LookLocal May 2019
Cobham & Oxshott
Your award-winning local community magazine
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48 Welcome to May
Welcome to our busy May issue!
I hope you enjoyed a relaxing Easter break? Mine was filled with family meals, a spot of gardening and some lovely long
walks with the dog, oh and a little bit of chocolate too! Just about perfect I’d say! We have lots to tell you about this month. I enjoyed an over-night stay at the spectacular Beaverbrook Hotel a few weeks ago. This is a stunning local venue, with quite an amazing past! It was an awesome treat and I hope you enjoy reading about my visit. As well as this, we have a fab Competition to win tickets to The Hampton Court Flower show, and news on the St Andrews School May Fair, The Royal Kent School summer Fate, and a production of Mary Poppins the Musical at The ACS. We also hear from Cobham Cedar Club WI and report on a visit to Cobham by a ‘Global Super Star’! Phew! I hope there
44 10 11 23 24 26 32 34 40 42 46 50 51 52 53 53 54
Elmbridge Volunteers Beaverbrook Hotel Review Sudoku & Digi-Search Crossword Puzzle RHS Garden Festival Music Matters Computer Tips Cobham Bookshop Reviews Gardening Matters What’s Cooking? Church Services What’s On In May Useful Numbers Cobham Library Notice Puzzle Solutions Advertisers’ Index
is something in there for everyone! Finally, we are delighted to announce that, having been nominated, we have recently won the Corporate Live Wire, National Award for Innovation & Excellence! Wow! How wonderful! I think this means we are innovative in an excellent sort of way! Whatever it means, we are delighted to take that! Wishing you all a fabulous May,
Next Copy Deadline 5th May for our June Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
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AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr
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May/June 2019
Set your summer off to a racing start A local Museum have a variety of roles on offer from stewarding, marshalling at events, conducting visitor tours to maintaining the site & exhibits. You will need to have an enthusiasm to learn about the various exhibits of the museum, be friendly & enjoy working as part of a team.
Become a Trustee A counselling group are hoping to find a new governance trustee who would be able to develop policies & procedures so that they are in line with current legislation. This role requires someone with experience of policy making in a business setting. The role is one in which a self possessed & proactive person would thrive.
: 01932 862744 / 01932 860973 : fairmilecars@hotmail.com
Help kids hit the books A primary school are in need of volunteers who can help children with their reading activities by listening to them read individually & then asking them questions to enhance their understanding of the content they just read. This role is term time only.
Become an Adviser This is a challenging but rewarding role, which would suit someone who is good at listening, is able to identify & extract information & identify relevant material, & explain complex information clearly. Full training provided. A long term commitment required.
Get Involved Could you welcome people, help them use the selfservice kiosks, search the catalogue or even help to locate books & other resources? If the answer is yes, why not join the customer support team for your local library. This role is available across Surrey. You need to be enthusiastic about helping your community.
To book an appointment: Call us on: 01372 463 587 www.centralsurreyvoluntaryaction.co.uk
10 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
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47 Winston Drive, Stoke D’Abernon Cobham KT11 3BP
Once the home of press baron & politician Max Aitken, aka Lord Beaverbrook, this beautiful hotel sits in the foothills of Box Hill, between Leatherhead and Dorking. Set in 400 acres of Surrey countryside, it’s the perfect setting for this local gem. The recently refurbished country house still has a wonderful feel of belonging to someone special. Not surprising as it boasts an impressive history, which also includes many awe-inspiring guests, from times gone by. As you pass from one reception room to another, you will spot a selection of fascinating wall art including a framed poem, written especially for Lord Beaverbrook, by non-other than Rudyard Kipling himself! The glassdomed lobby is home to a Grand Piano and a stunning Gerhard Ritcher tapestry which hangs on the wall. Photographs from WW1 & WW2, depicting scenes from when Lord Beaverbrook was a cabinet minister,
also make for interesting viewing. The grand historic family home has been so tastefully transformed and so beautifully designed by Susie Atkinson. It’s very in keeping with the era, yet weirdly up to date as well: How did she do that? Open fires & comfy sofas with views over the gardens and beyond to the beautiful North Downs. The library houses leather bound books galore, with walls of original wooden paneling. The first UK home cinema is still in place where many war-time planning meetings were held, this is now available for hotel guests to watch a selection of films from the comfort of deep red sofas. You really can imagine Sir Winston Churchill standing by a window watching the night sky for German planes en route to London. He apparently spent much of the war here with his friend and fellow cabinet minister Lord Beaverbrook. Other celebrity guests included Charlie Chaplin, HG Wells, W. Somerset Maugham,
Ian Fleming, Wallis Simpson, Elizabeth Taylor, Joe & Rose Kennedy and Dame Rebecca West. We were certainly in good company then! On our arrival, we were given a warm welcome, our car was parked for us and our cases discreetly delivered to the Dame Rebecca West Room! A stunning and large room with a roll top bath in one corner. The hotel offers 18 rooms, which are individually styled and named after the former prestigious guests as mentioned above. One of these being ‘The Dowager Suit’, formerly Lady Beaverbrook’s room, it has many antiques and even a Louise Bourgeoise artwork. The large roll top bath is perfectly positioned by a window for views over the countryside, out towards Dorking. This is no ordinary hotel. All the bedrooms have luxurious bathrooms, Apple TV, a Coffee Machine, a mini fridge, stocked with complimentary soft drinks and a few tempting snacks, and a bottle of Sipsmith Sloe Gin too! The Garden House and Garden Cottage offer a further 11 rooms; these are Victorian in style and there is also a cookery school in this building! And 6 more rooms are due to open in early 2020, located in the Coach House. At about 7.30 pm we started our evening at ‘The Parrot Bar’ a stunning room with an amazingly well stocked
12 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
art deco bar; we both enjoyed a ‘Spitfire Collins’ a mix of Vodka, peach and elderflower with ginger and lemongrass undertones! This was served with shelled pistachio nuts & olives. A delicious spring aperitif. The hotel’s main restaurant is not quite what you might expect; it is in fact, a Japanese Grill. Under the watchful eye of Ex Nobu head chef Maruyama Taiji the menu is authentic with a modern twist. We started our meal with a Garden Salad which would pass as a work of art in itself, to accompany this, Lobster Tempura with Wasabi Mayo and Jalapino Shiso Dressing. Totally amazing is all I can say. Next up, a shared plate of Chef Selection, melt in the mouth, Sashimi, beautifully tender and perfectly light. For our main courses I chose Corn Fed Chicken with Teriyaki sauce & sliced truffle and my guest opted for Koji Monkfish, with Yozu Soy, sautéed mushrooms, and porcini powder. To accompany these, Broccoli with Kimchi Mayo and steamed rice. A feast we will not forget in a very long time. Each dish was perfectly prepared and the fusion of flavours sent our taste buds into over drive. We enjoyed a bottle of chilled Chablis with our meal, which went beautifully with the Oriental cuisine. There is an amazing wine selection to choose from, which would please even the most demanding connoisseur I’m
sure. To finish our meal a ‘Tasting Plate to Share’ which included small portions of Hibiscus Chocolate Fondant with Raspberry Sorbet, Matcha Tiramisu, Lemon Curd Scorched Meringue, and a Caramelised Banana Cake with Coffee and Dulce de Leche Ice Cream. If you like good food, you have my word, you will not be disappointed. This was an exceptionally good meal. We slept very soundly in our four poster bed with it’s super soft white sheets. However, our treat was not over yet! We woke the next morning looking forward to the Hotel Spa experience… The Spa is in a separate building just next to the Hotel; The Coach House, so named because it used to be just that… Striking glass design by Brian Clarke runs through the whole building, it’s bold for sure, but works very well. The Spa has a selection of sumptuous treatment rooms, a large steam/ice room and relaxation area, a Boutique and Apothecary, a delightful Deli Restaurant where food is served between mid-day and 5pm, a stunning indoor swimming pool and a large heated outdoor pool too, which was just about to be opened for the first time when we visited. The top floor of the Spa is devoted to a state of the art gym, where personal trainers are available if required. The large changing rooms were ‘top notch’
each locker housed a big fluffy white robe and flip flops, the large shower cubicles would match any top hotel room with clean white floor towels placed outside each shower. There were plenty of big mirrors and hair-dryers available and all immaculately clean. My treatments certainly lived up to the venue as well. To start, a 90 minute, full body Biodynamic Bodywork Massage. Which apparently embraces a full range of therapeutic methods, an effective treatment for relief of many physical, neural and psychological conditions. It blends Western Science with Eastern philosophy and was, by far, the best massage I have ever had. To follow I was treated to a ‘Therapi Honey Facial’. This treatment uses the regenerative and healing properties of honey and propolis products from Therapi, to cleanse, massage, treat fine lines and stimulate collagen. It left my skin feeling radiant and deeply nourished. A wonderful facial, and super relaxing too! Like the hotel, this is no ordinary Spa! We had the most amazing stay, the staff we met were all charming and looked after us so very well. Thank you all, for making our stay so special. We will certainly not forget the time we stayed in the house of Max. Is it any wonder this hotel was named as ‘The best Hotel in the UK’ by The Times? www.beaverbrook.co.uk | 01372 569 799
Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 13
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22 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
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Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 17
Sudoku #1
7 5
9 1
8 5
4 5
1 7 6
4 2 3
5 2
9 4 1 9 7 4
©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com
3 4
© 2013 KrazyDad.com
Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.
Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.
8 2 3 1 7 9 5 8 2 0 7 7 0 6
The absent are like children, helpless to defend themselves. -- Charles Reade
2 5 4 7 9
4 0 2 5 7 8 7 4 9 6 8 8 9 8
9 3 3 2 8 4 4 7 3 9 9 9 2 2
5 9 9 9 5 0 6 3 8 3 3 3 7 7
8 5 5 4 7 5 5 6 8 7 8 7 3 3
6 7 7 8 4 7 8 4 4 4 4 5 8 9
0 6 7 5 4 6 4 9 7 9 7 9 4 4
2 6 3 7 8 8 2 5 5 5 5 6 7 7
8 8 8 3 9 2 9 7 5 7 9 7 2 2
4 4 4 6 6 3 1 2 0 3 2 3 0 6
6 7 9 5 8 4 0 9 2 5 0 9 4 6
5 5 5 8 5 3 2 3 8 3 9 4 8 8
8 4 7 4 7 4 9 5 3 3 9 8 2 7
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 20323, 20770, 26378, 32395, 38472, 46584, 50638, 50946, 57353, 67394, 72935, 83948, 84958, 85547, 87496, 95766,
Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 23
Solutions Page 53
Clue: 1 Across
Copyright Š 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Clue: 14 Across
1. Scented (8) 6. Tear (3) 9. Spiral (5) 10. Disapprove strongly of (7) 11. Cut short (7) 13. Astound (5) 14. Playground item (6) 15. Important person (4-2) 19. Storehouse (5) 21. Appalling (7) 22. Legacy (7) 23. By oneself (5) 24. Regret (3) 25. Toll road (8)
2. Make bigger (7) 3. Mend (3) 4. Interfere (6) 5. Moral corruption (9) 6. Spanish wine (5) 7. Portion (5) 8. Young birds (6) 12. Flat (9) 16. Poisonous plant (7) 17. Covering for a curtain rod (6) 18. Roof beam (6) 19. Exclude (5) 20. Feeling of resentment (5) 23. Snake (3)
24 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
Clue: 8 Down
Clue: 16 Down
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 25
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 27
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30 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
POEM CORNER How Time Flies!?? Do you, like me, wonder why Time so often is in short supply? And do you find, with some surprise, The older you are, the faster it flies? So there’s always a race against the clock To get everything done before you flop Into a chair, comfy and deep, Switch on the tele, and fall asleep! The shape of our lives is governed, of course, By the use we make of this special resource. Time can drag waiting for a bus or train Which is suddenly cancelled, or late again. Or when ‘hanging on’ at the end of a line Listening to Vivaldi for the umpteenth time! But there are also moments to always treasure “Oh to stop the clock”, so they last for ever! We can dwell on times past and reminisce On things well done, or chances missed, Or look ahead and make fantastic plans Then circumstances change – so it’s out of our hands. For some, time is a burden, no end in sight, A dark, empty tunnel, with no sign of light. For others, it’s a furious, frenetic race, A time of stress, at a dangerous pace. If only, somehow, a way could be found To slow down this relentless merry-go-round? As you flop in that chair, so comfy and deep, Close your eyes, but don’t fall asleep. Switch off the mobile, clear your mind, Relax, lie back, and try to find, Amidst the noise of a bustling home, A moment of stillness for you alone, A deep well of calm, to show you how To value your time in the here and now.
MARION KEMP Poem from “In Praise of Hugs and Other Poems” by Marion Kemp. Available from Wishing Well, 7 High Street, Booham
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 31
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Music Matters
The Merry Month of May If you have few minutes on the May Bank Holiday, why not give our music quiz a go.
QUESTIONS: 1. Who sang about “Maggie May” in 1971? 2. Who sang about “The First of May” in 1969? 3. Which movie featured a song about “The Lusty Month of May”? 4. Who sang “Maybe Baby” in 1957? 5. Barrie Guard wrote the theme tune to the tv series The Darling Buds of May starring David Jason, Pam Ferris and which famous welsh actress? 6. Which May plays the instrument the “Red Special”? 7. Who sang about the “Merry Merry month of May”? PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 53
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 33
Heads, Shoulders, Hands ... & Computers? Help with taking care of yourself while you use your computer
Have you ever considered just how much time you spend working on your computer? Whether it be sitting at a desk or having a notebook on your lap in front of the TV, the average person spends hours a day in front of their computer and at some point it can take a physical toll on the body. These days repetitive strain injuries (RSI) are not uncommon and they can have a lifelong impact. Which is why it is important to have yourself set up in the best way to avoid it. The first consideration you should make is the eye level of your screen. Your monitor or notebook should be positioned, so your eye level lines up with the top of the display, at arm’s length away from your body. This way your neck can be relaxed, not needing to strain or have your shoulders hunch over. In stock we have a variety of height adjustable monitors, these are really easy to adjust the height and even tilt the monitor and are especially great if the computer is shared, that way whoever is using the machine can adjust it for themselves. Using a notebook at eye level can be a little trickier, but it is equally important. There is a preference these days to use notebooks on our laps or lying down and if you stop and look at yourself you may find you are hunched over trying to look at the screen. Having a notebook stand will lift your machine up and allow you to sit with a straighter back. Avoiding strain on the shoulders, neck and upper back, all round so much better for you and your computer too as this will give the machine better airflow and prevent overheating. Typing and mouse movement is a very common cause of RSI and there are some easy steps that can help you combat RSI. A mouse mat with a wrist support can aid in resting your wrist at a better angle or there are a variety of more ergonomically designed mice for less strain on the hand. This is the same for keyboards, adding a palm rest or purchasing a keyboard with one can make a massive difference for your wrists and support them better while you type. Finally though none of us want to hear it, sometimes the best way to take care of yourself is to take a break from the screen, with so many hours spent staring at it you are straining your eyes and your body. Just taking five to ten minutes away from the screen, stretching your body or going for a short walk can make a big difference to your overall wellbeing.
This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.
34 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
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Forget the jam, it’s the fun that counts The WI means friendship between women of all ages - CCC's Jean, Gemma and baby Juliette
What do you think of when you hear the words Women’s Institute? Possibly formidable ladies armed with jars of preserves, a penchant for rousing patriotic hymns and the odd risqué calendar? Think again. The WI today is a very different beast. Particularly since its 100th anniversary in 2015, new groups have been springing up everywhere, with women of all ages attracted by its central ideas of education, campaigning and friendship. In the words of Her Majesty the Queen, “There has been significant economic change since 1915. The Women’s Institute has been a constant throughout, gathering women together, encouraging them to acquire new skills, and nurturing unique talents.” Or as The Daily Telegraph put it, “100 years of ballsy, brilliant women who quietly changed Britain.” Cobham Cedar Club WI has been around for almost 30 years, but has a much longer link with the history of Cobham. It was Cobham Village WI that in 1946 planted the Avenue of Remembrance of flowering cherries on Tilt Common, to commemorate those from Cobham killed in action in WWII. This avenue was restored to its full glory last year. At the heart of membership in Cobham today is the monthly meeting - two hours of Me Time, engaging
36 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
with topics, chatting with friends, and hearing a specially selected speaker on (this year alone) anything from plants and foods as medicine to how drug smugglers are caught at Heathrow. In between meetings there is a mix of the traditional and the new - outings to London exhibitions and local arts performances, games afternoons and book discussions, lunches, and information workshops. Recently CCC members heard expert advice on how to avoid financial scamming. Visitors are always welcome to try a meeting or two before they join. What also stands out is the connection to the vast WI network of over 220,000 members nationwide. For example, each year every member votes on which issue National Federation WI will lobby government. This is where the word ‘formidable’ does come in - remember the slow hand clap WI Conference gave Tony Blair? And that calendar has raised over £5million for cancer research, saving many lives. Any member can make the most of all the WI has to offer, beyond local clubs to Surrey and national level. Should you join? Definitely. Whether you are new to the area, on maternity leave or recently retired, or fancy some mental stimulation, new skills and new friends, go to www.cobhamcedarclubwi.uk and get in touch. From Anne Yeates
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Joan Collins comes to Cobham
Global superstar Dame Joan Collins brought her trademark glitz and glamour to Cobham, Surrey, on Thursday 11th April at the official opening of the newest Shooting Star Children’s Hospices charity shop. Shooting Star Children’s Hospices provides vital care and support to children with life-limiting conditions, and their families. Dame Joan Collins, Vice President of the charity, officially opened the charity’s newest shop, located on Cobham High Street. Joined by staff, volunteers and supporters of the charity, she showed them first hand some of the beautiful items she had
kindly donated - from designer hats to shoes, dresses and tops. Dame Joan donated nearly 300 exclusive items from her own collection allowing shoppers in and around Cobham a chance to own a unique piece of history, whilst supporting their local children’s hospice charity. Items included a Mont Blanc zebra handbag, a stunning Jackie Palmer animal print dress and even some Donald Pliner shoes signed by Dame Joan. For more information about Shooting Star Children’s Hospices shops, visit www.shootingstar.org.uk/shop
Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 37
ACS Cobham International School ‘s production of the musical Mary Poppins Jr. last week astonished the audience with the brilliance of the performance from so many youngsters. The cast featured 61 Lower School children from the ages of six to ten who delivered three performances of the show. Mary Poppins was played by Emma Ayala Salvatico and Bert by Aveer Talwar. Jane and Michael Banks were played by Caitlin McCulloch and Ryan Shine. Simon Leyshon, head teacher at ACS Cobham, said: “The display of professionalism, teamwork, musicality and dance from so many of our youngest students was remarkable”. ACS Cobham has a new state-of-the-art theatre, but performing arts teacher, Sue Graver, who directed the show together with Lower School teacher, Teresa Rea, commented: “We have great facilities which are lovely to work with, but it’s the children and their teamwork, their dedication and their skill which made this such as success. When they leave school, this experience will be with them forever. Being part of a school production like this builds happiness, team work and confidence with songs, dances and memories that
38 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
last a lifetime.” Work started on the show with auditions in November, followed by two weeks of after-school rehearsals in January learning the songs, two weeks learning the choreography and then time putting it all together on stage. Children from the High School, part of the Theatre Tech club, worked on lights, sound, scenery and production. Sue adds: “Acting, especially musicals with song and dance, build so many life skills. If you set high expectations and expect them to be met, you will be amazed what children can achieve. This show was an incredible feat which the children pulled off with pizazz and professionalism.” Parents, teachers and the children have written to Sue and the school to comment on the remarkable performance, both from the audience perspective and from the transformation in their children which it has produced. Rebecca Painter, whose son joined the school less than a year ago, said: “Watching my son confidently sing and dance on stage was one of the best Mum moments I have ever had. His academic output has been astounding and I firmly believe that is bolstered by his new-found confidence from being part of the play.”
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barn with an opportunity to meet, feed and learn all about the farm animals. With a full programme of activities including small animal encounters, pony rides, tractor rides, pig racing, gold panning and more plus acres of indoor play and outdoor adventure, you can be sure of a great day out, whatever the weather! For more information about this event visit our website www.bockettsfarm.co.uk
Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 39
Book Reviews MAY ‘What Red Was’ by Rosie Price (Hardback, £12.99) This is a remarkable debut - I devoured it. The set up - a charming family and an outsider - will be familiar to any avid reader but what Rosie does with it is subversive and astonishingly good. The two main characters Kate and Max meet in their first term at university and become inextricably entwined - she the outsider beguiled by his apparently glamorous family. A traumatic event at a family party in London and its consequences drive the story.
‘The Parisian’ by Isabella Hammad (Hardback, £14.99) The Parisan illuminates a pivotal period of Palestinian history through the journey and romances of one young man from his studies in France during World War I to his return to Palestine at the dawn of its battle for independence. Set against a landscape of political change that continues to define the Middle East this is an extraordinary and richly imagined debut.
‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ by Liane Moriarty (Paperback, £8.99) This is a locked-door mystery. The nine perfect strangers of the title converge on a remote luxury health resort, Tranquillum House, where they’re promised not just rejuvenation, but reinvention. The strangers are all unhappy with their physical selves and despite the restort’s hefty price tag, Moriarty creates ways in for people from a variety of backgrounds. The differences matter because soon after the retreat begins the group is asked to observe a “noble silence”. The silence envelopes the group as it becomes increasingly clear to readers - even those who have never set an unpedicured toe in a spa - that they should be bolting for the exits. This is again a hugely enjoyable read from Moriarty with a sense of foreboding that builds right until the end.
: 01932 862903 : info@cobhambooks.com : www.cobhambooks.com : 12A Anyards Rd, Cobham, KT11 2JZ
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(Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 01730 Complete roof replacement, of chimneys +290727 work. (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) Call us| today alead quotation on: Average 01962 462727 |re-pointing 01420 of 579727 | FREE 01730 290727 01932 544727 (Cobham/Weybridge) |for07590 246654 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing chimneys + lead work. info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Winchester) (Alton) score (Petersfield) “ Workman worked very hard and did an excellent job. 01962 462727 of | 01420++ 579727 290727 Complete roofreplacement, replacement, re-pointing ofwww.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk chimneys leadwork. work.| 01730Average Complete roof re-pointing chimneys lead info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | Average Average score ““Workman worked very hard and did an excellent job. info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Live feed video roof inspections 9.89/10 score Workman worked very hard and did an excellent job. score “Recommended, Workman worked very hardfeed and did anroof excellent job. vetted & monitored localvideo traders and service providers. Live inspections
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Live feed video roofwork. inspections Complete roof replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys + lead Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders service providers. Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Average Recommended, vetted monitored local traders and serviceproviders. providers. Complete roofvetted replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys +job. lead work. Recommended, &&monitored local traders service Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing onexcellent www.checkatrade.com score Workman worked very hard and did an Average Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report SAS Roofing www.checkatrade.com score Workman worked veryofhard and didonan excellent job. feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Call us today for a FREE quotation on: Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. Call us today for a FREE quotation on: Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. Recommended by previous customers, vetted by 579727 Checkatrade, monitored via customer (Winchester) (Alton) 01962 462727 | 01420 | 01730 290727 (Petersfield) Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing aCheckatrade, FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: Recommended by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date of for SAS on www.checkatrade.com (Winchester) (Alton) 01962 462727 |report 01420 579727 | 01730 290727 info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com (Winchester) | 01420 579727(Alton) (Alton) | 01730 290727(Petersfield) (Petersfield) 01962 462727(Winchester)
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01962info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk 462727 | today 01420for 579727 | 01730 |video www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Call us a FREE quotation on: 290727 Live feedfor roof inspections info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Call us today a FREE quotation on:290727 (Petersfield) info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Alton) | 01730 01962 462727 (Winchester) 01420 579727 Live| feed video roof inspections (Winchester) (Alton) | 01730 290727 (Petersfield) 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 Live feed video roof inspections Live feed video roof inspections info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Live feed video roof inspections Live feed video roof inspections
Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 41
Ooh, May. Ooh, colour. OOH, PURPLE. But pink, blue, red, white too. Let’s have a swift romp through some colours and their effects in the garden. Pinks soften and harmonise. They’re a good contrast to other plants and will stand out against brickwork/stone. Best used in drifts. There are old faithfuls, eg astilbe, osteospermum, carnation, but also lythrum salicaria (likes wet soil, some good pinks and purples), Oriental poppy (a range of colours from palest pink to apricot), and nerines (many varieties from red to pale pink. Plant the latter with lavender and agapanthus, as they all have the same requirements. Blues, oh so much choice. They can be put with anything and range from palest blue to almost purple. At the back, self-supporting plants are handy because you don’t have to faff around with stakes and twine. They’ll also give distance and space and have a calming effect. Acanthus (partial shade), scabious (prefers chalk), larkspur and campanula all fall into this category, the latter very conveniently leaving a ruff of leaf when it dies down so that you know where it is. Other back-ofborder plants include delphinium (full sun), monarda (bergamot, part shade) and agapanthus (just about hardy, so plant deep in full sun). Caryopteris and perovskia, both with silver, fragrant foliage, echinops (blue, thistlelike, soft pom-pom), cornflower (annual, but self-seeds freely), aquilegia (very hardy, easy to grow, a variety of shapes/colours), nigella and lupin, all medium height
Cecelia John: 01372 200 000
42 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
and therefore middle of the border. For the front, enjoy hardy geranium ‘Buxton’s Blue’ - take the shears to it when flowering is over to get another flush of colour. A blue hydrangea is very striking, but needs semi-shade, as it becomes limp in hot sun - the paler the colour of the plant, the less sun it needs. Remember too that in order to achieve and maintain the blue colour, you must plant in ericaceous compost and feed with sequestered iron or ericaceous tonic. Reds will draw attention to, or draw it away from, something else and nearly always need full sun. It’s best to follow a graduation in colour from strong orange to deep red. They need space and you need to be able to see beyond them. Fuchsia and peony are good examples of summer reds, but there are some stunning red echinacea and salvia, not to mention petunia, geranium and phlox. Finally, whites. These will set off anything planted with them, adding distance and coolness. Good back-ofborder plants are gypsophila crambecordifolia (grows to 6ft, then dies right down), eremurus (foxtail lily, selfsupporting flower spikes which open at the bottom), Japanese anemones and dicentra (Love-Lies-Bleeding), while nicotiana syvestris (tobacco plant), Solomon’s Seal (straight bells with green tips, needs moist conditions) and astilbe (also needs moist conditions) are old friends. There. So many lovely plants, so difficult to know when to stop. Next month, planting in black and green, watch this space.
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 43
The brand new Range Rover Evoque, a vastly improved version of the original best seller, looks all geared up to be a massive money-earner, a smash-hit, for the parent company bidding to reign supreme in the hectic and highly competitive SUV market. The original version, which has sold 700,000 since its inception in 2011, has had a steady and beneficial run - but with a forecast loss, the first annual setback for a decade for Jaguar Land Rover overall, the updated, uprated newcomer Evoque is a rescue mission certain, I believe, to succeed and pile up the quids. The entry level start price is around £31,600. That does not have an automatic gearbox and is front wheel drive only. So it is worth adding a few bob to benefit from the snazzier, better equipped models. Astute design boss Gerry McGovern and his extremely worthy and talented sidekicks have fashioned a surefire winner which embraces all the attractive elements of style, image, composure and performance without reaching mind-boggling, wallet-emptying setbacks. He says:”What we believed our customers wanted was even more luxury, more comfort and even more connectivity. And that is what we have worked hard on. I believe we have succeeded.” The widespread feeling in the motoring business is that the new Evoque is one of the...if not THE ...most important developments in the history of Jaguar Land Rover, and a supremely fitting replacement for the original version at a crucial time of financial challenge. So what does it offer? For a start: six engines, a hat trick of diesels, 148 bhp, 178 bhp and 237 bhp, and three petrol versions, 197bhp, 247bhp and 296 bhp, stacked
44 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
behind a revitalised comfort zone of a cabin abounding with opulent coverage of leather and chrome to comfort both driver and passengers as they trigger and gawp at a wonderful touchscreen infotainment set-up. Despite the efforts of a nine-speed gearbox, and its automatic transmission assistance, however heavily rightfooted you might be, the quietness of the car on the move, tackling motorways or otherwise, is a rewarding joy. Overall the car is an example of peace and quiet. And, short of the rare challenge of a snow covered pyramid, you may rely on its capability to cope with whatever bumpy, slidey, skiddy, problems.... the costly downfalls of many of its rivals... that may secrete themselves in its path. Rural dwellers, regulars over rough terrain, or townies, suffering pothole threats, may sit back and relax in equal measure confident that their capable transport will make plush and cushioned ease of any issue that would otherwise result in a certain visit to the repair shop. There is even a backward facing camera, a real neat trick, set on the roof and feeding an almost cinemascopic bright and clear windscreen video display before your very eyes so you may see where you are heading in reverse without straining your back to look over your shoulder. And there’s plenty more. I am confident that Jaguar Land Rover’s reborn excellent Evoque will...and do forgive the play on words....evoke a stirring of satisfaction among those who put their trust... and their hard-earned...into having one standing proudly on their drive. Specification. Range Rover Evoque D240. Engine, diesel. Top speed 140mph.0-62mh in 7.2secs. MPG 40.4. Price £40.100.
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​a sparagus, lemon & pecorino pasta ingredients 50g linguine 230g pack Waitrose British Asparagus, trimmed and cut into 3cm pieces ½ lemon, zest and juice 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 garlic clove, peeled and bashed 30g finely grated pecorino romano Handful chopped flat leaf parsley (Serves 2)
method 1. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. Add the linguine, cook for 7 minutes, then add the asparagus and simmer for 2 more minutes. Scoop out a large cup of the cooking water, then drain the pasta and asparagus. Meanwhile, whisk together the lemon zest, juice and oil with the bashed garlic clove in a small bowl. 2. Tip the drained pasta and asparagus back into the pan with the pecorino, parsley, lemon-oil mixture and a good glug of the cooking water. Toss together, discard the garlic, and season. Serve immediately.
cooking tip Adding a splash of the warm cooking water helps to emulsify the cheese, lemon and oil, creating a silky sauce for the pasta.
Prep: 10mins. Cooking: 10mins Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2019 47
©RHS / Anca Panait
From 1st to 7th July, The Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) largest flower festival will return to the grounds of Hampton Court Palace. With an abundance of beautiful gardens and plants on display, the festival will bring together thoughtprovoking designs to highlight the power of plants alongside plenty of inspiration for visitors to grow a garden they love. A new Global Impact Gardens category will address challenges we face in today’s world through plants and design, whether they are social, economic or environmental issues, with this year welcoming two first time designers. The Forest Will See You Now by Michelle Brandon will highlight the benefits of trees, recreating a forest contained in an oversized packet of pills as it champions nature as a medicine in the 21st century. Also demonstrating how nature is imperative to happiness in a digital age, Seonaid Royall’s Believe in Tomorrow will reconnect children with nature. Other gardens will embrace sustainability. Designer Tony Woods and Thames Water will highlight the need to take care of our water resource. The Thames
48 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
Water Flourishing Future Garden will demonstrate how gardeners can encourage biodiversity, reduce water use and prevent flooding. Last year’s Best in Show designer Matthew Childs will also highlight the environmental benefits of getting a Smart Meter with Smart Energy GB. The RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival will run from 1 – 7 July. The exclusive Preview Evening* held on Monday 1 July is the perfect opportunity for those wanting to be one of the first to experience this year’s gardens. For further information or to buy tickets, please visit the RHS website at www.rhs.org.uk/hamptoncourt
COMPETITION TIME: A fabulous chance to win a pair of tickets to Hampton Court Flower Show for Look Local Cobham & Oxshott readers. Just answer the following question:
Whose garden will reconnect children with nature? Email your answers to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk, before 14/05/19 - winners announced in our June edition.
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hubpropertycare.com WEDS 1ST MAY 9am - Morning Prayer 10.30am - Baby talk
8am - Holy Communion 10am - Parish Communion 12.15pm - Holy Baptism
FRIDAY 3RD MAY 10.30 - Holy Communion
TUES 14TH MAY 9am - Morning Prayer
WEDS 15TH MAY 9am - Morning Prayer 10.30am - Baby Talk
3rd Sunday of Easter
8am - Holy Communion 10am - Family Service TUESDAY 7TH MAY 9am - Morning Prayer 8pm - PCC Meeting
01932 862109
parishoffice@ standrewscobham.org.uk
WEDS 8TH MAY 9am - Morning Prayer 10.30am - Baby Talk THURS 9TH MAY 2.30pm - T4U Afternoon Tea FRIDAY 10TH MAY 10.30 - Holy Communion 12noon - Lunch Club SUNDAY 12TH MAY 4th Sunday of Easter
50 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
FRIDAY 17TH MAY 10.30 - Holy Communion SAT 18TH MAY 11am - Wedding Blessing & Baptism SUN 19TH MAY 5th Sunday of Easter
8am - Holy Communion 10am - Parish Communion TUESDAY 21ST MAY 9am - Morning Prayer WEDS 22ND MAY 9am - Morning Prayer 10.30am - Baby Talk
0800 180 4490 THURS 23RD MAY 3.45pm - Messy Church FRIDAY 24TH MAY 10.30 - Holy Communion SAT 18TH MAY 12.30pm - Wedding SUN 26TH MAY 6th Sunday of Easter
8am - Holy Communion 10am - Parish Communion 12.15pm - Holy Baptism TUESDAY 28TH MAY 9am - Morning Prayer WEDS 29TH MAY 9am - Morning Prayer 10.30am - Baby Talk THURS 30TH MAY Ascension Day Thy Kingdom Come 2pm - Mothers’ Union FRIDAY 31sT MAY Thy Kingdom Come
10.30 - Holy Communion 2.00pm - Wedding
WHAT’S Weds 1st (1st Weds monthly)
Sunday 5th (Weekly)
Thursday 16th (3rd Thurs monthly)
Elmbridge U3a, Monthly Meeting at Claygate Village Hall KT10 0JP. 1.30pm. Talk by John Lyon: “Secret Classrooms: A window on the Cold War”. For more information or to join contact: Membership Secretary members@elmbridgeu3a.org or 0208 979 2737. Jazzy Sundays at The Bear, Oxshott KT22 0JE, 3pm - 6pm. Nothing quite says Sunday like a good old fashioned British roast. The perfect accompaniment to any roast? A good red or Bloody Mary are truly a must. All to the sound of live jazz. Join us every Sunday for ‘Jazzy Sundays’. The perfect way to wind down on a Sunday afternoon. For more information visit www.thebearoxshott.co.uk A reading group meets in central Cobham on the third Thursday of the month 7.00pm to 8.30pm. For further details telephone Jane 01932 862832 or Marion 01932 860278
Friday 17th MAY 2019
Large Summer Basket Masterclass at Squires Garden Centre, Stoke Rd, Stoke D’Abernon, Cobham KT11 3PU at 10am & 2pm. Tickets cost £25, which includes tuition, the basket, soil, moss, and a beautiful selection of upright and trailing plants, as well as a centre piece plant such as a scented geranium or fuchsia. Plus you’ll receive a voucher for a free tea or coffee and slice of cake to enjoy in their Café Bar, and 10% off all plants on the day! For more info or to book online visit: www.squresgardencentres.co.uk.
Saturday 25th MAY 2019
Dressed to Impress - Fashions of the 18th century, by Grace Evans, Keeper of Costume at Chertsey Museum at Painshill Park, Portsmouth Road, KT11 1JE from 1.30 til 2.30pm. For more information visit www.painshill.co.uk
Thursday 30th MAY 2019
Clandon Regis Charity Golf Day. Described as the friendliest golf club in the area, players at can play the 18 hole, 170m acre parkland site with numerous holes requiring carries over water, navigating dog legs & strategically placed bunkers; a testing day out on the all year round course! Team tickets for 4 are £280 with members rates available too, early meet with breakfast rolls & pre green coffees, play followed by a two course lunch, auction & raffle. All proceeds to Cherry Trees, tickets via events: 01483 222 507
SAVE THE DATE in June Sunday 16th JUNE 2019
BOOKHAM OPEN GARDENS 2019 - 10am to 5pm. Tickets on sale from May 20th: £5 in advance, £6 on the day, from the Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ (open Mon, Weds, Fri 9.30am-12noon), The Vineries & other local outlets. You can also buy them at the first garden you visit. Assistance dogs only. www.bookhamopengardens.co.uk or contact Tina Hutton on 01372 457598.
If there’s an event in June that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.5) before Friday 10th May. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.
useful numbers St John Ambulance ........................... 07900 910292 POLICE To report local incidents.............................. 1 0 1 SCHOOLS ACS Cobham International School . 01932 867251 DENTISTS ABC Dental Surgery................... 01932 589888 Claremont Fan Court School...01372 473624 Beech House Dental Surgery....... 01932 862290 Danes Hill School....................... 01372 842509 Dental Surgery of Cobham....... 01932 863416 Feltonfleet School........................ 01932 862264 Hollyhedge Dental...................... 01932 865888 Notre Dame School.................... 01932 869991 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd,..... 01372 363670 Parkside School........................... 01932 862749 Reed’s School.............................. 01932 869044 CHURCHES St Andrew’s Primary School........ 01932 863452 Cobham Methodist Church........ 01932 586988 St Matthew’s C of E Infant Sch.01932 863212 Cobham Presbyterian Church..... 01932 429511 St Teresa’s Junior........................ 01372 452037 International Community Church 01932 571820 St Teresa’s Senior........................ 01372 452037 Sacred Heart Catholic Church.... 01932 862518 Yehudi Menuhin School of Music 01932 864739 St Andrew’s Church (C of E) ..... 01932 867883 Cobham Free School ............... 03303 300237 United Reformed Church........... 01932 865900 TRAVEL COUNCILS & SERVICE Surrey Bus Services...................... 01483 506919 Elmbridge Borough Council....... 01372 474474 Train information...................... 0845 748 4950 Surrey County Council............... 08456 009009 National Rail Enquiries.............. 0845 748 4950 Cobham Library....................... 08456 009 009 Local storage............................... 01372 457855 VETERINARY SURGEONS Citizens’ Advice Bureau.............01372 464770 John Ball & Associates................ 01932 868786 Henderson Keywood & Ptners.....01932 864671 CHEMISTS Cobham Veterinary Centre......... 01932 868786 Lloyds Pharmacy......................... 01932 862113 Cobham Park Veterinary Clinic....01932 590022 Rowlands Pharmacy (Med Cent)......01932 862965 Beech House Veterinary Centre.....01932 868688 Sainsbury Pharmacy.................... 01932 866488 VILLAGE HALLS MEDICAL Cobham Village Hall.................. 01932 867870 Cobham Day Surgery ................. 01932 588400 United Reformed ....................... 01932 864769 St Peter’s A&E............................ 01932 872000 Downside Village Hall................ 01932 865414 Royal Surrey Hospital................. 01483 464002 Stoke d’Abernon Guide Hut....... 01372 843046 Non-emergency NHS Help..............................111 Stoke d’Abernon......................... 01932 864166 All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2019. All rights reserved.
Cobham Library, The Cedar Centre, Cedar Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2AE
T: 01483 543599 E: contact.centre@surreycc.gov.uk W: www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries OPENING HOURS Tuesday - Saturday: 9.30am - 5.00pm Sunday & Monday: CLOSED
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1. Rod Stewart 2. The Bee Gees 3. Sudoku Camelot 4. #3Buddy Holly 5. Catherine Zeta Jones
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Sudoku #4 4 1 5 3 8 2 6 8 2 4 3 6 2 7 4 1 3 5 8 9 6 9 5 1 7 2 APRIL COMPETITION WINNER: James Watts 6 3 1 4 8 2 7 5 9 3 7 6 9 5 4 9 6 5 2 3 4 1 7 8 Looklocal Magazine - May 4 8 2019 2 1 537 3 4 2 8 6 1 7 9 3 5 1 6 3 2 9 6. Brian May (Queen) 7. Nelson Eddy7
advertisers’ index Able Roofing.............................................................47
JML (Financial) Associates Limited...........................26
Bob Mitchell Bathroom Installations.........................21
Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors..............................19
Bockett’s Farm...........................................................39
Mailboxes etc............................................................33
Bonnie Dogs.............................................................47
Michelle Davis Footcare............................................20
Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service...............21
MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd...........................55
Boyalls Ironmongery & Doors....................................8
Music Matters...........................................................32
Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................33
Nick Ricks Decorating Services.................................31
Care Partner................................................................7
Orchard Cottage Dental............................................14
Carron Wellings Personal Trainer..............................15
Out on a Limb..........................................................43
Casseldens Shoes.......................................................20
Prestige Carpentry & Joinery....................................21
Claremont Fan Court School......................................3
Pullen Plumbing ......................................................43
R&B Carpentry & Building Services.........................32
Clocktower Financial Services.....................................2
Roofs of Esher...........................................................45
Cobham Book Shop Reviews....................................40
Roots & Shoots.........................................................56
Crome Dental Clinic...................................................4
SAS Roofing & Building...........................................41
Custom Finishes........................................................25
SH Garden & Property Services................................27
DB Garden Services..................................................55
Shiatsu Surrey with Liz Kendall.................................30
DPB Pristine Oven Cleaning.....................................27
SJT Property Maintenance........................................23
Dream Doors..............................................................6
Skin Talk...................................................................37
Elite Tree Care...........................................................49
Surrey PC Tech.........................................................41
Elmbridge Volunteer Centre......................................10
Surrey Roofing Group...............................................49
F& S Plumbing and Heating Services.......................27
Sykes & Sykes...........................................................10
Fairmile Executive Cars.............................................10
Tec Res................................................................ 34/35
Falcon Services..........................................................30
The Brigette Trust......................................................25
Green Roots..............................................................31
The Prestige Flooring Company................................17
Hartfield House Care Home.......................................9
The Vineries Garden Centre................................ 28/29
Hollyhedge Dental ...................................................45
Trestle Decorating.....................................................15
HRS Roofing............................................................22
Willow Landscapes....................................................32
Hub Property Care Ltd.............................................50 Interior Fabrics Design Centre..................................15
James & Thomas Funeral directors............................22
54 Looklocal Magazine - May 2019
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Based in Merrow and established in 1992, Roots & Shoots is a family-run tree care company which offers a professional and comprehensive arboricultural and landscaping service. We take great pride in our reputation and we offer all our clients a professional, courteous, and personal service. All our tree work is done to British Standards 3998 and is carried out to the highest standards by qualified staff.
We aim to ensure the conservation of trees through proper pruning practices. By embracing the latest research and modern techniques we provide the very best care for your trees, and with this in mind, we are happy to provide free advice and estimates. QualifiEd and insurEd 24hr EMErgEncy sErvicE frEE QuoTaTions