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Don't Let Irrational Thoughts Af fect Your Running Per for mance

Running Journal

“We Run The South�

Including Multi-Sports Events, Ultra Running, and Racewalking April 2017

Racing South Edition




Preparing for Boston Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Half Marathon/15K/8K/5K Shamrock Run 10K/5K Hilton Head Island Marathon/Half Marathon/8K G u p t o n J e e p To m K i n g C l a s s i c H a l f M a r a t h o n / 5 K Five Points of Life Marathon/Half Marathon


Running Journal • April, 2017



After the Run

On the Cover: Runners start the Myrtle Beach Marathon & Half Marathon in Myrtle Beach, SC, on March 4. See story on page 21. Photo by Robyn Piggott, My EP Events Photography Race Calendar

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Features Spring Shoe Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Grand Prix Standings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Myrtle Beach Marathon/Half Marathon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Columns After the Run, Mary Marcia Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Running Psychology, Richard Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Down the Road, Cedric Jaggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Distance Memories, Scott Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Women’s Running, Carolyn Mather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Running Through the Bluegrass, Tracy Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 The Athlete’s Kitchen, Nancy Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Learning from the Young Guns, Ryan Warrenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Inspired Daily, Rae Ann Darling Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Race Results

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

39th Annual Running Journal Grand 45-49 Prix Schedule August 26 November 20 December 10 January 7 January 29 March 4 March 12 May 29

Midnight Flight 10K Magic City Half Marathon Rocket City Marathon Mississippi Blues Half Marathon Winter Flight 8K Dasani Myrtle Beach Half Marathon Germantown Half Marathon Cotton Row 10K

Anderson, SC Birmingham, AL Huntsville, AL Jackson, MS Salisbury, NC Myrtle Beach, SC Germantown, TN Huntsville, AL

Grand Prix rules Grand Prix points will only be awarded to runners residing in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, DC, at the time of the competition. Double Grand Prix points will be awarded at the Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL. In each half marathon, 25 bonus points will be awarded to each runner scoring in that race. Awards will be presented to the top 3 overall male and female finishers, top 3 male and female masters, grand masters, senior grandmasters, and veterans. Points will be awarded in each race as follows: -- Top 20 males and females overall. -- Top 8 male and female masters (40-49), grand masters (50-59) senior grand masters (60-69), and veterans (70-over)

Grand Prix Scoring System Place Top 20 overall Top 8 scoring

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 100 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 100 85 70 55 40 30 20 10

Post Race Letdown, Be OK With It So, here’s the situation. You registered for a challenging race, trained for months, pulled up to the starting line, smashed your goal to achieve a shining new PR, and have the brilliant bling to prove it. Why then, do you feel like a truck in the muck instead of a kid in the candy store? A recent conversation with a fellow runner revealed a race trend about which I had previously given little thought. P.R.L.D. – ever hear of it? It is an acronym for post-race letdown, and it happens more than you might think. Sure, we have all set race goals and fallen short. Perhaps the positive splits replaced the negative ones we wanted, the minutes on the marathon clock rolled right past the hour under which we had hoped to finish, or we allowed that lady who had paced us for more than two miles, to pass us in the home stretch. Those things can be disappointing, so it is certainly easy to understand how one can feel a bit blue when reflecting on a race that he finds to be sub-par. Yet, the effects of P.R.L.D. are not reserved for poor performance. Many runners report feeling despondent even after exceeding every established expectation. Licensed psychologist and former sports psychologist for the U.S. Olympic Committee, Dr. Doug Jowdy, said that the main psychological symptoms one can expect to feel after finishing a big sports event or race season are confusion, apathy, mild depression, emptiness, loneliness and a general sense of loss. This could be because so much time was devoted to training hours that are no longer necessary without a forthcoming competition on the calendar. It may be because an identity was created in the training and race process and has seemingly dissipated with the inevitable end of the event. After all, it is challenging to be an ‘Ironman in Training’ when there is no imminent Ironman race in the foreseeable future. In these cases, some runners may find it advantageous to set new goals or register for another event. Setting a new goal may also be a helpful road map for reengaging with likeminded people. Experienced feelings of loneliness and loss can likely stem from the lack of social stimulation found when sharing your training goals and progress with others. Planning to join friends for a local 5k or relay marathon can help ensure that you stay connected. But what if your P.R.L.D. is not psychologically rooted? What if there is a physi-

By Mary Marcia Brown

cal instigator? Athletes’ performance can be sometimes be negatively impacted due to the hormonal and metabolic changes experienced during and after a race. There are also those annoying, nagging, and sometimes run-halting injuries that happen during a race. In those cases, putting another race on the running itinerary may simply not be possible. Remembering that running is “what we do” and not “who we are” during these trying times of recovery can be crucial. Injuries typically heal allowing us to hit the pavement with fully fueled fortitude like never before. In some cases however, running may no longer be in the cards. During those days, it is important to reconnect with who we are at our essence. Become quiet, still, and re-centered. Relish in the memories of the miles and discover another love. The love may be running related like, coaching, volunteering, or working at a running store, or it may be something that previously seemed completely out of your realm of personal possibility. The point is to acknowledge the post-race letdown and be ‘ok’ with it. ‘OK’ may look like scheduling another race, resting, recovering, or trying something new. It may look like celebrating your accomplishments by framing finish line photos, hanging your hardware, or treating yourself to a new pair of shoes. Mary Marcia is a runner, fitness professional, and Race Director of the TICK TOCK ULTRA MARATHON & TEAM RELAY in Lakeland, Florida. Reach her at marymarciabrown@yahoo.com or by visiting www.ticktockultra.vpweb.com.


Running Journal P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744 200 S. Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 638-4177 • FAX (423) 638-3328 E-mail: rj@running.net • www.running.net

Vol. 33, No. 7 President/Publisher Bruce Morrison E-mail: bruce.morrison@running.net Publisher Emeritus Julie Morrison, 1954-2002 Vice President/Advertising John Cash Editor and General Manager Mary Lou Day E-mail: marylou.day@running.net Advertising Rep / Calendar Editor Shirley Woodward E-mail: shirley.woodward@running.net Production Manager Rebecca Garay-León Circulation Manager E-mail: rj@running.net Administrative Assistant Becky Miller Contributing editors: Mary Marcia Brown, Nancy Clark, Rae Ann Darling Reed, JimDugger, Richard Ferguson, Lee Fidler, Bryan Graydon,Tracy Harris Green, Lena Hollmann, Scott Ludwig, Cedric Jaggers, Ellen Jaffe Jones, Ray Krolewicz, Carolyn Mather, Mary Margaret McEachern, Nicholas Norfolk, Pete Rea, Teri Saylor, Ryan Warrenburg. Correspondents: George Banker, Robert Carver, Sonja Friend-Uhl, Chuck George, Karen Gordon, Winston Howell, Jesse Lindsey, Diane Lyons, Rick Melanson, Jerry Schohl, Claude Sinclair, Leonard Vergunst, Jim Young, Jerry Yunker. Record keepers: Alabama/Mississippi/Tennessee/Kentucky - Buck Jones, 2920 Eastern Shore Dr., Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763. Arkansas - Randy Taylor, 102 Weston Place, Little Rock, AR 72211. Georgia - Joyce Hodges-Hite, PO Box 717, Millen, GA 30442.Maryland - Tim O’Keefe, 7214 Limestone Lane, Middletown, MD 21769. North Carolina Neville Wood, 5309 Chamisal Pl., Raleigh, NC 27613. South Carolina - Bill Marable, 5 Windchime Ct., Simpsonville, SC 29681. Virginia - Robert Platt, 1300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Washington, DC - George Banker, 7507 Overlook Ct., Oxon Hill MD 20745. West Virginia - Carl Hatfield, 712 S. Chestnut St., Clarksburg, WV 26301. Chairman, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Gene Newman, 920 N. Night Heron Dr., Green Valley, AZ 85614. V.P./East, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Dr., Wilson, NC 27896. Regional course certifiers: John DeHaye, 824 Annalau Ave., Huntsville, AL 35802 (AL). Don Potter, 440 Lower Ridge Rd., Conway, AR 72032 (AR). Doug Loeffler, 1399 W. Royal Palm Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33486 (FL). Woody Cornwell, 1724 Brighton Way, Dalton, GA 30721 (GA). Matthew Studholme, 452 Brookhill Drive, Abingdon, VA 24210 (KY, MS, TN, WV). John Ferguson, 3026 Sesbania, Austin, TX 78748-1912 (LA). John Sissala, 120 Evans St., Rockville, MD 20850 (MD). Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Drive, Wilson, NC 27896 (NC). Brian N. Smith, 1827 Falling Creek Circle, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464- 7415 (SC). Robert Thurston, 13 Kennedy St. NE, Washington, DC 20011 (VA, DC). RRCA Southern Region Director: Ron Macksoud, Montgomery, AL. Email: SouthernDirector@RRCA.org. RRCA Eastern Region Director: Mark Grandonico, 62 Back Cove Est., Portland, ME 04101. E-mail: eastdir@rrca.org. State RRCA reps: AL - Ron Macksoud. AR - David Meroney. DC - Paul Thompson. FL - Don Nelson (S. FL), Bryan Graydon (N. FL). GA - Mariska Van Rooden. KY - Donna England. LA - Betsy Boudreaux. MD - Dwight Mikulis. MS - Bryan Lagg. NC - Peter Asciutto. SC - Tim Arthurs, TN Sherilyn Johnson. VA - Goody Tyler. WV - Tom Kramer. Contact information for State RRCA reps can be found at www.rrca.org/clubs. Contents of Running Journal are copyright 2014 by Carolina Runner Inc. No part of this publication, including artwork and advertising, may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Exception: Non-profit running, bi/tri, walking club publications expressly granted reasonable usage of news and racing calendar information if credit is given to Running Journal. Running Journal (ISSN 0892-5038) is published monthly at a subscription rate of $19.95 yearly by Carolina Runner Inc., 200 South Main St., Greeneville,TN 37743. Second-class postage paid at Greeneville, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville,TN 37744.

Running Journal • April, 2017


Running Psychology Becoming a Rational Runner Many runners think too much. They analyze, ponder and try to make sense out of the world around them. If anything they tend to over-think. In fact almost all humans tend to over-think. Our minds make us human, but at the same time our consciousness can get in the way of allowing ourselves to physically perform like we're capable of. In other words, we may actually think ourselves into running below our real capability. Too often we cognitively distort things and think in very irrational ways. It's this irrational thinking that may limit our performance, as well as limit our enjoyment of running. Let's look at some common irrational thinking patterns often seen in runners. Do you ever over-generalize, or base a conclusion on a single event or a single race? If you have a bad run on a particular course do you then think you can never run well on that course? Do you ever say you never run well in the rain? Such thinking simply involves jumping to unwarranted conclusions based on a single event. The best way to cope with over generalizations is to really look at the evidence. I'll bet you really can't say you've NEVER run well in the rain or you have NEVER run well on a particular course. Just think about how irrational it is to use the word NEVER! Don't blow a single event out of proportion. Do you ever look at your running in absolute terms: it's good or bad, successful or unsuccessful? There just seems to be no room for any middle ground. Either you feel great about a race or you're extremely disappointed in your performance. This type of “all or none” thinking is dangerous because the world we live in is just not one way or another. To overcome thinking in absolute terms try not to categorize things. Sure, it's simple to think in terms of good-bad, black-white, all or none, but most things in life are not at the ends of the extremes. Most things are on a continuum between the extremes. So try not to look at your running in terms of being bad or good. Remind yourself to give your best effort. If you do so then you really have had a “good” run! Enjoy your effort in a training run or race and be joyous that you gave your best effort! Do you ever catastrophize running? Catastrophizing involves thinking in the “worst case scenario” mode. It's when you always expect a disaster in your running. Things like, “I just know I'm going to struggle on that hilly course” or “if I don't run a personal best I'm going to quit run-

By Richard Ferguson, Ph.D.

ning.” Castastrophizing also means you begin to think in terms of “what if's.” “What if I don't win?” “What if I hit the wall?” Such thinking only serves to increase anxiety and worry. Remember that running is not a life and death matter. Sure, you want to run well, but that's just not going to happen all the time. A good way to deal with catastrophizing is to remind yourself that you're well prepared and that you will give your best effort. When you prepare well and give 100% then good things can happen, which is the “best case scenario” you're really looking for. Do you ever get too personal about your running? Do you think that everything people say to you is somehow related to how you run? If you see a group of people laughing after a race do you think they're laughing at you? Do you ever feel people are disappointed in you because you didn't run well? When you get right down to it, if you personalize things you're trying to maximize your own importance and your own feelings of personal power. I doubt that many of us are so famous or noteworthy that other people observe us and base their feelings on how fast we run. Remember to keep things in perspective and your true friends don't care how fast you run because they like you for who you are as a whole person! Do you ever blame others for what happens in your running? Blaming is often a way of trying to make an excuse when you fail to reach your expectations and feel disappointed. Do you ever blame a coach for not preparing you well enough? Do your friends and family ever get the old “you don't support me” line? Well, if you blame others, then what you're really saying is that you are not in charge of your running. Remember that it's you who makes the environment you live and run in. Be honest with yourself when you feel like placing blame. Think about what YOU did to produce the result! Sure, we all have bad breaks from time to time, but

be careful of placing blame. Your running friendships may suffer. Do you ever feel running is just not “fair?” Do you feel because you've trained in a certain manner you are “entitled” to good race performance? In reality, there is no “fair.” When most people use the word “fair” what they're really doing are telling you what their own personal wants and expectations are. The way you want things to be is what you consider fair, but we don't live in a fair world. No, it's not great when you train months for a marathon, yet are forced to drop out at 20 miles. You may think it's not fair, but just think about people with debilitating diseases who would love to be able to just walk down the street. Again, work to keep your running in perspective. We all have different views on the world, which make us the individuals we are. Each of us has assumptions about why the world is the way it is and why people behave as they do. These views and assumptions have developed over time from the way we were raised as a child, our relationships and our personal experiences. Try to be aware of your thinking patterns and areas of irrational, non-levelheaded thinking that you may commonly use. All too often it is irrational thinking that leads us to feel nervous, anxious and full of worry. By counteracting irrational thoughts you will feel more positive about your running and you'll probably enjoy running even more. So keep a “level running head!” Richard Ferguson is Chair of the Physical Education, Wellness, and Sport Science Department of Averett University and is an AASP Certified SportPsycology Consultant. He may be reached via e-mail at ferguson@averett.edu

“We Run The South”


Running Journal • April, 2017


Down the Road 40th Anniversary Races in South Carolina You know what it means when you turn 40? Since you are a runner it means you enter the Masters Division at the races. A lot of us take (or took) the opportunity to get in shape and try to make a run (no pun intended) for fast times and maybe a few awards in the races. But what happens when a race reaches its 40th anniversary year? Do they get bigger with age, or shrink; do they use the same course they used the first year, or have they changed courses or even locations? The 40th anniversary is a great chance to make a big deal out of things, and some races probably will. Others may just hold the race like it was any other non-special year. I hope they all do (or did) something special for the 40th. Why don’t we look at these races in chronological order? There are five that I know of in South Carolina this year; the first one has already been held. It was the Green Valley 10 mile in Greenville. So I can tell you a little about it even though it is the only one of these races I never got a chance to run. Kathy and I were registered one

By Cedric Jaggers

year, but then one of us had to work that Saturday and couldn’t get off to go. This 10 mile race was held on February 11 this year. There is no record of how many finished the race the first year as far as I could discover. I got the name and time of the winner, from the winner Jerry Yunker, and his winning time of 52:30. Unfortunately he didn’t record the name of the female winner nor the number of runners who finished the race. The race was first certified in 1986 and has used 5 different certified courses. I’m missing information on a couple of years, but the course

Distance Memories A Shoulder to Cry On Ask any long-term runner and they'll all tell you the same thing: Over time a runner will discover two or three fellow runners they can truly count on; someone who will always be there when it's time to go for a run. No matter what, when or where (and occasionally why), they will always be there for you. As I've said before, runners are the finest people I've ever met. I've been fortunate to share the roads with quite a few of them over the years. Some have moved away, some are no longer physically able to run and, sadly, some are no longer with us. I still run regularly with a couple of people with whom I've run for many, many years. We've shared many a mile running along too many roads to count in too many places to possibly remember. We've pushed ourselves physically, endured the worst weather imaginable and experienced virtually every injury under the sun. During all of it, we've no doubt shared every last detail of our lives with each other.

By Scott Ludwig

Most of all we've always been there for each other. I'd go as far as saying we confide things to one another that we've never shared with anyone else. Because that's what runners do; they share a special connection that are impossible to explain but universally understood by runners everywhere. My closest running friends probably know me better than I know myself. That's what happens when you share all of your hopes, dreams, highs, lows, good times and bad over endless miles and countless hours. I referred to this once as 'asphalt therapy' but it's so much more

records, as far as I can determine are: 52:37 by Stuart Moran in 2009 and 61:36 set by Gail Pennachio in 1994. This year the race had 204 finishers, the largest number appears to be 371 in 2009, while the smallest looks to be 57 in 1986. The next race to be held is the largest in the state, a position it has held in South Carolina every year except for its first running. That would be the Cooper River Bridge Run 10K in Charleston, which will be held April 1, and that is no joke. In the first year there were 766 finishers and the winners were Benji Durden in 30:22 and Lisa Lorrain in 39:39 on a short course – as the City Police moved the finish line while the race was in progress. I probably know more about this race than any of the others since I wrote a book about it, and I ran it 35 years in a row, and the first time I ever broke the 40-minute barrier was in this race in 1980. I had planned to always run this race until a head on car wreck (the other driver was texting and came across the line and hit us head on) basically ended my running. The race has

than that. There will always be times when things aren't going your way or how you would like them to be going. Your partners will be there to listen, offer advice and/or provide encouragement. And, if necessary, they'll lend you a shoulder to cry on. There may be times, of course when you'll have to (or may simply want to) run alone and there won't be anyone there for you to pour your heart out to. Just remember; the road always has a shoulder for you to cry on. Scott Ludwig is president and founder of Darkside Running Club (.com). He lives in the Atlanta area and is the author of 11 books - 7 about running - and is working on others. Scott's book “Running to Extremes: The Legendary Athletes of Ultra Running” is now available. It features stories on Ray Zahab, Dean Karnazes, Larry Macon, Mark Covert, Ed Ettinghausen, Mike Morton, Tim Twietmeyer, Ann Trason and seven other amazing athletes of long distance running. You can find it on Amazon and most major booksellers. The book is inspired by and dedicated to the enduring memory and legacy of Ted Corbitt. Scott can be reached at darksiderunning@comcast.net. He also has a blog at ScottLudwigRunsandWrites.blogspot.com where his books are available - or at any major online bookstore.

always begun in the City of Mount Pleasant and gone over one of the bridges connecting to Charleston, with a finish in the downtown area. The race has used 3 different bridges as it has gotten larger and has used 9 different certified courses since it was first certified in 1985. The course records are: 27:40 set in 2000 by James Koskei and 31:19 by Elana Myer in 1997. Last year the race had 26,843 finishers. The largest number to finish the race was 36,755 in 2012 while the smallest was 766 the first year. The next race is the Reedy River Run 10K to be held on April 22nd in Greenville. The first year the race was held it was the largest race in the state with 853 timed finishers. The winners were Benji Durden in 30:29 and Krista Hanna in 40:50. The race has used 8 different certified courses since its first one in 1986. Most of the loop courses begin and end downtown in the city and have included a notorious uphill finish. I understand the course has been revamped to alleviate some of that problem. I’ve run this race a number of times but will never forget the year it was raining really hard, and the water was coming down that final hill like a flood. The course records are: 29:33 held jointly by Joseph Kariuki in 1996 and Bobby Mack in 2011. Female record is 33:04 set by Neely Gracey in 2013. Last year the race had 915 finishers. The largest number was 1,426 in 2009 and the smallest 575 in 2004. The next race is the Rice Festival Run 5K in Walterboro to be held April 29th. The race began as a 5 mile course and there are no records of how many runners or who won the race. The race was switched to a certified 5K route (which incorporated part of the old 5M course) in 1989. It is single lasso shaped loop which begins in the downtown area and finishes going uphill at the Police Station. It has been named one of the top races in the state many times, and always considered a fast course. But for some reason I could never run it fast. Life is strange. But ask Jeffrey Herndon, the race director, about 1989, one of the years I was in charge of compiling results for him and a heavy rain storm during the race washed most of the sticky tabs with the runner’s information off the runners’ bibs – this was before computer chip timing. We managed to get all but 18 of the 221 finishers’ information and I typed them up in the results. I’ll gladly send you a copy; just send me an e-mail request. The Rice Run has used 5 slightly different certified courses. The course records are 14:16.4 by Michael Banks in 2014, and 16:30 by Maggie Kraft – the standing SC state record set in 1992. Last year the race had its record number of finishers which was 363. The smallest known number was 52 in 1983. The next race is the Turkey Day 5K in Charleston which is always held on Thanksgiving Day. Since its first running with 623 finishers, this race has with only a



Running Journal • April, 2017

Women’s Running Taking Your Recovery Into Your Own Hands Injuries seem to be the bane of runners. Just when all is going smoothly, you pull something, fall, get a bad virus or anything to disrupt your training. Not only is it incredibly frustrating but recovery seems to be a difficult process. As we get older, it gets increasingly hard. When I fell during a race several months after my Steve died, I felt I was truly jinxed. I have no idea how I fell but it was hard. I picked myself up and walked to the finish. I iced the injury to my upper arm and refused to go to any doctor. The brilliant colors my arm turned were amazing but after 10 days I had a completely dark blue arm and shoulder. To be able to get some therapy I had to get a doctor's order. I went to my local urgent care center and got the news that my humerus was totally fractured where it met my shoulder. Of course by the time I got an appointment with an orthopedist (four weeks later), it was nearly healed. I finally got a physical therapy order in late March and started my journey to heal. Now let me be clear. I never missed a day of running. I have learned long ago never to ask permission, but to do what I can. But I was truly amazed how much range of motion I had lost and the pain I had in my shoulder/upper arm. The therapy was excruciating but I was determined to get back to 100%. Unfortunately insurance does not care if you get to full recovery. They really only care that you can do the basic activities of daily living! So my therapy was stopped before I wanted it to do so. I took my own recovery into my own hands. I carried my tools of torture wherever I went and spent nearly an hour a day going through a regimen of exercises. I have learned that recovery is something you have to want and be willing to pursue. No one can do it for you. It becomes like the act of running. You have to do it yourself. And returning to normal is a long and tiring journey. Yet it can be done if you are willing to go the extra mile! My dear friend Barb fell on Thanksgiving several years ago warming up her daughter for a race. Apparently she hit something as she split her knee cap. Although she spent months in agonizing therapy, she was truly fearful she might never be able to run again or even walk. No one really understood why she wanted to get back to normal. They felt she should be happy just to walk. Barb, like me, was not satisfied with that and she undertook a grueling regimen. I remember her crying in pain during her exercises. At first she could not even pedal a stationery bicycle. She spent months in a full brace from her hip to



By Carolyn Mather, RN, PhD.

ankle. She had many setbacks, but kept her mind on the prize of running again. I am thrilled to report after over a year or more Barb was able to run again. She has become a much more conservative trainer and she stays out of situations that may contribute to the possibility of falling. She is back racing on the track and at age 52 still would like to break 20 minutes in a road race 5K. She has changed many things to get her running back. She now does intense yoga, meditation and stretching. She does not run as many miles. Yet the lesson both of us have learned is that persistence does pay off. We are both back to as close to 100% as possible. We refused to accept anything less. We got the help we needed then took it to the next level, not willing to settle for problems the rest of our lives. It was extremely difficult and I will admit most of the people who witnessed my daily routine thought I was crazy. The same went for Barb. In our 50s and 60s this recovery process becomes more difficult to attain but it can be done. Unfortunately you have to do the majority of the hard work yourself. Do not allow doctors or therapists to tell you this is as good as it will get. Keep plugging along and keep at it every single day until you get there. Once you have reached your 100%, you will still have to do some therapy three or four times a week. To keep going forward you have to keep at it so you do not regress. Both Barb and I are a testament to the fact that you can recover, but it takes time and lots of work. Injury befalls all of us at one time or another. When it comes your way, instead of focusing on your woes, put every ounce of your energy into recovery. You can do it but it is not easy. We all have the desire to be as healthy as possible but it always requires some effort. Stay healthy and focus on your goals!! Carolyn Mather,R.N.,PhD. lives and runs in north Georgia and is a member of the Atlanta Track Club Elite. She can be reached at carolynmather@tds.net.

Back when they were known as merely ‘up and-comers’, country superstars Lady Antebellum entertained runners at the postrace concert held at the Sommet Center in Nashville.


A record 7000+ children participate in the kids one mile race in Nashville.

2000 Almost 6,000 participants took to the start line for the inaugural Country Music Marathon. Now, closer to 35,000 participate in the Nashville race each April.


$10* USE CODE:


M A R AT H O N | 1 / 2 M A R AT H O N | 5 K | 1 M I L E | R E M I X


APR 27-29, 2017

*Offer valid for $10 off the Marathon & 1/2 Marathon only until 4/23/17



Running Journal • April, 2017


Running Through the Bluegrass Distress Brings on a Trial of Kombucha Over the holidays, I felt like all the atypical foods and atypical eating schedules were catching up to me. I just didn’t feel good and I didn’t know what to do. I thought about a juice cleanse — seriously — but that’s a bad idea when you’re running 60 miles a week. Girl’s gotta eat! But after talking to some friends and doing some research, I decided to give kombucha a try. And I think you should, too. Kombucha is a traditional beverage that dates back about 300 years, made by fermenting tea. Food historians trace the origins back to the Orient; some people claim it’s been around for thousands of years but there’s no proof to support that claim. The one special thing needed to make kombucha is a SCOBY — a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. This little gelatinous blob is where the magic happens. It’s very similar to the mother in unfiltered apple cider vinegar (and is often called “the mother” in kombucha as well), or you can think of it as similar to sourdough bread starter. That said, kombucha is not a cure-all. “It is not a panacea — it doesn’t cure anything,” says Paul Haney, owner of Kentucky Kombucha. “It helps the body do its own thing.” Haney and his wife Ali started Kentucky Kombucha in 2013, the first commercial kombucha brewer in the Bluegrass. There are now a handful in Kentucky and about 150 nationwide, although some states still have none (sorry, Ohio saltines!). The Haneys set out to make a product that maximized nutrition and flavor. “It’s not going to help the gut if it doesn’t taste good,” Haney said. Plus, they wanted to make it convenient. Kombucha is pretty easy to brew at home, but … really? Since kombucha is fermented, it contains probiotics. Same things that are in your

The Haney family and the Kentucky Kombucha line

By Tracy Green

yogurt, and that are also in things like kimchee and sauerkraut. They are especially beneficial to your digestive system, and there is increasing research on the importance of a balanced GI. Without getting too deep into it, your digestive system is controlled by the enteric nervous system — your body’s “second brain.” It controls your digestive system independently of your brain, and sends signals to your brain, not just vice-versa. Kombucha also contains antioxidants, amino acids, organic acids, enzymes, B vitamins, gluconic acid and glucuronic acid. “Kombucha helps the body regulate itself by restoring and maintaining balance,” Haney said. For runners, who are no strangers to GI distress (considering some of our most popular articles are about poop), kombucha may provide relief. By drinking it on a regular basis — Haney recommends about 12-24 ounces per week — a healthy gut biome may suffer fewer problems while running. And many runners have found that kombucha settles an upset stomach post-run. There is a light effervescence to kombucha, and ginger is a very common flavor known for reducing stomach distress. Kombucha, and other fermented foods, might help keep you from getting sick. Heavy training can weaken a runner’s immune system, but probiotics can build it back up. NSAIDs like ibuprofen, antibiotics, stress, and even sports drinks can also decrease the healthy bacteria in your

gut. In fact, a 2014 study in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that probiotics halved the incidence of upper respiratory and GI symptoms among elite rugby players. Things to look for: — Unpasteurized and unfiltered — because you want the bacteria to be alive. — Live probiotics — because that’s the point here. — Organic — because you want an unpasteurized kombucha, you want to know the ingredients in it are free of pesticides, especially the tea itself. — Low sugar and calorie content — because many brands market exotic flavors, that can increase the sugar and calorie content. Compare a few brands when making your selection. — Beer breweries and bars, and some restaurants, are beginning to carry kombucha on tap. I can get it by the glass at my local Whole Foods, too! Side effects: A quick note that there have been some reports of adverse side effects, although not common. — The introduction of new gut bacteria can cause some gastrointestinal issues, including constipation and bloating. These symptoms should pass, and decreasing kombucha intake and ensuring you’re hydrated should help. — Acidosis (increased acidity in the blood or other tissues) has been reported but attributed primarily to home-brewed kombucha with high pH levels. —Kombucha does contain small amounts of alcohol (typically about .5% abv, compared to beer at 5%) and some caffeine. — If you have a weakened immune system or are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor. Since becoming popular and commercially available beginning about a decade ago, not much research has been done specifically on kombucha. But, there is evidence supporting probiotics of all kinds, and kombucha is a convenient way to incorporate probiotics into your diet. It also helps you rehydrate and can be a good way to cut your soda consumption. Tracy Green is a runner and writer living in Louisville, KY, where she lives with her husband, Chris. She is a Hammer Nutrition sponsored athlete and certified Pilates instructor. Find her at @TGRunFit on Twitter and Instagram, Facebook.com/TGRunFit, or TGRunFit.com

DOWN THE ROAD CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 few exceptions, always been the second largest race in Charleston and the largest5K race in the state. This was my first road race and I was handed my popsicle stick with my finish place number on it as I crossed the finish line, as were all the other finishers. Since I wanted to know how many finished the race I waited until the last finisher crossed the finish line and asked him what his place was. The only results recorded were for the race winners. The winners of the first race: 14:35 Randy Flowers and 19:33 Bambi Downs. The course is basically a very flat loop of downtown Charleston which goes around the historic battery, starting and finishing beside Marion Square. Six different certified courses have been used since 1986. When the course was measured for certification, the old course was found to be just over 3 miles long. The course records are: 14:20 by Bobby Mack in 2015, and 16:32 by Maggie Kraft in 1990. Last year the Turkey Day had 6,798 finishers. The record number of finishers was 7,542 in 2015, and the smallest 620 in 1980. The final of our 40th anniversary races in SC will be the Kiawah Island Marathon on December 9. The race began as the Island Marathon on the Isle of Palms as a 6 loop course and had 113 finishers. Repeating those flat loops got agonizing the last time around as I can testify since I ran my first marathon there in 1979. My wife Kathy told me I didn’t look too good the last time around as she was a course monitor that day. In 1985 the race was moved to Kiawah Island. Kathy and I have both run the half marathon on Kiawah Island and I know it is one of her favorite races. The race has used 9 different certified courses since 1985, all of them various out and back or looping courses on the mostly flat island. The course records are: 2:20:27 by Peter Ayieni and 2:42:05 by Justyna Mudy, both set in 2011. Last year the race had 1,028 finishers. The record number was in 1999 when 1,133 crossed the finish line. The smallest number was the 113 the first year. That’s our list. You know that if a race has entered the Masters Division of races that it has to be doing something right. Probably a lot of things right. And from experience I will testify that all of these races are races you should run. Will you be running down the road 40 years on? Let’s hope so and maybe it’ll be the 80th running of each of these races. Cedric Jaggers was elected to the South Carolina Road Runners Hall of Fame in 1992. He is the author of Charleston’s Cooper River Bridge Run. He lives and runs in Rock Hill, SC. He may be reached via e-mail at JaggersRun@comporium.net


Running Journal • April, 2017

The Athlete’s Kitchen



Meal Timing: Does It Matter When You Eat? Don’t let Meals and snacking patterns have changed over the past 40 years. You have undoubtedly noticed that many of us are eating fewer calories from meals and more calories from snacks. As a result, I get questions from both runners and non-athletes alike about how to best fuel their bodies: Should I stop eating after 8:00 pm? Which is better: to eat 3 or 6 meals a day? Does it really matter if I skip breakfast? Because meals can be a central part of our social life – and busy training schedules can contribute to chaotic eating patterns – many runners disregard the fact that food is more than just fuel. When (and what) you eat impacts your future health (as well as today’s performance). Food consumption affects the central clock in your brain. This clock controls circadian rhythms and impacts all aspects of metabolism, including how your organs function. Restricting daytime food and eating in chaotic patterns disrupts normal biological rhythms. The end result: erratic meal timing can impact the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD), type-2 diabetes and obesity. This article offers food for thought from the American Heart Association’s Scientific Statement on Meal Timing and Frequency: Implications for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. (Circulation, Jan 30, 2017). The information is particularly important for runners, because training schedules can really upset standard meal times. Plus, most of us want to live a long and healthful life. Hence, we need to pay attention to meal timing – starting at an early age. Children and adolescents who skip meals have a higher risk of developing health issues (higher BMI, more belly fat, higher serum insulin and blood glucose). Not a good start for a long and healthy life. (Parents take note: Be responsible with family meals!) Veteran runners also want to stay healthy. In 2014, 14.5% of the US population was 65 years or older. Over the next 25 years, older Americans are expected to grow to 22% of the US population. We need to outlive the diseases of aging. That starts with fueling wisely on a regular schedule and enjoying regular exercise! Breakfast: Is it really the most important meal of the day? If you define breakfast as eating 20% to 35% of your daily calories within two-hours of waking, about one-fourth of US adults do not eat breakfast. This drop in breakfast consumption over the past 40 years parallels the increase in obesity. Breakfast skippers tend to snack impulsively (think donuts, pastries, chips and other fatty foods). They end up with poorer quality diets and increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and overweight/obesity. Eating a wholesome breakfast starts the day with performance enhancing fuel at the right time for your body’s engine. If you run in the morning, fuel-up by having part of your breakfast before you workout (a banana, for example) and then enjoy the rest of the breakfast afterwards (oatmeal, almonds and yogurt). This will help you get more out of your workout, improve recovery – and click with your natural circadian rhythms. Meal Frequency: Is it better to eat 1, 3. 6, 9 or 12 times a day? In terms of weight, eating 2,000 calories divided into 1, 3, 6, 9, or 12 meals doesn’t change your body fatness. In a study where breakfast provided 54% of the day’s calories and dinner only 11% of calories – or the reverse, the subjects (women) had no differences in fat loss. Yet, in terms of cardiovascular health, the big breakfast led to significant reductions in metabolic risk factors and better blood glucose control. The bigger breakfast matched food intake to circadian rhythms that regulated metabolism. Runners who skimp at breakfast commonly get too hungry

nutrition be your By Nancy Clark, M.S., R.D.

and then devour way too may calories of ice cream and cookies. If they do this at night, when the body is poorly programmed to deal with an influx of sweets, they are paving their path to health issues. Hence, if you are eating a lot of calories at night, at least make them low in sugary foods, to match the reduced insulin response in the evening. This is particularly important for shift workers, who eat at odd hours during the night and tend to have a higher rate of heart disease. Should you stop eating after 8:00 PM? There’s little question that late-night eating is associated with obesity. Research with 239 US adults who ate more than one-third of their calories in the evening had twice the risk of being obese. Among 60,000 Japanese adults, the combination of late-night eating plus skipping breakfast was associated with a greater risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. A study with 2,200 US middle-aged women reports each 10% increase in the number of calories eaten between 5:00 pm and midnight was associated with a 3% increase in C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation. Inflammation is associated with diabetes, CVD and obesity. The wise runners do most of their fueling in the earlier parts of the day. The best plan: Plan to eat intentionally. Failing to plan for meals can easily end up in missed meals, chaotic fueling patterns and impaired health, to say nothing of reduced performance. If you struggle with getting your foodact together, consult with a sports dietitian who will help you develop a winning food plan. Use the referral network at www.SCANdpg.org to find a local sports RD. Instead of holding off to have a big dinner, enjoy food when your body needs the fuel: when it is most active. If you worry you’ll eat just as much at night if you eat more during the day (and as a result, you’ll “get fat”), think again. Be mindful before you eat and ask yourself: Does my body actually need this fuel? Most runners can and should enjoy at least 500 to 700 calories four times a day: breakfast, early lunch, second lunch, and dinner. To overcome the fear that this much food will make you fat, reframe your thoughts. You are simply moving the calories in your pre- and/or post-dinner snacks into a substantial and wholesome second lunch (such as a peanut butterhoney sandwich, or apple, cheese & crackers.). The purpose of this second lunch is to curb your evening appetite, refuel your muscles from your workout earlier in the day (or fuel them for an after-work run) and align your food intake to your circadian rhythms. Give it a try? Even runners cannot out-train a poorly timed diet.

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Running Journal • April, 2017


Learning from the Young Guns Preparing for Boston “A beautiful day for the marathon, seventy-five degrees and sunny!” Those are the words Dick Beardsley heard from the local weatherman in Boston on the morning of April 19, 1982. What would follow was his epic “Duel in the Sun” with Alberto Salazar that inspired John Brant's book of the same title. We have been fortunate over the years at ZAP Fitness to have Dick as a guest speaker at our adult running camps and when he's shared that tidbit from the unwitting weatherman it's met with the knowing laughter of a group of experienced runners. That day, despite the heat, which actually climbed into the 80's, he ran the fastest and best performance of his career. Between the famously challenging course and unpredictable weather, the Boston Marathon provides a unique set of challenges for the thousands who are fortunate enough to participate every year. Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions of the Boston course is that so much of the course is uphill. The Newton Hills from miles 16-21 are notoriously challenging, and they are a make or break point for many runners. However, the biggest reason those hills are so challenging is because the 400 feet of elevation loss from the start to mile 16 is a punishing precursor to the 200 foot climb through the Newton Hills. Any time you have hills in a marathon from miles 16-21 you have your work cut out for you, but the early net downhill in Boston makes it a particularly cruel set of climbs. The key to a successful Boston, beyond your preparation, is to control the opening miles and not get caught up going out too fast. It's easy to slip into a fast pace because the early downhill miles make the pace feel effortless, but your quads and calves will thank you over the final 10 miles for your patience if you stay disciplined. As a general rule, the best way to race a marathon is with a slight negative split to even pace marathon strategy, but Boston is an exception to that rule. A negative split style race is still the goal, but at Boston that means a negative split effort rather than actual pace. You should aim to run the first 16 miles of the race at an average of 2-5 seconds per mile faster than your goal pace. That pacing strategy will deliver you to mile 16 having taken advantage of the faster miles but still prepared physically and mentally to tackle the final 10 miles. The other element of Boston that can

By Ryan Warrenburg, ZAP Fitness

cause problems, and this is true for all spring marathons, is unpredictable April weather. Even a day far less severe than the 1982 Boston can present problems for runners when the bulk of their marathon training has been done in winter weather. A sunny 60-degree day can cause more problems in spring marathons than it would in the fall due to a lack of proper acclimation. If that same day occurs in a fall marathon, it's made more manageable because people have done the bulk of their training in the summer months, and are acclimated to much warmer temperatures. We can't control the weather, no matter how many times we obsessively check the forecast the week of the race. However, there are things you can control about your preparation for warm weather, and that is where you should focus your energy rather than on worrying about things outside your control. It takes 10-14 days to adapt to heat, and even if the weather outside is cool you can improve your ability to handle warmer temperatures in those weeks before a race. Dressing a little on the heavy side for your runs, wearing a jacket and pants even if it's in the 50's or 60's, will help your body acclimate to warmer temperatures.

Research shows you need to spend 1-2 hours a day in warmer temperatures and exercise during that time. It has to be said that there are some risks to this type of adaptation. You must be vigilant about staying hydrated and keeping your effort, not pace, the same as it would be if you were running in cooler conditions. I would recommend over dressing only for easy runs or any cross training you might do and not for long runs or hard workouts. Slowing down your workouts and long runs, even due to dressing warmer, in the final weeks before a race can lead to the loss of confidence, and dressing heavier for those runs makes the effort harder to control and increases the risk you'll run them too hard. When our ZAP elite athletes were preparing for the Olympic Marathon Trials in Los Angeles last year, in addition to over dressing on runs they would turn up the heat in their rooms at our training camp and spend a few hours during the day in warmer temperatures. That may be one step too far over the line for your family, but if you can dress warmly to the point of being slightly uncomfortable and do some warmly dressed runs for a total of 2 hours a day you will make important heat acclimation gains. The great news about those gains is that you'll reap the benefits even if the weather is nice and cool on race day. Heat and humidity have been shown to have similar performance enhancing benefits to training at altitude. That is to say the heat stimulates your body to increase blood volume and therefore increasing your body's ability to provide oxygen to the working muscles, the fundamental key to endurance performance. If the weatherman announces that April

Running Journal wants to print YOUR Running Story! Do you have an interesting running story? Or do you know someone who does? Running Journal is looking for stories from our readers. Maybe you’d like to write about how you train, where you train, your favorite race, your favorite training partner, or just share a special running experience. Or you may want to tell us about someone else who deserves recognition for a running accomplishment, whether it be running their first marathon or running their first mile! Please send articles via e-mail to: rj@running.net or mail to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744. Articles should be between 500-700 words or less. Please include a photo if possible.

17th in Boston is going to be a beautiful 70-degrees and sunny you can relax and know you're prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws your way. ZAP Fitness is a Reebok Sponsored nonprofit facility which supports post collegiate distance runners in Blowing Rock, NC. ZAP puts on adult running camps during the summer and is available for retreats all year. The facility has a state of the art weight room, exercise science lab for testing and a 24 bed lodge. Coaches at the facility include 2-time Olympic Trials Qualifier Zika Rea, 2007 USATF National XC Champion Ryan Warrenburg as well as head coach Pete Rea. For more information go to www.zapfitness.com or call 828-295-6198. You can reach Ryan at zapfitness@gmail.com.


Running Journal • April, 2017

Inspired Daily Road To Boston Is Paved With Cumulative Fatigue And I wouldn't have it any other way! Although this week I find myself feeling overwhelmed by this cumulative fatigue, the high mileage, tax season, and my many work and coaching commitments. Sometimes it is almost too much but then my wonderfully supportive husband reassures me that we can get through it. Or my sweet Westie will do something cute to make me smile, or one of my track athletes has an incredible race, or I receive a perfectly timed email from my coach that both makes me laugh and lets me know that everything I am feeling is normal and everyone in our Boston training group is feeling the same way. Misery does love company. I mean Hansons Coach Luke Humphrey literally wrote to us that we may feel rungry, cranky, and tired but not to take it out on our loved ones… “let me be the %#$%^!#” he said! Now that's a good coach. For those who have not tried the Hansons Marathon Method (HMM) or for first timers, it is quite the leap of faith, especially trusting that a 16-mile long run (the longest run) will be enough. But I have seen testimonial after testimonial about how well HMM works and most of those include stories of setting new personal bests. It has worked for me several times and I trust it completely, which is why I decided to sign up for a Boston Marathon specific training plan with Coach Luke. I was looking for slightly higher weekly mileage and a plan more specific to Boston (with lots of hills, obviously). I have definitely run out of my comfort zone during these 18 weeks and am so excited to run my seventh Boston Marathon to see how my training has prepared me.

My sweet Westie is ready for a run.

By Rae Ann Darling Reed


Looking back to December when the 18-week training plan began, I was definitely behind in my fitness. I had taken 6 weeks off from running to let my Achilles tendon heal, then tried to get a base established before starting the training plan. For the first 4-6 weeks I really struggled and was not able to hit the weekly mileage or the paces on many of the workouts. Then I had a brilliant idea to register for two half marathons, one in January and on in February since they coincided with long runs on my training plan anyway. I ran both as training runs and tried to hit my goal marathon pace for the first half then sped up for the second half. I was able to do that for both so that was encouraging but I felt really taxed and my times were much slower than last year at these same two races. So that had me worried that my fitness was not where I was at this time last year. Then the doubt creeps in. And doubt is amplified when I am tired … all thanks to that cumulative fatigue. Then late February rolls around, which means it is time for the Gasparilla 8K in Tampa. This famous race offers a 15K and 5K on Saturday and a half marathon and 8K on Sunday. The 8K is the newest event to be added. I have run it every year since it began except for 2015 when I was sidelined with that hamstring tear. Every year I have finished in the top ten women, which is no easy task because there are some fast women who race at Gasparilla! This year I had an 18 mile run to do that same day so I began with a 4-mile warm up, ran the 5 mile race, then proceeded to run 9 more miles along the Tampa Riverwalk. Once I finished and picked up my top 10% mug, I checked results on my phone before driving home and realized that I was ten seconds faster than last year. But I hadn't been doing true speed work, not for shorter races anyway. The higher weekly mileage, miles and miles run at goal marathon pace, and yes, cumulative fatigue prepared me well enough to finish first in my age group and eighth female. I have a few more weeks of training as of this writing and when this issue is published, it will be just days away from Patriot's Day. I know I will be tired, but so prepared for Boston! Rae Ann Darling Reed runs, coaches, and writes in Florida. She is an RRCA and USATF Level 2 certified running coach and part of the Brooks Inspire Daily program. Rae Ann is a Fit Expert at Fleet Feet Sports Sarasota and coaches cross country and track at Manatee High School. Follow the RunnerGirl's adventures on twitter @runnergirl or facebook.com/runnergirl


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Running Journal • April, 2017




“The times they are a changin’,” wrote Bob Dylan more than 50 years ago, and that has certainly been the case in the running shoe industry over the past season. Emerging brands have seen some successes, there have been many new shoe launches (as with the most active past seasons, about 35% of this spring’s offerings are new), and changes in materials and construction methods have left their mark on the industry. Today may be the calm before the storm, as 2017 exhibits the hallmarks of significant transition. Much of the anticipation centers on the jump from standard manufacturing to automated processes. This could mean that we’ll be seeing shoes that are customized, quickly delivered, and possibly even made right around the corner from your house. Over the past few seasons we’ve seen new or improved manufacturing techniques and materials for uppers: engineered meshes, full-knit uppers, laminates, and membranes. Every shoe in this Review features one or more of these advances. And at the heart of midsole innovation is the thermoplastic elastomer, also known as TPE. These midsoles vary by ingredients, much like cookie dough recipes. Here, it’s the spongy foam that just may be the secret ingredient that makes a shoe a delight to run in. Brands look for their own special recipes and ingredients, and you are the beneficiary as these blends are all more protective, durable, and responsive than ever. As in much of life, education is your best bet for finding your perfect shoes. Your local running specialty store can capably assist you in this process because they know running and they know shoes. Use our reviews as a starting point. With their assistance and your own good judgment, we’re confident you’ll find success in your shoe search. —Cregg Weinmann, Running Shoe Reviewer for the Running Network, LLC

O X Y MO R O N Hello S P E E D C U S H I O N. Introducing The Clayton. Maximal cushion. Minimal weight. So you can fly.

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Running Journal • April, 2017


FORTIUS Media Group, LLC Partners American Track & Field www.american-trackandfield.com Athletes Only www.atf-athlete.com Athletics-Africa www.athletics-africa.com/s/

2017 Spring Shoe Review

Austin Fit www.austinfitmagazine.com California Track & Running News www.caltrack.com Club Running (RRCA) www.rrca.org/publications/club-running Coaching Athletics www.coachingathleticsq.com

Welcome to our first Shoe Review for 2017! Even after all these years, the smell of running shoes straight from the box is still exciting for me. My first pair of real running shoes was Onitsuka Tiger Cortez. I purchased them—well, my mom, Marilu purchased them—for $36. She waited a few days to tell my dear father, as we had never spent more than $5 on a pair of running shoes in my first few years of running.

Colorado Runner www.coloradorunnermag.com Florida Running & Triathlon www.flrunning.com Get Active! & Club Business International www.healthclubs.com Hawaii Sport www.hawaiisportmag.com

My white Kmart tennis shoes would be nearly pink from the blood blisters I would develop getting them “broken in.” Hard to believe, but in that era blisters were a rite of passage.

Latinos Corriendo www.latinoscorriendo.com

In today’s performance running world, our RN footwear guru, Cregg Weinmann, assures me that shoes are much better now than then. And I concur.

New England Exchange Zone www.usatfne.org

The key is to find the right pair of shoes for you. Don’t be swayed by social media hype or some blogger who’s paid to write about the shoes. At the Running Network, we review product from more than 40 brands, and about a dozen support our efforts through advertising in our various media platforms. If you see a shoe recommended here, rest assured that Cregg and his tireless wear testers have tried the shoe and taken it through at least 100 miles. All shoes submitted for our testing get the same treatment, whether or not the companies advertise with us. It’s a point of pride that we keep those two undertakings separate from one another. We’re in the process of putting all our content online: on social media and on mobile media as well. We appreciate your patience and support as we work our way through this process. And as always, a special thanks to our fearless team of Kristen Cerer (designer), Marg Sumner (proofreader), Cregg Weinmann (reviewer), and Christine Johnson (project coordinator and editor)—the team that has worked together on our Reviews for more than 15 years. Remember to purchase your running gear from a real live running store. Thanks for your support!

Missouri Runner & Triathlete www.morunandtri.com Outdoors NW www.outdoorsnw.com Out There Monthly www.outtheremonthly.com Race Packet DC www.racepacket.com RunMinnesota www.runmdra.org Running Journal, Racing South www.running.net RunOhio www.runohio.com Track & Field News www.trackandfieldnews.com Winged Foot (NYC) www.nyac.org Winged M (Portland, OR) www.themac.com Youth Runner www.youthrunner.com www.ePodismo.com (Italy) www.ePodismo.com/USA www.HalfMarathon.net www.MarathonGuide.com www.RunBlogRun.com www.issuu.com/RunDenmark www.RunningProductReviews.com www.SlowTwitch.com www.USTFCCA.org www.WomenTalkSports.com

Larry Eder Publishing Director FORTIUS Media Group, LLC


Saucony Freedom ISO

Nike Air Zoom Elite 9



Spring 2017

Spring 2017

Project Coordinator/Editor: Christine Johnson, Holding Space LLC Reviewer: Cregg Weinmann Designer: Kristen Cerer Proofreader: Marg Sumner, Red Ink Editorial Services, LLC Shoe Photography: Daniel Saldaña, Cregg Weinmann Advertising Sales: FORTIUS Media Group, LLC Publishing Director: Larry Eder, 608.239.3785, fortiusmedia@ gmail.com Ad Manager: Adam Johnson-Eder, 608.556.9164, adamlawrenceeder@gmail.com Legal Counsel: Perry F. Goldust, Esq. This 2017 Spring Shoe Review is produced independently by FORTIUS Media Group, LLC for its partner publications and websites. All shoes reviewed were tested by experienced, competitive runners who were matched to the biomechanical purpose of each shoe model.

ASICS Gel-DS Trainer 22

New Balance Fresh Foam Zante v3

adidas Supernova Boost

Motion Stabilizing



Spring 2017

Spring 2017

Spring 2017

2017 Spring Shoe Review — 2 — FORTIUS Media Group, LLC

Copyright © 2017 by FORTIUS Media Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be stored, copied, or reprinted without prior written permission of FORTIUS Media Group, LLC. FORTIUS Media Group, LLC and its partner publications and websites suggest that, as with all fitness activities, you meet with a healthcare professional before beginning or changing your fitness regimen.


Running Journal • April, 2017




Experience is an asset, and it’s helped the team at 361˚ make considerable progress in this Round 2 update. The upper trades the traditional overlays of Round 1 for lighter weight and welded support. The forefoot offers good toe room and light support with its own welded overlays. The midfoot has a lightweight saddle that segues into a thicker layer in the rear-quarter and onto a thermoplastic external heel counter that’s stitched for added support. The lace throat is articulated, which adds some give to the laces, and the top half has heavier welded overlays to anchor the laces. The midsole retains its two-layer system: a Qu!kfoam layer that’s been completely retooled (though retaining its responsive characteristics) and the lightly touched lower layer of EVA with a small medial post through the arch. With its good stability and cushioning, the ride continues to impress. The outersole is essentially unchanged: blown rubber in the forefoot and durable carbon rubber in the heel, with plenty of segmentation for good articulation. Put it all together, and the Sensation 2 is a solid performer.

“Fits well, especially across the toes, with good flex. Nicely cushioned—bouncy even—and a good, stable base.”

The Gel-DS Trainer has been one of ASICS’ most versatile shoes, thanks to its light weight and good stability. Round 22 (I know, right?) incorporates the new Flyte Foam, making a light shoe even lighter, while preserving its stability and cushioning. The upper has a new, closed stretch mesh, with minimal, welded overlays. The thermoplastic Heel-Clutch support offers a snug fit, without adding much weight. The midsole is dual-density Flyte Foam, though the second density of medial foam is less noticeable than on previous versions. The outersole features AHAR carbon rubber in the heel, articulated for a smooth touchdown, and a new forefoot configuration of DuoSole/DuraSponge to improve both the grip and the cushioning, characteristics that go back to the beginning of the DS-Trainer franchise. The combination of good stability, responsive ride, and design execution earned it our award for Best Shoe in the Motion Stabilizing category.

“Super versatile. So light, smooth, and comfortable. I love running in this shoe!”

The Ravenna straddles the worlds of cushioning and stability so beautifully that it has fans from both parties. Round 8 picks up where Round 7 left off—and then pushes the envelope. The upper is a similar semi-open, criss-crossed mesh without the forefoot welded overlays. The shoe extends the traditional stitched overlay at the toe, which allows for more toe room, while welded overlays create a full rand at the base. This saddle features a sturdier fabrication, maintaining the ghilly lace loops over the midfoot. The DNA foam has been subtly reshaped to streamline the midsole, though it doesn’t noticeably alter the ride. This round’s tooling assists flexing and directing the foot’s path, guiding the foot throughout the gait. The outersole and midsole grooving in the forefoot have more noticeable lateral flex grooves that provide more flexibility without sacrificing stability. Runners in search of cushioning and stability will definitely find it here—as fans of the Ravenna know.

“Great fit, secure and [with] room for my toes. The ride is about as good as it gets in both support and cushion.”

The Transcend is Brooks’ top-of-the-line Motion Stabilizing shoe. Round 4 is a catch-yourbreath round: some material improvements, but nothing earth-shattering. The majority of improvements are in the upper, beginning with the 3D-printed overlay supports that run along the surface in a linear pattern. At the toe, the upper is secured by a traditionally stitched toecap; at the heel, the foam-and-molded-thermoplastic counter adds some pizzazz. The lace throat is molded as well, securing the laces and the midfoot together. The midsole is Super DNA, just as before, with a long-lasting, springy ride, and the Guiderails still flare up from the midsole to discourage side-to-side motion. The outersole is heavily grooved to add flexibility, with directional grooves in the outersole to guide the foot forward. The Transcend is the epitome of Brooks’ combination of stable cushioning so if that’s your holy grail, give it a look.

“Plush feel. Stable, protective, and durable.”

The new Arahi takes a different approach to design; the result is a successful blend of light weight and ultra stability, which is Hoka’s most stable lightweight shoe yet. The upper is a thin, closed stretch mesh supported by 3D-printed overlays with fused overlays in the highstress areas. The upper’s support and flexibility are excellent, hugging the foot comfortably and securing it over the sole unit. The midsole features the typical Hoka setup with its oversized foam—a measured 32mm-stack height—for cushioning. Its more significant feature is the J-Frame, a second-density foam in the shape of a J, designed to shore up the shoe’s medial side and stabilize the heel by encircling its perimeter with a firmer layer. The outersole is primarily toughened foam with a skeletal arrangement of rubber spread between the forefoot and the heel. The smooth ride, good stability, and comfortable fit make the Arahi a great choice for recovery and high-mileage running.

“Snug in the heel with a stretchy feel and roomy in the forefoot. Light, stable, and well-cushioned. Great to run in.”

Updates the Sensation Sizes: Men 6–13,14; Women 5–12 Weight: Men 12.2 oz. (size 11); Women 9.8 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with mild to moderate pronation

ASICS Gel-DS Trainer 22

Motion Stabilizing Spring 2017



Updates the Gel-DS Trainer 21 Sizes: Men 6–13,14,15; Women 5–12 Weight: Men 8.9 oz. (size 11); Women 7.2 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to mild pronation

Brooks Ravenna 8



Updates the Ravenna 7 Sizes: Men 7–13,14,15 (D,2E); Women 5–12 (B,D) Weight: Men 11.7 oz. (size 11); Women 9.5 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with mild pronation

Brooks Transcend 4



Updates the Transcend 3 Sizes: Men 7–13,14,15 (D,2E); Women 5–12 (B,D) Weight: Men 11.9 oz. (size 11); Women 9.6 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with mild to moderate pronation




2017 Spring Shoe Review — 3 — FORTIUS Media Group, LLC

New Shoe Sizes: Men 7–13,14,15; Women 6–11 Weight: Men 10.5 oz. (size 11); Women 8.6 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, perforated EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with mild to moderate pronation



Running Journal • April, 2017


NEUTRAL adidas Supernova Boost

Neutral Spring 2017



This update to the Supernova Glide Boost moves the franchise forward to the next generation. This near-complete overhaul adopts features from the entire Boost range. The upper is an engineered bi-layer mesh with stiffer support provided by internally welded layers at the toe. The midfoot has a saddle created by the logo stripes, as before, adjusted to better conform and support. An external, split heel counter effectively supports the heel, and a flared heel tab (both migrated from the UltraBoost) keep tension off the Achilles tendon. Smooth interior linings improve comfort. The midsole features a new geometry that’s better cushioned in the heel and has a smaller, more effective EVA frame in the forefoot. The outersole is the Continental rubber compound that’s successfully used across the Boost line, though here it has a wider profile to make it more stable and durable. The result is a smooth-riding, high-mileage cruiser that’s protective and responsive. The ride, durability, and value earned the Supernova our Best Shoe award in the Neutral shoe category.

“Great cushy ride, but much springier than expected. The fit was smooth, roomy, and really good, for tons of my mileage.”

Altra debuted with the Instinct (and the women’s Intuition) and receives an attentive update to its successful design. The upper is completely new, with an engineered mesh that adjusts well to the foot. The lining is smooth, offering support while snugging up comfortably. The footbed has a cushy feel, thanks to the polyurethane insole and EVA Strobel board—not entirely unique, but effective for comfort. The midsole is full-length EVA with a top layer of Altra’s A-Bound foam, and its zero-drop geometry lowers the foot’s position to a neutral plane from heel to toe. The well-segmented outersole offers a good degree of flexibility. The tough full-rubber compound—FootPod in Altra’s parlance—offers a reliable grip, and its fullcontact design adds stability. This update retains the heritage it began with and advances the performance it has always delivered.

“Consistent comfort, fit, and ride. Room for my toes and feels good on the foot. Cushy, and just enough of it.”

For many Hoka fans, the Bondi is the definition of maximum cushioning so getting its update right was crucial. Fortunately for all involved, our testers found that Round 5 got it right. The upper is closed mesh with 3D-printed overlays, putting Hoka’s bold graphics on full display. The fit is spare with the thin material, but plush enough where it counts most—in the ankle collar and tongue. The midsole is the Max, Hoka’s cushiest stack height, and it has a smooth ride, which feels firmer than you’d expect, but is as protective as you’ll need. The outersole is thin rubber, well-articulated in the forefoot, toughened foam in the midfoot, and well-placed carbon rubber in the heel. While the Bondi is designed for protection, its geometry, fit, and features make it a first-rate running shoe equipped for your high-mileage needs.

“High-mileage training shoe with a lot of cushion. The upper is slightly stretchy and very comfy. If you like road feel, these won’t be your go-to shoes, but they were great for my long runs.”

The Waverider introduced runners to Mizuno’s Wave plate technology, and 19 updates later it has legions of fans who depend on its unique ride. The good news about Round 20 is that all is well, and the Waverider’s tradition lives up to expectations. The upper features a new engineered mesh, with traditional overlays at the lace throat and, significantly, at the toe cap where the upper rides comfortably above the toes. The Runbird logo and internal band combine to support the midfoot, and a sturdy counter anchors the heel. While the midsole features new tooling that gives a deceptively low-profile look to the shoe, the underfoot feel is substantial enough to stand up to daily mileage, thanks in part to the U4ic Strobel board and resilient polyurethane insole. The Wave plate has been tweaked (the shank features new molding to stiffen it a little), while the rebound remains firm, but springy. The outersole is functionally the same—even with the new molding in the lugs that provides more surface to meet the road—but feels much the same as in Round 19. The result is a reliable daily trainer that can handle the mileage.

“Good daily running shoe. Good cushioning and fit. Plenty of shoe for long runs. They were what I needed: comfortable, with good flex and cushion.”

The 1080 is that rare combination: both a workhorse and a showpiece of New Balance’s running line, thus last season’s successful merger of Fresh Foam and New Balance’s best Neutral shoe offers no surprises. The upper features some subtle changes: The engineered mesh now extends from toe to heel, and the ankle collar gets some love, allowing better conformity to the foot. Minor tweaks to the rear of the saddle also smooth the rearfoot fit by extending the overlay into the heel counter. The ankle lining goes from smooth to smoother, for those with sensitive feet. The Fresh Foam receives some attention as the cells in the foam’s surface have been slightly reworked, and new shaping improves the ride. The EVA Strobel board construction and the cushy polyurethane sockliner remain unchanged. The outersole continues the full-length hexagonal-shaped rubber compound. Reshaped lugs and flex grooves improve the grip and durability slightly and conform better through the gait. The adage Don’t Mess with Success has been closely followed here, and fans as well as those looking for durable cushioned comfort are the beneficiaries.

“Fit really well, plush and smooth. Cushioned and protective. This is what I look for in a high-mileage shoe.”

Updates the Supernova Glide Boost Sizes: Men 6.5–13,14,15; Women 5–11,12 Weight: Men 11.7 oz. (size 11); Women 9.3 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Altra Instinct 4.0



Updates the Instinct 3.5 Sizes: Men 7,8–13,14,15; Women 5.5–11,12 Weight: Men 10.4 oz. (size 11); Women 8.3 oz. (size 8) Shape: semistraight Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to very mild pronation




Updates the Bondi 4 Sizes: Men: 7–13,14,15; Women: 5–11 Weight: Men 11.5 oz. (size 11); Women 9.2 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, perforated EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Mizuno Waverider 20



Updates the Waverider 19 Sizes: Men 7–13,14,15; Women 6–11 Weight: Men 10.3 oz. (size 11); Women 8.3 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to mild overpronation

New Balance Fresh Foam 1080 v7



2017 Spring Shoe Review — 4 — FORTIUS Media Group, LLC

Updates the Fresh Foam 1080 v6 Sizes: Men 7–13,14,15,16 (B,D,2E,4E); Women 5–11,12 (2A,B,D,2E) Weight: Men 11.5 oz. (size 11); Women 9.3 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics


Running Journal • April, 2017

NEUTRAL Nike Air Zoom Vomero 12



The Zoom Vomero was introduced as a deluxe cushioned, neutral, high-mileage shoe. Round 12 keeps this focus front and center. The upper is much like Round 11: engineered mesh with support from welded internal layers. The midfoot has a row of webbing straps connected by Flywire to add support and lacing options to the lace throat. The gusseted tongue keeps the foot comfortably in place. The reshaped midsole eliminates the heel crashpad, and a new longitudinal groove around the perimeter in the lower half directs the deflection of the sole. A firm outer shell encases a softer inner foam layer that surrounds the heel and forefoot Zoom Air units. The outersole features rounded pods, arranged like a two-lane road extending on the lateral perimeter around to the arch. The medial forefoot is similarly composed, but with three sections of pods separated by flex grooves. The combination of heel and forefoot pods offers both extra cushion and grip. The result? A deluxe cushioned, neutral, high-mileage shoe.

“Great cushion, really pampers the foot. Fits really well.”

The Salming line has expanded with each season, as it steadily establishes its presence in the U.S. market. The enRoute is a high-mileage training shoe, one of three or four of its models that straddle the Neutral/Performance categories, depending on the criteria used. The upper features a dual-layer mesh, sandwiching synthetic leather straps that extend around the foot at the eyelets to secure the fit. The midsole is a healthy chunk of injection-molded EVA, a compound they named Recoil. The resilient ride offers plenty of protection from the road. The outersole is tried-and-true carbon rubber in the heel, with a blown rubber forefoot, a reliable combination that’s done well. The execution, materials, and performance place the enRoute on par with shoes in its price range and above. For those looking for a responsive ride and good flexion, it’s more than capable of meeting your training needs.

“Snugged the foot comfortably with a near-perfect fit. Responsive ride, almost didn’t notice I was wearing shoes, almost.”

The new Noosa FF joins the ASICS lineup as a performance trainer with a speedy feel, and the shoe’s triathlon roots point to its purpose. The upper is both snug-fitting and beefy enough for serious training. Welded overlays support the forefoot, and there’s plenty of toeroom. The rearfoot is anchored by a stiff heel counter, paired with a soft lining. The mesh breathes well, flexing effectively with the foot. The midsole is Flyte Foam, a durable compound that derives its responsive ride from the fibrous strands throughout the foam that flex and contract through the gait. The outersole is a tough carbon rubber compound in the heel and around the perimeter of the forefoot, while the center of the forefoot has a layer of blown rubber to soften the toe-off. The Noosa’s execution and performance will impress, especially if ASICS has been a go-to brand for you.

“Light and great-fitting. It had a good distance range for me, including longer races and tempo runs.”

Updates the Air Zoom Vomero 11 Sizes: Men 6–13,14,15; Women 5–12 Weight: Men 11.8 oz. (size 11); Women 8.4 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Salming enRoute



New Shoe Sizes: Men 7–13,14; Women 5.5–10.5 Weight: Men 10.1 oz. (size 11); Women 8.1 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics Recommended for: low- to medium-arched feet with neutral biomechanics to excessive pronation




New Shoe Sizes: Men 6–13,14,15; Women 5–12 Weight: Men 9.6 oz. (size 11); Women 7.7 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

New Balance Fresh Foam Zante v3

Performance Spring 2017



Thanks to its performance and fit, the Zante has amassed a considerable following. The upper fit has been refined with each update, but this season’s is the best yet in adapting to its curvy last. The engineered mesh may be responsible for some of the feel as it holds the foot more supportively. The saddle is thoroughly dialed in, extending into the heel counter for great support. The ankle collar foam package contours well, securing it into a softly lined heel. The midsole is low-profile Fresh Foam, featuring new sculpting of the cells, which provide improved deflection in the midfoot as well as a smoother ride. The outersole features a similar tread pattern, though it’s been updated. The lugs have been rotated 45 degrees for better grip, and some have been resized to flex better as the foot passes over them. The numerous minor refinements have taken a really good shoe to the next level, all while maintaining the really good price. And that’s why the Zante 3 has earned our award for Best Shoe in the Performance category.

“The fit was good, [it’s] now even better. Wellcushioned, fast, and fun to run in.”

The Zoom Elite has undergone a “right-sizing”—an effective weight-loss makeover—for a featherweight shoe designed for protection. The upper is a thin, engineered Flymesh with minimal welded supports at the heel, toe, and lace throat. The lacing is supported by thin internal Flywire strands that offer multiple lacing options as well as supporting the midfoot if left as is. The midsole is sculpted Cushion LT, with a new geometry that lowers the ramp angle for better efficiency. A Zoom Air bag is bottom-loaded into the forefoot to cushion the landing with a less noticeable feeling against the foot. The outersole is a thin layer of tough rubber, arranged in a series of pentagons throughout: concave in the rear foot, flat in the midfoot, convex in the forefoot. To save weight and improve flexion, the foam is exposed through small openings in the outer sole in the forefoot, medial midfoot, and the center of the heel. The result is a shoe that’s tough enough for regular training, a go-to shoe for tempo runs, and even good for the long racing duties. The design, features, and performance earned the Zoom Elite 9 our award for Best Renovation.

“Wow! This is a ‘Go Fast’ shoe, but with enough foam underfoot and a secure-but-barely-there feel.”

Updates the Fresh Foam Zante v2 Sizes: Men 7–13,14,15,16 (D,2E); Women 5–11,12 (B,D) Weight: Men 9.2 oz. (size 11); Women 7.3 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Nike Air Zoom Elite 9

RENOVATION Spring 2017



2017 Spring Shoe Review — 5 — FORTIUS Media Group, LLC

Updates the Air Zoom Elite 8 Sizes: Men 6–13,14,15; Women 5–12 Weight: Men 8.8 oz. (size 11); Women 7.1 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, EVA Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics



Running Journal • April, 2017





The new Cloudflow is almost racer-light and its performance purpose is apparent in your first steps. The upper is engineered mesh in the vamp, pieced to a stiffer, closed mesh in the heel and supported by welded external overlays throughout. The lining of the forefoot and heel are smooth against the foot, the gusseted tongue is thin and conforming—aided by the asymmetrical lacing—and well-ventilated via the mesh. The midsole is a thin layer of Zero Gravity EVA foam molded into the Clouds, On Running’s unique cushioning system, all lasted to the Speed Board, which adds snap to the ride. The outersole is thin carbon rubber on the heel Clouds and textured rubber on the forefoot Clouds, with exposed Clouds in the midfoot. The Cloudflow is the lightest training shoe in its line and its performance is first-rate. The attention to detail really pays off.

“Toe to heel, the shoes simply fit great. [I’m a] big fan of the tongue and the collar padding. Nice lightweight trainer that provides great cushioning.”

The Freedom ISO is the first new shoe since Saucony’s EverRun midsole foam began transforming the brand’s running line. The upper is a uniform stretch mesh with the latest version of the ISO fit lacing system, which adjusts the fit with the foot while it moves. With its integrated design, the lacing doesn’t require a cage around the midfoot, so the feel is softer and smoother. The midsole is full-length EverRun foam, the first of the Saucony shoes to introduce it, and the ride has an almost bouncy feel to it. The outersole is full-length Crystal rubber, which gives an interesting appearance to the bottom of the shoe since the midsole is visible through the sole. Its durability has been greatly improved since it debuted a generation ago and is now on a par with carbon rubber. The sole’s texture is versatile enough to handle the roads, with a bit of bite for the occasional off-road portions or dirt roads you might encounter. The fit, ride, and overall performance of the Freedom earned it our award for Best New Shoe.

“Put these on and the fit disappears on your foot. You feel the cushy midsole that is great, even after a marathon. That’s a good shoe.”

When the Kinvara was introduced in 2010, it revolutionized the category because it was the most reasonable running choice in a sea of minimalist slipper-like shoes—and at a reasonable price. Eight versions later, it’s still an excellent choice because it has kept to its purpose: performance. The upper is engineered mesh, with an effective midfoot support strap (formerly called ProLock), which was the inspiration for the ISO fit system now used in Saucony’s top-end shoes. The midsole features the second round of EverRun over a soft injected, molded foam—EVA+—for a great ride. The outersole is a minimal, thin, tough rubber in the highest wear portions: heel, toe, and the ziggy path the typical foot follows from heel to toe. The EVA+ is a mixture of EVA plus rubber and is tough enough to manage both your cushioning and durability needs. If the Kinvara has been your shoe, you’ll still like these; if you’re looking for a light, sleek, and fast shoe, give the Kinvara a try.

“Each version of the Kinvara has worked well for me. This update fits securely and has a great ride.”

To run a fast marathon, you need a good tempo shoe. The GOmeb Razor is Meb Keflezighi’s tempo shoe, and for good reason. The upper is GoKnit, Skechers’ onepiece knitted construction, with a smooth and conforming feel and welded overlays that offer good support. Thin, dense foam with smooth linings in the ankle collar and tongue give the fit added comfort. While on the minimal side, the 5GEN midsole provides a responsive and well-cushioned ride, in part because of the thin laminate that encapsulates the heel and midfoot. The heel-to-toe offset of 18mm (heel)/14mm (midfoot) of stack height offers plenty of protection, even handling our testers’ midrange training runs with ease. The outersole, which is a thin layer of carbon rubber co-molded to the midsole (with some exposed midsole areas), adds to the grip and sufficiently manages abrasion. The long and short of matter? Whether you use it for faster workouts, races, or tempo runs, the GOmeb Razor will not disappoint.

“Fit great with a snug heel and roomy toebox. The firm heel and springy toes make it feel fast.”

The GOrun’s performance validated Skechers’ performance as a “real” running shoe brand. Round 5 continues the momentum with an exclamation point. The upper is GoKnit, a circular knit one-piece design that breathes well, flexes well, and conforms well. Minimal structure is provided by internal welded layers that keep the fabric above the toes. While this tongue isn’t gusseted, it has a similar feel because two stretchy straps over the tongue keep the lace throat tight and support the fit. The construction includes a memory foam Strobel board, which elevates the shoe’s comfort. The midsole shares its tooling with the Razor, though without the laminated outer layer so the ride is more cushy than responsive. That said, it doesn’t bottom out and was comfortable for the miles we put it through. The minimal Parametric Web outersole is thin and light without being flimsy. The versatility of the GOrun 5 makes it a valuable tool for your faster running success.

“The fit, durability, and weight were great! I was impressed with the cushion offered in a pair of shoes that weighed so little, but for higher mileage I’d prefer something with a bit more support.”

New Shoe Sizes: Men 7–13,14; Women 5–11 Weight: Men 8.9 oz. (size 11); Women 7.1 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Saucony Freedom ISO

NEW SHOE Spring 2017



New Shoe Sizes: Men 7–13,14,15; Women 5–12 Weight: Men 10.2 oz. (size 11); Women 7.9 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Saucony Kinvara 8



Updates the Kinvara 7 Sizes: Men 5–12,13,14; Women 6–11 Weight: Men 8.7 oz. (size 11); Women 7.1 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, TPU Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Skechers GOmeb Razor



New Shoe Sizes: Men 7–13,14; Women 6–11 Weight: Men 8.7 oz. (size 11); Women 7.1 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, memory foam Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics

Skechers GOrun 5



2017 Spring Shoe Review — 6 — FORTIUS Media Group, LLC

Updates the GOrun 4 Sizes: Men 7–13,14; Women 5–10,11 Weight: Men 8.8 oz. (size 11); Women 7.2 oz. (size 8) Shape: semicurved Construction: Strobel slip-lasted, memory foam Strobel board Recommended for: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics


SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net

ALABAMA Joe Cain Classic 5K Mobile, AL – 2/26 Male, Overall – Darrel Williams 17:35, Cody Parker 17:57, Daniel Holley 18:16. Masters – Michael Sheets 18:24. Grandmasters – Kevin Grabau 18:55. Senior Grandmasters – Paul Bergman 21:45. Wheelchair – Art Cronenberg 21:15. 9-under – Gabriel Barbour 34:46, Basil Zafiris 46:03. 10-14 – Nicholas Gelineau 19:20, Keller Bishop 20:29, Owen Martin 21:00. 15-19 – Reed Smith 20:18, Sean Johnson 40:48, Bryce Biesenthal 44:12. 20-24 – Sam Tanner 20:38, Chandler King 21:49, Jeffrey Jones 23:20. 25-29 – Daniel Clements 22:27, Jacob Deal 23:03, Michael Croom 23:31. 30-34 – Brandon Rouse 18:51, Curtis Wright 18:52, Aaron Freesmeier 19:05. 3539 – Steve Harris 18:17, Jeff Winter 20:23, Nathan Jones 21:05. 40-44 – Wayne Piere 19:41, David Cejwa 20:24, Brad Sadler 20:53. 45-49 – James Sasser 19:48, George Shepherd 20:31, Robert Randolph 22:42 50-54 – Donald Sherrell 20:34, Tracey Levins 21:47, Doug Geary 22:35, 55-59 - Joe Ferguson 21:43, Victor Birch 21:55, Joe Wilson 22:48. 60-64 – Jeff Wilkins 22:33, Steven Plakas 23:36, John Sowers 23:39. 65-69 – Bill Brady 23:48, Jim Hilderbrandt 24:29, John Scott 27:55. 70-74 – Ron Mitchell 25:43, Bob Teutsch 27:45, Kent Welsh 28:05. 7579 – Larry Christensen 30:50, Leon Mattics 31:09, Aladar Bencsath 35:08. 80-over – Killer Kowalski 42:32. Racewalker – Charles Harmon 29:07. Female, Overall – Samantha Gardner 19:09, Jill Johnston 19:19, Kelly Hefley 20:43. Masters – Lajuan Black 21:10. Grandmasters – Mary Trufant 21:51. Senior Grandmasters – Debbie Hilderbrandt 27:50. Wheelchair – Shandy Oliver 29:46. 9-under – Lola Cuesta 36:59, Amy Dykstra 37:32, Reese Shoub 39:01. 10-14 – Palmer Waechter 21:16, Audrey Kate Smith 23:17, Cammie Waite 32:43. 15-19 – Natalie Seay 32:33, Megan Thomas 39:37, Carrington Stewart 43:59. 20-24 – La Donna Bonner 21:24, Alejandra Lozano 26:18, Ellen Ankersen 29:31. 25-29 – Ashley Burt 24:41, Morgan Hale 24:49, Jessica Mills 26:40. 30-34 – Helena Smith 23:00, Suzanne Sweetser 23:19, Kate Fillingim 24:43. 35-39 – Jessica Jones 20:58, Kellie Wiseman 25:45, Tara Green 25:56. 40-44 – Andra Bruce 21:39, Amy Mayo 21:47, Tammy Ford 23:04. 45-49 – Rhonda Collings 22:44, Kristie Steinberger 23:35, Yohalice Rodriguez 24:46. 5054 – Maureen Van Devender 23:53, Patti Barchie 26:12, Eva Burnett 26:55. 55-59 – Barbara Turrnes 24:39, Jackie Faulkingham 26:24, Sandra Brown 29:02. 60-64 – Barbara Collinsworth 28:33, Susan Jones 29:15, Maureen Higgins 31:11. 65-69 – Cay Welsh 32:52, Mildred Means 41:03, Debbie Baker 42:54. 70-74 – Noel Relyea 35:08, Peggy Black 42:39. 75-79 – Miriam Turner 42:34, Mary Goguen 43:32. Racewalker – Laura Polka 32:50.

ARKANSAS Arkansas Runners Win Little Rock Marathon and Half Marathon LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - More than 12,000 runners and walkers took to the streets of Little Rock for the 15th annual Little Rock Marathon weekend races. Racers competed in the Marathon and Half Marathon events Sunday in downtown Little Rock. The following are race results and comments from top finishers: Marathon Overall Male Adam Bradbury - Bryant, Ark., 2:45:43, Chad Silker Ballwin, Mo., 2:49:28, Jeremy Provence - Clarksville, Ark.,

2:53:17. Marathon Overall Female Tia Stone - Searcy, AR, 3:00:44, Katie Cunningham Arkadelphia, AR, 3:12:01, Christina Satterfield-Gibbons Longview, TX, 3:15:06. Marathon Overall Male First Place Finisher Adam Bradbury Bryant: “It was a great race. I took the lead about mile 13 and ever since then it was awesome. I do a lot of my training runs on the river trail so this was like a home race for me.” Marathon Overall Male Second Place Finisher Chad Silker: “It was great, tough day. Felt like it was uphill with the wind in my face that last 6 miles. Any day you can get out and run is a great day. I don’t want to get sappy. Today was a hard day for me. We laid my friend to rest on Friday. He was in the Air Force and died suddenly of a blood disorder. To say goodbye to him was hard, so it was a special day to run with him.” Marathon Overall Male Third Place Finisher Jeremy Province: “It was great. Rain was awesome and made it more fun, being overcast kept the sun out. I thought it was going to be hard. I did really good, but about mile 23, I thought this was a bad idea. I hit the wall, just kept going.” Marathon Overall Female First Place Finisher Tia Stone: “I’m feeling pretty good. I struggled at the end. That last 10k there was a strong headwind coming back until the last miles. I was in a pack at the beginning and then broke ahead, I was on my own the last 15 miles so that was rough. I just tried to stay on track with pace. I knew my family would be at the finish so I kept going.” Marathon Overall Female Second Place Finisher Katie Cunningham: “It was awesome. Felt good in the first half of the race, and at the end I had to give it all I had. Totally the Lord gave strength to my legs.” Marathon Overall Female Third Place Finisher Christina Satterfield Gibbons: “I loved it. Kavanaugh was a little rough, but once you got past that it was good. The flat part at the end was the hardest. The crowds are great here. I’ll come back here. My pacing is faster when people start cheering.” Half Marathon Overall Male Jonathan Burgess - Conway, Ark., 1:11:08, Derek Lee Springfield, Mo., 1:12:32, Stuart Lisle - Edmond, Okla., 1:14:29. Half Marathon Overall Female Kaitlin Bounds - Russellville, Ark., 1:19:37, Amanda Scott Boulder, Colo., 1:19:48, Catherine Lisle - Edmond, Okla., 1:22:04. Half Marathon Overall Male First Place Finisher Jonathan Burgess: “It was a great race. All the support out on the course made it fun. The weather was not that bad, I’m from London, so I’m used to it. There were a few hills, but it was a fun course.” Half Marathon Overall Female Winner Kaitlin Bounds: “It was so much fun, I wish I was able to run last year but I had bone density and stress fractures. I’m thankful to be out here healthy and be able to run. I trained much better for this. This was a fantastic race and I can’t wait to do it next year. I’m training for the Paralympic team. I have autism. To be able to run this, I feel like a miracle child.” Wheelchair Overall Finishers Rick Weisbrod - Cypress , Texas, 2:26:36, Scott Porter Orlando, FL, 3:18:35, Richard Vaughn - Jacksonville, AR, 5:23:04. Wheelchair Overall First Place Finisher Rick Weisbrod: “It’s an amazing race. I love your hills, I love your downhills a lot better though. It’s a great course and I’ll be here next year. The rain felt good, you didn’t get hot.” For complete Little Rock Marathon information, please go to: www.littlerockmarathon.com

Running Journal • April, 2017 Valentine’s Day 5K Russellville, AR – 2/11 Male, Top 25 – 1-Brent Corbitt 16:26, 2-Brian Sieczkowski 17:05, 3-Mark Ferguson 17:11, 4-Jonathan Aram 17:21, 5Jeremy Prevenco 17:31, 6-Jacob Mills 17:52, 7-Gideon Drake 18:18, 8-Edward Hill 18:35, 9-Jeffrey Grove 18:43, 10-Jerry White 18:45, 11-Josh Neago 18:48, 12-Greg Walker 19:07, 13Nathan Smith 19:09, 14-Colin Hall 19:21, 15-David Langford 19:26, 16-Jacob Hudgins 19:28, 17-Michael Witt 19:45, 18Clint Daniels 19:54, 19-Frank Thurman 20:14, 20-Christopher Herrera 20:16, 21-Lee Epperson 20:16, 22-Zach Lewis 20:28, 23-Cade Wagner 20:31, 24-Brian Wagner 20:36, 25-Kim Howard 20:46. Female, Top 25 – 1-Kaitlin Bounds 17:42, 2-Tia Stone 18:32, 3-Jenney Paul 20:11, 4-Gina Kraft 20:52, 5-Lennon Bates 21:08, 6-Joanna White 21:27, 7-Bee Wilkerson 21:38, 8Tammy Helmick 21:56, 9-Christine Ferguson 21:56, 10-Kayla Freeman 22:06, 11-Mackenzie Epperson 22:10, 12-Deidre Luker 22:32, 13-Abigail White 22;41, 14-Abi Stone 23:00, 15Rachel Hendrix 23:07, 16-Erika Nava 23:17, 17-Carole Delaney 23:27, 18-Amy Houston 23:41, 19-Trish Hogan 23:59, 20-Sarah Stashuk 24:00, 21-Kelsey Walker 24:09, 22-Wendy Johnson 24:37, 23-Lindelle Fraser 24:48, 24-Christina Thibodeaux 24:51, 25-Pam McGill 25:04. – Ken McSpadden Run the Line Half Marathon Texarkana, AR/TX – 2/19 Male, Top 25 – 1-Mark Ferguson 1:19:14, 2-Moises Netro 1:22:19, 3-Brian Sites 1:22:29, 4-William Harrell 1:22:43, 5Nathan Smith 1:23:39, 6-Jerry White 1:24:55, 7-Andrew Dawson 1:25:26, 8-Jose Monsivais 1:25:27, 9-Joshua Seelbach 1:25:29, 10-Jeff Haynes 1:28:38, 11-Edward Hill 1:28:48, 12David Langford 1:29:19, 13-Erik Heller 1:29:29, 14-Jeffrey Grove 1:30:15, 15-Adrian Mejia 1:31:49, 16-Keith Francis 1:33:08, 17-Bryan Park 1:33:33, 18-Ricky Martinez 1:34:15, 19-Colin Hall 1:34:28, 20-Wiley Lane Garland 1:34:55, 21-David Cox 1:35:57, 22-Christpher Herrera 1:36:18, 23-Josh Tibbs 1:36:27, 24-David Magness 1:36:29, 25-Billy Buck 1:36:36. Female, Top 25 – 1-Tia Stone 1:25:10, 2-Natalie Ragsdale 1:35:47, 3-Adana Barber 1:37:20, 4-Rosemarie Dickinson 1:37:36, 5-Lennon Bates 1:41:52, 6-Tammy Helmick 1:42:19, 7-Dana Sharpe 1:42:35, 8-Christine Ferguson 1:42:47, 9-Kim Peterson 1:44:01, 10-Nicole Hobbs 1:44:01, 11-Leah Golden 1:44:36, 12-Lori Davidson 1:49:01, 13-Meagan Garrison 1:49:06, 14-Kathy Stevens 1:49:28, 15-Chrissy Godeaux 1:49:58, 16-Dinah Davis 1:50:09, 17-Trish Hogan 1:50:25, 18Diane Dorn 1:50:48, 19-Laura Bailey 1:52:26, 20-Pam McGill 1:53:27, 21-Amber Spivey 1:53:32, 22-Amanda Castillo 1:54:31, 23-Tracy Monsivais 1:54:38, 24-Megan White 1:54:47, 25-Jackie Stone 1:54:55.

FLORIDA Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic Half marathon/15K/5K Tampa, FL – 2/25 TAMPA, FL — Austin Richmond, 31, of Babson Park, FL, and Stephanie Pezzullo, 34, of Ocala, FL, won Saturday’s 15K, then Christo Landry, 30, of Charlotte, NC, and Stephanie Bruce, 33, of Flagstaff, AZ, were overall winners of the half marathon on Sunday at the Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic — the two longest races of the weekend. However, 13-year-old Ellie Pleune of Tampa was a hometown hero as the female champion in both the 5K on Saturday and the 8K on Sunday. Richmond won the 15K in 47:25.87, followed by fellow Babson Park resident Jonathan Mott in 48:20.12 and Michael MacDonald of Palm Harbor in 50:06.87. Pezullo was female winner in 54:57.94, followed by Becky Howarth of Tampa in 55:17.77 and Nicole Rozario, also of Tampa, in 55:35.94. Landry won the half marathon in 1:03:07.09 in a close race with Scott Smith of Tulsa, OK (1:03:24.27) and Meb Keflezighi of San Diego (1:03:29.15). Female winner Stephanie Bruce raced home in 1:12:52.75. Esther Atkins of Greenville, SC, was second in 1:14:05.66 and Taylor Ward of Ogden, UT, was third in 1:14:09.57. In the 5K on Saturday, Jack Rogers was overall winner in 15:32.12 and John Weaver second in 15:34.72, both of Tampa. Ellie Pleune, an eighth grade student, was female winner in 18:13.91. Runner-up was Lydia Friedman, 14, of Lutz, FL, in 18:23.83. In Sunday’s 8K, Jeremy Richardson of Oldsmar was the victor in 28:05.25 with Lee Rietsma of Land O’ Lakes second in 28:33.04. The 13-year-old Ellie Pleune took her second female victory of the weekend, winning the 8K female title in 31:12.84. Stefanie Shimansky of Winter Springs was second in 32:42.86. Results of all events: http://www.tampabayrun.com/results Five Points of Life Marathon/Half Marathon Gainesville, FL – 2/26 Male, Marathon: Overall – Mike Hensley 2:36:57, Cole Bataille 2:44:51, Michael Rosato 2:56:11, Chuck Engle 2:59:27, Joel Rich 3:03:49. Masters – Laurent Angibaud 3:10:46. Female, Marathon: Overall – Julia Buddendorff 3:13:06, Pam Carr 3:17:53, Meaghan Faletti 3:26:10, Gates Kimberly 3:33:48, Jennifer Prevot 3:40:26. Masters – Ulrike Vernachio 3:45:00. Male, Half marathon: Overall – Enoch Nadler 1:06:21. Masters – David Billman 1:26:07. Female, Half marathon: Overall – Lyubov Denisova 1:25:31. Masters – Isabelle Sauve 1:34:37. Full results: http://drcsports.com/race-results

Adam Bradbury wins the Little Rock Marathon. Photo by Little Rock Marathon

Tia Stone was female Little Rock Marathon champion. Photo by Little Rock Marathon


Promise Run 10K/5K Orlando, FL – 3/4 Male, 10K: Overall – Miguel Cuevas 36:32, Robert Kniss 36:44, Mark Tulowiecki 38:58. Masters – Carl Lewis 40:22. 10-14 – James Miller 46:17, Jacob Santiago 55:27, Landon Johnson 58:30. 15-19 – Stonick Steele 54:21. 20-24 – Kile Rains 45:52, Manuel Lopez 49:20, Luis Luna 57:35. 25-29 – Romeo Gomez 40:08, Christopher Graham 56:19, Victor Marin 1:02:32. 30-34 – Samuel Strawbridge 46:51, Kevin Joyce 50:22, Mccauley Forlemu 51:24.. 35-39 – Brian Neslund 47:19, Nick Pelfort 4833, Art Fulmer 49:54. 40-44 – Jeffrey Lenderman 43:28, Robert Mazur 44:18, Jack Ryals 46:06. 45-49 – Jimmy Hiott 47:37, Shawn Kincheloe 49:00, Patrick Dolphin 49:04. 5054 – Mark Hulbert 40:45, Michael Alexander 45:19, Clint Walker 48:42. 55-59 – Gary Kirschman 49:39, Norbert Zillner 51:23, Scott Friedman 51:27. 60-64 – Dave Qualres 52:20, Mike Deneve 57:17, Bob Walmsley 59:57. 65-69 – Frankie Dees 1:01:53, Esok Adraneda 1:06:41, Paul Jacques Jean-Pierre 1:31:13. 70-over – Fritz Elmhorts 1:04:32, Bob Harter 1:30:16. Female, 10K: Overall – Rebecca Kimble 42:20, Michelle Hoffert 44:31, Amanda Speakman 44:43. Masters – Susie Moerschbacher 47:53. 15-19 – Kennedy Lewis 47:28, Joelle Mahlan 1:23:57. 2024 – Carrie Kirby 49:55, Brooke McMichael 50:15, Amanda Smith 57:49. 25-29 – Caycee Hampton 50:23, Courtney Keller 53:35, Maci Siegfried 57:54. 30-34 – Tari Terry 47:19, Sheena Butts 49:17, Martha Razo 53:11. 35-39 – Christie Morrison 47:35, Kristin Coker 47:48, Tabitha Jensen 49:42. 40-44 – Wendy Hooth 48:45, Richele McMichael 52:51, Angela Newell 55:20. 45-49 – Pamela Harrington 49:55, Beth Bradford 51:53, Patty Schmaedeke 52:03. 50-54 – Gail Zellars 56:22, Vicki Powell 56:30, Leoni Parker 57:49. 55-59 – Joanne Hancock 55:04, Sherry Royal 1:06:34, Linda Munday 1:06:48. 60-64 – Yvonne Robinson 51:09, Cookie Quarles 59:23, Debbie Irby 1:00:27. 65-69 – Iris Smith 1:17:34, Beverly Lampp 1:21:18. 70-over – Charlene Brazzeal 1:25:06. Male, 5K: Overall – Rany Yacoub 19:01, Frank Emery 20:32, Timothy Murphy 21:29: Masters – Douglas Geer 21:32. 9-under – Jackson Birge 26:16, Lucas Williams 27:40, Reagan Williams 29:35. 10-14 – Caiden Sadler 23:17, Brock Taylor 25:45, Connor Williams 29:28. 15-19 – Marcos Acevedo 24:35, Julian Batista 40:16, Shane Gullion 43:21. 20-24 – Chucky Calixto 23:20, Jeremy Brink 26:33, Tyler Benthal 27:09. 25-29 – Christopher Calhoun 24:37, Derek Emmell 26:24, Chris Harriosn 27:43. 30-34 – Salomon Borja 21:34, Matthew Reynolds 23:13, Jason Grieshaber 23:52. 35-39 – Brad Stainsy 21:45, John Pridgeon 24:31, Adrian Lozano 26:29. 40-44 – Cliff Carr 25:32, Steven Youngblood 27:40, Brandon Clark 27:42. 4549 – Raymond Wells 27:17, William Harrison 27:17, Jeff Williams 27:39. 50-54 – Steve Rosamond 25:11, Gregory Parrish 25:30, Ryan Lee 26:12. 55-59 – Christopher Nemethy 31:44, Bruce Smith 34:15, Varrick Nunez 34:29. 60-64 – Paul Saari 24:53, Jeff Clyne 32:40, John Grattendick 32:40. 65-69 – Cook Brent 26:38, John Nablo 32:50, Keith Damkjer 35:24. 70over – John Schierenbeck 29:16, Mason Rob 29:26, Allen Ayris 30:54. Female, 5K: Overall – Bethany Rivera 21:59, Gelissa Rodriguez 24:35, Katherine Borja 24:49. Masters – Georgie Gillis 25:58. 9-under – Chloe Cook 32:13, Addison Lenderman 36:58, Vivian Spake 37:17. 10-14 – Reese Hughes 27:43, Erin Corbett 29:36, Gabriella Williams 30:40. 15-19 – Alessandra Morales 25:32, Southwell Brianne 29:31, Kaitlynn Berry 31:46. 20-24 – Jordan Jano 27:44, Hannah Tak 28:48, Ivy Oglesby 29:37. 2529 – Nery Saucedo 27:29, Nicole Spronatti 28:58, Courtney Bell 29:41. 30-34 – Kathy Ritchie 24:54, Sheena Bults 25:19, Sarah Dickmann 25:40. 35-39 – Jen Wilson 25:36, Marilyn Pridgeon 25:54, Amanda Updike 25:57. 40-44 – Kellie Kizis 28:17, Natasha Overstreet 28:23, Beth Williams 29:34. 45-49 – Darcie Hollis 28:37, Amy Harrison 29:44, Lizbeth Gonzalez 30:07. 5054 – Donna Faviere 31:24, Margaret White 31:59, Beverly Nelson 33:24. 55-59 – Deb Litz 26:28, Deborah Newbern 26:49, Janet Davis 31:09. 60-64 – Trish Standard 29:43, Deblake Robin 31:27, Laurie Schoepe 33:29. 65-69 – Rosemarie Garcia 33:48, Nancy Georges 40:27, Pat Shackmann 43:02. 70-over – Ruthe Jameson 40:33, Patricia Cecil 48:36, Maryann Deloach 52:30. Hooter’s Half Marathon Ft. Myers, FL – 3/5 Male, Overall – Ryan Hopper 1:12:54, Kevin Orourke 1:21:55, Flavio Pellegrini 1:23:56. Masters – Michael McHugh 1:24:55, Yancey Palmer 1:25:49, Paul Kusek 1:27:07. Grandmasters – Daniel Cronen 1:29:46, Ted Blankenship 1:29:58, Mark Courtney 1:34:01. Senior Grandmasters – Robert DeFrancesco 1:35:46, Tom Saginak 1:42:45, Craig Harrington 1:44:29. 13-19 – Ashby Belcastro 1:33:36, Andrew Ratz 1:44:16, Jimmy Dwyer 1:50:54. 20-24 – Gabriel Miranda 1:34:58, Tyler Hunter 1:35:41, Sean Snyder 1:42:34. 25-29 – Shawn Dahl 1:25:26, Johnson Paul 1:33:30, Jack Solak 1:39:31. 30-34 – Oscar Corredor 1:28:26, Matthew DeFrancesco 1:30:57, Nicholas Pohl 1:31:31. 35-39 – Rob Strong 1:26:51, Ryan Kircher 1:29:09, Mike Hammersley 1:31:48. 40-44 – Rene Ramirez 1:38:46, Kerry Wayne 1:40:00, Michael Reed 1:42:50. 45-49 – Scott Kashman 1:34:41, Patrick Duncan 1:42:46, Juan Bendeck 1:43:16. 50-54 – Michael Flowers 1:39:47, John Scott 1:40:06, Mike Sheppard 1:42:05. 55-59 – Tony Burnett 1:41:57, Gary Ettinger 1:44:49, George Pacheco 1:46:33. 60-64 – Ian Johnstone 1:47:38, Jim Stone 1:54:41, Frank Vecchione 1:54:53. 65-69 – Bruce Andrews 1:47:55, John Keller 1:49:15, John Magnuson 1:51:47. 70-74 – Richard Olitsky 1:53:43, Thomas McVeann 2:07:50, Rocky Madden 2:12:16 75-over – Don Tarasiewicz 1:59:13, Donaco Moore 2:42:18, Tom Kelly



Running Journal • April, 2017


2:57:14. Female, Overall – Kayla Easterly 1:24:23, Kathy Repperger 1:31:07, Katie Avery 1:36:14. Masters – Pam Walter 1:36:20, Florence Crawford 1:36:56, Patty Ormsby 1:37:30. Grandmasters – Karen Miles 1:37:36, Marian Grant 1:43:21, O. Fuentes 1:45:07. Senior Grandmasters – Maura MacNeill 1:50:45, Debra Chrisman 2:05:14, Marily Duarte 2:07:30. 13-19 – Natalie Ippolito 1:43:47, Sarah Laboda 1:59:12, Emily Summa 2:19:39. 20-24 – Haley Emerson 1:39:11, Roshelle Gallo 1:49:39, Lauren Moorhead 2:10:24. 25-29 – Carly Howell 1:39:50, Alanna Scaccia 1:42:39, Paige Kelly 1:45:25. 30-34 – Holly Kistler 1:42:02, Elissa Rosen 1:45:51, Carla Fowell 1:48:19. 35-39 – Preslie Barnes 1:36:56, Kelly Brittonn 1:38:31, Christy Danielson 1:38:58. 40-44 – Beth Schadd 1:41:53, Dana Esposito 1:44:31, Heather Catlin 1:46:05. 45-49 – Donna Hickey 1:46:45, Christina Coogan 1:47:05, Julie Loving 1:49:29. 50-54 – Jacqueline Conrecode 1:52:25, Karen Lesley 1:56:44, Angela Jones-Reus 1:58:45. 55-59 – Cindy Matthes-Loy 1:45:56, Linda Miller 1:47:26, Amber Crowley 1:50:45. 60-64 – Vasiliki Lempesis 2:07:48, Linda Hibben 2:10:40, Janice Melvin 2:16:49. 65-69 – C.J. Quiggle 2:27:53, Ruth Norrish 2:45:10, Mary Lewis 3:18:38. 70-74 – Astrid Soll 2:21:28 Judith Buruk 2:22:52, Vera Owens 2:43:27.

GEORGIA Dr. James H. Crowdis Run 10K Blakely, GA – 1/21 Male, 10K: Overall – Patrick Whitehead 36:24. Masters– Dylan Hrncir 48:30. Grandmasters – Andy Wall 55:01. Senior Grandmasters – Rozeallan Smith 1:04:28. Super Grandmasters – Carl Griffler 1:10:28. Overall Race Walk – Bob Matheson 1:18:44. 13–under – Jaquez Jones 56:56. 14–18 – Michael Warner 41:23, Haydn Griffin 44:03, Gregory Manning 45:07. 19–24 – Scott Davis 46:02. 25–29 – Andrew Valentine 1:25:19. 35–39 – David Forrester 55:43, Brad Clenney 1:00:18, Sam Edison 1:05:18. 40–44 – Bradley Grantham 1:10:09. 45–49 – David Braswell 51:09, Glenn Palmer 56:52, Andy Smith 57:09. 50–54 – Ronnie Suggs 59:43. Race Walk – Jimmy Jackson – 1:30:20. Female, 10K: Overall – Katie Sheppard 55:43. Masters – Stephanie Odom 55:29. Grandmasters – Suzanne Angell 57:55. Overall Race Walk – Su Hunter 1:25:58. 25–29 – Adrian Parker 1:09:49. 30–32 - Julia Moss 1:16:52. 35–39 - Andrea Alexander 1:02:04, Denease Harrison 1:13:50. 40–44 – Tara Whaley 1:00:59, Patty Potter 1:10:57. Male, 5K: Overall – Trevor Cleveland 19:23 Masters – Dale Thomas – 21:00. Grandmasters – Mark McCarra – 22:03. Senior Grandmasters – Jimmy Sims – 23:48. Super Grandmasters – W. R. Whittington – 33:30. Overall Race Walk – Terry Potter – 50:53. 10–under – Eli Butler 22:29, Charles Tedder 33:08. 11–14 – Julian Whaley 22:17, Jakerious Ealey 23:53, Troy Stapleton 29:23. 15–18 Alexander Coleman 20:57, Jonathon Warner 22:05, A. J. Finney 27:43. 30 – 34 – Julian Strickland 30:07. 35– 39 Harold Allen 21:10, Al Sessions 29:58. 40–44 – Braden Miller 23:53, Tom Warner 24:33. 45–49 – Brian Hickey 23:24. 55–59 – Dave Durbin 23:32, Joey Harvey 23:45, Pablo Banchon 39:11. 60-64 – Donald Bowling 27:19, Bill Kimmons 27:28, Chester Nolin 43:06. 65–69 – Dale Nash 24:52, Odell Nelson 26:42, Bill Kimmons 27:28. 75–79 – Billy Smith 33:38, Billy Walden 36:33. 80–over – Pat Carmichael 42:22. Female, 5K: Overall – Alli Hay – 20:24. Masters – Debra Hunter-McCoy – 24:51. Grandmasters – Cassie Logan – 30:18. Senior Grandmasters – Nancy Harris-Henry – 36:29. Overall Race Walk – Debra Thomson – 43:01. 11–14 – Ella Richards 23:06, Natalie Warner 23:15, Annabelle Warner 24:34. 15–18 - Ramsay Miller 22:41. 19-24 – Jamey White 49:16. 25–29 – Sloane Gancarez 49:17. 40–44 - Amanda Moulton 30:32, Dainyell Long 33:02, Ginger Cushing 33:04. 45–49 - Angie Garland 33:00. 50–54 - Rene Jordan 33:08, Barbara Miller 35:19, Randi New 35:42. Race Walk – Joan Warner 46:30, Sarah Clark 46:49. –Tony Gilbert MBMS Lightning Bolt 5K Bogart, GA – 2/17 Male, Overall – Charlie Bahnson 17:12. Masters – Brian O’Neal 18:06. 10-under – Matthew Clausen 25:54, Titus Watkins 27:51, Mac McFarland 30:08. 11-14 – Davis Potts 18:14, Aidan Landrum 18:29, Maxwell Pearson 18:41. 15-19 – Thomas Dowis 23:27, Kennon Conner 31:09. 20-24 – Jared Bailey 22:18. 25-29 – Reece Sanford 21:24, Jon Ashcraft 26:16, Bryan Hunnicutt 26:26. 30-34 – Clayton Hunnicutt 23:32, Tom Bennewitz 24:12. 35-39 – Gene Volfson 22:15, Lee Jackson 23:56, Michael Palmer 27:46. 40-44 – CJ O’Mara 20:32, Seth Rhine 22:32, David Duncan 23:11. 45-49 – David Beeland 22:51, Brian Baker 25:04, Travis Vanzo 30:14. 50-54 – Jimmy Cobb 25:29, Jimmy Miller 25:30, Robert Hancock 25:40. 55-59 – David Moore 24:08, Paul Peavy 25:15, Jim Schulte 37:18. 6064 – James McGinness 22:30, Jeffery Bennetzen 40:32, Bucky Woods 56:56. 65-69 – Bill Chamblee 27:55, Don Palsgaard 30:28. 70-74 – Dan Shoaf 55:30. Female, Overall – Abigail West 20:10. Masters – Melissa Landers-Potts 21:13.

more results at running.net 10-under – Naomi Couch 36:22, Allie Ginn 44:28, Gabriella Stoming 46:49. 11-14 – Kelsey Morse 20:45, Caroline Duncan 20:52, Kenna Kay 24:20. 15-19 – Isabelle Snider 22:16, Lauren Peavy 30:34, Mellisa Ramey 38:18. 20-24 – Marilyn Naughton 31:29, Allison Young 35:40, Samantha Heskett 55:42. 25-29 – Elayna Harris 24:42, Liza Burnseed 26:02, Kerri Ann Sanford 26:38. 30-34 – Beth Katt 23:38, Anna Bahnson 24:12, Sharee Downs 29:54. 35-39 – Lisha Burrell 27:07, Jennifer Craig 27:54, Amanda Stephens 31:10. 40-44 – Angie Wiggnas 24:19, Kristi Rhine 25:10, Chris Booz 28:29. 45-49 – Sherri Peavy 26:06, Christy Carsonn 26:11, Susan Winstead 28:28. 50-54 – Rachel Oneal 29:36, Brenda Cleary 30:01, Amy Neill 37:15. 55-59 – Melinda Burrell 45:58. 60-64 – Patti Blevins 41:32. 65-69 – Sue Chastain 33:06, Lynn Dicks 34:32. – Classic Race Services

LOUISIANA Mardi Gras 5K Metairie, LA – 2/18 Male, Overall – John Kling 17:31. Masters – Michael Pou 19:11. Grandmasters – Timothy Pries 20:29. Senior Grandmasters – Terry Bailey 21:25. Youth – Morgan Hebert 19:10. 15-under – Kaleb Schulman 23:43, Matthew Joubert 25:14. 16-19 – Tyler Tubre 41:58. 20-29 – Frank Cousart 18:21, Ben Stollberg 18:51. 30-39 – David Chaix 18:40, Derek Dowell 18:55. 40-49 – Gary Marshall 20:18, Nelson Rios 20:22. 50-59 – Greg Kennedy 22:33, Jay De Lima 22:41. 60-69 – Roger Brown 21:58, Thomas Parker 24:42. 70-over – Harry Schrieffer 26:03, Dewey Spies 29:21. Racewalker – Reginald Harley 41:48. Female, Overall – Stephanie Hankins 18:52. Masters – Annie Chambers 23:24. Grandmasters – Maryann Parker 25:21. Senior Grandmasters – Annie Conneau 28:47. Youth – Elizabeth Rovira 26:11. 15-under – Autumn Grieb 26:52, Ava Rovira 27:08. 16-19 – Courtney Roberts 32:57 Morgan Orlosky 35:23. 20-29 – Elizabeth Kukla 22:15, Kim Navarrete 22:32. 30-39 – Jeanie Donavan 22:49, Kristen Braud 2:11. 40-49 – Praphim Rungruang 23:36, Lori Gaston 23:57. 50-59 – Francine Francois 28:51, Janel Mumme 29:27. 60-69 – Germaine Carroll 31:17, Annemarie Clancy 33:36. 70-over – Beth Sykes 41:02. Racewalker – Catherine Sowa 49:20.

MISSISSIPPI Make A Difference One Step at a Time 5K Ridgeland, MS – 2/18 Male, Overall - Joseph Clack 18:36. Masters - Kevin Fugate 21:16. Grandmasters - Paul Pusateri 19:37. 9-under - Bailey George 33:22, Walker Hunt 44:09, Levi Edmiston 46:05. 11-14 - Bryce Harrison 20:21, William Fugate 23:31, Brayden Young 24:15. 15-19 - Collin Foster 20:14, Tyler Wiley 21:57, Antonio Juarez 26:54. 20-24 - Drew Haynes 32:01, Jacob Golding 33:44. 25-29 - Elliott Freeman 18:51, Evan Erwin 19:18, Nick Blair 21:40. 30-34 - Orlando Carrasquillo 19:39, David Meigs 25:11, Jeff Loehrke 28:51. 35-39 - Bill Waddlington 21:51, Heath Morrison 22:02, Jamie Spann 23:33. 40-44 - Chad Muller 25:28, Brant Ratcliffe 25:47, Chris Mathison 27:38. 4549 - Robert Booker 23:54, Darryl Gilbert 25:07, Stanley Brent 25:48. 50-54 - Bilal Hashim 24:02, Tyson Reed 27:23, David Donald 28:33. 55-59 -Andy Woods 24:43, Wilton Jackson 27:16, David Collipp 29:40. 60-64 - James Hall 24:35, Frank Juarez 27:29, Mike Ely 28:23. 65-69 - Ronnie Freeman 28:41, Stan Jones 32:46, Thomas Wiley 34:12. 70-over - Rick Eades 28:36. Female, Overall - Jennifer Reneker 21:34. Masters - Mildred Ridgway 26:50. Grandmasters - Teresa Crothers 23:17. 9-under - Lydia Collipp 26:18, Tini Collipp 29:34. 10-14 Karleigh Clarkston 25:49, Kelly Hunt 34:10, Nia Williams 41:34. 15-19 - Micah Gray 36:06, Miya Steve 40:03, Olivia Hitt 31:58. 20-24 - Maggie Hughes 21:49, Catherine Thomason 22:57, Rae Pullum 31:58. 25-29 - Chrissy Hughes 21:50, Julie Grenci 26:12, Cara Loehrke 26:53. 30-34 - Danielle Mitchell 25:48, Danya Ainsworth 26:47, Susan Moore 27:59. 35-39 - Julie Vicars 26:26, Jenny Herrington 28:38, Sarah Box 31:13. 40-44 - Lori Busick 30:53, Christy Barr 31:37, Paige Weathersby 32:26. 45-49 - Cindi Cooper 28:12, Mirthala Barron 33:53, Renee Collins 34:34. 50-54 - Mary Pusateri 23:55, Dawn Polo 25:33, Karen Brown 30:19. 55-59 -Chantay Steen 24:33, Terrie Whittington 33;30, Dee Durfee 35:08. 60-64 - Elizabeth Freeman 28:35. 70-over - Maria Walker 31:57, Mary Perry 46:21.

NORTH CAROLINA Valentine 5K Denver, NC – 2/18 Male, Overall – Anthony Famiglietti 15:41. 10-under – Christian Gammon 24:18, Jack Grabants 25:45, Blake Rowe 30:17. 11-14 – Miles Phillips 18:49, Aidan Morrison 18:58, Jonas Guffey 19:03. 15-19 – Drew Zink 18:09, Curtins Herns 19:06, Bailey Knight 21:24. 20-29 – Carlos Perez 19:46,

www.running.net Brandon Pate 24:30, Max Hasian 27:59. 30-39 – Paul Lumpkin 25:56, Michael Alfred 26:24. 40-49 – Lance Reid 29:50, Adrian Rollans 32:46, Michael Lockman 35:16. 50-59 – Bill Shires 18:26, George Wheeler 24:29, Bruce Adams 24:42. 60-69 – Steve Staley 24:34, Robert Money 27:36, John Bozeman 27:48. 70-79 – Garrison Kenney 34:13. 80-over – George Kimberly 43:56, Byron Logan 50:53. Female, Overall – Michaela Gammon 19:07. 10-under – Lydia Guffey 27:07, Elizabeth Kincaid 41:07.1114 – Alison Farr 24:09, Brianna Roberts 25:21, Sydney Kieser 26:03. 15-19 – Emily Guffey 28:47, Brie Yates 36:03, Morgan Sherrill 40:53. 20-29 – Caitlin Potter 20:44, Casey Cline 23:00, Lauren Myrick 23:41. 30-39 – Carly Ledbetter 22:07, Jamie Ruble 25:45, Wendy McSwain 27:22. 40-49 – Vanessa Schlegel 25:14, Barbara Wheeler 27:00, Leigh Reid 32:39. 50-59 – Nancy Anderson 29:24, Amy Howland 35:36, Loire Howland 35:38. 6069 – Elizabeth Kimberly 30:56, Cathy Bianchi 31:38, Pamela Kenney 34:11. Shamrock Run 10K/5K Mocksville, NC – 3/4 Male, 10K: Overall – Caleb Masland 34:20, Robert Youtz 35:40, Nikolas Silva 36:19. 15-19 – Trey Raisbeck 38:34, Jose Salano 41:59. 20-29 – Chris Laws 54:45, Jacob Dreibelbis 1:18:26. 30-39 – Alan Tripp 39:41, Mark Heteman 47:43, Isaac Stockton 49:55. 40-49 – Eric Wilson 38:47, Chad Roberts 42:21, Enoch Kim 43:06. 50-59 – Pete Morris 51:53, Allan Evora 52:11, Doug Cope 59:02. 60-69 – Michael Wally 1:00:13. 70-over – Duke Hesson 1:00:36. Female, 10K: Overall – Kathy Hurst 44:07, Robin Petruzzi 46:56, Tracie Murphy 55:33. 11-14 – Amelia Tally 1:00:59. 20-29 – Carrie Kibler 55:45, Valerie Falish 1:01:53, Meredith Cline 1:03:47. 30-39 – Vera Whipple 56:10, Whitney Boger 56:24, Sara Buchanan 57:01. 4049 – Tammy Moore 57:59, Anna Mazzola 59:26, Julie Crowell 1:00:50. 50-59 – Kim Cope 1:05:10, Gina Falish 1:10:13, Myra Wall 1:10:51. 70-over – Doreen James 1:10:31. Male, 5K: Overall – Caleb Masland 16:44, Sully Hudson 17:28, Scott Eckman 19:05. 10-under – Cedar Nichols-Barnhart 21:49, Nevan Ellis 26:32, Sebastian Bellomo 38:08. 11-14 – Jack Reynolds 20:37, Brandt Doty 24:16 Samuel Dequenne 24:41. 15-19 – Benjamin Smid 19:08, Jared Dequenne 19:29, Jose Salana 19:47. 20-29 – Boyce Seals 19:49, Jeff Jaquez Jimenez 24:01, Paul Hill 25:09. 30-39 – Michael Alvis 19:51, Mark Heteman 19:54, Aaron Prillaman 23:19. 40-49 – Danny Sealey 20:39, Jeffrey Larson 24:27, Mike Welch 24:35. 50-59 – Alan Sigmon 25:17, Tom Gorycki 26:21, Doug Blanton 26:23. 60-69 – Marty Beeson 21:54, Zack Osborne 28:09, Dave Corn 28:55. 70-over – John Dunkelberg 33:39, George Kimberly 45:25. Female, 5K: Overall – Bailey Reutinger 19:36, Lucia Ellis 21:20, Ana Reutinger 21:32. 10-under – Anna Edwards 24:58, Emberleigh Pauley-Brown 25:38, Alesia Cicuto 36:29. 11-14 – Emerson Frantz 24:03, Amelia Tally 26:04, Samantha Medley 26:34. 15-19 – Taylor Hurst 33:14, Rebecca Ryman 33:34, Hailey Welch 36:27. 20-29 – Erika Roe 23:07, Katie Rooney 26:57, Carrie Kibler 27:02. 3039 – Amber Manzella 29:11, Tracie Welch 29:12, Christina Warren 29:14. 40-49 – Sandy Jones 25:55, Elizabeth Warner 26:25, Michelle Jones 26:29. 50-59 – Laura Gorycki 26:20, Amy Devereaux 30:22, Donna McLamb 31:55. 60-69 – Elizabeth Kimberly 29:52, Lesa Cheek 35:22, Tobie Arnold 36:39.

SOUTH CAROLINA Hilton Head Island Marathon/Half Marathon/8K Hilton Head, SC – 2/11 Male, Marathon: Overall – Chris Bailey 2:45:12, David Adams 2:47:59, Arek Robinson 2:50:05. Masters – Chris Carter 3:16:03, Wayne Kazmierczak 3:20:55, Jonathan Fass 3:24:56. Grandmasters – Bobby Aswell 3:28:49. 19-under – Daniel Finger 4:05:09, Jonathan Pertile 4:14:23. 20-24 – Marshill Mahan 2:46:08, Jake Cotton 4:21:59. 25-29 – Brian Roser 3:06:09, Kevin Jarvis 3:08:05, Brad Barcusky 3:21:59, Ryan Niemic 3:22:01, Connor Everett 3:44:46. 30-34 – David Short 2:55:52, Matthew Moldenhauer 3:11:41, Steven Carlson 3:18:20, Andy Wind 3:24:00, Shawn Armstrong 4:50:16. 35-39 – Eric Stevenson 2:58:39, Ben Vaught 3:03:54, Troy King 3:13:11, Wesley Cramer 3:16:47, Adam Ward 3:23:14. 40-44 – Robert Palmore 4:15:38, Daniel Rempala 4:16:53, Benjamin McBride 4:46:28. 45-49 – Darren Gould 3:26:20, Kevin Fussell 3:29:31, Robert Jones 3:42:04, Christopher Carey 3:43:25, Daniel Howell 3:52:23. 50-54 – Knute Jack Tibbetts 3:42:21, Michael Valentino 3:55:05, Dave Beil 4:00:54, David Hamm 4:00:56, David Collins 4:20:39. 55-59 – Bobby Hill 3:57:05, Doug Fein 4:17:11, Roger Wright 4:20:05, Clyde Dickey 4:25:49, Dve Cockman 4:44:10. 60-64 – Kanu Virani 4:12:57, Gregory James 4:25:09, William Dusch 4:41:07, Dave Trautman 4:54:156, Michael Head 5:02:02. 65-69 – Carey Stoneking 4:13:04, Stephen Burrows 4:21:57, William Davis 5:39:08. 70over – Toney Mathews 5:05:54. Female, Marathon: Overall – Emily Potter 3:17:06, Stephanie Burnham 3:30:59, Jo Ann Bistany 3:32:48. Masters – Megan Lyles 3:34:54, Kay Evans 3:35:19, Iris Lockhart 4:02:42. Grandmasters – Susan Toy 4:13:59. 19-under – Pippa Richter 3:41:25, Caroline Mahoney 3:43:37. 20-24 – Victoria Little 3:45:26, Brennan Harlan 3:50:27, Audrey Guldin 4:07:35, Amanda Howard 4:21:58, Abigail Smith 5:28:40. 25-29 – Melissa Just 3:35:29, Whitney Hayden 3:36:04, Artinsial Berry 3:46:57, Caterine Lancaster 4:09:49, Chrislyn Durham 4:10:57. 30-34 – Elizbeth Thrush 3:45:25, Kelly Keller 3:53:11, heather Tidwell 3:55:09, Sarah Thompson 4:08:21, Jeni Enjaian 4:13:58. 35-39 – Beth Barbiers 3:39:31, Barbie Brown 3:45:36, Katie Gore 3:50:38, Alison Caruso 3:59:52, Kelly Fox 4:00:55. 40-44 – Kara Tweedy 4:19:47, Jennifer Hasche 4:38:24, Stacy Dehnke 4:47:50, Kristi Greco 4:56:02, Kristie Meland 5:03:26. 45-49 – Sandra Jocksch

4:09:43, Debbie Vessey 4:33:30, Mandy McNeese 4:37:58, Kathryn Pamenter 4:39:46, Deborah Moutinho 5:11:23. 50-54 – Sheri Scarborough 5:04:17, Lisa Rome 5:13:50. 55-59 – Cheryl Broas 4:21:08, Marcia Erwin 4:21:18, Karen Evans 4:33:48, Suzanne Kinard 4:58:16, Lou Hipps 5:03:55. 60-64 – Dorothy Lupariello 5:11:57. 65-69 – Maria Shields 4:25:24. Male, Half marathon: Overall – Seth Tucker 1:12:50, Kevin Huwe 1:14:32, Winston Rheinbolt 1:23:38. Masters – Taylor Filer 1:24:29, Justin Bullard 1:30:34, Daniel Shaughnessy 1:31:30. Grandmasters – Tim O’Connell 1:36:18. 19-under – Shelton Reynolds 1:27:38, KJ Mack 1:28:29, Robert Harlan 1:30:12, Philip Evans 1:34:16, Zachary Tripp 1:40:55. 20-24 – Michael Conkel 1:27:06, Will Bonniville 1:41:08, Eric Kibler 1:48:37, Frederick Baca 1:49:55, Thomas Spain 1:50:42. 25-29 – Yorlliry Moreno 1:24:01, Jose Dante 1:33:25, Nick Tennant 1:40:53, Jamie Hoard 1:43:15, Patrick Piche 1:46:20. 30-34 – Jeremy Snodgrass 1:24:15, Matt Page 1:38:52, Robert Hoffman 1:47:52, Neil Tregger 1:49:04, Brian Doherty 1:53:28. 35-39 – Peter Igyarto 1:30:49, Jared Worley 1:34:05, Christopher Myers 1:41:57, Joseph Almeida 1:43:09, Kohei Hirota 1:47:38. 40-44 – Matt Clark 1:38:43, Shawn Wellersdick 1:39:31, Michel Harker 1:49:23, Sam Lucarelli 1:49:38, Richard Lowe 1:50:59. 45-49 – Toshihiro Yamamoto 1:31:46, Chipman Collins 1:38:44, Jamie Jones 1:44:19, Al Olivetti 1:45:59, Paul Shamansky 1:46:37. 50-54 – Allen Peterson 1:44:12, Peter West 1:44:51, Tom Hughes 1:50:34, Bruce Dorr 1:57:05, Peter Stuart 2:02:57. 55-59 – Wally Dunn 1:37:12, Andy Kennedy 1:45:04, Michael Knox 1:50:52, Jim Kekacs 1:50:56, Paul Creighton 1:55:31. 60-64 – Rick Franklin 1:37:31, Ken Davis 1:40:27, Patrick Miller 1:42:07, Thomas Page 2:04:43, Craig Waters 2:06:38. 65-69 – Gary Severance 2:06:19, Brian Murdoch 2:11:35, Bernie Riedel 2:22:52, Bruce Rome 2:27:02, Charles Toler 2:50:47. 70-over – John Baxter 1:58:16, Edward Wysong 2:17:46, Meredith Harlacher 2:23:04, Dean Fleenor 2:23:51, Fred Motz 2:27:01. Female, Half marathon: Overall – Karen Eckberg 1:29:39, Emily Palazzo 1:32:53, Becky Dougherty 1:35:55. Masters – Misty Dion 1:43:39, Andrea Poehling 1:46:43, Carol Winter 1:46:54. Grandmasters – Minnie Hughes 1:48:05. 19-under – Chapel Tinius 2:07:46, Caroline Henderson 2:09:08, Carly Fitzmorris 2:16:17, Kaitlyn Adams 2:24:37, Jessica Moody 2:30:45. 20-24 – Shelli Ciandella 1:40:35, Laura Hoer 1:40:54, Stephanie Virbitsky 1:50:17, Makenzie Pavan 1:51:15, Alyssa White 1:58:43. 25-29 – Jennifer Huwe 1:36:42, Megan Robinson 1:38:04, Ashlin Glatthar 1:38:39, Meghan Duffy 1:40:31, Jessica Clay 1:42:41. 30-34 – Suzanna Hall 1:47:13, Kristine Steiner 1:48:00, Lesley Lavasser 1:48:54, Jessica Collins 1:50:19, Anna Pottle 1:50:54. 35-39 – Carolyn Plaza 1:36:39, Myrriah Hanna 1:39:08, Melissa Brady 1:43:18, Christine Ridgeway 1:45:05, Shari Stauffer 1:53:08. 40-44 – Heidi Marshall 1:48:56, Shannon Frisch 1:52:32, Amy Mobley 1:56:33, Julie Bullard 1:56:38, Evelyn Hrehor 1:57:46. 45-49 – Anita Jones 1:51:44, Denise Adams 1:52:22, Gena McNulty 1:55:11, Mary Shaw 1:56:15, Elizabet Helmke 1:56:42. 50-54 – Dena Wilkerson 1:48:40, Leslie Mattern 1:54:134, Karen Rivetti 2:04:11, Maryanne Aimar 2:04:44, Susan Mosier 2:05:34. 55-59 – Judy Alexander 1:51:45, Lisa Powell 1:55:58, Lisa Carter 1:58:01, Kristie Milam 2:04:46, Lisa Miles 2:10:43. 60-64 – Becky Morgan 1:57:58, Susan Worrall 1:568:53, Page Greenberg 2:09:17, Deanna Zawistowksi 2:16:00, Valerie Berecz 2:17:57. 65-69 – Rose Carney 2:03:1`9, Cynthia LavinWarden 2:18:12, Denise Mansheim 2:21:46, Bridget Harron 2:25:22, Tabby Goodwater 3:08:18. 70-over – Joyce HodgesHite 3:12:45, Mary Elaine Dowden 3:21:25, Katharine Slemenda 3:23:50, M.J. Smith 3:28:45. Male, 8K: Overall – Sam Gilman 28:15, David Robinson 30:29, Andy Tedesco 32:40. 13-under – T. Harris 45:10. 14-19 – Graham Lewis 33:13. 20-29 – Whitaker Knight 37:15, Corey Collins 38:17, Ian Stien 39:19. 30-39 – Jesse Grooters 36:33, Rob Hanna 38:28, Antonio

Chris Bailey, wnner of Hilton Head Marathon. Photo by Carolina Snapshot




Barrett 39:28. 40-49 – Glenn Lankowski 34:16, Abraham Mendez 37:14, Jeff Lessenberry 39:31. 50-59 – Bubba Gillis 36:53, Rick McDevitt 41:34, Gary Broxson 41:49. 60-69 – Paul Kaus 44:54, Robert Wieczorek 45:23, George Abelson 45:32. 70over – John Weymoth 48:06, Bernhard Mansehim 50:13, Terence Herron 54:05. Female, 8K: Overall – Sara Hofeldt 34:32, Hannah Frazier 35:59, Melissa Treanor 38:35. 13-under – Lauren Reynolds 42:56. 14-19 – Molly Stigers 40:17, Bailie Joy 57:42, Grace Kenley 57:42. 20-29 – Kimberly Staub 39:38, Anna Arar 40:55, Amber Mingin 42:42. 30-39 – Lee Vollemans 44:48, Natalie Brown 45:01, Kelly Barr 45:17. 4049 – Amie Lankowski 42:47, Laura Fromdahl 42:59, Ingrid Braun 43:25. 50-59 – Nella Sinclair 40:38, Cheri Wiley 41:29, Debra Williams 41:31. 60-69 – Cindy Lucking 38:40, Leeca Synder 53:24, Julia Bogner 54:36. 70-over – Nina Roudebush 57:53, Judy Derr 58:05, Jann Denoncourt 58:49.

Emily Potter, winner of Hilton Head Marathon. Photo by Carolina Snapshot Green Valley 10 mile/8K Greenville, SC – 2/11 Male, 10 mile: Overall – Michael Holland 55:19, Andrew Baker 59:33, Dan Matz 1:03:02, Edgar Aguilar 1:03:17, Samuel Saldivar 1:03:39. 14-under – Isaac Beres 1:27:40, Dave Werth 1:52:20. 15-19 – Riley Dixon 1:09:27, Keith Matthews 1:12:43, Mark Walsh 1:17:10, Ned Horton 1:18:58. 20-24 – Eric McDade 1:24:40. 2529 – David Bean 1:04:51, Scott Stringer 1:10:07, Kevin Eagle 1:11:17, Oscar Bauman 1:11:24, Nick Gladden 1:17:11. 30-34 – John Bruno 1:09:42, David Cowan 1:11:14, David Gomes 1:11:19, Ray Gill 1:13:12, Curtis Nash 1:13:49. 35-39 – Roman Aguirre 1:07:32, Doug Thompson 1:13:30, Kyle Longest 1:18:07, Michael Hildebrand 1:22:18, Phil Perry 1:23:49. 40-44 – Jeff Dixon 1:05:51, Chuck Damman 1:06:50, Bud Holland 1:08:15, Todd Edwards 1:09:22, Sergio Balboa 1:09:42. 45-49 – Richard Lyons 1:07:01, Gary Ball 1:07:14, Robert Nielsen 1:07:35, Parker Sloan 1:07:59, Chris Starker 1:15:12. 50-54 – Patrick Johnston 1:06:54, Tim Shea 1:14:03, Ken Omalley 1:14:22, Reid Thomas 1:15:09, Gordon Murray 1:16:35. 55-59 – Michael Beeson 1:05:45, Tim Stewart 1:06:09, George Sykes 1:11:17, Ed Hughes 1:12:49, Rusty Infinger 1:18:16. 60-64 – Richard Jacques 1:25:15, Patrick Clare 1:26:30, Robrrt Chilmonik 1:28:01, Ronald Wise 1:36:04, James Pruitt 1:38:20. 65-69 – Andy Holden 1:25:32, Gene Ruck 1:33:21, Jim Roberts 1:37:30, Kip Connor 1:44:45. 70-74 – Gerry Carner 1:25:58, John Johnson 1:49:56, Ron Ferrill 2:12:00. Female, 10 mile: Overall – Sydney Gilstrap 1:05:38, Hilary Richards 1:07:36, Porter Grant 1:11:13, Madison Ellis 1:11:32, Jessica Payne 1:11:33. 15-19 – Rebecca Faircloth 1:18:41, Emma Allison 1:18:52, Madeline Holt 1:20:39, Emma Arnold 1:25:30, Ann-Marie Luneau 1:33:09. 20-24 – Caroline Besley 1:27:35, Malia Fraioli 1:27:53. 25-29 – Meghan Arquette 1:22:02, Charlee Owens 1:24:06, Lindsey Craig 1:31:12, Kristina Team 1:37:11. 30-34 – Lindsey Decken 1:14:02, Rebecca Crecente 1:16:46, Paige Longest 1:18:03, Jackie Ngueyen 1:21:21, Hilary Kalisman 1:23:15. 35-39 – Cheryl Hicks 1:26:36, Kim Williams 1:27:16, Antonia Pitalo 1:28:12, Tiana Cain 1:29:44, Louise Mariani 1:34:35. 40-44 – Tracey Ashall 1:12:45, Ale Sabio-Kennedy 1:13:28, Rhonda Felder 1:14:25, Elizabeth Wingard 1:21:00, Gail King 1:21:14. 45-49 – Erin Brackbill 1:25:01, Noel Fuller 1:29:29, Meredith Greene 1:29:46, Carrin Hahn 1:38:46, Missy Wingard 1:40:32. 50-54 – Janice Garrett 1:16:35, Lydia Dunn 1:24:28, Deanne Blas 1:24:51, Suzanne Bolding 1:27:58, Sandra Chrisler 1:28:09. 55-59 – Elizabeth Poupore 1:14:27, Carol Caspary 1:23:51, Mimi Hunt 1:49:20, Sara Cathey 2:01:03. 60-64 – Becky Cavedo 1:40:43, Marcia Papin 1:40:48, Hot Chocolate Photo © RAM Racing 2017

more results at running.net Linda Satterfield 1:46:05, Debra Robinson 1:5:48, Linda Wieloch 1:57:12. 65-69 – Mike Pedigo 1:40:29, Beverly Pedersen 2:20:34. 75-over – Anne Brooks 1:52:14. Male, 8K: Overall – Robbie Simmons 29:03, Andrew Hartley 30:09, Brandon Arquette 30:57, Ben Douthit 31:01, Josh Till 31:02. 14-under – Ronan O’Neill 34:54, Nicholas Caputo 40:26, Silas Means 40:37, Jeffrey Werth 43:18 15-19 – Ben Bright 33:38, Marcus Graham 34:14, Noah Levine 36:12, Bristen Havird 51:47. 20-24 – Matthew Hopkis 31:12, Kyle Strickland 32:52, Sinjin Seiber 34:48, Jacob Dukeshier 37:16, Josh Strubel 37:56. 25-29 – Landon Bright 33:29, Matt Williamson 34:34, Chase Board 39:05. 30-34 – Wes Palmer 32:32, Philip Kalisman 33:50, Jason Wise 34:23. 35-39 – Brentley Pruitt 43:23, Jesse Smith 46:34, Brian DeRoberts 53:22. 40-44 – Michael Caputo 40:27, Michael Campbell 42:13, Eric Tripp 47:43, Michael Lancaster 48:10. 45-49 – Thomas O’Neill 36:04, Christopher Ferland 43:49, Vince Bienish 45:32, Lloyd Sifford 54:31. 50-54 – Larry Bernard 40:07, David Dukeshier 42:01, Dave Garvey 47:05, Gordon Smith 49:44, Patrick Phillips 50:28. 55-59 – Dan Shelby 32:04, Tony Sorrells 35:00, Mike Zerressen 38:58, James Fischer 45:39, Jenny Ledtke 49:07. 60-64 – Mike Nocito 52:15, Dale Cleaveland 1:03:24. 65-69 – David Spark 35:23, Tom Wilson 47:50, Dennis Defrancesco 48:32, Dane Pierce 53:32, Mike Workan 57:10. 70-74 – George Collins 57:50. 75-over – George Luke 37:29, David Turner 46:40, Gene Cater 52:17, Bill Beckwith 1:07:57, Gary Bennett 1:20:04. Female, 8K: Overall – Emma DeRoberts 34:38, Susi Smith 35:13, Sarah Mickool 36:12, Abby Driest 38:37, Carli Touliatos 38:54. 14-under – Julie Carver 39:29, Zenebu Felder 43:38, Reagan Cooke 43:46, Ericka Carver 1:13:36, Erin Carver 1:14:17. 15-19 – Saige-Paige Guerrant 41:11, Madi Rumfelt 41:25, Sarah Sheridan 44:55, Tori Heiser-Whatley 55:05. 20-24 – Hailey Brammer 41:42, Evelyn Haasbroek 42:05, Molly Campbell 44:55, Cassandra Walker 48:35, Greer Mangrum 49:50. 25-29 – Sarah White 43:12, Jessica Wine 43:25, Joanna Clark 45:24, Rachel Nocito 46:04, Meg Jennings 51:36 30-34 – Christinne Clare 55:02. 35-39 – Sarah Schoonover 44:06, Amy Dobbs 44:52, Kelsey Dalton 47:22, Melanie Cindric 49:02, Allison Roberts 51:35. 40-44 – Merie Lancaster 48:03, Michelle Montgomery 49:34, Jenny Harrison 1:10:32, Kelly Griffith 1:14:04. 45-49 – Tammy Wright 40:10, Denise Bryson 43:47, Heidi Matthews 48:15, Cindy Jacques 49:34, Danielle Vankirk 51:49. 50-54 – Traci Weisner 42:57, Lydia Brown 46:34, Catherine McElhany 51:58, Marie Wyatt 53:14, Jamie Kaltenbach 56:59. 55-59 – Teresa Gimenez 49:20, Trish Snyder 51:13, Kathy Koontz 51:17, Judi Smith 51:22, Beth Branyon 55:16. 60-64 – Vicki Dixon 45:03, Mary Biebel 47:28, Sandra Washko 58:38, Martha Wilder 1:10:12, Elaine Hadden Golladay 1:12:27. 65-69 – Kaleen Dixon 55:55. 70-74 – Octavia Childress 49:30. Lexington Race Against Hunger 10K Lexington, SC – 2/25 Male, Overall – Eric Ashton 35:01, Nathan Gibson 37:15, Zander Jeffcoat 38:22. Masters – Brent Shealy 41:00, Geary McAllister 43:18. Grandmasters – Dale Looper 44:55, Robert Taylor 45:04. 14-under – Chris Conrick 41:04, Witt Coleman 45:58, Wyatt Wilson 46:57. 15-19 – Sam Dodd 45:42, Andrew Smith 54:36, Tripp Owen 57:49. 20-24 – Luke Montgomery 50:58, Connor Davidson 1:18:35. 25-29 – Colby Hanson 46:10, Brandon Diffee 56:16, Jason Cochcroft 57:16. 30-34 – Jacob Nelson 43:56, Matthew Mahrer 45:20, Chad Shumpert 46:22. 35-39 – Ryan Sacko 46:22, Brian Manley 47:09, Perry Woolbright 47:14. 4044 – Kristopher Dempster 44:27, Mark Wilson 50:18, Mark Whetstone 50:43. 45-49 – Johnathan Kirkwood 45:24, Thad Cleary 51:39, John Whetstone 51:40. 50-54 – Francisco Nora 46:08, Robert Worley 53:33, Gregg Hendrix 55:25. 55-59 – Jim Kinard 48:47, Barry Morgan 52:50, Jeff Smith 57:29. 60-64 – Matthew Rabe 54:03, Bob Parsons 1:00:26. 65-69 – John Bowen 1:00:21. 70-74 – Rod Bailey 1:01:31, Peter Mugglestone 1:03:29. 75-over – Henry Holt 1:02:33. Female, Overall – Sarah Ashton 39:35, Chelsea Baker 45:23, Kristin Cattieu 46:07. Masters – Jennifer Conrick 48:37, Amanda Lyons 50:49. Grandmasters – Alsena Edwards 54:49, Jeannie Craig 1:00:01. 14-under – Mary Margar 53:56. 15-19 – Taylor Sharple 47:52, Mara Lind 1:03:20, Courtney White 1:07:16. 20-24 – Lindsey Smith 47:03, Savannah Ott 49:34, Chelsie Goodman 59:01. 25-29 – Jennifer Lybrand 46:59, Margaret Sessions 55:02, Sarah Carter 59:09. 30-34 – Ellen Wingard 59:11, Nikole Onan 59:11, Jennifer Spence 1:02:29. 35-39 – Stacy Biggart 50:01, Jennier Borowier 51:56, Katie Davis 55:36. 40-44 – Katie Blocker 55:51, Jeannette Womble 56:36, Jennifer Cooper 1:00:15. 45-49 – Erica Lind 57:22, Rebecca Quenneville 57:58, Melanie Jackson 1:00:00. 50-54 – Dawn Fellers 1:01:48, Barbra Hubbard 1:06:2, Denise Brockwell 1:11:04. 55-59 – Lisa Smarr 1:03:00, Hilda Guess 1:07:17, Marie McLean-Choi 1:07:57. 6569 – Lynn Grimes 1:01:47, Brigitte Smith 1:15:06, Joy Couknight 1:17:33. 70-74 – Sharon Dempster 1:20:33. – Strictly Running

Running Journal • April, 2017

TENNESSEE Surgoinsville 10 miler Surgoinsville, TN – 2/25 Male, Overall – Andy Shelton 1:04:10. Masters – Derek Murphy 1:05:03. Grandmasters – Doug Strickland 1:14:37. Senior Grandmasters – Bill Dickerson 1:23:29. 15-19 – Hank Lowe 1:06:55, Brandon Devore 1:14:05, Andrew Keys 1:14:07. 25-29 – Ike Anderson 1:10:24, Jacob Price 1:14:28, John Wooten 1:18:19. 30-34 – Andy Wooten 1:08:23, Dana Brooks 1:20:45. 35-39 – Warren Lewis 1:12:47, Matthew Kidd 1:13:24, Keith Davis 1:16:43. 40-44 – Greg Cornforth 1:05:09, Shawn Becker 1:11:25, Kelly Chandler 1:18:09. 45-49 – Mark Taylor 1:12:58, David Brownlett 1:19:06, Dan Wernick 1:21:45. 50-54 – Blake Williams 1:17:19, Kevin Price 1:19:23, Richard Oreskoic 1:19:39. 55-59 – Wesley Miller 1:19:41, Marvin Archer 1:41:28, Butch Payne 1:42:57 60-64 – Clyde Kidd 1:26:32, Richard Tyner 1:34:44, Joe Davis 1:50:41. 65-69 – Jimmy Jones 1:38:31, Frank Lewis 1:45:13. 70-74 – Bob Hardin 1:36:30, Lee Roy Hurst 1:40:23, Legrande Boyer 1:55:55. 75-79 – Tony Borghetti 1:43:09. Female, Overall – Evan Adams 1:06:18. Masters – Amy Bradley 1:21:15. Grandmasters – Libby Overholt 1:23:09. Senior Grandmasters – Marie Tedesco 1:39:23. 14-under – Ashlynn Roy 1:28:57. 15-19 – Breanna Roy 1:11:12, Taylor Roy 1:16:20. 20-24 – Allison Heck 1:26:28, Emma Studholme 1:36:23, Jaime Jacobson 1:38:08. 25-29 – Carissa Chambers 1:29:56, Lauren Murr 1:36:04. 30-34 – Melissa Austin 1:22:59, Christine Lewis 1:26:36, Rosanna Gibson 1:31:50. 35-39 – Jaime Simmons 1:07:34, Lisa Hazlett 1:19:47, Sarah Bradely 1:21:56. 40-44 – Angela Grigsby 1:31:12, Jaime Jones 1:39:58, Tiffany Long 1:45:54. 45-49 – Debbie Heck 1:35:11, Patsy Cantor 1:43:29, Deanna Corley 1:43:58. 50-54 – Janette Erchinger 1:30:19, Teresa Darnell 1:48:06, Jacque Price 2:43:44 55-59 – Nena Cooper 1:35:23, Wendy Weidner 1:37:18, Sharon Bumgardner 1:39:13 60-64 – Patti Turpin 1:41:16, Candy Habich 1:57:22, Diane Taylor 2:43:22. – Mark Skelton Gupton Jeep Tom King Classic Half Marathon/5K Nashville, TN – 3/4 Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Joseph Elsakr 1:14:13, Bill Martin 1:14:27, Sean Clark 1:14:38 Masters – Matt Pulle 1:18:38. Grandmasters – Brian Kelleher 1:23:28. Nashville Striders – Joseph Elsakr 1:14:13, Bill Martin 1:14:27, Jason McLeod 1:14:51. 14-under – Sam Couper 1:41:54. 15-19 – Rylan Hincher 1:18:57, Johnathan West 1:29:13, Adam Duckworth 1:29:13. 20-24 – Tanner Harp 1:15:53, August Pappas 1:1654, Garang Madut 1:17:37. 25-29 – Jason McLeod 1:14:51, Seth Carley 1:17:30, Charlie Fanning 1:20:17. 30-34 – Tony White 1:15:10, Grant Gonzalez 1:23:04, Taylor Jamieson 1:33:50. 35-39 – Daniel McGinley 1:20:39, Bryan Russell 1:20:48, Mike Canan 1:20:57. 40-44 – Joe Eichert 1:23:39, James Whitlow 1:23:38, Joseph Relyea 1:24:57. 45-49 – Kevin Delaney 1:19:23, Michael Ross 1:22:51, Bruno Dedieu 1:25:15. 50-54 – Shane Thread 1:27:05, Jeff Matlock 1:27:19, Don Poston 1:27:43. 55-59 – Bart Modrall 1:37:31, Grant Glassford 1:37:51, Christian Barber 1:38:26. 60-64 – Paul Seitz 1:37:39, Ed Ahlmeyer 1:42:36, Cliff Adlerz 1:44:29. 65-69 – Malcolm Oliver 1:38:53, Mickey Sullivan 1:46:27, Steven Henley 2:12:14.70-74 – Gary Myers 2:10:53, Tom Carroll 2:14:36, Jimmy Walker 2:48:28. 75-over – Dennis Christian 1:57:56, Lawrence Holmes 2:39:44, David Holder 3:04:00. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Anna Pasternak 1:18:23, Gladys David 1:19:09, Jennifer Huang 1:26:11. Masters – Mahlon Hellman 1:30:56. Grandmasters – Maday Lines 1:33:04. Nashville Striders – Jennier Huang 1:25:11, Kylie Korsnack 1:25:31, Emily Rollins 1:30:09. Wheelchair – Sara Solomon 2:28:28. 14-under – Alexandra Trigg 1:38:01. 15-19 – Franny Ford 1:51:36, Melissa Barrett 2:02:39, Alexa Cobble 2:05:42. 20-24 – Hannah Hoots 1:30:28, Lauren Barr 1:37:53, Annie Prasad 1:43:48. 25-29 – Kylie Korsnack 1:25:29, Bethany Clark 1:25:46, Emily Mack 1:26:34. 30-34 – Katherine Prevost 1:27:37, Bittany Kennedy-Ku 1:31:20, Margaret Jones 1:35:44. 35-39 – Alisha Wargel 1:29:29, Emily Rollins 1:30:02, Celeste Goodson 1:32:17. 40-44 – Kris Rehm 1:34:07, Lillian Gilmer 1:35:14, Ninette Giardina 1:39:28. 45-49 – Sue Ann Heins-Perr 1:35:51, Kathryn Dahir 1:40:52, Julie Walker 1:41:56. 50-54 – Kay O’Connell 1:44:22, Jane Salem 1:46:22, Karen Long 1:48:42. 55-59 – Lisa Kelley 1:44:29, Maria Green 1:59:32, Vicki Schmidt 2:00:13. 60-64 – Victoria Crisp 1:39:48, Gloria Mersan 1:53:20, Loretta Baker 2:17:34. 65-69 – Linda Sadler 2:29:39. 70-74 – Janet Jernigan 2:17:16. 75-over – Martie Stoll 2:18:33. Male, 5K: Overall – Erick Kigen 15:47, Nick French 15:49, Garrett Gissim 16:30. Masters – Gary Wich 19:41. Grandmasters – Keith Caruso 20:22. 9-under – Ezra Ruiz 41:52. 10-14 – Atticus Simon 20:42, Caden Cross 24:12, Caleb Jenkins 26:19. 15-19 – Alex Ponce 16:37, Anthony Hall 17:57, Christopher Caruso 22:42. 20-24 – Jonathan Ashbrock 21:51, Jacob Williams 22:31, Vikas Pydah 31:20. 25-29 – Hunter Hall 16:34, Kaleb Meredith 17:16, Daniel Chioco 19:08. 30-34 – Brandon Byrd 19:14, Dan Lilly 20:04, Greg Dean 21:22. 35-39 – Scott Bennett 18:18, Daniel Stephenson 21:50, Matthew Smith 23:46. 40-44 – Eric Hastings 22:24, Donald Stover 23:20, Joseph Reinsburrow 24:10. 45-49 – Chuck Mader 21:55, Eric Larson 22:19, Richard Primm 24:50. 50-54 – Steve Wich 20:22, Philip Gyalog 21:05, Harold Donnelly 22:34. 55-59 – Paul Wholley 24:06, Bill Riley 26:41, Ken Willow 27:28. 60-64 – Robin Bible 22:40, Jerry Marcec 24:52, Brian Lee 25:32. 65-69 – David Burka 24:15, Stephen Hines 25:23, Terry Long 29:48. 70-74 – Gary Robinson 28:27, Jay Baker 28:27, Kenneth Young 28:34. 75-79 – Carlos Cobos 26:42, Zane


Cantrel 27:39, Frank Schmidt 40:09. 80-over – Haywood Barr 38:39, Tim O’Connor 41:00. Female, 5K: Overall – Jennifer Confort 18:02, Jeannette Mathieu 18:33, Anna Stevenson 19:37. Masters – Margaret Sloan 20:50. Grandmasters – Beth Hanson 25:40. 9-under – Adah Tomlinson 27:10. 10-14 – Alison Wich 23:25, Solana Hathaway Rui 29:57, Seanna Luke 36:11. 15-19 – Samantha Bowman 27:38, Sara Hunley 38:33. 20-24 – Evony Thompson 26:23, Chealsey Bartow 29:26, Brooke Huppenthal 30:51. 25-29 – Stormy Speaks 23:48, Kellee Cooper 26:33, Holly Williams 27:48. 30-34 – Barbara Parker 20:24, Danielle Bojanzyk 22:16, Amanda Crice 25:15. 35-39 – Andee Swann 20:14, Teddy LaFalette 23:50, Laura Williams 26:39. 40-44 – Kacey Flatt 23:56, Rhonda Carr 27:22, Melinda Gilbert 29:10. 45-49 – Jen Eichert 23:19, Lora Barkenbus Fox 23:35, Ginger Roelle 28:46. 50-54 – Jennifer Meko 26:13, Melissa Sevenich 27:02, Ida Franco-Dowdy 27:32. 55-59 – Susan Joy 29:15, Anne Campbell 29:22, Donna Moore 30:11. 60-64 – Elizabeth Trinkler 26:50, Cristina Black 26:53, Beverly Purvis 27:45. 65-69 – Lynn Rotter 38:20, Penny Lee 38:43, Linda Fenderson-Dos 43:28. 70-74 – Glenda Tetley 39:04, Maureen Banton 46:18. 80over – Valera Jones 50:23. Chattanooga Marathon/Half Marathon Chattanooga, TN – 3/5 Christian Thompson of Chattanooga ran away with the victory at the Chattanooga Marathon, winning the Sunday, March 5 event in 2:29:31. Allen Baddour of Chapel Hill, NC, was second in 2:45:25. Seki Kazufumi of Murfreesboro, TN, was third in 2:49:18. Kimberly Bradley of Littleton, Colorado won the women’s title in 3:30:36. Lucy Johnston of Actworth, GA, was second in 3:32:37. Jessica Coe of White House, TN, was third in 3:32:44. Kevin Huwe, former UT-Chattanooga runner, won the half marathon in 1:14:51. Kelly McCarthy, WRCB reporter, was the first female in 1:30:47. Complete order of finish.: http://cha.onlineraceresults.com/index.php

VIRGINIA 10-mile Run for the Heart Yorktown, VA – 2/11 Male, Overall – Craig Hymes 1:05:34, Harrison Chaires 1:06:37, Logan Jackson 1:06:47. 19-under – Paul Glass 1:59:46. 20-24 – Tucker Hoffman 1:07:23 25-29 – Connor McAnulty 1:34:22, Kiranknonar Kolisetti 1:51:11. 30-34 – Benjamin Nosko 1:17:10, Christopher Snyder 2:10:13. 35-39 – Brian Bauer 1:07:16, Thomas Shinn 1:18:24, Ryan Freese 1:25:40. 40-44 – Christopher Laws 1:17:25, Robert Claypoole 1:21:45, Craig Politte 1:24:12. 45-49 – Robert Thornburgh 1:14:39, Kevin Conlin 1:22:00, Jason Hale 1:34:53 50-54 – Christopher Maestrello 1:16:19, Carl Killian 1:19:44, David Whitehurst 1:21:26. 55-59 – Bill Price 1:12:57, Eric Everton 1:20:03, Glenn Young 1:22:35. 60-64 – Donnie Wyatt 1:20:19, Whit Richardson 1:29:31, James Gullo 1:30:55. 65-69 – Robert Astrop 1:20:6, Joe Day 1:21:55, Joseph Verdirame 1:27:20. 70-over – Larry Arata 1:37:06, Ronald Kellum 1:43:36, Joseph Polinski 1:59:50. Female, Overall – Christin Newman 1:06:37, Jackie Hoffman 1:10:57, Nina Parziale 1:18:51. 19-under – Jaleshea Cobbs 1:46:46. 20-24 – Zoemma Warshasky 1:18:57. 25-29 – Crystal Poteet 1:23:53, Christina Doerter 1:36:42, Jordan-Anne Smolko 1:40:44. 30-34 – Jacqueline Bethel 1:20:12, Meredith Newcomb 1:23:10, Ashley Milks 1:26:52. 35-39 – Adriana Aldape 1:24:23, Elisabeth Biondi 1:27:3, Liane Zivitski 1:29:38. 40-44 – Alicia Shoulta 1:26:22, Margo Reyes 1:34:59, Amy O’Donnell 1:44:01. 45-49 – Marie Price 1:49:54, Tonya Whatley 1:51:00. 50-54 – Jami CallahanBrill 1:24:55, Christine Schaffner 1:33:53, Donna Sanders 1:34:17. 55-59 – Carol Miranda 1:38:11, Maria Humphrey 1:41:52, Nancy Quesenberry 2:07:03. 60-64 – Cecil Astrop 1:21:16, Rose Crist 1:24:37, Helen Worthington 1:38:54. Gloucester 8K Gloucester, VA – 2/18 Male, Overall – Ryan Carroll 25:40, Adam Otstot 25:50, Tanner Baker 29:15. 14-under – Joshua Ipock 34:19, Ethan Baker 37:30, Ty Baker 39:12. 15-19 – Andrew Wible 33:15, Jordan Powell 45:35, Nathaniel Lindemann 53:28. 25-29 – Kent Brown 36:24. 30-34 – Charlie Live 29:29, Ryan Doupe 31:21, Andrew Chiu 41:44. 35-39 – David Forster 34:32, Scott Baker 35:59, David Craft 47:32. 4044 – Christopher Laws 35:04, Winston Trice 38:46, Brett Major 41:46. 45-49 – Aaron Candella 34:06, Danny Weatherly 41:45, Jason Robins 47:55. 50-54 – John Stefanic 39:06, William Palagyi 43:20, Joe Dougherty 44:51. 55-59 – Robert Whitaker 31:42, Bill Russell 41:33, David Milby 43:28. 60-64 – Jim Thornton 34:13, Randy Drake 37:32, James Gullo 40:41. 65-69 – Dale Abrahamson 36:16, Jimmy Blount 47:47, Andrew Medvec 49:34. 70-over – Larry Arata 43:48, Randy Hawthorne 49:00, Ed Sharp 49:26. Female, Overall – Karla Havens 37:42, Susan Hagel 38:40, Margaret Watkins 39:20. 14-under – Taylor Wood 45:59, Marlo Jenkins 48:03, Liv Schulz 57:24. 15-19 – Brianna Miller 44:44, Anna Owens 55:47. 20-24 – Jessica Fox 57:21, Taylor Brown 1:00:32. 25-29 – Julia Dawson 39:55, Erin Jenkins 43:36, Amy Hall 44:42. 30-34 – Jennifer Vess-Morgan 40:34, Gloria Williams 46:36, Tara Lord 49:56. 35-39 – Mary Hall 44:54, Amanda Collier 46:52, Melissa Alverson 49:19. 40-44 – Belen Cicala 47:26, Angel Bauman 48:04, Melanie Hummel 48:32. 45-49 – Trish Wood 40:09, Christina Johnson 47:28, Anna Harwood 50:18. 50-54 – Christine Schaffner 43:17, Lydia Quiles 47:38, Kim Robins 48:24. 55-59 – Anna Drake 45:31, Joanne Webb-Fary 51:00, Cynthia Wyatt 51:06. 60-64 – Rose Crist 40:50, Shirley Stephens 48:58, Susan Jenkins 50:21. 65-69 – Barbara Biasi 47:15, Patricia Travis 47:44, Dottie Humphreys 51:55. 70-over – Judy Hanna 1:04:36. – Bruce Davis


Running Journal • April, 2017

Grand Prix 39 Standings

Below are the standings following the first five races of the season, the Midnight Flight 10K, Magic City Half Marathon, Rocket City Marathon, Winter Flight 8K and Myrtle Beach Half Marathon. All half marathon races count for 25 bonus points and double points are awarded at the Rocket City Marathon. Point totals can also be found at: www.running.net. Male: Overall Orinthal Striggles (SC)410 Zack Jordan (GA) 200 Michael Holland (NC)180 Joshua Rayman (FL) 160 Matt Jenkins (TN) 150 Andrew Hodges (AL) 140 Keil Anderson (GA) 130 Raymond McCormack (FL)125 Daniel Matena (NC) 125 Jonathan Corso (GA) 120 Richard Kimani (AL) 115 Mike Mitchell (NC) 115 Mathew Dunn (AL) 110 Adam Lazrus (MD) 110 Wade Miller (MD) 110 Jerome Wilroy (AL) 105 Sean Periera (NC) 105 Ricky Flynn (SC) 100 Connor Wann (AL) 100 Joseph Crook (VA) 100 Ryan Jenk (NC) 100 David Brinkley (NC) 100 Gatlin Holland (AL) 95 Avery Mitchell (SC) 95 Brett Morley (SC) 90 Michael Brown (AL) 90 Mark Fleming (AL) 90 Graham Mitchell (SC)90 Nils Reckemeier (SC) 85 Avery Ainsworth (AL)85 Drew Lake (NC) 85 Shan Guo (NC) 85 Alex Supertramp (AL)80 George Dewitt (AL) 80 Ian Buff (NC) 80 Brian Baum (NC) 80 Daniel Waldschmidt (SC)75 Samuel Miller (AL) 75 Sean McMahon (NC) 75 Brian Floyd (WV) 75 Eddie Posey (SC) 70 Drew Randolph (TN) 70 Michael Swepson (NC)70 Gavin Stuart (NC) 70 Matt Hammersmith (SC)65 John McCrackin (AL)65 Henry Brenner (FL) 65 Shann Vander Wall (SC)65 Fernando Gallardo (SC)60 Josh Baker (AL) 60 Shane Vetter (FL) 60 Joshua Readling (NC)60 Chris Sheftic (SC) 60 Edwin Hughes (SC) 55 Aaron Ainsworth (AL)55 Milton Matheny (NC) 55 David Payne (SC) 55 Joe Terbeek (SC) 50 David Johannesmeyer (AL)50 Peter Volgyesi (TN) 50 John Martin (NC) 50 Russell Moore (NC) 50 Max Desmars (SC) 45 Janek Wasserman (AL)45 Jordan Eison (GA) 45 Alex Wilson (NC) 45 Tim Stewart (SC) 45 JJ Taylor (SC) 40 Timothy English (AL)40 Michael Beeson (SC) 40 Craige Farmer (NC) 40 Tim Mahan (SC) 40 Kevin Mosteller (SC) 35 Jordan Yarbrough (AL)35 Bernhard Heimanns (SC)35 Paul Boyd (SC) 35 Whit Sibley (AL) 30 Joseph Greer (TN) 30 Stue Stepp (NC) 30 Jimmy Glover (SC) 30 Jonathan Wood (SC) 30 Charles Timms (SC 25 Brad Clay (AL) 25 Chance Brown (NC) 25

Male: Masters Orinthal Striggles (SC)525 Joshua Rayman (FL) 170 Jonathan Corso (GA) 140 Jordan Eison (GA) 130 Shan Guo (NC) 125 Brad Clay (AL) 110 Shane Vetter 110 Paul Boyd (SC) 110 Cary Morgan (AL) 95 Jerry Hung (NC) 95 Eddie Posey (SC) 85 Craige Farmer (NC) 85 Jeff Chalmers (GA) 80 Christopher Daubert (MD)80 Arthur DeChamplain (GA)80 Fernando Gallardo (SC)70 Bernhard Helmanns (SC)70 Eric Charette (AL) 65 Craiu Toeity (SC) 65 Mike Briggs (TN) 60 Kevin Mosteller (SC) 55 Bryan Heaton (AL) 55 Michael Baldwin (NC)55 Danny Shaffield (AL) 45 Brian Terwilliger (NC)45 Brandon Chambless (AL)40 Steve Ritchie (NC) 40 Duane Cargain (SC) 35 Christopher Luplow (SC)30 Kurt Hollinger (NC) 30 Male: Grandmasters George Dewitt (AL) 200 Michael Beeson (SC) 170 William Flaherty (TN)140 Tom Selden (AL) 125 Chris Sheftic (SC) 125 Ronald Childress (AL)110 Jeff Matlock (TN) 110 Tim Stewart (SC) 110 Edwin Hughes (SC) 100 Milton Matheny (NC) 100 Scott Padgitt (AL) 95 Rodolfo Sequeyro (NC)95 Byron Backer (SC) 85 Bobby Aswell (NC) 85 Mike Cooper (KY) 80 Todd White (AL) 80 Chip Akers (NC) 80 Wayne Doerksen (SC)70 Donny Lake (NC) 70 Stan Blanton (AL) 65 Gary Pleasant (TN) 65 Darren Ezzo (AL) 60 Rick Keizer (SC) 55 Noriyuki Hanashiro (AL) 55 Richard Ellis (NC) 55 John Hagan (MD) 55 Alan Christian (AL) 45 Steve Scott (VA) 45 David Johns (GA) 40 Tim Horvath (AL) 40 Brenneman Thompson (NC)40 Jim Poh (AL) 35 Karl Egnatoff (SC) 35 Jeff Segards (SC) 30 Gary Haywood (NC) 30 Male: Sr. Grandmasters Ted Rust (NC) 205 Wayne Heckler (AL) 200 Jeff Lee (AL) 170 Mike Wilmering (TN)140 James Shoaf (AL) 125 Jimmy Glover (NC) 125 John Howick (TN 110 Gerald Graf (SC) 110 Joseph White (SC) 100 Roger Koehler (VA) 100 Alan Hargrave (AL) 95 John Evans (NC) 95 Gregory Kiziah (NC 85 Terry McElheny (AL) 80 John Ferguson (AL) 80 Pete O'Boyle (SC) 80 James Pruitte (SC) 70 Finn Pinchus (VA) 70

www.running.net Lawrence Orton (GA)65 Bill Weimer (SC) 65 David Tosch (AL) 60 Booker Orsley (GA) 55 Mike Sloane (AL) 55 Victor Rosudo (NC) 55 Greg Kiziah (NC) 55 Ronald Shinn (AL) 45 Jeff Armstrong (TN) 45 Darrell Davis (SC) 40 Tony Alexander (AL) 40 Benjamin Zachart (NC)40 Kim Gallemore (NC) 35 William Davis (GA) 30 Wayne Eckert (NC) 30 Male: Veterans Ken Brewer (AL) 200 Ben Oni (AL) 170 George Southgate (GA)140 Tommy Eison (NC) 140 George Burchfield (AL)125 Larry Costello (NC) 125 Al Klimaitis (AL) 110 Ironmike Townsend (NC)110 Finn Hassing (NC) 100 JP Giles (LA) 95 Michael Kasha (SC) 85 Lawson Noyes (NC) 85 David Cravens (KY) 80 Richard Streckfus (SC)80 Yuji Kishimoto (SC) 70 Steve Austin (NC) 70 Michael Cawthorne (NC)65 Dan Shoaf (SC) 55 Jim Owens (NC) 55 John Johnson (SC) 55 John Niveris (FL) 45 Boby Myers (NC) 35 Wayne Doggett (NC) 30 Female: Overall Shawanna White (SC)485 Erica Speegle (AL) 325 Cat Heidrich (AL) 245 Kate Nicewicz (TN) 170 Evan Adams (TN) 160 Amy Doolittle (KY) 140 Toni Diegoli (MD) 130 Mary Aiken Barrow (NC)125 Angie Clark (TN) 120 Hilary Richards (SC) 115 Rachel Harley (AL) 110 Mary White (GA) 110 Elaine Lawrie (NC) 110 Whitley Waldrop (AL)105 Christine Kitzler (SC) 105 Danielle Bowen (SC) 105 Micah Morgan (AL) 100 Helen McKenzie (FL)100 Molly Nunn (NC) 100 Karin Gould (NC) 100 Lisa Sluiter (NC) 95 Victoria Hammersmith (SC)90 Libet Anderson (AL) 90 Meredith Smith (TN) 90 Betsy Armentrout (NC)90 Joyce Miller (SC) 85 McKenna Coughlin (AL)85 Carolyn Stewart (NC) 85 Lisa Tolley (SC) 85 Sunday Davis (SC) 80 Stephanie Ridgway (AL)80 Andrew Klint (TN) 80 Kelly Lowman (NC) 80 Holly Street (TN) 80 Ansley Rutland (SC) 75 Hannah Cutshall (AL)75 Hannah Mercer (NC) 75 Courtney Shearer (SC)75 Jennifer Pryor (SC) 70 Megan Wasserman (AL)70 Lauren Mitchell (AL) 70 Abby Adams (SC) 70 Kelly Lowman (NC) 70 Kaci Hamilton (AL) 65 Elizabeth Lyons (NC) 65 Sally Hart (NC) 65 Katie Crosson (SC) 60 Elizabeth Kivus (AL) 60 Julia Mateskon (AL) 60 Kim Deschka (NC) 60 Lisa Hecker (NC) 60 Heather Carew (SC) 55 Rebecca Hutchinson (AL)55 Sheri Nemeth (TN) 55 Malorie Berry (AR) 55 Krys Kittredge (SC) 50

Rebecca Thompson (AL)50 Krystal Cook (TN) 50 Kellie Koontz (NC) 50 Grace Ridley (NC) 50 Alexis Hartman (SC) 45 Julie Carroll (AL) 45 Amy Mercer (NC) 45 Kathryn Goody (NC) 45 Hope Rust (NC) 40 Jennifer Murray (AL) 40 Rachel Mesplay (KY) 40 Sarah Hallenbeck (NC)40 Julie Mitchell (SC) 35 Shannon Kirchmer (AL)35 Vanessa Vila (NC) 35 Christina Patton (GA) 35 Leigh Green (SC) 30 Kristin Beason (AL) 30 Lauren Howell (AL) 30 Denise Kaufman (FL) 30 Noelle Redding (NC) 30 Sarah Buckliew (SC) 30 Becky Dougherty (SC)30 Tammy Wright (SC) 25 Carolyn Green (NC) 25 Gail Audet (GA) 20 Anne Debardeleben (AL)20 Leighanne Green (NC)20 Female: Masters Helen McKenzie (FL)200 Kelly Lowman (NC) 180 Meredith Smith (TN) 170 Rachel Mesplay (KY) 140 Kristin Beason (AL) 125 Lisa Sluiter (NC) 125 Jennifer Bohnenkamp (AL)110 Kristi Phillips (TN) 110 Betsy Armentrout (NC)110 Jennifer Pryor (SC) 100 Carolyn Stewart (NC) 100 Debi Secor (AL) 95 Christine Kitzler (SC) 85 Evelyn Moore (AL) 80 Chia-Chi Kuo (AL) 80 Lisa Hecker (NC) 80 Leigh Green (SC) 70

Acquawon Stallworth (NC)70 Audrey Laird (AL) 65 Kathryn Goody (NC) 65 Tracy Watson (TN) 60 Tammy Wright (SC) 55 Maria Axrad (AL) 55 Victoria Curran (NC) 55 Sarah Hallenbeck (NC)55 Marianthe Grammas (AL)45 Christina Patton (GA) 45 Lynn Gregory (SC) 40 Teresa Fudge (GA) 40 Jennifer Williams (NC)40 Sheri Spencer (AL) 35 Holli Goforth (NC) 35 Amy Sanderson (SC) 30 Laurel Reisen (NC) 30 Female: Grandmasters Denise Kaufman (FL) 200 Renee Idone (FL) 170 Christine Kitzler (SC) 150 Katherine Edmonds (AL)140 Libet Anderson (AL) 125 Lisa Tolley (SC) 125 Rebecca Hutchinson (AL)110 Michele Wilson (AL) 110 Sarah Strunk (NC) 110 Christine Prado (SC) 100 Sheri Nemeth (TN) 100 Terri Sullivan (AL) 95 Julie Stoner (NC) 95 Shirley Smith (SC) 85 Amy Mercer (NC) 85 Jamie Thomas (AL) 80 Janet Jordan (GA) 80 Miriam Strong (GA) 70 Jill Bagby (AL) 65 Kathleen Russo (NC) 65 Suzanne Duvall (KY) 60 Virginia Suggs (SC) 55 Lisa Fuller (AL) 55 Laurie Ward (NC) 55 Darby Shinn (SC) 55 Charlotte Walker (AL)45 Michelle Canovai (NC)45 Pam Garrison (SC) 40

Ambra Pozzi (TN) 40 Karen Ritchie (NC) 40 Barbara Dunn (AL) 35 Stephanie Harvey (VA)35 Suzanne Burgess (NC)30 Elaine Sillivant (AL) 20 Susan Livengood (NC)20 Valerie Velte (NC) 10 Female: Sr. Grandmasters Cathy Henry (AL) 200 Erin McGuire (TN) 170 Shirley Sirois (TN) 140 Cindy Duke (AL) 125 Judy Phelps (SC) 125 Terry Hooks (AL) 110 Jane Serues (SC) 110 Elizabeth Kimberly (NC)100 Teri Smith (AL) 95 Siobhan Latchford (NC)95 Carla Pence (NC) 85 Gail Lee (AL) 80 Becky Summy (NC) 80 Pam Clark (NC) 70 Jill Cole (SC) 65 Lydia Jones (SC) 65 Kay Gwinn (AL) 55 Barbara Jensen (NC) 55 Jane Etheridge (TN) 55 Amy Watson (AL) 45 Robin Littlejohn (NC)45 Sandy Scott (NC) 40 Judy Garner (AL) 35 Dana Hester (NC) 35 Diana Dagenhart (NC)30 Female: Veterans Bonnie Partridge (MS)200 Betty Burrell (SC) 195 Joan Thompson (AL) 125 Claudia Crawford (SC)125 Brenda Cooter (TN) 100 Lee Wilson (NC) 95 Rosalie Tebbs (SC) 80 Shirley Brown (SC) 65 Linda Dittrich (SC) 55 Laverne Kapcznski (GA)45


Running Journal • April, 2017


Meraz, Miller Take Wins at 20th Anniversary Myrtle Beach Marathon

Abbie Best & William Best finish the half marathon. Photo by Robyn Piggott, My EP Events Photography

MYRTLE BEACH, SC - On a cool and windy morning,more than 4,000 runners lined up for the 20th anniversary running of the Myrtle Beach Marathon, Half Marathon,and Marathon Relay, held on March 4. The half marathon was part of the Running Journal Grand Prix. The weekend of races also included a 5K on Friday evening. Pedro Meraz, 38, of Wesley Chapel, FL, led more than 1,500 runners in the marathon with a time of 2:45:30. It was the first marathon win for Meraz. Second place went to Dustin Sneed of Chapel Hill, NC, in 2:47:26, followed by Anton Bodourov of Columbia, SC, in third with 2:48:14. Erin Miller, 40, of Columbia, SC, dominated the women's race in 2:58:33, also claiming her first marathon victory. Katie Ringley of Shelby, NC, was second (3:06:03) and Rachel Radnitzer of New York, NY, third (3:08:02). The male masters were led by Jeff Mescal of Hebron, IN, in 2:55:06. Second place went to Matthew Dore of Buffalo, NY, in 2:59:19 with Jim McKeon of Mooresville, NY, third, running 3:00:41. Christine Rockey of Conway, SC, won the female masters race in 3:09:10. Kari Mayhew of Morrisville, NC, was second (3:15:02) and Lucy Nottingham of Cary, NC, third (3:20:57). The marathon relay was won by a team comprised of Lori Harkey, Chris Conser, Jared Porter, Chris Harkey, and Adam Allman. They combined for a time of 2:59:32 to lead more than 100 relay teams. In the half marathon, Daniel Matena, 33, of Charlotte, NC, led a field of more than 2,500 runners with a winning time of 1:11:10. Mike Mitchell of Mint Hill, NC, was second in 1:11:55 and Wade Miller of Hagerstown, MD, third in 1:17:28. The women were led by Mary Aiken Barrow, 33, of Raleigh, NC, running 1:21:48. Hilary Richards of Greenville, SC, was second (1:26:13) and Elaine Lawrie of Raleigh, NC, third (1:26:27). In the male masters race, Shan Guo of Cary, NC, led the way in 1:18:59. Chris Sheftic of Surfside, SC, took second in 1:22:35, with Daryl St Clair, third in 1:23:48. Lisa Sluiter of Waxhaw, NC, was the female masters winner in 1:29:32. Second place went to Betsy Armentrout of Winston-Salem, NC, running 1:29:36. Lisa Tolley of Seneca, SC, finished third in 1:29:40. Matt Shock, 35, of Greenville, SC, led the field in the 5K in 15:49. Matt Bright of Kingwood, WV, was second in 16:24, with Brinson Milhorn of Gray, TN, following just one second back for third. Letitia Saayman, 24 of Lillington, NC, was the female 5K winner, running 16:50. Michelle Ziegler of Greenville, SC, took second in 18:14 and Becky Dougherty of Mt. Pleasant, SC, was third with 20:01. Full results of all races can be found at: http://racesonline.com/events/myrtlebeach-marathon/results/... Male, Marathon: Overall Pedro Meraz 2:45:30, Dustin Sneed 2:47:26, Anton Bodourov 2:48:14. Masters Jeff Mescal 2:55:06, Matthew Dore 2:59:19, Jim McKeon 3:00:41. 19-under Nathan Teeters 3:38:41, Josh Quesenberry 3:45:11, Tyler Champion 3:59:30. 20-24 Joshua Hester 2:49:27, Davis Kelly 2:51:36, Shawn Laursen 3:04:33. 25-29 Jason Piasecki 2:51:51, Chase Eckard 2:58:06, Peter Ray 3:00:34. 30-34 Caleb Critcher 2:50:06, Joshua Caffey 2:53:08, Michael Roseberry 2:53:48. 35-39 Spencer Johnson 2:50:28, Mark Wooten 2:56:31, Jeff Baker 3:21:54. 40-44 David Stevenson 3:01:41, Tarik Brahmi 3:04:27, John Maiden 3:06:10. 45-49 Brian Kistner 3:02:04, Craig Leach 3:13:23, Chris Basham 3:15:21. 50-54 Frederic Villoutreix 3:16:07, Adam Derechin 3:17:05, Glenn Webb 3:17:19. 55-59 Jeff Merron 3:21:01, John Pavlicek 3:28:15, Peter Erwig 3:28:31. 60-64 Pat Hester 3:19:18, Doug Davidson 3:31:22, Preston Evans 3:36:22. 65-69 Gene Dykes 3:19:39, Tom Visotsky 3:54:40, Joe Schlereth 3:56:05. 70-74 Elbert Howard 4:26:40, Joe Sinclair 5:26:29, James Moore 5:41:50 75-over James Laatsch 6:41:41.

Female, Marathon: Overall Erin Miller 2:58:33, Katie Ringley 3:06:03, Rachel Radnitzer 3:08:02. Masters Christine Rockey 3:09:10, Kari Mayhew 3:15:02, Lucy Nottingham 3:20:57. 19-under Isabella Murray 3:31:09, Janneke Morin 3:53:09, Carly Volkmer 4:06:55. 2024 Aly Chura 3:16:13, Wren Ballou 3:22:11, Lindsey Cope 3:41:36. 25-29 Tricity Andrew 3:11:10, Lia Weiner 3:20:19, Rachel Keeter 3:26:50. 30-34 Rhea Deroian 3:08:47, Sarah Getty 3:13:25, Laura Dudley 3:23:14. 35-39 Elizabeth Clor 3:21:54, Bronwen O'Shea 3:27:20, Kristin Hunt 3:01:41. 40-44 Maureen Thomas 3:23:09, Allison Norris 3:29:42, Sonya Kiziah 3:30:23. 45-49 Mary Bruce 3:22:53, Geri Keller 3:28:32, Stacey Sewell 3:30:23. 50-54 Dawn McCarthy 3:26:36, Gert Augus 3:26:54, Shannon Kohler 3:39:43. 5559 Nancy Stedman 3:37:29, Gwen Jacobson 3:44:41, Janet McAdorey 3:52:29. 60-64 Janie Dunn 4:11:47, Kathleen Difrancesco 4:22:19, Kelly Roberts 4:30:25. 65-69 Ann Carroll 4:38:17, Kathy Farmer 5:14:29, Sue Espinosa 5:19:24. 70-74 Sally Squier 5:24:35, Irene Russell 6:47:57. 70-over Anne Park 5:22:57. Male, Half Marathon: Overall Daniel Matena 1:11:10, Mike Mitchell 1:11:55, Wade Miller 1:17:28. Masters Shan Guo 1:18:59, Chris Sheftic 1:22:35, Daryl St Clair 1:23:48. 14-under Micah Winn 1:29:10, Avery Morris 1:35:11, Caden Livingston 1:38:22. 1519 Yates Goodson 1:26:56, Jackson Winn 1:30:05, Matthew Burgess 1:30:42. 20-24 Avery Mitchell 1:18:07, Griffin Clarke 1:28:23, Jake Nikkila 1:29:16. 25-29 Graham Mitchell 1:18:18, Brian Floyd 1:20:23, Gavin Stuart 1:21:30. 30-34 Sean Pereira 1:17:40, David Brinkley 1:17:46, Bradley Reach 1:18:16. 35-39 Russell Moore 1:24:05, Tim Mahan 1:4:43, Raymond Gephart 1:25:21. 40-44 Paul Boyd 1:25:09, Jerry Hung 1:27:34, Craiu Tocitu 1:29:25. 45-49 Lon Williams 1:28:05, Arthur DeChamplain 1:28:45, Chad Lewis 1:30:03. 50-54 Gary Pleasant 1:29:45, Karl Egnatoff 1:33:43, Scott Ferguson 1:35:40. 55-59 Tim Stewart 1:24:13, Rodolfo 1:29:09, Chip Akers 1:29:36. 60-64 Jimmy Glover 1:25:20, Gerald Graf 1:28:31, John Evans 1:32:38. 65-69 Andrew Garner 1:45:39, Ted Baxter 1:48:10, Steven Stanfield 1:49:08. 70-74 Tony Swebiius 1:53:43, Larry Costello 1:57:44, Vince Stewart 2:02:58. 75-over David Hardwick 2:18:49, Andrew Collins 2:34:06, Eberhard Qill 2:38:03. Female, Half Marathon: Overall Mary Aiken Barrow 1:21:48, Hilary Richards 1:26:13, Elaine Lawrie 1:26:27. Masters Lisa Sluiter 1:29:32, Betsy Armentrout 1:29:36, Lisa Tolley 1:29:40. 14-under Hayley Blanton 2:02:43, Bethany Dales 2:02:45, Anna Bevis 2:08:58. 15-19 Sally Hart 1:33:05, Makenie Goodson 1:37:51, Valerie Barrett 1:40:31. 20-24 Courtney Shearer 1:32:20, Megann Gydosh 1:40:45, Jamie Garcia 1:41:54. 25-29 Danielle Bowen 1:28:20, Kristen Kugler 1:32:16, Casey Neill 1:36:37. 30-34 Malorie Berry 1:33:32, Sarah Buckliew 1:35:03, Katie Dishinger 1:36:11.35-39 Karin Gould 1:28:47, Holly Street 1:29:59, Grace Ridley 1:33:38. 40-44 Kelly Lowman 1:32:50, Lisa Hecker 1:33:18, Sarah Hallenbeck 1:34:06. 45-49 Kathryn Goody 1:33:51, Donna Trites 1:38:58, Amy Cronin 1:39:27. 50-54 Sarah Strunk 1:38:06, Julie Stoner 1:41:25, Christine Kitzler 1:42:53. 55-59 Kathleen Russo 1:44:40, Marcia Erwin 1:52:12, Susan Thacker 1:54:07. 60-64 Becky Morgan 1:50:28, Siobhan Latchford 1:54:43, Becky Summey 1:56:23. 65-69 Judy Phelps 1:49:12, Jane Serues 1:54:13, Terri Bolster 2:04:16. 70-74 Claudia Crawford 2:15:11, Betty Burrell 2:36:44, Rosalie Tebbs 2:58:53.75-over Lee Wilson 2:49:28, Shirley Brown 3:15:11.

Runners run down Ocean Boulevard at Myrtle Beach Photo by Robyn Piggott, My EP Events Photography


Running Journal • April, 2017


“We Run The South” Running Journal Race Calendar Race Directors: Submit your information anytime on our website - www.running.net or see form on page 28. Runners: Please verify information before traveling to a race. Abbreviations: RD = race day, RW = racewalk, FR = fun run, P/M = postmarked, W/C = wheelchair.

ALABAMA April 1, Birmingham - BTC Statue to Statue 15K. Info: statue2statue@birminghamtrackclub.com. April 1, Prattville - Centerpoint Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am. Info: info@centerpointhalf.com. April 1, Robertsville - Leprechaun Chase 10K, 5K & 2 Mile Run; 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. April 1, Tuscaloosa - Doctors’ Day 10K & 1 Mile Fun Run. Info: brookerbarton@gmail.com. April 2, Huntsville - Super Heroes 5K, 2pm. Info: scoggins@nationalcac.org. April 4, Huntsville - Double Helix 5K, 5:30pm. Info: Alex and Amanda Clark (256)603-5284, aclark1983@gmail.com. April 8, Anniston - The Donoho School 5K Color Run, 8am. Info: laurawesson1975@gmail.com. April 8, Birmingham - 5K Race To Solve The Puzzle, 7:30am; Walk for Autism, 9:30am. Info: Lauren Reid (205)951-1364 (x2), lauren@autism-alabama.org. April 8, Birmingham - eCO CU Foundation Charity Trail Run 10K & 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: npearman@ecocu.org. April 8, Cullman - 5K Race To Solve The Puzzle, 8am; Walk for Autism, 9:30am. Info: Lauren Reid (205)951-1364 (x2), lauren@autism-alabama.org. April 8, Demopolis - Rooster Day Cock’s Crow 5K, 8am. Info: Lisa Compton (251)510-0582, lhcompton@hotmail.com. April 8, Guntersville - Laranda Nichols Run for Hope 5K, 8am. Info: executivedirector@dvcsal.org. April 8, Hoover - High Country 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Dale Stringfellow (205)822-1750, recreation@shadescrest.org., April 8, Mobile - 8K by the Bay, 8K & 2 Mile; 8am. Info: Richard Leonard PCP (251)473-RACE, rkckleonard@bellsouth.net. April 8, Mobile - Thin Mint Sprint 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. April 8, Mobile - Get Your Rear In Gear 5K Run, 8am. Info: Bill Carroll (251)377-5406, bill.carroll@infirmaryhealth.org. April 8, Pelham - Tranquility Trail Run, 6 mi. & 3 mi.; 8am. Info: david@davidtosch.com. April 8, Tuscaloosa - Crimson Couch to 5K/10K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids Dash, 8:30am. Info: wellness@ua.edu. April 8, Valley - Beulah Bobcat Run, 10.16K 8am; 5K 10am; 1 Mile 11am; CST for all events. Info: rkeel@mindspring.com. April 9, Huntsville - Bridge Street Town Centre Half Marathon, 7am. Info: suzanne@fleetfeethuntsville.com. April 15, Birmingham - Mutt Strut 5K, 9am. Info: paige@handinpaw.org.

April 15, Gulf Shores (Tacky Jacks) Zydeco Crawfish Festival, 5K Run & Competitive Walk, 8am; Part of the Coast Summer Series Race #1; Custom Age-Group Awards; Zydeco Bands - All Day Festival; Free Beer & Refreshments; Art & Crafts Booths. Info: info@harleysports.com, www.harleysports.com April 15, Hampton Cove - Cookie Dash 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: cookiedash5K@gmail.com. April 15, Pelham - Superhero 5K, 8am. Info: Bryan Kitchens (205)986-4203, bryan.kitchens@htlenders.com. April 21, Springville - Night Light Up 5K @ Utopia, 7pm. Info: Robbie Strain (205)942-2090. April 22, Birmingham - Steeple to Steeple Run, 10K Run & 5K Run/Walk 8am; Fun Run 9am. Info: rebecca.morris@umch.net. April 22, Birmingham - St. Elias Cedar Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile Cedar Shake FR, 9am. Info: cedarrun5k@gmail.com.

April 22, Gadsden - Physicians Who Care 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk; 9am; $25 by 4/17. Info: Physicians Who Care, One Commerce Square, Gadsden, AL 35901; Lisa Dobbins (256)547-3124, lisa@physicianswho.care, www.physicianswho.care; Register online: https://runsignup.com/Races?s=&name= physicians+who+care April 22, Geneva - Festival On The Rivers 5K, 8am. Info: Greater Geneva Area Chamber of Commerce (334)684-6582, Rhonda (334)360-5096, rjkstone67@gmail.com. April 22, Huntsville - Say No To Obesity Run/Walk 4K, 8am. Info: saynotoobesityrun@gmail.com. April 22, Huntsville - JDRF One Walk to Cure Diabetes 5K, 9am. Info: Jenni Jeffers (256)794-1970, jjeffers@jdrf.org. April 22, Saraland - Spartan Pride 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net.

April 29, Birmingham - Restoration Run, 15K & 5K Trail Run, 15K 8am; 5K 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Lisa Bright (205)8629086, brightcreation@aol.com. April 29, Birmingham - Girls On The Run Birmingham 5K, 8:30am. Info: info@girlsontherunbham.org. April 29, Muscle Shoals - Swampers 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Josh Aycock (256)320-7490, runnerdude413@aol.com. April 30, Mobile - Be Fit 5K Run/Walk, 3pm. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 6, Decatur - Steeple Chase 8K, 7am. Info: dcoon@mdmechanical.com. May 6, Mobile - Lions Club Tunnel Vision 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 6, Theodore - Animal Rescue Run 5K & Wiggle Waggle FR, 8am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. May 6, Valley - Albert Thornton Memorial Run for Valley Haven School, 5K, 8:25am; 1 Mile, 8:30am; 10.5K 9:15am. Info: Valley Haven School (334)756-2868, valleyhaven@vhsarc.org. May 13, Homewood - Motherwalk/Run 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: info@championship-racing.com. May 13, Huntsville - The David McKannan Memorial 5K Run, 7am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Daniel Carter (256)469-3122, hsvracedirector@gmail.com. May 13, Mobile - Do It In The Bush 5K, 7:30am. Info: Port City Pacers (251)473-7223. May 20, Mobile - 5K Memorial Run for Alabama’s Fallen Heroes, 7am. Info: (205)672-2887, rnivens2887@charter.net. May 21, Pelham - XTERRA Oak Mountain Trail Run, 5K/10K/ 20K; 9am. Info: Emily Mcllvaine (877)751-8880, trailrun@xterraplanet.com. May 27, Pelham - Memorial Day Trail Race, 6 & 12 Mile; 8am. Info: david@davidtosch.com. May 28, Orange Beach - Paradise Island 5K Run & Competitive Walk, 7:30am. Info: info@harleysports.com.

May 29, Huntsville - Mercedes-Benz Cotton Row Run, 10K 7am; 9am 5K; 1 Mile FR 10am; Running Journal Grand Prix Event; $15/10K & 5K, $10/1 mi. by 3/31; $20/10K & 5K, $10/1 mi. 4/1-31. Info: Dink & Suzanne Taylor (256)650-7063 (before 7pm), suzanne@fleetfeethuntsville.com, www.cottonrowrun.com. See Ad page 32. June 3, Decatur - Mountain Mania 15K & 5K, 7am. Info: sbrown@harriscaddell.com. June 3, Huntsville - Eurocross 5K & 8K Races, 8am. Info: Sean Allen (256)474-5263, eurocrosshtc@gmail.com. June 10, Huntsville - Alabama A&M 5K Cross Country Race, 7:30am. Info: James Falcon (256)656-7199, jmfalcon@aol.com. June 10, Priceville - PCRA 5K & 1 Mile, 7am. Info: dspch210@bellsouth.net. June 24, Decatur - Rotary Club Spirit of America 5 Miler, 7am. Info: jklca5@att.net.

ARKANSAS April 1, Alma - Jack’s Dino 5K, 8:30am. Info: (479)629-0579, agchesshir@gmail.com. April 1, Arkadelphia - CASA Superhero 5K, 8am. Info: (870)4647415, hdnicole@yahoo.com. April 1, Bentonville - Bentonville Half Marathon, 7am. Info: (479)271-3395, lmoore@bentonvillear.com. April 1, El Dorado - Union County Race for the Call 5K, 9am. Info: (870)814-7970, brianandmonica2@suddenlink.net. April 1, Fayetteville - Down and Dirty 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)616-3299, downanddirty5k@gmail.com. April 1, Fort Smith - Super Heroes for Autism 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)459-0645, mlshellyd@gmail.com. April 1, Fort Smith - UAFS Sigma Nu Breakaway 5K, 9am. Info: (479)653-0421, nualpha5k@gmail.com. April 1, Litttle Rock - Capital City Classic 10K, 8am. Info: (501)231-3730, bjtorrey@ssbcglobal.net. April 1, Mountain View - Mission Run in the Ozarks Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: (870)213-7171, christy@ozarkortho.com. April 1, Oark - Yale to Oark 10K & 2 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (479)2923353, tsouth@jasper.k12.ar.us. April 1, Searcy - Light Up the Street Glo Run 5K, 7:30pm. Info: allison@camferdam.com. April 1, Stephens - Stephens RoadRunner 5K, 9am. Info: (870)947-0084, sdsuffron@yahoo.com. April 8, Batesville - Tartan Trail 5K/10K, 8am. Info: (478)2006465, darrell.shaw@lyon.edu. April 8, Conway - Heroes for Hope 10K, 5K & 1K; 8am. Info: (501)358-4764, development@hopeandjustice.org. April 8, Hampton - Hogskin County Festival 5K, 8am. Info: (870)798-2207, dkitchens@mygenerations.bank.

April 8, Hot Springs - I Love LK 5K, 9am. Info: (870)833-2332, k.mcallister777@gmail.com. April 8, Little Rock - Downtown Dash 5K 10K, & 1K, 8am. Info: (501)375-5557, jessie.smith4415@yahoo.com. April 8, Morrilton - Hoof It For Heifer 20K, 8am. Info: (501)7301504, racedirector@heifertrailrun.com.

April 8, Springdale - Hogeye Marathon & Relays, Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:05am; $80/Marathon, $60/Half Marathon, $160/4Person Relay; $25/5K by 4/6. Info: Tabby Holmes, POB 8012, Fayetteville, AR 72703; rd@hogeyemarathon.com, http:// www.hogeyemarathon.com April 8, Van Buren - Run For A Vet 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (479)806-0444, dogboy0487@yahoo.com. April 15, Alexander - Avilla Christian Academy Easter 5K, 8am. Info: (501)920-7210, chadpekron@hotmail.com. April 15, Bentonville - Jackrabbit 5K, 8am. Info: (479)685-6193, jackrabbit@flagstonecoc.org. April 15, Cotter - Cotter Warrior Foundation 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: (870)435-6363, swilhite@cotterschools.net. April 15, Fayetteville - Soar With the Owls 5K, 1K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: (479)650-9053, hannah.petty@fayar.net. April 15, Greenbrier - Moustache Dash 5K, 9am. Info: (501)6796362, greenbriergetsfit@gmail.com. April 15, Heber Springs - Concord 5K, 5pm. Info: (870)6686079, kdc@wildblue.net. April 15, Hope - Presidential 5K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: (870)7774455, wicl_visitor_center@nps.gov. April 21, Conway - Kids Run Arkansas 1 Mile & 3 Mile; 6pm. Info: (501)450-9292, mlefler@conwayregional.org. April 21, Rogers - Cherishing Children 5K Glow Run, 1 Mile Fun Walk & 400yd. dash; 5pm. Info: Jolana (479)621-0385, jolana@cacbentonco.com. April 22, Beebe - Painted Path 5K, 9am. Info: (501)230-1035, lcrichardson777@yahoo.com. April 22, DeQueen - Fly High 5K, 8am. Info: (870)584-6014, spinkerton@dequeenleopards.org. April 22, Fayetteville - Root Rocket 5K, 8am. Info: (479)2003844, elmccamey@yahoo.com. April 22, Fordyce - Fordyce on the Cotton Belt 5K, 8am. Info: (870)313-1172, ssmithfbt@hotmail.com. April 22, Jacksonville - BV Memorial 5K + 1, 8am. Info: (501)8377055, bvmemorial141@gmail.com. April 22, Little Rock - Omega Prostate/Colon Cancer Awareness 5K, 8am. Info: (501)240-9138, info@omegas4pca.org. April 22, Little Rock - Rocket 5K, 8am. Info: (501)664-4625, dberry@lrchs.org. April 22, Malvern - Magnet Cove Panther Pride 5K, 8am. Info: (501)332-5881, careyhignight@gmail.com. April 22, Malvern - Beaver Fever 5K & 1 Mile, 9am. Info: (501)844-6979, mchaney@grbeavers.org. April 22, Russellville - RussVegas Half Marathon, Relay, 5K & 1 Miile; 7:30am. Info: (479)970-4394, chris@russvegashalf.com. April 22, Vilonia - Fly Like an Eagle 5K, 8am. Info: (501)7439431, john.allison@viloniaschools.org. April 28, Bentonville - Gold Rush 5K, 6pm. Info: (479)321-2478, foundationpbs@bentonvillek12.org. April 29, Cabot - Junior Auxiliary Run for the Berries Bubbles 5K Run/Walk, 7am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: (501)743-5038, charitygrieco@yahoo.com. April 29, Clarksville - Color the Eagles 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)979-1411, jprovence@ozarks.edu. April 29, Conway - Mary Jane Moix Memorial 5K, 8am. Info: (501)327-2255, michael@moixrv.com. April 29, El Dorado - BSA 5K, 8am. Info: (870)866-7855, dondthird@aol.com. April 29, Fayetteville - Iron Pig Festival, 5K & FR, 8:45am. Info: Bruce Dunn (479)521-7766, bruce@allsportsproductionsinc.com. April 29, Glenwood - Caddo RiverFest 5K, 8am. Info: (870)3562912, treva.risner@goknights.us. April 29, Little Rock - Panther Prowl 5K, 8am. Info: (501)2474996, wicklst@yahoo.com. April 29, Little Rock - Arkansas 10 Mile Classic, 5pm. Info: Susan Ford (870)540-7616, susan.ford@cps.k12.ar.us. April 29, Pine Bluff - This One’s For the Kids 5K, 9am. Info: (870)692-1964, angelasthomas@yahoo.com. April 29, Van Buren - Life’s An Uphill Run 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)474-9401, cfaldon@cox.net. April 30, Russellville - Faith 5K, 3pm. Info: (479)967-8031, crambo@russellvilleccs.com. May 5, Little Rock - MacArthur Park 5K, 7pm. Info: (501)3750121, downtownpartnership@downtownlr.com. May 5, Little Rock - Christ the King Rexfest 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (501)351-4555, trfranzetti@gmail.com. May 6, Bentonville - HRF Battle For Hope 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: (479)361-5847, anna.rohweder@hopecancerresources.org. May 6, Fort Smith - Lei Lei’s 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)4148892, runforlei@yahoo.com. May 6, Fayetteville - Saint Joseph’s Catholic School 5K & 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: (479)806-3381, anov1@cox.net. May 6, Harrisburg - May Shower Trail 5K, 9am. Info: Seth Boone (870)578-2064, seth.boone@arkansas.gov. May 6, Little Rock - Christ the King Rexfest 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (501)351-4555, trfranzetti@gmail.com. May 6, Little Rock - Walk For the Waiting 5K & 1 Mile, 7:45am. Info: (501)951-0686, kandace@walkforthewaiting.org. May 6, Little Rock - KidSource Kids 5K, 8am. Info: (501)2315418, ebrakebill@kidsourcetherapy.com. May 6, Mena - Foundation Frenzy Color 5K, 8am. Info: (479)2432378, sonyam@menaregional.com. May 6, Mountain Home - Nurses Week Color 5K, 8am. Info: (870)508-1765, jbodenhamer@baxterregional.org. May 6, Nashville - Peach Festival 5K, 1 Mile; 8am. Info:

(870)557-0747, jodirking77@yahoo.com. May 6, Pine Bluff - A-State Steelers Youth Football 5K, 9am. Info: (870)883-0901, astatesteelers@yahoo.com. May 6, Stuttgart - Rice Run 5K, 9am. Info: (870)830-6300, rachel_hillman@hotmail.com. May 12, Russellville - Light the Night Glow 5K, 8pm. Info: (479)880-1195, casa5cw@suddenlinkmail.com. May 13, Conway - Women Can Run/Walk 5K, 8am. Info: (501)908-5096, wraracedirector@gmail.com. May 13, Little Rock - Peace Love Goodwill Half Marathon, 7am; 10K, 7:30am; 5K 8am. Info: Maricel Johns (501)372-5100, marketing@goodwillar.org. May 13, Little Rock - Butterfly Swamp 5K, 9am. Info: (501)7661315, karpmo2015@gmail.com. May 13, Little Rock - Race to Remember 5K, 4pm. Info: (501)529-8505, mppracetoremember@gmail.com. May 13, Rogers - Hydration Celebration, 5K, 1/2 & 1 Mile Youth Run, 50yd. Toddler Trot; 7am. Info: Becky (479)986-9960, becky@kendrickfincher.org. May 19, Hot Springs - Five Beer Five K, 6pm. Info: (501)4637190, rob.pratt@hscraftbeerfest.com.

May 20, Hot Springs - 22nd Annual Norma Lampert Memorial Lupus Springers 5K Race & Walk to End Lupus, 8am (Mid-America Park); $25 by 5/18, after 5/18 $30. Info: Jamesetta Smith, 220 Mockingbird, Hot Springs, AR 71913; (501)525-9380, lupusarkhs@direclynx.net, www.lupusarkansas.com May 20, Magnolia - Magnolia Blossom Festival 5K, 7:30am. Info: (870)949-9035, paulg3416@gmail.com. May 20, Morrilton - Go Gray in May 5K, 8am. Info: (501)9776535, juliesession58@gmail.com. May 20, Norfork - Running For A Reason 5K, 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: (870)656-9973, jwoods@baxterregional.org. May 20, North Little Rock - Race Against the Odds 5K, 8:30am. Info: (501)442-1564, agwheat@yahoo.com. May 20, Prairie Grove - Speedy Skunk 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: (479)846-4181, kbostian@pgtc.com. May 27, Russellville - River Valley Superhero 5K, 8am. Info: (479)243-6427, rivervalleysuperhero5k@gmail.com. June 3, Gassville - Gassville in the Park Festival, 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk; 7:30am. Info: gassvilleinthepark@gmail.com. June 3, Little Rock - Take a Run at Hunger 5K, 8am. Info: (501)626-9388, cristin.crawford@pfgc.com. June 3, Paragould - Black River Technical College 5K, 8am. Info: (870)239-0969, elizabeth.collins@blackrivertech.edu. June 9, Hot Springs Village - Tri the Village 5K Run, 7:30pm. Info: (870)246-6686, dltevents@yahoo.com. June 10, Benton - Arkansas Runner 2 Mile, 7:30am. Info: (501)246-0716, ar2m@salinecountystriders.com. June 10, Fort Smith - Honor and Duty 5K, 7:30am. Info: Kim Wohlford (479)461-2060, kim@thenextstepfs.org, www.thenextstepfs.org. June 10, Fort Smith - 5K Foster Kid Run, 9am. Info: (479)6462819, boysshelterdirector@gmail.com. June 10, Russellville - For the Love of Music, RUN! ACME 5K/ 10K Walk/Run, 8am. Info: Katie Rose (479)747-3313, katierose520@gmail.com. June 10, Warren - Bradley County Pink Tomato 5K, 7:30am. Info: (870)226-5225, office@bradleychamber.com. June 16, Bentonville - Memorial Park Glow 2 Mile, 8:45am. Info: (479)601-7493, dterry@bentonvillear.com. June 17, Fayetteville - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. June 17, Springdale - Western Days 5K, 8am. Info: (870)2232980, jcrommett@sdale.org.

FLORIDA April 1, Brooksville - Croom Fools Run, 50 Mile, 6am; 50K & 16 Mile, 7am. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. April 1, Fort Lauderdale - Junior League of Greater Fort Lauderdale’s Riverwalk Run, 5K, 5 Mile & Fun Run; 8am. Info: Junior League of Greater Fort Lauderdale (954)462-1350, riverwalkrun@juniorleagueftl.org. April 1, Gainesville - Equal Access Clinic Network 5K Glow Run, 7pm. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 1, Jacksonville - Mt. Acosta Classic Endurance Race, Run/ Bike as many loops as possible; 4:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. April 1, Kissimmee - RunWalkSplash4Dreams, 5K Run/Walk 8:30am. Info: (800)457-1976, (863)424-4188, florida@sunshinefoundation.org. April 1, Lecanto - Schoolhouse Hustle 10K, 8am; 5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:30am. Info: DRC Sports (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. April 1, Longwood - Patriot Pride 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 1, Melbourne - Fun ‘N The Sun 5K, 8am. Info: Joel Lusz (321)242-2585, joellusz@me.com.

April 1, Navarre - Michele Hill Raider Run, 10K & 5K; 7:30am. Info: Joe Hill (850)5822946, mhillraiderrun@bellsouth.net, www.active.com/navarre-fl/running/ distance-running-races/michele-hill-raiderrun-2017 April 1, Orlando - CFNL Wounded Warfighter, Lone Sailor 5 & 10K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net.

www.running.net April 1, Ormond Beach - RayZ Awareness 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Donna Hiatt (386)2551279, donnadorun@cfl.rr.com. April 1, Palm Bay - Odyssey Charter School 5K, 6pm. Info: megrego25@gmail.com. April 1, Sarasota/Lakewood Ranch - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. April 1, Siesta Key Beach, Sarasota - Run for the Turtles 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 7:30am. Info: Samantha Byrd (941)388-4441 (x426), sbyrd@mote.org. April 1, Tallahassee - GWTC 42nd Annual Springtime 10K/5K, 8:10am; 1 Mile, 7:45am; Finishing medals will be provided for the first 1,000 finishers for the 10K only. Monetary awards of $150, $100 & $75 for the first 3 overall M/F 10K finishers & $75 for the first M/F master & grandmaster 10K finishers. Info: Sean & Amanda Hudson springtime10k@gmail.com, http:// www.springtime10k.com. April 1, Tampa - Racetrac’s Run for Research 5K & 1K, 8am. Info: Hayden Sage (602)723-9438, hayden@eventsouthwest.com. April 1, Vero Beach - Citrus Classic 5K, 7:30am. Info: Jim Van Veen (772)643-7010, info@runvero.com. April 1-2, Milton - XTERRA Blackwater Triathlon, S-800 yd., Mtn Bike-12 mi., Trail Run-3.75 mi., 9am (4/1); Bear Lake Super Sprint Off-Road Triathlon, S-250yd., Mtn Bike-6 mi., Trail Run-1.5 mi., 3:15pm (4/1); 21K & 6.5K Trail Runs, 9am (4/2). Info: bwmultisport@gmail.com. April 2, Clearwater - Bouchard Insurance 5K & 1 Mile Family Walk, 7:30am. Info: (800)966-6481. April 2, Jacksonville Landing - Run 13.1, Half Marathon & 5K; 7am. Info: www.1stsplacesports.com. April 2, Plantation - 5K For A Better Day, 8am. Info: Cynthia Raes-Bernard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. April 2, Tallahassee - Zombie Run 5K, 1pm. Info: jhunter723@gmail.com. April 7, Lakewood Ranch - Manatee Torch Run, 5K & Kids FR; 5:30pm. Info: connie.shingledecker@manateesheriff.com. April 8, Bristol - Torreya State Park’s 2017 Draggin’ Tail Ultra Trail Challenge, 50K & 25K; 7am. Info: Joe Edgecombe (850)7740018, joeruns@yahoo.com. April 8, Darien - Blessing of the Feet 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 8, Melbourne - Pirate Plunder 2-Miler, 6:30pm. Info: events@runningzone.com. April 8, Ocala - Marion County’s Corporate Run for the Springs 5K, 8am. Info: (352)671-8686, stormwater@marioncountyfl.org. April 8, Panama City - Coach Post 10K & 5K, 7:30am. lnfo: Tricia Petty (850)769-7448. April 8, Perry - Warrior Creek 5K, 8am. Info: warriorcreek5k@gmail.com. April 8, Port St. Joe - Breeze By The Bay 5K & 10K, 8:30am. Info: Ashton Lovejoy (407)454-2141, ashtongay@hotmail.com. April 8, Sarasota - PV Python Run, 5K 7:30am; 2.10K FR/Walk 8am. Info: info@pvpythonrun.com. April 8, Sopchoppy - Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin’ 5K, 8am. Info: Susan Shearer (850)545-6678. April 8, Tallahassee - Southern Scholarship Foundation Education for Life 5K, 8am. Info: Amber Tynan (850)222-3833, atynan@southernscholarship.org. April 8, Tallahassee - Climb the Hill for Good Health FAMU 5K, 8am. Info: gekiros@gmail.com. April 8, Tallahassee - Verity Health 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 9:30am. Info: Michelle Kynoch (850)320-6158, michelle@verityhealthcenter.com. April 9, Boca Raton - Gumbo Limbo 10K, 7:15am; 1 Mile Walk/ Run, 7:20am. Info: (561)361-1950, runedgetom@gmail.com. April 9, Clearwater - Iron Girl Clearwater 1/2 Marathon, 6:30am; 5K, 7am. Info: (813)868-5986, clearwater@irongirl.com. April 9, Fort Lauderdale - Catch’em If You Can 5K, 7am. Info: Cynthia Raes-Bernard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. April 9, Orlando - Color Vibe 5K, 8am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. April 15, Daytona Beach - Easter Beach Run, 4 Mile & 2 Mile, 8am; Kids Races, 9:15am. Info: Swayne Parsons (386)944-7718 (o), (386)882-7422 (c), sparsons@blackcrow.fm. April 15, Jacksonville Beach - Never Quit 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: support@neverquitnever.com. April 15, Oldsmar - Rescuing Our Next Generation 5K, 8:45am; 1 Mile, 9:30am. Info: Chanel Gianelli (727)831-8887, chanelsalon88@gmail.com. April 15, Orlando - Run for the Angels at Orlando Executive Airpark 5K, 8am. Info: Lisa Holland (772)631-6611, lisa@teamholland.info. April 15, Panama City - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. April 15, Pensacola - Justice Jog 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: (850)202-1010, intake@awkolaw.com. April 15, Sarasota - New Balance FREE 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com. April 15, Satellite Beach - Run For It 5K, 8am. Info: elizabeth@twloha.com. April 15, Tallahassee - Palace Saloon 5K, 8am. Info: jnash@nashconsulting.net. April 22, Carrabelle - Tate’s Hell and Back 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: BeLinda Wharton (850)544-5410, bhwharton@gmail.com. April 22, Crawfordville - TCC Wakulla Environmental Institute “Hops and Half Shells” 5K Trail Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Ranie Thompson (850)201-6064, thompsor@tcc.fl.edu. April 22, Gainesville - Gator Clot Trot 5K & Fun Walk, 8am. Info: Caitlyn Beersdorf (407)629-0000, caitlynbeersdorf@hemophiliaflorida.org. April 22, Hernando - Citrus County Blessings “Can Classic” 10K, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:05am; 5K, 8:15am. Info: DRC Sports (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. April 22, Jensen Beach - Children’s Home Society of Florida Treasure Coast 5K Run/1K Walk, 7:30am. Info: Cathy Harrelson (772)344-4020 (ext. 224), cathryn.harrelson@chsfl.org. April 22, St. Augustine - Shearwater 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net.

Running Journal • April, 2017 April 22, Tallahassee - Ronald McDonald House Red Shoe Run, 5K & 10K 8:30am; 1 Mile 8am. Info: Wyatt Brooks (850)322-4362, redshoerun@gmail.com. April 22, Tallahassee - Youth Adventure Race, 5K 8:30am; 1.2 Mile 9am. Info: Victor Carrsquilla (850)980-6792, vcarrasquilla@christclassical.com. April 22, Tallahassee - Earth Day Adventure Race, Elite 18hr. 4pm; Sport 4hr. 12pm; Family 1-2hr. 2pm. Info: info@flxadventures.com. April 22, West Palm Beach - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. April 23, Boca Raton - Run From The Rays 5K, 7am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Fran Nachlas (561)350-5110, fnachlas@aol.com. April 23, Clermont - Lake Minneola Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:40am. Info: (352)394-1320, info@sommersports.com. April 29, Clermont - Lake Louisa Trail Run, 5K & 10K; 9am. Info: info@flxadventures.com. April 29, Malabar - Calvary Chapel Academy’s Wild ‘N Wacky 5K, 7:30am. Info: Brooke Long (321)952-9673, blong@calvaryccm.com. April 29, Orlando - OCBA Law Day 5K, 8am. Info: Nikki Rodeman (407)422-4551, ocbalawday5k@gmail.com. April 29, Pensacola - Fiesta of Five Flags 10K & 5K, 7:30am. Info: (832)444-7529, pensacolarunnersassociation@gmail.com. April 29, Sanford - Melissa’s Race to Battle Brain Cancer 5K. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. April 29, Tallahassee - Nene Fest 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Jessica Kennett (850)241-3283, jesskennett0079@yahoo.com. April 29, Tallahassee - Meridian Run 10K & 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: Nicolette Phillips (850)386-6327 (x153). April 30, Cocoa Beach - U.S.A. Beach Running Championships, 10K & Half Marathon; 6am. Info: info@thefloridamarathon.com. May 4, Jacksonville - Montoya & Associates Corporate Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. May 5, Wachula - SendMeMissions 5K, 7pm. Info: Jamie Samuels (863)245-1587, sendmemissions@yahoo.com. May 6, Fernandina Beach - Shrimp Festival 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 6, Merritt Island - AIDS Orphan Mud Run, 5K & 2 Mile; 8am2pm. Info: Shannon Bobb (321)453-0350, mudrun@teenmissions.org. May 6, Pompano - Run for the Angels 5K at Pompano Airpark, 7:30am. Info: Lisa Holland (772)631-6611, lisa@teamholland.info. May 6, Sarasota - New Balance FREE 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com. May 6, Tallahassee - Tails & Trails Half Marathon, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk. Info: cara@animalshelterfoundation.org. May 7, Lithia - The XTERRA Claw 5 Mile & 10 Mile Trail Run, 10 mi. 8am; 5 mi. 8:15am. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. May 7, Sunrise - Wings For Life World Run, Walk or Wheel, 7am. Info: Running Wild (954)565-9400. May 7, Viera - Eat My Crust 5K, 7am. Info: Brittany Streufert (321)412-1830, brittanystreufert@gmail.com. May 13, Fernandina Beach - Jogging for Frogmen 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 13, Melbourne - Run for the Gecko 5K, 7am. Info: (321)7518890, events@runningzone.com. May 13, Tallahassee - Marzuq Shriners Mother’s Day 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Chad Holliday (850)778-7228, cholliday72@aol.com. May 13, Tallahassee - Run for Ansley 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Sean Rayborn (850)508-2991, seanrayborn@gmail.com. May 20, Blountstown - Catfish Crawl 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. May 20, New Smyrna Beach - Turtle Take Off 5K Beach Run, 9am. Info: Swayne Parsons (386)944-7718 (o), (386)882-7422 (c), sparsons@blackcrow.fm. May 20, Sarasota - SUP & RUN 5K, 5K Run, a 5K SUP or 5K SUP & RUN; 8am. Info: (941)600-7135; felicia358@gmail.com. May 20, Tallahassee - Run 2-1-1 Big Bend 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Stacy Robinson (850)765-4047, development@211bigbend.org. May 20, Tallahassee - BBFAA 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: (850)228-7721, aga_aggabao@yahoo.com. May 20, Wakulla Springs - Run for Wakulla Springs 5K Sanctuary Trail Run & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: Ron Christen (850)567-0490; Dot Skofronick (850)222-8544. May 20, West Palm Beach - Stacey Konwiser Memorial Save The Tiger 5K, 7:30am. Info: Events Dept. (561)533-0887, info@palmbeachzoo.org. May 27, Fort Walton Beach - Gate-to-Gate 4.4 Mile & 10K, 7:30am. Info: Eglin Fitness Center (850)882-6223, 883-1682. May 28, Tallahassee - Africa Day 5K & 1 Mile FR, 5pm. Info: Dan Oronje (850)597-0311, tallahasseeafricancoalition@gmail.com.

June 3, Ft. Lauderdale - Heroes In Recovery 6K - South Florida, 7:30am; $25 through 3/26, $30 through 4/30, $35 through 6/2, $40 on Race Day; Wag & Run - Get bandana for canine participant: $5 (through 5pm, 6/1); Virtual Runner $25 (through 5pm, 6/1). Info: Stephanie Spann - Heroes6k@frnmail.com, https://goo.gl/J9TBgc June 3, Fort Walton Beach - Billy Bowlegs 5K Run/Walk, 9pm. Info: bowlegs@nwftc.com. June 3, Sarasota - New Balance FREE 5K Fun Runs, 7am. Info: Tonya Getzen Gowan (941)921-3696, events@newbalancesarasota.com. June 9, Tampa - Picnic Island Adventure Run, 3.6 Mile; 6:45pm. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. June 10, Melbourne - Bottoms Up Beer Run 4K, 6pm. Info: Anne Gregg (321)622-5939, annecgregg@earthlink.net. June 17, Marineland - Gratitude America 5K, 8:30am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net.

June 17, Tallahassee - St. Peter’s Anglican Church 10K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Mark Priddy (850)508-1961, markpriddy@msn.com. June 24, Ponte Vedra Beach - Big Bang 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. June 25, New Smyrna Beach - Sundae 5K Beach Run, 8am. Info: Swayne Parsons (386)944-7718 (o), (386)882-7422 (c), sparsons@blackcrow.fm.

Nov. 26, Cocoa - Space Coast Marathon & Marathon Relay, 6:30am/Marathon, 7:15am/ Relay; $95/Marathon, $90/Relay; $105/ Marathon, $95/Relay 4/1-9/30; $110/ Marathon, $105/Relay 10/1-11/25. Info: Running Zone Foundation, 430 Delannoy Ave., Cocoa, FL 32922; Christa Mudd (321)751-8890, christa@runningzone.com, www.spacecoastmarathon.com

GEORGIA April 1, Athens - Chick-fil-A Connect Half Marathon, 21K, 5K & 1 Mile; 7am. Info: Connect Events (706)310-6053, info@cfahalf.com. April 1, Bonaire - Run 2 End Alzheimer’s at the Landings, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 10.5K Run, 8:30am; Fun Run to follow. Info: John Rowlands (478)922-6556, run2endalz@gmail.com. April 1, Buckhead - The Real Buckhead Road Race 5K, 8:30am. Info: Cheryl Saffold - townofbuckhead@att.net. April 1, Cartersville - Dirty Spokes “Iron Hill” 7.5 & 3.8 Mile Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. April 2, Athens - Phi Delta Theta Iron Phive K Run, Walk & Wag for ALS - University of Georgia, 5K 9am. Info: christopher jamesmaddox@gmail.com, classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 2, Athens - AIRS 5K Walk/Run, 2:30pm; 1K Wheelchair Roll and Walk, 2pm. Info: cyea25@yahoo.com. April 2, Atlanta - Phi Delta Theta Iron Phive K Run, Walk & Wag for ALS - GA Institute of Technology, 5K 9am. Info: christophe rjamesmaddox@gmail.com, classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 2, Dunwoody - Daffodil Dash 5K, 9am; 1 Mile, 9:15am. Info: Andrea Videlefsky (855)665-4234, worldwidedaffodilproject@gmail.com. April 2, Macon - Phi Delta Theta Iron Phive K Run, Walk & Wag for ALS - Mercer University, 5K 9am. Info: christopher jamesmaddox@gmail.com, classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 7, Athens - LEAD Athens Moonlight 5K Run/Walk, 10pm. Info: lindsay@athensga.com, classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 7, Winder - Sims Twilight 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Sherri Perry (678)219-3303, sherri.perry@barrow.k12.ga.us. April 8, Alpharetta - Dog Days 5K, 8:30am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. April 8, Athens - Moving for Montessori 5K, 8:30am; 10K, 9:15am; FR, 9:25am. Info: jessica@athensmovementpractice.com. April 8, Atlanta - Run Before Your Crawl Grant Park 5K, 9:30am; Pub Crawl 11am. Info: info@runbeforeyoucrawl.com. April 8, Atlanta - Atlanta Dogwood Festival Mimosa 5K Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: Ed Williams (404)993-1975, roadraceservices@comcast.net. April 8, Columbus - Light It Up Blue 5K Run, 8:30am. Info: keridlara@gmail.com. April 8, Dahlonega - Celebration of Nursing Scholarship 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: heather.harris@ung.edu. April 8, Dunwoody - Tropical Smoothie Cafe 5K, 8am. Info: kmalinconico@tropicalsmoothie.com. April 8, East Point - Sickle Cell Road Race 7K & 4K, 8:30am. Info: tseaborn@sicklecellga.org. April 8, Elberton - Elberton Lions Club 5K, 9am. Info: Alvin Brady (706)201-6355, classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 8, Gainesville - Dirty Spokes “North Georgia College” 5.3 & 2.5 Mile Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. April 8, Greensboro - Da Vinci Foot & Ankle Shoes of Service 5K, 10am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: Anna Harris (770)605-7002, akateharris1019@gmail.com. April 8, Midland - Bulldogs Dash For A Cure 5K, 9am. Info: bethleatherwood@gmail.com. April 8, Milledgeville - Habitat Hero 5K, 8:30am. Info: Katherine Lacksen (478)453-9617, habitatforhumanitymbc@gmail.com. April 8, Perry - Dogwood Festival 5K Run, 1 Mile; 8am. Info: anna.henry@hcbe.net. April 8, Savannah - Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon & 5K, 7:30am. Info: jsykes@visitsavannah.com. April 8, Tifton - Run for the Nurses Half Marathon & 5K, 7:30am. Info: Becky Arnold (229)391-5024, rarnold@abac.edu. April 8, Willacoochee - 5K Memory Run/Walk, 8am. Info: willacoocheeofd2014@gmail.com. April 9, Athens - Christian Medical & Dental Association & Front Row at UGA 5K Color Run, 9am. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 9, Marietta - CNT Exodus 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: cntgute@comcast.net. April 14, Eatonton - Good Friday Races, 5K 9:04am; 10.24K 9:54am. Info: boryles@gmail.com, rkeel@mindspring.com. April 15, Anderson - Running Thru History 5K Run & Walk, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 9am. Info: Belinda Johnson (478)472-7021.

April 15, Atlanta (Piedmont Park) - Atlanta Children’s Shelter 5 To Thrive 5K & Bunny Run, 8am; $35 (with Promo Code ACSRUN) valid until 3/31 for $5 discount, after $40. Info: Carmen Simmons, POB 54322, Atlanta, GA 30308; (404)892-3713 (x5433), csimmons@acsatl.org, http://tinyurl.com/ ACS5k2017


April 15, Canton - Battle of Blankets Creek Trail Run, 10 Mile, 8:30am; 5 Mile 8:40am; Free 10-under Kids Race, 8:45am. Info: lisa.randall24@gmail.com. April 15, Colbert - Madison County Pilot Club Country Roads 5K, 9am. Info: Linda Thompson (706)789-3716, lthompson61@windstream.net. April 15, Columbus - The Great Bunny Chase 5K, 9am. Info: tricolumbusga@gmail.com. April 15, Covington - Covington Y Cheerios Challenge, 15K, 7am; 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 9:15am; Tot Trot, 9:30am. Info: (770)787-3908, kacieb@ymcaatlanta.org. April 15, Cumming - Barktown Dog Rescue’s Race For Their Lives 5K, 8am. Info: mbrehl@automationdirect.com. April 15, Dalton - Run for God Series - Run at the Mill, Half Marathon, 7am; 10K, 8:45am; 5K, 9am. Info: Dean Thompson (706)264-7101, dean@runforgod.com. April 15, Greensboro - 5-K Stroke Awareness F.A.S.T. Run, 8am. Info: Jodi Ashurst (478)456-37365, jodiashurst23@gmail.com. April 15, Monroe - Frank Baccus Easter 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Kathy Ivie (770)601-0290, Josh Bentley (678)758-6774, classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 15, Pine Mountain - The Great Bunny Chase 5K, 11:30pm. Info: tricolumbusga@gmail.com. April 15, Suwanee - Easter Bunny High-Tail 5K & FR, 8am. Info: (678)985-3921, fundracers5k@gmail.com. April 15, Sylvester - Building on Faith Run, 5K Run/Walk & 10K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Robin Allen (229)3472681, Wendy King (229)881-1274. April 15, Villa Roca - Dash for Dr. George 5K & FR, 8am. Info: (678)985-3921, fundracers5k@gmail.com. April 21-22, Conyers - Ragnar Trail Atlanta-GA, Presented by Salomon, 120 Mile Relay; 9am. Info: Customer Service (801)4995024, customerservice@ragnarrelay.com. April 22, Chickamauga - Chickamauga Chase 15K, 5K, Trail Race, Scenic Walk & Kiddie K, 8:30am. Info: rita@chickamaugachase.com. April 22, Columbus - Midtown Classic 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: (706)324-2424.

April 22, Dunwoody - Lemonade Days 5K, 8am; In partnership with the 19th annual Lemonade Days festival hosted by Dunwoody Preservation Trust; $30/5K (price increase 3/ 18); Every finisher will receive a soft cotton/ poly blended short sleeved t-shirt Info: (678)653-4773, tony@peakracingevents.com, http://peakracingevents.com/races/ lemonade-days-5k/ April 22, Fort Valley - Peach Pace, 10K 8am; 5K 10am. Info: Kate Whiting (478)825-6466, whitingk@uga.edu. April 22, Kennesaw - Glow It Up Blue 5K, 8:30pm; 1K, 8pm. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. April 22, Monroe - Fit 4 Life 5K, 8:30am. Info: Kelly Murrell (678)409-6717, themurrells@gmail.com. April 22, Monroe - 5K Run For The Bridge, 5K 11am; Fun Run, 10:30am. Info: Tamila Burt (770)406-6111, tami@thebridgeofgeorgia.org. April 22, Roswell - Run the River 5K/10K, 10K Run 7:30am; 5K Run 7:45am; 5K Walk 7:50am; 1 Mile Fun Run 7:55am; $30/10K, $25/5K Run & Walk, $15/Fun Run by 4/21. Info: Steve Buck, 89 Grove Way, Roswell, GA 30027; (404)408-8508, race@homestretch.org, www.runtheriver.org. April 22, Royston - XTERRA Georgia “Victoria Bryant” 75K or 10K Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. April 22, Suwanee - Paint the Pavement Purple - Relay for Life 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. April 22, Thomasville - Rose City Walk 5K, 8:30am. Info: Cyndee Keel (229)226-9878, rcr@ymca-thomasville.org. April 28, Canton - Diaper Dash 5K, 7pm. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. April 29, Abbeville - Chasing Jefferson Davis Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: (229)467-2737, jdminfo@chasingjeffersondavis.com. April 29, Canton - Love Peru, 1 Mile FR 8am; 5K 8:30am. Info: thevillageofthechildren@yahoo.com. April 29, Columbus - CASA Superhero 5K, 9am; 1K FR, 8:30am. Info: Rosalind Alston (706)505-8735, ralston@twincedars.org. April 29, Columbus - Relay For Life 5K, 8am. Info: tiffany.trucks@cancer.org. April 29, Cumming - Fiesta 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: northgarunningco@gmail.com. April 29, Forsyth - Autism Awareness 5K Trail Race, 8am; Family Fun Run (0.3 mi.), 10am. Info: Lindsey Hoyt (478)994-0438, aaf@anchorofhopefoundation.org. April 29, Hiawassee - Run For The Rhodie’s 5K, 8am. Info: fredhamiltongardens@gmail.com.

April 29, Madison - Kiwanis Color Run 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile Fun Run, 8:45am; $15 by 4/21, after 4/21 $20. Info: Jennifer Sides, 256 N. Main St., Madison, GA 30650; (706)343-5983, jsides@unitedbank.net, www.active.com April 29, Thomasville - Rose City 10K Run, 8am; Rose City 1 Mile Run, 9:30am; $20/10K, $12/1 mi. by 4/15, after $23/10K, $15/1 mi. Info: Rose City Run, Cyndee Keel, POB 1037, Thomasville, GA 31799; (229)226-9878, rcr@ymca-thomasville.org, www.ymcathomasville.org. April 30, Atlanta - GCADV Race for Empowerment 5K, 8am. Info: Maurya Lacey (404)226-6014, mauryalacey@gmail.com. April 30, Chatsworth - Tear Drop Half Marathon, 10K & 5K (all downhill); 7:30am; $50 by 4/28, after $80. Info: Sean Pfister (678)2375434, sean@iwelife.com.


Running Journal • April, 2017

April 30, Statham - Statham Elementary School Wildcat 5K, 3:30pm; FR, 3pm. Info: faye.black@barrow.k12.ga.us. April 30, Watkinsville - 5K Run for Haiti, 2pm. Info: mmart001@bellsouth.net, classicraceservices@gmail.com. May 6, Columbus - Run For The Roses, 7:30am - 10 furlongs - 1.25 mi.; 8:15am - 11 furlongs - 1.375 mi.; 9am - 12 furlongs - 1.50 mi. Info: Reggie Luther (706)322-2786, rl@bigdogrunning.com. May 6, Dacula - Harbins Park Half Marathon & 3.5 Mile Trail Run, 7:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. May 6, Ellijay - Run for the Son, Fun Run 8am; Tot Trot 8:15am; 5K 8:30am. Info: CLC (706)635-7100, jennifer@gilmerclc.org. May 6, Hartwell - Lake Hartwell Dam Run, 5K Run/Walk & 10K Run, 8:30am. Info: Hart Co. Chamber of Commerce (706)3768590, hartchamber@hartcom.net. May 6, Kennesaw - 80’s Rad Retro Run 5K, 9am. Info: Toni McAlister (678)400-9050, info@tortoiseandthehareracing.com. May 6, Locust Grove - Run for the Bun 5K, 8:30am. Info: Sonja Hegwood (770)957-8288, prcservices@prchc.org. May 6, Newnan - RACE for the Orphans, Tot Trot (1/4 mi.), 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am; 5K, 9am. Info: Kelly Preston (770)3108222, kelly@racefortheorphans.org.

May 6, Norcross - Quarry Crusher Run, 3.7 & 7.4 Miles; 8am; $40/Single, $50/Double. Info: Eggplant Events, POB 692, Blythewood, SC 29016; (803)665-6140, jaime@eggplantevents.com, www.quarrycrusherrun.com May 6, Roswell - Hembree Runs Wild, 5K 8am; 1K 10:15am. Info: Laura Calvert (770)667-2902, lcalvert@bellsouth.net. May 6, Winder - Run With The Pac(5)K, 8am. Info: Christy Stockel (770)867-8181, classicraceservices@gmail.com.

May 7, Atlanta - Cox Media Group Path Chastain 5K/10K Run, 8am; $25/5K, $35/ 10K until 4/25; after 4/25 $30/5K, $40/10K (deadline 5/3). Info: Jim Rainey, 4180 Liberty Trace, Marietta, GA 30066; (770)926-2367, jim@gamultisports.com, http:// gamultisports.com/pathchastainrun/ May 13, Cairo - Jackie Robinson Boys & Girls Club 5K, 8am. Info: helpagency+race@gmail.com. May 13, Canton - Cherokee Superhero 5K, 8:30am; Fun Run, 8am. Info: (770)704-5991. May 13, Cumming - Giddy Up 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Saddle Buddies (770)781-4899. May 13, Douglasville - Blake Gammill 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 10.5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8:20am. Info: Depty Lewis Fredenburg - lfredenburg@sheriff.douglas.ga.us. May 13, Dunwoody - Loco Glo 5K & 1K, 7:30pm. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. May 13, Madison - Madison in May 5K, 7:30am; 10.2K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8:35am. Info: (706)342-1965, ylmorgancounty@gmail.com. May 20, Clayton - Runway Runaway 5K, 6pm. Info: Michelle Black (706)982-2315. May 20, Ellijay - Three Rivers 5K, 8:30am; Fun Run, 8am. Info: (706)276-2582, bgcellijayrace@etcmail.com. May 20, Knoxville - GA. JugFest 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR, 7:40am. Info: Larry Carpenter (309)673-6459, LaCarlnco@gmail.com. May 20, Mount Zion - Mount Zion Run for Fun, 5K 8:30am; 1 Mile 9:30am. Info: April Fordham (770)832-1622 (x1), april@cityofmountzion.com. May 20, Stone Mountain - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. May 27, Holly Springs - Holly Springs Memorial Day 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: Erin Honea (770)345-5536, ehonea@hollyspringsga.us. May 27, Milledgeville - Lt. Col(Ret) Melvin T. Ingram Memorial 5K Family Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Barbara Ingram Stone (360)9091739, bingram1st@yahoo.com; David Hopkins (478)363-2783, apollopeanut@yahoo.com. May 29, Cordele - Cordele Kiwanis Memorial Day Running Celebration, 8K 7:15am; 5K 8:35am; 4K 9:15am; 3K 9:53am; 2K 10:23am. Info: Benny Wade (229)273-2981, bennybwade@gmail.com. May 29, Cumming - Georgia Peach Jam Half Marathon & 5K, 7:30am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. June 3, Alma - Georgia Blueberry Festival 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk to follow. Info: Karen McCarty (912)632-8961 (ext. 1083), kmccarty@bchsi.org. June 3, Americus - Home Run, 1 Mile FR 7:45am; 5K 8am. Info: Rebecca Ferguson (229)938-3916, rebecca.ferguson@outlook.com. June 3, Conyers - Savage Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile FR 8:15am. Info: Claire Henry (404)512-0090, jdotsavage@gmail.com. June 3, Roswell - River Run for Hope 5K/10K, 10K 7am; 5K 7:15am; 1 Mile 7:20am. Info: Mary Tollett (678)984-3047, mtollett@gmail.com. June 3, Jackson - XTERRA Georgia “Deep South” 15K or 5K Trail Run, 8am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com. June 10, Columbus - Woodruff Park 5K, 8am. Info: caroleeluther@gmail.com. June 10, Dunwoody - Family Fun 5K, 8am; 1K, 7:30am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. June 11, Atlanta - Hotlanta Half Marathon, 7am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. June 17, Cordele - Watermelon Race, 5K Run 7am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk & Dog Walk, 7:15am. Info: Victoria Payne (229)271-1900, vpayne@impactsportsandfitness.com. June 17, Cumming - Dirty Spokes “Haw Creek Park” 6.45 mi. & 3.35 Mile Trail Run, 8am. Info: tim@dirtyspokes.com.

June 17, Gainesville - Chris Gaunt 5K Run/Walk Over Parkinson’s, 7:30am. Info: Mike Taylor (770)532-0228. June 17, Musella - Papa’s Peach Classic, 5K Run/Walk 8am 1 Mile FR, 8:15am (approx.). Info: Larry Carpenter (309)673-6459, lacarlnco@gmail.com. June 24, Columbus - Firefighter MDA 5K, 9am. Info: ehull@columbusga.org. June 26, Columbus - Rails to Trails 5K, 7:30pm. Info: caroleeluther@gmail.com.

July 4, Atlanta - AJC Peachtree Road Race 10K, Start times vary by wave; Lottery Registration March 15-22; Peachtree Health & Fitness Expo 7/2-7/3 10am-7pm. Info: http:www.ajc.com/peachtree July 4, Blue Ridge - Boue Ridge Freedom 5K/10K, 8am. Info: Jessica Fulton (770)815-1033, jessica@gamultisports.com, https:/ /runsignup.com/Race/GA/BlueRidge/BlueRidgeFreedom5K10K.

Nov. 4-5, Savannah - Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:30am (on 11/4); 5K, 1pm (on 11/5); 1 Mile, 2:30pm (on 11/5). Info: Competitor Group (858)4506510, (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/ savannah

KENTUCKY April 1, Barbourville - J & J 5K Remembrance Glow Run, 5K Run/ Walk; 7:30pm. Info: rebecca.blevins@knox.kyschools.us. April 1, Frankfort - Find The Fridge 8K Trail Run, 5pm. Info: frankfortstridersclub@gmail.com. April 1, Lexington - RunTheBluegrass Half Marathon & 7 Miler, 9am. Info: ashleigh@runthebluegrass.org. April 1, Lexington - Lions Run for Sight 5K, 9am. Info: Tracy A. Cerise (859)296-6433, lionsrunforsight@gmail.com. April 1, Lexington - Wrap Up America 5K, 9am. Info: lossonbrotzge@gmail.com. April 1, Louisa - Run for a Goal 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (606)694-4331, lawrencecoyouthsoccer@yahoo.com. April 1, Louisville - Papa John’s 10 Miler, 8am. Info: debbie_laribee@papajohns.com. April 1, Marion - Lace Up For A Cure 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: chadbell2009@hotmail.com. April 1, Mt. Vernon - Fairview Baptist Run for Missions, 5K Run & 2 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: Kayla Rowe (606)256-7767, kayla.rowe@rhrcc.org. April 2, Lexington - Where Happiness Inspires Hope 5K, 10am. Info: dfco222@g.uky.edu. April 7-8, Brandenburg - Ragnar Trail Kentuckiana-KY, Presented by Salomon, 120 Mile Relay; 9am. Info: Customer Service (801)4995024, customerservice@ragnarrelay.com. April 8, Harrodsburg - (Un)Pleasant Hill Trail Runs, 5K, 10K, 25K or 50K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: (859)734-5411, info@shakervillageky.org. April 8, La Center - Emotions in Motion 5K Run/Walk, Youth Run; 8am. Info: (952)946-7998, save@save.org. April 8, Lexington - Boot, Scoot, and Boogie 5K for UK Agriculture Education, 9am. Info: rebekah.epps@uky.edu. April 8, Louisville - E.P. “Tom” Sawyer State Park Goose Creek 5K, 9am. Info: Andy Cronin (502)429-7270, andrew.cronin@ky.gov. April 8, Midway - Race for Education 5K or 10K, Registration begins at 7am. Info: Daniel Mattox (859)252-8648, daniel@raceforeducation.org. April 8, Old Washington - Meadowview’s Run for the Walk 5K, 5K Run & 2 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: meadowviewrunforthewalk@gmail.com. April 14, Versailles - Kick it 5K, 6pm. Info: lauracole15@gmail.com. April 15, Berea - Berea Easter Run 5K, 9am. Info: popef@berea.edu. April 15, Bowling Green - The Baker arboretum 5K Run, 8am. Info: heinsvelastegui@hotmail.com. April 15, Burnside - BETA Club Hippity Hop 5K, 9am. Info: leandra.brown@pulaski.kyschools.us. April 15, Corbin - TriCounty Conquer 5K, 8am. Info: Dana Brown (606)528-5286. April 15, Danville - Nitze’s Hippity Hoppity 3K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: nitzeshippityhoppity@gmail.com. April 15, Georgetown - Autism 5K Georgetown Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Ashley Gano (502)863-9987, millschiro.ashley@gmail.com. April 15, Glasgow - Butterflies for Maddie 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1/ 2 Mile Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: sherri.vibbert@gmail.com. April 15, Lexington - University of Kentucky Health & Wellness: LiveWell 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: mario.hughley@uky.edu. April 15, Lexington - The Great Pug Run 5K, 9am. Info: bob@racerise.com. April 15, Lexington - Lexi Memorial Commit to Prevent Child Abuse, 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids’ 1K Race, 8:30am. Info: (859)2258879, pcaky@pcaky.org. April 15, Louisville - Dressed in White 5K, 10am. Info: nevadarayehamilton@gmail.com. April 15, Louisville - Teens Conquer Chiari 4K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: tkoester@loucol.com. April 15, Radcliff - Trooper Cameron Ponder Memorial 5K/10K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: Aimee (270)268-6411. April 22, Alexandria - Campbell County High School Color Run 5K, 9am. Info: jteipel3@gmail.com. April 22, Cynthiana - Runway 5K, 9am. Info: (859)234-5236, cynchamber@gmail.com. April 22, Elizabethtown - Bullpup Run for Fun 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: wendym.keown@ky.gov. April 22, Georgetown - School House Champions 5K, 5:30pm. Info: shc5k@schoolhousechampions5k.com.

www.running.net April 22, Greenup - Ashland Animal Rescue Fund’s AARF To The Rescue 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Alan Osuch (606)369-4403, OsuchRacePlanner@aol.com. April 22, Hyden - Run For Your Life 10K Run, 5K Walk; 8:30am. Info: tamera67@hotmail.com, sizemoremollie@gmail.com. April 22, Lexington - Girls on the Run Central Kentucky 5K, 9am. Info: (859)268-4687, heidi@gotrcentralky.org. April 22, Lexington - The Haiti Hustle 5K, 9am. Info: thehaitihustle4teaching@gmail.com. April 22, Maysville - Two Bridge Run, 10 Miler & 5K, 9am. Info: twobridgemaysville@gmail.com. April 22, Murray - Murray Half Marathon, Relay & 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: (270)762-1800, sdavis@murrayhospital.org. April 22, Nancy - ducoMT - 6 Hour Adventure Race & 4 Hour Rogaine, 7am/check in/maps. Info: events@vindura.fit. April 22, Pikeville - “Hillbilly Days Run for the Kids 2017” 10K Run, 5K Run, 2 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: bigsandyroadrunners@yahoo.com. April 22, Richmond - Officer Daniel Ellis Memorial 5K, 8:30am. Info: 457foundation@gmail.com. April 22, Somerset - Warrior Run 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (606)305-7491, melodyjones@somersetchristian.com. April 22, Somerset - Run for the Raptors 5K, 9am. Info: Cathi Wells (606)425-2662, cathiwells@yahoo.com. April 22, Wilmore - Wesley Waddle 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: ashley.jenkins@asburyseminary.edu. April 23, Lexington - Riders Run 5K, 9am. Info: ridersrun5k@yahoo.com. April 28, Lexington - RK-5K The Twilight Race at Rolex Kentucky, 6:30pm. Info: (859)475-3232, bob@racerise.com. April 29, Burnside - Walk Run and Wag Your Tail 5K, 8am. Info: lescoffey31@gmail.com. April 29, Frankfort - Shine Your Light Glo Run 5K, 7:30pm. Info: ammon@mytfca.org. April 29, Irvine - Mountain Mushroom Fungus 5K, 9am; 2K Run/ Walk, 8:30am. Info: Irvin City Hall (606)723-1233, (606)723-2554, mushroomfestival@irvineonline.net. April 29, Lexington - Crazy Cat 5K, 10am. Info: William Herndon or Gilbert Mischel (859)254-0231, gmischel70@gmail.com. April 29, London - Laurel County Life Center 5K/Walk for Life, 8:30am. Info: Jara Burkhart (606)877-1717, lclifecenter@windstream.net. April 29, Louisville - Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon & miniMarathon, 7:30am (wheelchair 7:25am). Info: (800)928-3378, minimarathon@kdf.org. April 29, Morehead - Farmers Christian Academy 5K Color Run/Walk, 9am. Info: fcatackett@gmail.com. April 29, Morehead - Big Turtle 50 Miler & Marathon Trail Races, 7am. Info: info@nextopportunityevents.com. April 29, Murray - Mutt Strut 5K Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile Dog Walk, 9:30am; 15/30 Mile Bike Rides, 7:30am. Info: jbryson4@murraystate.edu. April 29, Richmond - Liberty Place 5K Family Celebration Run, 9am; Fun Walk, 9:15am. Info: pfuchs@foothillscap.org. April 29, Scottsville - UAN Run for the Roses, 5K Costume Run/ Walk, 12pm. Info: amriddle2014@gmail.com. April 29, Versailles - Spark Goes Dark 5K Glow Race, 8:30pm. Info: sparkversailles@gmail.com. May 6, Cadiz - JMAM Run For The Arts 5K, 8am. Info: jmam.skit@gmail.com. May 6, Crab Orchard - Maywoods 5K Trail Race, 9:30am. Info: (859)622-1476, naturalareas@eku.edu. May 6, Danville - HOPE 53 Run & Ride Duathlon & 5K Run, Duathlon: R-5K, B-20 mi., R-5K; 8:30am. Info: rickylane@att.net. May 6, Hazard - Vibe 5 Stars & Strides 5K Run, 9am. Info: info@vibe5k.com. May 6, Lexington - Derby Day Stakes at Coldstream 10K & 5K, 8:30am. Info: bob@racerise.com. May 6, Morehead - Derby Day Run For The Heroes, 5K Run/ Walk; 11am. Info: glen.teager@rowan.kyschools.us. May 6, Owensboro - Sutton Elementary 5K Derby Run, 5K Run/ Walk 9am. Info: jennifer.wells@owensboro.kyschools.us. May 6, Science Hill - SuperHeroes 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: gordyprather@gmail.com. May 6, Slade - PoCo Kiwanis Natural Bridge 5K Run/Walk Challenge, 9am. Info: Chris Allen (606)424-7535, Paul Mallory (859)227-6225, chris@chrisallen.biz. May 7, Lexington - The Great Cake Race, 5K & 1 Mile; 4pm. Info: ashley@sweetblessingscakes.org. May 7, Liberty - Angel Speed 5K Run/Walk, 3pm. Info: hayesae30@gmail.com. May 12, Richmond - Water to Wine 5K Vineyard Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: runrichmondky@gmail.com. May 13, Lexington - John’s Run Local 8K, 8am. Info: info@johnsrunwalkshop.com. May 13, London - Vibe 5 Stars & Strides 5K Run, 8:45pm. Info: info@vibe5k.com. May 13, Paducah - Paducah Iron Mom Half Marathon & 2 or 4 Person Relay, 7am. Info: (270)443-4838, info@fsspaducah.com. May 13, Royalton - Honeysuckle and Horsepatty Half Marathons, 8am/Horsepatty Half; 10am/Honey Suckle Half; 10:15am/Mile with Mom Info: anthonyskeans@gmail.com.

May 20, Lexington - Kentucky ALE Horse Capital Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; Friday Expo 12noon-8pm; Boston Qualifier; Horse-country inspired Kentucky crafted awards; Course passes 40-plus Kentucky horse farms; Use Coupon Code RUNNINGJOURNAL10 for $10 OFF. Info: Bob Baney, Race Dir. (859)475-3232, b o b @ r a c e r i s e . c o m , www.horsecapitalmarathon.com May 20, Nicholasville - R. J. Corman 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Lisa Minton (859)977-2502, lisaminton@chrysalishouse.org.

June 10, Williamson - Hatfield-McCoy Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 8am. Info: Alexis Batausa (304)542-5311, tvrrc@yahoo.com. June 17, Morgantown - Green River 5 Mile Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Jeff Whittinghill (270)526-4852, 3J2healthministry@reagan.com.

LOUISIANA April 1, Calhoun - Run to the Cross 10K/5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1K FR, 8am. Info: (318)644-5101. April 1, Gonzales - Heart Hero Hustle 5K, 9am; 1 Mile, 10am. Info: Kelee King (225)768-2590, kelee.king@lpcf.com. April 1, Lafayette - Fatima Fun Run, 5K 8am; 1 Mile Run/Walk 8:45am. Info: admissions@olf.org. April 1, Luling - United Way of St. Charles Bridge Run/Walk, 10K & 5K; 8:30am. Info: New Orleans Running Systems Road Race Mgmt., Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chucknorsi@cox.net, www.NOLArunning.com. April 1, Lutcher - St. James Parish Relay for Life 5K, 9am. Info: bridget_louque@yahoo.com. April 1, New Orleans - Root Out Child Abuse Walk, 5K Fun Run/ Walk; 8:30am. Info: (504)421-3794, demetricekdm2@yahoo.com. April 1, Pearl River - Run The River 5K, 8am. Info: Bridgett Bennett (985)768-9991, Joy Thigpen - jhall29@gmail.com. April 1, Scott - Running of the Rams & Family Fun Day, 1 Mile Fun Walk/Run 7:30am; 5K Run 8am. Info: (337)521-7950. April 1, Shreveport - Defenders of Liberty Barksdale Mud Run, 4 Miles; 1st heat/10:00am; every 30 minutes until 2:30pm. Info: (318)4530976, corrina.bridges@us.af.mil. April 1, Shreveport - Heart of Gold 5K, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 2, Baton Rouge - Run For Riche, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: runforriche@gmail.com. April 2, Punta Cana - Punta Cana Marathon, 5am; Half Marathon & 10K, 6am. Info: office@puntacanamarathon.com. April 8, Metairie - Baby Steps Infertility Awareness Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: beth@sarahs-laughter.com. April 8, New Orleans - Bursting with Speed 5K & 1/2 Mile, 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. April 8, Shreveport - Walk for Humanity, 5K Run/Walk 8:30am; 1 Mile Walk 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 8, Shreveport - Caddo Middle Magnet Stallion Stampede 5K, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile FR, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 9, New Orleans - Family Fun “Eat & Run”, 5K & Kids Run/ Walk; 8am. Info: New Orleans Running Systems Road Race Mgmt., Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chucknorsi@cox.net. April 15, Bossier City - Color Us United 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 15, New Orleans - The Allstate Sugar Bowl Crescent City Classic 10K, 8am. Info: (504)861-8686, eric.stuart@ccc10k.com. April 22, Alexandria - Inglewood Classic 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: dcapps@fbcenla.org. April 22, Baton Rouge - Active for Autism 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Teresa Wilson (225)216-7474 (x221), twilson@fhfgbr.org. April 22, Marrero - VOL Cajun Festival Walk/Run 5K, 8am. Info: cajunfest@vol.org. April 22, New Orleans - The Superhero Race, 5K & 1K; 8:15am. Info: Lily Schwartz (609)458-3552, lschwar1@tulane.edu. April 22, Shreveport - Shreve Island Elementary - Dawg Dash 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 23, New Orleans - A Run & Walk Through History, 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk; 8am. Info: New Orleans Running Systems Road Race Mgmt., Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chucknorsi@cox.net. April 29, Baton Rouge - Hat Run, 1 Mile FR/Walk 8am; 1 Mile 2nd Wave/Strollers 8:05am; 5K Run/Walk 8:30am; 5K 2nd Wave/Strollers 8:35am. Info: info@lsofoundation.org. April 29, Lafayette - Courir du Festival 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: april@festivalinternational.org. April 29, Lake Charles - Sarcoidosis Awareness 5K Walk/Run, 8am. Info: sonnier36s2000@yahoo.com. April 29, Metairie - Run For Home 5K, 1 Mile; 8:30am. Info: (504)883-8225, jpete@netscape.com. April 29, Shreveport - Walk A Mile in Our Shoes: Autism 5K, 9am; 1/2 Mile FR, 8:15am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. April 29, Thibodaux - Crawfish Crawl for College Scholarships, 5K Run/Walk 5pm; Fun Run/Walk 4:45pm. Info: walton@wg3solutions.com. May 6, Shreveport - Uptown 5 Miler, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. May 6, Thibodaux - Thibodaux Firemen’s Fair 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: walton@wg3solutions.com. May 6, Vacherie - Reveille at Oak Alley Run/Walk, 5K & 1/2 Mile Run/Walk; 8am. Info: New Orleans Running Systems Road Race Mgmt., Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chucknorsi@cox.net. May 13, Baton Rouge - No Child Wet Behind 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: contact@batonrougebirthservices.com. May 13, Houma - TFAE Run for Excellence 5K & Children’s Fun Run, 6pm. Info: Angie Rome Walsch (985)868-5881, tfae@bellsouth.net. May 13, New Orleans - Girls on the Run NOLA 5K, 8am. Info: natalie@gotrnola.org. May 20, Metairie (LaSalle Park) - Fat Boy NOLA Run/Walk, 5K & Kids Run/Walk; 8am. Info: New Orleans Running Systems Road Race Mgmt., Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chucknorsi@cox.net, www.NOLArunning.com. May 20, Shreveport - Holy Angels’ David Rice Memorial Walk/ Run 5K, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. May 25, Shreveport - Madbug Madness 5K, 6:45pm. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. May 26, New Orleans - Greek Festival Run/Walk, 5K & 1 Mile. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 3, Shreveport - Roy’s Kids 5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. June 3, Shreveport - No Limits Just Faith 5K, 8:30am. Info: Jessica Duos (318)470-9468, jduos2897@yahoo.com. June 10, New Orleans - Creole Tomato Festival 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: New Orleans Running Systems Road Race Mgmt., Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chucknorsi@cox.net.

www.running.net June 18, New Orleans - Richard Newcomb Memorial Father’s Day Race, 2 Mile, Half Mile; 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 24, New Orleans (Norco) - NOLA Trail 3 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: New Orleans Running Systems Road Race Mgmt., Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chucknorsi@cox.net.

MARYLAND April 1, Cockeysville - Storm the Castle 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: m53crafton@yahoo.com. April 1, Elkton - Jellybean Jog, 5K Run/Walk 10am. Info: icshawkssports@gmail.com. April 1, Hollywood - Historic Sotterley’s 5K, 9:30am. Info: events@sotterley.org. April 1, Middle River - MDNG Sharp 5K Walk/Run, 10am. Info: emily.l.vernon2.mil@mail.mil. April 1, Silver Spring - Ben’s Run, 5 Mile, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Clare Goldfogle (301)602-7288, goldfogle@verizon.net, www.bensrun.org. April 1, Sparks Glencoe - Back On My Feet Oldfields Half Marathon & Relay, 8:30am. Info: (215)772-1080, info@backonmyfeet.org. April 8, Baltimore - Under Armour Sole of the City 10K, 9am. Info: kelly@charmcityrun.com. April 8, Beltsville - St. Joseph’s 5K, 8am. Info: Austin Conaty (240)568-3059, austin.conaty@gmail.com. April 8, Cambridge - Dorchester YMCA King Crab Challenge & Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K Run & Fun Walk, 9:30am. Info: Dorchester YMCA (410)221-0505. April 8, Cumberland - Queen City Marathon for Active Water, 8am. Info: queencitymarathon@gmail.com. April 8, Ellicott City - LOGJam 5K, 9am; Kids FR (200yd. & 50yd.), 8:45am. Info: logjam5k@gmail.com. April 8, Frostburg - Fifty Shades 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: rsooy2000@yahoo.com. April 8, Ridgely - Arbor Day Run, 5K, 10K & 1 Mile; 9am. Info: Jenny Houghton (410)634-2847, jhoughton@adkinsarboretum.org. April 8, Westminster - Walk a Mile In Her Shoes, 1 Mile 11am. Info: outreachspecialist@rapecrisiscc.org. April 9, Hancock - Western Maryland Rail Trail Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. April 9, Prince Frederick - Run the Vineyards - Running Hare 5K, Info: ken@gooddayforarun.com. April 15, Middletown - SMHS Makin’ Hay 10K, 8:30am. Info: spookhill4mile@gmail.com. April 15, Upper Marlboro - Crime Victims Fund Run, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: (301)952-5370, crimevictimfundrun@co.pg.md.us. April 22, Columbia - Thunder Hill 5K & 1 Mile Family FR, 8:30am. Info: thes5kfun@gmail.com. April 22, Frostburg - iSweat 4 County United Way 5K Race/ Walk, 10am. Info: isweat4cuw@gmail.com. April 22, Indian Head - Run For Heroes 5K, 9:22am. Info: runforheroes5k@gmail.com. April 22, Manchester - River Valley Run Trail Half Marathon. Info: River Valley Ranch (443)712-1010, info@rivervalleyranch.com. April 22, Severna Park - Run 4 Rhythm, 4 Mile Fun Run/Walk, 8am. Info: run4rhythm@gmail.com. April 22, Silver Spring - Oral Cancer Foundation 5K Walk/Run in memory of Peter McGee Hoffman, 9am. Info: Peggy Hoffman (202)232-4389, hoffman.dc.ocf@gmail.com. April 22, Union Bridge - FSK Class of 2017 5K Glow Walk/Run, 8:15pm; Kids Fun Glow Run Around Track, 8:20pm. Info: sehafne@carrollk12.org. April 23, Chevy Chase - The Race to End Poverty, Tot Trot 8:45am; 5K & 1 Mile 9am. Info: (301)608-3504, therace@awidercircle.org. April 23, Columbia - Columbia Half Marathon, 8:15am; 5K, 8:35am. Info: racedirector@ripitevents.com. April 23, Stevensville - 7th Annual Annapolis/Kent Island Run & Dog Walk, 10K 8:45am; 5K 9am; 2 Mile & 1 Mile FR 9:05am; $15$35 by 4/19 (noon); after $20-$40. Info: Jaime McGrade, 371 E. Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787; (631)930-9054, jaime@VetDogs.org, http://Race4Vets.VetDogs.org. April 29, Greenbelt - Springburst 8K Run, 9am. Info: races@pgrc.org. April 29, Ocean City - Ocean City Island 2 Island Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: info@octrirunning.com. April 29, Silver Spring - Logan’s Run 5K, 8:45am; Family FR, 9:15am. Info: info@logansrunbyjamon.com. April 29, Westminster - Race to Recovery 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: sobertruth1@comcast.net. April 30, Bethesda - The Horizons at Norwood 5K, 8:30am; Fun Run, 8:40am. Info: horizons.at.norwood.5k@gmail.com. April 30, Owings Mills - Flashback 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Fun Walk, 8am. Info: 5krace@jlbalt.org. April 30, St. Mary’s - St. Mary’s Historic Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: racedirector@ripitevents.com. May 2, Elkton - Independence Series Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K - Day 2. Info: clint@mainlymarathons.com. May 6, Bel Air - FPK 5K & Family Fun Walk, 8am. Info: heather.lindhorst@gmail.com. May 6, College Park - College Park 5K, 8am. Info: jgarrett@collegeparkfoundation.org. May 6, Elkton - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. May 6, National Harbor - 5K Run/Walk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer Community Event, 7am. Info: (240)752-8752, tlamar@ovarian.org. May 6-7, Frederick - CareFirst Frederick Running Festival, 5/6: 5K 6pm; 5/7: Half Marathon Relay 7am. Info: (410)605-9381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. May 6, Sandy Spring - Nanty Narking Nearly 9K & 2 Mile Fun Stroll, 8am. Info: cdetiming@gmail.com. May 6, Westminster - MSW Superhero 5K Race & Family FR, 9am. Info: sheasby@themsw.org.

Running Journal • April, 2017 May 7, Carderock - Potomac River Run Marathon, 8am. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net. May 7, Stevensville - Cindo de Miler, 5 Mile Trail Race; 9am. Info: kelly@charmcityrun.com. May 13, Berlin - Beach Lacrosse 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: brigit@brigittaylor.com. May 13, Fulton, Maple Lawn Community - Maryland Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: Kelly Dees (410)308-1870, kelly@charmcityrun.com. May 20, Lothian - Brave in Blue 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: adgaither@gmail.com. May 20, St. Michaels - St. Michaels Running Festival Half Marathon, 7:10am; 5K, 7:35am. Info: info@runstm.com. May 20, Westminster - Mighty Eagle 5K Color Fun Run, 9am. Info: 5k@sjwestschool.org. May 21, Cockeysville - Tractor Trot 5K Cross Country Run, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: dirwin@baltimorecountymd.gov. May 21, Wheaton - Run For The Animals 5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Walk, 8:30am. Info: (301)428-8128, info@animalsanctuary.org. May 27, Annapolis - Historic Bay Highlands 5K. Info: bhwalkfortheparks@gmail.com. May 27, Frederick - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. May 28, Bethesda - Defeat DIPG Superhero Sprint & 6K, 6K 8:30am; Kids Superhero 1K or Tot Sprint 9:30am. Info: events@defeatdipg.org. May 29, Olney - Jeremy’s Run, 10K 8am; 5K 8:05am; 1 Mile FR 8:10am. Info: Cyndi Glass (240)498-8479. June 3, Annapolis - ZOOMA Annapolis Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, 7am. Info: info@zoomarun.com. June 3, Easton - Running Marvel 5K, 7:30am. Info: tcreventmanagement@gmail.com. June 4, Bel Air - Bel Air Town Run 5K, 8am. Info: susaMike Early (410)652-9974, belairtownrun@yahoo.com. June 10, Towson - Towson Healthy Hearts 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: towsonhealthyhearts5k@gmail.com. June 10-11, Westminster - Hammer the Wall 2017 - Countdown To A Cure, 24 hr. solo & relay, 3pm (6/10); 12 hr. solo, 3pm (6/10) or 3am (6/11) 1 hr. solo run/walk, 3pm. Info: shane.cox.1970@gmail.com.

MISSISSIPPI April 1, Bay St. Louis - CASA Superhero Run, 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR for Kids, 9am. Info: hccasa5k@gmail.com. April 1, Columbus - Columbus Pilgrimage Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am. Info: Brad Atkins (662)574-5539, bradandmelissa@cableone.net. April 1, Hattiesburg - Rise & Shine Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Susan Yarrow (601)261-3689, susan.yarrow@hattiesburgclinic.com. April 1, Hernando - Flock Around The Block 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Kim Scott (901)334-8554, thelightinggirl@yahoo.com. April 1, Jackson - Sweetness “Fight Against Obesity” 5K Run/ Walk, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Walter Payton Center (601)979-1368, recmembership@jsums.edu. April 1, Jackson - Fight For Air Climb, 22 Floors, 425 Steps; 8am. Info: Victoria Stein (601)206-5810, victoria.stein@lungse.org. April 1, Meridian - 5K Military Fun Run/Walk, 7am. Info: Henry Scott (601)604-0031 or Jody Babineaux (337)842-5312. April 1, Olive Branch - TWIGS Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am. Info: midsouthrunners@gmail.com. April 1, Starkville - Dog Jog 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Alayna Stevens (662)207-3319, ochsscvolunteer@gmail.com. April 1, Starkville - Red, White and Blue Color Run, 4K or 2K; 9am. Info: Lauren Bloir (719)200-4780, bullyforcecolorrun@gmail.com. April 1, Summit - Fill Your Heart..And Run for 65 Roses, 10K & 5K Walk/Run 7:3am; 1 Mile FR 9am. Info: Tara Hennington (601)3419933, tmir@cableone.net. April 2, Houston - Altis Marathon & Half Marathon on Tanglefoot Trail, Marathon 7:30am; Half 8am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. April 8, Brandon - Racin’ for the Seed, Mustard Seed Duathlon (R-5K, B-14.6 mi., R-1 mi.) & 5K Run/Walk; 8am. Info: (601)9923556, mandy@mustardseedinc.org. April 8, Clinton - Kick Up the Dust Trail Run, 14K, 8K & 4K; 8am. Info: Joanna Puddister King (601)355-6276, joannapuddister@goodsamaritancenter.org. April 8, Jackson - Race for the Cure, 10K 8:15am; 5K 8:30am; $35/5K, $40/10K by 4/2, after $40/5K, $45/10K. Info: Central Mississippi Steel Magnolias Affiliate of Susan G. Komen, 103 Fairmont Plaza, Pearl, MS 39208; Shannon McLaughlin (601)9323999, info@komencentralms.org, www.komencentralms.org. April 8, Jackson - Hog Diggity Dog 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Dog Walk; 8am. Info: (601)853-6996, rfloyd@gallanthearts.org. April 8, Prentiss - Run For The Roses 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Missy Jones (601)792-5741 (d), (601)441-9876 (n), keithbrid@aol.com. April 8, Summit - PALS Racin’ for Rescues 5K, 8am. Info: Lisa Ferman (601)248-8642, ferman10@ymail.com. April 8, Tupelo - The Autism 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: tupelorunningclub@yahoo.com. April 12, Starkville - Sprint With Super Gabe, 5K 6:30pm. Info: Beler Watts (256)797-6510, belerwatts256@gmail.com. April 15, Flowood - Mississippi 811 Run/Walk, 8.11K, 8:11am. Info: Miriam Grammar (601)982-7531, office@ms811.org. April 15, Madison - The Great Escape 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile Fun Run, 9:15am. Info: (601)790-2274, BRhodus@FBCMadison.org. April 22, Clarksdale - Juke Joint Festival, 8K Run, 8am; 5K Run/ Walk, 8:10am. Info: cmitchell@cableone.net. April 22, Madison - D1 for Hope 5K Run/Walk, Endurance Challenge, Kids’ Challenge and a lift-a-thon; 8am. Info: Brandi Dausman (601)209-3917, brandi@dausmanfamily.com, www.restorationhope.org. April 22, Pass Christian - Gulf Coast Classic 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net.

April 22, Ridgeland - MSOTA Run, Walk, and Roll, 5K Run/ Walk, 10K Run & 100yd. Dash; 8am. Info: (601)906-1034, kellydcrawford@gmail.com. April 22, Tishomingo - Swinging Bridge Trail Run, Half Marathon & 4 Miler; 8am. Info: emilywadkins1@live.com. April 22, Tupelo - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. April 29, Flowood - MORA Racing For Donation 8K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Becky Pierson (601)933-1000, bpierson4@yahoo.com. April 29, Kosciusko - Renasant Bank Run, 5K Run 8am; 5K Walk 8:01am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: mstrackclub@aol.com.

April 29, Natchez - Color Natchez 5K, 8am/Registration, 10am/Race Start Time. Info: Natchez-Adams County Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals, 211 Main St., Ste. A, Natchez, MS 39120; Debbie Hudson (601)445-4611, debbie@natchez chamber.com, www.colornatchez5k.com April 29, Star - Rabbit Run 5K for St. Jude, 9am; Kid’s Fun Run 1 Mile to follow. Info: (601)842-7947, starspringfestival@yahoo.com. May 6, Collins - Okatoma River Run, 5K Run/Walk 8am; 1 Mile Children’s Fun Run to follow 5K. Info: Covington Co. Chamber of Commerce (601)765-6012.

May 6, Corinth - Coke 10K, 8:20am/ Wheelchair, 8:30am/Runners; $25 3/1 thru 5/5. Info: Coke 10K, POB 239, Corinth, MS 38835; Mona Lisa Grady (662)284-4858, mgrady@corinthcoke.com, www.coke10k.com May 6, Greenville - YMCA Cotton Classic 10K Run, 8am; 5K Walk, 8:05am. Info: Mickie Sandidge (662)335-7258, hcmymca@suddenlinkmail.com. May 6, Ridgeland - Magnolia Meltdown Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 6:30am. Info: Start 2 Finish Event Mgmt. (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. May 13, Jackson - Twisted Family Fitness 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: (601)922-8690, twistedfitness5245@yahoo.com. May 13, Ocean Springs - Osprey Ocean Springs Run, Swim, or Aquathon, 1 & 2 Mile Swim/Aquathon, 8:15am; 10K Run, 8:30am. Info: Rob Kirkland (228)875-5050, rkirkland@mgcymca.org. May 20, Batesville - Racing For Paws 5K, 8am. Info: Panola County Humane Society (662)654-0926, PAWSpchs@hotmail.com. May 20, Carthage - Heart of Mississippi 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Michelle McCann (601)267-1206, michellemccann@mbhs.org. May 20, Gulfport - Pursuit of Fun 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. May 20, Gulfport - Fallen Officer Memorial 5K, 4pm. Info: Kristin Allen (228)697-1155, themrs66@gmail.com. May 27, Booneville - Lylah Grey’s Ray of Hope 5K Walk/Run, 8am. Info: Kim Mcgaughy (662)720-6941, kiki@chrishopefoundation.org. June 10, Pascagoula - Chevron Charity 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. June 17, Leland - Hotter than Hades Half Marathon, 6am. Info: Jamie (662)347-2920, tribbetthalfmarathon@gmail.com.

NORTH CAROLINA April 1, Albemarle - Vac & Dash April Fools Day 500,000 Centimeter (5K) Classic, 6pm. Info: peter@vacanddash.com. April 1, Boone - A Rush for the Brush 5K Run, 9am. Info: castroam@appstate.edu. April 1, Cary - Greater Raleigh Young Life 5K, 9am. Info: Hannah Williams (919)833-6576, greaterraleighyounglife@gmail.com. April 1, Cary - Glenaire 5K, 9am; Mile, 9:10am. Info: Carolyn Rice (919)467-0844, cmorgan@presbyhomesinc.org. April 1, Chapel Hill - Cleft Palate Gallop 5K & Fun Walk (1.2 Miles); 8am. Info: (919)537-3737. April 1, Charlotte - Charlotte Brain Tumor Race, Survivor Walk 9am; 10K 9:15am; 5K Race/Walk 9:30am. Info: Katie-Rose Tuttle (919)233-1922, krtuttle@braintumor.org. April 1, Charlotte - Race2Educate 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Abby Armstrong (336)317-5178, cfauniversityplace@gmail.com. April 1, Charlotte - Twirl N’ Swirl 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: whitney@queencitytiming.com. April 1, Charlotte - Cookies For Kid’s Cancer 5K, 9:30am. Info: Emily Rogers - cfkc5k@gmail.com. April 1, Charlotte - Color Vibe 5K, 8am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. April 1, Clayton - Taking Strides Against Domestic Violence 5K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: jcacpresident@yahoo.com. April 1, Concord - The Puppy Rescue 5K, 10am; 1 Mile FR, 9:30am. Info: 5k@thepuppyrescue.com. April 1, Cornelius - Hu5Ky Hustle, 5K 8am. Info: sttarry@live.com. April 1, Cullowhee - Valley of the Lilies Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am. Info: valleyofthelilies@wcu.edu. April 1, Denver - St. James Elementary School Royal Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: trofefamily@gmail.com. April 1, Fairfield - Race Across the Lake-Hyde County Hotline 5K & 10K 9am. Info: Hyde County Hotline (252)925-2502, cghydehotline@gmail.com. April 1, Greenville - Sugar Drop 5K & 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: downeastdiabetology@gmail.com; James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com.


April 1, Greenville - East Carolina University Army ROTC Patriot Mud Run 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 11am. Info: ecupatriotrun@gmail.com. April 1, Greenville - Tonight, yes Tonight! 5K; 6pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 1, Harkers Island - Core Sound Run 10K, 5K, 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 1, Hickory - Lenoir-Rhyne University 5K, 8:30am. Info: runtimeraces@gmail.com. April 1, Jacksonville - Semper Fi Fund Beat the Bridge 10K, 8:30am; 5K, 8:35am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: sffbeatthebridge@semperfifund.org. April 1, Moncure - Moncure Panther Prowl 5K, 9am; Fun Run to follow. Info: ginnybarbour@windstream.net. April 1, Morganton - Run for the Paws 5K, 9am. Info: kyle.miller87@gmail.com. April 1, Pembroke - Union Chapel’s 5K Superhero Run & Walk 5K, 10am. Info: samntom82@yahoo.com.

April 1-2, Raleigh - Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am (on 4/2), Exclusive Finisher Medal with lots of Participant Perks; 5K, 8am (on 4/1); Save $10 Using Code JRNLRUNS. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510, (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/raleigh April 1, South Mills - Color Run For A Cause 5K, 9am. Info: srogan@camden.k12.nc.us. April 1, Tarboro - Movin’ for Community Outreach 5K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: michaelbrookespeters@gmail.com. April 1, Washington - Special Olympics Beaufort/Hyde Rabbit Race, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk; 8am. Info: leyswendy@yahoo.com; James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 1, Wingate - Union County Crisis Assistance Ministry Crisis Run, 10K & 5K Race, 9am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 11am. Info: Gloria Barrino (704)226-7126, uccam@carolina.rr.com. April 1, Winston-Salem - Foothills Brewing Hopswap Half Marathon & 5K, 8:30am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. April 1, Winston-Salem - Fit for Business 5K, 9am. Info: Amanda Horton - hortonaj@wfu.edu. April 2, Carrboro - Not So Normal Run, Quarter Marathon, Half Marathon, Three Quarter Marathon, Quarter Marathon Relay (2 Person), Three Quarter Mararthon Relay (2 Person); 7:30am. Info: jay@notsonormalrun.org. April 2, Chapel Hill - Zeta Tau Alpha’s Franklin 5K, 9:30am. Info: franklin5k2017@gmail.com. April 5, Wilmington - Loop the Lake - Extended 10, 5K & Kids 1 Mile FR/Walk; 5pm. Info: annie.anthony@capefearvolunteercenter.org. April 6, Black Mountain - Britten Strong 5K, 4:30pm. Info: skamer@montreat.edu. April 7, Cherryville - Splash Dash 5K, 6:30pm. Info: crhahn@gaston.k12.nc.us. April 7, Elon - 5K for Pulmonary Hypertension, 3pm. Info: jmacdonald3@elon.edu. April 7, Kannapolis - Rhythm and Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: NC Music Hall of Fame Museum (704)934-2320, info@northcarolinamusichalloffame.org. April 7, Southern Pines - Friend to Friend Rock ‘n’ Run, 5K Run/ Walk; 6pm. Info: ljmay89@gmail.com. April 8, Apex - Apex Kiwanis 5K & Play 2017, Kid’s Dash 8:30am; Mile 8:45am; 5K 9:15am. Info: Lee Shanklin (919)545-0125, lee.sanklin@edwardjones.com. April 8, Black Mountain - Black Mountain Greenway 5K & 10K, 2pm. Info: greenwaychallenge@gmail.com. April 8, Cary - Cary Road Race, 10K 8:30am; 5K 9:45am; Mile 10:30am. Info: Kirk Matthews (919)469-4363, kirk.matthews@townofcary.org. April 8, Charlotte - Charlotte RaceFest Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7:30am. Info: Scott Dvorak (704)377-8786, scott@charlotterunning.com. April 8, Charlotte - Queen City Trail Run 5K, 9am; Kid’s FR, 10am. Info: bethany@eastsidechurch.tv. April 8, Charlotte - D.R. Fitness Race for a Cause, 5K, 10K Walk/ Fun Run; 8am. Info: info@whatsinyoursandbox.org.

April 8, Concord - 7th Annual Cabarrus County Puzzle Run 5K, 9am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 9:45am; Frank Liske Park (4001 Stough Rd.); Online Registration Deadline 4/3, Noon; TShirt Deadline 3/26; Timing by Queen City Timing. Info: Maria Anthony info@autismcabarrus.com, www.puzzlerun5k.com April 8, Durham - POSH2NOSH 5K, 8am. Info: post2nosh@gmail.com. April 8, East Bend - East Bend School Glow Run 5K, 7:15pm. Info: (336)699-3989. April 8, Elizabethtown - Elizabethtown Rotary 8K Trail Run & Walk, 8:30am. Info: elizabethtownrotary@gmail.com. April 8, Elkin - Habitat HAMMER 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Claire Sellars (336)526-2277, habitat@UYVhabitat.org. April 8, Gastonia - Community Foundation Run, 5K & 2K; 9am. Info: Erin Cashwell (704)864-0927, ewiggins@cfgaston.org. April 8, Goldsboro - Run for a Child - Greater Goldsboro 10K Run, 5K Run, 5K Walk & 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: scott@cox-edwards.com. April 8, Greenville - Pirate Nurse 5K, 9am; Kid’s Race, 8:45am. Info: Jane Boardman (252)744-6504, boardmanj@ecu.edu. April 8, Grifton - Grifton Shad 5K Mud Run, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 8, Harrisburg - Harrisburg YMCA 5K & 10K, 8am; 1 mile FR, 9am. Info: info@agapetiming.com.


Running Journal • April, 2017

April 8, Hickory - End AIDS Walk, 2 Mile 9am; High Heel Dash 11am. Info: alfadirect@alfainfo.org. April 8, Hope Mills - Run for Global Education 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: dawnhoyt@ccs.k12.nc.us. April 8, Landis - Stinger Zinger 5K, 9am. Info: yvonne.bostian@rss.k12.nc.us. April 8, Lexington - Cancer Services of Davidson County, Inc. Walk, Run, Ride For Life, 8:30am/Bikers, 8:45am/5K Run, 10am/ Walk. Info: CSDC (336)249-7265, ray@cancerservicesofdc.org. April 8, Louisburg - Warrior Pride 5K, 9am. Info: Al Wheless (919)880-1440, alwheless@nc.rr.com. April 8, Mooresville - Firefighter Challenge 5K, 8am. Info: rheinrich@lknvfd.org. April 8, Rockingham - Running For The Ribbons 5K, 10am; Family Fun 1K, 9:30am. Info: (910)695-7500, co’quinn@firsthealth.org. April 8, Taylorsville - Robin’s Run, 5K Run/Walk 9am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: rrbscholarshipcommittee@gmail.com. April 8, Washington - Young Life 5K Run, 5K Fun Run; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 8, Wilson - WCS Color Run 5K, 9am. Info: jessica.bailey@wilsonschoolsnc.net. April 9, Greensboro - RunnerDude 10 Mile Challenge, 7am; 10K, 7:10am. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. April 9, Greenville - Hornet Hustle 5K, 3pm. Info: dixonsu@pitt.k12.nc.us. April 9, Raleigh - Mountains-to-Sea Trail 12 Mile & 50K Challenge, 7am/50K, 8am/12 mi. Info: mtst12milechallenge@gmail.com. April 9, Salisbury - Rock Your Socks Knox 5K Run/Walk, 2pm; 1/2 Mile Kids FR, 2:45pm. Info: Laura Zimmerman-Clark (704)6472035, laurazimmermanclark@gmail.com. April 13, Cramerton - HIStory Matters Twilight Easter Family 5K, 7pm. Info: thcole@foundationseducationacademy.org. April 14, Charlotte - FreeMoreWest 5K On The Greenway, 6pm. Info: bnorvell@mcmillanpazdansmith.com. April 15, Bladenboro - Relay for Life 5K Bunny Fun Run & Bike Ride, 9am. Info: evansotis@yahoo.com. April 15, Candler - Carry Your Cross 5K, 9am; Kids 1K, 10am; Little Kids FR, 10:20am. Info: janecannon@charter.net. April 15, Cape Carteret - Tax Day 5K, 9am; Family Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: mcurtislaw@gmail.com. April 15, Chapel Hill - Sli-Five 5K, 7:30am. Info: delvilla@live.unc.edu. April 15, Durham - The Glow in the Night 5K, 8pm. Info: (331)234-7445, events@runforphil.org. April 15, Hendersonville - Kiwanis Bunny Hop 5K Fun Run, 1 Mile Kid Run; 10am-1pm. Info: dlinderman@wcca.net. April 15, Hollister - Haliwa-Saponi 5K, 8am. Info: Al Cooper (252)257-2594, alc5308@gmail.com. April 22, Jamesville - Herring Run 5K, 7am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 15, Lincolnton - Run for Orphans 5K, 9am; FR, 10am. Info: josh.sugg@freedomchurchnc.com. April 15, Morganton - Morning of Hope 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: John Zimmerman (828)443-4850, john@castingforhope.org. April 15, Pilot Mountain - ACC 10K Road Race, 8am. Info: magan.hodges@armfieldcenter.com. April 15, Pine Level - PLVFD Remembrance 5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile, 9:15am. Info: K.M. Holloan (919)524-4254, plvfd.remembrance.5k@gmail.com. April 15, Vale - LCPR Adventure 5K, 9:30am. Info: sabraham@lincolncounty.org. April 15, Winterville - Dr. Abdul’s Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: rahman.karim@tyson.com. April 16, Holly Springs - Too Slow for Boston Marathon, 6:30am. Info: b.marathonseries@gmail.com. April 21-22, Brevard/Pink Beds Park - Smoky Mountain Relay, 202 Miles; 12 person or 6 person ultra teams; 10am. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0821, intern@idaph.net. April 21, Mebane - Mebane Dogwood Festival 5K, 6:30pm. Info: johnbarnhart@hpw.com. April 21, Thomasville - Itty Bitty Kiddie 5K Glow Run, 8:30ish (when it gets dark enough to Glow). Info: maryd@partnershipforchildren.org. April 22, Apex - Race to Market Opening Day Run, 3.5 Mile & 5 Mile; 9am. Info: racetomarket@fitandable.net. April 22, Apex - Stampede 5K Superhero Run, 5K 10am; 1 Mile 11am. Info: Silvia Robertson (919)593-2005, silviamrobertson@yahoo.com. April 22, Blowing Rock - Corkscrew & Brew 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: gwoolard@chetola.com. April 22, Cary - Ruck with the Pack, 10K Run or Ruck, 5K Walk; 8am. Info: zdbowen@ncsu.edu. April 22, Chapel Hill - Tar Heel 10 Miler, 7:45am; 4 Mile Run, 7:15am. Info: info@tarheel10miler.com. April 22, Chapel Hill - Race Rusty the Raptor 5K & 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 4pm. Info: rashkispta.president@gmail.com. April 22, Charlotte - CPCC Skyline Run, 5K & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Aimee Brunton (704)330-6816, aimee.brunton@cpcc.edu. April 22, Charlotte - Pure Religion 5K, 9am. Info: Brenda, Central Church (704)364-5003, brendal@centralnc.org. April 22, Clemmons - Jacob’s Joy 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Walk; 11:30am. Info: jacobsjoy5k@gmail.com. April 22, Davidson - Trot for the Troops 5K, 9am. Info: comitchell@davidson.edu. April 22, Edenton - Chowan Kiwanis 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 22, Eden - GoFar 5K Reidsville, 9:15am; Fun Run, 8:15am. Info: April Cox or Brooke Fuller (336)342-9676 (ext. 207 or 211); aprilc@rockinghamkids.org or brookef@rockinghamkids.org. April 22, Greensboro - Bengal Dash 5K, 9am; Kids Dash (half lap around GDS Track), 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8:40am. Info: (336)2888590.

April 22, Greenville - Pirate Alumni Road Race, 5K 8am; 1 Mile FR to follow. Info: mooresh@ecu.edu.

April 22, Hiddenite - RockyFest Trail Race, 5K, 10K & 20K; 8am; $25 by 4/10, after $35. Info: Rick French, 621 Liledoun Rd., Taylorsville, NC 28681; (828)632-9332, rfrench@alexandercountync.gov, http:// rockyfacepark.com/rockyfest/ April 22, Jacksonville - 5K Drug Awareness Run, 9am. Info: difference180@gmail.com. April 22, Kannapolis - Strides for Stroke 5K, 9am. Info: Lorrie Hampton (704)403-2430, lorrie.hampton@carolinashealthcare.org. April 22, Matthews - Sunshine 5K, 8am. Info: David Pohorence (704)661-3320, dpoho@msn.com.

April 22, Mint Hill - Mint Hill Lions Club 5K, 8am; Location: 4430 Mint Hill Village Lane, Mint Hill, NC; $20 before 4/1, $25 4/1-21, $30 on Race Day. Register at: http://runsignup/ race/nc/MintHillLionsClub5k April 22, Monroe - Wild Turkey 5K Trail Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Sonia McElveen (704)283-3822, ucmgwebsite@gmail.com. April 22, Morehead City - Lookout Rotary Port to Fort Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K Wheelchair 7:35am; 5K Run & Fitness Walk 7:45am; 1 Mile, 7:50am. Info: justdoit.barnes@gmail.com. April 22-23, Kitty Hawk - Flying Pirate Half Marathon & First Flight 5K, 4/22 (Kill Devil Hills): 5K 7:30am; Fun Run 8:30am; 4/23: Half Marathon 7am. Info: (252)255-6273, info@obxse.org. April 22, Oak Island - Oak Island Lighthouse Half Marathon, 8am; 10K, 8:10am; 5K, 8:20am. Info: Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce (910)457-6964, run@oakislandlighthouserun.com. April 22, Raleigh - Second Empire 5K Classic, 9:30am; 1 Mile, 9am; Kid’s Dash, 10:30am. Info: Jim Young (919)873-1207, tjyoung@mindspring.com. April 22, Raleigh - Socks & Undie 5K Rundie, 9am; Kids 1/2K FR, 8:30am. Info: melinda@noteinthepocket.org. April 22, Raleigh - Walk/Run/Bike for Umstead, Tour de TORC 4 Mile or 12 Mile Bike, 9:30am; 4 Mile Run/Walk, 9:45am. Info: info@umsteadcoalition.org. April 22, Reidsville - Band on the Run 5K, 9am; Kids FR (10under), 8:30am. lnfo: botter@rock.k12.nc.us. April 22, Sneads Ferry - Spirit Run 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 22, Sylva - Greening Up the Mountains 5K, 9am. Info: jeniferpressley@jacksonnc.org. April 22, Valdese - WPC Earth Day 5K, 10am. Info: dcewpc@gmail.com. April 22, Warrenton - Run Warrenton 5K, 9am. Info: Jennifer Harris (252)257-0633, editor@warrenrecord.com. April 22, Waxhaw - UDS Gryphon 5K Fun Run, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:45am; 1/2 Mile FR, 9:15am. Info: eva@seraphinp.net. April 22, Winston-Salem - Habitat for Humanity Hammerbird 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Joanne (336)7658854 (x106), joanne.davidson@habitatforsyth.org. April 23, Cary - Cary Greenways Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 8am. Info: carygreenwaysmarathon@fitandable.net. April 23, Durham - Hill Mile, 1 Mile 1pm. Info: Anne Clark Hathaway (919)719-7557, achathaway@hillcenter.org. April 23, Erwin - RailTrail Run for CareNet 5K, 1 Mile Kids FR; 2:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 23, Greensboro - Pig Pounders 5K, 4pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com. April 26, Greensboro - Fire on the Track 5K, 5:30pm. Info: Trivium Racing (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. April 28, Newton - Balls Creek 5K, 6pm; Mr. B’s Kids Sprint, 5:30pm. Info: pto.ballscreek@gmail.com.

April 28, Winston-Salem - Glow Crazy 5K, 8pm; $25 3/1-4/25. Info: Amy Boardwine, 107 Westdale Ave., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; (336)773-9152, aboardwine@bbbsnc.org, https://runsignup.com/Race/NC/ WinstonSalem/GlowCrazy5k April 29, Apex - Water For People 5K, 9am. Info: Lamya King (919)863-9263, lking@hazenandsawyer.com. April 29, Asheboro - 5K Health Run/Fitness Walk, 8:15am; Smile Mile, 9am. Info: information@randolphroadrunners.org. April 29, Asheville - Woodfin Elementary’s Read, Write and Run 5K, 9am. Info: Laura Cleaveland (828)779-1240, woodfin5k@gmail.com. April 29, Asheville - Race to the Taps Running Series #2 - New Belgium Brewing 5 Miler, 11am. Info: Leslie Grotenhuis (828)3388380, info@kickitevents.com. April 29, Beulaville - BES Panther Pride 5K, Fun Run & Kids Dash; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 29, Bunn - Bunn Fun Run, 5K 9am; Mile 9:50am; Kid’s Dash 10am. Info: Cletus Simpson (919)810-9079, clettuss1@yahoo.com. April 29, Chapel Hill - Willow Oak Montessori 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids FR, 10:30am. Info: willowoakmontessori5k@gmail.com. April 29, Charlotte - Holy Trinity Bulldog 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:45am. Info: bridgitkerger@yahoo.com. April 29, Charlotte - The Sarcoma Stomp, 5K Run & 3K Walk, 8am. Info: info@paulatakacsfoundation.org. April 29, Charlotte - Water for People 5K Run, 9am. Info: kschnier@brwncald.com. April 29, Charlotte - GGCC 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: James Gleghorn (704)844-1020, james@ggcckenya.org.

www.running.net April 29, Dobson - MAD Dash 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: Ashley H. Mills (336)386-8211, millsa@surry.k12.nc.us. April 29, Durham - Angels Among Us 5K, 8am. Info: Ellen Stainback (919)684-4784, ellen.stainback@duke.edu. April 29, Four Oaks - Aha Moments 5K Color Run & Kids FR, 9am. Info: ahafouroaks@gmail.com. April 29, Graham - embRACE 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 10:30am. Info: rodney_cain@abss.k12.nc.us. April 29, Greensboro - Owl’s Roost Rumble Trail Half Marathon & 3.5 Mile Trail Race, 8am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. April 29, Greensboro - OLG 5K Run/Walk/Relay & Doggie Dash, Kid’s Run 8am; 3K Doggie Dash Walk 8:25am; 5K Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: olg5krun@gmail.com. April 29, Greensboro - Elon Law Women’s Association 5K, 9:30am. Info: jnoble5@elon.edu. April 29, Greensboro - Autism Unbound 5K, 9:30am; Kids’ Dash, 9:15am. Info: run@autismunbound.org. April 29, Greensboro - Patriots Color Run, 1/2 Mile Run 4pm; 1 Mile Run 4:30pm; 2 Mile Run 5pm. Info: (336)286-8404. April 29, Greenville - Eastern Run/Walk for Autism 5K, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 29, Hickory - Catawba Valley Young Life Glow Run 5K, 8pm. Info: cvyounglife@gmail.com. April 29, Jacksonville - USAA Grand Prix Series - MARSOC Mudd, Sweat & Tears 5 Mile Mud Run, 8am. Info: (910)451-0025, lejgrandprix@usmc-mccs.org. April 29, Lake Lure - LLCA Raptor 5K, 8:30am. Info: llcaraptor5k@llca.school. April 29, Lincolnton - Run the Rail 5K Run/Baby Jogger, 9am; 5K Memorial Walk, 9:05am; Kids FR, 9:50am. Info: colen@hpccr.org. April 29, Mooresville - Marti Estes 5K, 8:30am. Info: Thomas McMillan (704)402-6227, director@me5k.com. April 29, Mooresville - Lowe’s YMCA Storybook 5K, 8:30am. Info: dtourtelot@ymcacharlotte.org. April 29, Morganton - Caribbean 5K Run, 10am. Info: info@patientmodesty.org. April 29, Newland - The Rock 5K Trail Run, 9:30am. Info: kridenhour@lutherock.com. April 29-30, Ocracoke - Ocracoke Island Weekend Runfest, 4/ 29: 5K & 10K, 8am; Fun Run, 10am; 4/30: Half Marathon, 8am. Info: greg@oceanatlanticrentals.com, www.runocracoke.com. April 29, Old Fort - Super Leader 5K, 8am. Info: bonita.mercurio@mcdowell.k12.nc.us. April 29, Pineville - Richard Sheltra Memorial 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:15am. Info: Audrey Patton (704)8890800, pinevillenc@anytimefitness.com. April 29, Raleigh - ALA Air Climb Raleigh, 30 Floors, 618 Steps; 8am. Info: Melissa Forde (919)624-4979, melissa.forde@lungse.org. April 29, Rocky Mount - Run for Knowledge 5K, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. April 29, Trinity - Run 5 Feed 5, 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: kdreddick@live.com. April 29, Troy - Runnin’ 2 Give 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: cre8albums@embarqmail.com. April 29, Wilson - Wilson Swamp Stomp 5K w/Obstacles, 8am. Info: darrmichael@bfusa.com. April 29, Winston-Salem - Muddy Creek Pimento Cheese 5K Trail Run & Throw Down, 9am. Info: shana@muddycreekcafe.com. April 30, Cary - Head for the Cure 5K, 8am. Info: Peggy Felix - unc.neurosurgery.website@gmail.com. April 30, Durham - Balder Dash 5K, 12pm; Kids 1 Mile FR, 1pm. Info: icedstormy@gmail.com. April 30, Hendersonville/Camp Ton-A-Wandah - The Gnarliest Kids Adventure Race, 1pm. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0821, intern@idaph.net. April 30, Leland - Hound Hustle 10K & 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile Trot w/Spot, 8:10am. Info: edfore7628@bellsouth.net. April 30, Morrisville - Run for Nepal, 5K 8:30am. Info: Dipu (919)397-1897, info@run4nepal.org. May 2, Kannapolis - Jiggy the Piggy 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Laura Evans (704)920-4343, levans@kannapolisnc.gov. May 5, Edenton - Kids & Cops Glow Run 5K, 7:45pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 6, Atlantic Beach - Mosquito Run, 10K & 5K Run/Hike, 10am. Info: joolbabyone@yahoo.com. May 6, Brevard - Hunter Subaru Legacy Run, Half Marathon 7:30am; 5K 8:30am; Kids’ FR 10am. Info: Heather Crawford (828)577-0195, heather@inheritanceofhope.org. May 6, Cary - Cary Academy Charger Derby 5K, 9am. Info: Trude Bate (919)760-3680, tbate888@gmail.com. May 6, Chapel Hill - Philosopher’s Way Trail Runs, 10 Miler, 8am; 7K, 8:20am. Info: philosopherswaytrailrun@gmail.com. May 6, Charlotte - Treble Trot 5K Fun Run, 9am; Kid’s Dash, 10:30am. Info: kaitlyn.davros@sardis.org. May 6, Charlotte - University City Duathlon (R-5K, B-12K, R3K); 5K Run, 5K Kids Sprint, 8am. Info: (704)549-8804, bikeline@bellsouth.net. May 6, Claremont - Hope 4 A Cure, 5K Race 8:45am; 1 Mile Fun Walk 9am. Info (828)241-3355 (x320111), angiew_sigmon@catawbaschools.net. May 6, Davidson - Spartan Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: jcashion@csdspartans.org. May 6, Durham - Bull City Run Walk Roll 5K, 8am. Info: Elizabeth Karan (919)286-0411 (x6587), elizabeth.karan@va.gov. May 6, Erwin - Isaiah 40:31 Rock ‘n Run, 5K 9am; Mile 10:30am; Kid’s Dash 11am. Info: Marie Sutton (910)897-5423, msutton@cfcaeagles.com. May 6, Goldsboro - Cures for the Colors, 5K Run (Timed), 8am; 100-Mile for Teams (untimed), 9am; 1 Mile (untimed), 10am. Info: cfc@cancersmoc.com. May 6, Goldsboro - Dash on Ash 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 6, Greensboro - Girls on the Run Triad 5K & FR, 9am. Info: candice.horvath@girlsontherun.org.

May 6, Hendersonville - Run 4 Life 5K/1-3 Mile Walk, 10am. Info: openarmsrun4life@gmail.com. May 6, Hickory - Super Hero Challenge - Laps for Charity, 9am10am; Walk or Run as many laps as you can in 1 hr. Info: runtimeraces@gmail.com. May 6, Huntersville - Red Run, 4K & 8K Road Race & Walk, 8am. Info: smadison@huntersville.org.

May 6, Kernersville - 16th Annual Cone Health MedCenter Spring Folly 5K, 8:30am; $20 before 4/26, after 4/26 & RD $25. Info: Curtis Swisher, 223 Cokesbury Dr., Kernersville, NC 27284; (336)399-1039, cswisher@triad.rr.com; https://runsignup. com/Race/NC/Kernersville/SpringFolly5k May 6, Lewisville - Mutt Strut 5K, 8:30am. Info: (336)721-1303, info@forsythhumane.org. May 6, Middlesex - Home Run 5K Run/Walk for the Children, 9am. Info: cbrown@fwbch.org. May 6, Monroe - Union Academy 5K Trail Run, 8:30am. Info: asabo@unionacademy.org. May 6, Pinehurst - Fairway 5K Run/Walk, 7:45am. Info: (336)2533153, scott@onthemarksports.com. May 6, Smithfield - Johnston Health Champions 5K & 10K, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 6, Spruce Pine - Run For Holland 10K & 5K, 8:30am. Info: runforholland@gmail.com. May 6, Statesville - Timmy Belcher Memorial Rainbow Kidz Ride & Run, 5K, 10K & 1 Mile FR; 8:15am. Info: Mindy Rice (704)9244323, mindyr@hoic.org. May 6, Todd - New River Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 6pm (on 5/5). Info: Ken Sevensky (336)8778888, info@NewRiverMarathon.com. May 6, Waynesville - Gateway to the Smokies Half & 4-Miler, 7:30am. Info: Deb (828)456-3021, disenberg@haywoodchamber.com. May 7, Morrisville - Morrisville Elementary Stampede 5K, 1 Mile Walk; 3pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 7, Rocky Mount - Rocket Mile (USATF NC State Championship), 1 Mile 2pm. Info: Tar River Running Co (252)9030713, tarriverrunningco@gmail.com.

May 12, Salisbury - Teens With A Mission (TWAM) 5K & Fun Run, 1/2 Mile FR=7:30pm; 5K=8pm; $20 by 5/11. Info: Delaine Fowler, 308 W. Fisher St., Salisbury, NC 28144; Delaine Fowler (704)636-1321, delaine6@ hotmail.com, www.salisburyfirstpres.org May 13, Apex - Monarchs in Motion 5K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 13, Arapahoe - Mariner 5K, 1/2 Mile Kids; 9am, Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 13, Asheville/Carrier Park - Mama’s Day 10K & 1K Stroller Push, 10am. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0821, intern@idaph.net. May 13, Beaufort - Crystal Coast Run/Walk for Autism, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 13, Burnsville - Burnsville Fit Families 5K, 9am. Info: schell@grahamchildrens.org. May 13, Clayton - Clayton Road Race, 5K 9am. Info: Matt Lorion (919)553-1554, mlorion@townofclaytonnc.org. May 13, Concord - Exercise is Medicine 5K, 9am; Mile Fun Run/ Walk, 8:30am. Info: Perry Gabriel (704)920-2701, phgabriel@cabarruscounty.us, www.runsignup.com. May 13, Goldsboro - WPCC 5K Run for Life & 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 13, Havelock - Feds Feed Families 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 13, High Point - Carolina Brewsfest Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:15am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. May 13, Hollister - Medoc Spring Race, 7.45 Miles; 8:30am. Info: Tar River Running Co (252)903-0713, tarriverrunningco@gmail.com. May 13, Jacksonville - Marine Chevy Shuffle 5K, 9am. Info: Monica Brady (910)375-9486, monica.brady@girlsontherun.org. May 13, Kernersville - Declan’s Dash 5K Run or Walk, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: declansfoundation@yahoo.com; Richard Swor (313)304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com. May 13, Mooresville - Teal Diva 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: info@queencitytiming.com. May 13, Pisgah Forest - Cradle to Grave 30K & 10K Trail Race, 8am. Info: Devin Gentry (828)884-5713 (x221), raceinfo@cfaia.org. May 14, Greensboro - Race 13.1 Greensboro Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: (866)561-5651 (x301), info@race131.com. May 14, Raleigh - Ramblin’ Rose Triathlon & 5K Run, Tri: S-225 yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 5K 7:30am; Triathlon 8am. Info: info@ramblinroseevents.com. May 16, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #1, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 20, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #2, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 20, Boone - Hunters Heroes 10K & 5K Memorial Run, 8:30am. Info: huntersheroes2013@gmail.com. May 20, Cornelius - Butterfly Run, 5K 8am. Info: info@queencitytiming.com. May 20, Farmville - Town of Farmville 5K & 1.15 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 20, Greenville - 5K Strides for Scholars, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 20, Hillsborough - Got Grit? 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: Tom Carr (919)732-7183, tomcarrcounseling@yahoo.com. May 20, Marion - Carolina Donut Festival’s Bob to Bob’s Half Marathon & Donut Dash 5K, Half Marathon 7:30am; 5K 8:30am. Info: morganpittman78@gmail.com.

www.running.net May 20, Morrisville - Run for Hope IDF 5K, 9am. Info: Felicia Cooper (919)614-7266, feliciacooper7@yahoo.com. May 20, New Bern - Pancake Pursuit 5K, 10K & Kid’s Dash; 7:30am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 20, Wilson - Amanda’s Race 5K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 20, Wilmington - EmergeOrtho 5K, 8am. Info: Lindsay Peiffer (910)251-9622 (x266), lindsay.peiffer@wilmingtonfamilyymca.org. May 21, Asheville - Biltmore Kiwanis 15K/5K Classic, 7:45am. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0821, support@idaph.net. May 21, Greensboro - Race the Bar Preyeras 8K & 5K, 6pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com. May 21, Winston-Salem - Indoor Insanity Marathon & Relay, 8am. Info: Mike Clark (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. May 26, Greensboro - Greensboro Distilling Road Bootlegger 5K, 9pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. May 27, Aurora - Aurora Fossil 5K, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 27, Pine Knoll Shores - K4TW 5K Beach Run, 1K Run/ Walk; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com.

May 27, Salisbury - Bare Bones 5K Run/ Walk, 8:30am; 1/2 Mile Fun Run, 9:15am; Knox Middle School; $20/5K before 5/26, $25 on Race Day; $10/Fun Run. Info: David Freeze (704)310-6741, david.freeze@ctc.net, www.salisburyrowanrunners.org May 28, Manteo - Cupcake 5K, 5:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 29, Avon - Shore Break 5K, Tide Pool 1/2 Mile FR, 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 2, Cary - Glow in the Park 5K Cary, 9pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. June 3, Clemmons - Clemmons Stride for Courage 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8:15am. Info: Al Burchett (336)918-3214, stride4courage@gmail.com. June 3, Garner - MADD Dash 5K, 10:30am. Info: LaRonda Scott (919)787-6599, laronda.scott@madd.org. June 3, Raleigh - Race 13.1 Raleigh Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7:15am. Info: (866)561-5651 (x301), info@race131.com. June 3, Rocky Mount - Rocky Mount Mills 5K, 8:30am. Info: Tar River Running Co (252)903-0713, tarriverrunningco@gmail.com. June 4, Charlotte - Ramblin’ Rose Triathlon & 5K Run, Tri: S200 yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 5K 7:30am; Triathlon 8am. Info: info@ramblinroseevents.com. June 10, Cary - World’s Largest Flip Flop 1K Run/Walk, 10:30am. Info: info@nOgRunClub.com. June 10, Ellerbe - Bethel Hill Moonlight Boogie 50 Miles & Boogie Marathon, 6pm. Info: Doug Dawkins (910)206-2095, doug@theboogieraces.com. June 17, Asheboro - Run Your Tail Off 5K, 8am. Info: Stephanie Turgeon (814)937-8205, smf0313@gmail.com. June 17, Conover - Conover School Run n’ Roll 5K Run, 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk; 8am. Info: Carol Johncock (828)234-5457, cjohncock@charter.net.

June 17, Hiddenite - Vertical Mile Challenge, 1 Vertical Mile (16+ miles); 8am; $25, Late Fee $35; Deadline 6/15. Info: Rick French, 3451 Rocky Face Church Rd., Hiddenite, NC 28681; (828)632-1093, rfrench@alexandercountync.gov, http:// rockyfacepark.com/the-vertical-milechallenge/ June 17, Raleigh - Feminist 5K, 8am. Info: lisa.grafstein@gmail.com. June 24, Roxboro - Sappony 5K Trail Run, 8am; 1 Mile, 7:30am. Info: Mary Edmondson (910)639-9971, sapponytrailrun@gmail.com. July 1, Cary - Run for Liberty, Mile 8am; 5K 8:30am. Info: James Del Bianco (919)267-5284, jim@delbiancopo.com.

July 1, Lenoir - Firecracker 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 8am; $25/5K, $35/10K by 6/24. Info: Zack Carter, 1031 Jim Barger Ct., Lenoir, NC 28645; (828)757-2196, zcarter@ci.lenoir.nc.us, https:// runsignup.com/Race/NC/Lenoir/ Firecracker10k5kand1milefunrun Sept. 9-10, Charlotte - Run & Ride Races at Carowinds, 9/9: 5K & 1 Mile 8:15am; 9/10: Qtr. Marathon & Half Marathon 7am; $55$80, Late Fees $70-$90. Info: Run & Ride Races at Carowinds, 520A E. 6th St., Front Royal, VA 22630; info@adventureenablers.com, http:// www.runandriderace.com/carowinds Race Directors: Don’t forget to send us your race information for our race calendar. May 2017 issue deadline is April 10. See Calendar form on page 28 or visit our website: www.running.net

Running Journal • April, 2017

SOUTH CAROLINA April 1, Chapin - Derby Day Run 5K, 8am. Info: Tasha Bowman (803)476-8816, tbowman@lexrich5.org. April 1, Charleston - Cooper River Bridge Run, 10K 8am; Competitive Wheelchair. Info: crbridgerun@att.net. April 1, Fountain Inn - Kelley’s Kure Run/Walk for Ovarian Cancer, 5K & Fun Run/Walk. Info: Sonya Shepherd (864)979-6432, sonyashepherd@hotmail.com. April 1, Greenville - Zoom Through the Zoo 5K, 8:30am. Info: Amanda Osborne (864)627-4200.

April 1, Greer - Greer Earth Day Running Festival, 10 Mile 7:30am; 10K 8am; 5K 8:15am; Kids Run 9:15am; Medals for all 10 Mile & 10K finishers. Info: sijonk@hotmail.com, http:// greerearthdayrun.com April 1, Hickory Grove - Sara Ann Comer #Run4Agriculture 5K Walk/Run, 8am. Info: sacrunforag@gmail.com. April 1, Liberty - Vance Bailey Memorial 5K, 9am. Info: Kristen Lopez (864)940-7330, kristenlopez628@gmail.com. April 1, North Myrtle Beach - The Humane Society of NMB “Run for the Shelter” 5K, 9am; 1 Mile Walk, 11am. Info: Sue Pantano (843)249-4948, admin@hsnmb.org. April 1, Pickens - Table Rock State Park April Fool’s Day 5K, 10am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475, jstanton@scprt.com. April 2, Bluffton - LK5K, 5K Race 9am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: rob@palmettorunningco.com. April 2, Cayce - Tartan Day South 5K, 2:30pm. Info: Jordan Lybrand (864)884-0091, jslybrand@gmail.com. April 7-8, Columbia - Palmetto Half Marathon, Youth Half Marathon, 5K & Kids FR; 7:15am; $35/5K, $70/Half Marathon by 3/ 31; after $40/5K, $80/Half Marathon. Info: Eggplant Events, POB 692, Blythewood, SC 29016; (803)665-6140, erin@eggplantevents.com, www.palmettohalfmarathon.com.

April 8, Columbia - Day Break 10 Miler & 5K, 10 Miler 7am; 5K Run/Walk 7:30am; $50/10 Miler, $30/5K Run/Walk 3/1-31 w/shirt (not guarantee for late entries); entry fees increase after 3/31. Info: Jordan Lybrand (803)7994786, jslybrand@gmail.com, www.strictly running.com/DAYBREAK/index.html April 8, Florence - Flo-Town 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: apope@cityofflorence.com. April 8, Garden City Beach - Run for the Children 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: cfamurrellsinlet@gmail.com. April 8, Travelers Rest - Can’t Catch Conner 5K, 8:30am. Info: Mike Foley (864)982-2686. April 8, Turbeville - Puddin’ Swamp Festival 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Jason Cook (843)373-0464, jason.cook@clarendon3.org. April 8, York - Hippity Hoppity Hope 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Kelly Arwood (803)627-0272, freddieandkelly@gmail.com. April 8, Wellford - Hopes Runs Here 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Pam Benedict (864)542-7306, smile55@charter.net. April 9, Charleston - ZTA Crown Chase 5K, 9am. Info: Ragan Richardson (843)333-7484, richardsonra@g.cofc.edu. April 15, Columbia - Fallen Heroes Memorial 5K, 9am. Info: Raven Chapman (956)266-5379, ravenc@email.sc.edu. April 15, Columbia - Healthy Strides 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Jaya Ruffin (803)556-1458, jaya.ruffin@uscmed.sc.edu. April 22, Columbia - Lexington Medical Center Heart & Sole Women’s 5 Miler, 8:30am. Info: Jeanna Moffett (803)407-4445, jsmoffett@lexhealth.org. April 22, Columbia - Sparkleberry Fair Cancer Awareness 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Ramesh Tippabhatla (803)667-4285, ramesh.tippabhatla@bcbssc.com. April 22, Columbia - Walk MS: Columbia, 10am. Info: Christine Posner (704)612-2705, christine.posner@nmss.org.

April 22, Greenville - 40th Annual TD Bank Reedy River Run, 2017 Road Runners Club of America South Carolina State 10K Championship; 7:20am/5K, 7:30am/Youth Mile, 7:55am/10K; 10K $25, 5K $20, Youth Mile $10. Info: greenvilletrackclub1972@ gmail.com, www.tdbankreedyriverrun.com April 22, Greenwood - Medicine Chase 5K & 1 Mile, 9am. Info: Donna Trapp (864)942-9889, dtrapp1234@gmail.com. April 22, Johns Island - Mullet Haul Trail Run, 5K, 10K & 10K Relay; 8:30am. Info: (843)795-4386, customerservice@ccprc.com. April 22, Port Royal - Super Heroes vs. Villains 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: rob@palmettorunningco.com. April 22, Rock Hill - Come See Me Road Races, 1 Mile FR 7:45am; 10K 8:10am; 5K 8:30am. Info: chandra.west@wellsfargo.com. April 22, Winnsboro - Imagine the Difference 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1.8 Mile Walk, 8:05am. Info: Veronica Edmonds (803)635-2335, vedmonds@fairfieldbhs.org. April 29, Aiken - Aiken Electric Cooperative Touchstone Energy RUN UNITED Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: Keyatta Priester (803)617-3982, kpriester@aikenco-op.org, www.aikenco-op.org/RunUnited/. April 29, Camden - Clinic Classic 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Kim Hudson (803)713-0806, khudson@cmcofkc.org. April 29, Florence - Brighter Days 5K & 10K, 8am; 1 Mile Family Fun Walk, 8:15am. Info: Lynn Bulloch (843)229-4235, lbulloch@thejonathanfoundation4teens.org. April 29, Lexington - White Knoll High Move for the Music 5K

Road Race & Walk, 8am. Info: moveforthemusic5k@gmail.com.

May 5, Travelers Rest - GHS Swamp Rabbit 5K, 6:30pm; $6 by 4/29, after $15. Info: Race Director: Chad Carlson, 807 North Main St., Travelers Rest, SC 29690; Rebecca Cooper (864)455-9259, rncooper@ghs.org, www.ghs.org/swamprabbit5k May 6, Columbia - Running For Your Life 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (803)750-1200, 5krace@scvan.org. May 6, Columbia - See Spot Run 12K, 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am. Info: DeLisa Edwards (803)260-1201, esmith@humanesc.org. May 6, Prosperity - Prosperity Hoppin 5K Run, 2 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: Karen Livingston (803)364-2622, karen.livingston@prosperitysc.com. May 6, Sunset - Keowee-Toxaway State Park Mountain Laurel 5K, 10am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475, jstanton@scprt.com.

May 7, North Myrtle Beach - Divas Half Marathon & 5K in North Myrtle Beach, 7am; $110/Half Marathon 2/1-5/4; $125 at the Health & Fitness Boutique (only if capacity has not been reached); $65/5K 2/1-5/4, $80 at the Health & Fitness Boutique (only if capacity has not been reached); Save 15% With Code RJMARCH17 valid through 3/31/17. Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com May 13, Columbia - Get In The Pink 10K, 7:20am; 5K, 7:30am; Kids FR, 8:30am. Info: Alicia Buffum (803)429-7763, ajcinn@aol.com. May 13, Irmo - Acts Metro Empower Run, 10K 8am; 5K 8:15am; 1K 8:30am. Info: Tara Kleinschmidt (803)764-0588, tara.k@actsmetro.org. May 13, Leesville - PoultryFest Run, 5K 8am. Info: Duane Peake (803)240-1359, dlpeake@gmail.com. May 13, Little Mountain - Wildcat Run 5K, 8am. Info: bhayes@newberry.k12.sc.us. May 20, Columbia - Lexington Medical Center Governor’s Cup Running Festival, Half Marathon 7am; 5K Run/Walk 7:30am. Info: Ray Renner (803)960-6202, govcupsc@gmail.com. May 27, Greenville - Take Flight 5K & Kid’s Mile, 8:30am. Info: Lara Kaufmann (864)270-6660, lauralkaufmann@gmail.com. May 27, Lexington - Jail Break XI, 5K 8am. Info: Lee Marshall (803)799-4786, lmarshall@lcsd.sc.gov. June 10, Spartanburg - Croft State Park - The Grenade Dash 5K, 9am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475, jstanton@scprt.com. June 17, Fort Mill - Moonlight Bootlegger 5K, 8:55pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com.

TENNESSEE April 1, Clarksville - Alpha Delta Pi Run for Ronald 5K, 10am; 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: adpirun4ronald@gmail.com. April 1, Clarksville - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. April 1, Columbia - Mule Kick 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Trot, 9am. Info: Maury Regional Health Care Foundation (931)380-4075. April 1, Jackson - Andrew Jackson Marathon, 7am; Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: danny@crossett.com. April 1, Johnson City - Deerslayer 2017, 5K OCR & 1M Kids OCR; 8am. Info: Frank Calderala (423)747-9918, fecvets1@live.com. April 1, Lynchburg - Oak Barrel Half Marathon, 8am. Info: info@oakbarrelhalf.com. April 1, Memphis - Youth Villages 10 Miler, 8:15am; 5K, 9am. Info: (901)251-5000, amanda.mullen@youthvillages.org. April 1, Memphis - The Glo Run Memphis 5K, 6:30pm. Info: All Community Events (224)757-5425, info@allcommunityevents.com. April 1, Mt. Juliet - Camp Horizon 5K, 9am. Info: nrfox@hotmail.com. April 1, Nashville - Richland Creek Run, 5 Miles 8am. Info: Elizabeth Mobley (615)630-3681, elizabeth@greenwaysfornashville.org. April 1, Paris - Bulldog Run for Rhea Elementary School, 5K 8am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 9am. Info: Alisha McMasters (423)619-8383, alisha_stephens@hotmail.com. April 1, Woodbury - Cannon Runs for Children 5K, 7:30am. Info: Keylon Holloway (615)867-9000, keylonholloway@bellsouth.net. April 2, Franklin - Run for Missions 5K, 3pm; 1K FR, 4:15pm. Info: danielbmcginley@gmail.com. April 2, Knoxville - Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7:30am; 5K, 7pm (on 4/1) & Kids 1 Mile Run, 6:30pm (on 4/1). Info: (865)684-4294, knoxvillemarathon@gmail.com. April 8, Alcoa - Spring Sprint 5K Race, 8:30am. Info: kellyforster@parksrec.com. April 8, Bristol, VA-TN - Bristol Half & Half Marathon, 2-Person Relay, 5K Walk; 7:55am. Info: mike.stollings@electromechanical.com. April 8, College Grove - I Am Relay 15K, 5K, Obstacle Race Relay 3-Person Team; 8am. Info: Aaron Pettus (615)364-2255, aaron@iamadifferencemaker.today. April 8, Franklin - WillPower 5K, 7:30am. Info: willpower5k@gmail.com. April 8, Gallatin - SJV Wildcat 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (615)2307048, info@saintjohnvianney.org. April 8, Johnson City - Garrett’s Hero Run - ETSU, 5K Run 11am; 1 Mile Fun Walk, 11:15am. Info: davenportm@goldmail.etsu.edu. April 8, Knoxville - Run for Autism 5K Race, 8am. Info: Beth


Ritchie (865)719-0534. April 8, Knoxville - Sawworks 5K & Beer Mile, 7pm. Info: Muna Rodriguez-Taylor (865)567-0358, munarodriguez@gmail.com. April 8, Memphis - Race 13.1 Memphis Half Marathon & 8K, 7am. Info: (866)561-5651 (x301), info@race131.com. April 8, Memphis - Grizz Fit 5K, 9am. Info: Paris Stegall (901)205-1463, pstegall@grizzlies.com. April 8, Murfreesboro - Special Kids 15K, 7am; 5K, 7:20am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: (615)893-4892, racedirector@specialkidstn.com. April 8, Nashville - Race Judicata 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: nashvilleracejudicata@gmail.com. April 8, Nashville - TSU Big Blue Tiger 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Charla Lowery (614)439-9573, clowery96@gmail.com. April 8, White Bluff - Kicking Asphalt for Dickson County 5K, 8am. Info: Amy Fair (615)321-4939, afair@cfmt.org. April 9, Greenback - Lakeshore Trail Trek, 16 Mile or 10K Trail Race; 9am. Info: Kathy Smith (865)806-5999, momexample@gmail.com; (865)548-4718. April 9, Kingsport - Salvation Army Red Kettle Run 5K, 4pm. Info: philiphorner@msn.com. April 9, Memphis - Earth Day 5K, 2pm. Info: Natalie Wilson (901)222-7267, nwilson@shelbyfarmspark.org. April 9, Memphis - Memphis Catholic Education 5K, 2pm. Info: (901)276-1221, info@memphiscatholic.org. April 9, Nashville - RunWild Bells Bend 6 Miler, 8am. Info: (615)228-9191. April 15, Bristol - Holston River BeerMile, 4pm. Info: mrowe106@gmail.com. April 15, Church Hill - Laurel Run Ascent 11 Mile Trail Race, 8am. Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), markskelton@markskelton.com. April 15, East Ridge - Locomotion 12, 12 & 6 Hour Run/Walk; Solo & Teams; 12 Hr. 7:30am; 6 Hr. 1:30pm. Info: simmoncn@gmail.com. April 15, Johnson City - Bunny Hop 5K & Kid’s Dash. Info: blueplumdirector@gmail.com. April 15, Knoxville - Resurrection Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: Chuck Blair (865)696-9333, chuck.blair@arconic.com.

April 15, Memphis - SRVS Kids & Families Bunny Run, 8am/registration, 9am/start; $15/Children 11-under, $20/MRTC members, $25/non-MRTC members by 3/31; after $30/ all registrants. Info: Cheryl McCaskill, SRVS, 3971 Knight Arnold Rd., Memphis, TN 38118; (901)312-6802, cheryl.mccaskill@srvs.org, www.srvs.org April 15, Nashville (Metrocenter) - Moosic City Dairy Pure Dash 5K/10K/15K and Wunder Mighty Mile, 1 Mile 7am; 5K 7:30am; 10K & The Smitty 15K 8am; $35/5K, $40/ 10K, $45/15K, $20/1 Mile by 4/14; $40/5K, $45/10K, $50/15K, $20/1 Mile on Race Day. Info: Frank (Smitty) Schmidt, 166 Tara Lane, Goodlettsville, TN 37072; (615)851-2630, fjsa s s o c @ c o m c a s t . n e t , www.puritydairydash.com April 15, Nashville - Run United Streets Works 5K Unity Run, 7:30am. Info: (615)259-7676. April 15, Norris - Michael Curtin Renaissance Run, 5K 9am. Info: Jim Haynes (865)494-7502. April 21, Gatlinburg - Earth Day 5K, 10pm. Info: Cheryl Wilkins (865)436-0505, cheryl@gatlinburg.com. April 22, Alcoa - Cornerstone Race for Recovery 5K, 9am. Info: kent.stephens@cumulus.com. April 22, Brentwood - TN Baptist Children’s House Run for Kids 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile Kids Run, 8:30am. Info: jmcginnis@tennesseechildren.org. April 22, Dickson - CareNet Everyday Hero 10K & 5K, 7am. Info: (615)446-0701, carenettn@gmail.com. April 22, Dover - 5K Walk/Run Bark for Life, 10am. Info: Kristi May (931)232-6044, legendacres@hotmail.com. April 22, Erwin - Devil Dash 5K, 9am. Info: Stacia Silvers (423)525-3355, stacialynn33@gmail.com. April 22, Gallatin - Sumner Academy 5K & Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: Kelly (615)500-6274, pto@sumneracademy.org. April 22, Johnson City - FRIENDS Buddy Run 5K & Family Walk with Special Needs Dash. Info: Misty Adams (865)898-7828, mistyadams2@gmail.com. April 22, Lebanon - Roar Run 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Mary Spann (615)444-6651, mary.spann@lssd.org. April 22, Memphis - Bad Dog 5K, 8am. Info: J. Tutko (901)5738173, director@baddog5k.com. April 22, Morristown - Cease Inc. Overcomer Obstacle Challenge, 3+ Mile endurance race w/21+ obstacles; 9am/1st wave; Kid’s Obstacle Challenge, 11:30am. Info: Donna Kelly (423)581-7029, dkellycease@gmail.com. April 22, Nashville - Shade Tree Trot 5K, 8am. Info: shade.tree.trot@gmail.com. April 22, Nashville - Hike2Heal 5K for Raise the Roof Academy, 9am. Info: (615)686-9085, info@raisetheroofacademy.org. April 22, Oak Ridge - Secret City 5K for Haiti, 7:30am. Info: tp@paul5.com. April 23, Memphis - Spring Mile & MRTC Kids! Run, 2pm. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. April 23, Pigeon Forge - Spring Fling 5K Run/Walk, 3pm. Info: Frank Damante (865)387-6784, frankdamante@gmail.com. April 29, Bristol - Power of Play 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: lindsay.hammitt@wellmont.org.


Running Journal • April, 2017


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www.running.net April 29, Greeneville - Cherokee Challenge 5K Obstacle & Mud Run. Info: Long View Ranch (423)636-0032, office@longviewranch.com. April 29, Kingsport - Run Like a Princess 3K Walk & 5K Race, 5K 10am; 3K 10:30am. Info: Cody Morelock (423)552-8011, contactus@princessd.org. April 29, Knoxville - Dogwood Classic 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: sjoines@bellsouth.net. April 29, Madisonville - Tsali Notch 5K, 10am. Info: Craig Brackett (865)207-9331. April 29, Maryville - Superhero Life Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: Valerie Millsapps (865)977-8378, valerie@prcbctn.com. April 29, Maynardsville - YMCA Ridge Runner 5K, 9am. Info: mgrimm@ymcaknoxville.org.

April 29, Nashville - St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:15am; 5K, 6:45am; 1 Mile 7pm (on 4/27); Health & Fitness Expo 4/27-28. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/nashville. See Ad page 5. April 29, Oneida - Oscar Blevins Trail Runs at Big South Fork, 4 mi. & 7 mi., 10am; 1 Mile Trail Race for Kids (12-under), 9am. Info: Bobby Glenn (865)548-7664, bgruns@icloud.com. April 30, Murfreesboro - MTSU See Spot Run for Humanity 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (615)898-5812. May 5, Johnson City - Cinco de Mayo Club Links 5K, 7pm. Info: outsidethebox@chartertn.net. May 6, Bristol - Splash Dash 5K, 8am. Info: Julie Bittinger (423)502-3941, jebradbu@gmail.com. May 6, Erwin - Derby Day Dash 5K & Derby Hat Strut, 4pm. Info: amanda@unicoicounty.org. May 6, Hermitage - Comeback Trail Walk/Run, 9am. Info: trista@neurotherapynashville.com. May 6, Johnson City - Girls on the Run 5K, 9am. Info: jessica.thomas@girlsontherun.org. May 6, Knoxville - L.E.A.P. 5K Race, 1 Mile FR/Walk; 8am. Info: knoxvillewhirlwinds@gmail.com. May 6, Knoxville - Healing Bird 5K & FR, 8am. Info: Crystal Copeland (865)363-4604, crystal.copeland34@gmail.com. May 6, Loudon - Be a Factor 5K, 9am. Info: gregj@loudontrucking.com. May 6, Memphis - NAACP Fund Run 5K, 8am. Info: (901)5211343. May 6, Nashville - Shoney’s 5K Family Fun Run & Walk, 5K 9am; Kid’s FR, 10am. Info: Terri Harof (404)786-7410, terri.harof@shoneys.com. May 6, Nashville - Girls on the Run of Middle Tennessee Spring 5K, 8am. Info: (615)356-4829, nashvillegotr@gmail.com. May 6, Seymour - Run with the Lions and Walk with the Lamb 5K Race, 8am. Info: Erika Townsend (865)567-9221, erikaht1221@gmail.com.

May 6, Wartrace - Strolling Jim 41.2 Miles, Marathon & 10K; 7am; $100/41.2 mi., $80/ Marathon, $40/10K; $15 Late Fee. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, https:// ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=41888 May 7, Kingsport - FBC Kingsport AmazinGrace 5K, 6pm; KFOM/Fun Mile, 5:15pm. Info: Allison Jones (423)791-2757, abrunnergirl@yahoo.com. May 7, Oak Ridge - Suck it Up, Buttercup KT Memorial 5K Race, 8am. Info: (865)804-7091, info@roadkilltiming.com. May 9, Kingsport - Duck Island Spring Mile: Kids & Adults; 6:30pm Girl’s Mile; 6:45pm Boy’s Mile; 7:05pm Adults Mile. Info: Bob Townsend (423)525-7335 (c), bobtownsend@comcast.net. May 12, Bartlett - Running Of The Rams 5K, 6:30pm. Info: jmflores6@comcast.net. May 13, Bristol - Splash Dash 5K, 8am. Info: Julie Bittinger (423)502-3941, jebradbu@gmail.com. May 13, Chattanooga - Elizabeth’s Outrun Melanoma 5K & Walk, 9am. Info: Jennifer Nicely (423)495-4438, jennifer_nicely@memorial.org. May 13, Cleveland - Cleveland Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am. Info: (423)790-7901, cleveland@terrarunning.com. May 13, Greeneville - Community of Unity 5K Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Sheila Bailey (423)620-0512, baileys@gcschools.net. May 13, Johnson City - Run For Your Mom 5K, 9am. Info: Kevin Gravier (304)952-6229, runforyourmom@gmail.com. May 13, Kingsport - Susan G. Komen Tri-Cities Race for the Cure 5K. Info: Lori Brown (423)765-9313, administrator@komentricities.org. May 13, Knoxville - Hann Jivin’ in the Dark, 6 Mile Trail Race, 8:45pm; Kids Race, 8:15pm. Info: Andrea Ludwig (865)306-3115, aludwig@utk.edu. May 13, Memphis - Junior League of Memphis 5K, 9am. Info: sarah.gagnon@bmhcc.org. May 13, Wartburg - Mountain Laurel 5K, 8am. Info: Jennifer Brasel (423)346-6635, jenniferb@psbgroup.com. May 19, Memphis - Rylee’s Run 5K, 7pm. Info: Miriam Dillard Stroud (205)531-1851, miriamdillard@hotmail.com. May 20, Bristol - Chick-fil-A Bristol 5K, 8am; Fun Run/Walk, 8:15am. Info: Hannah Dean (276)466-5811, marketing@cfabristol.com. May 20, Germantown - Eye Opener 5K PJ Run, 6pm. Info: Kathi Wright (901)486-2984, kathibwright@gmail.com. May 20, Kingsport - Racks By The Tracks SPF 10K, 9am; 5K, 10:30am. Info: Crystal Landers (423)426-4887, clanders.fitness@gmail.com.

Running Journal • April, 2017 May 20, Knoxville - Tillery’s Hustle for Hope 5K, 9am. Info: Alana Phillips (423)827-2804, alanaphillipsmarketing@gmail.com.

May 20, Memphis (Overton Park) - Heroes In Recovery 6K - Memphis, 8am; $30 3/19-4/ 9, $35 4/10-5/19, $40 on Race Day; Wag & Run - Get bandana for canine participant: $5 (until 5/20); Virtual Runner $25 (until 5/18). Info: Sarah Shearer - Heroes6k@frnmail.com, https://goo.gl/GiH0GG May 20, Oak Ridge - Oak Ridge Schools Stomp Out Tobacco 5K. Info: Jenifer Laurendine (865)425-9028. May 20, Viola - Viola Valley Half Marathon, 7am. Info: John Nunley (931)635-3413, jnunley@blomand.net. May 21, Maryville - Highland Half Marathon, 7:30am; Scot Trot 5K, 8am. Info: eric.greaser@gmail.com. May 25, Memphis - Zoom Through the Zoo 4 Miler, 1 Mile FR; 6:30pm. Info: Michele Correia (901)333-6554, mcorreia@memphiszoo.org. May 27, Bristol - The Bill Gatton Honda Run For Phil 5K, 8am. Info: 5k@billgattonhonda.com. May 27, Knoxville - The it Company EXPO 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: emertj@comcast.net. May 27, Watauga - Ta-Pa-Win-Go Joy Run 5K, 1pm. Info: cbmcampangela@gmail.com. May 28, Memphis - Great American River Run, Half Marathon & 5K, 7:30am. Info: (901)525-4611, run@memphisinmay.org. May 29, Chattanooga - Chattanooga Chase 8K, 8am; 1 Mile, 9:45am. Info: chattchaserd@chattanoogatrackclub.org. May 29, Greeneville - The Hope 4, 4 Mile Race, 4K Wellness Walk, 8:04am; Kids FR, 9:04am. Info: Jon Reynolds (423)6362141, Tom DuBois (423)636-2175. May 29, Johnson City - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. June 2, Johnson City - Blue Plum Fest 5K Run/Walk, 7pm; Little Plum Half Mile, 6:30pm. Info: blueplum5krd@gmail.com. June 3, Knoxville - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. June, 3, Roan Mountain - Diamond Dash 5K Trail Run, 9am. Info: Morgan Gilman (615)418-9949, morgan.gilman@tn.gov. June 3, Rogersville - Amis Mill 10K, 8am. Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), markskelton@markskelton.com. June 4, Millington - The Navy Ten Nautical Miler & Mini Miler, 6am. Info: mwrwizard@gmail.com. June 10, Knoxville - Sharps Ridge Scuttle, 6 Mile 8am; Kids Race 7:30am. Info: Stephanie Johnson (865)661-8821, stephj1963@aol.com. June 16, Memphis - Memphis Farmers Market Crop Hop 5K, 6:30pm. Info: (501)765-4123, allison@memphisfarmersmarket.org. June 24, Memphis - Ultimate 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: Debi & John Bookas (901)383-2771, ult10k@aol.com. July 16, Memphis - EJ Goldsmith Memorial Road Race Series, 5K 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. June 17, Lenoir City - Tellico Summer Solstice Trail Runs, 10K & 5K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com.

VIRGINIA April 1, Abingdon - Restore Your Sole 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Jill Rust (423)968-2011, bristolmission.mkt@gmail.com. April 1, Charlottesville - Charlottesville Marathon, Marathon 4Person Relay, Half Marathon & 8K, 7am; Kids K, 9am. Info: Francesca Conte (434)218-0402, francesca@badtothebone.biz. April 1, Danville - Good Year Education 5K, 9am. Info: goodyeargolf@gmail.com. April 1, Fredericksburg - J Brian’s Tap Room 15K, 7am. Info: (540)538-0600, j.brians15kracedirector@gmail.com. April 1, Gainesville - Holy Trinity TAPS 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: mikejwyke@gmail.com. April 1, Hampton - Joe & Sue Moore Memorial Scholarship 5K Race, 9am. Info: Danielle Hundley (757)873-6863, danimdanim@hotmail.com. April 1, Hume - Runaway Brides 5K Fun Run, 9am. Info: info@stephaniemessick.com. April 1, Middleburg - Middleburg 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: (540)687-8067, teridm@mindspring.com.

April 1, Newport - Hell Climb 10K, 10K+ 9am; $40 by 3/31. Info: Kirby Walke, 1427 Mt. Tabor Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24060; (540)3307051, easterndivideultra@gmail.com, http:// www.triadventure.com/hell-climb-10k/ April 1, Pulaski - “Color Me Cameron” 5K, 10am Opening Ceremony. Info: Terri Fitzwater Palmore - tfitzwater@verizon.net. April 1, Richmond - Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K, 8:30am; Virginia 529 Kids Run, 8am. Info: Sports Backers (804)285-9495, info@sportsbackers.org. April 1, Sandy Level - Dam 50K, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: Lauren Acker (540)721-9622, lacker@franklincountyymca.org. April 1, Virginia Beach - Sentara Don’t Sit on Colon Cancer 5K, 1 Mile; 9am. Info: Michelle Nassan (757)201-8301, michellenassan@aol.com. April 2, Virginia Beach - Surf’s Up 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Little Surfer 1 Miler, 8:30am. Info: (757)409-1913, info@roadrageevents.com. April 7, Crystal City - Crystal City 5K Fridays, 6:30pm. Info: events@runpacers.com. April 8, Bristol, VA-TN - Bristol Half & Half Marathon, 2-Person Relay, 5K Walk; 7:55am. Info: mike.stollings@electromechanical.com. April 8, Chesapeake - Dismal Swamp Stomp 1/2 Marathon,

8am; 5K, 8:15am; Children’s 1/2 Mile Cub Run, 11:30am. Info: Mettle Events (757)373-4174, team@mettleevents.com. April 8, Langley - Langley Race Around the Base 10 Miler, 9am. Info: john.hickok@langley.af.mil. April 8, Norfolk - Kettle Krush 5K & 1K FR, 8am. Info: heidi@kettlekrush.com. April 8, Reston - Nature House 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (703)435-6501, lbutler@reston.org. April 8, Stafford - Stafford Hospital 5K, 8:30am. Info: (540)7411512, alan.edwards@mwhc.com. April 8, Williamsburg - Queens Lake Run, 5K Run/Walk 9am; 1 Mile FR 8:30am. Info: Paul Pelletier (757)253-0625, ppelletier4@gmail.com. April 9, Fairfax - “Break A Sweat for a Homeless Pet” 5K Run/ Walk, 9am. Info: (703)913-0313, metrorunwalk.bruce@gmail.com. April 9, Lorton - Prison Break Dash .com, 10K, 5K & 1K; 9am. Info: Brian - help@prisonbreakdash.com. April 9, Reston - Runners Marathon of Reston, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 8am. Info: info@runnersmarathon.com. April 15, Chincoteague Island - Bay to Bay 10K Run & 5K Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: Missy Denault (757)336-6266, mdenault@ymcachesapeake.org. April 15, Heathsville - Run NNK Earth Day 5K, 8am. Info: Bill Kirby - wkirby@runnnk.org. April 15, Norfolk - Big Blue 5K, 10:30am; 1K, 10am. Info: (757)412-1056, info@jandaracing.com. April 15, Yorktown - Victory at Yorktown 10K Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Michael Bennett (757)342-5338, michael.bennett@peninsulaymca.org. April 22, Abingdon - Virginia Creeper 10 Miler. Info: Lisa Hazlett (423)306-1483, lhazlett@k12k.com. April 22, Ashburn - Step Sisters’ Ribbon Run, 5K 8am. Info: Ashley Campolattaro (703)217-8182, ashley@stepsisters.org. April 22-23, Ashburn - Loudoun Half & 8K, 4/22: 8K, 8am; Fun Run, 8:05am; 4/23: Half Marathon, 7am. Info: race@logisticsmb.com. April 22, Chantilly - Becky Epton Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. April 22, Flint Hill - Fodderstack 10K Classic, 9am. Info: info@fodderstack10k.com. April 22, Marion - Hungry Mother 50K, 25K & 5K; 8am. Info: Lori Ringley (276)783-3161, info@smythchamber.org. April 22, Petersburg - Petersburg Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:15am; Kid’s Race, 10:30am. Info: info@runpetersburg.com. April 22, Roanoke - Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & Family 1 Mile; 7:35am. Info: (540)343-1550 (x110), julia@roanokeoutside.com. April 22, Williamsburg - Run the D.O.G. Street Challenge 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR, 7am. Info: Jim Elder (757)253-0277, jim@colonialsportscustom.com. April 23, Alexandria - Parkway Classic, 5K, 10 Miles & Kid Dash; 8am. Info: Pacers Alexandria (703)836-1463, events@runpacers.com. April 23, Fairfax - Heroes vs. Villains Run for Justice 5K & Kid’s Fun Run, 9am. Info: bglass@davidmarkslaw.com. April 23, Reston - Spring Backyard Burn Trail Running Series Race #3, 5 Mile or 10 Mile. Info: info@ex2adventures.com. April 28, Abingdon - EMS Strong Called To Care 5K, 7:30pm. Info: mlong@vaems.org. April 28-29, Chesterfield - Ragnar Trail Richmond-VA, Presented by Salomon, 120 Mile Relay; 9am. Info: Customer Service (801)4995024, customerservice@ragnarrelay.com. April 29, Arlington - Business Gives Back 5K & 10K, 9am. Info: (804)386-9645, businessgivesbackrace@gmail.com. April 29, Burkes Garden - Colors of Cancer 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: aleighton814@gmail.com. April 29, Damascus - Trail Town Challenge, 35 Mile Ultra 7am; Marathon 7:15am; Half Marathon 7:30am; 10K 7:45am; 5K 8am. Info: Brian Zier (276)274-6148, bszier@gmail.com. April 29, Duffield - Run The Tunnel 3.8 Mile Road/Trail, 9am. Info: Frank Kibler (423)292-9980, runfrankrun@hotmail.com. April 29, Fairfax Station - Virginia German Shepherd Rescue’s Charity Run/Walk, 5 Mile & 1 Mile; 7am. Info: (703)927-0672, khaledrbitar@gmail.com. April 29, Newport - VBJI Let Justice Roll 5K, 8am. Info: Joy Dudley (303)819-0499, joy.r.dudley@gmail.com. April 29, Quantico - Quantico 100, 100 minute, log as many miles as you can challenge run; 5:30pm. Info: (703)784-2225, mcmcustomerservice@usmc-mccs.org. April 29, Radford - Highlander Half Marathon & 8K, 8am; Kid’s FR, 9am. Info: (540)831-7889, athleticmktg@radford.edu. April 29, Reston - Courtney Schilling Memorial 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Kids FR; 8am. Info: (703)200-6934, yolamal3@gmail.com. April 29, South Riding - Glow South Riding 5K & 1 Mile, 7:30pm. Info: margo@adventureenablers.com. April 29-30, Sterling - The North Face Endurance Challenge, 4/ 29: 50 Mile 5am; 50K 7am; Marathon 9am; Marathon Relay 10am; 4/30: Half Marathon & 10K 8am; 5K 8:15am; Kid’s Run 10am. Info: Jeff Ball (469)475-1317, endurancechallenge@ publicishawkeye.com. April 29, York County - Tabb High School May Day 5K, 8am. Info: Susan Wiker (757)867-5306, swiker@ycsd.york.va.us. May 6, Charlottesville - Adam and Eve Half Marathon & 8K, 8am. Info: (434)218-0402, francesca@badtothebone.biz. May 6, New Kent - Uncorked Half, Half Marathon; 8am. Info: Race Director (804)285-9495, info@sportsbackers.org. May 6, Newport News - 5K By the Bay, 9am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Race Team (757)880-8843, raceteam@flatoutevents.com. May 7, Ashburn - Loudoun Lyme 10K, 8am; 5K, 8:10am; 1K 9:30am. Info: race@logisticsmb.com. May 7, Fredericksburg - Great Train Race, George Dashington, Caboose Run; 1 Mile Run (18-under), 7:30am; 1/2 Mile, 11am; 1/ 4 Mile, 11:30am. Info: mjcjtaylor@comcast.net. May 7, Lorton - Spring Backyard Burn Trail Running Series Race #4, 5 Mile or 10 Mile. Info: info@ex2adventures.com. May 13, Abingdon - 5K Run for St. Anne School, 9am. Info: Wendy Cheers (276)669-0048.


May 13, Grundy - Grundy Kiwanis/Trupoint Bank 5K Run, 9am. Info: Ricky Owens or Jon Rife (276)935-2181, rickyowens@rifestv.net. May 13, Herndon - Herndon Middle School 5K Run/Walk for Mental Health Awareness, 9am. Info: (703)904-4961, rmhalpin@fcps.edu. May 13, Norton - Fit Farmer 5K, 9am; Kids Obstacle Course, 9:30am. Info: Michele Knox (276)679-0754, michelek@nortonva.org. May 13, Poquoson - Bull Island 4-Miler, 8:30am. Info: Charles Rivongkham (757)637-8530, c.a.rivongkham@gmail.com. May 13, Raphine - Ultra Race of Champions - Skylark Crest of the Blue Ridge, 100K & 50K 6am; 25K 9am. Info: gill@badtothebone.biz.

May 13, Yorktown - gotCUREage Must Dash for a CURE 5K, 5:30pm (York High School); Kids 1/2 Mile Fun Run, 5pm; $25 by 4/1, $35 by 5/10, $40 on race day; Kids FR $15. Info: Lauren Blanchard, 310 Artillery Rd., Yorktown, VA 23692; (757)880-8322, lauren@gotcureage.com, https:// www.raceit.com/Register/?event=38695 May 14, Reston - Mother’s Day 4 Miler, 1 Mile Run/Walk; 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. May 14, Springfield - Mother’s Day “Mothers Helping Mothers” 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (703)919-0313, metrorunwalk.bruce@gmail.com. May 20, Clifton - Clifton Caboose Twilight Run, 5K & 1 Mile FR/ Walk; 6pm. Info: (703)968-0740, clifton5k@verizon.net. May 20, Hampton - Run for the Stage 5K, 9am. Info: jcharbonneau@hampton.k12.va.us. May 20, Keezletown - Mountain Valley Half Marathon & 10K, 8am. Info: (540)833-6302, valleysting@aol.com. May 21, Centreville - Reservoir Relay Trail Run, 18.5 Miles (Solo & Relay); 5 Mile; 9am. Info: info@ex2adventures.com. May 21, Fredericksburg - Marine Corps Historic Half, 7am; Semper5FIVE. Info: (800)Run-USMC, mcmcustomerservice@usmc-mccs.org. May 21, Herndon - Red Shoe 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (202)5298204, kristen@rmhcdc.org. May 21, Virginia Beach - COLT 5K Race, 2pm; 1 Mile FR, 1pm. Info: (757)880-1662. jessicabueno@verizon.net. May 27, Newport News - Chick-fil-A 10K/5K, 1/2 Mile 8am; 10K 8:30am; 5K 8:45am. Info: Race Team (757)880-8843, raceteam@flatoutevents.com. May 27, Portsmouth - Elizabeth River Run 10K, 8am; Crawford Street Mile, 8:15am. Info: (757)495-3551, races@tidewaterstriders.com.

May 28, Alexandria - Alexandria Running Festival, Half Marathon 7:30am; 1K 7:45am; 5K 8am; $80/Half, $50/5K thru 3/31; $95/Half Marathon, $60/5K on Race Weekend; $15/1K thru 5/28. Info: Nicholas Panebianco (301)807-8529, president@mc-coop.org, www.mc-coop.org/arf May 29, Ashburn - Ringing in Hope 5K, 10K & 1K; 8am. Info: Diane Brown (703)216-9283, info@ringinginhope.com. May 29, Winchester - Loudoun Street Mile, 1 Mile 8am. Info: Mark Stickley (540)665-8394, mark@runnersretreat.com. May 29, Yorktown - Yorktown Freedom Run 5K, 8am. Info: Bill Pope (757)877-7331, bpope3@cox.net.

June 3-4, Doswell - Run & Ride Races at Kings Dominion, 6/3: 5K & 1 Mile 8:30am; 6/ 4: Qtr. Marathon & Half Marathon 7am; $55$80, Late Fees $70-$95. Info: Run & Ride Races at Kings Dominion, 520A E. 6th St., Front Royal, VA 22630; info@adventureenablers.com, http:// www.runandriderace.com/kings-dominion June 3, Hampton - Fox Hill Community 5K, 8:30am. Info: Natalie Bowen (757)477-7589, rfbowen@cox.net. June 3, Richmond - CrossOver Ministry Moo & Brew 5K, 5pm. Info: Amy Capistran (804)655-2794 (x106), acapistran@crossoverministry.org. June 3, Springfield - Springfield 5K, 9am. Info: Mark Russell (703)913-0313, metrorunwalk.mark@gmail.com. June 4, Fairfax - StarKid 5K, 8:30am; Family FR, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. June 10, Manassas - Color Vibe 5K, 9am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. June 11, Fairfax - Celebrate Fairfax 5K, 8am; Tot Dash/Free, 9am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. June 16, Williamsburg - Glow Williamsburg 5K & 1 Mile, 8:25pm. Info: margo@adventureenablers.com.

June 17, Pembroke - Eastern Divide Ultra - USATF Virginia 50K State Championship, 50K 7:30am; 8 Miles, 10am; $75/50K, $25/8 Miles by 5/17; $90/50K, $40/8 Miles 5/18-6/15. Info: Kirby Walke, 1427 Mt. Tabor Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24060; (540)330-7051, easterndivideultra@gmail.com, http:// www.triadventure.com/eastern-divide-ultra/


Running Journal • April, 2017

June 17, Roanoke - Race 13.1 Roanoke Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: (866)561-5651 (x301), info@race131.com. June 17, Virginia Beach - Summer Slam 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids 1 Miler, 8am. Info: (757)409-1913, info@roadrageevents.com. June 18, Reston - Run With Dad 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 9am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. June 24, Ashburn - Twilight Festival 4 Miler & 1 Miler, 7:30pm. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. June 30, Roanoke - Moonlight Bootlegger 5K, 8:55pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com.

Sept. 2-3, Virginia Beach - Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach 1/2 Marathon & 5K, 7am (on 9/ 3); Mile on the Sand, 8:30am (on 9/2); Health & Fitness Expo 9/1-2. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/virginia-beach

WASHINGTON, DC April 2, Washington, DC - Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run & 5K Run/Walk, 10 Mile 7:30am (Elite Women @ 7:20am); 5K Run/Walk 8:40am; 1K FR for Kids 5 to 12, 9:30am. Info: (301)320-3350, info@cherryblossom.org, www.cherryblossom.org. April 2, Washington, DC - Tenley Tiger Run 5K, Mile Kid’s Run & Cub Run; 9am. Info: (202)230-9029, tenleytigerrun@gmail.com. April 16, Washington, DC - Hello Spring - Locals for Locals 5K, 8am. Info: (202)599-1429, cheryl@localsforlocals5k.com. April 22, Washington, DC - BEST Kids Superhero 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: (202)397-2999, dominique@bestkids.org. April 22, Washington, DC - Tillman Honor Run, 4.2 Mile Run/ Walk; 8am. Info: cwilliams2k4@gmail.com. April 29, Washington, DC - Color Vibe 5K, 8am. Info: support@thecolorvibe.com. May 6, Washington, DC - AmpUp! Walk/Run to End Bladder Cancer, 3 Miles; 8am. Info: Rebecca Yannopoulos (301)215-9099 (x206) walk@bcan.org. May 7, Washington, DC - Race for Hope DC 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: racedc@curebraintumors.org. May 7, Washington, DC - Public Service 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (202)554-0007, fedshelpingfeds@feea.org. May 13, Washington, DC - National Police Week 5K, 9am. Info: 5k@odmp.org. May 14, Washington, DC - Tricia Davis 5K Walk/Run for Sinai House, 8am; FR, 8:30am. Info: sinaihouse@gmail.com. May 20, Washington, DC - River Run for Orphans DC, 5K Race, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:45am. Info: BobLicitra@ChildrensFund.net. May 20, Washington, DC - Lace Up for RAINN 5K, 9am. Info: membership@rainn.org. May 21, Washington, DC - Semper Fi 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am (Note Date Correction). Info: info@semperfi5k.com. June 3, Washington, DC - Race4Respect 5K & 1K Kids Dash, 9am. Info: (301)704-1572, race4respect@devenio.org. June 10, Washington, DC - Lawyers Have Heart 10K Run, 5K Run & Fun Walk; 7am. Info: (703)248-1714, lawyershaveheartdc@heart.org.

WEST VIRGINIA April 1, Barboursville - CMHS Band on the Run, 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: Chris Zimmerman (304)654-3301, chris32000@icloud.com. April 1, Charleston - BridgeValley CTC WV 5K Run/Walk for Oral Cancer Awareness, 9am. Info: melissa.ocf.wv@gmail.com. April 1, Hurricane - Heart of the Community 8K Run & 4K Walk; 10am. Info: Tri-County YMCA (304)757-0016. April 1, Huttonsville - Upper Valley Run Like A Fool 5K Walk/ Run, 9am. Info: dsgarner@k12.wv.us. April 1, Morgantown - Yards for Yeardley 5K, 12pm (free). Info: lakellan@mix.wvu.edu. April 7, South Charleston - Luna Run, 10K Trail Run. Info: kristinastover@gmail.com. April 8, Clarksburg - Defender Dash 5K Run/Walk, 10am. Info: defenderdash5k@gmail.com. April 8, Huntington - Vets to Home 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (304)523-4822. April 8, Morgantown - Coopers Rock 50K & Half Marathon Trail Run, 7am. Info: info@coopersrock.org. April 8, Shepherdstown - Race for the Birds 5K, 10K, 1 Mile Kid’s FR; 9am. Info: Nan Johnson (304)870-4414, race4birds@potomacaudubon.org. April 8, South Charleston - South Charleston Chamber of Commerce Wellness 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: (304)744-0051, soccoc@wvdsl.net. April 15, Barboursville - Marshall Orthopaedics Joints Jog, 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: (304)691-1533, marshalluniversityortho@gmail.com. April 15, Danese - Babcock Gristmill Grinder Half Marathon & 5K Fun Walk, 10am. Info: Donnie Hudspeth (304)575-3294, mountainairproductions@gmail.com. April 15, Elkins - Coalton Elementary School 3rd Grade Color Fun Run 5K, 9am. Info: (304)636-9164. April 15, Point Pleasant - Bunny Hop Fun Run/Walk 5K, 9am. Info: (304)812-2220. April 15, Wheeling - CASA Superhero 5K, 9am; FR, 8:30am. Info: (304)810-0952, executivedirector@wvcasaforchildren.com. April 21, Huntington - Marshall Athletic Training Concussion Awareness GLOW 5K Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: Zach Garrett (304)6962924, Maggie Collins (304)993-6755. April 22, Barboursville - Barboursville Lions Club 5K, 9am. Info: (304)736-0310, cbuzzard22@frontier.com. April 22, Weston - Weston 5K Run & Wellness Walk, 10am. Info: Julie Spelsberg (304)269-8167, jspelsberg@stonewallhospital.com. April 29, Hurricane - TVCS Mustache Color Dash 5K, 8am. Info: s.franson@tvcswv.org.

April 29, Jane Lew - Jane Lew Lions 5K Run & Walk for Fun, 9am; 1 Mile Lightning Run, 8:30am. Info: Joe Turner (304)884-7956. April 29, Martinsburg - Berkeley Heights Elementary 5K Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: cwpence@k12.wv.us. May 6, Albright - Cheat Fest 5K Run, 10am. Info: bpenn@citynet.net. May 6, Caldwell - Dirt Dash 5 Mile & Rocky Ridge 15K Trail Runs, 9am. Info: (304)647-3783, info@unitedwaygbv.org. May 6, Lavalette - Beeches ‘n Streams Sunset 10K Race & 1 Mile Interpretive Hike, 5pm. Info: accesswestvirginia@icloud.com. May 13, Harper’s Ferry - Harper’s Ferry Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:45am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 11am. Info: tworiversheritage@gmail.com. May 13, Poca - Poca River Run 15K, 8am. Info: kanawharunningclub@gmail.com. May 20, Charleston - Dirty Dog 15K Trail Run, 9am. Info: dantoddruns@gmail.com. May 20, White Sulphur Springs - Race 13.1 Greenbrier Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: (866)561-5651 (x301), info@race131.com. June 3, Masontown to Morgantown - Deckers Creek Trail Half Marathon, 8:30am. Info: Ella Belling (304)296-6185, ella@montrails.org. June 17, Charleston - CAMC Foundation Run for Your Life 5 Mile Run, 2.5 Mile Walk; 8am. Info: (304)388-9860.

TRACK & FIELD April 7-8, Nashville, TN - Boston/Moon Relays, Ed Temple Track. Info: Asha Gibson (615)963-5890, agibso13@tnstate.edu. May 6, Nashville, TN - Nashville Masters Outoor Track Classic, Various Events All day; 8am. Info: j_carterjr@yahoo.com. May 20, Huntsville, AL - Harry Williams All Comers Track Meet, 5pm. Info: Marty Clarke (256)651-4015, mclarkeruns@comcast.net. June 2, Metairie, LA - All Comers Track Meet, 100 Meters to 2 Miles. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 6, Whites Creek, TN - Sam Smith Tennessee Youth T&F Invitational, 100, 200, 400, 1500, 3000, Hurdles, Long Jump, Triple Jump Shot Put, Discus, High Jump, Javelin. Info: James Curbeam (615)419-5714, jcurbeam@hotmail.com. June 30, Metairie, LA - All Comers Track Meet, 100 Meters to 2 Miles. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org.

MULTI-SPORTS (Included in the Multi-sports calendar are single swimming and cycling events). April 1, Jacksonville, FL - Mt. Acosta Classic Endurance Race, Run/Bike as many loops as possible; 4:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. April 1-2, Milton, FL - XTERRA Blackwater Triathlon, S-800 yd., Mtn Bike-12 mi., Trail Run-3.75 mi., 9am (4/1); Bear Lake Super Sprint Off-Road Triathlon, S-250yd., Mtn Bike-6 mi., Trail Run-1.5 mi., 3:15pm (4/1); 21K & 6.5K Trail Runs, 9am (4/2). Info: bwmultisport@gmail.com. April 1, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Biathlon #2, R-5K, B-11 mi.; 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. April 1, Charlotte, NC - Catawba SwimRun Race, 8am. Info: racedirector@usnwc.org. April 2, Miami Beach, FL - South Beach Triathlon, International: S.93 mi., B-24.25 mi., R-6.2 mi., 6:30am; Classic: S-.5 mi., B-20.7 mi., R-4 mi., 7:25am. Info: Athlete Services (305)278-8668, events@lifetimefitness.com. April 2, Columbus, GA - Love To Tri, R-5K, B-12 mi., 25 Ball Rally; 3pm. Info: deby@corta.org. April 2, St. Bernard, LA - Pelicanman Duathlon, R-2 mi., B-10 mi., R-2 mi.; 8:15am. Info: Janel (504)452-1276, philjanel@netscape.net. April 2, Greensboro, NC - E3 InTriNSIC Tri Indoor Race Series #4, S-1500 yd., B-18 mi., R-5 mi.; 2 Waves: 9am & 11am. Info: (336)5438771, coachmatt@e3eph.com. April 8, Mooresville, AL - Heel and Crank Duathlon, R-3 mi., B-16 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: paul.l.erickson@nasa.gov. April 8, Biloxi, MS - Traditions Triathlon, S-1/3 mi., B-17 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 8am. Info: Dean Morrow (228)604-2227, run.n.tri@gmail.com. April 8, Brandon, MS - Racin’ for the Seed, Mustard Seed Duathlon (R-5K, B-14.6 mi., R-1 mi.) & 5K Run/Walk; 8am. Info: (601)992-3556, mandy@mustardseedinc.org. April 8, Valdese, NC - Valdese Triathlon, S-250 yard pool, B-9.5 mi., R-5K; 9am. Info: info@valdesetri.com. April 9, Boca Raton, FL - Boca Raton Youth Triathlon, Distances varies by age; 8am. Info: Lacey Chimienti (561)222-8440, info@runforfundsflorida.com. April 9, Cocoa Beach, FL - Ron Jon Cocoa Beach Triathlon, S-1/ 4 mi., B-12.5 mi., R-5K ; Sup N Run, Stand Up Paddle Board 3 mi., R5K. Info: info@thefloridamarathon.com. April 9, St. Bernard, LA - Pelicanman Duathlon, R-2 mi., B-10 mi., R-2 mi.; 8:15am. Info: Janel Mumme (504)452-1276, philjanel@netscape.net. April 9, Oxford, MS - Rebel Man Splash & Dash, S-400m, R-5K; 8:30am. Info: Brian Veverka (662)915-7799, rmstolemiss@gmail.com. April 9, Summerfield, NC - Gears and Steers Ride for Hospice, 25, 35 & 54 Mile Options; 10am. Info: triforhospice@gmail.com. April 15, Kiawah Island, SC - Kiawah Island Golf Resort Kids Triathlon, 3 distances; 3-6, 7-10 & 11-14 year olds. Info: jana_chanthabane@kiawahresort.com. April 15, Tornado, WV - Run For The River Triathlon, R-3 mi., B8 mi., Paddle-7 mi., R-1/4 mi.; 10am. Info: streamsaver@suddenlink.net. April 22, Guntersville, AL - Lake Guntersville Duathlon, R-3 mi., B16.2 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: csucic@aol.com. April 22, Mobile, AL - Infirmary Health Duathlon, R-2 mi., B-10 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: Margaret (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net. April 22, Nancy, KY - ducoMT - 6 Hour Adventure Race & 4 Hour Rogaine, 7am/check in/maps. Info: events@vindura.fit. April 22, Versailles, KY - Heart & Sole Triathlon, S-400yd., B-15 mi., R-5K Cross-Country; 8am. Info: Rainey (859)873-5948, rjohns@vwcparksrec.com.

www.running.net April 22, Thomasville, NC - All-America City Sprint Triathlon, S-250yd., B-13 mi., R-5K; 4pm. Info: akermanmj@gmail.com. April 22, Bentonville, VA - Shenandoah AquaBlaze, 13 mi. of Paddling & 13 mi. of running or trekking; 10am. Info: (703)2669995, info@adventureenablers.com. April 22-23, Bentonville, VA - Shenandoan Epic 24-Hour Adventure Racing, 100+ miles; 9am; Shendoah Strong 12-Hr. Adventure Race, 9:30am. Info: (703)266-9995, info@adventureenablers.com. April 23, Apex, NC - ShooDu Offroad Spring Duathlon, R-2 mi., B-11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8:30am. Info: (914)357-1576, info@shoodu.org. April 29, Eunice, LA - Eunice Rotary Zydeco Triathlon, S150m, B-10 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am; 2 Children’s Division. Info: reedsla@gmail.com. April 29, Cary, NC - Cary Du Classic Long & Short Course. Info: info@fsseries.com. April 30, Lenoir City, TN - Hammer Sprint/Olympic Triathlon & Duathlon, S-400m, B-16 mi., R-5K; S-1500m, B-40K, R-10K; Duathlon: R-5K, B-30K, R-5K; 8am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)9883906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. May 6, Danville, KY - HOPE 53 Run & Ride Duathlon & 5K Run, Duathlon: R-5K, B-20 mi., R-5K; 8:30am. Info: rickylane@att.net. May 6, Ridgeland, MS - Natchez Trace Century Ride 2017, 25/50/62/100 miles; 8am. Info: (901)550-2114, info@preventmanagement.net. May 6, Charlotte, NC - University City Duathlon (R-5K, B-12K, R-3K); 5K Run, 5K Kids Sprint, 8am. Info: (704)549-8804, bikeline@bellsouth.net. May 6, Salisbury, NC - Little Kids Buck Triathlon, S-25 yd., B1/2 mi., R-1/6th mi.; 3pm. Info: emarsh@rowanymca.org. May 6, Burns, TN - Dickson Endurance & Iron Nugget Sprint Triathlon, S-1 mi., B-38 mi., R-10K; S-.5 mi., B-17 mi., R-5K; 8am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. May 13, Boca Raton, FL - Mermaid Mile Swim, 1 Mile 7am. Info: Lacey Chimienti (561)222-8440, lacey@runforfundsflorida.com. May 13, Inverness, FL - Citrus County Kids Triathlon, SwimBike-Run; Kids 5-15 yrs.; 8am. Info: DRC Sports (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. May 13, Ocean Springs, MS - Osprey Ocean Springs Run, Swim, or Aquathon, 1 & 2 Mile Swim/Aquathon, 8:15am; 10K Run, 8:30am. Info: Rob Kirkland (228)875-5050, rkirkland@mgcymca.org. May 14, Browns Summit, NC - SwimRun Triad, R-10 mi., S2.4 mi.; 8am. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. May 14, Raleigh, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Triathlon & 5K Run, Tri: S-225 yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 5K 7:30am; Triathlon 8am. Info: info@ramblinroseevents.com. May 20, Indian Head, MD - General Smallwood International Triathlon, S-1500m, B-24 mi., R-10K; 8am. Info: races@vtsmts.com. May 20-21, Millington, TN - Memphis in May Triathon, 5/20: Sprint Tri - S-1/3 mi., B-12 mi., R-3 mi.; 5/21: Olympic Tri - S-.93 mi., B-24.9 mi., R-6.2 mi. Info: PR Event Mgmt. (901)550-2114, info@pr-eventmanagement.net. May 21, West Palm Beach, FL - FitKids Triathlon, 7:30am; age categories. Info: DRC Sports (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. May 21, Greenville, NC - Fiesta Biathlon, R-5K, B-15 mi.; 1pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. May 21, Charlottesville, VA - Dogwood Duathlon, Ages 1216: R-1 mi., B-2 mi., R-1 mi.; Ages 7-11: R-1/2 mi., B-2 mi., R-1/ 2 mi.; 9am. Info: Kathy Zentz (540)460-5750, zentzfamilyy@usa.net. May 27, Crystal River, FL - Crystal River Triathlon Series Sprint #1, Tri: S-1/4 mi., B-15 mi., R-3 mi.; Du: R-2 mi., B-15 mi., R-3 mi.; 7:30am. Info: DRC Sports (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. May 27, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Biathlon #2, R-2 mi., B-11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. May 28, Scottsboro, AL - Goose Pond Half Iron & Sprint Triathlon, Half: S-1.2 mi., B-56 mi., R-13.1 mi.; Sprint: S-500m, B12 mi., R-5K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 3, Arkadelphia, AR - DeGray Lake Off-Road Sprint Triathlon, S-400 yd. Mtn. Bike-9 mi., Trail Run-2.5 mi., 8:15am. Info: (870)246-6686, dltevents@yahoo.com. June 3, Ruston, LA - Piney Hills Kids Triathlon, S-100yd., B3.1 mi., R-3/4 mi. (ages 7-8 & 9-10); S-200yd., B-6.2 mi., R-1.2 mi. (ages 11-12, 13-14 & 15-16); 8am. Info: jeremyandlinzie@gmail.com. June 3, Ridgeland, MS - Heat Wave Triathlon, S-1/2 mi., B27.5 mi., R-10K; 7am. Info: (901)550-2114, info@preventmanagement.net. June 3, Abingdon, VA - Iron Nut Sprint Triathlon, S-1/4 mi., B18 mi., R-5K, 8am; Youth Splash and Dash, 11am. Info: Coomes Recreation Center (276)623-5279, bodyworks.tri@gmail.com. June 4, Arkadelphia, AR - The XTERRA Gator Terra Off Road Triathlon Championship, S-1500m, Mt. Bike-19 mi., R-6.3 mi.; Open Water Swim, 1500m; 7:30am. Info: (870)246-6686, dltevents@yahoo.com. June 4, Fayetteville, AR - Ozark Valley Triathlon, S-400 yd., B-13 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: Bruce Dunn (479)521-7766, bruce@allsportsproductionsinc.com. June 4, Rock Hall, MD - Rock Hall Sprint Triathlon, S-750m, B-15 mi., R-5K; 9am. Info: races@vtsmts.com. June 4, Charlotte, NC - Ramblin’ Rose Triathlon & 5K Run, Tri: S-200 yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 5K 7:30am; Triathlon 8am. Info: info@ramblinroseevents.com. June 10, Hot Springs Village, AR - Tri the Village Sprint Triathlon, S-500 yd., B-13.5 mi., R-3.2 mi.; 7am. Info: (870)2466686, dltevents@yahoo.com.

June 10, Greensboro, NC - Nat Greene’s Revenge Off Road Triathlon, S-800m, B-14 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 7am. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. June 10, Greensboro, NC - Lake Brandt Sprint Triathlon, S800m, B-12.5 mi., R-3.25 mi.; 7am. Info: Richard Swor (313)3040903, rich@triviumracing.com. June 11, Fayetteville, AR - Ladies DU Fayetteville, R-2 mi., B11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: Tiffany Gaulke (479)444-3463, tgaulke@fayetteville-ar.gov. June 11, Dunedin, FL - Dunedin Rotary Triathlon, S-1/4 mi., B12 mi., R-5K; Duathlon: B-12 mi., R-5K; 7:30am. Info: DRC Sports (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. June 11, Pigeon Forge, TN - Double Dip Sprint Triathlon, S300yd., B-16.5 mi., R-5K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)9883906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 17, Fernandina Beach, FL - Jacksonville Triathlon Olympic & Sprint - Series #1, Sprint: S-1/4 mi., B-16 mi., R-3 mi.; Olympic: S-1.5K, B-40K, R-10K; 7:30am. Info: DRC Sports (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. June 17, New Smyrna Beach, FL - Life’s a Beach Triathlon, S200 yds., Fat Tire Bike-5 mi., Beach Run-2 mi.; 9am/1st wave. Info: Swayne Parsons (386)944-7718 (o), (386)882-7422 (c), sparsons@blackcrow.fm. June 18, Lenoir City, TN - Tellico Summer Solstice Sprint & Olympic Triathlon, S-800m, B-16 mi., R-5K; S-1500m, B-40K, R10K; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)988-3906, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 24, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Biathlon #3, R-1 mi., B11 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: (228)380-7037, leonardvergunst@cableone.net. June 24, Memphis, TN - Annie Oakley & Buffalo Bill Super Sprint Triathlon; Super Sprint: S-1/4 mi., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; Sprint: S-1/2 mi., B-16 mi., R-4 mi.; 6:30am. Info: (901)550-2114, info@preventmanagement.net. June 25, Chattanooga, TN - Chattanooga Waterfront Triathlon, Sprint: S-0.25 mi., B-10.5 mi., R-3 mi., 6:45am; Intermediate: S1.5K, B-42K, R-10K, 7:30am. Info: races@team-magic.com.

MARATHON April 1, Mountain View, AR - Mission Run in the Ozarks Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am. Info: (870)213-7171, christy@ozarkortho.com.

April 1-2, Raleigh, NC - Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am (on 4/2), Exclusive Finisher Medal with lots of Participant Perks; 5K, 8am (on 4/1). Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510, (800)3111255, www.runrocknroll.com/raleigh April 1, Jackson, TN - Andrew Jackson Marathon, 7am; Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: danny@crossett.com. April 1, Charlottesville, VA - Charlottesville Marathon, Marathon 4-Person Relay, Half Marathon & 8K, 7am; Kids K, 9am. Info: Francesca Conte (434)218-0402, francesca@badtothebone.biz. April 2, Punta Cana, LA - Punta Cana Marathon, 5am; Half Marathon & 10K, 6am. Info: office@puntacanamarathon.com. April 2, Houston, MS - Altis Marathon & Half Marathon on Tanglefoot Trail, Marathon 7:30am; Half 8am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. April 2, Knoxville, TN - Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, 7:30am; 5K, 7pm (on 4/1) & Kids 1 Mile Run, 6:30pm (on 4/1). Info: (865)684-4294, knoxvillemarathon@gmail.com. April 8, Cumberland, MD - Queen City Marathon for Active Water, 8am. Info: queencitymarathon@gmail.com. April 9, Hancock, MD - Western Maryland Rail Trail Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. April 9, Reston, VA - Runners Marathon of Reston, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 8am. Info: info@runnersmarathon.com. April 16, Holly Springs, NC - Too Slow for Boston Marathon, 6:30am. Info: b.marathonseries@gmail.com. April 22, Roanoke, VA - Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & Family 1 Mile; 7:35am. Info: (540)343-1550 (x110), julia@roanokeoutside.com. April 29, Abbeville, GA - Chasing Jefferson Davis Marathon & Half Marathon, 6am. Info: (229)467-2737, jdminfo@chasingjeffersondavis.com. April 29, Louisville, KY - Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon & miniMarathon, 7:30am (wheelchair 7:25am). Info: (800)928-3378, minimarathon@kdf.org. April 29, Morehead, KY - Big Turtle 50 Miler & Marathon Trail Races, 7am. Info: info@nextopportunityevents.com.

April 29, Nashville, TN - St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:15am; 5K, 6:45am; 1 Mile 7pm (on 4/27); Health & Fitness Expo 4/27-28. Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510 or (800)3111255, www.runrocknroll.com/nashville. See Ad page 5. April 29, Damascus, VA - Trail Town Challenge, 35 Mile Ultra 7am; Marathon 7:15am; Half Marathon 7:30am; 10K 7:45am; 5K 8am. Info: Brian Zier (276)274-6148, bszier@gmail.com. April 29-30, Sterling, VA - The North Face Endurance Challenge, 4/29: 50 Mile 5am; 50K 7am; Marathon 9am; Marathon Relay 10am; 4/30: Half Marathon & 10K 8am; 5K 8:15am; Kid’s Run 10am. Info: Jeff Ball (469)475-1317, endurancechallenge@ publicishawkeye.com. May 2, Elkton, MD - Independence Series Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K - Day 2. Info: clint@mainlymarathons.com.

www.running.net May 6, Todd, NC - New River Marathon, 7:30am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 6pm (on 5/5). Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@NewRiverMarathon.com.

May 6, Wartrace, TN - Strolling Jim 41.2 Miles, Marathon & 10K; 7am; $100/41.2 mi., $80/Marathon, $40/10K; $15 Late Fee. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, https:// ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=41888 May 7, Carderock, MD - Potomac River Run Marathon, 8am. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net.

May 20, Lexington, KY - Kentucky ALE Horse Capital Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; Friday Expo 12noon-8pm; Boston Qualifier; Horse-country inspired Kentucky crafted awards; Course passes 40-plus Kentucky horse farms; Use Coupon Code RUNNINGJOURNAL10 for $10 OFF. Info: Bob Baney, Race Dir. (859)475-3232, b o b @ r a c e r i s e . c o m , www.horsecapitalmarathon.com May 21, Winston-Salem, NC - Indoor Insanity Marathon & Relay, 8am. Info: Mike Clark (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. May 28, Burlington, VT - People’s United Bank Vermont City Marathon & Relay, 8am; Registration Opens Monday, October 10; Sports & Fitness Expo 2017 May 26-27. Info: info@runvermont.org, www.runvcm.org. June 10, Williamson, KY - Hatfield-McCoy Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 8am. Info: Alexis Batausa (304)542-5311, tvrrc@yahoo.com. June 10, Ellerbe, NC - Bethel Hill Moonlight Boogie 50 Miles & Boogie Marathon, 6pm. Info: Doug Dawkins (910)206-2095, doug@theboogieraces.com. July 8, Boone, NC - Grandfather Mountain Marathon, 6:30am. Info: weaverjt@appstate.edu.

Nov. 4-5, Savannah, GA - Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:30am (on 11/4); 5K, 1pm (on 11/5); 1 Mile, 2:30pm (on 11/5). Info: Competitor Group (858)450-6510, (800)311-1255, www.runrocknroll.com/savannah Nov. 26, Cocoa, FL - Space Coast Marathon & Marathon Relay, 6:30am/ Marathon, 7:15am/Relay; $95/Marathon, $90/Relay; $105/Marathon, $95/Relay 4/19/30; $110/Marathon, $105/Relay 10/1-11/ 25. Info: Running Zone Foundation, 430 Delannoy Ave., Cocoa, FL 32922; Christa Mudd (321)751-8890, christa@running zone.com, www.spacecoastmarathon.com Dec. 9, Huntsville, AL - Rocket City Marathon, 7am. Info: Dink & Suzanne Taylor (256)650-7063, suzanne@fleetfeet huntsville.com, www.runrocketcity.com

ULTRAS April 1, Brooksville, FL - Croom Fools Run, 50 Mile, 6am; 50K & 16 Mile, 7am. Info: (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. April 1, Sandy Level, VA - Dam 50K, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: Lauren Acker (540)721-9622, lacker@franklincountyymca.org. April 1, Williamsburg, VA - Singletrack Maniac 50K Trail Run, 7am. Info: ultraellen@gmail.com. April 8, Bristol, FL - Torreya State Park’s 2017 Draggin’ Tail Ultra Trail Challenge, 50K & 25K; 7am. Info: Joe Edgecombe (850)774-0018, joeruns@yahoo.com. April 8, Harrodsburg, KY - (Un)Pleasant Hill Trail Runs, 5K, 10K, 25K or 50K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: (859)734-5411, info@shakersvillageky.org. April 8, Clifton, VA - Bull Run Run 50 Mile, 6:30am. Info: brrRD@vhtrc.org. April 8, Morgantown, WV - Coopers Rock 50K & Half Marathon Trail Run, 7am. Info: info@coopersrock.org. April 9, Raleigh, NC - Mountains-to-Sea Trail 12 Mile & 50K Challenge, 7am/50K, 8am/12 mi. Info: mtst12milechallenge@gmail.com. April 15, East Ridge, TN - Locomotion 12, 12 & 6 Hour Run/ Walk; Solo & Teams; 12 Hr. 7:30am; 6 Hr. 1:30pm. Info: simmoncn@gmail.com. April 21-22, Brevard/Pink Beds Park, NC - Smoky Mountain Relay, 202 Miles; 12 person or 6 person ultra teams; 10am. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0821, intern@idaph.net. April 22, Chapel Hill, NC - Jordan Lake 12-Hour Challenge, 12-Hour Team & 6-Hour; 7am. Info: Erin Dawkins Suwattana (919)542-6644 (x14), erin@chathamkids.org. April 22, Marion, VA - Hungry Mother 50K, 25K & 5K; 8am. Info: Lori Ringley (276)783-3161, info@smythchamber.org. April 29, Morehead, KY - Big Turtle 50 Miler & Marathon Trail

Running Journal • April, 2017 Races, 7am. Info: info@nextopportunityevents.com. April 29, Damascus, VA - Trail Town Challenge, 35 Mile Ultra 7am; Marathon 7:15am; Half Marathon 7:30am; 10K 7:45am; 5K 8am. Info: Brian Zier (276)274-6148, bszier@gmail.com. April 29, Triangle, VA - 24 Hour Adventure Trail Run, 7am; Solo/ Teams. Info: alexp@athletic-equation.com. April 29-30, Hampton, VA - Virginia 24 Hour Run for Cancer, 7am. Info: George Nelsen (757)874-4635, nelsengeorge@msn.com. April 29-30, Sterling, VA - The North Face Endurance Challenge, 4/29: 50 Mile 5am; 50K 7am; Marathon 9am; Marathon Relay 10am; 4/30: Half Marathon & 10K 8am; 5K 8:15am; Kid’s Run 10am. Info: Jeff Ball (469)475-1317, endurancechallenge@publicishawkeye.com.

May 6, Wartrace, TN - Strolling Jim 41.2 Miles, Marathon & 10K; 7am; $100/41.2 mi., $80/Marathon, $40/10K; $15 Late Fee. Info: Steve Durbin, 445 W. Blount Ave., Unit 108, Knoxville, TN 37920, (270)556-1679, durb417@gmail.com, https://ultrasignup.com/ register.aspx?did=41888 May 6-7, Front Royal, VA - Massanutten Mountain 100-Mile Trail Run, 4am. Info: kevin.sayers@yahoo.com. May 13, Raphine, VA - Ultra Race of Champions - Skylark Crest of the Blue Ridge, 100K & 50K 6am; 25K 9am. Info: gill@badtothebone.biz. May 20-21, Key West, FL - Keys 100 UltraMarathon, 5:45am/ staggered; 100 Mile, 50 Mile, 50K Individual Races & 100 Mile 6 Runner Team Relay. Info: Bob Becker (954)439-2800, bob@ultrasportsllc.com. June 10, Savannah, GA - DFL 12 to 12 Hour Ultra, 6 & 12 Hours; 12pm. Info: Dan Hernandez (912)777-9147, dlh14255@gmail.com. June 10-11, Westminster, MD - Hammer the Wall 2017 - Countdown To A Cure, 24 hr. solo & relay, 3pm (6/10); 12 hr. solo, 3pm (6/10) or 3am (6/11) 1 hr. solo run/walk, 3pm. Info: shane.cox.1970@gmail.com. June 10, Ellerbe, NC - Bethel Hill Moonlight Boogie 50 Miles & Boogie Marathon, 6pm. Info: Doug Dawkins (910)206-2095, doug@theboogieraces.com.

June 17, Pembroke, VA - Eastern Divide Ultra - USATF Virginia 50K State Championship, 50K 7:30am; 8 Miles, 10am; $75/50K, $25/8 Miles by 5/17; $90/50K, $40/8 Miles 5/18-6/15. Info: Kirby Walke, 1427 Mt. Tabor Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24060; (540)3307051, easterndivideultra@gmail.com, http:// www.triadventure.com/eastern-divide-ultra/ July 22, Perryville, AR - Full mOOn 50K, 7pm; 25K, 8pm. Info: Susy Chandler (501)837-3104, su_phi@yahoo.com. Sept. 23-25, Birmingham, AL - Birmingham Mountain Stage Race - 3 Mountains 3 Days - 56 Miles; 9/23: 15.5 mi. 8am; 9/24: 16.5 mi. 8am; 9/25: 24 mi., 8am. Info: david@davidtosch.com.

Oct. 7, Pamplin, VA - High Bridge Ultra 50K, 8am; High Bridge Trail State Park; $75, after 9/ 6 $90, deadline 10/5. Info: Anne Jones, 1427 Mt. Tabor Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24060; (540)2303019, racer15@triadventure.com, http:// www.triadventure.com/high-bridge-ultra/

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