SA Building Review - Volume 10

Page 178

Your Your trusted Yourtrusted trusted Your trusted HVACpartner. partner. HVAC HVAC partner. HVAC partner. ChasingExcellence. Excellence. Chasing Chasing Excellence. Chasing Excellence. FosteringInnovation Fostering Fostering Innovation Fostering Innovation Family values are often Family Familyvalues valuesare areoften often instrumental inare creating a strong Family values oftenaastrong instrumental instrumental inincreating creating strong sense of vision and identity for instrumental in creating a sense senseofofvision visionand andidentity identitystrong for for business leaders and Fourways sense of vision and identity for business business leaders leaders and andFourways Fourways Group is no different. For more business andFor Fourways Group Group isisno noleaders different. different. For more more than 20isyears, the Fourways name Group no different. For more than than 20 20 years, years, the theFourways Fourways name name has been synonymous with than 20 years, the Fourways name has has been beensynonymous synonymous with with and integrity, work, loyalty has been hard synonymous with integrity, integrity, hard hardwork, work, loyalty loyaltyand and commitment customer integrity, hardtowork, loyalty and commitment commitment to to customer customer satisfaction. precisely these commitmentIttoiscustomer satisfaction. satisfaction. It It is is precisely precisely these these longstandingItprinciples that have satisfaction. is precisely these longstanding longstanding principles principles that that have have been instrumental to the longstanding principles that have been been instrumental instrumental the the company’s proudtoto legacy been instrumental to the of company’s company’s proud proud legacy legacy ofof success; forproud itself legacy and for hundreds company’s of success; success; for for itself itself and and for for hundreds hundreds of SMME and large HVAC success; for itself and for hundreds ofofbusinesses. SMME SMME and and large large HVAC HVAC of SMME and large HVAC businesses. businesses. businesses. Since 1999, Fourways Group has delivered world-class indoor air and Since Since 1999, 1999, Fourways Fourways Group Group has Since 1999, Fourways Grouphas has water temperature-control delivered delivered world-class world-class indoor indoor air air and and delivered world-class indoor air and solutions to the market, expanding water water temperature-control temperature-control water temperature-control from a tiny outlet selling one or solutions solutions to to the the market, market, expanding expanding solutions to the market, expanding from from aatiny outlet outlet selling selling one one from atiny tiny outlet selling oneoror or

two Samsung air conditioners here two twoSamsung Samsungair airconditioners conditionershere here and there and spare parts to COD twothere Samsung air conditioners here and and there and andspare spare parts partstotoCOD COD customers, into a growing and there and spare parts to COD customers, customers, into into aagrowing growing enterprise that boasts a strong customers, into a growing enterprise enterprisethat thatboasts boastsaastrong strong national and international footprint enterprise that boasts a strong national nationaland andinternational internationalfootprint footprint with overand 200international employees.footprint Today, national with with over over200 200 employees. employees. Today, Today, Fourways stands as South Today, Africa’s with over 200 employees. Fourways Fourways stands stands as as South South Africa’s Africa’s largest importer distributor of Fourways standsand as South Africa’s largest largest importer importer and and distributor distributor of of Samsung and Alliance air largest importer and distributor of Samsung Samsung and and Alliance Alliance air air conditioners heat pumps, Samsung andand Alliance air conditioners conditioners and and heat heat pumps, servicing a network ofpumps, more than conditioners and heat pumps, servicing servicing a a network network of of more more than than 2000 dealers, contractors and servicing a network of more than 2000 2000 dealers, contractors contractors and and architects who consistently turn its 2000dealers, dealers, contractors and architects architects who who consistently consistently turn turnits its way for eco-friendly and architects who consistently turn its way way for eco-friendly and and energy-saving ranges, from the wayfor foreco-friendly eco-friendly and energy-saving energy-saving ranges, ranges, from fromthe the smallest portable and mid-wall energy-saving ranges, from the smallest smallest portable and and mid-wall mid-wall splits, toportable large-scale VRF systems smallest portable and mid-wall splits, splits, to to large-scale large-scale VRF VRF systems systems and Rooftop units. The company’s splits, to large-scale VRF systems Alliance heatunits. pumps provide and and Rooftop units. The The company’s company’s andRooftop Rooftop units. The company’s residential and commercial Alliance Alliance heat heat pumps pumps provide provide Alliance heat pumps providehot water solutions for indoor and residential residential and andcommercial commercial hot hot and commercial hot outdoor use in the form of direct water water solutions solutions for for indoor indoor and and solutions for indoor and outdoor outdooruse useinin inthe theform formof ofdirect direct use the form of direct

Fourways is a ‘one-stop shop’ for a wide variety of HVAC needs

Fourways a‘one-stop ‘one-stop shop’ foraaawide widevariety HVAC needs Fourways Fourways isisaisa‘one-stop shop’ shop’ for for wide varietyofof ofHVAC HVACneeds needs

and cycle heat pumps, as well as and andcycle cycleheat heatpumps, pumps,asaswell wellasas pool heat heat pumps, ideal as economical and cycle pumps, well as pool pool heat heatpumps, pumps, ideal idealeconomical economical solutions all water heating pool heat to pumps, ideal economical solutions solutions totoall allwater water heating heating requirements. solutions to all water heating requirements. requirements. requirements. In the air-conditioning industry, it InInthe theair-conditioning air-conditioning industry, industry,itit takes than a few industry, gusts of it In the more air-conditioning takes takes more more than than a a few few gusts gustsofof fresh to leave lasting takes air more than aa few gusts of fresh freshair airtotoleave leaveaalasting lasting impression. Becoming a trusted fresh air to leave a lasting impression. impression. Becoming Becoming aatrusted trusted name means delivering impression. Becoming aquality, trusted name namemeans means delivering delivering quality, quality, innovation and trusted service name means delivering quality,time innovation innovation and and trusted trusted service service time time and time again. With the passing of innovation and trusted service time and and time time again. again. With With the the passing passing years, Fourways’ mission to grow and time again. With the passing ofofof years, years,Fourways’ Fourways’ Fourways’ mission mission to grow grow alongside its loyalmission installer network years, toto grow alongside alongside its itsloyal loyal loyal installer installer network network who have its contributed significantly alongside installer network who who have have contributed contributed significantly significantly to thehave business’ expansion and who contributed significantly to to the the business’ business’ expansion expansion and and evolution has never wavered. The to the business’ expansion and evolution evolution has has never never wavered. wavered. The The brand’s promise of ‘service above evolution has never wavered. The all else’ still ringsof true, manifesting brand’s brand’s promise promise of of ‘service ‘service above above brand’s promise ‘service above into Fourways becoming a all all else’ else’ still still rings rings true, true, manifesting manifesting all else’ still rings true, manifesting one-stop-shop solution for intoFourways Fourways Fourwaysbecoming becoming becoming a into aadiverse HVAC business needs that make one-stop-shop one-stop-shop solution solution for for diverse diverse one-stop-shop solution for diverse how installers trade and operate a HVAC HVACbusiness business businessneeds needs needs that that make make HVAC that make whole lot easier. This includes how and operate a aa howinstallers installers installerstrade trade trade and and operate operate access to products whole easier. This includes whole wholelot lot loton-the-spot easier. easier. This This includes includes supply, design assistance, access products access accessto to toon-the-spot on-the-spot on-the-spot products products technical back-up, training, supply, design assistance, supply, supply,design designassistance, assistance, long-term after-sales parts supply technical training, technical technicalback-up, back-up, back-up, training, training, and an online dealer resource long-term parts supply long-term long-termafter-sales after-sales after-sales parts parts supply supply portal, all underpinned by fair and an online dealer resource and andan anonline onlinedealer dealerresource resource pricing andunderpinned the supportby of fair a portal, portal, portal,all all allunderpinned underpinned by byfair fair highly-skilled and experienced pricing of aaa pricing pricingand and andthe the thesupport support support ofof team. With all thisexperienced and more it’s highly-skilled highly-skilled highly-skilledand and andexperienced experienced easy to see why Fourways is it’s a team. and more team. team.With With Withall all allthis this this and and more more it’s it’s trusted, go-to partner for countless easy to see why Fourways is a easy easytoto see seewhy whyFourways Fourways isisaa HVAC professionals, company trusted, go-to partnerafor countless trusted, trusted, go-to go-to partner partner for for countless countless delivering innovative a solutions that HVAC professionals, company HVAC HVAC professionals, professionals, a a company company make a world of difference delivering innovative solutions that delivering delivering innovative innovative solutions solutions that that whatever the size or scope a make a world of difference make makeabusiness aworld worldofof difference differencemay be. client’s and whatever the size orprojects scope a whatever whateverthe thesize sizeororscope scopeaa client’s business and projects may be. client’s client’sbusiness businessand andprojects projectsmay maybe. be.

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Articles inside

John Deere Construction: Breaks new ground

pages 198-199

Ridge 8 – slender grandeur & modern, timeless

pages 194-197

GIfA Architecture Awards 2021 – showcasing excellence

pages 190-193

Using continuously galvanized steel for light steel frame building

pages 187-189

Melrose Manor Senior Living Estate

pages 182-186

4IR will drive the post-pandemic construction industry

pages 180-181

Fourways Group: Your trusted HVAC partner Chasing Excellence. Fostering Innovation

pages 178-179

Future-facing EcoTec tiles enhance new Irene Link Precinct

pages 176-177

Discover comfort, durability & reliable protection

pages 174-175

Shapa Soweto – innovative multi-sport facility

pages 168-173

Taxi rank transformed into final office building in

pages 144-145

Twinstar Precast: Quality is the custom

pages 146-149

Striking curved glazed office building redefines

pages 162-167

Lumiѐre luxury housing development

pages 140-143

Barloworld equipment showroom

pages 156-161

Water conservation and innovative solutions to a water crisis

pages 150-155

Ucrete Flooring Systems: Seamless, monolithic

pages 138-139

The Bank

pages 134-137

A new alternative to fibre-cement eaves cladding

pages 132-133

Soil and serenity

pages 118-123

Paintsmiths passion for the environment

pages 116-117

Successful transverse launch of Ashton Arch

pages 128-131

Energy efficient architectural window film solutions for commercial retrofit market

pages 124-127

Ctrack: The importance of telematics and fleet

pages 110-111

The Fish Hoek house – a container house has stepped terraced areas

pages 112-115

Managing readymix waste for a sustainable planet

pages 108-109

Mixed-use developments drive trend for convenience and integration

pages 104-107

Oban Estate

pages 98-103

Floorworx: Encouraging more locally manufactured goods

pages 90-91

South African Wood Preservers Association Preservative treated wood – a sustainable choice

pages 78-79

Designing progressive schools

pages 92-95

Hansgrohe: A partnership you can count on

pages 96-97

Jewel City – a series of thoughtful interventions breathing new life into Johannesburg’s CBD

pages 86-89

Sawmilling SA: Taking timber to new heights

pages 82-84

Is a multi-storey timber building an economically viable option in SA?

pages 80-81

House with a view

pages 72-77

The role of zinc in building and construction

pages 64-67

House van Pletzen: Pavilions in the landscape

pages 62-63

PPC launches skills training for bakkie builders

pages 58-59

Ashton International College chooses Samsung and Alliance

pages 68-71

Harbour Arch a key contributor to Western Cape Covid-19 recovery plan

pages 56-57

PPC: Bridging the skills gap, one brick at a time

pages 60-61

Green School SA defined by organic shapes from the mountains & the Paarl Berg boulders

pages 52-55

Managing construction waste is part of a greener future

pages 50-51

Stiebel Eltron: Sustainable comfort

pages 48-49

Safal Steel: What the built environment can do for sustainability

pages 40-43

Hatfield Square design provides ideal social

pages 34-37

Dynamic glass tower with soaring facade – an exciting addition to Cape Town’s skyline

pages 44-47

Demolition vs deconstruction in a sustainable built environment

pages 30-33


pages 26-29

Emerging contractors key to construction sector recovery

pages 38-39

Technology is revolutionising coatings

pages 24-25

Cover feature: Koen and Associates Architecture Creating sustainable, innovative architecture

pages 14-19
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