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Fundamentals of Accounting Office Organization 11. Duties & Responsibilities of Office Executive This topic will help you understand the duties & responsibilities to be performed by an Office Executive. This will also enable you to know the important role played by an Office Executive. Majority of the existing organizations in the Industry of different sectors today recruit Office executives for smooth operations of the office, therefore the knowledge of this profile will help you to work as an efficient Executive.

11.0 Objectives After going through this lesson, you will be able to understand: i. Responsibilities of an Office Executive ii. Duties of an Office Executive

11.1 Introduction After having learnt the meaning, qualifications & functions of an Office Executive it is important to understand that an Office needs a person to manage, organize & supervise all of the administrative activities that facilitate the smooth running of an office so that the customers receive quality service & business is a success. The role is very similar to that of an administrator or senior secretary. An Office Executive directs & coordinates the Office in a manner that will optimize the Organization’s savings, improve the Organization’s efficiency, help achieve the Organization’s mission & vision and result in outstanding customer service. Although the individual nature of an office executive's work will greatly differ across organizations, the one factor they all have in common is that they are ultimately responsible for ensuring that their office runs efficiently.

11.2 Office Executive: Responsibilities


An Office Executive has many responsibilities to manage the Workers, Workflow and Workplace of the organization: i. Planning ii. Organizing iii. Decision making iv. Communicating v. Motivating vi. Acting vii. Controlling viii. Evaluating ix. Leading To manage these responsibilities, the executive should have a clear work related vision which should align with his personal vision. In case there is a conflict in both the visions, the Executive should take time to resolve them otherwise it would lead to stress & poor performance. Steps to create a vision for an Office Executive: i. Define where you are today ii. Decide where you want to be in the future iii. Collect information iv. Forecast possible future events v. Create an image of the future vi. Set achievable Goals vii. Develop Plans to reach Goals viii. Monitor Progress, Obtain feedback, & Make adjustments ix. Achieve Goal

Self-Check Questions Answer True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Office Executives are responsible for Planning & Organizing. The executive should have a clear work related vision The executive’s work related vision should not align with his personal vision The conflict in both the visions does not lead to stress & poor performance. Name any five major responsibilities of an Office Executive.

11.3 Office Executive: Duties The Office Executive’s essential duties can be categorized into four main headers namely: a. Operations 2

b. Human Resources c. Business Development d. Supervision The Office Executive will maintain a positive attitude that promotes team work within the organization and a favorable image of the organization. a. Operations Operations involve the efficient Management of Office Operations. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Layout a General work schedule for each Employee and make daily work assignments. Establish a proper filing system, require Office Employees to use & maintain the system. Aligning each Employee with the Organization’s Vision & Mission Becoming an Effective Planner Setting Office Guidelines & Procedures Putting required Bulletin Board Notices Keep the work Flowing Develop Productive Work Habits in the Employees Maintaining Expense Accounts Maintaing Ethical Dress code for the Office Maintaining Attendance Records of the Employees Defining Work rules & conduct to be maintained in the Office. Preventing Sexual Harassment

b. Human Resources • • • • • • • • • •

Key Responsibility for Staffing the Office Defining & writing Job Descriptions Promoting Diversity to improve Morale & Productivity Interviewing Potential Employees Planning effective Employee Orientations Coaching & Counselling the Employees Improving Productivity Evaluating Employee Performance Analyzing & discussing Unsatisfactory performance Terminating Employees

c. Business Development • • • • • •

Assist the General Manager to develop new program business plans. Assist to start & implement new programs Create and maintain a marketing & advertising plan & assist in its implementation Creating a customer first environment Understanding customer needs Solving complaints of the customers


d. Supervision • • • • • • •

Conducting Effective Meetings Communicating for Results Listening Actively Building Successful teams Creating win- win situation Managing conflicts in the workplace Managing Change & dealing with different people

Self-check Questions 6. Name the four main headers in which the essential duties of an Office Executive can be categorized. Fill in the blanks: 7. Operations involve the efficient _________________of Office Operations 8. The Office Executive aligns each Employee with the Organization’s _______&_____________. 9. The Office Executive has the Key Responsibility for _______the Office. 10. He assists the General Manager to develop new program________ plans. 11. He is also responsible for conducting ________ _________.

11.4 Summing Up After having learnt the Responsibilities & Duties of an Office executive, it is important to understand that an Office Executive is responsible for the smooth operation of the day-to-day business of the company. A good office executive makes it possible for other people to function efficiently An office executive must exercise sound judgment day in and day out, and any lapse can result in termination. This may be the reason that office executives generally take their jobs so seriously. Pressure can be significant, particularly for those in charge of large offices. Office executives who succeed have confidence, common sense, loyalty, and the ability to motivate others “Tough,” “precise” and “go-getting” are words that describe the successful Office Executives.


11.5 Answers to Self-check Questions 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. Planning, Organizing, Decision making, Communicating, Motivating 6. Operations; Human Resources; Business Development; Supervision 7. Management 8. vision, mission 9. staffing 10. business 11. effective meetings

11.6 Terminal Questions 1. What are the nine steps to create a vision for an Office Executive? 2. List five main essential duties related to Operations which an Office Manger has to fulfill. 3. List five main essential duties related to Human Resources which an Office Manger has to fulfill 4. List five main essential duties related to Business Development which an Office Manger has to fulfill 5. List five main essential duties related to Supervision which an Office Manger has to fulfill

11.7 References 1. Crisp: Office Management, Revised Edition : A Productivity and Effectiveness Guide (A Crish 50- Minute Book) by Haddock Patricia ( Paperback – Jan 31 ,2001) 2. Office executive ( Passbook Series) by Jack Rudman ( Paperback – Jun1991) 3. http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader

11.8 Glossary 1. Vision: an idea perceived vividly in the imagination; foresight 2. Mission: declaration made by a company of its general principles of operation; a particular goal or task assigned to a person or group 3. Precise: accurately expressed; exact in statement 4. Productivity: the capacity to produce 5. Terminate: bring or come to an end before term 6. Morale: the mental attitude of a person; discipline 7. Diversity: being varied; variety


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