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It’s easy to show your creation in its best possible light

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Featuring 4


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Natural Remedy:

10 12 14

Step Aside Acai There’s A New Superfood In Town The Health

Benefits Of Pitaya

Let’s Get Chopping: Explore Festive Bowls

So Trendy:

Pretty in Pink &

Straw or Spoon


From the Garden

to the Table

Eat Your Heart Out: Rad Recipes




Step Aside Acai, There’s a New Superfood in Town


cai berries and their frozen pulp counterpart have become one of the most popular superfoods in the country, despite its inscrutable pronunciation. For centuries, the indigenous tribes of the Amazon have consumed the berries for their medicinal properties, and ever since Rio became the summer boom town it is today, tourists have taken a taste of the fruity treat back home. These days Miami Beach seems littered with small juice bars who carry their own distinct version of the snack. As acai makes the victory lap in the frozen South American superfood wars, a new contender is forging a path. Pitaya, or dragon fruit, is rumored to be the latest health food craze heading to an overpriced juice bar near you. It’s said to be full of in antioxidants, high in Vitamin C and fiber, and low in sugar. While the fresh version of the fruit is sold in markets around Miami, the frozen pulp is Nicaraguan-sourced and packaged and sold by California start-up company Pitaya Plus. Health food eatery Under the Mango Tree is among the first to sell pitaya-based creations in its South Beach locale. We went there for a taste. Under the Mango Tree is a small operation. Located on Sixth Street, between Meridian and Euclid, this studio apartment turned organic juice bar is filled with delectable goodies. Already known to locals and tourists as the perfect spot for grab a light, cooling snack before a day on the beach, Mango Tree recently started selling their signature Dragon Bowl ($10). Just like the typical Acai bowl, Dragon bowls are made by blending a banana with two packs of frozen raw organic pitaya pulp. The pitaya is slightly acidic, and will dye your tongue with its distinct pink hue. It makes for an excellent pre-workout energy boost, or a light nash before you shop up a storm on Collins. Added bonus: At least this time you’ll be able to pronounce what you’re ordering.

-Neil Vazquez




Dragon Fruit Cholesterol

Keeping a heart healthy low cholesterol diet? Don’t worry about your cholesterol Dragon fruit cholesterol is not an issue. Dragon fruit is both low in cholesterol and has little to no unhealthy cholesterol producing fats (certain fats which are metabolized to cholesterol contribute to increased cholesterol levels more than even cholesterol itself in food sources of cholesterol).

Natural Remedy The Health Benefits of Pitaya The Pitaya is more commonly referred to as the dragon fruit. It is an extremely beautiful fruit that has dazzling flowers and an intense shape and color. The dragon fruit is usually a dark red color, although some types of this fruit are pink or yellow. The skin of the dragon fruit is a thin rind. The skin is usually covered in scales, and the center of the fruit is made up of a red or white, sweet tasting pulp.

Dragon Fruit Vitamin C

The amount of vitamin C in dragon fruit is high, and because the dragon fruit is a natural fruit providing you with a rich balance of nutrients coming along with the vitamin C, you absorb the Vitamin C in dragon fruit efficiently when you eat dragon fruit as part of your fruit healthy diet.

Dragon Fruit Antioxidants

Eat dragon fruit as a good natural source of anti-oxidants which help to prevent the dangers of free radicals which can cause cancer and other undesirable health detriments.T he number, quantity, and variety of antioxidants in real foods like dragon fruit is completely unmatched by any food supplement or pills - even those claiming to have ‘antioxidant’ health benefits. Nothing compares to the rich array of nutrients and antioxidants in a real natural food like the dragon fruit. Forget about junk foods and processed foods, as they are poison not foods! Even though a supplement claiming to offer a high amount of antioxidant benefits may sound good, the fact is that foods like dragon fruit have literally thousands of varieties of antioxidant substances and the supplement likely will contain only one (e.g. vitamin E supplements). Taking a single megadose of a single antioxidant compound may in fact cause harm or be toxic! Stick with dragon fruit antioxidant sources and other fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid trying to take a shortcut through a pill.

Dragon Fruit Fats

Dragon fruit does have a small amount of fats because there are so many seeds in the edible part of the fruit. There can be literally thousands of the small black seeds in any given dragon fruit, and like most seeds and nuts they have both fats and protein in them while the flesh of the fruit itself has virtually none. Many fruits we eat have the seeds removed, like apricots, peaches, apples and the like, so we tend to think of fruits as being completely fat and protein free. It would be literally impossible to remove the seeds from dragon fruit unless you pressed it through a strainer, as the seeds are very small and mixed evenly in the flesh. Fortunately these are mostly the healthy mono-unsaturated fats as, of course, they are not processed in any way and therefore are none of the dangerously unhealthy trans-fats seen in most junk food and processed foods.

Dragon Fruit Fiber

Dietary fiber is an important nutrition factor for everyone from young to old, and the best way to get dietary fiber is to eat fruits and vegetables including fruits like the dragon fruit. As you might expect, like many fruits, dragon fruit has lots of dietary fiber with almost 1g of fiber per 100g of the fresh dragon fruit. Of course, the amount of dietary fiber in dragon fruit which is dried on a gram for gram basis is much higher than the amount of dietary fiber in dragon fruit as the fresh fruit. Depending upon the degree of moisture retention in the dried dragon fruit fruit, expect to see 10g or more grams of dietary dragon fruit fiber per 100g of the dried pitahaya fruit. The amount of dietary dragon fruit fiber in the fresh dragon fruit will be more on the order of 1g of fiber per 100g of the fresh dragon fruit because the fresh fruit has so much water in it. If you want to increase how much fiber is in dragon fruit, you can eat more of the dragon fruit skin if it is in good condition (free of any spoilage or molds). Many sources of dried dragon fruit fiber may include some or all of the dragon fruit skin already, so depending upon this fact, you may find that the dried dragon fruit has even more fiber than the fresh fruit even after taking into account the drying process and the resulting concentration of fiber on a gram for gram basis. The health benefits of dragon fruit fiber are just one other example of the reason that eating natural sources of nutrients is superior to getting them from pills and supplements Dragon fruit nutritional benefits also include the levels of dragon fruit antioxidants - the antioxidants in dragon fruit are numerous and varied.






So Trendy

Straw or Spoon?



4. 3.

you’re not on Instagram, you’d be forgiven for not knowing of the latest trend that’s taken the health food community by storm.

Meet the smoothie in a bowl - the hot new way of getting your five a day.


At first glance, it looks like smoothie fans have just opted for a change of receptacle, ditching the conventional smoothie bottle for a bowl. But fans claim they are subtly different. According to nutritionist and founder of Nutrition Stripped McKel Hill, smoothie bowls are much thicker than their

higher in calories than a typical smoothie,” says McKel Hill. “Also, although toppings are all the craze with smoothie bowls, it’s quite easy to add heaps of calories by adding granola, dried fruit, shredded coconut and more. Be mindful about the serving of each topping and ingredient used in the smoothie bowl.” The bowls’ rise in popularity can be partly attributed to their photogenic nature: artsy-style photos dominate the Instagram feeds of health food bloggers such as monacoskitchen. Though the bowls are mainly


“The hot new way of getting your five a day.” 6.

Pretty in Pink 1. Swatch Dragon Fruit Watch 2. Youngblood Mineral Lipstick Dragon Fruit 3. Barry M. Nail Paint Gel Nail Polish Dragon Fruit 4. Furla Pink Dragon Fruit Candy Jelly Handbag 5. Yankee Candle Pink Dragon Fruit 6. Bath & Body Works Lush Pink Dragon Fruit Signature Collection

bottled counterparts. “They’re made thicker by the addition of ice, frozen fruits, frozen vegetables, protein powders or healthy fats,” she explains. As such, the bowls are eaten like soup as opposed to being slurped through a straw. And the added extras allow makers to get more creative with their smoothies, especially when it comes to pretty toppings. ”Smoothie bowls are healthy, incredibly nourishing, easy on digestion and delicious when made correctly, though depending on the amounts of ‘extra’ ingredients added to make the smoothie bowl thicker, it can be

popular in America, the trend is slowly gaining momentum in Britain, with an increasing number health food restaurants and cafes selling their versions of smoothie bowls. The Good Life Eatery in London sells an “acai granola bowl” which chef and co-founder Shirin Kouros describes as “the perfectly-balanced breakfast: nourishing, energising and packed full of anti-oxidants, healthy fats and other energising ingredients.” Perhaps it’s time to grab a spoon and dig in.




Bee Superfoods

The Egyptians wrote about it back in 5500 B.C., the Indians used it for their religious ceremonies in 1000 B.C. and even the Babylonians have been noted to use it in their medicinal practices. The western world actually discovered the benefits of bee superfoods by accident during an investigation of native Russian Beekeepers who regularly lived past 100 years of age who ate raw honey, rich in bee pollen, every day.



From the Garden to the Table

are a special category of foods found in nature. By definition they are calorie sparse and nutrient dense meaning they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients - nutrients we need but cannot make ourselves.

Seaweed Superfoods

Seaweeds are the most nutritionally dense plants on the planet as they have access to all the nutrients in the ocean. They can contain up to 10 times more calcium than milk and eight times as much as beef. The chemical composition of seaweeds is so close to human blood plasma, that perhaps their greatest benefit is regulating and purifying our blood system.


Nori is best known as the seaweed used to make sushi rolls. You can make your own at home, but make sure you use the untoasted nori sheets for maximum nutrient content.


Kelp, also known as brown algae, is the most common seaweed found along the ocean shores. Due to its thick leaves it is perfect for a hot seaweed bath. It is also available in supplement form.


Used in Japan for centuries as a mineral rich flavour enhancer. Add a strip of kombu when cooking beans to make them more digestible and to reduce gas. Add a strip of kombu to your sprouts when soaking them to allow them to soak up the minerals.


Arame is a ‘black’ stringy looking seaweed. It needs to be soaked for a few minutes before it is added to cooking, where it will double in size. It can be added to any grain dishes, stir fries, soups, salads and curries.

Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly is a milk like secretion from the head glands of the worker bees. The queen bee lives almost exclusively on royal jelly and she lives around 40 times longer than the rest of the bees. Royal Jelly is a powerhouse of nutrients containing every nutrient necessary to support life. It is the world’s richest source of pantothenic acid (also known as Vitamin B5), which is known to combat stress, fatigue and insomnia and is a vital nutrient for healthy skin and hair.

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is collected by bees from flowering plants and formed into granules. Bee pollen is the most complete food found in nature and has five to seven times more protein than beef. It is especially beneficial for the extra nutritional and energy needs of athletes and those recovering from illness. It is a natural antidote for fighting allergies particulary hayfever and sinusitus. Research shows that pollen counteracts the signs of aging and increases both mental and physical capability.


Propolis is the substance that bees coat the walls of their hives with and bee hives have often been referred to as the most antiseptic places in nature. The powerful antibiotic properties of propolis can help protect humans from bacteria and can strengthen our immune system. Propolis works against viruses, something that antibiotics cannot do. Research shows that taking propolis during the high risk ‘cold and flu’ season reduces colds, coughing and inflammation of the mouth, tonsils and throat.

Green Superfoods

Greens are good, Green Superfoods are even better! Green superfoods have the highest concentrations of easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal the body. They contain a wide array of beneficial substances including proteins, protective photo-chemicals and healthy bacteria helping you to build cleaner muscles and tissues, aid your digestive system function and more effectively protect you against disease and illness. Green superfoods are extremely rich in chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green color. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to that of human blood and studies show that when this is consumed, the production of hemoglobin in blood is increased. Higher amounts of hemoglobin in the bloodstream means more oxygen-rich blood, the first and most important element that cells need to thrive.

Wheat Grass

Wheat grass is the sprouted grass of a wheat seed. Unlike the whole grain, because it has been sprouted, it no longer contains gluten or other common allergic agents. Wheat grass is super alkalizing and is excellent for promoting healthy blood. It normalizes the thyroid gland to stimulate metabolism thus assisting digestion and promoting weight loss due also to its high enzyme content and cleansing effect.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are so readily available and so highly nutritious, however most people do not eat enough of them. Studies continuously confirm that populations that eat a diet high in green leafy vegetables run a far lower risk of heart disease and cancer. Fresh raw green leafy vegetables contain high doses of chlorophyll, easily digestible proteins, enzymes and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. These particular vegetables act as mini-transfusions for the blood, a health tonic for the brain and immune system and a cleanser of the kidneys. Try any of the following: rocket, spinach, dandelion greens, kale, watercress, parsley, lettuce, endive, chicory, broccoli sprouts and mustard sprouts.

Fruit and Nut Superfoods Herb Superfoods Fruit and nut superfoods are high in anti-oxidants that fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals may sound a little like an extremist terrorist sect evading capture and wreaking havoc across the globe and in fact within the context of your body this would be right. They are, in part, a natural occurrence through metabolism however extra and unnecessary free radical load can be put on our bodies by external factors including pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, burnt foods, deep fried fats and cooked foods. When enough of these free radicals invade our immune system problems occurs. This is when you need antioxidants to build up the immune system and fight off the free radicals in the form of superfoods or supplements.


Young coconuts are one of the highest sources of electrolytes in nature. Electrolytes are ionized salts in our cells, that transport energy throughout the body. Coconut water is a much better alternative to commercial sports drinks laden with artificial sugars and colors. The molecular structure of coconut water is identical to human blood plasma, which means that it is immediately recognized by the body and put to good use. Drinking the juice from a young coconut is like giving your body an instant blood transfusion. In fact this was common practice during World War II in the Pacific, where both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water, siphoned directly from the coconut, to give emergency transfusions to wounded soldiers.

Goji Berries

Goji berries are grown on vines in the protected valleys of inner Mongolia and Tibet. These distinctively flavoured red berries are a very rich source of vitamin C, having 500 times more vitamin C per ounce than oranges and actually more than any other fruit. They are a superb source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E and contain a full complement of protein with 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals. Most of all they are an excellent antioxidant making it an ideal natural whole food for reversing aging and protecting against disease.

Herbs as nourishment offer the body a whole host of nutrients it may not have received either because of poor diet or environmental deficiencies in the soil or air. Herbs as medicine are essentially body balancers that work with the body functions so that it can heal and regulate itself. Herbs have been used for centuries as part of the wisdoms of natural healing methods.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a perennial succulent that grows in a wild and seems to do best in tropical and sub-tropical areas. It has been deemed a superfood after research studies identifying its seventy-five healing compounds including natural steroids, antibiotic agents, amino acids, minerals and enzymes. Aloe vera has been used since Egyptian times as a skin moisturizer, and healer for burns, cuts, bruises, acne and eczema. This is mostly due to the high concentration of natural sulphur (MSM) that it contains. Aloe juices alkalizes the digestive tract preventing over-acidity, a common cause of indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn and ulcers.


Ginseng is the quintessential herb for handling stress. This ancient healing herb has been used widely throughout Asia as an energizer tonic. This special herb is particularly beneficial when recovering from illness or surgery for its restorative and anti-infection properties. It promotes regeneration from stress and fatigue.


The bowel mover. These plants are best known as stinging nettle plants. However when the nettle leaves are dried and eaten the saliva neutralizes the sting. Nettles are incredibly effective in removing unwanted pounds. A cup of nettle tea in the morning is ideal to get things going in the bowel department. The nettle leaves increase the thyroid function, increase metabolism and releases mucus in the colon allowing for the flushing of excess wastes.




Eat Your Heart Out Pitaya Vinaigrette Dressing

Rad Recipes

Directions Leave Pitaya packs outside of freezer until completely thawed Mix all ingredients in a medium size mason jar with a spoon (Jars or cups that seal recommended) After the ingredients are evenly stirred, seal and refrigerate for 3 hours or until desired thickness You now have Pitaya Jam, enjoy on anything you want

Ingredients 1 thawed Pitaya Pack 3 tbsp Raspberry vinegar 3 tbsp fresh squeezed Lemon juice 1 tbsp agave Sea salt Freshly ground Pepper

NOTE: To keep from separation, add ingredients to jar with lid and shake well before serving.

No music needed to be Pitaya Jammin with our 100% RAW Organic Pitaya Jam. Great for toast, bagels, or even sliced Banana’s topped with Almond Butter (Thanks Fit Andy). Ditch that high sugar jam in the pantry and try a healthy spread that will be sure to get you moving. Ingredients 2 Pitaya Pack 3 tbsp Chia Seeds 2 tbsp RAW Honey

Turn any plain salad into a delicious taste that will make you forget you’re eating greens. With this simple recipe, creating a healthy dressing for your salads has never been easier.

Directions Combine raspberry vinegar, lemon juice, agave and thawed pitaya in a bowl. Whisk together Whisk in olive oil Season with salt and pepper for taste Enjoy with your next salad

Pitaya Jammin

Pitaya Pops A hot day outside wouldn’t be complete without a popsicle treat. Time to turn that boring popsicle stick into something healthy and fun. Follow this recipe and create popsicles everyone will love, especially the kids. Ingredients 1 Pitaya Pack 1 Banana 1/3 cup Mango 1/3 cup Pineapple 6oz of Almond milk Directions Combine all ingredients into a blender Blend on medium to high for 30 seconds Pour into mix into popsicle molds Place in the freezer until frozen NOTE: If using sticks. Check on the mix after putting into the freezer after 10 minutes. Add popsicle sticks when mix is firm but not frozen. Once completely frozen enjoy

NOTE: You can mix the thawed Pitaya packs and the RAW honey first to taste test for desired sweetness:) Add more RAW Honey for a sweeter flavor.

Pitaya Chia Pudding The best thing about Pitaya Chia Pudding is that you can enjoy it whenever you want:) Need a quick meal before work or a small snack for dessert… Pitaya Chia Pudding is your answer. Follow the recipe below and get ready for a healthy snack you’ll want over and over again. Serves 4-6 Ingredients 1 thawed Pitaya Pack 1/2 cup Chia Seeds 1 ripe Banana 1 cup Almond Milk 1/3 cup frozen Pineapple 1 tbsp Agave Toppings Pinch of shredded coconut Blackberries Directions Combine all ingredients except the Chia Seeds in a blender and blend on medium to high for 1 minute Pour blender mix into large kitchen bowl along with Chia Seeds. Mix together until Chia Seeds are even across the blend Cover the bowl with foil or kitchen wrap and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours until it forms a pudding texture Enjoy when you want



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