LookLocal May 2018
Your award-winning local community magazine
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From the EDITOR
Welcome to our May magazine! I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Easter break, although that seems like a while ago now, but at least we have two more Bank Holidays to look forward to this month. Let’s hope they are warm and sunny. As always, a busy, busy issue for you this month… We have a competition to win tickets to the Hampton Court Flower Show! This year’s show promises gorgeous gardens & theatrical displays, with heroes of horticulture thrown in for good measure, and an initiative to celebrate renowned and amazing people in horticulture. Discover the evolution of plants and the annual Festival of Roses too. This is a really lovely day out, so why not give it a go? You know what they say... ‘you’ve got to be in it to win it’ ! Coincidentally, we include a little feature about a very talented sculptor who will be exhibiting his work at the show this year. Stunning work, which I hope to see myself. It’s a sure sign that summer is on the way when we receive news of a multitude of local fairs and fêtes. We include a whole selection for you to consider, including Oatlands Village Fair. The sense of community is great locally and these events typify what living here is all about. Friendly family fun. Enjoy. Finally, if you turn to page 27, you will see a notice about the ‘Little book of humour’, full of jokes and funny ditties. It will make you smile, and at only £7.99, this would make a lovely gift. All proceeds will be going to St James’ Church, Weybridge. Wishing you all a great month. Until next time, Kind regards,
Ros Rudd - Editor
Next copy DEADLINE
5th May 2018 for the June 2018 issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
sanctuarydesign.co.uk call 01932 255465 to book an appointment 128 High Street Shepperton TW17 9BG
WORK HARDER. Hi everyone, we are pleased to say that we have moved office from 74 Queens Road, Hersham to 26-28 Molesey Road Hersham (as you turn into Waitrose). If you would like to have a chat about any tax or accounting issues, please pop in. Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge office of TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine provides advice on recent change in tax law, or addresses a topical financial issue.
Does auto-enrolment apply to low-paid staff? I employ all part-time staff and as a result, they do not earn very much over the course of a tax year. Could you tell me if I am likely to have anything to do for auto enrolment and the Workplace Pension rules please? Under the Workplace Pensions rules, all employers have “duties” towards all of their staff who are: 1. working or ordinarily working in the UK; and 2. aged between 16 and 74; and who 3. work under a contract of employment (i.e. an “employee”); or 4. have a contract to perform work or services personally and are not undertaking the work as part of their own business “Eligible workers” are aged between 22 and state pension age and earn over £192 a week (2018/19). If you have staff that meet the definition of an eligible worker, they must be put into a workplace pension scheme and you must pay regular pension contributions for them. You don’t need to ask their permission and therefore we refer to them being “automatically enrolled” into the pension scheme. If you have no staff to automatically enrol, there is no need to set up a pension scheme immediately. However, while your staff may not be eligible for automatic enrolment, they can still ask to go into a pension scheme.
Q. A.
If they do this, your responsibilities will depend on how much they earn: 5. If they earn more than £116 a week (2018/19), they are a so-called “non-eligible jobholder”. You must put them into a pension scheme and make contributions to the scheme as well. 6. If they earn less than this, they are an “entitled worker”. You must put them into a scheme but you may choose whether you wish to contribute or not. Failure to comply with the Workplace Pensions rules can lead to a fixed penalty of £400, plus escalating penalties, starting from £50 per day. Will I be better off from April 2018? I get the National Living Wage from my employer. Will I be better off from April 2018? We have assumed you are not a Scottish taxpayer and that you are aged 25 or over. National Living Wage - the National Living Wage is paid to employees aged over 25. Those aged 24 and under receive the National Minimum Wage. The National Living Wage rises every April, and from April 2018, it rises from £7.50 to £7.83 per hour. So you will be earning more per hour. Tax - the personal allowance is increasing from £11,500 to £11,850 from April 2018, so you may save some tax, depending on your level of earnings. National Insurance - from April, the point at which employees pay National Insurance is rising from £8,164 to £8,424. So, similarly to tax, you may save some National Insurance, depending on your level of earnings. Pensions - unless you have opted out, the amount your employer deducts from your pay for your Workplace Pension contribution will be increasing from April 2018 from 1% to 3%. There are different ways of calculating your contributions, but many employers will only apply contributions to anything above the lower earnings threshold which is £6,032 from April 2018.
Q. A.
Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA 01932 850 600 - weybridge@taxassist.co.uk
Disclaimer - advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary & if you feel the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implmentation. If you take, or do not take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibilty for any fiancial loss incurred.
Supporting local people facing life-threatening illness The Brigitte Trust offers a free volunteer service of emotional support and practical help at home. Weekly visits help build up a relationship with patient and carer, offering company and time to listen to the feelings and concerns serious illness brings. Practical issues like driving, shopping and getting to hospital for treatment can sometimes be hard to manage, and our volunteers can make a real difference. Volunteers, who should be drivers, are invited to join our friendly and supportive team. Join our June and July volunteer taster sessions - Call us today on 01306 881816 and view our volunteer videos at wwww.brigittetrust.org
Looklocal Magazine - May 2018 9
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AMIGO matches trained volunteers with people who require support to move forward on their journey of recovery from mental ill health whilst becoming independent from mental health services. Volunteers will assist them in making connections with local community activities and help them to boost their confidence and motivation to reintegrate themselves within the community. The service is available across Runnymede, Spelthorne, Surrey Heath, West Elmbridge and Woking. The project is funded by Catalyst’s Welcome Project and is being delivered by Voluntary Support North Surrey who promote voluntary and community work by supporting local charities. To find out more, contact Lynnette or Laura at buddy@voluntarysupport.org.uk or 01276 707565
10 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
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Sudoku MAY 2018 ISSUE
Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!
12 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
Digi-Search MAY 2018 ISSUE
9 3 6 8 1 8 2 1 9 7 8 5 1 3
8 9 6 4 0 3 2 1 3 5 8 5 8 9
4 2 0 3 3 3 9 4 7 8 9 7 3 0
0 8 9 9 8 9 3 2 9 4 0 8 7 7
3 0 3 2 7 4 0 9 4 4 3 4 4 4
7 4 3 8 5 7 4 3 7 9 3 0 9 8
7 7 4 3 5 5 7 8 5 3 7 2 5 8
2 2 6 7 9 8 5 5 8 0 4 9 8 5
9 8 9 4 6 0 8 5 3 2 8 3 6 7
4 3 1 0 8 2 6 7 3 8 2 7 7 6
8 7 0 5 3 3 6 6 2 8 9 5 7 2
9 3 9 6 0 4 9 9 1 3 5 8 3 3
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 09334, 10826, 18374, 27409, 29375, 37405, 37930, 39280, 39604, 40321, 47897, 55769, 60853, 77435, 90337, 94758,
Thinking of replacing your kitchen, bedroom, or home ofďŹ ce? Visit one of our large showrooms for inspiration & to book your FREE design visit.
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SATURDAY 12TH MAY 2018 | 12.30PM - 4.30PM OATLANDS RECREATION GROUND, OATLANDS DRIVE, WEYBRIDGE The Oatlands Village Fayre will take place on Saturday 12th May 2018, 12.30 to 4.30 pm, at Oatlands Recreation Ground, Oatlands Drive, Weybridge. This hugely popular event raises funds for the Guides, Scouts and other local charities, and is a great day out for families and people of all ages. The Fayre opens at 12.30 with the Oatlands Pipe Band. There’s a whole host of fun activities, ranging from events in the main arena to refreshment tents, tombola, Punch and Judy and many other stalls. This year, the main arena event will be the Galloping Acrobatics act, a remarkable display of gymnastic, acrobatic and equestrian skill. There will be many exciting stalls around the arena that enable you to find out about local organisations, buy tickets for the tombola or other prize-winning events. There is even an opportunity to smash plates! This year, we are honoured to welcome the Mayor of Elmbridge, Rachael Lake, to the event, who has kindly agreed to award the prize for the Beavers Tug of War competition. We always have a great selection of cakes, refreshments, burgers and other foods, so don’t eat lunch before you come. Programme available for presale or at the gates, price £1.
16 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2018 17
Crossword Puzzle MAY 2018 ISSUE
Clue: 1 Across
Clue: 11 Across
Clue: 6 Down
Across 1. Large oval fruit (5) 3. Units of time (7) 7. Fished commercially (7) 9. Several music tracks issued together (5) 10. Irritated (5) 11. Birds of prey (6) 13. A business that serves other businesses (6) 15. Published (6) 18. Save from loss or danger (6) 20. Having three dimensions (5) 22. The relative magnitudes of two quantities (5) 23. Passage selected from a larger work (7) 24. School for special training (7)
18 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
25. Flowed back (5)
Down 1. Based on traditional stories (8) 2. Lubricated (5) 3. Happening without warning (6) 4. Alterations (7) 5. Stately (5) 6. Japanese form of wrestling (4) 8. Leg joint (5) 12. Enlightened (8) 14. Violent windstorm (7) 16. An earth pigment (5) 17. Cure (6) 19. Additional (5) 20. Periodic repeated series of events (5) 21. Elaborate song for solo voice (4)
Clue: 14 Down
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Ingredients Method 6 chicken thigh fillets 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp ground cumin Pinch ground allspice ½ tsp ground cinnamon 1½ tbsp olive oil 1 lemon, zest & juice ½ red onion, finely sliced 2 courgettes (about 350g), cut lengthways into 0.5cm slices 200g cucumber, grated 300g Müller White Velvet Plain Greek Style Yogurt ½ garlic clove, crushed Handful mint leaves, shredded 4 flatbreads or pitta, toasted
1. Toss the chicken in a bowl with the spices, 1 tbsp oil & the lemon zest; season & set aside. Toss the onion in a bowl with the lemon juice & a pinch of salt; set aside. Toss the courgette in a third bowl with the remaining ½ tbsp oil & season. 2. Heat a griddle pan over a high heat & griddle the courgette, in batches if needed, for about 2mins on each side until charred; set aside. Next, griddle the chicken for about 4-5mins on each side, or until there is no pink meat or juices visible. 3. Meanwhile, season the grated cucumber with salt and place in a clean tea towel or kitchen paper & firmly squeeze out the excess liquid. Tip into a bowl with the yogurt, season & stir through the garlic & mint. Slice the chicken & serve on flatbreads with the courgette, tzatziki and pickled onion.
Cook’s Tip No time to marinate and fry the chicken? Try Waitrose British Chicken Sun-Dried Tomato & Chilli Breast Fillets, which can be oven-cooked in 25 minutes.
Prep time: 15 mins Cooking time: 25 mins Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
Sculptor Paul Richardson originally studied graphics near his home in Essex and went on to take a degree in painting in Birmingham. It was after college though that Paul discovered metal. He took a studio in the disused Birds Custard factory where he found steel sheets, bought a little welder and started to build. A passion for steel has characterised his sculptures ever since. Paul has created a significant body of public art for which he was nominated Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Commerce and Industry. Commissions are always site-specific and Paul won a commission for the centre of Waterford, home of Hasbro’s Monopoly factory, to construct a huge corner of a Monopoly board, complete with rolling dice and a five metre long battleship. The natural world has become an important influence, culminating in recent works for the landscape and the garden.They draw on the exquisite patterns of nature, the balance of symmetry and asymmetry, chaos and order. Like many of his sculptures, ‘Flora’ holds contradictions. It seems to capture a fleeting moment between beauty and decay, yet is built of solid steel. On the other hand, just as ‘falling leaves return to the root’, the steel itself,
left untreated, would rust and return to the earth. To hold back decay, the sculptures are protected from air and water with a layer of zinc. Unlike steel, once the zinc is exposed to air and moisture outdoors, only the outer layer is given up and it forms a delicate, chalky grey patina. Examples of Paul’s work can be seen locally, a horse opposite Sandown Racecourse, and Flora at the Hannah Peschar Garden in Ockley, rather beautifully suspended from one of their lovely old trees. Throughout this series for the landscape and garden, Paul has found himself returning to the four elements. Pieces like Flora and the Leaf Sphere with their open floating look have a natural connection with air. Another in the series, ‘Fallen Leaf ’, relates to the earth, a leaf skeleton, edges exquisitely frayed, returning to the soil. His most recent piece, a fire basket, is a latticework cradle of vegetal shapes. Once alight, these shapes come to life as silhouettes against flames inside. So it is perhaps no surprise that Paul is currently developing a water feature, working with the play of light on water trickling over stainless steel leaves which will be seen for the first time ever at RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 3rd July – 8th July 2018
Looklocal Magazine - May 2018 21
It’s not often that extended family units can live together so comfortably; this property offers both private and convenient multi-generational living under one roof. With a total of 6 bedrooms, divided into two living spaces, it would work well for a family & grandparents or young adults alike. It provides the addition of not just a ‘granny annex’ but a delightful second home. Similarly, one family could easily utilise & enjoy the living spaces well (see floor plan to appreciate layout). As a whole, the property includes 3 reception rooms, 5 bathroom spaces, 2 fully-fitted kitchens. A much-loved & cared for family home in a quiet, sought-after location in KT22 Fetcham/Bookham borders Within the catchment area for the Howard of Effingham School.
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From 2nd to 8th July, The Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) largest flower festival will return to the grounds of Hampton Court Palace. RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show will be celebrating iconic figures of the horticultural world, welcoming influential Dutch designer/nurseryman Piet Oudolf. Visitors will be able to immerse themselves in a purple meadow of Verbena bonariensis. Thousands of these delicate flowers will create a dazzling display of lilac, lavender and violet shades sweeping along the Long Water, so that visitors can wander through and enjoy this elegant summer flower. The show will explore the evolution of plants on earth. ‘Evolve: Through the Roots of Time’ will guide visitors through barren landscapes prior to the Cambrian era over 500 million years ago, to the lush tropical jungles of the Jurassic period and into the present day, where visitors will walk through a meadow of flowering plants which first appeared during the Cretaceous time. Floral
24 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
Marquee highlights will see 85 specialist nurseries, including eight National Plant Collection holders from Plant Heritage. Gemma Lake, RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Manager says: “We are delighted to reveal our exciting new line-up to the Show. We want to make sure that our visitors feel inspired, whether they’re keen gardeners or just want to know where to start! With a festival feel, it is a great summer’s day out.
A fabulous chance to win a pair of tickets to Hampton Court Flower Show for Look Local Weybridge readers. Just answer the following question: ‘Who is this year’s Iconic Horticultural Hero at RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show’? Email your answers to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk Closing date: 14/05/18 - winners announced in our June edition.
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Coaching with Inspiration
IMPOSSIBLE Have you ever struggled to do something and finally decided it’s impossible, you’ll never be able to do it?? As I write this over the Easter holidays, I am reminded of one of the many times I’ve told myself that. Some years ago, I was rehearsing Bach’s St John Passion with the St George’s College Choral Society for the College’s Easter recital. My O-Level German was exhumed for the occasion and the challenge of learning to sing an unfamiliar piece of music in an almost, by then, unfamiliar language, was huge. I found one line really hard because it had to be sung extremely quickly and I could scarcely read the words in slow motion, never mind sing them on the correct notes at the right tempo. I had muttered on more than one occasion that it was impossible, I was never going to be able to sing that line. I found myself disliking it, because it’s hard to enjoy something you’ve labelled ‘impossible’. I felt defeated and I felt annoyed with myself for feeling defeated. In desperation, shortly before our last rehearsal, I wrote out the impossible words on a piece of paper and recorded the tune on my phone. I spoke the German words aloud, slowly, until I knew them by heart. I repeated them quickly, over and over again, until they tripped off my tongue. I learned the tune separately, and then I put words to music and rehearsed that line while walking my dog in the woods. I belted it out when driving alone in the car. I sang it in the shower. I repeated it silently in my head in bed. And on the day of the recital, the line flowed effortlessly through me. Now, several years later, I cannot remember any of that beautiful oratorio – apart from the one ‘impossible’ line that is indelibly imprinted on my brain.
Very often, the things we deem impossible are merely challenges we haven’t committed to overcoming However daunting, most challenges can be broken down into smaller steps that, with a bit of creativity, persistence and determination, we can work our way through. But that takes effort and commitment, and we usually want things to be quick and easy. Every time we make the effort to do something we think is impossible, we expand our concept of what we are capable of. And the more we believe we are capable of, the better we feel about ourselves. We’re also more likely to try new things, which makes life so much more enjoyable. What are some things you have wanted to do but almost given up on that, with a bit of effort and determination, could make life even better for you? I bet you can do them!
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A LITTLE BOOK OF HUMOUR “We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops” If at first you don’t succeed, bomb disposal isn’t for you I went to buy some pork chops. I told the butcher to make them lean. He said “Which way? I’m so ugly.. I worked in a pet shop and people kept asking how big I’d get... Limited Print Run! Valuable collectors’ item. Discount for signed copies. Think Big: solves present-buying for the forseeable future. Text or phone to order your copies now. Price £7.50 (+£2.00p&p)
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2018 27
Action.. .
ELMBRIDGE - MAY/JUNE 2018 An aspiring Scout Leader
This is an incredible opportunity for someone to lead and inspire children in a supportive, well-established local Scout Group with a good reputation and community links. Looking for an enthusiastic and self–starting Cub Scout Leader.
Matters WORDS BY
Interested in making a difference to children in Elmbridge?
A parent-led pre-school is looking for a trustee who is interested in helping to develop the pre-school. Duties include support with the preparation of reports and accounts.
Help walk retired greyhounds
A charity for retired greyhounds needs regular dog walkers. Variable commitments 365 days a year between 11am - 2pm. Looking for animal lovers who can give much-needed contact, exercise and affection.
Volunteer from home
Are you friendly, approachable and organised? The role involves answering the telephone and organising transportation requests. A really flexible role, commitment is once a fortnight/month.
Could you support people with learning difficulties?
A community centre is looking for enthusiastic & patient volunteers to join in and support the running of activities for people with learning difficulties. Activities include arts and crafts, singing and preparing healthy snacks with the group. Each session is 2-3 hours, Monday - Friday.
TIMELINE Match the hit song with the year it was released and put them in date order...oldest to most recent. 1) Prince Charming - Adam & the Ants 2) I just called to say I love you - Stevie Wonder 3) Eye of the Tiger - Survivor 4) Watching the Wheels - John Lennon 5) Jean Jeanie - David Bowie A) 1984 B) 1981 C) 1973 D) 1983
E) 1972
please call: 01372 463 587 visit: www.vae.org.uk or email: contact@vae.org.uk
For more info on these roles & many other volunteering opportunities, contact Voluntary Action Elmbridge,
28 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
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Looklocal Magazine - May 2018 29
A blessing of my job is the frequency of invitations for enjoyable luxury lifestyle outings and exclusive insights into experiences otherwise out of reach, reserved only as hopes and dreams beyond reality, or as the right of the privileged ranks of the rich and famous. And here I cite with the fondest of memories my good fortune to have flown in Concorde from Paris to New York; a sailing to the USA aboard the Queen Mary 2, with a night spent at the captain’s table and a glittering host of celebs; a Virgin flight first-class to Australia with a Hong Kong five-star stopover; countless private jet trips with the late pools millionaire Robert Sangster and one-to-one lunches with mega film stars Paul Newman, Gene Hackman and world F1 champ Nigel Mansell; holidays with football legends George Best and Bobby Charlton, and an extended tour with The Beatles. There are too many more to mention. I shall stop it there to take up the very latest treat, an outing in what has been rightly voted the world’s luxury car, the wow of an Audi A8, a limo of poshness personified. And deservedly so, if my comfort-zone transport to the ultra-sophisticated Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni, majestic centrepiece of quaint Bellagio on the shoreline of stunning Lake Como, one of Italy’s real treasures, is anything to go by. This is the ninth time in 14 years that Audi has been honoured with a World Car prize, and honestly, having
30 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
savoured its style, revelled in its sumptuous legroom, sprawled in its leatherwork and appreciated its driver aids with gadgets galore, I am in 100 per cent support of its latest voted status on the globe’s luxury class list over some very worthy rivals at the New York Auto Show in March. Audi justifiably hail the A8 as their flagship saloon, as soothing an example as is possible of what a luxury model should be, and with so many driver assistance aids - 40 plus - and inbuilt safety devices and easy-to-read driver-help dials info so painstakingly assembled. And I viewed it all from the cossetted comfort of the vast back seat spread of exclusive club lounge comfort and quality, as my chauffeur made the most of the 4.0-litre engine that offered easy work on the 50-odd mile journey from Milan’s Linate Airport to the Serbelloni Hotel at the other end of a free-flowing motorway and then a twisty finale along the lakeside’s narrow lanes. It is a glider of a clever car with aplomb, grace, style and value for money, and it gave me and Trophy Wife an arrival presence at the Serbelloni that was noticed and commented upon favourably by an American couple as they strolled off to their Rolls Royce.... Specification: Audi V8. 3.0TFSI 335bhp Quattro. Fuel : Petrol. Speed 155mph. 0-62 mph in 5.6 seconds. MPG 37.7. Warranty: three years/60,000 miles. Price £71,000
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Previously known as Dementia Awareness Week, the Awareness has changed to ACTION, as more and more people in our community either have dementia or know someone with dementia. Raising awareness and offering support will always be important, but we must go further to create change in communities. During Dementia Action Week, everyone across the country is asked to unite and take action. Whether big or small, actions can make everyday life better for people affected by dementia. It could be as simple as asking people to be more patient in checkout queues. It could be including the person with dementia in conversations or simply taking the time to pop round and visit. In Weybridge, there is a Dementia Friends Awareness session on 12 May and a special service on 22 May, both at St.James’ Church. Check out the Weybridge Dementia Action Alliance website, where you can join us and help make our town a Dementia Friendly Community. Further information from annabelleyeomans@yahoo.co.uk
Looklocal Magazine - May 2018 31
Auntie Planty GARDENING
The 105th Chelsea Flower Show is all about the word ‘longer’. You can expect a longer life for show gardens and plants post-Chelsea; designers are encouraged to demonstrate the message that plants embrace longer lives by enhancing our wellbeing; and, for the first time this year, there’s a longer amount of time to mingle at the Showground. For as long as I can remember, the majority of Chelsea show gardens have been dismantled on the last day and sold, bit by bit, to visitors who will brave the journey home on public transport with their spoils. This year, there’s a definite emphasis on gardens having a ‘life after Chelsea’, so that all that time, money and effort will not end up in a skip at the end of the week, but enjoyed again for years to come in some community project. Also new for this year are the eight ‘Space to Grow Gardens’, set up as typical town gardens. Instead of being some fantastical hard-to-recreate design, they should be a collection of great ideas that would work in your own garden. How many times have I overheard a Chelsea visitor saying something like “hmm, all very nice - but can you honestly see that outside our kitchen window?’ Another change for 2018 is an extension to the opening hours on Friday 25 May, with music, food market, entertainment, demonstrations and the opportunity to see the gardens lit up. In previous years, the showground has closed at 20.00, but now, on this one Friday, you’ll be able to mingle and schmooze until closing time at 22.00.
The stories behind this year’s major gardens along Main Avenue range from a romanticised 18th century tea garden to a timeless recreation of a Mediterranean landscape; a blueprint for city living in an apartment block (complete with futuristic building) to the resilience and determination of situations of forced migration and displacement. So, as a visitor, you’ll be set to be transported to locations all around the world. A random fact: in previous years, there have been very few female designers strutting their stuff; this year, out of the 26 designers, 13 of them are women. And although we gardeners already know that plants can have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing, the RHS has invited designers this year to demonstrate how green spaces can improve lives and help mitigate against major environmental challenges. While I approve, secretly I rather mourn the absence of Diarmuid Gavin’s bonkers twirling box balls with a potting shed full of Heath Robinson gadgets, or his `Irish Sky Garden, difficult to describe without using the word ‘Teletubbies’. There is a definite place for whimsy at Chelsea, methinks. Valerie Munro is a chartered horticulturist. She offers unique and personal tuition sessions explaining the whys and wherefores of good gardening techniques in your own garden www.auntieplanty.co.uk
© 2018 Valerie McBride-Munro
ALL OUR YESTERDAYS Come and join us for half an hour of favourite hymns and readings. Especially suited for people with dementia and their carers. Refreshments and social time.
Local events in May IN THE WEYBRIDGE AREA
Friday 4th
Painshill Historic Tour, 11:00am - 12:30pm, please check-in at the Visitor Centre by 10:45am. The tour will leave at 11:00am from the Visitor Centre. Portsmouth Rd, Cobham KT11 1JE. For more info contact 01932 868113, www.painshill.co.uk
Saturday 5th
Great Weybridge Cake Off Artisan Food and Craft Market, 10am - 3pm. Are you the next Candice Brown or Sophie Faldo? Are you cute with cup cakes or nuts about fruit cake? Categories : Celebration : Family Bake : Half-Dozen Bakes Children Under 12 & Teens to Adults. Bring your masterpiece to Monument Green. For full details, visit www.allaboutweybridge.co.uk/cakeoff
Saturday 5th
Spring Photography Workshop, Imber Court Photo Training will guide you through the landscape with your digital camera and help you capture the beautiful spring scenes at Painshill. Adult: £55 Adult nember: £50. Portsmouth Rd, Cobham KT11 1JE. For more info, contact 01932 868113, www.painshill.co.uk
Saturday 5th
Family farm day: 10.30am - 4.00pm. Our friends at Mill Cottage Farm Experience return once more with their gorgeous farm animals. Come and meet some friendly farm animals here at Claremont, perfect for all ages. Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9JG. claremont@nationaltrust.org.uk, 01372 467806
Monday 7th
Emergency Services Day, 9:30a.m. - 5:00p.m. Suitable for everyone. Every conceivable vehicle and piece of apparatus used in the emergency services will grace the Museum site in an impressive line-up of display vehicles. Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL. events@brooklandsmuseum.com 01932 857381
Saturday 12th
Spring Concert at The Catholic Church of Christ the Prince of Peace, Portmore Way, Weybridge KT13 8JD at 8p.m. Our guest soloists will be 16 year old Katie Marshall, a rising star in the classical music world, and Gareth Giles, who will be performing solos on both piano and organ. For tickets, contact: 01252 326514 or tickets@ weybridgemvc.org.uk. www.weybridgemvc.org.uk
Saturday 12th
The 1940s Relived, 10:00a.m. - 9:00p.m. Suitable for everyone. Join us at Brooklands Museum as we turn back the clock to commemorate a decade of fashion, style and celebration at our annual 1940s Relived event! This is a chance to put your hair
If there’s an event in June that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Friday 11th May 2018.
CONTINUED up, grab your best period outfit and lace up the dance shoes. Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL. events@brooklandsmuseum.com 01932 857381
Saturday 12th
Oatlands Village Fayre – A community fair since 1953. Walton & Weybridge Girl Guides participate & organise Oatlands Village Fayre. Where: Oatlands Recreation Ground, Oatlands Drive (junction with Barham Close),Weybridge, Surrey. 12.30 to 4.30pm. Price: £1 pp for programme entry at the gates. For more info, see page16.
Sunday 20th
Sandown Dual Slalom Championship: The Eagle Trilogy, Sandown Sports, More Lane, Esher, KT10 8AN. Open practice starts at 10am, racing starts at midday. Three categories - u10s, u12s and u14s, with 4 racers per team. Eddie the Eagle will again be in attendance and will be racing against some lucky competition winners, as well as meeting and greeting. Visit us online for more information www.sandownsports.co.uk
Saturday 26th
29th - 1st JUNE 2018
Victoria’s birthday trail: Come one, come all to celebrate the birth of our great Queen and learn about her happy childhood memories of Claremont. 10am - 4.00pm. Please collect your trail sheet from the kiosk. Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, KT10 9JG. claremont@nationaltrust.org.uk 01372 467806
Half Term Family Fun, 10:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. On weekdays during half term, our popular car rides will be operating from 11am-1pm and from 2-4.00pm (subject to weather). Take a trip in a vintage-style car up Test Hill or along the Members’ Banking of the old Race Track, courtesy of the Brooklands Volunteer Car Rides Team. Also, London Bus Museum will be operating bus rides around the local area. Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL. events@brooklandsmuseum.com 01932 857381
Saturday 23rd JUNE 2018
Weybridge Male Voice Choir Summer Concert, featuring guest soloist Michael Bushnell-Smith, baritone. St. Peter’s Church, Burwood Road, Hersham, KT12 4AA, 7.30pm. Get your tickets from the Parish Office, 1 Burwood Road, Hersham. £10 each. Call 01932 253452 or visit www.stpetershersham.com
All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above events are correct at time of print.
Useful Numbers WEYBRIDGE
Train information .....................0845 748 4950 POLICE To report local incidents ......................... 101 National Rail Enquiries .............0845 748 4950
SCHOOLS Cleves School ...........................01932 224 300 Heathside School .....................01932 846 162 Manby Lodge Infants School ....01932 851 848 Oatlands Infant School .............01932 843 990 St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School ................................................. 01932 842 617 St James’ Church of England Primary School VILLAGE HALLS Oatlands Village Hall ................01932 843 488 .................................................01932 851 762 Weybridge Hall ........................01932 254 750 St George’s College Junior School .. 01932 839 400 The Parish Centre .....................01932 856 399 St George’s College ...................01932 839 300 Brooklands College ..................01932 797 700 COUNCILS & SERVICE Elmbridge Borough Council ... 01372 474474 MEDICAL Surrey County Council ...........08456 009 009 Weybridge Medical Centre ........01932 504 450 Library Services ....................... 0300 200 1001 St Peter’s Hospital Chertsey ......01932 872 000 Elmbridge Museum ................. 01372 474 568 Royal Surrey Hospital ................01483 464 002 Citizens’ Advice Bureau ...........01932 248 660 Non-emergency NHS Help .......................... 111 Weybridge Comm Ass ...weybridgesociety.org.uk Weybridge Samaritans ..............01932 844 444 CHURCHES Weybridge Neighbourhood Watch ....01932 830 033 St James’ Anglican Parish Church ..01932 856 399 Voluntary Action Elmbridge ......01372 463 587 United Reformed Church .......01932 841 382 The Church of St Mary Oatlands 01932 231 274 Christ The Prince of Peace Catholic Church VETERINARY SURGEONS Weybridge Veterinary Centre ...01932 855 856 .................................................01932 842 643 St George’s Veterinary Centre ...01932 858 890 Weybridge Methodist Church ...01932 342 093 North West Surrey Synagogue ...01932 855 400 Christian Science Church .........01932 225 097 CHEMISTS Lloyds pharmacy .......................01932 854 224 Church Pharmacy .....................01932 842 632 BANKS Oatlands Park Pharmacy ...........01932 842 171 HSBC ......................................03457 404 404 Boots the Chemist ....................01932 842 738 Natwest ....................................03457 888 444 Lloyds ......................................0845 3000 000 Barclays ....................................0845 7555 555 TRAVEL Surrey Bus Services .................01483 506919 Santander .................................0845 7654 321 DENTISTS Oatlands Dental Lounge ...........01932 858686 Weybridge Dental Practice .......01932 853556 Portmore Dental Office ...........01932 809360 Salters & Salters Dental ...........01932 849999 Weybridge Orthodontics ..........01932 831825
36 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
Reverend Folli Olokose vicar@oatlandschurch.org.uk 01932 840077 Parish Office
01932 231274 www.oatlandschurch.org.uk
Oatlands Ave, Weybridge KT13 9TS
Sunday 6th May 8am Holy Communion Service 10am ‘Alive at Ten’ Service (followed by refreshments)
10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments) 4pm Family Praise Service (followed by a light tea in church hall)
10th-20th May ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ 9am-1pm Interactive Prayer Stations in Church
Every Tuesday SMART Mother & Toddler Group (term time) 10-11.30am No waiting list or joining fee. Just turn up & have fun (with refreshments) £2 per family.
Sunday 13th May - Start of Christian Aid Week (13th-19th) 8am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments)
Meeting Point (every 4th Weds) A friendly social lunch group for retired people in the local community. 12.30-2.30pm in church hall for lunch. Followed by ‘In House’ entertainment/speaker.
Sunday 20th May (Pentecost) 8am Holy Communion 10am Holy Communion (followed by refreshments) 11.45am Baptism service 4.30pm Pentecost Service with CTiW (followed by refreshments)
Every Thursday 9.30-10am Morning Prayer 10.30am Service of Holy Communion. Refreshments.
Sunday 27th May (Trinity Sunday) 8am Holy Communion Service (with speaker Jarett Wilson from the Leprosy Mission)
Every Friday First Steppers (term time) 10.30-11am in Chapel With Bible based crafts, songs & stories for preschool children. Just turn up. No charge. Followed by refreshments.
Puzzle Solutions MAY 2018 ISSUE
DIGI-SEARCH PAGE 12 9 3 6 8 1 8 2 1 9 7 8 5 1 3
8 9 6 4 0 3 2 1 3 5 8 5 8 9
4 2 0 3 3 3 9 4 7 8 9 7 3 0
0 8 9 9 8 9 3 2 9 4 0 8 7 7
3 0 3 2 7 4 0 9 4 4 3 4 4 4
7 4 3 8 5 7 4 3 7 9 3 0 9 8
7 7 4 3 5 5 7 8 5 3 7 2 5 8
2 2 6 7 9 8 5 5 8 0 4 9 8 5
9 8 9 4 6 0 8 5 3 2 8 3 6 7
4 3 1 0 8 2 6 7 3 8 2 7 7 6
8 7 0 5 3 3 6 6 2 8 9 5 7 2
9 3 9 6 0 4 9 9 1 3 5 8 3 3
David Jensen Quiz P28 Answers:
1) Jean Jeanie - David Bowie: 1973 2) Eye of the Tiger -Survivor: 1972 3) Prince Charming - Adam & the Ants: 1981 4) Watching the Wheels - John Lennon: 1983 5) I just called to say I love you - Stevie Wonder: 1984
Looklocal Magazine - May 2018 37
Advertisers’ Index MAY ISSUE - WEYBRIDGE
Amigo Healthcare ....................................................10
Jones Bathrooms ......................................................17
Ashford Kitchens ......................................................13
Mailboxes etc .............................................................9
Brigitte Trust ..............................................................9
Meejana Lebanese Restaurant ...................................19
Bruce’s Doggy Day Care ...........................................19
New Victoria Hospital ..............................................25
Chips Away ..............................................................31
Oatlands Village Fayre ..............................................16
Claremont Fan Court School ...................................40
Out on a Limb .........................................................27
Ditton’s Footcare ......................................................17
PC ResQ .................................................................10
Double Glazing Repairs Glen Hudson .....................29
Premier Carpets ........................................................15
Downs Solicitors ......................................................14
Revodo .....................................................................17
DPB Pristine Oven Cleaning ...................................29
RM Roofing ............................................................29
Dream Doors ...........................................................39
Sanctuary Kitchens & Bathrooms ..............................7
Ernest Doe ...............................................................23
Sonia – Coaching with Inspiration ...........................26
GHI Windows ...........................................................4
Steel Sculptures Paul Richardson ..............................21
Guillaumes .................................................................6
Tax Assist ...................................................................8
Hampton Court Flower Show ..................................24
Volunteer Opportunities ..........................................28
Hanging Space ...........................................................5
Waitrose Recipe ........................................................20
Harbord Solicitors ...................................................11 House of Surrey ..........................................................2
JBS ...........................................................................12
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38 Looklocal Magazine - May 2018
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