Striving safe housing towards
As a REALTOR®, you dedicate your professional life to helping clients find the perfect home.
Leading Edge
But a house is only a home when the people who live there feel safe, loved and accepted. Sadly, there are thousands of women and children who do not have that privilege today. In Canada, approximately 6,300 women and children seek the safety of a shelter on any given night due to domestic violence. A shocking one in four women worldwide will experience domestic violence in their lifetime.
help How we
Commission Donations Agents generously donate a portion of their sales commissions to support the cause. rlpNet work .com / commissiondonat ions
National Garage Sale for Shelter This annual event is the largest, multi-location charity garage sale in Canada and has raised over $3 million since 2009. rlpNet work .com / gar agesale
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