IMPROVING PATIENT CARE & PROFITABILITYPHARMACY COMMUNITY, SPECIALTY, & LTC EDITION FALL 2022 20 ProductsUnique&Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. Technology&AutomationPharmacyRobotics Industry Expert Q&A, Market Leaders Buyer’s Guide, & More Pg. 48 8 Thought Leader Videos Micro Merchant Systems, Surescripts, The Compliance Team, & CPS Zebra Case Study A Success Story with Altru Specialty Pharmacy Pg. 37

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Contents page Anda,23 Inc. — What You Need, When You Need It Distribution solutions to align with your business strategies and meet the needs of your patients. Modernize Payments Including Messaging and Pay By Text, Everyware Everyware helps pharmacies reach higher patient satisfaction and achieve better financial performance by offering modern personalized payment solutions. 51% of patients chose to pay for RX orders with pay by text. The supply chain solutions you need, when you need them. Our distribution solutions will help your business increase operational efficiencies, maximize profitability and improve prescription fill rates. Make Anda a part of your distribution solution. Learn more about our products, pricing and programs. Scan the QR code to request more information. 1-800-331-ANDA (2632) Follow us @AndaInc: AccessProduct page 25 Choose the Pointof-Sale System You Want With RMS With RMS’ built-in pharmacy integrations, you never have to settle for less from your pointof-sale system. With over 30 pharmacy management and technology integrations, you can work with the pharmacy system of your choice and still have the point-of-sale capabilities you need. page Thought27 Leader Video Series page 28-29 Text Us to Get (561)404-1462Started Two-Way Messaging + Pay By PHARMACYDIGITALText FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 3

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THE MOST COMPLIANT AUTOMATED MONITORING SOLUTION Rees Scientific View sensor min/max conditions with the LCD display moduleMin 2.0 °C Max 8.0 °C Regional Sales and Service teams for superior support Continuous, real time monitoring rate exceeds requirements of CDC Receive alarm noti cation via interactive phone, texts and Meete-mailcompliance for FDA, WHO, USP <797>, USP <800>, VFC, GxP & more Exceeds data logger capabilities Local audio and visual (LED) alarm available Monitor temperature of any cold storage (refrigerators, freezers, ultra-low freezers) from +1300 to -196 °C

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Replace components with newer versions over time Regular optimization reviews with your Account Manager DOSIS Systems’ pharmacies focus on workflow optimization and utilize automation as a tool to produce more blister cards with less effort. Additionally, they are able to scale the system to match their production needs. Integrated workflow software and autonomous hardware for blister card producing pharmacies.
Industry Specialty Pharmacy improve the overall health and well-being of its allowpatients.Zebra to capture and thoroughly analyze all the information required to prepare the PPQ mind for the pharmacy, as well as its patients. Another benefit is that the PPQ testing will help altru-success-story-rxinsider-20ways-2022.indd 37-38
Case Study: Altru PharmacySpecialty Keeping medication in proper temperature range — winter, spring, summer, and fall with Zebra’s third-party (PPQ)PerformancePackagingQualificationtesting.
Altru Specialty Pharmacy Keeping medication in proper temperature range –winter, spring, summer, and fall pecialty harmacy Altru Specialty Pharmacy is part of Altru Health System, which serves grassroots effort with one technician working in partnership with the PharmD has grown to include three full-time technicians and three fullp till, sp lty p armacy’s the same: to enhance care and improve the overall health and wellBackground According osemary alenze, harmD, utpa harmacy Manager for Altru, the pharmacy initially thought it would be Joint mmission ccreditation equirements dition US Pharmacopeia USP) best ractices od to nd distribution of drug products, which many accreditation agencies use as a are giving our patients the best possible care, it’s important to know we are sending drug products in such way that they remain both Qualification PPQ) how ckouts onfigured d erformin orrectly. started with our refrigerated packouts, which need to be kept between 2°C and 8°C. We tested in cold weather to make sure packages were staying in range for the amount of time we anticipated shipments to packaging at regular intervals and an S-400 monitored the external ambient ture in he ter box. est ckages ent Zebra, which analyzed the captured data. materials best for cold chain shipments to help improve its packout design. “We made few tweaks with the intent of giving patients even movedgreateron to phase two for further testing of the passing phase one package esign.
is complete and accurate.” — Trish White, RPh, Harry PharmacyRace/WhitesandHome Medical Equipment, Sitka, Alaska The Compliance Team’s Accreditation Strengthens Your Pharmacy Operational excellence leads to clinical excellence and saves you time and money. page 35 Community • Specialty • LTC IMPROVING PATIENT CARE & PROFITABILITYPHARMACY 20 ProductsUnique&Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. Technology&AutomationPharmacyRobotics Buyer’s Guide, More 8 Thought Leader Videos The Compliance Team, CPS Zebra Case Study Success Story with Altru Specialty Pharmacy Pg. 37 Fall 2022 Health System • Infusion IMPROVING PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY COST CONTAINMENT 20 ServicesProductsUnique& Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or contain costs. Clean Air Technology & Supplies Industry Expert Q&A, Market Leaders pg. 56 New Features NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Storage Standard pg. 46 CSTDs (Closed System Transfer Devices) 3 Case Studies Follett Refrigerators are Omnicell FlexLock-Ready Summer 2022 Community • Specialty • LTC ManagementPharmacySoftware Industry Expert Q&A, Market Leaders Buyer’s Guide, and More IMPROVING PATIENT CARE & PROFITABILITYPHARMACY 20 &ProductsUniqueServices Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient care or increase profitability. 3 Case Studies McKesson, Liberty Software, 8 Thought Leaders Spring 2022 Health System • Infusion & Community • Specialty • LTC IMPROVING PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY COST CONTAINMENT HEALTH SYSTEM INFUSION WINTER 20 ProductsUnique&Services Discover 20 products and services that will help your pharmacy improve patient contain costs. Drug Diversion Industry Expert andLeadersQ&A,Buyer’sMore page 7 Case Studies Waste VeltekManagement,Associates,Inc.,Culturelle,Azina,ModularDevicesInc., Winter 2021/2022 20 ProductsUnique&Services Discover 20 products andservices that will help yourpharmacy improve patient careor increase profitability. IMPROVING PATIENTCARE & PROFITABILITYPHARMACY COMMUNITY, SPECIALTY, EDITION 2022 Adherence PackagingIndustry Expert Q&A, MarketLeaders Buyer’s Guide, and 3 Case Studies Temptime, andNoritsu Pharmacy Automation 8 Thought LeadersIncluding Surescripts, MerchantSystems, The Compliance and Azina TECHNOLOGYROBOTICS&AUTOMATIONPHARMACY
20Ways Fall 22 Retail.indd page DOSIS33 Systems
— John Richards, Pharm.D., Professional Village Pharmacy, Sacramento, CA
Operational excellence leads to clinical excellence. The Compliance Team’s simplified, operationsbased standards are what set us apart from other accreditation organizations. That and the you successfully complete the program.
“After going through The Compliance Team’s accreditation process, we’re not only a better business, we’re a better pharmacy.” Strengthen your pharmacy accreditationwithand certification.
Contents 20Ways MISSION To educate pharmacy management on products and services that serve to improve patient care or improve a pharmacy’s financial bottom line, while distilling and presenting this relevant information via 20 product profiles. 2022 CIRCULATION Issue Focus: Hospital & Infusion Issue Frequency: Summer & Winter Circulation Per Issue: 12,200+ 6,500+ Hospital Directors 2,200+ Clinical Consultants 2,500+ Industry Executives 1,000+ Trade Show Handouts Issue Focus: Retail, Specialty, & LTC Issue Frequency: Spring, Fall, & Winter Circulation Per Issue: 28,500+ 18,000+ Owners (Independents) 1,500+ Long-Term Care Pharmacies 2,500+ Retail Chain Executives 2,500+ Industry Executives 2,000+ Trade Show Handouts QUARTERLY ISSUES Visit 20Ways ONLINE at Helmer Scientific — NSF/ANSI 456 Certified Vaccine Cold Storage Solutions Protect Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals Helmer Scientific GX Solutions professional, medical-grade refrigerators and freezers are certified to the stringent requirements of NSF/ANSI 456. NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Certified GX Solutions Medical-grade Cold Storage GX Solutions professional, medical-grade refrigerators and freezers are designed for the safe storage of critical vaccines, pharmaceuticals, chemotherapies, and other medical/pharmaceutical materials. Certified to the NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Storage Standard and help you meet guidelines from the CDC and other regulatory bodies. Offer best-in-class temperature optimization of uniformity, stability, and ENERGYrecovery.STAR® certified, 50-60% more energy efficient grade refrigerators and freezers, and are environmentally sustainable.
Ensuring safety and efficacy of stored samples and vaccines More — Month-to-month contracting allows the pharmacy to ensure they are getting results from automation. No more empty promises, DOSIS Systems works to deliver more blister cards with less effort. Automating the pharmacy. (877-626-2422) learn more! What is DOSIS Systems?
page 31
“When we are audited by the DEA and PBMs, our Community Pharmacy Accreditation gives us the confidence that our paperwork 215-654-9110 Accreditation Organization Identify gaps in operations/service Identify opportunities for improvement Ensure consistency of processes Improve patient outcomes Enhance business practices

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Q. What is the most challenging aspect of beginning automation in the pharmacy? is my opinion and based on today’s market environment, the timing commitment of capital expense and cash flow is the largest hurdle many pharmacies have to overcome. But, once the decision to move forward realized, assembling project team and timeline of all goals with date centric achievements to “go-live” is most critical. Manufacturers typically assist project driven timeline, which allows for key tasks during the implementation process to not be overlooked. project team of key leaders in pharmacy with ongoing meetings is also critical for accountability, to ensure that all tasks are handled, and that any hurdles are actively being managed and eliminated.
Tension Packaging
Q. How do you calculate the impact of automation ROI? We have traditionally taken more simplistic method of calculating ROI, using the payback method (number of years to pay off the automation). As an example, in current project, the costof therobotis$1.5M,whereasoursavingsof laborreduction annually is $836K, equaling 1.79 years to pay off the automation and then reach profits. Typically, is our opinion that anything under 1.8 to 1.5 years is very achievable and advantageous with the right automation.
Q. What are the top resources to find the best types of automation available? Meeting manufacturers at industry conventions, online resources such as RXinsider, reaching out to other industry colleagues, and also discussing eligible options with your GPO are a few key ways to determine what may best your needs.
Q. What are the greatest benefits of pharmacy automation? Utilizing automation in the pharmacy allows for the ability to efficientlymanageworkflow,controllaborcosts,improveaccuracyrelatedtohumanerror,andproviderelieftocurrentoperationalconcernsrelatedcurrentlabormarket.
Q. Do you believe automation in the pharmacy impacts morale? We have found automation have a huge positive impact on moraleinthepharmacy.Typically,pharmacieswithoutautomationstrugglewithworkflow;oneexamplebeingdispatchtimes.Onceautomationimplemented,wehavefoundtheworkloadtobegreatlyreducedonmanualfilling,outtimestoachieved,andoverallsuccessservicereductioncostsexceedexpectations.However,messagingiskeypriortodeployment,asreductionsinforcemaycausesomeemployeestobelievetheyarebeingreplacedcausinguneasiness.Overtime,thebenefitswilloutweighallthisandberealizedallteammembers.
The value of metrics and key performance indicators are something that we embrace with great passion. In doing so, we always revert back to the ROI. We continue to examine and measure the performance achieved vs. what we envisioned. if we are achieving our goal output. the automation has been able to achieve the prescriptions per hour and prescriptions per day while maintaining the data on RW, Riddlesworth T, Ruedy K, al. Effect of continuous glucose monitoring on glycemic control adults with type diabetes using insulin injections: the DIAMOND randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2017;317(4):371-378. 3. Welsh JB, Gao Derdzinski M, et al. Accuracy, utilization, and effectiveness comparisons different continuous glucose monitoring systems. 2019;21(3):128-132. Failure to use the Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (G6) and its components according the instructions for use provided with your device and available https://www.dexcom. com/safety-information and properly consider all indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and cautions in those instructions for use may result you missing severe hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) or hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) occurrence and/or making treatment decision that may result injury. your glucose alerts and readings from the G6 do not match symptoms, use blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. Seek medical advice and attention when appropriate, including for any medical emergency.
SencorpWhite 400 Kidds Hill Road Hyannis, MA Sencorpwhite.com02601 Staubli Robotics 201 Parkway West (864) (800)Broomfield,433-1980CO80020396-9666
file, 2020. Beck
PersonalizedPackageC.A.R.E.— and Customized Medicine-On-TimeCarePatient-CenteredforFrom C.A.R.E. Package is a powerful medication management and communication tool that enhances patient-centered care. FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 11 TECHNOLOGYROBOTICS&AUTOMATIONPHARMACY TECHNOLOGYROBOTICS&AUTOMATIONPHARMACY
Synergy Medical, Parata Company 2600 Jacques-Cartier Boulevard. Takeoff Technologies 203 Crescent Street, Suite 304 Waltham, MA 02453 & Automation 819 East 19th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 73263 Meder Lake Boat Landing Road (715) Upackit-rx.com274-2167 Vitae Industries Providence, RI 02906 (401) 200-8569 Stow, OH care/ Yuyama (847) Yuyamarx.com593-1005 2022 RETAIL/COMMUNITY SPECIALTY LTC 48 Miriam Cho, PharmD, President/CPO, MAC Rx
Strategic Purchasing and byImprovementOperationsSolutionsInnovatix Innovatix offers differentiated, high-quality group purchasing and consultative services. We help members maximize their overall financial performance by providing the resources and educational support needed to enhance the delivery of quality patient care. TECHNOLOGYROBOTICS&AUTOMATIONPHARMACY GuideBuyer’s PHARMACY AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS TECHNOLOGY Buyer’s Guide Healthcare Systems 1305 Remington Road, Suite (847) Accuchart.com252-7300 ARxIUM Buffalo Grove, 60089 (847) Franklin808-2600Lakes,NJ 07417 3791 South Alston Avenue (800),,MN55117MillStreet727-2543 Health Care Logistics (800) 8888Gohcl.com848-1633KeystoneCrossing, Suite 1550 Indianapolis, IN 46240 (877) 742-7627 3801 E. Roeser, Suite 16 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Manchac Technologies 1115 Second Street (877) Manchac.com626-2422 Medical Packaging Inc., LLC Flemington, NJ 08822 (800) 2625Buena257-5282Park,CA90620AugustineDrive,Suite #301 Mountain View, CA www.omnicell.com95054 Pearson Medical Technologies Alexandria, LA 71303 (866) 640-3603 Pentapack NA Stoney Court, P.O. Box 611 Ocean View, NJ Pentapackna.com08230 Pharmacy Automation Supplies 146 S. Pinnacle Drive (800) (949)Laguna22971pharmacyautomationsupplies.com798-1401TritonWay,SuiteDHills,CA92653228-2292
page 48-51 800.523.8966 EPS A Member of The Medi-Dose Group Unit Dose,Bar NursingPharmacyCoding,&SupplyExperts! Medi-Dose EPSEPS ...thE right forPrEScriPtionPharmaciStSPriced low and ready to go! Medi-Dose Solid Oral Unit Dose Packaging TampAlerT Liquid Unit Dose Packaging MILT Software for Medication Identification and Bar IVLiquiDoseCodingLabelsAdditiveDisposable Accessories Steri-Dropper Sterile Ophthalmic Dropper ResealableOphthalmicCleanroomCompoundingBottlesProductsSuppliesPracticeAccessoriesandUltravioletInhibitant Bags Tamper-Evident Products Bottles, Vials and Containers Operating and Procedure Room Accessories ShrinkSafe Bands and Safety Products Tapes and Labels Maternity and Laboratory Products Record Keeping and Identification Products Storage and Transport Products Visit our website for our EZ order system! High quality, safe and effective products for medication administration, preparation and stock for fast shipment worldwide. Medi-Dose, Inc./ EPS, Inc. SupplyCommunityYourPharmacyExperts For over 50 years, Medi-Dose/ EPS has been working with pharmacists to design and support cost-effective products, solving the specific needs of their pagepharmacies. Health47 LogisticsCare®— Achieve Measurable Results With TailoredSolutionstoYour Specific Needs Health Care Logistics provides an unmatched assortment of products and services to help pharmacy professionals improve efficiency, reduce cost, and deliver the highest level of patient care. our commitment is unrivaled! • 1.800.848.1633 fromsolutionsbrilliantHCL®! 2022Inc.Logistics,CareHealth page 41 Contents page 43 EASE & CONVENIENCE W offer ide ie y of g ic and b anded pha al di manuf h lp k s der minimums and nex -d y shippi de pla ed by 5pm EST NABP ACCREDITED We r an Ac edi ed D g Di ibu or h he NABP o mal nown a VAWD a c edi ed and na ional censed whole ale d ug di ibu or in ALL 50 a e CUSTOMER CARE Our knowled eable a count manage s a e he o an wer your ques ions and a e dedica ed o aiding in he succ s of our busines It’s easy to get started today C us n o connec w h ount rep esen at 954.796.3338e: 954.796.3338 | SWDR om | In o@SWDR com SWDRx d i s the pha maceuticals you need when you need them most 2022 20Ways Fall.indd Safeway Distributors — Delivering YouPharmaceuticalstheNeed,When You Need Them Most We are an accredited drug distributor with NABP and a nationally licensed wholesale drug distributor in all 50 states. page 55 page Noritsu57 PackagingAutomationPharmacy—Systems and Workflow Software for LTC, Central Fill, and PharmaciesCommunity Noritsu offers innovative multi-dose and unit-dose compliance packaging solutions for any size pharmacy. Our suite of pharmacy operations improvement programs provides solutions in the following areas INNOVATIX MEMBER BENEFITS EXTEND BEYOND THE SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS WE PROVIDE. While group purchasing is at the core of what we do, Innovatix is committed to developing programs that help our members thrive. Take Your Purchasing & Operational Strategy to New Heights with Innovatix Leveraging the resources of our parent company, Premier, Inc., our suite of pharmacy operations improvement programs are designed to address your operations needs without distracting from your main mission — providing high-quality patient care. Rx adjudicationclaims Medicare Part reimbursementD Continuingeducation Clinicaltechnologysurveillance Regulatory & legislative advocacy To join our GPO or to learn more about our suite of pharmacy operations improvement programs, visit us at email or call (888) 258-3273 FALL
Q. When should you consider automation? Planning and understanding your market and business goals, well pre-marketing business growth analysis will help guide the decision between pre-pack and on-demand automation. We have successfully utilized pre-pack automation in the early stages of pharmacy start-ups, added on-demand automation in more mature pharmacies, and also have used on-demand automation in new startup pharmacies where we knew advantageous ROI would be achieved based on prescription output. With such wide variety of available products on the market, automation can always greatly assist in reducing pharmacy costs and gaining workflow efficiency for any and all pharmacies.
13502 Spencer Circle Bellevue, NE 68123 Robotik Technology 8400 Esters Boulevard, Suite #140 (469) robotiktechnology.com442-7501 Rx Systems St. Charles, MO 63301 (800) Mission,922-9142KS66202
& Industry Expert Q&A, Pharmacy Automation and Robotics Technology Market Leaders Buyer’s Guide, and more. PHARMACY AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS TECHNOLOGY page 59 Dexcom ContinuousG6 Glucose Monitoring System Dexcom empowers people to take control of diabetes through innovative continuous glucose monitoring systems. References: Dexcom,
3 out of 4 commercially insured patients on mealtime insulin have coverage for the Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System Dexcom G6 receiver 08627-0091-11 1 year Dexcom G6 transmitter box (3 sensors per box)30 days of surveyed US patients said that Dexcom G6 is easy to use Zero fingersticks* or scanning required. Dexcom CGM use is clinically proven to lower A1C, reduce hyperand hypoglycemia, and increase time in range. Includes a predictive Urgent Low Soon alert and a suite of customizable high and low glucose alerts. your glucose alerts and eadings from Dexcom G6 do not match symptoms or expectations, use blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. Please contact your pharmacy wholesale partner to order or visit page
Q. How do you measure the efficiency of the automated systems/devices?

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Behind Every Good Pharmacist ... is a Great Resource. Pharmacy Case Studies take an in-depth look at specific products and services that help pharmacies improve patient care, profitability, and cost containment. Available in our digital library and within each issue of 20Ways.

Generic tier: Demonstrates a health plan makes VASCEPA available to its patients requiring only a generic tier copay.
Reimbursement limited to $150 per month or $450 on a 90 day fill. Expiration Date: 12/31/2022 No Activation Required. Pharmacist and Beneficiary: When you use this card, you are certifying that you have not submitted and will not submit a claim for reimbursement under any Federal, State, or other Governmental programs for this prescription. Pay as little as $9 for 90 days. The codes below can be used for all your eligible customers Powered by: Change healthCare BIN# 004682 PCN# CN GRP# ECVASCEPA ID# 59021139303 Scan here to learn more Eligible, commercially insured patients can pay as little as $9 for a 90-day† supply with the VASCEPA Savings Card. Subject to eligibility. Restrictions apply.† You can download the universal VASCEPA Savings Card||,commercially insured patients paying a generic tier copay may have their prescription cost reduced by using the VASCEPA Savings Card† If generic icosapent ethyl is rejected, rerun the patient's claim using these steps: Commercially insured patients can pay $9 or less† for branded VASCEPA using the VASCEPA Savings Card VASCEPA is the exclusive IPE for many nationally insured lives‡
‡Data on file. the Savings Card, eligible patients can pay $9 for either a 30- or 90-day supply. Pharmacy Card (UPC) may be applied for any eligible patient by entering all 4 codes.
For further savings, call the patient’s provider and ask if they can prescribe a 90-day supply of VASCEPA§
Step 1: Check if branded VASCEPA is being filled—if not, override the system with your patient's permission Step 2: Check if the savings program is being utilized
VASCEPA, Amarin, and Vascepa/Amarin logos are registered trademarks of Amarin Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited. © 2022 Amarin Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited. All rights reserved. US-VAS-03687 02/22
*Data based on analysis of DRG formulary data and Symphony claims data of patients' final out-of-pocket cost, with eligible commercially insured patients using the VASCEPA Savings Card. Data on file. †Terms and conditions apply. See for eligibility criteria and other details.
plans lack coverage for generic icosapent ethyl and may block it altogether
Exclusive IPE: Conveys the health plan has selected to list VASCEPA on formulary, but generic icosapent ethyl (IPE) is non-formulary.
VASCEPA® (icosapent ethyl) is available at a lower cost than generic icosapent ethyl for most patients*

NOTICE OF POLICY 20Ways is published quarterly by RXinsider LTD, 1300 Division Road, Suite 103, West Warwick, RI 02893. Postmaster: Send address changes to 20Ways/RXinsider, 1300 Division Road, Suite 103, West Warwick, RI 02893. Notification of address change must be made six weeks in advance, including old and new address with zip code. Editorial – views expressed in articles or profiles in the 20Ways are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the policies and opinions of RXinsider, our editorial board(s), our advisory board(s), or staff. Advertising – products, services, and educational institutions advertised in 20Ways do not imply endorsement by RXinsider. Copyright © 2022 RXinsider LTD. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. PUBLISHER RXinsider, LTD RXinsider Chairman: Gregory Cianfarani, RPh DESIGN AND PRODUCTION Design & Layout Lora Bourque Multimedia Eric Simmons Marketing and Operations Samantha Roy Alexa DiLuca Kristin Fennessey SALES AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Chris Kolkhorst, EVP Mike Rahme Shaun Russell Jillian Melly Email Toll-Free Phone 800.972.2083 Fax 646.329.9766 Website 20Ways is an official publication of RXinsider GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES RXinsider LTD c/o 130020WaysDivision Road, Suite 103 West Warwick, RI 02893 20Ways Online: General Information: Circulation: See page 7 Contents Your Time Is MakePrecious.ItCount. Eyecon delivers peace of mind and confidenceinstillswith precision counting that eliminates the burden of prescription filling with a 99.99% count accuracy. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND FOR MORE INFORMATION. Key Benefits: Eyecon® — The Most PrescriptionCounter-TopTechnologyAdvancedinDispensingAutomation The Eyecon with visual precision counting, eliminates the burden of prescription filling with a 99.99% count accuracy. American BioTech Supply — Your Trusted Partner in the Next Level of Vaccine Cold Storage The NSF/ANSI 456 Standard for Vaccine Cold Storage ensures that certified units protect pharmaceuticals at optimal temperatures. page 79 Discover our premium collection of Vaccine cold storage Featuring: The NSF/ANSI 456 Standard provides vaccine cold storage at new level. This standard optimizes cold storage performance and maximizes safety. Rigorous testing covers the construction details, controller requirements, and temperature variation of each certified unit. With American BioTech Supply (ABS) vaccine cold storage, you can rest knowing each vaccine dose experiences the highest level of protection. Certified in accordance with the NSF/ANSI 456 Standard for Vaccine Storage Various configurations available including undercounter, countertop, and large capacity upright models ranging from 1 to 23 ft Parametric, microprocessor temperature controller with LED display for superior temperature control, verification, and recovery EPA/SNAP compliant, hydrocarbon, natural refrigerants that are environmentally friendly and lowers energy expenses High/low temperature alarms with audible and visual indicators for added product security Temperature monitoring device included that complies with the current CDC guidelines, with 3-year certification of calibration American BioTech Supply 800.648.4041 Superior temperature uniformity Lower energy use Peace of mind page 77 FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 19 Download the 20Ways App

Text Us to Get Started (561) 404-1462 Two-Way Messaging+ Pay By PHARMACYDIGITALTextLEARNMORE

twoway text messaging. Maximize your revenue without allocating staff to pursue patient payments and remove barriers by giving your patients more options to pay. • Payments and Messaging all in One • Invoice by Text, Email, or Virtual Terminal • HIPAA Compliant and PCI Level 1 Certified • Customizable and Flexible • Easy to Implement • SMS Auto Appointment Reminders • Pickup Reminders • Secure Copay Links • Batch SMS Invoicing for Overdue CoPays • Boost Patient Satisfaction • API and Custom Integration Available • No App Download Required At Everyware, we take data security very seriously and take measures to ensure our merchant and partner data is secure at all stages. Everyware utilizes several third-party vendors to verify our merchant and partner data is protected from vulnerabilities. We are PCI Level 1 Certified, the highest level possible for payment processing. We are HIPAA certified and have achieved SOC II Type 2 security compliance.
Everyware will make your patients’ lives easier by offering them multiple payment options. Your healthcare staff can collect payments faster and engage patients through HIPAA-secure,
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 23 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY Everyware helps pharmacies reach higher patient satisfaction and achieve better financial performance by offering modern personalized payment solutions. 51% of patients chose to pay for RX orders with pay by text. Modernize Payments Including Messaging and Pay By Text, Everyware Founder & CEO: Larry Talley Founded: 2015 Employees: 45 Toll-Free Phone: (844) 311-5597 Phone: (561) 404-1462 Address: 701 Brazos Street, Suite 541 Austin, TX 78701 Website: Company Background Everyware was launched by Larry Talley and his partner Scott Orlinsky in Florida, in 2015. Everyware started by helping the hospitality industry increase sales, mitigate merchant risk, and improve customer service through two-way text messaging. Now headquartered in Austin, Texas, Everyware is growing quickly. The company continues to expand its platform, expertise, and services to enable every business in need of easy-to-use, contactless payment and messaging solutions.
“Fantastic product! Everyware should be everywhere! A payment solution that’s designed to integrate with existing business software, allowing for easy patient follow-up, simple invoicing with cash collections — and with saved money compared to our current merchant processor.”
— ravkoo Health
Product Overview Everyware offers simple billing solutions for organizations in a wide variety of industries helping companies collect payments and connect with customers, especially through text messaging, the ultimate contactless technology. The company helps clients to boost revenue, reduce chargebacks and refunds, as well as improve customer service. There is no other highly secure, mobile communication platform and payment gateway on the market that combines these tools to meet the demand. It is the most straightforward, simple, and scalable pay by text platform that has the capability to work alongside existing systems with easy integration.

The supply chain solutions you need, when you need them. Our distribution solutions will help your business increase operational efficiencies, maximize profitability and improve prescription fill rates. Make Anda a part of your distribution solution. Learn more about our products, pricing and programs. Scan the QR code to request more information. 1-800-331-ANDA (2632) Follow us @AndaInc: AccessProduct • Brand, Generic, & Specialty Medications • Seasonal Flu & Disease Preventable Vaccines • Point-of-Care Diagnostic Tests • Vitamins & OTCs • Medical Supplies & PPE • Pet Meds A01-31155-080322

PPE • OTCs and Vitamins • Pet Meds Our Service Orders
Company Background
Products include:
Ordering Information
Anda is a leading pharmaceutical distributor within the healthcare supply chain, providing nationwide service to all 50 states. We offer unique primary and secondary distribution solutions that can be tailored to align with your business strategies and meet the needs of your patients.
Product Access Our product portfolio and programs have been developed to provide cost-effective sourcing solutions for traditional prescription fulfillment and to support revenue growth programs such as Pet Meds, Pharmacy Vaccine and Immunization Services, Diabetes Care, and Point-of-Care Testing. We provide product access to over 14,000 items across all forms and therapeutic categories from nearly 400 manufacturers.
We are here to provide product access and fast, reliable distribution services you can trust to help you get medicine into the hands of those who need it. Scan the QR code or call us at (800) 331-ANDA (2632) to learn more.
Markets Served provide service to providers throughout the healthcare supply chain. Our customers include independent retail pharmacies, national and regional chain pharmacies, long-term care pharmacies and facilities, outpatient clinics, hospitals and medical centers, physicians, pharmacy buying groups, and group purchasing organizations.
Established in 1992 as a specialty generic wholesaler, Anda started by providing a niche distribution service of prescription generic pharmaceuticals to meet the purchasing needs of retail independent pharmacies throughout the U.S. Over the years, we expanded our product line beyond generic pharmaceuticals to better service the distribution needs of our customers. Today, Anda is one of the leading pharmaceutical distributors in the U.S., providing distribution services to customers that span all trade classes within healthcare.
At Anda, we understand how the evolving pharmaceutical industry changes the needs of our customers. For 30 years, we have remained dedicated and focused on our commitment to being a trustworthy, reliable, and knowledgeable resource to our customers, helping to get medicine into the hands of those who need it.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 25 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President/CEO: Ernie Richardsen, RPh, MBA Founded: 1992 Stock Symbol: TEVA Toll-Free Phone: (800) 331-ANDA (2632) Phone: (954) 217-4500 Address: 2915 Weston Road Weston, FL 33331 Website: Distribution solutions to align with your business strategies and meet the needs of your patients. Anda, Inc. — What You Need, When You Need It
• Flu and Disease Preventable Vaccines Point-of-Care Diagnostic Tests Medical Supplies and are processed and shipped six days a week, we provide next day delivery, low minimums, and operate under extended ordering hours so our customers can have the increased flexibility and enhanced access to the products they need. of our customers has their own dedicated account manager to help support them as needed. Orders can be placed by phone, online, or via EDI transmission.
Product Overview
• Brand, Generic, and Specialty Pharmaceuticals

In 2020, RMS launched the CLIMB webinar series with the goal of helping all pharmacies become more profitable and customer-centric.
• E-commerce solutions help increase your store’s online presence. Our integration with Pointy from Google uploads your products to your Google My Business page and displays them to shoppers searching for businesses and products in their area. Our integration with 24SevenCommerce allows you to easily manage your e-commerce stores.
RMS Boost focuses on ways to make your pharmacy more profitable and the RMS Care training program puts an emphasis on customercentricity. If you’re not sure where you’re at, the CLIMB checkup will help you evaluate and create a road map to reach your goals.
A host of additional reports, both canned and customizable, are also available from cash management to employee performance, A/R balances, and more. RMS systems give you the data you need to drive important decisions and run a more profitable and efficient pharmacy.
Company Background
• Our NutriButler program embodies these goals by integrating supplement recommendations based on drug-induced nutrient depletion right into the transaction. Making it easy to help customers experience improved outcomes and increase supplement sales.
Integrated Customer Loyalty aids you in strengthening customer relationships, including advanced promotion and reward options that you can customize to suit your needs. You can also support charitable giving easily through any RMS system, strengthening your ties with the community you serve. Streamlining pharmacy operations is no small task. Point-of-sale applications extend beyond the customer interaction to help you run your business more efficiently.
Founded in 1998 with a mission to help pharmacies understand and use technology-based tools to run a successful business, Retail Management Solutions continues to lead point-of-sale innovation. RMS’ goal is to give pharmacies access to tools and technology to run more profitable and customer-centric businesses.
RMS’ holistic approach is comprised of four major components: software, hardware, training, and support. Each component plays an important role.
CLIMB stands for Care, Lead, Innovate, Motivate, and Balance.
RMS customers also have access to many more robust POS options.
• Will Call by RMS saves time and your wallet by using built-in functionality to batch multiple prescriptions into a single bag. Scan a single barcode at checkout for faster transactions and no left behind prescriptions.
n Hardware: Our flexible hardware options provide a solution for every scenario. Sales can be processed in many different ways to meet the unique needs of your pharmacy. Whether you need standard retail lanes, an option for drive-thru payments and signatures, curbside pickup solutions, or an easy way to track home deliveries, you can mix and match to create the perfect modern technology scheme.
Product Overview
The CLIMB webinar series is not point-of-sale focused, and any pharmacy can attend. Join us on the second Thursday of each month to learn about topics from cash flow to drug-induced nutrient depletion, clinical services, and more. Learn more and register at
• RMS Delivery simplifies management of the home delivery process. This essential service is streamlined with easy transaction prep and offline electronic signature capture.
There are a number of software capabilities built-in to help pharmacies grow profits and improve customer-centricity.
n Support: Every RMS customer has access to our 24 hours, seven days a week support line staffed by U.S.-based support specialists.
n Software: RMS’ software solutions are comprehensive, scalable, flexible, and easy to use. Our software programs and over 30 pharmacy system integrations go beyond the basics of what you might expect from a POS system. We empower our users to work with the partners of their choosing and build a system that is tailored to their needs.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 27 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President & CEO: Brad Jones Founded: 1998 Employees: 35+ Toll-Free Phone: (877) 767-1060 Website:Address:Fax:Phone: (360) 438-8276 (360) 438-8284 4535 Lacey Boulevard SE, Lacey, WA 98503 With RMS’ built-in pharmacy integrations, you never have to settle for less from your point-of-sale system. With over 30 pharmacy management and technology integrations, you can work with the pharmacy system of your choice and still have the point-of-sale capabilities you need. Choose the Point-of-Sale System You Want With RMS
For pharmacies managing retail departments, front-end solutions open the door for advanced management of front-end products. Wholesaler interfaces allow automated price updates and a streamlined purchasing and receiving process. Integrated shelf labels keep your shelf prices and system prices in sync. And advanced product reporting can help you reduce overhead costs by identifying products that aren’t selling, enabling you to take a more agile approach to the products you carry and make the most of your retail space.
• Never overpay for credit card processing again with RMSPay. Accept card payments worry-free with easy-to-understand statements, no hidden fees, and our industry-leading 24 seven support.
n Training: RMS’ training programs are tailored to the needs of your pharmacy. In addition to product training and expert implementation, customers can choose one of our outcome-focused approaches.
The Compliance Team
THOUGHT LEADER VIDEOwww.thecomplianceteam.orgSERIES
Join Caitlin Warner, Provider Relations, Jack Haire, Director of DMEPOS & Pharmacy Services, Sandy Canally, RN, Founder & CEO, Steve Simmerman, COO, and Scott Muscarella, Vice President of Marketing, as they discuss Exemplary Provider Accreditation in a 12-part video
THOUGHT LEADER VIDEOwww.micromerchantsystems.comSERIES
Micro Merchant Systems
Join Brian J. Courtney, Pharm.D., Chief Revenue Officer, Ketan Mehta, CEO, Samir Haleem, Director of IT, Sheila Dawalt, National Sales Manager, Heba Macksoud, Pharmacy Owner, and Boris Niyazov, Pharmacist, as they discuss Micro Merchant Systems, PrimeRx™ Pharmacy Management System in a 12-part video
Join Keith Cook, President, Doug Massey, Senior Vice President of Pharmacy Services, John Luebker, Vice President of Payer Strategies, and Susan Trieu, Vice President of Trade Relations, as they discuss a specialty and ambulatory pharmacy solution designed to unleash the powerful potential inside hospitals and health
CPS Join Frank Segrave, Chuck Ball, Michael McCarrell, Joseph Dula, Rabiah Dys, Chris Beebe, Kelly Kolker, Paresh Patel, Keith Cook, Eric Murphy, Lars Ringger, and Tony Callander, as they discuss partnering with hospital and health system leaders to drive performance

CPS TELEpharmacy
Advancing the Business of Pharmacy
Join Melanie Marcus, Chief Marketing Officer, Cecelia Byers, Specialty Pharmacy Clinical Product Manager, and Tom Skelton, Chief Executive Officer, as they discuss the nation’s most trusted and capable health information
Join Steve Rough, Senior Vice President, Phil Brummond, Senior Vice President, Jerame Hill, Vice President, Joe Cesarz, Vice President, and Maxie Friemel, Senior Director of Pharmacy Revenue Cycle Services, as they discuss hospitals and health systems, infusion, and pharmacy revenue
Pharmacy Consulting Broker Services: A Fully Licensed Pharmacy Broker & Consultant
Join Savannah Meier, Vice President of Business, Paresh Patel, Division President of Telepharmacy, Karen Alesch, Director of Pharmacy Operations, Bhavesh Patel, Director of Pharmacy Operations, Bob Phillips, Human Resources, and Aalap Modi, Director of Clinical Care Services as they discuss CPS TELEpharmacy
Join Daniel Lannon, CEO/Licensed Broker, as he discusses Pharmacy Consulting Broker Services in a 12-part video series.

Automating the pharmacy. • (877-626-2422) learn more! What is DOSIS Systems? Replace components with newer versions over time Regular optimization reviews with your Account Manager DOSIS Systems’ pharmacies focus on workflow optimization and utilize automation as a tool to produce more blister cards with less effort. Additionally, they are able to scale the system to match their production needs. Integrated workflow software and autonomous hardware for blister card producing pharmacies.

Product Overview DOSIS Systems starts with customer care to better understand your pharmacy’s workflow and efficiencies. We then integrate a seamless system to match your needs using the flexibility of our technology; this includes custom integrations with your inhouse software. Knowing that your workflow and integrations are efficient, we introduce autonomous blister card towers that produce a 24 hours a day, seven days a week product that becomes the muscle of your growth. From this system, we can continue to analyze your production volume to ensure that you are getting the most out of DOSIS Systems and generating more revenue, causing you to thrive!
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 31 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President & CEO: Monroe Milton VP of Sales: Jade Sillavan Founded: 2006 Employees: >50 Toll-Free Phone: (877) MANCHAC | (877) 626-2422 Phone: (318) 442-3686 Fax: (318) 445-1268 Address: 1115 Second Street Alexandria, LA 71301 Website: Month-to-month contracting allows the pharmacy to ensure they are getting results from automation. No more empty promises, DOSIS Systems works to deliver more blister cards with less effort. DOSIS Systems — Automation Subscription Puts an Emphasis on Results
Features & Options
Company Background DOSIS Systems is seeing pharmacies all over the country improve their efficiencies in workflow, increase production volumes, and become more profitable. We have a proven track record of automating up to 80% of a pharmacy’s blister card volume. This includes pharmacies that are currently producing over 250,000 blister cards per month. In order to do this, we focus on each pharmacy’s needs. This allows us to offer the best solution for each partner pharmacy and increase their efficiencies where it matters most.
Another partner pharmacy is filling 250,000 cards per month for SNF patients with DOSIS Systems filling over 200,000 cards every month (dailies and cycles). DOSIS automatically prints color-coded med-pass information on every label in this system based on the prescription data. A 48,000-card-permonth pharmacy is getting 37,000 cards per month via DOSIS Systems. It is actively converting away from the cycle-fill model because it is more efficient for them to fill on-demand using their integrated DOSIS automation. They have already eliminated pre-packs from their workflow “to reduce inventory and extra touches.” Using DOSIS Systems to automate filling cards and printing timepass labels, an 18,000-card pharmacy doubled in size without adding any staff on the floor. At another pharmacy doing 180,000 cards per month with 75% filled by DOSIS, the returnto-stock feature allows them to efficiently track and re-use cards filled for scripts that are canceled before shipping. For a pharmacy filling 97,000 on-demand cards each month, the pre-pack manager feature extends the productivity of the DOSIS Systems by automatically restocking pre-pack card inventory after hours — DOSIS produces 58,000 cards each month, and the pharmacy is open less than 60 hours per week. Every month, DOSIS Systems fill over 3 million cards in large and small pharmacies; SNF, mental health, and corrections; dailies, cycles, pre-packs; with and without med-pass and auxiliary label information; single- and multiple-tablet per blister; calendar-start and straight-fill.
By customizing the capacity, features, and workflow integration, DOSIS Systems can make a tremendous impact in a wide variety of pharmacies. For example, a 55,000-cards-per-month pharmacy serving mental health patients is producing 35,000 cards per month in DOSIS automation while providing different filling and labeling formats for their various customer facilities.

NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Certified GX Solutions Medical-grade Cold Storage GX Solutions professional, medical-grade refrigerators and freezers are designed for the safe storage of critical vaccines, pharmaceuticals, chemotherapies, and other medical/pharmaceutical materials. Certified to the NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Storage Standard and help you meet guidelines from the CDC and other regulatory bodies. Offer best-in-class temperature optimization of uniformity, stability, and ENERGYrecovery.STAR® certified, 50-60% more energy efficient than conventional medicalgrade refrigerators and freezers, and are environmentally sustainable. Ensuring safety and efficacy of stored samples and vaccines Learn More © 2022 Helmer Inc. All rights reserved

Continuous Monitoring and Connectivity
GX Solutions are designed for the unique needs presented by critical vaccine storage and NSF/ANSI certification provides further affirmation to customers of the reliable temperature performance across all locations and use cases.
Helmer Scientific i.Series® GX Solutions enable networking connectivity. Through direct data integration, Helmer devices can enable facility, clinical, and operations staff complete access to system information. Device data can be integrated into existing monitoring platforms, including continuous monitoring systems and building automation systems (BAS).
Helmer Scientific GX Solutions professional, medical-grade refrigerators and freezers are certified to the stringent requirements of NSF/ANSI 456 ensuring safety and efficacy of stored samples.
Company Background
Helmer Scientific — NSF/ANSI 456 Certified Vaccine Cold Storage Solutions Protect Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals
GX Solutions from Helmer are designed with the unique needs of healthcare in mind. They offer optimal performance, help ensure regulatory compliance, and provide assurance that your products will be safely stored.
Powered by OptiCool™ Technology
GX Solutions refrigerators and freezers are three times quieter than traditional models leading to better rest for patients and fewer distractions for healthcare personnel.
Helmer Scientific is a U.S.-based manufacturer and worldwide distributor of medical-grade cold storage and laboratory processing equipment. We have over 45 years of experience providing high-quality temperaturecontrolled environments, with our products used in over 125 countries. Precise temperature performance and control is essential to the successful storage of pharmaceuticals, and Helmer cold storage products have been designed and developed with these principles.
The i.C3® Information Center is an easy-to-use intuitive interface that provides constant real-time temperature monitoring and multiple information logs, plus security features to keep crucial refrigerator settings protected. Performance history is recorded and can be exported.
n Optimized Temperature Management OptiCool™ technology pairs a variable capacity compressor (VCC) and natural hydrocarbon (HC) refrigerants to offer best-in-class temperature management, including optimized uniformity, stability, and recovery. This provides confidence that vaccines and medications are stored at the precise temperature regardless of where they are placed within the unit, will recover faster after prolonged door openings, and will maintain superior stability throughout the cabinet. Helmer Scientific GX Solutions are leading the way with temperature, energy, and noise management designed to safely store vaccines and medications to ensure every dose counts.
ENERGY STAR® Certified GX Solutions have been designed to reduce energy usage by 50-65% without compromising the professional medical-grade performance needed for safe storage. Heat output has been reduced allowing facilities to place cold storage in small work areas while limiting HVAC impact. GX Solutions have been EPA ENERGY STAR Certified.
n Environmentally Sustainable GX Solutions professional, medical-grade refrigerators and freezers are designed to support sustainability initiatives. They are compliant with the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and EU F-Gas policies. GX Solutions have no impact on ozone depletion and a very low Global Warming Potential (GWP) grade.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 33 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President: Bruce King Vice President of Sales & Marketing: Lori Gabrek Founded: 1977 Employees: 500 Toll-Free Phone: (800) 743-5637 Phone: (317) 773-9073 Address: 14400 Bergen Boulevard Noblesville, IN 46060 Website:
Proper storage is critical to ensure the safety and viability of life-saving vaccines, medications, patient samples, reagents, and other temperaturesensitive materials. Temperature variations can have a severe impact on these products, reducing their shelf life, efficacy, and effectiveness. It is important to choose refrigerators and freezers that have been designed specifically for healthcare applications to ensure they meet the rigorous performance standards outlined in the new standard for safe storage.
Solutions Designed With You in Mind
NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Storage Standard Certification GX Solutions medical-grade refrigerators and freezers from Helmer were one of the first to be certified to the NSF/ANSI 456 Vaccine Storage Standard. The standard was created to further define temperature performance standards and key feature requirements for refrigerators and freezers used to store vaccines. It was developed using real-world use cases common to healthcare environments. To achieve certification, temperature performance standards must be achieved across all storage locations with varying load conditions and use cases and validated by a certified third-party testing facility.
Quiet Performance
Product Overview n
Helmer Scientific GX Solutions Refrigerators and Freezers 215-654-9110 Accreditation Organization Benefits of accreditation/certification: • Identify gaps in operations/service • Identify opportunities for improvement • Ensure consistency of processes • Improve patient outcomes • Enhance business practices “After going through The Compliance Team’s accreditation process, we’re not only a better business, we’re a better pharmacy.” Strengthen your pharmacy accreditationwithand certification. Operational excellence leads to clinical excellence. CHOOSE TO BE EXEMPLARY. The Compliance Team’s simplified, operationsbased standards are what set us apart from other accreditation organizations. That and the Exemplary Provider® designation you obtain when you successfully complete the program. — John Richards, Pharm.D., Professional Village Pharmacy, Sacramento, CA “When we are audited by the DEA and PBMs, our Community Pharmacy Accreditation gives us the confidence that our paperwork is complete and accurate.” — Trish White, RPh, Harry PharmacyRace/WhitesandHome Medical Equipment, Sitka, Alaska

• Self-assessment checklists to help you attain and retain your accreditation status.
• A three-year payment schedule with no additional fees.
Choose to be Exemplary With The Compliance Team Beyond simplifying the process, TCT provides you and your pharmacy (and/or DME) with the accreditation and certifications you need and rewards you with the Exemplary Provider designation.
Most pharmacies, whether chain or independent, maintain a part B DME PTAN, allowing them to bill Medicare DMEPOS. To do that, accreditation is mandated. TCT recognizes the efforts that providers take to prepare for accreditation. Maintaining our simplified approach, we combine the DMEPOS requirements into our Community Pharmacy program. By accrediting your pharmacy and the services you provide, TCT’s accreditation sets your pharmacy apart from the competition and gives your referral sources peace of mind.
• Live and recorded webinars, making the accreditation process flow more smoothly.
Testimonial “The Compliance Team’s comprehensive Community Pharmacy program provides us with tools to help strengthen our daily commitment to excellence. They took us to a new level by customizing their simplified program to fit within our already existing quality standards. Our Exemplary Provider status validates and solidifies our role as a regional leader in health care.”
— Bill Ladwig, Senior Vice President of Professional Services, Lewis Drugs, Sioux Falls, SD (57 locations throughout SD, IA, and MN)
Exemplary Provider® Suite of Pharmacy Services
n Accreditation
n The Compliance Team Difference From Start to Finish A one-on-one advisor who walks you through the standards via a call series.
Integrated DME With Pharmacy Accreditation
• Access to our patient satisfaction portal, allowing you to benchmark your patients against thousands of others.
• Policy and procedures templates — saving you time.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 35 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY Founder & CEO: Sandra C. Canally, RN Founded: 1994 Phone: (215) 654-9110 Address: 905 Sheble Lane, Suite 102 Spring House, PA 19477 Website: Operational excellence leads to clinical excellence and saves you time and money. The Compliance Team’s Accreditation Strengthens Your Pharmacy Company Background & History n Delivering Exemplary Provider® Recognition for Over 25 Years Since 1994, The Compliance Team (TCT) has delivered innovative solutions to pharmacies across the nation. Our Exemplary Provider® programs elevate your pharmacy to help you meet the challenges of the evolving value-based care era. n We Change the Way You Think About Accreditation
TCT’s standards were developed with the assumptions that: Every patient deserves exemplary care. Accreditation should not be difficult or costly to achieve. All program standards should address what matters most to the patient: Safety – Honesty – Caring® Providers immediately embrace our philosophy when they start working with us and see how our simplified, patient-centered, and providercentric standards enhance their existing business models. Our Exemplary Provider programs improve operations, stream-line processes, and build more profitable businesses.
our Pharmacy Programs) • CMS-Approved Medicare Part B — DMEPOS (Included With Community Pharmacy) • Sterile/Non-sterile Compounding (USP Chapters 795, 797, and 800) • CMS-Approved Home Infusion Therapy (HIT) • Patient-Centered Pharmacy Home™ • Long-Term Care • In-Store Clinic • Mail Order • TelePharmacy n Certification Programs • Point-of-Care Testing • Immunization (Adult and Pediatric) • Clinical Disease Management n Simplified Approach Saves You Time and Money
Designed to Strengthen Your Pharmacy’s Performance Programs Community Pharmacy (The Core of all
The TCT approach is unrivaled, but it is our team that truly makes the difference. Our commitment to service is personal, genuine, and tailored to your facility’s needs. Our full-time advisors work closely with providers to ensure that they are receiving and utilizing the education and preparation they need for accreditation or accreditation renewal. Our on-site evaluators are trained to look for potential process improvements that can save you time and money. It is a personal level of service and care that is unmatched in the industry.

Peace of mind for your patients Temperature monitoring for direct-to-patient shipments Getting medication to patients in the right temperature range is critical for reducing unnecessary reshipments. Including a TransTracker® in outgoing medication shipments can help. These inexpensive, singleuse indicators monitor temperature exposures – letting your patients know at-a-glance whether medication has gotten too hot or too cold while in transit. Learn more about how TransTracker cards, manufactured by Temptime, can help you give your patients added peace of mind while helping you save money by avoiding medication®

Package Performance Qualification
Altru Specialty Pharmacy is a part of Altru Health System, which serves people in North Dakota and parts of Minnesota. What began in 2014 as a grassroots effort with one technician working in partnership with the PharmD has grown to include three full-time technicians and three fulltime pharmacists. Still, t he specialty pharmacy’s mission has remained the same: to enhance care and improve the overall health and wellbeing of its pat ients.
“We learned a lot in that initial evaluation of our packaging,” Kalenze says. Zebra gave Altru guidance on coolers and other packing materials best for cold chain shipments to help improve its packout design. “We made a few tweaks with the intent of giving patients even greater confidence in t he medications we deliver – and Zebra was a great help t hrough the entire process,” Kalenze says. Altru t hen moved on to phase two for further testing of the passing phase one package design.
Keeping medication in proper temperature range –winter, spring, summer, and fall
About Altru Specialty Pharmacy
The specialty pharmacy did its first round of testing in 2019. “We started with our refrigerated packouts, which need to be kept between 2°C and 8°C. We tested in cold weather to make sure packages were staying in range for the amount of time we anticipated shipments to take,” says Kalenze. In phase one, Altru included two different wireless sensors. A n M 300 measured temperatures inside t he medication packaging at regular intervals and an S-400 monitored the external ambient temperature in t he ou ter box. Test packages were sent to Zebra, which analyzed the captured data.
Altru Specialty Pharmacy
Altru ultimately chose Zebra’s third-party Package Performance Qualification (PPQ) testing to show that its packouts were configured and performing correctly.
Altru Specialty Pharmacy Altru Health System Industry Specialty Pharmacy Challenge After seven years of growth, the pharmacy began to explore the performance of its shipping packouts to make sure it could maintain its mission: to enhance care and improve the overall health and well-being of its patients. Solution Altru ultimately chose Zebra* package performance qualification (PPQ) testing to show that packouts were configured and performing correctly. Testing is conducted in two phases to allow Zebra to capture and thoroughly analyze all the information required to prepare the PPQ report. Results Altru has instituted best practices throughout the shipping process that deliver peace of mind for the pharmacy, as well as its patients. Another benefit is that the PPQ testing will help the pharmacy achieve URAC accreditation.
Background According to Rosemary Kalenze, PharmD, Outpatient Pharmacy Manager for Altru, the pharmacy initially thought it would be best to test the performance of its medication packages using Joint Commission accreditation requirements in addition to US Pharmacopeia (USP) best practices for good s torage and distribution of drug products, which many accreditation agencies use as a guideline. “We live and work in a climate that can be -40ºF in the winter and 100ºF in the summer,” explains Kalenze. “To be sure we are giving our patients the best possible care, it’s important to know we are sending drug products in such a way that they remain both effective and safe.”

Tap into the future of temperature monitoring at
Altru went on to complete its second round of PPQ testing with ease.
In the end, she says, “PPQ testing just delivers peace of mind – for the pharmacy as well as for pat ients.”
trademarks are
“We tested controlled room temperature (CRT) and refrigerated shipments during t he summer to ensure packouts keep medication from getting too hot,” says Kalenze. “With all we learned in our previous testing, the process the second time around was much smoother and we successfully passed phase one on the first try.”
More than that, she adds, most of the drugs the pharmacy delivers such as cancer medications – are critical to patients. “They have to arrive on t ime and in good condition; it’s imperative.”
Rosemary Kalenze, PharmD, Outpatient Pharmacy Manager
“And everything we have done will apply.” Looking Forward Altru’s next step was to test CRT packages during the colder seasons and retest refrigerated packouts. “Regular, seasonal PPQ testing is just so important,” Kalenze says. “Our patients trust us – and we need to continually earn that trust with every single shipment that goes out.”
The Results
“To be sure we are giving our patients the best possible care, it’s important to know we are sending drug products in such a way that they remain both effective and safe.”
Aside from ensuring packages performed the way it needed them to, Kalenze says one of the most significant benefits has been instituting best practices t hroughout t he shipping process. “ Now every shipment of refrigerated medication is packed the same way,” she says. “In the past, t here were no specific guidelines. So one person might include one icepack in a shipment w here another might put in t hree, w hich could cause medication to freeze.”
In phase two, test packages were prepared in the same way, but this time shipped to various geographies using different modes of transportation such as courier and FedEx. Again, Zebra collected the time-temperature data, t his t ime using t he information to prepare a PPQ Report t hat shows t he qualification of t he packouts.
ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. All other the property of their respective owners. Zebra Technologies Corporation and/or its
affiliates. All rights reserved. R3, Doc #3177 03/2022 NA and Corporate Headquarters +1 800 423 inquiry4@zebra.com0442 Asia-Pacific Headquarters +65 6858 contact.apac@zebra.com0722 EMEA Headquarters Latin America Headquarters +1 786 245 la.contactme@zebra.com3934 38
The specialty pharmacy was also pleasantly surprised to find that the PPQ testing would help with its URAC accreditation, which it began working toward in October 2019. “A lot of URAC’s requirements are centered on providing documented proof that medication temperatures are monitored and maintained,” says Kalenze.
SUCCESS STORY ALTRU SPECIALTY Put your medication packaging to the test Meet URAC standards for CRT and refrigerated package qualification With expert third-party Package Performance Testing (PPQ) provided by Temptime, a Zebra Technologies company, you’ll not only get the detailed time and temperature data you need to meet pharmacy network and accreditation requirements, but a custom tailored approach specific to your use cases. That includes summer and winter PPQ testing for all your medication packouts – including CRT shipments, a new standard in URAC 4.0. The result is critical insight into how packages perform, as well as peace of mind knowing you’re delivering the best care to your patients. With over 30 years of experience in temperature monitoring for sensitive biologics, you can rely on Zebra to provide you with packaging performance insights, allowing you to free up internal resources for other important projects. Get started with today:

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• Metals by Design and Plastics by Design: One-of-a-kind items manufactured to match individual customer requests. Modifications to stock products are also available. These allow customers to work more efficiently and produce better results.
HCL® by Design In addition to stock items, we provide a variety of in-house manufacturing services. Design consultations are always free, there are no minimum requirements, and orders ship within seven days of proof approval. We work with you to make products work for you.
All pharmacy-grade refrigerators are equipped with digital microprocessor temperature controls, temperature alarms, and port access. In addition, multiple locking options are available so you can choose the level of security and accessibility to match your facility’s needs. As an added layer of protection, we offer refrigerator locking boxes to keep supplies secure, prevent drug diversion, and enable users to control access while keeping contents stored at a regulated temperature. Visit our website to see our complete inventory of medical-grade refrigerators, freezers, and temperature monitoring accessories and find the perfect match for your medication storage needs!
Stat Temp is equipped with a user-determined chain of command that alerts the appropriate personnel when a temperature breach occurs.
• Mounts anywhere; monitors transmit information wirelessly and information is collected and recorded 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
• Customize all monitoring and alert preferences to your requirements.
• Health Care Logistics’ friendly and reliable customer service assistance.
Stat Temp® — Wi-Fi-Enabled Remote Temperature Monitoring n Stat Temp: Easier, More Efficient Remote Temperature Monitoring
• Eliminates the need to manually record each unit by multiple staff members. This solution is perfect for facilities not staffed 24 hours a day.
• Printing and Graphics by Design: From labels, magnets, and clings to banners, signs, and stamps, our print specialists can create solutions for any situation.
• Easily access your temperature history — a requirement for any compliance agency.
You can easily customize the system to fit your monitoring, reporting, and alert preferences.
• Access readings anytime, anywhere via any internet-connected device. Stat Temp is a web-based, software-free system that won’t compromise valuable space on your computer. Likewise, multiple facilities can operate under one account.
From compact countertop units to full-size appliances, our inventory is overflowing with solutions for pharmaceutical, dietary, and laboratory use.
• Cabinets by Design: Cabinets, shelving, and storage units for those who want to renovate existing spaces or outfit newly constructed areas with high-quality pieces made to their exact specifications.
• Receive real-time alerts of abnormal temperature ranges and save thousands of dollars in drug waste.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 41 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY Health Care Logistics provides an unmatched assortment of products and services to help pharmacy professionals improve efficiency, reduce cost, and deliver the highest level of patient care. Health Care Logistics® — Achieve Measurable Results With Solutions Tailored to Your Specific Needs President & CEO: Gary Sharpe Founded: 1978 Toll-Free Phone: (800) 848-1633 Phone: (740) 477-3755 Address: P.O. Box 25, Circleville, OH 43113 Website: Company Background Unique and hard-to-find products are the lifeblood of our business. Our inventory is packed with multiple pharmacy-focused product lines including compounding and dispensing, unit dose, and error prevention. In addition to small package quantities, free samples, and same-day shipping, we source non-stock items by request and offer in-house manufacturing services to meet the specific needs of our customers. Complete customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. Product Overview Our inventory includes more than 10,000 different products ranging from syringes and seals to dispensers and disinfectants, all designed to help you work more efficiently and with less frustration. As a veteranowned company, we proudly offer hundreds of high-quality products designed and manufactured in the U.S. — often in our very own facilities in central Ohio.
Healthcare facilities and temperature monitoring go hand in hand, that’s no secret. But did you know you can automatically monitor temperatures from anywhere, at any time, from any device? Stat Temp, the remote temperature monitoring system available exclusively from Health Care Logistics®, helps ensure temperature accuracy anywhere in your facility.
Health Care Logistics is ready to help fit Stat Temp into your standards of operations and procedures. Enjoy these features with your installation:
Cold Storage Our cold drug storage solutions make it easy to manage any situation, including the ultra-low temperature requirements of COVID-19 vaccines.
Monitor temperatures within your set parameters and, in return, receive real-time alerts if results are trending outside the designated range.
• Accurately track who has resolved any issues and the action taken in response to any out-of-range temperature occurrences.
800.523.8966 EPS ® Exceptional Products and Service A Member of The Medi-Dose® Group Unit Dose,Bar NursingPharmacyCoding,&SupplyExperts! ® ® Medi-Dose EPSEPS ®...thE right forPrEScriPtionPharmaciStSPriced low and ready to go! • Medi-Dose® Solid Oral Unit Dose Packaging • TampAlerT ® Liquid Unit Dose Packaging • MILT ® Software for Medication Identification and Bar Coding • LiquiDose® Labels • IV Additive Disposable Accessories • Steri-Dropper ® Sterile Ophthalmic Dropper Bottles • Compounding Products • Cleanroom Supplies • Ophthalmic Practice Accessories • Resealable and Ultraviolet Inhibitant Bags • Tamper-Evident Products • Bottles, Vials and Containers • Operating and Procedure Room Accessories • ShrinkSafe® Bands and Safety Products • Tapes and Labels • Maternity and Laboratory Products • Record Keeping and Identification Products • Storage and Transport Products Visit our website for our EZ order system! High quality, safe and effective products for medication administration, preparation and stock for fast shipment worldwide.

Product Specifications n Sterile I.V. Accessories • Safety Products • Labeling Products • Filtering Products • Dispensing Products n Steri-Dropper • Sterile Packs of Either Two or Ten Bottles, Tips, and Caps • Special Zinc Stearate-Free Resin • Four Sizes: 3, 7, 10, and 15 mL n Labeling • Pharmacy Auxiliary Labels • Liquid Packaging Labels • Tamper-Evident Labels n Safety Products • Care Giver Protection • Identification • Disposal Additional Products We are the source for all your pharmacy’s ancillary products! Bags, bottles, trays, and totes are among a few of the many other supplies we carry. Anything that’s necessary for proper handling in a retail pharmacy setting — you can count on Medi-Dose/EPS! Ordering Information For additional information, please call us at (800) 523-8966, visit our website at, or email us at
For over 50 years, Medi-Dose/EPS has been working with pharmacists to design and support cost-effective products, solving the specific needs of their pharmacies.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 43 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President: Robert Braverman Founded: 1971 Employees: Private Toll-Free Phone: (800) 523-8966 Phone: (215) 396-8600 Toll-Free Fax: (800) 323-8966 Address: 70 Industrial Drive Ivyland, PA 18974 Website: Email: Medi-Dose, Inc./EPS, Inc. Your Community Pharmacy Supply Experts
The science of pharmaceutical compounding poses unique challenges to pharmacists in the community setting. Whether caring for people or animals, pharmacists have to meet the stringent requirements of USP 797, 800, and other pertinent guidelines, address the unique concerns and conditions of their patients and do it economically and efficiently. EPS compounding integral helping manage this vital but complex process providing care and protection patients need.
Product Overview n Products for the Compounding Pharmacist With Steri-Dropper Bottles, liquid packaging, oral syringes, labeling, safety products, and software, Medi-Dose/EPS is your pharmacy’s source for compounding supplies!
products are
Company Background Medi-Dose/EPS was founded in 1971 when Milton Braverman, a former pharmaceutical company territory manager, saw the need for inexpensive, manual unit dose packaging. He developed the Medi-Dose System to package, handle, and dispense predetermined amounts of medication so they would be accessible for one regular dose. Because of the continued success of the Medi-Dose System, Medi-Dose/EPS expanded its product line to include a full-line of compounding supplies, disposable products, liquid packaging, labeling, and oral syringes designed specifically for the pharmacy professional. We pride ourselves on being the “old friend of the family” and have long-standing products designed to meet the needs of your retail, community, and compounding pharmacy.

Failure to use the Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (G6) and its components according to the instructions for use provided with your device and available at https://www.dexcom. com/safety-information and to properly consider all indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and cautions in those instructions for use may result in you missing a severe hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) or hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) occurrence and/or making a treatment decision that may result in injury. If your glucose alerts and readings from the G6 do not match symptoms, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. Seek medical advice and attention when appropriate, including for any medical emergency.
Rev002 3 out of 4 commercially insured patients on mealtime insulin have coverage for the Dexcom G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System1 PRODUCT COMPONENTSPRODUCT NDC CODE QUANTITY REFILLS Dexcom G6 receiver 08627-0091-11 1 1 year Dexcom G6 transmitter 08627-0016-01 1 3 months Dexcom G6 sensor 08627-0053-03 1 box (3 sensors per box)30 days of surveyed US patients said that Dexcom G6 is easy to use1 Zero fingersticks* or scanning required. Dexcom CGM use is clinically proven to lower A1C, reduce hyperand hypoglycemia, and increase time in range.2,3 Includes a predictive Urgent Low Soon alert and a suite of customizable high and low glucose alerts. *If your glucose alerts and readings from Dexcom G6 do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. Please contact your pharmacy wholesale partner to order or visit View
References: 1. Dexcom, data on file, 2020. 2. Beck RW, Riddlesworth T, Ruedy K, et al. Effect of continuous glucose monitoring on glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes using insulin injections: the DIAMOND randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2017;317(4):371-378. 3. Welsh JB, Gao P, Derdzinski M, et al. Accuracy, utilization, and effectiveness comparisons of different continuous glucose monitoring systems. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2019;21(3):128-132.
Dexcom and Dexcom G6 are registered trademarks of Dexcom, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. ©2021 Dexcom, Inc. All rights reserved. LBL021037

If your glucose alerts and readings from Dexcom G6 CGM System do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions.
§ Smart devices sold separately. To view a list of compatible smart devices, visit
† MARD is a statistical measure of accuracy.
|| Separate Dexcom Follow app required. Internet connectivity required for data sharing. Followers should always confirm readings on the Dexcom G6 app or receiver before making treatment decisions. Followers must have compatible smart devices to use the Dexcom Follow app. ¶ This predictive alert can be triggered with impending hypoglycemia (glucose of 55 mg/ dL or below is predicted to occur within the next 20 minutes).
Indicated for Two Years and Older Dexcom is the only provider of CGM systems indicated for children ages two years and older, and Dexcom G6 extends the benefits of remote monitoring to the same patient age range.
1 Shah VN, et al. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2018;20(6):428-433. Beck, RW, et al. JAMA. 2017;317(4):371-378. Welsh, JB et al. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2019;21(3): 128-132. 4 Puhr S, et al. Diabetes Technol Ther 2019;21(4):155-8.
Founded in 1999, Dexcom, Inc. empowers people to take control of diabetes through innovative continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Dexcom has emerged as a leader of diabetes care technology. By listening to the needs of users, caregivers, and providers, Dexcom simplifies and improves diabetes management around the world. Overview
Your patients can choose to share their glucose data with up to 10 followers.|| Should patients also give their followers the ability to receive alert notifications, followers can help patients stay in range.
Company Background
Urgent Low Soon Alert Warn patients in advance of potentially dangerous low glucose values (55 mg/dL or below) and is associated with reduced hypoglycemia, without a corresponding increase in hyperglycemia.¶,4
Remote Monitoring
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 45 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President & CEO: Kevin Sayer Founded: 1999 Employees: 5,000+ Stock Symbol: DXCM Toll-Free Phone: (888) 738-3646 Website:
n Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring (RT-CGM) Real-time glucose readings are sent straight to your patient’s smart device§ or receiver as frequently as every five minutes.
Feature & Benefits n
G6 Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
The Dexcom G6 CGM is the first real-time, integrated continuous glucose monitoring system (iCGM) that is authorized to work interoperably with a range of connected insulin pen and hybrid closed-loop system partners. It features a 10-day sensor and requires zero fingersticks or scanning,* supporting greater freedom and flexibility for your patients ages two years and older to manage their diabetes. Accuracy Outcomes
Dexcom G6 features an overall MARD† of 9.0%.1 Dexcom CGM use is clinically proven to lower HbA1C, reduce hyper- and hypoglycemia, and increase time in range.2,3
Dexcom empowers people to take control of diabetes through innovative continuous glucose monitoring systems.

n About motNext, the Software That Drives the C.A.R.E. Package: motNext is a unique software designed to organize and simplify the oftentimes complicated process of providing multi-dose adherence packaging to patients with complex needs. The software creates a proactive and efficient work environment in the pharmacy and takes the guesswork out of complex medication regimens and varying dose-capacity requirements. motNext drives and supports the process of creating a truly customized adherence package for each individual patient.
How Medicine-On-Time Supports Your Success
• Accommodates any days’ supply up to 35 days in one package.
• Single-Dose Heat Seal and Pressure Sensitive Solutions (Customization Available)
Package — Personalized and Customized for Patient-Centered Care From Medicine-On-Time
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 47 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY CEO: Jim Clair COO: Perry Larson Founded: 1984 Employees: 150 Toll-Free Phone: (800) 722-8824 Website:
The C.A.R.E. Package is a new and innovative multi-dose adherence package that empowers your pharmacy to offer customized and personalized care for the patients who need it most. This one-of-a-kind solution not only helps your patients better manage their medications, but it also enhances the communication between your pharmacy staff, the patients you serve, and their doctors.
• Custom branding and messaging prints on the package (pharmacy logo, coupons, patient messages, and more).
Optimize Workflow: Nationally certified pharmacy technicians and IT professionals train and support pharmacy staff members to ensure maximum efficiency in the pharmacy.
n It Completes and Reinforces the Pharmacist’s Consultation and Improves Patient Health Literacy: It can sometimes be difficult for patients to retain important points discussed during the pharmacist consultation once they leave your pharmacy. With the optional C.A.R.E. Plan, the pharmacist can reemphasize key points discussed during the consultation right on the medication package, which can also help improve patient health literacy.
MOT Complete Color-Coded Multi-Dose System: mot-complete
• Attached complete pharmacy label includes medication images and large print instructions.
• Available in monthly or weekly calendar formats.
• Large-capacity removable dose cups hold up to 16 unique medications.
Technicians who complete the program will receive a $100 gift card!
C.A.R.E. Package Features
n Lower DIR Fees: Experts coach your pharmacy on existing reporting tools that can help you reduce DIR fees and increase performance-based bonus opportunities.
Empower Your Staff: The Medicine-On-Time team works directly with your technician to successfully launch your adherence program.
C.A.R.E. Package is a powerful medication management and communication tool that enhances patient-centered care. Support the appointment-based model, improve patient health literacy, and increase coordination of care with this innovative solution.
C.A.R.E. Package Benefits
• MTM Pack Low-Cost Multi-Dose System
The C.A.R.E.
Medicine-On-Time’s Complete Line of Adherence-Packaging Solutions
n Promote Your Pharmacy Services: Medicine-On-Time’s marketing assistance program supports your pharmacy in promoting your adherence solution with customized digital and printable marketing resources.
n It Increases Engagement With Other Members of Your Patients’ Care Team: Engaging other key members of your patients’ care team not only increases the chance for success for your mutual patient, but it also gives your pharmacy team the opportunity to practice at the top of your license and expand services well beyond filling a prescription.
n It Supports the Appointment-Based Model: The C.A.R.E. Package is available in a monthly calendar layout that aligns well with an appointmentbased model. The comprehensive package keeps the patient on track in between pharmacy visits. The optional C.A.R.E. Plan attachment allows the patient to even record notes and reminders to themselves of topics they need to discuss with your pharmacy team on their next visit.
The Software That Makes It Possible
Product Overview
• Optional C.A.R.E. Plan documents the pharmacist consultation right on the patient’s medication package.
Company Background Medicine-On-Time is a comprehensive medication adherence partner that helps pharmacists grow their business through increased medication adherence and improved patient care. We support and empower pharmacists with the products, know-how, and assistance to better serve their business goals — especially as they relate to medication adherence and compliance packaging. With adherence packaging to fit every patient need and every pharmacy price point, technology solutions to streamline workflow, and a marketing and support team available at every turn, Medicine-On-Time helps pharmacists realize bigger opportunities through better patient care.
The optional C.A.R.E. Plan even allows for pharmacists notes to the doctor right on the package.
• Color-coded and organized by dose time.
• Multi-Dose Simple Startup Solution:

• If the automation has been able to achieve the prescriptions per hour and prescriptions per day while maintaining the low error rate we desired.
Q. What are the greatest benefits of pharmacy automation?
Q. Do you believe automation in the pharmacy impacts morale? We have found automation to have a huge positive impact on morale in the pharmacy. Typically, pharmacies without automation struggle with work flow; one example being dispatch times. Once automation is implemented, we have found the workload to be greatly reduced on manual filling, out times to be achieved, and overall success on service and reduction in costs to exceed expectations. However, messaging is key prior to deployment, as reductions in force may cause some employees to believe they are being replaced causing uneasiness. Over time, the benefits will outweigh all this and be realized by all team members.
Miriam Cho, PharmD, President/CPO, MAC Rx
Q. How do you calculate the impact of automation ROI? We have traditionally taken a more simplistic method of calculating ROI, using the payback method (number of years to pay off the automation). As an example, in a current project, the cost of the robot is $1.5M, whereas our savings of labor reduction annually is $836K, equaling 1.79 years to pay off the automation and then reach profits. Typically, it is our opinion that anything under 1.8 to 1.5 years is very achievable and advantageous with the right automation.
• If we are achieving our goal output.
Utilizing automation in the pharmacy allows for the ability to efficiently manage workflow, control labor costs, improve accuracy related to human error, and provide relief to current operational concerns related to the current labor market.
Meeting manufacturers at industry conventions, online resources such as RXinsider, reaching out to other industry colleagues, and also discussing eligible options with your GPO are a few key ways to determine what may best fit your needs.
• The performance achieved vs. what we envisioned.
Q. What are the top resources to find the best types of automation available?
Q. How do you measure the efficiency of the automated systems/devices?
Planning and understanding your market and business goals, as well as pre-marketing business growth analysis will help guide the decision between pre-pack and on-demand automation. We have successfully utilized pre-pack automation in the early stages of pharmacy start-ups, added on-demand automation in more mature pharmacies, and also have used on-demand automation in new startup pharmacies where we knew an advantageous ROI would be achieved based on prescription output. With such a wide variety of available products on the market, automation can always greatly assist in reducing pharmacy costs and gaining workflow efficiency for any and all pharmacies.
Q. What is the most challenging aspect of beginning automation in the pharmacy? It is my opinion and based on today’s market environment, the timing commitment of capital expense and cash flow is the largest hurdle many pharmacies have to overcome. But, once the decision to move forward is realized, assembling a project team and timeline of all goals with date centric achievements to “go-live” is most critical. Manufacturers typically assist in a project driven timeline, which allows for key tasks during the implementation process to not be overlooked. A project team of key leaders in the pharmacy with ongoing meetings is also critical for accountability, to ensure that all tasks are handled, and that any hurdles are actively being managed and eliminated.
The value of metrics and key performance indicators are something that we embrace with great passion. In doing so, we always revert back to the ROI. We continue to examine and measure:
Q. When should you consider automation?

Miriam is a member of the Advisory Board for CAPSA Healthcare, has done extensive work with SoftWriters for development, testing, and legal advisement for new product development, and implemented the first successful transition to perpetual inventory for Framework LTC. She continues to give back by precepting and mentoring pharmacy students by providing them with exposure to this vital segment of pharmacy.
• The percentage of total prescriptions produced by automation.
Miriam received her doctorate of pharmacy from Midwestern University and has 15 years of pharmacy experience both in the retail and LTC space. She joined the MAC Rx team in 2015 and assumed the pharmacist in charge role in October of 2015. Since that time, the pharmacy has tripled in size due in large part to her keen sense of pharmacy operations along with her ability to build strong vendor and client relationships. Miriam currently oversees pharmacy operations in over 160 LTC communities. She is recognized as an LTC subject matter expert and is a highly sought-after speaker at national conventions such as the IQ Conference for Red Sail Technologies, MHA, and SoftWriters.
Miriam Cho, PharmD, President/CPO, MAC Rx
Q. How efficient are automated devices in the pharmacy when compared to pharmacy technicians? Depending on the throughput of the automation, a wide range of efficiency can be gained when comparing output of the automation to technicians. It would be recommended to refer back to the drill down details of the ROI, as packaging type, speed of the robot, etc., may all play a factor in efficiency.
As an example, one large robot we are purchasing would have an output of 26 technicians over a month period while simultaneously reducing potential error percentage.
Q. How often does technology change where automation would become outdated? Typically, we believe and plan that automation we purchase will have a useful life of seven to 10 years maximum.
• The impact on dispatch times. All of the metrics related to buying the automation is monitored through ongoing dashboards and shared with the entire team, to ensure we are reaching our goals.
Q. What is the verification process like when dealing with pharmacy automation?
There are many regulatory compliance considerations here, but suffice to say that many efficiencies may be gained with automation to reduce human intervention therefore gaining the efficiencies set forth in the ROI. Although the actual verification process may remain the same post installation of automation, the ability to implement and utilize a technician product verification program can provide a positive impact to your ROI. Having said this, it is absolutely critical to understand your individual State Board of Pharmacy rules and regulations prior to making this process change. Automation based on the ROI metrics should always increase efficiency of both the fulfillment technician and staff pharmacist roles in the verification process.
Q. What is the error rate of this technology compared to regular human error in the pharmacy? With most automation that we have utilized, error rates are greatly reduced when comparing automation to human error. It really depends on the automation, but with the right automation partner, accuracy can substantially be increased when deploying automation in your pharmacy. Automation also shows up on time and does not have days off, unless of course there are maintenance issues.
Q. Are maintenance plans worth the additional cost? It is our belief that maintenance and service plans are critical to automation success. There is no substitute to having 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year coverage when the machine unexpectedly fails, not to mention ongoing, regular maintenance is a must. Inevitably, all equipment will eventually have a breakdown or issue due to wear and tear. It is for this reason, we require service plans to have emergency assistance available from the manufacturer with stat timelines of two to four hour service, and also work with the manufacturer to ensure parts are easily accessible by their technicians either in our city or the region. Downtimes can become problematic, so ensuring stat services and maintenance on the front end of the purchase is of the utmost importance.

Pearsonmedical.com640-3603 Pentapack NA
omnicell.com671-0589 Pearson Medical Technologies 2804
Pharmacy Automation Supplies
Drive Romeoville, IL 60446 (800) pharmacyautomationsupplies.com798-1401 Pharmyx Automation, Inc. 22971 Triton Way, Suite D Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) Pharmyx.com228-2292 Pillvac 13502 Spencer Circle Bellevue, NE 68123 (318) pillvac.com308-4477 Robotik Technology 8400 Esters Boulevard, Suite #140 Irving, TX 75063 (469) robotiktechnology.com442-7501 Rx Systems 121 Point West Boulevard St. Charles, MO 63301 (800) Store.rxsystems.com922-9142 ScriptPro 5828 Reeds Road Mission, KS 66202 (913) Scriptpro.com384-1008 SencorpWhite 400 Kidds Hill Road Hyannis, MA 02601 (508) Sencorpwhite.com771-9400 Staubli Robotics 201 Parkway West Duncan, SC 29334 (864) staubli.com433-1980 Swisslog Healthcare 11325 Main Street Broomfield, CO 80020 (800) Swisslog-healthcare.com396-9666 Synergy Medical, a Parata Company 2600 Jacques-Cartier Boulevard. E Longueuil, QC J4N 1P5 (866)Canada764-7966, Ext. 2 Takeoff Technologies 203 Crescent Street, Suite 304 Waltham, MA 02453 (617) Takeoff.com825-3633 Tension Packaging & Automation 819 East 19th Street Kansas City, MO 64108 (855) Tensionautomation.com763-7275 UPackit-Rx 73263 Meder Lake Boat Landing Road Mellen, WI 54546 (715) Upackit-rx.com274-2167 Vitae Industries 1 Richmond Square, #210E Providence, RI 02906 (401) Vitaeindustries.com200-8569 VMI Care 4670 Allen Road Stow, OH 44224 (330) 929-6800, (330) care/ Yuyama 2050 Lively Boulevard Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (847) Yuyamarx.com593-1005
Medical Packaging Inc., LLC 8 Kings Flemington,CourtNJ 08822 (800) Medpak.com257-5282
Noritsu Pharmacy Automation 6900 Noritsu Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620 (800) Noritsu-rx.com521-3686 2625 Augustine Drive, Suite #301 Mountain View, CA 95054 (800) North Avenue LA 71303 (866) 9 Stoney Court, P.O. Box 611 Ocean View, NJ 08230 (609) Pentapackna.com624-3380 146 S. Pinnacle
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC50 TECHNOLOGYROBOTICS&AUTOMATIONPHARMACY GuideBuyer’s PHARMACY AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS TECHNOLOGY Buyer’s Guide Accu-Chart Plus Healthcare Systems 1305 Remington Road, Suite I Schaumburg, IL 60173 (847) Accuchart.com252-7300 ARxIUM 1400 Busch Parkway Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 (847) Arxium.com808-2600 BD 1 Becton Drive Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 (844) Bd.com823-5433 Bell and Howell 3791 South Alston Avenue Durham, NC 27713 (800) CRETEM USA 8400 Esters Boulevard, Suite 140 Irving, TX 75063 (214) Cornerstone Automation Systems (CASI) 10601 Clarence Drive, Suite 100 Frisco, TX 75033 (800) DOSIS by Manchac Technologies 1115 Second Street Alexandria, LA 71301 (877) dosis.com626-2422 Euclid Medical Products 339 Mill Street Apple Creek, OH 44606 (317) Euclidmedicalproducts.com664-7592 Health Care Logistics P.O. Box Circleville,25OH 43113 (800) Gohcl.com848-1633 iA 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1550 Indianapolis, IN 46240 (877) iarx.com742-7627 iLocalBox/Kaktus Software 3801 E. Roeser, Suite 16 Phoenix, AZ 85040 (800) ilocalbox.com994-7351
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 51 TECHNOLOGYROBOTICS&AUTOMATIONPHARMACY LeadersMarket Visit RXinsider’s Pharmacy Market BUZZ to Research the Leaders in Pharmacy Automation & Robotics Technology

Tension Packaging & Automation’s parent company, Tension Corporation, was founded in 1886 and is based in Kansas City, Missouri. Accuracy. Speed. The results you need.
• Pharmacy system designs can be customized to integrate with the expectations of a growing business, while improving accuracy and workflow. Automation systemsAutomated equipment Sorting equipmentSystem design & integrationCustomized software
Tension Headquarters • 819 E. 19th Street • Kansas City, MO 64108-1781 • 1-888-367-4660 •
Tension increases pharmacy efficiency and profitability.
Tension Packaging & Automation develops customized equipment, software and pharmacy systems so you can achieve the greatest speed, accuracy and functionality for your pharmacy operation. We offer full-scale systems to modular, entry-point designs for flexible and scalable pharmacy automation and packaging equipment.
The value of thinking forward.
Contact Tension Packaging & Automation to learn more! Speed. Accuracy. Reliability. There are high demands when it comes to pharmacy packaging and automation solutions. Tension Packaging & Automation provides customers with a complete approach to creating results-driven processes. From design, machine development and software integration for pharmacy automation systems, we bring innovative answers for better solutions.
Find industry-best solutions for successful high-output pharmacy automation. Offering multiple configurations to build the pharmacy processes you need to prepare for tomorrow’s growth.
• A team of engineers, sales, service and support remains committed to your success throughout the life of your product or contract.
• Reduce costs and errors through automation without a high minimum script threshold, which is ideal for central-fill, mail-order and specialty pharmacies.

Our suite of pharmacy operations improvement programs provides solutions in the following areas INNOVATIX MEMBER BENEFITS EXTEND BEYOND THE SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS WE PROVIDE. While group purchasing is at the core of what we do, Innovatix is committed to developing programs that help our members thrive. Take Your Purchasing & Operational Strategy to New Heights with Innovatix Leveraging the resources of our parent company, Premier, Inc., our suite of pharmacy operations improvement programs are designed to address your operations needs without distracting from your main mission — providing high-quality patient care. Rx adjudicationclaims Medicare Part reimbursementD Continuingeducation Clinicaltechnologysurveillance Regulatory & legislative advocacy To join our GPO or to learn more about our suite of pharmacy operations improvement programs, visit us at, email, or call (888) 258-3273.

Innovatix is a national group purchasing organization that provides strategic purchasing solutions and operational support to help pharmacies and other providers across the continuum of care thrive. We supplement our industry-leading purchasing program with a consultative approach, in-depth analytics, vast healthcare expertise, and value-added and feebased services specific to our members’ needs. Innovatix works tirelessly to deliver savings and value to members.
n PINC AI™ Clinical Surveillance for LTC Pharmacies: Our clinical surveillance capabilities provide a comprehensive, real-time workflow solution for infection preventionists and clinical pharmacists. The technology can help detect, manage, control, and alert to improper treatment of infection-related conditions during COVID-19 and beyond by enabling:
Preferred Provider Network: Successfully navigating Medicare Part D to maximize reimbursement on Medicare prescription drug benefit claims is a major challenge for many pharmacies today. The Preferred Provider Network provides pharmacies access to Medicare Part D contracts with the nation’s largest prescription drug plans and pharmacy benefit managers.
Innovatix GPO membership is free. To learn more about our group purchasing services and suite of pharmacy operations improvement programs, visit, email, or call (888) 258-3273
1) automated alerts, including COVID-specific alerts, for patients suspected or confirmed for infections; 2) automated flags on patient records to allow for robust tracking of patients in an outbreak group; 3) comprehensive documentation forms, including a custom set specific to COVID-19 and routine infections such as Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), Clostridium Difficile (C. diff), and urinary tract infections (UTIs); 4) electronic submission of infections to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) system.
Value-Added Services Innovatix member benefits extend beyond the significant savings we provide through our group purchasing services. While group purchasing is at the core of what we do, Innovatix is committed to offering additional value to help our members grow and excel.
Pharmacy Operations Improvement Programs
Our suite of pharmacy operations improvement programs are designed to address your operations needs without distracting from your main mission — providing high-quality patient care.
n Clinical Experts: Innovatix staff includes clinical pharmacists and physician consultants who provide members with best practice studies, disease state management information, formulary management, and medication error reduction strategies.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 55 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY Founded: 1993 Stock Symbol: PINC Toll-Free Phone: (888) 258-3273 Address: 13034 Ballantyne Corporate Place Charlotte, NC 28277 Website:
Company Background
n Innovatix Educational Institute: Each month, Innovatix offers free accredited continuing education (CE) opportunities. Members can take advantage of these learning sessions from the convenience of their own computers.
n Government Affairs: To help our members navigate the complex healthcare regulatory environment and ensure that their concerns are properly addressed, the Innovatix Government Affairs Program has continued to develop as an important value-added service, particularly for our long-term care and infusion pharmacy members. We keep members informed and advocate on their behalf, working closely with national advocacy organizations.
Innovatix offers differentiated, high-quality group purchasing and consultative services. We help members maximize their overall financial performance by providing the resources and educational support needed to enhance the delivery of quality patient care.
Key Business Partners
Innovatix is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Premier, a healthcare improvement company uniting an alliance of over 4,400 U.S. hospitals and more than 225,000 other provider organizations.
Ordering Information
Purchasing and Operations Improvement
Strategic Solutions by Innovatix
Product Overview Innovatix offers one of the most extensive, competitive purchasing portfolios available today. We provide members access to a $69 billion purchasing portfolio comprising over 2,000 contracts through 900-plus suppliers.
n Scriptmax®: Scriptmax offers the most complete pharmacy claim support in the industry. Through a comprehensive suite of pre-edit, postedit, and reconciliation services, Scriptmax empowers pharmacies with actionable claims review data during every step of adjudication.

E A SE & CONV ENIENCE We offer a wide var iet y of gener ic and br anded phar maceutic als, direc t manuf ac turer contr ac t s to help keep cos t s low, no order minimums and next-day shipping on order s placed by 5pm ES T N A BP ACCREDIT ED We are an A ccredited Dr ug Dis tr ibutor with the N A BP (for mally k nown a s VAW D accredited) and a nationally licensed whole s ale dr ug dis tr ibutor in ALL 50 s t ate s CUS T OMER C ARE Our k nowledgeable account manager s are here to answer your que s tions, and are dedic ated to aiding in the succe s s of your busine s s. It ’s ea sy to get s t ar ted today. Cont ac t us now to connec t with an account repre sent ati ve : 954.796.3338 954.796.3338 | S W DRx .c om | Info@S W DRx .c om SWDRx delivers the phar maceutic als you need when you need them most.

— John, Pharmacy Owner
For more information, contact us today to speak to an account representative at (954) 796-3338 or, and visit us online at
SWDRx is dedicated to aiding in the success of our customers and their businesses. We help customers by offering:
Direct manufacturer contracts to help keep costs low.
Knowledgeable account managers to help answer your questions and Online T3 management providing you access to all the documents you need.
Safeway offers a wide variety of in-stock generic and branded pharmaceuticals to help supply your most pressing medication needs. Management
Next-day shipping to all 50 states on any orders placed by 5 p.m. EST.
— Corey, Pharmacy Buyer
• Pain
“It is always a pleasure to know someone cares about my business and patients like I do.”
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Dental Supplies
Ordering Information
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 57 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY We are an accredited drug distributor with NABP and a nationally licensed wholesale drug distributor in all 50 states. Safeway Distributors — Delivering the Pharmaceuticals You Need, When You Need Them Most President & CEO: Mike Bleich Founded: 2014 Employees: >50 Phone: (954) 796-3338 Fax: (954) 796-3402 Address: 15851 SW 41st Street, Suite 600 Davie, FL 33331 Website: Company Background A wholesaler dedicated to customer care, Safeway Distributors (SWDRx) is an NABP Accredited Drug Distributor (formally VAWD) that serves the needs of independent pharmacies, dental offices, clinics, and other medical facilities in 50 states. Opened in 2014 in Davie, FL, Safeway Distributors has built a solid reputation by offering competitively priced products through manufacturer partnerships and a safe, secure, supply chain. Our core values keep us grounded and translate to a positive impact on customers and their businesses. • Integrity: Being honest and upholding strong moral principles. • Dependability: Being there no matter how difficult the situation. • Care: Committing ourselves to treat each other, our customers, and the products we distribute with pride and respect. • Teamwork: Working together with our customers to accomplish anything that comes our way. • Accountability: Holding one another to a higher standard than what is expected and being responsible for our actions and their impact. n Our Vision To be an authentic national pharmaceutical wholesaler, who distinguishes ourselves by offering unparalleled customer solutions, niche product offerings, and the safest, most secure pharmaceutical supply chain available. n Our Mission To work alongside our customers, helping bring them value and comfort day in and day out, by providing the products they need, when they and their patients need them most. Product Overview
• Dermatology •
Why Safeway Distributors?
“Safeway’s account management and attention to detail is second to none. I feel confident that each order I place will be the right medication, at the right price, and delivered on time.”
• A wide variety of in-stock generic and branded pharmaceuticals to help supply your most pressing medication needs.
“A fellow pharmacy owner highly recommended Safeway due to their customer service and product knowledge. They did not disappoint!”
— Nick, Pharmacy Owner Markets Served Safeway Distributors (SWDRx) is an NABP Accredited Drug Distributor (formally VAWD) that serves the needs of independent pharmacies, dental offices, clinics, and other medical facilities in 50 states.
• 30-day payment terms and credit upon approval to help you manage your business.
• No order minimums, order only what you need when you need it.

Noritsu Pharmacy Automation — Packaging Systems and Workflow Software for LTC, Central Fill, and Community Pharmacies Background Understands That Your Equipment is Business Critical We focus on reliability in our products, employees, and practices. This is why Noritsu has been a trusted partner to businesses for over 40 years. many long-term care and central pharmacies entrust their operations to Noritsu solutions and support.
n Noritsu Medication Detection/Verification: Our innovative verification systems will drastically reduce the time your pharmacists spend checking medications. Pouch strips are continuously analyzed using a patented separation and imaging system that automatically detects and flags anomalies. Pharmacists can quickly check flagged pouches and entire rolls using our powerful and extensively customizable MDC workstation, improving throughput and accuracy with minimal need to physically handle pouch rolls. All orders are archived, making searching and building custom reports a breeze.
Product Overview
n Accessories and Materials: We offer a wide array of accessories and consumables for use in your production workflow. Pill splitters and counters, winders and unwinders, pouch material, even custom designed pill pouch boxes. Find out more by visiting our website
Noritsu offers innovative multi-dose and unit-dose compliance packaging solutions for any size pharmacy. With a company culture focused on being a key business partner to our customers, we tailor solutions to meet each pharmacy’s particular needs and goals.
n Noritsu Tray Loading System: Increase production and efficiency of lesser-used and split pills using our unique tray loading system. Our tray system uses a system of intuitive LED guides and clears bins after each medication load to help operators quickly and accurately load trays. Multiple trays can be pre-loaded and will be inserted seamlessly into production thanks to our NexusRx software, which builds a production workflow behind the scenes to maximize efficiency.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 59 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY CEO: Toshitake Takahashi Founded: 1978 Employees: 200 Toll-Free Phone: (800) 521-8254 Phone: (714) 521-9040 Address: 6900 Noritsu Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620 Website:
“We have been using automation for more than 10 years in our pharmacy. With the installation of the Noritsu Medical Solution, we were able to expand our production capabilities while decreasing our workday, moving from more than two shifts of production to one shift. They have been a great partner for us.”
Noritsu Values the Voice of its Customers input from our customers, Noritsu has a legacy of solving problems and advancing technology to help businesses achieve their goals. With a trusted technology partner, you’ll have peace of mind that allows you the freedom to focus on your customers. Noritsu Solutions are Customized Every pharmacy is unique. We tailor solutions to fit your pharmacy’s workflow and to allow you to meet the needs of your customers. We learn about your business, workflow, and goals before developing a solution with you. Contact us for a no-obligation discussion about your pharmacy and its potential with Noritsu’s automation solutions.
• Community •
— Doug Smock/Owner, Infinity Pharmacy, Richardson, TX
n Perfect Pouch: All of our pouch packaging systems include our incredibly versatile Perfect Pouch Printing System. Fully customize your pouches with over 50 key data points … patient info, Rx names, NDC, doctor info, and much more, even patient photos. Pouches are quickly and easily editable and can be assigned per facility to help give your customers exactly what they want from location to location.
“One of our goals with this pharmacy was to bring ‘next gen’ technology and processes to the marketplace. Noritsu Medical became a great decision and a key business partner for us. They’ve helped us gain significant labor and operational efficiencies using their products, and their technical support is always there for us when we need it. They have become the best and most significant strategic partner I’ve ever selected.”
Noritsu has developed solutions for many types of pharmacies: Long-Term Care Central Fill Nutraceuticals
— Mik Blazier, Pharmacy Director of Operations, EverSpring Pharmacy, St. Louis, MO Markets Served
n Noritsu
Imagine if your packaging equipment and workflow were a strategic selling advantage! Our customers understand the edge Noritsu gives them to satisfy their customers and to win new business.
n Noritsu Packagers: Built to last, with speed and efficiency in mind, our extensive line of automated pill packagers truly offers something for every business. From high-production central fill pharmacies, long-term care pharmacies, and hospitals to community pharmacy operations, we have a solution that will not only fit your needs but streamline your workflow and efficiency.
MKT#21-076 Associates of Cape Cod, Inc. - a Seikagaku Group Company • 888.395.2221 Associates of Cape Cod, Inc. Your Endotoxin & Glucan Experts Being First Means Doing Something No One Else Has Ever Done Before... We Do That A Lot. We have a long history of advancing Endotoxin and Glucan testing technologies that make a difference. A History Of Firsts! 1st To Introduce An Animal Free, Recombinant LAL Reagent 1st Large Scale IVF Program To Introduce Horseshoe Crabs Into The Wild 1st To Establish BET Contract Testing Services 1st BET Company Licensed By FDA Advance your laboratory’s Endotoxin and Glucan detection capabilities into 1st place today.

3)-ß-D-glucans. Our products are used worldwide by leading pharmaceutical and medical device companies to ensure
their parenteral drugs, biological products, and medical devices. Our goal is to provide the best products, services, technical support, and customer service in our industry,
Product Overview ACC is pleased to offer Pyrosate®, an FDA licensed version of our rapid endotoxin detection kit. Pyrosate is well-suited for performing endotoxin assays in full compliance with the Bacterial Endotoxins Test, USP chapter <85>. Pyrosate has been developed as an easy-to-use Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) gel-clot test that enables rapid testing and does not require special laboratory supplies. The easy-to-follow, step-by-step illustrated instructions allow the user to set up assays within minutes.
Reconstitution Pyrosate® is reconstituted directly with the sample by adding 0.5 mL to the sample tube (SPL). After approximately 60 seconds of gentle mixing, 0.25 mL is transferred to the endotoxin tube (PPC). The lot-specific incubation time at 37±1°C is given on the Certificate of Compliance. Stability Pyrosate® is stable at room temperature and does not require refrigeration for shipping or storage.
Pyrosate® has been developed as an easy-to-use Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) gel-clot test that enables rapid testing and does not require special laboratory supplies. The Pyrosate Kit provides rapid results and is especially convenient for research, testing water, and dialysate. g the of to the We are certified to I.S. EN ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 13485:2016, our laboratories are FDA inspected and DEA licensed, and our Beacon Diagnostics® laboratory is CLIA certified.
The Pyrosate® Kit is a rapid gel-clot test that contains a 2λ* endotoxin tube (PPC) matched to the sample (SPL) tube for each sensitivity. This feature is unique to the Pyrosate assay. The endotoxin tube (PPC) assures that the sample does not interfere with the test, ruling out false negatives. Pyrosate is formulated to eliminate false positives due to (1g3)-ß-D-glucans. This endotoxin specific reagent does not require additional blocking buffers.
The Pyrosate® Kit is available in sensitivities of 0.03 EU/mL, 0.125 EU/mL, and 0.25 EU/mL, in both 10-pack and 30-pack formats. In addition to research and water testing, Pyrosate® is ideal for dialysis centers, compounding pharmacies, and pharmaceutical and medical device companies.
Product Applications • Hemodialysis • Water and Water Systems • Filter Industry • Research • Final Product Release Product Benefits • Shorter Assay Time • Endotoxin Specific • No Dilutions Required • No Refrigeration Required • Matched Positive Product Control *λ (lambda) is the lowest concentration of endotoxin to cause a positive test result under standard conditions.
Performing the Test
productivity and efficiency of all our customers.
The Pyrosate® Kit by Associates of Cape Cod Delivers Rapid Endotoxin Testing Results for Compounding Pharmacies Toll-Free Phone: (888) 395-2221 Phone: (508) 540-3444 Fax: (508) 540-8680 Address: Falmouth Technology Park 124 Bernard E. Saint Jean Drive E. Falmouth, MA 02536 Website: Company Background Associates of Cape Cod, Inc. (ACC), is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of products developed to detect and quantify gram-negative bacterial endotoxins and (1

FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC62 MEETING&SHOWTRADE CalendarEvent Event Calendar Trade Shows, Meetings, & Expositions Due to COVID-19, all trade shows and meetings are subject to change. Please confirm with the individual organization for updates. Continued on page 67 ASCP Annual Meeting & Exhibition November 3-6, 2022 JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa San Antonio, TX ECRMAutomationSupplies,Technology,PharmacyServices,andProgram November 7-9, 2022 Santa Ana Pueblo, sessions ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition December 4-8, 2022 Las Vegas, ExhibitionClinical-Meeting-and-Conferences/ PDS Super Conference February 16-18, 2023 Disney’s Coronado Springs Orlando,ResortFL RXinsider’s Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show 24 / 7 / 365 450+ Booths, 89 Aisles Compounders on Capitol Hill September 14-15, 2022 Hilton National Mall Washington, NASP 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo September 19-22, 2022 Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center Orlando, NCPA Annual Conference October 1-4, 2022 Kansas City, Missouri Convention Center Kansas City, Convention.ncpa.orgMO PharmaSalon - RX Influencer Salon October 24-25, 2022 Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark St. Louis, pharmasalon.comMO

Bringing the Right Buyers & Suppliers Together ECRM’s Pharmacy & Medical Programs set you up for success with pre-scheduled, private, one-on-one meetings with partners that matter to your business. Contact our SVP of Pharmacy & Medical Markets, Michael Castillo to learn how you can take advantage of virtual and in-person opportunities at 440-528-0441 or

Behind Every Good Pharmacist ... is a Great Resource. The Pharmacy Market BUZZ is a daily news feed, designed to keep the pharmacy community informed on the latest industry news, products, services, and trends.

ASCP 2022 ANNUAL MEETING TEXAS HILL COUNTRY NOVEMBER 3 - 6, 2022 • Choose from more than 21 sessions with live Q&A • Earn up to 30 hours of continuing pharmacy education (CPE) credits (up to 18 live) • Earn up to 13.5 hours of BCGP recertification credits • Access most session recordings after the meeting (included in registration fee!) • Enhanced Mentor Program • 6 Hours of Exhibit Hall Experience • Exhibit Hall Opening Reception • Robert Miller Research Poster Presentation • Express Talks on Exhibit Hall Main Stage • Author Book Signings • Berman Awards Reception & Red Carpet Event • Ice Cream Social • Saturday Night After Party – Now included in registration fee! • Dedicated track and values workshop for students – Included in registration fee! JOIN US! LEARN MORE

FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 67 MEETING&SHOWTRADE CalendarEvent All shows are subject to change. Event Calendar Trade Shows, Meetings, & Expositions Due to COVID-19, all trade shows and meetings are subject to change. Please confirm with the individual organization for updates. continued from page 62 Behind Every Good Pharmacist ... is a Great Resource. As a complimentary service, RXinsider provides FREE, high-resolution downloads of vintage pharmacy ads and imagery. Behind Every Good Pharmacist ... is a Great Resource. The Pharmacy Market BUZZ is a daily news feed, designed to keep the pharmacy community informed on the latest industry news, products, services, and trends. American College of Apothecaries Annual Conference & Expo 2023 February 22-25, 2023 Wyndham Grand Rio Mar, Puerto APhA 2023 March 24-27, 2023 Phoenix, Aphameeting.pharmacist.comAZ NHIA 2023 March 25-29, 2023 Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center Washington, 340B WinterCoalitionConference March 27-29, 2023 San Diego, 340bwinterconference.orgCA NACDS Annual Meeting April 22-25, 2023 The Breakers Palm Beach, FL AXS23 Summit April 30-May 4, 2023 Las Vegas, www.asembiasummit.comNV American College of Veterinary Pharmacy (ACVP) PharmacyVeterinaryConference June 1-3, 2023 Hotel Clio Denver Cherry,CreekCO ASHP Summer Meetings and Exhibition June 10-14, 2023 Baltimore, McKesson ideaShare TBA, 2023 Las Vegas, NV

Paladin Point of Sale for Rx Processing and OTC Inventory Paladin helps ease Rx processing with single-point checkout and makes OTC inventory control a breeze –freeing you up to address patient care needs without sacri cing e ciency and pro tability. Ease the process. Increase the care. “ "With so many regulations and requirements involved, Paladin POS made everything simple and e ortless." Michael Welsch Miller’s Pharmacy, West Henrietta, New York learn more at 800.725.2346 You With Paladin you’ll get a consolidated point-of-sale process, spend less time on OTC inventory management, and get unsurpassed US-based customer support. Compliance adherence Wholesaler OTCPrescriptionintegrationsstatusreportinventorymanagement tools 100% SIGIS-certi ed and NPLEx integrated Paladin integrates with many of the leading Rx Management Systems.

OTC Inventory Management Tools
n 100% SIGIS-certified and NPLEx integrated. n Integrates with many of the leading Rx systems.
PaladinRX integrates with all leading pharmacy systems, helps ease Rx processing with single-point checkout, and makes OTC inventory control a breeze — freeing you up to address patient care needs without sacrificing efficiency and profitability.
Company Background
Product Overview With Paladin point of sale, you get unsurpassed U.S.-based customer support and a consolidated point-of-sale process so you’ll spend less time on Rx processing and OTC inventory management and have more time to focus on patient care.
Paladin also: n Provides options for barcode integration.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 69 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President: Dan Nesmith Founded: 1980 Employees: 70+ Phone: (800) 725-2346 Fax: (541) 383-3887 Address: 916 East Baseline Road, #101 Mesa, AZ 85204 Website:
Paladin point of sale and OTC inventory management software ensures compliance by capturing final invoice amounts and signatures for both pharmaceutical and OTC items dispensed at checkout, then returns data back to the Rx Management system for patient records.
Paladin makes audits a breeze by ensuring your Rx processing adheres to federal regulations and insurance requirements like HIPAA signatures, FSA/HSA/HRA expenditures, and NPLEx tracking that includes enforcement on pseudoephedrine purchase limits and historical data.
Paladin Data Corporation is a leading provider of retail technology that automates complex and time-consuming business operations.
Paladin point of sale helps pharmacies run better by automating time-consuming
Single-Pointprocesses. Checkout Built for Pharmacy by Paladin Data Corporation
PaladinNsight™ and Market Driven Inventory Management™ put your inventory data at your fingertips with real-time data that adds intelligence to the inventory process so you can easily and confidently determine stock needs and make quick purchasing decisions.
Wholesaler Integrations
Paladin point of sale is a front-end pharmacy solution that integrates with your prescription management system to speed up prescription processing via single-point checkout.
Prescription Status Paladin provides reports to easily verify the prescription status for pending, filled, or picked-up prescriptions.
Split Invoice Processing Paladin is 100% SIGIS-certified and speeds up the checkout process with the ability to differentiate between IIAS-eligible vs. non-eligible products and split transactions across FSA, HRA, HSA, credit cards, and other forms of payment.
Key ComplianceFeaturesAdherence
Wholesaler integrations provide timely access to current pricing and allow stores to place electronic orders and receive invoices quickly and easily.
For over 40 years, we have focused on helping independent retail businesses run better.

The OneCheck Select program is tailored to independent and regional chain pharmacies and health systems. Over the past 30 years, we’ve perfected our pricing and reimbursement processes to ensure you receive maximum compensation for your outdated products. We optimize the reimbursement process, consolidating credit into one check and ensuring that you receive credit quickly – within as few as 10 days if you choose our 10-Day Pay program, or within no longer than 90 days with our most economical option. Credit values are listed on the check stub, so you know exactly how much you have received from each manufacturer. Our all-inclusive fee, including shipping, CII-CV processing, destruction of non-returnable items, and extensive reporting available on our website, is a fixed percentage of your returnable product value and is deducted from the check we issue to you, so there are no hidden fees or surprise charges. Choose from our comprehensive On-Site Service and let our experienced representatives handle every aspect of your return or use our easy and economical web-based Mail-In Service if you prefer to complete your returns on your own as few as 10 after Items are packaged and prepared for FedEx pickup. Receive a credit estimate and detailed reporting before the rep leaves your store. Mail-In Service Only CII-CV are required to be authorization forms and to any UPS driver. a credit estimate and detailed reporting online within three to five business days. Service simple, and compliant destruction of unsaleable pharmaceuticals. products destroyed by EPA-approved waste-toenergy incinerator. Controlled substance destruction witnessed by at least two employees. Proof of destruction and DEA forms included in pricing.
• Non-hazardous
GPO Affiliations AAP, AIP, AlliantRx, American Pharmacies, APNI, APSC, All-Win Rx, CPA, EPIC Pharmacies, Gerimed, IPA, IPC, Keystone, LWD, Mutual Drug, NPSC, PBA Health, PFOA, Pharmacy Plus, PPSC, PPOk, QualityCare Pharmacies, RxPlus, Sav-Mor, SPC, UPNI, We Care Pharmacy, WSPC Ordering Information
prepaid UPS shipping labels. • Give boxes
Additional Product Modules MedCollect, by Return Solutions, provides simple, cost-effective, and compliant disposal of unused consumer prescription medications. take-back receptacles help fight prescription drug abuse, prevent accidental poisoning, and protect the environment with wasteto-energy destruction. a collection receptacle drives traffic to pharmacy and displays your commitment to the health and safety of your community through responsible drug disposal. MedCollect offers two sizes of collection cabinets and provides you with everything you need for compliant collection and disposal, starting at just $89 per month.
Product Specifications Return Solution’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week online portal allows to access entire return history down to NDC level along with credit information. provide business analytics and trends so can adapt purchasing habits to ensure maximum future ROI. can print controlled substance reports and proof of destruction to ensure are always in compliance in case of an audit.
To learn more about how Return Solutions can help decrease time spent on returns and maximize your expired product credit, call (800) 579-4804, email, or visit for additional information or to create an account.
• Safe,
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 71 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President & CEO: Michael Ayres Founded: 1992 Toll-Free Phone: (800) 579-4804 Phone: (865) 675-1355 Address: 10635 Dutchtown Road, Knoxville, TN 37932 Website: Reduce time spent tracking credits and get credit quickly with Return Solutions’ OneCheck Select program — the fastest pharmaceutical return credit reimbursement in the industry. Expedite Your Returns Credit With Return Solutions’ OneCheck Select Company Background
time. Features & Options n OneCheck Select • Credit consolidated into one check. • Choose your reimbursement time frame. • Check issued within
Founded in 1992, Return Solutions is one of the most experienced and trusted reverse distributors in the industry. Over the last 30 years, we have built relationships with group purchasing organizations across the country and are currently recommended by over 25 buying groups representing 20,000+ pharmacies. In 1998, we became the first returns company to issue checks to our customers for credit, and since then have paid customers over $1 billion. Overview
inventoried. • Print return
• Receive
n Destruction
your return. • 30-, 60-, and 90-day reimbursement also available. • All-inclusive fee with no hidden charges. n On-Site Service • Experienced representatives scan all prescription shelves for short-dated and outdated items. • All items are scanned into our proprietary valuation software. •
U niweb designs and builds cost-effective adaptable, modular, and portable displays. Whether it’s new construction or a renovation, Uniweb offers AMERICAN MADE fixture solutions! Discover how Uniweb's customer-first philosophy, dedication to innovation and quality provides their customers with unmatched products and support, delivering more than just shelving. Design » Craft » Ship » Install Uniweb Does it All! We offer an array of wall mounted or freestanding fixtures for departments such as: Pharmacy Grocery Retail Modular Rooms Check-Outs Mobile Displays Seasonal HBA Millwork Pop-Up Consultation On-Line Pick-Up Centers Locking Units TeleHealth Rooms 800.486.4932 Corona CA

To Order: Fits standard 36" or 48" uprights at 6" increment heights. Specify insert bracket style and length from 2" to 20". Finally, choose a hook style and length to meet your needs.
A sample of our offerings includes retail merchandising, complete modular rooms, clean-line wall storage panels, RX fixtures, behind-thescenes storage, locking cabinets, and adjustable height workstations. The walls, counters, cabinets, shelving, and accessories provide unlimited expansible flexibility, while giving you the freedom to design and equip your space for unsurpassed utility and appearance at an affordable price.
Uniweb’s expertise is the design and manufacturing of quality fixtures that go above and beyond the basic retail and pharmacy fixtures. Whether it’s new construction, relocation, or a renovation, Uniweb offers a complete line of solutions and dedicated designers to guide you through the process.
Product Overview n Uniweb is the Multi-Tool of the Fixturing Industry
Product Specifications
To Install: Simply attach the appropriate bracket then insert the panel into the existing upright system.
Markets Served We serve grocery, drug store, pharmacy, hospital, clinic, retail, point of sale, and OTC.
More Product Facings ... More Profit! It’s That Simple Uniweb products, made in America for 50 years, ranges from general merchandise store fixtures to versatile RX work counters and complete rooms. The all-steel panels consist of continuous horizontal channels, vertically spaced every inch. This allows for greater utilization of the display surface and broader flexibility in merchandise placement. Product facings are increased by a minimum of 17% and in some cases, up to 50%! This extreme capitalization on space results in greater profits for retailers.
Total Store Solutions — Uniweb, Inc. Will Design, Craft, Ship, and Install
• Uniweb’s Variety Panel yields no upright interruptions; hooks can be placed over two panel seams! High concentration can dramatically increase product facings, which equals increased profit potential!
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 73 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY Founded: 1970 Employees: 100+ Toll-Free Phone: (800) 486-4932 Phone: (951) 279-7999 Fax: (951) 279-7989 Address: 222 South Promenade Avenue, Corona, CA 92879 Website: LinkedIn: Inc/
The other key aspect of Uniweb’s value is the company’s domestic sourcing and operations, which allow for a turnkey approach. Made in America means that in a matter of weeks — as opposed to months — Uniweb designs, builds, ships, and installs fixtures that satisfy retailers’ operational requirements and help merchants achieve sales goals. Their factory built custom units deliver long-lasting fixtures that can easily be reconfigured and updated, giving your space the resources to grow as your sales demands change.
For Over 50 Years
Introducing Uniweb’s Retro-Fit Panel Team
Ordering Information Please contact us at (800) 486-4932 or at to assist you with your shelving and equipment needs. Uniweb provides a wide variety of American-made shelving options and accessories. Their dedicated sales executive can advise you as to the utility and cost. What are your challenges?
American made since 1970, Uniweb’s expertise is the design and manufacturing of quality, powder-coated, interchangeable fixtures, and components. Whether requiring retail merchandising, pharmacy fixtures, high-profile displays, or behind-the-scenes storage, Uniweb is the solution! Background
n But, how easy is this product to install and merchandise? Will the store be disrupted?
n Can Uniweb manufacture a product that will give a store a facelift, while increasing product facings, using the same footprint and existing fixtures? Yes! More importantly, the panels will never rip or tear!
The basic premise of Uniweb’s philosophy is that retailers can make better use of their existing space by re-imagining their approach to fixturing and employing Uniweb, a more profitable high-density fixture.
• The Allied Panel features a short insert hook welded directly to the panel, eliminating the need for insert brackets. Panels easily lock onto existing uprights, creating a clean, flush appearance. The panel can also be extended beyond the gondola height, creating additional merchandising space.
• To Use: Hooks fit in without tilting and slide horizontally, allowing merchandising directly under shelves or flexibility in adjusting product without disturbing products.
The ultimate beauty of Uniweb’s craftsmanship … as your needs change, so can your space! Given that Uniweb is a custom manufacturer; they are not limited to “fixed” boxes or components. This allows for every square foot of space to be fully utilized!
• Insert Panels replace old, torn, and inefficient pegboard panels. Simply remove pegboard and inset snugly into existing store uprights, permitting the use of existing shelving.
n Strong As Steel

• Receive expert valuation and pricing of the inventory by an independent party.
Premier, The Resource Group, HealthTrust More Information
n Reporting: Final inventory data is provided in a clear, concise format across multiple mediums, all designed for maximum inventory management. Our secure online client portal allows you to access, view your data, and create customized reports and graphs.
Benefits n Expertise: Our expert inventory teams consist of inventory specialists who speak ‘NDC’ fluently and are accustomed to working with finance and/or external auditors for validation. Our processes are streamlined for minimal interruption to the pharmacy staff and operations.
Client Care: We provide friendly and personal experiences with highly knowledgeable and professional customer service-oriented personnel. Our pharmacies can trust that Capital Inventory will be transparent, supportive, and reliable every step of the way.
• Pharmacies are our natural environment. Our expert on-site inventory teams specialize in conducting pharmacy inventories only and within a few hours.
n Analysis: Our expert analysis team of data specialists average over 15 years of experience, working in pharmacies and with pharmacy ADM data. All client data is analyzed and adjusted as needed to ensure the most accurate representation and valuation of your inventory.
Capital Inventory, Inc. has been in business for over 43 years, providing inventory services to thousands of hospitals, university medical centers, regional medical centers, and health systems. Capital Inventory exclusively services hospital, outpatient, specialty, and infusion pharmacies.
Inventory, Inc. — The Premier Leader in Pharmacy Inventory Services
• Our expert data processing team collaborates with the pharmacy to provide an accurate report in a timely manner.
GPO Affiliations
To learn more about Capital Inventory and how we can help meet your pharmacy’s objectives with our inventory services, please contact us at (800) 345-0849 or
Our expert on-site inventory teams conduct pharmacy inventories daily and are employed year-round. Employees of Capital Inventory are employed full-time and receive complete benefit packages. Employees undergo extensive and continuing education including pharmacy practices, drug information, and HIPAA regulations. You can be confident and secure as all of Capital Inventory’s employees undergo a thorough background check including felony, misdemeanor, and sex offender. Our employees are 12-panel drug tested regularly and at a minimum of twice a year. Third-party specialty companies conduct all testing. Additionally, our employees are required to be current with all vaccinations including yearly influenza and TB testing.
Product Overview Our people are the difference. Our teams speak ‘NDC’ fluently and understand the dynamics of pharmacy operations. The physical inventory process is seamless and unobtrusive as team leaders strategically place the team in locations throughout the pharmacy to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Before completion of an inventory service, our teams actively work with finance and/or independent auditors while on-site to validate the accuracy of the inventory data collected. Beyond the physical inventory, the data is then received, analyzed, and formatted into a report that includes all pertinent information to allow for accurate and precise analysis of the inventory data. Let our team of experts provide your next inventory valuation with precision, accuracy, and confidence.
• Our inventory specialists have the expertise and knowledge to work with finance and/or external audit firms to validate the inventory.
• Our on-site inventory teams work seamlessly around your pharmacy staff ensuring that the “snapshot” is a true and accurate representation of the inventory on-hand.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 75 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY Founder: William Straub Sr. President: Shannon McArthur Founded: 1979 Employees: 75 Toll-Free Phone: (800) 345-0849 Phone: (770) 928-7202 Fax: (770) 928-2287 Address: 9725 Main Street Woodstock, GA 30188 Website: Our decades of expertise, working exclusively with pharmacies, makes us uniquely qualified to provide accurate and dependable inventory valuations through a streamlined process. Our clients can trust that we will be transparent, supportive, and reliable in every interaction.
• Eliminate the need for overtime, or coordination of staffing, to accommodate the inventory process with minimal interruption to the pharmacy staff and operations.
Why choose Capital Inventory for your inventory needs?
Company Background Capital Inventory, Inc. was founded by William Straub Sr. during the late 1970s in Alexandria, Virginia. The company relocated to Georgia in the early 1980s and serves the entire nation, including Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands from its office in the Atlanta, GA area.
Discover our premium collection of Vaccine cold storage Featuring: The NSF/ANSI 456 Standard provides vaccine cold storage at a new level. This standard optimizes cold storage performance and maximizes safety. Rigorous testing covers the construction details, controller requirements, and temperature variation of each certified unit. With American BioTech Supply (ABS) vaccine cold storage, you can rest knowing each vaccine dose experiences the highest level of protection. Certified in accordance with the NSF/ANSI 456 Standard for Vaccine Storage Various configurations available including undercounter, countertop, and large capacity upright models ranging from 1 to 23 ft 3 Parametric, microprocessor temperature controller with LED display for superior temperature control, verification, and recovery EPA/SNAP compliant, hydrocarbon, natural refrigerants that are environmentally friendly and lowers energy expenses High/low temperature alarms with audible and visual indicators for added product security Temperature monitoring device included that complies with the current CDC guidelines, with 3-year certification of calibration American BioTech Supply | | 800.648.4041 Superior temperature uniformity | Lower energy use | Peace of mind

Americanvaccines. BioTech Supply — Your Trusted Partner in the Next Level of Vaccine Cold Storage
• Compliant with the thermal performance requirements as defined in the NSF/ANSI 456 Standard for Vaccine Storage.
• Various configurations available including undercounter, countertop, and large capacity upright models ranging from one to 23 cu. ft. to accommodate diverse facility needs.
• Utilizes EPA/SNAP compliant, hydrocarbon, natural refrigerants that are environmentally friendly and lowers energy expenses.
• UL, C-UL, ETL, C-ETL Listed (either single or dual agency listings).
• Temperature monitoring device included that complies with the current CDC guidelines, with three-year certification of calibration, “buffered” probe in the product simulated solution, min/max memory, °F/°C switchable, and field installable.
Company Background American BioTech Supply (ABS), a Horizon Scientific, Inc. brand, provides a full range of temperature-controlled equipment to our customers across the healthcare, laboratory and clinical research, pharmaceutical, and industrial segments. The extensive portfolio of quality products ranges from small capacity countertop refrigerators and freezers, including special purpose, application-specific models, as well as cryogenic freezers for long-term sample preservation. Ensuring customer requirements are met, all products are designed in a variety of configurations, from general purpose cold storage to medical and pharmaceutical storage with stringent temperature performance requirements. With over 25 years of experience, American BioTech Supply excels at quickly developing customer solutions at competitive price points while providing industryleading service levels. The American BioTech Supply advantage includes a comprehensive array of products and services to meet your temperature-controlled storage needs, an industry leading warranty, and many models are available from in-stock inventory and ready to ship.
ABS offers both small capacity, undercounter models, as well as large capacity, upright units that meet or exceed the NSF/ ANSI 456 Standard for Vaccine Storage. Our growing portfolio of models are tested and certified by a third-party laboratory to ensure all requirements are met. Rigorous testing covers the construction details, controller requirements, and temperature variation of each certified unit. These premium models include user-friendly digital temperature displays for precise readings, audible and visual high/low temperature excursion alarms for added security, and self-closing doors to ensure temperature recovery after door openings. With American BioTech Supply, each vaccine dose experiences the highest level of protection providing your facility and patients with peace of mind. Features & Options
Product Overview American BioTech Supply is an active member of the committee that developed the NSF/ANSI 456 standard, and our units incorporate the state-of-the-art technology specified by the CDC. Select ABS Pharmacy units align with NSF/ANSI 456 specifications regarding temperature consistency, unit design, and product features. Refrigerator and freezer models in compliance with this standard provide a new level of vaccine preservation, optimizing cold storage performance and maximizing safety.
• High/low temperature alarms with audible and visual indicators for superior product security.
• Parametric, microprocessor temperature controller with LED display and 0.1°C resolution for superior temperature control, verification, and recovery.
The NSF/ANSI Standard for Vaccine Cold Storage ensures that certified units protect pharmaceuticals at optimal temperatures, prioritizing patient safety, preventing waste, lowering energy costs, and allowing for peak delivery of
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 77 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY President & CEO: Laura Steiner Founded: 1994 Employees: 150+ Toll-Free Phone: (800) 648-4041 Phone: (843) 821-8010 Address: 125 Varnfield Drive Summerville, SC 29483 Website:

Your Time Is MakePrecious.ItCount. Eyecon delivers peace of mind and confidenceinstillswith precision counting that eliminates the burden of prescription filling with a 99.99% count accuracy. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND CONTACT OUR SALES TEAM FOR MORE INFORMATION. Key Benefits:

The Eyecon with visual precision counting, eliminates the burden of prescription filling with a 99.99% count accuracy. It’s easy to access, has digital records for audits and patient claims present, speeds up the Rx filling process, reduces patient wait time, and increases accuracy of inventory and pill count.
FALL 2022 I RETAIL/COMMUNITY • SPECIALTY • LTC 79 20WAYS TO IMPROVE PATIENT CARE & PHARMACY PROFITABILITY Sales Manager: Matthew Deeringer Founded: 2009 Employees: 1,000+ Toll-Free Phone: (866) 260-6540 Address: 1000 Armstrong Drive, Fairmont, MN 56031 Website:
• Reduce
n Eyecon® is the preferred choice of pharmacies looking to: Ease pharmacy workload. Improve pharmacy profitability. on patient safety. dispensing errors and enhance customer satisfaction. workplace stress. work life
Features & Options
• Focus
• Improve
• Eliminate
Company Background Eyecon, a member of the Avery Weigh-Tronix Group, designs and manufactures counter-top automation for pill counting and Rx validation in pharmacy operations. Eyecon developed the innovative machine vision based Eyecon for automated counting and prescription validation. The Eyecon is the first machine vision based pill counting and prescription system used to improve efficiencies in retail pharmacies. Eyecon joined the Avery Weigh-Tronix family in January 2009. Avery Weigh-Tronix is a global supplier of force measurement devices that focus on weighing, counting, batching, and filling systems. Avery Weigh-Tronix is dedicated to the continued development of innovative products for the pharmaceutical industry and is proud of the benefits and value our products offer health care providers.
Eyecon is the first vision-based validation and pill counting system that also saves a photo of every transaction. If a count is questioned, the photo can be viewed and/or printed. Every pill is sequentially numbered and all the prescription data is annotated onto the photos.
Product Overview Building on the revolutionary technology of the original Eyecon, the Eyecon 9430 takes the system to the next level. Featuring a unique visual counting system, the Eyecon 9430 is faster and more accurate than manual counting, reducing tedium and freeing up employees to spend more time with customers. The capacitive touchscreen provides improved touch accuracy as well as support for multi-touch and pinch and zoom on a bright, widescreen, color display so more information can be displayed in a single view.
balance. Product Specifications n Eyecon by Design • Platter Surface Area: 48" Sq. • Dimensions: 28" H x 11" W x 17.5" D • Screen: 7" Color LCD Flat Panel Touch Screen • Barcode Scanner: Integrated 1D and 2D Scanner • Supply Voltage: 100 VAC - 240 VAC • Frequency Range: 50/60 Hz • Current: 0.75 A • Temperature Range: 50-90 ºF • Connectivity: (2) USB, (1) Ethernet • Relative Humidity: Up to 70% at 90 ºF • Altitude of Use: Up to 6,000 Feet • Interfaces: Support for Over 35 PMS Interfaces Built-In • Accuracy: 99.99% Count Accuracy • Design: Open Flow, Easy to Clean • Warranty: Two Year Limited How will the Eyecon help you? • Safety Brings Peace of Mind. The Eyecon features automatic, visual warnings which notify the operator when specific situations occur. • Wrong fill quantity; double-count and back-count; partial fills; generic substitutions; Eyecon networked for success; connectivity; PMS integration; inventory updates; and telepharmacy. • Physical Inventory: Reduce the time to complete a physical inventory and cycle count by over 70%. Fast and exact counting along with digital recording. • Unit of Use: Allows for the operator to record full bottles and non-pill inventory. • Audit Reports: Allow staff to view multiple data points to verify accuracy and analyze various aspects of each prescription filled on the Eyecon. • Quarterly Updates: Provide the latest drug database and new features to continue to enhance the capabilities and ROI afforded by the Eyecon. Testimonial “The first piece of equipment I purchased for my pharmacies was an Eyecon. I have 10 Eyecons in my stores and cannot imagine what life would be like without them. They are an integral part of our processes and workflow!” — Cliff Holt, R. PH.D, Owner of Utah Family Pharmacy, Hurricane, UT Let’s Talk To learn how Eyecon can bring your pharmacy to the next level, contact our sales department by calling (866) 260-6540, emailing, or visiting
Eyecon® — The Most Advanced Technology in Counter-Top Prescription Dispensing Automation • (833) 333.2672 • With, you decide what gets priority. Access Five Business Management Dashboards, Each Equipped to Address Separate Profit Pillars "THE PHARMACY'S BUSINESS SOFTWARE" BusinessBUSINESSSETTINGSRULESRulesPresets Select a preset and CheckmyRxCost will automatically configure the business rules to help you meet your pharmacy's objectives. PriceBest ComplianceSmart PrimaryOnly With our “Smart Compliance” business rule, CmRC will focus on your profit margins by balancing purchases between primary and secondary wholesalers to match your GCR objectives. With your Primary Agreement in the software, YOU can monitor the full spectrum of your purchasing to reach your “Smart Compliance” or Peak Profitability! Drive Compliance Through Clarity

•Experienced, vetted professionals. •A proven, personalized service model, available anywhere nationwide. •Latest signature capture technology, improving audit performance and daily service reporting. •State of the art online portal, providing around the clock monitoring of medications. •Partnerships with MHA and Net Rx provide discounted rates and rebates. • No wait time, after-hours, or holiday charges. Providing Courier Services For Long-Term Care Pharmacies Mideast Delivery Solutions is a courier company with a national presence that is dedicated to the service of long-term care pharmacies. With over 30 years of courier management experience, our team operates with very high service expectations and a keen sense of urgency. Contact us today! 844-LTC-DLVR (582-3587)

Is your pharmacy looking for NEW CUSTOMERS? Have your pharmacy participate in the growing animal pharmacy market projected to be over $18 billion dollars in 2022. Your pharmacy can provide its customers savings resulting in reduced prices and with greater convenience than traditional sources. Never any fees or monthly charges to be a member of Animal Med Express! Did you know that Wholesale Orders can be placed online through your retailer login? This simplifies the Wholesale Order process for you and reduces the amount of time required to have your order processed! Contact us for more information or to setup an account. Contact Us: | (615) 538-1424 • Animal Prescription, OTC and Nutritional products, FDA and EPA Approved as required. • Receive the order at your pharmacy counter with existing staff – our web interface makes it easy to order products. • Did you know that 68% of US Households (your customers) own at least one pet? Provide them pet meds from their trusted pharmacist – YOU! • The monopoly of the vet selling animal prescriptions has changed! 42 states now have laws requiring the vet to issue a script to the animal owner. • Typical margins for your pharmacy are in the range of 20-30%! • Animal Med Express provides an extensive inventory of pet medications, OTC products and Nutritional Supplements. Dave Bigoness, President Email: | Office: (615) 538-1424 | Fax: (858) 712-3877

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ordering, dispensing and receipt of controlled substances and accurate record keeping. Verify prescribing pattern for any physician nationwide in addition to PDMP to ensure legitimate medical purpose with PrescriberRx™. Know before you dispense!
Pharmacies are
Current estimates show that controlled substances constitute 12% several critical ways support security surrounding the
Smart Solutions to Drive Your Pharmacy’s Growth & Patient Satisfaction PSGA, Inc. is a health care performance improvement company that helps Community Pharmacies incorporate some of the latest and greatest gadgets and software programs to streamline operational revenue, improve customer service, cut costs, and help patients. Your All-in-One Control Substance Inventory Management System No More Logbook – Safe and Secure on this product: The C-2 Inventory platform is an online tool made for the challenging environment of today’s highly regulated pharmacy business. You can easily and securely record all purchased and dispensed control drugs in Class II-V. No more cumbersome logbooks, missing pages, or inaccurate and time-consuming work. Never get caught in a surprise of missing control drugs and risk jeopardizing your credibility or your livelihood. Free 30-day trial (888) 442-8348 | Security
Purchasing required as lawful course professional up to
Record Keeping Maintain accurate and up-to-date records for every controlled substance purchased, received, stored, distributed, dispensed, disposed of, or otherwise passing through your pharmacy. We have the biennial inventory down to a science which saves you time and money. Dispensing
described in 21 CFR 1304.04 of controlled substances in Schedules II, III, IV, and V which are purchased in the
5 years.
of all prescriptions written each year. There are
to keep records,
practice. Records will be kept securely and available on demand for
Analytics TabulaRx™ enables pharmacists to focus on what really matters, patient care. Advanced analytic tools enable you to drill down to your purchasing, dispensing and disposal of controlled substances in addition to the access to prescribing and dispensing data from your inside an outside of your pharmacy to help you protect your livelihood and your reputation and ensure 100% compliance.
Most drug diversion monitoring solutions look at just the logs from the automatic dispensing cabinets (ADC) or PMS and shows the staff that dispenses, administers the medication with limited data with no analytics. TabulaRx™ monitors the entire supply chain at the pharmacy, starting with the order and ending with the dispensing or expiration of the drugs. No more guess work!

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