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Experience All That Running Has To Offer

“We Run The South�

Running Journal Including Multi-Sports Events, Ultra Running, and Racewalking

May 2016




Improve Your Finishing Kick Run Bentonville Half Marathon/5K Gate River Run 15K Publix Georgia Marathon/Half Marathon Gupton Jeep Tom King Half Marathon/5K Charlottesville Marathon/Half Marathon/8K


Running Journal • May, 2016

How To Contact Us Or Place An Order: Write: Running Journal P.O. Box 157 Greeneville, TN 37744 Call: 423-638-4177 FAX: 423-638-3328 E-mail: rj@running.net Website: www.running.net Shopping: shoppingcart.running.net Let us hear from you!


CONTENTS On the Cover: Demse Tewabech was the female winner at the Germantown Half Marathon. See Story page 22. Photo by Blair Ball Photography Ladell George (#588), Bob Wilson (1597), and Jim Doan (#457) running the Germantown Half Marathon. See Story page 22. Photo by Blair Ball Photography

Race Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Features Team Health Shoppe Wins Palmetto70 Relay, Dave Alderman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Track & Field Shoe Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Grand Prix Standings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Columns This Running Life, Teri Saylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Distance Memories, Scott Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Running Fitness, Ellen Jaffe Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Inspired Daily, Rae Ann Darling Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Women’s Running, Carolyn Mather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Running Psychology, Richard Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Learning from the Young Guns, Ryan Warrenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 He Said, She Said, Mary Marcia Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Running Through the Age Groups, Mary Margaret McEachern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 The Athlete’s Kitchen, Nancy Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Running Through the Bluegrass, Tracy Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Masters Running, Lena Hollmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Down the Road, Cedric Jaggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Race Results

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Grand Prix XXXVIII Schedule 45-49 September 4 September 20 November 22 December 12 January 9 January 31 March 5 March 13 May 30

Midnight Flight 10K Hokie Half Marathon Magic City Half Marathon Rocket City Marathon Mississippi Blues Half Marathon Winter Flight 8K Dasani Myrtle Beach Half Marathon Germantown Half Marathon Cotton Row 10K

Anderson, SC Blacksburg, VA Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL Jackson, MS Salisbury, NC Myrtle Beach, SC Germantown, TN Huntsville, AL

*Look for schedule updates & standings at www.running.net

Grand Prix rules Grand Prix points will only be awarded to runners residing in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, DC, at the time of the competition.Double Grand Prix points will be awarded at the Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL. In each half marathon, 25 bonus points will be awarded to each runner scoring in that race. Only the top 8 GP performances for any runner will be counted in the open and age group scoring of GP XXXVII.If a runner changes age groups, he or she may score in both age groups but points will stay in the age group for which the runner competes in at the time of the race. Following the Cotton Row Run on Memorial Day 2016, awards will be presented to the top 3 overall male and female finishers, top one male and female masters, grand masters, senior grand masters, and veterans and the top three finishers in each age category and those present will have photos taken for publication in Running Journal. Runners who win an award in the open, masters, grand masters, senior grand masters, or veterans are not eligible for age group awards. Runners must run at least two races to qualify for final awards.

Member of: Points will be awarded in each race as follows: -- Top 20 males and females overall. -- Top 8 male and female masters (40-49), grand masters (50-59) senior grand masters (60-69), and veterans (70-over) -- Top 8 males and females in age groups 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-over.

Grand Prix Scoring System Place Top 20 overall Top 8 scoring

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 100 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 100 85 70 55 40 30 20 10


Running Journal P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744 200 S. Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 638-4177 • FAX (423) 638-3328 E-mail: rj@running.net • www.running.net

Vol. 32, No. 8 President/Publisher Bruce Morrison E-mail: bruce.morrison@running.net Publisher Emeritus Julie Morrison, 1954-2002 Vice President/Advertising John Cash Editor and General Manager Mary Lou Day E-mail: marylou.day@running.net Advertising Rep / Calendar Editor Shirley Woodward E-mail: shirley.woodward@running.net Production Manager Rebecca Garay-León Circulation Manager E-mail: rj@running.net Administrative Assistant Becky Miller Contributing editors: Mary Marcia Brown, Nancy Clark, Rae Ann Darling Reed, JimDugger, Richard Ferguson, Lee Fidler, Bryan Graydon,Tracy Harris Green, Lena Hollmann, Scott Ludwig, Cedric Jaggers, Ellen Jaffe Jones, Ray Krolewicz, Carolyn Mather, Mary Margaret McEachern, Nicholas Norfolk, Pete Rea, Teri Saylor, Ryan Warrenburg. Correspondents: George Banker, Robert Carver, Sonja Friend-Uhl, Chuck George, Karen Gordon, Winston Howell, Jesse Lindsey, Diane Lyons, Rick Melanson, Jerry Schohl, Claude Sinclair, Leonard Vergunst, Jim Young, Jerry Yunker. Record keepers: Alabama/Mississippi/Tennessee/Kentucky - Buck Jones, 2920 Eastern Shore Dr., Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763. Arkansas - Randy Taylor, 102 Weston Place, Little Rock, AR 72211. Georgia - Joyce Hodges-Hite, PO Box 717, Millen, GA 30442.Maryland - Tim O’Keefe, 7214 Limestone Lane, Middletown, MD 21769. North Carolina Neville Wood, 5309 Chamisal Pl., Raleigh, NC 27613. South Carolina - Bill Marable, 5 Windchime Ct., Simpsonville, SC 29681. Virginia - Robert Platt, 1300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Washington, DC - George Banker, 7507 Overlook Ct., Oxon Hill MD 20745. West Virginia - Carl Hatfield, 712 S. Chestnut St., Clarksburg, WV 26301. Chairman, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Gene Newman, 920 N. Night Heron Dr., Green Valley, AZ 85614. V.P./East, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Dr., Wilson, NC 27896. Regional course certifiers: John DeHaye, 824 Annalau Ave., Huntsville, AL 35802 (AL). Don Potter, 440 Lower Ridge Rd., Conway, AR 72032 (AR). Doug Loeffler, 1399 W. Royal Palm Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33486 (FL). Woody Cornwell, 1724 Brighton Way, Dalton, GA 30721 (GA). Matthew Studholme, 452 Brookhill Drive, Abingdon, VA 24210 (KY, MS, TN, WV). John Ferguson, 3026 Sesbania, Austin, TX 78748-1912 (LA). John Sissala, 120 Evans St., Rockville, MD 20850 (MD). Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Drive, Wilson, NC 27896 (NC). Brian N. Smith, 1827 Falling Creek Circle, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464- 7415 (SC). Robert Thurston, 13 Kennedy St. NE, Washington, DC 20011 (VA, DC). RRCA Southern Region Director: Ron Macksoud, Montgomery, AL. Email: SouthernDirector@RRCA.org. RRCA Eastern Region Director: Mark Grandonico, 62 Back Cove Est., Portland, ME 04101. E-mail: eastdir@rrca.org. State RRCA reps: AL - Ron Macksoud. AR - David Meroney. DC - Paul Thompson. FL - Don Nelson (S. FL), Bryan Graydon (N. FL). GA - Mariska Van Rooden. KY - Donna England. LA - Betsy Boudreaux. MD - Dwight Mikulis. MS - Bryan Lagg. NC - Peter Asciutto. SC - Tim Arthurs, TN Sherilyn Johnson. VA - Goody Tyler. WV - Tom Kramer. Contact information for State RRCA reps can be found at www.rrca.org/clubs. Contents of Running Journal are copyright 2014 by Carolina Runner Inc. No part of this publication, including artwork and advertising, may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Exception: Non-profit running, bi/tri, walking club publications expressly granted reasonable usage of news and racing calendar information if credit is given to Running Journal. Running Journal (ISSN 0892-5038) is published monthly at a subscription rate of $19.95 yearly by Carolina Runner Inc., 200 South Main St., Greeneville,TN 37743. Second-class postage paid at Greeneville, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville,TN 37744.


Running Journal • May, 2016

This Running Life Tom Green's Biggest Challenge Tom Green did not cross the finish line at the Umstead 100-Mile Endurance Run at Raleigh, NC, to great fanfare and loud cheers, but while he deserved it, he neither needed nor wanted it. The 50-mile ultramarathon distance he covered in 14 hours and 45 minutes was a triumph in itself, and it was the longest distance Green's two feet have taken him since a treetrimming accident nearly ended his running career and his life less than a year ago. For average fans of distance running, Green's return to the ultramarathon circuit may seem no less than miraculous, but his friends and fellow runners would rather attribute his comeback to the ingredients that make up Tom Green- a strong spirit, a stubborn streak a mile long and willpower made out of cast iron. The last thing Green remembers about April 20, 2015 is watching the Boston Marathon with his friend Alan Doss. He vaguely recalls pulling some branches down from a tree in his yard, but the rest of that day and the three weeks that followed are dark. “I woke up and my sister was there,” he said on the phone recently. “She told me I hit my head and I was in the hospital. I was incredulous.” Mention the name “Tom Green” to almost any ultramarathon runner or fan and you'll get a story about how he inspires beginners and encourages fellow veterans when they struggle. Tammy Massie is one of them. A prolific endurance runner who tackles marathons and ultramarathons almost every weekend, Massie had just completed her ninth Umstead 100-mile race and was gearing up to volunteer at the Bull Run Run 50-miler on April 9, another race Green was planning to tackle. “I met Tom about 10 years ago when I first started volunteering at the Bull Run Run,” she said. “He is such a gentleman and an inspiring runner. From all of the energy he has given us over the years - we are giving it back to him.” From cross country races to ultrarunning Green, 65, who started running cross country as a kid, is what sportswriters and pundits might describe as a durable runner. Speed has never been his strong suit, but he always has possessed enough endurance to take him to the finish line of almost any race. His 100-mile PR is 17 hours and 28 minutes at the Vermont100 in 1992. At age 47, he ran 132 miles in the 24-Hour National Championship. “I never knew an ultramarathon existed until I read about a 100-mile trail run in a magazine,” he said. “And when I read it, I was suckered in. There were photos of middle-aged men, some on the heavy side, and smiling like they were having the time of their lives.” So at 32 years old, he entered his first ultra - the Old Dominion 100 - and completed 60 miles. “I thought I was going to die,” he said. Green considered that first attempt a failure, but he refused to quit. The second time he tried, he completed all 100 miles. The following year he fell short again. Going one for

By Teri Saylor

three wasn't good enough for him, so he set his mind on completing every single ultramarathon that existed. It was 1986, and there were just four ultras: Vermont, Wasatch, Leadville and Western States. To run all four in the same year became like the holy grail of running and it was anointed the Grand Slam of Ultramarathons. Other runners tried and failed, but Green persevered, finishing all four races in a cumulative time of 96 hours, 26 minutes, and 28 seconds, claiming his spot in the history books as ultrarunning's first Grand Slam Champion, and sealing his status as a bona fide running legend. If you ask Green, this ultimate achievement is not worth fussing over. “It seemed like it would make a good adventure and a challenge at the time,” he said. “Back then, people looked at me like I was Superman, but that was the farthest thing from the truth. I was always just an average runner.” As Massie sees it, Green is a rock star among mere mortals. “He is super duper famous,” she said. “To me, seeing him at races is like seeing Jon Bon Jovi at a Target.” The accident Green may not remember much about the

Tom Green sets out on his Umstead 100 Endurance journey at 6 a.m. on April 1, using a baby jogger to help him stay balanced. He suffered a traumatic brain injury a year ago in a tree trimming accident and is mounting his comeback to ultrarunning. He went on to complete 50 miles - a distance PR for him since the accident.


accident that nearly killed him, but Alan Doss remembers every frightening moment. The two men, who have been friends for more than 30 years, are carpenters and although they live 400 miles apart -- Green in Maryland and Doss in West Virginia -- they often collaborate on projects. Doss and Green had taken a break after building a split rail fence around Green's property to watch the Boston Marathon. When the race ended, they went back outside to cut down a couple of limbs hanging over Green's garage. “The limbs jutted out from the tree trunk, parallel to the ground,” Doss explained. “We had decided on a plan for safety, and executed it perfectly.” The men cut the smallest limb first. When they tackled the second limb, it fell right where it was supposed to but as if it had a mind of its own, it hit the ground, kicked back up and struck Green behind his left ear, nicking his carotid artery, and causing a fracture of the temporal bone. “Tom fell like a sack of potatoes almost on top of me,” Doss said. “Blood was squirting out of his head wound, and I put my hand over it to make it stop squirting.” Green was airlifted to the University of Maryland Trauma center in Baltimore where he lay in a coma for two weeks. Green's wife, Kay, who is a radiology technician, credits Doss for his quick actions that may have saved her husband's life. “I felt bad for Alan, who witnessed the accident, but he did the right thing by holding Tom's head still, staunching the blood flow and yelling for someone to call 911,” she said while standing around the Umstead course waiting for Tom to pass by on his journey. In the hospital's intensive care unit, Green's condition was touch and go for days, and no one knew if he would ever be the same. He suffered a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, and blood clots which caused a stroke, all symptoms of traumatic brain injury that would keep him in a comatose state. When he finally opened his eyes, he still wasn't really there, Kay Green said.


Rain falls as Tom Green uses hiking poles to navigate a set of steps leading up to the timing tent and main aid station at the Umstead 100 Endurance Run at Raon April 1. Green, who was critically injured in a tree trimming accident last year, is mounting his comeback to ultrarunning. He went on to complete 50 miles - a distance PR for him since his accident


Running Journal • May, 2016

Distance Memories A Perspective on Perspective I realize it's difficult to for a runner to talk about running without dropping numbers. After all it's practically impossible to tell someone what you've accomplished in a pair of running shoes without them (still talking about numbers here - not runners because some run barefoot, wearing sandals, etc.). It wouldn't make much sense to tell your neighbor you “ran a race of considerable distance” because that's too vague. Rather, stating you ran 6.2 miles in less than 60 minutes and your pace was just less than nine-minutes per mile makes much more sense and is a lot easier for your neighbor to grasp. Plus, any neighbor who isn't tuned in to running is going to find your accomplishment impressive, mainly because you were able to do something they can't (and most likely because it's something they've never done and have no inclination to ever try) and have no earthly idea if your accomplishment is good, bad or indifferent. This is where I come in. But what if you had a neighbor who ran track or cross country in college and was at one time capable of a 32-minute 10K? While this neighbor may not find your time impressive, any runner (or former runner) worth his or her salt will congratulate you nonetheless. Because that's what runners do: They support one another, even if they have to bite their col-

By Scott Ludwig

lective tongue to do it. What do I mean by 'bite their collective tongue?' It's actually quite simple. If I've learned anything over the miles and the years I've been running it's this: No matter what you've accomplished in your running career, there's someone else who has done it longer, farther, faster and more often than you ever dreamed possible. Here are a few examples to illustrate my point. Feel free to use them later to put your thoughts and impressions about running back into perspective. After all, that's been my intent from the start: • Runner A tells a neighbor he drove his car to the garage to have some work done, ran the 17 miles back to his house and would run the 17 miles back to the garage when his truck was

www.running.net ready. Runner A's neighbor just so happens to be a friend of Ray Zahab, who ran 4,660 miles in 2006 across the Sahara Desert in 111 days (an average of 42 miles a day). • Runner B tells a neighbor she ran four marathons in the past 12 months. Runner B's neighbor just so happens to be a friend of Dean Karnazes, who ran 50 marathons in 50 consecutive days in 50 states in 2006. Runner B's neighbor also knows Larry Macon, finisher of 239 marathons. All in the same year (2013). • Runner C tells a neighbor he ran every single day for an entire six months. Runner C's neighbor just so happens to be a friend of Mark Covert, who recently ended a 45-year streak (that began in 1968) of running every day. Runner C's neighbor also knows Jon Sutherland, who assumed the longest active running streak in the country less than a year after Mark Covert ended his in 2013. • Runner D tells a neighbor she managed to complete a 100-mile run, the 'hardest thing she's ever done.' Runner D's neighbor just so happens to be a friend of Ed Ettinghausen, who ran 40 races of 100 miles or longer, all in the same year (2014). Runner D's neighbor also knows Mike Morton, who ran 100 miles at a pace quicker than eight-minutes per mile, not to mention covering just over 172 miles in a 24-hour event on another occasion. • Runner E tells a neighbor he qualified for the 100-mile Western States Endurance Run. Runner E's neighbor just so happens to be a friend of both Tim Twietmeyer (25 sub-24 hour finishes at Western States including five overall wins) and Ann Trason (14 wins at Western States). Obviously in all five of the examples I pre-

Running Fitness Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve or Running Shirt How many of you have so many running shirts that you no longer accept them anymore? “Give them to charity,” you say at the registration table. I've had to move several times in the past year, down-sizing more and more with each move. The shirts have been the first to go. Of the reasons I give away most of my shirts is because I wear only one shirt to all of the races I do anyway. Because I wrote a book that is still pretty popular, I put the book cover on the front and back of a tech running singlet. The book cover is very colorful and has a simple design with only the words of the title: “Eat Vegan on $4 Dollars a Day.” People used to come up and stare at the shirt and almost sarcastically go, "Oh really? How? No way! You can't run on a vegan diet,” they'll say as I'm standing there holding my age group award in my hand. The first time I wore the shirt I was surprised at how many people noticed and came up and wanted to talk about it. I realized it was a good opportunity to engage and get the conversation going. What has really changed is the number of people who either tap me on the shoulder dur-

By Ellen Jaffe Jones

ing the race or come up afterwards and say, “Me, too. I'm vegan, too.” That never used to happen. Now it happens with regularity. I finally believe that after running as a vegan for the better part of 35 years, people, and runners in particular, are seeing how people like me can run back to back 5K races as I did this weekend. One on Saturday, followed by another on Sunday. I placed in my age group both times. They became the 98th and the 99th time I've done that since 2006 "just" on plants. Of course I had to post this on Facebook. I had more than 100 likes and many comments. One asked, “How do you stay on a vegan diet?

Where do you get your protein?" That last question is the most common question vegans, especially athletes, get. I referred them to veganbodybuilding.com where you can see both men and women who are very bulked up. Most runners don't want to get like that, but at least the page shows that you can get plenty of protein to build all that muscle. All plants have some protein. Even a banana has 1 g of protein, and the US government has downsized its daily protein recommendations saying we as a country and culture got too much protein and are suffering too many preventable kidney problems as a result. Protein deficiency is rare in Western cultures. I always ask my audiences, “How many of you have been diagnosed or know somebody who was diagnosed with a protein deficiency?” The answer is usually zero. Then I ask, "How many of you know somebody who has been diagnosed with cancer, heart disease and/or diabetes?” Everybody raises their hand. That's where we should focus our stress. I often say that the reason so many younger people are vegan is because they grew up in a YouTube generation. There are so many videos that document the abuse on factory farms and

sented there exists an entire spectrum of performances between the numbers the runners 'dropped' and the accomplishments of the various friends and acquaintances of their respective neighbors. As I said before when you are talking about running you always need to keep things in perspective because there will always be someone who has done it longer, farther, faster and more often than you. Unless someone specifically asks you for your numbers…time, distance, pace-it doesn't matter…it's wise to keep them to yourself. Don't expose yourself to the risk of being 'one upped.' It's a game where no one wins. Just remember: When it comes to running the only one you have to impress -the only one you need to impress - is you. Scott Ludwig is president and founder of Darkside Running Club (.com). He lives in the Atlanta area and is the author of 11 books -- 7 about running - and is working on others. Scott's new book “Running to Extremes: The Legendary Athletes of Ultrarunning” is now available. The book features stories of Ray Zahab, Dean Karnazes, Larry Macon, Mark Covert, Ed Ettinghausen, Mike Morton, Tim Twietmeyer, Ann Trason and seven other amazing athletes of long distance running. You can find it on Amazon and most major booksellers. The book is inspired by, and dedicated to, the enduring memory and legacy of Ted Corbitt. Scott can be reached at darksiderunning@comcast.net. He also has a blog at ScottLudwigRunsandWrites.blogspot.com where his books are available - or at any major online bookstore. so-called "humane" farms (there are no humane farms). With the advent of tiny smart phones that can be taken into any building, slaughter houses now have glass walls. It is hard to stick your head in the sand and pretend that you don't see. With so many ways to get plant-based protein, and all the other great vitamins, minerals and nutrients, it is pretty easy these days to get everything you need. What it often boils down to for many people, is that they will not ask or pay someone else to do what they themselves are not prepared to do. So when I wear the vegan shirt, people look at the consistency of my running and placing in my age group and want to know more. They tell me they see my energy and they want what I've got. Research has connected inflammation with the consumption of animal protein which causes inflammation in the joints -- otherwise known as arthritis. I see an increasing number of women in my age group getting arthritis and dropping out. So far, for me, so good. I will keep running on plants, wearing my heart and my message on my sleeves and running shirts until I run out of money to pay registration fees. Ellen Jaffe Jones is the author of three vegan cookbooks. She is a certified personal trainer and running coach and a popular national speaker. She was PETA'S '14 Sexiest Vegan Over 50. She can be reached at www.vegcoach.com


Running Journal • May, 2016


Inspired Daily

Women’s Running

Having Ultra Thoughts Once Again

Thrilling Finish at 39th Gate River Run

It's fun to look back at past articles and blog entries I have written to reminisce and see how far I've come. This month my first ultra has been on my mind. I ran 57 miles back on June 2, 2012. Truth is, I never thought I would ever do one yet somehow I found the perfect ultra for me. It was the Tornado Alley 57 Miler. It was designed as a relay, similar to Ragnar and Keys 100 type events. However, I decided to run the whole thing myself with my incredible husband as my crew. I felt a calling to do it because the course followed the path of the tornado that ripped through western Massachusetts on June 1, 2011 and it benefitted all the towns affected by the tornado, including my hometown of Monson, which was hit the hardest. Training and fundraising for it became so important, not like any race I had ever run before. My hometown was devastated from this tornado. My family was caught in it. This was personal. When I trained, I wore my blue and white Monson Tornado Relief rubber bracelet so I would always have that reminder when the back-to-back long runs in the Florida heat and humidity took their toll. I would always press on and finish because it wasn't just for me this time. I survived a little over three months of ultra training in the late spring/early summer in southwest Florida. I felt prepared, well as prepared as I could be jumping into the unknown. Speaking of unknown, I did not know how I would handle an entire day of running alone. The relay teams would pass by me and once in a while I would pass a slower relay runner but other than the relay exchange zones, which were where I met my husband for refueling and changing gear, I was alone.

Given the challenges that elite athlete coordinator Richard Fannin faced this year, he nevertheless delivered, as the USATF National 15K Championship at the 39th Gate River Run was the closest and most exciting finish ever. Fannin faced the daunting task of recruiting his usual stellar field, competing with the Olympic Marathon Trials, national indoor championships, and other large races all held within four weeks of each other in this busy Olympic year. Fannin never disappoints and he did not this year as he brought in a whole new class of racers with most of the 60-plus elites in their 20s. As I checked runners in on Friday and Saturday I was amazed at their spirit and their appreciation of being invited to such a stellar championship. They were excited and polite and raring to go. It is really refreshing to see the next generation of runners making their debuts. The equalizer went off with about 30 women starting six minutes ahead of the men. Hitting the mile in 5:12 on a warm and muggy morning the pack quickly was down to five ladies with Lindsey Scherf taking the lead with Tara Welling, Alisha Williams, Katie Matthews and Hilary Montgomery in tow as they passed two miles in 10:34.At the first water stop before three miles neither Scherf nor Welling took any water and they quickly separated themselves from the rest. They passed three miles in 16:07 and hit 5K at 16:43. Mile four passed in 21:35 then Welling began an increased cadence and quickly had an eight second lead which had grown by 15 seconds by mile 5 (27.:00). Scherf was caught and began working with Matthews and Montgomery in the chase pack. Welling looked back as she hit mile six in 32:22 and she could see no one. 10K was 33:39 and Welling looked quite relaxed and did not seem to be laboring in the heat skipping most of the water stations. As she passed seven in 38:00 and 12K at 40:31 she was looking around and taking in the sights. She looked to be a girl just out having a nice spring run. We heard the men were closing but had yet to catch sight of any lead vehicles. Topping the green monster Hart Bridge and mile eight in 43:36, Welling had the female victory secured. As she came down the bridge we could see three men battling each other for the dominant position. Welling was all alone and being gained on quickly. As she made the turn with 200 meters to go she had no idea how far the finish line was so she kicked. The men were doing the same as the crowd roared. Welling held off the three chasers by two seconds which was the closest margin separating the men's and women's winners since the introduction of the equalizer in 2004. It was a grand day for memorable debuts as this was Welling's first Gate, and also Stanley Kebenei's first Gate, and first road race of any kind. Kebenei finished the last mile in a sizzling 4:08 followed closely by Shadrack Kipchirchir, 2014 NCAA runnerup in the 10K, and national 25K record holder Christo Landry. Welling was thrilled to win a national title and having met the first woman at the finish for

Elated after 57 miles.

By Rae Ann Darling Reed

I am a little biased because I grew up there, but western Massachusetts is really beautiful - rural and scenic. Emotions were definitely running high seeing the destruction from the tornado but also the regrowth and rebuilding in my hometown and in all the towns along the 57 mile route. At one point I was running down a hilly road that zig zagged back and forth and I could see the fog and sun rising over the greenest field and trees and I was overwhelmed with emotion. I felt my grandfather “Bepa” was with me. He passed away on my birthday in 2009. It wasn't like I was specifically thinking about him in that moment, but I felt his presence so strongly. He loved to run in his youth and he was always so supportive of my running. I have never felt anything like that in my life. I finished 57 miles in 10:49.24 which was actually 9:35:44 of running with that extra hour plus spent refueling and mostly changing clothes, shoes, and socks multiple times. I forget how many “costume” changes I had that day but it was quite a few. It was about 50 degrees and rained the entire day. Anyone who has been to New England knows how cold and raw that can feel. I ran much of the day in a lightweight clear poncho. When I crossed the finish line, I was the last finisher; a first for me. Many of the relay teams waited around for me to finish and I received a wonderful greeting. The race director even came over to hug me! I was the only person who ran all 57 miles. I had done something I wasn't sure I could even do. My longest training run was 31 miles so once I reached that mile marker I told my husband “We'll see what happens from here!” I was in totally uncharted territory until crossing that finish line. The exhaustion, joy, and so many other emotions I felt were overwhelming. They are still difficult to describe, but I can still feel them so strongly when I think about it. That's powerful. My grandfather's birthday is today which has had him on my mind this week. When I think of him, I also think of my first ultra. Perhaps that's why I have been having ultra thoughts lately and even signed up for my first road 50K. Rae Ann Darling Reed runs, coaches, and writes in Florida. She is part of the Brooks Inspire Daily program. Follow the RunnerGirl on twitter @runnergirl or facebook.com/runnergir

By Carolyn Mather, RN, PhD.

many years I must say she was hardly tired. She was full of energy and sparkly, talking with the press and getting herself ready for her television interview. She was hardly sweating and looked very fresh for the camera. The heat and humidity did not challenge Welling on this March morning. The men's winner on the other hand said "running in the humidity was tough." Both winners are 26 years old and took home unexpected national titles. It is a day of new beginnings as Welling was well clear of the women with a 50:34 winning time while Kebenei ran 44:37 three seconds ahead of Kipchirchir and five seconds ahead of Landry. Back in the women's race, Stephanie Bruce back from having two baby boys (ages two and six months), ran a brilliant race coming from way back and finishing a solid second in front of Scherf and Matthews. Bruce also ran the fastest last mile with a 4:56 to Welling's 4:58. Welling, who hails from Portland, OR, had her proud parents at the finish. They were thrilled and posed for lots of pictures with the champ. Kebenei, originally from Kenya, but a US citizen for over a year currently trains in Tuscon, AZ, since being a top ranked steeple chase runner at the University of Arkansas. 16,270 runners participated in the 15K. The entire morning was filled with events from tot trots to a 5K, and despite the warm weather all had a good time. "It was hot. It was fun and I think people really enjoyed themselves" race director Doug Alred said. "That's a good thing." Many spectators lined the course and the finish area and enjoyed the thrilling race. And once again, hats off to the amazing Richard Fannin and his crew for assembling a new field of superstars who wowed the crowds and gave him every reason to be extremely proud. No one does it like Richard, as most any professional runners will tell you. He is the best, as is the Gate River Run 15K. Next year will be the 40th, so put it on your to get done list! Carolyn Mather,R.N.,PhD. lives and runs in north Georgia and is a member of the Atlanta Track Club Elite. She can be reached at carolynmather@tds.net.


Running Journal • May, 2016

Running Psychology A Running Life Beyond Fear and Regret How many times have you said to yourself, “I wish I had …” or “I should have…?” You have probably said these types of things to yourself a thousand times, about running and about other aspects of life as well. We all have regrets in our lives whether they are career, education, family or health oriented. Maybe it was due to fear of the unknown or lack of confidence at the time, but I'm sure most of us have some regrets as far as our running goes. “I wish I had done more strengthening exercises to prevent this injury;” “I should have done more long runs before that marathon;” “I should have never gone out that fast;” “I wish I had tried to qualify for the Boston Marathon just once;” or “I wish I would have started running earlier in life” are some common examples of regrets by runners. Often we try and just put the regrets behind us, forget about them and move on, yet that strategy may not be best for our emotional health. While regrets are a form of what-might-have-beens, some can stay with us for years and weigh us

By Richard Ferguson, Ph.D.

down emotionally, especially if we have no opportunity to ever repair the regret. However, many regrets can actually have an ultimate positive influence on our lives. Many people just wallow around in selfblame over fears and regrets, which in turn make them miserable. While there are some regrets, like not having spent enough time with your parents or making a bad investment, that may never be repaired, most running regrets give us the opportunity to do something about them if we don't let fear stand in our way. Regret can be a tremendous motivator if

www.running.net we allow it to be. But regret can also be something that stifles our motivation. If we can take regrets and learn from them they can actually be a very positive aspect of life. Many running regrets are very useful! They can motivate us to do things differently the next time. S o you have never run in the Boston Marathon? Well look up the qualifying standard for your age, find a fast marathon to qualify in, get on a sound training program and go for it. Like the Nike ad says, “Just Do It!” Don't let fear get in your way. Sure, you might not qualify, but then again you might just qualify! If you don't make it on the first try, keep after it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Having regrets over not doing something that is in the very real realm of possibility is a waste of precious emotional energy. Think about what you can do in the future that you didn't do in the past! The world is full of all kinds of running possibilities and adventures. As far as I know our time on earth is limited, so instead of just thinking about something you would enjoy doing in your running, go out and actually do it. You owe it to yourself, at least, to explore your options. Running is a sport to be experienced, so go out and experience as much of it as possible. Try that ultra you've been thinking about. Go out and enter a track meet. Take a vacation to the Rockies or European Alps and run a mountain race.

Don't wish your life away! Make your wishes reality! Really, what's stopping you from chasing your running dreams? You may even want to try a new training method or get that coach you've always talked about. Just because you didn't do it your twenties, doesn't mean you can't do it now. So you're tight and have never worked on your flexibility and mobility. Start! Mobility is important for any runner at any age and can improve everyday functioning as well. Go ahead, buy those racing flats you've always wanted. If possible try the things you've always wanted to try, but that little voice of fear has always told you not to. You really do have some control over regrets. When you're young enough you can actually go out and make good on past regrets. On the other hand, if you are older, there may be some things that you can't take action on, like trying to run a particular time or finish a certain place in a race. Even so, don't place a lot of selfblame on yourself. If you think back to earlier times you probably did many things that you're happy about and wouldn't trade for the world. Yes, you didn't run that 100-mile race, but you did get to run that marathon you had always wanted to run. So give yourself a break when there is really nothing you can do about a past regret. Always try and learn from the past CONTINUED ON PAGE 12


Running Journal • May, 2016

Learning from the Young Guns Improving Your Finishing Kick There are few things more romantic in distance running than flying down the final straightaway, people cheering from the side of the road, while blowing past competitors on the way to the finish line. We all love the feeling of finishing a race strong. Even if you aren't the type that relishes in making your competitors eat your dust over those final 100 yards it still feels good to have a strong finish at the end of a race. If you watch the Olympic Track and Field Trials this July on TV or the Olympic Games in August you'll notice that nearly every distance event on the track will come down to that final sprint over the last 1-2 minutes of the race. Many people assume it's necessary to be a fast sprinter to be able to sprint fast at the end of a race. While that can help, there are far more important tools to hone both mentally and physically in order to dust the competition at the end of races. Mo Farah has dominated world 5K and 10K running for the past 5 years and will be the odds on favorite to repeat his double Olympic gold performance from London four years ago. Farah has been so dominate in large part because he has the most lethal kick on the planet. Many are quick to attribute his finishing speed to his ability to sprint fast, but his strong finish has as much to do with Farah's strength than his foot speed. Farah is very fast to be sure, but he's also able to run very close to his maximum speed at the end of races, and that has everything to do with his strength. Farah's primary training partner, American Galen Rupp, is noted to be a faster sprinter than Farah, but Rupp has never beaten Farah in a finishing sprint because Farah's strength enables him to run much closer to his top speed at the end of races. The basis for training distance runners is exactly that, running distance. If you're serious about improving your finish you should start by trying to increase your aerobic strength. Most people would be served best by simply running a bit more to develop their aerobic engine and improve their efficiency. It sounds simple, but it's the most over looked, and underrated, way to improve your strength late in races. Beyond the mileage you want to focus your harder running primarily on tempo work, particularly progressive runs. Progressive runs teach you to run fastest at the end of your run or your races. For many people going out too hard in races is the biggest culprit for sapping

By Ryan Warrenburg, ZAP Fitness

their finishing speed. Learning to start a little slower will enable you to finish faster and improve your race times, and a progression run is a perfect way to practice that strategy. It's not to say you should stay away from all things fast, tempo based work is too often neglected, and that will leave you weary-legged in the later stages of races rather than charging strong to the finish. As you look to increase your training volume you also want to increase the length of your long run. Even if you're more of a 5K runner, longer runs up to 2 hours will yield big benefits when it comes to finishing strong at the end of races. Adding pickups late in your long run will add to the benefits. The idea for the pickups is to pickup the pace for 1 to several minutes at a time toward the end of the long run, targeting somewhere between 10K and half marathon effort on the pickups. In between each pickup you should resume your normal long run pace for about 5-6 minutes. The pickups recruit fast twitch muscles late in the run when your slow twitch fibers are fatigued. This strengthens the fast twitch fibers and helps improve running economy and leg speed. In addition to helping you improve your speed these pickups will train your body and your mind to pickup the pace when you're feeling tired late in a race -another great tool to have in your bag for the finish. While the physical preparation prepares the body for finishing strong, the mental component to a fast finishing kick is equally as important. In the final minutes of long distance races the battle between your mind and body is fierce. It's at this point where you're at your most vulnerable, where the smallest lapse in focus can lead to slowing down dramatically. Try picking a word or short phrase that you can repeat in your head to maintain your focus late in races. It can be something simple like “drive� or “push,� something

that keeps your mind from wandering. In the final few hundred yards a small lapse in focus is all it takes to ruin your finishing kick. It is also helpful to think about running through the finish line rather than just running to the finish line. We've all seen the person (or been the person) that makes the final turn and as soon as the finish is in sight immediately struggles. That is the difference between thinking, “just get to the line� and “stay strong, run through the line.� The latter will help you power right through to the finish while the former is an invitation to slow down and just survive. We've also seen the person (or yes, been the person) that contorts their body in every possible way to get to the finish. That kind of full body tension is counter productive and can lead to the aforementioned struggling to the finish line. You want to think about staying relaxed in your upper body, and driving your arms powerfully toward the finish. Think about being strong and powerful rather than simply wishing to be done and you'll be more strong and powerful. Train your body and your mind to be strong and powerful and you will find yourself flying by your competitors as the crowd cheers you to the finish.

Running E-mail Newsletter

ZAP Fitness-Reebok is a non-profit facility which supports post collegiate distance runners in Blowing Rock, NC. ZAP puts on adult running camps during the summer and is available for retreats all year. The facility has a state of the art weight room, Alter-G treadmill and a 24 bed lodge. Coaches at the facility include 2-time Olympic Trials Qualifier Zika Rea, 2007 USATF National XC Champion Ryan Warrenburg as well as head coach Pete Rea. For more information go to www.zapfitness.com or call 828-295-6198. You can reach Ryan at zapfitness@gmail.com.

ZAP Fitness Adult Running Vacations SUMMER 2016 CAMP DATES: June 23-26 Summer Kick-Off Mini Camp Guest Speaker: Carrie Tollefson July 10-15 Adult Running Vacation Guest Speaker: Bill Rodgers July 21-24 July Mini Camp Guest Speakers: Amy Rudolph-Carroll & Mark Carroll August 7-12 Marathon Week Guest Speaker: Dick Beardsley Sept. 8-11 Marathon Weekend Guest Speakers: Kim Jones and Jon Sinclair

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ZAP Fitness P.O. Box 192 Blowing Rock, North Carolina (zip) 28605 • 828-295-6198 @gmail.com


Running Journal • May, 2016

He Said, She Said What Does it Mean to Really Run Free? My attention was recently captured by a Facebook post that announced limited showings of Run Free, a documentary about the legendary ultramarathon runner Micah True, who was featured in the New York Times bestseller, “Born to Run.” Highlighting a love for the sport, refusal to conform, and respect for diverse cultures, the film touched my heart, tugged at its strings, and reenergized my faith in the human spirit. After the film, I felt completely inspired. During the film, I listened to True, his forged family of runners, and the woman he loved, to learn, “What does it mean to really run free?” He (Micah True) said… “We all used to be very good runners, all of us, all culture. Most of us have forgotten how,” True said in the Run Free documentary. Of course, even until the last minutes of his life, True had not forgotten how to run, and neither had the Tarahumara Middle American Indians of Copper Canyon Mexico whom he admired and respected. It was while running with the Tarahumara (Raramuri) people, during one of Leadville 100 ultramarathons in Colorado in the mid90s, that True decided to start spending his winters running the trails of Chihuahua Mexico's Copper Canyon. Perhaps better known as Caballo Blanco, the White Horse, True was attracted to the Raramuri for their detachment from dependence on things of the world and their connection with nature and the natural essence of running. “The Raramuri still live closer to their tradition, they live closer to the earth, they live closer to their genetic memory, and they run,” True said in the film. True wanted to encourage the Raramuri to retain their relationship with running. He wanted to help them help themselves, and he wanted to encourage others to remember the essence of running in the process. He therefore decided to form a 50-mile foot race in 2003 - the Copper Canyon Ultramarathon.

By Mary Marcia Brown

Everyone who finishes the race receives 500-lbs of corn. In addition to cash prizes, food and blankets are given to the Raramuri runners of the race and their families. The awards of food ensure nutritional sustenance of the Raramuri while promoting the continuation of the deep-rooted farming facet of their culture. True enjoyed running with the Raramuri, and he ran with them during the largest Copper Canyon Ultramarathon of March 12, 2012. Two weeks later, True's spirit soared, as he left this earth during a 12-mile run through the Gila Wilderness. While many would say that True died doing what he loved, his girlfriend, Maria Walton noted instead, that he “lived what he loved doing.” “I remember as a child, running around for play, and running free,” True said in the film. In many ways, he carried that playful, childlike joy throughout his life - sharing the joy of running with others, and etching a way through the sometimes thick wilderness so that we all have the inspired opportunity to again run free.


THIS RUNNING LIFE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Then he started responding to stimulation and following commands. “That's when we knew he would come back,” Kay said. “When he was able to lift his right leg, we cheered because we knew he would someday be able to run again.” But Green had to learn how to walk before he could run, and when he returned home after a month of physical therapy, he set out to do just that. Using a walker at first, he measured his distance, not in miles, but in mailboxes. “Tom walked to the first mailbox on our street,” Kay said. “Then he was able to make it to the second mailbox.” Within four weeks, and using his walker, Green could shuffle a mile, which took 40 minutes. “At this point, we just didn't know how much Tom could recover,” Doss said. But while Green kept improving, balance continued to be a problem. He knew if he ever wanted to have a chance to run ultras again, he'd have to find something to hang onto for balance, yet navigate easily. Jogging strollers are the rage for mom-anddad runners with new babies. Green reckoned he could run with one too. The comeback Green set his sights on the Crooked Road 24-hour run in Rocky Mountain, Virginia, a November run that would come only seven months after he almost died. His goal was to finish 50K, but after going 30 miles in 10 hours, he was exhausted. “So I took a nap,” he said. “And when I woke up, I felt guilty for stopping, so I got up and walked nine more miles.” Then on March 19, Green decided to try a free run without using the jogger at the Hat Run in Maryland. Along the way, he lost his balance, fell and hit his head again. With the Umstead 100 just two weeks away, on April 2, Green was determined to follow through despite his set-back. He was deter-

mined to get 50 miles. Set in the rolling hills of the 100-year old William B. Umstead State Park, the endurance run takes place on a picturesque, looping bridle trail, rocky and unforgiving on the feet, but easy for anything with wheels, like mountain bikes and baby joggers. For Green, the Umstead 100-mile endurance race was as much a lesson in strategy and willpower as it was in strength and endurance. To finish in the 30-hour time limit runners must maintain at least an 18 minute pace, and even though Green was planning on going 50 miles, it was important to him to maintain that minimum pace. Strong and steady, he never wavered and never even rested at the aid stations. After starting just before daybreak at 6 a.m., Green finished an hour after the sun went down at 8:45 p.m. A few friends and volunteers who were hanging around the finish line congratulated him with handshakes and hugs, but he did not linger. After a few minutes, with his wife at his side, he grasped two hiking poles and quietly hiked away into the darkness. While 2016 marks exactly 30 years since Tom Green made running history by becoming the first Ultra Running Grand Slam Champion, coming back strong after his traumatic brain injury may be his biggest feat of endurance yet. When most people think of a champion runner, they envision a chiseled athlete, out in front, breaking a finish line ribbon with arms raised in glory. But champions are made in many forms. At any given trail run, you may see a figure, not running, but striding quickly through the forest pushing an empty baby jogger or heaving a pair of hiking poles. He's focused, determined, and steady as he pushes toward a finish line in the distance. That is what a champion looks like. Teri Saylor lives, writes, and runs with friends in Raleigh, N.C. Contact her at terisaylor@hotmail.com or visit www.openwatercommunications.com

She (Maria Walton) said… “Running free among the sacred beauty of Mother Earth, has always touched my heart,” Micah True's girlfriend, Maria Walton shared.


Micah and Maria in February 2010, in Urique Canyons, Chihuahua, Mexico. (Maria Walton said this was always one of their favorite photos)

Tom Green crosses the finish line to complete 50 miles at the Umstead 100 Endurance Run on April 1. His 50-mile time was 14 hours and 45 minutes. Green suffered a traumatic brain injury a year ago in a tree trimming accident. Using a baby jogger and hiking poles to help him balance as he navigates the trails on his runs, Green is mounting his comeback to ultrarunning. This year also marks 30 years since he made history as the first runner to complete the epic Grand Slam of ultrarunning.


Running Journal • May, 2016

Running Through the Age Groups Nostalgia Letters Bring Wonderful Memories Some of you may know from my past articles that I lost my dad in 2004 when I was 34 and lost my mom in 2012 when I was 42. My parents' deaths were unexpected and my being an only child has rendered the past few years an emotional nightmare, made worse by the unimaginable mine fields we have had to navigate in handling the estate. One would think my being a former estate attorney would make this easier, but it's never the same when it's your own personal situation. Without going into boring detail, since my mother passed in 2012 we've had to close the family business, auction off its assets and then sell the real estate. The real estate was a twotiered process as we took a trade in one transaction and made an outright sale about a year later. We've completely renovated a house in the mountains, are in the process of selling some timber property in Bladen County close to where my mother was reared, and have been dealing with property here in Wilmington at the same time. There was a small house downtown which we had to fire-sell due to its condition (long story there), but the major piece is the house where I was reared, on the Intracoastal Waterway. We've been trying unsuccessfully to sell the place for over two years, and even lost two contracts on it (more long stories there), but finally, we engaged a realtor who clearly knew what he was doing and now we have a contract! As if this weren't enough, we closed our law practice so we could devote all our time to the estate and to caring for Rob's mother, who developed Alzheimer's right around the time my mother passed. She became belligerent and we were forced to place her in an Alzheimer's care unit last July. We are facing yet more moving and property issues with her house and stuff. We've suffered the loss of our dear cat,

By Mary Margaret McEachern

Buddy Fuzz, who passed suddenly last fall, and we've been dealing with multiple health problems of our own, including my afore-discussed foot problem. Once things settle out, we will be faced with another move to a slightly larger place that will accommodate our lifestyle. I honestly feel like all we have done for the past several years is move furniture and stuff! Thank God that at least for the most part, I've had my running! You might be asking by now, “What the heck is this article doing in Running Journal?” Well, you see, part of what we've been dealing with is the fact that my folks kept everything! As my husband so eloquently puts it, “They were the most organized hoarders in the history of mankind!” My home on the waterway had an unbelievable amount of stuff! While we auctioned most of the random things, there was plenty of really important stuff like family photos and memorabilia that we had to keep. We are finally going through all this, and to my utter delight, I am having an absolute ball reliving my best running years. Not only do we have pictures, but also some really neat memorabilia, including what I like to call my “Nostalgia Letters. Apparently, back then,

when even the “big” races had only 5,000 or so runners, race directors were able to take the time to write really nice letters to their runners, evenly lowly age-groupers like me! One of these letters came from the Cooper River Bridge Run, now one of the largest 10K races in the country, and is dated 25 January 1989. I was 18 then, and apparently I had won my age group in the race the previous year. They were comping my entry in 1989! There are also two letters from the director of the Richmond Marathon (at the time it was known as the “Richmond Newspapers Marathon”). I believe these letters were written around the time I placed 3rd Overall in the race with a 3:14 time. I was 22 and thought I was “destined for greatness”! Of course, that was before five lung collapses and a ruptured Achilles tendon, among a host of other frustrating injuries. Finally, there's a letter from Dame Flora MacDonald Gammon of the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. This is a lovely letter from one of the most elegant ladies I have ever known, congratulating me on winning two of the Games' races the previous year and taking home the trophy she had personally sponsored. She had received our check for a bank-busting $6 as entry into the 1989 races, but apparently the fee was only supposed to be $2. Remember those days? Wow! Just reading these letters and looking at some of the old running pictures has provided such a wonderful trip down memory lane and has really softened the blow of having to have my home place demolished so it would sell (yet another long story). It has also helped me get a little perspective back in my running, now that I have finally been able to get out there and slog through several very slow, but nice and pain-free, comeback “runs.” The last


several months have been a whirlwind, to say the least! For those of you who've been at this sport a while and who keep things, I urge you to take your own trip down memory lane. Dig out those dusty boxes and delight in the surprise of some long-forgotten photo, letter, race swag or award! It might just rekindle your love of running and remind you of why you started in the first place; it might help you regain some focus or perspective that may have gone missing. In the very least, it will bring a smile to your face! So, give it a whirl, then go take a run. I guarantee your day will be richer and brighter for having done it! 'Til next time, happy running! Mary Margaret can be reached at mmmceachern@bellsouth.net

HE SAID, SHE SAID CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 Walton is known by many in the Copper Canyons as “Mariposa”, meaning butterfly. Much like Caballo Blanco did, Mariposa finds beauty in the simplicity of life. In Run Free, Mariposa explained that, “No matter how tough things are in life, or how slow you are in your run, or whether you think you can take that other step, you'll find your strength in the simplicity and beauty of the butterfly.” From the first time Walton and True met in Colorado to run together, they shared life's simple joys by laughing, running, and enjoying moments turned to memories that will live forevermore. A shared passion for running and honoring the running traditions of their mutual Raramuri friends, likely linked their lives' paths. Continuing, sharing, and growing that tradition helped make their time together more meaningful. Today, Walton still taps into the Tarahumara principle of Korima as a life practice. “The Tarahumara principle of Korima, a heartfelt circle of sharing, guides my spirit with a sense of humility, compassion and grace. All cultures gain wisdom from one another,” Walton said. In the film, Walton explained that True's running was not about staying in shape or being a competitive athlete. Instead, she felt that it was his way of saying, “This is the way I pray. This is my meditation. This is the gift that I give back to God and Mother Earth by blessing her pathway with my feet.” In the Raramuri language, “Kuira Ba” means “we are one”. Caballo Blanco often stressed how much more alike we all are than different. “We are all messengers of hope.” “Film Director, Sterling Noren and I vowed to Micah and his family, that we would share this message with the world, and support his dreams,” Walton said. Now traveling across life's terrain with a tattoo of a white horse and butterfly on her calf, and peace in her heart, it looks like that is exactly what Maria Walton is doing. Mary Marcia is a runner and Race Director of the TICK TOCK ULTRA MARATHON & TEAM RELAY in both Florida and North Carolina. Reach her at marymarciabrown@yahoo.com or by visiting www.ticktockultra.vpweb.com or www.ncticktockultra.vpweb.com


Running Journal • May, 2016



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How much protein is enough? … What about vitamin supplements? … Should runners eat carbs before they exercise? Ask 10 runners and you will get 10 answers. But whom should you believe? To identify proven sports nutrition strategies, professionals from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and Dietitians of Canada (DC) evaluated the latest research, and then wrote the AND, ACSM & DC Position Stand on Nutrition & Athletic Performance (available for free at www.EatrightPro.org). Here are just a few highlights that might help you fuel your body for higher energy and better performance. • For competitive runners, a key training goal is to stimulate metabolic adaptations that will reduce or delay fatigue. Current research suggests that occasionally training when you are carbohydratedepleted can trigger biochemical adaptations that will ultimately enhance your performance. Just be sure to enter the competitive event after having eaten adequate carbs on the days beforehand, so your muscles will be optimally fueled. On most days, if you are training for 1 to 3 hours a day, you want to consume 2.5 to 4.5 (or more) grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight per day (5-10+ g/kg). If you weigh 150 pounds, that comes to 1,500 to 2,700 calories of grains, fruits and veggies! • When exercise is so intense that you have difficulty consuming even water or sports drink during the workout, just swishing and then spitting a sports drink might help you feel better and perform stronger. The brain detects the presence of sugar in the mouth, and this might help you run harder. • While many sports supplements are worthless, ones that have strong research to back their performance-enhancing claims include sports drinks and gels, caffeine, creatine, sodium bicarbonate, betaalanine and nitrate. For in-depth information, refer to the Australian Institute of Sport’s classification system that ranks sports foods and supplement ingredients based on the strength of scientific evidence: www.ausport.gov/au/ais/nutrition/supplements And please take note: No amount of any supplement will compensate for a poor sports diet. Commercial products

By Nancy Clark, M.S., R.D.

work best when added to a well-chosen eating plan. • Vitamin and mineral supplements will not improve your performance unless they reverse a nutritional deficiency. That is, if you have iron-deficiency anemia related to low dietary iron (i.e., eating no red meat) or high iron losses (heavy sweating, menstruation, donating blood), you will need an iron supplement to replenish your depleted iron stores. Reversing iron-deficiency anemia can take as long as 3 to 6 months. Hence, you want to prevent anemia from happening in the first place by eating iron-rich foods (such as dark meat chicken, fortified cereals). Taking iron supplements “just in case” is not advised and might contribute to medical issues. • Antioxidant vitamins (such as C, E) have not been shown to enhance athletic performance. There is some evidence that high doses of antioxidants supplements might actually hinder training adaptations. The safest and most effective strategy to boost antioxidants is to regularly enjoy colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. Enjoy oranges, berries, broccoli, spinach, almonds, avocado, etc. Real foods are more effective than pills (and tastier) • Advertising, in combination with a runner’s desire to perform better, can boost the appeal of sports supplements. Yet, the rapidly growing sport supplement industry is poorly regulated in terms of the claims they make and their manufacturing practices. Products are commonly tainted with unsafe and/or banned substances. Hence, many of the 40% to 90% of athletes who take supplements fall victim to fraud. Are you one of them…? • If you plan to use commercial sports foods and supplements, you’d be wise to first meet with a sports dietitian to get a professional assessment of your baseline diet and to determine if you would actually benefit from (as opposed to waste

money on) these products. Maybe you are already consuming plenty of protein and have no need to buy that expensive whey protein, after all? The best sports nutrition plans are personalized because each athlete is unique. To find your local sports RD, use the referral network at www.SCANdpg.org. • Some runners do not drink any fluids before they exercise in hopes of avoiding undesired pit stops during the workout. Yet, exercising under-hydrated can hurt performance. The solution is to drink 2.5 to 4.5 ml per pound of body weight (5-10 ml/kg; about 13 to 24 ounces for a 150-lb runner) in the two to four hours before you exercise. This allows more than enough time for you to flush the excess fluid down the toilet. You can then drink as desired right before you start your workout. • As a part of their daily eating, most runners consume adequate protein, but they may not eat it at the right time. You want to evenly distribute your protein intake throughout the day. That means consuming some protein at least every 3 to 5 hours, so that your muscles have the tools they need to grow and repair. That is, instead of eating 16-ounces of salmon at dinner, divide the salmon into four 4-oz portions—or more realistically, enjoy 2 to 3 eggs for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, Greek yogurt + nuts for an afternoon snack, and then a smaller serving of salmon with dinner. The target is about 15 to 25 grams protein per meal and snack for most runners. (More precisely, 0.1 to 0.14 grams of protein per pound of body weight per meal (0.25 - 0.3 g/kg). Eating more than 40 grams of protein at one time has not been shown to offer any additional musclebuilding or performance benefits. Enough is enough! Sports nutritionist Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD has a private practice in the Boston-area (Newton; 617-795-1875), where she helps both fitness exercisers and competitive athletes create winning food plans. Her best-selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook, and food guides for marathoners and new runners, as well as teaching materials, are available at www.nancyclarkrd.com. For online and live workshops, visit www.NutritionSportsExerciseCEUs.com


Running Journal • May, 2016


Running Through the Bluegrass

I started having significant pain in my calf. I tried to foam roll it but it felt bruised. Wednesday morning's run was bad, but I chalked that up to doing a workout and then another run 12 hours later. But Thursday it was still bad. Very point-specific pain and not the same type of pain I've had when my calves/Achilles are just tight (aka, high heel problems). Early Friday - the day before the 10 miler - I 10k. I knew I didn't want to go out too fast because was texting my physical therapist to get an there's a big hill that starts right after the 1- appointment. Diagnosed with a slight strain mile marker. I found a groove and clicked and maybe a tiny tear. I had dry needling for through the first mile right on pace. Mile 2 the first time and absolutely loved it - I would By features the big hill - 95 feet of climb over highly recommend it. (Watch for a column about 3-tenths of a mile, about 6% grade aver- coming soon on the topic!) We did some soft Tracy Green tissue work (Graston-type) and applied kinesio age. It hurts. My major concern/goal for the race was to tape. I went from there straight to packet picknot lose too much speed on this hill but to not up in hopes I'd be able to run. But coach pulled the plug. And that's what I go up so fast that I bombed after. I was strong through halfway and started catching people. pay him for. He reminded me that my With just under a mile to go, I catch another marathon was three weeks away and the risk ly focused and continuing to push. I went girl who beat me in the 5k, halfway hoping I wasn't worth it. “Best case scenario is that you through mile 2 right around 6 minute pace, can help tow her in but also sort of not want- go sub-65. Worst case is you DNF and your too. I was still under goal pace and feeling ing her to because she's the much better 5k season is over." With Friday off and very short Saturday, I was runner and I didn't want to get out-kicked! good - loose and in control. My official finish time was 39:15 for 14th feeling much better by Monday. I nailed my I finished in 18:36, a 25-second personal best and good for 9th female overall. (Note: last place. Heck of a field but a new PR by about workout Tuesday and felt fine for my last 20 year I was 10th in 19:01 - it was a very solid 13 seconds. Not the big jump like in the 5k, miler. Looking forward to sharing the results but my 10k was also my strongest PR accord- of the Carmel Marathon. field this year and very fast!) The race was executed exactly how I wanted ing to the Purdy Points system. So I had less and yielded better results than I could've imag- room to grow, as it were, in the 10k. Tracy Green is a runner and writer living in Then: the race that wasn't. ined. I was just hoping for anything under 19 The week following, I hit 68 miles including Louisville, KY, where she lives with her husI wasn't going to be picky about it! Even coach was a little surprised. He said he would've a speed day and a 22 miler. Then I had anoth- band, Chris. She is a Hammer Nutrition guessed 18:50 but would've said 18:40 wasn't er speed day - 3 miles at half-marathon pace - sponsored athlete and certified Pilates the week of the Papa John's 10 miler. It was a instructor. Find her at @TGRunFit on Twitter out of the question. Surprise! I followed that week with a big mileage week, fine workout, windy and hilly, not particularly and Instagram, Facebook.com/TGRunFit, or then we cut down a bit for the Rodes City Run noteworthy. But a few hours after I got home, TGRunFit.com.

Racing is Tough, so is the Triple Crown Racing, truly racing, comes at a cost. It's both physically and mentally taxing. It takes courage, willpower, focus. Your legs work harder, your lungs work harder, your heart works harder. All systems operating at their highest level to carry you from start to finish as quickly as your body possibly can. Certainly, we've all had those races that we described as a “tempo” run - usually, that just means it's a race we weren't fit enough - mentally or physically - to commit to. I'm talking about the real racing. The foggy brain, hands on the knees, dry-heaving kind of racing. Each spring, the Louisville Triple Crown presents a particularly difficult challenge: suffer like that three times with just two weeks between each race. Do it over increasingly longer distances and over increasingly more difficult terrain. Oh, and do it during marathon training season, if you're bound for 26.2. It is hard. Hard enough that I've only completed the entire series twice. This year, I signed up for it again (even though I had hoped coach would tell me not to). The Triple Crown is a 5k, 10k and 10 miler. There's a weekend “off ” in between - unless you're in marathon training, in which case you're running long at least on those weekends if not the race weekends, too. At one point, the Anthem 5k was my least favorite of the Triple Crown series. You can run a 5k pretty much any weekend March to October around here, but not many other distances. But, as a seeded runner, I take that back. Now it's one of my favorites because it's the only race in the city where you'll have so many people going that fast who can help tow you along to a great time. The current course is super fast with minimal turns. The long straightaway back to the finish is a little discouraging since you can see the finish for so long, but that's also nice in a way. You can count the blocks down on your way back in, so there's no surprise where the finish is. My goal for this race was to a) run a well-executed race and b) break 19 minutes. Coach had given me some perceived effort cues to check in on myself at different points, but hadn't given me anything super-specific in regards to pacing. He agreed shooting for around 19 was on-track. So I wanted to not go out too fast, be relaxed until mile 2 and then hold the pace through the finish. I was targeting around 6:05 pace but focusing more on feel than time. I was also wearing my heart rate monitor but not checking it during the race. The race starts with a really wide straightaway, at least four lanes for several blocks, so plenty of space to get sorted out. I was trailing two friends, both former collegiate runners, and feeling comfortable. It's so easy to get sucked in to going out way too fast in races like this where there's so much talent at the front. This race also attracts a lot of youngsters, who inevitably fly through the first half mile then start to fall apart. I went through the first mile in about 6 minutes flat, a little fast but not bad. My second mile is usually the weakest so I've been trying to improve there - staying mental-

Team Health Shoppe Wins Palmetto70 Relay By Dave Alderman The Team Health Shoppe- Zen Evo team was in a jubilant mood at the conclusion of the fifth annual Palmetto 70 Relay, held on March 18-19 in Columbia, SC. Team Health Shoppe won the overall title and came close to setting a new course record. The team averaged a 6:50 pace on their way to a finishing time of 7 hours, 46 minutes, 19 seconds. Run in conjunction with the Palmetto 200 Relay, the 70 mile race begins in the Frances Marion Forest near Moncks Corner and finishes at Patriot's Point in Charleston, SC. The Knoxville based team led off with Tim Gregory followed by Bobby Haines and Jeff Colfer Sr. with Jeff Colfer Jr. and myself completing the rotation. Starting times were staggered with Team Health Shoppe in the third and final wave which began at 5:20 a.m., exactly 40 minutes after the first group of teams had departed. Gregory jumped to the front immediately and gradually extended the distance between himself and the chasing pack as he made his way along a darkened two lane road. He covered the 8.1 mile leg in 51 minutes, 24 seconds (6:20 pace). The second leg saw Bobby Haines clock a 6:27 pace for 6.6 miles and overtake most of the remaining teams from the earlier waves. He handed off to Jeff Colfer Sr. who by the end of the third segment had completed the task of putting Team Health Shoppe into the overall lead. The team maintained their commanding lead throughout the remainder of the race with Jeff Colfer Jr. tackling the last segment, which included the imposing Cooper River Bridge. Running his third segment of the day, Colfer Jr. made his way over the bridge and into Patriot's Point where his teammates joined

him in crossing the finish line. “I did my first leg of 7.51 miles at a pace of 6:35 and my second leg of 2.96 miles at a 6:20 pace”, said Colfer Jr. “My watch died in the middle of my last leg, which was 7.8 miles, but I would assume my average was about 7:15 or so”. “The race was very well organized, and the course was excellently marked. Even though I was exhausted and digging deep into the well on the last leg, going over the Cooper River Bridge was a wonderful way to bring the race to a conclusion. I was elated to see so many teams out on the course who were all so excited to be a part of something like this. The camaraderie and overall experience of these relay races are awesome.” Complete results for the Palmetto 70 and Palmetto 200 team relays are posted at www.palmetto200.com

Left to Right: Tim Gregory, Jeff Colfer Jr., Jeff Colfer Sr., Bobby Haines, and Dave Alderman


Running Journal • May, 2016

Masters Running

www.running.net can help with this too by the way, under 'Find a Club' on the website.) If there are no clubs where you live, look for community based groups, for example at the YMCA or Parks and Recreation Departments. Then attend their events, as a runner if you can, otherwise as a volunteer. Either way you are bound to find a far the coldest run I have done this season. community of friendly and supportive As I mentioned above, when we weren't individuals. Because this is what we runrunning we had several educational ses- ners are all about! sions to choose from. Plus there were inspirational luncheon speakers both Lena Hollmann is a certified personal Friday and Saturday. The Saturday speak- trainer with American Council on er was Gilbert Tuhabonye, born in Exercise (ACE), and also the RRCA Burundi and currently residing in Austin, North Florida State Rep. She lives and TX. He is co-founder of the Gazelle runs in Naples, FL, and can be reached Foundation, which supports clean water at lenahollmann@gmail.com. projects in Burundi. At the luncheon he told us about the unspeakable horrors he suffered in his homeland during the conflict and genocides that took place there in the 1990's. But still, he had a very positive RUNNING PSYCHOLOGY message and encouraged us all to 'run CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 with joy'. And this was a message that resonated with all of us. If we are able to run, and move to the future in running and we should be happy and joyful about it. I life in general. surely am! Many of us have been running for But it is also important to support those many, many years. I sometimes can't who are no longer able to run, or for believe that I've been running now for whom each run is a struggle. An educa44 years. Running has certainly tion session by ACSM Health and Fitness enriched my life and given me opportuSpecialist Gary Westlund, titled “Running nities that I would have never had if had Beyond Health Challenges and Chronic chosen another sport. Sometimes, like Diseases,” focused on this topic. He spoke we all do, I look back on all the years of about running and staying active when running and ask myself if I have any facing health challenges, and supporting regrets. Surprisingly, even with 44 friends and fellow runners who are going years on the road there are a few. There through hard times on the health front. As are still things I would like to do in runwe get older many of us have to live with ning, like running an ultra and running arthritis, joint replacements, diabetes, more races in foreign countries. I plan heart disease, or other challenges, includto do my utmost to do these things in ing a cancer diagnosis. Genetics plays a the future. Hey, I wouldn't want to have significant role in determining whether or any regrets. when we will face these challenging and Fears and regrets are certainly a nordebilitating conditions. But if we choose a mal part of life and we all have them, healthy lifestyle and have a positive attieven in running. Try not to allow your tude, we have a greater chance of living a regrets to weigh you down emotionally. long and happy life. Therefore it's imporThink of all the really great things tant that we take good care of ourselves, you've done with your running, but also eat a healthy diet, and look at things from think about all the wonderful things the positive side. But it is equally imporyou can still do. Use those past regrets tant to be there for friends who are going to motivate you to do new things in through hardships, and that we have a your running. Go out and experience support crew when hard times fall upon all that running has to offer. Hopefully, us. one day if someone asks you if you Yes, this is what life should be all about, have any regrets about your running and what humanity should be striving for you'll say, “None whatsoever!” Ah yes, - being friends and supporting each other. a running life well lived! It's a message that has always resonated with me, and it was reinforced during the Dallas Convention. For me there is no betRichard Ferguson is Chair of the ter place to find true friendships than in Physical Education, Wellness, and the running community. Not just at Sport Science Department of Averett RRCA Conventions, but in local running University and is an AASP Certified clubs that I have belonged to over the SportPsycology Consultant. He may years as well. be reached via So I encourage you to find a running e-mail at ferguson@averett.edu club, if you haven't already. (The RRCA

At the RRCA Dallas Convention, it's All about Friendship As of this writing, I recently returned from the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Convention in Dallas, TX. However when I left last year's RRCA Convention in Des Moines, IA, I thought it would be more than a year before I would see all the friends again that I met through my service in this organization. The RRCA is an association of community-based running clubs and events, the oldest and largest in the nation. We have one State Rep in each state (two in larger states, including Florida), who serves the running clubs in that state and acts as a liaison between the clubs and the RRCA. I will mention the RRCA throughout my column this month, and I encourage you to visit our website, www.rrca.org, for more details than I can provide here. As some of you might know, I was an RRCA board member for six years. A year ago I resigned, because of several personal commitments including my move from North Carolina to Florida. After I stepped down from the board I didn't have any official role in the organization, so therefore I wasn't sure when I would attend a convention again. But as things turned out, I had not only one, but two reasons to be back already this year! It was a very positive experience, so this month I want to write about what I learned, and also some reflections on life and the sport that surfaced in my mind as a result of attending. The annual conventions serve as an opportunity for State Reps throughout the country to get together, learn from each other, and exchange ideas. There are also formal education sessions, where we learn about the insurance that the RRCA provides for running clubs and events, as well as other topics that are relevant to clubs, events, and individual runners. Last but not the least, it is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and become friends! Early this year I volunteered to fill a vacancy for our North Florida State Rep position, while we are searching for a permanent replacement. And being the newly minted North Florida State Rep gave me one reason to board a plane bound for Dallas. But secondly, and maybe even more important, I received a National Running Award this year! Each year at the Convention, the RRCA acknowledges the service and dedication of volunteers in the running community, in several categories. I was the Browning Ross Spirit of the

By Lena Hollmann

RRCA Award recipient this year, an award given to an unsung hero who has demonstrated a lifetime commitment to supporting fellow runners and the sport of running. It is named after the RRCA's founding member Browning Ross, who died unexpectedly in 1998. I am very honored to have received this award, and want to continue my commitment and service to the sport that I love. And after attending the Dallas Convention where I rekindled some of my old friendships with other runners and also made several new friends, I am more motivated than ever to continue my ties and dedication to the running community. It struck me throughout the convention what a friendly and inclusive bunch we all are. Whether we are active runners, or otherwise involved in the sport (as race directors, volunteers, running store owners, etc.) we are all eager to support and encourage each other. So who attends these RRCA conventions? In addition to RRCA Board Members and State Reps, there are board members and general members from running clubs all over the country, plus race directors, presenters, vendors, and friends of the RRCA. All ages are represented. Some attendees are active runners, others not. At our training runs you will find runners of all paces, so you will always have someone to run with. Probably at least a hundred showed up for our morning runs in Dallas, lead by pacers from the Dallas Running Club. Regardless whether you could run 7:30 per mile or were a runner/walker at 13 minute pace or more, there was a pacer for you. And after each run, we were presented with a medal and a shirt. Coming from Florida, my biggest challenge was that I had “forgotten” how cold it can get in other parts of the country! On our second morning run the temperature in Dallas had dipped to 42 degrees, accompanied by a stiff wind. This was by


Running Journal • May, 2016

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net ALABAMA Winston Howell 5K Hartford, AL – 3/12

Male, Overall – Adam McPherson 18:55. Masters – Wade Helms 22:43. Grandmasters – Mark McCarra 22:18. Senior Grandmasters – Donald Bowling 26:33. Great Grandmasters – Winston Howell 33:10. 14-under – Caden Hutchings 26:24, J.P. Beasley 26:25. 15-19 – Josh Bedsole 25:27, Skyler Pensyl 26:23, Tyler Dunn 28:25. 20-24 –Forrest Ryals 22:14, Aaron Tindell 25:14, Elliot Weston 30:24. 25-29 – Henry Walter 21:27, Garrett Keller 21:35. 45-49 – Joel Beasley 23:55, Andy Hovey 27:22. 50-54 – Jimmy Russell 22:37, Paul Turner 25:55, Derek Milton 26:12. 55-59 – Michael Marchman 24:25, Butch Binford 29:12. 60-64 – Bob Myer 29:13, Frank Kreis 34:32, Chester Nolin 41:28. 70-74 – Larry Dykes 40:18. Female, Overall – Kimberly Floyd 25:08. Masters – Marian Clemmons 34:24. Grandmasters – Sandy Turner 28:50. Senior Grandmasters – Carol Kreis 35:13. 15-19 – Codi Clemons 30:01, Kinsey Adams 45:49, Trinity Lynn Boutwell 50:40. 25-29 – Christy Hutchings 30:08. 30-34 – Brooke Miller 30:07, Mindy Turner 32:40, Coleen Guilford 35:09. 45-49 – Sharon Smith 35:59. 50-54 – Susan Anderson 31:06. 55-59 – Lou Ellen Marchman 33:27, Sandra Binford 33:37, Joanne McAllister 39:22. 60-64 – Susan Hand 38:25. 65-69 – Ronna Dykes 46:09. – Winston Howell

ARKANSAS Love LK 5K Hot Springs, AR – 3/19 Male, Overall – Noah Eskew 16:59. 9-under – Ty Braziel 22:05, Chase Dew 24:32, Luke Wrublesky 24:57. 10-14 – Dylan Dew 22:51, Marshall Ellis 23:12, Brandon Dyberg 25:59. 15-19 – Jakob Halter 18:56, Caylib McGuire 20:15, Malik Neasely 21:14. 20-24 – Stefan Gonzalez 23:05, Nick Bell 23:22, RicardoAlmeida 23:39. 25-29 – Clay Lance 21:10, Raymond Hightower 31:29, David McCullough 36:33. 30-34 – Keith Christner 23:45, Derek Bollan 26:05, Michael Davis 31:51. 35-39 – James Carpenter 25:17, Brent Gigerich 28:50, Josh Terry 30:26. 40-44 – Rich Wuensch 22:02, James Helms 22:04, Philip Montgomery 22:05. 45-49 – Doug Westgate 22:04, Skip McAlister 26:38, Neal Nate 26:54. 50-54 – Billy Shelton 24:32, Patrick Daniel 25:56, Tom Baird 38:41. 55-59 – Steve Lance 25:21, Edwin Sheridan 28:24, Steve Trusty 31:14. 60-64 – Randy Wright 29:29. 65-69 – Richard Braley 31:03, Steven Scammell 33:06, Jim Moton 33:57. 70-79 – David Samuel 35:26. Female, Overall – Emily Milbourn 20:42. 9-under – Emma Braziel 41:05, Haggan Glass 45:26, Addie Blaire Bobo 47:08. 10-14 – Mary KateCrone 24:14, Kailyn Dyberg 29:26, Daelynn White 29:32. 1519 – Hannah Whorton 29:03, Abby Simmons 30:13, Hailey Wagner 32:38. 20-24 – Ashley Guinn 31:48, Audrey Landrith 33:16, Lauren Black 34:51. 25-29 – Mallory Dunseath 26:22, Samantha Bollan 27:35, Whitney Lewis 33:32. 30-34 – Brandy Risner 23:07, Erin Green 24:08, Carol Fletcher 26:22. 35-39 – Aerah Hardin 24:18, Adriana Decastro 29:31, Taylor Gigerich 33:12. 40-44 – Anna Andrzejewska 22:41, Nikki Reynolds 25:08, Patty James 28:32. 45-49 – Lisa Pence 28:32, Tanya Sawrie 28:43, Holly Morgan 29:09. 50-54 – Cyndi Jordan 27:11, Christy Culbreath 29:36, Jamie White 33:26. 55-59 – Valerie Brassell 30:13, Marilyn Trusty 31:03, Leigh Blanchard 37:34. 60-64 – Nan Wright 34:17, Bonnie Newman 35:34, Nancy Ross 49:40. 65-69 – Rachel Arrington 43:48, Marilyn Hurst 58:50, Jan Wright 1:00:20. 70-79 – Judy Walter 1:00:20. – David Samuel

Run Bentonville Half Marathon/5K Bentonville, AR – 4/2 Male, Half marathon: Overall –Derek Yorek 1:14:12, Matt Longworth 1:16:10, Matt Martin 1:16:38. Senior Masters – Matt Blaty 1:23:33, Joe Zeinner 1:28:18, Howard Moyes 1:29:29.

14-under – Collin Krapf 1:27:05, Josh Suedel 1:48:00, Calix Fattmann 1:55:29. 15-19 – Nathan Sellars 1:23:03, Trevor Willis 1:28:02, Demetrius Mulkey 1:29:09. 20-24 – Preston Goff 1:26:43, Quinn Simkins 1:27:07, Erik Rico 1:29:57. 25-29 – Nathan Friedman 1:22:56, Cameron Manders 1:34:31, Michael Means 1:34:34. 30-34 – Drew Conner 1:20:02, Adam Fortin 1:21:13, Craig Adams 1:23:01. 35-39 – Mike Rush 1:22:23, Christopher Risk 1:25:35, Eric Hunt 1:26:10. 40-44 – Dave Weston 1:21:24, Dave Kelley 1:23:38, Eric Fernstrom 1:23:45. 45-49 – Shawn Husband 1:25:24, James Reeves 1:29:05, Keith Barber 1:31:08. 50-54 – Boyd Marlar 1:33:15, Dell Wood 1:36:17, Greg Johnsn 1:38:51. 55-59 – Harrison French 1:35:39, Vincent Reynolds 1:39:35, Rolando Rodriguez 1:40:58. 60-64 – Henri Coeme 1:32:49, Dick Beardsley 1:42:29, Dennis Baxter 1:48:34. 65-69 – Floyd Norton 1:52:46, Faber White 1:58:43, Earnie Montgomery 1:59:20. 70over – Richard Towers 2:22:55, Gerald Staley 2:27:00, Doug Sayer 2:42:12. Female, Half marathon: Overall – Ali Rush 1:24:07, Carolyn Yang 1:27:05, Melissa Belk 1:27:09. Senior Masters – Jenni Pustinger 1:39:54, Donna Smith 1:47:40, Paula Storment 1:50:16. 14-under – Ashlynn McCarthy 1:48:57, Kaycee Factor 2:20:05, Kelli Brennard 2:24:49. 15-19 – Emily King 1:28:12, Brynn Elliott 1:44:34, Abbi Rogers 1:45:16. 20-24 – Lane Schulte 1:33:12, Lauren Pavlik 1:37:38, Zoe Rom 1:39:42. 25-29 – Abbey Bowden 1:30:37, Reilly Cline 1:33:04, Lindsay Roberson 1:35:47. 30-34 – Ashley O’Reilly 1:27:10, Abrena Rine 1:31:02, Beth Lunde 1:31:40. 35-39 – Amber Nye 1:32:44, Jenn Valentine 1:41:43, Jennifer Casey 1:43:03. 40-44 – Danielle Many 1:41:21, Kristen Hayes 1:44:34, Marta Robinson 1:45:18. 45-49 –Theresa Cook 1:44:09, Stephanie Martin 1:44:42, Donna Lewis 1:47:35. 50-54 –Karla Miller 1:52:50, Janet Cantwell 1:55:06, Amy Fulmer 1:56:10. 55-59 – Jamie Merriman 1:53:19, Susan Tucker 1:56:44, Lynn Schmidt 1:58:58. 60-64 – Terry Hawk 2:03:37, Barbara Huddleston 2:19:13, Judy Towers 2:31:14. 65-69 – Candy Kaler 2:31:17, Ann Sayer 2:48:48, Sandy Karnopp 2:51:54. 70-over – Dona Montgomery 2:28:33, Carol Feyen 3:09:49. Male, 5K: Overall – Enrique Perez 17:43, Frank Arellano 18:35, A.C. Macartney 18:51. Senior Masters – Chuck Fincher 22:51. 14-under – Ezra Romo 19:01, Christopher Heffernan 23:08, Nate Lehr 23:41. 15-19 – Matt Turner 19:36, Jackson Barclay 21:16, John Marrufo 21:22. 20-24 – Harry Holler 27:41, Chase Thetford 33:26, Jonathan Gautier 34:46. 25-29 – Walter Del-Castillo 25:17, Ruben Flores 26:02, Ryan Cloninger 27:21. 30-34 – Joseph Armstrong 21:56, Mario Duran 22:36, David Borgstrom 23:34. 35-39 – Tim Pierce 23:12, David Viloria 24:41, David Kenney 24:49. 40-44 – Shane Davis 22:50, Luis Lara 24:47, Brent Massey 25:33. 45-49 – Doug Allen 26:54.5, Daniel Cruz 26:54.8, Kevin Gardner 28:12. 50-54 –Gary Dew 25:10, Ken Brown 27:48, Doug Londagin 28:17. 55-59 –John Hill 24:06, Dennis Markey 25:58, Abel Fores 27:06. 60-64 – Manuel Barnes 23:50, Mike Rosell 32:11, Julie Allison 44:12. 65-69 –Jack Koelbl 39:41, Ron Kaier 42:58. 70-over – Jeff Honderich 29:34, Jesse Cox 29:46, Stephen Geigle 30:43. Female, 5K: Overall – Abigail Livingston 21:09, Sophia Small 22:12, Julie Raza 23:28. Senior Masters – Carol Gardner 28:07. 14-under – Abigail Armstrong 24:27, Alexandra Evans 29:05, Brin Rehobson 29:39. 15-19 – Katie Welch 34:03. 20-24 – Samantha Holt 25:04, Johana Orellana 26:44, Alexys Marrufo 27:35. 25-29 – Amy Houston 25:21, Soniaq Faciszewski 27:24, Adrienne Luk 28:02. 30-34 – Amberley Futterer 24:44, Molly Aldrich 25:12, Stacy Hicks 26:23. 35-39 – Jenny Pierce 25:06, Brandy Newhof 28:14, Katie Rowe 28:53. 40-44 – Karen Junko 26:31, Bridget Ullmer 28:37, Stephanie Lusk 29:15. 4549 –Kandi Jeffcoat 25:29, Theresha Childress 25:32, Charlene Standridge 27:34. 50-54 –Vicky Dougherty 31:11, Beth Court 32:58, Christine Morrison 34:55. 5559 – Carolyn Bryant 29:22, J. Riggs 32:12, Debbie Woods 33:10. 60-64 –Diane Wells 29:58, Chris Hardwicke 47:28, Jami Bernards 48:23. 65-69 –Nannette Chism 32:05, Mary Junko 37:30, Brenda Bell 43:57. 70-over – Bertha McGann 56:39.

FLORIDA Gate River Run 15K Jacksonville, FL – 3/12 Male, Overall – 1-Stanley Kebenei 44:37, 2Shadrack Kipchirchir 44:39, 3-Christopher Landry 44:41, 4-Craig Lutz 44:49, 5-Abbabiya Simbassa 44:59, 6-Martin Hehir 45:01, 7-Alex Monroe 45:11, 8-Reed Connor 45:13, 9-Tim Ritchie 45:20, 10-Eric Finan 46:07. Masters – Paul Thompson 50:45, Alan Black 52:32, Marc Burget 52:47. 14-under – Cole Rutkowski 1:04:32, Matthew Stratton 1:05:22, Dylan Nelson 1:08:46. 15-19 – Connor Vaughan 51:47, Ethan Bluhm 56:09, Kyle Hinson 56:51. 20-24 – Louis Serafini 47:09, Cory Keehn 47:14, Andrew McLain 47:32. 25-29 – Matt Daniels 46:14, Cameron Marantz 46:20, Andy Wacher 46:24. 30-34 – Christopher Sloane 49:07, Cheyne Inman 49:53, Mike Hensley 51:52. 35-39 – Chris Mutai 51:09, Nick Samuels 51:38, Yaro Middaugh 56:41. 40-44 – Brian Shrout 59:03, Jason Arnold 59:36, Neil Chandler 59:38. 45-49 – Brad Smith 54:05, Larry Smart 55:04, Steve Chin 55:45. 50-54 – Gary Gates 56:36, John Metzgar 57:25, Jim Fullarton 58:44. 55-59 – Ed Bickley 1:02:05, David Farraday 1:04:35, Paul Holyko 1:04:41. 60-64 – Bill Phillips 1:02:18, John Austin 1:06:54, Chuck Weber 1:08:06. 65-69 – Page Ramezani 1:02:00, Herbet Weber 1:03:33, Albert Wieringa 1:07:33. 70-74 – Robert Hendrick 1:07:47, Paul Carlin 1:08:30, Jerry Bergman 1:20:02. 75-79 – Jim Cave 1:34:47, Joe Fournier 1:43:37, George Hubbard 1:44:27. 80-over – Wally McLean 1:51:32, August Leone 2:04:37, James Howell 2:06:07. Female, Overall – Tara Welling 50:34, 2-Stephanie Bruce 51:13, 3-Lindsey Scherf 51:23, 4-Katie Matthews 51:34, 5-Sarah Pagano 52:04, 6-Sonia Samuels 52:16, 7-Alisha Williams 52:32, 8-Maddie Van Beek 53:00, 9Katrina Spratford 53:47, 10-Hillary Montgomery 54:44. Masters – Kim Pawelek-Brantley 58:28, Christy Peterson 59:34, Michelle Krueger 1:00:41. 14-under – Alecandra Trigg 1:12:09, Rhiannon Odonnell 1:14:08, Sydney Pollock 1:15:22. 15-19 – Danielle Van Liere 1:02:06, Eden Meyer 1:03:26, Grace Meyer 1:05:20. 20-24 – Jessie Rubin 56:37, Lauren Gagnon 57:18, Jordan Nelsen 1:01:14. 25-29 – Mattie Suver 54:48, Hannah Davidson 54:58, Samantha Malmfeldt 56:23. 30-34 – Adrian Neal 57:54, Lydia McRae 58:49, Sara Trana 58:56. 35-39 – Zoila Gomez 55:28, Heather Cappello 55:31, Julie Stackhouse 57:51. 40-44 – Laura Roberts 1:03:43, Tracy Dutra 1:05:27, Trace Kuhn 1:05:42. 45-49 – Karen Stellhorn 1:04:29, Regina Sooey 1:07:07, Bego Lopez 1:07:57. 50-54 – Deanna Medvidofsky 1:07:39, Dana Black 1:08:18, Rosa Haslip 1:09:03. 55-59 – Kathleen Kaye 1:12:42, Elisabeth Diamond 1:13:50, Terri Rose 1:16:21. 60-64 – Leslie Hauue 1:14:15, Stephanie Griffith 1:16:52, Loretta Engler 1:18:23. 65-69 – Anjes Wilson 1:27:15, Hyacinyth Bohlinger 1:27:27, Carol Fitzsimmons 1:30:08. 70-74 – Esther Schiegg 1:46:33, Sherry Feathers 1:49:11, Jane Vasileff 1:52:50. 75-79 – Janet Elliott 2:02:48, Wendy Weise 2:23:45, Delores Floyd 2:25:44. 80-over – Haley Olson 2:14:22, Betty McDonald 2:30:00.

Driscoll’s Strawberry Classic 10K/5K/15K Challenge Tampa, FL – 3/19 Male, 10K: Overall – Jeremy Richardson 34:33, Stephen Brown 34:42, Jay Chancellor 39:37. Masters – Eric Sager 42:08. 15-19 – Jacob Newman 50:30, Jozef Cruz 56:26. 20-24 – Connor Applegate 43:27, Cedric Torres 43:45, PJ Pivec 50:41. 25-29 – Ray Jacobs 49:14, Elhadji Toure 54:36, Mehrdad Vaziri 57:27. 30-34 – James Joiner 44:22, Miguel Monche 49:10, Stewart Skipper 49:25. 35-39 – Paul Swindle 41:36, Rob Rhinesmith 41:43, Joel Feltz 42:09. 40-44 – Denis Karaiskaj 44:04, Greg Dicara 50:43, Trent Inman 50:57. 45-49 – Anthony Harwood 44:26, Chuck Morehouse 48:18, Brian Perconti 48:27. 50-54 – Christopher-Hurricane Dumais 45:13, Gary Lee 48:24, Mark Wells 50:56. 55-59 – Germain Boivin 43:40, Warren Lee 45:52, Joseph Kline 49:13. 60-64 – Kenny Byrd 53:13, John Clark 54:07, Greg Kuhl 1:17:39. 65-69 – William Bennett 1:10:16, Richard DePauw 1:12:22, Doug Norcross 1:33:09. 70-74 –


Simmy McIntosh 1:21:32. Female, 10K: Overall – Lauren Smith 42:39, Meg Scott 45:07, Laura Bestul 45:28. Masters – Chantale Mercier 48:54. 9-under – Isabella Kissler 1:14:45, Brianna Kissler 1:14:45. 10-14 – Carina Velasquex 48:46. 15-19 – Marian Badru 1:08:43. 20-24 – Erica Bestul 45:28, Kelsey DeCamp 52:02, Tiffamy Van Haaften 52:02. 2529 – Kylie Martin 1:05:18, Ann Hager 1:08:06, Mimi Wang 1:08:29. 30-34 – Sophia Jones 51:24, Jenna Easton 54:21, Laura VanSickle 54:39. 35-39 – Lori Skipper 46:36, Christine Anderson 51:14, Carrissa Geertsema 54:45. 40-44 – Michele Tucker 50:16, Amy Canavan 54:25, Daffodil Hallenbeck 58:56. 45-49 – Val Brand 50:51, Christine Moorby 52:32, Nina Griffon 53:43. 50-54 – Jill Bucholtz 56:44, Bonny Stephens 57:51, Theresa Rodriguez 57:53. 55-59 – Janice Barnhart 1:01:57, Brenda Della Penna 1:03:06, Jacqueline Conniff 1:06:04. 60-64 – Lee Ankrum 52:31, Lynn Gray 58:42, Gloria Stagi Coyle 59:24. Male, 5K: Overall – Christopher Korloch 19:51, Albert Wieringa 20:21, Joey Soletti 21:05. Masters – Kyle Anderson 22:01. 9-under – Dane Greef 42:48, Andrew Greef 50:32. 10-14 – Jake Degagter 22:36, Chip Watford 23:24, Ethan Blackmore 25:46. 15-19 – Michael McCarthy 22:06, Hunter Vanderwest 22:32, Connor Vanderwest 23:08. 20-24 – Connor Applegate 21:27, PJ Pivec 25:35, Evan Gay 27:28. 25-29 – Wilmyd Joseph 23:47, Joshua Gleaton 26:07, Blake Bartholomew 27:06. 30-34 – Jonathan DeGroat 26:26, Christopher DeGroat 26:41, William Orr 27:32. 35-39 – Jon Boody 21:27, Rodo Torrea Duran 23:19, Michael Massi 25:35. 40-44 – Richard Hilton 22:12, Manuel Santamaira 22:26, Rudy Maduro 23:42. 45-49 – Anthony Harwood 22:12, David Baker 22:35, Alan Teo 23:24. 50-54 – Mark Wells 26:10, David DeHart 28:39, Tim Gay 30:23. 55-59 – Scott Friedman 23:36, Russ Tuttle 24:54, Douglas Mortellaro 24:57. 60-64 – Richard McCrea 22:06, Steve Myers 25:38, Bruce Reiss 28:20. 65-69 – Monty Sikes 31:05, William Bennett 33:44, Tim Bridge 48:54. 70-74 – Silky Sullivan 27:47, Bob Kirby 28:57, Henry Thorpe 38:07. 75-over – Bill Riley 25:25, Ronald Chase 30:21, Bill Welch 43:32. Female, 5K: Overall – Taylor Moore 20:44, Tali Perry 20:58, Meg Scott 21:20. Masters – Jackie Bradley 22:41. 9-under – Ella Vandewest 36:53, Isabella Kissler 43:51, Emily Mack 49:16. 10-14 – Carnina Velasquez 23:42, Phoebe Teo 29:29, Emily Greef 32:00. 15-19 – Savanna Walters 21:54, Lexi Saddler 22:50, Alicia Rivera 23:04. 20-24 – Chelsea Kesty 27:11, Naiyma Thompson 27:55, Taylor Jernigan 28:05. 25-29 – Mariah Martinez 25:05, Jennifer Hart 25:48, Silvia Soto Avella 27:25. 3034 – Heather Nagy 23:32, Monica Landers 24:16, Laura VanSickle 26:50. 35-39 – Ana Berrios 23:36, Tiffany Reynolds 24:50, Lisa Kay 27:19. 40-44 – Michele Tucker 24:27, Deanna Young 26:55, Amy Canavan 27:34. 45-49 - Kim Loumakos 24:05, Astrid Doty 26:52, Suzy Jackson 27:26. 50-54 – Mary Anderson 23:40, Jill Bucholtz 28:20, Terri Contento 29:19. 55-59 – Mary Fellows 29:38, Brenda Della Penna 29:49, Tamara Waterson 30:07. 60-64 – Hope Myers 29:29, Flo Boody 32:07, Deborah Mitchell 32:53. 65-69 – Evelyn Caro 28:10, Joyce Fisher 29:47, Sharon Shanahan 32:12. 7074 – Ellen Channell 42:07. Male, 15K Challenge (10K+5K): Overall –Connor Applegate 1:04:54. 20-24 – PJ Pivec 1:16:16, Evan Gay 1:21:43. 25-29 –Blake Bartholomew 1:29:09. 30-34 – Jonathan Degroat 1:17:23, William Orr 1:18:21, Christopher Degroat 1:18:33. 35-39 – Daniel Perez 1:26:57, Max Montes 2:00:54. 40-44 – George Gregory 1:54:34. 45-49 –Anthony Harwood 1:06:38, Michael Reonegro 1:14:47. 50-54 – Mark Wells 1:17:05, David Dehart 1:27:10. 55-59 – Joseph Kline 1:14:40. Female, 15K Challenge (10K+5K) Overall – Carina Velasquez 1:12:28. 9-under – Isabella Kissler 1:58:37. 15-19 – Miriam Badru 1:45:49. 25-29 – Christine Vazquez 1:58:36. 3034 – Laura Vansickle 1:21:30, Kelly Collins 1:23:38, Kathrina Weilbacher 1:24:03. 35-39 – Lisa Kay 1:23:24, Audrey Shor 1:34:11, Jenelle Jozwiak 1:38:23. 40-44 – Michele Tucker 1:14:44, Amy Canavan 1:21:59, Donna Corpuz 1:38:10. 45-49 – Suzy Jackson 1:23:54. 50-54 – Jill Bucholtz 1:25:05, Teresa Wortman 1:30:58. 55-59 – Brenda Della Penna 1:32:54, Jacqueline Conniff 1:40:53, Deborah Byer 1:50:57.

Run With Deer 5K Big Pine Key, FL – 3/19 Male, Overall – Storn Lefelar 19:57. Masters – Jerome Navarro 23:46. 9-under – Vaclan Bursa 25:03, Rudyh Baker 18:32,



Running Journal • May, 2016


h o ka o n e o n e. c o m


Down the Road Ch-Ch-Ch Changes Turn and face the strange - changes. As we get older we realize how right and how true David Bowie was about how things change. You've probably heard his song a lot of times and just went along with the melody, but the lyrics hit home. They really hit when people like Bowie and Glen Frye and several others whose songs have impacted you and who were about your age die within a few weeks of each other. Music changes and running and races change. How have races changed since the running boom began in the 70s? Lots of ways. First off, there are a lot more races now than there used to be. In the late 70s when I started racing regularly there were probably less than 50 races in the entire state of South Carolina. There were a lot of weekends when there was only one or two races in the state. And there were a lot of weekends when there were no races at all. I can remember driving from Charleston (where we lived) to Rock Hill (where we had never been) the weekend after the 1979 Cooper River Bridge Run to run the ComeSee-Me Run since it was the only race in the state that weekend. You would be hard pressed to find a weekend like that now. In 2015, I was able to find the results of 612 races held in South Carolina. Next change. The 'big' races have gotten a lot bigger. When I ran the '79 Cooper River Bridge Run it was the largest race in South Carolina that year and the first timed race to have over 1,000 finishers. That summer Kathy and I ran the Peachtree 10k in Atlanta. We were amazed that they had over 12,000 entrants for the race but as to how many finished the race, there is no record since Peachtree didn't begin timing all their finishers until many years later. So you had to remember to start your watch and stop it when you crossed the line or remember it from the finish line clock when you went by it in Piedmont Park. It's easy to remember at Charleston Running Club meetings for several years in a row after that when everyone was discussing whether the Bridge Run could ever be as large as

By Cedric Jaggers

Peachtree. Who could imagine having 12,000 runners in Charleston going over the Bridge? But they did and they made it a reality as the 1997 Bridge Run had 12,583 timed finishers. Of course by that year Peachtree had grown to 30,000 entrants, but was only timing the first 5,253 of them. The Bridge Run didn't top 30,000 entrants until 2006 when it hit 45,663 entrants and 33,678 finishers, while Peachtree was still timing only the first 5,000 or so - 4,755 that year. In 2005 Peachtree had 54,752 finishers and the Bridge Run had 27,323 according to the Running USA list. You can see similar growth in a number of big name races at distances all the way up to the marathon. When I ran the New York City Marathon in 1980 there were 14,012 starters according to the race website. In 2015 there were 49,356 who crossed the finish line. The next year my finisher certificate shows that the Marine Corps Marathon had 6,556 finishers while in 2015 23,184 finishers. Many large shorter races grew similarly. Next change - the slowdown in average finishing times, and in a lot of overall winning times. Times that 15 years ago wouldn't ever win an age group award, now regularly show up as race winning times, both male and female. You need only look at the race results posted on Running.Net to see what we are talking about. Let's look at average slowdown and numerical or percentage count. At the Cooper River Bridge Run the number of runners who crossed the finish line in less than 40 minutes was 66, while 425 or 55% of the finishers crossed the finish line in less than 50 minutes and 623 or 83% of the runners crossed the line in less than an hour. The peak for various times in that

race were 90% under an hour in 1991 which gradually diminished to 7.8% in 2015. The peak for under 50 minutes was 58% in 1992 tapering down to 2.9% in 2015. Finishers under 40 minutes peaked at 393 in 1989 with totals usual somewhere in the 200s, and showing 207 in 2015. It's easier to understand this slowdown when you know there has been a tremendous increase in casual runners and timed walkers. The final major change is the percentage of female finishers. You need only go to almost any race to see the change. A race with more than half female participants is almost the rule now. In the first Bridge Run back in 1978 only 14.8% of the 766 finishers were female. Female participation increased gradually every year and surpassed male participation for the first time in 2006. The highest percentage of females in the race was 59.3 percent in 2013 and has not been below 58% since 2010. This kind of increase seems to have happened at almost every race distance. And there we are. Things are definitely different now than they were in the 'old' days. More races, more runners, maybe a lot more casual runners now than serious racers, but participation is important and a good thing. I won't even go into the difference in timing. Handheld stopwatch, with times recorded on TIC sheets to Chronomix timing machines, to computerized chip timing. Chip timing which can record not only a runners' actual gun time and finish order, but that can recalculate every finishers' time and reorder the actual finish of the race into chip time finish order showing just the time it took to get from the start line to the finish line, rather than the time it took to run the race from the starting gun to the time the runner crosses the line. So turn and face the strange changes. There are sure to be more in your future. We hope to see you running through all those changes and watch you enjoy your runs and your races.

Cedric Jaggers was elected to the South Carolina Road Runners Hall of Fame in 1992. He is the author of Charleston’s Cooper River Bridge Run. He lives and runs in Rock Hill, SC. He may be reached via e-mail at JaggersRun@comporium.net



Noah Howell 36:30. 10-14 – Elio Navarro 23:44, William Hutchings 25:59, Fisher Sayer 27:34. 20-29 – Vincent Deem 21:12, Carlos Valdez 21:12, Davis Metass 22:22. 30-39 – Patrick Martin 25:18, Jeremy Sommer 26:35, Brian Dorazio 27:55. 40-49 – Brian Roberts 27:02, Nick Plein 39:37, Eric Rocklage 42:59. 50-59 – Fred Newman 25:28, John Karvonen 26:17, Mac Sanders 27:51. 6069 – Anthony Farretta 23:47, Jody Austin 26:33, John Jake Master 26:37. 70-over – Roger Fisher 26:00, Gary Cleveland 26:49, Greyson Quarles 33:58. Female, Overall – Helena Bursa 20:14. Masters – Krista Seibert 20:53. 9-under – Naima Thomas 30:15, Carly Barr 34:34, KC Fenhoff 36:39. 10-14 – Amanda Navarro 27:29, Lou Navarro 27:30, Jade Plein 41:42. 20-29 – Steffanie Davis 29:19, Colleen Denny 29:33, Audrey Lepley 30:51. 30-39 – Kelly Maatta 23:00, Shanna Kanuka 23:43, Caitlin Lustic 26:09. 40-49 – Rebecca Schilling 27:10, Vanessa Brugge 27:54, Rachel Thieman 28:07. 50-59 – Linda Miller 23:13, Kristie Killam 27:05, Cindy Salvatore 31:57. 60-69 – Deborah Holtom 23:44, Sheree Rheinhardt 27:11, Helga Rinneard 27:19.

Robinson Preserve 10K/5K Bradenton, FL – 3/25 Male, 10K: Overall – Jon Mott 32:27, Michael Lamd 33:59, Corey Peyerk 37:09. Masters – David Meier 38:44. Grandmasters – Jim Allott 41:53. Senior Grandmasters – Glen Muirhead 48:59. Veteran Grandmasters – Ron Murphy 57:28. 10-14 –Tanner Toler 42:24. 15-19 –River Jasinski 58:03. 20-24 – Olen Dalton 38:39, Alvin Ducre 42:00, Ryan Stran 44:47. 25-29 – Joel Johnson 45:18, Mike Fisher 48:22, David Lloyd 50:49. 30-34 – Mark Proch 39:38, Adam Hall 40:09, Jacob DeLoach 41:39. 35-39 – Shawn Loper 37:41, Joe Werner 39:53, John Tyler 46:44. 40-44 – Will Robinson 40:16, Jonathan Bass 41:40, Bob Starrett 47:09. 45-49 – Carlos Jimenez 42:28, Michael Eddy 46:17, Darrin Quam 46:50. 50-54 – A Jones 46:27, Philip Crouse 46:31, Steve Sage 48:05. 55-59 – Matt McMillan 45:49, David Audet 49:56, Mark Berte 50:30. 60-64 – Chuck Russell 49:11, Lloyd English 51:12, Jim Brownell 54:10. 65-69 – Dave Lyon 51:05, Fred Stewart 53:59, Donald Balkwell 55:38. 7074 – James Hicks 55:39, Joachim Bunkenburg 56:15, Walter Pascal 59:56. 75-79 – Chuck Vanduzee 1:05:03. Female, 10K: Overall – Kaitlin Koplin 38:55, Emily Egan 41:51, Raeann Darling-Reed 42:38. Masters – Sally Libonati 46:47. Grandmasters – Sandy Meneley 49:18. Senior Grandmasters – Karen Mathews 55:39. 9-under – Brianna Kissler 1:02:22, Isabella Kissler 1:15:34. 10-14 – Emily Petty 58:25, Lisa Ham 1:14:52. 15-19 – Alexandra Servia 59:42. 20-24 – Mireyda Rodriguez 50:42, Alaina Ward 54:48, Alison Little 1:07:59. 25-29 – Meagan Deslaurier 46:14, Tricia Foley 55:47, Reagann Johnson 57:07. 30-34 – Jackie Barcal 52:02, Stacey Callman 57:03, Maria Escalante 59:13. 35-39 – Vicki Yara 46:59, Niki Miller 47:31, Gemma Hughes 52:34. 40-44 – Kristen Duchac 48:14, Angela Parker 52:31, Stacey Mazza 54:09. 45-49 – Gina Ferlise 50:05, Jennie Aungst 51:44, Christine Stahl 52:12. 50-54 – Becky Cosgrove 49:07, Barbara Reid 55:40, Renee Brownlee 56:08. 55-59 – Lesley Noble 52:26, Judi Smolinski 54:07, Margaret Porter 54:27. 60-64 – Margaret Garriques 56:03, Lynn Latoria 56:09, Donna King 59:22. 65-69 - Beverly Humes 1:03:41, Maribeth Buskirk 1:13:14, Karen Lopez 1:16:08. Male, 5K: Overall – Chris Tregigra 16:18, Mike Padilla 16:34, Chris Yanichko 17:14. Masters – Wisnick Beauplan 18:49. Grandmasters – Gary Romesser 19:39. Senior Grandmasters – Karl Haas 24:14. Veteran Grandmasters – Rick Hatzlhoffer 26:16. 9-under – Jonathan Leatt 21:34, Brice Wires 23:36, Lucas Begala 24:41. 10-14 - Max Trethewey 23:10, Kaden Huss 24:52, Bryce Brielmann 25:35. 15-19 – Joshua Greene 21:49, Matthew Romeo 25:02, Trenton Ginter 27:01. 20-24 – Greg Hodge 17:16, Justin Miesner 19:05, Everett Couto 22:10. 25-29 – Kyle Vukisch 17:20, Matthew Marques 18:22, Shawn Augustine 20:00. 3034 – Sean Barry 20:37, Josh Dannemiller 21:32, Harold Campbell 23:29. 35-39 – Jeremy Schmidt 22:22, Edward Gries 22:32, Scott Parrish 23:41. 40-44 – William Stone 20:45, Paul Von Somon 20:57, Alan Johnson 21:24. 45-49 – Froylan Miron 19:52, Sean Brunnock 20:12, Rob Loeffher 20:49. 50-54 – Shane

more results at running.net Strieby 23:45, Bob Dannemiller 24:16, Steve Sabourin 24:21. 55-59 – Scott Dunlap 22:35, Kevin Ciferno 22:42, Robert Cougal 23:01. 60-64 – Al Hall 21:54, Steve Grande 25:07, Randy Styrk 28:18. 65-69 – Duncan Vuksich 27:08, Ian Bland 29:57, Donald Warner 30:09. 70-74 – Dean Cutshall 31:01, John Allen 33:06, Harry Williams 34:28. 75-79 – Paul Lavzllee 58:05, David Hellmann 59:36. Female, 5K: Overall – Hannah Brickse 18:57, Leigh Nordman 21:34, Wendy Hudson 21:50. Masters – Mary Quinn 23:38. Grandmasters – Jane Duncan 25:21. Senior Grandmasters - Dee Nelson 26:47. Veteran Grandmasters – Melanie Perrone 33:29. 9-under – Abigail Hite 26:11, Alexis Hutter 27:05, Ayla Holland 34:57. 10-14 - Tamlyn Leatt 26:12, Lily Sikorski 26:18, Jade Firlie 27:06. 15-19 – Savannah Adkins 25:09, Courney May 30:25, Ashley Stevens 31:17. 20-24 – Karri Vasquez 23:18, Caley Carson 26:04, Megan Nystrom 26:27. 25-29 – Natlaie Cammisa 24:29, Jen Kern 26:55, Laura Fay 28:06. 30-34 – Blair Stolarski 22:01, Helen Schmidt 23:50, Jen Storch 24:07. 35-39 – Allison Johnson 22:41, Holly Parton 24:00, Julia Duyschaver 24:46. 40-44 – Lori Stone 22:42, Pam Baad 25:14, Katya Koons 26:19. 45-49 – Brenda Firlie 23:36, Leah Swarts 25:44, Kristine Kennedy 26:51. 50-54 – Julie Dickson 25:17, Gina Gallo 25:39, Kelly Belisle 26:09. 55-59 – Kim Gorman 23:23, Debbie Green 28:24, Jane McDonagh 31:06. 60-64 – Cindy Miller 27:05, Tracey Buksich 29:47, Alison Thornton 30:49. 65-69 – Cindy Barco 31:20, Shirley Pascal 31:44, Jackie McJunkin 33:58. 70-74 – Elizabeth Brackett 35:42, Kathee Stewart 1:26:17. 75-79 – Paul Lavzllee 58:05, David Hellmann 59:36.

GEORGIA Run the River 5K Woodstock, GA – 3/12 Male, Overall – Drew Paulk 18:46. Masters – Tad Scepaniak 21:18. 10-under – Wyatt Scepaniak 23:13, Patrik Liska 24:32, Bo Wentz 24:33. 11-14 – Cooper Williams 22:25, Christian Kirby 26:19, Kasen McFarlan 29:42. 20-24 – Corey Jones 21:53. 25-29 – Brian Baird 19:52, Jason Magee 33:11. 30-34 – Cody Planteen 23:00, Michael Johnson 23:37, Anthony Welch 29:24. 35-39 – Jay Mayfield 21:01, Jay Mayfield 23:16, Brad MacDonald 27:54. 40-44 – John Phillips 23:50, Chris Buckley 25:40, John Ray 26:30. 45-49 – Matt Smathers 24:10, Jim Conkwright 26:54, Reginald Kimball 29:16. 50-54 – Omar Newman 24:53, Mark Karels 25:10. 55-59 – Doreen Erbe 46:23. 60-over – Bernie Angus 33:09. Female, Overall – Laura Simone 21:12. Masters – Allyson Phillips 23:28. 10-under – Lauren Phillips 24:00, Addison MacDonald 27:54, Hannah Mayfield 28:01. 11-14 – Laken Riley 23:45, Hannah Hewgley 27:22, Brooke Scepaniak 32:12. 20-24 – Lindsey Johnson 30:39. 2529 – Brooke Brum 27:04, Justina Welch 29:24, Mallory Jones 30:47. 30-34 – Kacy Nix 30:31, Jenny Kramer 31:01, Aundreea Magee 33:11. 35-39 – Stacey Garbow 23:23, Lauren Lyons 25:46, Kelly Morris 28:55. 40-44 – Christy Peacock 30:34, April Brown 31:01, Monica McFarlan 36:33. 45-49 – Andrea Liskova 28:06, Sue Palermo 31:03, Julie Williams 34:03. 50-54 – Suzanne Newman 31:37. 55-59 – Doreen Erbe 46:23. 60-over – Carole Pressler 42:28, Glenna Campbell 45:26, Wanda McDaniel 49:47. – Classic Race Services

Running Journal • May, 2016 34 – Sarah Wright 58:00, Airianne Gutmann 1:00:24, Jonna Wilkes 1:11:34. 35-39 – Shanna Murray 1:01:40, MaryJane Dowling 1:01:41, Emily Kaminski 1:07:51. 40-44 – Laura Peterson 1:01:43, Julie Craig 1:02:05, Maria Merzouk 1:02:14. 45-49 – Valerie Barckhoff 57:30, Kari Hawkins 1:04:07, Evelyn Bolden 1:10:37. 50-54 – Cathy Stout 56:35. 55-59 – Saundi Shapiro 1:12:28. 60-over – Elaine Steinhauer-Slezak 1:06:36, Janet Horton 1:25:05. Male, 5K: Overall – Gavin Richards 21:11. Masters – Patrick Mordensky 27:52. 10-under – Jake Vos 29:47, Carlsen Inweh 33:08, Colin O’Keefe 39:32. 11-14 – Tate Bielenberg 26:33, Steven Russell 36:38, Jordan Whirl 46:39. 15-19 – Brandon Semones 33:59, Conor Godshell 56:51. 20-24 – Sean Foster 30:27, James Rice 31:31. 25-29 – Will Hackett 27:53, Bharathumar Sugumaran 29:27, Raaghaven K 29:54. 30-34 – Brett Akers 21:56, Levin Arnsperger 22:29, Dustin McCormick 24:18. 35-39 – Joseph Denato 26:26, Ryan Rogers 29:56, Anthony Inweh 45:05. 40-44 – Joerg Hendrix 30:26. 45-49 – Micahel Gustafson 30:39, Preston Bazemore 32:06, Michael Bielenberg 38:20. 50-54 – Martin Jelleme 36:39, George Ajy 56:37. 55-59 – Tony Geurin 31:56, John Stratton 33:05, Greg Daney 33:59. 60-over – Giblestaedt Lynch 35:55, Stuart Moring 42:39. Female, 5K: Overall – Nikki Darazas 24:39. Masters – Beth Ninesling 26:28. 10-under – Rylee Bell 26:39, Jaimorgan Jasper 52:55, Natalie Suter 57:10. 11-14 – Kelly Robinson 33:58, Olivia Roga 43:48, Chloe Nicholas 43:49. 15-19 – Isabella Provenzano 28:51, Olivia Ellington 29:52. 2024 – Rachel Leduc 26:50, Ellen Petty 30:07, Meredueff Lynch 35:53. 25-29 – Caroline Petty 29:47, Laura Barrett 38:01, Sharlene Foster 50:40. 30-34 – Melissa Atherton 30:11, Kristin Aloi 35:52, Ti-Arah Robinson 38:38. 35-39 – Kathryn Paxton 26:26, Michelle San Juan 30:57, Kelli Michel 31:13. 40-44 – Tina Herrmann 26:45, Marella Bradway 27:53, Misty Latham 29:22. 4549 – Christine Beldowicz 26:54, Paige Key 30:44, Sonya Kuznitz 33:02. 50-54 – Dominique Brittain 28:47, Lynn Masterman 32:16, Gina Steffensen 35:46. 55-59 – Mary Ann Kavouraz 38:08, Jean Mense 47:34, Jeronda Hairston 56:30. 60-over – Sherry Bilodeau 37:31.

miles was a fight against my legs. It was fun!” The men's half marathon was the closest finish of the day. Dan Swain of Narberth, Pennsylvania, won the men's race with a time of 1:11:06 ahead of Atlanta resident Dougie Coffed, who finished in 1:11:27. Tara Mooney of Atlanta placed first for the women, crossing the finish line in 1:25:55. For the first time, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle's Be Healthy Georgia Festival was held in conjunction with the Publix Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon. Hundreds of young runners participated in a one mile fun run (ages 7-14) and 50m dash (ages 6 & under) organized by Atlanta Track Club, crossing the same finish line as the marathoners and half marathoners. Also unveiled today was the winner of the 2016 Publix Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon poster design contest. Xiaomeng Yang's design was featured on the awards for winners of the marathon and half marathon in the overall, masters and grandmasters divisions. Yang received a $1,000 scholarship for winning the contest, which was held in partnership with SCAD Atlanta. Marathon: First male – Oscar Ogwaro – 2:28:19 First female – Kathleen Turchin – 3:03:22 First masters male & first grandmasters male – Jeff Haertel – 2:57:39 First masters female – Kaye Anne Starosckiak – 3:05:47 First grandmasters female – Sally Brooking – 3:52:37 Half Marathon: First male – Dan Swain – 1:11:06 First female – Tara Mooney – 1:11:27 First masters male – Victor Breedveld – 1:19:31 First master female – Dara Steele-Belkin -1:29:03 First grandmasters male – David Brunner – 1:29:59 First grandmasters female – Kris Huff – 1:38:48 Complete results for the 2016 Publix Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon can be found at atlantatrackclub.org.


Nearly 10,000 Kick off Spring with the 10th Annual Publix Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon ATLANTA - On March 20 the 2016 Publix Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon hosted approximately 10,000 runners and walkers at Centennial Olympic Park. The 10th annual event featured an energetic crowd, clear skies and cool temperatures. Oscar Ogwaro won the marathon with a solid lead in a time of 2:28:19. This was the Rome, Georgia, resident's first full marathon. In the women's race, Kathleen Turchin of Buford, Georgia, broke the tape in 3:03:22. “I ran as hard as I can,” said Ogwaro. “The last six

Kathleen Turchin - Female Winner - Publix Marathon

Kiwanis Spring K Classic 10K/5K Roswell, GA – 3/19 Male, 10K: Overall – Seth Watson 40:39. Masters – Brian O’Neill 49:29. 11-14 – Joseph Vos 47:14. 15-19 – Nicholas Berenguer 49:00. 30-34 – Gary Stewart 42:06. 35-39 – Aubrey Bailey 41:21, Matt Porritt 48:08, JD Doughneg 49:01. 40-44 – Travis Burton 51:52, Rick Merzouk 1:08:36. 45-49 – Robert Lehman 50:48, Bradley Keck 58:08, Greg Barckhoff 58:22. 50-54 – Ken Boyd 58:08. 55-59 – Del Nace 58:54. 60-over – Bill Heikkila 53:49, Andrew Sherwood 1:02:11, Fox Ferrel 1:11:06. Female, 10K: Overall – Sheila Dilbeck 53:10. Masters – Jennifer Head 53:57. 10-under – Chandler Wilkes 1:11:34. 15-19 – Michelle Pick 56:57. 25-29 – Lauren Wood 58:44, Veronica Pimentel 1:03:03, Sarah Massie 1:13:45. 30-

Dan Swain and Dougie Coffed - Publix Half marathon 1st and 2nd place men


Tara Mooney - Female Winner - Publix Half marathon


Running Journal • May, 2016


SHOE REVIEW by Cregg Weinmann

Track & Field Spring 2016 The Olympics are coming! The Olympics are coming! However, unlike Paul Revere’s warning of impending battle, this battle of the stars of track & field is welcome, eagerly anticipated, even. While we’ll see more Rio ’16 Olympic rollouts in the coming months, there’s much to like about the crop of spikes for the 2016 season leading up to the Olympic Track & Field Trials in July. Here we reviewed products from eight brands: five new shoes are introduced and three are updates. All models are for track running, technical enough for upper-level athletes, effective for anyone fit enough to benefit from the advantages that technical spikes afford. It takes time to adapt to spikes’ minimal support, structure, and cushioning, so you’ll need to do some of your track training in them before you race in them. Sizing is a concern, as they should fit snugly enough to do their job. All are nearly true to size, that is, the size you would normally wear. Some use unisex sizing, which means they come in wider range of men’s sizes, and women should subtract 1.5 from their usual size to get a proper fit. For example, if you wear a women’s 7, you’ll need to select a men’s 5.5. This review is a starting point to find your key equipment for a successful track & field season. Another valuable resource is www.runningproductreviews.com. You’ll also find additional spikes reviews posted there during the season.

adidas DistanceStar


The adidas’ new DistanceStar provides performance on a budget, and it’s surprisingly well done for the price. The upper is a breathable mesh, both light and sturdy. It offers adequate drainage for the steeplechase, with an interior that’s well finished enough to be comfortable during the longer track races. The midsole is a full-length molded EVA wedge that’s nicely resilient and handles all competition track surfaces. The outersole has a rubber heel, and the 5 spike plate extends into the arch. Toughened foam covers the rest. If you’re looking for good spike performance at a comparatively modest price, you’ll be well served by the DistanceStar. NEW Sizes Men 6.5–13,14,15; Women 5–10,11 Weight 6.8 oz. (w/ spikes, men’s 11); 5.5 oz. (w/ spikes, women’s 8) Spikes replaceable; 5 Upper mesh; no-sew overlays Innersole sheet EVA Outersole half-length thermoplastic plate, rubber heel Recommended for 1500–10,000 meters, including the steeplechase, on all track surfaces

ASICS CosmoRacer LD $120 ASICS is thoroughly invested in competitive running, and the CosmoRacer LD is its latest entry for the track. The upper is a closed mesh that’s supported by thin, no-sew overlays in the heel and midfoot, and thin linings shape the toe. The midsole is a molded layer of EVA that’s got a good bounce, making it effective for longer races. The outersole is full-length Pebax nylon, with a sharkskin heel and additional forefoot grip provided by the textured EVA that protrudes through the spike plate. The CosmoRacer LD is aimed at runners looking for a combination of performance, light weight, and a measure of protection. NEW Sizes Unisex 6–13,14 Weight 5.5 oz. (w/ spikes, men’s 11) Spikes replaceable; 4 Upper closed minimesh; no-sew overlays Innersole sheet EVA Midsole molded SoLyte Outersole full-length Pebax nylon plate, sharkskin heel Recommended for distance races from 1500–10,000 meters on synthetic track surfaces

Brooks 2 QW-K $110 The 2 QW-K is Brooks’ high-end spike for sprinters, and this is its first update. The synthetic leather upper has a bit of stretch to help with the fit, while holding the foot securely over the plate. There’s no midsole to the shoe (except the thin innersole), in keeping with its purpose: the shortest running events. The outersole is a full-length TPU spike plate with 8 spike receptacles and a constellation of points distributed over its surface to grip the track. An angled forefoot positions the metatarsals for sprinting power, and the stiff plate allows little extraneous movement to channel everything into rapid forward motion. The snug fit, effective spike plate, and springy feel make the 2 QW-K a superb choice for sprinting performance. Updates the QW-K Sizes Unisex 5–13,14,15 Weight 7.0 oz. (w/ spikes, men’s 11) Spikes replaceable; 8 Upper synthetic leather; TPU-welded overlays Innersole sheet EVA Outersole full-length thermoplastic spike plate Recommended for sprints and hurdles up to 400 meters on synthetic surfaces

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Running Journal • May, 2016


BEST SHOE HOKA ONE ONE Rocket LD $80 Track & Field SPRING 2016

Yes, HOKA makes spikes and, no, they don’t have a marshmallowy stack height. In fact, they’re built well for speed, hence the name Rocket LD. The mesh upper has no-sew overlays in a large lattice pattern to support the foot and only minimal stitching through the lace-throat. The midsole is a thin layer of EVA, built up on the lateral side to position the foot for power while cornering. The spike plate features 4 spike wells, offset asymmetrically to provide the best traction, and the U-shaped heel plate is textured to help hold the track. With its excellent combination of components, design, and price, the Rocket LD is an outstanding value and earned our award as Best Track & Field Shoe. NEW Sizes Unisex 4–13,14 Weight 5.2 oz. (w/ spikes, men’s 11) Spikes replaceable; 4 Upper mesh; TPU-welded overlays Innersole sheet EVA Midsole full-length CM-EVA Outersole thermoplastic plates, forefoot and heel Recommended for 800–10,000 meters and steeplechase, o synthetic surfaces

New Balance SD 200 v1 $130 Sprinter Trayvon Bromell’s shoe uses the same plate as the SD 200. The upper is a thin minimesh supported by no-sew overlays on the medial side as well as the heel, ankle collar, and eyestay. Only the tongue and heel are anchored by stitching. The remainder of the upper is covered with a matrix of fused overlays to give the shoe structure and shape and to hold the foot securely. There’s no midsole to the shoe; Instead, the upper attaches directly to the full-length Pebax nylon spike plate, which features 8 spike receptacles. A lateral ridge beneath the metatarsals positions the foot forward for maximum sprinting power. Smaller ridges fan out to keep the plate light, while providing enough stiffness to effectively transfer power to the track. The combination of well-executed features makes the SD 200 v1 an excellent choice for the mid-length sprints as well as the fastest sprinting on the track. NEW Sizes Men 7–13,14; Women 5.5–11,12 Weight 5.8 oz. (w/ spikes, men’s 11); 4.9 oz. (w/ spikes, women’s 8) Spikes replaceable; 8 Upper synthetic leather and mesh, synthetic suede tongue Innersole sheet EVA Outersole 3/4-length Pebax nylon spike plate, sharkskin heel Recommended for 100–400 meters and hurdles, on synthetic surfaces

Nike Zoom D $90 The track & field distance running line from Nike has always offered products at a range of levels, from beginners to elite athletes like Steve Prefontaine. The new Zoom D adds some touches to the best standards for a really good mid-range shoe. The upper is an engineered mesh with welded overlays and a smooth interior for those who prefer to go without socks. Extra padding in the ankle collar and the tongue give it a plush feel. The midsole is a thin, compression-molded layer of Cushlon foam, divided longitudinally (heel to toe) by a flex groove, which smoothes the ride here just as it does in road shoes. The Pebax nylon spike plate is also divided in half, with 2 lateral spikes and 3 medial, and sharkskin on the lateral heel for rearfoot traction. The remainder of the outersole is toughened midsole Cushlon foam to keep things light and fast. NEW Sizes Unisex 4–13,14,15 Weight 4.7 oz. (w/ spikes, men’s 11) Spikes replaceable; 5 Upper engineered mesh; welded synthetic overlays Innersole sheet EVA Midsole full-length Cushlon (EVA) Outersole Pebax nylon spike plate, toughened EVA, thermoplastic skarkskin heel insert Recommended for 1500–10,000 meters and steeplechase on synthetic surfaces

Saucony Endorphin $110 Saucony’s premier distance running spike, the Endorphin, could be described as a gossamer slipper with teeth. This update maximizes the best features of the shoe and doesn’t fix what isn’t broken. The upper is a gauzelike minimesh that breathes well and holds the foot comfortably. The midsole is a slender wedge of EVA that effectively cushions the foot, while offering a surprising amount of bounce. The Pebax nylon spike plate is the same design as the last version, down to the sharkskin heel insert that provides effective traction, while keeping weight to a minimum. Its light weight, flexibility, and great traction contribute to the Endorphin’s success. Updates the Endorphin LD 4 Sizes Men 7–13,14; Women 5–11,12 Weight 3.6 oz. (w/ spikes, men’s 11); 3.1 oz. (w/ spikes, women’s 8) Spikes replaceable; 4 Upper mesh, synthetic suede, welded synthetic overlays Innersole sheet EVA Midsole CM-EVA Outersole Pebax nylon spike plate, sharkskin insert (heel) Recommended for 800–10,000 meters on synthetic surfaces

Under Armour SpeedForm® Sprint Pro $120 Under Armour has jumped into track & field with both feet and that’s good news for anyone looking for more good-quality footwear choices. The SpeedForm® Sprint Pro is one of two shoes that provide the Under Armour approach to running performance. (The second is the SpeedForm® Miler Pro.) The Sprint Pro features a nonstretch synthetic leather upper to lock down the foot over the spike plate, hugging the foot comfortably. The interior is smooth—almost plush—thanks to Under Armour’s SpeedForm® construction. There’s no midsole here, as the upper is lasted directly to the spike plate, but it’s not really needed since they aren’t intended for multiple laps. The full-length spike plate situates the foot forward, with a fan-shaped molded ridge to maximize sprinting power. The 8-spike configuration provides traction, aided by dozens of molded spike-like points. A pair of sharkskin inserts in the heel prevent slipping if your foot happens to touch down from fatigue. With its technical execution, good performance, and edgy appearance, the Sprint Pro is a quality sprint shoe. NEW Sizes Unisex 5.5–12,13 Weight 6.1 oz. (w/ spikes, men’s 11) Spikes replaceable; 8 Upper nonstretch synthetic leather; welded SpeedForm® construction Outersole full-length Pebax nylon spike plate, thermoplastic sharkskin heel Recommended for 100–400 meters and hurdles on synthetic surfaces

Cregg Weinmann is footwear and running products reviewer for FORTIUS Media Group, LLC. He can be reached via email at shuz2run@lightspeed.net Copyright © 2016 by FORTIUS Media Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this article may be stored, copied, or reprinted without prior written permission of FORTIUS Media Group, LLC. Reprinted here with permission.



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Total Fitness Connection MiniMarathon/5K Bowling Green, KY – 3/19

The Great St Charles Ave 10K/5K New Orleans, LA – 3/21

Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Jason Reneau 1:23:17. Masters – Claudio Dettorre 1:30:52. Grandmasters – Steve Johnson 1:38:52. 9-under – Arlen Blair 2:20:21. 10-14 – Matthew Blair 2:33:53. 15-19 – Cooper Degraffenreid 1:37:38. 20-24 – Kelley Tyler 1:31:39. 25-29 – Luke Roesler 1:32:56, Grant Tabor 1:38:55, Eric Smiley 1:49:11. 3034 – Emil Moffatt 1:29:05, Paul Collins 1:44:49, Jeff Lynch 1:45:52. 35-39 – Bob Hendricks 1:31:10, Kevin Lashley 1:38:48, Noel Ennis 1:39:20. 40-44 – David Haynes 1:36:39, Kevin Johnson 1:39:07, Steve Henry 1:43:04. 45-49 – Seth Vibbert 1:40:22, Robert Allen 1:43:44, Lawrence Kelley 1:44:20. 50-54 – Jeff Whittinghill 1:46:19, Brian Goff 1:47:09, Thomas Rouse 1:50:57. 55-59 – Alex Fitzpatrick 1:57:24, Fitz Shelton 1:58:43, Michael Peters 2:05:08. 60-69 – Aubrey Dale Blair 2:03:23, Richard Swanson 3:05:07. 70-over – Charles Wortham 2:49:07. Female, Half Marathon: Overall –Belle Thomas 1:29:01. Masters – Sharon Harmon 1:48:33. Grandmasters – Marilu Adams 2:01:21. 20-24 – Kelsey Baetzel 1:49:43, Elisha Merideth 2:34:51. 25-29 – Kayla Mendenhall 1:56:38, Kathryn Carpenter 2:13:13, Nikki Koyste 2:25:05. 30-34 – Nicole Meredith 1:35:40, Catherine Tibbs 1:40:58, Leslie Harwell 1:58:12. 35-39 – Shaw Sara 1:38:41, Elizabeth Morgan 1:43:29, Cassie Martin Reynolds 1:53:08. 40-44 – Laura Tomczak 1:54:33, Emily Perkins 1:55:08, Vibbert Sherri 1:58:21. 45-49 –Sheppherd Kelly 2:14:00, Kari McComber 2:16:34, Shannon Tichenor 2:16:38. 50-54 – Kimberly Baxley 2:08:15, Gina Riley 2:08:52, Laura Zaubi 2:16:30. 55-59 – Nancy Yates 2:01:21, Wanda Winkler 2:34:58, Sharon Mathes 2:56:38. Male, 5K: Overall – Aaron Osborne 17:17. Masters – Jamie Peerce 21:38. Grandmasters – Brian Roskoskey 23:46. 10-14 – Jordan Jones 19:55, Hunter Clemons 20:13, Garrett Elrod 22:27. 15-19 – Nolan Johnson 18:41. 2024 – Nathaniel Hutcheson 25:02, John Deeb 27:24, Shane Spickard 28:44. 25-29 – Nathan Baker 23:17, Patrick Arterburn 28:12, Joshua Ritchie 30:24. 30-34 – Brian Collins 18:19, Seth Deaton 22:55, Nathan Dalrymple 24:01. 35-39 – Jason Hill 20:56, Adam Rogers 26:18, Justin Ensminger 27:33. 40-44 –Chuck Herrington 25:17, Stephen Hurt 26:44, Scott Blackerby 29:19. 45-49 – Mike Blankenship 21:44, Philip Lienesch 22:40, Greg Elrod 25:02. 50-54 – Terry Milam 25:26, Kevin Lockwood 27:49, Patrick Redding 53:38. 55-59 – Lovell Grider 28:14, John Deeb 29:13. 60-69 – Andy Nathan 26:35, Daniel Bessinger 34:01, Gary Pulver 41:06. Female, 5K: Overall – Emily Leeper 20:14. Masters – Tabitha Bell 22:54. Grandmasters – Julie Bruno 25:34. 9-under – Ryleigh Johnson 25:49, Ainsley Stobaugh 30:01, Madelyn Pedigo 32:10. 10-14 – Autumn Jenkins 25:04, Lydia Nathan 26:28. 20-24 – Elizabeth Willenbrink 23:55, Jess Clark 25:25, Dionna Zorici 26:02. 25-29 – Heather Ross 20:35, Gabriella Alcott 32:16, Shannon Sims 32:31. 30-34 – Katie Blankenship 28:11, Denise Williams 29:08, Katy Kittinger 29:59. 3539 – Karen McGuffey 22:31, Elisha Hill 23:01, Stephanie Milstead 24:59. 40-44 – Lea Henderson 27:58, Karrie Robbins 28:51, Patty Alfonsin 31:38. 45-49 – Kenly Ames 27:27, Hope Marchionda 28:24, Angie Jenkins 29:26. 50-54 – Julie Barrick 29:27, Janice Lockwood 29:45, Karyn Rafferty 31:44. 55-59 – Patricia Crocker 28:27, Diane Moats 33:33, Deborah Gabbard 34:00. 6064 – Joan Gassaway 31:41, Martha Paull 45:47. 65over – Mary Morrison 41:19.

Male, 10K: Overall – JP Botti 36:05. Masters – Timothy Priest 43:26. Grandmasters – Don Hebert 43:48. Senior Grandmasters – James Hebert 48:05. Youth – Timothy Dupuy 47:02. 15-under – Collin Rovira 1:17:46. 16-19 – Stephen Cassingham 37:44. 20-29 – William Fell 37:18. 30-39 – James Martin 41:36. 40-49 – Christopher Bergeron 45:31. 50-59 – Barry Creppel 46:41. 60-69 – Kerry Bundrick 56:12. 70-over – Larry Schlueter 48:36. Racewalker – Fred Goodson 1:19:47. Female, 10K: Overall – Kimberly Blaise 44:30. Masters – Michele Bravo 45:24. Grandmasters – Janel Mumme 59:34. Senior Grandmasters – Judy Kirchoffer 1:19:03. Youth – Karlie Winn 1:01:36. 15-under – Elizabeth Rovira 1:08:00. 20-29 – Caroline Thornton 45:25. 30-39 – Delphine Stewart 47:59. 40-49 – Janel Kalifey 49:17. 50-59 –Colleen Nusloch 1:00:13. Racewalker – Liz Lotz 1:26:16. Male, 5K: Overall –Nick Accardo 16:19. Masters – Edward Lang 19:30. Grandmasters – J Roger Brown 21:38. Senior Grandmasters – David Bertrand 22:26. Youth – Hank Snyder 18:59. 15-under – Jacob Perez 21:51. 16-19 – Tyler Mouton 19:44. 20-29 – Romain Crozemarie 18:35. 30-39 – Justin Blanchard 19:51. 40-49 – Sean Dalton 21:45. 50-59 – Ken Maddox 23:50. 60-69 – Gregory Harrison 25:23. 70-over – Perez Juan 23:32. Female, 5K: Overall – Emily Blanchard 21:15. Masters – Suzanne Garoian 25:27. Grandmasters – Virginia Besthoff 26:09. Senior Grandmasters – Judy Causey 47:16. Youth – Mary Nusloch 23:51. 15-under – Sophia Mouton 26:00. 16-19 – Allison Arcuri 26:51. 20-29 – Emily Siegel 24:36. 30-39 – Antigone Pierson 21:49. 40-49 – Charmaiine Lissarrag 26:42. 50-59 – Mary White 29:30. 60-69 – Vicki Buckley 51:34. Racewalker – Marie Merrick 46:52.

MISSISSIPPI Legal Beagle 5K Jackson, MS – 3/12 Male, Overall - Peter Kazery 16:11 Masters - Collin Johnson 18:50 Grandmasters - Bo Smith 19:19 Senior Grandmasters - Phillip Wedgeworth 24:21. 14-under - Luke Beissel 19:12, Sian McGregor 22:48, Grayson Childress 24:39.15-19 - Benjamin Hearon 17:44, Perrin Bauder 27:31. 20-24 - Vann Berry 17:24, Frank Holiman 18:44, Ben Marino 33:28.25-29 - Andy Schmegel 17:23, Chad Berry 17:13, Floyd Gray 18:08.30-34 - Brent Watson 18:02, Josue Capir 19:05, Chandler Strain 19:43.35-39 - Bill Wadlington 21:57, Jonathan Jones 23:09, Jason Childress 23:53.40-44 - Terry Jones 20:42, Lex Davis 20:49, Kevin Fugate 21:43.45-49 - Jimmy House 21:17, Francisco Minoz 21:41, Mike Morgan 22:59.50-54 Randy Pearcy 21:54, Bilal Hashim 22:28, David Simmonds 22:53.55-59 - Mark Lipking 22:11, Charles Allred 23:05, Robert Ross 23:19.60-64 - Walter Smitherman 25:09, Edward Hill 25:46, Steve Otting 26:12.65-69 - Delbert Hosemann 26:29, Ike Henry 26:41, David Mockbee 26:45.70-over - Richard Edmonson 27:52, Peter Miazza 31:02, Bill Barnett 34:58. Female, Overall - Shannon Steele 22:33. Masters - Raquel Obando 28:20. Grandmasters - Chantay Steen 24:38.

Running Journal • May, 2016 Senior Grandmasters - Mary Lohrenz 26:01. 14-under - Bella Boggan 42:27, Sophie Brown 51:33, Alexis King 52:42.15-19 - Kamryn Davis 26:40.20-24 - Lucy Knight 26:20, Gwendolyn Davis 26:42, Olivia McCain 30:47.25-29 - Claire Stamm 23:32, Katie Corkern 24:11, Jasmin DeKlerk 25:04.3034 - Haley Gregory 23:42, Jennifer Cecil 25:33, Katie Black 26:55.35-39 - Lesley Holleman 22:39, Lezlie McCoy 24:17, Erica Lorence 25:14.40-44 - Royce Cole 31:55, Jennifer Scoggins 32:36, Jenny Woodruff 33:42.45-49 - Gail Strength 28:48, Tiffany Austin 32:22, Kathy Squires 34:21.50-54 - Miriam Allred 25:57, Dawn Polo 26:23, April Palmer 26:49.55-59 - Diane Sampson 29:35, Jill Warner 30:59, Frances Leard 31:17.60-64 Charlene Priester 32:44, Barb Goyzueta 33:01.65-69 Cathy Ward 41:25.70-over - Maria Walker 29:12.

NORTH CAROLINA Quintiles Marathon/Half Marathon Wrightsville Beach, NC – 3/20 Male, Marathon: Overall – Gavin Finlay 2:31:00, Jamey Yon 2:34:35, Timothy Nichols 2:34:46. Masters – Bill Shires 2:52:13, Jade Costen 2:52:40, Jeff Lynch 2:59:01. 18-under – Tyler Keller 3:49:36, Charlie Haywood 4:23:07, Ryan Spillane 4:26:11. 19-24 – Karl Vonzabern 3:09:09, Derek Detweiler 3:20:25, Shane Reagan 3:27:51. 25-29 – Bill Matthews 2:48:40, Rocco Quaranto 2:57:27, Jeremy Wang 2:58:33. 30-34 –Hugh Crews 2:40:09, Josh West 2:57:59, Sebastiaan Wittenberg 3:05:22. 35-39 – Matt Longworth 2:46:34, Joe Borg 2:56:40, Scott Perry 2:57:28. 40-44 – Rick O’Donnell 2:59:55, Andrew Fletcher 3:03:32, Hernan Sabio 3:03:45. 45-49 – Ron Giles 3:02:14, Michael Stevenson 3:02:15, Dennis Long 3:09:01. 50-54 – Stephen Ahrens 3:05:00, Donnie Norris 3:09:46, Jeff Barbier 3:23:28. 55-59 – Preston Evans 3:22:57, Jeffrey Peterson 3:24:49, Bill Kitchens 3:26:04. 60-64 – Colin Saville 3:48:43, Chris Holcomb 3:50:34, Michael Brummer 3:51:41. 65-69 – Edward Bates 3:55:12, William Stewart 4:05:22, Sidney Vance 5:00:39. Female, Marathon: Overall – Christa Iammarion 2:48:50, Alice Rogers 2:55:35, Brittany Perkins 2:57:11. Masters – Catherine Phillips 3:10:30, Shelley Malloy 3:28:53, Stephanie Madden 3:33:53. 19-24 – Emmie Costen 3:34:13, Allison Gallagher 3:36:59, Sofia Mendoza 3:41:37. 25-29 – Courtney Bishop 3:17:11, Sarah Lighthiser 3:22:23, Morgan Abbott 3:31:09. 30-34 – Bekah Eljoundi 3:16:53, Melissa Quaranto 3:25:05, Ryan Hilton 3:26:01. 35-39 – Erin Hogston 2:57:51, Bridget Phillips 3:03:21, Anna Donlan 3:15:25. 40-44 – Sharon Steele 3:35:13, Kelli Kerkhoff 3:36:38, Misty Dion 3:37:54. 45-49 – Christine Rockey 3:43:14, Sarah Verbiest 3:45:11, Kelly Vanderhave 3:49:45. 50-54 – Marcy Waters 3:40:03, Jolene Hopper 4:00:43, Deborah Bartholow 4:04:19. 55-59 – Brenda Estlack 3:39:45, Cynthia Aziz 4:16:26, Diana Davis 4:18:20. 6064 – Penny Williams 4:26:18. 65-69 – Patricia Brooks 5:12:16. Male, Half marathon: Overall –Tibor Vegh 1:11:16, Justin Pfruender 1:11:16, Ethan Lievense 1:11:25. Masters – Colin Jones 1:18:49, Michael Davi 1:22:06, Joey Rossi 1:22:16. 18-under – Owen Thorndike 1:34:43, Brandon Baumgartner 1:35:10, Jack Leland 1:35:12. 19-24 – AJ Ricketts 1:21:18, Brandon Nix 1:24:06, Garrett Teuscher 1:25:49. 25-29 – Kevin Wright 1:15:51, Ryan Middleton 1:17:34, Payton Pearson 1:18:38. 30-34 – Justin Simard 1:11:47, Craig Donnelly 1:15:04, Michael Phinney 1:16:44. 35-39 – Robert Youtz 1:18:49, Danny Woodward 1:22:00, Craig Herndon 1:26:13. 40-44 – Matt Zevgolis 1:22:17, Douglas Marshall 1:23:52, Scott Eckman 1:28:31. 45-49 – Paul Sherman 1:23:31, Howard Kraft 1:26:15, Jason Philbin 1:26:19. 50-54 – Steve Morrell 1:26:36, Frank Fawcett 1:29:16, Robert Ducsay 1:29:42. 55-59 – Ray Fryan 1:25:38, Rodolfo Sequeyro 1:29:35, Chip Akers 1:31:45. 60-64 – Randy Richardson 1:43:59, Joey Anderson 1:47:53, Anthony Garguilo 1:49:05. 65-69 – Jim Dewitt 1:41:40, Dick Schneider 1:59:38, Hal Newell 2:02:28. 70-over – Robert Johnstone 1:52:56, Roger Tuttle 1:56:20, Bruce Whitson 2:04:47.


Female, Half marathon: Overall – Chelsea Hollingsworth 1:22:38, Kristina Vegh 1:23:31, Kelly Eckberg 1:24:07. Masters – Alice Kassens 1:28:15, Meredith Bazemore 1:30:16, Kelly Reid 1:33:00. 18-under – Sydney Quate 1:52:03, Bella Jacoby 1:59:51, Anne Cunningham 1:59:52. 19-24 – Madalyn Nuckols 1:28:01, Christin Newman 1:28:48, Colette Whitney 1:29:32. 25-29 – Rosemary Barber 1:27:00, Katie Houmard 1:27:56, Lisa Watson 1:28:45. 30-34 – Lara Boyer 1:25:57, Carolyn Yang 1:26:12, Candace Harrison 1:27:45. 35-39 – Kimberly Mueller 1:24:14, Melissa Coleman 1:26:27, Jennifer pfaff 1:27:19. 40-44 – Shawn Ralston 1:33:53, Cathy Cosner 1:35:22, Jennifer Anderson 1:37:25. 45-49 – Barbara Wiggins 1:32:38, Mary Carson 1:33:19, Johanna Remes 1:35:20. 50-54 – Rosa Alonso-McKenzie 1:41:16, Susan Varga 1:44:14, Jane Kelly-Langford 1:44:32. 55-59 – Julie Gerke 1:56:29, Dorothy Wright 1:58:15, Trudy Robare 1:58:42. 60-64 – Joanne Bagby 2:01:59, Pamela Keenan 2:05:34, Sue Bark 2:15:52. 65-69 – Phyllis Miller 2:20:57, Diane Dorsett 2:23:31, Rita Lewis 2:37:58. 70-over – Toby Brody 2:39:07, Frances Callanan 2:41:25, Carolyn Gayford 2:46:26

Dupont Forest 12K Trail Run Pisgah Forest, NC – 3/26 Overall, Top 50 – 1-Charlie Ledford 44:44, 2-David Workman 45:37 3-Mikey Riley 45:55, 4-Kate Schwartz 47:21, 5-Paul Scouten 47:41, 6-Doug Daniel 47:58, 7Sheridan Byers 48:15, 8-Gary Curran 48:54, 9-Dan Delay 48:56, 10-Dan Shelby 49:35, 11-Mark Ledyard 49:47, 12-Shawn Bagley 49:52, 13-Josh Marcus 50;16, 14-Sam Benton 50:44, 15-Brad Dellinger 50:55, 16-Joe Watson 51:05, 17-Todd Burkhalter 51:27, 18-Phil Gregory 52:22, 19-Wes Miller 52:53, 20-Jordan Satterfield 53:06, 21-Jonathan Chassner 55:20, 22Christopher Sherman 55:53, 23-Jason Roberts 55:58, 24-Walter Joyce 56:02, 25-Matthew Rawlings 56:19. 26-Ian Cannon 56:43, 27-Ted Barnett 57:00, 28Scott Hickman 57:08, 29-Lincoln Crosse 57:33, 30Sean Perry 57:39, 31-Marc Jackson 57:44, 32-Adam Gresham 57:57, 33-Lisa Busche 58:10, 34-Charlie Gwyn 58:10, 35-Matthew Hill 59:02, 36-Philip Christanson 59:15, 37-Tara Jordan 59:17, 38-Jennifer Ingle 1:00:18, 39-David Roberts 1:00:28, 40-Blake Johnson 1:00:36, 41-Todd Walker 1:00:54, 42-Albert Carden 1:01:00, 43-Rick Jordan 1:01:13, 44-Jennifer Hosler 1:01:33, 45-Gary Smith 1:01:44, 46-Derry O’Kane 1:01:49, 47-David George 1:01:52, 48-Suzanne Byers 1:02:13, 49-Beth Daniel 1:02:53, 50-John Sherman 1:03:09.

SOUTH CAROLINA Beaufort Twilight Run 5K/8K/10 mile/13.1challenge Beaufort, SC – 3/19 Male, 5K: Overall – Jay Upchurch 15:59, Eric Ashton 16:11, Orinthal Striggles 16:44. Masters – Jose Molina 18:50. 9-under – Gavin Moore 21:32. 10-14 – Cashiel Bowles 22:24. 15-19 – Ruben Chavez 18:09. 20-24 –Benjamin Stoner 17:27. 25-29 – Eric Simonson 17:36. 30-34 – Stephen Wright 20:03. 35-39 – Dennis Dalton 20:14. 40-44 – Arthur O’Kelley 20:14. 45-49 – Scott Gordon 21:43. 50-54 – Derek Comerford 22:19. 55-59 – Rick McDevitt 23:32. 60-64 – Michael Vonderscher 27:51. 65-69 – Chris Frechette 25:18. 70-over – David Althoff 42:57. Female, 5K: Overall – Joy Miller 17:29, Caitlin Judd Batten 17:56, Shawanna White 19:09. Masters – Jane Herschelman 22:35. 9-under – Brooke Dalton 23:06. 10-14 – Macey Davis 21:53. 15-19 – Delaynie Grove 22:18. 20-24 – Dana Blanchard 20:06. 25-29 – Elizabeth Harrington 23:47. 30-34 – Margaret Koenig 20:31. 35-39 – Caroline Dalton 23:39. 40-44 – Heather Lalli 27:19. 4549 – Cheryl Vieira 25:13. 50-54 - MJ David 27:50. 5559 – Becky Jones 31:28. 60-64 – Anne Piercy 40:48. 65-69 Carmen Meyer 29:35. 70-over – Julia Gameros



Running Journal • May, 2016


44:39. Male, 8K: Overall – Emanuel Krieg 25:58, Daniel Domite 26:54, Jay Upchurch 27:50. Masters – Michael Haire 34:03. 9-under – Hank Donovan 48:17. 10-14 – Nash Mills 35:00, Panyue Strawn 37:30, Bray Sheehan 37:48. 1519 – Ryan Nimmer 32:21, Mitchell Russell 36:05. 20-24 – Chris Kehrer 53:49. 25-29 – Josiah Tobin 30:57, Donald Inglis 37:28, Nathan Mironas 45:15. 30-34 – Brian Kramer 35:16, Travis Pullen 41:30, William Kirksey 42:18. 35-39 – Seth Waterman 31:28, Edmund Hipp 37:48, Matt Donovan 48:17. 40-44 – Steve Allshouse 40:58, Brad Pickel 44:13, Ladd Stevens 45:30. 45-49 – Jonathan Lohr 39:11, Colin Kinton 42:43, Edward Danielson 44:05. 50-54 – Vinnie Rhodes 39:33, Derek Comerford 40:52, Charlie Godwin 41:56. 55-59 – David Kinard 41:47, Michael Boyne 44:18, Steve Melvin 48:54. 60-64 – Rick Franklin 35:17, Gary Andrew 41:17, Craig Collinson 41:32. 65-69 – Guy Birkhead 50:07. Female, 8K: Overall – Erin Suttman 31:54, Tiffany Markeson 32:35, Kristin McCann 34:45. Masters – Kerry Cosneau 36:23. 10-14 – Ella Hayward 42:26, Maggie Kinton 46:32, Sophie Hayward 53:43. 15-19 – Alexis Voulgaropoui 35:55. 20-24 – Hillary Tobin 40:29, Jessica Walters 41:54, Kandra Godwin 44:21. 25-29 – Chandra Mironas 45:15, Amanda Trimpey 47:28, Jessica McClam 48:10. 30-34 – Ashleigh Whitmore 37:17, Margaret Koening 40:03, Ashley Sosa 42:14. 35-39 – Meghan Kennerly 40:58, Lora Carneavale 41:51, Heather Hipp 42:35. 4044 – Lisa Kiker 43:10, Kim Statler 43:44, Liz Murdaugh 45:24. 45-49 – Bet Rhodes 43:44, Christine Witkowski 44:52, Sandra 47:03. 50-54 – Lindy Gruel 48:29, Trish Halle 48:58, Deborah Raymond 49:48. 55-59 – Lisa Carter 42:49, Beverly Runnion 48:34, Loreen Whitton 54:32. 60-64 – Sue Birkhead 43:51, Cheryl Henry 44:11, Abby Morris 49:20. 65-69 – Diane Stoneking42:30, Bev Wood 54:07. Male, 10 mile: Overall – Patrick Reagan 51:12, David Adams 57:02, Orinthal Striggles 59:49. Masters – Eric Ashton 59:56. Female, 10 mile: Overall – Caitlin Judd Batten 1:02:35, Joy Miller 1:03:03, Dana Blanchard 1:13:27. Masters – Betty Laurent-Bello 1:20:18. Male, Challenge Half Marathon: Overall – Eric Ashton 1:16:07, Orinthal Striggles 1:16:32, Jose Molina 1:21:00. Masters – Court Herschelman 1:50:15. Female, Challenge Half Marathon: Overall – Caitlin Judd Batten 1:20:31, Joy Miller 1:20:32, Dana Blanchard 1:33:33. Masters – Jane Herschelman 1:45:33.


more results at running.net each race was run “certification pending.” Capturing victories this year in the half marathon were Nashville Striders members Gisela Olalde (1:16:51) and Scott Wietecha (1:09:50). Top Masters were Striders member Linda Lamott (1:37:45) and Kentucky Wempe (1:19:03). Grandmasters winners were Striders member Victoria Crisp (1:37:58) and Paul Bliss (1:25:33). In the 5K, hitting the tape for victory were Striders member Kylie Korsnack (19:12) and Josh Helton

www.running.net (16:05). Capturing top Masters were Emma Riconda (21:33) and Dave Milner (18:37). Taking the Grandmasters titles were Teresa Laggis (23:37) and Carlos Alvarez (21:19). Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders welcomed finishers of the half marathon and helped present finishers medals. There were 845 official finishers in the half marathon, with another 387 official finishers in the 5K. Race weekend kicked off with our Friday night Pasta Dinner, featuring Bill Rodgers as our Keynote Speaker. Attendees enjoyed an inspiring evening of food and fellowship as Bill, 4-time winner of the Boston and New York Marathons, shared numerous anecdotes from his years of International running. Bill graciously answered questions and signed copies of his book “Marathon Man,” along with copies of his famous poster:

L-R: Marion Kandre, Gisela Olalde, Peter Pressman, Bill Rodgers, Jeannette Faber. Photo by Ruth Pressman

L-R: Peter Pressman, Bill Rodgers, Scott Wietecha, Joseph Elsakr. Photo by Ruth Pressman

Gisela Olalde and Scott Wietecha earn victories in 22nd Annual Gupton Jeep Tom King Half Marathon. By Peter Pressman/Nashville Striders NASHVILLE, TN - This year’s Gupton Jeep Tom King Classic, held on March 5, was staged under sunny skies, with temperatures approaching 40 degrees at the start. A stark contrast from last year, when a snow and ice storm two days prior to the event, forced cancelation of the half marathon, with everyone running the 5K on a slightly modified course. However, this year’s event had its own issues. An International Women’s Soccer Tournament was scheduled for Nissan Stadium, home of the Tennessee Titans, the same weekend as our event. Official announcement in mid-January set in motion a series of appeals to allow us to finish in the stadium as planned. It was on Feb. 8 that we learned that we would be “booted” from the field, and denied access to our “Finish on the Fifty.” Alternate finish logistics were generated, with a new finish line outside the stadium. On short notice, what resulted was a 5K that ended up around 3.25 miles, and a half marathon closer to 13.25. Paperwork was submitted for course certifications, and

Runners start the Gupton Jeep Tom King Half Marathon. Photo Courtesy of Blair Ball Photography

“Relentless,” which captures his 1979 Boston course record-breaking Finish (and personal best). Everyone was eager to have their picture taken with Bill. “Boston Billy” also ran our half marathon Saturday morning and assisted at our Awards Ceremony in the comfort of the Stadium Club where participants refueled with the plentiful post-race breakfast buffet. This Annual Event hosted by the Nashville Striders, was first staged in 1996, and honors one of our founding members, Tom King, who also attended our Dinner and race morning festivities. It serves as our Club’s major fundraiser for the year to support the various programs, with 10% specifically earmarked for the Striders Youth Fund. Complete results can be found on the Striders website: www.nashvillestriders.com, or the event website: www.tomkingclassic.com. Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Scott Wietecha 1:09:50, Joseph Elsakr 1:10:24, Bill Martin 1:10:45. Masters – Kentucky Wempe 1:19:03. Grandmasters – Paul Bliss 1:25:35. 14-under – Danner Latshaw 2:00:36. 15-19 – Micah Keller 1:32:25, Adam Duckworth 1:32:31, Cade Latshaw 1:37:35. 20-24 – Brandon Ellis 1:12:34, Brett Pierce 1:13:24, Spencer Cole 1:15:34. 25-29 – Hunter Hall 1:12:57, Ratlale Mokoni 1:14:13, Bradley Alban 1:14:15. 30-34 – Abdusalam Ko Ko 1:13:24, Andy Jones 1:19:25, Daniel McGinley 1:21:34. 35-39 – Scott Bennett 1:19:57, Jim Hall 1:24:35, Christian Neff 1:27:40. 40-44 – Matt Pulle 1:19:37, Eric Waterman 1:21:27, Joseph Relyea 1:22:42. 45-49 – Kevin Delaney 1:19:47, Eric Stiles 1:22:56, James Nabholz 1:24:45. 50-54 – Doug Ross 1:26:08, Jeff Matlock 1:27:25, Timothy O’Leary 1:28:55. 55-59 – Michael Winter 1:26:19, Ron Haglof 1:35:31, Thomas Dolan 1:37:14. 60-64 – Richard Jonardi 1:45:25, David Haywood 1:47:09, Riney Green 1:50:52. 65-69 – Malcolm Oliver 1:37:30, William Rodgers 1:42:06, Tony Recker 2:00:50.70-74 – Jay Baker 2:11:43. 75-over – Dennis Christian 1:56:05, David Holder 2:52:33. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Gisela Olalde 1:16:51, Marion Kandre 1:20:52, Jeannette Faber 1:22:41. Masters – Linda Lamott 1:37:55. Grandmasters – Victoria Crisp 1:38:05. 14-under – Hope Ilias 1:38:11, Alexandra Trigg 1:39:06. 15-19 – Franny Ford 1:46:03, Rebekah Friday 1:52:57, Melissa Barrett 1:56:11. 20-24 – Evan Ferrell Adams 1:25:43, Maggie Musick 1:26:48, Cassidy Crowder 1:39:11. 25-29 – Emily Mack 1:26:21, Donna Smailis 1:31:01, Ashley Spencer 1:31:29. 30-34 – Jeri Christiansen 1:37:15, Maria Rahimian 1:38:48, Brianna Roy 1:39:27. 35-39 – Elizabeth Sloan 1:31:15, Elizabeth George 1:33:03, Stephanie Surratt 1:34:09. 40-44 – Kris Rehm 1:38:52, Anna Hemnes 1:41:13, Aine Corridon 1:41:44. 45-49 – Kathryn Dahir 1:37:56, Robyn Snyder 1:43:23, Gyi Wu 1:43:40. 50-54 – Kelly Murphy 1:39:11, Tamara Kasper 1:41:50, Susan Lang 1:47:39. 55-59 – Judy Daggett 1:38:52, Mary Khim 1:44:13, Diana Bibeau 1:54:11. 60-64 – Gloria Mersman 1:50:50, Clara Decoster 2:05:06, Trish Steelman 2:11:30. 65-69 – Betty Salyers 2:09:43, Sandy Bridges 2:15:12, Jo Collins 2:32:26. 70-74 – Janet Jernigan 2:15:26. Male, 5K: Overall – Josh Helton 16:05, John Woodman 17:16, Karl Lamke 17:41. Masters – Dave Milner 18:37. Grandmasters – Carlos Alvarez 21:22. 9-under – Keaton Godley 25:58, Caleb Jenkins 26:44. 10-14 – Christopher Caruso 21:56, McKinley Wagner 28:57, Weston Cross 30:53. 15-19 – Kaleb McCaffry 22:25, Will Riley 43:21. 20-24 – Jonathan Bryant 20:30, Ashton Storey 23:26, Matt Genova 24:29. 25-29 – Jonathan Lemieux 20:28, Walker Ferebee 23:56, Jason Bennett 24:16. 30-34 – Tony White 17:49, Christopher Street 22:12, Kenneth Croft 22:38. 35-39 – John Jensen 19:29, Ben Fulwider 20:11, Jon Honeycutt 21:07. 40-44 – Frederick Saussy 24:58, Mike Langlais 26:14, Chris Atkinson 28:01. 45-49 – Ben Graves 23:04, Charles Degenhart 24:20, John Clark 24:20. 50-54 – Craig Nunn 21:40, Harold Donnelly 22:35, Bill Barton 24:29. 55-59 – Keith Caruso 22:10, Robin Bible 22:39, Paul Wholley 24:17. 60-64 – Dennis Falconberry 23:52,




Brian Roskoskey 24:58, Jerry Marcec 25:27. 65-69 – David Peterson 22:08, James Medd 29:39, Terry Long 32:31. 70-74 – Kenneth Young 30:11, Jack Barkenbus 31:38, Charles Smith 36:00. 75-79 – Carlos Cobos 25:55, Bernie Wasserman 32:31, Zane Cantrell 36:22. 80-over – Fred Lovelace 1:00:10. Female, 5K: Overall – Kylie Korsnack 19:12, Jeannette Mathieu 19:37, Beth Meadows 19:40. Masters – Emma Riconda 21:34. Grandmasters – Teresa Laggis 23:41. 9-under – Clare McNamara 26:44, Adah Tomlinson 32:01, Emery Lang 47:43. 10-14 – Emily Wich 22:21, Alison Wich 22:23, Kailey Snell 26:34. 15-19 – Mary Beth White 32:36, Taylor Bush 36:35. 20-24 – Sydney Settle 20:39, Kayla Walker 28:10, Micaela Niconchuk 30:26. 25-29 – Jennifer Huang 20:50, Leah Holman 23:02, Danielle Bojanzyk 24:01. 30-34 – Brittany Kennedy-Qu 21:00, Joceylyn Watts 27:53, Heidi Adams 28:14. 35-39 – Tonya Lumphrey 20:34, Katherine Jensen 22:15, Phoebe McDonald 23:29. 40-44 – Heather Livingston 22:02, Kacey Flatt 25:06, Shari Godley 28:08. 45-49 – Brenda Ashby-Hughes 22:38, Jennifer Eichert 23:02, Gen Celentano 23:32. 50-54 – Sabeita Hoyos 27:00, Melissa Sevenich 27:06, Michele Nanna 31:04. 55-59 – Tamra Smith 25:50, Carolyn Washing 26:30, Susan Joy 30:23. 60-64 – Karen Austin 30:10, Anne Marie Kempf 31:26, Janet Tummins 37:53. 65-69 – Gayle Moody 47:09, Diane Chapman 56:21, Victoria Chambers 1:00:35. 70-74 – Loretta Gascoigne 38:49, Glenda Tetley 40:40, Barbara Field 45:04.

SRVS Bunny Run 5K Memphis, TN – 3/26 Male, Overall – Andrew Chumney 16:21. Masters – James Murphy 17:42. Grandmasters – Jeffery Ellington 19:57. Senior Grandmasters – Ray Johnson 23:41. 9-under – Nicholas Trigg 24:33, Carson Cooper 32:57, Hugh Flanders 41:54. 10-11 – Carson Yates 24:40, Tom Pfingstag 24:54, Emerson Shuping 27:59. 12-14 – Evan Hall 29:13, Stuart Keen 54:54. 15-19 – Jackson Boring 26:51, Caleb Walker 29:19, Steve Havard 32:11. 20-24 – Brandon Stallings 29:45, Alan Willis 34:34, Taelor Winchester 40:44. 25-29 – Andrew Thrasher 19:19, Haden Campbell 21:17, Noah Gray 21:50. 30-34 – Christian Lemon 17:53, Webb McDonald 19:49, Nathan Bailey 23:45. 35-39 – Conor Hayden 19:05, Nathan Berry 19:46, Colton Cockrum 19:47. 4044 – David Zucker 19:04, Adrian Hall 19:33, Randy Floyd 22:16. 45-49 – Miless Fortas 19:53, Jason Evers 21:23, Marvin Wanders 24:51. 50-54 – Ernest Shadow 21:44, Richard Spore 25:07, Michael Stengel 26:16. 5559 – John Moore 28:22, Jeff Konrad 28:34, Paul Scheirer 29:20. 60-64 – Jim Etter 41:52, John Sumner 54:51. 65-69 - Bob Leopold 24:19, Simon Elllis 26:42, Ronald Wright 32:00. Female, Overall – Kate Horton 20:56. Masters – Lori Parker 22:48. Grandmasters – Sharon Chandler 26:57. Senior Grandmasters – Jackie Croft 32:24. 9-under – Sophie Hall 29:13, Ellen Burkett 29:52, Savannah Chandler 33:16. 10-11 –Alexandra Trigg 27:59, Aza Palazola 19:06, Annabelle Flanders 30:46. 12-14 – Kim Pfingstag 29:08, Lizzy Wanders 34:16, Allyson Harris 49:14. 15-19 – Amber Mays 23:33, Hannah Matthews 23:38, Molly Blatt 25:52. 20-24 – Emily Stallings 29:45, Kaitlyn Bryant 31:46, Kelly Howard 32:00. 25-29 – Ashley Thrasher 23:42, Kristin Long 24:37, Margot Pera 25:21. 30-34 – Holly Cousar 22:44, Marianne Garner 23:54, Rebecca Wade 24:11. 35-39 – Jessica Orians 25:42, Sheryl Shelton 26:24, Holly Hensarling 26:41. 40-44 – Laura Jaggar 25:14, Kim McCaskill 26:05, Rachel Baker 26:49. 45-49 – Michelle Wanders 25:05, Sherri Thompson 26:13, Jennifer Evers 29:10. 50-54 –Jill Amos 27:44, Donna Gentry 28:56, Kay Bryant 31:55. 55-59 – Missy Stockstill 27:01, Elizabeth Sumner 27:20, Lee Hartman 29:51. 60-64 – Robin Ross Massie 34:48, Florence Jones 50:06, Mary Jo Belak 51:16. 65-69 – Brenda Rogers 48:14. 70-74 – Syliva Poll 38:50, Wanda Wilkerson 47:19.

more results at running.net

VIRGINIA Get Your Rear In Gear 5K Hampton, VA – 3/26 Male, Overall – Craig Hymes 19:09. 14-under – Coe Hambly 21:18. 15-19 – Beau Whiddon 25:53. 20-29 – Alejandro DeLeon 20:29. 3039 – Lee Lehmkuhler 25:08. 40-49 – Toby Worm 19:25. 50-59 – Robert Williams 20:21. 60-69 – Eugene Thies 27:42. 70-over – Robb Myer 52:57. Female, Overall – Karen Sanzo 22:01. 14-under – Addie Hambly 32:03. 15-19 – Courtney Kurz 27:05. 20-29 – Brittany Pierri 23:25. 30-39 – Jaime Lawson 25:04. 40-49 – Catherine Walker 22:44. 50-59 – Margarita Doreste 25:28. 60-69 – Dottie Humphreys 28:23. 70-over – Paula McElroy 54:15. – Bruce Davis

Charlottesville Marathon/Half Marathon/8K Charlottesville, VA – 4/2 Male, Marathon: Overall – Justin Gillette 2:46:26, Joshua White 2:50:23, Michael Hamilton 2:51:09. Masters – Emmanuel Georges 3:19:13. 20-under – Ryan Shick 3:20:40, Daniel Poehailos 3:38:31, Timothy Smith 3:45:08. 21-24 – Cody Stancil 3:06:36, Clayton Irvine 3:08:45, Alex Haden 3:24:02. 25-29 – Erick Kuhlmann 3:08:04, George Zaras 3:25:23, Donald Norum 3:36:00. 30-34 – Spencer Johnson 2:58:19, Billy Chorey 2:58:23, John Kopp 3:16:36. 3539 – Kyle Breier 3:31:19, Matt Gallagher 3:38:49, Jason Preszler 3:39:47. 40-44 – Jay Johnson 3:23:41, Greg Morris 3:26:01, Johnnie Luvavali 3:29:53. 45-49 – Emmanuel Georges 3:19:13, Scott Adams 3:46:45, Gordon Duncan 3:50:37. 50-54 – Alan Pobletts 3:37:39, Joe Appel 3:38:29, Sam Wang 3:54:53. 55-59 –Marvin Solberg 4:22:57, Paul Williams 4:27:25. 60-64 – Rick Rowland 4:22:57, Benji Durden 4:23:03, Robert Grabner 4:28:02. 65-69 – Michael Montgomery 4:28:34, Allen Vaughan 4:28:53, Danny Keatley 4:41:04. Female, Marathon: Overall – Alicia Korol 3:26:52. Masters – Connie Frontero 3:50:47. 20-under – Shawna Sims 3:56:38, Mary Boyd Crosier 4:07:33, Tenney Shaughnessy 4:28:59. 21-24 – Daniela Eppler 3:54:00, Katy Burgio 4:02:10, Margaret Beaton 4:02:25. 25-29 – Alyssa Barrow 3:46:41, Jessica Pletcher 3:50:57, Emmi Laakso 4:00:23. 30-34 – Jaime Fensterl 3:54:52, Julia Whitehair 3:57:04, Christina Nutting 3:59:27. 35-39 – Bobbi Scott 3:54:01, Michele Perry 4:10:07, Jennifer Coppola 4:15:39. 40-44 – Kimberly Parker 3:52:29, Katharine Flexer 4:02:57, Rachel Kellogg 4:23:57. 45-49 – Susan McClanahan 4:22:46, Amy Lahey 4:23:53, Micaela Shaughnessy 4:29:03. 50-54 – Connie Frontero 3:50:47, Sharon Berger 4:43:32, Erin Atherton 4:52:57. 55-59 – Hosni Haghighian 4:03:07, Nancy Whitehead 4:16:05, Beverly Hudgins 4:50:26. Male, Half Marathon: Overall –William Plews-Ogan 1:16:31, Max Feuerlein 1:24:29, Taulsa cook 1:25:09. 20-under – Joseph Leonard 1:28:53, Zach Gelfand 1:34:24, Henry Peltz 1:35:54. 21-24 – Aaron Lewis 1:29:17, James Kammert 1:39:04, Adam Mullet 1:40:43. 25-29 – Justin Bishop 1:26:18, Erik Lerch 1:33:45, Matthew Quinn 1:35:45. 30-34 – Jeff Myers 1:35:40, Geoff Fasen 1:36:02, Rudolph Izzie 1:38:58. 35-39 – A.J. Khaw 1:29:03, Christopher Hartman 1:31:14, Joshua Fisher 1:40:30. 40-44 – Stuart Johnson 1:42:53, Sebastaian Feuerlein 1:44:34, Jesse Friedel 1:44:49. 45-49 – Troy Seimers 1:34:43, Michael Smyth 1:40:11, Charlie Parsons 1:40:38. 50-54 – Alan Tempel 1:40:53, Scott Haden 1:40:59, Christopher Maestre 1:45:30. 55-59 – Thomas Wilson 1:52:22, Robert Bremer 1:54:14, Ben Cavazos 1:54:30. 60-64 – Jimmie Deal 1:59:59, Randy Lester 2:00:06, Mark Okusa 2:09:33. 65-69 – William Mayo 2:07:43, Philip Halapin 2:18:27, Joseph Stirt 2:24:12. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Jordan Selby 1:28:26, Elisha Powell 1:29:02, Meredith Faulkner 1:29:46. 20-under – Laura Monaghan 1:38:20, Lauren Miller 1:40:10, Martha O’Brien 1:40:58. 21-24 – Macy Early 1:30:26, Megan Grzyb 1:38:52, Sydney Horen 1:41:04. 25-29 – Justin Bishop 1:26:18, Erik Lerch 1:33:45, Matthew Quinn 1:35:45. 30-34 – Brielle Lizmi 1:37:26, Amanda Pecsi 1:48:45, Katie Lattin 1:49:38.

Running Journal • May, 2016 35-39 – Elizabeth Hollis 1:37:38, Sarah Groth 1:39:36, Jolae Bailey 1:49:57. 40-44 – Sharon Adams 1:36:29, Jennifer Brown 1:42:12, Kristin Sylvia 1:50:16. 45-49 –Lissy Pfeifer 1:55:25, Krista Vannoy 1:55:47, Susan Keith 1:59:21. 50-54 – Kara Salit 1:45:38, Sally Pontarelli 1:52:12, Dawn Muckian 1:52:18. 55-59 – Evelina Norwinski 1:48:51, Nancy Heydinger 1:55:00, Toni Gimple 1:58:32. 60-64 – Wendy Golden 2:09:32, Maria Timmerman 2:26:00, Barbara Harvey 2:43:54. Male, 8K: Overall – Dave Sherer 31:17, Jeff Thurnher 32:46, Ryan Drago 35:08. 20-under – Max White 45:14, Chris Wenger 48:51, Nolan George 50:30. 21-24 – Mike Reeks 38:20, Brian Groener 42:18. 25-29 – Nicholas Broccoli 39:44, Quan Nguyen 45:58, Michael Atkins 47:55. 30-34 – Ricky Furusawa 36:53, Josh Childress 42:16, Ted German 43:55. 35-39 – Travis Mckenzie 40:41, Isaac Bray 43:03, Daniel OMalley 50:39. 40-44 – Chris Smith 39:38, Peter Thompson 45:13, Hank Savedge 46:08. 45-49 – Steve Groener 42:39, Joel Politi 44:34, Julie Politi 45:11. 50-54 – Jagdez Singh 50:12, Skip Choate 1:11:09. 55-59 – Frank Finch 40:46, David Register 47:30, Brian Reese 49:03. 60-64 – George Gillies 55:35. 65-69 – Scott Cooling 36:46, Jim Vance 46:42, Wayne Gibson 51:16. 70-over – David Howison 59:24. Female, 8K: Overall – Kim Rybold 36:27, Jaime Kurtz 37:57, Kristin Courtney 38:05. 20-under – Kelly Ross 39:50, Christina Webb 42:22, Olivia Sanchez 48:51. 21-24 – Brogan Jones 42:03, Grace Gillis 41:53, Katharine Hammaker 43:26. 25-29 – Kerry Stolz 44:37, Madeline Robison 45:38, Ann Bernacchi 46:27. 30-34 – Jess Wallace 42:55, Ruth Stucky 50:17, Sara Berg 51:32. 35-39 – Jen Suckow 44:33, Dominique Matte 52:07, Min Kyung Kim 52:32. 40-44 – Liz Parente 45:08, Amanda Petrylak 47:27, Kelly Sestak 57:47. 45-49 – Lara Shannon 45:13, Lori Lessem 55:56, Christine Wolfe 56:27. 50-54 – Louise Uffelman 37:55, Stacie Pearson 45:11, Ann Hanson 50:35. 55-59 – Suzanne Dee 41:40, Lee Catlin 1:05:34. 60-64 – Elizabeth Board 59:17. 65-69 – Beth Schmid 1:04:22.

WASHINGTON DC Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Washington, DC – 4/3 Male, Overall – 1-Sam Chelanga 48:26, 2-Silas Kipruto 48:27, 3-Martin Hehir 48:29, 4-Terefa Debela Delesa 48:50, 5-Philemon Cheboi 48:52, 6-Nelson Oyugi 48:54, 7-Tolossa Gedefa Fui 48:59, 8-Philip Langat 49:00, 9-Christo Landry 49:05, 10-Tom Anderson 49:27. 19-under – Delesa 48:50, Trey Mastaler 1:00:25, Brendan Jones 1:01:01. 20-24 – Hehr 48:29, Cheboi 48:52, Oyugi 48:54, Fui 48:59, Omar Boulama 50:57. 25-29 – Langat 49:00, Landry 49:05, Anderson 48:27, Spencer Gardner 51:04, Carlos Jamieson 51:17. 30-34 – Chelanga 48:26, Kipruto 48:27, Malcolm Richards 51:16, Brian Flynn 51:20, Christopher Sloane 51:27. 3539 – Gima Bedala 52:07, David Angell 54:43, Wilson Komen 55:08, Matthew Lofton 55:51, Clete Willems 57:42. 40-44 – William Vanos 54:26, Philippe Rolly 55:01, Michael Wardian 55:09, Aaron Church 55:52, David O’Hara 57:41. 45-49 – Todd Bibb 57:33, Allen Horner 1:01:54, Ryan Wedlund 1:01:56, Jon Wilkins 1:02:00, Stephen Crago 1:02:08. 50-54 – Kevin Broady


58:44, Mark Neff 59:55, Jim Zoldy 1:00:45, Jeff Haertel 1:01:17, Ed Wilson 1:02:47. 55-59 – Ken Youngers 1:00:28, Michael Anderson 1:04:08, Tim Francis 1:04:49, Steve Koch 1:06:12, Mike Sinisi 1:06:28. 60-64 – Marvin Pace 1:06:00, David Wild 1:08:01, Charles Morrow 1:11:05, Joseph Donahue 1:11:21, Jack Fitzmaurice 1:11:36. 65-69 – Paul Kozemchak 1:09:51, Eric Melby 1:19:34, Brian Byrne 1:19:49, Ronnie Wong 1:20:03, Bert Banks 1:21:13. 70-74 – Jim Noone 1:21:02, Norm Coleman 1:21:24, Rob Wesson 1:24:53, Daniel Tuttle 1:26:27, Robert Walker 1:26:55. 75-79 – Malcolm O’Hagan 1:34:57, Ken Quincy 1:44:22, Thomas Berkey 1:50:12. 80-over – George Yannakakis 1:39:06. Female, Overall – 1-Veronicah Nyaruai Wanjiru 53:12, 2-Buze Diriba 53:20, 3-Maegan Krifchin 54:59, 4-Lineth Chepkurui 55:27, 5-Sarah Kiptoo 55:31, 6Serena Burla 55:58, 7-Etaferahu Temesgen 56:24, 8Gladys Cheboi 56:35, 9-Allie Kieffer 56:41, 10Veronicah Maina 57:21. 19-under – Jaine Haines 1:09:57, Charlotte Scharfenberg 1:13:41, Elise Romola 1:16:12. 20-24 – Diriba 53:20, Morgan Morrow 1:01:48, Stephanie Cario 1:03:11, Courtney Crandell 1:03:18, Beth Conlon 1:03:24. 25-29 – Wanjiru 53:12, Krifchin 54:59, Chepkurui 55:27, Kiptoo 55:31, Temesgen 56:24. 30-34 – Burla 55:58, Roman-Duval 58:27, Bauer 59:21, Katie O’Regan 1:01:15, Laurel Le Moigne 1:01:23. 35-39 – Heather Cappello 59:55, Sarah Sladen 1:05:12, Samantha Bird 1:06:28, Meredith Samson 1:07:05, Lisa Welsh 1:07:22. 40-44 – Perry Shoemaker 1:00:53, Jennifer Maranzano 1:02:20, Kelly Westlake 1:04:09, Brenda Hodge 1:05:16, Janet Whittaker 1:06:52. 45-49 – Liz Herbert 1:05:43, Miriam Mintzer 1:08:23, Denise Knickman 1:08:43, Susan Albano 1:09:24, Kellie Redmond 1:09:48. 50-54 – Mary Zengo 1:03:55, Darcy Strouse 1:08:11, Cindy Conant 1:08:41, Mandana Mortazavi 1:09:26, Shannon Smith 1:11:30. 55-59 – Joan Samuelson 1:06:00, David Wild 1:08:01, Charles Morrow 1:11:06, Joseph Donahue 1:11:21, Jack Fitzmaurice 1:11:36. 60-64 – Betty Blank 1:19:39, Geri Clifford 1:20:40, Claudia Wolfe 1:23:18, Page Greenberg 1:23:38, Merrilee Seidman 1:24:39. 65-69 – Edie Stevenson 1:15:33, Ginny Hughes 1:24:45, Nancy Avitabile1:28:33, Ann Rosenthal 1:31:00, Allene Murphy 1:31:46. 70-74 – Peggy Stancil 1:19:15, Brigitte Sutherlin 1:29:40, Dee Nelson 1:30:49, Linda Tice 1:33:50, Judith Harmony 1:41:58. 75-70 – Heide Moebius 1:36:09, Imme Dyson 2:00:34, Mia Coats 2:15:57.

“We Run The South”

RJ Grand Prix Veteran Jacob Cooter Dies at 79 The Running Journal Grand Prix lost one of its most prolific competitors on March 31, when Jacob Cooter of Grovetown, GA, passed away as a result of lung cancer. Jacob, 79, and his wife of 19 years, Brenda, had been fixtures on the Grand Prix circuit for many years, both having won multiple division awards. Jacob was a veteran of the United States Army and a Vietnam Veteran. He first started running at age 60 and had run in more than 100 half marathons, seven marathons, and countless shorter distance races. He held several Georgia state records, including the men's 25K record for 70-74. I n last season's Running Journal Grand Prix competition, Jacob finished as the overall champion of the Veteran's Division (70-over). His presence will be greatly missed by his fellow competitors and the run- Jacob & Brenda Cooter at the 2015 Cotton Row Run. ning community as a whole. Photo by Patty Nelson


Running Journal • May, 2016


Hillary Too, Demse Tewabech Lead Runners at Germantown Half Marathon GERMANTOWN, TN - Runners gathered in the beautiful town of Germantown, TN, just outside of Memphis, on March 13 for the Germantown Half Marathon & Mayor’s Cup 5K. Heavy rain had fallen in the area on the days before the races, but race morning saw mostly dry conditions. The half marathon was once again part of the Running Journal Grand Prix. A trio of Kenyan runners, now living in Hebron, KY, led the field in the half marathon. Hillary Too, 37, took the top spot in a time of 1:04:26. Second place went to Paul Muturi, 31, in 1:05:51, with Julius Koskei, 33, only 13 seconds back for third. Twenty-year-old Demse Tewabech, also from Hebron, KY, took the win on the women’s side, running 1:21:21. Marion Kandie, 29, of Bowling Green, KY, was second in 1:23:06, with Rita Jorgensen, 26, of Memphis third in 1:25:09. The male masters were led by Scott McNeil, 45, of Germantown, in a time of 1:19:09, more than three minutes ahead of second place Jeff Haushalter, 48, of Atlanta, GA, in 1:22:33. Matthew Lotz, 50, of Collierville, TN, was third (1:26:06). In the female masters races, Lesley Brainard, 45, of Collierville, TN, dominated, finishing in 1:29:41. She was followed by Colleen Shallow, 48, of Germantown (1:36:48) in second and Sarah Harris, 50, of Bartlett, TN, third (1:41:38). Karl Lenser, 57, of Conway, AR, was the top male grandmaster, running 1:27:35. Jim Doan, 51, of Collierville, TN, was second (1:28:39) and Frank Buscher, 57, of Memphis third (1:29:51). Fifty-five-year-old Jeanine Watts of Lamar, MS, led the female grandmasters with a time of 1:51:54. Ollie Golatt, 52, of Forrest City, AR, was second (1:52:20) and JJ Jensen, 50, of Sarah Harris Memphis third (1:52:59). Blair Ball Photography In the Mayor’s Cup 5K, Memphis runners took the top three spots, with Cameron Thomas, 34, of Memphis leading the field, running 16:14. James Murphy, 42, was second (17:57) and Jonathan Tobin finished third (19:04). Nikki Balderson, 38, of Lakeland, TN, led a close women’s race in a time of 20:16. Chelsea Smith 25, of Memphis, was second in 20:38, with Claire Corban, 26, also of Memphis, third in 20:59. The closest race of the day came in the male masters race with less than a second separating the top three finishers. Steve Winkel, 58, of Germantown took the top spot in 21:02.4, with Marc Riseling, 50, of Germantown closely behind (21:02.7) for second and Jeremy Tincher third in 21:03. Tracy McKinney, 45, of Memphis led the female masters in 24:54. She was followed only nine seconds back by Lisa Hampton, 40, of Collierville for second. Tracy Chism, 47, also of Collierville was third in 25:27. Robert Wilson, 56, of Memphis won the male grandmasters race, running 21:21. Second place went to Johnny Pitts, 57, of Memphis (23:54) and Thomas Richgels, 55, of Germantown was third (24:59). The female grandmasters were led by Martha Sanders, 54, of Germantown in 26:53. Missy Stockstill, 55, of Germantown (27:25) was second and Marcella Hunt, 54, of Memphis third (28:38). Complete results of the half marathon & 5K can be found on the race website: www.germantownhalfmarathon.com. Bobby Gallagher Blair Ball Photography

Male, Half marathon: Overall Hillary Too 1:04:26, Paul Muturi 1:05:51, Julius Koskei 1:06:04. Masters Scott McNeil 1:19:09, Jeff Haushalter 1:22:33, Matthew Lotz 1:26:06.

Grandmasters Karl Lenser 1:27:35, Jim Doan 1:28:39, Frank Buscher 1:29:51. Wheelchair John Payne 1:18:03. 14-under Noah Carpenter 1:52:49, Alec McCreary 1:54:48. 15-19 Parker Buras 1:48:23, Quintin Griffin 1:52:37, Jason Richardson 2:26:17. 20-24 Joseph Chebet 1:15:08, Daniel Luchkin 1:20:33, Wilson Luttrell 1:37:22.25-29 Alfred Kiplagat 1:06:44, Daniel Kirwa 1:08:24, Patrick Cheptoek 1:09:17. 30-34 Jonathan Autrey 1:15:37, Bryan Baddorf 1:16:36, Tim Shaffer 1:26:42. 35-39 Ryan Starr 1:24:59, Jeff Fejfar 1:27:30, Drew Meisenheimer 1:31:49. 40-44 Rich Hayes 1:26:48, Kyle Grady 1:27:49, Ladell George 1:34:36. 45-49 Paul Dinius 1:27:01, Michael Barnes 1:30:14, Bill Bizot 1:32:01. 50-54 Tonydee Davis 1:30:42, Jeffery Ellington 1:33:32, Doug Nobert 1:33:46. 55-59 Kurt Lenser 1:32:33, Bob Wilson 1:33:14, Kent Harrison 1:34:06. 60-64 Troy Tabor 1:46:08, Donald Bashford 1:47:42, Sam White 1:52:10. 65-69 Johnny Goode 1:40:10, Lawson Thornton 2:01:08, James Martin 2:10:50. 70-74 Jack Hasson 2:01:44, Jim Brooks 2:32:58, Mike Ryan 2:47:50. 75-79 Don Keith Maj Reti 2:43:59. 80-over JD Germany 2:33:23. Female, Half marathon: Overall Demse Tewabech 1:21:21, Marion Kandie 1:23:06, Rita Jorgensen 1:25:09. Masters Lesley Brainard 1:29:41, Colleen Shallow 1:36:48, Sarah Harris 1:41:38. Grandmasters Jeanine Watts 1:51:54, Ollie Golatt 1:52:20, JJ Jensen 1:52:59. 15-19 Alysse Hoelmer 1:59:44, Caitlin Oconnor 2:23:14, Elizabeth Grimm 2:26:22. 20-24 Kacey Nobert 1:26:50, Emma Love 1:36:25, Cali Boyette 1:42:25. 25-29 Connor Overbeck 1:39:19, Caroline Giovannetti 1:40:18, Sara Allen 1:41:57. 30-34 Erick Singleton 1:33:38, Beth Wilson 1:43:24, Anna Slagle 1:43:31. 35-39 Frances Lawhead 1:31:05, Kate Horton 1:34:51, Gina Weathersby 1:42:07. 40-44 Ashey Bradford 1:41:54, Debbie Carey 1:44:09, Jenny Cowell 1:44:15. 45-49 Lisa Hill 1:44:38, Kelly Willis 1:46:16, Susan Wampler 1:48:05. 50-54 Bryan Baddorf (L) & Jonathan Autrey Cindy Murray 1:56:56, Blair Ball Photography Carolyn Rock 1:57:22, Lisa Carson 1:58:20. 5559 Jody Fisher 2:01:22, Gerry Wartenberg 2:03:22, Peg Scott 2:04:03. 60-64 Barbara Harte 1:54:23, Judy Thomas 2:03:48, Sara Estabrook 2:04:53. 65-69 Alma McNeary 3:11:13. 70-74 Wonji Aycock 2:37:37, Sylvia Poll 3:09:17.75-79 Betty Williams 3:17:25. Male, 5K: Overall Cameron Thomas 16:14, James Murphy 17:57, Jonathan Tobin 19:04. Masters Steve Winkel 21:02.4, Marc Riseling 21:02.7, Jeremy Tincher 21:03. Grandmasters Robert Wilson 21:21, Johnny Pitts 23:54, Thomas Richgels 24:59. 9-under Wilson Boutwell 23:19, Jack Wiese 24:50, Hudson Myatt 26:35. 10-14 Caleb Skinner 20:33, William Skinner 21:07, Rylee Hertter 23:35. 15-19 Ben Ferguson 20:27, Joshua Kuykendall 23:27, Isaac Wooten 23:41. 20-24 Michael Herring 19:13, James Tatum 19:23, Chandler Gagnon 27:07. 25-29 Kirby Long 19:53, Abraham Velazquez 21:27, Brendan Egan 22:18. 30-34 Jonathan Drapwer 24:09, M Murphy 24:11, Thomas Digan 24:42. 35-39 John Coward 21:59, Seung-Jae Song 22:51, David Adair 23:12. 40-44 Aviles Mario 21:32, Randy Floyd 23:00, Todd Roaten 23:17. 45-49 Andrew Balogh 24:36, John Evans 25:47, Edgar Serrano 28:52. 50-54 -Richard Averwater 26:30, David Childe 26:43, Clifton Ford 28:10. 55-59 Steve Bernhardt 26:36, Thomas Johnsey 28:38, Bo Adams 28:47. 60-64 Dave Cresap 25:17, Jeff Subick 25:42, Fred Nance 26:14. 65-69 Bob Leopold 25:10, Dick Daniels 30:44, Jim Moton 33:32. 75-79 Thomas Ewart 52:20. 80-over Thomas Sater 43:38, George Allen 46:21. Female, 5K: Overall Nikkie Balderson 20:16, Chelsea Smith 20:38, Claire Corban 20:59. Masters Tracy McKinney 24:54, Lisa Hampton 25:03, Tracy Chism 25:27. Grandmasters Martha Sanders 26:53, Missy Stockstill 27:25, Marcella Hunt 28:38. 9-under Molly Lomax 25:59, Ellen Adair 26:00, Stencel Genevieve 26:48. 10-14 Madeline Harreld 22:03, Felicity Bost 22:27, Kathryn Eftink 23:56. 15-19 Peyton Sessions 30:52, Lauren Kloek 34:41. 20-24 Aubrey Zimmerling 21:15, Devlin Smith 26:36, Aoife Whiteacre 27:26. 2529 Megan Ligon 27:40, Kerrie Cooper 28:14, Katelyn Grammes 28:16. 30-34 Tori Jordan 21:39, Christine Song 22:57, Katie Graves 25:31. 35-39 Rachel Siegel 28:06, Meghan Follis 28:11, Gwynne Riggen 28:28. 40-44 Leanna Fendley 30:27, Susan May 32:19, Laura Durfee 33:13. 45-49 Julie Harreld 27:50, Tina Eaker 29:51, Demetria Monix 31:37. 50-54 Suzanne Ward 28:50, Eula Taliaferro 30:03, Nancy Russell 30:29. 55-59 Sue Markham 28:53, Patricia Denowski 30:46, Dana Horner 37:09. 60-64 Ruth Johnson 30:52, Laura Beard 32:41, Debbie Henderson 35:06. 65-69 Susan Batson 41:46, Mildred Saulsberry 44:28, Coley Harrison 46:36. 70-74 Sherry Hobson 38:20, Marsha Ewart 39:09, Jane Mulder 1:06:15. 80-over Helen Sater 45:13.


Running Journal • May, 2016

Grand Prix XXXVIII Standings Below are the standings following the first eight races of the season, the Midnight Flight 10K, Hokie Half Marathon, Magic City Half Marathon, Rocket City Marathon, Mississippi Blues Half Marathon, Winter Flight 8K, Myrtle Beach Half Marathon, and Germantown Half Marathon. All half marathon races count for 25 bonus points and double points are awarded at the Rocket City Marathon. Point totals can also be found on our website: www.running.net. Male: Overall William Martin (TN) 200 David Marley (GA) 180 Justin Turner (FL) 170 Josh Whitehead (AL) 160 Brian Walter (VA) 155 Joshua Rayman (FL) 150 Jason Miller (AL) 140 Michael Horan (KY) 130 Richard Morris (VA) 125 Scott Fuqua (AL) 125 Ryan Crandall (MS) 125 Mike Mitchell (NC) 125 Hillary Too (KY) 125 Keith Henry (AL) 120 Kaleb Keyserling (NC) 115 Samuel Palmer (AL) 115 Hastings Puckett (MS) 115 Daniel Matena (NC) 115 Paul Muturi (KY) 115 Austin Grubb (VA) 110 Michael Brown (AL) 110 Juan Soto (GA) 110 Kenneth Newburger (MS) 110 Brinson Milhorn (TN) 110 Julius Koskei (KY) 110 Michael Carter (VA) 105 Zach Ridgway (AL) 105 Aaron Gast (MS) 105 Tony Casey (TN) 105 Daniel Kirwa (AR) 105 Raymond McCormack (GA) 100 Kevin McGuire (VA) 100 Kenneth Stoltzfus (AL) 100 Jim Clemens (AL) 100 George Mendoza (MS) 100 Andris Goncarovs (NC) 100 Paul Newnham (NC) 100 Patrick Cheptoek (KY) 100 Ignacio Moore (VA) 95 Ieden Leckenby (AL) 95 Richard McGee (MS) 95 Bill Johncock (NC) 95 Sean Pereira (NC) 95 Brandon Dworak (TN) 95 Brett Morley (SC) 90 Christopher Miller (VA) 90 Brad Clay (AL) 90 Aaron Hill (TN) 90 Jason Nail (MS) 90 Matt Longworth (NC) 90 Matthew Carson (NC) 90 Joseph Chebet (MS) 90 Scott Autrey (SC) 85 Matthew Wright (VA) 85 Eric Langley (AL) 85 Joshua Hester (MS) 85 Jason Bryan (NC) 85 David Brinkely (NC) 85 Jonathan Autrey (TN) 85 Male: Masters Joshua Rayman (FL) 200 Brian Walter (VA) 180 Jim Clemens (AL) 170 Eric Kujawski (FL) 140 Kevin McGuire (VA) 125 Kenneth Stoltzfus (AL) 125 Collin Johnson (MS) 125 Paul Newnham (NC) 125 Scott McNeil (TN) 125 Ignacio Moore (VA) 110 Brad Clay (AL) 110 Ronald Martin (KY) 110 Lex Davis (MS) 110 Matthew Carson (NC) 110 Jeff Haushalter (GA) 110 Scott Autrey (SC) 100 G. Razo Contreras (NC) 100 Eric Langley (AL) 95 Marty Bost (MS) 95 Michael Putman (NC) 95 Rich Hayes (TN) 95 Howard Kraft (NC) 85 Male: 40-44 Eric Kujawski (FL) 200 Ronald Martin (KY) 170 Marty Bost (MS) 150 John McAtee (TN) 140 Ignacio Moore (VA) 125 Kenneth Stoltzfus (AL) 125 Collin Johnson (MS) 125 Paul Newnham (NC) 125 Rich Hayes (TN) 125 Scott Huxtable (VA) 110 Brad Clay (AL) 110 Tim Gregory (TN) 110 Lex Davis (MS) 110 Matthew Carson (NC) 110

Kyle Grady (TN) 110 Scott Autrey (SC) 100 G. Razo Contreras (NC) 100 Robert Watling (NC) 95 Eric Langley (AL) 95 Scott Kennedy (SC) 95 Ladell George (TN) 95 Eddie Posey (SC) 85 Jon McQueen (NC) 85 David Cutchins (NC) 80 Bryan Heaton (AL) 80 Jeremiah Tatum (TN) 80 Brock Neighbors (FL) 80 Ryan Dion (SC) 80 Eric Gardner (TN) 80 Male: 45-49 Brian Walter (VA) 210 Joshua Rayman (FL) 200 Jim Clemens (AL) 170 Bruce Evans (AL) 140 Kevin McGuire (VA) 125 Steve Hicks (AL) 125 Jim Watson (MS) 125 Michael Putman (NC) 125 Scott McNeil (TN) 125 Jay McDiarmid (AL) 110 Robert Nielsen (TN) 110 Paul Kitchens (LA) 110 Doug Covington (VA) 110 Jeff Haushalter (GA) 110 Howard Kraft (NC) 100 Michael Stowe (VA) 95 Richard Poff (AL) 95 Steve Rom (GA) 95 Joey Reynolds (NC) 95 Paul Dinius (TN) 95 Andrew Broadway (SC) 85 Richard Ellis (NC) 85 Chris Reilly (VA) 80 Russell Williams (AL) 80 Chuck Branson (AL) 80 Richie Denson (MS) 80 Jonathan Halter (NC) 80 Michael Barnes (TN) 80 Male: Grandmasters Phil Young (TN) 200 Tim Vinson (AL) 170 Bill Johncock (NC) 170 Tim Stewart (SC) 165 Gary Pleasant (TN) 140 Marc Edwards (VA) 125 John Casterline (AL) 125 Bo Smith (MS) 125 Gordon Reid (NC) 125 Matthew Lotz (TN) 125 William Smith (VA) 110 Kirk Mueller (AL) 110 Michael Beeson (SC) 110 William Grogan (MS) 110 Herb Armentrout (LA) 110 Karl Lenser (AR) 110 Edwin Hughes (SC) 100 Joseph Willis (NC) 100 Johnny Salsalone (VA) 95 Sidney Mays (AL) 95 Tim Nicholls (FL) 95 Jim Doan (TN) 95 Male: 50-54 Phil Young (TN) 200 Tim Stewart (SC) 195 Bill Johncock (NC) 185 Tim Vinson (AL) 170 Matthew Bell (VA) 145 Gary Pleasant (TN) 140 Marc Edwards (VA) 125 John Casterline (AL) 125 Bo Smith (MS) 125 Gordon Reid (NC) 125 Matthew Lotz (TN) 125 William Smith (VA) 110 Kirk Mueller (AL) 110 Chuck Denham (TN) 110 William Grogan (MS) 110 Jim Doan (TN) 110 Joseph Willis (NC) 100 Kevin Throckmorton (WV) 95 Sidney Mays (AL) 95 Fred Johnson (MS) 95 John Anderson (NC) 95 Tonydee Davis (TN) 95 Kile Putnam (AL) 80 Randy McFarland (AL) 80 Paul Van Hooydonk (MS) 80 James Donaghy (NC) 80 Jeffery Ellington (TN) 80 Male: 55-59 Michael Beeson (SC) 200 Duane Ricketts (AL) 170

Craig Osborn (AL) 140 Johnny Salsalone (VA) 125 Stan Blanton (AL) 125 Herb Armentrout (LA) 125 Tim Nicholls (FL) 125 Karl Lenser (AR) 125 Bob Weaver (VA) 110 Vatisha Powell (AL) 110 Tim Crouch (GA) 110 Charles Allred (MS) 110 Chip Akers (NC) 110 Frank Buscher (TN) 110 Bill Johncock (NC) 100 Allen Walker (NC) 100 Dale Riddle (VA) 95 James Poh (AL) 95 Doug Jones (MS) 95 Gene Summey (NC) 95 Kurt Lenser (TN) 95 Dennis Funk (SC) 85 Sam Baucom (NC) 85 Male: Sr. Grandmasters Bob Nelson (NC) 240 Theodore Rust (NC) 210 Johnny Goode (AL) 205 Malcolm Oliver (TN) 200 Wayne Heckler (AL) 170 Daniel Coonce (TN) 140 David Ritchie (VA) 125 Don Brown (LA) 125 Jimmy Arnold (NC) 125 Randy Lester (VA) 110 Randall Sellers (AL) 110 David Jones (TN) 110 Eric Weill (MS) 110 Bob Albritton (NC) 110 Troy Tabor (TN) 110 Tom McCormack (TN) 100 Danny Lancaster (VA) 95 Jeffrey Hawkins (AL) 95 Carlos Prevost (MS) 95 Doug Davidson (NC) 95 Donald Basford (TN) 95 Male: 60-64 Bob Nelson (NC) 255 Theodore Rust (NC) 210 Daniel Coonce (TN) 200 David Jones (TN) 170 Larry Brown (KY) 140 David Ritchie (VA) 125 Eric Weill (MS) 125 Jimmy Arnold (NC) 125 Troy Tabor (TN) 125 Randy Lester (VA) 110 Randal Sellers (AL) 110 Glenn Gravitt (TN) 110 Michael Dupper (MS) 110 Bob Albritton (NC) 110 Donald Bashford (TN) 110 Kenneth Clark (VA) 95 Michael Morrissey (GA) 95 James Jones (MS) 95 Doug Davidson (NC) 95 Sam White (TN) 95 Steve Staley (NC) 85 Male: 65-69 Johnny Goode (AL) 265 Malcolm Oliver (TN) 200 Wayne Heckler (AL) 170 James Martin (TN) 140 Danny Lancaster (WV) 125 Jeffrey Hawkins (AL) 125 Don Brown (LA) 125 Steven Stanfield (NC) 125 William Mayo (VA) 110 Wayne Manord (AL) 110 Donald Langdon (GA) 110 Carolos Prevost (MS) 110 Don Sellers (NC) 110 Lawson Thornton (TN) 110 Jim Owens (NC) 100 JB Tillery (NC) 100 Ed Leclaire (TN) 95 Bob Milan (NC) 95 Jack Ward (MS) 95 Charley Ray (SC) 95 Darrell Davis (SC) 85 Steve Austin (NC) 85 Male: Veterans Jack Hasson (AL) 235 Wade Clark (NC) 210 Ken Brewer (AL) 200 Al Klimaitis (AL) 170 Joel Hicks (VA) 170 Warren Everett (AL) 140 Rufus Elliott (AL) 125 Richard Edmonson (MS) 125 Ed Fouts (VA) 110 Kirk Nelson (MS) 110 Larry Costello (NC) 110 JD Germany (TN) 110 Michael Kasha (SC) 100 Finn Hassing (NC) 100 Mack Varner (MS) 95 Mike Townsend (NC) 95 Jim Brooks (TN) 95 Yuji Kishimoto (SC) 85 Male: 70-74 Jack Hasson (AL) 265 Wade Clark (NC) 210

Ken Brewer (AL) 200 Warren Everett (AL) 170 Joel Hicks (VA) 170 Rufus Elliott (AL) 125 Kirk Nelson (MS) 125 Mack Varner (MS) 110 Larry Costello (SC) 110 Jim Brooks (TN) 110 Dan Shoaf (SC) 105 Michael Kasha (SC) 100 Finn Hassing (NC) 100 Dennis Weaver (MS) 95 Vince Stewart (SC) 95 Mike Ryan (TN) 95 Male: 75-79 Al Klimaitis (AL) 200 Ed Fouts (VA) 125 Richard Edmonson (MS) 125 Amblick Smith (NC) 125 Don Keith (TN) 125 James Watts (MS) 110 Eberhard Will (NC) 110 Yuji Kishimoto (SC) 100 A.T. Smith (NC) 100 Ron Findley (SC) 95 Elliott Giffen (NC) 85 Male: 80-over Bill Stevens (MS) 125 Andrew Collins (NC) 125 JD Germany (TN) 125 William James (MS) 110 William Beckwith (SC) 100 George Kimberly (NC) 100 Byron Logan (NC) 85 Female: Overall Jeannette Faber (TN) 200 Hannah Cutshall (AL) 185 Justyna Mudy Mader (AL) 180 Kaia Hampton (KY) 170 Elena Kidd (AL) 160 Jenny Vance (TN) 150 Cayla Nousain (AL) 140 Kristen Vanvranken (TN) 130 Alana Hadley (NC) 125 Sarah Kluth (AL) 125 Kristi Hall (MS) 125 Erin Dillon (NC) 125 Demse Tewabwech (KY) 125 Danielle Ferro (GA) 120 Mary Ellen Calle (VA) 115 Fontaine Haskell (AL) 115 Adrienne Macke (MS) 115 Rachel Krasich (NC) 115 Marion Kandie (KY) 115 Ann McGranahan (VA) 110 Jennifer Brill (DC) 110 Becky Batchelor (TN) 110 Madeline Campbell (MS) 110 Mary Aiken (NC) 110 Rita Jorgensen (TN) 110 Madalyn Knuchols (VA) 105 Marion Geissinger (MS) 105 Erin Miller (SC) 105 Kacey Nobert (TN) 105 Sunday Davis (SC) 100 Lauren Metzger (NC) 100 Chelsey Palmer (AL) 100 Megan Breitbach (AL) 100 Chandler Buntin (MS) 100 Natalie Lawrence (NC) 100 Laura Berry (NC) 100 Lesley Brainard (TN) 100 Zach Minter (VA) 95 Misty Griffin (AL) 95 Lauren Cupido (MS) 95 Stephanie Lundeby (VA) 95 Frances Lawhead (TN) 95 Karen Becker (SC) 90 Lina Farb (MD) 90 Melanie Hildebrandt (AL) 90 Alexandra Ellis (FL) 90 Anna Jackson (MS) 90 Molly Nunn (NC) 90 Mary Claire (SC) 90 Erica Singleton (TN) 90 Hilary Richards (SC) 85 Heather F-Clarke (VA) 85 Aubrey Schonhoff (AL) 85 Kristin Cupido (TN) 85 Candace Harrison (NC) 85 Rebecca Weant (NC) 85 Kate Horton (TN) 85 Female: Masters Meredith Smith (TN) 200 Sheryl Dummer (AL) 170 Kathy Youngren (AL) 140 Nancy Anderson (VA) 125 Misty Griffin (AL) 125 Amber Bowes (MS) 125 Kathy Goody (NC) 125 Lesley Brainerd (TN) 125 Sarah Langlinais (VA) 110 Debi Secor (AL) 110 Missie Gregory (TN) 110 Rebecca Smith (MS) 110 Misty White (SC) 110 Colleen Shallow (TN) 110 Karen Becker (SC) 100 Carolyn Stewart (NC) 100 Kristine Lattimer (VA) 95

Alison Hoover (AL) 95 Tina Fritz (MS) 95 Lisa Tolley (SC) 95 Ashley Bradford (TN) 95 Zavone Bonney (SC) 85 Kelly Lowman (NC) 85 Female: 40-44 Meredith Smith (TN) 200 Kathy Youngren (AL) 170 Missie Gregory (TN) 140 Nancy Anderson (VA) 125 Misty Griffin (AL) 125 Amber Bowes (MS) 125 Misty White (SC) 125 Ashley Bradford (TN) 125 Sarah Langlinais (VA) 110 Gretchen Pickett (AL) 110 Suzy Thomas (TN) 110 Rebecca Smith (MS) 110 Maureen Thomas (SC) 110 Debbie Carey (TN) 110 Karen Becker (SC) 100 Carolyn Stewart (NC) 100 Kristing Lattimer (VA) 95 Michelle Belcher (AL) 95 Tina Fritz (MS) 95 Linn Hall (SC) 95 Jenny Cowell (TN) 95 Zavone Bonney (SC) 85 Kelly Lowman (NC) 85 Female: 45-49 Sheryl Dummer (AL) 200 Debi Secor (AL) 185 Sarah Starling (TN) 170 Robyn Snyder (TN) 140 Jill Sible (VA) 125 Joey Garner (MS) 125 Kathy Goody (NC) 125 Lesley Brainard (TN) 125 Mindy Conlin (VA) 110 Alison Hoover (AL) 110 Vicki Updike (TN) 110 Kimberley Mansfield (MS) 110 Lisa Tolley (SC) 110 Colleen Shallow (TN) 110 Anita Jones (SC) 100 Acquawon Stallworth (NC) 100 Kate Moga (VA) 95 Loren Traylor (AL) 95 Larissa O'Flynn (MS) 95 Amy Cernava (NC) 95 Lisa Hill (TN) 95 Lisa Godwin (SC) 85 Suzanne Burgess (NC) 85 Female: Grandmasters Mandana Mortazavi (VA) 200 Catherine Lucas (TN) 170 Kathleen Woods (GA) 140 Fawn Nelson (VA) 125 Terri Sullivan (AL) 125 Cathy Tebo (MS) 125 Michelle Canovai (NC) 125 Sarah Harris (TN) 125 Lynda Vick (VA) 110 Jamie Thomas (AL) 110 Brooke Nelson (AL) 110 Anne Mars (MS) 110 Sandy Allen (NC) 110 Jeanine Watts (MS) 110 Shirley Smith (SC) 100 Laurie Ward (NC) 100 Cybele Lane (VA) 95 Kathy Stein (AL) 95 Lou Ann Flatgard (MS) 95 Angela Hamilton (NC) 95 Ollie Golatt (AR) 95 Pam Garrison (SC) 85 Val Velte (NC) 85 Female: 50-54 Mandana Mortazavi (VA) 200 Catherine Lucas (TN) 170 Kathleen Woods (GA) 140 Vickie Varnes (AL) 135 Fawn Nelson (VA) 125 Terri Sullivan (AL) 125 Connie Kennedy (LA) 125 Michelle Canovai (NC) 125 Sarah Harris (TN) 125 Linda Vick (VA) 110 Jamie Thomas (AL) 110 Ann Duchac (FL) 110 Anne Mars (MS) 110 Sandy Allen (NC) 110 Ollie Golatt (AR) 110 Pam Garrison (SC) 100 Laurie Ward (NC) 100 Cybele Lane (VA) 95 Kathy Stein (AL) 95 Rosemary Moore (AL) 95 Lou Ann Flatgard (MS) 95 Mary Andujar (NC) 95 JJ Jensen (TN) 95 Tamara Hemingway (SC) 85 Charlotte Matheny (NC) 85 MaryLee Kilmer (MD) 80 Susan Buckingham (AL) 80 Cindy Hinton (MS) 80 Karen Buxton (NC) 80 Cindy Murray (TN) 80 Female: 55-59 Brooke Nelson (AL) 200


Elaine Sillivant (AL) 170 Suzanne Duball (KY) 140 Jerri Emm (VA) 125 Lisa Fuller (AL) 125 Marion Geissinger (MS) 125 Angela Hamilton (NC) 125 Jeanine Watts (MS) 125 Dawn Weeks (VA) 110 Karen Monosky (AL) 110 Susan Adams (GA) 110 Cathy Tebo (MS) 110 Pamela Bips (GA) 110 Jody Fisher (TN) 110 Shirley Smith (SC) 100 Val Velte (NC) 100 Sandy MacDonnell (VA) 95 Ginger Tallent (AL) 95 Kim Kowalski (AL) 95 Nena Cooper (VA) 95 Gerry Wartenberg (TN) 95 Sherry Hall (SC) 85 Sharon Earnhardt (NC) 85 Carol Kroeger (VA) 80 Teresa Thorpe (GA) 80 Female: Sr. Grandmasters Erin McGuire (TN) 200 Bonnie Partridge (MS) 170 Bonnie Wilfore (VA) 125 Linda Champion (AL) 125 Judy Phelps (SC) 125 Judy Thomas (TN) 125 Jonette Anderson (LA) 110 Carol Hansen-Vessa (VA) 110 Terry Hooks (AL) 110 Terri Kittel (SC) 110 Sara Estabrook (TN) 110 Dian Ford (SC) 100 Elizabeth Kimberly (NC) 100 Gail Hardy (FL) 95 Susan Terwilliger (VA) 95 Melody Izard (AL) 95 Dixie Stewart (NC) 95 Kathy Medford (NC) 95 Kay Ryan (TN) 95 Sandy Reid (NC) 85 Barbara Jensen (NC) 85 Female: 60-64 Bonnie Wilfore (VA) 125 Linda Champion (AL) 125 Jonette Anderson (LA) 125 Terri Kittel (SC) 125 Judy Thomas (TN) 125 Carol Hansen-Vessa (VA) 110 Terry Hooks (AL) 110 Dixie Stewart (NC) 110 Kathy Medford (NC) 110 Sara Estabrook (TN) 110 Dian Ford (SC) 100 Barbara Jensen (NC) 100 Susan Terwilliger (VA) 95 Melody Izard (AL) 95 Patricia Wolters (VA) 95 Becky Sox (SC) 95 Kay Ryan (TN) 95 Gail Audet (GA) 85 Kathi Peterson (NC) 85 Female: 65-69 Bonnie Partridge (MS) 250 Erin McGuire (TN) 200 Donna Akers (VA) 125 Dolores Longoria (AL) 125 Gail Hardy (FL) 125 Judy Phelps (SC) 125 Alma McNeary (AR) 125 Teresa Chandler (AL) 110 Betty Gill (MS) 110 Iris Hill (SC) 110 Sandy Reid (NC) 100 Elizabeth Kimberly (NC) 100 Lynne Deshazo (AL) 95 Kathryn Ruthrauff (MS) 95 Claudia Crawford (SC) 95 Kathy Givens (GA) 85 Diana Dagenhart (NC) 85 Female: Veterans Betty Burrell (SC) 325 Maria Walker (MS) 125 Wonji Aycock (TN) 125 Joan Forman (FL) 110 Louise Cleckley (SC) 110 Sylvia Poll (TN) 110 Peggy Rogers (GA) 95 Shirley Brown (SC) 95 Betty Williams (AR) 95 Female: 70-74 Betty Burrell (SC) 325 Maria Walker (MS) 125 Wonji Aycock (TN) 125 Joan Forman (FL) 110 Louise Cleckley (SC) 110 Sylvia Poll (TN) 110 Peggy Rogers (GA) 95 Rosalie Tebbs (SC) 95 Bonnie Wassin (TN) 80 Marcia Collins (NC) 80 Female: 75-79 Susanna Orr (MS) 125 Shirley Brown (SC) 125 Betty Williams (AR) 125 Patricia Sands (NC) 110


Running Journal • May, 2016

THE ONLY CALENDAR YOU NEED TO RUN THE SOUTH Race Directors: Use form on page 30 to send information on all upcoming races. Runners: Please verify information before traveling to a race. Abbreviations: RD = race day, RW = racewalk, FR = fun run, P/M = postmarked, W/C = wheelchair.



May 1, Mobile - Be Fit 5K, 3pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)4018039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 6, Birmingham - UAB Scholarships 5K/10K Run, 6pm. Info: (205)934-3555, uabalumni@uab.edu. May 7, Alexandria - Valley Cub Classic 5K Walk/Run, 8am. Info: (256)741-4456, ejones.ah@ccboe.us. May 7, Birmingham - Girls on the Run 5K, 9am. Info: info@girlsontherunbham.org. May 7, Gurley - Gurley Library Challenge 5K &A 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Marie Flynn (256)776-9677, gurleylibrarychallenge@gmail.com. May 7, Huntsville - The David McKannon Memorial 5K Run, 8am. Info: Billy Burleigh (256)489-5238, bfbtri@yahoo.com. May 7, Mobile - Race for Preservation 5K Run/Walk & FR, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 7, Mobile - Via Bolt 5K Run/Walk & FR, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 7, Pelham - Run for Kids Challenge: 10K, 50K & 12 Hour; 7am. Info: david@davidtosch.com. May 7, Valley - Albert Thornton Memorial Run for Valley Haven School, 5K 8:25am; 1 Miler 8:30am; 10.5K 9:15am. Info: Valley Haven School (334)756-2868, (334)756-7801. May 14, Birmingham - Motherwalk - 5K Run, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: jenny@nlovca.org. May 14, Mobile - Do It In the Bush 5K, 7:30am. Info: Port City Pacers (251)473-7223. May 21, Birmingham - Birmingham Zoo Run 5K & Kids Fun Runs; 7:30am. Info: (205)879-0409. May 21, Hoover - Book It! 5K for Hoover Library, 5K 8am. Info: Ashley Davidson (205)444-7841, hooverbookit@gmail.com. May 21, Mobile - Fallen Heroes 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 21, Pinson - Band Together 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Color Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: info@championship-racing.com. May 27, Mobile - Spirit of Prevention 5K Run/Walk, 6pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 28, Chickasaw - Freedom Run 5K & FR, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net.

May 1, Fayetteville - Fayetteville 5K Poker Run, 10am. Info: (479)966-2516, apey800@gmail.com. May 6, Little Rock - MacArthur Park 5K, 7pm. Info: (501)3750121, downtownpartnership@downtownlr.com. May 7, Charleston - Maggie House Hustle 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)209-0702, charleston5k@yahoo.com. May 7, Conway - Women Can Run 5K, 8am. Info: (501)9085096, wraracedirector@gmail.com. May 7, Dardanelle - Yell Fest 4 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)229-3328, dardanellechamberofcommerce@gmail.com. May 7, Fort Smith - Lei Lei’s 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)4148892, runforlei@yahoo.com. May 7, Jonesboro - Law Day 5K & 10K, 9am. lnfo: (501)6503658, lawday5k@arlegalaid.org. May 7, Little Rock - Peace Love Goodwill Half Marathon, 7am; 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: (501)372-5100, lwamsley@goodwillar.org. May 7, Little Rock - KidSource Strides for Slides 5K, 8am. Info: (501)231-5418, ebrakebill@kidsourcetherapy.com. May 7, Little Rock - Race to Remember 5K, 6pm. Info: (501)5298505, ebwade65655@yahoo.com. May 7, Melbourne - Pioneer Day 5K, 8am. Info: (870)291-7340, llawrence@ozarka.edu. May 7, Nashville - Peach Festival 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (870)557-0747, jodirking77@yahoo.com. May 14, Hermitage - Straight From the Driveway 5K Glow Run, 6:30pm. Info: (501)247-5929, duhrev@gmail.com. May 14, Hope - Fit Challenge 5K, 8am. Info: (903)277-7000, stina.brown@cancer.org. May 14, Little Rock - Replenish Water in Kenya 5K, 9am. Info: (501)472-9811, futuremissionary16@gmail.com. May 14, Little Rock - Rock Run 8K, 7:30am. Info: (501)2273709, bturner@eastersealsar.com. May 14, Malvern - Boys & Girls Club Half Marathon, 8am. Info: (501)844-0075, beckyhedges1@gmail.com. May 14, Malvern - Panther Pride 5K Color Run, 8am. Info: (501)332-5881, careyhignight@gmail.com. May 14, North Little Rock - Race Against the Odds 5K, 8:30am. Info: (501)442-1564, agwheat@yahoo.com. May 14, Rogers - Kendrick Fincher Hydration Celebration, 1/2 Mile & 1 Mile Youth Run, 5K & Duathlon (R-5K, B-12.4 mi., R-5K); 7am. Info: Becky (479)986-9960, info@kendrickfincher.org. May 14, Van Buren - Everyday Superhero 5K, 1 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: Chip (478)632-6382, chip@morgannick.com. May 21, Dover - CVID 5K, 8am. Info: (479)264-6917, shawnna.bull@doverschools.net. May 21, Fort Smith - Firefighter Hot Foot 5K/10K, 8am. Info: (479)461-9084, hotfootrun33@gmail.com.

May 30, Huntsville - 37th Annual Mercedes-Benz Cotton Row Run, 10K 7am; 5K 9am; 1 Mile FR 10am; $20/each 10K & 5K 4/1-4/30; $25 5/1-15, $40 after 5/15; $10/1 mi. by 4/30, $12 5/1-15, after 5/15 $15. Info: (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeet huntsville.com, Register at www.active.com, www.cottonrowrun.com. See Ad page 32. June 4, Auburn University - Mellow Dog 5K, 5pm. Info: Ashley Luther (334)209-2580, al@bigdogrunning.com. June 4, Huntsville - Eurocross 5K & 8K, 8am. Info: Keith Roberts (256)684-3848, keithroberts@knology.net. June 4, Mobile - Just For the Mud of It 5K, 7am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. June 11, Huntsville - Alabama A&M 5K Cross Country, 7:30am. Info: James Falcon (256)656-7199, jmfalcon@aol.com. June 18, Florala - Alligator Trot 5K Road Race & Walk, 8am. Info: alligatortrot@yahoo.com. June 18, Gulf Shores - Hot Trot for ARC 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: (251)979-2521 or (251)947-5677. June 18, Rainsville - Rainsville Freedom Run 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Jerry Clifton or Laura Hulgan (256)717-5850, cliftonj35986@gmail.com. June 25, Anniston - Haley’s Team Twilight 5K, 8pm; Kirk’s Kids 1K, 7pm; Info: Randy Bright (256)283-9379, randall.bright@gmail.com. June 25, Mobile - Watermelon 5K Run/Walk & FR, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. July 4, Florabama, Orange Beach - The Shark Run, 4 Mile All Road Run-New, 4.5 Mile Adventure Run & 1 Mile All Beach Adventure Run; 7am. Info: info@harleysports.com.

Dec. 10, Huntsville - Rocket City Marathon, 7am; Kids Marathon, 8am; $60 postmarked through 5/30; $75 postmarked through June. Info: (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeethuntsville.com, www.runrocketcity.com. See Ad page 6. Deadline for our June 2016 issue May 6.

May 21, Hot Springs - 21st Annual Norma Lampert Memorial Lupus Springers 5K Race & Walk to End Lupus, 8am (Mid-America Park); $21 before 5/19, after 5/19 $25. Info: (501)525-9380, lupusarkhs@direclynx.net, Online Registration: www.lupusarkansas.com May 21, Jonesboro - Light It Up Blue 5K, 8am. Info: (870)3356568, amandardickerson88@gmail.com. May 21, Little Rock - Panther Prowl 5K, 8am. Info: (501)2474996, wicklst@yahoo.com. May 21, Little Rock - No Child Wet Behind 5K, 7:30am. Info: (501)492-6644, riverfrontdoulas@gmail.com. May 21, Magnolia - Magnolia Blossom Festival 5K, 7:30am. Info: (870)949-9035, paulg3416@gmail.com. May 21, Norfolk - Running for a Reason 5K, 7:30am. Info: (870)508-9777, twinlakescivitan@gmail.com. May 21, North Little Rock - Run Between the Lines 5K, 8am. Info: (501)454-1260, joliver07@gmail.com. May 21, Pangburn - Daisy Dash 5K, 8am. Info: (501)207-1840, sking@hssd.k12.ar.us. May 21, Perryville - Mustang Color Run 5K, 8am. Info: (479)2250249, donnie.smith@perryvilleschool.org. May 21, Pine Bluff - A-State Steelers 5K, 9:30am. Info: (870)8830901, astatesteelers@yahoo.com. May 21, Poyen - Because of The BRAVE 5K, 8am. Info: Krista Moore (501)467-6965, klwatson23@yahoo.com. May 21, Prairie Grove - Speedy Skunk 5K, 10K & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: (479)466-6251, kbostian@pgtc.com. May 21, Rogers - NW Arkansas Pump n Run Obstacle Course, 5K & 2 Mile, 7am. Info: Jeff Wilson (479)530-6268, bigjoewilson123@yahoo.com; Jeff Genova (479)426-7607, oneday100miles@gmail.com.

www.running.net May 21, Wynne - Mucka Mania 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: (870)2086523, etcook78@gmail.com. May 28, Forrest City - EAYO STEM 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (423)930-5942, info@4kstaylor.org. May 28, Little Rock - Riverfest Rock ‘N Stroll 5K, 8am. Info: (501)240-7405, katherineeisenhower@gmail.com. May 30, Fayetteville - Memorial Day 5K, 10K & 1K; 8am. Info: (479)225-5440, hshelton@supports.org. June 3, Mountain Home - Running For a Cure 5K, 7pm. Info: (870)736-2000, barbarafouts@hotmail.com. June 4, Arkadelphia - CASA Superhero 5K, 8am. Info: (870)4647415, hdnicole@yahoo.com. June 4, Cabot - Arkansas Fusion Glo Run 5K, 9pm. Info: (501)743-5452, christy.rogers@cps.k12.ar.us. June 4, Dardanelle - River Valley Heat 5K, 7am. Info: (479)2646015, lisagray_50@outlook.com. June 4, Gassville - Gassville In The Park Festival, 5K Run 7:30am. Info: Jeff Braim (870)421-7723, gassvilleinthepark@gmail.com. June 4, Jonesboro - Tooth or Dare 5K, 9am. Info: (870)9316323, toothordare5krun@gmail.com. June 4, Little Rock - Take a Run at Hunger 5K, 8am. Info: (501)626-9388, cristin.crawford@pfgc.com. June 4, Malvern - Southwest Arkansas Classic 5K, 8:30am. Info: (501)844-5673, kwilliams@malvernleopards.org. June 11, Benton - Arkansas Runner 2 Mile, 7:30am. Info: (501)246-0716, chris.blu.hall@gmail.com. June 11, Fort Smith - Honor & Duty 5K, 7:30am. Info: Kim Wohlford (479)242-5100, kim@thenextstepfs.org. June 11, Jasper - Hillbilly Haul 5K, 8am. Info: (870)754-6347, rhondalynae@gmail.com. June 17-18, Rogers - Tour De Fun Fest, 5K Run, 50K & 100K Bike Rides. Info: Tracy (479)200-7718, tracy@gppnwa.com.

June 18, Benton - Pudding Cup Run, 5K, 10K & Fun Run; 8am; $20/5K, $30/10K by 5/ 1, $25/5K, $35/10K before race day; $30/5K, $40/10K on Race Day; $10/Fun Run. Info: Allen Winkler, 1400 S. Garland Dr., Little Rock, AR 72204; (501)615-1090, awinkler@cityoffaith.org, www.puddingcuprun.com June 18, Camden - Father’s Day 5K, 7:30am. Info: (870)8667673, brokenwings@myself.com. June 18, DeQueen - What is Your Why 5K, 8am. Info: (870)5576051, deeperthanskillsdts@gmail.com. June 18, Fort Smith - True Grit 5K, 7am. Info: (479)629-5998, susan.ross@csclearinghouse.org. June 18, Green Forest - Rat Race 5K, 8:06am. Info: (870)4803439, ratrace@ratzlegacy.org. June 18, Little Rock - ARVets PTSD Awareness 5K, 8am. Info: (501)246-5341, justin.mccoy@arvets.org. June 18, Siloam Springs - Heroes for Life 5K Run, 20 Mile Cycle; 8:30am. Info: (479)549-3322, lacy@ssnewbeginnings.org. June 25, Little Rock - Healthy Weight Runners 5K, 8am. Info: (501)519-3863, healthyweight5k@gmail.com. June 25, Malvern - Brickfest 5K, 7:30am. Info: (501)332-1802, aerahh@fstep.org. July 2, Clarksville - RiverDawgs 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: Angie Reeder (479)774-3612, agreeder@yahoo.com. July 4, Fayetteville - Run for Vets 4 Mile, 7am. Info: (479)4454331, solomonburchfield@gmail.com. July 4, Little Rock - Firecracker Fast 5K, 7:30am. Info: (901)3011786, brent@bluffcitysports.com. July 23, North Little Rock - River City 5K, 7:30am. Info: (501)376-6694, race@rivercityministry.org. July 23, Perryville - Full mOOn 50K & 25K, 7pm, 8pm; Blind/ Visually Impaired Div. Info: Susy Chandler (501)837-3104, su_phi@yahoo.com.

FLORIDA May 1, Cocoa Beach - USA Beach Running Championships Half Marathon & 10K, 6:41am. Info: info@thefloridamarathon.com. May 1, Lithia - XTERRA Claw Trail Run, 10 Mile 8am; 5 Mile 8:15am. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. May 1, Viera - Eat My Crust 5K, 7am. Info: Brittany Streufert (321)412-1830, brittanystreufert@gmail.com. May 6, Wauchula - SendMeMissions 5K Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: smm@sendmemissions.com. May 7, Hollywood - Catch Them if You can 5K (Run for the Roses), 7am. Info: Cynthia Raes-Bernard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. May 7, Melbourne - Run For The Gecko 5K, 7am. Info: Denise Piercy (321)751-8890, events@runningzone.com. May 7, Merritt Island - AIDS Orphans 5K Mud Run, Adult 5K + 30 Obstacles; Kids 2 Mile + 20 Obstacles; 8am to 1pm (waves every 15 minutes). Info: Shannon Bobb (321)453-0350, mudrun@teenmissions.org. May 7, Panacea - Blue Crab Meet 5K & 1 Mile Walk, 8:30am. Info: Jo Ann Palmer (858)728-2072, bluecrabmeet@gmail.com. May 7, Sarasota - New Balance Free 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com. May 7, Sneads - Pink Tutus 5K Color Run, 9am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 7, Tallahassee - Marzuq Shriner’s Mothers Day 5K, 8am. Info: romanroch@hotmail.com. May 7, Tallahassee - Tails & Trails Half Marathon, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk. Info: cara@animalshelterfoundation.org. May 12, Jacksonville - Corporate 5K Run, 6:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. May 14, Delray Beach - Firefighter Eric Patrie 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: delrayfirebenevolent@yahoo.com.

May 14, Greenacres - Brian Thomas 5K Paint Race & Fair Remission Possible, 5K Race 8am; Kids Lap FR 7:30am. Info: Brian (561)880-7226, btsroadwarriors@gmail.com. May 14, Jacksonville - Shannon Miller Lifestyle 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Children’s 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)7311900, events@1stplacesports.com. May 14, Mims - Blueberry 5K, 8am. Info: Marty Winkel (321)5373526, runsalot@cfl.rr.com. May 14, Orange Park - Clay County Young Life “Hula Hustle” 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. May 14, Panama City - Workout Anytime JBJ 5K Walk/Run, 8am. Info: joeruns@yahoo.com. May 14, Sanford - Melissa’s Race to Beat Brain Cancer 5K, 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 14, Tallahassee - Run for Ansley 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Sean Rayborn (850)508-2991, seanrayborn@gmail.com. May 14, Tampa - Picnic Island Adventure Runs, 3.6 Mile Off-Road Run; 6:45pm. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. May 14, West Palm Beach - Save The Tiger 5K at the Palm Beach Zoo, 7:30am. Info: Events Dept. (561)533-0887, info@palmbeachzoo.org. May 15, Miami - The Miami Clean K, 5K 7:30am. Info: Porter Fischer (305)302-7337, porter.fischer@theporterproject.org. May 15, Orlando - Get Your Rear in Gear 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids FR, 8:3am. Info: Ashley Johnson (407)733-2247, ashley.a.johnson.08@gmail.com. May 21, Blountstown - Catfish Crawl 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 21, Melbourne - For The Girls 5K, 6:30pm. Info: jennyalmond@gmail.com. May 21, San Marco - Running For Dreams 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 9am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. May 21, Tallahassee - BBFAA Fun Run 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am; 5K Run, 8:30am. Info: Romeo Aggabao (850)228-7721. May 21, Tallahassee - Run for Wakulla Springs 5K Trail Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Ron Christen (850)567-0490, Dot Skofronick (850)222-8544. May 21, Tallahassee - Summer Trail Series Race 1, 3 Miles 8am. Info: gulfwindstrails@gmail.com. May 28, Fort Walton Beach - Gate-to-Gate 4.4 Mile Run/Walk, 10K Run & Free Kids Run; 7am. Info: Eglin Fitness Center (850)8826223 or (850)883-9127, eglinafbgatetogate@gmail.com. May 28, Tallahassee - Africa Day 5K, 1 Mile Run/Walk; 8am. Info: Dan Oronje (850)597-0311, tallahasseeafricancoalition@gmail.com.

May 29, Tampa (Al Lopez Park) - 2nd Annual Memorial Day Run For The Warriors, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7:30am; $35 by 5/25, $40 Race Day. Info: Rebecca Herron, 5101C Backlick Rd., Annandale, VA 22003; (910)381-8272, rherron@hopeforthewarriors.org, www.hopeforthewarriors.org/ memorialdayrun May 30, Tallahassee - Lung Force Festival & 1 Mile Fun Run, 9am. Info: Mallory Izbicki (850)241-103, mallory.izbicki@LungSE.org.

June 4, Fort Lauderdale - Heroes In Recovery 6K South Florida, 8am; Huizenga Plaza/32 East Las Olas Blvd.; $30 by 4/30, $35 by 6/3, $40 on Race Day. Info: Sarah Shearer, Race Dir., 5409 Maryland Way, Ste. 320, Brentwood, TN 37027; (615)812-9144, sarah.shearer@frnmail.com, http:// heroesinrecovery.com/heroes6k/southflorida/ June 4, Fort Walton Beach - Billy Bowlegs 5K Run/Walk, 9pm. Info: Ken Wolfe - bowlegs@nwftc.com. June 4, Ocala - Running of the Donuts 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. June 4, Sarasota - New Balance Free 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com. June 4, Tallahassee - Summer Trail Series Race 2, 5 Miles 8am. Info: gulfwindstrails@gmail.com. June 5, Boca Raton - Run for the Ribbons 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Run/Walk; 7am. Info: Darci McNally (561)955-4501.

June 5, Osteen to DeBary - ECHO Half Marathon, 6:15am (on beautiful paved trail); 5K, 7am; Discount code “2016” for $10 off the half; $70/Half, $25/5K 4/1-5/8; $80/Half, $30/5K 5/9 thru Race Day. Info: Jennifer@FinalMileRaceManagement.com, www.EchoHalf.com June 10, Tampa - Picnic Island Adventure Runs, 3.6 Mile OffRoad Run; 6:45pm. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. June 11, Melbourne - Bottoms Up Beer Run 4K, 3pm. Info: Anne Gregg (321)622-5939, bottomsup@saaz.org. June 11, Sorrento - Masters of all Terrain - Trail Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: nic@mastersofallterrain.com. June 11, Tallahassee - Great Pot Luck Bash 4 Mile (Trail Prediction Run), 6pm. Info: dyon@radeylaw.com. June 18, Brooksville - Moon Over Croom Trail Run, 21 mi. 6pm; 14 mi. 7pm; 7 mi. 8pm. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. June 18, Marineland - Marineland in Motion 5K Race & Exploration Walk and Fundraiser, 5K 9am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. June 18, Monticello - Monticello Kiwanis Club Melon Run 5K,

www.running.net 8:15am. Info: Don Condon (850)661-8716, watermelonrun@ gmail.com. June 24, St. Pete Beach - St. Pete Beach 5K Race Series, 7pm. Info: Race Director (813)414-3634, beachraces@sprr.org. June 25, Ponte Vedra - Big Bank 5K, 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. June 25, Tallahassee - Freedom Run 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Run/ Walk, 8:45am. Info: nexnbax1@comcast.net. July 2, Sarasota - New Balance Free 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com. July 4, Winter Park - Watermelon 5K, 7am; Free Kids’ Run, 8:15am. Info: Track Shack Events (407)896-1160, info@trackshack.com. July 8, Tampa - Picnic Island Adventure Runs, 3.6 Mile OffRoad Run; 6:45pm. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. July 9, Tallahassee - Summer Trail Series Race 3, 4 Miles 8am. Info: gulfwindstrails@gmail.com. July 22, St. Pete Beach - St. Pete Beach 5K Race Series, 7pm. Info: Race Director (813)414-3634, beachraces@sprr.org. July 30, Destin - Dane’s Nearly Free Run (DNFrun), 6 hr., 8 hr. & 12 hr. Races. Info: (850)659-7379, info@internationalrunning.com. July 30, Tallahassee - Summer Trail Series Race 4, 5.5 Miles 8am. Info: gulfwindstrails@gmail.com.

Oct. 1, Clermont - Volition America’s Half Marathon & 5K Series, National Training Center (1935 Don Wickman Dr., Clermont, FL 34711) 7:32am/Wheelchair, 7:35am/Half Marathon, 7:45am/5K; $60/Half Marathon, $100/Double Duty Half (also includes Pensacola Half on 12/3) thru 6/2 $25/5K, $45/ Double Duty 5K (also includes Pensacola 5K on 12/3). Info: info@volitionamerica.com, www.volitionamerica.com Oct. 2, Fort De Soto - Fort De Soto 15K & 5K. Info: info@flroadraces.com, www.floridaroadraces.com Oct. 30, Fort De Soto - Florida Halloween Halfathon & 5K. Info: info@flroadraces.com, www.floridaroadraces.com Dec. 4, St. Augustine Beach - Divas Half Marathon & 5K Series, 7am. Info: Continental Event & Sport Management info@runlikeadiva.com. Dec. 11, Madeira Beach - Florida Holiday Halfathon, 7:30am. Info: info@flroadraces.com, www.floridaroadraces.com

GEORGIA May 1, Atlanta - Harris Jacobs Dream Run, 5K Road Race/ Walk & 1 Mile Special Needs Community Walk; 8am. Info: (678)8124000. May 1, Atlanta - Race for Empowerment 5K Walk/Run, 8:30am; 1K Fun Run, 8am. Info: Deborah Monley (404)209-0280, dmonley@gcadv.org. May 1, Columbus - Kids Run Columbus, 1 Mile 4pm; 2 Mile 4:30pm. Info: caroleeluther@gmail.com. May 1, Kennesaw - Semper Five K Color Run, 5K 7:30am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. May 1, Statham - Wildcat Fun Run & 5K, 3pm FR; 3:30pm 5K. Info: faye.black@barrow.k12.ga.us. May 4, Dunwoody - May the 4th (Miler) Be With You, 4 Miles; 6:30pm. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 7, Athens - Athens Orthopedic Clinic Twilight 5K, 8:30am. Info: megan@gobike1.com. May 7, Atlanta - Midtown Race for MAC 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Ed Williams (404)327-7738, roadraceservices@comcast.net. May 7, Buford - Super Mom 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 7, Columbus - Tumor Trooper 5K Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: (404)252-4107, gachapter@curethekids.org. May 7, Dacula - Harbins Park Half Marathon/3.5 Mile Trail Run, 7:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. May 7, Ellijay - Run for the Son 5K & FR, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 7, Fitzgerald - Colony City Chase 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Run/ Walk, 8:45am. Info: Steve Taylor (229)423-5048, stevetaylor@windstream.net. May 7, Hampton - Run for the Bun 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: whywait@prchc.org. May 7, Hartwell - Lake Hartwell Dam Run, 5K Run/Walk & 10K Run; 8:30am. Info: (706)376-8590, hartchamber@hartcom.net. May 7, Newnan - Race For The Orphans 5K, 9am; Tot Trot 1/ 4 Mile, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: (770)310-8222, racefortheorphans2013@gmail.com. May 7, Savannah - CrimeStoppers Azalea Run, 15K, 10K & 5K; 8am. Info: (912)234-2020, info@savannahchathamcrimestoppers.org. May 7, Union City - Hustle for Hope 5K Run/Walk, 5K Run 8:40am; 5K Walk & Senior Stroll, 8:45am; Tot Trot (5-under), 9:30am; “Heroes for Hope” Race for special needs participants, 8:30am. Info: Janice Wright (770)969-8354, jwright@swchristiancare.org. May 7, Winder - Run With the Pac(5)K, 8am. Info: Christy Stockel (770)867-8181, classicraceservices@gmail.com. May 14, Camilla - Gnat Days 5K Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: Jennifer Burnum (229)336-5255, jennifer@camillageorgia.com. May 14, Athens - Panther Prowl 5K, 8:30am. Info: Cyndi Clark (706)548-7281 (29361), clarkc@clarke.k12.ga.us. May 14, Atlanta - Kirkwood Spring Fling 5K, 8:30am. Info: Andrew Feury - 5kkirkwoodsf@gmail.com. May 14, Atlanta - ATC Peachtree Junior, 3K (ages 7-14), 8:30am; 1/2K (ages 5-9), 9:15am; 50m Dash (6-under), 9:30am. lnfo: questions@atlantatrackclub.org.

Running Journal • May, 2016 May 14, Buford - Brace for a Cure 5K, 1 Mile FR; 7:30am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 14, Cairo - Jackie Robinson Boys & Girls Club 5K, 8am. Info: Cindy Johnson - helpagency+race@gmail.com. May 14, Canton - Georgia National Guard Foundation Half Marathon, 5K & Ruck Run, Half Marathon & Ruck, 7am; 5K, 7:30am. Info: gngmarathon@gmail.com. May 14, Cumming - Giddy Up 5K, 8am. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. May 14, Dawsonville - Summer Splash Dash 5K, 1pm. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 14, Fitzgerald - Chasing Jefferson Davis Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: (229)467-2737, jdminfo@chasingjeffersondavis.com. May 14, Hampton - Jailhouse 5K, 6pm. Info: revolutionrunning@hotmail.com. May 14, Madison - Madison in May, 5K 7:30am; 10.2K 8:30am; 1 Mile 8:35am. Info: (706)342-1965, ylmorgancounty@gmail.com. May 14, Rockmart - The Rock & Comet 12K & 5K, 8am. Info: Paul Koster (678)557-8028, greateratlantaathletes@gmail.com. May 21, Atlanta - Kettle Krush 5K, 8am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. May 21, Atlanta - GPA 5K for Mental Health, 5K Run/Walk 9am. Info: Ed Williams (404)993-1975, roadraceservices@comcast.net. May 21, Brookhaven - Brookhaven Bolt 5K, 8am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. May 21, Covington - Covington Fire House 5K, 9am; FR, 8:30am. Info: Tony Smith (770)385-2155, dtsmith@cityofcovington.org. May 21, Decatur - Unite for Healthy Kids Walk/Run 5K, 9am; Kids Race (12-under), 10:45am. Info: Lori A. Manns 1(800)5513775, lori@livehealthyandthriveyouth.org. May 21, Johns Creek - Johns Creek’s Finest 5K, 8am. Info: Officer Min Cha (678)780-5432, min.cha@johnscreekga.gov. May 21, Kennesaw - Loco Glo 5K/1K Glow Run, 1K 8:30pm; 5K 9pm. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. May 21, Knoxville - Georgia Jugfest, 5K 7:30am; 1 Mile FR 7:40am (approx.). Info: Larry Carpenter (309)673-6459, LaCarInco@gmail.com. May 21, Statham - Front Porch Foot Race, Fun Run/Walk 8am; 5K 8:30am; Tot Trot 9:30am. Info: (770)725-4902. May 21, Winterville - Marigold 10K Race, 7:30am. Info: John Kissane (706)254-5474, jakissane@gmail.com. May 22, Clayton - Runway Runaway 5K, 3pm. Info: Michelle Black (706)982-2315. May 25-29, Savannah to Columbus - Run for the Heroes - Run/ Ride Across Georgia, 260 Miles; Individual Runners (5/25-4am) & Relay Teams (5/28-6am); Individual Bikers (5/28-6pm) & Biking Relay Teams (5/28-10pm). Info: (706)383-9089, rag@bigdogrunning.com. May 28, Athens - Almost Memorial Day 5.32K, 11:04am. Info: Bo Ryles - boryles@gmail.com, Roger Keel - rkeel@mindspring.com. May 28, Blairsville - Run to Breathe 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Milissa Wright (706)994-4222. May 28, Canton - Memorial Day 5K Run/Walk & 1K Fun Run, 8am. Info: Erin Honea (770)345-5536, ehonea@hollyspringsga.us. May 28, Milledgeville - Melvin T. Ingram, USMC Memorial 5K Family Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Lisa Taylor Marks (478)804-1273, goldmark418@yahoo.com. May 28, Monroe - Run For Kids 5K, 8am. Info: David Dickinson (770)601-9809, mayord@monroeaccess.net. May 28, St. Simons Island - Cpl John Stalvey 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 30, Bainbridge - Memorial Day 5K Night Race, 7pm. Info: Shelly Graham (229)400-5273, shellylgraham@aol.com. May 30, Cordele - Cordele Kiwanis Memorial Day Celebration, 8K 7:35am; 5K 8:50am; 4K 9:35am; 3K 10:13am; 2K 10:43am; Value Added 5K-instructions will be given before leaving the race site. Info: Benny Wade (229)273-2981, bennybwade@gmail.com. May 30, Cumming - Memorial Day Freedom Run, 5K & 10K; 8am. Info: (706)864-5100, totallyrunning2@yahoo.com. May 30, Marietta - Memorial Day 5K/10K Run, 10K Wheelchair; 7:30am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 3, Gray - Daylily 5K Race, 7pm. Info: Buddy Davis (478)986-1711. June 4, Americus - Home Run, 1 Mile FR/Walk 7:45am; 5K/10K 8am. Info: Rebecca Ferguson (229)938-3916, rebecca.ferguson@outlook.com.

June 4, Atlanta (Piedmont Park) Strong4Life Superhero Sprint, 5K 9am; 1 Mile FR 10am; $25/5K, $30 on Race Day. $20/ 1 Mile (Adults), $12 (Children 12-under). Info: Lydia George (404)785-7315, lydia.george@ choa.org, www.choa.org/superhero June 4, Atlanta - Virginia Highland Summerfest 5K Road Race, 8am; Tot Trot, 9:15am (5-under). Info: Ed Williams (404)993-1975, roadraceservices@comcast.net. June 4, Ball Ground - Ball Ground Summerfest 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Mary Jo (678)849-5682, promisemjc@gmail.com.

June 4, Conyers - Savage Run 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Fun Run 8:30am; $20 by 5/29, after $25, $30 Race Day. Info: Claire Henry, POB 1758, Conyers, GA 30012; (404)512-0090, jdotsavage@gmail.com, http:// runsignup.com/savagerun5k

June 4, Eatonton - Torture Trail 10K Road Race, 10K & 1 Mile; 8am; $20/$12. Info: Farmers & Merchants Bank, POB 4450, Eatonton, GA 31024; Torture Trail Race Committee (706)485-9941, dhudson@ ibankfmb.com or amullis@ibankfmb.com, www.ibankfmb.com June 4, Roswell - River Run for Hope, 10K 7am; 5K 7:15am; 1 Mile 7:20am. Info: Mary Tollett (678)984-3047, mtollett@gmail.com. June 4, Stockbridge - Panola Mountain State Park 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: Paul Koster (678)557-8028, greateratlantaathletes@gmail.com. June 4, Toccoa - D-Day Run & Events, 10K Run & Memorial Walk; 8am. Info: (706)282-5055, contact@toccoahistory.com. June 5, Douglasville - Hydrangea Festival 5K Run, 7am. Info: Billy Lashley - blashley@sheriff.douglas.ga.us. June 11, Athens - APC Superhero 5K, 8am. Info: Amy Wells (706)207-1429, tricia@athenspregnancycenter.org. June 11, Atlanta - Ryan’s Run 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: ryansrunforcentralnightshelter@gmail.com. June 11, Conyers - Monastery 5K, 1.5 Mile Trail Races, 8:30am. Info: revolutionrunning@hotmail.com. June 11, Cumming - Ladies First Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Craig Levan (678)222-8744, mydestinationtrainer@gmail.com. June 11, Ellijay - Three Rivers 5K, 5:30pm; Fun Run, 5pm. Info: (706)276-2582, classicraceservices@gmail.com. June 11, Gainesville - Chris Gaunt 5K Run/Walk over Parkinson’s, 7:30am. Info: Mike Taylor (770)532-0228. June 11, Kennesaw - Summer Steamer 10K/5K, 7:30am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. June 12, Atlanta - Hotlanta Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Rachel Langelotti - info@hotlantahalf.com. June 18, Atlanta - Color Fun Fest 5K, Day Run #1 7pm; Night Run #2 9pm. Info: info@colorfunfest.com. June 18, Cumming - Dirty Spokes “Haw Creek Park” 10K/5K Trail Run, 8am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. June 18, Douglasville - Blake Gammill 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 10.5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8:35am. Info: Bill Lashley (678)873-6720, blashley@sheriff.douglas.ga.us. June 18, Musella - Papa’s Peach Classic, 5K 8am, 1 mile fun run 8:15am. Info: Larry Carpenter (309)673-6459, LaCarInco@gmail.com. June 18, Stockbridge - Night Owl 5K, 5pm. Info: anna@awarewildlife.org. June 18, Watkinsville - Timothy Baptist Community Let’s Move 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Tonya Lee (706)549-1435, tmlee@timothybaptist.org. June 25, Atlanta - HBCU Alumni Run/Walk, 5K & 10K; 7pm. Info: Marck Dorvil - hbcualumniatlanta@yahoo.com. June 25, Thomasville - Encounter 316 Run, 1 Mile 8am; 5K & 5 Mile 8:20am. Info: mraybon@balfourlumber.com. July 2, Wrightsville - Firecracker 10K, 7am; 5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: Donnie Sweat (478)864-3109, firecrackerroadrace@gmail.com. July 4, Atlanta - AJC Peachtree Road Race 10K, 7:30am/Main Start (start times vary by wave). Info: http://www.ajc.com/s/ peachtree/ July 4, Cumming - We The Runners Half Marathon & 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am; Sparkler Trot (10-under), 9am. Info: Kim Hall (404)769-4408, kimhall2007@gmail.com. July 4, St. Simon’s Island - Sunshine Festival 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 7:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. July 16, Cumming - Dirty Spokes “Sawnee Mountain” 4.0 Mile Trail Run, 8am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. July 16, Valdosta - Barnes 100 5K, 7:30am. Info: Charlie Barnes IV (229)245-6001 (x401), charlie4@barnesch.com.

July 23, Atlanta - Heroes In Recovery 6K Atlanta, 8am; $25 by 5/2, $30 by 7/1, $35 by 7/22, $40 on Race Day. Info: Sarah Shearer, Race Dir., 5409 Maryland Way, Ste. 320, Brentwood, TN 37027; (615)812-9144, sarah.shearer@frnmail.com, http:// heroesinrecovery.com/heroes6k/atlantageorgia/ July 30, Atlanta - Run Atlanta Midtown 5K, 8am. Info: Ed Williams (404)327-7738, roadraceservices@comcast.net.

Nov. 5-6, Savannah - Rock ‘N’ Roll Savannah Marathon, Half Marathon & 2Person Half Marathon Relay (11/5), 7am; 5K & 1 Mile (11/6), 1pm; Kids Rock (11/6), 3:15pm. Info: Competitor Group (858)4506510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/savannah

KENTUCKY May 1, Lexington - The Great Cake Race, 5K & 1 Mile; 4pm. Info: ashley@sweetblessingscakes.org. May 7, Bowling Green - Jog Your Memory 5K, 9am. Info: (270)303-2617. May 7, Hyden - Run For Your Life 10K Run & 5K Walk, 8:30am. Info: sizemoremollie@gmail.com, tamera67@hotmail.com. May 7, Lexington - Derby Day Stakes at Coldstream 5K & 10K, 8:30am. Info: Bob Baney (859)475-3232, bob@3wayracing.com. May 7, McKee - Jackson County Run Club Long Distance


Challenge, Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Adam Sowder or Jerry Vickers (606)287-7155 (between 8am-3pm). May 7, Morehead - Spring Color Blast 5K, 10am. Info: Lesley Tackett (606)780-1281. May 7, Paducah - Paducah Iron Mom Half Marathon & Relay (2 or 4 person); 7am. Info: Pam Truitt (270)443-4838, fssinfo@vci.net. May 7, Russell Springs - RCMS 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8am. Info: personalbesttiming1@gmail.com. May 7, Science Hill - SuperHeroes 5K, 8am. Info: gordyprather@gmail.com. May 7, Slade - PoCo Kiwanis Natural Bridge 5K Challenge, 9am. Info: Chris Allen (606)424-7535, Paul Mallory (859)227-6225. May 7, Williamstown - Derby Dash 5K, 8:30am; Kids FR to follow. Info: getfitgrantcounty@gmail.com. May 8, Louisville - Louisville Mother’s Day 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids Dash, 8:15am. Info: louisvillemothersday5k@allcommunityevents.com. May 14, Corbin - Thy Kingdom Come Run 5K, 6pm. Info: Sherry Storms (606)215-6285. May 14, Danville - McDowell Wellness Center May 10K, 7:30am. Info: dcoffey@emhealth.org. May 14, Fort Knox - Run For The Red 5K & 10K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids Run (9-under), 9:30am. Info: rosangela.potter@redcross.org. May 14, Frankfort - United Way 3K, 9am. Info: saraelysejackson1@gmail.com. May 14, Georgetown - Georgetown’s Finest 5K - The 5K with GUTS! 16 obstacles; 8am. Info: gpdfinest5k@gmail.com. May 14, Lexington - Sandersville Elementary’s Sharks on the Run 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: aaaayate2@hotmail.com. May 14, Lexington - The Great American Fitness Challenge, 10K 8am; Steeplechase Challenge 9am; 5K 10:30am Info: robert.bebout@bbim.com. May 14, Maysville - Purple Run 5K Run & 2K Walk, 8am. Info: Jessica Moses (859)260-8350, jessica.moses@cancer.org. May 14, Nicholasville - R.J. Corman 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Kama Buckles (859)977-2503. May 14, Owensboro - Owensboro Family YMCA International BBQ Festival 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: chris@40lbsledgehammer.com. May 14, Richmond - Officers Down 5K Run/Walk, 10am; Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: tj@officersdown5k.com. May 14, Royalton - Honey Suckle Half Marathon/Marathon, 8am. Info: Anthony Skeans (606)791-2902, anthonyskeans@gmail.com. May 14, Versailles - A Warrant to Run 5K, 8am. Info: Jennifer Lyddane (502)507-9252, jenniferlyddane@gmail.com. May 15, Winchester - Run for the Paws 5K Run/Walk, 2pm. Info: Michelle Franzetti - wccpr.programming@gmail.com. May 20, Taylorsville - Light The Way 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Lori Riddle/ Mary Beth Thomas (502)644-3404, rflbradybunch@gmail.com. May 21, Clay City - Clay City Lions Club 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: tinakaren0217@yahoo.com. May 21, Columbia - Run for Veterans 5K & 10K Run/Walk, 9am. lnfo: (270)250-4054, coleschmidt99@gmail.com. May 21, Danville - Hope 53 Run & Ride Duathlon/5K, Duathlon: R-5K, B-20 mi., R-5K; 5K Run/Walk; 8:30am. Info: rickylane@att.net.

May 21, Lexington - Kentucky ALE Horse Capital Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; Friday Expo 2-9pm; Boston Qualifier; Post-race celebration with live band; Horse-country inspired awards; Course passes 45 central Kentucky horse farms; Coupon Code rj10 for 10% off. Info: contact@horsecapitalmarathon. com, www.horsecapitalmarathon.com May 21, London - Stars & Strides...America’s 5K Freedom Run, 8:45pm. Info: info@vibe5k.com. May 21, Renfro Valley - The Color of Hope 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: colorofhope5k@gmail.com. May 21, West Liberty - Celebrating Beyond March 2nd 5K Run/ Walk, 8:30am. Info: (502)245-4101, info@kybaptist.org. May 27, Lexington - The Glo Run - Lexington 5K. Info: lexington@theglorun.com. May 28, Lexington - Brave Faces of Cancer 5K, 8:30am. Info: melissak@kycancerlink.org. May 28, Louisville - The Glo Run - Louisville 5K Run/Walk, 9:30pm. Info: louisville@theglorun.com. May 28, Pikeville - Run Hog Wild 5K/10K Trail Run, 9am. Info: shelebrabartley@bellsouth.net. May 28, Versailles - Woodford Wag 5K Cross Country, 8:30am; 2K Dog Walk/Run, 8:45am. Info: sue@woodfordhumane.org. May 30, Richmond - Chick-Fil-A Memorial Day 5K, 8am. Info: (859)625-0388. May 30, Stanford - Marching Ant 5K, 8:30am. Info: (606)3654118, director@lincolncountychamber.com. June 3, Lexington - North Lime Donut Dash 3K, Run/Walk, 6:30pm. Info: (859)246-0046, bob@3wayracing.com. June 4, Barbourville - Jogging for Jesus 2 Mile Run, 8:30am. Info: Michael Bingham (606)627-6904, Keith “Buster” Liford (606)6279642. June 4, Bardstown - Another Flippin 5K, 9am. Info: Jimi Burress (502)468-5018, burressjimi@gmail.com. June 4, Frankfort - Capital Expo Festival Funnel Cake 5K, 9am. Info: capitalexpo.funnelcake5k@gmail.com. June 4, Lawrenceburg - Chalice Chase 5K, 8:30am. Info: Rev. Mike McColl (502)839-4532, mjmfcc@gmail.com. June 4, Lexington - Run for the Nun 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: runforthenun@gmail.com. June 4, Lexington - Run to Stop Diabetes 5K, 10am. lnfo: Lisa Edwards (859)268-9129 (x3327), ledwards@diabetes.org. June 4, Lexington - Funky Fun Prom Run, 5K 6:30pm. Info: sbs5krace@gmail.com. June 4, Louisville - Outrunning Autism 5K & Fun Walk, 9am. Info: feat5k@featoflouisville.org. June 4, Somerset - Over My Head 5K, 7:30am; FR, 7:35am. Info: gcturner3@gmail.com.


Running Journal • May, 2016

June 4, West Liberty - Color Me for a Cure 5K, 8am. Info: Brandy Daniel (606)743-3186 (x380). June 5, Lexington - Run for the Hill 5K, 1 Mile FR/Walk; 1pm. Info: caj2@cardinalhill.org. June 11, Elizabethtown - Freeman Lake Summer Trail Series, 5K 8am. Info: will@etownrunningsoles.com. June 11, Lexington - United Way 5K on the Runway, 8am. Info: katie.williams@uwbg.org. June 11, Louisville - Powered With Pride 5K/Comfy Cow Chase Kid’s Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: Keith LaBelle (502)619-8533, keithlabelle@msn.com.

June 11, Paris - Blanton’s Bourbon Derby Half Marathon, 10 Miler & 4 Miler; 7:30am; Friday Expo 12-7pm; Post race celebration; Authentic Kentucky crafted awards; Course goes through 3 award winning privately owned Horse Farms; Coupon Code bd10 for 10% off. Info: info@bourbonderby.com, www.bourbonderby.com June 11, Winchester - The Path Home 5K, 8:30am. Info: (859)744-8733, thepathhome5k@yahoo.com. June 18, Lexington - Wild Hearts Fun Run SuperHero 5K, Kids Super Sprint 9am; 5K 10am. Info: info@wildheartsfunrun.com. June 18, Stanton - Nada Tunnel 8K Foot Race, 8am. Info: janice@rugged.red. June 24, Lexington - Sunset Tiki 5K, 7pm; Little Tiki Kids 1 Mile Run, 7:45pm. Info: (859)246-0046, bob@3wayracing.com. July 2, Pikeville - White Lightning Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 8am. Info: Shelebra Bartley (606)422-3868, shelebrabartley@bellsouth.net. July 9, Elizabethtown - Freeman Lake Summer Trail Series, 8K 8am. Info: will@etownrunningsoles.com.

Oct. 16, Midway - Iron Horse Half Marathon, 8am (EST). Info: Chuck Griffis, 317 S. Ashland Ave., Lexington, KY 40502; (859)335-1818, info@ironhorsehalfmarathon.com, www.ironhorsehalfmarathon.com

LOUISIANA May 7, Baton Rouge - Superhero Dash 4 Miler, 9am. Info: kmocklin@cff.org. May 7, Metairie - Zephyr’s Run for Home 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (504)883-8225. May 7, Shreveport - Uptown 5 Miler, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. May 14, Baton Rouge - Coach Malcolm B. Brian 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Kids’ FR (10-under); 8am. Info: josh930@cox.net. May 14, Many - Color Run for the Music, 5K 8am. Info: newmana@sabine.k12.la.us. May 14, Shreveport - Run With The Angels/David Rice Memorial 5K, 7am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. May 15, New Orleans - “Family Fun Eat & Run” 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Run/Walk, 9:30am. Info: Chuck George (504)4681488, chucknorsi@cox.net. May 21, Morgan City - Dress Up/Dress Down 5K, 8am. Info: tonydunn1@yahoo.com. May 22, Metairie - Fat Boy 3 Mile New Orleans, 1/4 Mile Run/ Walk 8am; 3 Mile Run/Walk 8:10am; Info: Chuck George (504)4681488, chucknorsi@cox.net. May 27, New Orleans - Greek Festival Race, 5K & 1 Mile. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. May 28, Gilliam - BackRoads & Bayous Cross Country Trail Run, 10 Mile & 3 Mile; 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. June 18, Shreveport - Lager Jogger 5K & Beer Mile, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. June 19, New Orleans - Richard Newcomb Memorial Father’s Day Race, 2 Miles & Half Mile; 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. July 3, New Orleans - Hotter Than Hell Marathon, 12:14am. Info: Francis Braud (504)228-3345, fjbraud@bellsouth.net. July 17, Norco - Spillway Classic Trail Run, 3 Miles 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org.

MARYLAND May 1, Bel Air - FPK 5K, 8am. Info: heather.lindhorst@gmail.com. May 1, Bethesda - Rescue1Run 8K & Kids Ambulance Chase, 8am. Info: Race Dir. (301)652-0077, racedirector@bccrs.org. May 1, Carderock - Potomac River Run Marathon, 7am/early start, 8am/competitive start. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net. May 1, Stevensville - Cinco de Miler, 5 Mile; 9am. Info: Kelly@charmcityrun.com. May 7, College Park - College Park Mother’s Day 5K, 8am. Info: jgarrett@collegeparkfoundation.org. May 7-8, Frederick - The Frederick Running Festival, 5/7: 5K 6pm; Fun Run 5:10pm. 5/8: Half Marathon & Relay 7am. Info: Corrigan Sports (410)605-9381, customerservice@ corrigansports.com. May 7, Sandy Springs - Nanty Narking Nearly 9K, 8am; 2 Mile Fun Stroll, 9am. Info: (301)774-0022. May 8, Bethesda - Hope for Henry 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: robin.j.lerner@gmail.com. May 14, Elkton - Color Vibe 5K. Info: support@colorvibe.com. May 14, Fulton - Maryland Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Tara Ettinger (410)328-8530, tettinger@umm.edu. May 21, Frederick - Running Hawk 5K, 8:30am; 1K FR, 8am. Info: runninghawk5k@gmail.com. May 21, Laurel - Spring into Summer 5K & 1 Mile Walk, 8am.

Info: lwellford@laureladvocacy.org. May 21, St. Michaels - St. Michaels Running Festival, Half Marathon, 5K, Kids 1K; 7am, 7:30am. Info: info@runstm.com. May 22, Cockeysville - Tractor Trot 5K Cross Country Farm Run, 9am; 1 Mile, 9:15am. Info: bronwyn@marylandagriculture.org. May 28, Berlin - Memorial Weekend 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: brigit@brigittaylor.com. May 29, Baltimore - MCVET 5K/10K Walk or Run, 5K 7:30am; 10K 8:30am. Info: Katherine (410)576-9626 (x 235). May 30, Olney - Jeremy’s Run, 10K 8am; 5K 8:05am; 1 Mile 8:15am. Info: Cyndi Glass (240)498-8479, cglass05@netscape.net. June 4, Annapolis - ZOOMA Annapolis Women’s Half Marathon & 10K, 7am. Info: info@zoomarun.com. June 4, Baltimore - Baltimore 10 Miler, 7:30am. Info: Corrigan Sports (410)605-9381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. June 4, Gaithersburg - Empowering Action 5K, 8:30am; 1K Kids FR, 9:15am. Info: race@ea5k.org. June 4, Kensington - Colleen’s BA 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: colleensba5k@gmail.com. June 4, Sykesville - Run 4 Kids Challenge, 4K Run/Walk; 8am. Info: run4kids@verizon.net. June 4, Washington - BAM FI ‘Hope Without Boundaries” 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: webmaster@blackandmissinginc.com. June 11, Forest Hill - Water for Amani - 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: info@amani5k.com. June 12, Olney - Alex’s Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: alexpopecknbd@gmail.com. June 18, Fort Washington - Foam Glow 5K - Washington, DC, 9pm. Info: service@foamglow.net. June 18, Gaithersburg - Blue Crab Bolt 5K/10K Trail Running Series - Race #1. Info: (571)251-6034, info@ex2adventures.com. June 18, Lexington Park - Juneteenth/Three Oaks Shelter 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: lizard42195@juno.com. June 25, Lutherville-Timonium - Night Nation Run - Baltimore, 5K 8:30pm/1st wave. Info: info@nightnationrun.com. June 26, Baltimore - Baltimore Women’s Classic 5K, 8am. Info: kelly@charmcityrun.com. July 4, Lusby - Race to the “Creek” 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: runnerD2001@yahoo.com. July 4, Potomac - The Autism Speaks July 4 5K Run/1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: (202)955-3112, autismspeaks5k@autismspeaks.org. July 10, Bel Air - Catch a Pig 5K & Walk, 8am. Info: rbourn@harford.edu. July 30, Germantown - Blue Crab Bolt 5K/10K Trail Running Series - Race #2. Info: (571)251-6034, info@ex2adventures.com.

MISSISSIPPI May 7, Collins - Okatoma River Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile Children’s FR to follow. Info: Covington Chamber of Commerce (601)765-6012. May 7, Corinth - Coke 10K, 8:20am Wheelchair; 8:30am Runners; $25 4/11 thru 5/6. Info: Coke 10K, POB 239, Corinth, MS 38835; Mona Lisa Grady (662)284-4858, mgrady@corinthcoke.com, www.coke10k.com. May 7, Greenville - YMCA Cotton Classic, 10K Run 8am; 5K Walk 8:05am. Info: Mickie Sandidge (662)335-7258, hcmymca@suddenlinkmail.com. May 7, Ocean Springs - Osprey 10K, 8am. Info: Charles Wilson (228)547-3996, gulfcoastwilson@yahoo.com. May 14, Florence - TEAAM’s Mud Run for Autism, 5K 7am; 1 Mile FR 8am. Info: Garrett Yeager (601)782-9005, takeaction@teaam.org. May 14, Ridgeland - Magnolia Meltdown Half Marathon, 6:30am; 10K, 6:45am; 5K, 7am; Kids 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. May 21, Canton - SON Valley Rally 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Donnie South (601)859-2100 (x239), dgs@sonvalley.net. May 21, Carthage - Baptist Medical Center Leake Heart of Mississippi 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Michelle McCann (601)2671206, michellemccann@mbhs.org. May 21, Mendenhall - Run for the Money 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: pb.bankmarketing@gmail.com. June 4, Ackerman - Miles for Smiles 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: (662)285-6828, mitchelldentalsuperstars@yahoo.com. June 18, Leland - Hotter than Hades Half Marathon, 6am. Info: Jamie (662)347-2920, tribbetthalfmarathon@gmail.com. June 18, Ridgeland - Glow in the Park Ridgeland 5K, 8:30pm. Info: info@triviumracing.com. July 2, Canton - Balloon Chase Run/Walk, 4 Mile & 2 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: Good Samaritan Center (601)355-6276, joannapuddister@goodsamaritancenter.org. July 4, Jackson - Farm Bureau Watermelon Classic 5K Run/ Walk, 7:30am. Info: apatterson@msfame.com.

NORTH CAROLINA April 30-May 1, Morganton - May Day Duathlon & 5K Run, 4/30: Youth Duathlon, 8am; 5/1: Adult Duathlon (R-5K, B-19.45 mi., R-1.5 mi.) & 5K Run, 8am. Info: shea.rostan@blueridgehealth.org. May 1, Cary - Run Baby Run 5K & 10K, FR & Walk for Life; 1:3pm. Info: tonya@handofhope.net. May 1, Durham - Balder Dash 5K, 11am. Info: icedstormy@gmail.com. May 1, Durham - Duke Doctor of Physical Therapy 5K Run/ Walk, 2pm. Info: aram.simonian@duke.edu. May 1, Raleigh - Run to Dinner 8K - Mystery Trail Run, 4pm8pm. Info: elementssocialconcierge@gmail.com. May 1, Rocky Mount - Nash Health Care Rocket Mile, 5 Separate Events; 2pm/1st heat. Info: TarRiverRunningCo@gmail.com. May 3 Charlotte - Goliath Color Crawl 3K, 5pm. Info: livegoliath@gmail.com. May 3, Kannapolis - Jiggy with the Piggy 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Laura Evans (704)920-4343, levans@kannapolisnc.gov. May 6, Charlotte - Time Laps 24 Hour Relay Race, 7pm. Info: racedirector@usnwc.org.

www.running.net May 6, Edenton - Kids & Cops Glow Run 5K, 7:45pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com.

May 7, Sanford - Race to Read - Sanford/Lee County Youth Council, 5K Fun Run/Walk; 9am. Info: karen.kennedy@sanfordnc.net.

May 6, Salisbury - TWAM (Teens With A Mission) 5K & Fun Run, 1/2 Mile FR=7:30pm; 5K=8pm; $20 by 5/1, after $25. Info: First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury, 308 W. Fisher St., Salisbury, NC 28144; Delaine Fowler (336)266-4392, delaine6@ hotmail.com, www.salisburyrowanrunners. org, www.salisburyfirstpres.org

May 7, Smithfield - Johnston Health Foundation Champions 5K Run/Walk & 5K Dog Run/Walk, 9am; Johnston Health Smithfield-509 Brightleaf Blvd., Smithfield, NC; $35/5K Run/Walk, $45/5K Dog Run/Walk. For Registration and other information call (919)938-7169 or visit us online at www.johnstonhealth.org/champions5k

May 7, Albemarle - Beach Blast 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: uwharrierunningclub@gmail.com. May 7, Asheville - Jog for Jill 5K, 10am. Info: garsonh@ashevilleschool.org. May 7, Atlantic Beach - Mosquito Run 5K/Walk, 5K Trail & 3.3 Mile Nature Walk; 8am. Info: joolbabyone@yahoo.com. May 7, Ayden - Fish Out of Water 5K & Kids Run, 6:30pm. Info: rdemery9@gmail.com. May 7, Bath - Show the Glow Ignite True Value 5K Run/Walk, 7:45pm. Info: got2choose2@gmail.com. May 7, Bryson City - Cherokee Choices Mother’s Day 5K Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: taramcc@nc-cherokee.com. May 7, Burlington - Go The Distance 5K, 9am. Info: info@cameronhornerministries.org. May 7, Cary - Cary Academy Charger Derby 5K, 8am. Info: Trude Bate (919)760-3680, tbate888@gmail.com. May 7, Cary - Step on Sepsis 5K, 9am. Info: Cynthia Kain (919)852-0282, cckain@live.com. May 7, Charlotte - University City Duathlon, 5K Race; Duathlon: R-5K, B-19K, R-3K & 5K Race, 8am; Kids’ Sprint, 8:10am. Info: Chris (704)503-1105, chriselk@runforyourlife.com. May 7, Charlotte - Big View Diner 5K, 8am. Info: (704)893-3800 (x103), info@s2fcharlotte.com. May 7, Charlotte - Treble Trot 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kid’s Dash, 10:30am. Info: kaitlyn.davros@sardis.org. May 7, Concord - Run Five For Farm Hope Thrive, 5K Run/ Walk, 8:30am; Kids 1/2 Mile Fun Run, 9:30am; 5K $25, Kids FR $10 postmarked by 5/2; Race Day: 5K $30, Kids FR $15. Info: Josh Moose, POB 1212, Kannapolis, NC 28082, (704)425-8555, josh@farmhopethrive.org, http://www.farmhopethrive.org/5kevent.html May 7, Concord - Exercise is Medicine 5K, 9:30am; Fun Run/ Walk, 9:15am. Info: phgabriel@cabarruscounty.us. May 7, Durham - VA Bull City Run, Walk & Roll 5K, 8am; Kid’s Dash, 9:15am. Info: Elizabeth Karan (919)286-0411 (x6587), elizabeth.karan@va.gov. May 7, Fayetteville - John E. Norman Cinco de Mayo 10K & 5K Road Race, 7:45am. Info: cincodemayo10k@gmail.com. May 7, Franklin - A Mother’s Love 5K, 8am. Info: (828)3696587, (828)421-7637, bringingit2life@yahoo.com. May 7, Goldsboro - 5K Eagle Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: bshook@waynechristian.org. May 7, Greensboro - Gate City Sun Run, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Jimmy Jackson (336)288-3824, jjackson@lawndalebaptist.org. May 7, Harrisburg - Maverick 5K, 8am. Info: noelle.donovan@allentate.com. May 7, Hickory - Catawba Valley Young Life Glow Run 5K, 8pm. Info: cvyounglife@gmail.com. May 7, Hickory - Super Hero Challenge - Laps for Charity, 9am (run as many laps in 1 hour). Info: runtimeraces@gmail.com. May 7, Hollister - Medoc Spring Races, 7.45 Mile. Info: tarriverrunningco@gmail.com. May 7, Huntersville - Shirley’s Angels “Love Your Headlights” 5.5 Mile, 7:30am; 5K, 8:45am; Kid’s FR, 9:45am. Info: shirleysangels4you@gmail.com. May 7, Jacksonville - Marine Chevy Shuffle 5K, 8am. Info: Info: Aileen Sutton (910)251-9622 (x266), aileen.sutton@wilmingtonfamilyymca.org.

May 7, Tabor City - True MUDD 5K Obstacle and Mud Run, 8am. Info: tdawkins.lowcountrysports@gmail.com. May 7, Todd - The New River Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; 5/6: 1 Mile & 1/2 Mile FR 6pm, Group Run/ShakeOut 6:30pm. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@newrivermarathon.com. May 7, Weddington - Race Against the Odds 5K, 8am. Info: jeff.branhan@thecurestartsnow.org. May 8, Alexander - Bare Bones Trail 10 & 5 Mile Run, 9am. Info: Aubrey Hogan (715)894-7058, barebonesrunning@gmail.com. May 8, Asheville - Falafel 5K, 10am. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)338-8380, info@kickitevents.com. May 8, Charlotte - Mother’s Day 5K, 8am; Kid’s Dash, 8:45am. Info: info@mommasday5k.com. May 8, Charlotte - JFS Friends Run, 10K 8am; 5K 8:15am. Info: Robin Priszner (704)893-3800 (x104), robin@s2fcharlotte.com. May 8, Durham - Duke Doctor of Physical Therapy 5K Run/Walk, 2pm. Info: aram.simonian@duke.edu. May 9, Burnsville - Burnsville Fit Families 5K, 10am. Info: Schell McCall (828)682-7899, schell@grahamchildrens.org. May 11, Fletcher Park - 5$5K Age-Graded 6:30pm. Info: (828)6872825. May 12, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #1, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 12, Cary - Esprit de She Cary Run, 5K 7pm; 10K 7:10pm. Info: EspritdeShe@lifetimefitness.com. May 13, Charlotte - Right Moves for Youth Twilight 5K Run/Walk, 7pm; 1K Kid’s FR, 8pm. Info: nrpatrick@rightmovesforyouth.org. May 13, Hudson - Light the Way 5K, 7pm. Info: nickywaters@rocketmail.com. May 14, Beaufort - Crystal Coast Run/Walk for Autism, 5K Race, 1 Mile Run/Walk & Kid’s Dash; 8am. Info: (800)442-2762 (x1101), runwalk@autismsociety-nc.org. May 14, Benson - Power Paw 5K-9. Info: mattsmith@townofbenson.com. May 14, Cary - Purple Cloth 5K, 8:15am; Kid’s Dash, 8am. Info: Mo Percy (919)412-6400, purplecloth5k@yahoo.com. May 14, Chapel Hill - Philosopher’s Way Trail Runs, 7K & 15K; 8am. Info: philosopherswaytrailrun@gmail.com. May 14, Clayton - Clayton Road Race, 5K 9am; Kid’s Dash, 9:45am. Info: Matt Lorion (919)553-1550, mlorion@townofclaytonnc.org. May 14, Fayetteville - The GCD Dream Run 5K, 9am. Info: erichmschultz@yahoo.com. May 14, Farmville - Town of Farmville 5K, 8:30am; FR, 8:45am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 14, Goldsboro - Dash on Ash 5K Run/Walk & Fun Run, 9am. Info: butch.robertson@earthlink.net. May 14, Greensboro - Law Enforcement Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: (336)253-3153. May 14, Greenville - Run for Elmhurst 5K, 1 Mile Run/Walk; 9am. Info: piraterealtor@gmail.com. May 14, Hickory - Hickory Crawdads & Fleet Feet Sports Home Run Trot 5K, 8am. Info: (828)304-4786, staff@fleetfeethickory.com. May 14, Huntersville - The Women’s Red Run 4K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: smadison@huntersville.org. May 14, Jacksonville - Run For The Warriors Half Marathon, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: runinfo@hopeforthewarriors.org. May 14, Kannapolis - Rhythm & Run 5K & Kids 1/2 Mile FR, 8am. Info: NC Music Hall of Fame (704)934-2320, info@northcarolinamusichalloffame.org. May 14, Lexington - Davidson Doozie 10K & 3.6 Mile Run/Walk & FR, Fun Run 8am; 10K 8:15am; 3.6 Mile 8:30am. Info: (336)2490237. May 14, Matthews - SandyFeet 5K Trail Run, 8am. Info: (704)8474266 (x111). May 14, Monroe - Union Academy 5K Trail Run. Info: asabo@unionacademy.org. May 14, Pisgah Forest - Cradle to Grave 30K Trail Race, 10K Trail Race; 8am. Info: Devin Gentry (828)884-5713 (x221), devin@cfaia.org. May 14, Raleigh - 5 Points 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Amy Stoner (919)645-6757, astoner@hbbc.org. May 14, Research Triangle Park - Save the Day 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: Christy Thompson (919)314-5540, christythompson@inclusionproject.org. May 14, Rocky Mount - Tackle the Tar 5K Adventure Obstacle Course, 10am/1st heat. Info: info@tacklethetar.com. May 14, Spruce Pine - Run For Holland 5K/10K, 8:30am. Info: Adam Burleson (828)385-2341, burleson.adam@gmail.com. May 14, Taylorsville - Healing for Life Great Race 4K Race/Jog/ Walk, 9am. Info: Bud Caywood (828)495-1057, caywoodstudio@charter.net. May 14, Trenton - Jones Middle School 5K “Knights Run”, 8:30am. Info: michelle.basden@jonesnc.net. May 14, Troy - Runnin’ 2 Give 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: festivalofgiving2016@gmail.com. May 14, Waynesville - Gateway to the Smokies Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: Katy Wyatt (828)456-3021, kwyatt@haywoodchamber.com.

May 7, Kernersville - 15th Annual Cone Health MedCenter Spring Folly 5K, 8:30am; $20 before 4/26, after 4/26 & RD $25. Info: Blake Ward, 380 Fielding Dr., Kernersville, NC 27284; Blake Ward (336)247-4737, henryward0@icloud.com or Curtis Swisher, (336)-399-1039, cswisher@triad.rr.com; http://SpringFolly5k.itsyourrace.com May 7, Mooresville - Bash Color Dash 5K, 9am. Info: jgzeigler@windstream.net. May 7, Nags Head - Yuengling Nags Head Woods 5K, 5K Double 7am; 1 Mile FR 7:45am; 5K 8am. Info: nagsheadwoods5k@gmail.com. May 7, New Bern - Run with George 10 Miler/5K, 7:30am. Info: GameOn Events & Timing - ann@gameonnc.com. May 7, Pittsboro - Run for the Mariners 5K, 8am; Kids Obstacle Course, 9am. Info: 5k@phspta.org. May 7, Pleasant Garden - JDRF 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:10am. Info: info@triviumracing.com. May 7, Raleigh - Running with the Pride 5K, 10am. Info: Alison (919)870-4074, adugan6208@gmail.com. May 7, Raleigh - Strong Village Challenge (multi-station obstacle course), 8:30am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: events@villagehands.org. May 7, Rockingham - Rugged Maniac 5K, 10am. Info: Rugged Races - info@ruggedraces.com. May 7, Rocky Mount - Run for Knowledge 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: runforknowledge@nashcc.edu. May 7, Roseboro - Running with P.R.I.D.E. 5K FUNd Run, 9am. Info: jeason@sampson.k12.nc.us. May 7, Salisbury - Fur Run 5K Run/Walk for the PAWS (dogs allowed), 10am. Info: Steve Clark (704)216-2709, sclar@salisburync.gov.

www.running.net May 14, Wilson - Amanda’s Race 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Martha Tatum - ilaruthb@yahoo.com.

May 14, Wilmington - OrthoWilmington 5K, 8am; Race benefits Girls on the Run & STRIDE of Coastal Carolina; $20, Late fees: $5-$10 depending on when registering. Info: Aileen Sutton (910)251-9622 (x266), aileen.sutton@wilmingtonfamilyymca.org, https://www.sportoften.com/event/28179/ orthowilmington-5k May 14, Winston-Salem - ROCC 5K, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Bridgett Stewart (336)766-0033, rocc5k@yahoo.com. May 15, Asheville - Biltmore/Kiwanis 15K & 5K Classic Races, 7:15am. Info: Daphne Kirkwood (828)684-0812, events@idaph.net. May 15, Greensboro - Race 13.1 Greensboro, Half Marathon 7am; 10K & 5K 7:15am. Info: 1(866)561-5651 (x301), info@race131.com. May 21, Asheboro - Run Your Tail Off 5K, 9am. Info: smf0313@gmail.com. May 21, Boone - Hunters Heroes 10 Mile & 5K, 8:30am. Info: greereg@email.appstate.edu. May 21, Chapel Hill - Color the Hill 4K Fun Run, 9:30am. Info: (919)636-1553, info@colorthehill.com. May 21, Charlotte - Charlotte LUNGe Forward 5K & 1 Mile Run, Walk & Rally; 8am. Info: kstelten@lungcancerinitiativenc.org. May 21, Charlotte - Let Me Run SpringFest 5K, 9am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (704)893-3800 (x103), info@s2fcharlotte.com. May 21 Charlotte - The Park Church 5K Domestic Violence Awareness Run/Walk, 8am. Info: rhenderson@upbc.org. May 21, Charlotte - Hope for Haiti 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: bethlomasvp@gmail.com. May 21, Durham - Run for Blake 5K, 7:30am. Info: joanna@kidstrinc.org. May 21, Elizabeth City - CGEA and North Carolina Potato Festival Aviation Centennial 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: cindy.williams@mmtprinters.com. May 21, Forest City - Leader of the Pack 5K Walk/Run, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR, 9am. Info: (828)245-7668. May 21, Fuquay Varina - The Ninja Challenge 5K Obstacle, 9am. Info: contact@theninjachallenge.com. May 21, Greensboro - Tuxedo Trot 5K: Run for the Penguins, 8am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: tux5k@greensboroscience.org. May 21, Havelock - Feds Feed Families 5K Fun Run/1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 21, High Point - Law Enforcement Torch Run, 10K & 5K Run/Walk 8:45am; Fun Run, 8am. Info: pinkcarespiedmont@gmail.com. May 21, Hillsborough - Got Grit? 5K, 9:15am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: tomcarrcounseling@yahoo.com. May 21, Lincolnton - WLMS Get Fit 5K, 8am. Info: vduncan@lincoln.k12.nc.us. May 21, Marion - Carolina Donut Dash 5K, 9am. Info: morganpittman78@gmail.com. May 21, Matthews - On the Run with Zeta Fun Run/Walk 5K, 8am. Info: tauthetazetachapterpm@gmail.com. May 21, Monroe - Hopewell Hustle 5K, 8:30am. Info: tamoser@carolina.rr.com. May 21, Monroe - Cheering on the Redhawks, 5K Run/Walk; 8am. Info: hmkcox@aol.com. May 21, Morganton - Let Us Run, 1 Mile FR/Walk 9am; 5K & 10K Run 9:30am. Info: elbetheloffice@gmail.com. May 21, New Bern - Super 5K, Kid’s Dash; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 21, Raleigh - St. Francis Run for Peace, 5K 8am; Kids Dash 9:30am. Info: Trevor Thompson (919)847-8205 (x270), Trevor.Thompson@stfrancisraleigh.org. May 21, Raleigh - East Wake Middle’s Community Day 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: kelly.fink@yahoo.com. May 21, Roanoke Rapids - Roanoke Canal Half Marathon, 8am; 8K, 8:30am. Info: tarriverrunningco@gmail.com. May 21-22, Saluda - Green River Games IV, 5/21: 8am/Oskar Blues Enduro, 11am/Silverback & Bridge to Bridge (Kayak, Mt. Bike, Run); 5/22: 8am/Big Hungry 1/2 Marathon, 9am/10K. Info: (828)490-1305, info@amongstit.com. May 21, Smithfield - Run Like a Spartan, 10K, 5K, 1 Mile FR/ Walk; 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 21, Sunset Beach - Run Sunset Beach, Half Marathon, 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk. Info: info@coastalraceproductions.com. May 21, Wilkesboro - Run to the Nest 5K, 8:30am. Info: Jamie Susi (704)999-9169, jsusi@charter.net. May 21, Winston-Salem - WSSU Physical Therapy Club 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run, 9am. Info: dmc41887@gmail.com.

May 22, Cary - NCRC Classic HalfMarathon & 10K, Half Marathon 7am; 10K 7:10am; $55/Half, $30/10K by 4/30, after $60/ Half, $35/10K. Info: Mike Waldvogel, POB 97336, Raleigh, NC 27624; (919)801-4108, ncrc-classic@ncroadrunners.org, http:// ncroadrunners.org/classic-half-marathon10k/ May 22, Huntersville - Jimmie Johnson Foundation 5K Run/ Walk & Family Fun Run, 9am; $30 4/11-5/21, $35 on Race Day. Info: Amanda Prothero (704)586-1586, amanda@jjracinginc.com, www.jjfwellnesschallenge.org. May 26, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #2, 10K, 5K 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 28, Aurora - Aurora Fossil 5K, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com.

Running Journal • May, 2016 May 28, Laurinburg - Dash for CASH Mile, One Mile; 7pm Heat #1. Info: Bill Cason (336)734-3009, cason1403@gmail.com. May 28, Lillington - Dog Jog 5K, 8:30am. Info: Harnett Animal Welfare Coalition (910)808-1550, info@harnettawc.org.

May 28, Mint Hill - Mint Hill Lions Club 5K, 8am; $18 by 5/25, after $28. Info: Gary Cooper, 7725 Matthews Mint Hill Rd., Mint Hill, NC 28227; (704)578-7625, gary@garycooper.org, www.minthilllions.com May 28, Pine Knoll Shores - K4TW 5K Beach Run, 1K FR/Walk; 9:10am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 28, Spruce Pine - The Orchard 4 Miler & 1 Mile Kids Run, 9am. Info: Matt Hollifield (828)467-1812, matthollifield@mitchellraces.com.

May 28, Salisbury - Bare Bones 5K, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Fun Run, 9:15am; $20/5K, $25/Late Fee; Fun Run/Free. Info: David Freeze (704)310-6741, david.freeze@ctc.net, www.salisburyrowanrunners.org May 29, Manteo - Cupcake 5K, 5:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)9029712, james@runtheeast.com. May 30, Hatteras - Shore Break 5K & Tide Pool Fun Run, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 30, Matthews - Lace Up Son Family 5K, 8am. Info: Jessica Penney (704)454-5598, jpenney@whirlwind-creative.com. June 4, Asheboro - Run Wild 5K! at NC Zoo, 7:30am; Free Kids FR, 8:45am. Info: 5k@ncaazk.com. June 4, Asheville - Asheville Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: (828)200-5498, ashevillehalfmarathon@gmail.com. June 4, Fuquay-Varina - Run the Quay, 10K 7am; 5K 8:30am; Children’s FR (100 yd. dash & 1 Mile) 9:30am. Info: Lynanne Fowle (919)552-4947, lynanne@fuquay-varina.com. June 4, Greenville - CareNet 5K Hope Run, 5K, 1 Mile FR/Walk; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 4, Hendersonville - Mad Mountain Mud Run, 3+ Miles of fun w/obstacles; 12pm-4pm. Info: Heather Boeke (828)697-8333, heather@handsonwnc.org. June 4, Plymouth - Run With The Bears 5K, 7am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 5, Hickory - Charity Chase Half Marathon, 6:30am. Info: juliet@fleetfeethickory.com. June 9, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #3, 10K, 5K 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 10, West Jefferson - Mount Jefferson Challenge, 6.6 Miles; 6:30pm. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@newrivermarathon.com.

June 11, Charlotte - Heroes In Recovery 6K Charlotte, 8am; McAlpine Creek Park/8711 Monroe Road Entrance; $30 by 5/1, $35 by 6/ 10, $40 on Race Day. Info: Sarah Shearer, Race Dir., 5409 Maryland Way, Ste. 320, Brentwood, TN 37027; (615)812-9144, sarah.shearer@frnmail.com, http:// heroesinrecovery.com/heroes6k/charlottenc/ June 11, Charlotte - Race to the Taste 5K & Cupcake Run/Walk, 5K & 1 Mile 9am. Info: carrie@tasteofcharlotte.com. June 11, Hendersonville - Race to the Taps #2 at Southern Appalacian Brewery, 6.2 Miles; 11am. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)338-8380, info@kickitevents.com. June 18, Bakersville - Rhododendron 10K Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile Run, 8am. Info: (828)765-9483. June 18, Franklin - Braveheart 5K, 9am; Rob Roy Fun! Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: bringingit2life@gmail.com.

June 18, Hiddenite - Vertical Mile Challenge, 1 Vertical Mile; 8am; $30 by Thursday, June 16 (12pm). Info: Rick French, 621 Liledoun Rd., Taylorsville, NC 28681; (828)632-9332, rfrench@alexandercountync.gov, http:// rockyfacepark.com/the-vertical-milechallenge June 18, Roxboro - Sappony Trail Run, 5K Trail Run 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: sapponytrailrun@gmail.com. June 18, Wake Forest - Wake Forest Rotary 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 9:30am. Info: Bob McCamey (919)621-2428, rotaryroadrace@gmail.com. June 18, Wilson - Wilson Swamp Stomp 5K & 8K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 25, Asheville - Run for Shindig on the Green, 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: info@folkheritage.org. June 25, Greenville - Skedaddle for the Small Fries 5K, 1 Mile FR/ Walk; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 25, Laurinburg - Verizon Laurinburg 5K & 1 Mile, 7:30pm. Info: Bill Cason (336)734-3009, cason1403@gmail.com.

June 25, Winston-Salem - Ace 5K Run and Walk, 9am; $25. Info: Ruben Gonzales, 3416 Imperial Dr., High Point, NC 27265; (336)8172633, rgonzo1122gm@gmail.com, www.shawaceacademy.com

June 25, Winston-Salem - Ultimate Runner, 1 Mile, 400, 800 & 100 Meters, 5K XC; 4:30pm. Info: ultimate@twincitytc.org. June 28, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #4, 10K, 5K 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. July 2, Cary - Run for Literacy, 1 Mile 8am; 5K 8:30am. Info: Jim DelBianco (919)267-5284, jim@delbianco.com.

July 2, Glade Valley - Freedom 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile Fun Run, 8am; 1 Mile $10 (no shirt), 1 Mile $20 (w/shirt); 5K $25 (includes shirt) by 6/24; Race Day Registration same for 1 Mile, $30 5K. Info: Donny McCall, 165 Maple St., Sparta, NC 28675; (336)363-4984, headmaster@mybrcs.net, wwwblueridgechristianschool.org July 3, Greensboro - Fun Fourth Freedom Run 10K & 2 Mile, 8pm. Info: (336)510-9390, info@funfourthfestival.com.

July 4, Kernersville – 21st Annual Herbalife 5K Rotary Parade Run, 8:30am; $2500 in Total Prize Money (1st-$500 2nd-$300 3rd$200 4th-$100 5th-$50); Entry Fee: $20 by 6/ 30, after $25. Info: Brian Stewart, 270 Post Oak Rd., Kernersville, NC 27284; (336)3998045, bstewart@eastridge.net, elite runner contact info: Curtis Swisher (336)399-1039 or cswisher@triad.rr.com.; more info at www.onthemarksports.com July 8, Lenoir - Blackberry GLOW 5K and One Mile Fun Run, 5K 8:30pm; 1 Mile 8pm; 5K $25, 1 Mile $15 by 6/29, after $30/$20. Info: Breanna McKay, 101 Willow St., Lenoir, NC 28645, (828)572-0802, breanna.mckay@ shelterhomecc.org, https://runsignup.com/ Race/NC/Lenoir/BlackberryGlow5k andFunRun July 9, Elm City - YMCA Light Up the Runway Glow Run 5K, 8pm; 1 Mile FR, 7:30pm. Info: Brett Van Pelt (252)972-9622, bvanpelt@rmymca.org. July 9, Franklin - Moonlight Moonshine 10K & Half Pint Fun Run/ Walk, 6pm. bringingit2life@yahoo.com.

July 9, Wilmington – 34th Annual Tri-Span 5K/10K, 7am; $25/5K, $30/10K by 5/15, after 5/15 $30/5K, $35/10K; Race Day $35/5K, $40/ 10K. Info: Dalia Nir, YMCA, 11 South Kerr Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403; (910)5080044 (c), (910)251-9622 x 246, dalia.nir@ wilmingtonfamilyymca.org, Register Online: www.wilmingtonfamilyymca.org July 16, Morganton - Athletic Quilt Street Light 5K, 9pm (New Start Time); Freedom High School (New Start Location); $15 by 7/ 12, $20 on RD. Info: Robert Murray, 801 Briggs St., Valdese, NC 28690; Robert Murray (828)879-2073, rmurray@burke.k12.nc.us, www.christianstamina.com July 16, Salisbury - 5K Run/Walk for the Greenway, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR, 8:45am. Info: Steve Clark (704)216-2709, sclar@salisburync.gov. July 23, Greensboro - USA Master Games Road Racing, 5K 8am. Info: (919)678-1651, info@usamastersgames.com. July 23, Winston-Salem - Beat the Heat, 1 Mile FR 6:30pm; 5K Run 7pm; NC USATF 5K Championship 8pm. Info: Er Ralston (336)749-7008, erralston@yahoo.com. July 30, Asheville - LEAF Art Dash Asheville 5K, 9am. Info: Stephanie (828)258-1849, stephanie@superflyfab.com. July 31, Greensboro - USA Master Games Road Racing, 10K 8am. Info: (919)678-1651, info@usamastersgames.com.

Aug. 20, Highlands - Highlands Twilight 5K, 6pm; Start: 483 Pine Street/KelseyHutchinson Park, Highlands, NC; $30 until 7/ 20, after 7/20 $35, $40 on Race Day. Info: Derek Taylor (828)200-9226, hdcderek@ gmail.com, www.highlandstwilight5k.com

SOUTH CAROLINA May 1, North Myrtle Beach - Divas® Half Marathon & 5K in North Myrtle Beach, 7am; $110/Half 2/1-4/28; $65/5K 2/1-4/28; $125/ Half, $80/5K at the Health & Fitness Boutique (if capacity has not been reached). Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com May 1, Sumter - Base2Base 35K & Relay, 7am. Info: Missy Corrigan (803)773-1404, mcorrigan@ymcasumter.org. May 6, Travelers Rest - GHS Swamp Rabbit 5K, 6:30pm; $6 by 4/29, after $11. Info: Chad Carlson, 701 Grove Rd., Greenville, SC 29605; (864)442-7671, ccarlson@ghs.org, www.ghs.org/ swamprabbit5k


May 7, Allendale - Cooter Crawl 5K Run/Walk/Fun Run, 8am. Info: Mike Smith (843)729-4788, pmsmith1982@yahoo.com. May 7, Camden - Restoration Ranch 5K, 8am; Kid’s FR, 7:40am. Info: rr5kracedirector@aol.com. May 7, Clinton - CrossFit864 Pump and Run 5K, 8am. Info: info@crossfit864.com. May 7, Columbia - Get In The Pink, 10K 7:20am; 5K 7:30am; Kids FR 8:30am. Info: Alicia Buffum (803)429-7763, ajcinn@aol.com. May 7, Florence - Run for Brighter Days, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile Run for Kids; 8am. Info: lbulloch@thejonathanfoundation4teens.org. May 7, Greer - Race for Adoption 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Eric Schwalm (864)918-6543, schwalme@gmail.com. May 7, Lexington - RunHard Spring Race, 5K 8am. Info: Jeanette Farr (803)319-2058, jeanette@runhard.org. May 7, Liberty - Liberty Mutt Marathon (5K), 9am. Info: jburns@libertysc.com. May 7, Prosperity - Prosperity’s Hoppin’ 5K Run & 2 Mile Walk, 9am. Info: Karen Livingston (803)364-2622, karen.livingston@prosperitysc.com. May 7, Sumter - Run for the Roses 5K Run/Fun Walk, 9am. Info: Kari Cruse (803)773-7935, kcruse@uwaysumter.org. May 13, Walhalla - Foothills 5K Light the Night for Life, 9pm. Info: Jennifer Woodring (864)882-8796. May 14, Charleston - HLN Raggae 5K Run/Walk & Jamboree, 5K 8:30am. Info: sheltonproject@gmail.com. May 14, Columbia - Governor’s Cup Running Festival, Half Marathon 7am; 5K Run & 5K Walk 7:30am; Kid’s FR 8:30am; Main Street Mile on 5/13, 7pm. Info: Ray Renner (803)960-6202, rayrenner@governorscupsc.org. May 14, Conway - Juniper Bay Baptist Church “Fund this Rock” 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: terryslasercare@gmail.com. May 14, Duncan - MayFest 5K, 8am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: Jamie Morehead (864)804-0003. May 14, Florence - Keep It Local 5K, 8am. Info: keepitlocal5k@gmail.com. May 14, Greenville - Race For Excellence 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: Joy Motz (864)918-4577, jmotz@carolinaprepschool.com. May 14, Leesville - South Carolina Poultry Festival 5K Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: Text (803)240-1357, scpfroadrace@gmail.com. May 14, Lexington - Lexington Laces Up 5K, 8am. Info: kmetze@lexington1.net. May 14, Little Mountain - Wildcat Run 5K, 8am. Info: Brandi Hayes (803)260-7137, bhayes@newberry.k12.sc.us. May 14, Rock Hill - I Love PE, Color Me Healthy, 5K Color Run; 9am. Info: cabeard@rhmail.org. May 14, Sumter - Fire Ant Color 5K, 9am. Info: cataldo@uscsumter.edu. May 14, Sunset - Keowee-Toxaway State Park: Mountain Laurel 5K, 10am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475, jstanton@scprt.com. May 14, Travelers Rest - Can’t Catch Conner 5K & Half Marathon, 7:45am/half, 7:55am/5K. Info: Nathan Akerhielm (864)313-4543. May 21, Charleston - RiverDogs Run Forrest Run 5K, 4pm. Info: kwolfe@riverdogs.com. May 21, Columbia - See Spot Run 5K and Tame The Beast 12K, 7:30am. Info: DeLisa Edwards (803)260-1201, esmith@humanesc.org. May 21, Orangeburg - Junior Service League of Orangeburg 5K & 10K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Brooke Clariday (803)682-5492, abkyzer@gmail.com. May 21, St. Matthews - Purple Martin 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Patrick Williams (803)707-6310, cwrealestatesales@gmail.com. May 21, Sumter - The “Hot Pursuit” 5K Run, 8am. Info: Angela Ribbon (803)968-4240, arabon@sumter-sc.com.

May 28, Greenville - Take Flight 5K, Kids Mile; 8:30am; $25/5K until 5/26 ($30 after 5/ 26); $10/Kid’s Run. Info: Joe Lanahan, 21 Airport Rd. Ext., Greenville, SC 29607; (864)303-0744, joelanahan@hotmail.com, https://book-events.com/takeflight5k/ May 28, Lexington - Jailbreak X, 5K Run/Walk 8am. Info: Lee Marshall (803)513-2007, lmarshall@lcsd.sc.gov. May 28, North Charleston - Rock Pink 5K Charleston, 8:30pm. Info: Scott Bagwell (864)525-6702. June 4, Columbia - Sweat It Out 5K, 7am. Info: Shannon Iriel (803)840-7263, smo72@sc.rr.com, www.sweatitout2016.com. June 4, Columbia - Home Run 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids Fun Run, 10am. Info: Earl McLeod (803)256-6238, earl@columbiabuilders.com. June 11, Spartanburg - Croft State Park: The Grenade Dash 5K, 9am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475, jstanton@scprt.com. June 25, Chapin - The Hewitt 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Crystal Hewitt (803)318-5237, craigandcrystal@sc.rr.com. June 25, Columbia - Daughters of the Nile 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Jane Mergle (803)360-2361, janemergle@aol.com. July 16, Isle of Palms - Isle of Palms Beach Run, 5K & 10K; 8am. Info: Aaron Sweet (843)886-8294, asweet@iop.net. Oct. 22-23, Myrtle Beach - Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon, Half Marathon 7am on 10/23; Coastal 5K 7:30am & Doggie Dash, 9am on 10/22. Info: Continental Event & Sport Management info@runmyrtlebeach.com.


Running Journal • May, 2016

TENNESSEE May 1, Kingsport - FBC Kingsport AmazinGrace 5K, 6pm; Fun Mile, 5:15pm. Info: Allison Jones (423)791-2757, abrunnergirl@yahoo.com. May 1, Knoxville - Race 13.1 Knoxville, Half Marathon, 7am; 10K/5K, 7:15am. Info: Chris Brown (615)202-4230, chris@race131.com. May 1, Memphis - Oak Hall Run For St. Jude, 3 Mile Run/Walk; 3pm. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. May 1, Murfreesboro - MTSU See Spot Run, 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Jackie Victory (615)898-5812, Jackie.victory@mtsu.edu. May 1, Nashville - THE GREAT AMAZING RACE Nashville, adventure/obstacle race for adults & kids grades k-12, 1.5 mile with obstacle stations, 4pm. Info: (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. May 5, Johnson City - Cinco de Mayo Club Links 5K, 7pm. Info: outsidethebox@chartertn.net. May 6, Germantown - Mug Mile, 6pm. Info: info@pilgrimagetrackclub.com. May 7, Fayetteville - Kiwanis River Run 7K. Info: sbswindall@gmail.com. May 7, Johnson City - Girls on the Run 5K, 9am. Info: jessica.thomas@girlsontherun.org. May 7, Knoxville - Hann Jivin’ in the Dark, 6-7 mi.; 8:45pm. Info: Andrea Ludwig (865)306-3115, aludwig@utk.edu. May 7, Knoxville - YMCA Tie Dye Dash 4K Color Run, 8:30am. Info: Bekah McElhannon (865)690-9622, rmcelhannon@ymcaknoxville.org. May 7, Maryville - Mudder’s Day Madness 5K w/obstacles; 9:45am. Info: beverly@harmonyfamilycenter.org. May 7, Memphis - NAACP Fund Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: nmemphi1@comcast.net. May 7, Memphis - Bluff City 10K, 8am. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. May 7, Nashville - Girls on the Run 5K, 8am. Info: Tiffany Patton (615)356-4829, tiffany.patton@girlsontherun.org. May 7, Nashville - Shoney’s 5K Family Fun Run & Walk, 5K Run 9am; Kid’s FR 10am. Info: Terri Harof (404)786-7410, terri.harof@shoneys.com. May 7, Oak Ridge - Ninja 5K Race. Info: ninjafivek@gmail.com. May 7, Rogersville - Amis Mill 10K, 8am. Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), markskelton@markskelton.com. May 7, Wartrace - Strolling Jim 41.2/26.2/6.2, 41.2miles/ Marathon/10K; 7am; $75/$65/$30 by 5/5, after: $85/$75/$40. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, www.sj40mile.com May 8, Memphis - Memphis Mother’s Day 5K. Info: (224)7575425, memphismothersday5k@allcommunityevents.com. May 8, Nashville - Nashville Mother’s Day 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids Dash, 8:15am. Info: (224)757-5425, nashvillemothersday5k@allcommunityevents.com. May 10, Kingsport - Duck Island Spring Mile: Kids & Adults, 6:30pm/Kids Mile, 7pm/Adults Mile. Info: Bob Townsend (423)5257335 (c), bobtownsend@Comcast.net. May 13-14, Chattanooga to Nashville - Ragnar Relay Tennessee, 200 Mile Relay. Info: (801)499-5024. May 13, Memphis - Running of the Rams 5K, 6pm. Info: jmflores6@comcast.net. May 14, Bristol - Chick-fil-A Bristol Race for WinShape Camps, 5K 8am; 1 Mile FR 8:15am. Info: Jenny Brown (865)382-1815, info@cfabristolrace.com. May 14, Hendersonville - Spring Has Sprung 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids FR, 8am. Info: www.springhassprung5k.com. May 14, Kingsport - Rack By The Tracks SPF 10K, 9am; 5K, 10:30am. Info: Crystal Landers (423)426-4887, clanders.fitness@gmail.com. May 14, Memphis - Junior League of Memphis 5K, 9am; Kids FR, 9:45am. Info: (901)452-2151, contactus@jlmemphis.org. May 14, Morristown - Strawberry Shake Run, 5K 8:30am. Info: Donna Blevins (423)318-0999, donnasteppingout@gmail.com. May 14, Nashville - Achilles Nashville Hope & Possibility 5 Miler & 1 Miler, 7:45am 1 Miler; 8am 5 Miler (Hand Cycle); 8:05am 5 Miler (Pushrim Wheelchair); 8:10am 5 Miler. Info: (901)485-6855, achillesnashville@gmail.com. May 14, Nashville - TDOC 5K Run/Walk, 1.5 Mile Walk; 7:30am. Info: (615)741-1000. May 14, Portland - Strawberry Stride 5K & 1 Mile, 8am; Kids’ Fun Runs, 8:45am. Info: ginger.lesemann@sumnerschools.org. May 14, Sevierville - CASA Classic Road Race, 5K Run/Walk; 8am/runners, 8:15am/walkers. Info: Tishia Morris (865)365-4221, casa.casaseviercounty@gmail.com. May 14, Wartburg - Mountain Laurel 5K, 8am. Info: jenniferb@psbgroup.com. May 15, Knoxville - Heart & Sole 5K & 1 Mile FR, 3pm. Info: katwolski@comcast.net; rdomitrovic@comcast.net. May 20, Knoxville - Glow Knoxville 5K, 1 Mile; 8:05pm. Info: info@rev3adventure.com. May 20, Memphis - Rylee’s Run 5K, 7pm. Info: Miriam Dillard Stroud (205)531-1851, miriamdillard@hotmail.com. May 21, Chattanooga - Run for God - Jfest 5K & 10K, 7:30am. Info: Dean Thompson (706)264-7101, dean@RunforGod.com. May 21, Livingston - Summer Kickoff & 5K Run/Walk Fundraiser, 9am. Info: Angela Scantland (931)823-5656, clcstaff@cedarlakecamp.org. May 21, Maryville - Blount County Melanoma Awareness 5K, 8am. Info: Diana Goad (865)591-0059, rndiana@hotmail.com.

May 21, Memphis - Heroes In Recovery 6K Memphis, 8am; Overton Park/389 E. Parkway North; $30 by 5/8, $35 by 5/20, $40 on Race Day. Info: Sarah Shearer, Race Dir., 5409 Maryland Way, Ste. 320, Brentwood, TN 37027; (615)812-9144, sarah.shearer@ frnmail.com, http://heroesinrecovery.com/ heroes6k/memphis-tn/


May 21, Nashville - Ellie’s Run for Africa 5K, 8am; Kids Fun Run, 9am. Info: info@elliesrun.org. May 21, Pigeon Forge - 5K in May Superhero & Princess Rescue Run, 5K, 8K & 10K; 8am. Info: Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries (865)908-3153. May 22, Maryville - Highland Half Marathon, 7:30am; Scot Trot 5K, 8am. Info: eric.greaser@gmail.com. May 28, Bristol - Bill Gatton Honda Run for Phil 5K, 8am. Info: davebratton@gmail.com. May 28, Knoxville - KTC Expo 10K/5K on the 100 Block, 8am. Info: emertj@comcast.net, knoxtrackevents@gmail.com. May 28, Memphis - Great American River Run, Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: (901)525-4611, mim@memphisinmay.org. May 30, Greeneville - The Hope 4, 4 Mile Race, 4K Wellness Walk, 8:04am; Kids FR, 9:04am. Info: Jon Reynolds (423)6362141, Tom DuBois (423)636-2175. May 30, Nashville - Memorial Day Dash 5K, 7:30am. Info: Peter Pressman (615)293-8862, pasta4run@aol.com. June 3, Johnson City - Blue Plum Fest 5K Run/Walk, 7pm; Little Plum Half Mile, 6:30pm. Info: blueplum5krd@gmail.com. June 4, Coopertown - Barrel Fest 5 Miler, 7am. Info: Vicky Bumgardner (615)382-4470, commissioner@coopertowntn.org. June 4, Knoxville - XTERRA Knoxville Trail Run, 4.2 Mile & Half Marathon Trail Race. Info: Ryan Roma (865)356-6984, ryan@dirtybirdevents.com. June 4, Leiper’s Fork - Hillbilly Half Marathon (formerly Franklin Half Marathon), 6:30am; 5K, 7am. Info: Andy Johnson (615)4991708, hillbillyhalf@gmail.com. June 4, Rogersville - CASA Road Race 8K & Mile, 8am. Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), markskelton@markskelton.com. June 7, Church Hill - The River Mile, 6pm/1st heat (Kids & Adults). Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), markskelton@markskelton.com. June 11, Caryville - Cove Lake 5K, 8am. Info: Clarence Lowe (423)562-1303, homerlowe@comcast.net. June 11, Corryton - New Balance Knoxville Summer Solstice 7K, 6pm. Info: David Black (865)556-5832, runrayrun@outlook.com. June 11, Elizabethton - Covered Bridge 5K Run & 3K Walk, 8am. Info: (423)542-1338, sheppardsf@msha.com. June 17-19, Chattanooga - The Chattanooga Mountains Stage Race, 3-Day Stage Race; Day 1: 18 Miles; Day 2: 22 Miles; Day 3: 20 Miles; 8am each day. Info: info@wildtrails.org.

June 18, Bell Buckle - Bell Buckle RCMoon Pie 10 Mile Run, 7am; $30 thru 5/1, $35 5/2-31, $40 6/1-16, after 6/16 $45. Info: Bell Buckle Chamber of Commerce, POB 222, Bell Buckle, TN 37020; Jenny Hunt (931)3899663, info@bellbucklechamber.com, www.active.com (online registration until 6/16, 10pm); Printable applications: www.bellbucklechamber.com/events/rcmoon-pie-festival-and-10-mile-run/ June 18, Knoxville - Sharp’s Ridge Scuttle, 6-7 Mile Trail/Road Race, 9am. Info: HFMIC (865)548-4718. June 19, Lenoir City - Tellico Summer Solstice Runs, Half Marathon 7am; 5K 7:30am; Service Dog 1 Mile Walk 7:40am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 24, Elizabethton - Carter County Relay for Life Glow Run 5K, 9pm. Info: smitkl01@mail.etsu.edu. June 25, Fayetteville - Firecracker Chase 10.2 Mile, 7am; 5K, 7:15am. Info: sbswindall@gmail.com. June 25, Johnson City - Run The Tweetsie Half Marathon, 6:30am; 5K, 7am. Info: mrowe106@gmail.com. June 25, Memphis - Ultimate 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: Debi & John Bookas (901)383-2771, ult10k@aol.com. July 4, Brentwood - Andrews Cadillac Firecracker 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am. Info: Chelsea Arnette (615)373-2900 (x72119), carnette@ymcamidtn.org. July 16, Brentwood - Race Across the Spectrum: 5K for Autism, 7am. Info: Juli Liske (615)385-7994, juli.liske@thebrowncenter.org. July 16, Kingsport - Indian Path Medical Center & Niswonger Children’s Hospital Crazy 8s 8K Run, 9:58pm; 3K Moon Walk, 8:58pm; Little 8s Youth Field Day & Special 8s, 6pm. Info: (423)963-1046, hank@crazy8s.org. July 19, Kingsport - Wolf Run, 7 Mile Trail Race; 6:30pm. Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), markskelton@markskelton.com. July 23, Goodlettsville - Goodlettsville Four Mile Classic, 7am; Family Walk/Run, 7:30am. Info: Leslie Davis (615)207-3136, joevickersfantastickids@gmail.com. July 23, Greeneville - Greeneville Astros 5K, 8am. Info: Kelsey Thompson (423)638-0411, kthompson@astros.com. July 23, Knoxville - Knoxville Bootlegger 5K, 9pm/1st wave. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com.

VIRGINIA May 1, Ashburn - Ashburn Village Fiesta 5K, 10K & Fun Run; 8:15am. Info: kparks@ashburnvillage.org. May 1, Cedar Bluff - I”DOG”AROD 5K Run/Walk, 3:30pm. Info: Angie Johnson (276)202-6506, humanesocietytazewell@ gmail.com. May 1, Fairfax Station - The Arc of Northern Virginia’s Corporate & Community Team Challenge, 8K 8am. Info: Diane Monnig (703)208-1119 (x118), teamchallenge@thearcofnova.org. May 1, Herndon - Red Shoe 5K Run & Walk, 9am. Info: Kristen Claus (202)529-8204, kristen@rmhcdc.org. May 1, Lorton - CroppMetcalf’s Bug Run 5K - Run for Autism, 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. May 1, Reston - Backyard Burn Trail Running Series #4, 5 Mile or 10 Mile, 9am. Info: (571)251-6034, info@ex2adventures.com.

May 1, Virginia Beach - Run, Roll or Stroll, 8K Run, 5K Run & 5K Walk, 8am; 1 Mile Run/Walk, 9:15am. Info: Kim Stites & Sue Graves (757)321-2222. May 1, Woodbridge - RidgeRunners May Day 5K, 8:30am; Kid’s FR 1K, 9:30am. Info: froghorn76@hotmail.com. May 5, Norfolk - J&A Racing Corporate 5K, 6:30pm. Info: (757)412-1056, info@jandaracing.com. May 6, Virginia Beach - Great Neck 5K Run/Walk, 6:30pm. Info: briangreatneck5k@gmail.com. May 7, Bristol - Books For Bearcats 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: sadebusk@bvps.org. May 7, Charlottesville - Run 4 Their Lives - Charlottesville, 8K 9am; 1 Mile FR 8:30am. Info: Freedom 424 - events@freedom424.org. May 7, Chilhowie - Valley Health Care 5K Glow Run, 8pm. Info: Debbie Blankenship (276)608-4983, Amanda Blevins (276)6464336. May 7, Farmville - Heart of Virginia Festival 10K Run & 5K Walk, 8:30am. Info: Farmville Recreation Dept. (434)392-8465, cbolt@farmvilleva.com. May 7, Manassas Park - Cougar Literacy 5K Run, 7:59am. Info: literacyrun@mpark.net. May 7, Mechanicsville - CSES PTA Dolphin Dash 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: csesdolphindash@gmail.com. May 7, Mechanicsville - Bon Secours Memorial Regional Nursing 5K Challenge, 9am; Kids 1/2 Mile Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: katie_kitchen@bshsi.org. May 7, Newport News - VBJI Let Justice Roll 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids FR, 8am. Info: letjusticeroll5k@gmail.com. May 7, Newport News - Riverside Rehab 5K by the Bay, 9am. Info: David Lassiter (757)534-9730, david.lassiter@rivhs.com. May 7, Richmond - Overcomers 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: admin@overcomers5k.org. May 7, Rocky Mount - Zombie 5K Obstacle Fun Run for Franklin County Schools, 1.5 Mile Run (kids under 8); 9am. Info: redtruckeventcenter@gmail.com. May 7, Sterling - THE GREAT AMAZING RACE N. Virgina, adventure/obstacle race for adults & kids grades k-12, 1.5 mile with obstacle stations, 4pm. Info: (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. May 7, Virginia Beach - FaraFest Lei Day 5K, 9:30am; Flip Flop 1 Mile Walk/Run, 9am. Info: leonardtl78@hotmail.com. May 7, Virginia Beach - EQUI-KIDS Cross Country 5K, 1 Mile Run with the Hounds & 1/2 Mile Pony Run; 8am. Info: Jamie Rhoades (757)721-7350, jamie.rhoades@equikids.org. May 7, West Point - West Point 5K 4 Music, 8:30am. Info: wp5k4music@gmail.com. May 7, Winchester - Winning with Wellness 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: owensh@fcpsk12.net. May 7, Woodbridge - Holy Family Falcon 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: novaracetiming@outlook.com. May 8, Alexandria - Mother’s Day Flower Power 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: thefunrunz@thefunrunz.org. May 8, Fredericksburg - Mother’s Day 5K, 10am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. May 13, Woodbridge - Leesylvania Elementary School 5K Run/ Walk, 1 Mile Fun Run; 5:30pm. Info: srkopaniasz15@gmail.com. May 14, Abingdon - Virginia Creeper 10 Miler, 8am. Info: Lisa Hazlett (423)306-1483, lhazlett@k12k.com. May 14, Alexandria - “In Their Shoes” 5K, 8am. Info: (703)6357990. May 14, Arlington - Lambda Gamma Gamma Capital Region Ques 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: ivan.hardnett@gmail.com. May 14, Batesville - Batesville 10K, 8am. Info: Hamp Caruth events@batesvilleva.org. May 14, Centreville - Reservoir Relay Trail Run, 18.5 Miles, 9am. Info: (571)251-6034, info@ex2adventures.com. May 14, Gloucester - 5Key Club 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: jkimball@mpnn.state.va.us. May 14, Grundy - Grundy Kiwanis/Trupoint Bank 5K Run, 9am. Info: Rick Owens or Jon Rife (276)935-2181, rickyowens@rifestv.net. May 14, Herndon - Herndon Middle School 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: rmhalpin@fcps.edu. May 14, Louisa - Young Life Louisa 5K, 7:45am. Info: younglifelouisava@gmail.com. May 14, Norfolk - RunWalk for the Kids, 8K Run/Walk, 7:20am; 1 Mile FR for Kids, 8:45am; 2 Mile Walk, 9:15am. Info: info@kingsdaughters.org. May 14, Norton - Fit Farmer 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids Obstacle Course, 9:30am. Info: Shelly Knox (276)697-0754, Katie Hummel (276)679-1160. May 14, Posquoson - Bull Island 4-Miler, 8:30am. Info: Chad Poultney (757)373-5436, cpoultney@clarknexsen.com. May 14, Roanoke - Gallop 4 the Greenways, 5K & 5 Miler; 5pm. Info: info@mountainjunkies.net. May 14, Richmond - Holton Hustle 5K Fest, 9am. Info: holtonpta5k@gmail.com. May 14, Springfield - Saratoga Elementary School 5K Run, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: novaracetiming@outlook.com.

May 14, Yorktown - gotCUREage Must Dash for a CURE 5K, 5:30pm (Yorktown High School); $30 by 5/11, after $35. Info: Lauren Blanchard, 310 Artillery Rd., Yorktown, VA 23692; (757)880-8322, lauren@ gotcureage.com, https://www.raceit.com/ Register/?event=35568 May 15, Annandale - Annandale Atoms 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: atoms5k@hotmail.com. May 15, Arlington - Turtle Trot 5K, 10am. Info: Cliff Fairweather (703)228-6535, cfairweather@arlingtonva.us. May 15, Ashburn - Loudoun Lyme 5K, 10K & 1K; 8am. Info: Insight on the Bite (703)230-7663. May 15, Fredericksburg - Marine Corps Historic Half, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: (800)-RUN-USMC, marine.marathon@usmc.mil. May 15, Lorton - Hippo Run for Hippotherapy 5K, 10am. Info: Jennifer Frazier (703)474-5430, jennifer.joyce08@gmail.com.

May 15, Richmond - Dorey & Her Story 5K, 10am. Info: lauryn.haynie@me.com. May 15, Virginia Beach - Valor Run, 10 Miler & 5K; 8:30am. Info: valorrun@valorrun.org. May 15, Warrenton - Bodies in Motion 5K, 10K & 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Leslie Wise (540)216-3201, leslie@bodiesinmotion5k.com. May 19-21, Newport News - Virginia Senior Games, 5/19: 5K 8am; 5/20: 10K 8am; 5/21: T&F 8am-4pm. Info: vsg@vrps.com. May 20, Abingdon - EMS Strong Called To Care 5K, 7:30pm. Info: mlong@vaems.org. May 20, Roanoke - Purple Power Glow Run, 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Walk, 10pm. Info: Virginia Amateur Sports (540)343-0987. May 20-22, Richmond - Dominion Riverrock, 5/20: Filthy 5K Mud Run 6pm; 5/21: Adventure Race 7:30am; James River Scramble 10K Trail Run 9am; 5/22: Bust the Banks Trail Half Marathon 8am. Info: (804)285-9495, info@sportsbackers.org. May 21, Damascus - Justin Foundation 5K Scholarship Run, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: David Matlock (276)475-6043. May 21, Fort Lee - Fort Lee Armed Forces Day Run the Crater 5K & 8-Mile Road Race, 8am. Info: Mark Masi (804)765-3058/7346106. May 21, Gate City - 3:16 Soul 2 Sole 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Kim Gray (423)306-7400 or Amanda Wolfe (423)571-1711, fbc316race@yahoo.com. May 21, Norfolk - Lee’s Friends Run on the Wild Side 5K Run/ Walk, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR, 9:05am. Info: Carol Olsen (757)440-7501, colsen@leesfriends.org. May 21, Virginia Beach - Dolphin Dash 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Andrea Smolin (757)648-5550, andrea.smolin@vbschools.com. May 22, Doswell - Kings Dominion 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: info@rev3adventure.com. May 22, Occoquan - The Four Hills .com, 4 Miles, 5K & 1K; 9am. Info: fourhillsrun@gmail.com. May 22, Virginia Beach - COLT 5K Race, 2pm; 1 Mile, 1pm. lnfo: (757)880-1662, jessicabueno@verizon.net. May 27, Pound - Memorial Day Fragile 5X Glow Race/5X Walk; 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR; 9pm. Info: Brittany Marahall (276)3933992, appalachians@fragilex.org. May 28, Newport News - Chick-fil-A 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: FlatOut Events (757)880-8843, raceteam@flatoutevents.com. May 28, Portsmouth - Elizabeth River Run 10K, 8:15am; Crawford Street Mile, 7:45am; Children’s Museum FR, 9:45am. Info: bsagedy@cox.net. May 28, Roanoke - Appalachian Festival Run, 5K & 10K; 8am. Info: Virginia Amateur Sports (540)343-0987.

May 29, Alexandria - Alexandria Running Festival Half Marathon, 7:30am; Kid’s 1K Fun Run, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; $80/Half, $50/5K by 5/27; $85/Half, $55/5K by 5/28; $90/Half, $60/5K on Race Day; $15/Kid’s 1K thru 5/29. Info: Nicholas Panebianco, 725 South West Street #725, Alexandria, VA 22314; (301)8078529, racedirector@mc-coop.org, http:// www.mc-coop.org/alexandria_running_ festival.aspx May 29, Fredericksburg - Fredericksburg Semper Fi 10K, 8am; 5K, 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. May 29, Virginia Beach - Steel Pier Classic SPC Boardwalk 5K, 8am. Info: Cindy Stokes - wahinesurfclub@yahoo.com. May 30, Chesapeake - Run For The Ranch 5K, 8:30am. Info: Samson (757)421-4177, samson@triplerranch.org. May 30, Fredericksburg - YMCA/Civitan 10K Run & 5K Run/ Walk, 7am. Info: Terry McLaughlin (540)371-9622 (x1022), tmclaughlin@family-ymca.org. May 30, Winchester - Loudoun Street Mile, 8am/Fitness Walk; 8:30am/1st Heat Mile. Info: Mark Stickley (540)665-8394, runnersretreat@verizon.net. May 30, Yorktown - Yorktown Freedom Run 8K, 8am. Info: Bill Pope (757)877-7331, bpope3@cox.net. June 3, Lebanon - Glowing for a Cure Run/Walk, 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk; 8:30pm. Info: Stephanie Owens (276)971-6822, scowens_67@yahoo.com. June 4, Ashburn - Glow Willowsford 5K & 1 Mile, 8:25pm. Info: info@rev3adventure.com. June 4, Bristol - Woofstock 4K 4 Paws, 4K Run/Walk; 9am. Info: Susan Taylor (276)591-5790, taylor@mbmspayneuterclinic.org. June 4, Hampton - Fox Hill Community 5K, 8:30am. Info: Natalie Bowen (757)477-7589, rfbowen@cox.net. June 4, Loudoun County - Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon, 7am. Info: (707)933-1769, kevin@destinationraces.com. June 4, Norfolk - OK5K, 1 Mile 8am; 5K 8:45am. Info: bsmiley@egglestonservices.org. June 4, Prince William - Run for the Wounded Warrior Half & 5K Race #1, Half Marathon 7:30am; 5K 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. June 4, Saint Paul - Clinch River Days Festival 5.5K Trail Challenge Run, 6pm. Info: Joyce Kilgore (276)971-6464, yellolab@msn.com. June 5, Fairfax - StarKid 5K, 8:30am; Family Fun Run, 8am. Info: (703)289-2077, Larissa.Williams@inova.org. June 11, Burkes Garden - The Varmint 1/2 Marathon & 5K Run, 6:30am/13.1 Non-competitive walk; 8am/Wheelchair; 8:30am/Half Marathon & 5K; 11am/1 Mile (12-under). Info: Charity McDaniel (276)979-8044, thevarmint13.1@hotmail.com. June 11, Norfolk - Soak in the Sun 5 Miler, 9am; 5K, 9:30am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. June 11, Virginia Beach - Strider Mile & 1500 Meter Racewalk on the Track; 7:45am. Info: Steve Shapiro (757)592-6720, sshapiro@hampton.gov. June 11, Williamsburg - Run for the Bacon 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: Chelsea Jones (757)253-0111 (x103), cjones@baconstreet.org. June 17, Williamsburg - Glow Williamsburg 5K & 1 Mile, 8:25pm. Info: info@rev3adventure.com.

www.running.net June 18, Annandale - Losing to Live 5K Run & Walk, 9am. Info: Capital Baptist Church (703)560-8677. June 18, Chantilly - Born to Run Memorial 5K, 8:30am. Info: Robert Gibbs (703)904-5125, RAGibbs@fcps.edu. June 18, Lorton - Father’s Day 10K, 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. June 18, Norton - Mountain States Rehab 5K, 9am. Info: Steve Childers (276)439-1452. June 18, Pembroke - Eastern Divide Ultra 50K Trail Race & 8 Miler, 50K 7:30am; 8 Miler 10am. Info: easterndivideultra@gmail.com. June 18, Roanoke - Race 13.1, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: info@race131.com. June 18, Virginia Beach - Summer Slam 5K, 9am; 1/2 mi. Kids FR, 8:30am. Info: (757)409-1913, info@roadrageevents.com. June 18, West Point - Chesty Puller Memorial Twin Bridge 10K Run, 8am. Info: Holly McGowan (804)843-3563, hmcgowan@westpoint.va.us. June 19, Fredericksburg - Battling Cancer 5K Race, 8am; Kid’s Run (800meters), 7:30am. Info: Kyle Pfohl (540)735-5324, 4pfohls@comcast.net. June 19, Fredericksburg - Father’s Day 5K, 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. June 25, Colonial Heights - Delightfully Different 3.5 Miler, 7:15pm; Free Children’s Events, 5:45pm. Info: Brenda Beck (804)691-6672. June 25, Covington - Jackson River Scenic Trail Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 8am. Info: info@visitalleghanyhighlands.com. June 25, Hampton - Run4Rodney 5K, 9am. Info: Kim Flint (757)696-2636. June 25, Lexington - Hoofbeats Heroes 5K Trail Run, 8am. Info: (540)464-3337, hoofbeats@rockbridge.net. June 25, Richlands - Richlands Freedom 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Larry Johnson (276)202-6482, stickcop@gmail.com. July 2, Norfolk - Storm the Beach 5 Miler, 9am; 5K, 9:30am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. July 3, Fredericksburg - Fireworks 5K, 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. July 4, Yorktown - Yorktown Independence Day 8K Run & 5K Walk, 8am. Info: Steve Peters (757)951-3874, yid8krun5kwalk@gmail.com. July 9, Wise - The Grill Master 5K, 9am. Info: Emily Wells (276)328-6194. July 10, Fredericksburg - Fredericksburg 10K, 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. July 17, Prince William Forest Park - Hustle N Bustle 10K, 8:30am; 5K, 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. July 30, Virginia Beach - Beauty of the Heart 5K & 2 Mile Fun Walk, 9am. Info: Kendra Dildy (252)673-8370, beautyoftheheartshow@gmail.com. July 30, Yorktown - Coast Guard Day 5K, 8:30am. lnfo: Katherine Long (757)856-2226, katherine.b.long@uscg.mil. Sept. 3-4, Virginia Beach - Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach, Half Marathon, 5K & 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: Competitor Group (858)4506510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com. Sept. 23-24, Leesburg - Divas® Half Marathon & 5K in DC’s Wine Country, 9/23: 5K 6:15pm; 9/24: Half Marathon 7:30am. Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com.

WASHINGTON, DC May 1, Washington, DC - Potomac River Run Marathon, 8am (early start 7am). Info: (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net, www.safetyandhealthfoundation.org/marathon. May 1, Washington, DC - Public Service 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: rkehoe@feea.org. May 1, Washington, DC - Race for Hope - DC, 5K 9am. Info: Lauaren Bogart (301)502-3784, racedc@curebraintumors.org. May 7, Washington, DC - Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure, 5K Run/Walk; 8am. Info: Info: (703)416-RACE (7223), info@komendcraceforthecure.org. May 7, Washington, DC - Kingsbury Innovation 5K Run/Walk/ Skip, 7:30am. Info: jboukhira@kingsbury.org. May 14, Washington, DC - River Run for Orphans 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info Bob Licitra (703)652-7647, boblicitra@childrensfund.net. May 15, Washington, DC - Miles for Melanoma DC 5K Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: (800)673-1290, jeremy@racedc.com. May 21, Washington, DC - Semper Fi 5K, 8:30am. Info: info@semperfi5k.com. May 22, Washington, DC - Spring Georgetown 10 Miler, 8am; 5K, 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com. June 4, Washington, DC - Race 4 Respect 5K Run/Walk, 9:30am; 1K Kids Dash, 10:15am. Info: (301)728-7208, race4respect@devenio.org. June 11, Washington, DC - PurpleStride 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: bmacdonald@pancanvolunteer.org. June 11, Washington, DC - Night Nation Run 5K, 8:30pm/1st wave. Info: info@nightnationrun.com. June 25, Washington, DC - DC Metro HBCU Alumni Alliance 5K Run/2K Walk, 8am. Info: race@dchbcu.org. June 26, Washington, DC - Team RWB 5K & Half, Half Marathon 8am; 5K 9am. Info: bishopsevents@yahoo.com.

WEST VIRGINIA May 7, Albright - Cheat Feat 5K, 10am. Info: bpenn@citynet.net, cheatfest@cheat.org. May 7, Clarksburg - Run For Open Hearts 5K & 1 Mile Run, 8:30am. Info: mrcbucs@ymail.com. May 7, Lavalette - Beeches ‘n Streams Sunset 10K at Beech Fork Marina, 5pm. Info: accesswestvirginia@icloud.com. May 7, Martinsburg - Sparkle 5K, 9am. Info: (304)279-3543, dnew03@aol.com. May 14, Charleston - SMART 5.29K Run/Walk, 5K Run 8am; 5K Walk 8:10am. Info: kim.ward@wvsto.com. May 14, Harpers Ferry - BCT Harpers Ferry Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:45am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 11am. Info:

Running Journal • May, 2016 tworiversheritage@gmail.com. May 15, New Cumberland - Run F.A.S.T. for Stroke Awareness, 5K 10am. Info: miranda_n_e@hotmail.com. May 21, Charleston - Dirty Dog 15K Trail Run, 9am. Info: Daniel Todd (304)741-3531, dantoddruns@gmail.com. May 28, Charleston - Memorial Day Mile & 5K, 8am. Info: kanawharunningclub@gmail.com. May 28, Minden - Wonderland Mountain Challenge, Half Marathon, 10K & 5 Mile Walk; 11am. Info: Chris Colin (717)4950919, kayak@aceraft.com. May 28, Saint Marys - Saints Marys Alumni Classic 5K Run/ Walk & 10K Run, 10K 7:15am; 5K 7:30am Info: terrinazelrod@hotmail.com. June 4, Rupert - CHS Rupert Blue Blast 5K, 10am. Info: dagee@childhswv.org. June 11, Wheeling - Color Me Au-Some 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: stacistephen@gmail.com. June 18, Huntington - The Herald-Dispatch WV 5K Championship, 8am (wheelchair 7:55am). Info: (304)908-4356, pat@tristateracer.com. July 16, Clarksburg - Glow in the Park Clarksburg 5K, 9pm. Info: info@triviumracing.com. July 30, Ona - Kanawha Trace Trail Runs; 50K, 7:30am; 25K & 10K, 9:30am. Info: cory_richardson@hotmail.com, joeyjarvis@fastchange.net.

TRACK & FIELD May 1, Donelson, TN (north of Nashville) - Future Stars Track & Field Series, Overton HS; Long Jump, 100m, 200m, Mini Javelin, High Jump, 50m, 800m, Shot Put; 12pm. Info: Phillip Myton kwame1223@gmail.com. May 7, Brentwood, TN (south of Nashville) - Future Stars Track & Field Series, McGavock HS; Long Jump, 100m, 200m, Mini Javelin, High Jump, 50m, 800m, Shot Put; 9am. Info: Phillip Myton - kwame1223@gmail.com. May 7, Nashville, TN (McGavock Comprehensive H.S.) Nashville Masters Outdoor Track Classic, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Discus, 3000m, 3000m Racewalk, 60m, 400m, 100m, 1500m, 1500m Racewalk, 4x200m Relay, 800m, 200m, 4x800m Relay, 4x100m Relay, 4x400m Relay, field events 8am, running events. Info: John Carter, Jr., j_carterjr@yahoo.com. May 8, Donelson, TN (north of Nashville) - Future Stars Track & Field Series, Overton HS; Long Jump, 100m, 200m, Mini Javelin, High Jump, 50m, 800m, Shot Put; 12pm. Info: Phillip Myton kwame1223@gmail.com. May 21, Huntsville, AL - Harry Williams All Comers Track Meet. Info: Marty Clarke (256)651-4015, mclarkeruns@comcast.net. May 19-21, Newport News - Virginia Senior Games, 5/19: 5K 8am; 5/20: 10K 8am; 5/21: T&F 8am-4pm. Info: vsg@vrps.com. June 2, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 1, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkins51@yahoo.com. June 3, New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Track Club All-Comers Track Meet Series #1, 1 Mile, 100, 800 4X100, 400, 200, 4X400, 2 Mile; 7pm. Info: Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 4, Nashville, TN (McGavock High School) - Sam Smith Tennessee Youth Track & Field, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 3000, Hurdles, Discus, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Javelin, 4x100 Relays, 4x400 Relays, 8am. Info: James Curbeam (615)419-7126, jcurbeam480@bellsouth.net. June 9, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 2, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkins51@ yahoo.com. June 16, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 3, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkins51@ yahoo.com. June 17, New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Track Club AllComers Track Meet Series #2, 1 Mile, 100, 800 4X100, 400, 200, 4X400, 2 Mile; 7pm. Info: Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 23, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 4, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkins51@ yahoo.com. June 30, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 5, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkins51@ yahoo.com. July 1, New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Track Club All-Comers Track Meet Series #3, 1 Mile, 100, 800 4X100, 400, 200, 4X400, 2 Mile; 7pm. Info: Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. July 7, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 6, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkins51@ yahoo.com. July 9, New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Track Club All-Comers Track Meet Series #4, 1 Mile, 100, 800 4X100, 400, 200, 4X400, 2 Mile; 7pm. Info: Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. July 14, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 7, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkins51@ yahoo.com. July 21, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 8, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkins51@ yahoo.com. July 28-31, Greensboro, NC - USA Master Games, Track & Field; Men’s & Women’s Adult Track & Field Age Group Competition; Info: DePaul Mittman (336)255-3403, depaulmittman@ bellsouth.net.

MULTI-SPORTS (Included in the Multi-sports calendar are single swimming and cycling events). May 1, Tallahassee, FL - Tallahassee YTS Youth Triathlon & Adult Super Sprint Series #1, 8am. Info: Mike Wayant (850)2416591, info@tallhasseeYTS.com. May 1, Chapel Hill, NC - JUST TRYAN IT Kids Triathlon, 8:30am; mini/short/long course. Info: Carry Norry (919)355-4351, northcarolina@justtryanit.org.

May 1, Greenville, NC - Fiesta Biathlon, R-5K, B-15 mi.; 1pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com; fiestabiathlon@yahoo.com. May 1, Huntersville, NC - Huntersville Sprint Triathlon, S-500 yds., B-20K, R-5K; 8am. Info: Jones Racing Company (336)4713322, benji@jonesracingcompany.com. May 1, Hixson, TN - Anne Prettyman Memorial Scenic City Triathlon, S-800 yd., B-14 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: (423)400-6897, jay@sceniccitymultisport.com. May 7, Fairhope, AL - Good Life Ride, 64 mi. 7:30am; 40 mi. 8am; 22 mi. 9am; 10 Mile 9:30am. Info: Joe McEnerney (251)9906002, jmcenerney@joinACF.org. May 7, Panama City Beach, FL - Gulf Coast Triathlon Half Ironman, S-1.2 mi., B-56 mi., R-13.1 mi., 6:15am; Sprint: S-500 yd., B-10 mi., R-3.1 mi. (approx. 7:45am). Info: info@gulfcoasttriathlon.com. May 7, Pine Mountain, GA - Callaway Gardens Fitness Series Duathlon, R-5K, B-30K, R-5K. Info: (808)478-7576, tricolumbusga@gmail.com. May 7, Ridgeland, MS - Natchez Trace Century Ride, 25, 50, 62 & 100 Miles; 7am. Info: (901)550-2114, info@preventmanagement.net. May 7, Bear Creek, NC - CARA Ride For Their Lives! 100K, 8:30am; 50K & 10 Mile, 9am. Info: eva.rogers@cara-nc.org. May 7, Charlotte, NC - University City Duathlon, 5K Race; Duathlon: R-5K, B-19K, R-3K & 5K Race, 8am; Kids’ Sprint, 8:10am. Info: Chris (704)503-1105, chriselk@runforyourlife.com. May 7, Lenoir, NC - Cycle to Serve, 25, 40 & 62.2 Miles; 8:30am. Info: gdwaechter@gmail.com. May 7, Burns, TN - Dickson Endurance Triathlon, S-1 mi., B-38 mi., R-15K; 8am; Iron Nugget Sprint Triathlon, S-1/2 mi., B-17 mi., R-5K, 8am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. May 7, Huddleston, VA - Appalachian Power Smith Mountain Lake Triathlon, S-750m, B-20K, R-5K; 9am. Info: Virginia Amateur Sports (540)343-0987. May 7, Marion, VA - Mountain Do Triathlon/Duathlon, Tri: 10K Trail Run, 20K Mtn. Bike, 3K Canoe/Kayak; Du: 10K Trail Run, 20K Mtn. Bike; 10am. Info: info@mountaindo-triathlon.com. May 14, Rogers, AR - Kendrick Fincher Hydration Celebration, 1/2 Mile & 1 Mile Youth Run, 5K & Duathlon (R-5K, B-12.4 mi., R5K); 7am. Info: Becky (479)986-9960, info@kendrickfincher.org. May 14, Edgewater, MD - South River Endurathon, R-1 mi., B2.2 mil., R-1 mi., 100m potato sack jump; 9am. Info: southriverendurathon@gmail.com. May 14, Cary, NC - Cary Du Classic, Short Course: R-2.5 mi., B-17 mi., R-2.5 mi.; Long Course: R-5 mi., B-31 mi., R-5 mi.; 7am. Info: info@fsseries.com. May 14-15, Cary, NC - Triangle Tour de Cure, 1 or 2 Day option; 100/200 mi., 80/160 mi., 7am; 50/25 mi., 10am; Family Rides 10:30am. Info: Zoe C. Playe (919)743-5400 (x3251), zplaye@diabetes.org. May 14, Cherry Point, NC - MCAS Cherry Point Kids Triathlon, 8-under: S-50 yd., B-1.5 mi., R-.5 mi.; 9-12yrs.: S-100 yd., B-3 mi., R-1 mi.; 8:30am. Info: Berna Crosby (252)466-2208, bernadine.crosby@usmc-mccs.org. May 14, Nebo, NC - Lake James 50, S-1 mi., B-40 mi., R-9 mi.; 8am. Info: cec@setupevents.com. May 14, Spotsylvania, VA - Kinetic Triathlon Half, S-71.2 mi., B56 mi., R-13.1 mi.; Aquabike; 7am. Info: (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. May 15, Ellicott City, MD - Columbia Triathlon & Duathlon, Triathlon: S-0.93 mi., B-25 mi., R-6.2 mi.; Duathlon: R-2.2 mi., B-25 mi., R-6.2 mi.; 6:30am. Info: (410)964-0202 (x116), registration@ulmanfund.org. May 15, Chapel Hill, NC - Tar Heel Youth Triathlon Race #1, 610yrs: S-100 yd., B-2 mi., R-1K; 11-15yrs.: S-200yd., B-4 mi., R-2K; 8am. Info: joanna@kidstrinc.org. May 15, Raleigh, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Women’s Triathlon Tour, S-225yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: info@ramblinroseevents.com. May 15, Spotsylvania, VA - Kinetic Triathlon Sprint, S-750m, B15.5 mi., R-5K; Aquabike; 9am. Info: (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. May 21, Snellville, GA - One Can Tri Super Sprint Triathlon, S250 yd., B-8 mi., R-2.25 mi.; Kid Distances (Ages 5-13); 8am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. May 21, Danville, KY - Hope 53 Run & Ride Duathlon/5K, Duathlon: R-5K, B-20 mi., R-5K; 5K Run/Walk; 8:30am. Info: rickylane@att.net. May 21, Indian Head, MD - General Smallwood International Triathlon, S-1500m, B-24 mi., R-10K; Aquabike; 7am. Info: Hotline (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. May 21, Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Youth Triathon Series #1, Ages 5 to 15 (5 different age categories); 4pm. Info: E3 Endurance (336)543-8771, coachmatt@e3ehp.com. May 21, Mount Ulla, NC - Great Berry Ride at Patterson Farm, 60 mi., 40 mi. & 20 mi. rides; 8am. Info: michelle@pattersonfarminc.com. May 21-22, Saluda, NC - Green River Games IV, 5/21: 8am/ Oskar Blues Enduro, 11am/Silverback & Bridge to Bridge (Kayak, Mt. Bike, Run); 5/22: 8am/Big Hungry 1/2 Marathon, 9am/10K. Info: (828)490-1305, info@amongstit.com. May 21, Wrightsville Beach, NC - Stoked To Go Out - Grey Liston Memorial Swim, 1.7 Mile Pier to Pier Ocean Swim; 9am. Info: davidsokolofsky@yahoo.com. May 21, Abingdon, VA - Iron Nut Sprint Triathlon, S-1/4 mi., B18 mi., R-5K, 8am; Youth Splash and Dash, 11am. Info: Coomes Recreation Center (276)623-5279, mwynne@abingdon-va.gov. May 22, Fayetteville, AR - Ladies DU Fayetteville, R-2 mi., B-11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am; after 4/1 $55 indiv./$95 Relay. Info: City of Fayetteville Parks & Recreation, 1455 S. Happy Hollow Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72701; Tiffany Gaulke (479)444-3463, tgaulke@fayetteville-ar.gov, http://www.fayetteville-ar.gov/parks. May 22, Charleston, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series, S600 yd., B-12 mi., R-5K; 7:15am. Info: Tyler Cross (843)762-4386, tcross@ccprc.com. May 22, Knoxville, TN - Rev3 Knoxville Triathlon, Olympic: S-.9 mi., B-25 mi., R-6.2 mi.; Half: S-1/2 mi., B-56 mi., R-13.1 mi.;


6:50am. Info: Jay Peluso (703)637-2321, info@rev3tri.com. May 25-29, Savannah to Columbus, GA - Run for the Heroes Run/Ride Across Georgia, 260 Miles; Individual Runners (5/254am) & Relay Teams (5/28-6am); Individual Bikers (5/28-6pm) & Biking Relay Teams (5/28-10pm). Info: (706)383-9089, rag@bigdogrunning.com. May 28, Madison, MS - Soak Up The Sun Triathlon, S-200yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 7am. Info: ben@stinkyfeetathletics.com. May 28, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Biathlon #2, R-2 mi., B11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. May 29, Asheville, NC - Collier Lilly Ride for NC Outward Bound School, 50 Mile Bike Ride; 7:45am. Info: Daphne Kirkwood (828)6840812, events@idaph.net. May 29, Vint Hill, VA - Salute to the Military Triathlon & Youth Triathlon, Sprint: S-300m, B-12.4 mi., R-5K, 7am; Youth Distances: S-50m, B-1.8 mi., R-.68 mi. (6-9); S-100m, B-3.2 mi., R-1.2 mi. (1015), 8:50am. Info: info@rev3tri.com. May 30, Hickory Creek Marina, AR - Ozark Open Water Swim, 1K, 2K & 4K; 8am. Info: Tracy Byrd (479)200-7718, tracy@gppnwa.com. May 30, Lenoir City, TN - Foothills Sprint Triathlon, S-150m, B12 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. June 4, Ridgeland, MS - Heatwave Classic Triathlon, S-.5 mi., B-24.5 mi., R-10K; 7am. Info: (901)550-2114, info@preventmanagement.net. June 5, Tallahassee, FL - USA Triathlon Splash and Dash Youth Aquathlon (swim/run), Ages 5 thru 15; 8:30am. Info: Mike Weyant (850)241-6591, info@tallahasseeYTS.com. June 5, Lafayette, LA - City Club Mini Triathlon, S-70m, B-9.5 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: dsapp@cityclubrr.com. June 5, Rock Hall, MD - Rock Hall Sprint Triathlon Festival, S750m, B-15 mi., R-5K; Aquabike; 9am. Info: races@vtsmts.com. June 5, Charlotte, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Women’s Triathlon Tour, S-200yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: info@ramblinroseevents.com. June 5, Knoxville, TN - XTERRA Knoxville Triathlon, S-3/4 mi., B-16.6 mi., R-4.2 mi. Info: Ryan Roma (865)356-6984, ryan@dirtybirdevents.com. June 5, Pigeon Forge, TN - Double Dip Sprint Triathlon, S-300 yd., B-15.5 mi., R-5K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 5, Norfolk, VA - Breezy Point Triathlon, S-750m, B-20K, R5K; 8am. Info: jgolden1020@gmail.com. June 11, Merry Hill, NC - Pound the Sound Sprint Triathlon, S750m, B-14 mi., R-5K; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 11, Maryville, TN - Lakeside of the Smokies Triathlon, S1.5K, B-40K, R-10K or S-750m, B-16 mi., R-5K. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. June 11, Hampton, VA - Life’s a Beach Triathlon - Kwazy Beach Obstacles; S-200 yd., B-5 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: info@lifesabeachtriathlon.com. June 12, Woodworth, LA - Indian Creek Triathlon, S-800m, B20 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: indiancreektri@gmail.com. June 12, Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Youth Triathon Series #2, Ages 5 to 15 (5 different age categories); 8am. Info: E3 Endurance (336)543-8771, coachmatt@e3ehp.com. June 12, Williamsburg, VA - Jamestown Triathlon, S-1500m, B40K, R-10K; 7am. Info: Race Hotline (757)570-9934, vtsmtsraces@gmail.com. June 17-18, Rogers, AR - Tour De Fun Fest, 5K Run, 50K & 100K Bike Rides. Info: Tracy (479)200-7718, tracy@gppnwa.com. June 17-18, Lexington, KY - Survive the Night Triathlon, Swim/ Bike/Run 140.7 Miles (as a team); 7pm; Roll for the Cure: 100, 50, 32 & 10 Mile Bike. Info: meredith@lexingtonfoundation.org. June 18, Siloam Springs, AR - Heroes for Life 5K Run, 20 Mile Cycle; 8:30am. Info: (479)549-3322, lacy@ssnewbeginnings.org. June 18, Oakwood, GA - Mid Summer Super Sprint, S-250 yd., B-8 mi., R-2.25 mi., 8am; Kid Races, 10am. Info: Lowell Starr (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 18, Lenoir City, TN - Tellico Summer Solstice Sprint Tri, S800m, B-16 mi., R-5K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 19, Charleston, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series, S600 yd., B-12 mi., R-5K; 7:15am. Info: Tyler Cross (843)762-4386, tcross@ccprc.com. June 19, Montclair, VA - Montclair Triathlon, S-750m, B-12.4 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: info@rev3tri.com. June 25, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Biathlon #3, R-3 mi., B11 mi., R-1 mi.; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. June 25, Goldsboro, NC - Goldsboro Family YMCA Youth Triathlon, 8am; 9-15 years (3 categories). Info: James Orr (252)9029712, james@runtheeast.com. June 25, Knoxville, TN - TriShark Youth Triathlon, S-100yd., B2 mi., R-1 mi. or S-200yd., B-4 mi., R-1.5 mi. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-6318, martin@racedayevents.net. June 25, Memphis, TN- Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Road Bike Triathlon, Super Sprint: S-1/4 mi., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; Sprint: S-1/2 mi., B-16 mi., R-4 mi.; 6:30am. Info: (901)550-2114, info@preventmanagement.net. June 26, Rogers, AR - Sprint the Bend, S-500 yd., B-15 mi., R5K; 7:30am. Info: Tracy Byrd (479)659-2886, emseries@gppnwa.com. June 26, New Orleans, LA - Wild Things Kids Triathlon (ages 611), 7am. Info: rick@konafitnesscafe.com. July 9, Meridian, MS - Sunfish Triathlon, S-1/3 mi., B-18 mi., R5K; 7am. Info: lora1963@comcast.net. July 10, Natchitoches, LA - Meat Pie Triathlon, S-1/2 mi., B-20 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. July 10, Charleston, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series, S600 yd., B-12 mi., R-5K; 7:15am. Info: Tyler Cross (843)762-4386, tcross@ccprc.com. July 22-31, Greensboro, NC - USA Master Games, 7/23: 5K 8am; 7/31: 10K 8am; 7/24: Triathlon - S-750m, B-20K, R-5K, 8am; 7/28-31: Track & Field; 24 Sports! Info: (919)678-1651, info@usamastersgames.com.


Running Journal • May, 2016


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www.running.net July 24, Nashville, TN - Music City Triathlon, Sprint: S-300m, B-22.5K, R-5K; Intermediate: S-1.5K, B-45K, R-10K. Info: races@team-magic.com. July 30, Baton Rouge, LA - Rocketchix II, Triathlon: S-350m, B-12 mi., R-2 mi.; Duathlon: R-2 mi., B-12 mi., R-2 mi.; 7:15am. Info: jonathandziuba@gmail.com. July 31, Charleston, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series, S-600 yd., B-12 mi., R-5K; 7:15am. Info: Tyler Cross (843)7624386, tcross@ccprc.com.

MARATHON May 1, Carderock, MD - Potomac River Run Marathon, 7am/ early start, 8am/competitive start. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)9274833, racedirector@att.net. May 7, Todd, NC - The New River Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; 5/6: 1 Mile & 1/2 Mile FR 6pm, Group Run/Shake-Out 6:30pm. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@newrivermarathon.com. May 7, Wartrace, TN - Strolling Jim 41.2/26.2/6.2, 41.2miles/ Marathon/10K; 7am; $75/$65/$30 by 5/5, after: $85/$75/$40. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, www.sj40mile.com May 14, Fitzgerald, GA - Chasing Jefferson Davis Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: (229)467-2737, jdminfo@chasingjeffersondavis.com. May 14, Royalton, KY - Honey Suckle Half Marathon/Marathon, 8am. Info: Anthony Skeans (606)791-2902, anthonyskeans@gmail.com.

May 21, Lexington, KY - Kentucky ALE Horse Capital Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; Friday Expo 2-9pm; Boston Qualifier; Post-race celebration with live band; Horsecountry inspired awards; Course passes 45 central Kentucky horse farms; Coupon Code rj10 for 10% off. Info: contact@horsecapitalmarathon.com, www.horsecapitalmarathon.com May 28, Craig, AK - Prince of Wales Island Marathon, Marathon Relays & Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Ann James (907)2541884, annjames326@gmail.com. May 29, Burlington, VT - People’s United Bank Vermont City Marathon & Relay. Info: (802)863-8412, info@runvermont.org, RunVCM.org June 5, Deadwood, SD - Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon, Half Marathon, 5-Person Marathon Relay, 5K & Kids Races; 8am. Info: Emily Wheeler (605)390-6137, info@deadwoodmickelsontrailmarathon.com. June 11, Sorrento, FL - Masters of all Terrain - Trail Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am. Info: nic@mastersofallterrain.com. July 3, New Orleans, LA - Hotter Than Hell Marathon, 12:14am. Info: Francis Braud (504)228-3345, fjbraud@bellsouth.net. Sept. 3-4, Virginia Beach, VA - Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach, Half Marathon, 5K & 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com. Sept. 10, Charlottesville, VA - Rivanna Greenbelt Marathon, 6:30am. Info: rivannagreenbeltmarathon@gmail.com. Oct. 15, Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Running Festival, Marathon & Team Relay 8am; Half Marathon 9:45am; 5K, 7:30am; FR (12under), 9am. Info: Corrigan Sports (410)605-9381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. Oct. 16, Chattanooga, TN - 7 Bridges Marathon & Relays, 7am; 4-Bridges Half Marathon, 7:30am. 5K, 7:45am; Family FR, 10am. Info: jay@sceniccitymultisport.com.

Nov. 5-6, Savannah, GA - Rock ‘N’ Roll Savannah Marathon, Half Marathon & 2Person Half Marathon Relay (11/5), 7am; 5K & 1 Mile (11/6), 1pm; Kids Rock (11/6), 3:15pm. Info: Competitor Group (858)4506510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/savannah Nov. 6, Bowling Green, KY - bg26.2 and Half Marathon, 7am. Info: (270)904-4348, info@bg262.com. Nov. 12, Charlotte, NC - Novant Health Charlotte Marathon, Marathon Relay, Half Marathon & 5K; 7:30am. Info: marathoninfo@runforyourlife.com. Nov. 12, Richmond, VA - Anthem Richmond Marathon, Half Marathon & 8K; 7am. Info: Race Director (804)285-9495, marathon@sportsbackers.org. Nov. 20, Lithia, FL - X-Country Marathon & 30K, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. Nov. 26, Stennis Space Center, MS - Stennis Space Center Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K Run, 5K Racewalk; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. Nov. 27, Cocoa, GA - Space Coast Marathon, 6:30am; Half Marathon, 6am. Info: (321)751-8889, info@spacecoastmarathon.com.

Dec. 10, Huntsville, AL - Rocket City Marathon, 7am; Kids Marathon, 8am; $60 postmarked through 5/30; $75 postmarked through June. Info: (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeethuntsville.com, www.runrocketcity.com. See Ad page 6.

Running Journal • May, 2016 Dec. 9-11, Pass Christian-Biloxi, MS - Mississippi Gulf Coast Marathon & Half Marathon (12/11); 5K Run (12/10). Info: info@msgulfcoastmarathon.com.



All classified ads in this section also appear on Running Journal's Web site. You pay only 60¢ per word, an average of only $3 per line. Minimum charge is $5 per month. We appreciate payment with ad, but we're happy to bill you. Mail to Running Journal, POB 157, Greeneville, TN 37744, 423-638-4177, rj@running.net, www.running.net.

May 7, Pelham, AL - Run for Kids Challenge: 10K, 50K & 12 Hour; 7am. Info: david@davidtosch.com. May 7, Wartrace, TN - Strolling Jim 41.2/26.2/6.2, 41.2miles/ Marathon/10K; 7am; $75/$65/$30 by 5/5, after: $85/$75/$40. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, www.sj40mile.com. May 14, Williamburg, VA - Singletrack Maniac 50K Trail Run, 7am. Info: ultraellen@gmail.com. May 20, Ducktown, TN - Thunder Rock 100 Mile Trail Race, Noon. Info: info@wildtrails.org. May 21, Key West, FL - Keys 100 Ultra Marathon & Relay, 5:45am/ Relay, 6:15am/Individual; 50 Mile, 9:45am; 50K, 1pm. Info: Bob Becker (954)439-2800, bob@ultrasportsllc.com. June 4, Woodstock, VA - Old Dominion 100 Mile Endurance Run, 4am. Info: (540)933-6901, olddominionrun@gmail.com. June 11-12, Paducah, KY - Run Under The Stars 10 Hr. Run; 8pm6am. Info: durb417@gmail.com. June 17-19, Chattanooga, TN - The Chattanooga Mountains Stage Race, 3-Day Stage Race; Day 1: 18 Miles; Day 2: 22 Miles; Day 3: 20 Miles; 8am each day. Info: info@wildtrails.org. June 18, Pembroke, VA - Eastern Divide Ultra 50K Trail Race & 8 Miler, 50K 7:30am; 8 Miler 10am. Info: easterndivideultra@gmail.com. June 18, Davis, WV - Highlands Sky 40 Mile Trail Run, 6am. Info: Dan Lehmann (304)924-5835, irunwv@gmail.com. July 23, Perryville, AR - Full mOOn 50K & 25K, 7pm, 8pm; Blind/ Visually Impaired Div. Info: Susy Chandler (501)837-3104, su_phi@yahoo.com. July 30, Destin, FL - Dane’s Nearly Free Run (DNFrun), 6 hr., 8 hr. & 12 hr. Races. Info: (850)659-7379, info@internationalrunning.com. July 30, Ona, WV - Kanawha Trace Trail Runs; 50K, 7:30am; 25K & 10K, 9:30am. Info: cory_richardson@hotmail.com, joeyjarvis@fastchange.net. Aug. 5, Bristol, TN - Holston River Endurance Challenge, 100 Mile, 24 Hour, 36 Hour events, 8pm; 6 Hour & 12 Hour events, 8pm or 8am. Info: netta73@hotmail.com. Aug. 13, Pinehurst, NC - Tick Tock Ultra North Carolina, 12-Hour Ultra & Team Relay; 7am. Info: Mary Marcia Brown gallantgait@yahoo.com. Nov. 19, Charleston, SC - Ultra Chili 50K/50K Relay, 8am. Info: Tyler Cross (843)762-4386, tcross@ccprc.com.

RUNNING CAMPS June 23-26, July 10-15, July 21-24, Aug. 7-12, Sept. 8-11, Blowing Rock, NC - Zap Fitness Adult Running Vacations. Info: ZAP Fitness, POB 192, Blowing Rock, NC 28605; (828)295-6198, zapfitness@gmail.com, www.zapfitness.com. See Ad page 7.

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