Look Local Magazine - Weybridge

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LookLocal April 2017


Your award-winning local community magazine

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FromEDITOR the Welcome to Look Local in April! How lovely it is to feel the spring sunshine and to see the blossom flowering too! Soon time to dust off the lawn mower again I guess! This month we are delighted to bring you coverage of a fantastic celebrity visit to the local area! The Grange Centre in near-by Bookham welcomed their charming patron who officially opened the newly refurbished buildings. It was a wonderful event and the building work has been done very well and so in keeping with the lovely Victorian buildings at The Grange. It really will make a huge difference to the clients and the staff. The Medicine Garden opened it’s doors for their Spring open evening recently too… See our coverage of this charming event. It’s well worth a visit if you’ve not been for a while! New season plants and a great selection of artefacts adorn The Medicine Garden as well as the award winning Art Shed offering many lovely pieces of art work… I’m never disappointed when I pop in for an art fix ! It’s the season for community events, so do check out our pages for diary dates over the coming weeks and don’t forget The Great Weybridge Bake off is taking place this month too! Details can be found on page 30. I hope you enjoy your copy of Look Local this month and I wish you all a very restful and Happy Easter. Warmest Regards,



Ros Rudd - Editor


5th April 2017 for the May 2017 issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags


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Making YOUR YOUR Money Work Harder M O N E Y W O R K

Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge oce of TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge office of provides advice on a recent change in tax law, TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine provides or addresses a topical financial issue. advice on a recent change in tax law, or addresses a Car benefit changes topical fiancial issue. 2013/14 Q: Can you summarise what the changes toTax company Returnscar and van benefits are from 6 April 2013 please? noticed that I made a mistake on the : I have A: From the 6th April 2013:


tax return I submitted on 31st January - am

Company cars I able to amend it?

will you • The car benefit charge multiplier If you make an error on your tax return, : fuel have 12 months from 31st January after increase normally from £20,200 to £21,100


the end of the tax year to correct or amend it. • The lower threshold will be reduced from For example, if you filed your 2015/16 online tax return 120g/km to 115g/km by 31st January 2017, you have until 31st January 2018 to amend it. You can only amend your returnare after this • The lowest appropriate percentages still timeframe if you received return late (after 31st July). 0 per cent and 5 peryour cent If you owe more tax or need to pay a penalty because of the

• The 10 per cent charge will now apply to cars mistake, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will notify you with CO2you emissions ofand 76g/km to how 94g/km how much need to pay when and to pay it. If you believe you are due a refund, youwill can increase tell HMRCby how • The appropriate percentage would to all receive it. 1you per centlikefor vehicles with CO2 emissions If you submitted your tax return online, you between 95g/km and 215g/km, to acan also amend it electronically. And if you chose to file it as a paper copy, maximum of 35 per cent there is no need to resend in the whole tax return. Just

Vans write to HMRC and attach the pages you want to make corrections to. benefit charge multiplier will • The van fuel increase from to £564 Is this HMRC text£550 genuine? • The van benefit is frozen at £3,000



I have already filled my tax return but

The rules and implications of company yesterday, I received a text from HMRC vehicles aresaying far reaching, you I needed toso pay mywould tax. Is itbe genuine? advised to seek professional advice from your local TaxAssist before acquiring You’reAccountant right to be suspiciousthere are aa lot : new vehicle. of scam emails and text messages out there-



Leasing a car Q: If I lease a car in the name of my personal Customs (HMRC). company, you haveabout any recommendations If you havedo any doubts the authenticity of a burden to keep the tax communication, do not give outdown? private information (such as bank details if orthe passwords), reply to a text messages, A: Firstly, car triggers benefit indownload kind, attachments or click on anybe links in emails. then you will always better o looking for forward aInstead, vehicle withsuspicious: low CO2 emissions, as this will - text messages to 60599 (text messages will be charged at result in a lower car benefit percentage and your network rate) therefore a lower personal tax liability for you. - emails to HMRC’s phishing team phishing@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk Furthermore, you should also be aware that also emissions check HMRC’s guidance on recognising ifYou theshould car has over 130g/km, it is scams ifthat you’re15% notof sure. likely the lease payments will be Please note, HMRC will never use texts emails to: If for corporation taxorpurposes. disallowed - tell you about a tax rebate or penalty the emissions are below this level, the entire - ask for personal or payment information lease payments should be tax deductible. HMRC emails will never provide a link to a secure log-in Emailing P60s page or a form asking for information. Instead you’ll be asked to log to your account to check can for information. Q: Toon keep myonline oce paperless, I send my However, you should aware HMRC has recently been employees their be P60 viathat email? sending out email and text reminders to taxpayers, advising A: Since 2010/11, form P60 can be provided them to pay their tax before 31st January 2017. The texts and either onnotpaper electronically, butareyou emails do provideorany details though- they simply a should prompt. confirm with your employees that they are happy totoreceive P60 If you have tax pay, youtheir can find outelectronically. about the different access Your sta will need to have payment methods on HMRC’s website here: to secure facilities to view and print a copy. If they prefer https://www.gov.uk/pay-self-assessment-tax-bill not to receive their P60 electronically, then you must provide them with a hard copy as normal. Contact Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA Contact Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA on: 01932 850 600 or by on: 01932 850 600 or by email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk

particularly claiming to be from HM Revenue &

Disclaimer - adviceshared shared in in this this column column isisintended rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary do andvary if you feelifthe Disclaimer – advice intendedtotoinform inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances and you provided is beneficial importantitthat you contactthat us before implmentation. If you take, or do not If take result feelinformation that the information provideditisisbeneficial is important you contact us before implementation. youaction take,asora do not take a result ofbefore reading this column, before receiving our written weforwill responsibility for of action readingas this column, receiving our written endorsement, we will acceptendorsement, no responsibilty anyaccept fiancialno loss incurred. any financial loss incurred.


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10 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

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what’s on

Around Weybridge

Local events in and around the Weybridge area during the months of April and May 2017




NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED DA T E : 11 AP R IL 2017 TIM E : 10:30 – 12:30


PA IN S H IL L PA R K (CA F E ́) PO R T S M O U T H RO A D CO B H A M KT11 1JE Come and learn how to create your own handmade cards with Janet. She will introduce you to the wonderful world of stamping, and for just £5, you will be able to create up to 4 beautiful handmade cards. Escape from the pressures of life in this fun and relaxed workshop that will bring out the creativity in you. Discover how great crafting is for you as you craft, meet new friends and have a refreshing cuppa. Crafting can also help people with depression. These workshops are suitable for anyone. Give it a go! You may discover a fun, new hobby, or even how you could turn an existing hobby into an exciting new business opportunity. Don't delay, join today! Please note: In order to keep the cost of the workshop so low, at least one drink MUST be purchased from the cafe during the workshop.


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Join us this Easter & follow the exciting Easter trail to explore the mystical follies & enchanted woodlands of Painshill. The perfect Easter day out for all the family, discover the landscape in its spring glory as you hunt for suspects in the case of Mother Gooses stolen golden eggs. INCLUDED IN STANDARD ADMISSION


Painshill Park, Portsmouth Rd KT11 1JE | 01932 868113

Wings & Wonder Join us to experience the delights of 2 falconry flying displays at Painshill.With a selection of beautiful birds from owls, falcons and hawks to a magnificent eagle, vulture & a raven. Visitors will have the opportunity to take part in handling sessions Included in Standard admission. Call 01932 868113

Sunday 23rd April 2017 - 11.00AM & 1.30PM

Painshill Park, Cobham, Portsmouth Road KT11 1JE The UK’s biggest baby & toddler show returns to the South East & has all the amazing shopping & expert advice new parents need to give their baby the best start! It’s the only place you will find so many unbeatable deals on the essential purchases & handy products to make you & your little one comfortable, safe and stylish... Save money with huge deals. 150+ top brands &products to test, try, compare & buy. Hear practical advice from our experts FREE parking for all visitors and a stress-free day out Get 1/3 off adult tickets with code SAN12. Visit www.babyandtoddlershow.co.uk to purchase tickets. SANDOWN RACECOURSE KT10 9AJ | 01372 464348

12 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Vera Fletcher Hall


Easter HolidayFUN

SUN 23RD APRIL - 7.30pm Commedia Opera presents : Madam Butterfly Puccini’s Madam Butterfly is among the most popular in opera repertoire. The tragic story of the geisha who enters into a marriage contract with an American naval officer who later abandons her for an American wife. Commedia Opera are making a welcome return to the Vera Fletcher Hall. Tickets £15.00

www.verafletcherhall.co.uk 4 Embercourt Rd, KT7 0LQ

0845 652 8529

Explore G L A M P I N G RETURNS 4TH MAY 2017 Explorer Glamping at Chessington World of Adventures! Enjoy the adventure & excitement of family camping without sacrificing your luxuries. Sleep under canvas in the great outdoors in a bed as cosy as those in a hotel, and wake up in the morning to the sounds of the wilderness and the smell of your hot, cooked breakfast. Don’t miss out on an adventure of a lifetime! Overnight stay & 2 for 1 day tickets included in package.

Call to book 0871 663 4477 Leatherhead Road, Chessington

On weekdays during Easter (excluding Bank Holidays), our popular car rides will be operating from 11am-1pm and from 2-4.00pm (subject to weather). Take a trip in a vintage-style car up Test Hill or along the Members’ Banking of the old Race Track, courtesy of the Brooklands Volunteer Car Rides Team. Also, London Bus Museum will be operating bus rides around the local area. Kids Tours on Concorde - Every weekday during the Holidays at 10:25 and 13:25. Bouncing Bertie - Free pop-in activity. Workshop open 11am - 12:30pm & 1pm - 3pm. All materials will be provided. Normal Museum admission prices apply for this event 3rd April - 7th April 2017 | 10.00am - 5.00pm 01932 857 381 | events@brooklandsmuseum.com

Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0QN



at the Lightbox

The Easter Holidays are a time full of artistic inspiration, & The Lightbox is offering a variety of Spring-themed children’s workshops (Easter Bunny Barkets, Easter Bonnets, Easter Chicks, Farmyard Marionettes and many more) to keep the kids entertained throughout. With a variety of both drop-in & pre-booked workshops available for all ages, there’s nowhere better for children to get creative this Easter.

Sat 1st - 17th April 2017 For more info please visit


01483 737800 The Lightbox, Chobham Rd, GU21 4AA

The Carpenters STORY

The South East’s biggest, longest-running and best-loved bus show is back and will be a fabulous day out for families and transport enthusiasts alike. The show is expected to attract around 100 visiting buses and coaches, old and new, from London and all over the UK. There will be heritage bus trips, a huge selection of trade stalls and family entertainment. All the Brooklands Museum attractions and displays will be open including cars, motor bikes, bicycles and aircraft. Tickets: Adults £13, Children £7, Family £34.00 Sunday 9th April 2017 | 10.00am - 5.00pm 01932 857381 | events@brooklandsmuseum.com

Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0QNS

This award-winning production features the stunning vocals of international star Claire Furley as Karen Carpenter, and lavish arrangements from LIVE musicians. Tickets £25.40 - £27.40 plus transaction fee

FRIDAY 4th MAY 2017, 7.30pm

wokinggroups@theambassadors.com www.atgtickets.com | 0844 871 7645 New Victoria Theatre, Woking, GU21 6GQ


TREATING DRY SKIN This month, Look Local reader Ann Highgate asks if supplements are the best thing for her West Highland Terrier’s very dry skin. Supplements are important and work wonders for all kinds of doggy ailments, but it’s best to first check if there is are any underlying issues. Your dog’s dry skin could be due to a change in diet, or something missing in his diet, or maybe even an allergy. I would strongly recommend you visit your vet in the first instance to rule out any medical issues. If you do discover your dog’s dry skin is not medically or dietary related, then by all means give supplements a go. There are many on the market including Lintbells, which has a special Itchy Dog range for doggy dry coats and skin. Omega oils are a key ingredient; and these can also be found in oily fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna. So perhaps introduce some fishy treats each day for your dog which no doubt he’ll love! Regularly brushing your dog’s coat will also help. Not only does it remove dead hair, it also distributes the natural oils found in his coat which will moisturise and nourish the skin too. Bruce Casalis is director & founder of Bruce’s Doggy Day Care, a multi-award winning business in Weybridge. Do you have any dog training or canine behavioural questions which you would like to ask Bruce about? Send your questions to :-


Then check out this column each month for Bruce’s answers.

14 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

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Heated cabins


Register to vote by Thursday 13 April. Visit surreycc.gov.uk/elections or call 03456 009 009 for details and your nearest polling stations.

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 15

INGREDIENTS 500g bag Waitrose Ciabatta Bread Mix 345g jar Waitrose Tomato & Sun-dried Tomato sauce ½ essential Waitrose Large Supersweet Pineapple, peeled and thinly sliced 130g pack Waitrose finely sliced British Wiltshire Cured Oak Smoked Ham, torn 120g Waitrose Grated Cheddar & Mozzarella 1 tbsp essential Waitrose Olive Oil 50g bag Waitrose Wild Rocket Salad, to serve 2 tsp essential Waitrose Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

METHOD 1. Set aside a little of the bread mix for dusting, then place the rest in a bowl, make a well in the centre and pour in 270ml lukewarm water. Knead vigorously for 5 minutes until smooth, then return the dough to the bowl, cover with cling film and leave to rise for 30 minutes. 2. Preheat the oven to 220°C, gas mark 7. Cut the dough into 2 even pieces, roll out thinly, on a lightly floured surface, to 30cm rounds then place in pizza tins or on 2 large baking sheets. Spread with the tomato sauce and top with the pineapple, ham and cheese, then leave to rise for 10-20 minutes. Drizzle with half the oil and bake for 15-20 minutes until risen and golden. Dress the rocket with the remaining oil and vinegar and pile on top of the warm pizzas.

COOK’S TIP For a fabulous piquant flavour, try crumbling over some blue cheese.

CHILDREN - Serves: 4 Preparation time: :15 minutes + rising time Cooking time: 15-20 minutes Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes

Thin& Crispy


Visit our stunning newly refurbished showroom in Ashford!

Joanna Lumley visits the grange


n the 8th March The Grange in Bookham welcomed the ever lovely, Joanna Lumley to open the newly refurbished areas of their beautiful Victorian building. This £440,000 building project has created more places for people with disabilities to attend The Grange and learn valuable skills for life. The new works have provided the following :• A state-of-the-art IT suite called the Karten CTEC Centre • A new room for the fudge mini business • A multi-media arts room with film animation & mug printing • A heritage Room for antique textile collection & royal

letters As well as all this the whole building has been made more accessible with wider corridors, automatic doors and a new lift too! Miss Lumley genuinely seemed to enjoyed her visit; she enthusiastically met lots of the clients as she was shown around the newly refurbished building. She asked all about their various projects and the skills they were learning. What a lovely lady she is and a wonderful patron to this very valuable local charity. Look Local would like to thank everyone at The Grange for inviting us along to join your celebrations on this very special day, we had an Absolutely Fabulous time !

Weybridge Male Voice Choir


The Aussies are coming to Weybridge



f you like male voice choirs, you’ll love this concert. These two excellent choirs will be at the top of their game, having just competed at a major international festival in Cornwall and taken part in several concerts there. Each choir will sing 8 pieces from their own very different repertoires; and the joint choir of nearly 100 voices will also sing 8 items from those common to many male voice choirs. With nearly 100 voices, the powerful pieces will raise the roof. But even more wonderful will be the moving

20 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

feeling from those solid harmonies in the very quiet pieces, the sound drifting across the air with a gorgeous, sonorous hum. So mellow and stirring. So if you’re a regular, don’t miss the excitement and sheer variety of this concert; and if you like hearing male voice choirs now and again, this will be a concert to rank among the very best in singing quality, variety, emotion and sheer entertainment. So don’t miss it! Tickets are available now. See the poster for details.



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Sudoku puzzle

What word.. Can you guess what ONE word we are describing? It is just ONE word and this can get a little tricky but fun.

Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!

22 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

1. Mr. Sippy’s wife 2. Have to, Astronaut orange drink 3. Male nun, opens padlock 4. Lemon cousin, heavy opposite 5. Triple 4th letter 6. Two “Keets” 7. Snooze bag 8. Toes short letter 9. Lift up the girl 10. Adult male, cap, 2000 lbs.

See how many you can solve. solutions page 37





SATURDAY 6TH MAY 2017 | 12.30PM - 4.30PM


OATLANDS RECREATION GROUND, OATLANDS DRIVE, WEYBRIDGE he Oatlands Village Fayre will take place on Saturday 6th May 2017, 12.30 to 4.30 pm at Oatlands Recreation Ground, Oatlands Drive, Weybridge. This hugely popular event raises funds for the Guides, Scouts and other local charities, and is a great day out for families and people of all ages. The Fayre opens at 12.30 with the Oatlands Pipe Band. There’s a whole host of fun activities, ranging from events in the main arena to refreshment tents, tombola, Punch and Judy and many other stalls. This year the main arena event will be the K9 Quackers, an entertaining sheepdog and duck herding display. There will be many exciting stalls around the arena, that enable you to find out about local organisations, buy tickets for the tombola or other prize winning events. There is even an opportunity to smash plates! We always have a great selection of cakes, refreshments,

burgers and other foods, so don’t eat lunch before you come. Programme available for presale or at the gates, price £1.00. More information available on the website: www.oatlandsfayre.org.uk

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 23

gardening with auntie planty


It’s funny how some conversations start – I witnessed one recently on a local community website about bluebells. Someone wanted to give away a bag of the Spanish variety they had dug up. Sounds simple enough, but what ensued rivalled a Wimbledon base-line tennis rally that lasted for days & days. On one side of the net were those who innocently wanted them, & on the other, those calling the Spanish bluebells ‘thugs’, insisting that these bulbs be destroyed & not planted! So I thought it was time to explain why.


ur native bluebell (Hyacinthoides nonscripta) has been associated with ancient woodlands for hundreds of years, where it has formed carpets of sweet smelling violet-blue flowers in mid-spring. People have travelled far and wide to share in this timeless sight, but the sad fact is this perfect plant is now under threat; and, Public Enemy Number is One is its Spanish cousin (H. hispanica). To the casual observer, both of these bluebell types may appear very similar, but look closely and you will soon spot the difference. The flowers of our native bluebell (H. non-scripta) are narrowly bellshaped, with straight-sided petals, deeply curling back at the tips. The majority of flowers droop from one side of the stem. The leaves are quite narrow. Peep inside the flower, you’ll

find that the anthers are creamy-white. Now look at the Spanish interloper (H. hispanica) you’ll see the flowers are more open than English bluebells, with the petal tips just flaring out a little and curling back only slightly. Some of the flowers may droop from one side, but most are arranged all around the stem and are held more erectly. The anthers of Spanish bluebells (& hybrids) are usually pale to dark blue and the leaves are wide. So what’s the problem, you may be asking? All bluebells spread rapidly, sending out underground runners on which new bulbs form. They also seed freely. All of this is good news when we are talking about our ancient woodlands, which date back to the 1600s or earlier. The bad news is that the Spanish bluebell hybridises freely with our native form (producing H. X massartiana) and so the original

identity is permanently lost. It’s a repeat story of the demise of our native red squirrel where the grey outsider is winning the survival battle handsdown. If you happen to be clearing out Spanish bulbs from your garden, don’t put them on the compost heap - place them in a black plastic bag and leave them out of sight for about a year before composting them. Never discard them in the countryside. When you visit Kew Gardens to marvel at the bluebell wood, look closely to check which species they are!

Valerie Munro is a chartered horticulturist. She offers unique and personal tuition sessions explaining the whys and wherefores of good gardening techniques in your own garden. www.auntieplanty.co.uk © 2016 Valerie McBride-Munro

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 25





The art Shed E



26 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017









wonderful evening was enjoyed by all who attended the spring Open Evening Event at The Medicine Garden a few weeks ago‌ We are delighted to share high-lights with you here ‌ The Medicine Garden is situated on

Downside Road, Cobham.

Look Local Magazine highly recommend this lovely local venue. Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 27




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28 To advertise please call email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk



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The Great Weybridge Cake Off Are you the next Nadiya or Edd Kimber? Are you cute with Cup Cakes Or nuts about fruit cake? Bring your masterpiece to Weybridge Market Monument Green - before 10.20am On Saturday, 29th April And be the ďŹ rst to win our Best in Show Trophy!

Prizes presented by Ruth Langsford For full details and to download entry form visit www.allaboutweybridge.co.uk/cakeoff

Two Prize Categories

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April puzzles

The Crossword puzzle Clue: 18 Across

Clue: 19 Across

Clue: 2 Down

across 1. Theft (7) 5. Ambit (5) 8. Relating to a city (5) 9. Closest (7) 10. Foster (7) 11. Public square (5) 12. Floor covering (6) 14. Soldiers (6) 18. Percussion instruments (5) 20. Burrowing rodent (7) 22. View (7) 23. Stroll (5) 24. Choose (5) 25. Pull out (7)

down 1. Curt (7) 2. Watercourse (5) 3. Leave out (7) 4. Distant but visible (6) 5. Acute (5) 6. Aromatic herb (7) 7. Additional (5) 13. Habitual method (7) 15. Oddment (7) 16. Excess (7) 17. Opportunity (6) 18. Stingless male bee (5) 19. Change position (5) 21. Shinbone (5)

32 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Clue: 18 Down

solutions page 37

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Words by David Kid Jensen

exciting new talent

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Over the past few weeks, I’ve been listening to the most exciting new talent I’ve heard in a long while. I first saw RAY BLK (a girl who’s name is pronounced Ray Black) on Jools Holland’s superb late night show which has provided the lift-off for so many young new stars. Ray has already warmed the hearts of the BBC’s leading producers and presenters by being the first unsigned artist to ever win the prestigious BBC Music Award. Although most reviewers call her “unique’ or ‘original’ she reminds me of a young Amy Winehouse which I don’t consider to be a bad thing at all. Her deliver and spine- tingly, soulful voice is very earthy with flashes of jazz fused with Hip Hop and I can’t get enough of her. She really is that good and you can’t help but be deeply affected by this rising star. Incidentally, BLK which stands for Building, Living, knowing is Nigerian born Rita Ekwere who grew up in South London. Her debut EP, ‘Havisham’ which was released in2015 was inspired Miss Havisham’s story in Charles Dicken’s Great Expectations and tells the story of a young girl who turns against men after having had her heart broken. The follow-up was out last year and is a mini-album entitled ‘Durt’. It’s life affirming music well worthy of your attention.


Condemned! I’m not an artist, but I do know that you’d get a pretty hopeless painting if you finished working on one part of the picture in one colour and just moved the brush to another part of the canvas without first cleaning the paint off the brush. I mean, you just wouldn’t do that, right? Not unless you wanted a painting in 50 shades of brown.


o why are we willing to do this in our lives? We ‘do’ one bit of our life over here with these people, have these conversations, emotions and thoughts, and then carry forward the thoughts and emotions from that encounter into the next event or relationship or moment in our day. We get some bad news and brood on it. We argue with someone and keep the anger burning in our blood. Maybe you never do anything like that. I know I sometimes do. Recently I had a challenging conversation on the phone. Afterwards, I took my dog down to the woods for her walk. The rain had stopped. The air was warm, with a lovely breeze. It was, in fact, a beautiful afternoon. But I caught myself with a frown on my face, with troubled thoughts going round and round in my head, and with sadness in my heart! Why?? I stopped in my tracks and took in my surroundings. What a waste! I put a smile on my face (an action shown to improve our mood) and inhaled the stillness. I realized that the previous conversation didn’t belong here. I was carrying stuff from a moment that already had passed and allowing it to condemn to unnecessary sadness, this completely new, unique, never-to-beexperienced-again moment. That was crazy! ***** As I finish writing this article, a week after I started it, I can’t remember what the event was that was overtaking my thoughts that day. What on earth does it matter? In the last few days, I have sat at my mother’s bedside as

34 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

she let go of her fragile body, and held her hand as she drew her last breath. The last two days of her life, it was a struggle for my mother to breathe, and difficult for me to witness. Do I want to hold onto feelings of sadness and loss? They’re there, of course, often viscerally. But I would rather feel relief that her struggle is over, and remember her love, her spirit and her generosity. I would rather remember that life is short and precious, and that each moment can be filled with joy or sadness, peace or anger, love or hostility. I know which I prefer. Choose well,

Sonia Duggan CPCC ACC PS - If you find being present to the joys of the moment doesn’t come easily to you, call or email me to claim a 50% discount on an Inspiration! coaching session booked in April when you mention LookLocal Weybridge Mother’s Day gift.

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Support Victims Of Domestic Abuse

A local Citizen Advice is looking for friendly and sympathetic listeners to support victims of domestic abuse. Full training and on going support is provided.

Marcomms Experience Required

A community organisation is seeking a new trustee member to join them to take the Charity forward and into its next stage of development. You will need experience in digital marketing. This is a flexible role.

Seeking An Enthusiastic Trustee With Business Skills A charity supporting people with their mental and physical wellbeing is looking for a trustee with business management experience to develop and sustain their service into the future.

Become A Village Friend

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 35

April car review

abarth 124 Spider Ted Macauley test drives the Adarth 124 Spider, and lets us know what it has to offer....


The Abarth. 1.4lt Four cylinders. 170 bhp. Speed:144mph. Zero-to-62mph 6.8secs. MPG 44. Price £29,565.


f you are looking for some fun and frolic on the move and can afford an indulgence as opposed to a necessity don’t bother to look beyond Fiat’s new arrival on the keenly fought weenie sports car front...the Abarth 124 Spider. Want glamour? You’ve got it. How about performance? Yes...yes...yes. A growly engine sound that is music to your ears? Indeed. And value for money? Outstanding. The new Abarth reawakens the dreams of old from when the original beauty was launched in 1972. It is a natural, full-flowing and worthy heir to that iconic Spider, an eye-catching twoseater wrapped in a shape to excite. Okay, for the six-foot-odd likes of me it is a wee bit cramped, but with a bit of wriggling, and provided you are not motoring non-stop from Elmbridge to Edinburgh,the slight discomfort is doused in the delight of...well...just being behind the wheel. Not even the offshore nippy air south of Rome, on the high level and twisty coast road,even with the hood down

was intrusive enough to feel the need to wrap up duffel-coat warm. The airflow is that smooth and with a phew-heater and bum-warming seats the whole experience was a sheer pleasure. If needs be the roof can upped, one-handed and on the move in about five seconds. With envious glances galore along the seafront Naples front any doubt that you are in a privileged placing is swiftly dismissed. Give it a hard time, pushing it speedily into corners or going for it on the quicker straightline stretches only stirs all the right responses and you quickly realise that the engineers and planners have assembled a safetyfast hotshot. Standard gear gives the grateful driver a welcome assembly : climate control system, cruise control, adjustable push-button folding door mirrors and a three-gauge instrument binnacle with a big central rev counter, a speedo and a data display which all give the driver an easy-on-the-eye pick-up on info. Add to this a seven-inch colour

36 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

display, a digital tuner, an MP3 player, a stereo with four speaker and, optionally, a sat-nav system and you realise there is not a lot more you might need to inform and entertain on the move. In short it is a very fine example of Italian technology,styling and readiness to please with a practicality much envied by rivals – and that is all underlined by the essential…the six-speed manual gearbox, a quick, short-move direct lever that stirs the best from the lively engine in the smoothest possible and effective way. Little wonder the latest gem is hailed by the company as an exciting new chapter, a thriller of a twist, in the Abarth story. “This is just the car our customers have been waiting for, a great looker, and we are confident that this trendy development in the very exciting Abarth story will be welcomed both by old and new customers,” says a proud spokesman. And he is absolutely spot on with his forecast on this stunning performer’s promise.It is a winner. It most certainly was for the usually cynical and suspicious me…

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 37

advertisersINDEX Ashford Kitchens................................................ 17 Oatlands Village Fair ......................................... 23 Blue Handymen................................................. 14 Out on a Limb................................................... 29 Brightercare........................................................ 39 Paul Williams Plastering..................................... 14 Bruce’s Doggie Day Care...............................14/15 Premier Carpets.................................................. 11 Casseldens Shoes................................................ 33 Rowlandsons Jewellery ........................................ 6 Chips Away........................................................ 37 Silver Arrows...................................................... 28 Claremont Fan Court School............................... 5 Sonia – Coaching with Inspiration..................... 34 Cleanability........................................................ 33 Steve’s Landscapes.............................................. 35 Downs Solicitors.................................................. 7 Surrey County Council ..................................... 15 DPB Oven Cleaning ......................................... 28 Tax Assist............................................................. 8 Dream Doors....................................................... 4 The Great British Cake Off ................................ 30 Elmbridge Volunteer Centre............................... 35 The Medicine Garden......................................26/7 Englishman’s Castle............................................ 25 The Prestigue Flooring Company....................... 31 Excel Plumbing.................................................. 10 Waitrose Recipe.................................................. 16 Hanging Space................................................... 40 Weybridge & Walton Physio................................ 9 House of Surrey.................................................... 2 Weybridge Male Voice Choir...........................20/1 MacDonald & Sons Fencing Ltd........................ 22 WG Harper........................................................ 35 Mailboxes etc..................................................... 25 Zigger................................................................ 29 Meejana Lebanese Restaurant............................. 10 Monthly Poem................................................... 28


Music Matters.................................................... 35 DESIGNED & SET BY KIRSTY HAMILTON All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2017. All rights reserved.

38 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

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