Introduction Community Cooks is a Boston-based non-profit organization that helps those with food-based needs. They describe themselves as a company that “mobilizes individuals, businesses, civic, educational and faith-based groups to offer home prepared food to vulnerable neighbors seeking assistance from human service agencies, students working to improve their lives in after school programs and families struggling with food insecurity.�
Branding Goal To simplify the brand’s visual components and supply them with materials that will help them to expand and improve their organization, including a new logo, website, and promotional materials.
This brand book acts as a guide for all visual components of the rebranding of Community Cooks and aims to guide individuals working with the brand to create visual works and incorportations of the included designs.
Content Logo Colors Typography Patterns Restrictions Promo Materials
Community Cook’s previous logo is more of an illustration. While it represents some aspects of the non-profit, it fails to give a simple and communicative face to the brand. It is also too detailed, includes too many colors, and is of too poor quality to be made significantly small or large or transfered to single color or black and white.
Symbolize This new logo creation focussed on simplifying and symbolizing. The original resembled an illustration, rather than a logo. And while it’s content was relevant, it lacked the ability to give Community Cooks a true look. The new logo focuses on the two themes of the brand, the first being feeding people and the second in local communities. The overall fork shape represents the cooking aspect of the brand and the negative space inside the prongs resemble a town/cityscape, as Community Cooks works with Boston and its surrounding communities, or a picket fence, another symbol of community. The heart is an added design detail that ties the two parts of the company together and shows the generosity of the people who work for the company.
The Whole Team Each of the brand’s new colors gets a full new look, complete with vertical and horizontal variations. Consistency in every variation of the logo will help to make it more recognizable and give a sense of unity to the organization. neighbors helping neighbors
neighbors helping neighbors
neighbors helping neighbors
neighbors helping neighbors
Dark Background
Horizontal neighbors helping neighbors
neighbors helping neighbors
neighbors helping neighbors
neighbors helping neighbors
neighbors helping neighbors
neighbors helping neighbors
Negatives The great thing about a simplified logo is that it can be changed to its negative if needed! For those times when color just doesn’t work or isn’t available, these two options are available to still brand anything with your organization’s logo.
Color Palette
CC Lime
CC Teal
CC Lemon
CC Marshmallow
CC Cream
53C 19M 79Y 2K 131R 165G 94B Pantone 7490C
68C 28M 61Y 7K 88R 140G 116B Pantone 625C
10C 12M 65Y 0K 232R 211G 119B Pantone 460C
0C 0M 0Y 0K 225R 225G 225B
2C 3M 12Y 0K 249R 241G 224B Pantone 7527C
Logo Typography neighbors helping neighbors Custom Lettering
Avenir Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()
Headlines Avenir Black Typography The Avenir typography family should be used for all text use in Community Cooks products. Its simple and clean characteristics complement the fun logo and its custom type. And the type family comes pre-loaded for free on most word processors!
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()
Body Copy Avenir Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()
Temptations to Avoid Creativity is great while cooking but not as appreciated in logo usage! Avoid altering the new logo and its type in any of the following ways and stick to the setups supplied in this guide to ensure beautiful and quality materials.
New Website The new website is based on the new logo and modernizes the brand as a whole. Its home page features Community Cook’s slogan “neighbors helping neighbors� over the Zakim bridge, a Boston landmark. The rest of the website contains all the information as the previous but organizes it in a uniform and refined design.
Bags with a Purpose Not only are these branded canvas bags free advertising and environmentally responsible, but they also friendly remind shoppers to pick up a canned good (or any good) to donate to Community Cooks while they are shopping.
Aprons Aprons are a necessity in the kitchen, and these fun style will keep the community cooks excited about their part in helping others. They could be given out to volunteers as a thank you, be on hand in the kitchen for whoever is cooking at the time, or even sold to raise funds.
New England Necessities Branded windbreakers, sweatshirts, and winter beanies will keep Community Cooks employees and volunteers while delivering food during Boston’s cold winter and fall.