become sergeant and was posted to the Far East for two whole years. George received the Burma star for his war time service under Lord Mountbatten!
Sudoku #8
1 2 3 9 8 6
9 8 1 3 2 8
©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com
4 2
© 2013 KrazyDad.com
Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.
Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.
40 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
7 8 1 3 9 7 1 0 3 5 0 9 3 0
If you can afford it, please help keep these puzzles free by making a donation. Give online at http://krazydad.com Or by mail: Krazydad, P.O. Box 303 Sun Valley, CA 91353 USA Thank you!
7 3 6 1 7 2 4 1 9 5 7 6 5 2 9 1 7 2 5 3 4
The ‘Look Local’ team would like to pass our warmest Congratulations to George, we hope you had a lovely day.
Digi search
Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 17
Having been happily married for 75 years, his wife sadly passed away 6 years ago. A very hard time for George, who still misses Eileen hugely. His daughter Gillian strongly believes that her Dad is ‘still with us at 104 due to his positive approach to life; he overcomes all of life’s challenges and he never gives up hope. Dad has had no special diets or drinks, just good home cooking and the odd glass of wine, he also always maintains a great sense of humour.’
6 7 8 2 8 6 2 9 2 4 9 8 7 9
7 9 7 4 7 5 6 8 4 3 3 4 1 5
7 0 5 3 0 4 7 3 4 2 7 7 9 5
4 0 7 2 9 3 8 4 2 2 4 5 2 4
8 4 6 5 8 2 4 5 5 0 0 5 7 6
3 7 4 5 9 8 3 6 3 9 2 1 3 4
7 5 9 6 8 7 2 2 6 8 8 2 8 7
2 8 3 4 0 6 3 2 4 9 4 3 4 3
6 3 8 3 4 5 4 7 1 7 7 4 7 6
3 2 4 1 5 4 5 3 2 9 1 2 2 2
9 9 7 2 6 9 6 3 2 8 5 1 9 5
4 1 4 3 7 3 7 8 5 0 2 1 3 3
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 15453, 24325, 26784, 29384, 32851, 34567, 43287, 45471, 50213, 55005, 55123, 57649, 75684, 84715, 89804, 91222
Sunday 1st DECEMBER
Jack and the Beanstalk, a multi-sensory pantomime for children and young people with special needs and their families. To be held in Gt. Bookham at 11.15am and 2pm. Pre-booked tickets £5 per person available through Head2Head Theatre Charity: 01372 278021 / 07519 747290 / office@head2headtheatre.co.uk
Colour your Own Christmas Cards - with Sarah Jane Vickery at Polesden Lacey, Bookham RH5 6BB from 10.30am - 12noon. Did you like to colour as a child? Would you like to put a handmade touch on Christmas? Then this is for you! Arrive at least 15 minutes before your workshop begins. For more info: www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey
Monday 9th DECEMBER
Back by popular demand...See the London Christmas Lights. Coach Tour including a 2 course Christmas dinner! 4.45pm pick up from Symphony World Travel, Fetcham. £32.00pp. Tickets available from 01372 375 361
Friday 13th DECEMBER
Crispian Steele-Perkins concert at Leith hill, Dorking RH5 6LX at 1pm & 4pm, virtuoso performer Crispian Steele-Perkins will be performing a concert of classical & festive music, along with an exploration of historical brass instruments. Mulled wine & mince pies will be served in the interval. Tickets cost £20, booking is essential. 0344 249 1895 or www.nationaltrust.org.uk/leith-hill-place
13th - 15th DECEMBER
Father Christmas at Polesden Lacey, Bookham RH5 6BB from 10.30am. Our friendly elves will be on hand to guide you through the woodlands, where children can enjoy craft activities whilst they wait to meet Father Christmas, in his bejewelled grotto. Booking essential: polesdenlacey@nationaltrust.org.uk. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey
18th-24th DECEMBER
Santa’s Sitting Room at the Leatherhead Institute, KT22 8AH, from 10am -6pm. Father Christmas engages the children with thoughts of history, the magic of the Santa Claus story and of course listens to all of their dreams and wishes... Tickets £11.50 available at www.thelittleboxoffice.com/santasittingroom.
Weds 18th DECEMBER
Bookham Choral Society with Conductor Lewis Gaston will be presenting their annual Carol Concert in St Nicolas Church, Bookham at 8.00pm. Mince Pies & a glass of wine will be served. Tickets at £12 (u18s £6) are available at The Wishing Well, High St, Bookham or from our Box Office on 01372 375644 or bcsboxoffice@gmail.com.
18th - 24th DECEMBER
Santa at Bocketts Farm, Young St, Fetcham, KT22 9BS. Enjoy a magical and festive family visit to meet Father Christmas in his traditional workshop. 18th - 20th Dec (10.15am - 5.15pm) 21st - 23rd Dec (9.15am - 5.15pm) 24th Dec (9.15am - 3pm) Visit www.bockettsfarm.co.uk/explore/christmas/ for more info & to book.
If there’s an event in December that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Monday 11th November. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.
REGULAR events Sunday 1st
Join the Bookhams Residents’ Association for our regular monthly litter pick. Meet at 11am at the Lower Shott car park. Gloves, grabs, and high vis tops will be provided. www.bookhamresidents.org.uk / 0300 030 9890
Sunday 1st
Jazz on Sunday Lunchtimes at The Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. 1pm - 4pm. Dec 1st - No Jazz, Dec 9th - Reeds United, Dec 16th - Southern Revival New Orleans Jazz Band, Dec 23rd - The Black Cat Jazz Band (West Country), Dec 30th - No Jazz. Mick Welstead: 01444 243 745 or email: mickywelstead@gmail.com
Monday 2nd
Fetcham Singers - friendly Ladies Choir meets at the Parish Church Hall, Church Road, 7.30pm for 7.45pm. New members are always welcome. There are no auditions. Contact Sandra Brown on 01372 276736
Monday 2nd
Pebble rhymetime & storytime at Bookham Library, KT23 4DQ from 11-11.30am. Join us for some rhymes & music with Pebble the penguin. Due to limited space, each session is run on a ‘first come first served’ basis. For more info: 0300 200 1001
(1st Sunday monthly)
(weekly - term time)
Tuesday 3rd
(1st Tues monthly)
Wednesday 4th (1st Weds monthly)
Wednesday 4th (weekly)
Thursday 5th
(1st Thurs monthly)
Bookham & District U3A 2.30pm at the Old Barn Hall, Bookham, KT23 3PQ. Christmas Meeting - Bob Kelley talking on “Mary Anning”. For any further info, please contact Pam Hyde 01372 454734 or membership@bookhamu3a.org.uk. Bookham Bees WI, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30 for 7.45pm For more information please email: bookhambees@outlook.com The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, meets every Weds (except August), 7.30pm at the Methodist Church, Church Road, KT22 8AY. For singing in close harmony there’s nothing like it! Contact: Gary Score on 01372 275177. New singers welcome. Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. Christmas Party. Beginners and more experienced quilters welcome. Sandy Clark on 01372 579321 / pumphousecottage@gmail.com. www.molevalleyquilters.org.uk
Thursday 5th
Rotary Club of Bookham & Horsley, at Thatchers Hotel Guildford Road, East Horsley, KT24 6TB, 7.30pm -10pm. 01483 280500 or www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/homepage
Thursday 5th
Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. 1st Thursday of the month. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institute, £5. Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844
(1st Thurs monthly)
42 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
Friday 6th
New ‘Cuppa and Cake’ Morning at the Grange, KT23 4DZ. Friday Mornings will never be the Same again! We will be running a ‘Cuppa & Cake’ morning every Friday from 10am - 11.30am. Book your places: 01372 452 608. www.grangecentre.org.uk
Friday 6th
Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, Christmas meeting. 10am - 12noon. Members pay an annual subscription of £5, & £2 per meeting. Open to anyone not just Civil Servants. Anne Thomson on 01372 373258
Friday 6th
Silver Strollers at Polesden Lacey, RH5 6BB. 10.00am - 11am. This is our social walking group for active older walkers covering the stunning and occasionally hilly terrain of the Surrey Hills. 01372 452048 or www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey
Friday 6th
Bookham Country Market is open every Friday morning in the Old Barn Hall. Do come & visit us - you’ll receive a warm welcome. For more info contact bookhamcountrymarket@gmail.com or 01372 452634
Tuesday 10th
Dog Walking Club at Polesden Lacey, Bookham RH5 6BB. 9.30am - 10.30. Join us on a walk of the estate with your canine friends. Please meet outside the Coffee Shop. For more information: 01372 452048 or visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey
(1st Friday monthly)
(2nd Tues monthly)
Tuesday 10th
(2nd Tues monthly)
Sunday 8th
(2nd Sun monthly)
Monday 9th
(2nd Mon monthly)
Monday 9th
(2nd Mon monthly)
Wednesday 18th (3rd Weds monthly)
Wednesday 25th (4th weds monthly)
Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, KT22 9QS. Speaker Andy Thomas ‘A Celebratory History of Christmas’, 7.45pm. Meriel Sexton on merielsexton@hotmail.com Quaker Meeting. An evening meeting is held from 6.30 - 7.30 at Park House, Leatherhead, Randall’s Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship focusing on silence & stillness. For more info: Catherine Carr 01483 283693 or catherinemcarr15@gmail.com Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30 for 8pm. ‘Christmas Wines by Heather Dougherty. For more info: membership@ bookhamwineclub.org.uk or web www.bookhamwineclub.org.uk Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis and/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT 23 3PQ at 7.30pm. Contact details on website or just come along. www.topicofcancer.org.uk/ Eastwick WI. St Mary’s Annexe, Fetcham KT22 9AZ 7.30pm. Christmas Charisma. Cost £4.50, 2pm. Visitors welcome. Mary Morris 01372 289822 / eastwickwi.org.uk Walk around the grounds of Polesden Lacey on the 4th Weds of the month from 9.30am to 11am. The walk is led by two Polesden Lacey volunteers. The walk takes place whatever the weather & the gathering place is outside the Cowshed Cafe. For more information visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey/whats-on
SAVE THE DATE FOR JANUARY Saturday 11th JANUARY 2020 (monthly)
Hardy Plant Society - Southern Counties Group talk at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ (10:00 for 10:45 am) on ‘Adapting perennial plants and gardens for the 21st century’ by Andrew Humphris. £4. Sale of plants, garden sundries & books. More details on www.hps-southerncounties.co.uk/ or contact us at info.hps.scg@gmail.com.
Wednesday 29th JANUARY 2020
Curzon Country Cinema at The Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ. “Downton Abbey-The movie”(pg) 2pm, 4.50pm, 7.20pm. Booking is recommended. 01737 216 183
Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 43
HOW CRIME INVESTIGATORS USE ARCHAEOLOGY TECHNIQUES In a recent lecture to L&DLHS members at the Leatherhead Institute, forensic scientist Professor Patricia Wiltshire explained how techniques long used by archaeologists are now also applied in criminal investigations. They include examinations of pollen grains, spores and fungi as well as botany and studies of insects, soil and both human and animal bones. Professor Wiltshire has appeared in many crown courts to give critical evidence in criminal trials. She explained how Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry reveals birthplaces of individuals and their movements. Isotopes become incorporated into teeth, bones and hair, and studying body parts allows archaeologists to determine pre-historic human movements. Isotopes of nitrogen and carbon also demonstrate what people ate. So isotopic analysis is now used to provide details about murder victims and DNA is one of the most important techniques used in criminal investigations. Estimation of time since death is critical as it can also narrow the search for missing persons. Re-growth of trampled stinging nettles established the time the Soham child murder victims had lain in a ditch. In a London murder case, budding bramble stems and fungi growing on detached leaves provided an
44 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
estimated time of death between the end of September and beginning of November. Skeletal remains were assigned to a victim who had disappeared on 16 October. This window helped police limit their search in the missing persons database. Professor Wiltshire’s methods had on numerous occasions identified the exact day of an event, afterwards corroborated by the criminal’s confession. Forensic science can prove innocence as well as guilt. In another case the deceased had been given a drink made from two hallucinogenic plants and a man was arrested for manslaughter. However Professor Wiltshire analysed items from the victim’s home and his gut which showed he had taken so many other drugs that no-one could be sure what killed him. The accused was cleared of manslaughter and convicted only of possessing a Class A drug. L&DLHS monthly lectures start at 8pm with drinks and refreshments served from 7.30pm. Entrance is just £2. For more information about the L&DLHS and the Leatherhead Museum in Church Street, go to www. leatherheadhistory.org.
We provide the best possible care for your feet Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic treat foot conditions that cause discomfort and pain. Our priority is to make your feet more comforable. We carry out all of our treatments with great care and attention. Call us today if your feet need some special care.
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Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 45
Goodbye Windows 7 On January 14th 2020 Microsoft will officially end extended support of Windows 7. Yes in a matter of days Windows 7 will not receive any software support or updates. But what does this actually mean for you? In very simple terms it means that your Windows 7 device will become less and less useful if you use the device for any internet connected activity. For example if you use the machine for online banking, your bank will stop you gaining access to your online accounts, as they view your computer as being a security risk to their systems. Bit by bit this will become widespread and most online shopping systems will block your ability to carry out transactions with them for the same reason. We are not saying your machine will suddenly stop working on the 14 January. Your files and photos will still be accessible, the machine will power on as before, but you will be at greater risk to security breaches, and your ability to communicate and collaborate with others will be much reduced. What can you do about this? 1: Upgrade the software on your machine to Windows 10 (the worlds most used operating system). This does carry a cost of ÂŁ130 for the software alone, and your machine may not be designed to work efficiently with Windows 10 Or 2: Replace your computer with a new Windows 10 machine. With costs as low as ÂŁ250 for new machines this is probably the most economical route and you get a brand new, up to date machine, with a full warranty. We can transfer all your data from the old to the new machine and ensure the new machine is ready for the years ahead, with minimal disruption for you Beat the rush - act now
TecRes New online store We have been busy at work linking our new online store to reflect exactly what we hold in store, with full product images and loads of useful information for you to peruse. The website can be accessed via our usual website www.tecres.co.uk or directly via our sister website www.shop-it.co.uk. All stock quantities reflect exactly what we have in store for collection or shipment. This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.
46 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
~Surrey’s favourite Computer Store~
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01372-370300 | www.tecres.co.uk | sales@tecres.co.uk Retail store open Monday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:30pm
Gardening Matters DESIGNING A GARDEN
And here we are again in winter. Let’s think about design, food for thought in the cold months ahead when little can be done in the actual garden… When designing a garden, try to work in squares, rectangles, circles and triangles, remembering that structures such as sheds are solid shapes. There are several points to bear in mind: Firstly, try to keep things simple to avoid going potty. You need simplicity if you’re to have a restful garden, so keep the lines clean and clear. Secondly, try to unite the house with the garden. Different areas need to link up, so consider your materials and choose those which complement each other: eg if your house is red brick, a low wall of black or grey brick may scream at you every time you look at it. Also, contrast plants so that they stand out against each other: you can put almost any colours together outside. You can also use colours to create an effect: eg strong, hot colours shorten a garden and make a bold statement, whereas pastels/whites/blues do the opposite – the further away you go, the paler and lighter the colours should be so as to extend the garden. Balance is easier to achieve in a formal symmetrical garden, where 1 side of the garden is a mirror image of the other. Asymmetrical is more interesting, but you still need to balance it: eg have heavy beds opposite each other so that 1 side doesn’t seem top-heavy. To achieve
Cecelia John: 01372 200 000
48 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
scale and proportion with a large house, you need tall trees, bold foliage and substantial garden furniture. With a cottage, however, you need open, airy, shorter trees, soft flowers, more texture, and concealed tables and chairs. Interest is a personal thing. A focal point - a statue/ tree/structure - is essential, as it creates mood, theme and purpose. You can also achieve a mood with the use of pattern: yews or a dense hedge make the mood sombre; light planting, producing dappled shade, lifts the atmosphere. Foliage can be an additional point of interest, especially in winter, and there are an enormous number of colours/variegated varieties/foliage with texture and shape - eg verbascum which has a hairy leaf - plus plants with bold shapes - tall grasses/yuccas/ phormium - or bold leaves - fatsia japonica (hardy evergreen which is happy in shade) and herbs such as angelica (perennial) and fennel (copper colours). Finally, performance. Consider the amount of time something will take to maintain. Of course, if you want to make your garden your life’s work, you may prefer to create a miniature Wisley, but for you hard-pressed, time-poor gardeners, complicated = LOADS of work, and gardens take enough work to maintain as it is. So, Happy Christmas to you all, and get out there to work off the Christmas pud. You know it makes sense.
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13 Leatherhead, Cannon Grove, Fetcham Surrey. KT22 9LG
Fairfield Medical Centre Fairfield Medical Centre Leatherhead, Surrey. KT22 9LG
also at KT23 Great Bookham, Surrey. KT23 4DH Great Bookham, Surrey. 4DH
also at Fairfield Medical Centre
information, or make ForFor information, orSurrey. toto make anan Great Bookham, KT23 4DH Fairfield Medical Centre appointment, please call on: appointment, please call usus on:
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email: BCPS@physiobcps.co.uk www.bookham-physiotherapy.co.uk
Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 49
AGE Concern
Learn how to use your iPad / Tablet Smart Phone / Laptop / Computer If you are over 55 and live in the Mole Valley area, you can use Age Concern’s computer courses based in either Dorking or Leatherhead. The course runs once a week for 6-8 weeks. Topics covered will include: browsing on the internet, basic keyboard and mouse skills, using a iPad/Tablet/Smart Phone/ Laptop, setting up and using your own email or Skype accounts and how to shop on the internet. Those who already own an iPad/ Tablet/Smart Phone or a Laptop are encouraged to learn on their own device. Computers can be provided as well – it’s up to you! Before coming to the course, you must register your interest by telephoning
07442 017169 / 01306 899104 or by email: info@ageconcernmolevalley.org.uk
Registered Charity No 1111678
FATHER CHRISTMAS ON HIS SLEIGH COMING TO A ROAD NEAR YOU IN DECEMBER Thursday 5th - BOOKHAM Late Night Shopping Eve from 6-8pm Saturday 7th - EAST HORSLEY Christmas Event from 11am - 3pm Thursday 12th - EFFINGHAM Norwood Rd. Strathcona Ave, Links Way, Orchard Gdns Friday 13th - BOOKHAM Lower Shott, Newenham Rd, Overton Way, White Way, Beales Rd Sunday 15th - BOOKHAM Hawkwood Rise,The Lorne, Middlemead Rd, Sole Farm Ave Wednesday 18th - EFFINGHAM The Street, Home Farm, Browns Lane, Beech Close, The Garden Friday 20th - EFFINGHAM Leewood Way, Orestan Lane Sunday 22nd - EAST HORSLEY Forest Road, High Park Ave, Nightingale Rd, The Ridings Sunday 4pm to 6pm, Weekdays 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The Rotary Club of Bookham & Horsley. Collecting for local people & charities. Charity no.264727
50 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
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It is big in Japan, a top seller in America and it is looking all set to monopolise the fiercely competitive UK market for luxurious and large SUVs. That’s the refurbed, refreshed and reliable Lexus RX; It is a promisingly successful blend of petrol and electric for efficiency and reasonable fuel economy and all achieved in the utmost comfort. Okay, it may be relatively pricey, but for anybody with a few quid to spare and a requirement to enjoy miles of luxurious accompaniment, the RX fits the bill. Lexus, launched by Japanese car moguls Toyota 30-odd years ago and in its fifth generation, is right now, a niche player in the UK market, battling with the respectable likes of the Audi Q7, the Volvo XC90 and the Range Rover Sport, all dominant forces to be reckoned with. Since its arrival on the UK scene in 1990 more than 200,000 RX’s have hit the British market, 16,000 this year - and they aim on its upcoming re-launch early next year to smash their own record. I can see it happening. Such is the obvious care taken by the astute brains behind the scenes and the evidential fine result for their effort. They tell me that since its original launch in 1998, the revolutionary Lexus RX SUV has sold more than three million models. And I’d bet there’s not been one complaint... So what is it like? According to which of its three trim levels you fancy, the RX, F Sport or Takumi, the flexible five or slightly longer seven seater is a whizzbang
52 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
goer, huge and sprawlingly comfortable, responsive and sharp, just what you need either for arduous motorway treks or humpy-bumpy twisty rural lanes. And before you settle on a sale, you can specify halfa-dozen stand-alone spacious “captain’s chairs”..two in each row - offering a really commanding driving and viewing position. Furthermore, the clever clogs in the design and planning areas have come up with a crucial safety trim. It is entitled the BladeScan Adaptive High Beam system which offers 24m of extra vision so you can spot potential hazards without it being a blinder to oncoming drivers. And there’s tons of power from the self-charging hybrid set-up. That comprises a 259bhp 3.5 litre direction injection V6 petrol engine working with a front-andback pair of electric motors that will create a pulling power of 308 bhp. I hope that does not sound too technical. The prices will range from £52,705 up to £62,605.... So....What are the RX’s feedback and performance benefits? The five-seater F-Sport, for instance, will propel you from standstill to a respectable 62mph in around 7.7 seconds, topping out at 124 mph. The seven seater is a wee bit slower. No surprise there. No real disappointment or setback either....You would hardly notice. Those rival SUV front runners had better watch out when this flexible new boy joins the fray.
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Bookham flower club FLOWER CLUB “ENCHANTMENT”
The 4th November was a different kind of meeting for the members of Bookham Flower Club. As members arrived they were given a free raffle ticket in one of 3 colours, white, pink or yellow, and although they did not know it at the time this denoted the colour of their team for the afternoon. After the notices the Chairman explained the format for the meeting. Members were asked to divide up into their 3 teams, according to colour, to appoint a leader and to give themselves a team name. Each team had an identical table of flowers and foliage, the only difference being the colour of the flowers, white for the white team, pink for the pink team and yellow for the yellow team. The teams then had 10 minutes to plan their design. They had to complete a pedestal arrangement, the 3 pedestals, already prepared with soaked floral foam, set out at the front of the hall. Team players had to form a relay with each team member putting one stem at a time into the pedestal container. All flowers and foliage had to be used, and the final designs would be judged by Jan Clarke. There were 2 teams of 18 and one of 17, and some people who preferred to watch, cheering them on. As
54 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
the Chairman started the relay by blowing her whistle, the “Diamond White” team, the “In the Pink” team and the “Golden Girls” set off. There was a lot of discussion and lively chat, as the 3 designs took shape, and once all the flowers and foliage had been used Jan Clarke had to judge the results. She selected the pink design by the “In the Pink” team as the winner, and all team members received sweets as their prize. Two raffle tickets in each colour were drawn, the first person winning the pedestal arrangement - without the pedestal, and the second person winning a pot plant. Mary Budd won the pink arrangement. There was no Club competition this month, but next month’s competition, with Christmas in mind, is entitled “All Boxed Up”. The demonstrator for the December meeting will be Lucy Ellis and her title is “All I Want for Christmas”. Visitors will be very welcome at this meeting which takes place at 2.15pm in the Barn Hall, on 2nd December. Bookham Flower Club is a member of NAFAS National Association of Flower Arranging Societies and details of what is going on in the area can be found on their website: www.surreynafas.org.uk.
The Bookham and Fetcham art group’s exhibition was again a success and you voted for Rose Vincent’s painting of Polperro Cornwall as Best in Show. Alan Cluegh won his interpretation of Speed and painted bicycles and The Sponsors Award went to Tony Whitmarsh and his portrait of his wife. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR NEXT YEAR AND THANK YOU ALL FOR BRAVING THE WEATHER TO COME ALONG.
Bookham Wine Club Launch their new 2020 Programme …
BWC’s 2020 programme was revealed to members at their recent AGM; and once again, the planned series of monthly wine tastings led by wine professionals and educators, promises to provide another successful and enjoyable year. Full details can be found at www. bookhamwineclub.org.uk. The pre-Christmas meeting in the Old Barn Hall on December 09 features a 3-course dinner accompanied by wines chosen to match the menu; and also provide timely suggestions for wines to enjoy through the festive season. This year, Heather Dougherty, wine professional and educator, will present and discuss the wines, all of which have been selected from the impressive Laithwaite’s wine list.
The Club’s first meeting of the New Year sees the welcome return of Deborah Zbinden; when on Monday, January 13 she presents ‘Where in the World’ …. a ‘fun,’ light-hearted evening when Deborah invites members to ‘blind taste’ six wines - but here’s the catch…. the wines will all be from the same country, but which one? Perhaps white wines from one country, reds from another. If you would like to attend one of our monthly tastings, or would like further information, please contact: membership@bookhamwineclub.org.uk or visit our website: www.bookhamwineclub.org.uk. BWC wishes all Look Local readers a very happy Christmas - perhaps we will meet you in 2020?
Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 55
8am Holy Communion 10am Family Communion Service – with children’s provision - The First Sunday at 10am is a Morning Prayer service
22nd December 6.30pm Christmas Eve 2pm &3pm 4.30pm 6.00pm 11.30pm
Nine Lessons and Carols
6.30pm Evensong (third Sunday Only)
Crib Service* Family Carol Service** Family Carol Service ** Midnight Communion
* 30mins service of carols & activities especially suitable for those aged 7 & under. The 3pm service will be a repeat of the 2pm service. ** 1hr service of carols & readings especially suitable for those aged 8 & over. The 6pm service will be a repeat of the 4.30pm service.
Christmas Day 8.00am 10.00am
Holy Communion All-age Communion
Welcomes all under 5s with a parent, grandparent, carer or childminder. 1.30pm - 3.30pm in the Church Room & 2pm - 2.20pm toddler-friendly time in church. With toys, a baby area, playdoh & craft, tea & time to chat to the TotsAlive! team.
Further details available from St Nicolas Parish Office:
01372 450709 or www.stnicolasbookham.org.uk
Our Sunday Congregations
A warm-hearted congregation that enjoys variety in its worship
A gathering of all ages, vibrant and contemporary in its worship
A time and space to connect with God and with each other
Details about all that the church is doing can be found at: www.bookhambaptistchurch.org.uk or by contacting the Church office: 01372 811313
56 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
ALL SAINTS CHURCH MANOR HOUSE LANE, LITTLE BOOKHAM SUNDAY SERVICES - DECEMBER 2019 1st December 10.00am 4.00pm 8th December 8.00am 15th December 10.00am 22nd December 8.00am 25th December 10.00am 29th December 10.00am
Advent Sunday Informal Family Worship Advent Carols 2nd Sunday of Advent Holy Communion 3rd Sunday of Advent Sunday Worhship & Communion 4th Sunday of Advent Holy Communion Christmas Day Family Christmas Service 1st Sunday of Christmas Ecrumenical Sunday Worship
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10.30am - 12.00pm Chatterbox - a group for pre-school children and their carers. Further details from website:
SUNDAY SERVICES - DECEMBER 2019 Regular Sunday Service Times 10.30am - Family Service Wednesday 11th December 12.45pm - 4.00pm - Meeting Point Christmas cold buffet followed by music and carols Tuesday 17th December 3.30pm - 5pm - Messy Tingle,join us to make Christingles followed by light refreshments (All Ages) Sunday 22nd December 10.30am - Morning carol service, followed by mince pies and a hot drink Christmas Day Family Service, 10:30am with celebration refreshments to follow. For details of these services or further info please visit
www.bookhamurc.org.uk 07889 878471/ secretary@bookhamurc.org.uk
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 57
When considering what to write about this month, it would have been so refreshing not to feel the need to focus on an issue that still continues to cause immense distress to people when it happens. I am speaking, of course, about burglaries of domestic dwellings - as well as thefts from garages, sheds, outbuildings and from motor vehicles. Sadly, it is so often the case with burglaries that many homes remain regrettably insecure. One in three burglars do not have to force their way in - they gain easy access through an insecure door or open window. In most, if not all, cases we find that access has been gained at the rear of a property at ground floor level. Even when rear windows and doors have been locked - but the keys have been left in the locks or clearly visible nearby - we have found that burglars have gained easy access simply by breaking some glass and turning the key!! Whilst it is impossible to prevent this type of crime from happening in every situation, there is so much that householders can do to make their property a less attractive target to a would-be burglar. Apart from the obvious guidance to ensure that homes and property are locked up securely, it is often the case that a property that looks unoccupied is a more vulnerable target than
58 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
a home that looks as if there is someone at home. That is why I emphasise, once again, the benefit of using timers to bring on lights when you are not at home. Ideally, you should have lights coming on in different rooms at different times to mirror, as much as possible, your normal patterns of movement. Basic timers are relatively inexpensive and there are now digital timers that can be fitted over many types of wall light switches Also, I would reiterate that, as the dedicated Crime Reduction Advisor for Mole Valley, I can offer free, impartial and cost-effective advice that can help to protect your home and property and make it more secure. That is probably the most  rewarding part of my job and I feel strongly that it is important to help people make their homes and property more secure and less vulnerable to being targeted by a burglar. All you have to do to contact me is to call 101 and ask to be put through to me by name. My extension number is 30809. Alternatively, you can call my direct line on 01483 630809 or email me at Neil.Clarke@surrey. pnn.police.uk. I always focus on practical advice that is cost-effective and relevant to each individual’s situation. I do not endorse specific companies but can guide you towards what should meet your needs.
2.30PM & 6.30PM
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useful numbers DOCTORS
Eastwick Med’, Eastwick Pk Ave.........01372 452081 Bookham Library................................. 0300 200 1001 Fairfield Medical Centre, Lower Rd..... 01372 455 450 Bookham Residents’ Association .......... 0300 030 9890 Citizens’ Advice Bureau...................0844 4 11 1444 CHEMISTS Help your Neighbour Scheme...............07986 177234 Boots the Chemist, 5 High Street..........01372 452067 Leatherhead Leisure Centre....................01372 377674 Grove Pharmacy, Lower Shott................01372 453293 Mole Valley District Council..................01306 885001 Police (non-urgent matters)......................................101 HALL HIRE Surrey County Council..........................08456 009009 Baptist Church Hall, Lower Road.......01372 811313 Bookham Scouting Centre.....................01372 454383 HOSPITALS EastwickRoadChurch(URC)....01372453473/453704 Ashtead Hospital....................................01372 221647 King George V Hall, Browns Lane ... 01372 451925 Epsom Hospital A & E..........................01372 735735 Little Bookham Village Hall...................01372 453802 Leatherhead Hospital.............................0208 296 2000 Old Barn Hall, Church Road.................01372 456307 Non-emergency NHS Help.....................................111 SPACE,DorkingRoad...info@southbookhamspace.org.uk St Helier Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for St. Lawrence Church Hall......................07758 223879 Children.................................................0208 296 2000 ................................ stlchurchhallbookings@gmail.com DENTISTS The Bowlder Room, Manor House .... 01372 456752 AJ Hedger, 26 Church Road...................01372 457959 Youth Centre (opp Anchor) Lower Rd ... 01372 453803 Astek Dental Care, 19 Cannon Grove ..... 01372 377678 England House Dental, 30 High St .......01372 459393 SCHOOLS Dawnay School.......................................01372 456774 Gt B’hm Dental Prac, 1 The Garstons .....01372 454355 Eastwick County Infants School............01372 453672 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd,.......01372 363670 Eastwick Junior School...........................01372 Glenesk School.......................................01483 Howard of Effingham School................01372 Manor House School.............................01372 Polesden Lacey Infants School................01372 St Lawrence’s Primary School.................01372 St Teresa’s Junior......................................01372 St Teresa’s Senior.....................................01372
453277 282329 453694 457077 456533 452870 453456 452037
TRAVEL Train information..................................0845 748 4950
All Saints’ C of E Church.........................01372 458314 Bookham Baptist Church........................01372 811313 EastwickRoadChurch(URC).................01372 453704 Effingham Methodist Church...............01372 457987 Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church ...01372 458263 VETERINARY SURGEONS Quaker Meeting......................................01372 454363 Brelades...................................................01372 452531 Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit ... 01372 458263 Pet Doctors, Fetcham.............................01372 379636 St Nicolas’ Church...................................01372 450709 All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2019. All rights reserved.
3 6
1 9 4 7 8 2 5 3 4 2 3 6 1 9 5 9 7 4 8
9 6 1 3 4 8 1 7 3 6 9 5 2 7 1 5 8 6 3 4 3 2 4 9 8 1 7 5
5 3 8 2 6 7 6 4 1 3 BOOKHAM LIBRARY 8 2 7 5 9 Townshott Close, off Lower Road, 3 4 Bookham 1 7 8 KT23 4DQ Baptist Church) 1 7 (next 5 9 3to Bookham Parking in Lower Rd, Pay & Display 9 5 2 6 4 5 9 7 HOURS 2 8 OPENING 4 9 Monday: 6 8 1 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Tuesday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm 6 1 Thursday: 3 4 2 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm
Friday: 10am-1pm & 2pm -5pm Saturday: 9.30am-5pm
6 4 7 2 9 6 2 1 8 4
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Sudoku #4 8 2 4 3 6 1 7 5 9 5 are 1 stuck 7 2for ideas 3 come in and borrow or browse 9 If you 8 6for4 menus, 7 6 our9recipe 5 4books 8 for2 ideas 3 through 1 for Winter warmers and festive fare. 4Back 2popular 1 7 demand 3 9 is Bookham’s 8 by 6 5 free Rudolph’s Requests 1throughout 6 3 2December 9 5 - 4this8year7for adults and children. Give us some ideas on what subjects or authors you like and “Rudolph” will choose a 7 9 5 8 4 6 1 3 2 library book, for you to borrow, unwrap and read at home. 2 4 8 5 1 9 3 7 6 We will have a stall at the Baptist church on the late night shopping 6event 1 7 4 3 2 5 9 8 on Thursday 5th December from 6pm, where we will have a jolly 5jar3tombola, 8 raffle 7 and 2 we 4 chat with you about 9 6 and 1 can Surrey Library’s events and services.
Come in anytime in December to make
Sudoku #6 snowflakes - free of charge! We are recycling 5 We 7 2forward to seeing you 5scratched 6 8 CDs 7 DVDs 2 a pretty 3 look 1 and 9 4 to3 make soon at Bookham Library. you 1to take 9and3 shiny 5 home. 3 1 9 8 4 snowflake 8 6 2for7 4 6 in 5Lower Rd pay and display. 7 Our1 opening 4 3and 6location 9 8are on our website 1 Parking 2 5 times www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries 9 8 3 7 6 https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries/your-library/ 8 5 9 2 7 3 4 1 Surrey Libraries App Available find-your-nearest/bookham 7 6 2 4 1 9 7 4 3 8 2 5 6 4 9 5 1 4 2 3 6 1 5 8 7 9 6 2 8 3 8 5 6 3 9 4 1 2 7 8 7 4 9 2 4 1 7 5 6 9 8 3 3 7 9 2 8 1 5 6 4 2 5 1 6
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MUSIC MATTERS PAGE 31 1. In sweet rejoicing 2. James Lea & Neville (Noddy) Holder 3. George Frideric Handel 4. Brenda lee 5.. Ten 6. Earth Song 7. Bob Geldof & Midge Ure 8. Steeleye Span 9. Barney & Ben 10. The Eagles
Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 61
advertisers’ index Able Roofing.............................................................21
HRS Roofing Services...............................................34
Alan Greenwood & Sons Funeral Directors..............35
L. Hawkins Funeral Directors...................................18
Astek Dental...............................................................8
Lawn Master.............................................................21
Beckley’s Automotive.................................................49
MD Edwards & Son.................................................10
Boardman Gelly & Co..............................................17
Michael Reeve Landscaping.......................................18
Bockett’s Farm...........................................................24
Mole Valley DC Christmas Bin Collection..................7
Bonnie Dogs.............................................................35
MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd...........................64
Bookham Carpet Company.........................................9
P&B Tree Services.....................................................39
Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service...............49
Pullen Plumbing Services..........................................30
Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic....................45
Rawlings & Kensett...................................................63
Bookham Choral Society...........................................19
RJK Decorating Services...........................................51
Boyall’s Ironmongery & Doors..................................12
Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................29
Roofs of Esher...........................................................30
Casselden’s Shoes.......................................................49
Roots & Shoots Tree Surgery & Landscaping..............2
CD Sheldon Flooring................................................21
Rose’s Gardening.......................................................14
Cobham Dental........................................................19
Roxley Models...........................................................14
Colin Read Landscaping ..........................................31
SAS Roofing & Building...........................................16
Cosy Flooring............................................................23
Stephen Herman Landscaping...................................39
CT Cars....................................................................27
Surrey PC Tech.........................................................29
D & S Landscaping Ltd............................................25
Tec Res Computer Solutions............................... 46/47
Dashe Developments.................................................31
The Grange Centre....................................................37
DB Garden Services..................................................64
The Vineries Garden Centre................................ 32/33
Dream Doors............................................................53
Tony Meadows Decorating........................................45
Elite Tree Services......................................................34
Englishman’s Castle...................................................11
Wellers Hedleys Solicitors........................................ 4/5
Extra Help.................................................................39
Wild by Design.........................................................13
F Covey Plumbing & Heating...................................17
Wishing Well............................................................13
Finestra Services........................................................45
WOW Fitness...........................................................35
First Choice Cleaning Company...............................51 Great Bookham Dental Practice................................25 Harvey Fab................................................................39
Howard Nursery School............................................23
62 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019
RAWLINGS AND KENSETT CHRISTMAS OPENING HOURS Mon 16th & Tues 17th Dec Weds 18th Dec Thurs 19th Dec Fri 20th Dec Sat 21st Dec Sun 22nd Dec Mon 23rd Dec Tues 24th Dec Weds 25th & Thurs 26th Dec Fri 27th & Sat 28th Dec Sun 29th Dec Mon 30th Dec Tuesday 31st Dec Weds 1st & Thurs 2nd Jan
8am - 4pm 8am - 1pm 8am - 4pm 8am - 5pm 8am - 2pm 8am - 1pm 8am - 4pm 8am - 12noon CLOSED 8am - 1pm CLOSED 8am - 4pm 8am - 12noon CLOSED
Rawlings and Kensett would like to let all of our lovely customers know that Keith expects to be retiring in the New Year. Thank you for all of your custom over the last 31 years. The shop will remain as a Butchers and our fantastic hardworking staff will still be here to serve you.