IT'S IN THE DNA of Round Table to Adopt, Adapt and Improve. Times are changing. We are facing new technology and a new generation of potential Tablers. To be an attractive organisation we must adopt their ways, adapt to this situation, and improve the way only Tablers can.
This issue is called 'The Gen-Z Issue'. We take a dive into their worldtime to get down with the next! This is a generation who live as much on the internet and social media, as out in the 'real ' world. Yet there is no need to mystify them. Most uses of the phrase 'Gen-Z' are just approaches based on tools and platform used. But basically Gen-Z are young people. The next generation. And Round Table has always found a way to connect with the next. This is what makes us go on for almost 100 years now.
We cover everything from influencer marketing, to how we as Tablers can balance mental health and social media.
This generation are digital nomads - the world is their workplace. They have a much more relaxed mindset than some of us who are used to clock in at the office at 8 AM.
We are also showcasing the upcoming RTIWM 2024 in Maastricht. Pack your clogs and join us for a fantastic experience in September. Gala dinner at a castle? Exploring the citys cobblestone streets on bike? Or just enjoy a week of tabling and meeting old friends for the first time? I'm looking forward to everything!
This is yet another amazing Legacy issue - that would not have been possible without all of your help, input and stories. Anybody interested in contributing - send us a message! Thank you to all contributors including the incoming RTI Team 2024-2025 and the PRO team for your work and contributions. All I do is packaging your fantastic stories and articles. Enjoy this issue and stay classy!
Yours in International Tabling
A Vision for Sustainable Growth
Mr MARC GERMESHAUSEN, Round Table International President 2023-2024
As I pen this message to you, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and anticipation. The past year, themed "United in Diversity," has been a remarkable journey of collaboration and growth. Our shared commitment to this vision has brought us closer, forging stronger bonds and setting the foundation for a vibrant future.
One of the most important lessons I have learned in my tenure is the necessity of a long-term approach. Real, impactful change cannot be confined to the span of a single year. It requires a multi-year strategy, careful planning, and relentless execution. Our journey is akin to planting a tree: we may not see it fully grown during our time, but we lay the groundwork for future generations to enjoy its shade.
As we move forward, we must build on the efforts of our predecessors while paving the way for those who will follow us. This continuity ensures that each year builds upon the last, creating a sustained growth and improvement legacy.
To achieve our long-term goals, alignment among the RTI leadership is crucial. I have had the privilege of working closely with my predecessors and our Vice President, and together, we have crafted a shared vision for our future. This unity is vital, setting the tone for our entire organization. By maintaining open lines of communication and supporting each other's initiatives, we ensure a seamless transition of leadership and a consistent pursuit of our objectives. That's why our 3-year plan is essential. I want to encourage all associations and clubs to create their own three-year vision and work on it as a team. If you need any help with your 3-year plans, reach out, and our team will gladly help you.
Our achievements would not be possible without the dedication and enthusiasm of our members. Keeping the team motivated is a continuous effort. Regular engagement, recognition of achievements, and fostering a sense of belonging are key strategies we employ. We can turn our vision into reality through the collective energy and passion of our members.
As the year of "United in Diversity" slowly fades out, I reflect on our incredible strides. We have embraced our differences, celebrated our unique perspectives, and demonstrated the power of unity. It doesn't matter which cultural background we have, our profession, and the languages we speak – Round Table unites us all. This theme has been more than just a motto; it has been a guiding principle that has enriched our experiences and strengthened our community.
The RTI World Meeting in Maastricht is just around the corner, and I am excited about the opportunities it presents. This gathering will be a celebration of our achievements and a forum for setting new goals. I am pleased to announce that many of the initiatives launched this year will be showcased, including our new app, which we aim to have ready for the World Meeting.
Another significant milestone has been the establishment of our Foundation, which is soon be fully operational. This Foundation will be a critical pillar in supporting our humanitarian efforts and community service projects, providing a structured funding and resource allocation approach.
Efficiency in our administrative processes has been a priority, and I am proud to report that all administrative tasks are on track to be completed by September. Items such as RTI Cares and the movement of OVF from Mauritius to Luxembourg will be completed this year. This will free up more time and resources for our core mission of service and fellowship.
As we look to the future, I am confident that we can achieve great things with a long-term approach, aligned leadership, and a motivated team. Let us continue to build on our successes, support each other, and strive towards our shared vision.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment and passion. Together, we are stronger.
Yours in International Tabling
Gen Z: The Catalyst for Round Table's Future Growth
Mr DANIELE CUSI, Round Table International Vice President 2023-2024
“The only place that “success” comes before “work” is i n the dictionary.”
THE INCOMING YEAR is going to be a really tough year! After a few years of losing members, we have just returned to increasing our numbers, and now it’s time to consolidate this achievement!
As you know, I’m an American Football fan, ex-player and Coach and next year, I would love to see Round Table working as an American Football Team. Everyone is essential in an American Football team, and every Tabler is vital for our movement. I love to think the Round Table, like a Team, is like a clock, and Tablers are like internal mechanisms; If one stops doing his job, the clock will stop working. That’s why next year, it is crucial that every single Tabler will put his commitment to helping his local club grow while reducing the average age.
Together with the commitment, we need a strong team that is ready to fight for small goals that will lead to our biggest purpose! Building a solid team is not easy. Everything starts from the relationships you create inside the team; a strong team is strong in Round Table as outside of our association. Tabling is not a one-time thing; it’s an all-time thing. You don’t Table once in a while, don’t do things right once in a while, and do them all the time.
Tabling is a habit. Unfortunately, so is not Tabling.
Every time I look back on my life, when I was national IRO or when I was national president, I can’t stop smiling and thinking about my team. Together, we were tabling, and we still haven’t stopped! And what I can suggest to you, my brother in Round Table, is that it doesn’t matter if you are club chairman, area chairman, National President, Regional Chairman, RTI President or a “simple” Tabler…what really matters is that you must keep Tabling with the same passion you had the day you joined our association!
Yours in International Tabling
Vince Lombardi
RT Albania
RT Austria
RT Belgium
RT Czech Republic
RT Germany
RT Great Britain and Ireland
RT Hungary
RT Luxembourg
RT Moldova
RT Romania
RT The Netherlands
RTI E-Club
My Journey as Chairman of CEE
By MICHAEL D'AUBREY, CEE Chairman 2023-2024
AS THE CHAIRMAN of the Central and Eastern European Region within Round Table International, my journey has been eventful, to say the least. At the end of such a year, it is always good to look back and reflect on the goals that were set out and achieved. During my year, I have had the privilege of experiencing different cultures, meeting incredible Tablers, and learning important lessons that have greatly shaped my perspective on Round Table. It has been an honour to serve you all, and I am very proud of the quality of the CEE delegates we have had this year. I wholeheartedly thank them for their support and cooperation.
The goals that were set out at the beginning of the year were:
> Offering support to smaller associations, especially RT Albania and RT Czech Republic;
> Focus on e-club and improving its online visibility;
> Convincing Tables and Associations to keep Round Table inexpensive;
> Making sure the key players (President, Vice President and IRO) in the national boards get better acquainted.
To support our smaller and newest associations, I attended the Annual General Meeting of Albania and visited our club in Prague. In Prague, we had some amazing conversations on a terrace overlooking the town about how Round Table can make a difference through service and how a club can grow by putting itself forward positively within a community. Furthermore, the warmth and hospitality of the Albanian Tablers were truly amazing. The AGM was a meeting and a celebration of our shared values and commitment to service. It was great to see the Round Tables of Luxembourg and Belgium so well represented.
Together with the whole international Board, we have made strides in making the e-club more accessible and in opening up conversations on what e-club should be. We hope the e-club can be more than a waiting room for Tablers, but at the same time, they will be eager to join a club somewhere or even start their own club.
Another event that deserves mentioning was the Central and Eastern European Tablers Meeting (CEETM) in Ghent. When it almost seemed all hope was lost, and nobody was willing to organize this year’s CEETM, Round Table Belgium stepped up to the plate and took on this massive task. Even though RT Belgium only had a few months to do what other associations have at least a year to do, they delivered a CEETM that exceeded the expectations of many Tablers who attended it. My gratitude to RT Belgium, especially to the convenor Yves Deleyn, is unmeasurable. The CEETM was again a great opportunity for the key players within the associations to meet up and share their ideas in a very interactive meeting.
Our collaboration with Ladies Circle has led to some great side-by-side projects. I would like to thank Tini Kleine Tebbe-These for the amazing year we shared, for the meaningful conversations, the support and the initiatives she took to strengthen our bond and amplify our impact as regional chairs. We are also very excited about the prospect of hosting the first-ever side-by-side regional meeting in a few years. By hosting side-by-side events, we can reduce costs and offer events at better prices with the bonus of sharing these moments with the other Round Table family members.
We hope the efforts that have already been made to make this a reality will be carried on by the next generations of regional chairs. This event will symbolize that we are #unitedindiversity and are committed to making a difference within the Round Table family.
Throughout my year as CEE chairman, the most valuable lessons I have learned have been the importance of fun and friendship. Round Table is and should remain a hobby, and as such, it should bring joy and foster camaraderie. Yes, we have rules, guidelines, constitutions, handbooks, and charters. They are crucial for maintaining order and respecting certain principles and core values. however, they are a means to an end.
The end goal is to foster friendships that make our organization stronger. After all, it is our bond of friendship that truly defines us. It is these friendships that make our experiences at Round Table not just memorable but truly unforgettable.
In conclusion, my journey as Chairman has been a wonderful learning experience. I have experienced different forms of leadership and learned a lot about myself in the process. I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had on the RTI board, the people I’ve met, and the associations that I have been able to support.
Yours in International Tabling
RT Canada
RT Denmark
RT Estonia
RT Iceland
RT Latvia
RT Lithuania
RT Norway
RT Russia
RT Suomi Finland
RT Suriname
RT Sweden
RT Trinidad & Tobago
Community Service in the NEA Region
By ANTTI KANTOLA, NEA Chairman 2023-2024
THE NEA REGION IS MAINLY KNOWN for its fellowship and self-development in Tabling. Our organisations and clubs still engage in valuable service activities every year.
This season, the focus of the charitable activities of many of our organisations has been on mental health work for young men and issues related to children. I want to mention two projects from last year that impressed me.
At their national AGM in Bodø, Round Table Norway supported The Norwegian Childhood Cancer Society by presenting them with a substantial donation of 380,693 kr (33,184 Euro). The funds were primarily raised by selling a special pin.
The Norwegian Childhood Cancer Society, a voluntary organisation run by families affected by paediatric cancer, is dedicated to providing unwavering support for children and adolescents with cancer and establishing an indispensable support network for their families.
In September 2022, three brothers from District 5 got the idea of walking 100,000 steps a day. At that time the challenge was completed in October of the same year. In the summer of 2023, the brothers walked with a slightly larger group. In June of 2024, the same organisers organised a two-day walking challenge, 50 km + 50 km = 100 km. Brothers from other districts also joined, as did the organisation's president for the 2023-24 season.
The summer 2024 walking challenge aimed to raise awareness and funds for young men's mental health work. The health benefits of walking can be compared to antidepressants. The brothers completed their 100-kilometre task during a summer weekend, collecting significant funds simultaneously.
If collecting money is not your thing, have you thought that working together with your brothers can offer help and your time in other ways than by collecting money? For example, volunteering in youth work or organising an event for children requires nothing but will and time.
My term as NEA Chairman will end at the World Meeting in Maastricht. I want to thank the RTI Board, Round Table Suomi-Finland, the proser and seconder for my office RT Norway and RT Denmark, my club RT-75 Tornio, Finland, NEA Region, all the members I have had the honour to meet during the year and especially my family.
Yours in International Tabling
RT Australia
RT Bangladesh
RT Hong Kong
RT India
RT Nepal
RT New Zealand
RT Philippines
RT Singapore
RT Sri Lanka
Remarkable Progress and Community Initiatives
By SHAMAAL PANAGODA , ASPA Chairman 2023-2024
This past year, our region has made a significant impact throughout the Asia Pacific Region. As Chairman, I am immensely proud of the dedication and hard work that went into achieving this.
From a member engagement and visibility perspective, some associations, such as Nepal, stood out with campaigns like “Each One Bring One” and the “Proud Table Module”. I was fortunate to participate in a mini version of these efforts, led by our IPP Jayant and incoming Chairman Rahul.
Through the “Tabler Connect” initiative, India has been making waves by introducing Tabling to key individuals within the country, which will undoubtedly impact future Tabling activities. Their vibrant social media presence and the impact of their many events, including visibility in newspapers and the branding of certain roundabouts, are a testament to their commitment.
India’s FTE (Freedom Through Education) initiative saw 607 classrooms built this year, which will continue positively impacting millions of children. Additionally, they took over 10,000 underprivileged kids to the movies. While small, such gestures profoundly impact these young ones, undoubtedly resulting in many priceless smiles.
Round Table Sri Lanka has been exceptional in its online communication, consistently aligning with RTI on various campaigns. They focused on impactful community service and hosted a fantastic AGM, followed by the memorable Cosmic Conclave after-party, held at one of the highest venues in South Asia, the Nelum Kuluna.
RT Bangladesh has been tireless in its efforts, with numerous billboards and newspaper articles highlighting its community activities, including safe drinking water projects and the construction of toilet facilities for underprivileged schools. Its resilience and commitment are commendable.
After hosting a fantastic ASPA week, RT Philippines is regrouping as seniors move on. However, I am confident that, knowing the team, they will emerge stronger and become one of the most formidable associations in the region.
Singapore and hong Kong are also regrouping and will need the support of the Tabling fraternity to bolster their membership. Meanwhile, RTI is working on an initiative to revive RT Australia.
The ASPA Growth Team, created this year, will be vital in driving more regional events and increasing participation. As a result, we will see the largest Indian Cricket event, Jaffa, being played in Sri Lanka this coming year, with over 400 Tablers flying in and teams from Nepal and Sri Lanka possibly participating. The ASPA Meeting will also be held in Sri Lanka in May 2025.
I have had the pleasure of meeting many boards and floor Tablers within the region, which has given me greater insight and understanding of the sacrifices, commitment, and passion they bring to Tabling. I am optimistic that Tabling in the region will continue to grow and make a significant impact on society at large.
Yours in International Tabling
A Year of Service and Fellowship
By LEEJAY TAVARES , AMI Chairman 2023-2024
AS I WIND DOWN IN OFFICE as the chairman of the AMI Region, thoughts come racing of a year laced with growth, camaraderie, and huge accomplishments. This journey has been one to stamp the spirit and dedication of our members across 12 associations. Here's a flashback to the highlights and the legacy we have built together.
My vision was clear when I began my tenure: to sow seeds of growth, cohesion, and empowerment across our member associations. We aim to extend our reach continuously by increasing the number of tables and members supporting the smaller and newer associations while continuously improving our activities and impact. In this, our efforts at boosting public relations and strengthening AMI Tabler relationships were pivotal.
One of the projects that have stood out this year was the "Side by Side" project. It embodied oneness and togetherness, bringing together members from Round Table, Ladies Circle, Tangent, Agora, and 41 Club International for collaborative service projects and a membership drive. It highlighted our collective strength and the deep connections that define our community.
Over the past year, we have seen extraordinary achievements across our region. here are a few highlights:
> Arabian Gulf: Despite regulatory challenges, the association thrived with unique initiatives and strong multicultural representation, becoming a beacon of hospitality.
> Botswana: Adopting innovative media strategies and vibrant recruitment campaigns has highly supported this country in increasing visibility and community participation.
RT Arabian Gulf
RT Botswana
RT Cameroon
RT Eastern Africa
RT Madagascar
RT Malawi
RT Mauritius
RT Nigeria
RT Seychelles
RT Southern Africa
RT Zambia
RT Zimbabwe
> Eastern Africa: Diverse and high-impacting projects like the Clothes Basket initiative symbolised their commitment to health and environmental work.
> Madagascar: Sharpened its territorial presence through regional recruitment and participating in various forums.
> Malawi: Inception of the RT Malawi Magazine, which improved communication and outreach, reflecting their growth and community engagement.
> Mauritius: Exemplary commitment represented by brilliant recruitment and networking worldwide, with health and community effectiveness projects.
> Seychelles: Success in hosting the Seychelles Regatta and good community relations marked an excellent year.
> Southern Africa: Achieving membership growth for the first time in a decade and hosting the RTI World Meeting 2023 were significant milestones.
> Zambia: Celebrating 50 years of impactful tabling with strong fellowship and vibrant community spirit.
> Zimbabwe: Innovative projects like the Rainbow Children's Village and Jail n Bail highlighted their dynamic community presence.
What matters most is the fellowship that binds us together, for beyond projects and undertakings, our meetings are attended by a brotherhood full of laughter, overflowing stories, and friendship in the making with more friends yet to be met. This is the heart of Round Table; our journey is not about service but the joy of doing good together.
As we look ahead, our commitment is to growth and unity. Our ambitious expansion plans are to add Togo, Uganda, Congo, and Rwanda and charter new tables within existing associations. Our key strategy is, therefore, enlarging and communicating membership for active participation in the wider Tabling world.
Our shared service remains the cornerstone of our mission. Communal activities with the Ladies Circle make such a significant impact, such as Blood Month in March. Fellowships create togetherness at their best and form such experiences that help to define our legacy.
As I look back through the year, I find myself awash with pride and appreciation for what the greater AMI Region has done. Ours is a journey of growth, innovation, and community service, all tailored to touch lives positively. As we look ahead, I am confident we will build on these foundations to make the greater AMI stronger and even more connected.
Thank you all for your hard work, dedication, and passion. Together, we have created a legacy of excellence that will inspire future generations of Tablers.
Yours in International Tabling
RT Bulgaria
RT Cyprus
RT France
RT Gibraltar
RT Israel
RT Italy
RT Malta
RT Monaco
RT Morocco
RT Portugal
RT San Marino
RT Senegal
RT Switzerland
RT Tunisia
Celebrating Unity : The SEM Regional Meeting 2024
By CHRISTOS DEMETRIADES , SEM Chairman 2023-2024
It was time for our Regional Meeting as we approached the statutory year's end. It took place between 20-23 June 2024, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, in the heart of our Region, in beautiful Malta, an island with stunning landscapes, crystal clear waters and vibrant culture. It was an excellent opportunity to show Mediterranean hospitality to our RTI President and tablers from other regions who decided to join the event.
The event kicked off with a welcome party by the pool and the sea. On Friday, we took a boat trip to the Blue Lagoon, where we had the chance to spend the morning in the turquoise waters, diving off the boat in various ways and singing our famous la-la song in the water!
We transitioned to our formal attire on Saturday morning and had the official meeting, which started on time! Mediterranean time! 8 out of 10 active Associations participated in the meeting, during which every association shared its highlights over the last year. Four (4) Stars of Recognition were awarded to individuals who had made remarkable contributions to our region's movement.
The event concluded with a splendid gala dinner, where the following awards were ceremoniously handed out:
> Service Project of the Year: Scholarship in memory of Georgi Peychinov, RT Bulgaria
> Club of the Year: Round Table 4 Piacenza, RT Italy
> Association of the Year: RT Switzerland
> Tabler of the Year: Romain Potterie, RT France
Moving forward, all the present tablers were introduced to the next SEM Chairman, Thomas Spicher from RT Switzerland, who is already part of the group, following up with the current updates, being present in various Association AGMs and preparing for a smooth transition to the following year.
By the world meeting, all the SEM towels will be sold and delivered, this year's SEM Service Project will be completed, and the proceeds will be donated to RT Morocco in support of those affected by the 2023 earthquakes.
Reflecting on the past year, I am deeply honoured to have had the opportunity to serve alongside such an exceptional group of Tablers, whether holding a position on the National Board or not. Even though we come from different ethnic backgrounds and sometimes different cultures, we all had one common passion: Round Table! Being the SEM Region Chairman has been a real privilege, and I am grateful for the lasting friendships and invaluable experiences that have emerged from this journey.
Keep SEMing!
Yours in International Tabling
DURING MAY, WE HAD THE OPPORTUNITY to welcome Niklas and Joakim to a Tabler Talk at RTI University. The aim was to talk about men's mental health and illness and what a talk we had. If you haven't seen it, please do so! It can still be seen if you go to the RTI Facebook.
Niklas and Joakim gave their stories of living with or in close contact with mental illness. The discussions were open and deep and gave a lot of insights and tools on how we can help each other. Talking to men about mental health reveals that societal norms, cultural expectations, and personal experiences deeply influence well-being among men.
Both Niklas and Joakim talked about the stigma surrounding mental health among men, which often discourages the willingness to be vulnerable and express emotional distress. This "tough it out" mentality can lead men to suppress their feelings, avoid seeking help, and live with mental health struggles in silence. We need to change these stigmas and let it be okay, not to be okay.
As Tablers, we are at the "extra all" age. It can involve so many things: becoming a father, experiencing job loss, getting a new job or opening a business. Maybe going through a divorce or other critical situations can significantly impact men's mental health. These moments can bring more stress and trigger thoughts/feelings of inadequacy or failure. They discussed that we need to talk more and open up more and that Round Table can be a forum. They have a concrete example of this is the 3 minutes that some countries have embraced, where members can talk freely.
The insights from the RTI University session underscore the urgent need for a shift in how we approach men's mental health. Reducing stigma, promoting open conversations, and providing support are crucial in this approach. Daring to talk and open up about our own weaknesses can be a step in the right direction, inspiring young men that it's okay to seek help and express emotions.
Thank you, Niklas and Joakim, for your willingness to open up, and I am even more convinced that we need organisations like Round Table now than ever. But we must find strength to be a part of the change we need to see. Maybe the next step is to have 3 minutes during meetings and give all attention to one brother. No prejudice, no ”no`s”, no expectation, just be there to listen.
By Mr JOOST VAN VELZEN , Round Table The Netherlands
Growing and sustaining membership in Round Table is essential for our organisation's continued vitality and impact.
Drawing from the experiences and strategies implemented by Round Table Netherlands, this guide provides practical advice and actionable steps that anyone can apply to enhance member engagement and retention.
One of the significant advancements for Round Table Netherlands was the adoption of Tabler.World in 2020. This digital platform streamlined communication and membership management processes. The integration of a traffic light system in Tabler.World allowed us to monitor the health of local Tables efficiently.
Digital platforms should be used to ensure quick and efficient contact with members and streamline communication. This can include regular updates, event invitations, and feedback surveys. An online sign-up form on your website can attract potential members, making it easy for them to express interest.
Monitoring membership health can be enhanced with a traffic light system that categorises tables based on membership numbers.
> Tables with 15 or more members are green and considered to be at the lowest risk of closing down;
> Those with 10-14 members are orange, indicating that actions should be taken now to reduce the risk of closure in future;
> Those with 4-9 members are red, indicating the urgent intervention required to ensure survival.
Regular reviews of these categories can help identify tables that need support, allowing for the development of strategies to help them grow.
Tabler.World enabled us to contact Tablers more quickly and efficiently. The Public Relations Officer (PRO) enabled strangers to sign up for a local Table, allowing local clubs to decide how to proceed with these new prospects. Later, we donated this form (prospect document) to Tabler.World so that the entire RTI could benefit through the database in Tabler. World. We could run a list and, based on age, gain insight into which Tables were likely to have too few members and when.
Proactive communication is key to identifying and addressing potential membership issues before they become critical. Round Table Netherlands reached out to Tables, projected to have low membership in the coming years. To adopt a similar approach, use membership data to predict future trends. Consider factors like member age and tenure to anticipate when Tables might experience declines. Regular communication through emails, calls, and social media is essential to offer support and gather feedback.
Ensuring that member information is accurate and upto-date is crucial. Incorrect data can lead to misinformed decisions. Encourage members to update their details regularly and verify the information during annual reviews. We identified tables projected to have fewer members in the next five years based on the information gathered. We could gather feedback and update our data by proactively reaching out through various communication channels. Issues like incorrect age or start year information were common reasons for low membership numbers.
Creating a detailed plan is essential for the growth and expansion of your Table. The Extension Commission (EC) in Round Table Netherlands provided valuable insights, but the responsibility of recruitment lies with each Table. Organise events that attract potential members, such as social gatherings, charity events, or professional networking opportunities. Use these events to showcase the benefits of joining your Table.
Leverage social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to reach a broader audience. Share stories, photos, and updates to highlight your Table's activities and achievements. Creating targeted ads to reach specific demographics can also be effective. Highlight the benefits of joining your Table, such as networking opportunities, community service projects, and personal development. Tailor these benefits to appeal to your target audience.
From the Extension Commission (EC), valuable insights and strategies are offered to help with the growth and expansion of the Table. however, the Table itself must take on the responsibility of actively seeking out and inviting new members. The Table can attract individuals who align with its mission and values by implementing effective recruitment strategies, such as hosting engaging events, reaching out to potential members through social media platforms, and creating enticing membership benefits. Furthermore, utilising data-driven approaches to analyse the demographics and interests of potential members can help tailor recruitment efforts for maximum impact.
A dedicated committee can significantly enhance your Table's ability to grow and retain members. Assign clear roles within the committee, such as a Chairperson, Recruitment Officer, and Retention Officer. Ensure each member understands their responsibilities and is committed to the Table's growth.
Tracking when members are likely to leave and planning accordingly allows you to anticipate gaps and proactively seek new members. Maintaining a balance between experienced members and new recruits ensures continuity and vitality. This committee is responsible for actively maintaining and growing your table membership. Start by mapping out the turnover of members to understand when members are leaving and how many Tablers you will have in the future.
Recruiting new members is crucial for sustaining your Table. Define the types of individuals who would benefit from and contribute to your Table. Consider factors like profession, age, and interests. Create a profile of your ideal member and tailor your recruitment efforts accordingly.
Encourage current members to tap into their personal and professional networks to identify potential recruits. Utilise social media platforms to connect with individuals who share your Table's values and mission. Organise open evenings where potential members can learn about your Table in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Invite former members to share their experiences and highlight the benefits of joining.
The quest for fresh members commences not only with the renown of the national board but also with the reputation of your local Table. Designating a Public Relations Officer (PRO) within your Table is advisable. The PRO can play a vital role in promoting your Table through social media, organising events, or issuing press releases to the local media. Consider creating table merchandise like a polo shirt or jacket to display your table logo. Wearing such items can attract attention to your Table and start conversations about it. For further guidance, reach out to the National PRO at or look at the webshop and website for more information.
When seeking potential members, it is vital to consider their specific requirements. Whether they need to live or work in a certain location or fall within a particular age range, these criteria can help narrow the search for the right candidates. It is also beneficial to create a list of professions currently represented in the Table and identify any missing professions. The Table can ensure a well-rounded and inclusive group by actively seeking out candidates from diverse backgrounds and professions. Remember, quality should always be a priority, but in some cases, quantity may also be necessary to achieve the desired goals.
Exploring your personal network and the networks of others can be a valuable way to find new members for your Table. Review your contacts on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, and consider reaching out to individuals within your professional network, sports club, alumni association, or social circle.
Inquire within your group if anyone has connections with prominent companies. Networking with individuals in key positions can lead to valuable new members.
Reconnect with past members or inquire if the relatives of current members are aware of potential candidates who might be interested in joining.
Take advantage of events you host by examining the guest list for potential recruits. This can be an excellent opportunity to identify individuals who align with your group's values and goals. host an open evening to introduce larger groups of potential members to your organisation. Consider inviting former members to share their experiences and make the event engaging and informative.
Collaborate with neighbouring Tables to exchange nominations and recommendations. Utilise the prospect document form on Tabler.World to facilitate this process. Arrange a meeting with nearby Tables to brainstorm ideas for recruiting new candidates. This collaborative approach can lead to fresh perspectives and innovative recruitment strategies. Encourage outgoing Tablers to nominate at least one new candidate each. This practice ensures a continuous flow of potential members and helps sustain the growth and diversity of your group.
Approaching new members can be tricky and highly depends on how they come into the picture. If there is a connection, you can carefully gauge them. With just a name, another way has to be found. here are some tips on how and when:
If you know the potential Tabler personally, start talking about the Table and gauge their reaction. This allows them to let things sink in and consult with their partner, for example. Visit the Tabler and their partner for an evening and explain what we do and what it means.
Make a conscious choice for a Tabler attending an introductory meeting. This Tabler must have a good story about the Table and what it stands for. The Tabler, who may already have a link with a potential takeaway, is useful for breaking the ice. Preferably, have the conversation with two Tablers.
If time and/or busyness is an argument, tell the potential member that this is why you ended up with them. Otherwise, they wouldn't have noticed. All Tablers are busy and have an evening to themselves in this way.
Consciously choose which Table Evenings a potential member will participate in. The first impression is critical. In the case of a few members, you could also invite former members to come by. Don't wait too long to install a new Tabler. This way, they feel entirely part of the group from the beginning.
As a new Tabler, receiving guidance on the responsibilities and activities that come with being a Table member is essential. By learning about the Table's ins and outs and participating in events such as international Tabling, service projects, company visits, and activity weekends, you will create memorable experiences and strengthen your bond with the group.
Offering mentorship programs for new members helps them integrate into the Table. Regular training and development opportunities enhance their skills and knowledge. Involving members in committees and projects gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility. Recognise and celebrate their contributions to maintain motivation and commitment.
Ensure that your Table's activities and events align with its core values and mission. Avoid turning the Table into a mere social club; focus on community service and personal development. It is essential to stay attuned to the values and traditions of the Table to avoid deviating from a mere social club focused on drinking. Remember the principles of adopt-adapt-improve, and always keep the objectives of Round Table International in mind. Encourage active participation in committees and boards, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. By fully engaging in the Table's activities and contributing to its initiatives, you will enrich your experience as a new Tabler.
The strategies and experiences from Round Table Netherlands offer valuable lessons for Tables worldwide. By leveraging digital tools, communicating proactively, developing comprehensive plans, and focusing on both recruitment and retention, you can ensure the sustained growth and vitality of your Table. Remember, the success of expanding the Table's membership base lies in its members' proactive actions and dedication.
A Legacy of Brotherhood: Ensuring the Future of Round Table
By Mr GRAHAM CORNELISSEN , RTI University Manager 2023-2024
Tablers are fortunate individuals. We get to be part of an incredible association that offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and camaraderie. Through our journeys with Round Table, we evolve as Tablers, husbands, fathers, and businessmen.
The impact of our membership in Table is profound, shaping us into all-round better men.
Through Round Table, we explore the world and meet people we would never otherwise encounter. We live experiences that others can only dream about, enriching our lives with memories and friendships that last a lifetime. The knowledge we gain and our experiences contribute significantly to our personal growth and development.
We take pride in sharing our Round Table stories with anyone who will listen – even those who might have heard them many times before. Wearing our regalia with pride, we spread the message of Round Table far and wide. This sharing helps us grow individually but also strengthens our membership. It's a beautiful cycle of giving and receiving that enriches ourselves and our associations.
What if you could make an even more profound, longterm impact? Imagine leaving a legacy in Round Table that endures long after you are gone. We all have the power to make this happen by considering a simple yet powerful gesture: leaving a small part of our estate to our local Round Table Association. The idea isn't about leaving a large sum of money. Even a tiny percentage of your estate can make a significant difference. For instance, suppose you leave 3% of your estate to your local Round Table Association. This amount, though modest, can be used in trust according to your wishes. It could benefit a charity of your choice, create a travel fund in your name to send Tablers around the world, or help your association achieve its goals. Your contribution could fund international exchanges, support local charities, or help build stronger communities. The possibilities are endless. For me, international travel ignited my passion for Round Table and made me a better person. When I started travelling for Table, I truly understood its impact. I want my portion to fund a young Tabler's first international trip, hoping it ignites their passion as it did mine.
Leaving a donation is a win-win situation for everyone involved. The amount is small enough not to negatively
impact the other inheritors of your estate negatively, yet large enough to make a real difference to Round Table, a Tabler, or a charity – and you get to choose where this difference is made. In most countries, making this change in your will is straightforward and can be done quickly and easily.
For associations, such gifts are invaluable. They receive a meaningful contribution without much effort, allowing them to continue their excellent work. It opens up new funding sources and helps sustain the activities and values that make Round Table unique.
Imagine knowing that your legacy will continue to support and enrich the lives of Tablers long after you're gone. It's a way to ensure that the values and experiences you cherished are passed on to future Tablers and that your past experiences live on through the future experiences of others.
Leaving a part of your estate to Round Table is not just about money. It's about making a statement of commitment to the values and principles that have shaped you. It's about ensuring that the brotherhood and camaraderie you experienced continue to thrive. It's about leaving a mark that endures. It is a final thank you to the organisation that played a pivotal role in who you are.
So, as we proudly wear our Round Table regalia and share our stories, let's also think about the future. Consider how you can contribute to the ongoing success and impact of Round Table. Think about leaving something behind – think about leaving your legacy.
More importantly, this story showcases the power of Round Table. I am eternally grateful to Thade and Clemens, who dropped everything to help us. This experience reaffirms that we are a community of like-minded friends ready to support each other. Our network is a lifeline. This success story of being a Tabler reminds us to always be there for our brothers in need, especially when the call for help goes beyond our usual activities. Thank you, Clemens and Thade, from my entire family.
By Mr PAUL HOEKSEMA , RTI Public Relations Officer 2023-2024
Cufflinks provide a stylish formal and semi-formal option instead of using buttons. Over the years, cufflinks have surged on the fashion front, and more men opt to wear them. This comes from acquiring suitable shirts and even visiting the tailor to alter existing ones to accommodate them.
Gone are the days when cufflinks were assigned to black-tie events only. With the right shirt and, of course, complimented by the rest of your outfit, don't hesitate to wear your cufflinks to social gatherings - even those more casual and laid-back. On semi-formal occasions, achieving the perfect style with a clean, casual blazer, trousers, and bow tie or tie will make you stand out for the right reasons. With so many cufflink styles, precious and semiprecious metals, personalisation, and even pop-culture options, sporting your personality is as easy as a quick online purchase. And it goes without saying, cufflinks with a rondel on take you to the toptier fashion-conscious Tabler level.
The French/Double Cuff Shirt - The most popular shirts worn with cufflinks are the French or double cuff shirts, styled with a double-long cuff that folds back over itself. This gives a classic yet modern look to the overall cufflink approach.
The Single Cuff Shirt - These shirts are rare because they are worn with lesser-hosted white tie attire. Single-cuff shirts do not fold over twice like French cuffs, but they close in the same way.
Altered Shirts - If your tailors know how to assist in outfitting 007, they should be able to customise your shirt to accommodate your favourite cufflinks.
• Fold one of the shirt cuffs back onto itself.
• Insert the cufflinks through the two outer cuff panels, with the front of the cufflink facing outward.
• Push the cufflink to insert the closure between the two inner panels, ensuring that the panels are flush and not bent, as seen in standard barrel cuff shirts.
• Fasten the cufflink.
Bullet Back and Toggle Closure cufflinks are the most common and popular options because they are straightforward to use. To fit, the bullet is rotated 90 degrees to match up with the post before being rotated again to fasten the cufflink.
Whale Back Closure cufflinks - another popular option as they are userfriendly and have a flat whale tail type design.
Stud or Button Cufflinks - These items are more compact and lightweight, providing the most secure fit. However, be warned, they demand the most effort to put on.
Ball Return Cufflinks are attractive, easy to wear, and offer a relaxed fit for the cuffs.
Chain Link Cufflinks, Locking Cufflinks, and Silk Knot Cufflinks are among the various cufflink options available.
For a Black-Tie occasion, go for a minimalist look by wearing traditional silver cufflinks and coordinating them with a silver belt buckle and the same hue watch.
Black Dress Shirt - you can opt for either silver or gold cufflinks; just make sure to match all your metal accessories (tie clip, cufflinks, belt, etc).
Dark Blue Cufflinks should be worn with a light blue shirt, while light blue cufflinks should be worn with a dark blue shirt.
White Dress Shirt - you can try out various colours, designs, and styles. In a formal environment, it is recommended to opt for silver attire.
Patterned Shirts - coordinate your cufflinks with a secondary colour in your shirt or tie design.
Tips for Enjoying Your Flight and Feeling Ready for Your Next Tabling Event
Have you ever felt tired or stiff after a long flight just before a Welcome Party? Even though meeting new people is always exciting, feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your next Tabling Event is crucial. This article aims to give you the best tips to enjoy your flight and feel ready for the World Meeting in Maastricht in September.
As a former French IRO for three years, I've developed some routines on the multiple flights I've taken (34 different countries visited, and some multiple times). here are my top tips:
, Round Table France
Before the Flight
> I realized that when I'm doing some sports the day before the flight it allows me to spend a better night and so to feel more relaxed during the flight
> Also, my perception is that they always want to feed us a lot during the flights, so having just a small lunch instead of a big fatty burger or cheesy pizza is probably a good idea in order not to feel nauseous
> While most airlines offer a good selection of movies, downloading your own movies or shows on your device in advance is always a good idea.
During the Flight
> Wear comfy clothes rather than a full suit. If you want to impress the flight attendants, bring them some chocolates or local sweets instead; this can earn you their full attention and maybe even some champagne.
> Avoid the rows close to the toilet; it means that you have to pre-choose your seat when it's available, but trust me, it will let you sleep in peace and don't have the entire plane waiting on your knees during the peak period.
> Regarding the food, if you get a specific diet or some food intolerance, you probably already know that you can choose your preference during the booking, but the good thing is that your platter will also come first, so this could be helpful for everyone when your flight is late at night and you just want to sleep or relax after take-off.
> After the main service, and when the coffee/tea is cleared from your shelf, then at the back of the plane and also close to the main galley, you will find a « help Yourself » trolley with some beverages and also sometimes some foods (depending on the Airlines).
> Bringing your own sleeping mask and earplugs will let you enjoy a more comfortable rest during the flight.
> Finally, a small reminder: the air inside the aircraft is always really dry, so think about drinking a lot of water and try to limit your consumption of alcohol that dehydrates, soda and other sparkling drinks that will make you fully bloated.
After the Flight
> Once you land, stretch your legs while waiting for your luggage. A quick 5-minute stretch can do wonders.
> At your hotel, take a lukewarm shower to relieve muscle soreness. If your legs are swollen, finish with 30 seconds of cold water to reduce swelling and feel ready to dance at the party.
Mr RAHUL AGRAWAL, ASPA Chairman Elect 2024-2025
THE ACTION OF LEADING a group of people or an organisation is the dictionary definition of leadership. The most crucial phenomenon differentiates between a failure and a success story.
Although we could argue that there are other equally important factors, one can definitively conclude effective leadership is one of the most important. Like most things in life, leadership also has many factors, and we will dwell on a few as we read along. There is just one word that makes leadership into an effective one - Influence. An effective leader can successfully influence their team or group towards achieving a particular goal.
Now, let's list down a few essential aspects of effective leadership.
> 1. Vision
> 2. Communication
> 3. Accountability
> 4. Integrity
> 5. Empathy
> 6. Delegation
> 7. Decision-making
The above aspects are not in a particular order. It only highlights the core of effective leadership. Effective leadership stands as the mark of success in every facet of life, from corporate setups to social organisations. Understanding the core of effective leadership involves diving into its qualities, practices, and the impact it has on both individuals and organisations.
Effective leadership exemplifies a mix of vision, empathy, decisiveness, and the ability to make the team work. A leader's vision is the guiding light, setting the direction and inspiring others to follow. This vision must be coupled with empathy, the capacity to understand and adjust to the needs and aspirations of the team or group. Leaders build trust and loyalty by empathising with team members, essential prerequisites for a united and dedicated workforce.
Communication is the most crucial element of effective leadership. Clear, transparent communication ensures that goals are communicated, expectations are set, and challenges are identified. A leader who is a good listener and communicator builds an environment of trust.
Apart from these crucial qualities, effective leadership should be able to inspire and motivate. A leader leads by example, standing up to the values and
principles they believe in. By recognising and awarding individuals, a leader reinforces positive behaviour and furthers a culture of improvement and motivation.
Effective leadership in Tabling differentiates between an average and a remarkable year or event. From the club to the national level, an effective leader always stands out and is often identified as someone who can succeed. In Tabling, like in other facets of life one needs to, at some point, lead a team and ensure that the team is motivated. The team needs to believe in the leader's vision and work tirelessly towards it.
We often see some great achievements by a particular club or association. Most often, you will find an effective leader standing right behind, guiding the group of people to glory. The ability to motivate others to work for a vision with the same passion as you is what embodies effective leadership. Big momentous achievements can only happen when a team is as driven as the leader and understands the larger goal.
In all honesty, effective leadership is not defined by a few aspects alone but rather by a dynamic combination of qualities
and methodologies that adapt to varying circumstances. Always align yourself with the individuals you collaborate with to achieve the seemingly impossible. While these words may sound like platitudes, the feeling of accomplishment upon achieving success is unparalleled.
ROUND TABLE IS QUITE AN EXTRAORDINARY organisation. Members are welcomed into a club where a group of seemingly random strangers can become your best friends within days. You meet others, engage in deep conversations, share laughs and hugs, and feel you've known them since childhood. Over the years, you create countless memories, only to part ways as you know you eventually would due to the age restrictions. This cycle of renewal, trust, and inclusion, combined with our motto "adopt, adapt, improve," can strengthen Round Table if we embrace it.
Just as in real estate, it's all about location - in Round Table, it's all about people. Building a stronger table and evolving involves mentoring new members, embracing fresh ideas, and fostering confidence and leadership. While this is easier with an established group, bringing together strangers in a brand-new club is even more rewarding.
For a long time, Iceland had only fourteen active clubs, mainly in the capital area, with a few scattered around the island. The two clubs in Akureyri were at capacity, but we knew of a group who would make excellent tablers and bring fresh perspectives. We invited them to an introductory meeting to explain the association and its principles. We offered mentorship in the basics of Round Table while encouraging them to create their own traditions and customs. Thus, a new club was born from a trio of strangers eager to seize the opportunity.
We invited the group to our meetings, hosted their initial gatherings, and guided them in forming a board, designing their schedules, and leading their statutory meetings. They soon created a list of candidates, voted in new members, and began to grow. Experienced members took on roles to teach the newcomers about rules and ethics while ensuring fun. This method allowed them to focus on hosting engaging meetings and developing their unique identity. Establishing Round Table Club No. 15 in Akureyri brought fresh energy to the local and national tabling scene.
This approach has proven successful. We created a stronger Round Table by mentoring a core group of strangers, providing foundational knowledge, and encouraging autonomy. Similarly, offering freedom and mentorship has revitalised older, more established clubs and those on shaky grounds. New faces have taken leadership roles, encouraging new members to have a voice and focusing on quality over quantity.
Iceland has found its rhythm, and what worked here may work elsewhere. The key is the people and their mindset. This is how we can continue to build a stronger Round Table.
Applying the lessons from Iceland to other Round Table associations, I recommend focusing on the core principles of mentorship, inclusion, and empowerment. We can foster a sense of belonging and encourage fresh ideas by welcoming new members, providing them with the foundational knowledge, and promoting their autonomy. Established clubs will benefit by embracing new members, enabling them to take on leadership roles, and prioritising quality members over sheer numbers. This approach revitalises existing clubs and ensures the sustainable growth of our Round Table community worldwide.
By Mr PAUL HOEKSEMA RTI Public Relations Officer 2023-2024
It's no secret that our founder and visionary, Erminio William Louis Marchesi (Mark) has always been a scholar and a gentleman who found inspiration in everyday life and literature. Most famously in our movement, his inspiration for our motto "Adopt, Adapt, Improve - a maxim that comes from a speech made at the British Industries Fair in 1927 in Birmingham by the then Prince of Wales, hRh Prince Edward, where he said; "The young business & professional men of this country must get together round the table, adopt methods that have proved so sound in the past, adapt them to the changing needs of the times & wherever possible, improve them".
A lesser-known source of inspiration comes from one of Louis' favourite poems, "If" by Rudyard Kipling, written in 1895. This piece of literature is worth words in gold and a gift that keeps on giving, as it still speaks to the deepest truths of being a man. It might have been written 129 years ago, but the meaning behind the words is as powerful and profound as ever:
If you can keep your head when all about you, Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream- and not make dreams your master, If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, And treat those two impostors just the same.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings, And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings, And never breathe a word about your loss.
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew, To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you, Except the will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings- nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute, With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And-which is more-you'll be a Man, my son!
Marchesi's thoughts and interpretation of Kipling's words have not been recorded. he loved this poem so much that an extract of this publication was etched onto his gravestone - "If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch".
What he might have conveyed to Members of our fraternity those years ago is that Kipling's words, undoubtedly inspiring, motivate us to be better leaders, to have discipline, and to pursue being better individuals. his words cut through the noise of modern-day life and speak to the essence of being a man in trying and triumphant times. Kipling emphasizes the importance of keeping a clear head and trusting ourselves, even when others subjectively doubt us. he encourages us to be strong, grounded, and compassionate individuals and weather life's storms with grace. Kipling also stresses the significance of humility, focus, and resilience in adversity. he reminds us that success and failure are subjective and that we should treat them equally. The idea of rebuilding with worn-out tools and remaining silent about our losses resonates deeply. Ultimately, Kipling's poem challenges us to strive for greatness, to lead with principle, faith, and grace, and to embody the qualities of a true leader.
To this day, the above encompasses all the qualities and virtues of a true Tabler.
In loving memory of Erminio William Louis Marchesi (Mark) who passed away on 10 December 1968 (aged 70 years).
By Mr GRAHAM CORNELISSEN , RTI University Manager 2023-2024
FOR NEARLY A CENTURY, Round Table has been dedicated to shaping young men from diverse backgrounds into fine gentlemen who have significantly contributed to society. Tablers have excelled in various professional arenas as motivational speakers, stand-up comedians, movie superstars, and even prime ministers.
Continuing this legacy, the RTI University presents a new video series aimed at personal development, leadership, and enhancing knowledge in tabling and other industry matters. We are excited to announce that these insightful videos are now available on our YouTube playlist: > RTI University Playlist
Table Talk - Friends of Ukraine: Mobilizing the Round Table Family for the Greater Good Discover how the Round Table family united to support the victims of the war in Ukraine, demonstrating the collective power of our community. This video explores the various initiatives undertaken, the challenges faced, and the profound impact of their efforts on the lives of those affected by the conflict. Through interviews and first-hand accounts, learn how solidarity and compassion drive the Round Table's humanitarian missions.
Exploring We Can, We Will: Dive into Jayant Agrawal's inspiring theme of "We Can, We Will," exploring its potential to drive motivation and achievement within our ranks. This session
delves into the philosophy behind the theme, showcasing real-life examples of how adopting this mindset has led to successful projects and personal growth. Gain insights into how this powerful mantra can be applied to overcome obstacles and achieve collective and individual goals.
A Tabler.World Tutorial: Get introduced to Tabler.World with expert guidance from Thomas Menneckemeyer, providing a comprehensive overview of this essential platform. This tutorial covers the key features, functionalities, and benefits of Tabler.World, making it easier for new users to navigate and leverage the platform for better communication, event management, and networking within the Round Table community.
Table Talk - Ethics Forum: Engage in a detailed discussion on ethics and the importance of doing the right thing even when no one is watching. This forum features a panel of experienced Tablers who share their perspectives on ethical dilemmas, the principles of integrity, and the long-term benefits of maintaining high moral standards. Learn practical strategies for making ethical decisions and fostering a culture of honesty and transparency within your club.
Men's Mental Health - Perspectives from 2022: Participate in an interactive discussion on the critical topic of men's mental health,
exploring various perspectives and the importance of mental well-being. This video features mental health professionals and Tablers who discuss common mental health issues, the stigma surrounding them, and effective coping strategies. Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of mental health awareness and Round Table's role in supporting its members.
United for Joy with the Christmas Convoy: Witness the joy and impact created when Round Table brings happiness to those in need during the holiday season. This heartwarming video documents the planning, execution, and outcomes of the Christmas Convoy initiative, showcasing the smiles and gratitude of the recipients. Learn how to get involved and make a difference in your community during the festive season.
Defining Successful Clubs: hear from successful members as they share their experiences and insights on creating and maintaining a thriving club. This discussion covers key factors such as leadership, member engagement, community service, and sustainable practices. Discover the best practices and innovative approaches that have helped clubs flourish, and find inspiration to implement these strategies in your own club.
Sharing Experiences of Club Growth: Gain valuable knowledge from seasoned Tablers on strategies and experiences in growing club membership, part of a broader series on membership growth. This video provides practical advice on recruitment, retention, and fostering a welcoming club environment. hear success stories and lessons learned from Tablers who have successfully expanded their clubs, and learn how to apply these insights to achieve membership growth.
Exploring United in Diversity: Explore Marc Germeshausen's "United in Diversity" theme, highlighting the strength and beauty of unity in our diversity. This session delves into embracing different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives within the Round Table community. Learn how diversity fosters innovation, understanding, and stronger bonds among members, and see how this theme can be a guiding principle for your club's activities and initiatives.
How to drive growth from an association: Expert panel discussion with experienced Tablers
showcasing proven strategies to assist Tables to grow. This session is aimed more for assistance from the association that can be given to Tables, but includes invalueable insights to everyone concerned with growing.
AI - Leapfrog or Left Behind: Join an engaging talk on the impact of artificial intelligence and how to prepare for tomorrow's rapidly changing world. This video features experts in AI who discuss the opportunities and challenges posed by this technology. Learn about the potential applications of AI in various fields, the ethical considerations, and how to stay ahead in a world increasingly influenced by AI advancements.
Hosting Successful Events: Learn from the RTI World Meeting 2023 team as they share tips and experiences on organizing large-scale events that exceed expectations. This video covers everything from planning and logistics to marketing and execution, providing a comprehensive guide to hosting memorable and impactful events. Gain practical advice and inspiration to elevate your club's events to new heights.
Up Close with Movember: Participate in an educational session to gain a deeper understanding of men's mental health through the lens of the Movember movement. This video highlights the importance of raising awareness and funds for men's health issues, featuring stories from those who have benefited from Movember's initiatives. Learn how you can get involved and support this vital cause.
Getting Close with Men's Mental Health: hear personal stories from Tablers about their struggles and experiences with men's mental health, fostering a deeper understanding and awareness. This video provides a safe space for open and honest discussions, helping to break down the stigma associated with mental health issues. Discover the power of sharing and supporting each other in times of need.
Social Media Masterclass: The RTI team shares insights on social media, equipping members with tools and techniques to achieve their goals. We dive into Social Media posting, planning and content creation to drive engagement. We further include tips on video content and running a great magazine.
By Mr THOMAS MENNECKEMEYER , RTI Tabler.World Manager 2023-2024
"Stepping on the spot is tantamount to moving backwards."
In a constantly evolving world, we cannot afford to be left behind – we must evolve, too. We believe that to serve our members better, we must continually innovate and improve. That's why at Tabler.World, we listen to your feedback and strive to make our platform a tool you love to use, not just one you have to use.
In our latest development sprint, we've focused on enhancing usability to make your experience smoother and more intuitive:
> Enhanced Event Search Visualization: You can now search for specific types of events and view all upcoming events in a comprehensive list for the next 12 months or a custom period. Finding the right event has never been easier.
> Improved Prospect Management: You can now directly convert a prospect to a member within the Prospect Management system. Plus, forms save every 2 seconds to prevent data loss.
But that's not all. We've also rolled out some exciting new features:
> RSS Feed Integration: We have introduced the possibility to add an RSS Feed to your dashboard. That means you can link this, e.g. to your Facebook page, and you will see it in the news widget on your dashboard in Tabler.World automatically.
> Enhanced Statistics: View the average experience of members and export the attendance matrix at the club level and the 100% member attendance at the national level.
> Random Report Script Module: This new feature, crucial for RT Denmark, shows five random reports from your area and five from your association before a statutory meeting.
> Association-Wide Report Access: For Denmark, you can now view reports from all clubs within an association.
We've also made strides in data quality and security:
> Member Linking Improvements: New members can no longer be linked only to a statutory year and cannot have an end date for their membership function.
> Bank Data Change Notifications: If a president or treasurer updates bank data, the other party will receive an email notification for approval, enhancing security and accountability.
We believe these updates will significantly enhance your experience with Tabler.World, making it a tool that supports your needs seamlessly.
For more details on these developments, check out our latest release notes:
On the banks of the mighty Zambezi River, in the small town of Chirundu, lies an experience like no other. More than just a fishing trip, the “Fishing Boogie,” officially known as the Round Table Memorial Trophy, is an annual event that blends the thrill of fishing with the camaraderie of fellowship and the spirit of Round Table. This legendary gathering is the highlight of the year for many, filled with laughter, unforgettable experiences, and cherished memories.
The Magic of the Fishing Boogie
What sets this trip apart from any other? It’s a question that defies simple explanation. Perhaps it’s the thrill of battling the elusive Tiger Fish, a ferocious fighter that belies its size. Or maybe it’s the breathtaking scenery—drifting down the river with a cool drink in hand while elephants bathe on the banks and the occasional hippo emerges nearby. The bumpy roads, relentless heat, and ever-changing river add to the mystique, creating stories and legends that last a lifetime.
But ultimately, it’s the fellowship that makes this trip extraordinary. Sharing the experience with fellow Tablers, united by a common purpose of service and compassion, elevates this event far beyond a simple fishing expedition.
The Adventure Begins
The adventure kicks off on Wednesday with camp setup and rod preparation. Thursday dawns with a hearty breakfast and good-natured ribbing before we hit the water, scattering in our boats to hone our skills.
Friday is “All Species Day,” a chance to showcase your prowess with anything that swims, except the elusive Tiger Fish. But the true test arrives on Saturday, the “Formula 1” of the trip—Tiger Fish Day, where bragging rights are earned and legends are made.
The Thrill of the Catch
The midday siesta on a sandbank from 12 to 2 pm offers a break from the action. here, we refuel, revel in the cool water, and swap embellished fishing tales. This break is also a chance to connect with fellow Table members from across Zimbabwe and international guests.
Back on the water, the hunt for bragging rights resumes. Silence reigns as you cast your line, searching for the perfect drift. Then, the moment you’ve- been waiting for—your drag spins like a
record, signalling a run. The battle with the Tiger Fish is on—a tug-of-war with a living torpedo. The fish jumps out of the water, and your team rallies to help you land it. The vibrant colours of the Tiger Fish shimmer as you finally bring it into the boat.
The sense of relief and pride is overwhelming. A quick measurement, a celebratory photo, and you release your adversary back into the river, promising to fight again another day.
Celebrations and Camaraderie
Dinner that night is a victory lap. You’re fined for incessantly talking about your catch, but it’s a small price to pay. Your fish is declared the winner, and you and your teammate step forward to receive the trophy, your names forever immortalized on the gleaming silver. The memory of the battle is forever etched in your mind.
Sunday arrives too soon, and with a touch of melancholy, we pack up and say our goodbyes. But the camaraderie lingers, and whispers of next year’s adventure already stir in the air.
Honouring a Legacy
The Round Table Memorial Fishing Tournament began as a tribute to John Neish, a man dedicated to both the organization and Zimbabwe. John envisioned a Round Table fishing competition, but tragically, he was killed in a car accident before he could implement his idea. In his honour, Round Table 45 held the first fishing competition. Over the years, various tables have hosted the event, including Table 23 and Table 1, keeping the tradition alive and welcoming Tablers from across Zimbabwe and the world.
Today, we raise a glass to remember John and other departed Tablers. This annual event honours those who built the strong foundation of Round Table in Zimbabwe. Their legacy allows our organization to thrive and continue making a difference.
By Mr THOMAS SPICHER , SEM Chairman Elect 2024-2025
Joe Tabler is on his first Roundtable trip to a distant country. he has already heard many good things about the international events and has taken heart. Although he has never travelled alone, he brought himself to do it. Another Tabler, whom he has never met and doesn't know at all, wrote to him before the flight to say that he would be picked up at the airport. Joe Tabler is a little sceptical because he doesn't know this other Tabler, and he doesn't know much at all about Roundtable and how it works with travel. When he arrives at his destination, he is still sceptical about whether everything will work out as promised. When Joe Tabler arrives in the arrivals hall, he immediately sees the large Roundtable flag being held up and a small welcoming delegation of four people waving happily to him. he had not expected such a warm welcome. Joe Tabler feels welcome from the very first second. he has arrived in another home. he looks hopeful to the future and to further his exciting journeys.
Joe Tabler was able to experience a wonderful event with his brothers. The weekend was great; there was partying, pins and coins were exchanged. As usual, he heads home after the farewell brunch. he goes to the railway station with a few other Tablers to catch the train home. A Tabler approaches him, full of worry and a little embarrassed.
"I can't buy a train ticket; my card doesn't work. Can you help me?"
Without thinking or discussing it further, Joe Tabler pulls out his credit card and pays for his brother's train ticket. Tabler thanked him profusely, and they continued their journey together. When they part ways, they say goodbye but continue writing messages to ensure his brother arrives home safely. A few days later, Joe Tabler receives a call from the bank. Money had been transferred to him, precisely the amount he had paid with his card. he immediately knew from whom. Both look forward to meeting again at the next event and toasting their friendship.
Joe Tabler is travelling with a group of Tablers. Their goal is to reach the top of the mountain. But this is not easy. They have to climb, rope up and belay each other. Everyone is highly motivated and sets off on this adventure in high spirits. As they get closer to the summit and the ground seems further and further away, Joe Tabler starts to get scared. he only now realises he has problems with the height and clings to the rock. The other tablers notice this and begin to motivate him. One sings a song and stands below him, giving him courage. Another Tabler climbs above him and continues to secure him with the rope, encouraging him. Looking upwards again, the group continues climbing until they reach the summit. An extraordinary sight reveals itself to them. Joe Tabler has overcome his fear and achieved something he could never have done alone. he would never forget this trip.
For all Joe Tablers who have been hesitating to this day: have hope and do it! Even if you are travelling alone, you will never be alone! You will be travelling and living with Round Table brothers by your side! They will help and support you whenever you need them!
By Mr KENNETH STAUB Round Table Switzerland
Being a member of Round Table brings countless benefits: helping our communities, making new friends, and enjoying fellowship at events. But one hidden gem is the network of nearly 30,000 professionals ready to drop everything to help. This very network saves my brother-in-law from a legal nightmare and possibly jail.
Otto, my brother-in-law, lives in Pärnu, Estonia. As a young father, he needs a new family car. Like many Estonians, he looks to Sweden and Germany for a bargain, something he has done before.
After thorough research and many discussions with me, Otto sets his sights on a car. He verifies the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and negotiates with the seller. They agreed to meet near Düsseldorf, Germany, the following weekend. Excited, Otto buys a ticket to Germany, dreaming of his new ride.
Upon meeting the seller, Otto discovers the car is missing a key. The seller claims it's at his holiday home in the Netherlands. They strike a deal: Otto will pay 2000 Euros less upfront and transfer the rest once he receives the key by mail.
The test drive goes smoothly. The seller is friendly and engaging and prefers cash payment. Otto, convinced it's a good deal, agrees. he withdraws the cash, pays the seller the next day, and receives the car's registration papers and key.
Ready for his road trip home, Otto stocks up on beer (a favourite among Estonians visiting Germany) and heads to the DMV to register for export plates.
At the DMV, Otto asks to unregister the vehicle and issue export documents. Everything seems fine until the agent informs him the car has been reported stolen and the documents are forged. Suddenly, the police are called, and Otto is detained, accused of forgery and fencing, facing up to five years in prison. The car, beer, and all are seized.
During the police interview, Otto is allowed one phone call. he calls me, but I'm in a meeting. Minutes later, my wife calls, and I sense something is wrong. I called Otto back and learned about his dire situation. Speaking to the investigator, I realize we urgently need a lawyer.
With Düsseldorf 800km away, I'm at a loss on how to find a lawyer for Otto. Then it hits me—I'm a Tabler. I jump onto Tabler World, searching for lawyers at local tables near Düsseldorf. No luck. Desperate, I call Thade Harms, president of RT198 Düsseldorf-Neanderthal. He listens and promises to mobilize the network. Within 15 minutes, he and others recommend Clemens-August Graf von Plettenberg, a criminal lawyer and past president of RT11 Köln.
I call Clemens, introduce myself, and explain Otto's situation. Clemens immediately agrees to help, contacts Otto and the investigator, ensures Otto has a translator, and shifts the focus from perpetrator to victim. Relieved, Clemens calls me with the good news.
Clemens and I discuss the scam. These criminals use stolen preprinted registration paper to forge documents that look real. They lure victims with low prices and plausible excuses, like a missing key. Once the transaction is done, they quickly pass on the cash, making it nearly impossible to recover.
By evening, Otto is released, returning to Estonia with a bruised ego, no car, and his savings vanished.
Hindsight is 20/20. Otto and I now see the red flags: the missing key and the cash payment. We missed the signs despite the realistic documents and the seller's friendly demeanour.
More importantly, this story showcases the power of Round Table. I am eternally grateful to Thade and Clemens, who dropped everything to help us. This experience reaffirms that we are a community of like-minded friends ready to support each other. Our network is a lifeline. This success story of being a Tabler reminds us to always be there for our brothers in need, especially when the call for help goes beyond our usual activities. Thank you, Clemens and Thade, from my entire family.
and how to Set and Achieve Personal Goals
By Mr LOUIS RADLEY, Round Table Southern Africa
Self-improvement should constantly be on our minds and in our actions. Why should we keep on with self-improvement, you might ask – because you cannot and should never stop developing and improving yourself to become a greater version of yourself.
If you hit the ceiling on self-development and improvement at a young age, you are missing out on a great life and even greater opportunities and moments. Goals give you purpose and direction.
Matthew McConaughey won the Oscar for Best Actor in 2014, and in his acceptance speech, he spoke about his hero. his hero was himself in ten years. The moral of the story is that when the ten years passed, he was nowhere close to being a hero, and his new hero was him a further ten years later. he keeps chasing a better version of himself; his hero will always be a future version. I strongly agree with this reasoning as one should never think they are the complete package or best version of themselves. There is always room for growth and improvement.
Self-improvement is an all-around game and could be divided into various categories, such as the following:
> › health and wellbeing, including mental health
> › Specific various skills such as learning a new language or mastering a craft
> › Employment or career advancement
> › Financial goals such as savings or reducing debt
> › Building better relationships with family and friends
> › Fitness-specific goals – like running a marathon
The list of self-improvement categories is non-exhaustive, and each category mentioned above may have several sub-categories. It is imperative to focus on all categories frequently because any of these could have a direct positive or negative influence on the improvement of the other categories. Ultimately, you need to be an all-around better person.
To improve, the first step would be to set a clear and defined goal. You should have a reason why you need and want to achieve the goal, to give it a purpose or a just cause. This is the difference between setting a goal and daydreaming. For most, the idea of achieving something is better than the reality of putting in the hard yards to accomplish your goal. It could be nearly impossible to achieve a goal without a purpose or a just cause.
Once you have a purpose, you need to record the goal on paper and develop a plan to reach this goal. Planning is vital, and you must research or speak to others to obtain sufficient information to develop a sustainable strategy. If you follow a substandard plan, your results will be substandard. It is important to remember that we cannot buy experience and should be careful to listen to self-proclaimed experts when considering relevant information to develop our plan. You will obtain valuable information from other people who have set out to reach similar goals in the past.
The next step would be setting milestones or short-term goals to reach your main long-term goal. These milestones should be specific, time-bound and measurable. You need to be able to track your progress to determine whether the plan is working or whether you need to deviate from the plan. Also, remember that communication with relevant role players is imperative.
To reach your goal, you would need commitment. More important than commitment, however, is discipline. The discipline makes you get out of bed for a morning run or stay on a budget to reach financial goals. It is impossible to reach a target without the necessary discipline. Discipline and purpose walk hand in hand with each other.
Self-improvement is an infinite game, and just like Matthew McConaughey’s speech, no one will ever become the complete package or version of themselves. To continuously improve, we must surround ourselves with the right people. Being positive or negative is contagious, and spending time with negative people will influence you negatively, drag you down, keep you from reaching your goals, and, ultimately, prevent you from improving.
We have all heard the saying, “We are the average of the five people we spend most of our time with”, or “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future”. Spending time with like-minded people with similar goals will lead to positive outcomes.
Life sometimes happens; unforeseen circumstances may keep us from following our plans or reaching milestones. We should always stay resilient and bounce back from setbacks. Everyone has their own coping strategies, which we must use to cope in difficult times. Remember that being part of Round Table also means that there is always a Tabler to assist, listen or support.
Remember to chase the dream and not the competition. People sometimes get sidetracked from their goals when considering what others have achieved. Self-improvement is the improvement of yourself, and each one should learn to run their own race.
We must remember to celebrate the small victories and ensure that you can include the family and that your goal and steps to achieve that goal benefit your family. If your family and friends are not on board, it will add undue pressure and make the task more difficult. Communication is one of the best attributes that anyone can have, and we need to continuously work on communication skills with our family, friends and colleagues.
To achieve our goals and to improve ourselves, we need to keep our eyes on the prize and not get sidetracked by irrelevant issues that waste time. Stay positive, stick to the plan, trust the process and believe in yourself; the results will come.
sign off with a quote from Oprah Winfrey:
The Power of Collaboration
By Mr ADAM FITT , Round Table Great Britain & Ireland
I have always firmly believed in the saying
So, let's start with the basics. Why is collaboration so important?
By pooling our extensive resources, knowledge and networks, we can achieve more than we normally would. I also firmly believe it is an excellent way to encourage ourselves and others to innovate, be creative, and aid our personal and professional development.
So, where can we apply this within Round Table? There are answers right in front of us: Our clubs/associations and the Round Table Family. 5 clubs of various ages, experiences, cultures and knowledge.
Growing up in a Round Table and Ladies Circle household, side-by-side projects and events always impacted my Round Table journey. My parents frequently attended national AGMs and international twinning trips as part of their joint club programmes. I always wanted to hear all the stories and see the photos. Fast forward to my club chair year for Maidenhead 202 in 2014-15. Along with Maidenhead Ladies, we embarked on several joint projects and events, including a charter event to celebrate 65 years of Round Table and 60 years of Ladies Circle in our town.
This further helped my journey when setting up London West End Round Table in 2019. The support of the existing City of London Round Table, as well as London Old Tablers and CoL Ladies Circle, firstly gave us support to start a group but also helped with initial attendances at meetings and finally with huge support for our inaugural charter evening, including LOTS gifting us our chairman's chain.
Internationally, we have seen incredible results because of our willingness to collaborate for the greater good. Round Table Germany is particularly masters at this with the Weihnachtspäckchenkonvoi and their ability to quickly mobilise and send millions of euros of aid to Ukraine in such a short time. This kind of operation simply cannot happen without the collaboration of numerous volunteers with various skill sets. There are countless other examples of this happening in previous years, and there is no doubt there will be others in the future.
Closer to home, members of the national board of my own association in RTBI have worked together using skills in their respective roles to deliver several membership development workshops. The first year of this was such a success with member growth that the current board decided to upgrade our membership level forecast in our 3-Year Plan. As the incoming CEE Region Chairman, I plan to try and implement key elements of this workshop alongside the new Expansion document written by Round Table Netherlands to see if we, as a region, can unlock further growth. I am really excited to see what we can achieve in the future.
We collaborate every day to make the world a better place, as in Round Table. You might be doing it right now and not realising it, but every action we take as members of our clubs is part of the bigger machine in our family of clubs that keep doing extraordinary things.
Going back to my opening line, 'Two heads are better than one'. Imagine what we can do with 30,000 heads.
By Mr PULKIT JINDHAL Round Table India
Public speaking strikes fear into the hearts of the most seasoned orators among us. The thought of countless people watching and listening to you does not put one at ease. But hey, this is one skill anyone can easily develop with practice and perseverance. Let's figure out ways to captivate your audience with your words.
Clear and logical content is any speech's most important starting point. Your content has to be structured to ensure that it is relevant to the audience and cohesive with the topic you are speaking about. Depending on your listeners, their age, demographics, etc, ensure that your content is humorous or serious. Always have a riveting introduction followed by an engaging body, and end with a bang that leaves an impact on your listener's mind.
Solid content is the foundation of any great speech. Structure your talk with a clear introduction, engaging body, and impactful conclusion. Use strong arguments, logical flow, and avoid overloading your audience with information.
Weave anecdotes, personal experiences, or historical references into your speech to highlight your points. Stories make your speech more lively and forge an emotional connection with the audience.
Before drafting your speech, make sure you study your prospective audience. Knowing the kind of audience you will speak to is always good. If your topic is technical, try to understand the level of knowledge in the room before using highly technical jargon or concepts. Understand the background of the people so that your language and anecdotes can be personalised and, therefore, resonate with your listeners.
Let your personality shine through your diction. Use your natural delivery style and avoid adding any accents to please the crowd. Audiences appreciate genuine enthusiasm and passion for your topic, which should reflect your speech.
Speak clearly and concisely. Avoid unnecessary jargon and technical terms unless absolutely necessary. Vary your pace and volume to keep the audience engaged. Make sure you test all the audio equipment and any other tools at your disposal before the speech.
Strategic pauses can be incredibly effective as a part of a speech. They emphasise important points and allow your audience to absorb the information. Don't be afraid of silence – use it to your advantage. Strategic
pauses will also enable you to catch your breath and structure your thoughts for the balance of the speech.
Make sure you are appropriately dressed for the occasion. Proper grooming is also essential to make an excellent first impression on the crowd.
Make eye contact with your audience to create a connection. Stand tall with an open posture to project confidence. Use natural hand gestures to make your speech stronger. Decide if you want to use the space on the stage to your advantage or make a speech from a fixed position. Use the lectern and podium well and ensure they suit your height and body structure.
Maintain eye contact, smile, and interact with your listeners. Encourage questions, use relatable examples, and involve the audience in your talk. Active engagement keeps them interested and attentive.
There is no better critic than yourself. Rehearse your speech out loud, ideally in front of a mirror or a camera. Practice will boost your confidence, improve your timing, and help you identify areas where you are faltering. Familiarity with your content boosts confidence and reduces anxiety.
A few pre-speech jitters are normal. Channel that nervous energy into excitement and passion for your topic. Practice deep breathing to calm your nerves, and remember, everyone makes mistakes. Embrace them, and move on. At the end of the day, no one will remember a few flaws, but everyone will remember your overall speech.
By following these tips and practising regularly, you'll be well on your way to becoming a seasoned public speaker. Remember that public speaking is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process, embrace the learning experience, and most importantly, have fun with it!
Public speaking is a skill that improves with practice. Embrace opportunities to speak, learn from each experience, and continue refining your abilities. You have the power to captivate your audience and make a lasting impact!
Embracing Determination: Leading with Confidence and Vision
By AIRI ARRAK, President 2023-2024, Ladies' Circle International
If you do - don't hesitate, if you hesitatedon't!" is a phrase I often find myself saying to myself and others. It reminds us that we must move forward confidently and assertively, without hesitation, once we've decided to do something. In leadership, determination is crucial. When leading a team, showing confidence and determination is essential. This mantra is something I use to encourage both myself and my team to act decisively and confidently. In personal life, we often face choices and decisions that may seem daunting, whether they relate to personal relationships, career, or daily life – decisiveness and courage are vital to moving forward and achieving success.
In the 65-year history of LCI, I am the first member in Estonia to be elected as LCI President. I did not hesitate to run for LCI President; this was my second time, and I never doubted myself. I believed - I believed in myself, even when some did not, but many were with me. Believing in oneself is vital because self-confidence and belief provide strength and assurance to overcome all obstacles and achieve our goals. And I am grateful every day for the opportunity given to me by LCI members worldwide.
In LCI, all women are valued, ambitious, helpful, and caring. It's a joy and pride to see self-belief in action, undertaking major national and international projects, and collaborating with the RT Family. Our most valuable asset is time. The time we dedicate to the organization reflects our desire to contribute to societal well-being. Every minute we devote helps our organizations grow and thrive; through individual contributions, we help society progress. We must believe in what we do and believe in others and their actions. Through this shared faith and dedication, we create a stronger community for us all.
Dear Round Table International, on behalf of Ladies' Circle, we wish you an enthusiastic and joyful end to the season. May the coming years be filled with continued growth, nurturing of a new generation of young men, and grateful support for former members of your organization. Recognize those who act without hesitation and support those who hesitate and are yet to take the leap. Together, we are and will be stronger, enabling us to grow and develop ourselves amidst the wonderful Unity in Diversity!
It´s all about friendship
DEAR TABLERS, it´s my pleasure to write to you as the newly elected President of Tangent Club International, TCI. This year, I have the following keywords: Extension, together, fun and joy.
When Sisters from Ladies’ Circle reach the age limit, usually 45 years, they can continue their circling life in TC if they find a club in their country. TCI is the youngest and smallest association of the Round Table family, but we are growing rapidly. New countries and clubs are joining, and the number of members is increasing, but LC countries are still without TC. One of the goals is for the friendship and sisterhood that began in LC to continue in TC if they want to.
My motto is hearts of Gold – this idiom refers to kindness and generosity, which I think describes TC Sisters very well. My logo and pin have only one heart, so they must be together to become plural - hearts. I highly value sideby-side work and look forward to working with all associations of the RT family. During this year, I want to emphasize togetherness, so our activities and projects at the club, area, national, and international levels should be done together. Together, we are not only stronger and better, but we have also so much more fun.
We are doing a lot of charity work to make this world a better place for those in need, and we certainly will continue with that. But we also need to receive something for ourselves, to give strength and joy into our lives. We can do serious things and still have fun. Starting with FunMonday – every Monday, there is a joke, story, or something fun on Facebook that makes the week start with a smile.
Let Friendship Continue
Anne Kokko President of Tangent
Club International
Strengthening Bonds: A Year of Achievements and Aspirations
By GABRIELLA LERCH , President 23-24 , Agora Club International
Again, it is a great pleasure to share my thoughts about some of the most critical topics that have accompanied me during the past few months. With my board, I am in charge of Agora Club International to make our world a little bit better since October last year - A long, exciting time with lots of success stories, brilliant examples of fantastic meetings and tons of fun and fellowship. But at the same time, we had to overcome various setbacks. All these would not have been possible if you had not worked with a strong team in your own organisation, but even more importantly, if you had strong partnerships that would support, guide, and help you make things happen.
We must force our five clubs’ network to help each other and create a robust environment within our associations. The Round Table Family is a unique network of friends you do not find elsewhere if you visit other service organisations. We must move closer together to solve our challenges in single countries or local organisations.
Mutual support and showing interest in each other is key to be successful. Joint projects “side-by-side” are lots of fun and a multiplier for making us present in the media, bringing the Round Table Family to the top line of the landscape of international service clubs. This is the best advertising we could reach for: “Do good things, show how it works and spread the good news”. This is not just a phrase; it is how it works, and the proven records tell its own story.
Growth and expansion will only work if we show presence and use our personal networks to gain new members for Ladies Circle and Round Table, and of course, move some former Ladies and Tablers from their comfort zone, making them rejoin our associations.
The 5 Presidents of the Round Table family have lived these common ideas by visiting all world meetings during the past year. We know that our successors will act similarly and have already started joint meetings as vice presidents.
Visiting mutual events is lots of fun and helps move our 5 Clubs closer together. All events are open for members of all five clubs, so let’s promote it to make it even more successful. I am inviting all of you to participate in our Agora Club International World Meeting in Hanover from October 4 – 6. Just register; we have enough tickets left.
It is still a personal obligation for me, and I take pride and honour in being present at all our events.