Look Local Magazine - Weybridge

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LookLocal June 2017


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Welcome to the June issue of Look Local!

31 33 20 +

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The months are certainly skipping by faster than ever this year, how can it be June already? Now did you attend the event of the season? The Great Weybridge Cake-Off was a roaring success and we are delighted to bring you colourful and totally mouthwatering coverage from the day! This is a must for next year so why not start practising now! We also have a slightly musical theme to this issue, with a great competition offering the chance to win 2 tickets to go and see Mr. Tom Jones performing live in nearby Esher this summer. I must confess to not being a massive fan BUT I once saw him on stage at an Amnesty International concert alongside many other acts and he was amazing! He is such a showman and he certainly stood out amongst the acts that night. This is a great prize, so do have a go… remember, you’ve got to be in it to win it! And funnily enough, our Poem of the Month gives Tom a mention too, check it out! Another competition on Page 17, not musical this time, offering the chance to win a signed postcard-sized photo of Lewis Hamilton. This might be an easy question for many of you motor racing fans out there, so why not give it go? It’s a busy time of year and we have details of many other local events, too many to mention here, so I hope you can find something that tickles your fancy. Until next time, do take care… Warmest regards,



Ros Rudd - Editor


5th June 2017 for the Summer 2017 issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags



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8 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

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19TH JULY 2017


Join in the conversation online #JCLive17 1. Your popularity never seems to wane and your fanbase continues to attract new, younger generations. Why do you think that is? It’s unavoidable and true that all performers and artists go through ups and downs. The only thing you can do is have confidence in yourself and your abilities and hope that the work you do is well received. It’s impossible to predict that moment in time when somebody who sees you will be the person who will offer the next opportunity. And who knows where that opportunity will lead? 2. You’ve played at Sandown Park racecourse before (3 years since the last time). What is it about the racecourse shows that you enjoy playing, as we know you have done a few for The Jockey Club Live around the UK before? The racecourses put on a great night out for everyone. Who wouldn’t want to come to see the world’s best horses and jockeys run, have excellent food and drink, have great fun with their friends and see top-notch entertainment? 3. What can people who haven’t seen you before expect from a Tom Jones concert? If someone hasn’t seen me live before, they will get more than they ever imagined. This is the same for all live performances (if they’re good), and it’s the reason why people spend their hard-earned money and precious time to go out and experience a live show: they’ll get to know the performer much better and will be taken to a

10 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

wonderful place. 4. If there were one show that you’ve done during your career that you could relive, which one would it be and why? You can never relive the past in the same way, so although I appreciate and enjoy the memories, I always look to the future. 5. With such a catalogue and recent criticallyacclaimed albums, how do you keep your set lists interesting for you, but also ensure your audience goes home happy? By mixing it all up and keeping things fresh. Actually, most people are delighted by surprises. They feel invigorated when they’ve experienced something unexpected. There are a few things I keep the same as well, simply because they are so good as they are. 6. It’s fair to say you’ve recorded a lot of different musical styles throughout your career. Have there been any genres that you haven’t done and would like to explore, or some that you just don’t want to touch? Although I’ve been pretty flexible over the years, of course there are genres that I just wouldn’t touch because it wouldn’t sound genuine coming from me. However, there are always elements of things that are worth having a crack at, as you never know if a contribution from me would work as a unique flavour for a producer or artist.

7. We’ve heard that you used to own some horses in the 60s. How hands-on were you and did you get enjoyment out of it? Would you consider ownership again, even as part of a syndicate? I love horses but never had the time to be very handson. I left that to the experts. I never thought about an investment, but perhaps I will! 8. It’s great that you’re back with The Voice. Was it an easy decision to make when ITV got in touch? Once I got the measure of things from the producers, it was an easy decision. I had such a great time with my fellow coaches this year, and the whole ITV production team was excellent to work with.

9. Does the fact it’s on ITV rather than the BBC make any difference to how the show is working and the chances open to the acts coming through the series? Well, that depends on so many things. The fact that ITV is a commercial venture does help the record company integrate into the process, but ultimately there are so many factors at work that contribute to the success of an artist. Being on The Voice is just one opportunity, and it’s a helluva test of talent and personality. If the contestant can get through to any point in the show, then take away what they’ve learned, they’ll be better off for it.

Competition +



Just answer the following question for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see Tom Jones at Sandown on 19th July!

In which decade did Tom Jones receive his Hollywood star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

email your answer to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk by 14th June 2017

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 11



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Oatlands Park Pharmacy Look Local reader Peggy has a working cocker spaniel who 126 Oatlands Drive, loves to play ball over and over again. Peggy asks: will this Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9HL repetitive running after the ball damage his leg joints or, as a working dog, is he able to withstand a lot of exercise? It’s great your dog loves to play, Peggy, but the intensity of this repetitive activity could be doing him more harm than good. Chasing after a ball if done to excess can be harmful for dogs, even fit working dogs. Very often, they get too tired, but it takes a while for you to realise Weybridge Magazine Ad v02.indd 1 27/04/2017 this, and by the time you do, they will have become overtired, over-exercised and will have risked putting unnecessary pressure on their joints. The sudden TRAVEL IN LUXURY - ARRIVE IN STYLE changes of direction that are involved in playing ball can also put too much stress on your dog’s legs, so try to avoid this. It’s best not to overdo any one activity. As with all things, everything in moderation is fine. Look for alternative types of play instead. Spaniels are well known for their Silver Arr e and intelligence as well as their high energy levels. Why not ate Hir Chauff ows Private ry Priv operate 24 u Hire a eur Se x lu r s introduce a slower form of play where they need to n rvices Ou the ult rvice s. offers d im eur se ed call Chauff ay on book engage their mind, such as hiding the favoured ball or for bu ate in stylish d siness a tr avel or ple hours service avel some dog treats in a small space for them to sniff out? asure n to tr W check-i surrou eybridge an . We to it Still great fun, but much kinder on the joints. a nding w areas. d the Don’t ss Bruce Casalis is director & founder of Bruce’s Doggy Day first cla Care, a multi-award winning business in Weybridge. AIRP £65 Do you have any dog training or canine behavioural questions which you would like to ask Bruce? Send your questions to :-


Then check out this column each month for Bruce’s answers.

12 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017



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Rachael Underwood Talks for Parents, Carers and Grandparents of Young Children .

Would you like some ideas to help you stay calm when emotions run hot? Would you like some ideas for play as well as strategies to set boundaries firmly and kindly? Evening workshops, the Lounge, Bookham Baptist Church £ 18 /person Wednesday 7th June Having Fun with your Child— Non-Directive Play Tuesday 13th June What to do When Emotions Run Hot Wednesday 21st June Boundaries Without Tears Wednesday 12th July Resolving Children’s Conflicts For more details and to book a course go to www.RachaelUnderwood.com Email : rachaelunderwood@ntlworld.com Telephone : 01372 810701

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 13



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14 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

music +



Words by David Kid Jensen

Top of the Pops



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When asked about my recollections of Top of the Pops, my memories are usually entwined with those of John Peel. I felt blessed to be cast as one half of our DJ duo, The Rhythm Pals, which allowed us to to be a bit silly (OK, more than a bit ‘silly’), with extravagant costumes and dodgy gags, As John’s widow Sheila wrote in her contribution to Peely’s biography, Margrave of the Marshes, we took turns in coming up with an absurd theme to run through any given Top of the Pops. I would often arrive home after one of our Top of the Pops sessions with stomach ache from laughing so much at Peel’s banter. Mind you, it didn’t all go smoothly. We ‘worked’ together on TV from the late 70s until the mid 80s but he almost got himself banned forever from an appearance he made on his own in 1968. As Sheila recalls, ‘After introducing himself as “the one that comes on Radio 1 late at night and plays records by sulky Belgian art students dying of TB�, he was supposed to say instead “here’s the latest happening platter from Amen Corner�, or words to that effect, but nothing came to mind, as his usually fertile brain had gone blank. As John tiptoed towards the exit after the show had finished, the producer spotted him, stamped over and said “I’ll make sure you never work in television again.� ‘ Those were among the most wonderfully thrilling words John had ever heard, since he had no desire to set the world of television aflame with his undisputed talents in front of the camera, and that was the way it was until a decade later, when he discovered just how much fun he could have by simply being himself. I’ll have to trawl through the archives to find some merriment of his later career on TOTP when the Rhythm Pals gave him a new lease of life.



Ted Macauley test drives the new 1.2 Citroen C3


don’t know whether it’s because of my Hollywood handsome looks, but ego-tripping conceit apart, I attracted a whole new wave of stares and intensely curious glances a couple of weeks back. Then I realised it was not so much me as my transport. A rather funky, if not quite off-the-wall but certainly gaudy so-called super-mini…the latest offering from Citroen in the guise of the C3. Or should that be C-Me? Geddit? Mercifully, as it was a beamingly bright day when it was delivered to ChezMac, I was wearing sunglasses to rescue me from the glare of the stark red, white and blue presence on my drive. Possibly no coincidence either (and probably little to do with the sunshine) that the delivery man was similarly bespectacled. I could have mistaken it for a rather more colourful Royal Mail delivery vehicle or a mobile advertising extravaganza, seeking to advertise and spread Manchester United’s worldwide fan base. Whatever…it glowed. Positively GLOWED. Eliminating any affection I might have nurtured. Proof that I was not being over-sensitive to its eye-catchiness was the ceaseless attention paid to it when I gave it a squirt around the masses of the M25’s denizens, or around Elmbridge, and then as the blinding backdrop to my favourite rural diner. ‘Show off!’ joked an old friend as he smoothed away in his midnight blue Bentley. ‘Knowing you, you will enjoy riding around on that rainbow,’ he sniggered. And this was only my first day. I had another six to go. I was puzzled by the array of oddball lumps along the waistline base of the door. Never seen anything like it before. So why are they there? What are they? They look like DIY gone wrong. The answer, according to Citroen, is that they are a practicality, air bumps, easily-replaceable plastic panels, an optional add-on

16 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017


to do an urban protection job…in other words, to swallow and soak up any dents administered by careless fellow parkers. Try as it might, Citroen has never been a serious challenge to the equivalent VWs and Fords, which are much, much more useful, sharper and better value rivals in a hotly-contested market. And in my humble opinion, that situation is unlikely to change very much, despite the efforts of the designers in their revitalised updating and upgrading mood. Alright, I admit I may sound like a conservative old grouch, so what are the car’s good points? Its cockpit rejoices in a comfy show of the sort of seating materials that you might see on your fireside three-piece suite. And the infotainment touch screen is a huge improvement, both in the clarity of its graphics and its prompt responses. What’s more, if you are involved in a pile-up, the dash-cam option retains footage of the incident just before and following the impact. And you can tweet and send off instagrams if, say, you are enjoying the view ahead or have just caught sight of a nice rear scene. All you have to do is press a button on the mirror and it will beam the snap to an app on your phone and then send on. And for a little car, it doesn’t labour during motorway effort, even though there’s a noisy windy reminder that you are on the move. But you would not want to be a long-legged six-footer like me on the rather cramped rear seats. My verdict: I would venture to suggest that the colourfully glowing C3 that I tested is a car for the young or young at heart. And that excludes me. Specification: Model: C3. Engine1.2. BHP 82. Acceleration: 0-62 mph in 12.3 secs. MPG:61.4. Price £14.035. I am now really, really looking forward to my next test drive... in the much-heralded Peugeot 3008 SUV. Bring it on...







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competition time +

lewis hamilton signed postcard


We are delighted to bring you Competition with a great Prize kindly provided by Mr Ted Macauley, our very own Look Local Motor Head... ‘You may have gathered from my review this month that driving the Citroen C3 didn’t exactly bring out the Lewis Hamilton in me!’ That was a timely reminder that the charming Mr Hamilton recently gave me an autographed postcard photo of himself and I’d like to offer this as a Look Local competition prize! Just answer the following question for a chance to win...

When, where and for which team, did Lewis Hamilton score his first Formula One victory? Email your answers to: ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk Competition close date: 14 - 06 - 17 +

Good LucK +

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 17

super raffle


launched in support of woking & sam beare hospices


oking & Sam Beare Hospices are launching their Super Raffle on 22 May, featuring a £5,000 first prize, the largest sum ever offered by the charity. The draw will be made in September. Current supporters will be mailed their tickets on 22 May, so if you have not received them by the end of May or if you would like extra tickets, you should contact the raffles team to request some. Anyone who would like to purchase tickets can also contact the team on 01483 811752 or raffles@wsbhospices.co.uk. Everyone who returns their ticket stubs by 15 June will be entered into an Early Bird draw to win £200 M&S vouchers, so don’t delay! Kelly Newell, Lottery & Raffles Manager, said: ‘Our supporters have been so generous over the last year while we have been fundraising to build our state-of-the-art new 20 bedroom hospice in Woking’s Goldsworth Park. We’re delighted to offer our biggest ever raffle prize in recognition of that wonderful support and we wish everyone lots of luck when they buy their tickets!’ 2016 Summer Raffle winner Irene Watson said, ‘I was so pleased to win £2,500; it was such a lovely surprise. We did make a donation back to the hospices from the winnings but

18 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017


summer raffle winner Irene Watson and her husband with their new electric bikes

my husband and I treated ourselves to an electric bike each. I always buy the hospices’ raffle tickets and I think everyone should give it a go. You’re only in with a chance to win if you buy a ticket!’ Further prize amounts are £750, £500, £250 and £100. All funds raised from the raffle will go towards the charity’s work of providing end-of-life care to 1,400 people and their families each year across North West Surrey. Woking & Sam Beare Hospices have built a state-of-the-art new hospice, featuring 20 en-suite bedrooms in Goldsworth Park, which is due to open in the spring. The new hospice also features extensive day care facilities, including a large well-being centre, counselling, physiotherapy and complementary therapy suites. This will complement the care delivered in people’s homes which represents 70% of the charity’s work. Members of the public will be welcome to enjoy refreshments in the new café. If you would like to buy your raffle tickets, please contact 01483 811752 or raffles@wsbhospices.co.uk. You can also message us on Facebook. To find out more about supporting the hospices and taking part in challenge events and other fundraising opportunities please visit www.wsbhospices.co.uk


Supporting local people facing life-threatening illness The Brigitte Trust offers a free volunteer service of emotional support and practical help at home. Practical issues like driving, shopping and getting to hospital for treatment can sometimes be hard to manage, and our volunteers can make a real difference. Weekly visits help build up a relationship with patient and carer, offering respite, company and time to listen to the feelings and concerns serious illness brings. Volunteers, who should be drivers, are invited to join our friendly and supportive team. Join our next volunteer taster sessions - Call us today on 01306 881816 and view our new volunteer videos at wwww.brigittetrust.org

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 19

great weybridge +


cake off success

here was an overwhelming response to this lovely local event; with twice as many entries as anticipated, many from the under 12 category and standards were extremely high, which made judging very challenging ! Prizes were presented by Ruth Langsford and we can all look forward to next years’ event which will be

20 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017


held on Saturday 28th April. Thanks must go to The Weybridge Town Business Group who did a fantastic job of organising this much enjoyed event. Here we can see a selection of the wonderful entries, don’t they look wonderful! Congratulations to all the bakers!


Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 21


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Clue: 11 Across

Clue: 24 Across

Clue: 6 Down across


1. Topic (5) 4. Environment (7) 8. Layer (7) 9. Soda water (5) 10. Cheap passage (8) 11. Sport (4) 13. Six feet deep in water (6) 14. Invalidate (6) 17. Artifice (4) 19. Glorious (8) 22. Torpid (5) 23. Quantities (7) 24. Aged (7) 25. Covers a wide area (5)

1. Chores (5) 2. Sincere (7) 3. Outside (8) 4. Respectful deference (6) 5. Computer memory unit (4) 6. Latin American dance (5) 7. Diplomatic (7) 12. Famished (8) 13. Surreptitious (7) 15. Brilliant musical passage (7) 16. Bee house (6) 18. Velocity (5) 20. Measured portions of medicine (5) 21. Celestial body (4)

24 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Clue: 16 Down

solutions page 36

volunteers needed



for new art group in Cobham


onquest Art is a unique charity, inspiring people with disabilities & long-term health issues to discover their creative energy & build self-confidence through art. Your few hours a week could make a real difference to people’s lives. We are seeking volunteer helpers willing to start up & support our Conquest Art Cobham Group. The group will either be held on a Mon or Fri. Not every volunteer needs artistic ability, but you do need to be a ‘people person’ - enthusiastic & ready to help create a friendly, welcoming environment where members feel relaxed & able to make the most of their time with us. As a volunteer, you will be part of a team. A good team will include organisational skills, artistic experience, finance management & making the refreshments. Volunteers are the people who make Conquest Art possible. Could you join the team? Please contact us for more info & we can arrange for you to visit an phone Tina 020 3044 2731 existing group to see what the role involves & to meet the other email enquiries@conquestart.org volunteers & members. website www.conquestart.org

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 25


Making YOUR YOUR Money Work Harder M O N E Y W O R K

Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge oce of TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge office provides advice on a recent change in tax law, of TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine or addresses a topical financial issue. provides advice on a recent change in tax law, or Car benefitachanges 2013/14issue. addresses topical financial Q: Can you summarise what the changes will Making Digital affectare me?from toWhen company car andTax van benefits 6 April 2013 please? : I’ve heard that there has been delay in Making Tax Digital A: From theintroducing 6th April the 2013:


initiative, but could you tell me when it will affect my business?

Company cars

• The car fuel benefit charge multiplier will Hammond stated that Making Tax : Philip increase from £20,200 to £21,100 Digital would be deferred by one year until


• The lower threshold will be reduced from April 2019 for unincorporated businesses and landlords turnovers below the VAT registration 120g/km to with 115g/km

threshold of £85,000. • The lowest appropriate percentages are still This is intended to provide them with additional time to 0 per cent and 5 per cent prepare for digital record keeping and quarterly updates.

• The perofcent charge will apply torolled cars At the10date writing, Making Taxnow Digital will be with emissions of 76g/km to 94g/km out as CO2 follows: Aprilappropriate 2018 – Quarterly reporting will begin for • The percentage will increase by landlords) who have a turnover 1businesses per cent(including for all vehicles with CO2 emissions above the VAT registration threshold of £85,000. between 95g/km and 215g/km, to a April 2019 – Quarterly reporting for businesses maximum of 35 per (including landlords) whocent have turnovers under the

£85,000 VAT registration threshold. Digital quarterly Vans reporting VAT is also due to start. • The van for fuel benefit charge multiplier will April 2020 – Quarterly reporting for companies will increase from £550 to £564 be introduced. Businesses, self-employed people and

• The vanwho benefit frozenbelow at £3,000 landlords have aisturnover £10,000 are exempt from theseand requirements. If youofarecompany in employment and The rules implications have secondary income of more than vehicles are far reaching, so you£10,000 would per be year through self-employment, you will also need to use the advised to seek professional advice from your digital service. local TaxAssist Accountant before acquiring a If you do not have a 5th April accounts year-end, your new vehicle.may be slightly different. obligations


Leasing a car Q: If I lease a car in the name of my personal Making Tax Digital and partnerships company, do you have any recommendations taximplications burden down? : the to keep What will Making Tax Digital have on my business A: Firstly, if the car triggers partnership a benefit in– will kind, all my partners to update our digital then you will always behave better o looking for records? a vehicle with low CO2 emissions, as this will Revenue & Customs carried out an result: in aHM lower car benefit percentage and assessment thattax revealed thatfor about thereforeimpact a lower personal liability you. 400,000 partnerships will be affected by Furthermore, you should also be aware that Making Tax Digital. However, only one nominated ifpartner the car emissions over is willhas be required to fulfil your130g/km, company’s itMaking likely that 15% of the lease payments will Tax Digital obligations. This will include ensuring be corporation tax up purposes. disallowed your business’sfor digital records are kept to date andIf the emissions below this level, the entire providing regularare updates on behalf of all the partners. lease payments should be tax deductible. Each partner’s estimated income should be based on the profit allocation Emailing P60sas reported to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). This each partner willcan not be required Q: To keep mymeans oce paperless, I send my to have their own of via the software, employees theircopy P60 email? maintain their own digital records or regularly update HMRC – unless A:they Since forminterests. P60 can be provided have 2010/11, other business either onitpaper electronically, you Although has yet or to be confirmed what but the exact should confirm with your they thresholds for partnerships willemployees be, it is likely that that the are happy to receive P60 more electronically. largest partnerships with their fee income than £10 million willwill not have report under Making Tax have access to secure Your sta needtoto Digital. Please be aware theadates listed aboveprefer facilities to view andthat print copy. If they mayto bereceive subject totheir change, following the snap General not P60 electronically, then you Election on 8th them June and feedback from a pilot must provide with a hard copy as scheme normal. which began on 3rd April 2017. Contact Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA Contact JonesorACMA on: 01932Elaine 850 600 by AFTA on: 01932 850 600 or email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk by email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk


Disclaimer - advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary and if you feel the Disclaimer – advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary and if you information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implmentation. If you take, or do not take action as a result feel that the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implementation. If you take, or do not of action readingas this column, receiving our written endorsement, we will acceptendorsement, no responsibilty anyaccept fiancialno loss incurred. take a result ofbefore reading this column, before receiving our written weforwill responsibility for any financial loss incurred.


what’s on... +

weybridge - june 2017


music in the follies +

SET TO OPEN EARLY JUNE, 2017 The Ivy Collection’s new site in the leafy village of Cobham, Surrey. The Ivy Cobham Brasserie will be situated on the bustling High Street & be open seven days a week, featuring an all-day menu offering breakfast, elevenses, lunch, light snacks, afternoon tea, cocktails, weekend brunch & dinner. The Ivy Cobham Brasserie adds to the charm & refinement of the idyllic Cobham & is an exciting addition to this thriving area. Reservation Number: 019 3290 1777 Instagram & Twitter: @ivycobhambrass Facebook: /theivycobhambrasserie The Ivy, Cobham Brasserie, 48 High St, Cobham, KT11 3EF

national quilt +

championships 2017 +

23ND - 25th JUNE 10.00AM - 4.30PM (4.00PM SUNDAY) Spectacular displays of hundreds of competitive quilts from all over the world and feature displays from well-known quilters and textile artists. Patchwork and quilting suppliers stands offering fabrics, books, patterns, sewing machines and notions to cover all your needs. Quilting experts and personalities on hand to ‘show you how’. Participate in one of our workshops by quilting experts and learn something new. Sandown Park, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9AJ | 01372 464348

28 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Yehudi Menuhin School in the Grotto +

Join us for a week of various musical delights, in the mystical follies at Painshill. Enjoy a glass of Painshill Sparkling Wine in our magical Crystal Grotto or beautifully landscaped Amphitheatre, whilst listening to the fabulous sounds of the Surrey Cantata Choir, Yehudi Menuhin School, Jazz Trio or Jazz Quartet. Adults: £22 Members £15... includes a glass of painshill sparkling wine


TUES 27TH JUNE | 5PM, 6.15PM, 7.30PM

Painshill Park, Portsmouth Rd KT11 1JE | 01932 868113

Classic Motor A N D FA M I LY F U N DAY

There will be classics galore, full hospitality serving hot & cold drinks, food, ice creams, picnic area, children’s entertainment area, stalls & a central arena where you will see a Birds of Prey display & Ewbanks Auctioneers of Send will be supporting us with an Antiques Road Show. Bring your little treasures along & get a free valuation. Pre-registration. Classics is advised & free by contacting macmillanclassiccarshow@hotmail. com or by phone on 07932 869876. This is a fun day for all the family in the knowledge that you are helping to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support, which aims to help people and their families affected by cancer. General admission on the Day: £7 per person, £6 concessions & u12’s free. SUNDAY 10th JULY 2017 - 11.00AM to 4.30PM. Clandon Park Estate, West Clandon GU4 7AA



and queens flight +


mini aces +

under 5s club +


Group Captain Marcus Wills CVO OBE is a former RAF officer commanding VC10 squadron and Deputy Captain of the Queen’s Flight. In 1988 he was made a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, an award in the personal gift of Her Majesty. Tonight he will be talking about his career and the VC10. This Classic Talk is held in the Napier Room in the historic clubhouse at Brooklands. The Members Bar is open from 6pm & hot food is available in the Blue Bird Room.

pay on the night: £2.00 01932 857 381

This is our social walking group for active older walkers, covering the stunning & occasionally hilly terrain of the Surrey Hills. Enjoy a scenic guided walk in good company on the first Friday of every month. Meet in the Coffee Shop

Mini Aces club brings the Museum to life through stories, craft, song and dance. With a focus on different objects, stories and exhibits each month, children will discover the treasures we have in our collection and build self-confidence in a new and exciting environment. Please book in advance, sessions are limited to 10 children max Each session costs £2.00 per child - Adults are free for activity (pay on the day)* Thurs 8th June 2017 | 10.30am - 12.15pm


01932 857 381 | events@brooklandsmuseum.com

Brooklands Drive KT13 0QN

Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0QN

fathers day +

painshill park


SUNDAY 18TH JUNE 2017 | 2.00PM Visit Painshill this Father’s Day and treat Dad to a beautiful country walk across the historic 18th century landscape,complete with a Gentleman’s Cream Tea* and free entry to Painshill! Free entry for Fathers, when accompanied by their children. * Additional Cost (pre-booking not required)

Painshill Park, Portsmouth Rd KT11 1JE | 01932 868113

strollers +


THUR 15TH JUNE - 7.30pm

double twelve +

dog walking +

club +


Join us on a walk of the estate with your canine friends on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Meet in the Coffee Shop Polesden Lacey, Bookham, RH5 6BB

motosport festival +

01372 452048 polesdenlacey@nationaltrust.org.uk

Daimler and lanchester The event celebrates Brooklands’ rich motoring history, and is always held on the weekend closest to the Anniversary of the original opening of the Brooklands race track in 1907. The 2-day extravaganza features Speed Trials, Driving Tests, the prestigious Double Twelve Concours & Test Hill ascents, alongside familyfriendly entertainment & activities. Format in 2017 - three stand-alone events: 1. The Double Twelve Speed Trials on the Mercedes-Benz World circuit on Sat 17th June 2. The Double Twelve Concours held on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th June 3. The Double Twelve Driving Tests on Sunday 18th June Normal Museum Admission Charges Apply 17th -18th June 2017 | 10.00am - 5.00pm

01932 857381 | events@brooklandsmuseum.com

Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0QNS


owners club day +

Club displays in and around the Paddock and Motoring Village. Normal Museum Admission Charges Apply Adults £11 Seniors & Students £10 Children (5-16) £6 BTM & LBPT members FREE

Wednesday 10th June 2017 10.00am - 5.00pm

01932 857381 events@brooklandsmuseum.com Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, KT13 0QNS

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 29

voluntary action +



poem + OF THE MONTH +

Out-of-hours Helpline volunteer needed

A charity supporting clients experiencing domestic abuse is looking for a calm person with sympathetic telephone manner and good listening skills. Full training provided. This is a home based role.

Can you spare a few hours a week?

Can you support a local children’s centre with play sessions for under 5’s? We have a variety of roles that you can get involved with at the centre, from helping out with the clinic to play & learn.

Do you have fundraising or networking experience?

A charity helping resettle refugees within Elmbridge is looking for a volunteer who can support with fundraising and community relations to join a passionate and committed team.

Interested in wildlife?

A wildlife hospital and rehabilitation centre is looking for volunteers such as animal carers, admin assistants, and receptionists.

Wanted!! Volunteer drivers across Elmbridge

Deliver a daily hot meal (and supper) to elderly residents in Elmbridge in their home during the week and weekends to assist customers to live independently in their home. Times between 11.30am to 1.30pm.

INTERESTED IN ANY OF THOSE ROLES? For more info on these roles & many other volunteering opportunities, please contact Voluntary Action Elmbridge.

Please call : 01372 463 587 Visit : www.vae.org.uk Or email : contact@vae.org.uk Esher Civic Centre: Monday & Weds 10:00 - 13:00 Walton Library: Wednesday 10:00 - 13:00 Walton Quintet: Tues, Thurs & Friday 10:00 - 13:00

30 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

Music to my ears I wake up every morning with a singer in my bed They could be male or female. They may be alive or dead It’s Not Unusual to say Tom Jones at times has passed my way And even though he’s had his day His songs still fill my head Standing in the shower or putting on my clothes A new refrain invades my brain – round and round it goes Country music, pop or soul Simply Red or Nat King Cole I’ve absolutely no control From where they come? Who knows? Adele is Chasing Pavements when I hurry down the road An unproductive pastime if the honest truth be known James Taylor turned up last weekend Reminding me I’ve Got a Friend Will these intrusions never end To change the Status Quo Britney, Rod and Elton all penetrate my brain I think I’m going Gaga. I cannot stand the strain I have to say just Yesterday All the Beatles came to play They Pleased themselves! Then went away Help! I’ve gone insane.

CT Sullivan

chicken & emmental +

pa s t i e s


INGREDIENTS 200g pack 2 Waitrose British Cooked Chicken Skinless Breast Fillets 90g Cooks’ Ingredients Smoked Ham Batons 120g Président The Emmental Grated 150g essential Waitrose Reduced Fat Soured Cream 2 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon

8 frozen puff pastry squares, thawed according to packet instructions 1 medium essential Waitrose Free Range Egg, lightly beaten 2 tsp nigella seeds Mixed salad, to serve


1. Preheat the oven to 220ºC, Gas Mark 7. Roughly chop the chicken & place in a large bowl. Stir in the ham, Emmental, soured cream and tarragon. 2. Divide the mixture between the pastry squares. Brush the border with a little water then fold in half diagonally to enclose the filling and form triangular parcels. Using a fork or your fingers, press or pinch the edges together to seal. 3. Transfer the parcels to 1-2 large non-stick baking sheets, leaving enough room between each to puff up. Brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with nigella seeds and bake for 20-25 minutes until puffed, golden and piping hot in the centre. Serve warm or cold with salad.

Serves: 8 Preparation time: :15 minutes Cooking time: 25minutes Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes

+ TIP + Tarra gon fabu is a lous part both ner chic for ken che ese and but swa can ppe be d fo r pa for a rsley mild er flavo ur.

book reviews IN GARDENS +



I’d Die For You and Other Lost Stories by F Scott Fitzgerald (Hardback £16.99) A collection of the last remaining unpublished stories of Scott Fitzgerald. It ranges from work Fitzgerald was unable to sell because its subject matter or style departed from what editors expected in the 1930s to writing submitted to magazines and which was accepted for publication but never printed. The title story ‘I’d Die For You’ draws from the time Fitzgerald spent in the mountains of North Carolina mired in alcoholism, his wife Zelda in a sanatorium nearby. In 1937, Fitzgerald moved to Hollywood with an MGM contract, where he would die in 1940 at 44. An essential addition for all Fitzgerald devotees.

Addlands by Tom Bullough, (Paperback £8.99) For generations, the Hamers have farmed land at the Funnon, their home in the Welsh borders....Idris, satisfied with the old ways of the plough and his intimate knowledge of his land and beasts, avoiding sin, his mind and body carrying memories of the First World War, Etty, his young wife, more willing to flow with the century’s changing tides to keep the family alive. Oliver, their son, is both farmer and fighter, whose legend grows in the community. The depth of knowledge and communication with the landscape of this farming family is powerfully told. As the century progresses and each generation shows its own character, the gains and losses of history are felt profoundly. A compelling and intimate novel.

All That Man Is by David Szalay (Paperback £8.99) Nine men of different ages are visited at formative points in their lives, from teenage to old age, in this uncompromising and original novel. It is as the men get older that their stories really start to grip. Their characters are more fixed, it is harder to change, decisions have bigger consequences, as there is more at stake. Szalay reveals the mistakes that men are led to make in modern European society, chasing money instead of meaning, presenting an image to other men. As each new character emerges, the realisation grows more profound and the interactions with colleagues, friends and family bring each man closer to a true glimpse of himself and the life he has chosen.

32 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

gardening +

with auntie planty

Q1: How can I stop my neighbour’s cats from using our garden as a loo? A1: There is a product called Silent Roar, which claims to be an effective three month cat deterrent. It is a box full of non-toxic pellets that have been soaked in essence of lion dung, dried and then sterilized. Cats have a sense of smell that is at least 20 times greater than humans, so they will smell it and you won’t! The cats will think a more substantial competitor has moved, in and look for easier territory elsewhere.


primrose.co.uk and click on sail shades.

Q4: I have a large and rather dull featureless lawn, and want to know what I can do to make it a little more interesting? A4: You can easily transform this by a little subtle reshaping. Instead of the edges being a hard and straight line, you could easily create an elegant oval or circle shape, and allow the flower beds on either side a little more room. Use a peg and string as a ‘compass’ and mark out the Q2: Our new garden has a clump of bamboo. While desired shape using some silver sand. Cut along the line we appreciate the screening job that it is doing, I really with a half moon edger, remove the excess turf and put it don’t want it running rampant through the rest of the on the compost heap. garden. A2: One solution is to create a physical barrier, by Q5: My lilac tree has developed a lot of suckers which digging down and placing some concrete slabs around the are now popping up all over the place. How can I get root ball. Also, if you cut the top of an emerging stem, rid of them? you will stop it in its tracks. Spotting the stems early will A5: Do not use weed killer as this will only result in mean an easier task, and if you can cut them at ground killing off the main plant itself. The normal advice is to level you won’t be left with a row of unwanted ‘stumps’. cut them of pull them off as close to the point where it joins the root. This will Q3: Our garden is south facing and has absolutely no mean digging down to large plants that would give our terrace some shade. find the junction. It’s What can you suggest? better to tear away the A3: Shade sails are a simple shaped awning , with shoot rather than use anchor points at each corner which you can then attach secateurs so that the to the house and fence/wall for greatest effect. When majority of dormant the summer has gone, you simply unhook it, roll it up buds are removed at for storage until needed next year. You could visit www. the same time.

Valerie Munro is a chartered horticulturist. She offers unique and personal tuition sessions explaining the whys and wherefores of good gardening techniques in your own garden. www.auntieplanty.co.uk © 2017 Valerie McBride-Munro

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 33

27th May - 4th June 2017


(Tues-Fri) Birds of Prey flying demonstrations

Circus skills workshop

Panning for gold Baby goat kids, lambs & more!


Loads of indoor & outdoor play!


www.bockettsfarm.co.uk #



£1 OFF full price farm entry per person* Valid from 5th June - 16th July 2017.

Only with this voucher (*maximum of 5 people).

sudoku +




what word +



Can you guess what ONE word we are describing? It is just ONE word and this can get a little tricky but fun.

Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!

34 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

1. The wave behind a boat 2. Lady (slang), hop 3. Automobile, green light 4. 2 dice 5. This ___ that, rifle 6. 5th letter, harbour 7. Make the 11th letter stumble 8. Sack the plumbing 9. Fish catcher, play opposite 10. Street, 5th & 15th letter See how many you can solve?

solutions page 36


bad news... We’re constantly bombarded by bad news from various parts of the world, of terrorist attacks, war, natural disasters and fears of a stock market crash. Many people suffer from media sensationalism fatigue (MSF). What can we do, apart from criticise the perpetrators of crime and phone radio stations with opinions as to what the government should be doing to ‘fix’ things? I often feel powerless and turn off such programmes. What can I do?


ts impact on us …

Researchers Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan found that people who watch just three minutes of negative news before 10am have a 27 percent greater likelihood of reporting their day as unhappy or depressing six to eight hours later, compared to those watching solutions-focused news that build the belief that our behaviour matters. News stories usually feature problems we can do little or nothing about, Achor says, and this can lead to “learned helplessness”. Our brain becomes conditioned to delete opportunities when we think that the world is negative: new opportunities may disappear before we even notice them. On the other hand, he says that, when we’re optimistic, our brain thinks it has more resources to solve problems and come up with solutions, so it actually lets in more opportunities. Stop bad news from hijacking happiness with Shawn Achor’s three strategies to counter negativity from the news: - Turn off news alerts on your phone, computer and other devices for one week. - Cancel the noise: practise meditation or at least don’t listen to angry phone-in programmes! - Start the day with solution-focused news instead of regular news programmes, to inspire actions and potential solutions. Then I suggest you treat yourself to his Ted talk on YouTube – it’s seriously funny!

… and our impact on it

I find my greatest power, when I’m overwhelmed by bad news in the media, is in doing the opposite of the actions

that have disturbed me. To borrow from St Francis of Assisi, where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy… and so I can look to my own life to see where I could be more loving, where I could bring more hope, where I could shine more light. We cannot change the past and in many cases we cannot change the present, but each of us, individually and collectively, has the power to change the future. We can only do this if we consciously commit ourselves to spreading truth, compassion, forgiveness and generosity through our words and actions, and live with kindness, courage and integrity. Let’s make the world a better place.

Sonia Duggan + CPCC ACC +

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Q U IET PL EASE! Sat 1 - Sun 16 July

• Serving a delicious twist on a Wimbledon Cream Tea, with the addition of an Eton Mess, plus a scone, jam, clotted cream and a refreshing pot of loose leaf tea. •

only £5.95 per person

• Available daily at all Squire’s Garden Centres* Stoke Road, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 3PU Visit: squiresgardencentres.co.uk * Except Woking

Wimbledon Afternoon Tea - Cobham - Look Local - 128mm (w) x 88mm (h).indd 1



page 18


+ JUNE’S puzzles +

page 24


Crossword puzzle +

03/05/2017 16:26:13

Sudoku puzzle

What Word puzzle +

page 18


1. . Awake 2. Broad-jump 3. Cargo 4. Paradise 5. Organ 6. E-Bay 7. Triple 8. Bagpipes 9. Network 10. Rodeo

36 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017

dragon boat race +


and fun day registration open

ather your team for Woking & Sam Beare Hospices’ exciting annual all-day Dragon Boat Race and fun day at Woking’s Goldsworth Park Lake on Sunday 25 June, sponsored by Trident Honda. Oars at the ready! Teams of 12-20 people can take the plunge to race across the lake in special boats, competing against the clock and each other to win a place in the final race of the day. It’s a great event for all the family, as anyone aged 12 and above can race (under 18s must have an adult in the team), and no experience is required. If you are looking for a team-building challenge for your colleagues or club, this is the perfect event for you too. If you are not feeling quite so energetic, there will be lots of other activities for you to enjoy on the lake side, including a bouncy castle, ice cream, BBQ, face painting, tombola, plant tent, games, stalls and much more! You may even like to visit the Pimms tent and toast the rowers’ hard work from the banks of the lake or indulge in a well-deserved Pimms after rowing yourself. Dragon boating is a water sport which has its roots


dating back 2000 years throughout southern China. Whilst ‘competition’ has taken place annually for more than 20 centuries, as part of religious ceremonies and folk customs, dragon boat racing has emerged in modern times as an international sport, beginning in Hong Kong in 1976. Woking & Sam Beare Hospices’ Dragon Boat event will once again be held in memory of keen hospice supporter Kris Cook, who grew up close to the lake where he pursued his love of water sports. Trident Honda is the Dragon Boat event sponsor as part of its commitment made in 2016 to be a major sponsor for the charity over three years, after 21 years’ ongoing support for our hospices. All funds raised from the event will support the charity’s new 20 ensuite-bedroom hospice in Goldsworth Park. Visit www.wsbhospices.co.uk to find out more and to enter your team. Registration is £25 per person. Boats and life jackets are supplied, you just need to bring your competitive spirit for a fun race day experience!

Looklocal Magazine - February 2017 37

advertisers +



Ashford Kitchens................................................ 23 Mailboxes Etc..................................................... 14 Blue Local Handymen.......................................... 7 Meejana Lebanese Restaurant............................... 8 Bocketts Farm.................................................... 34 Monthly Poem................................................... 30 Book Reviews..................................................... 32 Music Matters.................................................... 15 Bruce’s Doggie Day Care...............................12/13 Opera in the Park............................................... 26 Charterhouse Roofing & General Building.......... 8 Out on a Limb................................................... 19 Chips Away........................................................ 17 Polesden Lacey Shakespeare................................ 15 Claremont Fan Court School............................... 5 Premier Carpets.................................................... 9 Conquest Art..................................................... 25 Rachael Underwood........................................... 13 Downs Solicitors.................................................. 4 Silver Arrows...................................................... 12 DPB Oven Cleaning ......................................... 15 Sonia – Coaching with Inspiration..................... 35 Dream Doors..................................................... 39 Squires Garden Centre....................................... 36 Elite Yoga............................................................. 7 Tax Assist........................................................... 27 Elmbridge Volunteer Centre............................... 30 The Brigitte Trust............................................... 19 Excel Plumbing.................................................. 25 Waist Checker.................................................... 12 First Church of Christ ....................................... 22 Waitrose Recipe.................................................. 31 Hanging Space................................................... 40 Weybridge & Walton Physio................................ 6 House of Surrey.................................................... 2 Just Shutters......................................................... 7


MacDonald Fencing & Sons Ltd........................ 14 DESIGNED & SET BY KIRSTY HAMILTON All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2017. All rights reserved.

38 Looklocal Magazine - February 2017


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