Name: Rudy Irawan
ID No.: 0328658
Lecturer: Mr. Nicholas Ng
Tutorial Time: 10-11am
Reader/Text Title: Towards A New Architecture
Synopsis No: 1B
‘Architecture or Revolution’ (1985)
Author: Le Corbusier
In Architecture or Revolution topic by Le Corbusier, he expressed the idea of the social rule of architecture where he perceived the architecture as an important aspect in showing the ills of current contemporary society. Nowadays, the society has already aware of the changes that take place whether consciously or unconsciously, and now in new need. Aware of the following adverse impact, Le Corbusier then presented his views on economic, industry, technical approach, and so forth to tackle the social unrest problem. Thus, trigger the question of the root of the social unrest, architecture or revolution? In my observation, I agree with Le Corbusier point in avoiding revolution by using architecture, where the moment design standard and code approached by new built environment, a new way of thinking also evolving, thus reform. As Le Corbusier concern about challenge in changing the world of architecture, he recognized several challenge in by doing so such as industry, economy, society, and so forth, one might notice the probability in adapting a new evolving idea of thinking and introduces a new era of design. The author also mentioned, in the past one organizes his daily life with Natural system, where one rose with the sun and went to bed at dusk, thus balance condition in society, but at present one precision skill in mass production is essential, thus faded of worker spirit and turn into collective spirit. Missing link between one with their daily lives as they have been molded in modern society environment which demoralized in servitude and formed certain desire. Hence, he stated “society is helping forward the destruction of family”. To develop, revolution is needed but there is always price to pay, infrastructure and economic might rise yet the society might be affected, thus reforming while consider the people is needed, thus balance is the key. In conclusion, the main problem is to adapt where one must struggle to survive in this everchanging society. As for design, although the design is for the better future, one must first glance back on the significant discoveries in the past that one should value in current contemporary design.
Word Count: 354
Assessed by:
Grade 10/24/2018
Page No. 1
Name: Rudy Irawan
ID No.: 0328658
Lecturer: Mr. Nicholas Ng
Tutorial Time: 10-11am
Reader/Text Title: Complexity and Contradiction
Synopsis No: 2B
in Architecture
Author: Robert Venturi
In the Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture by Robert Venturi, the author focused on embracing the complexity and contradiction in architecture where he believes a complex structure with stunning visual can stand side by side in between the orderly and overly planned modernist structure. Tackling Mies Van Der Rohe statement which is “Less is More” to “Less is Bore”, he showed his disagreement of excluding the complexity for the purpose of expression toward the simplification in architecture. Forced simplicity will only lead to oversimplified form, thus blandness rather than simplicity. I agree with the author’s perspective, although simplified architecture might be more controllable and memorable through the nakedness in appearance, but it also degrades the architecture value because it neglects the need in visual aspect which is obtained through the variety. Besides, simplicity is like rules full of order and restriction, it can demonstrate simple concept with an outstanding result, yet it restricts the design exploration of the architect. As mentioned in “Contradictory Levels”, Venturi stated that by challenging the user perception, users can enhance their experience with the architecture because the work become more vivid. He advocated to Utilize the “Bothand” scenario as complex architecture where it promotes the idea of hierarchy in between and varying levels of meanings, such as indoor and outdoor, or structural and spatial, and so forth. In my understanding, the application of double meaning from “Both-and” scenario may lead to a complex and contradict perception of the user about the architecture because the relation of one meaning to another meaning is not constant, where at one occasion one meaning can be more dominant, but at another moment the different meaning is predominant. The complexity and contradiction allow user to experience and percept various meaning of the architecture from different time and point of view. Looking through this book, I understand the importance of providing in depth meaning of architecture through a more sophisticated and diverse architecture for the user, rather than only focusing in function and visually stunning aspect. To create a space where people will experience various meaning of the space based on their own perception and feeling is what I believe as a good architecture. Word Count: 363
Assessed by:
Grade 10/24/2018
Page No. 2
Name: Rudy Irawan
ID No.: 0328658
Lecturer: Mr. Nicholas Ng
Tutorial Time: 10-11am
Reader/Text Title: The Geometry of Feeling: A Look
Synopsis No: 3B
at The Phenomenology of Architecture
Author: Juhani Pallasmaa
Based on The Geometry of Feeling: A Look at The Phenomenology of Architecture book, Juhani Pallasmaa discussed about the importance of user experience within the building is being overlooked by the form of the building itself. Pallasmaa stated that “one shouldn’t focus on form as primary concern, rather one must consider whether form or geometry in general can give rise to architecture feeling”. Personally, I agree with Pallasmaa statement which is more focusing in intangible point such as user experience and essence of the building, form is indeed an important aspect in a building, but without balance of the inside experience and feeling, a building is like a body without a soul, as it is only focusing on the outside as priority, while the inside experience and feeling is being forgotten and neglected. Thus, one must concern about the user experience and feeling while shaping the form. As mentioned in sub topic “The Architecture of Memory”, the author did mention. about his childhood memories, where he can’t remember any of the windows or doors from his past, but what he can remember is the feeling and the experience when he looked through the windows and walked pass by the door. Therefore, based on my understanding, the author emphasizes that form is not the main key essence in remembering a building, rather how user feel and experience the space can trigger emotional impact to the user which forms a memory. Based on my studies in architecture, I realized the importance of creating poetic space and not only prioritizing the form while designing a building. Further analysis in sub topic “The Eidos of Architecture”, Pallasmaa also mentioned “As architects we do not primarily design buildings as physical objects, but the images and feeling of the people who live in them”. I agree with this statement, where form itself only serves as function and fulfill the physical needs of the user and will become a hollow without poetic experience and feeling in within, hence a beautiful structure which without any meaning or character. In conclusion, form alone can’t be determined as a good architecture, rather the user experience and feeling are crucial aspect in creating a successful building. Visually attractive is indeed important, but the user experience throughout the entire building that comes after must not be forgotten, because it is what portrays the essence of the building. Word Count: 395
Assessed by:
Grade 10/24/2018
Page No. 3