Sabaidee Lifestyle & Travel Magazine issue 14

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N ot e Director's

Sok di Pi Mai!

ໂຊກດີປໃີ ໝ!

There’s reason to celebrate over the next month as the nation marks Lao New Year with festivities across the country.

ມີເຫດຜົນທີຈ ່ ະສະ​ເຫຼມ ີ ສະຫຼອງ​ໃນເດືອນຕໍໜ ່ າ ນີ້ ເຊິງ່ ເປັນເດືອນແຫງເ​ ທດສະການບຸນປີໃໝລາວ ເຊິງ່ ມີການສະເຫຼມ ີ ສະຫຼອງທົວ ່ ປະເທດ.

Traditionally Pi Mai is a time of cleansing and renewal, celebrating with family and friends and welcoming the year ahead. We here at Sabaidee have taken this opportunity to rejuvenate to heart and have developed some exciting new features and additions to our magazine moving into the new year.

ປະເພນີປີໃໝລາວ ແມນເວລາ​ແຫງການລາງຊວຍ ແລະ ຕອນຮັບສິ່ງໃໝໆ ໂດຍການ​ ສະເຫຼມ ີ ສະຫຼອງກັບ ຄອບຄົວ ແລະ ໝູເ່ ພືອ ່ ນ ແລະ ຕ້ອນຮັບປີໃໝທຈ ່ີ ະມາເຖິງ ​ໃນວາລະສານ​ ສະບາຍດີສະບັບນີ,້ ພວກເຮົາຂໍຖໂ ື ອກາດ ທີຈ ່ ະໃຫສງ່ິ ໃໝໆໃ​ ຫ້ແ ​ ກ່ຄ ​ ວາມ​ຕນ ່ື ເ​ ຕັນ ້ ຂອງທຸກໆຫົວ​ ໃຈ,ບັນດາບົດໃໝໆທີໜ ່ າ້ ຕືນ ່ ເຕັນ ້ ແລະ ມີສງ່ິ ເພີມ ່ ເຕີມຢ່າງຫຼາກຫຼາຍໃນວາລະສານຂອງພວກ ເຮົາເພືອ ່ ທີຈ ່ ະກ້າວເຂົາ້ ສູປ ່ ໃີ ໝ່.

One of the biggest changes to our publication is that from March Sabaidee Magazine will be available monthly. That’s right, you’ll be able to pick us up on the 15th of each month from your favourite cafés, restaurants, hotels and spas to keep up to date on the latest happenings in Laos.

ການປ່ ຽ ນແປງທີ່ ຍ່ິ ງ ໃຫຍ່ ທ່ີ ສຸ ດ ສຳລັ ບ ການຈຳໜ າ ຍວາລະສານຂອງພວກເຮົ າ ແມ ນ ເລີມ ່ ເດືອນມີນານີ,້ ວາລະສານສະບາຍດີຂອງພວກເຮົາຈະອອກເປັນລາຍເດືອນ. ແມ່ນແລ້ວ ທ່ າ ນສາມາດຈັ ບ ອ າ ນວາລະສານຂອງພວກເຮົ າ ໄດ ໃນທຸ ກ ໆ ວັ ນ ທີ 15 ຂອງເດື ອ ນ ຈາກບັນດາຮານກາເຟ, ຮ້ານອາຫານ, ໂຮງແຮມ ແລະ ສະປາ ທີທ ່ າ່ ນມັກ ເພືອ ່ ຕິດຕາມສິງ່ ໃໝໆ ລາສຸດທີເ່ ກີດຂຶນ ້ ໃນລາວ.

We will also be focusing on becoming a guide to Laos’ urban centres. This means Sabaidee Magazine will highlight engaging, creative and unique activities, events, organisations and people across the country – giving both residents and visitors a comprehensive guide to where to dine, socialise, stay and relax and experience in Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Pakse, Savannakhet and further afield. We’ll also be featuring exciting regional and Asean getaways and plenty of hotel, restaurant and café reviews to keep you ahead of the trends.

ພວກເຮົ າ ຍັ ງ ສຸ ມ ໃສ ກ ານເປັ ນ ປຶ້ ມ ແນະນຳ ສູ  ສູ ນ ກາງຕົ ວ ເມື ອ ງຂອງ ປະເທດລາວ ນັນ ້ ກໍໝ ່ າຍຄວາມວາ ວາລະສານສະບາຍດີ ຈະເນັນ ້ ໃສ່ ບັນດາກິດຈະກຳ ເຫດການອົງການຈັດຕັງ້ ແລະ ບຸກຄົນ ທີ່ເປັນເອກະລັກ ແລະ ສາງສັນ ຢູ່ທ່ວ ົ ປະເທດ ໃຫ້ການແນະນຳທີ່ຄອບຄຸມ ກ່ ຽ ວກັ ບ ສະຖານທີ່ ທີ່ ຈ ະຮັ ບ ປະທານອາຫານຍາມຄໍ່ າ ຄື ນ , ກິ ດ ຈະກຳສັ ງ ຄົ ມ , ທີ່ ພັ ກ , ສະຖານທີ ພັກ ຜ ອ ນ ແລະ ປະສົ ບ ການຕ າ ງໆ ໃນ ນະຄອນຫຼ ວ ງວຽງຈັ ນ ຫຼ ວ ງພະບາງ ຈຳປາສັ ກ ສະຫວັ ນ ນະເຂດ ແລະ ສະຖານທີ່ອ່ືນ ໆອີ ກ ໃຫ ແ ກ ທັງ ຄົ ນ ລາວເອງ ແລະ ບັນດາແຂກທີເ່ ຂົາ້ ມາຢ້ຽມຢາມລາວ. ພວກເຮົາຍັງມີສະຖານທີພ ່ ກ ັ ຜອນໃນລະດັບພູມມີພາກ ແລະ ອາຊຽນທີໜ ່ າ້ ຕືນ ່ ເຕັນ ້ ແລະ ມີການສະເໜີບດ ົ ກຽວກັບອາຊຽນ ແລະ ຂົງເຂດທີໜ ່ າ ຕືນ ່ ເຕັນ ້ ແລະ ມີການເລືອກສັນເອົາ ຮານກາເຟຮານອາຫານ ແລະ ໂຮງແຮມຢ່າງຫຼາກຫຼາຍມາໃຫທາ ນ​ ໄດອາ ນ ເພືອ ່ ໃຫທາ ນສາມາດຮັບຮູແ  ນວໂນມ​ໃໝໆຢູສ ່ ະເໝີ.

To kick-off our first monthly issue we’ve crossed the country in search of the best eco-tourism projects – perfect for those who like to travel green, tried our hand at creating some traditional Lao fare at a Vientiane cooking class, got up-close to magnificent pachyderms at Xayaboury’s Elephant Festival and explored the capital’s growing gallery scene.


ໃນການເລີມ ່ ຕົນ ້ ສະບັບລາຍເດືອນສະບັບທຳອິດຂອງພວກເຮົາ ພວກເຮົາໄດໄປສຳຫຼວດທົວ ່ ປະ ເທດເພືອ ່ ຊອກຫາ ໂຄງການ ການທ່ອງທ່ຽວແບບທຳມະຊາດທີດ ່ ທ ີ ສ ່ີ ດ ຸ – ເໝາະສົມທີສ ່ ດ ຸ ສຳລັບ​ ຜູທ  ມ ່ີ ກ ັ ການທອງທຽວແບບທຳມະຊາດ, ການລອງເຮັດອາຫານພືນ ້ ບານຂອງລາວດວຍມືທາ ນ​ ເອງ ທີຫ ່ ອ  ງຮຽນການປຸງແຕງອາຫານທີວ ່ ຽງຈັນ ໄກຊດ ິ ກັບຊາງທີມ ່ ຄ ີ ວາມພິເສດ ທີ່ ບຸນຊາງ ແ ​ ຂວງ​ ໄຊຍະບູລີ ແລະ ສຳຫຼວດ ສະຖານທີຫ ່ ອ  ງວາງສະ​ແດງຕາງໆຂອງຕົວເມືອງ.

We’d love to hear your feedback about our new direction, so if you have any comments or suggestions for what you feel should be included please feel free to email our editor Kate on

ພວກເຮົາມີຄວາມຍິນດີທ່ຈ ີ ະຮັບຟັງຄວາມຄິດເຫັນຂອງທານກຽວກັບທິດທາງໃໝຂອງພວກ​ ເຮົາ, ດັງ່ ນັນ ້ ຖາທານມີຄວາມຄິດເຫັນ ຫຼື ຄຳແນະນຳ ທີທ ່ າ່ ນຕອງການໃຫພວກ​ເຮົາມີເພີມ ່ິ ເຕີມ, ທານສາມາດສົງ່ ອີເມວຫາ ບັນນາທິການຂອງພວກເຮົາ ທານ Kate ໄດທ ່ີ

Wishing you a prosperous year ahead!

ຂໍໃຫທານຈົງ່ ​ມ​ແ ີ ຕຄວາມ​ໂຊກ​ດທ ີ ລ ່ີ າ້ໍ ລວຍ​ໃນ​ປ​ໃີ ໝທ​ຈ ່ີ ະ​ມາ​ເຖິງນີ!້

Phanhlakhone Syboonheung The Director

ພັນລະຄອນ ສີບຸນເຮືອງ ຜູອຳນວຍການ


News & Events 10 14

What's On What's New




MARCH 2014 Travel 20 22 28

Spotlight On: Connecting Cuisine and Culture Partner Profile: Fuel the Drive, Fuel the Experience and Fuel the Future with PTT Lao Further Afield: A Jumbo Jubilee - Xayaboury's Elephant Festival


Sabaidee Cover: Eco Laos - Growing Green Tourism and Hospitality

Lifestyle 18


My City: My Vientiane

45 The Good Guide: EAT, DRINK, RELAX, SHOP, SEE & DO, SLEEP listings 46 Sabaidee’s Guide To: Gallery Hopping in the Capital


CONTRIBUTORS Phoonsab Thevongsa Phoonsab is a Vientiane-based Lao freelance photographer and photojournalist. As well as working full-time as a reporter and photographer for the Vientiane Times newspaper, his work has also featured in a number of Lao magazines and newspapers. He has taken his photographic pursuits both across Laos and overseas, capturing his surrounds and building his creative portfolio. You can view a collection of his work here:

Sarah Ball Sarah is a Vientiane-based graphic designer, photographer, blogger, and travel fiend. She loves designing for new brands and startups and has worked with clients on three continents. Her photos have appeared in publications and galleries around the globe. Her favourite things are dark coffee, bright sunshine, long hikes, and short plane rides. Visit her blog at

Ian Lacey Raised in Wexford, Ireland, Ian now lives in tranquil Vientiane. After falling into writing by accident, he likes to concentrate on pieces that reflect his two great interests in life – travel and conservation. And in Laos, there’s no better place to explore both separately or together. Ian recently completed a 15 month, 27,000km unsupported bicycle journey from Alaska to Argentina for charity, and since then has formed some alternative thoughts on the nature of travel. You can see blogs and photos on his website


Kate Antonas Australian-born journalist turned art gallery manager and creative programmer, Kate relocated to Laos last year. Now living in Vientiane she has fallen for Laos’ exquisite traditional art, laid back lifestyle, street food and beer with ice. Always on the lookout for the cool and interesting she is attempting to uncover the best local eats, drinks and hidden gems.

Hannah McDonald-Moniz Hannah has been living in Laos and traveling extensively in the region since 2010. She tries to connect with each location she visits through the lens of her camera, and works as a freelance media consultant. Her other passions include language learning and trying new foods. See her blog, photography, and videos on her website


Home to the Land of Million Elephants’ highest pachyderm population. Each year in February Laotians and travellers flock here to pay their respects to these magnificent endangered creatures during the annual Elephant Festival.


Tranquil heritage-listed city boasting exquisite handicrafts, rich cultural sites steeped in history, a cosmopolitan bar scene and oodles of French colonial charm, all where the idyllic Nam Kahn and Mekong rivers meet. The perfect destination for the discerning traveller, the city is dotted with boutique hotels and spas.


Sitting on the banks of the Mekong, this growing city is the second-largest in Laos. The town centre houses ambient French Colonial architecture and small and friendly eateries are dotted along the riverfront. Just beyond the city you’ll find excellent trekking routes through the nearby Dong Natad Protected Area.


One-time party haven turned an outdoor enthusiasts dream, the small town is set to a backdrop of magnificent limestone karsts and lush forest. Nothing beats whiling a day away kayaking down the Nam Song river or taking a dip at the serene blue lagoon – utter relaxation in nature.


Increasingly modern bustling capital with a trailblazing dining scene that must be tasted to be believed. Here you’ll find intricately adorned temples sitting alongside Parisian-style boulangeries, glossy developments, a young emerging creative scene, and some of the country’s most lively marketplaces.


A launching pad for the captivating Thakhek Loop. Throw your kit on a rented motorbike and set off on a 4-day journey to explore the hidden Buddha Cave, secluded water holes, tiny villages and, the main attraction, Kong Lor Cave which houses a snaking river system accessed only by motorboat.


The capital of the southern province of Champassak, Pakse is the gateway to the picturesque Bolaven Plateau which is home to an abundance of scenic waterfalls and motorcycle routes, and is widely regarded as producing some of the highest-quality coffee in the country.


[ ຄະນະທີປ ່ ກ ຶ ສາ / Consultants ] ພັດທະລະພົງ ຄົງວິຈດ ິ Pattarapong Kongvijit / ວິສດ ິ ເຊົາວະລິດຕານົນ Wisith Chawalitanon / ມານະໄຊ ອິນແກ້ວ Manachai Inkaew / ສົມໃຈ ພິມຜາສຸກ Somjai Pimpasouk [ ຜູອ  ຳນວຍການ / Director ] ພັນລະຄອນ ສີບນ ຸ ເຮືອງ Phanhlakhone Syboonheung [ ບັນນາທິການອຳນວຍການ / Editorial Director ] ເກດ ພິດທະຢາກອນສິນ Gaid Kornsilapa [ ບັນນາທິການບໍລຫ ິ ານ / Editor in Chief ] ຄຳສວນ ຈັນທະລາດ Khamsouan Chanthalat [ ບັນນາທິການ ພາສາອັງກິດ / English Editor ] ເຄັດ ແ ​ ອນ​ໂທ​ນາສ Kate Antonas [ ບັນນາທິການອອນລາຍ / Online Editor ] ຂະນິດຖາ ອັດຕະເມດ Kanittha Attamate [ ຜູອ  ຳນວຍການຝາຍຂາຍ / Sales & Marketing Director ] ຊະຍາດາ ອະລິຍະພົນຈະເລີນ Chayada Ariyaphoncharoen [ ຝ່າຍຂາຍແລະການຕະຫຼາດ / Sales & Marketing ] ສຸກສະຫວັນ ທຸລະຈັນ Souksavanh Thoulachan [ ປະສານງານການຕະຫຼາດ / Marketing Co-ordinator ] ບຸນລອດ ສິດທິພົງ Bounlod Sittiphong [ ທີມງານຂ່າວ / Reporter ] ເທບພະວົງສອນ ບົວພາ Thepphavongsone Bouapha [ ຈັດໜາ ແລະ ອອກແບບ / Layout Design ] ນັດນະລີ ມາທອງ Nutnaree Mathong / ທະນະວັດ ຄົງແສນຄຳ Thanawatt Khongseankhum / ທັນຍະລັດ ສະທອນລັກ Thunyarat Satornlug / ອະພີດຊະຍາ ພຶກສະອາພອນ Aphitchaya Phrueksa-aphon [ ຫອງການວາລະສານສະບາຍດີ / Sabaidee Magazine Sales Office THM Lao Co., Ltd. ] 256 ບ້ານ ໜອງບອນ ເມືອງໄຊເສດຖາ ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ ສປປ ລາວ 265 Baan Nongbone, Xayxetha, Vientiane Lao P.D.R [ ໂທ / ແຟັກ: / Tel / Fax ] +856 21 454782 / +856 21 454782 / Mobile: +856 20 5516 2440, +856 20 5884 8376, +66 83 018 4076 (Thai) [ ອີເມລ ບັນນາທິການ / Editor Email ] [ ອີເມລ ຝາຍຂາຍ / Sales Email ] [ ເຈົາ້ ຂອງ ແລະ ຜູຈ ້ ດ ັ ພິມ / Owner & Publisher ] ທີ ເອັສ ເອັມ ລາວ THM Lao [ ພິມທີ່ / Print by ] ໂຮງພິມ ລາວຍູນິພຮິນ ຈຳກັດ Lao Uniprint Press Co., Ltd ONLINE EDITION Also available at:

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All material appearing in Sabaidee Lifestyle & Travel Magazine is strictly copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the prior written permission to the copyright holder. All articles and photographs published herein are created by the authors and photographers at their own discretion and do not necessarily represent the view of the publisher of the magazine. Sabaidee Lifestyle & Travel Magazine holds no responsibility or liability arising out of the publication of such articles and photographs.

Khop Chai Deu, The most famous restaurant in Laos.

Khop Chai Deu is the meeting point for the tourists who arrive in Laos and wish to get a taste of a true Lao restaurant, an afternoon spot for the expats who like to meet after work and a great place for the local Lao to socialize. Every body appreciates the ambiance of the live concert every evening, the large choice of food from all over the world – Indian , Thai Italian and large choice of Traditional Lao specialties.

Food for the

noodle lovers!

The Coolest Place to Enjoy Great Noodles! Hangboun Rd; Ban Haysok, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: +856 21 265 000

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Xayoh Grill House is just what its name suggests; a great steak house that comes through where it matters most – in the quality of its beef and the skill of its Chef. Next to National Culture Hall, Samsenthai Rd. Tel: +856 21 261 777

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green Fast-Facts • Over 800 species of birds and 100 large mammals have been identified in Laos • Laos has one of the most extensive ecosystem networks on the Indochina Peninsula • Of the country’s 237,000 square kilometres, about 70% is classified as mountainous • Over 220 indigenous languages are spoken by 47 recognised ethnic groups • Almost 600 wild elephants remain in Laos • The Nam Nern Night Safari in Huaphan Province recently won the World Responsible Travel Award for Best Responsible Wildlife Experience


















Saoban Crafts offers traditional handicraft produced in villages across Laos




VIENTIANE | Settha Palace Hotel |

– Boutique. Each of the 34 rooms at this exquisite hotel pairs traditional Lao-style orientation with fine contemporary architecture. The elegance of the interiors, both historic and modern, matched with the lush garden setting create a sophisticated blend of style, luxury and relaxing accommodation. Free WiFi, spa, pool, fitness, city shuttle. 12 Khouvieng Road, 021 264 097, greenparkvientiane. com. Open 24 hours. Restaurant open 7 days 11.30am – 2.30pm, 6.30pm – 10.30pm.

Green Park Boutique Hotel

Phasouk Residence – Mid range. Influenced by traditional Lao architecture Phasouk Residence offers carefully designed and decorated rooms that encapsulate warmth, comfort and relaxation. The specious deluxe suites feature plush king beds, elegant Lao objects and textiles and bay windows opening onto a private balconies. The cosier deluxe rooms offer similar understated elegance with double or twin beds. Free WiFI, spa, transfers. 57/4 Wat Xieng Gneun Road, 021 243 415, Open 24 hours. iHouse – Mid-range. Situated behind the iconic Nam

Phou Fountain, a popular gathering place in the heart of Vientiane, iHouse is the perfect option for those who want to stay where the action is without the usual city centre price tag. Tidy, colourful rooms come in a range of configurations from budget to deluxe, all rooms feature comfy queen beds. Free WiFi. 72/6 Pang Kham Street, 021 217 053, Open 24 hours.

Mercure Vientiane – Top end. Mercure Vientiane is a 4 star-hotel that caters to both business and leisure travellers. This charming hotel is positioned conveniently close to Wattay International Airport, the Mekong River waterfront and the town centre with its many restaurants, cafes and bars. Enjoy fantastic service, sumptuous buffet or a la carte dining and a sunny pool terrace bar. Free WiFi, spa, pool, fitness. Unit 10 Samsenthai Road, 021 213 570, Open 24 hours. Le Café open 7 days 6am – 10pm, Poolside and Lobby bars open 7 days 7am – 10pm. Chanthapanya Hotel – M i d r a n g e . Conveniently located in the heart of the city centre you’ll be at the doorstep of Vientiane’s myriad of bars, cafes and restaurants in this family-run hotel. The warm and inviting atmosphere extends to the spotless guest rooms which are decorated with Lao artworks and ornate carved timber furniture. Free WiFi, pool, business, transfers. Rue Nokeokoumane, Ban Mixay, 021 244 284, Open 24 hours.

| Ansara Hotel |

Ansara Hotel – Boutique. Tucked down a leafy laneway this boutique destination will delight even the most discerning guests. An elegant hideaway in the bustling city centre the 14 rooms, with private balconies looking onto manicured tropical gardens, exude understated colonial charm. In this location you’ll be surrounded by countless dining options but with excellent in-house restaurant La Signature at hand you won’t need to look far for exquisite epicure. Free WiFi, breakfast included, business. Quai Fa Ngum, Ban Vat Chan Tha, 021 213 514, Open 24 hours. – Top end. This remarkable hotel is housed in a 1930s mansion which has been restored to its former imperial glory capturing an era of classic elegance, gracious service and French colonial sophistication. Light-filled rooms enjoy high ceilings and elegant touches like four-poster beds with down feather pillows and hardwood floors. Free WiFi, pool, breakfast included, business. 6 Pang Kham Street, 021 217 581, Open 24 hours.

Settha Palace Hotel

Mandala Boutique Hotel – Mid range/ boutique. A hip 1960s house turned hotel, the Mandala Boutique Hotel has operated under many guises but none as cool as this boutique stay. In recent years the villa has been refreshed with colourful modern rooms but the unique spirit of the structure has been retained. Stay in and experience the beautiful grounds at night at the open air Mandala Restaurant. Free WiFi, bicycles to rent, transfers. Baan Phiavat, 021 214 493, mandalahotel. asia. Open 24 hours. 60

Vientiane’s Only Historical Luxury Hotel E-mail: 6 Pang Kham Street, Vientiane, Lao PDR Tel: (856) 21-217581/2 • Fax: (856) 21-217583 A Belmont International Hotel

VIENTIANE Salana Boutique Hotel – Top end. The grand façade of the Salana Boutique Hotel embodies sophistication and inside guests can escape the hustle and bustle and experience premier Lao hospitality. Designed to impress even the most discerning guests the ample rooms feature luxurious bedding and are tastefully decorated with Lao objects d’art. Free WiFi, spa, business. 112 Chao Anou Road, 021 254 254, Open 24 hours. Lao Plaza Hotel – Top end. A preferred destination for travellers to Vientiane this is the country’s first five star hotel and is setting new standards in luxury hospitality. Over 130 rooms pair thoughtful Lao-influenced décor with modern conveniences. Opportunities for relaxation abound with a glistening swimming pool and traditional massages available from the spa. An array of cuisines are on offer in-house. Free WiFi, spa, pool, fitness, business. 63 Samsenthai Road, 021 218 800, Open 24 hours. Parkview Executive Suites – Top end. Perfect for an extended stay Parkview offers well-appointed serviced apartments in studio, one or two bedroom configurations. Situated in downtown Vientiane with easy access to Wattay International Airport Parkview offers modern amenities to the business travelled will a fully equipped meeting room and business centre. Top of the range recreational facilities include immaculate tennis courts, swimming pool, fitness centre, sauna and Jacuzzi. Luang Prabang Road, 021 250 888, Open 24 hours.

Auberge Sala Inpeng – Mid range. If you’re looking to get back to nature the nine private bungalows surrounded by tranquil tropical gardens at Auberge Sala Inpeng might just do the trick. Situated in the Inpeng Temple Area of Vientiane you’d never know the riverfront and bustling city are right at your doorstep. The bungalows are designed like traditional timber Lao houses and are completed with comfortable furnishings, air-conditioning and private bathrooms. 63/6 Inpeng Street, Ban Wat Chanh, 021 242 021, Sala_Inpeng/Content/Inpeng.htm. Open 24 hours.

| Vientiane Plaza Hotel |

Vientiane Garden Hotel – Mid range. Situated in a

peaceful corner of the city this small hotel offers contemporarystyled rooms surrounding a tranquil swimming pool and gardens. A truly modern experience each spacious room is complete with comfy beds, newly renovated bathrooms, LCD televisions and slick decor. The dedicated and professional staff will go out of their way to make your stay in Vientiane a special one. Free WiFi, pool. 56 Sihome Road, Ban Sihome, 021 241 963, Open 24 hours.

Don Chan Palace, Hotel & Convention Centre – Top end. Commanding attention from its location

on the edge of the majestic Mekong River, Don Chan Palace offers sweeping views of Vientiane and northern Thailand. Each room, from the Classic to the Presidential Suite has been designed for comfort and convenience with plush beds, luxurious bathtubs and quality amenities. Sporting, leisure and dining facilities are first rate. Free WiFi, spa, pool, fitness, business, shuttle service. Unit 6 Piwat Village, Sisatanak District, 021 244 288, Open 24 hours.

Vientiane Plaza Hotel – Mid range. A top choice for business traveller and officials the Vientiane Plaza Hotel. For those looking for a business base while in town the convenient on-site office complex has hot desks and private spaces for rent. To unwind the fullyequipped fitness centre, tennis court and massage and spa centre are on hand. Spa, business. Sailom Road, Hatsady Neua Village, 020 2300 0433, vientianeplazalao. com. Open 24 hours. Rashmi’s Plaza Hotel – Top end. A stylish and modern luxury hotel with easy access to the city centre and cultural and tourist sites. Guest rooms offer a range of accommodation options from cosy to decadent elegance and each room is a unique space specifically crafted to meet the tastes of guests with modern furnishings and stylish finishing touches. Free WiFi, pool, spa, fitness. Thadeua Road, Ban Beungkhayong-Tai, 021 315 088, Open 24 hours.

Luang Prabang | 3 Nagas Hotel | – Boutique. An intimate and charming boutique hotel situated on Luang Prabang’s main street across three heritage UNESCO-protected buildings. Each of the 15 rooms embodies simple and traditional sophistication with exotic hardwood floors, torchis walls and clay roof tiles. A range of configurations offer king and twin beds and you can opt for exclusive airport transfers and city tours in one of two immaculate vintage cars. Free WiFi, breakfast inclusive. Sakkaline Road, Ban Vat Nong, 071 253 888, Open 24 hours.

3 Nagas Hotel

Le Sen Boutique Hotel – Top end. Just a 15

minute stroll from old Luang Prabang but from Le Sen’s lush secluded gardens the city centre will feel a world away. Polished stone and neutral palettes create a slick yet soothing contemporary ambience to the 19 spacious rooms, each of which come with private balconies that overlook a central swimming pool. Free WiFi, pool, fitness, shuttle service to city centre. 113 Manomai Road, Ban Mano, 071 261 668, Open 24 hours.

Villa Maly Hotel – Top end. A residence of charm, 33 art deco-inspired rooms are housed in seven low-rise buildings on this sprawling estate, just a short walk from the historic heart of the city. Each room is furnished with a blend of French and British colonial touches including classic adornments like hardwood floors, ornate rugs and old-world armchairs and with pool and garden views has the feel of staying in a private villa. Free WiFi, spa, pool. BP 158, 071 253 902, villa-maly. com. Open 24 hours.

The Apsara – Boutique. A truly beautiful experience in

Ock Pop Tok Villa – Mid range/Boutique. Nestled

Satri House – Boutique. Located in the heart of the city, Satri House was built at the turn of the last century as the residence of Price Soupha-nouvong. It has been restored to its original elegance and is now renowned as one of the most exquisite structures in the city. Superior crafted wood furnishings are an ambient addition to each of the 31 rooms which feature generous balconies that look onto the manicured grounds. Free WiFi, pool, spa. 57 Photisarath Road, Ban Thatluang, 071 253 491, Open 24 hours.

on the banks of the Mekong River, award-winning textile centre Ock Tok Pop have created a truly relaxing and unique stay in a tropical paradise. Each of the four rooms combines contemporary design with colourful tribe motifs and the two Mekong facing rooms offer unrivalled views of the river. A free shuttle service will take you into town. Free WiFi, breakfast inclusive. Ban Saylom (opposite Phousi market), 071 212 597, Open 24 hours.

Luang Prabang The Apsara cultivates a sense of effortless elegance from the banks of the Nam Khan. Colonial charm meets luxe cool in each of the spacious bedrooms with crisp linens, traditional silks, quirky objects d’art with balconies and terraces overlooking the river. If you’re looking to spend your holiday poolside the equally captivating sister hotel The Apsara Rive Droite is just across the river. Free WiFi, breakfast inclusive. Ban Phanluang, 071 254 252, Open 24 hours.





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