HospitaliTech is a hospitality website and digital publication dedicated to highlighting the importance of technology within the hospitality sector. Our monthly magazine hosts regular features on topics including EPOS Systems, WI-FI Solutions, Management Software, Reservation & Booking Software, Contactless Payment Services and more.
Digital benefits
Campaign Metrics
As with most digital forms of marketing we can track the impressions, click throughs and engagement with any post, banner, social media content that we post online. This gives advertisers a clear insight into a ROI.
Real time content
We solely operate over digital platforms meaning our content can be viewed by anyone - on any device - anywhere in the world! Although predominantly focused on the UK hospitality sector, we strive to keep our readers informed on key developments around the globe.
Through publishing real time content not only do we keep visitors to the website up to date, but we can upload advertisers breaking news. We can make sure your buyers can take advantage of your promotions or see the details of a new product release.
Brand Awareness
By featuring on hospitalitech.co.uk you will increase your brand awareness within the industry. Introducing this with direct marketing like solus HTML emails is likely to lead to a better response across your marketing mix.

Average unique monthly visitors to the website.

Opt-in Subscribers to receiving the digital edition of the magazine.
Page impressions per month.
Average open rate for newsletter.
Growth in website traffic in 2023 from 2022.