2 minute read
RT Bulgaria RT Cyprus RT France RT Gibraltar RT Israel RT Italy RT Malta RT Monaco RT Morocco RT Portugal RT San Marino RT Switzerland RT Tunisia SOUTHERN EUROPE & MEDITERRANEAN REGION
Supporting Those Who Need It Most
By NICHOLAS GOMEZ,SEM Chairman 2022-2023
BROTHERS, I am writing to tell you about my region’s Service Project for this year, Decrochons la Lune pour Gaspard. What is Decrochons la Lune pour Gaspard? (decrochonslalune.fr )
It is a last-wish charity for terminally ill children in France. Its mission is to support children with long term illnesses and their families by improving their quality of life and well-being, communicating and raising awareness about the illnesses, and giving them last wishes.
It was started by Nicolas and marie, whose 4-year-old son Gaspard was diagnosed with a very aggressive and invasive form of brain cancer. Gaspard passed away on the 21st of December 2021, surrounded by his loving parents and siblings. Gaspard showed immense courage and incredible strength throughout, and his parents vowed to help families in similar situations.
Since then, they have been able to help and improve the lives of children in France. They have bought a remotely directed robot which allows the children to participate in sports, events and school from their hospital beds. They obtained a “Joelette” (a hiking wheelchair), which enables children to go off-road and experience beaches, hiking, and other parts of nature that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to enjoy. They have set up a rugby tournament with Stade Rochelais to raise funds and awareness for the charity. They also provide last wishes for the child and make their dreams come true.
At our SEm meeting in Gibraltar in June 2022, we agreed to raise money by selling unique swimming shorts bearing the SEm logo. These stylish shorts are made from recycled materials, and Samir Bassoni (IRo Italy) is in charge of their production.
The shorts are sold for around €26 and the profits go directly to this charity.
There are several places where you can get a pair of these shorts:
RTI Shop, where our Shopkeeper, George marin, has them on sale.
RT France shop, where the French Shopkeeper, olivier Thauvenin, has them on sale.
RT Switzerland shop where the Swiss Shopkeeper, Philippe Beck, has them on sale.
Please keep the following in mind – the larger the order, the cheaper the production cost and, therefore, the more money that goes to this charity. So speak to your brothers in Table and place an order.
Let’s make a difference in the lives of children and their families!
Yours in International Tabling
Nicholas Gomez