Get your garden ready this xxxxx ‘smart home’ Designing an evolving future home home Buying or selling a home? | Loadshedding advice September 2022 R45.00 Incl. VAT 9772219724008 22007 Volume 12 Issue September3 2022 an evolving future Get your garden ready this kitchens kitchens Open planaDesigningbedroom? ‘smart home’ dopamine-happydopamine-happy Create aCreate a spring springTurning your home into aTurning your home into a a bedroom?

The 360 Cassette is Samsung’s trailblazing and stylish design for providing energy-efficient climate control for your business.
Model PC4NUDMANSquareWhite1000W PC4NBDMANSquareBlack1000W PC4NUNMANCircularWhite PC4NBNMANCircularBlack JUNGSIK Restaurant Location: STARBUCKSSouthCOFFEE Location: YogurteriaUK Location: Italy Individual Controllers Images are for illustration product size varies Accessories Model PC4NUDMANSquareWhite1000W PC4NBDMANSquareBlack1000W PC4NUNMANCircularWhite PC4NBNMANCircularBlack JUNGSIK Restaurant Location: STARBUCKSSouthCOFFEE Location: YogurteriaUK Location: Italy Individual Controllers Images are for illustration product size varies Accessories Model PC4NUDMANSquareWhite1000W PC4NBDMANSquareBlack1000W PC4NUNMANCircularWhite PC4NBNMANCircularBlack JUNGSIK Restaurant Location: STARBUCKSSouthCOFFEE Location: YogurteriaUK Location: Italy Individual Controllers Images are for product size varies Accessories
The bladeless air conditioner gently circulates and descends air across the entire room so that every corner has the same temperature. Compared to conventional cassettes, it expels 25% more air* and spreads it farther thus minimising electricity consumption. The circular shape stands out beautifully when installed in a ceiling and with any finishings, fitting with the trendy and modern architectural designs, and offering flexibility to suit the style of any room.
Style is in the air.

Smart Airconditioning Solutions · JHB: (011) 704 6320 · PTA: (012) 643 0445 · CT: (021) 556 8292 · KZN: (031) 579 1895 · QB: (041) 484 6413 · EL: (043) 722 0671 · FS: 083 381 0074 Contact Fourways to learn more about incorporating the 360 Cassette into a Samsung VRF System. AR-KH03E MWR-WE13N MWR-WG00JN MIM-H03N Individual Controllers Samsung CassetteCassette9ModelPanels(SoldSeparately)TypeFinishDimensions(mm)ShippingDimensions(mm)NetWeight(kg)Shippingweight(kg) PC4NUDMANSquareWhite1000Wx66Hx1000D1,093Wx85Hx1,083D3.66.3 PC4NBDMANSquareBlack1000Wx66Hx1000D1,093Wx85Hx1,083D3.66.3 PC4NUNMANCircularWhite1050Øx66H1,093Wx85Hx1,083D2.75.3 PC4NBNMANCircularBlack1050Øx66H1,093Wx85Hx1,083D2.75.3 RestaurantSouthKoreaCOFFEE Cafe Location: South Korea PARIS BAGUETTE Cafe (THE PLACE) Location: China Mingles Restaurant Location: South Korea Controllers AR-KH03EMWR-WE13NMWR-WG00JNMIM-H03N illustration purposes. Product images may be different to actual product, varies depending on model. Accessories(soldseparately) Samsung CassetteCassette9TypeFinishDimensionsPanels(SoldSeparately) PC4NUDMANSquareWhite1000W(mm)ShippingDimensions(mm)NetWeight(kg)Shippingweight(kg) PC4NBDMANSquareBlack1000Wx66Hx1000D1,093Wx85Hx1,083D3.66.3 PC4NUNMANCircularWhitex66Hx1000D1,093Wx85Hx1,083D3.66.3 PC4NBNMANCircularBlack1050Øx66H1,093Wx85Hx1,083D2.75.3 1050Øx66H1,093Wx85Hx1,083D2.75.3 RestaurantKoreaCOFFEE Cafe Location: South Korea PARIS BAGUETTE Cafe (THE PLACE) Location: China Mingles Restaurant Location: South Korea AR-KH03EMWR-WE13NMWR-WG00JNMIM-H03N illustration purposes. Product images may be different to actual product, varies depending on model. Accessories(soldseparately) Samsung CassetteCassette9ModelPanels(SoldSeparately)TypeFinishDimensions(mm)ShippingDimensions(mm)NetWeight(kg)Shippingweight(kg) PC4NUDMANSquareWhite1000Wx66Hx1000D1,093Wx85Hx1,083D3.66.3 PC4NBDMANSquareBlack1000Wx66Hx1000D1,093Wx85Hx1,083D3.66.3 PC4NUNMANCircularWhite1050Øx66H1,093Wx85Hx1,083D2.75.3 PC4NBNMANCircularBlack1050Øx66H1,093Wx85Hx1,083D2.75.3 RestaurantSouthKoreaCOFFEE Cafe Location: South Korea PARIS BAGUETTE Cafe (THE PLACE) Location: China Mingles Restaurant Location: South Korea Controllers AR-KH03EMWR-WE13NMWR-WG00JNMIM-H03N illustration purposes. Product images may be different to actual product, varies depending on model. Accessories(soldseparately)

Interior design is a discipline that plays a key role at the conclusion of a successful new project, as well as in multiple home, office and commercial projects.
Big news in the circular construction economy is the project in Cape Town’s eastern CBD, which features highly innovative usage of hemp construction material and sustainable timber. It is heartening to note that South Africa is finally allowed to cultivate hemp in South African plantations, which opens the local industry up, meaning that materials and products may be made locally, stimulating jobs and business along that value chain. Griffiths Editor,
56 4 volume 12 | issue 3
TO BUILD frequently features the work of leading interior designers, proving that in South Africa there is no shortage of talent. A designer who frequently graces our pages is Kim Williams, who has recently launched a book about her design philosophy, entitled MyYellow Room. Having spent a portion of her life in corporate employee relations before venturing into full-time interior design, Kim draws a number of parallels between the hard design end of the profession, and the soft, human-focussed end, which informs the requirement of many building occupants and clients. True to life, she draws parallels between human existence and the design space, based on challenging beliefs and starting again with a clean slate. The book is full of parallels between the writer’s life to date and what informs successful design projects, which she argues are built on one decision at a time, first completely clearing the space and taking into the space only what is “Itneeded.isespecially important to understand the light in a (space) .. and how it is used. We gravitate towards light and warmth during the day and quieter, cooler places at other times. It is important to know how these can serve you”. With this advice in mind, we also interviewed Hanno de Swardt. A Cape Town based architect who offers multidisciplinary residential, commercial and retail design services. We share two of his recent design projects with you, with particular focus on the best use of lighting as mentioned by Williams.
Enjoy the read. Gareth
To Build Gareth 93 To Build To_build_publicationTo_BuildPublication 72 ED’S NOTE |

+27 87 610 0866 l www.nowatech.greenRESILIENT.PROVEN. TRUSTED Superior strength and quality wrapped up in premium building products. Nowa Tech products are incredibly tough, UV resistant, light-weight, green and recyclable. Suitable for commercial, industrial and residential use. 10 GUARANTEEYEAR PVC Composite Decking Manufacturer

6 volume 12 | issue 3 16 84 Harrington Street - A world first for the circular economy DESIGN 20 Create a dopamine-happy home! 24 Give your bathroom a facelift this Spring 28 Creating the most suitable silhouette 32 Grid pattern doors say it all WINDOWS & DOORS 36 Holistic approach for door & window solutions KITCHENS DESIGN 40 Open plan kitchens an evolving future ADVERTORIAL 44 EGGER "Interior Match": Designed to be together BEDROOMS DESIGN 46 Designing a bedroom? Avoid these mistakes 40 DESIGN FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES 50 Bespoke decor & new furniture concepts ADVERTORIAL 54 Quality indoor braais by Thermo Fires HOME AUTOMATION 56 Turning your home into a ‘smart home’ FEATURE – ALLBRO 60 SLAB BOX™ a perfect fit ELECTRICAL 64 Some loadshedding advice from the ECA(SA) 66 Including backup power in projects: A must-do 68 Want backup power? What to do 20 16 50 28 CONTENTS

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76 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or its agents. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information published, the publisher does not accept responsibility for any error or omission contained herein. Consequently, no person connected with the publication of this journal will be liable for any loss or damage sustained by any reader as a result of action following statements or opinions expressed herein. The publisher will give consideration to all material submitted, but does not take responsibility for damage or its safe return. 6 Carlton Crescent, Parklands, 7441 | Tel: 021 424 3625 | Fax: 086 270 9693 Email: | Website: PUBLISHER Elroy van HEAD OF EDITORIAL Tashne EDITOR (& Imaging) Gareth SUB-EDITOR CONTENT MANAGER Wadoeda EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Anthony Schewitz Anton Hanekom Des SuvasinGeorgeSchnettlerSenzereMoodley, Plascon The Italtile Blog EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Maurisha DESIGN AND LAYOUT Anja ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER Rene van ADVERTISING SALES Jacqui DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER Jay-Dee van SOCIAL MEDIA Kyla van DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS Shihaam WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR Justin CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Shaun RECEPTIONIST Daniëla DISTRIBUTION: PICTURE CREDIT: | PRINTED BY: ON THE DOT PUBLISHED BY:100 To Build To_build_publicationTo_BuildPublication DIY 70 A guide to drilling SUPPLIERS & CONTRACTORS 72 Get the job done - choose the right colour 74 Advertorial: SAFAL STEEL A world-class product for a world-first award 76 A roof to do South Africa proud 82 Planning an outdoor timber structure 86 News from TIPSASA - IRT Training Centre 90 Eco-friendly and cost-saving water heating solutions GREEN BUILDING 93 Is regenerative gardening an option? 96 A renewable source of net zero concrete? 100 Working towards a plastic-free world? PROPERTY 103 The ‘voetstoots’ clause – an explainer 106 Get your garden ready this Spring CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTORIAL108 110 Why Nowa Tech PVC composite decking is a great fit for lodges in Africa 112 Jax Oleum 8 volume 12 | issue 3

Over three decades, it has grown into a respected educational initiative and a highlight on institution calendars. Many of the winners and finalists have achieved greatness.
PG Bison
10 volume 12 | issue 3
“Architecture and interior design students will create the built environment of the future,” she says. “This competition is a way of not only allowing them the opportunity to experience a real-world brief without the pressures that usually come with one, but to expose them to important social themes to help them to understand the impact they can have in shaping the world we will all live in.”
In 2022, the PG Bison 1.618 Education Initiative ( celebrates 30 years of creativity and showcasing the work of up-and-coming South African architecture and interior design students.
Lian Markham, Communications Manager at PG Bison, says that the 1.618 Education Initiative speaks to PG Bison’s strategy of being a purpose-led business that creates a positive social and environmental change.
The 2022 brief Every year, a site is selected for the new competition brief based on where the previous year’s winner was studying. The 2021 winner, Zander Etienne Deysel, was studying architecture at Nelson Mandela University, so for 2022, the competition is set in the Kouga region. It’s themed “Living Big” and requires students to develop a proposal for a mixed-use residential and retail space for the Coega Development Corporation, with residential units of various sizes.
Nathaniel Wakefield, director at Batley Partners, a design-focused architecture and interior design consultancy based in Johannesburg, is one of the competition judges and helped to design the brief.
“Winning this competition was an incredible tool to jumpstart my career,” says Callie van der Merwe, who won the first edition of the competition in 1992 and is now the founder of Design Partnership Australia. Andrew Mboyi, the winner of the 2013 edition of the competition, is a designer working across multiple disciplines. “The PG Bison 1.618 Education Initiative opened up a vast number of opportunities,” he says. “I’d go as far as saying it allowed me to pick who to work for, instead of waiting for employers to pick me.”
“The brief centres around finding a real-world solution to the real-world lack of housing problem for workers in the area. This solution must be a workable, adaptable and modular model for use elsewhere, where workers could live close to work and avoid spending exorbitant sums of money on transport,” he explains.
The winning student and their lecturer each win a cash prize of R50 000, while the runner-up takes home R25 000 and third-place wins R10 000. Entries for the event closed last month and the winner will be announced soon.
The competition was first launched in 1992 and started out as a means to introduce third-year students to PG Bison’s products.
PG Bison 1.618 Education Initiative
celebrates 30 years

High demand for timber increases its value, making it less attractive for local communities to replace forests with other, less eco-friendly crops.
The more wood we use, the more forests we will save. It might seem contradictory, but it’s simple economics.
As one of South Africa’s largest building materials suppliers, it is our responsibility to minimise our impact on the Carefullyenvironment.managed, wood is a renewable resource, which is why we prefer to source our raw timber from responsibly managed forests, where harvesting is strictly controlled.
You can choose our wooden windows and doors, garage doors, and COL products secure in the knowledge that the next generation will be able to do the same.
And if you include the energy-saving benefits, wood is still the natural choice for the environment. Call us on 086 110 2425 or visit MamelodiUPDATES Square
• The purpose of the research: This important research aims to identify the motivating factors that influence registered quantity surveyors to establish their quantity surveying firms. It also examines the barriers that restrict those who wish to start their firms.
The research title: Entrepreneurship in the Quantity Surveying Profession
• The target population: Professional Quantity Surveyors
Louis Pretorius, a partner at MDS Architecture, says that the new single level enclosed shopping centre currently in build in Mamelodi will offer 16 640m² GLA. to open to trade soon MDS Architecture
12 volume 12 | issue 3
Quantity surveyors: Current survey conducted by the Nelson Mandela University on behalf of the profession. from The Weekend Property and Construction News by the ASAQS.
Mamelodi Square has parking for 322 cars and a taxi rank that can accommodate 43 Thetaxis.main contractor is Tri-Star Construction and completion is scheduled for October 2022.
QS professionals
Students busy with research need your help to collect data for their theses. Please assist by participating in this questionnaire (you can claim a half-hour of CPD2 for each completed survey). The closing date for completion of the questionnaire is 16 September 2022. Survey Link:
“Mamelodi Square is situated in an area with limited business premises. It will serve the community by offering an array of shopping options, a food court and children’s play area. For this reason, it was important to ensure easy access from both Tsamaya Avenue and Shilovhane Street,” says DesignedPretorius.byaward-winning MDS Architecture for developers McCormick Property Development and Putprop Limited, a listed property group, the centre is located in the heart of Mamelodi. The entrances are large, bright red portal structures which pop against the exterior neutral colour palette in shades of gray. The food court and children’s play area are situated at one of the prominent entrances into Mamelodi Square. Lighting of the mall and the entrances was given a lot of thought during the design process. It also features a series of roof lights.

Earlier in the year, Kebony, a global leader in the production of sustainable wood, launched its Sustainability Report 2021. Inspired by the GRI Standards reporting framework, the report provides a transparent assessment of Kebony's environmental impact to certify its sustainable credentials. and a sustainable future Kebony Wood Eco-friendly timber
Norman Willemsen, CEO at Kebony commented: “Now more than ever, we are witnessing key disruptive trends in the construction industry, resulting in a need for more, safer, and greener products. This trend further strengthens (our) position and it is our strong belief that a timber construction revolution is on the rise. Innovative wood products and increasing recognition of wood’s cost effectiveness, versatility and light carbon footprint are driving its expanded use in residential and non-residential buildings.”
The Kebony Sustainability Report for 2021, includes details of the company’s nonfinancial impact as well as its improvement initiatives, marking the beginning of timber products used as alternative building technologies also fall under, and require, the Agremént certification.
Thisperformance.isofsignificance to the South African timber industry, which has tended to be in the shadow of design and construction initiatives that tend to use more fossil-fuel heavy materials of construction. Not so in recent times, where timber buildings containing significant structural timber have been on the rise, including the recently completed regional office for Deloitte, called the Ridge, in the V&A Locally,Waterfront.there is a range of South African National Standards (SANS) and some
Timber is already part of the National Building Regulations SANS-10400 codes for structural timber and timber framed Kebonyconstruction.hasits headquarters in Norway and supplies projects globally. It effectively diverts the need for deforestation through the modification of sustainably sourced wood, acting with an ecofriendly conscience and a clear focus on its ESG efforts. Readers can access their Sustainability Report here: CSR-SinglePage_2204062.pdfcom/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/KE_www.kebony. their sustainable accountability as they strive to continually improve their ESG
14 volume 12 | issue 3

Call us on 0861 32 42 52 Sephaku Cement, Powered by Dangote Cement. Strong and steady sets the pace for constructive progress on the road ahead as we build the future from the ground up. Lay steadfast foundations with leading quality cement produced on Africa’s beautiful playground. Cement yourroad ahead 8959E+I

Wolf has considerable experience in designing buildings with hemp, from as early as the build of Tony Budden’s first ‘Hemp House’ overlooking the valley and beach in Noordhoek, Cape Town.
16 volume 12 | issue 3
A world first for the circular economy
A global first, 84 Harrington Street is officially the world’s tallest building constructed using hempcrete blocks and hemp building materials, say the owners, designer and materials provider. This makeover and partial rebuild of an existing building boasts one of the most expansive uses of hemp-based building block material in South Africa.
84 Harrington Street -
I was fortunate enough to be taken for an extensive tour of the building site, courtesy of project architect, ‘Wolf’ Wolf of Wolf+Wolf Architects, Cape Town.
Budden is a founder and active director of the developers of the new building, the Hemporium and Afrimat Hemp, “84 Harrington Street is setting the benchmark for how to build a safe, carbon-neutral, multi-story building using hemp blocks and hemp systems.”
Gareth Griffiths, Wolf+Wolf and Afrimat Gareth Griffiths

Thermally Activated Building Systems (TABS) were added to the new RC members, with chillers at roof garden level, to introduce a measure of natural passive climate control. This is expected to be highly successful, in addition to the use of hemp interior walling, which helps keep a comfortable climate indoors by helping to absorb moisture from the air. The designers are confident that the results of this intervention will mean that only the restaurant, office and retail spaces will require HVAC.
is done using airplast, which is smoothly plastered and left exposed, therefore able to maximise CO2 absorption.
Locally produced Afrimat Hemp on site. Hemp construction considered the gold standard for CO2 reduction There is a massive increase in the global demand for bio-based construction, which is driven by the need for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Hemp construction is considered the gold standard for CO2 reduction in Previously,buildings.
hemp houses built in South Africa made use of hempcrete, but not as bricks. For a project of 84 Harrington’s scale, this was not feasible, and inspiration was taken from hemp blocks developed in Europe. The creation of hemp blocks is a viable way to commercialise hemp in the construction industry.
Environmental benefits
Previously, ‘Hempcrete’, such as used at the Noordhoek Hemp House and elsewhere, was imported but now it is locally produced.
Wolf is such a strong advocate of the material that he used it in the construction of his own studio, located in Cape Town’s environmentally sensitive heritage district, the Bo-Kaap.
Wolf says that the hemp blocks specified were 110mm x 190mm x 390mm in size, comparable to a standard building block.
17volume 12 | issue 3
The project, built on an existing brownfields site, involved the preservation of certain aspects of the legacy building on that site, notably the facade and some of the existing five floors. To this was added seven additional floors using conventional reinforced concrete (RC) framing technology.
It (hemp block) is naturally superior on acoustic and thermal insulation and has very good fire resistant properties.
There is a chemical molecular-level affinity between hemp and lime, which lends the properties needed by the product to become a mainstream construction material. This means that it provides a strong internal walling material with better acoustic and insulation properties than conventional gypsum-board. The internal walls are cavity walls and services can run inside the cavity as per standard Plasteringpractice.

“Regarding the product, lime and cement are made in similar processes. Lime burns at 950˚C versus cement at 1400˚C (less energy used at calcining stage). Lime relies on CO2 absorption to set. About 75 to 80% of CO2 burned off during the calcing stage is reabsorbed in the lifecycle of the product in situ. Our raw material is mined at our Robertson plant,” he adds. It is this property that offers a huge advantage to the use of lime-based concrete and also hempcrete; it actually reabsorbs CO2 from the air (as long as it is left exposed to air).
Sustainable timber, Airplast bonded and plastered hemp walls.
Meanwhile, the South African government has initiated a drive to create employment within the industrial hemp sector, therefore the timing to develop hempcrete-based construction materials is ideal. According to Wolf: “The Government has issued the first set of permits authorsing local hemp cultivation on about 50 sites around the country. Some of those in the Western Cape are in Vredendal, Paarl and Stanford, to name a few.”
18 volume 12 | issue 3
Construction began with siteworks on the original building including challenging and careful preservation of the structural elements that were to be retained as part of the “urban memory”, says Wolf.
Hemporium, restaurant above Above that is the planned hotel, which looks to follow the apartment hotel model. Fasttrack construction has begun on these suites, maxing maximum use of hemp, hempcrete plaster and pinus radiata cladding. The timber used was sustainably harvested during the moon phase approximately three days prior to the new moon of the three months preceding the winter solstice, from the building-owner’s own plantation on a farm in Constantia.
Careful preservation of structural elements retained as part of the ‘urban memory’
According to Boshoff (Bossie) Muller of Afrimat, “A hempcrete block is a non-structural infill block weighing 30% of conventional building material. It is naturally superior on acoustic and thermal insulation and has very good fire resistant properties. Because of the lightness of the block it is easy to build with and can be cut with a normal saw.
Double volume Hemporium, restaurant above.Facade and existing 5 floors.
The new ground level is to be breathtaking; a double volume ‘Hemporium’ which will serve the dual purpose of educating the public about the properties of hemp and renewable materials, while also being a shop and a ‘hemp museum’. Above this, overlooking the double volume lower ground, is the restaurant.
“Airplast, used on-site for plastering and bonding is a specially formulated limebased mortar and plaster for hempcrete construction. It’s got excellent bonding capabilities as a mortar and is used as a plaster to waterproof hempcrete walls. It also allows a hempcrete wall to breathe and naturally regulate humidity,” Boshoff says.

19volume 12 | issue 3
Topping out - view from higher building suite level over Table Mountain. All accommodation has hemp walling bonded and plastered with Airplast plus timber fittings made from sustainably harvested new-moon harvested pine.
Accolades “I bought 84 Harrington in 2016, with the idea being that it would become the flagship Hemporium store, a steak restaurant, and house the ‘Hemp Hotel’, a place where people can experience living in a hemp-constructed space,” says Duncan Parker, Founding Partner and CEO, “FromHemporium.asustainability and eco-construction perspective, we wanted to take hemp construction in South Africa to the next level, while also contributing to the inspiring hemp construction projects being undertaken globally.
Project Team Owner/developer: Duncan Parker / Hemporium (Pty) Ltd Architect: Wolf + Wolf Architects Contractor: R&N Construction Hempcrete and Airplast system supplier: Afrimat Hemp
“We also believed that once licenses for the commercialisation of hemp in South Africa were issued, having innovative examples of what can be achieved with hemp would assist with leading the way for the fledgling hemp industry in South Africa,” he adds.
“Afrimat, a mid-tier mining company, prides itself on having an innovative and entrepreneurial culture, always looking at global trends. A subsidiary, Afrimat Hemp, focuses on carbon-neutral construction and unlocking value in the industrial hemp sector,” says Boshoff Muller, Managing Director, Afrimat Hemp. “Afrimat Hemp has developed its own formulated lime binder for hempcrete and is producing hempcrete blocks at one of its commercial block plants,” he adds
• Using hemp blocks reduces the CO2 footprint of a building as well as its operational CO2 footprint.
The benefits of using hemp in a multi-story building: From a sustainability and eco-construction perspective, we want to take hemp construction in South Africa to the next level...
• Hemp is 100% natural, CO2 absorbing, energy saving, and durable.
• The superior acoustic performance ensures privacy between units.
• Vapour-permeability: The ability of hempcrete to easily absorb and release moisture assists with regulating the buildings’ internal humidity, thus maintaining a healthy indoor air quality.
• The lower density of the hemp blocks reduces the load of the walls on the foundations & therefore the cost of concrete.

20 volume 12 | issue 3
Dopamine is an important chemical messenger in your brain that has many functions. When dopamine is released in large amounts, it creates feelings of pleasure and reward, which motivate you to repeat a specific behaviour. Low levels of dopamine are linked to reduced motivation and and dynamic dabs of matt black, bright peacock pops here and there, natural lighting and delicious cushions scattered like jewels across your furniture will channel positive feelings. Put together with confidence – and some sound décor advice – you will feel an emotional connection to it all and your home will exude all the joy, happiness, welcome and positive energy you need to refuel every day. Our contributor, the Italtile Blog, recommends interior design that looks good and makes us feel Forgreat.example, the lush new marblelook wallscapes in your bathroom, especially when paired with a V&A bath. Other features may include toasty hot towels provided by a heated towel rail, such as the Jeeves. A crystal-clear mirror, such as the supplier’s Affirmations, and padding barefoot on the soft warmth of richly grained wood-look tiles into a kitchen with gloriously patterned floors, or a bright and cheerful splashback, surrounded by beautiful accessories such as high design taps and sinks - Tivoli taps and Franke Tectonite sinks recommended by the supplier.
Based on the Italtile blog
Italtile dopamine-happy home!
Create a
‘Dopamine décor’ has been heralded as the most exciting trend of 2022. It’s a mindfulness practice that started getting traction post-pandemic. With colours, patterns, styles and fabrics in combinations designed to boost the appearance of our skin, bring the glow, and consequently put a pep in the step and a smile on the dial. Versace says it’s hot pink. Stella McCartney believes it’s the vivid blues that do it. Over at Valentino it’s all about the acid greens.
decreased enthusiasm for things that would excite most people (
But, what’s it got to do with décor? Experts say that dressing a home to de-stress is a happening thing. The right combo of neutrals in layers will bring waves of calm,

Zack, Italtile’s exclusive German precision, is all about edgy stainless steel modernity, as featured in the world’s best-dressed bathrooms. With these, elevate your minimalist bathroom vibe and up your feel-good factor. Always check for the 5-year guarantee. Look for installable options that don’t need messy drilling!
Continuing with Spanish-inspired happy-making, consider a new range now available. This Spanish flair option of neutrals is soft and gentle, with textured patterns leading the way.
Dip a toe in the dopamine Relax. You don’t have to rip up your whole home and start again. Inject a little joy with utterly magnificent taps. If you’re mad about glamour, or classic Victorian, or romantic and rustic farmhouse style, consider ranges such as Verano taps, from the Prato range. Dopamine factor? Well, let’s just say Gold, for starters. The Verano tap range offers high fashion looks with beautifully rounded forms and an unashamedly exquisite matt gold finish. Manufactured in Italy, these also offer a watersaving feature, slowing the flow to 6 litres a minute. A contemporary classic, exclusive to Italtile, is the Sofi. Divine style that will bring high levels of happiness –and dare one say smugness – every day.
Dress your bathroom to impress with a one-of-a-kind tap named Dress, by Nobili. Choose the high-end finish of your choice – in a range of gorgeous neutrals – to blend in with your bathroom palette. Dress is also a waterwise choice. Now let’s look at the power of bathroom accessories to complete your sanctuary of calm. There’s something immensely satisfying about a full set of well-organised accessories, matching, harmonising, neat as a pin. Add luxury to the mix, and you’ve got a very happy situation unfolding behind closed doors. Can a loo-roll holder bring joy? Suppliers say “100% yes”!
Now for the tiles: Get zingy with itGo blazing full colour, or elegantly achromatic with black and whiteclassics, or rustic neutral with the local Retro and its honeys, browns andwinter whites, or venture into the anti-anxiety blues with highly desirableand Instagrammable new patchworks: Howard Blue and Leeds Blue.Both are from Spanish tile masters Prissmacer Ceramica, renowned fortheir inimitable style, eco-chic credentials and craftsmanship.
Dominus Accessories is a Proudly South African bathroom accessory manufacturer. Each beautifully crafted piece comes with a lifetime guarantee, so you can be sure you’re investing in lasting style. Ask for Omega, Finesse, Heritage, Aston and Alpha.
Give your walls Spanish flair
21volume 12 | issue 3
Heavenly pales create a feeling of spaciousness and impart an undeniably lush glow. As white-bodied tiles, these give colour enhancement to each surface. And because each range is available in a number of different surface patterns, you’ll be assured of a wallspace with variation and no repetition. Each range in the new collection proves that you don’t need bright colour to create feel-goodness.
Don't embark on the happymaking journey alone if you're in any way concerned about the how-to.

Energise, energise, energise: Use finger tiles, aka KitKats
These, say the experts, are so-called because they look like the little fingers of wafery, chocolatey deliciousness we’ve all loved since we were tiny. Say hello to the Japanese-inspired trend that’s literally breaking the hearts of Pinteresters everywhere. Each little finger is imperfectly perfect and glazed with a gradient towards the edge, which creates eye appeal and depth to your installation. Go cool, calm and collected with neutral softness, or full-on peacock pop with sapphire blue or green. Marble floor tiles
There is one surface that resonates with all of us. In 2022, Modern Marbles are trending in the tile world for their monumental and majestic size as well as their incredible diversity of pattern, graphic mastery and colour. Marble tiles can truly reward your investment with a dopamine rush, every time you glance at it, tippy toe across it, or run your fingers across its glossy surface.
A good example is the exclusive sanware from Laufen, such as Palomba, inspired by the shapes carved into rocks by wave action. Consult the experts Of course, it's such a personal thing, feelgoodness, and there are multiple ways to up happiness in your day. Don’t embark on the happy-making journey alone if you’re in any way concerned about the how-to. Rather contact the supplier. Write to To BuildLet us know how it isgoing. Best short lettergets published withyour best pic.
22 volume 12 | issue 3
More and more designers are interpreting this macrotrend, integrating elements like wood, natural lighting, plants and water into interior projects, along with what is called indirect biophilia – botanical patterns and motifs, textures and tones. Consider the vast ranges of stone-look tiles, wood-look tiles, patterned tiles, marble-look tiles and many, many décor tiles with natureinspired textures and tones, as well as botanical and floral motifs.
Email Gareth
Consider products such as the new Mystic, which is more than just marble. Outsize and outstanding in every way, with incredible, almost fantasy-style marbling.
Wilson outlined the fundamental tendency of human beings to be attracted to nature and emulate its processes and structures in everyday life. The great Frank Lloyd Wright was totally onboard, even earlier. He said: “I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day’s work. I follow in building the principles which nature has used in its domain.” That’s the ethos of Biophilic Design – not only aesthetically pleasing but also mentally beneficial. It’s the feel-good factor, on superfoods!
Hint: View the supplier’s Mystic, and our other highlights on their landing page at Biophilic Design brings happiness, again This macro-trend is one of the ways in which we’re all going to find our happy places in an increasingly uncertain world and has its origins in the now-named Coronacoaster. Besides all the bad stuff, this immediate period of time was perfect for the rise of a design aesthetic with its roots in the 1980s, thanks to Harvard biologist and professor, E.O Wilson, who wrote a standout book called “Biophilia”.

Our products are made from a specialised compound of natural minerals, pure polyester polymers, and quartz crystal aggregates. The result is an ice-white solid surface with a warm, velvety touch, similar to natural stone, bringing an inviting appeal to any home. +27 21 9758098 37 Pastorale Street, Durbanville Industrial Park, Cape Town CRYSTALLITE STONE PRODUCTS : “TIMELESS – ELEGANT – QUALITY”

Add black accents to the bathroom Contrast hints of black with neutral colours and raw materials for a bold look. Black taps and light fixtures could be a starting point, suggests Tamara Kelly of Woman & Home in the USA. Apparently, certain experts say that antique brass fittings have ‘seen their day’.
Matt black taps, stunning mix of black and white marble - Italtile. Wallpaper the wet room! Spring 2022 could be the year to give it a go. The prediction is that bright and bold wallpaper will prove popular this year, adding a playful pop to otherwise serene bathrooms: “Wallpapered bathrooms of the 1980s will be making a comeback and with the right choice, any room can be transformed," says one decide to create a tropical theme powder room or go conventional by choosing a romantic floral pattern for your wet room, there are many permutations of this theme. Get creative and bring some fun to your bathroom. For a wet room, vinyl wallpaper is ideal because of its resistance to moisture and humidity. If it’s a large space, try a printed wall hanging or pattern on the wallpaper. If your bathroom is small, choose to paper just one wall or the corner of a room; this gives the illusion of a bigger bathroom.
Give your bathroom Summer is coming! Your bathroom is your inner sanctuary, regardless of its size. Here’s some ideas curated from various independent sources on how you can improve and personalise it. Spring
a facelift this
Try waterproof wallpaper! Or create a spacious bathroom layout with white or pastels paired with wood accents, like a teak stool, and a fluffy bath mat for spa-like vibes. Try biophilia, also spoken about by many experts. Or make use of accents like low-maintenance plants, or vibrantly coloured window frames and a few designer towels.
Italtile and Claus Grünstäudl Gareth Griffiths
24 volume 12 | issue 3

Convert to a bathroom suite
White marble
What does this mean, you rightfully ask? While larger bathrooms and primary suites will continue to be a trend, one must consider that more people now are permanently working from home. How can we adapt? And how can we adapt to SA’s indoor-outdoor lifestyle.
It was very popular ‘back in the day’ to have a large spa bath with water jets, although its star has faded slightly due to the drive to save water.
Vintage furnishing
A vintage piece of furniture adds an unexpected layer of visual interest and becomes a conversation piece in a bathroom. You can use a vintage chest of drawers or armoire, or use a vintage sideboard for the double sink vanity. This brings complexity to the sparkling new bathroom.
For a main bathroom suite, fixtures in gold-tone finishes are becoming more readily used and experts feel will continue to be adopted. These will continue to grow in popularity and can stand alone and work nicely with traditional and modern aesthetics. The home spa
25volume 12 | issue 3
This is a big trend at present. Luxury stone slabs are a trend that may well prove more popular than ever in both bathrooms and in kitchens this Summer. You can add a luxurious feel to any space. The most adopted applications include classic white marble with distinctive gray or gold veins running through the stone; and black marble that gives a sleek, contemporary finish.
However, homeowners increasingly want their sanctuaries, and there’s nothing more calming than the sound of running water, right? Adding to the ‘sanctuary’ feel is to ensure an uncluttered look in the bathroom. Use strategically placed cabinets to conceal your bath paraphernalia. Add a few plants, or some other organic elements to bring in nature, or as they say, introduce biophilia.

Harnessed from the Air. Used for hot water WWK 304 ZA Compact series specially developed for outdoor installation Also suitable for indoor installation (recirculation air mode) High available mixed water volume and hygienic DHW temperatures > 61 °C in heat pump mode Categorised in the highest possible energy efficiency class for water Permanentlyheaters high efficiency and safety across the entire service life of the appliance, due to spring-loaded roll-bond heat exchanger Reduced operating costs via intelligent interface to increase consumption of on-site photovoltaic energy Display of the currently available mixed water volume via the LCD Highly reliable and cost effective due to the impressed current anode integrated as standard Very quiet operation due to sound-insulated compressor and positioning away from the air flow Includes temperature and pressure safety valve (T&P valve) Comfort through Technology

“As in fashion, architecture and interiors are all about creating the most suitable silhouette, tailor-made to the client’s brief and in harmony with the site and its context. These disciplines all entertain through, and thrive on, the lovely layers of pattern, structure, texture and detail,” he says.
Over coffee at Lazari, one of his more recent commercial projects, he shared his approach to design and the role of lighting and other key outcomes, which he sees as important ingredients in any project’s formula of success.
1. Provide sufficient lighting for dayto-day living and activities.
2. Create various levels of lighting allowing the homeowner to change the mood depending on the occasion or time of day.
Karl Rogers, Matt van Niekerk and Gareth Griffiths Gareth Griffiths
28 volume 12 | issue 3
Hanno says the the designer tries to strike a balance between function and aesthetics, comfort and style in line with these goals:
3. To celebrate design features for aesthetically pleasing and visually stimulating results.
“I often refer to myself as an aesthetic ‘terrorist’, determined to win the ongoing war to create a more beautiful world through sound design principles.”
Hanno de Swardt is a talented Cape Townbased professional architect and interior designer who clearly makes sense of an often misinterpreted discipline. Maybe that’s because he believes that great designs start with getting the basics right. He shares some guidelines, tips and tricks that a homeowner or business owner can follow. It starts with getting the lighting right.
Creating the most suitable silhouette
Hanno with Linda of Lazari. Note the collection of 75 coffee cups hanging from the soffit.

29volume 12 | issue 3
“I always ask my clients right from the start to please consider lighting and allow for it in initial budgets as its role in a beautiful, practical home is crucial. For visual continuity, the approach to lighting inside should flow effortlessly to the outside, so don't forget to celebrate that tree in the corner with a (concealed) garden spike light,” he Thisadvises.isevident in two recent design makeover projects, representing the retail and residential genres: Lazari, a breakfast/ lunchtime eatery in Vredehoek in Cape Town, boasting a ‘Cape Mediterranean’ menu (www.lazaricoffeeshop. com), and a stunning ‘holiday villa’ in Llandudno. Both of these projects talk to the role of lighting as a key feature of the overall revamp.
Overall, the main design brief from the client was to create a lighter and brighter space. The new lighting solution here is a sensitive mixture between functional and decorative lighting, both of which increase general artificial lighting levels. This was achieved via the lighting and also changing the floor from black tiles to light coloured Cemcrete, and the walls to bright colours. Working ‘coffice’ areas with laptop power were placed along the windows below thin and slender black pendants, acting as task lighting.
Indeed, the restaurant features an evocative bright and colourful sign hung above the compact lounge area, declaring ‘we are here’. It’s an open invitation that can be seen from outside the coffee shop also. An eclectic mixture of pre-refit lighting with newer concepts, while a roll down blind keeps the early morning sun at bay.
Instead of a complete teardown and rebuild, Hanno believes in retaining some of the old elements of the space. In the case of the restaurant, this meant keeping some of the early features that recall the existing space by retaining certain elements, including the positions of light points. One of his signal approaches has been along the lines of the old rhyme, “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue”. This is well executed at Lazari where Hanno exercised his talent by introducing a ‘Greek wedding’ theme that includes the use of radiant Mediterranean blue decor elements, to back the client’s Mediterranean-inspired menu.
Get the budget right
A lighter and brighter space
The original counter-top was retained, but new oak ribbed cladding was added to change its form and add warmth. Also retained were the three metal hanging lights.
“No matter the product on offer or the service you render, you need to be clearly visible against your competitors with a product that is easily identifiable in a user-friendly environment. Proper lighting might sound like an obvious design approach in any design but is often neglected or left until last when it either cannot be accommodated easily or fit into a budget. In Lazari, the lighting absolutely makes the space, from highlighting main design features, lighting work and dining surfaces and of course, showcasing the food, the product on offer,” Hanno explains.

San/Brassware: Projispec Mirrors: Glassmen Westcoast
Residential: The wow factor
(Cemcrete): Execucrete
The Llandudno holiday house commands an outstanding sea view and this harnessed Hanno’s indoor/outdoor lighting prowess to the full as part of his overall “lazy holiday in Africa” theme.
30 volume 12 | issue 3
Aluminium windows and doors: Alumin Shopfitters:
"With the holiday villa in Llandudno I had free range and could allow my creative juices to flow. The lighting solution here is more toned, relaxed as it were, with it being a holiday home after all. Inside, a mixture of ceiling fitted lights, pendants and loose floor and desk lamps were applied to create flexibility in lighting levels and hence manipulate the mood that suits the occasion,” Hanno explains.
Swardt’s favourite light fitting? “At the moment it is the humble, warm glow, dimmable LED strip which I love to conceal within my designs whilst it is hard at work 'behind the scenes', doing what it does best,” he admits. This is best seen under the edge of the service counter. Lazari Architect: Ohnnah Design Contractor: Hassiem Joseph Flooring Finishes Bespokeliving Services
Lighting: Light Enough Electrical: Brian Electrical
Natural lighting and biophilia Natural lighting and biophilia, too, feature strongly in his philosophy: “Never over design and only use artificial light where deemed necessary. And when you do so, specify products that are kind to nature. It might cost more but play your role responsibly so we all benefit in the end.
“Investigate the use of natural materials versus man-made and don't forget that recycling can still be very cool and relevant. As designers it is our responsibility to design around natural light and not the other way around. Again, strike a balance between maximising the source of natural light versus the benefits of artificial lighting,” he
“With plenty of time being spent outdoors over the holidays, extending into sunset cocktails and gathering around a fire thereafter, the need for proper ambient lighting was crucial. The well lit pool, surrounding decks, pergolas and the garden all come alive at night and are an absolute feast for the eye. Not only nice to look at but also a pleasure to spend quality time in.”

An entrance to a home or to a space inside says a lot about the place you are visiting. What are the latest trends and is there a place that is more design-centred than Milan, Italy?
In 1918, Piet Mondrian a Dutch painter and art theoretician regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, created his best-known composition, the famous red, blue and yellow design. He is known for being one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art and his style is used in applications in home design.
These photos of new concept doors came to us courtesy of leading Italian design firm, Albed Milano ( to share with our readers. Albed is a leading supplier of personalised technical solutions for interior architectureof course, designed and made in Italy. The designers say that their new range, Celine, is a door made of geometric figures customisable in 90 finishes, and defined by metal profiles in six different colours. The design is based on Mondrian patterns, a grid-pattern composition of horizontal and vertical lines.
32 volume 12 | issue 3 INNOVATIONS
Albed Milano
doors say it all
Grid pattern
These doors are intended as dividing elements for residential and public spaces in the hinged, sliding door and partition wall versions, says the Inspirationmanufacturer.forlocaldesigners?

At Swartland, we only know one way to make doors and windows, and that’s to last. Our Kenzo range is built from strong, lightweight aluminium-alloy frames allowing for expansive walls of light, space and seamless integration with nature. Kenzo windows and doors require very little maintenance and never need to be painted – the perfect combination of durability and affordability. All products are SANS 613 certified and compliant. Call us on 086 110 2425 or visit for more info.

WINDOWS & DOORS 34 volume 12 | issue 3

WINDOWS & DOORS FenestrationAdvanceCredit:Picture 35volume 12 | issue 3

door & window solutions
36 volume 12 | issue 3
Holistic approach for Our extensive stockholding of components, spares and aluminium profiles, enables us to offer minimal lead times, while manufacturing locations in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal mean that your dream windows and doors are now closer than ever. By any measure – security, style thermal management and lasting quality –Advance Fenestration offers the finest windows and doors you can install in your property. Residential or commercial, bespoke or large-scale, trust Advance Fenestration to be clearly different – and distinctly better.
Since 2012, we have been designing, manufacturing and supplying world-class door and window solutions for the new-build and renovation construction projects across South Africa and beyond. We are the only full-service quality aluminium company able to undertake all aspects of your project inhouse. Our complete range of windows and doors covers every price point, from entry-level to highend European Systems, and is backed by technical expertise and exceptional aftersales service.

• Standard Systems Range o Designed to meet the needs of both residential and commercial construction projects. Our Standard Range is locally sourced and manufactured using quality Wispeco-style extrusions with top quality mechanisms.
Through all our projects we offer our clients a holistic approach to their project with steps that include: Analysis o Reviewing the client project and working on design ideas and limitation options hand in hand with the client and their architect or builder Estimating o Using the optimized analysis gathered with the client to do a project costing based on the client needs and budget Manufacturing o After client approval of pricing, design and measurements taken the manufacturing process of the project starts. With top class manufacturing and quality controls in place the client is ensured of an excellent product for their project. Installation o Spear headed by our project management team each installation is run by a highly trained group of installers overseen by one of our project managers who each hold multiple years of experience within the industry.
o Designed in Europe to demanding architectural manufacturedspecifications,andextruded locally in South Africa to reduce lead times. By using higher grade aluminium, our European Systems Range of aluminium windows and doors can support wider and taller panels, carrying heavier weights. With larger apertures and heavier panes of glass, the architectural possibilities are endless. Frameless Systems Range o Our Frameless Range offers a contemporary look and feel, and allows improved views while letting in more light. Frameless elements from Advance Fenestration can be customized to meet any project requirement. From glass only designs, balustrades, stacking doors and sliding doors, the frameless possibilities are endless.
• Affordable Systems Range
o Our Affordable Range offers exceptional value for large-scale construction projects without compromising on quality. Multiple configurations are available to meet the needs of the affordable and bulk building sector with specialist applications including student accommodation.
o Final snagging and sign off to client approval ensuring a successful project is finished hand in hand with the client. Our custom systems offering includes:
• European Systems Range
37volume 12 | issue 3

Tel: 011 791 1925 Email:,AdvancehasservicedourclientsthroughoutAfricawithprojectsstretchingasfarasAmerica.EuropeanSystemsaredesignedtoallowclientstheabilitytocreatestyleandcharmutilisingourEuropeanSystemlimitationstheiradvantagebyhavinglargepanelswithglass.havinglargepanelswithmoreglass. Therefore, utilising the class that glass offers to round off the beauty that is a home. With our system extruded and manufactured in South Africa we ensure availability and shortened lead times while still maintaining the European Quality Standard. All mechanisms are imported directly from Europe to ensure quality is not compromised in any way and thus allowing us the ability to pass the European System guarantees directly to our Withclients.38 years European Systems experience driving our product range, Advance Fenestration is perfectly positioned to ensure the success of your project. European Windows andFenestrationContactDoorsAdvancetoseehowwecanassistinthesuccessofyourproject.

• Frameless Sliding / Stacking Systems
o Pinnacle frameless sliding and stacking doors offered to perfectly compliment the product offering from Advance Fenestration. High quality frameless systems give clients assurance that they will not only receive the highest quality products but the highest quality workmanship as well.
AdvanceFen Standard Systems Our wide range of local aluminium window and door systems allow us to design, manufacture and install the perfect product for any construction and renovation project that require a local product offering
Industry Leading Fenestration Works • Delivering quality products to our clients • Establishing relationships that will ensure over time • Ensuring the quality of service is unmatched in the Thesemarketare just some of the core items that drive Advance Fenestration in being one of the leading, and one of the only full process providers within the Window and Door market. Contact us today to find out how our full process offering can make a success out of your project:
• Frameless Showers
o Ranging from frameless shower panels, sliding frameless shower doors or the more conventional hinge opening frameless shower doors we are able to offer our clients the design and specification to complement their requirements.
AdvanceFen European Systems High Quality European Aluminium Systems that are manufactured in South Africa. Product limitations designed to give clients larger panels on both doors and windows, along with multi locking systems and double-glazed units giving clients style and peace of mind. Frameless Systems Balustrades Our balustrade offering includes various methods of mounted balustrades. From recessed channel mount, top mount, as well as side mount balustrades affords us the variation to give any client the style and look, they require

Kim Williams
an evolving future
David Swart
Open plan kitchens
Kim Williams
Recently a Washington DC-based designer made waves when he declared that sealing the kitchen off from the living room by means of a door and a wall makes a noticeable impact. Hence, he argued, separating the rooms made each room feel properly proportioned. The living room, now more cocoon-like, was easier to furnish. He concluded, what’s old is new again (1). But is that really so?
DESIGN KITCHENS 40 volume 12 | issue 3

We asked Kim Williams, a top interior designer in Cape Town and creative behaviour strategist, to reveal the three main questions you as a homeowner should be asking yourself when deciding whether an open or closed kitchen is right for you, your home, and your lifestyle.
41volume 12 | issue 3
South Africans love their space, and over the last few years so many of us have embraced the trendy open-plan floor layout. Tearing down dividing walls between the kitchen, dining area, and living room was the perfect way of fashioning out expansive open space at the heart of the home and bringing everyone together for casual living and entertaining.
Combining open-plan living with the work-fromhome lifestyle is proving quite a challenge, with many of us now longing for clearly divided spaces that allow for privacy and flexibility.
Then came a global pandemic and suddenly the way we live, work, and use our homes changed considerably. We are spending more time indoors now and as a result space is becoming premium. The dining room table is especially taking a hit; it’s not just being used to eat but is also doubling up as a school desk and makeshift home office too.

The kitchen has always been a place where people come together, so a good starting point is to think of how your kitchen will work during family dinner times, or a social event like a party or casual weekend braai.
Spend time thinking about how you as the cook and host would like to connect to your guests and other people in your home. If you want to keep the conversation flowing outside of the living or garden area and enjoy turning a task into a social event, then an open-plan layout will work best. Remember though, that with the good comes the not so good – while an open-plan layout will allow others to join in and help you prepare, it also means they will be observing everything you do, even when things go wrong.
If a closed kitchen appeals to you more, then do bear in mind that even though you’ll be isolated from your family and guests, they will still feel obligated to assist you. This means that your guests (or children) are likely to inevitably land up in the kitchen anyway.
If the thought of having dirty pots and pans on display is off-putting, then consider cordoning off some space from the main area for a scullery. Not only will this give you more storage, but you can also stash unwanted and unsightly things away from prying eyes.
What kind of host are you?
How do you feel about clutter?
A functional kitchen is one where there is plenty of storage or space is clearly identified for everything, including appliances and cleaning products. I always think a broom cupboard should be a non-negotiable in any kitchen, as it allows you to tidy up quickly and keeps those pesky items hidden when not in use.
If you really want clearly demarcated spaces, then separating the living and cooking area will improve your layout and flow. This option will also give you more wall space to work with, which in turn allows for more functional opportunities and more cupboards for storage.
42 volume 12 | issue 3
Your view to and relationship with mess will be a good indication of what type of kitchen layout is right for you, as this will naturally always be visible to others in an open-plan kitchen. Think about your everyday routine here. If you will be using the same space to work from home then consider what may or not be visible during a Zoom call.

Reference: (1) d-c-architect-01650279483
I absolutely love bringing life and joy to a kitchen by adding coloured cabinetry and then complementing this with stunning tiles, soft lighting and some intricate stonework around the sink and stove. Soft closing drawers are another non-negotiable for me, as it means cabinet doors close softly and automatically, causing less disturbance to those in other parts of the home.
What does the rest of the house look like?
Even in an open-plan kitchen area, the kitchen should not only look good but also integrate well with the surrounding living space. Don’t be afraid to add texture in the form of wallpaper and colour if this is also in the living and dining area.
43volume 12 | issue 3
Kitchens are forming part of people’s lifestyles and becoming a place of expression, so it is important that the space reflects not just how you want it to function but also your personal aesthetic. Closing off the kitchen can take away valuable and sometimes unnecessary space, but separating it from the rest of the house can make it difficult to keep the interior décor theme flowing.
Working out whether to open your kitchen to the rest of the house is a personal one, but extending your space and enhancing the layout of your home shouldn’t come at the expense of your lifestyle and everyday routine.
Kim Williams’ portfolio ( adds up to millions of Rands in retail value. She has worked across building and construction projects, alongside developers and architects for over 142 new apartments, 19 residential homes, 10 renovations of which 7 are developments and 2 are medical practices, with many more in the pipeline. Her personal journey and lessons learnt as an entrepreneur, interior designer, and behaviour specialist, shaped her perspective of the design process. This became the cornerstone of her own blueprint called the Pure Design Innovation ID, which is a process of extracting what people need emotionally and physically from their interior spaces.

EGGER "Interior Match":
"The total of 30 decors include many new introductions from both collections. They have been selected so that they can be used in a variety of ways. Fronts, worktops or entire pieces of furniture can easily be combined with the floor. Whether striking or understated, there is something for every style in 'Interior Match'," explains Ayla Schwarzmayr, Decor Management Expert Flooring.
Authentic decors are currently popular. This applies both to woodgrains, which come amazingly close to the original in terms of look and feel, and to classic installation patterns such as parquet or floorboard looks. The wood reproductions in the "Interior Match" range from natural, simple looks to rustic and striking themes. Vintage decors with coloured inclusions that set accents are also in demand.
"With Sherman Oak, we are showing two synchronised pore surfaces that can be found in the furniture and interior design collection as well as in the flooring collection and have been worked out in the same decor. This means that the same material was used as a template for the decor development, resulting in the 'Decor Match' between furniture and flooring with synchronously applied surfaces," explains Klaus Monhoff, Head of Decor and Design Management at the EGGER Group. Stone in contemporary looks is offered in the "Interior Match" decor selection with terrazzo and concrete as well as marble reproductions. With the products in the "Interior Match", architects and fabricators convince with their ideas, and durable, sustainable products. EGGER acts sustainably, conserves resources and the climate thus underlining its promise: More from wood.
* Slight deviations between furniture and flooring decors are possible due to different surface finishes.
The family company, founded in 1961, employs approximately 10,800 people. In 20 plants across the world, they produce an extensive product range of wood-based materials (chipboard, OSB and MDF board) as well as timber. The company generated a turnover of EUR 4.23 billion in the 2021/2022 financial year. EGGER has global customers in the furniture industry, wood construction and flooring retail, as well as DIY markets. EGGER products are found in countless areas of private and public life, including kitchens, bathrooms, offices, living rooms and bedrooms. EGGER is a full-range supplier for the furniture and interior design industry, for wood construction and woodbased flooring industries.Worktop and flooring in the same decor? Easily achievable with the "Interior Match".
EGGER "Interior Match": Designed to be together In the "Interior Match", EGGER combines for the first time the extended Decorative Collection 202022 for furniture and interior design with the PRO Flooring Collection 2021+. 23 decors in the coordinated "Decor Match" with different surface textures, 7 decors in the colour-coordinated "Colour Match". Architects, fabricators and end customers can thus easily create contemporary and harmonious designs.
Harmony in designs In "Interior Match", a distinction is made between same decor solutions and those that are colour-coordinated. In "Decor Match", floors as well as furniture and interior design products are available in the same decor with different surface textures*. Customers can choose the same decor for floors, doors, the kitchen worktop or complete furniture, thus bringing harmony to their designs. "Colour Match", on the other hand, features decors that are colour-coordinated.
Highlighting innovation, EGGER's "Interior Match" shows what is possible with the combination of furniture and flooring. The range combines decors from the Decorative Collection 2020-22 (extended to end of 2023) for furniture and interior design with the PRO Flooring Collection
44 volume 12 | issue 3
Designed to be together
The decor selection is oriented towards new products and the trend towards authentic look and feel. More information at interior-match
With2021+.aselection of 30 decors the wood-based materials manufacturer is implementing this theme for the first time in such a comprehensive range. Architects, fabricators and also end customers thus have the opportunity to effortlessly realise contemporary and harmonious designs.
Wood-based materials manufacturer combines decors from furniture and interior design as well as flooring for the first time, making design even easier for its customers.

With “Interior Match”, you benefit from harmonious combination options for furniture and flooring. The decor selection combines the EGGER Decorative Collection with the EGGER PRO Flooring Collection 2021+. You can choose between matching decors and colour-coordinated wood and material looks. Featured decor: Furniture H1345 ST32 Grey Sherman Oak, Laminate Flooring EPL185 Grey Sherman Oak » More details on Interior Match at reproductions.aredecorsmentionedandshownourAll aredecorsflooringandfurniturebetweendeviationsSlight finishes.surfacedifferenttoduepossible Designed to be together How to design furniture and flooring in harmony. interior match

46 volume 12 | issue 3
According to popular sustainable wood solutions supplier, Sonae Arauco (www.sonae, when creating a home that looks both aesthetically pleasing and functional, consumers often pay most attention to the living room or kitchen, leaving the bedrooms looking a little outdated. Avoid these mistakes
Sonae Arauco a bedroom?

Have you ever wondered why your bedroom sometimes looks a little lopsided? From incorrect furniture placement to an ill-defined layout, empty and sometimes redundant spaces can completely throw off design balance.
A little known fact about modern bedroom design is that there are usually two simple rules to follow: A light and airy appeal vs dark and moody tones. When it comes to defining the perfect bedroom aesthetic, interior design experts often advise their clients to create a space that encourages restoration and romance. This is achieved through the use of soft and inviting neutral colours. Energy infused colours such as deep magenta or shades of orange work best within transitory spaces like hallways and living rooms. This appeal needs to be contrasted in the bedroom with soft tones and subtle luxuries that add to the overall appeal of comfort and peaceful rest.
An unbalanced design
2 Avoid these things
Think of the traditional bedroom layout with the bed centred against the back wall and surrounded by two bedside tables. This arrangement with all the furniture up against a singular wall is actually a popular design mistake if not offset on the opposite end. So instead, add an additional wardrobe, a seating nook, or a mirror, all of which work well to address this imbalance.
47volume 12 | issue 3
There are plenty of design directions that simply fail to work even with the best intentions. You should avoid these, argue the Whileexperts.itshould not be so, bedroom design always seems to be a complicated affair. While some homeowners seem to overdesign their bedrooms, others simply neglect them entirely. And while most designs have well-meant intentions, frequently the design mistakes only seem to reveal themselves after the fact. An oversaturation of colour

Wall-to-wall carpeting is impractical under some circumstances While we’re on the subject of rugs and winter, another common design mistake one can make is installing wall-to-wall carpeting. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's only that most people tend to believe that this design choice makes a room feel cosy. However, this can become a real issue for homeowners who have pets or children; think of those with allergies. As stated above, a well-positioned rug does more than enough to achieve a warm and inviting aesthetic. As such, interior design experts generally recommend that homeowners use materials such as laminate, solid wood, vinyl, and natural stone tiles to keep bedrooms from harbouring dust and pollen.
Neglecting biophilic elements
5 48 volume 12 | issue 3
It has been spoken at length about the importance of including biophilic elements in the home such as plants and the use of natural lighting. House plants, in particular, have a purifying effect on bedroom design which results in an overall aesthetic of tranquillity in nature.
The contributor is an experienced manufacturer of high quality wood-based decorative panels and services.
So what about house plants in your bedroom? It's always a good call to speak to your local nursery about what sort of plants will thrive, taking into consideration what size they will eventually grow into, and ensuring that adequate space is planned to achieve the best effect.
Irregular rug placement Area rugs are an excellent addition to creating a plush and opulent aesthetic. However, interior design experts warn that you have to be extremely careful about what sort of rug you use and in what environment. One of the biggest mistakes made is using irregular sizes and positioning. The last thing you want is the rug to be either too small or too cumbersome and in an awkward position. When it comes to correct bedroom design, a rug usually looks better when positioned horizontally to the bed and at least halfway underneath leaving space for the nightstands to remain on the floor. This is a perfect design function for the winter months where a cosy rug on a rich wooden floor invites both warmth and atmosphere.
As far back as the preliminary stages of home design, interior design experts are extremely particular about the right sort of plants for the correct environment. Without a clear focus in mind, house plants can often be ill-positioned, forgotten, and even left out of the sun.

True beauty doesn’t fade with time.
Hydro aluminium garage doors are lightweight, corrosion-resistant and extremely durable, which makes them perfect for coastal areas. They’re also easy to clean and maintain. Available as single or double doors in four attractive colours, Hydro aluminium doors will enhance the kerb appeal of any home. For more info, visit or call 086 110 2425.

& new furniture concepts
Mimosa Cabinet by Dokter and Misses.
Decorex Joburg saw the launch of Haldane Martin’s Lucky Chairs. The new range – which includes a stool, dining chair, lounge chair and loveseat – is full of positive, happy feels. The industry is reaching a new zenith and shows a mature and grounded confidence that will reward sophisticated tastes.
DESIGN FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES 50 volume 12 | issue 3
Clout/SA and Justin Patrick, Sphamandla Mdunyelwa and Zinhle Sithebe, Haldane Martin
If you were to apply a litmus test to the state of local design, as a whole you’d find that recent designer furniture pieces and collections are considered, refined and alert to context. Judging by what has emerged from the more established South African furniture designers over the last year, the industry is reaching a new zenith and shows a mature and grounded confidence that will reward sophisticated tastes.
Bespoke decor
A number of the new pieces were on display at this year’s Decorex 2022, Cape Town and Johannesburg, which also featured some bold and progressive new design talent.

Businesses interesting in inquiring after these designs should contact Tracy Lynch on the details given on Inquiries about the server by Siviwe Jali, should be directed to TanDesignSA.
Jali was recently named Best New Talent at the Decorex Cape Town awards which took place in June. Mdunyelwa has collaborated with award-winning Joburg-based design studio, The Urbanative to produce two pieces, a table and a stool, and both were on show on the Clout/SA stand, displaying her vibrant, brightly coloured surface patterns to great effect. New Clout/SA products launched at the show included a light by Christian Botha, a HYD Finalist in 2020, and an all-new, freestanding floor mirror by Thando Nxelelwa, who was also a Finalist in 2020.
Names include Sphamandla Mdunyelwa (2018 Finalist), the aforementioned Sithebe, Sipho Twala (2020 Finalist), and Siviwe Jali (2020 Finalist).
At the recently held Decorex 2022, the Clout/SA stand also featured recent and brand-new furniture pieces and designs conceptualised by young creatives who have all participated in HYD over the years.

FIREPLACES & BRAAI'S 52 volume 12 | issue 3

FIREPLACES & BRAAI'S FiresThermoCredit:Picture 53volume 12 | issue 3

Spit braais
Built-in braais
At Thermo Fires you can find one of the most extensive ranges of locally manufactured indoor and outdoor braais. We are a family-owned, designer and manufacturer of quality and bespoke braais.
The first to manufacture a braai with double-skinned sides to keep the outside cooler to the touch, our freestanding braais are supplied in a closed cabinet, with 2.4m flues, turbo cowl and ceiling plate. This allows the braai to be installed like a freestanding fireplace, getting rid of messy building work, and you’re able to braai within 24 hours. These braais are available in three standard sizes and can also be ordered as combinationa or a spit braai.
Double-sided built-in braais
Both ranges are available in five sizes –from 800mm to 1 800mm wide, as well as bespoke sizes. Units larger than 1.2m include a second polished stainless-steel grid that is height-adjustable separately, without having to move the coal maker.
54 volume 12 | issue 3
Our hottest seller at the moment is our professional range of built-in braais. This range has been designed to have modern, clean lines. When closed, the single door makes a statement, no matter what your design aesthetic is, whether mild steel (black) or brushed stainless steel. When opened but not needed, the door slides neatly out of the way underneath the ashpan but is easily pulled out to be used as a workspace. Our deluxe range incorporates double doors that are closed with turn-knobs to do away with any rattling noises.
Freestanding braais
by Thermo Fires
We have three standard size spit braais available in both ranges. Included as an extra in the unit you will find a separate spit box, heavy-duty motor and a polished stainless steel spit rod.
Quality indoor braais
Thermo manufactures a range of mild steel, 3CR12 and 304 stainless steel portable braais, available with or without a coal maker and dust cover. All braais in any range and style are available in mild steel, 3CR12, 304 stainless steel or a combination of materials, i.e., a mild steel braai with a brushed stainless-steel façade.
Also available in both ranges, is an extensive range of standard combination braais – a single braai divided in wood-burning and gas sections. Available in 19 sizes and options, as well as bespoke sizes – from 1 200mm to 2 250mm wide, incorporating either a three-, four- or five-burner gas BBQ (also available without the BBQ). With our 20-year quality warranty you simply cannot go wrong!
These braais give you the best of both worlds. Installed in the outer wall of your home –between the inside and outside – you can choose whether to braai indoors or outdoors. Outdoor braais
Combination built-in braais

‘smart home’ Solenco and stock images
Once expensive and out of reach for the everyday homeowner, smart home products have become more accessible, cost-effective, and user-friendly.
Turning your home into a smart home is no longer a futuristic idea – the smart home market is growing rapidly all over the world. In South Africa, homeowners are moving quickly towards installing cutting-edge technology to make their lives easier, healthier and more energy efficient.
The definition of smart homes has also evolved to not only include voicecontrolled, automated houses. There are many simple, efficient, and easy-to-use appliances that make your home smarter, more secure, and more comfortable, says Trevor Brewer, director of leading lifestyle technology manufacturers and importers, “HomeownersSolenco.canstart with smaller, less expensive items to turn their homes into smarter, easier and healthier places to live. These items not only save money in the long run, they also look after the overall health and wellbeing of homeowners,” says Brewer.
56 volume 12 | issue 3
Turning your home into

The contributor, Solenco, is a well-established supplier in air treatment and lifestyle products that help improve overall health and provide more comfort inside a living space. In fact, Solenco points out that their name is an acronym standing for Solutions for Environmental Comfort and that their dehumidifiers and anti-allergy equipment is ubiquitous in the large chainstore health market.
bulbs are better for the environment, safer, and they save money. LEDs emit almost no forward heat while traditional bulbs convert more than 90% of the total energy used to power them directly into heat. Additionally, because LEDs consume less power, they can operate effectively on low-voltage electrical systems. Keyless entry – never worry about losing your keys again. Keyless locks can be used with a variety of devices and will provide you with smart security for your keyless home, while enhancing its aesthetics.
“In our increasingly busy lives where our homes are often our offices, having a discreet, permanent appliance cleaning up after kids, animals and spills is necessary to maintain peace and order when the day is done,” says Brewer.
You can access the lock from anywhere, control it with voice, use it with different devices, and enable automation. You can see who came, went, at what time, and send your digital keys to your family and friends quickly if they need to get into your home. With no physical key to lose, steal or duplicate, keyless entry systems lower your security risk.
57volume 12 | issue 3
Photo credit Miele
Here’s how to start on your smart home technology journey:
A smart alarm system – this allows you to be in control of your home’s security. Your alarm can be enabled and disabled remotely, meaning you don’t have to be in your home to set your alarm. There are many smart alarm systems that can be configured from a tablet or smartphone. These alarms can also be connected to home appliances that can also be controlled remotely, as well as CCTV cameras that monitor the inside and outside of the home. Smart alarms are a clever way of protecting your property and allows you to be in control of your own security system wherever you are.
Air purifiers – these devices tackle the threats that we can’t necessarily see but that we breathe on a daily basis – an element of health that simply can’t be ignored following a global pandemic and a frequent poor air quality index in cities like Johannesburg.“There are several different types of air purifiers that use filtration mechanisms to remove toxins and airborne viruses from the air,” says Brewer. “Look out for those that are medical grade and offer multi-stage filtration to capture the smallest of airborne particles from pollution, allergens and viruses to pollen, dust, smoke, and pet dander.”
Robotic vacuums – besides the obvious benefit of not having to break your back by vacuuming, advanced robot vacuums allow you to clean your house when you are not at home and they are easily managed through a smartphone app. Brewer says when purchasing a robot vacuum, take into consideration room size, mapping and mopping technology, type of surface to be cleaned, battery life, noise level and scheduling.

8 way & 12 Way ADB Distribution Board Stealth Isolator (AC and Stove) Temporary DistributionNew-Gen™BoardReady Board with Room Extender


Richard maintains that the Slab Box™ is the best downlight enclosure he’s used. “I’ll never go back,” he says, smiling. Allbro +27 (0)11 894 8341 |
The Slab Box™ mount fits three downlight diameters and mounts directly to the shutterboard. The crosshairs moulded into the mount make it easy to mark its placement and ensure that it’s lined up correctly. The body of the Slab Box™ simply clips on to the mount. After feeding the conduit through and placing the lid, the Slab Box™ is secured to the rebar. This measure is what ensures perfect alignment in Slab Box™ installations: when the concrete is poured, the boxes don’t move at all.
It’s compact, lightweight, strong and designed to save on installation costs. The enclosure is made from glass reinforced polyester, which can withstand temperatures ranging from -50˚C up to 200˚C, a necessary feature when dealing with the temperature fluctuations that come with housing a variety of LED lamps. This material is impervious to rust, ensuring a long lifespan. The Slab Box™ comes without pre-defined knockout holes, which keeps the content safe from seepage.
Richard de Marcy Pugin was an early adopter of Slab Box™. “If you didn’t stuff those galvanised boxes with paper, the concrete would crush them. I’ve had that happen before. I’ve done an installation with 4 500 of these Slab Boxes, and haven’t had one failure”, he says. His company, Powerzone Electrical, has Watch the video of Allbro’s discussion with Richard and find out why he’ll never change. been using Slab Box™ since they hit the “Youmarket.don’t have to go back and mount the lid underneath and plaster over it. Once you strip the deck, your lights are all in place. This box is perfect for off-shutter decks as well,” he adds.
60 volume 12 | issue 3
The contractor community has struggled for years with the same issues when it comes to installing downlights: the poorquality knockouts for conduit can lead to concrete seeping into the box, the process of alignment is costly for contractors and thick plastering is required for an even finish. Although not immediately visible, galvanised steel boxes do rust inside the Theslab.Slab Box™ solves multiple challenges.
The bevelled edge of the enclosure leaves it recessed into the concrete once it sets. This saves installers 70% on concrete plastering (screeding) needed on the ceiling.
Fits three downlight diameters and mounts directly to the shutterboard
a perfect fit Despite their many shortcomings, galvanised steel downlight boxes have remained the industry standard since their inception. Installers tend to spend more time adjusting the box to suit their needs (and the site) than they do installing them. The Slab Box™ is Allbro’s answer to these challenges.

® •Made of Glass Reinforced Polyester •Extremely durable •Weather resistant •IP 66 •Allbroratedmakes battery, inverter and combiner box housings •Flame retardant therefore safe to use on DC installations


The Allbro digital timer can be setup for 16 different programs. Adjust according to day, time and duration. The Wi-Fi Timer. It links to an app on your phone, enabling you to manage your pool pump from anywhere in the world. With the pool timer conveniently situated on the top of the pool box, setting your pool timer will never be back-breaking work again. WATCH THE VIDEO OR choose

advice from the ECA(SA)
Forconnected?thosewith alternative electricity supply such as generators, solar installations, UPSes and other expensive equipment, ensure that your alternative supply has been safely installed – use a registered electrician to install equipment to ensure compliance with South Africa’s laws and regulations.
A generator comes with a precautionary list of do’s and don’ts, and while inexpensive, the cost of fuel quickly adds up. Do your homework before investing in a generator; speak to specialist generator companies or ask an electrical contractor to evaluate your energy requirements, recommend the appropriate type and size of generator, and install the generator according to legislative requirements and issue the Certificate of Compliance according to SANS 10142-1.
It has been with us for a very long time, it seems, the scheduled power cuts that make business and also home management a nightmare. Most users are now at the totally ‘gatvol’ phase, but we should not blindly sit in the dark while there is something we can do for ourselves.
If you want more than WiFi back-up, needing a comprehensive solution, here are some guidelines for alternative and back-up power as well as advice from our technical experts on how you can protect your electrical appliances and sensitive electronic equipment from the effects of loadshedding.
64 volume 12 | issue 3
ECA-SA Electrical Contractors’ Association (SA) Generators
Generators can be tricky as the most frequently bought and used generators for households are the smaller sub 10 kVA type, which are not designed to handle the load of an average house, and are not usually installed according to the legislated wiring specifications.
SomeECA(SA) loadshedding
Loadshedding is disruptive and comes with risks to electrical appliances and electronic equipment. What can we do to mitigate the risks, minimise disruptions and ensure that we stay
Alternative and back-up power solutions
The Electrical Contractors Association SA’s (ECA) Regional Director: Highveld, Anthony Schewitz, shares some well-considered advice with readers.
If you have a small gas stove, batterypowered or solar lights but what you still need is a WiFi battery back-up to stay online during loadshedding, a cheap and easy solution is to invest in lithium battery packs for your router. A fibre optic modem can be bought for anything from R400 to well over R1 000. It’s easy to set up and the batteries last anywhere from two to six hours, which comfortably covers the average load shedding times.

Anthony Schewitz, the Electrical Contractors Association SA’s (ECA) Regional Director: Highveld.
installations must be done by a registered electrician with experience in solar PV so as to to issue the correct compliance certification.
65volume 12 | issue 3
Protecting appliances and equipment
Inverters: Quality inverters are more costly than generators and help to keep the power on. Smaller and cheaper options come with built-in protection for sensitive electronic equipment such as computers and televisions.
Voltage regulators/stabilisers: Widely used in the commercial and industrial environments, this is an expensive solution for homeowners, although the devices keep voltage levels stable and deliver long-term savings on running costs. These must be installed by a registered electrician who should first assess what is needed. It is vitally important to remember that it is a legal requirement to get a Certificate of Compliance for any alternative supply and this must be done under the general control of a registered electrical contractor. Find a registered electrical contractor in your area: Visit the ECA website and click on ‘Find a member’.
Surge protection: Another cost-effective option is to use basic surge protection plugs and adaptors for sensitive equipment. It’s advisable to buy good quality products, and buy local SABS-approved products.
Beware of the unforeseen risks arising from incorrect usage of generators.
To find out about qualified solar PV installers, contact the ECA or the SA Photovoltaic Industries Association (SAPVIA).
Here’s what you can do to protect your appliances and equipment: Flip the switches: The most basic thing you can do when the power goes off is to flip off the switches in the distribution board (DB), except for the main switch and one or two lights circuits (so that you will know when the power is back on). Slowly return the switches to the ‘on’ position one at a time.
There are many uses and types of generators to consider before making an investment in an alternative energy supply. Your choice should be geared towards the best solution and one that will not easily fail.
Types of generators
• Standby generators: These generators are intended to be used in parallel with the grid for standby purposes and can be used for extended periods but not continuously.
• Prime generators: Bigger, prime generators are intended to run continuously.
UPSes: Uninterrupted power supplies are becoming more sophisticated and cheaper and are a good option, particularly for computers and electronic equipment. They have built-in protection against the sudden cut-outs and possible voltage surges and dips in the grid. UPSes costs vary and installing a UPS would provide additional support to an installation with a generator.
It is crucial to understand that there are many factors that would alter the perceived power output, including the power factor rating of the alternator, which in most cases is around 0.8. Other considerations are altitude, temperature, running time and load requirements of the generator all affecting efficiency. There are also environmental issues, like liquid fuel fumes and noise to consider.
Solar photovoltaic solutions: Having a grid-tied or a hybrid setup is a huge investment. But it is an ideal solution whether there is load shedding or not. Solar PV is clean and has the added benefit of saving energy in the long term while removing reliance on grid Importantly,power.
The hardest hit devices during load shedding are devices that have electronic components with battery back-up such as alarm systems and garage doors. Load shedding wears down battery backup operated devices as these devices have components that are not designed to withstand the spikes and dips that come with load shedding. Hence the batteries can fail prematurely.
Over- and under-voltage relays: Over voltage is less common than under voltage and arises due to system faults, in turn causing problems for electrical devices with motors, including fridges and air conditioners. It can cause overheating, malfunction, and premature equipment failure. Fit an over- and undervoltage relay. This must be installed by a registered electrician.
• Portable generators: These are only intended for the running of appliances and are generally mobile, but should not be used indoors due to exhaust fumes.
Study the Environmental Regulations in the Occupational Health and Safety Act because a downside of generators is the release of lethal carbon monoxide gas. Always ensure that your generator is placed in a well-ventilated area other than your vehicle garage. The other environmental risk is noise pollution –there are strict laws in place regarding compliance, especially when installing generators near boundaries where they can disturb neighbours. Note, the regulatory maximum decibel range is 85dB.

It’s hard to accomplish anything in the modern world without electricity. And with many organisations following a hybrid work model, backup power has become non-negotiable.
Schneider Electric
Installation and post-implementation monitoring, and maintenance services will keep you linked to the customer for the long term. You can use these services as a differentiator from contractors which is a major plus, ensuring you can foster a longlasting and mutually beneficial relationship with your Ultimately,customer.byproposing a backup solution such as UPS, you are showing initiative and forward thinking in protecting customer’s valuable assets and productivity environments.
• What’s the downtime cost of a production machine? By providing UPS technology, you can expand the scope of your services through longterm contracts that also include UPS service and remote monitoring. Most of our large and industrial UPSes have data-capture and monitoring capabilities in order to optimise its health and Furthermore,performance.youcandeliver the monitoring services or subcontract to a vendor, such as Schneider Electric, to monitor backup operations while you maintain contact with the customer. Essentially, as an electrical contractor you could expand your services by moving into the managed service provider space and increase your business margins.
• How would an outage impact the customer’s operations?
• In the case of a high-end residential customer, how would they benefit from UPS for communications, surveillance, gaming, remote work, and remote learning?
Adding a UPS to your quote is relatively straightforward and you can do the installation yourself. If you need assistance to plan and size the most suitable UPS for the job, you can work with a channel partner of a reputable UPS brand to select and propose the appropriate option. For larger facilities, we work hand in hand with our channel partners to ensure your UPS installation is done properly and to the highest Additionally,standard. if a UPS is not requested in a project, you can recommend it as an additional value-add to your electrical upgrade or installation points. Here are some important points which should form part of your proposal:
66 volume 12 | issue 3
George Senzere, Solutions Architect - Secure Power at Schneider Electric
A must-do
• Do life-safety risks increase when there is a power outage?
George Senzere, Solutions Architect - Secure Power at Schneider Electric
UPS South Africa’s electric grid goes hand-in-hand with unpredictability and downright volatility at times. And as we’re all too aware, a less reliable grid translates to more frequent blackouts, which directly impacts business and residential communities.
Including backup power in projects:
To this end, backup power such as UPSes should therefore become part of electrical contractors’ proposals when tendering for a business project or working on a residential contract.
• What is the short-term and long-term financial impact on the business if the power goes out?

Want backup power?
68 volume 12 | issue 3
We asked an experienced electrical contractor, Trevor Tappan, a member of the Highveld Region of the ECA, to share some tips with homeowners on the best way to implement a home electrical backup system, should they decide to do Tappansso.
Electrical ( offers several services in the electrical trade. These include training, designing and consulting, and inspection and certificate of compliance certification and installations. The firm has considerable experience in fitting photovoltaic or electricity backup systems for the home, with a preference for using Freedomwon batteries and Longi photovoltaic (PV) Apanels.home UPS/electrical/inverter solution is installed mainly to provide emergency power during grid power outages and loadshedding. We asked Tappan: What type of home UPS/power backup installation do you offer on a lower-end and also a higher-end budget? We favour a system consisting of SAKO components, including a SAKO axpert type 5kw inverter with SAKO LiFePo4 battery (lithium battery). This installation costs around R65 000. For those on a more expansive budget, we would suggest going partly off the grid by including roof-mounted PV panels, which would push the cost of the above system to R125 000. Is there anything you would like to advise the homeowner to do or NOT do?
• Get references and make sure they are genuine, otherwise you could have a ‘disaster’. to do
In an excellent article in this edition, the writer argues that every electrical contractor should include a costing for a backup power system as an option every time they quote on a new job. But what about the existing home and retrofitting of such solutions?
• Make sure your chosen installer is registered with the Department of Employment & Labour (DoEL) and has some training and understanding of solar PV systems (preferably also a member of the ECA).
• Compare the components quoted on with datasheets that you will find on the internet; do some home research before taking the plunge. What does the (grid-tied) home UPS do exactly, and have your clients been pleased with the results?
A home backup/UPS system prevents spikes from the power utility and assists during load shedding by running select or essential services to the home depending on battery storage capability. What kind of backup batteries are commonly used and do you have any advice on the higher end wall panel batteries? We don’t install the Tesla wall-mounted battery but we do use the LifePo4 and sometimes consider using supercaps. A LifePO4 is an excellent Chinese-made lithium battery. What are supercaps? A supercapacitor (SC), also called an ultracapacitor, is a high-capacity capacitor, but with lower voltage limits, that bridges the gap between electrolytic capacitors and rechargeable batteries. It typically stores 10 to 100 times more energy per unit volume or mass than electrolytic capacitors, can accept and deliver charge much faster than batteries, and tolerates many more charge and discharge cycles than rechargeable batteries (Wikipedia).

Cleaning the drilled hole is something that many people often underestimate: It is a key factor when installing mounting elements, since drilling dust in the drilled hole can reduce retention forces by more than 50%. Therefore, Georg von dem Bussche from Festool recommends cleaning the drilled hole before installing further mounting elements.
Fine-grained, sandy white drilling dust
Solid brick Red drilling dust
Construction materials are not easy to identify in a completed construction. As soon as the wall is plastered or covered, the exact construction material is difficult to identify.
When drilling, the rotational movement of the drill bit guides drilling dust backwards but fitting a drilling dust nozzle considerably reduces exposure to dust for users. The solution is the dust nozzle.
It’s all about choosing the right drill for the job and its important distinct functions, and then having the correct techniques and equipment, say the experts. Sales DIY
The right choice of drill bit In addition to the hammer mechanism principle, physical force and drilling quality are primarily dependent on the choice of drill bit. For construction materials such as plastic, and especially composites, the experts recommend special drill bits. For hardwood, chipboard, plywood or MDF boards, spiral wood drill bits are perfect. When drilling in wood, the rule of thumb is: The harder the wood and the larger the drilling diameter, the lower the speed – and vice versa.
Identifying the construction material
Conducting a test drill with a small drilling diameter is the way to remedy this situation, making it easy to determine whatever is hidden under the surface:
Certain cordless drills provide torque, speed and sometimes impact energy just like corded power tools do. Yet the drilling quality is not decided by these criteria alone. How do hammer mechanisms work? Which drilling function is suitable for which construction material? How is the type of construction material determined when drilling into a finished wall or panel?
Concrete Exceptionally fine, white to gray drilling dust
Plastics can be worked using wood drill bits, but steel drill bits are better. For plastics, drilling must be performed particularly slowly and carefully to prevent overheating.
Plasterboard Hollow space behind the boards, fine white drilling dust
Cleaning the drilled hole
It is therefore advisable to keep removing the drill bit and remove any chips. Hazards can arise when drilling. Using a tool with a fitted kick back stop can reduce the risk of the drill suddenly jamming in the material, thereby minimising the risk of twisting your wrist. Always wear ear protection and safety glasses when drilling.
“For example, our D 27-BSD drilling dust nozzle is very practical and clean. This keeps the drilled hole clean, and dowels benefit from better grip," von dem Bussche suggests.
Aerated concrete Light gray, coarse-grained drilling dust
Perforated brick Hollow spaces can be felt when drilling, light red drilling dust
to drilling
70 volume 12 | issue 3
A guide Vermont

Use and function of a percussion drill
“Such a Tork Craft Angle Grinder with its interchangeable Li-ion batteries will certainly do the trick, saving me time and thus money. The latter because time is money – or so they say. But it will certainly be saving me buckets full of the stuff which I, sad but true, seem to lack nowadays - elbow
Diggers’s expert tip Every tradesperson knows that ease of use is necessary on the construction site. Professionals and serious DIYers appreciate it when functions and attachments can be changed quickly. Diggers DIY prefers the Festool united CENTROTEC tool chuck and bit holder as it is half the size and 80% lighter than comparable chucks. It fits all Festool cordless drills and cordless percussion drills with the FastFix interface, enabling users to change tools in a matter of seconds. In addition, the TPC cordless percussion drill and the TDC cordless drill, using the electronic KickbackStop, minimise Last edition’s competition: A Tork Craft Tork Craft Angle Grinder AG 115B - TC20110
further extensive and entertaining account of what use the Tork Craft Angle Grinder can be used for, including some of our advertisers’ products, Michiel wins the Congratulations,prize. this magnificent cordless tool will be on its way to you shortly, compliments of Vermont Sales. The winner is Michiel Kirchner of Stellenbosch Scan to read more
The hammer action works in the axial direction for percussion drills. Here, however, the function is generated by two tooth and notch discs, which come into contact with each other and "slide" on each other. This process transfers hammer actions to the tool chucks, which acts on the material via the drill bit. During percussion drilling, many small hammer actions act in the axial direction of the drill bit. Thanks to the notch discs, a higher stroke rate is generated than with a hammer drill, but the impact energy is lower. A hammer drill works at a lower stroke rate, but with significantly greater impact energy than a percussion drill. This enables work to be completed more quickly. Hammer drilling in concrete requires less force than percussion drilling. However, for softer materials/panel materials, von dem Bussche recommends working without using hammer action; such as with fibre cement panels, plasterboard, gypsum fibreboard, stone with porous joints (aerated concrete, pumice concrete) and masonry made of perforated brick.
71volume 12 | issue 3
In his extensive competition entry, Michiel reminds us what a great philosopher said when it comes to rotting wooden door and window frames: “The Chinese philosopher and politician Kong Qiu Confucius (who lived between 551 and 478 BC) said: ‘Rotten wood cannot be cured’. So, if such frames are rotten, whether caused by fungus or by wood-destroying insects like beetles, borers, termites or carpenter bees (the insects which you reported on elsewhere in this issue of TO BUILD) replace the wooden frames!

SUPPLIERS & CONTRACTORS COATINGS & COLOUR Get the job doneThe most difficult part about revamping your walls is not applying the paint, it’s choosing the colour! It’s a problem shared by many homeowners and also designers! Hardware retailers will tell you that the main cause for paint returns is an unhappy colour choice made by the customer. choose the right colour Plascon 72 volume 12 | issue 3

“The Grounded colours are fantastic to use as stand-alone notes, feature wall moments of interest, and even, in combination with one another,” says Moodley. So what are you waiting for? Get the job done! However, there is light at the end of the colour horizon! Local company, Plascon says it has recently launched its tester pots to assist the buyer. Each pot is a dinky-sized container of paint to enable testing and choice; a relief for home designers and owners. The buyer can purchase a small amount of paint and create one or a few larger swatch patches on the walls before committing to painting the entire room.
Many buyers know this scenario all too well – along with the expense, extra time, and bother involved in rectifying such a mistake in colour matching. Colour experts advise choosing a shade lighter than the one that initially catches the eye, as it may appear darker over a larger expanse; they also advise using darker colours in rooms that are well lit by natural light.
73volume 12 | issue 3
“And if you’re busy with a DIY or craft project, a Plascon Tester Pot is just the thing if you’re needing a small amount of paint,” suggests the company advisory service.
room that is being redecorated,” Moodley
Plasconcontinues.has also introduced seasonal colour palettes that can make any season come to life in your home. Plascon’s new winter “Grounded” palette features a bouquet of earth-inspired colours that bring moods of the famed bushveld and savannah landscapes directly to mind.
Lighting, aggravated by the time of day, affects how colour appears. Typically the customer takes a colour swatch at the store on the basis of their best judgment of the colour needed. However, a small block of painted board, which may look good in the light of the display, may well turn out completely different when applied to the walls of the room it is being used in, indoor or outdoor. Often the colour can seem suddenly too dark or doesn’t quite match the rest of the decor.
“We encourage people to do a test patch by painting the chosen colour on the wall or piece of furniture, as the colour chart samples are fairly small and don’t allow for changing light or the overall look of the
The solutionin the pot job done!
Get the
“We are always looking for innovative ways to make the experience at Decorex one to remember for both the trade and the public,” notes Suvasin Moodley, head of decorative marketing at Plascon.
At Decorex earlier this year, Plascon hosted a stand where customers could speak to the paint advice experts and purchase tester pots to take home.

• Wide range of colours and the opportunity to specify a colour under the RAL colour system (T’s and C’s apply).
• A solution for each SA climatic zone, as specified under SANS10400-L and SANS 9223.
Safal Steel's pre-painted version is based on this technology: Colorplus®, is coated with a specially formulated paint system that is available in a standard range of 11 colours. Bespoke colours and paint system options are available on request, subject to terms and conditions. The innovative pigments we use in our paint have been carefully selected for colour retention in the long run and keep a fresh appearance for many years. This technology also limits chalking. With an increasing load of wind-borne contaminants and dust in many environments, particle resistance is also a key feature we build into our paint system. With all these advances in our pre-painted coating technology, it means that the modified polyesters in the paint resist dirt, ensuring your roof stays cleaner, retaining its colour for longer.
• Zincal® and Colorplus® are identifiable. All Safal Steel prime material is branded. Look for the trademark on the back of the sheet. Insist on quality. Specify Safal Steel material only. Guideline for Product Selection
• Cool roof: High performance solar/heat reflecting technology.
A world-class product
Safal Steel is justifiably proud that its premium coated roofing material, Colorplus® has been specified and used on the world record award-winning steel roof covering the new Eastport Distribution Centre near the OR Tambo International Airport. On this project, 280m-long roofing panels made from Colorplus® AZ100 were formed at roof height and directly installed on the roof of this huge warehouse. for a world-first award
Significant benefits of Colorplus® Steel roofing
What is Colorplus® Steel? Our technically advanced Zincal® substrate, made under licensed technology from BIEC International Inc, is produced by a unique, efficient process whereby rolled steel is continuously hot dipped into an alloy mixture. This consists of a 55% aluminium, 44.5% zinc and 1.5% silicon blend. This coating process gives rise to what is best known as AZ coated steel material, not to be mistaken for or confused with pure zinc galvanised (prefaced Z) roofing material. The AZ material offers significant performance and also environmental sustainability benefits when compared with its heavier and faster corroding galvanised alternative.
• Up to 4 times longer life in service than much heavier galvanised technology.
74 volume 12 | issue 3
Urban, rural, low levels of pollutionairborne Light corrosionaverageindustrial,marine Large corrosionormediumcommercial,industrialhighmarine Heavy industrial or severe marine zones 40km or more from the splash zone 1 - 40km from the splash zone 400m - 1km from the splash zone 100m - 400m from the splash zone AZ 100 AZ 150 No bottomexposedsurface AZ 200 Cut edges to be sealed
In summary Colorplus® is produced by a unique, efficient process and has been developed as a premium product to endure South African's harshest climates. Whatever the climate, we have a solution for your roofing need.
* Zone classification C1-C5 as per SANS 9223 and SANS 10400L All Safal Steel Prime material is branded on backing coat - insist on Safal Steel material For any technical queries please contact Safal Steel and ask for the representative in your area Zone C1-C2 Zone C3 Zone C4 Zone C5
• A service warranty applies to our product subject to applicable terms and conditions.
• Locally made, under licenced internationally respected technology.

learn more at world records.

Pick n Pay’s Eastport Distribution Centre (DC) is currently under construction at the Eastport Logistics Park, a Fortress REIT development, close to ORT International Airport in Gauteng. roof to do Fortress REIT, Pick n Pay and Macsteel
The roof structure, which is of giant proportions, is the site where a recent world record was set.
SUPPLIERS & CONTRACTORS ROOFING 76 volume 12 | issue 3
South Africa proud

The media were treated with images of what appears to be a suspended shipping container, dangling from a sky jacking boom lift.
The roof is 160 000m2 and weighs around 860 Meanwhile,tons. the base metal product used in this process, made by Safal Steel and called Colorplus® steel, is a coated steel sheet based on a patented zinc-aluminium alloy technology, which is coated onto steel substrate at the Safal Steel factory in KZN, as licenced by world licencing company, BIEC International Inc.
The roof structure, which is of giant proportions, is the site where a recent world record was set.
The coated sheet thus manufactured is then pre-painted with custom-designed coatings and available to clients in a range of colours. The coated steel substrate is rated 100AZ, meaning a specified coating width of the special aluminium-zinc (AZ) alloy coated on to a width of 27 microns.
A roof to cover all For a facility of this size, the eye is naturally drawn to the roof, which covers the facility in a sporty, curved design.
In addition, the new DC will be a green exemplar, confirms Basson.
The Eastport distribution centre will also have capacity to support Pick n Pay’s store expansion plans and will cater for future customer demand in the coming years.
Says Dave Reid, the National Product Specialist: Novotexi 440® at Macsteel, “This is a unique method to South Africa, used by Macsteel Novotexi 440 concealed fix roofing. The method is called Sky-Forming. This process of rollforming roof sheeting in long lengths is becoming the preferred method in constructing mega-warehousing.
“It dramatically improves the quality of the end product and has advantages on the critical path planning of the project as a whole in allowing following trades to simultaneously operate without blocking the ground space around the site.”
“The roof sheets were sky-formed in 280m lengths using the Safal Steel 0.5mm G550 AZ100 Colorplus Sea Spray,” adds Reid.
“We plan to occupy Eastport during 2023. This will be a phased approach, beginning with dry goods, followed by perishable groceries and finally general merchandise later in the year. It will serve a large store network across Gauteng, Mpumalanga, the Free State, North West and Limpopo provinces, including selected stores in the Northern Cape province.”
Accordingly, for a giant warehousing project of this size, some rather extraordinary engineering feats have been undertaken. According to the retail giant, the Eastport DC will have a capacity of 150 000m2
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According to Marcel Basson, the Retail Executive at Pick n Pay: Supply Chain, “Our new DC is a consolidation of Longmeadow and three smaller distribution centres in Gauteng within the Pick n Pay network. The new Eastport DC will consolidate all dry goods, perishable and fresh products, as well as all general merchandise and imported goods into one location and under one roof. This will avoid duplication of supply chain and logistics capabilities, such as trucks and warehouse space, in multiple locations.
Developed in tandem with Fortress REIT, the leading supermarket chain confirmed the new development will cover 36 hectares of state-of-the art infrastructure and is valued at R2 billion - land and construction costs. When the development of the distribution centre is completed, Pick n Pay will purchase a 60% undivided share in the property for about R1.2 billion and will enter into a long-term lease for the 40% balance with Fortress REIT.
“Solar panels covering a roof area of 6 400m2 will generate a significant proportion of the facility’s energy requirements, and ultimately save 2 320 tons of CO2 emissions every year”, he adds.

• Tilt up panels/concrete walls will total 2 251m3 (for dry goods, RRU and perishables).
• 4 700 light fittings will be installed across the site.
Celebrating a world first Macsteel was officially awarded the status of Guinness World Records™ title holder in June with an epic display of this special technology. In a nutshell, the company made South Africa proud when they broke a world record to become the new title holder for the longest roof span covered by a single metal corrugated sheet. The sheet spans 280 metres, across the widest part of the roof covering the new Pick n Pay flagship DC.
• The roof structure is considered to be the longest continuous roofing panel in the world; 165 716m2 of roof sheeting will be used to cover the dry goods, perishables, RRU and the main office.
Development manager: Fortress REIT Architect: ICM Architecture Project manager: Brown Barrow & Altini Quantity surveyor: Quanticost Structural & civil engineers: Sotiralis Consulting Engineers Main contractor: WBHO Structural steel erector: Cadcon Engineering Roofing contractor: Tate & Nicholson/Southey Holdings Roofing & cladding roll former: Macsteel Roofing & cladding material supplier: Safal Steel Celebrating a world record on site - Macsteel. 78 volume 12 | issue 3
“We are thrilled to be officially recognised as a title holder. That said ‘Pursuing Reinvention’ is about more than setting a world record for us, it’s about taking our customers on the journey with us and finding innovative ways to grow our business while enabling our customers to keep their businesses thriving, especially in such a trying economic climate,” says Mike Benfield, Macsteel CEO.
The Eastport distribution centre will complete the Pick n Pay Group’s supply chain centralisation in the region and support the group’s growth ambitions for the next 15 years. Pick n Pay Group
Key facts
The external concrete hardstands (light duty, heavy duty and ramps) will total 147 088m2
• 203 000m of cables, trunking, data baskets and wiring will be used.
Some of the impressive stats for this development include:
Project Team Client:
According to Fortress REIT, the new DC is the largest single-phase warehousing development in South Africa and it will be one of the largest distribution centres on the continent.
• The dividing wall will use 800m3 of concrete and will measure 207.5m long and 26.5m high.
The post-tension concrete floor will measure 146 886m2 once construction is complete.
• 3 664 tons of structural steel will be used across the site.
• The dock pits will have 242 dock levellers across dry goods, perishables and recycling & reclamation units (RRU).

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A timber deck, pergola or boardwalk can add immense value to a property, while also serving a great purpose outdoors, say the experts. However, as with anything, there are facts and numbers, do’s and don’ts, regulatory considerations, quality and life-in-service considerations that every property owner must consider before making the final decision. structure
Robin Schultz Gareth Griffiths Boskjes boardwalk
bridge completed 82 volume 12 | issue 3

• A deck, pergola or garden walkway/boardwalk can add huge value to a property, besides also providing a hospitable carefree outdoor environment.
It must be noted that the construction of a timber feature should be done for practical reasons and under practical considerations; for example, how much foot traffic it will carry and just where in the garden it should be located from a design point-of-view.
Minor building work is referenced in South Africa’s National Building Regulations, SANS10400 and the absence of not having prepared plans does not absolve a property owner from adherence with the overall building regulations.
• A correctly designed timber structure, designed and installed by a known professional should last the life of the property, with minimal periodic maintenance.
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A general rule of thumb is that plans are not required for a timber platform lower than 1m off the ground. However, most municipalities in South Africa require that permission be sought from the relevant department or municipal officer (building control officer) to undertake ‘minor building work’. While plans need not accompany such an application, it should be supported by a basic sketch indicating the size, materials, and position of the structure. There may be a fee involved in doing this submission.
We spoke to the owner of an established business, Contour Decks in Cape Town, who shared a few words of advice, and some great photographs with us.
Design, planning and municipal permissions, required or not?
• Timber structures are erected to improve outdoor living space, while also providing better access to unusable ground, for example, sloped areas, rocky areas and wet areas.
Bosjes - Walkway
• A timber structure can be erected with minimal ‘wet works’ (meaning cement, concrete and brick work) and minimal use of expensive steel structural elements.
• Timber structures are equally applicable in a commercial, hospitality or domestic environment.
• Timber structures are universal and can be made to fit on almost every property, even decking for an apartment having an outdoor balcony.
Outdoor venue braai area deck with screens
Why choose a timber structure?
Outdoor deck job in progress in high-rise building.

• SA Pine - Pinus Elliottii, Pinus Patula and Pinus Radiata are all alien species (the latter being the recommended) but locally grown using sustainable forestry methods.
The more expensive options:
A deck
84 volume 12 | issue 3 TIMBER OUTDOOR STRUCTURES
• Garapa - origin South America
Locally grown hardwoods but native to Australia:
Another useful timber element is a vertical screen called a brise soleil to shade windows and deflect sunlight reducing heat gain inside the house or building.
Frequently used:
Before After Useful website references
• Cladocalyx/Sugar Gum/Eucalyptus - currently harvested from existing forests, which are not being replanted.
Using the correct wood Garden structures require the use of Class 1 hardwoods in South Africa or softer treated timber, SA Pine, which is usually also coated. While most typical hardwoods used are imported, there are two notable exceptions, both involving the use of alien but endemic hardwoods. for-timber-decking-in-south-africawood-decking-the-best-wood-to-use-
A pergola with a timber screen.
• Maçaranduba - origin South America
Pergolas These are multiple-use structures which, if correctly situated, can add enormous aesthetic value to a property. Consider their potential in blocking the direct rays of the sun from inside the house, while actually helping to shade a window of a house in winter.
• Balau - often used in SA and not requiring much maintenance, but subject to quality loss owing to depletion of old hardwood forest reserves in Southeast Asia.
An additional timber screen with the above or stand alone can be used to great effect in masking ugly garden features such as concrete walls.

IRT Training also entered into a service level agreement with the Thermal Insulation Academy of Southern Africa (TIA). With the guidance of TIPSASA , TIA were involved with formalising a registered qualification for South Africa with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and merSETA as their quality assurance body.
IRT Training (Pty) Ltd is an accredited training provider with the Services SETA and merSETA and offers training expertise in the fields of high-pressure water jetting (hydrojetting), vacuum operations, generic health and safety, working at heights, scaffolding, insulation installer and organisational development programmes.
Des Schnettler, the Chairperson of the Thermal Insulation Products & Systems Association SA (TIPSASA) reports on the launch of a new accredited training facility, which as among other things, signed a service level agreement with the Thermal Insulation Academy of SA.
IRT Training Centre
TIPSASA Des Schnettler
86 volume 12 | issue 3
On 28 July, the IRT Training Centre was officially launched in Secunda by Toelie Swart. His vision, dedication and drive made this training centre initiative possible, fulfilling a lifelong dream to educate and teach people skills which they can use as building blocks to building a better future for themselves, their families and the nation.
TIA, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of IPC Industries, was formed to act as the organisation's Skills Development Provider (SDP) division to obtain the required accreditation for the Occupational Qualification: Insulation Installer.

Facilities IRT Training (Pty) Ltd has branches in Naledi Industrial Area (Sasolburg) and in Secunda where they provide a holistic service approach for their Trainingclients.
programmes are SETA aligned and accredited and can be adjusted to suit client specific needs (not compromising the specific outcomes of a specific unit standard). In cases where training is required at the clients’ premises and utilising the clients’ own equipment, IRT Training will provide a facilitator/assessor as per requirements.
The Building Insulation Training will also be available in Midrand in September 2022. Features of training programmes
What is TIPSASA?
A certificate of competence/statement of results from the relevant SETA will be issued to competent learners as per relevant legislation and where applicable, a certificate validity period will be indicated.
• Summative assessment: o Theoretical assessment (≥80%) o Practical assessment (Competent vs. Not yet competent)
Feedback will be provided directly to the learners on competence and improvement. Feedback to clients and management will take place in the form of a training report.
A training module for each Learner will be provided and assessments will be as follows:
The need for standards and quality assurance is a clarion call in the organised insulation industry in South Africa, where poor insulation practices by a few contractors have resulted in a number of unhappy customers who receive bad service and a noncompliant insulation installation in the Theroof.practice of insulation is strenuously governed by the building standards in South Africa, notably SANS 10400XA:2021 but there is a gap between what is required and what happens on the ground or in the roof, especially concerning retrofits. With that goes accredited training, which makes this announcement really good news for property owners and the industry in general.
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• Formative assessment as and when required (forms part of the learner’s portfolio of evidence)
TIPSASA members are sworn to protect the image of the industry and consumers are advised to demand to see a copy of the TIPSASA Product Compliance Certificate for each system supplier before signing a contract of installation. See also conducts/
Grant Richardson (TIPSASA Director), TJ Motau (Brits Nonwoven), Barry Collins and Terence Wall (Directors TIA and IPC Industries), Petra Mitchell (CEO Corrosion Institute of South Africa) and Des Schnetler (TIPSASA Chairperson).
Barry Collins, Petra Mitchell and Terence Wall who were instrumental in the development of the Insulation Installer qualification.
TIPSASA focuses on the Thermal Insulation Industry with particular emphasis on energy efficient products and systems. As a non-profit company it continues to serve its members, professionals and consumers.

DOMESTIC SPLIT HE AT PUMP RANGE Economical Water Heating At Its Finest Exceptional performance and cutting-edge innovation come together beautifully in the new Alliance Domestic Split Heat Pump range, a standout water-heating system that guarantees an efficient, low cost hot water solution for every household. Designed for South Africans the Alliance Domestic Heat Pumps easily cut water-heating costs by up to 75% and can be retrofitted to an existing water cylinder or geyser with ease. No solar panels required. These lifestyle-enhancing water heating systems from Alliance tick all boxes for domestic water-heating excellence, even during the cold and rainy seasons, and are capable of heating at night when electricity demand is low. Experience the Alliance difference today JHB & Central: (011) 704-6320 Bloemfontein: 083 381 0074 Gqeberha (PE): (041) 484-6413 EL: (043) 722-0671 KZN: (031) 579-1895 Pretoria: (012) 643-0445 CPT: (021) 556-8292 @allianceafrica

In a typical South African home it is estimated that approximately 50-60% of electricity consumed is used to heat water. The biggest culprit is your geyser. Now that it’s winter, everyone is taking longer, hotter showers and heating their homes electrically in a bid to keep warm. Naturally, this translates to greater electricity usage and a more expensive power bill at the end of each month.
water heating solutions
Eco-friendly and cost-saving
In 2022, the cost of electricity is increasing by 25%. This means your energy-guzzling geyser is costing 25% more to run than in 2021. With no end to price hikes seemingly in sight, many consumers are switching to cost-effective, modern energy-efficient technologies from Alliance for solutions to their residential and commercial water heating woes. This was the case for a private residential homeowner earlier this year.
The client’s home was disconnected from the national energy grid and installed with a 7kW/h solar photovoltaic system (PVS) that uses 28 x 250 watt photovoltaic solar panels to generate electricity. Installation was expertly done by Eco Simply Solar. To reduce the size of the PVS required for the property, Fourways Group supplied an Alliance 5kW hot water heat pump that was installed onto an existing 200-litre geyser.
90 volume 12 | issue 3
Traditionally, a 200-litre geyser requires a 4kW/h electrical element for full efficiency. This is not practical with a PV system as the geyser’s element would require a much larger solar array. Its 4kW/h element would take 2.9 hours to heat the water inside and consume an electricity total of 11.6kW/h. At a tariff of R2.10 per kW/h, it would cost R24.36 each heating cycle to heat the water within.

Whether in homes or hotels, hot water heat pumps help every household and formal accommodation facilities such as hotels reduce rapidly increasing electricity costs.
The Alliance Heat Pumps work on the same principle as air conditioners, extracting ambient heat from the atmosphere but, instead, transferring it to water. Thus, in a normal geyser, 1kW of electrical energy produces just 1kW of heat energy. With an Alliance Heat Pump, 1kW of electrical energy produces approximately 3kW of heat energy. The result is water heated for only approximately one-third of the electrical usage of a normal household geyser, saving consumers two-thirds on water-heating Domesticcosts.
Alliance units comfortably heat from 100 litres to 500 litres of water. For commercial use, as a result of the modularity of Alliance Heat Pumps, many units can be linked together to supply thousands of litres of hot water per hour. Water temperature, as well as heating periods, can be adjusted via a wired controller to meet specific hot water demands.
Experts at Alliance recommended an Alliance 5.4kW swimming pool heat pump which has a titanium heat exchanger that is resistant to the saltwater of the marine tank. The 5.4kW pool heat pump operates for three hours each day to maintain the perfect 26°C water temperature, while consuming only 3.2kW per day. This was the first time a swimming pool heat pump was designed for a system like this and a great accomplishment to see how Alliance water heat pumps can be used successfully for different types of water-heating applications.
The Alliance Retrofit Heat Pump would cost R5.80 to heat the water, saving consumers R18.56 each month. This represents massive savings over a 10-year cycle, which would cost R88 914 for a 4kW element to heat geyser water, whereas the Alliance water heat pump would cost just R21 170, saving end-users an incredible R67 744.
Alternatively, an Alliance Retrofit Heat Pump only has an input power of 1.2kW/h. At 20°C ambient, it heats the 200 litre geyser from 10 to 60°C in 2.3 hours and uses only 2.76 kW/h at R2.10 per kW/h.
Apart from saving electricity, saving homeowners money and reducing the load on Eskom, Alliance units also operate on eco-friendly R410A gas. This gas has replaced R22 Refrigerant as the preferred refrigerant for residential and commercial air conditioners in South Africa as it does not contribute to ozone depletion. R410A gas also functions at a higher pressure than R22, thus new compressors are built to withstand greater stresses, reducing the chance of cracking. With soaring energy prices and a strong probability of more to come, Alliance heat pumps in residential properties and the likes schools and hotels have become the go-to energy-saving solution for consumers to trim their monthly electricity costs.
91volume 12 | issue 3
An additional technical challenge for Eco Simply Solar was to figure out how to heat the private client’s 3 000 litre marine fish tank that boasts R200 000 worth of live coral and exotic fish at a maintained water temperature of 26°C.

A durable, sustainable structure can only be achieved by thinking in terms of systems rather than products, which is why the MAPEI building line is extended by introducing new, cutting-edge systems and materials with the aim of supplying solutions for every type of problem encountered on Withsite. over 80 years experience in the industry and backed by our established world class R&D infrastructure & resources, the MAPEI Building Line has been developed to meet the most stringent requirements and provide the most advanced protection for any concrete, on any site worldwide.

Is regenerative Is this the Next Big Thing in sustainable living and green building technology? Moving on from sustainability, the new word about town is regenerative practice. But how can the average homeowner apply this to their garden, even in apparently blighted soil conditions. And can we learn from established enterprises who have developed an enviable reputation in this arena, on a larger scale?
To Build’s editor spoke to Megan McCarthy, an agroecologist tasked with food gardens and other initiatives at Spier, a privately owned enterprise consisting of a world famous wine farm, hotel, art route and farming. gardening an option?
Megan of Spier advises…
• Do not be in a rush, allow for a full year.
• Check the prevailing winds for the whole year.
• Trail the movement of the sun all year over the property.
93volume 12 | issue 3
• Do not overcomplicate things.
Spier, GarethWayne_RGriffiths
• Observe and understand how water moves through the property. Planning a garden?

“We recognise that our business can be an agent for change, and we are continually looking at ways to improve and create more shared value. This way of doing business has shifted us from responsible to positive practices to achieve meaningful social, environmental and community impact beyond our direct operations. We aim to impact in a positive way all those with whom we come into contact,” explains Megan.
Inhealthy.2020, in partnership with the Sustainability Institute, Megan recruited 13 local community members to increase food production on the farm and learn how to grow their own fresh, nutritious produce at “Duringhome. the first hard Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, produce was donated to roughly 600 vulnerable families in nearby communities as part of relief packs. These packs were supplemented with seedlings and guidance on how to grow food. Eleven families in Lynedoch have started food gardens to provide their families and community with nutritious food. I also assisted Spier staff members living in our staff village in March 2020 to establish six food gardens; four of these continue to grow food,” says Megan. The produce grown at the estate is used in their restaurants and sold in an online shop and at the Spier Farm Cafe. The name Farmer Angus is ubiquitous with eggs and other regenerative-farmed products in the South African food-conscious market and indeed Angus McIntosh lives and works on the farm. He hosts an impressive blog for the homeowner, which is easily found on the internet.
• Gravity is your friend: As far as possible, introduce gravity fed irrigation systems.
• Look after the water: It is an absolute must to collect and use rainwater as well as household waste water. At Spier, even the (so-called) black water is treated and used for irrigation.
A roadmap to follow
94 volume 12 | issue 3
Regenerative agriculture aims to create a healthy farming system involving a holistic production approach in which the methods are built on a soil health mindset – an understanding that the soil is not a growth medium but a living dynamic ecosystem. It is equally applicable to the business, as well as the homeowner wanting to plan and maintain a healthy garden.
• Introduce small animals where possible into the urban food gardening system. Animals and birds assist with the eradication of pests. Fowls especially assist with aerating the soil with their scratching and digging habit.
• Nurture the soil, not the plant: The plants will look after themselves if you get the soil right. Composting and other methods of nutrition should be aimed at How is it done? the soil, not the plants.
“At Spier, the land is holistically farmed to create a diversified, balanced ecosystem with minimal impact on the environment. A primary focus is the regeneration of soil fertility, which is achieved through methods such as high-density grazing (of cattle, pigs and chickens) and nutrient-rich organic compost”, says Megan. company’s performance, good for the homeowner
Spier’s food gardens were first planted in September 2013, and were significantly expanded in 2020. No pesticides or artificial fertilisers are used in the cultivation of fruit, herbs and vegetables. Instead, much effort is spent to ensure the soil is healthy so that the plants have a robust immune system to withstand attacks by pests. Worm compost and weekly foliar sprays are used to boost nutrients. Companion planting and crop rotation are practiced. Not only does this improve the flavour of vegetables; it also reduces pest problems and keeps the soil
There are valuable lessons that can be learned from the Spier social development and regenerative cultivation models that can be used by developers and designers to up their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Indeed, the Green Building Council of SA introduced a pilot socio-economic rating tool, which can be applied to office, retail centres, multi-unit residential, public/education buildings and even interiors. Spier is clearly committed to ESG using a positive business approach.
Broadly, Megan believes that the following principles are equally applicable to any planted or cultivated land, irrespective of whether at home, around a business office park, or on a farm.
Through Spier, Megan runs a number of public workshops where the principles of regenerative garden practice are explained and delegates are given hands-on opportunities in the practice.
• Minimum interference in the garden; nature knows what it is doing.
• Building rubble must be completely removed as it renders the soil infertile.
Good for a

CLAYBRICK.ORG FOECIOVEHT T H E CLAYBRICKINDUSTRY SECURESAVESUSTAINSTYLE Download free technical & construction guides at Ceramic clay masonry is a natural insulator against summer heat, winter cold, humidity and noise. With timeless appeal, impressive strength and maximum fi re resistance, clay brick looks beautiful for a lifetime. CBASA represents clay brick & paver manufacturers across Southern Africa. We drive inclusive, sustainable practices in the industry while supporting our local producers, builders and architects. FOR GOOD Q FOREVER Conradie Park, Cape Town.Photo courtesy of Concor.

of net zero concrete?
A renewable
Glenn Asakawa/CU Boulder and Pixabay
96 volume 12 | issue 3
Engineers at the University of Boulder, Colorado, have come up with the use of coccolithophores, a type of single-celled microalgae to grow calcium carbonate and turn it into a limestone alternative, with which it’s possible to make concrete. According to the university, cement production currently accounts for 7% of global carbon emissions so any reduction in traditional production methods would be significant. source

With only sunlight, seawater and dissolved carbon dioxide, the tiny organisms produce the largest amounts of new calcium carbonate on the planet and at a faster pace than coral reefs. coccolithophore blooms in the world’s oceans are so big, they can be seen from space.
“On the surface, they create these very intricate, beautiful calcium carbonate shells. It's basically an armor of limestone that surrounds the cells,” Srubar explains.
“For the industry, now is the time to solve this very wicked problem. We believe that we have one of the best solutions, if not the best solution, for the cement and concrete industry to address its carbon problem,” he says.
Net carbon neutral way to make cement
Students working in the Living Materials Laboratory, which uses calcifying microalgae to produce limestone and create a carbon neutral cement, as well as cement products which can slowly pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store it.
The university’s team of engineers has developed a way to make a sustainable concrete by adding living organisms to the “Thismix. is a really exciting moment for our team,” says Wil Srubar, lead principal investigator on the project and associate professor in Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering and CU Boulder’s Materials Science and Engineering Programme.
The method is not only carbon neutral, but could even prove carbon negative because the material is able to sequester carbon and store it within the concrete.
“We see a world in which using concrete as we know it is a mechanism to heal the planet. We have the tools and the technology to do this today.”
Prof Wil V Srubar, University of Boulder, Colorado
If all cement-based construction around the world was replaced with biogenic limestone cement, each year, a significant 2 gigatons of carbon dioxide would no longer be pumped into the atmosphere and more than 250 million additional tons of carbon dioxide would be pulled out of the atmosphere and stored in these Thismaterials.could theoretically happen overnight, as biogenic limestone can “plug and play” with modern cement production processes, says Srubar.
Biogenic limestone can “plug and play” with modern cement production processes in-world-first),carbon-neutral-cement-made-from-algae-(
The beauty of this process is that it is totally renewable and does not involve the extraction of non-renewable minerals from the ground. It’s currently unclear how costeffective the method would be compared to traditional cement production, so the road is still potentially long. Given however the skill and tenacity of some local cementitious materials manufacturers, it would be gratifying to see South African researchers becoming involved in this new opportunity also.
In Portland cement, the most common type of cement, limestone is extracted from large quarries and burned at high temperatures, releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide. The research team found that replacing quarried limestone with biologically grown limestone, a natural process that some species of calcareous microalgae complete through photosynthesis (just like growing coral reefs), creates a net carbon neutral way to make portland cement. In short, the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere equals what the microalgae already captured.
Concrete is one of the most ubiquitous materials on the planet, a staple of construction around the world. It starts as a mixture of water and portland cement, which forms a paste to which materials such as sand, gravel or crushed stone are added. The paste binds the aggregates together, and the mixture hardens into concrete.
Ground limestone is also often used as a filler material in Portland cement, typically replacing 15% of the mixture. By using biogenic limestone instead of quarried limestone as the filler, Portland cement could become not only net neutral but also carbon negative by pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and storing it permanently in concrete.
97volume 12 | issue 3

BSUSTAINABILITYEYONDTHEEXP E CTE D From optimizing energy and material e ciency to reducing waste and CO2 emissions, we focus on developing innovative solutions that make buildings more sustainable, extend their life cycle, and advance the circular economy. This turns cities into more attractive living environments for all of us, today and tomorrow. Enabling sustainable construction with breakthrough innovations Call us for more info: 010 823 8688

Modern living would be virtually impossible without the use of plastics
Although sceptics might find it hard to believe, the plastics industry around the world say they support these objectives without endorsing the call for people to go “plastic free”. They do however support the appeal for a plastics-free environment.
Plastics SA Anton Hanekom, Executive Director of Plastics SA
It is a fact that our modern lives would be virtually impossible without the use of plastics. Almost every sector or industry relies on plastics to make life easier, safer and more convenient. Plastics give us reliable performance at an affordable price. Think about the many applications of plastics in the healthcare environment, automotive industry, technology, building and construction and mining. More and more of the plastics used in these sectors are either recyclable, or are being manufactured with a percentage of recycled plastic contents as product designers and developers are grasping the tremendous benefits and savings afforded to them by supporting the circular economy.
In 2020 the CSIR released their findings that confirmed that reusable, plastic shopping bags are the best option for South Africa. After comparing 21 environmental and socio-economic indicators, including water use, land use, global warming, the impacts of pollution, impact on employment and the affordability for consumers, they confirmed that locally produced plastic shopping bags have the lowest environmental footprint compared to carrier bags made from alternative materials, or even biodegradable bagsprovided that they are re-used. This confirmed similar findings released by Danish researchers who found that cotton bags need to be reused 7 100 times to have the same cumulative environmental impact as using classic plastic bags. Life Cycle Assessments showed that the single-use plastic straw has nearly half the energy demand of PLA and paper straws. The latter also have a global warming potential nearly three times more than the single-use plastic straw!
To this end, plastics industry associations join the call for a science-based, complementary plastic strategy that seeks to eradicate unnecessary plastic and also considers the overall environmental impact of various plastic alternatives.
plastic-free world? GREEN BUILDING WorkingOPINION towards a
100 volume 12 | issue 3
To imagine that the solution to our country’s waste crisis is as easy as simply banning the use of plastics, is very shortsighted. It is important to recognise that the waste clogging our rivers, streams and oceans is not solely caused by plastics. Plastic is a lightweight material, therefore it floats and is therefore often the more visible pollutant.
plastic -free wor ld?
Over the past few years, numerous independent scientific studies have been conducted to compare the environmental footprint of plastics versus other packaging materials, e.g. glass, paper or biodegradable packaging. Time and again, these life cycle analyses have proven that plastics require less energy, reduce waste and have lower carbon Earlieremissions.this year the World Economic Forum admitted that, “in trying to solve the plastic pollution problem, we may have created another problem: we are replacing plastic with materials that have a carbon footprint up to three times higher than plastics themselves, some of which are not even biodegradable in real-life conditions ”.
Each year in July, people across the globe take part in “Plastic Free July” – an international movement that aims to reduce the amount of plastic waste in our environment by encouraging fellow citizens to make the shift towards environmentallylong-term,friendly habits.

will continue to make a tangible difference through various clean-up operations and initiatives that help to keep our country’s river-catchment areas clean of plastic in close partnership with all relevant stakeholders, including various levels of government, Producer Responsibility Organisations and educators to focus on improving waste management and recycling, offering ongoing education, training and awareness in communities around the country. Meantime, the war on waste continues, with numerous community organisations and now also property developers joining hands to assist in the sequestration of existing waste. On the building site, plastic waste and offcuts remain one of the most clear and present threats to the environment - Ed Read in a back issue of TO BUILD about the plastic waste sequestration efforts of a well-known developer here: https://bit. Sharely/3bqoGR8yourviews with us. Do you agree with the Plastics SA opinion? Email the editor on
On the building site, plastic waste and offcuts remain one of the most clear and present threats to the environment - Ed Anton Hanekom, Executive Director of Plastics SA volume
References 1 4more-harm-than-good.html32alternatives/
Unfortunately, all of these benefits are jeopardised if plastic waste pollutes our environment. The real issue that should therefore be addressed is not the use of plastics, but human behaviour and the country’s broken waste collection and recycling systems.
The real issue that should be addressed is not the use of plastics, but human behaviour
12 | issue 3
When Stats SA released their General Household Survey for 2021 – it indicated that sadly no improvement has been made with regards to waste collection in South Africa. Thirty five percent of households in South Africa still have to rely on communal or household refuse dumps, while 1,6 % of households have no facilities at all. If we do not fix this “broken waste management system” all our other efforts will be less effective and even fruitless. We can have the best redesigned product that is 100% recyclable. However, if it is not separated at household level and moved to a central place where it can be sorted for recycling then (with the current broken system) it will simply end up in a landfill or the environment. We need to stop cherry picking and collect all waste to combat Everypollution.piece of plastic has value and has the potential to be repurposed and recycled into something new. Whilst a battle rages on around the issue of litter in the environment, Plastics SA and its members

Tel: 011 434 0444, 44 Hulbert Rd Cnr Rosettenville Rd, New Centre, Johannesburg PO Box 39799, Booysens, BOLT PLUSH

Selling an item voetstoots means that the purchaser is buying it as it stands, whether or not it has patent or latent defects. Patent defects are obvious on normal observation, whereas latent defects refer to hidden or unseen defects. A voetstoots clause protects sellers in the event of latent defects coming to light after the transaction has been concluded.
This article addresses two misconceptions about the term ‘voetstoots’.
Advocate Bryan Hack, a propertyexperienced advocate at the Cape Bar explains this term and its implications.
The ‘voetstoots’ clause –Bryan Hack Adv. Bryan Hack Two common misconceptions
The concept of “being aware” is in itself subject to the qualification “it depends”. To be aware in this context is to have no knowledge. A seller can be liable for a defect if they should have been aware of an existing defect that would affect the buyer. This was addressed in a recent judgment handed down in the Western Cape in the case 2016 (1) SA 293 (WCC) .
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an explainer
There are certain terms used in the legal profession which are universally known, among them ‘voetstoots’. But what does this mean?
Asdepends”.tothefirst, that a voetstoots clause removes any liability by the seller of an item for defects, this has never been the law. In simple terms, a seller will be liable for any damages, such as the cost of repair incurred by a buyer if the seller was aware of the defect and failed to disclose it.
One, that the legal principle protects a seller for any possible defects in an item being sold. This is because of the belief that a voetstoots clause in an agreement places all obligation on the buyers to inspect and satisfy themselves about the quality of the item they are buying. The other is that a voetstoots clause has no further legal effect since the enactment of the various pieces of consumer protection legislation by Parliament. As with most legal concepts both these perceptions are wrong. As so often is the case, the response of a lawyer to both these propositions must be “it

A case in point
The court added that the uneven floors (and ceiling) were a most unusual feature which made renovation of the house exceptionally difficult. The purchasers obviously had an interest in knowing about it, and the sellers should have revealed it.
As to the second misconception, many property buyers and sellers have incorrectly assumed the voetstoots clause is no longer applicable since the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) was implemented in 2011. The voetstoots clause still applies to property transactions when the seller’s ordinary course of business is not property, such as individuals who are selling their own houses or apartments. However, the provisions of the act apply to developers, investors or speculators, who make a living from buying and selling property. These provisions override the common law concept of the voetstoots clause. Queries can be directed to Bryan Hack via email on
The proverbial ‘moral of the story’ is that a seller should err on the side of caution and disclose any characteristics which might constitute a defect. At the same time, human nature is such that a seller might be reluctant to do so for fear of not achieving a true selling value.
In practice many transactions involving immovable property include a property disclosure document which is in a sale agreement. This is a useful checklist in which sellers state whether items within the property and included in the sale are in good condition or not, and whether certain extra items are included in the sale. Such a document offers both buyers and sellers a measure of protection. Sellers cannot afterwards be accused of not disclosing certain latent defects to the buyers when the sale was concluded. For buyers, it gives a good idea of what would need replacing or repairing and whether there may be expensive defective items which would influence the offer they make.
The plaintiffs bought a property and after obtaining possession and ownership the plaintiffs sought an order that the sale be set aside, and the purchase price be refunded as the property was defective. The defects were Inunusual.theevidence it was revealed that the original wooden floors were not level but had been 'levelled' with cement screed and then carpeted and tiled. The uneven floor was the result of the house subsiding on one side. It was a wooden structure built into a slope at the back and with its front on stilts. Of importance was that this was because of a severe decay in the foundation supporting the building. In addition, artificial ceilings were fitted at an angle corresponding to that of the altered floor. Of significance to the purchasers’ case was that they discovered the issues while renovating the property.
on the side of caution
the plaintiffs of the remedial treatment and this constituted a latent defect.
The sellers contended that the levelling was done for aesthetic purposes and not to fraudulently conceal the underlying decay of the foundation. They claimed that they had no knowledge of the decay of the foundations and furthermore argued that the house did not suffer from a defect because the state of the foundations did not hinder the ordinary use of the house by the purchaser. The court did not agree with the contentions of the sellers. In considering whether the levelling treatment constituted a defect the court held that a defect, on the “liberal approach” adopted in case law, was any material imperfection in the item sold, preventing or hindering its ordinary or common use; and was latent if not visible or discoverable upon inspection of the Whatitem. could be regarded as such imperfections changed with lifestyle and custom, and therefore cognisance had to be taken that in modern times renovating a home to suit the lifestyle of the occupants was common practice. The purpose for which an object was bought could influence the question of whether or not it had a defect. A taint in an item gave rise to a claim only if a reasonable man would not expect it in similar items. The purchasers bought the property to live in. They acted reasonably in expecting to be able to renovate the property. The cement screed and false ceilings were features a reasonable man would certainly not expect to Thefind.court found that the seller had admitted knowledge of the uneven floor and had failed to inform
In addressing the voetstoots clause the court said that it was established law that to avoid the consequences of a voetstoots clause, the purchaser must show, not only that the seller knew of the latent defect and did not disclose it, but also that he or she deliberately concealed it with the intention to defraud. It was also established that recklessly telling half-truths, or knowing the facts but not revealing them because of not bothering to consider their significance, may also amount to fraud by the seller.
The court said that the question was whether the purchasers should have been told about the uneven floors. It was clear that the significance of doing so was never considered and should have been done, and therefore the sellers' actions constituted the necessary intention which therefore defeated the provisions of the voetstoots clause.
104 volume 12 | issue 3 Create a room in a day Roll up, roll down Hospitality and domestic All types of awnings Relief from the sun, wind and patioblinds@gmail.comrainStylishandelegant+27(0)659553323+27(0)839566878

To bring a neglected, overgrown garden back to life requires the letting in of light, uncovering of plants half or completely overgrown by the most robust growers, and revealing design lines long obscured. It also requires extensive knowledge of plants indigenous to the area where the garden is located, as well as of alien invader plants; some prohibited by law and others that inhibit the amazing diversity of flora we are blessed with in South Africa. PROPERTY GetGARDENINGyour garden Let in the light, bring out the design, says experienced indigenous landscaper, Erina Botha. ready this Spring Erina Botha 1. Trim and clear trees 2. Cut back or uproot creepers 3. Reshabe shrubs 4. Reveal undergrowth like ferns and ground covers 5. Add new, suitable plants to ‘barren’ areas after the clearing What to do 106 volume 12 | issue 3

• Clear out small growth at the base of tree trunks obscuring plants growing underneath or behind.
• Dead-head shrubs where needed. Also trim back ‘unruly’ shoots to bring back the natural shape of shrubs.
• Add some diversity of shrubs where one or two types may have overtaken large areas. Groundcovers and undergrowth
• Trim and redirect unruly hedges or creepers bordering the plot and on design lines inside the garden.
• Sheers • Small, sharp axes
Email Erina on for advice.
• Dig out small trees shooting up underneath or around established trees. Make sure all small, spreading roots are removed.
• Ensure that diversity of foliage is introduced if absent, such as a range of different types of ferns in shady and partially shaded areas, for instance. Also a range of different bulbous plants that flower at different times of the year, such as watsonias, chasmanthes, gladioli and more.
Shrubs and feature plants
• Remove low-growing branches.
• Lift shoots from creepers that are overgrowing into flower beds or shooting down rock walls and slopes in the garden.
Creepers and hedges
• Bring in suitable diversity for all seasons, i.e. plants in different shades of green and grey foliage, and that flower in different seasons.
107volume 12 | issue 3
Trim and clear trees, and underneath trees
Tools required
• Rake up the dead leaves, especially of trees like oaks that drop all their leaves during autumn and winter.
• Tidy up and re-plait creepers on wooden or steel structures around the garden, over canopies or on fencing around verandahs.
• Different types of spades; small hand spades, large spades
• Raise the canopies of the trees by cutting off the bottom three or four branches, depending on the size of the trees.
• Add suitable ground cover plants to cover all exposed soil.
• Chainsaw for large branches • Rakes – plastic for raking up leaves and spreading mulch; steel for raking soil level before planting and spreading mulch on top.
• Lift up shoots of creepers running across ‘forest floors’ under clusters of trees.

108 volume 12 | issue 3 SPRUNG OUTDOOR LIVING Steel Fire Pits – starting at R5 950 Available at BESPOKE LIVING Units 4,5 and 6 Maitland Mews 10, 16th Ave, Maitland, Cape Town 021 593 0149 INCANDA FURNITURE Tulbagh Couch – starting from R17 700 Shop in-store or online STUDIO ELLE INTERIOR DESIGN & DECOR Contact: +27 61 429 8283 Email: CLASSIFIEDS Johannesburg: +27 (0)11 444 2061 | Cape Town: +27 (0)21 534 9873

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Lodges and hospitality groups are built on the foundation of great customer service and, by extension, they demand great levels of customer service from their suppliers. Nowa Tech understands and appreciates these business relationships and continues to grow throughout Africa based on our personalised, tailor-made customer service.
The colour finishes were designed to blend in with natural tones found in nature. We want our decking planks to enhance and compliment the surroundings with a more natural look, having an uncapped brushed surface accomplishes this aesthetic. Our Savanna finish installed at this stunning lodge in Hoedspruit seems like a continuity of the surrounding nature. Strength and durability The lodge has high foot traffic and requires strong, durable decking. We leveraged the strength of PVC composite decking and the surface finish of our planks to meet their Disastersrequirements.and mishaps happen. Life happens. We understand this and opted for a surface area that could be repaired if something happened that caused damage to the surface of our decking planks.
We have been producing the same decking profile, with the same PVC WPC composition and the same colour finishes since inception in 2010. This makes alterations and additions far easier for our clients as there is no concern for the discontinuation of a profile or colour, which is sometimes the case with imported products. We are in full control of what we use to make our decking profiles, including the design, shape, length and colour. We are a proudly ‘green’ manufacturer based in South Africa, offering great personalised customer service to all clients – large and small alike. Every application of Nowa Tech decking matters to us. The care and calibre of service we extend to each of our clients has seen our company grow significantly through repeat business, referrals and recommendations from our clients.
On a more technical note, we selected polyvinyl chloride (PVC) as the preferred and only polymer in our wood polymer composite (WPC). PVC is one of the hardest thermoform plastics and is widely used in applications where increased rigidity, strength and endurance are required. Of all the plastics used in WPC applications, PVC is the most durable, enduring and weather resistant. Additionally, its high chlorine content makes the material fireresistant which is incredibly important given the social and entertainment events hosted at the lodge. Consistency and longevity
Tshukudu Game Lodge, Hoedspruit Ronjo Camp, Tanzania
110 volume 12 | issue 3
Recent Projects Completed: Nowa Tech decking planks, corner planks, corner trims and fascia boards in our Savanna finish were installed at Tshukudu Game Lodge situated in Hoedspruit, Limpopo. Nowa Tech decking planks in our Savanna finish were installed at Ronjo Camp situated in the heart of Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. is a great fit for lodges in Africa Why Nowa Tech PVC deckingcomposite

Fercor Construction is passionate about building, developing and maintaining high quality local infrastructure.
Embracing the increasing demand for reliable and custombuilt infrastructure, the company ensures best practice while creating real value for its customers. Getting the job done right, first time, it continuously strives to improve productivity, enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact without compromising safety. Helping you realise your vision, Fercor Construction provides an integrated and comprehensive service offering comprising key business practices.
Customers trust Fercor Construction for its reliability, integrity and high quality service every time. It boasts an excellent track record of project completion within time and budget.
Fercor Construction offer a one-stop shop service.
Wayne Liebenberg +27 (0)82 414

Jax Oleum can be used indoors and outdoors, and it is a very costeffective product, as one litre covers up to 50m², depending on the type of wood and its preparation. To increase the lifespan and further protect the wood, our maintenance oils are recommended for an annual application.
112 volume 12 | issue 3
Jax Classics has been in operation since 1992, that’s 30 years of locally handcrafted products. We also manufacture Jax Oleum, a single coat, oil-based wood stain, deck oil and other related products such as varnishes and cleaners. After many years of research and development to perfect the product, we were excited to launch it in July 2014. We saw an opportunity in the market, for locally manufactured, competitively priced, high quality wood oil that would be able to compete with the existing imported brands. We have managed to do this, based on price, quality, colour choice and friendly service.
Easy to use Jax Oleum is really simple to use. Once the wood has been sanded and cleaned you simply oil the surface by hand, leave it to penetrate the upper layers of the wood for a few minutes and then wipe off the Youexcess.can change the colour of any natural wood product, enhancing the grain and transforming the look completely. Jax Oleum works on flooring, doors, window frames, furniture, roof trusses, gum poles, latte and more, while at the same time treating it and increasing its longevity. We have over 70 colours available, which range from shades of whites, grey’s, browns and blacks, as well as bright colours, giving our clients endless options. Our colours can be mixed to create unique tones to match up to any existing piece of furniture.
Jax Oleum will protect, nourish and colour, all natural, uncoated wood. It reacts with the upper layers of the wood, penetrating and sealing in the colour, nourishing and protecting the wood in one easy step. The product is durable, has a high resistance to water, heat and sunlight, but is not waterproof. To further protect and seal the oiled surface, we have a 2K Matt Varnish, but most brands of varnishes and sealants work well over our oil, once fully dry.
We have exhibited at a number of hand-picked expos and wood festivals to expose our products into the right industries. The response and acceptance of the Jax Oleum has been overwhelming, supplying to large furniture manufacturers, flooring companies, shop fitters and property developers, confirming that we are on the right track and have a great product. We continue to grow thanks to our awesome clientele. Visit our website at for our full range of products, and please don’t hesitate to contact us for any information and assistance you may need.
In one easy application
Another important factor is that we wanted it to be environmentally friendly and manufactured with the highest quality raw materials. We have achieved this with a low VOC product that is most importantly ‘Global Greentag Certified’, which is the world’s most robust, trusted and widely recognised eco labels. We are also certified by the Green Building Council of South Africa.

learn more at