LookLocal September 2017
Your award-winning local community magazine
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from the +
Welcome to our September issue of Look Local I hope you all enjoyed a good summer and managed to relax a little during the past weeks. We had a lovely break and took the opportunity to give the Look Local office a bit of a make over! Of course, a huge amount of clearing out had to be done beforehand, but now we have a very neat, tidy and newly-decorated work space which is very lovely indeed! In addition to that, we did manage to take a break and we are now feeling refreshed and raring to bring you action-packed Look Local issues during this new season. This month, we include a lovely a feature about bees and bee-keeping which we hope you will enjoy. This includes information on a tenweek training course for anyone wishing to learn more. Certainly a good plan if you are thinking of starting your own colony! Bruce answers another reader’s dog-related question on page 14. I always enjoy hearing his solutions to the varied & interesting questions which are sent in. Bruce selects a question to answer each month, so if you have anything of a canine nature that you would like to ask him, do email him at askbruce@brucesdc.co.uk We include lots of other bits and bobs this month for you to read and enjoy, plus a feature from local author Diana Jordan who recently published her book ‘A Better Way of Dealing with Divorce’ , and information can be found on page 16. I’m sure her book would be a very good read if you found yourself in this difficult situation. Add to this our monthly recipe, puzzles, car review and gardening feature, and I hope there will be a little something for everyone to enjoy. Wishing you a lovely September, Kindest regards,
Ros Rudd - Editor
next copy DEADLINE
5th September 2017 for the October 2017 issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
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HAVE YOU GOT ANY INHERITED OR UNWANTED JEWELLERY? Have you thought about selling, part-exchanging, or having it redesigned into something you would love to wear? You can discuss your ideas with multi-award winning designer Geoffrey Rowlandson. Rowlandsons have been visiting our Surrey clients for the past 10 years. Home appointments can be arranged for those not wishing to attend our hotel venues WE ALSO BUY GOLD, SILVER AND COINS ON THE DAY. We will be at
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Claremont Fan Court School An independent co-educational school for pupils aged 2½ to 18 years
Sixth Form Open Evening Monday 2 October at 6.00pm Academic, Music, Sport, Art and Drama Scholarships Available
Prospective Sixth Form students are their families are welcome to attend. For further information, tel 01372 473624 or email info@claremont.surrey.sch.uk
beekeeping +
Beekeeping is an increasingly popular pastime. The health (and taste) benefits of honey, while caring for a vital insect pollinator, act as a draw for people of all ages.
A bit about bees... A colony of bees contains a single queen, a few hundred male bees (drones) and up to 50,000 female worker bees, which are the honeybees you see visiting flowers in your garden. The queen is larger than a worker and can live up to three years. She will lay more than half a million eggs. A new queen makes a mating flight, mates with six or seven drones and returns to the hive where all her needs are met by worker bees.
1. What sort of hive should I buy? Most beginners use the National, a square box that is easy to use, but you could opt for a traditional, double skinned (ie a box within a box) WBC hive (named
after William Broughton Carr), which is a bit more expensive, but looks more romantic.
2. Where do I get the bees? Try your local beekeepers’ association to see if there are bees for sale nearby or if they know of any bee auctions, usually held in May and June. Check the classified pages of magazines such as BeeCraft (http://www.bee-craft. com/) or use a mail-order company such as Maisemore - http://www.bees-online.co.uk/ Paynes - https://www.paynesbeefarm.co.uk/ Thorne - http://www.thorne.co.uk/ or National Bee Supplies - http://www.beekeeping.co.uk/. Most importantly, make sure they are gentle: bees differ in temperament and it’s best to start with docile ones. Contact a regional branch of The British Beekeepers’ Association (http://www.bbka.org.uk/), which in this area is Surrey (http://www.surreybeekeepers.org.uk/), and locally, the Weybridge division (http://weybridgebeekeepers.weebly.com/).
3. What kit will I need? A bee-proof all-in-one suit with veil, together with a pair of gloves and wellies, costs less than £150. Apart from the hive, you’ll need a ‘smoker’ to puff smoke as you work (bees link it with forest fires and, thinking their home is in danger, concentrate on eating their precious honey, leaving you free to rummage in the hive), and a hive tool to prise apart the hive parts.
4. How much care do bees require? Bees can survive without human input, so unlike other livestock, do not require daily attention. On a warm spring day, open your hive for a thorough inspection; check your queen is laying eggs, make sure there are still enough honey stores and give the hive a good clean, scraping away winter debris, and replacing old broken frames. Until July, the colony will be growing rapidly and can reach up to 50,000, so check weekly to ensure there is room for egg-laying and honey storing, otherwise
the bees may swarm. This is when the queen, sensing that space is running out, leaves the hive with half the worker bees to form another colony. Though the bees left behind will survive (they realise they are queenless and feed some of the larvae with Royal Jelly to create a new queen), you will have lost half your workforce and your honey crop will be reduced.
5. Collecting the honey In August, you can collect your honey, perhaps 40lbs or more per hive. In autumn, you need to replace the ‘stolen’ honey by feeding your bees a sugar solution. Then, having protected the hive against woodpeckers and mice, you can shut up shop for the winter.
6. Where can I learn how to keep bees? The Weybridge division of Surrey Beekeepers Association runs a 10 week theory course in January-March, followed by a 10 week practical course in April-June. For further info, see http://weybridgebeekeepers.weebly.com/
Look Local reader, Fiona, has a three-year-old cross-breed rescue dog she’s owned for five months. He has settled in well and has a gentle nature, but is terrified of the vacuum cleaner. Fiona asks how can she cure his fear? The key thing here is to introduce the vacuum cleaner to him slowly using positive stimuli. This will, in time, turn his foe into a friend. Switch the cleaner on and instantly give him a treat or a favourite toy, then switch the cleaner off. Repeat a few times and leave it at that. What you are doing here is building an association between the noisy machine and something nice that he loves. In time, both you and he should see this as a fun game and not a scary exercise. Don’t rush things - little and often is best. Accept it will take time; weeks or months rather than days. Removing his fear is not an overnight quick fix but you will see small incremental benefits. What you must never do is reinforce his fear. Don’t be tempted to cuddle and comfort him when you turn the cleaner on and he becomes scared. Unlike a child, he will not understand your words, and will simply think you are confirming this is something to be frightened of. Be calm and consistent, and turn his negative fear into a fun game and positive experience. Bruce Casalis is director & founder of Bruce’s Doggy Day Care, a multi-award winning business in Weybridge. Do you have any dog training or canine behavioural questions which you would like to ask Bruce about? Send your questions to :-
Then check out this column each month for Bruce’s answers.
14 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
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Looklocal Magazine - September 2017 15
local author - Diana Jordan +
new book, A Better Way of Dealing with Divorce, has just been published. The author, Diana Jordan, lives and works in Weybridge. She has written this book for parents who want an amicable divorce, and to protect their children from the worst of the harm that separation can cause. The traditional way of divorcing is divisive and expensive. A couple has to go to separate solicitors who will each press hard for the best outcomes for their own client, ignoring what’s best for the whole family. Also, unless a couple can wait until they have been separated for two years, one of them has to make allegations about the other’s behaviour in order to get a divorce. This book empowers people to take control of their own futures instead of being swept along by our adversarial legal system which often leads couples to bitter and costly court battles that they neither wanted nor needed. And it is the conflict between their parents, rather than the actual separation, which is so damaging to children. Guidance is offered for parents wanting to explain what’s happening to their children, as well as how to communicate and co-parent better with their ex-partner. An overview of how the whole divorce process works is set out in an easy-to-understand format and language, and a different way of approaching divorce is suggested. A break-up can be overwhelming and most people don’t know where to start, so there is help to plan a divorce. For those wanting to save thousands of pounds in legal fees, the parts of their divorce which are easy to do themselves are set out, together with clarification on when they really do need a lawyer. The book is also a guide to the emotional journey, and it dispels some common myths about separation and divorce. Although the emphasis is on amicable divorces, the book does include a chapter on how to tackle less friendly scenarios, such as narcissistic personality disorder, coercive control, parental alienation and breaching contact orders. Suggestions are offered for the different approaches required in such circumstances. The book is available now on Amazon and at other booksellers.
16 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
Diana Jordan is a former solicitor and has 30 years’ experience in family law. Now, as a Divorce Consultant, she is able to work with both parties, either together or separately, with the aim of getting the best outcomes for their children. For more information, please go to: www. dealingwithdivorce.co.uk
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puzzles + S E PT CR OSSWORD +
Clue: 10 Across
Clue: 21 Across
Clue: 1 Down
1. Mode (7) 4. Pole tossed in the Highlands (5) 7. Relating to the moon (5) 9. Diplomatic (7) 10. Aromatic herb (7) 11. Cove (5) 12. Main artery (5) 14. Sturdy (5) 19. Relinquish (5) 21. Burrowing rodent (7) 23. Four-sided parallelogram (7) 24. Stories (5) 25. Abated (5) 26. Despised (7)
1. Bird of prey (6) 2. Meaning (5) 3. Country (6) 4. Desert plants (5) 5. Perplexed (7) 6. Connect (6) 8. Respond (5) 13. Forbidding (7) 15. Let in (5) 16. Veer (6) 17. Dissertation (6) 18. Rubbed out (6) 20. Flowed back (5) 22. Claw (5)
18 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
Clue: 4 Down
solutions page 36
n relaxing surroundi i . . . ngs od o f ble a k ar This is a delightful restaurant which is set in the heart of the picturesque and nearby village of Ripley. Owners and business partners Toni and Tony are delighted to be celebrating eleven years at The Toby Cottage. This is one of the oldest restaurants in Surrey, first licensed in 1957, and you will find delicious food, with recipes dating as far back as the 1940s. The friendly and professional staff are proud to provide you consistently with a traditional and wonderful dining experience, which includes silver service, in a comfortable and cosy environment. Flambé cooking is available at your table on request, and there is also a well-stocked, old style sweet trolley, offering a great selection of mouth-watering & homemade desserts.
With a weekly set menu, offering a choice of two courses at lunch time for the fixed price of £16.50 and 3 course Sunday lunch for £20.50, you are sure to find something you will enjoy. The restaurant also boasts an excellent A La Carte menu and a range of seasonal specials, based on the finest produce available. If you are thinking of having a private party, the restaurant is available for private hire (at no extra cost) and the staff would be happy to tailor-make any menu choices that you may require. This is a truly lovely restaurant to which many return time and time again.
The Toby Cottage looks forward to welcoming you soon. Why not visit our sister restaurant Meson Toby, Laleham.
Call 01483 224225 | www.tobycottage.co.uk Toby Cottage, High Street, Ripley GU23 6AF
what’s on... +
fruit & fruit growing + IN
Thursday, 21 September (11am- 12.30pm) Productive fruit plants were regarded as ornamental and an essential part of the garden in 18th century England. Join Historic Planting Advisor, Karen Bridgeman and discover how they grew various fruits & vegetables in the 18th century garden. Guests will also have the opportunity to sample fruit and vegetables grown in the Walled Garden at Painshill. Includes light refreshments. Adults: £15. Members £10. Painshill Park, Portsmouth Road, KT11 1JE
superheroes return +
01932 868113
american day
toy collectors +
SAT 16TH SEPT 2017 - 10.30AM Collectors and dealers alike all agree that if you are serious about buying or selling quality toys and models, there is only one show to visit above all others Sandown Park. The quality and variety of collectables on offer is breathtaking, with more than 500 tables of toys and models for sale. Visitors and exhibitors travel from all over the UK and Europe. Sandown Park, Portsmouth Rd, KT10 9AJ
01372 464348
meet, greet & sing +
Come and experience singing in our friendly and ambitious choir with plenty of cake, tea and refreshments to go around. The event is free and we look forward to meeting you. Weds 20th September | 8.00pm Grovelands School, Walton, KT12 2EB 07884 348172 | www.waltonvoices.co.uk
A day for the whole family to enjoy, fabulous flat racing and plenty of entertainment for the little ones! Lots of superhero themed fun in store to make sure your little heroes have the time of their lives! Dressing up as a superhero is optional but definitely encouraged in the Grandstand Enclosure! It’s not all about the face painters, pony petting and space hopper racing, the horseracing is pretty impressive too with some an eyecatching Group 3s on the card, including the Atalanta Fillies’ Stakes and Solario Stakes. Grandstand tickets £16, Premier Enclosure tickets start at £22.40.
Saturday 2nd September Gates open at 12:00pm
01372 464348 | Sandown Park Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9AJ
20 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
A day devoted to stars & stripes as Brooklands welcomes a whole host of American cars & motorbikes. Expect a feast of chrome & colour with some gleaming Dodge, Chryslers, Mustangs, Hot Rods & much more in & around the Paddock. Normal admission charges apply. 3rd September 2017 | 10.00am - 5.00pm
origine RS
Hundreds of Alpine & Renaultsport vehicles are expected for this annual event and will be on display in and around the paddock and motoring village. There will be action on the Test Hill and a Driving Test in association with the Renault Alpine Owners Club. Normal admission charges apply. 30th September 2017 | 10.00am - 5.00pm 01932 857 381 | events@brooklandsmuseum.com
Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0QNS
walk on the wild side
S U N DAY 1 7
mini aces +
Take a late night stroll with Painshill’s stars of the night. Enjoy the delights of the landscape in all its glory, whilst observing bats in their natural habitat. Listen to an introductory session of bats, before taking a walk across the landscape, where you will have the opportunity to watch and listen for bats, using bat detectors. Includes light refreshments, Adults: £17 Children (8 yrs+): £12
Two 45 minute sessions run from 10.30-11.15 and 11.30-12.15 in the Art Gallery (next to the Sunbeam Cafe). Mini Aces club brings the Museum to life through stories, craft, song and dance. With a focus on different objects, stories and exhibits each month, children will discover the treasures we have in our collection and build self-confidence in a new and exciting environment. Please book in advance, sessions are limited to 10 children max Each session costs £2.00 per child - Adults are free for activity (pay on the day)* 14th September 2017 | 10.30am - 12.15pm 01932 857 381 | oliviafrench@brooklandsmuseum.com
autumn botanical illustration – walled garden harvest +
Includes: Light lunch (materials not included) Adults: £60 Members £50
ADVANCED BOOKING REQUIRED Painshill Park, Portsmouth Rd KT11 1JE | 01932 868113
SUNDAY 10TH SEPT 11.00AM Come and enjoy a guided walk on our wider estate with one of our knowledgeable and experienced Rangers. The walk will take place in the wider estate so please wear suitable shoes and clothing to cope with possibly muddy conditions. Please meet outside the coffee shop in the Dairy Courtyard. Dogs on leads are welcome.
Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0QN
Polesden Lacey, Bookham, RH5 6BB
car photography course
01372 452048
thyroid support
The perfect time for our autumn harvest, join Leigh Ann Gale in the Walled Garden at Painshill and learn to create beautiful botanical illustrations of the colorful autumn produce grown at Painshill. Suitable for all abilities, this experience enables you to study and draw the form, colour and detail of the wonderful autumn colours.
seasonal ranger
A car photography course by professional photographer, Jason Dodd. This is a practical day’s photography, covering a variety of classic and modern sports cars around the venues airfield, garages, banking and other locations. You do not need any specialised equipment, just a digital SLR. The car photography courses are limited to six photographers and will provide you with knowledge on how to compose and light the cars against some atmospheric backdrops. We will have a variety of classic and modern cars on display and will be able to run through the ideal settings for capturing each car at its best, including composition, lighting and using the manual controls of your camera. Course costs £150 per person 10th September 2017 | 10.00am - 3.00pm
07732 106192 | jdoddphotography@btinternet.com
Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0QNS
A new thyroid support group is starting in Surrey on Saturday 9 September at 11am. If you’re being treated for thyroid problems, or have been tested and told you don’t have a problem but you still feel tired all the time, feel the cold, can’t lose weight, have high cholesterol or brain fog to mention but a few symptoms, please come along. The group will meet bi-monthly in a pub in Woking or Weybridge so the only cost will be a cup of tea or coffee. Saturday 9th September | 11.00am For further details, please contact Diana Jordan on 01932 843434 or diana.jordan@virgin.net or Thyroid UK.
Looklocal Magazine - September 2017 21
Making YOUR YOUR Money Work Harder M O N E Y W O R K
Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge oce ofElaine TaxAssist Accountants. issue, Elaine & Keith Jones run theEach Weybridge office of provides on a recent in taxprovides law, TaxAssistadvice Accountants. Eachchange issue, Elaine oradvice addresses a topical financial issue. on a recent change in tax law, or addresses a topical financial issue.2013/14 Car benefit changes Q:Furnished Can youholiday summarise lettingswhat the changes to company car and van benefits are from considering buying a property to let : I am 6 April 2013 please?
out as a holiday home as an investment but
A: From the 6th 2013: what areApril the advantages and disadvantages
doing this? Company of cars
: If youbenefit intend to charge let your property out aswill holiday • The car fuel multiplier you be able to treat it as increaseaccommodation, from £20,200 tomay £21,100 a furnished holiday letting (FHL) instead of a
• The lower threshold willbebe reducedway from normal let. This can a tax-efficient to let 120g/km toalthough 115g/km out a property, a lot of the advantages which used to this typeappropriate of letting have been removed overare the still past •apply Thetolowest percentages few years. To qualify for FHL treatment, certain conditions 0 per cent and 5 per cent must be met. These include the property being available
letting for atcent least 210 days inwill eachnow tax year and being •for The 10 per charge apply to cars actually let foremissions 105 days. A summary of thetoadvantages with CO2 of 76g/km 94g/kmand disadvantages can be found below:
•Advantages The appropriate percentage will increase by pertaxcent all vehicles with CO2 emissions • 1Full relieffor is available for interest expenses incurred for FHLs, unlike 95g/km other rentaland lettings, where from between 215g/km, to a2017/18, interest relief will to becent restricted. maximum ofbegin 35 per
• Capital allowances can be claimed on both integral features
Vans and furniture items.
Entrepreneurs’ may becharge availablemultiplier which will reduce •• The van fuelrelief benefit will the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rate from 28% to 10% when the increase from £550 to £564 property is sold. Other capital tax reliefs may also apply.
•• The is treated frozenas at £3,000 Profitsvan frombenefit a FHL are “relevant earnings”
for pension contribution purposes, unlike other rental or The rules and implications of company investment income. vehicles fartoreaching, soinyou be or • You willare be able take a holiday yourwould own property, advised to seek professional from your make it available some of the time to advice your family or friends. However, care would need to be taken to adjust the level ofa local TaxAssist Accountant before acquiring expenses claimed to reflect this private use. new vehicle.
Leasing a car Q: If I lease a carproperty in themay name of my personal • Owning a holiday be more time-consuming company, doand you anyyourself recommendations than you think youhave may find spending your precious sorting out problems. the tax burden down? to keepholiday • FHL businesses are within the scope of VAT, so care needs A: Firstly, if the car triggers a benefit in kind, to be taken where the owner of the FHL business is close to then you will always beVAT better o looking for the VAT threshold or already registered. a vehicle with low CO2 emissions, as this will Is this HMRC text car real?benefit percentage and result in a lower therefore lower personal liability for me you.to : I areceived a text fromtax HMRC asking renew you my tax creditsalso claim. it genuine? Furthermore, should beIsaware that if the carYhas over 130g/km, it of is scam ou’reemissions right to be suspicious, there are a lot likely :thatemails 15% of payments be andthe textlease messages out ther, will particularly claiming to be from HM & Customs for corporation taxRevenue purposes. If disallowed (HMRC). the emissions are below this level, the entire If youpayments have any doubts thedeductible. authenticity of a lease shouldabout be tax communication, do not give out private information (such as Emailing bank detailsP60s or passwords), reply to text messages, download attachments clickoce on any paperless, links. Q: To keepormy can I send my Instead, forward suspicious: employees their P60 via email? · text messages to 60599 (text messages will be charged at your A: Sincerate) 2010/11, form P60 can be provided network either on paper phishing or electronically, but you · emails to HMRC’s team phishing@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk should confirm with yourguidance employees that they You should also check HMRC’s on recognising scams if you’re not sure. HMRC would texts or emails to: are happy to receive theirnever P60use electronically. · tell you about rebate penalty access to secure Your sta willa tax need toorhave · ask for personal or payment information facilities to view and print a copy. If they prefer HMRC does use some SMS text and email alerts, in particular not receive P60 with to regards to taxtheir credits andelectronically, often in July. Thethen texts you and must themany with a hard copy emails provide do not provide details though, theyas arenormal. simply a prompt. HMRC andACMA texts would never provide a link Contact Elaineemails Jones AFTA to login or a form asking for information. So, based on what on: 01932 850 600 or by you’ve said, the text is likely to be genuine. email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk Contact Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA on: 01932 850 600 or by email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk
Disadvantages • Holiday letting may have higher agents’ fees, advertising costs and maintenance fees (for example, more regular cleaning).
Disclaimer – advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary and if you feel that the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implementation. If you take, or do not Disclaimer - advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary if you feel the take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving ourthan written endorsement, we will accept no and responsibility for information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implmentation. If you take, or do not take action as a result of incurred. any financial loss reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibilty for any fiancial loss incurred.
music +
Neil Tennant & Chris Lowe PET SHOP BOYS Once upon a time, pop fans, Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe met in an electronic shop in the Kings Road, Chelsea. Recognizing a mutual interest in dance music, they began to work together, first in Tennant’s flat in South West London and then from 1982 in a small studio in Camden Town. Since those early days, they have sold over 50 million records worldwide, and the boys are listed as the most successful duo in British music history. They have achieved 42 Top 30 singles and 22 Top 10 hits in the UK. With this amazing success story and huge fanbase, I’m delighted to pass on the news of a very special series of reissues of their ground-breaking Parlophone (record label) LPs which is just out. This definitive edition features each album from the duo’s peerless discography on the label, remastered and released with additional further listening albums of bonus tracks, demos and mixes created in the same period of time as each album. Each album will be accompanied by an extensive booklet in which Neil and Chris discuss each song, illustrated with lots of archive footage. What a labour of love this all is! Essential goodies for the unique twosome once regarded as the odd couple. They’ve certainly come a long way since recording their exclusive, first ever radio session for me all those years ago and I hope this heralds the welcome return of the PSBs.
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September 2017 09:49 23 05/07/2017
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-Ââ€?sector  provider  of  adult  learning  offering  the  opportunity  to  study  with  like-Ââ€? minded  people  without  the  stress  of  an  end-Ââ€?of  term  exam.   Why  not  consider  joining  us?  Â
The  following  Courses  will  be  offered  in  the  autumn: Â
International  Affairs    which  is  international  relations    Â
10  weeks  from     History - C3741360  History  on  trial  - 10  famous cases 10  weeks  from   Â
Archaeology    Past  crimes   Â
History – c3741361    10  weeks  from     The shape of things to come?
Social  History   The  Wars  of  the  Roses   Â
Walks   The  Modern  City  Â
The following Courses will be offered in the Autumn:
 5  weeks  from   Â
22 Â September Â
10 weeks from
22  September  23  September Â
10 weeks from
Archaeology – c3741362   of the  10  weeks  from     26  September  Masterpieces ancient world 10 weeks from
Ancient  History   –Gc3741364 olden  Age    5th  century  BC  Athens   the  Â
Music 10  weeks  from    26  September  10 classic albums the ‘50s & ‘60s 10 weeks from Meetings  from will  usually  last  two  hours  Â
For  more  information  consult:  www.southern.wea.org.uk  or  contact  01932  853056  – c3741366 Â
Ancient History Rome and the barbarians
19 September
25 Â September Â
Music  appreciation   Choral  Music    Â
19 September
10 weeks from
20 September 22 September 22 September
Meetings usually last two hours
For more info consult: www.wea.org.uk or contact 01932 853 056 other courses are planned for the New Year
sudoku + S E P TE M B E R P U ZZLE +
Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!
24 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
digi-search + SE PTE MBE R PU Z Z L E +
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 03730, 04687, 10987, 18833, 20121, 28392, 44543, 50898, 57225, 64537, 65345, 79074, 88973, 93327, 94024, 95486.
solutions page 36
gardening +
Sitting in a traffic jam yesterday, I spied a rather elegant window box through the car window, and I was there long enough for some deeper thought. I liked the combination of white shuttered window with the black planter. I also liked the contrast of the attractively marked pelargonium leaves with the bright scarlet flower heads....but I knew that there could have been more flowers. For a plant to flower its little head off, it must have access to the right kind of plant food, and here, the right kind of fertiliser balance is less nitrogen and more potassium. Not all plant foods are the same, and the NPK ratio of the one that I always recommend for a flowering plant is 12:7:19 which is perfect. However, the one concern that I did have while I sat there in the traffic queue was that the planter (presumably metal) was sitting straight onto the concrete windowsill. This is not a good idea for a couple of reasons: firstly, as the sun shines on the concrete windowsill, it heats up and this heat is then radiated upwards (like a night storage heater) into the pot. The net result is that the soil dries out very quickly, and the roots could ‘cook’. Actually, the same temperature transfer happens in © 2017 Valerie McBride-Munro
winter, but this time it’s the chill that’s travelling, and cold roots are not happy roots either, believe me! The remedy is to create an air barrier between the bottom of the pot and the stone windowsill in order to break the transfer of heat/cold nicely. Garden centres sell pot feet, but if these are not your bag, you can elevate your container simply by using short wooden dowels that you can slot in at each end of the pot. If you cut them carefully and paint them black, they will remain relatively hidden. A word of caution, make sure that in doing this you don’t block up any drainage holes as this will create another folly. At that point, the traffic moved. Valerie Munro is a chartered horticulturist. She offers unique and personal tuition sessions explaining the whys and wherefores of good gardening techniques in your own garden www.auntieplanty.co.uk
Looklocal Magazine - September 2017 25
“hear the people sing” +
unique opportunity to hear the wonderful Dalesmen Male Voice choir on tour from Derbyshire with their Musical Director Paul Marshall, in a joint concert with your very own Weybridge-based Treble Clef choir, Musical Director, Tim Woodford. Enjoy an enchanted evening of well-known pieces, from Beatles to Broadway!
26 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
Saturday 30th September at Christ the Prince of Peace Church in Portmore Way, Weybridge KT13 8JD at 8pm Tickets £10 inc refreshments (accompanied u12s free) Ring Chris on 01252 326514 for advanced bookings of this great musical event or buy your tickets on the door. Details on our website www.trebleclefchoir.org.uk
First Floor, 15A High Street (above Farrants Newsagents) Cobham, Surrey KT11 3DH 01932 589599 ALSO DORKING, GODALMING AND LONDON
apple and blackberry +
4 Waitrose Best Of British Apples, peeled, cored and thickly sliced 340g blackberries 100ml Belvoir Blueberry & Blackcurrant Cordial 100g self-raising flour 100g salted butter, chilled & cubed 50g light brown muscovado sugar 40g whole almonds, roughly chopped Custard or vanilla ice cream, to serve
1. Preheat the oven to 190ºC, Gas Mark 5. Place the apples, blackberries and cordial in a large saucepan. Heat gently and simmer for 5 minutes. Spoon into a 2-litre ovenproof dish. 2. Rub together the flour and butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, then stir in the sugar and almonds. Add 2 tbsp cold water and bring together to make a soft dough. 3. Shape the dough into 8 rough balls and place around the edge of the baking dish. Place the dish on a baking sheet then bake for 25–30 minutes until the dough balls are cooked through and the filling is piping hot. Serve warm with custard or ice cream.
Vegetarian Serves: 4 | Preparation time: 10 mins | Cooking time: 30mins Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
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Looklocal Magazine - September 2017 29
do more... +
What? If you’re thinking “I have to-do lists coming out of my ears and you’re telling me to do more?”, don’t worry. I don’t mean that kind of more. “What other kind of more can there possibly be?”, you may wonder. Here are some: Do more good We can all do a little more good – for people we don’t know, as well as people we care about. And if you seem to spend your life doing good for everyone but yourself – you guessed it. Do more good for yourself!
Do more hanging on We often give up when the going gets tough, or with the first failure. Overcoming obstacles, staying positive, learning from and bouncing back after failure, lead to resilience and ultimately to success.
Do more (of the) good stuff You know – exercise, eating healthily, stepping out of your comfort zone, being courageous (going for that promotion or charity sky-dive, speaking to someone from your heart, going to the doctor about that thing that’s been worrying you for a while …)
Do more with your life What inspired me this month was Survival Run, a film about Harry Cordellos, a blind runner from San Francisco, who ran the Dipsea Race, (the most treacherous, cross-country mountain-side trail race in America), 47 years in a row until his health stopped him at the age of 77.
Do more of what you love We all do so much of what we have to, or what other people and society expect of us, but some of us have lost sight (maybe since our childhood) of what we love to do. So sing, dance, paint, build a boat, climb a mountain ... Do more, a bit at a time We often hear ‘no pain, no gain,’ but there’s a lot to be gained from taking easy steps towards our goals. Add an extra daily repetition to your exercise routine each week, learn something new every day, declutter one corner of your home every week. You’ll be surprised how they add up. Do more letting go We often hold on to things, habits, relationships, jobs, well after they have ceased to serve us. Being mindful of what is really good for us and what is having a negative impact can help us make necessary changes. Letting go doesn’t necessarily mean getting rid of something. You can let go of the attachment to something to have a healthier relationship with it. And you can let go of the attachment to a relationship being a certain way in order to improve the relationship.
What about you? What ‘more’ could you get out of life? And what would it take to get it?
Sonia Duggan + CPCC ACC +
PS - If you would like a hand figuring out how to do more in your life, call or email me to claim a discounted Inspiration! coaching session when you mention LookLocal Weybridge
Coaching with Inspiration! +44 (0) +44 (0)
1932 849309 7779 064646
info@inspirationcoaching.biz www.inspirationcoaching.biz @inspirationbiz
Looklocal Magazine - September 2017 31
challenge events +
There are many fundraising events taking place this year, so do you see yourself as the new Tough Mudder or the ultimate Skydriver? If not, there are many more to take part in. Visit www.wsbhospices.co.uk to find out more about all these events and how to register. However much you are able to raise to support Woking & Sam Beare Hospices, you will receive amazing support from our Challenge Events Team.
Why not get stuck in and take part in one of our Tough Mudder – 23rd September 2017 challenge events? Are you brave enough to take on the 10-12 mile obstacle course that is designed to test physical strength Nuts Challenge – 2nd & 3rd September 2017 and mental grit? This event in Crawley is not a race but This nutty 7km assault course is an adventure race in a team challenge where you and your team mates will Dorking, Surrey. The incredibly fun event offers lots show how strong you really are. There is also a 5 mile of mud, a water assault course, climbing, crawling and option available. Registration for Tough Mudder Half challenging obstacles all the way round. So, how nutty starts at £59 and the full 10 mile course starts from £89. are you? There is no fundraising target for this event but it would Registration starts from £59.99 and distances of be great to see how much you can raise! 7km, 21km and 28km are available on both days. To apply, please call 01483 881752 or send an email to Leap for Love Skydive Day – 30th September 2017 fundraising@wsbhospices.co.uk. Take part in this once-in-a-lifetime experience, feeling We look forward to getting you on board! the rush at 125mph, falling from 10,000ft or 15,000ft above the ground. Secure your place for £50 and aim to Thames Bridges Trek – 9th September 2017 raise £395, or self-fund your skydive and then fundraise Get involved with the Thames Bridges Trek, venturing for the hospice – the choice is yours. across the capital, walking 20km over 16 of the capital’s best bridges. This is a walk not run event, so give it a Royal Parks Half Marathon – 8th October 2017 go, push yourself and you’ll be surprised at what you Fancy running around the closed roads of London, can achieve. seeing all the famous landmarks and beautiful parks? Registration for the Thames Bridges Trek Challenge is Then why not sign up to the fabulous 13.1 mile Royal £30, with a fundraising target of £150. Parks Half Marathon. With very limited places left, please use this link, fill in Thames Path Challenge – 9th September 2017 our application form and return back to Enjoy the unique experience of the Thames Path Trail r.barnett@wsbhospices.co.uk to secure your place. with its varied and beautiful scenery of the capital. You If you’ve already secured your place directly through can either take on 100km or 50km as a walk, jog or run, Royal Parks Half Marathon, you can still join our Team with a relay option open to teams. WSB. All you need to do is email us for a fundraising Registration for the Thames Path Challenge starts from pack and one of the events team will be in contact with £39, with the suggested fundraising target of £150. you.
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Looklocal Magazine - September 2017 33
ford fiesta +
et me kick off with an admission. Initially, when the chance to review the latest Ford Fiesta arose, all my historic doubts and dislikes loomed again and I dawdled for ages over the responsibility. Alright, I admit, it’s senseless to form an opinion without sampling whatever might be the product, but my memories of the Fiesta from its onset are darkened by the sight of too many rusting, rattletrap models with no style or presence, even if their pricing, years ago, was considered to be a bargain. I reasoned that you get what you pay for, and even though Ford reaped vast rewards, I could never persuade myself that owning a Fiesta was in any way shape or form worthwhile, despite the claims it was the UK’s favourite car. Right across the country, from its early dealership HQ in Birmingham, more than one million…YES…1,000,000... have been ordered since 2008 - and since its initial arrival on the scene in 1976, more than 4,500,000 have found their way onto our drives and rubbish tips. OK, OK, maybe I’m being too cynical. But the clarity of my memory and the images of the very ordinary Fiesta usually a teenager’s first car and generally second or third hand, in those long-gone days - still lingers in my mind’s eye. But times and attitudes change and that’s happened in my case. The fresh Fiesta, just out, has given me good cause to readjust my opinion under a welter of upgrades and updates and some smart, astute thinking and planning by the brainbox designers and engineers. The new Ford kid on the cylinder block, the replacement effort to retake control and monopoly of the heavilyfought small hatchback battleground, is destined to give upper-brand and firmly established rivals Seat Ibiza and the Skoda Fabia a very, very strong challenge. And it could well be a winner…there, I’ve said it! It looks good. It has improved performing engines. revised in-car technology, greater grip, a totally revamped, stylish cabin with a heated leather steering wheel and refinement at every glance. The predecessors suffered dreary interiors
34 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
with pathetic infotainment and a plethora of cheap plastics. Not any more…it now feels distinctly plush! High quality indeed. The top-of-the-range, sporty ST-Line, which benefits from bottom-hugger sports seats and lower suspension to deepen the sensation of safety around the tighter turns and over the bumps, is a real treat, with its 138bhp motor offering a nippy response that’s distinctly pleasing. In short, it’s a superb drive in all aspects, from its smart, comfy inside with plenty of head and leg room, even for six-footers like me, and a surprisingly powerful engine, ensuring you’re not left standing if needs be. And the great news for tightwads is its economy, with a welcome return of 63 mpg. Red, white and blue, Ford reveal, are the three favourite colours, but in the fresh Fiesta line-up, you can opt for new shades Chrome Copper and Mint Green. Andy Barratt, chairman of Ford Britain, is rightly upbeat about the Fiesta newcomer, telling me:”The eyes of the world are on us. And we will take over the rein as the top seller.” I can’t argue with that confident forecast. It’s a real high flier in more ways than one. Specification: Fiesta 140 ST-Line five door. Engine: 1.0-litre petrol. 138BHP. Six speed manual gearbox. Top speed 125mph.0-62mph in 9.0secs. Economy: 63mpg. Price £18,945.
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solutions + SE P TE MBE R P UZZLE S +
crossword +
PAG E 18
PAGE 2 4
digi-search +
competition winners Olly Murs Ticket winners: 1. Susie Taylor 2. Amanda Hyman
36 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
PAGE 2 4
voluntary action +
poem +
Wanted!! Volunteer drivers across Elmbridge
We are all surrounded by a multitude of birds – they’re everywhere! But hardly ever do you see one that has turned up its toes (claws).
Deliver a daily hot meal (and supper) to elderly residents in Elmbridge in their home during the week and weekends to assist customers to live independently in their home. Times between 11.30am to 1.30pm.
Do you have experience in fundraising?
A theatre group for young people with & without disabilities are looking for a fundraiser with good communication skills, pro-active & able to work independently. You will need to have access to a computer /e-mail.
Believe in talking, rather than fighting, to solve issues?
A community mediation charity is looking for a dynamic person to provide leadership and direction, ensure that the charity pursues its objects and stimulate carefully considered strategic decision-making.
Enjoy meeting people?
A charity supporting mental & physical well-being is looking for drop-in volunteers to welcome people into the Centre in a friendly, receptive & non-judgmental way.
The final feather bed? The sky is full of birds on wing The trees, alive with more that sing sweet endless tunes. They fill my head But never do I see one dead?
Home-visiting volunteers - Elmbridge
A thousand feathers every day Pierce the air in grand display A joyful chorus when I wake A constant with each step I take
But when these creatures meet their end It’s this I cannot comprehend They should be scattered on the ground But not a sign of them is found
We are looking for a parent, a carer, or maybe a grandparent who knows just how tough family life can be at times. Our volunteers usually visit a family once a week for a couple of hours. We provide training (next training course is in Sept 2017).
For more info on these roles & many other volunteering opportunities, contact Voluntary Action Elmbridge,
please call : 01372 463 587 visit : www.vae.org.uk or email : contact@vae.org.uk Esher Civic Centre: Monday & Weds 10:00 - 13:00 Walton Library: Wednesday 10:00 - 13:00 Walton Quintet: Tues, Thurs & Friday 10:00 - 13:00
When birds have sung their final song And all the strength to fly has gone They leave their playground in the sky But where, then, do they go to die?
CT Sullivan Looklocal Magazine - September 2017 37
advertisers +
Ashford Kitchens.................................................. 9 Mailboxes Etc..................................................... 33 Baumit............................................................... 10 Meejana Lebanese Restaurant............................. 31 Bruce’s Doggie Day Care...............................14/15 Music Matters.................................................... 23 Casey Christie.................................................... 14 Out on a Limb................................................... 31 Charterhouse Roofing & General Building........ 29 Premier Carpets.................................................... 6 Chips Away........................................................ 35 Rowlandson’s Jewellers ........................................ 8 Claremont Fan Court School..........................5/11 Silver Arrows...................................................... 14 Downs Solicitors................................................ 27 Sonia – Coaching with Inspiration..................... 30 DPB Oven Cleaning ......................................... 36 Tax Assist........................................................... 22 Dream Doors..................................................... 39 The Toby Cottage............................................... 19 Elmbridge Fun Day............................................ 32 Waitrose Recipe.................................................. 28 Elmbridge Volunteer Centre............................... 37 WEA.................................................................. 24 Englishman’s Castle............................................ 29 Weybridge & Walton Physio.............................. 17 Ernest Doe........................................................... 4 Weybridge International School of English......... 15 Frost Fireplaces..................................................... 7 Willingtons Guttering........................................ 33 Hanging Space................................................... 40 Zigger Web Design............................................. 36 House of Surrey.................................................... 2 Just Shutters....................................................... 23
MacDonald Fencing & Sons Ltd........................ 35
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38 Looklocal Magazine - September 2017
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