Coleccion bicentenario libro de ingles 3er año

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Nivel de EducaciĂłn Media del Subsistema de EducaciĂłn BĂĄsica

Hugo Rafael ChĂĄvez FrĂ­as Comandante Supremo de la RevoluciĂłn Bolivariana

NicolĂĄs Maduro Moros Presidente de la RepĂşblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Jorge Alberto Arreaza Montserrat

CoordinaciĂłn General de la ColecciĂłn Bicentenario Maryann del Carmen Hanson Flores CoordinaciĂłn PedagĂłgica de la ColecciĂłn Bicentenario Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte

Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la RepĂşblica Bolivariana CoordinaciĂłn General LogĂ­stica y de DistribuciĂłn de la de Venezuela ColecciĂłn Bicentenario Franklin Alfredo AlbarrĂĄn SĂĄnchez

Maryann del Carmen Hanson Flores

Ministra del Poder Popular para la EducaciĂłn

Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte Viceministra de Programas de Desarrollo AcadĂŠmico

Coordinación Logística Deyanira D’ Jesús Urbåez Salazar Jhonny JosÊ Quintero Påez Yrene Lucrecia Duarte Hurtado Coordinación General Serie InglÊs

Trina Aracelis Manrique

Rosa López de D’Amico

Viceministra de ParticipaciĂłn y Apoyo AcadĂŠmico CoordinaciĂłn Editorial

Conrado JesĂşs Rovero Mora Viceministro para la ArticulaciĂłn de la EducaciĂłn Bolivariana Viceministro de Desarrollo para la IntegraciĂłn de la EducaciĂłn Bolivariana

Rosa López de D’Amico

Autoras y Autores

Rosa LĂłpez de D’Amico Isabel Faneyth Jorge Enrique GonzĂĄlez AndrĂŠs Carmelo Algara Yvemar Peraza M. Audy CastaĂąeda Rebeca Oropeza Directora General de CurrĂ­culo Isabel Carrillo Ligia Ă lvarez JosĂŠ Romero Directora General (E) de EducaciĂłn Media y TĂŠcnica Cruz Colmenares Yvonne Saulny Š Ministerio del Poder Popular para la EducaciĂłn Manuel AdriĂĄn Arrioja Belkys Blanco

Maigualida del Valle Pinto Iriarte

Neysa Yrama Navarro

Caracas, Distrito Capital


Ministerio del Poder Popular para la EducaciĂłn, 2013 Primera ediciĂłn: Mayo 2013 Tiraje: 400.000 ejemplares DepĂłsito Legal: lf51620134281790 ISBN: 978-980-218-363-0 RepĂşblica Bolivariana de Venezuela Prohibida la reproducciĂłn total o parcial de este material sin autorizaciĂłn del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la EducaciĂłn

Mayra RondĂłn


RevisiĂłn Editorial CorrecciĂłn de Estilo Jorge Enrique GonzĂĄlez AndrĂŠs Carmelo Algara

CorrecciĂłn de Lenguaje Mark Gregson

CoordinaciĂłn de Arte Gilberto Abad VIvas

Gilberto Abad Vivas

DiagramaciĂłn Julio Marcano Marini

IlustraciĂłn Braulio GonzĂĄlez JosĂŠ Alberto LostalĂŠ JosĂŠ Ă ngel DĂ­az Julio CĂŠsar Aguiar Morelys Rivas Fonseca Rafael Pacheco Rangel Samuel GonzĂĄlez VĂ­ctor Silva Yassamy Moreno PĂŠrez

Suministro de papel: INVEPAL

ESTIMADAS Y ESTIMADOS COLEGAS My Third Victory, libro componente de la serie Colección Bicentenario, permite disponer del esfuerzo de un colectivo que está convencido de la importancia del aprendizaje del idioma inglés como medio de comunicación, intercambio y de liberación de nuestros pueblos. La obra mantiene la estructura presentada en los libros de los dos años anteriores. Se inicia con una silueta curricular que resume su contenido, seguida de ocho unidades y -nalmente el glosario inglésespañol. Cada unidad contiene tres lecciones centradas en temáticas que permite, a quien aprende, poder contextualizar el conocimiento y así hacerlo signi-cativo en su proceso de apropiación del mismo. Con énfasis en el “tiempo futuro” y repaso los tiempos verbales “presente” y “pasado”, estudiados en los años escolares anteriores, ofrece múltiples situaciones para acompañar a las/los estudiantes en su experiencia. El aprendizaje de un idioma incluye muchos aspectos, pero el factor humano es básico en el proceso. Motivación y actitud docente excelentes, así como procedimientos didácticos bien empleados, permitirán que nuestras y nuestros estudiantes logren expresarse en inglés. Sobre todo, utilizar este idioma internacional como medio para nuestro desarrollo comunicacional con otros países, comprender su cultura y economía y hacer que nos comprendan con nuestras propias voces. La experiencia en la adquisición del idioma inglés puede ser placentera, debemos acompañar a las y los estudiantes en este proceso, involucrar a la comunidad, incorporar los elementos de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación y la información que están a nuestro alcance, experimentar con estrategias y sensibilizarnos acerca de la relevancia de comunicarnos en inglés para nuestra independencia. El maestro Simón Rodríguez señalaba que “La ignorancia es la causa de todos los males que el hombre se hace y hace a otros”. La importancia de los idiomas la han visualizado muchos de nuestros grandes pensadores y líderes y como escribió el gran libertador de América en las instrucciones dadas para la educación de su sobrino Fernando Bolívar para orientar su educación: “…deberá aplicársele a aprender los idiomas modernos, sin descuidar el suyo…”. El volumen de información que se maneja en inglés es muy grande para ser ignorado. Preparemos al colectivo de estudiantes para que ellas y ellos comprendan, afronten y convivan en el mundo para conquistar espacios en pro de mejorar su calidad de vida y optimizar el futuro de la nación. Esperamos que este libro, que con gran satisfacción ponemos a su disposición, sirva de gran ayuda para nuestra juventud. Así mismo, agradecemos sus críticas y aportes a -n de mejorar los resultados que se aspiran con el estudiantado. Ustedes, colegas, forman parte de esta construcción en colectivo. Ayudemos todos a vencer nuestro reto: lograr que la juventud venezolana pueda comunicarse en inglés.

ESTIMADAS Y ESTIMADOS ESTUDIANTES Sean bienvenidas y bienvenidos a esta entrega de su Colección Bicentenario. Ahora cuentan con el libro My third victory de la serie de inglés, que hace llegar a tus manos el Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación de Venezuela. En primer lugar ¡felicitaciones! pues ya te encuentras en 3er año del Nivel Educación Media y te animamos a que continúes. En My third victory encontrarás la posibilidad de seguir explorando en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Es fascinante poder comunicarse con otras personas, conocer otras experiencias de vida y culturas, compartir las tuyas y más importante aún tener una herramienta en tus manos que te va a acompañar para toda tu vida. El idioma inglés es el lenguaje de la comunicación internacional, el idioma más hablado del mundo como lengua extranjera, el lenguaje de mayor publicación de las ciencias del conocimiento. Pues entonces también tú tienes la oportunidad de estar al día y continuar aprendiendo inglés. Como decía el maestro Simón Rodríguez “al que no sabe, cualquiera lo engaña”. Entonces nuestro objetivo es que tengas las herramientas básicas que te permitan comunicarte y comprender el momento histórico que vivimos. My third victory está dividido en ocho unidades y cada una de ellas tienen tres lecciones. Todas inician con un pensamiento en donde podrás observar representantes de diversas regiones del mundo, y estos a su vez están relacionados con la temática que se presenta en la lección. Al -nal encontrarás un glosario de términos con muchas de las palabras que hallarás en este libro. Ten presente que hay palabras que pueden tener muchas acepciones, pero solamente te colocamos las que se corresponden en el contexto que aparece en la situación presentada. También en el libro te invitamos al intercambio de saberes, re?exiones e ideas ante situaciones planteadas, a la práctica de diálogos, sugerimos ver algunos videos y buscar canciones que te ayuden a fortalecer alguna estructura gramatical que se esté estudiando. Nuestra idea es que disfrutes el libro, te apropies de ese conocimiento y que al -nal del año escolar puedas expresarte en inglés y nos puedas decir qué deseas ser y qué te gustaría continuar estudiando. Es importante establecerse metas y tener sueños, pues desde allí parte la intención y el deseo de lograr alcanzarlos y ¡claro que sí puedes! Queridas y queridos estudiantes, disfruten el libro y éxitos en este año escolar. So, let’s start!

- Rumors and gossiping

6.- Your future vacation

9.- What kind of person would you like to be?

12.- We’ll have to work hard for a better future!

15.- Can you? Yes, I can!

18.- Acceptance and respect

21.- I love sharing

24.- My expectations in life

Contenidos y propĂłsitos 3er aĂąo UNIDADES

PROPĂ“SITOS 1.1. Hablar de actividades a llevar a cabo en corto plazo.

1 What you did and what you are 1.2. Valorar acontecimientos doing pasados considerando los aspectos relevantes y signi-cativos.

LECCIĂ“N 1. What I did last year


2. What you are doing now and what you were doing then

3. Rumors and gossiping

pasado simple Preposition + verb(ing)

Going to + verb 4. Where are you going to ‌? interrogativa, negativa. 2 Respuestas cortas. Making plans for 2.2 Analizar la importancia 5. I promise Vacations del disfrute del tiempo libre, la recreación, las vacaciones 6. Your future vacation Who – Where – When – What �Be + going to + 7. Professions verb� 3.1 Hablar acerca de las profesiones. 3 What are you 3.2 Analizar y valorar la 8. What do you dream Adjetivos. Sustantivos. planning to be? importancia de conocer of being? Formas con I wish / acerca de las diferentes I were profesiones. 9. What kind of person ! " # would you like to be? $ % 2.1 Hablar acerca de las vacaciones

4.1 Expresar ideas usando futuro simple. Expresar determinaciĂłn. 4 4.2 Valorar las The future is ours aplicabilidades y bene-cios de algunos recursos tecnolĂłgicos. La importancia de preservar la salud.

10. Satellites will bring lots of bene-ts

11. Health problems

12. We'll have to work for a better future

& con futuro simple Will. Respuestas a-rmativas y negativas. $ Oraciones a-rmativas, negativas e interrogativas con There+will+be Adverbiales de tiempo y lugar Will have to

5 Acknowledging your abilities

5.1 Hablar sobre las metas personales. 5.2 De-nir profesiones utilizando el pronombre relativo “whoâ€?. 5.3 Re?exionar acerca de las profesiones en atenciĂłn a las necesidades del paĂ­s y a la vocaciĂłn profesional.

13. Dreams and qualities 14. Know - how 15. Can you? Yes, I can!

want ' Be good at+noun ' ( ( (

! shall 16. I don’t like the way 6.1 Hacer sugerencias. 6 Aceptar / Negar. Excusarse. I look Sharing our like? opinions and 6.2 Formular y valorar 17. Apologizing but accepting those acerca de sugerencias que $ being responsible of others requieran respuestas de terminación -ly aceptación o rechazo 18. Acceptance and respect Prep + v(ing) ) * 7.1 Hablar acerca de los 19. If we don’t take care If + verb vs will + verb in problemas de la salud en los of ourselves base form adultos mayores. 7 20. How to take care Health, care and 7.2 Valorar la importancia of my dear parents and should love de preservar una salud grandparents integral y vivir en armonía con el ambiente y en 21. I love sharing shall y will sociedad 22. With politeness 8.1 Pedir, solicitar, ofrecer con cortesía. Aceptar y be going to+verb. refutar ofrecimientos. Preguntas de información 8 con Who, What, Which, 23. Preparing my trip The future has to 8.2 Valorar la importancia When, Where, How, How de compartir y plani-car las be planned long (for) vacaciones en familia + % 8.3 Describir y preguntar acerca de las vacaciones

24. My expectations in life

) , estructuras de las lecciones anteriores


e doing

To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to be ever a child. For what is man’s lifetime unless the memory of past events is woven with those of earlier times? Marcus Tullius Cicero

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Listen and read the following conversation:


What you did and what you are doing

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Listen and repeat the following dialogue. Victor:

Did you see the new girl?


Yes. She was talking to Carmen about last year’s English classes.


Oh, I miss those classes. What about you?


I do too, of course! I learned so much.


Really? Do you remember all about the historic places?


Er… why don’t we go and talk to the new girl?

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb in parentheses and practice with your partner. Luis:

Did you ____________ (hear) about the new girl?


Yeah. What about her?


She ___________ (come) from Cariaco.


Really? There___________ (be) a terrible earthquake in that city in 1997.


Yes. My dad ___________ (tell) me about it.

What you did and what you are doing


These are some historic places in Venezuela.

The National Pantheon became the burial place of Venezuela’s national heroes in ' ./ *0/1

The Ingenio BolĂ­var is in San Mateo city. It belonged to the BolĂ­var family.

Casa PĂĄez is in Valencia city. It was the residence of the independence hero JosĂŠ Antonio PĂĄez.

Alonso de Ojeda founded Santa Cruz in Laguna de Cocinetas (Guajira Peninsula) & 5 *4-. ' & established in Venezuela.

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-*

There was a heavy storm in .--2


There was a large avalanche 3 " & *22.

What you did and what you are doing

There was a powerful volcano eruption in ) *204

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the text below and answer the question. September 6, 1987 Several natural disasters hit Venezuela in the past years. One of them was the devastating ?ood 6 *20/ ' ' 7 ' $ 6-- homeless, mainly in El Progreso, Mata Seca, San JosĂŠ, Casanova Godoy and Tierra Nuestra, 5 --- + *-* .44 8 4 0-- ' & 3' donations of food, clothing and other items from the general public and private initiatives. 9 & &

& ' : ; <' & ' " ' " ' ;

What you did and what you are doing


1! "" # )%* Listen to your teacher and -ll in the blanks. 1. Floods can _________ many bene-ts. 2. Flooding can spread nutrients to _________ and _________. 3. Fish, such as the weather -sh, make use of _________ in order to reach new habitats. 4. Freshwater ?oods particularly play an__________role in _________ ecosystems in river corridors.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS 1. Look at the time line and add some other expressions. yesterday

' " ' & # " ' & # *214 Past time


What you did and what you are doing

today now this year every day Present time

2. Regular Verbs Present remember

Past remembered ed / d

practice satisfy


y ied Irregular Verbs


go hear hit

went heard hit

Regular Verbs Present Past We talk about diOerent topics every day. We talked about diOerent topics yesterday. Rosa remembers her English classes all the time. Rosa remembered her English classes last night. They practice the dialogs daily. They practiced the dialogs in the morning. Irregular Verbs Present Past She went to her class last week. She goes to her class every day. They come to class late on Mondays. They came to class late last Monday. Grandpa tells me a story every night. Grandpa told me about Cariaco’s earthquake last night.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Choose verbs from the box and complete the following sentences in the simple past tense. give – drink – bring – listen – drop – -nd – take – ask 1.

What did you _________ for the party last Saturday?


I __________ my cell phone in the sink this morning.


She _________ him a present for his birthday yesterday.


The teacher didn’t _________ them diPcult questions last week. What you did and what you are doing


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Look at the previous dialogues. Complete the following conversation and practice it with your partner. You can use your own names.


Student A:

_______we talk about Cariaco´s earthquake in our English class?

Student B:

No. We _______ about Caracas’s.

Student A:

Maybe Carla can________ us about it in class.

Student B:

We can _______ the teacher.

Student A:

Let’s _______ and ask him/her.

Student B:

OK. Let’s go.

What you did and what you are doing

What you did and what you are doing



e doing “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” J.R.R. Tolkien

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the pictures and -nd the diOerences between them. Tell the class about them.

This morning…


What you did and what you are doing


+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Listen and repeat the following dialogue. Yvonne: Mom, what was Tomås doing in my bedroom? It’s a mess! Mom: It was not him. It was your sister. She was playing with the dog while I was watering the plants. Yvonne: Well, now I have to tidy it up. By the way, it smells so good. Are you cooking? Mom: Your father is. I’m doing the laundry. Yvonne: Dad, what are you cooking? It smells so good. Dad: I’m making sancocho. Yvonne: My favorite!

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb in parentheses and practice the conversation with your partner. Student A:

& & <' ======= & ======== ' ; Student B: ======= ======= & ' & > % Student A: What’s it about? Student B: 3' & ======= ======= " ' ' " cucumber, tomatoes, corn and pepper. Student A: +' ? ' ' ' ======= ======== & fertilizer and a rake.

What you did and what you are doing


/! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the vegetables and read their names.

a tomato

an onion

a pepper

a head of cabbage

a carrot

a lettuce

a cucumber

a potato

#! "#$ % #&'"()#*










What you did and what you are doing

One of the most common dishes in Venezuela is soup, and you can -nd diOerent kinds around the country. For example, pizca andina is typical from the Andes; sancocho de morocoto, from Delta Amacuro; pelao guayanĂŠs, from Guayana and picadillo llanero, from los llanos.

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the text below. Then answer the question at the end. How to make sancocho As you know, sancocho is a typical Venezuelan soup. You can make it with hen, meat, or -sh. You can also make a combination of these, which we call cruzado. In any case, you will need the same general ingredients such as about two kilos of yucca, potatoes, pumpkin, corn cobs, yam and malanga root. You will also need onions, pepper, cilantro, scallion, sweet peppers, garlic and salt. To prepare the soup, you need to cut the ingredients in small pieces. In a big pot, boil the hen and the corn with salt until soft. Then add the carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, yam, malanga root and yucca. Let it cook for half an hour, or until you can pierce a fork through the yucca. Now you can add the cilantro, scallion, sweet peppers, pepper, onion and garlic. Put the lid on the pot, it should boil for two minutes. Let it rest and serve hot. Does your family make sancocho in the same way as described here? How nutritious do you think this dish is? Tell your classmates about it.

1! "" # )%* @ ' ' " " A ' ' ' & ' B A to the items that they forgot.









What you did and what you are doing


H. BUILDING BLOCKS * 3' @ & ' ' 3' & & they are cooking delicious dishes. In the morning, they were buying‌

In the afternoon, they were making‌


meat stew

roasted chicken

tuna -sh salad

Pork chop and fries

What you did and what you are doing





2. Look at the charts below about the present and the past continuous tenses.

The present continuous tense A1rmative form I He/She/it You/We/ They

am/’m is/’s

Negative form



I He

am not isn’t



Interrogative form


Am Is

I she




Using the past continuous A: What are you doing, Brenda? B: I’m having breakfast. And you? Are you eating, too? A: No. I’m not. I’m making my bed.

The past continuous tense A1rmative form I /He/She/it You/We/ They

was were

Negative form I



wasn’t weren’t

Interrogative form







Using the past continuous A: What were you doing at 6 o’clock this morning Brenda? B: I was having breakfast. And you? Were you sleeping? A: No. I wasn’t. I was having a shower.

What you did and what you are doing


,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Answer the questions according to the clues. What were they doing last night?

4 5

Grandpa/read a book

Grandpa/watch TV



Mom/make dinner

Mom/talk on the phone



Dad/help mom

Dad/-x the car



Odalis/do her homework

Odalis/surf on the internet



Efrain/work out




2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Fill in the blanks. Please do it in your notebook. Student A: C <' ====== & ======= ;

Student B: ====== ======= " ' " ' ' Student AD E

&? F& ' & ' ======+ ====== ' " ' ' ; Student B: ' ======= ======= " " > ' ' Student A: Oh, that’s so nice of her. Student B: ' ======== ========== ' 22

What you did and what you are doing

What you did and what you are doing



e doing Film as dream, -lm as music. No art passes our conscience in the way -lm does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls. Ingmar Bergman

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Do you like Venezuelan movies? Did you see the movies mentioned in the following conversation? What other Venezuelan movies can you think of?


What you did and what you are doing

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Listen and repeat the following dialogue Jessica:

I saw you on T.V. last week. You are really good at playing the cuatro.


Oh, thank you. El Pollo Brito invited us to his show.


Were you nervous?


I surely was at the beginning. But then I concentrated on playing the cuatro and I felt better.


I can’t imagine myself on T.V. without shaking!

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb in parentheses and practice with your partner. Student A:

9 & ======= " 8 G )' ======= ======= " historical -lm?

Student B:

E ? ======= ======= ' ' @ '

Student A:

9 ' =======

& ' ' ;

Student B:

E ' =======

> ) )

Student A:

====== ======= " E '

' so excited!

What you did and what you are doing


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* You can -nd them in a movie theater







box oIce

What you did and what you are doing

Read the movie genres














What you did and what you are doing


F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the text below. Then answer the question at the end. $

' 8 H > C F ' is exceptional. A young mother and her son -nd a baby in a trash heap, and they decide to ' ' A & ' & 9 I J K $ ' <' 9 of becoming a professional player, Julio jumps back and forth between playing for the neighborhood team and consorting with the local drug dealers. After a tragic accident that shocks the entire neighborhood, the boys have to confront the harsh realities that exist within the world they live in. The Academy selected Hermano as Venezuela’s entry to the 83rd Academy Awards and after seeing it, it’s easy to know why. ( Do you think somebody is so special to you like Daniel to Julio? Comment on it.

1! "" # )%* Listen to the text and write an & in the box corresponding to the decade of the -lm. Film The Venus of Pearl La Balandra Isabel LlegĂł Esta Tarde Taboga The Breaking


+ I & .0 *02/ ' F 3' ' ' -rst -lm screenings in Venezuela. Some years later, that date became the National Cinema Day.


What you did and what you are doing


H. BUILDING BLOCKS 1. Look at the time line and notice the contrast between the sentences. She was writing the -lm script when she had a diOerent idea. She had a diOerent idea while she was writing the -lm script. Past time

Present time

2. Look at the following table.

Feel like Worry about L M Put oO Concentrate on $ % M

Good at Bad at Sorry for

Examples I was talking to Jorge when we felt like going to the movies. The judges were deliberating when she worried about failing the casting. He put oJ going to acting classes while he was going to business school. While she was Klming, he concentrated on playing his role well. She’s good at acting. He’s bad at speaking in public. She’s sorry for being late for the audition.

What you did and what you are doing


! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Choose verbs from the box and complete the following sentences using the appropriate form. study – work – cancel – talk – play – see 1.

Will you go on ___________ on the script?


He __________ non-stop while the movie was __________.


I was__________ my part when they __________ the audition.


I care about ___________ good movies.

2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Look at the previous dialogues. Complete the following conversation and practice it with your partner. You can use your own names.


Student A:

' ========

Student B:

3' ? < & " ======== ;

Student A:

Sure. I’d love to.

Student B:

& ' ========= " 3 & ' ========= " ' ========= " '

Student A:

Wow! Would you do that for me? You’re my buddy!

What you did and what you are doing

What you did and what you are doing


Although this might take my life, I’m going to impede a civil war Simón Bolívar

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the picture and read the information. 4 ; * When people go camping they need to take several things with them: 3 M @ ' ! M N & M M ) ! ( 3' ( ) " M F $ O M ' ' ! ( ( Please remember that the items people need to take with them depend on where they are going camping, e.g., the beach, the plains, the mountains, camping sites, national parks. Where. ever you go don’t forget to bring all your things back and, more important, do not leave any rubbish there.

They are going camping

<' ' & ;


Making plans for vacations

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue: María: Juán: María: Juán: María: Juán:

Hi! Hello! Where are you going on Sunday? I’m going to have a picnic with my family. What a coincidence! We are going to have a picnic too Planning to have a picnic is fun.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* In groups, complete the following dialogue and practice it. Use your own names if desired. Airin:

Hi, guys!


Hello, Airin!


Hello, Airin! ____ you ______ anywhere tonight?


Well, Carmelo ___ ______ to pick me up for dinner.


Some friends ____ ______ to the movies and I’m _____ to join them.


Well, it’s a pity. I thought we could make plans together. Making plans for vacations


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read and learn the words and expressions used in the previous exercise. You will also -nd new words.





are going to

He She It


We You They


Making plans for vacations

dance see a movie swim hike

next week.

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read the following dialogue and learn about CARIFESTA Cruz: Did you say you’re going to take a vacation next month? Joyce: Yes, my family and I are going to the Caribbean Festival of Arts. We want to enjoy artistic activities. Cruz: I envy you. I haven’t had a vacation for a long time. I wish I could get away for a while. Joyce: Can’t you take a vacation sometime soon? Cruz: No, there’s too much work to do. Maybe next year, though.

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the following text about daily routines. My daily routine I get up at 7 o’clock. I read the newspaper for about an hour and watch television for half an hour. Then, I have breakfast at home. I leave home for work at about 9. In the afternoon I go for a walk with my pet. At about 6 o’clock I go back home and take a shower. At 7 I take a light meal and go to bed. P ' N be going to. Feel free to refer to someone else instead of “I�.

Making plans for vacations


1! "" # )%* Listen to the following sentences. In each sentence there will be a word unsaid. Circle the missing word. 1) I’m going to get more exercise. 2) She’s going to save money. 3) He’s going to spend more time with his family. 4) We’re going to plan our vacation earlier. 5) They’re going to be late for appointments.

A Tent is a small temporary shelter of Arabian origin, which is usually put up in an open area to give protection to one or more people. Tents are used as habitation by nomads, recreational campers, and disaster victims

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Look at the following pictures.

Juan is going to the beach next week.


Making plans for vacations

Diana is going to dance tomorrow.

Adrián and Carla are going to the movies tonight.

We are going to play football next Sunday.

2. Now, look at the following summary of the grammar for this lesson.

AIrmative Negative


GRAMMAR NFIJ)3 FJ Q+ PQ 3+ LJ8F F$ J +8 I’m going to work NFIJ)3 FJ P+3 Q+ PQ 3+ LJ8F I’m not going to work FJ NFIJ)3 Q+ PQ 3+ LJ8F Are you going to work? <C FJ NFIJ3 Q+ PQ 3+ LJ8F F$ J +8 Where are you going to work?

#& '"#% * ' "; . $ ' & &; 5 <' ' ; 1 $ ' & ' '; 4 $ & ' & ;

Yes, he’s going to work Yes, they’re going to study She is going to school Yes, they are / No, they aren’t. Yes, I am / No, I am not

Making plans for vacations


,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Arrangements for the future. Make sentences. #& '"#% Statements I/go/ out this evening I’m going out this evening

Questions You/go/out on Friday evening Are you going out on Friday evening?

Remember to arrange them in your notebook ' ! ! 3' &! & A " < !' J '

' ! &! ' &; < ! !J A '; C ! ! ;

2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# In pairs, read the previous dialogues again. Then complete the following and practice it. Make sure you use the new vocabulary. Feel free to use your own names.

A: B: A: B: A: B: A:


Hi, JosÊ! Hello, Johanna! ____ you going to see the play on Tuesday? Well, I am not sure yet. My mother is _____ __travel to MÊrida and probably she doesn’t want to go alone. So are you going to ______ with her? I don’t know yet. __ ____ going to tell her that I have work to do. Anyway, remember that our students are going to present their ________.

Making plans for vacations

Making plans for vacations


I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. Albert Einstein

! "#$ % #&'"()#*

Look at the pictures in both situations. Explain what happens


Making plans for vacations

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue: Ailyn: Alnaldo: Ailyn: Alnaldo: Ailyn: Alnaldo:

Will you come for dinner tonight? Well, honestly, I think I’ll be busy. I promise you’ll enjoy a good dinner! Do you really promise it? Of course I do. I always ful-l my promises. OK, you promised it!

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* In pairs, -ll in the blanks and practice the dialogue A:

Will you come for _____ _______?


Well, honestly. I think I’ll be _______. I’ll have to take care of some chores


I promise you’ll _______ a ______ _______!


Do you really promise it?


Of course I do. I always ful-l my promises


OK, __________________________ Making plans for vacations


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read and explain the statements bellow. Pay attention to the use of the word promise A promise means everything but once it is broken, sorry means nothing. Can I borrow your calculator? I promise I’ll give it back to you. I promise to be there when you need me. I promise myself that I will enjoy every minute of the day that is given me. Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. P &


Making plans for vacations

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read and practice the following dialogue Julia:

I’m so excited about the vacation. What are you going to do?


I don’t know yet. I guess I’ll just stay home. Maybe I’ll help my parents in the pet shop. What about you?


Well, some friends will be coming over from Brazil. I’m going to guide them.


They want to go to the beach, so we are deciding between the ones from Aragua, FalcĂłn or Sucre state


We have to make a decision. Now, will you join us? I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.


Well, it is an attractive invitation. I’ll let you know.

F. READING AND REFLECTING C & ' ' & A ; < ' H & & have plans, use “be going to�. If you don’t have plans, use “will� 1. How are you going to spend your next vacation? Are you going to go anywhere? 2. When are you going to take your vacation? 3. How long are you going to be on vacation? 4. What are you going to do? 5. Is anyone going to travel with you?

Making plans for vacations


1! "" # )%* $ 3 3 ' ' & '



1. 2. 3. 4.

Easter, Carnival and Christmas are holy festivals in the Christian calendar. Their celebration may vary in diOerent countries, due to regional and cultural in?uences. In those periods people show respect to some traditional beliefs and some others take those days either as vacation or resting days.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Look at the following pictures.


Next week‌



Next Sunday‌

Pedro will have a picnic next week.

We will go hiking next Sunday.

Carmen will be busy at home tomorrow.

Luis and Ayrin will eat out tonight.

Making plans for vacations

2. Now, look at the following summary of the grammar for this lesson.

AIrmative Negative Question

%, '"# 3<$<)# ,"" NFIJ)3 < @@ LJ8F )+ @J JP3 NFIJ)3 < @@ P+3 LJ8F )+ @J JP3 < @@ NFIJ)3 LJ8F )+ @J JP3;

#& '"#% 1) <

' *-- & ; E ' &

3' &>

' *-- & 2) Will she visit China next year? No, she won’t. / Yes, she will. 3) Will you spend next vacation abroad? Yes, we will. …. / No we won’t.

Making plans for vacations


,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* In your notebook, match the sentences in the two columns below. A 1. It’s hot in this room 2. I’m hungry. 3. My ?at is a mess. 4. I haven’t got any stamps. 5. I want some new glasses.

B A. She opened the window. B. We will tidy it. C. I will get something to eat. D. I will go to the optician’s. E. He will open the window. F. She took a taxi. G. She will go to the post oPce.

2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# In pairs, read the previous dialogues again. Then complete the following and practice it. Make sure you use the new vocabulary. Feel free to use your own names.



Hi, José!


Hello, Alicia!


Do you think you’ll go anywhere on ________?


Well, probably. My father said we _____ be home the whole vacation.


That sounds like you will __________.


Well, I hope we ________________.

Making plans for vacations

Making plans for vacations


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt

! "#$ % #&'"()#*

Read the following passage about vacation. Next summer, I’ll travel to Trinidad and Tobago with my family. We are planning to visit this important Caribbean island that is so close to us. It has an interesting history and I am sure we will have a nice experience there. This country is the ' & ' ? " ' & ' '


shopping and travel around the islands. We are not sure whether we’ll go by ferry or by plane.

Did you know Trinidad and Tobago was a close touristy destination?


Making plans for vacations

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue: Yvonne:

Let’s take a taxi to the mall.


I prefer a bus. It’s impossible to -nd a taxi during rush hour.


There’s a bus now. We’ll have to run to catch it.


Never mind. There’ll be another one in ten minutes.


No, hurry up!

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* In groups, complete the following dialogue and practice it. Use your own names if desired. Claudia:

Hey, Mom. I want to travel ______Ciudad Bolivar in August. What do you think?


That sounds exciting! You shouldn’t go alone.


Yes, I know! Maybe I’ll ____ with someone else.


Why don’t you talk to your father -rst?


Yes, I already did. He ____ probably come with me.

Making plans for vacations


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read and learn the words and expressions used in the previous exercise. You will also -nd new words. 1. I’ll probably go by ferry. 2. Julia is afraid of planes. 3. We prefer to drive our own car. 4. Will you go by taxi or by bus? 5. A train is a good choice around Europe.


Making plans for vacations

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read and practice the following dialogue. Vacation plans Gloria:

Do you have any vacation plans?


Well, I’m going to paint my house. What about you?


We’ll probably drive to Los Llanos.


Where exactly?


I don’t know yet. Maybe we will visit my brother in Barinas.


That sounds great.

' @ @ C @ @ ;

F. READING AND REFLECTING Work with a partner. Give advice about the following destinations. Use the clues in parentheses. Example: M " You are having a picnic? You’ll probably need a basket. In your notebook give advice using the following clues. 1. ) 2. C " " " 3.

% " 4. Q

Making plans for vacations


1! "" # )%* Your teacher will tell you about some people’s vacation plans. According to the destination, write the number of the statement next to the necessary item. What do they need? Example: - 3'

( <' ' & ; $ M " =-= a. Light clothing b. Life jackets. c. Sweaters.

d. Surfboards. e. A passport. f. Mosquito repellent.

Etymology of the term vacation In the United Kingdom, “vacation� once speci-cally referred to the long summer break taken by the law courts and, later, universities- a custom introduced by William the Conqueror from Normandy where it facilitated the grape harvest. In the past, many upper-class families moved to a summer home for part of the year, leaving their usual home vacant.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Look at the following pictures and explain.

I will travel to Maracaibo.


Making plans for vacations

My friends will travel with me.

I will go there because it’s a wonderful city.

I will travel next year.

2. Now, look at the following summary of the grammar for this lesson. You will -nd some examples below.

AIrmative Negative


,"" (- $ =<#%$,(-% SUBJECT + WILL + VERB + COMPLEMENT I will visit La Gran Sabana SUBJECT + WILL + NOT + VERB + COMPLEMENT I won’t visit La Gran Sabana. WH + WILL + SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT Where will you travel? Why will you go there? Who will travel with you? When will you travel? #& '"#%

1. Where will he go on vacation? 2. Why will he go there? 3. Who will travel with you? 4. When will she go to Caripe?

He will go to Mérida. He will go there because it’s a nice place. Some friends will travel with me. She will go to Caripe next month

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Select the right question.

6> , ;4 ' 4 ? ! a) Where did you go last night? b) Are you going anywhere this year? c) Do you really think so?

Making plans for vacations


@> $ ; ! a) Do they have any plans for the weekend? b) Where will he go? c) Are they students?

8> % 4 ; ! a) Why will she travel? b) Is she going by plane? c) How will she travel?

2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# In pairs, read the previous dialogues again. Then complete the following and practice it. Make sure you use the new vocabulary. Feel free to use your own names. A: B: A: B: A: B: A:


Hi, Diego! Hello, Luisianny! Do you have any plans for the summer ________? I’ll only have seven days of vacation. I ____ probably make a short ____ to La Colonia Tovar. That’s great! How ____ you get there? Well, I’m going with some friends and we’re planning to go by ____. Oh, I love __ _______ ____. It’s a wonderful place though the road up there is dangerous. It’s a pretty winding one!

Making plans for vacations

Making plans for vacations


“Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.� Confucius, Chinese philosopher

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the following pictures and describe the situation. Where are the characters of this story? What is it about?


What are you planning to be?

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue: Gilberto:

What are you going to study, Deyanira?


I like these two options.


Which ones?


I like Nursing and Education.


Why do you like those careers?


Because those professions are ideal opportunities......

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete the following dialogue using your own names and your own career preferences. Student 1:

What are you going to study, _________?

Student 2:

I like these _____ options.

Student 1:

Which ones?

Student 2:

I like __________________and___________________ .

Student 1:

Why do you like those careers?

Student 2:

Because those professions _________________ ___________________________ _______________.

What are you planning to be?


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Identify the professions according to the image.


Medical doctor

Tourism manager


Social worker


Chemical engineer


Graphic designer


Petroleum engineer


Agricultural engineer

What are you planning to be?

/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read the following dialogue and practice it. Situation: A student is speaking with the high-school counselor Nicolás:

I´m going to pass to fourth year and I don´t know exactly what I want to study.


Students have the right to discover which career is suitable for them.


How am I going to -nd out which is the best career for me?


In fourth year, you are going to take the OPSU vocational test.


A vocational test?


This test helps students to discover their skills and needs.


My needs? So, I am going to consider what I need and want.


Not only your needs but our country´s needs as well!

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the following paragraph and identify the steps to plan your future profession. How are we going to choose our profession? First, we should learn about ourselves. W clearly our values, beliefs, interests, abilities and personalit traits. This way, we may be clearer as t are appropriate for us and which careers ar inappropriate. Second, we are going to consider the needs and study opportunities in our region and are going to look for information about the t university institutions available. And -nally will select our career.

What are you planning to be?


1! "" # )%* Listen to your teacher and write the sentences in your notebook. The Book of Libro de Oportunidades de Estudios Universitarios published online by OPSU, divides careers into eight areas of knowledge. These areas are: Health sciences Education sciences Social sciences Basic sciences

Agriculture and sea sciences Humanities and arts Military sciences and arts Engineering, architecture and technology

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Pay attention to the following sentences and identify the pattern involved.

He´s going to be a historian.

I’m going to study Chemistry. We´re going to choose a career from the basic sciences area. 6-

What are you planning to be?

2. FJ Q+ PQ 3+ "

APrmative Negative Yes/No Questions WH Questions

Adverbs used

Be + going to + verb I am going to be a community doctor. I’m not going to miss my biology class. Is he going to check the information book? Yes, he is. / No, he isn´t. What is she going to do tomorrow? Where are they going to work? Who is going to read the OPSU book? When are you going to Knish your exercise? 3 ' A " ' &

1) ) #& '"#% I´m going to study nursing next year. You’re going to -nish your community project in two weeks. He is going to draw a map in his geography class. Where are you going to go tonight? We’re going to visit the university campus next week. Are you going to participate in the OPSU university career opportunities event? Sure, I´m not going to miss that chance. Yes, I am. I am going to learn a lot.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* ) ' " 9 & " 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

>===== ========== ===== ======= ' & & === & ===== ====== ======= & ' " ' ; Yes, I ____. No, I’____ _________. ===== ======= ======== ======= ' ' & $ 8 ======== ======== ====== ======== <' ===== ======= ========= ======= ========= ; <' === ======= === =========== A "; C ====== ======== ====== ======== ' ==== R 8 ======= ======= ===== ' ;

What are you planning to be?


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Fill in the blanks and create a dialogue.



What ____ ______ ________ __ _______next week?


I´___ ______ _____ _______.


Where_______ _______ ______ ______


I ´m ______ to ______ _____ ______ ______What about you?


I’_______ _______

What are you planning to be?



_______ ______ ______ __________

What are you planning to be?


“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these to be self-evident, that all men are created equal� Martin Luther King Jr.

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the following pictures. What does she/he want to be?


What are you planning to be?

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue. AndrĂŠs:

Isabel! Isabel!




Isabel! Hey you! What’s wrong with you? Are you daydreaming?


To tell you the truth, I am. I´m daydreaming.


What are you daydreaming of?


I wish I were in -fth year!

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Let´s work in pairs to complete and practice the following dialogue. Situation: At school, during a break, Student B nearly falls down. Student A:

Take care, are you daydreaming?

Student B:

To tell you ___ _____, I am.

Student A:

What are you _________of?

Student B:

I´m daydreaming of __________________.

Student A:

Oh, what a beautiful dream you have!

Student B:

I wish I were _______________________.

What are you planning to be?


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Identify the professionals according to the image.


I dream of being a famous traditional harp player.

He wants to be a strong cyclist.

They dream of being traditional dancers.

Juán Vicente Torrealba

Teo Capriles

Dancing Devils

They want to be a well known composer.

She dreams of being an excellent writer.

He wants to be like the scientist who discovered Chagas disease.

Antonio Esteves

Teresa de la Parra

José Francisco Torrealba

He dreams of being like the scientist who discovered the antileprosy vaccination.

She dreams of being a creative architect.

They dream of being a courageous visionary.

Jacinto Convit

Fruto Vivas

Simón Bolívar

What are you planning to be?

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Practice the following dialogue with a classmate. Nick:

I’m always daydreaming.


What do you daydream about?


About what I want to be.


What do you want to be?


I want to be a biologist to discover the happiness plant!


Dear me, you’re really an idealist!

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read and answer the question below the paragraph. BolĂ­var participated in the foundation of the -rst union of independent nations in Hispanic $ ' ' ) ' ' ' *0*2 *05- BolĂ­var is regarded in Hispanic America as a hero, visionary, revolutionary and liberator. During ' ' L S ) ' J ' ' 9 I T U F ' & ' democratic ideology in much of Latin America. C & , F U ; , F U ' # What are you planning to be?


1! "" # )%* Listen to the sentences from your teacher and write them in your notebook.

@ ' O I *2.2M*260 $ N $ He was a clergyman, an activist and a leader in the AfricanAmerican Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the conquest of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Pay attention to the following sentences and identify the pattern involved.

She is happy and she doesn´t hide her happiness.

He is nervous. He doesn´t hide his nervousness.


What are you planning to be?

2. Look at the following table Verbs Nouns


SuIx -ate,- fy,- ize,- en -ity, -ance, -ness, -er, -ship, -ist


-able, -ic, -ical, -ious, -ive, -ful, less, -y, -ly, -ed,


-ally, -ly, -ward, -wise

Example Educate, classify, realize, widen Rarity, appearance, happiness, nervousness, teacher, friendship, artist, botanist. Laughable, static, magical, malicious, responsive, wonderful, careless, happy, Klthy, friendly, bored. Economically, frankly, forward, clockwise.

1) ) #& '"#% Verb: my parents and my teachers educate me. Noun: I receive education from my parents and my teachers. Adjective: There are new educational games to teach grammar Adverb: High school students living in inner-city areas may be educationally aedvantaged because of this new project

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete the following sentences with the words in parentheses. 1. + ' ============== M & ' our school. 2. & ======== &M 3. & ' ' A

====== "M " 4. ========== ( & ' ' '

What are you planning to be?


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Complete the following dialogue and practice it with a partner. Gabriela:

What do you dream of_____?

Alessandro: Well I´m always daydreaming, that´s my favorite pastime! Gabriela:

Then, tell me what do you ______to be?

Alessandro: I ______ to be a Vinotinto football player. Gabriela:

That´s wonderful! I_____ also a daydreamer.

Alessandro: Really! What do you dream of being? Gabriela:

I dreamof being a pianist.

Alessandro: Dreams, dreams! Dreams can become true but we have to work hard!


What are you planning to be?

What are you planning to be?


“Proper morals, and not force, are the bases of law.” Simón Bolívar

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the following pictures and describe the situation.

Where are the characters of this cartoon story? What is it about?


What are you planning to be?

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue. Roberto:

What are you reading?


I’m reading a book about moral values


Which moral values are you reading about?


I’m reading about friendship, respectfulness, honesty and peacefulness.


Which one is the most important of them all?


All of them are important because they guide our behavior.


I agree with you. We must take all moral values into account to have a better world.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Let’s make groups of two to complete and practice the following dialogue. Javier:

Did you _______ the book about_________ values?


Yes, I did.


What moral ______________ do you remember?


I remember_______________ , ______________ and…


_______________ and____________________


Which one do you think ______ the most ________one?


All of them_______ important! What are you planning to be?


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-*
















What are you planning to be?

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Teresa:

I’m very happy




I did not have any money to participate in the excursion, but my classmates are collecting money to help me.


That’s good! You have real friends


I do!


That’s friendship!


You’re right! I was very sel-sh but with this example of solidarity that my classmates are showing me, I have to learn to be humble!

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the following passage. Then, answer the questions G ) ' .0 */4- ) Man of Caracas,� Miranda participated in the U.S. Revolutionary War and the F as well as in the Venezuelan independence movement. His name is inscr Triomphe in Paris. He was an idealist, he developed a visionary plan to liber ' $ *0-6 A L S from Spain’s rule, and he brought along the ?ag that would become today C *0*6 ' E ' ' ' independence in the Americas Adapted from < <' ; < ; <'&; What are you planning to be?


1! "" # )%* Listen and complete the paragraph: The people of Venezuela, exercising their powers of creation and invoking the protection of God, the historic example of our Liberator Simón Bolívar and the_______ and sacri-ce of our aboriginal ancestors and the forerunners and founders of a free and sovereign nation, to the supreme end of reshaping the Republic to establish a democratic, participatory and self-reliant, multiethnic and multicultural society in a just, federal and decentralized State that embodies the values of ________, ____________, ___________, ___________, the ____________‌� Extract from: Preamble of Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

SimĂłn RodrĂ­guez was a Venezuelan philosopher and educator + .0 ' */62 C " Robinson. SimĂłn BolĂ­var, one of his favorite pupils, called him ‘the Socrates of Caracas’ “Teaching is not memorizing, but understandingâ€? SimĂłn RodrĂ­guez.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Pay attention to the following sentences and guess the pattern involved. a a) What kind of person would you like to be?


> , A, > a courageous person to always be able to speak about my ideas.

> A > an ecologist to protect our environment.

c d

> A > a peaceful people to make the world a better place to live in.


What are you planning to be?

AIrmative form

1) ) )$ (<"/ 4 / I would like to be % , % I want to be % Would not = wouldn’t. , %

Negative form , %

1) ) #& '"#% What kind of person do you want to be? I want to be a responsible person. She always wants to protect the oppressed so What kind of person would she like to be? she’d like to be a humanist. What kind of people would the teacher like his He loves the elderly so he’d like his students to be students to be? respectful of the elderly. What kind of people don’t they want their They don’t want their children to be irresponsible. children to be?

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Fill in the blanks using the words below. be / kind / do / animals / wise Dayana: Ricardo: Dayana: Ricardo: Dayana: Ricardo: Dayana:

Do you love animals? Yes, I _____! What kind of person would you like to _____? Well, I’d like to be______ to animals. That’s good! What about you? Well, I’d like to make good decisions so I´d like to be ________.

What are you planning to be?


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# In groups, read the previous dialogues. Complete the following one using your own names.



What are you ____________?


I’m reading a magazine on Ecology.


Do you like it?


Yes, I love it. It’s _______favorite topic


What would you like to be?


I’d like to be an_____________

What are you planning to be?

What are you planning to be?


“The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers; he’s one who asks the right questions”. Claude Lévi-Strauss

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Let’s listen to the following conversation and read it silently.


The future is ours

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue. “Venezuela: Science and Technologyâ€? is back on the air. Ms. Silva: We are back on the air. This is “La Victoria Community Radioâ€?. Today we are talking about satellites. Our -rst caller is Nancy Arias, from Coro. Your question, please! Caller 1: How many satellites do we have in Venezuela, Doctor MĂĄrquez? Dr. MĂĄrquez: We have two so far and we will possibly develop a new one in the future. Ms Silva: Thank you, Nancy! Now, ArquĂ­mides from Cabimas. What’s your question? Caller 2: Dr. MĂĄrquez, what are the current and future bene-ts of satellites? Dr MĂĄrquez: They bring lots of bene-ts. To name just two, they help us to detect resources such as water or minerals and our new satellite will send real time images of our territory.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* In groups of three, read the previous dialogues and the vocabulary. Then, complete the following conversation and practice it. You can use your own names or diOerent ones. This is a radio program. Student 1 will play the radio host/hostess. He/she is interviewing Dr ... (student 3), an expert on satellites. Student 2 will play the caller. Student 1: < " ' 3' ===================== 3 & are _____________about satellites. Our -rst caller is __________________, from ____________ E H ? Student 2: __________ many satellites do we have in Venezuela, Dr___________? Student 3: We have two and we __________ possibly develop a new one in the future. Student 1: Thank you, Dr _________________. Now, Do you have another question? Student 1: Oh, yes! Uhm...What are the bene-ts of Miranda ______________________? Student 2: It will bring lots of _________________. To name just one, it ___________ help us locate the best areas to construct industries, bridges and houses. The future is ours


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read and learn the following words and expressions.

Today MONDAY 25 November 2013

Future time expressions Tomorrow will be Tuesday, November 26th. My birthday will be the day after tomorrow, on November 27th. I’ll see you next week! Three weeks from now we will be on vacation. Christmas will be in a month. I’m in 3rd year. I’ll get my high-school diploma in two years.

Our satellites $ 4 4 %

The moon

B C 4 D

“SimĂłn BolĂ­varâ€? Satellite

“Miranda� Satellite

Natural disasters

An earthquake

A ?ood

F .--0 .-*. L S '

3' ' L M*

V , F U W

3' ' L8 M* " as “Miranda�, is a remote sensing satellite. Both satellites were developed in cooperation with the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and are operated by Venezuela’s Ministry of Science and Technology.


The future is ours

A -re

#! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and read the following dialogue. This is the last segment of “Venezuela: Science and Technologyâ€?. Ms Silva: Nina, a caller from Vargas state. A caller: Dr MĂĄrquez, can satellites help to prevent natural disasters like ' : ' 9 *222; Dr MĂĄrquez: Absolutely! Satellites send reports on meteorological changes. This way we can prevent the eOects of natural disasters such as ?oods and -res. Ms Silva: Wow! Satellites are really bene-cial! Do they or will they bring any bene-ts to education, Dr MĂĄrquez? Dr MĂĄrquez: Oh, yes! Here is an example: they provide access to education to remote populations and they will bring more bene-ts to education in the future. Ms Silva: Well, this is all for today! Thank you very much, Dr. MĂĄrquez! I hope you will visit us again soon! Dr MĂĄrquez: Certainly! It will be a pleasure!

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the following passage. Then, check True or False. “Miranda� satellite will report 350 images per day V W

54- L S > & & & 3' ' these images we will observe the behavior of vegetation, seas and rivers and control forest -res and evaluate vulnerable areas. This will help to prevent the eOects of natural disasters. Also, L S Q C , Q L L S

' images, as they will help to -nd the best lands for the construction of new houses. Adapted from an AVN article. (AVN: AsociaciĂłn Venezolana de Noticias)



a. “Miranda� satellite will capture images of our country’s territory. 3'

54- & " c. These pictures will help to prevent the eOects of earthquakes, ?oods and other disasters. d. Housing and urban planning will not bene-t from the satellite. The future is ours


1! "" # )%* Listen to the following passage and check True or False. Pay attention to the following key words: individuals, keep, -rst aid kit, supply and canned food.

True a. Satellites cannot help to prevent the eOects of natural disasters. b. We, as individuals, can protect ourselves from the eOects of ?oods. c. Floods, earthquakes and forest -res are natural disasters. d. We should keep a supply of fresh fruit in our -rst aid kit.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Look at the following charts and re?ect on the uses of will/won’t.

THE FUTURE SIMPLE (will/ ) AIrmative sentences I You He She It We You They

will (‘ll)

arrive in two minutes.

Negative sentences I You He She It We You They

will not ( ) eat tonight.

Short answers Yes/No questions AIrmative I You you I he He she She Will have time tomorrow? Yes, will. it It we We you You they They


The future is ours


Negative you I he she will not. it we you they


E A: What will you eat for lunch? A: When will they -nish the game?

B: I’ll ' + D FD ' B: They’ll ' + D FD

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* * ) '

' ' A ' A N ' A once. , , a.

A: ____________ call me tomorrow? B: Yes, ____________. I promise!


A: Will astronauts travel to Mars soon? B: Oh, no! ________________.


A: Will satellites bring any bene-ts to medicine? B: Of course, ________________!


A: It’s hot in here. B: Oh, yes! _______________ open the windows.

. " X M ; ' ' " Follow the example. Ex D & ! &! E

& Y M E > & Y ; <

& & ; a. ! ! ' $ 9 M ;

============================== ============================== ==============================

b. ! ! M ;

============================== ============================== ==============================

The future is ours


Satellites have a limited lifespan. Venezuela’s second satellite

A & &

replace it. Our country is currently building a research, design and assembling center in order to construct our own satellites.

2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# In groups of three, read the previous dialogues and the vocabulary. Then complete the following dialogue. You can use your own names or diOerent ones. This is the last segment of a radio program. Student 1 will play the radio host/hostess. He/ she is interviewing Dr ... (student 3), an expert on satellites. Student 2, will play the caller.

Host/Hostess: ‌ Now, a caller from ________________ state. The caller

: Dr ___________________, can satellites help prevent the eOects of natural disasters?

Dr‌ : Absolutely! Satellites send reports on geological changes. This way we can prevent the eOects of _______________________. The caller : Wow! Satellites are really bene-cial! Do they or will they bring any bene-ts to _______________________, Dr __________________________? Dr‌ : De-nitely! Here is an example: they ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. Host/Hostess: Well, this is all for today! Thank ______________ very much, Dr. _________________!


The future is ours

The future is ours


“A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others.” Tom Stoppard

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Listen and read the following dialogue.


The future is ours

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue. The class has just +nished and everybody is going home. Ms Parra, the teacher, notices that one of the students doesn’t look well. Teacher: Javier: Teacher:

Oh, Javier, What’s wrong with you? You don’t look well. Well, I have a terrible headache, Ms Parra. I’ll take your temperature. Wait a second! I’ll get the thermometer from the -rst aid kit.

Seconds later... Javier: Teacher: Javier:

Am I OK, teacher? Well, you have a little fever. I’ll take you home. Oh, thank you, Ms Parra!

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Read the following situation. Then complete the dialogue and practice it. It’s the end of the class and one of the students doesn’t feel well. He/she has a stomachache. The teacher gives her/him a chamomile tea and o>ers to take him/her home. Teacher:

+' ==================== & $ & +O; E > "


Well, I don’t feel _____________________. I have a ______________________.


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that! I’ll get you a/an __________________________.

A minute later... Teacher:

Here you are! Please, take it! You’ll see you’ll feel better in a minute


Thank you, teacher!


I’_______ take you home. The future is ours


Abbreviations are very common in newspapers and other types of 3'

' 'D <C+ < C ' + S Y C L C

& L Y $ 9 $ H

& & Y )$3 ) S $A 3 '& 3' & ' D + J) + S JA ) Y NP N P NPJ )+ N P J ) + S 9 & " ' ' H their meanings? We are sure you are familiar with the following ones: CDI, CNE, ALBA, MERCOSUR, CICPC, UCV, UPEL, USB. What do they stand for?

/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read and learn the following words and descriptions of some common health disorders.


Sedentarism is a major cause of obesity and other health disorders.

C & & type of disorder that aOects the heart.

People with diabetes have high

Malaria is a disease transmitted from human-to-human by the Anopheles mosquito.

The future is ours

#! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and read the following dialogue. Dr Henry Davies, a representative of WHO (World Health Organization), is giving a lecture at a Bolivarian School. Two students, Marco and Dalia, ask him questions. Dalia:

Excuse me, Dr Davies! Do you think there will be a cure for AIDS in the future?

Dr Davies:

Well, today there are good treatments to control the HIV virus, which causes AIDS, and we hope that scientists will develop an eOective vaccine, soon.


Dr Davies, can you talk to us about it?

Dr Davies:

Oh, OK. I will. But before that, let’s watch a video on tropical diseases and how to prevent them.

A teacher:

I’ll shut the windows for the projection.

The future is ours


F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the following passage and answer the questions in your notebook. Diseases such as malaria and dengue are most prevalent in tropical countries like Venezuela, where the weather is usually hot and wet. Mosquitoes and ?ies are the most common tropical disease carriers or vectors of infectious parasites and/or bacteria that cause those diseases. The infection occurs when these insects bite humans and animals. a. Are tropical diseases common in cold countries? b. How are tropical diseases transmitted? c. What is the other term for “disease carriers”?

1! "" # )%* Listen and check True or False.

a. Fruits and vegetables are examples of healthy food. b. Too much sugar can cause obesity and diabetes. c. Cookies and candies don’t usually have too much sugar. d. Physical activity causes obesity.


The future is ours



H. BUILDING BLOCKS Look at the following chart and re?ect on the forms and uses of there will/ .

AIrmative form There will be

$ 4 Negative form There will not be

Interrogative form Will there be? / Will there ever be?

Examples AIrmative statements There will be more houses in my town next year.

Negative statements $ 4 another chance to see comet C

& .-6* Questions and answers A: Will there ever be a cure for diabetes? B: Well, there are eOective treatments now. I hope there will be a de-nite cure soon. B: No, 4 . But there will be one on A: Will there be any lectures next week? tropical diseases in about two months.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* * N '

" N & " Ex. in the hall / be / will / a concert There will be a concert in the hall. a. There / an arts exhibition / be / will / in my town _________________________________ . c. next week / won’t/ There / any storms / be ______________________________________ . d. there / for everybody / Will / enough food / be? __________________________________ . 2. Complete the following sentences with the expressions from the box. Use each expression once. there will be were there

there were are there

will there ever be there are


Principal: How many students ___________________ in class now? Teacher: =================== .*


A: ___________________ a cure for AIDS? B: Yes, I hope ___________________ a vaccine soon.


A: ___________________ many people at the conference last Friday? B: Yes, _____________ more than a hundred. The future is ours


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Make groups of two students. Then complete the conversation and practice it. You can use your own names or diOerent ones. This is a TV interview. One of you will play the interviewer and the other will play Dr Gómez, a cancer specialist. Interviewer: Dr______________, do you think there ________________ a cure for ______________ in the future? Dr Gómez:

Well, early detection of _______________increases the chances for successful treatment. However, today there _______ many diOerent types of cancer; so I don’t think there __________ be one cure for all cancers.

Interviewer: Excuse me Dr _____________, _______there ever _____ a vaccine for any type of cancer? Dr Gómez:


The future is ours

Yes, scientists have made huge progress in the -eld of cervical cancer. I hope there ____________ a vaccine for this type of ____________ very soon.

The future is ours


“The world possesses the resources and knowledge to ensure that even the poorest countries, and others held back by disease, geographic isolation or civil strife can be empowered to achieve the MDGs.” Ban Ki-moon

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Listen and read the following dialogue: Mr Agustín Torres and his students are reviewing yesterday’s lesson on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


The future is ours

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and repeat the following dialogue. Mr Torres: What are the Millennium Development Goals for health? Do you remember? Lenny: Uhm...We’ll have to combat HIV/AIDS, right? Mr Torres: Yes, very good, Lenny! Will we have to combat any other diseases? José Raúl: Yes, tropical diseases like malaria, too. Mr Torres: That’s right, José Raúl! We will have to work hard to achieve this goal.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Read the following situation. Then, complete the dialogue and practice it. Mr Torres: Lenny: Mr Torres: José Raúl: Mr Torres:

What are the _______________ ________________ Goals ______ education? ______ you remember? Uhm..._______________ for everybody, right? Very good, Universal _________________ education! What about poverty? Yes, we’ll have to eradicate poverty. Yes. We’____ have to _________________ ________________ and hunger.

The future is ours


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* * 8 '

9 Q 9Q .-*4

2. The following words are all related to the MDGs. Some of them are very similar to their equivalents in Spanish. Can you guess their meaning? In the glossary, look up the meaning of those words that you don’t know.

3. As you can see, the words above are organized into three diOerent groups. What do the words in each group have in common?


The future is ours

#! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now, listen and read the following dialogue. Mr Torres and his class continue talking about the MDGs.

Mr Torres: Lenny: Mr Torres:

JosĂŠ RaĂşl: Mr Torres:

Did Venezuela already achieve any of the Millennium Development Goals? Well, teacher, we already reduced extreme poverty ** 56 6 2/ *- & Very good, Juan Carlos! And we will have to work ' & & .-*4 9 country already achieve any of the other goals? Yes, Mr Torres. We reduced child mortality. Excellent, Noemi! Actually, we reduced malnutrition in children under -ve years of age.

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the following passage. Then, check True or False. One of the major development goals of the millennium is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in the world. In order to achieve this goal, all governments will have to invest more in agriculture, rural development, social protection and equality of opportunity. This will & A & F .--* .-** & A & ** 56Z 6 2/Z C >

' " & ' & & .-*4



a. There is no extreme poverty and hunger in the world. b. It is important to invest in agriculture to eradicate extreme poverty. .-** A & L S ' ' ' .--* L S A & ** 56Z 6 2/Z *- &

The future is ours


1! "" # )%* Listen to the following words and underline the right option. Pay attention to the stressed syllable. Ex.:

a) re.mem.ber

* 2. 3. 1

a) a) a) a)

e.ra.di.cate po.ver.ty pro.mote

b) re.mem.ber

c) re.mem.ber

b) e.ra.di.cate b) b) po.ver.ty b) pro.mote

c) e.ra.di.cate c) c) po.ver.ty


' : ' A & ' present or the near future with must and have to.

Must / have to I You We They He She

must have to must has to

wear a school uniform every day. do today’s homework. study tonight. buy some eggs. There aren’t any in the fridge.

2. To express obligation and necessity in the future, use will have to.

Will have to I You He She We You They


The future is ours

will have to ‘ll have to

wear a diOerent school uniform next year. work hard for a better future. study harder for the next exam.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* 1. Rewrite the sentences. Use have/has to. a. We must study for the exam. b. My sister must -nish her homework today. c. I must clean my room on Saturday. d. My father must go to a meeting tonight.

2. Unscramble the words to make sentences. Use your notebook. Ex.: on Saturday / Will / have to / we / go to school / ? Will we have to go to school on Saturday? a. have to / We / a diOerent / wear / school / uniform / will / next year. b. Will / have to / Sandra / to / move / another town / ? c. & .-*4 !

! " ' ! < ! ! ' ! A & d. you / Will / walk / have to / tomorrow / to school / ?

The future is ours


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# In groups of three, read the previous dialogues and the vocabulary. Then, complete the following conversation. You can use your own names or diOerent ones. One of you will play the teacher and the other two will play the two students. Teacher:

OK, now! Let’s make a review on the _______________ __________________ Goals. How many MDGs are there?

Student 1:

__________________ 8, teacher.


Yep, right! Now, there is one related to women’s rights. Which one is it?

Student 2:

Yes, it is to � _______________________________________________�


Excellent! Now, when will we have to achieve all of the 8 MDGs?

Student 1:

By ______________, Mr/Ms ________________________


Great, class! See you tomorrow!

Venezuela has already achieved some of the Millennium 9 Q .-*4 " ' of the goals. Some objectives such as gender equality, women empowerment, universal primary education, etc. were already established in our constitution, even before the MDGs were proposed by the UN.


The future is ours

The future is ours


We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes a lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and eOort. Jesse Owens

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the images and read the statements

I want to be like Miranda, who spoke English very well.

My uncle Angel is good at cooking. People like his food very much.

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Read and practice the following dialogue between Pedro and his uncle Angel: Angel: Pedro: Angel: Pedro: Angel:



Hi Pedro, nice to see you! Hello uncle Angel. May I ask you something? Sure. But wait, I am cooking this sauce for the spaghetti. I like cooking a lot, you know? Yes, I know, you are very good at cooking. What else are you good at? Well, I am very good at singing. I want to be a famous singer one day. Would you like to listen to a song? (starts singing, but very badly) Um, OK, I have to go now‌ (Pedro covers his ears with his hands and starts running)‌Bye!!

Acknowledging your abilities

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Practice the following dialogue about national heroes. Some day I want to be like… A:

(reading a History book) Look, this is fascinating. Andrés Bello learned English reading books by himself. He spoke many languages well. Someday I want to be like Bello, who was a very educated person.


Yes, he was a translator, a diplomat, a writer, and an educator. But I am reading about an interesting woman: Juana Ramírez “la avanzadora”.


Who was she? What was her occupation?


She was the daughter of an African slave who was a laundry worker. She was liberated and participated in the independence of Venezuela.


That is great! I didn’t know about women in the patriot army, -ghting for independence.


She was a strong woman. So I want to be like her. I like being strong and independent.

Acknowledging your abilities


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-*











Acknowledging your abilities

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* In this class four students are talking about their abilities. A: B: C: D: A: D:

I am good at swimming. And you? Me too. And I am good at singing. I am not good at swimming or singing, but I dance very well. I am not good at swimming, singing or dancing, but I am good at listening to people. So, you like helping people‌ do you want to be a psychologist? I don’t know, maybe. Or a teacher‌.

$ ' & ; <' & ; <' & & ;

F. READING AND REFLECTING Dreams for the Future: what a CaraqueĂąo-born teenager wrote. 3' ' *1M& M & ) ' " V " & because I have a strong sense of justice and a passion for helping people demand their rights. My greatest dream is to become a magistrate at the Supreme Court. My family thinks that I am a very strong person and as a lawyer or magistrate, I will be able to contribute to establishing the truth and making justice progress. I am convinced that this will be rewarding in the future. I am determined to make my dream come true. <' & ; <' & ' ; <'&;

Acknowledging your abilities


1! "" # )%* Your teacher will read a few pairs of words. Listen and circle ‘S’ if the words sound similar, or ‘D’ if the words sound diOerent. Please do it in your notebook 1. 2. 3. 4.



Some of the greatest poets from all over the world had other day jobs. Here are some examples: Maya Angelou was a nightclub singer. Robert Frost was an agrarian. Pablo Neruda was a diplomat. Andres Bello was a private teacher. AndrĂŠs Eloy Blanco was a lawyer and a politician.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS 1. Pay attention to the use of the relative pronoun who: 3' who came to visit us was a friend of mom’s. $ who made wonderful violins. 2. Now read the following grammatical information: GRAMMAR Who as a relative pronoun “Who� refers to people. $ ' < “who� to give a de-nition about the person’s job, or other personal details like age, nationality, etc. “who� can be replaced by “that�, but only when we refer to essential information

3' A % *-0

Acknowledging your abilities

#& '"#% This is my friend Mario, who likes sushi. (who gives extra information about Mario) AndrĂŠs Eloy Blanco was a poet who wrote “PĂ­ntame Angelitos Negrosâ€? (who ? ; F F + F ; > N ' who or that 1. Juan Antonio PĂŠrez Bonalde was a Venezuelan who/that did the best translation of a poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. (in this case, the information about PĂŠrez Bonalde is essential, so who or that can be used.) 2. My cousin, who lives in Brazil, sent me an e-mail this morning. (the information about my cousin in Brazil is extra – notice that it is preceded and followed by a comma – so the pronoun that cannot be used.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete the sentences with who/that or who. Example: Marie Tussaud was a Swiss who/that opened a waxwork museum in the UK. 1.

The new maths teacher, ________ comes from Uruguay, is very friendly.


That person ________ is standing by the front door looks suspicious.


Your little sister,________ I saw last month, has grown incredibly fast!


The friends ________ you invited to the party didn’t come.


Our new friend, ________ speaks Brazilian Portuguese, sounds very interesting.

Acknowledging your abilities


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# This is an exercise on creative thought, to unblock your capacity of being creative. With people we know well, it’s often very easy to forget what they mean to us and the diversity of their creative strengths and talents, which can include being open minded, being able to support and inspire others to create, or being able to cook delicious meals and host a fantastic party. Now, use this type of sentence: V " ================== M _____________________� to write down as many things as possible that you recognize and thank people in your own life for. For example you might write: “I acknowledge Ana for being a supportive friend�, “I acknowledge my sister for being really funny and entertaining� When you’ve -nished your list, read it out loud and in full. How do you feel? Now read each sentence in your list out loud again, but this time instead of the person’s name you wrote originally, say: “I acknowledge MYSELF for ____________________ ____________�


Acknowledging your abilities

Acknowledging your abilities


“We know how to ?y like birds, to swim like -sh; but we haven’t learned the simple art of living like brothers and sisters.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the pictures and read the statements

Ouch!!! My stomach!

My mom knows how to prepare a good tea for stomachaches.

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Read and practice the following dialogue between a mom and a little child:


Acknowledging your abilities


Mom, tell me, does grandma know how to play the piano?


Yes, baby. She is good at music, just like your aunt Maria.


And daddy knows how to build things, right?


Yes, he is good at engineering.


And you mom? What are you good at?


I am good at languages. I know how to speak Warao, Spanish, and a little Portuguese.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Practice the following dialogue. You may replace the underlined words I know how to… and I am good at… A: B: A: B:

Do you know how to make clothes? I need a new dress and they are very expensive. Sorry, I am not good at that. But my sister knows how to sew. That’s great! Maybe we can talk to her later. I know how to make cakes. Really? I know how to administer money. I am good at Administration.

/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* I know how to + verb

I am good at + noun






Acknowledging your abilities


#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* In this class the students are talking about the areas they are the best at, because they are planning a party to collect funds for the school. A:

I know how to design posters and ?yers to promote the event.


Oh, I know how to create a choreography for the event.


Cool! I know how to rap and I have a group.


I don’t know how to -nd a good place for the event. Can you help me?


Of course. Ms. Febres, our Spanish teacher, knows how to -nd one that would be perfect.


OK. And‌ do you know how to make snacks for the party?

$ ' & ; <' & " ' do? Do you know if someone in your family knows how to organize a party?


Acknowledging your abilities

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the following passage Indigenous knowledge is a cumulative body of knowledge, know-how, practices and representations developed and maintained by indigenous people with extended histories of interaction with the natural environment. Their understandings, interpretations and meanings are part and parcel of a cultural complex that encompasses language, naming and classi-cation systems, resource use practices, rituals, spirituality and worldview. Indigenous peoples often say that their knowledge is holistic, and that it cannot be separated from the lands and resources.

<' & ' ; <' ' ;

Acknowledging your abilities


1! "" # )%* Your teacher will read some questions about things you may know how to do. Listen and circle YES if you know how to do that activity, or NO if you don’t. 1. 2. 3. 4.



Tribal knowledge of our Venezuelan indigenous groups has ' A ' 4-- years. Our Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela *222 *.1 A & ' ' patents related to indigenous genetic resources or intellectual property associated with indigenous knowledge. This is important because transnational pharmaceutical companies cannot take resources from our indigenous people and use these as components for very expensive medicines and drugs.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Pay attention to diOerent forms of KNOW:

My knowledge of Chinese is very good.


Acknowledging your abilities

My father was very knowledgeable about how to make shoes.

2. Now read the following information: 1) ) 4 Present form: know / knows

Past form: knew

Past participle known

Know as the basis for an adjective (diJerent forms) G recognized, familiar, famous

Opposite: Unknown

Knowledgeable: knows a lot about something

#& '"#% My mom always knows what to do. Do you know what to do next? My great-grandmother knew how to prepare a beverage called “chicha�. This person is for his ability to paint. This accident happened for an unknown reason.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete the sentences with “know� or any other word that includes “know� Example: Does your mother know how to -x a car? 1.

Jacinto Convit is ________ around the world for his discovery of the vaccine against leprosy.


The reason why some companies do not prosper is ________.


Indigenous people ________ how to use plants without destroying them.


Economists are very ________ about the -nancial situation of a country.


People in Uruguay ________ how to raise cattle for export.

Acknowledging your abilities


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# How to manage time eOectively . Do you have diPculty completing your homework on time? Here are some questions you should ask yourself: 1.

Do you have a good time of the day to study? How long is it?


What makes for a good break for you? Can you control the activity and return to your studies?


What is the best study space you can think of? Is there any other?


What is one distraction that causes you to stop studying?

Each question focuses on a particular problem you may have to complete your homework and study on time. The -rst question helps you identify a time of the day that is the most appropriate to concentrate on your studies. But as you cannot spend the whole day studying, question 2 acknowledges the need to rest and stop working. Question 3 suggests that you consider & H & H 1 & & any distraction. <' ' & & ' ' H ; < ' your time of studies, and share your ideas with the rest of the class.


Acknowledging your abilities

Acknowledging your abilities


! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the situations.

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Read and practice the following dialogue between a client and a graphic designer:


Acknowledging your abilities


Good afternoon. Can I help you?


Yes, thanks. I would like to order a poster, please.


Certainly. Do you have an idea about what to include in the poster?


Yes, I have typed the text and I have some ideas for pictures and colors. Can you do this for tomorrow? I need it urgently.


Yes, I can. No problem.


Q ? ) & " ; $ *

* 4- ;

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Practice the following dialogue between friends at school. A:

What’s up? You look worried. Can I do anything for you?


You know, I can’t understand math, I failed another exam. Can you help me with these exercises?


Let me see. Yes, I can. They are very easy. I can complete them very quickly.


I want you to explain them to me, OK? If you help me, I am sure I can learn.


OK then. It can be hard at -rst, but if you practice, it becomes easier.


But not now. I can’t because I have an appointment with the doctor.

Acknowledging your abilities


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* CAN I? YOU CAN, YOU CANNOT, YOU CAN’T

PROHIBITION: You can’t use a cellphone here.

POSSIBILITY: I can come to study this afternoon.

OFFERING HELP: Can I help you?

PERMISSION: Can I borrow you pencil?

ABILITY: She can swim very well.


Acknowledging your abilities

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read this information about permission in informal situations. Asking for permission

Excuse me, can I‌?

Giving permission Sure.

Not giving permission Sorry, you can’t.


I’m afraid you can’t.

Yes, you can.

I’m sorry you can’t do that.

Of course you can.

F. READING AND REFLECTING Some examples of situations when we ask for, give or refuse permission 1. $ *1M& M " ' & & ' ' ' D Can I party all night? 2. A friend asks permission to use your computer, and you respond: Of course, you can use my computer as long as you need it. 3. A student asks permission to be absent for class tomorrow, the teacher responds: Sorry, you miss more classes this month. What about you? Think of other situations when we need to ask for, give or refuse permission.

Acknowledging your abilities


1! "" # )%* Your teacher will read some sentences. Listen and circle A if the sentence is aPrmative or N if the sentence is negative. Do it in your notebook 1. 2. 3. 4.



Here are 3 amazing facts about animals’ physical abilities: 1.

2. 3.

% .-- ' ' ' 3' equivalent to a man jumping the Empire State Building in New York. Elephants can smell water up to 3 miles away. GiraOes have no vocal cords, so they can’t produce sounds.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Pay attention to the sentences below:

She can ride a bicycle. Verb


He can dance salsa. Verb Object

GRAMMAR Transitive Verbs A transitive verb is a verb that requires one or more objects. The meaning of a transitive verb is ' % ' ' ' ' ' ' the answer to the question “What?�


Acknowledging your abilities

#& '"#%


INCOMPLETE SENTENCE (verb without an object) The child broke " ' ; COMPLETE (verb with an object) The child broke ' " ' ; 3'

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Read each sentence below and try to answer the question in parentheses. Underline sentence is complete, and B if the sentence is incomplete.


$ A $ ' ;



) > ' > ' ;



3' ' & & ' ;



@ ' > ' > ' ;


if the

Acknowledging your abilities


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Here is an exercise to match transitive verbs with the appropriate object. Match them by writing ' ' A ' Verb












a. a driving test. b. the last chapter of the book. c. the door. d. the house. e. the concert. f. his own bed.

In your notebook, can you write sentences with these expressions? Example: They can’t cancel the concert! I bought tickets for me and my friends.


Acknowledging your abilities

Acknowledging your abilities


‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Listen, read and comment the following paragraph Appearance Most of the time we complain about the way we look. So expressions like these are common: If I am short, I want to be tall. If I am blond, I want to be brunette. If I have straight hair, I want to have it curly. So, people will say: I don’t like the color of my hair so I will dye it. I don’t like my body so I will undergo surgery. I don’t like my weight so I will go on a diet. The worst situation is when people do what their friends want them to do, in order to be accepted.


Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Listen and repeat the following dialogue José: Rebeca: Isabel: Luis: Rebeca: José: Luis:

Did you know that Isabel does not like her beautiful curly hair? I love it. I don’t like my straight hair. I want to have Isabel’s hair. Really? Are you kidding? I will do anything to have mine like yours. We human beings are crazy! We are never satis-ed with what we have. I don’t think so. Well, I will also dye my hair. Don’t do that! The color of your hair is beautiful and natural. You know, sometimes women let fashion drive their lives.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete and practice the following dialogue. Student A: Student B: Student C: Student D: Student B: Student A: Student D:

Did you know that ____ does not like ___ _____________? I love ___. I don’t like my ___________. I want to have _____ ____. Really? Are you kidding? I will do anything to have mine like _____. We human beings are crazy! We are never _____ with what we have. I don’t think so. Well, I will also ______ ____ ________. Don’t do that! The _____of your _____ _____ __________. You know, sometimes ______ let _______ drive their lives.

/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-*

a) Skinny

b) Overweight

c) Obese

d) Muscular

e) Chubby

f) Anorexic

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read the following dialogue and practice Student A: Student B: Student A: Student B: Student C: Student B: Student C:

I want to do some physical activity to enhance my muscles. Me too, I am too skinny. I read about some substances. Do you mean steroids and dietary supplements? Yes, to get faster results! Don’t even think about that! Why not? Will there be side eOects if we use them? Yes, there will. First, you have to go to the doctor, before using any of that stuO

E. READING AND REFLECTING Read and discuss. Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. In spite of the fact that cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the most known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic. Plastic surgery includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns. With an impressive increased emphasis on social stereotypes on beauty and perfection, people are turning to plastic surgery more and more. It has meant that people are looking for plastic surgery in order to change their physical appearance. Many people are obsessed with plastic surgery. This obsession may cause psychological disorders. Examples of types of plastic surgeries Lip enhancement Liposuction Mammoplasty Hand surgery Rhinoplasty Microsurgery In what cases do we speak about reconstructive or cosmetic surgery?


Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

1! "" # )%* Listen to the teacher and write the following sentences in your notebook Self-esteem is a term used to re?ect a person’s emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. Self-esteem is related to emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. Self-esteem gives you the courage to try new things and the power to believe in yourself. It lets you respect yourself, even when you make mistakes. And when you respect yourself, adults and other kids usually respect you, too.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Look at the pictures and read the vocabulary about making suggestions


play catch??

"#$ %H

SHALL WE‌ take a walk??

0 /(- $ #H

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


Making suggestions: '

& ' ' D V W V W @ > @ <'& > complement?

Shall I dye my hair? Shall we wear a uniform? Let’s go to the gym. Why don’t we go dancing?

No, what for? Yes, we should. Sorry. Let’s not go today. I’m tired. Sorry. I can’t dance.

Examples " H



Let’s sit down. Let’s stop. Let’s not stop.

Shall I close the window? Shall we go swimming? We shall not go swimming

Why don’t we play‌? Why don’t we go‌? Why don’t we stay‌?

Let’s close the window. Yes, let’s close it.

Shall we buy a cake? Yes. A chocolate cake.

Why don’t we eat‌? Yes; I’m hungry

Usage of " and Let us Let us is only shortened to when it includes the person addressed, as a suggestion. Let us refers only to the speaker: " ' & ' ' & Please sir, let us ' & A ' ' &


Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete the following dialogue using ‘shall’, ‘ ’, and ‘ ’


_____ go to the movies tomorrow.


I’d love to, but I have to study for an English test.


That’s OK. Why _____ _____ study together? You can help me to clarify some doubts.


Sure. That’s a good idea!


____ I bring an English dictionary?


You don’t have to. I can lend you mine.


Good. See you tomorrow then. ____ we dance on Saturday? If we study tomorrow, we can have some fun on Saturday. Don’t you think so?


That sounds great. _____ talk about it tomorrow. Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


* 8 '

' Having positive self-esteem can help you to make healthy choices about your mind and body. If you think you’re important, you’ll be less likely to follow the crowd if your friends are doing something wrong or dangerous. If you have positive self-esteem, you know you’re smart enough to make your own decisions. Positive self-esteem helps you know that every part of you is worth caring for and protecting. What do you think about selfesteem? write a paragraph in pairs, and share it with the rest of the class. 2. Participate in a debate. Divide the class in two groups. One group will be in favor and the other will be against the topic. Topic: Having cosmetic surgery is the only way to get a positive self-esteem


Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


epting those of others “A person who made a mistake and doesn’t correct it is making another mistake”. Confucious

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the following pictures and explain the situations.


Answering the mobile phone in class

Spilling a drink on somebody’s clothes

Being late

Stepping on someone’s foot

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

Read and practice the following dialogue about ‘Being late’ A: B: A: B: A:

Good morning. May I come in? Good morning. You may, but you are late again. I apologize for being late. I missed the bus. An excuse again. Do you know what it means to be late? I’m sorry. I realize that by being late I interrupted the class.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Practice the following dialogues based on the pictures in section A %; 4 4 A Oh my shirt B I’m _______ A You ruined my new shirt B I’m so deeply ______ A I accept your apology


Answering the phone in class How disturbing is this interruption! _____. I thought it was important. But you interrupted the class I forgot to turn it oO. I ________ Don’t do it again, please

/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read the following expressions about apologizing Expressing regret I’m really sorry. Please accept my apologies.

Expressing commitment How could I make it up to you?

I’m so sorry.

Please excuse my behavior.

I promise not to do it again.

I’m deeply sorry.

I wasn’t doing my job.

I will try my hardest.

I regret it.

I accept that it’s my fault.

I will try my best.

Pardon me!

I didn’t mean that.

I’ll do my best.

Silly me!


It won’t happen again.

Forgive me!

It is/was my fault.

I won’t do it again.

Example: Stepping on someone’s foot A: oh my foot! B: I’m deeply sorry! I didn’t mean to do that. I won’t do it again Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read the dialogue and practice with a partner Principal: Student: Principal: Student: Principal: Student:


Well Miss Peraza, you failed -ve subjects. Yes Mr. Gonzalez. I’m deeply sorry. We are worried about this situation. You are a good student. Thanks. I accept full responsibility. I didn’t try my hardest. I’m ashamed. I personally think that you can do better. I appreciate your comments. It won’t happen again.

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

F. READING AND REFLECTING What is an apology? And apologizing? An apology is an expression of remorse for doing something wrong and, occasionally, it serves as a request for forgiveness. Apologizing is to oOer an apology or excuse for some fault, insult, failure, or injury. Apologizing for a mistake might seem like an impossible task, but we can get through it. It is an acceptance of responsibility for our actions. This means not blaming anyone else for what we did and not making excuses for our actions but instead accepting full responsibility for what we did and for the consequences of our actions. Discuss: What do you think about apologizing but accepting responsibilities?

1! "" # )%* Identify and write the expressions that the teacher reads. Use your notebook. Regret 1. 2. 3


The Australia Sorry Day + .6 & *220 ' VP & 9 &W " an annual event, with marches, speeches and presentations in the country. It started as a way to protest against the Stolen Generation, in which many indigenous children were forcibly taken away from their families in the name of assimilation during ' *24- *26- $ & & ' Q .--0 <>

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


H. BUILDING BLOCKS Pay attention to the usage of adjectives and adverbs with the same root Sentences with adjectives * & truthful. 2. It is important to be polite. 3. Be careful when carrying the crystals. 1 3' easy task.

Sentences with adverbs They speak truthfully. She speaks politely. Crystals have to be handled carefully. This task was easily done.

2. Observe the following grammar information GRAMMAR: ADVERB PLACEMENT after BE verb after an auxiliary verb before other verbs

NFIJ)3 FJ $9LJ8F )+ @J JP3 NFIJ)3 $NB @ $8E $9LJ8F LJ8F NFIJ)3 $9LJ8F LJ8F )+ @J JP3

#& '"#% He is rarely late when he has a test after BE verb

She is slowly *- I am slowly getting there. He will probably arrive late. His car is broken down.

after auxiliary verb

She will Knally *- I will slowly get there. He obviously forget the meeting. It’s too late

before other verbs

She Knally *- He slowly got there.


Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverb. Use your notebook. 1. It is obvious that they forgot to read. They __________forgot to read. 2. She used warm expressions. Her expressions were_________received by the audience. 3. She is a brilliant actress. “Manuela” was__________performed by her. 4. It is usual to arrive on time. We ____________ arrive on time.

2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. Politeness opens door Most of the time people do not realize how important politeness is. It re?ects people’s character and culture. The expectations of a visitor may vary depending on how we treat him or her or how we address them. This is a key element when working with people. It is also fundamental for the development of tourism or your own business. You can also think about the relevance of politeness to treating receptionists, administrative assistants, and gatekeepers in an organization. We have to think that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. 1. What is to be polite? 2. Can you mention some examples of politeness? 3. Why is it important for tourism? 4. Are you polite?

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others



Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


epting those of others “There are not more than -ve cardinal tastes, yet combinations of them yield more ?avours than can ever be tasted.” Sun Tzu

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the collage of faces. What do they represent?

+ Read and practice the following dialogue Domitila: Cruz: Ale: Domitila: Cruz: Domitila:


Wow! There are so many countries in the world. Yes, there are plenty of them. How diOerent people look! Look at the way they are dressed! This diversity is nice. I would like to share and know about some of them. They are not like us. They might not understand us. No matter where we come from, we are all human beings. So let’s celebrate diversity.

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

. Complete the following dialogue using the words in brackets. All of them are suitable. A:

< ? 3' & ======== ' ' !


E ' ======== & !


C ===== ' & " @ " ' & ' & ? ! 7


3' & " ===== ' ! ! "


3' & " 3' & ' ====== !


No matter where we come from, we are all human beings. So let’s ________ diversity. " !

/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Learn about other cultures and some forms of greetings people.

India Putting hands together like "praying hands" holding them against your chest.

Japan or China Bowing to one another as a greeting or parting gesture.

England Saying ‘hello’ when meeting friends. English people usually shake hands only when they meet for the -rst time.

Now, how do we Latin Americans greet?

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Practice the following dialogue



Let’s go to the sports complex.


I can’t, I am in a wheelchair. What am I going to do there?


There are many things you can do there.


Didn’t you watch the Paralympic Games?


But do you think I can?


Of course, you can practice many sports: swimming, archery, track and -eld, weightlifting, and others.


OK, let’s try. Thanks for not learning me out.


We believe in inclusion, OK!

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the paragraph and answer the questions Diversity refers to acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual diOerences. These diOerences could be based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. Acknowledging diversity means being aware of these diOerences and accepting them as part of a safe and positive environment. It is also about dealing with each other with tolerance to embrace and celebrate the richness that diversity brings to society. There is no space for discrimination. 1. What is diversity? 2. Do you accept diversity? 3. How many types of discrimination do you know? 4. Do you discriminate anybody?

1! "" # )%* /, $ $,(- In your notebook write the sentences that the teacher reads

Simón Bolivar understood the need to fuse the creole, pardo and slave rebellions into one great movement; with liberty he wanted equality for everybody, whatever their class, creed or color was. He considered himself free of race prejudice. Bolivar achieved unity of command amidst diversity of forces. It means that ‘together we are strong’.

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


H. BUILDING BLOCKS Look at the picture and read the phrases.

specialize in counselling

approve of behavior

protect from

wait for the bus

2. Check the grammar structure GRAMMAR: VERB + PREPOSITIONS (dependent prepositions) L waiting for / waited for / wait for L

protect from harassment / protect someone from L believe in humanity / believes in them L approve of your behavior / stand up for equity L based on facts / agree on everything L responded to her complaint / refer to the book L ' work with diversity / agree with him


Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

#& '"#% She is waiting for an apology. What is she waiting for? They protect them from harassment. What do they protect them from? I believe in humanity. What do you believe in? Yes, they will stand for equity. Will they stand up for equity? We agreed on inclusion. What did they agree on? Yes, they responded to the abuses. Did they respond to the abuses? I am for diversity. What are you for?

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* What do these signs stand for? Write one sentence for each one using the grammatical structure presented in the previous section. 1.



Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Read the following statements. Then work in groups and write about human rights related to the following topics: racism, child mistreatment, bullying, people with disabilities, migrants, domestic violence. You can check the web pages about human rights. Human Rights 1. All children have the right to learn together. 2. Nobody should be undermined or discriminated against by being excluded or sent away because of their disability or learning diPculty. 3. Nobody should be segregated. 4. Everybody has the right to be educated. Only inclusion has the potential to reduce fear and to build friendship, respect and understanding.


Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others

Sharing our opinions and accepting those of others


Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Read the following words. What do they suggest to you?


Health, care and love

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Listen and repeat the dialogue Delegate:

We will start a prevention campaign about drugs.


Interesting, but I thought we couldn’t speak about it.


On the contrary, we should. We have to be aware of temptations.


Thank you! If we are not educated about it, we will regret it.


If we learn in advance we won’t fall in to provocations.


You got the idea! Now, join us in this campaign.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete the following dialogue. Please write in your notebook. Delegate:

We will start a prevention campaign about _________.


Interesting, but I thought we couldn’t _________ about it.


On the contrary, we should. We have to be aware of ________.


Thank you, If we are not _________ about it, we will ________it.


If we _______ in advance we won’t fall in to ___________.


You got the idea! Now, join us in this campaign.

Health, care and love


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Instructions


$ J JB


E. READING AND LEARN Read the dialogue and practice it. Henry: Mariana: Zoraida: Henry: Carmen: Mariana:


I want to be part of this campaign. Can I give a speech on the negative eOects of cocaine? Sure! If you do that, I’ll prepare some slides on coca leaves. Can I draw some posters on the diOerence between cocaine and coca? Of course. Can anybody help with the lea?ets? [ '

' ' : ' Great! We’re a team!

Health, care and love

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read and discuss the following paragraphs with your classmates. Violence is not good for anybody A campaign against the illegal possession of weapons is taking place in our country for the sake of our society. An armed person is more likely to use the weapon when out of control. We can all contribute to this campaign, in order to live in a peaceful community.

“If we practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless�. Mahatma Gandhi “ALL UNITED FOR A VENEZUELA WITHOUT WEAPONS�

1! "" # )%* /, $ $,(- Please, in your notebook write the words that the teacher dictates.


& C L ! $ H

& & $ 9 AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by ' ' '

& C L 3' virus is primarily transmitted via unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding

Health, care and love


H. BUILDING BLOCKS Look a the picture and read the information

If you drink too much, you will become an addict.

If you help a friend, he will have the chance to recover.

If he accepts his sickness, he will attend the AA meetings.

If he recovers, he will go back to his normal life.

2. Check the grammar structure GRAMMAR STRUCTURE % %

% % ; % ! %

% ! % >


Health, care and love

#& '"#% It will save our friendship, if you give up What will happen if I give up drinking? drinking. If you smoke in class, you will be punished. What will happen if I smoke in class? If they don’t participate in the campaign, they What will happen if they don’t participate in the won’t get the full grade in science. science campaign? If we don’t agree on the topic, we will waste too What will you do if you don’t agree on the topic? much time.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Read and practice the dialogue. Pablo: Julián: Pablo: Julián: Manuel: Julián:

Hey, Julian, how are you doing? I’m great, man. Thanks to you and my other friends I am sober now. No way. If you try hard, you’ll get what you want. Yes, you’re right! It was really awful! I didn’t realize I was sick. We are very happy that you are recovered! Now I can plan my future together with you all.

Health, care and love


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Read the following concepts and participate in the debate on Human Rights


Health, care and love

Health, care and love


A village without the elderly is like a well without water. African Proverb

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the pictures and make comments


Health, care and love

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Listen to the dialogue. Then practice with a partner. Nelly:

Do you spend time with your grandparents?


Yes, I do. My grandfather and I always go to the park in the afternoon.


How nice! I don’t have a grandfather but I have a grandmother.


Cool! What do you do with her?


She likes going to the theater. She teaches me a lot about theater.


You are lucky, you have them close to you. My grandparents live far away, but we keep in touch.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete the following dialogue. Nelly:

Do you spend time with your grandparents?


Yes, I do. My _______ and I always go to ______________


How nice! I don’t have a ________ but I have a ___________


Cool! What do you do with ______?


___ likes going to the ________. ___ teaches me a lot about _______


You are lucky; you have ___ close to you. My ______ live far away, but we keep in touch.

Health, care and love


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Look at the pictures to learn about human internal organs and illnesses.


Kidney O &

Brain & artheries Stroke / Cerebrovascular $ )L$

Joints Arthritis

Eyes Cataract

Liver Hepatitis

Bones Osteoporosis

Health, care and love

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )Read the following dialogue on how to make an appointment Grandson:

I want to make an appointment for my grandfather for tomorrow.

Receptionist: ) & C 2D-- ; Grandson:

That’ll be -ne.

Receptionist: E ' ' *- What’s his name? Grandson:

A Q S ' 9 */*11/*

Receptionist: Good. We already have his medical record. Grandson:

He still has some medicines left from the last prescription.

Receptionist: Perfect, please bring them with you. See you tomorrow! Grandson:

See you! Thank you very much. You are very kind indeed!

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read the following passage and answer the questions. Elderly people are today what you will become one day. Young people should respect their wisdom, knowledge, grace and fortitude, but isn’t always the case. Sometimes we need reminding why it is so important to respect our elders for what they teach us about life; it will help us to make our lives easier. They should always be respected as you would like to be respected when you get old. They deserve to be respected just for the fact that they paved the way for the younger generation. 1. What is the message of this paragraph? 2. Do you agree with it? 3. How do you show respect to elder people? Health, care and love


Select the correct word according to what the teacher reads. Write the word in your notebook * $ ' 2. Liver 3. Heart 1 $ '

Osteoporosis Kidneys Kidney Osteoporosis

For Chinese cultures: 3' & ' ' ' & & & & ' 7 when the people there oOer to help you because in China it is a sign of respect and not pity towards the elders. <' ' ' & ' ' '

the -nal decision.

H. BUILDING MATERIALS Look at the pictures and learn the vocabulary


F " Plaster

Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation

First aid kit


Diabetes Insuline syringes

Cancer Chemotherapy

Health, care and love

2. Look at the Grammar Structure Use should to express soft obligation or advice APrmative subject +should + the base form of a verb + complement Negative subject +should not + the base form of a verb + complement Interrogative should + subject + the base form of a verb + complement? Interrogative <' ' ! ' +should + subject + the base form of a verb +complement? Should does not change its form, so the third person singular form does not end in ‘-s’ #& '"#% In the case of a diabetic coma, you should take the patient to the hospital immediately. Where should you take the patient when she suOers a diabetic coma? I should take the patient to the hospital. You shouldn’t forget your First Aid Kit when you go camping. What shouldn’t we forget when we go camping? We shouldn’t forget the First Aid Kit

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Fill in the blank following the grammar pattern according to the situation. 1. You ______ use a stretcher when you move an injured person. 2. Juan _______ use crutches because he has a plaster cast on his leg. 3. Maria ___________ wear a bandage because she has no problem in her ankle. 4. He __________ have that wound open. 5. That injury is really infected, she ________ go to the doctor. 6. He cut his -nger, he ______ put a band-aid on it. 7. She has a broken arm, the paramedic _______ put her a splint.

Health, care and love


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Read the following information. These are some considerations to help people to learn about how to interact with elderly people. After reading them, please answer the questions. Work in groups and share your opinions Steps to learn about how to show respect to elderly people 1. Connect with older people. How many older people are your friends? 2. Notice old people around you. What are they doing? 3. Be kind to older people. How do you show respect? 4. Help if it is needed and wanted. 5. Spend time with older people. Conversations are important 6. Create activities in your community to incorporate the elderly Just remember that one day you are going to be old, just like one of these elderly people that you know. Questions C & ' ' ' & ; $ &

' & ;


Health, care and love

Health, care and love


Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the following words related to voluntarism. Do you know about it?


Health, care and love

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Please listen to the following dialogue. Then practice with your partners Sebastián: I am worried about the amount of trash we -nd everyday on the ?oor. Yvonne:

Me too. What shall we do?


We shall create a brigade of volunteers to teach people to put the trash in its place.

Sebastián: I like the idea. I want to be the -rst volunteer. Yvonne:

Ok let’s start with a list of those who want to join us.


Good, so now we will start our volunteer group.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Complete the dialogue suggesting other situations in which it is necessary to create a volunteer group. Sebastián:

I am worried about _________________________________


Me too. What _____ we do?


We _____ create a brigade of volunteers to _____________________


I like the idea. I _____ be the -rst volunteer.


Ok let’s start with a list of those who ________ join us.


Good, so now we _____ start our volunteer group. Health, care and love


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Look at the illustration and learn about activities which you can volunteer for


Nursing home

Animal reserve

Orphan house / Orphanage


Hospital volunteer

Sport volunteers

Health, care and love

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )Read the dialogue Ana:

What will you do on Saturday?


I will do some recreational activities


I shall do that as well. I am tired.


Let’s go together.


Pedro, what do you do in your spare time?


In my spare time I do volunteer work.

F. READING AND REFLECTING Fill in the blanks with the vocabulary given in the picture. Write in your notebook. 1. Volunteering is ______ because I can make ___________. 2. When you volunteer, we all _____. 3. If I volunteer, I’ll improve my ______and _________. 4. Volunteer and you’ll be _________. 5. You will get _________ if you volunteer while studying. 6. You will be _______ while you do volunteer work.

Health, care and love


Select the appropriate answer to the question that the teacher will read 1. Question? a. I volunteer at the hospital

b. I’ll help the children in the daily care

2. Question? a. We shall go to the mountain to plant some trees

b. We go to the mountain to plant trees.

Recreation is an activity of leisure. The need to do something for recreation is essential for your physical and mental health. Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be fun and relaxing. L 9 & 9 4 '?

H. BUILDING MATERIALS Match the phrases with the illustration. Write the appropriate letter in the blank. , 4 F 4 1. feeding animals 2. helping nurses 3. cleaning 4. childcare 5. tutorials 6. reforestation 7. feeding the homeless 8. helping disabled people 9. collecting donations */.

Health, care and love

2. Look at the review of the grammar structure of % "" ,"" AFFIRMATIVE FORM SHALL / WILL

I / WE HE /SHE / IT COMPLEMENT. WILL YOU / YOU / THEY VERB INTERROGATIVE FORM SHALL / WILL I / WE COMPLEMENT? WILL HE /SHE / IT / YOU / YOU / THEY shall is used with the meaning of obligation, and will with the meaning of desire or intention #& '"#% Great idea Shall we go to the river this week-end? No we can’t, we have to study Yes I will Will you volunteer at the hospital soon? No I won’t. I’ll volunteer for reforestation Yes, do it right away Shall I volunteer for the homeless? No, volunteer for the Paralympics Yes she will Will she go camping with the team? No, she won’t. She’ll do volunteer work.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Fill in the blanks with the names of the recreational activities in the illustrations 1. They will play ________ on Saturday. 2. We’ll go ________. We like oudoor activities. 3. I’ll go to the _____. I prefer indoor activities. 4. He’ll play _____. He loves the Vinotinto team. 5. You’ll enjoy playing ________. 6. Recommend that you go to the ______, if you are exhausted at the end of the week. Health, care and love


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Read the following thought. Then answer the questions Many anonymous and apparently diJerent eJorts from thousands of volunteers, helping to organize events both large and small, constitute one of the best and greatest hopes of contemporary society.

1. What do you think about volunteer work? 2. Do you know about volunteer groups in your community, country or internationally?


Health, care and love

Read the following requisites to be a volunteer. This is an example

Now, in your notebook write at least -ve requisites to be a volunteer in a particular activity in your community.

Health, care and love


planned Politeness is a desire to be treated politely, and to be esteemed polite oneself. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Read the following passage about politeness What is politeness? Personal interactions are very important and very delicate because we have to behave with good manners in order not to oOend the other person. Communication requires politeness and courteousness to build up nice relationships. Being polite is about respect, and being considerate to people’s feelings, culture, and values. You are probably wondering how to improve manners, etiquette and how to avoid being rude or impolite. It is necessary to say “Please� and “Thank you�. In today’s modern world a person who can get along well with others is successful in life. Using modal words will help in building a good relationship. Politeness also has to do with your behavior. That is why you should always try to be on time and be courteous, as you might meet the person again and you wouldn’t want to cause a wrong impression. If someone annoys you or even insults you, don’t get into an argument.

9 & ' ;


The future has to be planned

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Practice the following dialogue in groups of three Nusireth:

Would you like to join us for dinner this evening?


Sure! Thank you, that would be very nice.


Shall we get something to drink?


If it’s not too much trouble, orange juice would be good.


Would you like to come with us?


Sure, that would be great! Thanks!


Thanks for inviting us. You’re very kind!


Oh, don’t mention it.

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Read and complete the dialogue with the following words: could ( would ( certainly ( thank you -. Then practice the dialogue. Nohely:

I wonder if you _______ help me.


I_____ be happy to do that. What seems to be the problem?


Nusireth invited us to have dinner, but I don’t know what to wear!


Feel free to wear what you want. Don’t worry. You _____ be -ne.


_______ I borrow your sweater, please?


________, the red one or the blue one?


I _______ prefer the blue one. ________ very much.


It is not any trouble at all. Have fun! The future has to be planned


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Look at the following images. What do you see there? Describe the situations.







The future has to be planned

Thank you

be polite

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read and practice the following dialogue. Elvis:

Would you like to go downtown to have an ice cream?


Yes sure. But it is far from here. How are we going?


Mmm!!! By car, I could borrow my father´s car…


Will he lend it to you? That´s great! Let’s invite Wilmer …


Could we go to the cinema too? There is a science -ction movie showing.


Sorry, I´m afraid we can’t. My father lent me his car just for two hours.


That’s OK; we will have fun, enjoy a delicious ice cream and be back on time.

Did you check the use of the words borrow ( lend ?

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read and select the modal verb that best -ts in the blank. There might be diOerent possibilities. Remember write in your notebook, but not here!

He ____leave his jacket in the house. Where_____ your family like to go? ' ====== ' & 2D-- You _______ not swim in this river. ______ I borrow your pen? _____ you go with us tonight? _____ I leave early today, please?

Modal Verbs Can Could May Might Should Would Must

______ you wait a moment, please? I ______ lend you my car We _____ go to the embassy today Children _____ do their homework They ______ be in a meeting now You _______not drink and drive She ______speak two languages

The future has to be planned


1! "" # )%* Please, in your notebook write the expression of politeness the teacher will dictate

Modal verbs do not admit tense or number like other verbs. They must be at the beginning of the verb phrase to express the speaker’s attitude or opinion.



The future has to be planned

Can Could May Might Must Shall Should Will Would

(/ " B#)+% ( (- /#3,-,$,(-% ability, permission, possibility, request. ability, permission, possibility, request, suggestion. permission, probability, request. possibility, probability, suggestion. deduction, necessity, obligation, prohibition. decision, future, oOer, question, suggestion. advice, necessity, prediction, recommendation. decision, future, intention, oOer, prediction, promise, suggestion. conditional, habit, invitation, permission, preference, request, question, suggestion.

Verb phrase combinations





They might be eating dinner now. I might visit you in Canada next year. You must not smoke in the hospital. You should check your English lessons. She will be back next week.

#& '"#% Can I use your phone, please? Excuse me, could I just say something? May I have another cup of coOee? Would you like to go to the beach? Shall I do that?

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Follow the examples and organize these sentences. Remember you must not write here; use your notebook, please! E.g., you- Will- walk-tonight- ?- home smoke -must not-in-You- hospital- the

Will you walk home tonight? You must not smoke in the hospital

Now your turn‌ * M M M M M ' 2. Pesticides-cause-cancer- can-! 3. others-stop-You-must-criticizing 1 < M M

M& M M M '

* ;M& M M M ' M< M 2. with-I-help Shall-you-?- your-bags 3. Could-borrow-your-dictionary-I-? 1 ' M &M M;M ' M M 7 M The future has to be planned


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# In pairs practice this dialogue at the restaurant. You might replace the underlined words to create a diOerent dialogue with your classmate. Use the list on the right.



Good evening. May I help you?



Sure, we’d like to have dinner.



My pleasure! Would you like any appetizer?



Yes, I would like to have vegetable snacks to share, please!


And what would you like for a main course?


I’d like asado negro with chicken salad, please.

May Would Pineapple Tomato Vegetables potatoes


Would you like anything to drink?


Orange juice now and later a cup of coOee, please!



Anything else?



No thanks. I´m -ne.


The future has to be planned


The future has to be planned


planned What I treasure most in life is being able to dream. During my most diPcult moments and complex situations I have been able to dream of a more beautiful future. Rigoberta MenchĂş

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the images and read the following passage L S ' A & . /65 0-- O . ) ' 15 P " P ' ' spectacular scenery and temperate climate, tourism in Venezuela needs to be developed. However, this is something that Venezuelan tourism oPcials are planning to change in the near future by implementing new strategies in both international and domestic sides. As an example, nowadays the Venezuelan Social Tourism program enables the elderly and those with disabilities to go to beaches, rivers, national parks and other natural places in the country. Venezuelan won an international recognition for the tourism social program. Do you know about the social tourism program?


The future has to be planned

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Read and practice the following dialogue in groups of three Karen:






Auntie Gladys, I read that here in Venezuela you can have fun just about everywhere you go. So, I’m planning a family vacation. Great, but traveling for vaca costs lots of money. Are y look for a close destination? Sure, we are choosing a cheap close tourist location. To have a good time you don’t need to spend much. Yes, a beautiful blue beach like C would be great. The foggy in Lomas de Cubiro sound e too. Ah, we can visit some museums in Caracas or take the cable car t Waraira Repano … Certainly, a family vacation is going to be a great exciting momen close and share … So let’s do it!

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Read and repeat the following dialogue Grandpa:

Are we going to go on vacation too?


Sure grandpa, we are planning a vacation for all the family this year.


We are going to take the cable car to the top of the Waraira Repano in Caracas.


What are we going to do there?


You will push my wheelchair, and all of us will have fun.


I’m going to buy ?owers and strawberries for your grandmother.


We will dance and sing too… Sounds very cool!


I want to go too! The future has to be planned


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Look at the pictures and the questions. Answer the questions and/or create story.

; 4 ; ; Venezuela?

What will we need to pack in our bags?

How are we going to go?

Who is going with us?


The future has to be planned

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Look at the countries in the Caribbean in which English is the oPcial language Anguilla - Antigua and Barbuda -Bahamas -Barbados - Belize - Bermuda - British Virgin Islands - Cayman Islands - Dominica - Grenada - Jamaica - Montserrat - Saint Croix - Saint John - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Thomas - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Trinidad and 3 M 3 " ) M 8 J ' \ '

F. READING AND REFLECTING Let’s read and dream. Situation: Karen, Maria Elvira and Carol are planning a trip to go on vacations and practice their English. School vacation is a good time to improve our English. There are many English speaking countries close to Venezuela; they are in the Caribbean. Talking with native people is a great experience and a very interesting way to learn. It will be fun to stay in an English-speaking country and this will help us to improve this language. It will be an excellent way to learn new skills and have an amazing holiday, all at the same time! So when you’re on vacation, you’ll not only be lying on the beach or checking out pleasant neighborhoods, but also having a great marvelous learning experience and a strong unforgettable opportunity to meet plenty of new people. So, let’s dream of practicing our English in the Caribbean! <' & ' ; The future has to be planned


1! "" # )%* @ ' & '

3 ' previous reading. Remember to write in your notebook. 1





There is an English speaking zone that is shown in the +X L S 3 J H [ 8 , ][ 8 ^ 3' & administered by Guyana but claimed by Venezuela, and is the subject of a long-running boundary dispute inherited from the colonial powers. Historically it was included in Gran Colombia by Spain, but it was included in Essequibo by the Dutch and later in British Guiana by the United Kingdom.



Look at the sky, it's going to rain.

She is making a sandwich as she has all the ingredients.

He is carrying the big heavy bags for you.

I am going to take medicine because of this terrible earache.

The future has to be planned

Subject I She / he You We They Subject I She / he You We They

Present continuous is used when a plan already exists to be verb + ing am seeing the doctor on Monday. ‘m dancing joropo this weekend. is ‘s studying biology tonight. are ‘re repairing their house this vacation. 'going to' is used for intentions and decisions to be going to base inKnitive am do my homework now. ‘m practice the English lessons. is going to ‘s study really hard this term. are ‘re watch a movie tomorrow. #& '"#%

Present continuous We are painting my house tomorrow. They are practicing sport tonight. Are you working tomorrow? She’s picking me up at the airport.

'Going to' We're going to paint our house tomorrow. They are going to practice soccer later Are you going to work on Sunday? He is going to pick me up at Maiquetia airport.

,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* 3' " & ?

' " ! ' your answers with your classmates’ ones. Report to the class J ! &! J '! & J ' A " * ! ' " ! ' 2. I / prepare for / exams 3. I / have/ a party

1 ! '! ' 4 ! " ! 6. I / visit / my grandparents

Please remember to do the exercise in your notebook. The future has to be planned


2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# Read the previous dialogues. Then complete the following dialogue and practice it. You can use you own names and add other vocabulary.



To plan a ______________ you need to take care of many details.


But traveling costs a lot. It is really ________ to look for close ___________.


Sure, we are going to _____________ our next vacations.


My family is _________ to visit some other places there too.


We are _______ _______ buy swimming suits this weekend.


A family vacation is _____ _____ be a great moment to ________forever.

The future has to be planned

The future has to be planned


planned “To wish was to hope, and to hope was to expect� Jane Austen

! "#$ % #&'"()#* Look at the picture. What do you see here?

What will you be when you become an adult?


The future has to be planned

+! "#$ % ",%$#-. )# / -/ % 0* Now listen and repeat the dialogue. Situation - Three friends are talking Mary:

Let’s talk about future plans.


Well, my mother always asks me about my future, but I’m not sure about it.


I have a plan. I will study in a University because I would like to be a doctor.


Which university would you like to study at?


I don’t know yet. There are several options.


Ah! I am going to be an English teacher.


I must think about it and make a life plan.


Jorge would like to be a dentist and Lisa is going to be an engineer.


Luis likes to work with wood. He´s going to be a carpenter like his father.


I might be a good mother.


OK, It stopped raining. Let´s go home. See you in class tomorrow!

! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Read and practice this dialogue with a classmate. You can change some words Rita: Mom, I am thinking about my expectations in life. Mom: That’s excellent, my dear. What would you like to study? Rita: I´ll... I´m going to ... I´m not sure. I would like to be a dentist, but a pilot too. Mom: Mm, make a future plan about what you would like to be or to do. Rita: Yes, mom I will. … But I might be a veterinarian or maybe a gymnast. Mom: Rita, please come and help me, then you will see what you want to be.

The future has to be planned


/! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-*

I would like to be


a gymnast

an optician

an architect

a KreKghter

a veterinarian

a pilot

The future has to be planned

#! "#$ % )# / -/ "# )-* Read the passage and answer the question. It is a person speaking‌ My mother often wonders about my future as I am -nishing high school in two years time. So, the main question on my mind is which profession should I choose? It is very hard to make a de-nite choice, because I know this will be for the rest of my life. I would love to help other people. However, there are many diOerent career opportunities. I really hope that I will be able to find the right one for me, and then my dream will come true. I would like a profession that would satisfy me, challenge me, and bring me happiness. 9 & & " ' & like to have in the future?

F. READING AND REFLECTING Read and select the correct sentence. Explain the error. Remember to read and explain it orally. Then write the correct form of the sentence in your notebook. Select letter C for correct sentences and I for incorrect ones. C


1. We must go now to arrive on time. 2. They did not would come. 3. She cans help us with the English assignment. 4. We could not study math this weekend. 5. Does he will be sixteen years old next month? 6. I would like to be an engineer or an architect. 7. Should we start training now? 8. It might be important for you to go to the speech. 9. Can you paint this room now?

The future has to be planned


1! "" # )%* Write in your notebook the dictation.

Charles Dickens, a famous British writer, wrote the well-known " Q JA *06- '

3L theatrical adaptations. He wrote many other books, such as A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist.

H. BUILDING BLOCKS Read the passages and re?ect about the content


My Passion

Too Many Options

An excellent professional

I have no idea what I want to do or what I want to be! I’d like to be many things. So I'm checking websites on professions but they might not suit me. My passion is to write songs for my friends and family; I can also sing well and I love drama. I should really be an artist, maybe a writer or maybe an actor.

I have no idea what I should be. I’m interested in space and I’d like to be an aerospace engineer to design spacecrafts or airplanes. I could be a doctor too, or I might be a science researcher. Anyhow in order to have one of these jobs, I need to study math, physics, chemistry and biology. I haven’t really made up my mind; there are too many options and there’s so much pressure...

It’s time for me to think about my career. My mom is a nurse and she wants me to become a therapist. I really enjoy dancing and singing but I wouldn’t be a famous pop star. In any case I’m trying my best to be a good student because I want to go to university and be an excellent professional.

The future has to be planned

2. Grammar N ' ' We must -nish the homework

Modal can

Don’t add “-ing�, “-ed� or “-s� to them He will can go with us She cans help us They mayed be wrong

could may

Use “not� to make them negative I should not discuss with him


Use the modal verb itself to form questions Would you go with us tomorrow?

must ought to should will would

You might -nish your homework Could she be the best dancer? It would not be so bad, stay calm. Will you go to MĂŠrida next week?

Situation Informal requests Informal permission General possibility Polite requests Weak possibility Formal requests Formal permission Quiet strong possibility Weak possibility Strong obligation Logical conclusions Moral obligation Partial obligation Weak logical conclusions Future actions/intentions Polite requests

#& '"#% The train should arrive in a few minutes. I must go to the dentist urgently. I cannot ride a bicycle, I never tried . May I go to the bathroom, please?.

The future has to be planned


,! -( . "#$ % ') $, #* Select the appropriate modal verb. You can use any of them more than once. Remember to write in your notebook. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I know you_______be hungry so I’ll prepare a sandwich for you I_________believe it! Did he really ask her to marry him? _______ I go to the bathroom, please? You_______ be ashamed of yourself! Don’t use drugs! She_________ tell me all about it! I´m totally sure! Next holiday I___________go to Kenya or Austria. You don’t look too good!, You____________see a doctor She__________swim very well. ______ you tell me about your future plans? There are a lot of people. He ______ be a good doctor.

can could may might must should will would

2! "#$ % )#3"# $ -/ )# $# What will you do when you grow up? / or: what would you like to do when you grow up?

In your notebook write a list of personal needs in order of importance. Select a partner to share the information. Then listen to your classmate’s perceptions of your list. After that, discuss your priorities in life with your class. Then, in couples prepare an oral presentation about your future profession and give reasons. Remember to use modal verbs, be going to, and the present continuous form.


The future has to be planned

The future has to be planned


D U & D _

? ' D S " D

& D

D , ' & D U T % D D D D % $ 9 D 9$ % D ! & D & D T ' ' % D H S % D ! D D D D S D & D D D ' & D ' D ' D D % D , D " " D

" D ' D % M D " D " D & D


' D ' D D D

D D D D D ,

D , D ' % D

D ' ' % D ! & D D ' D D D D " D " M H " D ' ( M & D D

& D , D D H ! H ' " D & % D ! & D D T



D ! D % D

& D D & D

D ' D % D & D S '

D ' D ' " D ' H ' % D H U H U ' ' & D H ' D ` ' " % D ' D , ' D ' D ' D & % D D

% & D T % D ! % ' D D

D % D D , D % D D % % D % D % D % D T D D % D

! D S D ' D D % D

& D

D & D & % D % D " % D ! " D & D ` & D & D & D D D D ` D

D & D D ! % D D D % D D T D `

D D D & D ` & D ! & & D S S 'H " D & D G

J D & % D G 7 % D ! & D & & D D S D D ' D ' D S % & D D D & D H & D D D ' & D S D & & D ! A % D ! A D A A % D ! D


D S D % D D , D


Wa A D :& ] M: ^ D D D , D ! D

D , D S D ' D & D D

D T D , G D G D U '& D T D D U & D U & D D ' D D D D D , D D ' & D U ' D ' D ' D ' `

' % D % ' D ' ' % D !

C ! ' D H ' ' D ' '& % D ' '& ' D ' " D H U ' D b' > ' % D K

' D & ' ' D ' ' ' D ' " D ' D ' % D ' " D ' % D ' ' D S ' D , ! % ' D ' D ' % D ' % D ' D ' ' D ' ' & % D ' '& D % ' T D % D D % D ' % D ' % % D ' ! % & D , & D & D D " D D % D ` % D % D % S % D " D " & D

" & D `, " D " D " M' D " D


% D

% D K !


' D S

& D !



D ' % M G M

D '


% D !

% " D


' ' D

" D

' D S

D 'U

M % D , '

" D M M

& D


% % D

" D '



& D

D , , ,

& D H SG



& D U

' D U



D A ` M M

" D


M D `


' D S K

D D & % D ! D D H H & D D ' D D U ' D M % D % ' D D D D ' D D H ' D , D D ' % D U D S H & D U U D ' D % D ' % D c ! '& D ' U '& D T " D D ' & D G D D , D & & D % % D T & D T D U D U % D D X D

D & D S D & ' D % , , D , % D D D

D & D


D D D " D & H & D D S % D %

D " D

S D D D D D D D D D % D ! D S % D H D , H D H D ' D , ' D ` D % D D % D D , ' & D ' D H S " D D

U & D M % D & D 'G D ` ' ' D ' D D '


U & D % ' D D

M D ' % D U M ' D & D

D T A , D A D , A

A D , A

' " D ' D d S ' D ' D ' D GH T ' D D A "

D ' D ! & D D " D D D U H D ' ' % D M D M , D


' D ' D

D D T A D % D D ' D S D ' D

D : " ! ])L$^ D 7 D % D % D TA ' % D % D D & D , % D D & D D %U

D , " D

D D D , D ' & D ` ' D ' D ' " D ' D ' ' % D H ' D S ' ' D T & D % D ! ' D % ! ' D ' D ' " D & D , D U ' ' D D D D "" D D % ' D ' % D S '

& D & D D % D , D & D " % D % D ' D , D D % D G ! D D D ' D T ' ' D S H

' D % D 'K ! % ! ' ' D

' ' % D ' D % D ' & % D ' D U ' D D

% D

! " D % ! D ' D D ' D ! & D & % D U Expressions agree with: estar de acuerdo con be aware of: cuidarse de be satis-ed: estar satisfecho/a collecting donations: recolectar donaciones -ll out a form: llenar una planilla -nancial gain: ganancia -nanciera for the sake: en aras give up: abandonar go on a diet: estar a dieta go under surgery: operarse have fun: divertirse human quality of life: calidad de vida human rights: derechos humanos I didn’t mean that: no quise decir eso I’ll do my best: harÊ mi mejor esfuerzo In advance: por adelantado join us: únase a nosotros

D H % no way: de ninguna manera one another: uno al otro pick me up: bĂşscame shake hands: estrechar la mano skill development: desarrollo de destrezas spare time: tiempo libre step on someone’s foot: pisar a alguien stressed syllable: sĂ­laba tĂłnica thanks to “someoneâ€?‌: gracias a “alguienâ€?‌ to be ashamed: estar avergonzado to be late: llegar tarde to be lucky: ser afortunado to be right : tener la razĂłn to be scared: estar asustado to be very kind: ser amable to be willing to‌: estar dispuesto a‌ to be worried about: estar preocupado/a por to be worried: estar preocupado/a to get along: arreglĂĄrselas to keep in touch: mantenerse en contacto to stay away: mantenerse alejado to take away: quitar, llevar two left feet: dos pies izquierdos wide range: amplia gama key D % % % % % % , ,



Unit 4




Unit 8


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