Look Local Magazine - Bookham

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LookLocal February 2017


Your award-winning local community magazine

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18 From the


30 40


Contents 8

12 18 20 24 26 28 34 36 38 45 48 50 56 58 60 62


Happy New Year, Bookham! We are delighted to be back after our festive break and looking forward to the year ahead. I hope your New Year has got off to a good start? How many of you, I wonder, took part in the national Dry January? I did for the first time this year and I was delighted to say I managed it without too much trouble. The only time I really fancied a drink was on my son’s 18th birthday, but I resisted and we will raise a glass together on 1st February! Maybe he will take me out to the pub! We seem to have an action-packed start to the year, with lots of interesting bits and pieces for you to read about. I enjoyed visiting Fine Fettle recently to attend an informative Talk Evening...find out more about that on page 12. We also hear about a big challenge being taken on by a local lady to raise £4000 for St John Ambulance. What a great charity that is. And we have two brilliant competitions this month too: there are chances to win a signed autobiography by Ian Hutchinson &/or tickets for a fantastic show at Epsom Playhouse. In addition to this, we have vouchers to redeem at The Vineries Garden Centre which are well worth using! The Dawnay School welcomed an MP to their school recently and I went along to take some photographs and join his tour of the school. That was fun! We also welcome a new youth worker to Bookham, Oli Bell, who will be in and around the village on a very regular basis, and we find out about that too. I could go on, but I think I’ll let you discover the rest for yourselves! I hope you have a romantic Valentine’s Day and that you manage to keep your pancakes off the floor on 28th ! Wishing you a great month, take care until next time…



Ros Thomas Editor


5th February 2017 for the March 2017 issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags





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Reader Andrea Hughes, who has recently adopted an eight-month-old mixed breed Romanian rescue dog, explains that, although he’s settling in well, she hasn’t let him off the lead yet when out walking, as she’s worried he’ll run off. Andrea asks: how do I know when the time is right? Firstly, congratulations and well done on taking on a rescue dog. It’s always great to give a dog a second chance and it sounds like he’s found a wonderful, loving home. As with all puppies, it’s best not to let them off the lead until you are familiar with one another, have established a relationship and know that your dog is friendly and social with other people and dogs. A long training lead is a great place to start with offlead and recall training. This allows your dog to feel as though he’s off the lead while still being safely attached. To establish recall, use dog treats or toys and encourage him to come back to you. Once you’re comfortable this is working, let go of the training lead so that it trails behind him and continue the recall exercises. If his recall isn’t 100%, the lead will make it easier to get hold of him without you needing to get right to him. If he continues to shine, you can then let him off the lead.

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Bruce Casalis is director & founder of Bruce’s Doggy Day Care, a multi-award winning business in Bookham. Do you have any dog training or canine behavioural questions which you would like to ask Bruce? Send your questions to :-


Then check out this column each month for Bruce’s answers.

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Practitioner Talks

FineFettle Multi-Healthcare periodically runs free-to-attend talks by their practitioners. In December, I went along to listen to Jan Conheeney and Julia Bletcher talk about their given specialisations. Julia spoke first and told us about the ancient art of acupuncture. She started with some history: it’s quite amazing that there is evidence of this therapy being used as far back as the Stone Age. Throughout the ages, different cultures adopted the practice and managed to reduce pain in many forms with great success. Julia went on to tell us about her own training and gave some amazing examples of how acupuncture can be used. During her training, she even saw a surgical operation being performed with only the use of acupuncture to control pain! It was a very interesting talk and went on to tell how acupuncture is used in the Western world these days and how this relates to our lives today. She also demonstrated a treatment, and it was good to see that the volunteer remained comfortable throughout. This is a fascinating treatment and well worth exploring for so many conditions.

Next, Jan Conheeney told us about osteopathy. She spoke about what it actually is, and explained that there is often confusion between various similar treatments, but one easy distinction is that osteopathy produces far fewer bone-clicking noises while the treatment is being given. Often used for back and joint problems, Jan uses a wide range of gentle techniques, including soft tissue massage, joint articulation, muscle-stretching techniques and joint manipulation. The chosen treatment depends on a number of factors, such as age and general health, what the problem is and what the patient is comfortable with. Jan also spoke about some cutting-edge research projects which she is involved in, relating to patient satisfaction with osteopathy. The results were very favourable and it was clear that Jan certainly knows her subject very well.

Both practitioners were very knowledgeable and this was a great way to learn more about the treatments on offer at FineFettle. Dates & details for further talk events can be found on the FineFettle website or by simply giving them a call. They normally take place on a Wednesday evening once a month between 7.00pm - 8.00pm at FineFettle. Thank you very much for inviting me along. It was a most interesting evening.

12 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Large, modern multi-healthcare centre situated at the very top of Bookham High Street. 18 experienced and qualified practitioners under one roof, bringing you a wide selection of healthcare and therapy services. • Osteopathy • Sports massage • Cranial osteopathy • Physiotherapy • Sports therapy • Mobility massage • Therapeutic massage • Pilates 1-1 training • Acupuncture • Hypnotherapy

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Disclaimer: please note that all informal 15 minute chats are not full consultations and will not include treatment – for a full consultation please make a normal booking

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14 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017




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Based in the heart of The Street, Ceramica Tiles Ashtead is the perfect choice for stunning wall and floor tiles. Working alongside home owners, builders, developers, architects and designers from across Surrey to create beautifully inspired tiles areas. We chatted with Director Darren Sheen, about transforming your home, getting his inside tips and hints for what’s going to look great for 2017... The Kitchen Extension: Everyone knows that the kitchen is the heart of the home we are working with an increasing number of homeowners to create open-plan-kitchen and living spaces. We think that the use of tiles across the whole space gives a real sense of space and clean lines, as well as being hard wearing for busy homes. Hygee: A Danish word which is used to describe the feeling of being warm and cosy, which has adotped for an interior design style that is very popular right now. Adding wood effect porcelain into your homes will add a sense of the natural without the upkeep of a real wood floor. Mix with an array of textures from soft furnishings to give your home that ‘hygee’ feel while the weather outside is still grey and drab! Copper: Incorporating metallics, especially copper, into your home, has been a big seller for interiors for the last couple of years, and it is set to continue being popular into 2017. Many people have opted to include these tones through light fittings or small accessories, but why not make a real statement with a copper mosaic? Heritage Style: One of the big bathroom trends for 2017 is a throwback to the Victorian and Edwardian era, giving bathrooms a sense of character as well as functionality. Using Victorian Floor Tiles in the space will really give your bathroom that authentic look, mix with heritage paint colours and metro tiles, for the walls, to really tie the look together. If you would like to discuss these design ideas, or any others you might have, with the team at Ceramica Tiles Ashtead, please pop into the showroom or give us a call to book a design appointment.

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 17





Local lady Rebecca Scrase takes on a challenging and life-changing fundraising trek across Costa Rica in a bid to raise ÂŁ4,000 for the St John Ambulance charirty

Rebecca Scrase grew up in Bookham and has lots of local friends. She was very involved in village life, attended Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Ventures, and when she was a teenager she worked at Cascades

18 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

in Bookham High Street for two years between 2007 2009, so I’m sure some of you will remember her? Rebecca now lives in Hersham and works in Byfleet, and last year, she completed a St John Ambulance First

Aid at Work course which she found very interesting. It was then that she first learnt exactly what an important roll St John Ambulance plays. What I didn’t realise is that, once trained, these amazing volunteers provide first aid to their communities by working alongside the NHS in response to 999 calls. They also attend thousands of events throughout the year and save many lives by doing so. It’s quite easy therefore to see why Rebecca wants to help this great charity, and she decided to combine her fundraising project with a life-changing and challenging trek across Costa Rica. She will be walking from the West Pacific Coast to the Caribbean East Coast. The trek will take her through coffee plantations, oak forest and into dense tropical jungle. She has paid for her own travel and for the trek so that all the donations will go directly to St John Ambulance. Fundraising has already started, and to set her on the way to raising her massive £4000 target, she organised a number of fundraising bake sales, one of which was held at the Bookham Christmas Fair 2016. But the main fundraising event will take the form of a fantastic raffle.

someone with the first aid skills to save a life £40: The price of your monthly TV package can train a volunteer to give first aid at events such as football matches and concerts £60: The price of a pair of trainers can provide a volunteer with the kit they need to save a life £100: The price of your family’s weekly shop can train a young person to teach other young people in essential first aid skills. Here is just a small selection of the prizes Rebecca has collected. We couldn’t fit in the whole list, sorry, but I think this should give you a good idea:Spa Day for 2 - lunch & spa at Savill Court Hotel Windsor Top Golf Addlestone - 30 day membership & bay reservation + 4 people, 2 games of Topgolf. Thames Rockets London - 50 minute ride for 2 people Brooklands Hotel - 1 month gym membership Denbies Wine Tour for 2 Toni & Guy Walton- Haircut Ride Studio Cobham - Jumper and 10 classes Everyman Cinema Esher - 2 adult cinema tickets Silent Pool Gin Distillery - tour for 2 people Raffle tickets can be purchased as a book, 5 for £5, or individually for £1 each.

To purchase your raffle tickets:-

1 Log on to www.justgiving.co.uk/rscrase 2 Submit your ticket price donation. Don’t forget to pop ‘1st April raffle ticket’ in the leave a message box. 3 Email: costarica.sja@gmail.com with your address and phone number so that Rebecca can send you the tickets and contact you should you win an item! 4 Subscribe to Rebecca’s YouTube channel (search Rebecca Scrase Costa Rica SJA) so you do not miss the prize draw on 1st April 2017. There is a video with more information on Rebecca’s YouTube channel:- https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHMa1RpHaj0&t=6s Rebecca has been hard at work and she has managed to collect some wonderful prizes which have been donated by many local businesses and organisations.

How your donation can saves lives:-

£4: The price of a meal deal lunch can give a child a 60 minute first aid lesson in school £25: The price of a takeaway for two allows us to equip

Please do support Rebecca. She hopes to raise £4000 for this great charity, which in turn could quite possibly just save your life one day! Look Local would like to wish you every success, Rebecca. Please keep us posted and we look forward to hearing all about the trek too!

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 19

recipe Home-made Chicken Broth makes approx. 5 litres

Life-enhancing drink for the whole family! A crucial part of my Vitality Group - with our new venue at Manor House School, launching to be bigger & better on Thursday 9th Feb, 7.30-9.30pm. Bone broth is what we should be drinking by the mugful instead of coffee & tea. It has amazing medicinal properties (nicknamed Jewish penicillin) & is a crucial part of the natural cure for gut healing, which I feel many of us could do with. The additional ingredient of vinegar draws extra nutrition from the bones don’t leave it out!


- You can pick the meat off the chicken wings to use in sandwiches before throwing the bones away! - This broth is wonderful for convalescence, the nutitional value is enhanced with the cider vinegar as it pulls more valuable nutrition from the bones


1 ½ kg chicken wings (or a few chicken carcasses) Filtered water 3 large onions, halved & root removed 3 sticks celery, cut into 10cm lengths 3 medium carrots, peeled & cut into halves ‘Green’ from 2 leeks (optional) A few black peppercorns A few sprigs fresh thyme A handful of fresh parsley stalks 60 ml unpasteurised cider vinegar


1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/ Gas 6. 2. Roast the chicken wings & carcasses in the oven, turning over half way, for about an hour or until golden brown. 3. Tip the bones into a very large stock pot/casserole dish & fill the pot nearly to the top with water (leave 3cm gap). Add some cold water to the roasting tin & scrape off any juices stuck to the bottom. Add them to the stock pot. 4. Bring the water to the boil & skim off any scum & fat that rises to the top. 5. Add all the remaining ingredients, bring back to the boil & then gently cook on a ‘poaching’ temperature, just below simmering point, for up to 24 hrs. 6. Strain the broth through a colander & use as desired.

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 21

The Book Review


David Kid Jensen gives us his thoughts on this action-packed autobiography and the men behind the book... one of whom is our very own motor head, Ted Macauley.


f you are a motorcycle racing fan, this is a mustread book. With a man like Ted Macauley involved, you just know it will be great: a former Motor Race Journalist of the Year, Ted was also awarded the RAC’s Segrave Medal for his involvement in Mike Hailwood’s amazing comeback win at the IoM –TT. He is also the author of 15 books. This book is full of amazing facts and tales, with a foreword by Valentino Rossi and the magic combination of Ian Hutchinson himself and Ted. Together, they tell Hutchy’s amazing story. A winning combination. David Kid Jensen kindly gives us his thoughts on this action-packed autobiography and the men behind the book … I’ve known our very own Ted Macauley a long time, in fact, since sharing office space with him at the Daily Mirror back in the early 70s when the paper really was legendary. I wrote about music and Ted motoring matters, so no change there then, although I am a bit of a motor racing fan myself: 2 or 4 wheels I don’t mind, and I even ran my own racing teams in F3000 and F Opel in the past. So it didn’t take long for me to realise that Ted was the ‘goto guy’ if I wanted to know what was really going on in the paddock. He was also a bit of a star spotter and he loved the actual business of the sport. So I was delighted when he asked me to take a look at this great book. When Ted first told me about the talents of TT Rider Ian ‘Hutchy’ Hutchinson, even back then, I was keen hear more. The thing is, TT racing takes a special kind of racer: it’s a brave man who races like Hutchy, so I was sure this would be a very interesting read. In 2010, Ian crashed heavily on the track at Silverstone and was hit by another competitor’s machine, breaking his left leg so badly that surgeons were even discussing amputation. After many operations and a long period of recovery, he fractured the same leg again when back on the track in 2012. Seriously bad luck.

22 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

If you ever wondered just who and why anyone would be willing to race and risk so much, this book will take you behind the scenes and into the heart of the action. This newly-released autobiography is less a diary of smashes and crashes, and more a true tale of heroics, strength and stoicism. Ted became Hutchy’s collaborator and close friend. Hutchy would become known far and wide as ‘The Bingley Bullet’, the ‘Miracle Man’ with an impressive list of racing conquests to his name. There’s no doubt that Hutchy would become one of the most successful motorcyclists ever. He has sped from victory to victory, despite a number of big obstacles along the way, and his life has certainly been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, which characterise a truly extraordinary career. This lovely book captures it all, a highly recommended read. Get your copy on amazon.co.uk or have a go at winning one here! We are delighted to bring you an exclusive Look Local competition! Here’s your chance to win a copy of this great new book, signed not only by our very own motor head, Ted Macauley, but also by Ian ‘Hutchy’ Hutchinson, the man himself! The question you need to answer for a chance to win is this:-

In the summer of 2010, ‘Hutchy’ set the record for the most wins ever in a single TT festival. How many wins was that? Send your answers and contact details to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk before 1st March for a chance to win. Good luck to all who enter!




DOG AND CAT GR OOMING PARLOUR After 8 years in Fetcham Oscars Grooming Parlour has moved to a larger premises in Bookham & we look forward very much to welcoming old & new customers to our new premises. All dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs are welcome. No cages are used. Dogs are free to walk around the parlour and on a sunny day can enjoy the large, secure garden.

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Bookham | KT23 4RQ Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 23

February Puzzles

Crossword puzzle Clue: 14 Across

Clue: 27 Across

Clue: 15 Down


1. Ploy (6) 4. Requiring secret knowledge (6) 9. Disapproves (7) 10. Angry (5) 11. Land measure (4) 12. Perplexing (8) 14. Disney cartoon character (5) 16. Mournful poem (5) 20. Scorn (8) 21. Fencing sword (4) 24. Female relative (5) 25. Pills (7) 26. Unmarried (6) 27. Precious stones (6)

24 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017


1. Worldwide (6) 2. US military officer (5) 3. Unit of length (4) 5. Precipitation (8) 6. Astounding (7) 7. Come out into view (6) 8. Ordinary (5) 13. Celestial (8) 15. Lamp (7) 17. Parts of a play (6) 18. Catches sight of (5) 19. Creatures (6) 22. Fragment (5) 23. Woodwind instrument (4)

Clue: 23 Down

solutions page 56

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Mobile: 07834-491106/Eve: 01372-383409 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 25

What’s On

Around Bookham

Local events in and around the Bookham area during February and March 2017

Art Exhibition



9.30AM - 5.30PM

Denbies Wine Estate are kindly hosting an exhibition of highquality artworks by artists with learning or physical disabilities attending sessions at The Grange in Bookham. Beautiful drawings, paintings and prints plus hand-crafted items made in our Creative Arts & Textiles studio will be on display, many for sale. Artists will be on hand for you to chat to. Why not combine with a visit to Denbies coffee shop?

Animal Va lentines DAY


11TH - 19TH FEBRUARY 2017 For a unique adventure this half term, bring your family to Chessington World of Adventures Resort for our Animal Adventures week. Take a spin on Sea Dragons & Seastorm, or go for a drive on Tiny Truckers. Explore Dragon’s Playhouse & Canopy Capers, swing with the monkeys on AMAZU Treetop Adventure & get up to magical mischief in Hocus Pocus Hall! Limited availabliliy each day... Tickets from £15.00


Treat your loved one this Valentine’s Day with our magical Valentine’s Day experience. Enjoy exclusive access to our sparkling Crystal Grotto, as well as a fabulous brunch for two or delicious afternoon tea with Painshill Sparkling Wine. 11:00am – 12:30pm: Brunch for two Members: £20pp non-members: £28pp 1:30pm – 3:30pm: Afternoon tea Members: £20pp Non-members: £28pp ADVANCE BOOKING REQUIRED. 01932 868113



Call to book 0871 6634477 Leatherhead Road, Chessington

01372 452608

Denbies Wine Estate, Dorking

26 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Have a wild time this February half term with campfires, wild art, bushcraft and den building (for children aged 8 to 13years) Advance booking required. Cost: £40 a day. Call 01932 868113 to book.

Starts: Monday 14th February - 9.00AM - 4.00PM Painshill Park, Portsmouth Rd KT11 1JE

Andy’s Gardening Services Ltd

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 27

Gardening Matters

Winter Protection

As I write, the rain’s tipping down, and although it’s a bit chilly, I’m ignoring the fact that it could well get extremely cold very soon. Which is a bit daft, because if you’re like me, a mixture of laziness, optimism and inattention could catch you unawares.

verything’s more attractive than getting stuck into the garden at this time, but there can hardly be anywhere that hasn’t suffered losses in freezing weather. Plants can be expensive to replace, so let’s get going before the weather gets worse. Terracotta absorbs water, which expands when it freezes, causing cracks and breakages. Even pots which claim to be frost-proof can be vulnerable, so try wrapping hessian around them to minimise the risk of cracking. Grouping pots together will provide protection, since less surface area is exposed to the cold. Raising them onto pot feet will ensure good drainage, plus their roots won’t be sitting in a pool of chilly, root-rotting water. In an ideal world, everyone would have a heated greenhouse where they could move tender plants. If yours


are in the ground, lay a thick layer of straw or bark around the roots as a mulch, or cover them securely with horticultural fleece. Cover your veg crops with fleece or cloches for protection, but remove cloches on warm days or the plants will bake….. and remember to replace them before the evening chill. Do we ever lag outside pipes and taps and bring in the hoses, eh, eh, EH???? No, because it’s a bore, and they often survive perfectly happily, but really, how long does it take to drag a hose inside to stop it splitting, or to wrap a bit of bubble wrap round a tap? Probably less time than it takes to find a plumber to deal with burst pipes. And hoses are expensive, so you’ll be kicking yourself. Trust me, I still have the bruises. Turn off fountains and water features too, and if you have fish in a pond, float a children’s ball in it to keep a small area ice-free so that

toxic gases don’t build up underneath. The birdies are very much in need of food in winter, as natural supplies run out. Place feeders away from areas where cats hang about and keep them replenished all the while the weather’s grim. Try to avoid removing seedheads on plants such as sedum and honesty for as long as possible. Encouraging birds into the garden also helps us gardeners because they eat insects and pests which would otherwise feed on precious plants. Finally, at this time of year, it can be very windy. Cut back any whippy stems on roses and other plants so that they don’t have to battle against the wind, and tidy up fallen branches/ escaped compost bags/watering cans/ food bins… oh. You now have a picture of my garden *hangs head in shame*. I’m off out there now….after I’ve just finished this coffee….and the newspaper.

Cecelia John 01372 200 000 or ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

LIVE SHOWS Thursday 23 - Saturday 25 February Godalming Operatic Society: Iolanthe

The seventh comic opera collaboration by Arthur Sullivan and W.S. Gilbert, to be performed by an NODA award-winning operatic society and accompanied by a full, live orchestra.

Thursday 2 March 6.30pm So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs? With Ben Garrod

Did dinosaurs eat their own families? Was every Tyrannosaur a fearsome carnivore? Come and test your knowledge against TV scientist Ben Garrod.

Tuesday 28 March 7.30pm The Gospel of Matthew

A stunning virtuoso delivery of the greatest story ever told! Award-winning actor George Dillon presents an unforgettable vision of Jesus.

Sunday 30 April 7.30pm An Audience with Ian Waite and Natalie Lowe: Somewhere In Time Ian and Natalie will deliver a night you will remember for ever. Strictly’s favourite couple are back with a brand new show, newly choreographed dances and lots more besides.

EVENT SCREENINGS Experience performances from some of the world’s most prestigious theatres and opera houses, as well as specialist documentaries, broadcast to our cinema screen. For full listings head to our website.

Thursday 2 February 7.00pm National Theatre Live: Amadeus

Lucian Msamati (Luther, Game of Thrones) stars in Peter Schaffer’s iconic play, with live orchestral accompaniment by Southbank Sinfonia.

Wednesday 8 February 7.15pm Royal Opera House: Woolf Works acclaimed ballet triptych, inspired by the works of Virginia Woolf.

Forthcoming films for February My Feral Heart (12A) La la Land (12A) Lion (PG) Jackie (15)

Church Street | Leatherhead | Surrey | KT22 8DN

Competition Time

Matt Monro

Matt Monro One Voice - a celebration of one of the world’s biggest selling artists of all time with Matt Monro Jr.


ATT MONRO can arguably lay claim to being Britain’s biggest musical export of all time. Indeed, he is still hailed as the biggest nonHispanic artist in the world. The man dubbed “The singer’s singer” and “The man with the golden voice” clocked up a staggering 100 million sales in his lifetime. He was the first singer ever to sing on a James Bond film (From Russia With Love) and he contributed the score to that best loved of films, The Italian Job. In the Philippines alone, his version of My Way sold 8 million copies, outselling Sinatra’s by a country mile Frank sold a mere 300,000. Beatlemania had nothing on his reception over there (and even today, his son still receives a hero’s welcome). Produced throughout his career by Sir George Martin, in the 1960s and 70s Matt Monro’s hits encompassed some of the greatest popular music ever. From Russia With Love, The Impossible Dream, Portrait Of My Love, Softly As I Leave You, Walk Away, My Kind Of Girl, Yesterday, Gonna Build A Mountain…. just some of the songs that made him a household name. And then, of course, there was Born Free. Born Free was the song that firmly established Matt Monro in the hearts of the young and the old alike. Its opening notes forever conjured up a time and place African plains, endangered lions, the film with actress Virginia McKenna… the smooth mellifluous voice of Matt became synonymous with Born Free and the song was, and still is, a hugely iconic song in Africa. Now Matt Monro Jr pays tribute to his legendary father with a new CD, A Father’s Legacy, and a new show, The Matt Monro Story: One Voice. Encapsulating not just the story of his dad’s rags-to-riches life, it gives a unique insight into the man himself. The journey of this boy, who couldn’t read or write and yet had to support his family, is told in loving detail by his son, giving a glimpse into what it was like growing up in the Monro household. Video clips, home movies,

30 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

even sequences where Matt Jr duets with his dad, all play a part in this celebration of the life and legacy of Matt Monro. Informative, entertaining and hugely enjoyable, this is one big event not to be missed. Running from February 4th to April 29th 2017, The Matt Monro Story plays 35 shows across the UK. Tickets are on sale now from all usual venues, priced at £21. Shows start at 7.30pm. Saturday 4th February - Richmond Theatre 0844 871 7651 Sunday 19th February - Hawth Theatre, Crawley 01293 553 636 Thurs 16th March - The Playhouse Theatre, Epsom 01372 742 555 Monday 27th March - Theatre Royal, Brighton 0844 871 7650


Answer the following question for the chance to win a pair of tickets to the Epsom performance on Thursday16th March 2017:

Complete the name of this Matt Munro hit... Born ... A) Free B) Wild C) Too Late Please email your answer to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk with your name & contact details before 28th February 2017.

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Excellent quality dentistry in a friendly caring atmosphere Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 31





SEED POTATOES Over 50 varieties

What’s your favourite?








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Local politician visit

The Dawnay School

The Dawnay School had the pleasure of a special visitor just before Christmas when the Conservative MP for Mole Valley Sir Paul Beresford paid them a visit.

A tour of the whole school was enjoyed and Sir Paul chatted to some of the children as he was shown around this lovely local school. Here we can see a few photographs taken on the day.

Sudoku puzzle

He seemed to genuinely enjoy his visit and was keen to learn all about the school. He also spoke to some of the children about his own grandchildren which was nice.

What word... Can you guess what ONE word we are describing? It is just ONE word and this can get a little tricky but fun.

Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!

34 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

1. Speed up, walking stick 2. 9th letter, sphere 3. Flesh, leg joint 4. Child, snooze 5. No money, characteristic 6. Metal jar, sign of sleepiness 7. Couple of medical personnel 8. Honey maker, purpose 9. School vehicle, young man 10. Honey-baked pork, twine

See how many you can solve. solutions page 56

AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr


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TTTeeelll::: 000!333777222 333666333000888888 SSSaaallleeesss@@@bbboooyyyaaallllllsss...cccooommm


South Bookham SPACE

Happy 5 Birthday th

36 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Jacqueline Wilson opens SPACE in January 2012


outh Bookham SPACE was first opened by Jacqueline Wilson, the famous children’s author, on Saturday 7th January 2012, following an extensive renovation of the old Boys’ Club building on the Dorking Road. The refurbishment was made possible when a small group of local residents got together to form the South Bookham SPACE Ltd. charity, raised an incredible £250,000 in funds and negotiated a 25 year lease with Mole Valley District Council. The generous support of local charities, businesses, organisations and individual residents provided these funds and more since, and within six months of the SPACE opening, the purpose-built floodlit Outer SPACE multi-use games area was also opened ahead of schedule in 2012. Since then, SPACE has become a busy community centre, offering an extensive range of indoor activities for all ages, from TinyTalk and Creation Station toddler & parent sessions to a bridge club, martial arts, a wide variety of Pilates classes for all levels of ability, Pole Fitness and Zumba. In the outdoor floodlit sports area, Outer SPACE hosts tennis, soccer and netball teams, but sadly no basketball as yet. The latest addition are The Creation Station arts & crafts classes to help babies and toddlers develop their imaginations by exploring with different materials and textures, and Sam MacDonalds’s new SPACE classes started on Thursday 12th January. Weekends are largely reserved for private hire and SPACE has proved to be an extremely popular venue for children’s parties, with 2016 seeing the highest number of children’s parties since it opened. Full details on activities and party hire can be found at: www.southbookhamspace.org.uk/ South Bookham SPACE Chair, Trevor Goul-Wheeker is delighted with the success of SPACE saying, “The last five years have flown by so fast, I can hardly believe it. But I can believe how many local people are taking part in the

One of 2016’s record number of children’s parties at SPACE

Many children celebrate their birthday at South Bookham SPACE, more did in 2016 than ever before, but in January 2017, SPACE celebrated its very own 5th birthday.

multitude of activities going on and how SPACE has become the ideal venue for children’s parties in Bookham. Its success is down to the small group of volunteers that run the facility and I’d love to hear from anyone keen to join us to make the next five years even more successful.” The SPACE team are especially seeking someone to help run marketing activities and increase awareness of everything that SPACE offers the local community. Anyone interested should contact Trevor at info@southbookhamspace.org.uk

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 37

Computer Tips

Good to know...

This guide about backing up our computers was written by Les Beer from Tecres in Leatherhead, which has been providing computer solutions since 1989.

We are often surprised that, in certain months of the year, we see an increased frequency in particular products failing: for example, in January, February and March, we see an increase in hard drives failing; in April/ May, it’s monitors and displays; in June and July, it’s networking and routers; in October to November, it’s printers. Obviously, a product can fail at anytime, but we have often seen this trend repeating. With this in mind, we are often surprised by the number of people who have the only copy of their cherished photos or significant information on a single external hard drive, which, you’ve guessed, fails. The recovery of data can be an uncertain, protracted and sometimes very costly exercise, and this is entirely avoidable. The two most popular backup routes to prevent this from happening are: 1: Backup to the cloud - this can be automatic and very low cost. We have a few simple-to-install options which require no intervention or user involvement. Or… 2: A local backup to a NAS device with multiple hard drives - a NAS or Network Attached Storage drive is a small box with, usually, 4 hard drives installed. The NAS divides your data across all 4 drives, meaning

that if one hard drive fails in the NAS, your data will still be available to use and access. By replacing the failed hard drive in the NAS, your data will be rebuilt by the NAS with no loss. A 4 drive NAS device with 4x 1Tb hard drives can cost as little as £500, making this a very cost-effective solution. And finally… Late last year, there was a Microsoft update which disabled all the networking on a machine. The fix is quite simple if you can follow 4 or 5 steps. For your convenience, we have detailed these steps on our downloads page on our website www.tecres.co.uk. If you would like us to carry out these steps for you, we are quite happy to do so, but we will need your machine in store.

For further information, please call 01372-370300 or email sales@tecres.co.uk www.tecres.co.uk

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New Youth Project

Leatherhead Youth Project (LYP) is delighted to announce a new partnership with Eastwick Road Church (URC), Bookham Baptist Church and St Nicolas’ Parish Church, to establish an exciting new youth project supporting Bookham’s young people.


he new youth project, which will be part of LYP, has launched a programme of community and faith-based youth work in Bookham, offering young people places to go and activities to engage with. Leatherhead Youth Project, which runs BFree Youth Café and many other projects at All Saints Church in Leatherhead, will be managing the project, with their senior youth worker, Oli Bell, becoming Bookham’s full-time youth worker. Bookham has had very little ‘open access’ youth provision since changes to local authority youth services in 2015 and this new youth project hopes to engage with local young people, who can benefit from the support of local youth clubs and activities. These kinds of activities can boost confidence, reduce anti-social behavior and teach important new skills. Bookham Youth and Community Centre will be the main base of the new youth project; however, sports and detached youth work will also be offered around the community, and the project plans to work within local schools (primary and secondary). Joe Crome, general manager of Leatherhead Youth Project, said: “This is an exciting new project which will really benefit young people in Bookham. We’re delighted to be involved and also to offer the youth work we provide in Leatherhead to young people in Bookham.”

40 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Oli Bell, who is leading the new Bookham youth project, says: “We’re really excited to be working in Bookham. The first step is to find out what young people need and what kind of activities they would like to engage with. We’ll then start running sessions and see what the response is. We want to provide young people with activities to get involved in, but also to support them with mentoring, group work and other types of projects.” Rob Stevens, the Minister of Bookham Baptist Church, who is part of the Bookham youth steering group, says: “This is a fantastic opportunity for our churches to work together for the good of young people in Bookham. The three churches have made an initial 3 year commitment to the project, and we will support it and hopefully see it grow. Young people need things to do, as well as guidance and advice, and we believe this new youth project will be of great benefit to our community.” The Bookham Youth Project group warmly invites all local residents who would like to support the project in any way, including volunteering, donations, giving equipment or skills, to get in touch via this email address :- joe@ leatherheadyouthproject.com We hope to bring you regular updates on how things are going. Look Local welcomes Oli Bell and this fantastic project to Bookham.

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 41


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Words by David Kid Jensen


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When Bob Dylan recently won his Nobel prize for his song lyrics, it reminded me of a poll I conducted on my radio show long ago as to what was the most important, the words to a pop song or the melody. I can’t recall which element won, but it did throw up some classic instrumentals in no need of a lead singer’s embellishment. Some of those voiceless hits from the vaults included “Samba Pa Ti” from Mexican guitar great, Carlos Santana. This chilled-out recording was released in 1970. Another dreamy performance came from Santo & Johnny in 1959 entitled, aptly enough, “Sleep Walk”. By way of a contrast, Britain’s first ever American Number 1, “Telstar ”from The Tornados was produced and written by the legendary Joe Meek and was inspired by the emergence of the space race in the year of its release. My own favourite word-free recording also came out in 1962 from Memphis Tennessee’s Booker T and MGs’ “Green Onions”. This still makes me want to turn up the radio and turn down the lights for a bit of Dad dancing when it gets an airing, Another all-American recording that I mustn’t forget is the 1960 classroom command “Walk Don’t Run”. These chaps were America’s answer to our own Shadows, or Shads as they became known and loved, with hits such as Apache, “Foot Tapper”, “Wonderful Land”. Some great memories there, and fascinating to see the early 60s as the era that seems to have spawned most of the big pop tunes that have stood the test of time.

Hawthorn Leslie 3837 Preservation Society

Old steam locomotive

Do you remember the old blue locomotive at the rear of the Leatherhead Leisure Centre and have you ever wondered what happened to it?


ell, we, The Hawthorn Leslie 3837 Preservation Society, bought the loco and took it to the Lavender Line in East Sussex in 2011 where it is awaiting full restoration. It now stands in the car park at Isfield station, and is currently painted green. It was built in Newcastle in 1934 and worked at the Stewarts & Lloyds steelworks in Corby until withdrawal in 1969. Its works number is 3837 but the steel works fleet number was 16. It was moved to a number of preservation sites over the years, but was eventually purchased by a local businessman who presented it to the Leisure Centre in 1985 for static display in the water park area. All the boiler and cab fittings had been removed by someone before its arrival. It has been very hard work trying to raise funds for an unglamorous old industrial locomotive, and indeed trying to find enough volunteers to work on it, but we feel that it deserves its place as part of our industrial history, not just being written about, but in the flesh, so to speak. If you would like to help with the restoration, there are

46 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

several ways in which you can, as follows:• You can simply join our society. • Become a “hands on volunteer”. • Make cash donations. • Make goods donations for resale on our showstand. Model transport items are preferred, please. • Locate cab and boiler fittings to suit the loco. • We would like to bring the loco back to the Leatherhead area, so if you have some space to put it and be allowed to build a shed around it, we would like to hear from you, please. • Free access to a metal working workshop would be nice. • We really do hope that you can help us in some way. I for one look forward to hearing from you personally. Kind regards, Brian Davis, Life and founder member of HL3837PS.

Please note that this article is a shortened version of the original to fit the page. If you wish to see the original, or have any questions, please contact me by email at brian.davis1947@btinternet.com.






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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 47

February Car Review

Porsche Carrera

Ted Macauley test drives the Porsche Carrera S PDK and lets us know what it has to offer....


Carrera S PDK. BHP 365. Top speed 183mph 0-60 in 4.6 secs. MPG 38. Price £76,412.


et me start with a confession: I’ve got the hots and am passionate about sleek and curvy beauties. But rest easy, Elmbridge ladies, it’s none of you. I am an unashamed sports car worshipper, mad keen on the thundering, head-turning, brrmmm-brrmmm breathtakers. That is why, over the years - and to my eyewatering cost - I have been the envied and smugly proud owner - OK, show-off! - of three E-type Jaguars (two soft, one hardtop), a scarlet Lamborghini Espada, an Austin Healey, an MG TF and the frequent borrower of my best pal’s, the ex-world champ motorbike legend Mike Hailwood’s exotic Iso Grifo. I am currently sharing with Trophy Wife a fab Porsche Cayman, a fine mixture of style, finesse and panache. That goes for both TW and the car…. and that mention of the German legends, the patron saints of motoring pleasure, brings me to a point of worrying information: their Carrera is the most stolen car in the UK, according to a report that puts the immaculate flyer to the top of Burglar Bill’s list, well ahead of, say, Mercedes and Range Rover. Motoring specialist spokesman Roger Powell explains: “It comes as no surprise that the cars most at risk of being stolen are the prestige models. And that means the Carrera S.They are desirable to used car

buyers and targeted by the thieves because of the profit potential.” I hope that this revelation fails to force any potential buyer to abandon their dream when secure overnight lock-ups are used, keys carefully and safely hidden and never, EVER left in a parked car, not for the briefest of moments, especially with the engine running, while you pop your letter in a nearby postbox. Having got the scare story out of the way, I would like to move onto the supercar, one of my absolute favourites, with the hope that buyers will not be put off by the baddies. The newly innovative and updated series 2 991, the first 911 Carrera to be turbo-charged, rockets to the peak of perfection with its pleasing feedback from its 3-litre bi-turbo engine that returns a mighty 365bhp. Not that you dare do it without a resultant jail sentence, unless you are enjoying the freedom of a German autobahn, but it flows to a mindboggling 183mph and would give Lewis Hamilton’s F1 charger a scare. So what else is new? A double change in the latest 911’s cabin. It will have existing owners wishing they had hung on for a while on their latest buy-in. Firstly, there is a tinier steering wheel, a revised power steering system, snapped up from the GTs RS and Spyder, and it works superbly, giving what is a reasonably big car an even

48 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

more agile feeling. Then it also has a switch which gives it double-quick access to the settings for Normal, Sport, Sport-Plus and other tailored requirements, according to your instant wishes, and needs to get going in a sharpish overtaking manoeuvre. Overall, Porsche, with their gift for making their lucky customers happy and content with their application of futuristic genius, have done it all again with the 911R. And I don’t know how they manage it. They have done it without confronting a buyer with a price tag usually labelled on supercars. But if you are jostling already to buy one, you’ll have a wait, because all the 911Rs are already sold out and right now are changing hands for loads more than the original price of £136,901. So, I would advise going for the standard Carrera S PDK with its amazing stopping ability on magical ceramic brakes and the absolutely stunning performance, with an almost unbelievable throttle feedback and comfort-on-the-go returns. It’ll cost you much less, without losing too much in accomplishment and style. If I sound like a drooling, star-struck fan, I make no apologies. And if my lottery numbers serve me right, our Cayman will find itself overtaken by a sibling Carrera. That’s a promise.

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£35        

£35        

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£65      

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 49

Polesden Lacey's

Eco-friendly boiler

Polesden Lacey goes green with the installation of a new, eco-friendly biomass boiler


ork has started on the installation of a new, eco-friendly biomass boiler at Polesden Lacey in Surrey. The boiler will burn wood chips instead of oil, producing only one tenth of the CO² emissions that are produced by the current oil-fired system. The National Trust has employed sustainable energy experts Baystar to deliver the energy solutions for the estate, with completion of the project due in Q1 2017. It’s the second of several installations planned for London and the South East as part of the National Trust’s national Renewable Energy Investment Programme. In 2009, the National Trust set itself a target to reduce the use of fossil fuels for heat and electricity by 50% by 2020. Polesden Lacey is one of the largest users of oil in the charity’s London and South East region. The Trust is investing £500,000 to install the new boiler and remove the old oil tank. It’s expected that the income generated from the Renewable Energy Incentive Scheme will pay back this investment within 12 years. Polesden Lacey has been reliant on up to 60,000 litres of oil per year to heat the historic house. Climate control is vitally important within the house for the conservation of the museum-quality items in the collection, which can be adversely affected by humidity levels. The biomass system will remove the property’s

50 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

dependence on oil and generate 897,000kWh of energy, which will heat not only the house, but also the café, gardener’s office and four cottages. This will remove the environmental risk of an oil pollution incident and save around 157 tonnes of CO² from escaping into the atmosphere. Increasing levels of CO² are known to be a major factor contributing to climate change. The project aspires to source woodchip from the Polesden Lacey estate and surrounding properties in the future. The aim is to become self-sufficient in terms of its fuel supply by creating a sustainable heating source. The new heating system isn’t the only way the team at Polesden Lacey is working to reduce its CO² emissions. Over the past six years, the property has halved its energy demands by upgrading the Building Management System, controlling heating in the house and through a range of simple measures that anyone could adopt in their own home: for example, saving energy installing draft proofing to windows and doors. A range of alternative energy supplies is being installed across the Trust, from hydro and solar power to wood fuel. Work to install Polesden’s biomass boiler will begin in December and continue until the end of March. The house and grounds will remain open to visitors throughout this time. For more information, visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesdenlacey or call 01372 452048.

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WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE THAT SUPPORTED US IN OUR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES THIS YEAR. We sold over 350 trees. The profit from the sales allows us to continue to provide an adventrous and enjoyable programme throughout the four sections of our group. Look forward to seeing you next year.

If you are interested in joining our team to help support our youth members, anything would be very helpful. It does not have to be every week. Please let me know!

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54 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017



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‘COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW’ The Bookhams Residents’ Association would like to remind readers that, as a Mole Valley DC Review of the formation of a possible Village/Parish Council for Bookham is taking place, there will be an opportunity to vote for or against this proposal when an Advisory Poll will be held on 4th May 2017. Mole Valley District Council will formally carry out a Community Governance Review before that date, which involves consultations with every organisation

in the village, allowing them to comment, whether for or against the proposal. If you would like to know more about the BRA’s views, please visit our website:


or if you would prefer to speak to the BRA team, please call the local number 0300 030 9890 and leave a message – a team member will then get back to you.



Ray Pritchard Bookhams Residents’ Association

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 55

Bookham Library NEWS Did you know that your library membership comes with free access to an array of online references? These include: Press display - read the daily papers on your phone, tablet or computer. Zinio - enjoy digital copies of your favourite magazines for free. Ancestry and other genealogy resources free to use on our computers in the library. Naxos Music Library - one of the best online music services, play all the hits at home. Learning to drive? Use DVLA’s Theory Test Pro. Learning English? Try IELTS prep and practice. Fancy learning pretty much anything else? See Universal Class for

access to over 500 continuing education courses. Do you ever need a helping hand with computers? Book a session with one of our excellent volunteers. It’s completely free one-to-one help, learning at your own pace. Surrey Libraries Librarians carefully curate the list of online resources for the benefit of Surrey’s communities. Just like our branches, just like Bookham Library, it is there for free, for you. Please take every advantage of it.

More to explore in your local library!

REMINDER: Opening hours have changed at Bookham Library, it will be closing for lunch between 1pm & 2pm. OPENING HOURS: MON, TUES, THURS & FRI 10am - 1.00pm & 2pm - 5.00pm

SAT 9.30am - 5.00pm WEDS & SUN closed

Cosy Flooring The little shop with the big range

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56 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 57

Our Sunday Congregations A warm-hearted congregation that enjoys varity in its worship

A gathering of all ages, vibrant and contemporary in its worship

A time and space to connect with God and with eachother

A Congregation with a big heart, commiteed to making a difference in our community. The Methodist Church at 10am

Details about all that the church is doing can be found at: www.bookhambaptistchurch.org.uk or by contacting the Church office: 01372 811313


All Saints Church, Little Bookham MANOR HOUSE LANE, LITTLE BOOKHAM - FEBRUARY 2017

5th Feb

Fourth Sunday before Lent 10.00 am Informal Worship and Communion 3.30pm Candlemas Evensong

12th Feb

Third Sunday before Lent 8.00am Holy Communion

19th Feb

Second Sunday before Lent 10.00am Sunday Worship and Communion

26th Feb

Last Sunday before Lent 8.00am Holy Communion

2nd and 4th Tuesdays 10.30 - 12.00 Chatterbox - a group for pre-school children and their carers. Further details from website www.all-saints-church-little-bookham.org.uk

58 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

TRANSITIONBOOKHAM Working to make our village more planet-friendly Fairtrade Fortnight starts on Monday February 27th. This year's theme focuses on drinks and snacks with “It's Time to Put Fairtrade in Your Break”. Find out more about the campaign and Fairtrade products in general at www.fairtrade.org.uk. Transition Bookham runs a wholesale buying group using Suma Cooperative, which sells a wide range of Fairtrade and organic products. Contact us at the email address below for more information.

Also this month is World Wetlands Day on 2nd February; this year's theme highlights how wetlands can help reduce the impact of extreme weather events. Visit www.worldwetlandsday.org to find out more. Wetlands also provide a haven for wildlife: the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (www.wwt.org.uk) manage several sites across the country which are excellent examples of conservation in action. Our nearest centre is Barnes in SW London.

www.transitionbookham.org.uk email transitionbookham@gmail.com Are you on social media? Find and Like TransitionBookham on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @ttbookham Local events February 2017 Fridays 10:15-11:30 Country Market – Barn Hall, Church Road www.country-markets.co.uk 6th

Fourth Sunday before Lent


Third Sunday before Lent


Second Sunday before Lent


Last Sunday before Lent

8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm


8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm 6.30pm 8.00am 10.00am 4.00pm

Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Morning Prayer Service Alpha week 4 with children’s provision Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion Celebration Alpha week 5 with children’s provision Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion Celebration Alpha week 6 with children’s provision Evensong Holy Communion (Traditional Language) Holy Communion Celebration Alpha week 7 with children’s provision

Got Questions about life? Try Alpha – explore Christianity

in an open & relaxed setting. All people & opinions welcome! More info at www.stnicolasbookham.org.uk/alpha

Further details available from St Nicolas Parish Office:

01372 450709 or


Wednesdays in Term Time - TotsAlive!

A Parent & toddler group for 0-4s. Meets 1:30pm-3:30pm in the Church Room, 2pm in the Church. New parents/carers & children always welcome.

Thursdays in Term Time

After-school club for 4-7yr olds in the Church Room. Drop-off 3pm-3.30pm and finish 4.15pm. Sign-up forms on our website or from the Office.

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 59

Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service

13 Cannon Grove, Fetcham Leatherhead, Surrey. KT22 9LG also at

Fairfield Medical Centre Great Bookham, Surrey. KT23 4DH

For all your building needs:

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February Solutions

crossword - page 24

sudoku - page 34

Crossword & Sudoku

what word - page 34

1. Hurricane 2. Eyeball 3. Skinny 4. Kidnap 5. Portrait 6. Canyon 7. Paramedics 8. Because 9. Busboy 10. Hamstring

Message from

The Surrey Police Neil Clarke, 13363 Crime Reduction Advisor from the Eastern Division, discusses the safety and security measures we should be taking in our homes against burglaries.


n the weeks leading up to Christmas and into the New Year, we received a spate of burglaries being reported, where the offenders targeted homes during daylight hours. This is unusual, as most burglars look for properties that are obviously unoccupied and this is most easily identified during the evenings with properties not having any lights on! In spite of the unusual time of day, however, the common factor in nearly all of the reports is that the burglars have managed to gain easy access to the rear of the property and break in by smashing the glass in a door or window. This does make sense, as burglars hate running the risk of being seen by passing traffic or pedestrians, so the ground floor at the rear of a house is a far more “attractive” place to target. Trying to restrict access to the back of your property is, therefore, a major factor in deterring burglars. Always keep any side gates bolted and preferably padlocked on the inside. Ideally, the main bolt should be situated at waist height to reduce the ability of someone being able to reach over and slide back the bolt. Keeping any wheelie bins at the back of your home, except on collection day, is also a sensible precaution, as they can’t then be used as a climbing aid to get over a side gate. Burglars nowadays also tend not to “go equipped” and will try to find an item or tool on the homeowner’s premises that they can use to gain entry, so make sure that all tools etc are secured in a padlocked shed.

Ever since the spectre of drugs has come into the equation in domestic burglary, the types of items being targeted for theft has changed considerably in recent years. Thieves are looking for small items, cash and jewellery etc that they can put into their pockets to avoid attracting suspicion. They will then try to sell any items on quickly, with the most common reason being to fund a drug addiction. Always make sure that you keep items of value and jewellery in an unlikely place. If you have a safe, that is great, but if not, consider where you could keep jewellery where it’s not likely to be located. The best possible deterrent, however, remains a visible and audible intruder alarm. Modern alarm systems are so much more sophisticated nowadays. The majority of installations are wireless, removing the need for hard wiring. Many sensors are now able to take the movement of household pets into consideration and they are also required to re-set after 20 minutes if it is a false trigger. If you are considering having an alarm installed, I would always suggest you check out the National Security Inspectorate’s website - www.nsi.org.uk - where you can enter your post code and find accredited companies which cover your area. The National Security Inspectorate applies ratings for registered companies -Gold, Silver or Bronze - which relate to quality of the product, value for money and after-care service.

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 61

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