11 minute read
We Want You
Tabling is a never-ending story for life. Club 41 is where you continue your friendships and build new ones. Club 41 has the past Tablers, Round Table culture and Round Table connections.
AS PAST PRESIDENT OF RT International, I see the wonderful synergy between RT and 41. We are the continuation of Round Table. There are more similarities than differences between the two. Age is a difference, but age becomes just a number as you get to 41 and beyond. How you maintain yourself physically and mentally is what it is all about. The mindset is the most important. Another difference might be the pace of things. 41 is more laid back, but we also do stuff.
SOME MEMBERS ARE even more active in 41 since they now have the time and money to do more. our activities are just as interesting now as they were before. many clubs focus on social activities, but every club decides on their balance between fun, fellowship, personal development and community service. A good recipe is to be an active 41er, socialize with positive members of both RT and 41, keep going to 41 club meetings to learn new things, have fun and take care of your body.
ANYONE LEAVING ROUND TABLE can join 41 International! We have 30 countries with National Associations and an e-club for the rest. We are trying to find “ambassadors” for all countries without a National Association, so we can build up clubs worldwide. Please contact us if you are leaving RT soon and have not found a new 41 home club.
Any past Tabler not part of 41 International is a “lost boy”. We want all Tablers to keep tabling in 41 and enjoy the fruits of their tabling years!
We want you! Join us!
Tom Albrigtsen
President 41 International Past President RT International 2004/2005
”Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
By Mr SASHIN SHAH,Round Table International University Manager 2022-2023
ONE OF THE VIRTUES of being a leader is the opportunity to take leadership positions. We get a chance to lead equals in our business or job. our teams report to us and follow what we ask them to do. In Round Table, we get an opportunity to lead equals,
Equals who would suggest ideas that you may not like,
Equals who would question you on your decisions and Strategy, Equals who would help you develop Patience and Perseverance.
This Unique Leadership opportunity needs a skill set that can be learned through experience or training. Training helps us learn from experienced individuals who help us with skillsets that help us tackle situations from day one. This helps reduce the time taken to adapt to the leadership position.
Personal Development is another boon that Tabling gives us. RTI and
Associations organise many training programmes by professionals and experienced Tablers where our friends shape us as better individuals. Such training has enhanced individuals’ capabilities personally as a family man and as a businessman or professional.
The RTI University Training programmes
THE RTI UNIVERSITY is committed to nurturing Tablers and family members with effective training programmes( Online and Offline) by renowned trainers. Such programmes are being conducted in many associations, and the associations have reaped benefits. Type of suggestive training programmes in Round Table :
Contact Meet: Engaging with prospects of a new proposed table
A young Man’s Guide: A layman’s guide to Tabling, giving a new Tabler an understanding of Round Table.
Training an incoming Chairman / Secretary /Treasurer of a Table / Area / Association.
Training of Incoming Area Board members
Training of Incoming National Board members
Leadership Conclave: Training Joe Tabler to groom or inspire him for a Leadership Position.
Train the Trainer: Training Tablers to become Professional Trainers.
Type of Suggestive training Programmes for Personal Development
Public Speaking
Effective Communication
Team Building
Couples Module
Designing a Training Programme
THE FIRST THING in Designing a training programme is understanding ”WHY”. We need to understand the objective of the training and what is the goal we need to achieve after this training. This process is called a needs assessment. A needs assessment can be done by the following steps
Identifying the goal of the training. We need to be focused on our subject, for example, leadership, public speaking, a couples module etc.
Understanding the age, expectations, and understanding level of the participants. To understand what the participants would like to learn in the training.
Plan some activities that will engage the participants and keep their attention intact. Tablers generally enjoy training pieces with many fun activities that have learning from it.
Try to float a questionnaire or have some online games to get a reasonable mindshare of the participants before the training. This helps us understand their current level of understanding and expectations.
The training participants must be able to perform the task much better than earlier. For example, after a public speaking class, the participant should have moved at least two notches up in fighting the stage fear. Try to use some of the proven methods to teach Learning objectives.
Designing The Training Content And Materials
THIS IS LIKE MAKING A MENU for dinner and writing the recipe for the dishes. While we design the training material, we need to take care of the following :
Focus on the primary needs of the participants
Learning as you do – helps a lot in understanding the concept. We have simulated situations like roleplays etc.
The training should be as interactive as possible
There should be a massive opportunity for feedback to correct on the go.
Break the training into smaller parts so that it is easier to understand.
The chronology of the thought process needs to be maintained so the flow is intact.
Blend your training with formats like presentations, games, excel, group presentations etc.
Use icebreakers at regular intervals.
There are various options for training materials. We must decide the best blend based on the number of hours, age group and mindshare of the participants. For example, if it is a younger crowd, the training needs more fun games and interactions. Few are examples of suitable training materials
Flip Charts, Posters, and Standees that are pre-designed with the training
Powerpoint presentations can be made, But caution to limit presentations to shorter intervals.
Preplanned case studies can be done where the team is broken into groups, and each group presents their findings.
The Training And Evaluation
THE TRAINING SHOULD INFORM the participants in advance as they must have a proper mindset when attending the training. They would have planned to ensure no disturbance in their daily life. Define the rules that are mutually agreed like turning phones silent, defined break times etc.
A unique and fun-filled introduction breaks the ice between the participants. It is observed that they form a better bond and enjoy the training as a team.
The participants must attend the training programme from start to end as disturbances will bring a significant dip in the learning curve.
Ensure the participants are active during the training. In case you find them not attentive, take a break or make them play some games.
Role Play and case studies bring a lot of energy to training programmes. Small groups can be done even in online training via break-out rooms.
Communication is when the Listener has understood what we want to say.
Evaluation is a constant process during a training programme. We take stock of how much the participant has understood so we can fine-tune future sessions. This will help us avoid the unfavourable surprise at the end of the session.
A Final Evaluation can be done at the end of training through activities and roleplays that give confidence to the Trainer and the participant that the training was practical.
Feedback must be taken at the end to ascertain their satisfaction with the training on various parameters.
In the end, we must be able to answer the said questions
Did the Participants like the Training?
Did the Participants learn from the training?
Post Training- are the participants performing better?
Was the Goal Reached?
If you feel a concept is not understood, you can modify the content and steer back to the concept with a new idea. Always remember- Training is learning together and dynamic
In Conclusion
TRAINING IN ROUND TABLE IS FUN, both for the Trainer and the participant. It can do wonders in our tabling Journey and, above all, in our personal and professional Lives. The RTI University is one such initiative of the RTI Board that has just one Goal – To enhance the Personal Development of Tablers and make them better Leaders. So never miss an opportunity to attend an RTI Training or help facilitate one. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me for any needs in facilitation or designing training programmes for your own Association.
BEING A VITAL TOPIC, we believe mental health should not be allocated to a single month or day. Creating awareness & addressing this topic should be done on a very regular basis. To help us achieve this, & to create a ”culture of empathy” Round Table International & your loved ones, needs your help! Introducing ”Check-in Tuesdays” a multi-platform weekly or bi-weekly social media campaign. The concept: From Individual, Club to International level, encourage your members to dedicate a Tuesday social media post to mental Health subjects, facts, shared stories & to prompt their audience to checkin with their fellow RT Family, family, friends, & colleagues. Using primary hashtags: #CheckInTuesday & #WeCanWeWill Starting the 18th of october 2022, we would like to have a unifi ed voice & take Mental Health issues head on. Your actions will not only lighten a hard day, but it might even save a life. Next Tuesday, ”check-in” & Table on. Here’s to better & global mental health!