Rumoer 80 Circularity

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80. Circularity A(BouT) Building Technologyfeaturing Paul de Ruiter architects, Mei architects and planners, Olga Ioannou , Tania Cortés Vargas, Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP, Abhishek Holla, Daiwa House Modular Europe, GXN architects, de Architekten Cie. B.V

The image represents the domains or disciplines thWat have been identified as being very relevant to transitioning to a circular built environment. In this case the model implies that understanding how circularity works per scale can only be mediated by looking into how each scale encounters each aspect. This also tries to capture the systems thinking approach, bringing together the disciplines of design and technology but also those of economy and management. The model also recognizes resource flows and stakeholders’ interactions as key to the circular transition.

Source : Olga Ioannou (2022).

The ‘Scales to Aspects’ model:

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Image credits: CBE Hub (2022), illustrated by Kim Sinnige

The Rumoer Committee is open to all students. Are you a creative student that wants to learn first about the latest achievements of TU Delft and Building Technology indus try? Come join us at our weekly meeting or email us @

Cover page description

Cover Page: 3D Printed House TECLA by WAsp RUMOER is the official periodical of Praktijkvereniging BouT, student and practice association for Building Technology (AE+T), at the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft (Delft University of Technology). This magazine is spread among members and relations. Circulation: The RUMOER appears 3 times a year, with more than 150 printed copies and digital copies made available to members through online distribution.

Praktijkvereniging BouT Room Faculty02.West.090ofArchitecture, TU Delft Julianalaan 134 2628 BL Delft The Netherlands tel: +31 (0)15 278 1292 fax: +31 (0)15 278 instagram:rumoer@praktijkverenigingbout.nlwww.praktijkverenigingbout.nl4178@bout_tud Printing 1567-7699ISSNwww.druktanheck.nlnumber Editorial Committee Alina PranayMenandrosAneeshaWagnerMadabhushiIonnidisKhanchandani

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The editors do not take any responsibility for the photos and texts that are displayed in the magazine. Images may not be used in other media without permission of the original owner. The editors reserve the right to shorten or refuse publication without prior notification. 4th Quarter 2022 27th year of publication



Circularity from theory into practice - GXN CasperarchitectsØstergaard Christensen (interview) BouT Board Signing In -Lotte Kat, BouT Digital solutions for a circular economy Ar.Ir. Abhishek Holla TU (graduate)Delft

Pavillion Circl Hans Hammink, de Architekten Cie. B.V (project) HAVEP future-proof -Paul de Ruiter Architects (project)

Kamikatsu zero waste center - Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP, (project)

Deciphering circularity at component scale using the ‘Scales to Aspects’ model -Olga Ioannou TU (academic)Delft


25kV Recharged -Mei architects and planners, (project)

Closing the Loop - Tania Cortés Vargas, TU (graduate)Delft


Help build a sustainable, liveable future at Daiwa House Modular Europe -Daan ProjectKostermanLeadCircularity DHME

Lastly, with this issue, I would like to welcome the new BouT board and their visions and plans for the upcoming year. For this, we are looking for new committee members and are excited to welcome new students to be a part of our team.

Rumoer committee 2021-2022

Dear Reader, To start with, I am beyond excited to share my first issue of Rumoer as the editor in chief from the 28th board. I would like to thank the previous editor in chief Eren Gozde Anil who constantly pushed the team to continue increasing the quality of the publication along with the previous committee for trusting me with the new role. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to the previous Rumoer Committee members for guiding us for the upcoming Ipublication.wouldlike to welcome the new members of Rumoer committee for the upcoming year and thank the outstanding commitee of Rumoer for their hard work to make this issue come strong during the last couple of months. I would like to keep up the growth of the Rumoer and reach out to more people who are interested in Building Technology. With the 80th issue, our focus is to explore a theme extremely relevant in todays scenario. Building materials and systems have varying amounts of embodied carbon. Limited resources, material scarcity and growing CO2 emissions make the transition into a circular building technology and design in Architecture imperative. New projects and products designed with design for disassembly and modularity are emerging in the construction industry changing the way the architects and engineers design and see the building. Refuse, reuse, repurpose and remanufacturing are slowly becoming the new standards when designing. With the 80th issue of Rumoer : Circularity, we aim to highlight the possibilities that lie within the realm of design and construction to be conscious and resourceful along with highlighting technological advancements and circular frameworks as a tool to achieve sustainable path for the future.

The Rumoer committee hopes you enjoy this edition!

Alina Aneesha Menandros Pranay


Pranay Khanchandani Chair of Rumoer | 2022-2023


Fig. 1: Current


25kV Recharged Mei architects and planners In recent years Schiecentrale, the former electricity generating plant on Lloydpier in Rotterdam, has undergone a transformation into the centre of the creative industry of the city. In and around the original building of the former electricity power plant a lively creative industry, ranging from studios to workspaces for almost all related activity, has blossomed. The generating station dates from the early years of the last century. The Schiehaven station was a large brick structure that contained a battery house, canteen, porter's lodge, transformer house, turbine hall and boilerhouse. The complex fell into disuse in 1990. Mei architects and planners played an important role in the transformation of the Schiecentrale and its surroundings into the audio-visual centre that it now is. situation 25 kV © Ossip van Duivenbode

8 80 Circularity|

Fig. 2 : Old to new facade concept. © Mei architects and planners Fig. 3 : Cross Section Concept. © Mei architects and planners remove from : - empty installations - toilet unitmovepantryto the back of the office spaces existing situation new situation Circular reuse of glass panels for planters. Retain existing footprint of pantry and toilet unit. Height enough to be used as balustrade Sustainable green lung. Possibilities for applying plants when the toilet units and pantries are moved.

In 2000, Mei architects and planners turned the originally introverted and blank transformer house, which is part of Schiecentrale, into a transparent structure that houses various businesses: the 25kV building. The transparency of the new structure was achieved by removing the originally blank façade over the full length of the building. In its place is a steel frame faced entirely with glazed panels.

Housed in the new volume are all supporting facilities for the adjacent 46 office spaces such as toilets and pantries as well as stairwells, the lift and a corridor that provides access to the offices. Because all daylight enters the building through this zone, even the toilets and pantries are made of glass, albeit translucent glass for privacy reasons. The stairs are dimensioned as lightly as possible to that as much daylight as possible can enter the building. Glass panels

Fig. 4 : Glass Inventory © Mei architects and planners

205 glass panels 6 types without openings 8 types with openings 314m2 glass surface


The voids in these service zones also function as air channels. Slats at the bottom and top open in the summer to ventilate the offices. What’s more, the buffer zone has a positive effect on the energy performance and building physics of the structure, an achievement that was rewarded with the Rotterdam Sustainable Building Prize in 2001. The corridor between the offices and the service spaces, such as the pantries and toilets, is a shared zone that

Space for encounter

functions as a space for encounter. The occupants of the different offices can forge new plans here that can lead to new collaborations. The former sombre block is now a successful address for modern firms involved in one way or another with the audio-visual sector. The transparent glass façade gives the office building a contemporary appearance, while the typically industrial character of the building has been preserved.

Now, 20 years later, the glass meeting spaces are being transformed again. Commissioned by Dudok Real Estate, Mei will once again create a contemporary 25 kV building, suitable for the new generation of users. The glass space will be transformed into a 'green lung'; a communal garden where everyone can meet and stay. The green lung, which will be developed by MOSS, will provide space for activities spread throughout the day. From lively collaborations with colleagues to a quiet cup of coffee in the greenery. Passers-by on the street will see a facade full of life - a symbiosis of green and social activity.

Fig. 6: Impressions of kV Recharged © Mei architects and planners

Pantries and toilets are currently located between the existing meeting spaces in the glass façade. These will be moved to the rear of the office units. The newly gained space will have an active programming in the green lung, which contributes to a pleasant and healthy working environment that the new generation of users will gladly identify with. Not only the glass façade will get an abundance of greenery, but the roof is also an important part of the sustainable "The glass space will be transformed into a 'green lung'; a communal garden where everyone can meet and stay. The green lung, which will be developed by MOSS, will provide space for activities spread throughout the day."

10 80 Circularity|

Since its completion, the transparent façade has functioned as a vertical plaza providing access to daylit meeting areas. It invites employees to step out of their offices into the collective space of the creative community.

A healthy working environment

Fig. 5: Interior pantries (Current Scenario) © Jeroen Musch

From glass space to green lung

Sustainability and well-being are the common threads running through the new transformation of 25 kV. An important part of the transformation is to build on the qualities of the building already present, and to reuse existing materials. For example, in the design, the planters in the green lung are made from old pantry parts, whereby the pipes for toilets and wash basins already present are reused to provide plants with water.

Within the existing structure, flexible office units of about 50 - 300 m2 are realized. Floors are connected by means of voids, creating space and allowing even more light to enter the building. The plinth and entrance are optimized, and the visibility of the users is enhanced. The active programming enhances the social interaction of the community and the connection with nature.

Constructor: Pieters Bouwtechniek Delft Fire & building physics: Peutz Installation advisor: J. van Toorenburg Light advisor: Lichtstudio Ralph Blankenaauw Mei was founded by Robert Winkel, who leads the firm together with Michiel van Loon and Robert Platje. Established in Rotterdam, we work with an ambitious, international team on assignments in the Netherlands, France, Germany and Norway, among other countries. The office structure is based on the expertise domains of Building Transformation, New Build projects and Urban Planning, within which research is fostered and knowledge is secured. To further increase brain power and decisiveness, Mei seeks collaboration with various parties in the field, from experts in the area of urban nature to the building materials industry. Mei architects and planners realises leading projects in the Netherlands and abroad. Our work is founded on respect for the environment: for the history of the location, the current context and future living environment. Based on our expertise in the field of adaptive re-use of architectural heritage, new build projects and urban development strategies, we work on designs that put the user first. Our distinct designs tell their own story, which increases the involvement with the building and the connection between its users. With creativity, expertise and courage, we introduce innovative technical applications and user concepts that contribute to social and ecological sustainability. Mei

Project11 design. The roof will be made climate-adaptive, so that it can withstand longer periods of extreme drought or rainfall. Moreover, there will be solar panels and a large roof terrace, to which the building's users will have access.


Facts Client: Dudok Real Estate Team Mei: Robert Winkel, Robert Platje, Michiel van Loon, Chris Idema, Remko Eppink, Ceylan Yazici, Anton de Koning, Armando Reyna, Kasia Ephraim, Jelle Grunstra, Olaf van Dam Green design: Makers Of Sustainable Spaces

Figure 1: The ‘Scales to Aspects’ model.

Olga Ioannou, Assistant Professor AE+T, Chair of Building Product Innovation

Deciphering circularity at component scale using the ‘Scales to Aspects’ model

Modelling Circularity in the Built Environment

Circularity is a complex phenomenon | Inherent to circularity is systems thinking and with it the notion of interrelatedness between an extensive number of factors that need to be considered for transitioning to what we have now come to call, the circular built environment. However, no simple, one-to-one correlations between those factors exist. This in turn, makes circularity a complex, non-linear phenomenon.

The CBE hub | The Circular Built Environment (CEB) Hub of TU Delft’s faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, established as early as 2017, focuses on ways of managing this complexity and making the relation of circularity to the built environment, explicit. As individual researchers, CBE Hub members have since participated in numerous research projects that focused on circularity. At the same time, they have been closely working as a group for bringing the disparate pieces of their individual research endeavours in one coherent narrative.

Circularity | Circularity made its debut more than fifty years ago; however, it has become increasingly more relevant in the past decade because of the climate emergencies and the growing concern for the depletion of planetary resources. In that regard, circularity’s aspiration of decoupling growth from materials’ use presents with an opportunity of reorganizing the principles that drive the processes of production of the built space.

Towell:illustrate these synergies the group developed the ‘Scales to Aspects’ model (Figure 1): a conceptualization of the entanglement of circularity to the built environment across six scales and an equal number of aspects.

The ‘Scales to Aspects’ model: scales | The original ‘Scales to Aspects’ model (2019) was conceptualized with four scales (materials, components, buildings, cities). However, based on more recent research at the neighbourhood and regional scales, it has now been extended to six. The six scales primarily represent different spatial organizations. In addition, they are also interlocked, meaning that any change in any of the scales to some degree will affect all others.

The ‘Scales to Aspects’ model: aspects | The aspects, on the other hand, represent the domains or disciplines that have been identified as being very relevant to transitioning to a circular built environment. In this case the model implies that understanding how circularity works per scale can only be mediated by looking into how each scale encounters each aspect. This also tries to capture the systems thinking approach, bringing together the disciplines of design and technology but also those of economy and management. The model also recognizes resource flows and stakeholders’ interactions as key to the circular transition.

14 80 Circularity| representation of circularity in the built environment that prioritizes what CBE Hub members consider to be relevant.

Modelling | Modelling is a necessary condition for meaning making for complex phenomena (Woermann, 2010); however, two important points need to be considered: first is that complex systems have extensive elements or objects and therefore any fixed description is incomplete (Batty & Torrens, 2001). Second is that models do not merely describe principles and rules of complex systems, but are normative (Preiser & Cilliers, 2010). In which case, their framing relies on choices and judgments making each model a unique representation of a specific set of hierarchies. That said, the ‘Scales to Aspects’ model should be understood more as an abstract, non-exhaustive

"A transition towards a CBE involves changing cultural, environmental, economic and social values to promote and embed circular thinking and processes in architectural and city-making practice and everyday urban life. Thus, it is achieved through interrelating aspects of architectural and urban design, urban governance, technology, urban economy, resource management, and stakeholder engagement."

The Hub members argue that a CBE encompasses different scales, from materials to cities or even regions. This definition builds on the socio-technical aspects of CE where technology plays a key role; however, it further acknowledges that a CBE requires a transition of values as

Operationalizing circularity using the R ladder | The thought that the value of materials outweighs that of any given building is a challenging notion. So, how can it be operationalized? The 2017 PBL report first consolidated a CBE Definition | Together, they developed a definition for the circular built environment that reads: "A circular built environment is a designed system aiming to close resource loops at different spatial-temporal scales to enable the society to thrive within the planetary boundaries. "

Applying the framework for the Component scale Components at the forefront of circular innovation | The application of the shearing layers theorem as well as the introduction of novel concepts like ‘Buildings as Material Banks’ have brought components to the forefront of innovation towards a circular built environment. Considering buildings as temporary configurations of materials and products leads to the need of producing components in ways that allow them to outlive the building.

Components to Management | Ensuring R strategies implementation requires careful management planning as well: both for the components’ lifecycle and (reverse) supply chain management, but also for setting in motion (inter)organizational company operations e.g. knowledge and expertise, fabrication facilities, outsourcing, sales and marketing.

Components to Technology | In terms of hardware, advancements in production technology can greatly benefit fabrication processes: think of prefabrication for on-site assembly that greatly reduces material production and construction waste and allows for the reuse of components. At component level, digital technology as in software is also relevant. In this case, technologies refer to monitoring components to ensure immediate repair if necessary (through sensors and QR codes) as well as keeping track of components consistency and properties to ensure reuse (through material passports).


Components to Stakeholders | Components’ immediate stakeholders are mostly related to industry and design practice such as product suppliers, builders, architects, engineers and facility managers, but also standardization and norming bodies (also include a line on how the stakeholders are interacting). However, by zooming out to the other scales and aspects an extended set of indirect and even external stakeholders emerges that includes dismantlers, secondary materials’ retailers, inspectors but also insurance companies and investors.

Components to Economy | The circular value chain asks for new business models that promote circular use of components. Complex economic and relational structures emerge, as local supply chains are preferred over todays global supply chains.

Components to Design | Design needs to guarantee easy access and repairability to components to prolong their service life. Design approaches like modular design or design for standardization, adaptability, longevity and disassembly and/or regenerative design are being introduced to facilitate demountability, repair or remanufacturing and eventually reuse.

list of ten strategies, by now known as the ten R’s (Potting et al., 2017). There is an implicit hierarchy between ten Rs as these originate from three completely different circular approaches: some relate to the end-of-life of materials and products, some focus on prolonging the materials’ and products’ life-span, and some aspire to fostering smart manufacturing. The higher up the ladder of the R strategies, the more powerful and greater the impact (Morseletto, R2020).strategies like Reuse, Repair, Refurbish and Remanufacture -if adequately planned- can keep components in the loop for longer periods of time with as little processing as possible. However, application of any of the R’s is not only related to design or technology; instead, it requires a more integral approach.

Components' scale to aspects | So, let’s examine how the ‘Scales to Aspects’ modelling can help decipher the component scale: to begin with, the model directly relates components to materials and buildings and indirectly to the rest of the scales. This means that in a circular built environment, components are not only related to only one building; they can have a second or a third life and they can circulate in the built environment for longer. Thus, they are subject to planning also in bigger scales like the city scale or even the regional scale. Here is an overview of how the aspects facilitate the application of the R strategies:

Components to Resource Flows | Complex resource and value chains must be programmed into components, considering a potential building use (before the building design has actually started). Flows need to be tracked (i.e., through material passports) and organized to a certain level of granularity.

Figure 2: The figure illustrated a more analytical overview of how components relate to the aspects

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Academic17Olga Ioannou, Assistant Professor Olga Ioannou is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architectural Engineering and Technology of TU Delft. She works for the chair of Building Product Innovation. She is in the steering committee of the Circular Built Environment Hub at TU Delft and a member of the Architectural Facades & Products group. Her expertise lies in architectural education, network learning and knowledge creation within the extended communities of knowledge. She is now actively involved in developing programs for integrating circularity in BK, across all the faculty’s departments and levels of education. Olga is interested in the systemic character of circularity and how it challenges the established processes for the production of the built environment, stakeholder relations and societal values.

References - Batty, M. & Torrens, P.M. (2001). Modelling Complexity: The limits to prediction. In Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, Dossiers, document 201. https://doi. -org/10.4000/cybergeo.1035,Morseletto,P.(2020).Targets for a circular economy. In Resources, Conservation and Recycling 153.

- Potting, H., Hekkert, M., Worrell & Hanemaaijer, A. (January 2017). Circular Economy: Measuring Innovation in the Product Chain. The Hague: PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Retrieved from: 2022.(PPI)-Dordrecht:reflections.-pbl-2016-circular-economy-measuring-innovation-in-product-chains-2544.pdf,R.&Cilliers,P.(2010).Unpackingtheethicsofcomplexity:concludingInCilliers,P.&Presciser,R.(Eds.)Complexity,DifferenceandIdentity.Springer,265–287.Woermann,M.(2011).WhatisComplexityTheory?ProjectPerformanceInternational’sSystemsEngineeringNewsletter(SyEN),March22,2011.AccessedMarch12,

Important considerations | As is mentioned in the beginning of the article transitioning to a circular built environment requires a systemic change. Therefore, the breaking down of scales' encounters to aspects should not be misinterpreted as an attempt to look into the distinct pairings; instead, this exercise aims to explore possible patterns of entanglement and the intricate connections of the many domains and stakeholders involved. The plurality of aspects and their respective knowledge domains indicates that diverse expertise is required. The transition to a circular built environment cannot be explained only in design or building terms. Architects and engineers are just one of the many stakeholders involved. Their roles keep changing; not only do they have to be able for to make the right material choices in each context, but now they also need to be able to redesign with existing materials. Furthermore, the building industry requires new knowledge to create circular building products, to source materials and to understand how these are geared into the architectural decision-making process. Knowing how products are designed, made and supported is essential for making the transition to the circular paradigm.

Fig. 1: Zero waste center overview, © Koji Fujii / TOREAL

Kamikatsu is about an hour’s drive from Tokushima City, nestled in a mountainous region upstream of Katsuura River. Stunning views and rich nature are preserved, such as the Kashihara Rice Terraces (designated as an Important Cultural Landscape and as One of the Top 100 Terraced Paddy Fields in Japan) and Mount Yamainudake with its divine boulders and dense moss. Fifty-five large and small settlements are scattered between altitudes of 100 to 800 meters. The total population is approximately 1,500 (800 households), the smallest on the island of Shikoku, of which over 50% are elderly as depopulation progresses.


zeroKamikatsuwaste center by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

20 80 Circularity| Fig. 2: Kamikatsu Zero center plan. © WHiroshi Nakamura & NAP

However, the key industry of forestry has declined with the emergence of low-cost lumber imports. On the other hand, seasonal leaves and flowers have been tapped as a new local resource to be shipped out as garnishes for cuisine, putting the town on the map for its business of selling leaves. The elderly and women could pick these with their hands, thus creating jobs. This created a virtuous circle of industry and welfare as town residents regained their vitality and medical costs for the advanced elderly fell greatly below the prefecture average. In 2003, Kamikatsu was the first in Japan to issue a “Zero Waste Declaration” and was selected in 2018 as one of the “SDGs Future Cities.

Zero Waste ” comprises activities to reduce wastefulness, extravagance, and trash as much as possible, with the target of generating zero waste. While most conventional waste-related policies address the handling of waste, Zero Waste starts at the source. There is need for change in manufacturing, logistics, and consumption systems, as well as in the overall public to foster a society that won’t generate wastes. We also need to spread this awareness to peers and expand that network throughout the world. In a step forward, Kamikatsu became the first municipality in Japan to issue the “Zero Waste Declaration” in 2003, aiming to become a society that creates zero Fig. 3: Reporposing plastic crates to create separator, © Koji Fujii / TOREAL


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Fig. 4: " Windows that formerly lit homes have been reunited", © Koji Fujii /


Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center embodies the principle of Zero Waste as an earth-friendly complex facility that adds the functions of education, research, and communication to a waste-sorting treatment plant, aiming to recreate community and develop the region. The site is a landfill of wastes and surplus soil from construction sites. We decided to construct the building on the mountain side where the ground is solid and place the car entrance/exit away from the winding roadway that had poor visibility. The reuse shop with a concierge function and office were placed in the center of the site with a view of the entrance/exit, flanked by the separation area mainly used by town residents and waste workers, and a community facility and parking space area that out-of-town visitors would also use. An experience-style hotel was placed as a separate building where the ground is most stable. The horseshoe-shaped plan seamlessly linked the recycle and reuse process of separate "store" recycle / sell, while the round Townspeople Sorting Plaza surrounded by large eaves is a drive-through space with full view of the stockyard, improving searchability for the 45 categories and minimizing movement distance. Forklifts and trucks would come and go in the afternoon to collect Fig. 5: Inside the hotel coridor/ atrium, © Koji Fujii / TOREAL

Project23 waste to protect its abundant nature and lifestyle. Dire circumstances were a background factor. The town needed to dispose a recently-purchased small incinerator because of dioxin issues, but didn’t have the financial resources to buy a new one. Town residents held many discussions and decided to have each household compost kitchen scraps and bring other wastes to the town’s waste station. Waste was initially separated into nine different categories, eventually increasing to 34 categories with the start of the Zero Waste Declaration and then 45 categories today. The recycling rate surpasses 80%. Amid the rich nature and beautiful scenery of Kamikatsu, the finely divided recyclable waste and neatly displayed items offered for giveaway in the reuse shop allude to a town that has new values and possibilities and has transcended the era of mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal.

24 80 Circularity| Fig. 6: Interior view of CWWWommunity hall, © Koji Fujii / TOREAL

Project25 recyclables, so the tourist and observing visitor traffic area was placed in the periphery of the building. This also served to separate pedestrians from cars and protect the privacy of town residents who came to dispose of wastes. Beyond the waste disposal path lies the reuse shop, community hall, and encounter hall that leads to the grass field with stunning views, with the intention of encouraging interaction between townspeople as well as with town Makingvisitors.

use of local resources; ensuring resources aren’t wasted and planning construction so waste materials are minimal. Forgoing materials from outside the area served as the first step to reducing wasteful packing and transport costs, as well as fuel. We also repeatedly visited not only the former waste station, but also deserted houses in the town, the former government building before being demolished, a junior high school that had been closed, etc., and were dumbfounded by the truths of adversity and depopulation. We thought hard about the design with the aim of bringing value to what was no longer being used. The buildings employed materials that we considered to be resources rather than wastes. Based on the Zero Waste principle, we made it a rule to use locally-grown cedar wood for the structure and interior, holding many meetings with the Kamikatsu municipality, forestry cooperative, lumber producers, and woodprocessing vendors from the initial stages of preliminary design. The municipality asked for a space where wind and light pass through and the smell of waste is not stagnant. It also requested that the eaves be high enough for large trucks to pull up. As architects, we also set the design condition that the structured system be flexible and sustainable so it can continue to be used with renovations if the facility purpose should change in the future. We decided to use 70- to 80-year cedars with diameter from standing timber to tip of 250 millimeters, which was the most common slumbering timber in the town’s forests, for the building structure. We planned for maximum length to be 8 meters, which could be dried using equipment in the town. However, if we started cutting wood in the mountain and drying it after choosing the contractor, we wouldn’t be able to keep the construction schedule. We thus negotiated with Kamikatsu and separately ordered a total of 350 cedar logs over one year in advance of construction start, in the form of having the town provide the materials. By having local vendors handle logging in the mountain, lumber manufacturing, drying, and processing, we contributed to the local economy and revitalized woodland resources. Sourcing square timber from raw wood creates a great amount of loss by creating waste, reducing structural resistance, and making material length shorter. On the other hand, logs can be used almost in their unprocessed form, making it easy to acquire long material and offering the dynamic benefit of maximum crosssectional performance. However, diameters and shapes vary and there is bending, which requires sophisticated carpentry skill for processing and assembling. We decided on architecture that took advantage of the logs, employing a simple jointing method with diagonal pillars and climbing beams of roughly sawed boxed timber being inserted to pillars and flat beams of half-split timber, and fastening the cut side of materials with bolts. Also, employing an open structure facilitates maintenance such as replacing corroded materials and reuse after dismantling. This was our own answer to compound waste that is difficult to separate and dismantle—a major issue of towns looking to recover resources. Further, when reusing roughly-sawed timber offcuts for outer walls and as interior materials, we accepted wooden boards of varying widths and delegated these to the walls to minimize the generation of wastes. Aiming to build a beloved facility where townspeople would feel pride in the town’s initiatives, we issued a call for certain types of wastes at resident briefings and on the local public relations magazine. In result, approximately 700 fixtures were collected in a town with a population of under 1,500. The collected fixtures were used in a patchwork double-glazing facade that would serve as a signature of the building. We also used: pottery shards from broken tableware as washout-exposed aggregate floors; bureaus and farming equipment as display fixtures

26 80 Circularity| Fig. 7: Interior view of Office/ Laboratory, © Koji Fujii / TOREAL

© Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP

"When we visit the site, elderly residents will amicably approach us to share, “That was a window at my house,” or “That was a desk at the junior high.” Gazing at the night view of windows in various shapes, it is as if the windows that formerly lit homes have been re united. We instilled a wish in this architecture to serve as a lantern of hope for the town that struggles with a declining population."

Project27Hiroshi Nakamura was born in 1974 in Tokyo, and spent his childhood in Kamakura and Kanazawa. He completed his master’s degree in architecture at Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University in 1999. After graduation, he started working at Kengo Kuma & Associates, and established Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP in 2002. Currently, he is also the representative of NAP Consultant, NAP International, and NAP Design Works, dealing with a wide range of fields from urban development to Hisfurniture.motto is to build an organic relationship between architecture, nature, and the body by "microscopic design" that leans on natural phenomena, people's behaviors, and feelings. Born in 1982 in Kanagawa Prefecture. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Architecture, and joined Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP in 2013. He is in charge of projects of various scales, structures, and uses. MasakiDirectorHirakawa,atNAPHiroshi Nakamura, Principal Architect at NAP and signage; and farming harvest containers as book shelves, strategically placed to prevent buckling of the glaze mullions from wind pressure. We used letterpress to print “WHY?” on consumption-inciting newspapers as a message to reevaluate consumer society and diverted these as wallpaper. These examples show how we creatively combined various wastes with an awareness of upcycling. It should be noted that in using these waste materials, we arranged for the town to provide us with the materials with authorization from the local assembly and town hall to ease the performance/quality guarantees and defect liabilities that are generally required for public buildings. This architecture would have been impossible without the cooperation of the townspeople and town hall. This hotel was planned to be round like a dot at the southern end of Zero Waste Center, which is horseshoe-shaped as a result of optimizing and streamlining waste separation, intentionally placing both buildings so they take the shape of the “?” mark. The “?” mark can be perceived only from high up in the sky, but we instill our hope that this town questions our lifestyles anew on a global scale and that out-of-town visitors will start to question aspects of their lifestyles after returning home. This was consistent with the facility name “WHY” that was decided first, making this a “Garyou Tensei” plan. “Garyou Tensei” is a Chinese fable about a dragon drawn on a temple wall—when the final dot of ink was applied to its eye, it instantly came to life and flew away to the sky. On the floor of the hotel’s courtyard, an eye made of stones from Kamikatsu River looks up to the sky, waiting for its moment to fly out to the world. This is the eye of the people in this small town deep in the mountains of Tokushima, gazing at the world and nature on a global scale and our modern society.

Fig. 1: Chart illustrating the share of the Built Environment in GHG emissions.

Image by author, derived from UN Environment global status report 2017. EIA International Energy Outlook 2017.

by Tania Cortés Vargas, façade and sustainability consultant advancements and continuous economic growth characterised the 20th century, but mostly remarkable rapid industrialization. Consequently, it is not surprising that the 21st century faces crucial environmental problems that have led to a climate emergency. Scarcity of resources, ecological degradation, and an indisputable increment in the Earth’s temperature are only a few examples. These can be dated back to the existing, outdated, and linear “extract-produce-use-dispose” material and energy flow model of the current economic system. The built environment is responsible for around a third of the global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), and for a tremendous amount of material consumption. Undoubtedly, the construction industry is under tremendous pressure to shift current practices that respond to the climate emergency and efficiently use resources, inherently leading to a sustainable industry. Because building regulations and technologies have focused in the past two decades on significantly reducing operational carbon, the focus has shifted towards the embodied emissions of building materials and systems, as well as understanding the whole life cycle of a building whilst optimising resources. It is indeed an interesting time where we have understood that analysing only carbon emissions is not enough to tackle the highly complex environmental issues we are facing, and thus shifting to a circular economy is a holistic response.



Closing the Loop: Reflections from a Façade Consultant on Circular Envelope Design and Construction

which of the two would have a higher remaining value after demolition? Not to mention that other materials (such as plastics) are prone to losing mechanical properties after being recycled, which means they are actually downcycled.

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In a circular built environment, materials, products, resources, energy, and spaces are designed to retain their value for as long as possible by applying design principles deeply rooted in durability, maintenance, repair, reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling hierarchically. Essentially, extending the service life of the material, product, or building, the higher its retained value will be, which can also be seen as “extending the loop”. Once the product/ material reaches its EoL (End-of-Life), alternative (re) life scenarios that close the loop reincorporate the raw material into the supply chain. Some loops are inherently open, including various of the natural cycles, where agents in the environment, such as bacteria or fungus, will break down materials. On the other hand, closed loops are inherently related to technical materials, separated by types, and broken down to be used as raw sources for new products. There seems to be a slight increase in demand in the North American industry for sourcing building products manufactured with recycled content, driven mainly by the interest to obtain credits for sustainability certifications. Sourcing building products fabricated with recycled content is a great way to stimulate closed loops in a circular built environment and create a market demand for such products. This stimulus is vital in a circular economy since there needs to be a market demand for suppliers and contractors to direct energy and efforts into recovering materials after the demolition. One of my Professors from Industrial Ecology used to say, “everything is recyclable [or down-cyclable]; I bet you can put any material in a lab and break it down, but who is going to pay for that? How much money will I get from recycling x material against y?”.

I have observed that the current standard practices that aim towards circularity in the North American façade industry highly focus on recycling at the EoL, and there is little or no interest in understanding the hierarchy of the other loops. Whilst recycling plays an essential role in closing the loop, limiting the (re)life options of building products to solely recycling, not only destroys the embodied energy of the material, but the problem at its core is that it prevents Understanding hierarchical loops: Why recycling is important but just not enough

When designing envelope systems, we need to understand that the long-term durability is not only limited to the service life, but to the (re)life options that the material can have.

Interestingly, it is not surprising that most of the market demand for building materials with recycled content is directed towards long-lasting materials with a high residual value, a core principle of circular design. Think about aluminium framing for windows, compared to PVC; Fig. 2: Depiction of slowing resource flows. mage by author derived from Bocken et al. (2016)

Graduate31Fig. 3: Hierarcy of EoL. Image by author

Essentially, if a façade system is not designed for longterm adaptability, there will not be a demand for repairing, refurbishing, or remanufacturing, and the system will become obsolete and eventually be discarded.

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building products and systems from being designed to last several lifecycles. If the products go through the earlier higher value loops, they will not end up in the low-value— but highly energy-intensive— recycling loop as a first stop. Fundamentally, at this point, limiting efforts to recycling, whilst ignoring the hierarchy of the other loops, does not seem to be enough to tackle the climate emergency or resource scarcity, mainly because the building industry relies heavily on critical materials.

The circularity of space: The power of adapting and being future proof Whilst we can discuss materials, the different loop extension strategies, and the many (re)life options, there seems to be an inherent circular design principle that is sometimes overlooked. Buildings, just like our environment, have an inherent ever-changing character. Whether it is a change of use, programme, regulations, or even just a desire to upgrade, designing for long-term adaptability is key to enabling the building to have different lifecycles and thus extend its use. Facades play a crucial role in this, especially from a performance perspective, given that a change in building regulations can easily discard the building’s skin. However, the question is interesting, and I have been asked this several times: How would you design a façade system that can last 70 years? We have examples, especially from the late 1800s and early 1900s, of steel and glass structures that are still standing. If the load-bearing components of the façade are built with long-lasting materials, I do not doubt that these would necessarily fail. Whilst structurally, these façade systems still work, the thermal and weather performance is highly compromised. Interestingly, the technological advancements in improving the performance of building skins have been dramatic during the last decades, and it is questionable how these will continue to evolve, mainly hoping that designing for net-zero buildings will eventually become the norm. Not surprisingly, many older façade systems, even from the 90s, cannot meet the current performance requirements, and hence a lot of them end up being discarded. An alternative to demolition would be to understand how systems inherently relate to the circularity of space and its long-term adaptability whilst using modular principles that decouple components from each other, allowing for ease of replacement and upgrading.

Fig. 4: Depiction of the hierarchy of loops. Image by author.

Isolating the multifunction-component relationship, as well as having cluster independence within the system, makes the disassembly sequence and the refurbishing/ remanufacturing considerably easier, which are essential loops that significantly extend the life cycle of a building.


Additionally, the inherent nature of the façade industry global supply chain, together with a high number of involved stakeholders, implies that the whole new development in the industry requires a combined effort. Reverse logistics, efficient deconstruction processes, and a shared concern from the client, design team, and contractors to share risks seem to be some of the many challenges that require cooperation between stakeholders. Global and national policies that can help stimulate such combined effort seem to be one of the many ways to create momentum in changing the current practices. Façade consultants seem to find themselves at the centre of the process, where our role is to provide guidance and tools to transition towards circularity. Providing guidelines on circular design is not only one way of helping the industry move forward but also stimulating a circular supply and market demand for sustainable building products. For instance, specifications that clearly differentiate between pre-consumer and post-consumer, as such are often used as synonymous terms, stimulating

We now understand that the current linear model has highly contributed to the climate emergency, scarcity of resources, and alarming anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, among many other alarming issues. So, not surprisingly, to tackle the acute crisis we are facing, we cannot rely on solutions from the current practice but rather shift to an entirely new way of building, but more importantly, of creating value. The overly conservative building industry needs to reinvent itself, just like many others have already, and turn towards understanding that there are many other ways to generate worth aside from the current linear ‘takemake-demolish’ model. Façade contractors could benefit from regular maintenance as part of their business model but also from a scope that relies on upgrading the building envelope over time. Thus, their involvement in the project does not end once they complete the façade installation, but they are active stakeholders in keeping the system updated, functional, and extending its use. Clients could benefit from owning buildings that could quickly transform after determined periods, where the circularity of space is understood in a multifunctional way so that the building could have different uses throughout its service life.

Additionally, if the building is used as a material bank, the value of the components is retained whilst allowing them to enter other (re)life options as an alternative to landfill, probably through a leasing business model that allows the same stakeholder to retain ownership of the product and claim it back at its EoL. However, we continue to find that the challenge’s core is the intrinsic need to apply circular business models that stimulate and support circular design and construction. Why would we invest and spend time on these matters without market demand for reused facades or products made with recycled content?

Towards a circular built environment: The role of stakeholders and supply chains

Fig. 5: Depiction of Design for Disassembly (DfD) and Design for longterm adaptability (DfA) principles. Image by author.

34 80 Circularity| Fig. 6: Stakeholders in the facade industry. Image derived from Klein (2013)

Graduate35 materials to complete its full life-cycle with (re)life options. There is still a long way to transition to a circular built environment, but one of the keys relies on understanding the enormous responsibility each stakeholder has in the process and understanding how this combined effort will take place gradually, as well as the tools required to move forward. Constant collaboration and feedback among the different industry stakeholders, clients, general contractors, architects, and façade contractors are one of the vital strategies to accelerate this transition.

References: -Bakker et al. (2014). Products that go round: exploring product life extension through design. Journal of Cleaner Production (69), 10-16. -Bocken et al. (2016). Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy. Journal of -Industrial and Production Engineering (33), 308-320. Cortés Vargas, T.C. (2019). Circular Facade Systems and Construction: Design for Remanufacturing Window Systems. -Klein, T. (2013). Integral Façade Construction. Ph.D. thesis. Delft University of Technology. Tania Cortés Vargas B.Arch, BSc, MSc (Hons) Tania Cortés Vargas is a façade and sustainability consultant that works at Eckersley O’Callaghan (EOC) in Los Angeles, California. She graduated from the MSc Building Technology track from TU Delft in the Summer of 2019 and holds a double degree in Architectural Building Sciences from Politecnico di Milano and ITESM. She started her career in the façade industry by working with Kawneer Nederland B.V. during her MSc graduation, and currently works together with architects and contractors to develop holistic building envelope solutions. With a passion for applying circular building principles and understanding the impact of embodied emissions, she is part of EOC’s R&D strands on Circular Economy and Embodied Carbon

Sustainability, efficiency and quality

There is an urgency in the current market. It is therefore necessary that we quickly build high quality modular housing solutions. At Daiwa House Modular Europe we do this through sustainable and modular construction in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. With these international ambitions in mind, we have grown to become the largest modular builder in Europe. Do you want to learn more about our way of building? Please get in touch via our Project Lead Sustainability, Daan Kosterman ( or visit our website:

Recently, the calls for increased housing and sustainable construction have become louder and louder. In the Netherlands, we face a significant shortage of affordable housing, with starters and people with fewer resources being particularly affected. More construction is therefore needed quickly to solve this shortage.



Daan Kosterman, Project Lead Circularity DHME

We are talking about needing to build a considerable number of new houses. Hugo de Jonge, Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning of the Netherlands, wants more than 900,000 new homes to be constructed by 2030. This is a great ambition but will lead to new climate challenges; because the construction sector is responsible for about 40 per cent of CO2-emissions in the Netherlands. This is a uniquely modern issue. The demographic composition in 2022 differs from the baby boomer generation and their housing market experience. This current problem requires a modern and, more importantly, sustainable solution. Will you be contributing to overcoming these challenges? build a sustainable, liveable future at Daiwa House Modular Europe

There is an urgency in the current market. It is therefore necessary that we quickly build high-quality housing solutions. At Daiwa House Modular Europe, we do this through sustainable and modular construction in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. With these international ambitions in mind, we have grown to become the largest modular builder in Europe. Daiwa House Modular Europe is part of the Japanese Daiwa House Group. Our parent company is one of the largest builders in the world and has more than 35.000 employees. In our factory in Montfoort, these Japanese and Dutch roots merge in the modular construction of flex homes in all shapes and sizes, matching living needs and living environments. For example, we are currently working on 333 new flex homes for starters and students at the Leerpark in Dordrecht. We also completed a fantastic project across the Dutch border in Bochum, Germany. We built two residential towers in this city with as many as 700 student dwellings. In addition, we completed the construction of 400 student homes at the Utrecht Science Park and 106 modern student apartments in Essen, among other projects.

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We see it as our mission to create a sustainable home for everyone, and we believe that modular construction is a crucial solution. We build industrialised modular, circular, and demountable buildings. Doing this has major Foradvantages.example, not only do the buildings last for decades, in many cases as long as traditional buildings, we reuse them at the end of their life. If modular apartments are no longer needed, modules can be easily disassembled and repositioned. This is done depending on the requirements. This could also be utilised if apartments are no longer needed in a particular municipality. If there is a need elsewhere, we can quickly relocate the modules. This broadens the range of uses. Therefore, we apply the dismantling and reusing approach rather than demolishing and wasting. This often means a different location with a different layout or shape. Daiwa House Modular Europe's housing solutions are circular and prepared for the future. We use sustainable, biobased, raw materials and recycled materials as much as possible. This way, we preserve value and benefit clients, residents and the world around us. Furthermore, to ensure our sustainability strategy when building residential modules, we also focus on the sustainability wishes of the future residents. These include generating our own energy for heating, ventilation, hot water and lighting, insulating the prefabricated shell and using sustainable finishing materials.

Sustainability First

Because less transportation is needed in these modular projects, CO2emissions can also be minimised. The modules are resilient and can be used for decades. Because we have continued to develop at Daiwa House Modular Europe, the quality of our modular construction often exceeds that of traditional structures. Additionally, labour productivity is increased through various innovative technologies and processes at our locations.

Efficiency, Quality and Sustainability

We specialise in modular housing solutions. Utilising this technique, we construct individual modules in our production facilities. We then assemble these complete modules at the construction site into a single building or unit. We fit them with plumbing, electrical installation, and other utilities at this stage. Modular construction is slightly different from prefabricated construction; with prefabricated construction, individual elements are produced in the factory, while modular construction involves complete modules that form one building. This construction method brings many proven advantages over traditional construction, such as increased efficiency, speed, quality and sustainability.



The Future of Daiwa House Modular Europe

Are you enthusiastic about being part of our sustainable vision and plans? Please reach out. More information: www.

There is an increase of awareness among people that modular housing is the future. Therefore, Daiwa House Modular Europe continues to grow rapidly. In the Netherlands, we are building a new production halls on our premises in Montfoort. Thanks to this production facility, we will double our production capacity in the Netherlands and provide more sustainable homes even faster. This new hall uses the latest techniques in the field of automation and robotisation. For example, we use Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). These autonomous vehicles move and navigate the various workstations and can transport large, heavy modules. The factory hall is also all electric, with additional insulation and has a roof with solar panels incorporated. There is also a heat pump onsite; extra energy is stored in large batteries. In addition to the new factory hall in Montfoort, we are working on further expansion in the rest of Europe. This is in line with our growth ambitions. For example, there are plans for the same production site in England and the already announced mega-factory in Germany.

We have an ambitious sustainability vision, but certainly not an impossible one. Not only do we believe that modular construction is the solution for the future, but research also shows that it is the only favourable alternative for flexible, sustainable housing. We have recently analysed the CO2footprint of our modular construction. The analysis was validated by EcoReview, specialists in the field of LCAs.. The results of this analysis provided a very positive outcome. Our modular construction method leads to over a 50% reduction in CO2-emissions than traditional construction. This is due to our choice of materials and our sustainable construction process that requires less transport movement. But these impressive results are mainly due to the reusability of our modules.

Ambitious but Achievable

Fig. 1: The green solution house © GXN

Interview with Casper Østergaard Christensen from GXN by Pranay Khanchandani and Alina Wagner from Rumoer


Christensen: Yes, exactly. 3XN is a traditional architecture company with large scale commercial projects. 15 years ago, as the company was developing, GXN was founded. The idea was to establish “architectural integrated research” with the focus on sustainability, circularity, and behavior. To do so, existing research done in the specific fields are translated with our knowledge as architects to improve quality and sustainability within the built environment. The projects of GXN are not always from the start on in collaboration with 3XN - we have research projects founded by a ministry or a private foundation, which gives us time to evolve deep knowledge in a certain field which then is applied on a project. We also have our own projects, where the clients are looking specifically for our approach within architecture and sustainability. Those projects can have various scales: sustainability strategies, workshops, product design etc. Through the research projects and through our own building projects, we sort of mature the knowledge. Ready for the larger scale, the knowledge can get applied on projects with higher risk and more money involved. So, the synergy between the two companies is basically that GXN has time to develop knowledge, mature it and then feed it to the large-scale projects of 3XN.

Circularity from theory into practice - GXN Architects

Rumoer: We discovered the vision of 3XN is to constantly achieve a synthesis of design, function, and context whereas GXN has pursued innovation in materials, behaviors, and technologies. How do these two visions translate to collaborate with each other?

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Rumoer: You gave already the introduction to our next question: We would like to ask you if you could introduce us to the latest and all outstanding projects GXN focusing on the circularity?

Fig. 2: Variety of circular facade materials © GXN

Christensen: I believe that the “Circle House” is one of our most prominent projects. After a lot of theoretical research about building circular, we felt the need of proving the industry that building circular is realistic. With the “Demonstrator” the public acceptance was rising significantly when the people were seeing, feeling, and touching it. The Circle House has changed a lot within the building industry. The project “Green solution house” is our most recent one. The building is a wooden construction, insulated using timber wood insulation and cladded with wooden planks. We tried to lower the carbon footprint to the minimum using as much wood as possible.

Rumoer: You are personally part of GXN as an architect and head of the circular building practice. We would be interested in your personal story and your motivation.

Christensen: While studying architecture, I started being interested in sustainability and about the necessity as an architect to build responsible. I was seeing it as a challenge: my new design factors were to build functional architecture focusing on comfort, and sustainable materials; to add something extra to the aesthetics of architecture. Back then the strategies were limited. It was all about reaching net-zero without really thinking about the consequences. This way of thinking was very uninspiring to me. When GXN, which was leading a studio at school, presented the cradle-to-cradle strategy, I understood: Sustainability is much more than just aiming for zero, but it is about creating more value in the environment, to increase biodiversity, to generate energy and to think about sustainable materials. After graduating, I applied at GXN and have been part of it for the past 8 years. I am proud of being part of the progress developing the whole idea of building circular.

Christensen: We see the “Demonstrator” as the first physical manifestation of our ideas; it is “demonstrating” our belief system. It is basically one step in the direction of the final housing project with 60 units. Thus, our prototype should include as many different circular building products as possible. For every façade of the project for example different materials and techniques with varying insulation are being used. The goal was to show how much is already possible within the circular building industry and to give inspiration, as it is a 1:1 example.

Rumoer: The Demonstrator could be described as a catalogue of available circular product solutions: What is the goal of the project within the circular building industry?

Interview43Fig. 3: Structural system of Circle house Demonstrator © GXN

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Christensen: Our design guide requires 90% reuse of building materials at a high value. This means that the Demonstrator is designed for disassembly – everything is screwed or bolted, however, not glued. The building was organized after Stewart Brand’s diagram called “Shearing layers”. It defines building layers depending on the different lifecycles. What we did was to think about the usage, the various lifecycles and the principles of design for disassembly and try to connect them. In that way we were making sure that the Demonstrator was aligned with the design principles of building circular.

Christensen: Yes, we are getting visitors from all over the world. Rumoer: Could you please elaborate on the design principles you followed within the project of the “Demonstrator”?

Rumoer: Looking at the Circle House, which is the first circular housing project in Denmark, and which could be used as a scalable role model for other projects. How would the economy need to change to help developing more circular business models?

Rumoer: Would you say you have reached those goals?

Rumoer: Very interesting thought. As you have now a project to reflect on - How would you say does building in a circular way affect the building process?

Fig. 4: Shearing layers by Stewart Brand © GXN Fig. 5: The Circle house demonstrator interior © GXN

Christensen: The big challenge of the Circle House is the fact that it is a social housing project. This means that we needed to reach a very low square meter price. The Circle house basically shows that building circular does not have to be expensive. As it was meant to be scalable, we thought of it as a design system and a way of thinking. It does not matter which products have been used if it lives up to the specifications. In fact, it was very important for us to not specify. We kept the product specifications opened in order to let manufacturers and companies reflect upon it and to see themselves in this project.

Fig. 6: Printing process Maison Dior using the WASP CRANE, 2021. © WASP

Christensen: That is a very good question – something we have been discussing a lot. You could say that in some way, it gives the users a lot more flexibility to change the building and interact with it. But then also, some elements might be more static, which would mean that the user for example could not paint the concrete walls pink. To take the interior of the Demonstrator as an example: the way it is done here, is that we have the concrete skeleton and the soft areas with insulation. The question now is: Can we restrict the residents in painting the concrete elements and only allowing them to individualize the soft panels? It also depends on the type of contract and ownership system. The client owning the building, which has been part of the process might understand the logic, which makes it easier to explain. However, it might get problematic when it is rented out. Another aspect is that designing circular buildings also change the aesthetics. We think it works, but user need to adjust and be aware of the reasoning behind it: Why is the installation visible? Because it has a smaller life span than the walls and need to be accessible for maintenance.

Rumoer: We were thinking that the choice of circular building elements does also have an impact on the user experience. We would be interested the way it would change it? And what could the user do in terms of maintenance of building components?


Rumoer: Within the project you are also looking further into detail of different components. Depending on the life span, the ways of usage and/or applications are different. For example, you are proposing floor leasing or a façade passport. Would you like to elaborate on it?

Christensen: We are proposing those ideas, even though there are not too many companies delivering these kinds of services right now. The idea would be able to lease building elements to make the exchange within the reuse and recycling system easier. Companies would take the lent elements back after usage. This would lead to less waste and an organized building material exchange. If you want to push this into its extreme: if it would be possible to rent all the building materials for your project, building will get very cheap. The only costs would be the subscription to the services. Basically, this system would democratize our building industry. To pay back for your building costs could be in installments, which would make building available for a broader public.

Christensen: To built using design for disassembly does make some processes faster. Mechanical connections of concrete elements for example are increase the time efficiency as the pouring and drying of concrete takes a lot of valuable time. However, to think about connections and building elements in a new way also requires thoughtful design beforehand. As new solutions are needed, those design processes are currently the time-consuming ones. But, after all, with standard solutions developed, the building process of a circular building might be cheaper and faster.

CasperChristensenØstergaard@GXN Casper Østergaard Christensen is architect and head of circular building practice at GXN in Denmark.

Rumoer: We have one last question: What do you think would be the impact of your projects on future generations?

Christensen: I think, it is obvious that that building circular is the right path to build more sustainable and use less carbon. We are thinking about what materials we use, and how we can create material loops to reach the goal of not extracting any new materials. But also, building in a circular way gives a lot of added value to architecture: buildings are becoming more flexible, easier to maintain and operate. Through sustainable materials, buildings also become healthier. There are all these spinoff effects that are not just about the beginning. It's not just a number you are looking at and trying to hit zero. Building circular also makes you look at other values while being sustainable.

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GXN is doing research and key projects with focus on sustainability, circularity and behaviour. Their approach advances systemic design solutions where resources circulate at maximum utility to enrich social, technical and biological flows - people, materials and environments thrive together. They seek to forge new relationships in the wider built environment, advancing lasting solutions to contemporary challenges. Their research allows them to to engage human well-being in all its diversity and across its biological, technical and social dimensions.


The lectures focued on how biobased materials can replace the use of traditional construction materials as well as it’s impact on the circular economy and sustainability goals of 2050. The event included lectures from Pablo van der Lugt, Nicole Nicholson and Hanaa Dahy along with a Social hour.

The Lectures covered in the Symposium were as followsPablo van der Lugt & Nicole Nicholson Engineered Bamboo – The (re)discovery of a sustainable material with endless possibilities Hanaa Dahy Circular design for future sustainable architecture: Materialisation & Digitilisation eventsPast

BIOBASEDBT-Talks 28-04-2022


Designed by Paul de Ruiter Architects, the most circular utility building in the Benelux has been realized. HAVEP presented the wish of a futureproof healthy company building with a nod to the past combining all the different company functions under one roof.

Paul de Ruiter Architects


Started in 1865 as a linen sale company, HAVEP is now one of the most important companies for durable workwear in the Netherlands. Ever since the family business is located at the same location in Goirle in the Netherlands. Now, after 150 years, HAVEP asked Paul de Ruiter Architects to provide them with a new building that is in keeping with HAVEP's rich history and sustainable ambitions. The family business is therefore moving from an industrial heritage site to a unique and futureproof building. The old and new location are only 200 meters apart and mark the history and future of HAVEP.

Fig. 1: HAVEP warehouse in use © Ossip Architectuurfotografie

The design is as efficient as possible with raw materials and highly focused on saving, reusing and smart use of materials. By looking closely at the lifespan and origin of the materials, the building has a low environmental performance score and thus low environmental impact.

Wilma Bloot, CEO HAVEP: "This unique location combines the rich history of HAVEP with our strategy. It has become a future-proof 'home' for our sustainable collections. The atmosphere and modern facilities make it an inspiring place for our employees, customers and partners. Here we can together give substance to the innovations in the textile sector."

The main building houses on 3,000 m² offices for about 100 employees, a Future and Test Lab, training facilities and the Texperience Center for the collection. Visitors are welcomed in the transparent, open and inviting ground floor. In the Texperience Center, they will be taken on a journey into the working method of HAVEP of today and the future and the latest sustainable products and services are shown. Two round voids are connecting the offices on the first floor to the public ground floor. The warehouse, which is linked to the main building covers 7,800m2 in total.

The project consists of a main building and a warehouse. By designing two compact volumes that can be partitioned flexibly and multifunctionally, as little precious raw material as possible is required. To allow for changes in the future without having to demolish parts of the building, the shape of the two building parts, the construction and the installation system are designed in a way that they are adjustable later.

Environmentally friendly and healthy design

Flexible layout


The roof of the warehouse is referencing the shed roofs of the former company building from 1888. This playful design is not only a link to the past but also offers a perfect sustainable basis: the sloping sides of the shed roof, facing south, are ideal for solar panels while the north side allows daylight to enter the warehouse without causing the building to heat up. With this roof, HAVEP provides for its own energy needs to achieve a zero-to-meter building. By making optimal use of daylight, views of the green surroundings and a refined layout with an atrium staircase

50 80 and voids that stimulates visual connection, movement, and meeting, the new HAVEP building also contributes to the wellbeing of its users. This connection with the environment is continued around the building where the transition from the building to the environment is designed like a public park.

Careful use of materials

Fig. 2: Skylight and void as visual connection between the floors and the environment © Ossip Architectuurfotografie

Choice of natural and biobased materials

Reused elements

The other materials used are mainly biobased and recyclable. The façade is constructed of materials that are 100% recyclable and the supporting structure consists of wood that is prefabricated and demountable. The office building is made of a timber construction with laminated wooden spruce columns and beams with walls and floors of CLT. Full laminated pine wood is used for the construction of the Warehouse.

Fig. 4:. Interior HAVEP © Ossip Architectuurfotografie


Fig. 3: Facade of the warehouse (top); Facade of the main building (bottom) © Ossip Architectuurfotografie

Some parts such as the awnings of the new design has been made from different recycled and reused elements of the old HAVEP building. The wooden planks on HAVEP's facade come from another special donor building; the characteristic Tripolis buildings on Amsterdam's Zuidas. Tripolis was designed by the famous architect Aldo van Eyck and is currently undergoing a thorough renovation. The strong Iroko wood that van Eyck used in the facades could not be replaced and is now being given a second life in HAVEP's new building. Iroko wood comes from the African rainforests. For the architectural firm, this is normally a reason not to use the wood anymore. But because of its powerful properties it is extremely suitable for reuse from a donor building. The processing of the donor wood proved to be quite a challenge in practice. To achieve a varied effect, van Eyck had given each Tripolis wall board a slightly different size. In addition, the fact that wood is a living material had to be taken into account so that each board showed its own curvature. To be able to incorporate the donor wood in the design, each facade board had to be fitted in and worked out individually. By working with the existing dimensions and characteristics of the donor wood, HAVEP's circular wooden façade is given the same dynamic effect as van Eyck had in mind for the iconic Tripolis buildings.

For the facade openings, Accoya wood frames are used, which is an environmentally friendly preserved wood species based on the fast-growing Radiata Pine. The highly effective preservation process makes the wood able to withstand weathering for 50 years without the need for a coat of lacquer or paint. After the use phase, the wood is completely biodegradable due to its natural treatment. All this means that the window frames fit in perfectly with the Cradle-to-Cradle design philosophy.


flexibilitycolumns, walls and floors made of laminateddurablepinewood

Iroko wooden planks reused from the Tripolis building in Amsterdam awning made of recycled construction parts from current location Refurbished pick-order racks An optimal foundation and robust first floor for a long life spans of up to 25 meters. maximum layout freedom and future flexibilitycolumns, walls and floors made of laminateddurablepinewood

Daylight Climbing plants Healthy Façade planks from donor building ReuseSecond lifeRobust foundation Large spansWooden construction residual product of the linen industry with a positive CO2 balance building detachabledesign 1,200 solar panels reused. Energy Performance Certificate building of -0.05

Lots of natural daylight saves lighting and electricity against the façades no use of toxic materials

Iroko wooden planks reused from the Tripolis building in Amsterdam awning made of recycled construction parts from current location

52 80

Use of natural and biobased materials finishing walls and ceiling with biobased cladding without harmful adhesives floor completely constructed demountableofscreeds including floor finishing façade reusabledetachablecompletelyand

Untreated Accoya window frames environmentally friendly preserved wood MaterialCircular use designCircular materialsBiobased Detachable Fig. 5:. Warehouse and main building of HAVEP in Goirle © Paul de Ruiter architects

Fiber flax isolation Detachable Reuse of solar panels 90% Biobased ESB cladding Circular screed Façade reusable100%

Lots of natural daylight saves lighting and electricity against the façades no use of toxic materials

Refurbished pick-order racks

An optimal foundation and robust first floor for a long life spans of up to 25 meters. maximum layout freedom and future

Use of natural and biobased materials finishing walls and ceiling with biobased cladding without harmful adhesives floor completely constructed demountableofscreeds including floor finishing façade reusabledetachablecompletelyand

Untreated Accoya window frames environmentally friendly preserved wood MaterialCircular use designCircular materialsBiobased Detachable Fiber flax isolation Detachable Reuse of solar panels 90% Biobased ESB cladding Circular screed Façade reusable100% Daylight Climbing plants Healthy Façade planks from donor building ReuseSecond lifeRobust foundation Large spansWooden construction residual product of the linen industry with a positive CO2 balance building detachabledesign 1,200 solar panels reused. Energy Performance Certificate building of -0.05

Paul de Ruiter studied and started his PhD, The Chameleon Skin, at the TU Delft. He has made a name as an architect, entrepreneur, innovator, and inspirer renowned for producing sustainable, game-changing buildings. He is a regular contributor to national and international discussions around sustainability, CO2neutral design, and certification methods for environmental performance. He is a soughtafter, international speaker, writes for numerous industry publications, and teaches at the Netherlands’ architecture academies.

HAVEP as a clothing company therefore was able to use their leftover materials from the production process as an ideal insulation material. Sustainable redesign of surrounding At the old location of HAVEP, a new residential area is being built and the area has been redesigned. The industrial heritage is being integrated. In the district "Land of Anna" there will be a mix of 180 sustainable homes including 42 social housing units. With the company’s strong connection to the location Goirle for over 150 years, the family aims to accelerate sustainable progress through investment. With the redevelopment of the area, HAVEP wants to give concrete substance, bringing together working, living and sustainability. Therefore, leading, future-proof and socially relevant new places has been realized in Goirle next to the circular company building of HAVEP. Fig. 6:. Voids creating opened interior © Ossip Architectuurfotografie

To a large extent, the new HAVEP building is being insulated with Flax blankets. This form of insulation is a natural residual product from the linen industry. Since flax itself has a moisture regulating effect, many square meters of plastic vapor barrier were saved during construction.


Paul de www.paulderuiter.nlRuiter

His company Paul de Ruiter Architects, is known for its attitude well-beingandwhichonTheiralreadysustainableenergy-efficient,innovative,towardsarchitecturefromitsstartin1994.approachisfocusedenvironmentalbuildings,promotebiodiversitysupportthehealthandoftheiroccupants.

Fig. 1: Introduction


Ar.Ir. Abhishek Holla. Msc Building Technology, TU Delft Need : To progress towards going completely Circular by the year 2050, facades become a crucial element to address, considering their significantly lower lifespan (15-20 years), varied functions (structural, thermal, acoustic, water and air tightness etc), and complex assemblies of different materials and components. VMRG, the Dutch Metal Facade Association, have initiated several ground-breaking pilot projects over these years. For example, Cirlinq, an online asset management platform for storing façade information, and FaSA (Facade Service Applicatie), comprised of a working group that use drones, computer vision, photogrammetry and other emerging technology to predict a facades’ maintenance requirement. They have also collaborated with the TU Delft Façade research group to facilitate the development of Circular business models and strategies for facades for example the Facade Leasing Project, which has been tested in the renovation of the CITG building within the TU Delft campus.

Digital solutions for a circular economy

• The instance tree: Current passport platforms heavily rely upon the data structure of IFC’s which are not specifically designed for storing Façade information for reuse, but rather focus on data exchange between disciplines. The proposed data structure is derived from the facade architecture, therefore directly relating to how the parts of the façade are connected. The Instance tree is a visualization of this data structure derived from relational patterns and product levels of facades which schematically map the data structure of Façade Product Passports. The instance tree can also act as an alternative/intuitive way to access information of façades at its end of life giving a snapshot of the history of the selected component and all the components which are connected to it.

Approach: 1.Developing a Preliminary Framework 2.Conducting Survey and Interviews 3.Developing an Informed Framework 4.Demonstrating using a case study 5.Conclusions Research Outputs: The main output of the facade can be split into two main parts, the framework for façade product passports and the framework for EoS Decision making. These are applicable at different phases in the circular lifecycle of a façade that are then demonstrated using a case study. (Fig.7)

56 80 Circularity| stakeholder which defines what information is required from each stakeholder and in what format. The proposed Facade Product passport can be summarized into a network of distributed databases based on the product levels of a façade. The information of each level in the database is by various stakeholders in the entire supply chain. Some of the key features of this framework are explained below :

• Product passports as Linked Databases: The research indicates which information needs to be collected from each stakeholder in the form of data templates, Despite these several initiatives, there was still a lack of a framework on how these various initiatives can be integrated to facilitate higher re-life value of existing façade’s that are being demolished. The focus was still predominantly on maintenance of facades and/or recycling of aluminium which is the least valuable in the 9R framework of circularity. Therefore, the research, attempted to bridge these gaps and develop an industry-wide theoretical framework with a primary focus on information required to facilitate higher relife values of existing facades. However, inferences can be drawn up for design of new facades.

Research Question : How can a conceptual framework be developed to collect, organize and store the information exchanged in the circular lifecycle of a Unitized metal facade to enable decision making about its re-life at its End of service (EoS)? (Fig.3)

1.Framework for Facade Product passports (FPP’s): This framework focuses on what information needs to be collected in the supply chain of the façade to facilitate circular material flows at its end of life. It proposes an information infrastructure needed to collect the information, data structure which defines the logic in which the information can be stored, and the data templates per Fig. 2: Multi disciplinary nature of EoS decision making

• What information is required from each stakeholder? The criteria required for decision-making were identified and categorized based on its level of subjectivity. These are then organized into decision trees and grouped together into 7 modules. These modules are arranged to enable assessment for the highest re-life value possible per component. Some features of this framework include:

2.A framework for EoS Decision Making: Currently in the supply chain of a façade, there wasn’t any phase where the building or the façade which is scheduled for demolition is assessed in advance to decide which relife option of the façade is the most optimal. The End of Service (EoS) assessment is therefore proposed between the operation phase and the reverse logistics in the Circular Lifecycle of a Facade. This framework focuses 3 main questions:

• Subjective criteria into executable actions: The framework uses subjective aspects of facade design. It organizes them into decision trees enabling a more objective decision-making process.

Fig. 3: Integrated Framework

• How can it be processed?

• Enables creation of structured data: Breaking down a facade design into sets of distinct criteria forms a roadmap to create more structured information for the facade that eventually can be processed using computational algorithms.

• Acts as a template for new constructions: Although the assessment framework is mainly developed to evaluate facades at the End of Service, the findings indicate the primary information required in the Facade Product passport.

Fig. 4 : Inclusions and exclusions of the research

• What are the criteria required for decision-making at the facade’s end of service?

Graduate57which can then be clustered into regulated and distributed databases with unique identifiers. Therefore, only the UID’s of the relevant data sets can then be to be entered/ scanned, and the information can be automatically referenced from distributed databases. This approach reduces the burden of one stakeholder such as a Passport Consultant or the Façade Builder made responsible to put all the information in enabling more transparency and validation of the information. This forms an intermediate step in the transitioning of the Façade Product passport into a digital twin of the entire supply chain of the façade, where information will eventually be collected using Sensors linked via IoT.

2. Creating Instance Tree: Based on how the components interact with each other, the instance tree was created for one element.

cycles. The essential data of the facade was retrieved from Alkondor, the facade builder for the project. The quality of information was mapped against what was required in the framework which is proposed. Since mapping out all the different components of the entire facade is too extensive, only the fixed metal frames of one of the panels are used for the demonstration. The demonstration was carried out in the following steps.

1. Identification: Identifying and tagging every component in the façade based on what was identifiable purely based on the data available or retrieved from Alkondor.

3. Demonstration of the FPP’s and EoS Framework using a Case study: Both these frameworks are then demonstrated using the CiTG East facade as an example. The demonstration is done using available information about the facade, testing the framework, and then visualizing them using schematic Inwire-frames.ordertodemonstrate

3. Enriching the data template: The proposed data template

both the frameworks, the CiTG East facade was used. The facade is a unitized metal facade fixed between wooden supports designed as a renovation project to improve the energy efficiency of the building. The project was also done as a test case for the Facade Leasing business model and is also equipped with sensors to record information. Additionally, each panel has a QR code enabling recording of maintenance history and usage Fig. 5: Approach diagram Fig. 6: Platform Interface

58 80 Circularity|

This research is one of the first attempts to bridge together various diverse disciplines involved in facilitating Circular Material flows of facades. It can be considered only a starting point to further progress in the entire development and implementation of Facade Product Passports, End of Life assessment frameworks, and eventually a fully autonomous Digital Twin of the entire Supply chain of a Facade. With this vision in perspective. A few recommendations were made to the façade industry which can accelerate progress towards this.

1. Lead time for Building Demolition: Currently, there is very little time between the moment in which a building is scheduled for demolition and the actual demolition date. This limits the quality of EoS assessment that can be carried out. A possible solution is to ensure any building with a Metal Facade must notify the concerning bodies several Fig. 7 : Research Outputs

4. Performing EoS assessment: The EoS assessment framework was tested based on the available data to look into the highest relife value in which it can be recirculated.

Conclusions and Recommendations to the industry

Graduate59was used and all the information available from existing sources of information was mapped out.

5. Visualizing using Mock Wireframes: Schematic wireframes were generated to visualize the platform and summarize the demonstration process. (Fig.6)

60 80 Circularity| Fig. 8: Framework for Facade product passports


He's a recent MSc graduate from the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. He previously worked as an Architect in India for six years, involving projects from concept to completion, handling various roles and responsibilities. With this background, he developed an inclination towards façade engineering and computational design at TU Delft. They both require a thorough integration of various sub-disciplines (structures, building physics, architecture), allowing him to have a holistic understanding of building systems. He currently works at De Groot en Visser as a Constructeur with a focus on façade design, façade structures and BIM workflows. Abhishek Holla @ De Groot en Visser BV months in advance to ensure the EoS assessment can be carried out effectively.

3. Structured data formats: During the research, it was identified that most of the criteria which influence the End of Service of a Facade are in unstructured formats (documents, pdf, images). These, although they are easily read by industry experts, cannot be automatically processed using computational algorithms, making the assessment process slower. More work has to go in to ensure all data is as structured as possible.

4. Data Transparency: Most stakeholders are concerned about sharing information that hinders their competitive advantage. This is a barrier to the circular facade economy, especially when facades need to be reused.

5. Harmonization of information formats: When a facade needs to be reused, there is a chance a suitable building is not found within the Netherlands, or the standards employed disqualifies the facade to be reused. However, if the pool of reusable facades is shared pan-EU, there is a higher chance that a suitable building is found, and the facade gets reused. In these cases, it could be beneficial if the primary facade documentation is in a standard format, accessible and readable in all countries across the EU. This can also imply developing multi-lingual documentations.

2. Information Exchange Standards: A standardized method of documenting facade information has to be developed for the entire industry, which specifies what information must be delivered and in which format. This will ensure the readability of this information across the supply chain.


Hans Hammink, de Architekten Cie. B.V With the Circl pavilion on Gustav Mahlerplein, client ABN AMRO has completed the first practical example of sustainable and circular design in the Netherlands. The pavilion, in the Zuidas district, is - in design and use - an example of what was possible in terms of circularity back in 2017. Initially, there was no intention of creating a circular building for ABN AMRO - the design was a conventional design, with conventional construction, of a sustainable pavilion with meeting rooms. However, at the eleventh hour of the design process, the client decided that the plan was not ambitious enough. The building needed to appeal to other target groups and to better convey ABN AMRO’s aspirations towards a sustainable world.

Pavillion Circl

Circular economy is also about people and how they function better in a pleasant environment with various opportunities to interact. That has influenced the design as well. The new pavilion is located near the railway station of Amsterdam’s vibrant South Axis business district, in front of the HQ of the ABN AMRO bank. Most striking is the large glass facade that gives the pavilion an open appearance. Visitors can use the broad staircase on the side of the Pavilion. The stairs lead to a public space where both passers-by and employees can meet. The roof is covered with earth and grass, thereby contributing to biodiversity. It is an attractive public space to get a breath of fresh air during a break.

The new Pavilion “Circl” is unique in the Netherlands: the first built example of a purely sustainable and circular design. The main thought behind circular design is that the impact of the building causes the least possible reduction of the world’s resources. The circular economy is waste-free and resilient and that is the exact idea behind this Pavilion. Right from the start the recyclability of all materials used were taken into account. de Architekten Cie. reviewed the design with the aim of minimizing waste and looking at the options for reusing existing materials. Consequently, the design needed to be modified quickly to allow different materials to be usedmaterials that were available at the time, or even materials that still needed to be harvested. As an example, 16,000 pairs of jeans were collected from the bank’s employees and partners to be used as insulation for the ceilings. Still, some of the building’s components could not be completed by reusing existing materials. Wherever possible, lease construction was used - no lifts were purchased, for example, and ‘movement’ was bought from a producer instead. The bank now pays for each lift movement. This form of purchasing incentivizes producers to think and act sustainably, as the fewer faults or part replacements, the greater the yield for the supplier. With lease construction, the lifts will be returned to the manufacturer after ten years so that the parts can be reused.

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Fig. 2: Pavillion Circl, Amsterdam. Photographer : Ossip van Duivenbode Fig. 3: Section

Fig. 4: Pavillion Circl, Interior view. Photographer : Ossip van Duivenbode Fig. 6: Sustainability Scheme


The Delft University of Technology was involved in this project from the beginning and will stay present in the ‘living lab’ to monitor the experiments and start new ones. In this way, theory is continuously tested in practice. It is not inconceivable that the ‘living lab’ will collaborate with startups, who in turn may supply new innovative ideas, both in the field of collaboration as in the construction field. From an engineering perspective, we looked at the different life cycles of the various components of the Pavilion. Project architect Hans Hammink explains: “We selected wood as the main material. The life cycle of the supporting structure is estimated to be thirty years. This means that the supplier must be able to pick up the timber after three decades in order to use it again. Therefore we need to create a design

Inside the building there is more than 2000 square metres of meeting and office space but also space is reserved for the so-called ‘living lab’. A space where the latest innovations, which seem promising but have not yet proven their value, can be applied and tested. For instance, a part of the facade is prepared for the application of new materials, so that it can be examined if there are even more durable solutions.

Fig. 5: Timber roof structure which makes it easy to dismantle the components of the Pavilion.”In fact, in a circular way of thinking the wood supplier is no longer a mere ‘supplier’, but a ‘co-creator’. The supplier should benefit from being able to re-use his wood again after thirty years. How this will work in detail, it is something that is still being considered. Hammink adds: “This is also a result of circular building. You try to look further ahead, to be visionary. You turn philosophy into practice, but some solutions have yet to emerge.”

66 80 Circularity| Fig. 7: Pavillion Circl, Amsterdam

Fig. 9: Pavillion Circl, West facade


Special attention has been paid to every aspect of the building: the use of furniture, sustainability, flexibility and re-usability of the interior fittings. Continuously we sought cooperation with new partners, which again led to new solutions. This way a new meeting place emerges, that is more than just a beautiful building. The Pavilion will be a pioneer in the field of circular economy. A design in which the architects looked into the future as much as possible. A design which will be shaped and developed further by the users in the future: an ever-propelling process itself. Business Case Circl shapes ABN AMRO’s ambitions towards a sustainable world. The design also appeals to a wide group of people - it attracts people to the restaurant, to the roof terrace, and the meeting rooms. Consequently, its operation is more cost-effective than had been foreseen. Finally, the residual value of the building is higher as the building’s elements can be reused more easily. The popularity has also resulted in a number of spin-offs for de Architekten Cie. The architecturally high-quality circular design has produced the optimal environment for the client to enter into discussion with potential and current clients about sustainability and circularity.

Fig. 8: Pavillion Circl, Interior view Photographer : Ossip van Duivenbode

80 68Circularity| Fig. 10: Pavillion Circl, Interior view Photographer : Ossip van Duivenbode Fig. 11: Pavillion Circl, Basement plan Fig. 12: Pavillion Circl, Ground floor plan

Project69Hans Hammink has been an associate architect at de Architekten Cie since 2004. His specialty is the integration of architecture with sustainable and circular principles. Recent examples of this are building Circl in Amsterdam and the circular bicycle shed under construction at Eindhoven station: a state-ofthe-art circular building, made of surplus NS components. He is also one of the inventors of the Building Passport: a three dimensional digital twin of a building to which all circular data is linked.‘We now gradually know why circularity is important and valuable, but how do you put it into practice?’

Project Details Client: ABN AMRO Programme: 1800 m2 Meeting space 1200 m2 flexible workspace, meeting rooms, restaurant Architect: Pi de Bruijn, Hans Hammink de Architekten Cie. project team: David Garcia Barbero, Alexander Mooi, Jeanne Leung, René Bos Stephan Oelers landscape designer: Donkergroen i.s.m. de Architekten Cie. contractor: BAM structural engineer: BAM Bouw + Techniek installation advisor: BAM Bouw + Techniek advisor building physics: DGMR advisor circularity: TU Delft date of commission: 1 december 2014 date of construction: 2016 gross surface: 3350 m2 volume: 19500 m3 Hans Hammink @de Architekten cie

70 80 Circularity|Circularity| BouT Board 28 Véronique van Minkelen, Jelle Ten Hove, Samanwita Ghosh, Talal Akkaoui, Zahra Mohtadi, Pranay Khanchandani, Lotte Kat

Lotte Kat, Chairperson of BouT Board 28

At the end of April the transition period for the new board started. With the old board close by our side, all of us grew confident into our new roles as part of the board. With the new board all familiar and ready to start it was time to say goodbye to the old board. To thank the old board and end the transition period the old and new board went out for drink together. It was an evening full of good conversations and laughter while being surrounded by empty nut shells. The 28th BouT board consist of seven enthusiast students.

Lotte Kat is the appointed chairperson, Talal Akkaoui is the secretary and handles company relations, Pranay Khanchandani is the editor in-chief of the Rumoer periodicals, Veronique Van Minkelen is heading the Events committee, Zahra Mohtadi is heading the Study Trips committee, Samanwita Ghosh is heads of Media and Jelle Ten Hove is heads of Education. The master track Building Technology has a very diverse pallet of students, all from different backgrounds and all here with their own main focus and interests. The building technology track gives the opportunity to the students to follow their own passion and do it their own way. As Technologists we are the connection between the designers and the engineers. As problem solvers we think outside the box while trying to keep it simple. All these characteristics of the Building Technology students can be found back in the new board. The chairs are a diverse group of students with all their own goal and interest withing the board. Approachable, connect, activate It has been already a few months since we installed as new board. You can feel the enthusiasm of the new board as new idea for the upcoming academic year arise. The main goal of the board for upcoming year is to connect the Building Technology community better. To start, we want to be more approachable as BouT. Create an atmosphere around the office where BT students can come to chill, where they feel like walking into the office and share their ideas and complains with BouT. To strengthen the BT community we aim for a better connection between the first and second years by organising more small low key activities. As a board we think that the BT community has great value. To ensure that every BT student benefits as much from it as possible we will activate the students more to take part in the community. We also aim to Strengthen the connection of the BT on other levels by creating a better connection with the alumni and companies. By involving the students more and stimulate the students to be more active in the community we will add more value to the community ourself as we strengthen it on the way. We are looking forward to welcome the new batch of the Building Technology track this September. The board is energized, ready to start and full of new ideas. So don’t hesitate and swing by the office to have a chat! 71

BouTBouT Board 28 signing in !

72 80 Circularity|


My vision for the upcoming year as the Chair of Media for BouT is based on a community-building approach toward public relations and marketing for our Program at Bouwkunde. The goal is to foster engagement among our students and create a branding strategy and identity for TU Delft’s Building Technologists globally through our platforms.

Véronique van Minkelen

My name is Véronique and this year I will be your head of events. I would like to make BouT a more active study association with a lot of different kinds of events. There will be social activities, such as drinks at the bouwpub and BBQs, to get to know the BouT members and educational events such as lunch lectures, Debut and the symposium to get the members in touch with different kinds of companies and alumni. So if you have a great idea or would like to talk about an event, feel welcome to come to the BouT office.

Talal Akkaoui

Samanwita Ghosh

Pranay Khanchandani

As this years chair of Rumoer, I believe I can bring forth topics that are relevant to the current industry. Having been a pard of the Rumoer board in the previous year, I believe I am heading a team of motivated co-editors who can help add value to the upcoming Rumoer editions. By means of the Rumoer I would like to not only bring to notice the current industry practices but also give the readers an exposure to other universities who are innovating within the field of Building Technology. By this, I believe we can help the readers get to know companies, alumni and previous graduate projects.

TU Delft’s Building Technology students are at the forefront of designing solutions for today’s most complex problems. As design thinkers they are a valuable asset to corporates in their attempt to solve their desired purpose. The biggest challenges our world is facing today can only be solved through the partnership between corporate capabilities and TU Delft talent. My team and I will work together towards creating a dynamic and collaborative relationship between TU Delft, its students, and the corporate world.

Jelle Ten Hove

As this year's chair of education, my vision is to bring the educational programme closer to the students and allow them to take an active role in the process. Opening the discussion about the BT programme and the topics it includes, aiming for more qualitative feedback, earlier in the courses so students can not only suggest what can be done better next time, but also during the course to improve the quality. Any questions, wishes, suggestions and complaints regarding the educational side of the BT master can be dropped at the BouToffice and BouTcorner - I'll collect them and try to translate them into possible action.

Zahra Mohtadi

The study Trip Board is a branch of the Bout Association. The main focus of this board is on educational trips related to the courses that students already learn about during their studies which will help them to understand how the knowledge is taken into action. Another goal is to give students a vision about the skills and abilities needed after graduation and what expertise will be needed more in future working market besides the topics which are more in demand in companies active in the field of building technology. Also, it is fun to roam around the buildings for every architecture student!


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