Memorials | LA 402

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Memorials Ryan McKay Winter 2015 LA 402


A visual case study of an existing memorial Tasked with finding three different theories that help to construct an existing memorial, I chose Steilneset Memorial in Northern Norway. Constructed in two parts, one by an architect and the sencond an artist , steilneset memorializes the victims to 16th century witch trials that occured on site. The three different theories found were: Prospect refuge: utilizing tinted glass, one half of the memorial is constructed for an individual to hide and reflect inward while also having the ability to view everything outside and around them feeling protected. Principle of Totality (Gestalt Theory): All conscious experience must be considered globally as a whole rather than distinct parts. This theory is shown by the two distinct structures that are placed close enought to be considered one shared experience . Focal Point (Game Theory): a solution to the lack of communication in finding a concrete answer of experience. the focal point of a burning chair in the center of a glass structure is a prime exmaple of this theory.


A Memorial to the Evolution of Drawing Influenced by the thoeries found in the existing memorial , I utlized the theory of focal point as a base when designing my memorial . From there my design led me to constuct using cubists principles while expounding on the theory of evolution for my overarching concept.

Project: Memorial Death of Drawing

Creating a memorial in response to the article Death of Drawing by David Ross Scheer. I for saw the change from hand drawing to digital drafting as an evolution of process rather then something that has a beginning and end. Expanding off of this theory and into materials and forms I strived to create a transitional experience in a highly traversed area, known as Escalate. As a way of capturing the rapidly expanding network of technology that is slowly consuming our lives and world of drawing; Escalate strips down the basics of drawing history into four distinct design elements. Line + Shapes + Planes + Forms Constructed on the facade of a brutalist concrete wall, Escalate addresses the sites context through the utilization of the grade change and journey the individuals to the site take. Using the theory of evolution, Escalate attempts to address every element of growth, as one builds on each other. From paint to wood, wood to stone, stone to metal, and metal to glass, the materials that make up the memorial address not only elements of design but the evolution of raw materials used in technology.

Evolution of Form + Materials Reading the space, left to right like a book or time-line; one can see the visual transformation from line work to 3D forms emerging from the concrete wall, raising over their heads. As if like a cave painting to animatronic hand, the story of the evolution of drawing is also captured through the use of materials, from pre-historic times to the present (Glass Age). As way of capturing the infinite bounds evolution has, the final stage results in an illunimated glass hand. As the ultimate form, this hand references the human quality to design. Constructed from glass, the hand is ambiguous during the day due to its transparent quality, but at night its inner illumination highlights its true form.

Line + Paint

Plane + Paint

Plane + Wood

Form + Wood

Form + Stone

Form + Metal

Form + Glass


Ryan McKay David Watts LA 402

Circulation and Traffic Study of N. Poly View Dr. & Via Carta

Daily Percentage of Pedestrian vs. Biker Use

Pedestrians (82%) Bikers (18%)



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Via Carta


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Amount of People



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Amount of People on N Poly View Dr. During Off and Prime Times*


Female (49%) Male (51%)


Gender Diversity

*Off Time: middle of the hour, mid afternoon/evening Prime Time: On the hour, Noon & Morning

Campus Map provided by Cal Poly Case Studies and Statistics found through personal data collection and observation



An Anti-Memorial to the Terror of Standing Out Terror is known as “great fear” and as humans we have 5 shared fears: (1) Extinction, (2) Mutilation, (3) Loss of Autonomy, (4) Separation, and lastly (5) Ego, or the fear of humiliation and shame. So in a nation that projects freedom, individuality and making it on one’s own, why is it easy to say we each have an individual terror inside when we act out and be different?

SOLO: Location, Theories and Process Located at one of the busiest pedestrian intersections on Cal Poly’s campus, Via Carta and N. Poly View Dr, this area provides the perfect setting for any individual to get lost in a sea of others; especially during peak hours of traffic, such as on the hour or at noon. rta Ca

Three Theories: 1. Evolution: the gradual development of something from, a simple to a more complex form. 2. Cubism: 20th century style and art movement, especially painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage. 3. Focal Point (Game Theory): a solution that people will tend to use in the absence of communication, because it seems natural, special, or relevant to them

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As a natural progression this project attempts to inform some of the theories used in my pervious memorial, Escalate. Integrated through concept and design, these three theories attempt to influence the outcome of this anti-memorial.


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How to Stand Out in the Busiest of Places?

Bench for One:

Creating a place to sit, this bench would be places in the center of one of campus’ busiest intersection. Including only one seat, this bench singles out an individual to sit in the middle of many people causing them discomfort.


Utilizing individuals fear of public speaking, an idea to create a raised platform for informal speeches or public opinions formed. Directly in the center of the intersection this platform would disrupt the flow of traffic and encourage individuals to conquer their fear of standing out and insight them to climb on top.

Podium + Temporality: Building off of the idea of making the individuals who stop to interact on their way through the intersection, the victim, the design needed some temporal aspect. Using a magnesium carbonate pad, on top idividuals would be marked once on top and therefore leave a trail as they walk away.

Adding Rigor:

Since the platorm was originally a single cube to stand on, it would likely be walked around or quickly walked on top off. This didn’t provide the sense of fear that standing in front of strangers passing by would. Adding a variety of steps to reach the highest level would engage users by challenging them to the top.

Irregular Shape:

Since this is a 4-way intersection, making the podium square seemed to make the memorial appear as if it were part of the landscape, further detering individuals passing by to go out of their way to interact with it. Using this 5-sided polygon instead, the form has no relation to the space and would disrupt the flow.

Concept: In order to feel the terror of standing out, SOLO’s main component is a four and a half foot tall white marble platform placed ascew within the intesection. Positioned in the direct pathes of those traversing the intersection, the height and odd shape of the platform makes it rather impossible to go unnoticed. Taunted by the engraving along the base of the platform, “To All Those Who Dare” the structure is meant to be interacted upon. Disrupted on their path and intrigued by the form, individuals would feel an urge to investigate, possibly even climb the structure.

Why to Climb? 6' Interested by the juxtaposition this structure has within the landscape and surrounding area, many may be fascinated enough to interact with it and inadvertently become the victim to the terror of standing out. By climbing the structure and standing alone 1.9' (as no more than one person can be supported) the individual would become scared or fearful of being seen and viewed as a focal point above other’s heads. 6' 12" 5"

13" 6"


12" 5"


13" 6"


12" 17"

















5" 13"




139° 73°




139° 73°

1.06' 1.06'

13" 6"


9' 9"


12" 5"

9' 9"

139° 73°


As part of the temporal aspect of this anti-memorial and in response to the theory of evolution, the platform 1.9' consists of five different layers. All constructed out of white marble, they each vary in height totaling to four and a half feet. The various heights, provide rigor to the challenge one would face when escalating to the top platform. A fixed upon a center point, the top four layers are able to rotate 360 degrees, independently of each other. This allows for the planes of the platform to become staggered. not only identifying with the theory of cubism but this element can be used as steps for reaching the top. 112°



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Individual Paths: The key to any successful anti-memorial is its ability to change and evolve as a way of conveying its message. Either it be movable as in its form or temporable in some other aspect, SOLO finds a way to highlight everyones individual mark, their path. Distinct to everyone, is their journey through life. No two people will ever take the same path. As a way of elevating this fundamental idea, SOLO’s structure marks those who stood out by standing on top of the platform with magnesium carbonate (chalk). Once the individual starts their descent and journey back out into the world, their individual footprints are recorded by the temporary medium on the bottom of their shoes. As the chalk fades and washes away, it can be seen that even though at one point every pair of footprints radiating out from the platform belonged to an individual that dared to be different, they once again fell back in to the collective and fear to stand out.

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