SPOTLIGHT Julie Balamut When did you start running and why?
I began running after college because I was out of shape and running was the cheapest and most convenient sport I could find.
Why do you run or what keeps you motivated?
I have been running regularly for over 35 years and it is the single most important way for me to manage stress, depression and anxiety. I never have to worry about being motivated because it is so important for my wellbeing.
What do you consider to be your favorite distance/race?
Even though they are a lot of work, the marathon is my favorite because it rewards discipline and hard work. I find the other distances are better for people with talent and speed; both of which I have none!
What is your best memory from a race?
My best race memory is when I met a time goal at Grandma’s Marathon after 13 attempts. My husband and MDRA friends were at the finish to celebrate (finally!) with me.
What does a typical week of training look like for you?
I always try to do a longer run on Saturday, no matter if I’m training or not. Right now, I do five to seven miles four days a week, a long run of 16-20 on Saturday and a short recovery run on Sunday. I also do Vinyasa yoga with a very energetic teacher and a bike ride on Sunday. I do a little yoga on my rest day.
What is your shoe of choice?
I have run in Air Nimbus by ASICS for the last 18 years. I’m afraid to try anything else because the Nimbus works so well for me.
What is your favorite quote?
“Bid me Run and I will strive for things Impossible.” Julius Caesar, Wm. Shakespeare.
What are your interests outside of running?
I’m very much of an introvert and I enjoy reading nonfiction and listening to classical music. I have a graduate degree in systematic theology so I also read a lot of theology and philosophy.
What are your favorite pre- and post-race meals?
My favorite before a marathon is steamed brown rice, broccoli and cold cottage cheese all mixed together with soy sauce. After the marathon, I have two large McDonald’s French fries with lots of salt and a Starbuck’s extra-large Vanilla Bean cooler.
What’s your bucket list/running goal for 2017?
I hope to finish my 25th marathon at Grandma’s and not die. If I finish absolute last, that will be OK.
Why are you a member of the MDRA?
I’m the poster child of “If she can do it, anybody can do it!” I’m totally unathletic and would not have considered doing longer distances without the easy going, yet wise advice and training with my friends at MDRA. I have served as a team leader many times and have met incredible folks both extremely talented and extremely
Julie balamut. Photo by Neil Craigan Photography stubborn in MDRA. I recommend MDRA to everybody who asks me about my “running” career. I believe the group is the single best group in the Twin Cities for beginning, non-athletic folks just like me to find a wonderful way to keep in shape. My MDRA friends are still some of the finest people I have met and am honored to still count as friends.
Have you participated in any MDRA training programs or races? If so, describe your experience?
I did the MDRA training program for both the fall and spring marathons a few times. I couldn’t have done a first marathon without this program. It was so much fun. Later, my husband, Chris, and I became a team leaders. We both had a blast meeting such great folks. As a person with no running talent, being asked to be team leader was a thrill I will never forget. I also helped team lead with Gloria Jansen and Kathryn Benhardus with the MDRA women’s program a few times. Both are incredible coaches, especially for beginning women runners and both have been a true inspiration to me.