LookLocal Summer 2018
Your award-winning local community magazine
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As I am writing this message, it’s a sunny, blue-sky evening and the birds in my garden are really going to town! This also confirms that it really is the season for Summer Fetes and outside events. We have news of and/or coverage of the pick of the bunch locally! On the coverage front, I hope you enjoy seeing how the team at Bruce’s Doggy Day Care got on when they opened their doors on a sunny Saturday this month. A great turn out for this everpopular annual event. I think the humans enjoyed it nearly as much as the dogs! On a slightly different note, we are delighted to share coverage of a fabulous WI Centenary event which took place in June; Michelle and I went along and had a great afternoon which was also enjoyed by the many members who attended from the surrounding local areas too. Tea and cake were of course, made and enjoyed by most! Open Air Cinema comes to Painshill Park; and to Brooklands, a multi cultural delight from Musical Director Jeremy Avis in the form of ‘Earthly Voices’. They will present an eclectic mix of harmony for your audible pleasure! Well worth booking your tickets now! See page 32. If you fancy some culture of a slightly different nature, we have another fab competition this month; The Immersion Theatre Company are offering the chance to win a family ticket to see their production of ’Peter Pan’ - turn to page 35 for further details. That’s about it from me this month, we will be back with another issue in September, so until then, I wish you all a wonderful Summer. I wish you all a wonderful Summer.
Ros Rudd - Editor
5TH JULY 2018 FOR THE SEPTEMBER 2018 ISSUE phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
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you enjoyed it as much as we did. to our annual Cobham party. We hope Thank you to everyone who came along a really special day. rs (of the human variety !) made this o An amazing turn out with 250 visito painting, Paw Printing, a Doggy Phot face fun; h muc , the dogs and their owners had so ! unts tion acco men all a by get and also ld kind, shou was her akes The weat special blue cupc of the events enjoyed. Of course our and a Doggy Kissing Booth were a few
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Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018 13
ELMBRIDGE GP Referral Scheme helps you to keep a healthy balance
Do you feel overwhelmed by exercise or • Falls prevention exercise classes: designed to get you need a programme suited to specific health more confident on your feet, build up your strength, problems? improve your balance and stay safe. The Elmbridge GP Referral, Weight Loss, Cancer and Cardiac Rehab Scheme encourages patients to introduce more exercise in their weekly routine to improve their health and fitness. Classes and sessions, designed to suit patients’ specific needs and goals, take place in a friendly and motivational environment. There are exercise classes available for all levels and abilities in Thames Ditton, Cobham, Hersham, Molesey and Walton-on-Thames. These low-cost sessions are designed to improve muscle tone, balance, strength, and mood. Participants can choose what is best suited to them: • Seated Yoga to explore and enjoy the benefits of yoga’s physical and mental wellbeing.
14 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
• Cancer rehabilitation classes: participants who live
with or have survived cancer and who attended the exercise sessions have said they have made progress and benefitted from the welcoming and positive environment. This summer, some elements of laughter yoga will be incorporated in the traditional GP referral exercise classes, so participants can benefit from the natural physiological process of laughter to help relieve physical or emotional stresses or discomfort. If you want to give it a go locally, you can find more information at elmbridge.gov.uk/leisure, email health@elmbridge.gov.uk or call 01372 474 574 to talk to the Health Development Officer.
Exercise Referral Classes
Coming soon to your area: Laughter and Falls Prevention classes. Contact health@elmbridge.gov.uk or 01372 474574 to register your interest. And don’t forget the free Healthy walks, Nordic walks and cycle ride scheme. Events take place most days of the year, rain or shine!
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Claremont Fan Court School’s pupils, parents, staff and governors have been saying a very fond farewell this summer term to Jonathan Insall-Reid who will be retiring from his role as Head of the Senior School after thirteen highly successful years. During Jonathan Insall-Reid’s time as Headmaster at the School, Claremont Fan Court Senior School has gained a reputation for exceptional pastoral care, an extensive co-curricular programme, the highest of academic standards and excellent examination results. The School’s building programme is well underway and our new thirteen-room science and technology building will open in the coming academic year.
‘This list of achievements, along with the knowledge that Claremont has been the happiest of schools that I have ever worked in, is reason for me to be very pleased. Having the loveliest of girls and
boys at our School, and enjoying the support of their families, is a source of great pleasure and pride to me.’ William Brierly currently Senior Deputy Head at King’s College School, Wimbledon, will take over from Jonathan Insall-Reid in September. Mr Brierly is proud to be joining Claremont Fan Court at such an exciting time in the School’s history.
‘Claremont Fan Court is an exceptional School with wonderful potential. I am delighted to have this opportunity to lead the School into the next decade, build on its strengths and further hone its unique offering to deliver a world-class education to the children of Esher, Elmbridge and South West London.’
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Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018 17
There is a pest around at the moment that needs to be shown who’s boss! It’s the box tree moth caterpillar, and I was slightly annoyed that two presenters of the recent TV Chelsea coverage said that there’s no answer. If you have any box plants in your garden, you may wish to read this before digging them all up. The box tree moth caterpillar is quite striking looking with green and yellow stripes from head to tail, with black dots on either side. It has a voracious appetite, and left to its own devices, this caterpillar will completely defoliate your expensive box plants at great speed. The moth is also quite pretty - mainly white with iridescent brown bands on each of its wings, although in some cases these can be completely brown. It has a wing span of around 4cm. In winter, small caterpillars hibernate in an envelope of two box leaves that have been spun together the previous autumn. It’s a relatively new insect to Britain. Whilst the adult moth was first reported in the UK in 2008, caterpillars were not found in private gardens until 2011, and it has since become widespread in London and surrounding areas. The damage that the caterpillar causes is often mistaken for the fungal infection box blight - but if you look closely and find any cobwebs or leaves that appear to be stuck together, then you need to act fast. First of all get your hands on a product such as Bug Clear Ultra or Westland Resolva Bug Killer and spray thoroughly and forcefully every 14 days or so (not just
18 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
on the outside of the plant, but part the branches and reach inside). Then remove the damaged foliage, keep the plants well fed and watered and keep spraying every 14 days. Little is known about this insect, and it’s thought that there are up to three generations a year. So knocking off the first onslaught doesn’t mean that you can put your feet up for the rest of the year. I’m afraid that the combined active period of these munchers is from April to October. There is a way to be ahead of the game, to prevent the moths from laying eggs in the first place. It’s a pheromone trap which provides season-long biological control; it captures the moths, therefore breaking the life cycle, allowing the box tree to flourish. The contents of the pheromone trap will last for three months, at which time you can re-charge the unit. One trap is effective for around 180 sqm Controlling this pest is possible although it requires vigilance on your part. Better that than giving up all those expensive plants without a fight! Valerie McBride Munro is a chartered horticulturist. As Auntie Planty she offers gardening problem solving sessions in your own garden. www.auntieplanty.co.uk © 2018 Valerie McBride-Munro
The Boy, the Pebble & the Dolphins
Dr Edward Salter is by trade, a marine biologist. He has come to writing children's books as a way of sharing his extensive knowledge in an easy to understand format. During his successful career, he has spent much time diving and gathering data, & he is well know, and well respected in his field. Sadly, following a diagnosis of cancer 6 years ago and a number of subsequent courses of treatment, he is at this time, unable to dive, but he hopes to return to the sea and his much loved ecological work as soon as he is able to do so.
The Boy, the Pebble & the Dolphins is the latest children’s picture book by local author and illustrator Dr Edward Salter. It is a short story for young children, aged 2-5 years, and teaches young children about our environment. The story follows Tom in an underwater adventure where he comes across some friendly dolphins. The amount of plastic in the sea where he lives has become so bad that the dolphins are getting entangled. Tom hears their cries but can he rescue them? Does he use his magic pebble again? Find out by reading this magical second book in the Boy & the Pebble series. Whether you read or missed the first, where Tom rescues a fisherman, you are sure to enjoy this exciting story about the coastal exploits of Tom as he plays his part in saving marine life. The book can be purchased online at Amazon and Waterstones, and found by simply typing in the book’s title.
Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018 19
2nd-8th JULY 2018
The Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) largest flower festival will return to the grounds of Hampton Court Palace. Gorgeous gardens, fabulous florals and fantastic shopping in an unforgettable setting For more info visit: www.rhs.org.uk/shows-events/rhs-hamptoncourt-palace-flower-show.
Saturday 7th
Walton Voices perform music fit for a royal occasion. In this year of royal weddings and royal children we celebrate what makes all those occasions great - the music! 7.30pm Venue: St. Mary Oatlands Church, Oatlands Avenue, Weybridge KT13 9TS. Tickets: 07884 348172 or emailinfo@waltonvoices.co.uk. Price: £12 (Under 16s free)
Saturday 7th
Family Theatre at Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre, KT12 2PF, 4.00pm. Strangeface and Story Pocket Theatre present ‘One Click Away’ Fast-paced and funny show combining witty, original storytelling and puppetry to create a powerful exploration of the ways that social media, advertising and other online activity can hook us into unrewarding and ultimately destructive patterns of behaviour. For more information www.riverhousebarn. co.uk or call 01932 253354.
Thursday 12th
The Mini Aces club, Two 45 minute sessions run from 10.30-11.15 and 11.30-12.15 in the Art gallery (next to the Sunbeam cafe) Mini Aces club brings the Museum to life through stories, craft, song and dance. With a focus on different objects, stories and exhibits each month, children will discover the treasures we have in our collection and build self-confidence in a new and exciting environment. Please book in advance, sessions are limited to 10 children max. To book email oliviafrench@brooklandsmuseum. com or phone 01932 857381 ext 257
Saturday 14th
Saturday 14th
Brooklands in Sound: The Festival, 5:30pm - 8:30pm. The Museum will come alive to the sound of live music performed by choirs, bands and ensembles embedded within garages and among the exhibits across the Brooklands Museum site. Adults £14, Seniors & Students £12, Children (5-16) £9, Under 5s FREE. Tickets must be booked in advance. Please note this is a standing event. Further information from www. surreymusichub.com/brooklandsinsound. Brooklands Museum 01932 857381 info@ brooklandsmuseum.com. Travel back in time to Woking’s past at Photographs around Woking at The Lightbox, GU21 4AA. Sidney Francis in the 1920s and 1930s (14 July – 7 October 2018), a new exhibition showing glimpses of what Woking was like nearly 100 years ago. For more information please visit www.thelightbox.org.uk or call 01483 737800.
If there’s an event in September that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Monday 11th June 2018.
Saturday 14th
Black Cherry Fair Open Day, Join us as we celebrate Chertsey’s annual town fair. Homemade cakes & tea on sale all day. Live music in the garden from 2pm. 11am to 4pm Entry free, Chertsey Museum, The Cedars, 33 Windsor Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AT. Contact: 01932 565764 Call to check latest times or cancellations.
Thursday 19th
The Queen’s Flight, 7:30p.m. - 9:31p.m. Brooklands Museum, Weybridge KT13 0SL.Suitable for Everyon Squadron Leader Graham Laurie MVO was a pilot on the Queen’s Flight for 26 years and this evening he recalls anecdotes from that time involving the Royal Family and VIPs. He also looks at the history of the Queen’s Flight itself and the aircraft used including the Vickers Viking. Doors 6pm for hot food and drinks in the Members Bar. Book your place by email to Yvette at: talks@ brooklandsmembers.co.uk or phone 07880 670359. Payment on the day.
Sunday 29th
Weybridge Community Day & Prudential Ride London Surrey Event – Artisan Food & Craft Market & Stalls From Local Community Groups. 10am – 3pm, Monument Green, Weybridge. Lots Of Fun & Entertainment For All, Contact: Gill Eastwood, gilleastwood@btinternet.com or Sharron Ferrari sharon.ferrari@geminera.com
Sunday 12th AUGUST
Brooklands ReunionDate, 10:00am - 5:00pm, Capturing the atmosphere of Club meetings in the 1930s, the new style Brooklands Reunion sees us remember the final race meetings held at Brooklands before the outbreak of WW2. The site will be filled with the actual cars, motorcycles and bicycles that raced here from 1907-1939. There will be plenty of action on site as well, including Test Hill ascents, “Race Starts” on the newly restored Finishing Straight and demonstration laps around the Mercedes Benz World circuit. Normal Museum Admission Charges Apply. Brooklands Museum 01932 857381 ext 253 or ext 244 events@brooklandsmuseum.com
All our Yesterdays, at St James Church, Weybridge 2.30pm. Come and Join us for half an hour of favourite hymns and readings. Especially suited for people with dementia and their carer. Refreshments and social time.
All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.
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22 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
THE GOOD OLD W.I. Time used to fly at such a hectic pace. Life was just a never-ending race But, I found I had more time, as years went by, So thought that I should join the WI. And as I live next door, it seemed to me, That this would be the perfect place to be. When I told my friends what I had done, They said “ Oh, yes. They have a lot of fun�. The men said “Will you take off your gear, To appear upon the calendar next year?� But no-one’s asked me to remove my clothes, Behind a plate of buns and strike a pose. In spite of that, I’m glad I took the plunge. I’ve renewed the skill of making chocolate sponge And knitted lots of brightly coloured squares Enjoying good companionship we share. Friendships made that lasted through the years Sharing days of happiness and tears. So, long may live the good old WI To be a tower of strength for you and I.
SURREY W.I. GROUPS CELEBRATE across the area On the 23rd May we joined WI’s from red years of hund a rate celeb who had come together to were Emlyn ved invol s group three The y. the WI in Surre account for who Vale Downs, Emlyn Lovelace and Emlyn ly. 20 individual WI’s local ably assisted by Chaired by Jill Elliott of Eastwick WI and s, members of the three Emlyn group was a veritable the Emlyn Centenary Celebration smorgasbord of all things WI. tions including In the main hall there were demonstra ng, (Eastwick foldi card 3D & rk p-wo Stum Embroidery ging (Little arran er WI) Felting (Ockham WI), Flow ham Belles Book t (Grea ng foldi Bookham WI), Book & knitting ing quilt ng, maki lery Jewel ry, roide WI), Emb ay of the displ t poin r powe (Ashtead WI) and a fabulous . pney Dam Sally WI’s organised by the traditional cup Along with a Centenary cake there was time to chat and of lots e cours of WI tea and cakes and of ola organised by tomb A new. and old ds frien catch up with with the tickets along Gill Tutt was a huge success and that funding. self was event the that sold to attend ensured ed the finals reach who choir WI a , aders Seran y The Surre Choir enary Cent WI’s of of the National Federation oon aftern the g durin us d taine enter 2016 competition in
with an eclectic mix of songs. “Images of an On display in the Harrison Room were , Gwenda Renn Ann by ised Amazing 100 Years” organ enary Cent WI, ick Eastw of ber Web a Sheil Gourlay & d erhea Leath h whic in Wall Hanging competition entries of ays displ p Grou and ers Bann WI WI came joint 3rd, Books containing crafts memorabilia and The Centenary ned by each WI desig pages the beautiful and inspirational . enary Cent the ate emor in Surrey to comm Jan Edgecombe There was a craft competition won by tead Village (Ash ery Bowd dy of Effingham WI and Wen ers in a “Flow the for ce” Choi n’s irma “Cha WI) got the teacup” competition. and in true WI A thoroughly good time was had by all me. welco made was one style every to Jill Elliott the A longstanding WI member wrote at its best”. “WI was event the g following day sayin Bookham Belles, t Grea ick, Eastw ns: Dow n Emly y, Ashtead. Bookham Butterflies, Fetcham, Mole Valle r Club, Hook Ceda am Cobh ge, Villa gate Clay Emlyn Vale: ing, Stoke Even ott Oxsh & Chessington, Oxshott Village, n. erdow Wint , D’Abernon, Weybridge ley Evening, West Emlyn Lovelace: Effingham, East Hors ham. Book Little Horsley Evening, Ockham,
WEYBRIDGE LADIES AMATEUR ROWING CLUB A shining example of the best of rowing
This year the sunshine was just one of the stars of the Weybridge Ladies Amateur Rowing Club (WLARC) Regatta. With well over 200 entrants for races it was a packed day of rowing from juniors to masters, singles to eights, plenty of hard fought races rowed and lots of well deserved medals won. The day of racing took place on Sunday 10th June, from 9am to 6pm. The banks of the Thames between Weybridge Canoe Club and Cowey Sale heaved with spectators who enjoyed some great competitive rowing and many very close finishes. Desborough cut was full of rowing boats from clubs including Weybridge, Walton, Guildford, Molesey, Walbrook, Eton, Henley, Wimbledon, Kingston and many more. In addition to the rowing there was plenty of food to keep everyone’s energy levels up, with a BBQ and WLARCs famous home baked cakes. Everyone was welcome to watch the Regatta from friends & families of the competitors shouting morale support, to the
24 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
casual walker taking a stroll along this part of the River Thames. For the organisers from WLARC, the day began at 5pm, with the course being laid out with buoys, the catering marquee erected, briefing the numerous umpires, marshalls, water safety boats and the army of volunteers who help to make the event such a success. The day finished at 9pm with the buoys being taken up and a well deserved drink! The annual Regatta is definitely a date to be put in the calendar and we would love to see even more people join us next year. It is not only a fantastic event to watch, it is also a very important fundraiser for the club, allowing us to offer the opportunity for women from Weybridge and the surrounding areas to get involved in this sport and join our community. For more information visit www.weybridgeladies.org.uk
Thursday 9th August 2018 - 8pm till 10pm Neptune Weybridge, 10 Church St, Weybridge KT13 8DX On Thursday 9th August, Neptune Weybridge is hosting a charity shopping evening supporting The Clubhouse Project. We are delighted to work with this local charity that offers day services for young adults with learning disabilities. The Clubhouse Project supplies a variety of in-house and community based daytime activities to teach life-skills and are committed to maximising personal choice and promoting independence in a kind, caring environment. The event is free of charge, all you need to do is put your name on the guest list by contacting Neptune Weybridge on 1932 901 234 or info@neptuneweybridge.co.uk Our shopping event will feature local artists and products and we are looking forward to welcoming residents and customers for a fun evening. Come along to our showroom on the high street, enjoy a glass of bubbly and have a look at the variety of products on offer. The Quince Tree from Clifton Nurseries will be serving canapes, not to be missed!
We look forward to welcoming the following partners: The Quince Tree, Clifton Nurseries - www.clifton.co.uk/the-quince-tree-cafesurrey Rosy Fridays, Clothes & Accessories - www.rosyfridays.com Lily & Fred, Baby accessories & clothes - www.lilyandfred.co.uk Desmond & Dempsey, Luxury Pyjamas - www.desmondanddempsey.com Little Works Creative, Graphic artwork – www.littleworkscreative.com Ali Tomlin Ceramics – Ali@alitomlin.com Suzy Franks Bespoke Jewellery Tropic Skincare - organic skincare products
Clue: 8 Across
Clue: 13 Across
Clue: 1 Down
Across 1. Gusto (4) 3. Brings to an address (8) 8. Feast (7) 9. Tag (5) 10. Performer (5) 11. Trade barrier (7) 12. Voice box (6) 13. Large numbers of people (6) 16. Closest (7) 18. One of the senses (5) 20. Cajoled (5) 21. Before (7) 22. Fragile (8) 23. Unsightly (4)
Down 1. Striped equine (5) 2. US legislator (7) 4. One or the other (6) 5. Hot remnants of a fire (5) 6. Bars (7) 7. Secured by written agreement (10) 9. Research workplace (10) 12. Lackadaisical (7) 14. Hoping for (7) 15. Certify (6) 17. Spiritual being (5) 19. Ahead of time (5)
26 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
Clue: 9 Down
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Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018 27
Director and Producer of JOURNEY’S END
P r o d u c e r , director, actor and communications skills coach, Graham grew up in East Horsley, and now lives locally in Leatherhead. He trained at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, and his 45 year career has encompassed Film, TV, Rep theatre, the Royal National Theatre and of course the West End. Amongst his TV and Film work has been Howard’s Way, Goodbye Mr. Chips with Martin Clunes, and EastEnders! Over the last 45 years he has also been a founder and leading player of the British Actors Theatre Company, a director of The Original Shakespeare Company, and the Associate Artistic Director of the Leatherhead Theatre Rep Company. Graham founded Theatre Reviva! , his own theatre
28 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
company, in 2017 so as to bring regular, seasonal, theatre productions back into the local area. Journey’s End, set in 1918 and hailed as an anti-war classic, is his biggest and most ambitious production to date. The play is a gripping, classic drama about a group of British soldiers in the trenches in the First World War and he is hugely pleased to be presenting this at his local Theatre. It’s first performance in 1929 featured Laurence Olivier in the lead role! And this production also has a cast of notable local actors, and some exceptional sound effects. The 2 venues will be transformed so as to celebrate the centenary of the War’s end, and to help provide a memorable evening. Not satisfied with just the theatre, Graham founded in 2014 the Surrey Hills Community Radio station; and recently set-up LAUNCHPAD, a social enterprise to help young people build up their self-belief and learn employability skills. He is also a partner, with his wife Suki, in Centre Stage Dance and Drama, a dance school based in Oxshott, and Theatretrain, a Saturday Musical Theatre school, run from Royal Kent School, Oxshott. www.theatre-reviva.com
in association with presents in commemoration of the centenary of the end of World War 1
by R. C. Sherriff
Directed by Graham Pountney
A potent and unflinching vision of life in the trenches in World War 1
“A sublime play… a corkscrew of tension, emotion and drama.” Matilda Battersby, Independent In support of
Therfield School Theatre Dilston Rd, Leatherhead KT22 7NZ
July 31st, August 1st & 2nd, 7:30pm Ticket price £14 Box Office: www.stagestubs.com/theatre-reviva/journeysend
The Leatherhead Theatre 7 Church St, Leatherhead KT22 8DN
August 4th, 7:30pm August 5th, 3:00pm and 7:30pm Ticket price £20 Members, Friends & Group concessions
Supported by
Box Office: www.theleatherheadtheatre.com/journeysend
Telephone: 01372 365141 This amateur production of “Journey’s End” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH LTD.
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5 7 7 0 0 2 3 0 4 8 8 0 0 8
7 5 4 3 2 7 7 3 5 4 4 2 2 9
6 8 9 6 9 3 7 8 6 7 9 8 9 3
0 6 3 4 4 8 4 4 7 5 5 7 3 3
3 9 6 7 7 4 9 9 3 5 0 5 8 2
7 3 4 5 5 5 2 5 7 9 6 8 4 0
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8 5 7 6 6 6 7 3 8 8 7 9 6 8
5 5 2 9 9 0 4 3 0 8 8 0 9 5
9 8 0 3 6 7 8 8 1 2 3 2 3 1
2 6 1 0 9 7 5 2 3 1 3 8 8 0
0 9 9 2 7 2 6 7 3 0 6 8 2 3
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Few would argue that there is something unique about singing which brings people together in a curious crosscultural way. Just think of football matches, New Year celebrations not to mention rock concerts. Be it beautiful or less so, belting out songs can bring people together whether or not they speak the same language. Perhaps that is what motivated Jeremy Avis, local choir Earthly Voices’ musical director, to inject some international voices into their latest concert on July 7th in Weybridge, that as well as his background writing music for refugees in Malawi. Working closely with Elmbridge CAN, the community group which supports refugees in the area, Avis is running workshops for displaced individuals and injecting their talents into the choir’s next concert in early July. Avis has extensive wordwide experience, having studied and worked in West Africa and the Middle East not to mention performing as a soloist himself. He recently toured worldwide with Shakespeare’s Globe theatre as Musical Driector for their production of The Merchant of Venice and is regularly asked to perform in festivals and on such stages as The National Theatre on London’s Southbank . However it was football that sparked Jeremy’s imagination so along with musical partner Rebecca Askew, he set up Goalmouth, (www.goal-mouth.org) a UNHCR funded project which had them composing a musical in Malawi
32 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
to build bridges between refugees and the local Malawian population. This idea came out of a chance conversation about integration with the head of UNHCR in Botswana some years earlier “He said they were looking for an event that would help with the relations between the Zimbabweans and the Malawians who lived in the town next door to the camp” remembers Jeremy. With the South Africa World cup looming, Jeremy soon had his eureka moment to write a fantasy football musical to address this issue. “Football and singing together: what could be a better recipe for bringing potentially warring communities together in harmony?“ he muses. “My god when the idea actually happened it was electric and set the course of our (Goalmouth’s) work for the years to come” Earthly Voices the choir he currently directs have been singing an eclectic mix of four part harmony songs for the best part of two decades and enjoys a growing fan base. It welcomes singers of all ages and reading music is optional. A community choir also means lots of pub visits and you don’t need to ask twice to hear them sing. One of the basses doesn’t even require a pint to start him off. Earthly Voices’ Summer Concert will be held on the 7th July, 7.30pm at Cleves School, Oatlands Ave, Weybridge KT13 9TS. The concert will include songs by Cole Porter, The Beatles, Bizet, Verdi, Daft Punk, Billy Joel, The Everly Brothers plus songs from Goalmouth Askew and Avis’s musical, first performed in Malawi. Grants from RC Sheriff Trust and Julia Cripps, recently deceased member of choir to whom this concert is dedicated. For tickers: lmbaldwin53@gmail.com NB: 14th July members of Earthly Voices will also be performing in “No Sound Ever Dies” at Brooklands in Sound, an evening festival of music, poetry and sound at Brooklands Museum. © Nicola Barranger June 2018
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es to National Trust Hatchlands The Immersion Theatre Company com er Pan. East Clandon. Win a family ticket to Pet
or one adult and 3 children to give away for 2 adults and 2 children We have a family ticket worth ÂŁ32 to st at National Trust Hatchlands n of Peter Pan on Thursday 9th Augu go to the Immersion Theatre productio pm. 6.00pm - 8.30pm. Gates open at 5.30 Park, East Clandon, Surrey. GU4 7RT and delight in the magical tale back sit and c picni a your own seats or rug, Performed on the Lawn at Hatchlands, bring n, actio a laugh-a-minute script, and with catchy music, heaps of audience inter of the little boy who never grew up. Filled cal promises to have every member musi ng exciti and the show, this hilarious the opportunity to meet the characters after shments will be served in the interval of the family entertained throughout. Refre
COMPETITION: If you like the chance to win a family ticket ...Just answer the following question:
What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
Email your answers and your magazine area to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk.
Before the 12th July 2018
Seeded Barley Salad WITH FETA DRESSING
Ingredients Method 100g pearl barley 50g Waitrose Love Life Mixed Seeds 25g pack fresh basil ½ x 25g pack fresh mint Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon 50g pack Waitrose Love Life Mixed Roasted Almonds, chopped 50g pack Good 4U Super Sprouts 1 large avocado, peeled, stoned, cubed 50g wild rocket leaves, roughly chopped 125g feta cheese 200ml natural yogurt
1. Place the pearl barley in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a simmer and cook for 40-45 minutes until very tender, adding more boiling water if required. Drain and leave to cool. 2. In the meantime, place the mixed seeds in a dry frying pan and cook over a gentle heat until golden. Set aside to cool. 3. Tear the basil leaves and chop the mint. Place the cooled pearl barley in a large serving bowl and stir through the herbs, toasted seeds, lemon zest, almonds, sprouts, avocado and rocket. 4. For the dressing, place the feta, yogurt and lemon juice in a food processor and whizz until you have fairly smooth dressing. Taste and add a little more lemon juice if needed. Spoon the barley salad into serving bowls, drizzle over the dressing and serve.
Cook’s Tip Save time by using a pouch of cooked grains in place of the barley, such as Waitrose Love Life Spelt, Quinoa, Red Rice & Wild Rice.
Prep time: 10 mins Cooking time: 45 mins Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
WORK HARDER. Hi everyone, we are pleased to say that we have moved office from 74 Queens Road, Hersham to 26-28 Molesey Road Hersham (as you turn into Waitrose). If you would like to have a chat about any tax or accounting issues please pop in.
Although this corporation tax charge is refundable as the loan is repaid, it is a very effective deterrent to stop companies from loaning to their directors. Please note, we have assumed that your director’s loan account was nil at the beginning of the year.
Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge office of TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine provides advice on recent change in tax law, or addresses a topical financial issue.
Property losses - do I need a tax return? I have a Buy to Let property, but because of the size of the mortgage, I do not make any profit from it. I am employed and have never submitted a tax return before- do I need to now?
Tax on director’s loans I normally take a small salary and dividends from my company. But this year I took some extra money out to pay for a big holiday. Will I have to pay tax on it?
Q. A.
If you take a loan from your company and you pay no interest on it (or it is lower than HMRC’s official interest rates), you may have to pay personal tax on the benefit of having a interestfree/ low-interest loan. There are a few instances when you could avoid a tax charge, but the main one to take note of is that the balance on your loan should not have exceeded £10,000 at any point during the tax year. If it has exceeded £10,000 at any point, a tax charge will arise. The only way to avoid or reduce the tax charge, is to pay the company interest at HMRC’s official interest rates. This can be done retrospectively, provided it’s paid within the normal time limits for claiming a tax refund (normally 4 years). In addition to your personal tax charge, the company may also be hit with a corporation tax charge of 32.5% of the balance on the loan at the end of the accounting period.
Although you have no income to tax from your property, you would probably benefit from documenting the losses by submitting a tax return. Having a clear record of the losses will allow you to carry forward the losses and offset them against future profits you make from the property. Please note, you are obliged to submit a tax return if your gross rents (i.e. the income from the property before deducting any expenses) are over £10,000 per annum or if your profits are over £2,500 per annum (i.e. after expenses have been deducted). This is irrespective of whether the property is profitable or not. Unfortunately, you cannot offset rental losses against other income. If you had any other rental properties, they may be regarded as one rental ‘business activity’ and therefore this loss would automatically be offset against the profits of the other rental properties. Property losses may only be offset against future profits from the same rental business activity. If you purchase another rental property later on, you may not be able to offset the loss against these profits if there is a large gap between when you owned each of the properties.
Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA 01932 850 600 - weybridge@taxassist.co.uk
Disclaimer - advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary & if you feel the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implmentation. If you take, or do not take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibilty for any fiancial loss incurred.
Seat’s first full-blooded crossover, the Ateca, an all rounder of extra-special quality and value for money, goes ever so smoothly to the top of the extremely hotly congested SUV class. And that is not just my opinion. It has been voted a winner at car shows all over the place. No wonder. Versus the solidly established likes of SUV rivals VW, Skoda, Peugeot, Mazda, Nissan, Hyundai, Renault, and KIA, and the rest the Seat brainboxes and designers have thoughtfully and astutely challenged the formidable fray with this surefire seller. Okay, I accept the Ateca shares plenty with the slightly bulkier Tiguan, which hails from its parent Volkswagen Group, but it revels on the same wheelbase as its Seat sibling, the five-door Leon, which makes it a handy familysized package. Seat, allowed to borrow the know-how and the working gear and hardware from VW, have made the fullest use of the facility and have accelerated immediately to the front of the SUV jam reach, height. So, what do you get for your hard-earned? It maybe a firsttime entrant in to the class by Seat, but it feels like they have been reaping rewards for ages with a five-seater that romps untroubled over rough, bottom-of-the-garden territory or lopes along smoother tarmacs to the supermarket where its considerable big and practicable double-floor boot easily swallows up a week’s shopping. Six-footer dad and leggy mum, along with offspring who like to jostle and restlessly spread their presence are no problem at all for the spacious interior with its cushy seats and its compact array of instruments and dials on a clearview panel.
38 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
As for your need for ease of a ride on treks over a good few miles, there is a really massive amount of adjustment available to the seating. Front and back. Also, the steering wheel can be set to ensure that just about any size of waistline may fit snugly and safely to be safely accommodated behind it.The front-wheel drive guides it safely and steadily in to corners with hardly any roll -even if you are the adventurous type who gets a kick out of throwing your transport into the most testing roundabouts. Overall, Seat clearly felt that their offering had to be a winner from the off - and, bless ‘em, they managed to do that with their fully justifiable global reward as “ Best in Its Class” for space, styling,quality and sheer driving enjoyment....the baseline requirement in my opinion. Well...that..and economy. And that’s another top scoring issue. My happy tripper gave me 60-odd miles to the gallon, Cobham to Brighton, for a sunny break, on about two gallons. Woweee!! An optional goodie or two, but not on my model, include fulsome LED-headlights, surround-view cameras and a radar cruiser. At traffic jam tortoise speeds it thinks for you and will accelerate, steer and guide itself and put the brakes on if needs be. So sit back and relax.... It all, I promise, adds up to the reasons why you would want an SUV. SUV? Allow me to give an alternative explanation to its initials...Special Utter Value. The five models, two petrol, three diesel, range from £18,340-£31,260. Specification: my tester mode 1.4SI. 150bhp. Speed 0-62 in 8.5s.Mpg 64.2. Price £23,885.Warranty three years/60,000 miles.
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If you’re an experienced trombonist (lead or bass) who would like to play more regularly, gain experience or rediscover the instrument after a break, we’d love to meet you at one of our Monday rehearsals in Cobham. For more details please ring 07785 370901
Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018 39
ALL OUR YESTERDAYS Come and join us for half an hour of favourite hymns and readings. Especially suited for people with dementia and their carers. Refreshments and social time. TUESDAY 17TH JULY AT 2.30PM ST.JAMES’ CHURCH IN WEYBRIDGE
Interested in ad hoc or one off volunteering?
This is a fantastic opportunity get involved with your local community on an ad hoc basis with series of events. To ensure the smooth running, we need volunteers to help with: marshalling, selling raffle tickets, programmes, and serving refreshments. These events are generally on weekends.
Help your local Hospice
Your local hospice is looking for friendly volunteers to help in a kitchen, on the tills and delivering teas & coffees. An ideal role for someone who is looking to gain experience in catering. Requires a long term commitment, either weekly or on ad hoc basis.
Become a Befriender
A local care home is looking for a warm, friendly and empathetic people to join a befriending scheme. Help improve the quality of life for an older person through offering companionship and a friendly chat.
Volunteer Appropriate Adults
A Custody Cell can be a traumatic place for a vulnerable adult or young person. Can you offer vital support to vulnerable people when they need it most? Full training & support provided. Long term commitment.
Help maintain the beauty of your Local Countryside
Join a fantastic conservation crew and help carry out practical work in the countryside to enhance and maintain the natural beauty of our area. Training and tools provided.
INTERESTED IN ANY OF THOSE ROLES? For more info on these roles & many other opportunities, contact Voluntary Action Elmbridge,
please call: 01372 463 587 visit: www.vae.org.uk or email: contact@vae.org.uk
Match the following DJ with their Nick Names. 1) Alan Freeman 2. Ed Stewart 3. Tommy Vance 4. Mike Pasternak (Emperor Rosko) 5. Paul Gambaccini 6. David Kid Jensen A) The Emperor B) TV on Radio C) Fluff D) The Great Gambo E) The Kid F) Stewpot PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 45
There’s no point beating about the bush. My garden was a mess. I have, over the years, ‘done’ gardening: bushy buddleia took over the back fence; snowy white alyssum sprawled across the soil. I’ve had roses, shrubs, even delicious tomatoes and sweetcorn in my garden. But I also used to look out for the words ‘hardy perennials’ on seed packs because I knew they’d be on their own once they were in. It was a case of survival of the fittest because when life got too busy, my garden was last in line for my attention. Some winters I pulled out everything that wasn’t in flower thinking they must all be weeds, and was left with nothing but weeds the following year. Other times when I despaired about the weeds, friends consoled me, saying I was providing butterflies with a sanctuary. It made me feel better, but I knew the truth. I knew I needed help There came a point where I couldn’t live with it any longer. And I knew I needed help. I hired a gardener. And then I was left with a clean slate: clear beds; clean paving; a blank canvas I didn’t know how I wanted to fill. I didn’t want to just ‘do’ gardening any longer, I wanted to learn to ‘be’ a gardener. To understand my garden in a way I hadn’t taken the time to do before, to find joy in it instead of feeling it was yet another problem to deal with. And then my Garden Angel came to visit me and took out her magic growing stick. You could do this. Or that. Here. Or there. Try this. Change your mind. It was all possibility to her, not overwhelming as it was for me. There was no judgement or criticism, just belief and encouragement. She could see beyond the mess to the beauty waiting to be created.
It’s the same with clients who find life overwhelming, or are successful in most things and have trouble accepting that this one part of their life / career / relationships could be so challenging. “It’s such a mess. Will I ever find a way to sort it out?” they ask. Yes! We start from a blank slate. What do they want their life / career / relationships to look like? What’s working and can stay? What’s not working and needs rearranging? How can they live from choice, not default? It’s great to have someone in our life who - like my Garden Angel - is not overwhelmed by the mess or chaos, who can see things from different perspectives and has tools and techniques that we didn’t even know existed, to help us create a life we truly want. Best wishes from my sunny garden,
Sonia Duggan + CPCC ACC +
PS - Is everything in your garden rosy? If not, call or email me to claim a complimentary Inspiration! coaching session when you mention LookLocal Weybridge.
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SUNDAY SERVICES - JULY/AUGUST 2018 Reverend Folli Olokose: vicar@oatlandschurch.org.uk / 01932 840077 Parish Office : parishoffice@stmaryoatlands.org.uk /01932 231274 / www.oatlandschurch.org.uk Oatlands Ave, Weybridge KT13 9TS
Sunday 1st July 8am Holy Communion Service 10am ‘Alive at Ten’ Service (followed by refreshments) Saturday 7th July 7.30pm Walton Voices choir present ‘Music for a Royal Occasion’ from Purcell to Parry. Tickets £12 (u6’s free). 07884 348172, info@ waltonvoices.co.uk Sunday 8th July 8am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service with speaker Captain Nick Russell from The Church Army (followed by refreshments) Saturday 15th July 8am Holy Communion 10am Holy Communion (followed by refreshments) Sunday 22nd July 8am Holy Communion 10am Holy Communion (followed by refreshments) Sunday 29th July Prudential Ride London event. Local roads closed until 2pm.
No 8am or 10am services. 4pm Family Praise Service (followed by a light tea in church hall) 6.30pm Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments)
Every Tuesday SMART Mother & Toddler Group (term time) 10-11.30am No waiting list or joining fee. Just turn up & have fun (with refreshments) £2 per family.
Sunday 5th August 8am Holy Communion Service 10am ‘Alive at Ten’ Service (followed by refreshments)
Meeting Point (every 4th Weds) A friendly social lunch group for retired people in the local community. 12.30-2.30pm in church hall for lunch. Followed by ‘In House’ entertainment/speaker.
Sunday 12th August 8am Holy Communion 10am Holy Communion (followed by refreshments)
Every Thursday 9.30-10am Morning Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments)
Sunday 19th August 8am Holy Communion 10am Holy Communion (followed by refreshments) Wednesday 22nd August Strawberry Tea in Church garden 2-4pm - £5 per adult (includes the Strawberry tea) Children free. Sunday 26th August 8am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments)
Every Friday First Steppers (term time) 10.30-11am in Chapel With Bible based crafts, songs & stories for preschool children. Just turn up. No charge. Followed by refreshments. Last Friday of the month 7.30pm ‘Men’s Curry & Chatter’ night in the Church Hall. All welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for further details.
Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018 43
Oatlands Park Pharmacy ...........01932 842 171 POLICE To report local incidents ......................... 101 Boots the Chemist ....................01932 842 738
DENTISTS Oatlands Dental Lounge ...........01932 858686 Weybridge Dental Practice .......01932 853556 Portmore Dental Office ...........01932 809360 Salters & Salters Dental ...........01932 849999 Weybridge Orthodontics ..........01932 831825 VILLAGE HALLS Oatlands Village Hall ................01932 843 488 Weybridge Hall ........................01932 254 750 The Parish Centre .....................01932 856 399
TRAVEL Surrey Bus Services .................01483 506919 Train information .....................0845 748 4950 National Rail Enquiries .............0845 748 4950 SCHOOLS Cleves School ...........................01932 224 300 Heathside School .....................01932 846 162 Manby Lodge Infants School ....01932 851 848 Oatlands Infant School .............01932 843 990 St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School ................................................. 01932 842 617 St James’ Church of England Primary School .................................................01932 851 762 St George’s College Junior School .. 01932 839 400 St George’s College ...................01932 839 300 St George’s Nursery ................01932 839437 Brooklands College ..................01932 797 700 Weybridge Children’s Centre ....01932 820106
COUNCILS & SERVICE Elmbridge Borough Council ... 01372 474474 Surrey County Council ...........08456 009 009 Library Services ....................... 0300 200 1001 Elmbridge Museum ................. 01372 474 568 Citizens’ Advice Bureau ...........01932 248 660 Weybridge Comm Ass ...weybridgesociety.org.uk Weybridge Samaritans ..............01932 844 444 Weybridge Neighbourhood Watch ....01932 830 033 CHURCHES Voluntary Action Elmbridge ......01372 463 587 St James’ Anglican Parish Church ..01932 856 399 United Reformed Church .......01932 841 382 The Church of St Mary Oatlands 01932 231 274 VETERINARY SURGEONS Weybridge Veterinary Centre ...01932 855 856 Christ The Prince of Peace Catholic Church St George’s Veterinary Centre ...01932 858 890 .................................................01932 842 643 Weybridge Methodist Church ...01932 342 093 North West Surrey Synagogue ...01932 855 400 MEDICAL Weybridge Medical Centre ........01932 504 450 Christian Science Church .........01932 225 097 St Peter’s Hospital Chertsey ......01932 872 000 Royal Surrey Hospital ................01483 464 002 BANKS Non-emergency NHS Help .......................... 111 HSBC ......................................03457 404 404 Natwest ....................................03457 888 444 Lloyds ......................................0845 3000 000 CHEMISTS Lloyds pharmacy .......................01932 854 224 Barclays ....................................0845 7555 555 Church Pharmacy .....................01932 842 632 Santander .................................0845 7654 321
44 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
‘Mischief Makers’, Summer Reading Challenge 2018, is coming to Surrey Libraries on Saturday 14 July. The theme, ‘Mischief Makers’ is inspired by the much-loved children’s comic ‘Beano’ which is celebrating its 80th Anniversary this year. The Summer Reading Challenge is aimed at children aged 4–11 years and is for everyone regardless of their reading ability. Taking part is easy and free. Just visit Weybridge Library or any other local library to sign up. Children signing up for this year’s challenge will follow clues to explore the colourful collector’s map of Beanotown; meeting Dennis, Gnasher and friends along the way. Borrow books throughout the summer and earn special stickers to help find the mysterious buried treasure. Read six books and receive a Summer Reading Challenge certificate and wristband. Children can read whatever you like, fact, fiction, joke
SUMMER READING CHALLENGE 2018 books or poetry, from our excellent range. They can even borrow audio books and listen to stories if they prefer. Taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge helps children to become more fluent, confident and happy readers. The Summer Reading Challenge is produced by The Reading Agency and delivered by libraries. For more information about the Summer Reading Challenge in Surrey visit www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries. Sunday & Monday: Closed, Tuesday - Saturday: 9.30am–5pm. Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8DE
9 4 5 9 1 9 8 6 4 2 3 9 1 7
5 7 7 0 0 2 3 0 4 8 8 0 0 8
7 5 4 3 2 7 7 3 5 4 4 2 2 9
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4 0 7 8 8 9 2 7 2 6 7 6 7 3
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9 8 0 3 6 7 8 8 1 2 3 2 3 1
2 6 1 0 9 7 5 2 3 1 3 8 8 0
0 9 9 2 7 2 6 7 3 0 6 8 2 3
1. Alan Freeman - C) Fluff 2. Ed Stewart - F) Stewpot 3. Tommy Vance - B) TV
1. Linda Coppard, 2. Tony Tuley,
on Radio 4. Mike Pasternak - A)The Emperor 5. Paul Gambaccini - D) The Great Gambo 6. David Kid Jensen - E) The Kid
3. Ann Page, 4. Marina Ingram, 5. Jon McDiarmid
Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018 45
Ashford Kitchens.................................................. 7 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care................................12/13 Car Review......................................................... 38 Charlie Von Klemp Photography....................... 17 Chips Away........................................................ 39 Claremont Fan Court School........................16/48 Double Glazing Repairs Glen Hudson............... 30 DPB Pristine Oven Cleaning ............................. 22 Dream Doors..................................................... 47 Earthly Voices.................................................... 32 Edward Salter Book review................................. 19 Elmbridge Borough Council.........................14/15 Elmbridge Voluntary Action............................... 41 Ernest Doe........................................................... 8 Guillames............................................................. 6 Hanging Space..................................................... 5 Harbord Solicitors ............................................. 10 Horsley Osteopaths & Complimentary Therapy.. 4 House of Surrey.................................................... 2 Immersion Theatre............................................. 35 JBS..................................................................... 31 Mailboxes etc..................................................... 13
Meejana Lebanese Restaurant............................. 31 Music Matters.................................................... 41 Neptune Charity event....................................... 25 New Victoria Hospital........................................ 33 Out on a Limb................................................... 27 Painshill Open Air Cinema................................ 34 PC ResQ ........................................................... 17 Revodo............................................................... 30 Rowlandsons........................................................ 9 Sanctuary Kitchens & Bathrooms...................... 11 Serene Ayurveda Natural Therapies.................... 27 Sonia – Coaching with Inspiration..................... 42 Summerfield Dental Practice.............................. 22 Tax Assist........................................................... 37 Theatre Reviva...............................................28/29 Waitrose Recipe.................................................. 36 Weybridge Women’s Rowing Club..................... 24 Whats’ on......................................................20/21
All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2018. All rights reserved.
46 Looklocal Magazine - Summer 2018
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