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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Summer Training

Running Journal

“We Run The South”

Including Multi-Sports Events, Ultra Running, and Racewalking August 2015

Racing South Edition





Talent or Effort, Which One Wins? SHARK Adventure Run 4.5 miles RC Cola and Moon Pie 10 mile run Sunshine Festival of Races 5K Rhododendron 10K Sunrise Run 8K


Running Journal • August, 2015


CONTENTS On the Cover: Runners take off at the start of the Grandfather Mountain Marathon held on July 11 in Boone, NC. See Results, page 27 Photo by Your Sporting Image (yoursportingimage.com). Running Journal Grand Prix Champions following the Cotton Row 10K on Memorial Day. See story page 29 L-R: Brenda Cooter, Jacob Cooter, Sherman Stanford, Betty Burrell, Larry Marett, Shirley Smith & Bob Nelson Photo by Patty Nelson

Race Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Features Jeff Galloway Turns 70, Going Strong, Bruce Morrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 It’s Not All About The Bling, Lou Galli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Legacy of Nina May Brekelmans, George Banker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Columns This Running Life, Teri Saylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Running Through the Age Groups, Mary Margaret McEachern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Learning from the Young Guns, Ryan Warrenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Running Through the Bluegrass, Tracy Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Distance Memories, Scott Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Masters Running, Lena Hollmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Women’s Running, Carolyn Mather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Down the Road, Cedric Jaggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Inspired Daily, Rae Ann Darling Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 He Said, She Said, Mary Marcia Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Running Psychology, Richard Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Race Results

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

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Running Journal P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744 200 S. Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 638-4177 • FAX (423) 638-3328 E-mail: rj@running.net • www.running.net

Vol. 31, No. 12 President/Publisher Bruce Morrison E-mail: bruce.morrison@running.net Publisher Emeritus Julie Morrison, 1954-2002 Vice President/Advertising John Cash Editor and General Manager Mary Lou Day E-mail: marylou.day@running.net Advertising Rep / Calendar Editor Shirley Woodward E-mail: shirley.woodward@running.net Production Manager Rebecca Garay-León Circulation Manager E-mail: rj@running.net Administrative Assistant Becky Miller Contributing editors: Mary Marcia Brown, Nancy Clark, Rae Ann Darling Reed, JimDugger, Richard Ferguson, Lee Fidler, Bryan Graydon, Tracy Harris Green, Lena Hollmann, Scott Ludwig, Cedric Jaggers, Ellen Jaffe Jones, Ray Krolewicz, Carolyn Mather, Mary Margaret McEachern, Nicholas Norfolk, Pete Rea, Teri Saylor, Ryan Warrenburg. Correspondents: George Banker, Robert Carver, Sonja Friend-Uhl, Chuck George, Karen Gordon, Winston Howell, Jesse Lindsey, Diane Lyons, Rick Melanson, Jerry Schohl, Claude Sinclair, Leonard Vergunst, Jim Young, Jerry Yunker. Record keepers: Alabama/Mississippi/Tennessee/Kentucky - Buck Jones, 2920 Eastern Shore Dr., Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763. Arkansas - Randy Taylor, 102 Weston Place, Little Rock, AR 72211. Georgia - Joyce Hodges-Hite, PO Box 717, Millen, GA 30442.Maryland Tim O’Keefe, 7214 Limestone Lane, Middletown, MD 21769. North Carolina - Neville Wood, 5309 Chamisal Pl., Raleigh, NC 27613. South Carolina - Bill Marable, 5 Windchime Ct., Simpsonville, SC 29681. Virginia - Robert Platt, 1300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Washington, DC - George Banker, 7507 Overlook Ct., Oxon Hill MD 20745. West Virginia - Carl Hatfield, 712 S. Chestnut St., Clarksburg, WV 26301. Chairman, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Gene Newman, 920 N. Night Heron Dr., Green Valley, AZ 85614. V.P./East, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Dr., Wilson, NC 27896. Regional course certifiers: John DeHaye, 824 Annalau Ave., Huntsville, AL 35802 (AL). Don Potter, 440 Lower Ridge Rd., Conway, AR 72032 (AR). Doug Loeffler, 1399 W. Royal Palm Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33486 (FL). Woody Cornwell, 1724 Brighton Way, Dalton, GA 30721 (GA). Matthew Studholme, 452 Brookhill Drive, Abingdon, VA 24210 (KY, MS, TN, WV). John Ferguson, 3026 Sesbania, Austin, TX 78748-1912 (LA). John Sissala, 120 Evans St., Rockville, MD 20850 (MD). Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Drive, Wilson, NC 27896 (NC). Brian N. Smith, 1827 Falling Creek Circle, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464- 7415 (SC). Robert Thurston, 13 Kennedy St. NE, Washington, DC 20011 (VA, DC). RRCA Southern Region Director: Ron Macksoud, Montgomery, AL. E-mail: SouthernDirector@RRCA.org. RRCA Eastern Region Director: Mark Grandonico, 62 Back Cove Est., Portland, ME 04101. E-mail: eastdir@rrca.org. State RRCA reps: AL - Ron Macksoud. AR - David Meroney. DC - Paul Thompson. FL - Don Nelson (S. FL), Bryan Graydon (N. FL). GA - Mariska Van Rooden. KY - Donna England. LA - Betsy Boudreaux. MD - Dwight Mikulis. MS - Bryan Lagg. NC - Peter Asciutto. SC - Tim Arthurs, TN Sherilyn Johnson. VA - Goody Tyler. WV - Tom Kramer. Contact information for State RRCA reps can be found at www.rrca.org/clubs. Contents of Running Journal are copyright 2014 by Carolina Runner Inc. No part of this publication, including artwork and advertising, may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Exception: Nonprofit running, bi/tri, walking club publications expressly granted reasonable usage of news and racing calendar information if credit is given to Running Journal. Running Journal (ISSN 0892-5038) is published monthly at a subscription rate of $19.95 yearly by Carolina Runner Inc., 200 South Main St., Greeneville,TN 37743. Second-class postage paid at Greeneville, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville,TN 37744.


Running Journal • August, 2015


This Running Life Original NC Roadrunners Still Trucking Along In the world of running, they say people who run together stay together. I was a stranger to running when I first joined the Galloway Marathon Training program about 10 years ago, so nervous about trying to run I forgot the location of the first meet-up and caught the group just in time to finish the last two miles of a three-mile outing. I had no idea what pace group I should follow, but the 11minute group turned out to be a good one for someone who felt like she would die and evaporate after a 45-minute 5K. Membership in the North Carolina Roadrunners Club came soon after, but I had to work up the nerve to join. It took an entire marathon to convince me I was finally a runner and therefore eligible to belong to the club. Oh the things you talk about over long hours of training and traveling to races together - the body parts you never knew you had until they started hurting. What happens when you consume too much gel. The best spots to squat in the woods. You learn that when you bend over to pick up a dropped water bottle and can't stand back up, someone's going to grab you around the waist, hoist you upright and never let you live it down. Today, some of my own great friendships were forged on the roadways and greenway trails, in the middle of marathons, at the volunteer tent, and through the NCRC. On a steamy Saturday morning last June, I spent a few hours celebrating true friendship with the very heart of the Roadrunners Club and walked away lifted up in the spirit of a sport that has little to do with actual running. It is about kindred spirits coming together from different walks of life into a brother-and-sisterhood, nurtured for decades across hundreds of miles and dozens of pairs of running shoes. Al Terry chronicles regular walks, breakfast meet-ups, birthdays and social gatherings in photos and postings on Facebook. And if you think these activities are something new, think again. Just ask Terry how long his group has been together, and he'll look thoughtful for a moment before he says, “about 40 years.” Back in 1979, when Tom Phillips started the North Carolina Roadrunners Club

By Teri Saylor

out of the Hackney's Sporting Goods store in Raleigh, a group of local runners were in their prime. Terry, who recently turned 81, was 36 years old. Bob Ross, 90 who blogs about his solo excursions to the USA's national parks and served two terms as the Roadrunners Club's president, was 54. Ken Long, who is now 87 and has moved on to become a gold medalist in the Senior Games, was 51. Today, a visitor is more likely to see hiking poles and hearing aids on display more than Garmins and iPods, though some of the members still run and haven't recovered from marathon fever. “I was 55 when I ran my first marathon,” Long said. “We all had marathon fever back then. The Chariots of Fire theme song was so inspiring to us.” The Roadrunner Club's very first group run took place in Umstead State Park in Raleigh with over 30 runners and a dachsund named Peanut Butter, according to the history. The club's first 5K was held on February 24, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. The entry fee was $2.50 for the general public and $1.50 for club members. That race has survived over the years and is now called the Run for the Roses, since it is so close to Valentine's Day. All of the female runners receive a rose at the finish line. The club's founders were Raleigh's race directors, long before the mega-races came to town. Before the Rock 'n' Roll races, the 13.1 series, the Ironman 70.1. Before road racing became an industry, the early Roadrunners Club members ran races with names like the Collard Festival Footrace, the Spivey's Corner Hollerin' Run, and the Charlotte Running Mates Road Race (for married couples only). The NCRC was a tight-knit group. They ran together on Saturday and

Sunday mornings and during the week. They targeted the Shamrock races in Virginia Beach and trained together to run marathons. In recent years, the club has traded in its weekend and Wednesday night runs for Thursday social runs during the summer. But Terry's group, the original NCRC, is still trucking along, keeping with the old schedule. Walking, running or cycling on the weekends and on Wednesday nights. Then they meet up for socializing over breakfast or coffee. “We've been hanging out all these years,” said Long. “Come September, we will have been together for 36 years. We've been friends for a long time.” The group spans generations, with runners and walkers in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. On that hot day in June, it was time for celebrations. Terry had just celebrated his 81st birthday and Iris Vinegar was celebrating her 89th. The group, which number nearly 20, served up an enormous chocolate cake, nearly as large as one of the tables set up in the food court at the Crabtree Valley Mall. The cake, thick with icing, was more than they could handle, so they passed slices around to others on the food court and to the servers behind the McDonalds counter. Vinegar ran marathons well into her 80s, including the Chicago Marathon in 2009, when she was 83. She thinks she may still have another big race in her and would love to go out by running the New York City Marathon. Rodney Johnson, one of the early NCRC presidents vividly remembers his 2:37 marathon PR before a terrible car crash destroyed his short term memory and put an end to his running days. But he's still a regular in the walking bunch. His running friends took care of him after the wreck and they look after him now. “This group is like a second family,” Terry said. “We're best friends. We all ran together. Now we walk together.” Sure, they are a little slower, a little grayer, but still fit, happy and moving. “We have a lot of memories to share, and we invent a few too,” said Long, laughing. “We're not so fast anymore, but our minds, hearts and souls work just



Running Journal • August, 2015


Running Through the Age Groups Aging Gracefully? I'm Fighting It All The Way July 4 was my 45th Birthday. I plan to run faster than I ever have in my life. Some would say there is no way I can post another sub-5:20 mile, sub-19:00 5K, sub-40:00 10K, sub-1:30 half marathon, or sub-3:15 marathon. Having lost what some would say were my best potential decades for running (my 20's and 30's) to injuries and surgeries, I guess I am more determined than ever to keep improving rather than succumb to the notion that I'll never be as good as I once was. And I am inspired, really inspired! Whether by accident, fate, or perhaps just having more awareness due to my own “advancing” age, I've noticed I'm in some pretty good company. It's amazing how many race results reveal that it's often the 40-somethings and even 50-somethings who are posting the overall fastest times in races. The reasons, I'm sure, are numerous, but I would suspect that this is partly due to our increased awareness of nutrition, exercise and other health-promoting lifestyles. It could also be due to the fact that by the time one reaches one's 40's, the

By Mary Margaret McEachern

years of partying and child-rearing are largely in the past and you can concentrate on training. It could be the ability to train more consistently by making wiser choices in one's more mature years. Or it could be that all those fast folks with whom I competed in my teens are now also in their mid-40's and are still fast simply because they have always been fast! I'm sure it's a combination of factors, including but probably not limited to the above, but I for one am thrilled to witness and be able to be a part of this “fast masters” phenomenon, and I absolutely cher-

American Ninja Warrior! For those of you familiar with that program, you know! For those who've not watched it, it makes running a marathon look like a cakewalk. It's basically an obstacle course “on steroids,” involving obstacles which to me seem humanly impossible. Athletes from all over the country compete in qualifying rounds with the winner ultimately claiming a $1,000,000 prize. It is televised nationally and has become a cult-favorite of many “super-athlete wanna-be's” with delusions of grandeur. Chuck has trained tirelessly for the competition, with incredible routines, including up to 500 push-ups per day and 400-500 pull-ups a week! That would make even the youngest, most strapping men wither. I cannot do even one pull-up! And how about 92-year-old Harriette Thompson, who just set a new world record as the oldest woman to finish a marathon? Needless to say, this lady is not letting any grass grow under her feet! So, with all that said, I certainly don't think, nor do I want, to use advancing age as an excuse for not continually striving to improve my running. My improvement is happening; it's a bit slow, but it is definitely happening. Just the other day I took a look at some of my times from 10 years ago at age 35, and I am happy to report a significant improvement at all distances. I feel better, I'm completely pain-free and have been for some time now, I am ten pounds lighter, and I'm enjoying my running more than ever. Will I break 6:00 for the mile again? Will I run that 39-something 10K or that 18-something 5K? Well, only time can truly tell, but what I do know is that I will keep striving for these goals. Perhaps as I get older, I'll even go after some new ones (dare I say, American Ninja Warrior?!). One thing I've learned from the inspirational folks discussed above, and countless others, is that getting older doesn't have to mean hanging up those racing flats! It brings with it the wisdom earned from countless years of dealing with injuries and other adversity, up times and down times, races won and races lost. It brings with it the right to say you've known, watched and grown with some pretty incredible and inspirational athletes. It brings with it the hope of becoming a similar inspiration one day. It brings with it the joy of reliving runs and races past, and looking forward with excitement to those yet to come. In a word, getting older is a privilege not to be taken for granted, so all of you masters runners, both seasoned and new, no time is better than to present to set some lofty goals and go for them! Until next time, Happy Running!

ish being in the company of some incredible athletes! Here are just a few inspirational stories. Inspiration #1 is a member of the Wilmington Road Runners Club. She is in her mid-50's and routinely places in the top three overall in local races, usually against some pretty stiff competition. She can run a sub-21:00 5K, even in sultry mid-summer Wilmington races. Recently, she took First Grand Masters by a landslide at a mountain halfmarathon, running 1:43 on an extremely challenging course that involved climbing a mountain at ten miles. She left “yours truly” in the dust by some four minutes! I have known her and watched her over the past several years and she shows no signs of slowing down. Inspiration #2 is another local runner, about my age, and a member of the Grand Strand Running Club in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She can fly through a 10K in under 42 minutes, and just recently won (I said won, as in First Overall Female) three marathons in three consecutive days out west. I was absolutely dumbstruck when I saw this result. Wow! Inspiration #3 is a runner by the name of Zola Petierse (formerly Zola Budd). Eons ago, when I was 15, I watched in amazement as this slightly-built, 18-year-old barefoot runner from South Africa came out of nowhere to wow the running world with record-setting times. Due to an unfortunate event at the Olympic Games wherein she was blamed for accidentally tripping then-favorite, Mary Decker Slaney, during the 1500 meter final, she fell largely out of the limelight for many years. Then, several years ago, she resurfaced in Myrtle Beach after having married and reared a family. I was thrilled to hear that my old idol had moved so close to home. Needless to say, I've gotten to witness her greatness first-hand in several local races. Now, even at age 49, she continues to fly, more often than not taking First Overall Female; she can still run half marathons in 1:21. Then there's Inspiration #4. I really cannot say enough about this guy as I have known him as an exceptional runner and athlete my entire life. He is 72 and lives in Oak Island, North Carolina, not far from Wilmington. I recall fondly the days he and his wife hosted me on trips to races in South Carolina when I was barely old enough to drive. His name is Chuck Mammay (and did I mention that he is now 72), he is a great- Mary Margaret can be reached at grandfather, and he competes on mmmceachern@bellsouth.net

CAPTURE YOUR GEL-QUANTUM 360 ™ ON JULY 15 TH AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS. ARKANSAS DILLARDS Park Plaza Center 6000 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR 501-661-0053 Turtle Creek 3000 E. Highland, Jonesboro, AR 870-932-6300 MC Cain Mall 3929 MC Cain Blvd., North Little Roc, AR 501-771-4100 Pinnacle Hills Promen 2101 Promenade Blvd., Rogers, AR 479-936-7984 Central Mall 5111 Rogers Ave., Fort Smith, AR 479-484-5700 FINISH LINE Northwest Arkansas 4201 N Shiloh Dr., 1045, Fayetteville, AR 479-571-0284 Park Plaza Mall 6000 W. Markham St., Unit 1025, Little Rock, AR 501-663-1909 Pinnacle Hills Promenade 2203 South 45th St., 3180, Rogers, AR 479-636-0790 TRADEHOME Central Mall 5111 Rogers Ave., Sp. #187,Fort Smith, AR 479-452-3507

FLORIDA ACTION KIDS 19575 Biscayne Blvd., Ste. 591, Miami, FL 305-384-1799 ATHLETE’S FOOT 78 E Flagler St., Miami, FL 305-536-9036 ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR 12801 W Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 139, Sunrise, FL 954-846-1755 CHAMPS International Plaza 2223 N West Shore Blvd., Ste. 129, Tampa, FL 813-353-1703 University Town Center 140 University Tn Ctr. Dr., Ste 197, Sarasota, FL 941-893-1065 Sawgrass Mills Mall 12801 West Sunrise Blvd., Sp 879, Sunrise, FL 954-846-8067

Aventura Mall 19575 Biscayne Blvd., Sp 1239 & 1245, Aventura, Fl 305-937-0241

FOOTLOCKER 11401 NW 12th St., Miami, FL 786-838-0621

Dadeland Mall 7439A N Kendall Dr., Miami, FL 305-665-1590

1455 NW 107th Ave., Doral, FL 305-592-1978

Dolphin Mall 11401 NW 12th St., Ste 434, Miami, FL 305-463-7081 Boca Town Center 6000 Glades Rd., Ste. 1033, Boca Raton, FL 561-392-6115 The Gardens Mall 3101 PGA Blvd., Sp D107, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 561-624-1320 Florida Mall S8001 Orange Blossom Trl., Sp. 1220, Orlando, FL 407-240-3715 FIRST PLACE SPORTS 3931 Baymeadows Rd., Jacksonville, FL 904-731-3676 FIT 2 RUN 8249 Cooper Creek Blvd., University Park, FL 941-358-5100

19575 Biscayne Blvd., Aventura, FL 305-932-7564 9215 W Atlantic Blvd., Coral Springs, FL 954-752-2311 12801 West Sunrise Blvd., Sunrise, FL 954-838-7370 6000 Glades Rd., Boca Raton, FL 561-368-8153 S 8001 Orange Blossom Trl., Orlando, FL 407-857-6190 401 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 305-374-2793 2223 N West Shore Blvd., Tampa, FL 813-353-1777 6978 Tyrone Sq. Ste., 776, St. Petersburg, FL 727-345-4165 3250 NW Federal Hwy., Jensen Beach, FL 772-692-1103 1626 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 305-673-9726

10300 Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington, FL 561-753-9343

4973 International Dr., Orlando, FL 407-352-0804

2223 N West Shore Blvd., Tampa, FL 813-873-2786

7265 N. Kendall Dr., Miami, FL 305-663-5737

401 Biscayne Blvd., 128, Miami, FL 305-379-5625 6000 Glades Rd., Ste. 1350, Boca Raton, FL 561-362-3834 Disney 1494 E Buena Vista Dr., # A, Orlando, FL 407-560-8333 Dolphin Mall 11401 NW 12th St., Ste. 324, Miami, FL 786-220-8451 21390 Fashion Dr., Ste. 109, Estero, FL 239-947-2786 6419 W Newberry Rd, Gainesville, FL 352-872-5860 7535 N Kendall Dr., #2440, Miami, FL 305-667-4786 653 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, FL 305-763-8082 1810 Tamiami Trl N, Naples, FL 239-263-3811 8001 S Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando, FL 407-608-7786 1400 Main St., Sarasota, FL 941-364-2674

LADY FOOTLOCKER Boca Town Center 6000 Glades Rd., Boca Raton, FL 561-368-4764 RUNNER’S AND CO 10365 NW 41st St., Doral, FL 305-599-9972 RUNNING WILD 2563 E Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-565-9400 3012 E Cervantes St., Pensacola, FL 850-435-9222 SOLE LEATHER 11401 NW 12th St., Ste. 134, Miami, FL 305-468-1517

CAPTURE YOUR GEL-QUANTUM 360 ™ ON JULY 15 TH AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS. SPORTIVE 12801 W Sunrise Blvd., Sunrise, FL 954-846-0049 401 Biscayne Blvd., 128, Miami, FL 305-377-4489

727-669-7306 Citrus Park Town Center 8139 Citrus Park Town Ctr, 120, Tampa, FL 813-926-4620

401 Biscayne Blvd., #128, Miami, FL 305-377-4489

Tyrone Square 2288 Tyrone Court, Room 922, St. Petersburg, FL 727-343-5434

SPORTIVE INC 3015 Grand Ave., Ste. 230, Miami, FL 305-441-8661

Destin Commons 4321 Legendary Dr,. Room D 122, Destin, FL 850-650-6688

SPORTSACTION 11401 NW 12th St., Ste. 220, Miami, FL 305-591-7111 DILLARDS Florida Mall 8001 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 407-240-1771 St Johns Town Center 4755 Town Crossing Dr., Jacksonville, FL 904-641-0471 Galleria 2500 East Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdal, FL 954-565-5245 Pembroke Lakes Mall 11945 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 954-450-8661 FINISH LINE The Mall at Millenia 4200 Conroy Rd., Ste. 120, Orlando, FL 407-226-1165 Dolphin Mall 11401 NW 12th St., Ste. 280, Miami, FL 305-718-8335 Sawgrass Mills 12801 W Sunrise Blvd., 627, Sunrise, FL 954-838-8674 The Florida Mall 8001 South Orange Blossom Trail, 670, Orlando, FL • 407-855-2021 Sawgrass Mills #2 12801 W Sunrise Blvd., Sunrise, FL 954-449-6110 Altamonte Mall 451 Altamonte Ave., 1241, Altamonte Springs, FL 407-339-5323 The Gardens Mall 3101 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 561-293-3686 The Shops at Pembroke Gardens 521 SW 145th Terrace, 7120, Pembroke Pines, FL • 954-433-5179 Coastland Center 1840 N Tamiami Trail, L13, Naples, FL 239-403-3849 Countryside Mall 27001 US Hwy 19 N, 1007A, Clearwater, FL

Broward Mall 8000 W Broward Blvd., 804, Plantation, FL 954-370-9833 Brandon Town Center 622 Brandon Town Ctr, Brandon, FL 813-684-0118 The Shops at Wiregrass 28210 Paseo Dr., 120, Wesley Chapel, FL 813-994-8963

The Mall at Millenia 4200 Conroy Rd., Orlando, FL 407-354-5783

GEORGIA BIG PEACH RUNNING CO 5530 Windward Pkwy., Ste. D420, Alpharetta, GA 678-739-4616 705 Town Blvd., NE Apt. 340, Brookhaven, GA 404-816-8488 800 Peachtree St. NE Ste. B, Atlanta, GA 404-602-9903 1062 Johnson Ferry Rd., Ste. C, Marietta, GA 770-579-0444

Ellenton Premium Outlets 5339 Factory Shops Blvd., Unit 550, Ellenton, FL 941-531-9186

FINISH LINE Arbor Place Mall 1060 Arbor Place Mall, Douglasville, GA 678-838-9282

Westland Mall 1635 West 49th St., Ste. 1224, Hialeah, FL 305-231-1979

Mall of Georgia 3333 Buford Dr., 2080, Buford, GA 678-482-4487

Southland Mall 20505 South Dixie Hwy., Unit 455 1775, Cutler Bay, FL 786-573-3609

Oglethorpe Mall 7804 Abercorn St., 86, Savannah, GA 912-354-6622

Galleria Mall at Fort Lauderdale 2414 East Sunrise Blvd., Ft Lauderdale, FL 954-568-7886 Orlando Fashion Square 3201 E Colonial Dr., U24, Orlando, FL 407-896-3058

PHIDIPPIDES 1544 Piedmont Ave. NE, Atlanta, GA 404-875-4268

Orlando International Airport 9403 Jeff Fuqua Blvd., Ste. 8027, Orlando, FL 321-234-1096

ROAD RUNNER SPORTS SHOP 3756 Roswell Rd., NE Ste. 16, Atlanta, GA 404-855-2424

Coral Square 9527 West Atlantic Blvd., Coral Springs, FL 954-346-8383

1300 Johnson Ferry Rd., Marietta, GA 678-279-7990

Edison Mall 4125 Cleveland Ave., 1835 A, Ft Myers, FL 239-277-7782 SIX: 02 Sawgrass Mills 12801 W Sunrise Blvd., Sunrise, FL 954-846-9655

2140 Avalon Blvd., Alpharetta, GA 678-248-5205 WEST STRIDE 3517 Northside Pkwy. NW # 11, Atlanta, GA 404-467-1010


Westfield Brandon 628 Brandon Town Center, Brandon, FL 813-643-3421

BLUE MILE 4114 Summit Plaza Dr., Louisville, KY 502-426-5955

Mall at Wellinton Green 10300 W Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington, FL 561-795-0754

1512 Bardstown Rd., Louisville, KY 502-454-8484

Florida Mall 8001 S Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 407-859-7769 Aventura Mall 19501 Biscayne Blvd., Aventura, FL 305-933-8218

CAPTURE YOUR GEL-QUANTUM 360 ™ ON JULY 15 TH AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS. THE RUNNING SPOT 317 Monmouth St., Newport, KY 859-491-9500 DILLARDS The Mall In St Matthe 5000 Shelbyville Rd., Louisville, KY 502-893-4400 FINISH LINE Ashland Town Center 500 Winchester Ave., 528, Ashland, KY 606-329-2882 Kentucky Oaks Mall 5101 Hinkleville Rd., 190, Paducah, KY 270-575-4861 JOHN’S RUN/WALK SHOP 317 S Ashland Ave., Lexington, KY 859- 269- 8313 KEN COMBS RUNNING STORE 4137 Shelbyville Rd., Louisville, KY 502-895-3410

FINISH LINE Wolfchase Galleria 2760 N Germantown Pkwy., 198, Memphis, TN 901-371-2012

FINISH LINE West Town Mall 7600 Kingston Pike, 1476, Knoxville, TN 865-769-5172

Cross Creek Mall 403 Cross Creek Mall, A01, Fayetteville, NC 910-487-0061

Governor’s Square 2801 Wilma Rudolph Blvd., 895, Clarksville, TN 931-647-5801

The Streets At Southpoint 6910 Fayetteville Rd., Ste. 201, Durham, NC 919-484-9575

Hamilton Place 2100 Hamilton Pl. Blvd., 137, Chattanooga, TN 423-892-3069

Concord Mills 8111 Concord Mills Blvd , Suite 695, Concord, NC 704-979-0977

Opry Mills 411 Opry Mills Dr., Nashville, TN 615-800-4224

FOOTLOCKER 6910 Fayetteville Rd., Durham, NC 919-248-0815

FRONT RUNNER ATHLETICS 4251 Hixson Pike, Chattanooga, TN 423-875-3642

RALEIGH RUNNING OUTFITTERS 7449 Six Forks Rd., Raleigh, NC 919-870-8998


2773 NC Hwy. 55, Cary, NC 919-362-8282



FLEET FEET SPORTS 6251 Perkins Rd., Ste. C, Baton Rouge, LA 225-448-2878

DILLARDS 100 Coastal Grand Circle, Myrtle Beach, SC 843-839-2917

SPORTSPECTRUM 6970 Fern Ave., Shreveport, LA 318-798-1241

FINISH LINE Charleston Outlet Center 4840 Tanger Outlet Blvd., Space 1030, Charleston, SC 843-628-2620

TRI-RUNNING 2813 Johnston St., Lafayette, LA 337-232-8212 VARSITY SPORTS 2021 Claiborne St., Mandeville, LA 985-624-8200 2055 Perkins Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 225-383-8914

Northwoods Mall 2150 Northwoods Blvd., C8, Charleston, SC 843-818-1220

TENNESSEE PACER ATHLETIC 4251 Hixson Pike, Chattanooga, TN 423-875-3642


SPORT SEASONS 1000 Rivergate Pkwy., Goodlettsville, TN 615-778-9506

CAPITAL RUN WALK 430 Woodburn Rd., Raleigh, NC 919-828-3487

56 White Bridge Rd., Nashville, TN 615-356-3380 7240 Kingston Pike #160, Knoxville, TN 865-584-1512 500 North Thompson Ln., Murfeesboro, TN 615-809-2880 539 Cool Springs Blvd., #120, Franklin, TN 615-778-1638

ROBERT’S RUNN’G & WALK’G 1440 4th Ave., Huntington, WV 304-522-7867 FINISH LINE Grand Central Mall 281 Grand Central Ave., Vienna, WV 304-485-7080 Huntington Mall Mall Rd. 770 , 770, Barboursville,WV 304-733-5639


Running Journal • August, 2015

Learning from the Young Guns Adapting Your Training to the Summer Heat We all have that grueling summer running story, the one we’ll never forget. Mine was during college, and I was home for the summer visiting my family in Indiana. At the beginning of preparation for my senior cross country season I had been getting up early to beat the Arizona heat, which by this point regularly topped out over 100 degrees. Now I grew up in the oppressive heat and humidity of the Midwest, but after the scorching temperatures in Arizona, I figured I should be able to handle sleeping in and running my easy 6 miles later in the morning. Of course I did, college kids don’t know anything. What followed was the slowest, most painful 6 mile run of my life. I knew I was in good shape, but afterward, as I lay sprawled on my parent’s living room floor fighting waves of nausea, I was having serious doubts. The summer heat challenges the psyche, but if you can focus more on effort instead of pace, especially on your easy days, you’ll reap the rewards when the temperature drops. This is often easier said than done, but there are some workout tricks you can use to make it a little easier to get the most out of your summer training without running yourself into the ground. Summer tends to be the season for shorter races, and one of the biggest mistakes we as coaches see people make when they train for shorter races is to cut out the tempo work and focus solely on speed. The tendency to gravitate toward shorter, faster workouts is compounded by the heat and humidity of the summer where longer, tempo based work is more onerous. Keeping tempo based work as a regular part of your program is critical to short-term and long-term success, even over shorter races like the 5K. And while going out for a long tempo effort in high heat can quickly turn an intended 85% effort into a race effort, you can break that tempo effort up into shorter pieces while still getting in a good workout. This will allow your body to cool a bit throughout the workout and prevent your heart rate from maxing out as it works double time to cool and propel. Tempo based intervals are a great tool to have in your workout routine year round, and the idea is to complete the interval distance, I frequently use 1 mile intervals, feeling like you could continue

By Ryan Warrenburg, ZAP Fitness

to run at that pace for twice the distance. In between the intervals you should take short recovery, for mile repeats use a recovery interval of 1-2 minutes, and even when you finish the workout you should feel like you could do a few more repeats at that pace. During the warm summer months you can use shorter intervals to get the same workout while reducing the risk of over heating. Two examples of this type of workout are: 1) 3-4 sets of (4 x 400 meter repeats) with 45-60 seconds rest between the repeats and 2-3 minutes between the sets. Start the workout 2-3 seconds per 400 slower than 5K pace and finish at 5K pace. 2) 6-8 x 800 meter repeats with 90 seconds rest between each. Start this workout 4-5 seconds per 800 slower than 10K pace and finish at 10K pace. Remember to finish each of these workouts at an effort where you feel like you could do a few more without a problem. The tempo-based component is even more critical for people that race frequently. If you race every week or two then you are getting a very high intensity workout every time you race, and if you’re coupling that with high intensity speed workouts every week the risk of burn-out, injury, and plateauing rises dramatically. Being able to focus more on effort than on pace is an important skill, especially during the summer months, and the best way to do that is to make the design of your workouts effort based. Fartlek running is an excellent way to forget about the pace for a while and get in tune with the feedback your body is providing you. Fartlek running is designed to be effort based and the pickups should be based on duration rather than distance. Take that structure to the next level by determining the number of pickups you’ll do during the run ahead of time and then don’t even time them, use landmarks as to where

you’ll start and stop. You’ll get a great workout without the added stress of hitting predetermined paces. Perhaps my favorite way to remove the stress of predetermined paces, especially during the summer, is to do a hill workout. Hills provide the aerobic benefit of a speed without the quantitative feedback that can shatter your confidence in the stifling summer heat. Hill running also helps improve running mechanics by strengthening your legs with far less impact stress of running hard on a flat surface. One of the best ways to mix up your routine any time of the year is a descending duration hill workout. For example, after you are warmed up and ready to run quicker, find a relatively steep hill and do three sets of the following: 60 seconds uphill followed by an easy jog back to the bottom, 40 seconds uphill followed by an easy jog back to the bottom, 20 seconds uphill followed by an easy jog back to the bottom. Take 12 minutes rest between sets and try to start conservatively so you can get a little bit farther with each set. In order to effectively navigate the heat of the summer in the southeast you must be sure to recover on your easy days by listening to your effort and not your pace,

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but it’s also important to do the same on your hard days. You’ll make much bigger gains and have more for race day if you keep the workouts a bit easier in the summer heat. ZAP Fitness is a Reebok Sponsored nonprofit facility which supports post collegiate distance runners in Blowing Rock, NC. ZAP puts on adult running camps during the summer and is available for retreats all year. The facility has a state of the art weight room, exercise science lab for testing and a 24 bed lodge. Coaches at the facility include 2-time Olympic Trials Qualifier Zika Rea, 2007 USATF National XC Champion Ryan Warrenburg as well as head coach Pete Rea. For more information go to www.zapfitness.com or call 828-295-6198. You can reach Ryan at zapfitness@gmail.com.



Running Journal • August, 2015


Running Through the Bluegrass Shannon Knabel Fast and Amazing ‌ For master's runners, the reality is that you'll reach a day where you will only get slower. That is, unless you're my friend and Team New Balance Louisville teammate Shannon Knabel. Shannon was a four-time state champion in high school, in northern Ohio, and ran collegiately for the University of Kentucky in the middle distances. She wrapped up her collegiate career, got married, started a family, and finished her Master's degree in secondary education. She didn't run much for years. She and husband Tom had six children -- six! Their eldest had significant special needs that were Shannon's priority. She paused her teaching career to be a stay-at-home mom, with little time to run. Tom still serves as principal of the public special needs school their eldest attended, and he's training for his first Ironman. It was after their eldest, Megan, passed away in 2011, at age 14, that Shannon became running again. Running was a way to fill the time previously dedicated to Megan's care. And Shannon got fast. At that time she

By Tracy Green

was already a master's runner. She posted several times in the mid-19s for 5k, a 41:19 10k and a 70-minute 10 miler. Not a bad comeback for anyone, especially at 42. The next year, she notched an 18:39 and her 10 mile time dropped 4 minutes. 2014 was a breakthrough year (during which I got thrashed by her numerous times), culminating with a lifetime best in the 5k of 17:35 - at age 45. An injury late last year set her back a bit but she completed Louisville's Triple Crown of Running - a 5k, 10k and 10 miler each held two weeks apart - as the

Sharon Knabel.

fourth-fastest female to complete all three legs. She led the New Balance Louisville women's racing team to a team title in its debut year, posting an 18:51 5k, 38:19 10k and a 64:33 for the 10 miler. I met Shannon 3 years ago at a little race

in Crestwood. I was just getting back into running after an injury but it was a little race and I didn't see a lot of competition. Shannon was dressed really unassumingly - basic tank top, trainers, Nike tempo shorts. When the gun sounded, she took off. I remember thinking, either she'll blow up hard and come back to you, or you have no chance and there's no point trying to chase her. She beat me by 2-anda-half minutes that day. And was so nice afterwards - no ego in her at all. This spring, I almost caught her at the Anthem 5k. Shannon was only 11 seconds ahead of me, and I've never seen someone so happy to see me so close. I was truly touched by how excited she was to see me succeed. When I had a bad race two weeks later, she reminded me to not get frustrated about one race. There is no doubt she's the top female master's runner in the Louisville running community -- but even more importantly, no doubt she is an amazing person and friend. Tracy Harris Green is a runner and writer in Louisville, KY, where she lives with her husband. She races on the New Balance Louisville team and is the Director of Communications and Development for a public school district. Find her on Twitter @tracygreen or at tracyfgreen.wordpress.com.


Running Journal • August, 2015

lenge,” he added, but “did not imagine that I would qualify for the Olympic Team.” Among his many coaching achievements: “I have no idea how many people have used my training programs but I have heard back from over 300,000 who have had success by using my method. Every day I hear from about 100 runners who have changed their lives by using my program. Many say they could not even think about running until they used my Run Walk Run strategies.” His advice: “Beginners should start by running 5-10 seconds and walk the rest of each minute. Start with 10 minutes and increase by 3 minutes a day until 30 minutes is easy. Then increase the run by 5 seconds, decrease the walk by 5 seconds.” Older runners maintain control over their aches and pains and fatigue by adjusting the Run Walk Run amounts and nutrition as noted in my book 'Running Until You're 100'.” With his busy schedule, including travel and speeches, how does he stay motivated: “As I talk to runners, I enjoy being Atlanta, a celebration of the life-chang- Street triggered the idea that I might be able to solve problems as they improve ing benefits of fitness and running. Jeff able to qualify to get into the Olympic the quality of their life through running. will stay at the finish line until the last Trials. I decided to take up this chal- This is very motivating.” runner crosses. The event is Dec. 11-13 with the featured half-marathon on Sunday, Dec. 13, and the 5K on Saturday, Dec. 12, when the Fit Kids Run/Walk will also be held. The event is hosted by Phidippides, which he founded in 1973. The kids event is significant for Galloway. “As I researched my book 'Fit Kids - Smarter kids,' I discovered how powerful exercise - and especially running - is in learning, attitude, energy, and motivation.” The kids' runs are free and he wants to have a free fitness clinic for kids, too. Galloway was on the American Olympic Team in 1972, running in the 10,000 meters at Munich, Germany. Qualifying for the team was “life changing. It set me on a quest to see how I could us my talents to help others benefit from the amazing activity of running.” Galloway won the very first Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta in 1970. He recalled he had “only been back home for a week from my three-year Navy service when my good friend Tim Singleton asked me to run in his new race. It was the first road race in Atlanta using a major street. Most of the 110 who participated knew one another. There were no nationally ranked runners but winning a race on Peachtree

Jeff Galloway Turns 70, Going Strong By Bruce Morrison Running Journal Publisher

On July 12, Jeff Galloway, America's running coach, became 70 and he said he doesn't “feel any different than when in my 20's and 30's. I run slower but that doesn't bother me. I wrote my book 'Running Until You're 100' and I'm sticking with it.” He averages 35 miles week and runs a marathon and a half marathon about every month. His advice to senior runners: “There are several components in my Galloway Training Program that have reduced injury. Run Walk Run has been the most significant. By adjusting the amount of running and the amount of walking each day, the aches and pains either go away or can usually be managed.” On his birthday he ran his 200th marathon -- the Missoula, Montana Marathon - and plans to keep running marathons “as long as I can finish under the time limit.” He brainstorms while running, noting that research shows running turns on the frontal lobe “executive brain.” He gets ideas on every run. In fact, he's working on an expanded version of 'Mental Training' with “tools to activate the brain, improve motivation, push through mental barriers, and enjoy every run.” His revised 'Run Walk Run' book will be out later this year. In December, he will again have the Jeff Galloway Race Weekend in



Running Journal • August, 2015

Distance Memories Baby, The Rain Must Fall I run for many reasons. It's good for the body, mind and soul. It allows me to eat an extra dessert (or two) relatively guiltfree. It makes me feel good (most of the time, anyway). It gives me a pair of legs to die for (discuss quietly among yourselves). In other words, it's no secret I love running. It's also no secret I've done a lot of the things I've done simply because I made them a goal and I did whatever it took to make them happen: -- Running a mile without stopping. -- Running a10K without stopping. -- Qualifying for the Boston Marathon. -- Running the Boston Marathon. It's also no secret I've done a lot of the things I've done simply because they seemed like a good idea at the time: -- Running 135 miles across Death Valley in temperatures very, very close to the number of miles. -- Entering the Western States Endurance Run-twice, actually-when I had absolutely no business running on trails. (If Montrail named a shoe after me it would be the Nontrail. If New Balance named a shoe after me it would be the No Balance. Any questions?) It's also no secret I've done a lot of the things I've done simply because it gave me something interesting to write about: -- Running the Boston Marathon course in reverse, then turning around and running it the correct way with everyone else on Patriot's Day. -- Running the Peachtree Road Race from the very back of the pack. In other words, starting behind 59,999 other runners for a 6.2-mile run on the 4th of July in downtown Atlanta. Finally it's no secret I do a lot of the things I do simply because. In other words I'm prone to putting requirements on myself that no one in the solar system gives a rat's a** about other than yours truly. Such as: -- Running every day since November 30, 1978 (with no end in sight). -- Running 1,000 races, 200 marathons and 50 ultras (two down, one to go). -- Running 150,000 lifetime miles (ETA 2019). -- Running 50 consecutive Peachtree Road Races (ETA 2028). Ah, that last one. Fifty consecutive Peachtree Road Races. Having just crossed the finish line for the 37th time,

By Scott Ludwig

I'm beginning to question if I still have 13 more of them in me. Allow me to explain. The Peachtree Road Race assigns runners a starting corral. My finish time in last year's Peachtree qualified me for a spot in Time Group A, which basically means you are assigned to a corral close enough to the starting line that you can read the word 'START' on the banner across Peachtree Street and in all probability will finish the race in well under an hour. (Time Groups B through L will finish the race in less than two hours, M through V in less than three hours, and W through Z sometime during the month of July. I jest, of course: almost everyone in W through Z time groups finished in time to see the fireworks later that same night.) Anyway, I opted to start in Time Group L with my friend Valerie who submitted her application for the race without a projected finish time and was at the mercy of the Atlanta Track Club's method of random Time Group assignment. Valerie and I ran our first Peachtree together in 1994. Incidentally after that race it rained for two days (the result of tropical storm Alberto) in the Atlanta area, causing floods that resulted in considerable damage and the loss of 30 lives. As we were driving to the race there was an interview with a former Director of the Peachtree Road Race on the radio. As the skies overhead became darker and darker I heard her say that the chances of lightning in Atlanta in the morning were pretty slim because most of the storms in the area occurred in the afternoon. I couldn't help but think those words should not have been said aloud, especially in a forum that could be heard by many. Moments later the rain came; it wouldn't stop for hours. For the first time in my Peachtree Road Race career I would be running from Lenox Square to Piedmont Park in the rain that, to be totally honest was a lot more pleasurable than the usual

www.running.net heat and 100% humidity we've all come to know and abhor. As I've done for the past decade, we parked near the finish line and ran to the start. Taking the back roads Valerie and I ran (and occasionally walked) a slow and easy five-mile warm up. Wearing my Time Group A number, I stood out like a sore thumb standing next to Val in Time Group L. Actually, I stood out like a STUD - remember, I was amongst runners who hoped to finish in modest times in the one-to-two hour range and my number indicated I was a STUD. (Pardon my use of Exaggeration Font. I don't get to use it often.) Every three minutes another wave of runners was allowed to start the race. Every three minutes volunteers led the runners in Time Group L another 100 yards closer to the starting line. Every three minutes the sky grew darker and darker. The race officially started at 7:30 a.m. By my calculation Time Group L's projected starting time would be around 8:30. Then, at 8:24 a.m. it happened. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. The announcer on the PA system immediately said the race had been suspended, the timing system would be stopped, everyone would be led to safe quarters and the race would resume in 30 minutes unless more lightning was spotted. Surely he realized there were thousands of runners spread out all over Peachtree Street; did he expect everyone to stop, mark their spot on the course and seek shelter? Val and I looked around and we knew what had to be done. Others had the same idea as well. In a driving rain and with the wind in our collective faces, we all took off running down Peachtree Street like bats out of hell, timing system be damned. We were running this race come hell or (forgive me) high water. As far as we were concerned Time Group L had heard a public cry for a JAIL BREAK over the public address system. From what I saw the same can be said for Time Groups J, K and M. I'm guessing Time Groups N through Z heard it as well. There would be very little need for the 'safe quarters' that the announcer had made reference to. Not today anyway, because today we were here to run. As Val and I left Lenox Square behind us, I couldn't help but notice that had I started with Time Group A moments after 7:30 a.m. I would have already crossed the finish line. As it were it was already 8:30 and I was just starting the race, and as far as I knew I wasn't even an official runner since the timing system had allegedly been stopped. I wondered if my streak of Peachtree Road Race finishes

was in jeopardy, but I didn't care: I was not going to wait in the pouring rain for 30 minutes, resume my position with Time Group L and continue the 100yards-every-three-minutes march towards the starting line. As it turned out the 6.2 miles down Peachtree Street was quite pleasant. The steady rain and gentle breeze kept the runners cool if not hydrated. Val had (what she said afterward was) her best run in years. We crossed the finish line in a little over an hour, collected our commemorative finisher T-shirts and headed back to the car. As we made our way across the grass of Piedmont Park I couldn't help but think of the Woodstock music festival: There was mud everywhere. The rain and the runners were certainly taking their toll on this most unusual 4th of July. Once we got back to the car we changed into dry clothes. I placed my running attire in a plastic bag and tied it shut, making a mental note to throw all of the contents into the washing machine once I got home. (Runners-you all know the drill: Wash the clothes today or burn them tomorrow.) Overall this year's Peachtree Road Race was a good experience, with the exceptions of paying $15 to park for 15 minutes so you can run into the expo to pick up your race number and a goodie bag featuring nothing more than a coupon for a free waffle, a $500 discount on a new Mercedes Benz and a plethora of advertisements. My 37th Peachtree Road Race finish was in the books. Maybe. (Later I would learn the timing system had never been turned off. Valerie and I both received official finishing times. Next year Valerie hopes to qualify for a starting position in Time Group B, if not A. Fortunately for me I will still be eligible for Time Group A. After next year I may find myself at the mercy of the Gods of random Time Group Assignment. If that's the case, thenGodhelpme.

Scott Ludwig is president and founder of Darkside Running Club (.com). He lives in the Atlanta area and is the author of eight books - six about running - and is working on others. His newest book is Running Ultras to the Edge of Exhaustion. He can be reached at darksiderunning@comcast.net. He also has a blog at ScottLudwigRunsandWrites.blogspot.com where his books are available - or at any major online bookstore.


Running Journal • August, 2015

Masters Running 35 Years of Running - A Journey through Time Recently I rediscovered a picture that carried me down memory lane. It's from a women only race called the Lady Equitable 10K, in Baltimore, MD, March 1980. Jimmy Carter was president when this picture was taken, and I was still in my 20s. I am in the front, on the left, with the Haverford AC shirt. We are in the early stages of the race, having probably completed about half a mile. I can still remember this day. I was pumped up after a winter season in Philadelphia with no races. And I had heard there were more than a thousand women entered in this 10K run. Still I was going for the win, and was pretty confident this was possible. That was until I arrived on site, and saw all my fellow entrants! They were everywhere, milling around, stretching, and waiting in line for the porta-johns. And I remember asking myself: “Will I really be able to run faster than ALL these women”? I wasn't. One runner was faster than me that day. I finished second, behind Jennifer White. I still remember the name of the runner who beat me, even though I didn't know who she was before the race, and didn't hear much about her afterwards either. Her time was in the low 35's, and I ran 35:17, my best time ever on the distance. Along with my personal best in the marathon (2:44:10 at the 1983 New York City Marathon), this is probably the best time I have run at any distance. It's hard to fathom now that it is 35 years since this picture was taken. Sometimes it feels like it was yesterday, even though so much has changed since that day. It was a different era in running then, before prize money was a factor in road races, and before we saw African and other foreign runners on the US running circuit. Even African Americans were a rarity at road races in those days, although coincidentally there are two of them in the picture. I recognize the runner on the left (right behind me) as Marilyn Bevans, a frequent race participant and award winner during the late 70's and early 80's. It is also difficult for me to imagine that I was able to run a 10K that fast - or maybe how much I have slowed down since then. My most recent 10K was in May this year, when I completed the NCRC (North Carolina Roadrunners Club) Classic in 54:43. This is almost 20 minutes slower than that day in 1980, which translates to more than three minutes per mile! My times on other distances have also slowed down with about the same amount. It is when I toe the starting line in a race that I become reminded of the passage of time, and of that I am getting older. I might still feel like I am the young woman in the

By Lena Hollmann

picture, at least on good days. Feeling strong, pushing myself to the limit. The effort feels the same. But when it can be measured (as in a road race) I can clearly tell that I have changed. And so has the running scene! It's not without nostalgia that I am looking at this picture from a bygone era, when most of you who read this probably hadn't yet started running. There may even be a few of you who weren't born by then. Had I been running the pace I do today during this 1980 race, I would probably have been in the back of the pack. And at age 64, I may also have been the oldest entrant. Runners were both younger and faster in those days, and many took their racing quite seriously. They were lean and fit, and were going for a fast time every time they entered an event. There were also few active masters runners back then. Many local races didn't have

a single female runner over 50. Awards were in ten year age groups, often ending at age 50+. To get a medal you had be a top finisher, overall or in your age group depending on the race. Some races didn't give out medals, but trophies instead. A few even had gift certificates, usually to a running store. There were no prize money, although larger and more prestigious races would still give awards of value to top finishers, like silver bowls or pewter plates. Running began to change when money found the sport. Some of you may remember the 1981 Cascade Run Off in Portland, OR. Even if you didn't run this race, chances are that you have heard of it since it was here runners openly accepted prize money for the first time. As prize money became more commonplace, there was also an influx of foreign runners on the US circuit. In the men's division they were mostly from Kenya and other African countries, for the women at first primarily from Russia and a few other European countries. But soon Africans joined the ranks in the women's division too. Lean, swift, and very talented, these runners captured our attention, and added another dimension to our sport. The two phenomena (foreign runners and prize money) were undeniably related. American elite runners often found themselves having a hard time finishing “in the money” in major races. So some races introduced a special purse for Americans only.


Smaller races also offered prize money sometimes, but on a more modest scale. In these races “second tier” runners like I could sometimes get lucky and win a few bucks. My biggest break came in the 1985 Charlotte Marathon, where I took first place and with it $2,000 in prize money! This was my biggest payday ever in a single race. There were changes for middle and back of the pack runners also. Charities discovered they could raise significant amounts by organizing programs like Team in Training, where runners received coaching, support, and free entry to a major event in exchange for raising money for their cause. Other beginner runner programs started to appear also, many under guidance by coaches certified by the RRCA (Road Runners Club of America). Folks discovered that “anybody can be a runner”, and we experienced exponential growth in the number of races and the number of finishers in each. At the same time we saw the median times become much slower, as many runners were not going for time, but “just” to finish. The median age in races has also risen, from the 20s in the 1980s to late 30s today. And we have more runners age 40 or older than ever before. Most races adapted to this trend and started to offer five year age groups. Today, the oldest group is usually age 60+, at least. Some go up to age 70+, or even older. Many older runners (I for example) are the same people who were racing during the 1980s. Others are relative newcomers, who entered the sport during their 40s or 50s. We old-timers have paved the way and shown that it's perfectly fine to be a runner in the second half of our lives. Personally I proved my father wrong when he said I wouldn't be able to run in my middle age, and therefore encouraged me to take up tennis instead! Overall the increasing popularity of running is a good trend, since it has gotten a lot of people off the couch. But the running landscape has also become harder to navigate. We have more choices of races each weekend. Sometimes we face decisions whether to run a race managed by a 'for profit' company (which gives you more bells and whistles but charges more) or stick to smaller races with more of a hometown flair. Unfortunately we also need to keep a watchful eye on scammers, who apparently have discovered road races as another place to cash in. Time will move on and the running scene will continue to evolve. But the snapshot from 1980 will always capture that moment in time when running was a simpler, yet at the same time tougher pursuit than it is now. And if we pare it down to the essentials of running, it's the same now as it was back then. We pick up our feet, one at a time, and celebrate once we cross the finish line! Lena Hollmann is a certified personal trainer with American Council on Exercise (ACE). She lives and runs in Cary, NC, and can be reached at lenahollmann@gmail.com.


Running Journal • August, 2015


Women’s Running

coaching you. Do you feel this has helped your running? Absolutely! I feel so blessed to have them as coaches! Andrew is very quiet and humble about it but he is extremely knowledgeable and talented when it comes to the science behind running and how to program workouts, strategies for everything from the competition to the weather, course, etc. My biggest challenge in coaching myself has always been how to peak optimally more than once in a 4-6 month period. Andrew has done an outstanding job of this with me. I am very grateful to him! As for Amy, I have admired her tenacity and mental toughness as a runner/racer for years. I remember watching her Olympic Trials 10k when she made the U.S. Team...that last lap she ran will always stay with me. The mental strength and will it took for her to master her mind over her body during that race was so inspiring! She is the real deal. Even though I don't get much direct contact with her I feel her presence and her influence over the team and myself. They are a very selfless couple and give so much back to our sport...I am excited to see what the future holds for the ATC under their guidance as coaches! Rich Kenah, as the ATC executive director, also has been a great mentor and blessing to the ATC. It makes a huge difference when the people coaching and leading your team/club understand what it is to truly love the sport of running, and to be able to directly relate to the work, sacrifice, and passion it takes to succeed. We have at least 3 Olympians leading us...I get fired up just thinking about it! What goals do you have for future races? What are you planning to run at nationals in July? I am leaving for Eugene on Friday to race in the Masters Invitational 3k (Saturday) at USA Nationals. So my first goal is to win that race for the ATC and run a great time! My next goal is to place in the top 3 of the Masters Division at the Atlanta Peachtree 10k on July 4th. I am not sure who is showing up to race this year but I know Colleen De Reuck and Jen Rhines raced last year and are brilliant at that distance and beyond. 10k is a bit out of my comfort zone but it will be a welcome change from the track and I am ready to race hard and leave it all on the course! My final track meet will be US Masters Nationals in Jacksonville in late July. I am racing the 800m and the 5000m on Thursday, the 1500m on Friday and probably the 4 x 400 and 4 x 800 Relays (my favorite!) on Sunday. My goal for that meet is to win all of my events, be there to support my teammates during their races and score as many points for the ATC as possible! How do you fit your family into your busy schedule? Late nights and early mornings! I don't always succeed at this but I try to never miss the big things (for a race or work) like important VB games for Brianna, school award or graduation ceremonies...the reason I am not going to the Masters World Championships in France in August is

Sonja Friend-Uhl Masters The Running World Usually at this time I am writing my annual report on my favorite marathonGrandmas. But for the first time in 21 years I had to miss it and Peachtree (more than 21 years!) to take care of my dear husband Steve. But I must admit that both events proceeded in style without me and Steve could not have done without me. During these trying months I have come to appreciate the love and support of my friends. One of my strongest supporters is my Atlanta Track Club Elite teammate Sonja Friend-Uhl. Sonja is one amazing woman and has been taking the world of masters ladies by storm. I caught up with her right before she dominated the invited masters field at the USATF Nationals. She won the 3000 by nearly a minute over 8 other super masters! Give me a little background on your school, family, job, and interests besides running. I graduated from The College of William & Mary (VA) in 1993. I was recruited for XC and Track by then Coach Pat Van Rossum and was on a full athletic scholarship all 4 years. I also met my husband Brad there. He was also a scholarship athlete for football (record setting outside linebacker) I love music and I love to play piano. I play piano to this day and love it very much. It soothes me! I also am an avid reader...absolutely love to lose myself in a book! My immediate family includes my husband, Brad and my daughters, Brianna (an aspiring Volleyball player turning 14 in August) and Alexa (6) who fears nothing and has boundless energy so I am thinking another track athlete maybe in the family! My career from the start has revolved around the fitness industry. I received my first personal trainer / fitness instructor certification in 1996 and was hired as a General Manager of a small fitness center in Pittsburgh when I was 27 years old. We moved to South Florida for Brad's job in 1998 and I was really able to learn, grow and flourish in that environment as a fitness professional. This was great because a career in fitness was the perfect compliment to my goals as a competitive runner. For 10 years now I have been a Lead Master Trainer for one of the top fitness equipment manufacturers, Star Trac (owned by Core Health & Fitness) which allows me to travel the country providing consulting and training on our equipment. In December of 2014 I joined the team of Cool Springs, MD, here in Brentwood, TN, to help launch their Physical Wellness Center, which I now manage. I am certified by ACE, ACSM, and AFAA. My first love however is COACHING runners! I have not been able to do it full time yet due to my children and their schedules/needs but I hope to someday. I am certified through USATF and have been fortunate to have coached recreational, youth

By Carolyn Mather, RN, PhD.

and competitive runners (track distances through the marathon) since 1999. Coaching gives me such joy...I absolutely love it! When did you first start running? My first competitive running experience was with the 50m dash for the ARCO Jesse Owens Games back in 1980. We lived in Washington State at the time. I joined the NW Washington Striders and competed in AAU youth meets during the summers, made it to nationals in the 400m (62 seconds) in 1984. We raced in the LA Coliseum the year of the Olympics...that inspired me! Middle School and High School Track followed. I was a 400m, 800m and 4 x 400, 4 x 800 runner throughout. I ran cross-country as well in HS (Cape Henlopen in Lewes, DE), but didn't "acquire" a love for it until college. What appeals to you about our sport? Why do you run? It is so pure to me. Meaning no matter who you are, where you came from or what else may be going on in your life, what you put into running you will get out of it. You don't NEED fancy equipment, a facility, a team...you can just walk out of your door and run! I love the simplicity and honesty of that. I also am constantly motivated by the idea that I can measure my goals and progress and that the possibility of improvement always exists...mine for the taking if I am willing to be a committed student of my sport and work hard. This of course has been more of a challenge as I have aged but the lure is still there. It is also a tremendous THERAPY for me. Running not only is a physical release to me but it is a mental and emotional one as well. Getting into a calming rhythm during a long run or feeling empowered and on fire during a speed workout or a race is pure bliss in my book. Everyone has their personal trials and hardships...I am no different. I am a spiritual person and believe in a higher power but I also believe that God gave me running as a gift or a "tool" for my life and I intend to honor that for all of my days. It is also why I believe I am inspired to coach and share my love of running with others. I feel a pull/need to pay it forward. What records do you currently hold? World Masters Female (40-44) Indoor

Mile: 4:44.84 American Masters Female (40-44) Outdoor Mile: 4:45.68 American Masters Female (40-44) Indoor 3000m (9:50.37) American Masters Female (40-44) 1500m in 4:16>99 World Non-Club 4 x 800m Relay (40-44) with Grace Padilla, Jennifer Mark-Burke & Lisa Ryan How did you feel when you recently set the US Master's mile record? Elated, Relieved, GRATEFUL. Each year it gets a little harder to believe that amazing (by my own standard) race TIMES are still possible for me. That race was a huge validation of a lot of hard work and faith, not only from myself but my support system including my family, team (ATC) and coaches (Andrew & Amy). What is your typical training? I am NOT a high mileage runner. I average 40-45 miles per week during indoor/outdoor (February - July) which includes a 9-10 mile long run on the weekends. During the Fall and Winter I may go as high as the low 50's. Unless I am on a true break between seasons, I keep some form of speed (efficiency) work in my weekly regimen. During XC season this may be hill repeats or a fartlek session, during track it will usually be more technical like 150m accelerations + Plyo and short full sprints (30-60m) with complete rest between. I also try to always get in some form of lactate threshold work once every 10 days or so. This comes in many different forms (everything from 5 x 5:00 tempo paced intervals to a 30:00 steady state to a 60:00 progression run but I try to keep that a staple. I am a speed/strength based runner so I need to always stay close to that kind of training...my body just feels better and moves better when I do. But if I neglect the LT my fitness is not on par. The race paced intervals are reserved for different prep segments each season and they vary. The hardest ones for me are repeat 1000's or 1200's at 3k pace. Concentration and patience are still things I work on! But now I have Andrew to figure all of that out for me! Do you do cross training? What type and how often? I love to strength train! I do either a circuit of calesthenics specific for runners or a heavy lift (dead lifts, bench, squats, rows, etc.) and core work 2-3 times each week pre season and during the season. I back off to 2 x week during the championship season and I do not do a heavy lift 4-7 days before a big race. I also use the elliptical or the spin bike when I feel my legs need a break from the pounding or just to get in some extra cardio work. I will probably do more of the cardio cross training once my race distances increase in the Fall. I know Andrew and Amy Begley are now CONTINUED ON PAGE 16


Running Journal • August, 2015



Running Journal • August, 2015


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because it is the girls' first week back at school. Brianna is starting high school this year and I just cannot justify being absent and so far away during such a milestone for her. I'm her mom! I need to be here. I also try to be open with them and include them in my running/racing. They don't often travel with me or watch me race but I do think they understand why I do it. They see my highs and lows and they see me put in the work behind the achievements. I hope I am setting an example for them that they should never stop trying or reaching for their dreams and goals in life. While THEY as my children are my greatest legacy, I know I am a better mom, wife and person because of running/competing. On an intrinsic level I think they realize this... As we are all getting older what would you say are the best ways to stay motivated as you get older? I am still figuring this out...but I think the key is to stop comparing your race times or running capability to what you did when you were 20, 30, or even 40 and start basing your NOW on how well you manage the challenge (s) in front of you TODAY. I am learning the farthest I should really look back (if at all) is within a season. Beyond that it is out of my control. Even when I was very young (20's) my best races happened when I was purely being open, grateful, and PRESENT in my efforts without focusing on expectations. We are older but wiser...I have learned to use that experience to my benefit both in how I train and how I race. I also have learned from previous mistakes and am more willing to rest now or do the little things that add up to a big difference. Finally, I encourage anyone 40 and over to reach out to the wonderful community of Masters runners around the U.S. and the world. It is a very fun and supportive group and I am so proud to be a part of them! Do you have any special tips for all of the lady runners out there? 1) Strength Train!! The stronger you are (connective tissue, your core, glutes, hips, back, etc.) the easier it will be to stay injury free, lean, and overall healthy! A strong runner is a healthy runner and this is even more important for women as we age than men. 2) Make time for YOU and your workout. Sometimes as women we put ourselves last. When I have done this and missed my run or didn't fuel properly because I did that one extra household chore, or said yes to one more family request when I could have/should have said no...I have never been a better mom or wife in that situation. I have always felt grumpy or guilty that I didn't get in the time or the work I had prioritized for myself. Sometimes this can't be helped of course, but usually it can...make yourself and your health (mental and physical) a priority. 3) Support each other. I think as women we are programmed to nurture and care for everyone else, and..be there for each other because you may be the only person who offered support to her today! Sonja met half of her July

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www.running.net goals as she won the masters invitational at Heyward Field in Eugene, OR, in 9:48.16 She placed second master to Jen Rhines at Peachtree in 36:45. Sonja is a dedicated inspiring lady who sets her goals high then goes for it. I am so proud to be her teammate and think I can teach her a few lessons on aging with grace and style! Carolyn Mather,R.N.,PhD. lives and runs in north Georgia and is a member of the Atlanta Track Club Elite. She can be reached at carolynmather@tds.net.

Sonja Friend-Uhl

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We are not made to stop. We are made to keep going. To relentlessly pursue new levels of fast. To go beyond what has been done before. By always pushing. And always evolving. We are Always in Beta.


Emma Coburn U.S. Champion


Running Journal • August, 2015



Running Journal • August, 2015

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net

ALABAMA Hot Trot for ARC 5K Gulf Shores, AL - 6/20 Male, Overall – John Sillery 18:13, Charles Anderson 18:38, Kenny Pfiefer 19:06. Masters – Tim Lee 20:52. Grandmasters – Traley Levins 22:19. Senior Grandmasters – Paul Berman 22:41. 9-under – Miles McLendon 39:13. 10-14 – Joah Wong 22:52, Joseph McDonald 24:03, Keller Bishop 26:51. 15-19 – Andrew Holley 23:57, Joe Woodley 25:01, Luke Hembreg 25:42. 20-24 – Riley Tart 21:19, Miles Bubbett 22:34, Giovanni Vidana 23:27. 25-29 – Daniel Gardner 19:24, David Anderson 20:30, Jeff Hebert 26:24. 30-34 – Daniel Riley 22:00, Jamie Kilcrease 25:11, Drew White 25:15. 35-39 – Jack Bishop 19:57, Steve Harris 20:08, Scott Roberts 21:54. 40-44 – Steven Odom 21:01, Chad Anderson 27:26, Noel Hard 27:43. 45-49 – Domiic Gentile 24:17, Dean Dodds 26:40, Brian Norris 28:19. 50-54 – Michael Hendnxion 22:54, Rob Barnas 22:54, John Wright 24:10. 55-59 – David Hergenroeder 25:01, Dewayne Holley 26:52, Don Cull 28:48. 60-64 – Dennis Young 25:20, Tim Morrison 28:23, Ron Smith 29:48. 65-69 – Paul Baswell 23:39, Bill Thomason 29:21, Milton Brescer 31:26. 70-74 – John Whiting 28:48, Bill Bowman 31:03, Richard Watley 31:56. 75-over – Peter Rabideau 30:15, Lee Echols 37:08, Killer Kowalski 39:47. Female, Overall – Samantha Gardner 20:50, Elizabeth Burch 21:24, Jill Johnson 23:03. Masters – Connie Kennedy 25:34. Grandmasters – Traci Watson 25:56. Senior Grandmasters – Maureen Higgins 31:27. 9-under – Sara Beth 48:12. 10-14 – Sarah Biggs 27:43, Kate Cazayoux 28:47, Sadie Wright 40:46. 1519 – Lauren Hunt 39:22, Joy Holley 42:43. 20-24 – Malory Bubbett 25:03, Mary Watson 25:51, Alyssa Crocker 26:29. 25-29 – Molly King 26:19, Leah Moore 26:36, Maria Vidaurre 28:34. 30-34 – Meredith Broyles 24:27, Suzanne Sweetses 24:37, Joy Antoine 24:43. 35-39 – Connie Cohen 25:35, Nichole Bartwell 28:51, Angela Vance 32:11. 40-44 – Marcia Purcell 26:52, Tara Marrinewmonti 27:35, Teresa Lipscomb 31:04. 45-49 – Susie McDonald 28:22, Wendy Orndoff 28:53, Marilyn Hurl 29:24. 50-54 – Joy McClay 26:27, Dawn Peterson 26:39, Gloria Dodds 27:49. 55-59 – Suanpe White-Spunner 26:25, Brenda Culver 29:04, Cindy McMillan 30:37. 60-64 – Cindy Leonard 32:08, Jean Keith 32:37, Susanne Spafford 34:19. 65-69 – Anne Wall 40:35, Sandra Whiting 28:30, Linda Inzer 55:25. 70-74 – Betty Lafferty 51:03. 75-over – Rena Keane 54:28. – Will Wright

SHARK Adventure Run 4.5 miles Gulf Shores, AL – 7/4 Male, Overall – Edmond Boullianne 31:51. Masters – Travis Marley 35:22. Grandmasters – John Wright 45:54. 9-under – Matthew Pearce 49:57. 10-14 – William Morris 47:04, Grant Csukker 47:48, Jack Ward 49:58. 15-19 – Tucker Loy 44:13, Oliver Smith 54:32, Scott Powers 1:02:36. 20-24 – Casey Ward 35:38, Jared Phillips 41:41, Samantha O’Dell 56:58. 25-29 – Hunter Leo 45:25, Kurt Hodges 49:07, Jake Anderson 49:59. 30-34 – Wayne Smith 35:35, Troy Fortenberry 40:30, Jordan Rihani 42:38. 35-39 – Aaron Gatheright 37:02, Patrick Summerour 43:17, Brent Boyd 45:51. 40-44 – Shawn McDowell 40:12, Jon Bjorn Dava 47:15, Matt Barfuss 47:32. 45-49 – Matt Vanhoosier 41:25, Currey Hall 47:42, Jimmy Adams 48:07. 50-54 – Troy Olson 48:49, Dennis Chaney 52:53, Paul Poling 1:02:16. 55-59 – Jada Leo 52:39, Bob Clements 1:06:11. 60-64 – Pat Dalbey 1:04:04, Joe Keller 1:18:51. 70-over – Bob Teutsch 55:12. Female, Overall – Katherine Christel 41:09. Masters – Kristine Smith 42:23. Grandmasters – Beverly Brewer 54:48. 9-under – Lina Ramos 1:27:36. 10-14 – Madeleine Chandler 1:02:50. 15-19 – Elizabeth

Csukker 56:07, Natalie Duvall 1:02:08, Alisha Isbell 1:09:06. 20-24 – Tiffany Adams 48:05, Shelby Reindel 49:38, Brittney Phillips 50:59. 25-29 – Miranda Huston 49:58, Lori Hagood 55:34, Samantha O’Dell 56:58. 30-34 – Lauren Bryant 48:08, Katie Babin 48:13, Paige Stull 49:51. 35-39 – Dana Summerour 41:13, Tracie Sweat 43:19, Nickies Simmons 45:02. 40-44 – Monte Morris 46:00, Royce Bargas 55:52, Kathy Duvall 55:57. 45-49 – Tammy McKinney 47:23, Haylee Hall 52:32, Melissa White 52:45. 50-54 – Denise Warren 1:00:40, Tammy Bost 1:11:07. 55-59 – Marge Keller 1:12:26, Mary Clements 1:17:46. 60-64 – Maureen Higgins 57:40. 65-69 – Maura Culberson 1:00:48.

ARKANSAS GO! Mile Little Rock, AR - 6/20 Male, Overall – Daniel Kirwa 4:22.20, Kevin Schwab 4:26.78, Noah Findley 4:35.95. Masters – Mark Ferguson 4:46.73, Jason Butler 4:55.38, Dave Milner 4:59.16. Grandmasters – Ron Mitchell 5:00.20, Gary Taylor 5:03.23, Mark Lacey 5:26.31. Senior Grandmasters – David McCormick 6:14.58, Eugene Atha 6:26.74, Randy Taylor 6:28.39. 9-under – Griffin Thomas 7:26.94, Braden Eason 7:30.44, Kamryn Williams 7:30.57. 10-14 – Kendall Townsley 5:03.28, William Mims 5:07.79, Jacob Mills 5:10.98. 15-19 – Noah Eskew 4:51.32, Gabe Lodge 4:54.77, Bennett Pascoe 4:57.51. 20-24 – Will Henry 4:59.47, Reed Harrell 5:15.02, George Taylor 5:32.10. 25-29 – Aaron Sherf 4:43.12, Homer Mason 4:57.70, Ryan Johnson 5:04.62. 30-34 – Eric Delgado 4:39.77, Max Paquette 4:49.70, Ryan Lawrence 4:56.28. 35-39 – Brian Sieczkowski 4:40.69, Eric Goodwin 5:01.19, Mike Power 5:05.11. 40-44 – Jonah Tanui 5:13.30, Chris Ho 5:21.84, Don Edge 5:46.95. 45-49 – Billy Plante 5:30.29, Michael Witt 5:44.04, Tim Gorman 5:50.23. 50-54 – Todd Coleman 5:40.47, Mike Petrin 5:48.34, Nick Rule 5:53.86. 55-59 – Bruce Oakley 5:34.24, Pete Tanguay 6:05.74, Robert Morgan 6:06.49. 60-64 – Jerry Rephan 6:45.40, Bill Crow 6:47.07, Bill Torrey 7:03.63. 65-69 - David Rutlen 6:47.37, Ross Bolding 6:51.63, Manfred Galatowitsch 7:26.08. 7074 – Wayne Bennett 7:46.91, Dan Belanger 8:10.29, Glen Wile 8:16.0275-79 – Jim McKim 9:08.96. 70over – Marvin Engels 11:08.17, John McCarthy 11:53.43. Female, Overall – Lauren Paquette 4:41.21, Christy Cazzola 4:43.62, Amanda Goetschius 4:56.98. Masters – Kem Thomas 5:37.91, Lynn O’Neal 6:16.31, Cortney Allison 6:19.52. Grandmasters – Kathleen Rea 6:37.06, Tammy Helmick 6:38.94, Betsy Tucker 6:49.08. Senior Grandmasters – Debbie Hill 7:20.39, Julie Bridgforth 7:57.83, Angie Orellano-Fisher 8:01.76. 9-under – Grace Wagner 8:33.68, Ashley Wagner 8:45.36, Alyssa Chaffin 8:46.35. 10-14 – Rachel Barnhardt 5:45.61, Gabby Reina 6:26.78, Abby Aduddell 6:38.85. 15-19 – Mary Simmons 5:58.58, Sara Claycomb 6:01.72, Elika Hamer 6:14.29. 20-24 – Valerie Reina 5:16.26, Kaitlin Bounds 5:22.64, Erika Nava 6:55.51. 25-29 – Cheryl Nolan 4:57.38, Whitney Campbell 5:35.83, Lennon Bates 6:02.56. 30-34 – Tracy Tungac 5:07.78, Nicole Hobbs 5:56.25, Natalie Ragsdale 5:58.47. 35-39 – Tia Stone 5:31.19, Amy Cole 6:19.55, Amanda Castillo 7:04.23. 40-44 – Christine Ferguson 6:28.87, Robyn Thornton 6:43.60, Wanda King 6:48.61. 45-49 – Michelle Huff 6:21.91, K2 Richards 6:37.76, Carole Delaney 6:38.99. 50-54 – Susan Fray 6:56.44, Sherry Hall 7:15.54, Belinda Pack 7:30.24. 55-59 – Cindy Baswell 7:59.25, Jacquie Winters 8:15.51, Karen Marine 8:48.51. 60-64 – Karen Hayes 8:08.71, Angela Beyette 10:17.60, Hazel Milligan 10:46.19. 65-69 – Pamela Lee 10:08.20, Rosemary Rogers 11:59.67, Delores Durley 17:17.21. 70-74 – Mary Jo Brinkman 9:01.51, Linda Bell 11:25.01. 75-79 –

Darlene Dillon 15:24.54.80-over – Frances Barger 10:57.75.

Brickfest 5K Malvern, AR – 6/27 Male, Overall – Austin Kohls 17:53, Richard Williams 18:45, Jackson Smith 20:41. Masters – Matt Burnham 20:56, James Helms 22:43, Jason Walker 24:12. Grandmasters – Charlie Wunderlin 25:22, Billy Bob Hardman 25:35, Brad Ashford 27:55. Senior Grandmasters – Ralph Edds 27:57, Norman Roscoe 36:13, David Samuel 37:20. 9-under – Richard Lance 30:04, Riley Gurbach 33:04, Jayden Ledbetter 56:40. 10-14 – Alex Ventress 21:53, Tate Smithhart 23:19, Tyler Allen 24:54. 15-19 – Eric Sullins 21;15, Caylib McGuire 21:43, Jarred Rogers 22:41. 20-24 – Noah Donoho 29:33, Michael Howard 31:16. 25-29 – Victor Edwards 22:09, Cody Kees 32:20, Shawn Selph 33:57. 30-34 – Kyle Martin 24:36, Breckin Roupe 27:09, Brain Gurbach 33:04. 35-39 – Daniel Schroeder 23:53, Dustin Beene 26:46, J.D. Cothren 30:17. 40-44 – Joey Rowland 25:45, Jeff Beason 28:41, Ronald Haney 28:50. 45-49 – Guy Allen 24:40, Patrick Daniel 25:15, George Tackett 27:22. 50-54 – Steven Smith 30:06, Rich Wyman 41:50. 55-59 – Jim Lewis 30:22, Anthony Cooper 39:40, Ron Moss 42:02. 70-74 – Paul Blom 38:13. 80-over – Dick Gladden 38:54. Walker – Michael Davidson 36:18. Female, Overall – Adela Hernandez 20:33, Kami Ward 22:42, Kate Hamner 22:44. Masters – Ann Winston 25:24, Gena Mckerlie 25:34, Tamara Poland 26:49. Grandmasters – Cindy Robinson 27:49, Cathy Dingler 30:25, Angie Winstead 32:14. Senior Grandmasters – Dana Murphy 33:00, Rita Miller 41:32, Gail Kenney 50:41. 10-14 – Jessica Cunningham 28:51, Julia Lance 31:36, Grace Stewart 31;48. 15-19 – Kayla Ventress 29:17, Kayla Thompson 31:41, Raley Thompson 31:50. 20-24 – Tabitha Robbins 49:58. 25-29 – Ariel Weido 27:32, Ashley Selph 30:20, Sara Wheatley 30:21. 30-34 – Tara Phelan 27:29, Sarah Lowery 28:07, Briana Roupe 29:45. 35-39 – Aerah Hardin 23:29, Brooke Cowart 27:21, Meredith Ham 29:49. 40-44 – Crystal Burnham 29:53, Chris Beason 31:19, Julie Larue 31:19. 45-49 – Amber Tackett 29:25, Mary Thompson 31:38, Kelli Boyce 33:59. 50-54 – Deann Hipps 32:37, Linda Steele 43:09. 55-59 – Lynne Hankins 32:28, Jeanne Gardner 34:22, Jeannie Hendrix 34:35. Walker – Shannon Porch 36:28. – David Samuel

FLORIDA St. Pete Beach Summer 5K Series #1 Pass-A-Grille, FL – 6/26 Male, Overall – Steve Wilcox 18:33. 9-under – Keenan Matheson 35:53. 10-14 – Kevin Cochran 22:45, Tyler Mosher 23:26, Caleb Fruland 29:45. 15-19 – Brian Cochran 19:33, Ben Mosher 19:50, Tyler Anthony 23:15. 20-24 – Justin Poisson 21:35. 25-29 – Richard Drude 19:42, Joel Miller 23:57, Kevin Strickland 24:51. 30-34 – Andy Mascherino 19:56, Lance Skipper 25:04, Eric Hollis 28:20. 35-39 – Justin Bevens 24:59, Terry Carlson 25:14, Seth Hileman 28:29. 40-44 – Charles Schauer 19:47, Ken Charleston 22:04, Eric Theis 25:27. 4549 – Joe Hannigan 22:14, Mark Roman 27:00, Jim Knopka 29:15. 50-54 – James Mosher 22:08, Gilbert Dolores 23:16, Russell Gonzalez 23:24. 55-59 – Marke Berte 26:03, Allen Ahern 27:37, Willie Roth 32:06. 60-64 – Steve Byrne 22:51, Kevin Cook 26:40, John Mahoney 31:03. 65-69 – Jon Wilson 30:17. 70-74 – Silky Sullivan 29:47, Don Herring 47:20, Ted Andresen 47:24. Female, Overall – Jessica Forrester 18:56. 9-under – Abigail Hite 31:54. 10-14 – Allison Fruland 30:50, Kelly Hannigan 32:17, Maggie Kearney 33:44. 15-19 – Kiley Coleman 23:56, Gemmi Corsini 24:58, Lauren Houser 27:14. 20-24 –


Lauren Eberhart 26:38, Jen Winter 36:34, Lauren Pierce 1:01:32. 25-29 – Kristina Tranel 25:29, Becky Hamm 27:23, Kate Tagle 34:26. 30-34 – Jessica Mattox 27:43, Kelly mcEvoy 28:18, Carrie Konosky 30:18. 35-39 – Christina Noordstar 20:27, Leslie Beauchamp 22:18, Jaimie Young 31:14. 40-44 – Stacey Hendry 23:35, Francie Hamer 24:38, Nancy Smith 25:20. 45-49 – Christine Mooby 27:17, Agnieszka Hunter 27:17, Ellen Alence 30:35. 50-54 – Robyn Patrick 22:55, Mary Jean Eggert 27:31, Kathleen Wheeler 28:36. 55-59 – Deb Robinson 28:00, Carol Gonzalez 30:21, Diana Clark 32:21. 6064 – Diane Spicer 37:04, Bren Ross-Greene 39:56, Paula Shukis 45:49. 70-74 – Ginger Herring 41:53.

Our Country Day 5K Keystone Heights, FL – 7/4 Male, Overall – Jesse Millson 18:47. 10-under – Tyler Griffin 29:29, Michael Golden 35:14, Cooper Barry 36:49. 11-14 – Steven Rodriguez 20:29, Tim Serle 20:54, Nathan Martin 23:58. 15-19 – Sam Millson 18:48, Kyle Kipple 20:29, Reiley Pickering 20:52. 20-24 – Ryan Collins 19:13. 25-29 – Daniel Swale 22:23, Andrew Deneen 28:00. 30-34 – Drew Upchurch 20:21, Clint Sweeting 25:49. 35-39 – Adam Wetzel 22:18, Jamie Moss 23:04, Josh Hallberg 30:38. 40-44 – Brad Collins 23:04, Chris Thomas 23:56, Brian Kendrick 25:32. 45-49 – Alan Pickert 21:34, Tim Lundquist 23:56, Christopher Jolley 35:24. 50-54 – Jim Chirico 22:57, Ruby McHugh 23:56, Karl Legrand 24:06. 55-59 – Robbie Best 26:30, David Golden 35:14, Robert Swale 40:48. 60-64 – Erxleben Melanie 32:18. 65-69 – Lathell Blaine 32:30. Female, Overall – Sarah Searle 20:53. 10-under – Madisynn Guessford 37:57, Sofia Jolley 41:05, Riley Barry 43:09. 11-14 – Jaelyn Canova 25:37, Emily Canova 26:39, Leslie Lerch 29:50. 15-19 – Naomi Proctor 23:42, Bailey Pickering 25:50. 20-24 – Jessica Deneen 37:13, Katelyn Swale 39:46, Emily Swale 39:47. 25-29 – Amanda Lazenby 31:16, Lindsey Upchurch 36:12, Anna Schaus 36:15. 30-34 – Mandy Lemmon 26:31, Michelle Hallberg 34:58, Aimee Kalb 36:50. 35-39 – Sarah Moss 22:33, Amy Lugo 35:47, Melissa Griffin 37:21. 40-44 – Carrie Wetzel 27:01, Kelly Pickering 34:02, Connie Fleming 36:16. 45-49 – Victoria Davenport 26:18, Kristin Millson 28:01, Danielle Jolley 41:07. 50-54 – Jackie Herndon 35:12, Charla Swale 39:54, Pam Dalziel 43:40. 55-59 – Julie Bruey 26:18, Linda Pickert 27:05, Susie Kline 29:28. 60-64 -Sally Deneen 37:01. – Jim Shields

GEORGIA Miles-4-Smiles 10K/5K Lawrenceville, GA – 6/6 Male, 10K: Overall – Stephen Mayer 37:24. 12-under – Felix Hering 45:28. 13-15 – Ryan Richardson 53:37, Ethan Hill 1:39:31. 20-29 – Corey Barthelemy 37:37, Matt Foley 38:54, Aaron Niemann 42:58. 30-39 – Cole Fricke 42:38, Jonathan Daisey 1:16:28. 40-49 – Erik Bomboy 53:38, Jeff Markey 53:59, Patrick Hering 59:25. 50-59 – Mike Hanagriff 49:23, Peter Mahncke 49:59, Bradley Frost 53:01. 60-over – Randy Murdoch 55:17, Willie McKenzie 57:56. Female, 10K: Overall – Brooke Heberling 46:11. 13-15 – Caroline Markey 1:02:23. 16-19 – Katherine Markey 1:02:24. 20-29 – Kassi Lee 50:26, Erin Ochs 54:14, Melissa White 57:22. 30-39 – Michelle Franklin 57:28, Kirstin Downie 58:54, Junita Harris 1:01:00. 40-49 – Alexandra Gonzalez 55:13, Ramonda Haas 58:19, Joanne Markey 1:02:26. 5059 – Angie Hanagriff 59:14, Julie Sauer 1:05:47, Angela Fracker 1:17:52. 60-over – Nancy Smith 1:21:10, Vickie Young 1:39:25. Male, 5K: Overall – Antonio Palmer 17:49. 12-under – Cole Cardinal 22:13, Liam Furman 24:26, Owen Giguere 27:09. 13-15 – Thomas Ridley 19:43, Harrison Tark 21:05, Burhanuddin Bhinderwala 23:55. 16-19 – Austin Walden 18:16, Alex Martin 30:15, Austin Crawford 41:21. 20-29 – Max Kipp 24:28, Wayne Simons 24:41, Sean McCullough 29:46. 30-39 – Ryan Archer 20:42, Chris Wallace 22:28, Benny Meadows 24:13. 40-49 – Craig McKee 28:58, James Lee 30:19, Robert Knox 33:24. 50-59 – David Williams 26:11, Kevin Hennessey 27:45, Joe Ochs28:44. 60-over – Brent



Running Journal • August, 2015

It's Not All About the Bling By Lou Galli

For a long time at the start of my running and road racing career, I coveted the bling! Of course there were medals for finishing a race, sometimes even a 5K awarded medals to the finishers, but I'm talking about the real thing, Trophies. Those cheap, shiny, gaudy, plastic prizes suitable for the mantel. I started racing in my 40s, and through my 50s I was at best a mid-packer or perhaps a front of the back of the pack kind of guy. I would see those fit, lean master's age groupers climb the podium and be handed those shiny plastic trophies with the word “winner” engraved on them. Somehow it felt that I had not validated my credentials as a “real” runner since I never seemed to make it to the podium and had no hardware on my mantel to testify to my running abilities, even though in reality they weren't that great. I would devise all kinds of tactics to try to increase my chances of landing on the podium. I was on a mission to finally get some hardware. If there was a race that featured a 5K and a longer distance, perhaps a 10K or Half-Marathon, I would enter the 5K, knowing the “real” runners would prefer the longer distances. I prayed for rain, and maybe just a little lightning before the race to thin out the competition. But for a long time no success. Then it happened. On a rainy cold day in Raleigh, a day which probably discouraged some of the better runners from getting out of bed, I placed 3rd in the 50-54 age group, my first win. I would climb the podium, accept my trophy graciously, and rush home to place the hardware in a prominent location that I could get my wife to agree to. I tried to walk up to the podium like I had been there before but I'm sure I had a goofy looking smile on my face as I looked forward to accepting my major award, but alas it was a pair of socks! I raised them high in the air and rejoined my friends, smiling proudly, but I have to admit to feeling a bit disappointed that day even though I should have been thankful for whatever I was given.

Then as I got older things changed. Unfortunately some of the fellows who used to run in my age group started to drop out due to those pesky age related ailments. Bad knees, bad hips, bad feet, bad hearts started thinning the ranks of the over 60 and then really devastated the over 65 crowd. Now the truth is that I would much rather be racing alongside those fellows, or more accurately behind them, and enjoying their fellowship at the finish line but that is not to be. I also moved to a smaller community where although there are a lot of active people there were simply fewer competitors, and unfortunately at some races there are but a handful of runners my age. All of the sudden when I had a really good day (and sometimes even on a bad day) I found myself on the podium every once in a while and lo and behold sometimes there were trophies! Cheap shiny gold plastic treasures with handsome and young runners in full stride mounted on top. Those symbols of my running prowess began to come more often, ironically even as my times slowed. My favorite ones are the cute little bobble head dolls decked out as runners in full sprint mode, male bobbles for the guys and female bobbles complete with pony tails for the ladies, that are awarded at our local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Oh how I coveted those bobbles. My bobbles, those prized possessions, those major awards, are displayed proudly and prominently in our living room. There are other kinds of trophies scattered around the house in places that my wife won't object too much to but are there to give me pleasure when I can remember where I put them. I was at a small race last December that gave out the cutest little plastic trophies, 4” high for 1st, 3” for 2nd and the cutest little 1 1/2” for 3rd and they had your finishing place hand written on them in permanent marker. Simple but effective and unique. The bags, socks and other awards are relegated to the closet or given to my wife, only those premium plastic prizes get those prime preferred places in the house. But when I had realized my dream of piling up the bling, filling my mantel with major awards there seemed to still be something missing, something in the back of my mind as I stared at my trophies that told me that it wasn't all that hardware that validated me as a “real” runner. Now that I had my trophies I came to realize there were greater awards to be sought after. I realized that the best award of all was having been able to be healthy enough to run and race all these years. I realized that the rewards were the fun, the fulfillment of personal goals and the fact that I had gotten to do this for as long as I have and race against, or more accurately trail along behind, some really good athletes and wonderful men and women. As I put a real scare on 70 years I expect I'll garner a few more podium finishes and collect some more socks, bags, medals, and hopefully a few more trophies, but now I realize that I actually won every time I ran a race, every time I strapped my shoes on in the morning and headed out the door for a run. Whether


Down the Road Talent or Effort, Which One Wins? Talent. Effort. Anyone can achieve anything if they try hard enough. Those were the points of contention in a conversation I had the other day. We disagreed as to which of the first two was most important, and we disagreed as to whether anyone can achieve anything they want badly enough to go after it. You probably know enough about me by now, so I’ll just call the guy I was talking to ‘Doc’. Doc said that anyone can achieve whatever they want to in sports if they are willing to work hard enough at it. He pointed out examples like ‘Rudy’ in the movie of the same name, and some other people he had known personally. I disagreed. I said that talent is the ingredient that makes someone rise above the good level that they can achieve with maximum effort, and the elite or great level that some athletes attain. Which do you think is more important? I wanted to be great and I spent countless hours training, doing track workouts, long runs, fartlek, you name it. I remember those 70+ mile weeks when I was training for the New York City Marathon — and not getting the sub 3-hour marathon I wanted. I remember doing 8 weeks of increasing track workouts before the Cooper River Bridge Run year after year — and getting 17 straight sub 40-minute finishes. I never got the sub 35-minute finish I wanted. I don’t believe I could have I finished 1st in my age group or trotted along someplace in the middle of the pack I did something that so relatively few people my age have had the opportunity to do for whatever reason. Every time I raced I was handed the reward of fitness, the award of meeting some wonderful people and drawing inspiration and energy from them. Every time I raced I was a “winner.” I am a “real” runner. I think it was Bart Yasso who said that there is no such thing as a “fake” runner. We are all “real” runners Now don't get me wrong, the next time I race I will be out there trying to catch that gray haired guy in front of me and I'll be wondering if he is over 65 (we need to require ages be written on our right calves so we know who we have to worry about, ala triathlon). I have every intention of running out of room on the mantel for all those bobble heads because I plan on doing this for a while longer but at least now I know that even if there are no more bobble heads in my future it's still going to be fun to try.

Lou Galli lives and runs in Wilmington, NC.

By Cedric Jaggers

trained any harder or better for the ability and talent level I was blessed with. Yet I never achieved greatness. I gave Doc a personal example from my own running experience. The year I ran my fastest Bridge Run I remember coming up on a well-known local runner who usually finished 4 or 5 minutes ahead of me. I’ll call him Dave. About half way through the race I caught up with Dave. There was no way that I should have been less than 2 minutes behind him at that point. When I passed him and he realized who I was, he picked up the pace and stayed ahead of me the rest of the way to the finish line. After the race I found out why he was struggling. Despite his talent and ability he had not been doing much running for over a month and had been drinking heavily. He had not even planned to run the Bridge Run but had signed up at the last minute. His talent carried him through the race, though the terrible performance for him was better than the best performance I ever got in the race. Doc remained unconvinced. He stated again that anyone can achieve the top level of a sport if they are willing to try and work hard enough. I told him the only ones who achieve the top level are the ones who have both: the talent and the willingness to work hard and push themselves as hard as they can. He refused to accept what I said. So we closed out the conversation agreeing to disagree. What do you think? Which matters more? Cedric Jaggers was elected to the South Carolina Road Runners Hall of Fame in 1992. He is the author of Charleston’s Cooper River Bridge Run. He lives and runs in Rock Hill, SC. He may be reached via e-mail at JaggersRun@comporium.net


Running Journal • August, 2015

Inspired Daily Acceptance. The Injury: Part II An injury is definitely a multi-step process. After two full months of no running and three months of physical therapy, I finally entered the acceptance phase of dealing with my injury. I accepted that I am not invincible and that I must make changes in my running by way of all the extras I need to do in order to keep running as I get older. I share this with you in hopes that you might avoid injury and forced time off from running. In short, I hope you can learn from my mistakes. I guess as a coach, I am always eager to share my experiences in hopes of preventing others from “learning the hard way.” As of this writing, I have celebrated my 42nd birthday and have begun my 31st year of running. I now really see myself as a Masters runner and have accepted the fact that I cannot train like I did when I was 25, when I could get away with almost anything. I actually run higher weekly mileage now than I did back then but I can no longer skip stretching, foam rolling, and strength training and just run. I have to be more cautious with my speed work, especially after the hamstring injury. I am definitely more consistent with my training and mileage now than I was back then. I think the consistent higher mileage actually agrees with me. I learned so much from my physical therapist over the past few months. At first I was a little resistant when he told me I have to strength train and stretch more and maybe run a little less. But after each physical therapy session, I could see how the strength training made sense, especially focusing on single leg exercises like Bulgarian split squats, TRX assisted single leg squats, and single leg Romanian dead lifts. When we run we land on one leg at a time! Talk about a revelation. And then there's the foam rolling and extensive stretching. I'll admit I was a little defensive as I told him “I stretch!” I have always held stretches for about 30 seconds or so. This is what I learned back in high school and college cross country and what I saw other coaches and programs doing as well. My PT has me holding stretches for 90 seconds. Yes, 90! I must have looked confused as he happily explained that he wanted me to


THIS RUNNING LIFE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 fine. This close-knit running family is not content to sit back and reminisce about their glory days. They are extending them as long as possible.

By Rae Ann Darling Reed

hold the stretches over a minute to bypass the stretch reflex and really lengthen the muscles (post workout only, of course, when the muscles are really warm). I do not have an exercise science or physical therapy background, so I accepted his expertise and after three months of stretching this way, I no longer feel the restriction in my muscles, especially in the hip flexors, quads, and glutes. The restriction I had in that general hip area was a big part of my hamstring injury as it caused an anterior rotation of my pelvis which overworked the hamstring. Now I am able to use my glutes more and protect my hamstrings. Change is hard but not running is worse! This is why I have accepted these new additions to my running routine. Once I did start back to running, it was literally a half mile a day for six days then the next week I increased to three quarters of a mile, then a mile, then two. I may have been overly cautious on my return to running, but I did not want to risk any setbacks. I gradually increased mileage in a safe way like I tell others to and now I am training for the Last Chance BQ.2 Chicagoland Marathon on Sept. 12, in hopes of qualifying for Boston 2016. I know it's a risk signing up for a marathon so soon after the injury but I accept that risk just like I accept the limitations of my body and now work to make it stronger and more flexible each day.

Rae Ann Darling Reed is the RunnerGirl - a Masters runner and USATF Level2 & RRCA certified running coach in the Brooks Inspire Daily program. Follow her at facebook.com/runnergirl or on twitter: @runnergirl

From left: Iris Vinegar, Al Terry, Brenda Bridgman, Evelyn Terry and Bob Ross prepare to cut into a huge birthday cake. These days, the original members of the 36-year-old North Carolina Roadrunners Club are still together and enjoying a great friendship forged through running.

Iris Vinegar and Al Terry celebrated their birthdays in June. Iris turned 89 and Al is 81. They, along with other longtime members of the North Carolina Roadrunners Club have been hanging out together for decades. They still meet up on weekends and during the week for long walks and fun times.

Ken Long, 87, who has been a member of the North Carolina Roadrunners Club since it was started in 1979, still wins medals at the state and national Senior Games. He runs with the Raleigh Galloway program in addition to his senior games activity and his NCRR gettogethers.

Teri Saylor lives, runs and writes in Raleigh, N.C. Contact her at terisaylor@hotmail.com.


Running Journal • August, 2015


Dady 28:15, Steve Curtis 29:50, Wayne Yancy 46:45. Female, 5K: Overall – Elizabeth Saliba 22:15. 12-under – Kate Phelan 32:11, Reekah Scott 32:12, Ruby Cardinal 34:46. 13-15 – Kim Dezwart 26:35, Hannah Gatland 27:07, Addison Guinter 28:11. 16-19 – Chandler Spivey 23:09, Gracie Coker 26:03, La’shaundra Marshall 27:29. 20-29 – Britny Nicole 27:29, Eva Annabring 28:45, Whitney Snuggs 30:43. 30-39 – Keiko Hirose 25:59, Cathy Evans 26:51, Allison Rhodes 31:14. 40-49 – Andie Strong 26:12, Mary Harrison 33:34, Pamela Wolfe 36:07. 50-59 – Laurel McCullough 29:47, Beth Cox 30:24, Jeannine Beebe 34:59. 60-over – Deborah Williams 26:11, Kathy Christensen 32:55, Deborah Franklin 37:23.

Torture Trail 10K Eatonton, GA – 6/6 Male, Overall – Alan Black 33:44. Masters – Brent Fields 35:22. 14-under – Tyler Mathis 1:03:03. 15-19 – Kaleb McLeod 34:43, Jacob McLeod 36:40, Quillian Holland 39:50. 20-24 – Rashaun Tanner 36:40, Daniel Loudermilk 55:07, Will Dabbs 59:51. 25-29 – Carl Boles 40:28, Kelton Dunn 54:36, Jeremy Cash 55:24. 30-34 – Zach Massey 40:41, Buddy Clark 44:09, Brian Yoder 46:49. 35-39 – Chris Dietrch 37:40, Corey Blackburn 44:42, James Barlament 45:34. 40-44 – Rusty Boland 40:53, Jason Schaffer 42:55, Sam Moss 46:00. 45-49 – Thomas Goss 42:54, Doug Cassiday 46:44, Michael Stigers 48:58. 50-54 – Jerry Herrin 40:42, Keith Griffin 42:16, Orlando Daniels 42:30. 55-59 – Steve Canova 53:13, Kenneth Collins 58:57, Neal Dabbs 1:04:57. 60-64 – Dan Ash 44:49, Hugo Lagomasino 47:13, Frank Crowe 49:46. 65-over – Bennie Cullen 53:32, Ed Wysong 55:13, Sid Whittlinger 57:00. Female, Overall – Nicole Stone 41:51. Masters – Belinda Moon 49:32. 14-under – Mari Jablonski 46:49, Alina Jablonski 49:10, Dafne Rangel 56:48. 15-19 – Kate Boland 46:19, Veronica Yoder 48:34, Allie Wall 1:02:40. 2024 – Nicole Stone 41:51, Taylor Pounds 1:04:52, Amber Brown 1:10:55. 25-29 – Christian Proctor 43:02, Rosey Glidewell 48:44, Amber Hodor 52:04. 30-34 – Helen Marie Davenport 49:03, Suzanne Hill 49:31, Megan Kell 57:03. 35-39 – Stacy Paine 46:09, Susan Stone 49:17, Jessie Folk 49:22. 40-44 – Cindy Gaskins 53:17, Sherry Daniel 55:49, Jenny Lane 56:22. 45-49 – Belinda Moon 49:32, Kim Degonia 51:37, Lisa Eisele 53:45. 50-54 – Janet Muse 54:54, Mary Beth Forwood 59:23, Cindy Douglas 59:34. 5559 – Cary Leonard 52:29, Gail Wincey 58:01, Cindy Hensley 1:00:11. 60-64 – Sherri Hintz 50:11, Linda Romero 58:40, Diane Glidewell 1:01:10. 65-over – Brenda Cooter 1:05:06, Christine Cardenaz 1:07:30, Autumn Perry 1:09:45.

CHOA Strong4Life Super Hero 5K Atlanta, GA – 6/6 Male, Overall – Gregg Dewire 19:38, Lee Niedrach 19:45, Ross Ramby 19:51. Masters – Dave Edwards 20:50. 8-under – London Ray 29:18, Jack Stefon 38:27, Carter Gracek 41:43. 9-13 – Patrick Walsh 28:13, Kimoni Jiggetts 28:14, Sam Alexander 29:44. 14-19 – Conar Walsh 24:16, Michael Franco 26:03, Hunter Yearwood 26:46. 20-24 – Casey Young 23:44, Diego Cruz-Burbano 24:02, Tony Thomas 24:21. 25-29 – Peter MacDonough 20:21, Jordan Jones 22:40, Nicholas Williams 22:46. 30-34 – Dustin Bennett 22:30, Richard Rowe 23:24, Frank O’Brien 24:45. 35-39 – Jon Walker 24:24, Jill Flanagan 26:03, Kristie Appelgren 27:16. 40-44 – Reeve McNamara 22:01, Edmund Stevens 23:48, Scott Minarcine 25:21. 45-49 – Alekesey Synkov 23:36, David Allen 23:43, David Marcus 24:30. 50-54 – Ronnie Holloman 21:35, Michael Murfee 22:33, Charlie Brown 23:01. 55-59 – John Eyster 23:44, Neil Snowdon 24:48, David Reddick 28:17. 60-over – Carl Jakaitis 30:10, Vince Smith 31:36, James Austin 33:15. Female, Overall – Rebecca Ellis 22:08, Annie Harris 22:09, Magdalena Evans 23:10. Masters – Jennifer Frisch 26:47. 8-under – Shreya Chatterjee 32:10, Amelia Stevens 36:05, Eliette Bauer 37:33. 9-13 – Tahlia

more results at running.net

Pemberton 25:55, Madelyn Cunningham 26:46, Kathryn Hood 28:10. 14-19 – Gillian Jewell 31:58, Samantha Seidel 31:58, Grace Englert 32:17. 20-24 – Melissa Peterson 25:11, Victoria Slingo 25:24, Kelsey Runyan 26:42. 25-29 – Britney Eyster 24:12, Brittany Linton 24:28, Anna Gleyzer 25:07. 30-34 – Rachel Best 23:18, Jocelyn Hoffman 23:47, Rebecca Dillard 23:49. 35-39 – Sarah Stewart 24:24, Jill Flanagan 26:03, Kristie Appelgren 27:16. 40-44 – Dawn Ford 27:57, Shayna Smith 28:38, Gold Odubiyi 29:27. 45-49 – Andi Shane 28:21, Maurya Porter 29:17, Rachel Friedberg 30:06. 50-54 – Becca Stevens 27:20, Wanda Gonzalez-Snowdon 27:51, Erin Hand 29:32. 55-59 – Jocelyn Brock 31:50, Barbara Bradshaw 32:35, Laura Mills 34:55. 60-over – Sue Landa 28:44, Jan Jeffcoat 35:46.

Sunshine Festival of Races 5K St Simons Island, GA – 7/4 Male, Overall – Ben Pleak 16:59, Dane Szalwinski 17:46, David Huezo 18:04. 9-under – Lucas Johnson 26:46, Slater Vinson 29:34, Weston Moldenhayer 29:38. 10-14 – Mason Smith 19:13, Jonathan Kirkland 20:45, Ryan Craft 21:03. 15-19 – Frederick Straud 19:06, Ethan Hatfield 19:54, George Dyer 19:54. 20-24 – Conner Hennessey 21:45, Bobbie Hewell 21:52, Chase Westby 22:12. 25-29 – Nick Wansley 18:37, Christopher Wade 20:06, Scott McDonald 20:38. 3034 – John McCormick 18:08, Eric Bumgartner 18:50, Jeremiah James 19:44. 35-39 – Jeff Roberts 19:00, Jason Sucic 19:05, Arek Sarkisslyn 21:35. 40-44 – Chris Sucic 19:56, Chad Moye 20:31, Jeff Marshall 22:02. 45-49 – Tom Dion 19:09, Mike Tigani 20:54, Van McCorkle 21:26. 50-54 – Jeff Henderson 21:38, Charlesa Lagoueyte 22:25, Jeff Condra 22:33. 55-59 – John Kenyon 21:38, Jack Parrish 22:52, Max Silman 24:39. 60-64 – Eric Weill 24:42, Gregory Carver 26:01, Ken Amiano 26:55. 65-69 – Jim Tulley 23:19, Dave Stone 27:18, Tom Pegula 27:32. 70over – Vince Marchionna 27:35, Roger Newman 31:44, Currell Pattie 31:54. Female, Overall – Rachel Bush 21:04, Casey Keeter 21:05, Sarah Davidson 21:21. 9-under – Brynn Scott 26:55, Lana Browning 31:05, Hudson Benton 34:58. 10-14 - Grayson Iller 23:34, Alex Kunda 24:03, Emily Lafferty 24:33. 1519 – Megan Korn 21:38, Caitlin Craft 23:56, Olivia Szeliga 24:31. 20-24 – Brittany Wilson 23:17, Georgia King 24:27, Ellen Lashley 25:48. 25-29 – Mead Reed 22:21, Allison Gamblin 23:07, Margaret Way 23:46. 30-34 – Crystal Baker 23:03, Molly Brown 24:07, Mandi Allen 24:23. 35-39 – Jessica Ward 23:15, Ashley Cooper 23:17, Tracy Mulkey 23:21. 40-44 – Kara Scroggs 22:18, April Darrow 22:34, Kelly Gilfillan 23:17. 45-49 – Dana Watkins 22:28, Nicole Morse 25:03, Leigh Truett 26:58. 5054 – Karla Cummings 26:05, Cheryl Watson 26:53, Ann Hesskamp 27:11. 55-59 – Jane Causey 28:32, Linda Olsen 30:54, Deirdre 31:40. 60-64 – Carol Pattie 24:35, Mary Amiano 27:59, Gail Bevier 28:21. 65-69 – Mary Woodruff 29:04, Sabina Brock 36:29, Nancy Bowman 37:56. 70-over – Bev Hayden 42:43, Cherie Demarco 46:20, Libby Evans 48:01.

www.running.net James Cooper 1:43:40, John Stewart 1:44:03, Keith Stone 1:48:47. 55-59 - Randy Dickson 1:53:36, Jeff Walton 1:57:44, Richard Giles 2:04:18. 60-64 – Alan Newkirk 1:55:36, Larry Brown 2:02:32, Charles Benton 2:07:25. 65-69 – Jim King 1:57:30. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Missy Moore 1:41:39, Shelby Stein 1:43:06, Kyndal Michel 1:46:22. 14-under – Lynne Grace Wooden 2:17:11, Grace Bartley 2:27:09. 15-19 – Justine Ibarra 1:48:07, Abigail Florence 1:57:09, Autumn Allison 2:09:30. 20-24 – Lacee Tinker 1:50:10, Heidi Olson 1:50:15, Mary Beckerson 1:52:49. 25-29 – Becky Poskin 1:47:06, Jennifer Kraschnewski 1:50:34, Elise Hawkins 1:59:34. 30-34 – Karen Turner 1:47:34, Carla Dehart 1:50:15, Deanna Duvall 1:59:27. 35-39 – Elizabeth Nicholas 1:47:14, Amy Jones 1:49:45, Angela Stark 1:51:00. 40-44 – Clarissa Beiting 2:00:30, Kristen Scoggin 2:03:24, Stephanie Darnell 2:05:06. 45-49 – Laura Simons 1:50:00, Deborah Howatt 2:01:45, LD Vaught 2:07:28. 50-54 - Donna England 1:53:44, Teresa Garrison 2:10:22, Joan Wooden 2:13:31. 55-59 – Linda Fox 1:57:17, Sandra Nichols 2:04:28, Ann Smith 2:15:18. 60-64 – Barbara Palmquist 2:03:26, Norma Smith-Stanford 2:16:30, Donna Kramer 2:44:05. Male, 10 miles: Overall – Mitchell Burmeister 1:22:50, Rick Showalter 1:23:51, David Lowery 1:28:28. Female, 10 miles: Overall – Chelsea Hoffmaster 1:16:58, Vicki Gundrum 1:23:21, Miriam Irizarry 1:23:56. Male, 4 miles: Overall – Jayden Henderson 27:58, Jackson Yazell 28:08, Kenneth Maier 28:13. Female, 4 miles: Overall – Brittany Schaefer 35:31, Trish Regard 37:16, Micki Owens 38:21

LOUISIANA Richard Newcomb Memorial Father’s Day 2 miles New Orleans, LA – 6/21 Male, Overall – Richard Bouckaert 9:56. Masters – Brandon Wingate 10:20. Grandmasters – Byron Adams 11:26. Senior Grandmasters – Ken Mire 13:03. Youth – Christopher Wagner 11:35. 15-under – Jackson Shelby 14:33, Lyric Lee 15:19. 16-19 – Kyle Montgomery 11:10, Jonathan Blanchard 11:44. 20-29 – Corbett Ourso 10:26, Josh Browning 11:48. 30-39 – Sean Fitzwilliam 10:35, Brendan Minihan 11:03. 40-49 – Michael Iverson 10:39, Gerard Jarvis 12:06. 50-59 – Timothy Priest 12:20, Sam Landry 12:55. 60-69 – Jimmy Roche 13:10, J. Roger Brown 13:35. 70-over – Larry Schlueter 14:50, Emile Wagner 17:49. Racewalker – Brett Badgerow 21:45. Female, Overall – Katherine Telfeyan 11:52. Masters – Anita Rippen 13:29. Grandmasters – Linda Akhter 16:06. Senior Grandmasters – Germaine Carroll 19:11. Youth – Emily Blanchard 13:00. 15-under – Elise Lafleur 14:04, Madalyn Burke 16:10. 16-19 – Sydney Lee 14:20, Julie Landry 19:18. 20-29 – Lauren Jewett 13:03, Lane Porter 13:24. 30-39 – Antigone Pierson 13:32, Rachel Quintana 13:52. 40-49 – Johanna Anni Chamber 14:27, Mary Gregory 16:13. 50-59 – Diane Weiss 16:40, Lillian Brown 16:42. 60-69 – Marcia Finkelstein 22:53, Jackie Wolverton 23:30. 70-over – Jamie Manders 21:51, Amelia Gassen 40:41. Racewalker – Anne Marie St Clair 22:00.



Bourbon Derby Half Marathon/ 10 miles/4 miles Paris, TN – 6/13

Tomato Festival 5K Crystal Springs, MS – 6/27

Male, Half Marathon: Overall – David Hays 1:25:35, Jordan Green 1:27:17, Michael Simons 1:35:14. 15-19 – Marcellus Lenavitt 2:15:06. 20-24 – Christian Goodyear 2:00:59, Cory Creekmore 2:05:13, Brandon Farmer 2:09:31. 25-29 – Michael Garrett 1:41:31, Riley Nesbit 1:48:41, Vincent Toussaint 1:54:58. 30-34 – Jamie Dehner 1:39:36, Jontai McQueen 1:44:35, Zach Dail 1:47:22. 35-39 – Andrew Dawson 1:36:47, Sean Heineman 1:42:59, David Pilichowski 1:45:41. 40-44 – Jeff Pisarsky 1:36:06, Michael Embury 1:39:43, Tatsuki Koyama 1:40:12. 45-49 – Lindsay Hughes 1:41:28, William Godsman 1:42:47, Kenneth Melton 1:45:47. 50-54 –

Male: Overall - Peter Kazery 16:20. Masters - Lex Davis 20:45. Grandmasters - Bo Smith 19:26. Senior Grandmasters - Cal Peters 22:08. 14-under - Hayden Pierce 23:17, Noah Overstreet 26:39, James McLendon 28:03. 15-19 - Bo Henderson 20:50, Levi Brunt 23:49, Dak Stratton 25:24. 20-24 - Andrew Presson 20:28, Taylor Smith 26:20, Kendall Gregory 43:11. 25-29 - Christopher Spivery 20;12, Orlando Carrasquillo 20:52, Ben Gardner 43:11. 30-34 - Joe Bleitnet 22:03, Alan Thompson 23:59, Cody Wallace 24:03. 35-39 Jeremy Ward 24:28, Kevin Moore 30;19, Ezra Different 30:26. 40-44 - Terry Jones 21:22, Ray Henderson 22;19, Michael Bankston 26:44. 45-49 -

Jacques Hood 24:04, Rob Robinson 24:06, Fred Staten 25:35. 50-54 - Kevin Johnston 20:40, Rex Broadhead 25:27, Mitch Mitchell 26:40. 55-59 Jerry Keywood 20:46, Mark Lipking 21:51, Randy Hankins 21:59. 60-64 - Edward Hill 25:03, Mike Vann 43:17. 65-69 - Jere Yates 27:43, Tom Smith 29:14, Tom Shuff 31:32. 70-over - Joel Alchin 31:15, Gailya Porter 38:12, Larry Papizan 44:12. Female: Overall - Angel Overstreet 20:32. Masters - Karla Jarvenpaa 25:42. Grandmasters - Amy Keywood 24:26. Senior Grandmasters- Janet Vann 28:26. 14-under - Emma Overstreet 26:54, Sybil Roberson 27:17, Judit Delcid 32:20. 15-19 - Kaylie Carpenter 29:11, Emma Mohawk 39:30. 20-24 Christy Wright 27:39, Kimberlin Singletary 32:06, Stephanie Sharp 33:42. 25-29 - Julie Gardner 29:07, Mari Margaret Phillips 36:49, Charla Lewis 39:08. 30-34 - Renea Thompson 25:23, Karla Haik 28:38, Jessie Lavender 28:59. 35-39 - Christie Barber 22:06, Rosemary Risen 25:45, Chris Alexander 29:41. 40-44 - Dianna Phillips 34:00, Robin Carpenter 35:43, Paula Davis 39:25. 45-49 - Andi Davis 33:28, Donna Walls 34:18, Amy Wright 48:10. 50-54 - Miriam Allred 24:30, Chantay Steen 24:44, Holly Smith 26:56. 55-59 - Patsy Watson 27:12, Debi Aden 28:07, MiHyang Faulks 28:17. 60-64 Charlene Priester 31:22, Judy Gearhart 37:34. 65-69 -Martha Traxler 35:53, Cathy Ward 39:41. 70-over Maria Walker 30:27.

NORTH CAROLINA T.W.A.M 5K Salisbury, NC – 6/5 Male, Overall – Garrett Ingold 16:51, Jaso Bryan 16:53, Michael Thomas 19:03. Masters – Stephen Bullock 21:57. 14-under – Roarke Burton 21:19, Bennett Clark 28:23, Dallas Ontiveros 28:38. 15-19 – Nickolas Cox 19:08, Matt Washko 19:18, Ben Jones 21:14. 25-29 – Andrew McMillan 21:54, Thomas Vagts 22:16. 3034 – Josh Eller 21:06, Joseph Brooks 23:53, Darrin Ricks 44:34. 35-39 – Brad Kluttz 21:45, Kevin Jones 22:00, Tim Pittman 24:57. 40-44 – Matt Murphy 22:15, Wayne Turlington 22:44, Phil Conrad 25:19. 45-49 – Doug Jones 27:35, Dennis Bunn 33:21. 5054 – George Livengood 26:21, Scott Brinkley 28:54, Randy Chandler 29:36. 55-59 – Rob Holmes 23:04, Brenneman Thompson 23:17, Ritchie Hearne 26:48. 60-64 – Kent Houghton 23:34, Bob Smith 25:24, Bob Oswald 28:08. Female, Overall – Acquawon Stallworth 22:27, Faith Faller22:42, Florelay Brown 23:01. Masters – Elizabeth Murphy 24:08. 14-under – Taylor Conrad 23:21, Mary Kaufman 24:57, Brooke Busby 26:03. 15-19 – Summer Blais 25:23, McKenzie Stevens 27:16, Kiara Floyd 32:26. 20-24 – Sydney Houghton 23:12, Margaret Kaufmann 24:38, Morgan Clay 34:40. 25-29 – Carolyn Green 24:44, Kari Britsehge 30:25. 30-34 – Noelle Redding 23:55, Les-Lee Efird 25:49, Stephanie Nelson 26:06. 35-39 – Bree Stillings 30:34, Allison Hamrick 39:46, Cara Kluttz 45:29. 4044 – Lindsey Bass 27:19, Davonia Michael 29:46, Laura Zimmerman-Clark 30:03. 45-49 – Jackie Ferguson 27:03, Mechelle Kuld 33:03, Teresa Jackson 35:04. 50-54 – Susan Livengood 26:39, Angie Ramos 28:56, Luann Fesperman 29:17. 55-59 – Lisa Ledbetter 32:00, Cathy Chandler 44:52, Tayler Shannon 46:22.

Rhododendron 10K Bakersville, NC – 6/20 Male, Overall – Cameron Bean 31:48, Peyton Hoyal 32:39. Masters – Randall Wilson 40:24. 19-under – Tanner Bailey 1:01:15. 20-24 – Morgan Elliott 33:37, Tanner Cook 34:29, Dalton Hughes 43:48. 25-29 – Jim Bumbulsky 39:16, Adam Burleson 52:29. 30-34 – Brinson Milhorn 36:29, Bryson Young 45:52, Tony McKinney 46:18. 35-39 – Dave Max 36:20, Robert Schoch 50:28, Darren Williams 50:34. 40-44 – Geoff Collins 50:54, Alan Vogal 59:02. 45-49 – Brad Dellinger 42:02, Chris VanDyke 43:31, Richard Myers 44:05. 50-54 – Ted Olson 43:37, Chip Craig 46:02, Richard Vance 47:34. 55-59 – Zan Sistarle 45:05, Ron Wyant 49:47, John Hunt 51:37. 60-64 – David Rayfield 57:24, Bob



Running Journal • August, 2015


Legacy of Nina May Brekelmans … Dreams Unfulfilled By George Banker

Nina May Brekelmans “Nina was an amazing person who accomplished many incredible many incredible things in a very short time. She was so humble that she was almost embarrassed to tell the team that she was awarded the Fulbright Scholarship, and until I saw the reaction to her death in Jordan I had no idea of the impact she made on the running community there. As with everything else in her life, Nina put everything she had into her running, and even though she wasn't one of the most talented athletes at Georgetown Running Club (GRC), no one worked harder, and

being part of the team meant the world to her. We will do our best to honor her memory as we go forward,” stated Coach Jerry Alexander (GRC). Coach Jerry Alexander was commenting about Nina May Brekelmans whose life ended too quickly. On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 in the early morning hours there was a house fire in the 1600 block of Riggs Road Place, NW about 2:30 a.m., as reported by the authorities. There were two lives lost. The second person was Michael McLaughlin, 24, a graduate magna cum laude from the University of Maryland in 2012 with a degree in finance and economics. “What is Legacy of Life?” According to George Mason University (http://www.legacy.mu.edu/llegacy), “A Legacy of Life is designed to assist individuals with their focus and their priorities. It helps each of us direct energies in a somewhat organized and planned way so that we are remembered, ideally, in ways that we desire.” “While we cannot fully control our legacy and how we are remembered, we are more likely to achieve the desired results if we seek them, than if we move through life without direction or purpose”. A legacy should cover a lifetime but what happens when the lifetime is only 25 years? Nina Brekelmans was born March 6, 1990 in Gahanna, OH. The early years of schooling included high school at DuPont Manual Magnet in Louisville, KY, and the family moved to Queretaro, Mexico where she graduated from John F. Kennedy School. Brekelmans attended Dartmouth College to pursue a B.A. in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies with a minor in Public Policy. She was selected as a 2009 First Year Fellow by the Rockefeller Center and spent the freshmen summer interning at the Project on Government Oversight. Brekelmans graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth College in June of 2012 and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.

Graduate work was undertaken at Georgetown University to pursue her Masters of Arts in Arabic Studies. During the time there she spent time studying in Jordan and Egypt having received the Boren Fellowship funded by the National Security Education Program. She graduated in May 2015. Brekelmans was awarded Dartmouth's James B. Reynolds Scholarship for Foreign Study and a Fulbright Graduate Research Fellowship. At the end of the summer Brekelmans was returning to Jordan to conduct research on female distance runners and to continue her Arabic language studies. While attending Dartmouth she was on the Varsity Track and Field Team. To her credit was a PR of 5:00.07 for 1500 meters, 17:57.25 for 5,000 meters, and 39:07.60 for 10,000 meters. At the 41st Dartmouth Relays (January 2010), 8th place was captured in the Women's 3,000 Meter Run with 10:50.85. In January 2012 at the Dartmouth vs Maine vs Vermont vs RPI, 8th place was captured in the Women 1 Mile Run in a time of 5:12.16. At the 43rd Dartmouth Relays (January 2012) 7th place was captured in the 3,000 meter Run with 10:32.25. In February 2012 at the Boston University Valentine Invitational 72nd place was captured with a time of 10:46.31. GRC teammate, Mary Grace Pellegrini shares some comments, “She had a sincere and deep love for the people of the Middle East. It's where she felt at home. While in Jordan during part of a one-year language and cultural immersion fellowship she won her first attempt at a half marathon at the Dead Sea, taking home some prize money, meeting members of the royal family and generally being treated “like a star.” She was an absolute dynamo and she was so proud to wear her GRC shirt on the podium”. “Her career at Dartmouth was limited by injury, but


she ran some very solid times in college. The highlight of her collegiate career came in Boston where she ran a 9:56 for 3,000 meters. She was essentially a very talented beginner when she joined GRC in the fall of 2012. She was committed to continue her development with GRC, and was training extremely well,” stated Alexander. Alexander adds, “Injuries plagued her throughout her running career, but they only affected her body. She remained determined throughout and committed to her teammates both new and old. She beamed with pride when she had a chance to watch college teammate Alexi Pappas race in Alexandria last fall at the US National 12K, and even though she loved her experiences in Egypt (before relocating to Jordan during her language fellowship), she regretted missing out on celebrating her teammate's successes.” “Nina was very, very proud to be a part of GRC. She was willing to do whatever it was going to take to hang with the girls, and she was a great teammate in every sense of the word. I'd hear her wheezing as she'd push to keep up with her far more seasoned teammates and initially thought it was an indication of some weakness, but I realized quickly that it was indicative of her strength and focus to do what it took to be a better runner, to push herself harder”, comments Coach Alexander. A legacy is a story of a life so the person is not forgotten. It includes a collection of accomplishments, goals, failures, and lives which have been touched. Brekelmans will not have the opportunity to complete her legacy and her life will continue through her family, friends, and teammates of the Georgetown Running Club.

George Banker is a Running Journal correspondent who lives in Washington, DC.

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Running Journal • August, 2015


He Said, She Said When Emotions Run High, Heed Emotional Run-Ins

By Mary Marcia Brown

Pictured: Mary Marcia and her brother with their Mom, circa 1982.

The day before my mother's funeral, my brother ran the longest run of his life. His commitment to his relationship with running commenced only two years ago. It was an exciting time for me, as he called often to seek guidance about effective training, proper running attire, injury prevention, stretching, motivating music,

treadmill settings, and seemingly everything in between. He'd text to tell me about a new mileage milestone he met, and leave excitement-filled voicemails when he managed to maintain a faster speed. The teeth punctures left by the proverbial running bug's bite were evident - even from 400 miles away. Two months ago though, 400 miles did not separate me and my brother. I was walking out of our hometown gym's door, as he walked in and positioned himself on a treadmill, ready to tackle more miles than he had previously imagined. “Have a great run,” I said. “I'll catch up with you this afternoon.”

After bidding him farewell, I set out for the nursing home to pick up my 94-yearold grandmother. Two days earlier, I had seen the sadness in her face, and had watched her weaken at the waist when I told her that her only daughter was dead. She was about to witness the somber sight for herself. I held her hand as we walked languidly toward the coffin that held my mother's lifeless body. “I wish it were me instead of you,” my grandmother cried, bending down to kiss my mother on the cheek. Tears fell from my face as I embraced my emotionally and physically frail grandmother, attempting to console her confounded soul - the one whispering, “Why did I not go first?”, and “How can I possibly go on after burying my baby?” After she delivered another kiss to her daughter's cheek, gently brushed her long hair, and gave her daughter's once-nurturing now-rigid hand a tight squeeze, my grandmother was ready to leave. My brother was probably completing mile seven when my grandmother and I returned to the nursing home. By the time

I picked up my youngest brother, Chase, another mile or two were likely complete. Chase was emphatic about his wishes to see our mother. The last time he had seen her, she was still coherent and called him out affectionately by his name. I was torn in determining whether or not it was a wise idea to take my 24-year old brother, who has autism, to see his mother as she lay in her final position of rest - but I took him. “Oh Mommy, how am I going to live without you!” he cried out. My face flooded with tears again, as I rubbed his back and, with the most convincing tone I could muster, said, “You're going to be alright, buddy.” I sincerely hoped that was true. Chase slumped over the side of our mother's coffin, and with a throaty whimper, relinquished an ounce of his anguish with each bawling breath. “Don't worry, Mommy,” he said as he stood tall and attempted to regain his composure. “I'm going to keep my room and the house clean,” he said. Confident that those words would please her, Chase turned from the coffin and began to walk past the pews in the little chapel. He turned once more to exclaim, “I love you, Mommy!” before we reached the funeral home door. As we walked to the car, our brother was probably reaching the finish line of his day's long run. Later that afternoon, we all reconvened at our mother's house. “How was your run?” I asked my brother. “It was great!” he said. “It was the longest I've ever run on the treadmill. More than a half marathon!” he said. “Oh wow! That's fantastic!” I said. “Yeah. I was able to really just run and think about Mom,” he said. “It really helped,” he added, recalling how his thoughts of our mom had carried him through his first five miles before he even thought to look down at the completed mileage on the display screen. The late hours of the afternoon melted into the early evening hours as we delved into decades' worth of family photos. As the pages turned, Christmases went from poor to plentiful, cars morphed from muffler-less to new, house hunts replaced Easter egg hunts, and faces aged beneath the birthday balloons of each passing year. It was bittersweet to relive memories of my mom's life through Kodak moments. With a few photos carefully chosen to take to the next day's visitation and service, I sat down beside my brother at the dinner table. Without warning, and to my complete consternation, cordial dinner conversation was quickly blown away by a tumultuous tornado of previously disguised anger and resentment.



Running Journal • August, 2015


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Running Journal • August, 2015



Running Psychology


Training, Recovery and Stress When most of you think about “training,” you probably think about getting on your running shoes and going out the door for a run. Of course there is more to training than simply going out everyday and running. Stretching, weight training, nutrition, recovery etc. are all parts of any sound training program. However, when you examine any training program very closely, you will find there is much, much more too any training protocol than the aforementioned list of activities. All runners live in their own individual world outside of running. Each and every runner is different and each and every one of you lives in your own individual environment. You interact with your environment, which is to say your personal environment has an effect on your training, both when you are running, but also each and every other minute of your life. So to really understand training and recovery, you must look beyond specific activities, such as running, that are designed to build endurance, speed, strength and flexibility. To get the absolute most out of training you need to learn to understand how all aspects of your life effect how you adapt to your training load and how well you recover from your training. Training must be viewed as a total integration of body, mind and living environment. When you simplify training, it is all about putting stress on your body that your body it is not accustomed to and then allowing your body to adapt to the stress overload with a form of lowered stress or recovery. Too little training stress and there is a less than optimal training effect. Too much stress and your body breaks down with chronic fatigue and exhaustion. Often, over training is really about a delicate combination of too much stress and too little recovery. When discussing training for runners, all too often only the stress overload from running is considered. One of the basic laws of exercise physiology is that “training is specific” and to train to run you must spend the greatest percentage of your training time running. Running is indeed the training stressor for a runner. However, there are many other stressors in your own personal environment that impact energy levels, training performance, recovery time and ultimately, race performance. Your training environment will probably consist of things like training load, rest, diet, weather conditions, illness etc., but you need to look at your entire life environment to understand how your run training is impacted by other forms of stress in your life. Most people today don’t have a lot of physical stressors in their lives. Sitting behind a desk has replaced manual labor. Technology has eliminated many jobs that once depended upon physical labor. Most of the stressors you face today are psycho-social in nature, in that they come from your own inner thoughts and our interactions with other people. Sociocultural stressors that drain physical energy might be things like time pressures, negative personal relationships, financial concerns and demands of employers. Psychological stressors like worrying, fear of failure, self-concept concerns, and even the pressure to perform in races can also result in energy drain. Any stressor, be it physical or psycho-social, places a demand on your body which requires energy to meet the demand. How are the above psycho-social stressors a part of your running environment? The ability to adapt to the training loads and “get fit” is based upon how much energy you have to expend on the actual physiological process of running and how much energy you can save during recovery. With adequate energy you can run hard and then have the ability to recover,

By Richard Ferguson, Ph.D.

thereby getting the desired training effect from your running. In a perfect running ecosystem bouts of hard training are broken by days of lower intensity training and the body is allowed to recover and adapt. But most of you have much more to do on a daily basis than just run, eat and rest. You have to function in your entire environment and that means jobs, family, school, interpersonal relationships etc., and all of these take significant energy and in many cases you simply don’t have enough energy, mental or physical, to go around. The result is that you don’t get to train as hard as you would like and on top of that, you don’t recover well from the training you do. The end product of all of this is a less than optimal training effect. It’s not that you’re training too hard or not training properly, it’s just that the other demands in your environment result in energy drains and you are under rested and under recovered for the training you actually do. You may feel tired and exhausted on a regular basis, but it’s probably not from actually running too much or too hard, it’s from under recovery as a result of life stressors. If you’re feeling worn out, don’t just look at your running as the cause; also look at your entire environment. Training is far more than simply running. In the past when you haven’t been running well, were there other things going on in your life that negatively affected your running? Job stress, personal problems, poor sleep habits or illnesses are all things that can sabotage even the most well planned training program. While many events in your personal environment may be hard to control, others can be improved upon. Diet is one area that is directly under your control. More sleep is always a help to runners, so work to manage your time better during the day and you may actually be able to get 30 minutes more sleep a night. Also, while it is a challenge, work on becoming a better stress manager. Try not to get stressed over things you can’t control and also work to change your interpretation of events so fewer and fewer things get you wound up and stressed out. Be positive and treat yourself like you would treat your own best friend. The energy you save from not being under constant stress is energy you can put to running and recovery! So the next time you map out a long-term training program, look at your entire training environment and examine the entire “picture.” By understanding areas of your life that drain mental and physical energy you will be better able to conserve more energy for running and other activities you really like to participate in. A small investment of time in looking at training and your overall lifestyle can pay big dividends down the road. Richard Ferguson is Chair of the Physical Education, Wellness, and Sport Science Department of Averett University and is an AASP Certified SportPsycology Consultant. He may be reached via e-mail at ferguson@averett.edu

In a 10-minute tirade, my brother loudly communicated his disapproval of the way I crossed my legs and hands, the way I spoke, the way I had looked at the photo albums, and the overall manner in which I was attempting to come to terms with our mother's death. “I loved Mom more than you did, and she knew it!” he cried. “And now I'm attempting to mourn my mother's death and I can't do it because of you!” he exclaimed. I felt sad for my brother, and I told him that. Anger is a powerful and destructive emotion. It surfaces quickly and takes an immediate hold of any old emotions that can fuel its pernicious path. I knew that it was not my brother speaking, but the fear behind the hate-filled words. Thankfully, I also knew that those words held no truth. I can remember that as a child, my brother would ask my Mom, “Who do you love more - me or Mary?” My Mom would dependably reply, “I love you both equally - just in different ways.” I can also remember, as a child, expressing the degree to which I loved someone by either bringing my hands close to one another and saying, “this much”, or spreading my arms to each side as far as they would go to indicate loving someone even more. As an adult, I understand that there is no “more” when it comes to love. Love is not measurable - it just is. As far as saying goodbye and mourning the loss of a loved one, there is no right or wrong. There are however, tools, activities, resources and people who can help. During that storm of emotion, my brother may not have seen me as a person who was helping him mourn, but fortunately, I knew that I was a person who had introduced him to an activity that had already “really helped” just hours before. It was the sport that had carried him through more than a half marathon that morning. The sport that had allowed him to devote almost two concentrated hours to thoughts of our mother. It was running. Optimistically, this is an activity that will be part of my brother's life for many years to come. Hopefully, it will continue to help him through any hardships regardless of their emotional weight. And maybe in the future, rather than allowing anger to take hold of his reigns of outward expression and cause a turbulent emotional run-in, perhaps he will grab his favorite running shoes, lace up, and get a meaningful (and even helpful) emotional run in. Writer, runner, and Race Director of the 12-hour Tick Tock Ultra & Team Relay, Mary Marcia Brown can be reached at marymarciabrown@yahoo.com or by visiting www.ticktockultra.vpweb.com.



Sloop 1:05:34. 65-69 – Bob Townsend 49:23, Bill Dickerson 50:03, Mackie Johnson 52:22. 70-over – Terry Vannatta 48:34, Lee Roy Hurst 59:50, LeGrande Boyer 1:03:23. Female, Overall – Siobhan O’Connor 41:07, Allison Pastorek 42:25. Masters – Karen Becker 42:48. 25-29 – Heather Trevina 1:00:47. 30-34 – Tricia Hauptmann 49:25, Brooke Burleson 1:01:02, Anna Wilson 1:08:45. 35-39 – Emily Cronk 51:49, Jennifer Smith 54:24, Tiphanre Vogel 1:00:30. 40-44 – Julie Sayers 51:05, Kelley Stewart 58:56, Megan Murphy 59:03. 45-49 – Janine Myatt 54:08, Teresa Duffy 58:32. 50-54 – Pam Jazile 55:15. 55-59 – Sherry Roane 55:34, Wendy Weidner 59:53, Sarah Parham 1:03:52. 60-64 – Melissa McCulloch 1:08:44, Rita Altman 1:14:25. 65-69 – Marie Tedesco 58:21, Benita Auge 1:00:03, Cassandra Bainbridge 1:02:21. 70-over – Martha Marshall 1:25:34.

Healthy Achievement 5K Charlotte, NC – 6/20 Male, Overall – Travis Buse 17:54, Derrick Jacobs 21:32, Carlton Dockery 21:53. 14-under –Jake Breedlove24:54. 15-19 – Marcus Chapman 28:18. 20-24 – Dan Krzeczowski 27:01. 25-29 – Olakunle Ola 24:27. 30-34 – Rick Douglas 24:27. 35-39 – John Hewitt 22:56. 40-44 – Reginald Carpenter 22:37. 45-49 – Corey Riley 25:47. 50-54 – Kenneth Snow 22:57. 55-59 – Ray Edwards 30:51. 60-64 – Juan Alzate 25:57. 65-69 – Benny Hough 33:56. 70-over – Hazael Booker 43:32. Female, Overall – Colette Nichols 24:30, Nia McAdoo 24:42, Gracie Koch 25:06. 14-under – Autumn Chapman 37:02. 15-19 – Eliana Wilkoff 25:08. 20-24 – Mary-Meli Johnson 28:25. 25-29 – Wendy Wigstrom 27:11. 30-34 – Donielle Spears 28:58. 35-39 – Dawn Heath 30:43. 40-44 – Tasha Owens 28:20. 45-49 – Vanessa Brice 35:47. 50-54 – Debbie Smith 26:29. 55-59 – Lynn Ackerman 29:04. 60-64 – Ruby Atkinson 40:48. 6569 – Regina Booker 57:06.

Common Heart Firecracker 5K/10K Indian Trail, NC – 7/4 Male, 5K Overall – Chad Stirling 18:08, Philip Abernathy 19:16, David Rice 20:49. 13-under – Chase Barajas 21:12, Haden Miller 25:22, Stephen Billman 26:19. 14-19 – Tyler Yoder 2120, Tyler Burgher 22:25, Narlie Croutch 23:44. 2529 – Robert Wearnor 34:10, Jonah Surita 25:07. 3034 – Matt Isaacs 22:35, Adam Supruch 34:35. 35-39 – Charles Harris 21:18, Nathan Stowe 21:24, Misi Simms 23:02. 40-44 – Mike McNerney 22:59, David Burr 25:13, Greg Billman 25:13. 45-49 – David Brown 23:42, Jamie Jones 23:42, Joe Scarcella 25:30. 50-54 – Christopher Barajas 21:34, Eric Clark 22:56, Greg Barnes 23:24. 55-59 – Tom Torkildsen 23:33, Mark Reames 27:32, Chuck MacArthur 36:01. 60-64 – Juan Alzate 26:26, Bob Thomas 27:13. 65over – Steve Plucker 31:17, Bob Taiplett 39:24, Rowland Stallings 54:47. Female, 5K: Overall – Rebecca Billman 21:42, Kristen Clark 22:13, Katherine Drabiak 22:44. 13-under – Kylie Yoder 22:58, Sydney Billman 24:18, Makenna Tyson 38:00. 14-19 – Shelby McMurray 23:52, Cori Burdette 24:31, Francine Okraski 27:48. 20-24 – Tina DiMola 32:28, Molly Coppadge 32:51. 25-29 – Nicole Mayo 24:30, Victoria Mueller 43:10. 30-34 – Jessica Santana 29:31, Felicia McTernan 25:04, Erica Moore 36:46. 35-39 – Carmen Abernathy 24:47, Erin Stowe 27:00, Kate Simon 29:25. 40-44 – Michele Sakovitch 25:41, Shannon Fowler 27:23, Abby Sobie 28:28. 45-49 – Sonia Scarcella 27:43, Pamela Clark 28:52, Tracy Burdette 30:20. 50-54 – Carol Barajas 23:45, Shirlene Gray 35:12, Margaret Proctor 35:31. 55-59 – Melissa Meredith 27:27. 65-over – Dreama Nutter 29:04. Male, 10K: Overall – Caleb Boys 36:52, Christopher Barajas 40:45, Ben Christenson 41:10. 30-34 – John Peters 44:09, Grant Dautel 46:30. 35-39 – Mike Hill 44:51, Micah Tyson 47:39, Gabe Hufford 51:36. 40-44 – Raul Belmont 41:31, Cory Sundeen 42:35, Chad Champion 45:48. 45-49 – Paul

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Neumann 42:20, Mark Ford 1:18:40. 50-54 – Kevin Holley 49:46, Steve Schmerber 52:26, Eliot Tenney 53:14. 55-59 – Billy Burch 44:21, Bill Weimer 50:01, Steve Jackson 51:24. 65-over – Randy Whitt 54:18, Ron Stewart 56:18, Thomas Neal 56:40. Female, 10K: Overall – Siobhan Havlik 45:20, Sloan Ducey 47:03, Jessica Sabourin 48:36. 14-19 – Adrienne Ellison 54:20, Felicia Ford 1:18:40. 20-24 – Alyson Smith 1:36:49. 25-29 – Mary Walker 1:01:48, Emilie Smith 1:36:50. 30-34 – Sarah Starr 49:10, Randi James 1:01:31. 35-39 –Vernoika Denk 54:26, April Whipple 55:48, Kathy Vinson 55:54. 40-44 – Vanessa Falbo 50:09, Marie Groves 56:35, Allison Price 1:13:16. 45-49 – Dru Meier 1:05:15, Sunnie Zenger 1:08:06, Leah Belk 1:12:12. 50-54 – Tammie Mennitt 1:15:15. 55-59 – Lisa Roberts 54:20, Cary Smith 1:36:50. 60-64 – Terry Carey 53:25, Irene Furr 1:13:21, Linda Griffin 1:15:28. 65-over – Lucy McDow 1:08:43.

Kernersville 4th of July 5K Kernersville, NC – 7/4 Male, Overall – Hillary Too 14:23, Cameron Bean 14:44, Bobby Mack 14:59, Stevven Anderson 15:47, Jordan Zwick 15:48. 14-under – Jackson Herndon 20:37, Corbin Lanowitz 22:54, Matthew Clevenger 23:22. 15-19 – Christopher Laughlin 16:57, Samuel Haynes 17:04, Drew Lake 17:18. 20-24 – Andris Goncarovs 16:08, Anthony Fleckenstein 18:47, Patrick Westervelt 19:35. 25-29 – Alex Ray 16:48, Ryan Kaat 17:07, Sean Herring 18:26. 30-34 – Justin Pfruender 16:41, Nathan Battle 18:15, Darian Smith 18:34. 35-39 – Tommy Boles 16:53, Aaron Bowman 17:00, Phillip Summers 19:44. 40-44 – Curtis Swisher 17:48, Guillermo Razo 18:04, Jeff Ickes 19:41. 45-49 – Timothy Parker 19:00, Arthur Sterkenburg 20:40, James McSawley 21:09. 50-54 – Donny Lake 20:08, Malcolm MacDougall 22:00, Ronald Hooijschuur 22:19. 55-59 – Joe Hall 18:57, Ed Fager 21:40, Neil Dunnavant 22:50. 60-64 – Don Sellers 23:46, Eddie Day 25:05, Robert Shores 25:10. 65-69 – Russell Smith 22:06, Wade Clark 22:32, Nick Burrows 25:34. 70-74 – Frank Smith 26:46, Bob Tesh 34:21, Jack Plymale 36:55.75-79 – Jack Stanley 30:49, Ray Thomas 42:34. Female, Overall – Andie Cozzarelli 16:59, Cassie Graves 17:54, Jennifer Zwick 18:09, Molly Nunn 18:37, Bridgette Harrell 18:49. 14-under – Summer Watkins 21:21, Maddie Cashion 23:33, Anna Howerton 24:47. 15-19 – Emily Reichert 23:11, Leslie Woodley 23:17, Brittany Watkins 23:27. 20-24 – Avery Goho 22:13, Alexandra Errington 23:53, Hilaire Halsch 25:06. 2529 – Rachel Krasich 19:21, Amelia Shea 20:01, Cori Smith 22:50. 30-34 – Nicole Denman 23:10, Mandy Ireland 23:31, Alexis Morris 24:00. 35-39 – Allison Peters 19:59, Emily Freehling 22:21, Ericka Nehnevajsa 22:34. 40-44 – Robyn Holland 18:53, Bea Bartolome 21:35, Amy Davis 22:40. 45-49 – Linda Curran 22:57, Robin McCloskey 23:25, Mary Beth Errington 23:53. 50-54 – Kirsten Osenga 25:42, Virginia Piekarski 26:38, Wanda Mathis 26:49. 55-59 – Suzette Redwine 26:09, Dana Marpoe 28:19, Cathy Ralston 29:47. 60-64 – Donna Knight 30:34, Carol Bernstorf 31:40, Holly Buttner 31:56. 65-69 – Bobbin Franklin 44:08, Sara White 50:52. 70-over – Nancy Davis 49:06, Laurel Gandy 57:21.

Running Journal • August, 2015 “It went better than last year,” said Masland, who also finished first in 2014. “I was shooting for 2:45, and I got 2:45.07, so I'm happy.” Masland had a 20minute lead on his closest competitors, 24-year-old Thomas Briggs of Mount Pleasant, S.C., and 32year-old Daniel Williams of Baton Rouge, La. The two finished together at 3:06.22 and 3:06.32, respectively. Smylie, a teacher on a one-year cultural exchange program in Swansboro, said the race's finish at MacRae Meadows in the midst of the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games brought an incredible feeling. Smylie said she had never attended a Highland Games before and will leave in just one week to return to Scotland. “I heard the bagpipes and (saw) the kilts, and it was the most amazing experience of my life,” she said. Race director Jim Deni said it wasn't entirely surprising that the winners hailed from 3,700 miles apart, as the Grandfather Mountain Marathon has earned a reputation as one of the toughest marathons in the world. “We generally have good representation from the western part of the state, but we've got people from 26 states here, so it's wellknown,” Deni said. Overcast skies and a cool morning offered excellent conditions for the runners, who started at Appalachian State University's Kidd Brewer Stadium, snaked along the Blue Ridge Parkway and back toward Linville to finish on the track at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. Competitors from 17 to 75 tested their mettle on the course, and even the first finishers remarked on the course's difficulty. “It was hard because I've been living at sea level and running on flat,” Smylie said. “But it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.” Masland benefitted from his knowledge of the course from past years. “This race just chews you up,” he said. “You have to be really smart in the first 16 miles, and I learned that last year.” His advice for runners considering this particular marathon: “Be patient. Enjoy the climbs instead of attacking them, and no breaks on the downhills let them do the work for you. And survive the last 10 miles.” Complete results: http://www.leetiming.com/GMM2015_AG.htm.

Caleb Masland, Jill Smylie Win Grandfather Mountain Marathon Defending champion Caleb Masland, 34, of Boone, NC, won the challenging Grandfather Mountain Marathon July 11 in 2:45.07.8. Women's winner was Jill Smylie, 35, of Glasgow, Scotland, in 3:35:18.6. The race starts in Boone and winds through mountainous roads to finish on the track at MacRae Meadows at Grandfather Mountain during the Highland Games. Second and third place men were Thomas Briggs, 24, of Mount Pleasant, SC, and Daniel Williams of Baton Rouge, LA, who finished together in 3:06:22.7 and 3:06:36.3. Annette Bednosky, 48, of Jefferson, last year's winner, was second in 3:37:43.2. Michelle McKenzie, 38, of Flowery Branch, GA, was third in 3:46:55.8.

Caleb Masland wins marathon. Photo by Kellen Short, Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation.


Jill Smylie of Scotland top female at Grandfather Mountain Marathonn. Photo by Kellen Short, Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation.

SOUTH CAROLINA Sunrise Run 8K Simpsonville, SC – 6/13 Male, Overall – Brett Morley 29:49, Josh Cashman 25:52, James Brooks 26:40, Jacob Nathanson 26:59, Orinthal Striggles 27:11. Masters – Larry Brock 29:01, Christopher Giordanelli 29:11, Dan Shelby 30:29, Tim Stewart 31:25, Joerg Jakob 31:36. Grandmasters – Tony Sorrells 32:38, Byron Backer 33:36, George Sykes 33:55, Mike Sullivan 34:12, Hattebart Francois 34:38. 14-under – Noah White 31:21, Ben Kailes 32:50, Sam Dodd 33:24, Noah Cannon 34:19, Jackson Vierow 35:13. 15-19 – Daniel Wade 28:44, Robert Tinsley 30:11, Quinn Wilson 30:55, Dan Castello 31:02, Sam Kennedy 31:13. 20-24 – Mitchel Jenkins 28:07, Jacob Behal 28:21, Mark Rennix 28:23, Patrick Yerkes 28:35, Gregory Pfister 30:53. 25-29 – Daniel Smoak 27:40, Stephen Sykes 28:48, Lee Sekinger 30:10, Chris Powell 31:06, Dane Simmons 31:27. 30-34 – Daniel Moss 27:35, Matt Verley 29:03, Nhan Nguyen 30:27, Matt Evans 30:46, Patrick Brice 31:08. 35-39 – Olivier Bergamaschi 29:17, Robert Rivera 30:41, Roman Aguirre 31:35, Brent McNeil 33:19, Gary Wiesner 33:22. 40-44 – Kevin Satterfield 32:44, David Kajdi 33:03, Michael Mariani 33:15, Jason McNair 33:31, Chuck Damman 33:36. 45-49 – Richard Lyons 32:01, Sam Boyles 32:58, Ken O’Malley 34:15, Greg Brown 35:48, David Kummings 37:24. 50-54 – Blake Zemp 35:08, Russell Beard 35:41, Mitchell Thrasher 36:19, Peter Sommerville 36:41, Jeffrey Hutter 36:44. 55-59 Martin French 37:16, Gary Davis 37:42, Richard Dacey 37:58, Haiping Wang 38:46, Bill Carry 39:01. 60-64 – Vince Herran 36:05, Gene Ruck 40:53, Ariel Sepulveda 43:05, Tom Brundage 44:08, Danny Day 45:23. 65-69 – David Spark 35:57, James Horn 40:37, Kip Connor 41:32, Bill Lyles 43:37, Dennis DeFrancesco 45:03. 70-74 – Lex Alperin 53:21, Stan Pauls 58:51, Gary Miesse 1:06:20.75-over – Bobby Chandler 51:45, Guenter Full 58:08, Duke Manning 1:10:27. Female, Overall – Sunday Davis 29:49, Amanda Cooley 32:29, Karen Becker 32:40, Emma DeRoberts 33:03, Brittney Williams 33:16. Masters – Danielle Rohm 34:42, Jane Godwin 37:31, Andrea Meade 38:15, Elizabeth Wingard 38:30, Sue Glasgow 39:20. Grandmasters – Carol Caspary 39:36, Darlene Knight 40:04, Alison Frazier 40:43, Nonie Hudnall 40:58, Susan Wood 41:06. 14-under – Morgan Roberts 33:52, Maddie Bridges 35:54, Helena Kummings 37:18, Juliana Jenkins 38:59, Sarah Stein 39:30. 15-19 – Elizabeth Morse 34:59, Hannah Beach 36:03, Carson Davis 36:42, Mary Baus 37:52, Sophia Della Rocca 39:54. 20-24 – Rebecca Martin 36:40, Sarah Martin 36:40, Jessica Pate 37:44, Rachel Ruyan 40:57, Sarah Porch 42:23. 25-29 – Kristen Temple 36:08, Jeni Enjaian 36:28, Pam Hargrove 38:04, Megan Fresia 38:39, Sarah Moore 39:19. 30-34 – Hilary Richards 33:57, Stephanie Tiwari 34:12, Casey Huffling 34:33, Katie Greer 35:49, Kara Edwards 36:51. 35-39 – Meredith Grimsley 34:28, Lisa Williams 36:17, Amy Leifheit 36:19, Nicole Tebano 36:47, Jessica Norris



Running Journal • August, 2015


37:27. 40-44 – Victoria Baus 40:04, Karen Eastburn 40:06, Merle Lancaster 42:32, Angela Brown 43:43, Ricki Channell 44:01. 45-49 – Michelle Dodge 41:45, Rose Saucier 42:37, Jodi Taylor 42:46, Bernadette Darling 42:59, Nancy Hwang 43:19. 50-54 – Karen Buckwalter 43:03, Robin Calamia 46:17, Janice Hendricks 47:21, Laura Schaeffer 49:48, Cynthia Thomas 50:00. 55-59 – Shirley Smith 41:10, Catherine Bergin 44:52, Maureen White 46:09, Becky Cavedo 47:21, Stephanie Nichols 48:47. 60-64 – Nancy Anderson 45:05, Mickie Day 49:02. 65-69 – Claudia Crawford 44:32, Sandra Hardaway 45:52, Octavia Childress 46:35, Joan Thompson 56:31, Kaye Gehr 57:04. 70-74 – Anne Brooks 52:49.

Firecracker 5000 5K Hilton Head, SC – 7/4 Male, Overall –Sean Kelly 15:40, David Adams 15:44, Brett Burdick 15:54, Seth Tucker 16:26, Mark Rennix 16:30. Masters – Thomas Carroll 16:40, John Tolerton 18:49, Joel Wilson 18:55. Grandmasters – Andy Tedesco 19:08. Female, Overall – Michelle Lafleur 18:12, Joy Miller 18:19, Betsy Douglas 18:32, Ashley Casavant 18:35, Leah Congrove 19:07. Masters – Heather Noonan 20:56, Christine Dunn 20:56, Laura Harris 22:24. Grandmasters – Joan Dvornik 23:14. Overall: Top 50 – 1-Kelly 15:40, 2-Adams 15:44, 3-Burdick 15:54, 4-Tucker 16:26, 5-Rennix 16:30, 6Matt Lang 16:34, 7-Carroll 16:40, 8-Josh Tierney 16:44, 9-Daniel Comite 16:50, 10-Francisco Ferre 16:51, 11-Nahuel Coronel 16:58, 12-Jared Righter 16:58, 13-Ryan Dvornik 17:03, 14-Sam Beattie 17:15, 15-Ben Krauss 17:15, 16-Spencer Ranft 17:27, 17-Ben Vaught 17:27, 18-Tim Price 17:32, 19-Sean McMahon 17:36, 20-Jack Beattie 17:46, 21Kerry Maloney 18:02, 22- Lafleur 18:12, 23-Miller 18:19, 24-Jacob Schwyn 18:29, 25-Douglas 18:32. 26-Casavant 18:35, 27-Hunter Lang 18:42, 28Walter Wheeler 18:45, 29-John Tolerton 18:49, 30Ret Taylor 18:51, 31-Joel Wilson 18:55, 32Cosgrove 19:07, 33-Tedesco 19:08, 34-Jacob Feiertag 19:17, 35-Rich Vidinha 19:20, 36-Bradley Beggs 19:25, 37-Sean Sutay 19:26, 38-Tyler Congrove 19:33, 39-Tom Mathias 19:43, 40-Hayden Fry 19:45, 41-Dane Gordon 19:46, 42-Bob Disko 19:50, 43-Glenn Lankowski 19:58, 44-Parker Watt 19:58, 45-Geoff Riehl 20:06, 46-Marc Kerrest 20:09, 47-Avery Crowell 20:18, 48-Hope Steger 20:20, 49Christine Kerrest 20:25, 50-David Starnes 20:29.

TENNESSEE Summer Solstice 7K Corryton, TN – 6/13 Male, Overall – Alan Horton 26:46, Bradley Adams 28:01, Bobby Haines 28:20. Masters – Brent Bueche 29:54. Grandmasters – Jeff Bock 34:50. Senior Grandmasters – Kenneth Childs 38:40. 10-19 – Jake Kirby 30:57, Joshua Oakes 45:39, Kenya Kohinata 50:32. 20-29 – Logan Quinton 34:17. 30-39 – Scott Schmidt 32:18, Nicholas Hankins 32:51, Mark Dunn 34:18. 40-49 – Ray Wilson 30:56, Jason Walker 32:53, P Mark Taylor 35:02. 50-59 – Timothy Rutherord 37:04, Phil Kaplan 38:28, Chuck Haggard 39:14. 60-69 – Mark Niper 39:02, Jack Foster 39:10, Kenneth Sirois 40:32. 70-79 – Bruce Fox 48:00, Bob Cunningham 56:04. Clydesdale – Cory Alexander 38:25. Female, Overall – Caroline Grunenwald 28:28, Kathy Wolski 29:40, Kelley Darnell 35:00. Masters – Amy Jones 35:26. Grandmasters – Laura Gearhiser 35:37. Senior Grandmasters - Jackie Timm 56:17. 10-19 – Alivia Nytko 50:06, Kennedy Oakes 1:10:47. 20-29 – Alison Stonecipher 36:00, Tesha Haggard 39:07, Ashley West 39:56. 30-39 – Samantha Ehrlich 38:51, Muna Rodriguez-Taylor 39:12, Shameka Pollard 41:45. 40-49 – Kiki Lee 37:56, Wendi Walker 40:50, Shelley Minton 41:14. 50-59 – Jennifer Singh 37:41, Marissa Carnes 1:01:26, Brenda Fleeman 1:01:35. 60-69 – Jeanne Fair 56:42, Shirley Sirois 59:09, Leann Adkins

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1:01:16. Athena – Joni Edwards 46:16. – Jerry Schohl

Greeneville Summer Music Fest 5K Greeneville, TN – 6/13 Male, Overall – Phil Roberts 18:29, Ben Sparks 21:31, Bryant Renner 22:38. Female, Overall – Amy Bradley 23:27, Bobbie Williams 24:59, Laura Lenker 27:41. Top 25 finishers – 1-Roberts 18:29, 2-Sparks 21:31, 3-Renner 22:38, 4-Jackson Renner 22:47, 5Will Williams 23:02, 6-Clyde Kidd 23:23, 7-Bradley 23:27, 8-Jason Austin 23:57, 9-T. Fillers 23:57, 10Arthur Ricker 24:05, 11-Williams 24:59, 12-Lucas Greineder 25:50, 13-Rodney McLain 26:20, 14-Greg Luttrell 26:57, 15-Evan Fillers 27:37, 16-Lenker 27:41, 17-Lana Page Luttrell 27:53, 18-Adam Luttrell 29:52, 19-Ashley Garrett 30:45, 20-Lisa McLain 30:48, 21-Kandice Malone 32:02, 22-Jacob Luttrell 33:13, 23-Kent Jones 33:38, 24-Brian Clark 34:18, 25-Mollie Bowers 35:35

www.running.net 1:09:39, Greg Pettiford 1:12:16, Scott Retterer 1:14:59. 40-44 – Ethan Turner 1:03:55, Jad Farmer 1:06:28, Shawn Meixelberger 1:07:30. 45-49 – Bradley Grindstaff 59:08, Tim Monroe 1:04:10, Jeff Anselmo 1:09:53. 50-54 – Robert Nytko 1:03:29, Timothy Rutherford 1:05:26, Phil Kaplan 1:09:35. 55-59 – Mike Tourville 1:23:47. 60-64 – Shawn Lowe 1:16:54, Wayne Lucas 1:17:05, Darrell Acuff 1:22:41. 65-69 – Jack Foster 1:07:55, Kenneth Sirois 1:10:42, Al Leitch 1:28:52. 70-74 – Jerry Tipton 1:35:22. 75-79 – Larry Acuff 1:27:20. Female, Overall – Kathy Wolski 52:15, Becky Grindstaff 1:04:15, Becky Tener 1:10:16. Masters – Brenda Fleeman 1:15:09. Grandmasters – Jennifer Moore 1:19:46. Veterans – Shirley Sirois 1:33:06. 15-19 – Elizabeth Longmire 1:55:12. 25-29 – Megan Harvi Lie 1:11:41, Kara Graham 1:13:03. 3034 – Marianne Hitchcox 1:14:15, Heidi Poore 1:15:56, Hollie Watson 1:24:42. 35-39 – Andra Clark 1:14:26, Patti Tipton 1:30:09. 40-44 – Chris Householder 1:15:23, Kelly Retterer 1:24:00, Cynthia Miller 1:24:43. 45-49 – Kellie Widner 1:16:38, Terrica Durbin 1:21:36, Mitzi Lavonis 1:27:23. 50-54 – Amy Tourville 1:20:30, Jeannie Hibbert 1:24:14, Suzanne Parker 1:24:55. 55-59 – Teresa Williams 1:49:11, Jean Miller 1:59:14. 60-64 – Melinda Waddell 1:37:55, Leann Adkins 1:39:20, Diane Phillips 1:47:28.

RC Cola and Moon Pie 10 mile run Bell Buckle, TN – 6/20 Male, Overall – Christian Meyer 56:17, Paul Stuart 57:03, Geno Phillips 57:56. Masters – Karl Lenser 1:05:09, Jeremiah Tatum 1:05:33, Kurt Lenser 1:08:27. Grandmasters – Ronald Kramer 1:08:39, Keith Caruso 1:10:24, Bart Modrall 1:10:54. 15-19 – Garrett Grissim 1:09:51, Daniel Welch 1:19:16, Devin Gilpatrick 1:19:47. 20-24 – Jack McGinnis 58:26, Travis Dillard 1:06:48, Josh Walker 1:13:59. 25-29 – John Melick 1:10:37, Robert Wesley 1:13:20, Jay Holt 1:16:10. 30-34 – Daniel McGinley 1:02:26, Justin Brown 1:09:04, Noah Stefanick 1:13:31. 35-39 – Eric Waterman 1:03:28, Derek Richey 1:08:06, Robert Warden 1:08:25. 4044 – John Thorpe 1:10:50, Jeffrey Bandy 1:13:03, Brian Elrod 1:13:18. 45-49 – David Canas 1:12:31, Gary Wich 1:12:56, Roger Brady 1:13:19. 50-54 – Craig Nunn 1:12:35, Scott Butler 1:13:37, Dirk Hayes 1:15:33. 55-59 – Jimmy Crossett 1:11:32, Raymond Hurd 1:12:01, Bob Wilson 1:15:50. 60-64 – Paul Legrand 1:17:39, Roger Hutto 1:18:46, Vic Barthelemy 1:19:38. 65-69 – Craig Kelly 1:30:53, Greg Brown 1:33:04, Daniel Kreber 1:38:48. 70-74 – Dallas Smith 1:20:20, Ted Brooke 2:07:10, Larry Robbins 2:19:59. 75-79 – Dennis Christian 1:25:19. Female, Overall – Ashley Evans 1:08:16, Rebecca Murray 1:09:14, Minna Fields 1:10:06. Masters – Sue Anne Perry 1:11:20, Kelley Lowe Colenba 1:18:24, Gen Celentano 1:19:37. Grandmasters – Whitney Hollingsworth 1:26:12, Linda Fox 1:24:47, Tracy Epps 1:24:55. 14-under – Naomi Hopper 2:05:53. 15-19 – Kira King 1:28:35, Marilin Kelley 1:31:20, Abby Blankenship 1:36:21. 20-24 – Laurel Skorup 1:13:57, Kelsey Viertel 1:21:57, Olivia Hurd 1:27:44. 25-29 – Amy Meyer 1:22:19, Ashley Carney 1:24:26, Abbey Head 1:28:49. 30-34 – Margaret Jones 1:14:58, Allison Baker 1:19:00, Brianna Roy 1:19:02. 35-39 – Anne Meyers 1:11:21, Angie Clark 1:15:06, Stephanie Surratt 1:16:55. 40-44 – Laurie Palmer 1:21:39, Aine Corridon 1:21:54, Terry Hannaway 1:24:20. 45-49 – Denise Zinmaster 1:23:50, Jennifer Jervis 1:24:07, Ann Freeman 1:25:15. 50-54 – Donna England 1:24:52, Susan Lang 1:27:10, Dolores Lucas 1:27:36. 55-59 - Nancy Dill 1:29:52, Denise Leaver 1:32:19, Maureen Boling 1:32:54. 6064 – Erin McGuire 1:45:44, Thaya Morant 1:50:55, Cathie Johnson 1:57:21. 65-69 – Doris Brown 2:16:33, Judy Melton 2:35:45. 70-74 – Janet Lowe 2:41:30.

Corryton 8 miler Corryton, TN – 6/20 Male, Overall – Gary Pleasant 53:03, David Giles 53:23, Matthew Leonard 54:56. Masters – Dean Keck 55:14. Grandmasters – David Price 1:01:06. Veterans – James Brown 1:04:38. 25-29 – Jacob Price 59:29, Ryan Prout 1:02:39. 30-34 – Michael Grindstaff 55:46, Matt Rogers 58:29, Brandon Lambert 1:00:36. 35-39 – Sam Man

Photo: Larry Acuff, 77, won 75-79 age group. Photo by: Stephani McCartney

Stars & Stripes 5K Greeneville, TN – 7/4 Male, Overall – Phil Roberts 18:16, Will Cronin 18:36, Grayson Reed 21:44. 12-under – Jace Kilgore 45:49. 13-22 – Matt Hensley 23:07, Reagan Abbey 26:28, Josh Johnson 27:09. 23-32 – Stephen Athon 23:08, Robertlee Norton 24:01, Tim Fillers 24:06. 33-42 – Eric Grunwald 23:48, Daniel Jessie 28:02, Lee Hughes 28:29. 43-52 – Benny Birchfield 22:1`5, William Fitzgerald 24:16, Michael Jones 25:15. 53-62 – Daniel McCaslin 23:23, Mark Patterson 24:13, Arthur Ricker 24:21. 63-over – LeeRoy Hurst 27:44, Anthony Lamarca 39:49. Female, Overall – Maddison Melchionna 19:31, Dorothy Keys 27:14, Amy McKinney 29: 13-22 – Mollie Bowers 35:58, Melissa Manis 37:52, Rachel Wykle 40:07. 23-32 – Aly Knott 30:11, Jenna Handshoe 33:39, Rachel Pulliam 34:57. 33-42 – Lee Harrison 33:19, Caryn Cash 33:57, Lori Jones 35:14. 43-52 – Angela McCaslin 30:14, Suzanne Byrd 31:20, Patty Gwinn 34:13. 53-62 – Judy Bible 37:48, Sue Deery 45:54, MaryBeth Martel 45:58. 63over – Susan Cash 39:04, Loretta Hughes 42:58.

VIRGINIA Run 4 Rodney 5K Hampton, VA – 6/27 Male, Overall – Paul Tyler 18:42, Carter Ficklin 19:53, Kevin Carr 21:01. 20-under – Andrew Fry 28:53, Lucas Osborne 45:31, Kyle Horton 45:49. 21-30 – Brian Griffith 23:07, Tyler Charbonneau 28:54, Austin Moore 30:40. 31-40 – Joshua Gary 24:22, Christopher Riley 31:14, Ajoy Joseph 35:34. 41-50 – Toby Worm 21:04, Stuart Dunn 21:16, Erik Backman 22:41. 5160 – John Vanderhoven 21:42, Cliff Carr 23:28, Kevin Gibbs 23:39. 61-over – Larry Arata 26:56, George Fenigsohn 28:33, Arthur Henderson 36:06. Female, Overall – Diana Cole 24:47, Thea Ganoe 25:09, Helen Worthington 25:16. 20-under – Jessica Word 34:42, Samantha Dresch 37:05. 21-30 – Fiona McMahon 26:07, Ashleigh Tyler 26:09, Rachel Stadler 26:55. 31-40 – Carmen Ehret 28:00, Heather Call 29:54, Carissa Worm 30:47. 41-50 – Joanne Carr 27:56, Michele McLean 28:04, Judy Aylor 28:13. 51-60 – Elyse Devereux 28:13, Suzanne Vanderhoven 29:10, Shirley Stephens 29:37. 61-over – Dottie Humphreys 28:25, Robin Jorlett 37:53, Nancy Henderson 57:19. – Bruce Davis

Yorktown Independence Day 8K Yorktown, VA – 7/4 Male, Overall – Rick Saunders 28:17, Drew Midland 29:10, Matthias Cannon 30:16. 10-under – Braden Eason 44:20, Tyler Norman 28:33, Jackson Lewis 52:17. 15-19 – Cale Overstreet 36:58. 20-24 – Maxwell Perrin 37:04, Scott Zane 37:14, Thomas Lynaugh 45:16. 25-29 – Taylor Tomlinson 32:40, Michael Svoleantopoulos 34:28, Andrew Hayes 34:32. 30-34 – Jason Wood 33:10, Matthew Peierce 34:36, Nate Wallace 35:43. 35-39 – Jason Bryant 37:15, Brock Walaska 39:32, Geoff Baron 40:13. 40-44 – Jason Beck 36:05, Corey Anderson 41:54, Doug Walter 44:32. 45-49 – Paul Pelletier 31:27, David Anderson 33:43, Chris Ruffieux 35:26. 50-54 – Joe Garrity 35:56, John Vanderhoven 36:06, Matthew Bickley 37:12. 55-59 – Henry Gleisberg 31:31, Dave Venable 37:16, Bill Price 37:35. 60-64 – Joe Day 37:30, Barry Hughes 40:27, Jimmy Blount 45:56. 65-69 – Steve Bookbinder 38:18, Jack Broaddus 39:46, Joseph Berdirame 41:06. 70-over – Larry Arata 43:23, Ronald Kellum 49:30, Joseph Cronin 57:54. Female, Overall – Christina Hogue 32:54, Jessica Riggs 34:02, Delaney Riggs 36:09. 10-under – Rachel Leitch 59:01, Bridgette Charles 1:23:42: 11-14 – Frankie Riggs 36:18, Elizabeth Elder 47:14, Jenna Mallory 48:53. 15-19 – Kaleigh Renninger 36:36, Kate Dixon 41:11, Alejandra Gage 54:54. 20-24 – Jane Winthrop 37:47, Emily Honeycutt 38:11, Danielle Williamson 44:17. 25-29 – Britt Gerloff 39:00, Jaclyn Aulich 44:33, Ashley Glenz 46:00. 30-34 – Jen Anderson 36:20, Sheila Scott 36:54, Jessica Burcham 38:13. 35-39 – Kendra Patacca 47:13, Carmen Ehret 48:34, Lauren Gibble 50:08: 40-44 – Denice Hall 39:56, Susan Hagel 40:12, Jennifer Johnson 45:08. 45-49 – Kim Ratcliffe 38:00, Lora Danley 43:04, Rhonda Mallory 43:21. 50-54 – Karla Havens 36:28, Barb Komer 41:39, Christine Schaffner 41:44. 55-59 – Thea Ganoe 43:15, Alynn Farmer 48:53, Patricia Wiedemann 50:10. 60-64 – Helen Worthington 42:01, Dottie Humphreys 49:51, Cynthia Gleisberg 51:21. 65-69 – Barbara Biasi 45:30, Jane Gingerich 45:53. 70-over – Chips Halley 1:14:39. – Bruce Davis

“We Run The South”


Running Journal • August, 2015


Running Journal Grand Prix XXXVII Champions The Running Journal Grand Prix completed its 37th season on Memorial Day at the Cotton Row 10K in Huntsville, AL. Runners across the South competed in the nine race series that began in late August. The Midnight Flight 10K in Anderson, SC, the only nighttime race on the series, was once again the first race on the schedule. The Hokie Half Marathon in Blacksburg, VA, debuted on the series in October, followed by another half marathon and new race to the Grand Prix, the Magic City Half Marathon in Birmingham, AL, held in late November. The series only marathon, the Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL, in December closed out the 2014 part of the series. Runners traveled to Jackson, MS, in January for another new addition to the Grand Prix, the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon. At the end of the month, it was off to Salisbury, NC, for the Winter Flight 8K. February meant a trip to the beach for the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon. After a break in March, the next stop was the Germantown Half Marathon in Germantown, TN. The series concluded as it has for many years at the Cotton Row 10K. Runners must live in the the South to compete on the Running Journal Grand Prix. The Rocket City Marathon counted as Husband & Wife winners: Jacob & Brenda Cooter double points and all half Photo by Patty Nelson marathons counted for 25 bonus points. Runners were required to compete in at least two Grand Prix events in order to earn season-ending awards, so not all divisions had qualifiers. Betty Burrell Leads Female Veterans For Second Straight Year The season-ending recap begins with the winners of the Veterans (70-over) division. Betty Burrell, 71, of Pendleton, SC, took her second straight win in the division, scoring 300 points in three races. Burrell took first in all three events. She ran the first race of the season, the Midnight Flight 10K (1:18:03), and also

L-R: Larry Marett, Bob Nelson, Jacob Cooter, Sherman Stanford Photo by Patty Nelson

competed at the Winter Flight 8K (1:02:35) and the Cotton Row 10K (1:15:34). Jacob Cooter Takes Win For Male Veterans In the male veterans division, Jacob Cooter, 78, of Grovetown, GA, took

L-R: Betty Burrell, Shirley Smith, and Brenda Cooter Photo by Patty Nelson

another division win. Cooter and his wife Brenda, who won the Female Senior Grandmasters division, have competed on the series for several years and have won many awards. This year, Cooter scored 375 points competing in six races. He was second at the Midnight Flight 10K (1:19:11) and also second at the Magic City Half Marathon (2:56:10). Cooter placed first at the Hokie Half Marathon with a 2:58:09 run. He was fourth at the Winter Flight 8K (1:02:13). He also competed at the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon (3:02:06) and Cotton Row 10K (1:22:29). Brenda Cooter Wins Female Senior Grandmasters Once Again Brenda Cooter, 68, of Grovetown, GA, was winner of the Female Senior Grandmasters division for the second straight year, scoring 365 points. She started out the season with a third place run at the Midnight Flight 10K (1:09:40). She was fourth at the Hokie Half Marathon (2:47:09) and seventh at the Magic City Half Marathon (2:43:33). Cooter was second at both the Winter Flight 8K (57:08) and Cotton Row 10K (1:06:11). She also ran the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon, finishing in 2:54:08. Sherman Stanford Has Highest Point Total Winning Male Senior Grandmasters Sherman Stanford, 68, of Opelousas, LA, not only won the Male Senior Grandmasters division, he also scored the highest point total of anyone competing on the Grand Prix this season. Stanford scored 785 points in eight races. Stanford began the season with a second Bill Johncock at Rocket City Marathon place run at the Midnight Flight Photo by Your Sporting Image 10K (45:27). He took first place wins at the Magic City Half


Running Journal • August, 2015

Marathon (1:39:33), Mississippi Blues Half Marathon (1:35:59), Myrtle Beach Half Marathon (1:32:15) and Germantown Half Marathon (1:38:25). He was second at the Hokie Half Marathon in 1:36:49. Stanford placed third at the Winter Flight 8K (35:01) and seventh at the seasonending Cotton Row 10K (48:30). Whitney Hollingsworth Top Female Grandmasters The Female Grandmasters were led by Whitney Hollingsworth, 51, of Elkmont, AL, with 285 points. Hollingsworth scored double points for her first place at the Rocket City Marathon (3:40:29). She was second in the division at the Cotton Row 10K, running 48:32. Bill Johncock Leads Male Grandmasters Fifty-year-old Bill Johncock of Hickory, NC, led the Male Grandmasters scoring 340 points in four races. Johncock was third at the first race of the season, the Midnight Flight 10K (40:38). He followed that Sherman Stanford with a first-place run at the Photo by Patty Nelson Hokie Half Marathon (1:29:01). Johncock finished sixth at the Rocket City Marathon (3:07:13) and was second at the Winter Flight 8K (31:41). Matt Longworth Wins Open Male Division Matt Longworth, 33, of Charlotte, NC, led the Male Open Division with 270 points. He was third at the Midnight Flight 10K (34:36). Longworth was sixth at the Hokie Half Marathon (1:29:38) and second at the Winter Flight 8K (27:46). Coming in second in the division was Juan Soto, 28, of Gainesville, GA, scoring 200 points. Soto was fourth at the Midnight Flight 10K (36:45) and eighth at the Rocket City Marathon (2:44:15). There were no qualifiers in the Female Open Division

Bob Nelson Photo by Patty Nelson

The following runners were age group winners: Dewayne Satterfield, 50, of Huntsville, AL, led the Male 50-54 age group with 270 points. Satterfield finished second in the division at the Rocket City Marathon (2:56:12) and was first at the Cotton Row 10K (39:22). The Male 55-59 division was led by George Dewitt, 56, of Madison, AL, scoring 285 points. Dewitt was first at the Rocket City Marathon (2:55:26) and second at the Cotton Row 10K (39:36). Craig Osborn, 56, of Madison, AL, was second in the age group with 240 points. Osborn was second at the Rocket City Marathon, running 3:22:08. He placed third at the Cotton Row 10K (42:51). Bob Nelson, 63, of Charlotte, NC, has won several divisions on the Grand Prix the past few years, and this year led the Male 60-64 age group with 350 points in four races. Nelson had a first place win at the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon, running 1:39:29. He was second at the Midnight Flight 10K (49:16) and the Cotton Row 10K (45:16). Nelson ran 38:05 to finish fourth at the Winter Flight 8K. Richard Hefner, 62, of Gastonia, NC, finished second in the division with 310 points. Hefner was first at both the Midnight Flight


Grand Prix XXXVIII Schedule 45-49 The following is a list of confirmed races for Grand Prix XXXVIII. Additional race dates will be announced on our website (www.running.net) as they become available. Rules and scoring information will be included in the September issue and on our website. September 4 September 20 November 22 December 12 January 9 January 31 March 5 March 13 May 30

Midnight Flight 10K Hokie Half Marathon Magic City Half Marathon Rocket City Marathon Mississippi Blues Half Marathon Winter Flight 8K Dasani Myrtle Beach Half Marathon Germantown Half Marathon Cotton Row 10K

Anderson, SC Blacksburg, VA Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL Jackson, MS Salisbury, NC Myrtle Beach, SC Germantown, TN Huntsville, AL

10K (45:11) and the Hokie Half Marathon (1:35:20). He was second at the Winter Flight 8K (36:36). Bob Milan, 65, of Greensboro, NC, was first in the 65-69 age group with 385 points. Milan was second at the Midnight Flight 10K (51:03), Hokie Half Marathon (1:45:03), and Magic City Half Marathon (1:49:48). He finished fourth at the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon (1:51:10). Coming in second in the division was Johnny Goode, 68, of Birmingham, AL, with 265 points. He was first at the Rocket City Marathon (3:35:24) and fifth at the Germantown Half Marathon (1:58:05). Tom Junjulas, 71, of Huntsville, AL, led the 70-74 division with 255 points. He was second at both the Rocket City Marathon (5:01:24) and the Cotton Row 10K (1:00:57). Larry Marett, 76, of Amory, MS, was the winner of the 75-79 age group with 460 points. Marett was first at the Magic City Half Marathon (2:17:39) and second at the Rocket City Marathon (5:08:29). He was third at both the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon (2:21:10) and the Cotton Row 10K (1:14:18). In the female age group competition, Loren Traylor, 49, of Birmingham, AL, won the 45-49 age division with 270 points. Traylor was second at the Rocket City Marathon (3:33:38) and finished first at the Cotton Row 10K (47:37). Shirley Smith, 56, of Easley, SC, led the 55-59 age group, scoring 310 points. Smith was second in the Midnight Flight 10K (55:28), Winter Flight 8K (45:47) and Cotton Row 10K (54:12). She finished sixth at the Myrtle Beach Half Marathon (1:56:41). In the 60-64 age group, Erin McGuire, 64, of Fayetteville, TN, was the winner with 180 points. McGuire was third at South Carolina runners Shirley Smith (L) the Rocket City Marathon & Betty Burrell. Photo by Patty Nelson (5:12:46) and fifth at the Cotton Row 10K (1:01:25). Bonnie Partridge, 68, of Columbus, MS, led the female 65-69 age division with 420 points. She was second at the Rocket City Marathon (5:59:57), first at the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon (2:36:19) and first at the Germantown Half Marathon (2:38:15).


Running Journal • August, 2015

“Racing South” THE ONLY CALENDAR YOU NEED TO RUN THE SOUTH Race Directors: Use form on page 37 to send information on all upcoming races. Runners: Please verify information before traveling to a race. When requesting information, always enclose a SASE. Abbreviations: RD = race day, RW = racewalk, FR = fun run, P/M = postmarked, W/C = wheelchair.

ALABAMA Aug. 1, Anniston - Woodstock 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: woodstock5k@annistonrunners.com. Aug. 1, Mobile - Save-A-Sole 2 Mile Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Aug. 4, Mobile - Crime Prevention 5K Run/Walk, 6:30pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Aug. 8, Birmingham - Just A Call Away 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: allison@cadence180.com. Aug. 8, Homewood - Trak Shak Retro Run 5K, 7pm. Info: info@bhmevents.com. Aug. 8, Lincoln - Foam Glow 5K, 8:15pm. Info: service@foamglow.net. Aug. 11, Prichard - Chickasabogue 2 Miler Run/Walk, 6:30pm. Info: Port City Pacers (251)473-7223. Aug. 14, Cullman - EvaBank Midnight Run 5K, 11:50pm. Info: Waid Harbison (256)734-9157, wharbison@cullmanrecreation.org. Aug. 15, Mobile - Doughnut Dash & Dare 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR; 7:30am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Aug. 15, Smiths Station - Smiths Station Summer Sizzler, 1 Mile 9am; 5K 9:30am. Info: loreman.tim@lee.k12.al.us. Aug. 22, Birmingham - Run for One, 5K 8am; 1 Mile 8:45am. Info: Krystal Brummitt (205)967-0811, krystal.brummitt@ lifelinechild.org. Aug. 22, Birmingham - EVO 5K Fit Challenge, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 5K Wave Fit Challenge, 9am-11:30am. Info: evo.fitness@yahoo.com. Aug. 22, Homewood - Rock ‘n Run 5K, 8am. Info: (205)9160123. Aug. 29, Birmingham - Urban Purpose 5K, 8am. Info: (205)9372870, mark@urbanpurpose.org. Aug. 29, Hoover - Save the O’s 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 9:15am. Info: info@championship-racing.com. Aug. 29, New Market - Moores Mill Intermediate 5K Warrior Run, 7am. Info: Jennifer Sticker (256)851-4700, jsticker@madison.k12.al.us. Sept. 5, Birmingham - Ridge 2 Ridge Trail Race, 10 Mile & 20 Mile; 8am. Info: David Tosch (205)529-5142, david@davidtosch.com. Sept. 5, Gulf Shores - Tacky Jack’s Bloody Mary 5K 7:30am. Info: Harley Sports LLC (251)980-1045, info@harleysports.com. Sept. 5, Huntsville - Monte Sano 10K & 5K Road Races & Kids FR, 8am. Info: Beth Benefield (256)881-2642, msrr@knology.net. Sept. 7, Montgomery - R3 Labor Day Run, 8K 7:30am; 2 Mile 8:30am. Info: Dave Stever (334)273-8249, riverregionrunners@yahoo.com. Sept. 12, Athens - 9/11 Heroes Run 5K, 7am. Info: Whitney Hollingsworth - athens@911heroesrun.org. Sept. 12, Daphne - Hurricane 5K Run/Walk, 8:10am. Info: Port City Pacers (251)473-7223. Sept. 12, McKenzie - Kenny Seales Memorial 5K “Running For A Hero”, 7:30am. Info: pcseales@gmail.com.

Sept. 19, Daphne - Jubilee Race for Life 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run, “We Run So Others May Walk” benefits www.baysidemedical missions.org; 8am; $20/5K (Adults), $17/5K (15-under), $13/1 Mile FR by 9/12; after 9/12 $25/5K (Adults), $20/5K (15-under), $15/1 Mile FR; Kids 7-under w/registered adult, free (no T-shirt). Info: Peggy Olive (251)4018039, www.productionsbylittleredhen.com, florfellers@gmail.com www.jubileeraceforlife.org Sept. 19, Ozark - Pass the Pastor 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 8am. Info: LaChrissha Culpepper (334)441-5460, obcsisters@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Tuscaloosa/Northport - Canine Classic 5K, 8am (Humans only). Info: Betty Freeman (205)737-7442, bettyfreeman77@bellsouth.net. Sept. 24, Huntsville - Huntsville Hospital Autumn Chase 1 Mile Run, Pre-K thru 8th Grade; 3pm. Info: Greg Reynolds (256)4897280, gregory.reynolds@gmail.com. Sept. 25-27, Birmingham - Birmingham Stage Race Trail Race, 3 Days/3 Stages; 53 Miles; 9am/Day 1. Info: David Tosch (205)529-5142, david@davidtosch.com.

Sept. 26, Birmingham - Give Kids the World 5K, 8am. Info: faye.wallin@hyatt.com. Sept. 26, Birmingham - Boulevard Blast 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 9:30am. Info: Norwood Resource Center (205)837-5815. Sept. 26, Irondale - Whistlestop Half Marathon, 5K, 1 Mile FR. Info: races@team-magic.com. Sept. 26, FloraBama, Orange Beach - Wonderful Wacky Women 4 Mile Run/Walk or 1 Mile Run Walk for Ovarian Cancer, 9:30am. Info: Mike Pate (251)980-1045, Info@HarleySports.com. Sept. 26, Mobile - BayFest 5K Run & FR/Walk, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Sept. 26, Spanish Fort - St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer, 5K 7:30am. Info: Courtney McMahon (770)416-7707, courtney.mcmahon@stjude.org. Oct. 2, Boaz - Harvest Moon Midnight Run, 5K 11:59pm. Info: admin@cityofboaz.org. Oct. 10, Birmingham, AL - Ruffner Mountain Crusher Ridge 21K & 42K, 8am. Info: maryecambull@gmail.com.

Oct. 10, Orange Beach - National Shrimp Festival 10K Run, 8am; 5K Run & 5K Walk, 8:30am; $25 postmarked by 8/29, $35 postmarked after 8/30, $40 after 10/3; $18/ students 18-under, $20 on RD. Info: Walt Graham (205)966-4366, Grahamfd@msn.com, Frank Malone (251)747-1723, shrimpfest@run42k.com, Register online: www.runsignup.com Oct. 17, Montgomery - Good News 5K & 1 Mile Color Party, 8am. Info: cefcentralal@gmail.com. Oct. 31, Florence - Life Without Limits Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 9:30am. Info: juliecochran@comcast.net.

Nov. 22, Birmingham - Magic City Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 8:45am; $70/Half by 7/31, $75 8/1-8/31, $80 9/1-10/31 $85 11/1-19; $34/5K by 8/31, $39 9/1-30, $42 11/1-18; $15/1 Mile; $90/Half, $45/5K Walk Up Registration. Info: Jeremey Davis (864)4205169, jdavis@setupevents.com, www.magiccityrun.com. See Ad page 11. Dec. 12, Huntsville - Nike Rocket City Marathon, 8am; $75 P/M thru Sept., $90 P/M thru Oct., after $100 (online thru 12/1). Info: Suzanne Taylor (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeethuntsville.com, www.runrocketcity.com. See Ad page 18. Feb. 20, Gulf Shores - Sea Turtle 1/2 Marathon and Sweetheart 5K Run/5K Walk. 1/ 2 Marathon 7:30am, $40 by 10/30, $50 by 1/1, $60 by 2/5, $80 after 2/5, $90 on Race Day, $20/ students (18-under); 5K Run/Walk, 9am, $25 by 10/30, $30 by 1/1, $35 by 2/5, $40 on Race Day, $15/students (18-under); 1 Mile Fun Run, 8:30am, $15 by 2/19, $20 on Race Day. Info: Sweetheart Run 5K/Sea Turtle 1/2 Marathon, POB 3584, Orange Beach, AL 36561; Walt Graham (205)966-4366, sweetheartrun@ run42k.com, www.RunSignUp.com

ARKANSAS Aug. 1, Batesville - White River 4-Mile Classic, 7:30am. Info: tcbdp@yahoo.com. Aug. 1, Little Rock - Milk Run 5K, 7am. Info: Lena Strickland (501)350-2353, milkrun2013@gmail.com. Aug. 5, Russellville - Glo Run/Walk 5K, 9pm. Info: gskelton@suddenlinkmail.com. Aug. 8, Cave City - The Bethany Project Melon Dash 5K Run/

Walk, 7am. Info: Ashley Beller (870)834-5315, bellerbrood@yahoo.com. Aug. 8, Hope - Watermelon 5K, 7:30am. Info: (870)777-1917, still1@sbcglobal.net. Aug. 8, Jonesboro - Hot Peppers Nights 5K & 10K, 6pm. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. Aug. 15, Bentonville - Fight Back 5K Race, 7am; FR, 7:30am. Info: brittastamps@gmail.com. Aug. 15, Gillett - Squirrel Run, 5K Run/Walk 9am. Info: kjposton2008@gmail.com. Aug. 15, Little Rock - Run With The Son 5K, 7:30am. Info: (501)455-3474, phenry@gsfbc.org. Aug. 15, Little Rock - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. Aug. 16, Eureka Springs - The Eurekan 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: (479)521-7766, bruce@allsportsproductionsinc.com. Aug. 22, Benton - Beastmode 5K, 8am. Info: (501)269-1662, mcclurefitnessclub@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Little Rock - Rollin’ on the River 5K, 7:30am. Info: Sarah Pollack (501)227-3706, spollack@eastersealsar.com. Aug. 22, Paragould - Paragould DARE 5K & 2 Miler, 8am. Info: tron.beesley@paragouldcity.org. Aug. 29, Fayetteville - St. Jude Fayetteville 10K, 7am. Info: Phil Davison - stjudefayetteville10k@yahoo.com. Sept. 5, Mammoth Springs - Ozarka College-Mammoth Spring 5K, 7:30am. Info: jmspurlock@ozarka.edu. Sept. 5, North Little Rock - ARK 5K Classic, 5K Run/Walk 7:30am. Info: klrea@att.net. Sept. 7, Prairie Grove - Jubilant Feet 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: Kendra Thompson (479)601-4032, kendra.2.thompson@ gmail.com. Sept. 12, Batesville - Band on the Run 5K, 8am. Info: Michelle McSpadden (870)793-2464, britgirl4mac@yahoo.com.

Sept. 12, El Dorado - SouthArk Outdoor Expo Major Ronald Wayne Culver Hero 5K Walk/Run, 7:30am; Start: 319 S. Washington, at the corner of Locust St.; $20 by 9/4, after $25. Info: Dr. Sterling or Cynthia Reyna, (870)864-7130, sclaypoole@southark.edu, www.southarkexpo.com, https:// runsignup.com/Race/AR/ElDorado/ MajorRonaldWayneCulverMemorialHero5K Sept. 12, Farmington - Farmington Stampede 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR (12-under), 9am. Info: Sheryl Cash, Race Dir. (479)263-3205, farmingtonstampede@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Greers Ferry - Love the Lake & River 1 Mile Fun Run/ Walk, 7:15am. Info: visitgreersferrylake@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Heber Springs - Cash Dash 5K & 1K, 8am. Info: (501)470-5999, cashdash5k@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Little Rock - Minuteman 5K, 7am. Info: (501)2313730, bjtorrey@sbcglobal.net. Sept. 12, Ozark - Kendra’s Voice: Race to be Heard 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: (479)883-9477, jxb003@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Vilonia - Every Soul Matters 5K, 8am. Info: (479)9706076, begtaff@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Winslow - Winslow Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: (479)466-4125, winslowrun@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Wynne - COT Trot for Life 5K, 8am. Info: Maggie (870)238-4329, info@conceptsoftruth.org. Sept. 19, Alpena - Run, Walk, or do the Watermelon Crawl 5K, 8am. Info: vshelton@alpena.k12.ar.us. Sept. 19, Batesville - BGMC 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Leanne Collins (870)834-1224, Rick Franks (870)834-1085, rickfranks6@yahoo.com. Sept. 19, Benton - Arkansas 20K, 7:30am. Info: (501)517-7393, pirel@prodigy.net. Sept. 19, Conway - Miles for Mito, 5K Race & 1 Mile Walk, 9am. Info: milesformito@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Glenwood - Color Out Cancer Tri County 5K Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: ccrow@diamondbanking.com. Sept. 19, Mobile - GO 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Sept. 19, Mobile - MSPCA Run for Rescues 5K Run & FR/ Walk, 9am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Sept. 19, Mountain Pine - Arkansas Officers Down 5K Run/ Walk & 1 Mile Walk, 10am; Kids FR, 11am. Info: info@officersdown5k.com. Sept. 19, Texarkana - Amanda Fussell Woodman Memorial Color Run for CASA, 5K Walk/Run; 9am. Info: Stephanie Fussell (903)792-1030, stephaniefussell@casatexarkana.org. Sept. 20, Little Rock - Race 13.1, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K & 10K, 7:15am. Info: 1(866)561-5651 (ext. 301), info@race131.com. Sept. 26, Choctaw - Leg It For The Library 2 Mile, 9am. Info: meaginwarren2@hotmail.com. Sept. 26, Heber Springs - Fight Like A Kid 5K Run/Walk, 5pm. Info: gilmitchum70@gmail.com. Sept. 26, Lonoke - The Great Pumpkin Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile Family Run/Walk, 9:30am. Info: mholman82@gmail.com. Oct. 2, Little Rock - The Mud Run - Little Rock’s Dirtiest 5K, 7pm. Info: (501)371-4639, glamm@littlerock.org. Oct. 3, Booneville - Arkansas Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K Run & 5K Run/Walk. Info: Stacey McCullough (479)675-2666, info@booneville.com. Oct. 3, Harrison - Run for Eagle 5K, 8:30am. Info: ItsMe2b_04@yahoo.com. Oct. 3, Little Rock - Walk Now for Autism Speaks 5K, 8:30am. Info: (501)574-2555, kfknoll@gmail.com. Oct. 3, Springdale - Purple for a Purpose 5K, 8am. Info: (479)936-4002, janettagibbs@hotmail.com. Oct. 10, Bryant - Bryant Hornet XC Invitational, 9:30am. Info: (501)590-6430, soury@bryantschools.org. Oct. 10, Fayetteville - Hero Half Marathon, 10am. Info: (479)5309906, fayettevilleffherohalf@gmail.com.


Oct. 17, Batesville - WRMC Run the Wave 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Kid’s Run, 9:15am. Info: leanne_7@yahoo.com. Oct. 17, Benton - Hudson’s Monster of a 5K, 5pm. Info: sarahqualls_12@hotmail.com. Oct. 17, Leslie - The Zebbie Run - Carving A Cure For Cancer, 5K 9:30am. Info: bcaston@scsd.info. Oct. 17, Malvern - Running for Cover 5K, 9am. Info: hschomelesscoalition@yahoo.com. Oct. 24, Conway - Soaring Wings of Conway Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7am. Info: (501)849-2253, info@swmarathon.com. Oct. 31, Bentonville - Bentonville Running Series: Goblin Run, 5K 7am. Info: lmoore@bentonvillear.com. Oct. 31, Little Rock - MEMS 5K, 9am. Info: 5krun@metroems.com.

FLORIDA Aug. 1, Daytona Beach - Pirate Invasion 5K Beach Run & Treasure Hunt, 7pm. Info: snasrallah@blackcrow.fm. Aug. 1, Lake Mary - Oakmonte Village 5K Fun Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: info@run4acause.org. Aug. 1, Melbourne - Workman Warriors 5K Trail Run, 7:30am. Info: (321)292-1880, ritch@ritchworkman.com. Aug. 1, Orlando - The Great American Bacon Race, 5K Run/ Walk 9am; Kids 1K Bacon Dash, 10am. Info: garfield@americanbaconrace.com. Aug. 1, Panama City - Team Joe Warrior Foundation 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Aug. 7-8, Jacksonville - Tour De Pain, 8/7: 4 Mile Beach Run, 6:30pm; 8/8: 5K, 7am; Mile Sizzler, 4:30pm. Info: (904)731-3676, events@1stplacesports.com. Aug. 7, Sarasota - I Will Run For Beer, 4 Miles 7pm. Info: rouillard64@msn.com. Aug. 8, Hollywood Beach - Kick Off 5K, 7am. Info: Cynthia RaesBernard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org.

Aug. 8, St. George Island - St. George Island Sizzler 5K, 7pm; 1 Mile, 6:30pm; $10$30 by 8/5 (6pm Eastern); $35 day of race. Info: Hobson Fulmer, POB 416, Eastpoint, FL 32328; (850)509-2191, stgeorgeislandsizzler@gmail.com, www.stgeorgeislandsizzler.com Aug. 8, Viera - I Run for Pizza Football Kickoff 5K, 7am. Info: Denise Piercy (321)751-8890. Aug. 14, Clearwater Beach - Sunsets at Pier 60 Series, 5K 7pm; Free Kids FR, 6:45pm. Info: LRogers115@tampabay.rr.com. Aug. 15, Boynton Beach - Cobra Country 5K, 7am. Info: Park Vista High School XC (561)252-7653. Aug. 15, Jacksonville - Jaguars 5K Stadium Challenge, 5:45pm; 1 Mile FR, 5:30pm. Info: (904)731-3676, events@1stplacesports.com. Aug. 15, Key West - Fashion Victim 5K Run/Walk, 8am. lnfo: beth@themeruns.com. Aug. 15, Melbourne - MCC Champions Club 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: dmcltiger@aol.com.

Aug. 15, Port Orange - Red Solo Kup 4K Run/Walk, 7:30am; $25 before 8/1, $28 8/2-14, $30 on Race Day. Info: Nancy Rowan, 3408 S. Atlantic Ave. #37, Daytona Beach, FL 32118; (321)749-4494, runningal@cfl.rr.com, https:/ /runningalem.com/events.php#redSolo4Kup Aug. 21, Pass-A-Grille, St. Pete Beach - St. Pete Road Runners Beach Series 5K, 7pm. Info: Doug Schiller (941)932-6147, dougjune1@msn.com. Aug. 22, Jacksonville Beach - Tijuana Flats Summer Beach Run, 5 Mile 6pm; 1 Mile 6:05pm. Info: (904)731-3676, events@1stplacesports.com. Aug. 22, Merritt Island - Running On Island Time 5K Race/Walk, 7:30am. Info: debwells@cfl.rr.com. Aug. 22, Ocala - Glo with the Flo 5K, 8pm. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Aug. 22, Waldo - Gator Mud Run 5K w/40 obstacles, 8:30am. Info: (904)731-3676, events@1stplacesports.com. Aug. 29, High Springs - Vanishing River Trail Run, 4.4 Miles; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Aug. 29, Jacksonville - Lung Force Run/Walk 5K, 7:30am. Info: (904)520-7117. Aug. 30, Boca Raton - Summer’s End 5K Runner’s Edge, 5K Run/Walk 6pm. Info: (561)361-1950, runedgetom@gmail.com. Sept. 5, Amelia Island - Turtle Trot 5K, 1 Mile Kids FR; 7:30am. Info: (904)415-6039. Sept. 5, Davie - King of the Hill 5K Challenge, 7:30am; 5K Color Run (untimed), 8:30am. Info: raceinfo@kingofthehill5kchallenge.com. Sept. 5, Harmony - Labor of Love 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: cathy@gemsevents.com. Sept. 5, Melbourne Beach - Sister Run 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Terre Luce (321)514-6858, tllnp@yahoo.com. Sept. 5, Tallahassee - Operation One Voice Fallen Heroes 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: Mike Terhune (850)212-2494, michael.terhune@talgov.com. Sept. 6, Hollywood Beach - 9-11 Freedom 5K Run & Fitness Walk, 7am. Info: rundepot@aol.com. Sept. 7, Bradenton - Canes Cross Country Classic, 5K 8am; 1K FR/Walk, 9:15am. Info: coach@canesclassic.com. Sept. 7, Jacksonville - 1st Place Sports Run Jax Labor Day Run, 5K 7:30am; 1 Mile 8:30am. Info: (904)731-3676, events@1stplacesports.com. Sept. 7, Tallahassee - Bluebird Run & Walk for Brookie B. 5K Trail Run & 1 Mile Walk, 7:30am. Info: Cindy Foster (850)915-0165, foster.cynthial@gmail.com.


Running Journal • August, 2015

Sept. 12, Altamonte Springs - Stephen Siller Tunnels to Towers 5K Run & Walk Orlando, 7:30am. Info: (718)987-1931, info@tunnel2towers.org. Sept. 12, Coral Gables - UPS 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: (305)646-7029, ups5k@unitedwaymiami.org. Sept. 12, Indialantic - Turtle Krawl 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: turtlekrawl@seaturtlespacecoast.org. Sept. 12, Jacksonville - Run With The Flock 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (904)731-3676, events@1stplacesports.com. Sept. 12, Tallahassee - Run/Walk for Sickle Cell Anemia 5K, 8:30am; Tim Simpkins 1 Mile FR, 8:10am. Info: jill@sicklecellfoundation.org. Sept. 12, Tampa - Flavor Run Tampa Bay, 5K & 1 Mile, 10am. Info: Flavor Run Team (813)404-9141, support@flavorrun.com. Sept. 12, Wellington - Jeff Annas Memorial Firefighters 5K, 7:30am. Info: richard.ellis1965@yahoo.com.

Sept. 13, Delray Beach - Halfway to the Delray Beach St. Patricks Day 5K/10K/Kids Green Dash; 7am; 5K $25, 10K $30, by 9/8, then $30/$35. Info: Lacey Chimienti, POB 214, Boca Raton, FL 33429, (561)222-8440, lacey@runforfundsflorida.com, info@runforfundsflorida.com, https:// runsignup.com/Race/FL/DelrayBeach/ HalfwaytotheDelrayBeachStPatricksDay Parade5K10K Sept. 13, Orange Park - Remarkable River Racing Series, 5K 7am. Info: info@run4acause.org. Sept. 19, Avondale - Avondale 5K Classic, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: (904)731-3676, events@1stplacesports.com. Sept. 19, Hollywood - Your Next Step is the Cure, 5K 7:15am. Info: Jennifer Hughes (650)598-2857, jhughes@lungcancerfoundation.org. Sept. 19, Ocala - Run 4 Mercy 5K & Family Walk, 8am. Info: ecorwin@mercyministries.com.

Sept. 19, St. Petersburg - One Step Closer to the Cure 2015, 10K/5K 7am; 1 Mile 8:45am; 10K/5K $40, 1 mile $30 by 9/5, after 10K/5K $45, 1 Mile $35. Info: Claudette Carlan, POB 48787, St. Petersburg, FL 33743-8787, (863)381-2034, ccarlan@cmocf.org. www.cmocf.org Sept. 19, Tallahassee - Women’s Distance Festival 5K, 8am/ women; 8:05am/men; 9am/1 mi. Info: unger4122@comcast.net. Sept. 26, Clearwater - Rock the Ribbon 5K & 10K, 6:30pm. Info: Sarah Murry (727)461-8642, sarah.murry@baycare.org. Sept. 26, Jacksonville - Strut Your Mutt, 5K 8:45am; Walk 9:30am. Info: events@bestfriends.org. Sept. 26, Key West - Red Shirt Run, 5K Run/Walk; 8am. Info: beth@themeruns.com. Sept. 26, Orlando - Quack Attack on Poverty 5K, 7:30am. Info: Kara Dhuse (407)361-4644, kara@communityfoodoutreach.org. Sept. 26, Pensacola - Wonderful Wacky Women Making Waves to Wipe Out Ovarian Cancer, 4 Mile Run, 4 Mile Walk & 1 Mile Fun Walk. Info: Jimmie Sue Walters (850)525-1975, jimmiesue@cox.net. Sept. 26, Tallahassee - Prefontaine Forest Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: Doug Bell (850)510-7146, dbell@penningtonlaw.com. Oct. 3, Jacksonville - Jacksonville Marine Corps 1/2 Marathon & Freedom 5K, 7am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Oct. 3, Jacksonville - Doggie Dash 5K, 9am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Oct. 3, Key West - One Human Race 5K, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR for Kids (9-under), 9am. Info: (305)293-1400 (ext. 53418), info@keywestmontessori.com. Oct. 3, Tampa - City Quest Tampa, Distances Varies; Noon. Info: Stephen Lytle (727)254-7468, info@cityquestraces.com.

Oct. 4, Deerfield Beach - 19th Annual Dunn’s Run, 5K Walk/Run & 5 Mile Run; 7:30am; $30/5K, $35/5 Mile by 10/2, after $35/5K, $40/5 Mile. Info: Danielle Brock, 877 NW 61st St., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309; (954)537-1010, dbrock@bgcbc.org, www.dunnsrun.com Oct. 4, Ocala - Ladies First Ocala Half Marathon & 5K, 7:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Oct. 9, Jacksonville - First Responders Appreciation 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Oct. 10, Key West - Southernmost Marathon, 6:30am; Half & 10K, 6:45am. Info: Liz Love (479)200-4689, liz@somomarathon.com. Oct. 10, Navarre Beach Pier - Run for the Reef 10K & 5K, 7:30am. Info: mark.griffith.home@gmail.com. Oct. 10, San Marco - Financial Fitness 5K, 8am. Info: (904)7313676, events@1stplacesports.com. Oct. 10, Vero Beach - Beachside Half Marathon, 6:45am; 5K, 7am. Info: Cheri Sofia (772)563-9118, info@irchealthystart.org. Oct. 17, Bradenton - Ghost 5K, 4pm. Info: Doug Schiller (941)932-6147, dougjune1@msn.com. Oct. 17, Sorrento - Rock Springs Half Marathon, 8:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Oct. 18, Apalachicola - “Running for the Bay!” Marathon, Half Marathon, Ultra 50K, 10K & 5K; 7:15am. Info: friends@runningforthebay.com.

Oct. 24, Jacksonville - Halloween Howler 5K, 7pm. Info: melissa@jacksonvillerunningcompany.com. Oct. 24, Middleburg - Black Creek 5K, 7:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Oct. 24, Pensacola - Pensacola Mud Run, 5 Mile 7:30am. Info: Katie Hagensick (850)435-9222. Oct. 24, Palm Coast - Run Against Domestic Violence & Bullying 5K, 7am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Oct. 24, Sanford - Glow the Mall Pink Midnight Madness 5K, 11:55pm. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Oct. 29, Pensacola Beach - Bogeyman 5K & 1.5 Mile Road/ Beach Adventure Race, 6pm. Info: Mike Pate (251)980-1045, Info@HarleySports.com. Oct. 31, Ft. De Soto Park, Tierra Verde - Florida Halloween Halfathon & 5K Race, 7:05am. Info: info@flroadraces.com, www.floridaroadraces.com Oct. 31, Orlando - Easter Seals Walk With Me Orlando, 1.6 Miles; 8:15am. Info: Jen Seppi (407)629-7881 (x12106). Oct. 31, Hollywood - Halloween Spooktacular Run, 8am. Info: Cynthia Raes-Bernard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. Nov. 26, Jacksonville - Subaru Distance Classic 1/2 Marathon & 6K, 8am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. Dec. 6, St. Augustine - Divas® Half Marathon & 5K in St. Augustine, 7:15am 5K; Half Marathon 7:30am. Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com. Dec. 13, Madeira Beach - Florida Holiday Halfathon, 7:05am. Info: info@flroadraces.com, www.floridaroadraces.com.

Jan. 3, Jacksonville - Jacksonville Bank Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am; Bolles School; $70/Marathon, $45/Half, $25/5K by 10/31; $75/$50/$30 11/1-11/30; $80/$55/$35 12/ 1/15-1/2/16; $85/$60/$40 on Race Day. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com, www.1stplacesports.com Jan. 17, Clearwater - Clearwater Distance Festival, 50K Ultra, Marathon, Halfathon, 5 Miler & 5K Walk; 7:05am. Info: info@flroadraces.com, www.floridaroadraces.com.

Jan. 17, Naples - Naples Daily News Half Marathon, 7am; $45 by 12/1, $65 by 1/10. Info: Perry Silverman, POB 8635, Naples, FL 34102; (678)777-5622, Psilvrman@aol.com, www.napleshalfmarathon.net March 6, Ft. De Soto Park - Florida Beach Halfathon & 5K Race, 7:05am. Info: info@flroadraces.com, www.floridaroadraces.com.

GEORGIA Aug. 1, Atlanta - I do Music 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Patchwerk Recording Studios (404)874-9880. Aug. 1, Flowery Branch - FBHS Falcon 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: events@runnersfit.com. Aug. 1, Tifton - Run for Love, 1 Mile FR/Walk 7:15pm; 5K Road Race 7:45pm. Info: Lynda Fisher (229)388-1334, tiftcoccrfl@gmail.com.

Aug. 1, Woodstock - Run With the Chiefs 5K, 8am; after 7/10 $30. Info: Scott Moore, 410 English Ivy Way, Woodstock, GA 30188; (678)296-7710, sequoyahxcboosterclub @gmail.com, www.runwiththechiefs5k.org Aug. 2, Atlanta - Alumrun 5K+10K, 5K 7am; 10K 8am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Aug. 6, Marietta - Road Runner Sports Adventure Run, Fun Run 6pm. Info: Andrew Buswell (678)279-7990, mariettadventurerun@gmail.com. Aug. 7, Hahira - National Night Out 5K Glow Run/Walk, 8:30pm. Info: skingston@hahiraga.gov. Aug. 8, Athens - Coach Mike 5K Health Run, 8am. Info: Elyse Giles (706)543-6596, elysegiles@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Cumming - 5K Run/Walk for Tyler, 8am. Info: mkhwrn@bellsouth.net. Aug. 8, Hartwell - Wet ‘n Wild 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: Judd Bailey (864)314-4369. Aug. 8, Marietta - Dog Days 5K Run, 7:30am; 1 Mile, 7:45am; Tot Trot, 8:30am. Info: Ken Crowell (404)510-7939, crowellken@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Suwanee - Dennis McCormick Road Race 5K 7:30am. Info: Andrew Hudson (770)519-0680, hudsonxc@hotmail.com. Aug. 8, Winder - Summer’s End 10K Run, 7am; 5K Run/Walk, 8:15am; FR, 9:15am. Info: events@runnersfit.com. Aug. 13, Alpharetta - Road Runner Sports Adventure Run, Fun Run 5:30pm. Info: Andrew Buswell (678)248-5205, alpharettadventurerun@gmail.com. Aug. 15, Albany - Miles for Missions, 5K 7:45am; 8K 8:45am; 1 Mile FR/Walk 8:45am. Info: Ricky Scott - ddpinc3000@icloud.com. Aug. 15, Atlanta - The Lekotek Run, 4 Mile 8am. Info: Helene Prokesch (404)633-3430 (x23), helene@lekotekga.org, www.lekotekga.org. Aug. 15, Atlanta - Back on My Feet Meaningful Miles 4 Mile Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: Monique Rivarde (310)729-1082, angela@backonmyfeet.org.

www.running.net Aug. 15, Brooklet - Brooklet 5K Peanut Run, 7am; $20 by 8/3, after $25. Info: Toby Davis, POB 313, Brooklet, GA 30415; (912)481-4050, margtoby@gmail.com, www.brookletpeanutfestival.com Aug. 15, Grayson - Jayhawks Dash 5K, 8am; Fun Mile, 7:30am. Info: tiffney@cdaspirit.com. Aug. 15, Monroe - Lions Club 5K Run For Sight, 7:30am. Info: Kathy Ivie (770)266-2332, kivie@waltonemc.com. Aug. 15, Rincon - Summer’s End 5K Trail Run @ Treutlen House, 8am. Info: treutlen.wert@yahoo.com.

Aug. 15, Rome - Gary Tillman Memorial Clocktower 5K Road Race & 2 Mile Health Walk, 8am; 5K $25, 2 Mile $20 by 7/31, after 5K $30, 2 Mile $25. Info: Gail Johnson, Rome Runners Club, POB 152, Rome, GA 30161, (706)235-3035, tillmanclocktowerrace@yahoo.com, www.tillmanclocktowerrace.org Aug. 15, Suwanee - Longhorn 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 9:30am. Info: cbgrogan@comcast.net. Aug. 15-16, Suwanee - Skylar’s Run, 8/15: 5K 7:30am; 8/16: Blimpie 5K/10K Challenge 7:30am, FR & Special Needs Buddy Run 8:15am, 10K 8:30am. Info: paul@blimpiegeorgia.com. Aug. 15, Villa Rica - Flat Get It 5K, 7pm; Fun Run, 7:50pm. Info: Billy Lashley (678)873-6720, blashley@sheriff.douglas.ga.us. Aug. 16, Lithonia - The Arabia Morning Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am. Info: snapfreeevents@gmail.com. Aug. 20, Atlanta - Road Runner Sports Adventure Run, Fun Run 6pm. Info: Suzie Thomas (404)274-9929, atlantadventurerun@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Athens - Classic City Pilot Club Brain Fitness 5K, 8am. Info: (678)753-0230.

Aug. 22, Atlanta (Perimeter Mall) - 2015 Magnolia Run and Walk for Epilepsy, 5K, 1 Mile; 8am; $30 (13+), $25 (12-under) by 8/ 18; $35 Race Day (all ages). Info: Epilepsy Foundation of Georgia, 6065 Roswell Rd., #715, Atlanta, GA 30328; Aly Clift (404)5277155, aly@epilepsyga.org, http:// events.epilepsyga.org Aug. 22, Augusta - Fort Gordon Glow Run, 5K Run 8pm; 3K Run 8:05pm. Info: neil.j.smith.naf@mail.mil. Aug. 22, Jonesboro - Chairman Turner Fitness 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (404)596-8498, 5k@jeffreyeturner.org. Aug. 22, Suwanee - Old Peachtree Road 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: events@runnersfit.com. Aug. 22, Young Harris - Dash to the Vineyards 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Candace Lee (706)896-4966, (800)984-1543, candacelee@brmemc.net. Aug. 23, Atlanta - Hotlanta Half Marathon, 7am. Info: info@hotlantahalf.com. Aug. 29, Jefferson - Primal Rush Trail Race, Half Marathon 7am; 10K 7:30am; 5K 9am; Kids Run 8:30am. Info: The Tree House (770)307-7466. Aug. 29, Marietta - DI Dash 5K & 1K, 7:30am. Info: John Short (770)250-3007, jshort@digitalinsurance.com. Aug. 29, Warner Robins - CASA SuperHero 5K, 1 Mile FR; 7am. Info: (478)542-2141 (x336). Aug. 29, Watkinsville - Running for Rankin! Fun Run 8am; 5K 8:30am. Info: Deborah Walock (678)753-3260, walock_deborah_n@cat.com. Aug. 30, Kennesaw - Enduring Hearts Iron Horse 15K & 5K, 7:30am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Sept. 3, Marietta - Road Runner Sports Adventure Run, Fun Run 6pm. Info: Andrew Buswell (678)279-7990, mariettadventurerun@gmail.com. Sept. 5, Canton - Tortoise and the Hare 1/2 Marathon, 7am; 10K, 9am. Info: Toni McAlister (678)400-9050, info@tortoiseandthehareracing.com. Sept. 5, Flowery Branch - South Fall Rotary 5K, 9am. Info: events@runnersfit.com. Sept. 5, Milledgeville - Old Capitol City Classic 5K, 8am. Info: Connie Pitirri (478)454-3555, cwilson@ormcinc.org. Sept. 5, Watkinsville - Butterfly Dreams 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Carol Black (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Sept. 7, Atlanta - Big Peach Sizzler 10K, 7:30am. Info: Becky Penuel (770)765-6508, bpenuel@milesforcf.org.

Sept. 7, Duluth - The Great Labor Day Mile Sponsored by USATF Georgia, (5) 1 Mile Races - Elite Men, Elite Women, Master Men, Master Women, 1 Mile Fun Run, 8am; Early Registration all races - $18 until 7/31/ 15; $20 from 8/1-8/31/15; $25.00 from 9/1-9/ 5/15. Day of race - $30. Youth 18 and under - $10. Info: Marlene Atwood 770-883-4208, marleneatwood@usatfga.org, http:// www.active.com/duluth-ga/running/ distance-running-races/the-great-laborday-mile-sponsored-by-usa-track-andfield-georgia-2015?int=

Sept. 7, Macon - Macon Labor Day Road Race, 5K 8am; 10K 8:30am; FR 10am. Info: FM Barron (478)973-2050, macontracks@macontracks.org. Sept. 10, Alpharetta - Road Runner Sports Adventure Run, Fun Run 5:30pm. Info: Andrew Buswell (678)248-5205, alpharettadventurerun@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Athens - Cherokee Rose 5K Race, 9am. Info: Katie Chitty (803)929-0771, katie@halfmoonoutfitters.com. Sept. 12, Atlanta - Teal Trot 5K for Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance, 9am. Info: Doug Barron (404)255-1337, gocawalk@gaovariancancer.org. Sept. 12, Greenville - GBC Lottie Moon 5K, 9am. Info: Shellie GBCLM5K@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Leesburg - Remember-2-Remember 1st Responder, 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Run/Walk; 8am. Info: DLindsey@lee.ga.us. Sept. 12, Lumber City - Farm Day Festival 5K & 1 Mile FR, 7:45am. Info: (912)363-4643, jeaban2007@mac.com. Sept. 12, Peachtree City - Divas® Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 7am. Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com. Sept. 12, Savannah - Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk, 8am. Info: savannah@tunnel2towers.org. Sept. 12, Winder - City of Winder Fire Department 9/11 Memorial XC 5K, 6pm; Fun Run, 5:30pm. Info: Carol Black (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Sept. 13, Athens - Fred Birchmore Memorial Run for Fun 5K, 3:30pm; 1 Mile, 3pm. Info: Carol Black (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Sept. 17, Atlanta - Road Runner Sports Adventure Run, Fun Run 6pm. Info: Suzie Thomas (404)274-9929, atlantadventurerun@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Albany - Chehaws Through the Zoo 5K, 7:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Sept. 19, Canton - Reinhardt University 5K for a Day, 5K Run/ Walk 8am. Info: Dale Morrissey (770)720-5506, dsm1@reinhardt.edu. Sept. 19, Decatur - Walk of Heroes, 5K 8am. Info: Jennifer Highsmith (404)508-7706, jenniferh@dekcsb.org. Sept. 19, Evans - Half Crazy Run for Ovarian Cancer Half Marathon & 10K, 7:30am. Info: Traci Smith (706)373-1231, tracismith1231@yahoo.com, www.halfcrazyhalfmarathon.com. Sept. 19, Loganville - Autumn Road Race 5K, 8:30am; Fun Run, 8am. Info: (770)466-4250, info@fbcloganville.org

Sept. 19, Rome - Roman Rumble 5K, 8am; 2 Mile Health Walk, 8:05am; $25/5K, $20/Walk by 9/16 midnight, Race day $30/5K, $20/Walk. Info: Gail Garland, POB 5143, Rome, GA 301625143, (706)235-5437, ggarland@nwga-cac.org, www.romanrumble.org Sept. 19, Savannah - YMCA of Coastal Georgia Heart of Savannah 5K, 1 Mile Survivor’s Walk, 8am; 1/4 Mile Kids Run, 8:40am. Info: YMCA of Coastal Georgia (912)354-5480. Sept. 19, Savannah - T.E.A.L. Walk for Ovarian Cancer, 1.5 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: info@tealwalk.org. Sept. 20, Athens - Run Your Tail Off Athens Canine Rescue 5K, 2pm; 2K Dog Walk, 2:10pm. Info: Bly Crane (706)206-8436, president@athenscaninerescue.com. Sept. 20, Marietta - Hot Lips Hustle 5K, 8am. Info: Race Director (404)934-3214, hotlipshustle5k@live.com. Sept. 26, Macon - Susan G. Komen Central Georgia Race for the Cure, 5K 9am. Info: Ashley Esleeck (336)682-3844, aneighbors2@gmail.com. Sept. 26, Stockbridge - Night Owl 5K, 5pm. Info: Atlanta Wild Animal Rescue Effort (678)418-1111. Sept. 26, Union Point - Junction Jamboree Jog 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Chris Drane - J35KRace@gmail.com. Sept. 26, Winder - CASA Superhero 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1K, 8am. Info: Piedmont CASA (706)387-6375. Sept. 27, Milledgeville - Julia Tarter Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 3pm. Info: pamela.harty@knightagency.net, classicraceservices@ gmail.com. Oct. 1, Marietta - Road Runner Sports Adventure Run, Fun Run 6pm. Info: Andrew Buswell (678)279-7990, mariettadventurerun@gmail.com. Oct. 2, Athens - Burnin’ Up The Blacktop 5K Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: Carol Black (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Oct. 3, Athens - Athens Heritage Lions Club Roll, Walk, Jog, Run 5K, Wheelchair 9am; 5K 9:15am. Info: Carol Black (706)680-7223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Oct. 3, Atlanta - Winship 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Pam McAdams (404)727-6175, pam.mcadams@emory.edu. Oct. 3, Blairesville - Run With The Realtors 5K, 8am; 10K, 8:45am. Info: ashleyowens@negboard.com, classicraceservices@ gmail.com. Oct. 3, Kennesaw - Glow the Mall Pink Midnight Madness 5K, 11:55pm. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. Oct. 3, McRae-Helena - Telfair 5K Color Run, 9:30am. Info: fusselllydia@yahoo.com. Oct. 3, Suches - Run Above The Clouds, 5K & 10K 9am, 1 Mile Fun Run 9:10am. Info: Willard Arbour (706)747-9773, willardfm@windstream.net, http://www.runabovetheclouds.org/ Oct. 3, Toccoa - Currahee Challenge, 3 Mile Run/Walk 7:45am; 6 Mile Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce (706)886-2132, melvia@toccoagachamber.com. Oct. 4, Atlanta - Michelob Ultra Atlanta 13.1 Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: atlanta@run131series.com. Oct. 4, Covington - Eagle 5K Run/Walk, 3pm. Info: Heather Wood (770)784-2920, wood.heather@newton.k12.ga.us, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Oct. 4, Tallulah Falls - Autumn Breeze 5K, 3pm. Info: (706)6807223, classicraceservices@gmail.com. Oct. 9, Bethlehem - Joni Odum Bethlehem Elementary Starlight 5K Run/Walk, 6:30pm; 1 Mile FR, 6pm. Info: Bethlehem Elementary School (770)867-2238. Oct. 10, Albany - Buddy Check 10K Trail Run, 10am; Kids 1 Mile

www.running.net FR, 9:30am. Info: Bruce Austin (229)446-4020, bruce.austin@walb.com. Oct. 10, Conyers - Praise Run, 5K Run/Walk; 8:30am. Info: mbc5k@yahoo.com. Oct. 10, Hiram - Zombie Run 5K, 8am. Info: Paulding County Extension Office (770)443-7616. Oct. 10, Jekyll Island - Under the Oaks Half Marathon, 7:30am; 10K, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Ginger Strehle (912)634-8177, gstrehle@sschristianschool.com. Oct. 11, Chatsworth - Mystery Mountain Marathon & 12 Miler, 8am. Info: mysterymtnmarathon@getguts.com. Oct. 15, Atlanta - Road Runner Sports Adventure Run, Fun Run 6pm. Info: Suzie Thomas (404)274-9929, atlantadventurerun@gmail.com. Oct. 17, Watkinsville - Scarecrow 5K/Fitness Challenge, 8:45am. Info: Oconee Chamber of Commerce (706)769-7947, jestess@oconeechamber.org.

Oct. 18, Atlanta - RunDunwoody - Rotary Race to Serve, 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 9am; Tot Trot (ages 2-5), 9:15am; Start/Finish Perimeter Mall; $30/5K by 10/8, $35 10/9-10/17, $40 on RD; $20/1 Mile by 10/8, $25 10/9-Race Day; Tot Trot/Free. Info: Dunwoody Rotary Club, POB 88489, Atlanta, GA 30356-8489; Kelly Hundley (678)778-7105, info@rundunwoody. net, www.rundunwoody.net Oct. 24, Woodstock - Twilight Run F.O.R. Cherokee, 5K Run 7:30pm; 1K FR/Walk, 7pm. Info: Vicki Benefield (770)841-8530, vicki.benefield@ellijay.com. Oct. 25, Athens - Athens GA Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: (706)548-1973, athhalf@athfesteducates.org. Oct. 25, Atlanta - THE GREAT AMAZING ADVENTURE RACE Atlanta, 1 Mile/5K, 3pm. Info: Great Amazing Race, (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Oct. 31, Mableton - Silver Comet Half Marathon, 7:45am. Info: (404)422-2195, contact@silvercometraces.com.

Nov. 7-8, Savannah - Rock n’ Roll Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7am (11/ 7); 5K & 1 Mile, 1pm (11/8); Kids Rock, 3:15pm (11/8); Save $10 Using Online Code JOURNAL2 (Valid for Half & Full only by 9/1). Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510, (800)311-1255, rnrsavannah@competitor group.com, www.RunRocknRoll.com/ Savannah. See Ad page 25. Dec. 12, Atlanta - Barb’s 5K - Presented by BeeCause, 8am; Fit Kids Run/Walk presented by SKYZONE (this is brand new), 1 mi., 1/2 mi., 1/4 mi., & 100 yards. Info: (800)200-2771 (x306), info@galloway131.com, https://jeffgalloway131.com Dec. 13, Atlanta - JG 13.1 - Jeff Galloway Half Marathon, 8am. Info: (800)200-2771 (x306), info@galloway131.com, https:// jeffgalloway131.com

Running Journal • August, 2015 Aug. 22, Alvaton - Mud Happens, One Bad Mud Run, 5K w/ obstacles; 8am/1st heat. Info: Family Enrichment Center (270)7816714, info@familyenrichmentcenter.com. Aug. 22, Lexington - Morning Light 5K for Alzheimer’s 5K, 8am. Info: jenbennett07@yahoo.com. Aug. 22, Lexington - Kentucky Blood Run, 5K & 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: Matt Reno (800)775-2522, mreno@kybloodcenter.org. Aug. 22, Louisville - R(un) for One 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:45am. Info: krystal.brummitt@lifelinechild.org. Aug. 22, Louisville - Kicking Butt 5K, 8am. Info: Patty Francis (502)290-0288, pfrancis@c2p2ky.org. Aug. 23, Crestview Hills - Check Your Genes, Know Your DNA 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (513)793-0508, greg@runningtime.net. Aug. 30, Erlanger - Friendship City 5K, 8am. Info: (513)7930508, greg@runningtime.net. Sept. 5, Lexington - Share Your Spare 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids 12-under FR, 9am. Info: bwmarie@hotmail.com. Sept. 7, Bowling Green - Run For Sight 5K, 2 Mile Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile Bubble Run, 9:30am. Info: bgnoonlions@gmail.com. Sept. 11, Lexington - Lexington Firefighters Run to Remember, 4.03 Mile Run/Walk; 7pm. Info: lexruntoremember@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Carrollton - Run the Good Race 5K, 10am. Info: isaacs1012@hotmail.com. Sept. 12, Corbin - Lion’s Chase 5K Obstacle Race, 8:30am. Info: Jeff Sparks (859)576-0383, lionschase@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Frenchburg - Country Autumn Run, 5K 9am. Info: Ken Catron (859)533-9504, kcatron@nisource.com. Sept. 12, Henderson - Autumn Classic 5K & 10K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: lyndsey.estes.mo4@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Louisville - Legacy of Life 5K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: kevindon@ulh.org. Sept.12, Mount Eden - Stampede to Read 5K Run/Walk, 4pm; Mile Kids Run, 5pm. Info: jillou323@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Murray - Murray’s Business Lion’s Club Paint Run/ Walk, 1 Mile Color Run; 8am. Info: sdavis@murrayhospital.org. Sept. 12, Nada - Rugged Red Trail Half Marathon, 7am. Info: mandy@ruggedred.com. Sept. 12, Pikeville - Paint Pikeville Pink 5K, 9am. Info: Debbie Freeman (606)422-0693, paintpikevillepink@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Somerset - The Road Home Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: committee@theroadhomehalfmarathon.org. Oct. 3, Frankfort - KY History Half Marathon, 8am; 10K, 8:10am; 5K, 8:20am; Mile Kids FR, 10am. Info: contact@kyhistoryhalf.com. Oct. 4, Louisville - Louisville’s Dream Factory Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Tommie Kendall (502)216-0378, tommie.kendall@dreamfactoryinc.org. Oct. 10, Williamstown - Explore the Mud: 5K Mud Run/Obstacle Course, 8am to 2pm. Info: GetFitGrantCounty@gmail.com. Oct. 11, Midway - Iron Horse Half Marathon, 8am. Info: info@ironhorsehalfmarathon.com. Oct. 17, Bowling Green - The Medical Center 10K Classic, 8am (Wheelchair 7:55am); 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 1.5 Mile Fun Walk, 7:45am. Info: (270)796-1241/(877)545-1696, themedicalcenter10kclassic@chc.net. Oct. 24, Louisville - Urban Bourbon Half Marathon, 8:30am. Info: Troy Killian (502)587-6730, tkillian@louisvillesports.org. Oct. 24, Prestonsburg - The EKY Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 8am; Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: votebrentgraden@hotmail.com. Oct. 31, Harrodsburg - (un)Pleasant Hill Marathon Trail Run, 7am. Info: Amy Bugg (859)734-1545, abugg@shakervillageky.org.



Aug. 1, Lexington - LBX Dig Deep 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: rminton@lbxco.com. Aug. 1, Louisville - Dr. Ed Morgan/Kiwanis Grand Slam 4 Miler, 8am. Info: (502)386-1502, camille.estes@yahoo.com. Aug. 1, Paris - Band on the Run 5K, 9am. Info: eric.masters@paris.kyschools.us. Aug. 1, Russell Springs - Run With All Your Hart, 4 Mile Run/ Walk 8:30am; 1.5 Mile FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: elizabeth@3wayracing.com. Aug. 1, Winchester - GRC Football Cardinal Run/Walk, 5K & Fastest Kid Dash 50 yd.; 8am. Info: may6145@aol.com. Aug. 7 Williamsburg - “Beat the Heat! Color Me Pink!” 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8pm. Info: Kathy Lay (606)549-3380, Elizabeth Christopher (606)549-4811. Aug. 8, Lexington - A Midsummer Night’s Run 5K, 8pm. Info: (859)260-6945. Aug. 8, Middlesboro - Hometown 4 Heroes 5K for PTSD, 10am. Info: jongrace@bcje.com, ourhometown4ourheroes@yahoo.com. Aug. 8, Owensboro - Big Blue Riverfront Relay Marathon, Solo, pair, teams (3-4); 6pm. Info: chris@40lbsledgehammer.com. Aug. 8, Owensboro - Glow in the Park 5K, 8:15pm. Info: rich@triviumracing.com. Aug. 8, Somerset - Pack The Pantry 4 Mile Relay Race, 8am. Info: Grace Baptist Church (606)677-1006 (o). Aug. 11, Louisville - Toys for Tots Poker Run, 5K 6:30pm. Info: Donna Younger (502)742-5773 donnalyounger@yahoo.com. Aug. 11, Winchester - “Call Before You Dig” 3K for 811, 7pm. Info: Ken Catron (859)533-9504, kcatron@nisource.com. Aug. 14, Gray Hawk - Run for the Music 5K Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: Jackson County HS (606)287-7155; Keith Hays (606)438-1258. Aug. 15, Chavies - Cameron Hoskins 10,000, 5K Run/Walk & 10K Run; 8am. Info: Michael A. Smith (606)407-1760, michael.smith2@perry.kyschools.us. Aug. 15, Elizabethtown - Freeman Lake Summer Trail Series, 5K or 10K & 1K Free Kids Runs; 8am. Info: will@etownrunningsoles.com. Aug. 15, Grayson - Dive for the Finish 5K, 9am. Info: cares.ashley@gmail.com. Aug. 15, Louisville - LBA Ramble 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: mmotley@loubar.org. Aug. 15, Maysville - Project Malaria 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Keri Miller (606)759-7141 (x66118), keri.miller@kctcs.edu. Aug. 15, Mt. Sterling - Small Town America 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (859)498-8728 (weekdays), (859)274-6350 (race day).

Aug. 7, New Orleans - Lakefront Lighthouse Stroll Run/Walk, 2 Mile & 1/2 Mile; 7pm. Info: Chuck George (504)468-1488, chucknorsi@cox.net. Aug. 8, Mandeville - Q50 Races Bleau Moon 5 Miles, 8:45pm. Info: Cesar Torres (504)390-8807, info@q50races.com. Aug. 15, Baton Rouge - Twilight Classic 5K Road Race, 7pm; 1 Mile FR, 6:30pm. Info: David Vincent (225)337-3750, dvincent@dvmafit.com. Aug. 15, New Orleans - NOTC Anniversary Race, 3 Miles & 1/ 2 Mile. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Aug. 26, Lafayette - CRCC Summer Series 1 Mile & Snow Cones, 6pm. Info: todda9999@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Lafayette - Fatseaux 5K, 8am. Info: blanthier54@aol.com. Aug. 29, New Orleans - Resilience Run/Walk, 2 Miles 8am. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Sept. 5, Shreveport - Operation Santa Claus 5K, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. Sept. 12, New Orleans - NOLA Blue Doo Run, 2 Mile Run/Walk; 5pm. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Sept. 12, Lafayette - Two Steppin’ Breakfast & 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: jenniferbma@bellsouth.net. Sept. 12, Shreveport - Run For the Son 5K Run/Healthwalk, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile FR, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Shreveport - Captain Shreve Gator Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. Sept. 26, Baton Rouge - Doc’s Dash for Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 1 Mile FR 7:30am; 5K Run/Walk 8:05am. Info: docsdash@pbrc.edu. Sept. 26, Luling - Alligator Stomp 5K Run/Walk, 1/2 Mile Kids Run; 8:30am. Info: Chuck George (504)468-1488, chucknorsi@cox.net. Sept. 26, Mandeville - Q50 Races 5Kanine Trail Race, 5K & 1.5 Mile; 9am. Info: Cesar Torres (504)390-8807, info@q50races.com. Sept. 26, New Orleans - Tipitina’s Foundation Rhythm & Blues 5K Run, 5pm. Info: (504)304-2326, raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Oct. 2, Harahan - Twilight Run, 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile; 6:15pm. Info: Chuck George (504)468-1488, chucknorsi@cox.net. Oct. 10, Baton Rouge - Oral Cancer Foundation Walk/Run 5K for Awareness, 8:30am. Info: jessica.ocf.la@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Kenner - Oktoberfest 5K, 5pm. Info: raceinfo@runNOTC.org. Oct. 10, New Orleans - UNCF Race 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Chuck George (504)468-1488, chucknorsi@cox.net.

Oct. 10, Scott - Run for SJS Awareness 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR; 7am. Info: sjslouisiana@gmail.com. Oct. 17, New Orleans - Freret 5K & 1/2 Mile, 8am. Info: Chuck George (504)468-1488, chucknorsi@cox.net. Oct. 24, Loranger - Run for the Ranch 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: (985)878-6560, info@lighthouseranch.com. Oct. 24, Monroe - Run 4 Mercy 5K & Family Walk, 9am. Info: ecorwin@mercyministries.com. Oct. 24, New Orleans - Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Kids Dash 8:30am; 1 Mile FR/Fitness Walk 8:45am; 5K Competitive Run 9:30am; 5K Fun Run/Walk, 9:35am. Info: (504)455-7310. Oct. 31, Baton Rouge - SJA Sticker Stampede: Halloween Edition, 5K 8:30am; 1 Mile FR 8am. Info: Karen Edward Styron (225)938-2133, karen.e.styron@gmail.com. Oct. 31, New Orleans - Jazz Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Chuck George (504)468-1488, chucknorsi@cox.net.

Nov. 8, Shreveport - Log Jammer Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am; $45/Half, $20/ 5K by 9/1. Info: Matt McVicar, 6970 Fern Ave., Shreveport, LA 71105, (318)798-1241, r u n . s r m @ g m a i l . c o m , www.sportspectrumusa.com

MARYLAND Aug. 1, Baltimore - Casey Cares Foundation Orioles 5K Run & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Jamie Snyder (443)568-0064, jamie@caseycaresfoundation.org. Aug. 2, Boyds - Riley’s Rumble Half Marathon, 7am. Info: (301)525-7984, lauralizleboeuf@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Bethesda - DC Road Runners Cross Country 3 Miler & Kids’ Race, 5:30pm Kids’ Race; 3 Miler 5:40pm. Info: Rob Wolfe (202)744-5742, wolfewithe@gmail.com, judy.wolfe@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Frederick - Frederick Women’s Distance Festival 5K, 8am. Info: Harriet Langlois - info@frederickwdf.com. Aug. 9, National Harbor - Run Connected 5K, 8:15am. Info: (678)938-5121, runconnected@gmail.com. Aug. 9, Rock Hall - Pirates & Wenches 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: ray@trisportsevents.com. Aug. 15, Manchester - River Valley Run, 15K Trail 8am; 10K Trail 8:20am; 5K Road Race, 8:45am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)3081870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Aug. 16, Hydes - Charm City Run, 5K Trail Run 6pm. Info: Kelly Dees (410)308-1870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Aug. 22, Silver Spring - Eastern County 8K & Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: Tim Young (240)481-6489, easterncounty@mcrrc.org. Aug. 23, Baltimore - 5K Pipeline Management Run, 8am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)308-1870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Aug. 29, Windsor Mill - 5K Walk for Wells (With a Splash of Color), 8am. Info: info@jhbwalkforwells.com. Sept. 5, Ellicott City - Ellicott City Labor Day Running Classic 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: (410)531-7594, knightsofcolumbus10krun@verizon.net. Sept. 5, Gaithersburg - Kentlands/Lakelands 5K Run/Walk, Kids FR & Tot Trot; 8am/Tot Trot; 8:15am/Kid’s Dash; 8:30am/5K. Info: (301)926-6636, 5K@kentlands.org. Sept. 5, Towson - Charles Street 12, 12 Miles 7:30am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)308-1870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Sept. 6, Greenbelt - Larry Noel 15K Race, 5pm; 3K FR, 5:10pm. Info: (571)989-3277, ben@dcroadrunners.org. Sept. 12, Baltimore - Little Sisters of the Poor St. Martin’s Home Nun Run 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)3081870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Sept. 12, Columbia - Iron Girl Columbia 1/2 Marathon & 5K Run/Walk, 6:45am. Info: registration@ulmanfund.org. Sept. 12, Frederick - Frederick Market Street Mile, 8:45am/1st heat. Info: (240)315-3366, eanne044@aol.com. Sept. 12, Greenbelt - Rectify: The Race 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: (844)FERG-FDN, rectify@thefergusonfoundationinc.org. Sept. 12, Stevensville - Run 4 Shelter Half Marathon, 7:30am; 10K/5K Race/Walk & 2 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: (641)715-3900 (ext. 616670#), info@run4shelter.net. Sept. 13, Baltimore - Mercy Foot & Ankle 9/11 Run to Remember, 11K & 5K, 8:46am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)308-1870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Sept. 13, Carderock - Revenge of the Penguins, 20 Miler & 10 Miler, 8am. Info: racedirector@mc-coop.org. Sept. 13, Damascus - Damascus Freedom 5K, 9:11am; Kid’s Race, 1/4 mi. FR 8:50am. Info: damascusfreedom5k@gmail.com. Sept. 13, Rockville to Bethesda - Parks Half Marathon, 7am. Info: parkshalfmarathon@mcrrc.org. Sept. 19, Baltimore - Sneakers On The Ground 5K Run & 2K Walk, 7am. Info: Dr. Darroll Cribb (443)415-1174, lovingarms3@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Baltimore - Outward Bound Trail Challenge 5K, 8am. Info: (410)448-1721, kcorrigan@outwardboundbaltimore.org. Sept. 19, Crownsville - Walk and 5K Run for Life, 5K Trail Run; 1 Mile Fun Walk; 8am. Info: (410)431-5000, angela@pregnancyclinic.org. Sept. 19, Derwood - Lake Needwood Cross Country, 0.25 mi., 0.5 mi. 8:30am; 10K XC, 8:50am; 1 Mile FR, 8:52am. Info: Bill Lee (301)972-1467. Sept. 19, Kensington - Kensington 8K, 7:45am/2 Mile; 8:25am/ 8K Wheelchair, 8:30am/8K Run, 8:35am/1K FR. Info: info@kensington8k.org. Sept. 20, Baltimore - Get Ready! Get Set! 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:45am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)308-1870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Sept. 20, Baltimore - THE GREAT AMAZING ADVENTURE RACE Maryland, 1 Mile/5K, 4pm. Info: Great Amazing Race, (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Sept. 20 Columbia - Metric Running Festival, 26.2K (16.28 mi.) or 2x13.1K (2x8.14 mi.); 2.2K FR; 8:15am. Info: metricrd@striders.net. Sept. 26, Baltimore - Marian House Race to Embrace


Independence 5K Run, 5K Walk, 1 Mile Family FR/Walk; 9am. Info: (410)467-4250, events@marianhouse.org. Sept. 26, Potomac - 5K Oktoberfest Run, 9am. Info: (301)7673810, srosenbaum@dswash.org. Sept. 27, Baltimore - Run Wild for Autism, 5K 8:30am; Fun Run/ Walk 8:45am. Info: (443)330-5370, jhobbs@pathfindersforautism.org. Sept. 27, Freeland - Charm City Run 20 Miler, 8am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)308-1870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Sept. 27, Bethesda - Cabin John Kids Runs, 0.25 mi. 9am; 0.5 mi. 9:10am; 1 Mile 9:25am. Info: Jim & Patti Rich (301)229-4997, jimr2141@gmail.com. Sept. 27, Chevy Chase - Ellen’s Run 5K Race and 3K Walk, 9am. Info: (301)332-7859, feinstep@gmail.com. Sept. 27, Potomac - National Capital 20 Miler & 5 Miler, 7am. Info: races@dcroadrunners.org. Oct. 3, Crofton - Arundel Volunteer Fire Department Rescue Run, 5K & 10K; 8am. Info: rescuerun@arundelfire.com. Oct. 3, Rosaryville - Dirty Damsel Women’s Trail Race, Half Marathon 8am; 10K & 5K 9am. Info: info@zoomarun.com. Oct. 4, Columbia - UCF Races Running Festival, Half Marathon, 10 Mile, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 7:30am. Info: registration@ulmanfund.org. Oct. 4, Parkville - The Blue Steel Stampede 21K & 10K Trail Races, 9am. Info: (443)622-2097, bss10kinfo@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Baltimore - Ready...Set...Sniff 5K & 1 Mile Walk, 11am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)308-1870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. Oct. 10, Silver Spring - Rory and Adam’s Best of the Best 5K, 8:30am. Info: (301)613-3793, info@bb5k.org. Oct. 10, Silver Spring - Matthew Henson Trail 5K, 9am. Info: matthewhenson@mcrrc.org. Oct. 17, Baltimore - Baltimore Running Festival, Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K, Relay & Kids FR; 8am. Info: Customer Service (410)605-9381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. Oct. 24, Greenbelt - Rafael’s Race, 5K & 1K Run/Walk, 1K 8:40am; 5K 9am. Info: (301)326-5264, rafaelsrace@gmail.com. Oct. 31, Baltimore - Mortel Family Charitable Foundation’s High Hopes for Haiti 5K Run & Walk, 9am. Info: (888)355-6065, rbarron@mortelfoundation.org.

MISSISSIPPI Aug. 1, Amory - Back to School 5K Color Dash, 8am. Info: Alyssa Benedict (662)610-2994, jaofamory@gmail.com. Aug. 1, Jackson - Run for the Son 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: (601)949-1947, bwarf@fbcj.org. Aug. 1, Olive Branch - I Got Your Back 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: James Calhoun (662)895-6279, stpaulmbchurch@yahoo.com. Aug. 1, Pass Christian - Summer Beach 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Aug. 1, Picayune - St. Charles Challenge 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (228)424-2483. Aug. 7, Meridian - Moonlight Run 5K, 2 Mile Walk & Kid’s FR; 10pm. Info: (601)938-9873, gsr5k@yahoo.com. Aug. 14, Decatur - Light the Night 5K Glow Run, 6:25pm. Info: Danny Todd (601)616-4663, ddsuperman48@yahoo.com. Aug. 15, Jackson - Moman & Harris 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: William Bettis (601)927-8568, New Hope Baptist Church (601)3667002. Aug. 15, Tupelo - Five Ten Glow Run, 5K 7pm. Info: darealcomputer@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Pearl - Eastside Son Run, 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR; 7am. Info: Ron Harrison (601)942-4644, rwh1963@att.net. Aug. 29, Byram - City of Byram Swinging Bridge 5K Run/Walk, 7am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Amy Douglas (601)372-3176, amyloudouglas@aol.com. Aug. 29, Durant - CSR Challenge III, 5K 9am. Info: Thomas Miller (601)416-5586, coymiller2003@yahoo.com. Aug. 29, Hattiesburg - Dog Days 5K, 2 Mile FR; 7:30am. Info: hubcityservicedogs@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Houston - “Color For A Cause” 5K & FR, 8am. Info: Will Montgomery (662)507-1515, info@colorforacauserun.com. Sept. 5, Jackson - 5K Race/Walk Against Hunger, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR to follow. Info: Michelle’ Bingham, Stewpot (601)353-2759 (x18), (601)540-8555. Sept. 6, Tupelo - Tupelo Marathon & 13.1 Miler, 5am. Info: tupelomarathon@yahoo.com. Sept. 7, Ridgeland - Labor of Love Kettle Bell Run, 10K & 5K; 8am. Info: Becky Cade (601)955-9225, cade.consulting@att.net. Sept. 12, Booneville - Are You Tough Enough 5K, 8am. Info: Larry Jackson (662)401-7943.

Sept. 19, Greenwood - 300 Oaks Road Race, 10K 8am; 5K Run 8:05am; 5K Walk 8:15am; 1 Mile 9:30am; $30/10K, $25/5K, $20/1 Mile by 9/ 18, add $5 to race fee on Race Day. Info: Beth Stevens, POB 848, Greenwod, MS 38935; (662)453-4152, info@greenwoodms.com, www.300oaks.com Sept. 19, Ocean Springs - Waiting for a Cure Bridge 8K & 1/2 Mile, 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Sept. 26, Jackson - Wellsfest 5K Run & Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (601)353-0658. Sept. 26, Tupelo - Blessed Are The Peacemakers 5K Walk/Run, Kids FR/Walk; 7:30am. Info: wivesofwarriorsms@yahoo.com. Oct. 3, Leakesville - Dancing Martin 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: cbounds@greenecountyms.gov. Oct. 11, Olive Branch - Lillian Stewart Memorial Bubble Run, 5K Run/Walk; 3:30pm. Info: georgiastewartduncan@yahoo.com. Oct. 17, Ocean Springs - OS Rotary 5K & 1 Mile, 7pm. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net.


Running Journal • August, 2015

Jan. 9, Jackson - Mississippi Blues Marathon, Half Marathon, Quarter (10.5K) & Marathon Relay, 7am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 9am; Current Race Fees: $70/Marathon, $60/Half, $35/Quarter, $170/Relay, $10/Kids’ Marathon. Info: info@msbluesmarathon.com, www.msbluesmarathon.com. See Ad page 10.

NORTH CAROLINA Aug. 1, Asheville - LEAF Art Dash Asheville 5K Race/Walk, 9am. Info: LEAF Community Arts (828)686-8742, info@theleaf.org. Aug. 1, Cary - Java Jive 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: ta02bird@yahoo.com. Aug. 1, Franklin - 80s Flashback 5K, 9am. Info: bringingit2life@gmail.com. Aug. 1, Maggie Valley - Richard’s Run for Brain Cancer, 5K trail run, 10am, $25. Info: Penny Redfern, 119 Ranch Dr., Maggie Valley, NC 28751, (828)926-1919, pennyredfern@gmail.com, http:/ /richardsrun.org. Aug. 1, Mt. Airy - Downtown Rocks and Runs 5K, 8am; Kid’s FR, 8:15am. Info: christina@unitedfundofsurry.org. Aug. 1, Statesville - Team Holestin 5K, 8am. Info: samfeet@yahoo.com. Aug. 6, Salisbury - Salisbury XC Race Series, 5K 7pm Kids 1/ 4 Mile FR 6:45pm. Info: david.freeze@ctc.net. Aug. 7, Raleigh - Sir Walter Miler, 1 Mile 8:30pm. Info: Pat Price - sirwalterrunning@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Asheville - Race to the Taps #4, 4 Miles 6pm. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)338-8380, info@kickitevents.com. Aug. 8, Beaufort - Yo Ho Ho 5K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)9029712, james@runtheeast.com. Aug. 8, Black Mountain - Sourwood 5K and Cheshire Pump & Run, 8:30am. Info: (828)669-1902, info@sourwood5k.com. Aug. 8, Cary - Bella Rose Strides for Babies, 5K & 2.5K Walk, 8am; Kid’s Dash, 9:15am. Info: Aaron Leininger (919)238-2000, aaronleininger@yahoo.com. Aug. 8, Charlotte - Rock ‘N Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am; Kids FR 9:15am. Info: Michelle Mattison (704)254-9919, ncrockandrun@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Greensboro - Will Caviness Hero Run, 14K Run, 7:30am. 5K Run/Walk 8am. Info: smbassett@hotmail.com. Aug. 8, Newton - Pink Heals NC Foothills Chapter 5K, 7am. Info: asigmon86@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Scotland Neck - Temple Builders 5K & 1 Mile Fun Walk; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Aug. 8, Shelby - 7th Inning Stretch 5K, 8am. Info: (704)6006599. Aug. 12, Fletcher Park - 5$5K Relay, 6:30pm. Info: Foot Rx (828)687-2825. Aug. 15, Briar Bottom Camp Ground/Black Mountain - DNF Ultra, 100 Mile, 50 Mile & Marathon. Info: withoutlimitsgreenville@gmail.com. Aug. 15, Charlotte - Growler Gallop 5K, 4pm. Info: Rich Swor (313)304-0903, info@triviumracing.com. Aug. 15, Greensboro - Retro Run 5K, 5:30pm. Info: mike@junction311.com. Aug. 22, Albemarle - Strong Communities 8K & Fun Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: kassietaylor@stanlyfamilyymca.org. Aug. 22, Cary - Run for Life 5K, 8:30am; Mile, 8am. Info: Kathy Klein (919)815-1369, blk4jmj@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Charlotte - OrthoCarolina Classic, 5K 7:30am; 10K 7:45am; Kid’s Dash 9:15am. Info: (704)338-2279, info@orthocarolinaclassic.com. Aug. 22, Charlotte - Charlotte Running Company 5K Cross Country Run, 8am. Info: (704)893-3800 (x103), info@s2fcharlotte.com. Aug. 22, Highlands - Twilight Rock n Roll 5K, 6pm. Info: Derek Taylor (828)200-9226, hdcderek@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Huntersville - Night Nation Run 5K, 7:30pm. Info: info@nightnationrun.com. Aug. 22, Maggie Valley - Maggie Valley Moonlight Run, 8K 8:30pm; Sunset FR (.4 Mile), 7:30pm. Info: Greg Duff (828)4005868, greg@gloryhoundevents.com. Aug. 22, Newton - Soldiers Reunion Run, Mile 8am; 5K 8:30am. Info: Newton Recreation Dept. (828)695-4317, mwinkler@newtonnc.gov. Aug. 22, Polkton - Back to School Bash and 5K Dash, 9am. Info: perfectpixelsmb@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Rougement - R(un) for One, 10K 9am; 5K 9:15am; FR 10am. Info: krystal.brummitt@lifelinechild.org. Aug. 22, Spruce Pine - Springmaid Summer Splash 10K, 5K & Kids Run; 8:30am. Info: Matt Hollifield (828)467-1812, matthollifield@mitchellraces.com. Aug. 22, Sunset Beach - Run BFA Seatrail 15K & 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: info@coastalraceproductions.com. Aug. 29, Asheville - ACR Music For The Sole 5K Run, 9am. Info: Susan Schriefer (828)298-2500, acreynoldsband@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Boone - High Country Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: Stacy Sears (828)262-6689, triplecrownraces@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Cary - Love Where You Live 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Aug. 29, Chapel Hill - St. Thomas More 7.5K, 7:30am; Kids FR (10-under), 9am. Info: stm7.5k@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Charlotte - The Color Rave Electric Glow Run, PreParty 7:30pm; 5K Run 9pm; $47.50/VIP by 7/14, after $52.50, Race Day $67.50; Current Registration: $27.50 by 7/14, after $32.50, $37.50 on Race Day. Info: Happy Rave Runner (803)799-0808, happy@theColorRave.com, http://theColorRave.com/charlotte-nc Aug. 29, Charlotte - Yiasou Greek Festival 5K, 1 Mile FR; 7:30am. Info: (704)358-0717 (x204); registration@runforyourlife.com. Aug. 29, Charlotte - Sundae Run 5K & FR, 9am. Info: (704)8933800 (x103), info@s2fcharlotte.com.

Aug. 29, Dunn - Kellie’s Krew, 10K Run 8:30am; 5K Run 9am; 1 Mile FR 10am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Aug. 29, Franklin - Riverfest 5K, 8:30am. Info: Kristy Swafford (828)421-2584, kswafford@maconbank.com. Aug. 29, Greensboro - Color Vibe 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com.

Aug. 29, Hickory - Hickory Christian Academy Knights 5K Run, 8am; $20 by 8/22, after $25. Info: Carol Johncock, 3260 6th Street Dr. NW, Hickory, NC 28601; (828)2345457, cjohncock@charter.net, www.hickorychristianacademy.com Aug. 29, High Point - Cornerstone Cares 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (336)802-2678, carrie.white@cornerstonehealthcare.com. Aug. 29, Shelby - Step One 5K & FR, 9am. Info: Starr Dove (704)685-3549, starr@finishwelltiming.com. Aug. 30, Greensboro - Kirkwood 5K Run/Walk/Push, 9am. Info: kirkwood5000@gmail.com. Aug. 30, Greensboro - Growler Gallop 10K & 5K Run, 5pm. Info: info@triviumracing.com. Aug. 30, Morrisville - Run 4 Nepal, 5K 8am. Info: Dipu (919)3971897, amrikane@gmail.com. Sept. 4, Salisbury - Rowan County United Way Sunset Run 5K, 1/2 Mile FR; 7pm. Info: jharris@rcunitedway.org. Sept. 5, Asheville - Marine 5K, Pollywog 5K; 8am. Info: Marine Corps League (828)273-4948, mcl.asheville@gmail.com. Sept. 5-6, Asheville - Asheville Running Experience, 9/5: ARX Half Marathon, 7:30am; Funktastic FR, 4:30pm; Super Hero 5K, 5:30pm; 9/6: Chasing Trails 6K, 9am. Info: Greg Duff (828)4005868, greg@gloryhoundevents.com. Sept. 6, Charlotte - Labor Day Trail Race, 15K 9am; 5K 9:15am. Info: racedirector@usnwc.org. Sept. 5, Denver - PCC Walk 4 Life & 5K Trail Run, 9am. Info: Crystal Regan (704)489-0708, csregan@charter.net. Sept. 5, Youngsville - Big Muddy Challenge - Raleigh/Durham, 8am. Info: raceday@bigmuddychallenge.com. Sept. 6, Fayetteville - Race 13.1, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K & 10K, 7:15am. Info: 1(866)561-5651 (ext. 301), info@race131.com.

Sept. 7, Cary - Labor Day Carying Place 5K & 10K Run, Walk & Dash; 10K 8am, 5K 8:15am; $25 by 8/30; $30 by 9/6, $35 race day. Info: Allen Reep, The Carying Place, POB 622, Cary, NC 27512, (919)462-1800, allen.reep@thecaryingplace.org, www.fsseries.com/carying-place-10k-and-5k Sept. 9, Fletcher Park - 5$5K Prediction Run, 6:30pm. Info: Foot Rx (828)687-2825. Sept. 12, Atlantic Beach - Crystal Coast Chum Run 5K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Sept. 12, Charlotte - Hit the Brixx 10K Run, 7:45am; 5K Run/ Walk, 9am; Kid’s 1K FR, 9:50am. Info: (704)358-0717 (x204); registration@runforyourlife.com. Sept. 12, Charlotte - Camp CARE Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: campcare5k@campcare.org. Sept. 12, Charlotte - Tyler’s Treehouse 5K Run, 8am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 9am. Info: rodojo@carolina.rr.com. Sept. 12-13, Charlotte - Run & Ride Half Marathon Series, 9/13: Carowinds Half Marathon, 7:30am; 10K, 7:40am; 9/12: 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Vanessa Spiller (703)322-1984, vkspiller@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Durham - NC Jerk Fest 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: caribsplashnc@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Greensboro - Miles for Matthew 5K/10K, 8:30am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Sept. 12, Greenville - Run for One 5K, 1 Mile; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Sept. 12, Hickory - Mt. Olive Cares 5K Run/Walk, 8am; FR, 9:15am. Info: sportsref12@yahoo.com. Sept. 12, Holden Beach - Run Holden Beach Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk, 7am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: info@coastalraceproductions.com. Sept. 12, Huntersville - The Great Pumpkin Run 5K, 1st wave 8:30am. Info: info@runriffraff.com. Sept. 12, Morganton - Sunrise Run on the Greenway 10K & 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 9:30am. Info: (828)438-5252, info@morgantonfest.org. Sept. 12, Morrisville - Jack and Jill Ran Up the Hill 5K, 8am; Mile, 9am. Info: Shontera Gillespie-Coleman (919)873-1207, sgcshrm@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Ocean Isle - Sunbare Whispers 5K (clothing optionalmust be 18+), 10am. Info: (704)880-4561, buttsarunnin@aol.com. Sept. 12, Pittsboro - Chatham County Alzheimer’s Walk & 5K Run, 8:30am. Info: Pat Richardson (919)642-6893, prichardson@gallowayridge.com. Sept. 12, Raleigh - North Hills 5K, 8:30am; Kid’s Dash, 8am; Mile, 9:30am. Info: Spencer Good (919)787-3740 (x4856), sgood@rocraleigh.com. Sept. 12, Raleigh - Gail Parkins Memorial Ovarian Cancer Walk & 5K Run, 9:30am. Info: Melanie Bacheler (919)323-9523, melbacheler@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Rutherfordton - Tackle Tourette Syndrome 5K Run, 8:30am; Fun Run, 9:30am. Info: tourettesyndromeawareness@yahoo.com. Sept. 12, Shelby - On the Road for Recovery 5K, 9am. Info: Donna Rash (704)487-7277, secondbaptistshelby@gmail.com. Sept. 13, Asheville - Asheville 10K Trail Race at Biltmore, 8am. Info: events@idaph.net. Sept. 13, Greenville - Making Strides to Cure MS, 5K & FR; 4:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com.

www.running.net Sept. 13, Raleigh - Canes 5K, 9am. Info: FS Series (919)3769441 (9am-5pm), info@fsseries.com. Sept. 19, Arapahoe - Mariner 5K, 9am. Info: Tim Mathews (252)916-8618, tmathews.depuy@yahoo.com; James Orr (252)9029712, james@runtheeast.com. Sept. 19, Asheville - Southcliff Black & Blue Trail Classic, 6.5 Mile & 2.6 Mile; 9am. Info: Greg Duff (828)400-5868, greg@gloryhoundevents.com. Sept. 19, Ayden - Run to Rescue 5K Trail Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Sept. 19, Bethel - Panthers on the Prowl 5K, 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com.

Sept. 19, Blowing Rock - Stick Boy Bread Company Mayview Madness 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids 1 Mile Fun Run, 8am; $20 by 9/ 1, after $25. Info: Blue Ridge Conservancy, POB 568, Boone, NC 28607; (828)295-6198, zapfitness@gmail.com, https:// go.events.com/#/event/2115 Sept. 19, Camp Lejeune - Marine Corps Half Marathon/10K/5K/1-Mile - USAA Grand Prix Series 2015, 7am; $45/$25/$25/$10 by 8/ 21; $55/$30/$30/$10 by 8/28; $65/$35/$35/ $10 by 9/15; $75/$40/$10 on Race Day. Info: (910)451-0025, lejgrandprix@usmcmccs.org, www.mccslejeune-newriver.com/ grandprix/ Sept. 19, Charlotte - C2 Survival Race, Mud Run 5K; 8am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Sept. 19, Charlotte - Rock N’ Read 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am; Kid’s Dash, 9am. Info: elladalene@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Clyde - Freelander 5K, 8am; FR, 9:15am. Info: Greg Duff (828)400-5868, greg@gloryhoundevents.com. Sept. 19, Davidson - Run for the Green, Half Marathon 7:30am; 10K & 5K 7:40am. Info: justin@sisuevents.com. Sept. 19, Granite Falls - Rock ‘n Roll With The Regiment, 5K 8am; Mile 9am. Info: Tracy Bryant (828)612-5016, tracy.bryant999@gmail.com. Sept. 19, High Point - Warren Rives 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Garet Beane (336)878-6392, garet.beane@unchealth.unc.edu. Sept. 19, New Bern - Craig Brake Memorial Colors4Cancer 5K, 1 Mile Color Run/Walk, 8am. Info: GameOn Events & Timing ann@gameonnc.com. Sept. 19, Raleigh - Race 13.1, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K & 10K, 7:15am. Info: 1(866)561-5651 (ext. 301), info@race131.com. Sept. 19, Raleigh - Oktoberfest Run Green 8K, 3pm. Info: info@nOgRunClub.com. Sept. 20, Elon - The Great Cape Escape 5K & 10K, 1pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Sept. 25, New Bern - Bear Town Beer Run, 4 Miles; 6pm. Info: Ann Jones (252)617-0798, ann@gameonnc.com. Sept, 25, Rockwell - Nazareth Children’s Home Trail 5K, 7pm. Info: (704)279-5556, amnantz@nazch.com. Sept. 26, Cary - Good Dude 5K, 8:30am. Info: Kate Donnelly (919)674-8545, kate.donnelly@facilitydude.com. Sept. 26, Cary - Fish Out of H20 5K & 1 Mile Kids Run, 8:30am. Info: allison.mcculloch@swimrsa.org. Sept. 26, Cary - Stomp the Monster 5K, 4:30pm; Kid’s Dash, 5:30pm. Info: Susan Blumenthal (919)623-7181, susan@stompthemonsternc.org. Sept. 26, Greensboro - Run 4 the Greenway, 4 Miles 5pm. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com.

Sept. 26, Hiddenite - Hiddenite Festival Road Race, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K; 8:30am; $20/half by 9/11, after $25; $15/10K & 5K by 9/11, after $20. Info: Rick French, 621 Liledoun Rd., Taylorsville, NC 28681; (828)632-9332, rfrench@alexandercountync.gov, www.alexandercountync.gov/events/ Sept. 26, Raleigh - The Patrol Stroll, Mile 8:30am; 5K 9am; Kid’s Dash 10am. Info: Lawrence McKeithan (919)436-3028, lawrence.w.mckeithan@ncdps.gov. Sept. 26, Wake Forest - Buddy Run, 5K Run/Walk; 1 Mile Family Walk. Info: (214)564-6654, rebecca@milesintosmiles.com. Sept. 27, Cornelius - Lung Strong 15K & 5K. Info: (704)3580717 (x204); registration@runforyourlife.com. Sept. 27, Winterville - On The Run with Riley’s Army 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 3pm. Info: Kimber Stone (919)608-8421, kimber@rileysarmy.com. Oct. 3, Brevard - Race to the Taps #5, 4 Miles 1pm. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)338-8380, info@kickitevents.com. Oct. 3, Charlotte - Team Nick 5K, 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Oct. 3, Cherokee - Cherokee Harvest Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am. Info: greg@gloryhoundevents.com. Oct. 3, Morganton - BurkeMonster 5 Mile Footrace, 9am. Info: Teresa Massey (828)439-5540, burkemonsterrun@gmail.com.

Oct. 3, Roan Mountain, TN (Start) to Rhododendron Gardens, Roan Mountain, NC (Finish) - Top of The South, 14 Miles to the near summit of Roan Mountain, 7:30am. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@Wheres TheTop.com, www.WheresTheTop.com

Oct. 3, Rutherfordton - Overmountain Victory Trail 5K Road Race, 8am; $20 by 9/21, after $25. Info: Stephanie Williams, POB 82, Rutherfordton, NC 28139; (828)287-2071, rtrinc@rutherfordton.net, http:// www.rutherfordtown.com/overmountainvictory-trail-5k.html Oct. 3, Selma - Selma Railroad Run, 5K 8am. Info: Joni HubbleZeneberg (919)975-1411, jzeneberg@selma-nc.com. Oct. 6 (Tuesday), Cherokee - Chief’s Challenge, 1 Mile Dash; 2pm. Info: Tara McCoy (828)359-6783, taramcc@nc-cherokee.com.

Oct. 10, Camp Lejeune - Remembrance Run 10K/5K/1-Mile - USAA Grand Prix Series 2015, 8am; $25/$25/$10 by 9/11; $30/$30/$10 by 9/18; $40/$40/$10 by 10/6; $45/$45/$10 on Race Day. Info: (910)451-0025, lejgrandprix@usmc-mccs.org, www.mccslejeune-newriver.com/grandprix/ Oct. 10, Cary - Second Chance Pet Adoptions Furry 5K, 9am 5K w/o dogs; 9:05am 5K w/dogs: 9:35am 3K Walk with or w/o dogs. Info: Jen Hendrickson (815)751-1359, jenhen6377@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Greensboro - Cannonball Run Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Junction 311 Endurance Sports (336)215-0564, mike@junction311.com. Oct. 10, Raleigh - Triangle Run/Walk for Autism, 5K 9am; Mile, 9:45am; Kid’s Dash, 10:30am. Info: Heather Hargraves (919)8655057, hhargraves@autismsociety-nc.org. Oct. 10, Waynesville - Bethel Half Marathon & 5K, 8:30am. Info: Laura Ivey - iveylj@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Wilmington - ILM Airport 5K, 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Oct. 14, Jackson Park/Hendersonville - 5$5K Black Jack, 6:30pm. Info: Foot Rx (828)687-2825. Oct. 16, Banner Elk - Woolly Worm Woad Wace 5 Mile, 9am. Info: Avery County Chamber (828)898-5605. Oct. 17, Cary - The Ellie Helton Memorial 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 9:45am. Info: Ellie’s Race (919)793-5857, elliesrace@gmail.com. Oct. 17, Charlotte - Rocktoberfest Half Marathon, 7:40am; 5 Mile Run/Walk, 8am, Info: registration@runforyourlife.com. Oct. 17, Greensboro - Greensboro Marathon, 8am; Half Marathon, 8:30am; 5K, 8:50am. Info: Rich Swor (313)304-0903, info@triviumracing.com. Oct. 17, Greensboro - UNCG Homecoming 5K, 9am. Info: Benji Jones (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. Oct. 17, Hollister - Medoc Trail Races, Marathon & 10 Miler. Info: Rocky Mount Endurance Club (252)443-4566, runrmec@yahoo.com

Oct. 17, New Bern - Neuse River Bridge Run, Half Marathon 7am, 10K 7:30am, 5K; Superkids’ Fun Run on 10/16, 5:30pm. Info: ann@gameonnc.com, www.bridgerun.org Oct. 17, Rural Hall - Rural Hall 10K, 8am; 5K, 8:15am. Info: Steve Hill (336)969-9511, promisekp@earthlink.net. Oct. 18, Durham - Quintiles Bull City Race Fest, Half Marathon & 5 Mile Run 7:30am; 1 Miler, 7:45am. Info: (877)293-6387, social@bullcityracefest.com. Oct. 23-24, Raleigh to Atlantic Beach - Tuna Run 200 Relay Adventure; Full & Ultra Teams; 6am. Info: info@tunarun200.com. Oct. 24, Apex - American Tobacco Trail 10 Miler, 8:50am. Info: Brad Broyles (919)434-7700, att10miler@ncroadrunners.org. Oct. 24, Charlotte - THE GREAT AMAZING ADVENTURE RACE Charlotte, 1 Mile/5K, 3pm. Info: Great Amazing Race, (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Oct. 24, Clyde - The Power of Pink Relay, 5K Run & Honor Walk. Info: Greg Duff (828)400-5868, greg@gloryhoundevents.com. Oct. 24, Greensboro - Triple Lakes Trail Race, 40 Mile, Marathon & Half Marathon; 8am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. Oct. 24, Morganton - Peak to Creek Marathon (formerly Ridge to Bridge), 8am. Info: David & Rhonda Lee (828)432-6664, david@finishlinepros.com. Oct. 24, Polkton - Every Life Matters 5K, 8:30am. Info: Kathy Landon (704)690-6689, hope.prc.anson@gmail.com. Oct. 24, Wake Forest - Paws for Life 5K-9, 5K 10am; 1 Mile Dog Walk 10:15am. Info: Kelly Nickle (919)354-1853, kellynickle@msn.com. Oct. 25, Raleigh - Monster Dash, Mile 2pm; 5K 2:30pm. Info: Alli Hildenbrandt (919)828-3487, allihildenbrandt.caprun@gmail.com. Oct. 25, Wake Forest - Hallowed Half Marathon, 7:30am; 10K, 8am. Info: Sharon Casper (919)524-7104, signatureraces@gmail.com. Oct. 30, Cedar Mountain - Trick or Trail 5 Mile Race & 1 Mile Spooky Sprint FR, 6pm. Info: Daphne Kirkwood (828)684-0812, events@idaph.net. Oct. 31, Fletcher - Race to the Taps #6, 4 Miles; 11am. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)338-8380, info@kickitevents.com. Oct. 31, Raleigh - Five 4PFC, 5K 2pm. Info: Karen Parrish (919)522-5603, anna@five4pfc.org.

Nov. 14, Lenoir - Meleah Mikeal Half Marathon, 9am; $35 by 7/31, $40 8/1-9/30, $45 10/1-11/13, $50 Race Day. Info: Zack Carter, 1031 Jim Barger Ct., Lenoir, NC 28645; Zack Carter (828)757-2196, zcarter@ci. lenoir.nc.us, www.cityoflenoir.com or www.racingtoes.com


SOUTH CAROLINA Aug. 1, Columbia - Hot Summer’s Night 5K Road Race, 7pm; Youth Fun Run, 1/4 & 1/2 Mile, 6:30pm. Info: Strictly Running (803)799-IRUN (4786). Aug. 1, Little Mountain - The Little Mountain Reunion Road Race, 5K & 10K, 7am. Info: Clint Shealy (803)945-7032, clintshealy@gmail.com.

Aug. 8, Camden - Springdale 5K at SUNRISE, 8am; $25 by 7/12, after $30. Info: Eggplant Events, POB 692, Blythewood, SC 29016; Jaime Lomas (803)600-1800, Erin Roof (803)665-6140, info@eggplant events.com, www.Springdale5K.com Aug. 8, Columbia - God Cares Charities 5K Run/Walk, 7:15am. Info: Denetra Shine (803)553-7955, projects@wordofgodcm.org. Aug. 8, Columbia - 811 Run, 5K 8:11am. Info: Charleigh Elebash (803)451-7718, celebash@sc1pups.org. Aug. 8 Greenville - Paris Mountain 7K Trail Run. Info: Joe Lanahan (864)676-2180 (x142), joe@greenvillecounty.org. Aug. 8, Hartsville - CareSouth Run for Health 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:15am. Info: mark.sobiski@caresouthcarolina.com. Aug. 8, Spartanburg - Ready for Fall 5K Cross Country Race, 8:30am. Info: Mike Foley (888)759-3666, mike@gogreenevents.com. Aug. 9, North Charleston - The Montague Mile, 5pm/1st Heat. Info: (843)300-7500, info@charlestonmarathon.com. Aug. 15, Greenville - Great Futures 5K, 8am. Info: The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club (864)232-9027, breann.szmurlo@uss.salvationarmy.org. Aug. 15, Greenville - Edouard Michelin Memorial 5K, 7:30am. Info: Chuck Baker (864)458-4374, chuck.baker@us.michelin.com. Aug. 22, Elloree - Back to School Bash 5K, 6pm. Info: Aline Tucker (803)378-2452, alinetucker@windstream.net. Aug. 22, Hartsville - Fox Trot 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: carol.beasley@darlington.k12.sc.us. Aug. 22, Lexington - Jailbreak Escape Urban Challenge Run, 5K w/obstacles 8am. Info: Jessie Laintz (803)223-4423, jlaintz@lcsd.sc.gov. Aug. 22, Murrells Inlet - Children’s Recovery Center 5K Run/ Walk, 8am; 1 Mile Tot Trot, 7:30am. Info: drjtroxell@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Summerville - Race for the ARK, 5K Run/Walk 7:45am; 1 Mile 8:45am. Info: Cheryl Moniz (843)832-2357, specialevents@TheARKofSC.org. Aug. 22, Travelers Rest - Swamp Rabbit Brewery Beer BBQ 5K Run, 6:30pm. Info: Go-Green Events (864)982-2686 mike@gogreenevents.com.

Aug. 22, York - Summerfest 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 9am; $20/5K, $10/Fun Run by 8/14, after 8/14 $25/5K, $10/Fun Run. Info: Greater York Chamber of Commerce, POB 97, York, SC 29710; Paul Boger (803)684-2590, info@greateryorkchamber.com, www.yorksummerfest.com Aug. 27, Daniel Island - Daniel Island Happy Hour Series 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Virginia Wininger (843)408-9629, runwithosr@gmail.com. Sept. 2, Columbia - Ridge View High XC Meet #1, 5K 5pm. Info: Strictly Running (803)799-4786.

Sept. 4, Anderson - The Peoples Bank Midnight Flight, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile. Info: (864)716-6809, www.andersonareaymcaorg, www.active.com. See Ad page 15. Sept. 5, Hartsville - Kalmia Gardens 5K Road Race, 8am. Info: mridgeway@coker.edu. Sept. 7, Columbia - Labor Day 5 Mile Run/Walk & Team Relay (2-person), 7:30am. Info: Strictly Running (803)799-4786. Sept. 7, Seneca - Labor Day Funk Day, 5K 8am; 1/4 Mile Funky Fun Kid’s Run, 9:30am. Info: Margaret Turner (864)280-3696, pastormaggieturner@gmail.com. Sept. 11, West Columbia - Run For Our Troops 5K, 6:30pm. Info: info@runforourtroops.com. Sept. 12, Bennettsville - Color Run for Humane Society of Marlboro County 5K, 9am. Info: michelleleviner@yahoo.com. Sept. 12, Darlington - Darlington 5000, 5K Run/Walk 9am. Info: williamsonpark@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Simpsonville - Forever Young Fun Run/Rally, 5K 2pm; 10K 3pm. Info: Chris Francis (864)498-2820. Sept. 18, Florence - Celebrate Better Health 5K, 6pm (Note Date Change). Info: Cameron Faile (843)777-3093, cfaile@mcleodhealth.org. Sept. 19, Easley - Run for Missions 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Monica Masters (864)430-6519. Sept. 19, Folly Beach - Cancer’s A Beach 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: carie@musc.edu. Sept. 19, Greenville - Open Arms 5K Trail Run, 5K 8:30am. Info: Daron Fowler (864)967-3905, openarms5k@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Greenville - Fight For Air Climb, 8am. Info: (864)7641777. Sept. 19, Greenwood - Food for the Sole 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Tiffany Keyes (864)227-7485. Sept. 19, Irmo - Dam Run To Irmo 10K & 6K Dam Walk, 7:30am. Info: (803)799-4786. Sept. 19, Lake City - Smokin’ Fast 5K Run/Walk, 8:15am. Info: advertising@wleeflowers.com. Sept. 25, Greenville - Half-Moon Outfitters Moonshiner Night

Running Journal • August, 2015 Trail Race, 5K 8pm. Info: Joel Koontz (864)233-4001, joel@halfmoonoutfitters.com. Sept. 26, Inman - Harvest Day Challenge 5K Run, 8am. Info: Mike Foley (864)982-2686, mike@go-greenevents.com. Sept. 26, Johnsonville - Sprint for Spencer 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: greg@carolinarunningcompany.com. Sept. 26, Mullins - Run for Sight 5K, 8am. Info: Dr. Franklin Mason (843)464-9652 (o), (843)464-8324 (h), fgmddsrun@bellsouth.net. Oct. 3, Greer - Benson OctoberFAST 5K & Kids FR, 8:30am. Info: Hannah Rainwater (864)877-1937, hrainwater@gcminc.org. Oct. 3, North Charleston - Race for Freedom 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Chelsea Kinning (828)289-2609, chelsea@doorstofreedom.com. Oct. 10, Charleston - Moving Forward 5K, 9am. Info: Stephanie Morgan (864)590-4887, smorgan@rcctherapy.com. Oct. 10, Georgetown - Historic Georgetown SC Bridge 2 Bridge Half Marathon, 12K & 5K Run/Walk; 7:30am. Info: Daniel Newquist (843)436-6131, gtownbridge2bridgerun@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Johns Island (Charleston) - Lowcountry Trail Half Marathon & 5K, 8:30am. Info: Allison Foster (843)795-4386, publicity@ccprc.com. Oct. 10, Lake City - Hillbilly 5K, 10am. Info: bparkhurst89@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Spartanburg - Spartanburg Strut 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Lynda Mellor (801)358-6193. Oct. 11, Okatie - Buzzard Island Adventure Run, 2 or 4 Miles; 9am. Info: karenfloyd@playhardinbtown.com. Oct. 17, Pacolet - Pacolet Indian Summer Festival 5K, 8am. Info: Michael Meissner (864)621-1411.

Oct. 18, Myrtle Beach - Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon, 7am; 10/17: Coastal 5K, 7:30am & Doggie Dash 9:15am; Save $10 with Code RJMBAUG15 (Half only; expires 8/31). Info: Continental Event & Sports Management, POB 56-1154, Miami, FL 33256-1154, info@runmyrtlebeach.com, www.runmyrtlebeach.com. See Ad page 23. March 5, Myrtle Beach - 19th Anniversary Myrtle Beach Marathon, Dasani Half Marathon & WPDE Marathon Team Relay, 6:30am; Neon Night 5K, 7pm & Ripley’s Aquarium Family FR, 5:30pm on Friday, 3/4. Info: (843)293RACE (7223), mbmarathon@yahoo.com, www.mbmarathon.com. See Ad page 2.

TENNESSEE Aug. 1, Bluff City - Running Home 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (423)418-2037, (423)502-6293, macy.carrier@yahoo.com. Aug. 1, Bristol - Holston River Endurance Challenge, 36 hr. & 24 hr., 12am; 12 hr. & 6 hr. 12am or 7am option. Info: netta73@hotmail.com. Aug. 1, Chattanooga - Still Hollow Trail Race, Half Marathon 7:30am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. Aug. 1, Johnson City - Masked Superhero 5K, 9am. Info: (423)9460519, info@thegoosechase.org. Aug. 1, Memphis - Overton Park 5 Mile Classic, 7am. Info: Barry Roberson (901)722-8797, barry@breakawaymemphis.com. Aug. 1, Memphis - Miles for Melanoma Memphis, 5K 8:30am. Info: Jena Kitchen (202)379-8440, jkitchen@melanoma.org. Aug. 1, Morristown - Trojan Trek 5K Trail Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Raymond Farmer (423)748-0931, Jamia Hensley (423)307-0596. Aug. 1, Murfreesboro - Renewed Life 5K, 7am. Info: (615)4238749, run@rlmo.org. Aug. 1, Murfreesboro - Save the Day 5K, 7am. Info: (615)8095522, us@teenSAVE.org. Aug. 1, Oak Ridge - Run for the Rose Women’s 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. Aug. 1, Piney Flats - Saved By Grace 5K Walk/Run, 8am. Info: Martie Roe (423)956-8398, jmroe@live.com. Aug. 1, Pigeon Forge - PigeonForge.com Midnight Road Race 8K, 11:50pm. Info: kimert@comcast.net. Aug. 1, Smyrna - Smyrna Parks 5K & 1 Mile Dash for Cash, 7:30am. Info: Marty Smith (615)459-9742 (x2622), marty.smith@townofsmyrna.org. Aug. 2, Cookeville - Blister in the Sun Marathon, 8am. Info: Josh Hite (931)265-3969, jhite@tntech.edu. Aug. 5, Kingsport - Bays Blaze 15K & 5K XTERRA Trail Runs, 6pm. Info: Fleet Feet Sports (423)230-0002. Aug. 6, Nashville - Nashville Striders Cross Country Series, 5K & 1.5 Mile Youth Run; 6:30pm. Info: Peter Pressman (615)293-8862, pasta4run@aol.com. Aug. 8, Blountville - Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office Hot Pursuit 5K Run, 8:30am; 2 Mile Walk, 8:40am. Info: Leslie Earhart (423)3796042. Aug. 8, Bristol - The Pinnacle 5K, 8:30am; Kid’s FR, 8am. Info: heather@johnsoncommercialdev.com. Aug. 8, Church Hill - Church Hill Free Clinic 5K, 9am. Info: freeclinic@ofoneaccordministry.org. Aug. 8, Greeneville - United Way 5K Run & Let DYE, 10am. Info: Wendy Peay (423)639-9361, uwgreene@embarqmail.com. Aug. 8, Jonesborough - Pioneer Pride 5K Glow Run/Walk, 8pm. Info: jeremybosken@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Knoxville - Hotter N Hell 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Jessica Brooks (865)448-4046, jessicad.brooks@cancer.org. Aug. 8, Maryville - Scholars Run 5K, 1 Mile FR/Walk; 8am. Info: kellyforster@parksrec.com. Aug. 8, Munford - Celebrate Munford 5K Run & 2 Mile Family Fun Walk, 7am. Info: DJ Watson (901)484-7113, djroaddawg@yahoo.com.

Aug. 8, Nashville - East Nashville Tomato 5K, 7:30am; Kid’s FR, 7am. Info: Tim Wyckoff (615)228-5525 (x70317), twyckoff@ymcamidtn.org. Aug. 8, Nashville - Nashville Undy 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8:40am. Info: undy5000@ccalliance.org. Aug. 9, Bartlett - E.J. Goldsmith Jr. Memorial Road Race Series, 5 Miler 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. Aug. 11, Kingsport - Duck Island Summer Mile: Kids Mile 6:30pm; Adults Mile 7pm. Info: Bob Townsend (423)525-7335, bobt4@earthlink.net. Aug. 13, Nashville - Nashville Striders Cross Country Series, 5K & 1.5 Mile Youth Run; 6:30pm. Info: Peter Pressman (615)2938862, pasta4run@aol.com. Aug. 14, East Ridge - Run for God - Pinky 5K, 8pm. Info: (706)264-7107, dean@runforgod.com. Aug. 14, Johnson City - The Unity Race 5K Run/Walk, 7:30pm. Info: Charnita Hammonds (423)773-3475, charnitahammonds@yahoo.com. Aug. 15, Chattanooga - Chattanooga Mud Run 5K, 7:30am. Info: Kenneth Radley (615)379-7223, director@sceniccitymultisport.com. Aug. 15, Greeneville - Greene County YMCA 5K Run, 8am. Info: Debbie Overacker (423)639-6107, Bob Townsend (423)525-7335. Aug. 15, Knoxville - Butterfly Fund 5K, 9am. Info: James Harrill (865)789-1982, jharrill@butterflyfund.org. Aug. 15, Knoxville - Asa’s EB Awareness 5K Race, 8:30am. Info: Whitney Solomon (865)773-3306, wd1104@gmail.com. Aug. 15, Memphis - Elvis Presley 5K Run, 8am. Info: Kelly Burrow (901)761-4277, kburrow@livitupinc.org. Aug. 15, Oak Ridge - Haw Ridge Trail Race, 6.7 Mile 5:30pm; Kids Race 5pm. Info: Laura Gearhiser (865)318-0108, lauragearhiser@hotmail.com. Aug. 15, Pikeville - Fall Creek Falls 5K & 10K Runs, 9am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. Aug. 20, Nashville - Nashville Striders Cross Country Series, 5K & 1.5 Mile Youth Run; 6:30pm. Info: Peter Pressman (615)2938862, pasta4run@aol.com. Aug. 21, Memphis - Celebrity Sunset 5K Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: Rosemary Hicks (901)435-1535, rosemary_hicks@loc.edu. Aug. 22, Franklin - Best Buddies 5K, 7:30am. Info: Kat Cloud (615)891-2046, katcloud@bestbuddies.org. Aug. 22, Hermitage - Wild Thang 9 Miles, 8:30am. Info: Diana Bibeau (615)347-5822, diana.bibeau@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Knoxville - The Man Run, 10K & 5K Race, 1 Mile FR/ Walk; 8am. Info: Georgette Samaras (865)305-8583, gsamaras@mc.utmck.edu. Aug. 22, Memphis - Dogwood Dash 5K, 8am; Kids 400 Meter Dash, 9am. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. Aug. 22, Milan - Dawg Daze 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: Robin Robbins (731)694-8650, rrobb.1@charter.net. Aug. 22, Murfreesboro - Doughboy Challenge for Charity 5K, 8am. Info: Doughboy Challenge (615)225-1327, doughboychallenge@gmail.com. Aug. 22, Hermitage - Wild Thang 9 Miles, 8:30am. Info: Diana Bibeau (615)347-5822, diana.bibeau@gmail.com. Aug. 23, Bartlett - E.J. Goldsmith Jr. Memorial Road Race Series, 5 Miler 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com.

Aug. 23, Jonesborough - Little Ironman 5K, Fun Walk & Mini Mudder, 3pm/Mini Mudder; 5pm/5K & Fun Walk; $15 by 8/9, $20 on Race Day. Info: Terry Adcock, 159 Pond Hill Rd., Jonesborough, TN 37659; (423)7533954, philfoundation@yahoo.com, www.philfoundation.org Aug. 29, Burns - Read and Run 5K, Kids FR; 7pm. Info: Angela Redden (931)622-1843, readandrun5k@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Gatlinburg - Reach Out Run 5K to Help Orphans, 9am. Info: Amanda Perryman (865)661-0685, balikids@outlook.com.

Aug. 29, Johnson City - Bluegrass Half Marathon & 4-Person Relay, 7am (Hand-Cycle 6:55am); Kid’s Race, 11am; Register online by 6pm on Thursday, Aug. 27; Use Promo Code RJAUG15 for $5 off registration. Info: Karen Hubbs (423)946-0519, bluegrasshalfmarathon@gmail.com, www.bluegrasshalfmarathon.com. See Ad page 16. Aug. 29, Knoxville - Forget Me Not 5K for Alzheimer’s, 8am. Info: Angela Wampler (865)740-0381, angelawampler@charter.net. Aug. 29, Memphis - Forrest Spence 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Brittany Spence (901)270-0977, brittany@forrestspencefund.com. Aug. 29, Nashville - Nashville Urban Runoff 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: TDEC (615)741-9031. Aug. 29, Oak Ridge - Rock and Root 30K Trail Race, 8am. Info: Brad Spears (865)804-4902. Aug. 29, Strawberry Plains - Run 4 the Arts 5K Race, 8am. Info: run4thearts@gmail.com. Aug. 30, Memphis - Breakaway Bardog 5K, 9am. Info: Bryan Roberson (901)722-8797, bryanr@breakawaymemphis.com. Sept. 5, Knoxville - Hal Canfield Memorial Milefest, 8am/1st heat. Info: angienoye@gmail.com. Sept. 6, Chattanooga - Run for Honor 8K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (423)648-2496, (423)402-9958. Sept. 7, Franklin - Franklin Classic, 10K, 7am; 5K, 8:30am; 1K Kids Run, 9:30am. Info: Brittney Jerkins (615)790-0567 (x237), brittneyj@mercytn.org. Sept. 7, Jellico - The Miner’s Mile, 10K, 5K & 2 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: minersmile10k5k@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Kingsport - Eastman Road Race, Food City 10K, 8am;


Day & Zimmermann 2 Mile Run, 9:30am; BlueCross BlueShield of TN 2 Mile Walk, 10:15am (fun walk, no timing or awards). Info: Eastman Employee Center (423)229-3771 (d). Sept. 12, Leiper’s Fork - Heroes in Recovery 6K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (888)312-4220, heroes6k@frnmail.com. Sept. 12, Leoma - Ruby Run 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Brian (931)629-0629, br1beck@aol.com. Sept. 12, Murfresboro - Stacy B. Windrow 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: churchadmin@olivebranchchurch.org. Sept. 12, Nashville - Gift of Life Nashville 5K, 7:30am. Info: Laura Nightingale (615)383-3887, laura.n@tennesseekidneyfoundation.org. Sept. 12, Somerville - Cotton Pickin 5K/1K Cotton Candy Fun Run, 8am. Info: Alexandra Wardlaw (901)465-3802 (x221), info@fayettecares.org. Sept. 12, Townsend - Great Smoky Mountains Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Salem Stanley (949)295-3302, salem@vacationraces.com. Sept. 13, Bartlett - Stanky Creek 50K, 7am; 25K, 7:30am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. Sept. 13, Chattanooga - Komen Chattanooga Race for the Cure, 5K Timed & 5K untimed & 1 Mile. Info: info@komenchattanooga.org. Sept. 13, Memphis - E.J. Goldsmith Jr. Memorial Road Race Series, 10K 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. Sept. 13, Townsend - Townsend 15K, 8am. Info: Pam Haggard (865)207-6122, pamhaggard@ymail.com. Sept. 18, Memphis - Cooper Young 4 Miler, 7pm. Info: (901)2722922, info@cooperyoung.org. Sept. 19, Chattanooga - Salomon City Trail Race, 30K & 10K; 10am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. Sept. 19, Memphis - Book It 5K, 9am. Info: Julie Fike (901)7676987, juliefike@holycommunion.org. Sept. 19, Morristown - SCHAS Grainger 5K, 9am. Info: events@schas.org. Sept. 19, Nashville - Shelby Bottoms 15K Run & 5K Run/Walk, 7:45am. Info: Peter Pressman (615)293-8862, pasta4run@aol.com. Sept. 19, Nashville - Hustle for House 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: (615)343-4000, info@rmhcnashville.com. Sept. 20, Knoxville - Waggin’ Tails 5K Fun Run & Doggie Reunion, 3pm. Info: Kris Lutz (865)573-9675, klutz@humanesocietytennessee.com. Sept. 20, Memphis - E.J. Goldsmith Jr. Memorial Road Race Series, 10K 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. Sept. 25, Dayton - Funky Monkey Glow Run 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8pm. Info: Rhea YMCA (423)775-0821. Sept. 26, Kingsport - Bays Mountain Trail Race, 15 Mile 8am. Info: Mark Skelton (423)345-2335 (h), (423)272-4812 (w), markskelton@markskelton.com. Sept. 26, Knoxville - Marine Mud Run, 5K w/obstacles; 8am/ 1stwave. Info: gfurrow@comcast.net. Sept. 26, Knoxville - St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer 5K, Run 8:30am; Walk 8:45am. Info: courtney.kissack@stjude.org. Sept. 26, Lebanon - Run Around the World 24 Hour Endurance Run + More, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, 50K, 50 Mile, 100K, 6 Hour, 12 Hour & 24 Hour; 7am. Info: mrhowdymr@yahoo.com. Sept. 26, Maryville - Team Faith Race for One Less 5K Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: teamfaith19@yahoo.com. Sept. 26, Memphis - Sole to Soul 5K, Family Fun Walk; 8am. Info: Ashley Gordon (901)725-4165, agordon@idlewildchurch.org. Sept. 26, Mt. Juliet - Team Hope 5K & Walk, 8:30am. Info: Gina Becker (615)681-4996, mtjuliet@walkforhd.org. Sept. 26, Oneida - Big South Fork 17.5 Mile & 10K Trail Races, 8:30am. Info: Bobby Glenn (865)548-7664, bgruns@icloud.com. Sept. 27, Nashville - THE GREAT AMAZING ADVENTURE RACE Nashville, 1 Mile/5K, 4pm. Info: Great Amazing Race, (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Oct. 3, Burns - Two Lakes Trail Run, 7.6 Miles; 11am. Info: John Spencer (615)441-5915, jvspencer@aol.com. Oct. 3, Campbellsville - Run the Rolling Hills Cross Country 5K & Kids FR, 9am. Info: (731)514-3725, campbellsvilletn5k@hotmail.com. Oct. 3, Chattanooga - Rock/Creek StumpJump 50K Trail Race, 8am; 11 Mile, 7:50am. Info: events@rockcreek.com.

Oct. 3, Erwin - Unicoi County Apple Festival Road Race, 4 Mile Run & 3K Walk; 9am; $20/4 Mile Run, $15/3K Walk by 10/1; after $25/4 Mile Run, $20/3K Walk. Info: Unicoi County Family YMCA, 601 Love St., Erwin, TN 37650; (423)743-3361, ebarb aau@aol.com, www.werunevents.com/ Oct. 3, Greeneville - “Greene Goes Pink” 5K Walk/Run, 8:30am. Info: (423)470-4616.

Oct. 3, Roan Mountain, TN (Start) to Rhododendron Gardens, Roan Mountain, NC (Finish) - Top of The South, 14 Miles to the near summit of Roan Mountain, 7:30am. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@WheresTheTop.com, www.WheresTheTop.com Oct. 3, Winchester - Southern Tennessee Power Classic Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: fbsamples@msn.com. Oct. 4, Memphis - E.J. Goldsmith Jr. Memorial Road Race Series, 10 Miler 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. Oct. 4, Nashville - Greenway Marathon, 7:30am. Info: Tomas de Paulis (615)390-6977, Lntdp@earthlink.net. Oct. 4, Nashville - RunWILD Shelby Park 6 Miler, 8am. Info: races@nashvillerunning.com.


Running Journal • August, 2015



Oct. 9, Knoxville - Hann Jivin’ in the Dark, 6-7 Mile, 7pm. Info: Andrea Ludwig (865)306-3115, aludwig@utk.edu. Oct. 10, Alcoa - 5K Rescue Run, 9am. Info: Amie Martin (865)556-0738, amie@worldorphans.org. Oct. 10, Clarksville - APSU Scholarship 5K Run, 9am. Info: Tonya Leszczak (931)221-1279, leszczakto@apsu.edu. Oct. 10, Germantown (Nashville) - Germantown Street Festival 5K Bier Run, 8am. Info: Historic Germantown Neighborhood Assn. (615)686-4568. Oct. 10, Johnson City - Color Me Chemistry 5K, 10am. Info: Sarah Johnson colormechemistry@gmail.com.

Oct. 10, Piney Flats - Overmountain Victory 10 Miler, 10 miler (optionals double) 9am; 3K Walk/Fun Run, 8:30am; $35/10 Miler, $12/3K by 10/1, after $40/10 Miler, $15/3K. Info: Don Davis, 200 Hyder Hill Rd., Piney Flats, TN 37686; (423)854-0152, donfdavis@aol.com, www.rockymountmuseum.com Oct. 11, Chattanooga - Urban Nature 10K Road & Trail Race, 8am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. Oct. 11, Knoxville - Pilot CrossKnox 15K, 8am. Info: knoxtrackevents@gmail.com. Oct. 11, Memphis - Greenline 1/2 Marathon, 8am. Info: Natalie Wilson (901)767PARK, nwilson@shelbyfarmspark.org. Oct. 17, Chattanooga - Chattanooga Oktoberfest 5K Run, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Melissa Siragusa (423)648-2496, melissa.siragusa@chattanoogamarket.org. Oct. 17, Clarksville - Go Commando Half Marathon, 7am; 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 8am; Kids FR, 11am. Info: jessica@visitclarksvilletn.com. Oct. 17, Cookeville - The Upper Cumberland Haunted Half Marathon, 7am. Info: runhauntedhalf@gmail.com. Oct. 17, Cosby - “On Cosby” Moonshine 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Heather Ledford (865)322-0715, cosbymoonshine5k@gmail.com. Oct. 17, Harriman - The Chase 5K Run, 9am; 1 Mile Fun Walk. Info: leffewmom@comcast.net. Oct. 17, Knoxville - Golden Run 5K & Memory Mile Walk, Dog Friendly Event; 9am. Info: events@schas.org. Oct. 17, Memphis - Fast & Furriest 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Debbie Newsom (901)937-3917, dnewsom@memphishumane.org. Oct. 17, Nashville - Rock and Road Relay Marathon, 8am. Info: Katherine Williams (615)657-6671, kat@s2fnashville.com. Oct. 17, Nashville - Run 4 Mercy 5K & Family Walk, 8am. Info: alindsey@mercyministries.com. Oct. 17, Nashville - The Funky 5K, 1 Mile; 10am. Info: Beth Drennan (615)295-8377, erdrennan1@gmail.com. Oct. 18, Chattanooga - 7 Bridges Marathon & 4 Bridges Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:30am; Family FR, 10am. Info: Ken Radley (423)400-6897, director@sceniccitymultisport.com. Oct. 18, Defeated - Defeated Creek Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Beth Meadows (256)749-2720, races@nashvillerunning.com. Oct. 18, Memphis - E.J. Goldsmith Jr. Memorial Road Race Series, 10 Miler 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. Oct. 23-24, Chattanooga to Nashville - Ragnar Relay, 200(ish) Miles Relay Style. Info: (801)499-5024, (877)837-3529.

Oct. 24, Farragut - Farragut Fall 5K, Fun Run & Pet Parade; 8am; $20, $15 (17-under) by 10/16, after $25, $20 (17-under). Info: Bettye Sisco, 11826 Kingston Pike, Ste. 110, Knoxville, TN 37933; Bettye Sisco (865)675-7057, info@farragutchamber.com, https://runnerreg.us/ farragutfall5k Oct. 25, Nashville - Race 13.1, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K & 10K, 7:15am. Info: 1(866)561-5651 (ext. 301), info@race131.com. Oct. 31, Chattanooga - Nature Calls 15K & 5K Trail Race, 10am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. Oct. 31, Collegedale - Southern Shuffle Moonlight Run, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 9:30pm. Info: Bob Benge (423)236-2855, rcbenge@southern.edu.

Oct. 31, Farragut - Farragut 13.1, 5K & Kids Mile; 8am; $60/Half, $30/5K, $10/Kids Run during 7/1-8/31; $65/Half, $35/5K, $15/Kids Run during 9/1-9/30; $70/Half, $40/5K, $15/Kids Run during 10/1-10/26; $75/Half, $50/5K, $20/Kids Run at Expo (10/30); No Race Day Registration. Info: Ray Wilson Jr., Race Dir. (865)789-1594, farragut13.1@gmail.com, www.farragut13-1.orgSee Ad page 2. Oct. 31, Kingsport - The Haunted Half Marathon & 3-Person Relay, 3pm. Info: Hank Brown (423)963-1046, hank@crazy8s.org.



VIRGINIA Aug. 1, Appalachia - Appalachia Railroad Days 5K Road Race, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 8am; 3 Mile Power Walk, 8:20am. Info: Randy Blair (276)565-0406. Aug. 1, Fairfax - Crime Solvers 5K Run, 8am; Kid’s FR, 8:45am. Info: racedirector@capitalarearunners.com. Aug. 1, Sterling - H4OC Twilight 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 7:30pm. Info: (571)293-1849, hflor@help4ourchildren.org. Aug. 1, Williamsburg - Mad Dash 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 7:30am. Info: WISC Customer Service (757)253-1947, info@thewisc.com; Rick Platt rickplatt1@juno.com. Aug. 4, Newport News - Tom Ray Memorial Predict Your Time 5 Miler, 6:30pm. Info: Christine Schaffner (757)898-3258, weatherwizard1@juno.com. Aug. 7, Lebanon - Get Physical 5K Run & Relay, 8pm; 1.5 Mile Walk, 7pm; Kid’s Run, 7:30pm. Info: Bob Weatherly (276)889-4090, rweatherly26@comcast.net. Aug. 8, Abingdon - Schoolhouse 5K & 1 Mile Benefit Walk, 8:30am; Kid’s Mile, 8:15am. Info: Keith Owens (276)525-1385, kowens@washcova.com. Aug. 8, Abingdon - Christopher Todd Richardson Memorial 10K, 6pm. Info: Jenny Nichols (276)619-1489, jendenichols@mac.com. Aug. 8, Arlington - Arlington County Fair 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Aug. 8, Lynchburg - Lynchburg Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: info@riversiderunners.com.

Aug. 8, Salem - Health Focus of SW VA 41st Annual Salem Distance Run, 5K & 10K 8am; 3 Mile Walk 8:30am. Info: Lina Guilliams (540)444-2925 (x200), lguilliams@healthfocusswva.org, www.healthfocusswva.org. Aug. 8, Virginia Beach - Armed Services YMCA Mud Run 8K w/obstacles, 8:05am; 1 Mile Mini Mud Run, 9:30am. Info: (757)363-1884, bsagedy@cox.net. Aug. 8, Williamsburg - The CDR Superhero 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: CDR (757)566-3300. Aug. 9, Chesterfield - GGG 10K Off Road Running Race, 8am. Info: mark@runriderace.com. Aug. 11, Williamsburg - Lake Matoaka 4.3 Mile Trail Challenge, 6:30pm. Info: Susan Hagel (757)587-0699, Rick Platt (757)229-7375. Aug. 15, Newport News - Smart Smiles 5K, 8am. Info: Laurel Manges (757)2237204, lmanges@bagclub.com. Aug. 15, Salem - The Fab 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: info@mountainjunkies.net. Aug. 16, Leesburg - Leesburg 20K, 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am; Kids’ FR, 7:50am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Aug. 18, Newport News - Swamp Bridge 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Bruce Davis (757)9890072, weatherwizard1@juno.com. Aug. 22, Elkton - The Rockingham Pike Underwear 5 Miler, 9am. Info: (540)2896863, jc28sixx@yahoo.com. Aug. 22, Hampton - Transitions 5K, 8:30am. Info: Heidi Olson (757)722-2261, holson@transitionsfvs.org. Aug. 22, North Dinwiddle - Foam Glow 5K - Richmond, 8:30pm. Info: service@foamglow.net. Aug. 22, Pearisburg - Eye Run 5K & 10K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids Run, 10:45am. Info: pearisburgeyes@live.com. Aug. 23, Reston - South Lakes 10K, 7:30am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Aug. 27, Arlington - Roosevelt Run, 5K 7pm. Info: James Scarborough (703)5367764, jbs1958@comcast.net. www.safetyandhealthfoundation.org/roosevelt. Aug. 29, Ashland - Patrick Henry Half Marathon, 7am. Info: info@sportsbackers.org. Aug. 29, Lynchburg - The Kennedy Mile, 1 Mile Run/Walk 5pm. Info: yankreb1863@aol.com. Aug. 29, Newport News - Race for Hope 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Saffiatu Harper (757)358-7648, sharper@shareheartinafrica.org. Aug. 29, Roanoke - Roanoke River 8K, 8am. Info: Jeremy Woods (540)589-3212, runroanoke@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Woodbridge - Beat the Heat with ELC 5K Run, 8am; 2K Walk, 8:10am. Info: froghorn76@hotmail.com. Sept. 5, Alexandria - Good Shepherd Catholic Church International Festival 5K Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: gscc.if.race@gmail.com. Sept. 5, Arlington - Run for Hope 5K, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR/Walk, 9am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Sept. 5, Damascus - Iron Mountain Trail Run, 50, 30 & 16 Miles; 7am. Info: kkirkt@yahoo.com. Sept. 6, Fairfax - Great American Labor Day 5K, 8am; 1K FR, 8:05am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Sept. 6, Virginia Beach - Humana Rock ‘N’ Roll Half Marathon, 7am; 9/5: Mile on the Sand, 8am. Info: (858)450-6510, www.runrocknroll.com. Sept. 7, Glen Allen - Collaborate to Motivate & Educate 5K, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Kids FR, 9am. Info: Tina McGovern (540)660-2917, mcgovernt@ymcarichmond.org. Sept. 7, Roanoke - Labor of Love 8K, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: (540)342-0411, alison.hammond@cccofva.org. Sept. 12, Alexandria - 9/11 Heroes Run 5K, 9am. Info: alexandria@911HeroesRun.org. Sept. 12, Charlottesville - Rivanna Greenbelt Marathon, 6am. Info: Leah Connor (202)320-5207, rivannagreenbeltmarathon@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Farmville - High Bridge Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: Carrie Boswell, Race Dir. (434)392-3060, director@downtownfarmville.com. Sept. 12, Fredericksburg - Big Muddy Challenge, 9am. Info: raceday@bigmuddychallenge.com. Sept. 12, Hampton - Bay Days 10K, 7am; Scallop Gallop FR (8-under), 9:30am. Info: (757)880-8843, raceteam@flatoutevents.com. Sept. 12, Millboro - Odyssey Trail Running Rampage, 6 miler, 13 miler, 26 miler & 40 miler; 7am. Info: Ronny Angell (540)444-4422, HQ@oarevents.com. Sept. 12, Newport News - ECPI 8K, 8am. Info: Jacqueline Williams (757)838-9190, jacwilliams@ecpi.edu. Sept. 12, Williamsburg - The Hare and Tortoise New Quarter Park 8K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: john@hareandtortoiserunwalk.com. Sept. 13, Annandale - Fall Backyard Burn Trail Running Series - Race #1, 5 Mile & 10 Mile; 9am. Info: Jim (571)251-6034, info@ex2adventures.com. Sept. 13, Arlington - Latinas Leading Tomorrow’s 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: llt5k@latinasleadingtomorrow.org. Sept. 19, Bristol - Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion 5K Run, 8am; 2 Mile Walk, 8:05am. Info: sheddingcat@comcast.net. Sept. 13, Fairfax - PVI RunFest 5K Run/Walk. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Sept. 19, Ft. Eustis - Mulberry Island Half Marathon, 8am; 5K Run, 7:30am. Info: Ron Lynch (757)878-6075, ronald.lynch@us.army.mil. Sept. 19, Glen Allen - Fig Tree 5K, 8am. Info: figtreeassessments@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Lexington - Hospice Hustle 5K Run/Walk, 6pm. Info: info@hospicehustle.org. Sept. 19, Lorton - Cure SMA 5K & Walk-n-Roll, 9am. Info: Kyle Derkowski (518)3668976, kylederkowski@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Maidens - Courthouse Creek Trail Run #2 in the GRiTS Trail Series, Half Marathon & 8K; 9am. Info: mark@runriderace.com. Sept. 19, Mechanicsville - ReeseStrong 5K Run/Family Walk, 8:55am; Gold Ribbon Kid’s Run (1/4 mi. 5-under; 1/2 mi. 6-12yrs.), 8:30am. Info: Randy Mudd (804)5124101, Kristin Mudd (804)971-8076, ReeseStrongFoundation@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Reston - Susco 8K, 2K FR; 8:30am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Sept. 19, Richmond - The Color Run 5K, 9am. Info: sharon.rogers@bigsley.com.

Sept. 20, Blacksburg - Hokie Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 7:50am; $80/Half Marathon, $65/No-Frills Option, $25/5K by 8/7; $85/Half Marathon, $70/No Frills Option, $30/5K 8/89/11; $90/Half Marathon, $75/No Frills Option, $35/5K 9/129/19. Info: James DeMarco (540)552-9339, james@runaboutsports.com, www.hokiehalf.com Sept. 20, Culpeper - CCRC 5 Mile Cross Country Challenge & 1 Mile Walk for Fisher House, 3pm. Info: sjchalke@hughes.net. Sept. 20, Leesburg - Mighty 1 Mile Series for Kids, 8am/1st race. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Sept. 20, McLean - Food for Others Tysons 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: sara.singmaster@gmail.com. Sept. 25-26, Loudoun County - Divas Half Marathon in DC’s Wine Country, 7:30am (9/26); 5K, 6:15pm (9/25). Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com. Sept. 26, Arlington - Clarendon Day 10K, 5K & Kids Dash; 8am. Info: events@runpacers.com.

www.running.net Sept. 26, Berryville - Run for the Ribbon, 5.9K Run 8am; Kids Run 9am. Info: runfortheribbonrace@gmail.com. Sept. 26, Clifton - St. Andrew’s Dash into the 80’s, 5K 8am; 10K 8:10am; FR 9am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Sept. 26, Fairfax Station - Fighting Chance 8K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: mary@2540.org.

Sept. 26, Lynchburg - The Genworth Virginia 10 Miler, 4 Miler & 4 Mile Walk, 8am; RRCA State Championship 10 Miler; Children’s Run on 9/25, 6pm; $45/10 Miler, $35/4 Miler Run or Walk by 8/1; $60/10 Miler, $45/4 Miler Run or Walk 8/2-9/20; $15/ Children’s Run. Info: racedirector@virginia10miler.com, www.virginia10miler.com. See Ad page 4. Sept. 26, Newport News - Hilton 5K Run, 9am. Info: brans4d@verizon.net. Sept. 26, Norfolk - Heart of Ghent 10K, 8am; Kid’s FR, 9:30am. Info: team@mettleevents.com. Sept. 26, Penn Laird - Trailblazer Treks, 1 Mile 11am; 5K 10am; 10 Mile & 13.1 Race/Relay 7:30am. Info: Paul De La Garza (540)289-3100, pdelagarza@rockingham.k12.va.us. Sept. 26, Richmond - McShin’s Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: honesty@mcshin.org. Sept. 26, Virginia Beach - Neptune Festival Run, 5K 7:45am; 8K 8:15am (8K Wheelchair 8:10am); 1 Mile 9:30am; 26 yds. 10am. Info: bls@neptunefestival.com. Sept. 26, Woodbridge - 5K for Quincy & Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com.

Sept. 27, Arlington - Many Hopes Breaking Ground 5K, 11am, $25 by 7/31, $45 after. Info: Tracie Desjardins, 850 N. Randolph St #1027, Arlington, VA 22203, (540)460-3529, Tracie.desjardins@gmail.com, https:// invest.manyhopes.org/arlington/events/ breaking-ground-5k-run/walk/e51823 Sept. 27, Fairfax Corner - Run! Geek! Run! 5K, 8am. Info: rungeekrun@w2comm.com. Sept. 27, Falls Church - Teddy Bear 5K & 1K Walk/Run, 4pm. Info: renee_boyle@fcmlcc.org. Sept. 27, Great Falls - Fall Backyard Burn Trail Running Series - Race #2, 5 Mile & 10 Mile; 9am. Info: Jim (571)251-6034, info@ex2adventures.com. Sept. 27, Reston - PSV Stride Forward 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Tot Trot (3-under) to follow. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com.

Oct. 3, Alexandria - “Survive the 5” 5K Charity Run/Walk, (Raise Awareness for Youth Traffic Safety); 9am; Great Waves Park at Cameron Run Park; $30/13-over, $20/ 12-under by 9/15; $35/13-over, $25/12-under 9/16-30. Info: Robin Thompson (703)9680975, robin@theartofdriving.org, http:// www.theartofdriving.org/ART_5K!/ Survive_the_5_5K_Poster_8.5x14.pdf, Register at: http://www.imathlete.com/ events/EventOverview.aspx?fEID=23815 Oct. 3-4, Hampton - Crawlin’ Crab Half Marathon, 5K & Kids 1K; 10/3: 5K 8am, Kids 1K 9:30am; 10/4: Half Marathon 8am; $90/ Half, $40/5K, $20/1K 7/1-31; $100/Half, $45/ 5K, $20/1K 8/1-31. Info: J&A Racing (757)4121056, info@crawlincrabhalf.com, www.crawlincrabhalf.com Oct. 3, Poquoson - Poquoson Seafood Festival 5K, 8:30am. Info: Rich Clifton (757)243-3633, rdc86hokie@cox.net. Oct. 3, Somerset - A-MAIZE-ing Race, 5K 8pm. Info: Shannon Woods (434)882-5939, shannon@amaizeingrace.com. Oct. 3, Vienna - Navy Federal 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: jeremy@racedc.com. Oct. 4, Mount Vernon, VA to National Harbor, MD - Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon, 7am. Info: steve@wilsonbridgehalf.com. Oct. 10, Smithfield - Smithfield Hog Jog 5K, 9am. Info: Kyle Weidlich (757)508-1072, smithfieldhogjog@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Stafford - Go for Bo 5K, 1 Mile FR & Tot Dash, 8am. Info: tdeboeser@ebenezerumc.org. Oct. 10, Sterling - THE GREAT AMAZING ADVENTURE RACE Northern Virginia, 1 Mile/5K, 3pm. Info: Great Amazing Race, (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. Oct. 11, Charlottesville - Charlottesville Fall Classic Half Marathon, 7am; 10K, 7:30am. Info: (434)218-0402, francesca@badtothebone.biz. Oct. 11, Front Royal - Shenandoah Leaf Peeper Half & 10K, 7:30am. Info: margo@rev3adventure.com. Oct. 17, Fries - New River Trail Races, 50K 8am; 25K 9am. Info: Alison Bryant (336)244-0432, mtn.goatracing@yahoo.com. Oct. 18, Newport News - Race 13.1, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K & 10K, 7:15am. Info: 1(866)561-5651 (ext. 301), info@race131.com. Oct. 18, Reston - Fall Backyard Burn Trail Running Series Race #3, 5 Mile & 10 Mile; 9am. Info: Jim (571)251-6034, info@ex2adventures.com.

Running Journal • August, 2015

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Running Journal • August, 2015

Oct. 31, Hampton - Bass Dash 5K, 9am. Info: Alyssa David (757)262-5217, AMDavid@basspro.com.

Oct. 31, Virginia Beach - Anthem Wicked 10K & Monster Mile, 8am; $50/10K, $20/1 Mile 6/1-7/31; $55/$20 8/1-30; $60/$25 9/1-30, $65/$25 10/1-29; $70/$30 Race Weekend. Info: J&A Racing (757)412-1056, info@wicked10k.com, www.wicked10k.com Nov. 14, Richmond - Anthem Richmond Marathon, Half Marathon & 8K; 8K 7am, Half Marathon 7:30am, Marathon 7:50am. Info: Race Director, 100 Avenue of Champions, Richmond, VA 23230, (804)285-9495, marathon@sportsbackers.org, www.richmondmarathon.org Nov. 21-22, Virginia Beach - Blue Moon Harbor Lights Half Marathon & 5K, 11/22: Half Marathon 7:30am; 11/21: 5K, 8am; Kids Race, 9:30am; $80/Half, $35/5K, $20/Kids Final Mile by 7/31; $90/Half, $40/5K, $20/Kids Final Mile by 8/1-31. Info: J&A Racing (757)412-1056, info@harborlightshalf.com, www.harborlightshalf.com March 19-20, Virginia Beach - Yuengling Shamrock Marathon, 8:30am & Half Marathon, 7am on 3/20; 8K & 1 Mile on 3/19; $105/Marathon, $85/Half, $35/8K, $20/1 Mile 7/1-8/31. Info: J&A Racing (757)412-1056, info@shamrockmarathon.com, www.shamrockmarathon.com

WASHINGTON, DC Aug. 22, Washington, DC - The Ultimate Football Fanatic 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (240)472-9201, info@dcrunningclub.com. Sept. 5, Washington, DC - Labor of Run DC: “East of the River 5K” Classic, 2K Walk, 1/2 Dash, 50 Yard Sprint. Info: (202)2301215, info@hrapinc.org. Sept. 12, Washington, DC - Abebe Bikila Day International Peace Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net. Sept. 12, Washington, DC - “Don’t Touch Me!” 5K Fun Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: mishondy@donttouchme.org. Sept. 19, Washington, DC - Dulles Day 5K/10K on The Runway, 5K 7:30am; 10K 7:40am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Sept. 20, Washington, DC - Navy-Air Force Half Marathon & Navy 5 Miler, 7am. Info: navyairforcehalfmarathon@gmail.com. Sept. 27, Washington, DC - Norma E. Boyd 5K Race for Education, 8am. Info: publicrelations@akaxo.org. Oct. 3, Washington, DC - Fall in Love 5K, 9am. Info: cwu@specialove.org. Oct. 3, Washington, DC - Dead Man’s Run 5K, 6pm. Info: lmaloy@congressionalcemetery.org. Oct. 4, Washington, DC - Boo! Run For Life 10K, 8am. Info: boorunforlife@yahoo.com. Oct. 10, Washington, DC - Fight Against Hunger in America, Charity Walk & 5K; 7:30am. Info: hibbii@gmail.com. Oct. 11, Washington, DC - Semper Fi Fund Army Ten Miler, 7am. Info: elizabeth.oconnell@semperfifund.org. Oct. 17, Washington, DC - Georgetown 5K Race Against Homelessness & 2K Walk, 10am. Info: stephanie@gmcgt.org. Oct. 24, Washington, DC - The Glo Run, 5K Run/Walk; 6:45pm. Info: washingtondc@theglorun.com. Oct. 25, Washington, DC - Marine Corps Marathon, 8am; 10K, 7:55am. Info: (800)786-8762, mcm.info@usmc.mil. Oct. 25, Washington, DC - Walk to End HIV 5K, 9am. Info: walktoendhiv@whitman-walker.org.

WEST VIRGINIA Aug. 7, Morgantown - Rush Run, 5K Run/Walk 7pm. Info: rushrun5k@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Arthurdale - Roosevelt Run, 5K Run/Walk, 9:30am; 1 Mile, 9:45am. Info: rooseveltrun@gmail.com. Aug. 8, Ona - Kanawha Trace 50K Trail Run, 7:30am; 25K & 10K, 9:30am. Info: Cory Richardson (304)416-1015, cory_richardson@hotmail.com. Aug. 8, Saint Albans - Saint Albans Series Race #2 - Saints Albans Quarter Marathon, 8am. Info: ricky@aptiming.com. Aug. 8, Star City - All American Family Festival 5K Run, 9am; Fun Run Obstacle Course (less than 1/2K), 11am. Info: (304)5995466. Aug. 15, Parkersburg - Parkersburg News & Sentinel Half Marathon, 8am; 2 Mile Race, 8:10am; 8/16: Junior Races & Tiny Tot Trot. Info: Amy Wallace (304)485-1891 (x459), halfmarathon@newsandsentinel.com. Aug. 22, Parkersburg - Steve’s Prosthesis 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: ricky@aptiming.com. Aug. 29, Eleanor - I Heart Africa 5K Walk/Run & 10K Run, 9am. Info: jabencox@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Lewisburg - Thin Mint Sprint 5K, 9am. Info: ricky@aptiming.com. Sept. 5, Charleston - Charleston Distance Run, 15 Mile, 3 Person 15 Mile Relay, 5K Run & 5K & 10K Walks; 7:30am. Info: charlestondistancerun@yahoo.com.

Sept. 12, Barboursville - Victory for Victims 5K, 9am. Info: ricky@aptiming.com. Sept. 19, Beckley - Beckley Marathon, 8am; Half Marathon Run/ Walk, 8:10am. Info: (304)252-7328, 1(877)987-3847, kip@brccc.com. Sept. 19, Craigsville - Craigsville Fall Festival 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Lynn Sommerville (304)651-3306, sommerv@shentel.net. Sept. 19, Ravenswood - Charity Challenge 5K, 8am; 1.8 Mile FR, 9am. Info: ricky@aptiming.com. Sept. 26, Buffalo - Gritt’s Fun Farm Run, 5 Miles 10am. Info: dantoddruns@gmail.com. Sept. 26, Keyser - Barnum Rail Trail Marathon & Half Marathon. Info: events@altisendurance.com. Sept. 26, New Cumberland - OGHS PE River Fest 5K, 8am. Info: tenochs@k12.wv.us. Oct. 3, Clarksville - FBI Jerry Dove Memorial 5K, 9am; Kids-K, 10am. Info: holly.henry@ic.fbi.gov. Oct. 10, Shepherdstown - Freedom Run Marathon, 7am; Half, 8:05am; 5K, 8:30am; 10K, 8:40am. Info: mark@freedomsrun.org.

TRACK & FIELD Aug. 1, Jacksonville FL - JTC Running Track Field Meet Series, 12pm. Info: (904)731-1900. Aug. 7, Bethesda, MD - Going Green Track Meet, 6:45pm-9pm; 1/ 4 mi., 1/2 mi., 2 mi., 1 mi., 4x400 Relay. Info: Jim Whitnah (301)6527048, going_green@mcrrc.org.

MULTI-SPORTS (Included in the Multi-sports calendar are single swimming and cycling events). Aug. 1, Jupiter, FL - Loggerhead Triathlon, S-3/8 mi., B-13 mi., R5K; 7am. Info: hannah@npbchamber.com. Aug. 1, Skidaway Island, GA - Skidaway Island Sprint Triathlon at The Landings Club, S-200m, B-18K, R-5K; 8am. Info: crisp@goraceproductions.com. Aug. 1, Morganfield, KY - Get Fit Kentucky Sprint Triathlon, S-.5 mi. open lake, B-17.1 mi., R-3.1 mi. trail/road; 8am. Info: lervin4901@gmail.com. Aug. 1-2, Benton, LA - Sportspectrum River Cities Triathlon/ Ironfish Kids Triathlon, 8/2: S-1/2 mi., B-18.2 mi., R-5K, 8am; 8/1: Kids Triathlon, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. Aug. 1, Greenwood, MS - Bikes, Blues & Bayous, 2, 11, 20, 46 & 62 Miles Bike; 7am; $45/11, 20, 46 & 62 Miles, $20/2 Miles; after 7/17 $50, $25/2 Miles. Info: Beth Stevens, POB 848, Greenwod, MS 38935; (662)453-4152, info@greenwoodms.com, www.bikebluesbayous.com. Aug. 1, Charlotte, NC - McCarthy Kids Triathlon, S-75 yd., B-2 mi., R-.5 mi.; 7:30am. Info: holly.johnson@ymcacharlotte.org. Aug. 1, Goldsboro, NC - Goldsboro YMCA Sprint Triathlon, S-1/ 2 mi., B-20 mi., R-3 mi.; 7:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Aug. 1, Alcoa, TN - Springbrook Sprint Triathlon, S-200 yds., B-9 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. Aug. 1, Culpeper, VA - Culpeper Gran Fondo, 100 Mile Ride, 7:30am; 100K Ride, 8:30am; 50K Ride 9am. . Info: (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. Aug. 1, Manassas, VA - Kids Tri Too, Ages 6-14; 7:30am. Info: (703)637-0370, info@triitnow.com. Aug. 2, Chapel Hill, NC - UNC Wellness Super Sprint, S-250 yds., B-9 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: mary@setupevents.com. Aug. 2, Chapel Hill, NC - Tar Heel Youth Triathlon Race #2, 11-15 yrs.: S-200 yds., B-4 mi., R-2K, 8am; 6-10 yrs.: S-100 yds., B-2 mi., R-1K, 9am. Info: joanna@kidstrinc.org. Aug. 2, Fletcher, NC - LPC Retro Throwback Triathlon, S-200 yd., B-17.5 mi., R-5K; 8am; LPC Kids Splash ‘N Dash, Varies by Age, 8am. Info: events@idaph.net. Aug. 2, Loudon, TN - Wild Rose Women’s Sprint Triathlon, S-25m, B-5 mi., R-4K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. Aug. 2, Culpeper, VA - Culpeper Triathlon, Intl: S-1500m, B-24 mi., R-10K, 7:30am; Sprint: S-750m, B-16 mi., R-5K, 8am. Info: (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. Aug. 8, Mobile, AL - Little Flower Petal & Pace Duathlon, B-5 mi., R-5K, B-5 mi.; 7am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. Aug. 8, Fernandina Beach, FL - Jacksonville Triathlon Olympic & Sprint - Series #3, Olympic: S-1.5K, B-40K, R-10K; Sprint: S-1/4 mi., B-16 mi., R-3 mi.; 7:30am. Info: (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. Aug. 8, Scott, LA - Tour De Scott Triathlon, S-300m, B-13 mi., R5K; 7:30am. Info: Dustin Lamartina (337)288-8151, cap22usafitness@yaho.com. Aug. 8-9, Canton, NC - Lake Logan Multi-Sport Festival, Half (8/ 8): S-1.2 mi., B-56 mi., R-13.1 mi., 7am; Intl (8/9): S-1500m, B-24 mi, R-10K, 7am; Sprint (8/9): S-500m, B-12 mi., R-5K, 8am. Info: Greg Duff (828)400-5868, greg@gloryhoundevents.com. Aug. 8, Charlotte, NC - Amphibious Duathlon, R-5K, Paddle-2K, R-5K; 8am. Info: (704)391-3900, racedirector@usnwc.org. Aug. 8, Ashland City, TN - Riverbluff Triathlon, Sprint & Olympic Distance; 7am. Info: (615)567-6671, kat@s2fnashvile.com. Aug. 9, Charleston, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series, S-600 yd. freshwater swim, B-12 mi., R-5K; 7:15am. Info: Allison Foster (843)795-4386, afoster@ccprc.com. Aug. 11, Waxhaw, NC - Jimmie Johnson Foundation Cane Creek Sprint Triathlon, S-500 yd., B-13 mi., R-5K; 6pm. Info: Amanda Prothero (704)586-1586, amanda@jjracinginc.com, http:// jimmiejohnsontri.racesonline.com. Aug. 13, Asheville, NC - 2015 Lung Buster Series-Elk Mountain Time Trial, 5 Mile Hill Climb, 6:15pm. Info: events@idaph.net. Aug. 15, Jacksonville Beach, FL - HammerHead Ocean Marathon, 1.25 Mile Swim & 2.5 Mile Swim. Info: (904)616-9273.

www.running.net Aug. 15, Macon, GA - Macon Double Sprint Triathon, S350m, R-1.5 mi., B-13 mi., R-1.5 mi., S-350m; 8am. Info: crisp@goraceproductions.com. Aug. 15, London, KY - Laurel Lake Triathlon/Duathlon, Half: S-1.2 mi., B-56 mi., R-13.1 mi.; Aqua Bike; Relay; 7am. Olympic: S-.93 mi., B-24.8 mi., R-6.2 mi., 8am. Duathlon, 7:30am. Info: laurellaketri@yahoo.com. Aug. 15, Lafayette, LA - Mighty Lion Splash & Dash, S-200m, R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: lemairete@hotmail.com. Aug. 15, Columbus, MS - Possum Town Triathlon, S-600 yd., B-17 mi., R-3.3 mi.; 7am. Info: Brad Atkins (662)574-5539, bradandmelissa@cableone.net. Aug. 16, Columbia, MD - Iron Girl Triathlon, S-.62 mi., B-16 mi., R-3.4 mi.; 6:45am. Info: registration@ulmanfund.org. Aug. 16, Cary, NC - Plunge Pedal & Plod Triathlon, 4 events: S-50 yd., B-4K, R-1.6K; S-200 yd., B-8K, R-2.4K; S-400m, B12K, R-3K; S-800m, B-4K, R-1.6K; 8am. Info: fitandablecoach@gmail.com. Aug. 16, Winston-Salem, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Women’s Triathlon Tour, S-225 yd. (pool), B-8 mi., R-2 mi. Info: (877)2936387, info@ramblinroseevents.com. Aug. 16, Pikeville, TN - Tri Fall Creek Falls Triathlon, S-1.5K, B-40K, R-10K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. Aug. 22, Waycross, GA - Heels and Wheels for Megan’s House Triathlon & Duathlon Challenge, Tri: S-.25 mi., B-13 mi., R-3 mi., 7:30am; Du: R-2 mi., B-13 mi., R-3 mi., 7:30am. Info: info@drcsports.com. Aug. 22, Flintstone, MD - EX2 Adventures Rocky Gap Adventure Race, 6 Hour Sprint; Mtn Bike, Trekking & Paddling. Info: info@ex2adventures.com. Aug. 22, Wilson, NC - Wilson Family YMCA Youth Triathlon, Swim/Bike/Run; Different Distances based on age; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Aug. 22, Kingston, TN - Storm the Fort Triathlon, Half: S-1.2 mi., B-56 mi., R-13.1 mi.; Sprint: S-600 yd., B-20K, R-4 mi.; 7:30am. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. Aug. 23, Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Youth Tri 7.03 Series (Race #2), Age 5 to 15; 8am. Info: Matthew Clancy (336)5438771, coachmatt@e3ehp.com. Aug. 23, Greenville, SC - Greenville Triathlon, S-400m, B-15 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: Jeremey Davis (864)271-4262, jdavis@setupevents.com. Aug. 29, Campbellsville, KY- Trail Town Connexions Triathlon, Paddle-3 mi., B-20 mi., R-5K; 8:30am. Info: sanford897@gmail.com. Aug. 29, Wiggins, MS - Cultivation Nation Sprint Triathlon, S600 yds., B-17 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 8am. Info: Amanda Hudson (254)768-1428, lisamccombs80@hotmail.com. Aug. 29, Albemarle, NC - Splash and Dash Biathlon, S-250 yd., R-5K; Fun Swim & Run: S-100 yd., R-1 Mile; 8am. Info: (704)982-1916. Aug. 29, Sims, NC - Battle at Buckhorn Sprint Triathlon, S750m, B-16 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 8am. Info: (252)235-6563, info@fsseries.com. Aug. 29, Loudon, TN - Redskin Romp Sprint Triathlon S150yd., B-10 mi., R-4K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)9883906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. Sept. 5, Aiken, SC - Langley Pond International Triathlon, S1500m, B-24 mi., R-10K; 7am. Info: Jeremey Davis (864)2714262, jdavis@setupevents.com. Sept. 12, Pass Christian, MS - Yak-A-Du, R-2 mi., Kayak-2 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Sept. 12, Apex, NC - Finish Strong Half Iron & Other Distance Triathlon, Half: S-1.2 mi., B-56 mi., R-13.1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: info@fsseries.com. Sept. 12-13, Williamsburg, VA - Patriots Triathlon Festival, 9/ 12 Half: S-1.2 mi., B-58 mi., R-13.1 mi., 7am; 9/12 Int’l: S-1500m, B-40K, R-10K, 7:30am; 9/13 Sprint: S-750m, B-20K, R-5K, 7:30am. Info: (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. Sept. 13, Alexandria, KY - A.J. Jolly Paddle, Pedal & Pace Triathlon, Kayak/Canoe-3 mi., B-15 mi., R-5 mi.; 7am. Info: (859)916-0029, info@racedaymagic.com. Sept. 13, Lafayette, LA - CajunMan Triathlon, S-1/2 mi., B-20 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: sbrdude@aol.com. Sept. 13, Asheville, NC - Asheville Duathlon, R-5K Road, Bike Trail, Run Trail, 8am; Asheville Du 4 Kids Duathlon, Varies by age; 8am. Info: events@idaph.net. Sept. 13, Asheville, NC - Asheville Gravel Grinder at Biltmore, 40 mile or 60 mile bike ride, 8am. Info: events@idaph.net. Sept. 13, Davidson, NC - Jimmie Johnson Foundation Lake Davidson Sprint Triathlon, S-500 yd., B-13 mi., R-5K; 8am. Info: Amanda Prothero (704)586-1586, amanda@jjracinginc.com, http://lakedavidsonsprint.racesonline.com. Sept. 13, Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Youth Tri 7.03 Series (Race #3), Age 5 to 15; 4pm. Info: Matthew Clancy (336)5438771, coachmatt@e3ehp.com. Sept. 19, Ramseur, NC - Ramseur Lake Triathlon, S-1.5K, B40K, R-10K; 8am. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com. Sept. 19, Chesnee, SC - Upstate Forever’s Preservation Ride, 79 mi., 40 mi. & 20 mi.; 8am. Info: Steve Baker (864)3258303, stevebaker864@gmail.com. Sept. 20, Miami, FL - Escape to Miami Triathlon, Olympic: S1.5K, B-40K, R-10K; Sprint: S-0.25 mi., B-21K, R-5K; 7am. Info: (305)278-8668, FLevents@lifetimefitness.com. Sept. 20, Huntersville, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Women’s Triathlon Tour, S-250 yd. (pool), B-9 mi., R-2 mi. Info: (877)293-6387, info@ramblinroseevents.com. Sept. 20, Knoxville, TN - Anchor Splash Sprint Triathlon, S300 yds., B-6 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: Martin Coleman (865)2506318, martin@racedayevents.net. Sept. 26, Ponte Vedra, FL - Super Kids Triathlon, 4 distances (ages 6-13); 8am. Info: (904)731-3676, events@1stplacesports.com.

Sept. 26, Snow Hill, MD - Osprey Sprint Triathlon, S-1/2 mi., B15 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 9am. Info: Sandi Smith (410)213-2297 (x106), sandis@mdcoastalbays.org. Sept. 26, Pickens, SC - Ride to the Rock Cycle Event, 40K, 60K or the Metric Century, 100K; 8am. Info: Linda Cassell (864)4204245. Sept. 26-27, Spotsylvania, VA - Giant Acorn Triathon Festival, 9/26 (Int’l): S-1500m, B-42K, R-10K, 9am; 9/27 (Sprint): S-750m, B16 mi., R-5K, 9am. Info: (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. Sept. 27, Natchitoches, LA - Meat Pie Triathlon, S-1/2 mi., B-20 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. Sept. 27, Cary, NC - Tar Heel Youth Triathlon Race #3, 11-15 yrs.: S-200 yds., B-4 mi., R-2K, 8am; 6-10 yrs.: S-100 yds., B-2 mi., R-1K, 9am. Info: joanna@kidstrinc.org. Sept. 27, Greenville, NC - Splash & Dash Kids Triathlon, (6-14 yrs.); 2pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. Sept. 27, Myrtle Beach, SC - The Market Common Triathlon, S250 yds., B-6 mi., R-1.5 mi.; S-150 yds., B-6mi., R-1.5 mi.; 7:30am. Info: jdavis@setupevents.com. Oct. 4, Chapel Hill, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Women’s Triathlon Tour, S-250 yd. (pool), B-9 mi., R-2 mi. Info: (877)293-6387, info@ramblinroseevents.com. Oct. 10, Long Beach, MS - PPP Triathlon, Canoe-4 mi., R-5 mi., B-23 mi.; 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Oct. 10, Lexington, SC - The Dam Tri, S-1000m, B-21 mi., R-7K; 8am. Info: jdavis@setupevents.com. Oct. 11, Hendersonville, NC - The Big the Du Dirty Duathlon, R2.5 mi. trail, B-12 mi. trail, R-2.5 mi. trail. Info: events@idaph.net. Oct. 17, Sumter, SC - TriSumter Triathlon, S-300 yds., B-16 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 8:30am. Info: City of Sumter Aquatics Center (803)7743998, pkubala@sumter-sc.com.

MARATHON Aug. 2, Cookeville, TN - Blister in the Sun Marathon, 8am. Info: Josh Hite (931)265-3969, jhite@tntech.edu. Aug. 15, Briar Bottom Camp Ground/Black Mountain, NC - DNF Ultra, 100 Mile, 50 Mile & Marathon. Info: withoutlimitsgreenville@gmail.com. Sept. 6, Tupelo, MS - Tupelo Marathon & 13.1 Miler, 5am. Info: tupelomarathon@yahoo.com. Sept. 12, Charlottesville, VA - Rivanna Greenbelt Marathon, 6am. Info: Leah Connor (202)320-5207, rivannagreenbeltmarathon@gmail.com. Sept. 12, Millboro, VA - Odyssey Trail Running Rampage, 6 miler, 13 miler, 26 miler & 40 miler; 7am. Info: Ronny Angell (540)444-4422, HQ@oarevents.com. Sept. 12, Washington, DC - Abebe Bikila Day International Peace Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net.

Sept. 13, Suffolk County, NY - Suffolk County Long Island Marathon & Half Marathon to support our veterans. 8am. Last chance to qualify for 2016 Boston Marathon. Run through downtowns of Suffolk County, finish by the shore of Great South Bay. Info and registration: www.SuffolkMarathon.com Sept. 19, Beckley, WV - Beckley Marathon, 8am; Half Marathon Run/Walk, 8:10am. Info: (304)252-7328, 1(877)987-3847, kip@brccc.com. Sept. 26, Lebanon, TN - Run Around the World 24 Hour Endurance Run + More, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, 50K, 50 Mile, 100K, 6 Hour, 12 Hour & 24 Hour; 7am. Info: mrhowdymr@yahoo.com. Oct. 3, Booneville, AR - Arkansas Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K Run & 5K Run/Walk. Info: Stacey McCullough (479)675-2666, info@booneville.com. Oct. 3, Winchester, TN - Southern Tennessee Power Classic Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: fbsamples@msn.com. Oct. 4, Louisville, KY - Louisville’s Dream Factory Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Tommie Kendall (502)216-0378, tommie.kendall@dreamfactoryinc.org. Oct. 4, Nashville, TN - Greenway Marathon, 7:30am. Info: Tomas de Paulis (615)390-6977, Lntdp@earthlink.net. Oct. 10, Key West, FL - Southernmost Marathon, 6:30am; Half & 10K, 6:45am. Info: Liz Love (479)200-4689, liz@somomarathon.com. Oct. 10, Shepherdstown, WV - Freedom Run Marathon, 7am; Half, 8:05am; 5K, 8:30am; 10K, 8:40am. Info: mark@freedomsrun.org. Oct. 11, Chatsworth, GA - Mystery Mountain Marathon & 12 Miler, 8am. Info: mysterymtnmarathon@getguts.com. Oct. 17, Baltimore MD - Baltimore Running Festival, Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K, Relay & Kids FR; 8am. Info: Customer Service (410)605-9381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. Oct. 17, Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Marathon, 8am; Half Marathon, 8:30am; 5K, 8:50am. Info: Rich Swor (313)304-0903, info@triviumracing.com. Oct. 17, Hollister, NC - Medoc Trail Races, Marathon & 10 Miler. Info: Rocky Mount Endurance Club (252)443-4566, runrmec@yahoo.com. Oct. 18, Apalachicola, FL - “Running for the Bay!” Marathon, Half Marathon, Ultra 50K, 10K & 5K; 7:15am. Info: friends@runningforthebay.com. Oct. 18, Chattanooga, TN - 7 Bridges Marathon & 4 Bridges Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:30am; Family FR, 10am. Info: Ken Radley (423)400-6897, director@sceniccitymultisport.com. Oct. 24, Conway, AR - Soaring Wings of Conway Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7am. Info: (501)849-2253, info@swmarathon.com. Oct. 24, Prestonsburg, KY - The EKY Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 8am; Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: votebrentgraden@hotmail.com.

www.running.net Oct. 24, Greensboro, NC - Triple Lakes Trail Race, 40 Mile, Marathon & Half Marathon; 8am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. Oct. 24, Morganton, NC - Peak to Creek Marathon (formerly Ridge to Bridge), 8am. Info: David & Rhonda Lee (828)432-6664, david@finishlinepros.com. Oct. 31, Harrodsburg, KY - (un)Pleasant Hill Marathon Trail Run, 7am. Info: Amy Bugg (859)734-1545, abugg@shakervillageky.org. Oct. 31, Greenville, SC - Spinx Runfest Carolina Marathon, 7:45am; Half Marathon, 7:50am; 10K, 8:15am; 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids Run, 8:35am. Info: Ed Hughes (864)202-2470, greenvillehughes@charter.net. Nov. 1, Bowling Green, KY - BG26.2 and Half Marathon, 7am. Info: lilly@traxrunning.com. Nov. 1, Raleigh, NC - Raleigh City of Oaks Marathon, Rex Healthcare Half Marathon, Relay & 10K, 7am; YMCA Kid’s Marathon Mile, 7:20aqm. Info: committee@cityofoaksmarathon.com. Nov. 1, Huntington, WV - Marshall University-St. Mary’s Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am. Info: director@healthytristate.org. Nov. 7, Wynne, AR - Midsouth Championship Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Ethan T. Cook (870)238-4610, ecook5381@aol.com. Nov. 7, Columbus, GA - Soldier Marathon, Half Marathon, Marathon Relay, 7:30am; 5K, 7:40am. Info: info@soldiermarathon.com.

Nov. 7-8, Savannah, GA - Rock n’ Roll Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7am (11/ 7); 5K & 1 Mile, 1pm (11/8); Kids Rock, 3:15pm (11/8); Save $10 Using Online Code JOURNAL2 (Valid for Half & Full only by 9/ 1). Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510, (800)311-1255, rnrsavannah@competitor group.com, www.RunRocknRoll.com/ Savannah. See ad page 25. Nov. 7, Danville, VA - Anglers Ridge 26.2/50K, 7:30am. Info: Adam Jones (434)799-5957, brick410a@verizon.net. Nov. 7-8, Kitty Hawk, NC - Outerbanks Marathon, 7:20am, Southern Fried Half Marathon, 7am, 6 Mile, 9am on 11/8; 8K, 7:30am, 5K, 9:30am, Diaper Dash, 11:45am on 11/7. Info: (252)255-6273, info@obxse.org. Nov. 8, Pensacola, FL - Pensacola Marathon, Half Marathon & Marathon Relay; 6:30am. Info: Jason Libbert (850)434-2800, jlibbert@pensacolasports.com. Nov. 14, Fort Oglethorpe, GA - Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, Half Marathon, Jr. Marathon & 5K; 7:30am. Info: Jenni Berz (423)842-6265, jberz@chattanoogatrackclub.org. Nov. 14, Charlotte, NC - Novant Health Thunder Road Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:30am (wheelchair 7:40am); 5K Run/Walk, 7:45am (Wheelchair 8:10am). Info: marathoninfo@runforyourlife.com.

Nov. 14, Richmond, VA - Anthem Richmond Marathon, Half Marathon & 8K; 8K 7am, Half Marathon 7:30am, Marathon 7:50am. Info: Race Director, 100 Avenue of Champions, Richmond, VA 23230, (804)2859495, marathon@sportsbackers.org, www.richmondmarathon.org Nov. 15, Lithia, FL - X-Country Marathon & 30K, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. Nov. 15, West Monroe, LA - Dirty South Marathon, Relay & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Tara Knight (318)366-4188, contact@dirtysouthrunning.com. Nov. 15, Carderock, MD - Potomac River Run Marathon & Half (In Memory of Dean Shulman) 9am. Info: (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net. Nov. 21, Cotter, AR - White River Marathon for Kenya, Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk; 7am. Info: Paul Gigliotti (870)4048363, rd@whiterivermarathon.com. Nov. 21, Meridian, MS - Magnolia Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Bonnie Early (601)917-6602, Tim Irvine (601)9389873. Nov. 22, Nashville, TN - Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon, 8am. Info: Trent Rosenbloom (615)356-7277, info@harpethhillsmarathon.com. Nov. 28, Stennis Space Center, MS - Mississippi Coast Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K; 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Nov. 29, Cocoa, FL - Space Coast Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am/Half, 6:30am/Full. Info: Denise Piercy (321)751-8889, info@spacecoastmarathon.org. Dec. 5, Baton Rouge, LA - Baton Rouge Beach Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Craig S. Watson (225)292-3800, cwatson@brbeachmarathon.com. Dec. 5, Memphis, TN - St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend, Marathon & Half Marathon 8am; 5K 7:15am; 1 Mile 1:30pm. Info: St. Jude (800)565-5112, marathon@stjude.org, www.stjudemarathon.org. Dec. 6, Palm Beach, FL - EAU Palm Beach Marathon & Run Fest, Marathon, Half Marathon & Marathon Relay, 6:30am; 5K, 6:45am. Info: info@palmbeachesmarathon.com.

Running Journal • August, 2015 Dec. 12, Huntsville, AL - Nike Rocket City Marathon, 8am; $75 P/M thru Sept., $90 P/M thru Oct., after $100 (online thru 12/1). Info: Suzanne Taylor (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeethuntsville.com, www.runrocketcity.com. See Ad page 18. Jan. 3, Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Bank Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am; Bolles School; $70/Marathon, $45/Half, $25/5K by 10/ 31; $75/$50/$30 11/1-11/30; $80/$55/$35 12/1/ 15-1/2/16; $85/$60/$40 on Race Day. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com, www.1stplacesports.com Jan. 9, Jackson, MS - Mississippi Blues Marathon, Half Marathon, Quarter (10.5K) & Marathon Relay, 7am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 9am; Current Race Fees: $70/Marathon, $60/Half, $35/Quarter, $170/Relay, $10/Kids’ Marathon. Info: info@msbluesmarathon.com, www.msbluesmarathon.com. See Ad page 10. March 5, Myrtle Beach, SC - 19th Anniversary Myrtle Beach Marathon, Dasani Half Marathon & WPDE Marathon Team Relay, 6:30am; Neon Night 5K, 7pm & Ripley’s Aquarium Family FR, 5:30pm on Friday, 3/4. Info: (843)293-RACE (7223), mbmarathon @yahoo.com, www.mbmarathon.com. See Ad page 2. March 19-20, Virginia Beach, VA - Yuengling Shamrock Marathon, 8:30am & Half Marathon, 7am on 3/20; 8K & 1 Mile on 3/19; $105/ Marathon, $85/Half, $35/8K, $20/1 Mile 7/1-8/ 31. Info: J&A Racing (757)412-1056, info@shamrockmarathon.com, www.shamrockmarathon.com

ULTRAS Aug. 1, Bristol, TN - Holston River Endurance Challenge, 36 hr. & 24 hr., 12am; 12 hr. & 6 hr. 12am or 7am option. Info: netta73@hotmail.com. Aug. 1, King George, VA - Dahlgren Heritage Rail Trail 50K, 6:30am. Info: Vic Culp (540)310-4803, vic@farc.org. Aug. 2, Lithia Springs, GA - Hot to Trot 8 Hour Run, 8am-4pm. Info: chefrcobb@yahoo.com. Aug. 7-8, Shelbyville, KY - 24-Hour Run For Dreams, 24 Hour & 12 Hour; 8pm. Info: Tommie Kendall (502)216-0378, tommie.kendall@dreamfactoryinc.org. Aug. 8, Canton, GA - Six Hour Race to Sunset at Blankets Creek, 3pm-9pm. Info: lisa@mountaingoatadventures.com. Aug. 8, Ona, WV - Kanawha Trace 50K Trail Run, 7:30am; 25K & 10K, 9:30am. Info: Cory Richardson (304)416-1015, cory_richardson@hotmail.com. Aug. 15, Briar Bottom Camp Ground/Black Mountain, NC - DNF Ultra, 100 Mile, 50 Mile & Marathon. Info: withoutlimitsgreenville@gmail.com. Sept. 5, Damascus, VA - Iron Mountain Trail Run, 50, 30 & 16 Miles; 7am. Info: kkirkt@yahoo.com. Sept. 11-12, Asheville, NC - Blue Ridge Relay 200 Miles, 6:30am. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@blueridgerelay.com. Sept. 12, Millboro, VA - Odyssey Trail Running Rampage, 6 miler, 13 miler, 26 miler & 40 miler; 7am. Info: Ronny Angell (540)444-4422, HQ@oarevents.com. Sept. 13, Bartlett, TN - Stanky Creek 50K, 7am; 25K, 7:30am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. Sept. 19, Triangle, VA - 12-Hour Adventure Trail Run, 6:15am. Info: alexp@athletic-equation.com. Sept. 25-27, Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Stage Race Trail Race, 3 Days/3 Stages; 53 Miles; 9am/Day 1. Info: David Tosch (205)529-5142, david@davidtosch.com.

Sept. 26, Lakeland, FL - 12 Hour Tick Tock Ultra & Team Relay, 7am to 7pm; Lake Hollingsworth Park. Info: Mary Marcia Brown (302)650-8101, gallantgait@gmail.com, www.ticktockultra.vpweb.com. See Ad page 24. Sept. 26, Morganton, NC - Table Rock Ultras, 50 Miler & 50K; 6am. Info: Mark Rostan (828)261-6275, markrostan@valdese.com. Sept. 26, Lebanon, TN - Run Around the World 24 Hour Endurance Run + More, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, 50K, 50 Mile, 100K, 6 Hour, 12 Hour & 24 Hour; 7am. Info: mrhowdymr@yahoo.com. Oct. 2-3, Cumberland, MD to Washington, DC - Ragnar Relay Washington, DC, 200 Miles; 7am. Info: Ragnar Events (801)-4995024, info@ragnarrelay.com. Oct. 2-4, Swoop, VA - Grindstone 100, 101.85 miles; 6pm. Info: info@eco-xsports.com.

CLASSIFIED All classified ads in this section also appear on Running Journal's Web site. You pay only 60¢ per word, an average of only $3 per line. Minimum charge is $5 per month. We appreciate payment with ad, but we're happy to bill you. Mail to Running Journal, POB 157, Greeneville, TN 37744, 423-638-4177, rj@running.net, www.running.net.

Joint Ventures JOINT VENTURES sought by Running Journal. If you have a quality product, we'll consider a joint venture to build your sales and share profits. Send info to Joint Venture, Running Journal, POB 157, Greeneville, TN 37744. Oct. 3-4, Perryville, AR - Arkansas Traveller 100 Mile, 6am. Info: (501)803-9411, AT100@runarkansas.com. Oct. 3, Greenville, SC - Swamp Rabbit Urban Ultra 50K, 7:30am. Info: Steve Baker (864)325-8303, stevebaker864@gmail.com. Oct. 3, Chattanooga, TN - Rock/Creek StumpJump 50K Trail Race, 8am; 11 Mile, 7:50am. Info: events@rockcreek.com. Oct. 9, Eureka Springts, AR - Outback in the Ozarks 200M/65M Relay, 7am. Info: (479)387-0987, outbackrunner@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Birmingham, AL - Ruffner Mountain Crusher Ridge 21K & 42K, 8am. Info: maryecambull@gmail.com. Oct. 10, Pinnacle, NC - Pilot Mountain to Hanging Rock Ultras, 50K & 50 Mile; 6am. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. Oct. 17, Charlotte, NC - WC-50 Ultra Trail Marathon, 50K & 50 Mile; 5am. Info: (704)391-3900, racedirector@usnwc.org. Oct. 17, Fries, VA - New River Trail Races, 50K 8am; 25K 9am. Info: Alison Bryant (336)244-0432, mtn.goatracing@yahoo.com. Oct. 18, Apalachicola, FL - “Running for the Bay!” Marathon, Half Marathon, Ultra 50K, 10K & 5K; 7:15am. Info: friends@runningforthebay.com. Oct. 23-24, Raleigh to Atlantic Beach, NC - Tuna Run 200 Relay Adventure; Full & Ultra Teams; 6am. Info: info@tunarun200.com. Oct. 24, Greensboro, NC - Triple Lakes Trail Race, 40 Mile, Marathon & Half Marathon; 8am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. Oct. 25, Inverness, FL - Mutual Mine 50K, 8am. Info: Terri Hayes (352)341-0765, ultraterri@bellsouth.net. Oct. 25, Palm Coast, FL - Jack’s 50K, 25K & 10K Trail Run; 8am. Info: Contact Lisenby (386)986-8572, dawn@runnaturalcoach.com. Nov. 7, Nashville, TN - Nashville Ultra Marathon, 50K, 60K, 70K & 50 Mile; 7am. Info: Dennis Freeman (615)445-5077, dennis@nashvilleultra.com. Nov. 7, Danville, VA - Anglers Ridge 26.2/50K, 7:30am. Info: Adam Jones (434)799-5957, brick410a@verizon.net. Nov. 14, Blue Ridge Recreational Area, GA - Tortoise and the Hare 50K Ultra, 6am. Info: Toni McAlister (678)400-9050, toni@tortoiseandthehareracing.com. Nov. 14, Soddy Daisy, TN - Upchuck 50K Trail Race, 8am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. Nov. 21, Birmingham, AL - Tranquility Lake 50K Trail Race & 25K Trail Race, 7am. Info: David Tosch (205)529-5142, david@davidtosch.com. Nov. 21, Boonsboro, MD - JFK 50 Mile, 7am. Info: Tim Mason (301)331-6028, runtim@yahoo.com. Nov. 21, Mt. Pleasant, SC - Ultra Chili 50K, 8am. Info: Allison Foster (843)795-4386, publicity@ccprc.com. Nov. 28, Derby, NC - Derby 50K Ultra Run, 8am. Info: runrbike@carolina.rr.com. Dec. 12, Mt. Dora, FL - Masters of All Terrain 50K & 50 Mile Ultra, 6am. Info: nic@mastersofallterrain.com.

Dec. 12, Wakulla Springs, FL - Tallahassee Ultra Distance Classic, 50K & 50 Mile; 7am; $60/50K, $80/50 Mile by 12/9. Info: Jay Silvanima & Nancy Stedman, 527 E. Call St., Tallahassee, FL 32301; Jay (850)264-0739, Nancy (850)545-7074, tallahasseeultra@ gmail.com, www.tallahasseeultra.com. Dec. 19, Chattanooga, TN - Lookout Mountain 50 Miler, 7:30am; 10K, 8am. Info: randy@wildtrails.org. Dec. 31, Hagerstown, MD - Hawk Indoor Marathon & 50K, 8am. Info: (301)739-1366, coachwk86@aol.com.

RUNNING CAMPS Aug. 2-7, Sept. 3-6, Blowing Rock, NC - Zap Fitness Adult Running Vacations. Info: ZAP Fitness, POB 192, Blowing Rock, NC 28605; (828)295-6198, zapfitness@gmail.com, www.zapfitness.com. See Ad page 9.

Deadline for our September issue is August 7.


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