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Tips For Marathon Race Week “We Run The South�

Running Journal Including Multi-Sports Events, Ultra Running, and Racewalking

November 2014


G E N W O RT H V I R G I N I A 1 0 M I L E R


Persevere, And You Will Improve The Road Home Half Marathon Warren Rives 5K Marine Corps Half Marathon Apple Festival 4-miler Hiddenite Festival Road Race



Running Journal • November, 2014

CONTENTS On the Cover: Start of the 41st Genworth Virginia 10 Miler held on Sept. 27 in Lynchburg, VA. See results on page 29. Photo credit: TriDuo Photography

Race Calendar

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Features Tom McCormack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Bob Dozoretz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Columns Distance Memories, Scott Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Running Through the Bluegrass, Tracy Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 He Said, She Said, Mary Marcia Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Inspired Daily, Rae Ann Darling Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Running Fitness, Ellen Jaffe Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Learning from the Young Guns, Ryan Warrenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Ultra Running, Ray Krolewicz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Down the Road, Cedric Jaggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 The Athlete’s Kitchen, Nancy Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Running Psychology, Richard Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Women’s Running, Carolyn Mather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 This Running Life, Teri Saylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Masters Running, Lena Hollmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Running Through the Age Groups, Mary Margaret McEachern . . . . . . . . .22

Race Results

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

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Running Journal • November, 2014


Running Journal P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744 200 S. Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 638-4177 • FAX (423) 638-3328 E-mail: rj@running.net • www.running.net

Vol. 31, No. 3 President/Publisher Bruce Morrison E-mail: bruce.morrison@running.net Publisher Emeritus Julie Morrison, 1954-2002 Vice President/Advertising John Cash Editor and General Manager Mary Lou Day E-mail: marylou.day@running.net Advertising Rep / Calendar Editor Shirley Woodward E-mail: shirley.woodward@running.net Production Manager Rebecca Garay-León Circulation Manager E-mail: rj@running.net Administrative Assistant Becky Miller Contributing editors: Mary Marcia Brown, Nancy Clark, Rae Ann Darling-Reed, JimDugger, Richard Ferguson, Lee Fidler, Bryan Graydon, Tracy Harris, Lena Hollmann, Scott Ludwig, Cedric Jaggers, Ellen Jaffe Jones, Ray Krolewicz, Carolyn Mather, Mary Margaret McEachern, Nicholas Norfolk, Pete Rea, Teri Saylor, Ryan Warrenburg. Correspondents: George Banker, Robert Carver, Sonja Friend-Uhl, Chuck George, Karen Gordon, Winston Howell, Jesse Lindsey, Diane Lyons, Rick Melanson, Jerry Schohl, Claude Sinclair, Leonard Vergunst, Jim Young, Jerry Yunker. Record keepers: Alabama/Mississippi/Tennessee/Kentucky - Buck Jones, 2920 Eastern Shore Dr., Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763. Arkansas - Randy Taylor, 102 Weston Place, Little Rock, AR 72211. Georgia - Joyce Hodges-Hite, PO Box 717, Millen, GA 30442.Maryland Tim O’Keefe, 7214 Limestone Lane, Middletown, MD 21769. North Carolina - Neville Wood, 5309 Chamisal Pl., Raleigh, NC 27613. South Carolina - Bill Marable, 5 Windchime Ct., Simpsonville, SC 29681. Virginia - Robert Platt, 1300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Washington, DC - George Banker, 7507 Overlook Ct., Oxon Hill MD 20745. West Virginia - Carl Hatfield, 712 S. Chestnut St., Clarksburg, WV 26301. Chairman, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Gene Newman, 920 N. Night Heron Dr., Green Valley, AZ 85614. V.P./East, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Dr., Wilson, NC 27896. Regional course certifiers: John DeHaye, 824 Annalau Ave., Huntsville, AL 35802 (AL). Don Potter, 440 Lower Ridge Rd., Conway, AR 72032 (AR). Doug Loeffler, 1399 W. Royal Palm Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33486 (FL). Woody Cornwell, 1724 Brighton Way, Dalton, GA 30721 (GA). Matthew Studholme, 452 Brookhill Drive, Abingdon, VA 24210 (KY, MS, TN, WV). John Ferguson, 3026 Sesbania, Austin, TX 78748-1912 (LA). John Sissala, 120 Evans St., Rockville, MD 20850 (MD). Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Drive, Wilson, NC 27896 (NC). Brian N. Smith, 1827 Falling Creek Circle, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464- 7415 (SC). Robert Thurston, 13 Kennedy St. NE, Washington, DC 20011 (VA, DC). RRCA Southern Region Director: Lena Hollmann, 122 Hamilton Hedge Pl., Cary, NC 27519. E-mail: Southdir@rrca.org. RRCA Eastern Region Director: Mark Grandonico, 62 Back Cove Est., Portland, ME 04101. E-mail: eastdir@rrca.org. State RRCA reps: AL - Ron Macksoud. AR - David Meroney. DC - Paul Thompson. FL - Don Nelson (S. FL), Bryan Graydon (N. FL). GA - Mariska Van Rooden. KY - Donna England. LA - Betsy Boudreaux. MD - Dwight Mikulis. MS - Bryan Lagg. NC - Peter Asciutto. SC - Tim Arthurs, TN Sherilyn Johnson. VA - Goody Tyler. WV - Tom Kramer. Contact information for State RRCA reps can be found at www.rrca.org/clubs. Contents of Running Journal are copyright 2014 by Carolina Runner Inc. No part of this publication, including artwork and advertising, may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Exception: Nonprofit running, bi/tri, walking club publications expressly granted reasonable usage of news and racing calendar information if credit is given to Running Journal. Running Journal (ISSN 0892-5038) is published monthly at a subscription rate of $19.95 yearly by Carolina Runner Inc., 200 South Main St., Greeneville,TN 37743. Second-class postage paid at Greeneville, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville,TN 37744.



Distance Memories This 1812 was No War I don't know who was more excited this morning: My five-and-a-half year old grandson or his 59-year old G-Pa. But I do know this: We both had the time of our lives. I've had the pleasure of running with Krischan pretty much since the day he learned to walk. The boy loves to run, and I couldn't be happier. Or prouder, seeing as he 'wants to run just like G-Pa.' In fact Krischan reminds me of my son/his Uncle Josh when he first started running a couple of decades ago. It's been quite a spell between generations, but after today I can honestly say it's been worth the wait. You see, this morning Krischan ran his first official race and I had the pleasure of being there with him, every hop, step and detour-to-pick-up-miscellaneous-odds- andends (baseball, pine cone, dead cicada) along the shady, hilly one-mile route near Spalding Regional Hospital in Griffin, Georgia. After a busy afternoon and evening yesterday hunting invisible space alien babies in the woods behind the house, finding a jawbone that instantly transformed us into 'scientists' (the 'fossil' was later identified by a Facebook friend as that of a deer) and baking our requisite Friday night batch of peanut butter cookies, I woke up this morning at 3:45 to get in my 10-mile run with my friend Al … while Krischan slept in until 7:30 (our race was at 9:00). Of course no five-and-a-half year old boy 'sleeps in' until 7:30; rather he was awakened early on this Saturday morning by his Yia-Yia (my wife Cindy) to get ready for his racing debut. As you can imagine it wasn't pretty, but after he put on his shorts, shirt and 'running shoes' he couldn't wait to get to the starting line. 'How much farther?' I heard more than once as we made the 30-minute drive to Griffin. When we pulled into the parking lot his eyes were as wide as the finishing medal he hoped to have draped around his neck once he crossed his first finish line. I didn't have the heart to tell him there probably wouldn't be a medal for the race (there was an accompanying 5K race - the 'big event;' the one-mile was merely the accompanying 'fun run') but if there wasn't he could choose one of mine when we got back to the house. (He's always admired my medal collection, and one day it is certain to be his.) We picked up Krischan's race packet and he instantly asked me to pin his race number to the front of his shirt. The number almost covered his entire stomach but that didn't matter to him: He was now an 'official runner.' We walked back to the car to drop off his packet and although I had asked him several times just moments earlier if he needed to use the restroom while we were near the hospital and he said 'no' every time, once we were in the parking lot - with nei-

By Scott Ludwig

Krischan ran his first race.

ther a rest room nor porta-pottie anywhere in site-he had to go. 'Now!' He ran to a tree, dropped his shorts to his ankles and let it fly. It was hard to believe this was the same little boy whom I implored to 'water a tree' last summer in a similar emergency situation and he absolutely refused (I ended up pounding on the door of a local restaurant in Senoia -about two hours before they were open for business and they generously allowed Krischan to use the restroom. His comment as we left: 'This restaurant must not be any good because there aren't any customers.'). All I can figure is it must have been the pressure of running his first race. I asked him as we headed to the starting line what made him so bold; he didn't have an explanation, but as we got close to the gathering of runners he asked me if we could 'stop talking about this now?' After all, it was time to get down to business. Besides, it wasn't a good idea for G-Pa's to embarrass their grandsons when they were about to compete in an athletic competition for the

first time. As we waited at the back of a pack of 100 or so runners (the 5K and the one-mile started simultaneously, but the two races took different routes) I told Krischan not to start out too fast because, after all, a mile is a really long way. Over the years Krischan has covered as many as three miles with me, but as you might imagine not all of it was running: There was always a good amount of walking, talking to neighbors and petting every dog that crossed our path. But today would be different: Today was all about running. As the Race Director was going over the instructions for the races, Krischan asked if we could hold hands while we ran. 'You know, so you can keep up with me, G-Pa.' I told him he would need to have his hands free so his arms could pump as he ran, but I would do my absolute best to keep up with him. Krischan started off exactly as I asked: Conservative pace, arms-a-pumping and cheeks turning bright red as he crested the first of several hills on one of the more challenging 'fun run' courses I've ever seen. Let me be the first to say the experience was wonderful: He smiled the entire time, slowed down only for a couple of steps because his 'stomach hurt' and even managed to squeeze in a little exploration and housekeeping along the way. Krischan waved to everyone along the course and got excited every time someone shouted him encouragement ('Do they know me, G-Pa? They must because they're cheering for me!'). We played leapfrog with several other runners for most of the race. As you probably already guessed I took my fair share of photos along the way so I could have a record of this special morning. As we neared the finish line, by my calculation we were in the middle of a pack of about 25 runners, walkers, moms, dads and one lone G-Pa. I told Krischan he should cross the finish line in front of me because I wasn't wearing a number, but he would have none of it: We would be crossing the finish line together. I think what he said was 'Catch up to me, G-Pa; I'll slow down so you can' which was his subtle way of reminding me I'm not as young as him (he thinks I'm 25, by the way). We ran the final 10 or so glorious steps together and crossed Krischan's first finish line in an official time of eighteen minutes and twelve seconds. 18:12, a time that is now part of my vernacular along with 76:36 (a 10-mile race Josh ran when he was nine years old), 3:18:15 (Cindy's first halfmarathon) and 36:14 (my 10K best). I imagine when my memory starts failing me-I'm guessing around the time I'm running my great-grandchild's first race with him or her - the time I'll still remember will be 18:12. While Krischan may not remember his finishing time, I have high hopes that he'll always remember the day he ran just like his G-Pa.


Running Journal • November, 2014

Running Through the Bluegrass How is a Wedding Like a Marathon? In August, I felt exactly like I was getting ready for a marathon. The planning. The clothing. The weather-watching. The nerves. Except I wasn't about to run a marathon. I was about to get married. Surprisingly, the two things felt exactly the same. Most of us spend 12-16 weeks preparing for a marathon. We were engaged in December and knocked out a few of the big things by mid-January. Then in May things really started to pick up. While my marathon plan usually involves a spreadsheet with workouts, long runs and week-

Tracy and Chris Green

As the date drew near, I remembered the race day mantras, "trust your training," "the hay is the barn," "you've put in the work." Like with a marathon, once we got within a few days of the wedding, anyBy thing that wasn't done just wasn't going to Tracy Green be done. We had to trust we had done everything that needed to be done and that everything would be fine. The last minute coffee and donuts idea? Nixed. It would've been like doing some 400s the ly mileage all mapped out, planning our week before the race. Probably not going wedding involved a spreadsheet with to hurt, but not going to help much, either. And, instead of picking my race day about six tabs. And a binder. Also with outfit, I was picking a bridal gown and tabs. accessories -- but with many of the same considerations: comfortable, not hot, look good. (What can I say, I don't want to be the girl on the starting line in a horrendously mismatched outfit.) I'm not sure how many of you have spent time in Kentucky in August, but readers of this magazine are mostly in the Southeastern U.S., so I suspect you know what the weather is like that time of year. Hot and muggy. "Wompy" is a word some of the weather folks use to describe it. I usually go with "miserable." If it's so miserable, why did we pick it, you ask? It's the same foolish idea of running a marathon in August -- something you should know better than to do. Searching for a venue was just like picking the perfect race. Where is it, when is it, is it convenient both geographically and on the calendar, what's the atmosphere, how big is it, how much will it cost? After a lot of searching, we fell in love with a ceremony venue -- the facade of a historic chapel, built in 1876 but burned down in 1954, leaving just the front wall and stairs. They only permit about six weddings a year, and they don't do them later in the fall when we get a lot of rain and there could be a lot of damage to the grounds. Plus, all the meticiously maintained shrubbery and other plants, cared for by the local garden club, would be bare. It was August 23 or bust. Obviously, I started watching the weather when the 10 day forecast became available. For days, it looked like sunny, humid and 98 degrees. Heat index over 100. The ceremony would be outside, but short and mostly shaded. The people who would be most miserable would be the judge (black robe), me (big dress) and Chris (suit). Our bridesmaids were wearing shorter strapless dresses; the groomsmen button-up shirts and ties but no jack-

www.running.net ets. We think those decisions make us good friends. But, just a couple of days before the wedding, the weather started to turn to rain. There was no good option for a rain plan -- you can tent a chapel facade. We'd lose getting to use the chapel, which was our favorite part. There was a lot of powerful thinking happening. Did it rain at exactly 4:55 p.m., exactly when we were supposed to start? Of course. But we adapted -- much like when your marathon is going awry and you adjust your pace so things aren't a total disaster. We had cocktails first, waited out the rain, then headed back over for the ceremony. Before the wedding, people would ask if I was nervous. I was, but like knowing you had done all the training you could, I just had to roll with it and not fret. When it rained, everyone said we handled it well -- probably from a combined total of 12 marathons and four Ironman races, we don't get flustered when things are out of our control. Oh, and one final way it was like a marathon? I wore wicking underpants by Moving Comfort. They were my "something blue." Tracy Harris Green is a runner and writer in Louisville, Ky., where she lives with her husband, Chris. She races on the New Balance Louisville team and is the Director of Communications and Development for a public school district. Find her on Twitter @tracyfgreen or at tracefh.blogspot.com

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Running Journal • November, 2014

gratitude, sense of accomplishment and sheer joy.

He Said, She Said

She (Katy Nagy) Said…

What Does It Take to Win a 12-Hour Ultramarathon? In 1965, an American television game show enticed a copious population of price-privy produce and grocery shoppers to secure their running feet in their favorite pair of 'runners,' and prepare to storm through aisle after grocery-filled aisle in a frenzied, spirited sprint to spend as much money as they could manage in a specified period of time. They rapidly ran past popsicles, peas, pastrami, and paper products as the clock calmly counted down, deliberately delivering the displayed destination of zero seconds remaining. With the race concluded, items from the contestants' overflowing carts were tallied and totaled to determine the rightful winner. In late August, under the sunshine state's beautiful bright rays, and around Lake Hollingsworth's glistening still water at Lakeland, FL, a different group of runners ran against the clock. While a couple of the course's fully stocked aid stations certainly could have passed as mini supermarkets, this race was much different than the races seen on Supermarket Sweep. Instead of running for a few minutes and sweeping up as many products as possible, runners participating in the inaugural Tick Tock Ultra ran for 12 hours and logged as many 2.84-mile laps as possible. As the twelve hours melted away to 12-1110-9-8 ….. 0 seconds, I looked out at the amazing group of runners who had each displayed an impressive running performance. Each accumulation of laps was personal and inspiring, and each was a victory. Yet there was only one female and one male who earned the overall winning titles, prize money, and right to hold the course records. I caught up with these winners shortly after the event to ask, “Ultimately, when it comes to long distance running, what does it take to win a 12-hour ultramarathon?”

By Mary Marcia Brown

the day to help better acclimate to running in the heat, and dramatically slowing his pace to prevent injury and increase his endurance during his training, also helped. His support group helped Smelser stick to his plan on race day while encouraging him, and providing him with essential nutrition and information throughout the day. Although Smelser was grateful for his entire support group, he was unapologetically partial to one member of his group -- his pit crew chief and wife, Lisa Smelser. “The anticipation of seeing my wife at the end of each loop,” Lucas said, was a large part of what he enjoyed about running at the Lake Hollingsworth venue. “We kept track of specific data on each lap like how I was feeling, perceived effort, weather conditions, energy levels, calories/electrolytes/hydration intake,” Smelser said. “I

think she knows my body better than I do.” Several local runners and triathletes stopped by to cheer for Smelser and the field of other ultramarathon runners throughout the day. A fellow employee at the local running store where Smelser works, graciously walked the last two laps with him while other of his friends and co-workers helped his wife disassemble the tent his employer donated to him for the day's event. After the twelve hours transformed to mere minutes, diminished into seconds, and halted at the 7:30 p.m. conclusion of the race, Smelser had logged 23 laps and a total of 65.32 miles. Spectators and race officials were undoubtedly impressed by Smelser's running performance. Perhaps even more impressive, however (and touching), was the positive demeanor and encouraging spirit emanating through his dependable smile at the end of each lap. “It was uplifting to me when I was able to pass along encouraging words to others,” Smelser said. “Never underestimate the power of a smile.” And there was even more than 'power' in the smile that naturally spread across Smelser's face as he stood beside his beloved wife, Lisa, at the Tick Tock Ultra finish line, embraced by the congratulatory spirit of his fellow competitors in the time-specific ultra. There was also the timeless reflection of a champion's pride,

He (Lucas Smelser) Said… “First of all, getting to the starting line healthy is a feat in itself,” male winner, Lucas Smelser said. Fortunately for Smelser, not only did he pull up to the starting line healthy and injury free, he also arrived trained, prepared, supported, and ready to realize his day's goal - “to stay moving for the full 12 hours” by starting slowly, sticking to his nutrition plan, and staying mentally strong and focused. “Having a plan that you are confident in and executing it,” Smelser said, is essential to realize an ultramarathon goal. Smelser was able to do just that by utilizing a 4-minute/1-minute run/walk interval approach that he found to work best for him as he was preparing for the Tick Tock Ultra. Logging many training miles in the middle of


Lucas Smelser and Katy Nagy after the 2014 Tick Tock Ultra

“Practice, patience, will power, positive attitude and endurance,” 35-year old Katy Nagy said after logging 79.52 miles in 12 hours at the August Tick Tock Ultra. “I enjoyed the scenery, the busyness of the race, and the volunteers were very supportive,” Nagy said. “Everything was very professional and I highly recommend [the Tick Tock Ultra] to all my runner friends.” The Tick Tock Ultra was not Nagy's first ultramarathon win. Among her more-thanmarathon-distance accomplishments are: 1st overall female at the 2012 Keys 100 Fifty-mile ultra, 1st overall female at the 2013 Croom Fool 100k and 50k, 1st overall female at the 2013 Ultrbalaton in Hungary (132 miles), and 1st overall female in the 2014 24-hour race in South Carolina where she set a new American record for the 200K distance. “I like pushing my limits, I love challenges, and I can rest my mind while I'm running,” Nagy said. To help her push her limits safely during the Tick Tock Ultra, Nagy's good friends, Ildiko Lates and Emilia Zavodszki supported her throughout the day, and Menyhert Lesi ran the last few laps with her. It was not a completely new experience for her friends, as they had crewed Nagy in the past. “A race like this is very trying but they give me the support I need. They know my mood and my needs. I'm grateful for that,” Nagy shared. So grateful in fact, that Nagy said she plans




Running Journal • November, 2014

Inspired Daily Suncoast Striders Walking & Running Club The Suncoast Striders started out in 2006 as a club based out of local specialty running store in Bradenton, Florida. They offered an organized walk/run on Monday nights for customers, friends, and family, basically anyone in the community who was interested in walking or running as a way to get in shape. After a few years the club officers saw a need for a walking and running club that offered more opportunities for walkers and new runners to train and receive coaching advice on a regular basis. The need for a club to help local charities organize fundraiser races also grew. In 2010 the name changed to what it is today: Suncoast Striders Walking & Running Club. From www.SuncoastStriders.com: “The mission of the Suncoast Striders is to promote walking and running as a way to achieve a healthy and fit way of life through group training opportunities, community events, and coaching.” The club's focus has always been on encouraging all ages and all abilities to

By Rae Ann Darling Reed

become more active. The running store, On A Shoestring, closed but the Suncoast Striders have thrived, offering four group training opportunities per week plus numerous social events throughout the year. There is literally something for everyone. They promote walking as an excellent form of exercise when many local clubs focus only on their fast runner members. While the faces in the weekly training groups change from season to season with the weather, work and vacation schedules, time changes, and the different events they train for, the heart of the club is a strong group of individ-

Left to right: Steve Swarts, Leah Swarts, JP Hoffmeister, Laura Fulk (back), Meagan Deslaurier (front), Canaan Kitterman, Tiffany Tompkins-Condie, Sarah Ecker, Rae Ann Darling Reed, Lauren Wickman. There are about 95 members in the club. Photo was taken after a Sunday long run at Robinson Preserve.

uals striving to make our community a healthier one. The club awarded its second annual running camp scholarship this year. The Suncoast Striders offer incentives for their members through programs like the 1,000 Mile Club / 500 Mile Club and summer group run/walk attendance contest where members are challenged and encouraged to be consistent in their training, track their mileage, and attend more group training sessions. The club hosts a number of social events, including picnics and movie nights. One of the most memorable moments for the club was when well over a dozen members decided to train together for the inaugural Celebration Marathon and Half Marathon in January 2014. They spent 18 weeks working together and encouraging each other through some tough training, weather, and dark winter nights. But that is how they all made it to the finish line. For many, it was their first ever marathon or half marathon. At such a small, first-year event it felt like the Suncoast Striders owned that finish line. One member even bought mylar blankets for everyone in the club so they could be wrapped up once they crossed the line and have that big marathon finish line experience. This quote, shared by Suncoast

Striders member Laura, describes the club very well: “Running has given me many things but the greatest gift has been the people that it's brought into my life.” Thoughts from Maggie: “I enjoy being part of the Suncoast Striders because I have met so many wonderful people who want to live a healthy and active life. Also, it's not just about walking/running, but making lifetime friendships and going to social activities together.” Another comment from Laura: “I love the Suncoast Striders because I feel like I am at the bar “Cheers” -- where everyone knows your name, except we drink Gatorade and water instead of beer! I get a great workout and training but also true friends to run with.” From Katie: “Through The Suncoast Striders Walking/Running Club, I have met a great group of like-minded individuals. Together, we strive to be better than we were yesterday. To me, being a Suncoast Strider is about friendship and consistency.” Rae Ann Darling Reed is vice president and head coach of the Suncoast Striders Walking & Running Club. Follow them on facebook.com/SuncoastStriders or twitter: @SuncoastStrider


Running Journal • November, 2014

Tom McCormack Gathering National Titles By Tom McCormack Tom McCormack of Jonesborough, TN, won the national USA Track & Field (USATF) Championship in the 60-64 age group Oct. 5 in the Syracuse (NY) Festival of Races. Not only that, but McCormack was also the overall male age-graded champion in the race with a 95.39% efficiency and his16:58 finishing time set a new American record, beating the old record of 17:00. McCormack, who was born in Ireland, ran on an all-Irish cross-country team at East Tennessee State University in the 1970's. After graduation, he quit running for nearly a year, then said he ran “on and off until 2013,” when he started training 3-4 days a week, then retired from the Johnson City, TN, Fire Department and began training six days a week. He turned 60 and began entering masters division races and became a member of the 60-64 competitive team of the Atlanta Track Club. Success followed:

On Oct. 20, 2013, he competed in the USATF Masters 5K Cross Country Championships in Flemington, New Jersey, winning the 60-64 division and was second overall age-graded champion. His time was 17:17. On Nov. 16, 2013, he won the 60-64 division of the USATF 12K Road Championships in Alexandria, VA, winning the overall age-graded championship with 93.79%. His time of 43:04 beat the former American record of 43:43. On April 27, 2014, he ran 36:02 at the James Joyce Ramble 10K in Dedham, Mass., winning the USATF national championship in the 60-64 age group. He was second overall in age-graded with 92.68%. From July 17-20, 2014, he competed in the USATF Masters Outdoor Championships at Winston-Salem, NC, winning his age group in the 5K (17:23.38) and 10K (36:38.98). On Aug. 22, he won the USATF One Mile Championship 60-64 division in Flint, Michigan with a time of 5:03.

Tom McCormack




Running Journal • November, 2014

Running Fitness Wonder What Vegan Is Like? Plenty of athletes use a vegan or plant-based diet to enhance performance. As I like to say, plants enhance. This growing list of athletes includes legendary, frequent ultra marathone winner Scott Jurek to triathlete Brendan Brazier, and to amazing body-builders such as Robert Cheeke. Check out his site www.veganbodybuilding.com for an incredible array of athletes, male and female who do it all 'just' on plants. So what's all the buzz about? Many athletes, myself included, f ind that a plant-based diet reduces inflammation, speeds recovery and manages weight optimally. A vegan diet, or plant-based as the terms go, means eating nothing with a mother or a face. No meat products which includes no dairy or eggs as well. Have you wondered what it's like to eat a plant-based diet? President Bill Clinton reversed his heart disease and avoided a third heart procedure, in addition to losing a needed 25 pounds. Some people think a vegan diet doesn't seem interesting or full of variety. I answer, Mother Nature got it right by giving us thousands of fruits and vegetables in all colors of the rainbow. In the animal kingdom, food is pretty much brown, brown and brown. Nature wanted to make sure we ate our fruits and vegetables by making them so colorful and

By Ellen Jaffe Jones

appealing. If you aren't ready to go au natural completely, there are plenty of processed foods to help you make the transition. Many food companies such as Tofurkey, Fieldroast, Sophie's Kitchen and Gardein have several of the most popular animal substitutes or analogs, as they are called. These companies are creating foods that look like everything from shrimp, chicken and sausages. They leave no excuse not to at least experiment. Where do you go to try it out with no f inancial risk? Vegfests are popping up all over the country. Some have been going on for decades. They allow you to taste all kinds of vegan foods for free. Although they are called Vegetarian Festivals, they are almost all exclusively vegan. They want vegans to attend knowing that there is no risk they'll be eating something like cow's milk cheeses. There are so many vegan cheeses

anyway, there will most likely be vendors serving free samples. I have been lucky to be invited by my publisher and others to be one of the main speakers at many of the largest vegfests in the US and Canada since my f irst book came out. I've been blown away by all the other speakers, vendors and foods at Vegfests. I just returned from being one of four main speakers at the Portland's Vegfest, considered by some to be vegan mecca. I not only spoke about my recent book, “Paleo Vegan,” but also did cooking demonstrations from one of my other books. I was also asked to lead a workout for attendees titled, “Warm-ups and Cool-downs To Keep You InjuryFree.” Other speakers are also book authors, doctors, registered dieticians, athletes and celebrities. I'll be speaking at the Atlanta and Boston Vegfests this fall. Those events occur on the same weekends as the Tampa (Nov. 8th) and Orlando (Oct. 25th) Vegfests. Be sure to go! I was invited to both Tampa and Orlando Vegfests for the past f ive years and did talks and food demos. But since my publisher invited me to the other two, I have to go to those. My publisher only pays for 2 or 3

authors to speak at these events, which is rare these days. What a great problem to have…overlapping vegfests on the same weekends. More people understand that their doctors never get a single nutrition class in medical school and therefore need to do their own homework about how to deal with health problems. Overlap never used to happen when I started the lecture circuit. So if you have ever wondered what a vegan diet tastes like or looks like, it is fun to go to one of these. Look for other events outside the vegan box. For example, the past two years my publisher invited me to book sign at his booth at the Miami Book Festival, a beautiful street festival over 10 days attracting 2 million people. This year, I was invited by the festival to not only be a speaker, but to also do a food demonstration. Vegan is really getting so mainstream. Gotta run! In addition to “Paleo Vegan: Plant-based Primal Recipes,” Ellen Jaffe Jones is the also the author of “Eat Vegan on $4 a Day” and “Kitchen Divided.” She is a certified personal trainer and running coach and can be reached at www.vegcoach.com.

Running Journal wants to print YOUR Running Story! Do you have an interesting running story? Or do you know someone who does? Running Journal is looking for stories from our readers. Maybe you’d like to write about how you train, where you train, your favorite race, your favorite training partner, or just share a special running experience. Or you may want to tell us about someone else who deserves recognition for a running accomplishment, whether it be running their first marathon or running their first mile! Please send articles via e-mail to: rj@running.net or mail to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744. Articles should be between 500-700 words or less. Please include a photo if possible.

Ellen doing food demo in racing gear at Portland Vegfest.


Running Journal • November, 2014

Learning from the Young Guns

By Ryan Warrenburg, ZAP Fitness

and another 1 mile at marathon pace. The idea is to let your legs feel race rhythm and do something to turn your legs over a bit during the week so you don't feel stale on race day. The main thing here is to avoid doing anything anaerobic where you are could have lingering fatigue carry over to race day. Destination races are popular in the marathon community (for good reason “Honey, it's not my fault I have to go all the way to Berlin to run the fastest marathon in the world.”) If you are driving several hours or getting on a plane to go to a race there are a few things to keep in mind. You should do a short run the day before your race just to shake the travel out of your legs. We've all gone for a run after spending hours in the car… and it's the worst run ever. Get the worst run ever out of your legs before you toe the line. There is nothing better for your race than to go for an easy run to stretch your legs out a bit and get the blood moving after sitting for hours in the same position. It won't feel good, but it will go a long way in ensuring your race will. Important to note that doing something to loosen the legs up the day before does not include spending all day walking around the expo or said destination city. If you are going to make a vacation out of it make the race at the beginning of the trip, not at the end. (You should be taking the elevator to the top of the Empire State Building anyway; only a runner would think the way to get the true experience was to walk up 86 flights of stairs.) Be selfish the days before the race and avoid spending a ton of time on your feet, it will have a negative impact on your race. Get to the expo, get your bib number and get out of there, those things are like Vegas

HE SAID, SHE SAID CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 on using her $250 prize money to help pay for a vacation she plans to take with her support group this winter. The Hungarian-born American runner has a few more goals to tackle before then, however. She plans to tackle a 24-hour race in December, and a 24-hour qualification race in January in an effort to maintain a position on the 24-hour USA team for 2015. Her late September victory proves there is little reason to doubt that Nagy is sufficiently trained and prepared for the challenge. After the Tick Tock Ultra, Nagy said that the 12-hour race was “the perfect prelude for [her] next big competition coming up at the end of September in Sparta, Greece.” It was there that she completed the 250K distance in 28:55 as the top American and 2nd overall female. The relentless record-setting, award-winning ultramarathon runner is disciplined, and committed to her sport. Under the direction of her coach, Oliver Lorincz, Nagy trains six times a week and averages 100 weekly miles. She loves her eight-year old cat that she has had since he was a baby, which probably explains why she chose Whiskers Anonymous as the Tick Tock Ultra's beneficiary of the race's charitable donation. When she is not training, racing, taking care of her pet, or working with her own house management business, Nagy enjoys squeezing in enough time to watch an old black and white movie during which (many of her fans may be surprised to learn) the phenomenal runner, who knows just what it takes to win an ultramarathon, can also disappear an entire box of chocolate chip cookies in one sitting! A runner's appetite happens to be exactly what it takes to do that.

Marathon Race Week What do the marathon taper and the Ab Belt (the infomercial machine that sends shockwaves into your abs claiming to magically melt away belly fat giving you a ripped washboard stomach) have in common? On the surface you might be thinking they have nothing at all in common, but stay with me. Read the product's fine print and you'll notice the recommended exercise routine and nutrition plan you should follow for best results ah ha! If you put in the hard work of exercising and eating properly you'll lose weight and have a more defined midsection. Interesting. Similarly, the success of your marathon taper is dependent upon all the hard work put throughout the buildup. The taper won't miraculously enhance your fitness, but there are some things you can do in the final week of training to get the most out of yourself on race day. The biggest mistake people make in the final week of training is completely changing their routine. If training has gone well the worst thing you can do is change everything at the last minute. It's not to say the taper isn't important, it is, particularly for a marathon. In a race of 26.2 miles the energy requirements are much different than even a half marathon and ensuring your muscle glycogen stores are full is paramount. Truthfully, if you're eating a well-balanced diet this shouldn't be a concern, but backing off your training volume and intensity the final week is important to replenish muscle glycogen and to freshen up your legs heading into race day. You should cut your mileage back roughly 15-25% from the previous week, which should in turn be roughly 1525% less than the week before that. I recommend doing this by trimming a little bit from your daily runs rather than drastically altering your weekly schedule. However, if you run 5 or more days during the week taking an extra rest day is a good idea. Part of maintaining your weekly routine should include a workout the week of the race if you normally do a workout during the week. A Wednesday workout isn't going to boost your fitness come Sunday so this session should remain moderate and at goal marathon pace. The typical workout I use with athletes is 2 miles at marathon pace followed by 3 minutes rest


casinos with no windows or discernable exits so beware! Next thing you know you're buying a new pair of shoes and gummy chews for the race tomorrow. Which brings me to my next point; do not decide to do something, anything, for the first time on race day (or for dinner the night before - I don't care that you've been “dying to try” those 7-spice thai tacos Guy Fieri was raving about on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.) You should have practiced everything: what time you're going to wake up, what you're going to eat for breakfast, certainly what shoes you're going to wear, how you're getting to the start line, what clothes you're going to race in, and what fluid/nutrition you're going to consume during the race. Coffee or no coffee, hat or no hat, compression socks or no compression socks - these are all decisions that should be made before you're heading out the door to catch the shuttle to the start. Having to worry about all of those things at the last minute (I've been there) adds an additional layer of anxiety to the already anxious pursuit of running a marathon. And don't forget to have fun! If you've done the work then the hard part is over, the race is a celebration of all that work. If you start to doubt every step you've ever run, like many of us do the night before a Mary Marcia Brown is a writer, runner, race race, look over your training log and director and personal trainer. review all the hard work you've put in. It Reach her at marymarciabrown@yahoo.com will give you the confidence you need to go to the start line relaxed and ready to take advantage of your preparation. And if you're well prepared then enjoy the celebration!

Running E-mail Newsletter

ZAP Fitness-Reebok is a non-profit facility that supports post collegiate distance runners in Blowing Rock, NC. ZAP puts on adult running camps during the summer and is available for retreats all year. The facility has a state of the art weight room, Alter-G treadmill and a 24-bed lodge. Coaches at the facility include 2time Olympic Trials Qualifier Zika Rea, 2007 USATF National XC Champion Ryan Warrenburg as well as head coach Pete Rea. For more information go to www.zapfitness.com or call 828-295-6198. You can reach Ryan at zapfitness@gmail.com.

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Running Journal • November, 2014




To recover or not to recover... that is the question




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Ultra Running I have been waiting to recover from the 2,014 miles of the 3,100 mile race I ran this summer. Yes, I was a “dismal” failure getting beat by over 1,000 miles. I was also successful in recording mileage on all 52 days allotted. I had a low of 19 miles and a high of 65 miles. I averaged 38.71 miles per day. By the middle of the run there was very little running. I shuffled and or walked for hours on end. I described this as having no horsepower. Running 20-minute miles was laborious. My feet ranged from causing agony to considerable discomfort. After a while my heels were numb. But recovery? It has been slow. When running, there has been a general weariness. The muscles do not want to respond to my commands. A slow pace requires the effort/oxygen of much faster paces than what I am running. Nothing is injured, broken, or really even sore. There is just a general fatigue. My feet are still sore, particularly the heels, where I think I crushed every soft tissue fiber in there. They remain a strange sort of numb that has gradually dissipated. The bones healed more quickly, and stopped being painful within three weeks, but have been re-aggravated by subsequent events. Yes, there have been subsequent events. Twenty-five days after finishing, I “ran” a slow 50 kilometer. I finished in 8:27:31. I was weary, there was still no horsepower, and my feet hurt. Still I was able to chug along to the finish. The next day I was no more sore than the day before, but the feet hurt more, and took several days to recover to “only” the heel pain/numbness. Ten days later I was back at it, running the Bitter End 100, which was actually 104.25 miles. Yes, those 4.25 miles were significant, taking almost and hour and a half to complete. I have experienced the same lack of horsepower in every run since before the midpoint of the 3100/2014. I timed a mile using the green mileage signs heading into Elizabethton. I was running fast… downhill… breathing hard… 13:02. I even “kicked” trying to break 13 minutes. Ultimately I reached the finish line in 45:19:33. I was sore, tired, and my feet hurt. The soreness went away within a few days. The feet persisted in hurting, including more pain in the heels. Pain that replaced some of the numbness. I took that as a good sign. Twenty days later I was at Hinson Lake for the 24 hour. I was hoping for 100 miles. I wanted at least 89. Fat chance. From the

By Ray Krolewicz

beginning when I was putting out 7-minute mile effort and running 12 minute miles I knew it would be a long day. There was still no horsepower. There was no lift or drive. Within a few hours the feet hurt, even more than they had during Bitter End. The bones hurt, the heels hurt. I kept going. At 50 miles I stopped for a massage, and a nap. I was off the course for just over 2 hours. When I began running/shuffling again, I was slightly better than when I had stopped. Still moving slowly I was at least moving. Then, as usually happens, I was tested in an unplanned manner. I had to use the bathroom, just before the halfway mark of the loop. I was .75 miles from the porta-potty. The need quickly became distress and I picked up the pace. I was breathing hard, the legs were being taxed, but I was running fast, perhaps even 9-minute miles. I made the porta-potty with seconds to spare. When I resumed the course I was back to my shuffle. There was less than an hour to go. I completed another slow lap then decided to run another full lap before the banana lap. (The banana lap at Hinson Lake is the final partial lap when another full lap is not possible. Runners carry a banana with their number written on it that is placed at their final point of progress when the horn sounds.) I had started the lap walking, still managed a 17:55 for the lap. I continued to where I had begun running and completed that “lap” in just under 15 minutes, sub (barely) 10 minute miles. Still I was encouraged. I ended up with 68 miles, far short of any goal I had set going in. Still I was not disappointed. A maximum effort might have netted another 8 or 9 miles. I have a long way to go before recovery is complete. I should be increasing mileage. I should gradually increase pace. I might even need to find some short races to run, perhaps a marathon. Though there is that 24 hour in a few weeks ... and I may be recovered by then.


Running Journal • November, 2014

Down the Road One Mile Down The Road to Recovery One mile is not very far, right? Wrong. Most of us who have been running for a long time begin to think of a mile run as a mere warm up. But when you are recovering from an injury the actual distance of a mile comes into play. How far is a mile anyway? One mile is 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards or 1609.344 Meters. So now you know. But when you start walking or running after you have been hurt, it seems a lot longer. Let's see, if your stride is about a yard long you will hit the ground about 1,760 times to run a mile. The pundits say that 3 times your body weight is transferred through your feet up your legs with the impact of each footfall. So if something hurts or is healing, you can multiply your body weight by 3. So for example 3 times 170 equals 510 pounds of impact with each stride. Regular readers may recall that my wife Kathy and I were in a pretty serious car wreck last year when a texting driver ran a light and hit us head on. The wreck totaled both cars and gave Kathy and me only back and neck aches (thanks to all 6 airbags deploying in her new Honda which I was driving). Unfortunately I also got tendon and ligament damage and two breaks - one stress fracture above and one small break in the bone right in front of the ankle of the foot which was jammed on the brake. They have been very slow to heal. When you see your family Doctor (Xray and 6 weeks in a walking boot) and then an Orthopedic specialist (tests and an MRI) and then do Physical Therapy Rehabilitation for 12 weeks, the time it takes starts adding up. It was worse because the pain never stopped. It can also be depressing. But we won't dwell on that. Seeing the Orthopedic specialist 3 months after the final procedure and shot he had prescribed was a very happy day. Especially since he had told me that there was only a 50/50 chance it would solve the problem and that if it did not, only surgery was left as an option - again with only a 50/50 chance of success. After examining my foot and hearing about my increased walking and short runs without pain, he released me. He also gave me his blessing to start running and building towards my goal of being able to run the Cooper River Bridge Run next April. How does a specific goal of running the race at just under 10 minutes per mile and finishing the race in less than one hour sound? It sounded good to him. My goal at the Bridge Run used to be to finish under 40 minutes and I succeeded

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By Cedric Jaggers

at that goal for 17 years in a row (I had run the race 35 times in a row prior to the accident). But after almost a year of not being able to run, he agreed that a one hour goal was very reasonable, assuming nothing goes wrong. You can only imagine how happy I was to hear that and to be released from having to see him again. So what if I still have to do all the P.T. prescribed exercises every morning and every night? So what if I have to wear the prescribed orthotics for the rest of my life? I can run again with the Doctor's blessing. My first run was one quarter of a mile. It felt like about 10 miles. I was actually winded when I got to the mark, and I had not been running fast: 3:08 barely over a walking pace. Surprise. When you don't run for almost a year, you lose a lot of conditioning. I've gradually been adding a quarter mile at a time and finally ran a mile. I feel like a runner again even though it took 10:34 and felt like a 5:34 back in the day. So if you think one mile is not a run, you are wrong. If you think it is not very far - you are partially wrong. Being able to run a mile is an achievement for any non-runner, or for any recovering-froman-injury runner. It feels like and is a landmark distance. As the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu purportedly said: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.� I consider my journey to recovery as beginning for real with my first mile of running since the accident. Where are you on your running journey? We hope to see you running down the road, injury free sometime soon. Cedric Jaggers was elected to the South Carolina Road Runners Hall of Fame in 1992. He is the author of Charleston's Cooper River Bridge Run. He lives and runs in Rock Hill, SC. He may be reached via e-mail at JaggersRun@comporium.net

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Running Journal • November, 2014


The Athlete’s Kitchen To Eat - or Not to Eat: The Pre-Run Question

Don’t let nutrition be your missing link...

• enjoy better workouts • lose undesired body fat • feel great!

Run with energy to spare—and even lose weight at the same time! Worried about hitting the wall? Learn how to fuel for the long run.

TO ORDER: ___ Food Guide for Marathoners $22 ___ Food Guide for New Runners $22 ___ Sports Nutrition, NEW 5th Edition


Name __________________________________ Phone__________________________________ Address ________________________________ _______________________________________ Order online: www.nancyclarkrd.com Or, send check to Sports Nutrition Services PO Box 650124, West Newton MA 02465 Ph 617.795.1875 • MA Residents: +6.25% tax

What should I eat before I run? That's the question runners of all ages and abilities most commonly ask when I'm presenting a sports nutrition workshop. While most people expect a simple response, such as “Eat a banana” or “Have a slice of toast,” the answer is actually complex and depends on many factors. After all, we are each an experiment of one. The following information can help you figure out the best way to fuel your body before you exercise. Does what you eat within 30 minutes of run offer performance benefits? Your body can actually digest and use the food you eat before you run as long as you are exercising at a pace you can maintain for more than 30 minutes. Research also suggests that eating a snack just five minutes before moderate exercise can improve performance compared to exercising on empty. Yet, if you will be doing intense exercise - a track workout, hill repeats, or heavy weight lifting session, you should experiment to determine the best time to eat. You will likely feel more comfortable allowing two or three hours for your pre-exercise food to digest and empty from the stomach. Will pre-run food cause heartburn or nausea? While many runners can comfortably tolerate pre-exercise food, others experience stomach distress. If the food you eat within the hour pre-run “talks back to you,” figure out: 1. Does the discomfort happen if you allow two or more hours for the pre-exercise food to be digested? 2. Does the type of food cause the problem? That is, do a few pretzels settle well but a cup of yogurt feels acidic? 3. Did you eat too much? Would half a bagel with a skimming of peanut butter digest better than the whole bagel? 4. Are you doing very high intensity work? If so, your stomach will shut down and your body will want to get rid of the contents…. What if I run in the early morning, before my stomach is awake? If you drag yourself out of bed to exercise at early o'thirty, before your body and your mind are fully awake, you might not want to eat much of anything. I know of many runners, swimmers, rowers and ice hockey players who eat their breakfast the night before. That is, instead of eating a bowl of cereal at 5:30 a.m., they enjoy it at 10:00 pm, before going to bed. This food helps them wake up in the morning with a normal blood glucose (blood sugar) level, and provides energy for an enjoyable and effective workout. What if pre-run food contributes to diarrhea and undesired pit stops? Food generally takes one or two days to travel through the intestinal tract. Hence, an undesired pit-stop during a long run on Sunday might relate to food that you ate the day or two before. That is, if you ate an unusually large bowl of high-fiber bran cereal on Saturday when carbo-loading for the Sunday long run, you might end up wishing you'd carbo-loaded on low-fiber corn flakes or Rice Chex. Or maybe that bean burrito on Friday night caused the problem? You can try tracking your food and fiber intake, looking for suspicious patterns. In general, exercise speeds up intestinal motility. With time, most bodies can adjust if you train your intestines to handle pre-exercise food. For example, one runner started by nibbling on one pre-exercise pretzel, and then two, and gradually built up his tolerance to the suggested 100 to 300 calories of carbs consumed within the hour pre-exercise. He enjoyed the benefits of feeling stronger at the end of his runs. Should I purposefully not eat before I exercise because I want to lose weight while I exercise? One client reported she didn't eat before she went to the gym because she was exercising to burn calo-

By Nancy Clark, M.S., R.D.

ries. Why would she want to add calories to her diet? Wouldn't that defeat the main purpose of her workouts? Think again: If you consume 100 to 300 calories before you train, you will be able to run harder, longer, or at higher intensity and burn more calories than if you schlep through the session on fumes, with little enthusiasm or enjoyment. (Plus, you will not be as hungry afterwards and will be able to refrain from over-indulging.) Trust me, the plan to exercise-on-empty is hard to sustain; it is not fun. Just notice the drop-off in attendance at the gym between Jan. 1 and Feb. 1... Food is fuel. As a runner, you need to fuel your body appropriately -- including pre-exercise. Just as you put gas in your car before you take it for a drive, you want to put fuel in your body before you embark on a busy day. Be as nice to your body as you are to your car, please! By eating nothing before my morning run, won't I burn more fat? You may have heard you can burn more fat during low-level “fat burning exercise” if you do not eat beforehand. Yes, you might burn more fat than carbohydrates, but burning fat differs from losing body fat. You lose body fat when, at the end of your day, you have created a calorie deficit. That is, you will lose body fat (weight) if you have eaten only 1,800 calories by bedtime, even though you burned off 2,200 calories during the day. By fueling pre-exercise, you can have a better workout - and perhaps burn more calories than if you were to run on fumes. To lose body fat, I suggest you fuel adequately by day, so you will have energy to enjoy an active lifestyle, and then lose weight at night by eating a lighter dinner. Fueling by day and dieting by night (so you lose weight when you are sleeping), is far preferable to restricting by day only to over-indulge at night due to extreme hunger. Can running on empty enhance endurance? Some recent research suggests that highly competitive athletes might be able to enhance their performance if they train underfueled a few times a week. These depletion workouts can alter muscle metabolism so that the muscles are able to compete better when fully fueled. If you want to “train low,” be sure to do your important high intensity workouts when you are well fueled. You cannot (enjoyably) exercise hard when you are running on fumes. Your performance will suffer unless you do some high quality hard runs when you are well fueled.

Boston-area sports nutritionist Nancy Clark, MS, RD offers oneon-one consults with both casual and competitive athletes. Her private practice is in Newton, MA (617-795-1875). For information about her Sports Nutrition Guidebook (2014) and food guides for runners and marathoners, see www.nancyclarkrd.com. For online education, see www.NutritionSportsExerciseCEUs.com


Running Journal • November, 2014

Running Psychology The Staleness Solution You ran a lot during the summer and you've been going at it pretty hard this fall, racing often and putting in a lot of mileage during the week. Work has been very busy as well and many evenings you have been up late, either tending to family matters or work related tasks. You are still motivated to run, but just recently you have noticed that you are a bit more tired in the morning, you don't have the same zip going uphill and you just simply don't feel like your normal self. Nothing to worry about, you're just experiencing a little "rough patch," right? Well, be careful, your body and mind may be trying to tell you something. Running is a physical stressor on the body. Training is basically stressing the body and giving the body adequate time and circumstances to adapt to the stress. Too little training stress will result in the body not needing to adapt and fitness levels will show little, if any improvement. Too much stress, coupled with inadequate recovery, and the body fails to adapt to training load with symptoms such as chronic soreness with decreased levels of per-

By Richard Ferguson, Ph.D.

formance becoming evident. As such, when training load is too great and is combined with less than adequate sleep, improper nutrition and high levels of daily stressors, problems can occur. Some use the terms staleness and overtraining synonymously, and while the two are most certainly related, staleness will often have psychological underpinnings, not just physicals one that result from running too many miles or drastically increasing the intensity of training. Overtraining will contribute to staleness, but it's not the

Grand Prix XXXVII Schedule 45-49 August 29 October 12 November 23 December 13 January 10 February 8 February 14 March 15 May 25

Midnight Flight 10K Hokie Half Marathon Magic City Half Marathon Rocket City Marathon Mississippi Blues Half Marathon Winter Flight 8K Dasani Myrtle Beach Half Marathon Germantown Half Marathon Cotton Row 10K

Anderson, SC Blacksburg, VA Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL Jackson, MS Salisbury, NC Myrtle Beach, SC Germantown, TN Huntsville, AL

Grand Prix rules Grand Prix points will only be awarded to runners residing in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, DC, at the time of the competition.Double Grand Prix points will be awarded at the Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL.*In each half marathon, 25 bonus points will be awarded to each runner scoring in that race. Only the top 8 GP performances for any runner will be counted in the open and age group scoring of GP XXXVII.If a runner changes age groups, he or she may score in both age groups but points will stay in the age group for which the runner competes in at the time of the race. Following the Cotton Row Run on Memorial Day 2015, awards will be presented to the top 3 overall male and female finishers, top one male and female masters, grand masters, senior grand masters, and veterans and the top three finishers in each age category and those present will have photos taken for publication in Running Journal. Runners who win an award in the open, masters, grand masters, senior grand masters, or veterans are not eligible for age group awards. Runners must run at least two races to qualify for final awards. *Rule change

Points will be awarded in each race as follows: -- Top 20 males and females overall. -- Top 8 male and female masters (40-49), grand masters (50-59) senior grand masters (60-69), and veterans (70-over) -- Top 8 males and females in age groups 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-over.

Grand Prix Scoring System Place Top 20 overall Top 8 scoring

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 100 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 100 85 70 55 40 30 20 10

only thing that needs to be considered. If staleness is allowed to continue over a long period of time, the more serious condition of burnout can occur. Burnout is a more serious form of mental and physical exhaustion that can often lead to dropping totally out of sports like running. So specifically, how can you recognize if staleness is beginning to set in so that you can intervene and ward off more serious problems from occurring? One of the first outward signs of running staleness is that your running seems to require more effort. You simply feel like it's more difficult to run at the same pace or distance. What was once easy may now seem like a struggle. On some days your muscles feel fatigued and they don't seem to recover with easy running days. You just seem to sense that something is just not right. Sure, everyone has some days when running is a struggle physically, but there are other signs of staleness to be aware of. Have your sleep patterns changed? Maybe you still go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, but you seem to take a long time to fall asleep and you wake-up frequently during the night. You may even notice that you wake-up one or two hours before the alarm and can't fall back asleep. Sleep disturbances can be an early sign of staleness and can become a vicious cycle. You need the rest, but you can't sleep properly. Another sign of staleness can be changes in mood. Maybe someone close has told you that you seem to be a little “cranky” and maybe over-react to little things, like the trash not being taken out. You may notice that you do indeed feel more stressed. In many cases you may actually feel depressed. Depression would appear to be very common in runners suffering from staleness. Dr. Jack Raglin of Indiana University has reported that about 80% of athletes suffering from staleness exhibit some signs of clinical depression. Related to mood disturbances may be changes in appetite. If there is decreased appetite another vicious cycle can develop. You need nutrition for proper recovery, but you just aren't hungry. On the other hand some people may actually overeat during a period of staleness. As with many conditions, early intervention is important to overcoming staleness and not allowing it to progress into a state of severe overtraining or even burnout. Because staleness seems to be highly related to volume of training, the first step to take is to simply cut back on your weekly mileage or time spent running. This doesn't mean not running, it just means reduce your training load and see how you feel. You may just find that a week or two of lower mileage will result in higher energy levels, both physically and mentally. Also, if you've been doing a lot of really hard,


anaerobic training, such as intense interval training and/or a lot of racing, reduce those as well. Too much anaerobic training can alter blood acidity levels and cause chronic fatigue. Be cautious and remember that more isn't necessarily better when it comes to training volume. It's always a good idea to periodize training so that your training plan has recovery cycles built in. If the symptoms of staleness are evident, then obviously more rest is called for. Of course this is often easier said than done. Today's world is hectic and people have so many demands placed upon them. Sometimes it's sleep that's reduced in order to make time for everything else. However, if you are experiencing staleness symptoms, a little extra sleep can go a long way towards a return to form in your running. If possible, try to have some peaceful, unwind time before bed. Try to get in bed just a little earlier and sleep just a little latter. Make your room comfortable for sleep with a cool, comfortable temperature, and darkness and noise reduced as much as possible. Whenever you can, squeeze in a nap, even if it's only for a few minutes. I firmly believe that naps can be a runner's best friend! Also, try your best to reduce stress levels away from running. Little stressors throughout the day can be huge energy drains. Many times it may be impossible to eliminate stressors, like demands at work, traffic or simply limited time to get household chores done, however you can work to change how you react to daily stressors. Restructuring your thinking when it comes to daily stressors can help you be more relaxed and save valuable energy. Just ask yourself, “In the big picture, is this little stressor really worth getting all worked up over?” Save your energy for life's bigger challenges. Don't forget your diet and energy levels. Sometimes staleness can mean a loss of appetite. Adequate nutrition is essential for exercise recovery and not eating properly can accentuate the symptoms of staleness. Be sure to eat adequate carbohydrates for energy and the proper amount of protein for muscle recovery. As a runner, “you need fuel in the tank.” If the symptoms of staleness do present themselves, listen to what your body and mind is trying to tell you. You might be doing a bit too much training and/or not getting adequate recovery from training. Heed the warning signs and you might just ward off much more serious running problems down the road. Richard Ferguson is Chair of the Physical Education, Wellness, and Sport Science Department of Averett University and is an AASP Certified SportPsycology Consultant. He may be reached via e-mail at ferguson@averett.edu



Running Journal • November, 2014

Women’s Running We Have Come a Long Way Baby While I was in South Dakota at the fashion show/dinner the night before the marathon, several of the ladies at my table started discussing the way things were when we started running more than three- plus decades ago. I thought those of you running in the late 70s, and those of you who were not born, and anyone in between would appreciate a look back into the past. In thinking how far we have come I am amazed that those of us running back then actually made it through the good old days. There was a cigarette commercial in the 70s for Virginia Slims which had the slogan "You've come a long way baby." Obviously it was aimed at women to entice them to the glamour of smoking. So using their slogan I can tell you we have come a very long way from promoting cigarettes as glamorous to changing the entire marketplace for female runners. I coached middle school track and field for the three years before I became a runner. My girls were state champions and I suspect since I was not a runner I never even realized the difficulty my girls had finding appropriate attire for running. Of course they were in middle school and shorts and Tshirts worked for them. At least they never complained. When I first attempted to run I realized that high heels would not work. I went to a large sporting goods store and found a pair of Converse tennis shoes. That was the best the store could do. I ran in those shoes for most of a year until I discovered there were actually shoes for runners. We had a small Phidippides store in Tallahassee and I found a pair of waffle trainers. There was very little variety and no women's sizes. You just found a pair that fit! You need to remember there was no internet in the late 70s and very little interest in promoting women's running. It was imagined that all sorts of horrible dilemmas would befall females who ran - anything from your uterus falling out to the supportive tissue in your breasts breaking. Besides women were not supposed to sweat! There was no information on running so you needed to find a group and hopefully get some decent information there. Fortunately I was living at the University of South Florida and then at Florida State University so I found limited resources. Clothes were an entire issue that had really never been addressed. I wish I had thought of all the items we could use. I might well be a multi-millionaire. The first issue was what to wear as an undergarment to support your breasts. Living in Florida with the heat and humidity your regular bra rubbed and chafed. There was no such item as a jog bra. I admit that I often ran in a tube

By Carolyn Mather, RN, PhD.

top. It provided support and certainly garnered attention. I finally bought a Danskin leotard in bright red. To this day Harold Tinsley, who was then the race director of the Rocket City Marathon, recalls how he loved to see me show up at races in that very racy leotard. I matched the top with a pair of terry cloth tennis shorts ( see picture).

In the early 80s a running bra was marketed. Now that was a scary contraption that had more cotton, elastic, and wide straps than could be tolerated by any person sweating. I finally settled on a little cute, lightweight bra that actually matched my competitive uniform (not that it was ever seen). The only problem is that on the day I ran my 2:51 marathon both straps snapped at the start and I was very thankful that I had four safety pins on my number as two were utilized for repair at the starting line. We ran mostly in mid-thigh length shorts and cotton T-shirts. There were no wicking materials and by the end of a run you weighed at least a few extra pounds from the weight of sweaty clothes. Warm ups consisted of sweat shirts and sweat pants. Very quickly after I started running I joined a group of women runners and we did have the benefit of uniforms for competi-

tion. These were nylon singlet and nylon shorts. They certainly were lighter and more comfortable but when you finished a race you were drenched and these numbers did not dry quickly. When we moved to polyester a few years later we were thrilled but they still did not dry after a race. So it was throw on the cotton T-shirt. At the marathon where the bra straps broke, I had a host of other self discovered items to wear because it was cold. Tights did not exist and my legs did get cold. So I wore white panty hose with my shorts, a long sleeve cotton shirt under my singlet, a bandana for my head, and some old gloves which were certainly not runner friendly. I do remember finishing and wondering if I would be carted off to the homeless shelter. Fortunately for me I have never been a shy lady and I utilize what works. I found dancers tights at a local dance supply store and found the underwear cheerleaders wore under their cheer skirts. I am sure I scandalized many a race with my "bun huggers," my tube tops and in winter with my dance tights. I am not sure any of the items I discovered were meant for racing but they worked and I certainly drew attention! When jog bras were finally created in the mid 80s, I was one of first to get one and I wore it with my red "bun huggers." The jog bra was a bright blue and was given to me by masters phenom Priscilla Welch who said she would never wear such a thing in public. I did and although it was polyester it was less to have to dry! I can still hear the comments about the lady who ran in her underwear! Another thing I realized as I began this blast into the past is that we did not have running watches. I had my stopwatch from my middle school coaching and I carried it with me on many a run. I actually had to trust clocks as such at races as the stopwatch was too clunky to carry. Some of the first awards I won had men on them. Awards were never equal as there were so few women and no one seemed to think I would mind a trophy with a guy on top. Actually some races decided to give merchandise as I suspect there was not yet a trophy shop with lady runners on the top. Things began to change a bit after Joan Benoit won the gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. Running stores began popping up and some carried a limited line of gear for females. Some of it was not very comfortable but it was what we had. In the mid 80s, Moving Comfort came on the scene and began developing more options for women. As I have said at the beginning very few females admitted to running and did their best to camouflage themselves. I am sure you recall Kathrine Switzer in her infamous Boston Marathon debut in a very loose gray sweat shirt and sweat pants. I remember my daughter's track uniforms in high school were not only used from season to season but were very heavy and ugly. You were lucky to snag a uniform that fit and you held onto it throughout high school. Then it went back into the pile for the next user. I suspect

that the budget for girl's track was severely restricted if it even existed. With all the stuff available today, I find it a bit of a stretch to keep it simple. I do have a runner's watch now but have not adjusted to all of the new technology. Most women seem to run with music. I guess back in the late 70s you could lug around a cassette player but I am a purist and leave the music at home. Besides it is safer to pay attention to your body and your surroundings. We have indeed come a long way baby. Now you have to sort through all the clothes, technology, training plans, and information overload. I must admit that the good old days were good for a reason. Carolyn Mather, R.N., PhD. lives and runs in north Georgia and is a member of the adidas elite team of the Atlanta Track Club Competitive Team. She can be reached at carolynmather@tds.net

Running Journal wants to print YOUR Running Story! Do you have an interesting running story? Or do you know someone who does? Running Journal is looking for stories from our readers. Maybe you’d like to write about how you train, where you train, your favorite race, your favorite training partner, or just share a special running experience. Or you may want to tell us about someone else who deserves recognition for a running accomplishment, whether it be running their first marathon or running their first mile! Please send articles via e-mail to: rj@running.net or mail to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744. Articles should be between 500-700 words or less. Please include a photo if possible.


BEN TRUE | 4x United States Road Champion | Team Saucony Athlete

Running Journal โ ข November, 2014

WHOA. Light, responsive and oh so comfortable. Step into a pair and feel whoa for yourself. TRIUMPH | ISO SERIES ลข





Running Journal • November, 2014

This Running Life Women learn the joy of running in N.C. Roadrunners Club program The two winners in Raleigh's Magnificent Mile Race last September were breathtakingly fast. The crowd had barely finished cheering them off the starting block when it was time to cheer them across the finish line. Wilkerson Given of Greenville, S.C. won the whole thing, crossing the finish line in a blistering 4:11.3 while Cristy Cazzola of Oshkosh, Wis. smashed the women's record, winning her division in 4:41.1. Yes, those speedy times are impressive, but in a way I am more inspired by a group of women who ran with their hearts on their sleeves during the hottest dog days of summer, some of them crossing a finish line for the very first time. Liddie Shropshire, wearing the signature teal-colored shirt representing the North Carolina Roadrunners Club's Women's Beginner Running Program, could not stop the tears from welling up in her eyes

By Teri Saylor

when she finished the mile race in 14 minutes. Within five seconds after she crossed the finish line, a half dozen women in teal shirts covered her up in a massive group hug as she wiped away tears. “This is the first time anyone has ever cheered for me at a finish line,” she said, and her voice trembled with emotion.

“When I heard the announcer call out my name, I just got emotional.” Even now, a month later as I write these words, I'm starting to tear up a little bit too just thinking about Liddie and her big finish. The last time I witnessed finish line emotion like that was at the finish line of a 100-mile ultra marathon. Liddie felt it after a single mile. After all, that was the first mile she had run in roughly 15 years, when she ran her first - and last - 5K, the one she ran with her girlfriends, as they laughed and joked over the entire 3.1 miles, not treating it like a real race at all. I will never know what it feels like to run a mile in under 5 minutes, but I do know what it feels like to labor through a run and cross my first finish line. For most of history, women have not been able to run at all. Up to the late 20th

Century, neither tutu nor tiara was spotted crossing a finish line on a race course. The women's marathon was not even a part of the Olympics until 1984 when Joan Benoit Samuelson became the first female to win marathon gold in Los Angeles. The NCRC started its Women's Beginner program in 1998. It was the first couchto-5K women-only running program in Raleigh and boasted around 15 participants and a handful of volunteers. They met twice a week to train, targeting the Women's Distance Festival race, held in September. The race is now known as the Celebration 5K and took place on September 20 at a park in downtown Raleigh. The women's program had 75 runners and over a dozen volunteers this year. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17

Liddie Shropshire (center) finishes the Celebration 5K in Raleigh, flanked by Robin Haden (left) and Terri Dowd (right). Angela Curtis is in the far right. Robin and Terri directed the NCRC Women's Beginner Running Program. This race was only the second 5K Liddie had run in nearly 15 years. As she approached the finish line, Robin, Terri, Angela and several other participants in the program met her in the shoot and ran her in.



When Liddie first thought about taking up running on a regular basis, she was worried her knees wouldn't hold up. At 57, she also worried about hurting her back, but the women's group was a tantalizing option. “Here was an opportunity right in my lap, so I decided to see if I could do it,” she said. The first training run was a magic mile, and everyone ran it at their own pace. The gauged their speed as a baseline on which to build. After that first run Liddie admitted she was “pooped, but so glad to be there.” Christy Redfern has always considered running as a form of punishment. She was a high school athlete and remembers having to run laps if she misbehaved or broke a rule. She grew up hating to run. Today, as a busy mom with a 5-year-old and a toddler, Christy, 33, wants to get in shape to keep up with the kids and have

Running Journal • November, 2014 enough energy to play with them. “If people think running is crazy, then I want to catch the crazy bug,” she said after completing the Magnificent Mile and the Celebration 5K. Christy started the women's program in the 13-to-14-minute pace group, based on her first magic mile. About a month into the program, she ran another timed mile and finished in 12:32. Then weeks later she crossed the Magnificent Mile finish line in 10:32. To say she is fired up is an understatment. “I admit I am impressed with myself,” she said. For Christy, running is no longer punishment. “Running is fun,” she said. “I never thought I'd ever say I enjoy running. I have gone from hating it to craving it.” Liddie ran the Celebration 5K too, and many of her fellow runners and mentors waited and watched for her at the finish line. When they spotted her coming into the finishers' shoot, they jumped in and ran the last 100 yards with her, fists pumping while spectators cheered and clapped.

After catching her breath, Liddie, like most runners, analyzed her race. “I feel less like a beginner now,” she said. “I knew I could do it, and it felt good, but I saw a couple of places where I think I could have run faster.” She's on the lookout for another race in hopes of improving her finishing time. For Liddie the best part of all this is the reaction from her sons, ages 13 and 15. She knows they are proud of her. “I love it when I come home from training and my oldest asks me 'Mom, how was your run?” she said. Both Liddie and Christy hope to volunteer in next summer's Women's Beginner Program to help other women learn to enjoy running. “The program was truly life-changing,” Christy said. “It has turned me into a runner.”

Teri Saylor runs and writes in Raleigh, N.C. Reach her at terisaylor@hotmail.com


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Participants in the NCRC Women's Beginner Running Program jump for joy prior to running the Magnificent Mile Race in downtown Raleigh. From left: Barbara Stone-Newton, Kim Perry, Christy Redfern, Liddie Shropshire, and Tammy Schmidt.



Running Journal • November, 2014

Different Methods of Marathon Training By Bob Dozoretz Jeff Galloway, a highly respected published author and accomplished runner, wrote an article on minimum training to finish a marathon. Mr. Galloway has forgotten more training concepts than I ever had, but I need to disagree on some of his ideas. As a coach, one of the first things I tell runners is that I always have a reason for anything I ask them to do. There is logic and experience behind my decisions so I feel confident as a coach recommending them. We'll look at Galloway's schedule and why I disagree. He says that for a first marathon it is OK not to have a time goal, but you should have some idea what your pace is and some realistic time in mind, even if it's 5 plus hours. Something. He uses the popular 'Magic Mile' formula to determine what the training pace should be. Basically, you run one mile all out and use multipliers of that. Well, a mile is an aerobic event, a marathon the farthest thing from it. I have found it to be useful, but I always have first-timers run at least a 5K during training. It mimics race experience and provides me with a race time I can use to determine the next phase of training. The Magic Mile is OK, but a 5K is better. He says when the temperature is over 60, slow by 30 seconds per mile for every 5 degrees for long runs and the race. So, it's a cool 75 out so instead of an 11 minute mile, run a 12:30. Worse, it's 80, so run a 13 minute pace. Yes, running slower is fine, but not by so much. The body will adapt to the heat and if you feel OK, and can talk and run, just run, stay hydrated and look for shade. Late in the training run your body may tell you to slow, which is normal, but with proper training and conditioning your marathon will be steady.

Jeff originated the run/walk principle, which really has helped many complete marathons. I cannot argue with his ratios. However, walkers use a walk/shuffle ratio that avoids heavy breathing. You're in a race, even first time in a marathon, so what's wrong with a little exertion? Even the walkers I know give a good effort. On his schedule, he has every Monday and Wednesday off or cross train, and 30-minute runs each Tuesday and Thursday. This is a marathon, and you need specificity of training which means running. Get out there and log some miles and certainly increase your 30-minute runs over the weeks of training. Yes, even for beginners, as I do not believe running a half hour helps prepare you at all for a 4-plus-hour marathon. Last, he takes runners up to 26 miles in training. Why? The thrill of the race is to finish 26 miles, and if you do this in training it can be a letdown on race day. Also, you deplete your immune system so chances of illness increase, along with injury. Just not worth it in my opinion. I am simply suggesting anyone following a training plan feel free to ask why. There are numerous coaches, stores and runners to turn to so take advantage of us. I Am A Runner Coach Bob Yourcoachbob@aol.com Bob Dozoretz of Fort Lauderdale has been running steadily for over 25 years and has run competitively in over 1,000 races. He is a certified RRCA coach and has coached the last 13 years for local clubs, charity organizations and individuals. He plans to run injury free for another 25 years. He is active with the South Florida Striders

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Running Journal • November, 2014

Masters Running Persevere - and You Will Improve! Another barrier is broken! I recently heard that Dennis Kimetto of Kenya set a new marathon world record, running a sub-2:03 in Berlin, 2:02:57 to be exact. That's an average pace of less than 4:42 per mile! The chase for the sub two hour marathon is definitely on, and I am getting more and more optimistic that I will see (or at least hear of) someone completing the 26.2 mile distance in under two hours during my lifetime. While marathon times are getting faster and faster, I am on the other side of the two hour barrier, wanting to stay there as long as I can. But I know that some day it will no longer be possible. I am talking about the half marathon, of course. My times in the 13.1-miler are slowly but surely creeping upwards, hovering just minutes below two hours. And some day we will cross paths, the world's fastest human in the marathon and I. Not literally of course. But some day I will no longer be able to run 13.1 miles as fast as world class men can run twice that distance. We runners are all fighting similar battles as we get older. Maybe your half marathon time isn't anywhere close to the marathon world record. It may be much faster - or slower. Or maybe you don't even run half marathons. But while world class runners are at the peak of their game, trying to beat records or win championship medals, the challenge for many of us is to stay alive in the sport. To stay motivated to continue, and to not get a career ending injury. We may wish we were faster, but we don't know how to get there. We wonder what happened over all those years, and how (in my case) a 1:18 half marathon could become a 1:58, even though the effort feels the same. But at the same time we are happy to still be running, while many of our counterparts had to give it up, because of knee arthritis or other ailments. For us it is more a matter of survival and longevity in the sport. We may have to look beyond times, and be happy to reach that finish line. Be happy to not have slowed down much since last year. Be happy to enter a new age group, where it may be a little easier to get some hardware every now and then. This being said, it is still frustrating sometimes. Frustrating to get slower, to battle injuries, and to not be able to compete on the level we once did. We know that diminished aerobic capacity and loss of muscle mass are two major culprits that are responsible for slowing us down. But the other week I got a stark reminder that

By Lena Hollmann RRCA Southern Director

poor running form can also play a role. A saw a picture of a group of runners that included me, taken by a friend while we were about a quarter mile into a one mile race. It revealed that I tense up while I run, and that my feet barely leave the ground. In the picture my shoulders are raised, and it looks like I am on a stroll even though I'm running only one mile and therefore should be able to pick up my pace. I was aware before I saw the picture that I hardly pick up my feet any more when I run. Put me on a trail, and it won't be long before I trip on a root and am lying face down! (Which is why I prefer to run on the roads these days.) We all lose some strength and power in our legs as we get older, which in turn causes our running to more and more resemble a shuffle. We can slow this process down somewhat by performing strength and plyometric exercises. But we will still not be able to get the fluency in our step that we see in world class runners. However the tension in my shoulders was an eye opener. But maybe I shouldn't be surprised. We tend to tense up when we work hard in any sport. Wanting to give it our all, we clench our fists, tighten our shoulders and grimace with our face. The shorter the distance, the more we tend to tense up. And we do it the most towards the end of any event. I recently took an indoor cycling certification, where I was reminded to tell my students to lower their shoulders and loosen their grip on the handlebar during the harder parts of the class. They could then cycle with less effort, while keeping the same resistance and cadence. The same goes in running! If your cadence (leg turnover) and resistance (wind, road, and gravity) stay the same, but you make a conscious effort to relax, your running will feel much easier! Unlike in a cycling class, we may not have an instructor or coach standing on

the sidelines yelling at us to relax when we are running and racing. So we must always bring along our “inner coach” to remind us to run with shoulders down and hands slightly open, especially as we approach the finish line and want to catch that guy in front of us before we get there. You can work on your form during training runs, by periodically concentrating on running relaxed. During these drills you can pick up your pace a little, for 50-100 yards. Or you can continue running at your normal training pace. If you are like me and barely lift your feet off the ground, you may also want to focus on picking your feet up a little higher. Concentrate on running relaxed with a smooth and fluent step during training, and your muscles will “remember” to do so during races also. And don't forget your strength training! Without it our muscles will not thrive as we would like them to. Running itself will work our leg muscles, but only in one plane (forward) and some muscles more than others. To become balanced we need to strengthen the supporting muscles also, in our legs, core, and upper body. Of course we won't run like Kimetto, even if we run as strong, balanced and relaxed as we can. But we can at least hope it will improve our performance somewhat.


It may also be worth noting that Kimetto is a “late bloomer”. He didn't start running until in his twenties, and he is now thirty years old. Although he is still very young compared to many of you who are reading this, he is older than most who make their debut on the world stage of running. He showed us that when we might think we are too old to create some thunder, we are not! He also demonstrated that we shall never throw in the towel, but instead believe we can do what may first seem impossible. Within reason of course - none of us will ever run a 2:02 marathon! But if you believe you will not be able to lower last year's 10K time because you have gotten slower every year, you may want to re-think that. Some minor adjustments may be all you need to better your time - more strength training, lose a few pounds, or maybe simply learning how to run more relaxed. The most important take home point is to persevere, and to remember that there is always room for some improvement! Even if it simply means not slowing down. Lena Hollmann is a certified personal trainer with American Council on Exercise (ACE), and also the Southern Region Director for RRCA. She lives and runs in Cary, NC, and can be reached at lenahollmann@gmail.com.

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Running Journal • November, 2014

Running Through the Age Groups For the Women-Folk: When All Else Fails and You're Just Not Feeling Yourself (Part I) After losing both of my parents at young ages to sudden and massive cardiac events, I became concerned that I might be at risk and decided in the fall of 2012 to examine and reduce my own risk for a cardiac episode while at the same time making my running comeback. Fortunately for me, there is longevity in my family -- and my lifestyle, consisting of a healthy diet, not smoking, and getting regular exercise, is quite a departure from that of my parents, who ate the typical American diet, treated exercise like something immoral and swore up and down that smoking was a healthy habit! My dad smoked cigars and pipes, and my mother chain-smoked cigarettes. They subjected each other (and, during my formative years, me) to second-hand smoke, which was absolutely miserable. I recall flying out to Seattle, Washington from Wilmington for the National Junior Olympic 3000 and 1500 meter races, and they made me sit in the smoking section of the airplane! Honestly, I don't know how I ran at all, much less at the level on which I was competing in those days. Well, I digress … let's get back to the fall of 2012. I knew I had a history of high cholesterol, which I probably inherited from my mother. What I hadn't realized when I decided to go on this “health kick” was just how out of shape I had become! I went to my family's cardiologist, a longtime friend, who weighed me at 150 pounds! I could hardly believe I had somehow managed to put so much weight on my 5'5” frame, and I had apparently accomplished this weight gain while deluding myself that I was still a lean, mean, racing machine! The doctor, an old-fashioned, non-athletic type, assured me that this was just a sign of growing older and that it was nothing to worry about. I began to rationalize that maybe my bones were just heavy. He then ran a battery of tests which showed everything checking out fine except for, of course, my cholesterol. At my follow-up appointment, the doctor and I discussed options. He ordered another test - one which I highly recommend for anyone over 40 who has any heart disease in his/her family - called a cardiac calcium-score. This is a non-invasive, miniature CT scan of the major arteries surrounding the heart. It takes only about five minutes and costs typically around $100.00. The test is designed to see the nature and extent of any arterial damage due to high cholesterol levels. He

By Mary Margaret McEachern

then, predictably, began the spiel about statin drugs. I say “predictably” because my cholesterol has measured over 300 since I can remember (although historically the doctors have not worried that much because my HDL - or “good” - levels typically exceeded 100 as a result of all the running and, as a result, I've been told that my ratio of HDL to LDL - the “bad” stuff - was such that my risk was minimized). Additionally, I have tried several different statins and am extremely intolerant of them; literally, the day I try one of these drugs, I get the muscle cramping and weakness they warn you about. Because of this, taking statins literally kills my running! Moreover, I reasoned, they warn you not to eat grapefruit while taking statins. Grapefruit is one of the healthiest foods I know of and is also one of my favorites. That and the fact that I cannot run on statins are deal-killers for me. After the calcium score came back, it was determined I had a mild to moderate risk, so we tried an old-fashioned nonstatin alternative which worked for a little while but then became ineffective. This fact, along with the fact that not only could I not seem to lose an ounce (I was fasting two days per week and otherwise eating under 1,000 calories per day while running about 20 miles per week), had me extremely frustrated. What calories I did eat were healthy ones, and I was running more regularly and making respectable showings in races, but I was generally miserable. Running just didn't feel “right”, and I had no energy. I felt heavy and clay-footed, and just didn't feel like myself at all. I was beginning to resign myself to the apparent reality that I was never going to be that “lean, mean racing machine” again, and that I could blame some really unfortunate genetics for that reality. I was about to give up my dream of becoming a tour-de-force in the masters running community, when - by accident

els, that there was literally no way I would be able to rid myself of my extra weight, or feel “right,” unless the imbalance was rectified. No diet or food plan was mentioned. I then met with the doctor, a very pleasant and extremely athletic fellow in his late sixties, who spent an entire hour educating me about the nature of women's hormones, how they interplay with one another, and how this delicate balance can be disturbed as one progresses through one's “age groups.” I had no idea that men could be so simple (they only have testosterone) and women so complicated; our female bodies are endowed with three types of estrogen as well as a hormone called progesterone, and we even have testosterone! The doctor (who rides his bike over 300 miles per week!) prescribed some progesterone and medications designed to ramp up my metabolism in order to assist in shedding weight. He then set an appointment for some extremely detailed blood testing to determine if any additional hormone supplementation would be necessary. He gave me a book on hormones so I could educate myself, I had my prescriptions filled right there in house, and went on my -- now excited -- way. In my next column, I will tell you “the rest of the story.” and it's really good, so stay tuned! Until then, happy trails, and be sure to take advantage of this incredible fall running weather!

or maybe the grace of God - I drove past a diet facility in Myrtle Beach that appeared to be a physician-supervised weight loss center. I must admit that, at the time, I was skeptical, because I had honed my diet to near-perfection with absolutely no positive results. Desperate times, however, call for desperate measures, so I decided to take the plunge and give it a shot. Upon entering the facility, I was met with a friendly staff member who provided me with a bunch of forms to fill out. I looked around and saw all the engineered diet foods that were for sale in the lobby. My red flags immediately came up (I've tried these types of programs in the past and they do work in the short-term but you can't live off of engineered diet food forever!). But I thought, “You're here now; there's nothing to lose … at least hear them out!” After filling out all the questionnaires about my diet, lifestyle and goals, I was met by a pleasant nurse who - after reviewing my detailed answers about my frustrations and analyzing my body composition - explained to me that I was “estrogen dominant.” What that means, I learned, was that I had so much estrogen Mary Margaret can be reached at in comparison to my other hormone lev- mmmceachern@bellsouth.net

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Running Journal • November, 2014

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net

ALABAMA Talladega 21000 Half Marathon Birmingham, AL – 9/14 Male, : Overall – Austin Duckworth 1:13:18, Justin Leach 1:16:17, Avery Ainsworth 1:17:29. Masters – Ryan Shrum 1:20:27 Survivors – Mark Pevey 1:52:38, Tom Sherman 2:07:17, Mark Howe 2:07:42. 14-under – Lamont Hutto 1:42:41, Brandon Scott 2:08:30, Auburn Roberts 2:23:55. 15-19 – Cade Elmore 1:46:32, Hunter Mathews 2:04:21, Luke Endress 2:16:01. 20-24 – Ieden Leckenby 1:20:17, Zachery Stoltzner 1:46:04, Walter McCord 1:46:35. 25-29 – Chris Edmondson 1:22:48, Todd Hunt 1:28:05, Robert Moore 1:30:43. 30-34 – Andrew Hodges 1:20:15, Michael Marquardt 1:21:26, Michael Brown 1:22:06. 35-39 – Jimmy Mann 1:21:37, Jason Mayfield 1:27:30, Steven Miles 1:29:02. 40-44 – Brad Clay 1:25:30, Danny Shaffield 1:29:48, Bronson Lee 1:31:57. 45-49 – Dink Taylor 1:27:26, Ron Chambers 1:28:00, John Goodman 1:36:39. 50-54 – Mark Wood 1:28:12, John Bradley 1:31:14, Ben Howell 1:35:31. 55-59 – Kevin Chaffin 1:40:42, Mason Cross 1:43:34, Allen Whitmore 1:46:36. 60-64 – David Beltz 1:56:00, Alan Hargrave 1:58:12, Stephen Ashworth 2:03:18. 65-69 – Zdzislaw Krawczynski 1:48:44, Cecil Pavey 1:57:48, Darrell Murphy 1:59:21. 70-over – Tom Sherman 2:07:17, Dewayne Morris 2:28:11, Gerald Carter 2:45:04. Female, : Overall – Leah Derringer 1:33:40, Kathy Youngren 1:34:55, Georgia Izard 1:39:13. Masters – Janie Mothershed 1:48:25. 15-19 – Kelsey Knecht 1:50:32. 20-24 – Bridget Beury 1:55:38, Kristen Ellis 1:59:52, Karlie Bergamini 2:04:02. 25-29 – Lesley Binning 1:39:49, Sarah Holub 1:42:42, Sarah Clesi 1:45:11. 30-34 – Lisa Whidden 1:39:19, Joy Gonzalez 1:41:38, Joy Antoine 1:48:28. 35-39 – Samantha Sims 1:41:10, Debbie Hayes 1:42:07, Leah Colvin 1:46:37. 40-44 – Julie Blankenship 1:52:06, Terri Key 1:55:57, Amy Barnett 1:57:23. 45-49 – Mary Lee McMahon 1:53:17, Suzanne Taylor 1:58:44, Kim Glover 2:00:26. 50-54 – Lisa Locklier 1:51:47, Cathy Beasley 1:51:55, Stacey Gordon 1:54:04. 55-59 – Mona Sansom 2:07:52, Mihoko Pronath 2:18:47, Kathy Thomley 2:23:27. 60-64 – Cincy Ferlitto 2:08:14, Fran Stifel 2:16:15, Mary Ellen ChussMirro 2:20:06. 65-69 – Bonnie Partridge 2:38:21, Judy Garner 2:58:36. 70-over – Elizabeth Watkins 2:32:38.

Bayfest 5K Mobile, AL – 9/27 Male: Overall – Derrick Rodgers 15:31. Masters – Michael Sheets 18:02. Grandmasters – Larry Wayne 19:44. Senior Grandmasters – Paul Baswell 23:41. 9-under – Stone Smith 25:47, Alex Scott 26:56, Jacob Tew 43:53. 10-14 – Christian Steiner 18:43, Aaron Sheets 21:36, Owen Martin 22:23. 15-19 – Alexander Guillory 17:40, Keith Clark 17:58, Colby Quinn 17:58. 20-24 – Landon Delozier 18:05, Kyle Pung 21:48, Michael Croom 22:12. 25-29 – Anthony Hamre 18:02, Miller Callaway 18:19, Stephen Cope 19:57. 30-34 – Mark Perniciaro 19:48, Steve Owens 20:06, Aaron Freesmeier 20:20. 35-39 – Samson Kipchirchir 17:44, Alastair Stevenson 17:50, Keith Evans 19:38. 40-44 – Rodney Brown 18:48, Wayne Pierce 19:56, Lee Mitchell 20:31. 45-49 – Tony Palazzo19:35, Bill Kraus 20:39, Timothy Otzenberger 21:13. 5054 – Victor Birch 19:51, Ben Stimpson 21:23, Thomas McGee 21:28. 55-59 – Calvin Lewis 20:48, Joe Wilson 22:11, Marty Demouy 22:18. 60-64 – Bill Brady 23:57, Larry Vickers 25:10, Michael Dubose 26:53. 65-69 – Ron Mitchell 24:47, Bill McGough 28:00, Stephen Marshall 31:16. 70-74 – Wayne Brannon 28:27, Charles Cook 34:07. 75-over – Will Wright 28:39, Lee Echols 33:29. Racewalker – Charles Tracy 48:50. Female: Overall – Jessie Stone 18:20. Masters – Lori Goldweber 20:13. Grandmasters – Victoria Stimpson 23:03. Senior Grandmasters – Susanne Spafford 33:54. 9-under – Emily Miles 23:53, Abigail Wolfe 27:20, Cammie Waite 27:22. 10-14 – Lillian Krueger 24:31, Zacora Gedaliah 24:46, Lauren Fadalla 26:32. 15-19 – Sabrina Marchand 26:20, Kersten Joyner 26:46, Becky Briggs 27:09. 20-24 – Erin Cersley 21:20, Tatum Perry 22:31, Lindsey Williams 24:45. 25-29 –Montana Guinn 18:29, Caroline Turner 21:19, Lakendra Wiley 22:45. 30-34 – Rachel Cazaleas 22:25, Claire Cage 22:33, Lydia Johnson 23:03. 35-39 – Kerri Cooke 20:32, Jill McEvoy 22:10, Danielle Doll 25:36. 40-44 – Rhonda Collings 21:39, Andra Bruce 21:48, Tammy Ford 21:58. 45-49 – Gloria Dodds 24:18, Rebecca Castillo 25:13, Diana Curd 25:44. 50-54 – Maureen Van Devender 24:07, Eva Burnett 25:17, Susan Roberts 30:20. 5559 – Stephanie Katusin 23:23, Suanne White Spunner 24:16, Debbie Renfore 25:19. 65-69 – Mona Denton 35:21. 70-74 – Mirian Turner 36:38, Mary Ann Tuohy 42:04. 75-over – Mary Goguen 43:21. Racewalker – Bonnie – Will Wright Ketterman 39:43.

ARKANSAS Major Ronald Culver Memorial Hero 5K El Dorado, AR – 9/13 Male: Overall – John Farris 18:59. 11-under – Mitchell Luther 30:50, Anderson Colley 34:01. 12-19 – Hayden Rilh 22:20, Carson Ricker 22:30, Robert Lehea 23:06. 2029 – James Rapp 21;46, Tim Thurllell 22:29, Dane Mcanulty 31:01. 30-39 – Chris Luther 23:08, Kirk Miller 24:02, John Reed 24:11. 4049 – Keith Pridgen 19:40, Stephen Ruddell 24:46, Don Johnson 25:09. 50-59 – Keith Wall 22:07, John Funderburg 22:25, Art Brown 22:33. 60-over – Billy Blann 22:52, William Bates 24:03, Gary Deyampert 31:12. Female: Overall – Leslie Collins 24:37. 11-under – Makayla Davis 53:56, Landry Culver 54:20. 12-19 – Reaves Robinson 38:55, Emmy Lavoie 40:50, Shelby Mills 41:22. 20-29 – Caitlin McCloy 30:37, Lorrie Rapp 32:12, Casey Langford 32:25. 30-39 – Joy Brock 29:11, Whitney Turner 29:35, Emily Carelock 30:02. 40-49 –Deann Gates 26:54, Sherry Jack 27:07, Kim Wall 30:08. 50-59 – Gae Hays 27:11, Sandra Dixon 27:37, Donna Jordan 31:01. 60-over- Patsy Drummond 54:54.

Arkansas 20K Benton, AR – 9/20 Male, Top 25 – 1-Gannon White 1:16:53, 2Quincy Schmidt 1:17:26, 3-Ron Mitchell 1:17:30, 4-Brian Sieczkowski 1:18:18, 5-Mark Ferguson 1:19:28, 7-Karl Lenser 1:19:30, 7Ryan Lawrence 1:20:20, 8-Jeffrey Zern 1:22:25, 9-Caleb Ault 1:23:41, 10-Chris Ho 1:23:57, 11-Joey Gieringer 1:24:55, 12-Scott Sander 1:25:13, 13-Barrett Kerth 1:25:18, 14Stan Ferguson 1:26:38, 15-Brooks Browning 1:28:16, 16-Mark Lacey 1:29:09, 17-Daniel Arnold 1:29:18, 18-Eric Baker 1:31:31, 19-Don Edge 1:31:59, 20-Patrick Swere 1:32:00, 21Kim Howard 1:32:06, 22-Greg Massanelli 1:32:18, 23-Nick Rule 1:32:52, 24-Jerry Prince 1:32:57, 25-Jason Herring 1:33:51. Female, Top 25 – 1-Kaitlin Bounds 1:17:43, 2-Leah Thorvilson 1:18:58, 3-Tia Stone 1:29:24, 4-Sunnie Butcher-Kelelr 1:29:52, 5-Jenny Paul 1:34:40, 6-Jenny Wilkes 1:38:15, 7-Betsy Tucker 1:40:28, 8-Nicole Hobbs 1:41:21, 9-Randi Whittaker 1:41:27, 10-Tammy Walter 1:41:57, 11-Tina Coutu 1:41:59, 12-Kathleen Rea 1:42:44, 13-Caroline Nester 1:42:58, 14-Stacey Shaver 1:44:25, 15Bernita Lovelace 1:46:06, 16-Lea Nondorf 1:48:24, 17-Barbara Freedman 1:50:39, 18Kim Daggitt 1:51:03, 19-Pam McGill 1:51:27, 20-Chanda Heinen 1:53:54, 21-Christy Wells 1:53:58, 22-Sherry Hall 1:55:01, 23-Shauna Veazey 1:55:42, 24-Belinda Pack 1:57:29, 25Holly Brumbelow 1:57:35. – Ken McSpadden

FLORIDA Rock N Run 5K Casselberry, FL – 9/13 Male, Overall – William Vanos 15:33, Jacob Rhyner 15:53, John Davis 16:55. Masters – David Picciano 17:37. Grandmasters – Angelo Cusimano 18:08. Senior Grandmasters – Chris Dice 21:05. 8-10 – Colin Duncan 21:13, Andrei Stancescu 21:28, Vlad Stancescu 22:45. 11-13 – Luke Metcalf 20:58, Kyle Stella 21:52, Austin Stella 22:03. 14-18 – Connor Schramm 17:57, Matiass Marchi 20:51, William Joyce 23:52. 19-24 – Selvin Reyes 17:08, Carlos Soto 17:21, Matthew Marques 17:35. 25-29 – Tom Bruno 18:03, Sam Dreilinger 18:32, Daniel Kellner 19:25. 30-34 – Nathan Adams 17:03, Samuel Morris 17:10, Mathew Carlson 18:17. 35-39 – Brian Woodard 18:04, Dave Helsel 18:27, Michael Prince 18:38. 40-44 – Steve Scivally 18:59, O’Neal Barnett 19:15, Blake Scott 19:33. 45-49 – Daniel McCarthy 17:53, Eddie Nesmith 18:21, Robert Fischer 19:54. 50-54 – David Chapman 19:06, Hahns Kindt 19:38, Tom Youth 20:19. 55-59 – Steve Wheeler 19:30, Douglas McRainey 21;08, Rick Mason 21:20. 60-64 – Mike Baron 21:44, Howard Abell 22:31, Pedro Fernandez 22:55. 65-69 – Donald Ungaro 21:35, Peter Weishaar 24:38, David Smith 25:00. 70-74 – Silky Sullivan 25:14, Parry Dolle 25:20, David Wolthorn 26:00. 75-79 – Franco Muci 26:00, Dick Ashby 27:54, Patrick Zier 29:02. 80-over – Jack Gallagher 36:44, Bob Raymond 36:45, David Long 39:21. Female Overall – Elizabeth Staker 17:29, Natasha Yaremczuk 18:11, Heather Schulz 18:39. Masters – Michelle Nunez 20:03. Grandmasters – Karen Keefe 21:15. Senior Grandmasters – Judy Kennedy 23:34. 8-10 – Amber Schulz 22:55, Noelle Vu 31:36, Karisma Kohn 39:27. 11-13 – Mya Bodrato 22;08, Ansleigh Gunter 27:54, Nina Johansson 28:39. 14-18 – Kellie Hays 23:55, Taylor Szafran 27:37, Lyndsey Ruckman 28:19. 19-24 – Meggie Emons 19:33, Amelia Shea 21:17, Molly Delaney 21:30. 25-29 – Mary Masterton 19:55, Vera Klokova 21:23, Jasmine Santiago 21;43. 30-34 – Meghan Snyder 20:04, Astrid Milliord 20:25, Valery Perry 21;05.35-39 – Julie Rosa 19:39, Jessica Kennedy 20:14, Theresa Helsel 20:18. 40-44 – Charlene Lepane 21:38, April Darrow 21:53, Kim Catron 24:05. 45-49 – Cathy Rash 21:05, Susan Fuller 23:57, Kim Catron 24:05. 50-54 – Sharon Lay 22:49, Beth Jeck 22:50, Linda Pistulka 23:29. 55-59 – Char Sibiga 23:36, Kathy Gagnier 23:44, Sue O’Grady 24:45. 6064 – Daisy Gartner 24:54, Diane Thomas 28:11, Louise Fakess 29:28. 65-69 – Kim Showalter 26:12, Rose Reeves 29:18, Sharon Yadon-Garcia 29:28. 70-74 – Becky Brushwood 33:15, Ruth Del Manzano 35:12, Barbara Miller 40:48. 75-79 – Ginny Farmer 40:01, Patricia Debolt 44:59, Terttu Barsch 46:47. 80-over – Ann Kahl 46:08. – Robert Carver



Running Journal • November, 2014

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net


Marine Corps Half Marathon/5K Jacksonville, FL – 10/4 Male, half marathon: Overall – Christopher Mutai 1:12:05, Justin Jacobs 1:15:15, Bobby Hensley 1:16:57. Masters – Brad Smith 1:21:50. 10-under – Seth Owens 2:33:36, Tyler Carver 2:36:07. 11-13 – Jared Matthews 1:45:53, William Ashcroft 1:45:52, Jack McBrayer 1:49:19. 14-19 – Chase Rowe 1:44:32, Declan Jones 1:49:01, Matthew Wix 1:53:31. 20-24 – Derek Byrnes 1:30:38, William Hartje 1:33:48, Jason Kohlbaker 1:37:29. 25-29 – Chris Post 1:18:35, Jason Toney 1:31:31, Austin De La Cruz 1:32:32. 3034 – Robert Rankin 1:26:43, Dallas Henry 1:26:54, Robert Walker 1:28:49. 35-39 – P J Jones 1:29:45, Errol Daniels 1:30:54, Carlos Evans 1:31:07. 40-44 – John Carr 1:23:49, Brian Higgins 1:26:41, Mark Goetz 1:29:40. 45-49 – Jerry Lawson 1:25:04, Harry Prosser 1:30:03, Theo Lundy 1:35:14. 50-54 – Hal Gilreath 1:35:45, Louis Bellefontaine 1:38:33, Tim Dohaney 1:40:44. 55-59 – Andrew Knott 1:29:12, Mark Lanzillo 1:30:44, David Farraday 1:32:33. 60-64 – Dennis Kroskey 1:46:45, Jim Hanson 1:54:02, Bill Wavering 1:55:20. 65-69 – Bruce Holmes 1:43:02, Bernie Candy 1:44:50, George White 1:50:59. 70-74 – Paul Smith 1:56:41, Frank Frazier 2:17:22, Rob Losaw 2:25:26. 75-79 – Bill Wagner 3:23:42, Bud Maurer 3:32:17, Richard Vance 3:36:50. 80-over – William Dunn 3:43:20. Female, half marathon: Overall – Sallie Ford 1:18:38, Iyubov Denisova 1:21:37, Kim Pawelek Brantly 1:27:36. Masters – Tracey Kuhn 1:28:12. 11-under – Jocelyn Kreider 2:33:47, Elizabeth Zamorano 2:36:49. 14-19 – Kaitlin Hartford 1:46:50, Gillian Gloska 1:55:06, Kara Senn 1:57:42. 20-24 – Anne Elise Creamer 1:30:08, Kelsey Coon 1:39:39, Paige Gadsby 1:45:24. 25-29 – Erica Davis 1:34:36, Holly Notarange 1:37:29, Erin Heaney 1:38:58. 3034 – Kaitlin Koplin 1:29:46, Katie Fackler 1:31:23, Melinda Davis 1:35:26. 35-39 – Laura

Dibella 1:30:22, Jessica Kennedy 1:38:56, Nicholle Fossati 1:41:55. 40-44 – Kara Montgomery 1:41:57, Anissa Harmon 1:42:24, Natalie McLeod 1:43:16. 45-49 – Sarah Batt 1:42:41, Christy Jackson 1:43:50, Nancy Williams 1:45:30. 50-54 – Rosa Haslip 1:46:55, Maria Munyon 1:50:58, Regina Fisher 1:52:19. 55-59 – Kathleen Kaye 1:43:24, Denise Dailey 1:50:47, Sheila Oconnor 1:56:18. 60-64 – Stephanie Grifith 1:46:36, Gloria Wavering 2:02:16, Anita Pryor 2:12:17. 65-69 – Theresa Coomes 2:15:16, Kate Jensen 2:31:49, Cler Hudgins 2:32:20. 70-74 – Bobbie Doucet 2:45:14, Mary Hall 2:58:10, Nancy Kern 3:03:27.80-over – Matilda Lowe 3:51:03. Male, 5K: Overall – Joseph Crouch 16:12, Colin Montgomery 18:10, Conner Song 18:56. Masters – Christian Jurs 19:32. 10-under – Ander Jurs 24:21, Andrew Hamm 25:40, Rikyn Hand 27:37. 11-13 – Sergio Arellano 20:22, Patrick Lindholm 20:29, Daniel Tressler 21:55. 14-19 – Troy Britts 19:07, Gregory Alosa 19:08, Avery Bue 19:21. 20-24 – Josue Valazquez 23:34, Derek Hoffman 22:56, Ryan Gilway 26:29. 25-29 – Javier Pagan 20:43, Ryan Meyer 21:41, Mark Mathias 23:46. 30-34 – William Saunders 22:04, Joshua Rodgers 24:19, Heath Rowan 25:01. 35-39 – Dannon Weisner 21:41, Adam Cockrell 22:40, William Sass 24:21. 40-44 – Mills Ramseur 19:52, Frank Reynold 20:46, David Kummings 21:45. 45-49 – Steven Coon 24:14, Roberto Labrador 24:22, Eric Hoffman 23:52. 50-54 – Bill Cooper 23:25, General Williams 24:19, Bruce Edwards 23:57. 55-59 – Barry Hart 22:29, Steve Beard 23:14, Logan Presnell 23:00. 60-64 – George Carrasquillo 27:13, Allan Elliott 36:36, Arthur Mosley 35:21. 65-69 – Ron Mars 29:43, William Beaman 31:35, Robert Morley 35:25. 70-74 – Gary Ulrich 29:59, Doug Barrows 32:44, Miles Maceachern 39:58. 75-79 – Bobby Greene 34:07, Charles Wagner 36:37, Charles Goodyear 51:30. 80-over – August Leone 30:50, Al Saffer 36:48, Bob Meister 45:52. Female, 5K: Overall – Belissa Del Valle 19:56, Michelle Gully 21:42, Helena Kummings

21:45. Masters – Valery Averitt 23:00.

10-under – Kailan Parks 29:24, Lauren Ferranti 31:39, Kaleigh Askew 45:08. 1113 – Caitlin Coon 22:32, Isabela Baynard 25:05, Taylor Miller 26:36. 14-19 – Lisette Coll-Roman 22:11, Libby Coon 22:32, Paige Lyerly 22:34. 20-24 – Megan Zimmerly 27:13, Kavita Chapla 28:06, Gillian Felix 27:21. 25-29 – Jennifer Raabe 27:40, Heidi Boon 28:42, Kristen Villanueva 29:07. 30-34 – Patricia Alcivar 23:24, Angie Green 25:02, Colleen Sorrells 25:06. 35-39 – Jaclyn Tyo 23:08, Tonisia Billups 25:01, Misty Prescott 25:33. 40-44 – Caranne Gallegos 26:51, Angi Saffle 27:59, Shelly Cater 27:50. 4549 – Martha Rodriguez 27:32, Meri Norman 29:19, Lisa Miller 29:41. 50-54 – Michele Depompeo 28:01, Vicki Choinski 28:24, Genevieve Dickens 29:34. 55-59 – Laura Dobbs 25:44, Susan Romanelli 28:50, Denise Machala 32:11. 60-64 – Leslie Hague 25:28, Donna Rettini 34:19, Cathy Bush 34:43. 65-69 - Teresa Haney 37:17, Kate Jensen 43:41, Barbara Scott 44:39. 70-74 – Arlene Olson 41:20. 75-79 – Elmore Parker 52:36. 80-over – Karen Nelson 51:18. Montessori One Human Race 5K Key West, FL – 10/4


Male, Overall – Keith Durden 17:05. Masters – Edward Clarke 19:00. 9-under – Atticus White 31:14, Rohan Alwani 34:10, Archie White 35:42. 10-14 – Michael Cates 22:25, Bailey Maun 24:08, Nicolas Concepcion 26:17. 25-29 – Cameon Moser 23:06, Zachary Kane 23:52, Andrew Rezek 27:28. 30-34 – Jason Carson 18:07, Felipe Rubio 18:55, Ryan Barrett 19:59. 35-39 – Peter Ryan 20:09, Luke Odea 27:58. 40-44 – James Kidney 20:04, Keith MacDonald 23:42, Will Shepler 24:25. 45-49 – Caylaas Pacer 27:19, Ruben Concepcion 30:55, Michael Stefanowicz 32:42. 50-54 – Jim Dunn 21:53. 55-59 – Daniel Jensen 23:40, Daniel Kepple 24:57. 60-64 – Louis Molina 22:30, John Carol Di Renzo 32:44. Walker – Terry Randall McGee 37:28. Female, Overall – Priscilla Welzien 22:29. Masters – Elizabeth Kennedy 26:52. 9-under – Caylaa Makimma 27:15, Isabela Barr 31:02, Samantha Broadway 33:46. 10-14 – Marie Willy 25:55, Emmeline Hamilton, 29:38, Helena Wynd 38:06. 20-24 – Amy Coley 27:22, Kara Goodman 31:13, Amber Achilles 33:38. 25-29 – Jessica Sheffield 22:49, Kristin Dekeyrel 26:15, Zurima Cisneros 27:21. 30-34 – Tina Wingard 23:09, Kelly Maatta 23:52, 40:55, Kelly Dufford 25:10. 35-39 – Ilinke Royse 25:19, Olga Krizkova 27:24, Cheyenne Pratt 33:49. 40-44 – Angie Payne 27:18, Sarah Evans 27:26, Melissa Leto 31:12. 45-49 – Liese Hutchison 34:41, Jane Broadway 34:56, Lynn Barra 41:15. 50-54 – Patricia Martinet 39:27, Patrica Thompson 40:55, Leslie Concepcion 41:12. 55-59 – Carol Joye 35:51, Teresa Dekeyrel 29:28, Brenda Lazarus 42:58. 65-69 – Patria McGee 42:55. Walker - Raquel Robbins 29:29. – Don Nelson

GEORGIA ConnectAbility 10K/5K Dahlonega, GA – 9/13 Male, 10K: Overall – Tristin Duckworth 40:15. 14-under – Jerry Bruce Hennon 1:03:58, Mitchell McElliott 1:17:45. 15-19 – Duckworth 40:15, Edward Ramirez 40:50, Cameron Hite 48:51. 20-29 – Kyle Pease 49:04, Gerrell Travis 50:49, Max Perethian 51:20. 30-39 – Chris Lancaster 46:21, Chad Brooks 48:56, Jared Brode 53:12. 40-49 – Mark Rollins 58:38, Donald Landen 1:00:09, Dean Johns 1:12:54. 50-59 – Bruce White 51:14, Doug Johnson 56:23, Jay David 57:05. 60-over – Jack Adler 54:11, Steven Miracle 1:03:02. Female, 10K: Overall – Jessie Massie 53:53. 15-19 – JaNae Holloway 1:00:16, Lauren Zamora 1:01:20, Sarah Schneeberg 1:07:26. 20-29 – Massie 53:53, Jill McCutcheon 55:30. 30-39 – Allison Turk 1:05:47, Kelly Whitebryant 1:11:40, Becky Galyean 1:12:46. 40-49 – Yolanda Dickerson 1:02:52, MJ David 1:02:59, Cynthia Fink 1:03:30. 50-59 – Julie Sauer 1:11:28, Tammy Mize 1:25:33. Male, 5K: Overall – Juan Jimenez 18:07. 14-under – Jeffrey Pruitt 22:16, Christopher

* Scenic, flat & fast, USATF certified, great Boston Qualifying course! * * Start & finish on Florida State University Campus *

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Visit www.tallahasseemarathon.com Priscilla Welzien was the female winner.



Running Journal • November, 2014

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net


Geiger 25:11, Gabriel Elalam 34:03. 15-19 – Logan Brown 20:55, Vlad Pruitt 23:57, Billy Vincent 26:17. 20-29 – Jimenez 18:07, Dakota Barrett 21:37, Craig Williams 23:19. 30-39 –Jesus Soria 21:39, Calter Moore 24:44, John Granlund 24:45. 40-49 – Richard Thomas 29:27, Jason Rauser 32:20, Scotty Smith 53:41. 50-59 – Mark Morawski 24:01, Edward Mullis 28:31, Kevin Hatton 28:45. 60-over – Daniel Hall 34:55, Stephen Stern 49:20. Female, 5K: Overall – Celeste Norton 24:26. 14-under – Julia Lancaster 28:19, Kristan Brown 29:39, Sarah Kate Lancaster 38:56. 1519 – Norton 24:26, Townley 24:36, Sarah Pruitt 26:27. 20-29 – Ashley Heriot 26:30, Sarah Holly 27:16, Parker Slocumb 30:55. 3039 –Sarah Miller 27:13, Claudia Guevara 19:32, Nina Fogle 30:44. 40-49 – Kelly Leetch 31:05, Pamela Edwards 31:45, Jill Fisher 33:16. 50-59 – Suzanne Stephenson 32:17, Anita Mullis 34:36, Rose Stearns 36:25. 60over – Debbie Smith 53:09.

Fred Birchmore Memorial Run for Fun 5K Athens, GA – 9/14 Male: Overall – Dalford England 17:47. Masters – Jerry White 18:12. 10-under – Jackson Krueger 21:32, Chase Stephens 28:01, Fin Howard 31:55. 11-14 – Bryce Bussert 21:26, Griffin Stephens 21:58, Henry Sampson 23:08. 20-24 – Trey Pitts 36:51. 25-29 – Dalford England 17:47, Aaron Lee 21:14, Zach Daniel 28:49. 30-34 – Lauren Freeman 20:37, Chris Pitts 21:26. 35-39 – Justin Krueger 21:34, Stanley Matheson 37:38. 40-44 – Jerry White 18:12, Joshua Sampson 19:31, Steve Stephens 25:55. 45-49 – Mike Hooker 25:15. 50-54 – Donnie Chaffin 22:23, Steve Hartley 24:52, Steven Holland 38:46. 55-59 – Brian Hunt 29:17, Keith Lester 30:53, Jerry Cunningham 32:49. 60-64 – David Oblinger 24:26, Danny Birchmore 25:29, Richard Harrison 32:08. 65-69 – Mac Guy 25:32, George Southgate 26:40, Gary Hansford 27:47. 70-74 – William Tweedell 29:09, Robert Holmes 31:23, Jim Latimer 32:39. 75-over – Thomas Linski 54:38, Harold Koon 54:38. Female: Overall – Carson Demille 21:28. Masters – Mary Beth Forwood 25:58. 10-under – Nina Rutledge 39:50. 20-24 – Carson Demille 21:28, Kara Tinker 33:14. 2529 – Catherine England 21:56, Margeaux Matkin 24:12, Casey Gray 25:36. 30-34 – Kate Bass 35:36, Beth Woods 36:00, Jessica Matheson 37:39.35-39 – Stephanie Cleveland 22:56, Emily Baldwin 25:49, Kasey Hall 27:10. 40-44 – Kelly Holiday 26:46, Cindy Stephens 30:07, Heather Sloan 36:17. 45-49 – Kathleen Wiltse 28:55, Sherri Price 30:53, Norma Young 34:00. 50-54 – Mary Beth Forwood 25:58, Tina

Hunt 29:57, Amy Neill 35:59. 55-59 – Jennifer Daniel 37:00. 60-64 – Barbara Taylor 35:33, Barbara Puckett 36:28, Janice Duncan 42:48. 65-69 – Mary Hayes 34:07, Kathy Givens 44:48. 70-74 – Mary Lou Kau 43:25, Helen Koon 54:38.

Scarecrow 5K Hoschton, GA – 9/27 Male: Overall – Richard Smith 21:44. 10-under – Owen Herring 27:46, Steven Herring 33:35, Noah Angleloff 34:36. 30-39 – Paul Conner 25:04, Mike Stephens 28:30, Jack Young 36:37. 40-49 – Will Holbrook 26:48, Michael Herring 33:42, Robert Peden 33:42. 50-59 – Robert Edwards 25:59, Michael Taylor 26:21, Tim Johnson 27:45. 60-over – Herman Sasser 29:05, Larry Hayes 29:08, Richard Harrison 29:49. Female: Overall – Jillian McCtcheon 22:28. 10-under – Jenna Waldrip 44:26, Alyssa Stephens 49:30. 11-14 – Aliza Johnson 27:42, Odeliss Lord 36:29, Soraya Bagheri 37:46. 2029 – Ashley Sawyer 26:52, Laura Reed 26:59, Jennifer King 29:26. 30-39 – Katie Hoag 25:30, Crystal Hamilton 26:19, Stephanie Rider 26:37. 40-49 – Mellinda Black 22:58, Missy Norwood 24:47, Sherri Price 29:27. 50-59 – Cathy Soda 27:10, Lynne Hudson 28:16, Tina Hunt 28:25. 60-over – Cheryl Vail 24:39, Mary Hayes 32:19, Barbara Smallman 38:09.

KENTUCKY The Road Home Half Marathon/5K Somerset, KY – 9/13 Male, Half marathon: Overall – David Hays 1:23:23, Brandon Smiley 1:26:31, Kent Ford 1:31:03. 13-19 – Miguel Roque 1:46:19, Seth Russell 2:05:43. 20-29 – Smiley 1:26:31, Ford 1:31:03, Cass Barron 2:05:29. 30-39 – Hays 1:23:23, Adam Bourne 1:31:15, Jontai McQueen 1:39:52. 40-49 – Jeffery Golden 1:39:30, Mark Hamm 1:41:17, George Corder 1:46:05. 50-59 – Gerald Brinson 1:39:05, Roger Taylor 1:41:11, Johnny Derossett 1:55:28. 60-69 – Harry Kennedy 1:54:38, Dal Macon 1:57:51, Alan Houck 1:58:08. 70-over – David Zwick 2:03:57. Female, Half marathon: Overall – Tina Muir 1:18:37, Roberta Meyer 1:41:26, Tabitha Bell 1:42:59. 13-19 – Hannah Isaacs 2:20:24, Megan Wasson 2:28:04, Ashton Wasson 3:13:21. 2029 – Muir 1:18:37, Samantha Hurst 1:48:11, Audra Branscum 1:55:01. 30-39 – Charissa Phelps 1:43:55, Christina Simmons 1:47:13, Ashley Neat 1:56:04. 40-49 – Bell 1:42:59, Beth Wilson 1:47:43, Donna Riddle 1:57:06. 50-59 – Meyer 1:41:26, Beverly Knight 1:56:09, Norma Houck 2:09:58. 60-69 – Ruth Sutton 1:59:54, Virginia Dial 2:22:00. 70-over

– Roberta Thaxton 2:22:01. Male, 5K: Overall – Albert White 23:24, Anthony Hernandez 23:40, Matthew Glcokner 23:42. 12-under – Charlie Wilson 37:30. 13-19 – Armani Harris 30:17, Dante Maultslay 31:49. 20-29 – White 23:24, Hernandez 23:40, Mendell Thomas 28:27. 30-39 – Glockner 23:42, Travis Bugg 29:17, Jeff Meeks 34:06. 40-49 – Larry Mounce 33:50, Allen Brimer 34:24, Darrell Bartley 35:58. 50-59 – Mark Henry 26:16, Kenneth Daulton 26:45, Thomas Russell 27:42. 60-69 – Gregory Sherry 32:55, Mike Whitaker 43:24, Paul Henderson 48:24. 70-over – Jimmy Gilbert 31:04, Jack Wilhelm 46:36, Wayne Brown 58:18. Female, 5K: Overall – Brooke Hachey 25:21, Nina Joplin 26:40, Megan Bell 28:13. 12-under – Abby Langfels 49:43. 13-19 – Hachey 25:21, Bell 28:13, Virginia Jean 32:36. 20-29 – Tristen Crawford 29:48, Beth Cooper 31:08, Cheyenne Daley 31:19. 30-39 – Chasity Meeks 34:07, Tara Boone 35:01, Amanda Cox 36:12. 40-49 – Jeri English 28:37, Angela Adams 30:17, Lisette Garrett 32:26. 50-59 – Joplin 26:40, Sarah Pugh 34:10, Tammy Whitaker 35:16. 60-69 – Martha Mora 37:59, Colleen Beverly 49:02.

www.running.net Jimi Smith 11:55, Wilfredo Aguirre 12:09. 4044 – Brian Lewis 12:15, Scott Kiedrowski 12:52. 45-49 – Tom Sawyer 11:25, James Street 13:42. 50-54 - Timothy Priest 12:38, Randy Schimdt 13;09. 55-59 – Joe Jackson 14:12, Laurence Sanchas 16:55. 60-64 – Darryl Sorensen 17:54, Bruce White 19:10. 6569 – Patrick Clancy 14:49, Sheldon Johnson 18:21. 70-74 – Norman Lieberman 18:00, Mayo George 25:31. 75-79 – Louis Blaum 37:31, Nicholas Chronis 40:31. Racewalker – William Phelps 24:36. Female: Overall – Katherine Telfeyan 12:12. Masters – Anita Rippen 14:30. Grandmasters – Felicia Guidry 16:34. Senior Grandmasters – Marcia Finkelstein 22;05. Youth – Sydney Lee 14:29. 15-under – Hannah Burmaster 16:14, Autumn Grieb 16:30. 16-19 – Jade Caswell 15:26, Pamela Segall 17:40. 20-24 – Brooke Peaden 16:06, Margarite Matossian 16:45. 2529 – Katie Robinson 13:03, Lauren Jewett 16:06. 30-34 – Kelley Coco Puig 18:39, Ketti Sanman 19:11. 35-39 – Erika McDermott 16:57, Kristi Lebkowsky 17:57. 40-44 – Claire Raphael 16:57, Kate Mulholland 18:42. 45-49 – Paige Smith 15:03, Tracy Rake 19:46. 50-54 – Eve Barrett 17:04, Maryjo Falvey 18:26. 5559 – Lorna Hoyle 18:56, Anne Bailey 21:35. 60-64 – Ann Adams 22:24, Rhenda Saporito 27:43. 65-69 – Carol Wilson 26:11, Sally Cockerham 27:40. 70-74 – Charlotte Travieso 29:13, Sondra Chronis 40:24. Racewalker – Pat Driscoll 23:50.



NOLA Blue Doo 2 mile New Orleans, LA – 9/20

MD Race for the Family 5K Gaithersburg, MD – 9/13

Male: Overall – Drew Haro 9:53. Masters – Brandon Wingate 10:14. Grandmasters – Tom Luongo 12:14. Senior Grandmasters – J. Roger Brown 13:12. Youth – Shelby Jackson 14:17. 15-under – Jackson 14:17, Seth Gambill 15:14. 16-19 – Taylor Gambill 13;01, Joseph Ramsey 25:42. 20-24 – Casey Keiser 10:04, Will Kirkikis 10:27. 25-29 – Richard Bouckaert 10:01, Patrick Aucoin 10:07. 30-34 – Sean Allerton 10:03, Michael Olague 10:29. 35-39 –

Baton Rouge Beach Marathon XXI Dec. 6, 2014 • Baton Rouge, LA Marathon & Half-Marathon •Time: 7:00am (both races). •Course: Double loop start/end at Baton Rouge Beach Park; USATF (LA00003JF) •Fees: $80/half, $90/marathon after 10/15/14 $85/half, $95/marathon. •LIMIT: 1,500 total for both races. •Awards: Overall, Masters & Grand Masters & 5-year age groups; Medal to all finishers.

Male: Overall – Nicholas Grossi 18:21, Abebual Fekade-Sellassie 19:40, Tymoteusz Kajstura 19:43. 12-under – Alex Gomes 23:17, Cole Souders 26:52, Thomas Trumble 35:14. 13-19 – Stephen Bobersky 27:10. 20-34 – Eduardo Serra 20:16, James Schall 22:01, John Petrofsky 22:24. 35-50 – Maf Quispe 20:23, Michael Warren 20:26, Jay Sherman 24:00. 51-over – Kent England 23:40, Barth Rau 25:21, Frank Chang 30:54. Female: Overall – Christina Papoulias 22:20, Shruti Malik 25:35. 12-under – Nadia Khan 30:55, Mariam Khan 38:28, Lauren Lantry 1:00:02. 13-19 – Layla Khan 34:39. 20-34 – Kayla Bien 25:41, Lynn Hopkins 28:40, Diana Delgado 29:45. 35-50 – Kristine Milne 27:40, Robin Mayhew 28:24, Loretta Trumble 28:56. 51-over – Mary Raboy 31:21, Victoria Chang 44:40, Ginger Soroka 59:46.

Baton Rouge Beach Marathon Call Craig Watson 225-292-3800 (w) 3909 Plaza Tower Dr. 225-324-3123 (c) Baton Rouge, LA 70816 225-767-5211 (h) brbeachmarathon.com (online registration available)



Running Journal • November, 2014

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net


MISSISSIPPI Wellfest 5K Jackson, MS - 9/27 Male: Overall - D'Ante Almo 17:18. Masters - Trey Weir 19:56. Grand Masters - Mark Lipking 20:1. 14-under - Alexander Payne 19:51, John Paul Moorman 20:49, Luke Mason 25:57. 1519 - David Minor 20:09, Fabeon Minor 22:00, Joseph Araujo 25:27. 20-24 - John Lane 18:08, Dalton Mills 34:06. 25-29 - Roger Brewer 22:44, Garreth deKlerk 25:07, Henry Cooper 25:53. 30-34 -Jason Jones 18:54, Clark Henegan 20:48, Steven Bush 27:35. 3539 -Rob Oates 19:03, David Rop 19:19, Terry Jones 21:03. 40-44- Lex Davis 20:21, Warren Gunn III 21:23, Robbie Aldridge 25:44. 45-49 Bryan Lagg 21:54, Johnny Newsome 22:17, Gregg Patterson 23:36. 50-54 - Al Weeks 22:58, Alfred Kuhnert 23:56, Rex Broadhead 24:10. 55-59 - Robert Thompson 21:16, Mel Bailey 22:28, Chuck Jackson 24:24. 60-69 Edward Hill 24:25, Tom Shuff 28:52, David Hampton 32:11. Female: Overall - Jennifer Cecil 23:04. Masters - Tina Gregg 25:43. Grand Masters - Chantay Steen 23:35. 15-19 - Chinyese Jones 24:15, Desiree Jones 24:17, Gloria Thompson 27:23. 20-24 Grace Anna Randlall 23:07, Roby Mills 29:52, Jessica South 31:49. 25-29 - Jasmin deKlerk 25:08, Megan Cook 27:02, Kristen Womack 27:45. 30-34 - Audra Henegan 24:17, Jamie Green 26:45, Paige Hutchinson 27:53. 35-39 Kesha Funches 24:42, Chrisanna Saums 26:00, Kristi Simmons 26:31. 40-44 - Elizabeth Boone 27:46, Jenny Woodruff 28:22, Holly McMullan 28:37. 45-49 - Belinda Sollie 26:00, Rene Kane 26:23, Kim Coalter 28:19. 50-54 April Palmer 25:11, Miriam Allred 25:30, Teresa Crothers 27:38. 55-59 - MiHyang Faulks 28:13, Theresa Sullivan 30:58, Janis Harden 35:52. 60-69 - Dian Anderson 35:04, Cathy Ward 36:36, Becky Walker 39:31. 70over - Maria Walker 32:04, Charlotte Lundemo 33:10, Margaret Wodetzki 42:24.

NORTH CAROLINA Marine Corps Half Marathon Camp Lejeune, NC – 9/20 Male, Overall – Michael Siringer 1:16:37, Brian Schneidewind 1:17:51, Jason Kut 1:21:25. Masters – Mark Cook 1:24:20, Richard Simpson 1:27:42, Tommy Parkin 1:34:39. Grandmasters – 10-12 – Creed Mainz 1:55:20. 13-16 – Anthony Schwend 2:00:38, Jared Graves 2:07:07, Reece Burton 2:16:14. 17-19 – Matthew Mitchell 1:27:18, Ryan Collier 1:30:04, Tyler Evans 1:42:27. 20-24 – Spencer

Soffell 1:25:02, Jacob Moxley 1:25:32, Andrew Ezell 1:33:40. 25-29 – Alex Albrecht 1:22:07, David Bates 1:23:26, Emmanuel Gomez 1:25:07. 30-34 – Christopher Sanfor 1:23:12, Keith Toucey 1:24:26, Josh Wagner 1:28:05. 35-39 – Thomas Saeger1:8:15, John Standen 1:31:31, Richard Vidinha 1:31:32. 40-44 – Kevin Mcaree 1:35:16, Burke Gardner 1:36:22, Darryl Dotson 1:37:52. 45-49 – Steve Kozischek 1:39:34, Alex McCraight 1:43:11, Charles Dunne 1:51:57. 50-54 – William Vornheder 1:46:09, William Offenheise 1:55:05, Anthony Brown 1:55:42. 55-59 – Steve Irvin 1:42:00, Barry Vlassis 1:46:46, John Mangel 1:49:16. 60-64 – Joe Day 1:40:34, Steven Stanfield 1:49:35, John Georgitis 1:51:22. 65-69 – Anthony Southerlan 1:36:59, Terry McNeil 1:37:35, Frank McLeod 2:07:51. 70-over – Ronnie Davenport 2:17:21, Sylvester Howard 2:46:13, Sgtmaj Irrera 5:01:22. Female: Overall – Rachel Krasich 1:23:31, Crystal Phillips 1:24:43, Carter Schick 1:25:55. Masters – Nicole Conrad 1:38:24, Lisa Thomas 1:44:48, Pamela Howe 1:45:59. 10-12 – Samantha Autry 1:50:42. 13-16– Elizabeth Allen 2:05:37, Becca Dison 2:19:19. 17-19 – Madison Albrecht 1:40:52, Leslie Hernandez 1:48:30, Alexandria Cline 2:23:00. 20-24 – Meg Ashton 1:26:23, Danielle Hobbs 1:30:11, Danielle Dixon 1:46:34. 25-29 – Jessica Potts 1:29:02, Serena Simeoli 1:34:42, Lexa Gass 1:37:16. 30-34 – Jill Smylie 1:28:06, Lauren Dineen 1:36:17, Stephanie Nameth 1:38:02. 35-39 – Melissa Mueller 1:39:49, Brandy Humphrey 1:40:12, Sara Delamar 1:45:59. 40-44 – Renee Wallace 1:46:15, Lori Alizieri Stev 1:46:19, Justine Pritchard 1:48:34. 45-49 – Crystal Moore 1:47:25, Beth McCluskey 1:52:26, Dianne Evans 1:53:33. 50-54 – Marie Brodie 1:49:32, Sonja Williams 1:59:36, Rita Roy 2:10:53. 5559 – Dana Marpoe 2:06:36, Carol Irvin 2:08:35, Linda Rieger 2:16:28. 60-64 – Cynthia Modlin 2:01:45, Martha Stanfield 2:51:25, Trish Tracey 3:34:07. 65-69 – Marcia Collins 2:54:12, Penny Parker 3:39:25.

Warren Rives 5K High Point, NC – 9/20 Male: Overall – Stevven Anderson 16:05, Brandon Harris 17:38, Brennan Kuhn 17:39. Masters – David Duggan 17:57, David Gile 18:30, Donald Blackmon 18:50. Grandmasters - Paul Augustine 19:17, Walt Hayes 20:44, Allen Walker 21:26. 10-under – Macoy Strawn 22:02, Lucas Shaw 22:25, Cooper Barnett 24:17. 11-15 – Andrew Pegram 18:07, Dylan Sipler 19:28, Daniel Ogden 22:28. 16-19 – Collin Lookabill 19:14, Jack Crocker 19:37, Michael Kester 24:21. 20-24 – Steven Goforth 26:02, John Meza 36:16, Adam Spivey 44:34. 25-29 – William Coldfelter 21:07, Timothy Cook 22:09,

Jordan Rives 22:29. 30-34 – Joshua Hedrick 18:53, David Kiefer 23:10, Patrick Heery 23:45. 35-39 – Issaka Nsiah 21:52, Ronnie Chandler 21:59, Kenyon Barnett 24:17. 40-44 – Andrew Cheek 19:10, Bruce Bowman 19:50, Edward Squires 21:40. 45-49 – Arthur Sterkenburg 19:54, Michaux Crocker 21:38, Mike Cavanaugh 22:18. 50-54 – Jeff Pack 23:26, Lee Boone 25:25, Denny Rodenberg 25:59. 5559 – William Wilson 24:21, Mike Allred 26:30, Thomas Reid 28:22. 60-64 – William Altenpohl 22:34, Ruben Gonzales 24:28, David Corn 27:06. 65-69 – Bill Goff 26:15, Jim Owens 26:25, John Danforth 27:16. 70-74 – Bob Martin 29:39, David Williams 30:24, Bob Fogleman 31:27. 80-over – James Gordon 46:20. Female: Overall – Natalie Lawrence 17:59, Jennifer Goff 19:32, Jennifer Vandiver 20:34. Masters – Terrey Hatcher 24:15, Debbie Allison 25:19, Michelle Ruth 25:53. Grandmasters – Paula Davis 26:00, Sue Ann Lapp 27:50, Donna Lewis 28:15. 10-under – Sutton Scott 37:18, Sarah Thiel 37:18, Amanda Pipkin 53:46. 11-15 – Elizabeth Caress 23:59, Georgia Howell 25:32, Morgan Cavanaugh 25:58. 16-19 – Blake Pohanka 24:06, Caroline Weir 30:21, Destiny Joseph 37:12. 20-24 – Jennifer Stone 21:49, Hilaire Halsch 23:47, Melissa Saladrigas 37:55. 25-29 – Curry Williams 23:32, Sarah Wynne 26:10, Brittany Hall 26:17. 30-34 –Julie Manuel 21:16, Erin Kline 21:58, Mizpah Glenny 23:58. 35-39 – Benita Bowman 24:47, Shannon Smith 26:04, Rachael Marie Fox 26:21. 40-44 – Stephanie Strawn 25:59, Kristine Bennett 26:03, Nova Banks 26:20. 45-49 – Abby McMullan 27:14, Christine Clodfelter 28:43, Cheryl Prillaman 29:33. 50-54 – Lynn Montgomery 31:51, Cindy Colbert 33:22, Allison Grimm 34:16. 55-59 – Connie McNeill 39:23, Debbie Jordon 41:12, Rosa Sawyers 42:55. 60-64 – Diane Mars 34:59, Kay Sheets 42:51, Vicki Craven 46:27. 65-69 – Myriam Caraballo 40:28, Nancy Laney 43:25, Kay Joyner 53:46. 75-79 – Nancy Hardin 54:13. 80-over – Barbara Gordon 46:20.

Hiddenite Festival Half Marathon/10K/5K Hiddenite, NC – 9/27 Male, half marathon: Overall – Mike Lawson 1:29:02, Steve Ryder 1:30:22, Bill Johncock 1:31:13. Masters – Benjamin Zachary 1:50:20, Eric Sprinkle 1:51:45, Scott Sprinkle 2:03:48. 99-under – Jason Williams 1:37:03, Jonathan Davis 1:39:57, Frankie Keever 2:08:32, Brent Roach 2:13:24, Lester Copeland 2:26:22, Troy Miller 2:31:36, Eric Byrd 3:04:08. Female, half marathon: Overall – Jill Konkol 1:33:56, Angie Sheets 1:41:22, Lisa


Watkins 1:47:33. Masters – Amy Bucknam 2:29:26.4, Julie McMakin 2:29:26.5. Male, 10K: Overall – Allen Walker 46:04, Carter Patterson 46:33, Ben Stewart 47:57. Masters – John Jarrell 49:43, Steve Hartman 50:32, Jimmy Deal 56:39. Female, 10K: Overall – Jodi Stewart 54:46, Kim Howell 1:02:14, Beth Pennell 1:04:26. Masters – Carol Biggs 1:11:08, Gale Clary 1:17:50, Tamara Roach 1:19:23. Male, 5K: Overall – Randy Whaley 21:36, Tony Blevins 22:01, Cary Cash 23:53. Masters – Jeremy Richards 29:06, John Moose 29:07, Keith Millsaps 36:00. Female, 5K: Overall – Josie Below 31:26, Katie Keever 32:54, Katherine Harris 36:02. Masters – Renee Keever 36:07, Dawn Kimberlin 39:41, Cindy Adkins 40:04.

Mike Lawson was overall winner of half marathon.

Run the Forest 5K Biltmore Forest, NC – 10/4 Male : Overall – Al Larson 19:59. Masters – Lincoln Crosse 20:54. 7-10 – Ryan Hernandez 35:16. 11-13 – Jo Rodriguez 21:23, Connor Hovendon 24:22, Andrew Shimshock 24:32. 14-18 – Dylan Goodman 22:47, William German 28:04. 19-29 – Nathan Frantz 21:13, Zachary Smith 25:43, Jacob Randall 30:48. 30-39 – John Judd 21:23, Mitch Mull 22:13, Jeremy Barlow 23:53. 40-49 – John Hovendon 25:08, Roy Glaspy 25:11, David George 25:19. 50-59 – Jimmie Thrash 23:54, Ben Deridder 24:37, Steve Busey 39:15. 60-69 – Lonnie Lepore 24:21, Daniel Perry 26:30, Thomas Beardsley 37:15. 70-79 – David Griffel 54:20. Female: Overall – Whitney Waters 21:36. Masters – Rita White 22:23.



Running Journal • November, 2014

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net


7-10 – Erin Hovendon 27:07, Bailey Radcliff 36:26, Grace Covington 52:24. 11-13 – Grayson Sword 24:15, Amy Webster 26:55. 14-18 – Kolter Freeland 29:23, Autumn Tallant 37:08. 19-29 – Sandy Bley 24:51, Amanda Bowman 27:06, Maura Thompson 29:00. 3039 – Jenny Lane 26:28, Christy Johnson 26:33, Sherry Stoneman 27:01. 40-49 – Larissa Bowman 27:21, Christina Smith 30:12, Angie Austin 31:17. 50-59 – Cathy Winner 28:24, Alicia Dineen 30:10, Lynda Wayne 32;33. 60-69 – Jane Isbey 30:13, Kaye CoxAndrews 36:40, Betty Matthews 48:07. 70-79 – Nancy Cox Lunch 34:33, Peggy Glanz 42:26, Mary Ann Litton 1:05:38.

Selma Railroad Run 5K Selma, NC – 10/4 Male: Overall – Derrin Pierret 16:50, Alex Roy 16:56. 12-under – Griffin Lloyd 30:48. 13-19 – Caleb Silver 17:51, Winston beck 20:09, Tristan Silver 20:14. 20-29 – Nicholas Meeker 17:16, Simon Thompson 18:12, Jonathan Wood 18:36. 30-39 – Jarett Prady 17:23, Chris Bradshaw 19:24, Charles Akers 19:43. 40-49 – John Tate 20:12, Ken Hamilton 22:17, Brent Hall 23:55. 50-59 – Rodney Gilmore 20:20, Tim Beck 21:31, Rusty Anderson 21:41. 60-69 – Kevin Sulovski 26:14, Zeph Putnam 26:48, Jim Connerton 32:55. 70-over – Stanley Oberg 33:47, Bo McDonald 34:52. Female: Overall – Laura Berry 19:25, Gwyn Reece 21:33. 12-under – Caroline Borleis 30:52, Beonka Agosto 31:09, Audrey Borleis 40:45. 13-19 –

Lauren Stephenson 25:23, Kara Harriosn 25:35. 20-29 – Victoria Neff 29:15, Roxanne Gomez 33:59, Cynamon Frierson 27:02. 30-39 – Julie Welch 25:02, Miranda Atkins 28:17, Brandy Williams 31:13. 40-49 – Tina Ambrose 26:21, Daneen Poste 28:15, Beverly Holloman 28:56. 50-59 – Rima Bogardus 23:45, Miava Binkley 29:22, Kathy Sulovski 32:41. 60-69 – Diane Gossett 34:53, Carlton Watkins 40:44, Susan Ayres 42:36.

Woolly Worm Woad Race 5 miles Banner, Elk, NC - 10/11 Male, Overall - John Williams 32:44. 14-under - Oliver Kreimer 41:08. 20-29 David Hewitt 56:48. 30-39 - Sean Dunlap 36:02, Jeff Tarlton 41:55, Greg Prudhomme 45:53. 40-49 - Williams 32:43, Bill Fredenberg 44:50, Chad Butler 51:11. 50-59 - John McKinney 47:23. 60-69 - Gary Bond 42:02, Stephen Simmons 55:32. Female, Overall - Allison Phillips 41:44. 20-29 - Phillips 41:44, Rachel McKinney 1:03:30, Kelsey McKinney 1:03:31. 30-39 Amy Greene 45:28, Kasey Kerley 46:49, Cory Prudhomme 51:59. 40-49 - Jen Butler 51:11, Jennifer Cole 52:00, Michelle Arnold 54:10. 50-59 - Terri Lindley 46:14, Sandy Potter 55:47, Anne Levick-May 58:32.

SOUTH CAROLINA Dam Run to Irmo 10K Irmo, SC – 9/20 Male: Overall – Eric Ashton 33:10, Orinthal Striggles 34:22, Omar Sharif 34:26. 14-under – Jakob Lenker 1:04:51. 20-24 – Jacob Barnes 35:56, Brian Walker 43:06, Brian Hill 46:38. 25-29 – David Russell 39:12, Justin Sims 46:10, Tyler Williams 47:16. 30-34 – Ryan Plexico 34:49, Justin Bishop 35:47, Jason Dimery 36:55. 35-39 – Kyle Setzer 37:28, Angel Manuel 38:31, Michael Nance 38:43. 40-44 – Jim Major 39:43, Dwayne Brown 42:51, Mason Holley 46:19. 45-49 – Tom Marable 42:02, Ed Aufuldish 43:36, James Corder 45:29. 50-54 – Howie Phan 41:14, Curt Railey 43:36, Francisco Mora 43:42. 55-59 – Pete O’Boyle 43:07, David Barnett 52:45, Wade Bauer 58:56. 60-64 – Rob Kriegshaber 43:27, Richard Gilbert 52:53, John Sportt 59:00. 65-69 – Ken Lowden 58:03. Female: Overall – Shawanna White 37:03, Caitlin Judd 37:07, Kenzie Riddle 38:11. 14-under – Abby Stephenson 1:09:17, Carolyn Balda-Shere 1:24:09. 15-19 – Lindsey Smith 45:41. 20-24 – Kristal Studer 39:16, Whitney Drozd 40:58, Lauryn Schubiger 47:18. 25-29 – Valori Hurley 47:18, Sydney Heath 50:02, Jessie Ray 52:51. 30-34 – Courenay Givens 46:13, Kelly Brown 47:26,

www.running.net Holly Beckham 49:14. 35-39 – Ivanka Todorova 47:56, Melanie Watson 52:45, Stacey Starnes 55:06. 40-44 – Lynn Thomas 54:17, Chantel Sena-Diaz 55:39, Jamie Stevens 56:32. 45-49 – Chantal Faure 44:18, Alice Hansen 52:40, Stephanie Brown 54:38. 50-54 – Birgit Spann 44:39, Sandy Smith 56:21, Anita Greco 57:23. 55-59 – Lorikay Kienzle 46:58, Alsena Edwards 52:03, Cheryl Outlaw 1:03:07. 60-64 – Brigitte Smith 1:11:13, Amelia Martinez 1:18:51. 65-69 – Diane Bean 1:21:45. – Strictly Running

Mullins Run for Sight 5K Mullins, SC – 9/27 Male: Overall – Matthew Eilliott 15:23, Brian Elmore 19:57, Troy Watson 20:39. Masters – Danny West 21:03. Grandmasters – Arnold Floyd 23:09. Senior Grandmasters – David Donahue 24:49. 13-under – Anthony Jackson 26:00, Keegan Davis 33:44, Camden Britton 39:24. 14-17 – Bryce Ford 21:09, Micah Herrington 22:34, Cole Powell 22:49. 25-29 – George Taylor 29:08, Hagood Dwayne Martin 32:57, Bradley Smith 41:29. 30-34 – Cliff Cribb 23:49, Lonnie Bethea 27:37. 35-39 – Carl Owens 24:40. 4044 – Kevin Cottingham 23:48, Dave Bult 34:28, Jason Brewer 38:23. 45-49 – Greg Emore 25:43, Jody Ricks 26:55. 50-54 – Glenn Atkinson 27:36, Gary Hayes 32:42. 55-59 – Ken Foster 24:41, Johny Floyd 29:23, John Bilder 29:49. 60-64 – Harry Mitchell 25:28, Charles Elvington 29:40, Allan Lockyer 37:44. 65-69 – Mike Tuohey 30:30, Kem Thomas 42:59. 75-79 – George Hagan 29:37, Glenn Hayes 40:12. Female: Overall – Christine Kitzler 19:26, Amber Martin 25:48, Andrea Cagle 26:06. Masters – Susan West 26:23. Grandmasters – Vickie Phillips 27:35. Senior Grandmasters – Priscilla Hayes 45:11. 13-under – Carleigh Stroud 37:58. 14-17 – Caitlin Jackson 28:05, Ariel Dutton 29:42, Madison Reynolds 37:16. 18-24 – Sydney Hooks 37:17. 25-29 – Brittany Shelley 34:51. 30-34 – Candace Shelley 41:48. 35-39 – Ashley Owens 29:43. 40-44 – Sonya Foster 28:27, Candice Tyler 32:50, Teresa Webster 37:56. 45-49 – Courtney Goodhope 28:55, Wendy Strickland 36:20. 50-54 – Judy Cluett 41:58. 55-59 – Brenda Davis 33:09, Gail Hayes 36:22, Joanne Joyner 40:27.

Standpipe Festival 5K Belton, SC – 10/4

Avery Chamber's Sue Freeman (left) with WW Woad Wace female winner Allison Phillips (center) and Williams YMCA of Avery County's Bonnie Clark. Allison also is a YMCA employee. Wooly Worm Photos by Nancy Morrison

Cory and Greg Prudhomme and children James (10 months) and Georgia (2) from Concord, NC, all completed the Woolly Worm Woad Wace 5-Miler in Banner Elk, NC, on Oct. 11, in rainy weather. Greg and Cory ran in the WW Woad Wace with Greg pushing the children in the stroller, who were protected from the rain by the stroller’s coverings.

Male, Overall – Tom Ford 16:16. Masters – Marc Embler 17:30. 13-under – Harrison Price 21:56, Hayden Boatwright 21:59, Zachery Carver 24:42. 1418 – Carlos Oliver 16:19, Duncan Wright 16:48, Max McCurley 17:28. 19-24 – Jeremy McIntosh 25:28, Chris Lang 50:29. 25-29 – Joseph Engram 19:41, Ryan Sams 42:20. 3034 – Matt Mundy 20:35, Nicholas Hamor 21:38, Russell Merck 23:51. 35-39 – Allan Ellison 25:07, Josh Holcombe 27:09, Brandon Lowe 30:50. 40-44 – Chris Bradberry 19:37,



Running Journal • November, 2014

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net


Russell Taylor20:56, Michael McClain 25:21. 45-49 – Matt Helton 34:41, Jeff Austin 40:44. 50-54 – Charles Carver 32:10, Tony Brown 38:31, Barry Loftis 39:59. 55-59 – Rodney Wright 21:46, George Wheeler 25:24. 60-69 – Marshall Keys 27:04. 70-over – Raymond Taylor 38:14. Female, Overall – Reagan Smith 19:47. Masters – Ruth Embler 20:42. 13-under – Marilea Marchman 27:38, Rowan Taylor 32:12, Erika Carver 35:01. 14-18 – Emily Wood 21:19, Ellen Blake 25:30, Bess Wilson 25:38. 19-24 – Ansley Rutland 25:12. 30-34 – Marina Cooke 30:25, Rachel Smith 30:48, Ashley Doten 50:15. 35-39 – Amy Wurst 21:15, Jessica Arndt 32:32, Danielle Collier 35:12. 40-44 – Heather Glew 23:21, Dawn Lowe 36:01, Stephanie Lingerfelt 40:17. 45-49 – Lisa Waters 28:58, Jennifer Vargas 33:49, Margie Boyar 41:28. 50-54 – Xiomora Helton 28:7, Sheila Brown 30:12, Lorene Rhodes 32:02. 55-59 – Judy Walls 23:32. 6069 – Bessie McNulty 51:22.

TENNESSEE Big South Fork 17.5 mile/10K Trail Runs Oneida, TN – 9/27 Male, 17.5 mile: Overall – Tyler Wike 2:01:59, Jamie Cook 2:03:32, Ron Wireman 2:06:04. Masters – James Bickelhaupt 2:13:07. Grandmasters – John Mollenhour 2:23:06. Veterans – Jim Bowman 2:55:01. 20-24 – Alex Aust 2:32:56, Matthew Rosenbalm 2:52:45, Peter Shankles 5:06:38. 25-29 – Tim Hill 2:07:13, Will Credille 2:35:15, Sebastian Moceri 2:40:35. 30-34 – Andy Broome 2:20:29, Luke Servedio 2:24:47, Scott Schmidt 2:45:32. 35-39 – Ryan O’Connor 2:09:00, Josh Hite 2:10:53, Bradley Spears 2:12:02. 40-44 – Tony Owens 2:30:09, Russell Marek 2:31:31, Brent Lee 2:37:36. 45-49 – Nick Lavrik 2:26:45, Ken Lonseth 2:27:17, Gary Minter 2:28:30. 50-54 – Marty Coleman 2:31:27, David Winchester 2:44:42, Todd Rechenbach 2:47:11. 55-59 – John Fox 2:50:50, Kelly Ambrose 2:51:42, Jeff Macintire 2:52:04. 60-64 – Bill Broome 3:15:14, Michael Maney 3:30:29, Steve Michael 3:32:33. 65-69 – Kenneth Childs 3:09:14, Kenneth Sirois 3:19:28, Bob Mathews 3:32:57. 70-74 – Jim Upton 3:05:28. 75-79 – Bob Cunningham 3:36:08, Charley Denney 3:40:37. Clydesdale – Daniel Bryant 2:58:11, Charlie Gibson 3:01:35, Roelof Van Der Meulen 3:04:09. Female, 17.5 mile: Overall – Alondra Moody 2:28:13, Leah Jones 2:28:49, Sally Brooking 2:31:53. Masters – Natalie Sims 2:38:34. Grandmasters – Kathy Smith 2:39:07. Veterans – Kathy Bell 4:15:38.

20-24 – Jessie Bonner 2:34:00, Sarah Miller 3:13:45, Tyne Dutzer 5:06:38. 25-29 – Alix Pfennigwerth 2:42:21, Sarah Fraser-Jones 2:44:22, Abbey Love 2:44:22. 30-34 – Michelle Horton 2:46:49, Amanda Blair 2:47:12, Alice Jones 3:05:04. 35-39 – Ann Wilkinson 3:55:41. 40-44 – Sarah Starling 2:49:26, Heather Santos 3:10:33, Michelle Mackie 3:22:41. 45-49 – Mary Moe 3:23:23, Christi Paine 3:25:51, Kim Pike 3:35:12. 50-54 – Laura Gearhiser 2:46:08, Beth Brinkley 2:59:26, Donna Dworak 3:34:12. 55-59 – Kris Corbitt 3:05:32, Laura Pound 4:07:18. Athena – Keisha Rathbone 4:02:42. Male, 10K: Overall – Marcus Chambers 44:56, Matt Sims 45:58, Jordan Thomas 47:44. Masters – Mark Keisling 54:30. Grandmasters – Gary Branch 1:02:21. Veterans – Jack Sexton 1:12:05. 20-24 – Morgan Flowers 1:00:05. 25-29 – Josh Bible 48:46, Trevor Harvey 59:02, Jeff Roland 1:10:58. 30-34 – Morgan Doody 55:51, Trinity Smith 1:10:10, Donald Sexton 1:21:43. 40-44 – Rafe Young 1:00:10, Robert Stewart 1:04:11. 45-49 – Steve Magers 1:05:15, Andy Doolen 1:05:18, Dan Myers 1:09:16. 50-54 – Bobby Trotter 1:09:17, Patrick Flowers 1:11:01, Shane Hege 1:18:52. 55-59 – Doug Marquart 1:08:03. 60-64 – Sherman Ames 1:12:53, Dorn Kile 1:14:42. Female, 10K: Overall – Ashley West 58:34, Kendra Black 1:01:36, Dona Daugherty 1:03:22. Masters – Karen Lommel 1:05:22. Grandmasters – Liza Graves 1:13:00. Veterans – Doris Brown 1:36:33. 13-under – Gabbi Kile 1:14:39. 25-29 – Lauren Blankenship 1:12:11, Avery Allen 1:20:52, Morgan Larue 1:20:52. 30-34 – Stephany McNew 1:08:28, Anja Seiler 1:11:00. 35-39 – Jenny Martin 1:06:26. 40-44 –Rebecca Holder 1:20:29, Forest Walker 1:22:24, Donna Freid 1:23:53. 45-49 – Shazzmarie Szekely 1:07:29, Susan Musser 1:13:00, Jamie Niland 1:22:46. 55-59 – Jean Miller 1:37:58, Sally Goade 1:53:03. Athena – Tracy Lee 1:25:24. – Jerry Schohl

Apple Festival 4 miler Erwin, TN – 10/4 Male, Overall – Griff Graves 19:23, Matt Sonnenfeldt 19:43, Chris Moen 19:47. Masters – Phil Roberts 25:00. 14-under – Porter Bradley 22:53, Jeb Jones 25:31, Eli Phillips 31:45. 15-19 – Randall Blangin 27:42, Christian Durocher 28:04, Ocean Hinshaw 28:32. 20-24 – Jonah Walker 35:23. 25-29 – Joseph Moughon 25:51, Paul Laughlin 28:59, Eric Oxley 29:28. 30-34 – Brinson Milhorn 22:53, Brian Brummitt 30:55, Sean Wiggins 33:51. 35-39 – Andrew Davidson 25:40, Kenneth Edmonds 28:11, Todd Edmondson 33:56. 40-44 – Jamie

Jenkins 25:30, Ian Bradley 26:15, Patrick Street 26:37. 45-49 – Terry Jones 26:24, Jeff King 27:21, Terry Dalton 29:36. 50-54 – Greg West 27:59, Gerry Duffy 28:50, RayBerglund 30:31. 55-59 – Earl Edens 32:31, Moe Brown 36:26, Alan Altizer 44:56. 60-64 – Clyde Kidd 30:49, Jack Milhorn 38:05. 65-69 – Clarence Collins 28:19, Bill Dickerson 30:37, Robert Watson 31:51. 70-over – Legrande Boyer 35:58, Byron Beard 46:21, Fred Greear 52:10. Female, Overall – Mary Ballinger 23:39, Emily Wolfe 25:56, Taylor Gupton 26:00. Masters – Susan Rollins 26:01. 14-under – Jenna Hutchins 29:06, Megan Todd 30:59, Kaitlyn Tilson 33:20. 15-19 – Elizabeth Moughon 31:11, Haley Adkins 34:39. 20-24 – Lydia Jones 30:15, Candace Meadows 32:33, Ali Gardner 33:25. 25-29 – Mary Bennett 30:23, Tasha Bunch 32:20, Janna Evans 33:43. 30-34 – Holly Street 26:32, Jamie Mains 29:45, Rebekah Edmonds 35:22. 35-39 – Jennifer Story 26:40, Bridgett Peterson 31:12, Lisa Baxter 35:27. 40-44 – Sheri Gewelke 33:19, Kerry Taylor 35:21, Joy Ponder 35:45. 45-49 – Rhonda Denham 31:44, Teresa Duffy 35:07, Lisa Davis 40:06. 50-54 – Peggy Kaczorowski-Jones 34:01, Lisa Boone 39:56, Ricky Harris 48:44. 55-59 – Sheri Nemeth 28:48, Karen Seiferth 30:11, Wendy Weidner 33:46. 60-64 – Patricia Allen 39:15, Rosalind Holycross 39:21, Jennifer Henley 39:32. 65-69 – Sue Hopkins 52:12, Jenny Breeden 54:16. 70-over – Barbara Bogart 52:47.

VIRGINIA Mulberry Island Half Marathon/5K Ft. Eustis, VA – 9/20 Male, half marathon: Overall – Bryce Livingston 1:10:52, Blaine O’Reilly 1:16:22, Michael Leech 1:22:11. 19-under – Troy Roberts 1:55:55, Austin Barron 2:00:36. 20-24 – Riley Boyle 1:38:33, Jamal Camarillo-Reed 1:39:05, Nicholas Magdaleno 1:48:02. 25-29 – Steven Tobin 1:25:28, Matthew Schiller 1:29:42, Christopher Didway 1:36:52. 30-34 – Philip McCollum 1:29:20, Jim Highsmith 1:31:59, Gino Sciortino 1:39:14. 35-39 – Tad Bennett 1:31:22, James Caudill 1:36:01, Mauricio Gonzalez 1:46:53. 40-44 – Jack Lovett 1:26:13, David Anderson 1:32:12, Robert Thornburgh 1:34:23. 45-49 – Scott Wells 1:32:14, Steven Ikeler 1:47:54, Freddy Kogel 1:57:28. 50-54 – Tony Kowalski 1:31:43, Peter Laky 1:38:40, Mark Negele 1:39:58. 55-59 – Terry Imbery 1:38:01, Eric Everton 1:42:55, Bill Price 1:46:59. 60-64 – Willie Lewis 1:49:17, Michael Barber 1:50:04, Barry Hughes 1:51:26. 65-69 – Dale Abrahamson 1:42:08, Joseph Verdirame 1:52:02, Peter Opper 2:09:34. 70over – Larry Arata 2:07:28, Doug Berry 2:13:43, Ronald Kellum 2:36:34.


Female, half marathon: Overall – Octavia Rinehardt 1:23:41, Leia Lautzenheiser 1:28:40, Jennifer Quarles 1:32:11. 19-under – Alyssa Griffith 2:18:22. 20-24 – Jacqueline Wortman 1:52:18, Sarah Scudder 1:55:06, Veronica Ramirez 2:00:18. 25-29 –Tamara J De Jesus 1:39:15, Ann-Germain Danze 1:40:55, Brenna Huttner 1:46:29. 30-34 – Jackie Anderson 1:43:08, Lisa Osterhoudt 1:43:22, Jessica Burcham 1:44:49. 35-39 – Nadia Verbanac 1:35:03, Michelle Olaya 1:55:47, Kirstin Brendel 2:02:51. 40-44 – Susan Hagel 1:59:27, Kimberly Rivera 2:20:49, Rana Lepson 2:21:58. 45-49 –Nancy Delaney 1:50:44, Nichole Knott 2:07:59, Lori Hall 2:19:20. 50-54 – Karla Havens 1:36:30, Michele Smith-Harden 1:46:13, Christine Schaffner 1:52:44. 55-59 – Susan Snead 1:55:52, Laurie Brunk 2:12:53, Thea Ganoe 2:13:21. 60-64 – Helen Worthington 2:04:28, Patricia Travis 2:15:05, Rosemary Plum 2:22:00. 65-69 – Barbara Biasi 2:03:53. Male, 5K: Overall – Victor Flemming 16:15, Todd Kessler 17:12, Dominique Pierre 19:17. 19-under – Warren Love 21:15, Brandon Danet 29:36, Markus Thompson 35:38. 20-24 – David Dell 22:55, Kristopher Hall 23:26, Blade Coffey 24:37. 25-29 – Jia-Xiang Chen 25:59. 30-34 – Lucas Mouton 21:32, Joshua Gary 22:56, Jonathan Barbee 25:39. 40-44 – Jamie McGinty 25:49, Jim Cunningham 29:17, Shawn Grogan 34:09. 45-49 – Tom Huratiak 26:24, Bruce Danet 29:42. 50-54 – Sean Oatmeyer 21:23, Dwight Starks 22:14, Steve Kohnert 22:34. 55-59 – Bill Price 22:39, Mangenious Jackson 45:25. 65-69 – Hector Olaya 25:52, Ed Oliphant 26:10, Grove Calvert 42:20. Female, 5K: Overall – Emily Honeycutt 21:46, Emma Schiller 23:30, Emily Frase 24:42. 19-under – Meagan Knott 27:36. 25-29 – Samantha Thompson 37:31. 35-39 – Karen Grace 28:08, Melissa Niles 32:44, Jennifer Torres 35:21. 40-44 – Lynn Gray 25:42. 45-49 – Lula Jones 25:50, Renee Copeland 42:36. 50-54 – Brenda Barrera 24:54, Valor Foy Jones 26:43, Annette Thompson 37:31. 55-59 – Francine Allen 53:40. 70-over – Andrea Hess 29:34, Judy Hanna 40:04. – Bruce Davis

Virginia 10 miler/4 miler Lynchburg, VA – 9/27 Male, 10 miles: Overall – Julius Kogo 48:20, Cleophas Ngetich 43:13, Isaac Mukundi Mwangi 48:32, Seraw Kebede 49:02, Yonas Mebrahtu 49:02, Simion Chirchir 49:18, Mourad Marofit 49:18, Betram Keter 49:36, Girma Gebre 49:46, Tekeste Nurelign 50:58. Masters – Jeff Harrington 58:58. Grandmasters – Mike Bailey 1:06:23. Senior Grandmasters – Mark Whisler 1:13:03. 17-under – Charles Ranson 57:56, Peyton Mann 1:01:40, Levi Phillips 1:04:47. 18-24 – Caleb Wakeley 55:20, Wade Miller 55:41, Tom Thomas 59:11. 25-29 – Tilahun Woldemariam 51:56, Christopher Motta 59:07, Brad Belfiore 1:02:38. 30-34 – Will Christian 51:51, Andrew Parkins 58:43, Joseph Goetz 58:48. 35-39 –




Running Journal • November, 2014


Bill Draper, 86 years old, finishes his 41st Genworth Virginia 10 Miler. He is the only person to have completed every race. Photo Credit: TriDuo Photography

Tommy Boles 59:52, Nathan Hottle 1:01:14, Matthew Wright 1:03:58. 40-44 – Brad Stone 1:05:10, Michael Pflieger 1:08:15, Scott Covey 1:09:25. 45-49 – Greg Cavaliere 1:00:26, Bob Van Zile 1:08:57, Ledahawsky 1:09:00. 50-54 – Len Barker 1:07:27, Patrick Bowler 1:08:30, Harold Terry 1:13:39. 55-59 – Bill Pearlman 1:06:54, Robert Blevins 1:09:53, R.B. Carter 1:10:11. 60-64 – Will Morrell 1:14:19, Gary Adkins 1:15:46, Felix Lopez 1:19:34. 65-69 – Bill Vislay 1:24:10, John Justice 1:28:00, Thomas Williams 1:28:06. 70-79 – Terry Anderson 1:24:54, Terrance Logan 1:31:37, Jimmy Gates 1:34:00. 80-over – William Draper 3:35:09. Female, 10 miles: Overall – Lillian Maritta 54:45, Sophy Jepchirchir 55:03, Etaferahu 55:36, Buze Diriba 56:32, Kara Foster 56:44, Mary Wangechi 56:48, Jane Njeri Kang’Ara 58:01, Joyce Kandie 58:13, Etafetahu Tarekegn 59:41, Tsehay Getiso 59:42. Masters – Amy Cernava 1:11:02. Grandmasters – Robin Steckley 1:16:31. Great Grandmasters – Amy Rockhill 1:33:14. 17-under – Alana Hadley 1:01:09, Leah Hurt 1:16:05, Veronic Breslow 1:19:51. 18-24 – Candace Delong 1:12:21, Kiley Trennpohle 1:14:39, Jenna Vilushis 1:15:47. 25-29 – Justnya Mudy 1:00:30, Rebekah Ricksecker 1:06:36, Maddy Schricker 1:15:29. 30-34 –

more results at running.net

Bessy Leszczynski 1:11:49, Heather Zealand 1:11:49, Amanda Cocke 1:15:39. 35-39 – Sarah Glenn 1:04:56, Catherine Phillips 1:08:10, Lisa Hainstock 1:08:47. 40-44 –Diana Johnson 1:18:25, Julia Hendricksen 1:19:13, Cory Armes 1:22:44. 45-49 – Laurie George 1:18:18, Lisa Hannell 1:19:21, Amy Gallagher 1:21:32. 50-54 – Pam Rickard 1:19:39, Christopher Maestrello 1:20:25, Diana Pettyjohn 1:27:02. 55-59 – Layne Ferguson 1:24:46, Lisa Boman 1:27:34, Tara Kosegi 1:36:25. 60-64 – Debbie Martin 1:39:48, Linda Neighbors 1:40:01, Gail Staton 1:45:43. 65-69 – Kathleen Doswell 1:33:23, Jerie Webster 1:41:58, Mary Anne Taylor 1:51:25. 70-79 – Nancy Terry 2:30:14. Male, 4 miles: Overall – Abdi Ali Gelchu 18:57, Kiprono Kurgat 19:48, David Cheromei 21:14. Masters – Hunter Tyree 24:38. Grandmasters – Terry McManus 26:53. 10-under – William Van Opstal 30:39, Ryan Gallagher 32:33, Travis Jones 32:44. 11-14 – Ethan Pitts 25:20, Daniel O’Brien 26:28, Sam Kinder 26:41. 15-19 – Peter Seufer 21:54, Patrick Cundiff 23:32, Jacob Elbrecht 23:45. 20-24 – Matthew Soffenfeldt 19:26, Larry Minor 21:07, Chris Hollingsworth 22:37. 25-29 – Justin Kilian 26:52, Lionel Afzali 27:47, Brian Austin 28:55. 30-34 – Ryan Webb 27:32, JC

Fore 28:44, Kevin Henry 32:21. 35-39 – Chris McSwain 30:47, Mark Wagner 31:27, Kemp Houck 31:39. 40-44 – Keith Pitzer 29:39, Mike Cheatwood 29:48, Billy Drinkard 30:55. 45-49 – James O’Connell 26:19, Peter O’Brien 26:24, Paul Schmidt 28:32. 50-54 – Michel Saade 27:43, David Herb 28:35, Glenn Gumpman 28:40. 55-59 – Owen Grubbs 30:33, Doug Moyer 33:28, Keith Farley 34:18. 60-64 – Robert Koehler 27:49, Ron Rogers 28:46, John Gardner 31:58. 65-69 – Walter Allen 28:10, Jack Storton 36:04, Loren Washburn 41:44. 70-79 – Robert Pawlas 33:27, Wayne Reynolds 37:41, Larry Howell 42:44. 80-over – William Sweeney 1:03:43, Garland Page 1:06:12. Female, 4 miles: Overall – Genet Gashie Beyne 21:35, Libby Davidson 23:12, Ann Mazur 23:46. Masters – Sarah Davidson 30:09. Grandmasters – Bonnie Smith 32:01. 10-under – Molly Pratt 32:50, Hannah Pettyjohn 37:31, Brianna De Novais 41:25. 1114 – Eva Pontius 29:23, Jette Davidson 29:57, Aubrie Zealnad 31:15. 15-19 – Danielle Hill 28:45, Heather Wyatt 29:12, Madelin Rennyson 29:09. 20-24 – Kaitlyn Hutchins 28:15, Monica Ashby 29:07, Sarah Reed 29:44. 25-29 – Marie Williams 29:00, Ashley Glover 32:09, Somer Dunevant 32:51. 30-34 –

Rebecca Irby 28:55, Kati Stuller 29:21, Andrea Lassiter 32:42. 35-39 – Jennifer Layne 31:35, Lindsay Shelton 32:09, Kacie Pantana 32:11. 40-44 – Shelley Stephens 31:12, Sarah Glass 31:58, Kellie Hudson 32:14. 45-49 – Elena Edwards 33:48, Brankica Frenchik 34:26, Agata Griffis 34:27. 50-54 – Lynne Forster 31:53, Peggy Bettcher 35:10, Susan Crawford 36:55. 55-59 – Donna Claybrook 34:55, Deborah Moseley 38:23, Sue Whitacre 39:20. 60-64 – Francy Rubin 37:40, Margaret Ramsey 40:45, Jeanette Ciccarello 45:34. 65-69 - Diana Baldwin 40:37, Priscilla Jones 41:50, Eileen Backofen 41:53. 70-79 – Jean Billinglsea 1:05:11. 80-over – Janice Megginson 1:00:13.

Kelvey’s 5K The Plains, VA – 9/27 Male: Overall – Karsten Brown 17:41, Grant Quick 17:54. 8-12 – Max Schaefer 23:50, Lorenzo Socari 25:02. 13-19 – Richard Holtslander 21:42, Henry Holtslander 21:45. 20-29 – Chris Collins 25:01. 30-39 – Shannon Ferguson 35:15. 4049 – Chris Granger 26:35, Charles Smith 26:47. 50-59 – John Macmahon 22:11, Robert Decker 25:47. 70-over – Robert Gurtler 39:51. Female: Overall – Eliana Harnage 22:29, Katherine Russell 22:59. 8-12 – Gabby Handford 29:30, Finn Sipes 44:54. 13-19 – Chloe Osbourn 26:09, Brianna Hutchison 27:56. 20-29 – Kristen Donahue 30:32, Hilary Beeler 44:09. 30-39 – Sarah McDonough 28:03, Allisin Jensen 40:33. 4049 – Karen Young 24:37, Stephanie Mossburg 27:20. 50-59 – Deborah Signorello 28:47, Jane Langan 32:46.

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Running Journal • November, 2014

THE ONLY CALENDAR YOU NEED TO RUN THE SOUTH Race Directors: Use form on page 37 to send information on all upcoming races. Runners: Please verify information before traveling to a race. When requesting information, always enclose a SASE. Abbreviations: RD = race day, RW = racewalk, FR = fun run, P/M = postmarked, W/C = wheelchair.

ALABAMA Nov. 1, Athens - Sherri Adams Pink Ribbon 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (256)233-9122, ryang@alhnet.org. Nov. 1, Beulah - Running with the Band in Beulah Land, 10.5K, 8am (cst); 5K, 10am (cst); 1 Mile, 11am (cst). Info: Roger Keel (334)524-2884. Nov. 1, Birmingham - 5K at the Junction, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile FR 9am. Info: Jerri Haslem (205)542-5391, jlhaslem@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Birmingham - Homewood Rib Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: racedirector@ribrun.org. Nov. 1, Gadsden - Dasche for the Stache 5K & 1 Mile Fun Walk/ Run, 9am. Info: admin@gadsdenrunners.com. Nov. 1, Huntsville - 5K STEM Power Run/Walk for Scholarships, 8am. Info: president@nsbe-northalabamaae.com. Nov. 1, Huntsville - Liz Waggett Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: cposlajko@beasonnalley.com. Nov. 1, Laverne - Miss Friendliest City 10 Mile Relay Race, 7:30am. Info: Janice Hollis (334)429-1104, Margaret Fox (334)5044216, Jae Fox (334)429-5253. Nov. 1, Leeds - Leeds Elementary Monster Mash Dash 5K, 9am; Kid’s FR, 8am. Info: Leeds Elementary School PTO (205)6994500, kprice@leedsk12.org. Nov. 1, Lincoln - Honda 5K, 5:30pm; Kid’s 1K FR, 5pm. Info: Honda Fitness Team (256)493-1211, courtney_young@hma.honda.com. Nov. 1, Mobile - Wells Fargo Senior Bowl Charity Run 10K & 5K Run/Walk, 8am & 8:30am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Nov. 1, Priceville - Book’N It for Priceville, 5K 7:30am; 10K 8:30am. Info: dspch210@bellsouth.net. Nov. 1, Shorter - Muddy Dog Jog, 5K Trail Run, 1 Mile Muttley Mosey; 8am. Info: maconcountyhumanesociety@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Sylacauga - Brian White Day 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: Amazing Grace Girls (256)404-1166, kathyryan1954@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Tuscaloosa - Glow For Life 5K Run, 1 Mile Fun Walk; 6pm. Info: Sav-A-Life (205)759-5433, carolfhendrickson@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Birmingham - Vulcan Run 10K, 8am. Info: danny@rununiversity.com. Nov. 8, Huntsville - Huntsville Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Marty & Carol Eaton (256)882-3706, huntsvillehalf@comcast.net. Nov. 8, Mobile - Gold and Glory 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Nov. 8, Mobile - Run for Battleship 5K, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Nov. 8, Mobile - CUMC Run For Your Life Gate 5K, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Nov. 8, New Market - Warrior Run 5K, 8am; “Warrior Trek” obstacle course (Students K-6 grade), 9am. Info: Jennifer Sticker (256)851-4700, jsticker@madison.k12.al.us. Nov. 9, Birmingham - XTERRA Alabama “Oak Mountain State Park” 21K, 10K, & 5K Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. Nov. 15, Birmingham - Run to the Son 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Anthony Andrews (205)470-5230, eventdirectoranthony@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Birmingham - Dirt Dash Fun Run 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile Family Walk, 9am. Info: Birmingham Botantical Gardens (205)4143950, akrebbs@bbgardens.org. Nov. 15, Daphne - Scott Ward Memorial - Fit for Duty 5K Run/ Walk & FR, 8:15am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Nov. 15, Decatur - Frosty Freeze 5K & Jingle Bell 1 Mile, 8am. Info: kelly.elmore@dcs.edu. Nov. 15, Huntsville - UCP Krispy Kreme Challenge, 8am. Info: Tracy Cieniewicz (256)859-4900, tracyc@ucphuntsville.org. Nov. 15, Mobile - Puzzle Piece Dash 5K, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Nov. 15, Trussville - Blow Away 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: havasiviktoria@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Vandiver - Anchored 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 8:45am. Info: Vandiver Church of God (205)337-8595, anchored5k@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Athens - Rivalry Run 5K, 8am. Info: alishac1129@hotmail.com. Nov. 22, Birmingham - Tranquility Lake 50K, 50K & 25K Trail Race; 7am. Info: David Tosch (205)262-9714, david@davidtosch.com. Nov. 22, Birmingham - Race to the Heights 5K Trail, 8am. Info: Stephen Bischoff (205)731-2547, jsbischoff@hotmail.com. Nov. 22, Creola - Turkey 10 Miler, 10K & 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Port City Pacers (251)473-7223. Nov. 22, Huntsville - No Place Like Home 5K, 8am. Info: Venus Tomlin (256)990-9403, casa5k@casamadisoncty.com.

Nov. 22, Huntsville - 24/7 Stache Dache 5K, 11am. Info: mailkarrah@getfit24-7.net. Nov. 22, Mobile - 5K on the Runway & 1 Mile, 3:30pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Nov. 22, Sylacauga - Jack Jack’s 5K for RCDP, 8am. Info: (256)404-1322, halogran@gmail.com.

Nov. 23, Birmingham - Magic City Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 9am; 1 Mile, 9:15am; Half marathon: $75 10/1-31, $80 11/1-18, $85 walk up 11/21-23; 5K: $30 9/1-10/31, $35 11/1-18, $39 walk up 11/21-23; Fun Run $15. Info: Jeremey Davis, jdavis@setupevents.com; http://www.magiccityrun.com/ Nov. 27, Birmingham - The Sam Lapidus Montclair Run, 10K 8:30am; 1 Mile FR 10am. Info: Dan Tourtellotte (205)879-0411, dt@bhamjcc.org. Nov. 27, Huntsville - Crisis Services Turkey Trot 5K, 8am. Info: bill@csna.org. Nov. 27, Mobile - Turkey Trot For Hope 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Nov. 29, Orange Beach - Kaiser Realty Coastal Half Marathon, 8am; 5K & 1 Mile Run, 8:10am. Info: races@team-magic.com. Dec. 1, Huntsville - Galaxy of Lights 5K, 6:30pm. Info Tony Osani (256)509-5759, rdgalaxy5k@gmail.com. Dec. 6, Athens - AHS JROTC Jingle Bell Jog 5K, 8am. Info: amyhump@bellsouth.net. Dec. 6, Auburn - AORTA Toys for Tots 10K & 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile, 9am. Info: Monica Kennis (334)737-1835, monkennis@gmail.com. Dec. 6, Birmingham - Birmingham Amazing Race Adults & Kids Adventure Race, 1 Mile w/Obstacles; 2pm. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Dec. 6, Demopolis - Jingle Bell Run, 5K 9am. Info: Demopolis Area Chamber of Commerce (334)289-0270, demopchamber@yahoo.com. Dec. 6, Homewood - Mustache Dache 5K, Kids Run (12-under); 7:30am. Info: allison@cadence180.com. Dec. 6, Montgomery - Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis, 5K Chip or nonchip, 1 Mile; 8:31am/5K. Info: Lisa Hemphill (334)557-1577, lhemphill@arthritis.org. Dec. 7, Huntsville - Mistletoe Madness 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 2pm. Info: cayce@sdiabetes.org. Dec. 7, Mobile - Mobile Amazing Race Adults & Kids Adventure Race, 1 Mile w/Obstacles; 2pm. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)5180528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Dec. 13, Birmingham - Jingle Bell 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 10am; Santa Chase, 10:30am. Info: (205)314-8440, ksmeraglia@arthritis.org.

Dec. 13, Huntsville - Nike Rocket City Marathon, 8am; $90 P/M thru Oct., after $100 (online thru 12/1). Info: Suzanne Taylor (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeet huntsville.com, www.runrocketcity.com Dec. 13, Mobile - Corpus Christi Cougars Running Wild 5K, 3pm; 1 Mile FR, 4pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Dec. 13, Pelham - The Decked Out Dash! 5K & 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Amanda Marcrum (205)705-1809, amarcrum@arcofjeff.com. Dec. 13, Point Clear - Holiday Half Marathon & 8K Run, 8:30am. Info: Port City Pacers (251)473-7223. Dec. 13, Talladega - Dashing Through The Springs 5K Run/ Walk, 8am; 1K, 9am. Info: ecook@shocco.org. Dec. 20, Bayou La Batre - Bells in the Bayou 4 Miler & 2 Miler Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Dec. 20, Birmingham - Meadow Brook Runs, 5K 9am; 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: Bob Cosby (205)991-6054, jvpoa@juno.com. Dec. 20, Birmingham - BUTS Bearly Ultra (27 mi.), Cub Half Ultra (13.5 mi.) & Wolf Pack Relay Run, 8am. Info: events@runbuts.com. Jan. 3, Point Clear - Victory Bowl 5K & 10K, 9am. Info: Willie Foster (251)928-2424, nanafoster1@att.net. Jan. 10, Birmingham - Red Shoe Run, 10 Mile 7am; 5K 7:15am; Family FR 8:30am. Info: (205)212-7255, emily.wright@rmhca.org. Jan. 10, Huntsville - XTERRA Monte Sano State Park 15K Trail Race, 8am; 5K Trail Race, 8:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. Jan. 11, Mobile - Servis1st Bank First Light Marathon, Half Marathon & 5-Person Relay, 7:30am; 1.2 Mile FR & Kid’s Marathon, 2pm. Info: (251)438-2094, firstlightmarathon@hotmail.com. Jan. 17, Coker - Tashka Trail 50K & 25K, 7am; 4 Mile Race, 7:15am. Info: alibama@gmail.com.

Jan. 17, Prattville - Cruising the Creekwalk 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: James Sanders (334)657-1397, james.sanders@ fandeonline.com.

Feb. 21, Gulf Shores - Sea Turtle 1/2 Marathon and Sweetheart 5K Run/5K Walk. 1/2 Marathon 7:30am, $40 by 1/30, after 1/30 $50, $60 Race Day, 18-under $20. 5K Run/5K Walk 9am, $25 by 1/30, after 1/30 $30, $35 Race Day, 18-under $15; 1 Mile Fun Run 8:30am, $15 by 2/20, $20 Race Day. Info: Sweetheart Run 5K/Sea Turtle 1/2 Marathon, POB 3584, Orange Beach, AL 36561; Walt Graham (205)966-4366, sweetheartrun@ run42k.com, www.RunSignUp.com

ARKANSAS Nov. 1, Batesville - Highrock Hop Trail 5 Mile & 10 Mile, 9:30am. Info: (870)307-8922, sdcooke22@hotmail.com. Nov. 1, Camden - Anytime Fitness 5K Pumpkin Run, 8am. Info: (870)836-7100, camdenar@anytimefitness.com. Nov. 1, Charleston - Dash for the Dogs 5K/10K, 8:30am. Info: (479)965-3591, shayes@tigersmail.org. Nov. 1, Conway - Run for 2 5K, 10am. Info: (501)658-6833, kristmoss@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Conway - Run United 5K, 9am. Info: (501)327-5087, m.cahill@uwcark.org. Nov. 1, Dardanelle - Day of the Dead 5K, 8:30am. Info: (479)299-3972, staugustinedard@centurytel.net. Nov. 1, Fayetteville - Kessler Trail Run, 20K & 10K; 9am. Info: john@viridianUSA.com. Nov. 1, Fayetteville - Lewis and Clark Ozark Adventure 7 Mile & 2 Mile, 9am. Info (479)521-7766, bruce@allsportsproductionsinc.com. Nov. 1, Fort Smith - Speed the Word 5K, 8:30am. Info: (918)2645514, shellytyler00@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Greers Ferry - Roman Road 5K & 1 Mile, 4pm. Info: (501)940-0340, lonestarchildren@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Glenwood - Tri-County Relay for Life Zombie 2 Mile, 8pm. Info: (870)223-1606, tamarab@windstream.net. Nov. 1, Hot Springs - The North Mountain Challenge 5K, 8am. Info: (501)622-3498, jarrison@levihospital.com. Nov. 1, Lavaca - Hope for Haiti 5K, 9am. Info: (479)462-1550, candacewhitern@hotmail.com. Nov. 1, Little Rock - Aspired 5K, 8am. Info: (501)350-9128, andrea.nelson@arheart.com. Nov. 1, Mountainburg - Mountainstache 5K, 8:30am. Info: (479)369-2146, springs@mountainburg.org. Nov. 1, Mountain Home - The Hunger Run 5K, 9am. Info: (870)421-2227, dgwbmwslw@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Ozark - Hillbilly Project Graduation 5K, 10am. Info: (479)209-4043, ms.janethumphrey@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Pocahontas - Redskin Dash 5K, 8am. Info: (870)3781522, melissa.carter37@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Rogers - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K, 8am. Info: (479)246-0002, northwestarstrides@cancer.org. Nov. 1, Russellville - Catch the Beat 5K, 9am. Info: (479)9672255, contact@choicesprc.org. Nov. 1, Russellville - Harvest 5K, 10am. Info: (479)692-1511, mwilliams65@atu.edu. Nov. 1, Wynne - Midsouth Championship Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Ethan T. Cook (870)238-4610, ecook5381@aol.com. Nov. 8, Conway - Race for a Reason 5K, 8am. Info: (501)9408218, raceforareason.asa@outlook.com. Nov. 8, Fairfield Bay - Have a Hart Turkey Trot 5K, 9am. Info: (501)884-7777, hartcenter@artelco.com. Nov. 8, Fayetteville - Veteran’s Memorial 5K, 8am. Info: Wes Stites (479)871-7478, veterans5k@att.net. Nov. 8, Fort Smith - River Valley Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 9am. Info: (479)649-8815, jplummer@fca.org. Nov. 8, Little Rock - Color Run 5K, 9am. Info: (855)662-6567, lance@thecolorrun.com. Nov. 8, Little Rock - Race the Base 4 Mile Run, 9am; Kids Run, 10:30am. Info: (501)681-2801, lisa@arkansasoutside.com. Nov. 8, Monticello - Vera Lloyd Turkey Trot 5K & 1 Mile FR for Kids, 9am. Info: Taylor DeCastro - taylordecastro@veralloyd.org. Nov. 8, Mulberry - Mulberry 5K Turkey Run, 8:45am. Info: (479)997-5022, nickyandjoe@windstream.net. Nov. 8, North Little Rock - Lung Force 5K, 9:30am. Info: (501)804-6947, phyllis.lovelace@lungse.org. Nov. 8, Russellville - Nutcracker Sugarplum Color 5K & 1K, 9am. Info: (479)880-7112, kerrie@russellvillebroker.com. Nov. 8, Searcy - The Well Done Run 5K, 9:30am. Info: (501)2799900, web@fellowshipsearcy.org. Nov. 8, Vilonia - Veterans Museum 5K, 9am. Info: (501)7964895, sharonkaymcgraw@gmail.com. Nov. 9, Fayetteville - Fayetteville Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: (479)521-7799, bruce@allsportsproductionsinc.com. Nov. 15, Bryant - Reindeer Run for Reading - Grinch Chase, 5K 9am. Info: Natalie Southard (501)366-5367, nfsouthard@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Fort Smith - Follow the Crowd 5K, 9am. Info: cydneyl34@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Heber Springs - Heber Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: (615)974-2287, leeducote@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Little Rock - Get Your Rear in Gear 5K, 9am. Info: (501)609-5855, coachnikol@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Newport - Gobble All the Way with Jackson County JA 5K, 8am. Info: (870)503-1530, irina_reynolds@asun.edu. Nov. 15, Searcy - Breakaway 5K/10K, 8am. Info: (501)2303997, bjones22@harding.edu. Nov. 15, Springdale - The Butterfly Race 5K, 7am. Info: (479)879-6212, osborne.katrina@hotmail.com.


Nov. 15, Texarkana - Fallen Soldier 5K, 8am. Info: (903)7481015, libbyann7658@aol.com. Nov. 15, Texarkana - Pow Wow Warrior Marathon, 8am. Info: (903)277-9392, bessgamblewilliams@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Walnut Ridge - The Give & Glow 5K, 7pm. Info: (870)679-0672, jenngram00@gmail.com. Nov. 16, Greenwood - Good Samaritan 5K, 2pm. Info: (479)2528222, woffo001@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Beebe - Badgers Rally for a Cause 5K, 9am. Info: (501)882-5463, pam.white@badger.k12.ar.us. Nov. 22, Bentonville - GOTR 5K/10K, 7am. Info: (479)903-4347, amenda.lacy@girlsontherun.org. Nov. 22, Clarksville - Reindeer Run 5K, 9am. Info: (479)5182971, keri.arkansashomenet@yahoo.com. Nov. 22, Cotter - White River Marathon for Kenya, Half Marathon, 5K Run or Walk; 7am. Info: rd@whiterivermarathon.com. Nov. 22, El Dorado - Firefighters “Stache” Dash 5K, 9am. Info: (870)814-8405, sclaypoole@southark.edu. Nov. 22, Harrison - Race For Grace, 5K 5:30pm. Info: Carrie Savage (870)416-2071, amazingranch@hotmail.com. Nov. 22, Hot Springs - Spa 10K & 5K Races, 8am; Spa Squirt 1K Kids Run, 9:45am. Info: Cindy Baswell, Race Director (501)3181003 or (501)276-8870, cindy@spa10k.com, www.spa10k.com. Nov. 22, Little Rock - USA Track & Field 5K, 4K, 3K, 2K; 9am. Info: (501)256-8443, lottie.keaton@usatf-ar.org. Nov. 22, Ozark - Hillbilly Hustle 5K, 9am. Info: (479)209-0997, kelly.burns@ozarkhillbillies.org. Nov. 27, Eureka Springs - Don Gammie Turkey Trot 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (479)236-0701, adam@adamsells.com. Nov. 27, Fort Smith - Mercy Thanksgiving Day Turkey 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: (479)650-1002, mandy.jennings@mercy.net. Nov. 27, Little Rock - Go!bbler Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot, 3, 4, or 6.5 Mile, 8am. Info: (501)663-6800, gary@gorunning.com. Nov. 27, Rogers - NWA Turkey Trot 5K, 9am. Info: (479)4669713, info@sheepdogia.org. Nov. 29, Stuttgart - Great Duck Race 5K/10K, 8am. Info: (870)8304609, greatduckrace@gmail.com. Dec. 6, Benton - Speedy Santa 5K, 8:30am. Info: (501)7782271, clay.cunningham@fbcbenton.org. Dec. 6, Springdale - Run With Rudolph 5K, 8am. Info: (203)8327711, afoster2@sdale.org. Dec. 6, Star City - $5 5/10/25K, 9am. Info: Seth Boone (870)6284714, seth.boone@arkansas.gov. Dec. 13, Greenwood - Yule Run 5K, 9am. Info: (479)996-6357, info@greenwoodchamber.net. Dec. 13, Pine Bluff - CASA Half Marathon, 8am. Info: (870)5404911, pbcasahalf@live.com. Dec. 13, Springdale - Epic 5K Miles for Missions, 9am. Info: (479)751-4459, sborland@springdalefirst.com. Dec. 13, Van Buren - Crawford County Optimist Elf 5K & 1 Mile, 3pm. Info: (918)208-9237, lmonty78@hotmail.com. Dec. 20, Dardanelle - Mt. Nebo Bench Trail 4 Mile, 9am. Info: (479)477-0909, mwwitt01@gmail.com. Dec. 20, Fayetteville - Jingle Bell Jog 5K & Reindeer Relays, 8am. Info: (479)530-8084, eleanor.townsley@sbcglobal.net. Dec. 27, Little Rock - Three Bridges Marathon, 7am. Info: info@3bridgesmarathon.com. Jan. 1, Batesville - Mac & Michelle’s New Years Day Prediction 3.8 Mile, 9am. Info: (870)307-9850, macandmichelle@sbcglobal.net. Jan. 3, Conway - Racin’ in the New Year 5K, 10am. Info: (501)329-8102, sgreenway@fcds-conway.org. Jan. 24, Magnolia - Chillin’ for Children’s 5K, 9am. Info: (870)9490793, ladybug_6219@yahoo.com.

FLORIDA Nov. 1, Bradenton - Bark for Life 1 Mile, 10:30am. Info: sclitschauer@hotmail.com. Nov. 1, Crystal River - Kings Bay 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk, 7:30am. Info: stef@drcsports.com. Nov. 1, Indian Harbour Beach - Sprint for Sight 5K Run/Walk, 5pm. Info: Sulli Schultz (321)773-7222, baab_books@cfl.rr.com. Nov. 1, Jacksonville - Chomp and Stomp 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR to Follow. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Nov. 1, Jay - 5K “Boo” Trail Run, 10am; $25 (no late fee). Info: LuAnn Heintz (850)686-2029, luann.heintz@gmail.com, www.hiddenlakecamp.com/5krun. Nov. 1, Jay - Chumuckla Redneck Run, 10K 9am; 5K 9:30am. Info: scott@pacechiro.com. Nov. 1, Melbourne - Space Coast Classic 15K & 2 Mile, 7:15am. Info: Lisa Hamelin (321)720-4127, spacecoastclassic@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Miami - Leukemia Bone Marrow Race 5K, 9am. Info: bglbma@bgordonbonemarrow.org. Nov. 1, Naples - Quarry 5K Race for the Warriors, 8:15am. Info: awentz@hamptongolfclubs.com. Nov. 1, New Smyrna Beach - Xtreme Mud Warrior 5K w/ obstacles, 1st wave 8:30am; Zombie Insanity 5K Mud Run, 1st wave 10:30am. Info: mikenelson7@icloud.com. Nov. 1, Orlando - Run Nona at Night, 5K Run/Walk, 6pm; Kids Run, 5pm. Info: (407)896-1160, eventinfo@trackshack.com. Nov. 1, Orlando - Walk With Me 1.6 miles, 9am. Info: Jen Seppi (407)629-7881, ext. 12106. Nov. 1, Pensacola - Great Pumpkin Race 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (850)436-6440. Nov. 1, Plant City - Romp in the Swamp 5K, 9am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Nov. 1, Sarasota - I Will Run 4 Beer #2, 9 miles & 4 miles; 7:15am. Info: rouillard64@msn.com. Nov. 1, St. Pete Beach - Butterfly GloWalk 5K & FR, 5K Run 6:30pm; 1 Mile Walk to follow. Info: My Hope Chest (727)452-7705, events@myhopechest.org. Nov. 1, Tallahassee - Run for Lawson Cross-Country 10K & 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: emc4223@aol.com. Nov. 1, Tallahassee - Deer Run Race for Education 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Kimberly Damron (850)228-3470, kimd143@msn.com. Nov. 1, Tampa - Race to End Homelessness 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: margaret.jones@thafl.com.



Running Journal • November, 2014

Nov. 2, Boca Raton - Sun Capital Boca Raton PAL Half Marathon & 5K, 6:30am. Info: Tom Vladimir (561)361-1950, tvladimir@aol.com. Nov. 2, Cocoa Beach - USA Beach Running Championships, Half Marathon 7:15am; 10K 7:30am. Info: Mitch Varnes (321)7597200, info@themelbournemarathon.com. Nov. 2, Daytona - Palmer College Paint The Towne 5K Run/ Walk 8am, Toddler Trot, Kids Dash, Kids K, 9am. Jackie Robinson Ballpark, City Island. Historic Old Daytona. Presented by the Daytona Beachcombers Running Club to benefit scholarships for local graduating runners. 5K registration $30 through 10/30, then $35 including race day. Kids events free. Shirts to first 350 preregistrants, sizes not guaranteed race day. Info: www.daytonabeachcombers.com or donnadorun@cfl.rr.com. Register online at www.runsignup.com Nov. 2, Lakeland - Yellow Brick Road 9K, 7:30am. Info: gallantgait@yahoo.com. Nov. 2, Lutz - Buddy Run 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am; Buddy Dash, 9:30am. Info: buddyrundirector@gmail.com. Nov. 2, Sunrise - Hot Trot Jerk 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (786)361-1103, raceinfo@runhottrot.com. Nov. 2, Tampa - XTERRA Wildhorse Trail Run, Half Marathon & 10K 8am; 10 Mile & 4 Mile, 8:10am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)2325200, jim@tamparaces.com. Nov. 7, Daytona Beach - Volusia Flagler Family YMCA Corporate 5K Run/Walk & Zumbathon, 6pm. Info: Mica Cyrus (386)405-9889, mcyrus@vfymca.org. Nov. 7, Hobe Sound - Knight Run in Color, 5L Fun Run; 5pm. Info: Jodi Pereira (772)675-7005, knightrun@thepineschool.org. Nov. 7, Miami - Waterford 5K, 6:45pm. Info: TeamFootWorks (305)666-7223, info@teamfootworks.org. Nov. 7, Venice - REV3Glow Run 5K & 1 Mile, 6pm. Info: margo@rev3adventure.com. Nov. 8, Cocoa - JailBreak Brevard Adventure Race, 3 Miles w/ obstacles; 8am. Info: Cheryl Sink (321)264-5370, jailbreakbrevard@bcso.us. Nov. 8, Eustis - Faith Lutheran Church & School 5K Race & Mini K, 8am. Info: Shanon Burke (352)589-5433, faithmail@aol.com. Nov. 8, Fort Lauderdale - Sallarulo’s Race for Champions 5K Run/Walk, 8am; $25 after 10/1, $30 on Race Day. Info: Steven Stepniewski, 3301 College Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314; (954)262-2150, sstepniewski@specialolympicsbroward.org, www.specialolympicsflorida.org/browardrace Nov. 8, Hollywood - 5K Walk/Run For Hunger, 8:30am. Info: (954)596-4020, rachelp@foodforthepoor.org. Nov. 8, Jacksonville - Mandarin Run, 5K 7:50am; 10K 8am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Nov. 8, Lakeland - Red Ribbon Half Marathon, 7am; 5K Run, 7:15am; Kids FR, 8am. Info: InnerAct Alliance (863)802-0777, angie.ellison@inneractalliance.org. Nov. 8, Lake Buena Vista - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend, 5K 7am; Kids Races: Dashes 10am, 1 Mile 10:45am; Half Marathon 10pm. Info: (407)939-iRun. Nov. 8, Melbourne - 5K Gold Rush, 8am. Info: Mia Hosey (321)506-5462, goldrush5k@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Ocean Deck - Ocean Deck Beach 5K Run/Walk & FR, 4pm. Info: info@run4acause.org. Nov. 8, Palm Coast - Oceans 50 Relay Race, Teams: 2 runners; 3-6 runners; Solo Option Info: carrie@triumphraces.com. Nov. 8, Poinciana - Pilgrim and Patriots 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Nov. 8, St. Petersburg - PurpleStride Tampa Bay, 5K Run 8:30am; 1 Mile Family-Friendly Walk 9am; Kid’s Dash 9:30am. Info: sswenson@pancanvolunteer.org. Nov. 8, Tallahassee - Sustainable Trash Dash 5K, 8:30am. Info: sustainabletallahassee.org. Nov. 8, Titusville - PHFC To YMCA/Run to the Gym 5K, 8am. Info: (321)537-3526. Nov. 8, Trinity - The Little-Markou 5K Race to Educate, 7:30am; 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (727)858-4047, mgilmore15@tampabay.rr.com. Nov. 8, Viera - No Limits 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: fickelisa@gmail.com. Nov. 9, Fort Lauderdale - Michelob Ultra Fort Lauderdale 13.1 Marathon & 5K, 6:13am. Info: run@131fortlauderdale.com. Nov. 9, Fort Myers - Fort Myers Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. 5K, 7:05am. Info: Eident Racing (239)653-7881, support@eidentracing.com. Nov. 9, Jacksonville - Salute to Veterans 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 9am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Nov. 9, Pensacola - Pensacola Marathon & Half Marathon, 6:30am. Info: (850)434-2800, info@marathonpensacola.com. Nov. 9, Sarasota - Germain Toyota 5K Classic, 8am. Info: Karen Haynes (941)312-4955, karen@activesuncoast.com. Nov. 11, Tallahassee - VetFest Veteran’s Day 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Tracy Taylor (850)567-9779. Nov. 15, Bradenton - Saint Joseph’s Eagle Classic 5K & FR, 8am. Info: Colleen McCormick (941)748-7345, cjmccormic@aol.com. Nov. 15, Key Biscayne - BattleFrog Obstacle Course Race, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: BattleFrog Team (305)468-3890, info@battlefrogseries.com. Nov. 15, Jacksonville - Pink for Jon, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Nov. 15, Jacksonville - Ryan’s Run 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Nov. 15, Milton - Veteran’s Day - Memorial 5K. Info: SRC Fair (850)554-4609, ridesantarosa@gmail.com. Nov. 15, New Port Richey - Race for Hope 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Fresh Start for Kids (813)814-1128. Nov. 15, Palm Bay - Turkey Creek 5K Trail Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: ana.nesbitt@palmbayflorida.org. Nov. 15, Pace - 5K Race Through Pace, Runners 8am; Walkers to follow. Info: Pace Assembly Ministries (850)202-3100. Nov. 15, Pensacola Beach - “In Hot Pursuit” 5K, 8am. Info: Sgt. Ted Roy (850)554-1358 or Sena Maddison (850)436-9277, mmaddison@escambiaso.com.

Nov. 15, Pensacola - Covenant Alzheimer’s Services Miles of Memories 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: (850)438-9714. Nov. 15, Tallahassee - Tallahassee Board of Realtors Hoofing it For Habitat 5K, 8:30am. Info: realtornancy@comcast.net. Nov. 15, Tallahassee - Youth Adventure Race w/muddy obstacles, 1.2-1.5 Miles (age 6-14); 9:30am. Info: Victor Carrasquilla (850)9806792,viccarr@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Tampa - Chosen Race For Adoption Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: Yolanda Lemons (813)523-3023, ylemons@chosentampa.com. Nov. 15, Temple Terrace - Trot Thru The Terrace 10K & 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:15am. Info: Lake 2 Productions (813)784-2266, sandilake@ymail.com. Nov. 16, Boca Raton - Five Guys Burgers & Fries 5K for MDA, 5K Run/Walk 7:15am; 1 Mile Family Run/Walk & 1 Mile for Kids (under age 10), 8:15am. Info: (561)361-1950, runedgetom@gmail.com. Nov. 16, Lithia - X-Country Marathon & 30K, 7am; Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. Nov. 16, Land O’Lakes - Hike for Hospice 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (727)845-5707, erinlabbe@ghppc.org. Nov. 16, Melbourne - Space Coast Lightfest, 5K 6pm. Info: Shanna Michel (321)626-8870, shanna.michel@scouting.org. Nov. 16, Orange Park - Hog Jog 5K Race, 2pm; FR, 3pm. Info: Charlie Sauter-Hunsberger (904)502-9407, stridershogjog@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Dade City - Miles for Ministries 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: St. Rita Catholic Church (352)206-1421, rcbetito@aol.com. Nov. 22, Hialeah - Amelia Down-2-Earth Trail Run Series, 5K, 10K & Half Marathon; 7:30am. Info: (786)385-4204, worksmartplayharder@yahoo.com. Nov. 22, Jacksonville - McKenzie’s Run 5K, 10am; 1 Mile FR, 9:30am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Nov. 22, Jacksonville - Jacksonville Great Amazing Race Adults & Kids Adventure Race, 1 Mile w/Obstacles; 2pm. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Nov. 22, Lakeland - Vets and Pets 5K Run/Walk. Info: Wendy Henderson (863)291-5571, vetsandpets5k@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Lakewood Ranch - Harvest Hustle 5K, 8am. Info: (941)504-8728, tdpoulton@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Milton - Blackwater Trail Run Challenge Series, Half Marathon Trail Run - Race #2, 8am. Info: Katie Hagensick (850)4359222, katie@werunwild.com. Nov. 22, Orlando - HuntersCreek Turkey Trot 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Nov. 22, Pensacola - Footprints to a Forever Family 5K Run & Walk, 9am; Children’s FR, 10:30am. Info: (850)429-6667. Nov. 22, Sarasota (Premier Sports Campus at Lakewood Ranch) - The Flavor Run Sarasota 5K, 9am. Info: Flavor Fairy (843)9027162, carlie@flavorrun.com. Nov. 22, Sunny Hills - Draggin’ Tail 18 Mile Challenge & 5K Run, 8am. Info: Joe Edgecombe (850)771-0014, joeruns@yahoo.com. Nov. 22, Viera - Run for Love 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: stephanie.strodtman@brevardfp.org. Nov. 22, Winter Park - Orange County Parks 5K Series, 7:30am. Info: Parks & Recreation (407)836-6200. Nov. 23, St. Petersburg - Women’s Running St. Pete Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Competitor Group (800)311-1255, wrsstepete@competitorgroup.com. Nov. 27, Amelia Island - Turkey Trot 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Nov. 27, Cocoa Beach - Cocoa Beach Turkey Trot 5K, 7:30am. Info: Marlene White (321)783-6535, turkeytrot5k@cfl.rr.com, www.cocoabeachturkeytrot.com. Nov. 27, Fort Lauderdale - Turkey Trot & Paddle, 5K Run/Walk, Kids’ Dash (10-under), Stand-Up Paddleboard; 7:30am. Info: (954)767-8866 (x25), turkeytrotFTL@gmail.com. Nov. 27, Jacksonville - Subaru Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon & 6K, 8am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Nov. 27, Miami - LifeTime Turkey Day 5K/10K, 7:30am; Kids’ Trot, 9am. Info: events@lifetimefitness.com. Nov. 27, Orlando - Seniors First Turkey Trot 5K, 8am; Tot Trot Kid’s Run, 9:15am. Info: (407)896-1160, eventinfo@trackshack.com. Nov. 27, Palm Beach - Palm Beach United Way Turkey Trot, 5K 7:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Nov. 27, Rosemary Beach - 30A 10K & 1 Mile Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: Karen Meadows (850)325-0561, info@30a10k.com. Nov. 27, Sarasota - Sarasota Turkey Trot 5K, 8am. Info: (941)9512576, executive.director@alsoyouth.org. Nov. 27, Suntree - Suntree Turkey Trot 5K & 10K, 8:30am. Info: Steve Baerst (321)255-7992, steve@baerst.com. Nov. 27, Tallahassee - Turkey Trot 15K, 10K & 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: David Yon (850)668-2236, david@radeylaw.com. Nov. 27, Tamarac - Tamarac Turkey Trot 5K Run, 7:30am. Info: Tamarac Parks & Rec. Dept. (954)597-3620. Nov. 27, Wesley Chapel - Wiregrass Wobble Turkey Trot 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile, 8:15am. Info: Brian Brink (813)428-6945. Nov. 29, West Palm Beach - West Palm Beach Amazing Race Adults & Kids Adventure Race, 1 Mile w/Obstacles; 2pm. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Nov. 30, Cocoa - Space Coast Marathon, 6:30am; Half Marathon, 6am. Info: info@spacecoastmarathon.com. Nov. 30, Miami - Miami Amazing Race Adults & Kids Adventure Race, 1 Mile w/Obstacles; 2pm. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)5180528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Dec. 3, Boca Raton - Boca Raton Pal Holiday Mile, 7pm. Info: (561)361-1950, runedgetom@gmail.com. Dec. 6, Clearwater - Phillies and Threshers 10K, 4pm; 5K, 4:30pm. Info: XRM Event Management (727)226-7223, suzannehensleetriathlon@gmail.com. Dec. 6, Hialeah - Amelia Down-2-Earth at the Park 5K Dog Run, 7:30am. Info: (786)385-4204, worksmartplayharder@yahoo.com. Dec. 6, Jacksonville - Running of the Bulls 5K, 8:30am. Info: (904)355-0155, info@arcjacksonville.org.

Dec. 6, Jacksonville Beach - Josh’s Run for Paws 5K, 9am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Dec. 6, Land O’ Lakes - The P.I.G. Race, 5K, 8K, 12K & Kids Run; 9am; Challenges/Obstacles. Info: Kent Robson (309)5306019, kent@bluehedgehog.org. Dec. 6, Largo - Joy Run 5K, 9am; 1 Mile Walk, 9:15am. Info: (727)288-8465, newmama1026@yahoo.com. Dec. 6, Melbourne - Run 4 the Future, 5K Run/Walk, 4pm. Info: Debbi Davis (321)617-7347, ddavis@sa18.org. Dec. 6, Orlando - OUC Orlando Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:05am. Info: (407)896-1160, eventinfo@trackshack.com. Dec. 6, St. Augustine - Gingerbread Man 10K/5K Dash, Kids FR; 8am. Info: melissa@ultimateracinginc.com. Dec. 6, St. Petersburg - Ride & Run With The Stars, 25 Mile Bike Ride 8am; 10K Family Ride 8:15am; 5K Run 8:30am; 1 Mile Fun Walk/Skate 8:45am. Info: (727)464-7259, rd’jimas@pcsonet.com. Dec. 6, Sunrise - Jingle Bell Jog 5K, 8am. Info: Cynthia Rae Barnard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. Dec. 6, Tampa - Holiday Hoola Hoop 5K & 1M Survivor; 9am. Info: Rob Meli (727)781-4673, rob@braintumoralliance.org. Dec. 7, Boca Raton - Pope John Paul II It’s a Wonderful Run 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: Race Hotline (561)212-5982. Dec. 7, Bradenton - Scrooge 10K at Heritage Harbour, 8am. Info: Rae Ann Darling Reed (941)799-2058, coach@runnergirl.com. Dec. 7, Fernandina Beach - Reindeer Run Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Amelia Island Runners (904)491-0369, jandemcb@aol.com. Dec. 7, Sarasota - Florida 10 Series, 10 Mile, 5 Mile & Kid’s 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: florida10series@yahoo.com. Dec. 7, St. Augustine Beach - Divas Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:25am. Info: 1(800)733-7089, info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com. Dec. 7, Vedra Beach - Guana Back to Nature Trail Races, 50K Ultra, 50K Relay, 8am; 12K, 1pm. Info: Mark Ryan (50K) (904)3383230, Bob Fernee (12K) (904)743-3161, bob@lstplacesports.com. Dec. 7, West Palm Beach - EAU Palm Beaches Marathon & Run Fest, Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay, 6:30am; 5K, 6:45am. Info: pbminfo@usroadsports.com. Dec. 13, Cape Canaveral - Reindeer Run/Walk, 5K & 1 Mile Kids Fun Runs; 8am. Info: Kip Pastermack (321)412-3675, kip.pastermack@bcso.us. Dec. 13, Leesburg - Mistletoe Trot, 5K & 10K; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Dec. 13, Orlando - Vanessa Welch Reindeer Run 5K, 7am. Info: (407)896-1160, eventinfo@trackshack.com. Dec. 13, St. Petersburg - Northside Christian School F.A.C.E. Race 5K, 8am. Info: (727)541-7593. Dec. 14, Cape Coral - Best Damn Race, Marathon & Half Marathon, 6:45am; 5K, 7:05am. Info: Nick Zivolich (727)7264250, info@bestdamnrace.com. Dec. 14, Madeira Beach - Florida Holiday Halfathon, 7:05am. Info: flroadraces@aol.com, www.floridaroadraces.com. Dec. 14, Orlando - Tap ‘N’ Run, 4K Run/Walk 4pm. Info: Morgan Cosglow (502)653-4942, morgan@jamactive.com. Dec. 14, Palm Bay - Bayfront 5K9, 5K 8am. Info: Drs. Paul & Jen Sikoski (321)725-4609, info@palmbayanimalclinic.com. Dec. 19, Lakewood Ranch - The Jingle 5K Run/Walk, 7pm; 1 Mile Holiday Walk, 7:10pm. Info: Doug Schiller (941)932-6147, dougjune1@msn.com.

Dec. 20, Clearwater - Say No To Drugs Holiday Classic, 5K, 10K & 1 Mile; 8am; $24. Info: Chris Alexander, POB 781, Clearwater, FL 33757; (727)434-3409, www.saynoto drugs.com Dec. 20, Cocoa - Cocoa YMCA Candy Cane 5K, 8am. Info: Jill Bond (321)433-7770, jbond@cfymca.org. Dec, 20, Ocala - Jingle Bell Run 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Dec. 20, Jacksonville - Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis 5K, 6pm. Info: Wendy Smith (904)644-7317, wsmith@arthritis.org. Dec. 20, Orlando - Orange County Parks 5K Series, 5:30pm. Info: Parks & Recreation (407)836-6200. Dec. 20, Satellite Beach - Running Zone’s Jingle Bell 2 Miler, 5:45pm. Info: Denise Piercy (321)751-8890, info@runningzone.com. Dec. 20, Sunrise - Jingle Bell Jog, 8am. Info: Cynthia Rae Barnard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. Dec. 20, Tampa - Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis Foundation, 5K & 1 Mile; 9am. Info: Melissa Hughey (813)968-7000, mhughey@arthritis.org. Dec. 20, Titusville - Super Caleb 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Hannah Horvath (321)537-3526, runsalot@cfl.rr.com. Dec. 21, Santa Rosa Beach - The Winter Solstice Run, 40, 20 or 10 Miles; 6:30am. Info: Casey Tindell-Trejo (850)396-3689, casey.trejo@amavida.com. Dec. 27, Palmetto - Manatee River Run 5 Miler, 9am. Info: Tom Orehowsky (941)720-1874, events@bradenton runnersclub.com. Dec. 28, Jacksonville - Jacksonville Bank Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Jan. 3, Brooksville - The Croom Zoom 100K & 50K, 6am; 25K, 7am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. Jan. 3, Gulfport - J. West Prostate Cancer 8K, 8am. Info: Steve Battle (954)615-7354, jwestpcf@gmail.com. Jan. 9, Jensen Beach - Run for the Falcons 5K, 6pm. Info: Lisa Holland (772)631-6611, lisa@teamholland.info. Jan. 10, Jacksonville - Healthy Start 5K Run, 9am; 1 Mile, 10am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Jan. 10, Jacksonville - Best Damn Race Half Marathon, 10K & 5K. Info: Nicholas Zivolich (727)726-4250, info@bestdamnrace.com.

Jan. 10, Lecanto - Med Share Charity 5K Walk/Run, 8:45am. Info: Daniel Epstein (352)795-1765, eppa@aol.com. Jan. 10, Melbourne - Run for the Responders 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Jennifer King (321)751-8890, run4responders5k@gmail.com. Jan. 10, Okeechobee - RSCA Resolution Run 5K, 8am. Info: Hannah Keith (863)763-0164, hannahckeith@live.com. Jan. 10, Sarasota - Andrew Memorial Scholarship 5K Run/Walk, 8:15am; 1 Mile Fun Walk, 8:20am. Info: Stacey Monroe (941)3209837, staceymonroe1@hotmail.com. Jan. 11, Alva - River, Roots & Ruts Trail Run, Half Marathon & Relay 8am; 5K FR 8:15am. Info: Steve Brookman (908)236-2122, racedirector@rrrtrail.com. Jan. 17, Amelia Island - ZOOMA Florida Half Marathon & 12K, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: info@zoomarun.com. Jan. 17, Coconut Creek - Brandon’s Run, 5K Run/Walk, Kids Run; 7am. Info: Erica French (305)305-0540, erica@isaresearch.org. Jan. 17, Jacksonville - Trinity Rescue Mission’s 5K Run For Shelter, 9am. Info: tburkhart@tbc.org. Jan. 17, New Port Richey - Cindy’s Pet Dog Walk & People Run, 5K & 1 Mile. Info: Michael Nurrenbrock (727)372-9333, office@genesiselementary.com. Jan. 17, North Merritt Island - Mustang Stampede 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 7:30am. Info: Nancy Buonanni (321)698-3683, buon535@aol.com. Jan. 17, Sarasota - Wilde Automotive Family Ringling Bridge Run, 4 Mile Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 9am. Info: Patti Koenig (941)951-2916 (x1035), pakoenig@thesarasotay.org. Jan. 17, Viera - Miles for Myles 5K Family Fun Run/Walk, 5K 8am. Info: Tom and Kathy Freeberg (321)242-8945, mylesfreebergfoundation@cfl.rr.com. Jan. 17, West Palm Beach - Sunshine State Half Marathon & 5K, 6:30am. Info: Eident Racing (239)653-7881, support@eidentracing.com. Jan. 17, West Palm Beach - Run/Walk for Excellence 5K Trail, 8am. Info: Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation (561)792-7772, bijkat@gmail.com.

Jan. 17-18, St. Pete Beach - Walgreens St. Pete Beach Classic Race Weekend, 1/17: 10K 7:15am, Kids’ Classic 8:45am, 5K 9am, 3.8 Mile Beach Run, 5pm; 1/18: Half Marathon 7am; 10K, 5K $30, 3.8 mi $20, Half $70 by 1/11, after 10K, 5K $40, 3.8 mi. $25, half $100. Info: Alan Johnson, 9375 Blind Pass Rd., St. Pete Beach, FL 33706, (727)363-8880, alanj@runmsm.com, http:// www.stpetebeachclassic.com/register Jan. 18, Clearwater - Clearwater Distance Festival, 50K Ultra, Marathon, Halfathon, 5 Miler & 5K Walk; 7:05am (Wheelchair 7am). Info: flroadraces@aol.com, www.floridaroadraces.com Jan. 18, Davie - Davie Road Race, 10K 7am; 5K 7:30am; Mayor’s Mile Challenge 8am. Info: Tim Albury (954)321-2567, timalbury@daviepal.org.

Jan. 18, Key West - Key West Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:30am; $90/Half, $45/5K. Info: Barb Wright, POB 1681, Key West, FL 33041; (305)240-0727, info@keywesthalfmarathon. com, www.keywesthalfmarathon.com Jan. 18, Naples - Naples Daily News Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Perry Silverman (678)777-5622 or (239)434-9786, psilvrman@aol.com. Jan. 24, Destin - Destin’s Bayou, Bay & Back, Half Marathon 7:30am; 5K & 10K 8:30am. Info: Suzy Nicholson Hunt (850)8376241, suzyhunt@destinchamber.com. Jan. 24, Winter Park - Seasons 52 Park Avenue 5.2K, 7:30am; Healthy 100 Kids Run, 8:45am. Info: (407)896-1160, eventinfo@trackshack.com. Jan. 25, Celebration - Town of Celebration Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Ken Zambito (321)436-9742, kenruns26.2@gmail.com. Jan. 25, Lake Ranch - Suncoast Half Marathon, 7am. Info: (941)312-4955, karen@activesuncoast.com. Jan. 25, Lithia - Florida Challenge Trail Runs, Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. Jan. 25, Miami - Lifetime Miami Marathon & Half Marathon, 6:15am (6:05am wheelchairs). Info: info@themiamimarathon.com. Jan 31-Feb. 1, Melbourne - Publix Melbourne Music Marathon Weekend - 2/1: Marathon 6:30am; Half Marathon & Relay 7:05am; 1/ 31: Florida Today 8K, 7am; 5K, 8am. Info: Mitch Varnes (321)7597200, info@themelbournemarathon.com. Jan. 31, Sarasota - Unite 10K & 5K Run, 9am; 5K w/Doggies, 9:10am; Kid’s Dashes, 8am. Info: Doug Schiller (941)932-6147, dougjune1@msn.com. Jan. 31, Titusville - Light the Way & Glow 5K, 6pm. Info: (321)5373526. Jan. 31, Viera - Superhero 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Keith Ried (321)720-3441, keithried@live.com. Jan. 31, Winter Park - Florida Hospital Lady Track Shack 5K Run/ Walk, 7:30am; Kid’s Run, 8:45am. Info: (407)896-1160, eventinfo@trackshack.com.

Feb. 8, Sarasota - Sarasota Music Half Marathon, 7am; Start/Finish: Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall (777 N. Tamiami Trail); $75/Half thru 10/31, $85 thru 12/31, $95 to sell out or race day. Info: John Korff (201)8888916, john@sarasotahalf.com, www.sarasotahalf.com

www.running.net Feb. 8, Tallahassee - Tallahassee Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:30am; $65/Marathon, $45/ Half 9/1-11/30; $75/$55 12/1-2/7; $90/$70 on Race Day (if space available). Info: tallahasseemarathon@gmail.com, www.tallahasseemarathon.com. See Ad page 25. Feb. 15, Fort Lauderdale - Publix Fort Lauderdale A1A Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am (wheelchair 5:45am); 5K on 2/14, 7:30am. Info: Matthew Lorraine (561)865-5379, lorraine@exclusivesports.com. Feb. 21-22, Tampa - Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic, 2/21: 15K, 6:45am, 5K 9am; 2/22: Half Marathon, 6am; 8K, 9am. Info: Susan Harmeling (813)254-7866, gdcarun@verizon.net, www.tampbayrun.com.

March 1, Viera - Excalibur 10 Miler & Relay, 7am; $60/10 Miler, $50/Relay (per team member) 8/1-11/30; $70/$60 12/1-1/31; $80/ $70 2/1-Race Day. Info: Denise Piercy (321)751-8890, info@runningzone.com, info@excaliburrun.com, www.excaliburrun.com. See Ad page 7. March 22, Ft. De Soto Park - Florida Beach Halfathon, 7:05am; 5K Race, 7:23am. Info: flroadraces@aol.com, www.floridaroadraces.com.

GEORGIA Nov. 1, Atlanta - Strong Legs Run, 10K 8am; 5K 9:15am; Mascot Trot 10am; 2K 10:15am; $25/10K & 5K Timed, $20/5K untimed, $20/2K, $12/Mascot Trot by 10/29; $30 on Race Day. Info: Renee Fraley, 1577 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, GA 30329; (404)7857315, renee.fraley@choa.org, www.choa.org/stronglegs. Nov. 1, Atlanta - NAMIRuns 5K, 10am. Info: Rachel Langelotti (770)315-6537, rachel@orionsportstiming.com. Nov. 1, Atlanta - Feather 5K Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (404)2131667, awallace@atlantacancercarefoundation.org. Nov. 1, Atlanta - National Parkinson Foundation Moving Day 5K Walk, 10:45am. Info: jkatz@neurology.unc.edu. Nov. 1, Atlanta - Dia De Los Muertos Festival, 5K, 10:30am; Skull Sprint 1 Mile, 12 Noon. Info: Jennifer Somers (404)918-9395, jenn@bimmia.com. Nov. 1, Atlanta - Atlanta Great Amazing Race Adults & Kids Adventure Race, 1 Mile w/Obstacles; 2pm. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Nov. 1, Bostwick - Gin Run 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Classic Race Services (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Calhoun - CHS Band Booster Zombie Run 5K & 1K Korn Maze. Info: (706)629-6788, bandboosters@chs-band.com. Nov. 1, Canton - Emma Johnson’s Run for Rehab 5K, 9am; Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: Classic Race Services (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Cumming - S.O. Forsyth Fall Back Decade Dash 5K, 8am; Family Fun Run, 8:45am. Info: Beth Bourneuf (678)740-2502, ebourneuf@forsyth.k12.ga.us. Nov. 1, Gainesville - Elachee’s Trick or Trek Trail Run, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 10am. Info: (770)535-1976. Nov. 1, Kennesaw - Garden Gallop 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am; Tot Trot, 8:55am. Info: (770)919-0248, info@smithgilbertgardens.com. Nov. 1, Lawrenceville - Forever Remember 5K, 7:30am. Info: abchord@aol.com. Nov. 1, Loganville - WGHS Warrior 5K & FR. Info: Walnut Grove HS PTSO (678)507-3900, sharon.thomas@walton.k12.ga.us. Nov. 1, Marietta - All Saints Mission Run 5K & 3K FR/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Breon Haskett (404)797-6965, breon.haskett@me.com. Nov. 1, Midway - East Liberty County American Legion Post 321 5K Fun Run & 1K Costume Run, 8am. Info: eastlibertyampost321@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Monticello - Deer Dash 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: Monticello-Jasper Co. Chamber of Commerce (706)468-8994. Nov. 1, Newnan - Run4Jesus 5K & 1 Mile, 7:45am. Info: shelliebellie@windstream.net. Nov. 1, Pine Mountain - Callaway Gardens Twilight 10K, 4pm; $35 by 10/25, after $45. Info: Dave Johnson, 1930 Beaver Brook Ln. NE, Marietta, GA 30062; (770)565-5208, eventsdj@aol.com, www.callawaygardens.com. Nov. 1, Rome - Run for Moore Life 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Health Walk, 9am. Info: Shea Dale (706)622-2471, sheadeadly@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Roswell - XTERRA Georgia “Battle At Big Creek” 5.5 or 10 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (404)310-3628, tim@dirtyspokes.com. Nov. 1, Sandy Springs - 5K for Kids’ Chance, 8am. Info: info@kidschancega.org. Nov. 1, Savannah - Woof! Woof! 5K Run/Walk Over Pet Cancer, 8am. Info: robert@fleetfeetsavannah.com. Nov. 1, Screven - The Ghost Light at Night 5K Run/Walk, 8:30pm; 1 Mile Lantern FR/Walk, 8pm. Info: Kathy Broadhead (912)427-4707, Screven City Hall (912)579-2211. Nov. 1, Snellville - Candy Chase 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Mount Zion Baptist Church (804)317-7763, joeyrolen@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Tifton - Color Me Baby 5K Color Run, 10:30am; 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: Pregnancy Care Center (229)382-4491, jessi@gaicc.com. Nov. 1, Washington - Washington Optimist 5K, 8:15am. Info: Peggy Anderson - pjm58and@gmail.com. Nov. 2, Atlanta - Move for Moms 5K Run & 1K Walk, 10am. Info: connie@mhageorgia.org.

Running Journal • November, 2014 Nov. 2, Cedartown - Glow Fun Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: buddy20110@gmail.com. Nov. 2, Kennesaw - Anything is Possible 5K, 1:50am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Nov. 2, Lawenceville - Race Against Time 5K, 1:50am (middle of the night). Info: (678)985-3921, fundracers5k@gmail.com. Nov. 5, Atlanta - Kilometer Kids FR, 1 Mile (ages 7-14); Free; 5:30pm. Info: ATC (404)231-9064, atc@atlantatrackclub.org. Nov. 8, Albany - YMCA Holiday Chili Run, 1 Mile 7:30am; 15K 8:15am; 5K 8:30am (Doublers for 5K & 15K=Run 15K 1st and run 5K immediately upon completion of 15K). Info: Albany Area YMCA Central Facility (229)446-0531. Nov. 8, Athens - Special Olympics 5K Run, 8:30am. Info: Julie Evans (706)546-7721 (x18342). Nov. 8, Athens - Free to Breathe 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Walk, 10:30am. Info: Karen Odell (770)841-8963, kodell@freetobreathe.org. Nov. 8, Alpharetta - Race to Rally Hope 5K, 7:30pm; Kids FR (10-under), 7pm. Info: Swaugdog@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Atlanta - Girl Talk’s Dream 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: programscoordinator@mygirltalk.org. Nov. 8, Atlanta - Run Through the Vine 5K Run & 5K Walk/Tour, 8:30am. Info: Sean Pfister (678)237-5434, sean@iwelife.com. Nov. 8, Atlanta - Harvest Hustle 5K & 1M Survivor, 9am. Info: Rob Meli (727)781-4673, rob@braintumoralliance.org. Nov. 8, Atlanta - Luminate 5K, 7pm. Info: info@luminate5k.com. Nov. 8, Atlanta - Tap ‘N’ Run, 4K Run/Walk; 2pm. Info: Jeff Gumm (502)653-4944, jeff@jamactive.com. Nov. 8, Berkeley Lake - Berkeley Lake Turkey Trot 4 Mile & 1.5 Mile, 8:30am. Info: adamschristy@hotmail.com. Nov. 8, Blue Ridge - Running the Ridge 5K & Mile, 8am. Info: gena.theridge@tds.net. Nov. 8, Columbus - Soldier Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: info@soldiermarathon.com. Nov. 8, Dacula - Dacula Dash 5K & FR, 8am. Info: sselph@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Dawsonville - Katlyn Graham Memorial 5K, 8am. Info: (770)633-5511, lstarr@mindspring.com. Nov. 8, Decatur - Run for Justice, 5K Run/Walk 9am. Info: Angie Tacker (404)614-3922, ajtacker@atlantalegalaid.org. Nov. 8, Douglasville - Dayspring 5K & 1 Mile FR, 1 Mile 3:30pm; Tot Trot 3:50pm; 5K 4pm. Info: (770)942-9492. Nov. 8, Emerson - B3 Run and Block Party 10K, 10am; 5K, 10:30am. Info: elizabeth.dewberry@lakepointsports.com. Nov. 8, Fayetteville - New Hope Harvest Classic 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Marion Ferencz (770)460-4851, marionf@newhopebc.org. Nov. 8, Fort Oglethorpe - Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, Half Marathon, Jr. Marathon & 5K; 7:30am. Info: Jenni Berz (423)842-6265, jberz@chattanoogatrackclub.org. Nov. 8, Greensboro - Lake Oconee Academy Fall Festival Titan Trot 5K Run, 8am; Fun Runs, 9:30am. Info: Carla Roberts (706)4733161, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Hiram - Gobble Wobble 5K, 9am. Info: leecosmeticdentistry@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Kennesaw - Run! Foster! Run! 5K, 7:30am. Info: cobbcountyfapa@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Lawrenceville - Run for Shelter 5K, 9:30am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: janet@runforshelter.org. Nov. 8, Marietta - Tritt Trot 5K, 7:45am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: tritttrot@trittpta.org. Nov. 8, Milledgeville - SCA Glow Run 5K, 7pm. Info: heatherdickey@rocketmail.com. Nov. 8, Milner - Benny’s Birthday 5K Dash, 8am. Info: hlyclb@icloud.com. Nov. 8, Roswell - Area 13.1 Half Marathon & Terrestrial 5K, 5:30pm. Info: (404)542-7123, info@zuluracing.com. Nov. 8, Sandy Springs - SSEF Footprints for the Future 5K, 8am. Info: cyoung626@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Sandy Springs - Miles for Melanoma Atlanta, 5K Run/ Walk; 8am. Info: jdickman@melanoma.org. Nov. 8, Savannah - Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay; 7am. Info: Competitor Group (850)450-6510, (800)311-1255. Nov. 8, Suwanee - The Extra Mile 5K Run/Walk, 9:30am. Info: Brian Maloney (770)932-4885, brian.maloney@annandale.org. Nov. 9, Atlanta - Run for Good 5K, 8am. Info: BC4C (404)3801148, bc4c@icloud.com. Nov. 9, Atlanta - Girls On The Run Fall 5K, 9am. Info: (404)4786558. Nov. 9, Cartersville - Scarecrow Scramble 5K, 1:30pm; 1 Mile Kids Run, 1pm. Info: Rob Forbes (404)310-3370, robert.forbes@bartow.k12.ga.us. Nov. 9, Conyers - Honor Run 5K, 3pm. Info: Erika Sellers (770)833-0907, erikaesellers@comcast.net. Nov. 9, Cumming - Girls on the Run 5K, 2pm. Info: lstarr@fivestarntp.com. Nov. 9, Dacula - Pre Veteran’s Day Half Marathon, 8am. Info: dm85247@gmail.com. Nov. 9, Peachtree City - Peachtree City 50K & 25K, 7:30am. Info: thatmarathonmom@gmail.com. Nov. 9, Winder - Healthy Baby Hustle 5K Run/Walk, 3:30pm; Kids FR, 3pm. Info: events@runnersfit.com. Nov. 15, Albany - River Zombies 5K Obstacle Course, 11am. Info: Vicki Churchman (229)639-2650, vchurchman@flintriverquarium.com. Nov. 15, Atlanta - Running with the Story 5K Run/Walk for Literacy, 8am. Info: Erika Williams (404)333-9256, erika@albireogroup.com. Nov. 15, Atlanta - PurpleStride Atlanta 5K, 9:20am. Info: lmercier@pancan.org. Nov. 15, Bremen - Blue Devil Dash 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Tammy Thompson (770)841-4377, tambra.thompson@bremencs.com. Nov. 15, Brookhaven - Brookhaven’s Duck, Duck Goose 5K, 9am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. Nov. 15, Buford - Lanier Under the Lights 5K Run/Walk (#1), 5:45pm; 2nd race on 11/16. Info: steve@lanierunderthelights5k.com.

Nov. 15, Butler - Firefighters’ 5K Run & Community Walk, 8:30am. Info: Butler Fire Dept. (478)954-2269. Nov. 15, Canton - Macedonia Turkey Trot 5K & FR, 8am. Info: dre_delynne@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Columbus - The Fast and the Furriest 5K, 9am. Info: glively@hooahinc.org. Nov. 15, Cordele - Run for Your Lungs, 5K 9:30am; 1 Mile Walk 9:45am. Info: Sheila Knight (229)881-7046, Shellie Gay (229)8945884. Nov. 15, Cumming - Five Points Challenge 5K, 8am. Info: fivepointschallenge@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Dacula - XTERRA Georgia “Little Mulberry Park” 5K or 10K Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: (404)310-3628, tim@dirtyspokes.com. Nov. 15, Eton - Community Christmas Santa Dash 5K, 8am. Info: murraycommunitychristmas@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Gainesville - Lakewood Faithfully Fit 3 - 5K, 1 Mile & Toddler Dash; 9am. Info: dormsbee@lakewoodlife.org. Nov. 15, Hamilton - Harris County Turkey Trot 5K, 9am; 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: driskellragan-s@harris.k12.ga.us. Nov. 15, Jasper - Burnt Mountain Center Turkey Trot 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: amyricebmc@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Jesup - Keep America Beautiful 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8am. Info: Kathy Broadhead (912)427-4707. Nov. 15, Kennesaw - Miles for Maria Epic, 1/6/12/24 Hour Run for Epilepsy, 8am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Nov. 15, Lavonia - CASA Superhero Run, Fun Run 8:30am; 5K 9am. Info: NEGA CASA (706)886-1098. Nov. 15, Lawrenceville - Run for Adoption 5K, 8am. Info: (678)985-3921, fundracers5k@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Macon - Home Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: Julia Plonk (478)751-2898, julia.plonk@themethodisthome.org. Nov. 15, Mansfield - Holiday Haulin’ 2014, 1 Mile FR 8am; 5K 8:30am. Info: Mansfield Baptist Church (770)787-0723. Nov. 15, Milton - Family Footrace for the Falls, 5K, 10:30am; 1 Mile FR, 11:30am; Tot Trot, 11:45am. Info: craigmrubino@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Mt. Airy - Run with the Rams 5K, 9am. Info: ashleywebb25@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Peachtree City - Speed the Light 5K Run, 4:30pm. Info: Jason Hogeboon (770)252-1020, trichurchjmh@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Pelham - Pelham Wildlife 5K Run, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 10am; 2 Mile Mud Run & Obstacle Run, 10:30am. Info: Carol Shiver (229)328-6147 or (229)294-2341. Nov. 15, Roswell - Holcomb Bridge Hustle 5K, 7:30am. Info: skwall@earthlink.net. Nov. 15, Savannah - Trail of Hope, Tot Trot 8am; 5K 8:15am; 10K 8:20am; 1 Mile 8:25am. Info: brandonracedirector@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Smyrna - Village to Village 11K, 8am. Info: Bill Monahan (404)226-2883, bill@zone5events.com. Nov. 15, Winder - Walton-Barrow Board of Realtors Toy Trot, 1 Mile FR 8am; 5K Run/Walk 8:30am. Info: Yvonne Beasley (770)267-8671. Nov. 16, Buford - Lanier Under the Lights 5K Run/Walk (#2), 5:45pm; 1st race on 11/15. Info: steve@lanierunderthelights5k.com. Nov. 16, Cleveland - Mt. Yonah Run a 5K? for White County Warrior Football, 3pm. Info: events@runnersfit.com. Nov. 16, Hartwell - Run for Happy Homes 5K Run/Walk, 3pm; 1 Mile Fun Run, 2:30pm. Info: Judd Bailey (864)314-4369. Nov. 16, Macon - Running for Ronald 5.12K, 1 Mile 3pm. Info: bh@rmhccga.org.

Nov. 21, Warm Springs - The Candlelight Tour Run, 1 Mile 9:30pm; 5K 10pm; $20 received by 11/7; $25 w/shirt, or $15 w/o shirt after 11/7. Info: Meriwether County Chamber of Commerce, POB 9, Warm Springs, GA 31830; Carolyn McKinley (706)655-2558, meriwetherchamber@wind stream.net, www.meriwethercounty chamberofcommerce.com. Nov. 22, Cartersville - Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: United Way of Bartow, 140 Douglas St., Cartersville, GA 30120; Cynthia Ball (770)386-1677, ballc@bartowga.org, www.bartowliveunited.org. Nov. 22, Conyers - 5K Turkey Trot/1 Mile Tot Trot, 9am. Info: Abe Wilkinson (770)483-3535, elksaidmoreinc@aol.com. Nov. 22, Dublin - Jingle All the Way, 4 Mile & 2 Mile, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 9:45am. Info: Tommy Thompson, runnersforchrist@progressivetel.com. Nov. 22, Palmetto - Hill Country Trail Race, 15K & 5K; 9am. Info: thehillcountrytrailrace@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Pooler - Flying Fortress 5K: Join the Charge, 8:30am. Info: Lynn Alexander (912)748-8888 (x107), lalexander@mightyeighth.org. Nov. 22, Snellville - Run the Thanksgiving Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: dm85247@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Toccoa - Stuff the Bus, 5K 8am; 10K 9am; Fun Run 9:15am. Info: Mary Demmler (706)716-9347. Nov. 22, Watkinsville - Westminster Christian Academy 5K Run, 8:30am; Kids’ Fun Run, 8am. Info: Elizabeth Earley (706)7147656, elizabeth@tifosioptics.com. Nov. 23, Eatonton - Art at the Park 5K, 2:04pm. Info: Bo Ryles (706)769-2307, Roger Keel (334)745-5955. Nov. 23, Marietta - Mustache Dache 5K, 8:30am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Nov. 23, Snellville - Thanksgiving Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: dm85247@gmail.com. Nov. 27, Atlanta - Atlanta Half Marathon & 5K, 7:30am. Info: ATC (404)231-9064, atc@atlantatrackclub.org. Nov. 27, Cumming - Tryptophan Half Marathon, 7:15am; 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: (770)633-5511, lstarr3@mindspring.com. Nov. 27, Dublin - Race for Grace Half Marathon & 12K, 7am; 6K & 1 Mile, 9am. Info: Tommy Thompson, runnersforchrist@progressivetel.com.


Nov. 27, Hampton - 1621 Run, Between 7:50am & 8am 10.4K; 9:14am 5K. Info: Bo Ryles (706)542-3390, Roger Keel (334)5242884. Nov. 27, Savannah - United Way Turkey Trot, Kids K 8am; Diaper Dash 8:15am; 4 Mile Run/Walk 8:30am. Info: Lisa Clark (912)6517706, lisac@uwce.org. Nov. 29, Climax - Swine Time Festival 5K, 8:30am. Info: Paul Fryer (229)246-8560, pfryer1@gmail.com. Dec. 6, Canton - Reindeer Run 5K, 8:30am; Fun Run, 8am. Info: runforthechildren@yahoo.com. Dec. 6, Canton - Vampire 5K, 5:30pm. Info: Zulu Racing (404)5427123, info@zuluracing.com. Dec. 6, Marietta - Run the Lights of Life 5K & 1K, 5pm. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Dec. 6, Peachtree City - Jingle Bell Trail - PCES, 5K 9am; 1 Mile, 9:10am. Info: Chris Castagna (770)631-3250, castagna.christine@mail.fcboe.org. Dec. 6, Royston - XTERRA Georgia “Victoria Bryant” 5K or 10K Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: (404)310-3628, tim@dirtyspokes.com. Dec. 6, Savannah - Enmark Savannah River Bridge Run, Walk or Crawl, 5K, 10K & Double Pump!; 8am. Info: robert@fleetfeetsavannah.com. Dec. 7, Dillard - River Vista Half Marathon & 10K, 7:30am. Info: ccook9@windstream.net. Dec. 7, Winder - Holly Jolly Elf Trot 5K, 3pm; Kids FR, 2:30pm. Info: Victoria Patrick (770)307-7956, vpatrick62@gmail.com. Dec. 13, Atlanta - Barb’s 5K, 8am. Info: (800)200-2771 (x306). Dec. 13, Dalton - Carpet Capital 10 Miler & 5K, 9am. Info: David Leatherman (706)673-5804, davidleatherman@yahoo.com. Dec. 13, Dahlonega - It’s A RUNderful Life 5K, 9am; Fun Run, 10am. Info: kimhall2007@gmail.com.

Dec. 13, Loganville - Jingle Jog for Autism & All Exceptionalities, 5K 12:30pm; Reindeer Dash 1 Mile 12 Noon; $20/5K by 11/26, after $25. Info: Emily Winnicki, 1720 Epps Bridge Pkwy., Ste. 108 #355, Athens, GA 30606; Suzanne Carter (770)313-7111 or (770)2664501, scarter@walton.k12.ga.us, www.active.com/loganville-ga/running/ distance-running-races/9th-annual-jingle-jogfor-autism-and-other-exceptionalities-2014. Dec. 13, Madison - Madison Christmas Rush Classic, 5K 9am; 8K 10am; 1 Mile 10:15am. Info: Tim Carter (706)342-1953, tcarter@bankofmadisonga.com. Dec. 13, Tybee Island - Run for Warriors 5K Run/Walk, 10am; Kid’s FR, 9am; Warrior Dash 1 Mile Beach Run, 9:30am. Info: jtoole@cityoftybee.org. Dec. 13, Woodstock - Santa’s Sleigh 5K, 8am. Info: kelli.sliwinski@gmail.com.

Dec. 14, Atlanta - Jeff Galloway 13.1, 8am; Fitness festival and expo held Friday (11am7 pm) and Saturday (10am-5pm) Dec. 12-13 at 200 Peachtree. Unique JG 13.1 medal features green wreath with “Inaugural JG 13.1” in center. Races will benefit Piedmont Park Conservancy, Piedmont Park Dog Park, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, which assists families of military members who died while serving the nation; and 26.2 with Donna, which is dedicated to breast cancer research. www.jeffgalloway131.com for info and to register. Dec. 15, Fort Valley - The Pecan Tree 10.4K, 3:04pm. Info: Bo Ryles (706)542-3390. Dec. 20, Atlanta - Atlanta Christmas 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Ed Williams (404)327-7738, roadraceservices@comcast.net. Dec. 20, Bishop - Will Chamberlin Memorial Santa Stroll 8K, 8:30am. Info: Carole Black (706)680-7223, Tim Bagley (507)8678688, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Dec. 20, Columbus - Big Dog Jingle 5K, 9am. Info: Big Dog Running Co. (706)322-2786. Dec. 20, Suwanee - Jingle Jog 5K, 8am; Jr. Jog 1 Mile, 8:05am; Elf Run (50-100 yd.), 8:30am. Info: (770)888-9481, info@jinglejog.com. Dec. 20, Winder - Jingle Jog 5K & Fun Run, 9am. Info: Sara Call (770)307-3024, scall@barrowga.org. Dec. 21, Lawrenceville - Rockin’ With Santa Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 8am. Info: dm85247@gmail.com. Dec. 31, Lawrenceville - Flashlight 5K, 6pm. Info: Tom Cioffi (770)985-7353, act1@mindspring.com. Jan. 1, Athens - New Year’s at Noon 5K, 12pm. Info: Classic Race Services (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Jan. 3, Columbus - Red Nose Half Marathon, 8am. Info: (706)5969308. Jan. 3, Savannah - Yates Astro Resolution Race 5K Trail Run/ Walk, 8:30am. Info: womensboardofbethesda2013@gmail.com. Jan. 10, Macon - Pilot Club Chase 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Info: Classic Race Services (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Jan. 11, Snellville - Rock the New Year Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: dm85247@gmail.com. Jan. 17, Savannah - The MLK 5K Run, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:15am. Info: Tonya Ferguson (912)631-8983, mlk5kllc@gmail.com.



Running Journal • November, 2014

Jan. 17, Warner Robins - Museum of Aviation Foundation Marathon, 8am; Half Marathon, 8:15am; 5K, 8:30am. 13.1 & 5K flat tracks on Robins Air Force Base; USATF certified. Entry Limit: 1,500. Time Limit: 6 hrs. 2014 entrants: 1,000. Ave temp: 40 degrees. Register online at: http:// active.com. Contact Mary Lynn Harrison, (478)923-6600, marylynn.harrison@museum ofaviation.org. web site: www.museumof aviation.org Jan. 25, Pine Mountain - Callaway Gardens Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: Dave Johnson (770)565-5208, eventsdj@aol.com, www.callawaygardens.com.

Feb. 6 & 7, Tybee Island - Critz Tybee Run Fest 2015, 2/6: Kiddie Run 6pm; 5K Run 6:15pm; 2/7: 10K 7am; Half Marathon 8:30am; 2.8 Mile Beach Run 12pm; 1 Mile 1pm; $30/ 5K, $35/10K, $55/Half, $25/2.8 Mile, $20/1 Mile, $95/All 5 Events by 11/9; Entry Fees will increase on 11/10/14 (see website). Info: Cornelia Stumpf (912)692-8992, cornelia@cscpconsult.com, www.critztybeerun.com

KENTUCKY Nov. 1, Burnside - Cumberland Color Dash for Diabetes 5K, 1pm. Info: Farrah Rowe (606)802-3360 or (606)679-2773, colordashfordiabetes@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Corbin - Jack-o-Lantern Jog 4 Miler, 9am. Info: Robyn Blakley (606)521-1387, fallsroadrunners@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Georgetown - Run For Another 5K & 10K, 9am. Info: (859)215-0215. Nov. 1, Harrodsburg - (Un)Pleasant Hill Trail Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: (859)734-1545, info@shakervillageky.org. Nov. 1, Lexington - Lexington Free to Breathe 5K Run/Walk, 10:05am; 1 Mile Walk, 11am. Info: Shana Schwarz (608)828-8852, events@freetobreathe.org. Nov. 1, Morehead - Turkey Trot 5K, 10am. Info: Mary Horsley (606)783-6476, mahorsley@st-claire.org. Nov. 1, Shelbyville - Girls Day Out 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: JAM Active (502)653-4985, matt@jamactive.com. Nov. 1, Simpsonville - Girls Day Out 5K, 8:30am. Info: Matt Roberts (502)653-4985, matt@jamactive.com. Nov. 2, Bowling Green - BG 26.2 & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: runner@traxrunning.com. Nov. 8, Corbin - Michelle Litteral Brock Memorial 5K, 10am. Info: Karen White (205)405-1331. Nov. 8, Hart County/Munfordville - Brandon Crain 5K. Info: Chris Cash (270)590-3076, examiner_cash@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Lawrenceville - Bearcat 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Billy Squires (502)600-1098, billy.squires@anderson.kyschools.us. Nov. 8, Lexington - Dirty Dog Trail 4 Miler, 9am. Info: bob@3wayracing.com. Nov. 8, Louisville - Run Eva Banman 5K, 8am. Info: Lauren Benshoof (512)386-7966, info@cadencesports.com. Nov. 8, Louisville - Feast on Equality 5K, 9am. Info: Camille Estes (502)386-1502, camille.estes@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Mt. Vernon - Red, White & Blue Veterans Day 5K, 8am. Info: elizabeth.dull@stu.rocketcastle.kyschools.us. Nov. 8, Richmond - Veterans Day 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: Sarah Drinkard (859)779-6164, Sarah.L.Drinkard.NAF@mail.mil. Nov. 8, Somerset - “Grip It and Rip It” 5K, 9am. Info: Brittany Mincey Hines & Shawna Bishop (606)271-2540, gripitandripit173@outlook.com. Nov. 8, Winchester - Turkey Trot 5K, 9am. Info: turkeytrotwin@bellsouth.net. Nov. 9, Gilbertsville - Stars and Stripes 5K, 7pm. Info: Laura Jackson (270)362-4271, laura.jackson@ky.gov. Nov. 9, Louisville - Sgt. David Wimberg Memorial Run/Walk 5K. Info: Michael Wimberg (502)262-0868, wimberg78@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Bowling Green - Dash for Dimes 5K & 2 Mile Awareness Walk, 9am; Kids Fun Loop & Toddler Trot, 8am. Info: liz82481@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Calhoun - The Turkey Trot For Tots, 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: calhounchiropr@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Florence - Honor Run Half Marathon & 2-Person Relay, 7am. Info: Scott Spicher (859)802-9923, scott.spicher@mac.com. Nov. 15, Franklin - Walk, Run, Roll 5K “Honoring Veterans...Educating our Community”, 9am. Info: Laura Smith (270)586-8018, executivedirector@fseef.org. Nov. 15, Hanson - “God’s Got Dis” 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR. Info: Leslie Allen (270)871-0165, leslien.allen@ky.gov. Nov. 15, LaGrange - 360 Degree Chiropractic Turkey Trotter 8K Run/Walk, 8K Run & 4K Walk; 8am. Info: Gary Parsons (502)2250655 (x5402), gparsons@oldhamcountyky.gov. Nov. 15, Lexington - Tutu Tough 5K, 10am; Kid’s Dash, 11:15am. Info: mark.gill@asbury.edu. Nov. 15, Louisville - Indatus 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Camille Estes (502)386-1502, camille.estes@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Manchester - CCHS Holiday Hustle 5K Run/Walk, 3pm. Info: Cheerleading CCHS (606)594-7424, cheerleading.cchs@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Mt. Vernon - Renfro Rock N’ Run Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Susan Brown-Turley (606)256-7746, s.turley@rhrcc.org.

Nov. 22, Bowling Green - Husky Hustle 5K/Fun Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Janice Lockwood (270)782-5554, janice.lockwood@ warren.kyschools.us. Nov. 22, Cecilia - Wobble Wobble Before You Gobble 5K & 1K FR, 8am. Info: Anitta Andretta (270)737-0609, cdretta@aol.com. Nov. 22, Lexington - Girls On The Run 5K, 9:30am. Info: (859)268-4687, heidi@gotrcentralky.org. Nov. 22, Paducah - McCracken County Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Tim Stewart (270)994-6156, tim.stewart@ mccracken.kyschools.us. Nov. 27, Lexington - Thoroughbred Classic 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 8:30am. Info: Matt Reno (859)229-7291, renoracepromotion@gmail.com. Nov. 29, Elizabethtown - Ugly Christmas Sweater Run, 5K 8am. Info: Tasha Parks (270)872-4422, tasha.parks@usacares.org. Nov. 29, Lexington - Spindletop Mustache & Ugly Sweater Dash 5K, 9am; Kids Run, 10am. Info: bobbaney@hotmail.com. Dec. 6, Cadiz - Reindeer Run/Walk, 5K 4pm. Info: Toni Martinazzi (270)350-5520, tomartz@bellsouth.net. Dec. 6, Mt. Vernon - Jingle Bell Run/Walk 6K, 8:30am. Info: Susan Brown-Turley (606)256-7746, s.turley@rhrcc.org. Dec. 6, Paintsville - Christmas on the Country Music Highway Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Anthony Skeans (606)791-2902, anthonyskeans@gmail.com. Dec. 13, Covington - Jingle Bell Run/Walk 5K, 10am. Info: Barb Precht (513)399-8091, bprecht@arthritis.org. Dec. 13, Henderson - Reindeer Run 5K, 9am. Info: Julia McDonald (270)826-2247, juliea.mcdonald@ky.gov. Dec. 13, Louisville - Reindeer Romp 4K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Camille Estes (502)386-1502, camille.estes@yahoo.com. Dec. 13, Murray - Oaks Country Club 5K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: Diana Tindell (270)753-6454, oakscountryclub1@gmail.com. Dec. 31, Fort Campbell - Ironhorse New Year’s Eve Half Marathon, 10am. Info: cameron.marley@gmail.com. Jan. 1, Lexington - Resolution Run 5 Miler, 2pm; 3K, 2:10pm. Info: bob@3wayracing.com. Jan. 1, Pikeville - Resolution 5K Run/Walk, 5K Chip-Timed, 11am; 5K FR & 5K Walk, 11am. Info: shelebrabartley@bellsouth.net. Jan. 3, London - Run for the Hills Resolution 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: (606)862-4655. Jan. 10, Louisville - Frostbite 5K, 9am. Info: Camille Estes (502)386-1502, camille.estes@yahoo.com. Jan. 10, Williamsburg - National Guard Border Bowl 5K, 9am. Info: Robyn Blakley (606)521-1387, fallsroadrunners@gmail.com.

LOUISIANA Nov. 1, Avery Island - Jungle Gardens 5K, 8am. Info: droddy@teamfss.com. Nov. 1, Kinder - 5K 2014 for Kids Camp. Info: Matthew Shaw (337)738-4218, directors@campurc.com. Nov. 1, New Orleans - Jazz Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Staci Arceneaux (504)495-0871, sarcenea@chnola.org. Nov. 1, Villa Platte - Relay for Life of Evangeline Parish: 3K Fun Run/Walk, 8am. Info: connielamke@hotmail.com. Nov. 2, Opelousas - Insane Inflatable 5K w/obstacles, 9am/1st wave. Info: Emily Robinson (980)208-1629, emily.robinson@townsquaremedia.com. Nov. 8, Lafayette - Cajun Cup 10K, 8:05am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: racedirector@cajuncup.net. Nov. 8, Natchitoches - Neon Night for a Cure, 5K Run/Walk; 6pm. Info: Danielle Antoon (318)663-44889, danielle.antoon@cancer.org. Nov. 8, Provencal - Color the Village: Provencal FallFest Fun Run, 5K 9am. Info: Nicole Connell (318)652-7968, knicoleconnell@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Ruston - Race for the Kids, 5K Run 8am; 1 Mile FR 9am. Info: kstephens15@hotmail.com. Nov. 15, Breaux Bridge - Beaucoup des Chiens et Beaucomp des Vins, 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: coatney@cox.net. Nov. 15, Franklinton - Q50 Midnight Full Moon, 14 & 7 Mile Trail Runs, 11:59pm. Info: info@q50races.com. Nov. 15, Monroe - Red Kettle Run, 5K 9am; 1 Mile FR 10am. Info: lbarnidge@gmail.com. Nov. 16, Shreveport - The Log Jammer Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: YMCA (318)674-9635, Sportspectrum (318)7981241. Nov. 22, Baton Rouge - Baby Steps Infertility 5K & IVF Giveway, 9am. Info: Beth Forbus (225)678-1051, beth@sarahs-laughter.com. Nov. 22, Houma - Heart and Soles Half Marathon, Relay & 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: (985)872-5980 (CIS), (985)873-4631 (TGMC). Nov. 22, Monroe - Purple Run, 5K 8am; FR 9am. Info: beverly.martindale@yahoo.com. Nov. 22, New Iberia - Color Me Cured Diabetic Dash, 5K Run/ Walk; 8am. Info: Julee Gonsoulin (337)256-0491, pageantmom3@yahoo.com. Nov. 23, New Orleans - Smoothie King Big Easy Running Festival, Half Marathon 7:30am; Mini: 4 Miles, 10am; 1 Mile 10:45am. Info: Susan McManus, PEM (504)454-6561, info@pem-la.com. Nov. 27, Monroe - Fitright Racing Turkey Trot, 4 Mile & 2 Mile; 8am. Info: doug@fitrightactive.com. Nov. 27, New Orleans - NOAC Turkey Day Race, 5 Miles & 1/ 2 Mile, 8:30am. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Nov. 29, Central - Running of the Elves 5K, 8am. Info: chamber@cityofcentralchamber.com.

Dec. 6, Baton Rouge - Baton Rouge Beach Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; $90/ Marathon, $80 Half by 10/15, after $95/ Marathon, $85/Half. Info: Craig Watson (225)292-3800 (w), (225)324-3123 (c), (225)767-5211 (h), sailfish01@aol.com, www.brbeachmarathon.com. See Ad page 26.

Dec. 6, New Orleans - YMCA Corporate Cup 5K, 1/2 Mile. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Dec. 13, Lafayette - Cajun Country Half Marathon, 7:30am; 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: Scott Schilling (337)781-9416, scott@latrail.org. Dec. 13, Scott - Come Home for Christmas 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Myriah Richard (337)781-1372, pto@sts-peter-paul.org. Dec. 14, Lutcher - Bonfire Festival 5K, Kids 1/2 Mile FR. Info: brad5980@gmail.com. Dec. 20, New Orleans - Ole Man River Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Dec. 27, New Orleans - New Orleans Amazing Race Adults & Kids Adventure Race, 1 Mile w/Obstacles; 2pm. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Dec. 28, Metairie - Larry Fuseler Race, 25K & 5K. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Jan. 4, New Orleans - Jackson Day Race, 9K. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Jan. 18, Baton Rouge - The Louisiana Marathon, Half Marathon, 7am; Quarter Marathon, 5K, 8am (tentative); Kids Marathon, 9:30am. Info: Craig Sweeney (888)786-2001, info@thelouisianamarathon.com. Jan. 25, New Orleans - Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon, Half Marathon & 2-Person Half Marathon Relay; 7am. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510, (800)311-1255.

MARYLAND Nov. 1, Baltimore - KidsPeace Trick-or-Trot 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:05am. Info: Gina Seyfried (410)964-9329, gina.seyfried@kidspeace.org. Nov. 1, Bladensburg - Trick or Treat 5K Run, 9am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 9:30am. Info: Nigel Holder (240)350-4304, iegfest14@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Clarksburg - Rugged Maniac 5K Obstacle Race, 1st wave 9am. Info: info@ruggedraces.com. Nov. 1, Chester - Cure FOP 5K, 9am. Info: Traci Gopshes (443)790-9310, wayneswishingwell@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Denton - Grant’s 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Jen Benson (410)924-4568, jensgemsrunning@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Ellicott City - Glen Mar Family 5K & 1 Mile Walk, 9am. Info: David Eddy (410)245-5946, eddydv100@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Frederick - Run 4 Their Lives, 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR; 10am. Info: mdroblings@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Lusby - Halloween Hustle 5K & Family FR, 7pm. Info: Lynn Powell (410)535-7865, paxfh@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Mt. Airy - Health Unlimited Cross Country 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9:30am. Info: Danny Beach (301)829-9730, adventurefitness@myhealthunlimited.com. Nov. 1, Pasadena - Downs Park 5 Mile Run. Info: rpheisman@verizon.net. Nov. 1, Severna Park - Run for the Ta-Tas 5K Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Scott Broerman (410)268-6290, staff@fleetfeetannapolis.com. Nov. 1, Salisbury - Halloween 5K Dash, 9:30am; 1 Mile Walk, 9:45am. Info: Kacey Decker (410)742-5143, kacey@unitedway4us.org. Nov. 1, Sykesville - Cavalier Classic 5K Glo Run, 4:30pm. Info: Donna Larkin (443)280-1589, errmembership@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Upper Marlboro - Jug Bay 10K/5K & 3K Walk, 9am. Info: (301)627-7755. Nov. 1, Westminster - Frizzelburg 3 Mile XC Run, 9am. Info: Frank Schaeffer (410)857-5154, swschae@hughes.net. Nov. 2, Annapolis - Ripley Race 2014, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: Jon Brianas (410)212-4414, brianas@turningpointsports.org. Nov. 2, Chestertown - Chester River Challenge Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Ray Parker (302)674-3213, ray@trisportsevents.com. Nov. 2, Cumberland - Western Maryland Highlands Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Shauna McQuade (301)729-4737, smcquade2040@yahoo.com. Nov. 2, Ellicott City - Scarecrow Classic 5K, 1 Mile FR/Walk. Info: Bryan Pugh (410)448-2924, pugh@biamd.org. Nov. 2, Finksburg - Ed Hewitt Memorial Run, 5K & 10K; 8am. Info: Kevin Hewitt (443)794-1910, kmhmaniac2002@gmail.com. Nov. 2, Keymar - The Great Grape Race at Detour Winery, 5K Run; 3pm. Info: Nancy Wiley (301)723-7267, nwiley@marchofdimes.org. Nov. 2, Mt. Airy Run Through the Grapevine 8K, 10am. Info: grapevine@striders.net. Nov. 2, Rockville - Rockville 10K, 8:30am; 5K, 8:40am. Info: farkas1004@hotmail.com. Nov. 8, Bel Air - Young AFCEA-Aberdeen 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk & Kids FR; 8am. Info: Demetrios Chirgott (443)636-2841, dchirgott@eliassen.com. Nov. 8, Beltsville - St. Joseph Catholic School 5K Race & 1 Mile FR. Info: Austin Conaty (240)568-3059, austin.conaty@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Frederick - Race for School Choice 5K, 9am; Superhero 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: randy.n.julie@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Glen Burnie - Panda Prowl 5K. Info: John Campbell (410)533-0082, rwespta@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Emmitsburg - Mother Seton 5K, 9am; Kids Dash, 8:45am. Info: Bridget McCarthy (301)447-2089, bridgemccarthy@hotmail.com. Nov. 8, Germantown - Schaeffer Farm Scramble 5K, 10K & 10 Mile Trail Race, 9am. Info: Robert Georgantas (240)364-4910, rgeorgan@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Kensington - Cardinal 5K, 1/2 Mile FR; 8:30am. Info: Jon Gonella (301)949-5499, raceinfo@cardinal5k.com. Nov. 8, Ocean City - Storm Warriors 5K. Info: Charlie McClure (443)370-9202, cmcclure@octrirunning.com. Nov. 8, Ridgley - 5K Run/Walk for “Well” Of It, 8am. Info: Mark Fromert (410)271-6737, mark@marylandteamsports.com. Nov. 8, St. Mary’s City - CPCS Running Crab 5K, 8am. Info: Charlene Rohulich (240)925-9573, charlene_rohulich@aol.com. Nov. 9, Annapolis - Across the Bay 10-K: The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Run, 8am. Info: Sparrow Rogers (571)213-2519, info@bridgerace.com.

Nov. 9, Chestertown - Queen of the Roses 5K, 11am. Info: Allison Panchisin (302)367-5821, jdqueenoftheroses@gmail.com. Nov. 9, Chevy Chase - Candy Cane City 5K, 8am. Info: Eric Rodkin (301)549-1260, info@mcrrc.org. Nov. 9, College Park - Color My College 5K: University of Maryland. Info: Daniel Shuler (304)541-3898, daniel@colormycollege.com. Nov. 9, La Plata - ANS Turkey Trot Run/Walk, 10K Run & 5K Run/Walk; 8:30am. Info: Mary Ellen Howard (301)934-9595, computers@archbishopnealeschool.org. Nov. 9, Perry Hall - Honeygo Family 5K Run, 8am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: Will Murdoch (443)243-4205, will@eliteracemanagement.com. Nov. 9, Timonium - Kilts and Craic 5K Run, 8am. Info: Jeanie Riggs (443)236-3420, lmcbw1969@gmail.com. Nov. 15, New Windsor - 5K for the Fatherless, 1 Mile FR/Walk; 8:30am. Info: Jennifer Bittner (443)536-1336, jbittner261@comcast.net. Nov. 15, Ocean City - The NFL Football 5K Challenge, 9am. Info: Charlie McClure (443)370-9202, cmcclure@octrirunning.com. Nov. 16, Adamstown - Roaring Lion 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Jeanne Bobofchak (301)639-3582, roaringlion5k@rocketmail.com. Nov. 16, Annapolis - Jennifer Summers Barrett Memorial Volunteers on the Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: Junior League of Annapolis (410)224-8984, funrun@jlannapolis.org. Nov. 16, Carderock - Potomac River Run Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am & 9am. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net, www.safetyandhealthfoundation.org/ marathon/. Nov. 16, Glenelg - Glenelg Memorial 5K: Run for Rod, 9am. Info: Madison Stepherson (443)545-4268, glenelgrunforrod@gmail.com. Nov. 16, Rockville - King of the Road 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run, 9am. Info: dezrin@ttlc.org, www.kingoftheroad5k.com. Nov. 16, Timonium - Restoration 5K Run, 8am. Info: Jay Boynton (410)377-0582, jwboynton56@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Annapolis - Annapolis Running Classic Half Marathon & 10K, 7am. Info: info@annapolishalf.com. Nov. 22, Fort Meade - Fort Meade Run Series Turkey Trot 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: (301)677-7916, sports@ftmeademwr.com. Nov. 22, Germantown - Campus Life 5K Orchard Run, 10:30am. Info: (301)509-0155, yfc@yfcmc.org. Nov. 22, Kennedyville - Turkey Trail Trot for Character 5K Run/ Walk, 10am. Info: Jenna Campbell (410)299-3941, board@cckentcounty.org. Nov. 22, Rockville - RamPACE 5K, 8am. Info: Jessica Nassau (301)517-5621, jessica_k_nassau@mcpsmd.org. Nov. 22, Severna Park - Stride for SPAN Turkey Trot 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 9:30am. Info: Sandi Crawford (301)437-9577, scrawford@urban.org. Nov. 22, Solomons - Wobble Before You Gobble 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Amanda Purcell (301)737-6155, ampurcell1392@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Sykesville - Run of the Century Turkey Trot 5K, 8:45am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 9:30am. Info: Donna Larkin (443)280-1589, errmembership@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Thurmont - Turkey Chase 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1K FR to follow. Info: John Steiner (240)422-7996, steindawg@msn.com. Nov. 23, Baltimore - Turkey Tumble for Autism, 10K 9am; 5K 10am. Info: Justin Bishop (540)842-5618, hockeyfanmariol1@aol.com. Nov. 23, Ellicott City - Turf Valley Trot Zaching Against Cancer 10K, 8:30am; 1 Mile Family Fun Walk, 9am. Info: coachlang@hotmail.com. Nov. 23, Gambrills - Cold Turkey 10K 8am. Info: coldturkey10k@gmail.com. Nov. 27, Annapolis - Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5K Fun Run, 9am. Info: Scott Broerman (410)268-6290, staff@fleetfeetannapolis.com. Nov. 27, Edgewater - YMCA Camp Letts Turkey Chase, 10K Run, 5K Run/Walk; 9am. Info: Chessa Ormond (410)919-1410, cormond@ymcadc.org. Nov. 27, Frederick - Way Station Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot, 1K 8am; 5K 8:30am. Info: Vicki Fuchs (301)662-0099 (x1015), vickibate@hotmail.com. Nov. 27, Havre de Grace - Bulle Rock Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Will Murdoch (443)243-4205, will@eliteracemanagement.com. Nov. 27, Laurel - Thanksgiving Morning 5K Turkey Trot, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:05am. Info: Laura Wellford (301)776-0442 (x27), lwellford@laureladvocacy.org. Nov. 27, Prince Frederick - Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: Trish Gipson (410)535-0044 (x4), trishgipson@projectecho.net. Nov. 27, Queenstown - Great Turkey Chase at Queenstown Harbor 5 Mile & 2 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Trudy Humphreys (443)677-0847, kentislandrunning@gmail.com. Nov. 29, Sparks - Northern Central Trail Marathon & 2-Person Relay, 8:30am; 8K, 8:45am. Info: info@ncrtrailmarathon.com. Dec. 6, Rock Hall - Rock Hall Reindeer Stampede 5K Run/Walk, 10:30am; Kiddie K, 10:25am. Info: Krista Batchelor (443)553-4869, rockhallelementarypta@gmail.com, ray@trisportsevents.com.

Dec. 7, Annapolis - DeCesaris/Prout Cancer Foundation 3rd Annual Jingle Bell 5K Run & 3K Walk, 9am; $35 Timed Run/$25 Fun Run/Walk by 12/1; $40 Timed Run/$30 Fun Run/Walk on Race Day. Info: Jeremey McDonald, 201 Gray Fox Ct., Edgewater, MD 21037; (443)822-4891; jmcdonald@ ebsllconline.com, www.dpcancerfoundation. org Dec. 13, Fort Meade - Fort Meade Run Series Reindeer 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: (301)677-7916, sports@ftmeademwr.com.


MISSISSIPPI Nov 1, Canton - Walk Against Hunger 5K Run/Walk. Info: Daphyne Cain (601)859-9211, dcainourdailybread@bellsouth.net. Nov. 1, Greenville - Treyon Haynes 5K Run/Walk for Cancer, 8am. Info: Thomas Haynes (662)390-7270, haynes_thomas@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Hattiesburg - Ready, Set, Glow Thames 5K, 6pm; 2 Mile Walk, 5:30pm. Info: (601)266-5266, jodi.ryder@usm.edu. Nov. 1. Jackson - Hog Diggity Dog 5K & Dog Walk, 8am; Kids’ Run & Agility Challenge, 9am. Info: (601)853-6996, rfloyd@gallanthearts.org. Nov. 1, Mantachie - Chaos Halloween Bash Monster Dash Costume Night Run, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 5:30pm. Info: Julie Eskew (662)213-4579, julieeskew@ymail.com. Nov. 1, Meridian - Mississippi’s Walk & 5K Run for Diabetes, 9am. Info: Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi (601)957-7878. Nov. 1, Ridgeland - Cadaver Course 5K Run/Walk, 8am; $25 by 10/31. Info: Stacey Ferreri (601)853-6733, sferreri@msmaonline.com, www.MSMAFoundation.org. Nov. 1, Taylorsville - Grillin & Chillin 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Amanda Ainsworth (601)946-4778. Nov. 8, Ellisville - Ellisville Rotary 5K, 8am. Info: Haley Walley (601)218-4034, walley.haley@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Hattiesburg - Oak Grove Drama Zombie Apocalypse Fun Run/Walk, 5K 8am. Info: Christi Green (601)270-5060, christigreen@forrestgeneral.com. Nov. 8, Hernando - Jingle All the Way 5K, 8am. Info: Donna Sularin (901)568-2240, dsularin@comcast.net. Nov. 8, Long Beach - Long Beach Carnival Classic Half Marathon & 5K Run, 8am. Info: lbcarnivalclassic@hotmail.com. Nov. 8, Southhaven - Race For a Reason 5K, 9am. Info: Melonie Goolsby (901)734-0923, melonie.goolsby@dcsms.org. Nov. 15, Batesville - Gateway to the Delta 10 Miler & 5K, 8am. Info: Daniel Shaffer (901)274-2202, daniel@s2fevents.com. Nov. 15, Biloxi - Mayor’s Cup 5K Run, 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Nov. 15, Columbus - St. Vincent de Paul Charity 5K, 8am. Info: carmine03@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Ellisville - 4Paws 5K Run, 5K w/4 legged friend, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: rbiglane65@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Eupora - Reindeer Race 5K, 8am. Info: Craig Bjorgum (662)418-7660, runner.craig33@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Hickory Flat - Bethel UMC 5K Wildlife Walk/Run, 8:30am. Info: Teressa Williams (662)224-9014, bethelumchurch@earthlink.net. Nov. 15, Jackson - Zombie Frenzy 5K Trail Run, 1pm-3pm. Info: James Craig Alsup (601)622-7475, jalsup@centurionrun.com. Nov. 15, Mantachie - Happy Feet Color Run 5K, 9am. Info: Christy Roberts (662)213-0208, croberts@itawamba.k12.ms.us. Nov. 15, Meridian - Meridian Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Bonnie Earley (601)917-6602, bearley@comcast.net. Nov. 15, Oxford - Rebel Trail Challenge, 4 Miles 8am. Info: Shannon Richardson (662)915-6736, shannonb@olemiss.edu. Nov. 15, Ridgeland - Project Eagle’s Nest 5K Running For The Kids, 8am. Info: (601)842-6987, twpurvis21@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Walnut - Color Me Cured 5K, 9am. Info: Amanda Wilburn (662)223-0300, amandawilburnrx@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Ellisville - Glitter Run for Carrie, 5K, 2 Mile Walk & FR; 8am. Info: ashleycognevich@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Flowood - Fit 2 Lead 5K Race & Kids Tri, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile FR 9am; Kids Triathlon to follow FR. Info: (601)6641955, ogeorge@metroymcams.org. Nov. 22, Jackson - 12K’s for the Holidays, 12K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: Joanna Puddister King (601)355-6276, joannapuddister@goodsamaritancenter.org. Nov. 27, New Albany - Tanglefoot Turkey Trot Half Marathon & 4 Miler, 7am. Info: Heather Duley (662)539-7088, trails.treadsna@gmail.com. Nov. 29, Gluckstadt - Lake Carolina 15K Run/Walk, 7am/ Walkers, 7:30am/Runners. Info: mstrackclub@aol.com. Nov. 29, Stennis Space Center - Mississippi Coast Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Dec. 6, Hattiesburg - Heritage Run for Hunger 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids FR, 8:30am. Info: nathan@heritage-umc.org. Dec. 6, Long Beach - Jingle Bell 5K & 1 Mile Run, 9am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Dec. 6, Madison - Southern AG Credit Jingle Bell Jog 1/2 Marathon, 10K & 5K; 8am. Info: Southern AgCredit (601)4992850, katy.tillman@SouthernAgCredit.com. Dec. 13, Batesville - Jingle Bell Rock & Run 5K, 7pm; Kids FR, 6pm. Info: Kelly Cosby (662)934-7974, kellybug_43@att.net.. Dec. 13, Pontotoc - Rudolph Run, 10K Run, 5K Walk/Run; 7:30am. Info: tutora@bellsouth.net. Dec. 20, Pass Christian - Pass to Bay Christmas 10K & 1 Mile Run; 9am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Dec. 27, Woolmarket - Last Chance to Run, 15K, 5K & 1 Mile Run; 9am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Jan. 1, Hattiesburg - Steam Whistle 12K, 9am. Info: (601)4342619, hryder29@comcast.net. Jan. 10, Jackson - Mississippi Blues Marathon (RRCA Marathon Championship Event) Half Marathon, Relay & Kids’ 1 Mile FR; $70-Marathon, $65-Half, $45-1/4 Marathon, $210-Relay, $10Kids’ Marathon; $10 price increase after 1/4. Info: info@msbluesmarathon.com, www.msbluesmarathon.com. Jan. 31, Biloxi - Casino Bridge Run 10K Adventure Run, 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: info@harleysports.com.

NORTH CAROLINA Nov. 1, Albemarle - Smith Splash Costume 5K, 8:30am. Info: Kassie Taylor (704)982-1916, kassietaylor@stanlyfamilyymca.org. Nov. 1, Asheville - Super Heroes 5K, 4:30pm. Info: leighran@gmail.com.

Running Journal • November, 2014 Nov. 1, Belhaven - Darleen’s Flamingo 5K, 5pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 1, Belmont - Costume Dash - Run Tu Tu Holy Angels, 4 Mile, 2 Mile & 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: Ann Payseur (704)461-8362, belmontrotarync@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Black Mountain - Run With The Lions 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Johnnie Whisnant (828)712-9525, johnniewhisnant@ charter.net. Nov. 1, Black Mountain - Run For Your ART 5K Run & FR, 10am. Info: (828)669-0930, bmca@blackmountainarts.org. Nov. 1, Cary - Say BOO to Cancer 5K, 9am. Info: Johanna Blue (919)210-7754, saybootocancer5k@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Chapel Hill - Aging in Stride 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: aginginstride@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Charlotte - Snap Crackle Run 5K, 8am. Info: Robin Priszner (704)893-3800, robin@s2fcharlotte.com.

Nov. 1, Concord - 5 ALARM 5K, 9:30am; Fun Run, 9am (Free, but registration is required); $15/5K by 10/24, $20 on Race Day; 5K will also coincide with a FREE festival for children that will include inflatables and a DJ. Info: (704)920-5619, rodgerss@concord nc.gov, www.concordparksandrec.org Nov. 1, Elon - The Great Cape Escape 5K/10K, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 1, Franklin - Conquer The Mtn Half Marathon, 10am. Info: Bringing It to Life! (828)421-7637, bringingit2life@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Graham - ACC Reinhartsen 5K Run, 9am. Info: Natalie Miles (336)506-4102, natalie.miles@alamancecc.edu. Nov. 1, Greensboro - Hit the Brixx 5K/10K Run/Walk, 10K 7:45am; 5K 9am. Info: info@hitthebrixx.com. Nov. 1, Greensboro - Homecoming 5K, 9am. Info: (336)3345924, campusrec@uncg.edu; Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Nov. 1, Greenville - Ghoulish Gallop 5K, 1 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 1, Holden Beach - Run Holden Beach, Half Marathon 7am; 1 Mile FR/Walk 7:30am; 5K 8am. Info: Johnna Hall (910)713-3111, coastalraceproductions@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Lumberton - Zombie Mud Run 5K w/obstacles, 8am/1st wave. Info: (910)374-4924. Nov. 1, Nashville - Monster Dash for United Way 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Susan Yerkes (252)462-2672, susan.yerkes@nashcountync.gov. Nov. 1, Pinnacle - Jacob Pettitt Memorial 5K Walk/Run, 8:30am. Info: Allison Dotson (336)978-6586, allisdotson@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Polkton - Every Life Matters 5K, 8am. Info: Kathy Landon - hope.prc.anson@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Pollocksville - Run United Coastal NC - Spooky 5K Trail Chase, 4:30pm. Info: Kitti Hardison (252)637-2460, kitti@unitedwaycoastalnc.org. Nov. 1, Raleigh - LUNGe Forward 5K Run, 9:30am. Info: Khaki Stelten (919)784-0410, kstelten@lungcancerinitiativeNC.org. Nov. 1, Spring Lake - North Carolina Hallowed Half Marathon, 4pm; 5K, 4:15pm; Childrens’ race (5-18 yrs.), 3pm. Info: halloweenhalf@exclusivesports.com. Nov. 1, Taylorsville - Race to the Cove 5K Trail Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Micah Chin (828)632-2987, micah@hickorycove.org. Nov. 1, Wilson - Sponge Paint Whirlirun 5K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 1, Yadkinville - Courtney Panthers Halloweenie 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 10:05am. Info: Sue Butts (704)880-4561, buttsarunnin@aol.com. Nov. 2, Charlotte - Fight the Flame 5K, 8am. Info: Beth Stillitano (704)321-5608, b_stillitano@yahoo.com. Nov. 2, Charlotte - 485 MADD Dash 5K, 10K & FR; 1pm. Info: (704)983-4400, lhjean@ncdot.gov. Nov. 2, Raleigh - Raleigh City of Oaks Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7am; 10K, 7:20am; YMCA Kids Marathon Mile, 7:30am. Info: committee@cityofoaksmarathon.com. Nov. 2, Raleigh - Run, Walk and Roll With Veterans 5K, 11am. Info: studentveterans@ncsu.edu. Nov. 2, Wadesboro - “rUn” For Lindsay, 5K Run/Walk 2pm. Info: Rosanna Teal (704)695-2539, daisyluv_81@yahoo.com. Nov. 2, Wilmington - Port City Orthopaedics Battleship North Carolina Half Marathon, 8am; Port Land Grille 5K, 8:10am; Walkers, 7am; $75/Half after 9/16; $35/5K, $40 on Race Day. Info: Ed Fore (910)398-5539, edfore7628@bellsouth.net, www.5starraceproductions.com. Nov. 5, Fletcher - The Foot Rx Five Dollar 5K, 6:30pm. Info: aaron@footrxasheville.com. Nov. 7, Charlotte - Shot in the Dark 5K & 10K, 6pm. Info: racedirector@usnwc.org. Nov. 7, Fort Bragg - Fort Bragg 10 Miler, 6:30am. Info: (910)3961217 or (910)396-1218, steven.c.johnson162.civ@mail.mil; info@queencitytiming.com. Nov. 8, Albemarle - Harvest Hustle 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Elaine Story (704)982-8191, estory@trinityplacealbemarle.net. Nov. 8, Asheville - Armor Run 5K & 10K, 9am. Info: Tara Jordan (828)768-1601, tjordan21@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Asheville - Rocket 5K, 9am; Kids’ Comet Dash, 10am. Info: info@rocketrun.net.

Nov. 8, Bald Head Island - Maritime Classic Road Race, 1 Mile FR Noon; 5K & 10K Race 12:30pm; $50 (includes round-trip ferry passage, entry fee & T-shirt); $35 (includes entry fee & T-shirt); after 11/1 add $5 to fees. Info: Sally Meserole (910)612-2441, sallyhmeserole@gmail.com, www.baldheadisland.com/events/maritimeclassic-road-race

Nov. 8, Chapel Hill - Alpha Delta Pi’s Ron-A-Thon 5K, 9am. Info: Elizabeth Kemp (865)256-4124, ekemp12@live.unc.edu. Nov. 8, Charlotte - The Good Run 10K & Family 5K, 8am. Info: (800)931-4149, mailroom@thegoodride.org. Nov. 8, Clemmons - Souper 5K, 6pm. Info: Benji Jones (336)4713322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Nov. 8, Denver - SailView 5K for Sally’s YMCA Community Outreach Campaign, 9am. Info: Steve Tucker (704)340-4707, sailview5k@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Gastonia - Spencer Mountain 10 Mile & 5K, 8am. Info: Steve D ‘Avria (704)865-8551, mdavria@gastonymca.org. Nov. 8, Goldsboro - Beaver Moon Run, 5K Run & 1 Mile FR; 4pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 8, Greenville - Pirate Chase Race Fest, 5K, 10K & 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: derekhurdle@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Hertford - Juniors 5K for Samaritan’s Feet, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 8, High Point - Running of the Stache 5K, 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Nov. 8, Huntersville - Pancakes for Pills 5K, 8am. Info: (901)2742202, info@s2fcharlotte.com. Nov. 8, Lillington - Veteran’s Day 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: racedirector.vfw6722@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Morrisville - Getzelmania 5K, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 8, Mount Airy - Mayberry Half Marathon 10K, 8am. Info: Darren Lewis (336)786-8313, dlewis@mountairy.org. Nov. 8, Mount Ella - Pumpkin Dash Adventure Run 5K, 7am. Info: Michelle Patterson (704)636-4005, michelle@pattersonfarminc.com. Nov. 8, Murphy - Kickin’ Asphalt Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: Becky Poyer (828)837-2242, info@cherokeecountychamber.com. Nov. 8, Raleigh - Run to Reclaim 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 8:05am. Info: southbridge@southbridgefellowship.com. Nov. 8, Rolesville - Road to Rolesville 5K & 10K Challenge, 10am. Info: Dr. Glen Peterson (843)687-5626, drpetersondc@aol.com. Nov. 9, Outer Banks - Outer Banks Marathon & Half Marathon, Half 7am; Marathon 7:20am; 10K & 5K on 11/8. Info: (252)2556273, info@obxse.org. Nov. 15, Aberdeen - Old Glory Trail Trot, 50 Miler, 5am; 50K, 6am; 50 Mile Relay, 7am; 10 Miler, 8am. Info: Tom Hurd (931)5612678, spultraclub@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Asheville - ABCCM 5K Dog Tag Dash “Run for a Veteran”, 8am. Info: (828)259-5300. Nov. 15, Asheville - Boys & Girls Club of Buncombe County MARVELous 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Family FR, 9am. Info: Kati Ahearn (828)684-1212, kati@mymedage.com. Nov. 15, Buies Creek - 5K for the First 2000 Days, 9am. Info: tara.fish@harnettsmartstart.org. Nov. 15, Cary - Resurrection Lutheran School 5K, 9am. Info: Paige Key (919)320-3079, salsalady@nc.rr.com. Nov. 15, Chapel Hill - Into the Woods 5K, 9am. Info: Cindy Sperry (919)960-8353, csperry@woodscharter.org. Nov. 15, Charlotte - Charlotte’s Novant Health Thunder Road Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:45am (W/C 7:40am); 5K Run/Walk, 8:15am (W/C 8:10am). Info: marathoninfo@runforyourlife.com. Nov. 15, Durham - Durham Academy Turkey Trot 5K & Fun Run, 9am. Info: (919)493-5787. Nov. 15, Durham - Run Against The Sun 5K, 8:30am. Info: runagainstthesun@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Grifton - Creatures of the Night 5K Trail Run/Walk, 5:04pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 15, Hope Mills - Grays Creek Turkey Trot 5K, 9am; 1 Mile, 10am. Info: Nicole Davis (910)728-6738, bear_nt@yahoo.com.

Nov. 15, Lenoir - Meleah Mikeal Half Marathon, 9am; $40 10/1-11/14, $45 on Race Day. Info: Zack Carter, 1031 Jim Barger Ct., Lenoir, NC 28645; Zack Carter (828)757-2196, zcarter@ci.lenoir.nc.us, www.racingtoes. com/meleah-mikeal-half-marathon/ Nov. 15, Lillington - Raven Rock Rumble Trail Race, 5 Mile & 10 Mile, 9am. Info: benderofbows@hotmail.com. Nov. 15, Morehead City - Running for Shelter 5K, 9am; Kids’ 1 Mile FR, 8:30am; Info: Holly Richardson (252)247-7744, James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 15-16, Pisgah Forest - Veni Vidi Vici Mountain Stage Race, 20.5 Miles (Day 1), 14.5 (Day 2); 8am; $105 @ 2 Day Event ($55 1 day only). Info: Mike Cothran (864)907-1742, mike@goruntrails.com, http://www.active.com/pisgah-forest-nc/running/races/veni-vidi-vici2-day-mountain-stage-race-2014. Nov. 15, Princeton - PHS Senior Stampede/Project Graduation 5K, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 15, Winston-Salem - Matt Gfeller Memorial Doughnut Run, 5K Run/Walk; 9am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Nov. 16, Chapel Hill - Southern Village 5K & 1 Mile Family FR, 10am. Info: Chapel Hill Service League (919)968-4804, Sv5k@chapelhillserviceleague.org. Nov. 22, Apex - Turkey Trot 5K, 10am. Info: Karl Lyon (919)2493345, karl.lyon@apexnc.org. Nov. 22, Dobson - YVEDDI Drumstick Dash Meals on Wheels 5K/10K, 10K 8am; 5K 8:15am. Info: Van Lankford (336)789-4472, vanlankford@homeinstead.com. Nov. 22, Efland - Camp Chestnut Ridge Trail Runs, 4 Miles & 8 Miles; 10am. Info: Alan Schumacher (336)214-7068, camptrailrun@gmail.com, http://campchestnutridge.org/trail-run/ Nov. 22, Faison - Marching Rebel Run 5K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 22, Goldsboro - Junior’s Jog 5K Run & 1 Mile FR 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 22, Jamestown - Jingle Bell Run 5K, 9am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Nov. 22, Lenoir - Pathways to Giving 5K, 9am. Info: Mike McCall (828)896-6744, mmccall8688@yahoo.com.


Nov. 22, Mooresville - Pay it Forward 5K, 8:30am. Info: Dave (704)765-6110, info@davidsontiming.com.

Nov. 22, Randleman - RMS 5K Spirit Run, 5K 8:30am; $20 by 11/21, $25 on Race Day. Info: Bob Seedlock, 2392 Hickory Forest Dr., Asheboro, NC 27203; (336)465-0594, raseedlock@aol.com, www.randolph.k12. nc.us/schools/randmid/Pages/RMSAnnual 5K.aspx Nov. 22, Smithfield - HealthQuest Gobble Waddle 10K & 5K, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Nov. 22, Troutman - Light The Night For Children 5K, 6pm. Info: info@lightthenightforchildren5k.com. Nov. 22, Williamston - Martin Co. Turkey Trot 5K & 1 Mile, 8:15am. Info: David Whitley (252)792-4131, director@martincountync.com. Nov. 23, Cary - Wake County PTA Healthy Lifestyles 5K, 3:30pm. Info: sarah@hokiefan.net.

Nov. 27, Asheville - Asheville Turkey Trot 5K, 9:15am; Fun Run, 8:30am; $25 before 10/18, after 10/18 $30, after 11/17 $35. Info: Jus Running Inc., 523 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, NC 28804; Norman Blair (828)2527867, jusrun@jusrunning.com, www.jus running.com, www.ashevilleturkeytrot.com Nov. 27, Boiling Springs - Ruby C Hunt YMCA Turkey Trot, 5K & Fun Run, 8:30am; $20/members, $25/non-members by 11/23, add $5 after. Info: Shannon Hovis, 1322 Patrick Ave., Shelby, NC 28152, (704)4340441, shovis@clevecoymca.org, www.RubyCHuntYMCA.org Nov. 27, Carrboro - Gallop & Gorge 8K, 8am. Info: Le Tour Team (912)596-7109, letourdecarrboro@gmail.com. Nov. 27, Cary - Inside-Out Sports Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot, Mile 8:30am; 8K 9am; Kid’s Dash 10:15am. Info: Chase Williams (919)466-0101, chase@insideoutsports.com. Nov. 27, Franklin - Cold Turkey 5K. Info: Bringing It to Life! Productions (828)421-7637, bringingit2life@gmail.com. Nov. 27, Goldsboro - Goldsboro YMCA Turkey Trot 5K, 8am. Info: Kriquette Davis (919)778-8557, kriquette.davis@goldsboroymca.org. Nov. 27, Greensboro - Greensboro Gobbler, 1.8 Mile Run/ Walk 8:30am; 5K Run/Walk 9:15am. Info: scott@onthemarksports.com. Nov. 27, Greenville - Beau’s Buddies Turkey Trot for Tots, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile Fun Walk 9am. Info: jgaddis@ostcm.com. Nov. 27, Hendersonville - Hendersonville Turkey Trot, 5K 8:30am. Info: Amy Knight (828)233-3227, aknight@cityofhendersonville.org. Nov. 27, Raleigh - Skinny Turkey Half Marathon & Just Think First 5K, 7:30am. Info: Jason Biggs - info@fsseries.com.

Nov. 27, Salisbury - Butterball 5K Run/ Walk, 8:30am; $25 by 11/26, after $30. Info: Rayna Gardner, 2318 S. Main St., Salisbury, NC 28147; (704)633-6638, raynagardner@ live.com, www.theforumfitness.com. Nov. 27, Winston-Salem - Turkey Strut 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Nov. 29, McAdenville - ChristmasTown 5K, 6pm. Info: Steve D ‘Avria (704)865-8551, mdavria@gastonymca.org. Nov. 29, Taylorsville - Rotary’s Reindeer 8K Romp, 9am. Info: Benjamin Zachary (828)632-2103, bizachary@hotmail.com. Dec. 3, Fletcher - The Foot Rx Five Dollar 5K, 6:30pm. Info: aaron@footrxasheville.com. Dec. 6, Asheboro - Zoo City Young Life Winter Sprinter, 5K 9am. Info: Ashley Hart (336)629-7323, ashley@zoocity.younglife.org. Dec. 6, Asheville - Jingle Bell 5K Run/Walk for Arthritis, 10am. Info: Nick Turkas (800)365-3811, nturkas@arthritis.org. Dec. 6, Brevard - Brevard Reindeer Run, 5K 9am. Info: Wendy Kicklighter (828)885-7885, cpccare@citcom.net. Dec. 6, Burlington - Run at the Rock, 7 Mile & 14 Mile Trail Race; 9am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. Dec. 6, Canton - Be Prepared 15K, 10am; 1 Mile, 10:30am. Info: Ellen Seagle (828)687-2826, footrxpr@footrxasheville.com. Dec. 6, Charlotte - ACC Fan 5K & Kids Mascot Run, 8am. Info: mkelley@charlottesports.org. Dec. 6, Greensboro - Stuff the Sleigh 5K, 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Dec. 6, Greensboro - One Ugly Run 5K, 4pm. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Dec. 6, Morganton - Night of Light 5K Run, 6pm; Family FR/ Walk, 5:15pm. Info: lynnfumc@bellsouth.net. Dec. 6, Raleigh - Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis, 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 10am; 5K Competitive Run & 5K Recreational Run/Walk, 10:30am; Reindeer Dash (Kids 10-under), 11:15am. Info: Candice Fuller (919)250-0433, cfuller@arthritis.org. Dec. 6, Winston-Salem - Mistletoe Half Marathon, 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: a.williams@ymcanwnc.org.



Running Journal • November, 2014 Dec 7, Kernersville - 4th Annual Kernersville Foundation Frosty 5K, 2pm; $20 before 11/29, $25 after and race day. Info: Brian Stewart (336)399-8045, bstewart@eastridge.net; or www.onthemarksports.com.




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A new kind of crazy has arrived. The Clifton.


Dec. 13, Cary - Jolly Elf Trail Run, 1 Mile 8:30am; 5K 9am; 200 Yard Kid’s Dash 10:15am. Info: JollyElfRun@gmail.com. Dec. 13, Greensboro - Running of the Balls 5K, Runners 6pm; Walkers 6:30pm. Info: (336)510-9390, info@runningoftheballs.com. Dec. 13, Greenville - Run for a Reason 5K, 9am. Info: gwlruns@gmail.com. Dec. 13, Mount Airy - Rosy Cheeks 5K & Kids Jingle Bell 1/2 Mile Jog, 9am. Info: Darren Lewis (336)786-8313, dlewis@mountairy.org. Dec. 13, Tryon - Race To The Head Of The Class, 10K, 5K & 1K Run/Walk; 9am. Info: Wanda May (828)859-9741, wmay@holycrosstryon.org.

Dec. 20, Kannapolis - Frostbite 5K, 10am; 1 Mile FR, 9am; $20 by 12/6, $25 by 12/19, $30 on Race Day. Info: Renee Hogan, 101 YMCA Dr., Kannapolis, NC 28081; (704)939-9622 (x718), rhogan@cannonymca.org, www.cannonymca.org Dec. 20, Mooresville - Mount Mourne VFD Elf 5K, 9am; FR, 8:45am. Info: Chris Goodrum (704)807-2900, www.mmvfd.com. Dec. 28, Charlotte - Belk Bowl 5K, 2pm. Info: Mikaela Kelley (704)943-3560, mkelley@charlottesports.org. Dec. 31, Cary - RITNY 5K & 1 Mile, 12 midnight. Info: Tony Withers (919)535-5167, TWithers@withersravenel.com. Jan. 1, Clemmons - Running of the Lights 5.5K & 1.75 Mile; 11:45pm & 12midnight. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Jan. 17, Tsali Recreation Area - Frosty Foot 30K & 50K Trail, 8:30am 50K; 9am 30K. Info: Ellen Seagle (828)687-2826, footrxpr@footrxasheville.com. Jan. 25, Leland - Beethoven 15K & 5K, 9am. Info: 5 Star Race Productions (910)398-5539, edfore7628?bellsouth.net. Jan. 31 Coats - Souper Bowl 5K, 2pm. Info: soupkitchen5k@gmail.com.

Feb. 7, Camp Lejeune (Camp Devil Dog) - X-Treme Endurance Challenge 10K - Semper Fit Grand Prix 2015 Series, 8am. Info: (910)450-1342, lejgrandprix@usmcmccs.org, www.mccslejeune.com/grandprix. See Ad page 10. Feb. 8, Salisbury - Salisbury Rowan Runners Winter Flight - Oldest 8K in North Carolina, 8K Run & 5K Walk 2pm; 1/2 Mile FR, 1:30pm. Info: David Freeze (704)3106741, david.freeze@ctc.net, www.sportoften.com, www.salisburyrowanrunners.org. See Ad page 6. March 15, Cary - Allscripts Tobacco Road Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; $80/Marathon, $70/Half by 10/31; $90/ $80 11/1-12/31; $100/$90 1/1-3/10; after 3/10 $110/$100. Info: www.tobaccoroadmarathon.com

SOUTH CAROLINA Nov. 1, Anderson - Halloween Spooktacular 5K ACDSNB, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Ashley Brooks (864)884-6238, amdbrooks@bellsouth.net. Nov. 1, Blythewood - Jeanne C. Schmidt 5K Walk/Run, 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk; 8:30am. Info: Jairad Hydrick (803)609-7375, 10010468@richland2.org.

Nov. 1, Charleston - The Color Rave Electric Glow Run, 5K, 7pm; $46.50 thru Run Day; $52.50 Onsite Registration. Info: Happy Rave Runner (803)799-0808, dmiller@theColorRave.com, http://www.theColorRave. com Nov. 1, Charleston - Charleston James Island Connector Run, 10K Run, 10K Bike, & 5K Walk/Run; 8:30am; $35 by 10/31, $40 Race Day. Info: Nick Gavalas (843)4785001, nbgavalas@gmail.com, www.jicrun.com. Nov. 1, Charleston - South Carolina Trail Championships, Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K; 9am. Info: Scott Bagwell (864)525-6702, scott@go-greenevents.com. Nov. 1, Charleston - Halloween Haunted Trail 5K Run/Walk, 6:30pm. Info: Info: Scott Bagwell (864)525-6702, scott@go-greenevents.com. Nov. 1, Florence - Run Like a Nut - A Pecan Festival Event, Half Marathon, 8am; 10K & 5K, 9am; after 10/12 $50/Half, $40/10K, $30/5K. Info: Robin Parker, 120 E. Elm St., Florence, SC 29506; Robin Parker (843)661-3815, rparker@fitnessforumonline.com, www.fitnessforumonline.com, www.allsportcentral.com, www.carolinarunningcompany.com. Nov. 1, Greenville - Paris Mountain Trails 16K, 8am. Info: Joe Lanahan (864)2886470, joe@gcrd.org. Nov. 1, Greenville - The Turning Point of South Carolina’s Race to Recovery, 5K & 3K; 9am. Info: Kayla Kamibayashi (404)502-5086, kayla@turningpointofsc.org. Nov. 1, Greenwood - Run for Life 5K Final Leg. Info: Janada Jay (864)223-9622 (x25), jjay@greenwoodymca.org. Nov. 1, Huger - Carrera de los Muertos, 6 Miles Trail; 7pm. Info: eagle.endurance@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Marietta - Run for Hay at the Dogwood Derby 5K, 9am. Info: Alice Searcy Melcher (864)423-0163, searcy42@gmail.com. Nov. 1, Myrtle Beach - The Color Run 5K, 8am. Info: (855)662-6567, support@thecolorrun.com. Nov. 7, Beaufort - 5K Flash Mob - Royal Run, 1.6K Walk; Start/Sunset. Info: Thomas Dailey (843)338-2228, info@5kflashmob.com. Nov. 8, Aiken - Whiskey Road Race, 10K & 2 Mile; 7:30am. Info: Sarah Tuccitto (803)649-0480, racedirector.wrr@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Anderson - Electric City Glow Run, 5K 7:30pm; 1 Mile FR 6:30pm. Info: Joshua Trammell (864)940-7233, joshtrammell04@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Charleston - Run for the Yorktown - Veteran’s Day 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (843)849-1928, yorktowncv10association@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Columbia - 42nd Governor’s Cup Road Race, Half Marathon, 8am; 8K Run, 8:20am, 3 Mile Walk & Kids Run, 8:30am; after 10/1 $70/half, $35/8K, $25/3 Mile Walk,

after 11/1 $80/$40/$30; $10/Kids Run. Info: (803)960-6202, govcupsc@gmail.com, www.governorscupsc.org. Nov. 8, Folly Beach - LUNG FORCE Run/Walk Charleston, 5K 9am. Info: Brittany Greer (843)556-8451, charlestonevents@lungsc.com. Nov. 8, Fort Mill - Rock the Y 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Scott Bagwell (864)525-6702, scottbagwell@go-greenevents.com. Nov. 8, Liberty - Colorful Beginnings 5K, 9am. Info: Teresa Cummings (864)4207992, teresa@firstbaptistliberty.com. Nov. 8, Mt. Pleasant - Raise the Roof for Haiti 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Kendra Tuck (843)884-1504, pokeytuck@gmail.com. Nov. 8, North Charleston - Run for Freedom 5K, 9am. Info: Aron Hainline (843)9919013, aron@doorstofreedom.com. Nov. 8, Spartanburg - Camp Croft Half Marathon Trail Race, 8:30am. Info: Seth Novak (864)978-3378, contact@campcrofthalfmarathon.com. Nov. 15, Columbia - Bizarre 5 & 5K, 5K & 5 Mile 8am. Info: Church Office (803)7883589.

Nov. 15, Hilton Head - Hilton Head Bridge Run, 10K & 5K; 8am; $30, after 11/11 $35. Info: Bear Foot Sports, 20 Towne Dr., PMB #200, Bluffton, SC 29910; (843)757-8520, bfs@hargray.com, www.bearfootsports.com Nov. 15, Hilton Head - Girls on the Run 5K, 8am. Info: Robert Fyfe (843)815-1718, rob@palmettorunningco.com. Nov. 15, Mt. Pleasant - Old Village Harbor 5K Run, 8:30am. Info: jimmy@timinginc.com. Nov. 15, Port Royal - Rolling Beyond Limit 5K, 9am. Info: Robert Fyfe (516)4485085, rob@palmettorunningco.com. Nov. 15, Simpsonville - Greenville Match to Morrow 5K, 9am. Info: Ashley Collier (803)543-9034, acollier@nmdp.org. Nov. 15, Simpsonville - Sabre 5K, 9am. Info: Kristal Speakman (864)234-7595, kspeakman@southsidechristian.org. Nov. 15, Simpsonville - International Mission 5K, Kids Run; 8am. Info: shane@standingsprings.org. Nov. 15, Spartanburg - Faith for the Journey 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Heather Carraway (864)809-8136, faith25143@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Summerville - Summerville Sweet Tea Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Kelly Hazel (843)822-2461, hazelsouth@aol.com.

Nov. 22, Cayce - Runway Run 5K, 10am; $30 by 11/1, after $35. Info: Eggplant Events, POB 692, Blythewood, SC 29016; Jaime Lomas (803)600-1800, info@eggplant events.com, www.RunwayRun.com Nov. 22, Charleston - Chick-fil-A 5K Trail Run & Kid’s Run “Run With The Cows”. Info: Katie Brown (843)364-7349, 01882@chick-fil-a.com. Nov. 22, Clinton - Turkey Trot 5K, 9am. Info: Mike Norman (864)340-9528, mnorman@fujifilm.com. Nov. 22, Greenwood - Re/Max 5K Challenge, 9am; Kids FR (9-under), 9:45am. Info: Larry Secrest (864)885-9023, larrys@vimm.org. Nov. 22, Johns Island - Clemson/Carolina Rivalry Run, 5K 9am. Info: Brian Johnson (843)452-5651, charlestonruncoach@yahoo.com. Nov. 22, Mt. Pleasant - Lost & Hound 5K & 10K Run, 8am. Info: eagle.endurance@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Murrells Inlet - HealthPoint Brook Green Gardens Turkey Trot 5K Run/ Walk, 8:15am; Tot Trot (26.2 yds.), 9am; 1 Mile Family Fitness Walk; 9:15am. Info: David Nelson (843)237-2205, danelson@georgetownhospitalsystem.org. Nov. 22, Myrtle Beach - Jingle Bell Run/Walk 5K, 1 Mile FR/lWalk, Kid’s Reindeer (8-under); 2pm. Info: Gerald Talley (704)705-1799, gtalley@arthritis.org. Nov. 22, Spartanburg - iRecycle Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am. Info: Brandy Gutierrez (864)764-0119, irecycle@urrc.net. Nov. 26, Greer - Cure for Calleigh Princess 5K & FR, 2pm. Info: Laura Brown (864)706-8142, lauren.johnson613@gmail.com. Nov. 27, Anderson - First Flight’s Electric City Gobbler 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Alison Youngblood (864)353-5113, alison@yourfirstflight.org. Nov. 27, Columbia - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Midlands Turkey Day Run, 5K 8:45am; 1 Mile Walk 8:50am. Info: (803)231-3358. Nov. 27, Florence - Florence Turkey Trot 10K & 5K, 2pm. Info: Michael Shank (843)712-2618, mike@festivalpromos.com. Nov. 27, Spartanburg - Turkey Day 8K, 7am. Info: Audrey Sperry (864)598-9638, asperry@active-living.org. Nov. 27, Sumter - Turkey Trot 5K & Gobbler Dash, 9am. Info: Missy Corrigan (803)773-1404, mcorrigan@ymcasumter.org. Nov. 27, Surfside Beach - Myrtle Beach Area Turkey Trot 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: Michael Shank (843)712-2618, mike@festivalpromos.com. Nov. 27, York - Running of the Turkeys - 5K Run/Walk/Stroller Jog, 8am. Info: Leann Mellon (803)280-0511, leannmellon@yahoo.com. Dec. 6, Greenville - Paris Mountain Road Race presented by SC Blue, 20K 8:30am; 5K 9am. Info: Jane Godwin (864)616-9867, godwin305@gmail.com, www.pmroadrace.com.

Dec. 6, Lugoff - Jingle Bell Run, 5K 8am; $25 by 11/6, after $30. Info: Fitness Zone, POB 459/814 Hwy. 1 South, Lugoff, SC 29078; George Gibson (803)438-3811, ggibson43@aol.com, www.fitnesszonelugoff.com; Register online: www.strictlyrunning.com Dec. 13, Anderson - Cross Your Heart Trail Run, 5K & 10K Run/Walk; 8:30am. Info: Judd Bailey (864)314-4369. Dec. 13, Easley - The Dream Center Christmas Cruise 5K, 8:30am. Info: Chad Weisner (864)430-7265, cweisner@mindspring.com. Dec. 13, Greenville - Tacky Sweater 5K, 10am. Info: Jonathan Smith (864)3774912, southsidehsxc@gmail.com. Dec. 13, Greer - Sugar Creek Jingle Bell Jog 5K Run/Walk, 3pm; Elf Run, 2:15pm. Info: Mary Lee Tierney (864)363-0570, info@sugarcreekfunruns.com. Dec. 13, Kiawah Island - Kiawah Island Golf Resort Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: kiawah_marathon@kiawahresort.com. Dec. 27, Columbia - Cold Winter’s Day 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: (803)799-4786.

Jan. 1, Salem - First Day 5K Ranger Run, 10am; $25 by 12/31. Info: Devils Fork State Park, 161 Holcombe Circle, Salem, SC 29676; Jim Stanton (864)944-2639, jstanton@scprt.com, www.friendsofjocassee.org or www.go-greenevents.com

www.running.net Jan. 17, North Charleston - Charleston Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am; Bike Rides on 1/18: 60 Mile 8:30am, 40 Mile, 8:45am, 20 Mile 9am. Info: info@charlestonmarathon.com. Feb. 7, Hilton Head Island - Hilton Head Island Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K. Info: Bear Foot Sports (843)757-8520, bfs@hargray.com.

February 14, Myrtle Beach MyrtleBeach.com Myrtle Beach Marathon, Dasani Half Marathon & WPDE Marathon Team Relay, 6:30am; Neon Night 5K 7pm & Ripley’s Family FR 5:30pm on 2/13. Info: (843)293-RACE (7223), mbmarathon@yahoo. com, www.mbmarathon.com. See Ad page 2.

TENNESSEE Nov. 1, Athens - Z Day 5K - Zombie Infested Mud Run & Walk, 9am. Info: Jeff Clem (423)243-7689, jeff@sceniccitymultisport.com. Nov. 1, Clarksville - APSU Scholarship 5K Run, 9am. Info: Tonya Leszczak (931)221-7979, leszczakto@apsu.edu. Nov. 1, Cosby - Jones Cove Haunted Hills 5K Costume Race & 1 Mile Fun Walk, 8:30am. Info: Chad Loveday (865)453-9325, chadloveday@sevier.org. Nov. 1, Farragut - Farragut 13.1, Half Marathon (formerly Turkey Creek 13.1), 5K & Kids Run; 9am; $65 thru 10/28, $75 on RD. Info: Steve Durbin(270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, www.ktc.org. Nov. 1, Jonesborough - Race for Ian 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 9am. Info: Michael Bates (423)753-2462 (h), 753-4394 (w), mbates@trinity3e.org. Nov. 1, Kingston - Roane Schools “Run for Your Health” 5K Run/ Walk, 8:30am Walk; 9am Run. Info: Patti Wells, School Health Coordinator (865)882-3700 (x1910), pawells@roaneschools.com. Nov. 1, Knoxville - Furry Scurry Fun Run 5K, 9am. Info: Amber Mullins (865)573-9675 (x108), info@humanesocietytennessee.com. Nov. 1, Lawrenceburg - David Crockett 10K, 11am. Info: Scott Benefield (931)629-3567, target242@mac.com. Nov. 1, Maryville - Rebel Run 5K, 9am. Info: barbara.jenkins@maryville-schools.org. Nov. 1, Memphis - Race for Grace 5K & 1 Mile Walk/Run, 9am. Info: Richard Kearney (901)683-7329, rfg@shadygrovepres.org. Nov. 1, Nashville - DH Dash 10K, 5K Run/Walk; 9am. Info: (615)883-7896. Nov. 1, Sevierville - Tattoos and Tutus 5K & 10K, 9am. Info: Julie Fox-Williams (865)774-8285, juliefox@sevier.org. Nov. 2, Alcoa - Foothills Half Marathon, 2pm. Info: (865)2503618, martin@racedayevents.net. Nov. 2, Collegedale - Sandy Erickson Race for Christian Education 5K, 2pm; Kiddie K, 1:30pm. Info: sandyericksonfunrun@awspalding.net. Nov. 2, Memphis - MRTC RRS Half Marathon, 7am. Info: (901)528-4224, paulireland@att.net, scriswell@cityofbartlett.org. Nov. 8, Camden - Pilot Knob 10K, 11am. Info: Mike Bell (731)441-1468, bellm@henryk12.net. Nov. 8, Cosby - SEAL Extreme Challenge: Night Ops, 8K 6:45pm. Info: Dan Schreder (423)200-9935, ex.seal.165@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Dandridge - Running Like a Fish Out of Water, 5K & Kids FR, 4:44pm. Info: Debbie Worley (423)748-0795. Nov. 8, Dyersburg - Fryne Lake 10K Trail Run & 2 Mile Walk, 9am. Info: Shannon Hall (731)676-5556, shannon@frynelake.com. Nov. 8, Fayetteville - Kiwanis Reindeer Run 5K, 7:30am. Info: 5kreindeerrun@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Franklin - The P.I.G. Race, 5K, 8K, 12K & Kids Run; 9am; Challenges/Obstacles. Info: Kent Robson (309)530-6019, kent@bluehedgehog.org. Nov. 8, Johnson City - S’mores Campfire Run 5K. Info: fabulousfiveseries@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Kingsport - BAE Veteran’s Day Classic, Half Marathon & 5K Run 10:30am; 5K Nature Walk 11am. Info: Rachel Davis (423)578-6379, rachel.davis2@baesystems.com. Nov. 8, Knoxville - Iron Dog 5K, 9am. Info: adesolaodunayo@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Knoxville - Race for the Summit 4 Miler, 9am. Info: James Barker (615)653-3266, jbarke15@uthsc.edu. Nov. 8, Nashville - Nashville Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: questions@whatdoyourunfor.com. Nov. 8, Nashville - Team Nashville 10 Miler, 7:30am. Info: Diana Bibeau (615)347-5822, diana.bibeau@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Nashville - Light the Knight 5K, 5:30pm. Info: Tara Silvestri (615)467-2313, lighttheknight@thecovenantschool.com. Nov. 8, Nashville - USATF Tennessee Cross Country Championships, 8am; 2000m (8-under), 3000m (9-12yrs.), 4000m (13-14yrs.), 5000m (15-over open/masters), 8000m (Men open/ masters). Info: Youth: kwame1223@gmail.com; Open/Masters: dave@nashvilleharriers.org. Nov. 8, Newport - Color Cocke County Crazy 5K Fun Run, 1pm3pm. Info: colorcccrazy@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Union City - Reelfoot Road Race, 10K & 5K; 10am. Info: Bruce Brown (731)335-3258, bbrown1@usit.net. Nov. 9, Knoxville - Thompson Cancer Survival Center Buddy’s bar-b-q Race Against Cancer, 3pm. Info: cparker14@CovHlth.com. Nov. 9, Nashville - Mayor’s 5K Challenge & Kid’s FR, 2pm. Info: dennis@freemanenterprises.com. Nov. 14, Pigeon Forge - Light the Way 5K, 11pm. Info: jay@edgereg.com. Nov. 15, Franklin - Viva la Diva Run, 5K 8am; 10K 9am. Info: (615)397-0978. Nov. 15, Greeneville - Stars & Strides Veteran’s Day 5K Glow Run, 6:30pm. Info: Randy Brock (606)216-6478, media@infernogroupcorp.com. Nov. 15, Knoxville - Soles of the City 5K. Info: Ron Fuller (865)300-3473, ron.fuller@totalracesolutions.com.

Running Journal • November, 2014 Nov. 15, Lenoir City - Run With the Foot 5K, 9am. Info: lenoircitytkd@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Memphis - Meowathon 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Elain Harvey (901)272-3777, houseofmew@aol.com. Nov. 15, Thompson’s Station - Hills and Hollers Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:10am. Info: Mitch McKee/Present Troubles Racing mitchmckee@hotmail.com, www.presenttroublesracing.com. Nov. 16, Memphis - MRTC RRS Half Marathon, 7am. Info: (901)528-4224, paulireland@att.net, scriswell@cityofbartlett.org. Nov. 16, Nashville - Rockin’ Marathon Relay, 10am. Info: rich@triviumracing.com. Nov. 16, Norris - Norris Dam Hard Trail Race, 50K & 25K; 7am. Info: Chris George (865)223-1242, chefchris@frontier.com. Nov. 23, Maryville - Clayton Homes Turkey Trot for Education, 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk; 3pm. Info: Sarah Jo Martin (865)380-3000 (x2624), sarah.martin@claytonhomes.com.

Nov. 23, Memphis - Break-A-Leg 5K, 2pm. Info: (901)525-7800, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. Nov. 27, Franklin - GraceWorks Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Kids’ Kilometer, 9am. Info: GraceWorks Ministries (615)794-9055. Nov. 27, Knoxville - Regal Entertainment Group Autumnfest 5K, 8:30am; Little Gobbler Run, 8am. Info: Ray Wilson (865)789-1594, runrayrun@outlook.com. Nov. 29-30, Oak Ridge - Secret City Half Marathon Weekend, 11/29: 5K & 10K 7:30am & Half Marathon 4 Kids 11am; 11/30: Half Marathon 7:30am. Info: frankchmi@gmail.com. Dec. 5, Nashville - Rudolph’s Red Nose Run, 5K 6pm. Info: Jann Seymour (615)269-6835, jann@needlink.org. Dec. 6, Franklin - Jingle Bell Run/Walk 5K, 9am. Info: kpickens@arthritis.org. Dec. 6, Knoxville - The Trail That Can’t be Concord, 6.8 Mile 9am; Kids Trail Run 8:30am. Info: Jerry Monroe (865)617-8065, jmonroe@roaneschools.com.

Dec. 6, Knoxville - Soles of the City 6 Mile. Info: Ron Fuller (865)300-3473, ron.fuller@totalracesolutions.com. Dec. 6, Knoxville - Faithwalk and Al Ichiki 5K, 2pm. Info: samaritanoffice@gmail.com. Dec. 6, Memphis - St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend, Marathon, Half, Relay, 5K & Family Race; 8am. Info: St. Jude (800)565-5112, marathon@stjude.org, www.stjudemarathon.org. Dec. 6, Mt. Juliet - Mt. Juliet Holiday Half Marathon, 5K & 1 Mile; 10:45am. Info: races@team-magic.com. Dec. 6, Lawrenceburg - Ho Ho Hustle 5K Race & Walk, 7:30am. Info: (931)629-5266 or (931)762-9577, acjudkins@yahoo.com. Dec. 7, Knoxville - Leftover 5K Run, 1:30pm. Info: Andrea Collins (865)335-4292, acollin2@yahoo.com. Dec. 7, Maryville - Reindeer Run 5K, 2pm; 1 Mile, 2:30pm. Info: Kelly Forster (865)983-9244, kforster@parksrec.com. Dec. 13, Burns - Ringer Bell 50K & 25K Trail Run, 7am. Info: (731)358-9724, ryan.forbess@tn.gov.

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Running Journal • November, 2014

Dec. 13, Chattanooga - Run Run Rudolph 5K, 10am. Info: Jeff Clem (423)243-7689, jeff@sceniccitymultisport.com. Dec. 13, Knoxville - Knoxville Jingle Bell Run/Walk 10K & 5K, 10am. Info: kpickens@arthritis.org. Dec. 13, Memphis - Memphis Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis Foundation, 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: Michelle Dooner (901)322-1517, mdooner@arthritis.org. Dec. 14, Nashville - RunWILD Peeler Park 6 Miler, 9am. Info: season@nashvillerunning.com.

Jan. 3-4, Alcoa - The Pistol Ultra, 50K (Solo & Relay), 7:55am; 100K & 100 Mile, 8am. Info: Will Jorgensen (865)740-1717, thepistolultra@gmail.com, www.pistolultra.com Feb. 28, Chattanooga - Scenic City Half Marathon, 8am; 5K Run/Walk, 8:15am. Info: Sherilyn Johnson (423)827-5092, sjohnson@chattanoogatrackclub.org, www.sceniccityhalfmarathon.com. March 7, Nashville - Gupton Jeep Tom King Classic Half Marathon, 5K Run/Walk & 3K Walk for Health. Info: Peter Pressman (615)293-8862, pasta4run@aol.com, www.tomkingclassic.com.

VIRGINIA Nov. 1, Alexandria - Run With The Eagles 5K, 8am. Info: (703)946-2036, bflynn@fcps.edu. Nov. 1, Arlington - Paws2Care 5K Family Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: dominique@paws2care.org. Nov. 1, Arlington - Arlington Academy of Hope Global Strides 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Darla Gonson (703)615-1599, dgonson@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Abingdon - Run Fur Their Lives 5K/10K Run and Strut Your Mutt Walk. Info: Amanda Carrico (423)967-4892, mndagrl4280@yahoo.com. Nov. 1, Ashburn - REV3 Fall Foliage Trail Series, 5K & 10K; 10am. Info: Margo Harris (703)266-9995, margo@rev3adventures.com. Nov. 1, Chesapeake - Later Gator Fun Run, 5K 9am; Kid’s 1 Mile, 9:30am; 3K Walk, 10am. Info: vngibbs@gcagators.org. Nov. 1, Virginia Beach - Race for Breath 5K Run/Walk, 10am; 1 Mile Walk & Kid’s 1 Mile FR, 10:30am. Info: Nicole Piette (757)288-8824, cnemanuel@aol.com. Nov. 1, Yorktown - Yorktown Battlefield 10 Miler, 10am; 5K, 8:45am. Info: Lion Brock Robertson (757)898-9049, brobert164@aol.com. Nov. 1, Winchester - Care2Cure HD-5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Bryan Inglish (540)533-0152, care2curehd5k@hotmail.com. Nov. 1, Woodbridge - The Quincy Conner Foundation “5Q” Run/ Walk, 5K 8am. Info: thequincyconnerfoundation@gmail.com. Nov. 2, Annandale - Fall Backyard Burn Trail Running Series Race #3, 5 mi. or 10 mi.; 9am. Info: info@ex2adventures.com. Nov. 2, Arlington - Stache Dash 5K, 8am. Info: shirlingtonrunningclub@gmail.com. Nov. 2, Charlottesville - Race & Taste 10K at Trump Winery, 9am. Info: www.trumpwinery.com/scripts/eventPg.cfm/_/638/Raceand-Taste-10k-at-Trump-Winery-to-benefit-St.-Jude-ChildrensResearch-Hospital/. Nov. 2, Fredericksburg - Glowstick 5K, 4:30pm. Info: Travis Bishop (540)842-5618, bishopsevents@yahoo.com. Nov. 2, Potomac Falls - Cascades MelaNoMore 5K Race & FR, 8am. Info: cascadesmelanomore@gmail.com. Nov. 2, Virginia Beach - SOS 5K Race & 1 Mile, 10am. Info: Jackie Ankley (757)428-8400, jackie.ankley@sosschool.org. Nov. 8, Alexandria - The Jack T. Farrar, Jr. ‘Fill the Shoes’ 5K for pancreatic cancer, 8am. Info: Anne Govert, events@kingstownestriders.org, www.active.com/alexandria-va/ running/distance-running-races/the-jack-t-farrar-jr-fill-the-shoes-5k2014. Nov. 8, Alexandria - St. Louis Hawks 5K & Fun Run for Health & Wellness, 8am. Info: stlouishawks5k@gmail.com. Nov. 8, Chesapeake - 5K Run/Walk for the Music, 9am. Info: Deanna Kringel (757)288-4055, deanna.kringel@cpschools.com. Nov. 8, Lynchburg - Valley View 5 Miler, 9am. Info: studentactivitiesinfo@liberty.edu. Nov. 8, Reston - Mustache Mile, 1 Mile 2pm. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Nov. 8, Virginia Beach - The 10, Ten Mile Trail Race, 9am. Info: Blue Ridge Mountain Sports (757)422-2201. Nov. 8, Virginia Beach - Open One Hour Race Walk Championship & Tidewater Striders One Hour Postal Race Walk; 1st Heat 8am. Info: Steve Durrant (757)422-6811, (757)615-2452, sdurrantrdh@cox.net. Nov. 8, Virginia Beach - Jingle Bell 5K Run/Walk for Arthritis, 9:30am; Kid’s Reindeer Run, 8:30am; 3K Walk, 9:45am. Info: Arthritis Foundation (757)456-1119, acourtney@arthritis.org. Nov. 8, Winchester - Battlefield Half & Relay, 8am; Kids Two Mile Cross Country Run (8-14), 11:30am. Info: Andrew Keefauver (540)665-5678, akeefauv@fcva.us. Nov. 9, Fairfax - Veterans Day 5K & 1K FR, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Nov. 9, Fairfax - Round Robinson 5K, 8:30am. Info: 5kinfo@robinsoncrew.org. Nov. 9, Fredericksburg - FCA 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: (540)899-3422, fburgfca@fca.org. Nov. 9, Leesburg - Bolen Memorial Park Veteran’s Day Cross Country 5K, 8am. Info: (571)258-3487. Nov. 9, Lorton - Pohick Bay 10 Miler, 8am; 5K, 9am. Info: Travis Bishop (540)842-5618, bishopsevents@yahoo.com. Nov. 9, Middleburg - Loudoun 10K Trail Run, 9am. Info: allison@loudounroadrunners.org. Nov. 9, Newport News - Virginia Running Festival, Half Marathon 7:30am; 5K & FR to follow. Info: Flat Out Events (757)880-8843. Nov. 11, Delaplane - Run For Warriors 5K Trail Run, 10am. Info: Christa Kermode (540)592-3556, skymeadows@dcr.virginia.gov.

Nov. 11, Fairfax Station - Veteran’s Day “Run Eleven” 11K Run & 5K Run/Walk, 11am. Info: (703)913-0313, metrorunwalk.bruce@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Hampton - Hampton Christian Academy “5K-The Warrior Way” Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Becky Chapman (757)599-3277, the4cees@cox.net.

Nov. 15, Richmond - Anthem Richmond Marathon, Half Marathon & 8K, 8am. Info: Race Director, 100 Avenue of Champions, Richmond, VA 23230, (804)285-9495, marathon@sportsbackers.org, http:// www.richmondmarathon.org/ Nov. 15, Virginia Beach - The Christmas Wish 5K & Youth 1 Mile Run, 9am. Info: (757)373-4174, team@mettleevents.com. Nov. 15, Virginia Beach - Virginia Fallen Heroes 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Warrior 8K Hill Run, 9am; 1/2 Mile Jr. FR, 9:10am. Info: Road Rage Events (757)409-1913, info@roadrageevents.com.

Nov. 16, Alexandria — .US National 12K. Open race for professionals and recreational runners. Season-ending race of USARC. Events include USATF Masters 12K Championship, USATF Club Road Racing Championship. Also included will be a onemile road race and kids’ fun run. Info: www.national12k.us Nov. 16, Clifton - Fall Backyard Burn Trail Running Series - Race #4, 5 mi. or 10 mi.; 9am. Info: info@ex2adventures.com. Nov. 22, Alexandria - Run for Shelter 10K 5K & FR; 8am. Info: (703)548-7500, information@carpentersshelter.org. Nov. 22, Falls Church - Spend Yourself 5K Run & 3K Walk, 8am. Info: (415)254-4031, aronowitz.daniel@gmail.com. Nov. 22, Newport News - Jingle Bell 5K Run, 9:30am; Reindeer Run & 1 Miler, 830am; 3K Walk, 9:45am. Info: Angela Courtney (757)456-1119, acourtney@arthritis.org. Nov. 22, Quantico - Turkey Trot 10K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (703)784-2225, marine.marathon@usmc.mil. Nov. 22, Virginia Beach - VB Runway 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1/2 Mile, 10am. Info: Jennifer@vbrunway5k.org. Nov. 22, Virginia Beach - The Carter Guinn Memorial Stressbuster 8K Cross Country, 9am. Info: (757)373-4174, team@mettleevents.com. Nov. 22-23, Norfolk - Harbor Lights Half Marathon, 7:30am (11/ 23); 5K, 8am (11/22). Info: (757)412-1056, info@jandaracing.com. Nov. 23, Crozet - Real Girls Run Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: Alyssa Godesky (410)336-7550, alyssa@badtothebone.biz. Nov. 23, Triangle - Fall Backyard Burn Trail Running Series - Race #5, 5 mi. or 10 mi.; 9am. Info: info@ex2adventures.com. Nov. 23, Vienna - Vienna Turkey Trot 5K & 10K, 8:30am. Info: turkeytrot@jmhsband.org. Nov. 27, Centreville - Virginia Run Turkey Trot 5K, 8am. Info: (703)815-1136, varunturkeytrot2014@gmail.com. Nov. 27, Fairfax - Fairfax Turkey Trot 5K, 9am. Info: Run Pacers (703)537-0630. Nov. 27, Manassas - Prince William Turkey Trot 5K & 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 8:30am. Info: (703)753-4470, info@funrunracing.com. Nov. 27, Newport News - Toys for Tots 5K, 8:30am. Info: Laura Cvitanovich (757)784-0960, info@happypaceraces.com. Nov. 27, Reston - Turkey Day 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:5am; Tot Trot100 yds., 9am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Nov. 27, Richmond - Richmond Turkey Trot 10K, 9am. Info: turkeytrot@rrrc.org. Nov. 27, Virginia Beach - Turkey Trot 10K, 9am; 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8:15am. Info: Dan Edwards (757)495-3551, lionrun@aol.com. Nov. 27, Williamsburg - Blue Talon Bistro Turkey Trot 5K, 8:30am; Kid’s 1 Mile, 9:30am. Info: team@mettleevents.com. Nov. 28, Reston - Gingerbread Man Mile, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Nov. 29, Accomac - Redneck Romp 10 Miler & 5K, 9:30am. Info: (757)999-4999, acderby@verizon.net. Dec. 6, Richmond - Rockin’ Marathon Relay, 10am. Info: Simon Gaskill (757)303-8514, simon@triviumracing.com. Dec. 6, Richmond - Nutzy’s Rotary Funn Run, 5K 8am. Info: lmccombs@1capitalbank.com. Dec. 6, Virginia Beach - Reindeer Rally, 7K Run 8am; 1/2 Mile Kids Run, 9:30am; 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: Road Rage Events (757)4091913, info@roadrageevents.com. Dec. 6, York County - St. Kateri’s Run/Walk With the Son for Haiti 5K, 8:30am. Info: Judy Townsend (757)876-2417, judy.townsend@verizon.net. Dec. 7, Fredericksburg - VA Runner Blue and Gray Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K Run, 7:45am. Info: (540)310-4803, vic@farc.org. Dec. 7, Reston - Run With Santa 5K, 8:30am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Dec. 7, Williamsburg - Chick-fil-A Christmas Town Dash 8K, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Family FR; 8am. Info: Flat Out Events (757)8808843. Dec. 13, Langley AFB - Langley Race Around the Base 10 Miler, 9am. Info: john.hickok@langley.af.mil. Dec. 13, Portsmouth - Santa Claus Shuffle 5K Race, 9am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: (757)488-9161, info@santaclausshuffle.org. Dec. 13, Reston - 12.13.14 15K Run & 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (703)913-0313, bhwhitson@gmail.com. Dec. 13, Virginia Beach - Holly Jolly 5K Run, 5K Walk; 9am. Info: sharonbrown774@aol.com. Dec. 13, Williamsburg - Sentara Sleighbell 5K Run. Info: Jim Elder (757)253-0277, jim@colonialsportscustom.com. Dec. 14, Fairfax - Frosty 5K, 8:30am; 1K FR, 8:35am; Tot Trot, 9:30am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Dec. 20, Virginia Beach - Surf-N-Santa 5 Miler, 4:30pm. Info: (757)412-1056, info@surfnsanta5miler.com.

Dec. 27, Alexandria - Christmas Cookie Burn 5K, 10am. Info: mgobryan@fasttrakracing.com. Dec. 31, Ashburn/Brambleton - Ringing in Hope: A New Year’s Celebration, 1K FR/Walk 9am; 5K Race 10am; 10K Race 10:10am. Info: (571)295-6424, info@ringinginhope.com. Dec. 31, Fairfax - Fairfax Four Miler, 6pm; Info: Run Pacers (703)537-0630. Jan. 1, Hampton - Sentara 5K, 11am. Info: Daniel Evans (757)766-2658, devans@sentarafitness.com. Jan. 1, Reston - New Year’s Day 5K, 10am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Jan. 17, Newport News - Menchville Winter Chill 5K, 10am. Info: Danny Garay (757)725-2100, satterfieldent@aol.com. Jan. 24, Chesapeake - Schock & Shivers Road to Hope 5K Race, Active Armor Challenge; 10am. Info: bwoolever@cox.net. Jan. 24, Yorktown - Knights of Columbus 10 Miler, 9am. Info: John Edwards (757)876-8386, murmur291@gmail.com. Jan. 31, Grafton - Cold F-F-Feet 5K, 10am. Info: elejnz@aol.com, tkharrah@msn.com.

WASHINGTON, DC Nov. 1, Washington, DC - The Congressional 5K & 5 Miler, 8:30am. Info: info@dcrunningclub.com. Nov. 2, Washington, DC - The Parks 10K, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Nov. 8, Washington, DC - DC Half and Half Marathon, 8am. Info: topdog@halfandhalfmarathon.com. Nov. 8, Washington, DC - Walk to End FGM 5K, 8am. Info: (703)818-3787, info@globalwomanpeacefoundation.org. Nov. 9, Washington, DC - Veteran’s Day 10K & Tidal Basin 2.2 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: events@runpacers.com. Nov. 27, Washington, DC - SOME’s Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger, 5K 9am. Info: (202)797-8806 (x10), trotforhunger@some.org. Dec. 7, Washington, DC - Jingle All the Way 8K, 9am. Info: events@runpacers.com. Dec. 13, Washington, DC - The 12K’s of Christmas Holiday Race, 12K Run/Walk, 9:30am. Info: (240)472-9201, info@dcrunningclub.com.

April 12, Washington, DC - Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run & 5K Run/ Walk - Lottery for entries opens 10am on Monday, 12/1/14 thru Midnight, Friday, 12/ 12/14; 10 Mile 7:30am (Elite Women @ 7:20am); 5K Run/Walk 8:40am. Info: www.cherryblossom.org. See Ad page 11.

WEST VIRGINIA Nov. 1, Ripley - WV 10K Warrior Run & 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (304)462-3044 or (304)549-3959, randy.j.perdue@wv.gov. Nov. 2, Huntington - Marshall University Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7am; 5 Mile Run/Walk, 7:15am. Info: director@healthytristate.org. Nov. 8, Paden City - Be the Light 5K, 7pm. Info: Kandi Loy-Kay (304)997-7462, loykandi@gmail.com. Nov. 15, West Union - Greenwood Wildcats 4-H Club Turkey Trot, 5K Run 9am; Kids Jake Jog, 10am. Info: Tabby Smith (304)873-3093, tabbyjlsmith@yahoo.com. Nov. 16, Monongah - Miles of Smiles Half Marathon, 2pm; 5K, 2:30pm. Info: Jim Woolfitt (304)825-6311, run2read@yahoo.com. Nov. 27, Parkersburg - Turkey Trot 3 Mile Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Joe Corra (304)488-4108, runjoerun@hotmail.com. Dec. 6, Morgantown - Ugly Holiday Sweater 5K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: uglyholidaysweater5k@gmail.com. Dec. 7, Inwood - South Berkeley Christmas 5K, 2pm. Info: southberkeleychristmas5k@hotmail.com. Dec. 20, Williamstown - Ryan Jobes Memorial 5K, 8am. Info: Kevin McCleary (304)488-3286, mccleary56@hotmail.com. Jan. 11, Fairmont - Run to Read Half Marathon, 1pm. Info: Jim Woolfitt (304)825-6311, run2read@yahoo.com.

TRACK & FIELD Dec. 6, Murfreesboro, TN - Christmas Invitational - Middle Tennessee State University, High Jump, Long Jump, Pole Vault, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Weight Throw, 55m, 200m. Info: Dean Hayes (615)898-2571, dhayes@mtsu.edu. Jan. 23-24, Nashville, TN - Vanderbilt Invitational, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault, Shot Put, Weight Throw, 60, 200, 400, 800, 1500, Hurdles. Info: Clark Humphery (615)322-8328, clark.humphery@vanderbilt.edu.

MULTI-SPORTS (Included in the Multi-sports calendar are single swimming and cycling events). Nov. 2, N. Little Rock, AR - Riverside Classic Mountain Bike Race, 10am. Info: Fred Phillips (870)246-6686, dltevents@yahoo.com. Nov. 8, Peachtree City, GA - Powerman USA Georgia Duathlon, 8am; Sprint: R-5K, B-30K, R-5K; Powerman: R-10K, B-60K, R-10K; PowerKids: R-1 mi., B-8K, R-1 mi.; Info: Becky (231)546-2229, info@powermanusa.org. Nov. 9, St. Johns, FL - Ultimate Tri at RiverTown, Sprint Triathlon; 7:45am. Info: melissa @ultimateracinginc.com. Nov. 9, Barbourville, KY - Frogs Gone Wild Sprint Triathlon, S-500m, B-17.4 mi., R-3.25 mi.; 9am. Info: dee_dole@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, McDonough, GA - Nitty Gritty Duathlon, R-5K Trail, B-12 Mile; 9am. Info: bethhealy@bellsouth.net. Nov. 15, New Roads, LA - Subaru of Baton Rouge River Roux

Triathlon, Half Distance & Sprint Distance; 7:15am. Info: Pat O’ Brien (225)454-3146, patop73@gmail.com. Nov. 16, Greenville, SC - Gran Fondo Hincapie Por las Rutas del Cafe, 164K, 100K, 70K & 21K Bike Ride; 8am. Info: Rich Hincapie (864)400-3040, granfondo@hincapiesports.com. Nov. 22, Tallahassee, FL - BrewTallaty Off-Road Duathlon, R3 mi.; Mtn. Bike-7 mi.; 10am. Info: jpetty@magnet.fsu.edu. Nov. 22, Buena Vista, GA - Big Dog Biathlon, 5K, 2 Shooting Stops, Targets at 25M, 150M Penalty Loops; 8am. Info: Big Dog Running Co. (706)322-2786. Dec. 6, St. Petersburg, FL - Ride & Run With The Stars, 25 Mile Bike Ride 8am; 10K Family Ride 8:15am; 5K Run 8:30am; 1 Mile Fun Walk/Skate 8:45am. Info: (727)464-7259, rd’jimas@pcsonet.com.

MARATHON Nov. 1, Wynne, AR - Midsouth Championship Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Ethan T. Cook (870)238-4610, ecook5381@aol.com. Nov. 1, Charleston, SC - South Carolina Trail Championships, Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K; 9am. Info: Info: Scott Bagwell (864)525-6702, scott@go-greenevents.com. Nov. 2, Bowling Green, KY - BG 26.2 & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: runner@traxrunning.com. Nov. 2, Raleigh, NC - Raleigh City of Oaks Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7am; 10K, 7:20am; YMCA Kids Marathon Mile, 7:30am. Info: committee@cityofoaksmarathon.com. Nov. 2, Huntington, WV - Marshall University Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7am; 5 Mile Run/Walk, 7:15am. Info: director@healthytristate.org. Nov. 8, Fort Oglethorpe, FL - Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, Half Marathon, Jr. Marathon & 5K; 7:30am. Info: Jenni Berz (423)8426265, jberz@chattanoogatrackclub.org. Nov. 9, Fort Myers, FL - Fort Myers Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. 5K, 7:05am. Info: Eident Racing (239)653-7881, support@eidentracing.com. Nov. 9, Pensacola, FL - Pensacola Marathon & Half Marathon, 6:30am. Info: (850)434-2800, info@marathonpensacola.com. Nov. 8, Columbus, GA - Soldier Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: info@soldiermarathon.com. Nov. 8, Nashville, TN - Nashville Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: questions@whatdoyourunfor.com. Nov. 9, Outer Banks, NC - Outer Banks Marathon & Half Marathon, Half 7am; Marathon 7:20am; 10K & 5K on 11/8. Info: (252)255-6273, info@obxse.org. Nov. 15, Texarkana, AR - Pow Wow Warrior Marathon, 8am. Info: (903)277-9392, bessgamblewilliams@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Tampa, FL - Chosen Race For Adoption Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: Yolanda Lemons (813)523-3023, ylemons@chosentampa.com. Nov. 15, Charlotte, NC - Charlotte’s Novant Health Thunder Road Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:45am (W/C 7:40am); 5K Run/ Walk, 8:15am (W/C 8:10am). Info: marathoninfo@runforyourlife.com.

Nov. 15, Richmond, VA - Anthem Richmond Marathon, Half Marathon & 8K, 8am. Info: Race Director, 100 Avenue of Champions, Richmond, VA 23230, (804)2859495, marathon@sportsbackers.org, http:// www.richmondmarathon.org/ Nov. 16, Lithia, FL - X-Country Marathon & 30K, 7am; Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. Nov. 22, Cotter, AR - White River Marathon for Kenya, Half Marathon, 5K Run or Walk; 7am. Info: rd@whiterivermarathon.com. Nov. 29, Stennis Space Center, MS - Mississippi Coast Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Nov. 30, Cocoa, FL - Space Coast Marathon, 6:30am; Half Marathon, 6am. Info: info@spacecoastmarathon.com.

Dec. 6, Baton Rouge, LA - Baton Rouge Beach Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; $90/ Marathon, $80 Half by 10/15, after $95/ Marathon, $85/Half. Info: Craig Watson (225)292-3800 (w), (225)324-3123 (c), (225)767-5211 (h), sailfish01@aol.com, www.brbeachmarathon.com. See Ad page 26. Dec. 6, Memphis, TN - St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend, Marathon, Half, Relay, 5K & Family Race; 8am. Info: St. Jude (800)565-5112, marathon@stjude.org, www.stjudemarathon.org. Dec. 7, West Palm Beach, FL - EAU Palm Beaches Marathon & Run Fest, Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay, 6:30am; 5K, 6:45am. Info: pbminfo@usroadsports.com.

Dec. 13, Huntsville, AL - Nike Rocket City Marathon, 8am; $90 P/M thru Oct., after $100 (online thru 12/1). Info: Suzanne Taylor (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeet huntsville.com, www.runrocketcity.com Dec. 13, Kiawah Island, SC - Kiawah Island Golf Resort Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: kiawah_marathon@kiawahresort.com. Dec. 14, Cape Coral, FL - Best Damn Race, Marathon & Half Marathon, 6:45am; 5K, 7:05am. Info: Nick Zivolich (727)726-4250, info@bestdamnrace.com.

www.running.net Dec. 27, Little Rock, AR - Three Bridges Marathon, 7am. Info: info@3bridgesmarathon.com. Dec. 28, Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Bank Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com, www.1stplacesports.com. Jan. 10, Jackson - Mississippi Blues Marathon (RRCA Marathon Championship Event) Half Marathon, Relay & Kids’ 1 Mile FR; $70-Marathon, $65-Half, $45-1/4 Marathon, $210-Relay, $10-Kids’ Marathon; $10 price increase after 1/4. Info: info@msbluesmarathon.com, www.msbluesmarathon.com. Jan. 11, Mobile, AL - Servis1st Bank First Light Marathon, Half Marathon & 5-Person Relay, 7:30am; 1.2 Mile FR & Kid’s Marathon, 2pm. Info: (251)438-2094, firstlightmarathon@hotmail.com.

Jan. 17, Warner Robins, GA - Museum of Aviation Foundation Marathon, 8am; Half Marathon, 8:15am; 5K, 8:30am. 13.1 & 5K flat tracks on Robins Air Force Base; USATF certified. Entry Limit: 1,500. Time Limit: 6 hrs. 2014 entrants: 1,000. Ave temp: 40 degrees. Register online at: http:// active.com. Contact Mary Lynn Harrison, (478)923-6600, marylynn.harrison@ museumofaviation.org. web site: www.museumofaviation.org Jan. 17, North Charleston, SC - Charleston Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am; Bike Rides on 1/18: 60 Mile 8:30am, 40 Mile, 8:45am, 20 Mile 9am. Info: info@charlestonmarathon.com. Jan. 18, Baton Rouge, LA - The Louisiana Marathon, Half Marathon, 7am; Quarter Marathon, 5K, 8am (tentative); Kids Marathon, 9:30am. Info: Craig Sweeney (888)786-2001, info@thelouisianamarathon.com. Jan. 25, Celebration, FL - Town of Celebration Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Ken Zambito (321)436-9742, kenruns26.2@gmail.com. Jan. 25, Pine Mountain, GA - Callaway Gardens Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: Dave Johnson (770)565-5208, eventsdj@aol.com, www.callawaygardens.com. Jan. 25, New Orleans, LA - Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon, Half Marathon & 2-Person Half Marathon Relay; 7am. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510, (800)311-1255. Jan 31-Feb. 1, Melbourne, FL - Publix Melbourne Music Marathon Weekend - 2/1: Marathon 6:30am; Half Marathon & Relay 7:05am; 1/31: Florida Today 8K, 7am; 5K, 8am. Info: Mitch Varnes (321)759-7200, info@themelbournemarathon.com. Feb. 7, Hilton Head Island, SC - Hilton Head Island Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K. Info: Bear Foot Sports (843)757-8520, bfs@hargray.com. Feb. 8, Fort Smith, AR - Fort Smith Marathon, Half Marathon & Marathon Relay, 8am. Info: fortsmithmarathon@gmail.com.

Feb. 8, Tallahassee, FL - Tallahassee Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:30am; $65/ Marathon, $45/Half 9/1-11/30; $75/$55 12/12/7; $90/$70 on Race Day (if space available). Info: tallahasseemarathon@ gmail.com, www.tallahasseemarathon. com. See Ad page 25. February 14, Myrtle Beach, SC MyrtleBeach.com Myrtle Beach Marathon, Dasani Half Marathon & WPDE Marathon Team Relay, 6:30am; Neon Night 5K 7pm & Ripley’s Family FR 5:30pm on 2/13. Info: (843)293-RACE (7223), mbmarathon@ yahoo.com, www.mbmarathon.com. See Ad page 2. Feb. 14-15, Gainesville, FL - Five Points of Life Race Weekend, 2/14: 5K, 8am; Kids Marathon, 9am; 2/15: Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay 7am. Info: (352)224-1644, bbwhitaker@lifesouth.org. Feb. 15, Fort Lauderdale, FL - Publix Fort Lauderdale A1A Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am (wheelchair 5:45am); 5K on 2/ 14, 7:30am. Info: Matthew Lorraine (561)865-5379, lorraine@exclusivesports.com. Feb. 15, Jacksonville, FL - 26.2 With Donna: The National Marathon to Fight Breast Cancer, Marathon & Half Marathon 7:30am. Info: (904)355-7465, info@breastcancermarathon.com. Feb. 15, Naples, FL - Paradise Coast Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 6:30am. Info: Jaeden Hamernik (239)719-1237, jdhamernik@yahoo.com. Feb. 21, Winder, GA - XTERRA Georgia “Thrill in The Hills” Marathon & Half Marathon, 8:30am. Info: (404)310-3628, tim@dirtyspokes.com. Feb. 28-March 1, Franklinton, LA - Q50 Races Extravaganza, 50 Miles, Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, & 5K. Info: info@q50races.com. March 1, Little Rock, AR - Little Rock Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 8am; 2/28: Little Rockers Kids Marathon/1 Mile, 10am. Info: Geneva Lamm (501)371-4639, glamm@littlerock.org. March 8, Lafayette, LA - Zydeco Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: info@zydecomarathon.com. March 7, Orlando, FL - Orlando Marathon & 12 Hour Ultramarathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am. Info: Neil Paulson (407)376-7000, neilpaulson@hotmail.com. March 7, Albany, GA - Albany, GA Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am (Wheelchair & Hand Crank 6:45am). Info: (229)317-4760, info@albanymarathon.com.

Running Journal • November, 2014 March 7, Raleigh, NC - Umstead Trail Marathon, 9am. Info: committee@umsteadmarathon.com. March 7, Columbia, SC - Run Hard Columbia Marathon, Half Marathon & Marathon Relay, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: Crossover Athletics (803)414-9508, jess@crossoverathletics.org. March 15, Asheville, NC - Asheville Marathon & Half Marathon at Biltmore Estate, 7:30am. Info: events@idaph.net. March 15, Cary, NC - Allscripts Tobacco Road Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; $80/Marathon, $70/Half by 10/31; $90/$80 11/1-12/ 31; $100/$90 1/1-3/10; after 3/10 $110/$100. Info: www.tobaccoroadmarathon.com. March 15, Newport News, VA - The Newport News One City Marathon & Relay, 7am; Maritime 8K, 7:45am; Nautical Mile, 10am. Info: City of Newport News (757)926-8621, marathon@nngov.com. March 21-22, Virginia Beach, VA - Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Weekend, 3/21: 8K 7:45am; 3/22: Half Marathon 7am; Marathon 8:30am. Info: J&A Racing (757)412-1056, info@shamrockmarathon.com. March 22, Fort Bragg, NC - Fort Bragg All American Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K; 7:30am. Info: allamericanmarathon@gmail.com. March 29, Fayetteville, AR - Hogeye Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7:30am. Info: (479)530-8432, rd@hogeyemarathon.com. March 29, Knoxville, TN - Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, Half Marathon, 4-Person & 2-Person Relay; 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am. Info: Jason Altman (865)684-4294, info@knoxvillemarathon.com. April 5, Charlottesville, VA - Charlottesville Marathon, Relay & Half Marathon, 7am; 8K, 7:30am; Kids Mile, 9am. Info: (434)2180402, francesca@badtothebone.biz. April 18, Roanoke, VA - Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 7:35am; YMCA Kids Marathon, 7:45am. Info: Pete Eshelman, Race Dir. (540)343-1550 (x104), pete@roanokeoutside.com. April 18-19, Sterling, VA - The North Face Endurance Challenge, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon Relay, Marathon, 50K & 50 Mile; 5am. Info: Jeff Ball (469)475-1317, endurancechallenge@hawkeyeww.com. April 25, Louisville, KY - Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon & miniMarathon, Info: Deja Lawson (502)584-3378, minimarathon@kdf.org.

ULTRAS Nov . 1, Nashville, TN - Nashville Ultra Marathon, 50K, 60K, 70K or 50 Miles; 7am. Info: Dennis Freeman (615)445-5077, dennis@nashvilleultra.com. Nov. 8, Palm Coast, FL - Oceans 50 Relay Race, Teams: 2 runners; 3-6 runners; Solo Option. Info: carrie@triumphraces.com. Nov. 8, Upper Marlboro, MD - Rosaryville Veteran’s Day 50K, 8am. Info: Tom DeKornfeld (410)562-4489, tdekornfeld@yahoo.com. Nov. 9, Peachtree City, GA - Peachtree City 50K & 25K, 7:30am. Info: thatmarathonmom@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Huntsville, AL - Dizzy Fifties Trail Run, 50K, 40 Miles & 50 Miles; 6:30am. Info: Don Alan Hankins (256)694-8187, dahankins2000@yahoo.com. Nov. 15, Blue Ridge Recreational Area, GA - Tortoise and the Hare 50K Ultra, 7am. Info: Toni McAlister (770)256-3844, tonimcalister@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Kennesaw, GA - Miles for Maria Epic, 1/6/12/24 Hour Run for Epilepsy, 8am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Nov. 15, Aberdeen, NC - Old Glory Trail Trot, 50 Miler, 5am; 50K, 6am; 50 Mile Relay, 7am; 10 Miler, 8am. Info: Tom Hurd (931)5612678, spultraclub@gmail.com. Nov. 15, Hiddenite, NC - Rocky 50K, 8:30am. Info: Rick French (828)632-9332, rfrench@alexandercounty.nc.gov. Nov. 16, Norris, TN - Norris Dam Hard Trail Race, 50K & 25K; 7am. Info: Chris George (865)223-1242, chefchris@frontier.com. Nov. 22, Birmingham, AL - Tranquility Lake 50K, 50K & 25K Trail Race; 7am. Info: David Tosch (205)262-9714, david@davidtosch.com. Nov. 22, Boonsboro, MD - JFK 50 Mile, 7am. Info: (301)739-7004, spinnlerm@msn.com. Nov. 29, Derby, NC - Derby 50K Ultra Run, 8am. Info: runrbike@etinternet.net. Dec. 6, Sorrento, FL - Masters of All Terrain 50K & 50 Mile Ultra, 7am. Info: nic@mastersofallterrain.com. Dec. 7, Vedra Beach, FL - Guana Back to Nature Trail Races, 50K Ultra, 50K Relay, 8am; 12K, 1pm. Info: Mark Ryan (50K) (904)3383230, Bob Fernee (12K) (904)743-3161, bob@lstplacesports.com. Dec. 7, Pine Mountain, GA - Pine Mountain 40 Mile Trail Run, 7am. Info: pm40@getguts.com. Dec. 13, Wakulla Springs State Park, FL - Tallahassee Ultradistance Classic, 50K & 50 Mile; 7am. Info: runlong@nettally.com. Dec. 13, McClellanville, SC - Last Chance 50K Trail Run & Relay, 7am. Info: eagle.endurance@gmail.com. Dec. 13, Burns, TN - Ringer Bell 50K & 25K Trail Run, 7am. Info: (731)358-9724, ryan.forbess@tn.gov. Dec. 20, Birmingham, AL - BUTS Bearly Ultra (27 mi.), Cub Half Ultra (13.5 mi.) & Wolf Pack Relay Run, 8am. Info: events@runbuts.com. Dec. 20, Chattanooga, TN - Lookout Mountain 50 Miler, 7:30am; 10K, 8am. Info: events@rockcreek.com. Dec. 20, Virginia Beach, VA - Seashore Nature Trail 50K, 8:30am. Info: Stacin Martin (757)839-7711, stacin.martin@gmail.com. Dec. 21, Santa Rosa Beach, FL - The Winter Solstice Run, 40, 20 or 10 Miles; 6:30am. Info: Casey Tindell-Trejo (850)396-3689, casey.trejo@amavida.com. Dec. 27, FWB//Destin, FL - Round the Bay Relay/Ultra, 36.8 Miles; 6:30am. Info: Dennis Samac (850)678-6682, samacd@valp.net. Dec. 31, Huntsville, AL - Recover From The Holidays 50K, 8am. Info: Christy & Tony Scott (256)508-1925, fitnessonthemove@gmail.com. Jan. 3, Brooksville, FL - The Croom Zoom 100K & 50K, 6am; 25K, 7am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com.

CLASSIFIED All classified ads in this section also appear on Running Journal's Web site. You pay only 60¢ per word, an average of only $3 per line. Minimum charge is $5 per month. We appreciate payment with ad, but we're happy to bill you. Mail to Running Journal, POB 157, Greeneville, TN 37744, 423-638-4177, rj@running.net, www.running.net. Jan. 3-4, Alcoa, TN - The Pistol Ultra, 50K (Solo & Relay), 7:55am; 100K & 100 Mile, 8am. Info: Will Jorgensen (865)740-1717, thepistolultra@gmail.com, www.pistolultra.com Jan. 17, Coker, AL - Tashka Trail 50K & 25K, 7am; 4 Mile Race, 7:15am. Info: alibama@gmail.com. Jan. 17, Tsali Recreation Area, NC - Frosty Foot 30K & 50K Trail, 8:30am 50K; 9am 30K. Info: Ellen Seagle (828)687-2826, footrxpr@footrxasheville.com. Jan. 18, Clearwater, FL - Clearwater Distance Festival, 50K Ultra, Marathon, Halfathon, 5 Miler & 5K Walk; 7:05am (Wheelchair 7am). Info: flroadraces@aol.com, www.floridaroadraces.com Feb. 13-15, Baton Rouge, LA - The Rouge-Orleans Ultra Marathon & Team Relay, 126.2 Miles, Teams of 2, 3, or 6; 50 Mile option; 7pm (2/13). Info: therougeorleans@gmail.com. Feb. 14-15, Destin, FL - Destin Beach Ultra Runs, 2/14: 24hr. & 100 Mile, 4pm; 5K, 8am. 2/15: 50 Mile 5am; 50K 6 am; Relay 7am; Info: destin50@live.com. Feb. 28-March 1, Franklinton, LA - Q50 Races Extravaganza, 50 Miles, Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, & 5K. Info: info@q50races.com. March 1, Brooksville, FL - Long Play (LP), 33 1/3 Mile 6:30am; Half Marathon & 5 Mile 7am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. March 1, Bryceville, FL - Angry Tortoise 25K & 50K, 7am. Info: Charlie Sauter-Hunsberger (904)502-9407, stridershogjog@gmail.com. March 15, Laurel, MS - Carl Touchstone Memorial Mississippi Trail 50, 6am/50 mi. & 50K, 8am/20K. Info: Dennis Bisnette (601)4257005 (d), (601)477-2610 (n), info@ms50.com. April 4, Brooksville, FL - Croom 50 Mile, 6am; 50K & 16 Mile, 7am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. April 18, Moncure, NC - Jordan Lake 12-Hour Challenge, 7am. Info: Erin Suwattana (919)542-6644 (x14), erin@childcarenetworks.org. April 18-19, Sterling, VA - The North Face Endurance Challenge, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon Relay, Marathon, 50K & 50 Mile; 5am. Info: Jeff Ball (469)475-1317, endurancechallenge@hawkeyeww.com. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation. 1. Title of publication: Running Journal. 2. Publication No. 742-650. 3 Date of filing: Oct. 2014. 4. Frequency of issue: Monthly. 5. No. of issues published annually: 12. 6. Annual subscription price: $19.95. 7. Complete mailing address of known office of publication: PO Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744-0157, 200 South Main St., Greeneville, TN 37743-4930. 8. Complete mailing address of the headquarters of general business offices of the publisher: see 7. 9. Full names and complete mailing address of publisher, editor, and managing editor: Publisher: Bruce Morrison, PO Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744-0157. Editor: Mary Lou Day, PO Box 157, Greeneville, TN37744-0157. 10. Owner: Carolina Runner, Inc., PO Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744. 11. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: Bruce Morrison, 200 S. Main St., Greeneville, TN 37743; John M. Jones, Jr., 200 S. Main St., Greeneville, TN 37743; Alex Jones, 200 S. Main St., Greeneville, TN 37743; Gregg K. Jones, 200 S. Main St., Greeneville, TN 37743; Sara Harbison, 200 S. Main St., Greeneville, TN 37743; Edith Jones Floyd, 200 S. Main St., Greeneville, TN 37743. 12. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and exempt status for federal income tax purposes: N/A. 13. Publication title: Running Journal. 14. Issue date for circulation data below: Oct. 2014. 15. 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