Rotor Review Fall 2021 #154

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Executive Director’s View Finishing 2021 on a High Note

By CAPT Jim Gillcrist, USN (Ret.) ith Symposium and Gulf Coast Fleet Fly-In (GCFFI) complete, NHA is getting healthier and stronger as active membership continues to tick up. That both events could be conducted in person this Fall proved to be a real shot in the arm and morale booster. It was downright awesome to see the Rotary Force spending time together. As a result, everyone’s mental health seems to be better as active duty, reserve, retired, civilian, and industry gathered to celebrate who we are and connect with shipmates.


From an event planning and execution standpoint, there are a few critical shoutouts worth noting: • The JO and Aircrew Volunteers made Symposium and GCFFI happen – no question about it. Big thanks to Screech, DQ, Smacks, Pony, Rhino, AWOL, AWSC Chavez, Thumbalina, IKE, Kasey, Gump, Donny, Moose, Scramble, Boggs, Gid’r, AWRC Carpenito, JWA, CTAF, AWSCM Loiselle, Lana, Saul, Banana, AWRCM Hickey, Cathy, AWSCM Hauptman, Kuzco, Leno, Bubbles, Banana, Caspr, Donny, Elsa, Freq, Ink, Outback, Junkie, Amber, BOB, and more. •

Our Industry Partners renewed corporate memberships and sponsored all kinds of activities and events – your consistent generosity is keeping operations in the black.

Lastly, thank you to our outgoing National President (“Easy”) for remaining steady during the pandemic and always finding a way to get to … “yes.” Indebted to your leadership and constant good humor!

I think you will enjoy this issue of Rotor Review – Bubbles, Allyson, and the Editorial Team are engaging across the Rotary Force for interesting and relevant content from the “On Leadership” and “Commodore’s Corner” feature columns to a host of articles from JOs and Aircrew across the Fleet who are pushing the thought leadership envelope on warfighting. Membership is the lifeblood of the organization, and it starts at the squadron level (in the wardrooms & aircrew shops). Our three Winging Clerks at NAS Whiting Field are also part of the team as they help promote NHA to the new wingers. The efforts of Ms. Barbara Pace (HT-8), Mr. Antquil Cage (HT-18), and Mr. Joe Sanders (HT-28) are huge. Finally, connecting with new and expired members remains a team sport. Active members at all levels are in a great position to help drive membership. For those of you who are on the fence about joining or renewing – just do it and become a member of your professional organization! •

Please keep your membership / profile up to date. If you should need any assistance at all, give us a call at (619) 4357139 and we will be happy to help – you will get Linda, Mike, Allyson, or myself.

Warm regards with high hopes, Jim Gillcrist.

“Every Member Counts / Stronger Together”

RADM Dan Fillion,USN (Ret.), NHA's Chairman coins the newest Lifetime Member, Ed Berry (# 537) during at Fleet Fly-In. 7

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