Kirby Cox Kirby Cox & Associates 5 members | Calgary, AB
Stacey Falkwin Falkwin Group 7 members | Halifax, NS
COACH'S O Real world INB X advice from successful team leaders across the network
We asked top team leaders coast to coast to share their unique insights on building, growing and leading successful real estate
teams. Here, they reveal some of the valuable experiences, strategies
and philosophies that have helped to shape their stellar results. Cailey Heaps Estrin Heaps Estrin Real Estate Team 32 members | Toronto, ON
Rob Ohs Ohs Marketing 9 members | Qualicum Beach, BC
At what point in your career did you start a real estate team and why? Stacey: After almost 9 years as a successful individual agent with an assistant, I started the team so we could keep up with demand. Cailey: I started the team after I had been in the business with my mother for about seven years. Our impetus for creating a team structure was to maintain a high level of client service. It was evident even back then that service and delivering results are the most important elements of what we do as REALTORSÂŽ.
What advice would you give to an agent thinking of starting a team? Kirby: You will know you need a team when you start to see too many crumbs fall off the table.
David and Maxime Tardif Équipe Tardif 15 members | Montreal, QC
Rob: Be very honest with yourself. First, are you doing enough business on your own to warrant starting a team and leading other agents? Do you have a system in place to support any agents who do join your team?
Cailey: Create and nurture a strong company culture, and hire a team that fits well within that culture.
What role did you first hire for your team and how did that change your business? Rob: I hired an assistant and it was vital to the beginning of my business because I was able to have that position handle all administrative duties, leaving me free to work and spend more time with clients in a sales position. David & Maxime: Our first hire was a buyer agent. This individual was very good at servicing clients and very organized, so he could cover part of our administrative needs. We basically consolidated both roles without increasing our expenses too much. This person has now moved to our team manager position, and honestly, he is a pillar for our business. We would not be here without his dedication and true sense of organization.