A word from ASAQS on the JBCC The Joint Building Contracts Committee® (JBCC) recently made changes to the JBCC® suite of building contracts. This summary is not exhaustive as there are also differences in the text of a number of clauses without impacting on their meaning. The main aim of bringing out a new edition is to correct errors in the previous edition. It was thought it could be done in a few months, but in the end, it took the subcommittee almost three years.
Changes requested by the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors (ASAQS)
Definition of Agreement The defined term “agreement” is used throughout the JBCC principal building agreement (PBA), the contract data (CD) and in Bill No.1 (Preliminaries). There may be documents, other than the PBA and the CD, which could be included in the agreement, even if not specifically listed in the CD The definitions related to the request have been changed as follows:
‘Agreement: The completed JBCC® Principal Building Agreement and JBCC® contract data, the contract drawings, the priced document and any other documents reduced to writing and signed by the authorised representatives of the parties.’ As a result, the definition of “contract documents” was deleted. The definition of “priced document” has changed to include “preliminaries” as follows: Priced document: The document incorporating quantities and/or rates used in the compilation of the contract sum such as bills of quantities, preliminaries and schedules of rates. volume 10 | issue 1
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