9. DIFFERENT TYPES OF PLACEMENT OF DESIGNS - II In the first lesson of this unit (lesson no. 7), we were introduced to the concept of placement of design. In lesson 8 we learnt that there are six types of placement, out of which three types were described in some detail. In this lesson, we will learn about the other three types of placements.
Objectives After going through this lesson, you will:
Acquire an understanding of how to make three more types of placement of designs, namely, stripes placement, checks placement and radial placement.
In the previous lesson, we had learnt that there are mainly six types of placement of designs and had covered three of these types, namely: equidistant placement, half-drop placement and all over placement. In this lesson we will learn about the remaining three types of placement viz. Stripes (vertical / horizontal / diagonal), Checks (vertical / diagonal) and Radial placement. You will recognize that these types of placements are quite popular in dress materials.
Stripes Placement
There are three types of stripes: Vertical Stripes (Fig. 9.1a), Horizontal Stripes (Fig. 9.1b) and Diagonal Stripes (Fig. 9.1c).
Fig. 9.1a
Fig. 9.1b
Fig. 9.1c
Take one type of floral butis and place them one below the other at equal distances of 2’’ apart. Now place this entire line at a gap of 4’’ horizontally. Keep repeating this to get an entire surface. You will note that the design has a more prominent vertical pattern. This is similar to the equidistant placement but the distances, both vertically and horizontally, differ. So when the motifs are placed such that the general direction prominently appears to be vertical, we call it the Vertical Stripe placement. If the same buti is placed with spacing such that the prominent direction appears to be horizontal, it is called the Horizontal Stripe placement. If the floral buti is placed diagonally with spacing such that the prominent direction is diagonal, we call it the Diagonal Stripe placement.
Checks Placement There are two types of checks Placement:
Vertical (Fig. 9.2a) and Diagonal (Fig. 9.2b).
Fig. 9.2a
Fig. 9.2b
When the motifs are placed in a check pattern, they form the vertical / horizontal check placement. If we rotate the grid by 45 degrees clockwise, and place the motifs in it, we get the diagonal check placement.
Activity 1. Examine checks placement from the available textiles – embroidered, printed, block designs, and different media – architecture, ceramics etc.
9.4 Radial Placements Imagine a circle of radius 4’’. Now from the center draw 8 line segments outwards at equal distance. If at the ends of all these 8 segments we place a smaller buti we will get a Radial placement. Thus, when motifs are placed round in a circular or rotating manner we get a Radial placement (Figs.9.3a and 9.3b). 2
Fig. 9.3a
Fig. 9.3b
Radial does not only mean around a circle. Motifs can also go around any other central motif. Let us take a hexagon of side length 2’’. Now place a small buti around its 6 vertices. This is another kind of Radial placement. Instead of the hexagon now let us place a big motif in the center and 6 smaller butis around it. Examine existing surfaces with the placement as shown above from textiles – embroidered, printed, block designs and different media – architecture, ceramics etc.
Activity 2. Select a floral buti and place it in three types of stripes placements i.e. vertical stripes, horizontal stripes and diagonal stripes placement. 3. Take a geometrical buti and place it in two types of checks placements i.e. vertical checks and diagonal checks placement 4. Take any motif of your choice and place it in a Radial placement.
9.5.1 Class assignments i) Take the motifs you have made in Class Assignment 8.6.1 of the Lesson 8 and place them in Vertical, Horizontal and Diagonal Stripe placement and create a surface of 12’’x12’’. You can use photocopier to reduce the size of the motif. ii) Take the motifs you have made in Class Assignment 8.6.1 of the Lesson 8 of this Unit and place them in vertical and diagonal check placement and create a surface of 12’’x12’’. You can use photocopier to reduce the size of the monument or motif. iii) Take the motifs you have made in Class Assignment 8.6.1 of the Lesson 8 of this unit and place them in radial placement. First place the motif in a larger scale in the center and place the other butis around it. You can use photocopier to reduce the size of the monument. You can also mix and match your motifs. For example, place the monument in the center and place the floral buti around it. 3
Summing Up
We have by now covered the various aspects of Placement of design. Let us recapitulate the salient points:
When the motifs are placed such that the general direction prominently appears to be vertical, we call it the Vertical Stripe placement.
When the motifs are placed such that the general direction prominently appears to be horizontal, we call it the Horizontal Stripe placement.
When the motifs are placed such that the general direction prominently appears to be diagonal, we call it the Diagonal Stripe placement.
When the motifs are placed in a check pattern they form the Vertical / Horizontal Check placement.
When the motifs are placed in a diagonal check pattern they form the Diagonal Check placement.
When motifs are placed round in a circular or rotating fashion we get a Radial placement.
Radial does not only mean around a circle. Motifs can also go around any other central motif.
Terminal Questions
1. Name the types of Stripes. 2. Write a short note on ‘Placement of Stripes’. 3. Types of check placement are – (Choose the correct answer) a. Horizontal c. Vertical and Diagonal
b. Random d. Triangular and hexagonal
4. How do we get ‘diagonal check placement’? 5. Fill in the blanks: i) When the motifs are placed with spacing such that the prominent direction appears to be horizontal, it is called ___________________________. ii) When motifs are placed round in a circular or rotating manner we get a ______________________. 6. In a Radial placement the motifs need not be placed around a circle only, but can also be placed around any other central motif like hexagon, octagon etc. True / False
References and Suggested Further Reading
1. Betala, R. 2005. Design Comprehension and Visualization. Ane Books, Delhi. 2. Meller, S. and Elfers, J. 1991. Textiles Designs – 200 years of patterns for printer fabrics, arranged by motif, colours, period of design. Thames and Hudson Ltd., London. 3. Yates, M. 1986. Textile: A hand book for designers. W.W. Norton & Co., New York.
1. Prominently:
Evident; Clear
2. Rotating:
Move in a circle around a central point OR arrange in a regularly recurring order.