Lesson 4

Page 1

ghl« - 4 mik¥òfS¡fhd K‹Diu K¨ija Ãçéš f§zhš fhQ© _‹W m©r¦fis¥ g‰¿ m¿¨Ôª. mjhtJ òŸë, nfhL k‰W© cUt©. nkY© mitfë‹ x‹W¡bfh‹whd bjhlªig¥ g‰¿Í© m¿¨Ôª. Ïitfis¡ bfh§L czªÎfŸ Tl v›thW tiua¥gl ÏaY« v‹gijÍ© m¿¨Ôª. Ï¥Ãçéš, eh© m¿jèš K‹nd¿ nfhLfŸ nkY© v›thW cUt¦fŸ mik¥òfŸ k‰W© tot¦fŸ cUth¡FjèY© gadë¡»‹wd vd MnyhÁ¥ngh«. eakhd bjhF¥òfS« tot§fS« cUth¡f mik¥òfS« £l¦fS© v›thW K‹nd‰w¥gofsh»w bj‹gijÍ© f‰ngh©. Ï¥ghl¤Âš mik¥òfS¡F m¿Kf¥gL¤j¥gLÅ®. 4.0 F¿¡nfhŸfŸ Ï¥ghl¤ij m¿ªj ÃwF, Ú®: cUt© k‰W© mik¥ò v‹git g‰¿ m¿¨ÂLŪ. mo¥gil totæaš cUt¦fis¥ ga‹gL¤Â V‰gL¤Jjiy m¿¨J bfhŸÅª.



4.1 K‹Diu òŸëfŸ k‰W© nfhLfshd mo¥gil tot m©r¦fëèU¨J Mu©Ã¤J, Ï¥ghl¤Âš mik¥òfŸ, cUt©, mo¥gil totæaš cUt¦fŸ k‰W© bjhF¥òfS¡F eh« ef®»nwh©. Ï›éj¢ brh‰fis m¿tJl‹, Ï¥ghl¤Âš totæaš fUéfshd ftuha©, msÎnfhš, tiujè‹ mo¥gil mik¥òfë‹ _iyé£l¦fŸ M»at‰¿‹ gaDl‹ nkY© eh© g»ª¨J bfhŸ»nwh©. 4.2 tiuaiw všiy¡nfh£lhš cUthd xU mik¥ò `cUt©` MF©. ÏJ všiy¡nfhL k‰W© bgça msÎ mšyJ bgça v§â¡ifia¡ F¿¡»wJ. x›bthU cUtK© xU òŸëæš Mu©Ã¤J k‰bwhU òŸëæš KoÎbgW© xU nfh£lhš cUth¡f¥gL»wJ. f§zhš fhQ© cUt© xU neuhd Ïilbtëia cUth¡F»wJ. vªkiw ÏilbtëahF©. Ïij¢ R‰¿ÍŸs mo¥gu¥ò Âlkhd Ïilbtëia btë¡bfhzªtjhš K¡»a¥ g¦F t»¡»wJ. (gl© 4.1) x›bthU neuhdJ© vªkiwahdJkhd ÏilbtëÍ© mj‰nf cç¤jhd g§òfŸ k‰W© milahs¤ij¡ bfh§oU¡»wJ. rJu©, br›tf©, t£l©, ÚŸt£l© k‰W© K¡nfhz© M»ait mo¥gil totæaš cUt¦fshF©. (gl¦fŸ 4.2, 4.3) cUt¦fŸ bt›ntW msÎfëš ÏU¡»‹wd. my¦fhu¤ £l¦fis tsª¥gj‰F mid¤J cUt¦fS© ga‹gL¤j¥gL»‹wd. czªÎfisÍ©, v§z¦fisÍ©, kd¡»sª¢ÁiaÍ© ÏitfŸ m¿é¥gj‰F©, bfh§L brštj‰F© V‰g x›bthU cUtK© xU mª¤j¤ij¡ bfhL¡»wJ. tot K‹nd‰w¤Â‰¡hd cŸS檥ò tot© xU Ïa‰if MF©.


gl« 4.1 neuhd Ïilbtë k‰W© vªkiwahd Ïilbtë rJu« br›tf© rhŒrJu© t£l« ÚŸt£l© K¡nfhz«


Fig. 4.1 Positive space and Negative space






Fig. 4.2

Fig. 4.3 Basic Geometrical shapes

gl« 4.2 mo¥gil totæaš cUt¦fŸ

4.3 mik¥ò vªj cUtK« xU gUkDlD«, MH¤JlD« mik¥ghf tiuaW¡f¥glyh«. mid¤J mik¥òfS©, Ïa‰ifÍ© bra‰ifÍkhd mid¤J cUt¦fS© mo¥gil tot Ïaš mik¥òfëèU¨J cUth¡f¥gL»wJ.

Cu be

Co ne

Fig. 4.4

Pyram id

Basic geometrical forms

Fig. 4.6

Fig. 4.5

gl« 4.6 fd rJu« cUis T«ò K¥g£lf¡ T«ò gl« 4.5 mo¥gil totæaš mik¥òfŸ xU tiugl¤ jhëš mo¥gil tot Ïaš mik¥Ãid tiu¨J t§zä£L, ghf§fis¡ F¿. 4.4 mo¥gil tot Ïaš, cUt¦fŸ rJu©, br›tf©, t£l© k‰W© K¡nfhz¦fŸ M»ait mo¥gil tot Ïaš cUt¦fshF©. xU tot¤Â‹ m«Âthu¤ij ÏitfŸ mik¡»‹wd. x›bthU totæaš mik¥ò© xU bjhF¥Ã‹ gFÂahf ÏJ MF© nghJ bfhL¡f¥g£l tot¤Â‹ mª¤j¤ij¡ bfhŸ»wJ. totæaš mik¥ò mo¤js ÏilbtëÍl‹ Clhf¢ brašgL© nghJ, bfhL¡f¥g£l mik¥Ãš xU bjhF¥ò cUth¡f¥gL»wJ v‹gijÍ© ÏJ F¿¡»wJ. ϤbjhF¥ò, ä¡f MtYl‹ xU mª¤j¤ij m¿é¡»wJ. (gl¦fŸ 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 k‰W© 4.10)


Fig. 4.7

gl« 4.7

Fig. 4.8

gl« 4.8

Fig. 4.9

gl« 4.9

Fig. 4.10

gl« 4.10

gæ‰Á 2) mo¥gil totæaš cUt¦fis¥ ga‹gL¤Â xU bjhF¥Ãid V‰gL¤J. 4.5 gæ‰ÁfŸ 4.5.1 tF¥ò¥gæ‰Á 1) 8.3`` x 11/7” (A4 msÎ) xU bt©âw¤jhis vL¤J xU 8” x 8” msthd rJu¤ij tiuf. bt›ntW msÎfëš bt£o vL¤j t£l¦fŸ, K¡nfhz¦fŸ, rJu¦fis cUth¡» x£Lf. (fUik ãw¤jhis k£L© ga‹gL¤Â) czªÎ mšyJ thª¤ijia étç¡F© xU bjhF¥ig cUth¡» (cjhuzkhf Ïa¡f« gl© (4.11) M‰Wjš (4.12)

Fig. 4.11 A composition depicting the word Dynamic

gl« 4.11 Ïa¡f©v‹D© brhšiy étç¡F« bjhF¥ò

Fig. 4.12 A composition depicting word Relaxed

gl« 4.12 M‰Wjš v‹D© brhšiy étç¡F« bjhF¥ò

bjhF¥ò 1: K¡nfhz¦fŸ k‰W© t£l¦fë‹ cjéÍl‹ tsª¢Á k‰W© efU« xU bjhF¥ig tiuf. bjhF¥ò 2: K¡nfhz¦fŸ k‰W© t£l¦fë‹ cjéÍl‹ fytu¤ij étç¡F« bjhF¥ig tiuf. Ï©K¡nfhz¦fŸ t£l¤ij Ïitfë‹ ikakhf¡ bfh§L fofhu KŸë‹ Âiuæš éU¥g¥go efUtJ nghš bj‹gL»wJ. bt›ntW msÎfëš bt£o mik¤j VnjD© xU éj totæaš cUt¤ij¥ ga‹gL¤Â¢ rk¥gL¤Jjš, »sª¢Á C£Ljš, bfh§lh£l© ngh‹w czªÎ mšyJ th®¤ijfis éçth¡F« ÏU bjhF¥òfis cUth¡Ff. 4.6 bjhF¤jik¤jš mik¥ò, cUt©, mo¥gil tot Ïaš cUt¦fŸ k‰W© bjhF¥òfis¥ g‰¿ eh© m¿¨njh©. 3

mik¥ò: vªj cUtK« gUkidÍ«, MH¤ijÍ« bfh©oU¡F« nghJ mJ mik¥ghf étç¡f¥glyh©. všyh mik¥òfS© Ïa‰ifÍ© bra‰ifÍ© mo¥gil tot Ïaš mik¥òfëš ÏU¨J V‰gL¤j¥gL»wJ. cUt«: všiy¡ nfh£lhš cUthd xU mik¥ò cUt© MF©. ÏJ všiy¡ nfhL k‰W© ngusÎ mšyJ bgça mséš v§â¡ifia¡ F¿¡»wJ. mo¥gil totæaš cUt¦fŸ rJu©, br›tf©, t£l© k‰W© K¡nfhz© MF©. ÏitfŸ xU tot¤Â‹ m«Âthu¤ij V‰gL¤J© mo¥gil cUt§fshF«. 4.7 ÏW édh¡fŸ 1) mik¥Ã‹ bghUŸ v‹d? 2) `cUt«` - tiuaW 3) tiugl¦fë‹ cjéÍl‹ mo¥gil totæaš cUt¦fis¡ TWf 4) neçil Ïilbtëahš Úª m¿tJ v‹d? 5) vªkiw Ïilbtëahš Úª m¿tJ v‹d? 6) neçil Ïilbtëæ‹ cjhuz¦fis tiuf. 7) vªkiw Ïilbtëæ‹ cjhuz¦fis tiuf. 8) mo¤js Ïilbtëæ‹ Clhf, bfhL¡f¥g£l mik¥Ãš totæaš mik¥ò brayh‰W© nghJ (rçahd éilia¤ njª¨bjL¡fΩ) a) xU bjhF¥ò cUth¡f¥gL»wJ b) xU tot« cUth¡f¥gL»wJ. c) xU cz®Î cUth¡f¥gL»wJ d) xU t©zXéa« cUth¡f¥gL»wJ 4.8 jftš F¿¥òfS© nk‰nfhŸfS© 1) g£lhyh, Mª.2005 tot¤ij m¿jY© fhQjY©, M‹ üšfŸ, ošè. 2) na£°, v«.1998 berÎ: totik¥ghsªfS¡fhd xU ifnaL, lòŸô, lòŸô.ehª£l‹ k‰W© rfh¡fŸ, ãôahª¡.


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