Alex Simmons.
A DAYlN FIESJLE A glimpse into many pasts. After several days of gazing at the Florence Duano, the Pont Vecchio arrl the ...~rks of Michelangelo, Titian, Rubens, Valesquez, Rapael etc etc, I decided to get a bit of fresh Tuscany air. Hanly ,as it is only half an hour by his (abt .25p) was a lovely village high on a hill above Florence called · Fiesole of which frequent ~ntion is mcde in guide books, so off I ~nt anned • with my M6 arrl lots of film, Helas,photo-graphically speaking, it ..as a bit of a disappoin~nt as cloods rung in the skies arrl the lack of sun \onlld result in lack of contrast in the photo-graphs of the grey stones of the ex. --cavations. It was in 1792 that a fanner, digging his field on the slopes near the village, discovered a section of staircase. He dutifully reported it to the authorities, who persuaded an eminent expert AbbeLanzi to evaluate the i.mp'.)rtance of the discovery. Unfortunately re declated it of little relevance arrl any "10rk was then stopped. Not till 1809, on the initiative of a Prussian Barron vonScherlersein ~re excavations restarted. Fran tren on the "10rk of excavation arrl discovery bas proceeded to this day.