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Improve Your Running By Being Your Own Biggest Fan “We Run The South�

Running Journal Including Multi-Sports Events, Ultra Running, and Racewalking

April 2016

Racing South Edition




How to Pick the Right Race Gasparilla Distance Classic Half Marathon/15K/8K/5K Critz Tybee Runfest Half Marathon/10K/5K Kissimmee 5K Hilton Head Island Marathon/Half Marathon/5K Sea Turtle Half Marathon/Sweetheart 5K

Running Journal • April, 2016




Running Psychology

On the Cover:

Mike Mitchell and Erin Dillon were winners of the Myrtle Beach Dasani Half Marathon on March 5 in Myrtle Beach, SC. See story page 21. Photo by Jen Kohler

Race Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Features Spring Shoe Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Columns Running Psychology, Richard Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Distance Memories, Scott Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 He Said, She Said, Mary Marcia Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Down the Road, Cedric Jaggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 This Running Life, Teri Saylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Learning from the Young Guns, Ryan Warrenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Running Through the Bluegrass, Tracy Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Running Through the Age Groups, Mary Margaret McEachern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Women’s Running, Carolyn Mather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Inspired Daily, Rae Ann Darling Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Masters Running, Lena Hollmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Race Results

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Grand Prix Standings are at running.net Grand Prix XXXVIII Schedule 45-49 September 4 September 20 November 22 December 12 January 9 January 31 March 5 March 13 May 30

Midnight Flight 10K Hokie Half Marathon Magic City Half Marathon Rocket City Marathon Mississippi Blues Half Marathon Winter Flight 8K Dasani Myrtle Beach Half Marathon Germantown Half Marathon Cotton Row 10K

Anderson, SC Blacksburg, VA Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL Jackson, MS Salisbury, NC Myrtle Beach, SC Germantown, TN Huntsville, AL

*Look for schedule updates & standings at www.running.net

Grand Prix rules Grand Prix points will only be awarded to runners residing in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, DC, at the time of the competition.Double Grand Prix points will be awarded at the Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL. In each half marathon, 25 bonus points will be awarded to each runner scoring in that race. Only the top 8 GP performances for any runner will be counted in the open and age group scoring of GP XXXVII.If a runner changes age groups, he or she may score in both age groups but points will stay in the age group for which the runner competes in at the time of the race. Following the Cotton Row Run on Memorial Day 2016, awards will be presented to the top 3 overall male and female finishers, top one male and female masters, grand masters, senior grand masters, and veterans and the top three finishers in each age category and those present will have photos taken for publication in Running Journal. Runners who win an award in the open, masters, grand masters, senior grand masters, or veterans are not eligible for age group awards. Runners must run at least two races to qualify for final awards.

Points will be awarded in each race as follows: -- Top 20 males and females overall. -- Top 8 male and female masters (40-49), grand masters (50-59) senior grand masters (60-69), and veterans (70-over) -- Top 8 males and females in age groups 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-over.

Grand Prix Scoring System Place Top 20 overall Top 8 scoring

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 100 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 100 85 70 55 40 30 20 10

Your Biggest Fan Running is a very physically and mentally demanding sport which places stress on all body systems, which, in turn must respond and adapt, such as the cardiovascular, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems. No question about it, running places great demands on the human body. However, these demands are really what draw many people to the sport of running. The feelings of positive self-worth that are achieved after a long training run or hard race keep runners coming back for more. In many instances these positive feelings are a result of working through some physical discomfort and not allowing the discomfort to become a negative factor in reaching a running goal, such as a particular time in a race or distance covered in a training run. Yes, runners can endure some pretty intense physical discomfort and overcome the discomfort in order to reach their running goals. The shear exhilaration of achieving goals in running make the physical demands of running well worth the cost. On the other hand, there is also the mental discomfort that can come with running. A poor performance, injury, or goal not achieved can lead to feelings of guilt, depression and anger. When these negative mental states occur we often need a close friend or spouse to help us think more rationally and lift our spirits. Good friends are good friends because they offer encouragement and support in difficult and challenging points in life. Good friends lift us up, not bring us down. Why then do so many runners mentally punish themselves with personal putdowns about their running? All too often runners berate themselves with negative self-talk that lowers confidence and motivation. Negative self-talk like, “my race was so pitiful that it's no use training anymore,” “I just have no talent and I'll never improve,” “my running stinks and that makes life stink,” or even “that's it, I quit.” Sound familiar? Yes, runners can be quite hard on themselves! Would you talk to your best friend or spouse like you talk to yourself? Probably not! Following a poor race most runners wouldn't tell their best friend they stink as a runner and have no talent. However, many runners will tell themselves they stink after a poor race. Most people would try and encourage their friends, so why won't they work to encourage themselves? Runners need to work on being their own biggest fan and friend.

By Richard Ferguson, Ph.D.

Self-deprecation in runners can be a huge roadblock to reaching running goals and running potential, not to mention getting the most personal enjoyment out of running. Positive mental attitude is not a substitute for hard training, but it takes both mental and physical fitness to run well. Enjoyment from running requires a healthy attitude, so why not take a few minutes a day of attitude adjustment training? Some runners say they feel “pressure” to run their best every time out. Truth is, when runners feel pressure the pressure is actually coming from within. How often do people take a healthy, enjoyable activity like running and turn it into work? When runners take the sport so seriously that they constantly dwell on it and become angry with themselves and others after less than desired performances, then just maybe a change in perception of running is warranted. It's the American way to believe that working harder and harder will result in success. In many cases this idea is true. If trying harder means putting in a few better-planned miles or trying to push a little harder in interval workouts, then trying harder can be a positive. But if trying harder means being constantly uptight and tense, then possibly trying harder is more of a negative than a positive. Yes, runners can try too hard and it can turn them into emotional wrecks. Anxiety and negativity do nothing but drain valuable energy. All runners have disappointing performances, even when they are well trained. There will be days when even the greatest runners in the world just don't feel well and turn in performances that really disappoint. It's only human nature to feel dejected after a bad race, but should it really make runners feel like bad people and ruin their lives for days to come? What all runners need after poor performances are friends that can provide



Running Journal P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744 200 S. Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 638-4177 • FAX (423) 638-3328 E-mail: rj@running.net • www.running.net

Vol. 32, No. 7 President/Publisher Bruce Morrison E-mail: bruce.morrison@running.net Publisher Emeritus Julie Morrison, 1954-2002 Vice President/Advertising John Cash Editor and General Manager Mary Lou Day E-mail: marylou.day@running.net Advertising Rep / Calendar Editor Shirley Woodward E-mail: shirley.woodward@running.net Production Manager Rebecca Garay-León Circulation Manager E-mail: rj@running.net Administrative Assistant Becky Miller Contributing editors: Mary Marcia Brown, Nancy Clark, Rae Ann Darling Reed, JimDugger, Richard Ferguson, Lee Fidler, Bryan Graydon,Tracy Harris Green, Lena Hollmann, Scott Ludwig, Cedric Jaggers, Ellen Jaffe Jones, Ray Krolewicz, Carolyn Mather, Mary Margaret McEachern, Nicholas Norfolk, Pete Rea, Teri Saylor, Ryan Warrenburg. Correspondents: George Banker, Robert Carver, Sonja Friend-Uhl, Chuck George, Karen Gordon, Winston Howell, Jesse Lindsey, Diane Lyons, Rick Melanson, Jerry Schohl, Claude Sinclair, Leonard Vergunst, Jim Young, Jerry Yunker. Record keepers: Alabama/Mississippi/Tennessee/Kentucky - Buck Jones, 2920 Eastern Shore Dr., Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763. Arkansas - Randy Taylor, 102 Weston Place, Little Rock, AR 72211. Georgia - Joyce Hodges-Hite, PO Box 717, Millen, GA 30442.Maryland - Tim O’Keefe, 7214 Limestone Lane, Middletown, MD 21769. North Carolina Neville Wood, 5309 Chamisal Pl., Raleigh, NC 27613. South Carolina - Bill Marable, 5 Windchime Ct., Simpsonville, SC 29681. Virginia - Robert Platt, 1300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Washington, DC - George Banker, 7507 Overlook Ct., Oxon Hill MD 20745. West Virginia - Carl Hatfield, 712 S. Chestnut St., Clarksburg, WV 26301. Chairman, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Gene Newman, 920 N. Night Heron Dr., Green Valley, AZ 85614. V.P./East, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Dr., Wilson, NC 27896. Regional course certifiers: John DeHaye, 824 Annalau Ave., Huntsville, AL 35802 (AL). Don Potter, 440 Lower Ridge Rd., Conway, AR 72032 (AR). Doug Loeffler, 1399 W. Royal Palm Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33486 (FL). Woody Cornwell, 1724 Brighton Way, Dalton, GA 30721 (GA). Matthew Studholme, 452 Brookhill Drive, Abingdon, VA 24210 (KY, MS, TN, WV). John Ferguson, 3026 Sesbania, Austin, TX 78748-1912 (LA). John Sissala, 120 Evans St., Rockville, MD 20850 (MD). Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Drive, Wilson, NC 27896 (NC). Brian N. Smith, 1827 Falling Creek Circle, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464- 7415 (SC). Robert Thurston, 13 Kennedy St. NE, Washington, DC 20011 (VA, DC). RRCA Southern Region Director: Ron Macksoud, Montgomery, AL. Email: SouthernDirector@RRCA.org. RRCA Eastern Region Director: Mark Grandonico, 62 Back Cove Est., Portland, ME 04101. E-mail: eastdir@rrca.org. State RRCA reps: AL - Ron Macksoud. AR - David Meroney. DC - Paul Thompson. FL - Don Nelson (S. FL), Bryan Graydon (N. FL). GA - Mariska Van Rooden. KY - Donna England. LA - Betsy Boudreaux. MD - Dwight Mikulis. MS - Bryan Lagg. NC - Peter Asciutto. SC - Tim Arthurs, TN Sherilyn Johnson. VA - Goody Tyler. WV - Tom Kramer. Contact information for State RRCA reps can be found at www.rrca.org/clubs. Contents of Running Journal are copyright 2014 by Carolina Runner Inc. No part of this publication, including artwork and advertising, may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Exception: Non-profit running, bi/tri, walking club publications expressly granted reasonable usage of news and racing calendar information if credit is given to Running Journal. Running Journal (ISSN 0892-5038) is published monthly at a subscription rate of $19.95 yearly by Carolina Runner Inc., 200 South Main St., Greeneville,TN 37743. Second-class postage paid at Greeneville, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville,TN 37744.


Running Journal • April, 2016

Distance Memories Curtain Call: the Final Marathon My first was in Gainesville. Now I can say that about my last. I wouldn't want it any other way. So much has happened since that first time back in 1979. The Florida Gator football team became a force to be reckoned with. Even the Florida Gator basketball team has made its mark on the national landscape of collegiate sports. Enrollment at the University of Florida has more than doubled. Way more, in fact; perhaps the allure of National Championships and year-round sunshine deserves some credit. And the 'first' I referenced earlier -- the Florida Relays Marathon -- no longer exists. I was a 24-year old graduate student who had never run farther than 13 miles. I knew more than doubling that mileage would be a challenge, but I had no idea how much of one. I finished my first marathon that day with barely six months of running under my belt, and now one month shy of 37 years later I can say I finished my last. Sadly, 1979 would also be remembered as the last edition of the Florida Relays Marathon. But I didn't run my last marathon alone. Flashback to one year earlier; my son Josh and I were on the starting line of the 10th annual Five Points of Life Marathon in Gainesville, Florida. He asked me to not only run it with him but also to pace him to a sub-four hour finish. Although cautioning him he was being a bit optimistic with his time goal, I reluctantly kept him on pace to break four hours. For 18 miles, that is because I was no match for what came next. Josh came down with a bad case of the cramps from hell. Josh slowed down, walked and finally hobbled the next four miles before finally taking a swan dive in the shade of the medical tent at the 22mile mark. One of the volunteers - a retired doctor, incidentally - tended to Josh immediately, providing fluids and ice and making sure he was comfortable. He also gave him a litany of advice, most notably 'your first marathon will have to wait.' Josh's eyes lit up. 'I have to finish.' The good doctor looked at me and asked, 'What do you think, dad?' Josh knows me well enough to know that if I told him I thought it best he stop that I would be lying through my teeth. I'm just not very good at practicing what I preach when it comes to saying no or moderation to all things running. “I'm not the man for that,” I said.

By Scott Ludwig

race that my intention was for it to be my final marathon, looked at me and said: “It looks like you have one more marathon left to run.” Being the most susceptible person in the world to the power of suggestion, I immediately knew Josh spoke the truth. That explains why I kept my mileage up I would run more than 3,700 miles over the next 12 months-when all I really wanted to do was reduce my mileage to something more appropriate for a man approaching middle age (assuming I'll live to be 120, that is). Twelve months later and there we were: On the starting line for the 11th annual Five Points of Life Marathon in Gainesville on a warm February morning. Josh hadn't put in the mileage like I had, but then again his legs are half as old as mine and have a lot less wear and tear on them. I guess what I'm trying to say is we were pretty much on equal ground, and this year our one and only goal was to finish like a seat on an airplane during landing. (“In an upright position.” I apologize if I lost any of the University of Georgia graduates that made it this far.) Running with our good friend Ferit Toska, himself a three-hour marathoner, I have to admit it turned out to be one of the most pleasant and enjoyable 26.2-mile runs (if that's even possible) I've had in a very, very long time. We took occasional breaks at the aid stations, took in all of the sights and even managed to synchronize all of our pit

To my credit, though I DID add: “But he is probably right. You're in an awful lot of pain and there's always another marathon.” Josh, to HIS credit and as testimony he has a lot more common sense than his dad, decided to take the good doctor's advice and call it quits after 22 miles and almost three-and-a-half hours under a warm Florida sun. As there was no sag wagon to transport Josh to the finish it was up to me to finish out the last 4.2 miles, get in the car and drive back to the medical tent to pick him up. A little over an hour later Josh and I met up with Cindy (who also saw me finish my first marathon) near the finish line for some post-race pizza and fluids when Josh, who knew prior to the start of the CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

Left to right: Ferit Toska, me, Josh Ludwig



Running Journal • April, 2016


He Said, She Said How Can the Pedals Win Running Medals? A recent six-hour road trip to Hilton Head, South Carolina, landed me at the Beach City Health and Fitness Club where a full weekend of indoor cycling awaited. The bike had become my new best friend earlier this year while working through a plantar fasciitis injury. Instead of lacing up for weekly runs, I began clipping in for daily rides. During one day's ride, I learned of a new high intensity interval training program that was specifically designed for the bike - Les Mills Sprint. The Les Mills Sprint training program is structured to help athletes become stronger, faster, and fitter, all while burning calories and increasing overall lung capacity. These are all goals I work to achieve as a runner, so I was excited about seeing if the program delivered. As the certification training program started that first morning in Hilton Head, I learned that I was not the only runner whose curiosity had been peaked. Fellow runner and Sprint Certification Trainee Tony Bryant also wanted to know … as a runner, how can Sprint make me faster, how can it make me stronger, and (having gone for the gold in the past and desiring additional hardware moving forward) how can the pedals really help win more running medals? He (Tony Bryant) said… “If you have visions of PRs dancing in your head then you need to mix things up with speed work. Performing interval

Tony Bryant with wife, Danielle Greco at the 2013 Asheville Citizen-Times City Marathon.

By Mary Marcia Brown

training, or hill repeats, on hard surfaces, like roads, can produce great results but they can also create a lot of pounding force on your joints. That's were a program like Les Mills Sprint comes into play,” 39-year old runner, cycling instructor, and US Bankruptcy Court Senior Systems Administrator Tony Bryant said. In 2006, Bryant stopped smoking and started running. In the years that have since passed, he has completed five marathons, four half marathons, and an Olympic distance triathlon (Nations Tri in DC) along with various 5k, 8k, and 10k races. To date, his best marathon is a 3:38:19 achieved at the Mercedes Marathon in Birmingham, Alabama and his half marathon PR is a 1:43:15. With plans to bring in his 40th year with two more marathons, his first century bike ride, a half Ironman, and a 40-mile ultra, Bryant is always looking for ways to keep training fresh and effective - both for himself and for his students. “I know a lot of runners where all they do is run. They have set distances and set routines that they follow week in and week out. They have run a few or maybe 50+ races of varying distances but seem to always stay at the same pace and never really move beyond their long standing PRs. The endurance we build with our long steady runs is a very important part of our training plans but it shouldn't be the only part,” Bryant shared. Through his training, Bryant learned firsthand that Sprint can certainly be speed work for runners with the added benefit of being low impact on “already heavily worked joints.” He explains to his students that, the program's high intensity interval training (HIIT) works both type 2, as well as type 1 muscle fibers, and it increases the maximum amount of oxygen muscles can consume per minute. Both benefits are key factors that allow runners to run faster for longer, but can

you really strength train on a bike? “Yes! On an indoor cycle bike, you can use the resistance to simulate the effects of lifting weights with your legs. In some areas of the workout we are pushing the pedals with the same force we should feel when doing a heavy squat or leg press,” Bryant explained. Bryant incorporates Sprint-providing strength training in his training regimen twice each week. Understanding the importance of balance that cross-training provides, he also teaches two to three cycling classes between his four weekly runs. While Bryant loves the freedom of being able to “throw on a pair of shorts, lace up and run,” he understands the many benefits of one of the best forms of cross training, cycling, and encourages other runners to realize the related rewards as well. “Try it! Don't be afraid of branching out and trying new things,” Bryant said. “The simple truth is you will get stronger, faster, and be proactive at preventing injuries if you switch it up and incorporate new things into your workout like jumping on a bike a couple of times a week. It also helps keep your workouts fresh and gives you a new experience to look forward to each week. Just remember to always pedal hard!” She (Mary Marcia Brown) said… Rewind several years, and both successful instruction of indoor cycling and rewarding road races were wonderfully weaved into my workout regimen. By rou-

Mary Marcia Brown teaching a recent Les Mills Sprint cycling class.

tinely combining my running miles with miles on the bike, maybe one could confidently and correctly conclude that crosstraining made me a better runner. Maybe the pedals really did help me win more running medals. As an injured runner of more than three months now, the goal is more about having the rubber return to the road than it is about the ribbon around my neck. Granted, the hardware would be a welcomed bonus, but I am really just ready to run! This period of active recovery however, will hopefully help me discover how true the many claims are about cycling assisting runners' realization of stronger, faster, less injury-prone runs. I optimistically look forward to, strengthened complimentary muscles, faster leg turnover, less injury due to lower impact, and an increased VO2max. Completing the Les Mills Sprint training, earning my certification, and teaching high intensity interval training classes on a bike have certainly seemed to serve as effective steps in achieving these goals over the past several weeks. I am challenging my legs on the bike, enjoying really strong training sessions, and looking forward to seeing how the revolutions per minute transfer to steps per minute in my running shoes. I certainly believe that cadence on a bike can successfully shift from the clips in the pedals, to the soles on the asphalt. I hope so, anyway, and I intend to put this month's posed question to the test very soon. In the meantime, I am really enjoying the ride - literally. I dependably leave indoor cycling and Sprint classes emotionally invigorated and physically fatigued, and it feels fantastic. I am also helping other athletes understand that indoor cycling can be approached from multiple training perspectives and with various intended goals. Maybe the goal is to move with stimulating music, or to imagine a destination and allow the pedal strokes to be the vehicle. Maybe the goal is to actively recover or to intensify an already-strong routine. Or perhaps the goal is to be a stronger, faster, fitter runner and find out once and for all if the pedals can really help win more running medals. If the latter is the ambition, I auspiciously aspire to see you on the podium. Mary Marcia is a runner and Race Director of the TICK TOCK ULTRA MARATHON & TEAM RELAY in both Florida and North Carolina. Reach her at marymarciabrown@yahoo.com or by visiting www.ticktockultra.vpweb.com or www.ncticktockultra.vpweb.com


Running Journal • April, 2016

Down the Road The Big Run Do you like big races? Some folks do and some don't. Count me as a doer. I love to do big races. Of course it is funny how our ideas of big races can change. The f irst 'big' race I ever ran was the 1979 Cooper River Bridge Run, and it was huge. It was the largest race ever held in the Carolinas at the time. There were an astonishing, to those of us there, 1,015 timed f inishers who crossed the f inish line that morning. Then that July Kathy and I went to Atlanta to run the Peachtree10K. We had to redef ine what we thought of as a big race. Back then all the runners were not timed but the newspaper estimated that there were about 12,000 f inishers, which is probably about right. It was huge. I ran several other big races in the 80s that were special: the Jacksonville River Run 15K, the Marine Corps Marathon and the New York City Marathon. So what is the appeal of the big race? For us, me especially since I always liked big races better than Kathy did, part of it was the spectacle. Where else

By Cedric Jaggers

could you see world class, famous or at least well known runners? Nowhere. If you run a lot of races, like we did, it can be easy to fall into the pattern of running the same races every year, or altering just a bit, with most races in the small to medium sized category. Nothing wrong with that. But, to expand your horizons, you really need to run the occasional big race. The really big races - I'm talking over 10,000 f inishers are usually in big cities. Those cities themselves are often worth the trip. And sometimes you get really lucky. The King Tut exhi-

bition was on display in Jacksonville one year when we ran the race so we didn't miss the opportunity to see it. When we were in New York, Kathy and I ran a race in Central Park (which is a surprisingly good way to see the Park) and when we went to get some highly praised pizza, the cab driver turned out to be a music lover as I am and he recommended we swing by the Dakota where John Lennon lived. We didn't see John, no surprise there, but I always remember with disgust and horror that it was only a month later when that idiot shot and killed him right there in front of the Dakota. I don't need to go into detail about all the things there are to do and see in Washington DC, nor in Atlanta. I will mention that if you have never taken the (overly expensive) carriage tour of Charleston, it is something well worth doing. But what about the races? Well, if you don't know about each of these races you should. All big races are usually expensive, some are diff icult to get into (with registration limits etc.) so if you are interested in running a 'big' race it usually requires some advance planning and budgeting. That is one reason some people avoid big races. Another is just the sheer size. Some people run well in big crowds (I did); others do not. It seems easier to me once a race starts to try to hold onto a


good group of similar pace runners. Unfortunately you can also get too caught up in the excitement of the crowd and start too fast. I could tell you about the 4 years in a row when I got to the 4 mile mark of the Bridge Run in 23:56 and then blew up late in the race as Ed and Leon and . . . well too many others to mention passed me. Most people come away from big races with lots of memories and stories which we end up sharing and maybe boring people with the rest of our lives. I could tell you about the water fountain I passed out near during the Marine Corp Marathon or the possibly scary (but now funny) incident in Harlem during the NYC race or . . . well you get the idea. If you have never run a really big race you should try at least one. You may hate it or you may like it. Or maybe like me you will love it and want to run it over and over again. I ran the Bridge Run over 30 years in a row until a car wreck made it impossible for me to run. Big races, big memories, run a big race and build your own. Cedric Jaggers was elected to the South Carolina Road Runners Hall of Fame in 1992. He is the author of Charleston’s Cooper River Bridge Run. He lives and runs in Rock Hill, SC. He may be reached via e-mail at JaggersRun@comporium.net


Running Journal • April, 2016


This Running Life Cupid's Undie Run gives 'freezin' for a reason' special meaning If “freezin' for a reason” is a mantra for the Valentine holiday Cupid's Undies Run, the nearly 300 runners who turned out on Feb. 20 to run a mile in their underwear were runnin' and sunnin' under Raleigh's balmy late-winter temps. They turned out in tutus and boxer shorts, tidy briefs, bras, camisoles and under pants. While the men flashed the most skin, the women, dressed as underwear models, but wearing socks and running shoes make a special kind of fashion statement. Many runners may not recognize Cupid's Undie Run founder Bobby Gill by name, but just mention “the guy who posed for the cover of Runners' World magazine in his underwear,” and you'll witness an a-ha moment. “We are up to 39 races,” Gill said on the phone from his office in Denver, Co. “Thirty-six in the United States and three in Australia.” He reckons more than 10,000 runners participate annually in the Cupid's Undies Runs worldwide. Not bad statistics, given the fact the run was started just six years ago, in Washington, D.C. by three guys who wanted to create an event to raise money to fight Neurofibromatosis, or NF, a genetic disorder causing tumors to grow on nerves and other tissues, such as bones and skin. This team of race directors - all in their early 30s included Gill's childhood friend Brendan Hanrahan, along with Chad Leathers, an employee of the Children's

By Teri Saylor

Tumor Foundation whose younger brother, Drew, was diagnosed with NF at the age of 14 in 2001. Hanrahan first pitched the idea in January 2010, as a fun opportunity for people to run a mile in their underwear in the middle of winter. For Gill, the idea sounded just crazy enough to capture his imagination. The run would begin and end in a bar, and just to enhance the party effect, it would be held near a holiday. The closest upcoming holiday was Valentine's Day, so five weeks later, they launched the inaugural Cupid's Undie Run. “We had no big business plan, strategies or investors,” Gill said. “We thought maybe 100 runners would show up, but just to be on the safe side, we ordered 300 tee shirts, thinking we could use the left overs the following year.” They were shocked when 650 people showed up on an icy, cold February day to run outdoors in their underwear. Today, more than 2,000 runners participate in the

Runners take off on Raleigh's version of Cupid's Undie Run, founded by Bobby Gill in 2010;

D.C. Undies run. The mere mention of grown men and women running around the nation's capitol in their underwear was a media magnet and news about the D.C. run spread like wildfire. “People contacted us. They wanted to host it in their communities, and if we felt they would be able to put on a quality event, we sent shirts over to them recruited volunteer race directors and brought them under our wing,” Gill said. Cupid comes to Raleigh Cupid's Undie Run arrived in Raleigh for the first time on February 15, 2014. Now in its third year in Raleigh, the run raised more than $50,000 for The Children's Tumor Fund, according to local race director, Jennifer Burnette, who is not a runner, but loves the event. Burnette first got involved as a participant a year ago. Her stepmother's sister is touched by NF - her daughter has it. Outfitted in a colorful bra, a bright red tutu and a pair of white platform shoes, set off by red and white knee high socks, Burnette served as mistress of ceremonies. “The biggest challenge was soliciting donations,” Burnette said. “It was hard to convince people that this is not just some half-baked idea, but it was for a good cause.” NF afflicts nearly 30 percent of the population worldwide. It is a genetic disorder with multiple symptoms. The most severe are tumors that wrap themselves around nerve endings and cannot be surgically

removed. NF can also affect the development of non-nervous tissues such as bones and skin and causes tumors to grow anywhere on the body. Drew Leathers, had a particularly nasty form of the disorder. “Drew's tumors were in the myelin sheaths around his nerves, which caused severe chronic pain,” Gill explained. “It kept getting worse and worse. In 2009, he was paralyzed and spent 183 days in the hospital.” Drew Leathers died in August 2015. He was just 28 years old, but was able to watch the run grow, and he appreciated the effort. “He loved the irreverent humor of running around in our undies in public and having a big party,” Gill said. His death drilled home a new vigor to keep the run going and growing. Close to home Kym McIntosh of Cary participated in the Raleigh run and raised $1,000 for the Children's Tumor Foundation. She has a vested interest. Her daughter, Perrie, has the disease. “I call it the Monster Under the Bed disease,” McIntosh said. “It is a progressive disease, and you don't know what it might look like, or how bad it might become. It could be a beast, or it could be no big deal.” Perrie has a relatively mild form of NF. With a small tumor under her top lip and a mild learning disability, she is a 19year-old student thriving at Wake Technical Community College. McIntosh recalled the day the first alarm bell sounded. “I remember it was Mother's Day weekend, and I was sitting in the sun reading a book for new mommies,” McIntosh said. One chapter on birthmarks got her attention, and the book advised others to take their babies to a pediatrician if they have more than one birthmark. “I had noticed Perrie had a couple of cute little birthmarks, and they had started to raise up out of her skin,” she said. She mentioned those birthmarks to her family doctor who referred her to UNC hospital. “I thought he would refer us to a dermatologist, but instead we saw a geneticist,” McIntosh said. “He explained NF and that scared me to death.” McIntosh finds the Cupid Undies Run to be empowering. She has participated in



Running Journal • April, 2016

Learning from the Young Guns Olympic Marathon Trials Recap The spotlight, and sun, shone brightly on Los Angeles when the first athletes were selected for the 2016 Olympic team on Feb. 13. The city known for drama and story lines provided plenty of both over an exciting weekend, culminating with a dramatic 26.2 miles through downtown Los Angeles. The host hotel was buzzing with talk about the expected warm weather and how it would affect the race, but there was still plenty of speculation on who would walk away with those 6 coveted Olympic spots. Coming into the race there were 4 clear favorites on the women's side, Olympians Shalane Flanagan and Desiree Linden were the heavy favorites while most expected Amy Cragg and Kara Goucher to battle for the 3rd spot. The men's race featured “the Big 3� of Meb Keflezighi, Dathan Ritzenhein, and Galen Rupp, the only Olympians in the field, with a dozen athletes looking to prove the prognosticators wrong and make their first Olympic team. At 10:06 a.m. the men set out under a cloudless 66-degree sky, a record high for the event. In many ways the warmer weather determined the best team for the Rio Olympics, where it is expected to be warm. After a predictably conservative opening 2.2-mile loop, the men's field was still largely in tact. As soon as the men came back through the start line to begin the first of four 6-mile loops, the women's race started in similar fashion. The men remained steadily on 2:13 marathon pace for most of the first half, and while the relatively modest pace saw 22 men still in the lead pack at halfway, the heat would take its toll with only 3 men able to replicate that pace during the 2nd half. While the men's race would take a dramatic turn just past halfway, by mile 10, the women's field had already splintered apart. After an opening 7 miles that hovered around 2:32-2:33 pace, Kellyn Taylor went to the front with purpose, leaving only 3 other women in the lead pack by mile 10, including favorites and teammates Shalane Flanagan and Amy Cragg. Two of the other favorites, Kara Goucher and Desiree Linden, determined the pace was too fast and made the difficult decision to let the pack go.

By Ryan Warrenburg, ZAP Fitness

As the large men's pack passed the 15 mile marker, the real racing began when 2014 US Marathon Champion and North Carolina resident, Tyler Pennel, surged to the front to clock the first sub-5 minute mile of the race. Galen Rupp and Meb Keflezighi were the only athletes to cover the move and by mile 19 the trio had strung together 4 consecutive sub 5minute miles; a blistering pace only the winner would hold to the finish line. The first major causality of Pennel's decisive move was Ritzenhein, the 3-time Olympian succumbing to severe cramping that brought an end to his bid for his 4th Olympic team at 20 miles. Between mile 19 and 20 Rupp and Meb began to pull clear of Pennel, while back in 4th Jared Ward was gaining rapidly on 3rd place. By halfway, the women's lead pack of four had become two with teammates Cragg and Flanagan working together to open up a 25 second lead on the field. Their lead continued to grow over the middle miles of the race as Taylor lost ground. By mile 16 Linden had moved into 3rd, and said later, “I felt that that [fast early pace] was going to be unsustainable over the second half and that's where you can kind of get in trouble.� Linden used her experience to record the fastest 2nd half of anyone in the field. While Linden's strength in the 2nd half and Flanagan's presence in the front were no surprise, Cragg's position alongside Flanagan was with very few expecting her to be nearly a minute ahead of Linden at 20 miles. Little changed in the women's race until mile 23 when Flanagan started to struggle in the heat. In an unusual and dramatic moment of camaraderie, Cragg slowed,

encouraging Flanagan and giving her water, all while Linden methodically cut into the duo's lead. When Linden got within 20 seconds in the final mile Cragg left her training partner, her concern for Flanagan palpable as she repeatedly checked over her shoulder before storming to the finish line for an emphatic victory. Shortly after Cragg left Flanagan, Linden passed her for 2nd to earn a spot on her 2nd Olympic team. Flanagan hung on gamely to claim the 3rd Olympic spot, collapsing in the arms of Cragg at the finish line. Maegen Krifchin of Maryland finished 7th to lead a strong contingent of Running Journal region performers. Serena Burla of Virginia came in behind Krifchin in 8th, 2014 US Marathon Champion, Esther Atkins of North Carolina, produced a strong 2nd half to claim 11th, Lindsey Flanagan of Maryland finished 14th, Erin Osment of North Carolina was 18th, and Susan Sullivan of Virginia rounded out the top 20. The men's race was a billed as a clash of the old guard vs. the new, and that battle was epitomized in the later stages of the race as Galen Rupp and Meb Keflezighi battled for victory. Meb did his best to shake the 10,000m American record holder, but in the end it was Rupp dominating the final 4 miles to win his debut marathon. Meb, at age 41, finished 2nd and qualified for his 4th Olympic team. With a strong final 10k, Jared Ward powered home to take 3rd and qualify for his first Olympic team. Pennel hung on for an impressive 5th place finish to lead the men from the Running Journal region. Matt Llano, a Maryland native and University of Richmond grad, finished close behind Pennel in 6th, and representing the US Army out of Fayetteville, NC, was Elkanah Kibet with a strong 19th place showing. Despite the warm weather it's hard to argue with the 6 incredible athletes who earned their spot on the 2016 Olympic marathon team. When the Track and Field Olympic Trials take place over 10 days in July expect to see some familiar faces along with every bit the drama and excitement we enjoyed in Los Angeles.


ZAP Fitness is a Reebok Sponsored nonprofit facility which supports post collegiate distance runners in Blowing Rock, NC. ZAP puts on adult running camps during the summer and is available for retreats all year. The facility has a state of the art weight room, exercise science lab for testing and a 24 bed lodge. Coaches at the facility include 2-time Olympic Trials Qualifier Zika Rea, 2007 USATF National XC Champion Ryan Warrenburg as well as head coach Pete Rea. For more information go to www.zapfitness.com or call 828-2956198. You can reach Ryan at zapfitness@gmail.com.

ZAP Fitness Adult Running Vacations SUMMER 2016 CAMP DATES: June 23-26 Summer Kick-Off Mini Camp Guest Speaker: Carrie Tollefson July 10-15 Adult Running Vacation Guest Speaker: Bill Rodgers July 21-24 July Mini Camp Guest Speakers: Amy Rudolph-Carroll & Mark Carroll August 7-12 Marathon Week Guest Speaker: Dick Beardsley Sept. 8-11 Marathon Weekend Guest Speakers: Kim Jones and Jon Sinclair

For more information visit:

or contact us at:

ZAP Fitness P.O. Box 192 Blowing Rock, North Carolina (zip) 28605 • 828-295-6198 @gmail.com


Running Journal • April, 2016


Running Through the Bluegrass Pilates Proving Beneficial, Now Teaching It Over the past two years, I've seen steady improvement in my running. That comes, of course, in part from higher mileage and more consistent speed work - but I also believe my renewed commitment to Pilates has also been of great benefit. In fact, I feel so strongly about the benefits that I recently earned my instructor certification and am teaching three classes a week at Baptist Health/Milestone Wellness Center and two short sessions for my colleagues at our office. I think all endurance athletes - and everyone who's not, too - can reap great results from a regular Pilates program. In our world of fast fitness, Pilates serves an important counterpoint. In some ways, what Pilates isn't is as important as what it is. It is not a gimmicky piece of equipment, it is not a "get rich quick" scheme for an entrepreneur, it is not a fad. In fact, Pilates has nearly a century of proven results and few other fitness routines can boost that type of longevity.

By Tracy Green

And, Pilates wasn't created to turn a profit or make the founder famous. When Joseph Pilates developed his method, it was to help wounded soldiers in WWI, providing an avenue for rehab and conditioning. It has been almost 100 years since he introduced his method to New York City, where it quickly became popular with ballet dancers. Pilates continued to refine his method, but at its core it remained the same: increasing strength, endurance and flexi-

bility while maintaining spine stabilization and conscious breathing. "Pilates is driven by the mind-body connection and understanding how the body works from the inside-out," according to the manual that accompanied this course. Pilates "stands out as a tried-and-true formula of wisdom and unwavering results," according to certified instructor and author of "The Pilates Body," Brooke Siler. "Pilates was developed to create a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy life, and people are ready to heed its message of balance." Long-time fitness professional Denise Austin writes that Pilates is one of her favorite exercises in her 2002 book "Pilates for Every Body." "The Pilates method involves a series of exercises that place intense concentration on your abdominal muscles, particularly the deepest layer of muscles in your abdomen," she writes. "Pilates also helps strengthen and stretch the entire body from head to toe, helping you to stand taller. This unique system will create long, lean, toned muscles similar to the muscles of a dancer." I was encouraged to pursue my teaching certification by an instructor at Baptist Health/Milestone Wellness Center, where I've been attending Pilates mat classes two to four times per week and the occasional reformer class for the past two years. An instructor for the past decade, Alex Ford summarized Pilates method this way: "Pilates is a dynamic, integrative system of exercises that center on the principles of control, precision, stability, breath, flow and concentration with a goal of building strength and establishing stretch through opposition." The foundations of Pilates center around breath, concentration, control, centering, flow, precision, alignment and balance. These are all cultivated through a series of exercises that strengthen and lengthen the body, improving posture and toning the entire core including abdominals, glues and back. The arms and legs also benefit, especially in advanced variations incorporating props and weights. While Pilates published several books about his method and trained a number of instructors, he did not specifically codify his principles or establish an official training program. That has led to many variations in Pilates, but all possess the holistic mind-body approach. Mat classes may incorporate a Swiss Ball, small "playground" balls, light weights, resistance bands, foam rollers and, of course,

Pilates' "Magic Circle." Off the mat, Pilates developed several additional pieces of equipment utilized in Pilates studios across the world, most notably the Cadillac and the Reformer. The Wunda Chair, Step and Ladder Barrels, Ped-A-Pul and Arm Chair are also incorporated. If you have the opportunity to take a Pilates class - mat or equipment-based give it a try. The increased core strength and flexibility will no doubt help your running. You can find great videos online, too, including on YouTube and PilatesAnytime.com. I also post regularly about different Pilates exercises on my blog and my new fitness-dedicated Facebook page. Tracy Green is a runner and writer living in Louisville, Ky., where she lives with her husband, Chris. She is a Hammer Nutrition sponsored athlete and certified Pilates instructor. Find her at @TGRunFit on Twitter and Instagram, Facebook.com/TGRunFit or TGRunFit.com

THIS RUNNING LIFE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 other NF fundraisers, but the Undie Run is special. “Events like this bring awareness to what NF is,” she said. “This money raised for research can really make a difference, not just for NF but for other tumor-related diseases, including cancer.” Unlikely cover model Gill, looking for ways to promote Cupid's Undie Run, vowed to find a way to get on the cover of Runner's World, but in his wildest dreams could not imagine the cover shot would include his half naked body displayed on newsstands across the country Researching ways to make the magazine's cover, he discovered the second annual Runner's World cover model search, and his team convinced him to enter the contest. “There were 2000 entries,” he said. “I didn't think I'd even have a shot at the semi-finals But I made the short list. “When I saw my name on the list, I thought 'they actually like my story,'” he said. He went with other semi-finalists to New York City for a photo shoot, where photographers took two sets of pictures of Gill. One set of photos had him in running clothes. “That was part one of the shoot,” he said. “And for part two, they wanted me to pose in my undies, so I did, thinking it would just be for fun.”



Running Journal • April, 2016

Running Through the Age Groups Forced Change, Light at End of Tunnel You might have noticed I had no column in last month's edition of the Journal. I was graciously granted a short sabbatical from writing about running because, frankly, I was completely disgusted with the thought of running! Yes, I am injured again! I am having to fight the feeling that running has dealt me yet another unfair blow. Through the fall and early winter, my right heel felt tight and inflamed at the Achilles insertion point. Being a forefoot striker with extremely high-arched, rigid feet and having a history of Achilles issues including two bone spur surgeries and one complete rupture, my feet and heels are quite vulnerable. After consulting with my doctor and starting physical therapy, and since I was able to run relatively normally (the heel would loosen up while running and then tighten again after rest), I chose to train through the “injury” rather than take down time. Well, it turned out that was an idiotic idea; when I was training in late December in Linville, NC, I noticed a pain all over the bottom of my left foot, which I passed off as mere tightness but which progressively worsened to the point of rendering even walking without a limp virtually impossible. After I arrived home in the “flatlands”, I continued to train and ignore the pain, thinking it was probably “just” plantar fasciitis and therefore no big deal. Plus, there was no way I was going to miss the opportunity to repeat my overall masters placing at the Charleston Half Marathon in January. As the pain worsened, I had more therapy and even a cortisone shot (yeeouch!!!) in my foot three days before the big race. The doc assured me that I should be just fine to run.

By Mary Margaret McEachern

As race day arrived, I was cautiously optimistic as the pain had subsided, although I knew that placing - and running under 1:40 - might not happen since I had missed several training sessions leading up to the event. I therefore decided to race “just for fun.” Well, there was no fun to be had that day. About a mile into the race, I was in excruciating pain. Still thinking it must be a nasty case of plantar fasciitis, I reasoned that if I kept going, it would loosen and I would be able to salvage some semblance of my day. Well, that just didn't happen, and I wound up skipping and hopping on one leg for the entire 13.1 miles! After finishing, I didn't know whether to be more embarrassed by my agonizingly slow time or the fact that I was stupid enough to press on when I was in that much pain. I mean good grief! I have degrees in economics, physics and mathematics as well as a law degree. I have run for over 35 years of my life. Will I never ever LEARN?!? Needless to say, after that race, my coach and I agreed to shut down my training, take time off, and cancel plans to run the 50K I had scheduled for early April. That ultra was to be my first, and I had planned to chronicle my experience training for it in my spring Journal articles.

The Twilight 5K start in 2014. Photo by Mirror Lake Photography, Highlands, NC.


the Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park. Runners are treated to a unique course dubbed the “Patty Cake”; while I am told the course is the flattest one could encounter in the mountains, it sounds challenging. At 4,118 feet, it's a bit higher than Maggie Valley, so come prepared! The setting could not be more picturesque; Highlands is well-known for its beauty and serenity. The race is familyfriendly, with no entry fee for kids under 5 and a reduced entry fee for those aged 5-10. The course is stroller and walkerfriendly. There is ample parking and the post-race party in the refreshingly cool Highlands air sounds like a blast! Proceeds from the Twilight 5K have funded new gym and swimming equipment for the Highlands Recreation Department and a new running track for the Highlands School. The race, with its unique features and cool running conditions, hopes to attract at least 350 runners in 2016 with an ultimate goal of at least 500 runners - over half the town's permanent population - in future years. The course is USATF certified and runners will be chip-timed. Unique awards will be presented to top three overall, masters, and grand masters and in 5-year age groups. Other perks include T-shirts, glow sticks for kids, a “finisher beer” from a local brewery, and live music among other things. So, all you other runners disappointed at the loss of Maggie Valley, come give this race a try; it sounds like a winner! Check it out at www.highlandstwilight5K.com. My messenger of hope could not have come at a better time! Now I am inspired to run again, and can hardly wait for the go-ahead to begin training so I can experience and write more about this great sounding race, and maybe even take home one of those terrific trophies! Until next time, happy running, stay smart, and if injured or ill, by all means don't lose hope!

When my plans were derailed and I was again faced not with peaceful, wooded trails but instead doctors, x-rays, MRI's, and “da Boot,” I panicked and could not fathom the idea of even thinking about running, let alone writing about it! Despite my terrible luck with injuries, I have never contemplated hanging up my running shoes for good, but I have seriously considered just that over the past several weeks. The foot is much better, but my coach says no running until midApril. With that much time off, I will be starting from square one after fighting for the past six years to regain my fitness after the last devastating injury. The strength work, cross training and starvation (to keep from gaining weight) are getting old, and I am not confident that these efforts will preserve my running fitness. So, needless to say, I've been experiencing a bit of a crisis the past couple of months. In the meantime, however, I've heard from folks who read my last article about numbers of races. That article discusses the possibility that the sport cannot support so many races and, as a result, some high quality events with rich histories are being eliminated. One such casualty is the Maggie Valley Moonlight 8K about which I wrote in that article. Then, almost like a messenger of hope encouraging me to not give up, I was contacted by Derek Taylor, race director for the Twilight 5K in Highlands, North Carolina. I had not heard of the event, but given my love for the mountains and the fact that this race sounds quite similar to Maggie Valley, I determined this to be a must-do, and a reason not to give up on Mary Margaret can be reached at mmmceachern@bellsouth.net my running yet! This year's event takes place at 6 p.m. on August 20, and starts and finishes at


Running Journal • April, 2016


Women’s Running Record Heat Greets Olympic Marathoners in L.A. The Olympic Marathon Trials held on Feb. 13, in Los Angeles was the hottest on record as the start was 66 degrees but it climbed steadily to the mid 80's. With little shade on the course, it was a brutal war of attrition. Starting at 10:06 a.m. for the men and 10:22 a.m. for the ladies for the NBC coverage did not add to the comfort level. The largest field ever toed the line as 211 men qualified, 86 with a marathon time and 125 with the half marathon, while 246 women qualified with 198 by the marathon standard and 48 with the half. Eleven masters women made the standard and only two men. The men's race started and they went out in a huge group, changing leaders numerous times. Meb Keflezighi stayed near the front but many took a brief shot at the lead as the race went out at a fairly conservative pace. No one was really willing to make a decisive move with the heat and relentless sun the athletes dealt with over the course of the race. The pace proved to be one that would ultimately be fast enough to make the Olympic Team. Holding steady at 5:05 for the first half, 23 men were still in a pack at mile 15. Southern favorite Tyler Pennel out of ZAP in Blowing Rock, NC, was feeling good and relaxed, and as his parents watched on their phones, he broke apart the pack with a 4:56 mile, then surged with a 4:50. Debutante Galen Rupp and seasoned

DISTANCE MEMORIES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 stops. No one ever fell behind or pulled ahead. It went by so fast it was almost painless, although 'the day after' would make it clear to Josh and I that it was anything but. Ferit is another story, but then again he's in his marathoning prime at the moment so he doesn't really count. The highlight of the marathon was stopping at the medical tent at 22 miles and asking that very same doctor if he remembered me from last year. “Your son!” he said. “He's right behind you,” I replied. The three of us posed for a photograph before the good doctor wished Josh well and told him he was glad he returned to give the marathon another chance. As we resumed our pace I thanked him for keeping Josh's spirits up and looking out for him twelve months earlier. We ran (and to be honest, walked once or twice) almost four miles where we met

Olympian Meb went with Tyler but he got a nice gap on them with a 4:52 eighteenth mile and a 4:55 nineteenth mile. Tyler's move made the race but unfortunately as he later told me "ten miles is a long way"! He began cramping and Galen and Meb pulled away, then he was eventually passed by Jared Ward. This trio would go on to finish with berths on the Olympic team. Galen made the last few miles look easy as he took the win, with the ever popular Meb, at age 40 making his fourth Olympic team. Jared Ward pushed forward for third. Tyler finished fifth in the highest finish ever by a ZAP athlete. Over a third of the men opted to drop out at some point during the race with 105 completing the journey. It was definitely a day of attrition and most of the men looked pretty ragged as they passed me four times. In the women's race, the end product was

the top five from 2012 finished as the top five in 2016 albeit in a different order. Defending champion Shalane Flanagan and her training partner Amy Cragg moved to the front from the start. They made it look like a training run in their identical uniforms and matching strides. It was like poetry in motion. Kellyn Taylor took the lead for a good portion of the first half but Shalane and Amy remained near the front of the pack and were always present. Desi Linden stayed in the pack with Kara Goucher and Janet Bawcom and a host of others. Amy and Shalane made a move and began to leave the field behind. Both had expressed a strong desire to make the team so they could continue training together. Their coach Jerry Schumacher told me that Shalane missed a great deal of running in the fall, but then she started pushing herself hard to be at the same level of fitness as Amy. At 18 miles Amy had a bad patch and Shalane talked her through it. But Shalane realized at mile 20 that she had goose bumps and was feeling cold and not good. Over the next five plus miles Amy encouraged her teammate and kept her updated as Desi began to close the gap. Watching the tape I am amazed that Amy did not trip as she was looking back so often. But Amy wanted redemption and as soon as she could determine Shalane could get to the finish, she took off and secured the win

up with my grandson (and Josh's newphew), Krischan, who would join us for the last 1/3 of a mile to the finish line. While the original plan was for Krischan, Josh and I - representing three generations of our family - to cross the finish line simultaneously, my grandson sped up when he saw the finish line and had his first official 'marathon finisher' photo taken. Josh, Ferit and I crossed the finish line together that made for a memorable photo that I intend to have framed - along with his finisher's medal, of course - for him. I might do the same for myself. If I do I'll set it next to the trophy I won - the first trophy I ever won in a marathon - at the 1994 Vulcan Marathon. Josh, only nine years old at the time rode his bicycle alongside me that cold November Sunday in Birmingham, Alabama the entire 26.2 miles so the Five Points of Life Marathon wasn't the first time the two of us crossed a marathon finish line together. My close friends had asked me prior to the marathon to post a photo on social

media once we finished. I obliged with a photo of Josh, Krischan and I - all in our Darkside Running Club shirts and sharing two medals between the three of us - and a caption stating it was Josh's first marathon … and my last. If there's one thing I've learned in running, it's to listen to the advice of the grizzled veteran runners, a group I now consider myself a part of. Gary Griffin, a long-time friend fits that bill as well. He wrote beneath my caption: “If this is IT, what a way to go out, huh?” I couldn't agree more. Postscript: One day Krischan may decide to run a marathon. I will more than likely be in my 70's by then. Right now I've run a marathon in five different decades (20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's), an accomplishment shared by my good friend (and another grizzled veteran of running) Al Barker. It's tempting thinking about 'one upping' him by running a marathon when I'm 70. However, he has

By Carolyn Mather, RN, PhD.

after placing fourth in 2016. Jerry called the entire race beautiful as the two women he had coached made the 2016 team. Jerry has managed to have two of the three ladies on the team in 2012 and 2016. Desi passed Shalane for another second place finish and Shalane crossed the line falling into Amy's arms. She required an IV to get her back on her feet and missed the post-race press conference. Kara finished a brave fourth and told Jerry the top three were just "better today." Janet again took fifth place as she did in 2012. Only about 25% of the women dropped out as 149 got across the line. I talked with Tyler a few days after the race and he wished he had waited to make his move. He was a bit sore but pleased with his performance. I also spent over an hour with Jerry as he expressed absolute awe of his ladies and their drive to the finish. He restated how hard they had trained skipping the holidays and making all the sacrifices to get the job done. Amy could not contain her bright smile as redemption felt so wonderful. The 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials had some high drama and I must admit as Shalane passed me at mile 26, I was not sure she would make it. But she proved how tough she is. I think the six athletes who made the team will make us all proud as they get ready for Rio and represent the USA. Congrats to all who qualified and ran. It was a record day for heat and number of qualifiers. Carolyn Mather,R.N.,PhD. lives and runs in north Georgia and is a member of the Atlanta Track Club Elite. She can be reached at carolynmather@tds.net.

offered me countless advice about running and aging through the years and this one sticks out in my mind right about now: “It's time to rest on your laurels.” Once again, I couldn't agree more. My first was in Gainesville. Now I can say that about Josh's first, as well as my last. I wouldn't want it any other way. Fin. Scott Ludwig is president and founder of Darkside Running Club (.com). He lives in the Atlanta area and is the author of eight books – six about running – and is working on others. His most recent book is Running Ultras to the Edge of Exhaustion. He can be reached at darksiderunning@comcast.net. He also has a blog at ScottLudwigRunsandWrites.blogspot.com where his books are available – or at any major online bookstore.


Running Journal • April, 2016



Running Journal • April, 2016

Inspired Daily Adapt and Succeed is Good Advice

By Rae Ann Darling Reed

I shared this photo of my race result on Instagram and received some very nice comments like “awesome job” and “way to go” but the one I liked best was “I would love to know your training strategy!” As a huge George Sheehan fan, I definitely see myself as “an experiment of one” in pretty much everything I do. I also feel that I am the exception to the

Rae Ann Darling Reed approaching the finish line of the 2016 Sarasota Music Half Marathon

rule, but that's a whole other story. As a running coach, I love to try different ways of training and sharing the things that have worked for me with others. I love helping others be more successful in their own training and racing experiments. Sunday, Feb. 7 was the Sarasota Music Half Marathon, a second-year race but my first year running it. I do not believe we could have had a more windy day! Gusts were around 30 mph in some areas. On Saturday I won a local 5K and ran a total of 7 miles with warm up and cool down. I finished Sunday's Sarasota Music Half

www.running.net Marathon only 28 seconds slower than my Masters PR which I set one week prior at the Celebration Half Marathon. I mention these two races to illustrate the fatigue on my legs from the previous seven days. The Sarasota Music Half Marathon had us run up the Ringling Bridge twice and then finish up hill for most of the last mile into a very strong head wind. My left leg gave out just a little in that last mile so I knew the fatigue was definitely there. To respond to the comment “I would love to know your training strategy,” I will share what has worked for me over the past year and perhaps some of it will work for you too. Keeping in mind that I am a Masters runner (over age 40) so I am not able to get away with many things I did when I was in my twenties. But at age 42 with my Masters PRs not too far from my lifetime PRs, I would say that these training methods have served me well. I follow the Hansons Marathon Method when training for a marathon. This seems to be two to three times per year for me lately, so I am training this way pretty much year round with planned breaks after each marathon. The amazing thing about the Hansons way of training is that you still do speed work and tempo runs so it can really get you in amazing shape for all sorts of shorter races too. The speed work is basically done at your 5K race pace, what they call strength workouts are run at ten seconds faster than goal marathon pace, and their tempo runs are at goal marathon pace. Here's where the personalization of that training plan comes in. I skip the nine weeks worth of speed workouts during the first half of the plan, replacing those workouts with a tempo run and strength/weight training. This started out as a necessity after my hamstring injury when I could not do speed work and needed to do physical therapy two to three times per week. It worked so well to not only help me recover from my injury, but greatly improved my fitness and strength. I follow the rest of the advanced plan, including the high weekly mileage, long runs, strength runs, and tempo runs. The physical therapy became my strength/weight training which includes single leg squats, single leg dead lifts, single leg bridges, plank rows, TRX rows, and core strengthening like pike on the exercise ball. I take four or five exercises and do three to four sets of ten repetitions for a maximum of thirty minutes of work twice a week. Proper form is critical to avoid injury and to reap the full benefits so I urge you to consult a physical therapist, personal trainer, or certified running coach like myself before jumping in to

RUNNING PSYCHOLOGY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 encouragement So here is a personal challenge to each of you: treat yourself like you would treat your best friend. Not to say that producing these good thoughts and feelings is always easy, but look at it this way. Would you carry around smelly, rotting fish with you all day? Of course not! Negative, self-deprecating thoughts are a lot like that fish in that they stink and do you no good whatsoever. If your run or race doesn't turn out like you want it to, then learn from it and throw it away. Don't carry bad thoughts of the race around in your head for the entire waking day. Review your running over the past year. Do the good runs or the bad runs really stick out for you? Have you been dwelling too much on the bad ones? Enjoy the good ones, no matter how big or how small. Remember to be good to yourself and chances are you will run faster, run longer and certainly enjoy it more. Richard Ferguson is Chair of the Physical Education, Wellness, and Sport Science Department of Averett University and is an AASP Certified SportPsycology Consultant. He may be reached via e-mail at ferguson@averett.edu advanced exercises like these. Single leg strength training best mimics what we do when we run. My training strategy is this runner specific strength training plus the Hansons Marathon Method. My secret to success would be consistency. Consistent strength training and the high mileage/cumulative fatigue of the Hansons way of marathon training are what have made me strong enough to pass people into a 30 mph head wind at the end of a half marathon. I have been injury free since training this way. Don't get me wrong, I certainly get very tired during marathon training and am always “rungry” but this works well for me and I will continue to train in a similar manner for shorter races with cutting back on the overall mileage. Everyone is different. One training plan does not fit all. But take a proven plan that works and make it your own. Adapt, learn, and succeed. Run happy and injury free! Rae Ann Darling Reed runs, writes, and coaches in Florida. She is part of the Brooks Inspire Daily program. Follow the RunnerGirl on twitter @runnergirl or facebook.com/runnergirl


Running Journal • April, 2016

Masters Running Picking the Right Races, For the Right Reasons How do we pick the races that we run? And what makes you pick one race over another? I recently had to pick a half marathon, after the Naples Half Marathon which I had been training for was canceled due to inclement weather. My preparation for this race had included long runs on most weekends for the past few months, and I didn't want all this training to be “wasted.” A friend of mine had recommended one in Sarasota that I eventually picked, but only after researching what other options I had, including a couple of half marathons that other friends had been raving about. Naples Half was the one I was planning to run, because it was right here in town. This meant I could go to the starting line after sleeping in my own bed. No need to look for and pay for a hotel room, and to pack a bag and drive somewhere else the previous day. Also, friends in my running club had only good things to say about it. The course was both fast and scenic, and the weather is usually perfect for running here in Naples in January. However the latter turned out to be far from the truth this year, which is why they were forced to cancel the race. So clearly, I tend to prefer races that are local. I will pick a race in my own town over one that is further away, assuming the out of town race doesn't have a bunch of perks that the local race is lacking. In other words, I consider convenience an important criterion when I pick a race. This doesn't just mean location by the way, but also things like parking, facilities (i.e. potties), and gear drop (out & back and loop courses are easier logistically, since then I can usually keep my warmups in my car during the race). I also tend to pay attention to the size of the race. For the most part I prefer small and medium sized races, with a few thousand participants at the most. They are easier to navigate (convenience again!), and they are more likely to be organized by local running clubs and/or charities. They may not have as much “bling” though, or “status” in the running community, compared to bigger and more well known races. And sometimes it is worth participating in a mega-race, just for the sheer experience. It's definitely something special to run in the New York City Marathon for example, even though it means paying a high entry fee (and probably hotel), getting to the start area hours before race time, and

By Lena Hollmann

rubbing elbows with several of the 50,000 other runners both at packet pickup and during the race. Nevertheless, running New York is an experience not to be missed, for those who are lucky enough to acquire an entry via the lottery. For me it was an experience to run the Lilac Bloomsday race in Spokane two years ago, in conjunction with the RRCA Convention. There were over 50,000 runners and walkers participating here too, so it got pretty crowded on the course! Crowded enough that I had to run slower than I was normally capable of - but still worth it. How I pick races has changed a lot since I was younger. Because I was a relatively fast runner a few decades ago, I paid more attention to factors such as the course, and the awards. I was fast enough to have a chance to win prize money if I picked my races carefully, and I was often looking for fast courses to improve my times and set personal records. It was primarily in marathons that I had a chance to win significant money - not the big ones that attracted elite runners, but “second tier” marathons like the Charlotte Observer Marathon, or the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach. I would skip a local race for one out of town if the out of town race had the potential for me to win money, a trip, or some other significant award, or if it had higher “status.” For example, I would sometimes choose the Boston Marathon over the Penn Relays Marathon (which was right in Philadelphia where I lived at the time, and usually the same weekend) because Boston was a more high profile race. It wasn't always winning awards with monetary value that motivated me though. Boston didn't give out any prize money in the early 1980's, “only” medals to the top 10 finishers. But the 10th place medal that I won in the 1984 Boston Marathon is still one of my most coveted awards. Even though it is only the size of a quarter!

There are several factors other than the size and location of a race, or the awards, that could determine what races we pick. How it fits into our schedule for example, both with regards to other races, and with family obligations, work, etc. Also the “bling” (medals, T-shirts, refreshments etc.) that is provided, and of course the race distance. Maybe also whether the race is recommended by friends, or given accolades in magazines. Most friends that I talked to considered location, race distance, and how the race fits in schedulewise as the most important factors when they chose which races to run. Kathryn Gleghorn lives in the Dallas Metropolitan area, and rarely drives more than 30 minutes to a race. “It isn't worth my time to drive longer than that and then maybe walk half a mile or more to the start, to run anything shorter than a half marathon,” she said. It seems to hold up for most of us that the longer the race, the more willing we are to travel. We are more likely to travel to marathons and half marathons than to shorter races. Maybe because even though more plentiful in recent years, these longer races are not nearly as abundant as 5Ks or 10Ks. It is also more “worth it” to make a trip to a race where we will be on the course for two hours, or maybe more, compared to a 5K which takes less than a half hour to complete for many runners. Which brings me back to my search for a replacement half marathon after Naples was canceled. I live in Southwest Florida now, where we don't have a half marathon within easy driving distance every weekend. Not even every month. I realized I would probably have to drive for two hours or more to find one, which would also mean leaving the previous day and spending the night in a motel. There was one in Fort Lauderdale with great medals according to some friends. I googled it and discovered it was a point to point course. And it started at 5:30am, which meant I would run at least half the race in the dark. Then there was another one in Fort Myers, much closer to where I live. But this one was also on a point to point course, and not until March. Since I wanted to run my replacement race sooner, I settled for the Sarasota Music Half Marathon on February 7. It didn't start until 7am, so I would run the entire race during daylight hours. The website depicted it as a festive race on a beautiful course, with bands playing every mile. And it was recommended to me by a


friend. So Sarasota it was! Even though race day dawned cold (by Florida standards) and extremely windy, the race was a great experience. The running was tough at times, especially when the wind was blowing at my side, or even in my face during the final mile! My finish time (1:58:20) may have been a tad better if it weren't for the wind, but probably not the placement in my age group. Officially first, however I had three other women age 60 or older ahead of me, who won Senior Grandmaster awards. It is very competitive in the older age groups here in Florida! But this is a topic for another column. After the race I enjoyed spending some time with Melissa McCulloch (the friend who recommended the race, and a reader of his column) and her sister over breakfast. And this was probably the primary reason I picked the Sarasota Music Half Marathon. After all, one of the main reasons I run is to connect with friends! Lena Hollmann is a certified personal trainer with American Council on Exercise (ACE). She lives and runs in Naples, FL, and can be reached at lenahollmann@gmail.com.

THIS RUNNING LIFE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 Gill's story, and the Undie Run's success ultimately won over readers and editors. He won the contest and returned to New York City where the cover would be unveiled on NBC's The Today Show. The editors had gone with part 2, and there was Gill, in the altogether, save for a pair of bright red briefs, in all his nearly naked glory. “I honestly thought the undie shot would be too edgy,” he said. “But they went with it. I felt absolutely naked, but I thought it was hilarious.” Gill was an ultra-marathon runner in his younger days, but doesn't run as much these days. Professional models or hard bodied athletes are usually featured on magazine covers. And Gill, himself would be the first to admit he's not in that category of cover model. “I'm not in as good shape or as fast as I used to be,” he said. “Not everybody has a hard body or is lean and mean. Most of us are just average joes.” Gill's cover and another cover featuring a woman who had lost 120 pounds made the rounds on social media and earned an official hashtag #realrunners “My mom framed a copy of the cover and gave it to me for Christmas,” Gill said. A biomedical engineer by profession,



Running Journal • April, 2016

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net ALABAMA Sea Turtle Half Marathon/Sweetheart 5K Gulf Shores, AL – 2/20

Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Cody Parker 1:21:25. Masters – Scott Slavens 1:27:16. Grandmasters – Tim Lee 1:36:52. Senior Grandmasters – Charles Ross 1:40:07. 14-under – Evan Britain 2:13:59. 15-19 – Nick Watts1:45:34, Gage Brasher 1:52:37, Jaden Ellis 1:59:36. 20-24 – Daniel Colon 1:41:36, Daniel Holley 1:44:15. 25-29 – Daniel Lovette 1:46:43, Fred Schulte 2:09:08, Richard Aoun 2:10:47. 30-34 – Ben Chandler 1:31:53, Mitch Kaiser 2:00:44, Tansley Ducote 2:05:54. 35-39 – Steve Harris 1:25:41, Charles Montgomery 1:36:28, Ryan Tolbert 1:42:16. 40-44 – Steven Odom 1:33:31, Scott Swartz 1:48:06, Todd Carpenter 1:49:26. 45-49 – Michael Bailey 1:41:33, Lane Gilbert 1:52:19, Denys Driver 2:11:15. 50-54 – Anthony Nicholson 1:45:03, Michael Hendrixson 1:47:35, Coyt Bailey 1:48:59. 55-59 – K.C. Brett 1:37:31, Ronald Kerver 1:43:24, Karl Stuber 1:46:32. 60-64 – Mike O’Brien 1:54:20, Dave Getz 2:07:51, Randy Sujat 2:08:17. 65-69 – Robert Hardin 2:01:05, Andrew Hazer 2:03:27, Richard Rowland 2:13:00. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Nicole Solana 1:28:56. Masters – Paula Piazza 1:49:55. Grandmasters – Wynne Shaw 2:06:53. Senior Grandmasters – Cindy Leonard 2:19:53. 14-under – Tiffany Shoulders 2:23:42, Peyton Salvaggio 2:28:16. 15-19 – Laura McDonald 2:37:04. 20-24 – Bailey Ellis 1:41:49, Katie Lew 1:46:47, Sierra Fisher 2:06:51. 25-29 – Brittany Self 1:57:53, Brittany Estes 2:06:47, Sarah Comeaux 2:14:59. 30-34 – Marina Scheithauer 1:31:27, Caitlyn Cuthbertson 1:42:23, Nicole Musselwhite 1:49:23. 35-39 – Meredith Broyles 1:46:21, Candice Taylor 1:54:34, Rebecca Alden 1:56:26. 40-44 – Olga Elliott 1:51:22, Julie Blankenship 1:55:58, Josephine Lange 1:57:14. 45-49 – Karen Wilson 1:53:28, Susie McDonald 2:12:24, Ruth Christensen 2:13:49. 50-54 – Lisa Myli 2:10:12, Sherrie Spader 2:12:14, Sabrina Cochran 2:16:41. 55-59 – Debbie McCright 2:27:02, Charlotte Motley 2:33:59, Suzanne Bowen 2:35:11. 60-64 – Robbie Headrick 2:33:51, Susan Fechner 2:36:47, Katherine Dubuisson 2:38:23. 65-69 – Teresa Chandler 2:44:00, Carolyne Gatesy 2:51:59, Sally Saxon 2:55:37. Male, 5K: Overall – Benjamin Imperato 20:44. Masters – Brian Halmaghi 21:57. Grandmasters – David Kinnecom 23:37. Senior Grandmasters – Phillip Wedgeworth 23:43. Wheelchair – Jacob Mogan 18:16. 10-under – Brady Cole Harrison 24:42, Matthew Pearce 25:49, Asher Pampel 29:03. 11-14 – Bryson Swartz 23:04, Case Wanninger 24:36, Sam Dersch 26:54. 15-19 – Jace Odom 22:08, Montana Hendley 22:43, Noah May 23:42. 20-24 – Christian Grissom 26:26, John Self 28:11. 25-29 – Nathan Luoma 24:00, Blake Norris 29:45, Ben Hoover 30:40. 30-34 – Taylor Norton 24:24, Chris Longcrier 26:13, Darale Haney 29:07. 35-39 – Eddie Heary 23:01, Eric Vorm 26:41, Billy Eubanks 27:00. 40-44 – Aaron Spann 24:52, Gavin Nathan 25:22 Flavio Garbanzo 27:06. 45-49 – Barry Parlher 22:30, Don Pearce 28:17, Matt Mogan 29:13. 50-54 – Frank Malone 27:42, Boyd Konowalski 28:55, Kevin Corcoran 30:32. 55-59 – Mike Pate 33:22, Scott Boyd 40:02, William Lawrence 45:01. 60-64 – Gary House 24:03, Peter Johnston 24:46, Tim Morrison 25:08. 65-69 – Michael Reidy 25:21, Paul Erickson 27:05, Kenneth Bryan 27:05. 70-74 – Richard Whatley 27:57, Bob Teutsch 29:20, J Reas 32:04. 75-79 – Peter Rabideau 26:43. 80-over – Phil Bohan 36:02, Killer Kowalski 36:32, Bill Leinweber 47:10. Female, 5K: Overall – Amy Wicker 20:49. Masters – Brenda Lynch 21:51. Grandmasters – Jean Forbus 27:09. Senior Grandmasters – Donna Cancel 28:35. Wheelchair – Shandy Oliver 29:48. 10-under – Rebekah Owens 27:57, Cori Jane Powell 27:58, Jordin Hadley 29:33. 11-14 -Zara Powell 27:34, Molly Malone 27:41, Kristian Stringer 29:22. 15-19 – Jace Odom 22:08, Montana Hendley 22:43, Noah May 23:42. 20-24 – Jessie Groux 27:38, Tamara Sellers 35:26, Sabrina Wilson 38:23. 25-29 – Ashley Wilson 22:32, Cristina Meyer 28:48, Chloe Mainsbridge 29:43. 30-34 – Danielle Mulick 23:50, Shelby Norton 28:15, Val Pampel 29:16. 35-39 – Layla Dawson 23:09, Svea Tierce 24:23, Elizabeth Williams 26:01. 40-44 – Tracie Sweat 24:14, Casey Platt 27:46, Jessica Rippy 28:53. 45-49 – Tammy Shirley 24:01, Kai Young 25:22, Melissa Wilson 25:32. 50-54 – Susan Hendrixson 29:27, Barbara Low 30:15, Ana Thrasher 32:53. 5559 – Donna Kaiser 28:55, Cindy McMillan 29:19, Debi Nichols 33:42. 60-64 – Emily Cooksey 29:23, Janet Briggs 29:57, Carol Battles 31:00. 65-69 – Sue Frith 30:46, Paula Odefey 35:23, Ellen MacDonald 36:16. 70-74 – Judy Turner 42:03.

The Gator Chase 5K Spanish Fort, AL – 2/20

Male, Overall – Derrick Rodgers 16:13. 7-under – James Rather 36:08, Rylan Beeman 39:50, Malachi Keith 39:50. 8-9 – Heinz Williams 25:17, Bryce Walker 25:57, Micah Hardy 28:44. 10-12 – Stone Smith 19:14, Ollie Sinclair 21:26, Tyler Stevenson 22:11. 13-14 – Grayson Nocera 29:00, Dylan Parnell 31:17. 15-18 – Noah Brown 19:46, Keaton Morris 21:30, Seth Broussard 25:39. 19-24 – Alexander Vaporciyan 19:45, Drew Rush 29:12. 25-29 – David Dacost 22:49, Richard Barnes 24:48, David Hughston 25:47. 30-39 – Steven Mouton 18:24, Blake Walker 20:15, Jeff Stokes 23:24. 40-49 – Joshua Boykin 21:31, Alex McClantoc 21:49, Kevin Carrier 24:25. 50-59 – Tony Dressler 22:20, Randy Jones 23:30, Jerry Wooley 26:05. 60-69 – John Sowers 24:42, Bill McGough 28:17, Steve Fesler 54:35. 70-over – Jim Cunningham 27:08, Will Wright 29:01, David Rutkowski 30:56. Female, Overall – Hannah Frain 20:55. 7-under – Anna Lytle 34:03, Zoe Beckham 38:13, Kate Barnhill 44:35. 8-9 – Dixie Clayton 33:58, Paxton Johnson 35:13, Danica Parnell 38:02. 10-12 – Sarah Biggs 23:55, Chloe Driver 27:25, Abigail Ott 30:38. 13-14 – Ryley Grantham 23:35,

Ragan Grantham 26:32, Cameron Ott 27:34. 19-24 – Kathryn Logan 33:38, Robin Wall 40:21. 25-29 – Chelcey Myrick 27:03, Ashley Carmichael 35:55 Elizabeth Watson 42:29. 30-39 – Deanna Kinslow 27:04, Sally Ludke 28:30, Laura Wilber 28:52. 40-49 – Diana Curd 26:51, Jennifer Sinclair 27:24, Allison Boudreaux 27:33. 50-59 – Kenya Dennis 30:52, Laura Polka 31:16, Ellen Davis 31:56. 60-69 – Mona Denton 36:15, Janet Moore 50:24, Leonie Fesler 57:55. 70-over – Ethel Shelton 50:33. –Will Wright

Tuscaloosa Half Marathon/5K Tuscaloosa, AL – 3/5

Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Brandon Deaton 1:23:02, Payton Joyner 1:24:51, Danny Shaffield 1:25:04. Masters – Jeff Clark 1:26:57. Grandmasters – Don Mulhern 1:32:17. Senior Grandmasters – Trey Cranford 1:38:08. 9-under – Cooper Dreyfus 1:53:37, Finn Sherer 3:00:17. 1014 – Tyler Carver 1:59:59. 15-19 – Thomas Hamilton 1:29:19, Eric Mueller 1:31:04, Christopher Barrentine 1:35:03. 20-24 – Jay Gilman 1:27:07, Anthony Fiacco 1:27:44, Joe Majchszak 1:29:11. 25-29 – Ben Jones 1:31:15, Dylan Parten 1:35:25, Kenneth Smith 1:36:42. 30-34 – Stephen Tedeschi 1:38:03, Beau Atkins 1:39:04, Charles Wilson 1:39:41. 35-39 – Jon Graham 1:26:47, Tyler Milfeld 1:32:29, Joe Gosa 1:37:05. 40-44 – Yong Zhang 1:33:48, Phil Gruwell 1:33:50, Dan Blakley 1:34:47. 45-49 – Eric Snow 1:35:29, Gerald Johnson 1:39:22, Stephen Vessel 1:41:15. 50-54 – Benny Phifer 1:37:42, Kevin Roberson 1:41:09, Robert Funk 1:41:39. 55-59 – Gary York 1:39:28, Roger Myers 1:42:27, Mike Cooper 1:43:25. 60-64 – Michael Breen 1:48:29, Ekkehard Bonatz 1:52:54, Dan Warden 2:06:26. 65-69 – Raymond Brignac 1:40:58, Steve Nelko 2:00:46, Nathan Lemmon 2:10:49. 70-over – Phillip Crunk 3:02:38, Tom Bailey 3:21:25, Ed Istaelsean 3:59:49. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Fontaine Haskell 1:23:35, Meredith Tribble 1:25:30, Erica Morelli 1:28:19. Masters – Libet Anderson 1:34:55. Grandmasters – Maureen Schlerf 1:52:22. Senior Grandmasters – Willie Sue Miller 2:26:20. 9-under – Josephine Arsenault 2:54:24. 10-14 – Kylie Spinks 3:40:08. 15-19 – Hannah Cutshall 1:30:26, Sarah Cox 1:46:16, Emma Anstine 1:48:24. 20-24 – Morgan Wolanski 1:35:28, Beth Mask 1:41:07 Marlies West 1:41:43. 25-29 – Mimi Seeley 1:45:34, Casie Franklin 1:48:10, Heather Holmes 1:51:42. 30-34 – Jennifer Chapman 1:32:50, Mary Michaels 1:42:11, Ashley Madden 1:54:04. 35-39 – Debbie Hayes 1:38:50, Leesa Hollowell 1:43:17, Laure Ritter 1:44:37. 40-44 – Christy Birmingham 1:48:46, Monica Muncher 1:51:45, Monica Rhodes 1:52:10. 45-49 – Debi Secor 1:40:43, Ines Gibson 1:54:53, Jami Laws 1:56:05. 50-54 – Marysia Galbraith 1:53:09, Michelle Whittle 1:58:50, Katherine McVinnie 2:01:17. 55-59 – Fran Oneal 1:52:22, Lisa Locklier 1:52:38, Charlotte Walker 1:58:11. 60-64 – Brenda Johnson 2:26:25, Gail Lee 2:32:09, Catherine Kison 2:41:07. 65-69 – Bonnie Partridge 2:35:43. Male, 5K: Overall – Conner Salisbury 19:08, Steven Blalock 22:42, David Rockey 22:55. Masters – Harry Brock 24:00. Grandmasters – Alan Dodds 28:26. Senior Grandmasters – John Calcatera 33:54. 9-under – Dane Booth 35:14, Davin McCrory 39:26, Brandon Sanchez 48:45. 10-14 – John Vessel 25:39, Jacob Wilkerson 26:54, Ryan Rockey 28:47. 15-19 – Eliot Smith 27:06, Kyle Furlow 36:21. 20-24 – Devon Mackey 28:26, Preston Brown 29:49, Andrew Cox 29:58. 25-29 – Scott Wintree 25:14, Paul Tierney 31:18. 30-34 – Myles Adair 24:02, Troy Pounds 28:29, Pedro Guevara 28:46. 35-39 – Royce Garrison 26:20, Tyler Watkins 27:13, Donny Wheeler 28:26. 40-44 – Tom Marshall 41:39, Ricky Spence 53:06. 45-49 – Jimmy Hughes 30:47, Aaron Henderson 49:28. 55-59 – David Redman 44:49, Craig Weeks 50:32, Roger Lucas 53:02. 65-69 – Larry Suttles 41:38. Female, 5K: Overall – Olivia Mann 23:29, Kristin Jackson 23:53, Christina Zegler 24:53. Masters – Sharon Lang 28:01. Grandmasters – Tracy Cook 30:04. Senior Grandmasters – Cindy Reeves 35:39. 9-under – Kate Feller 50:33, Lana Connell 51:24. 10-14 – Anna Thrasher 32:18, Chloe Shaffield 51:17, KatieBelle Drake 54:06. 15-19 – Carson Rockey 29:47, Savannah Hollis 40:53. 20-24 – Rita Schhukina 25:30, Emma Mascari 28:33, Hannah Hughes 29:28. 25-29 – Danielle Noland 28:55, Megan Galaviz 31:39, Katherine Parten 32:21. 30-34 – Lauren Pounds 25:42, Tara Phillips 26:52, Elizabeth Davis 29:12. 35-39 – Laqueta Glass 35:02, Amy Davis 40:32, Jessi Marshall 41:39. 40-44 – Tracy Hollis 44:32, Miranda Booth 45:52, Mitzi Shaffield 51:17. 45-49 – Melinda Fields 30:50, Melanie Rockey 35:59, Missy Westmoreland 36:02. 50-54 – Karen Threlkeld 30:10, Gloria Cox 31:42, Shannon Grubbs 33:56. 55-59 – Elizabeth Warren 37:32, Regina Thomas 45:09, Linda Drake 54:06. 60-64 – Marilyn Archibald 45:46.

ARKANSAS Valentine’s Day 5K Russellville, AR – 2/13

Male, Overall – Brian Sieczkowski 16:17, Kenneth Stice 16:27, Jonathan Aram 16:59. Masters – Mark Ferguson 17:02, Ron Mitchell 17:54, Billy Plante 19:21. Grandmasters – Alan Krenzelok 19:23, Mark Lacey 19:30, Kim Howard 20:34. Senior Grandmasters – David McCormick 21:55, Eugene Atha 22:55, Billy Bob Hardman 24:32. 9-under – Braden Eason 24:36, Rocky Stone 28:48, Christian McGill 30:20. 10-14 – Gideon Drake 17:43, Christopher Herrera 21:01, Brandon Otwell 21:53. 15-19 – Jose Castelano 19:55, John David Ward 28:00, Logan Burkes 30:13. 20-24 – Will Henry 17:50, Jonathan Ratzlaff 20:37, Robert Allen 22:08. 25-29 – Homer Mason 17:11, Matthew Pinson 19:29, Joel Felland 21:22. 30-34 – Edward Hill 18:04, Phil Davison 18:11, Daniel Mahan 19:07. 35-39 – Jeffrey Mendenhall 17:04, Brent Corbitt 17:29, Joe Wolfe 17:57. 40-44 – Robert Mooney

19:54, Brian Wagner 20:05, Raymond Petty 20:26. 45-49 – Michael Witt 20:32, Steven Booth 21:43, Andy McNeill 22:08. 50-54 – Billy Mills 21:05, Keith Stone 22:02, Michael Angel 22:42. 55-59 – Greg Massanelli 21:08, Jeff Maxwell 22:11, Terry Bewley 22:30. 60-64 – Ron Smith 26:06, David Canada 27:25, Larry Schmidt 29:11. 65-69 – Manfred Galatowitsch 24:43, Rick Estep 25:34, Gary Keedy 26:39. 70-74 – Bernie Larson 26:22, Wayne Bennett 28:38, Roy Hayward 30:49. 75-79 – Glen Wile 30:55. 80-over – Jim McKim 35:08, Marvin Engels 43:38. Female, Overall – Tia Stone 18:43, Kem Thomas 20:14, Astrid Christensen 20:20. Masters – Tammy Helmick 21:44, Michelle Huff 22:38, Carole Delaney 23:33. Grandmasters – Debbie Hill 24:26, Belinda Pack 24:31, Chrissy Ferguson 25:45. Senior Grandmasters – Angie Orellano-Fisher 26:35, Cathy Potter 28:17, Gwen Laferr 31:41. 9-under – Grace Wagner 31:29, Anna Stone 33:08, Ashley Wagner 34:15. 10-14 – Mackenzie Epperson 23:09, Joanna White 23:19, Alexis Harper 23:36. 15-19 – Taryn Bewley 23:01. Raygan Sylvester 24:10, Mollie Angel 29:27. 20-24 – Erika Nava 23:09, Tess Peterson 27:56, Emily Swain 44:20. 25-29 – Lennon Bates 21:23, Lydia Mason 21:34, Kayla Freeman 22:58. 30-34 – Gosia Hightower 20:23, Jenny Massanelli 20:41, Valerie Clark 23:28. 35-39 – Amanda Castillo 23:50, Holly Craig 25:52, Elan McAfee 27:57. 40-44 – Jackie Stone 24:39, Lori Silver 26:12, Ha Vuong 27:21. 45-49 – Jodi Ake 24:04, Pam McGill 25:26, Rebecca Laymon 27:02. 50-54 – Marcia Miller 28:41, Betty Reynolds 29:47, Bea Mickelson 31:30. 55-59 – Sheri Nicholls 26:13, Cheresa Stelle 28:32, Judy Massingill 29:14. 60-64 – Angela Beyette 33:43, Dottie Rea 34:20, Hazel Milligan 34:34. 65-69 – Vicki Ingram 32:31, Rosemary Rogers 41:57, Mary Hayward 57:18. 80-over – Frances Barger 43:37, Jean Schooler 49:04.

Fort Smith Marathon/Half Marathon Fort Smith, AR – 2/14

Male, Marathon: Overall – Craig Adams 2:59:34, Joshua Snyder 3:00:21, Alex Van Herpen 3:07:53. 15-19 – J Fairris 3:09:23, Parker Wilson 3:57:57. 20-24 – Joe Nigh 3:09:32, Luke Renner 3:45:23, Juan Bravo 4:07:05. 25-29 – Andrew Puckett 3:57:38, Andrew Simpson 3:58:39, Jordan Adams 4:44:40. 30-34 – Aaron Dickens 3:51:21, James Patillo 3:59:41, Joshua Hutchings 4:12:23. 35-39 – Chris Wear 3:50:35, John Leachman 3:59:11, Eric Chapin 3:59:17. 40-44 – Chris Benjamin 3:43:00, James Abernathy 3:44:21, Philip Lance 3:51:40. 45-49 – Brett Nguyen 3:28:42, Len Sheets 3:56:32, Bradley Hayes 3:58:33. 50-54 – Steven Anderson 3:29:30, Marin Pena 4:00:45, Scooter Sayers 4:06:37. 55-59 – Lionel Burnett 4:15:57, Rick Dahlem 4:38:03, Keith White 4:40:08. 6064 – Benji Durden 4:25:31, Ken Fattmann 5:14:55, Rick Franks 5:19:28. 65-69 -Steve Hughes 5:26:48. Female, Marathon: Overall – Katie Kramer-Ochoa 3:36:24, Jacquelyn Meyer 3:51:28, Margaret Griffing 3:52:08. 25-29 –Jessica Cummings 3:53:10.30-34 – Lanie Many 4:14:21, Meghan Howard 4:30:55, Rose Deal 4:55:31. 35-39 – Jenny Chronister 4:30:24, Kelli Remy 4:30:28, Holly Craig 4:49:08. 40-44 – Kim Milam 3:57:49, Tammy Williamson 4:25:38, Diana Weihrauch 4:37:18. 45-49 – Kerry Richison 4:34:08, Jewelee Lukowski 4:37:58, Janna McKedy 5:14:14. 50-54 – Janet Gilker 4:31:09, Pattie White 4:38:53, Tammy Allen 4:57:30. 55-59 – Amie Durden 4:57:52, Jane Gunter 5:14:14, Julie Stevens 5:52:40. 60-64 – Mary McDonald 5:59:49. 65-69 – Kay Herber 6:34:03. 70-over – Mary Jo Brinkman 5:09:29. Male, Half marathon: Overall – Thomas Bullock 1:25:48, Jedd Kirby 1:29:34, Andrew Dawson 1:30:01. 14-under – Brennan Ward 1:45:21, Sawyer Eddins 1:50:17, Messenger Jackson 1:58:18. 15-19 – Robbie Kiss 1:34:18, Grant Carroll 1:36:07, Oliver Sillavan 1:36:56. 20-24 – James Farrell 1:30:55, Royer Ramirez Ruiz 1:37:22, Antonio Santos 1:37:28. 25-29 – Paul Swearingen 1:38:43, Derek Wahl 1:47:38, Bradly Plunk 1:48:05. 30-34 – Daniel Mahan 1:34:16, Trey Bray 1:46:39, Craig Nelston 1:56:46. 35-39 – Derek Kilgore 1:42:51, Dat Duong 1:43:56, Brian Bailey 1:44:59. 40-44 – Kerry Riley 1:34:54, Ken Riley 1:35:40, Mark Thomas 1:46:02. 45-49 – Ron Stafford 1:35:48, David McClanahan 1:42:34, Domingo Mohedano 1:43:37. 50-54 – Terry Hurt 1:40:07, Steve St. John 1:48:36, Robert Crawford 1:50:42. 55-59 – David Lessley 1:47:48, Steven Wood 1:50:27, Hank McLaughlin 1:50:33. 60-64 – Randy Vest 1:44:58, David Neal 1:50:20, Billy Carter 1:55:18. 65-69 – Jon Hendrickson 2:16:28, Jerry Wood 2:17:26, David Sears 2:27:49. 70-over – Don Brown 2:36:23, Donald Ulmer 2:54:06, Richard Barr 2:57:47. Female, Half marathon: Overall – Indira Murr 1:36:36, Jenny Chitwood 1:41:45, Caitlyn McMinn 1:43:44. 15-19 – Kennedy Timmerman 1:49:15, Breanna Davenport 2:01:07, Kayle Dryer 2:01:42. 20-24 – Caitlyn Juarez 2:04:35, Whitley Mack 2:06:05, Ann Moffett 2:31:43. 25-29 – April Davis 1:51:25, Brandy Walsh 1:51:36, Haley Russell 1:53:01. 30-34 –Kristin Snyder 1:47:29, Stephanie Williamson 1:53:37, Kerry McClure 1:56:58. 35-39 – Stephenie Rhoads 1:51:01, Lindsey Lawrence 1:59:30, Amber Arnold 2:03:09. 40-44 – Paulina Brasuell 1:52:00, Brenda Beckloff 1:52:13, Emily Moody 1:52:21. 45-49 – Lynn Martin 1:50:10, Melanie Baden 1:57:56, Rhonda Taylor 1:59:29. 50-54 – Song Glover 1:52:12, Tina Coutu 1:53:50, Lori Tubbs 1:54:28. 55-59 – Cindy Knott 1:57:08, Debbie Kern 2:12:04, May Tynon 2:18:25. 60-64 – Katie Brown 2:16:27, Ginger Terry 2:32:31, Lesley Strauss 2:39:49. 65-69 – Karen Barnes 2:28:56, Joan Ulmer 2:37:24, Robbie Vann 2:39:20. 70-over – Hannah Ashworth 2:38:53.

FLORIDA Sarasota Music Half Marathon Sarasota, FL – 2/7

Male, Overall – Warren Grajalez 1:15:00, Danny Horgan 1:18:40, Todd Carpenter 1:23:55. Masters – David Meier 1:25:43, David Padula 1:25:57, Brian Ward 1:26:37. Grandmasters – Mike Erger 1:27:13, Eric Redding 1:30:13. Senior Grandmasters – Jay Helgerson 1:31:31, Fred Gropper

www.running.net 1:44:12, Dean Denman 1:44:29. Super Grandmasters – Paul Couzelis 1:57:04, George Pothier 1:58:12, Daniel Gould 2:04:02. Great Grandmasters – Roger Hauge 2:25:39, Paul Milo 2:53:56, Jay Jaffe 3:03:44. 14-under – Tanner Toler 1:37:19, Ben Hartvigsen 1:39:43, Ben Schreibman 1:54:35. 15-19 – Matthew Connor 1:33:44, Matthew Berman 1:35:48, Zachary Williams 1:39:28. 20-24 – Ben LeBoutillier 1:24:26, Chris Brennan 1:25:43, Mark Pellman 1:29:30. 25-29 – Jabe McCoy 1:23:56, Jason Kolasinski 1:27:01, Brian Guidroz 1:31:01. 30-34 – Tobias Oury 1:25:49, Matt Manley 1:26:39, DJ Roedger 1:27:33. 35-39 – Jeffrey Tuner 1:28:56, Austin Hardy 1:29:37, Whit Reuglinger 1:31:03. 40-44 – Christopher Smith 1:31:01, Adam Zuco 1:32:25, Matthew Lavine 1:32:47. 45-49 – Scott Anderson 1:28:09, Geoffrey Michel 1:29:19, Carlos Jimenez 1:32:33. 50-54 – Aaron Kastelik 1:35:44, Bob Morris 1:38:00, Joseph Davi 1:39:14. 55-59 – David Pittman 1:38:51, Richard Valdesuso 1:42:57, Kevin Shaw 1:43:32. 60-64 – David Hargreaves 1:45:29, Richard DeVita 1:45:55, Lloyd English 1:48:46. 65-69 – Thomas Fabian 1:49:46, Tom Treend 1:50:15, Greg Envey 1:53:57. 70-over – Walter Pascal 2:19:05, Ed Morgan 2:19:53, Stan Levi 2:23:08. Female, Overall – Kate Wright 1:25:37, Ashley Clifford 1:29:57, Katie Waters 1:32:45. Masters – Kristen Comment 1:34:11, Leslie Olson 1:36:09, Michelle Bertenthal 1:36:49. Grandmasters – Sharon Vos 1:37:03, Denise Skinner 1:41:21, Amy McCormack 1:41:23. Senior Grandmasters – Joy Scott 1:45:13, Laurie Lonaco 1:54:26, Mary Quinn 1:56:40. Super Grandmasters – Melanie Perrone 2:29:52, Faine Smith 2:30:07, Connie Lyke-Brown 2:32:04. 14-under – Alana Achreibman 2:09:20, Renn Lewis 2:14:03, Renn Lewis 2:16:26. 15-19 – Sydnee Berman 1:37:00, Paige Routh 1:42:16, Emily Kracht 1:46:54. 20-24 – Lauren Lumley 1:39:48, Kendal Barker 1:40:53, Hannah Lemke 1:47:29. 25-29 – Breanna Gawrys 1:35:43, Corey Talbot 1:37:17, Kailey Johnson 1:37:36. 30-34 – Alyssa Carrier 1:34:45, Leesa Brandon 1:39:32, Chelsea Eboli 1:39:33. 35-39 – Vicky Romocki 1:38:40, Molly Mayernik 1:41:33, Margaret Good 1:42:41. 40-44 – Rae Ann Darling Reed 1:36:53, Lissa Murpy 1:40:06, JanelleGlasbrenner 1:40:10. 45-49 – Julie Berling 1:36:53, Fernanda Scalera 1:38:36, Harmony Bertrand 1:40:27. 50-54 – Kathleen Donohue 1:42:48, Beth Bryan 1:44:04, Lynn Cunningham 1:44:09. 55-59 – Erica Szilagyi-Norgart 1:46:16, Jill Ritchie 1:47:46, Kim Gorman 1:49:06. 60-64 – Lena Hollman 1:58:20, Janet Vacon 1:59:38, Joan Novak 2:00:52. 65-69 – Dianna Campbell 1:59:06, Diane Martin 2:05:46, Alice Kelly 2:12:27. 70-over – Anne Hryniewicz 2:39:23, Carolyn Zelonis 2:40:53, Monica Condon 2:41:49.

Kissimmee 5K Kissimmee, FL – 2/13

Male, Overall – Peter Bazeley 17:43, Cesar Sandoval 18:01, Dillon McConnell 18:19. Masters – James Gorman 18:58. 10-under – James Cloud 31:40, Timothy Forde 40:08, Troy Lewis 47:04. 11-17 – Zachary Cloud 19:12, Yandel Rivera 21:00, Miguel Santin 22:53. 18-29 – Javier Arteaga 18:29, Tommy Tardit 20:36, Joshua Baines 21:14. 30-39 – Marcos Santiago 20:42, Alvin Rivera 20:44, Charles Sansbury 22:01. 4049 – Matthew Fenn 20:20, Mark Greenwald 20:32, Erick Rojas 20:36. 50-59 – Maynard Saddler 19:52, Jay Dixon 20:19, Stephen Barber 20:53. 60-69 – Pierre Mihok 26:10, David Shaffer 28:10, William Wasmund 29:14. 70-over – Silky Sullivan 29:47, Elpidio Lin-Justiniano 31:36, Jim McConnell 35:42. Female, Overall – Kate Bazeley 17:41, Amy Farr 20:27, Jessica Pachay 20:45. Masters – Christine Hiler 21:58. 10-under – Jasmine Herron 34:14, Charlotte Lee 34:19, Jessica Clement 54:52. 11-17 – Emmalyne Lewiski 25:42, Angayil Jara 26:32, Abbigail Lewiski 33:20. 18-29 – Gabrielle Rodriguez 21:09, Adilen Perez 22:34, Brittany Garesio 25:58. 30-39 – Joy Moody 21:49, Carla Vargas 25:38, Kelli Allen 28:22. 40-49 – Lyn Tuco 21:59, Nubia Rodriguez 22:31, Christine Morrison 27:22. 50-59 – Jennifer Thornton 26:08, Mary Russell 27:39, Sharon Holden 27:42. 60-69 – Barb Kauzlarich 33:10, Marjorie Berube 35:14, Sandra Stevens 36:23.

Publix Fort Lauderdale A1A Marathon/Half Marathon Fort Lauderdale, FL – 2/14

Male, Marathon: Overall – Bryan Huberty 2:36:44, Janez Maroevic 2:39:01, Nicholas Grossi 2:46:38. Masters – Eric Kalina 2:58:09. 19-under – Matthew Mila 3:51:49, Kenny Haworth 4:34:11, Reece Burton 4:38:39. 20-24 – Ramiro Melendez 3:30:30, Isaac Saldarriaga 3:49:16, Zachary Vidic 3:53:50. 25-29 – Jordan Bailey 2:49:21, Brandon Dibianca 2:58:31, Jimmie Wilbourn 2:59:12. 30-34 – Rickie Alcime 2:59:13, Gustavo Looser 3:01:56, Ryan Billings 3:02:01. 35-39 – Eduardo Souza 2:52:15, Scott Byers 2:57:42, Todd Alfuth 2:58:16. 40-44 – Reuven Ishai 3:00:44, Andrew Keast 3:04:55, Lawrence Wang 3:05:56. 45-49 – Eric Cote 3:15:33, Deukwoo Kwon 3:17:08, Leigh Livesay 3:20:58. 50-54 – Dave Masterson 3:15:14, Joseph Buckentine 3:18:29, William Salcedo 3:24:17. 55-59 – Jean-Louis Beaudonnet 3:08:50, Bruce Lander 3:28:21, Marcel Riou 3:35:11. 60-64 – Andre Talbot 3:29:37, Tom Randolph 3:34:17, Ruben Contreras 3:43:35. 65-69 – Myron Sidloski 3:53:02, Michael Coyne 3:56:23, Kenneth Royster 3:57:18. 7074 – Fidel Rotondaro 3:56:12, Charlie Lee 4:25:11, Ken Anderson 4:42:36. 75-over – Juergen Kuhlmey 4:37:54, Harry Hoffman 6:21:43. Female, Marathon: Overall – Florencia Morales 2:54:45, Beth Dollas 3:08:19, Ana Villegas 3:12:40. Masters – Helen McKenzie 3:25:59. 19-under – Ronni Morganti 4:34:44, Sophia Olivo 5:57:55. 20-24 – Dorothea Trotter 3:32:54, Emily Daycock 4:00:20, Amy Coley 4:08:01. 25-29 – Tierney Carey 3:27:35, Tiffany Chandler 3:31:11, Chelsey Grattan 3:32:07. 30-34 – Claire Lutkewitte 3:25:36, Fabiola Morales 3:26:58, Amanda Janosky 3:27:26. 35-39 – Bethany Tietz 3:24:41, Michelle Chavez 3:29:14, Erika Blymyer 3:31:36. 40-44 – Laurie Boge 3:36:29, Caryn Lubetsky 3:38:28. Shani Dempsey 3:41:44. 45-49 – April Flynn 3:27:13, Nina Montez 3:41:47, Lara Breece 3:41:50. 50-54 – Wanda Gau 3:31:58, Ulrike Vernachio 3:35:52, Robyn Patrick 3:39:45. 55-59 – Mary Sarah Monks 3:31:12, Christine Paradis 3:52:05, Theresa Gusman 4:08:18. 60-64 – Amy Yanni 3:37:55, Deborah Lazaroff 4:02:23, Sharon Morris 4:51:16. 75-over – Lis Heckmann 5:42:26.



Running Journal • April, 2016





ince I ran in my first sneakers 44 years ago, the technology has changed. More brands mean better products and safer, more enjoyable running and racing. My first real running shoes, Onitsuka Tiger Cortez, were followed by adidas Interval track spikes. My brightly colored Nike waffle racers in 1975 were a revelation. Then I broke 5:00 for the mile in Brooks’ Villanova spikes. My first hour-run champs and 10,000m on the track were contested in Nike Pre Montreals. My 1976 Christmas Relays’ leg of 10.6 miles was run in New Balance racing flats. In 1978 I learned about Mizuno and ran in them for a while. In the last couple of years as I built back up to two hours of near-daily walking, I’ve been in HOKA ONE ONE Stinsons, adidas Boost, and Brooks Beast. My first try in Skechers Go Walks were amazing—lighter than ever, yet great for my back! I’m sure that you’ve got your own “scrapbooks” of shoe memories. We hope you’ll read our reviews, then visit your local running store and find the best shoes for your needs.

Larry Eder Publishing Director, FORTIUS Media Group, LLC


inding the best shoe for you has traditionally begun by assessing the characteristics of your feet and gait, and then matching them with the features and properties of a particular shoe. If you had a neutral gait, then your need for specialized shoes was reduced. However, if you rolled to the inside of your foot, called overpronation, the thinking was that you required a more heavily supported shoe. This approach was based on the science and construction-based solutions of 30 years ago. The notion of overpronation, and the thinking behind it, continued until recently. The (oversimplified) idea was that overpronation was bad and required a design solution to “correct” it. Runners who overpronated risked injury if they didn’t run in shoes that employed a structure to correct the excessive motion. The recent minimalist movement (think: unstructured shoes, thinner/minimal midsoles, zerodrop shoes, etc.) set in motion an exploration and rethinking of these longheld tenets. Yes, the use of geometry and lighter materials have improved running shoes and their performance. But more importantly, this has resulted in a paradigm shift toward the understanding that running shoes by themselves don’t prevent overuse injuries because they can’t control overpronation. This doesn’t mean the accepted stabilizing technologies are unnecessary. They actually help resist the premature breakdown of the shoe’s structure and performance, playing a key role in the comfort of both your runs and your wallet. They just can’t stop the motion that your feet are inclined to take. The motion of general foot types is best served, first by certain footwear properties, components, and designs, and, second by an individual runner’s preferences for fit and feel. Of the two, fit and feel trump properties, components, and designs. All feet pronate and some, depending on their movement patterns, pronate more than others. That’s why what we suggest is a starting point within the categories of running footwear styles, but it’s only a starting point. Runners are very fond of their go-to shoes, and a large percentage of runners have been guided toward a particular shoe at the suggestion of a running specialty store. That suggestion starts the learning process for what works for the runners. With all the services your local running specialty store provides, it’s a great place to start your search. —Cregg Weinmann, Running Shoe Reviewer for the Running Network, LLC

P.S. I’m off to the Olympic Marathon Trials next week! Read about it on the Running Network websites in the sidebar to the right.

On Cloudflyer

Saucony Hurricane ISO 2

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adidas Ultra Boost ST



Spring 2016

Spring 2016

Nike Lunar Tempo 2

New Balance Fresh Foam 1080

Motion Stabilizing



Spring 2016

Spring 2016

Spring 2016

Project Coordinator/Editor: Christine Johnson Reviewer: Cregg Weinmann Designer: Kristen Cerer Proofreader: Marg Sumner, Red Ink Editorial Services, LLC Shoe Photography: Daniel Saldaña, Cregg Weinmann Advertising Sales: FORTIUS Media Group, LLC Publishing Director: Larry Eder, 608.239.3785, fortiusmedia@gmail.com Ad Manager: Adam Johnson-Eder, 608.556.9164, adamlawrenceeder@gmail.com Legal Counsel: Perry F. Goldust This 2016 Spring Shoe Review is produced independently by FORTIUS Media Group, LLC for its partner publications and websites. All shoes reviewed were tested by experienced, competitive runners who were matched to the biomechanical purpose of each shoe model. Copyright © 2016 by FORTIUS Media Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be stored, copied, or reprinted without prior written permission of FORTIUS Media Group, LLC. FORTIUS Media Group, LLC and its partner publications and websites suggest that, as with all fitness activities, you meet with a healthcare professional before beginning or changing your fitness regimen.

2016 Spring Shoe Review — 1 — FORTIUS Media Group, LLC



Running Journal • April, 2016


To read our complete 2016 Spring Shoe Review, visit www.runningproductreviews.com 361º Shield

HOKA ONE ONE Vanquish 2


New Balance Fresh Foam 1080

Neutral Spring 2016



Pearl Izumi N2 v3



adidas Ultra Boost ST



Altra Provision 2.5



ASICS GT-2000 4

Motion Stabilizing Spring 2016



Brooks Ravenna 7

Motion Stabilizing


Mizuno Wave Inspire 12

Motion Stabilizing


Saucony Hurricane ISO 2

Motion Stabilizing


Skechers Forza

RENOVATION Spring 2016

Motion Stabilizing


Brooks Neuro





Newton Gravity V


Motion Stabilizing




Mizuno Wave Catalyst


Nike Lunar Tempo 2


Motion Stabilizing




Spring 2016

Spring 2016

2016 Spring Shoe Review — 2 — FORTIUS Media Group, LLC



Saucony Kinvara 7




New Balance Fresh Foam Zante 2

On Cloudflyer


Motion Stabilizing





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Running Journal • April, 2016


Male, Half marathon: Overall – Fabig Anrig 1:11:44, Jonathan Volpi 1:12:04, Elliott Mason 1:14:07. Masters – Mike Korir 1:15:53. 19-under – Daniel Weiss 1:29:50, Riley Ward 1:39:11, Jared Lee 1:42:27. 20-24 – Samuel Luttier 1:17:17, Manuel Garcia 1:19:09, Mitchell Steiner 1:35:51. 25-29 – Jason Richter 1:19:21, Gwendal Le Tutour 1:23:48, Benjamin Carter 1:24:06. 30-34 – Jason Reilly 1:14:17, James Buchanan 1:16:36, Tim Dietz 1:17:41. 35-39 – Martin Killian 1:16:51, Adam Schiff 1:17:58, Jason Ramdeen 1:21:55. 40-44 – Spencer West 1:17:36, James Lefrak 1:18:12, Pascal Larouch 1:22:24. 45-49 – John Reback 1:18:54, Aldo Virano 1:22:12, Luis Molina 1:23:16. 50-54 – Brian Keno 1:16:59, Sergio Torres 1:24:07, Michel Brouillet 1:24:14. 55-59 – Paul Mingay 1:22:02, Jay Smith 1:27:40, Rex Noble 1:35:10. 60-64 – Derek Carroll 1:36:40, V.P. Pham 1:38:41, Mitch Johnson 1:40:47. 65-69 – Herbert Weber 1:30:33, Humberto Rubio 1:39:41, Gene Wandling 1:42:40. 70-74 – Robert Hendrick 1:35:03, Louis Dwyer 2:00:47, Terry Flynn 2:04:30. 75-over – Dale Ruth 2:15:42, Frank Fahey 2:44:04, Harol Miller 2:58:31. Female, Half marathon: Overall – Emilie Ney 1:26:42, Megan Kelly 1:28:26, Jennifer Nicholson 1:28:54. Masters – Tracy Dutra 1:29:29. 19-under – Gabrielle Sumkin 1:53:50, Christina Daughtry 1:54:00, Hailey Valeriano 1:48:52 20-24 – Stefanie Bauer 1:28:36, Joan Rutledge 1:31:01, Libby Tepper 1:36:50. 25-29 – Nadezhda Pavlova 1:31:48, Katie Adams 1:32:16, Stacy Paton 1:32:21 30-34 – Carolina Brasil 1:31:37, Elizabeth Greenwald 1:32:53, Tracey Matuszko 1:33:57. 35-39 – Erica Lazarus 1:29:19, Rachelle Ginsberg 1:30:45, Stephanie Moracci 1:31:10. 40-44 – Claire Potenzano 1:30:55, Colette Reid 1:34:44, Natalia Barrionuevo 1:34:56. 45-49 – Bonnie Barr 1:33:35, Alicia Schultz 1:36:05, Hassetou Wandaogo 1:37:53. 50-54 – Lisa Frink 1:35:00, Colette Keno 1:35:34, Donna O’Malley 1:40:38. 55-59 – Lee Dipietro 1:34:43, Melissa Corp 1:37:27, Terri Swanson 1:37:43. 60-64 – Laurie Kruzel 1:53:34, Donna May 1:53:43, Sandra Rinderer 1:58:03. 65-69 – Barbara North 1:50:05, Mary Hailer 2:03:27, Mary Hargreaves 2:09:31. 70-74 – Ginger Herring 2:39:09, Susan Siderman 2:45:36, Vera Owens 2:48:22.

Gasparilla Distance Classic Half Marathon/15K/8K/5K Tampa, FL – 2/19-20

Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Austin Richmond 1:07:33, Brian Atkinson 1:07:39, Argeo Cruz 1:08:43. 10-under – Xavier Swartz 2:34:15. 11-14 – Calvin Drake 1:23:55, Brin Conerly 1:47:44, Nicholas Sowell 1:59:10. 15-19 – Haftom Fliegelman 1:13:55, Robert Fisher 1:25:16, Mario Reyes-Munoz 1:29:31. 20-24 – Michael Babinec 1:10:30, Matthew Smith 1:12:51, Chris Yanichko 1:19:30. 25-29 – Michael Mustaniemi 1:17:34, Tim Price 1:20:19, Kyle Larson 1:20:41. 30-34 – Sean Gallagher 1:14:02, David Johnson 1:14:37, Joshua Prevatt 1:20:43. 35-39 – Steven Lawrence 1:11:09, Wayne Blas 1:12:22, Pedro Meraz 1:17:42. 40-44 – Mathieu Girard 1:20:41, Jayson Bass 1:22:52, Graeme Allardice 1:23:58. 45-49 – Joshua Rayman 1:16:33, Tom Russell 1:19:16, David Atkinson 1:20:32. 50-54 – Eric Stuber 1:18:53, John Dood 1:24:00, Miles Williams 1:26:36. 55-59 – Jeffrey Lessie 1:23:25, Nelson Rodriguez 1:31:21, Eugene Laret 1:31:46. 6064 – Paul Keating 1:34:22, Bruce Hotchkiss 1:38:03, Werner Stemer 1:38:21. 65-69 – Gerald Marsh 1:31:48, Stephen Smith 1:40:33, Tim Daniels 1:47:06. 70-74 – Don Owens 1:48:18, Bruce Shephard 1:49:30, Paul Smith 2:05:26. 75-79 – David Lightfoot 2:29:27, James Patton 3:03:07, James Fraser 3:22:52. 80-84 – Dillion Maier 3:03:54, Wayne Hinaman 3:04:59, Charles Walker 3:18:57. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Kayla Atkinson 1:20:45, Rachel Corigliano 1:23:40, Terri Rejimbal 1:24:29. 10-under – Ashlen DiCicco 2:40:34, Brianna Kissler 3:22:57, Isabella Kissler 3:22:58. 11-14 – Arden Morgan 1:56:51, Katelyn Atkinson 2:10:02. 15-19 – Tasha Regan 1:32:24, Amanda Slattery 1:33:01, Maggie Tulin 1:36:42. 20-24 – Lauren Gelzinis 1:32:30, Olivia Stein 1:34:42, Caroline Berg 1:34:50. 25-29 – Jenn Walton 1:26:40, Caroline Helmer 1:35:31, Caitlin Janicki 1:36:51. 30-34 – Penny Primus 1:31:01, Rebecca Hattery 1:34:26, Lauren Chandler 1:34:33. 35-39 – Jacki Wachtel 1:25:59, Janelle Drennan 1:28:17, Christina Noordstar 1:28:50. 40-44 – Michelle Nunez 1:25:12, Julie Hannah 1:30:20, Jolene Abanses 1:31:47. 45-49 – Donna Silver 1:34:17, Bertha Cruz 1:38:13, Kirsten Hite 1:38:57. 50-54 – Mandi Kowal 1:34:02, Ann Johnston 1:36:58, Lisa Dood 1:38:10. 55-59 – Gail Norman 1:39:33, Patricia Jordan 1:41:03, Samantha Warren 1:48:42. 60-64 – Amy Yanni 1:42:49, Leslie Hague 1:45:08, Page Greenberg 1:47:49. 65-69 – Joan Nelson 1:57:50, Terri Bolster 2:05:11, Ana Bernal 2:16:58. 70-74 – Becky Brushwood 2:20:08, Vera Owens 2:24:21, Suzanne Whitlock 2:33:58. 80-84 – Ellen Stichter 3:37:03. Male, 15K: Overall – Mark Parrish 46:38, Austin Richmond 46:50, Luke Beevor 48:04. 10-under – Liam Ballard 1:00:52, Jacob Weiner 1:16:59, Logan Shaw 1:24:17. 11-14 – Cutter Huston 1:07:52, Gabriel Jacobson 1:12:53, Will Hidalgo 1:13:12. 15-19 – Hunter McCann 53:48, Hunter Janus 57:02, Matthew Ronan 58:31. 2024 – Michael Poole 52:13, Tyler Blackburn 52:20, Chris Brennan 58:39. 25-29 – Christopher McCaffrey 49:35, Alex Milne 50:15, James Osborne 51:37. 30-34 – Bobby Hensley 51:16, Michael McDonald 54:37, Jason Ford 58:12. 35-39 – Elijah Shekinah 53:12, Pedro Meraz 53:54, John Robida 54:40. 40-44 – Patrick Phillips 53:03, Andrew Chandler 53:42, Mathieu Girard 55:25. 45-49 – Larry Smart 53:26, Tri Thornhill 54:44, Gene Mitchell 57:06. 50-54 – John Dodd 55:12, Per Kristian Moerk 57:20, Robert Nussear 59:48. 55-59 – Mark Hawkins 59:40, Anthony Black 1:01:11, Nelson Rodriguez 1:03:15. 60-64 – George Van Meter 1:04:24, Daniel Lavoie 1:04:25, Danny West 1:05:40. 6569 – Albert Wieringa 1:04:46, David Jacobs 1:07:00, James Henneberger 1:08:07. 70-74 – Jerry Bergman 1:15:44, John Strait 1:18:12, Paul Smith 1:19:06. 75-79 – Joseph Burgasser 1:10:01, Bruce Anderson 1:26:19, Joe Webber 1:32:11. 80-84 – Richard Murphy 1:47:28, Jack Turner 1:47:32, Bob Ranta 2:06:04. 90-over – Paul Wisniewski 1:51:28. Female, 15K: Overall – Becky Howarth 54:47, Jacki Wachtel 56:56, Hannah Brickse 59:30. 10-under – Dakota Rhodes 1:42:45, Summer Haura 1:44:40, Susan Jacobsen 2:21:30. 11-14 – Reilly Goss 1:23:22, Sarah Martisek 1:27:49, Isabella DiCecco 1:32:39. 15-19 – Jessica Hanley 1:09:09, Tasha Regan 1:13:12, Michelle Mafatridge 1:14:57. 20-24 – Emily Nixon 1:03:53, Janna Edwards 1:07:47,

more results at running.net Emily Morris 1:08:43. 25-29 – Leandra Osborne 1:04:08, Alicia Mansur 1:04:16, Alicia Mansur 1:04:16. 30-34 – Christa Stephens 59:49, Valery Perry 1:00:10, Brittany Pierce 1:00:34. 35-39 – Christina Noordstar 59:45, Leslie Beauchamp 1:05:26, Laura Osterweil 1:06:08. 40-44 – Jolene Abanses 1:02:55, Kristine Claffie 1:03:17, Julie Rosa 1:04:18. 45-49 – Carol Hollenbeck 1:02:30, Donna Silver 1:03:22, Lois Waite 1:03:24. 50-54 – Chuck Moonen 1:06:49, Patty Ormsby 1:08:15, Jean Schalk 1:08:51. 55-59 – Susie Green 1:07:00, Mary Monks 1:08:57, Ginger McKim 1:10:38. 60-64 – Denise Skinner 1:09:29, Amy Yanni 1:10:15, Bess Anderson 1:11:02. 65-69 – Sandy Meneley 1:15:17, Karen Bowler 1:20:18, Dianna Campbell 1:21:17. 70-74 – Georgie Gillis 1:25:02, Marj Radin 1:39:52, Kathy Neal 1:40:48. 75-79 – Catherine Detman 2:01:34, Ericka Dougherty 2:01:48, Dixie Zacherl 2:08:03. 80-84 – Susie Moncrief 1:50:17. 90-over – Judith Baizan 2:41:29. Male, 8K: Overall – Chad Zagacki 27:48, Jeremy Richardson 28:01, Rob Pulsifer 28:38. 10-under – Oscar Brown 34:57, Logan Silvers 39:31, Van Petty 41:07. 11-14 – Casey Pleune 30:11, Lucas Hoeksema 34:45, Alexander Warner 35:45. 15-19 – Dominick Delevg 29:20, Donald Swartz 29:55, Christian Tucker 31:03. 20-24 – Tyler Blackburn 34:21, Kyle Beckett 34:38, Austin Lindhorst 37:39. 25-29 – Kyle Larson 29:28, Tim Price 29:53, Ron Tencza 33:27. 30-34 – Brendon Reedy 29:19, Anthony D’Amato 31:37, Joe Courchane 31:53. 35-39 – John Robida 28:38, Pedro Meraz 29:16, Elijah Shekinah 29:21. 40-44 – Tommy Brown 29:26, Mike Williams 30:25, Mathieu Girard 31:02. 45-49 – Steven Capitano 30:33, Dror Vaknin 31:57, Greg Short 32:34. 50-54 – John Chiaretta 32:55, Steve King 33:57, Robert Nussear 34:47. 55-59 – Mark Hawkins 32:12, Casey Chandler 32:28, Kurt Mattox 34:42. 60-64 – Matt Mandel 36:07, Michael Bayless 36:26, Dan Devlin 37:03. 65-69 – Gary Romesser 32:56, Bob Giambalvo 33:29, Vincent Cafferty 36:35. 70-74 – Richard Wiles 38:00, Silky Sullivan 47:48, Bill Johnson 48:57. 75-79 – Alejandro Herrera 50:24, Bruce Hildreth 50:34, Mike O’Hara 51:19. 80-84 – Eddie Mora 1:13:31. 85-89 – Larry Yost 1:06:16. Female, 8K: Overall – Stephanie Pezzullo 29:07, Erica Weitz 30:34, Amy Ertel 31:55. 10-under – Macy Hoeksema 50:30, Finley Hoeksema 52:44, Lauren Ketelsen 53:12. 11-14 – Ellie Pleune 32:52, Arlie Rubin 35:37, Emma Bly 42:38. 15-19 – Prudence Vanpoulle 33:09, Tasha Regan 35:15, Isabella Brown 36:11. 20-24 – Emily Morris 36:48, Lauren Lumley 37:10, Michelle Dunbar 37:27. 25-29 – Selena Meltsakos 35:55, Vanessa Parnell 36:24, Stephanie Kuczynski 38:29. 30-34 – Jodi Leung 33:19, Jaime Duran 34:03, Jackie Shepard 34:53. 35-39 – Christina Matassini 36:19, Jennie Alpert 36:37, Heather Hale 36:51. 40-44 – Rae Ann Darling Reed 34:26, Kristine Claffie 34:55, Jolene Abanses 35:10. 45-49 - Kirsten Hite 36:43, Stacy Juckett Chesnutt 39:11, Dawn Lundin 39:34. 50-54 – Sheila Natho 33:54, Aly Nussear 35:36, Jean Schalk 37:24. 55-59 – June Geissler 40:56, Debbie Loewy 42:09, Catherine Morningstar 42:15. 6064 – Amy Yanni 37:30, Loretta Engler 40:11, Charlotte Cuneo 41:16. 65-69 – Rosemary Mulia 45:53, Shelly Fink 47:54, Barbara Ann Morrissey 49:54. 70-74 – Judy Pizzano 48:44, Kathy Neal 53:04, June Suller 1:04:04. 75-79 – Margaret Conner 59:35, Marilyn Winn 1:11:39, Annette Frisch 1:14:27. 85-89 – Jackie Yost 1:41:35. Male, 5K: Overall – Mark Mutz 15:10, Jack Guyton 15:53, Jack Rogers 15:55. 10-under – Dylan Nolan 18:21, Jack Kouwe 20:29, Jack Garcy 21:18. 11-14 – Alan Romero 17:19, Casey Pleune 17:55, Ludcheel Colas 19:15. 15-19 – Luke Peterson 15:57, Paris Williams 15:57, Trey LaNasa 16:04. 20-24 – Jake Poore 15:10, Jonathan Bermudez 16:45, Neil Coffman 16:54. 25-29 – Taylor McDowell 16:37, Tim Price 17:35, Kyle Larson 17:41. 30-34 – Averett Tinsley 17:37, Dany Croteau 17:52, Tamas Sziraki 18:21. 35-39 – Lee Stephens 17:00, Elijah Shekinah 17:20, Pedro Meraz 17:52. 40-44 – Antoni Roman 17:45, Mathieu Girard 17:51, Chris Vieland 19:00. 45-49 – Blair Burnett 19:11, Greg Short 19:19, Shawn Malinchak 19:21. 50-54 – Ronald Argabrighe 20:04, Geoffrey Bond 20:13, Todd Kellogg 20:51. 5559 – Steve Monks 17:43, Nelson Rodriguez 20:27, Brian Baird 21:23. 60-64 – John Van De Moortel 21:16, Matt Mandel 21:39, Larry Hardcastle 22:07. 65-69 – Wayne Jolley 22:11, Leo Cleveland 23:14, Dev Cammer 24:12. 70-74 – Frank Davis 23:13, Richard Wiles 23:40, Rick Hatzlhoffer 25:21. 75-79 – Ken Weatherly 27:58, Demetre Loulourgas 30:26, William Brandenstein 30:36. 80-84 – Stephen Sessums 36:11, Fred Power 41:41, Rich Padrta 47:06. 85-89 – Jack Mahon 45:51, Arthur Schmidt 52:39, George McConnell 58:00. 90-over – Walter White 46:15, Gyle Tague 57:04, Emery Jewell 1:24:53. Female, 5K: Overall – Kailand Cosgrove 18:26, Ellie Pleune 18:45, Maggie Parrish 18:53. 10-under – Cecelia Hovan 25:30, Melanie Lyman 25:40, McKenzie Collins 25:42. 11-14 – Ellie Pleune 18:45, Arlie Rubin 19:18, Lydia Freidman 19:25. 15-19 – Emily Escamilla 18:53, Leah Marville 22:26, Adriana Kanarek 22:59.20-24 – Emily Morris 21:16, Elaine Gavalles 21:29, Ashley Dudman 22:32. 2529 – Kelsey Bohannan 19:08, Deanna Hintz 19:12, Melissa Kotchman 20:07. 30-34 – Yova Borovska 20:37, Katie Waters 20:41, Maria Lopez 21:16. 35-39 – Kay Neely 19:12, Jacki Wachtel 19:19, Jennie Alpert 21:48. 40-44 – Stacy Juckett Chesnutt 20:58, Kristine Claffie 21:03, Jolene Abanses 21:04. 45-49 – Laura Cole 21:21, Kirsten Hite 22:03, Maria Juarez 23:28. 50-54 – Sheila Natho 20:22, Judie Miller 20:46, Lisa Dood 21:25. 55-59 – Susan Cooke 19:50, Pamela Campbell 23:31, Helen Russo 25:39. 60-64 – Amy Yanni 23:15, Page Greenberg 24:07, Pamela Mione 25:36. 65-69 – Rosemary Mulia 27:29, Janice Gularte 29:28, Joyce Fisher 29:46. 70-74 – Joanne Cunningham 26:28, Carol Berends 31:40, Josephine Nicolosi 32:02. 75-79 – Judy Lee 36:20, Donna Hiatt 40:10, Gwen Kearley 49:07. 80-84 – Grace Clark 1:00:25, Mona Mottola 1:00:46, George Landuit 1:02:16. 85-89 – Lea Stanton 54:03. 90-over – Betty Ashley 1:32:09.

www.running.net Seminole, FL was third in 1:12:39. Anne-Laure Menard, 27, of Montreal, was the female overall winner at 1:22:02. Local elite, Christina Noordstar, 39, was second at 1:26:39, followed by Keara McGraw, 31, at 1:27:46. Keara also won the series Challenge. The youngest female winner was Briar-Rose HoneywillSykes, age 9, of Celebration, FL, at 1:55:51, winning the series Challenge in her age group as well. Too young to run by herself, she was accompanied by her dad on the half marathon course. Results: http://www.coolrunning.com/results/16/fl/Mar6_Florid_set5.shtml

Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Luke Beevor 1:08:48, Patrice Labonte 1:09:05, Chris McCaffrey 1:12:39. Masters – John Evangelista 1:24:59, Jim Burgasser 1:25:41, Walter Sieg 1:26:44. Grandmasters – David Whiteside 1:27:46, Kevin McDermott 1:29:38, Mike Gilmore 1:30:08. 15-19 – Alex Quesada 1:35:39. 20-24 – Samuel St-Antoine 1:16:36, Chris Yanichko 1:20:30, Jimmy Williams 1:25:30. 2529 – Eric Law 1:34:56, Grant Novitske 1:39:02, David Pelletier 1:49:58. 30-34 – Sean Gallagher 1:15:11, Michael MacDonald 1:17:19, Joshua Prevatt 1:20:19. 35-39 – Rob Pulsifer 1:19:52, Lee Stephens 1:20:36, Paul Marriott 1:37:32. 40-44 – Oliver Von Tempski1 1:27:48, Charles Schauer 1:28:45, Andrew Chandler 1:28:45. 45-49 – Paul Lawrence 1:31:57, Stan Fivecoat 1:33:53, Scott Hacking 1:35:01. 50-54 – Gilbert Dolores 1:40:50, Peter Whitehaed 1:41:19, Todd Engle 1:42:06. 55-59 – Roger Caruso 1:38:24, Graham De Gottal 1:42:40, Nelson Rodriguez 1:44:36. 60-64 – Steven Byrne 1:37:41, David Ebelke 1:38:15, Tim Miler 1:41:48. 65-69 – Rod Brest 1:51:25, Robert Reid 1:58:49, Robert Pospischil 2:04:51. 70-over – Jon Wilson 2:05:52, Ilhan Bilgutay 2:19:25, John Bates 2:23:20. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Anne-Laure Menard 1:22:02, Christina Noordstar 1:26:39, Keara McGraw 1:27:46. Masters – Kerri Dienhart1:34:47, Heather Bilotta 1:37:50, Stacey Hendry 1:39:16. Grandmasters – Patricia Junqueira 1:43:31, Ellen Gerth 1:43:49, Tina Rosato 1:48:20. 14-under – Briar-Ross Honeywill-Sykes 1:55:51, Anabel Elliso 2:02:54. 15-19 – Jessica Hanley 1:41:13, Erin Hillman 2:35:56, Morgan Hillman 2:35:56. 20-24 – Mireille AlywinDescoteaux 1:30:08, Meghan Blackstone 1:42:22, Rachel Bozich 1:51:57. 25-29 – Shelbie Palmer 1:43:09, Casey France 1:44:49, Anna McIntosh 1:49:07. 30-34 – Meredith Mikell 1:28:57, Yova Borovska 1:35:09, Kirsten Schmeling 1:40:46. 3539 – Kiera Russo 1:29:11, Natalie Piszek 1:32:51, Yelena Maloney 1:35:44. 40-44 – Christine Valdes 1:42:00, Jackie Cahill 1:43:31, Kara Hourdas 1:47:26. 45-49 – Julie Hadaszy 1:39:49, Laura Cole 1:45:01, Denise Landes 1:46:43. 50-54 – Varinya Sheppard 1:52:18, Lynn Culbreath 1:52:34, Jodi Stoner 1:56:07. 55-59 – Linda Fuller 1:59:21, Salley Smith 2:04:38, Deb Turner 2:07:21. 60-64 – Karen Alexeev 1:54:04, Cindy Leedy 2:11:49, Penny Myers 2:15:45. 65-69 – Sue Proctor 2:27:57, Sandy Brickner 2:36:08, Annie Ryan 2:49:22. Male, 5K: Overall – Kyle Vuksich 17:12, Greg Hodge 17:13, Nathan Savoree 17:44. Masters – Walter Lysinger 20:55, Dan Lewis 21:41, Joe Dovydaitis 21:54. Grandmasters – Gary MacDonald 22:30, Jiri Novak 22:34, Paul Olden 23:56. 14-under – Alex Fiorillo 21:05, Dayne Baldwin 21:19, Nikola Sljivk 22:54. 15-19 – Michael Leitz 20:15, Alex Molina 23:47, Clayton Nichols 32:04. 20-24 – Blake Arnold 19:17, Jason Dovydaitis 21:46, Christopher Phillips 23:32. 25-29 – Brian Hetherton 29:42, Jordan Schellhase 30:17, Justin Santa Cruz 30:49. 30-34 – David Desilva 26:54, Raul De la Garza 27:05, Chad Coppes 28:08. 35-39 – Donovan Bergman

Swamp House Half Marathon DeBary, FL – 3/6

Male, Overall – Daniel McCarthy 1:22:13. Masters – Randall Hitchcock 1:28:26. 17-under – Jonathan Allen 1:36:37, Jonathan Cueva 2:45:50, Johnathon Mooney 3:06:47. 18-24 – Joe Battista 1:39:11, David Barajas 1:39:49, Jonathan Mueller 1:47:20. 2529 – Chris Wolbrink 1:35:42, James Dinan 1:36:56, Edgar Suris 1:44:30. 30-34 – Samuel Morris 1:28:21, Robert Ramos 1:42:49, Nicholas Comforter 1:44:30. 35-39 – Chad Mucheck 1:34:09, Michael Prince 1:34:40, Chip Deger 1:48:11. 40-44 – Derek Greve 1:31:18, Todd Teixeira 1:35:09, Jeremy Felty 1:39:18. 45-49 – Joe Flaherty 1:29:36, Kurt Hubbard 1:31:01, Jim Watkins 1:39:48. 50-54 – Bret Halliday 1:31:27, Darryl Herren 1:36:16, Darrell Brodt 1:39:36. 55-59 – Tom Pike 1:41:07, Mark Burger 1:45:30, Paul Rahill 1:48:24. 60-64 – William Costello 1:37:07, Neal Ater 1:47:32, Edward Wood 1:51:05. 65-69 – Peter Mingay 1:47:01, Terry Smith 1:53:16, Gary Gorman 2:09:46. 70-74 – Bruce Penn 2:27:05, Robert Wilkins 2:35:06. 75-over – Frank French 3:27:54. Female, Overall – Hannah Jennings 1:32:18. Masters – April Darrow 1:37:03. 17-under – Leandra Miranda 2:31:54. 18-24 – Kelsey Neal 1:39:04, Heather Rose 2:07:32, Jamie Gantert 2:09:29. 25-29 – Kristie Wolbrink 1:38:43, Ashley Clifford 1:40:32, Jasmine Tracey 1:44:30. 30-34 – Rebecca Holcomb 1:36:47, Stephanie Bommershine 1:48:45, Brittany Darr 1:49:22. 35-39 – Julie Kersey 1:38:28, Lauren Adams 1:41:30, Jeanette Wallace 1:43:36. 40-44 – Melissa Hodges 1:43:17, Petya Fernund 1:44:59, Sara Dowdy 1:47:32. 45-49 – Carolyn Derosby 1:40:45, Micaela Riseling 1:44:00, Karla Schmick 1:44:01. 5054 – Marie Thomas 1:47:57, Linda Pistulka 1:51:32, Sharon pass 1:54:31. 55-59 – Lynda Koerber 1:49:45, Ginny Hornberger 2:00:02, Luanne Rutt 2:01:34. 60-64 – Karen Yerkes 2:07:35, Shelley Christian 2:12:35, Mureil Davidson-Bratche 2:18:22. 6569 – Elaine Dove 2:09:00, Mary Bivin 2:09:12, Colleen Parker 3:03:27. 70-74 – Irene Robinson 2:15:23, Becky Brushwood 2:22:14, Gloria Hatfield 3:50:44.

Hooter’s Half Marathon Fort Myers, FL – 3/6

Luke Beevor was overall winner of half marathon. Photo by GameFace Media

Florida Beach Halfathon Half Marathon/5K St. Petersburg, FL – 3/6

Perfect spring-break weather greeted 1300+ athletes at the Florida Beach Halfathon and 5K on Sunday, March 6. The last race in the 4 half marathon “Challenge” drew local elites, as well as a contingency of Canadian snow birds to the beautiful, flatas-a pancake course at Fort De Soto Park, voted “America’s #1 Beach.” Luke Beevor, 32, of Wimauma, FL, won the half marathon in 1:08:48, as well as the series Challenge. Patrice Labonte, 22, of Laval, Quebec, was second in 1:09:05. Chris McCaffrey, 29, of

19:43, Mark Loewen 22:48, Donny Petty 23:22. 40-44 – Daniel Smith 22:11, Manuel Molina 23:49, Juan Amezaga 25:20. 45-49 – Patrick Luettinger 23:59, Aaron Osborne 25:44, Rico Dixson 28:41. 50-54 – James Welch 26:01, James Weir 27:04, Steve Dondero 27:24. 55-59 – Jeffrey Sicard 25:55, Michael McCarty 31:41, Jim Lamar 33:13. 60-64 – John Burns 25:48, Roger Otstot 26:19, David Wilson 40:50. 65-69 – Richard Fulgieri 28:51, Mike Dunlap 29:36, John Mahoney 30:01. 70-over – Jon Priolo 26:58, Duncan Mounsey 28:28, Nelson Porteous 31:15. Female, 5K: Overall – Christa Stephens 19:32, Brennan Liming 19:47, Lauren Lumley 21:49. Masters – Madeleine Zolfo 24:19, Kristen Mory 24:20, Debra Donald 24:23. Grandmasters – Jane Duncan 24:50, Barbi Bozich 27:02, Linda Lysinger 27:07. 14-under – Mackenzie Reiman 27:59, Isabella Dubank 28:23, Sidney Neiberline 28:26. 15-19 – Kayla Horvath 24:24, Grace Michalk 24:46, Madison Hester 28:56. 20-24 – Lauren Fago 27:13, Serena Utz 28:05, Katrina Krysaniak 28:10. 25-29 – Tiffany Netzler 23:52, Crystal Daus 24:43, Monika Baldwin 25:16. 30-34 – Lisa Barnes 23:20, Kelly Valvino 24:31, Jessic Hoyer 24:58. 35-39 – Jennifer Palmer 23:35, Jaclyn Clougher 27:37, Jennifer Vicente 28:31. 40-44 – Amy Canavan 25:51, Paula Dela RosaBailey 26:08, Gaylynn Horvath 28:31. 45-49 – Kristine Kennedy 26:04, Madeline Bisesti 26:23, Sona Skoog 26:57. 50-54 – Jayne Lumley 29:40, Staci Farrow 30:20, Valeri Arnold 31:01. 55-59 – Gina Smith 28:43, Christie Gardner 29:58, Trish Kurowski 31:19. 60-64 – Debra Wright 27:39, Diane Spicer 32:41, Karen Vander Ploeg 38:14. 65-69 – Rose Fulgieri 31:25, Susn Rube 33:44, Carol Kolmerten 37:04.

Nine-year-old Briar-Ross Honeywill-Sykes was the youngest female finisher of half marathon. Photo by GameFace Media

Male, Overall – Ryan Hopper 1:16:09, Eric Crutchfield 1:18:15, Brian Oliver 1:21:03. Masters – Michael McHugh 1:21:54, Dale Flanders 1:22:56, Paul Giannobile 1:23:28. Grandmasters – Julio Valdes 1:24:05, Paul Kusek 1:29:20, Edward Blankenship 1:29:58. Senior Grandmasters – Jerry Orange 1:30:30, Robert DeFrancesco 1:40:08, Craig Harrington 1:40:27. 13-19 – Zac Cooper 1:35:02, Ian Olney 1:36:08, Robins Barrera 1:39:37. 20-24 – Ryan Stafford 1:21:14, Brian Mischle 1:42:23, Joshua McKillip 1:48:54. 25-29 – John Solak 1:29:29, Cody Stadler 1:32:20, Matthew DeFrancesco 1:33:22. 30-34 – Nick Bonnici 1:23:13, Kevin O’Rourke 1:25:53, Rob Strong 1:26:51. 35-39 – John Miller 1:33:08, Ryan Hooper 1:36:47, Edwin Pacheo 1:37:55. 40-44 – Julius Kindle 1:29:34, David Morgan 1:36:12, Rene Ramirez 1:41:34. 45-49 – Gus Perez 1:26:31, Scott Anderson 1:28:52, Scott Kashman 1:34:26. 5054 – Donale Demello 1:30:20, William Tackett 1:30:54, George Worth 1:35:05. 55-59 – Blake Briggs 1:32:50, Perry Small 1:35:16, Tony Burkett 1:39:30. 60-64 – James Kozik 1:46:26, Gary Eldred 1:47:06, Charles Macintire 1:50:46. 65-69 – Bruce Andrews 1:48:50, Edmund Bielecki 1:55:18, James Sturgeon 2:02:50. 70-74 – Sid Christie 2:09:23, Mal Miller 2:13:25, Roger Deller 2:14:15. 75-over – Don Tarasiewicz 1:57:15, Bruce Hildreth 2:24:23, Donald Moore 2:26:03. Female, Overall – Julie Crutchfield 1:22:18, Kalliope White 1:27:02, Tania Canterbury 1:27:30. Masters – Manuela Lyons 1:35:10, Karen Miles 1:36:36, Samantha Kee 1:36:37. Grandmasters – Patty Ormsby 1:36:41, Mari White 1:40:31, Amy Yanni 1:41:00. Senior Grandmasters – Jeannie Rice 1:42:03, Vasiliki Lempesis 2:02:50, Linda Hibben 2:06:10. 13-19 – Amber Winton 1:44:42, Maggie Jerulle 1:53:18, Sarah Schultz 1:58:46. 20-24 – Katie Avery 1:34:45, Ali Gunns 1:44:03, Corin Cassario 1:48:14. 25-29 – Courtney Garrity 1:38:46, Stefany Sanchez 1:46:55, Aiste Sudmantaite 1:52:29. 30-34 – Sara Strong 1:30:32, Lindsey Wild 1:31:25, Abby Petter 1:34:27. 35-39 – Kelly Britton 1:34:14, Kathy Repperger 1:35:16, Joanna Citarella 1:39:05. 40-44 – Florence Crawford 1:40:10, Elizabeth Sacrey 1:47:16, Toni Ivankovic 1:48:14. 4549 – Pamela Tanner 1:39:05, Laura Elias 1:42:07, Kim Errigo 1:44:47. 50-54 – O. Fuentes 1:43:21, Kathryn Williams 1:51:47, Beth Goldman 1:54:18. 55-59 – Cindy Matthes-Loy 1:46:26, Erica Norgart 1:47:27, Maura MacNeill 1:47:40. 60-64 – Annie Houben 2:06:15, Debra Chrisman 2:06:20, Patricia Engelman 2:09:18. 65-69 – Judy Lynch 2:18:27, CJ Quiggle 2:21:12, Kathy Kapalin 2:27:23. 70-74 – Astric Soll 2:14:58, Judith Buruk 2:21:56, Vera Owens 2:44:32. 75-over – Linda Zeigler 3:17:58.




GEORGIA Critz Tybee Runfest Half Marathon/10K/5K Tybee Island, GA – 2/6

Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Benjamin Brown 1:11:53. Masters – Toshihiro Yamamoto 1:28:39. Joe Nettles Award – Patrick Connor 1:37:24, Robert Jungwirth 1:39:41, Jim Harris 1:44:39. 10-14 – Rafael Osella 1:34:33, Mason Smith 1:37:45. 15-19 – Jacob Ressler 1:17:00, Thomas Pardue 1:27:38, Zach Clifton 1:38:15. 20-24 – Will Glaser 1:13:38, Sebastian O’Dell 1:14:48, Reese Wells 1:22:13. 25-29 – Patrick Ollinger 1:15:44, Matthew Duncan 1:17:21, Tim Price 1:19:37. 30-34 – Ryan McClay 1:25:07, Derek Bovard 1:28:57, Jonathan Rothwell 1:34:47. 3539 – Lee James 1:25:09, Damien McCombs 1:29:19, Thomas Harris 1:29:33. 40-44 – David Ketron 1:28:58, Rett McBride 1:31:18, David Downing 1:33:44. 45-49 – Ortelio Bosch 1:36:40, Howard Kanner 1:37:02, Rusty Harrington 1:37:14. 5054 – Jim Brawner 1:30:22, Mark Stroud 1:31:00, Karl Joseph 1:31:52. 55-59 – Michael Butler 1:39:38, Brett Edgerle 1:49:05, Douglas Kaufman 1:54:19. 60-64 – David Buchanan 1:56:39, Philip Dillon 1:58:58, Mark Johnson 1:59:30. 65-69 – Ed Lafitte 1:57:22, Levy Welch 2:05:30, Tom Philbrick 2:07:55. 70-74 – Brian Kenworthy 2:12:10, Thomas James 2:26:17. Military – Damien McCombs 1:29:19, David Downing 1:33:44, Timothy Decker 1:40:51. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Sara Morrison 1:30:47. Masters – Tracey Ashall 1:32:07. 10-14 – Samantha Grace Watkins 2:36:15. 15-19 – Shannon Flaherty 1:48:04, Abigail Hunt 1:58:23, Christel-Ann Ramus 2:01:26. 20-24 – Annie Tyner 1:31:54, Caroline Cooney 1:36:01, Minna Fields 1:36:49. 25-29 – Kristin Hill 1:43:04, Nyein Chrissy Tun 1:46:10, Sarah Harris 1:46:56. 30-34 – Carlee James 1:36:06, Lindsay Ford 1:39:12, Melanie Biner 1:39:26. 35-39 – Hope Treece 1:34:43, Lesley Gilreath 1:35:36, Cat Hudson 1:44:29. 40-44 – Mo Dixon 1:43:24, Holly Pastor 1:43:54, Jessica Parker 1:47:06. 45-49 – Pamela Seyden 1:43:17, Kelly Spratt 1:48:13, Kim Casteel 1:58:25. 50-54 – Sarah Batt 1:42:18, Catherine Warren 1:48:22, Amy Waldron 1:52:47. 55-59 – Anne Lawless 2:02:25, Diane Kelley 2:05:30, Diane Warner 2:06:11. 60-64 – Deborah Wharff 1:58:47, Betty Songer 2:10:21, Joni Consul 2:17:59. 65-69 – Sharon McConnell 2:33:42, Barbara Garcia 3:04:49. 70-74 – Sandra Zimmer 3:26:06, Carolyn Smith 3:27:02. 75-79 – Joyce Hodges-Hite 2:58:33. Military – Melanie Biner 1:39:26, Kristin Hill 1:43:04, Amanda Mathew 1:49:56. Male, 10K: Overall – Matthew Smith 31:07. Masters – Drew Wade 38:12. Joe Nettles Award – Tom Moran 48:01, Mark Johnson 50:00, David Lord 50:42. 10-14 – Mason Smith 40:11, Jacob Long 1:00:24, Joseph Paslawski 1:01:32. 15-19 – Alex Suciu 43:25, Powell Fisher 1:18:07, Collin Young 1:30:48. 20-24 – Aesop Brown 31:28, Kenneth Nealy 41:31, Constantine Varlagas 50:30. 25-29 – Robbie Horstman 37:07, Kerry Maloney 38:17, Hays Pickens 43:37. 30-34 – Derek Bovard 38:36, Ryan Sacko 47:07, James Smith 49:38. 35-39 – Joey Morcock 41:38, Daniel Crovatt 42:46, TJ Spino 43:52. 40-44 – David Downing 41:16, Vince Kersey 44:19, Kelly Hilts 45:34. 45-49 – Eric Allers 38:26, Norman Morataya 42:30, Christopher Ferland 43:25. 50-54 – Scott Southwick46:38, Joseph Hester 48:25, Andrew Reilley 48:35. 55-59 – Steve Taylor 47:47, Brett Edgerle 50:38, Joseph Shoemaker 50:57. 60-64 – Fred Williams 53:34, Ashley Randall 53:52, David Buchanan 59:17. 65-69 – Tom Philbrick 54:53, Roy Pirrung 57:55, Joe Zakrzewski 59:17. 70-74 – Barry Crawford 1:02:06. 75-79 – Pearce Connerat 55:50. 80-over – Gabe Stone 1:01:57. Military – David Downing 41:17, Kenneth Nealy 41:35, Norman Morataya 42:32. Female, 10K: Overall – Charlotta Zeiler 38:53. Masters – Sarah Allers 44:27. 9-under – Lilli Bell 53:27, Carlee Hurst 1:17:09. 10-14 – Kayla Gholar 52:55, Samantha Grace Watkins 53:02, Olivia Arneston 53:15. 15-19 – Courtney Pansza 41:56, Monica Medrano 46:16, Christel-Ann Ramus 52:49. 20-24 – Minna Fields 42:10, Sally Francis 43:27, Kati Keenan 45:58. 25-29 – Ashlee Romani 43:16, Lindsey Bisgrove 43:50, Tracy Koch 44:33. 30-34 – Megyn Jefferson 42:49, Melanie Biner 44:46, Kimberly Decker 45:26. 35-39 – Hope Treece 43:04, Lynn Clark 47:02, Allison Carter 47:31. 40-44 – Jody Logar 53:05, Jessica Ward 53:33, Tyra Byers 53:48. 45-49 – Angela Shiver 44:56, Rie Avino 52:16, Tia Chandler 55:02. 50-54 – Sarah Batt 45:46, Sandra Elliott 51:17, Stephanie Coy 54:11. 55-59 – Diane Warner 53:29, Donna Kase 58:14, Cookie Espinoza 58:31. 6064 – Donna Bryant 58:16, Joni Consul 59:09, Deborah Cain 59:12. 65-69 – Sharon McConnell 1:04:53, Yvonne Frazier 1:20:22, Beverly Pedersen 1:23:10. 70-74 – Chady Hall 1:18:12, Sandra Zimmer 1:18:59, Sandra Resner 1:27:32. Military – Melanie Biner 44:51, Kimberly Decker 45:29, Amanda Mathew 47:22. Male, 5K: Overall – Henning Schein 15:05. Masters – Jimmy Markins 18:16. Joe Nettles Award – Tom Moran21:14, Don Korty 21:54, David Lord 22:15. 9-under – Domenic Harrison 24:07, Marshall Lego 25:58, Ben Karner 27:06. 10-14 – Mason Smith 17:36, Nathan Lessard 18:25, Ethan Finley 22:15. 15-19 – Grant Macneil 17:10, Alex Suciu 19:03, Jack Cason 19:06. 20-24 – Donald Shelton 16:12, Kenneth Nealy 18:21, Zachary Gordon 22:16. 25-29 – Tim Price 16:14, Robbie Horstman 16:46, Kerry Maloney 17:17. 30-34 – Ryan McClay 16:07, Derek Bovard 17:06, James Sinclair 18:11. 35-39 – Scott Baker 18:52, Timothy Decker 18:55, Joey Morcock 18:59. 40-44 – David Downing 18:43, Vince Kersey 19:57, Gregg Durkin 21:36. 45-49 – Eric Carpenter 19:25, Christopher Ferland 19:47, Brian Grenchik 19:49. 50-54 – Scott Gress 19:39, Scott Southwick 20:16, Joseph Hester 21:57. 5559 – Brett Edgerle 21:01, Steve Taylor 21:05, Mark Acres 22:08. 60-64 – Ashley Randall 22:56, Mark Johnson 23:02, David Buchanan 23:25. 65-69 – Jim Cone 24:08, Tom Philbrick 24:44, Robert Dicroce 25:29. 70-74 – John Pomeroy 25:13, Barry Crawford 27:04, Joe Amenta 31:59. 75-79 – David Birdwell 38:57, Joseph Paslawski 54:59. 80-over – Gabe Stone 28:21, Tony Keenan 36:26, Dale Critz 43:12. Military – Kenneth Nealy 18:21, David Downing 18:43, Scott Baker 18:52, Timothy Decker 18:55. Female, 5K: Overall – Minna Fields 19:11. Masters – Sarah Batt 21:27. Joe Nettles Award – Joni Consul 26:09, Irene Kress 27:49,

more results at running.net Sharon McConnell 28:05. 9-under – Loren Crovatt 27:29, Graysen Asterman 29:04, Ava Edgy 29:23. 10-14 – Kayla Gholar 22:33, Virginia Pastor 23:23, Samantha Grace Watkins 23:16. 15-19 – Christel-Ann Ramus 22:44, Jessica Oates 27:29, Abigail Meert 27:36. 20-24 – Kati Keenan 20:23, Dale Erdmier 21:21, Hayley Hamilton 21:43. 25-29 – Lindsey Bisgrove 19:50, Katie McClay 20:05, Amanda Mathew 21:27. 30-34 – Lauren Knight 19:41, Shannon Bradford 20:17, Townley Smith 20:49. 35-39 – Hope Treece 19:44, Becky Richey 21:17, Andrea Goto 22:27. 40-44 – Julie Prescott 22:18, Jody Logar 22:26, Jessica Ward 22:39. 45-49 – Lauren Murray 24:14, Robin Buchanan 24:30, Michelle Dodge 25:04. 50-54 - Fran Dewan 24:16, Lisa Johnson 25:14, Lonnie Zofchak 25:19. 55-59 – Diane Warner 24:18, Donna Kase 25:03, Amy Harris 26:36. 60-64 – Leslie Mishrell 30:14, Donna Higgins 30:55, Louise Moore 35:21. 65-69 – Gail Pomeroy 31:31, Peggy Karner 33:25, Marilyn Zakrzewski 34:20. 70-74 – Chady Hall 31:29, Sandra Zimmer 37:47, Sandra Resner 41:34. 75-79 – Kaye Davis 47:58.

Lightning Bolt 5K Bogart, GA – 2/20

Male, Overall – Charlie Bahnson 17:38. Masters – Brian O’Neal 18:01. Grandmasters – David Bennett 21:15. 10-under – James Mustard 25:26, David Duncan 26:48, Matthew Clausen 27:03. 11-14 – Alex Thomas 18:29, Davis Potts 19:33, Aidan Landrum 19:53. 15-19 – Simon Bohannon 23:52, Hector Vega 24:45, AJ Waller 34:49. 20-24 – Bryan Rante 27:30. 25-29 – Jacob Osborne 26:06. 30-34 – Tray Beryenn 28:32, Kevin Decastro 28:36.35-39 – Lee Jackson 24:44, Richard Watkins 36:48, Chris Diganci 40:41. 40-44 – David Duncan 21:00, Will Brown 22:15, Derek Lee 22:30. 45-49 – Luke Smith 21:25, Van McCorkle 22:32, David Beeland 24:03. 50-54 – Jim Carson 21:40, Mark Townsend 23:56, Mickey Benson 25:06. 55-59 – Rick Hayes 22:48, Jim Schulte 25:38, Andrew Paterson 26:14. 60-64 – Bucky Woods 55:28. 65-69 – Al Ludwick 26:11 Don Palsgaard 30:01, Bill Chamblee 34:33. 70-74 – David Watkins 30:14, Herman Sasser 31:20, Jim Latimer 33:05. 75-over – David Turner 28:36. Female, Overall – Michelle Magagha 19:53. Masters – Melissa Landers-Potts 20:49. Grandmasters – Maria Davis 27:23. 10-under – Madison Cass 37:06, KyleeCass 40:19, Danielle Hubbard 41:37. 11-14 – Kelsey Morse 20:35, Caroline Duncan 22:18, Grace Pan 24:47. 15-19 – Taylor Whitehead 28:55, Chaebin Park 40:54, Bailey Osborne 42:06. 20-24 – Danielle Teasley 37:28. 25-29 – Anna Bahnson 23:23, Shea Sales 37:22. 30-34 – Monica Cunningham 29:10. 35-39 – Elizabeth Osberger 26:51, Elizabeth Patrick 27:53, Angie Wiggans 28:01. 40-44 – Kelly Ardoin 26:36, Rebecca Whipkey 27:21, Tracy Biga 27:29. 45-49 – Julie Gayer 24:17, Christy Carson 28:17, Donna Marshall 28:43 50-54 – Rhonda Trainor 27:43, Donna Cain 34:07, Dena Pruitt 34:27. 55-59 – Melinda Burrell 50:15. 60-64 – Raeanne Watkins 32:13, Vicky Werner 38:26, Patti Blevins 51:03. 65-69 – Sue Chastain 32:39, Lida Ludwick 34:22, Sharron Hannon 46:58. – Classic Race Services

LOUISIANA Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital Amazing Half Marathon/10K/5K Baton Rouge, LA – 3/6

Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Morgan Shaw 1:22:38, Alex

Running Journal • April, 2016 Tucker 1:23:36, Charles Anderson 1:26:03. Masters – Jeff Baudier 1:35:02. Grandmasters – Todd Denton 1:38:22. Senior Grandmasters – Jim Marsalis 1:50:14. 14-under – Buddy Colligan 1:44:38, Sam Seidel 2:08:39, Jackson Heckert 2:14:24. 15-19 – Andre Calvit 1:40:38, Claudio Franc 1:45:54, Chase Thrower 2:17:56. 20-24 – Landon Leblanc 1:29:55, Eric Berqman 1:41:14, Christian Robique 2:05:59. 2529 – Tyler Stevens 1:34:02, Alexis Zamora 1:43:17, Dylan Jason 1:44:02. 30-34 – Tony Margherio 1:41:09, Travis Euggino 1:41:54, Serkan Ozel 1:49:17. 35-39 – Bradley Oswalt 1:29:00, Michel McNabb 1:29:34, Clarence Johnson 1:38:06. 40-44 – Keith Couvillion 1:35:24, Adam Hall 1:36:07, Ken Romero 1:43:49. 45-49 – Michael Conners 1:35:54, Geroge Say 1:43:42, Brent Goudeau 1:45:05. 50-54 – Leonardo Verde 1:43:55, Troy Marcella 1:48:34, Juston O’Brien 1:53:27. 55-59 – Henry Patrick 1:38:42, Bob Jacobsen 1:44:24, Richard Goldsmith 1:51:53. 60-64 – Ralph Caddell 1:55:00, James Walker 2:04:57, Pat Pettijohn 2:05:37. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Kara Marlatt 1:23:51, Jessica Demello 1:28:52, Erin Oswalt 1:29:16. Masters – Tiffany Favre 1:40:47. Grandmasters – Ann Donley 1:56:10. Senior Grandmasters – Karen Elkind-Hirsch 2:08:07. 14-under – Allie Claire Treloar 3:07:40. 15-19 – Rachel Seidel 2:09:46, Taylor Williams 2:33:55. 20-24 – Allie Stone 1:36:10, Morganne Ashley 1:44:57, Deanna Jason 1:49:22. 2529 – Melanie Doescher 1:39:00, Hannah Brooks 1:49:11, Samantha Steve 1:55:45. 30-34 – Lindsey Manda 1:31:02, Amy Centanni 1:39:17, Katie Cannizzaro 1:39:59. 35-39 – Hannah Amoroso 1:44:08, Jessica Ashford 1:49:44, Robin Deschamps 1:53:39. 40-44 – Dora Pharis 1:47:49, Tina Travis 1:53:24, Stephanie Arboneaux 1:53:27. 45-49 – Lauren Marcella 1:50:24, Launa Zeringue 1:56:56, Lisa St. Pierre 2:00:01. 50-54 – Diana Pietrogallo 1:59:44, Alyson McCain 2:00:16, Karleen Glueck 2:10:10. 55-59 – Joni Russo 159:55, Theresa Vu 2:00:23, Ellen Arretteig 2:07:20. 60-64 – Lynn Altazin 2:10:39, Cindy Blanchard 2:21:21, Debbie Huffman 2:26:50. Male, 10K: Overall – Eric Goodman 41:21, Scott Thom 42:58, Robert Duncan 44:31. Masters – Kevin Vernor 45:08. Grandmasters – Stephen Bergeron 46:17. Senior Grandmasters – William Kleinpeter 51:27. 14-under – Reed Braun 1:01:41, Paxton Smith 1:08:47, Aiden Monistere 1:08:52. 15-19 – Josh Danna 45:03, Grant Adams 52:07, Tzuriel Pedigo 1:02:28. 20-24 – Hays Clary 1:02:55, Jared Dupont 1:04:47, Travis Vampran 1:06:17. 25-29 – Patrick Amie 49:05, Charles Goldwait 54:19, Andrew Ducote 54:30. 30-34 – David Abney 45:24, John Young 47:19, Brooks Dartez 49:34. 35-39 – Jacob Monistere 45:23, Adam Ducote 46:19, Scott Corkern 46:55. 40-44 – Sean Borders 46:40, William Moe 47:24, Sergio Aviles 50:25. 45-49 – Byron Bourg 48:25, Van Bush 54:46, Scott Wester 55:51. 50-54 – Marcus Rovira 49:33, Bert Brouillette 51:52, JC Rawls 52:39. 55-59 – Gene Stone 56:09, Larry Williams 56:56, Charles Modenbach 1:02:21. 60-64 – Terrence Dier 56:42, Keith Breaux 1:01:42, David Caillet 1:50:30. 65-69 – Randy Ellis 56:24, George Bourke 57:37, Jim Brandt 58:59. Female, 10K: Overall – Ellery Hayden 44:20, Kami Carpenter 44:26, Andrea Evans 45:33. Masters – Heather Johnson 50:10. Grandmasters – Susan Hayden 51:46. Senior Grandmasters – Joanne Woodward 1:06:07. 14-under – Rebecca Quebedeaux 53:52, Kylea Saccaro 1:29:05. 15-19 – Chloe Bergeron 1:07:35, Lindsay Ortego 1:08:54, Abbey Weselak 1:34:09. 20-24 – Megan McKenzie 53:11, Stevie Overby 57:14, Annelise Bergeron 1:01:10. 25-29 – Jeanette Campos 45:44, Brittlyn Sosh 46:23, Kristi Edwards 46:29. 30-34 – Ginny Grant 50:55, Becky Kramer-White 51:32, Sarah Smith 53:24. 35-39 – Angela Leonards 57:34, Amanda Talbot 58:08, Stephanie Dufrent 1:00:22. 40-44 – Jeri Johnson 51:58, Joanna Lemoine 52:00, Layna Rush 55:53. 45-49 – Dana Inzinna 1:00:28, Lisa Wilridge 1:00:33, Joy Pennington 1:03:39. 50-54 – Carol Rousseau 53:46, Francine Francois 55:30, Tracy Marquette 1:00:18. 55-59 – Rhonda Brouillette 58:30, Susan Landry 58:31, Susan Alfonso 1:00:35. 60-64 – Linda Fulmer 1:12:05, Mary Delaune 1:12:28, Nancy Powell 1:13:38. 70-74 – Sandy Giannobile 1:10:39. Male, 5K: Overall - Charles Anderson 18:12, Ken

Romero 21:00, Noah Nagle 21:07. Female, 5K: Overall – Jeanette Campos 21:47, Ava Lemoine 23:06, Jaimie Higgins 24:20.

Morgan Shaw was overall half marathon winner.

Ellery Hayden led females in 10K.

MISSISSIPPI Run Thru History 10K Vicksburg, MS - 3/5

Kara Marlatt was women's half marathon winner.

Male, Overall - Peter Kazery 34:14. Masters - Collin Johnson 40:14. Grandmasters -Tony Diaz 43:56. Senior Grandmasters -Jose Llopis 49:06. 14-under-Alex Foster 49:43, Walker Sullivan 54:39, Baylor Picard 55:37.15-19 -Andrew Knott 43:55, Max Wamsley 47:16, Parker Kivett 47:29.20-24 - Will Gurtowski 53:10, Josh Bryant 53:22, Travis Joyner 53:59. 25-29 - Don Kazery III 45:03, Shane Sanders 57:13, Jonathan Ray 57:40.30-34 - Brent Watson 39:15, Josue Capir 41:53, Preston Walker 43:31.35-39 - James Goode 41:00, Jason Bennett 42:37, Eric Mason 45:37.40-44 -


Lex Davis 43:41, Terry Jones 44:30, Craig Danczyk 44:56.45-49 - Joe Giambrone 42:56, Greg White 44:00, Bryan Register 44:17.50-54 - Dale Cordes 43:48, Randy Pearcy 47:45, Bilal Hashim 49:02.55-59 - Mark Lipking 47:51, Doug Jones 47:55, Charles Allred 47:57.60-64 - Allen Derivaux 53:12, Don Day 54:42, Jimmy Salmon 56:52.65-69 - Ike Henry 55:45, Mark Johnston 59:51, Robert Sadler 59:54.70-74 - Joe Kitchens 58:56, Alvin Kurtz 1:31:30.75-over - C.T. Carley 1:50:06. Female, Overall - Keri Frazier 42:14. Masters - Donna McCarron 53:49. Grandmasters - Suzy Seeber 49:08. Senior Grandmasters - Dorothy Arnold 1:02:59. 14-under - Aidan Collins 50:27, Miller Glass 1:06:02, Murry Alderman 1:07:11.15-19 - Sara Jobe 1:36:46.20-24 - Margaret Thames 1:04:01, Jacqueline Sosebee 1:06:42, Hiwot Kassye 1:10:40.25-29 - Lindsay Carruth 56:13, Emily Coady 57:32, Katie Mae Smith 59:07.30-34- Melissa Smithhart 48:05, Valera Vollor 48:06, Jennifer McMillin 51:31.35-39 - Kristi Hall 43:14, Ashley Mason 48:39, Lezlie McCoy 52:58.40-44 - Jennifer Agyepong 54:50, Elizabeth Adair 54:51, Sandy Williams 56:02.45-49 - Lori Burke 56:04, Mindy Giambrone 56:12, Maria Signa 1:02:21.50-54 - Debbie Chaney 53:24, Laura Callaway 59:13, Lisa Burkhalter 1:01:12.55-59 - Joan Fowler 50P:06, Mary Baumgarten 52:09, Chantay Steen 53:56.60-64 - Patti Seys 1:04:41, Lia Cannon 1:05:14, Helen Redecop 1:05:34.6569 - Elizabeth Hudson 1:04:44.70-74 - Maria Walker 1:04:53.75-over - Ann Mellott 1:28:08.

NORTH CAROLINA Run For The Roses 5K Raleigh, NC – 2/14

Male, Overall – Omar Wiggan 16:18, Benjamin Rachunok 16:26, Paul Jones 16:29. Masters – Sean Brady 18:51, Jay Holbrook 19:33, Jerry Hung 19:39. 12-under – Dylan Core 20:56, Connor Barritt 24:16, James Hung 25:07. 13-19 – Timmy O’Neill 17:41, Justin Chen 18:16, Ryan Ackley 19:20. 20-24 – George Cleland 16:37, Matthew Loeffler 17:39, Stephen Rathje 18:11. 25-29 – Colleen McCarthy 19:45, Deb Yannessa 20:31, Lauren Bullard 21:55. 30-34 – Andy Tessena 17:34, Zach Brinkman 18:23, Jonathan Smith 19:28. 35-39 – Michael Klingensmith 19:10, Michael Pearson 21:07, Dave Mulley 21:22. 40-44 – Andy Schnitzer 19:54, Darren Umstead 21:01, Declan O’Shaughnessy 21:33. 45-49 – Joerg Bauer 25:29, John Ebbighausen 26:32, Clark Pope 26:59. 50-54 – Michael Lee 20:15, Steve Mele 20:23, Jeff Crume 20:28. 55-59 – Rusty Anderson 21:15, Tim Beck 22:00, Rob Garnas 22:34. 60-64 – Michael Martino 22:12, Geoff Bolton 23:22, Phillip Bailey 24:36. 65-69 – Bert Banks 21:36, Larry Slupianek 26:04, Chip Dodd 27:25. 70-74 – John Mitchell 25:20, Rey Ramirez 29:36, Bill Squier 35:11. 80-over – Peter Eberhart 51:37. Female, Overall – Amanda Lopiccolo 18:04, Jessica Dennison 19:38, Julie Robinson 19:40. Masters – Tina Lee 23:36, Lori Cove 23:59, Susan Krizek 24:23. 12-under – Lisbeth Hauser 25:24, Kayleigh Collins 29:21, Emma Smith 29:53. 13-19 – Kianna Cook 21:29, Savannah Dunham 28:21, Maddie West 28:43. 20-24 – Leah Steele 22:02, Jentzen Jones 22:41, Megan Porter 23:20. 25-29 – Colleen McCarthy 19:45, Deb Yannessa 20:31, Lauren Bullard 21:55. 30-34 – Ashley Best 23:07, Leah Schwizer 23:56, Laurie Matecki 24:33. 35-39 – Susan Heuser 20:31, Cara Musumeci 22:05, Marie Jones 24:08. 40-44 – Mallory Vaccaro 25:39, Nikki Gainey 26:48, Meredith Sherian 26:59. 45-49 – Desiree Adkins 26:50, Denise Laporta 27:00, Svetlana Stiles 28:14. 50-54 – Mary Szymkowski 25:41, Connie Tharrington 26:21, Carolyn Southard 28:10. 55-59 – Carol Hill 26:57, Lisa Brown 28:08, Mimi Musumeci 28:42. 60-64 – Leigh Wilson 26:38, Susan Bradley 27:30, Krista Ashe 28:46. 65-69 – Maryann Smith 35:53, Bobbie Smythe 37:16, Christine Mason 37:27. 70-74 – Barbara Latta 32:05.

Shamrock 10K/5K Mocksville, NC – 3/5

Male, 10K: Overall – Justin Pfreunder 32:56, Robert Youtz 36:19, Nick Whited 37:17. 11-14 – Lucas Autrey 46:41, Adam Triplett 1:09:52. 15-19 – Jose Solano 43:34. 20-29 – Ryan Laster 46:02, Mitche Skidmore 49:49, Turner Skidmore 1:02:52. 30-39 – Philip Summers 40:08, Dave Laster 40:10, Chrise Miles 41:24. 40-49 – Paul Sherman 38:07, David Essic 44:22, John Morris 46:54. 50-59 – Dan Bradley 43:00, Edwin Fager 45:06, Pete Morris 45:30. 60-69 – David Beatty 47:54, Gary Prillaman 53:41, Michael Long 1:12:41. 70-over – Dave Salmon 57:10. Female, 10K: Overall – Tara Richardson 36:07, Katie Burke 46:58, Dawn Miles 48:59. 15-19 – Michelle Shore 50:38. 20-29 – Maddie Mabe 50:22, Amy Lewis 50:57, Sarah Neubert 50:57. 30-39 – Sara Buchanan 56:27, Kim Craver 58:16, Julie Miller 1:00:23. 40-49 – Amanda Brackens 53:37, Amanda Carrick 53:42, Monica Millsaps 56:25. 50-59 – Evie Owens 50:08, Barabara Carr 57:08, Jill Knox 1:00:40. 60-69 – Lynn Berry 54:27, Donna Knight 1:03:17, Amy Suttle 1:06:17. Male, 5K: Overall – Sully Hudson 17:23, Nick Whited 17:31, Erik Martin 17:46. 10-under – Kyzer Young 25:21, Nevan Ellis 26:13, Clay Summers 27:27. 11-14 – Sebastien McEwen 25:13, Zachary Spaugh 25:52, Jonathan Reagan 32:04. 15-19 – John Myers 19:15, Masun Braun 21:02, Sterling Whittington 24:53. 20-29 – Michael Alvis 20:05, Brady Rooney 27:52, Jacob Dreibelbis 28:02. 30-39 – Phillip Summers 19:22, Andrew Manzella 22:11, Mark Dudley 23:14. 40-49 – Kent Woodward 22:51, Dana Triplett 24:59, Scott Smith 25:35. 50-59 – Edwin Fager 21:34, Todd Norris 22:29, Brent Ellis 23:07. 60-69 – Marty Beeson 21:31, Gary Prillaman 25:17, Doug Brunner 27:35. 70-over – Dave Salmon 28:02, Edwin Howard 43:07, George Kimberly 43:46. Female, 5K: Overall – Tara Richardson 18:19, Bailey Reutinger 20:38, Ana Reutinger 21:41. 10-under – Emberleigh Pauley Brown 26:47, Raelyn Lankford 27:11, Brady Sheek 36:26. 11-14 – Emerson Frantz 25:05, Emma Patterson 29:25, Sara Reagan 30:14. 15-19 – Oksana Ilyina 26:51, Madison Smith 33:12, Jessica Ortega 34:06. 20-29 – Maddie Mabe 24:03, Rose Stephens 27:18, Margaret Dickerman 27:24. 30-39 – Lucia Ellis 22:05, Samantha Dudley 28:00, Felicia Snyder 29:21. 40-49 – Amanda Brackens 25:10, Tracie Murphy 25:57, Judy Swade 26:05. 5059 – Beth Cassidy 30:25, Mary Gertz 33:38, Sherry Bernstein 36:10. 60-69 – Elizabeth Kimberly 29:30, Amy Suttle 33:08, Martha Reed 39:50.



Running Journal • April, 2016


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64 – Beth Livingston 31:23, Linday Connolly 34:30, Debra Myers 38:15. 65-69 – Kathy Laboa Brown 26:25, L Carol Bowers 28:50, Martha Bird 47:39. 70-over – Mary Ann Fowler 1:00:51. Half Marathon: Top 50 1- Daniel Lenahan 1:20:29, 2-Ben LaPrise 1:25:31, 3-Drew Dinan 1:26:38, 4-Joshua Letendre 1:29:29, 5-Zach Poinar 1:30:11, 6-Luke Rohaley 1:31:24, 7Michele Milner 1:32:15, 8-Jonathan Zuraw 1:34:10, 9-Daina Hill 1:34:19, 10-Lisa Tolley 1:34:26, 11-Jeff Miles 1:34:35, 12Rachel Crunk 1:34:37, 13-Jennifer Kryzanowsk 1:34:54, 14Mark Schwarztrauber 1:35:33, 15-Joseph Brookbank 1:35:56, 16-Gerland Ackberg 1:36:42, 17-Brian Duffy 1:37:46, 18-Jana Seppala 1:38:25, 19-Thomas Pollehn 1:38:40, 20-Joseph Hying 1:39:22, 21-Joe Cristaldi 1:39:42, 22-Jacob Smith 1:40:08, 23Dustin Randall 1:40:19, 24-Tony Glaser 1:41:13, 25-Tanner Bleakley 1:41:25. 26-Bryan Prudhomme 1:41:26, 27-Taylor Lyles 1:41:55, 28Kara Griffin 1:43:12, 29-Elizabeth Holland 1:43:12, 30Christopher Coghlan 1:43:50, 31-Gwynne Williams 1:44:23, 32Jeffrey Hickey 1:44:32, 33-Chase Summerlin 1:44:32, 34-Lisa Enfinger 1:44:49, 35-Robert Barrett 1:45:18, 36-Laura Eddy 1:45:25, 37-Geoffrey Forbus 1:45:32, 38-Amber Kirchner 1:45:45, 39-Ryan Price 1:45:47, 40-Van Waring 1:45:47, 41Landon Rohrer 1:46:05, 42-April Prudhomme 1:46:14, 43-Kelly Simpson 1:46:33, 44-Elyse Braner 1:46:53, 45-Gregory Dost 1:46:54, 46-Gordon Niicholson 1:47:30, 47-Marie DeLorenzo 1:47:57, 48-George Oliver 1:48:05, 49-Matthew Erwin 1:48:13, 50-Bonnie Hatley 1:48:15.

Long Run 15K/5K Columbia, SC – 2/6

Male, 15K: Overall – Brett Morley 48:45, Matt Shock 50:51, Josh Cashman 51:14, Orinthal Striggles 53:25, Colin Cronin 56:21. Masters – Anton Bodourov 57:50. 14-under – John Homer 1:16:49, Luke Lawhorn 1:27:58, Justin Guthrie 2:05:03. 15-19 – Justin Rose 59:25, Alex Robertson 1:31:56. 20-24 – Christopher Lee 1:12:16, Ford Blanchard 1:15:03, Brooks Lane 1:23:26. 25-29 – Eric Simonson 1:00:05, David Mead 1:03:37, Hardee Sanders 1:04:07. 30-34 – Jarod Holt 1:02:59, Chris O’Neill 1:05:20, Trey Webster 1:07:45. 35-39 – Michael Nance 59:10, Luke Godwin 1:03:26, Robert Yerger 1:06:20. 40-44 – Phil Midden 58:44, Toby Selix 1:00:14, Tyler Hudston 1:05:24. 45-49 – Whitney Keen 1:02:23, Scott Fleischer 1:05:45, Randall Hrechko 1:05:47. 50-54 – Jay Hammond 1:06:38, Phil Togneri 1:12:08, Alan Humphries 1:15:55. 55-59 – Gene Brinson 1:12:37, John Bradley 1:14:00, Bobby Rosebrock 1:14:35. 60-64 – Robbie McLendon 1:06:44, Mike Compton 1:11:47, Scott Richardson 1:19:20. 65-69 – Carey Stoneking 1:18:45, John Houser 1:35:08. 70-over – Ron Hagell 1:30:36, Jesse Smarr 2:00:51. Female, 15K: Overall – Joy Miller 56:31, Heather Costello 58:26, Erin Miller 58:58, Erin Suttman 59:13, Tammy Putt 1:01:35. Masters – Linn Hall 1:04:51. 14-under – Madison Guthrie 2:00:57. 15-19 – Lindsey Smith 1:09:50, Lauren Ramold 1:13:50, Julia Keen 1:23:15. 20-24 – Susie McQuiston 1:04:53, Lauryn Schubiger 1:14:04, Mary Fran Hillow 1:20:53. 25-29 – Valori Schubiger 1:14:04, Veronica Watson 1:17:29, Gabby Delorenze 1:18:12. 30-34 – Ashlee Sears 1:05:13, Alison McLain 1:11:07, Kimberly Hardin 1:15:05. 35-39 – Marcy Utheim 1:11:31, Kristin Cattieu 1:13:40, Nicole Bell 1:14:08. 40-44 – Tracy Heldreth 1:16:10, Rebecca West 1:17:47, Elizabeth Mower 1:20:45. 45-49 – Debbie Kirkland 1:18:14, Kristin Barrett 1:20:43, Heather Hawn 1:21:22. 50-54 – Chantal Faure 1:11:43, Alison Cherry 1:21:44, Marlena CrovattBag 1:23:49. 55-59 – Alsena Edwards 1:19:54, Melanie Davega 1:21:31, Carol Wallace 1:22:22. 60-64 – Mark Howk 1:14:06, Deborah Lutton 1:29:01, Karen Kramer 1:38:19. 65-69 – Patti Lowden 1:43:46, Brigitte Smith 1:54:54. Male, 5K: Overall – Justin Bishop 16:59, Aaron Trent 17:52, Parkers Roof 17:57. Masters – Alex McDonald 19:19. 10-under – Anish Verma 23:36, Daniel Kloke 27:20, Dallas Robinson 30:13. 11-13 – Ryan Shelley 22:10, John Davis 23:37, Tyler Robertson 32:39. 14-16 – Jesse Swearingen 20:06, Joseph Humphries 2:11, John Swearingen 23:55. 17-19 – Morgan Casarez 37:57. 20-24 – Marcus Finney 24:10, Andrew Bloxham 24:11, Hunter George 26:57. 25-29 – Daniel Martin 19:05, Daniel Patrick 20:25, Adam Ribock 23:25. 30-34 – Scott Thompson 22:55, Chad Vaught 24:18, Seth Krisnow 26:10. 3539 – Marc Truesdale 19:21, Drew Williams 19:28, William Brumbach 20:10. 40-44 – Ravi Surendran 23:22, Mark Moniuszko 23:59, Deepak Verma 24:41. 45-49 – Ronnie Dennis 21:51, Johnathan Kirkwood 21:53, Ken McCrary 25:55. 50-54 – Eliere Tolan 23:02, Dan Mann 24:33, Jeff Smith 26:05. 55-59 – Geary McAlister 20:20, Joe Cherry 27:18, John Davis 29:12. 6064 – Danny West 20:15, Pete Poore 28:56, Curtis Smoak 30:15. 65-69 – Albert Anderson 22:44, Rich Weaver 34:54, Ken Lowden 34:57. 70-74 – Arnold Floyd 24:38. 75-over – Henry Holt 29:58. Female, 5K: Overall – Michelle Ziegler 18:04, Mary Claire Cox 19:01, Ivanka Tolan 20:35. Masters – Joycey Welch 23:37. 10-under – Riley Moore 30:13, Chayna Thomas 30:22, Katie Kloke 30:35. 11-13 – Keaton Rogers 27:27, Caleigh Brady 36:47, Taylor Gilbert 37:44. 14-16 – Alexandra Clemens 28:55, Maegan Togneri 30:27, Allie Mabry 34:46. 17-19 – Brittany Robbins 23:47, Jessica Weaver 28:19, Abby Cooper 33:04. 2024 – Jesse Bradshaw 25:21, Anne McKoy 28:39, Jennifer Bozzo 29:18. 25-29 – Jennifer Lybrand 26:28, Sarah Cobb 29:04, Alexis Bennett 29:05. 30-34 – Elisha Byrne 22:44, Laura Holt 23:17, Sandra Moser 27:26. 35-39 – Jenny Isgett 25:13, Sara Kloke 25:56, Lucia Smith 26:03. 40-44 – Jennifer Clemens 28:03, Rebecca Quenneville 29:07, Anh Gross 29:13.45-49 – Shelley Hinson 24:54, Tracy Tisdale 26:22, Jami Bettis 27:22. 50-54 – Tracy Meyers 25:09, Susan Weaver 30:45, Lisa McClain 33:08. 55-59 – Julie Zion 34:36, Terry Elkins 42:42, Donna Hayden 52:52. 60-64 – Susan West 25:31, Helene Lipe 35:37, Sandra Manning 38:50. 65-69 – Joette Gdovin 44:10, Patrice Roebuck 1:01:52.

Save the Light Half Marathon/5K Folly Beach, SC – 2/6

Male, 5K: Overall – CJ Westfall 19:44, Wesley Dasilva Reis 20:31. 13-under – Collin Brown 27:00, JP Ressler 28:36, Jake Bradley 38:24. 14-19 – Kevin MacBride 22:19, Jackson Cantrell 30:28, Kenneth MacBride 31:30. 20-24 – Clinten Wilbur 23:13, Chris McGayhey 29:49, Stella Shuman 1:05:49. 25-29 –David Frazier 20:54, Adam Blakely 21:30, Pierre Cieniewicz 21:41. 3034 –Jerry Romanoski 20:43, Brent Dorris 25:59, Scott Sandie 26:19. 35-39 – Patrick Bise 21:35, Will Fogle 21:37, Richard Watson 25:16. 40-44 – Michael Ruscio 24:01, Rob Emory 24:10, Ashley Starkey 24:55. 45-49 – James Bradley 25:07, Steve Coe 28:45, James Hodges 29:04. 50-54 – Fred Berry 24:08, Ivey Baird 25:27, Marcos Flor 25:46. 55-59 – Tony Shuler 21:00, Dan O 22:41, Bill Lackey 29:22. 60-64 – Allen Shelley 33:18, Mark Line 45:10, Floyd Moody 59:43. 65-69 – Bill Barfield 28:48, Joe Mannmo 29:52, Robert Neville 32:12. 70over – Gary Melville 25:54, Steve Comer 26:00, Clyde Mizzell 33:51. Female, 5K: Overall – Lilly Jandacek 22:11, Lisa Deaton 22:54. 13-under – Paisley Hodges 28:43. 14-19 – Hanna Nagy 40:11. 20-24 – Carson Fisher 27:37, Abigal Christiansen 28:15, Kate Eck 28:59. 25-29 – Amanda Walworth 24:06, Anastacia Bagnolo 24:58, Susan Pankus 25:27. 30-34 – Brooke Livingston 23:36, Nicole Leaf 23:57, Bobbi Scott 25:23. 35-39 – Jessica McNabb 27:03, Merilee Freshour 27:35, Jenny Breckons 30:06. 40-44 – Rosemary Connor 25:42, Christine Ressler 27:19, Jennifer Spanjan 28:33. 45-49 – Eva Kovacs 24:33, Monica Mason 29:11, Dianne Rymer 30:27. 50-54 – Karen Lackey 25:07, Noriko Johnson 26:01, Patricia Tremblay 28:18. 55-59 – Mary Trepen 31:26, Susan Shannon 34:33, Pam Line 45:11. 60-

Hilton Head Island Marathon/Half Marathon/5K Hilton Head Island, SC – 2/13

Male, Marathon: Overall – Bryan Kelpe 2:55:48, Kristopher Geiger 3:01:35, Michael Schultz 3:02:13. Masters – Jay Soffian 3:08:57, Andrew Rose 3:10:34, Daniel McDowell 3:14:43. Grandmasters – Bobby Aswell 3:20:03, Alan Pobletts 3:25:50, Rick Armstrong 3:49:23. 19-under – Zach Urban 3:39:17, Paul Liner 3:48:18, Colton Iovoli 4:48:08. 20-24 – Chuck Steiner 4:00:40, Clayton Hoskins 4:41:11. 25-29 – William Struntz 3:18:39, Jacob Alexander 3:20:08, Doug Zimmerman 3:30:36. 30-34 – Jeromy Gallant 3:54:10, Dominic Viola 3:55:40, Kevin Delk 4:30:23. 35-39 – Jason Tipton 3:52:29, Jake Axelson 3:55:05, Tanner Chesney 4:06:10. 40-44 – Tony Murphy 3:27:49, William Mattis 3:31:36, Robert Halfacre 4:06:33. 45-49 – Dan Tyler 3:19:36, Evan Fiedler 3:41:38, Michael Messerschmid 3:44:14. 50-54 – Chris Lane 3:56:38, Michale Ham 4:00:50, Jon Heiliger 4:02:21. 5559 – Fred Ostrowski 3:55:07, Kenneth Blahut 3:55:27, Daniel Ottaway 3:57:18. 60-64 – John Lent 3:57:42, Emilo D’arduini 4:16:26, Don Weller 4:37:45. 65-69 – Carey Stoneking 4:01:05. 70-over – Mark Pitts 4:39:03, Bill Rex 5:51:47. Female, Marathon: Overall – Christine Rockey 3:05:46, Julie Albano 3:12:45, Ashley Hrubala 3:25:05. Masters – Melinda Evans 3:25:45, Aileen Cangianoheath 3:36:42, Malinda Honkus 3:48:18. Grandmasters – Maria Shields 4:02:06, Becky Morgan 4:06:09, Karen Evans 4:13:34. 19-under – Celia Jessiman 3:36:33, Grace Jessiman 3:54:08. 20-24 – Liz Locke 3:53:04, Sarah Black 4:11:43, Michelle Zeidan 4:25:28. 25-29 – Leahandra Wendland 3:44:50, Laura Hatesohl 3:52:50, Alison Travis 3:54:35. 30-34 – Maggie Weber 3:54:55, Erin Prentice 4:17:31, Lauren Peal 4:19:15. 3539 – Kristy French 4:07:24, Tracy Duffner 4:09:39, Chariti Paden 4:11:03. 40-44 – Laura Phillips 4:30:53, Julie Villanueva 4:47:22, Krista Zanetti 4:53:17. 45-49 – Marsha Kaufman 3:55:37, Heidi Pernia 4:00:06, Sarah Starling 4:21:43. 50-54 – Deb Iovoli 4:49:08. 55-59 – Cary Leonard 4:22:42, Mandy Guley 5:17:29. 60-64 – Sue McKinnon 5:08:31, Sharon Baroody 5:22:54, Billie Stewart 5:38:33. Male, Half marathon: Overall – David Adams 1:12:58, Kevin Huwe 1:19:44, Jason Sacks 1:21:13. Masters – Brian Driscoll 1:27:57, Doug Klassen 1:29:44, Nic Campos 1:30:37. Grandmasters – Duffie Stone 1:32:41. 19-under – Sam Beattie 1:29:22, Jack Beattie 1:29:23, Ryan Moosbrugger 1:29:46. 20-24 – Holden Bangle 1:25:07, Kevin Gordon 1:40:25, Zack White 1:53:41. 25-29 – George Moreno 1:23:31, Alex Wilcox 1:38:49, Matthew Cochran 1:49:38. 30-34 – Michael Withrow 1:23:39, Ramon Barrios 1:32:31, Christopher Glyshaw 1:35:55. 35-39 – Joel Vogel 1:28:58, Ricardo San Pedro 1:30:48, Rich Vidinha 1:31:08. 40-44 – Bryan Koepp 1:30:44, Matt Clark 1:32:24, John Rosen 1:39:18. 45-49 – Brian Helmke 1:31:33, Chip Collins 1:33:22, Scott Dilling 1:33:24. 5054 – Mike Gannon 1:40:44, Omar Moreno 1:41:35, Tracey Jackson 1:42:24. 55-59 – Lawrence Sak 1:33:30, Wally Dunn 1:34:17, Larry Bleich 1:42:40. 60-64 – Rick Franklin 1:39:24, Carl Randall 1:44:28, Ray Haile 1:50:50. 65-69 – Fred Corpuz 1:49:40, John Baxter 1:53:16, Gary Severance 2:00:23. 70-over – Ace Elsea 2:13:57, Terry Herron 2:22:08, Tony Lombardo 2:23:40. Female, Half marathon: Overall – Olivia Paxton 1:25:08, Erika Shaughnessy 1:27:51, Abigail Lackey 1:32:45. Masters – Sarah Batt 1:38:04, Jill Connor 1:41:43, Tracey DeForest 1:42:16. Grandmasters – Carole Feole 1:46:11. 19-under – McKenna Trapheagen 1:48:04, Annabelle Johnson 2:02:24, Haley McMurrain 2:08:45. 20-24 – Laura Garbes 1:40:48, Kary Jablonski 1:48:33, Carissa Wadsworth 1:48:39. 25-29 – Chelsey Oeffler 1:33:44, Cait Robins 1:39:02, Jennifer Huwe 1:41:46. 30-34 – Amy Scott 1:38:32, Whitney Griggs 1:41:20, Jill Wessels 1:43:48. 35-39 – Sandy Okeefe 1:35:14, Anne Rosen 1:35:34, Myrriah Hanna 1:36:22. 40-44 – Heidi Marshall 1:46:25, Kelly Garland 1:48:49, Maria Jones 1:49:03. 45-49 – Leah Taylor 1:48:07, Minnie Wilder 1:48:45, Jennifer Kachmar 1:48:49. 50-54 – Valerie Shockley 1:51:31, Karen McNally 1:52:32, Lisa Johnson 2:02:46. 55-59 – Ruth McCook 1:51:05, Susan Wood 1:55:30, Anita Wagner 2:03:53. 60-64 – Sarah Coffin 2:22:10, Marlene Sinclair 2:22:50, Sue Thorne 2:27:35. 65-69 – Rose Carney 1:57:33, Terry Brom Burns 2:28:10, Autumn Perry 2:34:11. 70-over – TJ Bryan 2:09:05, Connie Showalter 2:37:22, Susan Cormier 2:43:36. Male, 5K: Overall – Nahuel Coronel 17:15, Mike Stohler 17:43, Vince Ward 18:34. 13-under –- John Jessiman 19:52, Drew Freeman 23:11, Rex Blahut 24:04. 14-19 – Ryan Nimmer 19:19, Davis McMurrain 25:11, Liam Hamm 27:29. 20-29 – Zachary Bowling 18:50, Josh Clay 22:42, Dan Patterson 23:03. 30-39 – Greg Borders 21:54, Benjamin Kenney 22:11, Benjamin Kazik 23:12.

www.running.net 40-49 – Darren Gould 19:57, Glenn Lankowski 20:08, Alfred Olivetti 21:13. 50-59 – Andy Tedesco 19:31, John Ruff 23:41, Paul Steffen 24:04. 60-69 – Phil Dansdill 26:19, Robert Wieczorek 26:23, Alan Sullivan 27:40. 70-over – Richard Dillard 35:42, Hector Esquivel 41:13, Charliet Matlock 45:39. Female, 5K: Overall – Rachel Bowling 20:27, Jessica Clay 20:55, Melissa Treanor 21:50. 13-under – Sanne Verkoeijen 25:48, Alex Mogil 29:56, Kenleigh Cates 32:54. 14-19 – Alexis Voulgaropoulo 21:50, Virginia Tomlinson 28:01, Shuwen Sun 30:36. 20-29 – Annamarie Grodecki 23:27, Kristen Wartko 24:06, Andrea Berry 26:13. 30-39 – Sara Mitchell 23:21, Stephanie Smith 26:13, Martha Rodriguez 27:16. 40-49 – Donna Gohagan 28:09, Sharon Borsits 28:54, Karen Davis 29:24. 50-59 – Kelly Azevedo 23:58, Nella Sinclair 25:02, Karen Birdsall 28:43. 60-69 – Ann Noel Krider 29:19, Peggy Smith 29:36, Valerie Berecz 30:41. 70over – April Anderson 41:59, Lynn Sheppard 42:39, Joann Naeger 49:10.

Lexington Race Against Hunger 10K Lexington, SC – 2/27

Male, Overall – Miles Fowler 39:01, Timothy Gibson 40:03, Toby Selix 40:04. Masters – Brent Shealy 40:04, Angel Manuel 41:57. Grandmasters – Randy Thompson 43:35, Geary McAlister 43:38. 14-under – Jonathan Cochran 46:15, JD Ross 52:55, Logan Blight 59:14. 15-19 – Matthew McDade 50:06, Nicholas Geig 51:55, Tripp Owen 53:36. 20-24 – Jim McCormick 1:17:19. 2529 – Jacob Nelson 46:01, Steven Luckie 46:36, Charles Wagner 1:00:16. 30-34 – Thomas Delage 40:43, Casey Calhoun 43:50, Matt Whisonant 47:27. 35-39 – Blake Buchanan 45:40, John Flanagan 45:43, Josh Burns 47:22. 40-44 – Brian Clyburn 43:13, Kenny Culbertson 43:50, Mark Whetstone 45:23. 45-49 – Johnathan Kirkwood 45:30, Ty Thomas 45:44, Greg Fowler 46:26. 50-54 – Franusco Mora 44:46, Mike Nininger 47:14, Phil Togneri 47:42. 55-59 – Paul Caldwell 43:49, Von Hite 44:50, Rick Gibbons 48:15. 60-64 – Jeff Allums 45:06, Bob Parsons 57:05, Bryan Hunter 1:19:40. 65-69 – Stephen Lloyd 1:01:19, Charles Roof 1:02:15, Michael Safdi 1:02:45. 70-74 – Arnold Floyd 52:45, Peter Mugglestone 59:44, Rod Bailey 1:05:46. 75over – Henry Holt 1:03:38, Jesse Smarr 1:22:27. Female, Overall – Ashlee Sears 42:15, Cymbeline Wilke 42:34, Lindsey Smith 45:23. Masters – Julia Early 47:13, Rene Yanity 48:20. Grandmasters – Rachel Caldwell 50:16, Alsena Edwards 51:42. 14-under – Mary Margar Gannon 53:48. 15-19 – Anja Huegli 50:12, Jessica Weaver 1:01:58, Emily Hughes 1:06:58. 20-24 – Heather Cooper 54:50, Kara MacPhaul 55:20, Erin Taylor 58:11. 25-29 – Margaret Sessions 54:13, Rebecca Thompson 54:32, Merry Ellen Henry 55:01. 30-34 – Jessica Calhoun 48:51, Gina Campbell 52:19, Stephanie Mosher 52:41. 35-39 – Kristin Cattieu 52:25, Lea Hardy 52:43, Leslie Smith 53:06. 40-44 – Alyson Phillips 49:37, Amanda Lyons 52:25, Amy Grainger 54:09. 45-49 – Edie Goldsmith 49:40, Tracy Heldreth 49:50, Sherry Fadel 54:20. 50-54 – Amy Jo Jacobson 55:09, Renee McCormick 57:03, Patti Oubre 57:23. 55-59 – Donna Bickel 52:08, Carol Wallace 53:29, Lisa Smarr 58:13. – Strictly Running

TENNESSEE Surgoinsville 10 miler Surgoinsville, TN – 2/27

Male, Overall – J Penny 54:43. Masters – Phil Roberts 1:05:13. Grandmasters – Arthur Ricker 1:20:15. Senior Grandmasters – Bill Dickerson 1:23:24. 15-19 – Dakoatah Lyons 1:10:12. 20-24 – Jacob Colvin 1:24:58. 25-29 – Tony Casey 58:48, Ike Anderson 1:10:50. 3034 – Brinson Milhorn 56:56, Kent Markham 1:19:45, Dana Brooks 1:25:16. 35-39 – Andy Shelton 1:11:26, Shawn Becker 1:12:56, Jason Tipton 1:15:52. 40-44 – Jonathan Bass 1:05:56, John Carter 1:13:35, David Peccia 1:15:17. 45-49 – David Winstead 1:12:02, Tim Kuykendall 1:24:25, Neal Ewing 1:25:07. 50-54 – Fred Holloman 1:22:13, Greg Peters 1:22:18, Kevin Price 1:25:29. 55-59 – Daniel Ball 1:32:03, Dean Greer 1:33:33, Moe Brown 1:38:11. 60-64 – Clyde Kidd 1:28:41. 65-69 – Tom Murrell 1:25:39, Bob Hardin 1:30:11, Jimmy Jones 1:34:17. 7074- Tony Borghetti 1:39:39, Lee Roy Hurst 1:43:17, Legrande Boyer 1:47:48. 75-79 – Ed Fouts 2:32:15. Female, Overall – Breanna Roy 1:12:03. Masters – Amy Bradley 1:22:43. Grandmasters – Libby Overholt 1:24:23. Senior Grandmasters – Marie Tedesco 1:37:27. 14-under – Taylor Roy 1:13:37, Bonnie Bradley 1:43:49. 1519 – Annie Malcolm 1:24:50, Sydney Barnett 1:35:12. 20-24 – Allison Heck 1:23:17, Allura Sutter 1:32:50, Kayla Skelton 1:56:17. 25-29 – Rachel Wolfe 2:08:19. 30-34 – Jamie Mains 1:25:32, Melissa Austin 1:38:50, Lindsey Jennings 1:41:03. 3539 – Sarah Bradely 1:36:44, Karrie Mullins-Potter 1:38:17, Amanda Tipton 1:39:55. 40-44 – Jamie Hunt 1:35:13. 45-49 Janine Myatt 1:24:13, Janette Erchinger 1:29:28, Karen Barnette 1:41:29. 50-54 – Marie Appleby 1:34:00, Deborah Tipton 1:33:33, Moe Brown 1:38:11. 55-59 – Linda Morgan 1:35:50, Patti Turpin 1:39:51, Mary Rodriguez 1:41:17. 65-69 – Lana Butler 1:58:20, Barbara Taylor 2:26:18.

VIRGINIA Mardi Gras Run 4 Beads 10K/5K Smithfield, VA – 2/6

Male, 10K: Overall – Scott Karlin 40:07, Lee Duncan 40:22, Chris Ovakoski 40:38. 15-19 – Tyler Krug 40:38, Francois Medina 47:20, Gabriel Medina 49:25. 20-24 – Michael Landry 41:10. 25-29 – Josh Eason 49:37, Alex Hoch 1:10:39. 30-34 – Hoskins Henley 45:54, Bridger Field 46:56, Brett Pendell 47:48. 35-39 – Brian Webster 52:43, Christopher Carr 53:41, Danny Gore 56:52. 40-44 – Jay Bluett 41:27, Toby Worm 41:28, Kevin Goetz 43:50. 45-49 – Colin Consigleo 49:05, Kevin Torske 50:22, Scott Avery 55:52. 50-54 – Charlie Rhodes 43:57, Joe Garrity 44:21, Mark Dow 46:12. 55-59 – Bill Price 45:18, David Ebert 47:02, Timothy Hodge 48:59. 60-64 – Richard Ayala 1:12:18, Bob Curtin 1:17:03. 65-69 – Joseph Verdirame 51:11, Jimmy Blount 1:00:13, Grove Calvert 1:31:22. 70-over – Larry Arata 54:10. Female, 10K: Overall – Mary Gentry 49:39, Emma Lowry 51:47, Randi Simmons 52:49. 14-under – Lauren Martino 1:03:56. 20-24 – Cate Elder 1:05:58. 25-29 – Jennifer Raiford 1:07:03. 30-34 – Heidi Johnson 54:20, Melissa Laird 55:49, Lauren Hines 1:01:36. 3539 – Amy Elder-Smith 59:28, Christina Johnsen 1:01:23, Patti

Presson 1:01:28. 40-44 – Kristen Benes 53:33, April Matthews 58:30, Stephanie Caggiano 59:06. 45-49 – Wendy Berryman 1:01:00, Marie Price 1:01:25, Kelley Jacobson 1:03:32. 50-54 – Christine Leis 1:01:42, Debbi Boudet 1:05:02, Lourdes Martin 1:06:09. 55-59 – Donna Vaneck 1:04:12. 60-64 – Jackie Ahlsted 58:30, Joanne Gordon 1:06:17, Brenda Garner 1:39:13. 65-69 – Beverly Newby 1:29:23. Male, 5K: Overall – Matthew Palagyi 18:55, Richard Kyte 18:58, Sean Burrill 19:13. 14-under – Taylor Price 20:52, Ethan Caggiano 24:21, Nicholas Knierbein 27:35. 15-19 – William Beaumont 33:33, Connor Coker 33:35. 20-24 – Kyle Grell 19:58, Dalton Matheson 32:23, Jared Jones 34:09. 25-29 – Gregory Dady 32:12, Jason Janezic 40:30, Eric Pantleo 40:50. 30-34 – Joseph Patson 23:41, Rickey Callow 35:56, Chris Braselton 42:23. 35-39 – Paul Williford 24:11, Sean Holmes 24:46, Tim Radike 27:06. 40-44 – Dainyon Greene 23:56, Justin Ferguson 24:46, Carter Benes 32:31. 45-49 – Steven Armitage 19:17, John Caggiano 19:48, Glenn Wadsworth 27:17. 50-54 – William Palagyi 22:54, Bruce Jarrell 27:38, Gary Barlow 29:02. 55-59 – Jim Kenny 24:54, Michael Byrum 25:15, Michael Rice 27:35. 60-64 – Peter Navin 39:02. 65-69 – Ronald Thompson 27:32, Michael Brooks 38:30, Michael Nicoletti 44:38. 70-over – Carter Williams 39:08. Female, 5K: Overall – Sara Cantrell 22:16, Katherine Caggiano 22:38, Caitlynn Melanson 23:02. 14-under – Riley Goetz 26:02, Anna Cook 27:56, Abigail Epperson 28:23. 15-19 – Kenzie Kohrs 28:12, Lyndsay Knierbein 32:42, Hailey Beal 34:03. 20-24 – Ashley Hargather 32:24, Angeline Chounramany 32:43, Lindsey Brown 34:24. 2529 – Allison Knappenberger 29:01, Lindsey Schepis 32:48, Eileen byrne 33:32. 30-34 – Lauren Patson 25:36, Morgan Moore 32:29, Morgan Cullather 32:29. 35-39 – Angelique Reese 29:45, Angela Theall 29:51, Megan Webster 31:57. 40-44 – Jennifer Price 27:24, Debbie Northup 30:23, Anita Caudill 30:30. 45-49 – Rebecca Randolph 27:13 Nichole McAdams 27:17, Saundra Johnson 29:57. 50-54 – Valor Foy Jones 25:16, Kim Knierbein 30:05, Megan Chavis 30:24. 55-59 – Thea Ganoe 29:38, Patricia Wiedemann 33:48, Margaret Byrum 36:25. 6064 - Dottie Humphreys 30:15, Valerie Butler 44:49, Gail FordWestbrook 45:23. 65-69 – Catherine Brooks 39:41, Stephanie Verden 42:28, Nancy Blount 42:31. 70-over – Ann Hirn 29:53. – Bruce Davis

Knights of Columbus 10 mile Run for the Heart Yorktown, VA – 2/20

Male, Overall – Daniel Shean 1:06:17, Paul Pelletier 1:06:42, Peter Grabowski 1:08:25, Ivan Hutchison 1:13:25, Chuck Dunne. 19-under – Paul Glass 1:20:59. 30-34 – Joshua Gary 1:21:20, Barry Hughes 1:23:45. 40-44 – David Glass 1:23:23, Niraj Kute 1:26:26, Michael Russell 1:32:53. 45-49 – Hemant Desai 1:27:35, Jason Hale 1:35:44. 50-54 – Christopher Maestrello 1:15:25, Philip McKenna 1:21:44, Steve Amarillo 1:30:34. 55-59 – Bill Russell 1:28:18, Owen Dwire 1:32:11, David Knicely 1:32:34. 60-over – James Deviese 1:20:23, Michael Hutchinson 1:23:46, Ed Irish 1:30:54. Female, Overall – Jessica Riggs 1:08:55, Sarah Sclafani 1:17:27, Norma Phillips 1:23:54, Meredith Newcomb 1:24:28, Stephanie Arnold 1:24:34. 19-under – Emily Lopez 1:30:00, Rebekah O’Brien 1:37:40. 20-24 – Amanda Davis 2:17:30. 25-29 – Veronica Warwick 1:31:23, Sara Call 2:00:28. 30-34 – Ashley Glenz 1:25:42, Jen High 1:30:04, Katie Dougherty 1:30:44. 35-39 – Courtney Johnson 1:35:52, Amy Brown 1:38:00, Amanda Collier 1:50:30. 40-44 – Kelly Harris 1:40:09, Margaret Bagley 1:48:03, Amanda Halfpenny 1:49:13. 45-49 – Tara Kniskern 1:41:45, Kimberly Sale 1:51:10. 50-54 – Valor Foy Jones 1:32:37, Karen Dolecki 1:37:52, Barbara Saunders 1:51:09. 55-59 – Carol Miranda 1:28:24, Jan Bolger 1:35:07, Patricia Wiedemann 1:49:26. 60over – Susan Rea 1:41:25. – Bruce Davis

THIS RUNNING LIFE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 Cupid's Undie Run has grown so large, Gill quit his job with the FDA in 2013 to run the event full time. He has hired a small staff to help. Since 2010, his runs have raised over $12 million. The 2016 run series alone raised just under $4 million. In Raleigh, David Baeumaler was one of the top fundraisers, pulling in $4,000. His son, diagnosed with NF at six months, has tumors on his optic nerves and hypothalamus glands. Baeumaler moved to Raleigh from Boston recently and his son is being treated at Duke Hospital. “He's getting excellent care at Duke and doing well,” said Baeumaler, wearing boxer shorts under a robe, and sporting a large medal for his fundraising efforts. This is his third Cupid's Undie Run. “I am thankful for this run,” he said. It raises awareness of a disease that can happen to anyone. It can be devastating to families, but the research being done is super exciting.” For Gill, the Cupid's Undie Run is a fun way to cope with a serious issue, and having it in the wintertime gives it extra credibility. “We want runners to get out in the cold in their undies and out of their comfort zone to honor those who live in uncomfortable circumstances every day,” Gill said. And even the Valentine theme has special meaning. “We value sharing love by doing for others,” he said. Teri Saylor writes and runs (but not every day) in Raleigh, N.C. Contact her at terisaylor@hotmail.com


Running Journal • April, 2016


Reach, Liuzzo, Mitchell, Dillon Take Wins at Myrtle Beach Marathon/Half Myrtle Beach, SC - The 19th annual Myrtle Beach Marathon, Half Marathon, Marathon Relay, and 5K were moved to a new March date this year and the change was well received by those participating. Beautiful weather greeted runners in the marathon and half marathon on March 5 with 38 degree temperatures at the start rising to the mid-50s by the time most runners finished. The half marathon was once again part of the Running Journal Grand Prix. Bradley Reach, 29, of Marion, IL, was running his first marathon and could not have asked for a better debut as he led all runners to the finish in a winning time of 2:39:51. Matthew Leonard, 25, of Johnson City, TN, was second in 2:47:13, with Greg Doyon, 28, of Boston, MA, third in 2:47:32. In the women's race, Lauren Liuzzo, 27, of Somerville, MA, led the way, running 3:02:58. Inga Burger, 29, of Charlotte, NC, took the runner-up spot in 3:06:09, with Sunday Davis, 28, of Piedmont, SC, third with 3:07:12. In the male masters race, marathon veteran Chuck Engle, 45, of Sterling, VA, took the win in 2:48:08, finishing fourth overall. Matt Segebart, 41,of Washington, IL, was second (2:50:02) and Ronnie Hicks, 40, of Whispering Pines, NC, third (2:53:08). Angie Pilkington, 43, of Harrisburg, NC, led the female masters, running 3:20:26. Heather Carpenter, 44, of Charlotte, NC, followed in second (3:23:59) and Bego Lopez, 47, of Deland, FL, was third (3:30:38). In the half marathon, Mike Mitchell, 31, of Mint Hill, NC, took a narrow victory over Daniel Spaulding, 29, of Valencia, PA. Mitchell outraced Spaulding in the final stretch, crossing the line in 1:11:07, with Spaulding five seconds back. Daniel Matena, 32, of Charlotte, NC, was third in 1:12:22. Erin Dillon, 31, of Raleigh, NC, led the females, running 1:19:55. Rachel Krasich, 29, of Durham, NC, was second (1:21:55) with Mary Aiken Barrow, 32, of Raleigh, NC, third (1:22:27). In the male masters race, Richard Marathon winner Bradley Reach Cohen, 45, of Utica, NY, took the win, Photo by Jen Kohler running 1:15:47. Paul Newnham, 41, of Charlotte, NC, was second in 1:16:41, with Matthew Carson, 42, of Winston-Salem, NC, third with 1:18:01. Kathy Goody, 46, of Davidson, NC, led the female masters in 1:30:47. Second place went to Misty White, 40, of Myrtle Beach (1:31:44) with Lisa Tolley, 49, of Seneca, SC, third (1:32:39). The Bojangles 5K was held on Friday evening before the marathon and half marathon. Stephan St-Martin, 21, of St-Nicholas, QC, took the win in 15:12. Daniel Blouin, 37, of Quebec, QC, was second, running 15:38, with Matt Shock, 34, of Greenville, SC, only three seconds back for third. In the women's race, Letitia Sayman, 23, of Myrtle Beach ran 17:38 to claim the win. Michelle Ziegler, 34, of Greenville, SC, was 12 seconds behind for second, with Allison Peters, 36, of Kernersville, NC. third in 18:53. Eric and Sarah Allers of Columbia, SC, led the masters 5K races. Eric, 45, led the males in 17:41, while Sarah, 55, was the top female in 21:12. The 2017 Myrtle Beach Marathon weekend will be March 2-4. Early bird registration is now available with discounted entry fees until April 3. For information on registering for next year's event and for full results of the 2016 races, see the race website: www.mbmarathon.com. Male, Marathon: Overall Bradley Reach 2:39:51, Matthew Leonard 2:47:13, Greg Doyon 2:47:32.

Masters Chuck Engle 2:48:08, Matt Segebart 2:50:02, Ronnie Hicks 2:53:08. 19-under Matty MacLeod 3:16:00, Griffen Clarke 3:21:53, Nathan Teeters 4:08:31. 20-24 Chase Wallace 3:01:20, Ben Peterson 3:08:25, Thomas Welch 3:11:03. 25-29 Daniel Miranda 2:52:08, Matthias Donelan 3:03:35, Patrick Broome 3:04:20. 30-34 Louis Kinlaw 2:52:41, Ryan Wrigley 2:59:11, Jonathan Peets 3:00:46. 35-39 Tim Adams 2:49:42, Patrick Shaw 2:53:27, Patrick Strothmann 3:01:23. 40-44 Nathan Rhode 2:56:32, Stephen Long 3:03:16, Andrew Adkins 3:03:59. 45-49 Mark Tinsley 2:53:16, Brian Kistner 2:57:10, Paul Devillo 3:02:23. 50-54 Chris Sheftic 2:53:22, Tim Mosbacher 2:58:21, Gary Pleasant 3:01:01. 55-59 James Glover 3:09:35, Bryan Baroffio 3:23:37, Aregai Girmay 3:28:07. 60-64 Jerry Clark 3:01:28, Dave Geer 3:04:47, Gerald Graf 3:16:15. 65-69 Dan Harvey 3:24:17, Ken Roark 3:38:05, Joe Schlereth 3:53:16. 70-74 Larry Bader 4:30:12, Elbert Howard 4:51:20, Michael Abbott 5:57:15. 75-over Al Emma 6:00:46, David Svendsgaard 6:22:10, Charles Savage 7:15:29. Female, Marathon: Overall Lauren Liuzzo 3:02:58, Inga Burger 3:06:09, Sunday Davis 3:07:12. Masters Angie Pilkington 3:20:26, Heather Carpenter 3:23:59, Bego Lopez 3:30:38. 19-under Wilson Jenerette 3:43:22, Danae Ferguson 3:57:19, Hannah Welborn 4:10:42. 20-24 Annette

Aho 3:09:18, Marlee Rhodes 3:15:23, Maggie MacKenzie 3:17:47. 25-29 Lauren Nutile 3:26:05, Allyson Harbart 3:27:51, Carly Brady 3:28:12. 30-34 Carissa Liebowitz 3:22:27, Cari Van Winkle 3:24:28, Christina DePriest 3:25:28. 35-39 Tara Kornachuk 3:13:11, Stacey Hodnett 3:26:23, Kara Rutledge 3:28:44. 40-44 Kristin Smith 3:34:15, Jennifer Curtin 3:39:23, Andrea Johnson 3:40:57.45-49 Andrea Kovach 3:35:47, Amy Mikhail 3:40:20, Karen Kemerait 3:42:17. 50-54 Audrey Moeser 3:44:29, Darby Shinn 3:46:40, Kelli Stone 3:47:48. 55-59 Sandy Burks 3:48:55, Rita Brafford 4:00:55, Tammi Clarke 4:03:15. 60-64 Dian Ford 3:37:39, Doreen Ebert 3:38:48, Marie Hampton 4:03:07. 65-69 Ellie Serras 4:45:07, Margaret Baumann 6:08:16, Marsha White 6:08:17. 70-74 Susan Brain 4:43:38, Rebecca Moore 7:12:13. Male, Half Marathon: Overall Mike Mitchell 1:11:07, Daniel Spaulding 1:11:12, Daniel Matena 1:12:22. Masters Richard Cohen 1:15:47, Paul Newnham 1:16:41, Matthew Carson 1:18:01. 14-under Zane Jackson 1:25:08, Frankie Boysia 1:29:57, Ronan Cassano 1:41:55. 15-19 Michael Burgess 1:23:40, Spencer Waters 1:24:32, Jared Iding 1:27:38. 20-24 Daniel Stewart 1:23:36, Andrew Tout 1:27:43, Rob Sassa 1:27:44. 25-29 Tony Casey 1:14:06, Jareth Bailey 1:24:51, Gerod Green 1:25:57. 30-34 Brinson Milhorn 1:13:22, Sean Pereira 1:17:06, David Brinkley 1:18:22. 35-39 Steven Neugebauer 1:21:30, Thomas McNear 1:23:12, Keith Weidman 1:23:21. 40-44 Scott Kennedy 1:21:09, Ryan Dion 1:24:37, Dennis Livesay 1:28:41. 45-49 Michael Putman 1:19:52, Doug Covington 1:20:51, Michael Sewell 1:21:52. 50-54 Gordon Reid 1:20:46, Jim McKeon 1:23:24, Tim Stewart 1:26:35. 55-59 Tim Nicholls 1:26:44, Chip Akers 1:31:54, Gene Summey 1:33:25. 60-64 Jimmy Arnold 1:30:35, Bob Albritton 1:31:28, Doug Davidson 1:35:19. 65-69 Mike Klinedinst 1:43:45, Paul Forbes 1:44:21, Steven Stanfield 1:47:06. 70-74 Wade Clark 1:41:11, Larry Costello 1:55:21, Vince Stewart 1:59:48. 75-over Andrew Collins 2:07:20, Amblick Smith 2:41:47, Eberhard Will 2:52:59. Female, Half Marathon: Overall Erin Dillon 1:19:55, Female marathon winner Lauren Liuzzo Rachel Krasich 1:21:55, Mary Photo by Jen Kohler Aiken Barrow 1:22:27. Masters Kathy Goody 1:30:47, Misty White 1:31:44, Lisa Tolley 1:32:39. 14-under Katherine Askins 1:43:14, Bailey Credle 1:57:35, Nicole Carpenter 2:12:43. 15-19 Emma Kincaid 1:34:26, Christina Martin 1:36:13, Emily Barger 1:49:45. 20-24 Rachel McIntyre 1:43:40, Eva Hudson 1:43:59, Erica Groth 1:48:43. 25-29 Laura Berry 1:23:50, Kendra Johnson 1:32:46, Liz Joyce 1:33:36. 30-34 Stephanie Lundeby 1:24:30, Rebecca Weant 1:29:21, Lorraine Levitsky 1:30:35. 35-39 Erin Miller 1:23:03, Mary Claire Cox 1:28:53, Allison Peters 1:29:21. 40-44 Sherly Collins 1:32:56, Tracy Spaulding 1:34:14, Maureen Thomas 1:34:43. 45-49 - Amy Cernava 1:34:30, Mardiny Ung 1:39:13, Christine Kitzler 1:41:48.50-54 Michelle Canovai 1:42:53, Sandy Allen 1:44:03 Dorothy Moxie 1:45:34. 55-59 Angela Hamilton 1:45:55, Pamela Bips 1:51:05, Kathleen Pierce 1:56:06. 60-64 Terri Kitel 1:54:35, Kathy Medford 1:54:37, Becky Sox Morgan 1:55:12. 65-69 Judy Phelps 1:48:43, Iris Hill 2:19:12, Claudia Crawford 2:19:55.70-74 Betty Burrell 2:30:02, Louise Cleckley 3:09:50, Rosalie Tebbs 3:15:01. 75-over Shirley Brown 3:13:36, Patricia Sands 3:27:32. Male, 5K: Overall Stephan St-Martin 15:12, Daniel Blouin 15:38, Matt Shock 15:41. Masters Eric Allers 17:44, Izaak Betjes 18:44, Mark Hawkins 18:53. 14-under Trey Rockey 22:09, Henry Bingham 22:22, Asher Patino 22:33. 15-19 David Dub 18:30, Tristan McGuire 19:09, Sullivan Cheever 20:58. 20-24 Alexandre Bourr 19:11, Ray Marc-Olvier 19:11, Aleandre Beaumier-Laferrire 19:16. 25-29 Libor Jedlicka 18:34, Philippe Jean 19:52, Nicholas Salmon 29:39. 30-34 Ryan Wrigley 17:44, Tommy Johnson 23:56, Scott Lewis 26:40. 35-39 Rob Carroca 17:09, Lee Moore 17:57, Thomas McNear 18:40. 40-44 Niles Yantchook 18:54, Charles Hawes 20:35, Scott Parrish 22:03. 45-49 Paul Reardon 18:59, Bruce Bixler 20:59, Randy Whaley 21:36. 50-54 Chris Pierce 21:47 Chris Bayless 23:41, Michael Burchett 23:57. 55-59 Larry Justice 22:31, Frank Irwin 22:45, Jeffrey Schaffer 23:06. 60-64 David Donahue 23:22, Ron Floyd 24:26, Ray Richardson 25:58. 65-69 Brian Richards 20:47, Bobby Sasberry 22:52, Greg Boutin 22:54. 70-74 Tony Swebilius 22:34, Arnold Floyd 24:00, John Deal 26:36. 75-over Bobby Chandler 31:46, George Hagan 33:51, Richard Rodgers 57:09. Female, 5K: Overall Letitia Saayman 17:38, Michelle Ziegler 17:50, Allison Peters 18:53. Masters Sarah Allers 21:12, Mardiny Ung 22:00, Ilonka Langeberg 22:07. 14-under Sarh Thomson 24:45, Sofia Fenton 25:43, Dani Parrish 26:13. 15-19 Hannah Motes 26:13, Madison Price 27:13, Nelsieli Guerrero 27:53. 20-24 Annie Zaremba 19:38, Joanie Robichaud-Pinel 21:58, Melanie Filion 24:43. 25-29 Casey Dornhecker 21:53, Jen Stephens 26:05, Nicole Epstein 27:03. 30-34 Hilary Thomas 19:53, Jennifer Boutin 21:35, Meredith Deichler 25:04. 35-39 Becky Dougherty 17:44, Tommy Johnson 23:56, Scott Lewis 26:40. 40-44 Sonya Green-Sumpter 23:08, Misty Dion 25:07, Beverly Singleton 26:02. 45-49 Laura Cove 23:51, Kristi Lowrance 27:14, Toni Birchler 28:13. 50-54 Maggie Lasaga 23:16, Gerie Owen 24:56, Leslie Ellis 26:16. 55-59 Donna Brewer 29:31, Linda Dickerson 29:43, Loree Foster 31:52. 60-64 Karen Repasky 27:55, Cindy Grennan 30:22, Karen Rushford 31:00. 65-69 Dorothy Gilardi 33:41, Suzanne Whitman 37:49, Beverly Burgess 38:34. 70-74 Judith Mixer 40:13, June Hicks 43:44, Marjorie Solsman 46:19. 75-over Lee Wilson 31:31, Jean Seebacher 33:38, Judy Kiernan 41:39.


Running Journal • April, 2016

“Racing South” THE ONLY CALENDAR YOU NEED TO RUN THE SOUTH Race Directors: Use form on page 30 to send information on all upcoming races. Runners: Please verify information before traveling to a race. Abbreviations: RD = race day, RW = racewalk, FR = fun run, P/M = postmarked, W/C = wheelchair.

ALABAMA April 2, Birmingham - BTC Statue to Statue 15K, 8am. Info: statue2statue@birminghamtrackclub.com. April 2, Dauphin Island - Dauphin Island Sunset Bridge 5K Run, 5:30pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. April 2, Fayette - Gabriella Faith 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: David Wages (800)648-3271 (x5193), dwages@bscc.edu. April 2, Jacksonville - JHS SuperHero Run/Walk 5K, 8:30am. Info: Cordell Hunt (256)453-1695, chunt@jcsboe.org. April 2, Mobile - Get Your Rear in Gear 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: Bill Carroll (251)377-5406, bill.carroll@infirmaryhealth.org. April 2, Montgomery - Walk For Autism & 5K Race to Solve the Puzzle, 5K 8am; Walk 9:30am; 1 Mile FR for Kids 10:30am. Info: nina.taylor@mps.k12.al.us. April 2, Owens Cross Roads - I Race Because I Care, 5K Run/ Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: dcarcuri@msn.com. April 2, Prattville - Centerpoint Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am. Info: info@centerpointhalf.com. April 2, Sylacauga - Walk For Autism & 5K Race to Solve the Puzzle, 7:30am. Info: lisambailey@bellsouth.net. April 3, Huntsville - Superheroes 5K & 1 Mile FR; 2pm. Info: Caroline Canestrari (256)327-3783, ccanestrari@nationalcac.org. April 5, Huntsville - Double Helix 5K Race, 5:30pm. Info: Alex & Amanda Clark (256)603-5284, aclark1983@gmail.com. April 9, Alexandria - Walk For Autism & 5K Race to Solve the Puzzle, 5K 8am; Walk 9:30am. Info: jlewis0510@gmail.com. April 9, Auburn - Paws for a Cause 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: kah0060@auburn.edu. April 9, Birmingham - St. Elias Cedar 5K, 8am; Cedar Shake FR, 9am. Info: cedarrun5k@gmail.com. April 9, Birmingham - The I Am Second Run 5K, 10K & Fun Run. Info: (214)906-5188, cindy.palmer@e3partners.org. April 9, Birmingham - Brenda Ladun Conquer Cancer Run, 5K 8am; 1 Mile Color FR 9am. Info: julie.coop@cancer.org. April 9, Hanceville - Cullman 5K Race to Solve the Puzzle, 8am. Info: lauren@autism-alabama.org.

April 9, Hoover - 15th Annual High Country 5K, 8am; $20 before 3/25, $25 3/26-4/8, $30 on Race Day. Info: Mark Johnson, 452 Park Ave., Hoover, AL 35226; (205)822-1360 (x239), mjohnson@shadescrest.org, www.shadescrest.org. April 9, Huntsville - Run-A-Palooza 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Jessica Steel (256)714-7723, jessicasteel11@yahoo.com. April 9, Jacksonville - Run/Walk For Your Life 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:45am. Info: Carla Willingham (256)782-5425, (256)5915694, cwilling@jsu.edu. April 9, Mobile - 8K By the Bay, 1 & 2 Mile Runs; 8am. Info: Port City Pacers (251)473-7223. April 9, Pell City - Chicken Head Run, 5K & 10K 8am; 1 Mile FR 9am. Info: randall.mason@centurylink.com. April 9, Red Bay - Walk For Autism & 5K Race to Solve the Puzzle, 5K 8am; Walk 9:30am Info: jessicahamilton@franklin.k12.al.us. April 9, Troy - Step for Life “Dobar’s 5K”, 9am. Info: ddavissgkm@gmail.com. April 9, Tuscaloosa - Walk For Autism & 5K Race to Solve the Puzzle, 5K 7:30am; Walk 9:30am. Info: jennifer.m.baggett@ua.edu. April 9, Valley - Beulah Bobcat Run, 10.16K/8am; 5K/10am; 1 Mile/11am; All races CST. Info: Roger Keel (334)524-2884, rkeel@mindspring.com. April 10, Auburn University - Auburn Army ROTC Centennial Anniversary 5K Walk/Run, 2:30pm. Info: bzm0012@auburn.edu. April 10, Huntsville - 3rd Annual Bridge Street Town Centre Half Marathon, 7am; $65 3/1-31; $75 4/1-10. Info: Register at www.active.com, www.bridgestreethalfmarathon.com. April 16, Anniston - Run FUNds 5K, 8am. Info: Colina Houston Stroud (256)282-8548, familylinksed@gmail.com. April 16, Auburn - Big Dog Auburn Trail 10K, 7am; 5K & Kids K, 8:45am. Info: Ashley Luther (334)209-2580, al@bigdogrunning.com. April 16, Gulf Shores - Zydeco Crawfish Festival 5K, 8am. Info: Mike Pate (251)980-1045, info@harleysports.com. April 16, Hampton Cove - Cookie Dash 5K Race, 8am. Info: Ruth Marie Oliver (265)603-6255, cookiedash5k@gmail.com. April 16, Mobile - Blisters for Sisters 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. April 16, Sylacauga - The “Magic of Marble” 5K, 1 Mile Run/ Walk; 9am. Info: (256)249-8561.

April 16, Weaver - Fish and Loaves 5K, 8am. Info: Ben Blackmon (256)919-1937, foshee101@yahoo.com. April 22, Jacksonville - Run For Reading! 5K Run/Walk; 6pm. Info: Amy Miller (256)435-6332, amymillerjpl@hotmail.com. April 23, Anniston - Cops for a Cause 5K, 8am. Info: Lauren Keef or Matthew Wade (256)236-6600, lkeef@calcoso.org, mwade@calcoso.org. April 23, Anniston - Making Tracks 5K, 8am. Info: Gerrad Slaton (256)235-6385, gerrad.h.slaton.naf@mail.mil. April 23, Birmingham - Restoration Run 5K & 15K Trail Run, 8am. Info: Lisa Bright (205)862-9086.

April 23, Gadsden - Physicians Who Care 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk; 9am; $25 by 4/18. Info: Physicians Who Care, One Commerce Square, Gadsden, AL 35901; Lisa Dobbins or Beth Couch (256)547-3124, lisa@ physicianswho.care, beth@physicianswho. care, www.physicianswho.care April 23, Mobile - Phind a Cure 5K & FR, 7:30am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. April 23, Oxford - Angelynn 5K, 8am. Info: Matt Coby (256)8315313. April 29-May 1, Huntsville - Grand Viduta Stage Race - 3 Days of Trail Run; Stage 1: 13 mi.; Stage 2: 16 mi.; Stage 3: 14 mi.; 7:30am. Info: bmader@runninglane.com. April 30, Anniston - YMCA & Anniston Orthopaedics Spring 5K Run, 8am. Info: Ann Angell (256)832-9622, annangell@ymcacalhoun.org. April 30, Mobile - Lions Club Tunnel Vision 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. April 30, Muscle Shoals - Swampers 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Josh Aycock (256)320-7490, runnerdude413@aol.com. April 30, Theodore - Animal Rescue Run 5K & Wiggle Waggle FR, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 1, Mobile - Be Fit 5K, 3pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)4018039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 6, Birmingham - UAB Scholarships 5K/10K Run, 6pm. Info: (205)934-3555, uabalumni@uab.edu. May 7, Alexandria - Valley Cub Classic 5K Walk/Run, 8am. Info: (256)741-4456, ejones.ah@ccboe.us. May 7, Birmingham - Girls on the Run 5K, 9am. Info: info@girlsontherunbham.org. May 7, Gurley - Gurley Library Challenge 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Marie Flynn (256)776-9677, gurleylibrarychallenge@ gmail.com. May 7, Huntsville - The David McKannon Memorial 5K Run, 8am. Info: Billy Burleigh (256)489-5238, bfbtri@yahoo.com. May 7, Pelham - Run for Kids Challenge: 10K, 50K & 12 Hour; 7am. Info: david@davidtosch.com. May 7, Valley - Albert Thornton Memorial Run for Valley Haven School, 5K 8:25am; 1 Miler 8:30am; 10.5K 9:15am. Info: Valley Haven School (334)756-2868, (334)756-7801. May 14, Birmingham - Motherwalk - 5K Run, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: jenny@nlovca.org. May 14, Mobile - Do It In the Bush 5K, 7:30am. Info: Port City Pacers (251)473-7223. May 21, Birmingham - Birmingham Zoo Run 5K & Kids Fun Runs; 7:30am. Info: (205)879-0409. May 21, Pinson - Band Together 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Color Fun Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: info@championship-racing.com.

May 30, Huntsville - 37th Annual MercedesBenz Cotton Row Run, 10K 7am; 5K 9am; 1 Mile FR 10am; $15 each/10K & 5K by 3/31, $20 4/1-4/30; $25 5/1-15, $40 after 5/15; $10/1 mi. by 4/30, $12 5/1-15, after 5/15 $15. Info: (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeethuntsville. com, Register at www.active.com, www.cottonrowrun.com. See Ad page 11. June 4, Auburn University - Mellow Dog 5K, 5pm. Info: Ashley Luther (334)209-2580, al@bigdogrunning.com. June 4, Huntsville - Eurocross 5K & 8K, 8am. Info: Keith Roberts (256)684-3848, keithroberts@knology.net. June 11, Huntsville - Alabama A&M 5K Cross Country, 7:30am. Info: James Falcon (256)656-7199, jmfalcon@aol.com. June 18, Florala - Alligator Trot 5K Road Race & Walk, 8am. Info: alligatortrot@yahoo.com.

www.running.net June 18, Rainsville - Rainsville Freedom Run 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Jerry Clifton or Laura Hulgan (256)717-5850, cliftonj35986@gmail.com. June 25, Anniston - Haley’s Team Twilight 5K, 8pm; Kirk’s Kids 1K, 7pm; Info: Randy Bright (256)283-9379, randall.bright@gmail.com.

ARKANSAS April 2, Alma - Jack’s Dino 5K, 8:30am. Info: (479)629-0579, agchesshir@gmail.com. April 2, Bentonville - Run Bentonville Half Marathon, Relay, 5K & Fun Run; 7am; after 2/1 $65/Half, $45/Relay, $30/5K. Info: Layne Moore, 215 SW A Street, Bentonville, AR 72712; (479)464-7275, lmoore@bentonvillear.com, www.runbentonville.com. April 2, Conway - Faulkner County Day School 5K, 9am. Info: (501)329-0624, sgreenway@fcds-conway.org. April 2, Fort Smith - Super Heroes for Autism 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)459-0645, mlshellyd@gmail.com. April 2, Jessieville - The Evangeline Color 1 Mile, 9am. Info: (479)747-9897, ryan.morton@jsdlions.net. April 2, Little Rock - Capital City Classic 10K, 8am. Info: jjpaul4@gmail.com. April 2, Little Rock - Springfest 5K, 9am. Info: (501)255-3378, info@riverfestarkansas.com. April 2, North Little Rock - Color Me Like Christ 5K, 8am. Info: (501)565-3855, awilliams@stslr.org. April 2, Oark - Yale to Oark Throwback 10K, 8:30am. Info: (479)292-3353, tsouth@jasper.k12.ar.us. April 2, Stephens - Stephens RoadRunner 5K, 9am. Info: (870)947-0084, steve@fbcstephens.org. April 9, Bentonville - The Jackrabbit 5K, 8am. Info: (479)2540329, jackrabbit@flagstonecoc.org. April 9, Conway - Heroes for Hope 10K, 5K & 1K; 8am. Info: (501)328-3347, kdeaver@hopeandjustice.org. April 9, Fort Smith - Fluff for Families 5K & 1 Mile, 10am. Info: (479)213-7154, bluerogers@icloud.com. April 9, Horatio - Never Give Up 5K, 8am. Info: (870)832-4763, gaylairvan@gmail.com. April 9, Hampton - Hogskin County Festival 5K, 8am. Info: (870)818-3253, dkitchens@firstbankar.com. April 9, Jonesboro - St. Jude Charity Scholarship 5K, 8am. Info: (870)897-1775, mikee44@gmail.com. April 9, Little Rock - Omega Prostate Cancer Awareness 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Charles Todd (501)240-9138, chrltddjr@aol.com, www.omegas4pca.org. April 9, Malvern - Thin Mint Sprint 5K, 8am. Info: (501)732-0312, gjkjhathcock@yahoo.com. April 9, Monticello - Go for the City 5K/10K, 8am. Info: (870)8202552, ryanjcopico@gmail.com. April 9, Morrilton - Hoof It for Heifer 20K, 8am. Info: (501)7301504, racedirector@heifertrailrun.com. April 9, Mountainburg - Coyote Challenge Trail 16K, 10K & 5K; 9am. Info: (479)369-2469, lakefortsmith@arkansas.com. April 9, Mountain View - Mission Run Ozarks Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: (870)365-9407, Christy@ozarkortho.com. April 9, North Little Rock - Helping Hand Walk/Run/Wheel 5K & 2 Mile, 8am. Info: (501)791-3331, lacy.flurry@helpinghandcc.com. April 9, Van Buren - Run For a Veteran 5K, 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: (479)806-0444, dogboy0487@yahoo.com.

April 10, Fayetteville - Hogeye Marathon & Relays, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K Run/Walk, 7:05am; $90/Marathon by 3/27, $100 3/28-4/7 at Midnight, close online reg.; $80/Half by 3/ 27, $85 3/28-4/7; $35/5K by 3/27, $40 3/28-4/7. Info: Tabby Holmes, Race Dir., POB 8012, Fayetteville, AR 72703; racedirector@hogeyemarathon.com, www.hogeyemarathon.com April 15, Conway - Kids Run Arkansas 1 Mile, 3 Mile; 6pm. Info: (501)450-9292, mlefler@conwayregional.org. April 15, Little Rock - Tax Day Stride and Ride 5K Run, 15 Mile Bike; 5:30pm. Info: (501)732-0313, gjkjhathcock@yahoo.com. April 16, Alma - Alma Super Dog Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: (479)632-1953, dthrift@almasd.net. April 16, Beebe - Painted Path 5K, 9am. Info: (501)882-3348, lcrichardson777@yahoo.com. April 16, Clarksville - Color the Eagles 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (479)979-1411, jprovence@ozarks.edu. April 16, Conway - Mary Jane Moix Memorial 5K, 8am. Info: (501)472-6681, btsherwood@gmail.com. April 16, El Dorado - The Call 5K, 9am. Info: (870)918-3352, rhodesloren@hotmail.com. April 16, Fayetteville - Soar With the Owls 5K, 10K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: (479)650-9053, hannah.petty@fayar.net. April 16, Greenbrier - Moustache Dash 5K, 9am. Info: (501)7331140, greenbriergetsfit@gmail.com. April 16, Hope - Presidential 5K, 8:30am. Info: (870)777-4455, christian_davis@nps.gov. April 16, Little Rock - Rocket 5K, 8am. Info: (501)664-4625, dberry@lrchs.org. April 16, Little Rock - Arkansas 10 Mile Classic, 5pm. Info: (870)540-7616, susan.ford@cps.k12.ar.us. April 16, Malvern - Beaver Fever 5K, 9am. Info: (501)844-6979, mchaney@grbeavers.org. April 16, Searcy - Chip’s Share It Forward 5K, 8:30am. Info: (501)268-3223, tfdsearcy@gmail.com. April 16, Star City - Stardaze 5K, 10K & 1 Mile FR for Youth; 9am. Info: Seth Boone (870)628-4714, seth.boone@arkansas.gov. April 16, Stuttgart - German Heritage 5K, 9:30am. Info: (870)6733180, seidenschwarzgena@yahoo.com. April 16, Vilonia - Fly Like an Eagle 5K, 8am. Info: (501)7439431, john.allison@viloniaschools.org.

April 17, Russellville - Faith 5K, 10K & 1 Mile; 3pm. Info: (479)967-8031, russellvilleccs@gmail.com. April 22, Cabot - Run for the Berries 5K, 1 Mile; 7:30pm. Info: (870)761-3423, strawberryfestrace@gmail.com.

April 22-23, Russellville - RussVegas Half Marathon & Relay, 7:30am (4/23); $55/$65/ $75; 5K Glow Run (4/22), 8:15pm; 1 Mile (4/ 22), 7pm. Info: RussVegas Half Marathon, POB 1407, Russellville, AR 72811; (479)9704394, chris@russvegashalf.com, www.russvegashalf.com April 23, Benton - Peace, Love 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (501)7760691, acopple@civitanservices.com. April 23, Conway - 80s90s 5K, 10:30am. Info: (501)569-8495, sarahd@kuar.org. April 23, Fayetteville - Root Rocket 5K, 8am. Info: (479)4098003, cpgilbert2000@yahoo.com. April 23, Fordyce - Fordyce on the Cotton Belt 5K, 8am. Info: (870)313-1172, ssmithfbt@hotmail.com. April 23, Harrison - MOJO Goblin 5K, 9:30am. Info: (870)5772400, alking@hps.k12.ar.us. April 23, Harrison - Wounded Warrior Project 5K, 8am. Info: (870)577-2021, laural@windstream.net. April 23, Helena - Earth Day 5K, 10am. Info: (870)572-2352, maggie.howard@arkansas.gov. April 23, Jacksonville - BV Memorial 5K + 1, 8am. Info: (501)8377055, bvmemorial141@gmail.com. April 23, Little Rock - Downtown Dash 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: (501)375-5557, virginiaheath85@gmail.com. April 23, Malvern - MHS JROTC 100th Anniversary 5K, 8am. Info: (501)332-7575, pdaniel@malvernleopards.org. April 23, Waldron - Make the Journey 5K, 8am. Info: (479)2073641, waldronrun@yahoo.com. April 29, Russellville - Light the Night 5K, 8pm. Info: (479)4770664, edb5thcircuit3@yahoo.com. April 30, Benton - Run With the Dogs 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (501)351-0042, shauna.veazey@gmail.com. April 30, Buckner - Lafayette County Spring 5K, 9am. Info: (870)898-0354, ethan.dunbar@lafayettecountylc.org. April 30, Conway - Toad Suck Daze 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: (501)327-7788, toadsuck@conwayarkansas.org. April 30, Crossett - Move Your Feet Move the Gospel 5K, 10K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: (870)500-2540, julieleannebays@hotmail.com. April 30, Fort Smith - Miles for Mutts 5K, 8am. Info: (479)7834395, bekahsells-schs@att.net. April 30, Glenwood - Caddo River Fest 5K, 8am. Info: (870)3562912, amy.watson@goknights.us. April 30, Hot Springs - Jack-n-Back Half Marathon, 8am. Info: (501)620-4520, info@jack-n-back.com. April 30, Lake Catherine - Hot Springs Quad 150 5K, 8am. Info: (501)620-4141, roseanne.mickens@fstep.org.

April 30, Little Rock - Butterfly Swamp 5K, 9:30am; $25 by 4/20, after $30. Info: Deborah Palludan, 4410 Pine Dr., Benton, AR 72019, (501)766-1315, karpmo2015@gmail.com, www.karpmo.org April 30, Little Rock - Rexfest 5K, 1 Mile; 8am. Info: (501)3502954, rexfestrace@ctklr.org. April 30, Pine Bluff - Celebration 5K, 8am. Info: (870)536-0920, saracenlanding@att.net. April 30, Pine Bluff Arsenal - Child Abuse Awareness 5K, 8am. Info: (870)540-3779, carla.l.easterling.civ@mail.mil. April 30, Russellville - House of Praise 5K & 1K, 4pm. Info: (479)970-7243, kokohontas@gmail.com. April 30, Texarkana - Dragon Fire 5K, 8am. Info: (903)826-2412, cholder@dragons.k12.ar.us. April 30, Van Buren - Life’s An Uphill Run 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)474-9401, cfaldon@cox.net. May 1, Fayetteville - Fayetteville 5K Poker Run, 10am. Info: (479)966-2516, apey800@gmail.com. May 1, Little Rock - KidSource Strides for Slides 5K, 8am. Info: (501)231-5418, ebrakebill@kidsourcetherapy.com. May 6, Little Rock - MacArthur Park 5K, 7pm. Info: (501)3750121, downtownpartnership@downtownlr.com. May 7, Charleston - Maggie House Hustle 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)209-0702, charleston5k@yahoo.com. May 7, Conway - Women Can Run 5K, 8am. Info: (501)9085096, wraracedirector@gmail.com. May 7, Fort Smith - Lei Lei’s 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)4148892, runforlei@yahoo.com. May 7, Jonesboro - Law Day 5K & 10K, 9am. lnfo: (501)6503658, lawday5k@arlegalaid.org. May 7, Little Rock - Peace Love Goodwill 5K & 10K, 7:30am. Info: (501)372-5100, lwamsley@goodwillar.org. May 7, Little Rock - KidSource Strides for Slides 5K, 8am. Info: (501)231-5418, ebrakebill@kidsourcetherapy.com. May 7, Nashville - Peach Festival 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (870)557-0747, jodirking77@yahoo.com. May 14, Little Rock - Replenish Water in Kenya 5K, 9am. Info: (501)472-9811, futuremissionary16@gmail.com. May 14, Little Rock - Rock Run 8K, 7:30am. Info: (501)2273709, bturner@eastersealsar.com. May 14, Malvern - Boys & Girls Club Half Marathon, 8am. Info: (501)844-0075, beckyhedges1@gmail.com. May 14, Rogers - Kendrick Fincher Hydration Celebration, 1/2 Mile & 1 Mile Youth Run, 5K & Duathlon (R-5K, B-12.4 mi., R-5K); 7am. Info: Becky (479)986-9960, info@kendrickfincher.org. May 14, Van Buren - Everyday Superhero 5K, 1 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: Chip (478)632-6382, chip@morgannick.com.

www.running.net May 21, Hot Springs - 21st Annual Norma Lampert Memorial Lupus Springers 5K Race & Walk to End Lupus, 8am (Mid-America Park); $21 before 5/19, after 5/19 $25. Info: (501)525-9380, lupusarkhs@direclynx.net, Online Registration: www.lupusarkansas.com May 21, Norfolk - Running for a Reason 5K, 7:30am. Info: (870)508-9777, twinlakescivitan@gmail.com. May 21, North Little Rock - Run Between the Lines 5K, 8am. Info: (501)454-1260, joliver07@gmail.com. May 21, Poyen - Because of The BRAVE 5K, 8am. Info: Krista Moore (501)467-6965, klwatson23@yahoo.com. May 21, Prairie Grove - Speedy Skunk 5K, 10K & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: (479)466-6251, kbostian@pgtc.com. May 21, Rogers - NW Arkansas Pump n Run Obstacle Course, 5K & 2 Mile, 7am. Info: Jeff Wilson (479)530-6268, bigjoewilson123@yahoo.com; Jeff Genova (479)426-7607, oneday100miles@gmail.com. May 21, Wynne - Mucka Mania 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: (870)2086523, etcook78@gmail.com. May 28, Forrest City - EAYO STEM 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (423)930-5942, info@4kstaylor.org. May 28, Little Rock - Riverfest Rock ‘N Stroll 5K, 8am. Info: (501)240-7405, katherineeisenhower@gmail.com. June 4, Gassville - Gassville In The Park Festival, 5K Run 7:30am. Info: Jeff Braim (870)421-7723, gassvilleinthepark@gmail.com.

FLORIDA April 1-2, New Orleans, LA to Pensacola, FL - The Crawfish Relay 231.1 Miles, 4/1 Run, 4am; 4/2: Cyclists. Info: (857)8881222, crawfishrelay@gmail.com. April 1, Demens Landing/St. Petersburg - Heroes 5K/10K Memorial Run, 6:30pm; $30/5K, $35/10K by 3/26. Info: Doug Schiller, POB 89, Ellenton, FL 34222; Doug Schiller (941)9326147, dougjune1@msn.com, www.fit2run.com. April 2, Brooksville - Croom Trail 50 Mile, 50K & 16 Mile Fools Run, 50 Mile 6am; 50K & 16 Mile 7am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)2325200, jim@tamparaces.com. April 2, Crescent City - Catfish 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 2, Davie - Race for Hope: 5K To Cure Kids’ Cancer, 7am. Info: Claire (954)294-6859, racetocurekidscancer@gmail.com. April 2, Geneva Dawson’s Circle of Hope 5K, 8am. Info: Kim Bruno (704)408-4996, kim@striderevents.com. April 2, Jacksonville - Navy Run 10K & 5K. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. April 2, Jacksonville - Mt. Acosta Classic Endurance Race, Run/Bike Loops; 4:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. April 2, Jacksonville Beach - Running the Blues 5K Run & 2.5K Walk, 9:30am. Info: (904)373-8411, jaksonruns@gmail.com. April 2, Largo - Run for the Stars, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Gordie Kay (727)543-9729, gordie.kay@gmail.com. April 2, Melbourne - Cops and Robbers 5K, 7:30am. Info: iluvtennis8@aol.com. April 2, Plantation - 5K For A Better Day, 8am. Info: Cynthia Raes-Bernard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. April 2, Sarasota - Run For The Turtles, 1 Mile FR/Walk, 7:30am; 5K Run, 8am. Info: Paula Clark (941)388-4441 (ext. 357), pclark@mote.org. April 2, Tallahassee - Springtime 10K & 5K, 8:10am; 1 Mile, 7:45am. Info: springtime10k@gmail.com. April 2, Vero Beach - Citrus Classic 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: (772)569-7364, jim@runnersdepotvb.com. April 3, Boca Raton - Green Turtle Gallop 10K Run & Turtle Trot 1 Mile, 7:15am. Info: greenturtlegallop@hotmail.com. April 3, Jacksonville - Run 13.1 & 5K, 7am. Info: Doug Alred (904)731-1900, doug@1stplacesports.com. April 3, Pembroke Pines - Pill Box Pharmacies Flamingo Street 5K, 7:30am. Info: Kathleen Kuebler (954)431-4146, kkuebler@ppines.com. April 3, Punta Cana - Punta Cana Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 6am. Info: info@puntacanamarathon.com. April 9, Benderson Park, Sarasota - Pinwheel 5K/10K, 8am. Info Doug Schiller (941)932-6147, dougjune1@msn.com. April 9, Bradenton - Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics, 5K & Kids FR; 6:30pm. Info: connie.shingledecker@manateesheriff.com. April 9, Darien - Blessing of the Feet 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 9, Leesburg - Community Med Center 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 9, Melbourne - Pirate Plunder 2 Miler, 6:30pm. Info: Denise Piercy (321)751-8890, events@runningzone.com. April 9, Neptune Beach - Run With The Lions - Beaches Chapel School 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)7311900, events@1stplacesports.com. April 9, Sarasota - New Balance Free 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com. April 9, Sopchoppy - Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin’ 5K Race, 8am. Info: Susan Shearer (850)545-6678, smbshearer@aol.com. April 9, Tallahassee - FSU Autism Superhero 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Kendra Adams (850)921-0559, kendra.adams@med.fsu.edu. April 9, Tallahassee - Run Around the Lakes 5K, 8:30am; Kid’s FR, 8am. Info: Betsy Phipps (850)445-5408, missions@deerlakeumc.org. April 9, Wildwood - Muddy Brute Challenge, Florida Spring, Obstacle Course Mud Run, 4-5 Miles w/30+ obstacles; 9am. Info: info@muddybrute.com.

Running Journal • April, 2016 April 10, Largo - Suncoast Miles for Melanoma, 5K 8:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 10, Pensacola Beach - Gulf Coast Half Marathon, 7am. Info: (850)261-6171, gulfcoastevent@gmail.com. April 16, Bradenton Beach - Walk a Mile in Their Shoes, 4pm. Info: Joe Mercado (941)747-1509, jmercado@tpmanatee.org. April 16, Jacksonville - Strides for Pride 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:15am. Info: Emily Rokosch (904)389-3857 (x212), erokosch@jasmyn.org. April 16, Orange Beach - Run To The Sun 8K, 8am; FR, 9:30am. Info: StridersRTTS@gmail.com. April 16, Sarasota - Pineview Python Run 5K, 7am. Info: Kimmy Collister-Sterns (941)539-3564, mtckimmy@gmail.com. April 16, Satellite Beach - Run For It 5K, 8am. Info: lindsay@twloha.com. April 16, Tallahassee - Palace Saloon 5K, 8am. Info: michaelaburns@yahoo.com. April 16, Tallahassee - Walk Like MADD 5K, 9am. Info: kristen.allen@madd.org.

April 17, Boca Raton (FAU) - Multiple Myeloma 5K Boca Raton, 5K & 1 Mile; 7am; $25/5K, $20/1 Mile by 4/16. Info: Shawna Camilleri, 4751 Bocaire Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33487; (954)249-3420, floridamultiple myeloma5k@gmail.com, https:// www.facebook.com/FloridaMM5K April 17, Destin - Kill Cliff Destin Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: Zane Holscher (229)630-9051, rd@destinmarathon.com. April 17, Fort Pierce - Chimpathon 16K, 7:30am. Info: Nancy Aadland/Race Dir. (772)429-2225, chimpathon16k@gmail.com. April 17, Lake Worth - Mandel JCC’s Bagel Dash 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 1 Mile Youth FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: shawnm@jcconline.com. April 23, Jacksonville - First Coast Parkinson’s Run, 5K Run/ Walk 9am; 1 Mile FR 10am. Info: Jennifer Otero (904)874-7083, info@firstcoastparkinsonsrun.com. April 23, Melbourne - Space Coast Final Mile, 1pm. Info: info@countdowntofitness.org. April 23, San Marco - Wine and Chocolate Run, 5K 4:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. April 23, Tallahassee - Hops & Half Shells Run for TCC’s Wakulla Environmental Institute, 8am. Info: Ranie Thompson (850)2016064, thompsor@tcc.fl.edu. April 23, Tallahassee - Spring 5K, 8am. Info: admin@bigbendtrackclub.org. April 24, Boca Raton - Run from the Rays, 5K Run 7am; 1 Mle, 8am. Info: Fran Nachlas (561)350-5110. April 24, Gainesville - Gainesville Running and Cycling Event, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 30, Bradenton - DeSoto Grand Parade 5K Run, 6pm. Info: events@bradentonrunnersclub.com. April 30, Fernandina Beach - Shrimp Festival 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 30, Fort Myers - Head & Neck Cancer A Hard Thing To Swallow 5K Run, 2 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: Ann Francis (239)9363756, ann.francis@21co.com. April 30, Jacksonville Beach - Never Quit, 5K & Trident 8am; Battle for the Beach 9am; 1 Mile FR 10am; Jr. Warrior Challenge 11am. Info: support@neverquitnever.com. April 30, Jensen Beach - Wall of Hope 5K & 1K, 5pm. Info: Lisa Holland (772)631-6611, lisa@teamholland.info. April 30, Marianna - The Colors of Autism 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Donna Chandler (850)557-1394, dmc_wyatt@yahoo.com. April 30, Melbourne - Run Thru The Ranch 5K, 7:30am. Info: jennifer.cahoon@ffbic.com. April 30, Palm Coast - Run Against Domestic Violence & Bullying 5K. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 30, Siesta Key Beach - Porch Light 5K, 8:20am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: (941)365-2846, info@firstsarasota.org. April 30, Tallahassee - Ronald McDonald House Red Shoe Run, 5K & 10K 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Glen Burhans (850)445-9152, redshoerun@gmail.com. April 30, Tallahassee - TMH For Life Challenge 5K, 9am; 1 Mile Fun Walk, 9:15am. Info: Tonya Smith (850)431-4825, tonya.smith@tmh.org. April 30, Tallahassee - Nene Fest 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Jessica Kennett (850)241-3283, jesskennett0079@yahoo.com. May 1, Lithia - XTERRA Claw Trail Run, 10 Mile 8am; 5 Mile 8:15am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. May 1, Viera - Eat My Crust 5K, 7am. Info: Brittany Streufert (321)412-1830, brittanystreufert@gmail.com. May 6, Wauchula - SendMeMissions 5K Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: smm@sendmemissions.com. May 7, Hollywood - Catch Them if You can 5K (Run for the Roses), 7am. Info: Cynthia Raes-Bernard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. May 7, Melbourne - Run For The Gecko 5K, 7am. Info: Denise Piercy (321)751-8890, events@runningzone.com. May 7, Merritt Island - AIDS Orphans 5K Mud Run, Adult 5K + 30 Obstacles; Kids 2 Mile + 20 Obstacles; 8am to 1pm (waves every 15 minutes). Info: Shannon Bobb (321)453-0350, mudrun@teenmissions.org. May 7, Sarasota - New Balance Free 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com. May 7, Tallahassee - Marzuq Shriner’s Mothers Day 5K, 8am. Info: romanroch@hotmail.com. May 7, Tallahassee - Tails & Trails Half Marathon, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk. Info: cara@animalshelterfoundation.org. May 12, Jacksonville - Corporate 5K Run, 6:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. May 14, Greenacres - Brian Thomas 5K Paint Race & Fair Remission Possible, 5K Race 8am; Kids Lap FR 7:30am. Info: Brian (561)880-7226, btsroadwarriors@gmail.com.

May 14, Jacksonville - Shannon Miller Lifestyle 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Children’s 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)7311900, events@1stplacesports.com. May 14, Orange Park - Clay County Young Life “Hula Hustle” 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. May 14, Sanford - Melissa’s Race to Beat Brain Cancer 5K, 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 14, Tampa - Picnic Island Adventure Runs, 3.6 Mile OffRoad Run; 6:45pm. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. May 14, West Palm Beach - Save The Tiger 5K at the Palm Beach Zoo, 7:30am. Info: Events Dept. (561)533-0887, info@palmbeachzoo.org. May 15, Miami - The Miami Clean K, 5K 7:30am. Info: Porter Fischer (305)302-7337, porter.fischer@theporterproject.org. May 15, Orlando - Get Your Rear in Gear 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids FR, 8:3am. Info: Ashley Johnson (407)733-2247, ashley.a.johnson.08@gmail.com. May 21, Blountstown - Catfish Crawl 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 21, Melbourne - For The Girls 5K, 6:30pm. Info: jennyalmond@gmail.com. May 21, San Marco - Running For Dreams 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 9am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com.

May 29, Tampa (Al Lopez Park) - 2nd Annual Memorial Day Run For The Warriors, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7:30am; $35 by 5/25, $40 Race Day. Info: Rebecca Herron, 5101C Backlick Rd., Annandale, VA 22003; (910)381-8272, rherron@hopeforthe warriors.org, www.hopeforthewarriors.org/ memorialdayrun June 4, Fort Lauderdale - Heroes In Recovery 6K South Florida, 8am; Huizenga Plaza/32 East Las Olas Blvd.; $30 by 4/30, $35 by 6/3, $40 on Race Day. Info: Sarah Shearer, Race Dir., 5409 Maryland Way, Ste. 320, Brentwood, TN 37027; (615)812-9144, sarah.shearer@frnmail.com, http:// heroesinrecovery.com/heroes6k/southflorida/ June 4, Fort Walton Beach - Billy Bowlegs 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Ken Wolfe - bowlegs@nwftc.com. June 4, Ocala - Running of the Donuts 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. June 4, Sarasota - New Balance Free 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com.

June 5, Osteen to DeBary - ECHO Half Marathon, 6:15am (on beautiful paved trail); 5K, 7am; Discount code “2016” for $10 off the half; $60/Half, $25/5K thru 3/31; $70/Half, $25/5K 4/1-5/8; $80/Half, $30/5K 5/9 thru Race Day. Info: Jennifer@FinalMileRace Management.com, www.EchoHalf.com June 10, Tampa - Picnic Island Adventure Runs, 3.6 Mile OffRoad Run; 6:45pm. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. June 11, Melbourne - Bottoms Up Beer Run 4K, 3pm. Info: Anne Gregg (321)622-5939, bottomsup@saaz.org. June 18, Brooksville - Moon Over Croom Trail Run, 21 mi. 6pm; 14 mi. 7pm; 7 mi. 8pm. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. June 18, Marineland - Marineland in Motion 5K Race & Exploration Walk and Fundraiser, 5K 9am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. June 25, Ponte Vedra - Big Bank 5K, 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net.

GEORGIA April 1, Athens - LEAD Athens Midnight 5K Run/Walk, 11:59pm. Info: Lindsay Brannen - leadathensmidnight5k@gmail.com. April 1, Winder - Sims Twilight 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Sherri Perry (678)219-3303, sherri.perry@barrow.k12.ga.us. April 2, Athens - Moving for Montessori, 5K 8:30am; 10K 9:15am; Fun Run 9:25am (7-under). Info: Brian Stone vmi91h@aol.com, Carole Black - classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 2, Atlanta - Riverside Runs Hollywood 5K, 11am. Info: (404)272-1967, riversideneighborhoodassoc@gmail.com. April 2, Bonaire - Run 2 End Alzheimer’s 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 10.5K Run, 8:30am. Info: John Rowlands (478)922-6556, run2endalz@gmail.com. April 2, Buckhead - The Real Buckhead Road Race 5K, 8:30am. Info: Robin Bone (706)474-8223, bonedudley@aol.com. April 2, Columbus - Light It Up Blue Columbus 5K, 9am; Fun Walk, 10am. Info: lightitupbluecolumbus@gmail.com. April 2, Kennesaw - CF Climb, Stair Climb - 1,000+ steps; 7:30am. Info: Amanda Gilbert (404)325-6973, agilbert@cff.org. April 2, Locust Grove - Zebra Dash 5K & 1 Mile, 9am. Info: revolutionrunning@hotmail.com. April 2, Monroe - Making Cancer History 5K, 9am. Info: michele.nash@co.walton.ga.us. April 2, Savannah - Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: (912)644-6400, jsykes@visitsavannah.com.


April 2, Statham - Grizzly 5K, 11am. Info: Bear Creek Middle School PTO - bcmspto@yahoo.com. April 2, Tifton - Run For The Nurses Half Marathon & 5K, 7:30am. Info: Becky Arnold (229)391-5024, rarnold@abac.edu. April 2, Woodstock - Dirty Spokes “Olde Rope Mill Park” 6.5/3.1 Mile Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. April 3, Athens - AIRS 5K Walk/Run, 2:30pm; 1K Wheelchair Roll and Walk, 2pm. Info: cyea25@yahoo.com. April 3, Atlanta - Phi Delta Theta Iron Phive K Run, Walk & Wag for ALS, 5K 9am. Info: Richard Orr - orrrich4@gmail.com; Carole Black - classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 3, Dunwoody - The Daffodil Dash 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile, 9:15am. Info: Andrea Videlefsky (855)655-4234, worldwidedaffodilproject@gmail.com. April 3, Macon - Phi Delta Theta Iron Phive K Run, Walk & Wag for ALS, 5K 9am. Info: Richard Orr - orrrich4@gmail.com; Carole Black - classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 9, Albany - Legacy Run for Life, 5K 9:15am; 1 Mile Run & Walk 10am; Toddler Trot 10:30am. lnfo: Mike Johnston (229)6694071, mikej@sherwoodbaptist.net. April 9, Alpharetta - Dog Days 5K, 8:30am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lstarr@fivestarntp.com. April 9, Athens - Chick-fil-A Connect Half Marathon, 21K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7am. Info: Connect Events (706)310-6053, info@cfahalf.com. April 9, Atlanta - Atlanta Dogwood Festival Mimosa 5K, 8am. Info: Lanna Rudeseal (404)817-6642, lanna.franklin@dogwood.org. April 9, Columbus - CSU Make-A-Wish 5K, 8am. Info: codyjmxc@gmail.com. April 9, Cumming - Dirty Spokes “Charleston Park” 6.1/4.1 Mile Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. April 9, Darien - Blessing of the Feet 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 9, Elberton - Lions Club 5K, 9am. Info: Alvin Brady (706)2016355, Carole Black - classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 9, Loganville - Kickin’ For Kiwanis 10K, 5K & FR; 8am. Info: Amy Maughon (404)569-7755, amy.maughon@firstcitizens.com. April 9, Midland - Bulldogs Dash Out Cancer 5K, 9am. Info: bethleatherwood@gmail.com. April 9, Milledgeville - Band on the Run 5K, 9am; FR, 8:30am. Info: baldwinbandsecretary@gmail.com. April 9, Perry - Dogwood Festival 5K Run & Walk, 1 Mile Health Walk; 8am. Info: anna.henry@hcbe.net, brett.hardy@hcbe.net. April 9, Warner Robins - No Excuse For Child Abuse 5K Walk Run, 8am; & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (478)923-5923. April 15, Jefferson - Glow the Distance 5K, 8:30pm; 1K FR, 8pm. Info: Jefferson Middle School (706)367-2882, gbarker@jeffcityschools.org. April 16, Alpharetta - On A Mission 5K, 8:30am. Info: Christy Chapman (678)758-3107, rchapman1585@windstream.net. April 16, Americus - Rock N Run Off Road Challenge Trail Run, 1 Mile FR/Walk 7:45am; 10K & 5K 8:45am. Info: Mike Pepito (229)815-1841, Debra Hughes (229)942-2262. April 16, Andersonville - Running Thru History 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 9am. Info: Belinda Johnson (478)472-7021. April 16, Athens - Human Race 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: (706)543-2293. April 16, Athens - WEE Read’s Athens Kids Expo 5K & Family Fun Run, 9am. Info: Jeanine Russell (706)543-5254, successby6@unitedwaynega.org. April 16, Atlanta - Refuge Run 5K, 8am. Info: Elizabeth (404)5430251, elizabeth@wellspringresource.com. April 16, Bogart - Running With The Pacs 5K & Fun Run, 2:30pm. Info: Caroline Wind (706)614-0177. April 16, Canton - Battle of Blankets Creek Trail Run, 10 Mile 8:30am; 4 Mile 8:40am; Free 10-under Kids Race, 8:45am. Info: lisa@mountaingoatadventures.com. April 16, Chickamauga - Chickamauga Chase, 15K, 8-Mile Trail Race & 5K; 8:30am. Info: Rita Fanning (423)309-1278, ritafanning@mindspring.com. April 16, Colbert - Country Roads 5K, 9am. Info: Jane Tippins (706)255-9043, jtippins57@gmail.com. April 16, Columbus - CASA Superhero 5K, 9am; 1K FR, 8:30am. Info: ralston@twincedars.org. April 16, Covington - Covington Cheerios Challenge, 10K, 5K, 1 Mile FR & Trix* Tot Trot (ages 5-under); 7:30am-10K. Info: Audri Ross (770)787-3908, audrir@ymcaatlanta.org. April 16, Cumming - Georgia Peach Jam Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 7:35am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. April 16, Greensboro - 5-K Stroke Awareness F.A.S.T. Run, 5K 8am. Info: Jodi Ashurst (478)456-3736, jodi.ashurst23@gmail.com. April 16, Kennesaw - Glow It Up Blue 5K/1K Run for Autism, 1K 8pm; 5K 8:30pm. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. April 16, Mount Airy - Raider Race To The Finish 5K, 8am. Info: tbyers@habershamschools.com.

April 16, Roswell - 15th Annual Choate Construction Run the River 5K/10K; 10K 7:30am; 5K 7:45am; Fun Run 7:50am; $30/ 5K, $40/10K, $100/Family 2/29-4/10; $35/5K, $45/10K, $110/Family 4/11-15; $15/Fun Run. Info: (770)642-9185, info@homestretch.org; Register at www.active.com or www.runtheriver.org April 16, Savannah - Susan G. Komen Savannah Race for the Cure 5K & 1 Mile, 8:15am. Info: (912)232-2535, info@komencoastalgeorgia.org. April 16, Thomasville - Rose City Walk 5K, 8:30am. Info: Lucretia Roddenbery (229)226-9878, rcr@ymca-thomasville.org. April 17, Watkinsville - Power Run For A Cancer Free World, 5K 2pm. Info: (706)548-3121, relayforlife@powerpartners-usa.com. April 22, Forsyth - Run for Babies 5K, 7pm. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. April 23, Adel - Road Kill 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Nancy Boone - niboone@bellsouth.net.


Running Journal • April, 2016

April 23, Columbus - Midtown Classic 5K Race, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: (706)324-2424. April 23, Canton - Papa Joe’s Heartbeat 5K, 8am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. April 23, Helen - Relay For Life 5K & Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: cameron.lopez@cancer.org. April 23, Jefferson - Jefferson Dragons USA Wrestling Trail Run 5K, “Run For The Dragon”; 8:30am. Info: Myranda (706)2077177, msayne@yahoo.com. April 23, Monroe - 5K Run For The Bridge, 11:30am; Fun Run, 11am. Info: Carole Black - classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 23, Thomasville - Rose City 10K Run, 8am; Rose City 1 Mile Run, 9:30am; $20/10K, $12/1 mi. by 4/9, after $23/10K, $15/ 1 mi. Info: Rose City Run, Lucretia Roddenbery, POB 1037, Thomasville, GA 31799; (229)226-9878, rcr@ymcathomasville.org, www.ymca-thomasville.org. April 23, Winder - Red & Black Dogg Dash 5K Color Run, 3pm. Info: Valerie Raczynski - wbcheerdoggs@gmail.com. April 24, Athens - No Place for Hate 5K Run/Walk, 2pm. Info: Barnett Shoals Elementary School (706)357-5334, classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 24, Jefferson - Mission Run, FR 4pm; 5K 4:30pm. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 29, Canton - Run for Babies 5K, 7pm. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. April 30, Athens - IPO 5K, 8am. Info: tionya.lawrence@gmail.com. April 30, Canton - Love Peru 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: kelley@schoonoverinc.com. April 30, Chamblee - Chamblee Fun Mud Run, 5K w/obstacles; 8am. Info: chambleefunmudrun@gmail.com. April 30, Columbus - The Highland Mud Run, 3 Miles w/ obstacles; 7am. Info: jubilee@north-highland.org. April 30, Conyers - Pounding for Paws 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: (770)787-3763, embor@embor.com. April 30, Cumming - Fiesta 15K, 7:45am; 5K, 8:05am; Fun Run, 9:05am. Info: Karen Duffy (678)491-0639, teamduffy@gmail.com. April 30, Marietta - Timber Ridges Run the Ridge 5K, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. April 30, Monroe - Fit For Life 5K, 9am. Info: Kelly Murell (678)409-6717, themurells@gmail.com. April 30, Washington - Washington Optimist 5K, 8:15am. Info: jwjackson1975@gmail.com, edwins@nu-z.net. April 30, Watkinsville - Run For Haiti 5K, 6pm. Info: Melissa Martin (770)725-5223, mmart001@bellsouth.net, classicraceservices@gmail.com. May 1, Atlanta - Harris Jacobs Dream Run, 5K Road Race/ Walk & 1 Mile Special Needs Community Walk; 8am. Info: (678)8124000. May 1, Columbus - Kids Run Columbus, 1 Mile 4pm; 2 Mile 4:30pm. Info: caroleeluther@gmail.com. May 1, Kennesaw - Semper Five K Color Run, 5K 7:30am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. May 1, Statham - Wildcat Fun Run & 5K, 3pm FR; 3:30pm 5K. Info: faye.black@barrow.k12.ga.us. May 4, Dunwoody - May the 4th (Miler) Be With You, 4 Miles; 6:30pm. Info: (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 7, Athens - Athens Orthopedic Clinic Twilight 5K, 8:30am. Info: megan@gobike1.com. May 7, Buford - Super Mom 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 7, Dacula - Harbins Park Half Marathon/3.5 Mile Trail Run, 7:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. May 7, Ellijay - Run for the Son 5K & FR, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 7, Hartwell - Lake Hartwell Dam Run, 5K Run/Walk & 10K Run; 8:30am. Info: (706)376-8590, hartchamber@hartcom.net. May 7, Newnan - Race For The Orphans 5K, 9am; Tot Trot 1/ 4 Mile, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: (770)310-8222, racefortheorphans2013@gmail.com. May 7, Union City - Hustle for Hope 5K Run/Walk, 5K Run 8:40am; 5K Walk & Senior Stroll, 8:45am; Tot Trot (5-under), 9:30am; “Heroes for Hope” Race for special needs participants, 8:30am. Info: Janice Wright (770)969-8354, jwright@swchristiancare.org. May 7, Winder - Run With the Pac(5)K, 8am. Info: Christy Stockel (770)867-8181, classicraceservices@gmail.com. May 14, Athens - Panther Prowl 5K, 8:30am. Info: Cyndi Clark (706)548-7281 (29361), clarkc@clarke.k12.ga.us. May 14, Atlanta - Kirkwood Spring Fling 5K, 8:30am. Info: Andrew Feury - 5kkirkwoodsf@gmail.com. May 14, Buford - Brace for a Cure 5K, 1 Mile FR; 7:30am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 14, Cumming - Giddy Up 5K, 8am. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. May 14, Dawsonville - Summer Splash Dash 5K, 1pm. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 14, Fitzgerald - Chasing Jefferson Davis Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: (229)467-2737, jdminfo@chasingjeffersondavis.com. May 14, Hampton - Jailhouse 5K, 6pm. Info: revolutionrunning@hotmail.com. May 14, Madison - Madison in May, 5K 7:30am; 10.2K 8:30am; 1 Mile 8:35am. Info: (706)342-1965, ylmorgancounty@gmail.com. May 14, Rockmart - The Rock & Comet 12K & 5K, 8am. Info: Paul Koster (678)557-8028, greateratlantaathletes@gmail.com. May 21, Atlanta - Kettle Krush 5K, 8am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. May 21, Brookhaven - Brookhaven Bolt 5K, 8am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. May 21, Covington - Covington Fire House 5K, 9am; FR, 8:30am. Info: Tony Smith (770)385-2155, dtsmith@cityofcovington.org. May 21, Kennesaw - Loco Glo 5K/1K Glow Run, 1K 8:30pm; 5K 9pm. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. May 21, Knoxville - Georgia Jugfest, 5K 7:30am; 1 Mile FR 7:40am (approx.). Info: Larry Carpenter (309)673-6459, LaCarInco@gmail.com.

May 21, Statham - Front Porch Foot Race, Fun Run/Walk 8am; 5K 8:30am; Tot Trot 9:30am. Info: (770)725-4902. May 21, Winterville - Marigold 10K Race, 7:30am. Info: John Kissane (706)254-5474, jakissane@gmail.com. May 25-29, Savannah to Columbus - Run for the Heroes - Run/ Ride Across Georgia, 260 Miles; Individual Runners (5/25-4am) & Relay Teams (5/28-6am); Individual Bikers (5/28-6pm) & Biking Relay Teams (5/28-10pm). Info: (706)383-9089, rag@bigdogrunning.com. May 28, Athens - Almost Memorial Day 5.32K, 11:04am. Info: Bo Ryles - boryles@gmail.com, Roger Keel - rkeel@mindspring.com. May 28, Blairsville - Run to Breathe 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Milissa Wright (706)994-4222. May 28, Canton - Memorial Day 5K Run/Walk & 1K Fun Run, 8am. Info: Erin Honea (770)345-5536, ehonea@hollyspringsga.us. May 28, Milledgeville - Melvin T. Ingram, USMC Memorial 5K Family Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Lisa Taylor Marks (478)804-1273, goldmark418@yahoo.com. May 28, Monroe - Run For Kids 5K, 8am. Info: David Dickinson (770)601-9809, mayord@monroeaccess.net. May 28, St. Simons Island - Cpl John Stalvey 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 30, Cordele - Cordele Kiwanis Memorial Day Celebration, 8K 7:35am; 5K 8:50am; 4K 9:35am; 3K 10:13am; 2K 10:43am; Value Added 5K-instructions will be given before leaving the race site. Info: Benny Wade (229)273-2981, bennybwade@gmail.com. May 30, Cumming - Memorial Day Freedom Run, 5K & 10K; 8am. Info: (706)864-5100, totallyrunning2@yahoo.com. May 30, Marietta - Memorial Day 5K/10K Run, 10K Wheelchair; 7:30am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com

June 4, Atlanta (Piedmont Park) Strong4Life Superhero Sprint, 5K 9am; 1 Mile FR 10am; $25/5K, $30 on Race Day. $20/ 1 Mile (Adults), $12 (Children 12-under). Info: Lydia George (404)785-7315, lydia.george@ choa.org, www.choa.org/superhero June 4, Ball Ground - Ball Ground Summerfest 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Mary Jo (678)849-5682, promisemjc@gmail.com. June 4, Conyers - Savage Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile FR 8:30am. Info: Claire Henry (404)512-0090, jdotsavage@gmail.com.

June 4, Eatonton - Torture Trail 10K Road Race, 10K & 1 Mile; 8am; $20/$12. Info: Farmers & Merchants Bank, POB 4450, Eatonton, GA 31024; Torture Trail Race Committee (706)485-9941, dhudson@ ibankfmb.com or amullis@ibankfmb.com, www.ibankfmb.com June 4, Roswell - River Run for Hope, 10K 7am; 5K 7:15am; 1 Mile 7:20am. Info: Mary Tollett (678)984-3047, mtollett@gmail.com. June 4, Stockbridge - Panola Mountain State Park 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: Paul Koster (678)557-8028, greateratlantaathletes@gmail.com. June 4, Toccoa - D-Day Run & Events, 10K Run & Memorial Walk; 8am. Info: (706)282-5055, contact@toccoahistory.com. June 11, Athens - APC Superhero 5K, 8am. Info: Amy Wells (706)207-1429, tricia@athenspregnancycenter.org. June 11, Ellijay - Three Rivers 5K, 5:30pm; Fun Run, 5pm. Info: (706)276-2582, classicraceservices@gmail.com. June 11, Gainesville - Chris Gaunt 5K Run/Walk over Parkinson’s, 7:30am. Info: Mike Taylor (770)532-0228. June 11, Kennesaw - Summer Steamer 10K/5K, 7:30am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. June 12, Atlanta - Hotlanta Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Rachel Langelotti - info@hotlantahalf.com. June 18, Cumming - Dirty Spokes “Haw Creek Park” 10K/5K Trail Run, 8am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. June 18, Musella - Papa’s Peach Classic, 5K 8am, 1 mile fun run 8:15am. Info: Larry Carpenter (309)673-6459, LaCarInco@gmail.com. June 18, Watkinsville - Timothy Baptist Community Let’s Move 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Tonya Lee (706)549-1435, tmlee@timothybaptist.org. June 25, Atlanta - HBCU Alumni Run/Walk, 5K & 10K; 7pm. Info: Marck Dorvil - hbcualumniatlanta@yahoo.com. July 4, Atlanta - AJC Peachtree Road Race 10K, Lottery registration is open from March 15-22; 7:30am/Main Start (start times vary by wave). Info: http://www.ajc.com/s/peachtree/

July 23, Atlanta - Heroes In Recovery 6K Atlanta, 8am; $25 by 5/2, $30 by 7/1, $35 by 7/ 22, $40 on Race Day. Info: Sarah Shearer, Race Dir., 5409 Maryland Way, Ste. 320, Brentwood, TN 37027; (615)812-9144, sarah.shearer@frnmail.com, http:// heroesinrecovery.com/heroes6k/atlantageorgia/ Sept. 10, Peachtree City - Divas® Half Marathon & 5K in Peachtree City, 5K 7:15am; Half Marathon 7:35am. Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com.

Nov. 5-6, Savannah - Rock ‘N’ Roll Savannah Marathon, Half Marathon & 2Person Half Marathon Relay (11/5), 7am; 5K & 1 Mile (11/6), 1pm; Kids Rock (11/6), 3:15pm. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/ savannah


KENTUCKY April 2, Burnside - Spring Sprint & Scurry 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (606)561-4250. April 2, Frankfort - Reforest 4K Run for the Trees, 8:30am. Info: lgrueber@frankfort.ky.gov. April 2, Glasgow - Spring Breaking with the STARZ 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Tracey Bertram (270)590-6678, tbertram@cpccommodities.com. April 2, Lexington - RunTheBluegrass Half Marathon & 7 Miler, 9am. Info: rachel@runthebluegrass.org. April 2, Lexington - Lions Run for Sight 5K, 9am. Info: Tracy Cerise (859)296-6433, lionsrunforsight@gmail.com. April 9, Berea - BPD Footpursuit 10K Run & 5K Walk, 9am. Info: Jake Reed (859)986-8456, jreed@bereaky.gov. April 9, Lexington - Crazy Cat 5K Run/Walk, 9:30am. Info: (859)254-0231, register@crazycat5k.com. April 9, Louisville - Goose Creek 5K, 9am. Info: Andy Cronin (502)429-7270, andrew.cronin@ky.gov. April 9, Pikeville - Judi’s Place for Kids Run with Courage 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: (606)437-7447, info@judisplace.org. April 10, Lexington - AVOL AIDS Walk, 2pm; 5K Red Ribbon Run, 2:30pm. Info: rebecca@avolky.org. April 10, Lexington - Commit to Prevent Child Abuse 5K, 2pm; Kids’ 1K, 12:30pm. Info: (859)225-8879, ctussey@pcaky.org. April 16, Burnside - Walk/Run and Wag Your Tail 5K, 9am. Info: lescoffey31@gmail.com. April 16 Corbin - TriCounty Conquer 5K, 8am. Info: Dana Brown (606)528-5286. April 16, Georgetown - Autism 5K Georgetown, 5K Run/Walk 9am. Info: Ashley (502)863-9987, millschiro.ashley@gmail.com. April 16, Lexington - 5K Rx Run & Walk, 7am. Info: collin.ray@uky.edu. April 16, Lexington - Boot, Scoot and Boogie 5K for UK Agricultural Education, 9am. Info: rebekah.epps@uky.edu. April 16, Midway - Race for Education Race to Read 5K & 10K, 8:30am. Info: Brittany Bell (859)252-8648, bbell@raceforeducation.org. April 16, Murray - Murray Half Marathon & Relay, 5K Run/Walk; 7am. Info: sdavis@murrayhospital.org. April 16, Somerset - Law Enforcement Torch Run, 5K Run/ Walk; 1pm. Info: farrahbatesrowe@gmail.com. April 16, Winchester - United Way 5K, 9am. Info: Elizabeth Spencer (859)737-8275, elizabeth.spencer@lpnt.net. April 16, Winchester - Bulldog Jog 3K, 9:30am; Bulldog Sprint, 9am. Info: Baker Intermediate School (859)745-5190. April 22, Elizabethtown - After Dark In The Park FullMoon Fever Fitness Event, All 3 (Paddle Boat, Run/Walk, Mountain Bike); Paddle Boating; 5K Fun Run/Walk; Mountain Bike Trail Ride; 8pm. Info: Matthew Deneen (270)763-2132, matthew.deneen@ hardin.kyschools.us. April 22, Frankfort - Proactive for Life 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Debbie Brown (520)320-9168, ptmomdb@cwiweb.net. April 22, Somerset - Beta Blast 5K Glow Run/Walk, 7:30pm (dusk). Info: Lauren Yates (859)613-2349, lauren.yates@pulaski.kyschools.us. April 23, Alexandria - Camel Color 5K, 9am. Info: greg@runningtime.net. April 23, Corydon - Cheetah Chase 5K, 9am. Info: racheltrout82@yahoo.com. April 23, Crestview Hills - St. Elizabeth Hospice 5K Memorial Run/Walk, 9am. Info: greg@runningtime.net. April 23, Cynthia - Runway 5K, 9am. Info: Chamber (859)2345236, cynchamber@gmail.com. April 23, Elizabethtown - ECTC Earth Day 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Samantha MacKenzie (270)706-8527, samantha.mackenzie@kctcs.edu. April 23, Fort Knox - Fort Knox SAMC 5K College Scholarship Run/Walk, 8am. Info: knox_samc@yahoo.com. April 23, Georgetown - School House Champions 5K, 5:30pm. Info: shc5k@schoolhousechampions5k.com. April 23, Irvine - Fungus 5K, 9am; 2K, 8:30am. Info: (606)7231233/723-2554, mushroomfestival@irvineonline.net. April 23, Lexington - University of Kentucky Health & Wellness: LiveWell 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: mario.hughley@uky.edu. April 23, Somerset - Walk MS and Half Mile, 10am. Info: Maci Baurle (502)526-4031, maci.baurle@nmss.org. April 23, Wilmore - Wesley Waddle 10K & 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: wesleywaddle@asburyseminary.edu. April 24, Lexington - Nutrition Fuels Fitness 5K, 2pm; Kids Mile FR/Walk, 1:30pm. Info: maggie.murphy@uky.edu. April 29, Lexington - Twilight RK-5K, 6:30pm. Info: Lee Carter (859)233-2362, lee@rk3de.org. April 29, Richmond - Run the Runway 5K, 6pm. Info: epsilonkappaupsilon@gmail.com. April 30, Corbin - Marching Redhound 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Jane Fryer (606)528-2810, littlemontanaranch@gmail.com. April 30, Lexington - Lafayette Band of Pride 5K, 8:30am. Info: Carole Howell (859)420-7845, cehowe2@gmail.com. April 30, Louisville - Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon & miniMarathon, 7:30am (Wheelchair 7:25am). Info: (800)928-3378, minimarathon@kdf.org. April 30, London - Laurel County Life Center’s 5K/Walk For Life, 8:30am. Info: Jara Burkhart, Director (606)877-1717, lclifecenter@windstream.net. May 1, Lexington - The Great Cake Race, 5K & 1 Mile; 4pm. Info: ashley@sweetblessingscakes.org. May 7, Lexington - Derby Day Stakes at Coldstream 5K & 10K, 8:30am. Info: Bob Baney (859)475-3232, bob@3wayracing.com. May 7, Paducah - Paducah Iron Mom Half Marathon & Relay (2 or 4 person); 7am. Info: Pam Truitt (270)443-4838, fssinfo@vci.net. May 7, Russell Springs - RCMS 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8am. Info: personalbesttiming1@gmail.com. May 7, Science Hill - SuperHeroes 5K, 8am. Info: gordyprather@gmail.com. May 8, Louisville - Louisville Mother’s Day 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids Dash, 8:15am. Info:

louisvillemothersday5k@allcommunityevents.com. May 13, Richmond - Officers Down 5K Run/Walk, 10am; Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: info@officersdown5k.com. May 14, Danville - McDowell Wellness Center May 10K, 7:30am. Info: dcoffey@emhealth.org. May 14, Fort Knox - Run For The Red 5K & 10K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids Run (9-under), 9:30am. Info: rosangela.potter@redcross.org. May 14, Frankfort - United Way 3K, 9am. Info: saraelysejackson1@gmail.com. May 14, Georgetown - Georgetown’s Finest 5K - The 5K with GUTS! 16 obstacles; 8am. Info: gpdfinest5k@gmail.com. May 14, Lexington - Sandersville Elementary’s Sharks on the Run 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: aaaayate2@hotmail.com. May 14, Lexington - The Great American Fitness Challenge, 10K 8am; Steeplechase Challenge 9am; 5K 10:30am Info: robert.bebout@bbim.com. May 14, Nicholasville - R.J. Corman 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Kama Buckles (859)977-2503. May 14, Owensboro - Owensboro Family YMCA International BBQ Festival 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: chris@40lbsledgehammer.com. May 14, Royalton - Honey Suckle Half Marathon/Marathon, 8am. Info: Anthony Skeans (606)791-2902, anthonyskeans@gmail.com. May 20, Taylorsville - Light The Way 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Lori Riddle/ Mary Beth Thomas (502)644-3404, rflbradybunch@gmail.com. May 21, Clay City - Clay City Lions Club 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: tinakaren0217@yahoo.com. May 21, Danville - Hope 53 Run & Ride Duathlon/5K, Duathlon: R-5K, B-20 mi., R-5K; 5K Run/Walk; 8:30am. Info: rickylane@att.net.

May 21, Lexington - Kentucky ALE Horse Capital Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; Friday Expo 2-9pm; Boston Qualifier; Post-race celebration with live band; Horse-country inspired awards; Course passes 45 central Kentucky horse farms; Coupon Code rj10 for 10% off. Info: contact@horsecapitalmarathon. com, www.horsecapitalmarathon.com May 21, London - Stars & Strides...America’s 5K Freedom Run, 8:45pm. Info: info@vibe5k.com. May 27, Lexington - The Glo Run - Lexington 5K. Info: lexington@theglorun.com. May 28, Lexington - Brave Faces of Cancer 5K, 8:30am. Info: melissak@kycancerlink.org. May 28, Louisville - The Glo Run - Louisville 5K Run/Walk, 9:30pm. Info: louisville@theglorun.com. May 28, Pikeville - Run Hog Wild 5K/10K Trail Run, 9am. Info: shelebrabartley@bellsouth.net. May 28, Versailles - Woodford Wag 5K Cross Country, 8:30am; 2K Dog Walk/Run, 8:45am. Info: sue@woodfordhumane.org. June 3, Lexington - North Lime Donut Dash 3K, Run/Walk, 6:30pm. Info: (859)246-0046, bob@3wayracing.com. June 4, Frankfort - Capital Expo Festival Funnel Cake 5K, 9am. Info: capitalexpo.funnelcake5k@gmail.com. June 4, Lexington - Run for the Nun 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: runforthenun@gmail.com. June 4, Lexington - Funky Fun Prom Run, 5K 6:30pm. Info: sbs5krace@gmail.com. June 4, Somerset - Over My Head 5K, 7:30am; FR, 7:35am. Info: gcturner3@gmail.com. June 5, Lexington - Run for the Hill 5K, 1 Mile FR/Walk; 1pm. Info: caj2@cardinalhill.org. June 11, Elizabethtown - Freeman Lake Summer Trail Series, 5K 8am. Info: will@etownrunningsoles.com. June 11, Lexington - United Way 5K on the Runway, 8am. Info: katie.williams@uwbg.org. June 11, Louisville - Powered With Pride 5K/Comfy Cow Chase Kid’s Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: Keith LaBelle (502)619-8533, keithlabelle@msn.com. June 11, Paris - Bourbon Derby Half Marathon, 7:30am; 10 Miler, 7:40am; 4 Miler, 7:50am. Info: veronica.smart@gmail.com. June 18, Lexington - Wild Hearts Fun Run SuperHero 5K, Kids Super Sprint 9am; 5K 10am. Info: info@wildheartsfunrun.com. June 18, Stanton - Nada Tunnel 8K Foot Race, 8am. Info: janice@rugged.red. June 24, Lexington - Sunset Tiki 5K, 7pm; Little Tiki Kids 1 Mile Run, 7:45pm. Info: (859)246-0046, bob@3wayracing.com.

Oct. 16, Midway - Iron Horse Half Marathon, 8am (EST). Info: Chuck Griffis, 317 S. Ashland Ave., Lexington, KY 40502; (859)335-1818, info@ironhorsehalfmarathon.com, www.ironhorsehalfmarathon.com.

LOUISIANA April 1-2, New Orleans, LA to Pensacola, FL - The Crawfish Relay 231.1 Miles, 4/1 Run, 4am; 4/2: Cyclists. Info: (857)888-1222, crawfishrelay@gmail.com. April 2, Baton Rouge - Our Lady of Mercy 5K, 9am. Info: trent_griggs@hotmail.com. April 2, Gonzales - LCPF’s Heart Hero Hustle 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: kelee.king@lpcf.com. April 2, Shreveport - Heart of Gold 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 8, Baton Rouge - Pi Beta 5K Bookin’ for Books, 5:45pm. Info: lsupiphivpp@gmail.com. April 8, Hammond - LAT Electrik 5K Run/Walk, Glow Run; 7pm. Info: jonathan.jee@selu.edu. April 9, Baton Rouge - Get Your Rear in Gear 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids FR, 8:30am. Info: jared@blinkjarmedia.com. April 9, Benton - Cypress Half Marathon & 10K, 8am; 5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 7:45am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com.

www.running.net April 9, Luling - United Way of St. Charles Bridge Run, 5K 8:30am. Info: Tamara Plattsmier (985)331-9063, tamarap@uwaysc.org. April 9, Metairie - Bursting with Speed 5K, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile, 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. April 9, Shreveport - Walk for Humanity, 5K Run/Walk 8:30am; 1 Mile Walk 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 16, Many - Fort Jesup 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: deboses@sabine.k12.la.us. April 16, Marrero - VOL Cajun Fest 5K, 8am. Info: hutch26.2@gmail.com. April 16, Milton - St. Jo’s Jog, 1 Mile FR 9am; 5K 9:30am. Info: race@stjo-milton.org. April 16, New Orleans - Superhero 5K Race, 8am; Children’s 1K Race to follow. Info: jmccoy@casaneworleans.org. April 16, Shreveport - SGBC 5K Mission Challenge, 5K & 5K Challenge 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 16, Thibodaux - Crawfish Crawl for College Scholarships, 5K Run/Walk 5pm; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 4:45pm. Info: walton@wg3solutions.com. April 17, New Orleans - A Run Through History 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Chuck George (504)4681488, nolarunning@cox.net. April 17, Stonewall - Gladiators for Maximus 5K, 2pm. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 17, Winnsboro - Riverboat Series Day 1 - LA, Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 6:30am. Info: Mainly Marathons (575)3828869, clint@mainlymarathons.com. April 23, Denham Springs - Denham Springs Yellow Jackets Color Run 5K, 9am. Info: staci.clement@lpsb.org. April 23, Shreveport - Walk A Mile In Our Shoes: Autism 5K, 9:15am; 1/2 Mile FR, 9am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 23, Shreveport - Warrior Run 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: hutch26.2@gmail.com. April 23, Shreveport - Run Baby Run 5K, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 23, Shreveport - Shreve Island Elementary - Dawg Dash 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 24, Shreveport - 5K Race for Kenya Church, 4pm. Info: wsongock@gmail.com. April 30, Baton Rouge - Active for Autism, 5K Run 8am; The Walk 9:30am. Info: (225)216-7474, info@fhfgbr.org. April 30, Bossier City - W.T. Lewis Bulldog Bolt, 5K & 10K 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Dog Gone FR, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 30, Corencro - Running of the Cubs 5K Color Run, 9am. Info: coachjt80@gmail.com. April 30, Natchitoches - Steel Magnolia Shuffle 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: lindsaymcelwee@yahoo.com. April 30, New Orleans - Big Easy, Big Heart 5K. Info: (504)3042326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. April 30, Thidobaux - Thidobaux Firemen’s Fair 5K Run/Walk, 8am; FR, 7:30am. Info: walton@wg3solutions.com. April 30, Youngsville - Run For The Roses 5K, 8am. Info: cguilbeau@cff.org. April 30, Vacherie - Revielle at Oak Alley 5K & 1/2 Mile Run & Walk, 8:30am. Info: Chuck George (504)468-1488, chucknorsi@cox.net. May 7, Baton Rouge - Superhero Dash 4 Miler, 9am. Info: kmocklin@cff.org. May 7, Metairie - Zephyr’s Run for Home 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (504)883-8225. May 7, Shreveport - Uptown 5 Miler, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. May 14, Baton Rouge - Coach Malcolm B. Brian 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Kids’ FR (10-under); 8am. Info: josh930@cox.net. May 14, Many - Color Run for the Music, 5K 8am. Info: newmana@sabine.k12.la.us. May 14, Shreveport - Run With The Angels/David Rice Memorial 5K, 7am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. May 15, New Orleans - “Family Fun Eat & Run” 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Run/Walk, 9:30am. Info: Chuck George (504)4681488, chucknorsi@cox.net. May 21, Morgan City - Dress Up/Dress Down 5K, 8am. Info: tonydunn1@yahoo.com. May 22, Metairie - Fat Boy 3 Mile New Orleans, 1/4 Mile Run/ Walk 8am; 3 Mile Run/Walk 8:10am; Info: Chuck George (504)4681488, chucknorsi@cox.net. May 27, New Orleans - Greek Festival Race, 5K & 1 Mile. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. May 28, Gilliam - BackRoads & Bayous Cross Country Trail Run, 10 Mile & 3 Mile; 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. June 18, Shreveport - Lager Jogger 5K & Beer Mile, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. June 19, New Orleans - Richard Newcomb Memorial Father’s Day Race, 2 Miles & Half Mile; 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org.

MARYLAND April 2, Charlotte Hall - Looking For Trouble 5K, Kids FR; 8:30am. Info: (301)475-9118, jeremy@racedc.com. April 2, Crownsville - Annapolis Beer Run, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 1pm, 2pm. Info: ABC Events, Inc. (410)353-9237, info@annapolisbeerwk.com. April 2, Cumberland - Queen City Marathon for Active Water, 8am. Info: queencitymarathon@gmail.com.

April 3, Baltimore - 4th Annual Flashback 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Walk, 9am; Goucher College; Dress in your best 80s and 90s costumes; $35/Adult 5K, $20/Adult 1 Mile Walk; $10/Child 5K (12-under), $10/Child 1 Mile Walk (12-under). Info: Jenna Laube 5krace@jlbalt.org, https://www.race entry.com/race-reviews/flashback-5k

Running Journal • April, 2016 April 9, Chevy Chase - The Race to End Poverty 5K, 1 Mile; 9am. Info: A Wider Circle (301)608-3504, therace@awidercircle.org. April 9, Edgewater - Central Elementary School’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Tiger Trot, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: ttregistration@mycentralpta.org. April 9, Ellicott City - LOGJam 5K, 9am; Kids FR (200 yd. & 50 yd.), 8:45am. Info: logjam5k@gmail.com. April 9, Greenbelt - Springburst 8K, 9am. Info: races@pgrc.org. April 9, Halethorpe - Emmanuel Lutheran 5K, 1 Mile Run/Walk 10am; Kids Run, 9:45am. Info: 1scotthartmann@gmail.com. April 9, Landover - Foam Glow 5K, 8:15pm. Info: service@foamglow.net. April 9, Ridgely - Arbor Day Run, 5K, 1 Mile & Kids’ Dash; 9am. Info: Jenny Houghton (410)634-2847 (ex. 0), jhoughton@adkinsarboretum.org. April 10, Baltimore - Red Shoe Shuffle 5K, 9am. Info: Lauren Kohr (410)528-1010, lkohr@rmhcbaltimore.org. April 10, Bethesda - Horizons at Norwood 5K, 8:30am. Info: horizons.at.norwood.5k@gmail.com. April 10, Hancock - Western Maryland Rail Trail Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 8am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. April 16, Baltimore - Under Armour Sole of the City 10K, 9am. Info: kelly@charmcityrun.com. April 16, Clarksville - Pointers Run 5K & 1 Mile. Info: randy_wallenhorst@hcpss.org. April 16, Mount Airy - TRES Superhero 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9:30am. Info: twinridgees5k@gmail.com. April 16, Silver Spring - Oral Cancer Foundation 5K Walk/Run in memory of Peter McGee Hoffman, 9am. Info: Peggy Hoffman (202)232-4389, hoffman.dc.ocf@gmail.com.

April 17, Stevensville - 6th Annual Annapolis/Kent Island Run & Dog Walk, 10K & 5K Run, 2 Mile Dog Walk; 8:45am-10K Timed Run; 9am-5K Timed Run, 9:05amTimed Dog Race, 9:10am-Dog Walk; $20 Students, $30 Veteran, $35 Civilian, $25 Virtual Participation, Deadline 4/13; $40 on Race Day. Info: Jaime McGrade (631)9309054, Jaime@VetDogs.org, https:// Race4Vets.VetDogs.org April 23, Baltimore - Port to Fort 6K, 8:30am. Info: James Poisal (410)744-1032, jpoisal@believeintomorrow.org.

April 23, Silver Spring - Ben’s Run, 5 Miles, 5K, 1 Mile, 8am; $30, $35 late. Info: Clare Goldfogle, 18 Jaystone Ct., Silver Spring, MD 20905, (301)602-7288, goldfogle@verizon.net, www.bensrun.org April 24, Rockville - Pike’s Peek 10K, Kids Fun Runs: 1K & 50 Meter; 7:50am. Info: pikespeak@mcrrc.org. April 30, Annapolis - AOTB 5K, 10am; Kid’s FR to follow. Info: aotbevents@gmail.com. April 30, Ocean City - OCMD Island to Island Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: info@octrirunning.com. May 1, Bethesda - Rescue1Run 8K & Kids Ambulance Chase, 8am. Info: Race Dir. (301)652-0077, racedirector@bccrs.org. May 1, Carderock - Potomac River Run Marathon, 7am/early start, 8am/competitive start. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net. May 1, Stevensville - Cinco de Miler, 5 Mile; 9am. Info: Kelly@charmcityrun.com. May 7-8, Frederick - The Frederick Running Festival, 5/7: 5K 6pm; Fun Run 5:10pm. 5/8: Half Marathon & Relay 7am. Info: Corrigan Sports (410)605-9381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. May 8, Bethesda - Hope for Henry 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: robin.j.lerner@gmail.com. May 14, Elkton - Color Vibe 5K. Info: support@colorvibe.com. May 14, Fulton - Maryland Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Tara Ettinger (410)328-8530, tettinger@umm.edu. May 21, St. Michaels - St. Michaels Running Festival, Half Marathon, 5K, Kids 1K; 7am, 7:30am. Info: info@runstm.com. May 29, Baltimore - MCVET 5K/10K Walk or Run, 5K 7:30am; 10K 8:30am. Info: Katherine (410)576-9626 (x 235). May 30, Olney - Jeremy’s Run, 10K 8am; 5K 8:05am; 1 Mile 8:15am. Info: Cyndi Glass (240)498-8479, cglass05@netscape.net. June 4, Annapolis - ZOOMA Annapolis Women’s Half Marathon & 10K, 7am. Info: info@zoomarun.com. June 4, Baltimore - Baltimore 10 Miler, 7:30am. Info: Corrigan Sports (410)605-9381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. June 4, Sykesville - Run 4 Kids Challenge, 4K Run/Walk; 8am. Info: run4kids@verizon.net.

MISSISSIPPI April 1, Mantachie - Pilot Club of Mantachie Brain Injury Awareness 5K Run/Walk, 6:30pm. Info: Erin Carter (662)255-5903, ejcarter11@yahoo.com. April 1, Ridgeland - Fleet Feet Sports Run Now Wine Later 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Chris Walker (601)899-9696, chris@fleetfeetjackson.com. April 2, Belzoni - World Catfish Festival 5K, 8am. Info: Tanisha Gates (662)247-2449, tgates@dorseygates.com. April 2, Brandon - Racin’ for the Seed Duathlon & 5K Run/Walk, Duathlon: B-15 mi., R-1 mi. Info: (601)992-3556, del@mustardseedinc.org. April 2, Clarksdale - Jump, Hop, Spring - 5K 9:30am; Mini Run & FR 9am. Info: anja@spring-initiative.org. April 2, Cleveland - Amanda Cossey Price Memorial 5K Walk/ Run, 8am. Info: Anjanette Powers (662)719-5774, apowers@deltastate.edu.

April 2, Columbus - Columbus Pilgrimage Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am. Info: Brad Atkins (662)574-5539, bradandmelissa@cableone.net. April 2, Hattiesburg - Rise & Shine Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am Info: Susan Yarrow (601)261-3689, susan.yarrow@hattiesburgclinic.com, www.hattiesburgclinic.com/ halfmarathon. April 2, Hernando - Bolt For Blue 5K, 9am. Info: Angela Gregg (662)429-4170, angela.gregg@dcsms.org. April 2, Jackson - “Run For Our Community” 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Aisha Nyandoro (769)251-0924, aisha@springboardto.org. April 2, Jackson - Sweetness Fight Against Obesity 5K & 10K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (601)979-1368, recmembership@jsums.edu. April 2, Olive Branch - Whispering Woods & Twigs Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am; Wheelchair div. both events. Info: midsouthrunners@gmail.com. April 2, Ripley - My Choices 5K4Life, 5K 8:30am. Info: Terri Stanford (662)837-1864, terriystanford@yahoo.com. April 2, Summit - Fill Your Heart...And Run for Kyla, 10K Run, 5K Run, 5K Walk 7:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: tmir@cableone.net. April 2, Tupelo - The Autism 5K Run & Walk, 9am. Info: tupelorunningclub@yahoo.com. April 3, Houston - Altis Marathon & Half Marathon on Tanglefoot Trail, 7am; 5K, 7:30am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. April 9, Cleveland - Kappa Delta Alumnae Shamrock 5K Walk/ Run, 7:30am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: kdgammapsialum@gmail.com. April 9, Hattiesburg - USM Army ROTC 5K, 7am; Kids 1 Mile Run, 9am. Info: brian.hartfield@eagles.usm.edu. April 9, Mooreville - Estorbo 5K Challenge, 9am. Info: Kendra Sanders (662)687-1802, kendraleighs98@gmail.com. April 9, New Albany - First Choice 5K Race For The Unborn/3K Walk for Life, 8:30am. Info: Lacretia Wilkinson (662)534-7061, ptc@maxxsouth.net. April 9, Prentiss - Run for the Roses 5K, 8am. Info: (601)7925903 (d), (601)792-2421 (n). April 11, Oxford - Derby Days 5K Race, 6am. Info: umetaderbydays@gmail.com. April 15, Magee - Mardi Gras Run 5K, 7pm. Info: wlbarnes4@gmail.com. April 16, Clarksdale - Juke Joint Festival 8K Run & 5K Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: cmitchell@cableone.net. April 16, Hattiesburg - VooDoo Run 5K, 8am. Info: margo.villarosa@eagles.usm.edu. April 16, Pass Christian - Gulf Coast Classic 10K & 2 Mile Run, 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. April 16, Philadelphia - Hog Wild Run, 5K Run & 5K Walk, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: crystal-myers@hotmail.com. April 16, Starkville - Old Cotton Mill 5K & 1 Mile Family Fun Run, 8am. Info: Bekah Sparks (662)324-3080, bekah177@gmail.com. April 21, Flowood - Run Foster Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: (601)3263714, (601)326-3758. April 22, Clinton - 4Miles4Missions, 7pm. Info: (601)924-6671. April 22, Hattiesburg - Walk Run Wag 5K & Fun Run Bark at the Moon, 6:30pm. Info: walkrunwag2014@gmail.com. April 23, Oxford - Double Decker Spring Run, 5K & 10K, 7:30am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. April 23, Tishomingo - Swinging Bridge Trail Run, 15K & 4 Miler; 8am. Info: emilywadkins1@live.com. April 30, Flowood - MORA Racing for Donation 8K Run, 8K Walk, 1 Mile FR; 7:30am. Info: Becky Pierson (601)933-1000, bpierson@msora.org. April 30, Kosciusko - Renasant Bank Run, 5K Run 8am; 5K Walk 8:01am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Chamber (662)289-2091, kadc@kadcorp.org. April 30, Star - Star Spring Festival (formerly Rabbit Run 5K), 5K Walk/Run & 1 Mile Kid’s FR; 9am. Info: Gina Hajj (601)8427947, starspringfestival@yahoo.com. May 7, Collins - Okatoma River Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile Children’s FR to follow. Info: Covington Chamber of Commerce (601)765-6012.

May 7, Corinth - Coke 10K, 8:20am Wheelchair; 8:30am Runners; $20 thru 4/10, $25 4/11 thru 5/6. Info: Coke 10K, POB 239, Corinth, MS 38835; Mona Lisa Grady (662)284-4858, mgrady@corinthcoke.com www.coke10k.com May 7, Greenville - YMCA Cotton Classic, 10K Run 8am; 5K Walk 8:05am. Info: Mickie Sandidge (662)335-7258, hcmymca@suddenlinkmail.com. May 7, Ocean Springs - Osprey 10K, 8am. Info: Charles Wilson (228)547-3996, gulfcoastwilson@yahoo.com. May 14, Ridgeland - Magnolia Meltdown Half Marathon, 6:30am; 10K, 6:45am; 5K, 7am; Kids 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. May 21, Canton - SON Valley Rally 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Donnie South (601)859-2100 (x239), dgs@sonvalley.net. May 21, Carthage - Baptist Medical Center Leake Heart of Mississippi 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Michelle McCann (601)2671206, michellemccann@mbhs.org. June 4, Ackerman - Miles for Smiles 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: (662)285-6828, mitchelldentalsuperstars@yahoo.com. June 18, Leland - Hotter than Hades Half Marathon, 6am. Info: Jamie (662)347-2920, tribbetthalfmarathon@gmail.com.

NORTH CAROLINA April 1, Albemarle - Vac & Dash April Fools Day 500,000 Centimeter (5K) Classic, 6:45pm. Info: peter@vacanddash.com. April 2, Chapel Hill - Aging in Stride 5K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: welles@email.unc.edu.


April 2, Charlotte - Charlotte Brain Tumor Race, 5K Run 8:30am; Walkers 8:35am. Info: Katie-Rose Tuttle (919)323-1922, krtuttle@braintumor.org. April 2, Concord - The Puppy Rescue 5K, 1 Mile FR; 9:30am. Info: 5k@thepuppyrescue.com. April 2, Goldsboro - EOD Memorial 5K, 8am. Info: dale.janik@us.af.mil. April 2, Greensboro - Hamilton Lakes 10K, 3pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com. April 2, Greenville - Pirate Nurse 5K, 9am; Kids FR, 8:45am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 2, Hickory - Lenoir-Rhyne University 5K Race, 8:30am. Info: runtimeraces@gmail.com. April 2, Morganton - Run for the Paws 5K, 9am. Info: kyle.miller87@gmail.com. April 2, New Bern - Great Glow Run 5K, 7:30pm. Info: GameOn (252)514-6438, ann@gameonnc.com. April 2, Pittsboro - Not So Normal 5K, 7:30am; Half Marathon on 4/3 in Carrboro. Info: jay@notsonormalrun.org. April 2, Raleigh - IronDog 5K, 10am; 1.5 Mile Dog Walk, 10:15am. Info: matt@irondogfund.org. April 2, Raleigh - Run Dance Glow 5K, 8pm. Info: Emily Lambeth (919)515-3238, irc-communityaffairs@ncsu.edu. April 2, Summerfield - Stop, Drop, and Roll 5K, 9am. Info: Jones Racing Company (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. April 2, Taylorsville - Robin’s Run 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR; 8:30am. Info: jmastenbyers@gmail.com. April 2, Troy - Running For A Reason 5K, 9am. Info: angiesaloette@hotmail.com. April 2, Wilmington - Azalea Festival 10K, 5K & 1 Mile Kids Run; 8am. Info: cfbcdirector@gmail.com. April 2, Winston-Salem - Camel City Race Fest, Half Marathon & 5 Miler; 8am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. April 2, Winterville - Dr. Abdul’s Memorial 5K, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 3, Carrboro - Not So Normal Half Marathon, 7:30am 5K on 4/2 in Pittsboro. Info: jay@notsonormalrun.org. April 3, Cary - Running Over Cancer 5K, 2:30pm. Info: runningovercancer@gmail.com. April 3, Fort Bragg - Fort Bragg All American Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:30am. Info: (910)907-3616, allamericanmarathon@gmail.com. April 3, Morrisville - Kaleidoscope Charter HS 5K, 9am. Info: Rupai Tayal (919)724-5332, rupalitayal@gmail.com. April 3, Salisbury - 5K Run/Walk for Missions, 2pm; 1 Mile FR, 2:50pm. Info: shafferl19@yahoo.com. April 8, Lexington - Itty Bitty Kiddie 5K Glow Run, 8:30ish (pm). Info: maryd@partnershipforchildren.org. April 9, Belmont - Belmont Rail Trail 5K, 8:30am. Info: sdehart@cityofbelmont.org. April 9, Black Mountain - Black Mountain Greenway Challenge 5K/10K Race, 2pm. Info: greenwaychallenge@gmail.com. April 9, Cary - Greater Raleigh Young Life 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Young Life Office (919)833-6575, greaterraleighyounglife@gmail.com. April 9, Cary - New Wave Swimming 5K, 8am. Info: (919)9810644. April 9, Catawba - CVCC Cru Run of the Mill 5K Charity Run/Walk, 9am. Info: raceinfo@cvcc.edu. April 9, Chapel Hill - Briar Chapel Earth Day 5K & Kids Dash, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 9, Chapel Hill - NC DNA Day 5K Run, 9am; Kids FR (12under), 9:35am. Info: jsteinba@email.unc.edu. April 9, Concord - Charger Challenge 5K, 10am; Fun Run, 9:15am. Info: leticia.dye@gmail.com. April 9, Concord - Chosen Carolinas, 10 Mile & 4 Mile Run; 8am. Info: Tim Rhodes (830)455-0101, carolinas@chosenmarathon.com. April 9, Durham - Race Forward: On the Move for Racial Justice, 5K Run & 2.2 Mile Walk; 8:30am. Info: msnyte1@gmail.com. April 9, Emerald Isle - Emerald Isle Marathon, 6:30am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am. Info: doolsgirl@gmail.com. April 9, Greensboro - Elon Law Women’s Law Association 5K, 9:30am. Info: sdooley3@elon.edu. April 9, Greenville - Run for Literacy 5K, 1 Mile FR; 7pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 9, Greenville - Love a Sea Turtle Trail Run, 5K 8:15am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 9, Greenville - East Carolina University Army ROTC Patriot Mud Run, 3-4 Mile Option, 1+ Mile FR; 9am. Info: ecupatriotrun@gmail.com. April 9, Hickory - Hike for Hope +5K, 5K Run, 1 Mile Fun Walk; 9:30am. Info: Leslie Cothren (828)850-2704, leslie@refocusonlife.com. April 9, High Point - Macedonia 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: mike@junction 311.com. April 9, Hope Mills - Run for Global Education 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Info: dawnhoyt@ccs.k12.nc.us. April 9, Huntersville - Race For A Reason 5K Run, 9am. Info: race4areasondeca@gmail.com. April 9, Kannapolis - Feeding Frenzy 5K, 9am. Info: Michael Thomas (980)621-7815, feedingfrenzy5k@gmail.com. April 9, Jacksonville - Semper Fi Fund Beat the Bridge 10K, 8:20am; 5K, 8:25am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: runthebridgesff@semperfifund.org. April 9, Louisburg - Warrior Pride 5K Scholarship Run, 9am. Info: Al Wheless (919)880-1440, alwheless@nc.rr.com. April 9, Mayodan - New Vision Lightning Bolt 5K, 9am. Info: Amber Berger (336)932-9755, abberger1979@yahoo.com. April 9, Moncure - Moncure Panther Prowl 5K, & FR, 9am. Info: kt3henry@gmail.com. April 9, Monroe - Run For U 5K, 8am. Info: Amy Sperry (704)2960725, asperry@ucedfoundation.org, https://runsignup.com/Race/NC/ Monroe/RunForU April 9, Monroe - Wild Turkey 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Sonia McElveen (704)283-3822, ucmgwebsite@gmail.com. April 9, Pinehurst - Run for the Heart 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 9:10am. Info: mark.moore594@gmail.com. April 9, Reidsville - Band on the Run 5K, 9am; Kids FR (10-under), 8:30am. Info: botter@rock.k12.nc.us.


Running Journal • April, 2016

April 9, Rockwell - East Rowan Diamond Sports 5K, 8am; FR, 8:50am. Info: rdslaydon@gmail.com. April 9, Tarboro - Movin’ for Community Outreach 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Kelly Parker (252)883-2872, jacree@howardmemorial.org. April 9, Washington - Young Life on the Pamlico 5K Glow Race, 7:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 9, Wilson - Wesley Shelter’s Strong Soles 5K, 9am; 1 Mile Walk, 9:15am; Men’s High Heel Dash, 10:15am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 9, Wilmington - MGC Parade Mile, Divisions: Elite, Masters; Fun Run/Children’s Mile; 8:55am/1st heat. Info: Walt Rapp walt.rapp@mgclaw.com or Colin - colin@its-go-time.com. April 10, Fletcher - Run for the Paws 5K, 1 Mile Walk; 1pm. Info: leahcraig@bwar.org. April 10, Greensboro - Let My People Run 5K Run/Walk, 9:10am; Kid’s Dash 9am; 1 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: rwolf@bnaishalom.org. April 10, Raleigh - Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)3111255. April 10, Raleigh - Mountains-to-Seal Trail 50K, 7am; 12 Mile, 8am. Info: (919)265-3904. April 10, Wilmington - Coastal 10 Mile & 4 Mile Road Race, 7am. Info: coastal10miler@gmail.com. April 10, Winterville - Bulldog Taste the Rainbow Color Run 5K, 3pm. Info: kjjames231@my.pittcc.edu. April 14, Conover - The Jack Adair Mile, 6:30pm. Info: runtimeraces@gmail.com. April 15, Jacksonville - 80’s Fun Run, 5K 5pm; Kids Run 4:30pm. Info: Info: newriverosc@gmail.com. April 15, Lincolnton - LMS Wildcats Prowl 5K, 7pm. Info: mhovis3@Lincoln.k12.nc.us. April 16, Beulaville - BES Panther Pride 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 16, Blowing Rock - Corkscrew 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: gwoolard@chetola.com. April 16, Boone - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: stephen.poulos@watgov.org. April 16, Cary - Cary Road Race, 10K 8:30am; 5K 9:45am; 1 Mile FR 10:45am. Info: Kirk Matthews (919)469-4363, kirk.matthews@townofcary.org. April 16, Charlotte - Charlotte Racefest at SouthPark, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K Run/Walk; 7:30am. Info: Scott Dvorak (704)3778786, scott@charlotterunning.com, Danny White rmsevents@aol.com. April 16, Charlotte - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: preston.buckman@mecklenburgcountync.gov. April 16, Charlotte - Twirl N’ Swirl 5K, 7:30am. Info: Dwayne Wilson (760)646-4435, swoopty37@live.com. April 16, Charlotte - Queen City Trail Run 5K, 9am; Fun Run 10:15am. Info: bethany@eastsidechurch.tv. April 16, Charlotte - Pure Religion 5K, 9am. Info: Brenda Livingston (704)364-5003, brendal@centralnc.org. April 16, Charlotte - Cookies for Kid’s Cancer 5K, 9:30am. Info: cfkc5k@gmail.com. April 16, Charlotte - Hemophilia Walk 2016, 5K 9am. Info: Gillian Schultz (800)990-5557, gillian.schultz@hemophilia-nc.org. April 16, Concord - Foam Glow 5K - Charlotte, 8pm. Info: service@foamglow.net. April 16, Concord - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: phgabriel@cabarruscounty.us. April 16, East Bend - East Bend 5K - Glow Run, 8pm; Fun Run, 7:30pm. Info: (336)253-3153, contact@onthemarksports.com. April 16, Elkin - Habitat Hammer Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk, 7am. lnfo: Claire (336)526-2277, habitat@UYVhabitat.org. April 16, Fairfield - Race Across the Lake 10K & 5K. Info: Cynthia Gibbs (252)925-2502, ljhydehotline@gmail.com. April 16, Fletcher - RECRE8 5K, 9:30am. Info: Greg Walker (828)687-0751, g.walker@fletchernc.org. April 16, Gastonia - The Community Foundation Run, 5K Run & 2K Walk; 8am. Info: registration@runforyourlife.com. April 16, Goldsboro - Greater Goldsboro 10K Run, 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 16, Graham - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: bfaucette@cityofgraham.com. April 16, Greenville - Pirate Alumni Road Race & Fun Run, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Shawn Moore (252)328-5775, mooresh@ecu.edu. April 16, Greenville - Hamstring Hustle 5K Run/Walk, 5pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 16, Grifton - Grifton Shad 5K Mud Run, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 16, Hillsborough - Occoneechee Speedway 5K, 10am. Info: occoneechee5k@gmail.com. April 16, Hollister - Haliwa-Saponi 5K, Kid’s Dash; 8am. Info: Al Cooper (252)257-2594, alc5308@gmail.com. April 16, Jacksonville - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: mstrickland@ci.jacksonville.nc.us. April 16, Jamestown - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: anthony.ellison@highpointnc.gov. April 16, Mooresville - Marti Estes 5K, 8:30am. Info: Thomas McMillan (704)402-6227, director@me5k.com. April 16, Mount Holly - Bring Spring 5K, 9am; Kid’s Buddy Run 8am; MICS Raptor Warrior 5K 8:30am. Info: msmith@micharter.org. April 16, New Bern - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: hardestyk@newbern-nc.org. April 16, New Hill - Jordan Lake 12-Hour Challenge, 12 Hour Team & Individual; 7am. Info: Erin Suwattana (919)542-6644 (x14), erin@childcarenetworks.org. April 16, Newport - NLL Glow Run 5K, 8:15pm; 1 Mile FR, 8pm. Info: julie.miller@carteretk12.org. April 16, Oak Island - Oak Island Lighthouse Half Marathon, 8am; 10K, 8:10am; 5K, 8:20am. Info: Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce (910)457-6964. April 16, Pineville - James K Polk 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: parknrec@pinevilledsl.net. April 16, Reidsville - GoFar 5K Run/Walk, 9:15am; 1 Mile FR,

8:15am. Info: April Cox or Brooke Fuller (336)342-9676 (ext. 207 or 211); aprilc@rockinghamkids.org, brookef@rockinghamkids.org. April 16, Roxboro - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: jroyster@personcounty.net. April 16, Smithville - JCC Live Color Run, 10K 8:30am; 5K 9am; Color 1 Mile FR/Walk, 10am; Jagger Dash (7-under), 11am. Info: (919)934-3051. April 16, Statesville - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: Colleen Dougherty (919)832-5868, colleen@ncrpa.net. April 16, Trenton - Jones Middle School 5K “Knights Run”, 8:30am. Info: michelle.basden@jonesnc.net. April 16, Vale - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am. Info: sabraham@lincolncounty.org.

April 16, Wake Forest - NCRPA Recre8 5K, 9:30am; $35, after 3/31 $45 (all registration ends 4/14); Race Location: 701 Harris Rd., Wake Forest, NC 27587. Info: Meghan Hawkins (919)435-9457, mhawkins@wake forestnc.gov, www.ncparkrun.com/ wakeforest April 16, Wake Forest - Faster Than A Pastor 5K, 8am. Info: fasterthanapastorinfo@gmail.com. April 16, Winston-Salem - Fit for Business 5K, 9am. Info: hortonaj@wfu.edu. April 16-17, Kitty Hawk - Flying Pirate Half Marathon, 7am (4/ 17); 5K, 7:30am (4/16). Info: info@obxse.org. April 17, Greensboro - Runner Dude 10-Mile Challenge & 10K, 7am. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com. April 17, Greenville - Hustle for the House 5K Run/Walk, 2pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 17, Salisbury - Rock Your Socks Knox 5K Run, 2pm; FR, 2:45pm. Info: lbzclark@carolina.rr.com. April 22, Charlotte - FreeMoreWest 5K on the Greenway, 6pm. Info: btnorv@hotmail.com. April 22, Greensboro - Fuel Up to Play 60 5K, 6:30pm; 1 Mile FR, 6pm. Info: Jones Racing Company (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. April 22, Mebane - Mebane Dogwood Festival 5K, 6:30pm. Info: johnbarnhart@hpw.com. April 22, Newton - Balls Creek 5K & Mr. B’s Kids Sprint, 6pm. Info: teddergrl@gmail.com. April 22, Winston-Salem - Big Brothers Big Sisters Glow Crazy 5K & Fun Run, 5K 8pm; Fun Run 7:30pm. Info: Amy Boardwine (336)773-9152, aboardwine@bbbsnc.org, www.runsignup.com/ race/nc/winstonsalem/glowcrazy5k. April 23, Apex - Race to Market Opening Day 5K, 9am. Info: fitandablecoach@gmail.com. April 23, Asheville - Race to the Taps #1 at Catawba Brewing, 5 miles; 2:30pm. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)338-8380, info@kickitevents.com. April 23, Bryson City - Costume Clash Stroll & Dash 5K, 10azm. Info: Teresa Carroll (828)488-2152, tcarroll@swainmail.org. April 23, Chapel Hill - Tar Heel 10 Miler, 7:45am; 4 Mile, 7:15am. Info: info@tarheel10miler.com. April 23, Charlotte - Bulldog 5K Run, 8:45am; FR to follow. Info: bridgitkerger@yahoo.com. April 23, Charlotte - Charlotte Run For The Warriors 10K, 5K, 1 Mile Run/Walk; 7:15am. Info: runinfo@hopeforthewarriors.org. April 23, China Grove - Down and Dirty Adventure Run, 4.5 (+/ -) Mile Trail Run; Kids Mud Run; 10am. Info: (704)857-7011. April 23, Durham - The Angels Among Us 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: ellen.stainback@duke.edu. April 23, Durham - Strongfirst Tactical Strength Challenge, Kettlebell Snatches, Pullups & Deadlift. Info: (919)403-8651, tsc@strongfirst.com. April 23, Edenton - Edenton Chowan Kiwanis 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: lpmetzger@earthlink.net. April 23, Goldsboro - Cures for the Colors 5K, 8am; 100M for Team, 9am; 1 Mile, 10am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 23, Greensboro - Owls Roost Rumble Half Marathon & 3.5 Mile Trail Race, 8am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. April 23, Greensboro - OLG 5K Run/Walk/Relay & Doggie Dash, Kid’s Run (Free) 8am; Doggie Dash & Walk 8:15am; 5K Run/Walk & Relay Run 8:30am. Info: olg5krelayrun@gmail.com. April 23, Greenville - Move Forward for JDRF 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Run/Walk; 8am. Info: decarlom01@gmail.com.

April 23, Hiddenite - RockyFest Trail Races, 5K, 10K & 20K; 8am; $20 by 4/11, after $30. Info: Rick French, 621 Liledoun Rd., Taylorsville, NC 28681; (828)632-9332, rfrench@alexandercountync.gov, http:// rockyfacepark.com/rockyfest/ April 23, Kannapolis - Strides for Stroke 5K, 9:30am. Info: Lorrie Hampton (704)403-2430, lorrie.hampton@carolinashealthcare.org. April 23, Lincolnton - Run the Rail 5K, 5K Run/Baby Jogger 9am; 5K Memorial Walk 9:05am; Kids FR, 9:50am. Info: colen@hpccr.org. April 23, Matthews - Sunshine 5K, 8am. Info: (704)661-3320, dpoho@msn.com. April 23, Monroe - Run the Course, 5K Trail Run/Walk; 8am. Info: LByrd@spcc.edu. April 23, Mooresville - LKNVFD 50th Anniversary Run 5K, 8am. Info: Rick Heinrich (980)722-9467, rheinrich@lknvfd.org, https:// runsignup.com/Race/NC/Mooresville/LKNVFDRun. April 23, Morehead City - Lookout Rotary Road Race, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 23, New Bern - Relay for Life 5K, 8am. Info: GameOn (252)514-6438, ann@gameonnc.com. April 23, Newton - It Takes a Village 5K, 8:50am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: grossidivito@uchas.org.

www.running.net April 23-24, Ocracoke - Ocracoke Island Half Marathon, 8am (on 4/24); 10K, 5K & 1 Mile Family FR, 8am (on 4/23). Info: Greg Honeycutt (252)207-1305, gah0708@hotmail.com, www.runocracoke.com. April 23, Old Fort - Super Leader 5K, 8am. Info: bonita.mercurio@mcdowell.k12.nc.us. April 23, Raleigh - Second Empire 5K Classic, 9am; Mile, 10am; Kids’ Dash, 10:20am. Info: Jim Young (919)873-1207, jim@runnc.com. April 23, Raleigh - Freedom Fighters 5K. Info: servingoursoldiers@gmail.com. April 23, Raleigh - Ruck with the Pack, 10K Ruck/Run, 5K Walk; 9am. Info: ajpriest@ncsu.edu. April 23, South Mills - CamTech National Honors Society Color Run, 9am. Info: srogan@camden.k12.nc.us. April 23, Stone Bay - MARSOC Mud, Sweat & Tears 5 Mile, 8am; 1 Mile Option. Info: (910)451-0025, lejgrandprix@usmcmccs.org. April 23, Sylva - Greening Up the Mountains 5K, 9am. Info: jeniferpressley@jacksonnc.org. April 23, Warrenton - Run Warrenton 5K, 9am. Info: Jennifer Harris (252)257-3341, editor@warrenrecord.com. April 23, Wesley Chapel - Emily’s Sunshine 5K, 8am. Info: Dave Pohorence (704)661-3320, wesleychapelnc@ anytimefitness.com. April 23, Wilmington - Coastal NC Run/Walk for Autism 5K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 23, Wilson - WCS Glow Run 5K, 7pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 23, Winston-Salem - Get Your Rear in Gear 5K Run/Walk, 9:30am; Roger Fowler Mile of Hope, 9am. Info: jbohl@wakehealth.edu. April 24, Cary - Triangle Run to Remember 5K, Kid’s Dash; 3pm. Info: development@alznc.org. April 24, Durham - Hill Mile One Mile Race & Kid’s Dash, 4pm. Info: achathaway@hillcenter.org. April 24, Erwin - RailTrail Run for CareNet, 5K, 1 Mile Kid’s FR; 2:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 24, Greensboro - Race The Bar Pig Pounder Brewery 5K, 4pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com. April 24, Greenville - Wintergreen 5K Color Run, 2pm. Info: Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com; niekiel@yahoo.com. April 24, Morrisville - Stampede 5K, 1 Mile; 2pm. Info: Tyler Steketee (919)460-3400, tsteketee@wcpss.net. April 30, Apex - Stampede 5K, 10am; Mustang Mile, 11am. Info: Amy Fisher (919)622-2721, jakenkate@hotmail.com. April 30, Apex - Water for People 5K, 9am. Info: Lamya King (919)863-9263, lking@hazenandsawyer.com. April 30, Asheboro - 5K Health Run/Fitness Walk, 8:15am; Smile Mile, 9am. Info: information@randolphroadrunners.org. April 30, Brevard - Hunter Subaru Legacy Run, Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8:30am; Kid’s FR, 10am. Info: Lisa Duscio (914)2138435, teamIOH@inheritanceofhope.org. April 30, Bunn - Bunn Fun Run/Walk, 5K 9am; Mile 9:45am; Kids’ Dash 10am. Info: Cletus Simpson (919)810-9079, clettuss1@yahoo.com. April 30, Chapel Hill - Race Rusty the Raptor 5K Fun Run, 4pm. Info: rashkispta.president@gmail.com. April 30, Charlotte - CPCC Charlotte Skyline Run, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Ben Kubie (704)330-6816, ben.kubie@cpcc.edu. April 30, Charlotte - The Sarcoma Stomp Run/Walk, 5K Run & 3K Walk; 8am. Info: info@paulatakacsfoundation.org. April 30, Charlotte - Water for People 5K Run, 9am. Info: schnierkw@cdmsmith.com. April 30, Charlotte - GCABSE Sprint for Scholars, 5K Run/ Walk; 8:30am. Info: (704)236-7780, gcabsesprint@gmail.com. April 30, Charlotte - GGCC 5K & Family Fun Run, 8am. Info: heather.kilcoin@ggcckenya.com. April 30, China Grove - Millbridge Elementary 5K, 9am; 1/2 Mile FR, 10am. Info: david.freeze@ctc.net. April 30, Durham - The Great Human Race 5K & Community Walk, 8:30am. Info: Lenore Donaldson (919)613-4515, Lenore@thevolunteercenter.org. April 30, Erwin - Isaiah 40:31 Lei Day 5K, 1 Mile FR. Info: kweeks@cfcaeagles.com. April 30, Graham - embRACE 5K Run, Family Fun Day & 1 Mile FR. Info: sara_kesler@abss.k12.nc.us. April 30, Greensboro - Bengal Dash 5K, 9am; Kid’s Dash, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8:40am. Info: (336)288-8590. April 30, Greensboro - Autism Unbound 5K, 9:30am; Kids’ Dash, 9:15am. Info: run@autismunbound.org. April 30, Greenville - Eastern Run/Walk for Autism 5K, Kids’ Dash; 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 30, Greenville - Run for Elmhurst 5K, 1 Mile Run/Walk; 8:30am. Info: piraterealtor@gmail.com. April 30, High Point - Carolina Brewsfest Half Marathon, 8:30am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. April 30, Hillsborough - Run at the Ridge 5K, 9am. Info: brenda.byrd@orange.k12.nc.us. April 30, Kernersville - Declan’s Dash 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids Run, 9:30am. Info: info@triviumracing.com. April 30, Lake Lure - LLCA Raptor 5K, 9am. Info: llcaraptor5k@llca.school. April 30, Maiden - Run for Randy 5K, 9am. Info: ghefner@catawbacountync.gov. April 30, Marion - No Excuse for Abuse 5K, 9am. Info: Jennifer Beaty (828)652-9538, fsmc2008@yahoo.com. April 30, Merry Hill - Drive for the Green and Run for the Gold 5K Run, 9am; 1 Mile Run, 10am. Info: drivegreenrungold@gmail.com. April 30, Middlesex - Home Run 5K Run/Walk for Children, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 30, Morganton - Caribbean 5K Run, 10am. Info: info@patientmodesty.org. April 30, Newland - The Rock 5K Trail Run, 9:30am. Info: kridenhour@lutherock.com.

April 30, Pilot Mountain - MAD Dash 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: Ashley Mills (336)386-8211, millsa@surry.k12.nc.us. April 30, Princeton - Princeton Color Crazy Fun Run 5K, Crazy Kids Course; 9am. Info: lorirklee@gmail.com. April 30, Raleigh - Note in the Pocket Socks and Undie 5K Rundie, 5K 9am; 1/2 Mile Kids FR 8:30am. Info: Melinda Walker (919)931-3556, Melinda@noteinthepocket.org. April 30, Reidsville - Keystone Cops for the Arts 5K & Bike Ride, 5K Run 8:30am; 5K Walk 8:35am; Bike Ride: 25 mi., 48 mi., 61 mi., 9am. Info: Jones Racing Company (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. April 30, Shallotte - NaberDodge.com 5K and the Gorilla 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Aileen Sutton (910)251-9622 (x266), aileen.sutton@wilmingtonfamilyymca.org, April 30, Shelby - Run For The Son 2016, 5K 8am. Info: Tabitha Hamrick (704)692-0436, tabithahamrick5@gmail.com. April 30, Shelby - Charity Chase 10K & 5K Run, 7:30am. Info: charitychase5k@gmail.com. April 30-May 1, Morganton - May Day Duathlon & 5K Run, 4/30: Youth Duathlon, 8am; 5/1: Adult Duathlon (R-5K, B-19.45 mi., R-1.5 mi.) & 5K Run, 8am. Info: shea.rostan@blueridgehealth.org. May 1, Cary - Run Baby Run 5K & 10K, FR & Walk for Life; 1:3pm. Info: tonya@handofhope.net. May 1, Durham - Balder Dash 5K, 11am. Info: icedstormy@gmail.com. May 1, Durham - Duke Doctor of Physical Therapy 5K Run/Walk, 2pm. Info: aram.simonian@duke.edu. May 1, Rocky Mount - Nash Health Care Rocket Mile, 5 Separate Events; 2pm/1st heat. Info: TarRiverRunningCo@gmail.com. May 3, Kannapolis - Jiggy with the Piggy 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Laura Evans (704)920-4343, levans@kannapolisnc.gov.

May 6, Salisbury - TWAM (Teens With A Mission) 5K & Fun Run, 1/2 Mile FR=7:30pm; 5K=8pm; $20 by 5/1, after $25. Info: First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury, 308 W. Fisher St., Salisbury, NC 28144; Delaine Fowler (336)266-4392, delaine6@hotmail. com, www.salisburyrowanrunners.org, www.salisburyfirstpres.org May 7, Albemarle - Beach Blast 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: uwharrierunningclub@gmail.com. May 7, Atlantic Beach - Mosquito Run 5K/Walk, 5K Trail & 3.3 Mile Nature Walk; 8am. Info: joolbabyone@yahoo.com. May 7, Ayden - Fish Out of Water 5K & Kids Run, 6:30pm. Info: rdemery9@gmail.com. May 7, Bath - Show the Glow Ignite True Value 5K Run/Walk, 7:45pm. Info: got2choose2@gmail.com. May 7, Bryson City - Cherokee Choices Mother’s Day 5K Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: taramcc@nc-cherokee.com. May 7, Burlington - Go The Distance 5K, 9am. Info: info@cameronhornerministries.org. May 7, Cary - Cary Academy Charger Derby 5K, 8am. Info: Trude Bate (919)760-3680, tbate888@gmail.com. May 7, Charlotte - University City Duathlon, 5K Race; Duathlon: R-5K, B-19K, R-3K & 5K Race, 8am; Kids’ Sprint, 8:10am. Info: Chris (704)503-1105, chriselk@runforyourlife.com. May 7, Charlotte - Big View Diner 5K, 8am. Info: (704)893-3800 (x103), info@s2fcharlotte.com.

May 7, Concord - Run Five For Farm Hope Thrive, 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids 1/2 Mile Fun Run, 9:30am; 5K $25, Kids FR $10 postmarked by 5/2; Race Day: 5K $30, Kids FR $15. Info: Josh Moose, POB 1212, Kannapolis, NC 28082, (704)425-8555, josh@farmhopethrive.org, http:// www.farmhopethrive.org/5k-event.html May 7, Concord - Exercise is Medicine 5K, 9:30am; Fun Run/ Walk, 9:15am. Info: phgabriel@cabarruscounty.us. May 7, Durham - VA Bull City Run, Walk & Roll 5K, 8am; Kid’s Dash, 9:15am. Info: Elizabeth Karan (919)286-0411 (x6587), elizabeth.karan@va.gov. May 7, Fayetteville - John E. Norman Cinco de Mayo 10K & 5K Road Race, 7:45am. Info: cincodemayo10k@gmail.com. May 7, Goldsboro - 5K Eagle Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: bshook@waynechristian.org. May 7, Harrisburg - Maverick 5K, 8am. Info: noelle.donovan@allentate.com. May 7, Hickory - Super Hero Challenge - Laps for Charity, 9am (run as many laps in 1 hour). Info: runtimeraces@gmail.com. May 7, Hollister - Medoc Spring Races, 7.45 Mile. Info: tarriverrunningco@gmail.com. May 7, Huntersville - Shirley’s Angels “Love Your Headlights” 5.5 Mile, 7:30am; 5K, 8:45am; Kid’s FR, 9:45am. Info: shirleysangels4you@gmail.com. May 7, Jacksonville - Marine Chevy Shuffle 5K, 8am. Info: Info: Aileen Sutton (910)251-9622 (x266), aileen.sutton@wilmingtonfamilyymca.org. May 7, Mooresville - Bash Color Dash 5K, 9am. Info: jgzeigler@windstream.net. May 7, New Bern - Run with George 10 Miler/5K, 7:30am. Info: GameOn Events & Timing - ann@gameonnc.com. May 7, Pittsboro - Run for the Mariners 5K, 8am; Kids Obstacle Course, 9am. Info: 5k@phspta.org. May 7, Pleasant Garden - JDRF 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:10am. Info: info@triviumracing.com. May 7, Raleigh - Running with the Pride 5K, 10am. Info: Alison (919)870-4074, adugan6208@gmail.com. May 7, Raleigh - Strong Village Challenge (multi-station obstacle course), 8:30am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: events@villagehands.org.

www.running.net May 7, Rockingham - Rugged Maniac 5K, 10am. Info: Rugged Races - info@ruggedraces.com. May 7, Rocky Mount - Run for Knowledge 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: runforknowledge@nashcc.edu. May 7, Roseboro - Running with P.R.I.D.E. 5K FUNd Run, 9am. Info: jeason@sampson.k12.nc.us. May 7, Salisbury - Fur Run 5K Run/Walk for the PAWS (dogs allowed), 10am. Info: Steve Clark (704)216-2709, sclar@salisburync.gov.

May 7, Smithfield - Johnston Health Foundation Champions 5K Run/Walk & 5K Dog Run/Walk, 9am; Johnston Health Smithfield-509 Brightleaf Blvd., Smithfield, NC; $35/5K Run/Walk, $45/5K Dog Run/Walk. For Registration and other information call (919)938-7169 or visit us online at www.johnstonhealth.org/champions5k May 7, Todd - The New River Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; 5/6: 1 Mile & 1/2 Mile FR 6pm, Group Run/ Shake-Out 6:30pm. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@newrivermarathon.com. May 7, Weddington - Race Against the Odds 5K, 8am. Info: jeff.branhan@thecurestartsnow.org. May 8, Alexander - Bare Bones Trail 10 & 5 Mile Run, 9am. Info: Aubrey Hogan (715)894-7058, barebonesrunning@gmail.com. May 8, Asheville - Falafel 5K, 10am. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)338-8380, info@kickitevents.com. May 8, Charlotte - Mother’s Day 5K, 8am; Kid’s Dash, 8:45am. Info: info@mommasday5k.com. May 8, Charlotte - JFS Friends Run, 10K 8am; 5K 8:15am. Info: Robin Priszner (704)893-3800 (x104), robin@s2fcharlotte.com. May 9, Burnsville - Burnsville Fit Families 5K, 10am. Info: Schell McCall (828)682-7899, schell@grahamchildrens.org. May 12, Cary - Esprit de She Cary Run, 5K 7pm; 10K 7:10pm. Info: EspritdeShe@lifetimefitness.com. May 13, Charlotte - Right Moves for Youth Twilight 5K Run/ Walk, 7pm; 1K Kid’s FR, 8pm. Info: nrpatrick@rightmovesforyouth.org. May 13, Hudson - Light the Way 5K, 7pm. Info: nickywaters@rocketmail.com. May 14, Beaufort - Crystal Coast Run/Walk for Autism, 5K Race, 1 Mile Run/Walk & Kid’s Dash; 8am. Info: (800)442-2762 (x1101), runwalk@autismsociety-nc.org. May 14, Cary - Purple Cloth 5K, 8:15am; Kid’s Dash, 8am. Info: Mo Percy (919)412-6400, purplecloth5k@yahoo.com. May 14, Chapel Hill - Philosopher’s Way Trail Runs, 7K & 15K; 8am. Info: philosopherswaytrailrun@gmail.com. May 14, Clayton - Clayton Road Race, 5K 9am; Kid’s Dash, 9:45am. Info: Matt Lorion (919)553-1550, mlorion@townofclaytonnc.org. May 14, Fayetteville - The GCD Dream Run 5K, 9am. Info: erichmschultz@yahoo.com. May 14, Farmville - Town of Farmville 5K, 8:30am; FR, 8:45am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 14, Hickory - Hickory Crawdads & Fleet Feet Sports Home Run Trot 5K, 8am. Info: (828)304-4786, staff@fleetfeethickory.com. May 14, Huntersville - The Women’s Red Run 4K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: smadison@huntersville.org. May 14, Jacksonville - Run For The Warriors Half Marathon, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: runinfo@hopeforthewarriors.org. May 14, Kannapolis - Rhythm & Run 5K & Kids 1/2 Mile FR, 8am. Info: NC Music Hall of Fame (704)934-2320, info@northcarolinamusichalloffame.org. May 14, Lexington - Davidson Doozie 10K & 3.6 Mile Run/Walk & FR, Fun Run 8am; 10K 8:15am; 3.6 Mile 8:30am. Info: (336)2490237. May 14, Matthews - SandyFeet 5K Trail Run, 8am. Info: (704)847-4266 (x111). May 14, Pisgah Forest - Cradle to Grave 30K Trail Race, 10K Trail Race; 8am. Info: Devin Gentry (828)884-5713 (x221), devin@cfaia.org. May 14, Raleigh - 5 Points 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Amy Stoner (919)645-6757, astoner@hbbc.org. May 14, Rocky Mount - Tackle the Tar 5K Adventure Obstacle Course, 10am/1st heat. Info: info@tacklethetar.com. May 14, Spruce Pine - Run For Holland 5K/10K, 8:30am. Info: Adam Burleson (828)385-2341, burleson.adam@gmail.com. May 14, Taylorsville - Healing for Life Great Race 4K Race/Jog/ Walk, 9am. Info: Bud Caywood (828)495-1057, caywoodstudio@charter.net. May 14, Waynesville - Gateway to the Smokies Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: Katy Wyatt (828)456-3021, kwyatt@haywoodchamber.com. May 14, Wilson - Amanda’s Race 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com.

May 14, Wilmington - OrthoWilmington 5K, 8am; Race benefits Girls on the Run & STRIDE of Coastal Carolina; $20, Late fees: $5-$10 depending on when registering. Info: Aileen Sutton (910)251-9622 (x266), aileen.sutton@wilmingtonfamilyymca.org, https://www.sportoften.com/event/28179/ orthowilmington-5k May 14, Winston-Salem - ROCC 5K, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Bridgett Stewart (336)766-0033, rocc5k@yahoo.com. May 15, Asheville - Biltmore/Kiwanis 15K & 5K Classic Races, 7:15am. Info: Daphne Kirkwood (828)684-0812, events@idaph.net. May 15, Greensboro - Race 13.1 Greensboro, Half Marathon 7am; 10K & 5K 7:15am. Info: 1(866)561-5651 (x301), info@race131.com.

Running Journal • April, 2016 May 21, Boone - Hunters Heroes 10 Mile & 5K, 8:30am. Info: greereg@email.appstate.edu. May 21, Charlotte - Charlotte LUNGe Forward 5K & 1 Mile Run, Walk & Rally; 8am. Info: kstelten@lungcancerinitiativenc.org. May 21, Forest City - Leader of the Pack 5K Walk/Run, 8am; 1/ 2 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (828)245-7668. May 21, Greensboro - Tuxedo Trot 5K: Run for the Penguins, 8am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: tux5k@greensboroscience.org. May 21, Havelock - Feds Feed Families 5K Fun Run/1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 21, Matthews - On the Run with Zeta Fun Run/Walk 5K, 8am. Info: tauthetazetachapterpm@gmail.com. May 21, New Bern - Super 5K, Kid’s Dash; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 21, Sunset Beach - Run Sunset Beach, Half Marathon, 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk. Info: info@coastalraceproductions.com. May 22, Huntersville - Jimmie Johnson Foundation 5K Run/Walk & Family Fun Run, 9am; $25, Entry fee will increase after 4/10. Info: Amanda Prothero (704)586-1586, amanda@jjracinginc.com, www.jjfwellnesschallenge.org. May 28, Aurora - Aurora Fossil 5K, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 28, Laurinburg - Dash for CASH Mile, One Mile; 7pm Heat #1. Info: Bill Cason (336)734-3009, cason1403@gmail.com.

May 28, Mint Hill - Mint Hill Lions Club 5K, 8am; $18 by 5/25, after $28. Info: Gary Cooper, 7725 Matthews Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill, NC 28227; (704)578-7625, gary@garycooper.org, www.minthilllions.com May 28, Salisbury - Bare Bones 5K, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Fun Run, 9:15am; $20/5K, $25/Late Fee; Fun Run/Free. Info: David Freeze (704)310-6741, david.freeze@ctc.net, www.salisburyrowanrunners.org May 30, Hatteras - Shore Break 5K & Tide Pool Fun Run, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 30, Matthews - Lace Up Son Family 5K, 8am. Info: Jessica Penney (704)454-5598, jpenney@whirlwind-creative.com. June 4, Asheboro - Run Wild 5K! at NC Zoo, 7:30am; Free Kids FR, 8:45am. Info: 5k@ncaazk.com. June 4, Asheville - Asheville Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: (828)200-5498, ashevillehalfmarathon@gmail.com. June 4, Fuquay-Varina - Run the Quay, 10K 7am; 5K 8:30am; Children’s FR (100 yd. dash & 1 Mile) 9:30am. Info: Lynanne Fowle (919)552-4947, lynanne@fuquay-varina.com. June 4, Hendersonville - Mad Mountain Mud Run, 3+ Miles of fun w/obstacles; 12pm-4pm. Info: Heather Boeke (828)697-8333, heather@handsonwnc.org. June 10, West Jefferson - Mount Jefferson Challenge, 6.6 Miles; 6:30pm. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@newrivermarathon.com.

June 11, Charlotte - Heroes In Recovery 6K Charlotte, 8am; McAlpine Creek Park/8711 Monroe Road Entrance; $25 by 3/6, $30 by 5/ 1, $35 by 6/10, $40 on Race Day. Info: Sarah Shearer, Race Dir., 5409 Maryland Way, Ste. 320, Brentwood, TN 37027; (615)812-9144, sarah.shearer@frnmail.com, http:// heroesinrecovery.com/heroes6k/charlottenc/ June 11, Charlotte - Race to the Taste 5K & Cupcake Run/Walk, 5K & 1 Mile 9am. Info: carrie@tasteofcharlotte.com. June 11, Hendersonville - Race to the Taps #2 at Southern Appalacian Brewery, 6.2 Miles; 11am. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)338-8380, info@kickitevents.com. June 18, Bakersville - Rhododendron 10K Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile Run, 8am. Info: (828)765-9483.

June 18, Hiddenite - Vertical Mile Challenge, 1 Vertical Mile; 8am; $30 by Thursday, June 16 (12pm). Info: Rick French, 621 Liledoun Rd., Taylorsville, NC 28681; (828)632-9332, rfrench@alexandercountync.gov, http:// rockyfacepark.com/the-vertical-milechallenge June 18, Roxboro - Sappony Trail Run, 5K Trail Run 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: sapponytrailrun@gmail.com. June 18, Wake Forest - Wake Forest Rotary 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 9:30am. Info: Bob McCamey (919)621-2428, rotaryroadrace@gmail.com. June 25, Asheville - Run for Shindig on the Green, 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: info@folkheritage.org. June 25, Laurinburg - Verizon Laurinburg 5K & 1 Mile, 7:30pm. Info: Bill Cason (336)734-3009, cason1403@gmail.com. June 25, Winston-Salem - Ultimate Runner, 1 Mile, 400, 800 & 100 Meters, 5K XC; 4:30pm. Info: ultimate@twincitytc.org.

June 25, Winston-Salem - Ace 5K Run and Walk, 9am; $25. Info: Ruben Gonzales, 3416 Imperial Dr., High Point, NC 27265; (336)8172633, rgonzo1122gm@gmail.com, www.shawaceacademy.com

July 8, Lenoir - Blackberry GLOW 5K and One Mile Fun Run, 5K 8:30pm; 1 Mile 8pm; 5K $25, 1 Mile $15 by 6/29, after $30/$20. Info: Breanna McKay, 101 Willow St., Lenoir, NC 28645, (828)572-0802, breanna.mckay@ shelterhomecc.org, https://runsignup.com/ Race/NC/Lenoir/BlackberryGlow5k andFunRun July 9, Wilmington – 34th Annual Tri-Span 5K/10K, 7am; $25/5K, $30/10K by 5/15, after 5/15 $30/5K, $35/10K; Race Day $35/5K, $40/ 10K. Info: Dalia Nir, YMCA, 11 South Kerr Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403; (910)5080044 (c), (910)251-9622 x 246, dalia.nir@wilmingtonfamilyymca.org, Register Online: www.wilmingtonfamilyymca.org

SOUTH CAROLINA April 2, Charleston - 39th Annual Cooper River Bridge Run, 10K 8am; Competitive Wheelchair; $65 Until Sold Out (38,500); Price deadlines apply to online registration. Info: Julian Smith (843)856-1949, crbridgerun@att.net, www.bridgerun.com April 2, Greenville - Zoom Through The Zoo 5K, 8am. Info: Amanda Osborne (864)627-4200, aosborne@friendsgreenvillezoo.org. April 2, Hickory Grove - Sara Ann Comer #Run4Agriculture, 5K Walk/Run 8am. Info: sacrunforag@gmail.com. April 2, North Myrtle Beach - The Humane Society of NMB “Run for the Shelter” 5K, 9am; 1 Mile Dog Walk, 10:30am. Info: Sue Pantano (843)249-4948, spantano.hsnmb@gmail.com. April 2, Travelers Rest - Altamont Marathon & Relay, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 8am. Info: withoutlimitsgreenville@gmail.com. April 9, Barnwell - Susie Rosier Character of Fitness 5K, 8am. Info: mmullen@thefamilyy.org. April 9, Columbia - Palmetto Half Marathon, 7am; 5K Run/Walk, 7:15am; Kids’ FR, 9am. Info: (803)600-1800, info@eggplantevents.com. April 9, Columbia - One Run Columbia 10K, 8am; 5K, 8:15am. Info: info@oneruncolumbia.org. April 9, Greenville - Washington Center Run, Walk, & Roll 5K, 9am; 1 Mile Fun Walk, 8:30am. Info: Valerie Allen (864)230-6558. April 9, Greenville - Colors4Hope, 5K Walk/Run 8:30am. Info: Vanessa Vestergaard (864)467-3344, Colors4Hope@mhagc.org. April 9, Johnsonville - Vox Trot 4 Mile, 8am. Info: katiechandler80@gmail.com. April 9, Mt. Pleasant - CARES Charity 5K Run, 8am. Info: stavraka@musc.edu. April 9, Pawleys Island - An Amazing Race for Pete’s Sake! 4.5 Miles; 9am/1st heat. Info: brianneconnell@hotmail.com. April 9, Rock Hill - St. Anne School Nun Run/Walk 5K, 8am. Info: (704)893-3800 (x103), info@s2fcharlotte.com. April 9, Simpsonville - Kelley’s Kure Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR/Walk, 7:44am; 5K Fun Run/Walk, 8:14am; 4.18 Mile Fun Run/Walk, 8:14am. Info: Sonya Shepherd (864)979-6432, sonyashepherd@hotmail.com. April 16 Chesterfield - Chesterfield County Animal Services “Walk The Dawg” 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: mstanley@shtc.net. April 16, Conway - Conway Rotary Club 5K Onion Run, 8am. Info: dwelborn@bbandt.com. April 16, Duncan - AFJROTC5K, 8am. Info: Rhea Dobson (864)949-2364, rhea.dobson@spart5.net. April 16, Florence - Carver C.A.P. Run - 5K/10K, 8am; Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: carvercaprun@live.com. April 16, Garden City Beach - Run for the Children 5K, 8:30am. Info: cfamurrellsinlet@gmail.com. April 16, Greenville - Race the Helix - Upstate 5K Run & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (864)388-1813. April 16, Greenville - Walk with the Docs - 5K Scrub Run, 9am. Info: Gretchen Smith (864)232-1470. April 16, Pickens - Table Rock State Park: Spring Sprint 5K, 10am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475, jstanton@scprt.com. April 16, Rock Hill - Heart and Soul 5K in Memory of James W. Brewster, 9am. Info: Andy Brewster (864)569-9171, andywbrewster@gmail.com. April 16, Spartanburg - YL Spartanburg County Paint Run 5K, 9:30am. Info: BJ Riley (864)582-3592. April 23, Boiling Springs - Chopsticks 5K, 9am. Info: Robin Brannon (864)578-1288, robin.brannon@spartanburg2.k12.sc.us. April 23, Central - Keep It Movin’ - Central Elementary School 5K, 8am. Info: Paige Bowers (864)397-1400, paigebowers@pickens.k12.sc.us.

April 23, Columbia - Heart & Sole Women’s Five Miler, 5 Mile Run, 5 Mile Walk & 3 Mile Walk; 8:30am; $30; $25 for groups of 7 or more women by 3/18; $35 before 4/22; $45 on Race Day. Info: Jeanna Moffett, POB 5092, Columbia, SC 29250; (803)731-2100, info@carolinamarathon.org, www.HeartAndSoleRun.com


April 23, Charleston - Mullet Haul 5K, 10K & 10K Relay; 8:30am. Info: Tyler Cross (843)762-4386, tcross@ccprc.com. April 23, Clover - Kings Mountain Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Jefferson Nicholson (571)318-6907, info@adventuregeekproductions.com. April 23, Columbia (Clemson ext.) - Sparkleberry Fair Cancer Awareness 5K, 8am. Info: Ramesh Tippabhatla (803)348-2539, sfca5k@gmail.com. April 23, Florence - Flo-Town 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: apope@cityofflorence.com. April 23, Georgetown - St. Frances Animal Center The Fast & the Furriest 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Linda Crouch (843)4586487, thefastandthefurriest5k@gmail.com.

April 23, Greenville - TD Bank Reedy River Run, 7:20am/Youth Mile Run, 7:25am/ 5K, 7:55am/10K; 10K $25 (Limit 1,500 in 10K), 5K $20, Youth Mile $10. Info: Mike Caldwell, 111 Gascony Dr., Greenville, SC 29609, (503)329-6453, mikecaldwell@me. com, http://tdbankreedyriverrun.com April 23, Greenville - Miles for Mission 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Sarah Gillette (770)843-4207. April 23, Johns Island - Mullet Haul Trail Run & Walk, 5K & 10K; 8:30am. Info: Allison Foster (843)795-4386, afoster@ccprc.com. April 23, Lancaster - Seth’s Hope 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Fun Walk; 8:30am. Info: jackrabbittiming@gmail.com. April 23, Moncks Corner - BHS Stags 5K Stampede Cross Country Style, Male’s Race 9:30am; Female’s Race 10:15am. Info: hicksm227@gmail.com. April 23, North Myrtle Beach - The Wellness Council for SC Earth Day 5K, 8am. Info: dawnwhiterunning@gmail.com. April 23, Sumter - Recovery Road Race, 10K & 5K Run/Walk; 9am. Info: (803)436-2500. April 23, Walterboro - Rice Run, 5K Run/Walk; 8am. Info: Chuck Magera (843)364-2171. April 23, Winnsboro - Imagine the Difference 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1.8 Mile Walk, 8:05am. Info: (803)635-2335. April 30, Aiken - Run United Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am; Kid’s Fun Run, 9am. Info: Keyatta D. Priester (803)617-3982, kpriester@aikenco-op.org. April 30, Charleston - Hustle for Hospitality 5K, 9am. Info: charlestontransplanthome@gmail.com. April 30, Easley - Run for 51, 5K 10am. Info: Tara Hamlett (864)397-3959. April 30, Johnsonville - Johnsonville Classic 5K Run & Walk, 8am. Info: joeypaul13@hotmail.com. April 30, Spartanburg - Sherman Commit to be Fit 5K, 8:15am. Info: Ashley Liew (864)279-1742. May 1, North Myrtle Beach - Divas® Half Marathon & 5K in North Myrtle Beach, 7am; $110/Half 2/1-4/28; $65/5K 2/1-4/28; $125/Half, $80/5K at the Health & Fitness Boutique (if capacity has not been reached). Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com

May 6, Travelers Rest - GHS Swamp Rabbit 5K, 6:30pm; $6 by 4/29, after $11. Info: Chad Carlson, 701 Grove Rd., Greenville, SC 29605; (864)442-7671, ccarlson@ghs.org, www.ghs.org/ swamprabbit5k May 7, Allendale - Cooter Crawl 5K Run/Walk/Fun Run, 8am. Info: Mike Smith (843)729-4788, pmsmith1982@yahoo.com. May 7, Camden - Restoration Ranch 5K, 8am; Kid’s FR, 7:40am. Info: rr5kracedirector@aol.com. May 7, Clinton - CrossFit864 Pump and Run 5K, 8am. Info: info@crossfit864.com. May 7, Florence - Run for Brighter Days, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile Run for Kids; 8am. Info: lbulloch@thejonathanfoundation4teens.org. May 7, Greer - Race for Adoption 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Eric Schwalm (864)918-6543, schwalme@gmail.com. May 7, Liberty - Liberty Mutt Marathon (5K), 9am. Info: jburns@libertysc.com. May 13, Walhalla - Foothills 5K Light the Night for Life, 9pm. Info: Jennifer Woodring (864)882-8796. May 14, Charleston - HLN Raggae 5K Run/Walk & Jamboree, 5K 8:30am. Info: sheltonproject@gmail.com. May 14, Conway - Juniper Bay Baptist Church “Fund this Rock” 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: terryslasercare@gmail.com. May 14, Duncan - MayFest 5K, 8am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: Jamie Morehead (864)804-0003. May 14, Florence - Keep It Local 5K, 8am. Info: keepitlocal5k@gmail.com. May 14, Greenville - Race For Excellence 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: Joy Motz (864)918-4577, jmotz@carolinaprepschool.com. May 14, Lexington - Lexington Laces Up 5K, 8am. Info: kmetze@lexington1.net. May 14, Rock Hill - I Love PE, Color Me Healthy, 5K Color Run; 9am. Info: cabeard@rhmail.org. May 14, Sumter - Fire Ant Color 5K, 9am. Info: cataldo@uscsumter.edu. May 14, Sunset - Keowee-Toxaway State Park: Mountain Laurel 5K, 10am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475, jstanton@scprt.com. May 14, Travelers Rest - Can’t Catch Conner 5K & Half Marathon, 7:45am/half, 7:55am/5K. Info: Nathan Akerhielm (864)313-4543. May 21, Charleston - RiverDogs Run Forrest Run 5K, 4pm. Info: kwolfe@riverdogs.com. May 28, North Charleston - Rock Pink 5K Charleston, 8:30pm. Info: Scott Bagwell (864)525-6702.


Running Journal • April, 2016


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www.running.net May 28, Greenville - Take Flight 5K, Kids Mile; 8:30am; $25/5K until 5/26 ($30 after 5/26); $10/Kid’s Run. Info: Joe Lanahan, 21 Airport Rd. Ext., Greenville, SC 29607; (864)3030744, joelanahan@hotmail.com, https://book-events.com/ takeflight5k/ June 11, Spartanburg - Croft State Park: The Grenade Dash 5K, 9am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475, jstanton@scprt.com. Oct. 22-23, Myrtle Beach - Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon, Half Marathon 7am on 10/ 23; Coastal 5K 7:30am & Doggie Dash, 9am on 10/22. Info: Continental Event & Sport Management - info@runmyrtlebeach.com.

TENNESSEE April 1, Johnson City - Dream Chasers 5K Glow Run, 8pm/Run, 8:10pm/Walk. Info: lanecarla1969@gmail.com. April 1, Memphis - Raise Hope 5K, 7pm. Info: Kelly Gonzales (901)680-5669, kgonzales@transplants.org. April 2, Ashland City - Miracles for Maracellus 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: ashlandcityartworks@gmail.com. April 2, Bartlett - aCrossTown 5K, 9am. Info: Sam Thompson (901)386-2724, sthompson@bartlettumc.org. April 2, Clarksville - Alpha Delta Pi Run for Ronald 5K, 10am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: adpirun4ronald@gmail.com. April 2, Columbia - Mule Kick 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Trot, 9am. Info: Gale (931)446-1592, galecourtneymoore@cpws.net. April 2, Franklin - Run for Missions 5K & 1K Fun Run, 8am. Info: Daniel McGinley (615)975-0591, fumcrunformissions@gmail.com. April 2, Gray - Race to the Czech Point-5K, 9am. Info: Amy Blumberg (423)7416569. April 2, Jackson - Cowboy Canter 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: Patti Simpson (731)217-3465, pattihs2845@gmail.com. April 2, Johnson City - Run for Shelter 5K Fun Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Kelly Sheets (423)383-4508, brownke@etsu.edu. April 2, Kingsport - XTERRA Power to the Tower 50K & Half Marathon Trail Races, 8:30am. Info: phil@fleetfeetkingsport.com. April 2, Knoxville - Obsmonge Obstacle Course Race, 4 Heats, including Competitive; Family/Kid Fun Run & 4-Person Team Relay; 9am. Info: Mary LeMense (865)584-2822, director@familypromiseknoxville.org. April 2, Memphis - Community 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 10am. Info: Phil Vaughn (901)832-6980, lindenwoodcommunity5k@gmail.com. April 2, Millington - Jackson Culley Mito-What? 5K, 8am. Info: Angie Nunn (901)4514043, mitowhat5k@gmail.com. April 2, Morristown - Overcomer Obstacle Challenge, 3+ Mile Endurance Race; 8am. Info: dkellycease@gmail.com. April 2, Mt. Juliet - Camp Horizon 5K, 9am. Info: nrfox@hotmail.com. April 2, Nashville - Nashville Running Company’s Bells Bend Kids Race, 1 Mile 8am. Info: Beth Meadows (256)749-2720, races@nashvillerunning.com. April 2, Newbern - Sprint For El Salvador 5K Run, 2 Mile Walk & 1 Mile Youth Run; 8am. Info: Teffany Maxedon (731)445-0694, tmmaxedon@hotmail.com. April 3, Knoxville - Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, Half Marathon & Relays, 7:30am; 5K, 7pm (4/2). Info: Jason Altman (865)684-4294, jalts2@comcast.net. April 3, Memphis - Kosten Foundation Kick It 5K, 2pm; 1 Mile Family Fun Walk, 2:10pm. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. April 3, Nashville - RunWILD Bells Bend 6 Miler, 8am. Info: (615)610-2769, races@nashvillerunning.com. April 9, Alcoa - Spring Sprint 5K Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:35am. Info: (865)983-9244, kellyforster@parksrec.com. April 9, Franklin - WillPower 5K, 7:30am. Info: (615)465-5350, patricia.norem@tn.gov. April 9, Gatlinburg - Firefighter’s Fit for Duty 5K & 10K, 9am. Info: Amanda Perryman (865)661-0685, checkyoursmokealarms@hotmail.com. April 9, Gallatin - Bison Stampede 5K, 9am. Info: Stacy Landry (615)557-2014, bslandry@comcast.net. April 9, Jackson - Andrew Jackson Marathon, 7am; Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: (731)668-4000, jmcmahon@carlperkinscenter.org. April 9, Johnson City - Garrett’s Hero Run - ETSU, 5K Run 10am; 1 Mile Fun Walk 10:15am. Info: davenportm@goldmail.etsu.edu. April 9, Knoxville - Run for Autism 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Fun Walk; 8am. Info: Beth Ritchie (865)719-0534. April 9, Knoxville - For the One 5K, 8am. Info: Sandy Gilliam (865)292-5481, cgillia7@vols.utk.edu. April 9, Memphis - Race 13.1 Memphis, Half Marathon 7am; 8K, 7:15am. Info: 1(866)561-5651 (x301), info@race131.com. April 9, Memphis - FedEx St. Jude Classic Fairway 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. April 9, Millington - Tim Creager Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Capt. Michael Givan (901)678-4209, mdgivan@memphis.edu. April 9, Mt. Juliet - Rutland Rocket 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Charlie Simon (615)587-1735, cpsimon11@yahoo.com. April 9, Nashville - Sista Strut 3K, 10am. Info: Caroline Reeves (615)664-2400, sistastrutnash@gmail.com. April 9, Nashville - Land Rover Race Judicata 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: nashvilleracejudicata@gmail.com. April 9, Nashville - Light the Knight Run/Walk, 5K, 7pm; 1 Mile FR, 6pm. Info: (615)467-2313, lighttheknight@thecovenantschool.com. April 9, White Bluff - Kicking Asphalt for Dickson County 5K, 8am. Info: Amy Fair (615)321-4939, afair@cfmt.org. April 10, Chattanooga - Nature Calls 15K & 5K, 10am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. April 10, Germantown - Los Locos Duathlon, R-2 mi., B-15 mi., R-2 mi., 8am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: (901)274-2202, daniel@s2fevents.com. April 10, Knoxville - I.C. King of Trails Race, 7-8 Mile 9am; Kid’s Trail Race 8:30am. Info: Tony Owens (865)323-3753, tonyyikes@gmail.com. April 10, Memphis - GlobeMed 5K & 1 Mile FR, 2:30pm. Info: Spencer Beckman (615)796-8200, becjs-19@rhodes.edu. April 10, Memphis - Education That Works Out 5K, 2pm. Info: Dani Ray Barton (901)276-1221, drbarton@memphiscatholic.org. April 15, Bristol - The Spring Race 5K at Bristol Motor Speedway, 8:30pm. Info: Fleet Feet Sports (423)230-0002. April 16, Brentwood - Run 4 Kids, 5K & 2 Mile FR 7:30am; Kid’s 1 Mile 8:30am. Info: Jeff McGinnis (615)376-3140, jeffmcginnis@tennesseechildren.org. April 16, Chattanooga - Chickamauga Chase 15K, 8 Mile Trail Race, 5K, 2.4 Scenic Walk & Kiddie K; 8am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. April 16, Church Hill - Laurel Run Ascent, 11 Mile Trail Race; 11am. Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), (423)345-2335 (h), markskelton@markskelton.com. April 16, Fayetteville - Always Endure 5K, 8am. Info: corey@downtownrescuemission.org.

April 16, Gallatin - SJV Wildcat 5K, 8am. Info: Bethany Schwieter (615)230-7048, sjvwildcat5k@gmail.com. April 16, Johnson City - Deerslayer 5K Obstacle Course Race & Fun Run, 8am. Info: (423)434-6237. April 16, Maryville - PRC Superhero 5K Race Family Fun Walk, 8:30am. Info: Valerie Millsaps (865)977-8378, valerie@prcbctn.com. April 16, Memphis - Race Against Sexual Violence 5K, 9am. Info: Kasandra Smith (901)634-2733, mscdsvc@gmail.com. April 16, Morristown - SCHAS Grainger 5K, 9am. Info: events@schas.org.

April 16, MetroCenter, Nashville - Purity Dairies Moosic City Dairy Dash 5K/10K & The Smitty 15K (The 2016 Tennessee State 15K Championship); 5K Run/Walk 8am; 10K/15K Run 8:30am, 1 Mile Fun Run 7:30am; $35/5K, $40/ 10K, $45/15K by 4/15; $40/5K, $45/10K, $50/15K on race day. Info: Frank (Smitty) Schmidt (615)851-2630, fjsassoc@comcast.net, www.puritydairydash.com April 16, Murfreesboro - Candle Wishes Family 5K, 9am. Info: info@candlewishesfamily5k.com. April 16, Nashville - Free to Breathe 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:05am. Info: Kristy Blackford (859)797-2535 kristy.blackford@gmail.com. April 16, Oak Ridge - 13th Secret City 5K, 7:30am. Info: peggyg211@gmail.com. April 16, Ripley - Lauderdale County Schools Lace Up For Literacy 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: diannajackson@lced.net. April 16, Shiloh - 4 Mile Run In The Park, 9am. Info: savannahrotaryrun@gmail.com. April 16, Sevierville - Hornet Hustle 5K Race & 1 Mile Walk, 9am. Info: Bill Hatcher (865)453-2132, billhatcher@sevier.org. April 22, Gatlinburg - Earth Day 5K, 10pm. Info: Chery (865)408-0505, cheryl@gatlinburg.com. April 23, Bristol - Seconds Count 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: dbeckner5@yahoo.com. April 23, Bristol - The Power of Play 5K. Info: craddockr@btcs.org. April 23, Chattanooga - Scenic City Trail Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. April 23, Cosby - Mountain Adventure Race, 5K/20K Trail/Obstacle Course, 10am. Info: Richard Cunningham (865)803-4365, sportsdoc2016@gmail.com. April 23, Dickson - CareNet Everyday Hero 10K/5K, 7am. Info: (615)446-0701, carenettn@gmail.com. April 23, Jonesborough - Up the Creek 5 & 10 Mile Race, 8am. Info: nettavogt@runcorpsllc.com. April 23, Memphis - The Bad Dog 5K, 8am. Info: director.rmh5k2012@gmail.com. April 23, Nashville - Shade Tree Trot 5K, 8am. Info: shade.tree.trot@gmail.com. April 28, Chattanooga - Corporate Challenge 5K, 7pm. Info: Paul Lynn (855)7864253, paul@corporatechallenge5k.com. April 30, Alcoa - Race for Recovery to benefit Susannah’s House, 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Kent Stephens (865)660-9463, kstephens@agaii.com. April 30, Chattanooga - Run Wild, Chattanooga Zoo 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: Jennifer McAfee (423)697-1322, jmcafee@chattzoo.org. April 30, Cleveland - Cleveland Recycles 5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Walk, 8:30am. Info: Brian Moran (423)472-4551, bmoran@clevelandtn.gov. April 30, Covington - Go Lucy Go Foundation 5K/10K, 9am; Kids FR 10am. Info: golucygofoundation@gmail.com. April 30, Erwin - Nolichucky 5K River Run, 4pm. Info: amanda@unicoicounty.org. April 30, Harriman - CASA Run for the Child, 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR/Walk; 8am. Info: Cathy Willis (865)243-5139. April 30, Johnson City - Friends Buddy Run/Walk 5K, 10am. Info Misty Adams (865)898-7828, mistyadams2@gmail.com. April 30, Johnson City - Run For Your Mom 5K, 9am. Info: (423)946-0519, runforyourmom@gmail.com. April 30, Kingsport - Run 4 His Glory 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: moniquecrt@hotmail.com. April 30, Kingsport - Run Like a Princess 5K Trail Run, 10am; 3K Walk, 10:30am. Info: Heather Watts (423)571-3242, contactus@princessd.org. April 30, Knoxville - Dogwood Classic 5K Run/Walk, 8am. lnfo: knoxvilletrackclub@gmail.com. April 30, Maynardville - Ridge Runner 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run, 9am & 10am. Info: Jennifer Massengill (865)922-9622, jmassengill@ymcaknoxville.org, https:// ymcaknoxville.org/north-knoxville/knoxville-race-event-2016-ridge-runner-5k-1-milefun-run/

April 30, Nashville - St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Marathon & 1/2 Marathon (formerly St. Jude Country Music Marathon & 1/2 Marathon), 7:15am; 5K 6:45am; Register today & save $15 with code RJ2016 (Valid for 1/2 Mararthon Only, expires 4/24/16); Kids Rock on May 1, 2pm Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/nashville. See Ad page 5. April 30, Pigeon Forge - Retro Running Weekend Race, 5 Miles, 916 Yard Race; 6:50am. Info: (865)240-0966, info@GoRetroRunning.com. April 30, White Pine - Warathon 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Lyn Jenkins (865)387-2000, lynjenkins3@gmail.com. May 1, Kingsport - FBC Kingsport AmazinGrace 5K, 6pm; Fun Mile, 5:15pm. Info: Allison Jones (423)791-2757, abrunnergirl@yahoo.com. May 1, Knoxville - Race 13.1 Knoxville, Half Marathon, 7am; 10K/5K, 7:15am. Info: Chris Brown (615)202-4230, chris@race131.com. May 5, Johnson City - Cinco de Mayo Club Links 5K, 7pm. Info: outsidethebox@chartertn.net. May 7, Fayetteville - Kiwanis River Run 7K. Info: sbswindall@gmail.com. May 7, Johnson City - Girls on the Run 5K, 9am. Info: jessica.thomas@girlsontherun.org. May 7, Knoxville - Hann Jivin’ in the Dark, 6-7 mi.; 8:45pm. Info: Andrea Ludwig (865)306-3115, aludwig@utk.edu. May 7, Maryville - Mudder’s Day Madness 5K w/obstacles; 9:45am. Info: beverly@harmonyfamilycenter.org. May 7, Oak Ridge - Ninja 5K Race. Info: ninjafivek@gmail.com. May 7, Rogersville - Amis Mill 10K, 8:30am. Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), (423)345-2335 (h), markskelton@markskelton.com. May 7, Wartrace - Strolling Jim 41.2/26.2/6.2, 41.2miles/Marathon/10K; 7am; $75/ $65/$30 by 5/5, after: $85/$75/$40. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, www.sj40mile.com May 8, Memphis - Memphis Mother’s Day 5K. Info: (224)757-5425, memphismothersday5k@allcommunityevents.com. May 10, Kingsport - Duck Island Spring Mile: Kids & Adults, 6:30pm/Kids Mile, 7pm/ Adults Mile. Info: Bob Townsend (423)525-7335 (c), bobtownsend@comcast.net.

www.running.net May 14, Bristol - Chick-fil-A Bristol Race for WinShape Camps, 5K 8am; 1 Mile FR 8:15am. Info: Jenny Brown (865)382-1815, info@cfabristolrace.com. May 14, Kingsport - Rack By The Tracks SPF 10K, 9am; 5K, 10:30am. Info: Crystal Landers (423)426-4887, clanders.fitness@gmail.com. May 14, Morristown - Strawberry Shake Run, 5K 8:30am. Info: Donna Blevins (423)318-0999, donnasteppingout@gmail.com. May 14, Sevierville - CASA Classic Road Race, 5K Run/Walk; 8am/runners, 8:15am/walkers. Info: Tishia Morris (865)365-4221, casa.casaseviercounty@gmail.com. May 14, Wartburg - Mountain Laurel 5K, 8am. Info: jenniferb@psbgroup.com. May 15, Knoxville - Heart & Sole 5K & 1 Mile FR, 3pm. Info: katwolski@comcast.net; rdomitrovic@comcast.net. May 20, Knoxville - Glow Knoxville 5K, 1 Mile; 8:05pm. Info: info@rev3adventure.com. May 21, Maryville - Blount County Melanoma Awareness 5K, 8am. Info: Diana Goad (865)591-0059, rndiana@hotmail.com.

May 21, Memphis - Heroes In Recovery 6K Memphis, 8am; Overton Park/389 E. Parkway North; $25 by 3/20, $30 by 5/8, $35 by 5/20, $40 on Race Day. Info: Sarah Shearer, Race Dir., 5409 Maryland Way, Ste. 320, Brentwood, TN 37027; (615)812-9144, sarah.shearer@frnmail.com, http:// heroesinrecovery.com/heroes6k/memphistn/ May 21, Nashville - Ellie’s Run for Africa 5K, 8am; Kids Fun Run, 9am. Info: info@elliesrun.org. May 21, Pigeon Forge - 5K in May Superhero & Princess Rescue Run, 5K, 8K & 10K; 8am. Info: Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries (865)908-3153. May 22, Maryville - Highland Half Marathon, 7:30am; Scot Trot 5K, 8am. Info: eric.greaser@gmail.com. May 28, Bristol - Run for Phil 5K, 8am. Info: davebratton@gmail.com. May 28, Knoxville - KTC Expo 10K/5K on the 100 Block, 8am. Info: emertj@comcast.net, knoxtrackevents@gmail.com. May 30, Greeneville - The Hope 4, 4 Mile Race, 4K Wellness Walk, 8:04am; Kids FR, 9:04am. Info: Jon Reynolds (423)6362141, Tom DuBois (423)636-2175. June 3, Johnson City - Blue Plum Fest 5K Run/Walk, 7pm; Little Plum Half Mile, 6:30pm. Info: blueplum5krd@gmail.com. June 4, Coopertown - Barrel Fest 5 Miler, 7am. Info: Vicky Bumgardner (615)382-4470, commissioner@coopertowntn.org. June 4, Knoxville - XTERRA Knoxville Trail Run, 4.2 Mile & Half Marathon Trail Race. Info: Ryan Roma (865)356-6984, ryan@dirtybirdevents.com. June 7, Church Hill - The River Mile, 6pm/1st heat (Kids & Adults). Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), (423)345-2335 (h), markskelton@markskelton.com. June 11, Caryville - Cove Lake 5K, 8am. Info: Clarence Lowe (423)562-1303, homerlowe@comcast.net. June 11, Corryton - New Balance Knoxville Summer Solstice 7K, 6pm. Info: David Black (865)556-5832, runrayrun@outlook.com. June 11, Elizabethton - Covered Bridge 5K Run & 3K Walk, 8am. Info: (423)542-1338, sheppardsf@msha.com. June 17-19, Chattanooga - The Chattanooga Mountains Stage Race, 3-Day Stage Race; Day 1: 18 Miles; Day 2: 22 Miles; Day 3: 20 Miles; 8am each day. Info: info@wildtrails.org.

June 18, Bell Buckle - Bell Buckle RCMoon Pie 10 Mile Run, 7am; $30 thru 5/1, $35 5/2-31, $40 6/1-16, after 6/16 $45. Info: Bell Buckle Chamber of Commerce, POB 222, Bell Buckle, TN 37020; Jenny Hunt (931)3899663, info@bellbucklechamber.com, www.active.com (online registration until 6/ 16, 10pm); Printable applications: www.bellbucklechamber.com/events/rcmoon-pie-festival-and-10-mile-run/ June 18, Knoxville - Sharp’s Ridge Scuttle, 6-7 Mile Trail/Road Race, 9am. Info: HFMIC (865)548-4718. June 19, Lenoir City - Tellico Summer Solstice Runs, Half Marathon 7am; 5K 7:30am; Service Dog 1 Mile Walk 7:40am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurance sportsmanagement.com. June 24, Elizabethton - Carter County Relay for Life Glow Run 5K, 9pm. Info: smitkl01@mail.etsu.edu. June 25, Fayetteville - Firecracker Chase 10.2 Mile, 7am; 5K, 7:15am. Info: sbswindall@gmail.com. June 25, Memphis - Ultimate 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: Debi & John Bookas (901)383-2771, ult10k@aol.com.

VIRGINIA April 1, Arlington - Crystal City 5K Fridays, 6:30pm. Info: events@runpacers.com. April 2, Appomattox - Appomattox River Regional Park 5K Trail Run, 9am. Info: Debbie Lafland (804)458-6164, dlafland@princegeorgecountyva.gov. April 2, Bastian - Wolf 5K, 10am. Info: (276)688-3438. April 2, Charlottesville - Charlottesville Marathon, Marathon 4Person Relay, Half Marathon, 8K & Kids K; 7am. Info: Dr. Francesca Conte (434)218-0402, francesca@badtothebone.biz. April 2, Danville - Goodyear 5K Run For Education, 9am. Info: Goodyear Golf Club (434)797-1909, goodyeargolf@gmail.com. April 2, Fredericksburg - J Brian’s Tap Room 15K, 7am. Info: j.brians15kracedirector@gmail.com.

Running Journal • April, 2016 April 2, Jamestown - Jamestown 4-H Discovery Run 10K, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: Ruben Brown (757)604-2130, rubrown1@vt.edu. April 2, Lynchburg - Point of Honor 5K, 9am. Info: Kevin Shroyer (434)665-8046, kevin@pointofhonor5k.com. April 2, Newport - Mountain Lake Hell Climb 10K, 9am. Info: Kirby Walke (540)330-7051, mkwalke@gmail.com. April 2, Portsmouth - Bunny Hop 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile Family FR; 8am. Info: Stephen Korving (757)638-5495, stephen.korving@korvingco.com. April 2, Sandy Level - Dam 50K Run The Ridge, 7:30am; 5K, 10am; Mile FR, 12pm. Info: Lauren Acker (540)721-9622, lacker@franklincountyymca.org. April 2, Pulaski - “Color Me Cameron” 5K Color Run/Walk, 10am. Info: Terri Fitzwater Palmore (540)980-1736, tfitzwater@verizon.net. April 2, Wytheville - WCC Sprint for Scholarships 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Jill Ross (276)223-4880, jross@wcc.vccs.edu. April 8, Arlington - Crystal City 5K Fridays, 6:30pm. Info: events@runpacers.com. April 9, Ashburn - Van Metre 5 Mile Run, 8:30am; Kids Run for Fun & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:35am. Info: Shelly Buttery (703)348-5826, sbuttery@vanmetrehomes.com. April 9, Bristol - Bristol Half & Half, Half Marathon & 2-Person Relay; 8am. Info: mike.stollings@electro-mechanical.com. April 9, Chesapeake - Dismal Swamp Stomp Running Festival, Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am; Cub Run, 11:30am. Info: Ann Hupp (757)373-4174, team@mettleevents.com. April 9, Danville - Bridge 2 Bridge 5K & 10K, 9am/1 Mile FR, 9:30am/5K Run/Walk & 10K Run. Info: (434)791-3227, hope@gamewood.net. April 9, Galax - Matthews Forest Trail Run, 8+ Miles 10am. Info: teresa.roberts888@gmail.com. April 9, Hampton - Joe & Sue Moore Memorial Scholarship 5K. Info: Danielle Hundley (757)873-6863, danimdanim@hotmail.com. April 9, Norfolk - Kettle Krush 5K, 8am. Info: Flat-Out Events (757)880-8843, raceteam@flatoutevents.com. April 9, Radford - Light it up Blue 5K for Autism Speaks, 5K Run or Family-Friendly 1 Mile Walk, 9:30am. Info: Laura Miear (540)8312694, lmiear@radford.edu. April 9, Richmond - Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K, 8:30am. Info: Race Director (804)285-9495, info@sportsbackers.org. April 9, Roanoke - Mill Mountain Mayhem 10K Trail Race, 9am. Info: (540)525-9452, info@mountainjunkies.net. April 9, Virginia Beach - Sentara Don’t Sit on Colon Cancer, 5K & 1 Mile; 9am. Info: Kerry Clay (757)395-6317, knclay@sentara.com. April 9, Virginia Beach - Luxford Elementary 4K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (757)510-2530, luxfordpta@gmail.com. April 9, Wakefield - Warrior County 5K, 10am; 1 Mile FR, 9:30am. lnfo: Brandee Phillips (757)899-5401, b_phillps@tawarriors.org. April 9, Williamsburg - Ali’s Run, 5K Run/Walk; 10am. Info: rdareaux@email.wm.edu. April 10, Onancock - Run For The Animals Half Marathon, 10K & 5K Walk; 8:30am. Info: (757)999-4999, andrea@runfortheanimals.com.

April 10, Reston - Runners Marathon of Reston, Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:30am; $95. Info: Pat Brown, 2260 Gunsmith Sq., Reston VA 20191; pat_brown_usa@ yahoo.com, www.runnersmarathon.com April 15, Arlington - Crystal City 5K Fridays, 6:30pm. Info: events@runpacers.com. April 16, Bristol - I Love Lucy 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: WLE (276)821-5600, Windy (980)721-4973. April 16, Chesapeake - Run to Remember Scholar Fest, 5K Walk/Run; 8am. Info: Mr. Jud Sarver (757)421-4295, judson.sarver@cpschools.com. April 16, Heathsville - Run NNK Earth Day 5K, 5K Run/Walk, Kid Run 100yds.; 8am. Info: Bill Kirby - wkirby@runnnk.org. April 16, Lawrenceville - Brickyard 5 Miler, 2.5 Miles; 8:30am. Info: Ray Thomas (434)848-2112, brunswickins@aol.com. April 16, Norfolk - ODU Big Blue 5K, 10:30am; 1K, 10am. Info: (757)412-1056, info@jandaracing.com. April 16, Petersburg - Petersburg Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am; Kids Race, 10:30am. Info: info@runpetersburg.com. April 16, Portsmouth - Cause for Paws 5K, 9am. Info: lindalumps@aol.com. April 16, Roanoke - Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 7:35am; YMCA Kids Marathon, 7:45am. Info: Pete Eshleman (540)343-1550, pete@roanoke.org. April 16, Yorktown - Victory at Yorktown 10K, 1 Mile FR. Info: Rick Platt (757)345-1431, (757)229-7375, rickplatt1@juno.com. April 17, Ashburn - Loudoun Half & 8K, Half Marathon 7am; 8K 7:30am. Info: race-director@loudounhalf.org. April 17, Lorton - Prison Break Dash .com, 10K, 5K & 1K; 9am. Info: help@prisonbreakdash.com. April 22, Arlington - Crystal City 5K Fridays, 6:30pm. Info: events@runpacers.com. April 23, Abingdon - Autism Awareness 5K Run & 1 Mile Untimed Family Fun Walk, 9am. Info: Rebecca Thompson (276)4926813. April 23, Harrisonburg - Move for Life Walk & 5K Run, 9:30am. Info: (540)434-0685. April 23, Petersburg - Bridging The Health Gap Joy Run/Walk, 5K & 2K; 9am. Info: Donald Barrow (804)382-7500, joy.run.tbcptg@gmail.com. April 23, Virginia Beach - Spring to Life 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: steven.sheppard@hotmail.com. April 23, Williamsburg - Run the D.O.G. Street Challenge, 5K 7:30am; 1 Mile FR 7am. Info: Jim Elder (757)253-0277, jim@colonialsportscustom.com. April 23, Wise - Color Run 5K, 1 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: Wise County Christian School (276)328-3297, wccseagles@gmail.com.

April 24, Alexandria - George Washington Parkway Classic, 10 Mile, 5K & Kids Dash; 8am. Info: (703)836-1463. April 29, Arlington - Crystal City 5K Fridays, 6:30pm. Info: events@runpacers.com. April 29, Grottoes - Grand Caverns Signature 5K & 1 Mile, 6:30pm. Info: Mike Betts (540)249-4931, mike@grandcaverns5k.com. April 30, Bristol - Race for a Drug Free Bristol, 5K Run 10am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 10:15am. Info: (276)591-7758, drug.court@bristolva.org. April 30, Burkes Garden - Colors of Cancer 5K/10K, 9am. Info: aleighton814@gmail.com. April 30, Castlewood - Russell County Search & Rescue Mud & Obstacle Relay, 10am. Info: Kim Short (276)619-1817, ksshort03@gmail.com. April 30, Damascus - Trail Town Challenge, Ultra Marathon/32 Miles 7am; Marathon 7:15am; Half Marathon 7:30am; 10K 7:45am; 5K 8am. Info: Brian Zier (276)274-6148. April 30, Duffield - Run the Tunnel 3.8 Mile Road/Trail, 9am. Info: Frank Kibler (423)292-9980, runfrankrun@hotmail.com. April 30, Great Falls - Palio Di Siena 5K, Half Mile FR & Carnival, 9am. Info: Danielle Lussier (703)759-4129, office@sienamontessori.org. April 30, Lynchburg - Run 4 Their Lives - Lynchburg, 5K 9am; 1 Mile FR 8:30am. Info: Freedom 424 - events@freedom424.org. April 30, Norfolk - Anchor Run 5K. Info: ingrid.turner@anchorscholarship.com. April 30, Petersburg - RBC Run Through The Grove 5K, 9:30am. Info: Danish Saadat (571)278-7570, dsaadat@rbc.edu. April 30, Richmond - CrossOver Challenge, 15K Race, 5K Run/ Walk, 1 Mile Kids FR; 8am. Info: Amy Capistran (804)422-2600 (x124), acapistran@crossoverministry.org. April 30, Richmond - Bon Air 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: Wade M. Smith (804)614-5983, info@bonair5k.com. April 30, South Riding - Glow South Riding 5K & 1 Mile, 7:40pm. Info: info@rev3adventure.com. April 30, Winchester - Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival, ValleyHealth 10K Race; 8:30am. Info: SABF (540)662-3863, info@sabf.org. April 30, York County - Tabb High School May Day 5K, 8am. Info: Susan Wiker (757)867-5306, swiker@ycsd.york.va.us. May 1, Cedar Bluff - I”DOG”AROD 5K Run/Walk, 3:30pm. Info: Angie Johnson (276)202-6506, humanesocietytazewell@gmail.com. May 1, Fairfax Station - The Arc of Northern Virginia’s Corporate & Community Team Challenge, 8K 8am. Info: Diane Monnig (703)208-1119 (x118), teamchallenge@thearcofnova.org. May 1, Herndon - Red Shoe 5K Run & Walk, 9am. Info: Kristen Claus (202)529-8204, kristen@rmhcdc.org. May 5, Norfolk - J&A Racing Corporate 5K, 6:30pm. Info: (757)412-1056, info@jandaracing.com. May 7, Bristol - Books For Bearcats 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: sadebusk@bvps.org. May 7, Charlottesville - Run 4 Their Lives - Charlottesville, 8K 9am; 1 Mile FR 8:30am. Info: Freedom 424 events@freedom424.org. May 7, Chilhowie - Valley Health Care 5K Glow Run, 8pm. Info: Debbie Blankenship (276)608-4983, Amanda Blevins (276)6464336. May 7, Newport News - Riverside Rehab 5K by the Bay, 9am. Info: David Lassiter (757)534-9730, david.lassiter@rivhs.com. May 7, Virginia Beach - FaraFest Lei Day 5K, 9:30am; Flip Flop 1 Mile Walk/Run, 9am. Info: leonardtl78@hotmail.com. May 7, Virginia Beach - EQUI-KIDS Cross Country 5K, 1 Mile Run with the Hounds & 1/2 Mile Pony Run; 8am. Info: Jamie Rhoades (757)721-7350, jamie.rhoades@equikids.org. May 14, Abingdon - Virginia Creeper 10 Miler, 8am. Info: Lisa Hazlett (423)306-1483, lhazlett@k12k.com. May 14, Grundy - Grundy Kiwanis/Trupoint Bank 5K Run, 9am. Info: Rick Owens or Jon Rife (276)935-2181, rickyowens@rifestv.net. May 14, Posquoson - Bull Island 4-Miler, 8:30am. Info: Chad Poultney (757)373-5436, cpoultney@clarknexsen.com. May 14, Richmond - Holton Hustle 5K Fest, 9am. Info: holtonpta5k@gmail.com. May 15, Ashburn - Loudoun Lyme 5K, 10K & 1K; 8am. Info: Insight on the Bite (703)230-7663. May 15, Fredericksburg - Marine Corps Historic Half, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: (800)-RUN-USMC, marine.marathon@usmc.mil. May 15, Virginia Beach - Valor Run, 10 Miler & 5K; 8:30am. Info: valorrun@valorrun.org. May 19-20, Newport News - Virginia Senior Games, 5/19: 5K 8am; 5/20: 10K 8am. Info: vsg@vrps.com. May 20, Roanoke - Purple Power Glow Run, 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Walk, 10pm. Info: Virginia Amateur Sports (540)343-0987. May 20-22, Richmond - Dominion Riverrock, 5/20: Filthy 5K Mud Run 6pm; 5/21: Adventure Race 7:30am; James River Scramble 10K Trail Run 9am; 5/22: Bust the Banks Trail Half Marathon 8am. Info: (804)285-9495, info@sportsbackers.org. May 21, Damascus - Justin Foundation 5K Scholarship Run, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: David Matlock (276)475-6043. May 21, Gate City - 3:16 Soul 2 Sole 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Kim Gray (423)306-7400 or Amanda Wolfe (423)571-1711, fbc316race@yahoo.com. May 21, Norfolk - Lee’s Friends Run on the Wild Side 5K Run/ Walk, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR, 9:05am. Info: Carol Olsen (757)440-7501, colsen@leesfriends.org. May 21, Viginia Beach - Dolphin Dash 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Andrea Smolin (757)648-5550, andrea.smolin@vbschools.com. May 22, Occoquan - The Four Hills .com, 4 Miles, 5K & 1K; 9am. Info: fourhillsrun@gmail.com. May 22, Virginia Beach - COLT 5K Race, 2pm; 1 Mile, 1pm. lnfo: (757)880-1662, jessicabueno@verizon.net. May 27, Pound - Memorial Day Fragile 5X Glow Race/5X Walk; 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR; 9pm. Info: Brittany Marahall (276)3933992, appalachians@fragilex.org. May 28, Newport News - Chick-fil-A 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: FlatOut Events (757)880-8843, raceteam@flatoutevents.com. May 28, Portsmouth - Elizabeth River Run 10K, 8:15am;


Crawford Street Mile, 7:45am; Children’s Museum FR, 9:45am. Info: bsagedy@cox.net. May 28, Roanoke - Appalachian Festival Run, 5K & 10K; 8am. Info: Virginia Amateur Sports (540)343-0987.

May 29, Alexandria - Alexandria Running Festival Half Marathon, 7:30am; Kid’s 1K Fun Run, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; $70/Half, $40/5K by 3/31; $80/Half, $50/5K by 5/27; $85/Half, $55/5K by 5/28; $90/Half, $60/5K on Race Day; $15/Kid’s 1K thru 5/29. Info: Nicholas Panebianco, 725 South West Street #725, Alexandria, VA 22314; (301)807-8529, racedirector@mc-coop.org, http://www.mccoop.org/alexandria_running_festival.aspx May 30, Fredericksburg - YMCA/Civitan 10K Run & 5K Run/ Walk, 7am. Info: Terry McLaughlin (540)371-9622 (x1022), tmclaughlin@family-ymca.org. May 30, Yorktown - Yorktown Freedom Run 8K, 8am. Info: Bill Pope (757)877-7331, bpope3@cox.net. June 4, Ashburn - Glow Willowsford 5K & 1 Mile, 8:25pm. Info: info@rev3adventure.com. June 4, Hampton - Fox Hill Community 5K, 8:30am. Info: Natalie Bowen (757)477-7589, rfbowen@cox.net. June 4, Norfolk - OK5K, 1 Mile 8am; 5K 8:45am. Info: bsmiley@egglestonservices.org. June 4, Saint Paul - Clinch River Days Festival 5.5K Trail Challenge Run, 6pm. Info: Joyce Kilgore (276)971-6464, yellolab@msn.com. June 11, Burkes Garden - The Varmint 1/2 Marathon & 5K Run, 6:30am/13.1 Non-competitive walk; 8am/Wheelchair; 8:30am/Half Marathon & 5K; 11am/1 Mile (12-under). Info: Charity McDaniel (276)979-8044, thevarmint13.1@hotmail.com. June 17, Williamsburg - Glow Williamsburg 5K & 1 Mile, 8:25pm. Info: info@rev3adventure.com. June 18, Chantilly - Born to Run Memorial 5K, 8:30am. Info: Robert Gibbs (703)904-5125, RAGibbs@fcps.edu. June 18, Norton - Mountain States Rehab 5K, 9am. Info: Steve Childers (276)439-1452. June 18, Roanoke - Race 13.1, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: info@race131.com. June 25, Colonial Heights - Delightfully Different 3.5 Miler, 7:15pm; Free Children’s Events, 5:45pm. Info: Brenda Beck (804)691-6672. June 25, Hampton - Run4Rodney 5K, 9am. Info: Kim Flint (757)696-2636. Sept. 3-4, Virginia Beach - Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach, Half Marathon, 5K & 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: Competitor Group (858)4506510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com Sept. 23-24, Leesburg - Divas® Half Marathon & 5K in DC’s Wine Country, 9/23: 5K 6:15pm; 9/24: Half Marathon 7:30am. Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com

WASHINGTON, DC April 3, Washington, DC - Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run & 5K Run/Walk, 10 Mile 7:30am (Elite Women @ 7:20am); 5K Run/Walk 8:40am. Info: (301)320-3350, info@cherryblossom.org, www.cherryblossom.org April 9, Washington, DC - The North Face Endurance Challenge, 50 Mile, 50K, Marathon & Relay, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 5am. Info: (469)475-1317, endurancechallenge@publicishawkeye.com. May 1, Washington, DC - Potomac River Run Marathon, 8am (early start 7am). Info: (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net, www.safetyandhealthfoundation.org/marathon. May 1, Washington, DC - Race for Hope - DC, 5K 9am. Info: Lauaren Bogart (301)502-3784, racedc@curebraintumors.org. May 14, Washington, DC - River Run for Orphans 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info Bob Licitra (703)652-7647, boblicitra@childrensfund.net.

WEST VIRGINIA April 2, Hinton - 5K Dam Run/Walk, 9am. Info: REACHH FRC Summers County CAC (304)466-2226. April 9, Lewisburg - HospiceCare 10K Chocolate Chase, 9am. Info: (304)768-8523. April 9, Shepherdstown - Race for the Birds, 10K, 5K, 1 Mile Kids FR; 9am. Info: Nan Johnson (304)870-4414, race4birds@potomacaudubon.org. April 16, Morgantown - Coopers Rock 50K & Half Marathon Trail Run, 7am. Info: info@coopersrock.org. May 28, Minden - Wonderland Mountain Challenge, Half Marathon, 10K & 5 Mile Walk; 11am. Info: Chris Colin (717)4950919, kayak@aceraft.com.

TRACK & FIELD April 8, Nashville, TN ( Edward S. Temple Track) - Boston-Moon Relays, Hammer, Shot Put, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault, Javelin, Discus, Steeplechase, 1500, Hurdles, 400, 100, 800, 200, 3000. Info: Info: Chandra Cheesborough (615)9635906, ccheeseborough@tnstate.edu. April 16, Cary, NC - Pegasus Relays Track Meet, 12:30pm/Meet Start. Info: fitandablecoach@gmail.com. May 7, Nashville, TN ( Mcgavock Comprehensive H.S.) Nashville Masters Outdoor Track Classic, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Discus, 3000m, 3000m Racewalk, 60m, 400m, 100m, 1500m, 1500m Racewalk, 4x200m Relay, 800m, 200m, 4x800m Relay, 4x100m Relay, 4x400m Relay, field events 8am, running events. Info: John Carter, Jr., j_carterjr@yahoo.com. May 21, Huntsville, AL - Harry Williams All Comers Track Meet. Info: Marty Clarke (256)651-4015, mclarkeruns@comcast.net.

Running Journal • April, 2016



4/7. Info: Kathy McDaris, Race Dir., 701 Litchfield Rd., Tallahassee, FL 32312; (850)422-3130, mcdaris@comcast.net, www.redhillstri.com. April 9, Biloxi, MS - Tradition’s Triathlon, S-1/3 mi., B-17 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 8am. Info: Dean Morrow (228)604-2227, run.n.tri@gmail.com. April 9, Stokesdale, NC - Belews Lake International Triathlon, S1500, B-27 mi., R-10K; 9am. Info: Jones Racing Company (336)4713322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. April 9, Valdese, NC - Valdese Triathlon, S-250 yd., B-9.5 mi., R5K; 9am. Info: info@valdesetri.com. April 10, Germantown, TN - Los Locos Duathlon, R-2 mi., B-15 mi., R-2 mi., 8am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: (901)274-2202, daniel@s2fevents.com. April 15, Little Rock, AR - Tax Day Stride and Ride 5K Run, 15 Mile Bike; 5:30pm. Info: (501)732-0313, gjkjhathcock@yahoo.com. April 16, Tupelo, MS - Tupelo Super Sprint Triathlon, S-300m, B11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: Aaron Ford (662)416-3909, aford_1@hotmail.com. April 16, Clayton, NC - Flowers Plantation Charity Bike Ride, 20, 40 & 60 Miles. Info: coachkurt@flowersplantation.com. April 16, Rock Island, TN - The Rock & Row Triathlon, Paddle-5K, R-5K, B-5K; 8am. Info: jason.richardson@supportapark.com. April 17, Knoxville, TN - Trideltathon Sprint Tri, S-400m, B-6 mi., R-3 mi. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. April 22, Elizabethtown, KY - After Dark In The Park FullMoon Fever Fitness Event, All 3 (Paddle Boat, Run/Walk, Mountain Bike); Paddle Boating; 5K Fun Run/Walk; Mountain Bike Trail Ride; 8pm. Info: Matthew Deneen (270)763-2132, matthew.deneen@hardin.kyschools.us. April 23, Columbus, GA - Toughman GA Chattahoochee Challenge, Half Tri, Duathlon & Aquabike; 7:30am. Info: (808)478-7576, tricolumbusga@gmail.com. April 23, Ridgeland, MS - TBC’s Spring Classic, 30, 60 or 100 Miles Bike; 7am. Info: Michael Bartley (601)856-0049, michael@thebikecrossing.com.

June 3, New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Track Club All-Comers Track Meet Series #1, 1 Mile, 100, 800 4X100, 400, 200, 4X400, 2 Mile; 7pm. Info: Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 4, Nashville, TN (McGavock High School) - Sam Smith Tennessee Youth Track & Field, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 3000, Hurdles, Discus, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Javelin, 4x100 Relays, 4x400 Relays, 8am. Info: James Curbeam (615)419-7126, jcurbeam480@bellsouth.net. June 17, New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Track Club AllComers Track Meet Series #2, 1 Mile, 100, 800 4X100, 400, 200, 4X400, 2 Mile; 7pm. Info: Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org.

MULTI-SPORTS (Included in the Multi-sports calendar are single swimming and cycling events). April 2, Jacksonville, FL - Mt. Acosta Classic Endurance Race, Run/Bike Loops; 4:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. April 2, Columbus, GA - Love to Tri, 5K Run, 12 Mile Bike, 25 Tennis Ball Rally; 8:30am. Info: (706)317-4136, deby@corta.org. April 2, Hammond, LA - Sprinting For The Cure Tri, S-350m, B6 mi., R-2 mi.; 7:30am. Info: recsportswellness@gmail.com. April 2, Brandon, MS - Racin’ for the Seed Duathlon & 5K Run/ Walk, Duathlon: B-15 mi., R-1 mi. Info: (601)992-3556, del@mustardseedinc.org. April 3, Saint Bernard, LA - Pelican Duathlon, R-2 mi., B-10 mi., R-2 mi. Info: Janel Mumme (504)452-1276, philjanel@netscape.net. April 3, Oxford, MS - Rebel-Man Sprint Triathlon, S-400m, B22K, R-5.5K; 8am. Info: Dierde Brunton (662)582-1207, rmst@olemiss.edu. April 3, Greensboro, NC - Grandover Parkway Duathlon, R-4 mi., B-20 mi., R-4 mi.; 10am. Info: info@triviumracing.com. April 9, Tallahassee, FL - Red Hills Triathlon, S-1/3 mi., B-18 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 7:30am/EST; $129 before 3/1; $139 3/1-3/25; $149 3/26-

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April 23, Thomasville, NC - All-American City Sprint Triathlon, S-250 yd., B-13 mi. (city/country roads), R-5K (trails); 4pm. Info: akermanmj@triad.rr.com. April 24, Gainesville, GA - North Georgia Sprint & Super Sprint Triathlon, Sprint: S-400 yd., B-11 mi., R-5K; Super Sprint: S-250 yd., B-7 mi., R-2.25 mi.; Kid Distances (Ages 5-13); 8am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. April 30, Mobile, AL - Infirmary Twilight Duathlon, 5pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. April 30, Eunice, LA - Eunice Rotary Zydeco Triathlon, S150m, B-10 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: reedsla@gmail.com. April 30, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Biathlon #1, R-5K, B11 mi.; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. April 30-May 1, Morganton, NC - May Day Duathlon & 5K Run, 4/30: Youth Duathlon, 8am; 5/1: Adult Duathlon (R-5K, B-19.45 mi., R-1.5 mi.) & 5K Run, 8am. Info: shea.rostan@blueridgehealth.org. April 30-May 1, Cary, NC - Midnight Ramble & Kids Ramble Bike. Info: fitandablecoach@gmail.com. April 30, Reidsville, NC - Keystone Cops for the Arts 5K & Bike Ride, 5K Run 8:30am; 5K Walk 8:35am; Bike Ride: 25 mi., 48 mi., 61 mi., 9am. Info: Jones Racing Company (336)471-3322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. April 30, Salisbury, NC - Buck Hurley Triathlon, S-300 yd., B10 mi., R-5K, 7:30am; Kids Triathlon (Ages 4-13). Info: emarsh@rowanymca.org. April 30, Wake Forest, NC - Triangle Orthopaedic Sprint Triathlon at Beaverdam, S-750m, B-15 mi., R-5K. Info: info@fsseries.com. April 30, Washington, NC - Race for the River Kayakalon Triathlon, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 30, Lenoir, TN - Hammer Sprint Triathlon & Duathlon, S-400m or R-5K (Du), B-16 mi., R-5K; 8am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. May 1, Chapel Hill, NC - JUST TRYAN IT Kids Triathlon, 8:30am; mini/short/long course. Info: Carry Norry (919)3554351, northcarolina@justtryanit.org. May 1, Greenville, NC - Fiesta Biathlon, R-5K, B-15 mi.; 1pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com; fiestabiathlon@yahoo.com. May 1, Hixson, TN - Anne Prettyman Memorial Scenic City Triathlon, S-800 yd., B-14 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: (423)4006897, jay@sceniccitymultisport.com. May 7, Pine Mountain, GA - Callaway Gardens Fitness Series Duathlon, R-5K, B-30K, R-5K. Info: (808)478-7576, tricolumbusga@gmail.com. May 7, Bear Creek, NC - CARA Ride For Their Lives! 100K, 8:30am; 50K & 10 Mile, 9am. Info: eva.rogers@cara-nc.org. May 7, Charlotte, NC - University City Duathlon, 5K Race; Duathlon: R-5K, B-19K, R-3K & 5K Race, 8am; Kids’ Sprint, 8:10am. Info: Chris (704)503-1105, chriselk@runforyourlife.com. May 7, Lenoir, NC - Cycle to Serve, 25, 40 & 62.2 Miles; 8:30am. Info: gdwaechter@gmail.com. May 7, Burns, TN - Dickson Endurance Triathlon, S-1 mi., B38 mi., R-15K; 8am; Iron Nugget Sprint Triathlon, S-1/2 mi., B-17 mi., R-5K, 8am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. May 7, Huddleston, VA - Appalachian Power Smith Mountain Lake Triathlon, S-750m, B-20K, R-5K; 9am. Info: Virginia Amateur Sports (540)343-0987. May 7, Marion, VA - Mountain Do Triathlon/Duathlon, Tri: 10K Trail Run, 20K Mtn. Bike, 3K Canoe/Kayak; Du: 10K Trail Run, 20K Mtn. Bike; 10am. Info: info@mountaindo-triathlon.com. May 14, Rogers, AR - Kendrick Fincher Hydration Celebration, 1/2 Mile & 1 Mile Youth Run, 5K & Duathlon (R-5K, B-12.4 mi., R5K); 7am. Info: Becky (479)986-9960, info@kendrickfincher.org. May 14, Cary, NC - Cary Du Classic, Short Course: R-2.5 mi., B-17 mi., R-2.5 mi.; Long Course: R-5 mi., B-31 mi., R-5 mi.; 7am. Info: info@fsseries.com. May 14-15, Cary, NC - Triangle Tour de Cure, 1 or 2 Day option; 100/200 mi., 80/160 mi., 7am; 50/25 mi., 10am; Family Rides 10:30am. Info: Zoe C. Playe (919)743-5400 (x3251), zplaye@diabetes.org. May 14, Cherry Point, NC - MCAS Cherry Point Kids Triathlon, 8-under: S-50 yd., B-1.5 mi., R-.5 mi.; 9-12yrs.: S-100 yd., B-3 mi., R-1 mi.; 8:30am. Info: Berna Crosby (252)466-2208, bernadine.crosby@usmc-mccs.org. May 14, Nebo, NC - Lake James 50, S-1 mi., B-40 mi., R-9 mi.; 8am. Info: cec@setupevents.com. May 15, Ellicott City, MD - Columbia Triathlon & Duathlon, Triathlon: S-0.93 mi., B-25 mi., R-6.2 mi.; Duathlon: R-2.2 mi., B25 mi., R-6.2 mi.; 6:30am. Info: (410)964-0202 (x116), registration@ulmanfund.org. May 15, Raleigh, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Women’s Triathlon Tour, S-225yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: info@ramblinroseevents.com. May 21, Snellville, GA - One Can Tri Super Sprint Triathlon, S-250 yd., B-8 mi., R-2.25 mi.; Kid Distances (Ages 5-13); 8am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 21, Danville, KY - Hope 53 Run & Ride Duathlon/5K, Duathlon: R-5K, B-20 mi., R-5K; 5K Run/Walk; 8:30am. Info: rickylane@att.net. May 21, Indian Head, MD - General Smallwood International Triathlon, S-1500m, B-24 mi., R-10K; Aquabike; 7am. Info: Hotline (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. May 21, Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Youth Triathon Series #1, Ages 5 to 15 (5 different age categories); 4pm. Info: E3 Endurance (336)543-8771, coachmatt@e3ehp.com. May 21, Abingdon, VA - Iron Nut Sprint Triathlon, S-1/4 mi., B-18 mi., R-5K, 8am; Youth Splash and Dash, 11am. Info: Coomes Recreation Center (276)623-5279, mwynne@abingdon-va.gov.

May 22, Fayetteville, AR - Ladies DU Fayetteville, R-2 mi., B-11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am; $45 indiv./$75 Relay by 4/1; after $55 indiv./ $95 Relay. Info: City of Fayetteville Parks & Recreation, 1455 S. Happy Hollow Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72701; Tiffany Gaulke (479)444-3463, tgaulke@fayetteville-ar.gov, http://www.fayetteville-ar.gov/parks May 22, Charleston, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series, S600 yd., B-12 mi., R-5K; 7:15am. Info: Tyler Cross (843)762-4386, tcross@ccprc.com. May 22, Knoxville, TN - Rev3 Knoxville Triathlon, Olympic: S-.9 mi., B-25 mi., R-6.2 mi.; Half: S-1/2 mi., B-56 mi., R-13.1 mi.; 6:50am. Info: Jay Peluso (703)637-2321, info@rev3tri.com. May 25-29, Savannah to Columbus, GA - Run for the Heroes Run/Ride Across Georgia, 260 Miles; Individual Runners (5/254am) & Relay Teams (5/28-6am); Individual Bikers (5/28-6pm) & Biking Relay Teams (5/28-10pm). Info: (706)383-9089, rag@bigdogrunning.com. May 28, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Biathlon #2, R-2 mi., B11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. May 29, Asheville, NC - Collier Lilly Ride for NC Outward Bound School, 50 Mile Bike Ride; 7:45am. Info: Daphne Kirkwood (828)6840812, events@idaph.net. May 30, Hickory Creek Marina, AR - Ozark Open Water Swim, 1K, 2K & 4K; 8am. Info: Tracy Byrd (479)200-7718, tracy@gppnwa.com. May 30, Lenoir City, TN - Foothills Sprint Triathlon, S-150m, B12 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. June 5, Lafayette, LA - City Club Mini Triathlon, S-70m, B-9.5 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: dsapp@cityclubrr.com. June 5, Charlotte, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Women’s Triathlon Tour, S-200yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: info@ramblinroseevents.com. June 5, Knoxville, TN - XTERRA Knoxville Triathlon, S-3/4 mi., B-16.6 mi., R-4.2 mi. Info: Ryan Roma (865)356-6984, ryan@dirtybirdevents.com. June 5, Pigeon Forge, TN - Double Dip Sprint Triathlon, S-300 yd., B-15.5 mi., R-5K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 5, Norfolk, VA - Breezy Point Triathlon, S-750m, B-20K, R5K; 8am. Info: jgolden1020@gmail.com. June 11, Maryville, TN - Lakeside of the Smokies Triathlon, S1.5K, B-40K, R-10K or S-750m, B-16 mi., R-5K. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. June 12, Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Youth Triathon Series #2, Ages 5 to 15 (5 different age categories); 8am. Info: E3 Endurance (336)543-8771, coachmatt@e3ehp.com. June 17-18, Lexington, KY - Survive the Night Triathlon, Swim/ Bike/Run 140.7 Miles (as a team); 7pm; Roll for the Cure: 100, 50, 32 & 10 Mile Bike. Info: meredith@lexingtonfoundation.org. June 18, Oakwood, GA - Mid Summer Super Sprint, S-250 yd., B-8 mi., R-2.25 mi., 8am; Kid Races, 10am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 18, Lenoir City, TN - Tellico Summer Solstice Sprint Tri, S800m, B-16 mi., R-5K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 19, Charleston, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series, S600 yd., B-12 mi., R-5K; 7:15am. Info: Tyler Cross (843)762-4386, tcross@ccprc.com. June 25, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Biathlon #3, R-3 mi., B11 mi., R-1 mi.; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. June 25, Knoxville, TN - TriShark Youth Triathlon, S-100yd., B2 mi., R-1 mi. or S-200yd., B-4 mi., R-1.5 mi. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. June 26, Rogers, AR - Sprint the Bend, S-500 yd., B-15 mi., R5K; 7:30am. Info: Tracy Byrd (479)659-2886, emseries@gppnwa.com. June 26, New Orleans, LA - Wild Things Kids Triathlon (ages 611), 7am. Info: rick@konafitnesscafe.com.

MARATHON April 2, Cumberland, MD - Queen City Marathon for Active Water, 8am. Info: queencitymarathon@gmail.com. April 2, Travelers Rest, SC - Altamont Marathon & Relay, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 8am. Info: withoutlimitsgreenville@gmail.com. April 2, Charlottesville, VA - Charlottesville Marathon, Marathon 4-Person Relay, Half Marathon, 8K & Kids K; 7am. Info: Dr. Francesca Conte (434)218-0402, francesca@badtothebone.biz. April 3, Punta Cana, FL - Punta Cana Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 6am. Info: info@puntacanamarathon.com. April 3, Houston, MS - Altis Marathon & Half Marathon on Tanglefoot Trail, 7am; 5K, 7:30am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. April 3, Fort Bragg, NC - Fort Bragg All American Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:30am. Info: (910)907-3616, allamericanmarathon@gmail.com. April 3, Knoxville, TN - Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, Half Marathon & Relays, 7:30am; 5K, 7pm (4/2). Info: Jason Altman (865)684-4294, jalts2@comcast.net. April 9, Mountain View, AR - Mission Run Ozarks Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: (870)365-9407, Christy@ozarkortho.com. April 9, Washington, DC - The North Face Endurance Challenge, 50 Mile, 50K, Marathon & Relay, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 5am. Info: (469)475-1317, endurancechallenge@publicishawkeye.com. April 9, Jackson, TN - Andrew Jackson Marathon, 7am; Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: (731)668-4000, jmcmahon@carlperkinscenter.org.


www.running.net April 10, Fayetteville, AR - Hogeye Marathon & Relays, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K Run/Walk, 7:05am; $90/Marathon by 3/ 27, $100 3/28-4/7 at Midnight, close online reg.; $80/Half by 3/27, $85 3/28-4/7; $35/5K by 3/27, $40 3/28-4/7. Info: Tabby Holmes, Race Dir., POB 8012, Fayetteville, AR 72703; racedirector@hogeyemarathon.com, www.hogeyemarathon.com April 10, Hancock, MD - Western Maryland Rail Trail Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 8am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. April 10, Raleigh, NC - Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)311-1255.

April 10, Reston, VA - Runners Marathon of Reston, Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:30am; $95. Info: Pat Brown, 2260 Gunsmith Sq., Reston VA 20191; pat_brown_usa@yahoo.com, www.runnersmarathon.com April 16, Roanoke, VA - Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 7:35am; YMCA Kids Marathon, 7:45am. Info: Pete Eshleman (540)343-1550, pete@roanoke.org. April 17, Destin, FL - Kill Cliff Destin Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: Zane Holscher (229)630-9051, rd@destinmarathon.com. April 17, Winnsboro, LA - Riverboat Series Day 1 - LA, Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 6:30am. Info: Mainly Marathons (575)382-8869, clint@mainlymarathons.com. April 23, Clover, SC - Kings Mountain Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Jefferson Nicholson (571)318-6907, info@adventuregeekproductions.com. April 23, Chattanooga, TN - Scenic City Trail Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. April 29-May 1, Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay on (5/1), 6:30am; 10K, 8am, 5K, 10am on (4/30). Info: Sarah Pelfrey (513)246-0400, sarah@flyingpigmarathon.com. April 30, Louisville, KY- Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon & miniMarathon, 7:30am (Wheelchair 7:25am). Info: (800)9283378, minimarathon@kdf.org.

April 30, Nashville, TN - St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Marathon & 1/2 Marathon (formerly St. Jude Country Music Marathon & 1/2 Marathon), 7:15am; 5K 6:45am; Register today & save $15 with code RJ2016 (Valid for 1/2 Marathon Only, expires 4/24/ 16); Kids Rock on May 1, 2pm Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/ nashville. See Ad page 5. April 30, Damascus, VA - Trail Town Challenge, Ultra Marathon/ 32 Miles 7am; Marathon 7:15am; Half Marathon 7:30am; 10K 7:45am; 5K 8am. Info: Brian Zier (276)274-6148. May 1, Carderock, MD - Potomac River Run Marathon, 7am/ early start, 8am/competitive start. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)9274833, racedirector@att.net. May 7, Todd, NC - The New River Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; 5/6: 1 Mile & 1/2 Mile FR 6pm, Group Run/Shake-Out 6:30pm. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@newrivermarathon.com.

May 7, Wartrace, TN - Strolling Jim 41.2/ 26.2/6.2, 41.2miles/Marathon/10K; 7am; $75/$65/$30 by 5/5, after: $85/$75/$40. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, www.sj40mile.com May 14, Fitzgerald, GA - Chasing Jefferson Davis Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: (229)467-2737, jdminfo@chasingjeffersondavis.com. May 14, Royalton, KY - Honey Suckle Half Marathon/Marathon, 8am. Info: Anthony Skeans (606)791-2902, anthonyskeans@gmail.com.

May 21, Lexington, KY - Kentucky ALE Horse Capital Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; Friday Expo 2-9pm; Boston Qualifier; Post-race celebration with live band; Horsecountry inspired awards; Course passes 45 central Kentucky horse farms; Coupon Code rj10 for 10% off. Info: contact@horsecapitalmarathon.com, www.horsecapitalmarathon.com May 28, Craig, AK - Prince of Wales Island Marathon, Marathon Relays & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Ann James (907)2541884, annjames326@gmail.com.

Running Journal • April, 2016 Sept. 3-4, Virginia Beach, VA - Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach, Half Marathon, 5K & 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: Competitor Group (858)4506510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com.


Nov. 5-6, Savannah, GA - Rock ‘N’ Roll Savannah Marathon, Half Marathon & 2-Person Half Marathon Relay (11/5), 7am; 5K & 1 Mile (11/6), 1pm; Kids Rock (11/6), 3:15pm. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)3111255, www.runrocknroll.com/savannah

All classified ads in this section also appear on Running Journal's Web site. You pay only 60¢ per word, an average of only $3 per line. Minimum charge is $5 per month. We appreciate payment with ad, but we're happy to bill you. Mail to Running Journal, POB 157, Greeneville, TN 37744, 423-638-4177, rj@running.net, www.running.net.

ULTRAS April 2, Brooksville, FL - Croom Trail 50 Mile, 50K & 16 Mile Fools Run, 50 Mile 6am; 50K & 16 Mile 7am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)2325200, jim@tamparaces.com. April 2, Torreya State Park, FL - Draggin’ Tail Ultra Trail Challenge 50K & 25K, 7am. Info: Joe Edgecombe (850)774-0018 (d), (850)7635005 (h), joeruns@yahoo.com. April 2, Kingsport, TN - XTERRA Power to the Tower 50K & Half Marathon Trail Races, 8:30am. Info: phil@fleetfeetkingsport.com. April 2, Sandy Level, VA - Dam 50K Run The Ridge, 7:30am; 5K, 10am; Mile FR, 12pm. Info: Lauren Acker (540)721-9622, lacker@franklincountyymca.org. April 9, Washington, DC - The North Face Endurance Challenge, 50 Mile, 50K, Marathon & Relay, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 5am. Info: (469)475-1317, endurancechallenge@publicishawkeye.com. April 9, Clifton, VA - Bull Run Run 50 Miler, 6:30am. Info: toni@vhtrc.org. April 10, Raleigh, NC - Mountains-to-Seal Trail 50K, 7am; 12 Mile, 8am. Info: (919)265-3904. April 16, Little Rock, AR - Ouachita Trail 50 Endurance Run, 50 Mile & 50K; 6am. Info: Chrissy Ferguson (501)472-9162, OT50@RunArkansas.com. April 16, New Hill, NC - Jordan Lake 12-Hour Challenge, 12 Hour Team & Individual; 7am. Info: Erin Suwattana (919)542-6644 (x14), erin@childcarenetworks.org. April 16, Morgantown, WV - Coopers Rock 50K & Half Marathon Trail Run, 7am. Info: info@coopersrock.org. April 30, Damascus, VA - Trail Town Challenge, Ultra Marathon/ 32 Miles 7am; Marathon 7:15am; Half Marathon 7:30am; 10K 7:45am; 5K 8am. Info: Brian Zier (276)274-6148. April 30-May 1, Hampton, VA - 24-Hour Run, 7am; Individuals & Teams. Info: George Nelsen (757)874-4635, nelsengeorge@msn.com. May 7, Pelham, AL - Run for Kids Challenge: 10K, 50K & 12 Hour; 7am. Info: david@davidtosch.com.

May 7, Wartrace, TN - Strolling Jim 41.2/ 26.2/6.2, 41.2miles/Marathon/10K; 7am; $75/ $65/$30 by 5/5, after: $85/$75/$40. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@ gmail.com, www.sj40mile.com May 14, Williamburg, VA - Singletrack Maniac 50K Trail Run, 7am. Info: ultraellen@gmail.com. May 20, Ducktown, TN - Thunder Rock 100 Mile Trail Race, Noon. Info: info@wildtrails.org. June 11-12, Paducah, KY - Run Under The Stars 10 Hr. Run; 8pm6am. Info: durb417@gmail.com. June 17-19, Chattanooga, TN - The Chattanooga Mountains Stage Race, 3-Day Stage Race; Day 1: 18 Miles; Day 2: 22 Miles; Day 3: 20 Miles; 8am each day. Info: info@wildtrails.org. July 23, Perryville, AR - Full mOOn 50K & 25K, 7pm, 8pm; Blind/ Visually Impaired Div. Info: Susy Chandler (501)837-3104, su_phi@yahoo.com. July 30, Destin, FL - Dane’s Nearly Free Run (DNFrun), 6 hr., 8 hr. & 12 hr. Races. Info: (850)659-7379, info@internationalrunning.com. Aug. 13, Pinehurst, NC - Tick Tock Ultra North Carolina, 12-Hour Ultra & Team Relay; 7am. Info: Mary Marcia Brown gallantgait@yahoo.com.

RUNNING CAMPS June 23-26, July 10-15, July 21-24, Aug. 7-12, Sept. 8-11, Blowing Rock, NC - Zap Fitness Adult Running Vacations. Info: ZAP Fitness, POB 192, Blowing Rock, NC 28605; (828)295-6198, zapfitness@gmail.com, www.zapfitness.com. See Ad page 7.

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