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DESIGN EXERCISES 11.3.1 11.3.2


11.4 POSTER DESIGN 11.5 ASSIGNMENTS 11.5.1 11.5.2










11. CREATING DESIGNS In Lesson 10 we learnt how to design a logo for a company. In this lesson we will be learning how to create other designs like artistic designs, poster designs etc.

11.0 Objectives After going through this Lesson, you should be able to create; •

Designs for Textiles.

Symbols of your own and use them in designing a bed sheet, table cloth

A poster or a design for shirts.

11.1 Introduction In Unit 1 of CTP 203, we learnt how to use various tools, flyouts, dockers and managers in Corel DRAW, how to use symbols to create different patterns. We have also leant how to create and format artistic text and different text styles. Converting objects to symbols, adding symbols to symbol library, retrieval, creating designs with the help of symbol library and adding to design library have also been dealt with in the earlier lessons. This lesson will deal with creating different designs using above tools and techniques. We will also look into some designs and digital Art samples created by some professionals in the field of drawing and designing. Then we will go through some examples of dress designing, textile prints designing and poster designing.

11.2 Design / Digital Art Samples Given below are some samples of the digital art created using Corel DRAW and other graphic packages. These designs have been created with the help of symbols library by their designers. In these samples, the designer Neha Vijaywargia has used different geometrical shapes from the symbol library to create the pattern.

These cartoons designed by Sejal Shah and Sofie Mogensen respectively use different basic shapes and symbols with the help of symbol library and various tools that have been dealt with in earlier lessons.

Designer Ami Shah’s creation below is another example of usage of different shapes and symbols generates colourful flowers and petals with help of various symbols and shapes selected from the library.

Activity 1. Draw a floral design or a cartoon motif in CorelDraw for a bed sheet. The following carpet design samples by Wahida Patel and Bhaskar are classic examples of textile design using digital art.

11.3 Design Exercises 11.3.1 Designing a logo and printing it on a dress design i)

Design a logo / symbol / pattern as described in the previous lesson which would be printed on all textiles or garments manufactured by your firm.


A dress also can be designed in Corel DRAW using various tools. For example: • •

Open Corel DRAW and select ‘Bezier’ tool. If you are good with free hand drawing you can use ‘Freehand’ tool. Draw the basic layout of the dress design. Close the design.

Select ‘Shape’ tool and with the help of ‘Node Edit’, edit the basic pattern according to your choice.

Fill the details with the help of Bezier or Freehand tool.

• iii)

Fill in the desired colour.

The logo / symbol design as instructed in i) can now be printed on this dress.

Activity 2. Design a top for Jeans with a printed logo at the front side.

11.3.2 Designing for textile prints This design has been created using Bezier Tool and Shape Tool. First, a flower


leaves were created and duplicated. Then


were placed randomly. By selecting all the shapes at a time, they were grouped by pressing Ctrl G. It can also be done by selecting ‘Arrange’ option on the menu bar


then selecting Group. A rectangle was drawn and the design was inserted into it. The background was

then filled with Fountain Fill Dialog which is a fly out of Fill Tool. ‘Square’ option was selected in Type, ‘Custom’ was opted in Colour blend and ‘Cylinder 13’ was selected in presets and colours of choice were adjusted. For the flowers and leaves ‘Fountain Fill Dialog’ was selected. In Type option, linear, square, conical and radial were chosen once each randomly. In ‘Colour Blend’, instead of ‘Custom’ this time ‘Two colour’ was chosen. Outlines of all shapes were removed by selecting ‘No Outline’, a fly out of Outline tool. This way a number of effects can be created and added to a single design. The





colours are adjusted, looks like the one


right. These patterns can be used for designing various textiles like saris, bedcovers, table cloths, curtain linens like the one shown below.



Poster Designs

As logos, symbols, textiles, garments etc., are designed in Corel DRAW, similarly posters can also be designed. Presented below are some examples of posters designed in CorelDRAW. i) The marketing poster shown below promotes a fictitious dessert shop. The logo is a slightly altered version of the ice cream cone (symbol 063) found in the Food font.

A black rectangle is drawn over the exact right half of the cone and is filled with a two-colour pattern fill. The cone itself is centered inside a black rectangle with a rectangular cutout in the center to avoid coming into contact with the lens object. The fill colours in the rectangle are a simple two-colour pattern fill applied with the Interactive Fill Tool. A second rectangle is drawn around the outside of the main rectangle to create the outer border, which serves as the path for a triangle pattern created by using a blend effect. ii) The design for a poster advertising an event is shown below. The two beetles holding hands give the slightly humorous impression of slow-moving participants. The main shape is taken from the Animals 2 symbol font (symbol 059).

The complete shape was broken apart, reshaped, duplicated, flipped, and coloured. The nodes at the end of the two bug legs were aligned to appear joined, and the arrangement was grouped and placed into the black rectangle frame to form a PowerClip object.

iii) The last example is a poster design that advertises a musical event (see below). The design features symbol 052 from the Music font and symbol 069 from the Musical Symbols font.

The guitar shape was broken apart into individual objects in order to apply different colours. The music note was duplicated, transformed, and filled with colour. The frame, background, and center shapes are simple rectangles edited with the Shape Tool.

Activity 3. Try to make one of the above described poster designs in CorelDraw. As we browse through the symbol fonts included with Corel DRAW Graphics Suite, keep in mind that the shapes are curves that can be dismantled, transformed, and customized to solve a wide range of design challenges. By applying colour, or an effect or two, you can create unique designs for your everyday projects.

11.5 Assignments 11.5.1Class assignments i)

Create a design of a flower using various tools and colour fills in Corel DRAW.

11.5.2 Home assignments i)

Extend the design of the flower to incorporate some leaves and fruits using symbol library. Using various tools and flyouts fill the design and its background with different colours to make it a textile design.

11.6 Summing Up In Lesson 11 we have seen some samples of digital art design created using Corel DRAW and other graphic softwares. Printing a logo / symbol on a dress design was dealt with in the exercise. We have also learnt how to design textiles and posters using various tools, fonts and symbols in Corel DRAW. In the next lesson we will learn how to scan bitmap designs and photos so that we can use in our subsequent designs.

11.7 Terminal Questions 1. How CorelDraw helps a Fashion designer? 2. Give an example of poster that you have come across and which you think you can design in CorelDraw. Explain the tools that you will be using in designing it.

11.8 References and Suggested Further Reading 1.

Help Menu & Tutorials of Corel DRAW







11.9 Glossary 1. Digital art

Drawing and creating designs on computer

2. Symbol library

Reservoir of hundred kinds of symbols already incorporated in a computer designing package

3. Design library

Reservoir of plenty of readymade and user made designs stored in computer

4. Generate

To create

5. Fictitious

Imaginary, which does not exist

6. Randomly

Made or done by chance

7. Dismantled

Take apart by pieces

8. Browse

Look through in a casual manner

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.