ABSTRACT As a person grows older, the chances of having various ailments increases. As illnesses increase, physical and psychological changes happen too. New introductions such as medicines, treatments and lifestyle changes are also a part of growing old. Dependency on medications and constrains due to illness can make everyday life de motivating and discouraging. The patient might adhere to medicines over a short period of time, but what happens when it is for a life time. How can design interventions help patients adhere to long term medication schedules? This project tries to understand the need for design and technology intervention to help patients adhere to their medication schedule. The project aims towards making long term bulk medication easier to comply with. The project explores opportunities ranging from connectivity between people to organization skills of a patient. How can activities like taking medicines and visiting doctors, be a beacon for ‘‘getting better’’ rather than, ‘‘ a downward spiral in illness’’. Seamlessly integrating and accepting these medicines into their lives is the path undertaken in this project. Communication media for this project include visual communication, sensors and mobile interface. Project Blog: http://diplomaprojecthealthcare.wordpress.com/.