Look Local Bookham

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LookLocal February 2020


Your award-winning local community magazine

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Roots & shoots

tree surgery and Landscaping Contractors Tel: 01483 503361 Mobile: 07768 456828 Email: shaun@rootsandshootstreesurgery.co.uk Website: www.rootsandshootstreesurgery.co.uk

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16 20

Welcome 24

36 28 16 17 20 22 24 25 30 32 40 44 46 48 49 49 50

Bookham Wine Club What’s On in February Bookham Open Gardens Crossword Puzzle Baptist Children’s Centre Music Matters Bookham Residents Assoc. Sudoku & Digi-Search Delicious Dishes Recipe Surrey Police Notice Church Services Useful Numbers Bookham Library Notice Puzzle Solutions Advertisers’ Index

to February

What a mixed bag of weather to start this decade! Such extremes reported from around the Globe. At the time of writing, Australia are awaiting a much needed ‘5 day rain storm’ which hopefully will extinguish the dreadful bush fires. What an awful time they have been having, it makes me stop and think before I complain about our damp weather here. A few muddy dog towels is really nothing to worry about! So what is going on in and around Bookham at the moment; our What’s On pages have a collection of events for you to dip into, see pages 17-19 for information. We have a selection of events and groups that may be of interest including a Cruise Show, Art Classes, Concerts, and an invitation to join the green fingered locals who open their Garden this summer! If you have a ‘little one’ you might be interested to read what’s on offer at Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre. We are so lucky to have this facility in the village, so please do see page 24 for information. Bookham Wine Club invite you to join them this month when they learn about Australia’s ‘best kept secrets’ in the form of small family run vineyards. BRA’s February submission is worth noting, and if you are interested in the Village Plan see page 30 for info. Wishing you all a good month and a Happy Valentines Day on 14th! Best Regards,





Next Copy Deadline 5th February for our March Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags

AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr


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Excellent quality dentistry in a friendly caring atmosphere 8 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020




VALENTINE’S DAY OFFERS Bargain Bargain Bargain 80/20 Bargain 80/20 Bargain 80/20 Bargain Wool Bargain 80/20 Wool 80/20 Wool Twist 80/20 Wool Twist 80/20 Wool Twist Wool Twist Wool Twist Twist Twist UNTIL FEBRUARY 29TH - was - was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was was --£37.50m² now -£37.50m² now -£37.50m² £19.99m² now -£19.99m² now -£19.99m² now - £19.99m² now - £19.99m² now £19.99m² £19.99m² n ha ! r t ht pe ig ea etr Ch arp c

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Simply Scones tea room Every Tuesday 2pm-3.30pm Join us for cream tea in the conservatory. Homemade scones, jam and cream – all prepared and served by people we support at The Grange. Try our ‘flavour of the month’ scone. Booking essential.

To book either call 01372 452 608

A new Friday treat - pop in for freshly-brewed coffee and choose from our selection of cakes, biscuits and flapjacks! All made by people with learning disabilities as part of their work experience. Where else can you support a charity just by eating cake! Booking essential.

Every Friday 10.00am-11.30am

NEW Coffee & Cake The Grange, Rectory Lane, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4DZ www.grangecentre.org.uk

M D Edwards & Son

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12 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk




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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 15

Bookham Wine Club

reveals Australia’s Best Kept Secrets on Monday 10th February… BWC’s February meeting welcomes the return of Elliot Awin, ABS Wine Agencies, and Ed Herzog, ExCellar, the Ashtead wine merchant, when they reveal ‘Australia’s Best Kept Secrets.’ ABS have specialised in importing quality Australian wines for a number of years; as Elliot explains “we shine a light on exceptional wines produced by small, family owned growers whose wines are often not exported further than the region where they are produced.” Members will be invited to taste six wines carefully selected by Elliot, 3 white and 3 red. Sadly, as we prepare for our meeting, fires are ravaging


regions of Australia, and many vineyards are not escaping the flames! We do hope for better news when we meet in February. Our friendly wine tastings are held on the second Monday of each month in the Harrison Room at the rear of the Old Barn Hall … for details of the Club’s programme of wine tastings visit: www. bookhamwineclub.org.uk. If you would like to attend one of our monthly tastings, or would like further information, please contact: membership@ bookhamwineclub.org.uk





5 week singing course for Men Sponsored by The Downsmen Chorus and supported by a national music educational charity, this course is designed to introduce more men to the enjoyment & health benefits of singing in a group. Aimed at newcomers & those who maybe have not sung for a while.

Reserve your FREE place Learn to Sing Course Starts 7.15pm - Wednesday 4th March 2020 Venue Leatherhead Methodist Church Hall, Church Rd, Leatherhead KT22 8AY

Tel: 0208 642 8104 or 01372 275 177 or Email: membership@thedownsmen.co.uk

Sign up now - it’s FREE 16 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020



Monday 10th FEBRUARY

Wildlife Aid Foundation Presentation at 7.30pm at Oddfellows Lounge, 270 High St, RH4 1QT from 7.30pm. Wildlife Aid Foundation are dedicated to the rescue, care & rehabilitation of sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. £3 non-members, members - free. Booking required, please contact mid-surrey@oddfellows.co.uk or 01306 877 792

15th -23rd FEBRUARY

February Half Term fun at Bocketts Farm, Young Street, Leatherhead KT22 9BS. Over 70 newborn lambs due, Meet the Shepherd, Fun and games with the Giggle Company, Craft corner, Heated indoor play and acres of outdoor fun! For more information visit: https://www.bockettsfarm.co.uk/explore/special-events

Saturday 15th FEBRUARY

Mid-Surrey mencap invite you to their Jumble Sale at Fortyfoot Hall, Fortyfoot Road Leatherhead, from 11am till 1pm. Light refreshments. Admission 50p, children free.

Tuesday 18th FEBRUARY

Mole Veterans Brass Band, Spring Concert at Old Barn Hall Bookham from 2.00pm. Brass band music, raffle and interval refreshments, Free entry (Voluntary donation) Everyone welcome! Info: John Cook 01 372 459596 www.moleveteransband.org.uk

Saturday 22nd FEBRUARY

Celebrity Piano Recital Benjamin Grosvenor at Dorking Halls from 7.30pm. Rameau: Gavotte & Variations / Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.4 / Liszt: Berceuse / Liszt: Sonata in B minor. Tickets £21 & £25 from 01306 740619 & 01306 881717

Weds 26th FEBRUARY

Rose Pruning Masterclass at Polesden Lacey, Great Bookham, RH5 6BB from 11am - 1pm. Our expert garden team will share their knowledge in our enjoyable and relaxed class. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey/whats-on

Friday 28th FEBRUARY

Cherry Trees 2020 Bingo night, at Top Golf Addlestone, KT15 2DW from 6.30pm. If you have played in the past, always wanted to play or are looking for a group outing for you & a few friends, come to Cherry Trees 2020 Bingo night. Tickets £10 pp: includes 6 games, cards & a dobber, plus light snacks. www.cherrytrees.org.uk/Event/2020-bingo

SAVE THE DATE in March Thursday 12th MARCH 2020

Friends: The Musical Parody at Dorking Halls, Dorking RH4 1SG, from 7:30pm. Friends! The Musical Parody takes an hilarious, uncensored look at the TV phenomenon that ruled the 90s & became a cultural institution with millions of fans across the globe. Tickets: £30 | Groups of 10 or more: £27.20. For more info or to book contact: 01306 881717, dorkinghalls.co.uk

If there’s an event in March that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Wednesday 12th February. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.

REGULAR events Sunday 2nd

(1st Sunday monthly)

Sunday 2nd (weekly)

Monday 3rd

(weekly - term time)

Monday 3rd (weekly)

Tuesday 4th

(1st Tues monthly)

Wednesday 5th (weekly in term time)

Join the Bookhams Residents’ Association for our regular monthly litter pick. Meet at 11am at the Lower Shott car park. Gloves, grabs, and high vis tops will be provided. www.bookhamresidents.org.uk / 0300 030 9890 Jazz on Sunday Lunchtimes at The Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. 1pm - 4pm. 2nd - Southern Revival New Orleans Jazz Band, 9th - New Orleans Heat, 16th - Golden Eagle Jazz Band, 23rd - Sunset Cafe Stompers. For more information contact Mick Welstead: 01444 243 745 or email: mickywelstead@gmail.com Fetcham Ladies Singers are preparing to perform a variety of choral works and songs from the shows for their Summer Concert & now would be a good time to try us out at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall on Monday evenings during term time at 7.45pm. Your first two evenings are FOC. Enquiries to Sandra Brown on 01372 276736. Pebble rhymetime & storytime at Bookham Library, KT23 4DQ from 11-11.30am. Due to limited space, sessions run on a ‘first come first served’ basis. 0300 200 1001 Bookham & District U3A 2.30pm at the Old Barn Hall, Bookham, KT23 3PQ. Phil Holt talking about Donald Campbell. For any further info, please contact Pam Hyde 01372 454734 or membership@bookhamu3a.org.uk. Bumps & Babies at Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre, KT23 4DH 10.30am 12.15pm. Offering pregnant mums & new parents a chance to get out and meet other parents, plus access support and information

Wednesday 5th

Bookham Bees WI, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30 for 7.45pm For more information please email: bookhambees@outlook.com

Wednesday 5th

The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, meets every Weds (except August), 7.30pm at the Methodist Church, Church Road, KT22 8AY. For singing in close harmony there’s nothing like it! Contact: Gary Score on 01372 275177. New singers welcome.

Wednesday 5th

Mid Surrey Community Fridges will be bringing their mobile van to Bookham Library car park on Weds 12 -12.45pm. The Community Fridge redistributes good but surplus food for free to local people regardless of circumstances. All welcome.

Thursday 6th

Noah’s Ark stay and play at Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre KT23 4DH 1.30 3.00pm. Sessions for under 5s and their parent/carer has play activities, craft and snacks

(1st Weds monthly)



(weekly in term time)

18 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

Thursday 6th

(1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 6th

(1st Thurs monthly)

Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. 1st Thursday of the month. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institute, £5. Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844 Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ. Kate Findlay -”Working in Series”. Everyone welcome. Sandy Clark on 01372 579321 / pumphousecottage@gmail.com. www.molevalleyquilters.org.uk

Thursday 6th

Rotary Club of Bookham & Horsley, at Thatchers Hotel Guildford Road, East Horsley, KT24 6TB, 7.30pm -10pm. 01483 280500 or www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/homepage

Friday 7th

New ‘Cuppa and Cake’ Mornings every Friday at the Grange, KT23 4DZ, from 10am 11.30am. Book your places: 01372 452 608. www.grangecentre.org.uk

Friday 7th

Rhyme Time at Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre, KT23 4DH from 10.30am - 11am. U5s can join in with fun simple songs & action rhymes with their families/carers

Friday 7th

Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, 10am 12noon. ‘Rock Steady - The Gibraltar Story’ - Talk by Paul Whittle. Members pay an annual subscription of £5, & £2 per meeting. Anne Thomson on 01372 373258

Friday 7th

Silver Strollers at Polesden Lacey, RH5 6BB. 10.00am - 11am. This is our social walking group for active older walkers covering the stunning and occasionally hilly terrain of the Surrey Hills. 01372 452048 or www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey

Friday 7th

Bookham Country Market - open Friday mornings in the Old Barn Hall. Come along you’ll receive a warm welcome. bookhamcountrymarket@gmail.com or 01372 452634

Sunday 9th

Quaker Meeting. Evening meeting is held from 6.30 - 7.30 at Park House, Randall’s Road, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship focusing on silence & stillness. Catherine Carr 01483 283693 or catherinemcarr15@gmail.com

Monday 10th

Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30pm for 8pm. ‘Australia’s Best Kept Secrets’ with ExCellar & ABS. For more information: membership@ bookhamwineclub.org.uk or visit our website: www.bookhamwineclub.org.uk

(weekly) (weekly)

(weekly in term time)

(1st Friday monthly)


(2nd Sun monthly)

(2nd Mon monthly)

Monday 10th

Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis and/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT 23 3PQ at 7.30pm. topicofcancer.org.uk/

Tuesday 11th

Dog Walking Club at Polesden Lacey, RH5 6BB. 9.30am - 10.30. Join us on a walk of the estate with your canine friends. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey

Tuesday 11th

Curzon Country Cinema at The Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ. “Judy”(12) doors open at 2.00pm, 4.45pm, 7.30pm. Booking is recommended. 01737 216 183

Wednesday 12th

Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, KT22 9QS. Speaker Valerie Fry ‘Wind and Words - Singing in the rain’, 7.45pm. Meriel on merielsexton@hotmail.com

(2nd Mon monthly) (2nd Tues monthly)


(2nd Weds monthly)

Saturday 15th (monthly)

Wednesday 19th (3rd Weds monthly)

Tuesday 25th (4th tues monthly)

Hardy Plant Society - Southern Counties Group talk at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ (10:00 for 10:45 am) on ‘‘What to do with this Space?’ by Darren Lerigo £4. More details on www.hps-southerncounties.co.uk/ or contact us at info.hps.scg@gmail.com. Eastwick WI. St Mary’s Annexe, KT22 9AZ 7.30pm. “Women gardeners of the 20th century”. Talk by Cherrill Sands £4.50, 2pm. Mary Morris 01372 289822 / eastwickwi.org.uk The Arts Society Bookham, at the Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, doors open at 6.45pm for light refreshments prior to the lecture at 7.30pm. ‘What is a Painter-Stainer: inside an ancient City Livery Company’ with Joanna Mabbutt www.theartsocietybookham.org.uk

Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 19

Rotarian Keith Slark presented with Rotary’s highest award

Keith Slark (right) receives Paul Harris Fellowship from Nick Garrett - Dec2019

Bookham & Horsley Rotary Club had a special award to present to member Keith Slark, who will take over as Club president next summer, at our recent Christmas dinner. Keith was presented with a Paul Harris Fellowship (named after Rotary’s founder), in recognition of his many years of service to the Club and wider Bookham community. Current president Nick Garrett commented: “Keith has given a lifetime of service to the community, ranging from being a scout leader in his early adult life, to playing a major role in developing the new Scouting Centre in Bookham, and being well-known over many years as Chairman and chief advocate for the Bookham Community Association. Since joining our Rotary Club some years ago Keith has been a constant voice of reason and source of energy, and has very successfully organised our Christmas collections for the last two years. I have rarely met someone with such a heart for others; always on the lookout to help those less fortunate than himself ”. Andrew Smith - PR and Comms, Bookham and Horsley Rotary Club

Bookham Open Gardens DAY SUNDAY 21ST JUNE 2020

For a great day out looking round gardens, do make sure you put the date in your diaries now. It’s the day after Village Day and we like to think that it is one of the highlights of the local social calendar. As ever, we are always on the lookout for new gardens. If you think you might be interested in opening and would like to share your garden with our visitors, you are most welcome to contact us for a chat. The joy is in the variety, from quirky to formal, productive to picturesque. Don’t worry if you think your garden is smaller than some of our usual gardens - sometimes it’s good to see what can be achieved in a small place. Opening is a great way to get to know people and feel part of the community. If you would like to open your garden or help for an hour or two in any other way, please contact Brenda Kent, 01372 453952, email bnb.selworthy@btinternet.com, on behalf of the Bookham Open Gardens Day committee. You can also check out and ‘Like’ our Facebook Community Page. Diane Poole

20 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020


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Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm








Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 21


Solutions Page 49

Clue: 1 Across

Copyright Š 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

Clue: 24 Across



1. Flightless New Zealand bird (4) 3. More than anything else (5,3) 9. Instance (7) 10. Drink made from apples (5) 11. Leather with a soft napped surface (5) 12. Dapper (6) 14. Cured herring (6) 16. Sherlock Holmes’s assistant (6) 19. Loll (6) 21. Warble (5) 24. Sixth sign of the zodiac (5) 25. Bowmen (7) 26. Languid, apathetic (8) 27. Slender (4)

1 Souvenir (8) 2 Use a loom (5) 4 Bosom (6) 5 Parish clergyman (5) 6 They need a fix (7) 7 Cooking fat (4) 8 Orb (6) 13 Personification of US government (5,3) 15 Ancient writing material (7) 17 Assail (6) 18 Constantly (6) 20 Ring-shaped coral reef (5) 22 Perfectly suited (5) 23 Wicked (4)

22 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

Clue: 8 Down

Clue: 15 Down


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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 23

Many of you will know that lots of Children's Centres across Surrey are sadly closing due to funding cuts. This includes the closure of Leatherhead Trinity Children's Centre last year. The good news is that Bookham Baptist runs its very own independent Children's Centre during the week for local families. There has been a real increase in demand on the Centre with the closure of Leatherhead, so it’s fantastic that the Children’s Centre is able to offer so much for the local community. Families can access all kinds of information and support from the specialist staff at the Centre, including a Family Support Worker (Emma Usher) for any families who need a little extra care and support. Plus, in an average week at the drop-in groups the Centre sees: 2 new mums coming to Bumps & Babies for the first time for support with feeding, help with baby sling carriers and to meet other mums; 20 pre-schoolers playing with toys, playdough and craft and enjoying healthy snacks at Noah's Ark stayand-play toddler group; and

24 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

37 children and parents/carers singing nursery rhymes at Rhyme Time group! It also has some other services that you may be less aware of, including ETHOS. Once a month on a Wednesday people can book a 1:1 session for support in applying for jobs, writing CVs, advice and guidance around employment plus access to online courses; suitable for all ages, not just parents or families - please pass the word on to anyone who might be interested. The Centre offers a variety of courses for the local community, including Talking Teens parenting course, Talking 2s-5s course for parents of pre-schoolers and a new Wellbeing Course, which is for everyone! 45 families benefitted from these courses in 2019. The Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre is here for the community, so do pop in and use it! Rachel Wedd, Children’s Centre Co-ordinator Find out more at bookhambaptistchurch.org.uk/bbcc Facebook: bbchildrenscentre Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre, Lower Road, Bookham 01372 811313 / familyservices@bookhambaptist.org


AGE Concern

Learn how to use your iPad / Tablet Smart Phone / Laptop / Computer


If you are over 55 and live in the Mole Valley area, you can use Age Concern’s computer courses based in either Dorking or Leatherhead.

1. Who played Elton John in Rocket Man?

The course runs once a week for 6-8 weeks. Topics covered will include: browsing on the internet, basic keyboard and mouse skills, using a iPad/Tablet/Smart Phone/ Laptop, setting up and using your own email or Skype accounts and how to shop on the internet.

3. What song won the Eurovision song contest in 1976 for Brotherhood of Man?

Those who already own an iPad/ Tablet/Smart Phone or a Laptop are encouraged to learn on their own device. Computers can be provided as well – it’s up to you!

2. Who walked like an Egyptian on the Masked Singer?

4. Gilbert O’Sullivan sang about Claire. Is she real? 5. Who went Halfway to Paradise in 1950? 6. Apart from Tony Christie’s hit record, what is Amarillo famous for? 7. Who heard Voices in the Sky in 1968?

Before coming to the course, you must register your interest by telephoning

8. Who was born Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O’Brien?

07442 017169 / 01306 899104

9. What does/did UB40 stand for?


10. What song did Astrid Gilberto make her own in 1964?

or by email:

Registered Charity No 1111678

AGE Mole Valley

Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 49

Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 25

Cookies….. without the cream A couple of years ago the kind of governing body of the internet decided it needed to standardise on certain processes and be more open about what the website providers were collating. As a result most companies on the internet were encouraged to use a code of practice about what data they collect when you log on to their website. This is done through the use of cookies

What is a Cookie? A cookie is a small file, often encrypted, which allow a website to recognise a user’s device. It is typically made up of letters and numbers and is downloaded on to your device when you access a website. Cookies are generally used to help users navigate websites more efficiently and perform certain functions. Since their core role is to enhance usability and improve processes, if you disable cookies you may find that the website does not perform as well as you would expect. When you load a particular website, a cookie is created. Every time you then revisit that specific website, the browser retrieves and sends this file to the website’s server. Computer Cookies are also being created by other websites when ads, plug-ins, widgets, or other elements on the page are being loaded. These cookies regulate how the ads appear or how the widgets and other elements function on the page. For more information see: http://www.allaboutcookies.org/

Types of cookies Some Cookies will expire at the end of a browser session, while other are stored for longer. Types of cookies include: • Session cookies - these cookies are the ones which allow websites to track the various actions of a user during a browser session. They have a variety of purposes. For example, a session cookie would be working when the website you are visiting remembers what you have put in your shopping basket. Session cookies generally expire after a browser session ends. • Persistent cookies - these cookies are stored on your device between browser sessions. This is useful because it enables the preferences/actions of the user to be remembered across a website. Persistent cookies are also used for a variety of purposes, however they are most famous for being used by a website to perform target advertising. • First and third party cookies - first party cookies are the cookies which are set by a specific website visited by the user. Third party cookies are set by a domain which is not the one being visited by the user. For example, if you visit a website and a separate company has set a cookie through that website this would be a third party cookie. • Tracking Cookies are a specific type of cookie that is distributed, shared, and read across two or more unrelated Web sites for the purpose of gathering information or potentially to present customized data to you... Tracking cookies are not harmful like malware, worms, or viruses, but they can be a privacy concern. With aggressive tracking cookies, these companies can know your location, device information, purchase history, search queries, and so much more. Sometimes, you never even know this information is being collected. However, some countries, like the UK, have adopted laws that require websites to notify users about their data being collected through cookies.

Are these cookies secure? Cookies are not computer viruses, they cannot be executed nor are they self-executing, they also cannot replicate and spread to other networks to execute. Since they cannot perform these functions, they fall outside the standard definition of a virus. Because cookies store information about a user’s browsing preferences and history. Cookies can sometimes be used to act as a form of spyware. Many anti-spyware products recognize this and will flag us certain cookies for deletion, following a scan.

This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.

26 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

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The motor car market is awash with bargains galore, and yet another wee treat has arrived to excite those who enjoy being seen in the latest offering. It is Kia’s brand new Xceed - a funky looking SUV, a sporting crossover and a distinct challenger to reigning rivals without it breaking the bank or failing to give value for your lolly. The Korean car makers are so confident they have designed a winner with stamina as well as style, they back their invasion on to the SUV scene with a staggering, unrivalled and unprecedented 100,000 mile/seven year warranty. Wow wee!!! In a recent reliability survey Kia finished sixth out of 31 manufacturers - just behind Toyota, but better than Skoda and streets ahead of Ford and Volkswagen, with that record breaking warranty - the best on any car. So what do you get for your hard-earned? A real treat in my humble opinion...a kerbside beauty that is both a pleasure to walk up to and to drive, whether around town or on longer motorway journeys, both of which it manages with panache and economy with 50-odd plus miles to the gallon. It revels in a softer setting with clever dampers, but

28 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

loses nothing in its all-round ability to cope with bumps or silky smooth surfaces, while at the same time keeping drivers and passengers nice and comfy with an infotainment system that is a joy to listen to — the product of a treasure of a touch screen. The best bargain buy I reckon is the 1.0-litre petrol engined model with its low CO2 emissions and is cheaper to purchase than the 1.6 litre diesel. And that is welcome news for private buyers and company car users alike. Altogether the Xceed is powered by three engines - two petrol, one diesel, all six speed. The 1.6 litre diesel has a bit more mid range attitude, but it is slower in outright speed than its kin. Only high mileage drivers seeking to maximise on economy could be justified in paying its price premium. For me it ticks all the boxes and in its class, probably the toughest and most testing branch of motoring, the latest Kia is a sure fire winner. XCEEDingly good in fact.... My favourite: The XCEED 1.6 CRDI3. Engine 1.6 litre. Four cylinders.134 Bhp. Six speed. 0-60mph in 10.2 secs.Top speed 122mpg. Mpg 64.2. Price £25,345.

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feedback. Obtain an up-to-date reportquotation of SAS Roofing onon: www.checkatrade.com Call us today for a FREE

Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) Average 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 01730 290727 (Winchester) (Alton) Call us| today for a| FREE quotation on: (Petersfield) 01962 462727 | hard 01420 579727 01730 290727 01372 642727 (Bookham/Leatherhead) | lead 07564 525400 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + work. score (Petersfield) “ Workman worked very and did an excellent job. info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Winchester) (Alton) | 01730Average 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 290727 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. | an www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Average Average score “info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Workman worked very hard and did excellent job. 9.89/10 info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Live feed video roof inspections Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. score Workmanworked workedvery veryLive hard andvideo didan an excellent job. score ““Workman hard and did excellent job. feed roof inspections

9.89/10 9.89/10 9.89/10


Live feed video roof inspections Recommended by previous customers,re-pointing vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Complete roof replacement, chimneys + lead work. Recommended, vetted & monitored local tradersofand service providers. Average feedback. Obtain up-to-date report oflocal SAStraders Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted monitored local traders and serviceproviders. providers. Complete roofan replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys +job. lead work. Recommended, vetted &&monitored service Recommended by previous customers, vetted byand Checkatrade, monitored via customer score Workman worked very hard did an excellent Average Recommended byprevious previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitoredvia viacustomer customer Recommended by customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report ofhard SAS Roofing onan www.checkatrade.com score Workman worked very and did excellent job. Call us today forRoofing a FREE quotation on: feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers.Magazine - February 2020 Looklocal (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) 01962Recommended, 462727 | 01420 | providers. 01730 290727 Call us& monitored today for a579727 FREE quotation on: vetted local traders and service Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: Recommended by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date report of for SAS on www.checkatrade.com info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk |aCheckatrade, www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Winchester) (Alton)

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Wombling and LOCAL PLAN PUBLIC MEETING Do you Womble? We are very fortunate to live in a beautiful part of Surrey, where there is a strong community spirit. On the first Sunday of each month members of the Bookhams Residents’ Association and volunteers meet at the Lower Shott car park, to carry out a litter pick. Whilst every effort is made to keep the village litter free, we are proposing an additional scheme where residents can “Go Wombling” on a road near to their home, periodically clearing litter. If you would like to get involved and adopt a road, or part of a road, please get in touch with Margaret our Litter Pick Co-ordinator either via our message line 0300 030 9890 or via the BRA web site www.bookhamresidents.org.uk. Equipment can be provided if needed such as Hi-Viz gilets, grabs and rubbish bag hoops. If we know where “wombling” is taking place the litter pickers can concentrate their efforts in other parts of the village. (For those unfamiliar with Wombles they are fictional pointy-nosed, furry creatures created by Elisabeth Beresford and originally appeared in a series of children’s novels from 1968. They live in burrows where they aim to help the environment by collecting and recycling rubbish in fun and exciting ways. They had their own BBC TV show and Top Twenty novelty hits)

Mole Valley District Council Local Plan – Public Meeting Thursday 6th February 7.30 pm – Old Barn Hall MVDC will shortly be issuing their revised Local Plan and the consultation period will take place between 3rd February and 16th March 2020. To facilitate discussion on the Local Plan and its potential impact on Bookham, the BRA is hosting a public meeting on the 6th February at the Old Barn Hall, Church Road, KT23 3PQ. The meeting starts at 19.30. Les Huett

30 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 31


Digi search

Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18


Sudoku #2

6 8

4 1 2 6 5 8

©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com

8 9 1 7 2 5 9 8 8 7 4 3 5 4 2 8 9 1 4 9 6 5 6 1

© 2013 KrazyDad.com

Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.

9 1 0 2 6 1 8 6 5 4 2 3 7 2

On curing the depression that comes with having to work for a living: Stay home for a day and watch daytime TV. -- Sheldon


4 5 9

5 8 9 7 5 0 5 4 5 3 7 7 6 1

8 4 8 4 7 2 4 7 4 2 8 2 8 1

3 9 6 5 4 9 9 2 7 3 5 6 7 3

7 5 4 3 8 7 5 6 3 7 7 3 5 4

2 3 8 7 3 4 5 1 3 4 7 5 8 5

6 7 6 3 3 0 8 0 9 4 8 5 6 8

2 8 5 0 9 2 3 3 3 6 6 3 6 2

9 3 2 2 4 7 9 6 7 2 0 5 7 6

4 0 4 8 7 6 2 3 2 2 4 2 4 7

2 1 2 5 4 3 6 9 7 8 9 1 7 0

Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical

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32 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 33


COMMANDER ALASTAIR GUTHRIE DENNISTON (1890 - 1961) The world of historical espionage is on your doorstep as you will hear if you drop in at the Letherhead Institute on Friday, 21 February when Lorraine Spindler, former curator of Leatherhead Museum, gives the latest monthly lecture on Spies and Trained Assassins - How events in Mole Valley changed the direction of WW2. Surrey’s historical links to spying and undercover activities included crossword clues, secretive bank managers, and six Special Operations Executive (SOE) training centres. This talk follows on from the December lecture when L&DLHS chairman John Rowley told the story of Commander Alastair Guthrie Denniston (1890-1961) who lived in Ashtead, founded what is now GCHQ, and secretly served his country during both world wars. In the first he played a crucial role in bringing about American involvement on Britain’s side by translating a decoded German telegram revealing a proposed invasion of US territory from Mexico. Shortly before the second war he led a delegation to Poland to see a code- breaking device whose principle would be developed for the Enigma machine. He also established Bletchley Park as Britain’s intelligence headquarters and recruited Alan Turing among others whose work made victory possible over the Nazis.

34 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

The L&DLHS monthly talks are on the third Friday of each month throughout the winter. They are always at the Letherhead Institute with refreshments served from 7.30pm and speakers getting under way at 8pm. Nonmembers are always welcome and the entrance fee is just £2. The Society’s Annual General Meeting will be held there Friday, 20 March, the 73rd since its foundation in the 1940s. Member Simon Ritchie will then talk on Ordnance Survey Trig Points - Industrial Archaeology Hiding in Plain Sight. Trig points were used for producing maps before the days of GPS so nowadays are no more than historical relics. Recent talks have included real eye openers. The one in January was entitled Photographs, Pen Pals & President Trump’s Mother. A few years ago Leatherhead artist and author Cathy Brett discovered five faded photographs of her grandmother Agnes’s pen pal, Mary Ann MacLeod. Lengthy research followed, culminating in a TV documentary entitled The President’s Mother and a graphic memoir exploring the lifelong friendship of Agnes and Mary Ann, mother of US President Donald Trump.

Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 35

Gardening Matters WINTER CARE

The Big Chill. Who knows when it will strike, but if you’re anything like me, a mixture of laziness, optimism and inattention will catch you unawares. The Sunday papers or winter walks are so much more alluring than getting stuck into the garden in winter, but there can hardly be anywhere that didn’t suffer losses during The Beast from the East. Plants can be expensive to replace, so let’s get going before the weather gets worse. Terracotta absorbs water, which expands when it freezes, causing cracks and breakages. Even pots claiming to be frost-proof have been seen off in recent winters, so try wrapping hessian around them to minimise the risk of cracking. Grouping pots together will provide protection, as less surface area is exposed to the cold. Raise them onto ‘feet’ to ensure good drainage, which will also mean their roots aren’t sitting in a pool of chilly, root-rotting water. In an ideal world, everyone would have a heated greenhouse where they could move tender plants. If your tender plants are in the ground, lay a thick layer of straw or bark around the roots as a mulch, or cover them securely with horticultural fleece. Cover your veg crops with fleece or cloches for protection, but remove cloches on warm days or the plants will bake. Remember to replace them before the evening chill. Do we ever lag outside pipes and taps and bring in the

Cecelia John: 01372 200 000

36 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020


hoses? Do we??? It is SUCH a bore, and they often survive perfectly happily, but really, how long does it take to drag a hose inside to stop it splitting, or to wrap some bubble wrap round a tap? Probably less time than it takes to find a plumber to deal with burst pipes. And hoses are expensive, so you’ll be kicking yourself. I know. I still have the bruises. Turn off fountains and water features, and if you have fish in a pond, keep a small area ice-free by floating a children’s ball in it so that toxic gases don’t build up underneath. Floating electric heaters will keep a hole clear too, but you need an electricity supply and a ball is WAY cheaper. The birdies are greatly in need of food in winter, when natural supplies run out. Hang feeders away from areas where cats linger, keeping them replenished while the weather’s grim. Try to avoid removing seedheads on plants such as sedum and honesty for as long as possible. Encouraging birds into the garden also helps us as gardeners because they eat insects and pests which would otherwise demolish precious plants. Cut back any whippy stems on roses so they don’t have to battle the wind, and tidy up fallen branches/escaped compost bags/watering cans/food bins… oh dear, you now have a picture of how my garden looks. Shameful. I’m off out there… after I’ve just finished this coffee.





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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 37


Adorable Benji is around 7 yrs old. He came into our care as his owner passed away. Benji was traumatised when he first came to us but is now really beginning to settle and show his very sweet personality. He is quite shy so would benefit from an understanding owner prepared to give him some time and space. Once he gets to know you he is a very gentle cat who is really loving. He is long haired and loves to be brushed; he now greets his foster carer with a little meow and a kiss to say good morning! Benji needs to be the only pet in an adult household to give him the quiet and relaxed environment he is looking for. If you feel you can give Benji his well deserved forever home please call 0345 260 1387 or email adoption@epsom.cats.org.uk Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to https://www.justgiving.com/Epsom-CatsProtection

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. www.cats.org.uk Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

We will create the garden of your dreams We plan, design and build stunning garden landscapes and outdoor areas. Let us create a special space for you and your family to enjoy. Our fresh approach and our expertise from creating award-winning gardens gives you access to showstopping designs, whatever the scale of your project. • Planting • Landscaping • Patios & Stone Work

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 39

pan fried sea bass on minted pea & chilli mash


Sea bass fillets • butter Potatoes - one each • butter • handful of frozen peas

• dash of milk • whole red chilli • fresh mint (or half a teaspoon of mint sauce)


1. Peel and cook the potatoes then mash with butter and milk and defrosted peas. 2. Stir in finely diced chilli and the mint. Season. Keep warm. 3. Pan fry the sea bass fillets in hot butter on either side until the skin is crispy, then serve on top of the mash. 4. Stir a little more mint into the frying pan juices and drizzle over the fish.

Delicious Dishes Event Catering Specialists

40 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

01372 372845 www.deliciousdishes.co.uk

We provide the best possible care for your feet Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic treat foot conditions that cause discomfort and pain. Our priority is to make your feet more comforable. We carry out all of our treatments with great care and attention. Call us today if your feet need some special care.

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 41

Princess Alice Hospice


Photo: Terry Driscoll. Eilís Kiernan and Nick Garrett beside the Hospice Memory Tree in the grounds. Right photo: Beside the Giving Dove at Princess Alice Hospice

A huge brunch date for 130 guests raised a hearty £1,000 for Princess Alice Hospice. Members of Bookham and Horsley Rotary Club enjoyed the mid-morning get-together in November, to highlight and support the Hospice’s care for people in their own homes. When Rotary President Nick Garrett and Treasurer Terry Driscoll visited the Hospice to hand over the money, Nick said the club had been inspired by his account of the Hospice’s care for his wife, Carol, who

42 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

died earlier this year. He said: “It was such a relief to have Hospice nurses come out to care for my wife. We really appreciated it.” Accepting the cheque, Partnership Fundraiser Eilís Kiernan said: “Donations are the lifeblood of the Hospice - without which we could not continue to provide outstanding care. “The Rotary club’s funding represents several visits from a nurse - a relief for patients who wish to stay in their homes, and a lifeline for their families and carers.”

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 43


Back in 1829, Sir Richard Mayne, wrote, “The primary object of an efficient police force is the prevention of crime; the next that of detection and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To these ends all the efforts of police must be directed.” End of lesson!! You can probably tell that my training as a Crime Reduction Advisor remains fresh in my mind, hence the need to share! What is interesting, however, is that this quotation from the longest ever serving Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police states that the “primary object” is the “prevention of crime”. Of course, there is an understanding that victims of crime want to see the offenders identified (detection) and punished but it does provide an indication of why I feel that crime prevention is a vital part of the role of the police within communities. My rather simplistic view is that it is impossible to prevent all crime - but that so much that can be done by all of us to deter it. From a crime reduction perspective, putting obstacles in the way of a would-be burglar can have a significant deterrent effect. It won’t prevent the burglar from carrying out their intentions but they can be made to think twice before targeting your home and property. Most deterrent measures are so simple and straightforward but they often get overlooked as we become complacent and focus on other aspects of our lives. Obviously, the importance of locking all doors and windows when your home is unoccupied is the first rule. From there, it is about putting in place measures that deter criminal activity. Having a good line of sight

44 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

from the roadside to the front of your home is the first measure; lowering high hedges and creating a level of “natural surveillance” which will prevent a burglar being able to work without being observed. Having some low-level exterior lighting which illuminates the front of your home also helps to remove pools of shadow where a burglar could be hidden and unobserved. The next is to remove things that could aid a burglar to gain access. This can include moving wheelie bins that could be used as a climbing aid to get over a side gate to the back of your home. Also, not leaving ladders or tools where they could be used to climb or to target your doors and windows is a sensible precaution that often gets overlooked. Having some timers within your home to bring on lights when you are not there is also a good idea. The best way to do this is to set the lights to come on in a staggered pattern, mirroring as much as possible your normal routine when at home. The most effective deterrent will always be a visible intruder alarm system but I accept that not everyone subscribes to this view. At the very least, however, I would always recommend registering your property online via the secure Immobilise.com database. It’s free, very simple to do and you can create an inventory of absolutely anything you own. Anyone who would like me to carry out a free and impartial home security survey can contact me on 01483 630 809 or by email to Neil.Clarke@surrey. pnn.police.uk to make an appointment.

Could you do with a helping hand? Talk to Extra Help for the complete solution

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 45




8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Family Communion Service – with children’s provision ​The First Sunday at 10am is a Morning Prayer service 6.30pm Evensong (third Sunday Only)


Welcomes all under 5s with a parent, grandparent, carer or childminder.1:30-3:30pm in the Church Room & 2-2.20pm toddler-friendly time in church. With toys, a baby area, playdoh and craft, tea & time to chat to the TotsAlive! team. .

Further details available from St Nicolas Parish Office:

01372 450709 or www.stnicolasbookham.org.uk



SUNDAY SERVICES - FEBRUARY 2020 Regular Sunday Service Times 10.30am - Family Service MEETING POINT Wednesday 12th February 2.00pm - 4.00pm - talk about Anna Chaplaincy Wednesday 26th February 2pm - 4pm - a Music in Hospitals concert with professional singer Laura Stephenson accompanied by Judith Flint. Not to be missed! Always a memorable afternoon. For details of these services or further info please visit

www.bookhamurc.org.uk Minister: 07889 878471 secretary@bookhamurc.org.uk

46 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk


SUNDAY SERVICES - FEBRUARY 2020 2nd February 10.00am 4.00pm

Candlemas Informal Family Worship Candlemas Evensong

9th February 8.00am

3rd Sunday before Lenty Holy Communion

16th February 10.00am

2nd Sunday before Lent Sunday Worhship & Communion

23rd February 8.00am

Sunday before Lent Holy Communion

2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10.30am - 12.00pm Chatterbox - a group for pre-school children and their carers. Further details from website:


Our Sunday Congregations

A warm-hearted congregation that enjoys variety in its worship

A gathering of all ages, vibrant and contemporary in its worship

A time and space to connect with God and with each other

Details about all that the church is doing can be found at: www.bookhambaptistchurch.org.uk or by contacting the Church office: 01372 811313

To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 47

useful numbers DOCTORS


Eastwick Med’, Eastwick Pk Ave.........01372 452081 Bookham Scouting Centre.....................01372 454383 Fairfield Medical Centre, Lower Rd..... 01372 455 450 EastwickRoadChurch(URC)....01372453473/453704 King George V Hall, Browns Lane ... 01372 451925 CHEMISTS Little Bookham Village Hall...................01372 453802 Boots the Chemist, 5 High Street..........01372 452067 Old Barn Hall, Church Road.................01372 456307 Grove Pharmacy, Lower Shott................01372 453293 SPACE,DorkingRoad...info@southbookhamspace.org.uk St. Lawrence Church Hall......................07758 223879 CHURCHES ................................ stlchurchhallbookings@gmail.com All Saints’ C of E Church.........................01372 458314 The Bowlder Room, Manor House .... 01372 456752 Bookham Baptist Church...................01372 811313 Youth Centre (opp Anchor) Lower Rd ... 01372 453803 Eastwick Road Church (URC) ........01372 453704 Effingham Methodist Church...............01372 457987 HOSPITALS Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church ...01372 458263 Ashtead Hospital....................................01372 221647 Quaker Meeting......................................01372 454363 Epsom Hospital A & E..........................01372 735735 Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit ... 01372 458263 Leatherhead Hospital.............................0208 296 2000 St Nicolas’ Church...................................01372 450709 Non-emergency NHS Help.....................................111 St Helier & Queen Mary’s Hospital......0208 296 2000


Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre ....01372 811313 Bookham Library................................. 0300 200 1001 Bookham Residents’ Association .......... 0300 030 9890 Citizens’ Advice Bureau...................0844 4 11 1444 Help your Neighbour Scheme...............07986 177234 Leatherhead Leisure Centre....................01372 377674 Mole Valley District Council..................01306 885001 Police (non-urgent matters)......................................101 Surrey County Council..........................08456 009009

HALL DENTISTS AJ Hedger, 26 Church Road...................01372 457959 Astek Dental Care, 19 Cannon Grove ..... 01372 377678 Cobham Dental......................................01932 866966 England House Dental, 30 High St .......01372 459393 Gt B’hm Dental Prac, 1 The Garstons .....01372 454355 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd,.......01372 363670

SCHOOLS Dawnay School.......................................01372 456774 Eastwick County Infants School............01372 453672 Eastwick Junior School...........................01372 453277 Glenesk School.......................................01483 282329 Howard of Effingham School................01372 453694 Manor House School.............................01372 457077 Polesden Lacey Infants School................01372 456533 St Lawrence’s Primary School.................01372 452870 St Teresa’s Junior......................................01372 453456 St Teresa’s Senior.....................................01372 452037

VETERINARY SURGEONS Brelades...................................................01372 452531 Pet Doctors, Fetcham.............................01372 379636

TRAVEL Train information..................................0845 748 4950

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We look forward to seeing you soon at Bookham Library. Parking in Lower Rd pay and display.

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Bookham Library has a fantastic travel section to help you with your holiday research. We are able to provide travel books from Austria to Zambia with everywhere in between. Alternatively travel around the world without leaving your armchair by reading a book from our travel writers section. Experiencing the world through someone else’s eyes can sometimes open your eyes. Have you ever found an author you love then discovered that you have read everything they have written? The ‘Who else writes like?’ section on the Surrey Libraries website online reference shelf, can help with suggestions to guide you to your next reading adventure. Parents may also like to go to the ‘who next?’ area to help with ideas to expand and encourage their children’s reading. During February half term, we will have activities and crafts with a Chinese New Year theme and a Guide Dog and handler will be visiting to give an informative talk about their work to adults and children. We are keen to welcome people to our new Reading Groups to meet at the library during the day, so do get in touch if you are interested. For info on any of the above, see the Surrey Libraries website, Bookham Library Facebook, Twitter and come in to chat with us! Don’t forget Bookham Library puts the Books into Bookham!

PUZZLE solutions Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18


1 6 8 4

5 7 3 2 9


8 3 3 2 7 6 2 9 1 5 4 7 6 8 1 3 9 2 9 1 5 4 7 6 4 9 5 8 2 7 8 5 3 1 4


Sudoku #2 3 2 6 8 4 5 8 9 9 1 7 2 2 6 1 5 8 7 9 4 5 3 4 1 6 9 2 3 1 4 3 7 7 8 5 6


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8 5 1

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1. Taron Egerton 2. Alan Johnson Sudoku 3. Save all #4 your kisses for me 4. Yes. She was the daughter the 3 year old daughter of his Manager Gordon Mills1 5.3Billy 6. Cadillac 7. The Moody Blues 8. Dusty 1 7 3 4 8 5 Fury 6 2 4 9 Ranch 7 Springfield 9. Unemployment Benefit Claim Form 40 10. The Girl from Ipanema

5 7 6 9 2 5 4 9 2 8 6 1 1 8 4 5 3

6 2 5


4 6

9 8 7 4 3 5 1 7 3 1 9 6 2 8 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 49 5 7 3 8 1 4 2

advertisers’ index Able Roofing.............................................................32

HRS Roofing Services...............................................13

Alan Greenwood & Sons Funeral Directors..............43

L. Hawkins Funeral Directors...................................45

Astek Dental.............................................................12

Lawn Master.............................................................45

Beckley’s Automotive.................................................39

MD Edwards & Son.................................................11

Boardman Gelly & Co..............................................39

Michael Reeve Landscaping.......................................29

Bockett’s Farm...........................................................21

MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd...........................52

Bonnie Dogs.............................................................21

P&B Tree Services.....................................................29

Bookham Carpet Company.........................................9

Pullen Plumbing Services..........................................23

Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service...............43

RJK Decorating Services...........................................15

Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic....................41

Roofs of Esher...........................................................43

Boyall’s Ironmongery & Doors....................................4

Roots & Shoots Tree Surgery & Landscaping..............2

Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................15

Rose’s Garden Design & Landscaping.......................23

Casselden’s Shoes.......................................................31

SAS Roofing & Building...........................................29

Cobham Dental........................................................31

Season’s Art Classes...................................................14

Colin Read Landscaping ..........................................31

Style Cruises................................................................6

Cosy Flooring............................................................41

Surrey Hearing Specialist.............................................8

CT Cars....................................................................51

Surrey PC Tech.........................................................35

Dashe Developments.................................................45

Tec Res Computer Solutions............................... 26/27

DB Garden Services..................................................52

The Downsmen.........................................................16

DPB Pristine Ovens..................................................33

The Grange Centre....................................................10

Elite Tree Services......................................................35

Tony Meadows Decorating........................................13

Englishman’s Castle.....................................................7


Extra Help.................................................................45

Wellers Hedleys Solicitors............................................5

F Covey Plumbing & Heating...................................12

Wild by Design.........................................................33

Finestra Services........................................................15

WOW Fitness...........................................................13

First Choice Cleaning Company...............................37 Great Bookham Dental Practice..................................8


Harvey Fab................................................................37


50 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

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