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Each1 brings 1: Continuing the best practices from previous year, this initiative was continued whereby every member in the world invites a guest they consider a potential prospect to the meeting annually. This program was communicated well to the fl oor and is expected to be further promoted by associations in their clubs. If the initiative is followed diligently, we expect a growth of around 15% globally.

Grow each Table by One: A continuation of last year, associations were motivated and pushed to initiate strategies to grow each member Table by 1 compared to the last tabling year. Local branding, plans and issues are to be dealt with and moved ahead. If this initiative is to be followed diligently, we expect a growth of around 7% at the RTI level.


If we are thinking of Round Table: What is it for you? For some of us, Round Table is service, charity and showing responsibility towards society. For some, it is fellowship and friendship. For some, it is meeting old friends for the fi rst time and exploring the globe. Some of us are using it for business opportunities and networking. Round Table means to every Tabler worldwide something diff erent. These topics might change during your time at Table, but it binds us together as one world. When talking about growth, we need to refl ect on those various fi elds as every person, club, and association is working diff erently and focusing on other parts. To make growth successful, we need to motivate tablers on a club level and an area level. Round Table International can provide some ideas, guidance and support. Still, we can only grow if we are all working together. Round Table is a bottoms-up organisation; without members, there is no Round Table International. Depending on your location, we cannot see a holy recipe for growth, what Round Table means directly for someone and how he sees him in our worldwide movement. As a club or association, we need to see the lack of members and start setting the fi rst steps.

Together we can, and we will bring Round Table to greater heights!

Yours in International Tabling

Marc Germeshaussen



THE RTI BOARD consists of 9 elected board members who are then helped by several board assistants. The team works together to achieve the goals set out for the respective year, and every individual contribution is highly valued. To defi ne all of the board roles more clearly, we have updated the RTI Offi cers handbook to describe the role, set out the responsibilities, and defi ne the expected time commitments per position. The process regarding the nine elected positions is set out in the RTI Rule book. The RTI Board nomination forms are available on Tabler.World or from the RTI Secretary. Several key roles need further to be fi lled, with those being of the RTI Board Assistants. Fancy yourself the next PRo, CSo, or any of the other listed positions? If so, reach out to the Vice President, marc Germeshausen, at



Leaving a Legacy

Mr GRAHAM CORNELISSEN,Round Table International Past President 2022-2023

”The goal should never be to leave a Legacy or to win at Tabling. There is no winning in Tabling. Your goal should be to be the best version of yourself and help others become their best.”

FOR MANY OF US, joining Round Table was a dream come true. It’s a place where we can be surrounded by inspiring young men from all walks of life and where we get to be the best version of ourselves.

Starting your Tabling career at any age is exciting, as all new ventures are. Being surrounded by inspiring young men from all walks of life lets each of us be the best version of ourselves. From day one, we know how long we have left in our Tabling careers. It does not matter if they join at 20 or at 38. It does not matter if you Table to 40 or to 45. We all have a limited lifespan of how long we can be in this great brotherhood—and that’s okay!

As we get older, we see that life takes many things away from us: our youthfulness, energy levels, and flexibility… You name it—life has its way with us all eventually. We realise what is valuable and what is not too late, and we miss things dearly once lost. For all of us, Round Table is finite, and there will be a day when we are no longer members.

Many Tablers see this as bad; some have even described this as a death sentence! In fact, it’s quite the opposite: Knowing how long you have gives you an easy timeline to plan ahead—you know how much time you have left. You also know how long you have to use all the opportunities available while they’re still here! To get the most out of your Tabling career, consider these ideas:

Travel and see the world through Round Table. one of the biggest regrets we often hear from Tablers leaving is that they waited too long to start travelling. This can be local to other clubs or areas or taking your Tabling to an international level. Except for the great friends you make and the exposure you get to different cultures, the greatest benefit to travelling is that you expand your own boundaries and limits. Travelling allows you to dream big and to truly see what Tabling is about.

Set yourself a goal and work towards it. This can be anything you want to achieve. The goal needs to be clear, defined and realistic. Break down the milestones for achieving this and then start working towards it. Never make excuses, and give it your all to achieve it. Jerry Rice famously said, ”Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.” Hard work is the difference between achieving the goal or not. Giving your all, even when failing to reach your goal, is a win.

Do not be scared to fail. Tabling is not life and death and is a safe and supportive environment. Also, realise that you will fail many times, which is a sign that you are pushing yourself. The only way not to fail is to not set yourself lofty goals. Remember that failing is okay as long as you learn from it and never give up. Fail, learn, improve, succeed – The spirit of our Round Table motto lives in learning from failures and improving on them.

HELPING OTHERS SUCCEED in their Tabling careers is one of our most important responsibilities before leaving Round Table. Through this coaching process, we pass on the knowledge of the past to future generations while also preparing ourselves to take a step back. This often forgotten but critical part of Tabling determines the future of our movement and largely determines your satisfaction when looking back on your Tabling career.

To live your best Tabling life, remember to relax, have fun, and enjoy every moment.

FOLLOWING THESE TIPS ALLOWS YOU to easily move on from a senior position or your Tabling career. Giving your all when you can do so will enable you to refl ect on your achievements and be proud. And that is how you leave a Legacy.

Yours in International Tabling

Graham Cornelissen



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