LookLocal December 2019
Your award-winning local community magazine
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ountdown Clocks © The Lightbox
Welcome 30
to December
’tis the season to be jolly!!
Christmas Fair at The Lightbox © The Lightbox
How can that be? I feel like this year has simply flown by, faster than ever, in my mind it’s about March!
I decided last year, that I would get all my all Christmas shopping done by 1st December this year, needless to say, that
Surrey Libraries and Brooklands Radio have been looking for people in Surrey who are brilliant at reading aloud. We’ve received nomina?ons from people acrossdidn’t Surrey, happen! created And our shortlist and invited our shortlist nominees to send in a recording of them reading aloud.
thus far, I haven’t actually started! Busy
month ahead it seems!
Now we need you to choose the 2019 winner of the Surrey Reading Aloud compe==on.
This is, of course, traditionally a month filled with lots of
Visit surreycc.gov.uk/libraries or brooklandsradio.co.uk from 8 November to listen local toCafé the events; lovely we have Christmas in Seasons © The Lightbox Baby Snow Owls © The Lightbox shortlist recordings and vote for your favourite by Sunday 8 December. Tune into Brooklands Radio on 24 December to hear the winner of the Surrey Reading my favourite Aloud 2019 compe??on reading aloud a special Christmas Eve story.
nter Wonderland Gingerbread House © Kelly Elmbridge Youth Club 4 Jacqui
8 10 12 14 16 20 21 21 22 24 30 31 32 33 34
Riverhouse Barn Gardening with Auntie Planty What’s Cooking? Tax Assist Q&A Crossword Puzzle Sudoku & Digi-Search Elmbridge Volunteers Music Matters Car Review What’s On in December Weybridge Library Puzzle Solutions Church Services Useful Numbers Advertisers’ Index
a good selection included within
our pages so I hope you find something of interest. One of being ‘Glow 2019’ at RHS Wisley Gardens. This
event promises to dazzle you with giant botanical inspired light installations. The enchanting trail is themed around the four seasons and should provide a wonderful winter outing. I am hoping to visit myself at some point in December, tickets are selling fast so I’d recommend that you book sooner rather than later to avoid disappointment. See page 18 for details. Wishing you all a wonderfully festive month, we will be back
Christmas Wreath Decorating
in the new year as we enter our sixteenth year in print!
Next Copy Deadline 5th December for our January Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
WEYBRIDGE YOUTH CLUB ITY GEM REOPENS WEYBRIDGE COMMUN Longstanding and once vibrant Weybridge youth club is back in the hands of the local community and ready to open again on Friday 8th November to young people aged 13-17 living in the local area. The club is fully kitted out and will be offering a wide range of activities such as pool, music, sports and a variety of other sessions guaranteed to bring interest and excitement to club nights. Open from 6.45pm – 8.45pm every Friday night at the cost of just £1.00 a week the club will also have a tuck shop providing soft drinks, healthy food and some favourite treats. Surrey Clubs for Young People (SCYP) has been providing support to get the club open for business. However, SCYP is hoping to find more members of the local community to volunteer at the club; “Whilst we provide youth workers at the club and a safe place for young people to meet, we need volunteers to provide positive role models. If we want young people to become active and giving members of their communities, it is up to those communities to show them how.” Says Joyce Quinell, SCYP Chief Officer.
Club organisers hope that the club can reengage with the wider community whist providing a place for young people to chill out with friends and have access to exciting and challenging opportunities that will support them to develop into active and confident young adults. SCYP provides friendly and engaging volunteer training through a supported process and welcomes the opportunity to chat with people who may want to volunteer. They can do this by getting in touch with Matthew, on 07899 727 080 or by email at volunteering@scyp.co.uk.
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or rd, walton on thames KT12 2PF 2 253354 www.riverhousebarn.co.uk
APRIL 2019PROGRAM PROGRAM APRIL 2019 DECEMBER 2019 PROGRAMME APRIL 2019 PROGRAMME manorrd, rd,walton waltonon onthames thamesKT12 KT122PF 2PF manor !
er Screen
d3 sical Music
d3 ds
Easter Parade Starring Judy Garland and Fred Astaire and featuring the music of Irving Berlin. Please contact the RC Sherriff Trust for tickets.
Local violinist Oliver won the Academy Concerto rd, walton on thames KT12 2PF www.riverhousebarn.co.uk lunch at 12pm £8.50253354 lunch 01932 253354 www.riverhousebarn.co.uk manor rd,manor walton onNelson thames KT12 2PF 01932 Competition at the Royal Academy of Music and graduated Treble Clef with distinction. He is in high demand as a recitalist. 01932 253354 www.riverhousebarn.co.uk 01932 253354 www.riverhousebarn.co.uk 7.30pm Royston Pike lecture – Hilary Bradt £3 on the Hilary Bradt MBE is the founder of Bradt Travel Guides which ! door2 Tues 1.30pm EasterParade Parade Tues 2 1.30pm Easter published the first ever guide to N. Korea. In 2016 she enjoyed Lunchtime Concert: Oliver Nelson (violin)
Tues 2 Easter Parade DECEMBER 20191.30pm PROGRAMME Silver Screen
an 18 day ‘pioneering’ trip travelling to all parts of the country, StarringJudy JudyGarlan Garla Starring £2 discovering beautiful mountain scenery and fine beaches as Irving Berlin.Pleas Plea ofofStompers Irving well as numbingly dull factories. But in North Korea even the Silver Screen Sun 1 12.15pm Christine and the Stackyard Starring Judy Garland and Fred Astaire and featuring theBerlin. music manor rd, walton on thames KT12 2PF boredom is interesting and the people, friendly and charming. contact the RC Sherriff Trust forof tickets. Playing an exciting repertoire 1920s class Silver253354 Screen 01932 www.riverhousebarn.co.ukof Irving Berlin.£12Please Danny Buckler – One Man Show 8pm LunchtimeConcert: Concer Wed 3 1pm Lunchtime 1pm Comedian, storyteller, sleight of hand artist, Danny is a truly Wed 3 led by Christine on trombone medy/Magic and vocals, p Jazz andperformer Beerwho will be bringing Localviolinist violinist Olive unique comedic these skills and Oliver ClassicalOliver Music lunch 12pm Local Classical Music lunch atat12pm Concert: Nelson (violin) Wed 3 1pm Lunchtime £1 more in his incredible show. greats like King Oliver, Jelly Roll Morton and Competition at the Competition at the£8 Sun 1 12.15pm Christine and theviolinist Stackyard Stompers Local Oliver Nelson won the Academy £9 Concerto Classical lunch at 12pm Hand to Mouth Theatre presents The Mystery of Memory Lane 6 11am Music £10 with distinction.He Hei Playing an exciting repertoire of 1920s classic jazz the Stompers, with distinction. Competition the Royal Academy of Music and graduated A chance to remember forgotten fun and make new memories at ily Theatre 2pm £8 children
led by Christine on trombone and vocals, pay tribute to the jazz with this warm and nostalgic show based around a Bric-a-Brac Jazz and Beer Tudor Comedy Club with distinction. is in high demand as a recitalist. Fri 6 8pm HeMock greats like King Oliver,Wed Jelly Roll Wed 7.30pm 3 3Morton and Clarence Williams. 7.30pm
6 ry
d 10 – Sat 13 atre
20 ily Theatre
6 medy
RoystonPike Pikelecture lectu Royston Walton’s favourite Comedy Club returns An Evening with Tony Walsh, Poet. 8pm Comedy £12 Hilary Bradt MBEiswit is Hilary Bradt MBE th Words Words Royston Pike – Hilary Bradt Wed £3 £12.50 Tony Walsh, aka, Longfella is an Mock ordinary Tudor bloke with an Comedy Clublecture Fri 6 3 8pm7.30pm bursting with talent hand-picked from ve published thethe firstev published first extraordinary talent and a remarkable story.Hilary A regularBradt onComedy TV MBEClub is the founder Bradtseason Travel Guides whichthe Walton’s favourite returns with anof autumn Words d Comedy and radio since 2011, his work came to worldwide attention tree. an1818 day‘pioneerin ‘pionee day bursting with talent hand-picked fromguide the very Britain’sIn 2016an published the first comedy ever totop N.ofKorea. she enjoyed when broadcast globally from the vigil for victims of the arena bomb outrage in his beloved Manchester. comedy tree. discovering beaut discovering beautifu an 18 day ‘pioneering’ trip travelling to all parts of the country, Runnymede Drama Group presents Volpone well numbingly Rpresent C Sherriff’s Trust‘s Penny Knaves prese £14 Themountain well asasnumbingly d 7 7.30pm discovering beautiful scenery and fine beaches as The R C Sherriff’s Trust‘s Penny Knaves Cinderella Sat 7 7.30pm Sat 7.30pm £12 A new adaptation by Tony Frier from the original by Ben boredom interes boredom is isinterestin A funny, magical, heart-warming adaptation of this Adull funny, magical, heart-warming adaptatio Johnson. A witty, ingenious, satirical masterpiece Family Theatre £10 Conc. wellwith ascolourful numbingly factories. Butmuch-loved in North Korea even the Family Theatre characters and themes that arefairy relevant today. tale presented by the R. C. Sherriff’s new resident theatre boredom is interesting people, friendly charming. fairy and talethe presented by theand R. C. Sherriff’s ne DannyBuckler Buckler– –On O 5 8pm Danny Spoon 1.30pm Lyngo Theatre presents Egg andcompany. FriFri5£10 8pm company. Our first special theatre show for the early years, Egg and Spoon 3.30pm £8 Children Comedian, storyte Comedian, storytelle Comedy/Magic Comedy/Magic Danny Buckler – One Man Show is an interactive romp8pm through8pm the seasons and is a perfect, Fri 58 £1 Lucy Ward Sun £12.50 gentle introduction to the magic of theatre. unique comedicpe p unique comedic Join BBC Comedian, award winningstoryteller, singer songwriter LucyofWard for artist, an sleight hand Danny is Conc. a truly Folk £10.50 Comedy/Magic Mock Tudor morein inhis his incredib 8pm Sun £12.50 Lucy Ward seasonal music, woven from festive song incredibl 8 Comedy Club evening ofunique 8pm comedic performer who willand be bringing more these skills and market stall.
Our regular Friday night comedy club is back featuring the
traditions ages old.
Tues. 108pm Sat 6 Film
cream of Britain’s comedy circuit. Folk
11am 2pm
Family Theatre
28 and Beer
Joinshow. BBC award winning singer songwriter Lu more in his incredible HandtotoMouth MouthThea The Sat6 6 11am Hand Sat Returns11am £2 woven from fes evening of seasonal music, chance to reme AAchance Family Theatre 2pmofPlease Family Theatre 2pm Hand to Mouth Theatre presents The Mystery Memory Lane contact R to remem £1 traditions ages old. withthis thiswarm warmand andn with C Sherriff A chance to remember forgotten fun and make new memories £8 market stall. stall. with this warm and nostalgic show based aroundmarket a Bric-a-Brac
presents Mary Poppins Laura Jurd’s Dinosaur 1.30pm The Silver Screen Film Club£15 2019 sees Mercury nominated Dinosaur back in action withBen Whishaw £6 Students Starring Emily Blunt, and Colin Firth some immensely colourful new music. Expect folk-infused grooves and glistening melodies.
George Huxley’s Jazz1pm Band Lunchtime Concert - Four £8.50 Harps: Christmas Wed 12.15pm 11 The SilverSpecial Screen Film Tues. 10 1.30pm A renowned exponent of the soprano saxophone, George market stall. the celestial sound of the 4 harps Back by popular request, Classical Music Huxley leads this excellent band on their always popular annual
Sat 6
Film visit to the Barn.
Poetry Fri 13 Classical Music Wed
£9.60 Treble Clef
extraordinarytalent talen extraordinary
with an Maiastra Tony Walsh, aka, Longfella is an ordinary blokeFREE andradio radio since201 20 and since To celebrate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth next extraordinary talent and a remarkable story. A(collection) regular on TV Lunchtime Concert - Four Harps: Christmas when broadcastglo g year, Maiastra be performing a series of concerts all when broadcast and will radio since 2011, hisby work cameplaying to worldwide attention Back popular request, the celestial soun of his 16 string quartets in the order in which they were bomb outrageininhis h bomb outrage when broadcast globally from the vigil for victims of the arena published. Arisa Fujita, a professor at the Guildhall SchoolAdie, of played by Harriet Ruby Aspinall, Elizab bomb outrage in his beloved Manchester. Music and Drama will be joined by three outstanding young Runnymede Drama Wed1010 Sat 7.30pm Runnymede Wed – –Sat 1313 7.30pm Thomas in a seasonal programme of Drama music, musicians in a wonderful programme of works.
11 Classical Music
Wed 10 – Sat 13
£12presents Mary P Club
An Evening with To Sat 8pm An Evening with Ton Starring Emily Blunt, Ben Whishaw and Colin Sat 6 6Aspinall, 8pm £8.50 lunch played by Harriet Adie, Ruby Elizabeth Bass and Keziah TonyWalsh, Walsh,aka, aka,Lon L Tony Thomas inAn a seasonal programme music, old and new. Poetry Poetry Evening with TonyofWalsh, Poet. 8pm £1
Theatre Theatre Runnymede Drama Group presents Volpone
newadaptation adaptation AAnew b £1
and Guests £16 Johnson. witty,ing in 7pm Martin Jenkins Johnson. A new adaptationMaiastra by Tony Frier from the original by Ben AAwitty, 13 7.30pm Martin invites you to our annual fundraising entertainment with characters andthem the characters and th anniversary Johnson. A witty, ingenious, satirical masterpiece with colourful To celebrate the 250 of Beeth Classical Musicreading, songs, music and mince pies. Come and join us and
Sat 14 Theatre Fri Special Events
characters and and themes relevant some of our favourite guests enjoythat a freeare glass of mulled betoday. performing a series of LyngoTheatre Theatre pres Sat2020year, Maiastra will1.30pm 1.30pm Lyngo prese Sat wine.
Sat 20
Mon 16 – Mon 23 FamilyTheatre Theatre Family
Fri 26 Sat 14 Comedy
ofTheatre hisEgg 16 string quartets in the order in which Our firstspecial special the Our first thea Family 3.30pm Family Theatre 3.30pm Lyngo Theatre presents and Spoon 1.30pm £1 Apollo Theatre Company presents A Christmas Carol isan an interactive ro published. Arisa Fujita, a £12 professor at therom Gu isEgg interactive special theatre show the early and Spoon 3.30pm £8 FollowingOur their first sell out production of The Snowfor Queen, Apolloyears, £10 gentle Childrenintroduction introduction Music and will and be joined by three ou Theatre Company return to Riverhouse with thisDrama brand new is an interactive romp through the seasons isgentle a perfect, adaptation of Charles Dickens’musicians classic Christmas tale: a gentle introduction to the magic ofwonderful theatre. in a of wo MockTudor TudorComed Come 8pmprogramme Mock charming and beautiful story FriFri 2626guaranteed to entertain the 8pm whole family. Our regular Friday Our regular Friday n Comedy Comedy Mock Tudor Comedy Club 8pm £1 Monday 16 – Thursday 19 December at 4pm Martin Jenkins and Guests
7pm creamof ofBritain’s Britain’sco c cream back featuring the cream of Britain’s Martin comedyinvites circuit.you to our annual fundraising LauraJurd’s Jurd’s Dinosa Sat2727reading, songs, music 8pm Dinosau Sat 8pm andLaura mince pies. Com 2019sees seesMercury Mercury 2019 n Jazz Jazz Laura Jurd’s Dinosaur Sat 27 8pm £1 and enjoy a fre To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uksome of our favourite guests someimmensely immenselyco c some 2019 sees Mercurywine. nominated Dinosaur back in action with Jazz £6 groovesand andglisten gliste grooves some immensely colourful new music. Expect folk-infused Special Events
regular23Friday nightatcomedy club Thursday Our 19 – Monday December 1.30pm and 4pmis
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If you’re thinking of decorating your house this year with the fabulous poinsettia, here are a few things to remember to prevent the plant from sulking and dropping its leaves well before Christmas The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is also called the Mexican flame leaf, and if you give this colourful plant the care that it demands, it’ll remain looking great long beyond Christmas. Possibly the most important piece of advice I can give you is, before you leave the shop, make sure that you protect the plant well. A howling gale in the car park, or a blast of cold air as you step outside, will guarantee that the plant will be in a grouch long before you get it home. Take a cardboard box or a large roomy bag with you to transport your poinsettia home. Or, insist that the plant is well wrapped up before you venture outside. Choose its position very carefully. It’ll need at least six hours of indirect sunlight each day, to ensure it retains those brightly coloured bracts - they’re not flowers -those are little buds in the centre of the plant. If direct sun cannot be avoided, then you should diffuse the light with a shade or a sheer curtain. Try and maintain an even room heat of around 20 deg C (68 F) and make sure that the plant is not sitting in a howling draught. Wait until the compost feels almost dry before watering. Misting the leaves frequently will be appreciated,
10 Looklocal Magazine -December 2019
especially if the plant is in a centrally heated room. And do take care when handling the plant as the sap can give you a skin rash. There’s a way to get your poinsettia to produce it colour for next Christmas, but be warned it’s quite fiddly. The first principle is to understand that the poinsettia is a short day plant, and it’s only when the daylight falls below 12 hours that it will even start thinking about producing those coloured bracts and clusters of flowers. In March, cut the plant back to around half and keep it well fed and watered until September. Here’s where the fun begins. You’ll need to provide it with complete blackout - I suggest into a cardboard box with a cover and a find a space in the cupboard under the stairs. Every day for the next eight to ten weeks, dutifully place the plant in its blackout state for at least 16 hours a day, bringing it out into the daylight for the remaining eight. By the beginning of December, you can release it for 24 hour brilliance fingers crossed! Valerie McBride Munro is a chartered horticulturist. As Auntie Planty she offers gardening problem solving sessions in your own garden. www.auntieplanty.co.uk © 2019 Valerie McBride-Munro
Two Week Respite Care Now Available Residential, Dementia and Respite Care At Sunrise of Weybridge we’re now offering two week respite care. Whether you need to recover after a hospital stay, or if you or your loved one simply needs a break, we can offer two week respite stays with highly-trained and compassionate teams on hand 24/7 to care and support.
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Visit our website for more information, or call to book a visit. Sunrise of Weybridge
Ellesmere Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0HY 01932 911042 SunriseWeybridge.co.uk Terms and conditions apply. See SunriseWeybridge.co.uk for more details. Offer ends 31st January 2020.
chocolate & raspberry torte
ingredients 200g frozen raspberries 150g Fairtrade golden caster sugar 3 x 90g bars Divine Fairtrade 70% Cocoa Smooth Dark Chocolate with Raspberries, broken into chunks 100g unsalted butter, softened 3 British Blacktail Medium Free Range Eggs 100g ground almonds 50g self-raising flour 50g Fairtrade cocoa powder, plus extra for dusting 150ml soured cream 1 tsp freeze-dried raspberries, to decorate (Serves 10)
method 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4; line a deep, 20cm cake tin with baking parchment. Heat the raspberries and 50g sugar in a small pan with 1 tbsp water until broken down, then simmer for 6-7 minutes until jammy; set aside to cool. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water; set aside to cool. 2. Beat the butter and remaining 100g sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, then the almonds, flour and cocoa, followed by the soured cream. Fold in the chocolate until everything is just combined. Pour half the mixture into the prepared tin, then pour the raspberry compote into the middle, spreading it out but leaving a 2cm border clear around the edge. Cover with the remaining chocolate mixture and bake for 3540 minutes until cooked. 3. Cool completely in the tin. Dust with cocoa powder and sprinkle with freeze-dried raspberries before serving with crème fraÎche, if liked.
cooking tip This delicious cake can be made a day in advance, and is great served chilled or at room temperature.
Prep: 25 minutes, plus cooling. Cooking: 50mins Recipe & Photo reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
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Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 13
WORK HARDER. Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge office of TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine provides advice on recent change in tax law, or addresses a topical financial issue.
Can I pay my tax bill through my PAYE tax code?
Q. A.
I am employed but I have some selfemployed income on which I pay tax. How do I get my self-assessment tax collected through my PAYE tax code? To have your self-assessment tax collected through your PAYE tax code the following need to apply: · You must owe less than £3,000 on your tax
bill · You must already pay tax through PAYE, e.g. you are an employee or you receive a company pension You are not able to have your tax bill paid through your PAYE tax code if the following apply: · You do not have enough PAYE income for the tax to be collected · You would be paying more than 50% of your PAYE income in tax · You would end up paying more than twice as much tax as you normally do In order to get your tax coded out you will need to have your paper tax return submitted by 31st October or your online tax return submitted by 30th December following the end of the tax year.
What is an overdrawn directors loan account?
Q. A.
I have an overdrawn directors loan account, what are the consequences of this?
If you have an overdrawn loan account at the period end, S455 tax may be due depending on when it is repaid. S455 tax is just a tax charge that is charged at a rate of 32.5% of the outstanding loan at the period end. It is payable by the company and is due to be paid alongside the corporation tax payment – nine months and one day after the end of the accounting period. If the loan is repaid within nine months of the period end no S455 tax charge will apply. If the loan is still outstanding nine months after the period end S455 tax is due. This tax can only be claimed nine months and one day after the end of the accounting period in which the loan is repaid. There could also be income tax and national insurance complications for both you and your company if the loan balance is greater than £10,000 as this will need to be reported on a P11D if interest is not paid to the company at HMRC’s official rate which is currently 2.5%. The company will pay Class 1A NIC at 13.8% on the value of the benefit and the benefit will need to be included on your Self-Assessment tax return. Please note that S455 tax is due on whatever the overdrawn balance is if it remains unpaid nine months after the period end and is not restricted to loans over £10,000.
Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA 01932 850 600 / weybridge@taxassist.co.uk
Disclaimer - advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary & if you feel the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implmentation. If you take, or do not take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibilty for any fiancial loss incurred.
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Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 15
Solutions Page 31
Clue: 14 Across
Copyright Š 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Clue: 25 Across
1. Retained (4) 3. Drive to succeed (8) 9. Remedy for all ills (7) 10. Confronted (5) 11. Accumulate (5) 12. Most uncommon (6) 14. Large seas (6) 16. Little angel (6) 19. Castor and Pollux (6) 21. Idiot (5) 24. Go away (5) 25. Dried seedless grape (7) 26. Former sweetheart (3,5) 27. Leave out (4)
1. Australian marsupial (8) 2. Penne, rigatoni, etc. (5) 4. Remembrance (6) 5. Deduce (5) 6. Narrow-edged tooth (7) 7. Naked (4) 8. Jail (6) 13. Plentiful (8) 15. Green gem (7) 17. Lowly (6) 18. Chinese dumplings (3,3) 20. Perfectly suited (5) 22. Domain (5) 23. In addition (4)
16 Looklocal Magazine -December 2019
Clue: 1 Down
Clue: 15 Down
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FREE Design & Planning Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 FREE Site Survey
FREE Design & Planning FREE Site Survey
©RHS. Credit Line RHS, Joanna Kossak (KOT8627)
RHS Garden Wisley transforms into a winter wonderland once more this festive season with its Glow 2019 light spectacular, returning from 7 December 2019 to 5 January 2020. Visitors will become enchanted by giant botanicalinspired illuminations as they follow the twinkling trail around the Garden. Now in its fifth year, the trail will take in a brand new route starting at the newly opened Welcome building. The light trail will then guide visitors through the seasons with colour themes and well-known favourites to discover, such as daffodils in spring, gladioli in summer, leaves in autumn and hellebores in winter. Some of Wisley’s iconic trees will also be illuminated along the route to showcase their beauty and form in a new light. A must-see along the paved route is the magnificent Glasshouse that will radiate vibrant colours. Step inside to discover the Enchanted Botanical Christmas
18 Looklocal Magazine -December 2019
display (on from 6 December 2019 to 5 January 2020), featuring festive plants and magical animals – with a hint of steampunk. The creative display will feature an enchanted poinsettia production line that grows these colourful Christmas presents. Due to popular demand a priority booking system will be in place again for 2019, and all visitors must book a time slot in advance of their visit. Glow 2019 opens from 4-8pm (last entry at 7pm) daily between 7 December 2019 and 5 January 2020, excluding 24-26 December 2019 when there will be no Glow event. To enhance the festive experience, a selection of Christmas chalets will be selling artisan food and drink products inside the Garden. These will be open from 7-23 December 2019. Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB. 01483 224234 www.rhs.org.uk/wisley.
“When I knew we were going to be resettled in the UK I felt like I could relax for the first time. My daughters would have a future and be safe.” The global refugee crisis is the most significant humanitarian crisis of our generation. More than 65.3 million people are displaced worldwide. Millions of these refugees are Syrian families, forced to flee their homes during 8 years of war. Many end up in refugee camps with little hope for their families’ future. Abdul lived in a refugee camp in Jordan with his family before being resettled to the UK last year. “We had quite a few problems in Jordan,” he explains. “It was hard to have a life there.” He came to the UK with his wife and three daughters (aged 7, 11 and 13) under the Government’s Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement scheme (SVPR) and was settled in Elmbridge. “[When we got here] it immediately felt safe, quiet and peaceful. Our neighbours are very kind, and people have been good to us.” Elmbridge CAN is a local charity working with the Council to resettle refugee families in the community. We help find properties. We furnish homes and we provide ongoing support to the families through our incredible team of volunteers. “When we moved in we needed furniture and [Elmbridge CAN] supported us with this,” says Abdul. “They showed me how to sign up for English
lessons too – although my youngest daughter is fluent now and corrects me all the time! I can definitely say I have friends in Elmbridge CAN now.” Together we’ve supported six families under this scheme and we’re hoping to welcome nine more over the next year. But to do this we need to find suitable homes to rent. “The people the SVPR scheme helps are in a desperate situation,” explains Alex, a local landlord who’s renting a home to one of the families. “This was an opportunity to welcome them into our community here in Molesey and give them some support. We wanted them to feel welcomed.” If you want to help a family like Abdul’s, please visit www.elmbridgecan.org.uk/let-yourproperty to find out how you can support our property appeal. Please note: the names in this story have been changed to protect the identities of the people we support.
Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 19
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Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.
Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.
20 Looklocal Magazine -December 2019
7 8 1 3 9 7 1 0 3 5 0 9 3 0
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6 7 8 2 8 6 2 9 2 4 9 8 7 9
7 9 7 4 7 5 6 8 4 3 3 4 1 5
7 0 5 3 0 4 7 3 4 2 7 7 9 5
4 0 7 2 9 3 8 4 2 2 4 5 2 4
8 4 6 5 8 2 4 5 5 0 0 5 7 6
3 7 4 5 9 8 3 6 3 9 2 1 3 4
7 5 9 6 8 7 2 2 6 8 8 2 8 7
2 8 3 4 0 6 3 2 4 9 4 3 4 3
6 3 8 3 4 5 4 7 1 7 7 4 7 6
3 2 4 1 5 4 5 3 2 9 1 2 2 2
9 9 7 2 6 9 6 3 2 8 5 1 9 5
4 1 4 3 7 3 7 8 5 0 2 1 3 3
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 15453, 24325, 26784, 29384, 32851, 34567, 43287, 45471, 50213, 55005, 55123, 57649, 75684, 84715, 89804, 91222
VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES December 2019/ January 2020
Can you help a Parkinson’s Support Group?
You will support group leaders in running activities such as chair based exercises, discussions, singing, games and quizzes. Mondays from 10.30am – 2.30pm
As a family you can support someone locally to you.
A local Hospice are looking for families who want to make a real commitment to supporting a person nearing the end of life through age or illness. Full training and ongoing support provided.
Domestic Abuse Support Volunteers Wanted.
A local Citizens Advice are looking for nonjudgemental, empathetic good listeners to offer 1:1 support by accompanying clients to appointments e.g. solicitors, housing and court attendance. Full training and on going support provided.
Art & Craft Workshop on Wednesday afternoons.
Music MAT T E RS FESTIVE FUN QUESTIONS: 1. A hit for Mike Oldfield is “In Dulci Jubilo”. What does this translate to in English? 2. Who wrote Slade’s perennial hit “Merry Christmas Everybody”? 3. Who wrote “For unto us a child is born”? 4.Who goes “Rockin’ around the Christmas tree” every year? 5. In the “Twelve days of Christmas” how many Lords a Leaping are there?
To assist the facilitator of a local charity supporting adults with learning difficulties in running the group. This involves supporting the members both in a group setting and one to one and to share their own interests and talents with arts and crafts.
6. Which Micahel Jackson song was a Christmas No 1 in 1995?
Volunteer Appropriate Adults.
8. Who’s Christmas hit is “Gaudete”?
A custody cell can be a traumatic place for a vulnerable adult or young person. Can you offer vital support when they need the most? Full training and ongoing support provided (Next training planned for beginning of February 2020). Long term commitment required.
To book an appointment: Call us on: 01372 463 587 Email: contact@csva.co.uk www.centralsurreyvoluntaryaction.co.uk
7. Who gets the song writing credits for Band Aid’s “Do they know it’s Christmas”? 9. In the Christmas song “It’s beginning to look like Christmas” who hopes to get a pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots”? 10. Who sung about a “Funky New Year”? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 31
Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 21
It is big in Japan, a top seller in America and it is looking all set to monopolise the fiercely competitive UK market for luxurious and large SUVs. That’s the refurbed, refreshed and reliable Lexus RX; It is a promisingly successful blend of petrol and electric for efficiency and reasonable fuel economy and all achieved in the utmost comfort. Okay, it may be relatively pricey, but for anybody with a few quid to spare and a requirement to enjoy miles of luxurious accompaniment, the RX fits the bill. Lexus, launched by Japanese car moguls Toyota 30-odd years ago and in its fifth generation, is right now, a niche player in the UK market, battling with the respectable likes of the Audi Q7, the Volvo XC90 and the Range Rover Sport, all dominant forces to be reckoned with. Since its arrival on the UK scene in 1990 more than 200,000 RX’s have hit the British market, 16,000 this year - and they aim on its upcoming re-launch early next year to smash their own record. I can see it happening. Such is the obvious care taken by the astute brains behind the scenes and the evidential fine result for their effort. They tell me that since its original launch in 1998, the revolutionary Lexus RX SUV has sold more than three million models. And I’d bet there’s not been one complaint... So what is it like? According to which of its three trim levels you fancy, the RX, F Sport or Takumi, the flexible five or slightly longer seven seater is a whizzbang
22 Looklocal Magazine -December 2019
goer, huge and sprawlingly comfortable, responsive and sharp, just what you need either for arduous motorway treks or humpy-bumpy twisty rural lanes. And before you settle on a sale, you can specify halfa-dozen stand-alone spacious “captain’s chairs”..two in each row - offering a really commanding driving and viewing position. Furthermore, the clever clogs in the design and planning areas have come up with a crucial safety trim. It is entitled the BladeScan Adaptive High Beam system which offers 24m of extra vision so you can spot potential hazards without it being a blinder to oncoming drivers. And there’s tons of power from the self-charging hybrid set-up. That comprises a 259bhp 3.5 litre direction injection V6 petrol engine working with a front-andback pair of electric motors that will create a pulling power of 308 bhp. I hope that does not sound too technical. The prices will range from £52,705 up to £62,605.... So....What are the RX’s feedback and performance benefits? The five-seater F-Sport, for instance, will propel you from standstill to a respectable 62mph in around 7.7 seconds, topping out at 124 mph. The seven seater is a wee bit slower. No surprise there. No real disappointment or setback either....You would hardly notice. Those rival SUV front runners had better watch out when this flexible new boy joins the fray.
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Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 23
Baby Snow Owls © The Lightbox
Christmas in Seasons Café © The Lightbox
Winter Wonderland Gingerbread House © Christmas Wreath Decorating Hot Dog Sunday at St James’ Church Weybridge, Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8DE, Jacqui Kelly
Sunday 1st
(1st Sun monthly)
at 4.00pm. A short service with songs, a story and discussion, followed by hot-dogs in the church hall. Alternative food available. www.stjamesweybridge.org.uk
Sunday 1st DECEMBER
Museum Shop Sunday at Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL from 10am - 4pm. We’re one of over 450 museum shops worldwide offering a unique way to blitz your Christmas shopping. Get ahead of the crowds & shop Brooklands Museum’s collection of gifts, perfect for everyone on your list. Jam packed with motoring & aviation books, DVDs, toys, games, memorabilia, vintage posters & gifts. www.brooklandsmuseum.com.
Monday 2nd DECEMBER
Mince Pie Morning at Headway House, North Road, GU2 9PU from 10.30am - 12.30pm. Mince pies, cake, tea, coffee, gifts and raffle. www.headwaysurrey.org 01483 455225
Weds 4th
Elmbridge U3a, Monthly Meeting at Claygate Village Hall, Church Road KT10 0JP from 2.00pm. Membership Secretary 0208 979 2737 or members@elmbridgeu3a.org
(1st Weds monthly)
3rd - 7th DECEMBER
Friday 6th (weekly)
Saturday 7th DECEMBER
Walton & Weybridge AOS present Made in Dagenham, at The Cecil Hepworth Playhouse, Hepworth Way, KT12 1AU. Made in Dagenham is a musical based on the award-winning movie about Rita O’Grady & the Ford Dagenham Machinists & their struggle for equal rights & equal pay. Performed by local singers, actors & dancers, this show is just the right thing to have a great evening out this December! Tickets available online at www.wwaos.org.uk/made-in-dagenham or 0845 519 6242 Hersham Village Market, open every Friday from 10.30am - 12noon in All Saints Church Hall. If you’re looking to buy local food that’s delicious & fresh, high quality hand crafted gifts, or home grown plants, then you really should visit us! www.hershamvillagemarket.org.uk Walton Voices present “A Winter’s Night” with new compositions, old favourites and traditional carols at St Paul’s Church, Church Road, East Molesey KT8 9DR from 7pm. Raising money for Lifelites a charity which gives life-limited & disabled children in hospices opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have, through the magic of assistive technology. Tickets: £13 in advance, £15 otd, u6s free. info@waltonvoices.co.uk or www.waltonvoices.co.uk.
If there’s an event in January that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Monday 9th December 2019.
7th - 8th DECEMBER
Father Christmas comes to Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9JG from 10.30am - 3.30pm. Father Christmas has taken time out of his busy schedule to visit Claremont this Christmas. Tickets: £15. Please see the important booking info online: www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden/whats-on.
7th DEC 5th JAN 2020
RHS Garden Wisley transforms into a winter wonderland once more this festive season with its Glow 2019 light spectacular, returning from 7 Dec - 5 Jan 2020, 4-8pm, last entry 7pm. Pre-booking is essential. Be dazzled by giant botanical-inspired light installations and see Wisley’s iconic trees & features all aglow. www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/wisley/whats-on
Friday 13th DECEMBER
Weybridge Male Voice Choir Christmas Concert at St James Church, Church Lane, Weybridge KT13 8DN at 7.30pm.With St James School Choir. Retiring Collection for Princess Alice Hospice. Tickets £12 each, 01252 326514 / www.weybridgemvc.org.uk or tickets@weybridgemvc.org.uk
Friday 13th DECEMBER
Scouts, Guides and Cadets: Twilight Opening at Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL from 6pm - 9pm. The Factory at Night: Brooklands Museum Twilight Opening. For Scouts, Guides and Cadets and their adults. Pre-booking by group leaders required. To book phone 01932 857381 ext 257 or email bookings@ brooklandsmuseum.com. For more information visit www.brooklandsmuseum.com.
Saturday 14th DECEMBER
Winter Wonderland Gingerbread House adult workshop with Jacqui Kelly at The Lightbox, Chobham Road, Woking, GU21 4AA from 10.30am - 1.00pm. She will teach you all the decorating tips & techniques to enable you to take this family favourite to the next level over the holidays. Pre-booking required. For more info please visit thelightbox.org.uk.
Tuesday 17th (monthly)
Tuesday Tree Walk - Autumn Walk at Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9JG from 11am - 12.30pm. Join our expert tree guide Hilary for a guided walk around Claremont. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden/whats-on
SAVE THE DATE in January Weds 1st JANUARY 20
New Year’s Day Classic Gathering at Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL from 9am - 4pm. With over 1,000 vehicles expected, live music and a winter barbeque and other additional food outlets, there will be something for everybody amongst the vast and diverse displays of classics all descending on Brooklands to kick start 2020 in style. For more information visit www.brooklandsmuseum.com.
Thursday 9th JANUARY 20
Motorcycle legends Talk: Carl Fogarty at Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Not only is Carl Fogarty a demon on the track but he is also a King of the Jungle! However his racing career on the track is also extraordinary. He is one of the most successful Superbike racers of all time chalking up 59 victories & 4 World Superbike Championships. For more information visit www.brooklandsmuseum.com.
Friday 10th JANUARY 20
Winter Walk and Talk - Familiar Favourite at RHS Garden Wisley, Wisley Lane, Surrey GU23 6QB from 1pm - 3pm. Not everything in the garden is sleeping in winter. Join Wisley’s enthusiastic Curatorial Team on a walk & talk around the garden. Please come prepared with suitable footwear and clothing. www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/wisley/whats-on
All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.
ALL OUR YESTERDAYS Tuesday 19th November at 2.30pm
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE You live alone and you’ve an accident. A 30had minute service
of favourite hymns readings followed by teaabout and The paramedics have and arrived and are asking questions your medication, emergency contacts, your medical conditions, cakes and a chance to socialize. your doctor’s name and address and many other personal details.
If you arehad living with Dementia Wouldn’t it be much easier if you this information already documented and kept safe where the paramedics knew to look? If you are a carer
The Lions Clubs International has come up with a simple scheme called “ Message in a Bottle” which is designed to encourage people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge. As the name suggests, your personal information is kept in this small plastic bottle. The bottle has a push-fit lid and is big enough to hold the necessary information. The bottle is then kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will expect to look for it in the event of being called to your home. They will be alerted to your membership of the scheme by two “green cross” labels which you will find with the form in the bottle. One label should be attached to the back of your front door, or the door most used to access your home, and the second is attached to the door of your fridge. The information you need to provide is quite straightforward and the form has space for a passport sized photograph. In addition, it is also suggested that you include your repeat prescription list as this information is of great value to the ambulance service. There is no cost to you as the costs of running the scheme are borne by your local Lions Clubs. You can usually find the bottles at your doctor’s surgery, chemists, community centre and local church. Whilst this scheme is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can have an accident at home, so this scheme can be of benefit to anyone – including you.
If you are living alone
If you have some spare time
This is the event you’ve been looking for and we look forward to seeing you.
stjamesweybridge.org.uk allaboutweybridge.co.uk/dementia
Parking available in Churchfields Car Park Annabelle Yeomans. !
26 Looklocal Magazine -December 2019
The Stresstive Season I know, I know, but I just couldn’t resist it. For me, the Festive Season is about being with family and friends - happy faces, twinkly lights, special food, connection. What does it mean for you? Close your eyes and imagine your perfect Christmas. Now be aware of the feelings that image evokes, and what Christmas often turns into for you. I love being with people I care about and making loved-ones happy with gifts they’ll enjoy. I love the special atmosphere that Christmas decorations create. And sharing good food with family and friends is one of life’s great pleasures. But that’s as far as it goes. I’m not too concerned about doing it perfectly, because I know the cost of attaining that perfection can be very high and striving for it can become more important than the reasons for doing the things in the first place. Yet many of us do strive for perfection at any cost, and then Christmas = Stress. Preoccupation with how we, our homes and the food looks to our guests can often take the pleasure out of actually being with them. Here’s the thing. There’s nothing wrong with wanting our home and table to be looking great when our guests arrive, nor with going to all the trouble of making the decorations and food ourselves from scratch, if that gives us joy. But if going to such lengths creates feelings of stress and resentment instead, and we can’t wait for it all to be over, maybe it’s time to check out why we’re doing it. We spend increasing sums of money and time looking for the perfect gifts in order to give happiness, but how long will that happiness last? Studies show that even lottery winners return to their former levels of happiness, sometimes in as little as a month. So if winning the lottery won’t cut it, what chance do our
presents stand? The trouble with material gifts is that after the novelty wears off, they become ‘ordinary’. Researchers have found that people enjoy greater wellbeing and value from life experiences than from material things. Their memory lives on. The perfect Christmas doesn’t exist. Mine does, for me. And yours can for you, if you think it through. If putting on a feast for 20 with all the trimmings gives you joy, go for it. If you’d like to escape to a desert island but your extended family wants to visit, maybe you could negotiate dates to allow for some alonetime, shared responsibilities for food and decorations, and a cap on gift values. This year my perfect Christmas will be in Australia, celebrating the birth of another special baby, my son’s first child.
Merry Christmas!
Sonia Duggan + CPCC ACC +
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VITAL FUNDING TO HELP IMPROVE THE LIVES OF ELMBRIDGE RESIDENTS Play equipment for a town centre, outdoor play and learning space, extension of a hall for community use and a defibrillator - just some of the recent projects awarded funding through Elmbridge’s Community Infrastructure Fund. The Community Infrastructure Fund (CIL) allows Elmbridge Borough Council to raise funds through borough development to help pay for the physical infrastructure needed to mitigate the impacts of new development. The bulk of the money raised goes towards strategic borough wide schemes such as highway schemes, permanent school expansions or flood works. However, as part of the process, the council also allocates a portion of these funds to be spent locally on smaller infrastructure schemes that are required in the communities where development took place. The council has formed area committees known as Local Spending Boards where local Councillors decide on how these local CIL funds will be allocated. In the case of Claygate, the local proportion of CIL funds will be passed directly to the Parish Council. The definition of infrastructure is broad and includes: • roads and other transport infrastructure • flood defences • schools and other educational facilities • medical facilities • sporting and recreational facilities • open spaces Cllr Karen Randolph, Portfolio Holder for Planning Services is a keen advocate of the CIL process and is delighted that local groups have benefitted from the funding: “In this latest round of CIL funding, it was great to see such a diversity of projects being supported by the council. Working in partnership with schools, charities and other non-profit organisations CIL can provide vital funding to help improve the lives of the people of Elmbridge.” A sample of some of the projects supported through the local CIL funding are listed below: • Sunbury and Walton Sea Cadets building for the future • St James Church of England Primary School toilet and cloakroom upgrade • Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary school hall extension • Patient participation group defibrillator • Hinchley Wood Primary School playground upgrade • Chatterbus ticketing machine upgrade “The CIL funding has made such a big difference and we are hugely appreciative of the support given to us. We are now progressing the training centre project, which will provide an important place for young people across the community”, says Mrs Cramp, Chairman, Sunbury and Walton Sea Cadets The next application period for CIL funding, for 2020-2021, is anticipated to open in February 2020, with the boards being held in June and early July 2020. Please visit https://www.elmbridge.gov.uk/planning/ community-infrastructure-levy-cil-funding for more information.
28 Looklocal Magazine -December 2019
Painting Our World In Silver
Silver get-togethers are monthly groups bringing retired people together to take part in engaging crafts and activities at a cost of ÂŁ2 per person.
Christmas Crafting Party
Wednesday 4th December 10am - 12 noon Enjoy a mince pie whilst making a festive Christmas stocking. Father Christmas will be popping in and the children from St George’s School will be coming along to sing our favourite Christmas Carols. All welcome! Village Hall, Whiteley Village, Octagon Road, Hersham, Surrey KT12 4EG For more information, please contact: lisa@silvercharity.org or call 01932 953262
Charity No. 1166927
/WorldInSilver www.silvercharity.org
Surrey Libraries and Brooklands Radio have been looking for people in Surrey who are brilliant at reading We’veRadio received from people in across Surrey, Surrey Libraries andaloud. Brooklands havenomina?ons been looking for people Surrey who created are our shortlist and invited our shortlist nominees to send in a recording of them reading aloud. Surrey Aloud Competition winner 2019 brilliant atReading reading aloud. We’ve received nomina?ons from people across Surrey, created our shortlist and invited our shortlist nominees to send in a recording of them reading aloud. Now we need youand to choose the 2019 winner of thelike Surrey ReadingSurrey Aloud compe==on. Surrey Libraries Brooklands Radio would to thank residents for
sharing the joy this autumn by nominating people who read Now we need youof to‘Reading choose theAloud’ 2019 winner of the Surrey Reading Aloud compe==on. Visit surreycc.gov.uk/libraries or brooklandsradio.co.uk from for 8 November to listen to thecan still aloud to children, adults and the elderly and voting their favourite. You shortlist recordings andnominees vote forRadio yourreading favourite bylooking Sunday 8 December. listen to the shortlist aloud their Surrey Surrey Libraries and Brooklands have been for people in on Surrey who Visit surreycc.gov.uk/libraries or brooklandsradio.co.uk from 8extracts November tothe listen toare theLibraries brilliant at reading aloud. We’ve received from people across Surrey, created and Brooklands Radio websites andnomina?ons votebyfor your before 8 December. The shortlist recordings and vote for your favourite Sunday 8favourite December. Tune into Brooklands Radio on 24 December to hear of the Readingaloud. our shortlist our shortlist nominees sendthe in winner a recording ofSurrey them reading winner willand be invited announced on Monday 9 to December. Aloud 2019 compe??on reading aloud a special Christmas Eve story. Tune into Brooklands Radio on 24 December to hear the winner of the Surrey Reading Now we need you to choose thealoud 2019 ofChristmas the Surrey Aloud compe==on. If you enjoy listening to this year’s extracts selected from: by Shirley Aloud 2019 compe??on reading awinner special EveReading story. ‘Dogger’
Hughes, ‘Dave Pigeon’ by Swapna Haddow, ‘SeaBean’ by Sarah Holding and ‘A girl Visit surreycc.gov.uk/libraries or brooklandsradio.co.uk from 8 November to listen the Surrey called Justice’ and ‘Now you see them’ by Ellie Griffiths please drop intotoany shortlist recordings and vote for your favourite by Sunday 8 December. Library to borrow the books and read the rest of the story. Finally, forgetRadio to tune Brooklands on Christmas Eve to Tune intodon’t Brooklands on 24into December to hearRadio the winner of the Surrey Reading Aloudthis 2019year’s compe??on reading aloud a special Christmas Eve story.story. hear winner reading aloud a special Christmas
4 2 9 5 8 3
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No Joints, Seams or up-to-date Welds Maintenance FreeObtain feedback. Obtain an report of SAS Roofing onRoofing www.checkatrade.com feedback. an up-to-date report of SAS on www.checkatrade.com 9.89/10 Recommended, & monitored and service providers. Maintenance Free 6 5 3 UV 7 Resistant 5 6 8 7 2 2 1 vetted 9 4 local 3 traders Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer UV Resistant Call usCall today for a Obtain FREE on: feedback. an up-to-date of SAS Roofing onon: www.checkatrade.com us for aquotation 7 3 01962 1 9 Complete 9 today 6FREE 2report 7quotation 8 3 4 8 (Alton) 1 5 (Winchester) (Petersfield) roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys +290727 work. 462727 | 01420 579727 | 01730 (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) Call us today alead quotation on: Average 01962 462727 | (Cobham/Weybridge) 01420 of 579727 | FREE 01730 290727 01932 544727 |for07564 525400 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing chimneys + lead work. 6 4 3 9 8 9 1 4 Complete 5 7 1 2 5 6 info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk score (Petersfield) “ Workman worked very hard and did an excellent job. (Winchester) (Alton) 01962 462727 of | 01420++ 579727 290727 roofreplacement, replacement, re-pointing ofwww.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk chimneys leadwork. work.| 01730Average Complete roof re-pointing chimneys lead info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | Average Average score “ Workman worked very hard and did an excellent job. info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Live feed video roof inspections 9.89/10 5 9 7 3 1 2 9 8 3 7““ 6 8 2 4 score Workman worked very hard and did an excellent job. score Workman worked very hardfeed and did anroof excellent job. Recommended, vetted & monitored localvideo traders and service providers. Live inspections Live feed video roof inspections 9.89/10 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. Recommended by previous customers, by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Recommended, vetted & monitoredvetted local traders and service providers. 9.89/10 Average 1 7 6Recommended 2 Complete 4Recommended, 7SAS 4traders 3 and 8chimneys 2 5 providers. 1 re-pointing 9 local 6 9.89/10 vetted monitored service providers. roofvetted replacement, +job. lead work. Recommended, &&monitored traders service feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report oflocal Roofing onexcellent www.checkatrade.com by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer score “ by Workman worked very hard and didofand an Average Recommended byprevious previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitoredvia via customer customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing www.checkatrade.com 5feedback. 1 Obtain 4 3 6 8 9 feedback. 8 4 Recommended 2hard 1 on5 7 9 job. customer score “ Workman worked very and did an excellent 9.89/10 Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Call us today for a FREE quotation on: feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. 9.89/10 8 8 5 3 9 4 6 2 Recommended 3 Recommended, 6 4 1 2 7 Call us today for a FREE quotation on: vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. by previous customers, vetted by 579727 Checkatrade, monitored via customer (Winchester) (Alton) 01962 462727 | 01420 | 01730 290727 (Petersfield) Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing aCheckatrade, FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date report of for SAS on www.checkatrade.com (Winchester) |2 01420 579727 01730 290727 5 8 701962 4Recommended 1 7 5 9 462727 4 of 6(Alton) 9www.checkatrade.com 8| 3 info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk feedback. 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3 6
PUZZLE solutions
MUSIC MATTERS PAGE 21 1. In sweet rejoicing 2. James Lea & Neville (Noddy) Holder 3. George Frideric Handel 4. Brenda lee 5.. Ten 6. Earth Song 7. Bob Geldof & Midge Ure 8. Steeleye Span 9. Barney & Ben 10. The Eagles
Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 31
SUNDAY SERVICES - DECEMBER 2019 Reverend Folli Olokose: vicar@oatlandschurch.org.uk / 01932 840077 Parish Office : parishoffice@stmaryoatlands.org.uk /01932 231274 / www.oatlandschurch.org.uk Oatlands Ave, Weybridge KT13 9TS Sunday 1st December 8am Holy Communion Service 10am ‘Alive at Ten’ Service (followed by refreshments) 4.30pm Promenade Youth & Junior Choir concert joined by the Year 5 children of Ashley School A Concert of Festive and Seasonal Music. joined by the Year 5 children of Ashley School. The programme will include The Reluctant Dragon by John Rutter & many carols and other seasonal music. Entry £5. Concessions £3 Weds 4th & 5th December 6pm Cleves School Carol Service Saturday 7th December 2.30pm - 4pm Making Christingles in the Church Hall. Please join us. All items provided. Sunday 8th December 8am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments) 4pm Christingle Service (followed by refreshments) Monday 9th December 6pm Danesfield Manor School Carol Service Wednesday 11th December 10.30am Walton Leigh School Carol Service (from 10am for Refreshments in church hall) Sunday 15th December 8am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service
(followed by refreshments) 4pm Family Praise service followed by a hot light tea in hall afterwards Wednesday 18th December 12.30 - 2.30pm ‘Adult Colouring’ group & ‘Knitting Club’ Tea & coffee provided. Please bring your own sandwiches.
Fellowship, Curry & Conversation. Please contact the Parish Office for further details. Small charges apply to cover cost. Sunday 29th December 8am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments)
Meeting Point - A friendly social lunch group for retired people in the local community. 3rd Dec Coach trip to Winchester Friday 20th December Cathedral & Christmas market. Friday Fusion - Every Third Friday 13th Dec Christmas Lunch at of the month 7-9pm Brooklands Catering College Games, Food, Music £2per child. (Charges apply for both events) Laura - childrenandfamilies@ Please contact the Parish Office. oatlandschurch.org.uk or call 07881 786309 for more info or to book Every Thursday a place (except 12th Dec - Church halls in use as Polling Station) Sunday 22nd December 9.30-10am Morning Prayer 8am Holy Communion Service 10.30am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments) (followed by refreshments) 6pm Festival of Nine Lessons SMART Mother & Toddler Group and Carols (by candlelight) (December meetings will be on 3rd, 10th & 17th) Tuesday 24th December 10-11.30am No waiting list or 4pm Crib Service joining fee. Just turn up & have 11pm Midnight Holy Communion fun (with refreshments) £2 per family. Service Not Just Sunday’s Group Wednesday 25th December (Event dates vary monthly) 8am Said Communion A social group open to everyone. 10am Sung Holy Communion For more information contact Liz Davies mandedavies@gmail.com Friday 27th December 01932-225584 or visit 7.30pm ‘Men’s Curry & Chatter’ www.oatlandschurch.org.uk in the Church Hall. A time of Thursday 19th December 5.30pm Oatlands School Carol Service
useful numbers Boots the Chemist ....................01932 842 738 POLICE To report local incidents ......................... 101 TRAVEL DENTISTS Surrey Bus Services .................01483 506919 Oatlands Dental Lounge ...........01932 858686 Train information .....................0845 748 4950 Weybridge Dental Practice .......01932 853556 National Rail Enquiries .............0845 748 4950 Portmore Dental Office ...........01932 809360 Salters & Salters Dental ...........01932 849999 SCHOOLS Weybridge Orthodontics ..........01932 831825 Cleves School ...........................01932 224 300 Heathside School .....................01932 846 162 VILLAGE HALLS Manby Lodge Infants School ....01932 851 848 Oatlands Village Hall ................01932 843 488 Oatlands Infant School .............01932 843 990 Weybridge Hall ........................01932 254 750 St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School The Parish Centre .....................01932 856 399 ................................................. 01932 842 617 St James’ Church of England Primary School COUNCILS & SERVICE .................................................01932 851 762 Elmbridge Borough Council ... 01372 474474 St George’s College Junior School .. 01932 839 400 Surrey County Council ...........08456 009 009 St George’s College ...................01932 839 300 Library Services ....................... 0300 200 1001 St George’s Nursery ................01932 839437 Elmbridge Museum ................. 01372 474 568 Brooklands College ..................01932 797 700 Citizens’ Advice Bureau ...........01932 248 660 Weybridge Children’s Centre ....01932 820106 Weybridge Comm Ass ...weybridgesociety.org.uk Weybridge Samaritans ..............01932 844 444 CHURCHES Weybridge Neighbourhood Watch ....01932 830 033 St James’ Anglican Parish Church ..01932 856 399 Voluntary Action Elmbridge ......01372 463 587 United Reformed Church .......01932 841 382 The Church of St Mary Oatlands 01932 231 274 VETERINARY SURGEONS Weybridge Veterinary Centre ...01932 855 856 Christ The Prince of Peace Catholic Church St George’s Veterinary Centre ...01932 858 890 .................................................01932 842 643 Weybridge Methodist Church ...01932 342 093 North West Surrey Synagogue ...01932 855 400 MEDICAL Weybridge Medical Centre ........01932 504 450 Christian Science Church .........01932 225 097 St Peter’s Hospital Chertsey ......01932 872 000 Wey Christian Fellowship.........07775 732 924 Royal Surrey Hospital ................01483 464 002 Non-emergency NHS Help .......................... 111 BANKS HSBC ......................................03457 404 404 Natwest ....................................03457 888 444 CHEMISTS Lloyds pharmacy .......................01932 854 224 Lloyds ......................................0845 3000 000 Church Pharmacy .....................01932 842 632 Barclays ....................................0845 7555 555 Oatlands Park Pharmacy ...........01932 842 171 Santander .................................0845 7654 321 Looklocal Magazine - December 2019 33
advertisers’ index All our Yesterdays......................................................26
Marks Plastering........................................................15
Ashford Kitchens.........................................................7
Meejana Lebanese Restaurant....................................17
Boardman Gelly & Co................................................9
Music Matters...........................................................21
Bruce’s Doggy Day Care..............................................9
Out on a Limb..........................................................23
Car Review................................................................22
Painting Our World Silver.........................................29
Chips Away...............................................................23
RHS Wisley - Glow...................................................18
Claremont Fan Court School....................................36
Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre.......................................8
D & S Landscaping Ltd............................................17
Rose’s Gardening.......................................................13
Double Glazing Repairs Glen Hudson......................15
SAS Roofing & Building...........................................31
Dream Doors............................................................35
Sonia – Coaching with Inspiration............................27
Elmbridge CAN........................................................19
Sunrise Senior Living................................................11
Elmbridge Volunteer Centre......................................21
Tax Assist..................................................................14
Furniture & Fireplaces..............................................13
Waitrose Recipe.........................................................12
Gardening with Aunty Planty....................................10
Weybridge Library.....................................................30
Guillaumes LLP Solicitors...........................................6 Hanging Space............................................................5 House of Surrey...........................................................2
Mailboxes etc............................................................20
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34 Looklocal Magazine -December 2019
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